Path Original New Parish No. Status Status Description Parish of . . . 1/21 B.R. CRF Louisa Gate —Dulverto n (Exe Valley) road. do. 1/19 B.R. CRF Brompton Regis/ County road — Dulverton/ County road. Parish of Brushford 2/3 CRF B.R. Rocks Cottages —Brooksbridg e Cottages. do. 2/2 CRF B.R. Railway Bridge — Rocks Cottages. do. 2/13 CRF F.P. East of school— Path 2/12. Parish of Dulverton 3/1 CRF F.P. Point opposite Beasley Wood —Congl . Chapel, (part) Dulverton. do. 3/7 F.P. CRF Barle Bridge —to p of hill (Oldberry Lane). Opart) Parish of 5/9 B.R. CRF Exe Head — Gammon's Corner. do. 5/3 CRF B.R. Winstitchen Farm — Old Quarry. Parish of Exford 4/1 CRF F.P. B.M. 1055.7— County road west of spot height (part) 1037. do. 4/4 CRF F.P. North Court— Paths 4/1, 4/2 and 4/3. do. 4/8 CRF F.P. Rock Lane. (part) do. 4/18 CRF F.P. Coombe Lane —Coomb e Farm near New (part) House. do. 4/30 CRF F.P. North of Rat Combe — south-east of Taylor's (part) Cottage. Parish of Exton 6/4 CRF B.R. Rock Inn — parish boundary and junction with B.R. 1/18. do. 6/7 CRF F.P. South Huckham — point east of St. Peter's (part) Church. do. 6/11 CRF F.P. Stone Lane —Count y road north of spot height 1082. do. 6/13 CRF B.R. Broad Lane Head —Crosse s Water. do. 6/14 CRF F.P. Weekfield— County road north of B.M. 1 1 16.5. (part) Parish of 7/12 CRF B.R. King's Brompton Common (South-east end) — Paths 7/11 and 7/13. do. 7/13 CRF B.R. South end of Robbery Plantation — spot height 1192. do. 7/45 B.R. F.P. Lower Brown Farm — parish boundary. do. 7/48 CRF F.P. Home Wood — road at Winters. Parish of Upton 9/12 CRF F.P. Lower Cooksley House — Cooksley Lane. (part) do. 9/13 CRF B.R. Westcott Lane —paris h boundary. (part) Parish of Winsford 10/41 CRF B.R. B.R. 10/40 north of B.M. 1067.3— B.M. 1198.0. Parish of H/1 B.R. F.P. New Bridge —Landacr e Bridge. do. 11/2 B.R. F.P. Withypool Common— Path 11/1. do. 11/9 B.R. F.P. Dane's Brook —Clogg s Farm. do. 11/15 B.R. F.P. Slade Lane— Path 11/16. (part) do. 11/18 B.R. F.P. Hill Farm— Path 11/17. do. 11/21 B.R. P.P. Hill Farm— Path 11/23. do. 11/23 B.R. P.P. Parsonage Farm — County road. (131)

NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE any such objection! or representation should state COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. the grounds on which it is made. Dated this 25th day of January, 1957. MAYOR ALDERMEN AND BURGESSES OF THE BOROUGH JOHN F. GUOLE, Town- Clerk. OF GRANTHAM. Guildhall, Grantham. Borough of Grant ham (Land at Harlaxton Road and (329) Kitty Briggs Lane) Public Right of Way Extinguishment Order, 1957. STATEMENT showing the QUANTITIES SOLD and AVERAGE PRICES of BRITISH CORN per cwt. of 112 Imperial lb., NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order was computed from returns received by the MINISTRY OF made on< the 17-th day of January, 1957, and is about AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD in the week ended to be submitted to the 'Minister of Housing and 2nd February, 1957, pursuant to the Corn Returns Local Government for confirmation. Act, 1882, the Corn Sales Act, 1921 and the Agri- The Order relates to land situate in the St. John's culture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1943. Ward. The effect of the Order will be to extinguish the British Corn Quantities Sold Average Price public right of way over a footpath four feet in per cwt. width running a distance of 873 yards 1 foot from its commencement at the junction of Harlaxton Road cwt. s. d. and Kitty Briggs Lane in the Borough of Grantham WHEAT 652,162 26 6 leading in a south westerly direction- over Ordnance BARLEY 398,220 26 6 Survey Enclosures Numbered 25, 26, 27, 34 and 35 OATS 65,126 26 5 on Ordnance Sheet Lines. (Parts of Kesteven) CXXIB NOTE.—The above statement is based on returns 3- and 4 1931 Edition to the point in Enclosure 35 received from 174 prescribed towns in and at which it crosses the Borough Boundary. Wales in the week ended 2nd February, 1957. The A certified copy of the Order and of the map prices represent the average for all sales at these towns, contained in- the Order has been deposited at my and include transactions between growers and merchants, office and will be open for inspection free of charge and transactions between merchants, during the week between the hours of 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 on Mondays ended 26th January, 1957. to Fridays or 9 to 12 on Saturdays. P. G. ELLIS. Any objection or representation' with reference to Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, Great Westminster House, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- Horseferry Road, nail, S-W.l, before .the 9th day of March, 1957, and London, S.W.I.