
Dial SH 1-0010

TOL. 85, NO. 80 Im4 *utr* . Mst4iy tbraoah r. JBtMat Clut.FMttf* RED BANK. N. J., MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1962 MM »» •»* MkuTll l JUUU Otn 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE WeighRecord U.S. Policy Is Of Congress WASHINGTON (AP)-The 87th the administration on three major Congress spattered to adjourn- programs.' ment aver the weekend, signaling Congress supported the presi- the beginning of a political tug dent on his foreign policy re- Firm on Berlin ef W over its, record that will quests. • continue through the Nov. 8 gen- In addition it gave him sub- By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Soviets want their crisis they can for a permanent deputy foreign eral election. • stantially what he asked for in WASHINGTON (AP)-The Unit- have it," he said in a stern radio ministers conference on Berlin During its longest session since the Reciprocal Trade Expansion ed States has assured West Ger- iddress. and German issues. 1951, Congress gave President Act, aid for depressed areas, man- many that it is. determined to Meanwhile, in a television inter- At the same time. Bundy ap- Kennedy part of what he asked, power retraining program, postal maintain the right of civilian as view in the United States (ABC- proved a proposal by Brandt for considerably altered some of his rate and federal employe pay in- well as military access to-West Issues and Answers), McGeorge a referendum to put West Berlin- requests., and completely blankedcreases and increased minimum Berlin against any new Soviet at- Bundy, a • presidential assistant ers on record in favor of keeping wages. tempt to isolate the city. who specialize. s in national secur- Allied troops in the city, calling His incentive tax exemption and U.S. policy on this point is un- Ity affairs, endorsed a proposal it "a very constructive step." Rumson Man strict farm production control derstood to have been stated em- programs were approved in part phatically to West German For- But Congress turned a deaf ear eign Minister Gerhard Schroeder, Hurt in Boat to "administration requests for fed- who began strategy talks with eral* aid to schools and colleges, Secretary of State Dean Rusk Race Mishap health insurance for the aged fi- here Sunday. nanced through higher social se- NIW PARK SITE—Mr. and Mrs. William J. Duncan look over part of thair property Schroeder will be followed to LONG BRANCH — Robert Aus- curity taxes' and establishment Washington Nov. 7 by West Ger- in Holmdel which will form a lection of tha proposed county park. Tha county plans tin, 23, of 39 First St., Rumson, of a department of' urban affairs. man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was admitted to Monmouth Med- The final' week saw Congress to purchase 134 acres of the Longttreet Farm, owned by tha Duncans, and 42 who wants to discuss the Berlin ical Center last night after hav- trying desperately to pass a com- acres owned by Mr: and Mrs. William C. Riker. Both parcals formerly Were part situation with President Kennedy ing been injured in a boat racing paratively few appropriation and in advance of a possible Kennedy mishap earlier in tha day on Lake authorization measures in the face o.f tha 500-acra tract "of land pasted down from generation to generation in Mrs. meeting with Soviet Premier Zoar, Monroe, Conn. of a revived prestige battle be- Duncan's, famijy.. Khrushchev concerning Berlin. ' Mr. Austin, a,welder, was rac- tween the House and Senate. ing his outboard runabout into Sunday, less than'24 hours after New Action the first turn attempting to take both' houses adjourned, the 'Re- Kennedy, Rusk and other West- the lead. His hoat ran.across the publican leaders issued, a state- ern leaders believe that Khrush- bow of the first boat, injuring ment blasting the 87th as a con- chev is planning some new action the driver. Mr. Austin was gress which accomplished little Historical Park which may precipitate a fresh thrown from his own craft and and mismanaged much. Berlin crisis before the end of the Was struck by another outboard Blame Kennedy year. American officials see a following him," '.,-.' In the statement Senate Republi- Tract in Holmdel Is Traced to 1657 50-50 chance that before taking ; The Bumson man suffered cuts my decisive step, however, the can leader Everett M. Dlrksien of HOLMDEL,— One.of the few property, has been passed down The county already has re- of the head and right kneel He Soviet leader may come to the Illinois and his House counterpart, remaining large' tracts of land from generation to generation ceived a tentative pledge from mis treated at Connecticut Com- U.N. General Assembly meeting Charles Halleck of Indiana, placed here is about to become a part in the family of Mrs. Duncan. the state on the funds. munity' Hospital and released, much of the blame on Kennedy. in New York and also confer with of the county's- park system. Current plans, call for the Kennedy in the hope of winning upon' arrival home, he was taken They said Kennedy saddled Con' Sold To Duncans The land has been owned by The land now owned by the park to be open next year. Western concessions on Berlin. to Monmouth Medical Center and gress With too many requests, was admitted. His condition today one family since colonial times. Rikers was sold to them by the A park shelter, ball fields, If the Russians do launch an in- most of which were aimed at parking facilities and a picnic was reported as satisfactory. Plans call for. establishment Duncans a number of years tensified campaign against the "spending more money or concen- area will probably be made The other man injured in the trating more power in the federal of the new park on 134 acres ago. Western position in Berlin, the This land, plus the tract be- available when the park opens. accident was knocked uncon- government" ' of the Longstreet Farm, owned point of attack may well be the PAIR AND FOWL — Although San Franciscans couldn't by Mr. and Mrs. William J. ing kept by both families, was Further improvement of the surface and air lifeline across scious but did not require hos- Whatever else may be said of area is expected to be made use the baseball expression "ducks on the pond" because pitallzation. Like Mr. Austin, he Duncan, and' 34 acres of land part of a 500-acre section pur- East Germany linking the city the 87th, it was the third largest chased from the English Crown over a period of years. was pulled from the water by of- spender in congressional history owned by Mr. and Mrs. William with West Germany..The U.S. pol of foul weather, the fowl in Fair Haven enjoyed a fine ficials and spectators in nearby C. Riker. . . in 1657 by Dirch Stoffelse Long- Park Boundaries icy decision on civilian right of with a total of $10U billion ap- straat. weekend. Shown enjoying it with them' wera Philip boats. • (See CONGRESS, Page 2) The land, including.the Riker The approximate boundaries access, therefore, is considered of Mr. Longstraat migrated from are Longstreet Rd., on the vital importance, for it implies Snouer, 3, left, and William Snouer,. 7,'.sons of Mr. and Holland, . , east, a few hundred feet east that this country and its allies Mrs. James Snouer of 251 Hance Rd., Fair Haven. The of Holmdel, Rd. on the west, Mrs.. Duncan's father, John- have decided they will not toler- weatherman, by the way, promised good weather today athan Holmes, inherited the a point north of Longstreet Rd. ate Communist blockade meas- and Holmdel-Keyport Rd. Junc- for the off-delayed sixth game of the-World Series. Elimin^ Split SessiOitts farm from his aunt, Mary Long- ures. ( • . street. ture on the south and the Riker land «n the north. , , - . 'Mere Recognition To Finish Union Beach School Addition by Dec. 15 Mary Longstreet married Western diplomats say it Is ex- Hendrich Longstreet in 1804. When completed, this" site will pected that the East Germans wif UNION BEACH — So** 730 Mr. Longstrnfrt's father, give the county three parka, shortly Institute some regulation The. .building addition cooslststitttltnd. which used to be part of "The county's first park-Shark •choor students are expected to of ,12 rooms, including two kinder- the playground. Aaron LongjttaW, built the requiring regular diplomatic visas Huge River Park in Wail Township lie Off double sessions by Christ- garten rooms. • home now occupied by the Dun- for civilians crossing East Ger- Need U Acres cans in 1769. —has been open two years. mas. ••;; ; •• ••;•;, .- ; • King- Construction • Co;, Long man terrljory, to the Western sec- Aaron's father was John The county also is purchasini Branch, is the general contrac- He reported that Memorial and tor of Berlin,. This could be con- Construcpbri.,()f:t}iei addition to Longstreet, son of the original the 800-acre state owned tor. Cottage Park schools, which ad- strued as a bid for a greater de Set for Schirra Memorial. School is due to he purchaser of the land from the Swamp area in Freehold Town- According to the architects, join, require a total f July atmosphere.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. At present, only 403 pupils, in title, he said. Total cost of the park site has Education yesterday dedicated trades five through eight, are session Blue Cross Is Police said they were prepared Schirra Sr. of San Diego, Calif., Mr. Evans reported that the been set at $268,000. The county the $277,000 addition to the Park spent a quiet night in the ram- on. regular session. Transfer Pupils Ave. Intermediate School. to handle as many as 80,000 school board and the borough at- hopes to recapture half the cost Hit by Williams persons expected to view a par- bling three-bedroom home of , .Kindergarten pupils have not Cottage Park School pupils in torney are still, investigating ihe of the land through the state's Mayor Frank E." Gibson com- been affected, since they attend kindergarten through the third ade starting in nearby Hacken- Mayor and Mrs. Frederick E. matter. Green Acres program. mended board members foi NEWARK (AP)-Sen. Harrison Wendel. only half a day. grade, and one first grade class building the 11-room addition be- A. Williams Jr., D-N.J., says the sack and winding through here. at Florence Avenue School, will fore the school became over- national Blue Cross association That's 10 times the population The Wendels had moved into •' Revival Meeting be transferred to the new build- crowded, because of increased has turned the question of medi of Oradell, a town just half an a neighbor's home for the night. ing. student enrollments. cal care for the aged into a po- hour's drive from the George A police barricade across the NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - New School's Fate Washington. Bridge that links only road leading to the Wen- That will leave Cottage Park He pointed out that some school litical issue. Fart of the audience attending a del'home and security officers with grades four and five, Flor- districts follow a policy of waiit- Williams told a symposium at North Jersey with New York City cfiurch revival at- the municipal posted in the area assured the ence Avenue with. kindergarten ing until the student body is at- Rutgers Law School Saturday that The 12-man police force was auditorium here last night had Schirras of privacy after their through third grade, Memorial Rests With Voters tending schools on double ses- the national association has bolstered for the day by 130 Na- cold feet — but it was no reflec- arrival here from Newark last with grades five through eight, sions before considering build- placed advertisements "just be- tional Guardmen and 150 state tion-on the sermon. night. and the Memorial addition, kin- RUMSON - The fate of a The board seeks approval to ing program. fore the November election" im- troopers and policemen from Ber- the temperature on the floor of derarten through grade three. - Board of Education proposal raise $395,000 to finance con- They landed at Newark Airport Nathan A. Katz, board presi- plying that Blue Cross has new gen County and surrounding com- ' the auditorium had been lowered Mr. Evans noted that play- to build a primary school here struction of a kindergarten, on a commercial jet from their dent, welcomed the audience who and expanded programs of health munities. . from 72 degrees to 42 degrees in ground space is still a problem, will be determined by the vot- first and second grade school home in Houston, Tex., and were attended the brief outdoor cere- care for the elderly throughout the Schools Closed preparation for an ice rink. since the addition is constructed ers tomorrow. designed by Red Bank architect cheered at' the airport by some mony. country. Schools were closed here and Bernard Kellenyi. The 10-cIass- in New Milford, Emerson and 2,000 greeters. ' c> Architect Albert Mickewright oi Williams called.such ads "politi room facility would be built on Among the dignitaries were the firm Mickewright and Mount- cal propaganda." He said in- River Edge. Hackensack students the Forrestdale School grounds. Gov. and Mrs. Richard J. Hughes, ford presented the keys to the quiries of 33 local Blue Cross were given an extra hour off to Sens,. Harrison A. Williams Jr., The building program has re- new addition to Mrs. Amy B. plans around the nation showed watch the parade, with classes (See SdHIRRA, Page 2) ceived the support of the PTA Zarges, school principal. no such programs available. tarting at 10 a.m. executive committee. At a pub- Joseph V. Summers, superin- lic hearing last week, response tendent of schools, also spoke. from 75 residents was inquisi- The addition, which already i tive, but generally non-commit- in use, houses children in kinder- al. garten to fifth grades. Previous- The primary school plan is ly the school accomodated sixth the Board of Education's eighth grade students. answer to overcrowding in schools here. This year, three classes are being conducted in Cold Comfort the Presbyterian Church and LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) — The two in Bingham Hall. famed, and, yes, sometimes The Rumson-Falr Haven Re- fickle, oracle of the Pennsylvan- gional Board of Education has "a Dutch Country has spoken announced a counter-proposal again, chilling its devotees with to build a regional junior high prophecies of a long, bitter win- school to relieve overcrowding :er. ing at both schools and in Fair Just off the press and ready for Haven. Fair Haven also favors distribution today, the 138th edi- the regional plan, but the local tion of John Baer's Agricultural school board has expressed Almanac gives cold comfort to preference for local control of most of the country from Novem- seventh and eighth graders. ber to April. Its predictions are The polls will be open from for a seldom-broken season of 4 to 9 p.m. Voting will be in cold. waves, storms and snow- Forrestdale School. balls.

