Planning Committee 11 April 2013


Part 2 - Applications for which PERMISSION is recommended

2.1 SW/13/0055 (Case 07508) M i n s t e r

Location : 8 Hillside Road, Minster, Sheerness, , ME12 2RY

Proposal : Erection of detached chalet bungalow, demolition of existing dwelling.

Applicant/Agent : Ferndale Ltd, c/o Michael Gittings Associates, 14 Vale Road, Loose, , Kent, ME15 0EP

The Planning Officer reported that delegation was sought to remove reference to 'fanlight' in condition (7) of the report.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0055 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (12) in the report and removal of any reference to 'fanlight' in condition (7).

2.2 SW/13/0188 (Case 05737) S i t t i n g b o u r n e

Location : 2-4 William Street, , Kent, ME10 1HR

Proposal : To convert warehouse into 1 house of multiple occupation with associated external alternations.

Applicant/Agent : Mr Brian Wisbey, c/o Mr Les Cullen, 3 Harrow Court, South Street Road, Stockbury, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7UQ

The Planning Officer drew attention to a correction on page 40 of the report, within the Head of Service Delivery's comments which should read: 'that residents can apply for a maximum of two parking permits per property'. The Planning Officer advised that the Head of Service Delivery had no additional comments with regard to the amended description.

The Planning Officer stated that KCC Highways had no objection subject to conditions securing 6 cycle parking spaces, removal of the existing vehicle crossing, and provision of a footpath. KCC Highways noted that the applicant would need to apply separately for approval for the highway works. The Planning Officer stated that an informative could be appended to the decision notice advising of this.

Mr Cullen, the Applicant, spoke in favour of the proposal.

A Ward Member spoke against the proposal. He considered the amount of bedrooms proposed was excessive and asked that reference to the reception/bedroom on the ground floor should be removed.

Discussions ensued and Members raised the following comments: welcome the proposal and if local people with local jobs live at the site, then parking would not be a problem; would exacerbate the already bad parking situation in the locality; and important to develop the site but feel that too many bedrooms were proposed.

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Councillor Barnicott moved the following motion: that the proposal be deferred to allow further discussion about reducing the number of proposed bedrooms from six to five. This was seconded by Councillor Mick Constable. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0188 be deferred to allow further discussion about reducing the number of proposed bedrooms from six to five.

2.3 SW/13/0177 (Case 07688) S i t t i n g b o u r n e

Location : Land opp Stumble Inn, St Pauls Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2LG

Proposal : Two 2 storey new dwellings.

Applicant/Agent : Mr Tony Woodmansee, c/o Mr Gary Richardson, Giarti Ltd, Amphenol Business Complex, Thanet Way, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3JF

The Planning Officer reported that the Environment Agency (EA) raised no objection subject to conditions relating to: submission of a surface water drainage scheme based on sustainable drainage principles; all ground floor levels to be raised at least 300mm relative to the existing ground levels on the site, and use of appropriate flood-proofing measures; no lowering of existing ground levels on the site, and prohibiting creation of basements or cellars; submission of a contamination assessment and remediation or long-term monitoring, if necessary; and no infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground, unless it is shown that there is no risk to controlled waters.

The Planning Officer further reported that the EA also suggested that an informative relating to flood risk, ground water, surface water drainage, foul drainage and fuel, oil and chemical storage be attached to any grant of permission.

A Ward Member raised concern that the proposal would increase parking problems in the area.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0177 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (14) in the report and the imposition of conditions relating to submission of a surface water drainage scheme based on sustainable drainage principles; all ground floor levels to be raised at least 300mm relative to the existing ground levels on the site, and use of appropriate flood-proofing measures; no lowering of existing ground levels on the site, and prohibiting creation of basements or cellars; submission of a contamination assessment and remediation of long-term monitoring, if necessary; and no infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground, unless it is shown that there is no risk to controlled waters.

2.4 SW/12/1523 (Case 01675) F a v e r s h a m

Location : Building 1, Standard Quay, Abbey Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7BS

Proposal : Single storey rear extension and internal alterations to grade II listed warehouse building with change of use to restaurant and art gallery/function room.

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Applicant/Agent : Quayside Properties Ltd, c/o Mr Simon Latham, Design & Build Services, 2 Colkins Cottage, Clockhouse, Boughton under Blean, Faversham.

The Area Planning Officer drew attention to the tabled paper which advised that since writing the report forty six objections had been received and he outlined the issues they raised.

The Area Planning Officer reported that since tabling the paper a further 20 objections had been received which raised the following further objections: were Members of the Planning Committee aware of the history of Standard Quay - or the sideways launch - they did not seem to have heard about the trades plied from the Quay?; support for objections by Faversham Town Council, CPRE and the Faversham Society; if the scheme is approved, housing would inevitably follow and this is unlikely to be priced for local buyers; other buildings have been demolished in the town which could have been saved and would now be cherished; changes on Faversham Creek Trust website about where objections should be sent had created confusion; and "would like to express my potential concern regarding the motives of the Planning Committee, if it were to succeed".

