Haiti - Population Movements out of Port-au-Prince as of 28 January 2010


The Government estimates that 262,000 people 31,253 people Port-de-Paix Saint Louis du Nord 13,531 people 14,680 people 7,740 people have left Port-au-Prince using the free transpor- Anse-a-Foleur tation being provided by the Government. The Jean Rabel Le numbers listed below do not include people Monte Criste Bassin Bleu Bas Limbe Cap-Haïtien leaving Port-au-Prince by private means and N O R D O U E S T Port Margot Limbe going to other areas. As yet, those figures are Fort Liberte undetermined. Gros Morne N O R D Plaisance Terrier Baie de Henne Ferrier Anse La Branle Milot Rouge Dajabón Number of displaced by department receiving displaced Rouge Terre Neuve Ouanaminte 62,573 Bahon Gonaïves N O R D E S T Centre 14,680 Ernnery ARTIBONITE Grand Anse 55,167 Saint 62,573 people Raphael 30,000 A RT I B O N I T E Nord 13,531 L'Estere Nord-Est 7,740 31,253 Grande Saline Maissade Nord-Ouest Ouest 25,532 0 10 20 30 40 50 Saint Marc 22,425 km H A I T I Dominican Unknown Republic La C E N T R E Chapelle Belladere GRANDE ANSE NIPPES ÎLE DE 55,167 people 30,000 people LA GONÂVE Anse-a-Galets Saut D'eau Pointe-a-Raquette Archaie Cabaret Cornillon Bonbon ÎLES CAYÉMITES PRESQU'ÎLEDES Abricot Jérémie Roseau PORT-AU-PRINCE D O M I N I C A N Dame Marie Corail BARADÈRES Carrefour Pestel Moron Petit Trou de Nippes Leogane R E P U B L I C Petion Ville Anse Baraderes Miragoâne Petit Grand Jimani d'Hainault G R A N D E Beaumont N I P P E S Goave Goave A N S E O U E S T Fond L'Asile Verrettes Maniche Camp Perrin Tiburon S U D E S T Belle Anse Chardonnieres Cavaillon Thiote S U D La vallee de Marigot Chantal St Louis Coteaux du Sud Jacmel Cayes Jacmel SUD ÎLE À VACHE OUEST Port-Salut 22,425 people St Jean Ile a Vache 25,532 people Anse a pitres du Sud

Visit: ochaonline.un.org/haiti www.reliefweb.int