6688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE May 2, 2006 today on motions to suspend the rules rector and announcer for WDIG in to the Earl D. Hutto Post Office Build- on which a recorded vote or the yeas Dothan, Alabama, for 3 years. As his ing. and nays are ordered, or on which the television career developed, he relo- Congressman Hutto represented the vote is objected to under clause 6 of cated to the State of and be- First Congressional District from 1978 rule XX. came the sports director and State to 1994. An interesting piece of trivia is RECORD votes on postponed questions news editor of WJHG–TV in Panama that Mr. Hutto’s initial congressional will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. City, Florida. office was, in fact, temporarily located f In 1972, he was elected to the Florida in what is now called the Jordan Street house of representatives where he Post Office Building. EARL D. HUTTO POST OFFICE served three terms. In 1978, he was Congressman Hutto’s life is a tale of BUILDING elected to the U.S. Congress and served a man who has achieved the American Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I move to eight terms until his retirement in Dream. Born into a poor, hardworking suspend the rules and pass the bill 1995. His dedication to Florida politics family in Midland City, Alabama, Earl (H.R. 5107) to designate the facility of earned him such awards as Legislator was the first in his family to graduate the United States Postal Service lo- of the Year by the Florida Association from high school and to graduate from cated at 1400 West Jordan Street in of Retarded Citizens, Legislator of the college. After several years in the Pensacola, Florida, as the ‘‘Earl D. Year by the Florida Community Col- broadcasting business and earning the Hutto Post Office Building’’. lege Association, and was named nickname Captain Supreme from par- The Clerk read as follows: Watchdog of the Treasury for six ticipating in an ice cream commercial, H.R. 5107 straight Congresses. Congressman Hutto entered the life of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- I urge all Members to pay homage to public service. In 1972, he began his dis- resentatives of the United States of America in a legislator who was truly dedicated to tinguished career in the Florida house Congress assembled, working for his constituents in every of representatives, serving three terms SECTION 1. EARL D. HUTTO POST OFFICE BUILD- ING. way by passing H.R. 5107. there before running for the U.S. House (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of of Representatives. United States Postal Service located at 1400 my time. In 1978, like all new Members of Con- West Jordan Street in Pensacola, Florida, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I gress in search of office space, Mr. shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Earl yield myself such time as I may con- Hutto was lucky enough to draw num- D. Hutto Post Office Building’’. sume. ber 43 in the House lottery to choose (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Mr. Speaker, as a member of the his new office space. Drawing the slip map, regulation, document, paper, or other Committee on Government Reform, I record of the United States to the facility re- of paper with a room on the fifth floor ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to am pleased to join my colleague in con- of Cannon on it, the next day the Pen- be a reference to the ‘‘Earl D. Hutto Post Of- sideration of H.R. 5107, legislation sacola News Journal, our home town fice Building’’. naming the postal facility in Pensa- newspaper, ran the headline, ‘‘Hutto in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cola, Florida, after Earl D. Hutto. Old Attic.’’ Like many of us, his desk ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from This measure, sponsored by Mr. Jeff was here in Washington; however, his North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) and the gen- Miller of Florida, has been cosponsored home and his heart were planted in tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each by the entire Florida delegation. Florida’s gulf coast. will control 20 minutes. Earl Hutto was born in Alabama on Congressman Hutto quickly earned The Chair recognizes the gentle- May 12, 1926. He attended Dale County the respect of his peers and his col- woman from North Carolina. public schools and graduated from leagues in Washington with his com- GENERAL LEAVE Troy State University. He did graduate monsense and straightforward dealings Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- work in broadcasting and served in on legislative matters. With a conserv- mous consent that all Members may World War II in the United States ative home district, he was known by have 5 legislative days within which to Navy. Prior to serving in the Florida his constituents as a ‘‘Boll Weevil,’’ a revise and extend their remarks, and legislature, Earl Hutto worked as a group of fiscally and socially conserv- include extraneous material on the bill sports director and president of radio ative Southern Democrats. under consideration. stations. He was elected to the Florida As a member of the House Armed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there legislature in 1972 and reelected in 1974 Services Committee and chairman of objection to the request of the gentle- and 1976. the Readiness Subcommittee, he woman from North Carolina? In 1979, Earl Hutto was elected to worked tirelessly for the benefit of our There was no objection. represent the First Congressional Dis- military men and women at home and Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- trict of Florida in the U.S. Congress overseas. Under his leadership, he self such time as I may consume. where he served until 1995 when he did helped create the U.S. Special Oper- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5107, offered by the not seek reelection. Since then, former ations Command in which the Joint distinguished gentleman from Florida Representative Hutto has retired and Special Operations University resides (Mr. MILLER), would designate the post remains active in his Pensacola com- on Hurlburt Field in Fort Walton office building in Pensacola, Florida, munity. It is my understanding that Beach, Florida. as the ‘‘Earl D. Hutto Post Office Representative Hutto will be cele- Congressman Hutto learned early on Building.’’ All Members of the Florida brating his 80th birthday on May 12. I with God and family as your moral delegation have cosponsored this dele- am sure my colleagues join me in wish- compass, you cannot be steered wrong. gation. ing him a great day and many years to As a family man, he is quick to credit Earl Hutto was born near Midland come. his wife, Nancy, and his two daughters, City, Alabama, and was educated in the Mr. Speaker, I commend my col- Lori Hutto and Amy Stubblefield, for public schools, graduating from Dale league for seeking to honor the polit- his accomplishments and strength of County High School in Ozark, Ala- ical legacy of Earl Hutto and urge the character. bama. He served in the U.S. Navy as a swift passage of this legislation. Congressman Hutto spent eight seaman first class aboard heavy cruiser Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance terms in the U.S. House before retiring USS Bremerton. After graduating with of my time. in Pensacola. Today, he stays busy degrees in business, English, and edu- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield such with his church, his Rotary Club, and cation in 1949, he went on to teach time as he may consume to the gen- participation on a number of charitable business at Cottonwood High School in tleman from Florida (Mr. MILLER). boards. He also sponsors golf tour- Alabama for 2 years. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, naments to fund scholarship endow- Later in his professional life, Hutto I rise today in support of renaming the ments at five area institutions through became the program director, sports di- Jordan Street Post Office in Pensacola his foundation. As you can see, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:47 Mar 15, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK5\BR02MY06.DAT BR02MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 2, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 6689 Hutto was and continues to be a trust- with all the good qualities of a truly out- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I urge all ed face and voice throughout northwest standing public servant—honesty, trust- Members to support the passage of H.R. Florida. We are very fortunate to have worthiness, love of country, love of family, hu- 5107, and I yield back the balance of my such a distinguished gentleman with a mility, faith, and integrity. I cannot Imagine a time. genuine concern for local issues rep- more principled man has ever been elected to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resenting them in Washington, D.C. serve in this city, and I know—first-hand—that question is on the motion offered by So on behalf of the United States no one has ever worked harder or more tire- the gentlewoman from North Carolina Congress, I would like to thank Earl lessly on behalf of his constituents than Earl (Ms. FOXX) that the House suspend the Hutto for his 22 years of public service Hutto. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5107. in the U.S. House of Representatives A native of Midland City, a small town near The question was taken; and (two- and wish him an early happy 80th Dothan in Alabama’s Wiregrass, Earl knew thirds having voted in favor thereof) birthday. that three qualities—honesty, hard work, and the rules were suspended and the bill Mr. EVERETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to being a man of your word—were essential if was passed. declare my support for H.R. 5107, a House you were to be successful in the game of life. A motion to reconsider was laid on measure offered by U.S. Rep. JEFF MILLER, R- Early on, young Earl Hutto recognized that the table. Florida, to designate the United States Post he had a duty to his country and he served in f Office at 1400 West Jordan Street in Pensa- the U.S. Navy as a Seaman First Class. Later, JOHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMIDT cola, Florida the ‘‘Earl D. Hutto Post Office.’’ he attended Troy State University on the G.I. POST OFFICE BUILDING Congressman EARL HUTTO proudly served Bill and graduated with a B.S. degree in Busi- Florida’s first district from 1979 to 1995. He ness-English-Education in 1949. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I move to was a strong voice for his district on the Although he had a brief stint teaching high suspend the rules and pass the bill House Armed Services Committee where he school, Earl had a God-given talent for broad- (H.R. 4811) to designate the facility of rose to the position of chairman of the Readi- casting, and in no time, Earl Hutto became a the United States Postal Service lo- ness Subcommittee. During Democrat and Re- household name in places like Dothan, Mont- cated at 215 West Industrial Park Road publican administrations, he was an effective gomery, Pensacola, and Panama City. As in Harrison, Arkansas, as the ‘‘John and reliable advocate for our military men and sports director, of WSFA–TV in Montgomery, Paul Hammerschmidt Post Office women and a credit to the U.S. House. Earl was the host of Coach Shug Jordan’s Building’’. Earl and I go way back and it turns out we statewide telecast which—with all due respect The Clerk read as follows: have a lot in common. In addition to having to our work up here—may still rank higher in