Volume LXX. Number 92 Wednesday. July 12, 1989

The Summer ofTECHNICIAN N.C. State's Student 1920

Pro -life vs. Pro - choice

Fueled by the recent Supreme Court decision to allow states

to restrict public funding for abortions, the debate over abortion continues, stronger than ever.

See TECHOpinion, page 3. What do these people 74W» SW ./ have in common?


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Assistan'' tPhotoEdrtor ‘ . l’zttoefer. Graphics Editor ’ The Supreme Court last The Supreme Court . *Geof Brooks week heated up the ruling in the Webster V.\. " RapeDesigner ongoing debate between Reproductive Health Services lu ie Woosley. has thrown a mortal blow at the . 'ChiefCopy Editor pro-choicers and pro-lifers by Ken Towery ruling that individual states had fundamental constitutional right Copy Editors the power to limit and restrict of a woman to control her own body Justine Anastasotf, Marci Bernstein abortions. When we look at the and fertility and thus retain the option RobTuttle, lodi Zinnanti arguments presented by of abortion. Systems Editor both sides. we can see that The battle has begun. as ‘ Michael Lefler 2:36“S‘s-(1040::. gtlvcorps- Stilt: Pm_hfe. VS. Pm_ChOlce. well as the erosion. ot. the Service Engineer historic l973 Roe vs. Duane Whitehorst (that of when life begins) Wade decision. which by presenting these DENIS C. LUTMAN DAPHNE EDWARDS placed the abortion rnnttct Advertising inconsistent and irrelevant GUEST COLUMNlST OPINION EDITOR in the hands ot‘ worncrt. General Manager rssues: . granting absolute tlrsr Lib Seigh l) The states now have Pro-Life Pro-Chorce trimester and COHdIlIUltnl Credit Manager control over women’s second trimester abortion Bruce King bodies by their power to limit and restrict abortions. rights. At 24 weeks the court found the fetus clearly viable and . Sales. , 2) The ruling allowing states to regulate abortions discriminates drew the controversial fetal viability line and proclaimed Cindy Sawyer, Eric Saunders against poor people because they cannot afford safe and legal abortion unpermissable during the third trimester. But prior to ‘ " ‘Adsifrodu‘ction’f{Manager abortions, whereas wealthy people can afford to travel to this viability line. the Roc resolution deemed the fetus o DenisCLutntan . . . countries where abortions are legal. and nonperson and protected the right to privacy of a pregnant tidiedManager 3) The ruling does not allow women to decide what is morally women. Built“?! ' ‘ ’ best for themselves and will allow states to restrict funding for The Webster decision takes this right and grants states the ,. .GrajphicArtist abortions. , authority to restrict abortion accessability. Essentially. the court is _‘ cyv‘on Hanan That the courts and the government should not have control sending out a message: abortion rights are no longer a matter Giaséifieds‘Mamger' over the individuals' bodies has always been a central theme to primarily for women. but increasingly a matter for politicians. ' . .hrtic‘heile Pfeiffer the pro-choice advocates. Gloria Steinem has said. “The power of Unfortunately. due to the regressive Webster ruling. enacted by the government has to stop at our skins. Our bodies cannot be two original dissenters of the 7-2 Roc ruling and three Reagan ‘j..i’:t’rod'ucti0n , invaded. They are our castles to rule.” appointees. it is necessary to justify. once again. the fundamental ,' "Pr? uction Manager The fact is that this issue is irrelevant as the government does right of ti woman to maintain ultimate authority over ltcr uutt . David Krause have control over our bodies. Is it not a law that we must be body and it's physiological processes. if “ ._ JohnistantHortonManager vaccinated against German measles, tetanus and polio? We are Rc-cxamining the issue raises several questions: Docs tlrc lk‘llls even required by law to see that our children also receive these possess certain inalienable. constitutional rights than ncccssrtntc ,9 tayotit Artist vaccinations. There are no exceptions and we have no choice in legal protection? is it morally wrong to abort the potential lrt'c ol f3 Nathan Gay the matter. Therefore. these vaccinations are violating our right to a fetus? Does an individual retain the fundamental right to 3- "Archives Manager govern our bodies. However. pro-choiccrs never argue against control her own body? Nancy Motsinger such vaccinations (even though they violate the pro-choicers' Scientific research, especially since l‘)7‘\. lends \Utllt‘ main argument) because they would say. as would nearly enlightening data enabling one to cxzrrninc the stages ot lt'l.ll everyone else. that the government has a legitimate interest in development. At the l2th day, scientists huvc dclcrnnnctt " protecting others against harm or damage. Why then. does the embryo is fonncd. By the 4th week the backbone rs corny is pro-choice faction deny the govcmment’s interest to protect life At about eight weeks. the fetus begins to rcscrnhlc .I ll of - Serving Mqu-alirraStaleUniversitysr‘ircer920 H where