The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report CN- Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Project (P126856)

CN-Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Project (P126856)

EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | | Water Global Practice |

Public Disclosure Authorized IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2013 | Seq No: 13 | ARCHIVED on 11-Mar-2019 | ISR35909 |

Implementing Agencies: The People's Republic of China, Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Committee

Key Dates

Key Project Dates

Bank Approval Date: 20-Mar-2013 Effectiveness Date: 19-Jul-2013 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 17-Aug-2015 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 25-Sep-2015 Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2018 Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2019 pdoTable Public Disclosure Authorized Project Development Objectives

Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) To improve key public services in participating small towns of Jiangxi Province through improvements to prioritized infrastructure

Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No

Components Table

Name Component A: Transport Infrastructure Improvement:(Cost $174.81 M)

Public Disclosure Authorized Component B: Water Resources Management Infrastructure:(Cost $68.50 M) Component C: Project Management and Capacity Building:(Cost $22.92 M)

Overall Ratings

Name Previous Rating Current Rating

Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate

Implementation Status and Key Decisions

The project has substantially achieved the planned results targets and 85% of the Bank loan has been disbursed. Under Component A -Transport infrastructure improvement, nine of the total fifteen road subprojects have fully completed and been providing expected transport services, the Public Disclosure Authorized remaining six sub-projects at advanced stage of implementation; Under Component 2 – Water resources management infrastructure, two out of the four subprojects are completed and ready for operation while the Qinglan Lake flood mitigation works (ring dikes) in and Mianjiang river wetland rehabilitation program are under construction. All remaining works are expected to be fully completed by mid 2019. The completed project works and facilities are providing the intended benefits with some exceeding expectation, e.g. the smart transport system in has helped substantially improve road safety, reduce traffic accidents and fatalities, and enhance the public security in the project area; the road

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works in Gan county (section A) won the 2018 model project award of municipality due to its excellent workmanship and resultant multiple benefits.

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Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating

Political and Governance -- Moderate Low Macroeconomic -- Moderate Low Sector Strategies and Policies -- Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program -- Substantial Substantial Institutional Capacity for Implementation and -- Sustainability Substantial Substantial Fiduciary -- Moderate Moderate Environment and Social -- Moderate Moderate Stakeholders -- Moderate Low Other -- Low Low Overall -- Moderate Moderate


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PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

PDO indicators


►PO-1. Increased population with access to newly built or rehabilitated roads. (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 407,062.00 414,594.00 478,000.00

Date 30-Jun-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

No change at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:


►PO-2. The number of population protected from flooding. (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 21,320.00 104,000.00 64,000.00 100,000.00

Date 30-Jun-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019 The end target revised to the current number during June 2018 restructuring. There was an error in actual Comments: value which is corrected this time using the confirmed MIS data.


►PO-3. Annual Reduction of COD entering Poyang Lake (Tones/year, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 3.60 32.00 40.00

Date 30-Jun-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:

Overall Comments PDO The outcome target achievement is aligned with the MIS data.

Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

Component A: Transport Infrastructure Improvement


►IO 1.1 Length of newly built/upgraded roads (Kilometers, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 53.71 53.92 65.00

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Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:


Road constructed, non-rural (Kilometers, Custom Breakdown)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 53.71 53.71 65.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019


►IO-1.2 Travel time saved (minutes per trip) (Minutes, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 20.00 147.70 152.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:

Component B: Water Resources Management Infrastructure


►IO-2.1 Length of dike strengthened (Kilometers, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 15.10 15.10 29.35

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

indicator target revised to the current number during June 2018 restructuring. Comments:


►IO-2.2 Increase in Area Protected from Flood (Square kilometer(km2), Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 3,320.40 3,323.30 17,052.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019 Indicator target revised to the current number during June 2018 restructuring. The progress in achieving this indicator target is behind schedule due to the stoppage of the last flood management subproject - Comments: flood protection ring dike in Jinxian county for several months. Now that the construction has resumed, the full achievement of the indicator target is expected by mid-2019.


►IO-2.4 Increased area of improved wetland (Hectare(Ha), Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 26.00 124.00 160.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019 Comments: no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring.

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►IO-2.5 Reduced Annual Wastewater Flow into Poyang Lake from the Mianjiang River tributary (Cubic Meter(m3), Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 2,608,000.00 2,403,000.00 18,800,000.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:

Component C: Project Management and Capacity Building

IN00666155 ►IO-3.1 Number of officials, experts and PMO staff participating in domestic and overseas study tours, TA and targeted training programs (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 2,572.00 2,617.00 2,000.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:


►IO-3.2 Number of counties with traffic/transportation master plans completed and applied (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 2.00 2.00 3.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:


►IO-3.3 Number of counties with flood control and management plans completed and applied (Number, Custom)

Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target

Value 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00

Date 20-Mar-2013 30-Oct-2018 18-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2019

no change to this indicator at June 2018 restructuring. Comments:

Overall Comments IR All the Intermediate outcome target achievements have been aligned with the project MIS data.

Data on Financial Performance

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Disbursements (by loan)

Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed

P126856 IBRD-82340 Effective USD 150.00 150.00 0.00 128.10 21.90 85%

Key Dates (by loan)

Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date

P126856 IBRD-82340 Effective 20-Mar-2013 17-May-2013 19-Jul-2013 31-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2019

Cumulative Disbursements

Restructuring History

Level 2 Approved on 22-Jan-2016 ,Level 2 Approved on 21-Dec-2016 ,Level 2 Approved on 23-Jun-2018

Related Project(s)

There are no related projects.

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