Muker Parish Council Minutes – 2017/18

16 March 2017 – Annual Meeting

16 March 2017

18 May 2017

22 June 2017

17 August 2017

28 September 2017

2 November 2017

9 December 2017


The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Thursday 16 March 2017 at 7.30p.m. In Muker Institute. Councillors Whitehead, Metcalfe and Reynoldson were present. Alison Stringer and Nick Turner the Parish Clerks also attended.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Blows, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Porter

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Cllr Ernest Whitehead was elected Chairman, nominated by Cllr Metcalfe and seconded by Cllr Reynoldson.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd March, 2016 where read out. The minutes were approved as a correct record. All were in favour.

MATTERS ARISING: Cork backing had now been placed on the notice board in Thwaite.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AT 31.3.15: This showed an opening balance of £2727.55 Incomings of £1500.04 and Outgoings of £1700.73 the balance to carry forward is £2526.86 All were in favour.



The Parish Council meeting was held on the 16 March 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Reynoldson, and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Blows, Cllr Porter 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26 January 2016 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Whitehead, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

4. Matters Arising: a. Thwaite and Hoggarths Bridge – Thwaite Bridge has now been repaired. b. Defibrillator Batteries – It was agreed to hold off ordering the batteries. Clerk to monitor defib battery level. c. Security Barrier B6270 – the fence had been repaired but had not been upgraded by Highways. d. WW1 Beacons – There had been no response as of yet to the posters regarding the WW1 Beacons, if any member of the parish would like to see the Parish taking part in the commemorations then they are reminded to contact the Clerks. e. The Unsafe tree at Muker had been reported to the Muker Moor Commitee, who had agreed to deal with it. f. Defibrillator Tan Hill – Both Cllr Blackie and Cllr Blows had provided information regarding grants available for the placement of a defibrillator at Tan Hill. The grants will not be available until the next financial year; in the meantime the owners of Tan Hill have been requested to place a collection box in the pub to get the ball rolling.

5. Finance: - a. Orders to Pay, cheques were raised to pay NYCC for the Muker Village Nameplate, Dales Reyno- Vations for the repairs to Thwaite notice board, Muker Literary Institute for meetings held and to pay the Clerks A Stringer and N Turner.

6. Highways a. Cllr Whitehead raised the issue of water standing on the road by the Village Sign just east of Muker. Clerk to contact Highways. b. Cllr Metcalfe raised the issue of water causing pot holes on the road to . Cllr Porter had previously raised this issue and Highways had investigated and stated that it did not meet their criteria for repair. Clerk to contact Highways.

7. D.C a. Small Parish Insurance Scheme – A letter had been received stating that RDC were no longer providing the Small Parish Insurance Scheme. N Turner had received a quote from Zurich insurance direct, which was actually cheaper than RDC. It was agreed to take up their quote.

8. NYCC:- a. Public Right of Way – A letter had been received regarding changes to Public Rights of Way controlled by NYCC . This however excluded YDNP so was not relevant to the Parish.

9. YDNPA – a. Planning Permission has been granted for Usha Gap for Roofing over Sheep pens. b. National Park Parish Forum – The Chairman read out a letter from Allen Kirkbride the Parish Representative for Richmondshire regarding the next parish forum meeting on 26 April 2017.

10. YLCA: - a. Fact Sheet – Planning – a fact sheet from a recent meeting regarding planning applications had been received. Clerk to file this and to further consult when planning applications are received.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. UDHW – the minutes of the most recent Upper Dales Health Watch meeting had been received it was noted that there was concern regarding the potential closure of Darlington A&E and that the Central Dales Practice were in contact with Rishi Sunak MP and Cllr John Blackie. b. Wateraid – An e-mail had been received from Wateraid detailing The Water Cycle Challenge a cycling event taking place on the 1 July with proceeds going to Wateraid. There will be approximately 200 cyclist taking part in the event, which will go via the Buttertubs from Hawes, through Muker and . c. Wheels to Work – A letter had been received from Wheels to Work asking the Parish Council to publicise their service. Wheels to Work is a not for profit charity who has a fleet of mopeds for loan, for people who require one to travel to and from work. Details can be found at the Hambleton Community Action website or Telephone Andy Reddick on 01609 780458 ext 209. d. The Ashtag Project – A letter had been received from YDNP regarding the Ashtag Project, raising awareness of Ash die back fungi. The projects aim is to report the spread of fungi and to identify any Ash tree’s that may have natural immunity or resistance to it. The YDNP are requesting that people can take part in the project by placing a metal tag on a tree, marking its location on an online map . Further details can be found at:

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 18 May 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 18 May 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Porter and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: Cllr Porter – Agenda Item 9A. 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 March 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

4. Matters Arising: a. Hoggarths Bridge – The bridge has not yet been repaired. b. WW1 Beacons – There had been no response as of yet to the posters regarding the WW1 Beacons, if any member of the parish would like to see the Parish taking part in the commemorations then they are reminded to contact the Clerks. c. Defibrillator Tan Hill – Tan Hill have placed a collection box in the pub. Cllr Blows had sent an e-mail regarding the grant, which could possibly be obtained for purchasing the defibrillator. The grant will not be available until at least the end of May. Agreed to review as and when the grants are available. d. Water on Road – Muker – Highways had been contacted. Highways online reporting system states that the request had been fulfilled. However due to there being a dry period it is difficult to determine whether the water is still an issue. e. Pot Holes – Ivelet – Highways have been contacted and the service request is still open. f. Insurance – Zurich – An order to pay had been raised to pay the new insurance due on 30 April.

5. Finance: - a. The Chairman read the Annual Governance Statement. All were in favour. b. The Clerk presented the Financial Report for the year ending March 2017. All were in favour. c. The Chairman read the Financial Risk Assessment, All were in favour.

6. Highways a. Cllr Whitehead raised the issue of caravans, motor homes etc not being able to get up Silver hill and having to be towed out. The tight bend has been causing problems for a long time, with four mobile homes needing assistance in April alone. The Grit bins are often being knocked as vehicles reverse to try and get around the corner and in turn the grit bins have knocked the wall down. There is a small piece of land which was donated where the wall could be removed and the road slightly widened by about one yard. It would also be advisable to relocate the grit bins. This matter is obviously compounded in the winter months. Clerk to contact Cllr Blows and Cllr Blackie requesting their support and a letter to be sent to Highways. b. Cllr Porter raised the issue of a missing sign for Crackpot and Summerbridge at the top of Gunnerside Bridge. Clerk to contact Highways. 7. Richmondshire D.C - NTR

8. NYCC:- a. NYCC Permit Scheme –an e-mail had been received informing the Parish Council of the intention of a new permit system, which will enable NYCC Highways to have more control over Utility Companies when working on the roads e.g. ensuring that works in the same area do not clash, peak times are avoided, signs are removed quickly etc. Members of the public can have their say at: 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application R/06/245A had been received for the conversion of a barn into a two bedroom holiday let - Millbridge Farm – Low Oxnop – the Council was in support of the application. b. Planning Applciation R/06 219A had been received for the erection of a detached garage at Brystone – – the Council had no objections. c. CTC Path – Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail which had been received from Michael Briggs Park Ranger regarding repair and reinstatement works to areas of the CTC path which have been eroded east of Swinner Gill. The Parish Council fully supported the work and had no objections. d. Penelope Keith – Best Village – noted the deadline had passed. e. Cyclosportives – A list of cycle races and events which will travel through the dale throughout 2017 had been received from YDNP. Clerk to place on noticeboards. 10. YLCA: - a. Better Broadband Subsidy Scheme – the Chairman read out an e-mail which had been received regarding the Government Scheme. If someone can’t get a broadband speed of at least 2Mb per second they could qualify for a subsidised connection worth up to £350. People should contact to see if they are eligible.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Richmond Rotary Club – a letter had been received asking villages whether they would like to enter a best kept village competition – Clerk to place letter on notice boards. b. Community housing Initiative – A letter had been received from RDC regarding money which has been allocated to assist communities in investigating the processes involved in delivering affordable housing e.g housing surveys, assessing land availability etc. c. Cycle Event June 10th – this item was covered under 9e. d. Bench Muker – Cllr Metcalfe raised the issue of a bench, which had been placed outside a cottage in Muker, which he believed was on the Highway and could cause obstruction to traffic. Clerk to contact Highways Dept. e. Streetlight Keld – A letter had been received from Diane France with the support of a number of other residents regarding the street lights in Keld. There are three street lights in close proximity to one another, the street light on the Institute RDC2 is deemed to be too bright, in particular regarding light shining into the bedrooms of the surrounding properties. Mrs France also raises the issue of the lights in the public toilets being on all night, which the residents feel leads to light pollution but also cannot be cost effective regarding energy saving. Clerk to write to RDC requesting that Light RDC2 have a hood similar to RDC3 placed on it so the light shines downwards and also whether they can explore placing motion sensors in the public toilets, so that they only come on when in use.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 22 June 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 22 June 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Blows, and Councillor Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner

1. Election of Officers: Chairman – Cllr Whitehead – (Prop Cllr Reynoldson – 2nd Cllr Metcalfe) Vice Chair – Cllr Calvert – (Prop Cllr Metcalfe 2nd Cllr Reynoldson) – Treasurer – Cllr Calvert – (Prop. Cllr Reynoldson 2nd Cllr Porter) 2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert 3. Declaration of Interests: None 4. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18 May 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

5. Matters Arising: a. Hoggarths Bridge – Nothing to report. b. WW1 Beacons – There had been no response as of yet to the posters regarding the WW1 Beacons, if any member of the parish would like to see the Parish taking part in the commemorations then they are requested to contact the Clerks. c. Defibrillator Tan Hill – Cllr Blows provided information regarding two grants which are available for the purchase of a defibrillator for Tan Hill. Clerks to contact Tan Hill regarding their collection box. Clerks to contact Dave Jones of Ambulance Service regarding cabinets and for advice regarding procurement and placement of the defibrillator. Cllr Metcalfe queried whether there would be an issue with electricity supply to the defibrillator. d. Water on Road – Muker – During the recent rain there was still water gathering on the road. Water on the road at Hilltop was also discussed. e. Pot Holes – Ivelet – Highways have been contacted and the service request is still open. f. Silver Hill – Since raising the issue at the last meeting a Lorry had been stuck for almost a day on the bend at Silver Hill and this had been widely publicised. Cllr Blows expressed his support for the Parish Councils proposal for improvement works. Clerks to contact Cllr Blackie. g. Missing Sign Crackpot – Clerks to resubmit issue on the new Highways Online Portal. h. Bench Muker – Clerk to resubmit issue on the new Highways Online Portal. i. Streetlights Keld – Gary Hudson of RDC had responded and was raising the issue of the streetlight hood with the RDC Lighting Consultant, he also stated that the Toilet lights should already be working on a motion sensor and would investigate this issue.

6. Finance: - a. An Order to Pay for £44.70 was raised for the replacement of electronic pads for the Keld defibrillator

7. Highways a. Cllr Whitehead raised the issue of the new BT box between the Kiosk and Keld green, which has caused a problem with draining water from the road into the adjacent field. The idea of an offset drain was discussed. Also it would be beneficial if plastic bollards were placed around the box to prevent parking. Clerks to contact Highways. A discussion took place regarding the availability of Superfast Broadband in Angram and or rather the potential lack of it. Cllr Blows proposed that he would contact the lead officer regarding this issue. 8. Richmondshire D.C – a. Upper Dales Area Partnership Meeting – The meeting is to be held on the 5 July 2017, 7.00pm at Carperby Village Institute, everyone welcome – Clerks to place posters on Notice Board.

9. NYCC:- Nothing to report 10. YDNPA – a. Management Plan and Management Forum – the Chairman read out an e-mail regarding the National Park Management Plan for 2018 – 2023, which was launched on the 22 May. A public consultation period is in place ending on the 3 July. People can access the online questionnaire at YDNP are also inviting Parish Councils to form part of a wider National Park Management Plan Forum, so that their views and ideas can be fully reflected in the plan. 11. YLCA: - a. Nothing to Report

12. Correspondence/AOB: a. Upper Dales Health Watch – Delivery System for Medication – the Central Dales Practice have set up a new Medication delivery system, which will be in place from 26 June 2017. Patients can collect prescriptions from the Hawes Surgery; they can also ask a friend or family to collect from the surgery. Prescriptions can be collected from the central Dales Practice’s car on Fridays outside or near Butt House B&B in Keld between 2.00-2.15 and from outside or near Woollens Shop in Muker between 2.30 – 2.45. Further information regarding other options can be found on the relevant notice boards or from the surgery. b. Cllr Metcalfe raised the issue of prescription services at Surgery. Pre-paid prescriptions should be able to be collected after hours as long as people are still at the surgery. Clerks to write to Reeth Surgery. c. Local NHS AGM – A meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27 June by the local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. An interactive session will be held between 2.00pm – 3.00pm followed by the Annual General Meeting at 3.00pm. d. Letter re Dry Stone Walling – The Chairman read out an e-mail received regarding someone offering their services for dry stone walling. Clerks to contact stating that the Council does not undertake such projects. e. The Swale Trail – A letter had been received from Michael Briggs Dales Area Ranger regarding the new Swale Trail Mountain Bike route. Work will begin soon on the route and is anticipated to be completed within the financial year. The YDNP will be publicising the route via local media however if anyone has any queries regarding the route please contact Michael Briggs at Hudson House Reeth. f. Cllr Reynoldson stated that the door on the Telephone Box at Thwaite was still broken and did not close properly. Clerks to contact Cllr Blackie. g. Cllr Reynoldson also raised the issue of the rubbish bin at Guideposts still being missing. Clerks to contact Highways.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 17 August 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 17 August 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Porter, Cllr Blows, Cllr Blackie and Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner

1. Apologies for Absence: None 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 22 July 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Whitehead, seconded Cllr Reynoldson.

