MARCH/APR I L 2 0 1 4



Greetings from the Director …………...... 1 Greetings from Satish Chukkapalli Customer speaks....…..…………………...….1 The Progress of the Buildings .…….... 2,3

Golf Edge News: Dear all, 21st of March - Phoenix Group’s th Firstly, I extend my warmest Ugadi greetings to you 12 anniversary ………………………... all and hope that the festival brought unbound happi- ….....4,5 ness and prosperity into your life starting this day. It

is my pleasure to introduce you to our March and Realty News: April joint Newsletter. March was a very important Hyderabad property market offers ‘rich month for the Phoenix Group because it was the month when we were cel- dividends’ ……...... 6 ebrating our anniversary. Looking back, we feel very proud that we have Hyderabad still a good bet for realty: Ponnala ……….……………………….………….7 come a long, long way indeed. This month, this year we have reached our th 12 year of working, creating, developing and innovating. Through this is- Realty News: sue, we would like to share the opinions of our customers and also take a India's realty sector remains favoured look at what’s new at Golf Edge. We will also share an important infor- destination: Report ………………………....8 mation about the real estate market in India and Hyderabad during these Is Investing In Real Estate Safe In The months of March and April. As you reach the end of this message, I re- Current Scenario? ……………………...…...9 quest all our customers to share their views and opinions. Thank you! Despite Sluggish Market, Realty Prices Across Major Cities Witness Appreciation … ……………...……………….10

Phoenix projects and developments…….. A word from a proud owner – Housewife Aparna Krovi: ……………………………………………………11, 12 Golf Edge links ………………..……………....12 “Golf Edge is going to be the home for our family. We enquired about different plac- es before taking the final decision, and Golf Edge was most ideally suited to our needs. It is a great combination of location, amenities, community, services and comfort. The amenities offered by Golf Edge will make family living happy and easy every day. The fully serviced and fully furnished home is just perfect for a busy life. Follow us on The location is important too: there are good schools, hospitals, and more within a Facebook and get few kms radius. Yes, we are eager to move in.” the latest news: golfedgebyphoenix

1 P A G E 2 Progress of the Buildings

Tower A Tower A. All 30 slabs are completed. Currently, the parapet wall shuttering and rein- forcement are in progress. 60% of block work is completed from ground floor up to the 23rd floor. The shuttering of the helipad is in progress. What is more, shuttering work of lift machine room and over-head tank is in progress too.

Tower B

Tower B.

Tower B In the tower B all the slabs are com- pleted. The para- pet wall shuttering and reinforcement are 100% complet- ed. 60% of the block work is com- pleted from ground floor up to the 28th floor. The shutter- ing of the helipad is in progress. Over-head tank shuttering works are 100% com- plete. Tower B has two lift machine rooms, one is 100% done, and oth- er one is in progress of shuttering now. P A G E 3

Club house.

All the floor slabs of the club- house are completed. Block work is completed in the ground floor.


Club house

Commercial building.

Decking works are currently go- ing on the 6th floor .

Major Connectivity Road.

Work is currently in progress for the 120 feet road which will connect ORR and Wipro Cir- cle and greatly reduce the time of traveling.

120 ft road 120 ft road P A G E 4

Golf Edge News

21st of March - Phoenix Group’s 12th anniversary We are glad to share that on the 21st of March Phoenix Group celebrated its 12th Anniversary. To commemorate this special event, our respected Chairman Mr. Suresh Chukkapalli along with his team visited the site office of Golf Edge. After lighten- ing the lamp, official speeches were delivered and to mark the end of the celebration, a cake was cut and lunch was offered for all the members of the team. Golf Edge team:

On this occasion we would like to share some history facts about the Phoenix group:

In the year 1954, Phoenix Started as Pioneer Automobiles which was then founded by Mr. Shankar Rao Chukkapalli. Mr. Suresh Chukkapalli son of Mr. Shankar Rao is the founder chairman of Phoenix who expand- ed Automobiles division later and it led to the birth of the Phoenix group. The group ventured into Real Estate development under the brand name of Phoenix in 2002, by taking up small niche projects of residential, com- mercial and retail developments across Hyderabad, Bangalore, Vishakhapatnam, Guntur and Chennai. In all the years of construction experience that Phoenix has, Phoenix proved that it was one of the first companies to launch and sell the most expensive apartments across the Hyderabad City. It also ranks first as the compa- ny that ventured into providing strategic solutions to retail vendors. The First IT SEZ in the country is also from the house of Phoenix and it was started in the year 2005.


