RECTOR. The Rev’d Dr Michael Foster. Telephone 01258 830764 The Rectory. Church Hill. . Blandford DT11 8JB Retired Priests with Licence to Officiate The Rev’d Canon John Williams 01258 841464 The Rev’d David Shaw 01258 473797 The Rev’d Paul Renyard 01202 682460 The Rev’d Paul Skinner 01725 552785 The Rev’d Canon David Price 01202 885488

Parish Staff Local Licensed Ministers Canon Simon Tong. Bridge House. . 01258 840061 Mrs Carol Neilson, ‘Dormers’, Tarrant Hinton, DT11 8JB. 01258 830876 Mrs Pat Harris. 36 Holland Way. Blandford. DT11 7RU 01258 452863 Mr Robin Bragg. China Cottage, . DT11 8JR 01258 830941

Benefice Administrator:

Mrs Gill Baverstock, telephone 01725 516311, email [email protected]

Magazine Editor Items for inclusion in the Advertisements Mr Bob McCarthy June 2020 magazine copy to Culpepper House the editor by Mrs Jane Benson Gussage All Saints 12th May please. Amen Corner Wimborne Opinions expressed Gussage All Saints BH21 5ET in articles submitted for BH21 5ET Tel: 01258 840168 publication are personal Tel: 01258 840824 [email protected] to the contributors. [email protected]

May 2020 – the very last Pastoral letter from the present Rector

Can you recall various symphonies which then come to a finale – a musical flourish – and just when you think it is finished another flourish and so on? Also, can you recall when guests signal it’s time to leave, you say your good- byes in the hallway, and then continue chatting outside for another 10 minutes or so, before finally they move off? Well that is rather like my retirement. Officially I cease to be the Rector of the Benefice on the 11th May, but on the 12th May I am licenced as ‘Permission to Officiate’. This is an unusual step, normally never permitted straight way – but as we know these are not normal times.

I will be living in the Rectory until we settle on a house, but we cannot view any properties at the moment, and then it will take a while before we move. In the meanwhile I might as well continue to serve – although I will not be in charge – I will work under the authority of the Rural Dean.

As Rector – what are my parting words of wisdom? First is to thank you all, not only from myself but from Amanda and my family. The average tenure today of a Priest is about five years – having stayed 20 years reveals how we have made this Benefice our home, and have been grateful for the support we have received in our time with you.

The second, is to urge folk to engage in that ‘leap of faith’ to trust in God, whatever may befall us. A Ugandan Christian, Henry, was on a bus that was attacked by guerrillas. Half his face was blown away. A Christian organisation got him to Montreal where he had many operations. David Watson, an Anglican clergyman, tells of his visit with him. He could not help flinching when he saw the mask that was once a face. But Henry's eyes still sparkled. He was unable to speak, but he wrote on paper for David; “God never promises us an easy time. Just a safe arrival.”

Some twenty one years ago, the Church of Newspaper described me as an expert apologist (a defender of the Christian Faith) and when some publication attacks the faith, I always rise to the challenge, and research the issue. Over the last ten years I have been researching the Resurrection of our Lord, and I can say emphatically any unbiased look at the facts using the standard tools of historic research confirms this to be a matter of history, as much as any event we can claim happened. This being the case, we can relax in God, knowing he is in charge – and we are all promised ‘a safe arrival’! God bless you all. Michael. The Retirement of the Rector The Reverend Dr Michael Foster will be retiring as Rector of the Chase Bene- fice on 11th May after 20 years. In ordinary circumstances, Michael would be vacating the Rectory at Tarrant Hinton, however, due to Coronavirus restrictions, the Bishop has agreed that he and his wife, Amanda can stay in the Rectory for the time being. Michael will no longer be in charge but will be able to take services as a retired priest.

