Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5388-4


Toxicity of , , and quinclorac in bullfrog tadpoles exposed to concentrations below legal limits

1 1 M. F. Dornelles & G. T. Oliveira

Received: 16 June 2015 /Accepted: 7 September 2015 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract This work sought to ascertain survival and pos- Keywords Agrochemicals . Biochemical changes . sible changes in levels of glycogen, triglycerides, total Bullfrog . Lipid peroxidation (LPO) . Lithobates lipids, cholesterol, protein, and lipid peroxidation in gills, catesbeianus . Tadpoles liver, and muscle of bullfrog tadpoles (Lithobates catesbeianus)exposedtolowconcentrationsofatrazine (2.5 μgL−1), glyphosate (18 μgL−1), and quinclorac Introduction (0.025 μgL−1)atlaboratorialconditions.Tadpoles showed a reduction of glycogen and triglyceride in all The way humans use the world’s natural resources has led to organs and an increase in lipid peroxidation (LPO) com- significant impacts on other species that inhabit the planet. pared with control animals. Total lipid in gills and muscle One example of this phenomenon is the decline in the number increased in exposure to atrazine, and gills alone in expo- of amphibians over the last few decades, an extinction that has sure to glyphosate, but decreased in gills, liver, and mus- no precedent in any animal class in this period and which may cle after quinclorac. Cholesterol increased in gills and be the result of an isolated action or interaction of different liver after atrazine, in gills and muscle after glyphosate, factors, such as habitat loss, ultraviolet radiation, global and decreased in liver after quinclorac. Total protein in warming, diseases, over-harvesting, and/or the introduction gills decreased after exposure to all , increased of agrochemicals, especially pesticides—even at low in muscle after atrazine, and in liver and muscle after levels—into the environment (Allran and Karasov 2000; quinclorac. These findings show that at concentrations Blaustein et al. 2003;Booneetal.2005;Davidand of these herbicides tested can lead to an increase in energy Kartheek 2015;Davidson2004;Gasconetal.2005; Relyea expenditure to maintain homeostasis and survival of these 2003;Sayim2008). animals despite the increase in lipid peroxidation levels in Approximately 1 % of agrochemicals used in the field all organs analyzed. Responses observed can be one of the reach their specific targets. The remaining 99 % can move factors responsible for the decline in the number of am- through the different environmental compartments and may phibians around the world. have an indirect effect on non-target organisms exposed to contaminants (Belluck et al. 1991). Amphibians are among the animals that may be indirectly Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues exposed to these agrochemicals, and the exposure may ac- count for the great amphibian mortality that has been observed * G. T. Oliveira [email protected] in recent years. Tadpoles appear to be more sensitive than adults, which is consistent with the greater fragility of these animals in the larval stage (Blaustein et al. 2003; David and 1 Faculdade de Biociências, Departamento de Ciências Kartheek 2015; Johansson et al. 2006; Murphy et al. 2000; Morfofisiológicas, Laboratório de Fisiologia da Conservação, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Sayim 2008;Wangetal.2001). Avenida Ipiranga, 6681 Pd. 12, Bloco C, Sala 250, CP. 1429, Porto The environmental changes induced by the use of agricul- Alegre, RS 90619-900, Brazil tural chemicals can interfere with physiological and Environ Sci Pollut Res biochemical parameters in non-target aquatic organisms, af- responsible for many vital functions, such as bile production fecting functions such as growth, development, and reproduc- and excretion; excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, tion (Upasani and Balaraman 2001;Venkataramanaetal. and drugs; metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates; 2006). Nwani et al. (2010) and Roy and Hänninen (1993) storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals; synthesis of plas- reported that the indiscriminate use of herbicides may have ma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors; and uptake harmful effects on aquatic organisms, possibly leading to sub- of amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and vitamins and their lethal effects, such as biochemical and metabolic changes in subsequent storage, metabolic conversion, and release into the the tissues of exposed animals. blood and bile (Guillouzo 1998;Vickers1994). These impor- According to Oba et al. (2009), some animals’ responses tant activities and the exposure to different substances make on exposure to chemicals, such as pesticides, can include a the liver one of the more susceptible organs to injury. variety of metabolic changes: mobilization of energy sub- The muscle tissue is composed mainly of proteins and is strates, as expressed by depleted glycogen stores; lipolysis; responsible for providing the contractile force to movement inhibition of protein synthesis; increased muscle protein ca- (Hill et al. 2012). Moyes and Schulte (2010) state that in tabolism; and changes in the levels of fatty acids and muscle, ATP is produced by three major mechanisms: by cholesterol. high-energy transfer from creatine phosphate to ADP, by gly- Dornelles and Oliveira (2014), working with bullfrog colysis, and by oxidative phosphorylation, characterized as a tadpoles exposed to the same pesticides as in this study, low metabolic rate process. reported changes in the biochemical composition (glyco- Since our experimental model has generalist eating habits gen, proteins, lipids, and triglycerides) of the animals. and voracious predatory behavior, analyses of the liver and the This response seems to be related to a depletion of energy muscle provides information about not only the storage of reserves and increase in energy expenditure, possibly to nutrients but also the action of these herbicides in a long pe- detoxify and allow the animals to survive environmental riod (7 days of exposure) in an organ with a high (liver) and change. A similar response pattern was observed by other another with a low (muscle) metabolic rate. authors in different