Sport Gaelic Games Kilruane Macdonagh’S Those Students Currently Adjourned AGM: a Record in 2Nd, 5Th and Transition Crowd, Including a Huge Years

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Sport Gaelic Games Kilruane Macdonagh’S Those Students Currently Adjourned AGM: a Record in 2Nd, 5Th and Transition Crowd, Including a Huge Years 64 Tipperary STar Thursday, January 22, 2015 Sport Gaelic GameS Kilruane MacDonagh’s those students currently Adjourned AGM: A record in 2nd, 5th and Transition crowd, including a huge Years. Applicants or their number of players, assem- parents must have been reg- bled in the clubroom for a very istered members of their lo- successful and productive cal GAA Club in 2014. A letter Adjourned AGM. The follow- from the senior club secretary ing management teams were (GAA, Camogie, Peil na mBan, ratified for 2015: Senior Billy Handball) confirming and out- O’Shea (Manager), John Casey lining the applicant’s involve- (Trainer) and Michael Ryan; ment in the club. Applicants Junior John Quinlan (Man- without club references will ager), John Hyland and Paddy not be considered. Appli- Williams; U21 John Hyland cants will be called to inter- (Manager), John Quinlan and view where they must display Paddy Williams; Minor Seán an enthusiasm for the Irish Ward (Manager), Ned Darcy language. Closing date for ap- and Gilbert Williams. plications is Sat Jan 31st 2015. Juvenile Presentation: Please note: Students who The presentation of medals have already booked a place to the successful U12 and U14 in a Gaeltacht College and the hurling and football teams is deposit paid cannot avail of scheduled for Friday, January this scheme. These scholar- 30th at 8.00pm. Special guest ships are only available in 3 on the night will be Tipperary Colleges as follows: Coláistí All-Star, Seamus Callanan. Chorca Dhuibhne, Baile an Juvenile AGM: The Annual Fheirtéaraigh, Trá Lí, Co Chi- General Meeting of the juve- On December 6th a group of past and present Tipperary hurlers were in New York for the TIpperary GAA New York dinner dance. Among the group were arraí. Coláiste Na Mumhan, nile club will be held on Friday, Brendan Maher and Michael Cahill who agreed to meet with twenty young hurlers from the Shannon Gaels club. Dunring a coaching clinic Brendan and Beal Athan Ghaorthaidh, Co. February 6that 8.00pm. Michael spoke about growing up and playing hurling. They emphasized to the kids the importance of practice and then put on a show of striking using the Chorcai. Coláiste na Rinne, National Draw: The Kil- wall. They then graciously posed for pictures and signed autographs. To have two players of the their calibre speak to the kids was awe inspiring as they Co. Phort Lairge. Contact club ruane MacDonaghs club is had ever only seen them on tv. if interested. participating in the GAA’s Na- Shannon Gaels was founded in Queens New York in April 2002. The club is fittingly named after the Shannon River that flows through the four provinces Card Game: The commit- tional Draw. Tickets cost €10 of Ireland and represents the many members of the club. Keeping alive the tradition that began with the creation of the GAA the club serves as a social tee have decided to organise each and are available from network that promotes strong family values and community spirit. During the year the Shannon Gaels club host several events to bring members together a 45 card game over the com- any committee member. including a field day, golf outing, Christmas and Halloween parties. Shannon Gaels presently have teams playing hurling and football from under-8 to 18 and ing weeks. It will be a game of Membership: Membership also has youngsters who compete in Scor Na nOg. 5 single hands with an entry fees remain the same as last fee of €6 per player and a prize year: U6, U8 and U10 €10; U12, was agreed to leave the posi- Membership can be paid to hurling team. We wish him day January 25th. fund of €1,500. The first round U14, U16 and U18 €20; players tion of Junior A Hurling Man- club registrar Louise Mannion and all his team the best of Adjourned AGM: Our sen- games will take place in the over minor €50 and non-play- ager over to next club meeting. or can also be done online at luck for 2015 ior adjourned AGM will be coming weeks and the semi- ing adults €20. Subscriptions Junior B Hurling Manager: Membership: Club mem- held on Thursday January finals and finals will be played are now due. Paid-up mem- John Coffey, U21 Manager: National Draw: Lorrha bership is now being col- 29th at 9:00pm. on Sunday the 8th of March. bers can also apply for match Michael Heffernan and Minor GAA Club are selling tick- lected. The cost for ordinary Anyone that would like to or- tickets and avail of discount in Manager: Declan Ryan. ets for GAA’s National Draw. members is €30 while the cost tooMevara GAA ganise a game please