Games, Games, and MORE GAMES!

Fun and Games

Fun and games is the universal language of children. And, from the children’s point of view, it is the single most important component of your VBS. This booklet includes 30 games from which to choose for your group or family.

To ensure children have an excellent game experience each day of VBS, follow these basic steps:

● Choose a game leader who can have fun and reasonably command the children’s attention. ● Read and understand the game well enough to lead the game and to give brief instructions. ● Be well prepared and be ready to modify the game, if necessary. ● Have fun!

Games for the Preschool Crowd


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o keep the kids running and having fun

Instructions: T​ ell the kids to run and touch something – like something blue, someone’s elbow...Keep the “touch-ables” coming fast and see who can keep up.


Supplies Needed: a​ tissue for each child, music and a way to play it

Goal: T​ o keep your tissue from hitting the ground while dancing.

Instructions: G​ ive each child a tissue and have them put it on their head. Start the music and instruct the children to dance. If the tissue starts to fall, the children are allowed to catch it and put it back on their head. However, if the

2 tissue touches the ground before they catch it, they are out. The last child with the tissue on his or her head is the winner!


Supplies Needed: a​ tarp or blanket

Goal: T​ o determine who is the “Bug in the Rug”

Instructions: L​ ay a large sheet on the floor. Have the children sit around it. One child is chosen to step away from the group and closes his or her eyes. Taps a child and he or she gets under the "rug". The child that was away from the group with their eyes closed comes back. Now the rest of the children chant:

Bug in the rug,

Bug in the rug.

Who's that bug in the rug?

The child has to guess who is under the rug by looking around to see who is missing. The child under the rug is then revealed.

Tried and True Games for the Preschool Crowd


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o be the last player following commands from the game leader (“Simon”) I​ nstructions: ​Line players up shoulder to shoulder about 10 feet in front of you. Instruct players to follow your lead when and only when you preface commands with the phrase “.” Begin giving commands (i.e. “Simon says spin around 3 times”). Try giving a command without first saying the phrase “Simon says” (i.e. “Raise your hand if you’re still in the game”). If someone follows a command that was not prefaced with “Simon says,” they are out of the game and must take a seat.

3 Winner​: Last player standing wins (Let the winner take the role of “Simon” for the next round).


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o avoid being “it”

Instructions​: Gather players, sit in a circle, and select one player to be “it.” Instruct the player who is “it” to begin walking around the group while tagging each player he/she passes on the shoulder and saying “duck.” The player will continue circling the group saying “duck, duck, duck...” until he or she decides to tap one person and say “Goose!!” instead. The “Goose” then jumps up and chases the player who is “it” around the circle. The player who is “it” attempts to run around the circle 1 time and sit in the Goose’s original seat before getting tagged. If the player who is “it” gets to the Goose's spot, then the Goose becomes “it” and play continues. If the player fails to get the spot first but is tagged by the “Goose,” the player who is “it” must be “it” again.


No Supplies Needed

Goal: B​ e the first player to cross the finish line by obeying the traffic signals Instructions: G​ ame leader stands at the finish line, players line up shoulder to shoulder at the starting line. Game leader calls out either “Red Light” (while facing the players) or “Green Light” (with their backs to the players).

When players hear “Green Light,” they move toward the finish line. When players hear “Red Light,” they must freeze in place.

If the game leader catches a player moving after “Red Light” has been called, then that player must return to the starting line and restart.

(Variation: M​ ake up additional colors to make it harder. Examples: Blue = Skip; Yellow = Walk backwards; Purple = crab walk...)

Winner: ​1st player to cross the finish line. They then become the game leader for the next round.

4 Games for the Elementary Crowd


Supplies Needed: 2​ colors of duct tape

Goal: T​ o be the last team with team members with tape on their backs

Instructions: S​ plit the kids into two separate teams. Place the teams respective tape color on their back. Set up a small boundary area. After the kids enter the play area they will try to pull off the tape from the backs of the other team. If the tape is pulled off your back you must leave the play area and cheer for your team. Once an entire team has lost all of their tape the other team has won. (Variations: This game can also be played as a free for all and there are no teams.)


Supplies Needed: 3​ clothespins per person

Goal: T​ o steal and collect as many clothespins as you can from the other players in the allotted time.

Instructions: G​ ive each player three clothespins and instruct them to clip them to their sleeves or shirttails. On “Go” the players will run around the designated playing area and attempt to steal clothespins from other players and clip them to their shirt. When the leader yells, “Stop” the player with the most clothespins wins.


Supplies Needed: N​ one

Goal: L​ isten to the orders and be the last crewman standing.

