FRONT COVER: Alex and Jill with the Pastoral Care Group


INTERIM MODERATOR DR HAZEL HASTIE [email protected] Tel: 07827 314374

LOCUM MINISTER until 9th June REV. ALEX DOUGLAS (note new phone number) [email protected] Tel: 01383 791080

MINISTER from 11th June REV. ALEX McASPURREN [email protected]

SESSION CLERK Mrs ELIZABETH CLARK [email protected] Tel: 667 6705






TREASURER JUDITH SMEATON Tel: 662 0149 [email protected]

MAGAZINE EDITOR Mrs LINDA FARRER Tel: 667 5129 [email protected] [Printed by Mailboxes Morningside. Graphics and design by DAVID WHITE]

ORGANIST Dr MARTYN STRACHAN Tel: 339 3217 [email protected]

HALL BOOKINGS Mrs JOYCE ROSIE [email protected] Tel: 667 2527

SAFEGUARDING COORDINATOR ANNE BLACK [email protected] Tel: 447 4149

ORDER OF SERVICE INTIMATIONS DAVID WHITE [email protected], by Wednesday morning please.


One of my favourite stories within the pages of the Old Testament scriptures is the story of Abram, later to be called Abraham. Comfortably settled in the town of Haran, he believed that God was calling him to move to pastures new. The destination was unclear, as were any details as to what he might find when he got there. In other words it was a step into the unknown, a journey of faith. Few of us will be called to make such a journey. Yet, as God’s people we too are called to travel by faith believing that he is always there leading, encouraging, equipping and providing. Scripture is full of God’s promises assuring us that we are never alone but rather that he is always there with us and for us. In all the uncertainties of life we can find comfort in the assurance that God will never leave us or forsake us. On the 9th June I will bid farewell to you as your Locum minister. I will have been with you in that capacity for over three years. During these years Jill and I have been richly blessed by your love, friendship and prayerful support. It has been a privilege to have shared in many of your life’s experiences, visiting many of you in your homes and enjoying countless cups of coffee, as we got to know each other over that time. Of course, we will be sad to say farewell but not goodbye as we will be remaining as members of the congregation. On the Monday following my last service we will be travelling to visit family in Bournemouth and then onto Truro in Cornwall before returning home to Dalgety Bay. We fly out to Lisbon on the 4th July where I will be Locum in St Andrews for three months and then in October to St Andrews church in Belgium for a period of six weeks. As I have said we will be sorry to leave but we a highly delighted that at last you will have your new minister, Rev Alex McAspurren who will be inducted on the 11th June. Alex is a very fine minister who will lead you into pastures new, and together you will experience many new discoveries of love and service. There is a hymn with words which are very relevant at this time and they are these; ‘I know who holds the future and he holds me with his hands; With God things don’t just happen everything by him is planned. So as I face tomorrow with its problems large and small, I’ll trust the God of miracles, give to him my all’. continued over> 3 As Abraham and countless others journeyed forward in faith since that day to this, let us do likewise knowing that God is with each and every one of us each step of the way. Every blessing, ALEX SERVICES

Sunday 2nd June 11:15am SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION conducted by Rev Alex Douglas Sunday 9th June 11:15am MORNING WORSHIP Rev Alex Douglas will be preaching his last sermon as our Locum Minister Tuesday 11th June 7:00pm INDUCTION of Rev Alex McAspurren at Craigmillar Park Church [see page 6 >] Sunday 16th June 10:30am MORNING WORSHIP Joint service at conducted by Rev Alex McAspurren Sunday 23rd June 11:15am MORNING WORSHIP conducted by Alex McAspurren Services for July and August will be conducted at 11:15am by Rev Alex McAspurren unless otherwise intimated in the Order of Service

THANK YOU to everyone who contributed in whatever way to Christian Aid Week. The amount we raised will be known after the magazine goes to press, but we know the Reid always does its bit for the world’s poorest people and their communities. Thank you also to my friends on the World Church Committee and to Rena Davidson for her extra collecting efforts at Mayfield Court. DAVID WHITE CONVENER, WORLD CHURCH COMMITTEE

