AUG 4-14

@rvcstarlighttheatre @rvc_starlight BOX OFFICE 815.921.2160 @rvcstarlight @rvcstarlighttheatre RVCStarlight.com 1 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS

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2 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS FROM THE DIRECTOR This was a tough one! Not this show, per se, this was a fun adventure, but this season. Wow! We started this season on a path we couldn’t see, wearing masks and distancing. We were told by the powers that be in December that we should probably cancel Starlight AGAIN because of Covid. We converted the season to a drive-in (which would have taken place in parking lot 1), chose new shows for the drive-in (the ones you are witnessing), but were rerouted in March right back here at the Bengt Sjostrom Theatre! So, as far as this adventure is concerned...we got a late start. But that is not at all an indication of what you’re going to see! This is the first show that I have directed twice; the first time being with middle schoolers from the CAPA program over at West Middle School. It is a very fond memory, but the production was, quite obviously, much different than the one you’re about to see, though I am still fortunately with Brandon Mechler, who designed the set for me in 2014 and is Technical Director here and now. One of the most memorable aspects of the middle school production, however, was that Queen Aggravain was played by the incomparable Shyna Marizeliz Janét Cruz, who left us and this world much too soon. I have often thought about her throughout this process, and her fellow classmates, especially those who were in my first sixth grade class like she was. Some of them are out here participating in Starlight even this year, for which I feel exceedingly fortunate. I know Janét would agree. This cast has worked HARD. The dance, choreographed by the talented Hannah Sleger, and the music, directed by Mark Miller are difficult, but they have risen to the challenge. The show, written in the 1950s, can sometimes be a struggle to put together in these times with modern sensibilities and attention spans, but this cast has EXPLORED in order to create fresh, truthful characters that honor the show, but bring about a modern truth to the whole thing. I can’t mention this show without flexing that Carmen Turner’s second set design with us here at Starlight is thrilling! She has been a joy to work with. While Brandon and the crew have had an ordeal to make this and all of the shows work within this time crunch, they have also created pieces here that are a-typical for starlight, showing their carpentry prowess along the way! The costumes designed by Alex are stunning, and their creation by Bethany, Vickie, and the team is a work of art in itself! We’re excited, grateful, and humbled to have you with us here tonight (or today, “Hi, Matinee audience!). We have a new sound system for you to hear, a new parking lot to make your walk a bit easier, and new rigging to spruce up the place! So, sit back, take a look around, and breathe in this fresh, Starlight air; we’ve got a show for you now, and a season for you later! We have never felt so excited to say, “Welcome to Starlight”!

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Music by by Based on a ConceptionLyrics of JEROMEby ROBBINS MARY RODGERS MARSHALL BARER Book by JAY THOMPSON, DEAN FULLER & MARSHALL BARER In the Bengt Sjostrom Theatre August 4 - 14, 2021 at 8 p.m., August 7, 2021 at 2 p.m.

Associate Producers...... Tim & Cathy Martin, Linda & Jaxon Oshita Producer & Direction by...... Christopher D. Brady Choreography by...... Hannah Sleger Music Direction by...... Mark Miller Assistant Direction by...... Theresa Garner Scenic Design by...... Carmen Turner Costume Design by...... Alex Christopher McIntyre Lighting Design by...... Jim McDowell Sound Design by...... Cierra Conrad Technical Direction by...... Brandon Mechler Stage Management by...... Mary Peterson

ONCE UPON A MATTRESS is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals www.concordtheatricals.com 5 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS SYNOPSIS

ACT ONE A fictional medieval kingdom is ruled by the devious Queen Aggravain and the mute King Sextimus the Silent. King Sextimus suffers from a curse that can only be reversed “when the mouse devours the hawk.” The Minstrel sings of (“Many Moons Ago”), but reveals the story to be fake, though he knows the true tale because he was there when it happened. The princess in the story is not the first princess tested to see if she is worthy of marrying Prince Dauntless the Drab—she is the thirteenth princess. The day the Minstrel arrives, the Queen, alongside her confidante, the Wizard, is testing Princess #12 with an unfair quiz. To the Queen’s delight, the princess misses the last question: “What was the middle name of the daughter-in-law of the best friend of the blacksmith who forged the sword that killed the Beast?” and is given a rubber chicken by Sir Studley. The populace of the castle complains about an unjust law levied by Queen Aggravain: “Throughout the land no one may wed, ‘till Dauntless shares his wedding bed.” However, every petitioning princess is sent away after failing unfair tests devised by the Queen. It seems that no one is good enough to marry Prince Dauntless (“An Opening for A Princess”). The crisis escalates when the leading knight of the realm, Sir Harry, discovers that his girlfriend, Lady Larken, is pregnant. Though Lady Larken says that she will run away so he will never have to face embarrassment and the loss of his station, Sir Harry “decides” (with help from Larken) that he will set out to find a princess himself (“In a Little While”). He petitions the Queen who immediately says no, but when Dauntless manages to speak up and beg, she gives in. The Minstrel tells us that in the original story, the princess arrived at the castle on a stormy night (Many Moons Ago - Reprise), but it is not night at all-and the princess only looked as though she went through a storm. Princess Winnifred the Woebegone, a brash and unrefined princess from the marshlands, was so eager to arrive that she swam the castle moat. She immediately charms Dauntless, Studley, and the knights and most of the kingdom (“Shy”). However, she also earns the utter loathing of the evil Queen, who vows to stop her. The King discovers Larken’s pregnancy and pantomimes this to his confidantes, the Minstrel and the Jester. He tells them to not say a word, but they both are more worried about the King letting it slip, because even though he’s mute, he can still communicate (“The Minstrel, the Jester, and I”). Later, the Queen, assisted by the Wizard, designs a test for Winnifred based on something they are sure she hasn’t got at all—sensitivity. They will place a tiny pea beneath twenty thick downy mattresses. If Winnifred is unable to sleep due to the pea, then she will be sensitive enough to marry Dauntless (“Sensitivity”). Meanwhile, Winnifred tells Dauntless and the ladies in waiting about her home in the swamp (“The Swamps of Home”) and meets the King, and they immediately like each other. Then, after spilling a vase of flowers, Winnifred is caught cleaning the mess by Lady Larken who mistakes her for a chambermaid. Soon Harry gets mad at Larken for her mistake and they get in a fight. Larken vows that she will run far far away where she will never see him again. The King, the Minstrel and the Jester catch Larken trying to run away, and they try to stop her but in the end decide to help her escape to Normandy (“Normandy”). Later that night, the Queen throws a ball so Winnifred can dance the most exhausting dance in the world, “The Spanish Panic”. The Queen hopes that Winnifred will tire herself, but the plan fails. Winnifred is the last one standing as everyone collapses from exhaustion at the dance’s climax. She asks Dauntless to try to give her a clue as to what the test might be, but he’s not sure. He brings out a huge barbell that one of the princesses was asked to lift, but even he cannot lift it. Winnifred does and Dauntless admits that he loves her. Winnifred mentions that her nickname is Fred and Dauntless sings of his love for her as she practices numerous tasks she might have to do for the test, including singing, dancing, wrestling, acting, playing the Minstrel’s lute, pantomiming and drinking herself unconscious (“Song of Love”)



ACT TWO Later that night the Queen leads the knights and ladies as they carry the twenty mattresses to Fred’s room (“Quiet”), and she catches the Minstrel, the Jester, the King, and Larken (disguised in Dauntless’ clothes) running away. The Minstrel tries to protect Larken by saying he was escaping with Larken against her will. The Queen declares that the Minstrel will be banished by daybreak. Fred and Dauntless study for the test, and Fred convinces Larken to fix things with Harry. Larken leaves to find Harry, Dauntless bids Fred goodnight, and now she is left alone. While studying a fairytale, she complains about how other fairy tale princesses had it easy and how she wants to live happily ever after (“Happily Ever After”), but her Happily Ever After is something that she needs to accomplish herself, so she chooses to study for the test that night. King Sextimus has a man to man talk with Dauntless about the birds and the bees completely in pantomime (“Man to Man Talk”). The Jester and Minstrel trick the Wizard into telling them of the test and the Jester reminisces about his father’s dancing days (“Very Soft Shoes”). Sir Harry and Lady Larken run into each other and they confess that their love is stronger than ever (“Yesterday I Loved You”). When Fred is finally ready for bed, the Queen brings in various people, including the Nightingale of Samarkand, to sing her to sleep (“Nightingale Lullaby”) but Winnifred is kept wide awake. It seems that there is some “lump” under the mattresses that is keeping her from relaxing. She starts counting sheep. Dauntless dresses in his finest to see Winnifred pass the test, but the Queen tells him to his great disappointment that the test has already happened and what it was. Dauntless is heartbroken until Winnifred drowsily stumbles into the throne room while still counting sheep. Everyone is ecstatic that Winnifred has passed but the Queen insists that Dauntless shouldn’t throw himself away on Winnifred. Dauntless has had enough of his mother’s attempts to control his life and finally yells, “I told you to shut up!”. The curse on King Sextimus is lifted (the “mouse”- Dauntless, has metaphorically devoured the “hawk”- Queen Aggravain). Aggravain discovers that she cannot talk and the King can, albeit, maybe he shouldn’t, so Dauntless and Winnifred are free to be married. The King forces the Queen to hop, skip, and jump around the room to everyone’s amusement, and with this, she is forced to step down; he also proves that he no longer will be an easy mark in his frivolous games of “tag”. Finally the real reason why Winnifred passed the test is revealed. After learning about the test, the King, Minstrel, and Jester stuffed the mattresses full of pointy items. All the items are removed by the Minstrel & Jester in the finale (“Finale”). After the items are removed Winnifred still has trouble sleeping until Dauntless takes the pea out from under the mattress, when she then falls asleep almost immediately. Everyone, in classic fairy-tale tradition, lives happily ever after.