Following the Rector’s retirement, the Chase Benefice goes into interregnum whilst it is decided how the parishes will be organised in the future. During the interregnum, the Rural Dean, the Revd Justin Pottinger, will have over- sight of the activity of each church in the Benefice. If you have any queries, in the first instance you can contact the Benefice Administrator, Gill Baverstock on 01725 516311; [email protected]

A request for help from Margaret Clyde at 1 Freer Cottage, Gussage All Saints Twenty or so of us are making scrub bags for the NHS. These are bags that they can put their uniforms in (not PPE) before leaving work. They have a drawstring on them, so when they get home they can just pop the bag straight in to the washing machine thus minimising the spread of the virus.

We are making them for Poole, Bournemouth and Dorchester hospitals, nursing homes, old people's homes, anyone that needs them. we are in urgent need of material and cord to make them. If you have any sheets, pillow cases or duvets you don't use, these will be ideal for making these bags. They do not have to be white, in fact any material that is able to be washed at 50 degrees is suitable. Ribbon can also be used as cord.

Many, many thanks to all of those of you who have already responded to this appeal

I can be contacted on 01258 840128

Here is a beautiful poem that’s going around.

The Rainbow Children ️

The history books will talk of now, That time the world stood still. When every family stayed at home, Waved out from windowsills- At those they loved but could not hold, Because they loved them so. Yet, whilst they did they noticed all the flowers start to grow.

The sun came out, they can recall, And windows, rainbows filled. They kicked a football in their yards, Until the night drew in. They walked each day but not too close, That time the world stood still. When people walked straight down the roads, That once the cars did fill.

They saw that people became ill, They knew the world was scared. But whilst the world stood still they saw, How much the whole world cared. They clapped on Thursdays from their doors, They cheered for the brave. For people who would risk their lives, So others could be saved.

The schools closed down, they missed their friends, They missed their teachers so. Their Mams and Dads helped with their work, They helped their minds to grow. The parents used to worry that, As schools were put on hold, Their children wouldn’t have the tools, They’d need as they grew old.

But history books will talk of them, Now adults, fully grown. Those little boys and girls back then, The ones who stayed at home. They’ll tell you that they fixed this world, Of all they would fulfill. The RAINBOW children building dreams, They’d dreamed whilst time stood still

Editors Message

In these unprecedented times it seemed that we should continue to produce the Chase Parish Magazine to inform our readers of what was happening in the villages, the help that is available, the plans for the future and possibly to entertain. We have the Pastoral Letter and news of the retirement of Michael. Originally I had hoped to produce a paper copy, however the instructions from the Government meant that it was no longer appropriate to produce and distribute as usual. ( Our printer, Cheap Printing , is still working and needs work to keep the business going. He does a great job for us at a very modest price, so if you require any printing or copying work, then contact Bryan )

So we are trying to reach each of the village households by requesting each of their distributors to use the electronic means that they have available. Hopefully this will work! As usual we include a section of adverts by local businesses; most of our advertisers have been contacted, some are temporarily closed and others are modifying their working practices.

If you know of neighbours who do not use the internet then print off the short copy without the adverts for them, please.

Stay safe, stay healthy and take time to enjoy the beautiful countryside we are so fortunate to live in.

Bob & Wendy


CHETTLE News gatherer Rosamond Sweet-Escott [email protected] 07786 920991.

Peter Rush sadly died following a short illness on Good Friday and he will be sorely missed. He lived in Chettle for 40 years. A full obituary will be in next month’s magazine.

The Whats App group is working well for people requiring help. If anybody is still not receiving it please contact Alice.

Chettle Village Stores We are still open!! We may have to reduce hours if any of the staff have to stay home to look after children or if anyone gets ill. We have also taken the road signs down so that we are providing for the local communities first, before the random road trade. We are asking for there to only be 1 person or 1 family / group in the shop at any one time to keep the staff and each other safe. And please sanitize your hands on the way in. If you are self isolating then you can call for a delivery, however please bare with us as it can be a little hectic with only 1 person working in the shop. The best time to call is 11.30-2.30 when there are 2 people working. The number is 01258 830223.

