Local resident submissions to the City Council electoral review

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Pascoe, Mark

From: Sent: 11 February 2015 21:29 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: Comments on ward boundary changes for Bristol

Dear Sir/Madam,

Having reviewed the proposed ward boundary changes for Bristol, I would like to raise my concerns regarding the specific movement of boundaries for the and wards.

Under the current proposal, the Henleaze Swimming Lake and surrounding area would be moved into the Southmead ward. This change is nonsensical given the history of the area and local residents' closer ties to the Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze wards. It also does not make sense to move the Henleaze Swimming Lake, a famous landmark, into an expanded Southmead ward.

Whilst the aims of the new boundary changes are laudable, such as normalising voter representation across all 70 wards, this should be done so in a manner that is sensitive to traditional community boundaries and needs, and respect local geography where there is the need to preserve the heritage of important local sites (as in the case of Henleaze Lake).

I also feel that this particular boundary change will not serve the electoral interests of the Henleaze Lake area particularly well. The residents of this area are more used to voting in, and being served by, the Westbury-on- Trym ward which is likely to be more closely aligned in the future with a new Henleaze ward than it is with the Southmead ward. The Henleaze Lake area will be disproportionately disadvantaged by the proposed change to the ward boundaries and supposed electoral equality will in fact be undermined.

Given the small size of the Henleaze Lake area and relatively small population, it should be easy to demonstrate that the laudable aims of the boundary changes can be still achieved whilst re-integrating the Henleaze Lake with the Henleaze ward.

I object to the current proposed boundary change, and instead would recommend that the Henleaze Lake area (including Lakewood Road, Lakewood Crescent, Glenwood Road, Vintery Leys, and Clover Ground) be added to the Henleaze ward.

Yours sincerely,

1 Local Boundary Commission for Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Mary Neave



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I have read and considered the Commission’s proposal to redraw the ward boundaries in Bristol. In the case of Westbury on Trym and Henleaze their proposed solution is ludicrous. Westbury on Trym has a distinct identity having been a village community for 1200 years. The proposed ward boundary drawn along Falcondale Road would divide it in two with the centre of the village, including the Parish Church, High Street, primary school, war memorial, methodist church , village hall and all the shops, becoming part of Henleaze. I can see the need to reduce the number of councillors for the north part of Bristol and increase the number for central Bristol. I therefore support the idea proposed by representatives of the Westbury on Trym Society and other groups from both communities. Their idea is: to create a “Partnership Ward with Henleaze”: combining the two present wards into one and sharing 3 councillors between us. This would retain the historic identities of Henleaze and Westbury whilst achieving a reduction in the number of councillors we need. Other wards could follow our example. I support it wholeheartedly.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4801 13/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Jeremy Newick



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

For decades, I have lived in Kingsdown, which is in the Cabot ward. The cultural, social and urban identity of Kingsdown is closely tied to that of the city centre. I feel strongly that this relationship should continue, by it being part of the new Central ward, not dissipated by relocation to Cotham. Rather than being students, or other short-term tenants, the majority of Kingsdown's population are permanent residents, who participate in city life with experience and commitment. An example of the contribution made is their informed and sustained engagement in city centre planning matters, which would be lost to the ward if it were undermined by dissociation. The identity of Kingsdown and its people is expressed in its architecture. Most of the buildings are built at the back of the pavement, in terraces and squares, in the fashion of Bristol's centre, rather than set back from the road, as individual or semi-detached houses, in the meandering, Victorian, suburban style of Cotham and Redland. Those who understand the history of Kingsdown's development would celebrate its continued union with the heart of the city from which it sprang.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4744 11/02/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Nina Newsom



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Re the poposal to divide the ward of Westbury -on -Trym into two halves:The proposal to make the centre of Westbury-on-Trym a part of the Henleaze ward goes against local tradition and would not make sense from the point of view of administration.Westbury-on -Trym village is the historic centre of Westbury-on-Trym and would not be considered to be a part of Henleaze by any of the local residents or businesses. The two areas have separate business associations and separate local societies and two completely different shopping areas.The area to the west of Falcondale Road is part of Westbury-on-Trym but would not make sense as a ward without the area around the centre of the village.I live in Westbury-on-Trym, have a business on Henleaze Road and my children attended Westbury-on-Trym C of E School.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4802 13/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Mike Niblett