ABOUT LEOLA ARNOLD Leola Arnold, long-time music teacher and cultural sponsor in our community, died in 1968 leaving her estate to Rock Valley College under the supervision of the Trust Officers of the National Bank. In her will she stipulated that the college shall continue to offer to the community musical activities involving as large a segment of the community as possible. The Leola Arnold Memorial School of Music was established to offer classes and private instruction to students of all ages in the arts. Dance, music, and art classes are offered for students from the age of four years through adulthood. In addition, activities are presented that involved the community. The “Starlight Musicals” are an example of this type of activity.


ACT ONE Overture...... Orchestra Many Moons Ago...... Minstrel An Opening for a Princess...... Prince Dauntless, Lady Larken, Ensemble In a Little While...... Sir Harry, Lady Larken In a Little While (reprise)...... Sir Harry, Lady Larken On a Stormy Night...... Minstrel Shy...... Princess Winnifred, Knights and Ladies The Minstrel, the Jester, and I...... Minstrel, Jester, King Sextimus Sensitivity...... Queen Aggravain, Wizard The Swamps of Home...... Princess Winnifred, Prince Dauntless, Ladies-in-Waiting Normandy...... Minstrel, Jester, Larken, King Sextimus Spanish Panic...... Orchestra, Ensemble Song of Love...... Prince Dauntless, Princess Winnifred, Ensemble

ACT TWO Entr’acte...... Orchestra Quiet...... Queen Aggravain, Ensemble Happily Ever After...... Princess Winnifred Man to Man Talk...... Prince Dauntless, King Sextimus Very Soft Shoes...... Jester Yesterday I Loved You...... Sir Harry, Lady Larken Nightingale Lullaby...... Nightingale of Samarkand Finale...... Prince Dauntless, Princess Winnifred, Queen Aggravain, King Sextimus, Ensemble

8 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS CAST OF CHARACTERS Princess Winnifred the Woebegone...... Evandia Penix Prince Dauntless...... Caleb Queen Aggravain...... Kathy Stevens Minstrel...... Marcus Tobias Jester...... Aaron Henning King Sextimus the Silent...... Jack Hill Lady Larken...... Myriah Saunders Sir Harry...... Andrew Ashley Wizard...... Douglas Rappa Lady Rowena with the laugh...... Faith Hood Lady Lucille...... Ellie Laesch Pantomime Princess/Lady Merrill...... Allison Wilson Pantomime Queen/Lady Beatrice/Emily...... Alexyn Cervantes Princess No. 12/Lady ?/Lady Mabelle...... Emma Gawaran Pantomime Prince/Sir Studley...... Salvatore Mendez Sir Luce...... Guillermo Hernandez Knight #3/Harold...... Josh Ponsones Knight #4...... Nathan Sevey Knight #5/Nightingale of Samarkand...... Kayla Jordan

PIT ORCHESTRA Mark Miller ...... Piano/Conductor Ella Yates ...... Flute Nevagay Abel ...... Clarinet Allison White ...... Bass Clarinet Teresa Walters ...... French Horn Sue Funk ...... French Horn Zach Maine ...... Trumpet Kris Worden ...... Trumpet Christian Rodriguez ...... Trombone Joseph Kriz ...... Guitar Nadia Jensen ...... Keyboard/Harp Sara Leib ...... Violin Marquelle Cnota ...... Violin Salvatore Galluzzo ...... Violin Teresa Wilmot ...... Viola Verónica Soria Martínez ...... Viola Amaya Livingston ...... Cello Alex Johnson ...... Bass George Espino ...... Percussion Nathan Reyes ...... Drum Set

9 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS ONCE UPON A MATTRESS BIOS ANDREW ASHLEY JENNA CHRIST (Sir Harry) This is Andrew’s third (Assistant Stage Manager) season (Not counting the season This is Jenna’s 5th year of theater, that never was) at Starlight, and and second year with starlight. he is so very excited to be back in She has previously been both on the theatre. His previous starlight credits include and backstage with Belvidere High School, and Mamma Mia (ensemble) Madagascar (Marty the was backstage for Starlight’s West Side Story in Zebra) Little Mermaid (ensemble). Andrew is a 2019. She is so very excited and thankful to be BFA major at . back in the space she loves so much surrounded His most recent credit from RU is Legally Blonde by the most talented and loving groups of people. (Warner). Andrew is beyond thankful for the “Enjoy the beautiful show, and stay safe!” opportunity to perform and pursue what he loves, and he wouldn’t be able to do it without his CIERRA CONRAD wonderful and supportive family. (Sound Designer) Cierra is excited to be returning as CHRISTOPHER D. the Sound Designer and Engineer BRADY (Director) at Starlight! Cierra has just Chris is excited to have had the graduated at Bradley University with a Bachelor’s chance to direct this show again in Theatre Production with an emphasis on as this highlights his first time Technical Direction. She is very excited to be back directing a show for the second time! Proud to be for the fabulous 2021 season! Cierra thanks her the Producing Artistic Director here at Starlight, he friends, Hannah, Brent, and fiance Evan for their would like to thank all the wonderful people who never ending support. actually make this stuff happen here, especially all of the terrific volunteers, this beautiful cast and THERESA GARNER crew, stage managers, designers, artists, Hannah, (Assistant Director) Mark, and Brandon. Chris received his education Theresa is thrilled to be able to be from the American Musical and Dramatics Academy involved with such a talented cast in NYC, but most importantly, from all of these on the directing team! It has been dedicated people on and off the stage, his rocking a joy to watch the process as this amazing group of team, and his beautiful wife, Erin Irene, alongside people worked and created something amazing! his fantastic kids, Ophelia and Imogen. We miss This is Theresa’s first time behind the table here at you, Shyna Janet, Ron, David, and Betsy. Starlight, but has most recently been seen as the Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor ALEXYN CERVANTES Dreamcoat, and as Christine Colgate in Dirty (Pantomime Queen/Lady Rotten Scoundrels. Theresa would like to thank Beatrice/Emily) Chris for this opportunity, her husband, Marshall, is thrilled to be a part of her first for being so supportive, and for the cast for all of season with Starlight! She is from their hard work!. Janesville, WI and has been doing theatre for over a decade. Some of her favorite past shows include: EMMA GAWARAN LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (Audrey), BEAUTY & THE (Princess #12, Lady ?/ BEAST (Belle), THE LITTLE MERMAID (Flounder), Lady Mabelle) Emma is INTO THE WOODS (The Witch), and SEUSSICAL: THE excited to be back on stage in MUSICAL (The Cat in the Hat). She would like to Starlight’s production of Once thank the cast and crew for this opportunity and for Upon a Mattress! Her last time on stage was putting on this amazing show! Starlight’s productions of “Anything Goes” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” in 2018. When Emma is not on stage you will likely find her playing video