Head Office team:

Hitec City SEZ team:

Phoenix Hero team:

5 P A G E 6

Hyderabad Realty News

Hyderabad property market offers ‘rich dividends’

Source: OPP Connect Now the final steps are being taken to form the new Indian state of , there are new opportunities in Hyderabad’s real estate sector, says Trivita Roy, from Jones Lang LaSalle A leading Indian real estate professional says now the decision about a new state in India has been finalised, there is money to be made from Hyderabad property. The city’s property market, which has seen investor interest fall during the political uncertainty over the formation of the new Telangana state and the role of Hyderabad, is now undervalued and offers new opportunities, says Trivita Roy, Senior Manager of Research and Real Estate Intelligence Service, for Jones Lang LaSalle in India. “Real estate is greatly undervalued today, and with many peo- ple realising this, the window of opportunity may not remain open for long! Hyderabad’s realty market will pay rich divi- “...the window of dends to those who help it out during this so-called crisis and I wish I had loads of money to make a fortune for myself!” opportunity may India’s upper house of parliament has approved a bill to create Telangana which will become law when signed by the presi- not remain open dent. Telangana will have a population of 35 million and will include the city of Hyderabad and 10 districts currently in the for long! “ state of Andhra Pradesh. “As India constitutes its 29th state-Telangana by carving it out from the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, the city of Hyderabad, the capital and the state’s largest city stands at a crossroads,” says Ms Roy, who works in Hyderabad. “Hyderabad will serve as the joint capital of Telangana and Seema Andhra (the rest of the current Andhra Pradesh State) for the next ten years. Those with either tangible or intangible interests in Hyderabad and in Andhra Pradesh are now speculating on the future of the two and how they will be affected.” Hyderabad has a population of around seven million people and four times larger than its nearest competitors, the cities of Vijaywada and Vizag and enjoys a strong multi-faceted economy; however, the political uncertainty of the last two years has delayed its develop- ment, she says. Property investors have been extremely active there, until the last couple of years, when the plan for the formation of the new state provoked political uncertainty, but now that is at an end.

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Continued from page 6

“The real estate environment in Hyderabad has seemed almost inert with hardly any new companies willing to consider it for offices, new construction activity has been limited and investor sentiment has been low. Residential real estate has been in flux with large projects under construction finding few buyers and unsold stockpiling up, despite the city remaining the most inexpensive of the top seven Indian cities.” Hyderabad is unlikely to lose any of its strengths. It will be the capital of two states for the next ten years and will then be the capital of Telangana. “People and companies are bound to have mixed feelings about the future but at least they are happy that the uncertainty is over. They now have a clear picture and can plan ahead based on their own judgment of the future prospects of Hyderabad. Ten years is a reasonable period for Seema Andhra to build its new capital and reduce its direct dependence on Hyderabad, and for Telangana to develop enough to compen- sate for any loss of activity. “Meanwhile, Hyderabad can offer a different kind of opportunity. Its real estate market is struggling and good options are available for both home buyers and investors alike.”

