In the - Level 1

1 You cut with a ______knife

2 You eat soup with a ______spoon

3 You can pick up food with a ______fork

4 You can stir your tea with a ______teaspoon

5 Water is boiled in a ______kettle

6 Tea is brewed in a ______teapot

7 I would like a ______of milk. ______glass We use a ______for soup, cereal, porridge and 8 many other things. ______bowl

9 This is a plastic _____. ______cup

10 Put the plates in the ______. ______cupboard

11 I often bake bread in the ______. ______oven

12 Dishes are washed in the _____. ______sink

13 We usually use a ______to re-heat food. ______microwave

14 We put food in the ______to keep it cool. ______fridge

15 We put food in the ______to keep it frozen. ______freezer

16 We usually eat our main meals from a ______. ______plate

17 We heat bread in a ______. ______toaster

18 In the US waste is thrown in the ______. ______trash can

19 In the UK waste is thrown in the _____. ______bin 20 This is a gas ______. ______stove

21 This is an electric ______. ______stove

22 This is a traditional ______. ______stove 20 You should put an ______on before taking out glove the cake. ______It's easier to make pancake batter if you have a In the Kitchen - Level 2 21 _____. ______whisk In China and Japan many people eat with You can use a _____ to separate solids and 1 22 liquids. ______sieve ______Leave the _____ in the cup for a couple of We use a ______to cut cheese into very small 2 teabag 23 pieces. ______grater minutes. ______

24 If you like baking you should have a ______in rolling pin 3 In the UK this is called a ______. jug your kitchen. ______

25 In Asian cuisine people often use a ______. ______wok 4 Take a ______from the cupboard. ______wine glass

Some people use a knife, but others prefer a 5 I prefer to drink tea from a big _____. mug 26 ______. ______peeler ______

27 We use a ______to open a bottle of wine. ______corkscrew 6 We usually use a dish ______to wipe the table. ______cloth

28 An electric is often called a _____. ______mixer 7 Put the cutlery in the _____. ______drawer

29 I like to make smoothies in a ______. ______blender 8 This is an electric ______. ______cooktop

9 We don't have to wash dishes by hand because dishwasher 30 I love your ______. Is it marble? ______countertop we have a ______. ______

A ______can be used to wipe your mouth or 10 Water comes out of the _____. tap 31 cover your lap. ______napkin ______Water flows through a ______before coming 32 It's better to wear an ______when cooking. ______apron 11 out of the tap. ______pipe We use a cutting ______for cutting vegetables 33 Everything we use for cooking is called 12 board ______. ______and meat. ______

34 Plates, bowls, cups, mugs = ______crockery 13 In the UK eggs are fried in a ______. ______frying pan

Anything made of glass in the kitchen = 14 In the US eggs are fried in a ______. skillet 35 ______glassware ______

15 Cumin, paprika and cinnamon are ______. ______spices A round glass container for things like jam is 16 called a ______. ______jar

17 A round metal container that is sealed is called can a ______. ______

18 A round container that is not glass or metal is pot called a _____. ______

19 A ______usually has a long handle. ______saucepan 20 A cooking _____ usually has two small pot handles. ______In the Kitchen - Level 3 21 The pot has a yellow ______. ______lid

22 Have you got a can ______? ______opener 1 Knife + fork + spoon = ______cutlery

23 I need a bottle ______for my beer. ______opener 2 Here is a ______to put under your cup. ______saucer

24 In the USA this is called a ______. ______pitcher 3 There are some ______on the shelf. ______shot glasses

25 That's a nice, colourful _____. ______table cloth 4 ______is always useful in the kitchen. ______kitchen roll

26 I have a baby so I use a lot of ______. ______kitchen roll 5 I love the red ______on your table! ______tablecloth

27 We use special ______/ napkins at Christmas. ______serviettes 6 It is easier to cut bread with a ______knife. ______serrated Babies usually sit in a ______when they are 28 We use special ______/ serviettes at Christmas. ______napkins 7 eating. ______high chair

8 A ______is used to crush spices. ______pestle

9 Soup is served with a ______. ______ladle

10 It's easier to flip pancakes with a ______. ______spatula In Russia and the Middle East people put meat 11 on a ______for barbecues. ______skewer

12 We dry dishes with a _____. ______teatowel

13 We often use a ______when we eat in a tray canteen. ______

14 Aluminium _____ is often used for baking. ______foil In the USA ______is used to cover things like 15 salads. ______plastic wrap In the UK ______is used to cover things like 16 salads. ______cling film

17 Salt and pepper are often kept in a ______. ______shaker

18 We put hot pans on a _____ or hot pad. ______trivet

19 We put hot pans on a trivet or ______. ______hot pad