SEPTEMBER 30 THE LIMA NEWS PAGE NINE HOLD Rattlesnakes and other poitoa* Lloyd Nolan In OUB member* of the vlp#r Umtljr New Comedienne Will Join FUNNY BUSINESS detect living obJecU partly br » EVERYTHING highly developed ien«« of ten* Thriller At Sigma Theatre Eddie Cantor Show Wednesday poiaturo. <>!<• IIKAI, JSMTATK Till'; HTATK' OK'OIUO. Al.LKN COfJNTY. l.'nxd NIL 311172 Also Scheduled; Guy Lombardo Haltic McDaniel Will Be In Cast Regularly On Tho Houili Kld.i tiulldliiK nnrt I.on n AMnnrltt linn of Mnm. Ohio. And His Band On Ohio's Stage "i "I, I'liilnllffB, v«. Klly.abelli }lnl- " 1 ime To Smile" Program Starling At ll'l I) M, I Jl>f<-l|llll 111, lii inirniiiin-1' iif HII AJIwn Ofdcf Friday "f Mule In HIM nlmvn entitled fiction, 9 P. M. I v< III nttrr fnr mile Rt pnbllr «UC- Hon. »i Ih" door of th« Court Il-Minc in Limn, Ohio. In the abov« Lloyd Nolan, the sinister smoothie who is equally al \Vhen Bridie Cantor returns to the air with "Time to n«tned Coiinlv. on Saturday thft .ll-.i fji,v »f iicdibiu. 1312. at 10 homp in the automatic-with-kid gloves drawing room type Smile" over \VEAF Wednesday at 9 p. m.. his story plot will n'rlin-li A .M . (hi rtillowlnR d«- •rlllin;! I n(| I PKlntp, nllllHto In th* of thriller and with six-guns bolstered at each side and fork- give ample opportunity to Hattie McDaniel, noted colored f'fiimt\ of Allen IIIH) Stale of Ohio, nnd In (In- r-ity of Urn*, to-wlt; ing a horse, shows starting Wednesday at the Sigma thea- film comedienne, who joins him as a regular east member lielnj; pit ft of inlniH niitiiber eli;hli-i'ii lnindreil nnd forty-four tre. The vehicle is "Apache Trail." The film is strictly wild this season. Hattie. as a, cook in the Cantor menage, will (1S1I) Hud clKhtppii hundred ami fni't>-f!vn (INin) In Irvine iind stuff with Indians and what not surging all over the place. be found fretting over her boy friend. Cecil, a recent army Ilrlei'-M Addition to r-|ty of Lima, (thin (IcNt-riboil ns follow.-*: li^rlnnlnif Second offering on the Sigma's new bill features the draftee. Guest star on this initial airing will be the out- tlill'ly (30). fi>i'L west ot tlio north- East Side Kids in "/' PII-.I i-onii-r of lot number eighteen standing screen actress, , who will swap banter Inindri'd nnd forty-four |18<4): At the Ohio theatre prepara- lln-ni'M riiiiiiln^ floiith ono hundred tions are going forward apace in ?-3o with Cantor and Company as well IIMD fi-i'l In (In- miulli Hldn nf In- Theatre Guide pf 1~. | , ..rA >rlnn |NC T M «rc U « MT nr. Inl c'l'ililci-ii liiiiidn-il forty-flv« making- things right foi the ar- is appearing in a dramatic u l> the mystery with the aid of 1 sketch. Dinah .Shore will also be (lM."i)- ilnnro i-iiniilnx went tlilrly- rival of Guy Lombardo and his "Hey, you guys, cut out the Lou Doyle as Ihin-ingtoii ntul HM- i.'ir.) ii-i't iiiniiK tlio l.outh lln» Royal Canadians come Friday. OHIO—"Somewhere I'll Kni-l on hand and nor "I "f liilnt iiiinilii-i- i-lKhtin'ii linndrcit football— you're getting all Yk-lci Vula and Miss Miller. Wilt- ii>ili-ll\i> (ISIH): Ihciire tinrlh on»i Billed as "the sweetest music this Ynu " Mot I lor On Monday." Others 1 on; iiiv I'M Hvron nml .leny Dp- liiiiiilii-il (lini) fr.nt in ihi> north llnm nicked up!" JUT Harry von 'M\. Hoi t (the side of h"aven" the internationally QtrrLWA-"Thf Foslman Didn't vine; Hyroii directs. of liilnl 'numb''!' eighteen hlllidr»rl Mad Russian) Gordon fin t\-fiinr IIRII): (lu-nre east known Lombardos dish out con- Rinp" and "The Man Who find Cookie Tommy Dnrsey will cnlll upon III ll'l \ -fl\ i> 1:1:1) frel a lung- Ihn siderable syrupy rhythms, defi- Fairrhild's nrchpstra. The 11 ro- iioilli line of inini iiiinibef i>lKhli;*n Wouldn't Die." by 2:50 p. m. Friday, Elliott ex- ...... ,, ' . ' IIH' Ol'lll II" I'M. II the Southwest, for Ins guest in hiiiiiln-d fm-l\ -fnin- (ISM I to th» nitely on the cloyine and not hot plained. (Therp will be a total of i mil ong.iu.te m t«mp Lai- |u ,,ifo|.m \Veilnesdny nt 8;.'