F.M.Bailey’s ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker in 1889, and notes on the publication priority of new vascular species from the Expedition John Leslie Dowe & Alan D. Broughton


Dowe, J.L. & Broughton, A.D. (2007). F.M.Bailey’s ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker in 1889, and notes on the publication priority of new species from the Expedition. Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566. The route of A.Meston’s Bellenden-Ker Range Expedition of 1889 and F.M.Bailey’s itinerary were determined from Meston’s narrative of the Expedition. Many of the species that Bailey described from the Expedition were published as new species in as many as four publications. The chronology of the four publications has been established thus providing a priority of publication for the names involved. Key Words: F.M.Bailey, A.Meston, Bellenden-Ker botany, publication priority, Queensland flora John Leslie Dowe, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, . E-mail: [email protected] Alan D. Broughton, Cairns Historical Society, Cnr Lake and Shields St., Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia

Introduction One of F.M.Bailey’s most productive comments on the vegetation, as described by collecting and taxonomic periods resulted Meston, are also provided. In addition to the from his participation in Archibald Meston’s higher and ferns which are discussed Government Scientific Expedition in 1889 here, Bailey (1890b, 1891) prepared lists of the to the Bellenden-Ker Range in north- fungi, mosses, liverworts and lichens collected east Queensland (White 1950; Hall 1978; during the Bellenden-Ker Expedition, but Sanderson 2007), with almost 100 new taxa aspects regarding the publication priority of being described, mostly by Bailey himself. these taxa are beyond the scope of this paper. Bailey was one of two scientists on the With regard to the route and itinerary, Expedition, the other being zoologist Kendall only the ascent and descent of Mt Bellenden- Broadbent, a collector for the Queensland Ker, which occupied the period 15 June to 17 Museum. ������������������������������The Expedition departed Cairns July, is examined here in detail. However, the on June 14, 1889, and during the ensuing 67 assessment of Bailey’s taxonomic accounts days, ascended Mt Bellenden-Ker [with a brief deals with the entire Expedition. climb by Meston to the summit of Mt Bartle Frere (20–23 July)], as well as exploring the The Bellenden-Ker Range Expedition Mulgrave River, Harvey Creek, and Russell River areas. The Expedition returned to Meston (1889a–j) provided a detailed, Cairns on August 19, 1889. though somewhat romanticized, account of the Bellenden-Ker Range Expedition, As an introduction to the taxonomic and with specific focus on the actual ascent assessment, and to place in context the and subsequent descent in the company of collection localities, this paper examined F.M.Bailey. However, Meston provided only a Meston’s accounts and provides the most meagre description of other localities visited likely route that was taken by Bailey in his during the Expedition, such as Mulgrave ascent and descent of Mt Bellenden-Ker. Some River, Harvey Creek and Russell River, and consequently the route to these areas was not able to be determined with acceptable Accepted for publication 30 August 2007 accuracy. 556 Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566 (2007) D e s pit e Mt Bellenden-Ker h av i ng Determining the route apparently been ascended at least twice Meston’s reports (Meston1889a–j) contain before by European explorers (Johnstone much valuable information made from his 1874; Sayer 1888), Meston was subsequently observations and measurements during the adamant that none of the previous attempts ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker. He described indeed reached the summit, and that he was the mountain and creek systems in detail, the the first non-indigenous person to do so. types