species (El-Banna et al. 2009; According to Massoud et al. (2011), there is a paucity of Ganeshwade 2012;MoyesandSchulte2010;Salbego information on the toxicity of pesticides at sublethal concen- et al. 2010;Sounderrajetal.2011;Vutukuru2005). trations and sensitive biomarkers related to the metabolism of Different animals when exposed to pesticides have had these animals. Therefore, research on the impact of these con- their levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO) increased in different taminants in exposed communities of aquatic animals—even organs, which may lead to a chemical damage and possible at low concentrations—is justified. cell death if the antioxidant and defense system were not Taking this lack of information into account, and the results enough to counteract this damage (Al-Othman et al. 2011; obtained in the laboratory with tadpoles exposed to concentra- Champe and Harvey 2006;DornellesandOliveira2014;El- tions within the range permitted by law (Dornelles and Oliveira Banna et al. 2009; Patil et al. 2009; Uchendu et al. 2012). The 2014), the present work sought to assess potential changes in LPO is among the best predictors of systemic level of damage biochemical parameters, levels of lipoperoxidation, and surviv- induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Sayeed et al. al in bullfrog tadpoles exposed to concentrations below legal 2003) and is one of the molecular mechanisms involved in limits of atrazine, glyphosate, and quinclorac. Our hypothesis the toxicity of pesticides to bodies (Kehrer 1993; Kavitha states that these herbicides, even at realistic concentrations and Venkateswara Rao 2007). found in the natural environment, are able to introduce changes It is known that the gill epithelium is responsible for breath- in the energy reserves and oxidative status in different organs in ing, elimination of nitrogen excreted, osmoregulation, and prometamorphic tadpoles. other functions directly related to animal survival; further- more, the gills are in direct contact with the environment which can act as a site of absorption, magnifying the action Material and methods of these herbicides when compared to other organs (Bernabò et al. 2008), making this an interesting organ for analysis after Chemicals All chemical reagents used were obtained from the exposure of the animals to these herbicides. Merck and Sigma-Aldrich. For toxicity testing, three herbi- Of the organs widely used for toxicological studies, the cides in concentrations below legal limits—atrazine liver stands out mainly for having a central role in major (3 μgL−1)(USEnvironmentalProtectionAgency1985), functions of the organism, being responsible for the biotrans- glyphosate (65 μgL−1) (Brasil and Meio Ambiente 2005), formation and the detoxification of exogenous substances, and quinclorac—were used. For the latter, we used a concen- with its capacity to convert hydrophobic substances into tration below that found in natural bodies of water (Marchezan water-soluble products that can be secreted readily from the et al. 2007; Silva et al. 2009), considering that no specific body. Furthermore, the liver is a metabolically active organ legislation for maximum allowable concentrations in natural Environ Sci Pollut Res water bodies is available for quinclorac (Marchezan et al. established by the FETAX guide. Our values of dissolved 2007). All pesticides were used as commercial formulations: oxygen remained between 3.5 and below 5 mg L−1 (ASTM atrazine (A): Primóleo® 400 g L−1 (Syngenta); glyphosate: 1998). Roundup Original® 306 g L−1 (Monsanto); and quinclorac: The total duration of the experiment was 14 days: 7 days Facet® 500 g kg−1 (Basf). The use of these herbicides is justi- for acclimation and 7 days of exposure to herbicides. fied by their wide use in different types of crops, not only in Herbicides were introduced in the aquariums on the eighth Brazil but in several countries (Dornelles and Oliveira, 2014). day after the beginning of the experiment—the commercial The concentrations chosen for the present study were formulations, both liquid (atrazine and glyphosate) and pow- 2.5 μgL−1 for atrazine, 18 μgL−1 for glyphosate, and der (quinclorac), were diluted in distilled water and added 0.025 μgL−1 for quinclorac. The pesticides were applied only only once to the aquariums at a particular concentration. The once, at nominal concentrations according to Dornelles and time of exposures for 7 days was based on the half-life of Oliveira (2014) in respect to the time of permanency in water atrazine, glyphosate, and quinclorac in water (Solomon et al. of these chemicals: between 34.8 and 742 days at pH between 1996; Giesy et al. 2000;RodriguesandAlmeida1998,respec- 2.9 and 6.0 for atrazine, between 7 and 10 weeks for glypho- tively). In the control group, the animals remained for seven sate (Montgomery et al. 2008), and between 21 and 30 days more days under the same acclimation conditions. At the end for quinclorac (Barceló and Hennion, 2003; Rodrigues and of the experiment, all animals were euthanized by the freezing Almeida 1998). method, and the left and right gills, liver, and muscle were removed by dissection. Experimental model For this study, 76 bullfrog (Lithobates All research protocols used in this work were authorized by catesbeianus) tadpoles were procured from a frog farm in the the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul municipality of Imbé, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All Animal Research Ethics Committee with registration number the tadpoles were 3 months old and had no visible limbs CEUA 11/00250, as set forth in approval letter number 157/ (Landis and Yu 2003), and they were in the larval stage 25, 11-CEUA, December 2011. according to Gosner (1960). The animals were transported in air-filled plastic bags to the Conservation Physiology Laboratory at Pontifícia Biochemical analysis All biochemical analyses of tissue Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), where specimens were performed in quadruplicate, by spectrophoto- they were individually measured, weighed, and randomly di- metric methods, and the respective results were expressed in vided into groups. milligrams per gram of tissue. Glycogen was extracted by Van Handel’smethod(1965) and quantified as glucose after acid