10 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS ONCE UPON A MATTRESS BIOS games, making music, or working. She would like FAITH HOOD (Lady to thank her friends, family, and boyfriend for all Rowena with the laugh/ their support in her musical endeavors and her busy Winnifred Standby) Faith is schedule. With much love, she hopes you enjoy the so excited to return for her third show! season at Starlight! She is a Theater and Classical Civilizations double major at Loyola GRACE HAHN- University Chicago with minors in Musical Theater VARONA (Assistant Stage and Dance. Most recently, Faith has been seen in Manager) This is Grace’s first the world premier of Sandra Delgado’s The Boys and full season here at Starlight. the Nuns. She would like to thank the incredible They participated in Harlem High directing team and cast for making this such a great School’s theater program throughout high-school, experience! some shows include MASH and Sister Act. They are very excited to be back in in-person theater and KAYLA JORDAN hope you all enjoy the show!! (Knight #5/Nightingale of Samarkand) Kayla is so excited AARON HENNING for her first season at Starlight (Jester) Aaron is ecstatic to be a as an actor! After joining the part of this production. After Covid family on crew, Kayla fell in love with Starlight’s and missing out on the previous atmosphere and can’t wait for you to see the season, he is more than ready to get show! You may recognize her from several shows back to doing what he loves. He wants to thank Chris at Belvidere High School; she has her high school Brady for this wonderful opportunity, and everyone directors to thank for where she is today! Soon to who has supported him along the way. be a UIC Music Business student, Kayla cherishes everything that Starlight has done for her, and GUILLERMO won’t ever forget this experience! Enjoy the show! HERNANDEZ (Sir Luce/ Prince Dauntless Standby) ELLIE LAESCH (Lady Guillermo is weird, strange, and Lucille/Larken Stand-By/ barely an amalgamation of a Dance Captain) This is Ellie’s person. Scared of not only his future but also the ninth summer with Starlight internet and the impending water crisis. Once Upon Theatre and golly gee whiz, is a Mattress will be Guillermo’s third Starlight show. she happy to be back. During quarantine, Ellie You can catch him again this season in Pinkalicious pursued acting in the socially distanced form of as Peter! Dungeons & Dragons. The last show she was seen in was the [usual] Suspects’ Urinetown in 2019 as JACK HILL (King Hope Cladwell. “I hope you all enjoy this pea-utiful Sextimus) Jack is excited to production! Stay safe and socially distanced!” tackle the challenge of this role. He’s been performing with ALEX CHRISTOPHER Starlight since 2007, and is excited MCINTYRE (Costume to be on stage for the first time since then with a Designer) Alex Christopher couple of people he hasn’t done a show with since McIntyre has designed costumes then. He’s excited to share the stage with a former for Starlight and many other student of his, excited to have the opportunity to surrounding area theaters. He is very excited to work again with several others he has done several finally have live productions back and hopes you shows with, and excited to work with Chris again. enjoy the show. Thank you to all the hard working You could say he’s just excited. Maybe Sextimus is a staff and volunteers. good role for him. Thanks and love go out to his wife of over 35 years, his incredibly talented kids, and to you, the audience. Soli Deo Gloria.

11 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS ONCE UPON A MATTRESS BIOS SALVATORE MENDEZ a special shout out to the box office, the costume (Pantomime Prince/Sir shop, and day crew for the ridiculous amount of Studley) Salvatore is extremely hard work they do. She is beyond honored to get to excited about performing in work alongside the incredible creative teams and his first Starlight season. He is casts who build these beautiful shows. She would currently a rising senior at Grand Canyon University not survive without her ASMs, some of the best in where he is majoring in (Finance and Economics). the biz, and the backstage crews. She is so grateful While at GCU he has performed in Henry V for their hard work, understanding and willingness (Orléans) and joined the improv comedy team, the to learn. To her family and friends: Thank you always Cantalopes. for the unending love, support, and caffeine. Last, but the absolute opposite of least, she would like to MARK MILLER (Music thank her grandparents, Bill and Loretto Peterson, Director) Mark Miller is so the most encouraging and kind people the world excited to spend his first “summer has to offer. She feels incredibly honored to learn, under the stars” as the music live, and be loved by them. director of Once Upon a Mattress, complete with a full pit orchestra! He has also JOSHUA PONSONES worked as music director or pianist for shows at (Knight #3/Sir Harold/Harry Timber Lake Playhouse, North Central College, Standby) Josh is so excited to Belvidere HS, and Winnebago HS. Mark has been the return to the stage for his second choral director at Belvidere High School since 2017, summer season at Starlight (third and he has also enjoyed singing with the Nielsen if you count Virtual) and continue to call the stage Chorale. Before moving to Belvidere, Mark spent his second home. He has been previously seen on over a year living near Tegucigalpa, Honduras as a the stage in A Christmas Story (Ensemble), Twelfth volunteer English teacher and caretaker at Nuestros Night (Sea Captain), The Addams Family (Lurch), Pequeños Hermanos. He would like to thank Chris West Side Story (Indio), and A Charlie Brown for this opportunity; his family, friends, and Mychall Christmas (Pigpen). Josh also works in the scene for their consistent love and support; and our shop during the day, building sets and serving looks. incredible cast, pit orchestra, and creative team for Josh is currently transferring from RVC to Rockford placing so much trust in the new guy. University to finish his education with a BFA in Acting/Directing. He would like to give his love to his EVANDIA PENIX family, friends, and everyone involved at Starlight. (Winnifred, the Woe-be- gone) Evandia is a student at DOUGLAS RAPPA (The Rock Valley College and is studying Wizard) Douglas has performed, to be an actress/musician. She has directed & volunteered in local a dream of one day performing on Broadway and on community theaters and murder screen. This is her third season at Starlight and she mystery dinners for almost 20 years. wants to thank the directing team for giving her this Some of his favorite musicals include The Phantom opportunity! She also thanks her family and friends of the Opera, Peter Pan, Spamalot, The Producers, for their constant support! And she thanks everyone The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz & West Side for coming to the show and hopes that you enjoy Story. He is also the recipient of the “Outstanding this amazing master-PEAS! Performance in a Musical” award for his role in BCT’s WINNING entry of Ring of Fire during the 2014 MARY PETERSON Illinois Theatre Association’s State Championship. (Stage Manager) Mary is Douglas would like to thank Jesus, his wife, his grateful to be back for her 7th family, the cast, the crew & all who support year at Starlight. She would like to community theater! God Bless! thank Starlight’s wonderful staff and incredible volunteers who make coming back every summer worthwhile. She would like to give

12 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS ONCE UPON A MATTRESS BIOS MYRIAH SAUNDERS KATHY STEVENS (Lady Larken) Myriah is thrilled (Queen Aggravain) to be performing in her second Kathy is thrilled to be a part of this season with Starlight! She danced unique Starlight season, last seen her way through Shrek and Dirty on this stage in the role of Judas in Rotten Scoundrels in Starlight’s 2018 season, and Jesus Christ Superstar. Kathy has been a part of the has not been on a stage since. In the past Myriah has area arts scene for many years. Her credits include been seen on stage with Christian Youth Theater, work with New American Theater, Clock Tower Christian Life High School, and Gateway Performing Dinner Theatre, soloist with the Rockford Symphony Arts. Shout out to the rest of the Saunders bunch! Orchestra, touring the Midwest as lead singer of the rock band The Torpedoes, Starlight Theatre, NATHAN SEVEY Studio Theatre, dozens of television commercials, (Knight #4) “My name is Nathan and numerous private performances. This one is for Sevey, I am sixteen years old and Percy, Mia, Ben, and Marguerite! so happy to be a part of my first Starlight show. When I am not CALEB STAEHR (Prince doing theater I enjoy running, listening to music, Dauntless) and brain teasers. I would like to thank my parents is the band and choir teacher at for helping me to get to and from practices this year, Rockford Lutheran School and and my acting teacher Mrs. Wolf for all she’s taught principal musician at St. Paul me as well as helping me with my audition.” Lutheran Church in Rockford. Staehr’s background in acting includes serving in such roles as Will Parker HANNAH SLEGER (Oklahoma!), Captain Bluebeard (A Pirate’s Life (Choreographer) for Me), Albert Peterson (Bye Bye Birdie), and Old is ecstatic to be getting back Behrman (The Last Leaf). This is Staehr’s first season into live theatre, creating and with Starlight Theatre, and he is so grateful for the teaching choreography this year. opportunity to re-enter the theater community! This is her ninth production she’s choreographed for Starlight Theatre, as well as choreographing MARCUS TOBIAS (The three productions for RVC’s former Studio Theatre, Minstrel) and numerous other productions for other local Marcus is so excited to be back on theatre groups and high schools in the last 15 years the stage again. He would like to of being a Choreographer in the Rockford area. thank the Production Team for Dance has been a big part of Hannah’s life since she casting him this season, And his family & friends was three years old, and so has Starlight Theatre for their love and support. Let’s have fun cause lord since she’s been twelve years old, making it a home knows we need it. away from home. Hannah extends an immense amount of gratitude to Chris Brady for believing ALLISON WILSON and supporting her abilities, pushing her and (Pantomime Princess/Lady allowing her to grow, and continuously giving her Merrill/Dance Captain) opportunities in many areas, here at Starlight - you Allison Wilson is going to be a are a joy to work with, my friend. That gratitude sophomore at NIU in the fall and also extends to her fellow fabulous production team is studying Biology. This is her 4th season with members - Theresa, Mark, Alex, Mary, Brandon, Starlight! Some of her favorite past credits include Carmen, Jenna, and Grace; her two AMAZING dance Jo in Little Women and Sister Mary Robert in Sister captains - Elle and Allison; and to this outstanding Act, both at Guilford High School. She is so happy to cast of Mattress. She dedicates her work on this finally be coming back to the Starlight stage after production to her late mother, Victoria Sleger - who, a year off (thanks to you know what). She wants to back in 2001, directed Hannah in her high school thank all of her friends, family and everyone who senior year production of Once Upon A Mattress. made this show possible! She hopes you enjoy it!