4 ALL IN THE MONTH OF JUNE IT WAS 175 YEARS AGO, on 6th June 1844 that the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) was founded in London. 100 YEARS AGO, on 28th June 1919 that the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Paris Peace Conference, marking the official end of the war 90 YEARS AGO, on 12th June 1929 that Anne Frank, German Jewish diarist and Holocaust victim, was born. 80 YEARS AGO, on 7th June 1939 that King George VI became the first British monarch to visit the USA. 75 YEARS AGO, on 6th June 1944 that D-Day took place with the Normandy landings. Over 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, at the start of the Battle of Normandy. The battle ended on 25th August and was an Allied victory. 70 YEARS AGO, on 8th June 1949 that George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was published. 50 YEARS AGO, on 22nd June 1969 that Judy Garland, American actress and singer, died. Best known for her role as Dorothy in the film The Wizard of Oz. Mother of Liza Minnelli. Died of an accidental drug overdose, aged 47. 40 YEARS AGO, on 7th June 1979 that the first elections for the European Parliament were held. 20 YEARS AGO, on 11th June 1999 that the Kosovo War ended when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and NATO signed a peace treaty. NATO peacekeeping forces entered Kosovo the following day. 10 YEARS AGO, on 25th June 2009 that Michael Jackson, ‘the King of Pop’, died. This American singer, songwriter and dancer had hit songs that included Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller, and Bad. He died of an anaesthetic overdose.

Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.


9th JUNE PENTECOST We used to call it Whitsun - White Sunday because long ago children marched to church in white on that day. It’s now ‘Pentecost’. This year Pentecost is on Sunday June 9th. Pentecost marks a vital event in Christian history. It is a celebrated 50 days after Easter. On the year Jesus was crucified, the remnant of His followers, just 120 of them, were together in an upper room in Jerusalem. They were afraid to show their faces in case the authorities arrested them. But on the day of Passover they had an amazing collective experience. They described it in terms of wind and fire, a great surge of spiritual energy and confidence. Afraid no longer they burst out on to the streets where crowds were gathering for the festival, led by Peter they began to tell them about Jesus and His resurrection. As they did so, although many of the people in the crowd were foreigners who spoke other languages, everyone heard them in their own tongue. Peter told them that what they were seeing was the fulfilment of an old prophecy when God would pour out His Spirit on the human race, men and women, young and old. As a result of His words and the extraordinary spectacle, 3000 people believed and were baptized in the name of Jesus. For Christians Pentecost is in effect the birthday of the Church. 9th JUNE COLUMBA OF IONA, MISSIONARY TO THE UK 2013 marked the 1450th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the UK. It was brought by St Columba from Ireland to Iona – a tiny island off Mull, in the Western Highlands. Columba (c. 521 -97) was born in Donegal, and trained as a monk. In 565 Columba left Ireland with twelve companions for Iona, an island off southwest . Iona had been 6 given to him for a monastery by the ruler of the Irish Dalriada. He combined the skills of scholar, poet and ruler with a fearless commitment to God’s cause. Columba’s death was apparently foreseen by his community, and even, it seems, sensed by his favourite horse. He died in the church just before Matins, and it is a tribute to this man that his traditions were upheld by his followers for about a century. 11th JUNE BARNABAS, PAUL’S FIRST MISSIONARY COMPANION He was Joseph, a Jewish Cypriot and a Levite, who is first mentioned in Acts 4:36, when the early church was sharing a communal lifestyle. Joseph sold a field and gave the money to the apostles. His support so touched them that they gave him the nickname of Barnabas, ‘Son of Encouragement’. It was Barnabas who made the journey to go and fetch the converted Paul out of Tarsus, and persuade him to go with him to Antioch, where there were many new believers with no one to help them. For a year the two men ministered there, establishing a church. It was here that the believers were first called Christians. It was also in Antioch (Acts 13) that the Holy Spirit led the church to ‘set aside’ Barnabas and Paul, and send them out on the church’s first ever ‘missionary journey’. Much later, back in Jerusalem, Barnabas and Paul decided to part company. While Paul travelled on to Syria, Barnabas did what he could do best: return to Cyprus and continue to evangelise it. 16th JUNE TRINITY SUNDAY, CELEBRATING OUR GOD WHO IS THREE PERSONS Trying to explain the doctrine of the Trinity has kept many a theologian busy down the centuries. One helpful picture is to imagine the sun shining in the sky. The sun itself – way out there in space, and unapproachable in its fiery majesty – is the Father. The light that flows from it, and which illuminates all our lives, is the Son. The heat that flows from it, and which gives us all the energy to move and grow, is the Holy Spirit. You cannot have the sun without its light and [continued over >]