Experimental design The tadpoles were distributed to a con- hydrolysis (HCl) and neutralization (Na2CO3)(Gearyetal. trol group (Co 7=only water, without herbicides) and three 1981), using a commercial Glucose Oxidase Kit (Labtest). exposure groups (A 2.5=atrazine 2.5 μgL−1;G18=glypho- The total protein concentration was determined by the color- sate 18 μgL−1; Q 0.025=quinclorac 0.025 μgL−1). Each imetric biuret method: the sample is added to the reagent kit, experiment was performed using 8 or 10 tadpoles for treat- vortexed, placed in a bath, cooled, and read in a spectropho- ment, and in duplicate, being 16 the final number of animals in tometer. A commercial kit was used (Total Protein Kit, the control group and 20 in the groups. All aquari- Labtest); lipid, triglyceride, and cholesterol extraction was ums contained 12 L of water each, with constant aeration, a performed using the chloroform/methanol method (2:1) water temperature of around 22±2 °C, pH 6.2±0.3, and a 12-h (Folch et al. 1957). Lipid content was determined by the light/dark cycle. The animals were fed once daily (with ap- sulfo-phospho-vanillin reaction (Frings and Dunn, 1970), proximately 5 % of the early biomass in each aquarium) with and triglycerides, by the lipoprotein lipase method, using the the same fish feed used at the frog farm, with a crude protein commercial Triglycerides GPO-ANA Kit (Bio-Diagnostic). content of 38 %. Cholesterol was determined with the Liquiform Kit A static exposure system was used in accordance with a (Labtest). Measurement of lipid peroxidation was carried out Standard Guide for Conducting the Frog Embryo by the TBARS (TBA-reactive substances) method: 150 μLof Teratogenesis Assay—Xenopus (FETAX, ASTM 1998). 10 % trichloroacetic acid (TCA), 50 μLoftissuehomogenate, The levels of ammonia in the water were monitored daily by 100 μL of 0.67 % thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and 50 μLof a commercial kit (LabCom) and showed no toxic values (var- distilled water are added to a test tube (total volume 350 μL). iation between 0 until 0.5). The levels of pH and dissolved The tube is shaken, incubated at 100 °C for 15 min, and cooled oxygen were monitored too (Sanxin SX721 Portable pH/ORP for 10 min. Then, 300 μLofn-butyl alcohol is added to the Meter) and remained within the established by FETAX guide sample for extraction of the colored product from aqueous (ASTM 1998), with the treatment pH between 6.5 and 9. The solution. Tubes are shaken for 45 s and centrifuged for conductivity and dissolved oxygen do not have values 10 min at 3000 rpm. The supernatant was added to the Environ Sci Pollut Res spectrophotometer cuvette and read at 535 nm. Results were 0.047 mg glycogen/g wet weight), glyphosate (x̅ = expressed as nanomoles per milligram of protein. 0.047 mg glycogen/g wet weight), and quinclorac (x̅= 0.057 mg glycogen/g wet weight) in relation to the control Statistical analysis Comparisons between the experimental group (x̅=0.113 mg glycogen/g wet weight) (Fig. 2(B1)). and control group were made using the Statistical Package Total lipid level decreased after exposure to atrazine (x̅= for the Social Sciences 12.0 (SPSS) environment, using the 0.429 mg total lipids/g wet weight) and quinclorac (x̅= Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality. The data was com- 0.171 mg total lipids/g wet weight) than to the control group pared with control group for Student’s T test to the indepen- (x̅=0.723 mg total lipids/g wet weight) (Fig. 2(B2)), but there dent sample. The results were expressed as mean±standard was no significant difference in lipid level after glyphosate deviation. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. exposure. Triglyceride levels declined after exposure to atra- zine (x̅=0.263 mg triglycerides/g wet weight), glyphosate (x̅= 0.229 mg triglycerides/g wet weight), and quinclorac (x̅= Results 0.180 mg triglycerides/g wet weight) in relation to the control group (x̅=0.345 mg triglycerides/g wet weight) (Fig. 2(B3)). Gills There were significant reductions in glycogen levels in Atrazine exposure led to an increase in cholesterol levels (x̅= the gills of animals when exposed to atrazine (x̅ = 0.262 mg cholesterol/g wet weight), but animals exposed to 0.044 mg glycogen/g wet weight), glyphosate (x̅ = glyphosate (x̅=0.032 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) and 0.027 mg glycogen/g wet weight), and quinclorac (x̅= quinclorac (x̅=0.053 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) showed a 0.032 mg glycogen/g wet weight) as compared with animals reduction in cholesterol levels as with controls (x̅ = in the control group (x̅=0.197 mg glycogen/g wet weight) 0.209 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) (Fig. 2(B4)). Total protein (Fig. 1(A1)). In comparison to the