the fetus is concerned? Obviously pro-choice advocates creature. At approxiurnatcly 20 weeks. the fetus vtcrghx .tl‘t'." Technician ‘rusr 455-050) a the official student have contradicted their own arguments, and so their position that ounces and the heartbeat can be detected with n tcrostupu In newspaper of N.C.’State and is published every has control over women's bodies is inconsistent North Carolina. abortions may not be obtarrncd :tllcr tlic ‘Hrlt Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the the government academic year from August through May except . and irrelevant. week and in all legal rulings the fetus has been protected .ttrt-r ‘1 during scheduled holiday and examination periods. The pro-choice argument that the states' regulation of the weeks. The summer edition is published every Wednesday availability of abortions will discriminate against the poor is also Whether life begins at conception is an crrrrrcly lllllt‘lt‘lll from May through August. Offices are located in irrelevant and inconsistent. They argue that if the states regulate question. Anti-ulumiornsts clzrirn rt doc-s. though tlrc [llt'lt‘ll\lt'il rs Suites 3120-3121 ofthe University Student Center, Cafes Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27007. Mailing address the availability of abortions. people who cannot afford abortions clearly unfoundcd. in thc curlrcst sttrgcs of gcstntrort, ttlmr Inn to is Box 8608, Raleigh, NC 27t;‘!5~tt608. Subscription or a new child will seek “back—ttllcy" abortions where, as they the womb is n ccll thrrt tll\‘l(it.'\ Into too culls, tltcrt Illltl lmtt tt‘ii'» cost'$45 per year. Printed by Hinton Press, like to point out. thcrc is danger to tlrc health of thc rnothcr. That and soon. It is it l'crtrlr/ctl hurnrrn ccll, not .r lttrrtmrl lu‘m” tun Mebane, NC. POSTMASTi-H: Send any address the mother may gcl hurt us at result of the illegal abortion rrtztttcrs cannot lubcl tlrc lcttrs .r pcrson. At tltrs point rln- it'lll- I ll mill. changes to Technician ttm norm, Raleigh, N.C. 27695-8608. St'r' LIFE, [)rlgr‘ 7 \t‘l' (‘”()I( 'l‘ . [’ti fr‘ 4 /I 11/2. [989 _ TECHNews

NCSU students protect N.C. bears By Mark Schatter bears choose their habitats. The data for these goals is Staff Writer collected through radio transmitter collars. Before l987 the researchers used the old collars that NC. State researchers have been studying the black bear emitted a constant signal, but when it was discovered that at the Pisgah Bear Sanctuary in the Pisgah National Forest poachers had been tuning in to the signal and tracking the for over l0 years now. bears, the bears were retrapped and the collars removed In I977 the Wildlife Resource Commission began to fund until a new collar was developed. This year the researchers research into the study of the Pisgah Bear Sanctuary have a new collar that is activated by a special signal that through NCSU. During the first few years, only enough turns it on and off. thereby not giving the poachers a money for one graduate student was provided to work on chance to track the bears since no signal is emitted when the study. in l981. Roger A. Powell. an associate professor the collar is off. The collars transmit the data collected on of zoology and forestry. was able to get the grant extended the bear and then shut off when the appropriate signal is and expanded until 1990 to do additional research on the sent. Poachers cannot activate the collars. bears. for the group. Currently only six bears are collared. but Powell hopes Each year three graduate students. an undergraduate that 15 will be collared by the end ofthe summer. He hopes intern and 20-25 volunteers trom Earthwatch. a volunteer From May to July. shifts of three to lO'students and that in the future the data they collect will show the social and funding organization with a coordinated membership, workers camp at the Pisgah National Forest. remaining a organization of the bears and the state of the population of work on the study. This summer the three NCSU graduate few weeks to capture and tag bears and collect valuable the bears. students participating are John Zimmerman, who is data from previously tagged bears. Powell is currently working on a proposal to get more working on his doctorate. Erran Seaman, who is doing the This study has expanded from the original goal of just funding to study the bears into the early and mid I990s. He last of his field work for his doctorate. and Paul Iobsis, evaluating the sanctuary for the government. Personal goals teaches mammalology, wildlife management and various who is beginning work on his master’s degree. This have been set by the group and by the graduate students. graduate courses. He began teaching at NCSU in l979. He summer David McHenry is the undergraduate intent and They want to understand the social structure of both the was born in Joliet. Ill., and received his PhD from the Caren Cooper. a former graduate student. is the technician male and female bears and also understand how the black University ofChicago in 1977.