of vegetation encountered, locations of Meston’s narrative is generally correct in campsites, local geology and activities carried geographical content. However, it is in some out by members of the Expedition. He also instances obscure with regard to location recorded barometric heights, temperatures, details as many of the topographical features distances travelled and directions taken. of Mt Bellenden-Ker were not well defined at the time. The names of some of the peaks Meston used a compensated aneroid on the Bellenden-Ker Range described by barometer to measure heights (Meston 1889a). Measurement of altitude depends on Meston do not agree with the names on the difference in air pressure between two current topographical maps and this had led points in a vertical column of air. Within to some difficulties initially in interpreting this column, pressure variations are also the route taken by the Expedition. Some of caused by (1) changing temperature of the the names used by Meston in 1889 that now air column, (2) diurnal variations, and (3) refer to different peaks are: Mt Toressa for Mt movements of pressure systems. Where the Sophia, Mt Sophia for the northern-most high pressure variations due to (1) and (2) support peak of the Bellenden-Ker Range (1280 m), each other, errors up to 3–4% in the recorded South Peak for a small peak (1550 m) to the altitude could occur (BoM 1966; SRBV 1997). west-southwest of Centre Peak and Mt Harold Allowing for possible errors as outlined above, for Mt Massey. Early names for some streams Meston’s initial barometric heights can still were also used by the Expedition, for example be used with some confidence to support or present-day Behana Creek was referred to substantiate his position already determined as Tringilburra Creek. Understanding the from his descriptions and distances travelled. different names was critical in determining The location of the highest camp, South Peak the route of the ascent. Camp was determined by Meston’s description of the whole south end of Bellenden-Ker from Of the altitude readings taken by Meston, the Centre Peak broadening out to be about 1 only those recorded during the first week can km in width. His barometer gave a height of be considered of sufficient accuracy to be 5000 feet (1525 m) (Meston 1889a). The Bartle used to locate the Expedition’s position on a Frere map shows in this area a relatively flat modern contour map. After that time, without triangular region of height 1520 m dominated frequent recalibration of the barometer, by three small high points each of height of the altitude readings become less accurate about 1540 m but less than 1560 m and all and more problematic. Meston placed the about 300 m apart. The high point nearest to Expedition’s highest camp on his ‘south peak’ the ridge climbed and west-southwest of the at a height of 5000 ft (1524 m). The true South Centre Peak is the most likely site for this Peak, as indicated on modern maps, is about camp at 1550m. 4.5 km (2.8 miles) away to the SSE at a height All this information was evaluated and of about 1211 m (4000 ft). Meston appears to assessed and apart from some discrepancies be describing a part of a plateau region about discovered during this process relating to 1540 m (5050 ft) in height to the west and Meston’s use of mountain names (mentioned about 1 km from the Centre Peak, the highest above), the detail was sufficient to allow point on the Bellenden-Ker Range at 1582 described features to be readily identified m (5189 ft). During the Expedition’s stay at on the Bartle Frere 1:100,000 Topographical Meston’s ‘south peak’, Meston ascended the Survey map, Series R631, Sheet 8063, Edition highest point and a smaller peak about 400 m 2-AAS. ��������������������������������������The estimated route of Bailey’s sector to the north at a height of 1555m (5100 ft). of the Expedition is provided in Fig. 1. Dowe & Broughton, F.M.Bailey ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker 557