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I live in part of the Clifton ward in Bristol. The proposal to split Hotwells into two does not make sense. This is an established community and together with Cliftonwood the proposal seeks to divide us. The Floating Harbour is a natural border for the ward not a road that runs through Hotwells. Our parish church and other local amenities and community activities would under this proposal no longer take place in our ward. This splits our existing communities. Furthermore the proposal would half our current representation on . This is wholly unacceptable particularly when the elected Mayor is endeavouring to make large changes to the infrastructure within the ward. We need to maintain our voices on the Council and therefore the Council more accountable to and appreciate of the requirements of this community. Halving our representation is not an improvement. If the boundary of the ward must be changed it would be much more logical to split off the area around Brandon Hill and St Georges Road rather than divide this cohesive community.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4710 10/02/2015

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City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Diana Norman



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I wish to express my concern at the proposed boundary changes between the Henleaze and Westbury-on-Trym wards of Bristol. Henleaze and Wesbury have always been separate communities with their own identities. The history of the Village of Westbury on Trym is a long one and much loved by the residents. It is always referred to as "The Village" and to even contemplate splitting this in two and incorporating the church, the village hall and the war memorial into Henleaze is unthinkable. It seems as if the Boundary Commission is simply trying to number crunch here without any regard to the wishes of the local communities, which are well served by the current councillors. I hope that the consultation process will actually take note of the wishes of the local residents, many of whom, I am sure, are totally unaware of what is happening on their doorsteps. It was only by chance that I happened to read Councillor Gollop's article in the free magazine "henleaze&westburyvoice" and I felt immediately compelled to express my views that the boundary between these two communities should remain as it is. It is easy for The Commission, sitting in London presumably, to draw lines on maps and not realise fully what effect these changes would have on the local area or the strong feelings which exist within communities, who can only express opinions when they find out about the proposals. Please listen and act on what local people have to say. Thank you.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4372 05/01/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Julie Norris



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I wish to keep the historic village of Westbury on Trym within a ward named Westbury on Trym, the origins of Westbury on Trym predate those of Bristol itself, so should retain this as a ward. A War Memorial subscribed and erected by Westbury people graces the centre of the village and hosts a large Remembrance Day service every year, with church leaders, choirs and processions, my children are members of 62nd Westbury on Trym Guides and attend the memorial each year. The meet weekly in the Westbury on Trym Methodist Church. We live in the other half of the village on the other side of but feel very much part of the village. We have lived in Westbury on Trym for 19 years and celebrate it's special nature. I feel it would remove the community spirit if this area was split into two wards.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4584 03/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Lee Norris



Organisation Name: Lee Norris

Comment text:

I strongly disagree with the proposals to move the boundary of Westbury-on-Trym (WOT) so that key parts of the village would becomes part of the ward of Henleaze. I have been a resident of WOT for 20 years and the village has its own character which is quite different from Henleaze. I understand from the proposals that Westbury Village Centre, Westbury Parish Church, the village hall and the war memorial would become a part of Henleaze which makes no sense to me at all. I believe that where I live in would be called Westbury-on- Trym but the heart of the village that gives it its name would no longer be part of the ward? The people of WOT are have a strong community partly because of the constituency of the current wards namely that Westbury also takes in part of Southmead and borders with and as well as Henleaze which adds to its more diverse character and as such I also think that the proposal to have a single councillor would seriously disadvantage both wards. If the proposals to move the boundary as proposed are taken forwards it will alter the character of this part of Bristol in a way that local people do not want and no-one in WOT wants the heart of our village to be considered as Henleaze - it makes no sense at all.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4601 04/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Tim Northam



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Ridiculous to split Hotwells into two! I myself vigorously oppose this plan because we have worked so hard for Hotwells. It desperately important for us all that we continue as a real local community. The new grouping of half of Hotwells with half of Southville makes no social sense whatever. At present, both Hotwells and Southville are thriving but distinctive communities. This plan would do enormous social damage to both.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4620 05/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Kristine Mason O'Connor



Organisation Name: NA

Comment text:

I want to propose that all of Spike Island be included in Harbourside and Hotwell ward. This would encompass the M Shed and the new development of flats behind it and the boundary would be along Wapping Road. I support the idea of a Hotwells and Harbourside ward, as people living on the edge of Cabot ward and their interests have been marginalised.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4323 16/12/2014 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Matthew Odgaard



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I do not agree with the redraw of the ward boundary to affiliate my residence with and . I am currently in Redland ward with the majority of our activity being based in Redland and surrounding area rather than Stokes Croft. I also think that the area proposed by the new boundary would result in being a member of a ward for which the majority population does not represent my views and opinions. I do not feel that being changed to this ward would be benificial as I have built up a sound relationship with our current councillor who has been responsive and active in representing myself and our neighbours in respect to planning disputes and other issues.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4545 02/02/2015


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am most disturbed that Westbury on Trym is to be split in two because the two sections provide an accurate reflection of community identity in the area.