Sterilization process develOped By Teebu Philip agricultural engineering department are in the Staff Writer process of building prototype electron sterilizers into aseptic food packaging imagine using a television set to sterilize food machines. The machines must be small enough packages. Currently NC. State researchers are and cheap enough for industry to use. exploring a similiar technology that can be used Rohrbach's electron sterilizer would use only to sterilize food containers such as milk canons 50,000 volts to kill any microbes on the inner and fruit juice bottles. surface of the package. In comparison, a Roger P. Rohrbach. a professor of biological television set operates on 40,000 volts. and agricultural engineering. uses this Rohrbach’s sterilizer would only cost $i0.000 technology in his research in “swift—electron when ready for the market. sterilization." To date, Rohrbach has built two prototypes. Rohrbach‘s main focus is to delevop an The second model has a rocket-shaped vacuum electron sterilizer for aseptic food packaging. chamber made of clear Plexiglas approximately Aseptic packages are sterilized. packed and one foot high. This chamber rests within a sealed in a sterile environment. wooden housing structure coated with NCSU leads research in aseptic food aluminum foil. An isolated transformer is also packaging in conjunction with the National enclosed within the structure along with Science Foundation. in 1987. the Foundation temperature and pressure recording began a Center for Aseptic Processing and instruments. Packaging Studies with the help of industry in The power supply is able to produce l20,000 order to research further uses for aseptic volts and it sits beside the wooden housing packaging. structure along with a vacuum pump. The current practice for sterilization is to Electrons are gained for sterilization by bathe the package in hydrogen peroxide. This making a circuit between a negatively charged practice leaves traces of the chemical electron source (cathode) at the foot of the compound on the packaging material and is vacuum chamber and the positively charged extremely slow. window (anode) at the top. In the prototype Rohrbach says. “We don’t want people eating model. the cathode is a simple heated filament low levels of hydrogen peroxide if we can help and the anode is a thin piece of aluminum foil. It." In a television. the cathode is the electron The principle behind Rohrbach‘s electron accelerator itself and the anode is the metallic sterilizer is the same used in television sets. surface on or nearthe screen. When used in a television set. devices like an Rohrbach wants the electrons to gain enough electron accelerator display images on a momentum to pass through the foil and into the television screen. A different version of this air beyond. The package to be sterilized would electron accelerator is used in sterilizing food. be placed between the foil and the air. When This process leaves no potentially harmful the electrons pass through the package. it would chemicals on the packages, but the cost is too be left sterile. high to interest industry. Neither of the two prototype models An electron accelerator located in Fuquay- Rohrbach has designed or built have been able Varina generates 4.5 million volts and costs to discharge electrons into the air. Air millions of dollars to operate. The price of molecules within the chamber have prevented converting from chemical sterilization to this the electrons from being accelerated to the new technology is too expensive for industry to anode. handle. The third prototype cunently in construction Rohrbach said. “You can sterilize the heck out has better seals and a larger vacuum pump to Allison Young shows off her shooting touch at the Kay Yow ot stult’ when you have one that operates on 4.5 keep air out. Rohrbach hopes the changes made basketball nulliott volts." to the design of the third model will be able to camp for girls. The camp, for girls aged 9 through 17, runs through Rolnlucli and associates in the biological and shoot electrons into the air to sterilize packages. July 13. _ 11.1112, [989 5 TECHSidetracks

Star Trek The Next Gentrification FROG — Marry me. Winona Ryder. On a much lighter note, two must- sees are hitting the capital city this weekend. Friday night the Brewery will be hosting one of New York City's finest bands. 24-7 SPYZ. And sticking with artists with numerics in their names. 007, will be ridding the world ofevildoers. on. Timothy Dalton, the fourth and latest Wait for it to come on TV and the James Bond figure. will star in "Licence To crew will look a bit smaller. \tli”ill”!I Kill." Nazi Records And two more worthy notes: the Doobie We are about to re-enter the frigid Brothers will be in Chapel Hill's Dean nature of the conservative '50s. tilts Dome in August, and rumor has it that The Please put on your parkas to avoid “Wtill!” Rolling Stones will be in Carter-Finley the initial blast ofair. Stadium this fall — sometime in October As part of the effort to keep — so keep your eyes and ears open for “evil" music out of the hands of these living legends of rock. small children. Hastings Books and Star Drek Music is putting stickers on certain Gees Ems/STAFF I played big brother the other afternoon. records to prohibit their sale to people most of the bands have been singled out most tame releases and it even includes a No, I didn't spend the evening watching under l8. because of their names. What‘s the song recorded