7 > its heat. The light and the heat are from the sun, are of the sun, and yet are also distinct in themselves, with their own roles to play. In other words, the sun eternally gives off light and heat, and whenever we turn to its brilliant light, we find that the warmth and life soon follows. 16th JUNE FATHERS’ DAY, A TIME TO CELEBRATE MALE ROLE MODELS In the UK, USA and Canada, the third Sunday in June is Father's Day. It’s a good time for sons and daughters to take their father to his favourite restaurant, or to watch a favoured sport, or whatever else he enjoys doing. How do these special days ever get started, anyway? Well, Father’s Day began because way back in 1909 there was a woman in Spokane, Washington, named Sonora Louise Smart Dodd. That year she heard a church sermon about the merits of setting aside a day to honour one's mother, Mother's Day. But Sonora knew that it was her father who had selflessly raised herself and her five siblings by himself after their mother had died in childbirth. So she petition for a day to honour fathers, and in particular, her own father, William Jackson Smart and in 1910 her efforts paid off. Finally, in 1972, President Richard Nixon signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day - a permanent, national holiday. 21st JUNE SUMMER SOLSTICE – LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR June, of course is the month of the summer solstice, the month of the Sun. Sol + stice come from two Latin words meaning ‘sun’ and ‘to stand still’. As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky. The Summer Solstice results in the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Northern Hemisphere celebrates in June, and the Southern Hemisphere celebrates in December.

24th JUNE JOHN THE BAPTIST, PREPARING THE WAY FOR THE MESSIAH He was born to Zechariah, a Temple priest, and Elizabeth, who was a cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. John was born when his mother was advanced in years, and after the foretelling of his birth and the choice of his name by an angel, we hear nothing more of him until he began his mission of preaching and baptising in the river Jordan c27. John was a lot like an Old Testament 8 prophet: he lived simply on locusts and honey in the wilderness, and his message was one of repentance and preparation for the coming of the Messiah and His Kingdom. He went on to baptise Jesus, at Jesus’ firm request. When John saw Jesus he said that Jesus was the “Lamb of God”, and he is the only person to use this expression of Jesus. 29th JUNE FEAST OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL The two most famous apostles are remembered this month, for they share a feast day. ST PETER, THE ‘ROCK’ St Peter (d. c. 64AD), originally called Simon, met Jesus through his brother, Andrew. Jesus gave him the name of Cephas (Peter) which means rock. Peter is always named first in the list of apostles. He was one of the three apostles who were privileged to witness the Transfiguration, the raising of the daughter of Jairus, and the Agony in the Garden. Jesus told Peter that he would be the rock on which His Church would be built, that the ‘gates of hell’ would never prevail against it. Peter played a big part in the early Church, and is mentioned many times in the Book of Acts, and was the very first apostle to work a miracle. St Peter was a major influence on Mark when writing his gospel. From very early times Peter was invoked by Christians as a universal saint. He was the heavenly door-keeper, the patron of the Church and the papacy, a saint both powerful and accessible.

29th JUNE ST PAUL, APOSTLE TO THE GENTILES Like Peter, Paul (d. c. 65) also started life with another name: Saul. This great apostle to the Gentiles was a Jew born in Tarsus and brought up as a Pharisee. He hunted Christians down and imprisoned them, and it was while on his way to persecute more Christians in Damascus that he was suddenly given his vision of Christ. It was the decisive moment of Paul’s life – Paul suddenly realised that Jesus was truly the Messiah, and the Son of God, and that He was calling Paul to bring the Christian faith to the Gentiles. From then on Paul seems to have lived a life full of hazard and hardship. He made many Jewish enemies, who stoned him, and wanted to kill him. Nevertheless, Paul made three great missionary journeys, first to Cyprus, then to Asia Minor and eastern Greece, and lastly to Ephesus, where he wrote 1 Corinthians, then to [continued over >]