control group (x̅= level decreased in the glyphosate group (x̅=1.013 mg protein/ 0.166 mg cholesterol/g wet weight), total lipid levels were gwetweight)butincreasedintheatrazine(x̅ = increased in animals who were exposed to atrazine (x̅= 1.683 mg protein/g wet weight) and quinclorac (x̅ = 0.539 mg total lipids/g wet weight) and glyphosate (x̅= 1.935 mg protein/g wet weight) groups in relation to the con- 0.511 mg total lipids/g wet weight), but reduced in those trol group (x̅=1.454 mg protein/g wet weight) (Fig. 2(B5)). In who were exposed to quinclorac (x̅=0.071 mg total lipids/g the liver, as well as in the gills, all herbicides were associated wet weight) (Fig. 1(A2)). Triglyceride levels decreased in an- with an increase in lipid peroxidation levels in relation to the imals exposed to atrazine (x̅=0.059 mg triglycerides/g wet control group (x̅=14.212 nmol TBARS/mg protein): x̅= weight) and glyphosate (x̅=0.134 mg triglycerides/g wet 22.656 nmol TBARS/mg protein in animals exposed to atra- weight) in relation to the control group (x ̅ = zine, x̅=22.419 nmol TBARS/mg protein in those exposed to 0.232 mg triglycerides/g wet weight) (Fig. 1(A3)). glyphosate, and x̅=23.855 nmol TBARS/mg protein in those Cholesterol levels were increased in those exposed to atrazine exposed to quinclorac (Fig. 2(B6)). (x̅=0.238 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) and glyphosate (x̅= 0.439 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) as compared with control Muscle In muscle tissue, there were statistically signifi- animals (x̅=0.095 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) (Fig. 1(A4)). cant decreases in glycogen levels on the exposure of Quinclorac exposure had no significant effect on triglyceride glyphosate (x̅=0.007 mg glycogen/g wet weight) and or cholesterol levels. Total protein level decreased in the ani- quinclorac (x̅=0.007 mg glycogen/g wet weight), but mals who were exposed to glyphosate (x̅=0.093 mg protein/g there was no significant decrease for atrazine in relation wet weight) and quinclorac (x̅=0.091 mg protein/g wet to the control group (x̅=0.009 mg glycogen/g wet weight) weight) in relation to the control group (x ̅ = (Fig. 3(C1)). Total lipid levels increased after exposure to 0.155 mg protein/g wet weight), but there was no significant atrazine (x̅=0.075 mg total lipids/g wet weight) but de- difference in atrazine-exposed animals (Fig. 1(A5)). All her- creased in animals exposed to glyphosate (x̅ = bicides increased LPO levels in relation to the control group 0.006 mg total lipids/g wet weight) and quinclorac (x̅= (x̅=9.025 nmol TBARS/mg protein): levels were x̅ = 0.004 mg total lipids/g wet weight) in relation to the con- 57.753 nmol TBARS/mg protein in animals exposed to atra- trol group (x̅ =0.008 mg total lipids/g wet weight) zine, x̅=47.601 nmol TBARS/mg protein in those exposed to (Fig. 3(C2)). Triglyceride levels decreased after exposure glyphosate, and x̅=57.849 nmol TBARS/mg protein in those to atrazine (x̅=0.021 mg triglycerides/g wet weight), exposed to quinclorac (Fig. 1(A6)). glyphosate (x̅=0.039 mg triglycerides/g wet weight), and quinclorac (x̅=0.058 mg triglycerides/g wet weight) in Liver Statistically significant reductions in glycogen and tri- relation to the control group (x̅=0.139 mg triglycerides/g glyceride levels in the liver were noted in animals that were wet weight) (Fig. 3(C3)). Regarding cholesterol levels, exposed to atrazine, glyphosate, and quinclorac. Glycogen only atrazine (x̅=0.030 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) levels declined in animals exposed to atrazine (x̅ = was associated with a significant increase in relation to Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Graphics A1, A2, A3, A4, GILLS A5,andA6:Levelsofglycogen, total lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins, and (A1) GLYCOGEN (A2) TOTAL LIPIDS lipid peroxidation in the gills of 0.25 0.6 Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles * * 0.2 exposed to the herbicides 0.4 atrazine, glyphosate, and 0.15 0.1 quinclorac (Co 7 control 7 days, A 0.2 −1 * 2.5 atrazine 2.5 μgL ; G18 0.05 * * * glyphosate 18 μgL−1, Q0.025 −1 0 0 mg glycogen/ mg glycogen/ g wet weight quinclorac 0.025 μgL ). The COO 7 A 2..5 G 18 Q 0.025 mg total g lipids/wet weight CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0025 results are expressed as the mean GROUPS GROUPS ±standard deviation. The asterisk beside the bars indicates a significant difference compared to (A3) TRIGGLYCERIDES (A4) CHOLESTEROL the control group 7 days, being p<0.05 0.25 0.500 * 0.2 0.400 0.15 * 0.300 * 0.1 * 0.200 0.05 0.100 0 0.000 COO 7 A 2..5 G 18 Q 0.025 CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0025 mg cholesterol/ g wet weight mg triglycerides/ mg triglycerides/ g wet weight GROUPS GROUPS

