Council 15th December 2014




Present: Councillors Mrs Harold (Chairman), Miss Beal, Bowden, Bradley, Hart, Mr Los, Mrs Los, Oliver, Mrs Richardson, Shores and Waddington.

Ward Councillors Jump and Mathieson and John Smith (Clerk)

Members of the public: 2

An apology for absence was submitted from Councillor Swaby.

163. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors Miss A Beal and Mr J Los declared an interest with regard to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Woodmansey (Minute 171 below) insofar as it might relate to land in their respective ownership.

164. MINUTES - Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17th November 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


165. Vehicles Parked Close to the Road Junction on Plaxton Bridge Road – Further to Minute 143 it was reported that the representative from Humberside Police had spoken to the owner of the parked vehicles to explain the problems vehicles parked near the junction were causing but from recent observations this had clearly had no effect. East Riding Council had been asked to consider providing yellow lines to prevent vehicles being parked close to the junction of Plaxton Bridge Road and Hull Road, Woodmansey. Resolved – That the report be noted and the situation be monitored.

166. Other Matters – Litter Picking – Further to Minute 161 it was reported that the equipment and gloves had been purchased but that it would be necessary to purchase some larger size gloves. Resolved – That approval be given to the purchase of six pairs of larger size gloves to be donated to the group.

167. BANK MANDATE – It was reported, further to Minute 127 of 20th October 2014, that following the submission of the bank mandate details to Barclays Bank confirming that the three authorised signatories on the Council’s accounts were Councillors Mrs J Los, Miss A Beal and N Hart the bank had now indicated that the new Bank Mandate form had to be signed by the Chairman of the Council and one other Councillor. Resolved – (a) That the new Bank Mandate form supplied by Barclays Bank confirming the appointment of Councillors Mrs J Los, Miss A Beal and N Hart as authorised signatories be signed by the Chairman (Councillor Mrs K Harold) and Councillor Miss A Beal, and (b) that the Clerk arrange for the necessary new Mandate Form and Personal Details forms to be completed by Councillors Mrs Harold and Miss Beal for submission to Barclays Bank.

168. VACANCY ON THE COUNCIL – VICTORIA WARD – Further to Minutes 108 and 139 it was reported that one resident had expressed an interest in being appointed a Co-opted Member and was present at the meeting. Resolved – That Michael Thomas Bowden of 233 Hull Road, Woodmansey, East Riding of HU17 0RR. be co-opted to fill the vacancy in Victoria Ward in place of former Councillor P Dack.

(Councillor Bowden signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.)

169. COMMUNICATION WITH COUNCILLORS – At the invitation of the Chairman a resident addressed the meeting regarding difficulties he had in raising matters of concern with East Riding Council. The resident was advised that this meeting was not the appropriate forum for discussing his concerns regarding another Council and suggested that he should contact East Riding Ward Councillors outside of this meeting or go to that Council’s offices. The Chairman suggested that the resident should contact her with details of his concerns and that an item could be included on the Agenda for the next meeting. Resolved – That an item be included on the Agenda for the next meeting.

170. POLICING UPDATE – Details of policing incidents in the area since the last meeting as set out in the latest Parish/Town News Release Updates were submitted. The Chairman reported that she had been contacted regarding an incident of anti-social behaviour in King Street, Woodmansey which she had reported to East Riding Council and which she was pursuing. Resolved – That the information be received.


