Radcliem Monitors Increased to 50 O'brien Major Post Plans for Dance Stokes Auxiliary Plans Dinner Party “Jennie June”

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Radcliem Monitors Increased to 50 O'brien Major Post Plans for Dance Stokes Auxiliary Plans Dinner Party “Jennie June” — tt of the Independence'.of the Vol. LXXXVII, No. 47 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1962 United SUtot of America the 185th year _ SEVEN CENTS Radcliem Monitors DEMONSTRATE AERIAL “Jennie June” and “Tom Thumb” Wed RETIRES AFTER 32 YEARS i IN GROVE POST OFFICE Increased To 50 FOR COMMISSIONERS In Children’s Ceremony; Cast of 97 OCEAN GROVE — A Peter OCEAN GROVE—George D. Pirsch aerial fire truck, which Westervelt,; Jr., retires tomor­ More Volunteers Needed is being purchased by the City OCEAN GROVE — The wedding Brian Aubry, Laurie Bengston, row from the Occan Grove Post Office after. 32 years service. In Neptune Township’s of Newark fire department, of “Jennie June” and “Tom Michael Davis, Rosemarie Wood­ . was demonstrated here last Thumb”, last Saturday at the In­ ruff, Josh Srrtith, Kathy Merteh, A resident here a t 110 Cook­ man avenue,- M r..;■ Westervelt Civil Defense Program Saturday for the Ocean Grove term ediate School, Ocean Grove,' Edward Coder, Jill Donnelly, Glenn board of lire commissioners, Packard, Nancy Sullivan, Kenneth began his postal career as a and for members of the Eagle was received by a standing-room DeRose, Judy Hill, Terry Mertch, carrier on Sept. 25, 1930. NEPTUNE — The Township of Hook and Ladder Co... The only crowd. Lynn Snyder, Valerie Coyne, Danny From 1930 until 1945 he Neptune is proud to announce the aerial .was placed, in operation Sponsored by the Ocean, ‘ Grove Williams, John' Reach, Alexandre carried the moil: on the north NEPTUNE TWP.—A post-election reorganization of the addition of 24 trained monitors to on an occanfront hotel, here. P.T.A., the affair was interrupted Smith, Betsy Mieras, Sonya Jern­ side of: Ocean Grove, from Mt. .The Ocean Grove fire commis­ stedt, Marion Minnehan, Karen Hermon Way and Olin street municipal committee took place Tuesday night with the resig­ its Radiological. Defense Corps. sioners ore planning to pur- ' repeatedly by spontaneous ap­ Mulliken, Kathy; McOwen, Bruce over to Wesley Lake. In the nation of Mayor Joseph A. Shafto, a member for the past This brings the total number of chase a new aerial next year to plause. John Meyer, as “the pa­ Packard, Pam Catley, Linda Jacob­ summer of 1945 he transferred 15 years, and the seating of his successor on the official body, . Radchem Monitors in Neptune : to replace, the present. 1927 hook tient, pompous and dignified min­ son, Susan Twidle, Joyce Nicolls, from carrier to clerk and in Steven Jones, Barbaril ; Sullivan, Thomas Nicol, construction firm president BO. _ and ladder truck. ister,” was interrupted momentar­ 1960 he was named money o r-, Ronald McClelland; Elizabeth San­ der clerk,' the' post he holds Mayor Shafto’s resignation fol­ Another course will be offered in ily by an unidentified' spectator .in. ders, Denise Williams, ;i Dorothy at the tiirie of retirement. lowed ; his election as Monmouth the, near future. It is hoped that need.of “Dr. Bailey’s” assistance. Lake,. Mark Rea, 'Eric Herbst, Mr. Westervelt is also an we will have volunteers from some •.'. A reception was held immedir James Cortright, Sharon Dietz, exempt member of Stokes Fire County Sheriff. In leaving the mu­ parts, of tho Township not. yet Father Son Dinner ately following the ceremony in David Mieras, Christine John, Company. , nicipal committee, he said; ‘‘I’ve the school foyer. The committee Douglas Weaver, Sheila McClel­ been very happy serving the people aware of the importance of this land, Eugene Yotka, Robert Wil­ chairman, Mrs. Jack James, was of Neptune Township for the past phase of Civilian Defense. Attended By 102 assisted by Mrs. John Williamson, son, Jacqueline Gilbert, Jimmy • There is a heed for IQ :mcn or P.T.A. president, and Mrs. Grace Tice, Jane Laird, Donald- Reach, 15 years, and I’m certainly going women from the Ocean Grove area, Jones, co-chaiTirien., Also Mrs. Ken­ Donna Strasser, John Fisher, Me­ to miss it. If there’s anything I 10 from the Whitesville area, and neth Dellett, tickets, Mrs, Franklin linda Lyon, Barbara Wilson, Deb­ Ocean Grove P.T.A. can do for the people of the town­ Lt. Col. Daniel O. Wilson, bie Trout, Alan Jones, Ellen Kroeze, 10 from the West Grove or Asbury Holl, publicity, and Mrs Kenneth ship, please feel free.to call on me.” Gables area. Anyone interested , Ft. Monmouth Chaplain, Smith, reception; also Mrs. Joseph Billy Grant, Jeffrey King, Barbara should send their name, address, Guest Speaker Nov. 16th 'Gondek, Mrs. Richard Lyon, Mrs. Catley, Diane Day. Following Mayor Shafto’s resig­ nation and the committee’s accept­ and phone number to Charles H. Edward Holl, Mrs. Donald King, The wedding party included: Or­ -Jackson, Jr., Radiological Defense