13 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PIT ORCHESTRA BIOS NEVAGAY ABEL SALVATORE Clarinet GALLUZZO Violin Nevagay is playing in her fifth Salvatore is going into his Junior show at Starlight and thrilled to year at University of Illinois in have the opportunity this year. Urbana Champaign pursuing a She also plays with the Beloit College Concert Major in Biology along with a Minor in Chemistry, and Jazz bands on alto saxophone. Her day job is and a Minor in Business. He is excited to be able to as the VIce President of Engineering at Quantum play in the pit for Once Upon a Mattress, this will Design and head coach of the Auburn High School be his 4th show in the pit and his 2nd time playing Scholastic Bowl Team. Best of luck to all the casts for Once Upon a Mattress, having played it once and crews! through his high school. Enjoy the show!

MARQUELLE CNOTA NADIA JENSEN Violin Keyboard/Harp Marquelle Cnota (Violin) is excited Nadia is a senior at Belvidere to travel back in time to re-visit High School this year. This is her her good friends Prince Dauntless first time being in a show at and Princess Fred on this impromptu summer Starlight and she is excited to have been given the musical journey. It’s been 25 years since she last opportunity to work with so many talented people. visited her comfy seat in their kingdom, and we all know that after the 18 months we’ve just had, it’ll ALEX JOHNSON Bass be nice to catch up with old friends! So sit back and Ya like jazz? Alex does. enjoy our 2021 Happily, Happily, Happily Ever After! GEORGE ESPINO Percussion This is George’s second Starlight JOSEPH KRIZ Guitar show, and he hopes to be part of Joseph Kriz is very happy to have many more in seasons to come! been a part of Starlight orchestras When not in the orchestra pit George can be found since 2008. The jazzy guitar part teaching the great students at West Middle School, for Mattress is fun to play. Joseph playing in the Rockford Wind Ensemble, or having a also plays guitar and bass for church in Beloit, and meal at one of Rockford’s great restaurants. does some recreational flying out of Poplar Grove airport. Thanks Jean! SUE FUNK French Horn Sue Funk graduated from Illinois SARA LEIB Violin State University with a degree in Sara is excited to return to the music education. She worked at pit this summer as she celebrates Interlochen Arts Camp, where she the 50th anniversary of her first was a part of their summer musical programs, and Starlight pit orchestra experience performed in several shows. She has been a music (Oliver!, 1971). Sara has performed in numerous teacher in RPS for over 10 years and is currently musical groups in the Rockford area. She is the Orchestra and Choir teacher at Lincoln Middle currently a member of the Rock Valley College and School. She is the music director for Main Street Community Orchestra and the Rock Valley Summer Players of Boone County, and is excited for their Festival Orchestra. Playing at Starlight has always musical this year, The Sound of Music. This is her been a highlight. She is thankful to all of you and 2nd show with Starlight, and is so happy to be a the many others who have helped this community part of this amazing show! gem sparkle for over a half century.

14 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PIT ORCHESTRA BIOS AMAYA LIVINGSTON, most happy the summers she gets to participate Cello in this gem of Rockford. Lifelong participation in Amaya is a cellist. She has been the arts and in learning offers us a way to connect playing the cello for almost 6 with each other & our community. Thanks to RVC, years. This is her first time playing Starlight, Chris & Mark for making my summer! She in the pit at Starlight. She goes to Rock Valley wishes to thank her husband, who goes above and College and is going for a music major! beyond in his support of her passion…and can often be seen toting her horn. ZACH MAINE Trumpet Zach has been a member of the pit ALLISON WHITE, Bass orchestra since 2014’s The Sound Clarinet of Music and has been in at least Allison is a clarinetist and third one show a year since. A native year music education major at the of Iowa, Zach has been involved in playing music University of Illinois at Urbana- since he was 5 years old. He picked up a trumpet in Champaign. She started playing in pit orchestras 4th grade and the rest is history. You can check out while at Belvidere High School and has performed some arrangements of his on YouTube! in many other orchestras and bands since - most recently with the Rockford Concert Band and the NATHAN REYES Marching Illini! She would like to thank her past Percussion music educators, friends, and family for supporting Nathaniel Reyes is so excited her through her music and higher-education to perform in the Starlight pit journeys. She loves this show and is super excited orchestra for his first time this to be a part of it! year. He is twenty years old, enjoys playing drums for various types of gigs, and likes to go hiking in TERESA WILMOT, Viola his free time. Enjoy the show! Teresa Wilmot first played in the pit in 1977 for The Sound of Music. CHRISTIAN After several years’ intermission in RODRIGUEZ Trombone the 80’s and 90’s she returned for This is Christian Rodriguez’s first Annie in 1999, with her cellist daughter, Erin Dajka. time being a part of Starlight Now a senior citizen, she enjoys working with and a pit. He’s a trombonist at younger players. Belvidere High School. He is very thankful for the chance given to him here, and hopes to continue to KRIS WORDEN, make music in the future. Trumpet Kris Worden began playing VERONICA SORIA- trumpet in 7th grade, with a MARTINEZ Viola primary focus on jazz. He went on Born in Spain and living in to play lead trumpet in the NIU jazz orchestra. Kris Rockford, Veronica enjoys playing is going to school to become a physical therapist, viola and some violin, making and enjoys spending his time researching and learning teaching art, and spending time with her family. new things.

TERESA WALTERS ELLA YATES, Flute French Horn Ella Yates is excited to be a part of RVC offers so many wonderful the pit at Starlight! This is the first programs, gives us many time she’s been in the pit, but she opportunities, and allows us to has been in band through her high participate in great intergenerational programs. school. She’s thrilled to be a part of the return of Starlight is one of those programs, and Teresa is live theatre at Starlight!

15 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS OUR FRIENDS OUR STARS Constellation Roof-Raiser Star Angel Benefactor Patron Sponsor Contributor Supporter $1000 $500+ $200+ $150+ $125+ $100+ $75+ $50+ $25+

Name in program & waived exchange fees

Early access to season & single tickets

Option to purchase a number of season tickets in preferred seating area - 20 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 level determines number of tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets ticket

Invitation for 2 to the Friends’ Reception where the season will be announced

Invitation for 2 to Monday night Technical rehearsals in June

Souvenir show poster signed by cast (show of your choice)

Souvenir show posters signed by casts (all shows)

Invitation for 2 for a special evening artistic discussion with the season director & artistic team

Recognition in program as an Associate Producer for the production of your choice

Invitation to attend selected rehearsals of the play you are helping to produce

16 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS OUR FRIENDS OUR STARS Constellation Roof-Raiser Star Angel Benefactor Patron Sponsor Contributor Supporter $1000 $500+ $200+ $150+ $125+ $100+ $75+ $50+ $25+

Name in program & waived exchange fees

Early access to season & single tickets

Option to purchase a number of season tickets in preferred seating area - 20 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 level determines number of tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets tickets ticket

Invitation for 2 to the Friends’ Reception where the season will be announced

Invitation for 2 to Monday night Technical rehearsals in June

Souvenir show poster signed by cast (show of your choice)

Souvenir show posters signed by casts (all shows)

Invitation for 2 for a special evening artistic discussion with the season director & artistic team

Recognition in program as an Associate Producer for the production of your choice

Invitation to attend selected rehearsals of the play you are helping to produce

17 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS ONCE UPON A MATTRESS CREW Jehona Bexheti • Mychall Cornejo • Adam Hagedorn • Valerie Hagedorn Liam Johnson • Lindsay Johnson • Dominic Reyes Erinn Rossol • Tim Sullivan • Ansonny Valle

STARLIGHT SHAKES Starlight Shakes, building off of the success and thrills of previous years, is now poised to bring you, MacBeth! Gritty, bloody (sometimes), powerful, the story of MacBeth is always thrilling, especially when it’s outdoors in October on the Ray Castle Stage! So bring your chairs, blankets, food, and intrigue for what will surely be one of the most stunning nights of your year! Oh, and this is a “pay what you think it’s worth” event, so no advanced ticket sales are needed!