9 > Macedonia and Achaia, where he wrote Romans, before returning to Jerusalem. He was put under house-arrest for two years, during which time he wrote the four ‘captivity’ epistles. Paul was not only a tireless missionary, but a great thinker. His epistles played a major part in the later development of Christian theology. The belief that Peter and Paul died on the same day was caused by their sharing the same feast day. DOOR DUTIES 2nd JUNE 21st JULY Mary Allan, Hazel Melrose Anne Burgess, Jacky Harris In charge: Graham Annan In charge: Stephen Thomson Welcome table: June Wylie Welcome table: Lesley Beckett Evening: Richard Black 28th JULY 9th JUNE Jacky Brown, Douglas Mathieson Siobhan Gilliland, Joyce Rosie In charge: Elizabeth Mathieson In charge: Stephen Thomson Welcome table: Alison Masson Welcome table: Joyce Rosie 4th AUGUST 16th JUNE Mary Allan, Geeta MacKay Graham Clark, Douglas Mathieson In charge: Robin Jones In charge: Elizabeth Mathieson Welcome table: Ann Jones Welcome table: Alison Masson 11Th AUGUST 23rd JUNE Richard Black, Lindsay Wood Diane Craik, Morag Reid In charge: Stevie Douglas In charge: Robin Jones Welcome table: Rose Mackenzie Welcome table: Ann Jones 18th AUGUST 30th JUNE Joyce Rosie, Suzanne Dalziel Linda Farrer, Hazel Melrose In charge: Alistair Dalziel In charge: Stevie Douglas Welcome table: Graham Clark Welcome table: Rose Mackenzie 25th AUGUST 7th JULY Siobhan Gilliland, Morag Reid Alison Macleod, Suzanne Dalziel In charge: Ian Beckett In charge: Alistair Dalziel Welcome table: Lesley Beckett Welcome table: June Wylie 1st SEPTEMBER 14th JULY Diane Craik, Hazel Melrose Sheila Capewell, Susan MacKay In charge: Graham Annan In charge: Graham Annan Welcome table: June Wylie Welcome table: Graham Clark 10 INDUCTION OF REV ALEX McASPURREN Rev Alex McAspurren’s induction will take place at Craigmillar Park Church on 11th June at 7:00pm. A large turnout is expected from Craigmillar Park Church, Reid Memorial Church and North Leith Church. Members of Edinburgh Presbytery will also be in attendance. At the time of writing, we do not know who will be preaching. Members of both congregations will take part in the service, and Linda Farrer and Ruth Longmuir will be reading from the Bible. The symbols of Christian Ministry will be presented; water by Torin Wyndham-McCoy, a Bible and Bread and Wine by Ian Beckett and Jemima Harrison. The symbols are a vessel of water to represent baptism of our children and newcomers to faith, a Bible for proclaiming the Word and bread and wine for Communion. After the service, the congregations will remain in the church for the deliverance of speeches and presentations. The Interim Moderator, Dr Hazel Hastie will be thanked and will probably respond. Rev Alex McAspurren and his wife Louise will be formally welcomed on behalf of both congregations, to which he will reply. There may be a short address from North Leith Church before we retire to the hall for refreshments.

NCT BASICS BANK Over 2018 our Basics Bank at King’s Hall gave out 7,469 kg. A total of 71,800 kg was given out by the nine Edinburgh City Mission Basics Banks around the city in 2018. On 16th May it was another busy day with quite a few new faces. The number of clients attending is roughly 19, so you can imagine our supplies disappear quite quickly. At the moment we are particularly short of Cereal (Weetabix), Biscuits, Sugar, Coffee, Pasta Sauce, Jam, Deodorants (M/F), Shaving foam, tinned fruit and tinned vegetables (peas, carrots, potatoes). If you could provide just one or two of these items it would be greatly appreciated. We are looking for more volunteers too, so if you would like to help on Thursday mornings at King’s Hall, why not come along anytime between 10.30am - 1pm. As always, please continue to pray for all our clients and helpers and thanks again for all your contributions. ALISON MACLEOD 11 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT REID MEMORIAL CHURCH APPOINTMENT Michael McMullin will take up the post of Ministries Development Worker on 27th May and will work across the three parishes of Priestfield, Craigmillar Park and Reid Memorial. His line manager will be Rev Donald Scott, minister at Priestfield and his salary will be paid by the Ministries Council of Edinburgh Presbytery and his expenses will be shared equally between the three churches. Michael previously worked on the joint venture between Gorgie Dalry Stenhouse Church and Bethany Christian Trust, known as the Diadem project which provides the night shelter accommodation for the homeless from October to May. LINKED MANSE AND MINISTERIAL EXPENSES Agreement has been reached with the help of the Presbytery of Edinburgh Convener of Finance, Rev Karen Campbell and Treasurer, Jim Byers, at a meeting of the Reid Kirk Session on 10th April. The Kirk Session voted in favour of a 60% contribution by Reid Memorial and 40% contribution by Craigmillar Park to the normal expenses of the minister. These include telephone, broadband, council tax, travel, pulpit supply, relocation and disturbance expenses, and some manse maintenance annually. Craigmillar Park fully accepts that any works which enhance the value of the manse at Hallhead Road will be the sole responsibility of that congregation; similarly, Reid Memorial accepts that any works which enhance the value of their manse will be their sole responsibility. A small group of office-bearers from both congregations will be set up to oversee compliance with the agreement. The agreed split of expenses will be reviewed annually and if the income and expenditure of either church changes, the split will be renegotiated. RESIGNATIONS Craig Murieson resigned as Finance convener on 10th April with immediate effect. James Clydesdale resigned as Property convener on 12th April with immediate effect. Susan MacKay has offered her resignation as Clerk to the Congregational Board effective prior to the next scheduled Congregational Board meeting on 20th June. She will remain a member of the Congregational Board. Suzanne Dalziel resigned as minute taker to the Kirk Session on 23rd April with immediate effect. We are grateful for the dedication, expertise and service that was been given to Reid Memorial by the above members over a considerable length of time. 12 CAR DRIVERS NEEDED! We are urgently in need of some more volunteers to drive people to and from Church. We only have 5 drivers and are likely to need two every Sunday – it is not going to continue to be possible for the current drivers to be called on every second week for duty. Covering holidays and other duties is increasingly difficult. Please can you consider offering your services as it means so much to the people we collect to be able to continue to attend Church? Thank you and look forward to hearing from you. ANNE BLACK PHONE 447 4149 E MAIL [email protected]