!0 p. ,„. [iliH-l- of br-fjInnlllK side. Meanwhile the House of SIGMA—"The Aparhe Trail" and "Smart Alecks," four shows that day.) The first ' [o-er WKAF when Krrgt. Mnnriee f-'ald prenilM-H liii-ntoi) »t I2S W, Hits presents those twin incen- complete show will'start at 2 p. An excitinexniinsgr "whoilunit." storystory,'(', . Keid. of the nil- base nt Albu- \ lit'- S| , Limn, dhlii. STATE — "Jackass Mail" and Hnld iin-nilHf*^ apiiniii'eii nt II,- diaries. and C'=>rk m.; others at 4:30, 7 and 9:45 p. "The Cast of the Unwilling Sui- querque. N. M., .ipprnrs on the "Uuglc calls ilon'l wake him—so (lie bugler jus I pulls Ihc IIMI im mill i-Hiiniit he sold for ics* Gable in "Somewhere I'll Find "Broadway." m. The last performance was cide." will baffle dialers to "Mr. Ihiin tu n-thlrdN nf tluil nmounti show. Srnrt. Keid is n tenoi, a string!'' Terms »f Snli- —Cnnli. You." LTtRIC — "Tramp. Tramp. scheduled particularly for patrons District Attorney" over WEAK former night club entertainer nnd W.\l. V, HALEY, The Quilna theatre patrons are I Tramp" and "Women In Wat.'' who are doing late shopping. Wednesday at 9:30 p. m. But master of ceremonies in nnd Sin-riff nf Alli-n <'onnty, Ohio. \\'pHilnr|{ nnd Wniidock, trekking in droves to see for the i COMING rr On the cinematic side, the Ohio Jay .Jostyn, in the title role, clears around his home town of New Or- Army o(|iilpmenl: i,|fn float,«. last times a pair of negative- offers the attraction "Halfway to lit nn n,-t. "-H-2I-2R OHIO—Guy Lombardo's band on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 leans. Other featured entertain- pnrnelutlp. Army lini-sp.' titled dandies. They are "The Shanghai." Delectable Irene Her- ers will be Ho Stafford nnd the CRANIUM stage Friday. vey and Kent Taylor are the main Eastern War Time p. M.—Subtract Oiu .'!. U'luil (loon a Navy nuih Postman Didn't Ring" and "Tho j Hour for CWT., 2 Hrs. for MWT. Pied 1'ipers, Dick Haimes, Ziggic iwiiii by "sen rllinl"? OK HICAI. KSTATK QUHiNA—"Are Husbands Nec- attractions in this one. ilpiii-nil Cndr-, N»c. lldSl Man Who Wouldn't Die." In the | * * • (Cktinycf in pror/i'auis at lifted me Elnipn and Hucldv Rich. (Tin-it Ti> Tin- ( ItiMiilrlril P'iiKi'«> first film a mail sack, missing- 50 I essary?" and "Baby "Faced due to collections by networks mutic CRACKERS 'l'lu> STATIC UK OHIO, Morgan" show Saturday. LYKJC too inte to iiicwjioi'dfr.) At.l.HN COUNTY. years, is recovered by authorities.] CAPTAIN" OF TORPEDO ED . STATE—"Take a Letter Darl- From the thrill-dipped pen of 5:30—To Bo Announced (15 m.)