9 IODY FOUND —Tha body, believed to be that of Stephen Latch, 27; of 50 Tindall Today 8 Index Rd., Middlatown, is carried on a stretcher off a boat at Atlantic Highlands municipal Page Page harbor Saturday after it wai found during grappling operations near, tha harbor Adam and Eve . g Editorials ... .._... f Herbtock ...... f breakwater. Helping remove stretcher is, left to right, Elmer Gawler assisted by Allen-Scott -.._• < Movie Timetable ..... IS Amusements ..__ _i..H an unidentified member of the state Shall Fisheries Division, William Posten and Obituaries ..._._ 2 fa.- Trooper Robert Moffat. At rear is Trooper William Harrison. The bo|y of John Births __ 2 Sylvia Porter • Jim Bishop RESCUE ITEM — The Red Bank First Aid and Reieue Squad* yesterday held opart Horan, 56, of Jersey City, Mr. Latch's /fathers-law, still has not ba*n recovered. Television . IS Hal Boyle _.__.. 4 George SokoUky « house to mark the end of a three-year fund drive to help'pay for its new headquar» The pair were believed drowned last Sunday near the harbor area. Thair 12-foot Bridge _...M Sports .12-14 tars. John Higgins, left, chairman of the building fund, demonstrates the rescue lin« Classified (autboard was recovered Thursday- They war* taking their, boat from the harbor —17 Stock Market .._ 1 gun to William Bradley of Colts Neck, second from left, tnd William Lake of Red to Ljjtpnardo. '.' •"- "'^ ?'. '..- i •'.'.'••'''." ." /'..:••;.;,:.''. .•••• Comics r.__ .—M Successful Investing „. 3 : 1 Crossword Puzzle Women's News ... fynk. A* right is Frank Lovenidge, squad president. . - y ' ' ' 1 BED BANK REGISTER ' 2-Monday. October 15, 19621 Seven Die in N.L OBITUAR JAMES L. LAMBEBT GABRIEL EDVY MRS. CLYDE T. JONES * KEANSBURG — James Leslie WEST LONG BRANCH — Ga- NORFOLK, Va. ~- Mrs. MiUi- Weekend Accidents Lambert, 78, of 1241 Raritan Rd., briel Edvy, 78, of 10 Sherman cent Margaret Jones, 53, died Fri. Scotch Plains, died Friday at the Ave. died yesterday at bis home. day in Norfolk General Hospital. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Edward Hawkins, 32, of South home of his' daughter, Mrs. Mr. Edvy formerly operated a Mrs. Jones was a medical tech- Accidents claimed the lives of •armingdale, N.Y. Charles H. Thomas, 112 Ramsey firm that manufactured jitneys, nician at Lee Municipal Hos- •even persons in New Jersey over Newark—Lawrence M. Fanning, ve. He had been visiting here. wooden vehicles that were the pital. She had formerly been a the weekend, 79, of Old Bridge, was killed Fri- Mr. Lambert was born in 'orerunner of the present day medical technician for Dr. L. • Five died . in traffic accidents lay night when he was struck by Scotch Plain* and had lived there metal constructed bus. F. Albright, Spring Lake. and a fireman and a man he was car in a hit-and-run accident 55 years. He wu a retired mail Born in Edvy, Hungary, a Surviving are her husband, trying to rescue perished in a it McCarter Highway and Com- carrier. He had worked in the small community that bore his Clyde T. Jones; her mother, Dr. fire. merce Street. Another motorist Plainfield Post Office for 40 Family name, Mr. Edvy came to Margaret T. Underbill of Man- The victims: told police he was stopped for a years. For eight years, after this country in the early 1900's. asquan; four daughters, Mrs.- M. Dunellen—Michael Smith, 69, of traffic light when a car sped by leaving the post office, he had Settling on the West coast, he .. Hassier of Los Angeles, Mrs. Plainfield, was fatally injured 'iim and struck an object about worked as a guard at the Plain- narrowly escaped death in April, . E. Redd of Norfolfc Mri, tonis Sunday night when he was struck block away and continued on. field Trust Co. He left that post .906, during the San Fancisco Ostrawski of Ambridge, Fajf «nd by a car as he was crossing 'anning's body was found in the earthquake. Mrs. Herbert Jarvis (^.Matthews, North Avenue. crosswalk. He is a member of the Plain- He later moved to West End, Va.; 10 grandchildrejJ, and an He was taken to Muhlenberg field Old Guard and the Retired Long Branch, where he operated uncle, Frank A. Taylor of Brittle. Hospital, Plainfield, where he Letter Carriers Association. a small / manufacturing plant Services will be held at 2 o'clock died about an hour later. Police Board OKs Surviving also are two sons, which constructed ambulance and this afternoon at the Robert C said the car was operated, by 1 Kenneth C. Lambert of Bronx, bus bodies for the Reo Motor Co. Neary Funeral Home, Manas- Thomas W. Warner, 46, of Plain- ANNUAL DINNER—EmmeH Cherne, second , from right, outgoing commander of the N.Y., and Alden L Lambert of Following a fire in August, 1921, quan. Rev. P. Richard Comer, of field. Variance For Middletown Veterans of Foreign Wan, w*» honored last .night at the annual Patt Port Monmouth, and two other which destroyed the premises and the Manasquan Methodist Church, Cape May-Matthew Ftairiker, Commander't dinner sponsored by trie post. Congratulating Mr. Cherne for his ef- daughters, Mrs. Aldon Vail of 'our vehicles, Mr. Edvy organized will officiate. Burial will be in 10, of Morton, Pa., was killed Dunellen, and Mrs. Edward A. the G. Edvy Construction Co., Greenwood Cemetery, Brielle. Saturday night when his bicycle Paint Store forts is Robert D. Harris, post commander. Looking oh at left it Charles E. Kinney, Traphagen of South Plainfield; a which for a number of years was.struck by a car. The driver RARITAN TOWNSHIP - With national councilman from New Jersey, and at right, Arthur R. Morin, New Jersey brother, Percy Lambert of Flori- built houses in this area. He re- FRANK BROWN of the car, Mrs. Maud Samson, favorable reaction from • the da; two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Mc- VFW commander. . •' tired after a second fire des- ASBURY PARK — Frank ' 46, was seriously injured and 'tanning Board, the Zoning Celland of Glendate, Calif., and troyed the firm in Sept: 1958, lo- Brown, 50, of 1708 Fourth Ave. Matthew's brother, Daniel, 9, was Joard of Adjustment Thursday Mrs. Edward BeUhanty of High- cated then on Warbuton Pi. hospitalized overnight light recommended approval. of land, Ind.; eight, grandchildren, died Friday in Fitkin Hospital. Mr. Edvy was a member of Mr. Brown was born in this The Ftairiker family has a sum- variance for AzzoJina Land and five great-grandchildren. Weather Hope Seen the Long Branch Lodge of Elks city. Foj; 32 years be was assocl- mer home here. ;orp., Middletown, to use an The funeral service will be neld New Jersey — Mostly sunnj and was. an honorary member of|ated wit' Freda's Italian Res- Mrs. Samson lost control of her •xisting building on Palmer Ave. with some variable cloudiness at the Memorial Funeral Home. the Atlantic Fire Company, Long as a retail paint outlet. In Solving Plainfield, today at 1:30 p.m taurant Cocktail Lounge car after hitting the bicycle, ac- and mild today, high 70 to 75. Branch. here. He cording to police. The car struck Final action on the variance MONMOUTH Burial will be in Hillside Ceme- as a communicant of Fair tonight, low SO to 55. Tues Surviving are Ms wife, Mrs. Holy Spiri ithoiifc Church, a tree and the steering wheel request Is up to the Township day fair and warmer, high in the MEDICAL CENTER tery, Plainfield.' Congo Issue Mary KelUar Edvy, and a daugh- Survi are his wife, Mrs. broke and went into Mrs. Sam- Committee. the middle to Long Branch NEW YORK (AP) — Adlai E. ter, Miss Elizabeth Edvy, both Rose Trdese Brown; three son's stomach. She was taken to The application for the non-con' upper 70s. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matches, HENRICK KLIMKEIT Stevenson,' U.S. Ambassador to of this place. daughters, Miss Elizabeth Ann Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospi- brming -use was referred by the \ MARINE Jr., R.D. 2, Neptune, son, today, JACKSON TOWNSHIP - Hen- the United Nations, has told Pres Services will be held at 2 p.m Brown, Miss Camille F. Brown tal, Cape May Court House, in toning Board to the Planning Cape May to Mr. and Mrs. James DesBlens, rick Klimkeit, 54, of RD 3, died ident Kennedy that developments Wednesday at the John W. Flock and Miss Frederica Brown/all at serious condition. 3oard last month for study and Block Island- 10-A Rogers St., Highlands Friday at Fltkin Hospital, Nep- of the past few days "give us Funeral Home. Rev. Robert W. |home; three sisters, Mrs. Freda Young Matthew was pronounced ecommendatlon. Variable winds daughter, today. tune. some hope of a solution of the Oswald, pastor of the Lutheran Aldarelli of Loch Arbour, Mrs. dead at the scene. His brother, In recommending approval of today and to- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Connor, Mr. Klimkeit was a carpenter, problems in the Congo."\ Church of the Reformation, will Lena Annecharico of Miami, Fla., who was riding on the handle- he variance, the Plannihg Board night 10 knots 61 • Reynolds Dr., Eatontown, and was a member of the Grace Stevenson said Sunday' night, officiate, Burial will be in Wood- and Mrs. Florence Ziporo of Ea- bars, was released from the hos- jointed out the building is in or less most- daughter, yesterday. Lutheran Church, Freehold. after an hour-long conference with bine Cemetery, Oceanport. tontown, and three brothers, pital Sunday. what constitutes a small neigh ly northeaster- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burges There are no immediate survi- the President in the latter's hotel James F. Brown and Albert R. Newark—A- 29-year-old fireman, jorhood shopping center and the 1-y northern 33 Madison Ave., Long Branch, ors. suite here, that he also spoke with JOSEPH FORNAROTTO Brown of this city and Joseph Salvatore Vacca, and a man he :haracter of the area was estab- areas "this son, yesterday. Services will be conducted to- Kennedy about the Cuban prob- LONG BRANCH - Joseph For- H. Brown of Deal. was trying to rescue, Charles Lee, ished before the adoption of a morning with . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tracy, 35 morrow in the W. H. Freeman ;m. . narotto, 73, of 701 Broad St. died 33, died Saturday in a fire in the zoning ordinance. local on shore winds this after- Washington Ave., Atlantic High and son Funeral Home, Freehold. Funeral services will be held Asked if his report on the Com- Saturday at his home after a long three-story frame building where The planners recommended the noon. South to southeast winds ands, son, yesterday. Rev. O. Robert Oberkehr, pas- tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at the munist-dominated Fidel Castro^ illness. Lee lived. Vacca's body was found ipplicant be required to make about five miles except lower Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, tor of Grace Lutheran Church Francioni, Taylor and Lopez government was as optimistic as Mr. Fornarotto was born in on a stairway leading to the top he building more attractive by early Tuesday morning. Fair Dow Ave., Oakhurst, son, yes- will officiate. Burial will be in Funeral Home followed by a high the one he made on the Congo, Italy and came to this country 65 floor. Deputy Fire Chief Vincent minting it and landscaping the weather through Tuesday. terday. Maplewood Cemetery, Freehold. requiem mass at 10 o'clock at the ambassador replied: 1 years ago. He had lived in this J. Kelly said Vacca apparently immediate area. EXTENDED FORECAST Mr. and Mrs. Norton Smith, I Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cath- The Zoning Board also stipu- In eastern Pennsylvania, south' "On, the whole,. yes. I think we Washington Ave., Leonardo, son city 39 years. He was a retired olic Church. Burial will be in Mt. had been trying to reach Lee in have a high degree of solidarity laborer. a third floor rom when he was lated that the business be limited eastern New York, Connecticut Saturday. Calvary Cemetery, Neptune. o the sale of paint and ruled and New Jersey, temperatures in the Western Hemisphere on the Mr. and Mrs. Alfanso Cicero, Post Office Surviving are his wife, Mrs overcome. Cuban problem." here could be only one facade during the five-day period Tues- 20 Maplewood Dr., New Mon- Maggie F. Fornarotto; a son JOSEPH J. MALONEY Lee was found dead in his room. But he said he had not talked Nicholas Fornarotto, this place; Police said he apparently suffo- ilgn. Free standing signs were day through Saturday are ex- mouth, daughter, Saturday. inhibited by the board. with Kennedy about attempts to Facilities a daughter, Miss Marie Fornarot- KEANSBURG — Joseph J. Ma. cated. Nine other persons in the pected to average seven degrees Mr. and Mrs. Billy McLeod, looey, 67, of 60 Morningside Ave., The board reserved decision on above normal. Rising tempera- negotiate the release of Cuban in- R.D. 3, Freehold, son, Saturday. to, at home; a brother, Angelo building escaped injury. Cause of vasion captives because he, Stev- Fornarotto of Union; a sister, died Friday in Monmouth Medi- the blaze was not Immediately de- request by William Hill, 443 ture trend Tuesday and, Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rescig- Approved cal Center. diddle Rd., to allow the renting enson, knew nothing about it. Miss Rose Fornarotto of Bloom- termined. Vacca leaves a w 1 f e day with more seasonable tem- no, 263 Poole Ave., Long Branch, HOLMDEL — Temporary pos- Born in New York City, he had if a portion of an existing store Regarding the Congo, Stevenson field, and two'grandchildren. and two young sons. j)eratures during the remainder of win sons, Friday. tal facilities in Holmdel Village lived here seven years. „ 5 a barber shop. the period. ndlcated he expects acting U.N. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rose, are expected to be placed in oper- Services will be tomorrow at FrankllnvUle—Mrs. Merle Har- Secretary-General U Thant to an- He was retired, having been ris, 71, was killed and her hus- Mr. Hill previously had been TIDES 23 Pear St., New Shrewsbury, ation in about three months. 9:30 a.m. from the Damiano Fu- lounce soon what has been done neral Home, to Holy Trinity Cath employed in the advertising de- band Lawrence, F., 70, of Green- granted a variance to expand (Sandy Hook) daughter, Friday. The Post Office Department :o bring secessionist Katanga olic Church, where a solomn high partment of International Busi- wich, was critically injured Satur- iis delicatessen, but last night Today — High 10:12 p.m. and Mr. and Mrs. Hedding P. Rich- has accepted the bid of the Holm- rovince back Into line with the requiem mass will be offered ai ness Machines. He served in day when their car collided with »ld the board the anticipated in- low 4:16 p.m. er, 1207 Opdyke Ave., Wanamas- del Fire Company, to lease space :entral Leopoldville government. 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in Mt. World War I. He was a member another auto at the intersection xease of business failed to ma- Tuesday — High 10; 33 a.m. sa, son, Friday. in the unit's new building for a Earlier, Stevenson told report- Carmel Cemetery. of St. Ann's Catholic Church. of Coles Mill and Willlamstown terialize and he now is seeking and 11:03 p.m., and low 4:24 Mr. and Mrs. John Clancy, 26 two-year period at a cost of $3, permission to rent the addition as ers at Idlewild Airport, where he Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Roads. State police said Harris a.m. and 5:04 p.m. Navesink Ave., Highlands, son, 300 annually. Grace Owens Maloney; a daugh- failed to stop at the intersection a two-chair barber shop. (For Red Bank and Rumson met the incoming President, that Friday. ROY DEFFENDOLF he was "more hopeful than 1 have The post office will occupy ter, Mrs. Joseph Breslln, Jr. of and his car was struck by a ve- August C. Boehler, 440 Middle bridge, add two hours; Sea Mr. and Mrs. Howard Margo- room on the west side of the new RED BANK — Roy Deffendolf, Rd., objected to the granting of been in the past that we may Garden City, L. I.; a nephew, hicle driven by Joan M. Redcoles Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long lina, 47 Rose Ct., Eatontown, building on \ Main St. 64, of 44 West Bergin PI. died James Carroll of East Bruns- 22, of Gibbstown. Harris remained the variance. Mr. Boehler said Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- come to some settlement in the daughter, Thursday. Saturday at home. Congo." William Stevenson,-a fire com wick, and three grandchildren. on the critical list Sunday at El he did not object to the expansion lands bridge, ac(d 40 minutes. pany official, said the comjap: Surviving are' his wife, Mrs, of the delicatessen, but now ob- •Stevenson said he had had rath- Marlon Lyons Deffendolf; a sis- The funeral service will be to- nier Community Hospital. ' must renovate that portion TDfin< morrow at 8:15 a. m. from the New Brunswick — Paul Duhon, jects "to two stores across the er lengthy conversations with Al ter, Mrs.'Rena Johnson of Jamai- geria's Premier Ahmed Ben Bel Cars Crash, building within three months. Condon Funeral Home, Atlantic 38, of New York City, was killed street when it was supposed to Schirra The Post Office Department al- ca, Long Island, and a nephew, be one." la, but declined to say what the Russell H. Deffendolf of Asbury Highlands, followed at 9 a. m. Friday night when he was struck (Continued) so has an option to rent the space by a solemn high requiem mass In other action the board: talks were about. Park. •••'•'• by a car as he was crossing the D-N.J., and Clifford P. Case, R Neptune for an additional year. to be offered in St. Ann's Church Set an adjourned meeting for Ben Bella was scheduled to The funeral will be Wednesday southbound lanes of the New Jer- N.J.. Rep. Peter W. Rodino, D The department has been try by Rev. Vincent A. Lloyd, pastor )ct. 25. meet with Kennedy today in Wash- at 10 a.m. at the F. Leon Harris sey Turnpike in East Brunswick N. J., and Newark Mayor Hugh ing for more than a year to fint of St. Gabriel's Church, Brsde- Rejected an application by ington. Woman Hurt Funeral Home, Burial will be in Township. State police said Duhon J. Addonizio and Mayor and adequate quarters here. velt. Burial will be in Holy Name Floyd Bottigliri, Rt. 36, because Mt. Prospect Cemetery, Nep- was returning to his parked car Mrs. Wendel. NEW SHREWSBURY - Rob- Officials appeared before the Cemetery, Jersey dry. with a tire he had had repaired he applicant failed to appear or The banner-waving crowd ert Barnes, 17,, of Springwood Planning Board last year seeking tune. at a nearby service station when >e represented. The board made Ave., Asbury Park, Is being held shouted as Its space hero and his Hold Pair permission to build a structure AALBERT KAASJAGER he was hit by a car driven by ;everal attempts to contact Mr. blonde wife emerged from the in the county jail on a charge of on a lot next to the telephone CHARLES S. KROM Bottigliri-without success. doorway of the blue and white operating a motor vehicle without building. SPRING LAKE - Charles S FAIR HAVEN - Aalbert Kaas- Jet. Schirra waved and then his In Assault a license as a result of an ac- The planners Insisted that the Krom, 78, retired manager and jager, 60, of 55 Forman St. died Congress party moved quickly to the group cident on Shafto Rd. early this department adhere to zoning reg- executive vice president of the Friday in Riverview Hospital aft- of officials waitirig to welcome morning. Essex and Sussex Hotel here, died er a brief illness. (Continued) Hurt Subduing In Cliffwood ulations and building on an acre him to his home state. Police said Barnes' car was hit lot. Friday in Ws home, 1201 Second Mr. Kaasjager wa$ born in Rot- propriated for current and future There were no speeches and CUFFWOOlJ — Two men are by an auto driven by John L. Ave. terdam, Netherlands. He came to fiscal years. This was exceeded being held in the county jail to- The department has been seek- Man With Gun 5 minutes later the calvacade of Parrish, 27, of Oxonia Ave., Nep- ing larger facilities to meet the Mr. Krom was a 1907 graduate the United States in 1929, and only by the wartime $147 billion day pending a hearing tonight on had lived here 16 years. ASBURY PARK - Two Asbury a dozen cars left the airport with tune, after Barnes stopped to industrial and residential growth of Colgate University, where he of 1942 and $115 billion of 1943. a charge of assault with intent to change a tire. Police Chief James He was employed as a spray Park policemen were injured last the smiling Schirra giving a two- rob. going on in the area. was a member of Delta Upsilon Still, this year's total was about handed wave to his admirers. A. Herring said Barnes was fraternity.. painter and training aide at Fort $3.8 billion less than Kennedy had light as they arrested a man run- Police identified the pair as Two major industrial buildings The entourage bypassed down- parked on the wrong side of the are located here. They are thi He was employed in several ho- Monmouth for 15 years. He was asked. ning on Springwood Ave. with a Otis Jackson, 23, of Orchard St., aU. S. Army veteran of World shotgun. own Newark because of a pre- road with only one headlight. Bendix Corp. plant and the Bell tels in Florida, Canada, and New The question of House-Senate viously scheduled parade there and Johnnie B. Brown, 19, of Cen- Parrish has been charged with War II. ' • «» The man, Frank Plummer, 31, Labs research center. London, Conn., until in 1919 hi prestige was very much in evi- and drove to the Garden State ter St., both of this place. careless driving. Surviving are his wife, Mrlv of 1134 Springwood Ave., bolted Numerous residential subdivi- went to Florida to supervise the dence in the closing days. Parkway and on into Oradell. They were arrested yesterday Valerie Parrish, 26, Neptune, construction, furnishing and open- Laura V. Dobbs Kaasjager; a Does the House have the exclu- as he was being led out of the on a charge of assaulting and try- sions also have been approved i It was dark when the cars ar- a passenger in the Parrish auto, the village area. ing of the Flamingo, which hi daughter Mrs. John E. Schloflin, give right to initiate appropria- Asbury Park police station after ing to rob Emil Lau, 72, of Rt. and a grandson, Paul S. Schloflin, being booked. His head crashed rived here but several hundred was taken to Monmouth Medical Officials here have been push thereafter operated for 23 win- tions measures? The House said 35, this place, as he was return- Center, Long Branch, by the New ters. both of Keansburg, and a sister, yes, the Senate said no. through 8 window in the station persons were clustered on street tag home from a social event at ing to get centralized postal fa- corners waving signs proclaiming Shrewsbury First Aid Squad and cilities to service the township. He managed the Essex and Sus- Mrs. Richard Sliksboom of the The hassle reached a climax house door and put a hole in the the Veterans of Foreign Wars hai: Netherlands. plaster wall. He was examined Schirra for President" and "Wel- admitted for treatment of leg Residents now are served b> sex from 1921 until he retired Friday when Rep. Clarence Can' early yesterday morning. The funeral was held this morn- by Dr. Henry J., Vaccaro, and come Home Wally" as the cara- injuries. Hospital sources re- post offices in Hazlet, Matawan, from the hotel business In 1954. non, D-Mo., veteran House Appro- • Mr. Lau was treated at River- ported her condition as good. He was a vice president and ing at the Worden Funeral Home, priations Committee chairman then taken to Fltkin Hospital, van made its way through the Red Bank, Keyport, Middletown tree-lined streets to the mayor's view Hospital for cuts and bruises Police said both cars were ex- director of the Hasting Square Red Bank, with Rev. Charles R. demanded a roll call in an Neptune. about the mouth. ^ and previous facilities here in th residence. tensively damaged. Patrolman village. Hotel, a member of the resort Lawrence, rector of the Episcopal attempt to defeat a $205,000 sur- Police, said Patrolman John According to police, Jackson There the Schirras entered the Stanley Fox investigated. committee of the American Hotel Church of the Holy Communion, vey item which the Senate had Graham, Jr. saw Plummer on and Brown knocked Lau down Mr. Stevenson said the fire house where a dinner, Including Association, a member of the ofiidating. Burial was in Fair tacked onto the $5-billion publii Springwood Ave. with the gun. and were in the process of company plans to start work a: lobster and chicken, was awaiting Spring Lake Golf and Country View Cemetery, Middletown. works appropriation measure. The officer gave chase and searching him when they were soon as possible to have the new them. facilities ready for the depart- Club and a director of Spring Cannon lost the vote, but It dis- caught Plummer on Adams St frightened away by the approach Schools Hold MRS. JOHN A. DeROCHE When ordered to,drop the gun The parade and whirlwind ol ment. Lake Community House. closed what house leaders hai of several persons passing by. Surviving are his wife, Mrs, HOWELL TOWNSHIP — Mrs. tried to avert all week—lack ol Plummer attacked the officer, po activity for the square-jawed as- They returned, police said, and lice said, and struck him on tronaut today put him on a tight Open House Katherine. Banks Cooley Krom; Sophie DeRoche, 94, of Farming- a quorum due to the exodus horn started searching Lau again when a daughter, Mrs. Jane Krom dale died Saturday. of members anxious to get startec the wrist. Poliqe Sgt, Joseph Reec schedule that stretched from 8 they were scared off by a second Fire District Grammer of Little Silver, and Mrs. DeRoche was born in on their election campaigns. who came to Graham's assist- a.m. to 5:30 p.m. group. This group saw Mr. Lau This Week three grandchildren. Tuckerton, and had formerly Leaders of both houses ham ance suffered injury to his lefl On the parade route were on the ground and called police. Schirra's boyhood home at 37 NEW SHREWSBURY — Open Services were held this mom- lived In Freehold. She was the mered out a compromise late Fri elbow. A search of the area and talks Is Requested Patrolman Graham was taken Maple Ave. and the Episcopal house will be held in the Tinton Ing at the Robert C. Neary Fu- widow of John A. DeRoche. day night. with neighbors led police to Jack- Falls Schools three nights this MARLBORO — The Townshij The House passed the $5-billioi to the hospital for X-rays of hi Church of Annunciation which he Committee received a petltio: neral Home, Manasquan. The funeral will be tomorrow at attended and at which prayers son. Police said he confessed and week. 11 a.m. in the W. David DeRoche public works appropriation meas wrist, the hospital reportec implicated Brown. Thursday night from members ol ure, but sidetracked a $550-mi; Plummer in fair condition thi were offered for him during hi; Swimming River School will the Robertsville Fire Company to STANLEY R. JONES Funeral Home, Lakewood, with lion supplemental appropriation moming. historic flight. have its open house tomorrow; set up a fire district. The re- MATAWAN-Stanley R. Jones, Rev. Raymond, Gruezke, pastor which included funds for in Plummer has been chargec After moving through Hacken Fires at Target, Sycamore School, Wednesday, quest was taken under advise- 68, of 78 Ravine Dr., died Satur- of the Lakewoud. Methodist creased pensions for retired fed with assault and battery, mal sack and Oradell the parade wai and Tinton Falls School, Thurs- ment. day in Monmouth Medical Cen- Church, officiating. Burial will be Teenager Hits House day. eral employes. Cannon had vowec cious. injury to property, and be- to end at River Dell High School At the last meeting of the com ter. in Green Grove Cemetery, Key- where Gov. Hughes was to pre- KEANSBURG - Police ar Sponsored by the Tinton Falls A retired electrical contractor, port to block the latter measure by ing a disorderly person whit rested a 15-year-old youth here mittee, a similar request was parliamentary maneuver. under the influence of alcohol! sent the astronaut with a silver Sch/xjl Parent-Teacher Associa- presented from Marlboro Fire' Mr. Jones was bom in Jersey plate inscribed to "The First Jer- early Saturday when he fired a tion, the programs will run from City. He was a member of thej KAMEO MURAMATSU .22 bullet through a second story Company. It Is understood thai seyman to orbit the Earth,' 8 to 10 p.m. They are designed similar requests are belo South Bog Gunning Club, here. HOWELL TOWNSHIP — GINGER By Gcttcrmann along with a print of a painting window of a home on Bayview to give parents a chance to meet Ave. planned by Morganville Independ- He was the husband of the latelKameo Muramatsu, 81,ofColllng- by New Jersey artist Ben Shahn. their child's teacher, to see the ent and Morganville Volunteer Mrs. Ethel Pedee Jones. >-- • - • Hughes, in the brief talk pre- Police said the boy was target building in which the child works Surviving are several nieces. shooting and had received the' fire companies. Friday in Monmouth Medical pared for the ceremony, said and plays, and to learn some- Committeeman Millard B. Lam The funeral! service will be to- Center. , Schirra illustrated "that pioneer rifl» as a gift that day. thing about the curriculum of morrow at I p.m. in the Bedle Police said the bullet went berson, chairman of the Police Mr. Muramatsu was born in spirit of 'bravery and courage a particular grade. Refreshments Committee, was authorized to set Funeral Home, Keyport, with Japan. He had lived In this area combined with the trained intel- through a bathroom wall and will be served. Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor ol missed Striking two teenagers. up police patrols for the Hallow- more than 50 years, and op- ligence of modern man" in his een season. He was also author St. John's Methodist Church, Haz- erated several gift shops. conquest of space. Juvenile Officer Frank Peters NEW ASSIGNMENT let, officiating. Burial will be in is investigating. ized to employ an additional fire He leaves no survivors In this : "Though he was born and nu ENGLISHTOWN — Airman policeman from each fire CO.J Fair View Cemetery. country. tured among the jpeople of New Robert Roach, son of Mr. and MATTRESS FIRE • pany. Services were held yesterday Jersey Comdr, Schirra. now em Mrs. John Roach, 28 Front St., Mr. Lamberson also announced MISS ELIZABETH KEASTEAD at the C.H.T. Clayton Funeral bodies not only the aspirations o RED BANK — The Fire De- has arrived at Ernest Harmon that the examination of foui SEA BRIGHT — Miss Elizabeth Home, Adelphla. 1 his'native state , but the en partment was called to the Riv- Air Force Base, Newfoundland, candidates for the position ol Keastead, 58, died Friday in the tire free world," Hughes said erside Motel, Rt. 35 at the Nave- for a tour of duty as an air po- township policeman will be heli home of Mrs. Phillip S. Walton, JOHANNA F. CONNOLLY sink River bridge, about 7:30 this liceman. "With him on that epochal at the Municipal Building at ll 1042 Ocean Ave., with whom she OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Johanna . flight went; the prayers of mil- morning when fire broke out in a.m. Oct. 20. had lived for many^years. She a mattress in one of the units, T. O. GILBERT '. Connolly, month-old daughter, lions of people In many countries, Committeeman Joseph was born In Wayne. of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connolly Today, those millions rejoice in Damage was confined to the mat- WILLMAR, Minn. (AP) - T.O. Lanzaro commended the count) tress. Deputy Police Chief Leroy Surviving is a brother, William of 235 Oakhurst. Rd., died Friday the achievement of this Jersey Gilbert, 84, a former national bridge department for construct- Keastead of Woodbine. in Monmouth Medical Center, Man." McKnight said the incident is president of the Sons of Norway ing an $18,000, 30-foot wide bridge under investigation. Services were held this morn- Long Branch. Schirra also was to receive a Lodge, died Saturday. Gilbert, on Tennent Rd. He said it will ing at the Adams , Memorial Surviving, besides her parents, silver tray from Mayor Wendel who was an attorney in Willmar replace the present 16-foot wide Home, Red Bank, with Rev. Rob- Is a brother, John R. Connolly, < on behalf of the citizens of Ora- James E. Webb, NASA admin for 58 years, was born in Oslo, bridge. ert Judge, pastor of the Sea 3d. dell; the National Aeronautics istrator, and Newark College of Norway. He served as president Bright Methodist Church, officiat- The Woolley Funeral Home, and Space Administration's Dis- Engineering's distinguished alum of the Sons of Norway from 1918 It pays to advertise in The ing. Burial was in Glenwood "SINGER!" Long Branch, was in charge of tinguished Service Award A by nus award. to 1926 and from 1923 to 1930. Register.—Advertisement , Cemetery, West Long Branch. arrangements. * RED BANK REGISTER Monday, October 15,1962-f Snccessfii] WILLIAM Nason on Education , Husband Hal Misconception S. WHITE About *E' Bond Tax Exemption WASHINGTON - Something A Newspaper's Worth novel and dangerous has been By LESLIE J. NASON and details follow as the story Living Textbook." giving a By ROGER E. SPEAR added to Una year's congression- PnttMor of E*cattoa unfolds. (Too often the teacher graphic picture of newspaper pn> al campaign. It is becoming • Q) "My husband wants to draw reason your Stytoo has dropped Why ait educators forever finds "lead sentences" buried in cedures and materials and sug- $10,000 from the savings bank to personal and largely irrelevant searching for • better textbooks the middle of a paragraph on the gestions for the use of a newspa.- badly in price is due, I believe, contest between a sitting Pred- purchase Series E savings bonds. to this company's decision to when one of the very best can be second page of a student's work.) per as a means for learning. ; He believes he will save on our dest, John F. Kennedy, and a for- found right under their noses? Nowhere else can so many ex- Fact And Opinion bring about a reverse split of the mer President, Dwight D. Elsen- Federal income tax. Would you shares. Stockholders will vote nfcodeni* newspaper pro- amples of good, clear writing be We hope our students will learn *~*~" advise him hower, neither of whom is run- Vides th« ma- found so readily as in a newspa- to distinguish between fact and to Oct 18 on a proposal—to give ning tor any office. do this?" you one share for each four you terials de- per. opinion, between serious discu,£ EJH. now hold—which seems almost What the voters here, there and minded of a Unfortunately, writers of text- sion and entertainment. We want" A) If you will certain to go through. yonder may think of either Ken* good textbook, books are not trained as newspa- them to be alert for their own nedy or Eisenhower, is no proper development toward a good life. forgive my say- I have commented here before particularly at per writers are. The student often guide as to how they should mark ing so, your on reverse splits. The investing the high school has to "rewrite" the story for his All of the necessary materials their ballots for partly local of- husband is la- public likes a true split and level. own understanding. are present in a newspaper. ,-; fices in the House of Representa- boring under a rightly regards it as a sign of A textbook is The techniques of screening The facts of daily happenings tives or basically state offices in misconception. growth. Conversely, a reverse • ; corapi&Jion key ideas and presenting them are reported. Commentators pre- the U.S. Senate, Series E sav- split is regarded as an attempt *f materials by briefly, yet completely, are the sent their personal analyses of ings bonds are to lift up the price of a stock All the same, these two men means of which very techniques that a student the events. Editorials urge specif- by its boot straps, so to speak, who are not up tor anything in students, gain needs in studying textbooks and ic actions in local and national V;*••*• but they are and investors tend to regard it this election are wholly over- i n formation listening to class discussions. affairs. Columnists and special- not in any degree exempt from with disfavor. Stylon is a well- shadowing those who are up. It and develop skills. Through the Around Dayton, Ohio, they rec- ists give help and hints, for the the Federal income tax. With the managed small company, but In is commonplace now to see deci- use of the textbook, teachers ognize this. homemaker, the latest know-how exception of the Treasury 2%'s your position I would take my sive comparisons made not as guide students in their education. The Dayton Journal Herald on in child care, fashions and cook- of 1960-1965, which are partially loss and move into a situation between Republican congression- One of the skills students must Oct. 1 began Its third "Newspa- ery. exempt but are being redeemed with more growth. al candidate Jones and Demo- acquire is that of precise writing per In the Classroom" project in The newspaper, then, is the next December, there are no (Mr. Spear cannot answer all cratic congressional candidate of reports and examinations. which 10,000 seniors from 70 ideal "textbook" to train a stu- Government issues now outstand- mail personally but will answer Smith, but rather between the They can learn this skill from high schools participate. dent to recognize the purpose of ing which are not fully taxable as all questions possible in his col- relative size and warmth of the their daily paper. For two weeks these' seniors the writer, so necessary to criti- use the daily editions of the Jour- cal, intelligent understanding. - to income. umn.) 1 crowds which greet Kennedy Newspapers present material In All "governments" are exempt here, Elsenhower there. a form often desired by high nal Herald as their only text- fron state Income taxes, but that On the Democratic side, Ken- school and college teachers but books in social problems and (You may obtain a copy of Dr. probably would mean little to Ask Women nedy is Jn effect demanding a seldom produced by students. civics. Nason's "Help Your Child Suc- your husband. If he is in a brack- PILOT'S CERTIFICATE — Philip LaudansUger, right, 16. national referendum on his own Gist In Lead The Journal Herald supplies ceed in School" by sending $1 to et, where Federal income tax ex- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Laudenslagtr, Lin- dministration two years ahead The gist of a newspaper story the students with an excellent "Help Your Child," Box 1277, emption Is important, he should To Meet croft, receives his FAA pilob-certificate from Guy Ali- rf the proper time, which will be is in the first sentences—names manual, "Your Newspaper: A General Post Office, New York.) buy a municipal bond. I suggest In his own stand for re-election City of Dallas, Texas, 3's due With Handzo offa, flying instructor «t the Red Bank Airport, N«w 1864. lamuel Carontenuto, for vice 1981, selling at 100 to yield Shrewsbury. Philip, a junior at Christian Brothtn Acad- The GOP Side Six Join Daly Speaks >residents; Harry Tillman, for per cent. ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP—"The emy, Lincroft, made his first solo flight last wetlc. He On the Republican side, Eisen- secretary; Charles Dittmar, for Future Growth of Atlantic Town- treasurer, and Joseph Grause, for Q) "I bought Stytan for $4.25 has experience flying the Piper Cub, Colt, Cherokee, hower is in effect demanding a and it has since dropped to near- ship" will be the subject of a spe- national vote of confidence in Fitkin Staff To County trustee. cial meeting for the women of the ly half what I paid for it. Should Tri-Pacer and Comanche. an administration long since NEPTUNE - The board of township Thursday at 8 p.m. at I bold for recovery, average ended — his own. What Kennedy governors of Fitkin Hospital an- No problem finding tenants the Atlantic Township School au- down, or sell out? seeks here is premature. Whal nounced that six physicians have Lawyer Unit when you advertise The Register ditorium. Eisenhower seeks is unnecessary, Joined the medical staff. way—Advertisement.. . G.K. Invitations have been sent by Gen. Van Deusemto Be WEST LONG BRANCH -Mar A) It is; always very pleasant his own vindication came amply Dr. James I. Forsyth of Avon cus Daly Of Lincroft, veteran au- Mrs. Doris K. Handzo, Mrs. in his over-whelming re-election NOTICE OF 8AI.K: to hear from an old friend. The Carolyn S. Mareau and Mrs. Ed- was appointed adjunct In medi- thority in the international field On Thursday. October 25. 1WJ at to a second term six years ago. cine on the out patient depart- >:30 A.M. 1 will sell at nubile auction na Buck to meet George Handzo, Honored at Coles Event of refugee care and migration, in helialt of Scncoast Finance Co, ,ftt The voters thus are being pul ment staff. He completed his in- 18 Brnad St., Reil Hulk. N. 1. one Republican candidate for the recounted his tours of foreign 957 Pontlac Cuat. Cat. 8tln., 4 Dr. Township Committee. eon in Scriven Hall Officers Club In a very difficult position, fac ternship at Fitkin Hospital last lands Thursday night at a meet- L837IH63!) for default In a Cod- To Solicit June and ii a graduate of Hahne- ititlonM Snlcf Contract made by Trudii "We are convinced that the FORT MONMOUTH — Ma}. Col. Price will cut a specie tors that are not really germane ing of the Monmouth Bar Associ M»» Butler. Bald cur may bo lecn,>t women of this township take an Gen. George L. Van Deusen, Coles birthday cake. to deciding the right makeup o mann Medical College and Hos- ation. The dinner meeting was at Carland Inc., Hwy. 35, Neptune, N.-s'J. the next Congress are shoulder- of Philadelphia. WALTER J O-NEILL, Auctioneer Medical Staff intelligent interest in its govern- (USA-Ret.), of Long Branch, who There will be a display of 194! pita! Joseph Restaurant. Oct. 15 12.78 ment and wish to be informed was commanding general of Fort Camp Coles photographs in thi Ing aside those factors on which Dr. Jay A. Kern of Long Mr. Daly said the co-operative concerning the issues of the com- Monmouth when Camp Coles was main lobby of the Electronics Ma decisions really should be made. Branch was appointed assistant at- program among nations has PROPOSAL -\ For Funds ing election," the invitations said. dedicated in 1942, will be a guest teriel Support Agency headquar- Whether Kennedy or Eisenhower tending in medicine and gastroen- strengthened countries with of honor at 20th anniversary ex- ters. It will* include building con "outdrew" in Minneapolis is not terobgy. He received his MD de- Notice Is hereby Riven that ienten LONG BRANCH — Dr. Charles "Therefore, we sincerely urge 1 slowed down economies and has bids will he received In tho Reception you to come out to meet ercises to be held in the Coles struction scenes, dedication cere- the point. gree front Jefferson Medical Col- fully justified the encouragement Room of tho Offlca of the Director. Zukaukas, associate director of Area Oct. 25. mony photos, and a group photi lege in Philadelphia, interned at Division of Purchase and Property, 2rtd the department of surgery, Mon- Mr. Handzo, to hear his views They are intervening too much of inter-continent population floor, room 233-2, Stato House, Trim* graph of opening day guests the. Graduate Hospital of the Uni- on 28, New Jersey, on November US, mouth Medical Center, will serve and to discuss your own ques- too strongly, and at a bad time p shifts. 1M2 at 2:00 P.M. and will be opeaH honor. considering the state of world at- versity and read immediately thereafter, for as chairman of the medical staff tions about that matter so vital of Pennsylvania, and He discussed personal experi- the following; • 'airs. To the degree that this fund-raising committee fop the to all of us—the future growth of Col. Price is being assisted served a residency in medicine ences, particularly In long serv- REPAIRS TO HOOFS & GUTTERS Atlantic Township." confuses the process of choosing at the Jefferson Medical College VARIOUS LOCATIONS, hospital's new east wing. the program arrangements b) ice In Latin America and in Hong N. J. 8TATK HOSPITAL, . A member of the Board of Ed- Col. Roman I. Ulans, deputy com a Congress, it Is a pity. But Hospital. He also completed a fel Kong.' OniOVNTONE PARK. N. J. His appointment was announced ucation the past seven years, manding officer, and Lt. Col far greater pity is that while lowship at Jefferson in gastroen- Recommended by former Pres- ON TUB FOLLOWING BRANCHES by Dale B. Otto, campaign chair- OF WORK! Mr. Handzo was president of the John N. Kopke, executive offi- this contest should be only s terology. ' ident Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mr. a) HOOFING ft GUTTERS man, and Dr. Bernard M. Halb- Bldi must be (1) made on the it and- board last year. He is owner and cer of the agency. short-term and limited operation Dr. Robert P. T. Reeves of Daly headed the 27-natlon Inter- stein, president of the medical rd proposal form, (2> enclosed in the manager of the Point Pleasant it may mushroom into an endur- Sea Girt was appointed assistant governmental Committee for Eu special addressed envelope, (3) accom- board. Camp Coles was named in ho panied by* a certified check drawn to Concrete Company. or of Col. Roy Howard Coles, whc ing national division. attending in radiology. He Is a ropean Migration between 1958 the order ot the Treasurer of the Btate of New Jersey, or a hid bond, Groundbreaking for the $3,500,' Mr. Handzo will discuss plans was assistant to, and executive Fateful Decisions graduate of the University of and 1961. any of which shall be In tho amount 000 wins will be held early next for the future school needs and Pennsylvania School of Medicine oi 5% ct the bid, and (4) delivered officer for the chief signal of- It has long been obvious here Though he Is an authority on the Above place on or before the year with the target completion recreational areas, of the town- ficer, American Expeditionary that beginning next year great served his internship.at Lenox International law. he told his hmir nntn^d ai no bid wilt bo Accept- date set for 1964. The six-story Hill HosplUt In New York City, ed altar the hour specified. Bid* not ship, among other subjects. Force, Word War I. and possibly fateful decisions, lawyer audience he would leave so submitted will bo considered Infor- addition will join the present notably over Cuba, must be taken completed a residency at New legal aspeqts of his experi- mal and wilt'be rejected, Tito Direc- The camp was rededicated tor reserves the right to reject any structure at the main entrance the Coles Area of Fort Mon by the Kennedy administration. York Hospital - Cornell Medi ences aside to give his listeners and all bldi and to award contract and will project some 400.feet New Teachers mouth on Dec. 18, 1956. The nettle simply must be cal Center and a fellowship at a more relaxing evening. In part or Whole If deemed to the into the present parking area, grasped. The problem-will not Mount Sinai Hospital in Mew York best Intereits of the State to do so. A moment Of silent prayer wai The succeaifu! bidder will be required the building will add 134 beds, go away through wishful dreams City. offered in memory of Edward W to furnish surety bond in the full bringing the total to 507, and Are Welcomed that "internal troubles" for Fidel amount of the contract, of a company Dr. 'Ruben S. Seda-Moraies oi Vise, Sr., Monmouth County'! authorized to do buslne«s in the Bttte making Monmouth Medical Cen- Castro will destroy a Sovie Freehold was appointed adjunci oldest participating lawyer, whc of New Jersey. Atomic World' lodgrnent in Cuba. Once the Run Plans and specifications, form of bid, ter one of the largest hospitals In By Association in pediatrics on tgre out patlen died last week. contract and bond for the proposed the state. sians go in, they never go out. department staff. He is a grad- A nominating committee report work are on fllo and mmayy bo obtaineted Their investment is in Cuba; they upop n aapplication to the Director, DIvl- Included in the wing will be a RED BANK — "Professional- Lectures Set uate of Hahnemann Medical Col- submitted the following list for fon if Purchasle and Property, Stale ism" was the theme of the eve- Gen. Van Deusen will be the can always find another puppe oiiflp, Trenton 25. New Jersey, on completely new lobby, coffee and guest of Col. Howard E. Price, ege and Hospital, and interned election at next month's meeting: epoalt ot twenty-five ($25.00) for each ning at a reception held recently Castro. at Fajardo Charity Hospital In lot, this amount to be refunded to gift shop, department of rehabili- commanding officer at the U.S. Mayor Thomas F. Shebell of :hs bidder upon return of such docu- tation, central sterile supply area, by the Red Bank Teachers Asso- It has long been obvious that Puerto Rico and the Memorial Asubry Park, for president, to ents tn food condition within 30 days ciation/in honor of new members Army Electronics Materiel Sup- iftrtr the award of the contract. admitting offices, expanded pedi- port Agency, which now occupies hese hard decisions cannot be Hospital in Wilmington, Del. His succeed Peter Cooper, of West DEPARTMENT OK THE TREASURY atrics department with special of the staff. successful unless they involve residency training in pediatrics Division of Purchase and Property the World War II site, and is Long Branch; M. Raymond Mc- CHARLES F. SULLIVAN, Director. teenage section, new nuseries, op- Both new and old association Willing Republican co-operation was served at Memorial Hospital Gowan, George Bariscello, and OcL H, 22 $27.60 members started off the evening sponsoring the Coles anniversary eratlng suites, and intensive care ceremony and luncheon for guests and consent. And "Republican" and Murphy General Hospital, recovery unit of -32 beds, a floor by attending the monthly meet- In this connection quite simply U. S. Army. ing of the Board of Education. of. honor, to include State Sen. for the exclusive, care of the Richard R. Stout of Allenhurst, means Gen. Eisenhower. He is Dr. Lynn A. Parry of Inter- acutely chronic sick with self- Following the board meeting, the the only elevated Republican with aken was appointed assistant at- teachers adjourned to the high and others. contained recreation, feeding and A 15-minute concert by the 389th national following who is not In- tending in surgery. He received LOW COST rehabilitation facilities; private school cafeteria for the recep- volved in personal ambitions for his M.D. degree from the Univer- tion. Army Band will precede the an- and semi-private rooms, and o* niversary ceremony. At the lunch the presidency in 1984. Only he sity of Pennsylvania, served an NEW ROOM tlent family or executive suites. Thomas F. McNulty, Red Bank can rally a majority of the GOP internship at Presbyterian Hospi- Serving with Dr. Zakaukas are Teachers Association president, rank-and-file to support that all- tal, and completed a residency II your family Is growing and Drs. Samuel Adler, Nicholas Ar- keynoted the evening's theme in national policy concerning Cuba in surgery at Temple University needs extra space, lefus add an address which stressed the comano, Cyril Arvanitls, Lester Hodax Offers which must come. Hospital, all in Philadelphia. a new room to your home. We Barnett, Leonard Danzig, Daniel role of each professional organi- It is fitting for yet another rea- Dr, Michael R. QuatreUa zation local teachers usually join: have thousands of satisfied Featherston, Pasquale Federici, son that he should become Loch Arbour was appointed as- customers throughout Mon- Avrohm Jacobson, William Ka- the National Education' Associa- To Debate the GOP spokesman. For Soviet sistant attending in pediatrics. He mouth County and you can be lqss, Bernard Kaye, Alan Ken- tion, New Jersey Education As- Communist infiltration of Cuba received Mj M.D. degree from dall, Jack Levin, Robert G. Mc- sociation, Monmouth County Edu- With Baron began in his own administration, the University of Bologna assured of top quality work- Curdy, Leon Reisner, Jr., Alfred cation Association and Red Bank though it has become far more taly, served an internship manship at lowest possible Shapiro and Gerald Whelan. Teachers Association, NEW SHREWSBURY - Lester open and perilous in the Kennedy prices. Hodax, 36 Glenwood Dr., yester- MirUand Medical Center in New- McNulty emphasized upgrading administration. ' ark,'and completed a two-year of the teaching profession by day offered to debate Mayor Karl Baron on several subjects. Until lately, at any rate, Ken- residency In pediatrics oat Fitkin continually working for higher nedy and Eisenhower have been last August. Dr. Judd In "He (Mr. Baron) claims that Harmon Smith standards of preparation and cer- joined in common awareness and the Republican candidates refuse tification; by consistently voicing RED BANK - The Oak Ridge agreement that this country could New Position to meet him in debate," Mr. the professional point of view and Institute of Nuclear Studies will not afford harsh divisions on for- EATONTQWN — Dr. A. Brad- Hodax's statement said. "This is offering professional leadership In present a demonstration and lec- eign affairs at this hour in his- 32d, Templars ford Judd, a member of the staff not true. I am not a spokesman all phases of the American edu- ture on "This Atomic World" al tory, however much they dis- of the Children's Psychiatric Cen- for any candidate, but I am cation system, and by constantly Red Bank High School Oct 24, agreed on horns matters. The ter, Inc. of Monmouth County, aware, as are many others, that seeking improvement in the so- and at Rumson-Fair Haven Re- kind of campaigning in which Meet Wednesday has been appointed assistant med- they are looking forward to such cial and economic status of the gional High School Oct. I they are now engaged could tear NEPTUNE — The 32d and ical director. an opportunity. professional teacher. The institute is a non-profit, apart this reluctant but incom Templars Club of Monmouth Dr. Judd, a child psychiatrist Following McNulty's address, "In the meantime," Mr. Hodax educational corporation of 38 parably important Kennedy-El County will meet Wednesday 7:30 affiliated with the center since the activities of the local asso- continued, "if Mr. Baron wishes Southern universities working un- senhower comradeship on this vi- p.m. in Peterson's Restaurant, the summer of 1960, is also di- ciation were explained in brief to occupy himself in discussion, der a contract with the Atomic tal security concept. This is the Rt. 35, for dinner, a business rector of training. reports by Jack Needle of the there are several subjects I Energy Commission. Harmon greatest danger of all. meeting, and a program on the A fanner research and teach- legislative committee, and Sey- would like to debate with him." Smith, an Institute exhibits r "Space Age." ing fellow at Harvard Medical mour Slegler of the program and Mr. Hadax's statement followed ager, will present the program! Movies on space travel will be School certified by the American publicity committee. John F. one by Mayor Baron, which said to the two local high schools. Meredith Resume* followed by talks by Sidney Association'of Psychiatric Clinics Moses, former association presi- Republican candidates had been The demonstrations and toe- Classes at Ole Miss Schiff, president of the growth for Children, Dr. Judd was past dent and co-chairman of the informally Invited to debate by tures are designed specifically program representing television consultant to the Division of Le- group's welfare committee, con- OXFORD, Miss. (AP) - James officials of the Hance Park Civic acquaint students with the basic H. Meredith starts his third week electronics, and Norman Green- gal Medicine" of the Common- cluded a history of the Red Bank Association who met with the Re- principles and uses of atomic en- berg; director of opportunity. wealth of Massachusetts, He was Teachers Association. of classes today at the Univer- publicans at the Hodax home. ergy. sity of Mississippi, where he is Music will be by Hart Web- also a staff member of the Cam- New staff members were intro- Mr. Hodax said: the first Negro ever knowingly ber. bridge Guidance Center, Cam- duced. Refreshments and a so- iects to be covered include "In reference to Mr. Baron's enrolled in the school's 114 years. bridge. Mass. cial hour followed. ic structure, the nucleus and statement that he .is aware of Fourteen days ago Meredith what was said at a meeting he idioactivity, radiation biology HEALTH CAPSULES and fission and fusion. registered at Ole Miss, capping alleges took place in my house, 18 months of legal battles which Petll, M.D. I would like him to know that The application of radioisotopes In agriculture, Industry and med- went all the way to the U. S 16 FT A GOOP IPEA TO APP A TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH this information is as inaccurate Supreme Court. He Is the first LITTLE SfAWEEP TO THE as the list of names he submitted icine will be included, and pro PIETi jeotions for the use of the atorr member of his race ever to go to in proof." go to a state-supported college or WORLD WIDE YULETIDE BAZAR Mr. Hodax is a former Demo- in rocketry and space travel wil be discussed. school with white persons In Mis- cratic candidate for a seat on sissippi. * the Borough Council. He has been Following the assembly pro- The 29-year-Old Meredith, I Parish Hall active in borough politics for grams, Mr. Smith will be avail- slightly-built Air Force veteran some years, although he was not able for classroom sessions wi returned to the campus last night Whifv Red loth, N. J, successful in gaining election. science students. •',• after a weekend away. He went Immediately to his two-room apartment in Baxter Halt, ac- THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1962 companied by 10 federal mar- 10:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. shals and two Justice Depart- NEED MORE CAPITAL ment attorneys. Lunch 12:00-2:00 Dinner 6:00-7:30 REGISTRATION TOMORROW • FIRST PAYMENT FEBRUARY • APRONS • JELLIES, RELISHES, NEW SHREWSBURV-Parents CANDIES IN YOUR BUSINESS? • CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES who wish their pre-schoolers to • UP TO 20 YEARS TO PAY • CAKES, COOKIES, SALADS Offering up to $10,000.00 working capital to IF WU LIKE SEAWEEP, GO • WOOL and KNITTED ittend the Mew Shrewsbury AHEAP, BUT FOR MOST OP US GOODS . • NEW and USED TOYS small businesses. Phone SH 1-50*1 and ask Public Library itoiyjjtours are WHO PONY LIKE THE STUFF IT • GIFTS—FOREIGN reminded to register their chil- • HARVEST BOOTH ITEMS for imaty business department or write Box 44. PO5SNY MAKE MUCH 5ENSC.IT awl DOMESTIC • PARCEL POST BOOTH dren tomoorow at the library MAS NO SPECIAL VALUE. • TRASH and TREASURE • COUNTRY STORE Rod tank, N. J. All inquiries conMtntld. between 9;45 and 10:45 a.m. The VWNWOWt NERVOUSNESS. Larger amounts also considered. itory hour will be resumed Tues- L day, Oct 23. I, juice, cereal hard-boiled eggs, 4-rMond>7, October 15,1962 RED BANK REGISTER metal ii Atlanta, Ga. (Oer Ifc- ibow will coincide with the U-N. Special Breakfast bens tad denote tad cocof, Th* erties art gnawed away one byLittle Silver" Merting iy celebration in the borough. pOBsariag fee show «re thFoe r TbSzd. Gmfysn j IMWl wa» tmti OfriibMfliua one.) -.. •,...••:,- " : ' - . ardes, departments, or theNEW SHRJKWSBUE? r- B»at which the ywn»steTf bad made. Ftxgottesherpet: VJctorOwaie, utot, evening and Junior etabs. fest was served Wednesday morn- The boys ind ^rb wrote ip* root MAN'S credited with inventing the cmw- Clubwomen JHfear Talk he theme will be "Tribute to ing in the third grade ctasi .itof daJiaviUriwiBitoErlwg Oman, wont pwdc did so to belp pas* tailed Nations." It will take Miss Judith Borneroann at Swim- principal; Mrs. Lydh Rigby, bi» toe time while he wai a peniten- lace from 1 to 9 p.m. Oct. 24ming River ..School. The class put secretary, and Mrs; UwUAIdea, tiary Inmate. Beneath his name By Red Bank Attorney the clubhouse, Rumson Rd. its studies of health and food to school nurse. ' '.'. ? Boyle Opens on Us tombstone the diagram of nd Church St. General. chatr- practice. Assisting the children were a crossword is carved —to be LITTLE SILVER - Chester tostess, and ceramic class, I p.m. len are Mrs. Pitten, Mrs. Donald Mrs. E. J. Iorio, Mrs. Riduutf filled out later. With the help of several ..moth- ipy, attorney of Abramoff and tomorrow in home of-Mrs. Jo- Vhite and Mrs. R. H. Molke. It ers the children had orange Fertal and Mrs. A. A. Kurusko. Dieters beware: Don't take a Apy, Red Bank, spoke on "Wills, eph A. McCann, Willow Dr. be open to the public with His Mailbag bath Just befdre a meal It stimu- Estates and Trust Fucds," On Thursday at 1 p.m. theo admission charged. r lates your appetite. ' ednesday at a meeting of theiterature department will visit By HAL BOYLE The fastidious East: Did youLittle Silver Woman's Club in the farlpit Hal] followed by lunch A supper will be held Nov. 9 BOY1E know that Hindu cooks are re-clubhouse. on at Perkins Pancake House t 7 p.m. In the clubhouse. An uction for members .and friends NEW YORK (AP) - Things a Toothsome rumor It is said thai quired to put on a fresh set of Mrs. John R. Caulkins, chair- liddletown. Mrs. Walter Bowker columnist might never know if hea new pill to be on the markelclothing whenever they ester their man of the American home de- rill narrate and conduct the rill be conducted by B. G. didn't open his mail: shortly will make brushing you kitchens? ••'* partment, introduced the guest our. Mrs. J, J. Dauster, liters- feats, auctioneer. Chairmen are Nero, the Roman emperor, spent teeth unnecessary. (You never Things we hope we never have speaker. ^ " ure department chairman, is inAn. A. S. Wade Sr., and Mrs. up to $150,000 for roses alone at really know freedom in life until to climb to fix a burned-out light Receptionist was Mrs. A. V.harge of this event, i. V. Jones. 80TLE one of his famous feasts. But ayou reach the age where you canbulb: "The world's longest stair- Tones end hostesses were Mrs. Mrs, Charles W. Stephens is Our American Heritage, — guy like that probably goes mall your teeth to the dentist foi case is in the Aura power plant In K, E. Zellers, chairman, Mrs. ihairman, and Mre. Theodore D. jet's Throw a Light on It" will FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM around the palace after the ban- his pain-free, semi-annual check Norway...Built of wood, it rises Robert L. Bainton, Mrs. Edmund 'arsons, vice chalrhian, of i the topic of David Taylor, quet turning off lights to save UP) 2,450 feet and has 3,715 steps. r. Canzona, Mrs. L. W. Oonrow, ummage sale too* Held Friday Jlkins Park, Pa,, guest speaker money. Speaking of dentists, the bes Tidbiu. Female ankles an get ifrs. George Ivlns, Mrs. Joseph rom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the it the next meeting Nov. 14 at Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm—Uberty 2-1010 known one in history was prob ting bigger...Some kangaroos live Kiernan, Mrs. Charles W. Inion Hose Company. Shrews- 30 D m in the clubhouse ably Zane Grey, who helped mak< In trees...Some fish build nests.. Lounsbury, Mrs. Clarence E. wry Ave., Red Bank. the West meet the East. Bu Only one in eight Americans Lovejoy, Mrs. Albert G. Morhart, Mrs. Donald B. Cheney, civic! when he was an unknown autho snores—The other seven stay Mrs. Lewis Prentice, Mrs. H. W.ind legislation chairman, an first trying to peddle his cowbo; awake and listen Runyon, Mrs. W. Laurence Sei lounced that the club's flowe Planning a basement playroom? stories, a publisher told him he It was Henry David Thoreau who bert, Mrs, A. J. Smith, Mrs. had absolutely no talent for writ observed, "The boy gathers ma- Thomas J. Smith, Mrs. X. S. ing popular fiction. Smith, Mrs. C. E. Stallings, Mrs. terials (or a temple, and then George N. Wagner, Jr., and Our girls go places. The U.Swhen he is 30 concludes to build a Mrs. Winston G. Watts. department that knows about sucl woodshed." things says that 55 per cent of the Presiding at the tea table were passports it issues go to the HEADS ALUMNI DRIVE Mrs. Fred V. Pitten and Mrs. ladies, and 28 per cent are house- LITTLE SILVER — Eugene D. Hugh R. Wilson. Mrs. Maurice J. wives. A woman's plSce^is in Badgley, River Edge Dr., haDonovans , chairman of the music the home—when she isn't'going been named general chairman of department was pianist. other places. Rider College's annual alumni Club Calendar effectively Our quotable notables. "A fewdrive which seeks to attain a na- Coming events listed by the people who achieve fame grow- tionwide goal of $50,000 this year. :lub include a monthly dessert most of them swell."—Woodrow The money collected will be con- •ridge this afternoon at 1 o'clock Wilson. tributed to the Rider Library i the clubhouse, Mrs. X. S, Personal philanthropy: If youFund. mlth and Mrs. Louis A. Saporito, don't give at least 50 presents a chairmen; tomorrow, 10; 30 a.m. year to other people, you're stin- welfare department meeting in ...oneofthelOways gier than your average neighbor. Slimming the clubhouse; at noon, also What has more keys than a tomorrow, drama department SEE US FOR ALL Let us help you put an end to family "growing palm." A you'll benefit from thebank? A piano. It looks smooth meeting in the home of Mrs. basement playroom is fust the thing to let your family and simple, but it has 7,500 parts id Pattern Vivian Sauvage, Elmwood La., YOUR PHOTO NEEDS spread our and enfoy your home more thoroughly. Charles —more than an automobile. with Mrs. 'F. J. Rowse, co- Odd legislation: I hear that ty- 1. Hembling and Son will design a basement playroom DALE ing a giraffe to a street light Is We carry a complete that will meet your budget requirements. Yet, regardless 2-Piece Set line of famous brand of the amount of money you want to spend, there's no CARNEGIE cameras and accessor- compromising quality. < SOFA & CHAIR ies. Bring your cameras Why not call us today and let us give you a free esti* COURSE beautifully cleaned here for expert repair mate on this or any other modernization program you 1. Increase polie a service. may be planning. confidence ». Speak effectively S. Sell yourself & We Have Everything NO MONEY DOWN — YEARS TO PAY your Ideal 4. Bsyour bssturttb for the any group for ... CAMERA FAN I. Remembir rumis • Draparles • Slipcovers No question about it—for home improvements I. Think & speak on SH1-4255 your feet • Bedspreads • Curtains CALL 7. Control fear*worry OAIHCAMEBIJ • Shades • Blinds 8. Be a better conversationalist ACME DORN'S Photo Shop 1 t. Develop your hidden abilities CHARLES B. HEMBLING & SON Complete Installation Service CARPET & UPHOLSTERY j 15 Wallace Street 10. Earn that better lob, more Income 13 Catherine Street Estab. 1918 Red Bank SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE CLEANING COMPANY ' Supplies and Equipment FREEHOLD Day Phone SH 7-2004 • Night Phone SH 7-5502 American Hotel 747 - 4422 128 Oakland St.; Red Bank SH 7.2273 or SH 7-2274 Monday, Oct. 15—8:00 P. M. RED BANK Molly Pitcher Hotel, Rt 35 Wed.. Oct. 17 and Thurs., Oct. 25 —8:00 P. M.— Dale Carnegie Course Mercury Monterey presents unique styling-new power: presented by Wes Westrom S23 Park Are.. JPlainfteld, N. 3 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury Box 1345 Phone 753-9356