live at the old Pier in my wonderful neighbors using my new Why shouldn't a 17-year-old kid be able difference between Motorhead‘s Mission Valley. Kids under l8 really need telescope. But I did see the stars when I to buy whatever he damn well wants with “0rgasmatron” and their “Ace of Spades“ to listen to this record. took my brother to see "Star Trek V: The his money at a store? This is just one more record? It‘s as if Hastings just spoke titles out Final Frontier." case of infringing on the rights of the The store should not under any loud in front of some grandmothers‘ If they ever decide to make a Star Trek consumer. circumstance play parent. conventions and stuck stickers on records VI, it should be entitled What groups can't I can sort of understand some mother that got a titter out of the crowd. “The Search for a Fat minors purchase at getting upset when her l0~year~old Johnny And because the powers that be at Farm.” The reason why Hastings? brings home a copy of the Butthole Hastings seem to be banning more on a there are less people on Rap groups are heavily Surfers‘ “Hairway to Steven." But I get name basis than on true content. shouldn't every ,voyage on the hit with the stickers. more offended at hearing Johnny playing Steely Dan be on the hit list as much as Enterprise is that the NWA. 2 Live Crew, the soundtrack to “Dirty Dancing." Alien Sex Fiend? For those of you who crew's weight is on the ‘_ Eazy-E. LL. Cool J. King A parent's duty should be to have some don't know. Steely Dan got their name rise. ' V ‘ Tee and Ice T are just a sense of art and guide the child in his from an industrial strength marital aid used Richard Simmons needs few that Johnny can‘t tastes. Instead they allow really rancid in William S. Burroughs' “Naked Lunch." to take over. buy. Those “college radio stations to babysit the child. Unless a What about Ravel's “Bolero?“ This is Dr. McCoy was the only WlnonaRyder alternative punky” bands parent sits down at the turntable and pure eroticism at its peak. How many member of the crew who have also been explains to Johnny what the whole Velvet people have had sex to the plucking looked up to Starfleet standards for body stickerized. Pussy Galore. Suicidal Underground thing is. the parent should strings? Shouldn‘t this be banned as well? weight. 8qu and Chekov weren‘t too bad. Tendencies. the Butthole Surfers. Scraping have no right to complain if the child Frankly this reeks of fascism. l'll put although they were tipping the scales in the Foetus Off the Wheel, Alien Sex Fiend and rejects the mush-head crud dished out by money on it that this same policy is in wrong direction. even the Sex Pistols are now in the “adult radio. effect in China at this very moment. Of Scotty is nothing short of a blimp. Kirk section." And the nerve of Hastings to assume the course Moscow is a different story since and Spock looked pregnant. And the scene Some groups are only having one record role of the parent by dictating what Johnny actually toured there. where Uhura tries to look sexy as she stickered. This batch includes Motorhead‘s can’t buy! The idiots put in charge of if this policy stands. perhaps more dances naked (but, thankfully, obscured) is “Orgasmatron.” Sonic Youth’s "Confusion making the black list have no sense of what national chains will hop on the bandwagon. a lunch loser. Is Sex" and the Circle Jerks' “Group Sex." is on the records. They are just jumping at Soon kids will be hanging around the malls The story was B-grade for television. The For the most part, Hastings is putting whatever sounds wrong. trying to get big kids to buy them copies of opening desert sequence is awesome. but it stickers on records not for their content. but The Sex Pistols are for everybody. Sonic “Flogging a Dead Horse." powerdives when the bloated crew comes for their labeling. Except for the rap music, Youth‘s “Confusion is Sex” is one of their This isn't the America I want to live in.

The column that dares to be Ramsey in Reality abrasive. Got a question, but too dull to answer it? Write in! Dear R. in R., tunnel directly beneath the a valid cure to the common cup of pure carbonated What the hell is that pointed sideWalk there at the Bookstore, hangover? water. then go to their big miniature dome-thing in front for the rainwater and the like that Matt Henry, Grad., freezer and jump up and ofthe Bookstore? may accumulate. Mechanical Engineering down for a minute. Or go Logan Parker., The reason for the oddball shape out to the vet school and SR, Speech-Communications of this “sump—pump cover" is a Dear Matt. ask someone if you can ; little vague. but apparently it's There sure is, moron. On the suck on some pure oxygen ' Dear M.I.. because there is a removable night before the morning you for a minute. Based on That question has been hotly faucet attachment that extends don’t want to have a hangover what the hangover does to debated in academic circles several feet above the base of the don't drink! Or if you must drink. your body chemically, these around the globe for some time pump, perhaps to provide an then sniff some argon gas first methods do work now. so. for the benefit of the outlet for water being pumped thing in the morning. This will While my previous mucsu Bookatore's misfortunate masses. here goes. out. Therefore the bottom is wide cure your hangover immediately. hangover cure was lying in Underneath that “miniature dome- and the top is just skinny enough mainly because you‘ll be dead a bed all day until it was time to or inquiry about anything in the thing" is a now dysfunctional to cover the faucet attachment. immediately! start partying again. my own world? Write us and we‘ll do our sump pump. A sump pump is If you're too big of a pansy for personal favorite is — don‘t ever best to answer it. Address letters basically a bilgewater pump. This Dear R. in R., the above. then try going to a fast stop drinking. to “Ramsey in Reality.“ c/n particular one benefited the steam I gotta know — is there really food place and drinking a large Got a question. complaint. gripe TECH. 6 _/UI.)' I2, I989 _ TECHSports