Instructions: A​ n adult leader will play as the “captain” and give the crew orders that they must follow. Some commands are listed below. The child who completes the task last is out of the game. They must step out of the play area and watch their friends continue. The student that is last in the play area wins the game.

5 ● Captain’s coming, stand up straight and salute. Don’t move until the captain says, “At ease!” ● Sail west: everyone runs to the right side of the play area. ● Sail east: everyone runs to the right side of the play area. ● Pirates: everyone move to the front of the play area. ● No pirates: everyone move to the back of the play area. ● Seasick: pretend to throw up. ● Hit the deck: everyone lies down on their stomach. ● Beached whale: sailors lie down on their backs. ● Man overboard: everyone finds a partner. One kneels down. The other stands behind, put’s a hand on their partner’s shoulder. Both put their hands above their eyes and “search” the “ocean” for the man. ● Three hands rowing: three sailors line up in a group and pretend to row. ● Four hands playing cards: four sailors get in a group and pretend to play a card game. ● Five hands eating: five sailors get in a circle and pretend to eat. ● Walk the plank: six sailors line up, with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.


Supplies Needed: 7​ clothespins per child Goal: T​ o get rid of all your clothespins Instructions: G​ ive each child 7 clothespins and have them pin them somewhere on their clothing. On “Go” each person must get rid of his or her clothespins by pinning them on someone else. Only one pin per person!! Continue the game for 5 minutes and determine a winner. Continue playing new rounds as long as the children are having fun.

GRAB THE PIG Supplies Needed: o​ ne quarter and one “Pig” (any object a child can easily grab) Goal: T​ o grab the pig before the other team.

Instructions: D​ ivide the group into two teams (each team should have at least 4 or 5). Have the groups sit crossed legged in a single file line right next to each other. Each person should reach back with their right hand and hold the left hand of the person behind them. Everyone should have their heads down and

6 eyes shut, except the last person in the row. Place a “pig” or anything that you have in between the two people at the front of each row. At the back of the row flip a coin in between the last two that have their eyes open. If it lands on ‘heads’ then they do nothing, if it lands on ‘tails’ they squeeze the hand of the person in front of them.They pass the squeeze up the rows as fast as they can and the two at the front have to try and grab the pig before the other one as soon as they feel the squeeze. After every cycle, the people in the front rotate back.


No Supplies Needed

Goal: t​ o be the last player standing by looking up at people who are not looking back at you.

Instructions: P​ layers stand in a circle. The game leader says “Look down.” Players look down. When the game leader says “Look up,” each player immediately looks up and stares at another player. Players must pick one person in the circle to stare at and cannot look away from his or her eyes until the game leader says “Look down”again. If a player looks up at the same person who is looking back at them, both players are eliminated. Play continues until only one or two winners are left standing.


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o guess who is directing the group to change from one motion to another​. Instructions: ​One person is chosen to be “it,” and is sent out of the room. One of the people left is chosen to be the leader. The leader of the group directs the group in some kind of simple motion (e.g., hand-clapping, thumb-twiddling, whistling, tongue-clicking, etc.). All others in the group imitate the leader so everyone is doing the same thing together. “It” is called back into the room and stands in the middle of the circle the others have formed. The leader changes the motion repeatedly. He and the others in the circle try to keep together, so that the leader is inconspicuous. As the group goes through the pattern of motions, “it” tries to guess who the leader is. “It” gets only three guesses. If “it” doesn’t “find the leader,” she is “it” again (maximum of two times to be “it”). The leader always becomes the next “it.”


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ he goal for the hound is to catch a fox. The goal for the foxes is to avoid getting caught by the hound.

Instructions: P​ layers are grouped into circles of 3-6 children. One child in each circle is the “fox.” The players hold hands, with the fox protected in the center. There are two stray players not in the circle, one is a fox and the other is a hound. The hound begins to chase the fox around the area of play. The fox may take refuge in a “tree” (a circle of players). When the fox enters a tree, the previous fox hiding in that tree must leave and be chased by the hound. When the hound catches a fox, that fox becomes the hound and the hound becomes the fox. The “trees” may move around throughout the game.

(*Note For larger groups, there can be 2 hounds chasing 2 stray foxes outside of the trees. For smaller groups, use pairs standing together with linked arms instead of “trees.”)