;:;•:.••:•:. :••:: .-.-•:.:,•::- ;;:•...;-..,::.. ,:•:•.:•;• •-.•::.:;.•:•;;.•:• ••/*•/•• •:;•->;•• ii-'-iVx^^^Ki.T:-:™-:;rt;*/.-*:! t, THINK AHEAD, and you'll be nspired to sew this smart, easy N^V-* hirtwaist. Has a flip-up collar, •aglan sleeves and simple, so- ilimming lines. Printed Pattern 9489: Half Sizes 6'^, 18& 20V4. 22%, 2' iize 1614 requires 3% yards 45- nch fabric. FIFTY CENTS in coins fo ills pattern — add 10 cents or each pattern for first-class nail. Send to Marian Martin, Red Bank Register, Pattern Oept., 232 West 18th St., New tt>rk 11. N. Y. Print plainly 1... SAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, 5IZE and STYLE NUMBER. FIRST TIME EVER! Glam- Breezeway roof... 390 V-8 as the standard engine »rous movie star's wardrobe plus 110 exciting styles to sew in wr new Fall-Winter Pattern WHO SAID YOU'RE Catalog. Send 35c. Fashions for all HARD TO occasions . • • FIT? featuring Alleson of Rochester Sport Coats Walk Shorts Robes Beach Wear Sport Shirrs Suits Raincoats Drcit Shirrs RECESSED REAR WINDOW STAYS CLEARER n rain or MARAUDER 390 V-8 NOW STANDARD. And Monterey gives Slacks snow. On hot days it opens for controlled breezeway ventilation. you a wide engine choice—optional V-8's that range up to a Jackets Gowns or Cocktail Dresses Monterey's .overhanging roof keeps the rear seat shady, in- Super Marauder 406 V-8 with 6-faarrel carburetor. Also avail- Pajamas for that Special Occasion creases rear-seat headroom, and improves rearview visibility. able: 4-speed manual or dual-rangei Merc-O-Matic transmissions. or just an Evening of Fun Underwear OTHER NEWS YOU'LL LIKE: A new 2-year (or 24,000-mile) • Mother of the King She Shoes warranty.* Wide model choice including a glamorous Colony 63 MERCURY bride or groom FRANK'S Work Clothes Park station wagon and a bucket-seat S-55 convertible and • Complete \^ size hardtop. Options include a single-unit hi-fi AM-FM radio. selection MONTEREY • Lincoln-Mercury Division, Ford Motor Company, warrants to its dealers, and its dealers, in turn warrant to Mercury owners as follows: That for 24'months Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 or for 24,000 miles, whichever comes first, frea replacement, including related labor, will be made by dealers, of any part with a defect in workmanship or BIG & TALL 5 Wad. and Fri. Till 9:00 materials. Tires are not covered by the warranty; appropriate adjustments will be made by tire companies. Owners will remain responsible for normal maintenance services, routine replacement of parts such as filters, spark plugs, ignition points, wiper blades and brake or clutch linings and normal deterioration Oi soft Vt% our Lmy-Away - peanncei ms. COMET, METEOR. MONTEREY: PRODUCTS OF <3||tf> MOTOR COMPANY. IINCOLN-M5RCUW Division' 1023 HIGHWAY 35 '.££ WANAMASSA or Enjr Charge (1 Mil* North of the Asbwy Circle) Open Daily 9:30 to 6—Wed. and Fri. 'til 9 BRANCH STORES ENGLISH MOTORS 1 MEMORIAL PARKWAY, NEW IRUNSWICK, N. J. 1915 SOUTH IROAD ST., TMNTON, N. J. 23 W. Front St., Red Bank 34 Maple Avenue - ^ •< - -. Parents Shown RED BANK REGISTER Monday, October 15, 1962-5 How a DENNIS THE MENACE fe HANK KETCHAM WJTHAZEST- " IQFYOURHOME Learns to Read HAZLET — In keeping with WHY PAY the educational programs' set i • • 7*1 up by Richard Elierman, prin- cipal ot the Hazlet School, at a meeting of the Parent-Teacher Organization last Monday at the school, parents learned how a child learns how to read. Shop-Rite The parents were confronted with what appeared to be a maze ... and witb cleaner burning, too. That means you get bet- of odd-looking symbols. They told ter heat for lets money! Order a story about a boy, Same, and yours today. his dad orv a hunting trip. Mr. Elierman explained which letters Pays You of the alphabet each symbol rep- my PAY MORE resented and from that point on, the parents were on their own as they "read" the story chart aloudrwith Mr. Elierman direct' To Save ing the "class." Mrs. William Schwenk, ways and means chairman, announced a cake sale would take place Election Day, Nov. 6, at the school. A book fair, which will Money! coincide with American Edu- cation Week, will be held Nov. 12 to 16. Also on the agenda is a barn dance in December, a spring dance and a puppet show June of Hazlet School. returned to Colorado to resume Announcement was made that Middletown her studies at Western State Col- the building ~will be open to the lege in Gunnison. The Bowyers' F_U_E_L_O[L_± parents during American Educa- Dr. Earl W. Orr, Jr., Holland son Brian celebrated, his fifth tion Week. Rd., recently returned from birthday recently at a party in C The pre-school census will be business trip to Iowa. He also his home. Guests were Sally and 7;.w SH 1 6IOO taken during the next few weeks was a guest at the home of his Beth Roberts, Suzanne and Mi- by mothers of the school. father, E. W. Orr, in Omaha, chael Flavin, Mark, Bruce and Nebr. Dr. Orr is a mathematical Kenneth Meyer, John and Mary economist with Arthur Anderson Pinoroh, Skip Stedman, Steve and Co., New York City. and Gary Roberts and Linda Anne Cook, Middletown; Vanessa SAVE 50 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Caulfield, and Lori Carlson, Hazlet, and King's Hwy. have returned from roff Wiese of Llncroft. MON., TUES., WED. ONLY! a trip to Virginia Beach, Va. ON ANY Mr. and Mrs. Fred ^ Kramer, Sidney Chayes, Ned Ct., is a Bowne Rd-, are vacationing in student in New York University Connecticut. They will continue Law School, attending classes in their vacation in the Poconos and the night school program. return home the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. William Garner, Brooklyn, were house guests last Miss Raynell Courten, daughter weekend at the home of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courten, Mrs. Steven Meltzer, Lind Dr. King's Hwy., entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. Garner and Mrs. supper party recently in her Meltzer's parents. home. Guests included Dick Plum, Ann Wright, Jeffrey MEATo t ITEM TIM Owens, Bill Johnson, Sue Mat- Visiting recently at. the home thews, Amy Goerl and Linda Ab- of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Grandenet- Witter-Tight, della, Middletown, and Elizabeth i. Blossom La. was Robert Mon- and Jamie Grayson of Deal, who tavoni of Miami, Fla., Mr. Mon- TIME to were weekend guests. tavoni is Mr. Grandenettl's cous- MIDDLETOWN on Your Fuel in. FLECO-GLASSIsthoonly Visiting recently at "the home Route 35 and New Monmouth Road window material that carries a , of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ray Bowyer, Marianne Kosec, daughter of t YEAR GUARANTEE. Look for tin Ned Ct., was Miss Anita Bowyer Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kosec. Llb- name H.EX-O-GLASS on the ed(j«. of Longmont, Colo. Miss Bowyer by PI., celebrated her 14th birth- EMORE ITEMS FOR LESS FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK: O«l G.nulnt FLEX-O-GLASS At Your Local Hdwr. or Lmbr. Daalir is Mr. Bowyer's sister. She has day Oct. 5 at a surprise party in her home. Margaret McDon- It Pays to Advertise in The Register Fashion Flash ald and Andrea Cherne were hostesses. Attending were Bonni $1.69 Husband, Chick Dlefenderfer, Bob Galloway, Greg Jahn, Marylou Saniord, Sandra, ,>lorrison and MAZOLA OIL 1 Sue Van Blarcom, Middletown; LET US ANSWER Warren Aple, Donna Bieble, Ap- ril Simon, Thomas McCdnchy and Karen Thompson, Belford PRIDE OF FARM and James Connely and Jimmy Lambertson, River Plaza. 20 OZS. Keansburg Republicans CATSUP To Meet on Oct. 25 BEECHNUT, GERBER, HEINZ STRAINED KEANSBURG - The local Re- publican Club will meet Oct. 25 at 8 p.m. in the Surf Bar, Beach- way. Officers of the club are Richard BABY FOOD A. Jessen, president; Douglas F. Foulks, vice president; Anthony SH6P-RITE -6 OZ. Chesney, financial secretary; Mrs. Helen Schultz, recording secretary, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cordts, treasurer. ' A social hour will follcjw the ORANGE JUICE business meeting. 6 *- 75 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE BIRD'S-EYE $1.00 TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to the Mayor and Council (ALL VARIETIES) of the Borough of New Shrewsbury, to transfer to Clearvlew Liquor, Inc., T/A Clearvlew Liquor, for premises DINNERS located at 980 Shrewsbury Avenue, New Shrewsbury, N. J., the Plenary YOUR QUESTIONS Retail Distribution License D-2, here- 3*1 tofore Issued to Monmouth Falrvlew Company, Inc., for premisel located SHOP-RITE at proposed Shopping Center, S/8 REGARDING HOME MORTGAGES! Water Street, Tlnton Falls, N. J. The names and addresses of til officers, directors and stockholders Luxury! Knit this jacket with holding more than 10% of the stock of large and baby cables for warmth Clearvlew Liquor. Inc.. are a> follows: 1 LB. We can't share in your problems John Sharpe, President, and fashion. 75 Clearvlew Drive, . New Shrewsbury, N. J. BACON Jiffy-knit this jacket, and save 55 ... but we can try to make home Joseph E. Rellly, Vice President. a fortune. Use cloud-light mo- 54 Clearvlew Drive. New Shrewsbury. N. J. - financing a lot easier for you to hair or knitting worsted. Pattern Stella Sharpe, Secretary SHOP-RITE - ALL BEEF 72 Clearvlew Drive. 825: directions sizes 32-34; 36-38 New Shrewsbury N. J. included. . Marilyn Rellly. Treasurer, understand . . . See us soon! 54 Clearvlew Drive, Thirty-five cents (coins) for New Shrewsbury, N. J. 1 LB. Plans and specifications of building this pattern — add 10 cents for to he altered may be examined at the each pattern for lst-class mall. Office of the Municipal Clerk. FRANKS Objections, If any,~~ehould be made 49 Send to Laura Wheeler, care of mmedlately In writing to Jerorna B. Reed. Municipal Clerk of the Borough The Red Bank Register Needle- ">f New Shrewsbury, N. J. JERGEN'S craft Dept., P. 0. Box 161, Old CLEARV1BW LIQUOR, INC. 11 Commerce St., Newark, 2, N.J. MAINSTAY Chelsea Station. New York 11, Oct. 8, 16 $19 32 N. Y. Print plainly pattern num- 6 OZS. ber, name, address and zone. SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY Federal Savings and Loan Association CHANCERY DIVISION, NEWEST RAGE - SMOCKED MONMOUTH COUNTY DOCKET NO. r 4370-61 HAND LOTION •plus 4c Federal Excise Tax accessories plus 208 exciting (L.S.) STATE OF NEW JERSEY to 39 JAMES A. I.ACV and IRENE needlecraft designs in our new LACY, bis wife. 36 Monmouth St. Red Bank 1963 Needlecraft Catalog — just YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED nd required to serve upon Levy, Mc- out! Fashions, furnishings to cro Cloikey. Schleslnger 4 Tlschler, plain- tiff's attorneys, whose address is #868 chet, knit, sew, weave, embrold Broad Street. Newark 2, N. J., an An- Insured Savings - Mortgage Loans er, quilt. Plus free pattern. Send swer to the Complaint In a Civil Action In which Carteret Bavlngs and Loan HI |5 TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY 25c now' Association, a corporation of New Jer- sey, Is plaintiff and James A. Lacy, et sis., are defendants, pending In the Superior Court of New Jersey, within thirty-five (3JI days alter October 22, 1962, exclusive of said date. If you COUPON MEAT ITEM fail to do so, Judgment by default may WORTH SAVING FOR ... be rendered against you for the rellel demanded in the Complaint. You shal file your answer and proof of servlci WORTH With the purchase of $5.00 or more In duplicate with the Clerk of the Su perlor Court. State House Annex,' Tren FILL IN: ton, New Jersey, In accordance with the rules of civil practice and proC' dure. \ Name This action has been Instituted for the purpose of foreclosing a mortgage and recovering possession of the Isnds and premises described In a mortgage I Street ...... dated December 26, 1938, made byi James A. Lacy and Irens Lacy, his wife, as mortgagors, and payable to Umlr I Per Family City J. I. Kislak Mortgage Corporation, a corporation of New Jersey, which mort- gage was assigned to and la now herd by carteret Savings and Loan Associa- tion, the plaintiff, as mortgagee, and COUPON GOOD ONLY IF FILLED IN. concerns real estate located at I West Wl'ton Circle, Middletown, New Jersey. MON.. TUES.. WED., OCT. 15. 16, 17 YIMl. JAMBS A. LACY and IRENE LACY, his wife, are mads defendants At any Shop-Rile Super Market Where Items Are Available because you are the owners or the premises described In the mortgage MS Broadway; Long Branch and subject thereto, and because you are the obligors on the bond executed Middletown Shopping Center In connection with sals mortgage. Dated: September 26, 1WJ" I. ORANT SCOTT Clerk of Superior Court Oct. 1, S. IS. » «9).M t ,".. ;~ j.i^3f^_ _2: ALLEN- BELOW OLYMPUS BytaterWi JIM BISHOP: Reporte-,€ r US fay MM B-Coek ud Ht*ry SCOTT A Home WHh Character PnbUsbef mma jmm, It was'kn old house, sitting sedately in the pills, IAMESJ.HOGAN.EdWr M. HAROLD KELLY, GcMral Mauser REPORT W. HARRY PENNINGTON, ProdncUon Manager a cluster of tall trees like a feather boa arouni its By ROBERT S. ALLEN eaves. It was brown and broad and it had a porte- Member ol the Associated Presi 1 II MUtMd txcltulrtJT i» ia» OM lor npubuctuoa N U Uu wtu otwt »ttmM and PAUL SCOTT cochere dating back to the time when horses and car- IMS M*ipl#*r u w*S u (0 IP nni dUMtaui. ' ,. . , ' } •WASHINGTON - While th riages used to rest under it in the heat of the day. f world watches Berlin and Cuba, Member dl'American Newspaper Publishers Association the Kremlin is preparing its next The house is gone now. It went one Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation big military offensive in South night recently and I did not evenhear Tb» R«d But RefUUi uiunu DO r» •ponitbtutlei #>r nw ID »dTertu»m«nu. Vietnam. , toi «u r»j>rint wiumit cbui*. w gut ol u tfwment in irblcb. Mt • momtu—t BOO near the Laos border in prepara- Scotland Lightship got out of their »mootiu—»u.s« • Cmontht—f 4.50 l tion for. the largest Communisl biinksrtd> vtetch it offensive since the tall of Dien MONDAY,: OCTOBER 15, 1962 bienphu in 1954. -,.;•• In- the, rooming there was a black Fuil-scale fighting is expected cavity on the green hill, and the trunks early in. November when the BISHO.P ot the big trees showed white where weather will offer the Communist! Week the bark used to be. They, stood alone and, dead, and their best chance to effective]) • I' ' As the fre6 pr^ac«6ss lives of millions of people must be use these uncommitted troops, the gnarled top branches were charred biaci(» A time, [conducts its 1962 observance of Na-exemplary.and above reproach. against the thinly spread forces a place had gone. No one missed it' , of South Vietnam's President Ngc About seventy years ago, Old Man jparmly built ; tional Newspaper We^ek, it seems In addition to its innate responsi- Dinh Diem. The three newly-arrived divi that house. He was a carpenter who built homes in the j most fitting to present t^iis message, bilities, the press is morally obli- sions total between 9,000 and 12, Highlands hills for those who could afford th,em, and {prepared by ibhri Edgar Hoover, di- gated to promote the furtherance of 009 well-trained regular troops. his work was firm and his beams were set With, wooden 1 To back up this striking force, 5 rector of the Federal Bureau of In justice and the. perpetuation of lawthe Communist North Vietnamese EVERY AMERICAN'S SHAME pins and leather'thongs. . 5 vestigation, for all law enforcement and order. Indeed; much of the are moving an estimated 25 add He was something to look at too" He had a long tibnal battalions to strategic flowing white beard and some people thought he was j officials: ' * '""^f'. progress our profession has made in points in their guerrilla-hel raising ifs standards to professional stronghold In northwestern Sout Yonr Money's Worths Santa. He had a young wifeand, at the age of 72> they ] Law enforcement'and the .press; Vietnam. These units contain an had a son named Edgar. To celebrate, Old Man Parmly -[.•in their separate pursuits, have an Status is'/ihje&ly attributable to theOther 12,000 troops. built a big house on the hill overlooking the river for | essential relationship in helping to support or editors and publishers j:;These NPrtn Vietnam troo Worldwide Bear Market Wallace Reid. Reid was a handsome blond movie star who recognize the need fbr effective: have convinced Gen in the silent days and, when the house was finished, {preserve our nation's priceless herit- Paul "P. Harkins, U.S. command By SYLVIA PORTER age. Both professions ^rfofrh a law enforcement. On occasion, to beer in Vietnam, that the Com- he died of an overdose of narcotics. sure, the penetrating eyes of the munists are' preparing to raise The crash in.stock prices in the United States this Later, Old Man Parmly died too. He lived upstairs sustaining and vital' service. Their the .stakes With even more overt press have spotted evidence"of abuse aggression against South Viet- year has been duplicated in stock markets all over over a railroad station at Highland Beach and, on a contracts with the public, although of authority and corruption within nam. the free world. summer night, he flipper] his white beard over, the sheet ! implied, are based on • trust and , He' has • wanted Defense Secre and went to sleep to thtfstrains of "Poet and Peasant," tary Robert McNamara" that the In fact, severe as our May-June break was—and enforcement ranks. However, fair as played on a merry-go-round nearby. j dependence. Red troop maneuvers are takinj it was the most severe in modern times—it shapes u; and objective reporting of such mat- place behind the protective shielc Then the young wife died, although she was no as comparatively mild when placed ters has proved to be beneficial to of an estimated 17,000 Communis longer young. And Edgar, who was a brilliant naval I Freedom of the press is one of guerrilla Viet Cong troops. against the stock tailspins in other in- both law enforcement and society. The latter forces are keeping draughtsman, followed them. So, when I first bought I the indispensable adju'ncts'of a de- dustrialized nations. Measured by the Actually, most public service Dlem's 'main military units tied a boat, I used to put the engines in dead slow and ! mocracy. Our forefathers felt so down with their hit-and-run at- familiar Dow-Jones index of industrial idle down the river on summer mornings and look at campaigns conducted by newspapers tacks against the semi-fortified stocks, prices here plunged 27.1 per j strongly on this f>oint as to enact "strategic hamlets" which U.S. the big ^1f Germany was prior to World plans to blockade the access average for all 11 countries against 27.1 per cent in : ggood s to Cuba, byy buyinyg Cuban War II. The alliance between dt f d routes to West Berlin, the Chin- : West Germany and France te his products for export and by main the U.S. ii banking relations with ese Communists will begin large torically the most important re- scale air and artillery bombard- Country j High hit Low hit %drop cent development in Europe; In fact, Canada has no anti-Communist commercial pol- ments against the offshore is- United States 11/61 2. 6/62 .27.1 ; ; Japan is, with American re- lands of Quemoy and Matsu, am {Construction and aid, the most icy and' fherefore is a source of Australia 8/60 i 6/62 -17.2 embarrassment to the United a Red-inspired civil war will ; (table and economically sound na State's. ' break Out in Iraq. Austria 2/62 ', 6/62 32.4 tion in Asia, certainly on a bettei ON THE INSIDE Damage Belgium 4/62 6/62 13.5 : basis than in 1931 when she se Profits Mean More Than Alliance to trans-Atlantic cables by So- •out to conquer China; 2. The Organization of Ameri viet fishing trawlers has grown Canada 3/62 6/62 20.0 2. Soviet Russia expanded her can States: This body succeeded so heavy that U.S. cable com France 4/62 6/62 15.4 to the authority of the Monroe : territory to include alf of the panies have provided Russia with Germany 9/60 6/62 47.8 I Balkan State and East Germany, Doctrine but has been timid as charts showing the position of i With a hegemony over Poland regards Cuba because each Latin their secret cables linking the Italy 9/60 9/62 36.3 American country is fearful of it: land Hungary and with a virtua U.S. and Britain. This is being fapan 7/61 9/62 —.26.6 Jbverlordship of Czechoslovakia own Communists and of its stu« done through an international or- Netherlands ...._ 4/61 6/62.. 34.7 •Romania, and Bulgaria. In Asia, dent bodies. This fear is realistic ganization called the Cable Dam- J Soviet Russia organized China as because these subversive groups age Committee, which was set witzerland 3/62 9/62 29.2 combination of students, workers : a Communist state and estab- up on the recommendation of theUnited Kingdom ....:. 5/61 6/62 : ,..30.8 I lished an ove'rlordship over Mon- and soldiers could take control State Department. Its members of any government. ;gollt and Afghanistan. nclude the U.S., Britain, France, Mind you, these are only averages; they hide the • The Principal Victors 3. Our own Allies have shown, Denmark and Italy. Damage to 'act that some of trje free world's most popular indi- ! These are the principal vic- by their shipping goods to Cuba, undersea cables has mounted se- • tors of World War II. The United that profits mean more than the riously since the Soviet Union be- vidual stocks are down 50 to 75 per cent from their : States gained a point in the illiance and that they risk self- gan intensive "fishing" in the )eaks. It'll take time*—and a big price rebound—before {establishment of the United Na- mperiiment for a slight profit. North Atlantic waters. Sorrie of he millions of disillusioned stockowners forget what tions, but that body is now dom- This conforms to Lenin's notion the damage has interrupted com- foated by African and Asiatic hat the capitalists will win themunications between the U.S. and lappened to their get-rich-qiuck-and-easy dreams NationNti s andd the United States is 6-Monday, October 15, 1962 Revolution for the Communists. (See ALLEN-SCOTT, Page 7) 1962. „_._„.,.._ Ji_

