Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.



Submitted to: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), New Delhi

Submitted By: JSW SALAV PORT PVT. LTD. August, 2016 0

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.



1 Name of the Project/s Proposed Expansion of Captive Jetty Facility in Revdanda Creek at Salav, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra 2 S. No. in the schedule 7 (e): Ports, harbours, breakwaters, and dredging 3 Proposed capacity / area / length / Expansion of existing Salav jetty tonnage to be handled / command facility from present 235 m jetty area/ lease area / number of wells to length and 21m mooring dolphin, with be drilled the additional jetty length of 500 m to handle cargoes from present 3.0 MPTA to 31 MPTA 4 New / Expansion / Modernization Expansion 5 Existing Capacity / Area etc. 3.0 MMTPA 6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘ B’ Category ‘A’ 7 Does it attract the general condition? No If yes, please specify. 8 Does it attract the specific condition? No If yes, please specify. 9 Location The existing jetty facility is located at Salav (Pls. Refer Appendix) Plot/Survey /Khasra No - Village Salav Tehsil Murud District Raigad State Maharashtra 10 Nearest railway station /airport along is the nearest railway station at with distance in kms. about 35 km from the location

The nearest airport is (national and international) located about 120 km from the location 11 Nearest Town, City, District Alibaug is the nearest town which is Headquarters along with distance in about 20 Km from the location kms. 12 Village Panchayat, Zilla Parishad Village Panchayat: Salav Municipal Corporation, Local body Welspun Baug (complete postal address with Tehsil: Murud telephone nos.) Dist. Raigad PIN-402202 Maharashtra 13 Name of the applicant JSW Salav Port Pvt. Ltd. 1

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

14 Registered Address: 5A, Jindal Mansion Dr. G Deshmukh Marg Mumbai-400 026 Phone:022-2351 3000 Fax: 022-2352 6400 15 Address for correspondence: Mr. Rashmi Ranjan Patra Name Vice President – Strategy & Planning Designation (Owner / Partner /CEO) JSW Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex Address Bandra (East), Mumbai Pin Code Maharashtra-400 051 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. [email protected] Fax No. Phone No: 022-4286 2006 Fax No. : 022-4286 3000 16 Details of Alternative sites examined, The project is an expansion of the if any. Location of these sites should existing jetty facility. Hence be shown on a topo sheet. alternative sites are not examined. 17 Interlinked Project 1. JSW Steel (Salav) Ltd. has proposed to develop 3.0 MTPA Steel Plant, and 2. 3.0 MTPA Coke Oven Plant

Expansion of the jetty is essential to cater the increased demand of the incoming raw materials for production and outgoing finished products. 18 Whether separate application of Yes, interlinked project has been Industrial Projects-I, MoEFCC submitted? 19 If yes, date of submission 1. Appl. Submission for ToR dated 03.07.2015, and ToR granted vide letter dated 22.06.2016, for 3 MTPA steel plant 2. Appl. Submission for ToR dated 19.01.2015, and ToR granted vide letter dated 28.04.2015, for 3 MTPA coke oven plant 20 If no, reason - 21 Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act,


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

1980? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? Yes, CRZ Notification, 2011 22 Whether there is any Government No Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? 23 Forest Land involved (hectares) No 24 Whether the proposal involves No approval / clearance under: if Yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Order/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposal project.


1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary Yes The proposed expansion is for creating change in land use, land additional berths for expanding the cover or topography including handling capacity at the jetty. increase in intensity of land Reclamation of 100 acres of land use (with respect to local land behind the berths by using dredged use plan) material as port backup area for cargo storage. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, No Not envisaged vegetation and building? 1.3 Creation of new land uses Yes Reclamation of 100 acres of land behind the berths would be carved out in shallow waters using dredged material for port backup area. 1.4 Pre-construction Yes Detailed geotechnical investigations investigations e.g. bore holes, shall be carried out. soil testing?


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.5 Construction works? Yes The construction works proposed to be undertaken are: 1. Extension of existing approach jetty 2. Construction of new approach Jetty 3. Provision for material storage yard along with connecting roads, drains and dust suppression system to handle the cargo being unloaded at the new jetty 4. Installation of barge unloaders cranes, conveyors, stackers and other equipment required for bulk cargo handling 5. Provision of electrical systems and other utility 1.6 Demolition Works? Yes The existing jetty would be dismantled and strengthened with the additional construction of new jetty. 1.7 Temporary sites used for No Local labourers shall be deployed for construction works or housing construction work. No housing of the of construction workers? construction workers is envisaged. 1.8 Above ground buildings, No Not Envisaged structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations 1.9 Underground works including No Not envisaged mining or tunnelling? 1.10 Reclamation works? Reclamation would be carried out behind the berths. About 100 Acre of Yes land shall be created in shallow waters using the dredged material. 1.11 Dredging? To deepen the channel and berthing area, dredging shall be carried out. About 30 million m3 of material shall be Yes dredged. The dredged material shall be used for reclamation in the Port back up area. 1.12 Offshore structures? Yes Construction of additional 500 m jetty 1.13 Production and No The project is the expansion of the manufacturing Process? existing jetty and does not envisage any production or manufacturing process. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods Yes Plant is located about 3 km from the or materials? jetty. Cargo storage and handling would be carried out behind berths in the