Chettle shop continues to offer an invaluable service to both our own village and the surrounding ones. A lovely sign has been put up outside the shop to thank the incredible people who man the shop on a daily basis restocking the shelves with incredible patience and friendliness.

Castleman Thanks to all who came and tried the new menu and saw the refurbishment, our first 2 weeks were a great success. Just a shame we had to shut down in week 3… We look forward to welcoming you later in the year when it is safe to reopen!

FARNHAM News gatherer Mrs Gill Baverstock [email protected] 01725 516311

Farnham Church and Coronavirus As well as public worship being suspended, we have been obliged to lock the church. Our worship of God and care for each other continue. The Chase Benefice website contains details of how to join others in prayer, worship, study and community life.

The 17th April Annual Church Meeting had to be postponed. Once it can be rescheduled, a new date will be publicised.

The Car Boot Sale scheduled for 17th May has been cancelled.

The Barn Dance planned for 4th July is being kept under review.

First Tuesday Coffee Mornings are not taking place at the moment.

Farnham Community and Coronavirus Many people in Farnham have had to self-isolate, so have been unable to get out to buy supplies, collect prescriptions, etc. It has been heart-warming to see the community rise to this challenge and ensure that no villager has felt alone. So many people have carried out acts of kindness to support their neighbours through this difficult time. Peter Forbes has kindly been co-ordinating this support effort and he can be contacted on 01725 516474 or email him [email protected]

Parish Council The AGM and the Annual Public Open Meeting planned for 4th May have been postponed. If you have any questions or concerns that the Parish Council can help you with please contact me or any of your councillors. Penny Everard 01725 516924

News from the Allotments As I write we are enjoying excellent spring/summer weather, and along with the self-isolating and all that Coronavirus entails, the Allotments have seen a lot of activity recently. The Allotment site is a great place to socialise from a safe distance and you can almost see seeds and plants bursting into new life. So invigorating, and a great way to forget some of the stresses of the current situation.

The site has never looked better and plots are being cultivated with renewed vigour, so expect plenty of fresh produce to find its way to the table outside Winklebury Cottage as it becomes available. We hope this will save some of you the need to travel further than necessary to keep stocked up. Plants and produce that would normally be available at the Car Boot Sale will also be on the table as they reach suitable maturity. After last year's success we are again running the "Spud in a Bag” competition. There are seed potatoes and bags on the table outside Winklebury Cottage. £3.00 per entry, money through the letterbox please. Judgement Day is 16th August, the Allotment Village BBQ, by which time we hope there will have been a return to some sort of normality. Stay safe and stay well. Ed

Farnham Church 50 Club March winners were: 1st – Roger Newenham;2nd – Jenny Richards; 3rd – Carol Bryant. Winnings will be distributed once we are out of lockdown. The April draw (drawn beginning of May) will be the last one of the current 50 Club year. We will be delaying the start of a new 50 Club year, as we are unable to collect subscriptions at the moment. Any queries, contact Gill on 01725 516311.

TOLLARD ROYAL News gatherer Alexandra Thomas [email protected] 01725 516320

Easter An Easter Garden and Easter Tree were placed on the grass by the Church and children were invited to hang decorated eggs on the Tree as they went past on their daily walk. This was a lovely reminder of the message of Easter. Thank you.

VE Day 75 advice The following message has been issued by Bruno Peek, organiser of the of UK’s VE Day 75 celebrations: “I am afraid that the terrible Coronavirus emergency and consequent Government guidance means that we must advise participants to cancel or postpone the majority of the VE Day 75 community celebrations due to take place on the bank holiday weekend of 8th–10th May. It is right and proper that people should be kept safe and healthy. My sincere thanks to everyone who registered their events and were looking forward to cannot now go ahead as planned. However, we are still encouraging solo pipers and town criers to continue to mark the occasion from a safe and suit- able location. I am hoping that all the events you have carefully planned can be moved to the weekend of 15th–16th August when we will be able to celebrate VE Day and VJ Day, both momentous points in our history.”