Hyderabad still a good bet for realty: Ponnala Source: The Hindu

Former Minister for Information However, he expressed concerns directly in the next two decades Technology and Communication about the power availability after and this will create a huge de- Ponnala Lakshmaiah assured the bifurcation, and said the need is to mand for housing. He urged home real estate fraternity here that there reorient and restructure the State in buyers to make the most of the is no scope for scepticism about development of Hyderabad after the power and irrigation sectors. present low prices, as the prices State bifurcation as it is already one He urged the developers to have are set to increase in future. of the most happening cities in the solar installations in all their pro- The property show has participa- world. jects so that power consumption tion from over 100 developers and Touting GAME Park and the IT In- could be kept to minimum. other stakeholders such as bank- vestment Region status for the city ers and financial institutions. It will National president of the CREDAI as notable achievements of the be on till March 2, at Jalavihar, (Confederation of Real Estate De- erstwhile government, Mr. Lak- velopers’ Associations of India) C. Necklace Road. shmaiah, who spoke as the chief Shekar Reddy expressed the hope guest at the inaugural event of the that both the States can expect Hyderabad/hyderabad-still-a-good-bet CREDAI Property Show 2014 here many investments after bifurcation -for-realty-ponnala/article5737334.ece on Friday, said Hyderabad still re- as Seemandhra too has a lot of tained its charm as the most afford- potential. He said realty in Hydera- able and liveable city. bad is poised to grow by 50 to 100 “Now it is your job to bank on these per cent in the next six months, as developments,” he said nudging the global investors are looking for af- realtors, while recounting the other fordable destinations. game-changer projects such as President of CREDAI’s AP Chapter Krishna Phase-III, Jalayagnam, Hy- S. Ram Reddy said the ITIR is like- derabad Metro Rail, Outer Ring ly to employ almost 15 lakh people Road and international airport.

7 P A G E 8

India Realty News

India's realty sector remains favoured destination: Report

Source: Economic Times

The Indian construction and real estate sector continues to be a favoured destination for global inves- tors and businesses are optimistic about their prospects for this year, says a report. Increasing migration to cities and urbanisation along with interest from buyers to invest in real estate market, will continue to be the prime demand drivers, according to assurance, tax and advisory firm Grant Thornton.

"Despite being burdened with high construction costs and increased cost of borrowing, the Indian con- struction and real estate sector continues to be a favoured destination for global investors," said the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR).

Steady housing demand, stock market rally and a slew of optimistic RBI rules permitting foreign banks into the country's banking ecosystem are set to offer further impetus to the projected growth of the sec- tor, it said.

Moreover, business leaders in the sector expect a strong revival for the housing industry if a stable gov- ernment is formed May after the general elections.

Across Asia Pacific, growth is being driven by businesses in emerging economies which are more than twice as confident about raising profits as their peers in advanced economies.

Around 78 per cent of business leaders in southeast Asia are optimistic, followed by Latin America (60 per cent) and North America (56 per cent), while those in the eurozone (19 per cent), and especially in southern Europe (-9 per cent), are the least optimistic.

About 45 per cent of BRIC economies are optimistic, slightly more than its peers in the G7 (39 per cent).

The report covered business leaders in 45 economies to understand how the real estate and construc- tion sector is recovering from the financial crisis, where the opportunities lie and what businesses are doing to keep their operations running smoothly and free from fraud. report/articleshow/32427715.cms

8 P A G E 9

Is Investing In Real cial market. For one, by in- maculate manner, investing vesting in Real Estate, you in a property can be as Estate Safe In The own a property that would handsome an investment as most likely appreciate for the any other. The only thing to Current Scenario? most part of your posses- be kept in mind is the sion. Secondly, historically, Source: Silicon India Real Estate has outper- groundwork that needs to be formed every single com- in order well in advance as modity and equity available otherwise; it would lead to Risk is always, and has al- in the stock market which your outlay being at a great- ways been, a part of an in- can be used as an invest- er risk than ever before. vestment portfolio. The re- ment. Thirdly, it is a physical cent times of recession has asset that not only provides drilled this fact in even deep- stability, but also relative realestate/news/Is-Investing-In- er into the conscious of a low simplicity and greater re- Real-Estate-Safe-In-The- key investor who doesn’t turns. Current-Scenario-nid- have millions to lose. But in 163893.html testing times like these, Owning a property benefits there is always a debate on an investor in multiple ways. what to invest in while keep- It prevents cash outflow if ing the portfolio diversified and still maintain a modicum you reside in a house of your of stability and occasionally own. It also arranges for return a rush of adrenaline in cash inflow through rent and the form of a handsome divi- leasing. In addition to the dend? The answer that most appreciation in your capital experts will furnish is: Real outlay, it also offsets the Estate. growing inflation since rents