4. Matters Arising: a. Hoggarths Bridge – Cllr Blackie said that the bridge was on the list to be repaired, but that there were other bridges which currently are more of a priority due to their condition. b. WW1 Beacons – There had been no response as of yet to the posters regarding the WW1 Beacons, if any member of the parish would like to see the Parish taking part in the commemorations then they are requested to contact the Clerks. c. Defibrillator Tan Hill –Dave Jones of Yorkshire Ambulance Service had provided information regarding costs of the defibrillator and cabinet. Mike Peace of Tan Hill had committed to paying 10% of the costs. There was still some concern regarding the electricity supply which would need further clarification. Clerks to complete grant form for the Area Partnership Fund. d. Water on Road Muker – Nothing to report e. Pot Holes – Ivelet – some of the potholes had now been filled. f. Silver Hill - Cllr Blackie had contacted Richard Marr of NYCC Highways who would be able to attend a site visit at the end of September to look into what can be done to alleviate the problem. g. Missing Sign Crackpot – Highways had replied that it was being looked into. h. Bench Muker – NYCC Highways had replied stating that this would be a matter for RDC. RDC stated that unless it was a bench which they had placed there it was not their responsibility. Cllr Blackie suggested he would have a look at the problem when in the area with a Highways representative. i. Streetlights Keld –RDC have placed a hood on the Streetlight no2 and are looking into the sensors on the toilets. j. BT Box Keld – Clerk had contacted Highways. Cllr Blackie said that he would look at the issue, when in the area with a Highways representative. k. Reeth Surgey – a response from Reeth Surgery had been received regarding their prescription Services. l. Telephone Box – Thwaite – Cllr Blackie had highlighted the problem to BT and it was on a list to be fixed. m. Rubbish Bin – Guide Posts – Clerks had reported the issue to Highways – no response as yet.

5. Finance: Nothing to Report

6. Highways: Nothing to Report

7. Richmondshire D.C – a. Electoral Review – Information had been received regarding the Electoral Review within Richmondshire Wards. A discussion too place on the electoral review. Cllr Blackie proposed that Muker Parish would be best served by joining with Hawes and High Abbotside Parish. He pointed out that the Buttertubs pass connected the two Dales and that this produced areas of commonality through the movement of people back and forth and the use of services and businesses. This in turn enhanced an Upper Dales Identity and he believed that it was vital that this be preserved in order that Councillors can best serve the people of the Upper Dales elected by and representative of. Further discussion took place and it was unanimously agreed to pursue the proposal as outlined and join with Hawes and High Abbotside. b. Toilet Charges – A letter had been received from RDC regarding the intention to charge 20p for the use of the public toilets within the Parish. The new charging policy is being rolled out within all the Councils public toilets. New payments doors are to be installed between August and November.

8. NYCC:- a. Hazardous Waste – NYCC are carrying out a consultation regarding how household hazardous waste is disposed of. Currently the council provide a free of charge home collection service. The consultation will look at other ways the council can help residents dispose of household hazardous waste. Residents are asked to go to or Tel: 01609 780780 b. Upper Dales Skip Service – the skip will be in Muker on Saturday 16 September between 9-10.30am. Clerks to place posters on Village Notice Boards. 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Consent has been given to Birkdale and Brystone. b. A Planning Application had been received for Scarr House Farm Muker for the conversion of an existing outbuilding to create an ancillary studio with store room, w.c. and kitchenette. The Council had no objections. c. Every Barn Tells a Story – Michael Briggs YDNP Ranger had been in contact regarding placing two information signs in Muker regarding the project. Clerks to refer Michael to the Muker Moor Committee. 10. YLCA: - a. Nothing to Report

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Orienteering Event 9 & 10 Sep – An e-mail had been received informing the council of an event taking place on the 9 & 10 September. There will be approx 100 Cyclists and 150 runners taking part. The relevant landowners have been informed. b. Letter regarding Parking Muker – A letter had been received via the Reeth Gazette from a Gentleman who felt that parking near the entrance to the car park and other public areas along the beckside should be prevented by the use of boulders, as people should be encouraged to park in the car park provided. The Parish Council were in agreement that parking within such areas was acceptable as they wanted people to visit the area and encourage the use of businesses within the area. Clerks to write to the Gentleman. c. Community First Responders Reeth – A letter had been received regarding an open day on Saturday 9 September at Low Row institute 9.30-1.00pm. The event is to be attended by Rishi Sunak MP who will introduce the Community First Responders. Members of the Parish are invited to attend to find out more about the service. A discussion took place regarding the upgrading of emergency phones within the area and the lack of mobile phone coverage within the parish.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 28 September 2017. 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.30pm. MUKER PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 28 September 2017

The Parish Council meeting was held on the 28 September 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Calvert, Cllr Blackie and Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17 August 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe seconded Cllr Calvert.