Summer sports are halfway there somebody is out to get them. How close do Mears and Danny Sullivan, Penske‘s you have to get before winning a race? It drivers, want to know what Patrick Racing Baseball races surprising; ain’t fair. I wouldn't mind if these three knows about the PC-I8. won every race the rest of the year. They O O 0 deserve it. Martin will win one soon and Beware of a bunch of l4—year—old girls Auto racing predictable look out for Wilson at Talladega and running around campus the next few Marlin and Charlene. weeks. Wolfpack women's coach Kay Yow Now that it's the middle of summer. I Silly season has started. Geoff Bodine is holding her basketball camps now. think it's quite appropriate to let those few will be replaced by Ricky Rudd in I990 in Perhaps some of these girls will don the fortunate souls who have been away what the Rick Hendrick-owned Levi Garrett Pack uniform in a few years. These camps has been going on in the world of spons. Lee Chevrolet. I guess Hendrick had had teach young women (some may read this. So. as a friend of mine used to say. I'm enough of Bodine's controversial incidents bless their souls) the fundamentals in going to tell you the deal. Montgomery in past years. Now the question is. who will basketball, like passing. defense and I O replace Rudd in the Quaker State ride? shooting. And we all know that if you can Jttst how does one know it is the middle Bodine? find a girl that can hit the 20-footer, you of summer? The Major League Baseball Don’t forget rumors that say Terry better marry her. All-Star Game. played Tuesday night in Labonte will leave Junior Johnson for his 0 0 O Anahiem. Calif. I hope you know who bullpen stopper Steve Bedrosian can only own team next year. Further rumors link I bet Troy Aikman is a little peeved. The won. because I don't (deadline was help. Rusty Wallace to Junior’s Ford in l990. Dallas Cowboys make the top pick in the Monday). Anyway. the baseball pennant When Montreal traded for pitcher Mark Some have said Wilson or Alan Kulwicki NFL draft and promise him money and races have been quite interesting. to say the Langston. many observers handed the may get in Johnson‘s car next season. glory as their staring quarterback of the least. league’s East Division to the Expos on a I just want all Winston Cup car owners to future. Then they go and pick Steve Walsh The biggest surprise has been the silver platter. After all, they said, the Mets know that I‘m available for the next 25 in the supplemental draft. What can you Baltimore Orioles. They're in first place in are struggling and the Cubs. well they're years or so. if you need an ambitious, up- do? the American League East because of three the Cubs. This is the closest race in things: pitching}. baseball. with Montreal taking first place defense and timely from the Cubs about a week ago. Montreal hitting. If they keep it may be the favorite. but don‘t count out my tip. forget it. Cubbies. Speaking of Wouldn't it be great to see a Baltimore- .t‘tnahiem. Calif.. the "" Chicago World Series? Ahlt, dream on (‘aliforinia Angels are ’ young man. the leaders in the 0 O 0 league‘s West Division So. nothing else happens besides baseball. and have the best right. Nope. Anybody who knows me record in baseball. knows that's not true. Oh, yes. Racing. 'l'hcy‘re doing it the Rick Dale Earnhardt leads the NASCAR same way the Orioles Wilson Winston Cup point standings by a decent .tl‘C. With starting— margin over Darrell Waltrip and Rusty pitchers like Chuck Finley. Ben Blyleven Wallace at the halfway point of the season. and Kurt McCaskill. the Angels aren't Ironhead hasn't been as dominant as he has going to give up a lot of runs. And they been in the past. yet he still leads the also have baseball‘s finest center fielder. points. It ought to be a good second half. FILE PHoro Devon White. patrolling the outfield. Waltrip won the season-opening Daytona Ricky Rudd will take over the Hendrick Motorsports Chevrolet in 1990. What Not so suprising are the National League 500 and the Coca-Cola 600 (along with two Geoff Bodine, the current driver of the #5 car, will do next season is unknown. leaders. San Francisco and Montreal. The other races) and is set to make a run at Giants have two superstar hitters — and I Earnhardt in the second half. Let me warn and—coming driver. mean hitters —— in Will Clark and Kevin you now: be ready for a media blitz on In other motorsports series. 