Save the Date: October 15 - 17, and 22 - 24

18 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PRODUCTION STAFF College President Stage Managers Season Graphic Designer- Dr. Howard Spearman Hannah Greenberg Poster/Cover Design Gentleman’s Guide Aaron Johnson Lily Perez Executive Producer Charlie Brown Ron Geary Mary Peterson VOLUNTEERS Mattress & Little Shop Producer & Director Assistant Directors Katherine Zieman Christopher D. Brady Box Office Manager Charlie Brown Theresa Garner Theresa Garner Guest Director(s) Mattress Richard Raether Box Office Assistants David Zimmerman Gentleman’s Guide Sage Plapp Little Shop Rebecca Jensen Celeste Rodriguez Little Shop Technical Director Katelyn Ackland Brandon Mechler Emma Gawaran Assistant Stage Managers Mary Peterson Scenic Designers Master Carpenter Lily Perez Brandon Mechler Charlie Brown & Little Shop Carmen Turner Hannah Greenberg Carmen Turner Jessica Spencer Gentleman’s Guide & Mattress Set and Prop Construction Autumn Dancy Jehona Bexheti Grace Hahn-Varona Choreographers Hannah Bolstad Jenna Christ Mychall Cornejo Danny Dobrowolski Hannah Bolstad Gentleman’s Guide & Charlie Brown Keelee Shae Noella Bonsol Hannah Sleger Mattress Salvatore Mendez Amanda Jensen Guillermo Hernandez Sound Engineers/Assistants Little Shop Asher Moran Autumn Dancy Joshua Ponsones Hannah Bolstad Music Directors Max Taylor Charlotte Kirschbaum Jodi Beach Gentleman’s Guide Gabrielle Tifft Maddi Smith Lisa Miller Tim Sullivan Charlie Brown Maddi Smith Volunteer Costume Shop Mark Miller Assistants Mattress Charge Artist Barb Coffman Cassandra Johnson Little Shop Hannah Sleger Barb Johansen Full Season Barb Clay Costume Designer Sandy Nice Lady Sound Designer Alex Christopher McIntyre Full Season Cierra Conrad Full Season Volunteer Box Office Assistants Costume Shop Manager Lighting Designers Catherine I. Martin Vicki Benson Jim McDowell Kim Dickinson Gentleman’s Guide & Mattress Costume Shop Assistants Gabrielle Tifft Charlie Brown & Little Shop Volunteer Set and Prop Bethany Nelson - Patterner Construction Toni Baumann - Patterner Master Electrician(s) Tim Martin Emily Compton Bernie Sehr Dori Marsh Gabbrielle Tifft Hannah Bolstad Keizo Osuga Jonathan Lane Matt Thomas White Renee Voegeli

19 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PRODUCTION STAFF BIOS KATELYN ACKLAND (Box Office Artistic Director here at his first theatre home, Assistant) has always been in love with music Starlight. As an actor in almost 90 productions here, and art. Katelyn loves working to touch the lives of Christopher remembers his first show ”Cinderella” people in positive ways. In the Fall, she is excited to (Coachman) and “Western Star” (chorus) quite fondly. begin the Dental Hygiene program at Rock Valley Since his start, however, he studied at the American College and will play clarinet in the NIU Sinfonia. Musical and Dramatics Academy in NYC, and has She is thankful and excited to work with so many performed in NYC, Timberlake Playhouse, Artists kind Starlight theater staff and patrons, and hopes Ensemble, (usual) Suspects, Starlight Shakes, and in that you enjoy the performance! Starlight’s Starlittle Series. Not knowing whether or not there would be a season this year was difficult, VICKI BENSON (Costume Shop but he is truly thankful to be back with you all Manager) “It is great to be writing this to you, sharing the evenings under the stars! Christopher the audience, since for many months we were not would like to give a huge thank you to all of the sure if we would ever see you again! Our reunion of Starlight volunteers and the community of artists costume shop staff actually just occurred in March, here in Rockford; you give our city so much value, 2021 and we are so excited to be back together and to you, the audience, for joining us on these again! In my 7 years, I could never have imagined flights of fancy and expression! Above all, all the that we would be affected so deeply by a pandemic! love he has belongs to his beautiful family, Erin, We are working hard to bring you into this Ophelia, and Imogen. wonderful world of theatre through the costumes you will see before you. We love what we do and we BARB CLAY (Costume Shop Volunteer) hope you will feel that joy through each piece worn Has sewn costumes for schools and theatre in this by the actors on stage!” area for many years. She is excited to be back working with the Starlight costume crew and hopes you enjoy the show JEHONA BEXHETI (Set & Prop Construction) After a year of being gone, Jehona is excited to finally be back and see everyone back BARB COFFMAN (Costume Shop in action. From building to staying up late and Volunteer) This is Varv’s third season and she painting the sets, everything was all worth it in the is thrilled to be back volunteering in the costume end. She hopes you all enjoy the shows, AND THE shop! Barb also enjoys assisting Victoria Benson SETS!! with Rosie’s Birthday Club. She hopes you enjoy this season!

HANNAH BOLSTAD (Master EMILY COMPTON (Costume Shop Electrician/Set & Prop Construction) Assistant) This is Emily’s fourth season at Starlight Hannah is super excited to get back out onto the and she is very excited to be back! She previously theatre scene, after years of being stuck at home. has volunteered doing makeup and is now working She recently started college at Columbia College with costumes as a student worker. She thanks in Chicago, and has since then light designed, and her friends and family for supporting her and assisted on a couple shows there! She is a theatre encouraging her throughout her time at Starlight! lighting technician major and can’t wait to get back into the swing of things with all her friends again here at Starlight! KIM DICKINSON (Volunteer Box Office Assistant) is returning for her fourth year volunteering at Starlight. She will do anything that CHRISTOPHER D. BRADY is needed around the office - except for ticket sales! (Producing Artistic Director) Thanks to everyone for being so nice! A long-time member of the Starlight Theatre family, father and husband to the greatest family imaginable, and hopeful Prius-Dweller, Christopher is honored to continue his tenure as the Producing

20 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PRODUCTION STAFF BIOS DANNY DOBROWOLSKI (Set & She loves hanging out at Starlight with her friends Prop Construction) Danny is back to kick @&% and family and calls this her ultimate summer camp! and dish out good vibes. They’re living it up in the big city but venture back to see all our sweet faces. TIM MARTIN (Set & Prop They’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into building Construction) has been cutting wood and these sets. They hope you enjoy the shows as much hammering nails at Starlight for the past four as they enjoyed building them! years. A retired electrical engineer, he enjoys spending time in the yard and helping his four THERESA GARNER (Box Office granddaughters invest wisely! He is steadily Manager) Theresa Garner is so happy to be able working on his goal of reading a biography for each to serve the Starlight community as the Box Office of the US Presidents. Manager! She loves the opportunity to work with such amazing people and have the chance to get to BRANDON MECHLER (Technical know the patrons and friends of Starlight who have Director) Is excited to be back at Starlight Theatre! made it what it is today. I hope you enjoy the shows! He has been a part of Starlight Theatre since 2007 as a volunteer for stage crew. Since then, he has been EMMA CLAIRE GAWARAN (Box in numerous different roles including Light Board Office Assistant) is excited for her first year in Programmer, Master Carpenter and now Technical the box office! This is her third season at Starlight Director. He would like to thank Chris for this and loves every second of it. Other than the box opportunity and making his first theatre experience office, you can find Emma on stage this season in in 2007 so enjoyable to start him down this career! Once Upon A Mattress and Pinkalicious. She hopes He also wants to thank his wife, Daisy, for being so you enjoy the shows! supportive throughout this journey!