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o get as many players on your side as possible before the game ends. Instructions: D​ ivide the playing field in half and designate an end-zone on each end of the field. Divide players into two even teams and designate a captain for each team. The teams must go to their end-zones and listen for their captain to decide whether their team will be rock, paper, or scissors. Teams will then come to the middle of the field and meet. Players will stand shoulder to shoulder with their teammates and toe to toe across from their opponents. The game leader will then shout “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! On “Shoot,” the teams will show their symbol together (Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. If the groups tie, return to step three.) The members of the losing team will immediately attempt to run back to their end-zone before getting tagged by the members of the winning team. Tagged members of the losing team have to join the winning team for the next round of play.

8 Tried and True Games for the Elementary Crowd


Supplies Needed: 1​ ball

Goal: T​ o grab the object between the two team lines and carry it back across your own team line without being tagged

Instructions: D​ ivide players into equal teams. Line the teams up parallel to each other and about 20 feet apart, facing one another. Assign Bible character names to one child on each team (for example there will be one “Abraham” on each team. Suggested names are: Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Samuel, Deborah, David, Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, Peter, John, Matthew, Luke, and Paul).

(Variation:​ Use numbers. There will be a “1” on each team, “2” on each team, etc.) Place the “bacon” on the ground in the middle of the two teams. Leader calls out one of the pre-assigned Bible character names (or numbers). The player on each team with that name runs to the “bacon” and tries to grab it before the opposing team’s player can do so.The player who grabs the “bacon” attempts to run back across his team line. The player without the “bacon” attempts to tag the player with the “bacon” before they cross their team line. If the player with the “bacon” crosses their team line before getting tagged, their team gets a point. If the player with the “bacon” gets tagged before crossing their team line, no point is awarded.

Winner​: The team with the most points after every name has been called wins.


Supplies Needed: B​ each ball and string.

Goal: T​ o volley the ball back and forth across the line and score more points than the opposing team

Instructions: U​ se something (string) to make a line down the middle of the field. Divide the group into 2 equal teams, placing them seated and scattered around each side of the line (for added challenge, make the teams sit facing away from center court). Players may not move from their assigned position and have to stay seated (a foot or hand may leave the ground to kick the ball). It doesn’t

9 matter how many “whacks” it takes to get the ball back over the line to the other team as long as the ball is not touched by the same player twice in a row. A point is scored when the opposing team lets the ball hit the ground on their side of the line. Each round begins with the game leader tossing the ball into play on the appropriate team’s side (the team that won the previous point starts with the ball).

Winner: ​First team to 21 points wins (must win by at least 2 points).


Supplies Needed: 2​ beach balls

Goal: E​ ach team tries to keep the ball in the air using only their heads. The team with the most consecutive hits wins

Instructions: D​ ivide players into two equal teams. Teams form circles and are given a beach ball. Game leader says “GO” and the team tries to keep the ball in the air using only their heads.

Winner​: The team with the most consecutive hits wins (Let each team have 3 chances).


Supplies Needed: S​ omething that can be manipulated (i.e. a broom)

Goal: T​ o exactly mimic the actions of the game leader

Instructions: G​ ame leader stands in front of the group with his broom handle or other object. Game leader tells the kids to watch his actions exactly. Game leader chooses a little activity using the object (i.e. twirling it or tossing it into the air). Before the game leader does the activity, he always clears his throat (or some other inconspicuous activity like winking). Do not change the secret code action before someone guesses what is going on. Game leader does the secret activity, then does the action using the object, while saying “a rat, a rat, a big fat rat.” Ask a couple volunteers to repeat what you have done. They will probably do it correctly except for the secret code action. Say, “I’m sorry that’s not quite right.” Repeat the sequence and ask for more volunteers. End the game when someone catches on. If no one does, try the sequence again and exaggerate the secret code action.

10 Great for Any Age Group


Supplies Needed: 1​ donut per child, string or yarn long enough to “string” all the donuts

Goal: T​ o enjoy your donut along with all of your friends. This is not really a game as much as it is a fun way to eat snacks.

Instructions: S​ tring one donut per child on a piece of string, yarn, or ribbon long enough to hold all the donuts leaving room for each child to stand under his or her donut. Have two adults hold each end of the string. On the count of three the children run to a donut and eat it off the string without using their hands. They are allowed to use their hands when the donut is about to fall. After all, one would not want to waste any of that donut deliciousness.


Supplies Needed: l​ arge quantity of small Dixie cups, two ropes or spray paint, or anything you have around the house to make two medium sized circles.

Goal: T​ o have the least number of Dixie cups in your team’s circle ​Instructions: Make two equal size circles 50 feet apart. Divide the group into two equal teams, and have them face each other behind their circles. Place an equal number of Dixie cups, anything you can get a lot of, cheap, in each team's circle. On "GO'' both teams run forward. Each player takes 1 Dixie Cup from his circle and puts it in the opposing team's circle. Players run back and forth continuing to empty Dixie cups into the opponents' circle. On "STOP" the team having the least number of Dixie cups in its circle wins.