The Area Planning Officer further reported that the Abbey Street Residents' Association had raised the following concerns: Abbey Street was the only access, so most affected by traffic flow, and it was already congested at peak times; need to ensure changes support overall environmental improvement, and expect to see a detailed traffic forecast for additional traffic over a 24 hour time profile, to see if this conflicted with current peak flows, further consultation should then be carried out; concern over collective impact of individual developments; other access routes were potentially available, requiring strategic traffic management and planning; and any planning proposals needed to take account of the special significance of Abbey Street which was well preserved with many listed buildings and within the conservation area.

The Area Planning Officer advised that the Head of Research and Strategy at Visit Kent supported the proposal and made the following comments: research indicated that 29 per cent of Kent visitors were motivated by fine dining opportunities - whilst 57 per cent of visitors say eating out was a key part of a day trip; Kent's unique connection with food was a major tourism asset which should be sustained and developed further, and Kent and Medway Tourism Development Framework was to have a coordinated focus on the re-use of buildings which had the potential to become landmark restaurants - a destination restaurant at Standard Quay would be a real asset.

The Area Planning Officer further advised that in response to Visit Kent's comments, two emails had been received stating the following: Standard Quay was unique because of its maritime heritage which car parks and restaurants would destroy; there were other creekside locations where one could eat, so there was no need to destroy the unique heritage of Standard Quay; and housing approved on the creekside had already left its mark and this could be a chance to retain what was left of the creek's distinctiveness.

The Area Planning Officer stated that KCC Highways had responded that they did not expect the change of use of the building would give rise to significant volumes of traffic. KCC Highways advised that with regard to the provision of 97 spaces, there was no formal requirement at present to provide that amount of parking and that it would be reasonable to lower provision to 25 spaces to accommodate the restaurant. In light of their comments, the Area Planning Officer suggested that condition (9) be amended to require only parking spaces 1 to 13 to be reserved, so that no spaces that lie alongside the creek were reserved, as these spaces could only lead to an adverse impact on possible quayside uses.

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Mr Pain, an objector, spoke against the proposal.

Councillor Barnicott moved a proposal for a site meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Mike Henderson. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

Resolved: That application SW/12/1523 be deferred to allow the Planning Working Group to meet on site.

2.5 SW/12/1524 (Case 01675) F a v e r s h a m

Location : Building 1, Standard Quay, Abbey Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7BS

Proposal : Listed Building Consent for a Single storey rear extension and internal alterations to grade II listed warehouse building with change of use to restaurant and art gallery/function room.

Applicant/Agent : Quayside Properties Ltd, c/o Mr Simon Latham, Design & Build Services, 2 Colkins Cottage, Clockhouse, Boughton under Blean, Faversham, Kent, ME13 9LU

This application was considered in conjunction with application SW/12/1524 above.

Resolved: That application SW/12/1524 be deferred to allow the Planning Working Group to meet on site.

2.6 SW/13/0137 (Case 02092) D u n k i r k

Location : Brotherhood Wood, Gate Hill, Dunkirk, Faversham, Kent, ME13 9LN

Proposal : Change of use for gypsy and traveller site to incorporate previous site approvals, increase number of pitches, relocate and enlarge communal facility building. Includes parking, lighting, fencing and landscape buffer.

Applicant/Agent : Mr Joseph Robb, c/o Mr John Burke, John Burke Associates, 13 Morris Court Close, Bapchild, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 9PL

The Area Planning Officer reported that following a meeting on site with the applicant and agent, he accepted the recommended conditions and agreed that the number of pitches outlined in the report was correct. He also agreed that the emergency access should be amended to a single pedestrian gate.

The Area Planning Officer advised that the applicant had confirmed that he was liaising with KCC's Gypsy Liaison Office in relation to any illegal encampments. The applicant had agreed that the community building would be provided within 12 months of final occupation.

The Area Planning Officer reported that the Highways Agency had been appraised of the explanation of the number of pitches proposed and raised no objection.

The Area Planning Officer recommended that condition (2) be amended to refer to the latest drawings, and that an additional condition be imposed related to the provision of the community building. - 53 5 -

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Mr Tutt, representing Dunkirk Parish Council, spoke against the proposal.

Mr Burke, the Agent, spoke in favour of the proposal.

A Ward Member spoke against the proposal and raised the following concerns: site would be overdeveloped; site layout falls short of good design; site was within the Bleanwood Special Landscape Area; no parking provision for visitors; the Parish Council, Police and Kent Wildlife Trust all raised objection; contrary to policies within the Swale Borough Local Plan and the application had been poorly put together and should be refused.