Fig. 1. Estimated route taken by F.M.Bailey during the Bellenden-Ker Expedition, 1889, based on data in Meston (1889 a–j). Map prepared by Jonah Sullivan and Mirjam Maughan, ACTFR, Townsville. 558 Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566 (2007) Description of the route night temperatures ranging from – 1ºC to 9ºC. Most of the collecting at the high elevation The Expedition left the ‘Mulgrave Plain Camp’ camps was done in rain or cloud. (about 4 km east of Walsh’s Pyramid) on Behana Creek (named as Tringilburra Creek) Collections and vegetation on 16 June 1889 and travelled 7 km up Behana Creek on horseback over level open-forested Bailey collected mostly near the camps, country to the junction of a creek draining the as well as along the routes between camps, western slopes of Mt Sophia (current name) and did not venture too far away from these and Behana Creek. ‘Valley Head Camp’ was areas.In contrast, Meston and others, not only made at this junction, which was also at the collected near the camps, but ranged further foot of Barnard’s Spur, so named by Meston in afield during the expedition (Meston 1889b). February 1889 while on a previous expedition Meston (1889e) also collected plant specimens (Meston 1889k; Barnard 1962). The next on Bailey’s behalf during the Expedition. In day, the Expedition now on foot, ascended his reports, Bailey listed collection localities the spur, the crest of it being open forest and such as Mt Bartle Frere, Mt Massey (Meston’s rising 500 m in 5 km in a southerly direction Mt Harold) and Walshs Pyramid, places that before descending steeply 200 m into the Bailey did not visit during the Expedition. In Behana Creek gorge. At this point the two some instances, specimens have been cited main tributaries of Behana Creek join. The with Meston as a co-collector (see Chew ‘Whelanian Pools Camp’ was made on large (1972), for type collection of Piper mestonii slabs of granite by the creeks. The next two F.M.Bailey and Chew (1989), for type days were used to collect specimens along the collection of Ficus crassipes F.M.Bailey), steep and rocky creek gorges. while many have been cited merely as ‘Bellenden-Ker Expedition’ without reference On 20 June the party began the long climb to actual collector. Bailey’s���������������������� Bellenden-Ker to the top of Mt Bellenden-Ker. The ridge Expedition itinerary is presented in Table 1. selected by Meston during the February 1889 Expedition ran slightly east of south from the Overall, little can be gleaned from Bailey’s junction of the two creeks at the ‘Whelanian accounts with regard to the vegetation types Pools Camp’ to just west of the summit through which they traveled and made of Mt Bellenden-Ker, a distance of about collections. In his reports, his references to 7 km and rising from 300 m to about 1500 vegetation were limited to descriptors such m. This section of the climb was in dense as ‘scrubs’, ‘tropical scrubs’ and ‘rich scrubs’, rainforest along a narrow ridge not more than which appear to be synonymous with closed 6 m wide in places, with steep slopes on both forest and/or rainforest; ‘scrub borders’ which sides. Progress was slow as the track had may distinguish some ecotones; and ‘scrubs to be cleared of lawyer vine, stinging trees bordering rivers’ which refer to riparian and thick vegetation so that the Aboriginal vegetation. On the contrary, Meston’s reports carriers following were not obstructed. ‘Palm were descriptive of the vegetation, and he Camp’ was set up at about 1200 m on 20 provided, sometimes with acknowledged June, and ‘South Peak Camp’ at 1550m three assistance from Bailey, details of species days later, about 1 km west-southwest of Mt composition and distribution, as part of his Bellenden-Ker Centre Peak. Collections were accounts of the daily routine of the Expedition. made at ‘Palm Camp’ on 20–21 June and at In his ‘The Flora of Wooroonooran’, Meston ‘South Peak Camp’ from 23-26 June, before (1889j) provided a summarised account the Expedition returned to lower altitudes. of the vegetation experienced during the Only Meston, his son and Broadbent and an Expedition, albeit “…a very brief description Aborigine, Multarri, climbed to the summit of the specially interesting section of the of Mt Bellenden-Ker at a height of 1582 m. Bellenden-Ker flora, and intended for the The climb was made in mid-winter. At the ordinary reader who either dreads or has no ‘South Peak Camp’, Meston recorded midday desire for a personal orthographical struggle temperatures ranging from 13ºC to 18ºC and with Mr. Bailey’s official report”. In a general Dowe & Broughton, F.M.Bailey ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker 559 Table 1. F.M.Bailey’s itinerary during the Bellenden-Ker Expedition, 1889.