Light Lunches and Cream Teas in the Old Cart Shed on the May Bank Holiday in aid of Church Funds will not now take place but it is hoped that the August Bank Holiday will be possible.

Jars of Change for Water Aid - as we have not been shopping so much and money is not changing hands so often this has been a difficult time to fill our jars. Can I suggest that we keep our jars going for a bit longer and see how it goes? If anyone wants to get rid of their jar, please call Jackie CC and I will arrange a mutual collecting point. Thank you.

Winners of the 52 Club March 1st prize Jackie C-C 2nd prize Peter Turner

Bell Ringers Prayer O Lord God, in whose hands we rest at this time of disease and Virus, protect and guard thy ringers and their loved ones from all adversity that they may be steadfast in the love of their skill and art; and keep we pray the ringing of thy bells in the ears and hearts of all who habitually hear them, that when their sound is restored to us, we may rejoice in it all the more for the absence we have endured; though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen This applies to us all in our village that love to hear the bells of St. Peter as Vincula ring out and hope we will hear them again soon.

Tollard Royal Village Social Committee regretted having to cancel the March fish and Chip evening. It should have been the start of our eighth year of having an event with supper on the last Friday of each month but was not to be. When we are allowed to mingle once more we shall restart our evenings and I know Elaine, our Chairman has some ideas bubbling in her mind. It will be great to meet all our regular guests again and hopefully some new faces will come and join us. We are always good at combining eating with chat and laughter- won’t we have a lot to talk about when we next meet. Until then take care and keep safe.

GUSSAGE SAINT MICHAEL News gatherer Mr Stephen Mills [email protected] 01725 552454

Easter in the Gussage Valley The two parishes ventured into new territory on Easter day with a Zoom service. This was led by Simon Tong, who was joined by most of our regular attenders – plus. It wasn’t too difficult to arrange and seemed to be much appreciated by all. Easter Day can never have been celebrated in this way before, but it was wonderful to bring people together on such a special occasion. We’ll try it again! Although our two churches must, most sadly, remain locked, St Michael’s has been floodlit for the Easter period, as a reminder of the church’s presence in our midst. Many thanks to Peter Bending for the thought and the effort. Both our church clocks continue to tell the time and strike the hours, and well done All Saints for ringing an extra bell or two to mark Easter Day. These are dark and difficult days as I write on Easter Monday. Many thanks to all those in our communities who do so much to keep our lives as normal as possible. Simon Tong. Village website checkout the website & see what's going on in your village .

Spud & Spout and other events at St Michael Village Hall are all cancelled or postponed until further notice due to the Coronavirus shut down.

GUSSAGE ALL SAINTS News gatherer Pauline Dilliway [email protected] 01258 840274

Gussage All Saints Church. Although the building is closed the worshipping community continues with joint services with Gussage Saint Michael on Sundays at 10.30 when we are home/alone / together. We are using a service format and the readings and prayers appropriate for the day which we circulate by email or hard copy to our regulars. If you would like to receive the same we will copy you in to the emails. We choose a hymn and include it in the service. Its a moment in the week when we can feel connected to others as we pray for the world and its needs and give thanks for all the wonderful people who are keeping us going in so many ways in this uncertain time.

Thanks go to Jane and David Benson who made the beautiful Easter Resurrection Cross and placed it outside the church for all to see.

Gussage All Saints Church The AGM had to be postponed due to the current Corvid 19 crisis. However we had prepared an annual report including our financial report and all is in readiness for whenever we are able to go forward and reconvene. At this meeting we always make a point of thanking all who contribute to the upkeep of the church in so many ways. This is an opportunity to do so again . We thank our grass cutters headed up by David Benson, our flower team headed up by Pat Cooper, our Tower Captains Chris King and Chris Payne, our Clock Winders and Church door openers and our Church cleaners headed up by Becky. You are so much appreciated . We want you to stay safe and we look forward to normal service being resumed!

