II. Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management

3. The High Commissioner for National Minorities (HCNM) / Minority Issues / Ethnicities / Religion

Documents and Bibliographies

Council of Europe/OSCE, National Minority Standards. A Compilation of OSCE and Council of Europe Texts, Strasbourg 2007. Council of Europe/OSCE, Standarty v oblasti prav nacional’nych men’šinstv. Sbornik dokumentov OBSE i Soveta Evropy, [Strasbourg] 2007. CSCE, Meeting od Experts on National Minorities, Geneva, 1-19 July 1991, [s.l.] 1991. Ekéus, Rolf, Preventive Diplomacy, Muller Lecture by Rolf Ekéus, High Commissioner on National Minorities for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europa (OSCE), , 30 January 2003, [The Hague 2003]. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Annual Report 1996, The Hague 1997. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Annual Report 1997, The Hague 1998. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Annual Report 1998, The Hague 1999. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), Bibliography on the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: Documents, Speeches, Related Publications, 2. ed., The Hague 1995. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), Bibliography on the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: Documents, Speeches, Related Publications, 3. ed., The Hague 1997. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities and Explanantory Note, The Hague 1996. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), The Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Life and Explanantory Note, The Hague 1999. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), The Oslo Recommendations Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National Minorities and Explanantory Note, The Hague 1998. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Year Report 1995, The Hague [1995?]. KSZE, Bericht des KSZE-Expertentreffens über Nationale Minderheiten, Genève, 1991. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities, The Hague 1999. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, Report on the Situation of Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Area, The Hague 2000. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies, The Hague 2006. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations & Explanatory Note, The Hague 2008. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, Bol’canskie rekomendacii o nacional’nych men’šinstvach v mežgosudarstvennych otnošenijach i pojasnitel’naja zapiska, Gaage 2008. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, HCNM Thematic Recommendations, 1996-2008, The Hague 2010. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Ljubljana Guidelines on Integration of Diverse Societies & Explanatory Note, The Hague 2012. OSCE, High Commissioner on National Minorities/Norwegian Centre for , Conference Report “Linguistic Rights of National Minorities Ten Years After the Oslo Recommendations and Beyond. Safeguarding Linguistic Rights: Identity and Participation in Multilingual Societies”, 18-19 June 2008, [The Hague] 2009. OSCE, Office of the Secretary General, Strategic Police Matters Unit/ODIHR, Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues, Police and Roma and Sinti: Good Practices in Building Trust and Understanding, SPMU Publication Series 9, Vienna 2010. Stoel, Max van der, Peace and Stability through Human and Minority Rights: Speeches by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, ed. by Wolfgang Zellner and Falk Lange, Baden-Baden 1999. Stoel, Max van der, Peace and Stability through Human and Minority Rights: Speeches by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, ed. by Wolfgang Zellner and Falk Lange, 2. enlarged edition, Baden-Baden 2001. United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) Holds Briefing: The Romani Minority in Russia, September 23, 2004 [Washington] 2004 (Unofficial Transcript).

Books and Anthologies

Åkermark, Sia/Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 8, 2009, Leiden 2011. Angeleska, Meri, Sprache der Minderheit im Bildungssystem der Republik Makedonien : Spaltung oder Integration? ; Fallstudie am Beispiel der albanischen Minderheit, (MA Thesis), Hamburg 2005. Bandov, Goran, Die Implementierung der nationalen Gesetzgebung und der internationalen Instrumente zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten im Bildungsbereich in der Republik Kroatien, (MA Thesis), Hamburg 2005. Bartsch, Sebastian, Minderheitenschutz in der internationalen Politik: Völkerbund und KSZE/OSZE in neuer Perspektive, Opladen 1995. Birmingham, K., The OSCE and Minority Issues, The Hague 1995. Bloed, Arie (ed.), A Tribute to Max van der Stoel, Security and Human Rights 3/2011, Special Issue, Leiden 2011. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 1, 2001/2, The Hague 2003. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 2, 2002/3, The Hague 2004. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 3, 2003/4, Leiden 2005. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 4, 2004/5, Leiden 2006. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 5, 2005/6, Leiden 2007. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 6, 2006/07, Leiden 2008. Bloed, Arie/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 7, 2007/08, Leiden 2010. Blumenwitz, Dieter/Gilbert H. Gorning/Dietrich Murswiek (eds), Ein Jahrhundert Minderheiten- und Volksgruppenschutz, Staats- und völkerrechtliche Abhandlungen der Studiengruppe für Politik und Völkerrecht 19, Köln 2001. Brenninkmeijer, Oliver A. J., The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: Negotiating the 1992 Conflict Prevention Mandate, PSIO Occasional Paper 5/2005, Geneva 2005. Brett, Rachel/Elaine Eddison, Minorities – A Report on the CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on Case Studies on National Minorities Issues: Positive Results, Colchester 1993. Cahn, Claude/Elspeth Guild, Recent Migration of Roma in Europe, Strasbourg 2010. Cohen, Jonathan, Conflict Prevention Instruments in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: An Assessment of Capacities, London 1998. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (ed.), CSCE’s High Commissioner on National Minorities, Washington D.C. 1993. Conde Pérez, Elena, La protección de las minorías nacionales en la organización para la seguridad y la cooperación en Europa (OSCE), Madrid 2001. Conflict Management Group/Harvard Negotiation Project (eds), Early Warning and Preventive Action in the CSCE - Defining the Role of the High Commissioner on National Minorities: Report of the CSCE Devising Session, 19 October 1992, Cambridge 1993. Conflict Management Group/Harvard Negotiation Project (eds), Methods and Strategies in Conflict Prevention: A Report of an Expert Consultation in Connection with the Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, 2-3 December 1993, Cambridge 1994. Cordell, Karl/Stefan Wolff (eds), The Ethnopolitical Encyclopedia of Europe, Basingstoke 2004. Council of Europe/European Centre for Minority Issues (eds), Mechanisms for the Implementation of Minority Rights, Minority Issues Handbook, Strasbourg 2004. Daftary, Farimah/François (eds), Nation-Building, Ethnicity and Language Politics in Transition Countries, Series on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues 2, Budapest 2003. Danbakli, Marielle (ed.), Roma, Gypsies: Text issued by International Institutions, Hatfield 2001. Diacofotakis, Yeorgios I., Expanding Conceptual Boundaries. The High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Protection of Minority Rights in the OSCE, Athens 2002. Dorodnova, Jekaterina, Challenging Ethnic Democracy: Implementing of the Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Latvia, 1993-2001, CORE Working Paper 10, Hamburg 2003. Eddison, Elaine, The Protection of Minorities at the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Colchester 1993. Engel, Dirk, Die sprachenrechtliche Situation der Angehörigen von Minderheiten im Völkerrecht, Berlin 2002. European Centre for Minority Issues/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (eds), Roms on Integration: Analyses and Recommendations. Romani Expert Groups for Romani Integration, Employment, Education, Civil Rights, Health, ECMI Monograph 3, Flensburg 2005. European Centre for Minority Issues/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (eds), Roms on Integration II: Analyses and Recommendations. Romani Expert Groups for Romani Integration, Education, Civil Rights, Health, Employment, ECMI Monograph 4, Flensburg 2006. European Centre for Minority Issues/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (eds), Supporting Local Romani Coordinators. A Practical Guide to Integrating Roms in Municipal Government, ECMI Monographs 5, Flensburg 2007. Finnish Committee for European Security (ed.), Roma Participation in Europe. A Seminar at the Parliament House, 22 October 2001, Helsinki, Helsinki 2001. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), Report on an Expert Consultation in Connection with the Activities of the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Bentveld, The , 5-7 November 1993, The Hague 1993. Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (ed.), The Role of the High Commissioner on National Minorities in OSCE Conflict Prevention: an Introduction, The Hague 1997. Frank, Martin, Begründungen von Minderheitenrechten, InIIS-Arbeitspapier 25, Bremen 2002. Friesecke, Manuel, Der Minderheitenschutz im Rahmen der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE), Basel 1998. Genov, Nikolai (ed.), Ethnic Relations in South Eastern Europe, Societal Transformations 4, Münster 2004. Genov, Nikolai (ed.), Ethnicity and Educational Policies in South Eastern Europe, Societal Transformations 7, Münster 2005. Ghanea, Nazila/Alexandra Xanthaki (eds), Minorities, Peoples and Self-Determination. Essays in Honour of Patrick Thornberry, Leiden 2005. Gheorghe, Nicolae/Jennifer Tanaka, Looking at Human Security in a Regional Context: The Situation of the Roma and Sinti in the OSCE, ODIHR Background Reports, Warsaw 1997. Gibson, U./J. Niessen, The CSCE and the Protection of the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Minorities, Brussels 1993. Henrard, Kristin (ed.), Double Standards Pertaining to Minority Protection, Studies in International Minority and Group Rights 1, Leiden 2010. Heun, Jessica, Minderheitenschutz der Roma in der Europäischen Union. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Definition der Roma als nationale Minderheit sowie der Möglichkeit positiver Maßnahmen im Rahmen von Art. 19 AEUV, Menschenrechtszentrum der Universität Potsdam 34, Berlin 2011. Horváth, István, Facilitating Conflict Transformation: Implementation of the Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Romania 1993-2001, CORE Working Paper 8, Hamburg 2002. Huber, Konrad, Averting Inter-Ethnic Conflict: An Analysis of the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Estonia, January-July 1993, Atlanta 1994. Hughes, James/Gwendolyn Sasse (eds), Ethnicity and Territory in the Former Soviet Union: Regions in Conflict, London 2002. International Crisis Group (ed.), Georgia’s Armenian and Azeri Minorities, Europe Report 178, Tbilisi 2006. Ivković, Marko, Der Schutz der Minderheitenrechte in Montenegro, (MA Thesis), Hamburg 2004. Johansen, Lars Jannick, Difficulties for Preventive Diplomacy and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: Construction and Application of a Theoretical Framework, (MA Thesis), Copenhagen 1999. Jurado, Elena, Complying with European Standards of Minority Protection: Estonia’s Relations with the , OSCE and Council of Europe, (PhD. Thesis) Oxford 2003. Jurado, Elena, Complying with European Standards of Minority Protection: The Impact of the European Union, OSCE and Council of Europe on Estonian Minority Policy, 1991-2000, Saarbrücken 2008. Kaculevski, Zage, Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker und Minderheitenschutz. Eine Fallstudie zu FYROM, Düsseldorfer Schriften zu Internationaler Politik und Völkerrecht 3, Baden-Baden 2007. Kammerer, Martin, Theorie und Praxis der Entstehung und Bearbeitung ethnopolitischer Konflikte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der OSZE, (Diplomarbeit), Salzburg 2000. Kandelia, Seema, The Euro Chapter for Regional or Minority Languages. Council of Europe Conference, The Hague, 30 November - 1 December 2001, Papers in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights 36, Colchester 2003. Kelley, Judith G., Ethnic politics in Europe. The Power of Norms and Incentives, Princeton 2004. Kemp, Walter A. (ed.), Quiet Diplomacy in Action: The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Hague 2001. Kettig, Silke, Europäischer Minderheitenschutz im Wandel. Konfliktprävention in Estland, Lettland und Litauen, Nomos Universitätsschriften Politik 126, (Dissertation, Universität Bonn), Baden-Baden 2004. Klein, Eckhart (ed.), The Institution of a Commissioner for Human Rights and Minorities and the Prevention of Human Rights Violations, Berlin 1995. Koehler, E., The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: a Legal Perspective (MA Thesis), Utrecht 1996. Kulyk, Volodymyr, Revisiting a Success Story: Implementation of the Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to 1994-2001, CORE Working Paper 6, Hamburg 2002. Lantschner, Emma/Joseph Marko/Antonija Petričušić (eds), European Integration and Its Effects on Minority Protection in South Eastern Europe, Minderheiten und Autonomien 12, Baden-Baden 2008. Laubacher-Kubat, Erika, Einmischung für den Frieden. Prävention und Bearbeitung ethnopolitischer Konflikte, Chur 2000. Letschert, Rianne M., The Impact of Minority Rights Mechanisms, The Hague 2005. Liégeois, Jean-Pierre, Roma, Gypsies, Travellers, Strasbourg 1994. Lloydd, Marnie (ed.), Ombudsman Institutions and Minority Issues. A Guide to Good Practice. Foundational Criteria, Strategic Development and Operational Issues, Flensburg 2005. Malloy, Tove H., National Minority Rights in Europe, Oxford 2005. Meyer, Berthold, Erst die Spitze des Eisberges. KSZE-Konfliktmanagement und nationale Minderheiten, HSFK-Report 8/1992, Frankfurt am Main 1992. Myntti, Kristian, A Commentary to the Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Life, Turku 2001. Neidhart, Christine, Die Rolle der OSZE im internationalen Minderheitenschutz, (Diplomarbeit), Graz 2001. Oakley, Robin/Romy Danflous, Policing and Minorities in the Russian Federation. Key International Guidance Documents and Case Studies, Strasbourg 2008. Palermo, Francesco/Natalie Sabanadze (eds), National Minorities in Inter-State Relations, Leiden 2011. Pan, Franz, Der Minderheitenschutz im neuen Europa und seine historische Entwicklung, Wien 1999. Parzymies, Stanisław (ed.), OSCE and Minorities. Assesment and Prospects, Warsaw 2007. Pentassuglia, Gaetano, Minorities in International . An Introductory Study, Minority Issues Handbook, Strasbourg 2002. Pöllinger, Sigrid, Minderheitenprobleme und Minderheitenschutz: Das Engagement internationaler Organisationen, Wien 2001. Poleshchuk, Vadim, Advice not welcomed: Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner to Estonia and Latvia and the Response, Kieler Schriften zur Friedenswissenschaft 9, Münster 2001. Republic of Kazakhstan, Embassy in the Republic of Poland (ed.), Dialog między narodami: Model kazachski jako przykład pokojowego współistnienia i zachowania stabilności między narodami = Inter-Ethnic Dialogue: The Kazakhstan Model of Peaceful Coexistence and Preservation of Inter-Ethnic Stability, Warszawa 2007. Riedel, Sabine, Minderheitenpolitik in der EU-Erweiterungsperspektive: Neue Konflikte durch Maßnahmen der positiven Diskriminierung, Berlin 2001. Riedel, Manuela, Minderheitenschutz in EU-Erweiterungsprozessen. Normenförderung und Sicherheitsinteressen in den Verhandlungen mit den Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropa und Westbalkanländern, Studien zur Europäischen Union 8, Wiesbaden 2012. Riegler, Henriette, Normenbildung und Konfliktvermeidung der KSZE und ihre Bemühungen zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten, Kiel 1995. Riepe, Claudia, Der Minderheitenschutzstandard in der KSZE/OSZE, Hamburg 1997. Sapper, Manfred/Volker Weichsel/Andrea Huterer/Achim Güssgen (eds), Minderheiten in Osteuropa. Ansprüche, Rechte, Konflikte, Osteuropa 11/2007, Berlin 2007. Sarv, Margit, Integration by Reframing Legislation: Implementation of the Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Estonia 