— CIVIL WAR RELIC Tlio South Side Hiilliirnur and Lo«n The action develops when the pos- ' David Hume conies "Death Cell," The Jack Armstrong Seiial—Idu-eiiM 1. This sleeve Inslpnln—11 hrnk ,\K«im-lnllon of Ijlmn, Ohio. Pluln- inp" and "My Favorite Spy" Dunce'il from Chicago—blu-we*t MERCHANT SHIP VISITOR tal authorities attempt to distrib- featuring James Mason and Mar- IS INCLUDED IN en utripo of j;olil— -Is worn byv llff, >•-. Aim-Ma C. Koll, nt al., De« ute all the letters to their intend- open Sundsy. Liiiidt Trio and Curlry—rbs-baslu '• l liMidiuitH. garet Vyner. Adapted by Edward Serial Seiie.i for the Kiddles—nibs SCRAP CAMPAIGN what Navy rnnk: KnsiRii, WIDTHnI In putMttniii'o of mi Allnx Ord*r of ed recipients or their heirs. The IiYBIC—"Death Cell" and "Sons Dryhurst and John Arg'yle from 5.45—To Be Announced (ITi m )—nhc oftlfor, yoc- WAPAKONETA. Sept. .10 — Snli- In ihii iiliuMi fnilil'-cl action, go-along- specialty is a Mike Captain Midnight Serial—blu-ea«t I ulll offi-i- for HII|« nt putollu nuc- of Pioneers" released Thurs- Hume's successful novel, "They The Lion Betnle Miiklcnl Show— rbs (*«|M-<-lnl Tn The lilmn >r»i») mnn'1 (INS) — Capt. Julius Richtor of llnn, ill Hie ilimr nf ihn Court Jlouftn Shayne thriller featuring Lloyd day. "ailed Him Death," the film is Dance MiiFlc Orchettm 15 niln —mbs a U. S. merchant ship torpedoed In IJinn, Mhlii, in the nliovf nnnii'd Nolan and a cute spook. "Talk of 8:00—U. H. Navy Hand ,t New«_nbo SIDNEY, Sept., .'50—Mayor John 2. Ruy I'. S. fiiiiiiiv. on Stiiitrdny tlm Slut duy now at the Lyric theatre. Lone K.iiiKer—Kive linst bin Stations win' bonds ami in the North Atlantic in July is the Town" is previewed tonight. Dealing with the exciting adven- Ten Minnie-! of Newt; At I'lnno—ch.i A. Scxatier of Sidney has pro- nf Delribdi-, l!Ma, nt 1(1 n'eloolc A. ported to be a motion picture made I'rayer: Comment on the War—mbs stamps. Nine visiting relatives nt nearby New M., Ihc fiillowliiK drsrrlbpd rcnl Wallace Beery is back in the sad- tures of Mick Carby, detective, ttie 6:15—(lodda Hopper Prop- —rbs-basic claimed Saturday, Oct. ;!. as "Get ?lS.7,"i biiiifls, nt-lnlp, xltiint^ In Hi" County nt for laughter and for excitement. ' story concerns a group of Ameri- Capers on the Keyboaid—cbs-Dixie Knoxvillp. lie Hiul members of Allrn .-ind Suit" of Ohio, ami In dle again in the proffering of Grant is seen as a likable guy I In (ho Sciap Day." Scrnp of nil mnUirity value- the City i-f Lima, to. wit: ' "Jackass Mail" at the State can kidnapers in London. Sweep- Ras-eball: IShj metlfs In V'ocaN—mbi his crew made their wjiy in a Tli«' south linir i\( Ihn poiith half whose zeal for his fellow-men sets ,' 6:30— Stella Unser on the Movies—nhc kinds with tho exception of Lin t^.'i.dn esieli, Is- lifeboat to an island and liilcr nl Inlui niiiiiln-1 llilrlv two hundred theatre. History is faithfully re- ing from one situation to another, Atllt llerlh Trio nnd Urgan—blu-caxt m ore I h it n the officialdom of his town against | Mick ' becomes entangled in a Jack Arms-tionjt's repeat—blu-»c,«t cans and papers will bo collected. were, picked up by Ltrittali-Amcri- nml iwntv-lwo (3222) In J, II. produced in the telling of how the him, so that he is unjustly accused i Frank I'arker anil Songs—cbs-hailc The city has been divided into enough to buy wluil i ran forces. MIIKIIPP A'lilllliiii to Hiild City: nlni', gap was spanned between the maze of trouble. Tortured and left The War ineheas. Dance Urc.—mbs iioliiK piirt uf inlnt nnniln-r ,1222 In of arson and murder. Escaping for dead in the hold of a burning 6:45—13III Stern and Sports Spot—nbc precincts with the 60 citizens who ,1 II. UIIKMI-'X Addition to unM City pony express and the arrival of from jail, he lakes refuge in the nml limn- pnftlriiliii-ly 'ifnindcd nml barge, he recovers long enougn o> Lnwel Thomas on News— have completed the course nf li-nin- di'M-ilbril HW fiillnwH- l!