I live in on the but do spend a lot of my time in Westbury Village itself. I attend Westbury Parish Church each Sunday and belong to clubs attached to it. I have become the treasurer of ‘the friendly club’ which meets at the Methodist Church in the village. I volunteer at Westbury on Trym Academy in the village each week. I go to a book club in the village and the banks and the shops are also there.

Surely it would be far better to keep Westbury on Trym as it always has been and put it all together with Henleaze.

I’m very sorry I haven’t signed this letter but I don’t know how to do this yet.

Yours faithfully

Christine O’Donnell (Mrs) Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: K Oldroyd



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I have recently bought my first property, a flat in Hotwells harbourside area. One of the reasons for selecting the area was the strong community identity evident in Hotwells/ Cliftonwood. I feel that to split these two areas would be detrimental to the strong community feeling held in the area. I feel it would also disrupt the historic unity of the area of Hotwells/ Cliftonwood which have always been as one in their efforts for improving the area, community spirit and the general well-being of its residents. I also feel that our representation in the city council would suffer as the proposed new Hotwells and Harbourside ward would only have one, rather than the current two councillors working on our behalf. Please consider the negative implications of the proposed changes to the community that we residents feel proud of.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4576 03/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: David Oliver



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Regarding the proposed boundary changes to the Westbury on Trym and Henleaze wards. I wish to support the idea of a partnership ward with Henleaze, which would combine the two existing wards sharing 3 councillors. I feel that it is important for the local population that the village of Westbury on Trym retains it's own identity. I have listed several examples below to illustrate why I feel that it is essential that the village remains as a whole. Westbury on Trym is the oldest settlement in the Bristol area with origins in the 8th Century. The village retains a strong and sturdy community here with roots in an ancestry stretching back for centuries as a Gloucestershire farming village. The village is still a busy shopping and financial centre, equivalent to a small market town, serving at least 7 other wards besides its own, with a car park and central bus stops and having a well- established Business Association. There are now 2 primary and 3 secondary schools, including the famous Redmaids’ and Badminton Schools within the ward. It has its own public park and Bowling Club, established a hundred years ago on land from ‘Canford Farm’, whose name it retains in “Canford Park”. There is still a Men’s Club also, founded in 1896. It has a War Memorial subscribed and erected by Westbury people graces the centre of the village and hosts a large Remembrance Day service every year, with church leaders, choirs and processions. The half of Westbury on the other side of Falcondale Road is a valued and integral part of the original Parish of Westbury on Trym that stretched over a vast area down to and Clifton. The newer part of Westbury on Trym, built between the wars, is still dependent on the original village for all its main services and most importantly, its residents play a full and equal part in the social life of the whole community. The River Trym flows through both halves of Westbury giving its name to the village as a whole.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4538 02/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Katherine Oliver



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Move Bishopston ward boundary further south along railway line to reflect contours and residents' sense of place as part of the St Andrew's community on the hill above the scarp slope

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Move Bishopston ward boundary further south along railway line to reflect contours and residents' sense of place as part of the St Andrew's community on the hill above the scarp slope

Comment text:

I propose that the boundary between Bishopston and Ashley wards is moved south in line with the railway line which is a distinctive marker and reflects more accurately local resident's sense of place and the community with which they identify in those streets in St Andrew's which currently lie in Ashley ward rather than in Bishopston. We receive the local media for Bishopston ward rather than Ashley ward, the primary schools, shops and businesses we mostly use are based in Bishopston, reflecting the more level topography and road layout. The barrier created by the railway means that there is only limited access to the rest of Ashley ward down a steep hill in all directions, or a significant disincentive to pedestrians and cyclists, up a steep hill to get home if we were to attend meetings and events in Ashley.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4676 09/02/2015 Pascoe, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 13 February 2015 15:39 To: Porter, Johanna Cc: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Bristol Boundary Changes - Westbury on Trym - Henleaze - Southmead

From: Ali O'Neill Sent: 13 February 2015 14:23 To: Reviews@ Subject: Bristol Boundary Changes - Westbury on Trym - Henleaze - Southmead

Good afternoon,

I wanted to raise my concerns with the proposed changes to the boundary wards for my local area. I currently live within the ward of Westbury-on-Trym and understand that the proposed changes will result with my street being removed from this ward and being placed within the new boundary of Southmead.

I am not particularly happy with the proposal and although I understand the reasons for why the review is taking place I do not feel that current proposal will have a positive effect on me or my community.