4. Matters Arising: a. WW1 Beacons – There had been no response as of yet to the posters regarding the WW1 Beacons, if any member of the parish would like to see the Parish taking part in the commemorations then they are requested to contact the Clerks. b. Defibrillator Tan Hill – Clerks had completed the grant form for the Area Partnership Fund. c. Water on Road Muker – Nothing to report d. Silver Hill – A site meeting is to be held with Cllr Blackie, Cllr Whitehead and Richard Marr of NYCC Highways. e. Missing Sign Crackpot – the sign had not yet been replaced. f. Bench Muker – To be included in the meeting regarding Silver Hill. g. Streetlights Keld –RDC have placed a hood on the Streetlight no2. Clerks to contact RDC regarding light sensors in the toilets. h. BT Box Keld – Iain Burgess of NYCC had been in touch and was to arrange a site meeting with Cllr Whitehead. i. Telephone Box – Thwaite – Cllr Blackie had highlighted the problem to BT and it was on a list to be fixed. j. Rubbish Bin – Guide Posts – Clerks had reported the issue to Highways – Clerks to contact Highways again.

5. Finance: a. Audit – Annual Return – The Annual Return had been received from PKF Littlejohn and would now be displayed for Public perusal. b. Parish Precept – The Parish Council agreed to request an increase of the precept to £1800.00 Proposed by: Cllr Metcalfe, Seconded by Cllr Calvert

6. Highways a. Cllr Calvert raised an issue regarding the road approaching Hoggarths Bridge. Wagons have had to pull over to let other vehicles across the bridge which has caused the tarmac on the road edge to give way and it needs reinstating. Clerks to contact Highways b. Cllr Metcalfe raised the issue of inadequate grass cutting of road side verges. There are lots of small bushes which have not been cut, the whole way along the dale and in his opinion the work has been poorly carried out. Clerks to contact Highways. 7. Richmondshire D.C – a. Car park machine – Muker – Gary Hudson of RDC had attended the machine due to a fault, which has now been rectified. b. Premises Licence had been received for a B&B at Greenses Farm – no objections c. Defibrillator project 2013 – Surveys had been received and completed regarding the purchase and use of the defibrillators in Thwaite and Muker.

8. NYCC:- a. Commons Land Register update – a letter had been received regarding the ownership of Common Land Unit CL368 (South West part of Old Quarries, Keld). 9. YDNPA – a. A letter had been received regarding the felling of trees at Guildy Hall Muker – YDNP had no objection, nor did the Parish Council. 10. YLCA: - a. Nothing to Report

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. A Letter had been received from the Upper Dales Fireworks Committee. Clerk to contact stating that The Parish Council will not make a donation but are happy to publicise the event. b. Cllr Blackie informed the meeting of a recent issue regarding contractors mistakenly placing signs detailing road closures on the B6270 which were on the wrong road. Highways had apologised for the mistake. c. Cllr Blackie also informed the meeting of the intention by Richmondshire District Council to reduce the cleaning schedule of the toilets in Muker and Keld to four times a week, this at a time when the Council are also implementing a 20p charge for the public to use the toilets. The Parish Council were concerned regarding this reduction. Cllr Blackie asked that the Clerks monitor any complaints received regarding the toilets. Alison Stringer raised the issue of there being no sanitary bins in the ladies cubicles, which often led to the toilets being untidy. Clerks to contact RDC. d. Cllr Blackie stated that a Community Land Trust Officer had been recruited to set up and register a Community Land Trust in Hawes and the Upper Dales. The Trust will assist land owners with the aid of loans and grants to build affordable housing on land designated for this purpose in perpetuity. These houses will be rented to local people. The Land Trust and Parish Councils in these areas will have a say in who will be able to rent these properties. e. Cllr Blackie stated that he had, had a great deal of support from eleven councils and individual residents regarding his proposal for the local Boundary Review.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 2 November 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 2 November 2017. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Blackie, Cllr Blows and Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr NR Turner. Also present local residents, Les Brown, Jim Peters, Sharon de-Wit and Griff Fellows.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert 2. Declaration of Interests: None

At the request of Cllr Blackie, the Chair agreed to bring forward item 9A – Planning Application for View Angram.