Rev Dr Michael Foster. Our Rector is due to retire on May 14th after a period of over 20years with the Benefice. Once again his retirement service and reception is another function which has had to be cancelled. Although Michael is retiring on May 14th due to the present circumstances he has been relicensed to continue serving here and remaining in the Rectory at Tarrant Hinton until the present crisis has past. The Chase Benefice in its present format will change but Gussage All Saints and Gussage Saint Michael will continue to work and worship together into the future.

Lyme Disease. A cautionary note. Do remember when walking our lovely lanes and tracks in these troubled times that we live in tick country. Lyme Disease is on the increase and can be a very serious disease. Wearing light coloured clothing to cover arms and legs will help to protect you and makes it easy to see the little creatures. Always check when you get home that you have not brought an unwanted visitor home with you. The Lyme Disease Association website gives detailed advice should you need it.

Welcome to Michael and Tarah McEvoy and their two girls Betsy (8) & De- lilah (6) and Maggie the boxer dog who have moved into Tun Mead. They are already becoming part of the community despite the restrictions of this time.

We are sure you will enjoy living in Gussage All Saints. Unfortunately current circumstances mean that the Gussage All Saints Village Fete, which was due to take place at Gussage House on July 4th has had to be cancelled this year. We look forward to a reinvigorated and comprehensive Fete in 2021, even more enjoyable than ever! The All Saints Community. Response of all the village during the covid19 virus pandemic has been absolutely amazing and as one of the perhaps more mature residents (I don’t feel like it) I would like to thank everyone who as part of our community have rallied around cheering us all up with witty messages and offering to help via the group WhatsApp Gussage All Saints Help and those that cannot get out for shopping and other essentials have used the phone list and people that was circulated. We should all be proud of our community and the community spirit that has been shown by everyone young and old, long standing members of the community and those who have just joined our community, I for one am very proud to be a member of such a wonderful community thank you all. Chris Payne.

Just as the Drovers is supporting the Community at this difficult time, the Community is in turn continuing to support and appreciate the Drovers as they help us to stay safe and close to home with the 'essentials shop and takeaway'. We thank Harvelle and Martin for their support. As a community we are so thankful that we succesfully fought to save our beloved local for the benefit of the community and for future generations and we will all continue to support each other through these tough times and look forward to brighter days when we can meet again. Sally Marlow

Notes from the Village Hall As everyone will already know, all events for the next few months have had to be cancelled, but we are still hoping to run the History Weekend in October [3 -4] so please pencil that in. The first time we did this was one of our most well attended events ever with over 200 people coming along. That was in 2017 and since then we have had a number of new residents in the village so we feel it is time to put this event on again. More details will follow. We are hoping to use this downtime to re-decorate the Hall. It is looking tired internally and would benefit from freshening up. Although our income will be significantly reduced this year, especially as the fete has been cancelled, judicious husbandry of finances over recent years has left us with reasonable reserves so, if the quotes are workable, we will take the opportunity to go ahead while the Hall is necessarily out of use. We have received a plea from Forest Forge for funds to help them through this period. They come to the village every January and give us tremendous entertainment for both adults and children. It has become a village tradition and would be greatly missed if they were unable to put on their performances. We have agreed to donate £100 to them, and if anyone else feels they can additionally offer something, it will surely be appreciated by FF. Richard Hill

Gussage All Saints Help Group

In response to the devastating Corona virus crisis, a number of residents in the village had an idea to form a help group to support one another should anyone get sick or have the need to self-isolate. After a few conversations with people across the village, including the organised groups such as the church, the club, the Drovers, the parish council and the village hall committee, it was agreed to have a meeting to brainstorm what to do.