•J YOU SAVE New Issue Over School Prayers MORf CASH WASjBBNGZTJN (A*> - Thetneir Jiriy'mm of the oafesfca be said fa jdbiic edwolsor wbetb- edwtth awn**, and subjected ttj Supram Cwrt may dear 19 byiover what payers, if any, nay tr Bible verm m; be rod is reproach and insult" • ^ <— 1 ^ _, ~ tto dMsnow. DM board's ml* sajrs That «**»« we aot either cotteetfrafy or la Mstorte anal be opea* by the GRAND RE-OPENING without conuntst, of a prayer suptUed by «tab» pHtciaU I* fee Holy Bible aad or ITS CASH for use in New York Stole public me of th* Urd's fcpyer. The YOU SAVE school*.. Many P*opl« interpreted Douay (Catholic) version may be (his as an oairlght baa on prayer used by those children who in the sxfeools end it brought one preterit. of the wariest public outcries the This is somewhat similar to tht joourt has faced In recent yean. Pennsylvania law, which reads: "At least U verses fran the now it's here... a super A few weeks ago Justice Tom Holy Bible shall be read without Hammonton Parks (Hits, MW at J. Kridel, •» priced C- Dark deperted from the eio- comment at the opening of each tom of Justices not commenting 00 between Joshua Trent end Hickey Freeman. . public school on each school day. : die court's ruling* and expressed wy child shall be excused from dismay »t what he called misun- market that's a such Bible reading or attending derstanding. All the court decided, such Bible reading upon the writ' he said, was that government can- request of Ms perefijt or guar- not take pert in the establishment dian." of religion. It was a >1 decision Edward L. Schempp, a Unitar- and Clark, joined in the majority ian living in a Philadelphia sub- !EW! 1963 COLOR 77 VALUE: view. . : ._-.,' ' . urb, brought the suit on behalf of The high tribunal agreed this ns children, who attended AMng- week to tackle once jnore this tori Township High School. emotion-laden Issue* of separation The answers to these appeals of church and state. Specifically, could hive a greater impact ZENITH the court will hear sometime in across the nation than even last the months ahead",appeals from une's decision which focused on two lower court decisions. the Mew York prayer. COLOR TV One appeal Is by Pennsylvania ITS THE NEW FOODTOWN ON HIGHWAY 35 officials from a decision by three-fudge federal court that "the state law requiring Bible reading ALLEN- MIDDLETOWN ... THE MOST COMPLETE FOOD M canMeUon* era h*iM**«d, in public schools violates the. U.S. hand aaMied. He Production Constitution. ' SUPER MARKET IN MIDDLETOWN The other appeal Is by an athe- Thousand* tl ind.pend.nt ist mother of an atheist son who scon Mrvtcmwn kiww wtut contends that a Baltimore, Md., TfceTAlMT.NeMftW th. tofldenfted ehattfc Fine Furniture mill In |TMt*r school board regulation calling for FOOD CIRCUS 4 Console stytlnj. opening of school each day with REPORT Bible reading and recitation of the GRAND RE-OPENING Lord's Prayer (s unconstitutional. (Continued) Both the Philadelphia and theBritain . .. Ambassador Adlai Baltimore practices have been at- iteveson, U.S. representative at COLOR HEADQUARTERS tacked despite the fact that chil the United Nations, told visiting dren are not required to partici- members of Congress that he was pate. They may be excused with shocked recently to see one Asian written permission from a parent bloc member, Congo's Foreign or guardian. Minister Justin Momboko, seek Mrs. Madalyn E. Murray, whose out Cuba's President Dorticos son William J Murray III is now and shake his hand following the in the 11th grade in Baltimore, Communist Cuban leader's blist- OCTOBER 17th 30 BROAD STREET told the court in her appeal that ering attack against the U.S. her son's non-participatjon in theThis unreported meeting took Bank's oldest, most experienced television store exercise caused him "loss of caste place in the UN delegates' lounge, with Ms fellows, (he was) regard- according to Stevenson. Bomboko reportedly contacted the Cuban Watch for Ad in Tomorrow's Paper President to seek his delegation'! support for new military action against Katanga's President for MONEY SAVING SPECIALS! Tshombe ... Premier Ahmed Ban Bella is expected to inspect the 1,000 Algerian trrops now in Cuba if he goes through with hit No where in Monmouth County eon you find so many plans to visit Castro later this week. Ben Bells, who is under heavy U.S. pressure to drop his veniences as are found when shopping at your Now Food Cuban visit, told Soviet bloc del- egates at the UN that he planned • "Creators of Fashions for the Home" Circus Food Town... here art some of the conveniences the inspection trip. that awaits you. ' ' Board Hires Year-Round • OUR OWN NEW FRESH IAKE SHOP. • NEW SERVICE DELICATESSEN COUNTER Custodian • NEW OPEN BUTCHER SHOP (SM M«at Cut w4 Wrappri) FAIR HAVEN - Tht Board of Education Thursday night hired Ulysses G. Allen, Fair Haven,1 • NEW LOW BANK STYLE COURTESY COUNTER to provide year-round mainten- • NEW EASY-ROLL SHOPPING CARTS FREE Decorating ance for school properties, jani- Service & Shop-at- torial service to the kindergarten, Home Service and janitorial coverage of the • NEW INTERIOR DECORATED WALLS ... all at no the school properties outside of charge or obliga- normal duty hours. • NEW SUPER LIGHTING tion! We'll also Mr. Allen will be employed bring samples on a full-time basis at an annual • NEW WELL-STOCKED SHELVES right to vour salary of $6,000, pro-rated to home Free Nov. 1, when his contract be- measuring and • NEW LARGEST VARIETY OF GROCERIES IN MIDDLETOWN . estimating comes effective. He also will re- Included ceive a $240 yearly allowance for the use of his personal tools and • NEW LARGER SELECTION OF ICE CREAM equipment. Mr. Allen has been employed • EASIEST AND SAFEST PARKING LOT IN MIDDUTOWN by the board on a temporary bas- is. • COMPLETE BEER DEPARTMENT The board approved the annual repi rt of its auditor, Joseph J. COMPLETE LIQUOR STORE NEXT DOOR Seaman and Co. The report showed a board surplus of $95,- 604.62 as of June 30. The board • COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES NEARBY re-hired the auditor for 1M2-63 at a fee of $600. • COMPLETELY POSTAL FACIUTIES ON OUR PARKING LOT In other business Hie board: Approved Mrs. Nancy Heliker of Holmdel, Mrs. Beatrice Korr of Red Bank, and Stanley G. Ivins of Rumson as substitute teachers. YOU SAVE MORE CASH Reported it is seeking a re- placement for Mrs. Valorie Rath- bone of Leonardo, French teach- er in grades 7 and I, who re- ...why shop anywhere else when the NEW reopened FOOD quested that she be released "for ihe personal reasons" as soon as a CIRCUS FOODTOWN of MIDDLETOWN offers you every- replacement can be obtained. densest, Ratified an agreement on the use or buildings, signed by the thing? Recreation Commission and ap- deepest, proved by the Borough Coun- cil. Approved the expenditure of Complete Fresh Baked dreamiest $710 for the after-school athletic OPEN program. by our BAKERS broadioom 7 DAYS A WHK Career Talk One of the wonderful departments you'll find you've ever seen Given at your New Middletewn Foodrown is our very OPEN SUNDAY own complete bakery department! Whet a By Long fabulous array of fine fresh baked foods . . . 8:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. LONG BRANCH - James M. Long, executive director of the real honest to goodness fresh baked foods by Family and Children's Service, Inc., initiated Long Branch High our bakers! School's weekly career confer- OPEN EVERY EVENING ence program with a talk on "Ca- reers in Social Work." Don't take our word for it • • . coma sea for EXCEPT SATURDAY and SUNDAY Mr. Long said that his chosen field requires a college back- yourself! Sae how fresh you ean get —when ground with emphasis on psy Lush, lavish, luxurious . , . Ihat'n Marceau! And practical, too! Carefree chology, social studies and an you buy fresh baked foods from our own com- CHECK OUR ADS EVERY acrylic fibre with Kara-loc sealed-tufts that can never pull out ... shuns soil thropology, as well as two years and spotting. And more fashion-rich colors than you've ever seen at this modest of graduate work. After training, plete bakery! You'll bo amazed at variety ... price. Truly another marvelous 'Sterling value—another great Sterling buy! starting salaries range from $4,- WEEK IN THE 800 to $5,400, he said, but the you'll just love the wonderful service. minimum for the holder of an ad- vanced degree is expected to RED BANK REGISTER rise to $6,000 by 1983. Coma shop and save . . . why pay more for Other career conference speak- Ntwaifc Ltdgtr - Ntwarfc tows ers scheduled to address stu- fresh bakad foods when you save mere at your dents here this month are James 140 BrOi(J St N. Y. Ntws - The Courltr " F. Roper, a Red Bank architect, new Middletewn Foodtown. George Curchln; a Long Branch Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday to 9 P. M. SHadyside 7-1O0O accountant, and Frank Monte- forte, a Red Bank physical ther- apist HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN (AT MIDDLI70WN POSTOWHCI) Monday, October IS, 1962—7 8-Monda,y, October 15, 1962 BED BANK'REGISTER William W. Van Dyke Weds Kathleen Mylroie AnnSakowski Married At Historical A$*n. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. - St. Mu* Carol "McPbeefers a»d George'* Episcpj»l q*we% wi Nancy G«yfey <* vtw College, To Jtaghkeqwie; S*nfa km Van the sating here Satoitfcy tor the' KEYPOBT - ftfjt* torn MartAiwdeeMar-tAiwdeea R&> « marriage of , Mbs Dyke, MfaJdJetowo, NJ., Sari MarinoCurator of tint bridegroom, tad Penelope caret Sakowatt became the bride jMdegroom'g a pareatop , Mr.. andd Mylroie, daughter of Mr. f WHJi MKfel ltfMn Jo*** Uaauo Sr —"- Mrs. John Miller Mylroie, Jr., Wprfci, University of New Hamp- of WHJiaiB McKfeeMcKfeley apM Jo**** Uaauo, Sr., Saturday in St. Joseph's Catholic eo Tenn'' recently at a testimonial dinner her sister. Bridesmaids were The bride is a graduate'of Miss Benttdette Hughes, Cliff- ography," and such noted wood, was maid of honor. Her paintings as Gainsboroiigh's'""rhe sponsored by the auxiliary to the Scotia-Glenville High School and Long Branch Elks Lodge. An Elks attended Vassar College. cream cafe slUc organza gown Blue Boy," and Renyold's "Mrs. was styled with » semi-eabrina pin was presented to Mrs. Wool Party Honors The bridegroom is an alumnut Siddons as the Tragic Muse." n • c k I i n e, three-quarter-length Reports of the association presi- ley in recognition of 39 years of of Middletown Township High School and attended Hobart Cot sleeves and a floor-length bell dent, the director and treasurer, service to the auxiliary. I6-Year-Old skirt, trimmed with a bustle bow. and on the activities at Marlpit lege in Geneva, N.Y. where he Joseph Burns, Jr. was guest FAIR HAVEN — Miss Sharon was a member of the Kappa A short bouffant veil wms at- speaker fit the dinner which also Driscoll was honored at a "sweet Alpha Society. He is with the tached to her headpiece of match- marked the 50th anniversary of 16" party here recently in the ing roses and lily-of-the-valley Saga Food Service, Inc., Union John Hemleb Red Bank the auxiliary. Mr. Burns is pasj home of her aunt, Mrs. William College campus. and she carried a bird cage of F. DeSante, 221 Oak PI. Shorea Area president of the The couple will be at home NAVESINK — "Witness for the rust pompons, grapes and rust PTA PlaM Elks/and presently serves as Guests were Connie Picard, Nov. 1 at 1493 Rugby Rd., Prosecution," Agatha Christie's and gold wheat. Shore Area treasurer and treas- Stephen Rafferzeder, Gene Field, Schenectady. They left for a famous courtroom melodrama Bridal attendants were Miss urer of the lodge. Edward Labuda, Thomas Hop- wedding trip to Puerto Rico and that ran for more than two.years Joan Lagoda and Miss Nancy Luncheon Dance contest < winners were wood, Nancy and Butch Lynch, Mrs. William W. Van Dyke the Virgin Islands. in London and 644 performances Coan, South Amboy, and Mrs. RED BANK — Fashions by Mrs. Minnie Ponessa and Louis Gary, Sharon and Dale Driscoll, in New York, will be presented Peter Peterson, Cheesequake, Jean Swartz of Asbury Park will Wilkens, twist; Benjamin Wool- all of Shrewsbury Township; by the Monmouth Players in the sister-in-law of the bride. Their be shown Wednesday at a lunch- ley and Miss Marge Eurich, cha Honey and William Baer, Pam- Auditions in Shrewsbury Navesink Library Nov. 2, 3, 9 andgowns and headpieces were sim- eon of the Red Bank Catholic cha, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kew- ela Wjckberg, Skip Harnett, 10. John Hemleb, Sailer's Way, ilarly styled in fern green and High School Parent-Teacher As- ras, waltz. A dance exhibition Carole Arnold, Butch Bartel, Ann Rumson, is directing the play they carried birdcages of rust sociation. The luncheon is sched- was presented by Mr. and Mrs, Forbes, Marty "rand\ Mickey, which is. now in rehearsal. pompons, grapes and rust and uled for 12:30 p.m. in the Shad- James Musto of Long Branch and Meyers, Jan ZaJuy'iRobert Har- gold wheat. two of their pupils, Mr. and Mrs.ris, Betty CaHahan, Judy Hull, Mr. Hemleb, advertising man: owbrook, Shrewsbury. 13 New Voices in Chorale ager of Bendix International'Divl Four-year-old Allison Sakowski, Fiore Talerico of Oakhurst. Robert Thorn, Dianjje—Flola, Mrs. Anthony Scatuorchio is SHREWSBURY — Thirteen the Gage Oratorio Group of Mont York City, for 20 years. She has sion, New, York City, has been Matawan, was the flower girl for general chairman and Mrs. Har- Councilman Edgar Dinkelspiel Sandy Fuller anoVGlen Mueller, her cousin. She wore a "floor- New Shrewsbury? new members were accepted; by clair, the Monmouth Civic Cho- sung with the Handel-Messiah associated with tli» players since old Mullins, vice chairman. Oth- was master of ceremonies. Mrs. Upsala Glee Club. the group's beginning. length gown of cream cafe silk Also, Ralph Mango, Nancy the Shrewsbury Chorale in re- rus, Irvington Civic Chorus, New ers on the committee are Mrs. Dinkelspiel is auxiliary president. At present the Shrewsbury organza designed with 4- high White, Jamey Martin, James Sla- cently conducted auditions. Jersey Opera Association and is He has had leading roles in John McGlynn, reservations, and presently employed in a church Chorale is working on a Bach neckline and short sleeves.' Her baski. Sue Swanson, Prudy 'They "are Mrs. Sylvester M. "Theatre," "Cuckoos on the Mrs. William Kane, special proj- NURSING INSTITUTE quartette. • < motet "Jesu, Mine Freude," and headpiece was a circlet of tan- Adams, Eatontown; Gloria Neville, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Hearth," "The Male Animal," gerine carnations and she car- ect. Flower displays will be by Mr. Mullen sang with the In- Kodaly's "Missa Brevis" which "The Fifth Season" and . "The Marion Fisher, Shrewsbury i\a- LONG BRANCH — An Institute Giorno and Lynny e Hoffman, Red Edward Swikart, Jr., Runison; will be presented at its sacred ried a colonial bouquet of tan- k d N Lil carnation Choir of New York Tender Trap/' He has directed rist. . . on Restorative Nursing will be Bank, iMindy McNair, Little George G. Hessel, Fair Haven; City, Fordham University Glee concert in January. gerine camitlotts. :• Silver, and Charen Silvers, Free- Mrs. Peter Harrison, Red Bank; "Heat Lightning," "the Severed held Oct. 26 in Monmouth Medi- i Rd Bk Club, Charlotte Oratorio Society Joseph Lanraro. Jr., brother of cal Center. The institute is joint hold. Edward P. Mullen, Lincroft; Cord," "Nigfit Musi Fall," "Dial the bridqrobm, Morganville, was MADAME PAULINE and the St Leo the Great Choir. M for Murder" and 'Mr. Barrys Phrenologist ly sponsored by the National As- Rev. Ralpph Edwards, Belford; best man. Ushers were Joseph Mrs. John -]jfi. Cnim* Jr., Keans- Rev. Mr. Edwards' singing ex- To Plan Party Etchings.'" Character fttadtr AdvUor — sociation for Practical Nurse Ed j * , perience has been with the Tem- Sakowski, brother of the .bride; Pall — Prtltnl Dr. Webster Baptizes b Chl F Philli FreeF - ucation and Service, the Licensei burg; Charles F. Phillips, ple University Concert Choir and He also directed "The. Mouse-Salvatore Longette, cousin-of the nx Clifton Avr.. Lakrvrnoit. N. I. Philip T. Colts For Children trap" at the Wagon Wheel Play. FOicroll 3J837 Practical Nurse Association oi Tracy Cameron Foster hold; Porter, the Mendelssohn Club of Phila- bride, and Edgar Koons. *Il of Optn Dally t:00 a.m.-HOO p.m. New Jersey and the New Jerse> Neck; Mrs.M' ' Paul Durkin and Jo- delphia, Pa. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - house, Middletown, last year and Matawan. Vincent Gentile, ;M«> Sunday By Appointment RED BANK — Rev. Dr. Charles : hospital Association. seph Pizzi, Matawan; John" F. Ad- Mrs. Crum was with the West- Mrs. Wayne Halwey was named has served as stage manager ganville, nephew of tiie Bride- S. Webster,.pastor of the Presby- for all (he Red Bank Junior Serv is, Ocean Grove, and Mrs. minster Choir College, Oratorio chairman of the annual Christ- groom, was the rinf? bearerl, terian Church, yesterday chris- Frank/Falcone, Oceanport. mas Party committee for town- ice League's Follies. A reception for 400 guests fol- tened Tracy Cameron Foster, Choir of South Amboy and a so- Mrs. Neville has had previous loist in the choir at St. Mary's ship children at a recent meeting lowed in Coby's Restaurant, South daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David experience singing with church of the Woman's Club here in the Amboy. Cameron Foster, 1032 Ocean Church in Philadelphia. WSC& to. Hold and college • choirs and Mrs. Swi- A soloist in the Freehold Meth- community building. • * The? bridegroom attended Mat- Ave., Sea Bright, in the church Mrs. Richard Loux reported chapel. kart has sung with the Forest Hill odist Church, Mr. Phillips : also Rummage Sale . / awan High School. He own* and Presbyterian and Red Bank Pres- that a donation had been sent to operates Bill Lamaro's Auto Mrs. Walter Shinn of Rumson sings with the Middlesex Male FAIR HAVEN — A rummage byterian Church 'choirs, the Rose- Chorus. • the Heart Fund in,memory of Sales, 334 Main St., Matawan. and Donald B. Cook of Perth Am- ville Singers, the Mutual Bene- Jesse Dewitt, father of Mrs. R. C. sale will be held by the Women's The bride, who has been em- boy and New York City were god- fit Chorus and St. Luke's Choir. Bell Glee Club Simpson, who died recently. Society of Christian Service in ployed in the same company, is parents. Among the guests at a Mr. Porter has sung with the Fellowship Hall of the Fair Ha- Mr. Hessel has sung In school Plans were made to place a a graduate. of St. Mary's High reception which followed in the Vanderbilt a cappela Choir. Bell container in the Alfred Vail Mu- ven-Rumson Methodist Church, School, South Amboy. Foster residence was the child's and church choirs, including the Telephone Laboratories Men's American Church in Paris. tual Association , office and in River Rd., Thursday from 9 a.m. They will reside at 1 New great-grand mother; Mrs. M.F Glee Club and the Society for the to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Isherwood of 283 Spring St. Mrs. Harrison has sung with the Snack Bar for..donations to Brunswick Ave., Matawan, fol- Preservation and Encouragement the Scholarship Fund for M Chairmen are Mrs. John Rowan lowing a motor trip through'New" -.ADVERTISEMENT - - ADVERTISEMENT. of Barber Shop Quartette Singing mouth .Regional High School. and Mrs. Raymond Jannell. England. of America. * Mrs. Carmen Toozola was ac- Mrs. Durkin sang with the Schu- cepted as a new member of the Science Shrinks Piles mann-Heink All-Girls Chorus and club. Mrs. Carl Nagel and Mrs. various church choirs and Mr. Hawley were hostesses. Pizzi was a member of the Co- The club has resumed bowling A Gift of Help and Hope New Way Without Surgery' lumbian Club. at Sycamore Lanes. Mr. Addis has sung with a Mrs. Arthur Fountain and Mrs. NEW YORK CITY — A father- cappella choirs and is pro- Tames Hughes were named host- less 8-year-old Vietnamese girl Stops Itch—Relieves Pain has been financially "adopted" ' N«* Y«fc, N. T. (9p«ul)-For tha •0 thorough that sufferer* mad* fessional church soloist. He also esses for the next meeting Nov. flrat time science has found a new astonishing statements like "Piles has had parts in Broadway mu 12.. through the Foster Parents Plan healing substance with the aston- have ceased to be a problem!" sical comedy shows. by Mrs. Randall M. Keator, Jr., ishing ability to shrink hemor- The secret is a new healing sub- Mrs. Falcone was soloist at Our of Ward Ave., Rumson, N. J. rhoids, stop Itching, and relieve stance (Bio-Dyne*)—discovery of Lady of Lourdes Church, New Dinner to Mark The youngster, Nguyen Thl pain — without surgery. a world-famous research institute. Man, will receive a monthly cash In caia after ease, while gently This substance is now available) grant in addition to food, clothing,' relieving; pain, actual reduction in suppository or otntmtnt form Founders' Day (ahrlnkage) took place, under the name Preparation H* Bridge Clubs LITTLE SILVER — Members medical help and schooling. Hoat amazing oi all—result* were At all dni2 counters. of Kappa Kappa Gamma Alum- Man is described in her plan file as "gentle, obedient and help- GARDEN STATE DUPLICATE nae will observe Founders' Day BHIDOE CLUB: Georgi* Macomher. ful" and "as beautiful as a small New Shrewsbury, and William Hor- at a covered, dish dinner tomor- lachor.. Llttld Silver, firat; Henry row at 7 p.m. in the home of Mrs. doll." She is ,one of six children ## Fleming. Long Branch, and Mfus whose father died recently of // Margaret Michel. Atlantic Highlands, Thomas Judge, 508. Branch Ave. second, and James Ham. Fair Ha- Mrs. Harry Lubkert, Holmdel, typhoid. ,,.";, ven, and L. H. Bunnell, Rum*on, The family is supported by the . Whew, tied for third and fourth place with will report on the 44th Biennial Mr. and Mr«. Miguel Mendoza. Fair oldest boy, who earns 69 cents a Haven. Convention of the: sorority' field Games are held every Thursday last June in Asheville, N. C. day as a bricklayer, and the SPECIAL! nicht In the Willow Brook Inn. River mother, whose wages are 41 cents Rd., Fair Haven, at 8:15 p.m. un- Since its founding in 1870, Kap- summer's der the direction of Henry H. Flem- a day, but both can find work ing and E, T. Waters. Master point pa Kappa Gamma has awarded carnes are played every lecond scholarships totaling a half mil- only sporadically. Thursday of the month. lion dollars to both members and The family lives in a primitive ZIGZAG $ : so over! non-members. palm leaf hut with an earthen JERSEY 8HOHE DUPLICATE floor, and eat and sleep on wood- BRIDGE CLUB: north and south by SINGER Mlas Margaret Michel,- Highlands, en boards. and Mrs. Helen Levy. Asbury Park. PAINTING CRITIQUE Have All rirst; John Weber and Bert Pick- RED BANK — Jack Atkinson, The plan asks foster parents to SALE PRICE over, both of Middletown. second, contribute $15 a month toward and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald NanklveU, Colts Neck, will conduct a 99 Matawan, third; east and west. Ber- critique on members' paintings each child's support for at least IITI8(J1116 — you can have a zigzag ma- nard Po.it .and George Macomber, one year. Founded in 1937, it is Of Your both of New Shrewsbury, first; Rus- for the Monmouth Arts Gallery chinebySINGER atthelow lowpriceof$99.50 tell Martin. Belmar, and Darrell currently helping more than 28,- Beall. Keansburg, second, and Mr. at its regular coffee hour Thurs- and Mrs. William Moaner, Lin croft, day from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The 000 destitute children in Greece, during this limited offer! Practical zigzag third. Italy, France, Korea, Viet Nam, Games are held every Friday night gallery is located- on the second stitch lets you overcast, mend, applique—with- In The Oaks. Middletown. under the floor of Ballantine's, 147 Broad Hong Kong, the Philippines and direction of Mrs. Kenneth Chandler Nguyen Thl Man Colombia. . . < out attachments. Switches instantly to smooth SUMMER FIBRE RUGS and Mrs. A. Judson Dunlap. St. ..- • - • •• straight stitching. It's rugged, dependable. USE OUR UYAWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Cleaned NOW! a THE Small down payment on our Efiy Budget Plan EATONTOWI CIRCLE MW J!«S(n OIIAIlIt I1OII, ONf Of XMIllMt riMM HALF-PRICE SPECIALS SUMMER 6x 9.. 3.50 YOUR FURNITURf AND CARPETING FROM OUR USED MACHINE DEPT. RUGS 8x10.. 5.50 STORED WILL LOOK BETTER, 9x12.. 7.50 LAST LONGER WHEN PORTABLES 14 FREE BAMBERGER'S Formerly 29.50 up NOwJL I [• 12x12.. 9.50 "til , DOES THE CLEANING CONSOLES !• 12x15.. 12.50 June 1st Wool carpeting only Sofa and 2 chain Formerly 39.50 up NOW CALL PR 4-1314 or CA 2-5042 2495 (mlalmum ••*« »as> pur exclusive Sunny-GIo® method cleans SINGER SEWING CENTER out the .hidden dirt"that's deep down inside your furniture $rid wall-to-wall carpeting. Ustad In phont book under SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. And it's'done by our experienced crews; right in your home, without fuss or muss, 69 BROAD ST. RED BANK in Just a few hours. Call your nearest Open Wed. and Friday 'til 9 P. M. 36 BROAD Bamb^fjger store.: You can charge this service to your. Bamberger Account. 184 Broadway Long Branch Mm* O«Mm i-asta *r write. HMIM SanlMi (O«»t !••). 536 Cookman Ave. Asbury Park [613 Prospect Avenue Asbury Park, r Reussjlles M*m*alk. Am* .«t Plrimw, Mwito Pwrfc, Htmtrtl, 1 M# Chary HHt •A trademark of the Singer Mfg. Co. IK>kT^i-*. ' Monnwuth's Leading Jewelers Since 1886 RED BANK REGISTER Monday, October IS, 1963-9 Adam and Eve Shrewsbury Bazar On Monmouth Arts Foundation Romance Nov. % 3 Opening Concert Nov. I Do you have a personal ques- Dear Up In Air: What would SHREWSBURY - The annual RED BANK — The Monmouft tion or problem? Send it to happed if the ceremony took Arts Foundation will open Adas* or Eve Lowell or both, too long? harvest-time bazar of Christ Epis- copal Church wUI be held Nov. 2 196243 concert series Nov. 1 with as you prefer. For • personal, Adam the appearance of "Paul Paray unpublished reply, enclose • Adam, the parachutes would and J in the church parish house. Mis. Douglas Downs and Mrs. and the Detroit Symphony Or- stamped, teltaddrested enve- be open, not closed. Even to, chestra in the Carlton Theater. lope: Man to ADAM & EVE, the bride and groom would John Corcoran are chairmen. c/tf t&s newspaper.) The bazar, titled "Ye Okie Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. hav* the shortest honeymoon on Admission to this series is by DEAI} ADAM: record before they hit ^h* Shrewsbury Harvest," wiH offer hand made items for Christmas season ticket only, with no single My boy friend U » and I am bumps of marriage. - admissions being sold at the door. 19. We both belong to a parachute Eva giving, a gourmet table and per- formances Friday evening and The concert committee stated club and have made many jumps Well, everything considered I mat season tickets for the current together. For two yean now I've thuk Up In Air and her boy Saturday afternoon by Magician Elmer Unger. series will be mailed to all mem- been trying to persuade him to friend should com* down to bers within the next two weeks marry ine, and I know this earth lor the ceremony. If A fashion show and tea are planned for the opening day of in ample time for the opening of •mind* jffly but the other eve- they're in love they can sail the series. ning he suddenly laid he'd do I feeTIike they're on Cloud Nta*. the bazar. The Detroit Symphony is if I would agree to be married Adam while parachuting down to earth ranked among the foremost musi- with'him. He wasn't Jdddifig, DEAKCTE: < cal organizations in the world — either. He hist wants to do My husband used to go to New Officer and one of the busiest. It plays something wild and different — churetnrtth me, but aow,be won't concerts 10 months of the year he's that way. I guess he was al- 8° anymore and I tidal) b* sets in Detroit and on tour, and is heard on weekly radio broad' so testing my courage and my a very bad exampli for our (bur children. The excuse he gives is casts. One of 30 of the Detroit love. There's a preacher in qur Symphony Orchestra recordings jump dub who Is willing to tie that the sermons bore him. He •ays that ministers ought to won the Grand Prix du Disque the .knot while the three of us In International competition. float .down. My boy friend says more about current events PIGGY IANKS are the currant order of business for that* members of Chrht Episco- we CID use Inter-coms to hear i*s than about salvation Other scheduled concerts in the each other, and that the ring can and Bible quotations and dam- pal Church, Shrewsbury. Making ready for the annual bazar Nov. 2 and 3 ara, subscription series are Julius be handed to me with a special nation. He thinks such sermons left to right, Mrs. John H. Osbom, Mrs. John E. Corcoran and Mn. Douglas Downs. Katchen, pianist, Nov. 2S; Na- tional Ballet of Canada, Jan. 28 rod. I'm Just nutty enough to are a waste of time, and that he Mrs. Corcoran and Mrs. Downs a re chairmen. take my boy friend's dare and do can learn more about the burring and Buffalo Philharmonic Orches- it. Do you think I should? questions of the day and bow tra, March 12. Up In Air to live and "so domethlng" about 'The Cocktail Party' our fellow man by staying home DRAPERIES reading the Sunday newspapers. VISIT OLDWICK I've argued with him about this LITTLE SILVER — The Wom- Gets until I'm blue in the face. How an's Club's American Home and SLIPCOVERS can I get him to go back to Drama Group to Offer Eliot Play Arts and Crafts Department New Hospital church? RED BANK - The audience members went on a bus trip re- BEDSPREADS Frustrated at "The Cocktail Party," to be cently to the Far Hills Inn for Dear Frustrated: If all of us presented this weekend at the luncheon and visited the Pink CURTAINS Commander followed the teachings of the Red Bank Methodist Church, will Sleigh at Oldwiclc. Chairmen Bible there would be peace on be seated in * modified "theater were Mrs. Winston G. Watts and SHADES earth and goodwill among men. in the round" arrangement limit Mn. George Ivlns. That would solve all of the ing the number of available seats Joseph P. Amead BLINDS burning issues of the day. Tell each night to approximately 75. him so. The cast of the T. S. Eliot play DEAL - Joseph P. Amend, NAMED TO BOARD Eve will perform in the center of the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. ALLAIRE - Mrs. Paul HaH Drapery Hardware church's Fellowship Hall with the Amend, 32 Richmond Ave., has of Westwopd, has been appointed DEAR ADAM AND EVE: audience on two sides. The play, graduated from Officer Training a member of the board of mana- Complete Installation Service I am a 32-year-old blonde which will be offered in dramatic School at Lackland Air Force ge^ of the Arthur Brisbane Child • Shop at Home Service housewife and I have been mar- reading form, will be performed Base, Tex., and has been com* Treatment Center here. She Is ried six years. People say I am Friday, Saturday and Sunday at missioned a second lieutenant In the mother ot two children, Mar- Phono 747-4422 attractive, and men are supposed J: 15 p.m. the Air Force. Lt. Amend Is a got, 18, and Max, 9, and wife of to prefer blondes anyway, and I It is one of a series of annual graduate of ViUanova University. the president of the Seafarers In- 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury can say truthfully that I was not musical and dramatic productions He will be assigned to Otis Air ternational Union. . only popular before marriage but of the church's Ministry of Music Force Base, Mass., as a person- • ADVBRTBXMBNT • could have had any number of and Fine Arts. , nel officer. romances after marriage had I "The Cocktail Party" was first been so inclined. Instead I have presented In IMS with « British How Women Can Lose 2 to 7 Lbs. been faithful,' a good housewife, cast that included Alec Guiness an expert housekeeper, and a and Cathleen Nesbitt. It deals Teachers Attend steady and affectionate' compan- with the destinies of various peo- of Moating Water-Weight* That ion to my husband. He is 31. ple who are attending the same Writing Course My problem is that he's been cocktail party in London. In the very .flirtatious ever since we Red Bank cast are Charles Jace- MIDDLETOWN — One hundred Causes Pre-Menstmal Miseries were married. He simply, cannot km, Hazel Stodter, Jean Fowler, and ninety five elementary teach- New Discovery Tested By Nurses on ftwnuelTes Also RelMves Col. DonaM E. Carl* keep his eyes or his hands off Chester Crabtree, Jr., Ian Dunl- ers, principals, and supervise twaWngv Pelrie Pleasure, Dlsiy Spella, Pain and Ita Moodhttaa, other women.'I'm convinced that pace. Rev. Kerry Robb, Carol attended an afternoon hand- NarreaeTaulon, An Entirely New end Medially Proven Femala. FO!RT !MO*JMOUTH — c. men are constitutionally usable Boiled, Thelma Lowden and Her- writing workshop at the high New Ywfc, H. T. (SPMM) -Doctors helps prevent the build-up of harm- Donald E. Carle of Lincoln, to be one-woman creatures. It's bert Burtis. school last Monday. who an spedaliita in women's eil- ful excess water and so promptly Nebr., has assumed duties as the Just not in them, and I may get Lighting and sound effects for The. workshop was conducted menta haw now dboovered that eliminates the bloating weight. It new commander of Pattersoji ..dijorce. Am I right? the play will be created by Don' by Mn. Helen I. Shafer, writing several dayaltAn a tronan's period (•Urns', headache, cramps and ac- Army Hospital and post surges^, About To Quit aid Curry, make-up by Jane h«r system often (tons op an ab- companying nervous tanrion, irrita- consultant for the Zaner-Bteser aonsal f-mrnmnUHtn of wa'tsr— bility, depression, and ditty spent here,.. .,.'•, Dear About To Quit: No. Huebner and the production wil READY FOR CURTAIN — Rev. Kerry Robb, left, "the Publishing Co. H« reported to Fbrt Moumouft Your husband probably had from S to 7 lbs. Thlt cause* body both before and, during periods— ' be directed by Mr. Burtis. juesf" in "The Cocktail Party," to be presented this Mrs. Shafer was engaged by tissue! to iwell and results in • in a way no pain reliover alone from Fort Sill, OMa., where he the wrong, notions about mar* Charles Jacelon, as Edward sudden fain of weight and abdom- poatibly can. had held the same position since riage (and women) when you weekend at the Red Bank Methodist Church, rehearses the Board of Education as the Chamberlayne, is making his sec- result of a cancellation made by inal pnfflneM. Trsndar Tablets have been 1960, at the U. S. Army Hospital. married him. He's not excep- ond appearance with the Drama role with Carol Boslet of Fair Haven, "Celia," and Ian It abo CUM breast sorauase, thoroughly tatted by hundred! of Col. Carle, who has more than tional, but he's not the.rule a Massachusetts school. Th« headache, dtpraasion, nerroui ten- Registered Nurses on themmlim. Group of the church. Last season Dunipace of Fort Monmouth, "Peter." board had been trying to arrangi 25 yean" active service in the either, thank goodness! he was seen with them In "Out- sion and diner spell*. Proven safe and effective when Army Medical Corps, was com- • Adam and Eve a workshop for the past year m Bat now sdenoe has developed taken aa directed. Now.obtalnahl* ward Bound" In the role of Scrub- spring he took a leading role io "The Cocktail Party" is the that when the open date aatnnlahtnhingt medioal help—balp a nenew without prescription at any drug missioned a first lieutenant upon by, the bartender. He has made tablet called TWndar*. Trendar | counter. Boy IVsodar at once! completion' of his Army intern- "Outward Bound." first of two full-length plays appeared, teachers were released Twp. Candidates frequent appearances with the Thelma Lowden, wife o f the planned by the group. In Febru- from their afternoon sessions to •hip at Lettwman General Hos- Fort Monmouth Players in num pkalnb 181 E, Newman Springs Rd. SH 74400 Red tank Next to A&P Free Parking 34 IROAD ST. IANB 10-Moriday, October 15,1962 BED BAJHK REGISTER Opposition To EVHJWfWTOYOU? Student of The Month tore iac&de application to Wto- r, Mppurat Staler ton^aJem College in rtorthCaro- Ben Bella's tdwol i Morgan State Teacher* C»l- SHTHILATiST HORSE SUPPLIES Student of the in ?#insyrv«ila, or Upward Cuba Visit Jniversfry in Washington: H • AppOaaees . UeM- imbition is to become a physical By ROBERT ALLEN AND Owned, sponsor of the award, an- iducation instructor. '' FRED D. WIKOFF CO. PAUL SCOTT nounced tills week. The Student of the Month WASHINGTON - Premier Council based the (election up- iward was originated by the Long RED BANK, N. J. Ahmed Ben Bella is unde.- heavy on Margaret's "tireless service in branch High School Student pressure to drop his announced school and community activities." Council to honor students who intention to vij.it Cuban dictator Co-chairman of the Student nake important contributions of Telephone SH 1-0554 Castro. Council Safe Driving Committee, wrvice to the school, but who do . However, despite that, there is a member of the Football Re- >ot generalff receive deserved no indication of any change in freshments Committee, a member school-wide recognition. the Algerian leader's plan. ; of the high school choral group, Cathy Showier is chairman of KITCHEN and a helper in both the planning One powerful influence making the Student of the Month Cpm- SH 7-2552 itself felt on Ben Bella against and execution phases of tM Mittee, and Dick Lawn is. co- The Place To Go For The Brands You Know going to Cuba is his urgent desire school's social events, the award shalrman. HWT. 35. MIDDLETOWN to secure a big petroleum winner was also cited "for the Boy 'juckett,serm as faculty many unselfish hours she offered • .Frs* Estimates butadiene plant that two major idvbor to, ^he group- U.S. oil companies have indicated as a school office assistant," BOTANY "500" willingness to build in his She has served as assistant "Clothes of Distinction" country. secretary of the Liberty Commu' These corporations are El Paso ni$y Center Chorus, ana '.has JOHN DANIELS' MEN'S WEAR Natural Gas and Phillips Petro- worked as a mother's helper. leum. Margaret's plan* tor the fa- 23 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK They are in no way attempting to affect Ben Bella's decision on Charge It — 30 - 60 or 90 Day* Cuba. They are strictly Keeping Award Medal To hands off of mis matter. But the State Department, which Is as- Captain Stuart sisting In the negotiations on the With this co-operation from the proposed plant, is very much Deadline Set Recreation Conimission, he said, FOOT - Capt interested in Ben Bella's hob- the Shade Tree Commission wil Theodore M. Stuart, (33 Pine- nobbing with. Castro. have a Stock of trees avaitaW brook Rd.j Ms received the Army It Is also authoritatively known CLEAN RUGS For Tree in the future to beautify the Commendation Medal for service that the Algerian leader is being township/ ' '' strongly counseled against vis- in hismost jeceot assignment be- iting Cuba by some of his closest Planting Plan Because the commission Is con-ore Arriving here in June to at- LAST LONGER lieutenants and influential West cerned with the, spread of Elm MIDDLETOWN - Wednesda Tree Disease and other blights tend the Signal' Off leer Career ern labor leaders who supported STUNNING M KARAT COLD FOIfD and look lovelier too!. the Algerians in their long fight has been established as the dead- affecting other trees it is investi- Course. for independence'. line for residents wishing to order gating with' Recreation Com- Tl>e presentation was made by These laborites include Ameri- trees through' the Shade Tree mission ' cooperation the 'possi- Col.'Doane D. Davis; director of CALL TODAY cans, British, Italians, 'Danes, Commission's tree planting pro- bility ot securing trailer-borne Officers Department. A gift of everlasting beauty and usefulness Norwegians and Swedes. gram. . •' '„••.' tree spying; equipment. Mr. Capt Stuart was awarded the Jess Jordan, commission secre- Jordan said members of the The plan for the petroleum medal for "outstanding meri Established. ^mmmm I % Ttlephon. tjutadiene plant calls" for two tarjiy «aJd tto commission set Commission "will attend the' an orious service" as flight opera French firms Joining El Paso the, cat-off date In order that, the nual meeting of the New Jersey tions officer and communications ! 84 SH10001 tpgileanj Natural Gas and Phillips Petro- commission could award con- Federation at Shade Tree Com- fficer for the 16th Aviation Oper- missions in Atlantic City Nov., ' I nfiAll A and leum in this project that would tract* to local nurseries to supply ating Detachment, Seventh Army, be guaranteed against' expropri- and plant the trees early next 11-13 at which time they will Europe, from August 1960 to June 17 Broad Sf. wUA WM'* *» BANK Since 19U ation by the Algerian govern- month. inspect such equipment. 1962. . ment. Algerian (Sahara) oil and Applications for the trees are The commission also reported WHITE ST. SH 7.2800 RED BANK gas would be used to manfuacture available at township hall. The it was continuing to work with petrochemicals, which would be commission will furnish and plant the Monmouth County Shade Tree the basis for producing synthetic a young tree on the front lawn Commission which will supply rubber and other goods. near the street of any residents trees fpr planting along county The U.S. foreign aid agency, property upon the resident's pay- roads in five locations within the headed by Fowler Hamilton, is ment of a below-cost $10 per tree. township. %k participating with the State De- He said that the Commission It was also disclosed at the partment in the deliberations on will write to every resident who meeting that'at the request of this project! Thf agreement on it has ordered trees advising them James V. Palumbo, chairman of may be announced today, when Featuring Quality Foods of the ' approximate date of the new Monmouth Beach Shad President Kennedy confers With planting and asking the resident Tree Commission, details had Ben Bella. at Worthwhile Savings I to place stakes on his front lawn been furnished the Monmouth indicating where he wished the Beach Commission on'the local UtMT BMRtHiM StM «t Slit PriM HOME LOANS AFCEA SPEAKER trees to be planted. tree planting program and that FORT MONMOUTH — Navy Mr. Jordan also disclosed that the local Commission had offered First . Home ownership for your family may be yean Capt. Scott Lothrop, deputy chief the Recreation Commission has its help to the Monmouth Beach unit if it decided to embark on a nearer than you think! We will arrange a Home of staff, Defense Atomic Support made available to the com- National Agency, Washington, will be themission , approximately one acre similar project, in that com- Loan that will be custom-tailored to YOUR financial speaker at the dinner-meeting of of property at Bodman Park. munity. : • •• • V.-.v • Stores situation, YOUR needs, YOUR income. You repay Armed Forces Communications He safd,that young dogwood, your loan just like rent. A single monthly repay- II and Electronics Association pine and other trees which the Thursday at Gibbs Hall Officers Shade Tree Commission is root- ment can be set up to include principal, interest and Club. Charles M. Arthur-,- West pruning while clearing a 60-acre Democrat-Ettes property taxes. Allenhurst, with Westinghouse tract in Lincroft wUl be trans You will get friendly understanding and careful [ Electric Corp.,, will preside at theplanted to the new nursery are: Meet Candidates meeting. at Bodman Park. attention to detail from a staff which is long expe- EAT KEANSBURG—The Dem- SAVE 1Oc rienced in home financing. ocratic candidates for Township REGILAR 6R CRINKLE CfT Committee, Martin V.: Lawlor PUBLIC AUCTION SALE and Edward J. Roth, were guests speakers at the opening meeting Entirt contents of two palatial Hemts, of the Democrat-Ettes in Buck WE PAY DIVIDENDS Smith's. formerly Block titato. FOUR TIMES A YEAR The club went on record as ON ACCOUNTS OF pledging their support to the can- didates. $10 OR MORE... 73 and 95 Cedar Ave., Long Branch Mrs. 'Donald Kelleher was BASED ON OUR named chairman of a luncheon CURRENT ANNUAL WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17th to be held Nov. 17 at 1 p.m. in t Yor"Qarden Frozen Juices. Fruits. Vegetables—Mix'em or Match *eml DIVIDEND the Paradise Grill, Rt. 35, when 10:S0A.M. the club will entertain the Wom- 43 Rooms of Furniture comprising Handsome Wall Mir- en's County Democratic Club. Mrs. Eugene Feury will be Orange Juice "« Grape Juice ««• SAVE rors, Oriental and Domestic Rugs, Bedroom Furniture in 0 MARINE VIEW Twin and Double Beds, Refrigerators, Gas Ranges, Kitchen chairman of the annual "Break- fast in Hollywood" to be held Strawberries »»<"« Mixed Fruits " "^ "fy, and Dining Room Furniture, Electrical Fixtures, Fireplace SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Jan. 18 at 8:30 p.m. in Buck Mantels, Occasional Tables and Chairs. You\jll find the Smith's.'' • OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" furniture you want for your home in this sale. DofKt miss it. Appointed chairmen for the Meloii Bolls""- RaspberriesIlltz. Come prepared to remove. your purchases oKmake SAVE $ MAIN OFFICE coming year were Mrs. Thomas Branch Office necessary arrangements to remove them at conclusion of Sliced Strawberries » «• Peas » «• DP tO 874 Highway 35 McCabe, membership, and Mrs. Atlantic Highlands sale as the houses will be razed on Thursday. Feury, publicity: (Five Corners) Brussels Sprouts 24* 33 First Avenue Mrs. Kelleher was appointed by 4- l MIDDLETOWN By Order of: PETER SII0ON. JR. the executive committee to serve OS 1-2400 291-0100 as "coffee calendar girl" as well Ereen Beans ***• ** * **• as to head the sign painting com- SAVE B. G. Coats, Auctioneer. Phone: KEIIogg 1-3461 Deal, N. X. lima Beans * S^t., Broccoli HP tfl Cauliflower"^ Mixed Vegetables<•« 2

teas »*L Orange Juice *« SAVE Crape Juice •« Peas at Carrots »«• "fJ*

Don't buy Whole Kernel Corn '•«• flopped Broccoli '•« your new Chopped or Leaf Spinach " «- SOFA... It's First National For The Finest Meat! UNTIL YOU SHOP AT "ROSE"

If you're the kind of person who likes to get the most value for . SMOKED BEEF your dollars . . . you're OUR kind of person. We shop around Oar (KlH •» inrutM< l»w- carefully and buy only from dependable makers of good furni- -HONOR MAID— Hi If y«n wUk.