Mi's. Arthur Deitz, Mrs. Ray Mis- ance “with regret” and with “best OCEAN GROVE—A record at­ ganist, Marjorie Dellett; soloist, Report on Tom Thumb; wishes for his new. endeavors," Jo­ ■Officer, 632 - Green Grove Road, tendance of 102 enjoyed the an­ ner, Mrs. Norma Wilson, Mrs. Dawn MacIntyre; minister, John Neptune, N.J. This invitation is Charles Weaver, Mrs. Richard Day, Wedding Reveals a seph Wardell, Neptune dairyman nual Father and Son dinner last Meyer; ushers, Bobby Hendriksori, and a member of the committe for •extended to a n y neighboring com­ Friday, night in the church dining Mrs. James Cortright, Mrs. Fred Richard Beekman, Billy Morawe, munities who .have no. instructor Herbst and Mrs. Lester Bush. Profit of §233.50 the past spven years, was named room, sponsored by St. Paul’s Scott Simpkins, Frank Englehart, mayor. •available. Methodist. Men. The dinner was Preceding the wedding Miss Alice John Forsythe; groom and best Notification of the time and place OCEAN GROVE—Colored slides r prepared by the committee of local M eyer flayed “Oh Promise Me" mail, Jeffrey" James and' Jeffrey of all Our west National Parks of the next course will be in both Church Activities, of the WSCS, of Blanchard; bridesmaids, Linda local newspapers, and those who re­ and “Because”. were shown by John Zagaja at the which Mrs. George Geissler is Dietz, Adela Williamson, Jill Nied- meeting of the Ocean Grove Par- spond through the mail will be chairman, assisted by her co-chair­ Mrs. Cai'l Meyer introduced the enstein, Joanne Gondek, . Melinda notified in the same manner. ent-Teacher Association Monday men, 'Miss'"Reba Weilert, .Mrs. wedding guests who represented Holl, Gail Woyshner; ring b.earer, night in the all purpose room of ' - ; -* >- • Vincent Lawson, Mrs. William local, national and world wide “ce­ Christopher "Wood and Douglas Mc­ the grammar school. Mr. Zagaja Spratt, Miss Florence Grower, Mrs. lebrities". As they made their ap­ Mahon; flower girls', Lynn Larri­ disclosed with cross-pictures the Hannah Sturm and Mrs. Ruther­ pearance, Mrs. Ruth Dellett played son, Lisa Pickering; 'Sherry' Mock-, dangerous climbs he undertook to Mayor Joseph Wardell O’Brien Major Post ford Trimmer. appropriate; music. Representing ridge. Cindy Holl; maid of honor, capture many of the scenes. Members of the Methodist Youth the guests were Peter Woolley, Su­ Carolyn Reach; bride and father, Mrs. John Williamson presided Active in township municipal and Fellowship volunteered their serv­ san Pullen, Howie Smith, Nancy Susan Jones and:Robert Bush; ush­ at the business meeting. Mrs. Jack civic affairs since 1928, when he Plans For Dance ices to wait, on the tables. Pres. Day, Pam Mix, David Douglas, erettes, Janice Englehart', Mary James and Mrs. Grace Jones re­ joined the police department, Don Sherwood presided at the din­ Kimberley Misner, Wayne Ruding, ■Anri-.O’Neill', Sue Jean Wcplley, ported a profit of $223.50 on the Mayor Wardell became deputy po­ ner and Pastor Albert Layton gave Tom Thumb wedding Saturday lice chief during World W ar 2. He NEPTUNE—Commander Daniel left the township police department J. Gorman held a regular meeting the;- invocation; ; v.' night, and thanked all parents and /"An inspirational, address by' the children for participation. Also during the latter- part of the war ' last night. He thanked the Cere­ to serve with the Federal Bureau monial Squad and the membership popular chaplain at Ft. Monmouth, VFW Auxiliary Honors President Larry Mieras'for palms and decor­ Lt. Col.; Daniel O. Wilson, was en­ ations. There will be a repeat per­ of Investigation.’ He replaced the f o r an extremely good turnout at late Mayor Charles'S. Loveman on this past Sunday’s Veterans; Day j o y e d by young and old; likewise formance, to be announced soon; parade in Asbury Park. selections by Trumpeteer, Spl. 4th Mrs. Kenneth: Smith announced the municipal committee in 1955. Class Eugene L. Creal, also of Ft. kindergarten mothers were host­ .; The resignation of Robert T. Ral- Ways and means chairman, Sr. Monmouth. esses, and Mrs. Muriel Harring­ ston as'a member ol' the township’s Vice Commander Sliwa, reported ton’s sixth grade recipients of the progress on. bingo and Christmas board of adjustment was accepted. attendance banner. His replacement will be liariied by candle, sales and also that final ar­ Mrs. -Margaret Hannah, second rangements have been made for the next meeting, Dec. 5. Members of Class grade teacher,' read titles of 10 —— —— :—: ;— ______ i__ the New Year’s eve ball at the books that the PTA purchased at Fostr homei • Featured will be- Ed­ Thomas Nicol die King and his orchestra. All of V iiif Shut-Ins the state convention of teachers in the Post officers were given tickets Atlantic City last week, for class­ M agistrate. Jam es R. Laird ad­ room libraries from library fines. ministered the oath of office to Mr. MEMORIAL CROSS and have them available.
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