Cllr Blackie also reported the following:

1. Item 4d - Telephone Box – Thwaite – Cllr Blackie stated that there had been a change in personnel and that a new engineer was currently looking at the problem as a top priority issue and BT had apologised for what had happened. 2. The Boundary Commission had fully accepted his proposal for a Ward that combined Hawes and High Abbotside and Upper Swaledale. 3. Today was the first day of the Community run Hawes Petrol Station, he stated that it had been a very successful day.

Planning Application – R/06/51C Kisdon View Item 9a

A number of e-mails from local residents had been received prior to the meeting outlining objections to the planning application and these had been circulated to Councillors for review before the meeting. The Chair explained that for the purposes of this item Cllr Blackie was here to listen to the discussion, but that he would offer no opinion at this stage.

The Chair invited one member of the public on behalf of residents to speak. Sharon de-Witt outlined the main objections as follows:

a) The close proximity of the build to Spion Cop, in particular its proximity to the Kitchen, which she believed could be a health issue b) Smell from effluent and animals c) Noise –Cows bellowing and concern that sheep enclosed and in such close proximity would also make unacceptable levels of noise. d) No proper drainage outlined in the plan. There is Mud and gravel beneath the yard so there is a concern that water and effluent could soak into the ground and as the land slopes towards Spion Kop, then potentially it would affect that property. She stated that when a pipe had previously leaked the water had come up into Spion Kops garden. She also questioned how rainwater will drain away as the roof on the proposed building slopes towards Spion Kop. e) The proposed build will block light to Spion Kop and its garden, she again stated that it is too close to the property and is potentially oppressive.

Sharon de Witt said that the owner of Spion Kop – Crispin Coates is working abroad and cannot attend the meeting.

Jim Peters reiterated that the proposed build was too close; in particular he noted the close proximity to the kitchen in Spion Kop and was concerned that this was a potential health issue.

Griff Fellows suggested that the plans could be modified to cover most of the objections, by moving the proposed build to the south side in an L Shape around the building and that this potential compromise should be explored.

Cllr Metcalfe explained the pressure that Farmers were under in so far as Natural wanted to ensure that sheep were off the moors in the winter. Cllr Reynoldson explained that sheep cannot be put into the older smaller barns as there are welfare issues. Cllr Metcalfe stated that sheep make less noise and less effluent than cows. There then followed a discussion with Councillors about all of the above points.

At this point in the meeting Cllr Blackie explained how the planning process worked once a decision at Parish Council level had been made.

Councillors agreed to approve the application with the following conditions attached:

a) The build has a concrete floor and waterproof walls b) That the floor has the correct levels to ensure run off does not affect adjacent properties c) That the build has a drainage system to ensure that rain water from the roof is carried away.

At this point members of the public left the meeting.

3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28 September 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Metcalfe seconded Cllr Whitehead.

4. Matters Arising: a. Silver Hill – A site meeting is to be held with Cllr Blackie, Cllr Whitehead and Richard Marr of NYCC Highways. b. Streetlights Keld –Gary Hudson of RDC had sent an electrician to look at the sensor in the Keld Toilets, the lights outside of the toilets in Muker had been fixed. c. BT Box Keld –Cllr Whitehead thought that some work may have been done by John Rukin as the problem did not seem as bad as it was. d. Telephone Box – Thwaite – Discussed previously e. Hoggarths Bridge Roadside – Clerks had reported to Highways and were awaiting a response. f. Grasscutting – Highways had responded. g. Toilets Muker – Gary Hudson of RDC had responded to the Parish Council’s concern about the lack of sanitary bins in the cubicles of the ladies toilets. Gary Hudson stated that sanitary bins are not provided in any of the Councils public toilet facilities, but that there are waste bins provided wherever there are baby changing facilities. An e-mail had been received from Colin Dales RDC regarding the cleaning of the toilets stating that a new Street Scene Service would be in place from 6 November 2017 in order to make services “more efficient and resilient”. He stated that contrary to reports this does not represent a reduction in service and that he would welcome feedback positive or negative regarding the new regime. Cllr Blackie stated he was confounded as to how Colin Dales could state that there was not a reduction in services, when the toilets were currently being cleaned on a daily basis and were now to be cleaned only four times a week, in particular the fact that the public were now being charged 20p to use the toilets had in fact made the situation worse. Cllr Blows offered to look at this issue. Clerk to forward correspondence to Cllr Blows.

5. Finance: a. Grit Bins – An order to pay was raised for £90 for the filling of the grit bins.

6. Highways 7. Richmondshire D.C – a. Toilet Charges Muker – A letter had been received from RDC stating that the charging mechanisms were being installed. The new charges are now in place for the toilets at Muker and Keld.