SECTION TWO MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1962 7c PER CORY New Jersey Public Works Proposals News Brief s Explained for Municipalities TRENTON — New Jersey's Ocean County and on the Mana- some 50 Indian reservations will state, county and municipal squan River in Ocean and Mon-receive the bulk of the Interior DEEPWATER-A tanker man- tie management refused to governments have a head start mouth Counties. Department's assistance due to auveriqgt to dock yesterday reat an apartment to a Negro at trying for a part of the $900 Other projects, listed by Set- the relatively tow income on most crashed into the Du Pont Co.'s couple. A spokesman fer the million accelerated public works liffe as possibilities, include: re- Indian reservations. chambers works pier here, caus- Newark-Essex Chapter of the program funds recently author- habilitation of a dike in North A quick check with the New ing damage estimated by the Congress of Racial EojaaWy ized by Congress". Bay just north of Staten Island Jersey Department of Conserva- firm at $200,000 to $300,000. Two (CORE) aatd M pickets (ram In the Jersey City labor market tion revealed that New Jersey Coast Guard boat* rushed to the the organization paraded In Thursday some 400. representa- tives from communities through' area; the rehabilitation of the established the first Indian res-' scene after'ait pipe, lines on front of the Forest HB1 Manor Shooters Island dike between at T1V4 Belleville Ave. Satur- out the state, including officials ervatiori in the colonies. How- the pier were broken and bunker Newark Bay and the Staten Is- ever, the department said, the oil, toluene and ethyl chloride day. CORE had picketed the from Little Silver, Oceanport and Mi-unit development (bur other shore towns, met with land channels, and a flood con- Indian reservation at Indian Mills, residue in the pipes spilled into trol project at Rahway. about 18 miles south of Trenton, the waters of the Deleware Riv- weeks ago. officials of the federal govern- ment to find out how to apply A spokesman' from the/~De- hasn't had any Indians in resi- er. No injuries were reported. partment of Interior said that dence for about 100 years. The Coast Guard Station at CAMP PICKETT, Va. — The for federal aid under the new Gloucester said the damage was Orange, N. J., Rocket Society law. It was the first federal brief- tor the most part to the pie took the altitude record—20,000 ing in any state. and its unloading facilities. feet—with its homemade missil Some 434 local governments h Saturday • at the second Army 16 countries are eligible, for rocket meet. The 55-inch rocket, federal grants. Mercer, Bergen, WOOD RIDGE - Company Hunterdon, Warren and Salem and union officials at Wright fired by William Powell, 16, was Aeronautical Division, Curtlss propelled by 11.58 pounds of zinc •re not eligible because their un- Wright Corporation, agreed te and sulphur. Another New Jer- employment figures (or the -past a new three-year contract yes- sey club, the Don Bosco Rocket year have been too low. terday, averting a threatened Society of Ramsey, sent one Eligible Projects midnight strike by 1.7M pro- rocket up nearly a thousand feet but it tumbled end over end. An- Sewers in Little Silver, scltj POLITICS AT WOMAN'S CLUB — Clare nee S. Gale, left, Republican candidate for duction and white collar work- hall in Long Branch, and ers. Thomas Lazxlo, president other Don Bosco rocket blew up mayor, and his opponent, Democrat Benedict R. Nicosia, pose in the Red,,Bank on its' launching pad, one of only water plant in Englishtown have of United Auto Workers Local been mentioned as possible eli- Woman's Club before a political discussion. At left is Mrs. Dale B. Otto, club IN, said his local and UAW six failures in 23 launching! at the meet: Other New Jersey club: gible projects In Monmouth Cowv president. With them i$:Mrs. James Hammond, chairman of the club's civics and Local Ml would sign the con- tract with company officials among the nine groups of teen- ty- legislative committee. sometime this week. It will be agers participating were the Up- In opening the meeting, Gov retroactive to Oct. 1, he said. per Saddle River Senior Rocket Richard J. Hughes said the pri- The pact, tor the longest term Society and the Union Rocket mary goals of the program are ever signed at the plant, pro- Society. to provide immediate useful work vides (or a seven per cent pay for the unemployed or underem- Mayoralty Candidates Meet ployed and to improve local faci increase over the next three WASHINGTON-The Air Force years, Latdo said. The previ- says it has completed a nation- itles. Gale, Nicosia Present Views on Borough Affairs ous contract was (or two yean. wide network of 71 stations, one "Anyone familiar with both The union official said the new of them at McGuire Air Force the frustration of men willing RED BANK — Clarence S. sult that a number of businesses would attract new business inter- agreement lowers retirement Base, N. J., for the precise meas- and able to work, but without Gale, Republican ? candidate tor here *re failing and the borough ests. age from «t to «0 and adds an- urement of gravity. The Al jobs, and the frustration of pub- mayor, has cited $5'/j' million in Is losing tax revenue from cut- "No one can argue effectively" other paid holiday, the day be- Force said more precise knowl- lic officials with pressing needs new tax ratables in .his defense backs in tax assessment values against the hiring of a full time- fore Christmas. Also Wash- edge of gravity forces will con- for new or Improved facilities, of the Republican' operated bor- of commercial properties.: qualified and trained administra- ington's birthday has been tribute to missile accuracy since but without sufficient revenue,' ough administration here'., .'• •:• The Democrat, Friday, charge' tor, lie said. In the past eight to dropped as a holiday and re- highly sensitive missile guidance can appreciate the opportunity Mr. Gale and Benedict R. Ni- that the administration had made 10 years, business people have placed by the day after Thanks- systems are affected by rela- offered under the program, cosia, the Democratic candidate, no use of the traffic patterns sug- not been receiving the needed at- giving. Laao said the com- tively minute variations in the Hughes said. addressed members of the Red gested in the master plan now tention, he said, with the,result pany will take ever the roll force of gravity. Gravity $4M Million OKd Bank Women's Club Friday. being reviewed by/the^ Planning that "we now have a shopping cost of bospltalizaHoa benefits known to vary with altitude and Under the program, any stati Mr.'Gale pointed out that the Board. Mr. Nicosia, is a mem- center In Eatontown." and has added a medical plan latitude. ber of the board. .Xhe section ol to cover workers after basic is eligible for up to 10 per cent Zoning Board of Adjustment re- Mr. Gale pointed out that a of the $400 million which Con- cently', recommended that Bpr- the plan, drawn by planning "ex- borough administrator would cost benefits expire. FLA© RAISING — Rep. James C. Auchlnclon, R-3d perts" devotftj to traffic in Red NEWARK—William F. Stout, gress is expected to approve ough Council grant variances per- Red Bank nearly $30,000 a year. 20, of 117 Palm St., was found within the next few days. Thi Dist., assisted in the dedication of the new Monmouth mitting • the construction of twoBank cost the.borough "$5,000," He cited tax figures in Asbury he said:- ' dead on the floor of a restaur- remaining $500 million may b« Beach Post Office Saturday with his presentation of a nigh rise apartment buildings on Park, and Long. Branch where PRINCETON — Some 350 per- ant washroom Friday night appropriated later, a spokesman flag from the Capitol. Accepting the gift is Mrs. Laura Riverside Ave. '• -:>,\^r As further evidence of what he city managers-are employed. sons attended dedication cere- minutes after be had excused said. "I don't think we are losing terms a poorly operated admin- On the basis of a $10,000 piece monies for Princeton University's himself from a group of rela- A. Bradley, postmaster, while Coatt Guardsmen Frank ratables," Mr. Gale said, as he istration, Mr. Nicosia pointed out of property, municipal purposes new $8 million engineering quad- The money, to be allocated tives waiting for a table. Po- first-come, first-serve, will Turner, left, and Gerald Longo unfurl the banner. cited the estimated $5>4 million that the tax rate in 1961 had taxes in 1962 in Red Bank were rangle Saturday. The complex in- lice said a hypodermic needle cost of the two buildings. leaped upward by "33 per .pent" $112.60; In Lqig Branch, I10O.J0, cludes 25 classrooms, 120 labora- 'granted on a 50-50 matchln; was found next to him ~ basis in most cases. lit rare ;,",Wiy so big an increase In oneand in Asbury Park, *2M;70, he tories, 125 offices nod a com there was a puncture mark on """'-•• aalmrl'JUhire ' - ' J puter installation; cases, grants of up to 75 per cent Mr. Nicosia has charged that year?" he asked. . , " said. : ''" " • ' ~- f": Ills arm. They said a scorched bottle cap also was (bond on of construction cost may be the Republican .administration Wants Administrator Cites Added Ratable* awarded, a spokesman said. Shrewsbury Gets BLOOMFIELD — A housing the floor and an empty plastic here has, failed to provide the Mr. Nicosia, who is an attorney He said that the city, jnanage Other restrictions on the pro needed climate of government to here, renewed his plea that the arrangement in Long Branch did development here has been envelope In a toilet. The enve- not appear to be running smooth- picketed by a group that claims topse apparently had contained gram require that all eilgib stimulate,. local. business; He municipality hire a borough ad- projects: Be under actual con- claims that the borough has notministrator, who, as an expert in ly. a drug and the bottle cap had been used to heat it, police said. struction within 120 days of ap- CD Headquarters given attention to . problems of government, could operate an proval; be at least 51 per cent SHREWSBURY - This bor "efficient Red Bank" which RED BANK-CIarence S. Gale, Police Save They said Stout had no record talning walls and a fallout deflec- traffic and jarkjng with the re- for narcotics offenses. completed within 12 months; ough's Civil Defense and Police tor wail at the approach, Republican candidate for mayor, meet an essential public need; has issued the following state' Reserve personnel, among the A gasoline powered generator 9 Woman In TENAFLY—A tiny humming contribute significantly to th< most active in the. state since has also been installed, making ment: reduction of local unemployment; their reorganization in I960, wil Borough s Jubilee 'At the Red Bank Woman's bird whose migration south was the headquarters self-sufficient interrupted when it crashed into be consistent with local long- display the fruit of some of their under any conditions'. Club Friday, In a discussion of House Fire range plans, and result in an in-labors Nov. 4. the traffic flow in Red Bank the picture window of a home According to CD Director Jack Manasquan Marks Its 75th Year and my plan ior expediting cer- PORT MONMOUTH — Mrs, was making its Journey In style creased expenditure by the ap- At that time, borough and CDJ. Connors, the 25 by 17 foot Rita McQuade, 53, of 15 Port today—by car. The young bird, plicant to match federal funds officials will dedicate the new cellar is a nearly perfect shelter Evans, 34 Parker Ave., rode-the tain phases of it, I mistakenly MANASQUAN ~ A family bar- stated that installation of a- traf- Monmouth Rd., remains In criti- weighing only three grams, was (rather than asking federal aid Civil Defense and disaster con- for emergency operations, but becue yesterday was the final prize-winning float of Mueller's cal condition today in Riverview badlv Injured when it struck the for already budgeted projects). trol headquarters at the end of cannot house public shelter facili- Florists in the Saturday parade. fic light at Maple Ave. and White event of the week-long Diamond St. had been approved by the Hospital with burns received window at the home of Mr. and Priority Schedule Meadow Dr. ties. Public fallout protection is Sharyn DeAngelo of Trenton 1 Jubilee celebration in which this state Highway-Department. Friday night in a fire in her Mrs. Morgan Lefferdink of Al- Priority will be given to proj- the next major task facing the borough marked^its 75th birth- won the baton-twirling title in The nearly completed structure "This statement was tilde be-home. pine, on Sept. 19. Mrs. Lefferdink ects which are designed and has been called the only real organization, he said. • day. the parade contest. cared for the disabled bird for Radio Room The award for the best march cause I misunderstood informa- Mrs. McQuade was rescued ready to go into construction and shelter-headquarters in the state. A high point of .the festival tion which I had received- con from a bedroom by police, fire- two weeks but its condition grew which use local labor for thi Formerly a cellar to store Ice Communications at the shelter was Saturday's parade, in which ing unit went to the Asbury Park worse when it tumbled into a Boys Club, and the Coral String cerning the installation of ad- men and first aid squad person- actual building. or roots on the Fahnestock es- will be nearly invulnerable. The 80 entries passed the reviewing ditional traffic lights in the bor-nel. special feeder and became cov- tate, it is virtually a cave and radio room will be equipped to Band of Elizabeth was the winner ered with sticky liquid food. Mrs. Types of projects which would stand on Jubilee Plaza in a ough. Hospital authorities said she be eligible Include city halls, offers protection from fire, fallout maintain contact with county au- three-hour long panorama. among the marching musica Lefferdink called in Mrs. Betty and, to a relatively high degree, thorities, local police headquar- 1 groups. "Actually, county approval has suffered first and second degree Carnes, a former president of public libraries, jails, warehouses, the parade was led by George been given for installation of burns, over 45 per cent of her sewage and water systems, res- blast. ters and patrol cars, and 10 pri- Cregan, retired Navy commander, Comdr. Cregan, who has be- the New Jersey Audubon Society come something of an expert in lights at Broad and Front Sts. body. who has made a hobby of oaring ervoirs, pumping stations, and Leased by Borough vate cars which will have radios a veterah of 40 years Navy serv- Front St. and Wharf. Ave. and Intense heat and smoke twice structural remodeling of existing and will be pressed into service ice, and holder of the Congres- big parades, said Manasquan's for sick arid Injured birds. It The cellar is now held by the was the finest he had seen. Broad St. and East Bergen PI. 'oiled attempts by Sgt. Elwood took three days for Mrs. Carnes buildings, as well as dikes, chan- torough on a $1, three-year lease in an emergency. sional Medal of Honor and the "These now require approval Seeley and Patrolman Richard nel improvements, and other In addition, the radio room will Navy Cross. The celebration of the bor- to complete removal of the food From Raymond H. Stillnwn. Vol- : by the state Highway Depart- Davis and Harry Sage to get in- from the sensitive bird's body. flood control projects. ' unteers, donating their weekends, boast a worldwide, short wave ough's founding was kicked oft "ham" set. Governor Richard J. Hughes, Oct. 3 by a re-creatidn of the ment. Permission to install lights to the house to rescue the wom-She fed It from an eye dropper •Col. Truman E. Setllffe of the have floored the structure, di- who was to have 'accompanied at Maple Ave. and White St. has i. . with a special formula and even U. S. Army Corps of Engineers vided the interior into ah as- At the. communications center, steamer and stage coach trip 'ire, accident, hurricane and flood- CmHr. Cregan,- cancelled his from New York to Manasquan, not yet been requested, but cer Finally with the aid of airpacks, coaxed, the reluctant bird to fly listed several projects which he lembly room, an office, and a appearance. tainly would be a necessary ad- men were able to get inside and by devising a gently swinging said have Already been recom- •adio room, and have erected re- ing information, and related data which was the popular manner may be collected and plotted on Diamond Jubilee Queen Linda of arriving here 75 years ago. junct to the plan which I have bring the woman to safety. perch that it pot slightly off bal- mended for federal aid under the proposed. Consequently, I shall Police tried < to enter the ance, with its movements.: Mrs. act: a grldded map of the borough in press for such an installation. the assembly room. kitchen door and a window In theCarnes feels the bird is well Recommended Work "I regret any. Inconvenience bedroom. '-fj ' now, but not quite ready yet President Police reseryes, headed by Pa- Rehabilitation of:-some dikes trolman Robert Hoffman, radio- which my statement may have Fire Chief Norman Long esti- to travel by itself. Some friends at Pea Patch Island; construc- caused." mated damage at $3,000. who were visiting in the area, logical teams, under Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. George Stephen- tion and rehabilitation of dis- Will Take Smith, or other branches of the He said the fire apparently posal areas in the Camden area; In 1960, Mr. Gale said, a total started in a couch in the living son, agreed, to give it a lift as organization can be dispatched far as their Atlanta, Ga., home. rehabilitation of jetties and bulk- to the points where they are of $1,519,474 was added to local room. Exact cause of the fire heads at Cold Spring Inlet and A Breather tax ratables here. In 1961 newhas not been determined. ' Mrs, Stephenson, a member of needed. The woman was taken to the the Georgia Audubon Society, along the intercoartal waterway WASHINGTON (AP)-President In addition to private radio ratables totaled $688,000, he said in Cape May County, and re- Kennedy catches his campaign Mr. Nicosia said the 1961 in wspital by the'Port Monmouth says she plans to release the bird cars, Frank Mazza, transporta- First Aid Squad. in, her garden. habilitation of bulkheads on the >reath for the next two days, then tion officer, will have at his dis- crease in taxes, and/substantial Bayhead Manasquan Canal in lashes off through eight states in increases in water and sewer Her son, Thomas, 22, arrived posal 12 station wagons for use home during the blaze. He suf- mother fire-building mission for during emergency evacuations. rates, indicated.there is a need 962. for improved administration of fered a cut hand trying to assist Distress Signal the government. in rescue operations. He was Kennedy landed in Washington A white towel hanging from "We're not a little town any reated at the hospital. arly this morning from New a resident's froify porch has been more," he said. Red Bank is Sgt. Seeley: -and Patrolman ork, where he had summoned established as a' pre-determined comparable to a firm doing $2 >avis were administered oxygen J.N. Ambassador Adlai E. Stev- distress signal, million worth of business in one ifter being overcome by smoke. mson to an hour's huddle on in Until the day they are called year, he said. '''. • • ' '; The Port Monmouth and East ematlonal objectives, after barn into action, the CD and reserve Ceansburg Fire Companies bat- terming five states on political volunteers will use the head- Mrs. White Present led the fire while the East ibjectives in November congres- quarters for meetings, training He found support in the audi- Eeansburg Fife Co., assisted in ional and state elections, sessions, monthly drills and small ence from Mrs. Katharine Elkus handling the Injured. Sprinting through New York, classes in radiology, first aid, White, former Democratic The efforts of police and tire- orthern New Jersey, western etc. When larger attendance re- mayor, who said there was a men were praised by Chief Long •ennsylvania, Indianapolis, Louis- quires it, classes will be held in "great need" for full time super- saving Mrs. McQuade's life. ville and Buffalo in the last three the school. vision of the municipality. She days, Kennedy demonstrated: The combined forces of the CD attacked Mr. Gale's-attempt to He is primarily Interested in Corps and Police Reserve is compare Red Bank paxes with Five Rescued turning out a big vote on Nov. 6.about 75, but is expected to climb those of Long Branch and Asbury He said in a television interview to nearly 200, Mr. Connors said. Park. NEW YORK (AP)-Five New ABC) that competition on the Connor's Assistants Mr. Nicosia pointed out >Jwt Ferseyans have been rescued itump from former President Working closely with Mr. Con- THE WINNER — For the third straight year, * Star qf the savings accrued by efficient rom a burning pleasure boat two )wlght D. Eisenhower—while Ei- nors are radioSo/ficer George operation of the borough would niles south of Rpcktway Beach. ienhower*s speeches "may not be thai !>ea Academy student won first prize for the Colum- Novey, chief air r)rfd warden Jo- be sufficient to pay the expenses Coast guard heHcopiers brought o helpful," as he put it - will seph Sanzone, engineering officer bus Day essay contest sponsored by Cong Branch Coun- of hiring an administrator. he men to safety, as fire caused sip.arouse the electorate. Demo- Robert Cook, Mr. Smith and Mrs, cil, Knights of Columbus. Nina Louise Cieri, 13, an Under his plan, the manager jy an explosion burned to the 26 Tats outnumber Republicans in Mazza. would not make policy, he *ald. foot cabin cruiser's waterline. -eglstration, he said, but Demo- Special Officer John Edwards eighth grade pupil at the academy, is shown receiving, That function would be left to Vord of the accident -was first :rats "don't do so well" in pour- a $25 U. S. Savings Bond from William P. Simonelli of ig out on election day. is under the direction of Police the mayor and council. flashed by a passing aircraft THANKS "WOODY" —Harry DeSampar, fight, presf- Chief Raymond Mass. Long Branch, chairman'of the contest. She is the daugh- Mr. Gale said the administra- Four of the survivors live In He is working for New Fron- 4ent of the Mlddletown Shopping Center Merchants As- tiersmen. He reckons on a 23 per The Civil Defense and Disaster lon had done an adequate Job inElizabeth, N.J. They are Leon Control Council also maintains ter, of Dr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Cierf of 119 Queens the operation of Red Bank. "We Hminlcki, 31; John Gwaldis, 27; sociation, thanks Woody Herman after his band gave a cent defection of Democrats on Dr. South, Little Silver. Her father-is chief of educa- have not reached, the ultimate; crucial domestic votes. In Pitts- liaison with the borough through George Gwaldis, 21; and George jazz concert Friday at the center on Rt. 35. The con- Councilman William Curdt, Mon- tional research at the Signal School, Fort Monmouth, but we must build on what we Krukol, 39. The fifth man was lurgh, he lumped conservative have today for tomorrow," he cert was part of a celebration over the weekend high- lembers of his party with Repub- roe Marx of the fire company anil and a leuVirer in psychology at Monmouth, College. identified as Alexander Zikowski, Donald C. Seuffert of the Board eclared."* "i, of Dunellen, N.J. •« lighting the canter's fifth ajtniversafy of operation. Icans as obstacles on key issues, of Education. •.*»" Red Bank Scores 4th Straight Win Bucs Romp Over Finers, 46-0; Edmunds Leads TD Parade RED BANK — The "Twist" age by going from the Lakewood cut up six yards. Then Winrow own 22 and went the 78 needed '' old stuff to Red Bank High 21 to the 45 on the return. An tossed a pass to Edmunds on theyards for the . He School's gridders. Saturday, how offside on the play caused another 10 and he scooted for the TD dashed down the middle, swung ever the Buccaneers inaugurated kick, but this time Edmunds to complete the 28-yard play. to his right and, with the aid of the "touchdown roll" and rolled returned the ball 10 yards to the Pass Intercepted a host of blockers, he made his their way to a 46-0 triumph Lakewood 36. Three downs failed Just before the half concluded way to paydirt. over Lakewood to stay knotted to produce a TD, but the fourth the Bucs were knocking on the Tempers Explode at 3-0 with Brick Township in did from the Lakewood 48. Willie TD door again but James Infurna, Lakewood came back with Its the Shore Conference A Division. Davis picked up a couple of Piner halfback, killed it by inter- best march of the day, a 42-yard Over all, the Bucs are 4-0 for yards, but it was Winrow picking cepting a Buc pass. drive, but a fumble exploded the the season. up the first down on the Lake- Lightning struck fast after the march and tempers. A loose ball wood 34 with the aid of a key Wayne Edmunds and Eddie intermission when Buc end was responsible and, after Red block by Edmunds. Two plays Bank had made the recovery, Winrow, familiar names in the Carlone took the kickoft on his fighting broke out over the field •coring column in the past, were with players from both benches there again, but so were some getting into the fracas. Nine of new names added in the scoring. Red Bank's "finest," coaches and Edmunds scored twice, and Win- Athletic Director Frank 3. Pingi- /" row once. Newcomers In the tore cooled off the heated scoring lineup were Bill Carlone, fracas. Felice Mascola, Al Rothstein and Late in the third quarter. Red Sam Bias). Points after touch- Bank hit paydirt again with Jim down were scored by Charles 1 Williams marking up the thriller, Cox, who kicked three, and Ed- Williams started, it off by going munds, who potted the point on through tackle from the Red • run. Bank 25 to Lakewood's 40, in two No Offensive Complication* plays Edmunds and Williams Coach Lee Walsky's machine ripped off nine yards before Roth- didn't appear to have offensive stein picked'up a first on the complications as the Bucs were Piner 30. Mascola went through hitting paydirt almost every time tackle for five and Williams they took possession of the pig- moved the ball to the Lakewood akin. They scored in double three from where Rothstein com- figures in every quarter but the pleted the mission. Cox had two SURROUNDED BY THE ENEMY — Wayne Edmund. (35), Red Bank High School, has nowhere to go on this play fourth when only seven points shots at the goal posts, but missed with six Lakewood gridders closing in to make the stop. The Pinert stopped Edmunds here, but h» managed to were flashed on the Scoreboard. both times. The game was less than three Piners Fumble Again score two in the 46-0 victory for Red Bank. Red Bank, Brick Townihip and Manasquan are in a minutes old when Red Bank Another fumble sent the Bucs three-way tie for the Shore Conference 'A' Division leadership. . • scored its first touchdown. Red on their way about midway in Bank kicked to Lakewood and the fourth. The Bucs moved 36 right sway the Piners made their yards with Rothstein making a first of five fumbles, and a costly ,10-yard run to be stopped only Wall Nips one at that On the first play inches from the goal line. On a Manasquan Still in Running from scrimmage, Cliff Green, quarterback sneak, Blast scored. Buc center, recovered the Piner With time running out, Jim fumble and three plays later Red Powell intercepted a Lakewood Rams, 7-0 Bank scored. Edmunds picked up pass on the Piner 37 and ran to With a 27-14 Win Over Indians a first down on the first carry, the nine. The clock ran out before WALL TOWNSHIP — Wall and Winrow carried to the two. the Bucs had an opportunity to MANASQUAN — Don't count twice in the first quarter and The running of Richie Worthy Township High evened its record On a power play from this point score again. Manasquan High School out of added a clincher in the third and Lou Cimaglla's passing kept at 1-1 in the Shore Conference Winrow scored. Cox's boot was Green, Harris and Palumbo the Shore Conference A Division session. the losers moving. A long drive B Division with a 7-0 squeaker blodced. were stalwarts on the Buccos' football race too early. Toms River, down 27-0, came paid off when Cimaglia passed 23 over Southern Regional High here defense. Harris, one of the Coach Hal Manson's Big Blue to life in the final quarter against yards to Ed Sonnenfeld to the Big Saturday. the second TD originated on Blue nine. Worthy went around the Red Bank 45 and a 55-yard toughest tackles on the Shore, added their contribution to Mana- the Big Blue, pushing over two The Crimson Knights are 2-1 GOING GOOD — Jim Williams (23), RBHS back, gets touchdowns. It was the fourth end for the score. drive produced the score. Ed- broke through time after time squan's Diamond Jubilee celebra- on the year. Southern Regional e successive loss for Toms River. munds , and Winrow chewed up loose for a long run in the Buc-Lakewood game Satuf- and nailed Piner backs right in tion Friday by dumping a visiting Later in the period, Cimaglia is 0-3 in the B Division and 1-3 their tracks. Manasquan scored the first intercepted a Beam pass to kill most of the.yardage. Near the day. Williams proved to be an excellent substitute in Toms River contingent,.. 27-14. It over-all. RED RANK <««> was Manasquan's third win in time it had the ball. Harvey cli- a Manasquan threat on the Toms end of the drive, Mascola added ENDS—Carlone, Zillfer. Dorn, Mottlne, Bob Whiting capped a 60-yard the 46-0 rout of the Piners here Saturday. maxed a 62-yard drive by going River 10, running it back to the another first on the four. Winrow Henderson. four A Division starts and leaves drive to paydirt for the winners TACKLES-fierKeant, Harris, Powell. them in a three-way tie with un over on a 23-yard run. 25. The Indians moved 75 yards carried on the next play and fun* GUARDS — Relsen, Palumbo, Cox, with a one-yard burst into the end Doan, Haas, Watson. * beaten Brick and Red Bank High for the score, with Cimaglia bled going over the goal line, but Near the end of the first quar- zone in the fourth quarter for CENTERS—Green, Danleli, Locllento, Schools, each with six points in passing to Rich Yeager from six Skip Mascola being right on hand Freehold Crushes Neptune, auFtzlatf. ter, Harvey added another mark- the game's only score. Two penal- BACKS — Davis Winrow, Edmunds, the Conference race. er with an eight-yard run. This yards out for the touchdown. Ci- dropped on the ball for the score Mascola, Williams, Oakerson, Nlch- maglia kicked both extra points. ties against Southern Regional with about 6:06 on the clock. ola, Halsey, Delsa, Clay, Bias!, Roth The Big Blue will place a se- touchdown was set up when aided the winners' drive to pay- •teln. Richie Lyons intercepted a pass Cox's kick was blocked. 30-1 Behind Hill's 4 TDs, LAKEWOOD (O) vere hurdle in front of Red Bank The invaders threatened once dirt. An offside penalty on the ENDS—John Brown, Cotien, RuHell. and returned it 32 yards to the in the first half when Pat Carroll Third Starts From 4f Seratln, Lanko. when they invade the Buc strong- Rams moved the pigskin from the NEPTUNE — Freehold Region- fumble on a fourth-down punt by TACKLES — Vorhees, Fanella. Joe Indian 19. blocked a Burn's punt on the Red Bank's third touchdown Brpwn. Butensky, HIU, Levy, Martin hold this Saturday in a crucia 10-yard line to the five and a hold- al High School rolled over Nep-the Colonials' John Farrell on A Division contest The Manasquan reverses engi- Manasquan 30. The Indians rolled ing infraction moved the ball started from the Bucs' 46 and intune, 30-7, Saturday for its sec-the winners' 16. Mel Carson GUARDS—Kuhl, Vogel, Felnsteln, Ore neered a third Score in the second to the 13 before stalling. dlnskl. Sacks, Sherman. Ray Harvey, Squan's talented from the two to the one where just about a half dozen plays, ond straight Shore Conference A gained a first down on the five CENTERS—Beers, Buriteln, Deulich period. Lyons put the march in MANASQUAN (M) another six points were added. , Hansen. Tasker, halfback, led his team to victory ENDS—Preston, Wuchter, Trtblno, Pos Whiting crashed over. Division victory as halfback Doug before Dennis Dube passed to BACKS—Meyer, Burdge, Iracl, Wiley motion returning a short Toms ton. Again it was Edmunds and Hill ran through the Scarlet Ray Zogalis in the end zone for Hoffman, Mel Brown, Costa, Infurna over the Indians with a three- River punt to the visitors' 18. TACKLEB-Qrajdorf. Rod Lyons. Mul Two passes from Tom Towell to Winrow ripping off the yards, Morgan, Rlva, Royle, Whey Sharp. touchdown binge. Harvey scored hill. Scully, Komeln, Yencar«Ill, Fliers for four touchdowns. the six-pointer. Ron Matthews Red Bank 12 II H 7—49 Bob Morton ran 10 yards for the Todd. end Roger McGowan gained 35 with Edmunds getting the longest Lakewood J- 0 0 0 0—0 OUARDS—Burns, McLean, Nelgel, Nor yards to spark the drive. Whiting The win boosted the Colonials' booted the extra point to make it score. Eric Burns missed the con- run in the drive. After advancing Touchdowns — Edmunds (2>, Win dell. Stanford. also ran over the extra point record in A Division play to 2-224-7. row, Mascola, Rothstein, Carlone version kick, his first failure of CENTERS—Decker, Clarke. to the three, Edmunds scored Blitsl. the game. BACKS—Beam, Harvey, Reggie Lyons, SOUTHERN RKGIOVAf. (») going through center. Winrow and a tie for fourth place in the Freehold countered on the en- Points after touchdown — Edmunds Maccanlco. Pratt. Harris, Glenn, ENDS—Warren, Laird, Wyntr, Btliel, loop with Neptune..Red Bank and (run) Cox (3), klcki. Series Harvey Scores Third Morton, Robinson, Clements, Haga- Newman. •dded the conversion point on the suing kickoff when Hill hauled in Officials—Applegate, Nltka, Clarke man, Koppel, Constanzo. TACKLES—Foster, H»tt, MrtlTalne. same play. That score in the Brick Township are tied for the the boot on his own 20 and went Qarbe, Pailcky. Harvey returned to the contest TOME RIVEB (14) "" Prltsky, Wenal. league leadership with 3-0 records ENDS—Young, R. Stegemann, Fuentel, OUARDS—Lafferty, Scelba, I*mneA second period came with less all the way for the final touch- in the third period to spark his K. Stegemann. CENTER—Michel. while Manasquan is third with a down of the game. team to their' final touchdown. TACKLES—Whynman, MIone, Bobroff, BACKS-Wiltshire. Valentin*, Overton, than two minutes gone on the Burn's. Conners. Koseff, L. Ctarabo, Crcsta, 3-1 mark. Indians Bow Resumes Bob Beam hit the elusive Harvey Itubrlght, Noller, Stewart. clock. Neptune took on the Colonials GUARDS—Raffer, Staggi, dallum, No- with a 20-yard pass in the end vak. Wilson. ' WALL Morris Owens, Freehold end, without the services of three key CENTER—Meltllo. ENDS-Prsybylowskl, McOowtn, Wll- After the kickoff, the Piners set up the first touchdown for performers in quarterback Bob zone for the score, Burns kicked BACKS—McCormfck, T«ager, Clmag. •on. SY>rll»r, Adcook. were getting nowhere after two To Freehold the extra point. lla, Sonnenteld, Carroll, Falbey, TACKLES—Bogardlus. Clayton, Bin- the winners when he recovered Davis, fullback Len Ruggiero and FREEHOLD — Once beaten Sundberg, nett, Pyott. incomplete passes and a no Neptune fumble on the Neptune halfback Ricardo Hopkins. Davis, Today Torris River rolled up two touch- Manamuan 14 I T O—27 QUARDS-Sacks, Runtt, D'Anilr«a, D« gain plunge by Bernie Meyer. Freehold Regional High Schoo downs, seven first downs and 131Tomi River 0 0 o 14—14 Nardl, Rash. 28 on theOopening play from an All-Snore prospect, was sus-won its fourth soccer contest in Touchdowns — Harvey (3), Morton, CENTERS—sarno. Bkaar. Osborn.