20-year-old Look for Jennifer‘s “How To Have Fun Mitchell. Clark may be baseball‘s best all- Waltrip in about a month. By winning Rob Moroso leads the Busch Grand At Durham Athletic Park On Any Given around hitter and Mitchell has 31 homers Daytona and the 600. he has two-thirds of National series, the so-called minor leagues Night" next week. She says it's quite funny. (and it‘s only July l2!) San Fran has some the Winston Million. The final leg is the of NASCAR. I get to meet Robbie Mo this good starting pitchers and the acquisition of Heinz Southern 500 on September 4 at Saturday at South Boston (Va) Speedway Darlington, when the Grand Nationals come to town. S.C. If Waltrip And the Durham Morning Herald is 1 sending me up there to cover it. More later. this it a toast dispute wins there, he Geoff Brabham leads the IMSA Camel GIVE gets $l GTP series for prototype sports cars. million. Let Brabham is one of the finest drivers in the Technician needs A HOME COH%%ODS tne be the first world and it‘s a shame that more people to tell you that writers so we Darrell hasn’t don’t know about him. TO YOUR STUDENT ? won a Winston He needs an Indy Car won't have to fill Cup race at ride. FEATURES Darlington space in this sort ‘I&2 Bedroomuntts since the Speaking of Indy 'Close to NCSU'camptts spring race in Cars, Emerson of manner. If you ’All appliances. including l984 And he Fittipaldi is on an are washer-dryer ' ‘ absolute roll. He has interested, “'00de'Crown Moldingstaincd thehas neverSouthernwon .4. won two straight call 737-2411 or ‘Encrgy ctthicnt 590- BU! he . races, the Indianapolis ’Patios and balconies thinks he ll 500 and leads the stop by our office ’Wallpapet, track lighting win it. Could ' points race by a wide on the third floor I‘ur Brochure 0r Appointment mini-blinds be. I wouldn’t margin. I'm sure ‘Units for sale (" rent count him out. Rlck Roger Penske is glad of the Student (kill: (9l9 832-888l ’On Wolfline bus route Hendrick thay he made Emmo‘s 't’ticcsbcttiriflS‘iO-900 Mark Martin. — team. Patrick Racing, at Center. Don’t , or _wtitc . Rick Wilson customer for the Penske PCS—l8 chassis. Wk 1 WWW (Tonventently Located and Sterling Witlt the l’C—IX, Chevrolet engines and make us have to 3] ]_ ()lx‘tll‘tthl. Off Avent Ferry and Marlin must liittipaldi's driving. look out. It could be a do this again. “'0'th M 37°05 (Ircst Roads. I h i n k laughcr the rest of the year. I bet Rick _ jvmz, 1989 TECHOpinion

A MIDSUMMER’S Pro-life vs. Pro-choice Pro-Life Pro-Choice DENIS C. LUTMAN DAPHNE EDWARDS CLOTHING SALE Continuedfrom Continuedfrom page little to the legality ofabortion. and medically a nonhuman entity. Let us look at an act that is clearly wrong, say, Of course, abortion foes scream “potential life“ at cannibalism. If cannibalism is banned or restricted, women entering abortion clinics. Yet this. ipso facto, the back-alley cannibal must resort to digging up is problematic. Granted. in later stages of gestation AT ADDAM’S corpses to satisfy his desires and may get violently ill the fetus may retain potential life, but in its earliest as a result. His illness does not constitute a valid stages it is only an organism like any other organism reason for legalizing the eating ofhuman flesh. that has the possibility for life. The fertilized egg Pro-choicers say that the poor would be does not legally retain the potential or capacity of TAKE 30— 40% OFF discriminated against by a ban or restriction of life. Despite this, if one chooses to adhere to this abortion because only the wealthy could travel to principle, he must also understand that artificial ON A PLETHORA OF STYLES! countries where abortion is legal. That they can get contraceptives are also used to control potential life. away with abortion is not relevant to its legality. Now, with moral and medical considerations put Doesn't a ban or restriction of cannibalism aside for the moment, one must consider the right of discriminate against poor cannibals because only an individual to control her own body and make her wealthy ones could afford to travel to the few remote own moral decisions. In most situations, these rights areas where it is still practiced? In that case, are a given. This is the land of liberty where it is cannibalism should be legalized and not restricted agreed that it is OK to disagree. But as the Charlotte because it is discriminatory. Observer editorial noted, “abortion impose[s] a kind [EEIKEJEJIXFVVEB This refutes the argument that outlawing abortions of government control on a pregnant woman that is BOOKSTORE will discriminate against the poor. not imposed on any other citizen." Enforced moral Finally, pro-choicers claim that the new ruling behavior, imposed by an overwhelming majority of Mission Valley 832.9938 prevents women from deciding what is morally best men, is the height of hypocrisy, sexism, and for them. Here pro-choice advocates, in supporting a paternalism. It is not the job of the state or federal woman's right to decide, contradict themselves. government to attempt at restrain sexual behavror or QNamIrvin/inmania/Yvon? Whereas they claim that the woman should decide dictate a moral code. It is simply not judicious or for herself what is best for her, pro-choicers demand appropriate. Is it just to impose a moral code and s federal and state (pronounced “taxpayer”) funding force a woman to endure an unwanted pregnancy? Is Is Your Mouth for abortions. Thus, they reserve the right to moral it just to ruin her life as well as the child's for the ”747 choice, but deny taxpayers (the ones who actually sake of a belief that is empirically unjustified? Is it Watering? Wei pay fOr publicly-funded abortions) their moral right just to overcrowd the already overcrowded to decide for themselves whether they want to fund orphanages. and just hope that these thousands of abortions. children (over 3,000 now in orphanages) find some Now We’ll If it is morally right for women to choose abortion, kind