H.R. 4811 served in the House together, we both hail the eyes of the Auburn football nation than Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- from a media background. He chose broad- any elected office on the face of the earth. resentatives of the United States of America in casting and I worked for 30 years in print jour- After a highly successful career in broad- Congress assembled, nalism. But even more unique is the fact that casting, Earl opened his own advertising SECTION 1. JOHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMIDT POST he and I both come from the tiny Dale County, agency and soon embarked on a path that led OFFICE BUILDING. Alabama town of Midland City. As remarkable him into public service. He was elected to the (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the as it may sound, and we did not realize it until Florida House of Representatives in 1972, United States Postal Service located at 215 West Industrial Park Road in Harrison, Ar- we both came to Congress, but Earl and I where he served three terms, and was elected kansas, shall be known and designated as the even lived in the same Midland City house at to the U.S. Congress in 1978 where he served ‘‘John Paul Hammerschmidt Post Office different times. eight terms until his retirement in 1995. Building’’. I have missed Earl’s presence here in the Earl Hutto was a ‘‘blue dog’’ before there (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, House since his well deserved retirement and was such a thing. He fought for a stronger na- map, regulation, document, paper, or other I was pleased to speak at a ceremony hon- tional defense and was always a true friend to record of the United States to the facility re- oring him last year at his alma mater, Troy the men and women who wear the uniform of ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to University, in my district. their nation’s military. be a reference to the ‘‘John Paul Hammer- schmidt Post Office Building’’. I wish Earl and his wife Nancy all the best On fiscal matters, Earl was a longtime pro- as they continue to enjoy life back in Pensa- ponent of getting our budget balanced and not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cola. This House and the people have not for- spending more than we take in, and he was ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from gotten their contributions to our country. one of the early advocates of a biennial budg- North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) and the gen- Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, in this chamber, eting process—something many of us still be- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each even on the most partisan and bitter debates, lieve would help restore some fiscal sanity to will control 20 minutes. it is both customary and a proud tradition to the process. The Chair recognizes the gentle- refer to our colleagues as the ‘‘distinguished Whether there was a Democrat in the White woman from North Carolina. gentleman’’ or the ‘‘distinguished gentle lady.’’ House or a Republican, Earl Hutto always at- GENERAL LEAVE From time-to-time the American people ac- tempted to vote the right way and do the right Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- tually see Members of this body who truly fit thing. He always put his country first—well mous consent that all Members may the description of their honorary titles. Today, above any loyalty to a political party. have 5 legislative days within which to we honor one such person—a distinguished Mr. Speaker, knowing Earl Hutto as I do, I revise and extend their remarks and in- gentleman if there ever was one—Congress- am sure the last thing he would want is some clude extraneous material on the bill man Earl Hutto of Florida’s 1st Congressional building with his name on it—that was never under consideration. District. what motivated Earl in the least bit. However, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there I wish to thank the gentleman from in this day and age where there is so much objection to the request of the gentle- Chumuckla, my very good friend, Congress- partisan divide in our country, I can’t think of woman from North Carolina? man JEFF MILLER, for bringing this resolution a better time or more appropriate opportunity There was no objection. to the floor today and for finding this way— for those of us in this body to come together— Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- and a very appropriate opportunity that it is— Democrats and Republicans alike—and pay a self such time as I may consume. to honor and pay tribute to Earl Hutto, a man lasting tribute to who made this House a bet- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4811, offered by the of the House, a man of integrity and a man for ter place—Congressman Earl Hutto. distinguished gentleman from Arkan- whom many of us hold in the highest regards. Earl, may you and Nancy, Lori and Amy, sas (Mr. BOOZMAN), would designate the As Congressman MILLER and I have dis- and your beautiful granddaughters Ellie and post office building in Harrison, Arkan- cussed numerous rimes, it is both a tremen- Abbie know that your legacy is living on and sas, as the John Paul Hammerschmidt dous honor—and at times it can be a little in- your service to others continues to inspire a Post Office Building. timidating—to follow a real legend in this hal- whole new generation of leaders. Congressman John Paul Hammer- lowed chamber. Again, I thank my friend, JEFF MILLER, for schmidt represented the Third District Like my predecessor, Congressman Sonny bringing this matter before the House, and I of Arkansas in the U.S. House of Rep- Callahan, the name Earl Hutto is synonymous urge unanimous adoption of the resolution. resentatives in the 90th Congress

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