-f Vernon Royle booted out, but SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Thyarde s from scrimmage in the fi-worthy, Yeager. BACKS — Eckman. Kelijr, Simon, scrimmage, following the kickoff. pended from school while Hopkins five starts by handing Toms Points after touchdonvn — Burns (3) Whiting, Ken Fortler, Owen, Okenon, against Winrow chewed the yard- Hill then went through guard all was on the sidelines with an In- sun finally shone brightly yester- nal period to "give its supporters (kicks): Clmarlla (2) (kicks!. Gray. River a 7-1 thumping here Frt day after three days of rain but something to cheer about. Officials — SaoDonald, Boyle, Valyo, Southern ^ . ff o » -O-0 the way to paydirt to make it 6-0jury. Ruggiero was ill. day. Wall — 0 ttt,1-1 with the game only two plays old. Hill's four-touchdown binge the soggy condition of Candle- Alex Stepanow scored twice to Later in the quarter, Hill made gave him a total of 31 points in stick Park's outfield forced a Vliss McCutcheon, pace the colonial hooters. Richie it 12-0 with a 30-yard dash to thefour games on five touchdown third straight postponement of Staats had the lone Indian goal Neptune end zone. runs and one extra point. the sixth game of this water- in the fourth period. Toms River logged World Series. "Andy Sikora Day" Draws 80 Duckworth Share HUI Goes 67-Yds. Fnr.Kiioi.n REC.ION.M, CK) ENI>9—Bromell. Davis. Brodle, In is now 5-2 for the season. In the second quarter, Freehold (sram, Owens. Norkus. There was every indication that took over on its own 33 after a TACKLES—Collins, Kuiy, Delia Pletra Jim Easley booted in the first they would be able to resume River Rat Honors Perry, Carmlsa. Freehold goal in the opening Neptune punt. On the first play OUARDS—Jones, H. Daum, Foster play today if the weather fore- MuMyMundy, RiiczRue*. Murdock. period. Stepanow headed in a Golfers at Beacon HillC.C. FAIR HAVEN — Series 'eader from scrimmage in the drive, Hill CENTERS—Fontenez Lynn cast of "fair and warmer" holds Bob McCutcheon, Jr., and Donnawent through the right side of the BACKS—Major. R. Daum. Farrell. D. Basin Nembirkow. kick in the sec- good. The usual Candlestick Park LEONARDO - Beacon Hill Plains County Club, won low Larry Scott was. master of Duckworth shared honors in the line and went the distance for his Hill;. Friedman. Qray, Ingram, Llda, ond. Badma Stepanow also hit a winds were helping to dry up the guest with a 36-35—71 score, ceremonies at the dinner at- Henry, Julio. H. Hill. second period goal. Country Club closed Us golf sea- River Rats' Indian Scout class third touchdown and an 18-0 bulge NEPTIINK (1> outfield. shooting course par, Dick Jami- tended by more than 100 golfers sailing series on the Navesink ENDS—YOUTH, O'Neill, ZogalU, Kua- Alex Stepanow headed in a cor- son officially Saturday, featur- at the half. ter. Commissioner Ford F r 1 c k son, Flshkill Country Club and and guests. Jack Hickey, vice River yesterday. A blocked punt set up the win- TACKLES — Carol!, Mennle, Wilson. ner kick by brother Badma in called off the Sunday game early ing "Andy Sikora Day" honor- Mr. Compher tied for second with president and tournament director Queloh, Matthews, SlcHiano. the third session, then received The two sailors each had first ners' fourth TD. Early in the Ol!ARI>S—Battnglln, Wainwright. Kap- in the morning after conferring ing the home pro with a golf 73 cards. Jamieson turned in 37- of the New Jersey Golf Associa- and a second place finishes in final quarter Tom Collins blocked lan. Vlrlch, Lattlmore. Rppcttl. an assist on another header goal with Horace Stoneham, owner of tournament followed by a dinner 36, and Compher fired 3548. tion, was guest speaker. Roddy CENTERS—Sprengel, Corbett. by Wayne Rooney minutes later. a seven-boat fleet. Light vari- a Flier punt and Freehold took BACKS—Dubt, Carson,, Cottrelltr.. Beekek- the San Francisco Giants and the in the clubhouse. Newman, Homestead Country man, CagleCl , MUlerasi , WWest , KKulsszewl - Nembirkow booted home a Low net guest was Tom De- able winds prevailed for the twoover on the losers' 10-yard line. ski.. Jamesames., two senior umpires. Palma, Roselle C. C. champ, with Club, Spring Lake Heights and series races. Willie Majoj r ran it over in twoFreehold Regional 12 6 0 12—3n fourth period penalty kick. "We can not go today, despite Dave Starr and guest Fred Alex Ternyei, Englewood, repre- Neptune „ _ „ 0 0 0 7— 7 George Vance made the final Compher, Jr.; Suburban Coun- a 74-4—70. Second low went to McCutcheon and his crew plays, going two yards for the Touchdowns—Freehold: D. Hill (4>. the, blue sky," said Frick. "There Jack Paskowitz, Suburban C. C, sentatives of the PGA, alto at- TD. Major; Neptune Zogalis. score with another head shot. try Club, Union, combined to Jody Dunn, won the first race Point after touchdown Matthews is water in the outfield and it is 73-2—71. tended. A break led to the Fliers' only (kick)k.. Bill Lashley handled 12 saves impossible to cut the grass this win low net honors with a 31- with Miss Duckworth, runner-up OfOfficials—Mclntyrei , Jones, Travis. Wille Cannavo topped the mem- touchdown. Neptune recovered a in the Colonial goal. morning. The grounds keeper 33-64 card. Finishing in the sec- Lew Grant, chairman of Bea- and Drew Brinckeroff, third. Mlsero. bers with his tow gross card of and his men will work all day con's greens committee, wai Miss Duckworth and crew, Pat ond spot was Sam Giaimo and 38-37—75. Mr. Starr turned in on the field and we'll have a praised for the perfect condition Mylott, took the second race. Tom DePalma, club champion of second low member gross with a game tomorrow." of the course of the competition. McCutcheon was second and Trackman's Roselle Country Club, Roselle, 37-39—76 round Tied for low The infield was in good condi Mrs. Joe) Johnson and Mrs. Cheryl Wainwright, third. 32-32-64, over a field of 80 golf- net member honors were Ira Mil-Gordon Vanhorne were In .charge Earl Wainwright and Bob Mc- tion because it had been covered ers. ler, 84-15-69, and Dr. Roger Freehold by a tarpaulin all through the of the Scoreboard for the tourna- Cutcheon, Sr., served as the com- Jules Gatesy, champ of Scotch Schenone, 83-14-49. ment. mittee for yesterday's races. rains of San Francisco's worst River Rats Summaries Selections October storm since 1904. How- Indian Scouts ever, the outfield was soggy. 1st Race Chockoyotte Dream Water oozed out of the heavy turf 1 Vina Kay underfoot and a flybail probably I. Bob McCytcheon Jr., 2 Sword's Point would have stuck where it Donna Duckworth, 3. Drew Sugar HIU Dotty landed. Brinckerhoff, 4. Jack Jamison 2 Poplar Eden Matty Schwab, head grounds- 5. Cheryl WainwriRht, 9. Bob Cold Spring Maryan keeper, took the infield cover off Beck, Al Davidson (DNF). 2d Race Hazel Hawkins early and started work on the 3 Roger Key outfield. A chemical had been 1. Donna Duckworth, 2. Me- Shake Up used to soften up the adobe soil. Cutcheon, 3. Cheryl Wainwright, Lassie J. "We'll definitely go tomorrow," 4. Brinckerhoff, 5. Jamison, 6 4 Jamaica said Schwab. "The outfield Beck. Victory Und should be 70 per cent Improved Keen's Jay by today. We are trying to figure JAPAN'S WORLD SERIES 5 Jasper HI Le out a way to cut the grass." OSAKA, Japan. (AP) — Pitch Knight Parade Both ball clubs were itchy to er Minoru Murayama held the Mayetta Hanover get back into action after resting Toei Flyers of Tokyo to two hits 6 Magic since Wednesday when the New as the Osaka Hanshin Tigers won Seacoast York Yankees took a 3-2 edge in the second game 5-0 yesterday in Ethel H. Seott his best-of-7 series with the the Japan version or the world 7 Diane C. jiants. The Yanks remained 6% series. Reddle Dale to 5 favorites in the sixth game The underdog Tigers are now Scott Honor and 3% to 1 in the series. two games In front of the Flyers 8 Owen Hal Unable to work out at Candle- In the best-of-7 series which be- BtU Bvrd stick Park, both teams moved 100 gan Saturday In Osaka with a fi-5 DANCERS HEADING FOR WIRE — Yankee Express Americonna Direct miles to Modesto. Calif., which Tanker T. has a club in the Class C Cali- triumph in 10 Innings. The se- (5), driven by Vernon Dancer, won the $10,000 Molly 9 CONGRATULATIONS, ANDY—Jurat Gattsy, second from left, low amateur in ries now moves to Tokyo tomor- Lovely Newport fornia League and also happens Pitcher Pace at Freehold Raceway Saturday. Finishing J "Andy Sikora Day" tournament at Beacon Hill Country Club, Leonardo, congratu- 1 Lance Abbe ' to be the home town of Del second was Chin Whiskers (6), driven by Vernon ! Flora's Girl Webb, Yankee co-owner. It wag retei Beacon's pro Sikora at a dinner in hit honor following the tourney. Dava Starr, 10 Afton Dust 12—Monday, October IS, 1962 nephew, Harold Dancer, a former Red Bank High School somewhat like a New York club left, of Beacon and guest Frad Compher, Jr., right, of Suburban Country Club, basaball chuck*/. - > BEST BET: bussing to Philadelphia for bat- RED (RANK REGISTER KEEN'S JAY-5th Race ting* practice. Union, combined to* win low nat honors in Saturday's competition. * Rum son, Brick Sc Grid '.-'•• •••••••• x M. C. Hunt Meet Stresses Brick Posts 23d Country Fair Atmosphere Frank Parker Dashes MIDDLETOWN — A country ment stands for' racegoers, and 20,6 fair atmosphere will prevail Sat- other added attractions will com plete the program. A members' Yards as Bulldogs tWin urday, on the Woodland Farm BRICK, TOWNSHIP — seven. A 32-yard gallop down tent will serve beverages and hot estate of Mr .and Mrs. Amory Marching methodically to (heir the right sidelines by Hennessey lunches throughout the day from POINT PLEASANT —ilumson' the sun-baked field missed 'he kickoff and went for its third back, was also hospitalited with 23d consecutive victory, the was the key play of the series. L. Haskell here when the Mon- a location overlooking the race[Fair Haven Regional lived up to thrill of the afternoon when Rum- touchdown. A powerful offense, \ a broken wrist suffered in the Green Dragons of Brick Township Roppolo's placekick went wide raouth County Hunt Racing As- course. jits advance billing as one of the son's junior halfback, Frank sparked by Vern Paulson and'fourth quarter. High School gave powerful evi- and the Dragons led, 13-0 at half- Lewis, moved the ball inside Gull dence that they intend to make time, sociation holds its 32d annual Heading the Monmouth County Shore's football powerhouses by Parker, made a 90-yard runback Rumson rolled up 231 yards on Hunt race committee is Mr. Has- jolting Point Pleasant Beach, 45- of the opening kickoff. Parker territory. Paulson had the big this their third straight un- Long Branch quarterback Zane steeplechase racing meet the ground and 117 yards in 'he- defeated season here Saturday kell, president. Mrs. Amory L. 12, in a Shore Conference B Di- added the second Rumson score gainer with a 19-yard run to the air in its smashing performance. Abel gave the visiting fans some- Five races are scheduled to Haskell, Jr., secretary-treasurer, vision assignment here Saturday. with a 26-yard jaunt near the end 13 after his pass attempt was R!.MSON-FAIR II.WEM REfl, (<3> afternoon. thing to cheer about when he comprise the day's sport, which I ENDS-Preston. Benedict, Thaler, Haa- and other members of the com- The win was the second of the first period. frustrated. Lewis went through Urourk. I. Ha Ik. G. Falk. Coach Warren Wolf's well-oiled recovered a Roppolo fumble on again this year will benefit many mittee include: Edward H. Ben- for 11, then carried it on the next TAOKt.ES — Ilroldrlck. Dunn, Gate. local service organizations. straight for Coach Joe Rosati's The Gulls tied It twice before Koiidrup,' Jettcr. MacLean, Van grid machine rolled over a the first play after the second nett, Edward J. Brennan, Mr. Bulldogs, while the Garnet Bulls play. Jack Damico missed his visiting Long Branch squad, it- half kickoff. But Huhn's air mail the Bulldogs moved ahead to Hurt Although 2:30 p.m. is slated as and Mrs. Edward M. Crane, Ed- dropped their fourth in a row. stay on a two-yard buck by Bob third placement try in a row. GI'AIIDR-.Thompson. Altreuter. Rowse, self unbeaten In 1961, by a con- never reached its destination and starting time for the first race, ward M. Crane, Jr., Mrs. John Way K-inl. C. Lewis. Woodward. vincing 2M count, veritably elim- The winners, now with four Lewis. The final half was a rout Paulson's Aerials Succeed CKNTEIts-Thorndlke, Klnjdon. How- the quarterback booted a punt the Woodland Farm gates will C. Ellis, Thomas S. Field, Jr., 'or the Monmouth County invad- arit, MnrsVmll. inating the Green Wave from title into the Brick end if one. open to the public at 11 a.m. points in the B Division race, Paulson's fine passing broke BAfKS-PaH'son. Parker. R. Lewll. Mrs. William W. Gamwell, Mfs. engage Monmouth Regional ers. nt»vrt. Jakubccy, Damtco, Oreene, contention. Brick failed to move the pig- "Fun for all the family" will be Michael C. Guarino, Mrs. Amory the Gulls' resistance early in the il'JlIiunn Ko93. AiUnnon. Moncrlef. Saturday at New Shrewsbury be- Gulls Bounce Back second half. Damico recovered Krimstv Connor. The one-two punch of Nick skin out of its own territory and the theme of the day. Pony rides L. Haskell, Sr., Amory L. Has- POINT IM.KASANT BKACH <1S) Roppolo and George Hennessey punted to the Long Branch 38. for children, food and refresh- fore their crucial meeting with Point Pleasant Beach, un- fumble on the Gull 40 to give ENDS-Wcber, Dooroi. Jordan, W«la- kell, Jr., Mrs. George S. Howell, Central Regional at home Oct. Ipilor. propelled the Dragons 'to their Huhn swept left end for 12 yards daunted by Parker's shocking 90- Rumson its opportunity. Paulson TACKI.KS-Mrllllo, Erkert, Mafley, R. Philip H. Iselin. Mrs. Charles H. 27 in a game that should decide Patterson, Richards. latest triumph as Roppolo car- and Richie Caldwell burst through Jones, Jr., Mrs. Alfred F. King, yard scoring dash, answered with passed to Lewis for a 24-yard Gl'AKDS — Me the Conference race. Central an 80-yard march io eight plays advnnre to the 21. Three plnys Wml. It. Wnllersbcrncr. ried for two touchdowns and the middle for 16 as the Green Jr., and Townsend B. Martin. CKNTER-nuff. booted a pair of extra points, Wave picked up two straight Unbeaten leads the circuit with a 4-0 rec- for the equalizer. Russ Herman- later Paulson hit Jay Benedict while Hennessey scored once and first downs and moved the ball Also Manton B. Metcalf, Mr. ord. son, Gull quarterback, sparked with a 16-yarder for the touch- Colili, J'Sj Patterson. Holmes, Taylor, and Mrs. Richard G. Metcalf, Rumson shook off a tenacious Pourehlor. S. WoHersbrrger. picked up a large portion of the to the Brick 34. Falcons Cop the drive and personally engi- down. The same pair teamed up Rumnnn-KBlr Haven . .12 8 20 7—43 Mrs. Robert L. Nicholas, Joseph Point Pleasant squad with a four- Point T'leapiint Rpnrh .68 o o—ia 226 yards amassed by the visi Huhn fired an 18-yarder to neered the clincher with a quick on the extra point. Touchdowns Parker Harrli. M. Roebling, F. Bourne Ruth- touchdown second half assault handoff to Bob Harris who scam- A poon Gull punt, that went out OobOobb, , n, Benedict, DamAco. tors. Caldwell on a fourth-and-four MlMoncrlrrr , TlBsbrmick. Almost completely forsaking situation and the Branchers were X-Country Meet rauff, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barker that broke open a tight ball pered 28 yards for the score. of bounds on the 28, gave ihe Points after totichtiown — Benedict Seeley, Allison L. Stern, and Ed- game. The home side came from, Rumson's end Irwin Falk Injured ipitasi, l>;imu-o ikicki. Krouse (kick*. the aerial attack, the Dragons on the enemy 10. Abel cracked NEW SHREWSBURY — Un- winners another shot. Parker orflrlal" ---lievlln, Chamberlain, Jla- relied on win Stewart, Jr. behind twice In the first half to his leg on the play and had to ran for 13 yards, then Paulson HClierln, Gllstecle. repeated smashes the l'ne twice for six yards, a beaten Monmouth Regional High through the Long Branch line for backf ield-in-motion penalty moved Mr. Brennan, chairman of the knot the score, but the invaders be removed to the hospital. Falk passed to Damico in the end zone. their part of the scoring. An 18- the ball to the two and Huhn School romped to an 18-45 de- racing committee, is assisted by went ahead permanently near the was later released after treat- Damico kicked the point. yard pass play climaxed a 62- went through on the opening play cision over visiting Raritan Town- John E. Cooper and Chris Wood, end of the second period. ment. Reserves Also Score Jr. Spectators who arrived late at Neptune Downs yard march and set up the lone of the fourth period to make it ship in a cross country meet Rumson went ahead before the Point Pleasant drove to the TD for the Green Wave on the 13-6. here Friday. It v.as the fifth win first period ended. Taking the Bulldog 25 before stalling, then opening play of the final qaurter. kickoff following Point's score, Falcons, 3-0 Takinp the kick on their own in a row for Coach Bill Hillman's the Rumson second unit came in Brick ran only 11 more plays 40, the Dragons drove downfield Yankee Express Triumphs they marched 69 yards in seven put over another touchdown NEPTUNE - Monmout1- Re- harriers. to than the Branchers, but made as Hennessey picked up 16 yards plays with Parker carrying it the third quarter neared its gional dropped its fourth soccer far better use of them, grinding for one first down and Mike In another Friday meet, power- over with his 26-yard bolt. conclusion. Parker and Lewis contest in five starts here Fri- out 125 more i yards on the Giaquinto hit the line for 12 yards ful Brick Township had an easy In Molly Pitcher Pace Coach John Kelly's Gulls re ripped off huge yardage to set day losing 3-0 to unbeaten Nep- ground and taking a 14-5 edge in in three plavs for another. time in a triangular affair at fused to fold, tying the score at it Up for the reserves. The score tune High School, / first downs. Roppolo attacked the vulner- Ocean County Park. The Green FREEHOLD—Yankee Express ond four times and third once in 12-12 early in the second quar- came on a 32-yard run by Bob The Fliers, paced by Tom Four of these first downs came able Green Wave line for six, Dragons had 20 points to 64 for won the second annual $10,000 as many Freehold starts this sea- ter. Dan Nemeth recovered a Moncrief. Don Krouse's kick Brown, Mike Sciarappa and Molly Pitcher Pace Saturday be- early in the first quarter when seven and five-yard gains before Toms River and 71 for Central son. Chin Whiskers returned $5 fumble on the Rumson 42 to set failed. freshman Ron Ayers, won their Brick, after forcing the Green Hennessey's 11-yard sprint to the Regional. fore a huge crowd of 8,120 at and $2. the stage for the touchdown. Freehold Raceway here. An electrifying 64-yard pass fifth match in a row. Wave to punt with one yard one-yard line set it up for Roppolo Central's Ed Shattuck was the The James Shafer Stable entry Four running plays took the ball play chalked up the final Rum- Brown booted in a 25-yarder in left, clicked them off in rapid to cross for the TD and boot the The 60-day meeting, longest in of Hal Sampson and Ozark Sadie deep +nto Bulldog territory. Her- the second period. Sciarappa individual winner in 13:23, 18 sec- Freehold history, closes here to- son touchdown. Greg Ross, re- order on runs of 14 and eight extra point to make it 20-6. onds faster than Brick's Barry finished, third and fourth, respec- manson passed to Greg Weber for serve quarterback, fired to end pushed home a five-yarder in the yards by Hennessey, a 14-yard Wolf's warriors should' be day with a 10-race program. The tively. Shafer, who had piloted 12 yards to the one, then hit Dick Chamberlain. The winners took meeting will be the most success Don Hasbrouck, who made a fourth and Ayers completed the pass from Jim Cox to Pete favored to add their 24th and the second through seventh posi- Ozark to four wins in his last Cobb in the end zone with a scor- sparkling catch on the Gull 28 scoring minutes later with a 12- Luciano and Pete Krol's 13-yard ful in the track's history. The six big Freehold races, had dif- 25th scalps to their belt in their tions. ing heave. Hermanson's pass for and went over. Krouse's kick yard shot. gallop to the Long Branch 9. attendance figures should ap- ficulty moving her up Saturday. enduing games with Neptune and the point failed. was good, The Golden Falcons could not But with fourth and goal on Lakewood, two victims of Long Driggera Home First proach the 380,000 mark, while Elmer Conrad, subbing for Del Rumson grabbed the ensuing Nick Adamson, reserve halt- solve the Fliers' rugged defenses. the Brancher 4, Cox's pass fell Branch. The Green Wave, mean- Ron D riggers paced the Mon- the handle for the campaign Insko, who was injured in ineomplste and the Green Wave while will face a slightly rougher mouth Regional win, leading the could hit $25,000,000. Yonkers Raceway event Friday vainly attempted to move the schedule with interconference pack home in 13:39 over the New Yankee Express rushed to the night, tired hard with Hal Simp- ball out of the shadow of the rival Asburv Park next and re- Shrewsbury course. top at the three-quarter pole and son, but the horse didn't have goal posts. Phil Huhn's punt was juvenated F*"»Md to follow. The powerful Falcons, who de- beat Chin Whiskers, by one and quite the same stuff he showed in partially .blocked, and he fell on BRICK <:») feated Brick in a dual meet ear- one-half lengths in the richest registering a new mile standard ENDS—Luciano. R. Scott, Green, Bar- of 2:00 3-5 in his only other Free his own 16. ringer. Boehm, Sendztk. lier this season, took every place race ever staged at Freehold. TACKLES— Now|ckl, Joe] Scott, De- but third in the top 10. Skip Har- hold appearance a year ago. Walt Scheurer sprinted into the Ce«are, Novltch, Grleco. Vernon Dancer skillfully man- end zone, but the ball was called GUARDS—Jim Scott, Manclno. Beyer, nett was runner-up to his team- aged Yankee Express through the back on an illegal procedure DeMarco. Gurski. mate Driggers. Raritan's Pete mile that was clocked in 2:02 2-5. fire$tont rENTEB-DanleU, UHdyke. PERFECT SCORE penalty; Three plays later, how- BACKS—Hennessey, Krol, Cox, Rop- Coleman was third. l Berirln, Giaquinto, Lambertson. The Steeply Hollow Stable pride CAIRO, UAR (AP) — Nikolai ever, Hennessey opened the I.ONO BRANCH <«> Fourth through 10th belonged to paid $5.80, $3.80 and $2.60 across Dournev of Russia, won the ENDS— Jullano. Proctor, Short, Per- second quarter by bulldozing ructaro. Ollvadottl. Monmouth. Jim Thomas, Bruck the board for his second straight world's individual Skeet Cham- tv» : yards to paydirt. Roppolo TACKLES—Kaplan, Rose, Clttadlno, Lowry, Bob Harris, Barry Mof- e Jonea, Peterson. win. The victory pushed his earn- pionship yesterday with a perfect booted the PAT and Brick took GUARDS—Lan i?an, Valenti, DiNapoll, fett, Lou Miller, Fred Morgan ings for 1962 to $44,315, and life- world record of 200 birds. Coles, Epstein. a 7-0 advantage. CENTERS—Gregory, Dutolt. and Larry Gee finished in that time to $64,427. The previous record, 199, was Four quick downs later, Brick BACKS—Abel, Huhn, Caldwell, To- order. main!. Thorne, Vitola. Harold Dancer, Jr., former Red held by Carlos Plaza of Venezu- wcs on the move again, taking Brick 0 13 0 7—20 Monmouth also took the jayvee Bank High School athlete, and ela who is not competing In this Long Branch 0 0 0 6— « 1 the ball on its own 44 and Touchdowns—Brick: Roppolo (2), meet, stopping the visitors from Vernon's nephew, had the reins of year 's world shooting champion Adjust Brakes and rolling downfield in eight plays Hennessey: LB— Hun Raritan, 15-50, as Dave Moyes Chin Whiskers, who has been sec- ships. to send •Roppolo over from after touchdown—Brick. Rop- won in 13.29. Repack Front COMBINATION Shore Regional Wheel Bearings OFFER Loses to Matawan MATAWAN - Coach Barrv GUARDS—F*ian. Slckels. OrlmaMI, "" * Kaelrek, Bchanck, DeFranclsco. Rizzo's Matawan High Bedle. CENTERS—Melna, Martin, Nucclo. Balance Both proved the "Huskies are real vet- BACKS—Oallo, Yates, David, Morrell, erans of the Shore as they handed George, Smutko, Bunger, Devlno. Front Wheels Smith, P'Apollto, Rarrfitt, new Shore Regional High Shorn RFCIMI*! («) ENDS—Centann!, Gustafson, Roessler, thorough whipping, 42-6, In a grid Connors. Shore Conference Class B en- TACKLES — Beckley, Klely, Johnson, Whltley, Travioi. counter played here Saturday. GUARDS — Wllcox, Drlnkird, Cluft, KlchardJ. Ball Joints IMS The win was the third for the CENTERS—Duke, Magulre. Torsion Bar Air Huskies in four games, with the BACKS—Eastwick. Cotgreaveolgreae,, Swenarn, Tauser. Blese, DeMarco" , Cubero~ ' . Suspension 13.9S lone defeat coming at the hands Barbour. ilatawa - 21 7 1 7—«2 of Central Regional, 19-6. Shore Shore Regional O 8 0 O~ 6 Regional's best showing is a 13- Touchdowns—Swenaon. Morrell (}) Farrell, George. David, Hamilton. 13 tie with Madison Township. Pointi after touchdown—Morrell (6 Morrell Is Great (kicks). George Morrell, the Huskies fine back, was the ton ball mov- Pop Warner er for the winners. Morrell scored on a 40-yard run in the first peri- od, passed to end Bill Farrell Grid League in the second on a 20-yard play NORTHERN DIVISION for a touchdown, ran 35 yards in R«placamtnt part* If n**d*d Yesterday's Results and torsion bir adjust the third quarter to score, passed Fair Haven 63, West Long mint not Included. 10 yards to Ed Hamilton for an- Branch 6 other TD, and kicked six extra Rumson 20, Matawan 0 points. A ligbt day's work. Keyport 34, Morgan 0 Matawan was in command New Shrewsbury 28, Long right from the start as the Husk- Branch-13 FIRESTONE NEW TREADS ies pushed over three TD$ in Standings APPUED OH SOWD IUE BOMS OR O* TOUR Oil TOES the first period. Peter George w L Pet. plunged four yards for the second Fair Haven (54) ..5 0 1.000 score, and Ron David intercepted RumsoR n (5-0(M) 5 0 1.000 TUBELESS a pass and ran it back 25 yards New Shrewsbury (3-2) 3 2 .600 WHiTEWALLS to the goal. Keyport (S-2) 2 .500 (Narrow or wide) Two Matawan touchdowns were Long Branch (3-2) ...... 2 2 .500 called back in the third period Matawan (2-3) 2 3 .400 ANY SIZE after Morrell's 3^yard run to the Morgan (1-4) ...._.„.„„...! S .250 goal put the Huskies ahead, 35-6. West L. Branch (0-5) .0 4 .000 Oar Km TrtaSt. Menti/Mt oy iftdaBim mi dap mart trt but Morrell came back with his Keansburg (04) 0 4 .000 GUARANTEED SOUTHERN DIVISION pass to Hamilton for the final 1. *!*•"* *f«rta fa wortaaraMp aid miteriaJs AnbcBb ettaMj. score. Yesterday's Results Wall Twp. 28. Brick Twp. 13 fxrilnil Shore Regional picked up its Manasquan-Brielle 7, Neptune 6 only score in the second quarter Lakewood 12, Toms River 7 when Merv Eastwick passed to Ocean Twp. 20, St. Joseph's Eric Swenson on a play that (T.R.) 6 covered 10 yards. This came after Standings Morrell's nass to Farrell had W Pet, given the Huskies a 28-0 margin. Wall Township (5-0) .5 I.WO Double Duty for Hamilton Brick Twp. (4-1) 3 .750 Hamilton, a defensive end nor- Point Pleasant (4-1) .3 .750 mally, was used for" double duty Neptune (J-2) 3 .600 when needed Saturday, and stood Manasq'n-Brielle (3-2) 2 .500 out on both sides of play. Sopho- more linebacker Benny Smith Lakewood (2-3) 2 .400 was another highlight in Mata- Ocean Township (24) .2 .400 wan's defence. Smllh. besides St. Jos'hs (T.R.) (0-5) 0 .oor SEE US breaking up numerous Shore Re- Toms River (0-5) 0 .000 FOR TIRES gional running plays, interceded Yesterday's two Shore aerials. He and line- Inter-Division Game backer John Sickles were mainly Point Pleasant (Southern) 21, where your dollar buy* MILES more 'esponsible for stalling the Shore Keansburg (Northern) 0 CROWD PIEASER —Matawan'i Johnny Olshafskia, a back at 117 pounds, almost teeional offensive play. 'Game does not count in either division standings. mads a touchdown in the top photo. Olihefskit) ran from Shora Regional's 35-yard Shore H»»ional completed onlv three of 14 pass attempts and STORES DOWN line and was brought down on the two-yard marlcar, just milting the six points. •vas on the short side of an 8 to 15 LAVER WINS John Shekels, right, {whit* helmet I iia»*iit ing, -taking out a Shore Regional grid- •»unt in first downs. BRISBANE. Australia (AP) — Maple Ave. ar White St., A WEEK Rod Laver defeated Ken Fletcher der. In the lower photo, William Farrell 148) doesn't quite get to a short jump Matawan held the upper hand Red Bank—SH 7-5700 TO much that the Huskie punter 8-6, 6-3 in the Queensland Hard- past as Art Cotgreave (33), Shore Regional back, breaks up the play. Two grid- duF"~< ball. court Tennis final at Warwick 1000 Atbury Avt. Astwy Park MATf\V < yesterday. der* eye ball at the right. «:NDS—Flymi. Fsrrell Horton Byrd PR 5-8700 TlrtwuM Hw"tn- "irtrnunii Humll Madonna Schacht defeated ton. fllebert. Warwick. Robyn Ebbern 6-1, 4-6, 9-7 for tht Monday, October 15, 1962—13 TACKLES — Rrsdley. Le«. Woolley. RED BAiNK pEGISTER <3araiano, Wedemeyer, London, Amot women's title. Golden Eagles Nip Keyport, 6-0, Freehold Track P— Warner Ajtm&m Tigers, Rumson Still Tied FREEHOLD — Freehold Race- way closes ovt the longest and On Scoring Pass in 2d Quarter most successful meeting in its history this afternoon. BERKELEY TOWNSHIP-Cen- cross at he hauled in the scoring the closest to the Central Region- knocked the ball loose from his The record-breaking 6May 111 North; Wall Tops South trti Regional High took over un- pass on the two-yard line and al end zone, started midway clutches and Stan Slusarz recov- campaign will produce attendance figures of more than 370,000 and disputed possession of first place raced in for the TD. through the first quarter and ered for Keyport. Fair Haven and Rumson .disputed possession of first place y lineman to score in Hie romp, betting in excess of $24 million. stealing the ball from a West In the Shore Conference B Di- NorcroM Stands Out ended one play before the first Eagles March In 2d boosted their record, to M and h the Southern DWison Brick Norcross, the outstanding Cen- stanza came to a close when Last year's record total handle Long Branch backfield man and vision with a M decision over Central threatened once in the Township is now tied with Point tral Regional runner throughout Ralph Foss' field goal attempt was $19,077,805, wagered by remain tied for the Northern Di- dashing 47 yards. Keyport High here Saturday. second half. It came on the only Pleasant, each club holding a 3-1 the game, was the key performer with the ball on the 14-yard line 303,544 customers for a 50-day vision leadership, and Wall Town- Carson, Jones and Snyder Unbeaten Central Regional time the Eagles crossed the 50- session. When the New Jersey igue record. Point Pleasant in the game's only drive to pay-was low and to the right. ship knocked off Brick Township, dumped Keansburg, a Northern scored the winners' only extra leads the B Division with a 4-0 dirt. During the march, he car- yard line into Keyport territory. legislature extended the racing The march started on the Key-With approximately four minutes Division foe, 21-0, in yesterday's points, all on runs. record. Keyport and Matawan, ried the pigskin three times for season this year, Freehold was 26-13, in the Southern Division Fair Haven had a net gain of both 3-1, are tied for second port 31 and ate up time with 14 left in the game, th* Eagles took granted 10 extra days. interdivision game which does not 12 yards and hauled in a pass "battle of the unbeaten" in the count in either diviripn standings. 576 yards, while West Long while Rumson-Fair Haven Re- that carried from the Keyport 34 plays and three first downs. Sam over on their own 22 following a Robinson and Bob Bratsafolis Keyport punt and marched to the Revenue from the added racing Jersey Shore Pop Warner Foot- Neptune, which was nipped, Branch was limited to a net 25 gional, 2-0, is fourth. to the 19 on a key third down and days of all New Jersey racing is yards on the ground and through one situation for the Eagles. Nor- were the big ground gainers for Keyport 26 in nine plays before bail League yesterday. 7-6, by Manasquan-Brielle in the Central Regional scored the the Raiders In the drive. One Bob Williams intercepted a Cen-to be used for shore relief due Fair Haven, defending league closest game of the day yester- the air lanes. game's only touchdown in the cross' boot for the extra point to last March's storm. The Jersey was blocked. play before Foss missed on his tral pass for the Raiders. champion, rolled to its 15th day, is third with a 3-2 record. Callahan Scores Twice second quarter on an eight-play, field goal attempt, Keyport Keyport had time for only two coast was hard hit by the storm straight victory over a two-year In two other Southern Division Kevin Callahan, Rumson's 42-yard drive. The TD came on Keyport, which was without missed a sure touchdown when plays. On first down, Hourahan The finest racing in the history period with a 63-6 wrecking of outstanding guard Ned Crossley clashes, Lakewood edged Toms bruising fullback scored two a beautifully executed pass from quarterback Dan Hourahan's pass sent a long pass down field which of the Freehold harness oval, West Long Branch. River, 12-7, and Ocean Township touchdowns in Rumson's fifth quarterback Roger Kriney to and had top ground gainer Wayne to Robinson, wide open on the Dewey Marvin, Central Region- more than anything else, con- whipped St. Joseph's (Toms Riv- straight win. The Rumson ace Richie Norcrosi, who lined up asSteneck for only two plays, Rumson, which figures to bat- five, was low. al's do-everything sophomore, de- tributed to this year's huge sue- er), 204 went eight yards to paydirt in a slot back left on the play. The threatened only twice, both times tle Fair Haven all the way to Keyport Drives To 21 flected up into the air. Brats* cess. Six players got in on the touch- the first quarter and 20 yards aerial covered eight yards. Nary in the first half. The first drive, the wire, used substitutes freely The second threat came as thefolis, three steps behind Marvin Racing secretary Bill Yocum in a 204) blanking of Matawan. down parade as league president for a score in the second stanzp. a Keyport defender touched Nor which brought the Red Raiders said more of the same can be first half was drawing to a close. the closest defender, hobbled the In other Northern Division Jerry Jerolamon's Fair Haven expected on today's getaway pro- Bob Friscia, halfback, went 45 The Raiders took the kickoff fol- ball for an instant before drop- contests, New Shrewsbury powerhouse crushed West Long gram, since all the best horses yards to the end zone in the third lowing Centrar Regional'* touch- ping it. jumped into third place with a Branch. Joe Jones, Dave Synder, on the grounds are scheduled to quarter to complete the scoring Giants Lose to Pitt, 20-17; down and marched from its own On the final play, Norcross in- 28-13 decision over Long Branch Butch Carson, Bob Tierney, Pete ace. for the winners. 43 to the Central 21 where the tercepted a Hourahan pass to and Keyport moved into a tie for Jakubecy and Dewey Robinson give the ball over to the Eagles, Today's feature, the $3,000 A.-B Ashley Bell and Callahan added half ended. Hourahan, back to fourth with a 34-0 romp over were the scorers. the extra points for the Rumson- pass, was dropped on the 45 aft'but fumbled. Frank Mirro came Handicap pace involves Ray Hornung Hurt as G.B, Rolls Morgan. Jones, Carson Star ians. er running all over the backfield up with the ball for Keyport, bu Creed, Owen Hal, Frisco Rebel, Green Bay's Packers proved The Broncos now are 5-1, to looking for a receiver on the it was too late. Josedale Jet Arrow, Scott Honor, Brick Loses, ZC-1S Jones and Carson each tallied Coach Ray Sanborn substituted they can do it without all-pur- 4-1 for the Texans, who beat first halfs final play. CENTRAL REMOXAI. (() Fox Abbe, Warren's Special and Wall Township pulled a mild three TDs. Jones went 26 and 33freely, the second team seeing BND8— Oufhton, Walendkowikl, Hur as much action as the starting pose back Paul Hornung yester- Boston, 27-7, Friday night. But The Raiders didn't move past ley. Miller. Billy Byrd. Post for this mile is upset by knocking off previously yards from scrimmage and re- day maintainin" g the National 'alo belted San Diego, 35-10, TACKLES—Clarke, Brltton. 4:55. undefeated Brick Township for a turned a punt 60 yards to paydirt club. Second string fullback Greg the midfield stripe in the second nARDSHarris. Manhur, Currerl. Kieber was a standout on the of- Football League's only unblem Saturday. half. CENTERS—MaeOowell. htt. Miss Myrtle's First, Fitchew's 5-0 record and taking over un Carson tallied on runs of 46 and BACKS -- Kriney, Kehoe, Noreroii, fense. lined record by trouncing the Hornung scored the first Pack A fumble ended a Central Re-j Bally, Marvin. Filly, Reddie Dale, Miss Abbe 48 yards and returned a kickoff Minnesota Vikings, 48-21, on the KF.vrORT <0> 73 yards. Bill Beattie, right tackle, and er touchdown on a three-yard run gional threat in the first quar- END8—Thomaa, Po*l, Antlerion, Bcul- Stone, Ethel H. Scott, Dianne C. NO VISAS accurate aerials of quarterback and kicked the conversion run- ter. When the Keyport offense lion. Old Fashion and Val Hadley MANILA (AP) — The Philip- Tierney's TD came on a 45- Callahan paced Rumson on the TACKLES-P. Brown. Wllllama, Hart- defense. Bart Starr. ning his point total to 62 before couldn't click following the open- man. Foil. battle it out in the secondary pines Government will not issue yard pass play from Mike Gal OUARDS-Wllton, SUveitrl. bavy. Jakubecy swept around end If both Fair Haven and Rum- Starr, completing 21 of 29 he twisted his ankle in the first ing kickoff, Hourahan punted out CENTERS—Mirro. feature, a $2,000 B3-B2 handicap entry visas to the Yugoslavian pastes while league scoring lead- quarter. He sat out the rest of the to the 50. The Eagles moved BACKS—] Brown. BraUafolls. Rooln- pace. The field gets in motion a team scheduled to participate in for a 45-yard TD and Snyder ran son continue to post victories, the •on, Steneck, Hourahan, Strena-ella, Northern Division title will be de- er Hornung was on the bench game. Starr took over, passing 19 to the Keyport 45 in two plays. Doerr, FrefHrlcka, gluiari. Smith. 4:30. the world Basketball Champion- back a punt 56 yards for a six- with a twisted right ankle, threw and 55 yards to Max McGee and On third down Jim Baily went Central Regional _..o « 0 First post is set. for 2 p.m. ship here in December, the office pointer. Robinson, defensive left cided when the two clubs meet at Keyport 0 0 for three touchdowns and gained 18 to Boyd Dowler for TDs while through the center of the line and Touchdown—Norcrosi. with daily double windows of President Diosdado Macapagal guard for the Tigers, was the on- Rumson Nov. 11. Officials—O'Hara, Sullivan, 2M yards in the air as the de- overcoming a stubborn Vikings' galloped to the 15. A hard tackle Wimbirf. closing 15 minutes earlier. announced yesterday. fending NFL kingpins remained offense that rolled up the most out front in the Western Division points scored against Green Bay with a 5-0 record. this season. At the same time, Washington's The Redskins built a 144 lead resurgent Redskins boosted their going into the f'nal quarter on a 'Close But No Cigar'f or Lions Eastern Division lead by a 17- 38-yard touchdown toss from 17 tie with St. Louis on Bob Norm Snead to Bobby Mitchell Khayat't 29-yard field goal with and a two-yard scoring dash by 13 seconds remaining That left Bill Barnes. Second-year quar- the Redskins with a 3-0-2 record. terback Charley Johnson then As Middletown is Nipped, 7-6 Pittsburgh pulled into a tic engineered two last quarter tor second place with New York, scores that put the Cardinals turning two pass out front 17-14. Snead and LEONARDO — It was "close workhorse runner all day, ripped Lions would blow it. But, after Foulks made a twisting, leaping and » fumble recovery into 17 Mitchell bounced right back, con; but no cigar*' once again for theup the middle for the seventh and three plays netted zero yardage, grab of a third-down heave from points and a 20-17 triumph over necting for a 36-yard pass that hard-luck Lions of Middletown eventual winning point. Coach Braun pulled.a slick one. Kucymda only to have the ball Foulks, the Lion money man, wasshake loose from his arms when the Giants. The Steelers and brought Khayat in range for his Township High School here Sat- Middletown, which each week Gi"