1993-2001, CORE Working Paper 7, Hamburg 2002. Schaller, Andreas, Die OSZE und nationale Minderheiten, (Diplomarbeit), Wien 1996. Schlager, Erika, From Promises to Practice: Implementation of National Policies on Roma, Sinti and Travellers, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Articles 3/2006, Washington 2006. Sedlaczek, Ursula, Minderheiten als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung. Globale und europäische Aspekte, Wien 2004. Simhandl, Katrin, Die Theorien des Nationalen und der Hohe Kommissar für Nationale Minderheiten der OSZE, Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden 146, Baden-Baden 2002. Slis, T., The Role and Impact of the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Union on the Issue of Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe – Case-Study: Hungarians in (MA Thesis), Utrecht 1996. Smooha, Sammy/Priit Järve (eds), The Fate of Ethnic Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, LGI/ECMI Series on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues 3, Budapest 2005. Späth, Daniela, Der Hohe Kommissar für nationale Minderheiten. Völkerrechtliche Analyse eines neuen Instruments zur internationalen Konfliktverhütung, Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft 51, Berlin 2005. Stoel, Max van der, Human Rights, the Prevention of Conflict and the International Protection of Minorities: A Contemporary Paradigm for Contemporary Challenges, [s.l.] 1999. Stoel, Max van der, Peace and Stability through Human and Minority Rights: Speeches by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, ed. by Wolfgang Zellner and Falk Lange, Baden-Baden 1999. Stoel, Max van der, Peace and Stability through Human and Minority Rights: Speeches by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, ed. by Wolfgang Zellner and Falk Lange, 2. enlarged edition, Baden-Baden 2001. Stojanov, Vlatko, Konfliktmanagement durch Minderheitenschutz? Fallstudie Makedonien, Arbeitspapiere zu Problemen der Internationalen Politik und der Entwicklungsländerforschung 50/2008, München 2008. Tanner, Arno (ed.), The Forgotten Minorities of Eastern Europe – the History and Today of Selected Ethnic Groups in Five Countries, Helsinki 2004. Thiele, Carmen, The Criterion of Citizenship for Minorities: The Example of Estonia, ECMI Working Paper 5, Flensburg 1999. Toggenburg, Gabriel N. (ed.), Minority Protection and the Enlarged European Union: The Way Forward, Budapest 2004. Trifunovska, Snezana (ed.), Minority Rights in Europe: European Minorities and Languages, The Hague 2001. Troebst, Stefan, Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Eastern Europe and the OSCE: An Interim Appraisal, ECMI Brief 1, Flensburg 1998. Tsilevich, Boris, High Commissioner and Permanent Mission: The OSCE at Work in the Latvian(-Russian) Conflict on Citizenship and Human Rights, PFK-Texte 34, Kiel 1995. Turton, David/Julia González (eds), Ethnic Diversity in Europe: Challenges to the Nation State, Bilbao 2000. Verstichel, Annelies/André Alen/Bruno De Witte/Paul Lemmens (eds), The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: A Useful Pan-European Instrument?, Antwerp 2008. Weller, Marc (ed.), The Rights of Minorities in Europe. A Commentary on the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Oxford 2005. Weller, Marc/Katherine Nobbs (eds), Political Participation of Minorities. A Commentary on International Standards and Practice, Oxford 2010. Wenig, Marcus, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Streitbeilegung ethnischer Konflikte durch die OSZE: Dargestellt am Konflikt im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, Berlin 1996. Wiegand, Irene/Sabine Riedel (eds), Die Minderheitenpolitik im EU-Erweiterungsprozeß. Eine Veranstaltung der Europäischen Kommission und der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 21. Februar 2002, Berlin 2002. Willson, Duncan, Minority Rights in Education: Lessons for the European Union from Estonia, Latvia, Romania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lund 2002. Wojak, N., Protection of Minorities under – Protection of Minorities by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Competence and Practice of the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the CSCE, Bochum 1994. Wollefs, Elisabeth, Sicherheit durch Minderheitenschutz. Der Beitrag der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) zur Bearbeitung ethnopolitischer Konflikte, Duisburg 1996. 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Articles by the HCNM

Ekéus, Rolf, From the Copenhagen Criteria to the Copenhagen Summit: Minority Issues in an Enlarging Europe, in: Helsinki Monitor, 1/2003, pp. 38-41. Ekéus, Rolf, Establishing a Multi-ethnic Society in Kosovo, in: Südosteuropa Mitteilungen 3/2005, pp. 50-54. Ekéus, Rolf, Prevention of Inter-Ethnic Conflict, in: Wiener Blätter zur Friedensforschung 1/2006, pp. 15-19. Ekéus, Rolf (Interview), Police and Ethnic Minorities. Unleashing the Power of Partnerships, in OSCE Magazine 2/2006, pp. 6-9. Stoel, Max van der, Keynote Address: Prevention of Minority Conflict, in: L. Sohn (ed.), The OSCE and the Turbulent New Europe, Record of a Conference Organized by the International Rule of Law Institute of the George Washington University, Washington, 3-5 May 1993, Washington, DC 1993, pp. 147-158. Stoel, Max van der, Conflictvoorkoming in Europa: de rol van de Hoge Commissaris van de CVSE inzake Nationale Minderheden, in: Internationale Spectator 3/1994, pp. 102-107. Stoel, Max van