The group quickly settled on the name of “Gussage All Saints Help Group” and agreed that it should extend help to residents across the village including: food shopping, dog walking, prescription and medical supply collections.

To ensure everyone could access the help group the following initiatives were set up: A whatsApp messaging group utilising mobile phone numbers and an app for digital communications A list of telephone numbers for volunteers (representing four sections of the village for ease of coordination - but there are over 60 people in total!) A written notice describing the group and how to request help (to be posted in every household) Anyone needing help can either telephone someone on the list or send a message via the WhatsApp group. Volunteers will then respond and offer help as needed.

The number of residents in the group has grown exponentially in a few weeks. Isn’t it great that Gussage All Saints could mobilise nearly half of the village in a digital forum so quickly! If anyone else wants to join the WhatsApp group please contact someone on the notice list to be added.

So far, thankfully we have not seen many cases of corona in the nearby areas (if any). However, there are people who are self-isolating as a precautionary measure and have already utilised the help group. The group has been fantastic in helping to coordinate trips for shopping and medical supplies as well as helping one another within the village.

Additionally, conversation and humour have added to the community interaction and helped to keep spirits up. Recent examples include the coordinated response in ‘Clapping for the NHS and key workers’ on Thursday evenings. Also the daily musical post from our very own resident saxophonist! We have also seen coordinated displays of rainbows and teddy bears in windows, virtual concerts and a fancy dress exercise walk. The Drovers continues to provide a hub service with a takeaway menu, food and baking supplies as well as snacks, ice creams and local tipple takeouts. All things helping to keep us positive and up-beat.

It has been a community-led response, formed collaboratively, growing organically and now running itself through community interaction. A heart- warming demonstration of citizenship during a terrible pandemic affecting many across the country and world. Thoughts go out to all those affected and we look forward to brighter and safer times for all.

Parish Council News

The Corona virus has also affected the way that the parish council operates. Remote working practices have now been confirmed after the passing of the Corona Virus Act 2020. This means committees are able to ‘meet’ and operate remotely during the crisis.

For the Vale of Allen parish, we are now conducting work via telephone and email. So far it is working well and we are managing OK.

Planning applications are continuing to be evaluated remotely. All the latest application information can be found on the planning portal: https://

The Gussage All Saints village annual general meeting (AGM) will not be held this year (Corona Virus Act 2020).

Local by elections across Dorset are also postponed until the 6th May 2021 (Corona Virus Act 2020)

Any information passed on from Dorset council with regards to the corona virus crisis and for general council operations is available via the Dorset For You web portal:


ALL SAINTS Gussage All Saints Chris Payne Southfields 01258 840255

Tarrant Keynston Mr Grahame Webb The Leys 01258 451177 Tarrent Monkton Mrs Vicky Gumm East Farm 01258 830240 Mr Paul Speakman Badger's Cete 01258 830283

SAINT LAURENCE Farnham Mrs Gill Baverstock. Sheepfold Cottage 01725 516311 Mr Timothy Tustin, Sarunds House 01725 516385

SAINT MARY Chettle Mr David Mordaunt Saint Mary’s Farmhouse 01258 830791 Mrs Elizabeth Mordaunt Saint Mary’s Farmhouse 01258 830791

Tarrant Hinton Vacant enquiries to Rev’d Dr Michael Foster 01258 830764

Tarrant Gunville Vacant enquiries to Chair of the pcc Richard Keightley. 01258 830418.

Tarrant Rushton Mr Nick Harding Preston Farm 01258 458318 Mrs Caroline Tory, The Orchard, 01258 452452

SAINT MICHAEL Gussage St Michael Mr Peter Bending Waterside 01258 840027 Mr Simon Tong Bridge House 01258 840061

SAINT PETER AD VINCULA Tollard Royal Mrs Jackie Carlyle-Clarke Tollard Green Farm 01725 516323 Mrs Catherine Henderson Laburnums 01725 516353

LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Caroline Tory 01258 452452