PRESENT Toby Simon (Chairman), Dino Lemonides (Vice-Chairman), Alev Cazimoglu, Nneka Keazor, Christine Hamilton, Yusuf Cicek, Donald McGowan, Tahsin Ibrahim and Ozzie Uzoanya


OFFICERS: Ian Davis (Director of Environment & Streetscene), Kris Jeffreys (Environmental Crime Officer), Dennis Bell ( Interim Head of Parks and Open Spaces) and Elaine Huckell (Committee Secretary)

Also Attending: Sergeant Alex Goodley and PC Andy Kent and approximately 40 residents


The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting


Apologies for lateness had been received from Councillor McGowan


There were no declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.


AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2010 were confirmed as a correct record


Inspector Paul Anjos delivered an update on local policing priorities and recent events for the following Wards.

Turkey Street

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Turkey Street had three Priorities: • Burglary - Turkey Street and 12 adjacent roads • Youth Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) - Hoe Lane • Youth Anti Social Behaviour(ASB) - Lane and Holmesdale

In respect of the Burglary Priority there had been a reduction in burglaries from 46 in 2009 to 28 in 2010. The original target had been a 15% reduction in burglaries. The Police had adopted the following tactics which had resulted in the target being exceeded this included having 40 hours foot patrols per month in the area, surveying every house in the designated roads to provide home owners with security advice and all victims of burglary were visited to prevent instances of repeat victims occurring. The Boroughs Tasking Team also provided additional patrols and the Police were working with the Council's Safer Houses to secure venues. He pointed out that alleygating had been completed in Winnington Road and Bullsmoor Lane.

In respect of both the Anti Social Behaviour hotspots the Police were conducting a minimum of 20 stop searches/ accounts in designated areas monthly. All informants reporting Anti Social Behaviour were contacted/ visited to ensure the local team were fully aware of what the problem was. They had a positive policy of enforcement in respect of cycling on the footway/drinking in the street/smoking of cannabis and were conducting high visibility foot patrols with a minimum of 20 hours within each designated area monthly. Home address visits took place to all youths concerned in Anti Social Behaviour and youth diversion projects had been undertaken which included police organised boxing courses. There would be a Ward Consultation on Thursday 27th January at the following locations where the current priorities would be discussed with residents -Tesco's - Bullsmoor Lane 1100 to 1300, Co-op - 654 Hertford Road 1400 to 1600 and Turkey St Railway Station 1700 to 1900

Enfield Lock Enfield Lock had three Priorities as follows: • Burglary - Ordnance Road and surrounding areas • Youth Violence – Hertford Road • Drugs - Kettering Estate

With reference to Burglary - Ordnance Road and surrounding areas - A campaign had begun to visit streets to identify properties suitable for target hardening (this was based on the Safe as Houses idea), the Police were delivering Smart Water packs to victims of burglary and they had arrested nine prolific burglars for various offences in the last three months. The most significant being two males found in a stolen car from a recent burglary.

In respect of the priority on Youth Violence in Hertford Road -several plain clothed patrols had been carried out on bus routes to identify any youths causing Anti Social Behaviour. Seven known gang members had also been arrested for various offences which varied from robbery to possession of a knife.

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With reference to Drugs - Kettering Estate, two drug warrants had recently been executed, one of which uncovered a cannabis factory. There had been seven drugs arrests in the three months prior to this meeting.

Inspector Anjos was of the opinion that burglary appeared to have been displaced from the Ordnance Road and it was therefore planned to review this priority at the next CAPE to inform them that the will be looked at due to a rise in burglaries on the Village. He informed everyone that P.C. James Hathaway would be leaving and that P.C. Stacey Gilbert joined them on the 10th January 2011. He also stated that the dispersal zone would be finishing at the end of January. He said it was planned to allow this to expire as it was hoped to obtain a dispersal zone for Enfield Island Village.