Council 15th December 2014

171. WOODMANSEY VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – UPDATE – Further to Minute 144/14 Mr D Gluck, Ruralis was present and gave an oral update on progress with regard to the preparation of the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). Mr Gluck presented a paper identifying 9 preferred options for development sites which had been considered by the Steering Group and which now need to be discussed with East Riding Council and the Environment Agency. Mr Gluck stated that none of the proposed sites had yet been discussed with landowners and that that would be the next step in the process. Mr Gluck stated that the draft plan was about 75% drafted in terms of vision, policy and objectives but that there as yet no drawings related to those sites were yet available. Mr Gluck stated that he hoped to visit the sites with the landscape architect on 6th January 2015. Councillor Oliver reported on the outcome of his initial discussions with the Environment Agency requesting a meeting to discuss flood risk assessment in relation to the sites identified. One of the key issues discussed by the Steering Group was the concerns that there would need to be associated improvements with drainage. Members referred to the issues regarding the combined sewer pumping station in Ferry Lane which had been a cause of concern for many years and suggested that every effort should be made to try to secure the agreement of Yorkshire Water to the relocation of the pumping station in connection with the development proposals under consideration. Mr Gluck stated that it was intended to carry out a community consultation on the draft NDP which would be in addition to the statutory requirements once the NDP was submitted for public examination. A Member suggested that in connection with consultations with the community consideration should be given to the use of other media options such as Facebook. Mr Gluck suggested that the Council consider meeting in late January 2015 to look at the final first draft NDP. In summary the next steps would be:

 Ruralis to contact each landowner to check that they are content with what is proposed;  Ruralis and Landscape Architect to visit the area on 6th January 2015 and produce sketch plans;  Ruralis to submit preferred options proposals to East Riding Council and the Environment Agency to see if a meeting is necessary to discuss the proposals;  Draft NDP and outline Consultation Plan to be presented to Steering Group on Monday, 19th January 2015. It is intended that the summary document will be circulated to the community in line with the outline Consultation Plan;  Draft NDP to be submitted to the Parish Council for approval on Wednesday, 28th January 2015.

Councillor Waddington stated that he had attended a recent meeting of the and Rural Community Partnership and had raised concerns regarding the need for a plan regarding amenity/recreation provision. Mr Gluck referred the Member to the East Riding Core strategy document. The Clerk reported that the End of Grant form had been submitted to Locality on 8th December 2014 confirming that the Council had used the full amount of the grant of £7,000 awarded for the project but that no indication had yet been received as to when the retained sum of £700 would be released to the Council. Resolved – (a) That the report be noted, and (b) that the meeting of the Council scheduled for 19th January 2015 be postponed to Wednesday, 28th January 2015 to allow time for the draft NDP to be presented to that meeting.

172. EAST RIDING LOCAL PLAN – EXAMINATION IN PUBLIC – A letter from East Riding Council dated 28th November 2014 was submitted providing an update on the preparation of the East Riding Local Plan which was submitted for Examination in April 2014. The public hearing sessions had concluded on 18th November. Those sessions comprised a series of structured discussions, led by an independent Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, which focused on whether the various policies contained within the Plan were sound. Through the hearings the Inspector has identified that there were several policies where a modification would be required before the Plan could be adopted by the Council. A list of the proposed key modifications arising from the hearings was enclosed with the letter for information. A more detailed list identifying all proposed modifications would be published in the New Year. The main modifications to the Plan will be subject to public consultation early in the New Year and the Council will be informed at the start of that consultation how it can provide your comments to the Inspector. The Inspector will then consider all consultation responses to the modifications before finalising his report. Resolved – That the report be noted.


173. Planning Applications - Resolved – That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding Council on the application stated:

Application Comments

(1) 126 Victoria Road, Beverley – Erection of single That the Parish Council supports the application so storey extension to front (Ref 14/03839). long as there are no neighbour objections.

(2) 22 Cottage Holdings, Beverley Road, - That the Parish Council supports the application so Erection of dog boarding kennels (Ref 14/03671). long as there are no neighbour objections and subject to the kennels having satisfactory noise insulation.


Council 15th December 2014

(3) 49 Lane, Woodmansey - Change of use That the Parish Council supports the application. of land from agricultural to residential curtilage to facilitate erection of two storey extension to side and single storey extension and balcony to rear following demolition of existing garage (ref 14/03845).

174. Decisions of the Planning Authority – Resolved – That the following decisions of Council be noted:

Application Decision

(1) Willow Lodge, 101 Hull Road, Woodmansey - Erection of 2 no. dwellings Approved following demolition of existing dwelling (Ref 14/02969).

(2) 5 Brookholme, Beverley – Conversion of existing garage into additional Approved living space)(ref 14/03257).

(3) 130 Hull Road, Woodmansey - External and internal alterations to allow Approved change of use from detached garage to self-contained annex (ref 14/03057).