GUILLERMO HERNANDEZ (Set & SALVATORE MENDEZ (Set & Prop Prop Construction) Guillermo is excited to start Construction) Salvatore is thrilled to be a part working on the crew! He is working on his second of the Starlight day crew and has learned a lot in summer at Starlight! You can also see him in Once his first year with the scene shop. Salvatore is also Upon a Mattress and Pinkalicious! performing in two productions this summer and has found it eye-opening to see all the work that JONATHAN LANE (Costume Shop goes into a production behind the scenes to make Assistant) began volunteering at Starlight in 2017 everything aesthetically pleasing. and is excited to start his first season working in the costume shop! He would like to thank his friends ASHER MORAN (Set & Prop and family for being supportive of his creativity. Construction) After a year of solitary confinement with his rats, Asher Moran is happy to DORI MARSH (Costume Shop finish his third year at Starlight. Assistant) Has worked in the costume shop for 4 years and is completing her final semester at BETHANY NELSON (Costume Shop Rock Valley College this fall. ALongside her love for Patterner) is back working her 5th year in the building costumes and creating prosthetics for Shrek: costume shop at Starlight and she couldn’t be more the Musical, in her free time, she digitally designs ecstatic! She is blessed to be doing what she loves stickers! every day and couldn’t do it without Chris, Vickie, Alex, Carmen and her family. Bethany is also thrilled CATHERENE I. MARTIN (Volunteer to be costume designing her first Starlight show - Box Office Assistant) has been a box office PINKALICIOUS! She hopes you are as happy as her that volunteer for the past four (plus) years. She has Starlight is back, and she hopes you enjoy a season been appearing on the Starlight stage since 1993 under the stars! and appeared 2019 in Mamma Mia and Madagascar. 21 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS PRODUCTION STAFF BIOS

SAGE PLAPP (Box Office Assistant) Suspects, Bonzi Productions, and a whole slew of has had a lovely time in the Box Office this season. high school productions. When she’s not spending She’s enjoyed having the chance to work with all time in the shed out back behind the theatre, the wonderful patrons and her coworkers. Her main painting drops, you can find her in rehearsals for this focus right now is on her communications major, season’s Once Upon a Mattress as the choreographer. and she also works as a music reviewer. Her busy life Hannah sends the biggest of gratitude to Brandon has kept her from the stage, but she wants to jump Mechler and Carmen Turner for their continuous back into it soon. and fabulous hard work, and for designing such beautiful sets for her to paint; to the student JOSHUA PONSONES (Set & Prop workers and painting volunteers for making her Construction) Josh is thrilled to return to living life a whole heck of a lot easier; and to her dad, Jon in Starlight’s pit for his third season on stage and in Sleger, for putting a paintbrush in her hand as a kid the shop. He hopes you enjoy his work on the sets, and showing her the ways of scenic painting. as well as his performances in Once Upon a Mattress and Little Shop of Horrors. MADDI SMITH (Set & Prop Construction) Maddi is very excited to be back BERNIE SEHR (Set & Prop for her third season at Starlight! Maddi recently Construction) is back rooting around in the graduated summa cum laude from DePaul basement braving the cold and the heat, polar University with her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism vortex, snow, and rain trying to make lumber fit and minors in History and Sports Communication. together well enough to be turned into beautiful At DePaul, she spent two years as the President and scenes by the artist/painters. 2019 season’s sets Artistic and Technical Director of the DePaul Theatre seemed to fit together and hold up, so they let him Union and as President of the DePaul Acaversity try it again this season. He would like to thank the a capella group. This season, she is A2 for all five rest of the crew for their incredible patience. shows and spends her spare time volunteering (and being a general menace) in the scene shop and is extremely glad to be back at her favorite place with CELESTE RODRIGUEZ (Box Office her favorite people. She would like to thank Chris Assistant) Celeste has had an awesome time and Brandon for welcoming her back again this year working in the Box Office for the last two years! She and all of her Starlight friends that have become has enjoyed working in this type of environment family. because she can be around such creative people! Her recent goals are to continue pursuing her dream of being an x-ray technician, but also being able to TIM SULLIVAN (Set & Prop gain and rent out properties. Her love for the stage Construction) Tim is excited to be back and has never left and she hopes with upcoming shows, helping to make Starlight happen after far too long she’ll be able to be a part of a production again. of a break. He just finished school at the University of Iowa and got his degree in Civil Engineering, but is around to be a part of at least one more summer. KEELEE SHAE (Set & Prop He hopes you enjoy all the shows! Construction) Keelee is happy to be a part of the starlight family and hopes you all enjoy the shows! She is an aspiring artist and you can support her art MAX TAYLOR (Set & Prop on Instagram! @keeleeshae Construction) Max is super excited to be back out at starlight! This will be season 14 for Max, and he would like to thank his mom for always pushing HANNAH SLEGER (Scenic Charge to do more. Artist) Hannah is excited to be back for her sixth(ish) season as Scenic Charge Artist, and to be (Master Electrician/ back at the theatre with a paintbrush in hand after GABRIELLE TIFT Set & Prop Construction) Gabrielle is so this last year. Outside of Starlight Theatre, Hannah excited to be back at Starlight for her fourth season. has painted sets for Artists’ Ensemble, The Usual She just finished her sophomore year at Carthage


College as a Technical-Direction Theatre major RENEE VOEGELI (Volunteer Set & with two minors in Costume Design and Dance. Prop Construction) Renee abandoned Starlight Gabrielle is a member of Alpha Psi Omega, Alpha for the film department but is glad they have been Lambda Delta, and the National Dance Education welcomed back with open arms. They’ve missed Organization. You may have seen some of her their coworkers, building sets and props, and light design work here on the Starlight stage in sawdust in their lungs. They hope you enjoy the CINDERELLA AFTER THE BALL (2018), MADAGASCAR show, and appreciate the pure pound of work it took (2019), and A CHRISTMAS STORY (2019). She would to create! like to thank her friends and family for all their support as well as Chris Brady and Brandon Mechler MATT THOMAS WHITE (Set & Prop for this opportunity. Construction) is delighted to be a part of Starlight’s 54th season and is happily returning for CARMEN TURNER (Master his seventh year as a volunteer. He works backstage Carpenter) Having discovered quickly in her on set designs. Matt would love to thank his youth that being on stage was not the place for her, many friends, family and relatives for their most Carmen is happy to have found a channel for her joyous love and support. Delight is the word. Many creativity behind the scenes at Starlight. She thanks blessings and enjoy the show! her husband and children for their patience with her crazy schedule and finds it weird writing about herself in the third person.

23 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS FRIENDS OF STARLIGHT DONATIONS Donations received as of July 15, 2021 CONSTELLATIONS ($1,000+) ANGELS ($150+) PATRONS ($100+) Rich & Diane Kryzanski Jeff & Kelli Aaby-Stovall The Dooley Family Lyn & Roger Becknell Brent & Susie Bernardi Rob & Lauria Johnson Jim & Carol Cox Mike & Kathy Crandall Jacki Minnihan John & Connie Heins Judy Diehl In Memory of Ralph Allen Johnson Tim & Cathy Martin John & Robin Hovis Anonymous Linda & Jaxon Oshita Dennis & Paula Olson Bill & Kathy Scarpaci Barbara Reams Bill & Peg Reilly Mary Kay and Peter Thomas Keith Syfert & Linda Miller Jim & Sandy Stamm Rod & Ginger Shives Gene & Maggie Anderson Judith Nichols Rita Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Russ Stoneback Donald S. Holt Ward & Judy Haselhorst John Walters Joel & Lynnette Danzl-Tauer Ruthann Gaston Gale Miller In Memory of Jane and Ken Brown BENEFACTORS ($125 Mary Beth Kling ROOF-RAISERS ($500+) John & Anna Borchers Elizabeth Holmertz Dave Mark Armer Swanson Richard Mantello Michael & Nancy Dagefoerde Sue Janson Susan Custer John & Susan DeGuide Deb & Keith Iverson Bev Moore Lois Cannell Ramon William Zartman Robin Roegner Ken & Martha Reinert Jeff & Dawn Barteau Peter Keffer Jeff & April Bold Nancy Atanasoff STARS ($200+) Ron & Lorree Brey Constance Kramer Joanna & Michael Cermak Dale & Kim Dickinson Edward Ladenburger Doug, Jan, & Kristie Clark Robb & Becky Edwards In Memory of Louis & Marcy Trojniar Michael Cyrs--Savant Capital Lee & Lynn Foecking Mel & Shirley Freund Management Dr. & Mrs. Alvin L. Francik Tom and Cathy Huber Ed & Debbie Goelz Sandra Goetz Ron & Barb Jacobson Don & Elaine Johnson Christina Hiltrop John & Beth Johnson Janet & Tim Keating John & Cindy Maville Mr. & Mrs. John Kline David & Beverly Klintworth John & Denise McMorrow In Loving Memory of Betty Mumma Greg & Barb Lee Ray & Jo Marie Paul Barry & Debbie Nelson Cathy & Kevin McDermott In Memory of Lou Suit Duane & Karen Neuendorf Allan & Beverly Merfeld Dolores M. Witte Randy & Deb Schaefer Sam & Deb Overton The Pauli Family Gil & Kathy Schimmoler Jay & Kristine Quinn Rich and Sheryl Silvestrini Joe & Mary Jo Ross The Sinsabaugh Family Florence Sandberg Mr. & Mrs. Barton Wilcox Thomas & Karen Schiller Lee & Gail Zook Brad & Valerie Schreiner The Branom Family Eugene Swanson Jack & Linda Watts Ken & Mary Wolowiec Fred Miller Robbin Nelson Jack & Sue Crandall Charles Lindstrom Dennis and Shawna Bartimmocia Karen Grover



