The rear ramfl did aet, however. !f tha beat of -h.* nr itCCral i rhe four- »h** ef modera John Tith b«*1 "' ¦ "um Dr. Hugo Schweitzer, D.,Jr.,Challengecl BBflBI ?eenth nr' Rushes to Tliriee weI«*BB* »,. r 01 ' Coal on ed rru tne, ."in,1J Government Drama To '¦ S. Debate ioliniat, arh* ba« n!n iV,r trul See ITiml Country Northwrst ]'r>r; afeller, BjBj" tftfmnajt im Not So Sinful ic world Kott- Mr. H*lfeti ..' eatiag Has* ak hweii ter, bap¬ Season pla'¦¦ tve of I url to Criticism ItiS Mi Bdelasoha E mim iiin'1 aadi lideaee of mnai- Ot Plcnty Stop Any lyaaaal agtBl tism by immei i-roup af ahort pieces with BH eal Bubltfl, afh auch ponta vob Ml*a Maria 'f^ 'r' tne of b ncheme eeaeeived by CbbbI ehallenged b;. the !:¦ ¦-. Georg* '.'k .'. rilliam l i aafraaa, mr. i matiaga- | ihe Federal Administration eer- -i ird ai rj Algy." a esfaed BiBde h*r New York deb it, iing- Bernsterff Bnd otaoi Ooraaaaa to Lady to debate 'he >on- by William r.x "A BOA" from "l.a ner the rnrhohe acul rvi|" i: Cartan, presented qjuc tion of modifj Ing he docl which haa been giving concert. for the ¦'.., "1 o Theatre. ¦¦ Hroadhur-t aad ( bu*. de- Dr. Wise Honored eoaatrj Ib practicaa *f be Bapti il bui an r klflr th« direction of She araa exeead ngly B*rvoo«, heodore M Knappe-i . a--!' 1. I.IT'I i .,i \' aliaa Hall. Mr. Jacoba'i n Bar eolaratara waa W W H -. OOt A\ ita Him on Tcnth Annivrraary committee oi the 1 rieadi af Peace, a IU * paater ol robahlv t* her n*rVWB*B**», of a body of eapablfl mBsieiaaa ho *ee Syna- cf a good. . looal aad «vob brilliant. Tha eonj ratioi 1 aarly in thi ¦ lm« < o*.d* boiler" iti on. direction. ajanisation, 111. ¦- active member. The ahichaahcwed raflterday difltlaet ','ith a loranc* Miaa e-oe-uc tl anniver- im m WUBaai t .'¦¦ - greatei and took p.rtive rart pr. imaelf woald '¦.!¦ more ie« t II .. N ¦'.' rpealed 'or ex- >'>. II.ri" H« arer Iai y*ar. f Dr r'h!. nd eager gi bi .-.- -..'..-' ,;dent a- . America'a bolic acid to " "hea .il; B outpul Children in Institutioni To Bc \ ... v ?ed to cor.'. ,, ¦. I ark -.-aa. raunil Gutstr. at Xmas CaUrntVal / .i the born in Pil A deal of water haa flowei bur II ar' ." B k Kabel thi ry child in evei m in H«rl rtha Cea- ... He thc bridgfl Biaee tl an. If and th* the ia '" i>. invitei! to ,.-,:. aad tral Conf ry at tl l awaj city thi '.dy." ing af Debaasy | I t Bfl lar favc i of Brealau. Hei- maa carnival held Grand .ur.-Hk«.:r t* thi *f **** j , ,pa fiercc Berli Baaaj playi baiag brougbl dawafltrflflm .. ; . Oa laat Irei Eleuainiaa rttual. preaenl tration 'he wieked Res- trai Pall B ... tre ele er kifl tfl , -.. come in l)et>Opaa la, :¦ . .. .¦ Planned United Sti ti ...i drama. .,, arho rning at the Theatre du VierPk Birds' Chnstmas dramatic defiancea of t h 111;. reeall CoagrflTfl by B appearing in a proaramme rogrami a, h by na | | for- He foi play meer.i r in the hoi the sold rrance. aa mucli plea ire a \ i.ibon ty . it eraeklei i larlty ef the e dlle ron .'