• • •• *• tin oMy praMm fvdtty l%t h iht ww prin MM

yew pMNt tins m wwfim, mk m CALLED IACK — Dave Snyder (4), Fair Haven Pop Warner halfback, breaks away from two West Long Branch players on 45-yard run to paydirt yesterday. •ACH The TD, however, was nullified when clipping was de- tected on a Fair Haven player. The touchdown wasn't WlMil yW0 fNMM tff|#RI III 911 needed becausa Fair Havan rolled to a 63-6 victory. tht OINIKAL JIT-AIR. Hurry... t«t lea) valut for ywir prtMnt tint NOW I

• FREE MOUNTING • FREE SAFETY CHECK MIDDLETOWN GENERAL TIRE CO. FOULKS SLICING THE YARDAGE — Kenny Foulki, Middletown Township High School's "morning •xpren," is shown ripping off a gain in tha Middletown - Aibury Park gam* Saturday. Foulks hat th* bast blocking assist- Leonard* anc* as shown at the right ai teammate tonei a perfect block. Asbury's tackle, Lea Keirsted is at left. Th* Lions lost another tough one, 7-6. 1410 A.M. — 105.5 F.M. 7 Daily 1.6 291 •9291 Monmouth County Ntwt Summaries 14—Monday, October 15, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER 7 A.M. • 12 Noes • 5 P.M. j JWCBMVj W/UC.TV7 RED BA!STC REGISTER Monday. October 1ST 1962—lf" CfcaatcM rflljifTU •' If : • VT *» • TV Key TELEVISION I WNEW-TV n»rie-TV, MONDAY AimatNOON MONDAY tVKMNQ TUE3DAT MOKNBtQ Actress Says Girls Previews I- (» Lore «t Lift I:N- (4) News aad Weather 1:41- (2) Previews (4) Your First (T) News S:St- (*) Give Us This Diy Tonight'* top Uleviikm, shows j (7) JIM Wymas {11) Three Stooges 1:8- (2) News On TV Are Too Sweet as previewed and selected by TV (I) Science Fiction (11) What's New •:M- (2) College Of The Air By CHARLES JOTBECK skirts, and could be Key's staff of experts who attend) Theater «:«- (7) Local Ntws rehearsals, wctch screenings, and; • (4) Continental Clujroom HOLLYWOOD - There's a newand get away with it (11) Merry Mailman ltl»- (T) W«*tb*r Most girls on television series , analyze scripts in New York and l;M- (2) SuarUrt Semester redhead on The Rifleman. A well- (U) Russian For «:»- (») Sport* merely stand around and smite Hollywood. »:!»— (4) Local News (4) Continental Classroom built girl named Pat Blair is The Beginners tit*- (2) Newt . if a camera ever moves their LUCY SHOW. Lucy tries to beIMS- (2) News (S) Mickey Mouse Club Rifleman's answer (beginning to- way, particularly in westerns. (7) To Be Announced (4) Today ' chummy with the boys in her12: t»— (I) Search For Tomorrow night on ABC) to its toughest The hair is newly combed, tto household. She plays housemoth- (4) World Series Spotlight (I) Zoorama ' 7:«- (ft Call) to Prayer, competitlot) yet,, Lucille Ball. makeup is perfect and the girls er when all the kids spend the (I) Cartoons (11) Yogi Bear 7: IS- (I) Newt look as if they'd just stepped night,' and learns hand signals (7) Camouflige (IS) Profile: New Jersey 7:2f— (7) Moraine Prayer "We'll have to put Pat on a away from a mirror which Is so she can referee a football (I) Memory Lane I:W- (4) Weathtr 7:19— (!) Columbia Lectures trampoline," says producer Jules true. It's a Hollywood touch of game. Lucy's pretty funny re- (II) Rocky A His Friends 4:«- (4) News (7) Early. Bird Cartoons Levy with a grin, after watching unrealty in a western, but male peating signals barked out by her (IS) Music Interlude I:S5—<1J) Dateline: New Jersey I:M- (2) Captain Kangaroo Lucy bounce about on one in hefanr s like it. next door neighbor, and watch- (5) Sandy Becker 12:43— (2) Guiding Light 7:M— (J) News opening show. Pat Blair is going to look neat ing her trying to go the sleep in) (11) Merry "Mailman (4) Biography (7) Tommy Seven ' Pat, who once won - «,,..w>, •:M- (7) Little Rascals contest [and clean, and she'll smile now KIIITZER — Host Garry Moor* (left) seems envious the bathtub is a laugh at the end 12:55— (7) News (5) Outlaws for having the prettiest legs jn! and then, but she isn't going to be of the'show. 8:30 p.m. CBC. S:45—(11) News of the attention being paid to celebrity guest Jack E. 1:H- (2) Burnt and Allen (7) Father Knows Best exas, follows in the footsteps sweet. In the opening show she (4) Leave It To Beaver (I) Merrytoon Circus 8:5*- (I) News And Weather of Joan Taylor on the series. J:55— (1) Almanac Newsreel carries a chip on her shoulder Leonard by panelists Bess Myerson and Betsy Palmer DANNY THOMAS. Tonight's (5) Cartoons (II) News oan won a contest for the love- 1:00- (2) Life of Riley and gives Chuck Connors, as Lu- (right) on "I've Got a Secret" Monday, Oct. 15 18:00- plot may sound hard to take, but (7) Or. Hudson's Journal (IS) Russian for Beginners (4) Trouble With Father iest legs in the U. S. and Para-lcas, a bad time. well written script helps it (11) People Are Funny 7:11— (2) Weather . mount Pictures had them 8:30 p.m. EDT), on the CBS Television Network. (7) Funny Manns Mention of the word come across. There's a big hub- (13) Fun At One (11) Local haws 5ured for a million dollars: bub about who will take care of (I) Jack La Lanne brings distaste to Misj Blair 1:25— (5) News 7:11- (2) News So it may sound as if The Rifle- the Williams' children while their (11) Comedy Party screws up her face and 1:M- (2) Ai The World Turn man producers, Jules Levy, Ar- parents are In Europe, and their 7:25—(11) Weather (11) Profile: New Jersey "sweet, sweet. Girls are Science Lecture for Children (3) Movie thur Gardner and Arnold Laven best friends the Halpers, want to, 7:S»— (2) To Tell The Truth •:2S- (S) News sweet on TV. I'm tired of' it'"; (7) December Bride have a leg fetish, but if they do NEW BRUNSWICK — Rutgers tween 9 a.m. and noon and' 1:30 only they're hurt because they (4) It's a Man's World (11) Dateline: New Jersey The three producers found Pat (») Star And Story it's pointless. The girls on the p.m. and 4 p.m. or by mail. haven't been asked. 9 p.m. CBS. (7) Cheyenne 1:19- (2) Our Miss Brooks . last year on their other series, University will offer a special (11) Best of Groucho show are always seen in long A fee will be charged. (•) Movie (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers "The . Detectives." They say icience lecture series for chil- (IS) New York (II) Checkmate (!) Topper they were looking for a pretty The New, Brunswick Extension ANDY GRIFFITH. For the Metropolis dren on five consecutive Saturday (IS) Books for Our Tim* (7) Gale Storm girl who could also act and Pat Center is sponsoring the lecture first time, Sheriff Andy appears 1:50—(13 Adventures In .mornings beginning Oct. 20. »:»— (2) I've Got A Secret (l)Movie impressed them as a waitress in series in co-operation with the to have formidable opposition and Merchandising 'Blithe Spirit' (J) Tightrope (IS) Parlons Francais II one Detective episode. After The series, titled "The Nature Science Department of University the show has something new to1:55— (4) News of Matter," will be held from work on. Mayor Roy Stoner 8: JO— (2) Lucille Ball l:4S-(") Wonder Of Words many interviews with eager ac- College, the university's degree- 2:M- (2) Password Rehearsals tresses, a pleasant chore, the list 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Van Dyck granting evening division. Dr. (Parley Baer), a rather dense (4) Saints & Sinners 1:15- (4) News Building, physics lecture hall on man, doesn't think the world of (4) Merv Griffin (5) Peter Gunn MsN- (2) Calendar .. boiled down to eight, then Pat Stephen E. Ulrich, chairman of (7) Day In Court emerged the big winner. She'll Queens Campus. the University College Science Sheriff Andy and tonight he gives (7) Rifleman (4) Say When To Start Andy a few blasts and shakes our (») Legacy (II) One Step Beyond (!) Movie be in 80 per cent of the shows Children 8 to 13 years of igeDepartment, will be the lecturer. NEPTUNE —Neptune Commun- and the producers say she can Sheriff up. Deputy Fife is (11) Divorce Court (IS) Art of Seeing (7) Susie ; ; are eligible to attend the series, ity Theatre, sponsored by Nepact.1 '.'It may cost us a raise," Dr. Ulrich said the series "of agast at this turn of events. 9:30 2:10—(13) Places In The Newt 1:00— (2) Danny Thomas (11) For Your Information but each child or group of chil- tune Jaycees, begins rehearsafs said Arthur Gardner, sitting be-; talks "will attempt to explain p.m. CBS. 2:11— (2) Houie Party (5) Cain's Hundred 10:05—(13) Experiences In dren must be accompanied by a 8 p.m. Wednesday and Friday for side Pat, "to say this in front parent or teacher. some of the questions a child may (7) Seven Keys (7) Stoney Burke English have concerning matter, its struc- (9) Movie 10:25- (4) News its January production of Noel of her, but we'll risk it." Registrations are now being ac- DAVID BRINKLEY'S JOUR- (11) I Search For Coward's "Blithe Spirit." ture and its behavior." In addi- NAL. Unusual tale of voluntary , (13) Time Now For Music (U) Science Corner Pat will act as a sounding cepted at the office of Harry S. Adventure Weekly Wednesday-Friday le- tion, it is hoped, he said, that the segreation in the'' all-Negro town 2:50—(13) Interlude II: M- (2) I Love Lucy board to young Mark, Lucas' son, Laytofl, director of the Rutgers' (IS) Prospectives hearsals will be held at the Sun child will gain some understand- of Mound Bayou, Miss., founded 2:55— (4) News (4) Play Your Hunch when he has problems reaching New Brunswick Extension Cen- tile— (2) Andy Griffith Motel, West Bangs Ave. and Rt. ing of what science is. by two ex-slaves in 1887. Though (5) News (7) Answering Service Dad. "Now that Mark Is IS," ter, 35 College Ave. Registration (4) Price Is Right 33, until the end of November. they celebrated their 75th anni- I:M- (2) Millioni're (II) Movie says Gardner, "he'll have more may be made in person daily be- The Rutgers scientist said he (11) Grand Jury Dr. Arthur Weller, 712 Wake- versary last summer and their (4) Loretta Young ll:45-(U) PaHons Francais II conflicts with his father and will believes "the tendency to stifle 10:0t— (2) Loretta Young field Rd., heads a seven-member pride in their personal "free- (5) Mr. District Attorney 11:09— (2) McCoys tend to think things out for him- • ADVERTISEMENT - the natural curiosity of the child" (4) Dave Brlnkley's cast as "Charles," a writer who dom" remains intact, the kind of (7) Queen For A Day (4) Price It Right self. We want him to be a nor- to be the shortcomings of pres- Journal explores spiritualism only to be economic isolation they support (II) How To Marry A (7) Ernie Ford mal 15-year-old boy. He can use NERVE DEAFNESS ent-day society. (5) Deputy haunted by his first wife's spirit. is beginning to demand a change. Millionaire (I) Johnny Andrewt outside advice, and Pat will be (7) Ben Casey Coward's three-act farce ilso "MODEL OF NEW- An interview with Mound Bayou's (13) American Economy (IS) Time Now For Music logical listening post." (11) Trackdown features Mrs. Ronald Strause'r, Postmaster, C.V. Thurmond, is !:»»- (2) To Tell The Truth U:2»-(1J) Experiences In Will Pat marry Lucas on the MINIATURE Jewish Studies (IS) World at Ten 301 Birch Dr., as "Elvira," especially revealing of the need (4) Young Dr. Malone English series? "It's going to be a long II:S0— (2) Stump the Stars Charles' spirit wife, and Mrs. Jo- HEARING AID to break with tradition. (Color) (5) Big Payoff 11:21- (!) Newt romance," says Gardner. "Mar- Institute Set seph Levinos, 736 Gail Dr., as 10 p.m. NBC. (7) Who Do You Trust (4) Searchlight Hill- (2) Pete And Gladys riage is so final." 'Ruth," Charles' intellectual, but GIVEN RUMSON — The Adult Insti- (11) Laurel-Hardy and (5) Dragnet (4) Concentration ' The three producers don't know (I) Keyhole (5) Romper Room perplexed second wife. Washington, D. C. — A most tute of Jewish Studies of Con- BEN CASEY. "In the Name Chuck how they will fare against the (11) Broadway Goes Latin (7) Yours For A Song Other cast members are: Mrs. unique free offer of special in- of Love, a Small; Corruption." (13) You, The Consumer new "Lucy" series, but they are gregation Bnai Israel will begin (IS) Playwright At Work 11:40- (U) Places In The News S.J. Grariato, 109 Willow Dr., terest to those who hear but do Very good show. The plot is con- 1:11- (2) Newt not too worried about their other its new series of courses Thurs- lltH- (2) News 11:59—(11> News 'Madame Arcati;" Mrs. Ann not understand words, has just trived, corny and trite, but the (11) Rocky and Friends competition, "Saint and Sin- been announced by Dahlberg Mo- day night. 4:0M2) Secret Storm (4) News Hutchinson, 503 Falrview Ave. ners." torola. A true-life, non-operating handling is so effective, it's one "Mrs. Bradman;" Wally Dow, 709 Eli Orgel will teach a course in of the most absorbing shows in (4) Make Room For (5) News "We've been very high to the model, actual size replica of the (7) News Wakefield Rd., "Dr. Bradman;" smallest Dahlberg ever made, elementary Hebrew at 7:45 p.m.weeks. Rod Stelger is perfect as Daddy College Officials ratings," says Jules Levy, "and (5) Deputy Dawg (I) Movie Mrs. Frank Barchi, 12 Jeanne will be given away absolutely The course is designed to teach a long lost father who comes Dr., "Ethel." we lost some ground last year. free to anyone answering this ad- the students how to read, write, (7) American Bandstand (11) Steve Allen But we're not too worried about back after 20 years to see the Blithe Spirit's" production- vertisement. Wear it in the prian- d understand basic Hebrew. (9) High Road To Danger (IS) Reflections To Meet With ratings, because we have a very three daughters he deserted. His technical staff will be chosen soon. vacy of your own home without purpose: to decided which one is (II) Bozo the Clown 11:11- (2) Weather loyal following." cost or obligation of any kind. At 8:45 p.m., Rabbi Gilbert S. Openings Include make-up, ward- to get his fortune. Most of the 4:25—(11) Koko the Klown (4) Weather "IT'S YOURS FREE TO KEEP." Rosenlhal will teach a course v Senior Students robe, properties, set design, set One fan, Lois Myers, a school- hour consists of showdown scenes 4: It- (2) Edge of Night (S Movie ' teacher whose husband Is a Phil- The sire of this instrument is Jewish philosophy. He will surve; MIPDLETOWN - To give sen construction, s e t decoration, between the man arid the girls, (4) Here's Hollywood (7) News, Weather, adelphia intern, has only missed only one of its many features. It the development of philosophic lors a first hand knowledge of lighting, sound effects, publicity, weighs less than a third of an and they're very well written and Sports one Rifleman In four years. She thought from the days of th (5) Felix and the Wizard colleges and their requirements, box office, prompting, program ounce and it is all at "ear level," played. 10 p.m. ABC. 11:15- (2) Movie has a complete scrapbook on Bible until modern times. The (7) Discovery '62 Frank Grimes, guidance coun- and ushering. In one unit. No wires lead from (4) Tonight every show and knows as much lectures will include such thinke (9) Looney Tunes selor at the high school, has ar-Besides staff work, a workshop the body to the head. Here is TONIGHT. Rosemary Clooney, (7) Movl. about the show as the producers. (ruly hope for the Hard of Hear- as Philo, Maimonides, Spinoz (11) Dick Tracy ranged a series of meetings be- studying dramatic fundamentals former silent film star Ben Lyon. 12:80— (II) News She's even sold them a couple ing. These models are free while Martin Buber, and other distl (13) Music Interlude tween college representatives and and radio production will begin folk singers who go by the name 4:K- (4) Newt 12:50- (2) Movie of stories. Unusual—Mrs. Myers, :he limited supply lasts. We sugguishe- d philosophers. seniors. operation Wednesday at 8 p.m. in gest that you write for yours of The Little Sisters, composer- (7) American Newstand (5) News says no, many of her friends feel 1:00- (4) News the Sun Motel meeting rooms. wiw. The class in Jewish law wi singer Roger Miller, plus a fash- 5:00- (2) Love That Bob On Wednesday, Frank Gram the same way about the series. begin its sessions Sunday, Oo (5) Movie mer, dean of admissions at the ion show of new Italian styles, fill (4) Movie 1 The .producers also cater to BUCHANAN 28, at 9:30 a.m. Rabbi Rosenth Johnny Carson's bill for toiiight. (7) I Married Jotn (7) Movie Newark College of Engineering (I) Playback their viewers. When Rifleman will teach a course in the law (Color) 11:15 p.m. NBC. (9) Movie will speak to students interested UN Days fans come to Hollywood they're Hearing Aid 1:05- (»> Mayor Of The Town of prayer and personal conduc (11) Cartoon Zoo In pursuing engineering. taken on the set and some are (8) Almsnac Newsreel Information Center In addition, the congregatio (13) Once Upon a Day The N.R.O.T.C. will be ex- even allowed to snap their cam- Theater 1:10— (I) News And Weather At MSC will conduct for the first time 5:25—(11) Rocky and his friends plained to students Thursday eras, a long-time movieland ta-' Room 417, Wyatt Bldg. 1:35— (4) Sermonette couple's study circle limited t Boxscore I:M— (2) Movie when Capt. Sidney 1. Simon of boo. NEW YORK (AP) - The thea- 2: OS- (2) News 777 14th Street, N. W. 10 couples who will meet one (5) Sandy's Hour the Naval Reserve and an as-Are Slated Besides entertaining, we think a month' in private homes t ter critics examed three offerings (7) Highway Patrol 2:10— (2) Give Us This Day sociate professor a.t Rutgers Urri this week in off-Broadway play- 2:15— (7) Evening Prayer MATAWAN - At least one the show influences a lot of peo- Washington, D. C. study Jewish problems. (11) Popeye ' versity, will speak to members municipality in Monmouth ple in the right way," says co- (IU) houses. Their verdicts were se- of the senior class who are in' vere. County is going ahead with a producer Gardner. "I like to Keansburg Soldier terested in entering officer's formal ceremony to mark United think it does a little bit of good. "O Say Can You Seel", a lam- training. poon of Hollywood flag-waving On Inspection Unit Nations Week. ' know talking to the writers has MOVIE TIMETABLE Nursing careers will be dis The ceremony will take place an effect on how I treat my sons musicals in the 1940's, pleased RED BANK KEANSBURG — M. Sgt. Raycussed Friday, Oct. 26, when SURVEY YOUR NEED three of the seven newspaper re- here Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. In Memo-when I get home at night." CARLTON— mond T. Jacques, son of MrsMiss Elizabeth Reilly, admlnis rial Park, with Michael J. viewers at the Provincetown Never on Sundiy 4:00: 7:0O; 10:3Grac0 e E. Jacques of 48 Willis trative assistant at Monmouth Playhouse. Brelklist nt Tiffany. 2:00; 8:30. Kidzus, Ravine Dr., as chairman. FORA LONG BRANCH Ave. is on the First Army In Medical Center, will visit the He was appointed last month "Angels of Anadarko," a play spector General's inspections school to interview prospective at the York about an Armenian BARONET— by Mayor John W. Applegate. Bcreamlnj Skulll 4:0O; 7:00: 10:40; team. nurses. junkman who settles in Okla- How to Mike a Monster 2:15: 9:30: Former Mayor Edward W. Terroi From th« Ye«r FIv§ Thouatnd He is one of the enlisted men On Oct. 30, Miss Letitia M. lurrie will be master of cere- SAFE DEPOSIT homa, distressed its six examin- 1:30; «:10. detailed to the First Army In Acheson, president of the Stuart monies. The Regional High School ers. ASBURY PARK spector General's Section to asSchool of Business Administra- band will participate. A Whisper in God's Ear," a LYRIC— sist the officer inspectors in car-tion, will explain the training of- Mr. Kidzus is attempting to BOX comedy at the Cricket, was re-Bent or Eneralei 7:20; 9:20. jected by four of six. The play, MAYFAIR— rying out nearly 1,000 inspection"! fered by that Institution. obtain a guest speaker from one about a man who tries to get Preinire Point 3:0O; 7:00; 10:15; P«y-made annually throughout the On Nov. 14, Michael Lucas, of the colleges in the area. ton Pltce 8:40. assistant to the director of ad- his widowed mother rewed so NEPTUNE CITY eight-state First Army area. After the American flag is that he can marry, previously NEPTUNE CITY- He was a railroad conductor missions at Washington and Jef-raised, the United Nations flag ran for 60 weeks in Los Angeles. Hutirl 1:99: Vlait to a Small Planat with the Pennsylvania Railroad ferson College, will speak on thewill go up, for display the entire The Broadway-bound play "A 7:30. before he was sworn in to the liberal arts program. week. • ., Matter of Position," by Elaine North of Red Bonk Army In 1944 at Camp Upton Students interested in specific Assisting in the program will May, closed Saturday in Phila- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS N.Y. During World War II he areas of education are released be Douglas Ward, Theodore Phe- delphia where it has been trying Judgment it Nuremberg 1:10; Ltfend served at Camp Blahding, Fla. through the guidance office to lan, Sr, Mrs. Edward H. Dom- out. SMepy Hollow 7:30. and in the Philippines and Japan attend these meetings which are inick, Mrs. Zane Anson, Oscar HAZLET He was discharged in 1946. held at the high school during Dutch, Lawrence Bucco, Charles LOEWS DRIVE-IN- the school day. O'Hare, John J. Bradley, Hugh Leaves Railroad Cartoons 7:00; 2 WeekJ In Another On his recall to the Army in Town 7:07: 10:15; Hired Gun »:10. McGuire, James Flynn and 4fler 46 Years PERTH AMBOY 1950 he was at first with head- Luther Andersdn. GATES OPtN 6:30 rM.-MOVlll «T DUIK Tno Join Advanced* rf SUM -fltUT >HQW OWLY AMBOY DRIVE-IN- quarters 724th Transportation Bat- NEPTUNE — Harry B. Bre- Two crabapple trees will be KI«K SOW. 0. C«D voort, 5 Cottage PI., Shark River Cartoon 7:00: But Not For M« 7:0«talio; n (Army Reserve) In NewAir Force ROTC 11:05: Plieon That Took Romt 9:21. planted at the park, and a moun- IXDOUGLASROBINSON-CHARISSE Hills, Is retiring after 46 years' York, then 'spent two year* with tain ash will, be planted at 'the MAJESTIC— the Korea Military Assistance GETTYSBURG, Pa. - William service with the Pennsylvania Muaic Man-2:00; 4:<0; 7:20; 10:00. new high school. A United WEEKS IH CHECK THE ITEMS ON Group in Korea. After a year a V. Parkell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Railroad. EDISON C. Herbert Parkell, 52 Reckless Nations flag also will be flown AH0MRT0WH' MENU) PARK CINEMA— Fort Gordon, Ga., he Joined the 2 Mr. Brevoort joined the rail- at the high school. THIS LIST THAT YOU OWN: Military Assistance Advisory PI., Red Bank, and Jay Kapp- road in 1916 as a gateman and Muilo Man 3:0O: 4MO: 7:30; 10:15. meier, son of Mr .and Mrs. John subsequently worked as a fire- WOODBRIDGE Group in Taiwan. Between 1958 • Bonds • Birth certificates DRIVE-IN- and 1960 he was with Head- H. Kappmeier, 95 Cloverdale Cir., No probleni' finding' tenants man, engineer, assistant road TWO Weeks in Another Town 7:05; New Shrewsbury, have received when you adyjertise TJie Raster; 10:55; World In My Pocket 9:10. quarters U. S. Army Ordnance foreman of engines, and super- assignments in advanced Air way—Advertisement,.*,-,* - ' .•»'•'••' • Heirloom jewelry MONTCLAIR Depot in Korea. On his return he • Stock certificates visor of personnel for the New Force ROTC courses at Gettys- CLAIR1DGE- wss detailed to the First Army Vork Region, his most recent post. burg College. '• Deeds • Wills Hollday In Spun 8:00. Inspector General Section. ' In 1961 he accompanied one ol Cadet Kappmeier, a senior, has been made an Inspector officer, U)ct£t^1Re^TJieA^ • Insurance policies • Trust agreements I the officer Inspectors on an In spection trip to Thule, Green and Cadet Parkell, a junior, Is NOTICE flight commander of a drill team, HELD OVER SCORE: land. 1 check... Safe Deposit Box is desirable FAIR HAVEN RESIDENTS He Is a member of the Brother- No problem finding tenants 2 checks... Safe Deposit Box is advisable hood of Railroad Trainmen and when you advertise THe Register I g 4 3 AQI975 BACK TO 18: Toward 9. Born the 35. English "KI5 V - trick. He won't get fat on it. East monds— 8 7 5. Clubs-10 7. What By LEE FALK Boys y THE PHANTOM //< r^ cannot attack diamonds, so youdo you say? 43. Any •&• 37 will have time to draw trumps Answer: Bid one heart. You CABLeSRAWFORYOU, A MESSAGE FROM THE THAT WINDS UP OUR weekday % % MISSION, DIANA (BccL) and develop the clubs. East will have only 11 points in high cards OK. KIRK SECRETARy-6ENEKAL. ' 58 59 40 get a heart, a club, ,and a dia- PERSONAL CONGRATULATIONS. CAN GO HOME 43. Prescribed and 1 paint for the doubleton, but IMPEIPJUN6LE UN AND WORLD PROUD OF NOW. mond, but you will make the con- AFTER MANY regimens 41 this hand is still worth an open- ALL OF YOU. 44. Strangely tract. rig bid. Some of the textbooks MONTHS. THE DOWN UN MBOICAL 4> If West has the king of hearts recommend a pass, but they'd TEAM HEADEO LPond (as is this case), he won't dream have to sit BY DR. KIRK, dweller on me to make me 10-15 of playing the king immediately. pass this hand CK. LUAGA He will be sure that you don't AHO NURSE For Sheinwold's 36-page book- DIANA PALMER have the ace of hearts since you let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," HASENDED didn't win the first trick in dum- THEEPfPEWC. Today's Busintu Mirror: send 50c to Bridge Book, Red my to try a trump finesse. Wes: Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand will worry about a singleton ace Jental Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. of hearts in his partner's hand. Retail Sales So West will play a low heart at the second trick. Now you cash the ace of hearts and go after Board Gives Take a Slide the clubs. By the time West is MARK TRAIL 2 Variances V/E GOT VOO JUST by SAM DAWSON IN TltoE, MR.VAWH For Fences THANK THE GOOD Damon LORP/ NEW YORK (AP)-That fever ias worried merchants and deal SHREWSBURY - The Zoning chart of the American economy- ;rs—a class prone to worry in the Board of Adjustment Thursday retail sales—has disappointed the jest of times. granted variances to Bernard VEAH... columns AND HE'S optimists again. Totals dipped in Making it more disquieting for Maslow and Raymond H. Still- PASSED September for the second month hem, the zig-zagging has been called "Dear George," with illus man, to build six-foot fences be- otrr/ in a row. They have been bobbing :onfined largely to durable goods. by Walt Kelly, is nowsides homes on Samara Dr. and up and down since April. Sales of soft goods have mostly vailable from vour bookseller, if Shadowbrook Rd. CAREFUL, That the chart zigged in August stayed good and usually on the le's half the bookseller we think MARK TRAIL, WTH HELP CHARUE.. The borough ordinance forbids SPUtfTSON HrS and September, when many increase. ie is.) FCOM OLD BOX CAR CHADUE, HE HAS A fences more than five feet high. RESCUES HARVEY VAVNN FROW BAP BREAK LEQL CHARUE, looked for it to zag.'is generally Americans are inclined to take Mr. Maslow's fence has already THE ROARING RIVER IN HIS RIGHT AND TAKE HIM blamed on auto sales. The model he sale of soft goods for granted. ear George: been built. He explained that LEG/ TO ALEX'S.' changeover season and the lower They are used to judging good If "T" is a male, it's incred- when he bought the property he than usual stocks of the older imes from bad by the amount of ble for his sense of humor's re- had engaged a landscape archi- By JIM BVRNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW models on dealers' hands may urchases of durable goods—the »rettable; your dishwashing prob- tect who recommended the have led to the dip. Detroit, at anyautos, household appliances and era would be solved if you gob-foot fence as a "backdrop" for rate, says the new models are at-the like which American families )le 'em—when someone invents shrubs and {iowers He said he CLASSES VOUVg GOT CHANGE FOR tracting good sales. buy to improve their standard of dishes edible. and a neighbor had built it, PRUNK...UH... AFROS? Optimists still are confident re- living. James Rapuano jointly, without knowing • they ABOUT PAVINS tail sales will turn upward signifi- And laggard sales of hard goods Dear Jim: ( were violating an ordinance. cantly this month and next. Bu when personal income totals have That's the best solution to the i Mr. Stillman asked to erect his the late spring dip, the mid-sum- gone on rising are taken by many dishwashing problem yet. How felKe He said it was needed to mer rally, and now the late sum to indicate a worry by consumers about dishes made of Metrecal,ishield the dwcmng adjacent to mer and early fall slump hav over their future. for dieters? .loan Ann Chilton shop from the merely added to the general un Various polls of consumer opln lights of cars in the parking certainty about the general econo ions and intentions have deniec Dear George:. lot there. His petition was grant- my's course. that any such feeling now exists, The controversy in your col- ed with the stipulation that the Sales are well ahead of a yea:Consumers are said to be cautious umn about whether men should fence be a cedar stockade type. ago. But the failure to keep but far from really worried abou help with the dishes is purely Applications to put up signs iteady upward course and pace their future. ridiculous. No male worthy of thewere approved for Milton Brown Then why the lag in sales ol name would be caught dipping lee, 444 Broad St., and Dr. Jer- durable goods? his hands in a sink. ald Cureton, 441 Broad St. SEAL DRAFTY DOORS One school of thought is that That's the trouble with modern first will advertise canvas Americans bought so many gadg» women, they try to dominate and tops, and the second will WALT KELLY NOW... with ets in the 1950s that the demand run everything, and man is a fool small sign Indicating a has slackened naturally and is to put up with them. That's why sician's office. PORTASEAL now confined to an important de- !'m a bachelor and plan to stay gree to replacements and to those hat way. j WEATHERTIGHT DOOR STOP It adds up! More and more whose incomes are expanding and V. M. bringing them into the still grow- Dear V. M.: people use The Register ads each 0FA6UW ing middle income class. You really didn't need to addissue because results come fast- L£ COUPLE" Manufacturers striving mightily the last sentence. er.—Advertisement. to bring out ever more advanced models naturally deny there is any such saturation. "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean

ATTEND TEXAS FAIR For Tuesday, October 16 DALLAS, Tex. - Mrs. Harry Present—For You and Leonard, 34 Sycamore Ave., East Seals like a refrigerator! Yours . >. . Aspects are some- Keansburg, N. J., and Mr. and STOPS WIND... SNOW... COLD... Mrs. Joseph Mulligan, Jr., and what negative for personal con- Install It yoursilf In minutes. tacts. Take it easy, but don't • Portiml provide! a permanint Mil family, 72 Main St., Keansburg, MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEIS ERNST idjuitlnf wtittieruil for all exterior recently attended the annual Tex- neglect necessary chores. A feel- (SOOTS ... It adjusts itself fully to compen- as State Fair here. ing of impatience with others BECAUSE ?HE'5 SICK, HELEN! sate for the most se- should be controlled, particular- GET V0URTHIN651-I THINK. WE v«r«ly warped doort. SHQULD DRIVE OUT TOTHA T PLACt Complete set for full ly concerning young people. Ten- AN ITEM IN MAVBE PRI55 IT SAYS:"BY No problem finding tenants AND BRING HER HOME-WHERE, ill* exterior door .., sion eases as the day progresses. TO0WS PAPER DIDN'T WRITE, PW5CIIIA MWNARO PRINTED FOR THE PORTASEAL, INC. HAS JUST CAUGHT RI6HTOVER IT! WE CAN-LOOK AFTER HER! MORRISTOWri, N. J. when you advertise The Register Evening brings understanding THIS, FRED? WHOLE TOWN . Sold II imini Lumber lull t Hirdmit Sunn way—Advertisement. THE 5TARTLED READ? with loved ones. EVES OF