Enfield Highway Enfield Highway’s priorities were as follows: • Anti Social Behaviour in Eastfield Road • Shoplifting – Hertford Road • Motor vehicle crime – Enfield Highway

In an effort to improve Anti Social Behaviour in the Eastfield Road flats the Police have increased the patrols in the communal areas within each block. Youths found in the blocks had been stopped, asked to account for being there, & had received a home visit. Following partnership work with Enfield Homes and a letting agent, a resident who was largely responsible for Anti Social Behaviour within one of the blocks had been evicted. A youth that lived in the vicinity of the block of flats had been stopped on numerous occasions within one of the blocks. Working with Enfield Homes, this male has been formally warned and had signed an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC). Fobs to gain access to the blocks had been given to the School PC and staff in order to patrol the blocks. Names of school children stopped in the blocks, who did not reside there had been reported to the school for them to take appropriate action. Shoplifting Hertford Road – the Police have increased patrols by Enfield Highway Officers along the Hertford Road parade of shops. Three suspects of shoplifting had been positively identified by Enfield Highway Officers and arrested. Enfield Highway Safer Neighbourhood Team had held numerous ward surgeries within local shops, leading to a noticeable reduction in shoplifting

Thefts from motor vehicles - crime within Enfield Highway - Enfield Highway Officers have increased patrols around high motor vehicle crime hotspots. They have visited each victim of motor vehicle crime on the ward and the street where the crime had taken place was leaflet dropped to raise local awareness. Enfield Highway Police Officers have changed their shifts to work nights to patrol high crime hotspots within the ward. The team were currently conducting a Joint Operation with Jubilee Ward and a Cross Border Operation with Herts Police.

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A drastic decrease in crime around the Hertford Road area of the ward and we believe that this is due to the ongoing ward surgeries that are conducted in the area and the high visibility patrols by the local officers. The ward surgeries would continue into 2011, as would the high visibility patrols.

Enfield Highway Safer Neighbourhood Team had successfully obtained a number of court issued warrants. One of the warrants executed was concerning a possible cannabis factory on the ward. As a result, a large number of cannabis plants were seized and the equipment used to grow the plants. A male was arrested on site who was also wanted on people trafficking matters.

Inspector Anjos referred to the Motor Vehicle initiative squad, and the work they were doing to prevent the theft of petrol, forecourt posters were being placed at petrol stations and tamper proof screws were being issued to prevent the theft of number plates for this purpose.

Residents Questions An opportunity was then given for residents to ask questions

Reduction of Police numbers - In answer to a resident’s question, Inspector Anjos confirmed that there were no plans to reduce the number of police and community officers on SNTs and referred to the large number of officers needed during the Royal wedding this year and the Olympics next year.

Adults Cycling on Pavements - A resident had been knocked down by a cyclist and questioned what the police were doing to safeguard pedestrians? It was confirmed that cycling by youths on pavements was often linked in with gangs and where this was apparent fixed penalty notices were issued.

Burglary – Following the meeting, a resident would speak to the Inspector about a burglary that had recently occurred at his neighbour’s house. He expressed concern that burglars had been able to escape from the back of the property whilst police officers were at the front of the house.

Police Stations – In answer to a question regarding the staffing of local police stations, Inspector Anjos confirmed that police officers for both Turkey Street and Enfield Lock wards were fully staffed and that two new Police officers would be appointed by the end of the month for Enfield Highway. The resident was concerned that there seemed to be less foot patrols; she was assured that there were more night patrols taking place in the area. The Safer Neighbourhood Office in Turkey Street was used as a patrol base only and there were no plans for it to be manned. Inspector Anjos said that the Police Station would be closing later in the year and the Enfield Highway team might then use the base.

Firework Night/ Halloween – A resident thanked Inspector Anjos for the police presence at these times, which had proved very successful.

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Rod Bennett, the Community Safety Information Manager outlined the consultation being undertaken on next years priorities by the Safer and Stronger Communities Board (SSCB). The SSCB was a partnership body comprising of a number of local organisations and each year the Board assessed the types and levels of crime and agreed a plan to deal with these issues.

He outlined the Board’s suggested priorities for 2011/12 set out below • Young people as victims and offenders • Domestic violence and sexual offences (VAWG) • Public spaces • Community Engagement • Anti-Social Behaviour related to : Substance Misuse & Sex Work Integrated Offender Management Street Scene

Rod Bennett advised that a public meeting was scheduled for 23 February 2011 at the Civic Centre to discuss the priorities and the work of the SSCB.. He asked residents for their views and asked them to complete questionnaires provided or alternatively to complete details on line.

