Minutes of the Meeting held in the Philip Squire Community Centre on Wednesday 29 th . July 2020

Present:- Councillor Martyn Jones – Chairman

Councillors:- Derwyn Davies ; Jean Faulkner ; Iris Hill ; June Roberts .

20.7.1 Apologies for Absence

Councillors Ann Webber; Judith Morgan

20.7.2 Declarations of Interest

To be raised as they occur

20.7.3 Police Matters a) Councillor Davies reported a man on a bicycle around the village shouting ‘I’m a terrorist’. The Police were called but the person disappeared. The Clerk was asked to contact the PCSO. Action. Clerk b) A young girl, presumably from the Children’s Home, was seen sitting on the river bridge. She was acting in a peculiar manner and the police were called and apprehended her, it is understood staff from the Home were present.

20.7.4 Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Wednesday 24 th . June 2020

Were read and agreed to be a true record. Proposed by Councillor Jean Faulkner and seconded by Councillor June Roberts.

20.7.5 Matters Arising

1. Rockery (20.6.5 – 1a) Councillor Faulkner had spoken to Mr. Thomas who had agreed to work under the supervision of Councillor Iris Hill for C£15 per hour. It was agreed that this would be satisfactory. Proposed Councillor June Roberts and seconded by Councillor Iris Hill.

2. Daffodils (20.6.5 – 2a) Councillor Hill has ordered 4 Bags at a cost of £35 each. Agreed that one bag would go to Ffordd Y Gyfraith, one to be planted at either end of the village and one around the telephone box.

3. Road Signs (20.6.5 – 3b) The Clerk reported that he had communicated with Mr. Keith Power BCBC who would provide a quote from the White Lining Company.

4. Drains on Estate (20.6.5 – 4a) The Clerk reported that he had spoken to workmen clearing the drains on the main road who stated that they had no orders to clear the Estate drains. The workmen also pointed out that cars on the estate were parked over the drains which made clearing them almost impossible.

The drains on Cildaudy were brought up and the Clerk was asked to contact Councillor Radcliffe to ask him to refer them to BCBC. Action. Clerk


5. Grass in the Park (20.6.5 – 4b) The grass had been cut. The Clerk was asked to email Parks re holes round a manhole cover in the park.

Action. Clerk

20.7.6 Correspondence

The Clerk reported that correspondence had dried up except for general emails from BCBC in the public domain.

20.7.7 Planning Matters

There were none.

20.7.8 Finance

The Clerk tabled an up to date Financial Statement. This was discussed and approved.

20.7.9 Donations

The Clerk reported very few applications for donations. Councillor Faulkner proposed that the Council look at donations in November and this was agreed.

20.7.10 Community Asset Transfer

The Chairman reported on his correspondence with Mr. Jim Hawker of Natural Resources about the defunct lease with the National Rivers Authority re the Monitoring Station. He hoped to arrange a site meeting to which all Members will be welcome to attend. There was a wide-ranging discussion about the transfer – the Chairman was optimistic that this will take place in the near future.

Application for Grants was discussed, Councillor Faulkner agreed to work with Mrs. M. Melean to look at possible funding opportunities. When these had been identified the Chairman will write an initial letter outlining what we are trying to do.

20.7.11 Reports from Members

1. Councillor June Roberts a) Road Calming - she again emphasised the need for the reported £80 K to be spent wisely. The Chairman felt that it could be linked to safe access to the new Park. b) The Watercourse needed clearing. Councillor Derwyn Davies agreed to contact BLeaf to establish whether they are working.

2. Councillor Derwyn Davies a) Complained of the noise of motorbikes on the A4063. b) Had heard rumours of houses to be built in Coytrahen. The Clerk reported that no applications had been referred to this Council.

3. Councillor Jean Faulkner a) Steps from Kissing Gate on A4063. Asked if the work could be done by Mr. K. Roberts as previously agreed. She proposed that he be approached, seconded by Councillor June Roberts and agreed unanimously.


Action. Clerk b) Reported that the association had applied for and had received a Grant for £10K to tide them over the current crisis.

4. Councillor Iris Hill

Reported that Estates had taken down a newly erected fence which prevented access to the ‘official’ entrance to the footpath at the top of Nicholls Road. Members were of the opinion that this was a private matter for the owners of the property concerned.

5. Councillor Martyn Jones

Reported that he had had an email from BCBC confirming that the area of parking outside the wall of the Community Centre was adopted by Highways. The signs threatening clamping had been removed.

20.7.12 Date and Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk suggested that prior to the September Meeting the Council should hold its Annual General Meeting as this had not been possible in May. This was agreed, it was also agreed to start at 4pm.

Wednesday 30 th . September 2020 at 4pm.Annual General Meeting to be followed by the September Meeting.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 5.10pm.