contact the Sportsmans Dream, Jim Membership: for 2015 is Tickets are €10 each with priz- for adult players is €50. Stu- EGM: The club EGM was held Tom Berkery, Chairman of the McLoughney’s, Tadhg Flaher- now due and can be paid to es ranging from trips to New dent player membership will on Friday night last with a organising committee or any ty’s, JKC’S and the Zipyard on any Club Officer or through York, All Ireland final tickets cost €30. Membership can be nice turnout again. The fol- member of the committee for the production of a valid mem- the Club Website. Juvenile etc. paid to club registrar Martin lowing people were elected further details. bership card. €20, Family €60, Non Playing Referees Course: Tipper- Fahy or any officer of the club on the night Chariman -Don- Membership: The club County Draw: As the Adult €25 and Playing Adult ary County Board are looking al Shanahan, Vice Chairman membership has been set at County Draw enters the final €50. for new referees to take part in holycross-Ballycahill - Seamus Delaney, Secretary - €50 for adult players and €30 furlong, promoters and sub- Strictly Come Dancing: a course in the New Year. Lor- Medal Presentation Night: All Jackie Cuddihy, PRO - Kieran for all other members includ- scribers are asked to bring Planning has commenced rha are one of 25 clubs in the is in readiness for our Medal Grace, Oifigeach Na Gaeilge - ing minors and juvenile play- their payments up to date. to stage this event on Easter county that do not have an ac- Presentation Night at the Phil Devanney. The following ers. Membership is now due Sympathy: The club ex- Sunday night. Next meeting tive referee and we would like John Doyle Centre this Sat- committee was elected - Pat and can be paid to any com- tends sympathy to the fam- is on Wednesday January 21st to address this. If anyone is urday 24th January. Meal will Hennessy, Frank Devanney, mittee member. ily of the late Tommy Barrett, in Clubhouse at 8pm. All are interested in becoming a ref- be served at 8:15pm before Tom Berkery, Owen Cuddi- Bingo : Bingo continues in former county secretary. welcome. eree, email your contact de- medals will be presented to hy, Aideen Ryan, Matt Ryan, the hall every Monday night Medal Presentation Night: tails to referee.recruitment. our senior, minor and junior John Tynan, Tommy Hogan at 8.30pm. gortnahoe-glengoole GAA will take place in Coffey’s of [email protected]. B teams of 2014. Representa- and Seamus Hayes. Selectors Gortnahoe /Glengoole GAA Stouke on Friday night Jan- Coaching Courses: Any- tives of the host Killeady GAA elected on the night were U/21 GAA FiXTURES & RESULTS lotto jackpot is now 20,000€, uary 23rd next. Medals will one interested in undertaking club in Limerick will travel David Young, Denis Kelly, Ken draw is held every Thursday be presented to 2013 West a Foundation level or Level 1 up with the All-Ireland jun- Dunne and Terry Dunne. Jun- FiXTURES night &a big thank you to all U21 team and 2014Senior Dr coaching course are to con- ior B medals which will be ior A Mike Murphy and Paddy County Tipperary our supporters. The club Fogarty Cup winners, Junior tact David Needham as soon presented by our surprise Shanahan. Minor James Mc- Sunday, January 25th would like to send its best A West Hurling Champions, as possible. special guest. Tickets, priced Grath, Bob Duff, John Boland Clean Ireland Recycling wish s to both Triona Campion U21A West hurling Champi- Scor: Anyone interested in at 15 Euro are still on sale at and Joe Hayes. The remaining County Under-21A Graiguewood & Paddy Dwyer ons and Minor A West Hurling taking part in Scor na bPaisti the Abbey Inn shop and pub, positions will be filled by the Hurling Championship Final Longdordpass both of who are Champions. All are welcome and Senior Scor events in the O’Gorman’s shop, Holycross committee as soon as possible. Kildangan v unwell at the moment to attend. coming weeks should contact Stores, or from club officers Sale of Work and Timber/ Loughmore-Castleiney any club officer as soon as pos- at 087 9663959. Only a few re- Turf Auction: Sunday the 1st in The Ragg @ 1.30pm clonoulty-rossMore GAA lorrha GAA sible. main. of March is the date that has Clean Ireland Recycling A.G.M. of the Club was held Training: Adult training County Board Draw: been finalised for this years County Under-21B recently and the following has recommenced for the Borris-ileigh GAA Hearty congratulations to Sale of Work and Timber/Turf Hurling Championship Final are the officers for the com- coming year while the first Adjourned AGM: Our ad- former club player Thomas Auction. Again this year it will Cappawhite-Sean Treacy’s ing year: Chairman: Andrew championship in Under 21 journed AGM will take place Stakelum, Moneydass, Bal- be co-ordinated by Matt Ryan.
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