There were no comments against the suggested proposals; the following issues were raised -

Anti-social behaviour - Problems were being experienced by a resident and his neighbours as a result of a family who had lived at this location for 2 and a half years. Their behaviour had caused difficulties for neighbours who were wishing to move as a result of the family’s anti-social behaviour. Rod Bennett arranged to speak with the resident after the meeting and stated that issues of this nature could be reported on 020 8379 4612; messages could be left which would be answered within 24 hours.

MORI polls – A resident questioned whether Mori polls were undertaken for all areas of the Borough, he was concerned that comments were only asked from residents in the Enfield Town area. NOTE ; It was not possible to answer this query at the meeting however the following reply has been received from Ilhan Basharan, the Communities Manager from the Chief Executive’s Unit regarding Mori Polls/ surveys and how the information collected from them is ‘stratified’: “Enfield Council conducts regular (annual) surveys of residents in order to track information on residents' perceptions regarding a range of issues relating to the quality of life in the borough. Ipsos MORI are commissioned, through an open tender process, to ensure an objective programme of research. This includes asking questions on residents' opinions regarding the local area as a place to live, satisfaction with the Council/ local public services, communications and a range of other local issues, such as

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ENFIELD HIGHWAY, ENFIELD LOCK AND TURKEY STREET AREA FORUM - 12.1.2011 community, safety in order to help inform the Council and its partners about how to improve services. The survey is carried out using a prescribed postal (self-completion) methodology. The sampling used is the Postcode Address File (PAF) from which addresses are selected at random. A sample of 6,500 addresses was selected from the PAF for the 2010 residents survey. All postcodes are sampled. Data is then weighted back to the known population profile of the borough to counteract non- response bias, by gender, age and ethnicity and household size. Gender and age figures are based on the Office of National Statistics (ONS) 2009 mid-year estimates and the ethnicity figures are based on the 2006 mid year estimates.

The 2010 Residents' survey was conducted between 18 October and 17 December 2010. The response rate achieved was 24.78% representing 1,600 responses from the original sample of addresses”

Safer and Stronger Communities Board (SSCB) – Costs - In answer to a query about the costs involved in carrying out this consultation Rod Bennett replied that there were minimal costs involved; 5000 leaflets had been printed at a cost of £600 and there was some staff time involved in collating the replies.


James Rolfe, Director of Finance & Corporate Resources, gave a presentation on the 2011/12 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan, he highlighted the following issues:

• A number of growth proposals was included in the Financial Plan which had previously been included in the Council’s manifesto. This included: a Residents’ Priority Fund of £830,000, No increase in the Council Tax in the next financial year; £100 Council Tax rebate to low income pensioner households, Free school meals pilot for 2 years to improve children’s nutrition and healthy living; Reinstatement of the school uniform grant for low income families, additional funding for youth workers in shopping areas and the community to reduce the risk of youth crime and anti social behaviour. Affordable leisure facilities initiatives across the borough; and a Hardship Business Rate Relief pilot; • A capacity fund had been set aside of £1.9m over the next 3 years to support the voluntary and community sector, this would be funded from reserves • The financial settlement for Enfield had reduced by £12m (8%) for next year • The number of grants (funding streams) from Central Government to Councils has been reduced from over 90 to less than 10. • From year 3 the Council would assume responsibility for Council Tax Benefit, with only 90% central funding anticipated. This would bring additional pressure of up to £3.5m per year

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• A 1% increase in the cost of borrowing added around £1m per year to revenue pressures. • Central Government grant cuts for local government had been front loaded to year 1 • Expected financial pressure in 2011/12 was approximately £29.6m comprising a reduction in external funding of £12m; inflation of £5.1m; Adult Social Care costs of £4.9m; Treasury & Cashflow of £1.8m; growth items of £1.6m; Waste disposal costs of £1.5m; Regeneration costs of £1.1m; Concessionary Fares of £0.9m and miscellaneous costs of £0.7m. • Efficiency savings of £10m had already been agreed by Cabinet but for the next financial year there was still £19.4m savings to be found.