( who is cast as a bearded law I horrible "death cell." With the aid 7:00—Fred Warins's Time— nbV-e;i'L iary firemen in charpe of the col- RHEUMATIC ACHES AND PAINS lot iniiH.icr n^'j:'. fin ii-i't tin in • f fame with a gun shoved in school dean, dignified and impr?c- I "Easy Aces," Dramatic Serial—lilii lection. ilu- inn-ill lino of HiRh htrppt, unit !_• 1 ...... I of lovely Margaret Vyner, he suc- Amos and Andy's Sketch—ch«-b'islc iiinnliiK- llicni-f- WP»( on ti linn back. The pictuie is "Broadway'' j tical, a man convinced that' the ceeds in running down his quariy Fulton Lewis. Jr. & Comment—mhs The old Civil War cannon which pninllrl with tin- inn Ih line nf 1-llsH starring Pat O'Brien and George i theory of the law is of sole im- ! 7:15—Woild War via Broadcast—nhc s-tri-i-t. twiiity fppt to n point; 'as he prepaies to turn them over Mr Keen. Lost Persons Tracer—blu has stood on the courthouse lawn Ilirm-p iini-ili on 11 line mirnllcl with Raft, portance; its practice is not his ,, to^Scotland Yard. Harry .lames & Ills Orchestra—^.-m jI -fo r- —severa l >-generation — • -s• wil•-••*l -s*.be tin- i-,iM llnr «f Mild Inlot .in feet For stark goofiness, batted out j concern. Miss Arthur is the {own | to n p'dnt; ihfMH-« CHOI 2(1 feet IO "Death Cell" xvas produced by The John-son Family. a Serial—mbi i given to the war effort in this col- 1 by the battiest battalion that ever gossips' favorite target, a warm- \ 7:30—Caribbean Nights Urchest —nbc MA-SO(formt-rlv RII-MA-Hdh) L the fti't linn of snid Inlot: thenc * John Argyle, and Lawrence Himf- j Jjone Hanger Drama In repeat—bin lection. Byron Joslin, only sur- south mi tln> pnn HUP of »HJd Inlot battled the blues, go see "Tramp, hearted, lovable young woman wuo ' ing-ton directed. Also featured in1 Green Valley, U s.A . Dramatic—cb.i vivor of the Civil War from Shel- Docs Damp Chilly weather cnuse jour Legs. Arms, mid Hack to ."0 li-pt l.i tin- pltu-p nf lii-Klnnlncr. Tramp. Tramp" at the Lyric thea- aids Grant in his refuge, and joins i ! Fighting Cowboy Drama Sene"—mbi Snid pi i-inidi-K liinitpil nt S,*i!!-SS4 w the film are Mary Clare, 7:45—Kaltenborn and Comment—nbc by-co, approves the giving of the Achp. Do you find it Hard In KU nboul your Tasks of the day W lllRh St.. Limit, Ohio. tre. Jackie Gleason and lovely 'th him in attempting to convince ' Valk. Barbara James, Eric Claver- 8:00—The Thin Man Adventmes—nbc old relic for use in the present without n lot of DiM-omfort. TAKK MA-SOL. Snid prf-in^PH iipprniHPd *t $S.* Florence Rice are the prime in- ' Colman that the theory and the ' Earl Godwin's War Bryadcayt—hlu Internal Liquid for Relief of RHEUMATIC ACHES ANIJ OOooo nnd riiniiot IIP »old .for Icsn ing, Anthony Shaw and Viola Lyel. KeNon Eddy Concert Program—rbs World War. Byron Joslin was 19 Iliiiii lwo-tlilidn of Mint nniount. gredients. For the musical touch, j Practice must go hand in hand. Also at the Lyric theatre" is Cal Tlnney Comment on News—mbs at the time of the Civil War and PAINS. Tprnih of .Snip — Cnsh. Borrah Minevitch and his harmon- ^"hen that_ idea finally is realized, 8'15—Lum and Abner Serial Skit—blu \V,M V. DALKY. "Sons of the Pioneers," action A»4l.r<*, r rt ------~ . «.