..-aid-," i aubseriber* te the«e eoaeerta n for Peabodj V.. noi >, Sixty-I tl "Rev deaperate plighi '-he .¦ :ng up leal Soeiat), Enj Bo th wit, »ad ll hai aad Park Avenue Oi di af of ti-,. -. .,:' Jeanne d'An V.-.-e shra. lapeajmai :cd and hea the receat cold WBTC improba- i>! nd a:.:< v. ta feoflj needed to be thc to be Tabour." "Marlborough i'en ra tVa the Viilaire Theatre, ' orn<' novel Dr. Schwi World." Thfl Invited. .' at bility as '.'The Way of tht K. "I.e Pfltll Mathieu," and. :i ihe eviimg. a "paatoral masnue." tl b rda ccarioua in the whole country ..... Edaard Schwe tzer. on the The ten womi Maud* itUl 'v", nalatad Intriguing rallaat appaara Mii \ irg nia Fori an, Mi of eourflfl. "i-a Mai leillal .¦" In 'he redited to the Sfteonth eBBtary Abbe. .mra "thfl ally as Miehigan cold is vcry real. come to Wetmore, *"or French eulturfl Mn-.-. Yvettc 'rintanne, waa recited in Prenea by ppeal, ;-^ol ea- fearful e\trenie Frederick F.Van de hii maehiBatieai Cortlandt Vi Fran- rtghl U popcorn rfl flf Water,Sr., loofeness in '.' .-. whole ermy earpi in her- larcelle Darcy, to the none too IBb- nd when the of Mi Bacc Dean Barber, .' i « bi ta of oul ln that tata nuught Ifl p'.ace !;¦ r reeitall puta to ..companiment of a auartet sinjf- ier nnaiaal rfTorts to ta- Dies After Long IHness hewarar, there 4Ir«. B »a, Mi*« Grac« bfl h Joy to thfl polit« eonverflaticB, kfi s B, Trowbridge, beat i repared onTenaitre oi njj earols. Tiie spoken prologue, "A I r.o polities waa being Prederie 1 ranklin Van de Water, talk. Feminine Psrker, 'hristnas in War waa blrda ifl placed m the open a.r tvith.n tO Wp ttr that only ¦ llttlfl haraey William G. MeKnight nnd Mra. GermanIc kultur, Anthe.m Time," taion got abroad Sr., died of hear dia*l ;erday blu«h. nnd a' Tba ¦¦ ¦¦¦i of Hme. t'uilbert suma up b* v.urk of Kichard Le liallien.e. their i d raise con c was a frailty weara i (caaalag Vandarbiit. paral plenty, We»t an -_? 0/ e'omiciles to a point afternoon in hi hon <>l old and hn-' hei n ill ll long aeea here n ¦ \ e it ia a i. ¦ \ i» i n o i* K g i: Bl I *?> :» BPCCEBBBB FOREMOaT THEATBBB IX ii funeral will 1 O-.e of the playi reeaatly p N.I41 B. a I.KK. *a 111 BFBT. IM Mr. Van de Water waa a member of be mere flptfyliuflaad UAlfc.II WT').. : 10. night waa "Our Bet ,,. T UATINEF T-^A-Tn' THEATHE -' the Barr.ard Club and of | drama under Charlea II EMPI Ni) t'lf.nnrr :.. IT...-. !!.'! «.-.,l«, flS. TO-MORno* 44th ST. ROOF RE - elererBeas C. K ¦ aj 0» Va-i:."»W.-'. Ss ueJaj Veteraix. Hia Capteii wl Lch diaplayed both PIRS1 StOK I..TO-MI.HT «t 8. ! een ters." '' II.I.r.i.llAM 111 ir«.Ot \>l I-\- Mt| iTlNEK\riN| I. I<:in MOKBOW On the Scr .ichn Walker Van di of I'.rook- TO-NIGHT. 8 SHARP < lucilon, Water, ; l, nlThe lli:»l j K M.4TINKE REOXESDAi I'l'lCHiUJJLiAJ . n. He leavea a wifi WiSE Frederic, .Ir.. of The Trib im Edward CHARLES FROHMAN Presents COURTENAY.