der, Controlling Ethnic Tension: The Experience of the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Refugee Survey Quarterly 4/1994, pp. 88-96. Stoel, Max van der, Die KSZE und die Minderheitenfrage, in: Europa-Archiv 22/1994, pp. 629-634. Stoel, Max van der, Preventing Conflict and Building Peace: a Challenge for the CSCE, in: NATO Review 4/1994, pp. 7-12. Stoel, Max van der, Preventive Diplomacy in Situations of Ethnic Tensions: the Role of the CSCE High Commissioner, in: E. Hetzke/M. Donner (eds), Weltweite und europäische Sicherheit im Spannungsfeld von Souveränität und Minderheitenschutz, Berlin 1994, pp. 43-51. Stoel, Max van der, The Role of the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in CSCE Conflict Prevention, in: Studia Diplomatica 4/1994, pp. 59-70. Stoel, Max van der, The Role of the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in CSCE Preventive Diplomacy, in: Staffan Carlsson (ed.), The Challenge of Preventive Diplomacy: The Experience of the CSCE, Stockholm 1994, pp. 33-54. Stoel, Max van der, Zum Geleit, in: R. Aspeslagh/H. Renner/H. van der Meulen (eds), Im historischen Würgegriff: Die Beziehungen zwischen Ungarn und der Slowakei in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, Baden-Baden 1994, pp. 9-10. Stoel, Max van der, The Heart of the Matter: The Human Dimension of the OSCE, in: Helsinki Monitor 3/1995, pp. 23-30. Stoel, Max van der, Toekomstverwachting: een slinger tussen hoop en vrees, in: Instituut Clingendael - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei (ed.), Ideaal en indentiteit. Een nieuwe zoektocht na 50 jaar vreijheid, The Hague 1995, pp. 37-44. Stoel, Max van der, Peace and Justice, Power and Principle: from Nuremburg to The Hague, in: The Finnish Yearbook of International Law 1996, The Hague 1996, pp. 334-340. Stoel, Max van der, Minorities in Transition, in: War Report 1-2/1997, pp. 14-17. Stoel, Max van der, Conflict Prevention in Situations Involving Minority Issues, in: Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 3/1998, pp. 59-72. Stoel, Max van der, Democracy and Human Rights: On the Work of the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 1997, Baden-Baden 1998, pp. 105-113. Stoel, Max van der, The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Enhancing the Process of Integration, in: Romanian Journal of International Affairs, 3-4/1998, pp. 293-305. Stoel, Max van der, Vorwort, in: Hans-Joachim Heintze (ed.), Moderner Minderheitenschutz. Rechtliche oder politische Absicherung, Bonn 1998, pp. 9-13. Stoel, Max van der, Gedanken zur Rolle des Hohen Kommissars der OSZE für nationale Minderheiten als Instrument zur Konfliktverhütung, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 1999, Baden-Baden 1999, pp. 429-441. Stoel, Max van der, The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Conflict Prevention, in: Chester A. Crocker/Fen Osler Hampson/Pamela Aall (eds), Herding Cats: Multiparty Mediation in a Complex World, Washington 1999, pp.65-83. Stoel, Max van der, Prinzipien und Pragmatismus – 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Helsinki-Prozess, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 2000, Baden-Baden 2000, pp. 27-38. Stoel, Max van der, Reflections on the Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities as an Instrument of Conflict Prevention, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 1999, Baden-Baden 2000, pp. 381-391. Stoel, Max van der, Don’t give up on the Multi-ethnic State, in: Helsinki Monitor 2/2001, p. 96. Stoel, Max van der, Hilfe bei der Sisyphusarbeit: Verhütung künftiger Konflikte, in: Europäische Rundschau 3/2001, pp. 121-125. Stoel, Max van der, Principles and Pragmatism: Twenty-Five Years with the Helsinki Process, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 2000, Baden-Baden 2001, pp. 25-34. Stoel, Max van der, The Multiethnic State: Letter to the Editor, in: International Herald Tribune, Friday, February 2, 2001. Stoel, Max van der, Report on the Linguistic Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the OSCE Area, in: Trifunovska, Snežana (ed.), Minority Rights in Europe. European Minorities and Languages, The Hague 2001, pp. 347-388. Stoel, Max van der, Reflections and Suggestions on the Role of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Daniel Warner/Valérie Clerc (eds), Challenges Faced by the OSCE During 2001, Genf 2002, pp. 7-25. Stoel, Max van der, The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in the Field of Conflict Prevention: Address on 23 July 2003 at the Hague Academy of International Law, in: Recueil de Cours, 296/2002, pp. 13-23. Stoel, Max van der, Die Südosteuropa-Universität in Mazedonien, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 2002, Baden-Baden 2002, pp. 203-207. Stoel, Max van der, The South East European University in Macedonia, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 2002, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 181-185. Stoel, Max van der, Early Warning and Early Action: Preventing Inter-Ethnic Conflict, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 299-306. Stoel, Max van der, Report of Max van der Stoel, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Warsaw, 2 October 1995, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 239-246. Vollebæk, Knut, Fifteen Years of Conflict Prevention by the High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 2008, Baden-Baden 2009, pp. 325-330. 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Articles and Contributions to Books