James Rolfe referred to feedback on the budget proposals and stated that votes had been cast by residents at the Enfield Town Show, at Edmonton Library, at Southgate Library and also on line. Approximately 5,000 votes had been cast on what people considered should be the Council’s top priorities. Indications showed that so far, higher priority was given for the schools improvement and pupil support, waste collection & recycling, and adult social services.

It was confirmed that reserves were earmarked for specific projects and £10m was kept in general fund balances for emergencies. Further additional savings were referred to, including better purchasing (including social care), asset management, more electronic service delivery, restructuring of management and reduction of operating costs. Olympic and community events and a proportionate reduction for the voluntary sector could also be considered. James Rolfe together with Councillor Stafford asked residents for their comments and suggestions.

The following issues were raised by residents • The possibility of reducing the number of councillors. It was stated that this would not be possible at present, as the number of councillors employed was based on the population of the borough and set by the Boundary Commission • There was concern at the suggestion that volunteers should take the place of professional staff at libraries. • It was felt we should do more to encourage businesses/ employers into the borough which would provide more employment. • The eastern side of the borough should be developed, and improvements should be made to the riverside area to make it a region that people would want to live and visit. • If free swimming was still provided for the over 60’s, this should be celebrated and residents should be reminded of this facility • There were concerns at the possibility of fortnightly rubbish collections, though it was noted that this was not being actively proposed. • That high business rates were leading to more premises being left vacant

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• It was questioned whether large sums of money should have been used to regenerate the Edmonton Green area.

Questions were asked by residents on the following: • Were higher costs incurred by boroughs when issuing free bus passes to people who only used the service on an occasional basis? Residents were assured that this was not the case; a general fund for London Boroughs was set for this purpose and each Borough paid a proportion of the costs dependent on various factors, such as the number of older people in the Borough. • Would social care services be shared in future with LB Haringey? Councillor McGowan said that this would not be the case. • Was Enfield Crematorium to be sold? As Enfield Crematorium was run by LB Haringey and investment would be needed in future to finance new facilities, there was a possibility that LB Haringey may look to private investment for this purpose • What were the possible increased income proposals? It was confirmed that this may include changes to parking fees including the charging for parking in , and by allowing the greater use of advertising hoardings and the private sponsorship of roundabouts.

James Rolfe was thanked for his informative presentation. Suggestions would be looked at by the Scrutiny Budget Commission on the 20 January 2011 and a report would then be presented to Cabinet and on to Council in March.


The report from the Environmental Crime Unit and Highways Team was not discussed at the meeting. It is shown below for information.

Environment Department – Ward Update Ward/Location Issue for Briefing (including relevant date) - Contact Name & Tel Enfield Since June 2010 there has been Highway 9 Untaxed vehicles removed, 2 Litter Fixed Penalty Notices issued,26 incidents of Graffiti removed 16 incidents of Fly Posting removed Sunny Road Partial footway works o/s 74-90 & 45-55. Due to be completed 21 January.

Jeffreys Road Partial Carriageway Resurfacing - outside UOP Honeywell Company, Plant in the southbound lane. EN3 2/2/11-3/2/11

Enfield College CPZ alterations - residents have been consulted and support the revised CPZ. Scheme to be implemented by the end of March

Enfield Lock Since June 2010 there has been 2 Abandoned and untaxed vehicles crushed, 20 Untaxed vehicles removed, 5 Litter Fixed Penalty Notices issued,21 incidents of Graffiti removed,5 incidents of Fly Posting removed Mandeville Footway improvement scheme at junction with Ordnance Road. Due to be completed in March. Road Painters Lane Painters Lane Neighbourhood Park - footway and landscaping works. Started Monday 10 th January 2010 (j/ of Mollison (duration 12wks ) Avenue and Hertford Rd

Turkey Street Since June 2010 there has been 12 Untaxed vehicles removed, 59 incidents of Graffiti removed, 8 incidents of Fly Posting removed. There were no Litter Fixed Penalty Notices issued during this period