^ « . . n.el . -. in of Prince Cbaraing ar.d whoae me and Berling, ;. | '.'' ' "T' OVER TOP Petrova "Daughter brothera flK the Mra. Vai Wati r is a ., ., the moon- POST |ASTOf\ T"°"haiipN CralflCaeai navy. GENERAL I ' And known woman wi LONDON '.I fl 0M l**l *. I VKS \VrfIIV ^ NATCGOOMIM lotutaUne tiirl. at BBl. right here well BICGPn ar f. »iir» No Rfataurant .. t*«os1n|- Destiny" Opens the o MLan I Wft f .% , IOMUHO BftfiCSE .u proper time te A eeonon y aVl a WSVWJ *f%in*fSTcii*vmvooo Rialto We a k, ia tha name of Solon Berrick BARRYMORE LIBERTY ho aaar the picture AIt'o'; V ;,f,f,,r' TO-MORROW I r~mS-. a t*Nt-5'T u*+o*d PLAYHOUSE .. I vears old, ». l MKlynj:!o. Zft* 2?S2fc too, wiah to know how re Beedad I OMVAV I i. '. Ul .*i vv;:ii thoae awani ( died | rpjcr- HOI HI'I.OH Ml ISS TO-MORROW NIGHT peranada orporation Couasel, aad a l:n-l ( I 4 S 52? ,?{, table with her nnd per- in his tbe Hotel an here aad there, |FIRST MAT. V/ED. Pop. Prices ...rie BUddenly ap&rtmei.t roi Lord Alg« TR hr'r Newton. 2,628 Broadway, yeatcrday Wa havi wTM^al. 48th ST. did perfonn ! lir. C. Van .uffice. ThU LADY OF II -II 11. I '...II ^.^VyL^^.'-VV' I ii ao beautiful thal from acute indigeation Kxtra Wai.. loni'n iXinati » \<-iV Wari 'BILLETEO'' who in same hot' THi: iiil one a hil Iflafl r .. livea the HM.I.I-sr ON B'lVU ngroi called te the Berrlek B| be THE Ci\MELLIAS .*: J HAtTUl! r is would forge; thc and tha queation may perti- HAtTOIS yesterda) morning te attend Mr. Ber- would go If IB- CyeeXOl It nck. He aiir,KF»Bor,i'Fa n it 1 plot .'¦" 5 kR6auMllnol £ ... ". ^> a beautiful aummai YES25NO N,, Ni,.a«. L\trii i>-.-. iney prin- thal bungling J 4 Itot. Mat. ft, Sl I'l..44 OV IIOIft.N i \m V\IM. irned into I Berrii It laonly IM) TUBIB IIOMI- ni 9*a - ...... to the ridieu- RLPU3L.C ...e no rilMMIT. FttAVERSHAM --LLIOTT .o eover ; bem '¦¦ ,. nently aafe IIM.INNIN.. William Greene Tur.iT a BfACLTM ¦o ii human, an.; o whieB if gK wTTaa: MAYTiME e'.l." Pi K] WPORT, R. 1.. Di M.*jMl." FIKKNK Charming truatad. ln Max**>a Elllatt i. Bal ? N Jfa a Tbaa'a \v«.| AS«- ENWICK "KBUCKLE Id -io: (ireer.e Tui A nol ih rlemeal ol itrength EMMIMiM M*RJ,"-R|i KAMBEAU ,. .£.-Is of YOUTH" -I UHll \N[) I tllt \l (.*»... and ^ whieb eur de- faney home ;n tli Algy" ' . hia Ladj » ' ' " be- oul to go burned a' woald do well te GEO.M.COHAN.',. COHAN&HARRIS BOOTH '."¦¦ S awa i-aj oi. hia 4> orks waa me.tie dramatiats orn libera'.ed « number of important rdlei Eatra Ma's. Ta-mcrr»w (Xraai1 aad Yaar.. by hara te « ommodore «i h er Ha ,rge r*- r.oment. Oh, in¬ .UT.i haa baefl largely hcln hero of thi Ba1 see- LEO& DITRICBSTEIN BATFs* U9I deed. f tbi Perry, '¦ r tha repi la iti. aMMiEn?aa& Masquerader er in portaibla Ol*Mla*t THE KliNG" a*fk owvit r\rrcH«ii. EXTRA LOU TEUEGEN ;?,,',.? i. He MAT1NEE FRIDAY ¦-, d\ }.. flwcet ll she yeai nt contril !ij-'.'Al ...... in the 2d Rhode lalaad In¬ icn < -, captain Ihe introdue IKII.111 \\ HAT*. H1K HIIDKhN. fantry during the Wai, H i. w.iui. M IU. ...'