PLVAC Paper No. 3/2004


Use of Typhoon Shelter for Land Formation for Prison Development at Hei Ling Chau


This paper is to seek views from the Provisional Local Vessel Advisory Committee regarding a proposal of using part of the Hei Ling Chau Typhoon Shelter for the land formation of the proposed prison complex at Hei Ling Chau.

Project Background

The Civil Engineering Department has commissioned Mott Connell Limited to carry out a 2-stage study (the ‘Study’) to examine the engineering feasibility of the land formation and infrastructure works for a new prison complex at Hei Ling Chau (HLC). Members can refer to the attached information pamphlet of the Study for more background information about the project.

Currently, we are in the Stage 1 of the Study and are assessing various options of land formation and infrastructure works. Among the eight options that we have identified for further assessments, three involves reclaiming about half of the existing HLC Typhoon Shelter to provide the required 80 ha of land for the prison development. Figure 1 showing the conceptual layout of the eight options being considered is attached for information. Options B, C and D are the three that would affect the existing typhoon shelter.

Opinion Sought

To facilitate our further assessments of the identified options, the views of the Committee are sought on Options B, C and D of the land formation as well as the potential implications to users of the typhoon shelter if one of them is adopted for implementation.

Development Division, Civil Engineering Department December 2003 Feasibility Study for Land Formation and Infrastructure Works For Prison Development at Hei Ling Chau

Information Pamphlet

December 2003

Civil Engineering Department Government of the Special Administrative Region Purpose

We, the Civil Engineering Department, have commissioned a 2-stage study (the ‘Study’) to examine the engineering feasibility of the land formation and infrastructure works for a new prison complex at Hei Ling Chau.

Currently, we are in the Stage 1 of the Study and are assessing various options of land formation and infrastructure works. We would like to hear your views on key issues that we should consider when carrying out the assessments. Your views are important to us. They will form a valuable input to both the assessments and later refinement of the options. We will then draw up a preferred option and shall carry out another round of consultation again. After completion of the entire Stage 1 of the Study in May 2004, we will present the findings and recommendations to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. It is only upon the approval of the Finance Committee that we will proceed to the Stage 2 of the Study. Detailed assessments of the preferred option, which will include a statutory environmental impact assessment, will then follow.

Project Background

Overcrowding is a long and standing problem of our prisons, which are now scattered all over Hong Kong. Also, many facilities are in archaic conditions. In the long run, the problem is predicted to deteriorate. Government therefore proposes to build a new prison complex with 7,220 penal places. It will group all existing penal facilities on and in plus reception facilities scattered in the territories, together with an additional 2,600 places to meet the forecast growth in the penal population up to 2015. To maintain security, the complex will be divided into units with boundary walls for effective separation.

After an extensive territorial location search based on a set of objective criteria and having balanced all relevant considerations, Government finally selected Hei Ling Chau for feasibility assessment.

1 The Site

Hei Ling Chau is an island to the east of the . It is a closed area to the public. Government has been using it to accommodate penal facilities since 1975. At present, there are three correctional institutions on the island. Hei Ling Chau Correctional Institution Benefits

The new prison complex will not only solve the current overcrowding problem in the prisons, but will also meet the forecast growth in penal population up to 2015. In addition, the project will bring benefits to the community:

¾ achieving recurrent savings in the operation and manpower costs to the Correctional Services Department through strengthening and streamlining the management of penal operations ¾ enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of the rehabilitation programmes through purpose-built prison complex with modern facilities ¾ releasing existing penal sites for redevelopment to meet other community needs

2 Objective of the Study

The overall objective of the Study is to investigate the feasibility for the construction of land formation and associated infrastructure works for the new prison complex at Hei Ling Chau, including a fixed crossing connecting Hei Ling Chau and Lantau Island to support the operation of the Correctional Services Department.

In particular, we shall identify the potential impacts arising from the land formation and infrastructure works, and work out proposals for mitigation measures.

Key Issues

We shall address the following major public concerns:

¾ Potential impacts of land formation on terrestrial and marine ecology, and fisheries ¾ Potential visual impacts of the fixed crossing and the prison complex ¾ Other potential environmental impacts ¾ Potential impacts on land and marine traffic

Your Views

Your views are of great importance. It will allow us to address your concerns. So please do not hesitate and convey your views to us by:

(a) Post to Chief Engineering/Development, Development Division, Civil Engineering Department, 2/F, Civil Engineering Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon; or (b) Fax to 2714 0079; or (c) Email to [email protected] For enquiries, please call 2762 5670.

3 Land Formation and Infrastructure Works for Prison Development at Hei Ling Chau – Feasibility Study Site Formation Options

Option A Option B Option C Option D

Option E Option F Option G Option H Land Access Route Options

Proposed Coastal Road

Existing South Fixed Crossing Lantau Road Fixed Crossing (~ 1.14km) (~2.16km)

Existing South Lantau Road

Proposed by-pass access

Option 1 Option 2

Proposed Coastal Road

Fixed Crossing (~1.64km) Existing South Existing Chi Lantau Road Road Proposed Fixed Crossing (~0.9km) Tunnel

Proposed Coastal Road Option 3 Option 4