Adams, M., Enkele aspecten van het recht op beleving van een eigen minderheidscultuur: Artikel 27 van het IVBPR en de CVSE, in: K. Breugelmans (ed.), Recht en verdraagzamheid in de multi-culturele samleving, Antwerpen 1993, pp. 147-167. Agaev, Ednan, Problems of Minorities in the Post Soviet Union. Legal and Geopolitical Dimensions, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 129-139. Alexanderson, Martin, The Need for a Generalised Application of the Minorities Regimes in Europe, in: Helsinki Monitor 4/1997, pp. 47-58. Alfredsson, Gudmundur, Excerpts From a Diary, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 237-238. Alfredsson, Gudmundur/Danilo Türk, International Mechanisms for the Monitoring and the Protection of Minority Rights: Their Advantages, Disadvantages and Interrelationships, in: Arie Bloed et al. (eds), Monitoring Human Rights in Europe – Comparing International Procedures and Mechanisms, Dordrecht 1993, pp. 169-186. Altenhoener, Charlotte/Francesco Palermo, Civil Society Contributions to the Work of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2/2011, pp. 201-218. Andreescu, Gabriel, A Functional Approach. Collective or Individual Rights, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 164-172. Arnaud, Lionel, European Union, Political Opportunity and the Emergence of “New” Minorities, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 71-78. Aurescu, Bogdan, The 2006 Venice Commission Report on Non-citizens and Minority Rights – Presentation and Assessment, in: Helsinki Monitor 2/2007, pp. 150-163. Aurescu, Bogdan, The “Kinterested” State and the HCNM Bolzano “Rules of Engagement”, in: Francesco Palermo/Natalie Sabanadze (eds), National Minorities in Inter-State Relations, Leiden 2011, pp. 63-77. Bakker, Edwin, Growing Isolation: Political and Ethnic Tensions in the Slovak Republic, in: Helsinki Monitor 1/1998, pp. 23-36. Bakker, Edwin, Linguistic Rights and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in: Trifunovska, Snežana (ed.), Minority Rights in Europe. European Minorities and Languages, The Hague 2001, pp. 241-253. Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands, Address Given by Her Majesty the Queen on the Occasion of the Conferral of a Knighthood in the of the Golden Lion of Nassau on Mr Max van der Stoel in The Hague on 31 August 1999, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 159-160. Bieber, Florian, Ethnic Minorities in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo: Constitutional Norms and Realities, in: Nikolai Genov (ed.), Ethnic Minorities in South Eastern Europe, Münster 2004, pp. 132-149. Bieckmann, Franz, Interview Rolf Ekéus – “Stille Diplomatie”, in: ViceVersa, vakblad ontwikkelingssamenwerking 5/2004, pp. 26-29. Bindig, Rudolf, Protection of the Rights of Minorities in International and European Law, in: Nikolai Genov (ed.), Ethnic Minorities in South Eastern Europe, Münster 2004, pp. 33-37. Bjurner, Anders, Principles and Politics of Prevention, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 209-212. Bloed, Arie, The CSCE and the Protection of National Minorities, in: OSCE/ ODIHR Bulletin 1/1993, pp. 1-4. Bloed, Arie, The CSCE and the Protection of National Minorities, in: Alan Philips/Allan Rosas (eds), The UN Minority Rights Declaration, Turku/London 1993, pp. 95-101. Bloed, Arie, The CSCE and the Minority Issues, in: Helsinki Monitor 1/1994, pp. 82-86. Bloed, Arie, The OSCE and the Issue of National Minorities, in: Alan Philips/Allan Rosas (eds), Universal Minority Rights, Turku/London 1995, pp. 113-122. Bloed, Arie, Die OSZE und nationale Minderheiten: Eine neue Herangehensweise, in: M. Mohr (ed.), Friedenssichernde Aspekte des Minderheitenschutzes in der Ära des Völkerbunds und der Vereinten Nationen in Europa, Frankfurt/Oder 1996, pp. 153-165. Bloed, Arie, The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Gudmundur Afredsson/Jonas Grimheden/Bertrand G. Ramcharan/Alfred de Zayas (eds), International Human Rights Monitoring Mechanisms, The Hague 2001, pp. 641-556. Bloed, Arie, A Champion of Diplomacy and Human Rights, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 289-293. Bloed, Arie/Rianne Letschert, The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Kristin Henrard/Robert Dunbar (eds), Synergies in Minority Protection: European and International Law Perspectives, Cambridge 2008, pp. 88-118. Bloed, Arie/Walter Kemp/Rob Zaagman, In the Name of Security and Human Rights, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, p. 155. Bota, Liviu Aurelian, Some Considerations Regarding the Role of the OSCE in Regulating Minority Issues, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 215-222. Boucaouris, John, Minority Issues and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), in: Gundmundur Alfredsson/Maria Stavropoulou (eds), Justice Pending. Indigenous People and Other Good Causes, The Hague 2002, pp. 79-82. Bowring, Bill, Ombudsman Institutions and Ethnic Conflict in Russia and Ukraine: A Failure of Local Institution-building?, in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 4, 2004/5, Leiden 2006, pp. 269-294. Brenninkmeijer, Olivier A. J., Multilateral Prevention of Internal Conflicts in the Face of Interethnic Tensions: The Case of the OSCE and its High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Obiora Chinedu Okafor/Obijiofor Aginam (eds), Humanizing Our Global Order: Essays in Honour of Ivan Head, Toronto 2003, pp. 30-61. Brenninkmeijer, Olivier, Negotiations and Engagements for Conflict