(A5) TOTAL PROTEINS (A6) LIPID PEROXIDATION 80,000 0.2 60,000 * * 0.15 * * * 0.1 40,000

0.05 20,000

0 0 mg protein/ g wet weight COO 7 A 2..5 G 18 Q 0.025 nmol TBARS/ mg protein CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0025

GROUPS GROUPS the control group (x̅=0.022 mg cholesterol/g wet weight) Discussion (Fig. 3(C4)). All herbicides were associated with increases in total protein levels: x̅=0.424 mg protein/g wet weight The findings of our research were consistent with the hypoth- after exposure to atrazine, x̅=0.391 mg protein/g wet esis that there was no mortality, significant change in weight weight after exposure to glyphosate, and x̅ = gain, and growth of these animals after exposure to herbicides 0.525 mg protein/g wet weight after exposure to in low concentrations. However, changes occurred in bio- quinclorac, versus x̅=0.258 mg protein/g wet weight in chemical parameters in the animal tissues. According to the control group (Fig. 3(C5)). As in the gills and the Johansson et al. (2006), exposure to pesticides at levels as liver, lipid peroxidation levels in muscle tissue increased low as those found in nature usually does not cause mortality. after exposure to herbicides in relation to the control A study was conducted in our laboratory with tadpoles ex- group (x̅=20.543 nmol TBARS/mg protein): levels were posed to higher concentrations of these pesticides, and the x̅=55.646 nmol TBARS/mg protein after atrazine expo- results also showed increased energy demands and no signif- sure, x̅=69.186 nmol TBARS/mg protein after glyphosate icant mortality in the animals (Dornelles and Oliveira 2014). exposure, and x̅=52.411 nmol TBARS/mg protein after Pollutants such as herbicides are environmental quinclorac exposure (Fig. 3(C6)). stressors, which can induce an adaptive response in ex- posed animals due to changes in their metabolic balance, thus producing a physiological response in an attempt by Weight, size, and survival All animals experienced increases the animal to reestablish the homeostasis (Roy and in weight (Fig. 4(D1)) and size (Fig. 4(D2)) during the exper- Hänninen 1993;Sasikalaetal.2011;WendelaarBonga iment. There was no mortality (Fig. 4(D3)), even among the 1997). The responses induced by this stress can occur as animals exposed to herbicides. aresultofmetabolicchanges,duetoanincreasein Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Graphics B1, B2, B3, B4, LIVER B5,andB6:Levelsofglycogen, total lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins, and (B1) GLYCOGEN (B2) TOTAL LIPIDDS lipid peroxidation in the liver of 0.15 0.8 Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles 0.6 exposed to the herbicides 0.1 * atrazine, glyphosate, and * * 0.4 quinclorac (Co 7 control 7 days, A 0.05 * 2.5 atrazine 2.5 μgL−1, G18 0.2 * −1 glyphosate 18 μgL , Q0.025 0 0 quinclorac 0.025 gL−1). The CO 7 A 2.5. G 18 Q 0.025 CO 7 A 2.5 G 118 Q 0.0225 μ mg glycogen/ g wet weight mg total g lipids/ wet weight results are expressed as the mean GROUPS GROUPS ±standard deviation. The asterisk beside the bars indicates a significant difference compared to (B3) TRIGLYCERIDEES (B4) CHOLESTEROL the control group 7 days, being 0.300 p<0.05 0.4 * 0.3 * * 0.200 0.2 * 0.100 0.1 * * 0 0.000 CO 7 A 2.55G 18 Q 0.025 CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0225 mg cholesterol/ g wet weight mg triglycerides/ mg triglycerides/ g wet weight GROUPS GROUPS