Supplies Needed: T​ hree small objects that can easily be carried by a child.

Goal: T​ o not be tagged and to help those who have been

Instructions: P​ ick two people to be "It". The rest of the group has three small objects that are considered to be "base". Choose three children to carry the objects at the beginning of the game. If someone is tagged they go down to

11 both knees and cannot talk or move at all. They can become “unfrozen” when one of the other children gives him or her a given one of the base objects.


Supplies Needed: S​ trips of material, rope, or bandana

Instructions: D​ ivide the children into pairs. Divide the pairs of children into 2 teams. Designate a starting line and a finish line about 40 feet apart. Have the pairs on each team tie their inner legs/ankles together. On “GO” the first pair from each team should race to the finish line, come back and tag the next pair in line. The next pair in line then goes to finish line and back.

Winner​: The first team to have everyone race to the finish line and back wins.


Supplies Needed:​ 2 or 3 pillowcases (sacks) and 2 or 3 cones

Instructions: P​ lace the children into teams (you can have as many as 3 teams). Designate the starting line and the finish line about 40 feet apart. Have the first person on each team get into a “sack,” hop to the finish line, spin once, and come back. The first player then tags the next person in line and the relay race continues. W​ inner​: The first team to have everyone go wins.


Supplies Needed: 2​ beach balls

Instructions: D​ esignate the starting line and the finish line about 40 feet apart. Place the children into teams (you can have as many as 3 teams). Give each team a beach ball. On “GO” the first player on each team dribbles the beach ball down and back. The first player then tags the next person in their line and the relay race continues.

(Variation:​ Have the kids kick the beach ball down and back or have them try to bounce it in the air without letting it touch the ground (they would have to start over if they let the ball drop).

Winner: ​The first team to have everyone go wins.


No Supplies Needed

Instructions: D​ esignate one player to be “it,” and instruct the player who is “it” to begin trying to tag all the other players. When a player gets tagged they must “freeze” where they are and stand with their legs spread. Players can be “unfrozen” if another player crawls between their legs. The person who is “it” tries to freeze everyone, while other players try to remain unfrozen.


Supplies Needed: R​ ope or long stick

Goal: T​ o walk under the rope without falling

Instructions: L​ ine players up in a single file line. Pull a rope tight between two leaders so that the kids have something to walk under. Every time the first player in line get back to the front of the line, lower the rope. If a player falls while going under, they are out. Repeat until there is one player left standing.

Winner: ​The last player standing wins.


Supplies Needed: A​ piece of rope for each team (rope needs to be big enough to make a circle around all team members)

Goal: T​ o complete an obstacle course or race with all team members inside a circle of rope.

Instructions: D​ ivide players into 2 equal teams. Designate a start line and finish line (set up a simple obstacle course for each team for increased difficulty). Give each team a long rope. Team members must tie the rope in a circle around their entire team (all players must be inside the circle of rope during the entire race). On “GO” teams will race through the course.

(Variation:​ If a rope is not available, have half of the team hold hands in a circle with the other half inside that circle.)

Winner: ​The team that completes the race or obstacle course the fastest wins.


No Supplies Needed

Goal: T​ o be the last player tagged

Instructions: D​ esignate a player to be “it.” The player who is “it” chases the other players and attempts to tag them. If a player is tagged, that player has to join hands with the player who is “it.” Each time a player is tagged, he joins the “blob” until there is only one who has not been tagged.


Supplies Needed: A​ tail for each player (i.e. a long piece of cloth or bandana)

Goal: T​ o be the last player with a tail

Instructions: C​ hoose one player to be “it.” That person stands in the middle of the playing area. Everyone else lines up on one side of the yard and tucks their “tail” into the side of their shorts/pants. On “GO” the players with the “tails” try to run to the opposite end of the yard without the player who is “it” capturing their tail. Once a player’s “tail” gets taken, they join the player who is “it” for the next round and try to capture tails. Everyone who still has a “tail” then lines up and play continues. When there is only one player left standing with their “tail,” that person wins and gets to be “it” for the next game.

(Variation: This game can also be played with clothespins rather than a piece of cloth or bandana).


No Supplies Needed

Instructions: I​ nstruct kids to make a shoulder-to-shoulder line about 30 feet in front of you. Turn your back to them and have them scream “Captain Midnight, what time is it?!” Tell them a time. They will move forward according to your response (If you say, “3 o’clock,” then all children take three steps toward you. If you say “10 o’clock” they take 10 steps). At some point, you should scream, “Midnight!!” After you scream “midnight,” turn around and chase the players back to the starting line. As you run, tag as many players as you can. If a player gets tagged, they are out of the game. Keep playing until

14 there is one player left. That player wins and gets to be“Captain Midnight” for the next round.