Prevention: State Sovereignty and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Helsinki Monitor 4/2006, pp. 327-336. Brett, Rachel, The Human Dimension Mechanism of the CSCE and the CSCE Response to Minorities, in: Michael R. Lucas (ed.), The CSCE in the 1990s: Constructing European Security and Cooperation, Baden-Baden 1993, pp. 143-160. Brett, Rachel/Elaine Eddison, The CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on National Minorities: Can National Minorities be Considered Positively?, in: Helsinki Monitor 3/1993, pp. 39-43. Broek, Hans van den, The First High Commissioner, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 169-170. Butts, Cassandra, The United States and the Relevancy of OSCE Minority Norms, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 94-95. Cahn, Claude, Die Politik der Abschiebung: Europa und der Versuch einer Lenkung der Roma, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 2003, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 231-245. Cahn, Claude, The Politics of Expulsion: Europe and Efforts to Regulate the Roma, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 2003, Baden-Baden 2004, pp. 209-221. Cardin, Benjamin L., Congressional Report 112th Congress (2011-2012), Remembering Max van der Stoel, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 171-172. Caruso, Ugo, The Cooperation of International Organizations in the Ethnic Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia, in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 7, 2007/08, Leiden 2010, pp. 225-262. Caruso, Ugo, Comprehensive Security in South Asia: SAARC and the Applicability of OSCE Standards, in: Sia Åkermark/Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 8, 2009, Leiden 2011, pp. 541-570. Chigas, Diana, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: The CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Helsinki Monitor 5/1994, pp. 27-41. Chigas, Diana/ Elizabeth McClinctock/ Christophe Kamp, Preventive Diplomacy and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Creating Incentives for Dialogue and Co-operation, in: Abram Chayes/Antonia Handler Chayes (eds), Preventing Conflict in the Post Communist World: Mobilizing International and Regional Organizatons, Washington 1996, pp. 25-97. Cohen, Jonathan, Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Konfliktprävention: Die Stiftung für interethnische Beziehungen und der Hohe Kommissar für Nationale Minderheiten der OSZE – Eine Fallstudie, in: Christine M. Merkel (ed.) Friedenspolitik der Zivilgesellschaft, Münster 1998, pp. 207-224. Cohen, Jonathan, Effective Participation of National Minorities as a Tool for Conflict Prevention, in: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 4/2009, pp. 539-548. Constantinides, A., The Involvement of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Issues of Minority Protection, in: Leiden Journal of International Law 2/1996, pp. 373-395. Crocker, Chester A./Fen Osler Hampson/Pamela Aall, A Crowded Stage: Liabilities and Benefits of Multiparty Mediation, in: International Studies Perspectives 1/2001, pp. 51-67. Croft, Jennifer, Security in a Multiethnic Russia: Is the “Melting Pot” Boiling Over?, in: Security and Human Rights 2/2011, pp.127-134. Cronin, Bruce, Creating Stability in the New Europe. The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Socialization of Risky States, in: Security Studies, 1/2002/03, pp. 132-163. Csáky, Pál, Experiences from Co-Operating with the OSCE HCNM: The Case of the Slovak Republic, in: International Journal on Minority & Group Rights 1/2001, pp. 21-22. Czapliński, Marcin, Conflict Prevention and the Issue of Higher Education in the Mother Tongue: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia, in: Security and Human Rights 4/2008, pp. 260-272. Czapliński, Marcin, The University, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 265-270. Czymmeck, Anja/Kristina Viciska, Ein Zukunftsmodell für multiethnisches Zusammenleben? Bilanz nach zehn Jahren Ohrid-Rahmenabkommen in Mazedonien, in: KAS Auslandsinformationen 11/2011, pp. 75-93. Dalton, R., The Role of the OSCE, in: Hugh Miall (ed.), Minority Rights in Europe: the Scope for Transnational Regime, London 1994, pp. 99-111. Dam, M. ten/M. van Tilborg, The OSCE and the Protection of Minorities, in: Merkourios 44/1994, pp. 18-23. Danihel, Vincent, Die Roma in der Slowakei – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 2000, Baden-Baden 2000, pp. 289-298. Danihel, Vincent, The Roma in Slovakia – Past, Present and Future, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 2000, Baden-Baden 2001, pp. 271-280. De Fonblanque, John, Integrating Minorities and Migrants, in: Helsinki Monitor 4/2006, pp. 337-343. Dean, Jonathan, Der OSZE-Verhaltenskodex – eine gute Idee, unvollkommen ausgeführt, ungenügend nachbereitet, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 1996, Baden-Baden 1996, pp. 309-318. Decaux, Emmanuel, Minorités nationales et droits culturels, in: OSCE/ODIHR Bulletin 2/1993, pp. 6-11. Dijk, Pieter van, Four Legs of a Giant, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 181-182. Dimitrijević, Vojin, Max van der Stoel – A Paradigm, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 231-232. Draper, Matthew E., The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: June 2002 - June 2003, in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 2, 2002/3, The Hague 2003, pp. 475-491. Drzewicki, Krzysztof, The Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Public