of anchor to provide them with the happiness then it is also morally right for all citizens to choose they deserve? Is it just to make “welfare mothers" Deliver To You! to pay, or not to pay, for abortions. As the latter undergo compulsory pregnancy and compel society alternative is denied to all citizens, pro-choicers and to pay for their subsistence? pro-lifers alike, then this argument is inconsistent, It is not. And, unfortunately, men are not equipped irrelevant and, indeed, unconstitutional. to make that decision, though it can be guaranteed Call 832-3663 The three arguments discussed above are poor many women wish they could. It is just a fact that 2420 Hillsborough Street substitutes for the single and central issue, which no matter how empathetic a man may be, he cannot pro-choicers have yet, and refuse to. address — the fully understand or ever undergo the experience of location only question of when life begins.. If life begins at pregnancy and labor. For most women, who are conception, an abortion to terminate an “unwanted aware ofthe beauty as well as the bane of pregnancy, '3 5.00 pregnancy” differs little from ~the killing of an would choose to be in control of their own bodies Minimum unwanted child — both constitute murder. The pro- and moral behavior. As it stands, men in state Order choicers’ term, “unwanted pregnancy," is in itself a legislatures are now asked to decide what moral cash only IT’S A meaningless and irrelevant tenn. The woman and the behavior is appropriate for women. This is just as 'Delivery man bywhom she became pregnant chose to ignore severe as treating a woman like a child, one who is charge .50 per the risk; they chose to have sex. and they chose not unable to be entrusted as a moral decision-maker. It’s order to use contraceptives. Therefore, they cannot puzzling, considering for centuries women have been 0 Delivery hours ,r' GREAT TASTE. innocently claim they did not want the result. Cause deemed the moral guardians of society. While male 11 a.m. to .," and effect is concrete. That pro-choicers support the promiscuity has persisted as an accepted norm and 11 p.m. 'I I right of women to choose whether or not to have an even encouraged in certain circumstances, women Limited ;I_ abortion and make no mention of supporting the have been expected to keep the male libido Delivery Area I; Mcgone'tds choice of contraceptives is also an inconsistency in restrained. Sexual behavior and responsibility has J! their arguments. always been a burden upon the shoulders of women. MMH‘\IY\N\{YVY\MIYWVYVYVYVYVYVYVYVY) However, if life begins at birth, there can be no To suggest that a woman does not retain the objections to aborting the fetus at any time before sensability or ethical standard to make such a grave labor. And yet, no one with any repute has, as far as I decision is to underestimate her mental and moral know, held that an abortion at such a late stage capabilities. For a state or federal body to take it constitutes anything but the taking of a valid human upon themselves to make that decision for her life. undermines a woman‘s liberty and right to self- If life begins sometime between conception and determination. Most of these men are not feminists birth, when does it begin? The Supreme Court, in or advocates of women‘s rights. Essentially, the Roe vs. Wade, held that a fetus can be aborted at any bottom line is that they are not women and they are time up until the fetus is viable or is capable of a ratifying and enacting laws which directly affect the meaningful life outside the womb. The point at lives and livelihood of women. which that happens is 24 weeks into the pregnancy, The very fact that women are not making these according to Justice Harry Blackmun. decisions is disturbing and problematic. Abortion is However, if we look at history and technology. we probably the most personal. intimate and agonizing can see that at 24 weeks a fetus may be viable today, decision a woman ever has to make. For most but was not 150 years ago. Now, a fetus born several women, it is never convenient. It costs in more ways weeks or even several months prematurely can grow than one: financially, emotionally, mentally and to be a healthy child due to advances in medical physically. It is a painful, grueling, haunting wmmmmmmmmmmm WWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 49/ See LIFE, page 8 See CHOICE, page 8 ‘f/wwwwwwwwwe)“3 — [ULI’ 12, I989 TECHOpinion Grand 0 ening Since 1 have yet to hear pro—choice advocates KARL E. KNUDSEN Pro-Life address the single and central issue (of when life SPECII ”,2 ATTORNEY AT LAW DENIS c. LUTMAN begins). but instead substitute inconsistent and NC. STATE GRADUATE / 10 YEARS Continuedfrom 7 irrelevant arguments. I must accept the pro-life argument. No one can deny that life begins at least at OF TRIAL EXPERIENCE technology. Few people will deny that in the 18405 birth. If technology continues to advance. viability Cut 8. Style CRIMINAL LAW an infant born several months prematurely seldom will drop to 20. 