(4) 7 Jolley Drive, Beverley – Conversion of existing garage to additional Approved living accommodation (Ref 14/03163).

(5) Contrac Vendridge Unit 4A Tokenspire Business Park, Hull Road, Approved Woodmansey - Change of Use from B1/B8 (Business) to D2 (Assembly & Leisure) (Ref 14/02589).

175. Pre-Planning Consultation – Hallmark Power Ltd - Woodhouse Farm, Old Road, Leconfield – Details were submitted regarding the proposed erection of 2 wind turbines with an overall height of up to 48.01m. Resolved – That the information be received and that the Council will support the views of the Leconfield Parish Council on any planning application.

176. ADVISORY BOARD - RIVER HULL INTEGRATED CATCHMENT STRATEGY OCTOBER 2014 - PREFERRED APPROACH – CONSULTATION – It was reported that over the last two years, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Hull City Council had worked in partnership with: the Environment Agency, Beverley and North Holderness Drainage Board, and Yorkshire Water to plan how to improve drainage and manage the risk of flooding in the River Hull Valley. The partners had worked under the guidance of the River Hull Advisory Board chaired by Graham Stuart MP. Membership of the Board included 5 partner organisations, local Councillors and organisations such as Natural and the National Farmers’ Union. The partners had approved a draft strategy which formed the framework for investment and management of flood risk in the future for formal consultation. The Board was seeking to formally adopt the strategy in March 2015 and was now seeking the views of the wider public and business community. A copy of the summary document had been previously circulated. Further information and the non–technical summary document was available at The consultation period would finish on 31st December 2014. Councillor Oliver reported that he had attended the consultation event held on 5th December 2014. Resolved – That the information be received and that Members forward any comments they have on the document to the Clerk who will then liaise with the Chairman regarding the submission of any response to the consultation.


177. Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour in Our Community – Six monthly Update – A copy of the latest statistics received from East riding Council had been previously circulated. It was reported that the two brick bus shelters near Normandy Avenue, Beverley had been recently daubed with graffiti and that the Clerk was making enquiries of contractors who remove graffiti. A Member suggested that when removed the brickwork should be painted with a silicon treatment to protect it from possible future attacks. Resolved – (a) That the information be noted, and (b) that arrangements be made for the removal of the graffiti at the earliest opportunity.

178. East Riding of Yorkshire Council (Woodmansey No.18) Combined Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement of Modifications Order 2014 - Further to Minute 120 of the Council on 20th October 2014 a letter from East Riding Council dated 11th December 2014 was submitted inviting comments on the Order. Resolved – That East Riding Council be informed that the Parish Council has no objections to the Order.


Council 15th December 2014

179. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE – ST PETERS CHURCH CLOCK, WOODMANSEY – Resolved – That this application be deferred to the next meeting.

180. 2014/16 NATIONAL SALARY AWARD FOR LOCAL COUNCIL CLERKS – It was reported that the recent national salary award had increased the hourly rate applicable to the Clerk (SCP 25) from £11.296p to £11.545 per hour from 1st January 2015 resulting in a revised salary of £5,403.06 (previously £5,286.53). In addition the award provided for a one-off non-consolidated payment payable in December 2014 (£100 pro rata = £24.32). Resolved - That the Clerk’s salary be increased in line with the national award.

181. BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT - NOVEMBER 2014 – Resolved – That the statement be noted.


182. Income – Resolved – That it be noted that the following income had been received since the last meeting of the Council: £ Etton Parish Council – SLCC subscription renewal (costs shared with Woodmansey PC) 33.00

183. Balances - It was reported that the current balance was £57,161.39 but that sum did not take into account any expenditure committed or anticipated for the remainder of the year. Resolved – That the report be noted.