SPONSORS ($75+) CONTRIBUTORS ($50+) SUPPORTERS ($25+) Elizabeth Ward Bill & Marlene Beck Janet & Richard Lundin Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Adams Mike & Marlene Bukowski Anonymous Phil Adkins Gloria Burton Anonymous Terry & Mary Anderson Marilyn Calvin Marge Ransick Judy Barton Christine Estes Jim & Kathy Rasch Rick & Bonnie Barton In Memory of Leonard Friedlander Lawrence M. Bauer Ron Brooks & George Lerret who loved Theatre Linda Carlson Sharon Bullis Tom & Becky Harvey Anonymous In Memory of Richard J. Elliott Larry & Suzanne Hopps Michael & Nancy Driscoll Ann & John Kerwitz Carolyn Luczak Mrs. Ruth Esvang John & Barb Majernik Frank Lyford Chris & Bill Gissal Dietmar and Susan Puetz Daniel L. McCullough Adrian Grubb Bill & Mariann Reilly In Memory of Gene Seele Dick & Carol Knowles Barb & Greg Small Paul & Amy Seiler Charles and Michele Lippert Dr. & Mrs. Brian F. Soltys, D.D.S Bruce & Nancy Shindel Jeanne Long Lorelle & Robert Wandell Sancee Siebold Darlene Riddle Jean & Tom Lenhart Mrs. Ruthie L. Wilson April Rottman Rise & Pierce Barker III Alice Workinger Sherri Rudy Wife “Lee” and son Gary Sullivan Mark & Mary Madaus Judy Schellenberger David and Lori McGirk Loren and Roberta Nielsen Travis Small Linda Busch Gary and Ginny Hunt Karl & Ellen Steiskal Betty Amick Karen Shifo Carl Swanson John & Denise Balsley Mary Welden James & Karen Brei Diana Wiemer John & Anne Ciaccio Mary Horn Don & Shirley Hacker Janice Klimek Dr. Don & Judy Holder Marilyn Rothermel Doris & Ken Motzny Susan Barbian Bob & Sharon Reitsch Janet Rauch Liz & Brent Schultz Ruth Atwood Dr. Brenton B. Soltys, D.D.S. Jessica Bonang Ruth Steffen Ellen Anderson John & Glendia Strandin In Memory of Sandy Connell In Memory of Evelyn Jungerberg Darwin Holzmeyer Lizbeth Whelpley Ardis Bufton Tom & Gail Yanik Don and Deanna Thunberg Anna & Kevin Meenan Bob and Karen Kammer Mr & Mrs. Bradley Ball Stephanie Gorham Linda Kimel Nancy Hoey Anne Preston


1st SEASON - 1967 13th SEASON - 1979 22nd SEASON - 1988 Directed by Directed by Jim Crow Directed by Mike Webb David Meisenholder • West Side Story • Camelot • Finian’s Rainbow • Hello Dolly! • Annie Get Your Gun • 42nd Street 2nd SEASON - 1968 14th SEASON - 1980 Directed by Donald Colucci Directed by Jim Crow 23rdSEASON - 1989 • Patience • Carnival Directed by Mike Webb • Waiting for Godot • Funny Girl • Oliver! • Jesus Christ Superstar 3rd SEASON - 1969 15th SEASON - 1981 Directed by John Pearce Directed by Neil Thackaberry • Anything Goes • Oklahoma! • The Wizard of Oz 24th SEASON - 1990 • H.M.S. Pinafore Directed by Mike Webb 4th SEASON - 1970 Directed by Ted Bacino 16th SEASON - 1982 • The King & I • Man of LaMancha Directed by Dominic Missimi • The Student Prince • Grease • My One and Only 5th SEASON - 1971 Directed by Neil Thackaberry Directed by Ted Bacino 25th SEASON - 1991 • Jacques Brel is Alive & Directed by Mike Webb • Oliver Well & Living in Paris • Fiddler on the Roof • West Side Story • South Pacific • Shenandoah 6th SEASON - 1972 17th SEASON - 1983 • A Chorus Line Directed by Ted Bacino Directed by Dominic Missimi 26th SEASON - 1992 • 1776 • Man of La Mancha • The King and I Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Neil Thackaberry • Hello, Dolly! 7th SEASON - 1973 • Pirates of Penzance • Big River Directed by Ted Bacino • Guys and Dolls • Into the Woods • My Fair Lady 18th SEASON - 1984 • Promises, Promises 27th SEASON - 1993 Directed by Neil Thackaberry Directed by Mike Webb 8th SEASON - 1974 • Carousel • Kiss Me Kate Directed by Ted Bacino • My Fair Lady • Rags • How to Succeed… Directed by Victoria Bussert • City of Angels • No, No Nanette • George M! 28th SEASON - 1994 19th SEASON - 1985 9th SEASON - 1975 Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Directed by Ted Bacino • Meet Me in St. Louis Rod & Ginny MacDonald • Godspell • My Fair Lady • Cabaret • Jesus Christ Superstar • Evita Directed by Thom Sobota 10th SEASON - 1976 • Oklahoma! 29th SEASON - 1995 Directed by Kirk Denmark Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb • Of Thee I Sing • Evita • Seven Brides for Seven • A Little Night Music Brothers 20th SEASON - 1986 Directed by Jim Smith • The New Pirates of Directed by Mike Webb • Once Upon a Mattress Penzance • Barnum • Joseph & the Amazing 11th SEASON - 1977 Directed by Leslie Robins Technicolor Dreamcoat Directed by Jim Crow • Music Man • The Sound of Music Directed by Mike Webb 30th SEASON - 1996 • The Music Man • Fiddler on the Roof Directed by Mike Webb • Bye Bye Birdie 12th SEASON - 1978 21st SEASON - 1987 Directed by Jim Crow Directed by Mike Webb • Pippin • Camelot • Peter Pan • Crazy for You • Showboat • 1776 • Joseph & the Amazing • Candide Technicolor Dreamcoat



31st SEASON - 1997 40th SEASON - 2006 48th SEASON - 2014 Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb • Guys & Dolls • Cats • The Sound of Music • Children of Eden • State Fair • Tintypes • The Sound of Music • Miss Saigon • Honk! • Joseph & the Amazing • Monty Python’s Spamalot 32nd SEASON - 1998 Directed by Mike Webb Technicolor Dreamcoat • Angel • The Secret Garden 41st SEASON - 2007 49th SEASON - 2015 • Cinderella Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb • Western Star • Peter Pan • Mary Poppins • Disney’s Geppetto & Son • The Last Five Years 33rd SEASON - 1999 Directed by Mike Webb • Jekyll & Hyde • Memphis • Annie • Ragtime • Young Frankenstein • Once On the Island 42nd SEASON - 2008 50th SEASON - 2016 • Fiddler on the Roof Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb • Jonah • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 34th SEASON - 2000 Directed by Mike Webb • The Wiz • Jesus Christ Superstar • Godspell • Little Shop of Horrors • The Phantom of the Opera • A Funny Thing Happened • Thoroughly Modern Millie • Children of Eden on the Way to the Forum 43rd SEASON - 2009 51st SEASON - 2017 • Hans Christian Anderson Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Christopher D.Brady • David the King • Disney’s Beauty & the Beast 35th SEASON - 2001 Directed by Mike Webb • Evita • Peter & the Starcatcher • The Music Man • The King and I • Sister Act • Grease • The Producers • Godspell • Rebels 44th SEASON - 2010 52nd SEASON - 2018 Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Christopher D.Brady 36th SEASON - 2002 Directed by Mike Webb • Chicago • Shrek • South Pacific • Aida • Jane Eyre • Honk! • Rent • Dirty Rotten $coundrel$ • 42nd Street • Annie • Anything Goes 45th SEASON - 2011 53rd SEASON - 2019 37th SEASON - 2003 Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Christopher D. Brady • Big River • The Phantom of the Opera • Mamma Mia! • Just So! • After Dark • West Side Story • Children of Eden • The Drowsy Chaperone • Joseph & the Amazing • Hairspray Technicolor Dreamcoat 38th SEASON - 2004 46th SEASON - 2012 Directed by Hannah R. Sleger Directed by Mike Webb • The Addams Family • Showboat Directed by Mike Webb • You’re A Good Man Sweeney Todd 54th SEASON - 2021 • Charlie Brown • Little Women Directed by Richard Raether • Hot Mikado • Into the Woods • A Gentleman’s Guide To Love • Seussical The Musical • 9 to 5 and Murder 47th SEASON - 2013 Directed by Christopher D. Brady 39th SEASON - 2005 • You’re A Good Man Directed by Mike Webb Directed by Mike Webb • Starlight Express Charlie Brown • Oklahoma! • Once Upon A Mattress • • Xanadu Jesus Christ Superstar • Little Shop Of Horrors • Disney’s Beauty & the Beast • The 25th Annual Putnam • Chess County Spelling Bee • Les Misérables