8. NYCC:- NTR 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application – Kisdon View Angram – previously discussed. b. Planning Application – Park Lodge Farm and Keld Green –An application has been made by Northern Power Grid North East to remove an overhead conductor and associated poles in the Keld area and install two pole mounted transformers – No Objection c. YDNP – Management Plan – An annual forum is to be held on the 23 November at Ingleton. d. Planning – Building New Homes – the Chair read out an e-mail from YDNP Planning. One of the main objectives of the new Local Plan is to increase the supply and range of housing. The YDNP requests that builders, developers, agents and any other interested party consider the potential for “developing new build housing” in the National Park and have published a guide to the new policies which is available on their website. 10. YLCA: - a. Membership Fees – The YLCA membership fees are to increase slightly. The Council agreed that they would continue membership.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. A Letter had been received from the Great North Air Ambulance detailing the work they do and requesting a donation. Clerks to contact them. b. A letter had been received from Mr Noel Aspinall thanking the Parish Council for responding to him about his concerns regarding parking in Muker. c. Superfast Broadband Keld – an e-mail from Superfast outlining the new services had been received. Residents can check what speed they have by entering their telephone number at residents can then contact their service provider to place an order with them for superfast fibre optic broadband. Not all providers are offering this service in the area. For further details of who is offering superfast broadband residents can enter their postcode at and select the fibre tab. d. Defibrillator Tan Hill – The Council have been awarded a grant of £664.30 from the Area Partnership Fund. This was lower than the amount which had been requested. Clerks to contact Mike Peace of Tan Hill to see how much Tan Hill Pub can raise towards the cost of the defibrillator, cabinet and fitting. e. Cllr Reynoldson raised the issue of water on the road over Buttertubs Pass particularly on the tops and with the weather turning colder the problem of the water turning to ice. Clerks to contact Highways with a view to getting the side gutters cleared.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 7 December 2017. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 9 December 2017. Councillors: Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Porter and Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerk was Miss Alison Stringer.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert, Cllr Blows 2. Declaration of Interests: Cllr Reynoldson 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2 November 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Reynoldson seconded Cllr Porter.

4. Matters Arising: a. Silver Hill – Awaiting a site meeting. b. Streetlights Keld –The lights in the toilets at Keld are still on during the night. Clerk to contact RDC. c. Hoggarths Bridge Roadside – Clerks had reported to Highways and were awaiting a response. d. Toilets Muker – Cllr Blows had been in contact with RDC regarding the new cleaning regime and had sent an e-mail to the Parish Council. Any complaints regarding the cleanliness of the toilets should be sent to RDC and the new cleaning regime will be kept under review. e. Telephone Box – Thwaite – This has now been repaired. f. Defibrillator Tan Hill – Tan Hill can provide £400 towards the cost of the defibrillator and with the grant received from the Area Partnership Fund there is still a short fall of approx £400, this will be more dependent on installation costs. This is more than the Parish Council is willing to provide. Clerk to contact Tan Hill. g. Buttertubs Pass – water on road – still awaiting a reply from Highways. Cllr Reynoldson commented on how bad the tops were Thursday 7th and Friday 8th December morning due to frozen water.

5. Finance: a. Defib Shop - An order to pay was raised for £238.80 for the replacement Defibrillator Battery.

6. Highways a. Cllr Reynoldson stated that he had seen someone cutting the grass verges in and around Thwaite and Guideposts at the bottom of Buttertubs on Thursday morning and thought this was a waste of time and money at this time of year when they would be better served dealing with gullies and ice and on the Buttertubs. Clerk to contact Highways.

7. Richmondshire D.C – Nothing to Report

8. NYCC:- a. Street lighting – A letter had been received from NYCC regarding Street lighting, this was deemed not relevant as the streetlights in the parish are the responsibility of RDC. 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application – R/06/217A/OH Park Lodge Farm and Keld Green – The application has been approved conditionally. b. Planning Application – R/06/51C – Kisdon View Angram – There is to be a Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 12 December 1.00pm at Bainbridge – Clerk to circulate the Planning Officers report to all members of the Parish Council. c. Motor Rally – there is a motor rally passing through the area on 9-12 December. d. Planning Application R/06/73C – Intakes View Thwaite – for the erection of a two storey extension to provide additional bedroom and living accommodation. The Parish Council are in support of this application specifically as they would like to encourage young families to live in the Parish. 10. YLCA: - a. Notification of External Auditors – An e-mail had been received from the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments - outlining that PKF Littlejohn have been appointed as auditors for the parish for the financial year 2017/2018.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Friarage Hospital Engagement – An e-mail had been received from South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – detailing a number of engagement events they are holding in the area to discuss current workforce challenges at the Friarage Hospital. The final event is to be held at Northallerton Town Hall on the 14 December between 4-6pm b. Cllr Porter raised the issue of the road to Ivelet again regarding a number of pot holes from the bridge up towards Ivelet Village and also a run off which had been created some time ago, which was in need of repair. He noted that he hoped that the recent works carried out further up the hill on the same road, to improve the road surface would be continued to take care of the pot holes. Clerk to contact Highways.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 25 January 2018. 7.30pm