Past... Perhaps the first use of Future • • . The kitchen of a color was by a caveman when he space capsule will be loaded with discovered that some berries food found on about everyone's dyed his fingers blue or some list of favorites, including Swiss NEW LIFE natural earth pigments were red. steak, veal steak, ham and eggs, At any rate, we are told cave- turkey, etc. They will be con- men decorated walls with colon taincd in tiny cans and plastic into old, plans— a$ long ago aj 25,000 B.C. tubes. WITH HFC CASH The Day Under Your Sign By GEORGE SIXTA ARIES (Born March 21 to April I9| LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Ocf. 22) Other pasture* may look Kreentr, but IWt b« embarrassed. Molt people hire rrs If you want to pay off all your bills or take care of they won't be when you ff« there. a skeleton in the closet. medical and dental expenses, just give us a ring and TAURUS (April 30 to W.y 20) SCORPIO | Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) 3LOWTOPAY- Di.tcouratic friends from (Irojtptni; m »t Over-entliimasm could make a lots out THERMS arrange the necessary cash. If you have plans for work. It interfoti with your joh. of a recent pain if you aren't careful. JUST home improvements or a late vacation, simply call us GEMINI (May 21 to Jun* 21} SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to D«. 21) NOBOCff A minor up«i shouldn't thro** you if Finish details left pendinp yefterday, for the money you you •vitw things in vroper prriiwcttvc. then curl up with a good book. AROUND- need. You can make Co.K MONTHIY PAYMENT PLANS You 0*1 CANCER [Jun« 22 to July 21} CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) 24 is 12 6 Your minrt ten*!* to wander. This i\ d*n- Routine -matters should progrc^ satisfac- almost any family psymts ptymtt paymlt piymlt grruus while driving or mini: tooli. torily if you've attended to business. OOME ON/ plan come to life with J1010 $ 6.97 5 9.75 $18.15 LEO (July 22 to Au?. 21} AQUARIUS (J«n. 21 4o Fmb. 19) SOMEBODY.' a phone call or visit to The focus is on mutual objectives. Be A*|*cis sttrss Koine after cash dales, but 200 13.93 19.50 36.31 ro Household Finance. 300 $16.77 20.90 2" °5 54.46 VIRGO (Aug. 22 to S.pt. 22) PISCES (Feb. 20 to March 20) 400 21.94 27.47 38.59 72.14 Travel ts broadening, but jnu don't have Conflict with superior! rau. Open Wednesday evenings until ft IATONTOWN Monmouth Shopping Center Rl. 35 at Eatontown Traffic Circle-Liberty 2-1340 Opeg WtdMsdoy * Friday evenings until I MIDDUfOWN • LOW rAia Middletown Shopping Center —_.— tcfetdul*~| 1107 Highway #35-OSborn» 1-1400 K« ta Cfhrt Can • Opn Ibwsfey I fridor HIM|I uertil 7 SHodysida 14)567 BORO BUSES FM fW U3M MM ML* waaumm WANTED RED BAJIK HEGBTEt Monday, Ortober 15,1968—17 OPERATOR* 1 WILL PAT-T , «• tor etd ax- APAXTMEftTS van if you'r. NOT iitttrtt+td In um — Family r*. < f4t»b.f* SBSJCtr. Hw^sr SttiST 1 righht pttaoe. Can *•-- "operator to work ~ •Bmt Bate. Warned ' end earcosyts. FANCY FIXTURES ••*• u* FANCY DISPLAYS BANK MANOR PUBLIC NOTICE IsMa mau who. woeld U)n to live and ' PIANOS WAlrTstP—mOHMT PRICES YOUR CHURCH OR GROUP cm »1M 1M0 taxis Richardson — Unfurnished m. Take care of two well dleelpuned or tarnished, two exceptional ilie bed- children (oldest SB schooUl Toung PAID. CALL aTSKnjR. SM MAIN HAS ADDED (BECAUSE OF DEMAND) MO ami aon, easy and tut Hava IS SMOOTH • TALKING SALESMEN — ST., LAXXWOOD. FO Ml** numbers each sell only twenty 50 ctnt rooms, washer, MxM silver top awnlnit. aether irorks. Moderate wages. Sat- pictilu nr lovely cheery ChrUU&as many extras. Very tMsnnsbls. Immedl- urdays, and Suniaye oft Call SH I-42T OLD mnuOTUBJg — Annoues, chtaa. NEW FOUR AND FIVE-ROOM Carol Table Kapklns. Keep »50 (or your ate occupancy. FO alter f:3s p.m. (Usswan, art objects and brte-a-brec treasury. No money needed. Fret Ssjai- U you're int«r«tt«d in fmmedtaU cash for uyttduaaA »v- REASONABLE — 19SJ nubile borne, la> WOMAN TO WORK In bookkeeping d RusoU's. Jt BastVront St. APARTMENTS pies. Anna Wade, Dept. S87FT1 Lynch- good oondltlon. Soil, two bedrooms, air paxtment of local vancern. Musi In burf. Va. < condiUoner. Call IST-^"^ heat,- dependable sad . accurate whh having niet furniture and tavin* money — Sama superior management ... quiat ttraat figures. Reply ta otni handwriting stat- OLD HOUSE SHUTTERS — Picture AUTOMOTIVE ins act. experience1 and reterancea to frames, old dolls, cut glass. Writs Wll- in finst «stata section. AUTOS AND TRUCKS •OATS & ACCESSORIES ••A.DJ' Box 511. Bad Bank. FIELD'S IS IT! kena, 117 Main St., Port Monmouth. BEAUTICIAN PETS AND LIVESTOCK UNITS START AT $140 PER MONTH AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - liabll- BAR0A1N - any sou no want u tty and physical damage. 1T-M tan ba mm. Li* bank raus. fimiHTtng tx- Hlgb style salon, rall-tlme. experienced ranismsnts completad n ana call at Not I, or 2, Bui- AKC OERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES • FULL DINING ROOMS Insured. ROLSTON WATERBURT. only. VINMAR. Little iSllver. SH —Show and excellent pet quality avail Realtor-Insurer, II W. Front St. Red any of our olflcaofficea* TTHUE MONMOUTH TT89. Closed Monday. NATIONAL BANK. SB I Three Rooms of Brand New Furniture able. Parents champion sired. Healthy • AIR-CONDITIONING Bank. BH 7-5300. -, tooa Bred for excellent temperament. Cal AVON BULLS ITSELF-Fun or part SH 1-00M after 4:00 for appointment UM FORD WRECKER — Power, low time. Several territories opes lor • 12' REFRIGERATORS mileage. Dolly wheeli and accessories. 15- OUTBOARD BOAT, sturdy. flher- women Interested In bavins a good OERMAN SHEPHERD AT STUD — To Call 787-lffl* from a a.m. to i tun. giassed. In water, no leaks, asking steady Income. Experience enaeoes- plus approved females only Champion sired • KITCHEN EXHAUST FANS 1125. OS 1-1M7 after 5:50 p.m. sary. SH 1-4343 or write: Mrs. Marga- Red Oats Farm's Bltta. Preusssnblut U5S FORD — sedan. Excellent condl ret Oulotta, P. a Box ISO. Red Bank. and Osnabruckerland blood lines. Call • INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS tlon. Can be aeen at Gull nation. K 14 FOOT boat. M h-s. Mercury motor, A Brand New Family-Size SH t-0096 attar 4:30 p-m. E. Front St., Red Bank. trailer. In water. CM. Call CO 4-2584 CASHIER — Wanted for concession • STORAGE ROOMS after • p-m. stand. Paid vacation and other Wallet Philco Refrigerator MINIATURE FRSNCH POODLE—On 1956 PORSCHE — 1600 Super Convert- 17' - "U" 2ROADWATER. TO b,p. Mer- Res.de benefits. Must be over IS. Apply year old, silver gray, AKC registered. • OCEAN NEARBY ible. Oood condition, new tlrei, (1.200 cury, electric, built-in tank, all canvas, Eatontown Drive-In, Concession Stand, Moving from area, best offer. 787- or but offer. B42-2S8I weekend! or 8(2 llghu, lire extinguisher and extru. PR after CM P m EVERYTHING — FOR ONLY 2992. after p.m. • RIVER NEARBY .';• 4-23(5. BIRD DOG — Seven months old WOMEN interested In Interior decorat English-Irish setter, male. Call (42 19S1 PEUOEOT — (N. Like new, ra- MARINE INSURANCE - See US-39 Ing field for part-time sales with natloi 34:1 • SHOPPING NEARBY . dio, beater, sunroof. Doctor coins over years experience. Call today. ROLSTON wide custom drapery manufacturer sell tUM. will sacrifice. SH 1-6017. WATBRBURY, Realtor-Insurer. IS W. Ing to consumers in all New Jerse: $696 OERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY-House • MODEL OPEN 7 DAYS * Front SL. Red Bank. SH 7-«30O. counties. Leads furnished. Can eari trained, email dogs, cats, birds, cared 1S54 OLDSMOBILE — Hydramatle. (150 to (200 per week. For appointment for. VANESSA, OS 1-2»7T New paint Job. Need! carburetor. Beit 20- SKIFF — 75 h-P- call SH 1-8109. . Pay $7 Weekly offer. 187-2213. Gray Marina SINGING CANARIES, pet parakeets, MANOR EAST 7874105 WOMEN — We need stylists. How li cockatlels. and finches. Assorted col 1M» RAMBLER — Metropolitan. Ra- 15V4' RUNABOUT — 40 b-P.. Mercury get $25 tree jewelry; also earn $2 o ors. CO 4-0753. DIAL dio, healer, food condition, 1450. SH deluxe, Hold aw trailer, S5S0. SH 1- 13 an hour, two or three evenings POODLE — Black standard female, 1-31H after « p.m. week. Call SH 7-2552. FIELD FURNITURE seven months, all shots, housebroken, 741 -7200 or 741 -1900 DM PLYMOUTH — Convertible, Beau- AKC registered. *75- 717-9175. 1M0 45 h.p. MERCURY — Single EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANT- tifully kept, one owner ear, fully control. Inboard tank, canvas. Priced 7-11 E. FRONT ST. KEYPORT. N. J POODLES — AKC, toys and minia- DIRECTIONS: Broad St., Red Bank, turn east at Monmouth County lank. •quipped plui power windows. 872-0408. ED — Part-time and full-time. Apply right. PR 8-7839. In person SHORE POINT INN. Hwy CO 4-3020 tures, gray, brown, white and chanr Wallace SL to McLaren St, right on WUUam SL to model spartmiat UW FORD — Metal top, retractable 12 HP. SEA KINO outboard motor, 35. HasJet ment. KB 1-0156^ convertible, body and motor excellent like new, 1150 Tee Nee boat tralle: CUTE CALICO KITTEN — Needs good Many extras. Eatontown. LI 2-3779. for 17-18' boat (115. 291-1244. CHEF-COOK Open Thursday & Friday Evaningt 'Til 9; Other Days 'Til 6 home, female, housebroken. SH 1-2M5 COMMERICAL RENTALS HOUSES FOR SALS 1987 STUDBBAKER — Two door. SACRIFICE — 1855 26' Chris Craft Automatic food concern desires chef Champion tlx.cyllnder, automatic, ra- Bxpreae Crutaer, sleeps four, $3,000 or ODORMUTE-Thai new entyna action dio, malar; f*». Call »72-im to tike charge of cafeteria food prep- LODGE ROOM *u not. Canter oi beat offer. BH 1-M24. .. aration. Full time work In new In- odor control for dog runs, yards, base- town. Could be used also tor office 1981 FORD stallation. Write "A.B.", Box 511, Red HELP WANTED-MALE ments, etc. Three ounces makes 80 gal- ac Approxlmatejbr S.4O0 so, n. Write BERG MARINE1 , ENGINE REPAIRS — Re- MERCHANDISI Good running condition: radio, heater. pairs on all ess engines. Storage wln- Bank. lons. 11.25. KKYPORT PET SUPPLIES. US. U 2-2578 terliallon, outboirdi, inboarda. BH 1-8150 Rt. 35. Cllffwood. LO «-55«9. ir Box ntiua BauL P.B.5C OPERATOR—Full or part-time. ASSISTANT MANAOER — Attractlvl FOR SALE STORE FOR RENT — On White St, . VETlRTTNS 1961 EVINRUDK — 40 b,p. motor. Available I to 11 shift and weekends. opening lor young man Interested 1 Red Bank. Call •WDBBAKKn MM: new 195J motor Runabout. Fast, like new, S90O. Will train right girl. SH 1-4700. making the consumer finance buslnes FIVE HARDWOOD DOORS — S3U x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT SH M10» good condition J250. Termi. Telephone SH 1-6194 his career. Oood starting salary plui •'1114", two of these doors are V, NO DOWN PAYMENT Jim Haggerty, Bell Finance, SH 1- HOUSEKEEPER — In working, pro car allowance. Profit sharing and pen- glass centers. For Information come to APARTMENTS OFFICES FOR RUNT — Center of TOUR OUTBOARD MOTOR feaslonal couple's home; Mlddletown sion plan. If you are Interested In a The Red Bank Register office, 40-42 town. Haat furnished. Call $94.00 Per Month Sleep in. own quarters. Simple cooking, permanent posufon, with assured sala- Broad St., Red Bank. 811 7-UOO WINTERIZED. INSURES AND all appliances, two children. OuttiOf ry Increases and promotions in a gen If four f4> bedrooms Is your need tnd 1S69 ROYAL BLUE Impala convertible. STORED IN OUR LOCKED VAULTS cleaning and laundry help. Recent rel era! Hed Bank area telephone Bell VI MAN'S BLACK SUIT, like new, size NEW, COMPLETELY modern office Power brakes and •teerlnt, radio, heat- VERY LOW RATES INCLUDE nance Co.. 811 1-9000. space on ground floor, air conditioned, monsy Is sn oblset, come ana tea this irences. 150 per week, permanent po- 40, dishes, highchalr, Chinese gong, TIVOLI private parking, private entrance. THE attractive brick front dream home. er, new wbltewall tires, new top, ex- Itlon. 671-2038 after 5 p.m. drapes, two chairs, coats, skirts, site Other features Include anchor tanoe cellent condition. 787-2331. Tank Testing Check Water Pump PAINTERS WANTED — Apply In per 10 and 12; child's coats and dresses, DOWSTRA AGENCY, 8H 1-1700. all around, landscaplnx, two (IV ear 1057 VOLKSWAGEN — Convertible, Flush Motor Check Clutch SALE80IRL WANTED — 3-4 days •on, 45 Hsndrlckson PI. sites 7 snd S. etc. DuMont portable GARDEN APARTMENTS iarage, large living room anil modern Check Ignition Check Linkage week, experience necessary In ready- Fair Haven TV, Releast camera. 842-1111. kitcnen. 8421091 after « p.m. Check Carburetor CheckPropeller to-wear. Must apply In person, Don- Long Branch, N. J. HOUSES FOR RENT Lube Motor Check Forward and na's, 93 Broad Bt, Red Bank. yoUNO MBN with cars and phone foi ICE MACHINE — New, never used, MERCEDES 1039 — 190 sedan. Fully Reverie serving established territories. *90 dur- heavy plate construction. New motor. SIX-ROOM HOME — Centrally located $12,930.00 Full Price • equipped. Excellent condition. One own* ing training. Opportunity for advance 133. P o. Box 22, Red Bank. CONSTRUCTION In Red Bank. Furnished or unfurnlahed. Non-Vet 1400. Down er. Mutt sell. SH 7-2855. Complete Internal "Rust Proofing" PART-TIME ment. Call OS 1-3177. Available now until March 15. $150 a KENMORE AUTOMATIC WASHER month. CROWELL AGENCY, Realtors. 1JJJ OAF — Two-door blue sedan, au WOMAN TO WORK AS telephone so- COMPLETE 41 E. Front »l Red Dank. SH 1-4030. tomatlc ahlft, 4000 mlle>, beautiful car, MARINE SUPPLIES licitor from Red Bank office. Starl RESIDENTIAL real estate sales man- Three cycle, need* minor repairs. tM. Everything For The Boatman. New ager for well-known Mlddletown real OS 1-31W. RENTALS — Winter and yearly. Me- THE BERG AGENCY perfect condition. 35 miles per gallon. at e p.m. Must have sales ability and SEE OUR NEW ALISTXR AGENCY. 1M B. River Rd. Cost WOO, sacrlflca »76o. 842-1111. Verity's largest marine supply house, good telephone voice. Hourly guaran- estate firm. Must be experienced In Monmouth County Office Kvenrude Sales and Service ee plus bonus. For Interview, call handling al and FKA deals. Oood start- Kumaon. 143-UM. UM BROOKWOOD CHEVROLET — THE BOATMAN'S SHOP ing aalary plus commission. Writs TWO-BEDROOM OSborne 1-1000 OS 1-2961 between 7-9 p.m. •A.L.." Box 611, Red Bank. WINDOW SHADES NEW DUPLEX — Two large bed Four-door station wagon. Heater, 18.000 21 Wharf Ave. SH 14780 Red Bank rooms, dining room, full basement, Rt. #35 Middletown. N. J. miles, excellent condition, si.495. SH 1- OIRL WANTED for marking and as- APARTMENTS with dryer, garage, walking distance »» nights. SH 1-Wtfl days. sembling. Must apply In person OPBRAT1NO ENGINEER for sewerage 98c Dally 9-9 Saturday, Sunday 10-7. •USINESS NOTICES MORKY LA RUB, Hwy 3», Eatontown. treatment plant, SI license required. Bring your rollers. New shades put to schools. Four miles Fort Monmouth UM BTUDEBAKER STATION WAGON LO *41«L Writ* P O. Box 488, Cliff- on whilile you wait. Whits, green. Ivory,. — Oood condition. 1229. CLEANING WOMAN and-or care -. Pay only rant—No axtrai aim. two children one day weekly; Colts wood. AlsAsoo custom msde and better shadesshades. NEARLY NEW—Three bedroom ranch NEED ROOM? • 787-2805 L H. HILL — Painter. Contractor. PROVVN8 12 BROAD SST.T , RED BANBA K dining room and den. 1125. BHOREWAY No Job too large or too small. Call leek. Must have references, ow REAL ESTATE SALESMAN — Ambi- UM FORD Club sedan. Thunderbird ransportatlon. Call HO t-8051. Wo pay all tha axtrai includ- REALTY CO., Hwy. 35, Holmdel. (Ofl engine, radio, heater, automatic, fine 747-9630. tious and aggressive man who wants a MOVING — Mapls desk and chair, Union Ave.) CO 4-7010. If your problem Is space, 'this alssn condition,. SH 7-O51«._; FOR THE FINEST D» BRICK OR REGISTERED NURSE — » to t or five-figure Income, no experience nec- TV set. studio couch, chest, rugs, ing Gai, Haat, Elactrie, Hot four or nve-bedroorn split level should STONE WORK — Day or contract. Dial to 1, five-day week. Inquire 10 to essary: THE BKRO AOENCT, ttt. 35, lamps, draperies with valances, chairs, DUPLEX — Thres bedrooms, living, fill any need. In addition, to the 1»5> OLD8MOBILE — Power brain 671-2757. p.m. Rlvercrest Nursing Home. Mlddietown. OS 1-1000. twin beds, artificial fireplace and gas dining area, kitchen, modern. Belford. scleaca kitchen, there is a dlnlnf area, and ateerlm, radio, heater, Good con- Chapin Ave., Red Bank. heater, storage tiling cabinets, metal Watar, TV Antanna, Parking 1115 month, utilities not Included. Call living room, den, W, baths, com: dition 1350. 08 1-3328. . FOR TREE WORK. C4O tree service. DRAFTSMAN — Tired ot commuting? kitchen cabinets, household articles, M1-2B65 or OS 1-2751. bfnauon aluminum storms and screens TEACHER — Part-time teacher In IMS VOLKSWAGEN Topping, trimming, removal. Call LI Need some experlencs In sheet metal, and brlc-a-brac. BH 14065. ate, plui family twim club plus more. Conveniently located near 2-4220 for tree estimates. Full Insurance ology for local private school. Car and-or architectural T Permanent Job. MANY FURNISHED and unrurntshed schools, shopping, transportation. Two-door sedan. S1050 coverage. lead to full-time position. Call 842-1650 Interesting work for library equipment CRIB MATTRESS, H.B3: single mat- privilege!. rentals to all sins and prices. Ella LO 6-5303 manufacturer. Call Mr. Sensemann, SH Wiltshire Agency Realtors, 1480 Ocean GENERAL CLEANING—Cellars, yards tress. S14.A5: den bed (39.95; full sue Ave., Sea Bright, N. J. U2-O0O4. open This home has been approved by the 1959 INTERNATIONAL Metro body and attics. Also other cleaning done HELP WAOTED-MALE maple bed, spring and mattress, 149.95; seven dsys. VA lor aoy qualified vet. truck. Call Reasonable. TBTMSfie. large matching chest, S39.M; seven- Tivoli Garden Apartmanti ara A STEAL AT SH 7-2498 EXPERIENCED — Boat yard help piece kitchen ael, Urge table, 159.96; LONO BRANCH—Three-bedroom split. RAPID SERVICE KEATWO-ass, oil wanted. Sandy Hook Bay Marina. S73- white enamel cabinets from 19.95. Oceanport—Three-bedroom ranch. LI 2- $14,500 HILLMAN SEDAN — 1955, top Condi- and electric, water, steam and air. I.B.M. TAB OPERATORS 1450. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE FURNI- only itepi from all trampor 1«!6, KE 1-48(3. tlon, radio, heater, good tires, reason- Free estimates. FURNACE CLEANING. TURK OUTLET, 8 Maple Ave., Red Qjaim.4 «« No money down able. OS 1-2083. 787-1856. MEN — Leading firm needs two men, Bank. SH 1-8750. tation, shopping and tha EXECUTIVE HOME - Flvs bedrooms, Only 1450 down SS7 per week. Must have minimum steady worit, no lay-offs. 198 per weel Jiree baths. Off Naveslnk River Rd. : U58 FORD — Station wagon. Country CHARLES HOWBR — Mason Con- two yeara experience on 407,604 and ocaan. waterfront 1350 month. SH 1-3133. Squire. Fqrdomatlc. 1300 or best offer. all auxiliary equipment Some know wlllle training. For interview call 462 PIANOS-flave 1200 or more oft list tractor. No too too small. SH 7-4479 or 1074. price, brand new M-nole consols pi- •42-1191 after 9, all day Saturday, Sun- 8H 1-0172. edge of wiring also required. AU b EXECUTIVE WATBRFRONT HOUSE— BEACH AGENCY day. (its, excellent working conditions anos. 10-year guarantee. Corns see. Four b».l rooms, Oceanport. (150 month. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS. REPAIRS TOUNO MAN -, Over 31. To help take save. Rnt, option ts bar. Tenser's Rantal agant on pramisa* MOO Hwy 35 Mlddletown SIMCA — I960 four-door, one owner, down awnings. Apply hi person STAND- SK 1-J33J. Residential — Commercial Apply Monday to Friday, M. Satur Musis Store, J06 Mala St. Lekewood. Clean, 17S5 or belt offer. LI 2-1310 SWIMMING RIVER CONSTRUCTORS ARD AWNING CO., 615 River Rd. RED BANK — Immediate occupancy. OS 1-2727 after 5:30. days 9-12. Fair Haven. KRESKY FLOOR FURNACE with Six room house, convenient location Daily to S p.m. S»t. Sun. to 6 Division of thermostat, S25; 375 gallon oil tank, WESTWOOD AVE., batwaen (110 per month. SH 7-M00. BORGWARD — 1958. two-door gray Swimming River Pool Sales LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN — 12a 787-2805. Licensed Real Estate Broker •edan, four-speed, standard shirt heat- Phone 942-1777 Eatontown ROUTE 35, HOLMDEL. N. 3. For process and development work In BATH & EASTBOURNE 195 to 1125 Per Month Liberal Financing Arranged. BLACK FUR COAT — Perfect con MIDDLBTOWN _ Four-bedroom split er, radio, eeat belts. 50,000 miles. (450 leading ceramic company. Interesting dltlon, sue 50. Price 150. Call 717 or best offer. B49-3108 or SH 7-9711. STATE FARM INSURANCE AVES. Tim BERO AOENCY level. Mcsllent condition. Filled with COX WILDIN0 SERVICI — Will go . COMPANIES work with a good future. Requires apti- •520. bttWMB 1963 FORD — V-8, four-door sedan, to lob. Call Career opportunity available with one tude for mathematics and science. Pre- o. SH KksL • »«1 t P-m., •lick shirt, radio, heater, good tires. vious experience not necessary. Must REVERE — 8 M. M. Movie Camera 'VUia 8ILBOTION OF RENTALS - BH 7-9419 of America's largest Insurance or- be industrious and oonscientlous. Apply and equipment, complete.. Excellent For information call Passed Inspection, 1150. SH 1-1281. DRESSMAKING — Suit, coats, dress- ganisations, specially tailored to serve furnished and nnfurnlahed. Immed- HOLMDBL _ Near Bell Labs, custom- the suto, life and fire Insurance needs ATCO CERAMICS CORP., EL 35, Key- condition Best offer. Call 172-1134 be ste occupgnc). Samuel Telehsr Agsney boill, seven-room ranch, lft baths. i, etc., and alterations.' Call port. tween 5 and 6 p.m. CA 2-2030 Oceanport Avs.. Oceanport Call or dial 741-6311 of the vast family market. Qualified Call owner 8(6-4151. MOBILE HOMES man will be given personal training to ANTIQUE! WHITE single bed, bureau U 2-3501) or fj MS01. HAVE HAMMOND ORGAN will travel. operate and build a successful agency. MAINTAINENCE HELPER— Some ex- or _ HAZLET perience In nalntlnc and carpentry. and night table, $50; four matched COUNTRY HOME — Overlooking hills IplK-lersl. four bedrooms, patio, 1« MUST BELL — 8x38'. One bedroom Fine for dinner * Hours, call 462- If you are looking for a career in- framed bachelor hall prints, 125. OS I- snd valley, furnished. For rent by the stead of • a Job, are married, high Write "AJC." Bor 511, Red Bank glv MARTIN WIGDORTZ baths, extras. CO 4-J895. mobile home. 11,800. Call CO 4-5350 for 1489. . Ing references and qualifications. 1367, evenings 8 to 10, all day Sun' year. Three bedrooms, 3'J bsthe, fire- appointment. school graduate (college preferred) cal day. place, secluded. Near Bell Labs. 1175 EXECUTIVE HOME — Five bedrooms PEARLS — Expertly restrung, plain for appointment 787-1055.. AGENCY 1958 LIBERTY LANCER — 50'xlO', fur- or with knots on braided nylon. Reus- LARGE MAP CASE — 35" high by 47' per month. ROLSTON WATERBUHY, three baths. Off Naveslnk River Kd Realtor. 18 W. Front St., Red Bank. Includes waterfront. $511,501). Up to 40. nished, two bedrooms, one extra large, xllle's Jewelers, 36 Broad St., Red HIGHLY RATED company In Jerse HELP WANTED-Male - Female wide, holds 20 maps. For information PR 5-5200 rear loan. No down payment, SH 1- living room, kitchen. Plot available at Bank. Shore area seeking foreman experl come to The Red Bank Register office, SH 7-3500. enced on children's coats or relate! 3233. Shorehaven Park. Hazlet. 13,100. CO 4 CUSTOM DRESSMAKER • TAILOR — BDWARDB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 40-43 Broad St. Red Bank. LONO BRANCH — Furnished aparT FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL — Immedl SMS or CO 4-9758. line. An excellent opportunity for thi ELBERON — 901) van court. Well Milliner, alterations, CAROL A. WID- Ight man. Write background and salarj JCxecutlve-Ssles-Offlce-Domestifl MAPLE DROP LEAF DINING TABLE menu. Four rooms and bath. Heat ale occupancy. Entirely renovated, two MAIER. 77 Femberton Ave,, Ocean- Sincerity and ability with high etntc — Matching pads, Excellent condition. -ind water supplied. CA HM3. large bedrooms, one small, large ll Isttuisicapeft lot. 192x130' Newly painted o "B F." Box 511, Red Bank. Resume • vocational guidance services ana decorated. Five rooms, 111,400. AUTOS AND TRUCKS port.LCA2^«2414orL;I2-108J. SH 1-4365. Ingvdlnlng room, modern kitchen, tt MAN-SALES ROUTE — Have car and 60 Broad St. SH 7-0577 Red Bank UNUSUALLY attractlvs three-room un- baths, unfurnished. One-year lease. 9135 $1,500 cash, call 842.1O0L phone. Must be neat, personable and CHINA CABINET — Tape recorder, furnished apartment, Ideal location per month plus utilities. WM. HALL, BAAB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY wrought Iron hostess cart and a camel orth seeing. Available now. 1 Hunt RIVER PLAZA - Four-bedroom Caps' EMPLOYMENT imblttous. $96 while training. Advance- BH 1-7686. Cod. Living room, kitchen, one bath, ment. Opportunities. 671-3177. qualified Personnel For Quality Orders saddle. 291-1244. St., Rumson. 642-1291 or SH 7-2755. 210 Broad Long Branch CA 8-4747 LEONARDO — Three rooms, gas heat, large dining room, full dry basement HELP WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED route salesman foi DINING ROOM SET — Mahogany. LITTLE SILVER — Flvs rooms, un- party furnished, rent reasonable. In- with recreation room. Last house on" China closet, oblong table and chairs, furnished, tiled bath, shower. Utilities, desd-end strest. Shaded yard and wood- linen supply. Man between ages 25-3C REAL OPPORTUNITY OPEN for e* except gas and electric. Available No. quire ,1 Hamilton Ave., Sam Sire. MIDDLETOWN WOMAN wants woman with high schol education. Oood salary, parlenced res) estate person,' Blghway buffet. 291-3606 after 6. ed area on two sides. Asking $16,900. vember 1. Can ba seen anytime. SH 1 SMALL COTTAGE — Nicely turnlshed, with references to care for four chil- union scale. Call • or apply at Garden mutupl* listing office needs help with 8576. Call for appointment, SH 1-7148. dren, six days a week. Call SH 7- State Towel Supply Co., 211 Edward walk-ins and phones. Oood leads go- HAMMOND large closets, hot water heal, garage, 287S after 1 p-m. Ave., Long Branch. CA 2-0372. Ing begging. P. 0. Box 208, Mlddlt spacious grounds, private and quiet MIDDLBTOWN — Only SH0 down. 1105 SPRINO VIEW OARDENS adults only. CA 2-B259. nonttily Days all. Six year old three- WOMAN — Part-time help for dry sown, N J. ORGAN STUDIO 283 Spring St.. Red Bank. Available PERSONS WILLING to join a small November and December spacious flvs *droom ranch. On H acre. Pries cleaning store. Hours 3 to 7 p.m. Call combo. At least 16 years old. Far- ACS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY OF ASBUKX PARK VOGUE CLEANERS. LIncroft. SH 7- llcularly bass or horn players. Cal: USED ORGANS :wo-bedroom apartment. Adults. For 9819, between the hours nf 9 and 1. Every order at applicant our specialty. ippolntment please call SH 1-567]. WANTED TO RENT HOLMDEL — Adorable five rooms and • •» 187-3950 or OS 1-3254. 13 Broad 81. Red Bank SH T-3494 lammond Extravolce lath, beautiful wooded area) low tales. 1 1962 SCHOOL CAFETERIA MANAGER — ASSISTANT MANAGER for concession Hammond Chord Organ 8-4 -. NTERRACIAL — Combination living RETIRED OBNTLEMAN wishes room TTontaro e 120x110 approximately. Call Experienced In group feeding, purchas- stand, paid vacation, other Walter REAL ESTATE PERSON — Male or Ummond Chord Organ 8-6 room, bedroom with kitchen privileges. and board with private family. Writs ing and supervision. Call 872-O900 be- female, will train, lull-time. ROLAND L«owrey Holiday CA 2-5014, Boi 115, Shrewsbury. N. /. Reads benefits. High school education Hammond Spinet Organ Ml —— 850. tween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday preferred, but not necessary. Apply Ea- IERSON AGENCY, Realtor. SH 1-7675. OAKHURST — Charming carriage -JO-OPERATIVE — Two bedrooms through Friday. tontown Drlve-ln Concession after ,6:3C Srambach Grand Piano 295. lungalow type, small down payment. FOUR MECHANICAL INSPECTORS Winter Studio Piano —— - . ISA louse apartment, six rooms, twp baths, FURNISHED ROOMS »9.60 a month Includes utilities. Call TEAR OUT THIS AD, and mall with p.m. SALES AND SERVICE turnlshed, Immediate occupancy, con- ,1 2-2693 after 8 p.m. CHEVY'S familiar with electronic wiring, com' "enlent to all transportation. CA 2-K24 name, address for big box of home nonents and procedures. Contact Mr. RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION needs and cosmetics for Free Trial, MEM WANTED Joseph Discenza, SH 7-5100. LINCROFT - St. Leo's Parish. New to teat In your home. Tell your frlenris, Open Dally Till 9 - Saturday Till 6:30 ALPINE MANOR seven room ranch, two tile baths. Hot make money. Rush name. BLAIR, We are looking for maoagemen COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. water baseboard heat. $25,600. EINO Dept. 753FT2, Lynchburg. Va. ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM garden MOTEL. HOTEL MAB8A ft 8ON. INC. 747-5535. MUST tranlnees between 21-38. Promotions! TTUATIONS WANTED, Female PR 5-9300 spsrtments situated In tits best Red opportunity unlimited. If you are In SUPERVISOR — Registered nurse. 3 STUDIO COUCH, desk-vanity. Wicker Bank residential area. 11(0 per month Rooms, winter rates. Maid service. •AIR HAVEN — 10S Ridge Rd.-Beautl- p.m.-11 p.m. and 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Write terested In a secure future call and up. ul Cape Cod colonial, four bedrooms 03 1-1370 COMPANION and light housekeeping to table, baby bed, utility table, foot lock- Restaurant. Cocktail lounge. Hotel B.K." Box 511, Red Bank. elderiy person. Also nursing care. er. Reasonable. CA 9-15N. Dial 741-7200 rooms, $15 per weak. Motel rooms two tile baths, landscaped grounds lit- SELL SALESLADY — For bakery, part o PR 4-3W3. 20 STORM WINDOWS PHILIP J. BOWERS * CO. overlooking river and ocean, TV, $25 SHORT ORDER COOK — Experienced. per week. Rt. 36, Highlands. 872-1773. fulltime. Apply 109 Shrewsbury Ave. Doors, screens, Interior door. Real Estate Sines 1891 Red Bank. Apply Shore Point Inn, Hwy 35 and DEPENDABLE LADY — Best of ref- CA 9-3599 'ITTLE SILVER Cape Cod, lovely Holmdel Ril.. Hazlet. erences, companion-nurse for old or WALTER S. OVERTON LAROE ROOM — Private entrance, run lulet neighborhood. Large lot with Kc., All. Highlands WOMAN — To work evenings am flick or babysitting for young. Call 8-Q TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines bath. Heart of downtown Red Bank. reps and runnlne brook; living room, every other weekend as drug ston a.m. SH 7-1202. All makes new or used. Guaranteed. Affiliate Sit 1-1530. lining room, kitchen. Large family MANAGER White St Red Bank Opurt 'lil 9 p.m. :lerk. SH 1-7616. Low as 125. Berplco's. 101 Monmouth FURNISHED ROOM — Convenient lo- •oom porch, three bedrooms, attached Must have sales experience. Hl| RACTICAL NURSE desires position v Next to theater SH t-O4t5. . Opposite Municipal Parking Lot cation, Red Bank. Call between 12 noon eararc, playroom In dry cellar. 11T,- AUTOS AND TRUCKS commission and share of profits, :arlng for Invalid or convalescent In and 10 p.m. 7(7-0035. 900. Call owner. SH 7-3473. you do not * have A-l background do home. Efficient, competent. Atlantic STAIN OLASfl DOOR — Hardwood. not apply. For Interview call VA 6- Highlands or Red Bank area Con- Site 31VSx6'llH". For Information come LAROE ROOM — For business man 'IVE ROOMS - Two bedrooms, sn- 0800. Mr. Fodor. venient to bus. Call 291-0053. to The Red Bank Register office, 40-42 RED BANK — Two rooms completely r woman, near trains, buses, parking. losed sunporch, two-car garage, fire- Broad St.. Red BanE. furnished with utilities, new tile bath SH 1-1856. lace, dishwasher, hot wafer oil heat, EXPERIENCED TV SERVICEMAN - WILL HELP WITH PARTIES, dinners, nd patio, newly decorated. Ideal for 'n bus line. 114,500. CA 2-7253. Full-time. Apply at AC TELEVISION, or other occasions Call ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE ouple or single. 55 Rector PI. SH 1-5254 siNOLE ROOMS — Clean and com- 123 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. SH 1-8881 fortable. Reasonable rates. Oarage. 1963 PLYMOUTHS Rant A Piano $12 par Month LEASANT hillside location In Atlantic Oentlemen preferred.. M Wallace St YOUNG MAN—Mechanically Inclined Highlands. Unfurnished, spacious, three BH 1-5392. BETTER THAN NEW — Brick anrl .or steady work. An opportunity for KNABE. MASUN-HAULIN. SOHMUR OABLE-NBLBON. BVBRETT STECK rooms, |94. Furnished studio, |75. All frame colonial, four bedrooms. Hi advancement. Night time call CO 4-0800 SITUATIONS WANTED. Mai* unities. 291-1454. FURNISHED ROOM — Newly deco- )stha, family room with barbecue ; "ON THE MOVE" Oookman AVS. * Main St., Aioury Pk rated, private entrance, sitting room. ROOM CLERK — Motel experience grill and fireplace, largo living room HIGH SCHOOL BO1 — Rellabla, ex- Open daily till * Sal. till ItM SEA BRIGHT — Five rooms, bath, Woman preferred. Inquire, 43 Peters with fireplace, paneled den. the latest helpful. Write "B. C", Box 511 Red >orch, furnished, heat and hot water ~l,, Red Bank, Bank. perienced, desires work after school PR S-9J01 In a modern kitchen, large enclosed SEE THEM ALL AT and week-ends. Call *ventnga SH 7- SPINET PIANO — Story * Clark, ROOM FOR RENT — Call after 0 p.m. Kirch facing 257 feet of sheltered river blond mahogany. Full key board. Has FURNISHED APARTMENT — Long All day Sunday. ront. Two acres of wooded grounds MANAGER • SALESMAN nad very little use. Ten years old. Branch ty, rooms, tiled bath, plenty SH 1-1923 Mlddlelown area. r72,500T •"""""• TECHNICAL WRITER — FREELANCE A-l condition. (650. SH 1-1595. ilosets. convenient stores and buses. Experienced In component High Electronic field, has open time. BEE FURNISHED ROOM — With bath, well Dial 741-7200 Fidelity. Aggressive and alert. degree. Just describe the scope. Experl- CA 2-5336. BAYSHORE Good laimry and growth potential. MOVING — Sell cheap. Pressure cook- heated, clean environment. 112 weekly. PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO. <7 ncerl to take on complete assignment er, sun lamp, Lionel trains, books, •IIGHLANDS •- Furnished apartments, Gentleman only. 137 McLean St., River Rest Estate since 1804 Send resume to A.K.", Box Sll >O Box 82, West Long Branch. storm windows, screens, brick, celling 80 month, all utilities supplied. Csll Plma. Mldilletown. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH DEALER Red Bank. tile, % and %" pipe, Venetian blinds, 872-0912. WALTER 8. OVERTON canary cage, serving silver, dining TWO BEDROOMS — Neatly furnished' Affiliate \TTORNEY with title experience for ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Five rooms, Private bath,ana entrance. Call 811 1- reading and closing; state education FINANCIAL room set, electric motor. Geraniums, 60 White St.' Red Bank Atlantic Highlands 291-0156 background, experience and salary d Axalea bush, garden and chicken fence, wo baths, newly decorated, furnished. 8215 after 6 p.m. References required. leal and utilities. 35 mils view In- Opposite Municipal Parking Lot •Ired. Wrlta "A.W.," Box 511, Red Bank BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES drainage pipes. Call 787-3416. ludlng New York City. Call befor* 6, LAROE BEDROOM — Board If de 17" RCA DELUXE PORTABLE with •B 4-7130 or after 6, 891-1703. ilred, gentleman or lady, nice neighbor- stand, |50 firm. VM—Model 711 with hood. BH 1-0812. NAVE8INK — Unfurnished. Four BAKHURST - 183 BelmaT Ave. Priced ESSO STATION FOR LEASE tape-o-matlc. Binaural playback, 170 rooms, heat, refrtgerstor supplied, LAROE COMFORTABLE ROOM—On Man chosen will be given two months firm. 150 Polaroid Camera with acces- '"ults. |100. November. 291-394.1 uulet (lenullt split ..level. Four bedrooms H4 Appraisal Service "anywhere." 2U ABIUT! SERVICE Dependability First and Second MORTGAGES cents - 89 cents ysrd. Foamart. Hwy. OUR HOME WANTED — Why list Norwood Are.. Deal. Phone KDIlofg Insulation A Siding Corp Certified 35, Eatontown. LI 24477. idulU, |90 monthly. SH 111(14. laths, lovely location. Low taxes. Large ith "«' vi- advertise extensively In • when you'Insure your HOME AUTO, JohnsMsnvllle contractor CR S-IIOt to homeowners who need money ot. Call CA 2-0452 or CA 2-8034. he newspapers, radio and publlah a 1-MfL other lines of Insurance through :>8ED JALOUSIES WITH SCREENS— ITTRACTIVBLY FURNISHED — Two or Adam Llnunsyar 291-0302. rooms. Bed-living room, kitchen. Share catalog for home seekers. We ara mem* ARM8TRONO AGENCY. SB 1-45M. for ^our sections 46" high 28" wide; two NEW SHREWSBURY — Large ranch. bers of the TWR. a national real eataM OLSON CO. INC.—Roofing Siding A HOME IMPROVEMENTS ectlons 46" high 33" wide: two see- >ath with one other. SH 7-4053. Three bedrooms, two baths, stall Auto and Track Rental Insulation. Installed and guaranteed eferral service. We are "Home Trad-. DEBT CONSOLIDATION Ions 46" high 35" wide: two sections HREE ROOMS - Furnished, private shower, 28' living room, oversized rec* rs" - two offices, 11 full time sties' Painting tor 10 years. PR 04705-291-0510. Call .BARONET REALTY. CO 4-2010 76" high 28" wide. Door 76" high 32V4" eatlon room, full basement, patio, two AVIS—Rent a nets csr or truck. Low intranet. Couple only. car garage, corner lot. beautifully 'eople Call WALKER * WALKER, rates Maple Ave.. Red Bank. SH 7 wide 1" thick. Piano hinge and trim SH 1.8373 lealtors. Members Red Bank Ana OEM. PR Mile. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. PAINTma at Its finest Interior and Tct Answering Service NEED MONEY? for windows and doors Included. Origi- shrubbed. (21,500. LI 2-3109. eiterior. Residential and commercial. Refinance and New Homes TO nal cost $423.50; asking $276. Call Mr. URNISHED-Brdroom. kitchen, path .fultlplp Listing Service. Shrewsbury. Lowest rates.

DECORATOR SPONGE RUBBER HERCULES TOP OUALJTY LADIES' and MEN'S THROW PILLOWS MATS TURPENTINE WALLETS In Sofia or Tafftta 17x26 in. Asst. Colon Reg. 1.37 Wit* 36 Windows for Pictures Asst. Patterns and Colors

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LADIES' SLIPPERS Cushioned Crepe Sole and Heel In Block or Light Blue SLENDERLINE MISSES 3.00 ft 4.00 VALUES ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Feminine Napkins WOOL SKIRTS In Package of 12 • Knife Pleats. Sheaths • Solids. Herringbone, Plaid ' Sizes M OO Limit I 8-16 ^tl per coupon HOVSEWARES $EPT COSMETIC DEPT. Limit I Per.Coupon Limit I Per Coupon LADIES' and CHILDREN'S DEPT.