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Holmesdale The Parks Police are conducting regular patrols following reports of a Pit Bull Terrier endangering other dogs Tunnel Park and park users. At the London in Bloom Awards Ceremony in September Radiomarathon were awarded ‘The Capitol Growth’ Award ( highest achievement) for the LBE. Winward Close, Enfield in Bloom’s ‘ Front Garden’ entry in Winward Close EN3 received the Bronze Award. EN3 Enfield in Bloom entered Radiomarathon’s horticultural project for the Conservation Foundation Awards in Sept/Oct where they successfully achieved ‘Capitol Green Corners’ edible green corners award for their growing space. (Karen Gurrey Enfield in Bloom Manager 020 8449 8706) Lackmore Road Partial Carriageway Resurfacing – From 2 - 12 Lackmore Road, St Giles Court to Elsinge Road and from No. EN1 & Elsinge 184-196 2/2/11 – 3/2/11 Road

Borough wide Kitchen caddies and sample compostable liner bags - If you are on the wheeled bin service and have a green lidded garden and food waste bin do not forget to get your FREE kitchen caddy and compostable liners if you do not already have one. They can be collected from the Environment Direct reception at the Civic Centre. Please note stocks are limited

Recycling for commuters – New recycling on the go banks have been installed at five transport hubs in the borough. Little Park Gardens Bus stop. Train Station. Train Station, Edmonton. Green Bus Garage, Turkey Street Train Station

All Wards The Enfield Safer & Stronger Communities Board is a partnership of the key community safety organisations in Various Enfield (e.g. Police, Council, Fire Brigade, Probation and many others). We are about to start consultation on our community safety priorities for 2011-12 and we want residents to help decide these. There will be consultation opportunities at key libraries and train stations throughout January and February as well as online ( www.enfield.gov.uk/crimesurvey ) and in major civic buildings such as the Civic Centre and John Wilkes house. Please look out for our “Be Safe, Feel Safe” logo and distinctive red and black branding. We will also be holding a public meeting on Weds 23rd February at 7pm at the Civic Centre where you can talk to key members of the board and hear more about these priorities and the work we are doing. We will also be producing a leaflet to support this consultation and this will be sent to area forums when it is available. Should you have any queries on the above or wish to get involved, please contact Rod Bennett on 020 8379 4136 or at rodney.bennett@enfield,gov,uk Area between Albany Park and Ordnance up to Hertford Rd. Cherry Bouvier Estate. This is due to finish on 17/01/2011. There are no plans in place to renew this order at present


It was not possible to have a breakout session to allow residents the opportunity to discuss issues with their own Ward Councillors. This would be arranged for the next meeting on 16 March 2011.


Advanced Notice Questions

1. I should like to raise the issue of Bullsmoor Lane, concerning - Parking, Signage of speed limit, Empty bus lane, and yellow boxes at junctions not being enforced.

Response A reply had been received from Gary Barnes, Environment. The highways Engineer will be meeting the resident on site for a walkabout of the area. Parking - There are no proposals at present to introduce new parking restrictions in Bullsmoor Lane, but if the resident would like to be more specific I will respond in more detail.