Life: Five Years After and More Years Ahead, in: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2- 3/2005, pp. 123-131. Drzewicki, Krzysztof, Introducing Recommendations on Policing im Multi-Ethnic Societies – a New Tool for the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Helsinki Monitor 2/2006, pp. 175-183. Drzewicki, Krzysztof, The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities – Confronting Traditional and Emerging Challenges, in: Stanisław Parzymies (ed.), OSCE and Minorities, Warsaw 2007, pp. 14-17. Drzewicki, Krysztof, Framework Convention as a Pan-European Instrument. A Perspective of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Annelies Verstichel/André Alen/Bruno De Witte/Paul Lemmens (eds), The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: A Useful Pan-European Instrument?, Antwerp 2008, pp. 215-229. Drzewicki, Krysztof, National Minority Issues and the EU Reform Treaty. A Perspective of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Security and Human Rights 2/2008, pp. 137-146. Drzewicki, Krzysztof, Advisability and Feasibility of Establishing a Complaints Mechanism for Minority Rights, in: Security and Human Rights 2/2010, pp. 93-107. Drzewicki, Krzysztof, OSCE Lund Recommendations in the Practice of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: Marc Weller/Katherine Nobbs (eds), Political Participation of Minorities, Oxford 2010, pp. 256-285. Drzewicki, Krzysztof/Vincent de Graaf, The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: July 2004 - June 2005, in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 4, 2004/5, Leiden 2006, pp. 595-613. Drzewicki, Krzysztof/Vincent de Graaf, The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (July 2005 - June 2006), in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 5, 2005/6, Leiden 2007, pp. 315-337. Drzewicki, Krzysztof/Vincent de Graaf, The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (July 2006 - December 2007), in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 6, 2006/07, Leiden 2008, pp. 435-459. Drzewicki, Krzysztof/Vincent de Graaf, The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: January 2008 to December 2008, in: Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 7, 2007/08, Leiden 2010, pp. 559-585. Drzewicki, Krzysztof/Vincent de Graaf, The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: January 2009 to December 2009, in: Sia Åkermark/Arie Bloed/Rainer Hofmann/Joseph Marko/James Mayall/John Packer/Marc Weller (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 8, 2009, Leiden 2011, pp. 617-641. Edwards, G., Early Warning and Preventive Diplomacy: The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: RUSI Journal 5/1996, pp. 42-46. Eide, Asbjørn, The Oslo Recommendations Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National Minorities: An Overview, in: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 3/1999, pp. 319-328. Eide, Asbjørn, Cooperation with and Learning from Max van der Stoel, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 295-298. Eide, Kai, Special Meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 22 June 2001, in Honour of the High Commissioner on National Minorities, H.E. Max van der Stoel, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 311-313. Eiff, Hansjörg, Autonomie als Konfliktbewältigung und des Minderheitenschutzes im Rahmen der OSZE, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 1998, Baden-Baden 1998, pp. 255-264. Eiff, Hansjörg, Autonomy as a Method of Conflict Management and Protection of Minorities within the OSCE Framework, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 1998, Baden-Baden 1999, pp. 233-241. Eschment, Beate, From Interethnic Harmony to National Unity? 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Feldman, Gregory, Stabilizing Estonia: The International Dimension of State Security and Ethnic Integration Policy, in: Demokratizatsiya 4/2003, 12 pp. Feldman, Gregory, Essential Crises: A Performative Approach to Migrants, Minorities, and the European Nation-State, in: Anthropological Quarterly 1/2005, pp. 213-246. Friberg, Erik/Halida Nasic, The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, in: European Centre for Minority Issues (ed.), Institutions for the Management of Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe, Strasbourg 2008, pp. 13-51. Furrer, Hans-Peter, A Model of Cooperation, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2011, pp. 233-236. Gábor, Ján, Minorites in Europe: Special Standards for the Balkans?, in: Review of International Affairs, 1078-1104/1999-2001, pp. 24-26. 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Ghébali, Victor-Yves, La CSCE et la question des minorités, in: André Liebich/André Reszler (eds), L’Europe centrale et ses minorités: Vers une solution européenne?, Paris 1993, pp. 51-72. Ghébali, Victor-Yves, La question des minorités nationales à la lumière du Pacte de stabilité en Europe, in: Le Trimestre du monde 28/1994, pp. 107-122. Ghébali, Victor-Yves, L’approche de l’OSCE par la diplomatie préventive, in: Victor-Yves Ghebali (ed.), L’OSCE dans l’Europe post-communiste, 1990-1996 - Vers une identité paneuropéenne de sécurité, Bruxelles 1996, pp. 522-547. Ghébali, Victor-Yves, Ethnicity in International Conflicts: Revisiting an Elusive Issue, in: Kurt R. Spilmann/Andreas Wenger (eds), Toward the 21st Century: Trends in Post-Cold War International Security Policy, Bern 1999, pp. 253-266. 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