(B5) TOTAL PROTEINNS (B6) LIPIID PEROXIDATION 30,0000 2,500 * * * 2,000 * 20,0000 1,500 1,000 * 10,0000 500 0 0 COC 7 A 2.52 G 18 Q 0.025 nmol TBARS/ mg protein mg protein/ g wet weight CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0225 GROUPS GROUPS

metabolic processes and a consequent increase in energy cause a decrease in tissue lipid levels (Adamu and Kori- expenditure as a function of the stressor (Weissman Siakpere 2011; Triebskorn et al. 1998). In our experiment, 1990). we observed a reduction in lipid levels in the liver after expo- The decrease in glycogen concentrations in all tissues ob- sure to all herbicides and in the muscle after exposure to served after exposure to the three tested herbicides is an ex- glyphosate and quinclorac, which may suggest mobilization pected response and similar to that found by other researchers, of stored lipids, a common response in cases of exposure to where this polymer acts as an immediately available energy chemical stressors (Adamu and Kori-Siakpere 2011). An in- reserve. This response may be due to the fact that pesticides crease of total lipids was observed in gills and muscle after usually affect energy metabolism, leading to an increase in exposure to atrazine, and it increased too in the gills after energy expenditure, and glycogen can act as a rapid source exposure to glyphosate. This response profile may be related of fuel—through the mobilization of stored glycogen—in to the sensitivity of each pesticide, the function, and the times of stress exposure (Dornelles and Oliveira 2014;Dua amount of metabolites in each organ. The liver has the highest et al. 2010;Obaetal.2009;TiwariandSingh2003; values of total lipids and triglycerides followed by gills and Triebskorn et al. 1998;Venkataramanaetal.2006; muscle. Already, the glycogen content was higher in the gills Weissman 1990). So this polymer shows a protective function followed by the liver and muscle, and total proteins were during periods of high energy demand, such as those caused highest in the liver, followed by muscle and gills. by the presence of xenobiotics, acting as an immediately ac- Little information is available about the effects of pes- cessible energy reserve. ticides on lipid metabolism, but it is known that the liver The effects of some pesticides on the lipid profile may be has many functions such as synthesizing and processing more pronounced in the skeletal muscles and liver and can of multiple substances, as lipoproteins, fatty acid, and Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 3 Graphics C1, C2, C3, C4, MUSCLEM C5,andC6:Glycogenlevels, total lipids, triglycerides, (C1) GLYCOGEN (C2) TTOTAL LIPIDS cholesterol, total proteins, and lipid peroxidation in the muscle of 0.015 0.1 Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles 0.08 * exposed to the herbicides 0.01 * 0.06 atrazine, glyphosate, and * 0.04 quinclorac (Co 7 control 7 days, A 0.005 2.5 atrazine 2.5 μgL−1, G18 0.02 * * 1 − 0 0 glyphosate 18 μgL , Q0.025 CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.025 quinclorac 0.025 μgL−1). The CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.025 mg total g lipids/wet weight mg glycogen/ mg glycogen/ g wet weight results are expressed as the mean GROUPS GROUPS ±standard deviation. The asterisk beside the bars indicates a significant difference compared to (C3) TRIGGLYCERIDEES (C4) CHOLESTEROL the control group 7 days, being 0.2 0.040 p<0.05 * 0.15 0.030