CALLING THE REID’S PAINTERS About 2 months ago, we started to touch up the railings around the Reid Memorial grounds. Unfortunately, it has come to a halt for a number of reasons but it would be good to get back on track. It’s not as big a job as the last time with mainly the flat surfaces needing attention. The necessary items for the job are in the box beside the vestry door entrance. So if you have a spare hour or two on a fine day, please do as little or as much as you have time for. If you would prefer that we organise a day for a number of people to tackle the job, just let Susan MacKay or me know. LINDA FARRER

CROWD The new minister, encouraged by the numbers in church for his first sermon, began: ‘I have never had the pleasure of preaching to such a dense crowd before.’ TO TRAVEL HOPEFULLY Seasoned travellers, the missionary and his wife went to book reservations at the airlines counter. They humbly requested: ‘Two tickets to wherever our luggage is going.’ 13 NOTES FROM THE ORGAN BENCH MARTYN STRACHAN, Organist and Choirmaster

2nd JUNE Sursum Corda - John Ireland Alla Marcia - John Ireland 9th JUNE (Pentecost) Six Preludes for Organ - Bedrich Smetana Concerto Per La Chiesa iv) Allegro - Georg Philip Telemann arranged by J G Walther 16th JUNE (Trinity Sunday) Prelude on a Traditional Irish Air - Ethel Smyth Allegro in D major - Henry Smart 23th JUNE Two Trios in C major - Georg Andreas Sorge Toccata on ‘Hyfrydol’ - George Thalben-Ball 30th JUNE Improvisation on ‘Crimond’ - Eric Thiman Sortie in D major - Eric Thiman John Ireland (1879—1962) John Ireland studied the composition with Sir Charles Stanford at the Royal College of Music and held a number of church appointments. These two pieces were published together in 1911 and make an attractive contrasted pair, the first piece being meditative and introspective the Alla Marcia outgoing, but without the bombast that sometimes mars compositions of this type. Bedrich Smetana (1824—1884) was a mainstream composer best known for his opera The Bartered Bride. His few organ pieces are probably student works and these include the Six Preludes. They are quite unpretentious and actually predate the composer’s official Opus 1, which dates from 1848. Georg Philip Telemann (1681—1767) was a friend of J. S Bach and like him, was much influenced by the fashionable Italian style which was sweeping Europe during the first half of the eighteenth century. This is a movement from a concerto which was intended to be performed in church (‘per la chiesa’) and