27 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES RECORDING AND Can be checked out from the box office for use TAKING PHOTOS during performances. These are available on a first- Are NOT permitted during the production. Use of come, first-served basis, and are available one hour such devices is a violation of copyright law. Patrons prior to the show. found to be recording will be asked to delete their captures or be escorted from the theatre. REFRESHMENTS Are available in the concession stands on both sides DONATIONS OF OLD CLOTHING of the upper seating section and on the west side AND FURNITURE of the theatre on the lower level. Concessions can Are gratefully accepted by Rock Valley College’s be purchased before the performance and during Theatre Program. Call (815) 921-2160 to arrange a intermission. donation. RESTROOMS COSTUME RENTALS Can be found on both sides of the upper seating The costumes which appear in Starlight Theatre section - women’s on the west side, men’s on the productions are designed and constructed by our east side - and on the west side of the lower level costume shop. They are available for rental at (both). modest fees. Contact Vickie Benson at (815) 921-2167 SMOKING Is not permitted at Rock Valley College except in VOLUNTEERS designated areas. There are no designated areas in Are needed for Starlight Theatre in order for us to the theatre. function! We welcome your help regardless of your skill level. Call us at (815) 921-2160 to put yourself WHEELCHAIR SEATING on a volunteer list or visit our facebook page and Exists in several seating areas of the theatre. Please follow the volunteer link to sign up! notify the box office in advance of the performance so we may better serve you.

BOX OFFICE INFO BOX OFFICE HOURS EXCHANGES 10am - 4pm Tuesday - Friday and one hour before Tickets may be exchanged for a different time of each performance. the same performance. Tickets must be physically returned to the box office a minimum of 24 hours CONTACT before the original performance time. For reservations, call (815) 921-2160. Write: Box Office, Rock Valley College, 3301 N Mulford Rd, GROUP RATES Rockford, IL 61114. Fax to: (815) 921-2169. On- Groups of 20 or more can receive a discount. Contact Line: www.RVCStarlight.com. the Box Office for more information.

TICKETS All seats are reserved. Individual ticket prices are: Adults - $25, Students/Seniors/Teachers/Military/ RVC Employees - $21, and Children - $10.

28 ONCE UPON A MATTRESS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Our success at Starlight Theatre depends heavily on the time our volunteers are willing to commit to the support of our program. We understand how the power of a performance goes beyond the storytelling on stage, and is made greater by the experience you have while you are here. Are you greeted like part of the family? Is the theatre clean and beautiful? Are concessions available with at reasonable prices? We rely on our volunteers, our family, to perform many of these tasks, and they do a tremendous job! Their only reward is a chance to see part of the play, an occasional cup of coffee, an infrequent pat on the back, and the intrinsic reward of being part of a family that has enriched the lives of others. If an opportunity to be a part of our family of volunteers interest you, here are some of the positions and what is involved therein.

HOUSE MANAGERS are responsible for directing the crew of ushers (during Starlight season, they recruit the crew of 12 ushers for the show). They count the ticket stubs and report the count for each performance. They oversee and participate in the post-show cleanup They report any problems to our staff. House Managers arrive an hour before the show, and are usually free to go about twenty minutes after the show ends..

USHERS are responsible for taking tickets from the patrons, distributing programs, helping patrons find their seats, and helping pick up after the performance. Ushers arrive about an hour before the show, and are free to go about twenty minutes after the show.

CONCESSIONAIRES are responsible for preparing the concession stands and food items before the show, selling the food before the show and during intermission, and cleaning the stands after intermission. Concessionaires arrive one or two hours before the show, and are free to leave about twenty minutes after intermission.

BACKSTAGE CREW are responsible for moving set pieces on and off the stage, operating spotlights, and/or flying set pieces in and out

CARPENTERS assist the set construction process during daytime hours and work closely with the Scenic Designer and Technical Director.

BOX OFFICE PERSONNEL are responsible for selling tickets during daytime hours or hours of show. Box office personnel will be trained throughout the year

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our Facebook page and sign up via the link OR call the box office at (815) 921-2160 and have them add you to the list.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS RVC President Dr. Howard Spearman Keizo Osuga Ron Geary Renee Voegeli RVC Board of Trustees Nick Korneski Erin, Ophelia, and Imogen Brady Andrew Blevins State Farm Agent Daisy Mechler Tim & Karla Dorgan John, Henry, Noah, and Iris Turner Belvidere North High School The Amazingly Hard-Working staff All of our volunteers here at here at Starlight Theatre the show around us all! The diligently hard-working staff Janet Kjellstrom here at RVC Mike Thomason Brittany Freiberg & Jeff Hendry the RVC Foundation Dean Coryell RVC Marketing Department All of our Friends of Starlight RVC Mass Comm NAT Legacy Collection RVC POM Staff In memory of Mr. Richard Nordlof RVC IT Staff Catherene Martin Timothy Martin Bernie Sehr Barb Coffman Matt Thomas White

PLEASE HELP KEEP starlight THEATRE BRIGHT! We pride ourselves on offering an affordable theatre experience in a clean environment. In addition, Starlight Theatre is home to many different woodland creatures and garbage can be very harmful to their health. In order to ensure that the theatre is a clean environment, please make sure to dispose of your trash in the proper receptacles throughout the theatre. Thank you for your continued patronage and support!


Savage Gardens: The Carnivorous Plant Display The real and imaginary world of carnivorous plants June 26–NOVEMBER 7, 2021

Explore the captivating world of carnivorous plants! Garden Gate Gift Store Immerse yourself in this unique world, and experience larger-than-life interactive sculptures that will give you a “bug's eye” view of these unique flora. The display features dozens of species, including Venus flytraps, pitcher plants, trumpet plants, butterworts, sundews, and more. Since many carnivorous plants are quite small, there are feature areas to get a close-up view of these amazingly adapted plants. Visit the Garden Gate Gift Store for unique gifts, decor, Regular admission rates apply to this exhibit. Conservatory and carnivorous plant- guests are encouraged to pre-purchase admission tickets prior themed items! to visiting. Shop online at Admission Rates (Residents/Non-Res): Adults ($7/$9); ncggardengate.com Curbside pick-up and Seniors 62+ ($5/$7); Veterans ($5/$7); Ages 5–17 delivery available!* ($5/$7); Ages 3–4 ($3/$4); Ages 2 and under (Free) *Delivery within 5 miles of NCG

To purchase tickets and view events and activities schedule, visit nicholasconservatory.com

nicholasconservatory.com We welcome the opportunity to assist 1354 N 2nd St, Rockford, IL guests with disabilities. Call or text for info. A facility of 815-987-8858





AUG 12-14

Our StarLittle@rvcstarlighttheatre this summer is the tale@rvc_star of Pinkalicious,light who can’t stop eating pink cupcakesBOX despite OFFICE warnings from her parents (what!?)! Her pink indulgence lands her at the doctor’s815.92 office1.216 with 0 pinkititis,@rv ancstarlight affliction that turns her@rvcstarlighttheatre pink from head to toe–a dreamRockValeyCo come truelle forge .edu/Starlightthis pink-loving enthusiast. Alas PINKALICIOUS needs a way out of her pink predicament, and joined by her family, especially her secretly pink-loving brother, Peter, they find unity and appreciation in the quirks that define us all! Enjoy this as a single show with your family or as an addition to your Starlight season. Either way, you will have done it right, as this show is going to be a spectacular adventure for kids from 3 to 103! 32