are revised on a periodic Though it is true that most basis. Further, the finance investments in Real Estate involve hefty sums, the re- and EMI options available turns are generally much make the process considera- more stable than those in bly less time & effort con- other offerings of the finan- suming. If planned in an im-

9 P A G E 10

Industry experts said that appreciation would have Despite Sluggish Market, been higher if the economy was not hit by a slow- down. They added that many factors such as, cost of construction, inflation, and land costs contribute Realty Prices Across Major to the rise and fall of the property prices. With a healthy growth in the market, the slowdown rarely Cities Witness intervenes in the rise of the property prices. The returns are fruitful. 50 to 150 percent rise in the prices has been seen since 2008-09. Appreciation NHB Chairman, RV Verma said, apart from Delhi- Source: Silicon India NCR and Mumbai, the market is working quiet effi- ciently. The growth is well credited to the fact that people are expecting a rise in the prices of the real In the hazy roller coaster ride for all the existing and estates and the interest rates as well. The rising demand to acquire a property well in time is also emerging things in the business world, the real es- raising the prices. The tier I and tier II cities are tate is on fluctuation too. The various set bars for boasting of housing loans going up and thus giving the prices of the property, many cities are witness- an opportunity for the people to buy new properties. ing ups and downs. Though there has been a de- The reasons behind the high prices of the property clining trend in the sales market, the real estate in Delhi-NCR and Mumbai are mainly because of prices are rising high. According to National Hous- the hard fact that investors hold on to the properties ing Bank data, 12 Indian cities are observing the and thus gradually increasing the price for it; and rise in the properties price since April 2011. the customers are not able to but it smoothly. Though with the price rise in India is still average

with 22-23 percent, the past year; it has seen Delhi along with Mumbai has the property price ap- healthy appreciation in prices and decline in specu- preciation of 33.3 percent and 22.65 percent re- lative investments. This is the sign of growing ma- spectively, according to the data available since turity. two and a half years. Jaipur becomes the topper with 64 percent rise of the property price. Among the 15 cities covered by the NHB Residex, three Sluggish-Market-Realty-Prices-Across-Major-Cities- cities namely Kochi, Bhopal and Faridabad have Witness-Appreciation-nid-162248.html falling rate of property price rise. The least record- ed was Kolkata with only 1.3 percent.


Phoenix Projects and Developments

Mixed Use Develop- ment - Hafeezpet, Hy- erabad Residential living and shopping experience in Hafeezpet, Hyderabad? Yes! Mixed development mall and residential apartments come together to give you so- phisticated, comfortable, secured and healthy environment with playful and serene atmos- phere.

DE SHAW Corp. - Jubi- lee Hills, Hyderabad

Located in the heart of Jubilee Hills, Phoenix is developing a state-of-the art office space for DE Shaw (USD 32 Billion) a global invest- ment and technology development firm.

11 P A G E 12

aVance business Hub - Gachibowli, Hyderabad

aVance Business Hub is an IT SEZ located in the heart of Hitec City, Hyderabad. The project has 6 million stf of usable space with state-of- the-art infrastructure and world-class ameni- ties. Avance Business Hub is the outcome of an excellent design by some of the leading names in engineering and consulting industry. It is home to globally reputed IT companies.

Golf Edge Links:



Floor Plans:

Site Plan:





Director Sales team

Satish Chukkapalli 040 651 33333 +91 9885601111 040 651 55555 +1 4088002921 [email protected] [email protected]