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data reclaimed land in the backup area. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes The wastewater generated from the disposal of solid waste or domestic consumption due to expansion liquid effluents? activities shall be treated in septic tank and soak pit. The treated water shall be used for gardening and as dust suppression in the port premises.

The solid waste shall be segregated into degradable and non-degradable waste and shall be disposed of through authorized MPCB vendor as per the norms. Facilities for long term Yes Sha ll be accommodated to the existing 1.16 housing of operational housing colony workers? 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic Yes Augmentation of port, road and rail during construction or facilities for receipt of additional raw operation? materials and dispatch of additional products. 1.18 New road, rail, air water or Yes Augmentation of port, road and rail other transport infrastructure facilities for receipt of additional raw including new or altered materials and dispatch of additional routes and stations, ports, products. airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of No Not envisaged existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission No Not envisaged lines or pipelines? 1.21 Impoundment, damming, No Not envisaged culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No Not envisaged 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of No No water from ground or surface waters?


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.24 Changes in water bodies or No No change in water bodies and land the land surface affecting surface is envisaged in the proposal, drainage or run-off hence no effect on the drainage and run-off. 1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes During the construction phase, materials for construction, construction materials, mechanical and operation or electrical materials will be sourced from decommissioning? different parts of the state and as well as various part of country through sea and road network. During the operational there shall be transportation of cargo to-fro the port. Also the personnel involved in operational activities shall be transported. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or Yes Dismantling of old jetty and construction decommissioning or of new jetty with additional length. restoration works? 1.27 On-going activity during No Not envisaged decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in Yes The requirement of total manpower for either temporarily or expansion of jetty will be about 75 permanently? persons. However, the proposed jetty expansion will additionally generate more than 500 indirect secondary and tertiary employments 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Not envisaged

1.30 Loss of native species or No Not envisaged genetic diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? No -


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply).

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land specially undeveloped No The land would be created in the or agricultural land (ha) shallow waters of intertidal area. 2.2 Water (expected source and Yes The requirement shall be met from competing users) existing allocation of JSW Steel (Salav) Ltd. for existing steel plant. About 800 KLD of water would be required for full operation of the Jetty facility. 2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not envisaged 2.4 Construction material – Yes Shall be obtained from local quarry stone, aggregates, and/ soil having prior approvals (expected source-MT) 2.5 Forests and timber (source- No Not envisaged MT) 2.6 Energy including electricity Yes The power will be drawn from the and fuels (source, competing MSEDCL. users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy About 8 MVA of power shall be required (MW) when the entire project is in operation. 2.7 Any other natural resources No Not envisaged (use appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or No Not envisaged materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies)


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.2 Changes in occurrence of No Not envisaged disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) 3.3 Affect the welfare of people No The expansion of the port shall create e.g. by changing living job opportunities. Also would help in the conditions? development of the ancillary business in the region. The standard of living of the population surrounding the proposed project area is likely to be improved. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people No Not envisaged who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc. 3.5 Any other causes No ---

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine Yes The spoil/wastes shall be segregated wastes and disposed through state pollution control board (SPCB) authorised vendors. 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic Yes All municipal solid waste generated and or commercial wastes) from the sewage treatment shall be used within the jetty site for plantation as manure. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Yes The oil & grease removed from hazardous waste maintenance activities at Jetty will be management rules) sold to authorized users/recyclers approved by SPCB. 4.4 Other industrial process No Not envisaged wastes 4.5 Surplus product No Not envisaged 4.6 Sewage sludge or other Yes Biological sludge generated shall be sludge from effluent mixed with the vermi-composted treatment manure and used for horticulture.