The Parish Council meeting was held on the 25 January 2018. Councillors: Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Blows, Cllr Blackie, Cllr Whitehead presiding. The Clerks were Miss Alison Stringer and Mr Nick Turner. The meeting was inquorate, however it was agreed that the meeting could proceed on the proviso that any decisions taken would have to be ratified at the next meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Calvert 2. Declaration of Interests: None 3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9 December 2017 had been circulated. The minutes were approved as a correct record. Proposed by Cllr Whitehead.

4. Matters Arising: a. Silver Hill – Cllr Blackie explained that a site meeting was still to be held. Unfortunately other Highways issues had taken precedent over this one, but he would be meeting with Richard Marr of Highways to look at Silver Hill and another issue at Tan Hill. This site visit would also include any other highway matters in the Parish on that day. Cllr Whitehead reported that the road at Silver Hill had deteriorated with frost. b. Toilet Lights Keld –Awaiting a response from RDC. Cllr Blows said he would follow this issue up. c. Hoggarths Bridge Roadside – Highways had responded stating that they did not see it as an actionable defect. Cllr Blackie said he would add it to the site visit for Silver Hill. d. Defibrillator Tan Hill – There is a shortfall of approx £300-400 for the cost of the defibrillator. Cllr Blackie requested that the Clerk contact him regarding a sum of £300 which could be made available from the Upper Dales Locality Fund. e. Buttertubs Pass – water on road. Highways have cleared the gullies and grips and will continue to monitor the area. Cllr Blackie stated that he had raised this issue with Highways and that he thought things had improved. He asked the meeting as to whether they had seen an improvement in the gritting of the Buttertubs during the winter period. Cllr Blows said he had driven the road on several occasions recently during the snow and thought it had been well maintained. f. Ivelet Pot Holes – Cllr Whitehead read out an e-mail from Highways which stated that the road would be contour patched in the Spring and surface dressed this Summer. In the mean time the situation will be monitored. 5. Finance: a. The Annual Insurance Renewal had been received and the cost had gone up by £4.

6. Highways a. Cllr Whitehead raised the issue of the grit bin in Keld being empty. The grit bin in Muker is almost empty as well. Cllr Blackie said that he was raising the issue of grit bins in Hawes with Highways and would add these to the list. b. Cllr Blackie informed the meeting of ongoing issues with flooding on the road to Hawes by Haylands Bridge. The road is now frequently flooding, with cars having to turn back and there is a concern that Ambulances from Bainbridge would not be able to get through. The Landowner and the County Council are now involved in seeking a solution.

7. Richmondshire D.C – Nothing to Report

8. NYCC:- a. Cllr Blackie thanked the Parish Council for its support and input regarding the Boundary Commission review of RDC Wards. The meeting was in full agreement that it is imperative that the new ward includes Upper Swaledale in its name i.e. “Hawes, High Abbotside & Upper Swaledale”. 9. YDNPA – a. Planning Application – R/06/51C – Kisdon View Angram – correspondence had been received from YDNP Planning to say that this Planning Application had been refused. A discussion took place regarding the application. 10. YLCA: - a. Data Protection – Notification from YLCA had been received outlining the upcoming changes to data Protection Laws re: Parish Councils. The Clerk stated that very little information was held by the Parish Council so there would be minimal impact. b. Bird Flu – A poster regarding how to prevent the spread of bird flu had been received from YLCA. Defra have requested Parish Councils help in informing the public of the risk. Poster to be displayed.

11. Correspondence/AOB: a. Home Office – Telecommunications Tower – A letter had been received informing the Parish Council of the intent to put forward a planning application for a telecommunications tower on land at Crow Trees. The Tower is to assist the Emergency Services and will upgrade and replace the existing mobile radio system (Airwave) to allow for 4G voice and data services. Following discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would support a Planning Application with the proviso that public access to 4G would also be supported from the tower thus increasing access to mobile networks in the Upper Dale.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Thursday 15 March 2018. 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 8.35pm