184. Payment of Invoices – Resolved – That the following payments be approved:

£ J Smith (monthly salary – December including non-consolidated payment) 371.86 HM Revenue (PAYE) (JS) (December) 93.00 SLCC (subscription – shared cost with Etton Parish Council) 118.00 C Beal (Weed killing/dog signs (£100) and salt spreading (£25)) 125.00 J Smith (reimburse ink cartridge) 18.97 J Smith – Reimburse cost of protective gloves (Minute 166 above refers) 33.26

185. BUDGET 2014/15 UPDATE - ESTIMATES AND PARISH PRECEPT 2015/16 – A report was submitted indicating that the Parish Council was required to determine a budget for 2015/16 and the way in which the costs are to be met, including the setting of a precept. The report incorporated the following documents:

 Receipts and Payments for the current year compared to the budget set in December 2013 and detailed estimate sheets showing, broken down into individual headings, actual expenditure 2013/14, the original budget for 2014/15, the projection for 2014/15 and a discussion budget for 2015/16:  A schedule showing 2014/15 Budget - Major Variances;  Details on an item by item basis of receipts and payments in the current year:

When the budget for 2014/15 was set it was anticipated that there would be a net deficit of £2,761.00. The projection for the year now showed a likely deficit of £6,461.99. Details were submitted of significant variances between the original estimate and the current projection. When the estimates for 2014/15 were prepared, it was anticipated that there would be a balance at 31st March 2015 of £55,054.85. The anticipated balance was now £57,512.42. Good management practice suggested that the General Reserve should not exceed the precept for the year. It was likely that the External Auditor would require an explanation if the reserves were greater. It was however permissible to build up reserves for a specific future project. The Council considered the discussion budget for 2015/16 and the amount to be raised through the precept. The budget had been calculated using the original estimate and applying, where necessary, an inflationary amount of 2% and a nominal 1% for staff wages to reflect any national pay award. In setting the precept for 2013/14 the Parish Council had had regard to the proposed receipt from East Riding Council of Council Tax Support Funding. The Parish Council did not receive any Council Tax Support Funding for 2014/15 and it was not anticipated that any support would be received in 2015/16. East Riding Council had informed the Council that the provisional tax base for 2015/16 was 2453.18 and informed Members that that meant that if the Council were to set precept at £18,000 as for 2014/15 it would result in a small 2p increase in the amount of council tax paid by residents. Resolved - (a) That the projected budget for 2014/15 and set out in the Appendix to these Minutes showing an overall deficit of £6,461.99 be approved; (b) that it be noted that the anticipated balance at 31st March 2015 is £57,512.42 made up as follows: £ General Reserve (available balance) 31,670.81 Election Fund as at 1/4/15 3,000.00 Community Area Improvements as at 1/4/15 20,000.00 War Memorial Maintenance Fund as at 1/4/15 1,500.00 Gratuity Fund (JS) as at 1/6/15 (3.75% of salary on anniversary of appointment) 1,341.61 370

Council 15th December 2014 and (c) that the Council approves a budget for 2015/16, as set out in the Appendix to these Minutes, showing net expenditure of £ 22,077.06, and (d) that a precept of £17,955 be levied for 2015/16.

186. MEETINGS OF OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS – Councillor Waddington reported orally following his attendance at the meeting of the Beverley and Rural Community Partnership on 9th December 2014. Councillor Oliver reported that he had attended the consultation event on 5th December 2014 regarding the River Hull Advisory Board’s consultation document ‘River Hull Integrated Catchment Strategy October 2014 - Preferred Approach’. Resolved – That the report be noted.

187. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - Resolved – That the following correspondence be received:

(a) East Riding of Yorkshire Council: (i) Parish News – December 2014 (previously circulated). (ii) Beverley and Rural Community Partnership – Agenda for 9 December 2014 (previously circulated). (iii) Beverley and Rural Community Partnership – Beverley Heart Town 11th December 2014 (previously circulated). (iv) Joint Local Access Forum Agenda 17th December 2014 (previously circulated). (b) Humberside Police: (i) Beverley Minster & Woodmansey Ward Update for December 2014 (previously circulated). (ii) Cycle Thefts from dwelling houses/garages (previously circulated). (c) Visit Hull & East Yorkshire – Remarkable East Yorkshire Tourism Awards 2015 – Nominations invited by 20th January 2015.

188. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – There were no items

189. NEXT MEETING - Resolved - That the next meeting be held on Wednesday, 28th January 2014 at 7.30pm (Minute 171 above refers).