I do not feel that I would be adequately represented by a Councillor for the Southmead Ward as I have no connection to this area of Bristol. I shop, work and socialise within the ward of WOT. I have friends that are within this ward and regularly use the facilities such as the doctors surgery, local hall and shops. I feel a strong connection to this ward and am actively involved in matters that have an effect on it. I do not have any association with the ward of Southmead, I am not aware of the issues that affect it and do not feel that I would be adequately represented should by ward be changed.

Furthermore I live just off of Lake Road (primary access point to my road) which is accessed primarily from using the roads from the WOT and Henleaze Wards. I have seen proposals to merge the existing wards of WOT and Henleaze into one ward, however can see no rationale to remove the small area linked from the bottom to top of Lake Road. The road itself is blocked off at the top which is where the current ward boundary ends - something of a natural cut off point in my eyes for the ward of WOT/Henleaze.

I would propose merging the current WOT and Henleaze wards as they are. I am strongly against the current proposal to remove the surrounding area from the WOT/Henleaze proposals.

Yours sincerely,

Alastair O'Neill

1 From: Fuller, Heather To: Pascoe, Mark Subject: FW: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Ward borders. Date: 14 January 2015 08:40:44

-----Original Message----- From: Katrina O'neill [mailto: ] Sent: 13 January 2015 19:43 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposal by the Boundary Commission to redraw Bishopsworth Ward borders.

Dear Review Officer,

I received a letter from Cllr Richard Eddy today which concerns me as I live on in Bishopsworth and we could come under the Ward if the Boundary Commissions draft proposal goes through. It is non-sensical and will divide our community, I am completely against such a proposal. We are in fact closer to the communities of Withywood and Highridge. Hartcliffe is nowhere near.

Will there be any benefit at all to changing the boundary? How will it affect the people who live here? Is there anything positive to be achieved? I think not.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Katrina O'Neill.

Sent from my iPad Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Alastair O'Neill



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: Proposal to merge the WOT and Henleaze Wards as they are to maintain social cohesion ad current proposal removes a section of the area that would not be represented adequately by changes.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013.

Map Features:

Annotation 1: Proposal to merge the WOT and Henleaze Wards as they are to maintain social cohesion ad current proposal removes a section of the area that would not be represented adequately by changes.

Comment text:

I do not feel that the proposed changes will reflect me or my family. We take a great interest in local issues and what is going on in our town. By moving ward boundaries we will be represented by an area we have no association with in regards to work life and social life. We do not use the facilities of the Southmead are in regards to shops, doctors and public transport. I feel the changes would have a negative effect on my local community.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4812 13/02/2015

Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Philip osborne



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am completely against the change.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4856 16/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: Gerald Osmond



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Mr and Mrs Osmond 5 February 2015 Boundary Commission To whom it may concern I have recently been advised that there is to be change in boundary for Westbury-on-Tyrm and having been a resident for many years and object to this change and have listed some of my reasons why I object below. • Westbury on Trym is the oldest settlement in the Bristol area with origins in the 8th Century – a charter to found a monastery was granted by King Offa of Mercia• There is a strong and sturdy community here with roots in an ancestry stretching back for centuries as a Gloucestershire farming village and in the See of the Bishop of Worcester until the 19thC (My wife’s family have roots in the village for over 150 years).• It was a centre for early Christian missionaries in Saxon England and later is famous college of canons trained clerics for the medieval church before the dissolution of the monasteries• It still has six active church congregations associated with the village with Bishop Carpenter’s original re-modelled 15thC Parish church – which he wanted to make into a cathedral –at its heart• The villages still a busy shopping and financial centre, equivalent to a small market town, serving at least 7 other wards besides its own, with a car park and central bus stops and having a well-established Business Association. I hope you will take my objections into consideration before making any decision. Yours faithfully Mr G Osmond

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4622 05/02/2015 Local Boundary Commission for England Consultation Portal Page 1 of 1

City of Bristol

Personal Details:

Name: susan otty



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I live in Hotwells Bristol, and my present ward is Clifton. Hotwells has been traditionally associated with Cliftonwood - we have a Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association and our Residents' Parking Scheme is the Cliftonwood & Hotwells Parking Scheme. I therefore do not understand why the Commission is recommending the creation of a Hotwells and Harbourside Ward, which will include only those parts of Hotwells which are south of Hotwell Road. The Harbourside element of the new ward goes way beyond where Harbourside is - by the Harbour. This seems bizarre. Why is it opposed that this ward will only have one Councillor? I understand that even if the existing ward is split into two, the number of residents in those wards will still be unequal. I am therefore objecting to the creation of this new ward.

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https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/print/informed-representation/4669 09/02/2015