0.1 0.020 * 0.05 * * 0.010 0 0.000 CO 7 A 2.5. G 18 Q 0.025 CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.025 mg cholesterol/ g wet weight mg triglycerides/ mg triglycerides/ g wet weight GROUPS GROUPS

(C5) TOTAL PROTEINS (C6) LIPID PEROXIDATION 0.8 * 80,000 * 0.6 60,000 * * * * 0.4 40,000

0.2 20,000

0 0 mg protein/ g wet weight

CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.025 nmol TBARS/ mg protein CO 7 A 2.5 G 18 Q 0.0225 GROUPS GROUPS glucose, to be transported to other areas of the body. Also, in muscle, and quinclorac has an effect in the liver only, show- it is responsible for the maintenance of blood glucose, in ing a decrease in cholesterol levels. The results showed that addition to endo- and xenobiotic detoxification of sub- cholesterol levels were altered in different ways in the differ- stances that are chemically altered or excreted by the liver ent types of tissues and showed a specific responsiveness and (Hill et al. 2012;Lasrametal.2009;MoyesandSchulte more sensitivity of the liver, which suggests that this organ 2010). This functional profile requires a high energy de- acts in metabolizing these herbicides and that atrazine had a mand which can, together with the stress caused by the more powerful action on the cholesterol metabolism in rela- chemical, lead to the use of a larger amount of metabo- tion to other herbicides. lites; this response also is related to the toxic potential of Some authors, such as Weissman (1990), have shown that each herbicide to which the animal is exposed. This hy- aquatic animals can alter their cholesterol levels on exposure pothesis is reinforced by the reduction in glycogen, lipid, to pesticides accordingly. Cholesterol levels may increase due and triglyceride reserves in the hepatic tissue of animals to the stress induced by exposure to these agents, indicating an exposed to herbicides—and the reduction of protein levels induced chemical disruption of lipid metabolism (Weissman in tadpoles exposed to glyphosate—in this study. After a 1990). The hypercholesterolemia observed in frogs exposed to stressful event, fat is used as the primary fuel source, in a pesticides can be the result of a decrease in the ratio of cho- process whereby triglycerides are metabolized into fatty lesterol conversion to bile acids or an impaired liver function. acids and glycerol and then metabolized as fuel Conversely, pesticide exposure also can decrease cholesterol (Weissman 1990). levels, leading to an increase in food intake (Adamu and Kori- In this study, the herbicide atrazine led to an increase of Siakpere 2011;Sounderrajetal.2011). cholesterol levels in all organs studied, the glyphosate deter- According Yeagle (1989) the cholesterol has been shown to mined a decrease of this metabolite in the liver and an increase be an ion pump regulator, and is some cases show an absolute Environ Sci Pollut Res

WEIGHT,W SIIZE AND SUURVIVAL liver membranes, and kidney basolateral membranes (Yeagle (D1) WEIGHT 1989). The variations found in the cholesterol levels may be a result of the disruption of the plasma membrane of cells after 2,000 > 12% > 8% > 23% > 5% lipid peroxidation. We must also consider the possibility of 1,500 using this molecule as a regulator of the electrogenic pump activity and indirectly in the ATP demand by the cells. 1,000 Proteins can also be involved in compensatory mechanisms