- juvJnow" ins *97 7I anrtlidu UNIonlVy wishe^VIMIUtst hIleu wor\VI_-rie- Sold By ECKERD'S DRUG STORE ica rascals do the business Also Colman swings into determined ac- j western starring . AnalysiK of Propaganda — mln , . * , , . Shrrlff nf Allpti County, Ohio. tion in his effort to prevent a mis- 8:30—Tommy Dorsesy'y s Orcbestra-nbo ly°«ng enough to fight again for U'l-ndoi-lc nnd U'pndork. playing a return engagement is Playing in support to Roy in the -Manhattan at Midnight Drama—"bill freedom. says. A I tin ncy. ''Women in War." carriage of justice. .lean Hersholt as Dr CrKiian—ch» Scpl 1(1 Ot 7-1 I-S1-28 >« '* * picture are George "Gabby" Hayes. Theater of Air & Henrv Hull— chs And, thru it all, there is said to ] Man's Wrixon, Bradley Page, Hal 8.55—Kive-Minute News Period—rbs SIGMA run a thread of solid romance 9-00—-Eddie Cantor and Dlnnh —ribs ; which leaves "The Talk of the Taliaferro, Forrest Taylor, and Hashi Street. Paul l,ai»llc Ore —blu the popular songsters of the air- Mischa (Auer) she .M;ign1fii*mt— cbs waves, the Sons of the Pioneers. Gabriel Hpntler Speaking—mli«-h.ific ^MSS^E'K~M4=' 9:15— Paneing Mu.slc Orchestra—mbs member of the East „Sid e Kid„s ' * * * 9.30—Mr. District Attorney Pl.iy—nbc gang, never had a thought of a HEAVY FIMES~ARETIVIED •Spotlight BanilF. Guest Urrbpst — bin OHIO . .Mystery Uiama Srnes—chs theatrical career until a casting , Pass In Review. Army Camp?—mbs director offered him a job. Tho j That idol of the swing and sway AGAINST TWO MOTORISTS 9:53—Mnlaf.ors and January Skit—blu his father was a well known stage i£ans (with their e-ves closed) Guy 10:00—Kay Kyser MiiFiral College—nbc Lombardo .Raymond G Swing'<, Comment—blu actor, "Leo was a plumber's ap- I - comes to the Ohio thr-- Vi\ WERT. Sept. 30 — Heavy Great Moment* In .Music Con —clu tre stage for a one da ?tand Frj fines were levied against two mo- John B Hughe-; War Comment—mb" - da torists who pleaded guilty in ar- 10.15—The National Kadio Forum—blu member of the Pipefitters' Union ' |"-. „ „_, „ _„. Dance Orrhnptra for 15 minutes—mhs ft be a all his life. But one day, at par- j ,", *-e Doc Elhott- manager raignments Monday, for traffic 10:30—The T«onty-.Second Letter—rbs of the tn law violations. LeRoy J. Hogan of I'nul Schnhcrf* War Anal>.<-ls—mlu ental request, he took his younger i f °i' -st House of Hits an- 10:45—Dancing .Music Orchestra—blu brother David to a tryout for boys !"ounced that a special schedule has Philadelphia, Pa., was fined §50 The Rhythm Front Orrhestra—mlis hoping for an engagement in"a'bce" arran£ed so that defense and costs for speeding. He was ar- 11:00—Late Variety with Nens—nbc worke rs as wel! rested "doing" 90 miles per hour News and Iwnce (2 hr» i—hlu A.- rns new play called "," and j , "« late shoppers Comment Dance. .News (3 hrs J —mb? ma hear the mu s on W. Lincoln-hwy by Sheriff F. the unexpected happened. The di- i / , y ical treat. rector passed over the younger Lombardo and nis Royal Canadi- Roy Shaffer. Hogan was arraigned boy, and offered Leo a job as one j|ns.are old timers in the orchestra before Squire John 0. Bowden. BUY- BUY of the six tough voung bovs in ; f "slness- Their saccharine style i Clarence Laughrey of Ohio City, STAMPS BONOS the play. He took "it. ' !that made thenl the tnast of the was fined S100 and costs by Mayor John H. Morrison after he had MITr>r TiK prom trotters in the flask-toting Gorcey comes to the Sigma pleaded guilty to driving a car NOW ' " * theatre on Wednesday in "Smart twenties is as sweet and slur-toned 7 a? ever. Sloe eyed Carmen Lom- while intoxicated. Laughrey was Alecks,' Monogram's East Side i v , -• , --; ~ arrested by city police after his Kids picture in which he is starred i! ,,° aPPearp ln the mternation- a y famous car struck a post on