RMRO Index July to

1st 139. Dl'lpartlllllnt of the COllllllanc1ant General Royal Marines _ joining in/ltrllcticno 8th JulY 1966 140. Obituary 141 . Coursee of instruction - quali fications obtainod 142. Repor ts on candidates for cOllllllisflioned ranks _ forns C'l:llA 143 . Pre- e::lbarkation training - IIXS EAGlE 144 . Recruiting figur&s 145. Putteee Short 146. Correspondence tor Ministry at D&tence Addressee 15th July 1966 141. Pre-elllbarkat1on training - I!HS INTREPI D 148. CLl UpgradiD6 by recomtflndat1on 149. Coure,s of inetrucUon - qualification obteinod 150. Publicity 151 . Abeentees anti. Oeurters 152. Stllff College Call1berley - Corps List 22Dd July 1966 153. Obibnry 154. Co_nd CouI'lIee - etandarch: on joinin,g 155 . Housing cf femilies in Singapore ares 156 . Globe end Lsurel 157. DeIBrtment of COli!lll/l.lldant General Royal Mar inea _ move of 'a' Stat't 29th July 1966 158. Ob ituary

159 . Coul"$e of instruction - qualification obtein~ 160. Royal Marinee Vo lunteer Boys Corps - Pel"3de CrOUJld Display 16 1. Publioity phctographs

~th AUP,ll~t 1966

162. Sportfl _ RMRA 8:recutive C~ittee "&eUng 16,. Yearing of Cflp,8 with 10000 t unifor1ll 164 . Wearing of lovet uniform e t Courta Martial 165 , Ofticerfl ' Ueed, Clothill& Shop - r egulations 166 . Cash voucher sohedules 161 . Sub Aocountsntfl - duties ~ 168. ForeCBat of recruit trainine - annex ' B' to Rlmo 24/65 _ amendmen t No. ,1 12th Al!ftMt 1966 169. Obituary 170. submission of promottoll$ end. firat appointDents to co_iesioned rank for Her Itsjeaty The Queen' s Approval \71. Depsrttlll'lnt of the COl!ln':lndaIlt General Royal Marinefl - August Bank HoUd.ey Routine 1966 19th 172. Obituary 1 n . Chnnge of CO!!lZ:l8nd 174. Ki n,,' e Badge - AVlIrd 175. Course of instruction - qualifieat10n obtained 176. Exchange of ne,,8IJ.5eo 171. Coc:naOOo Il'Ip:ntst Holder 178. Non-public f unds 179. Clerlm brlUlch - i ntroduction of s two course etructuN 100. The Bruce LUIQ8den A"ards 181 . Ad_ncement to J.!arine 1s t Cl... !!" - ....r1n8s 2nd Cla!!S Discharged

162. Re-eJ168gmtent - ~inl'!' up for feited U .... to_rde non- effoctive benefits 18:} . Pre_ellbe.rI-.ation training _ HMS ALBION 164. Recruiting figure" 185 . Representc.tives On committees of Royal )!arine8 Sports and Regiacntal As!!ociat10ns/Clubs 26th Au..ust 1966 166. On the eOOiDB' of confl'Ontntion 187. RM 3D List Sxallline.tion

188. RI( Centrol Hedica.l Board - dooUDentation 189. Corps lrulpectoI'illte of Infantry tleepons 1966/67 9th $epte-e.ber 1966 190. Obituary 191. Carpn pattern belt 1nterduet10n 192. 22nd Motor Tnll'IBport Officers Conference 193. Royal Marine Farce!! Volunteer Reserve - chsnge of title 194. Recruiting figuN!s 195. Representatives of clHllllrl.tteee of Royal Marines Spor ts and Regillental Associa t10ns/C lubs

16th Senten~r 1966 196. 1967 RH SO Liat S;nlli""t1on - CUr .... nt Artairs Reading J.1at 197. Diving Redioal EVLllinations 198. Damage to GP!tGa 199. Specialist and technical tI'illinine progre.1m8 1966/67 200. Repreaentat1ve!! on committee.. of the Royal Marines Sport " and Regimental Associn. tiona/Clubs ?3rd 201 . Service Funds Account s ?02. Globe and In.urol 203. Represe nta.tives on c""""ittee" of the Royal Mar ines SpOrt:. snd Regi.. ental AS30eiations/Club" 204. Staft College Camoorley - Corp!! List 30th Sept enher 1966 205. Obituary 206. Res erved Appo1ntments 207.