Date Movements and collecting locations 4 June depart Brisbane 9 June arrive Cairns 14 June depart Cairns for Bellenden-Ker Range 15 June arrive Tringilburra (Behana) Creek, edge of Mulgrave Plain 16 June arrrive head of Behana Creek valley 17 June ascend Barnards Spur, camp at Whelanian Pools 18–19 June collect around Whelanian Pools 20–21 June ascend to Palm Camp, collect locally ascend to ‘south peak’ [west-southwest of Centre Peak on modern 22 June maps] collect around ‘south peak’ [west-southwest of Centre Peak on 23–26 June modern maps] 27 June descend to Palm Camp 28 June–1 July collect around Palm Camp 2 July descend to Barnards Spur, camp overnight 3 July descend to head of Behana Ck valley 4–10 July collect in Behana Creek valley area 11 July move to Behana Creek camp, edge of Mulgrave Plain 12–17 July collect in Behana Creek camp area 18–25 July travel to Russell River and Harvey Creek, collect locally 26 July travel to Mulgrave River 27 July–18 August collect along Mulgrave River 19 August return to Cairns 20 August Cairns 21–26 August visit Freshwater Valley 27 August depart Cairns 2 September arrive Brisbane context, Meston described the whole range as the south spur at 2700 ft., and a few hundred being “clothed in dense tropical jungle from yards of forest on the west spurs of mounts base to summit, there not being a single open Sophia and Toressa”. space 50 ft. square, except a patch of ferns on 560 Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566 (2007) In the lower portion of the ascent, Meston K.Iwats. and Leptospermum wooroonooran (1889a) described the vegetation of Barnard’s to the summits of peaks. The achievements of Spur as “chiefly bloodwood, Moreton Bay the Expedition were remarkable considering ash and the Casuarina”. He used the term the impenetrability of the vegetation, the ‘forest’ for this moist sclerophyll vegetation, steepness of the topography, the almost as opposed to ‘scrubs’, ‘thick scrub’ or ‘dense constant rain and the very low temperatures tropical scrubs’ for complex closed forest or in the higher elevations. rainforest. As Meston began his ascent into the higher elevations he noted, at about 1200 New taxa described from the Bellenden- m, “many tall trees…especially Kauri pines, Ker Range Expedition which attain gigantic dimensions. The lawyer A perusal of taxonomic citations in Chapman vine and stinging tree are left behind at about (1991), APNI (2005) and numerous other 2000ft, but all the way up it is a thick wiry publications, of the taxa that were described undergrowth”. At Meston’s ‘south peak’, at from the Bellenden-Ker Expedition (Bailey about 1550 m, “the vegetation here is one 1889a–c, 1890a–b, 1891), �����������������revealed that the tangled solid mass, impenetrable without the publication citation data for them were overall cane-knife”. To reach the Centre Peak, Meston inconsistent and contradictory. In effect, new had to cut “through indescribable vegetation, taxa were������������������������� nominally published as ‘n. sp.’, the worst of which is a dracophyllum tree… up to four times in separate publications, tough, gnarled, wiry branches all tangled and priority had not been fully resolved for together”. Upon reaching the summit, the many of them. This paper aims to compare “trees are nearly all short and gnarled, and the publications in which the new taxa were all, without exception, hard as bone” and ‘published’, and resolve the publication “conspicuous among the vegetation is a priority issue. dome-topped tree with foliage so thick that not a ray of sunshine penetrates”. The latter The four publications in which taxa were refer to Dracophyllum sayeri F.Muell. and described as ‘n. sp.’ are: Leptospermum wooroonooran F.M.Bailey, 1. ‘Report on New Plants, Preliminary to respectively. General Report on Botanical Results on The potential of many species as useful Meston’s Expedition to the Bellenden-Ker fruits was optimistically expounded by Range, by F.M. Bailey, F.L.S., Colonial Meston, such as acidula F.Muell., Botanist’. This report is dated 1 October 1889 Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng., Citrus inodora by what appears to be Bailey’s hand. F.M.Bailey, Davidsonia pruriens F.Muell., In this publication, 17 new taxa (one Garcinia mestonii F.M.Bailey, genus and 16 spp.) are listed alphabetically whelanii (F.M.Bailey) F.M.Bailey, Myristica by genus, designated as ‘n. sp.’ and with a insipida R.Br., Piper mestonii F.M.Bailey detailed description and distribution details. and macrocarpa Benth., as The publication appears to have been type-set, well as various native grapes, the Burdekin and consists of three pages. It is not known Plum, beans, nuts, cherries, berries and how many copies were produced or to whom figs. Among perfume-bearing plants, they were distributed, and the document is Meston included Dracophyllum sayeri, an exceedingly rare. However, as the document unnamed ‘ sp.’, fragrans was type-set, it can be assumed that a F.M.Bailey and orchids. As for potential significant number may have been printed and garden ornamentals, Meston noted distributed. The document qualifies as a valid nortoniana (F.M.Bailey) F.M.Bailey, place of publication for 17 new taxa (Table 2, Mullerochloa moreheadiana (F.M.Bailey) column 1). K.M.Wong and Schefflera actinophylla (Endl.) Harms. He noted the restricted distribution of Acronychia chooreechillum (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White, C��������������������repidomanes pallidum (Blume) Dowe & Broughton, F.M.Bailey ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker 561 Table 2. Publication data of F.M.Bailey’s Bellenden-Ker Expedition vascular plant taxa published as new (i.e. ‘n. sp.’) in four publications. Listed are the page numbers for the protologue (bold type) and subsequent publication of the same taxon: 1: Bailey 1889a; 2: Bailey 1889b; 3: Bailey 1889c; 4: Bailey 1890a.