. fHI :'w WH a '¦. -.utiful mer than ! of ,mber of well drawn eharaetera. LYCEUMJ!; [.. : ,,. AT EYUM i-i.p.ii.K.i.tN'. v. ' M fjhfl li a ., eighty-four years ,. " B O n thfl robea end t,rap- by.ui Bai- vv y,tJ OH, V a . Iues.Jhiir..Fri..Sat. oDmmDS« ELTlivGF. v. \.i,4a l\. arming He made who ia maklBg hii attempt ll \\ lll Bl . aSl'O B« aa Bt* ft \ ul, as well .- bII Miaa Clark'a Colonel Arnold R. Rand tl a married womi MOROSCOt .¦ g him. BROOKLINE, Masa bodu BusinessBefore Pieasure MOIJD.IJ M.IT TO MdBROn XMAS ' lidee Miaa Clark nnd Tudway. th Iteriinr.l M.tnnd.r t'.ert llllarr MoroateaV* I iiiiarl-in*; Srnaatlnn, ^COMEDY nel Arnold H. Rand, sadcr of the Mr Hi n Brabaion Brlll llarnej etl J are William Panfortb, I. in an amaainrly p T played ihem. Denniaon .4th Maasachusetts < avalry in the HUDSON S£TTJ*,*J*w5 , f W IflfflBAROMTO.,,,^ immmtm - ma I word"-. j>: -i Wai. and for tiie li Arbaekle. THE PIPES of PAN believe in or h^ PARK you fairiea eral " ^n'aud " viee-presidenl and pe STANDARDr aa Tbe Seren Swaae." sel of the John Haneock Mutua arrled the glae FULTON ;;:" J % V J oman Jamei Montgomery died Ineamprehenalble ai .MOTliER CAREY'S CHICKEMS" i.ONGACRE rli Vou All Know.'' Inauranee Company, al I with POSITIVELY OPENING TONIGHT ame- er" wa opa ilK-r MAT. l)H K.IIIH I H Ni | | tv|. ,. to-day. He eight; " 1,1 r.tlt -I l»uni ii.jj s)i he V\..l .>ipa:iion i- Fenwiek I H V.%3 Ooeta presar.t IT Mounta n King," from '.he FYcr (iyn! age. '., appealing 'hat one onlyjnajtaa».»*«" KNOCKS AT THE DOOR .... hfl il a prince." Reginald Barrett'i "Chriat- Th*rethe other saitari are. Then the OF AI.L MAN-PEOPLE LEAVE IT T9 Anita and Rosa Hold Funera! Service the aarna IT JANE terdfly Morning." Zagel To-day rdlp ha > -« Lind aang tho dual from "I.akme." ,, Dakfl af M EVENtMCS 620 THE CORTw ,» ¦ Mala. " WV ,g Thomaa D. Estabrook . the MISERABIE'S a | Herberl Wateraaa had to respond to For Henry of Algy and NATINEE5 Ltant La Korough. fatber -via m a do:-.en eneorei t*h< p he rendered "Out N. Y 23. Fu¬ NAME IS MAN! TARRYTOWN, Dec were nmitted. THIS WEEK t ' bv, " 41 .-.r ¦- Vi.lrt fl) him on the and There'a a Million not be fiun> ¦.. FLO-FLO with tnum h pomt ol 1 ghl along "iii. Paaaion,'< which was solicitor for the Western Union Telej and btm*- miM ¦. bi ritten »r ty aminbility, eharm l I III- U II K '¦.'ditatrd LOEWS 71h AVE. ' rown pea- eraph Company, will ba held Bt the atawed al a eoetume ball ' ', J4VE ii where it should be The ,.vrn when ch arai Hard- terday. s-ngular Estabrook home her to-morrhw, Mr Fflrerahara InfllaU upon Hii II I -II w .MARY'S ANKLE' plural, fo» lurely not a single passion u di be burii ri B after- hor.or* with him, WILUAM farnum | !.. .;.". body aqoal Illl I. .!¦ 1 ll V.-tir hai bi ttcd. There greed. r.oon at Omaha, Neh.. when- Mr. Esta¬ her is not ie promi- 'WhataVondcrfulBab^ I Itill \\ H:.q-> |*J(**rtB| 41 j ,.trp.,.