7th 208. Obitt'ary 209 . Coursos of inst ruct ion - qualification obtainert 210. Seloction f or driver traini ng 21 1. Cooks scction int roduction of a two course s t ructure 212 . Fatal accidenta during drownproofine training 213 . Unit location - 41 Commndo 214 . Seasonal lesve 1967 - 1968 215 . Issue of special clot hing to RM Detachment s in HI·m PROTECTOTI and " rigates 216 . Advanc!l:llent to ~lar1ne 1st Class (Medical Ca!!e,,) 217 . Corps Museum 218 . Recruiting figures 219 . Corps I nspectorat e of Infant ry lfeapoll3 1966/67 220 . Representatives on co=ittees of the Royal Ma r inea Sports and Regbental As sociations/Clubs Uth October 1966 221 . Honours and Awards 222 . !Cine's Badge - Alffird 223 . Secondment to the Trucial Oman Scouts and the Sultan of Musca t ' s Armed _ ce

224. ReVised lengths of appointment for officers in overseas Co~ndo Units 225 . Certificate of Dbobarge to Pen.don 226 . Publioity 227. Sale of surplus Corps Property 228. RH SD List Exatlination 21st Ootober 1966 229. Obituary

2~ . Royal Artillery Anniversary Presentation 231. Affil iation - Marine Cadet Detaohment!! - RM Establishments 28t h October 1966 232. Cold Weather Warfar e Training 1967 233. Promo t ion to Lieutenant on t he Speoial Duties List

234 . Promo t ion t o Regiaental Sergeant Major - Sele~tion Board 235 . Confidential Reports - Band Ranks 236 . Protective Cover:. for Musicians and Bugler!! llo . 1 Blue Suits 237. Royal Marines Cookery Compe t ition - 1966 238 . RMRO 79/66 - Reports on student s On command courses 4th 239 . Corps I nstructor Officer 240. Ranks admitted to hospital in the arM 241 . Childrens ' Part ies - Chriatmas 1966 242 . DOWltions t o Officers' Charities 11th November 1966 243 . Coursea of irmtruction - qUlll1ficatton obtained 244 . AE Branch - int roduction of a two course s t ructure

11 t h 1I0vell~r 1966 245 . Royal M&rinne COlDpII.tty Record Rook ( r o"" R. 141)

246. Recruit i ng rigure~


16th Hoypmhgt 1966 248. Introduction ot per sonal fl1es for RM other ranks 249. EffioiencY!lSseUlllents 250. Ro""l Msrine.. 'l'en:entensry !hlli ..f Fund st.e.tr.aent or the ?und .." .. t l .. t No v e~ber 1966 251. Dress end kit t o be taken by .. 11' t rooping 25th November 1266 252. GUided ap'Plication .. tudtes 253. Drivers branch - int roduction of a two oouro. " truot ure

254 . Educational Q.ualificatioM for a dVllnc em~n t t o /llarine Fir3t Cia" .. 255 . Globe and IAurd 256. Portsmouth City and ll-Il!t.y 257. Re - e"8'lll'ing have 258. Pre-eoberkation training - HMS ALBIOR 259. Cooks "ection - upead11lg r esult e 2nd DecelOtwr 1266 260. Obituary 261 . Kins ' " BBdg$ - Awards 262. Cand idature for RN IInd/or RAF Sblf'f College 263 . PM_emb8rkflt1on traininr.- - HJofS mill 9th De cember 1966

264. Co~nde r- i n-Chief Middle East' s C o~ndatlon

265. c=tation or pon~ion

266 . Chr Ust." r outine - Dltpnrtllent of the Co~ndant General Roynl Harines 267. Stlltf College Cnmber ley - Corps tiet 268. AB Upe:re.dlng te"t details

269 . Drive.." brano!! - introdUction of Il ha CDUne e tructure 16th Pece!ber 1966 270. Obituary 27 1. Conductors' CourDe at the Royal Academy or Music 272. Royal Karinl13 Sport" Cour~es 1967 273. Sport Psraohutill6 274 . R!ldu"tion at 1100" 275 . hye-ele"tion 276. Coureea f or potential o££icol'3 tor the Royal ~ r inae 277. Reeruitine figure" 278. lMpllrt-.ent ot the C_ndllnt Cllnerlll Royal l'IIlrin0)8 2,rd D<'!eelllbar 1966 279. HonoU1'>l Ilnd .\lmrda

23rd December 1966

280. Chri st mao Greeti ngs from the Commandant General to a ll rank~ 281. Obituary 282 . Bye-election 283. Recruiting figures