Water Day

It is suggested that Water Day games be done the last day. Promote this from day one to encourage the children to continue attending. Children who attend each day, for instance, could earn advantages (e.g., 5 extra water balloons, etc.).

Be sure to announce Water Games the day before and instruct each of the children to dress appropriately and to bring a towel. Have some place to store towels, and have extra towels for those who forget.

Tip: After you are done with all your water balloons, give each kid a paper cup and let them have a contest to see who can collect the most balloon scraps. This way you don’t have to clean up all those balloons later! Since you probably don’t really want to count the balloon pieces, just say “Everyone wins!” and give everyone a treat.

Water Day Games


Supplies Needed: P​ lastic cups, 2 buckets per team, water

Goal: T​ o be the first team to fill your bucket with water.

Instructions: T​ ake a few plastic cups and poke small holes in the sides. Next, bucket or ice chest with water. Set buckets about 10 yards from the bucket of water. Have each child grab a cup and fill with water. They must then carry the cup of water over their head towards the empty bucket. Repeat. The first one to fill their bucket to the top with water wins.


15 Supplies Needed: 5​ soaking wet sponges per team .

Goal: T​ o be the first team to pass the sponge down the line and get soaking wet. Instructions: D​ ivide the group into two teams. Have them lay side by side on the ground. Using their feet only, they must pass all five the wet sponges from end of the line to the other. Be sure to have a few extra sponges available to squeeze on the heads of unsuspecting children. Remember one of the goals is to get soaking wet.


Supplies Needed: W​ ater hose

Goal: T​ o get the kids really wet, so they will have a ton of fun.

Instructions: I​ nstead of a limbo stick or a rope use your water hose to squirt a stream. You do have to make sure that the children get good and soaked.

Tried and True Water Day Games


Supplies Needed: W​ ater balloons.

Goal: T​ o be the last pair with a water balloon that has not burst

Instructions: D​ ivide players into pairs. Each pair gets 1 water balloon. Instruct each pair to line up facing each other, with about 10 feet between them. Each time the game leader says “GO,” the partners have to toss their water balloon back and forth. After each successful round, the partners must take 1 step away from each other. If a pair’s balloon bursts, they are out.

Winner: ​The last team with a water balloon in tact wins.


Supplies Needed: 1​ large sponge and a bucket filled with water

Goal: T​ o avoid being “it”

16 Instructions: H​ ave the children sit in a circle and say, “This game is a fun, wet variation of duck-duck-goose!” Designate one player to be “it” first, and give the player who is “it” a wet sponge. As the player who is it walks around the circle, she says “drip” while making the sponge drip on each of the other players’ heads. When she is ready to tag another player, she squeezes the sponge over the other player’s head and says, “drench!” Once she has drenched another player, she must run around the outside of the circle and attempt to return to the tagged player’s former spot. The player who was tagged gives chase. If the tagged player does not catch her, then play continues as the tagged player takes his turn saying “drip, drip, drench.” If the player who was “it” is caught, she must be “it” again.


Supplies Needed: 1​ bucket of water, 2 empty 2-liter bottles, and 2 large cups

Goal: G​ et more water in your bottle than the opposing team

Instructions: D​ ivide group into 2 equal teams. Line each team up in a single file line and place a bucket of water at the beginning of each line. One player on each team should volunteer to lie down on his back about 10 feet in front of his team’s line and place a 2-liter bottle on his/her forehead. On “Go,” teams send one player at a time to fill up a cup with water from the bucket, race down to the player on the ground, pour water from cup into the 2-liter bottle, race back, and pass the cup to the next teammate in line. Play for 2 minutes or until one team completely fills the bottle.


Supplies needed: 1​ small cup for each player, 2 large cups, and a bucket of water. Goal: T​ o be the first team to fill a large cup with water.

Instructions: D​ ivide group into 2 teams. Line each team up in a shoulder-to- shoulder line and place a bucket of water at the beginning of each line. Give each player a small bathroom cup. On “GO” the player closest to the bucket fills his cup up and pours it into the cup of the player next to him. As that player is pouring the water into the next person’s cup, the first player gets more water in his cup. Water gets passed down the line from cup to cup and poured into the empty cup at the other end of the line. ​(Note: all players can be

17 dumping water from cup to cup at the same time.) Winner: ​The team whose large cup overflows first wins.