Council 15th December 2014


Council 15th December 2014

Appendix A WOODMANSEY PARISH COUNCIL Detailed Estimates 2014/15 and 2015/16

2013/14 2014/15 2014/15 APPROVED Actual original Projection BUDGET budget 2015/16 £ £ £ £ INCOME Council Tax Support Fund 1,166.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bank Interest 28.00 20.00 30.42 20.00 Miscellaneous 32.41 0.00 764.08 0.00 Awards 4 All Grant 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Locality Grant 6,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Commuted Sums 0.00 0.00 13,600.00 0.00 Value Added Tax 1,157.61 0.00 2,951.45 0.00 Total Income 18,684.98 20.00 17,345.95 20.00

EXPENDITURE General Administration Audit fees 330.40 350.00 430.40 431.00 Stationery 62.03 50.00 74.58 50.00 Printing 246.81 210.00 190.39 200.00 Insurances 3,523.65 3,650.00 3,576.06 3,650.00 Subscriptions 60.00 60.00 85.00 85.00 Hire of rooms 0.00 91.00 0.00 91.00 Seminars/training 140.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 Postages 25.80 50.00 25.80 40.00 Equipment 0.00 20.00 56.30 15.00 Office allowance 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 IT equipment allowance 342.00 342.00 342.00 342.00 Telephone costs allowance 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 Books 0.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 Bank charges 0.00 0.00 34.24 0.00 Wreaths 38.50 40.00 38.50 40.00 Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 734.08 0.00 Contingency 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,349.19 5,483.00 6,167.35 5,564.00 Election Costs Elections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Staff Costs Clerk 5,286.53 5,288.00 5,339.93 5,403.06 Cleaner 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mileage 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,286.53 5,288.00 5,339.93 5,403.06 Property Costs Seats 0.00 0.00 404.12 0.00 Shelters 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 Bins (plus salt spreader etc) 2,048.89 0.00 277.07 0.00 Notice boards 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 War memorials 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 2,048.89 600.00 681.19 1,600.00


Council 15th December 2014

2013/14 2014/15 2014/15 APPROVED Actual original Projection BUDGET budget 2015/16 £ £ £ £ Play Areas safety inspection 157.00 160.00 157.00 160.00 grass cutting 1,221.49 1,500.00 1,315.65 1,500.00 tree works 0.00 1,000.00 1,370.00 1,000.00 miscellaneous 0.00 250.00 48.00 250.00 repairs 1,433.76 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 major improvements 0.00 4,000.00 11,836.00 0.00 cleaner services 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,812.25 7,910.00 14,726.65 3,910.00 Facilities Lighting - maintenance 445.87 500.00 445.87 500.00 Lighting - improvements 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Youth outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Youth Club costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 salt bins 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 445.87 1,000.00 445.87 1,000.00 Neighbourhood Plan Awards for All grant 6,581.00 0.00 3,419.00 0.00 Locality grant 543.50 0.00 6,456.50 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 7,124.50 0.00 9,875.50 3,000.00 Section 137 Grants local organisations 850.00 500.00 1,620.00 1,600.00 850.00 500.00 1,620.00 1,600.00 Value Added Tax 1,306.00 0.00 2,951.45 0.00 (petty cash a/c) - net 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Expenditure 25,223.23 20,781.00 41,807.94 22,077.06

Balance (to be met from precept/reserves) 6,538.25 20,761.00 24,461.99 22,057.06 Precept 18,800.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 17,955.00 To be met from reserves -12,261.75 2,761.00 6,461.99 4,102.06

BALANCES Balance at 1/4/14 63,974.41 Net expenditure 2014/15 6,461.99 Balance at 1/4/15 57,512.42

GENERAL RESERVES Election Fund at 1/4/15 3,000.00 Community Area Improvements 20,000.00 Fund at 1/4/15 War Memorial Fund at 1/4/15 1,500.00 Clerk's Gratuity Fund Fund at 1/6/14 1,139.00 Gratuity Fund at 1/6/15 202.61 1,341.61 Available to spend 31,670.81 excluding commitments