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Signage of speed limit - Bullsmoor Lane has a 30 mph speed, as indicated by the signs immediately off the A10 and slightly east of Hertford Road. The Council is aware of concerns about speeding on Bullsmoor Lane outside of the rush hour and has erected vehicle activated signs near to School. These electronic signs detect the speed of approaching vehicles and flash up the 30 mph roundel and a slow down message if a vehicle is speeding. The Safer Neighbourhoods Police team may be able to help with additional speed enforcement. The Council does not put up repeater signs for 30 mph speed limits as the Highway Code makes it clear that drivers should assume that the speed limit is 30 mph if there are regularly spaced lamp columns and no signs to say some other speed limit applies. If we started putting up repeater signs for 30 mph we would undermine this Highway Code principle and risk having speeding drivers claim they did not know the speed limit was 30 because they had not seen a repeater sign. It would also be expensive and I suspect have little effect. Empty bus lane - Buses 217 and 317 use Bullsmoor Lane, with a combined peak hours frequency of 7 buses per hour. Each bus can hold up to 80 passengers, compared to the one or two people typically in each car. Even a bus only one quarter full carries as many people as 20 single passenger cars. Given this I would not accept that the bus lanes on Bullsmoor Lane are empty. That said I presume the question is borne out of frustration at sitting in a long queue of traffic waiting to get onto either the A10 or Hertford Road. However it is these junctions that are causing this congestion, not the bus lanes. Removing the bus lanes would not allow any more traffic to get out of Bullsmoor Lane when the traffic lights are green. You would have a shorter two lane queue, but when you join the end of this queue you would not get out of Bullsmoor Lane any sooner than you do at present. It would mean though that passengers on the 217 and 317 buses would no longer be able to by pass the queue of cars, and bus journey times and reliability would suffer. It should also be noted that before the bus lanes were introduced parking was allowed on these parts of Bullsmoor Lane, and subsequently traffic was queuing in one lane anyway. Yellow Box junctions - There are yellow box junctions at either end of Bullsmoor Lane controlled by different enforcement authorities. The Yellow box at the junction of the A10 is the responsibility of Transport for London and any queries relating to enforcement or non- enforcement would need to be directed to them. The box at the junction of Hertford Road is the responsibility of Enfield and will be enforced shortly as soon as the recently installed CCTV Camera at this location has been fully commissioned to enable enforcement to take place.

2. "With regards to the removal and planned replacement of the Turkey Street railings, have you any idea when this will take place? I believe that these were removed last August. The need for replacement is very great."

Response Trevor King (Operations Manager, Highways Services) has responded as follows There had been a delay in the manufacture of replacement railings but these have now been installed.

3."When will shredded paper be accepted for recycling? I know that other boroughs do accept this commodity."

Response Neil Isaac (Assistant Director, Waste Management) has responded, as follows I am afraid it is not possible for shredded paper to be accepted for recycling at the moment as it is not a part of our specification with the paper processing contractor. However, we are looking to review this specification over the next few months with a view to accepting shredded paper and when this is finalised we will make sure that this is communicated to residents

4. "Hoecroft Court, Hoe Lane, - two blocks of flats on the south side of the road, bordering the Hertford Road: Some years ago the then councillors arranged for large council bins to be placed in the land adjoining and between these two blocks, although this is probably private land. Either fly tipping, or residents' waste disposal have now created a very unsightly dump of waste material at this point. This cannot be healthy

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ENFIELD HIGHWAY, ENFIELD LOCK AND TURKEY STREET AREA FORUM - 12.1.2011 and will encourage further dumping of material to take place. I have noticed this for some time as I either walk or drive by. I would be pleased to receive the councillors' comments."

Neil Isaac (Assistant Director, Waste Management) has responded to say that the bins have now been removed.

Questions from Residents 1. A resident raised the issue of a vehicle in Green Street, he said it was not an abandoned vehicle but was being used as a store. It was dirty and had been left in the same place for 13 months. Councillor Simon said he would pass the note prepared by the resident to the Environment Team.

Elaine Barnes from the Environment Department has responded as follows “ The Environment Department and the Police have been working together on this issue .the end result is that the vehicle has now been moved to the opposite side of the road after having been stationary for about a year and it has been cleaned so it does not look like an eyesore. The vehicle is taxed, insured and MOT’d and is not considered to be an abandoned vehicle”.

2 A resident asked for an update on the Oasis Academy, Hadley:

Response Bob Ayton (School Organisation & Development Officer) has provided the following response "Funding has been made available for the project to proceed and completion is envisaged by 2013. In due course it is anticipated that the contractor appointed by the Council to undertake the building works will submit a planning application which will be the subject of public consultation."


Work is continuing on the review , and the outcomes will be reported to the next round of Area Forum meetings


It was suggested that at the next meeting we have a breakout period for approximately 20 to 30 minutes when groups will be divided into the three ward areas to discuss local issues


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and urged everyone to complete the feedback forms


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Please note that the next meeting of the Enfield Highway, Enfield Lock and Turkey Street Area Forum will take place on:

Wednesday 16 th March 2010 Meeting to take place at 7.30pm, at a venue to be announced.

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