15. IO or even five weeks. survived. Indeed. Justice Sandra Day O'Conner has Eventually. everyone will admit that viable life 8New DWI, Alcohol, Drug Traffic noted that advances in science are pushing viability begins at or near conception. In short. time and Offenses, Larceny, Homicide closer to conception. So. just as a 24-week-old fetus technology are on the side of pro-life. Pro-choicers $10/Girls was not viable in 1840. a 24-week-old fetus in 1989 are losing the battle not only by their failure to PERSONAL INJURY is viable. And just as a IO-week-old fetus is not address the central issue and their reliance on viable in 1989. it could very well be viable in 2089 irrelevant arguments. but also because of the same Hair Kiosk WRONGFUL DEATH because of advances in scientific technology. technology from which they demand safer abortions. In ElocItIc Co. Moll Auto accident Negligence, MalpracticeL abortions. Assuredly. it is not a fallacy. Women die Hairstyles by Suite 507 Raleigh Building Pro-Choice from hatchet jobs and botched abortions. In Latin 5 West Her ett St. DAPHNE EDWARDS America, where abortion is illegal, botched abortions MITRA Raleigh, N 27602 Continuedfrom page 7 are the leading cause of death for women between (formerly of CHAZ) decision. It is an experience women pray that they the ages of 15-24. In America. since the legalization will never have to face or go through. But if a of abortion. deaths caused by unsafe abortions (919 828-5566 woman finds herself in the inescapable position. dropped from 20 percent to a plummeting five 832-2946 FR E INITIAL abortion must be her choice and not the states. percent. The Roe decision permitted physicians to Neon-69m CONSULTATION Those who advocate enforced morality must be study and reduce the risk factors involved in abortion «mm willing to accept the consequences of the code they and perform the operations in well-equipped medical have imposed upon society. The ramifications are facilities. severe. and many women will pay with their lives. Those who are the most adamant pro-lifers are the for the practice of abortion will not halt at a very same who are unwilling to follow through with VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR legislative command. Abortions have occurred since the responsibility they didactically toss in the ‘ AII - You - Can- Eat the earliest of civilizations and persisted despite the mother's lap. These groups. mainly led by legal code of any land. Statistics show that in 1860. conservative Bible-quoters. are the very same one out of every five women aborted their persons who are opposed to social legislation which s 3 a. @ 9 DINNER norm pregnancies when. for the most part. it was illegal. would allow the child and the mother subsistence. Includes pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, soup, Comparatively. in 1985 one out of every four women Woman and child are left in the legislative wake. salad bar, garlic bread. and one cone of Ice cream had abortions. Also. in 1972 before the Roe decision. In order to be thorough. one must review all data shows that 1.2 million abortions occurred. avenues and perspectives held on abortion rights. GOOD FOR I - 4 PEOPLE ANYDAYI Again comparatively. in 1985. 1.5 million abortion excluding religiousity. for one must honor the 3993 Western Blvd. 851-6994 operations were performed. Abortion is not a modern founding of this country and its bedrock principle. Expires 7/16/89 phenomenon. but one that has persisted despite the separation between church and state. It is safe to say legality of the act. that God would prefer human beings to uphold the The vital question becomes whether women will be sanctity of life, but this has been disregarded forced into a situation that only offers unsafe relentlessly throughout history. I RESEARCH SUBJECTS NEEDED Ior air EFFICIENCIES, 1 AND 2 BEDROOM pollution studies at UNC. Must be UNITS. LIKE NEW HIGHRISE. FULLY Typing healthy, 18-35, No allergies. Earn 37- FURNISHED. FULL KITCHEN/BATH. HILLSBOROUGH STREET IS as for as 610 hour .Flexible schedules. Call AIR, CARPET, SECURITY, PERSONNEL, you need to go for expert typing/word 929-9993. f LAUNDRY. NEAR CAMPUS, CAT, processing of term papers, thesis, CHILDCARE NEEDED FOR 5 year-old WOLFLINE WESTGROVE dissertations. Editing by M.Ed. degreed saturdays or sundays own ROUTES. FROM 6326. stall available. 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For Sale 2 BR 2.6 BTH Townhouse - like new * Laundry Facilities WORD PROCESSING: ACADEMIC FOR SALE 1/2 acre lot. West Raleigh overlooks Pool. Ave Close 870-0092. PROJECTS, LASER PRINTING. Location. Water and Sewer OFF CAMPUS HOUSING tall rentals RESUMES, TYPESET QUALITY, Connections Only serious ollers. 6160/6166 monthly including VIC/PAGE. 848-3689. 781-9091 or 787-7928. util./parking kitchen 1616 Hillsborough * Easy Access to RTP MUST SELL: IVY Commons condo. Street 7823613. Males. Help Wanted IBR. Like new. Fully lurn. 4/10 mi. lr. 2 BR 2.6 BTH TOWNHOUSE LIKE NEW *Free bus to NCSU ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE NCSU. Cell 919-988-1243 OVERLOOKS POOL. AVERY CLOSE necessaryi lull and part-time people 870—0092. needed lor ticket sales and concert I promo’s 85 to 86/hr. guaranteed. 87 Autos For Sale Misc *From $325 to s10/hr. alter training. Can you buy Jeeps. Cars. 4x4‘s Seized alter 1 .m Call 781 8680 in drug raids for under $100.00? 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Resume writing available Thurs) Starting pay is SA/hr., but add Roommates for additional 060. 782-2760. your BAT bonuses and make BIG BAT packages available BUCKSI Be a creature ol the night. Cell tarnishedMALE STUDENTS,2 bedroom 2 1/289-90.bath condo.share Grier Robing on the BAT phone for more . (holds 4, 2 spaces lelt) Walk NCSU. S.E.T.A. INVITES YOU to visit the Animal details weekdays between 8:00-5'00 washer/dryer, pool. 787-3662 eves. Awareness table across lrom 284 pm (737 2640) A "GO/mo. Tompkins.