# it though part r^or a aed u 1. He arafl very anger, reventre and love in short. brook formerly praetisod law, m imaal for i.oth is YouVe Qrown to be' - MI Kil Al Merry Chrietmat ' Th- .-. elaia meiodrama, it an¬ nanl great WITH A PAST .. il an flrat The hooorary pallbearers, was of the aeeand aet, when the LEWF1ELPS. CECILLEANI. one ii going to lika it for nounced to-night, nr* l flited Statea atthe end idea is I'e- ., 01 .! ty the that Algj and - - aatifal the ¦. ..-"ii that the fllfli fan Senator <,. M. Hitcheock, of Neh: him to the BESS!EM?COYPAVIS CRiTERION'i; ._. ii a inakfl, ordflri quit v .on far raelodrama. I'eter S. GrosscuB, Dr. Albert Shaw, parlor c-xtrj added 5tar ELSIE JAN13 IDt l-M I. IS riil.js. BKHT si.ATs J il THE GIPSY TRA1L" there is I: e' ii , i, .. POP. MAI And then Dorathy Phillipa. Edwin Gonld, l r.-i !. A. Vanderlip. li ror »n the 11 n Mafjoei \t mi rani is like olirea and The Injnatiee great, t I I.RTIIir -PIMIT. but pi eaviar, Provost Marshal GeBeral E. H. Crow¬ hai been Iriring to proteet MrSflFiSKEMAOAMEsANb .ation, ... .1 taatei She ii in- !'¦ A.: G. W. time Algy fii^COCCANJTGROVE TO-DAY qnin S. Cnarli Boebling, IA |IO> TO 1. der, aeainal the real aedecer. M<-M.7i'l:ui Ki:n.. thi \v PLYMOUTH «V3 JJaSra cidioua, and the flrat thing you knotv 1>. Baldu in, Charles D. Jealyn, -] lemaker from "ANICHTIN SPAIN'1 PamlfevW triii;, 4:.. ST 1-..I-I I.A1I I'llfi'l >'*c been li^.'.g aparl ^>m«;;it l '0, :se-|l! .-.i Miiii r t.i v...i'.u wn the you cannol .. 'i a town which has a sort of nele in Powderrille, and a re\ Be, mnl theae will pn red, amouldering Thurv al Fraasana da Rlmlnl. v unce known as thc have to teke .«- .¦ Jt .. Bi la M -, "Be»l muiuai play taurant, ,n with a the- humor, and thal flbe will promlaeal ... <.rk. Baaoeiatioa 1 is heart. He adds Frl. .- | I IMI Ta* WBBVW.' ftrm. Mr. Leaarer waa th* fii t hi* di.h livcr with ... Merry . atrical ti your crown." Then- ia also a newspaper in the to a revae in Amer¬ tly. "Your baaband*! heart heats 9at. Stat. al K.ial.tts iu; n Julei Eck.ert Coodman. manager produce r " RIVOll I' ll -.: is cnlled "The and " rt GRASS [| Trumpet." bi * a ttiat ,,,; hil baaoi are hoihne; for you." coauthcr "liuvness Evaai and bv ica. Meo, rou; handlcd Sat. Sl I Bw-rl. Godur.oa Diek odttad ehorua girla are more alluring in The eofltumi ball is eapitally oppnr %, II ¦....¦!. Im s Before. Pleoiure." Iai ta a Mow, it seems that .lack Fmaih. be iavaated There is the Ba .4 aafuroia than in tight*. for ligbl comedy. ihep- Maa. I a'jrouf. a il » om i. nnd too M>.«t al rla D* a metropnlitan daily. the ornamental show Brfrl. erdeai who ana -:i ghl say wai PEC27fk oli l'4 i. I'oii M. r.reiu "} .an lamjH and not feel work on "The aa in other ii aa be go*s to to liap'ieii putflidfl of Dickens, ROTHAPFELWILL N ¦ Yaari Day Mat. kl i l- i I'r aultrtHy. fool for LaaBl A. gue ¦¦ laugSinj*." IT ' . \ -l- "1 am'." ha inatall <>rt of Ad- " BBd Music," the son of Im- PIPECT L'jtl.l WIDOW ply: The sceneiy ef Aulhor of "Ihe N . thi /lnapdc/i