The Committee considered the proposal and the following comments were made: the applicant needed to comply with current conditions before progressing the current application; as we were not compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) with regard to Gypsy and Traveller provision we have to approve the application; site is well kept and has capacity for expansion; and need to ensure the applicant is aware that the surrounding woodland is covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).

In response to concerns, the Area Planning Officer stated that the scheme complied with government guidance and the applicant's agent had agreed that they would work closely with Officers to ensure all conditions were complied with.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0137 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (15) in the report with amendment to condition (2) and a further condition related to the provision of the community building.

2.7 SW/13/0006 (Case 22124 & Sheerness 01333)

Location : Thames Reinforcements Limited, New Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1NB

Proposal : Variation of conditions 4 and 17 of SW/06/0829 to allow 24 hour loading of vehicles and erection of an acoustic screen wall.

Applicant/Agent Mr Kevin Keegan, Thames Reinforcements Limited, New Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1NB

A Ward Member raised concern that noise was travelling some distance from the site with residents complaining about a loud thumping noise causing property to vibrate from 8 pm to 10 pm.

In response to queries about the proposed acoustic wall, the Planning Officer advised that the wall would be constructed from pre-stressed concrete and SBC's Environmental Protection Team were confident that it would reflect noise back into the industrial unit. The imposition of condition (7), to ensure the wall was adequately landscaped on both sides would also help to reduce noise.

The Development Manager explained that there was no evidence that noise from the site was causing properties to shake. He stated that Environmental Health were aware of noise issues caused by unloading of metal reels but conditions (4) and (6) in the report would restrict the hours when this could be carried out.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0006 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (12) in the report. - 53 6 -

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2.8 SW/13/0152 (Case 00497) U p c h u r c h

Location : Horsham Plantation Yard, Horsham Lane, Upchurch, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7AP

Proposal : Change of use from B1 to car sales and showroom.

Applicant/Agent : Mrs Tracy Ferguson, Spring Farm, East Hall Hill, , Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JX

The Planning Officer drew attention to an error in the report and that condition (4) should read "no other purpose, including any other purpose in any Class of the Schedule…"

Mr Ferguson, the Applicant, spoke in favour of the proposal.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0152 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (7) in the report and that condition (4) be amended to read "no other purpose, including any other purpose in any Class of the Schedule".

2.9 SW/13/0159 (Case 08897) S i t t i n g b o u r n e

Location : 26 London Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 1NA

Proposal : Proposed conversion of a former residential care home into four number one bedroom and one number two bedroom units and three number bedsits and external alterations.

Applicant/Agent : Mr M Salter, c/o John Keeley, CK Designs, Mariners Bungalow, Hempstead Lane, , Kent, ME18 6HG

The Planning Officer reported that KCC Highways raised no objection, subject to conditions securing provision and permanent retention of the vehicle and cycle parking shown on the plans, prior to occupation.

Resolved: That application SW/13/0159 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (8) in the report and the imposition of conditions securing provision and permanent retention of the vehicle and cycle parking shown on the plans, prior to occupation.

2.10 SW/12/1591 (Case 08835) B o u g h t o n

Location : Former Garden Hotel, 169 The Street, Boughton, Nr Faversham, Kent, ME13 9AB

Proposal : Amendment to current Listed Building Approval SW/12/0121 to incorporate removal of existing chimney stack to rear of existing building.

Applicant/Agent : Fajast Holdings Ltd, C/O JAP Architects, 29A High Street, Clare, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8NY

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Resolved: That application SW/12/1591 be approved subject to condition (1) in the report.

PART 3 - Application for which REFUSAL is recommended

3.1 SW/12/1423 (Case 13610) Selling

Location : Harefield House, Hogbens Hill, Selling, Nr Faversham, Kent, ME13 9QZ

Proposal : Erection of retaining wall and excavation to form pond and terracing (retrospective) and erection of estate fence. Plus change of use of part of site from agricultural to garden use (ancillary residential).

Applicant/Agent : Mr C Norton, c/o Jonathan T Barber, 47 High Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2SB

The Area Planning Officer reported that the (EA) had commented on flood risk and advised that the site was not near any main river and suggested that KCC may know more about local surface water flooding issues.

Mr Woollett, an objector, spoke against the application.

Mr Stewart, the Agent, spoke in support of the application.

Councillor Prescott moved a motion for a site meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Bobbin. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

Resolved: That application SW/12/1423 be deferred to allow the Planning Working Group to meet on site.


5.1 SW/12/0023 - 2 Broadcare and 76 Bradfield Avenue, Teynham


5.2 SW/12/0172 - 'Sunfield', Lower Road, Brambledown, Minster


5.3 SW/12/0958 - Land rear of The Paddock, Highsted Valley, Rodmersham


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