Grams Grams (g) 500 in response to animal stress (Dornelles and Oliveira 2014). The reduction in protein levels in the gills is observed after 0 CO 7 CO 7 A 2.5 A 2.5 G 18 G 18 Q Q the exposure to all herbicides, as well as the reduction in liver INIT FIN INIT FIN INIT FIN 0.025 0.025 protein levels after exposure to glyphosate, which suggests INIT FIN GROUPS that this decline in protein content can be due to a reduction in protein synthesis and/or an increase in proteolysis, and use (D2) SIZE of proteins in metabolic processes with respect to pesticide toxicity. These reductions in tissue protein content suggest that 5,500 > 5% there are some pathways triggered after an attempt to re- > 1% > 5% store depleted energy by breaking down protein to yield 5,000 > 8% energetic fuel (Adamu and Kori-Siakpere 2011;Khan et al. 2002;Susanetal.2010;TiwariandSingh2003; 4,500 Venkataramana et al. 2006).

Centimeters (cm) However, other responses may occur in the liver and 4,000 CO 7 CO 7 A 2.5 A 2.5 G 18 G 18 Q Q muscle of aquatic animals exposed to pesticides, such as an INIT FIN INIT FIN INIT FIN 0.025 0.025 increase in levels of protein. This may be due to a decrease in INIT FIN GROUPS protein catabolism and/or to an increase in protein synthesis, as verified by Sahib et al. (1984) in the tissues of fish exposed (D3) SURVIVALL to malathion. A similar response was observed in muscle tis-

25 sue of tadpoles exposed to all herbicides (atrazine, glyphosate, 100% 1100% 100% and quinclorac) and in the liver of animals exposed to atrazine 20 100% and quinclorac in the present study. 15 In the present work, the pattern of glycogen response to 10 herbicide exposure was the same in all the tissues, which

5 demonstrates the importance of polysaccharides to the energy

Number of animals homeostasis and survival of these animals. The other metab- 0 CO 7 CO 7 A 2.5 A 2.5 G 18 G 18 Q Q olites analyzed showed different responses according to the INIT FIN INITT FIN INIT FIN 0.025 0.025 INIT FIN tissue and the herbicide. The intense depletion of energy re- GROUPS serves observed in this study may be associated with the high Fig. 4 Graphics D1, D2,andD3: Weight gain during the experiment survival rate of tadpoles exposed to low concentrations of the compared to the initial weight of the groups (the value beside the bar tested herbicides (atrazine, glyphosate, and quinclorac) indicates the percentage of weight gain), size at the beginning and end of the experiment (the value beside the bar indicates the percentage of (Fig. 4(D3)). increase in size during the experiment), and survival of Lithobates Lipid peroxidation can provide important evidence of the catesbeianus tadpoles until the end of the experiment (the value beside toxicity of environmental pollutants. In this study, an increase the bar indicates the percentage of survival) (Co 7 control 7 days, A 2.5 1 1 in LPO levels after exposure to all herbicides and in all tissues atrazine 2.5 μgL− , G18glyphosate 18 μgL− , Q0.025quinclorac 0.025 μgL−1, INIT initial, FIN final) analyzed was observed. These responses were more marked in gill tissue (5.2-fold to 6.3-fold increases) than in muscle (2.7- fold to 3.4-fold increases) and liver (1.6-fold increase), dependence on cholesterol for activity. The author suggests allowing us to suggest a higher antioxidant capacity in other that an essential role that cholesterol plays in mammalian cell organs, mainly the liver, compared to gills. Despite the in- biology is to enable crucial membrane enzymes to provide crease in the lipid peroxidation levels, there was no mortality, function necessary for cell survival. Studies of Na+K+ which may be related to an antioxidant defense capacity ATPase in human erythrocyte membranes showed inhibition both in enzymatic and non-enzymatic terms (Ballesteros of activity by high levels of membrane cholesterol. Similar et al. 2009). Farombi et al. (2008), Gultekin et al. results have been found in other membranes: in rabbit eryth- (2000), and Brocardo et al. (2005)foundsimilarresults rocyte membranes, guinea pig erythrocyte membranes, rat in their investigations. Environ Sci Pollut Res

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