14 the arrangement is by another noted composer of the time J. G. Walther, who was also Bach’s cousin. Ethel Smyth (1858—1944) is now best remembered for her involvement with the suffragette movement for which she wrote her ‘March of the Women’. She published a set of five chorale preludes in 1913, but this example dates from the end of her life, being published in 1939, when she had all but stopped composing. Henry Smart (1813—1879) served as organist of Blackburn Parish Church (now the cathedral) from 1831 to 1836, when he moved to London and held various appointments in city churches, the last being St Pancras Parish Church in 1864. He wrote an enormous quantity of church music that was very popular at the time and many organ compositions which appeared regularly in recital programmes up to the Second World War. The Allegro in D major is typical of Smart’s festive style, which perhaps owes something to his French contemporaries. Georg Andreas Sorge (1703—1778) was appointed organist in Lobenstein at the age of 19 and remained there all his life. These two trios are taken from a set of 11 which have been reprinted recently. Unlike other examples form the period, they are less technically demanding and are excellent for building technique. George Thalben-Ball (1896—1987) was born in Australia, but moved with his parents to Britain at the age of 3. After one or two early appointments, he became organist of the Temple Church in London in 1919 and served there for over 60 years. This piece based on a well-know hymn tune is taken from a set of 113 Variations on Psalm and Hymn Tunes, published in 1969. Many are very short and intended as brief interludes, but this piece is more substantial, the tune being placed in the pedal part. Eric H Thiman (1900−1975) Eric Thiman was very largely self-taught and for many years was organist of the Park Chapel, Crouch End in London, which was Nonconformist. He later moved to the City Temple, also in London, the main Congregationalist church in the capital, remaining there until his death. He felt strongly that parish church organists should have good quality music available to them as voluntaries and he supplied much material for this purpose. He never attempted profundity or a large-scale work, there is no sonata for organ, for example, but his well-crafted unpretentious music is of a quality that no-one should feel ashamed of playing. Here Thiman treats the very well-known tune Crimond, as sung to the words of the 23rd Psalm. The Sortie in D major is more extrovert with some acknowledgement to the French school of composition in the choice of title.


2nd JUNE Miss A MacLeod Jessie Fitzsimmons 9th JUNE Miss E Browne Mary Marrs 16th JUNE Mr & Mrs Dalziel Irene Cato 23rd JUNE Mrs K Russell John Craik 30th JUNE Mrs M Houston Alice Schaupp 7th JULY Miss E Browne Linda Farrer 14th JULY Mrs S Capewell Henry Philip 21st JULY Mrs J Rosie Mary Marrs 28th JULY M Reid & M Hunter Lydia Scott 4th AUGUST Miss A MacLeod Suzanne & Ali Dalziel 11th AUGUST Mrs K Russell Isabel McMichael 18th AUGUST Mr & Mrs Dalziel Alison Masson 25th AUGUST Mrs M Houston Mary Clarkson

FUND RAISING FUN QUIZ ANSWERS SHEET 2 1 From what fruit is the French brandy Calvados produced? Apples 2 What type of nut is traditionally used in the preparation of Pesto? Pine nuts 3 What is an Ishihara Test used for? To check for colour blindness 4 What is another name for an Ounce (animal)? A snow leopard 5 On which race course is the St Leger run each year? Doncaster 6 What term is used in baseball when a batter swings and misses a pitch? Strike 7 What was the significance of ‘Fahrenheit 451’?It’s the temperature at which books combust 8 Which county is Thomas Hardy associated with? Dorset 9 Which composer wrote the six Brandenburg Concertos? Johann Sebastien Bach 10 Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schoenberg wrote a musical about whom? Miss Saigon 11 What was the previous name of Tasmania? Van Dieman’s Land 12 Which is the oldest and largest national park in the USA? Yellowstone 13 What role do Rex Harrison, Yun Fat Chow and Yul Brynner all have in common? They all played the King of Siam 14 What was the first TV advert advertising? Toothpaste 15 Who said, “Show me the money!”? Jerry Maguire 16 FRESH START ‘I would like to thank you, the congregation for your support for Fresh Start. I have been overwhelmed by your generosity. Seldom does a week pass without some donation being given in to our church to help those in need to set up their new home. It was also in my time with you that you gave a very generous monetary donation of £1000. It goes without saying that without your donations and others’, such vital work could not go on. It is also good to have Joyce Rosie and Ian Beckett giving their time and effort to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please continue to support Fresh Start in whatever way you can. I can assure you it is greatly appreciated.’ Thank you, JILL

MORE THAN 900 REPORTS OF POTENTIAL MODERN SLAVERY RECORDED THROUGH APP Drivers using a pioneering app to gather information on modern slavery in hand car washes made more than 900 reports of potential cases over a five-month period, according to recent research. The Safe Car Wash app, which allows drivers to respond to a check list of key factors that may suggest modern slavery or labour exploitation in hand car washes, has been downloaded 8,225 times since its launch by the Church of England and the Catholic Church in England and Wales last year. Between June and December 2018 there were 2,271 completed entries using the app, with 41 per cent, or 930 reports, where after responding to a number of questions, users were told there was a likelihood of modern slavery at the hand car wash. They were then asked to call the Modern Slavery Helpline and their anonymised findings were shared in real time with police and the Gangmasters’ and Labour Abuse Authority.