S. Washing- with . > -! musical organization, ton-st. and Gabriel Dell, who xvere his AIso a new member of the family. companions in that same play of Rose Marie Lombardo. years ago. Important roleroless' in thee i For the bpnefit °! def?nse wo^- HOUS picture are also played by "Slapsy"' ers a program will be witness-able Mftxie JRosenbloom, Gale Storm, Stanley Clements and Roger Pryor. ON OUR STAGE "Apache Trail'' -with Lloyd 'No- ONE BIG DAY ONLY lan is the main event. * * * QUILNA 5—25c After 5—33c FRIDAY Gary Grant, Jean Arthur and Ronald Colman are starred in the BUY BONDS & STAMPS exciting new romantic comedy, "The Talk of the Town." which POSTMAN DIDN'T RING OCT. 2 opens Wednesday night at. the AT 1.-35, 4:15, 6:55 COMPLETE STAGE M Quilna theatre. The supporting 4 AND SCREEN SHOWS ^ ROBERT STERLING U! MttlOt • HMIIUI& owtH / _. cast includes Edffar Buchanan, Man Who Wouldn't Die NOTE: DEFENSE WORKERS •MHOmMH-oujMK^uflEf! Glenda Farrell and Tom Tyler. At 2:40, 5;20, 8:00 SEE A COMPLETE SHOW BV 2:S« PLUS: With so important a cast and LATE SHOPPERS SHOW 9:43 Boc» Bunny i "The Frwh H»ir" In behind-the-camera crew. "The Prevue Tonite 7 P. M. DOORS OPEN AT 12 NOON Color — WnrM »** Talk of the Town" naturally be- • POPULAR PRICES • came one of 's favorite THE TALK OF OUR TOWN topics of conversation from the FIRST TIME moment production started. When IN illmdom finally saw the picture LIMA! "The Talk of the Town" immedi- ately became the talk of the town! IN NOW! "Sneak preview'' audiences outdid SIGMA themselves in praising; the per- PEISOI THfi VE»Y BEST WESTMB formances of the stars, in applaud- YOUTtl. SEt THIS TEA»; ing the masterful story and cnter- it-wis" direction. ! »\- • .\-.v v Taik of the Town." pre- •^:.^ - • •*.•.* - • - * - * *\* 'ts star trio with roles <.f and valuabJe merit, is rc-

17c Till fi P. M. LYRIC cuid ALWAYS S FEATUK& STARTS THURSDAY -ie ^weeies! Musi HPAKE good cor* cf your electric pliances and cords are made from tEEDRGE SlfVfNS UOYDNOUUt j. appliance cords—they 11 la»l longer o! Heaven OOHHAKCT critical material and may have to last ROY ROGERS •I.-'n) b, MCA and your appliances will aiv« better you for the duration. Many times, blown ru-s - 2!- «enrice , . . Never JEM appliance or fuses are caused by defective cordi— EAST SIDE KIPS in lamp cords when disconnecting . . . SONS >F THE DRIVE-IN THEATRE "SMART ALECKS" if you blow a fuse, locate the Iroubte 3 XU<3i SrrolJ) iji "Dtxlf IRENE HERVEY lake a firm grip on the plug and pull and disconnect the appliance, if pos- 2 Shoim — 7 ItHev W«»My KENT TAYLOR XATV OR SHUTE ccnlly. Keep cords free from ofl. grease sible . . . replace the fuse with one of Come crn1 M 3»t? »5 H:00 ji. aj. to 20c and moisture . . . don't let them gel like size and call in an electrician to >?e the 3» Halfway to Shanghai PIONEERS « r. M knolled or "kinked" — after using, coil make repair* and avoid future trouble,.. WiJh GEO, "GABBY" HAYES WED. - THURS. W»)|T R^rj in "JACKASS MA1J," and hang up carefully. —ANT>— P1o» r,m. RAFT in "BROADWAY" Every home should kfcp a supply o/ fv* TWO YANKS dine— * TOMORROW at 1 p. M. Most important—hove frayed or worn p/uo? on hand~gc1 yours today from your IN TRINIDAD cords repaired at once—remamber ap- dealer. FEATURING PAT O'BRIEN and KEIF Fvsts ofi HAIII> BRIAN DONLEVY drink--- MASHER TODAY O>'l,l ADXISRION 5Se t th OHIO POWER^ TRAMP-Tf.\MP-TRAMP Ch»rg-« for Cbfldrn Vnder 1* and Accompanied WOMEN VN WAR Office Op-ju 7:50 F. BARR KUT BONDS ANn~STA"Mr.S HERE