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.7 Construction or demolition Yes Small quantity of metallic scrap waste is wastes expected to be generated during construction activities. This scrap will be used as melting scrap in steel making. Construction material will be used internally for filling and leveling of the sites within the jetty site area. 4.8 Redundant machinery or No Not envisaged equipment 4.9 Contaminated soils or other No Not envisaged materials 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not envisaged 4.11 Other solid wastes No Not envisaged

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr)

S. Information/ Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No Checklist Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion Yes The emissions like smoke are expected of fossil fuels from from ships carrying cargo. stationary or mobile sources The vehicles carrying cargo in and from the port area is also envisaged to add to the smoke. Proper mitigation measures would be implemented to minimize the impacts. 5.2 Emission from production No The proposed project is an infrastructure processes project and only caters to services for loading/ unloading of raw materials. Project does not involve with the production processes. 5.3 Emissions from materials Yes Fugitive dust will be generated from the handling including storage material handling activities. or transport Dust suppression systems with water sprinklers/dry fog system shall be provided to prevent the fugitive dust emissions. Further, the development of Greenbelt would prevent the fugitive dust emissions. 5.4 Emissions from construction Yes Fugitive dust only during transportation 9

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/ Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No Checklist Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data activities including plant and equipment 5.5 Dust or odours from Yes Dust emissions from raw material handling handling of materials and construction materials are envisaged. including construction Suitable dust suppression and dust materials, sewage and extraction methods will be followed. waste There is no possibility of any odour generation as there are no organic solvents / processes involved. 5.6 Emissions from incineration No Not envisaged of waste 5.7 Emissions from burning of No Not envisaged waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) 5.8 Emissions from any other No Not envisaged sources

6. Generation of Noise and vibration, and emissions of Light and Heat

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of Yes During construction phase noise will be equipment e.g. engines, generated from construction activities and ventilation plant, crushers equipments. During operational phase noise will be generated from loading /unloading activities. Proper mitigation measures shall be deployed to attenuate the noise generated. The noise limit will not be allowed to exceed 85 dB (A). 6.2 From industrial or similar No Not envisaged processes 6.3 From construction or Yes Noise shall be generated from the demolition construction activities and running of the construction equipments. This will be in the range of about 65-80 dB(A). Working hours shall be restricted. The equipments shall be maintained regularly 10

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data which will help in reducing these noise levels. 6.4 From blasting or piling Yes Noise level of <85 dB (A) may likely to be generated during the piling. 6.5 From construction or Yes The noise levels are expected to be in the operational traffic range of about 70-75 dB(A). 6.6 From lighting or cooling No Not envisaged systems 6.7 From any other sources No Not envisaged

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal wasters or the sea

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use No Not envisaged. or spillage of hazardous materials 7.2 From discharge of sewage or No The sewage water will be treated and other effluents to water or the used for greenbelt development within land (expected mode and the jetty area. Outside discharge is not place of discharge) envisaged. There will not be any external discharge of wastewater. 7.3 By deposition of pollutants No There is no discharge of wastewater emitted to air into the land or outside the plant. into water 7.4 From any other sources No Not envisaged 7.5 Is there a risk of long term No Not envisaged build up of pollutants in the environment from these sources?


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the project, which could affect human health or the environment

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, No There is no possibility of oil spillages and fires etc. and from storage, fires from the storages/handling as handling, use or production storage of oil is not envisaged at the site. of hazardous substances 8.2 From any other causes No Not envisaged 8.3 Could the project be No The area is generally flat land. There is no affected by natural record of occurrence of floods, landslides, disasters causing cloud bursts etc. environmental damage The proposed project site falls in Zone-III (e.g. floods, earthquakes, as per IS-1893 (Part-I):2002. Hence, slides, could burst etc) seismically not an active zone.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of Yes Existing and ancillary facilities may likely supporting, facilities, arise, but not to an extent that will have ancillary development or environmental impacts. development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment Supporting infrastructure Yes Existing infrastructure facilities will be (roads, power supply, waste expanded / extended to take care of the or waste water treatment, project. etc) Housing development No -- Extractive industries No -- Supply industries Yes Existing supply chain may arise. Other -- 9.2 Lead to after use of the site, No -- which could have an impact on the environment 9.3 Set a precedent for later Yes Ancillary industries may be developed as developments a consequence. 12

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No. Confirmation No quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.4 Have cumulative effects due No Not envisaged. to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects

(III) Environmental Sensitivity

S. Areas Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km) No. Identity Proposed project location boundary 1 Areas protected under No There are no ecological, international conventions, landscapes, cultural or other national or local legislation for related sensitive areas around the their ecological, landscape, project site. cultural or other related value 2 Areas which are important or No There are no national parks, sensitive of ecological reasons – sanctuaries in 15-km radius from wetlands, water courses or other proposed project site. water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests 3 Areas used by protected, No There are no protected site for important or sensitive species of sensitive flora and fauna near the flora or fauna for breeding, location. nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 4 Inland, coastal, marine or Yes Jetty expansion is on the creek of underground waters Revdanda. 5 State, national boundaries No -- 6 Routes or facilities used by the No -- public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas 7 Defence installations No -- 8 Densely populated or built-up No -- area 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man No There are no schools, hospitals made land uses (hospitals, places of worship in the immediate schools, places of worship, vicinity of the project site. community facilities) 10 Areas containing important, high No -- quality or scarce resources (ground water resource, surface 13

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

S. Areas Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km) No. Identity Proposed project location boundary resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 11 Areas already subjected to No This is not a listed under any pollution or environmental critically polluted area. damage. (those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) 12 Areas susceptible to natural No The proposed project site falls in hazard which could cause the zone-III as per IS-1893 (Part-I): project to present environmental 2002. Hence, seismically it is a problems (earthquakes, stable zone. subsidence, landslides, erosion, No landslides / flooding are flooding or extreme or adverse envisaged in the project area. climatic conditions)


I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any, to be the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.

Date: 11.08.2016

Place: Mumbai

Rashmi Ranjan Patra Vice President – Strategy & Planning JSW Salav Port Private Limited JSW Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400 051


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.


The Terms of Reference (TOR) is proposed for preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for grant of environmental clearance is as under:

1. Project Description a) Type, Need and Location of the project. b) Size and process description of the project with aspects which may affect the environment. c) Relevant maps/plates showing various details.

2. Description of the Environment a) Study area, period, components & methodology; Description of the study area w.r.t its environmental settings as under: Physico-chemical settings – comprising of meteorological & air environment; noise environment; land environment and water environment. Ecological settings – comprising of aquatic flora-fauna. Demographic settings – comprising socio-economic status, infrastructure, etc. c) Environmental Monitoring – one season

S. Attribute Parameters No. Wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity, rainfall 1 Meteorology etc. Land use and Land cover (LULC) map of different 2 Land Use components

3 Ambient air quality PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, Pb, CO, and NH3 4 Noise levels Noise levels in dB(A) Water Quality 5 (both surface & Physico-chemical and Biological parameters ground water) 6 Sediment Quality Physico-chemical and Biological parameters Marine Marine biodiversity reported from the project area, if 7 Biodiversity any 15

Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

Parameters related to agricultural and afforestation 8 Soil Quality potential Terrestrial 9 Flora & fauna of the project influence area Environment 10 Fishery Status Fishery status of the project influence area Socio-economic Socio economic status, demographic, and social 11 Status impact etc.

3. Anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures a) Assessment of impact on the baseline due to size, location, operation, accidental or incidental activities of the project. b) Measures for minimizing the anticipated impacts. c) Assessment of importance of various impacts and parameters. d) Mitigative measures.

4. Environmental monitoring programme a) Periodical monitoring of the environment during construction and operation phase of the project. b) Identify and analyse crucial parameters (air, water environment) for monitoring.

5. Additional Studies a) Risk assessment and disaster management plan b) Oil-spill contingency plan c) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan

6. Environment Management Plan a) Proposed mitigative measures and their implementation. b) Structure of environment management cell c) Administrative and cost control of implementation schedule

7. HTL and LTL Demarcation The HTL/LTL demarcation map shall be prepared with the help of from one of the approved agency identified by MoEFCC for this purpose.


Salav Port Pvt. Ltd.

The proposed terms of reference (ToR) for preparation of EIA/EMP study report can be broadly categorized as follows;

1 Assessment of existing environmental status with respect to meteorology at the site, 05 no AAQ location, 5 no noise location (outside plant boundary i.e. residential area), 5 no water (surface and ground), & soil (at different land use area) by carrying out field monitoring during one season covering three months other than monsoon. 2 Assessment of socio-economic status of the study area covering 10 km radius from the center of the project based on limited survey & secondary information. 3 Assessment of flora & fauna in the study area covering 10 km radius around project area based on limited survey & secondary information. 4 Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) of the 10 km radius from the project site. 5 Prediction of environmental impacts both qualitative & quantitative based on the projection of emission due to construction / operation on various environmental attributes including social impacts if any. 6 Drawing of environmental management plan to minimize / off setting adverse impacts. 7 Identification of risks and preparation of on-site emergency plan. 8 EMP implementation and environmental monitoring program. 9 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan for social livelihood of the local people. 10 Project cost including capital cost towards pollution control equipment and environmental monitoring cost.


Appendix I

Existing Salav Jetty

Appendix II

Appendix III