Arranged by St Columba’s in collaboration with Mayfield Salisbury and St Peter’s, Lutton Place HEALING OUR DIVISIONS Speaker: Hon. Ian Murray, MP For South Edinburgh Saturday 8th June 2019 at 9.45 am St Columba’s Main Hall Upper Gray Street Coffee available from 9.30 am 17 NEWS FROM THE LINK GROUP REID AND CRAIGMILLAR PARK CHURCHES The Link group was formed earlier this year to enable us to get to know each other better. In April we had a lovely walk on the Innocent Railway and then back to Craigmillar Park for tea. We raised £238 for HIV so thanks to everyone who contributed. Our next walk is planned for Sunday 7th July at 2.30pm from the Reid. We will walk to the Astley Ainsley grounds and do the Friends Walk as the trees there are stunning. Please, as many of you as feel able come and join us. There will be tea in the Reid’s large hall after the walk but you can just come along just for a chat, if you would like. Also, there will be a joint prayer meeting in the Sanctuary at the Reid on Tuesday 4th June at 7.30pm to offer prayer for the new Minister’s arrival. Many thanks. JOYCE ROSIE

MORE CHURCHES THAN PUBS The UK now has more churches than pubs, according to new data published by the National Churches Trust. There are around 39,000 pubs in the UK, according to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics, with more than 11,000 pubs having closed in the UK in the last decade – a fall of almost a quarter (23%). However, there are around 40,300 church buildings in the UK open to the public and being used for worship, according to research carried out for the National Churches Trust by the Brierley Consultancy. The number of church buildings is also substantially higher than other key public buildings in the UK. There are currently around 14,300 supermarkets operated by grocery retailers, 11,500 post office branches, 7,500 bank branches and 3,600 public libraries. An increasing number of churches in the UK are also becoming local ‘community hubs’, hosting children’s nurseries, senior citizen lunch clubs, concerts and exhibition venues. Some even house post-offices, GP surgeries and farmer’s markets. Around 6,000 of the UK’s approximately 32,000 polling places are located in church buildings. 18 SRI LANKA EASTER CHURCH BOMBINGS More than 250 people were killed following Easter service bomb attacks against churches in Sri Lanka. “The scale of the horror takes our breath away,” says Release International. “But terrorism can never overcome the central truth of the Gospel – Christ is risen. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka and wherever Christians face violence around the world.” Around two million Christians live in the Buddhist-majority nation where Christians from Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds face discrimination for their faith. The growth of Christianity in Sri Lanka since 1980 has met with violent opposition from Buddhist extremists. Persecution has intensified since 2012, coinciding with a rise in Buddhist nationalism. Militants have burned churches and attacked Christians. In many cases, violent mobs have been led by Buddhist monks. Christians say local government officials and police do little to prevent the attacks – and are sometimes complicit in them. Anti-Christian violence has abated somewhat since 2015, when President Maithripala Sirisena came to power, pledging to uphold religious freedoms guaranteed in the constitution.

QUOTES ‘When I compare my slow and unprofitable life with the frequent and wonderful mercies received, it shames me, it silences me, and leaves me inexcusable.’ RICHARD BAXTER ‘Forgiveness from others is charity; from God, grace; from oneself, wisdom. God does not wish us to remember what He is willing to forget.‘ GEORGE A BUTTRICK ‘If my heart is right with God, every human being is my neighbour.’ OSWALD CHAMBERS

‘The easiest way to tell the difference between young plants and weeds is to pull up everything. If they come up again, they’re weeds.’ ‘Conscience (as defined by a small boy): “Something that makes me tell my mother before my sister does.” ‘

19 Alex and Jill and the Pastoral Care Group Care Jill and the Pastoral and Alex

The next issue of REIDON... will be September. Please send Linda any REIDMEMORIAL articles or notices by Fri 16th August - CHURCH • EDINBURGH see page 2 for contact details. 20 WWW.REIDMEMORIAL.ORG.UK CHARITY No. SC014027