Currently accepted name for Publication and Bailey’s taxon name taxon page numbers (Bostock & Holland 2007) 1 2 3 4 Alsophila rebeccae var. Cyathea baileyana (Domin) Domin - - - 91 commutata F.M.Bailey [Cyatheaceae] Lastreopsis microsora (Endl.) Aspidium acuminatum var. Tindale subsp. microsora - 29 78 93 villosum F.M.Bailey [Dryopteridaceae] Aspidium ramosum var. Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston - 28 78 93 lineare F.M.Bailey [Nephrolepidaceae] Bacularia palmeriana Linospadix palmerianus - 24 67 77 F.M.Bailey (F.M.Bailey) Burret [Arecaceae]

Bambusa moreheadiana Mullerochloa moreheadiana 1 26 71 87 F.M.Bailey (F.M.Bailey) K.M.Wong [Poaceae]

Blechnum whelanii Blechnum whelanii F.M.Bailey 1 28 77 92 F.M.Bailey [Blechnaceae]

Bulbophyllum toressae Dendrobium toressae (F.M.Bailey) 1 23 63 72 F.M.Bailey Dockrill [Orchidaceae]

Citrus inodora F.M.Bailey Citrus inodora F.M.Bailey 1 15 34 12 []

Cyanocarpus F.M.Bailey Helicia Lour. [] 1 21 55 60

Cyanocarpus nortoniana Helicia nortoniana (F.M.Bailey) 2 21 55 61 F.M.Bailey F.M.Bailey [Proteaceae] Cyrtandra baileyi F.Muell. Cyrtandra baileyi F.Muell. - - - 51 [Gesneriaceae] Denhamia viridissima Denhamia viridissima F.M.Bailey F.M.Bailey & F.Muell. ex & F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey - - 35 14 F.M.Bailey [Celastraceae] Derris koolgibberah Derris koolgibberah F.M.Bailey - 16 38 20 F.M.Bailey [Fabaceae] Dimeria glabriuscula Dimeria ornithopoda Trin. - - - 83 F.M.Bailey [Poaceae] 562 Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566 (2007)

Currently accepted name for Publication and Bailey’s taxon name taxon page numbers (Bostock & Holland 2007) 1 2 3 4 Ficus crassipes F.M.Bailey Ficus crassipes F.M.Bailey 2 22 60 69 [Moraceae] Garcinia mestonii Garcinia mestonii F.M.Bailey 2 14 31 8 F.M.Bailey [Clusiaceae] Harpullia frutescens Harpullia frutescens F.M.Bailey - 15 36 17 F.M.Bailey [Sapindaceae] Macadamia whelanii (F.M.Bailey) Helicia whelanii F.M.Bailey 2 21 55 61 F.M.Bailey [Proteaceae] Hymenophyllum Hymenophyllum baileyanum Domin - 27 74 90 trichomanoides F.M.Bailey [Hymenophyllaceae] Hymenophyllum Hymenophyllum subdimidiatum tunbridgense var. exsertum - 27 74 90 Rosenst. [Hymenophyllaceae] F.M.Bailey Hyptiandra bidwillii var. Quassia baileyana (Oliv.) Noot. grandiuscula F.M.Bailey & - - - 12 [Simaroubaceae] F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey Leptospermum Leptospermum wooroonooran - 17 40 27 wooroonooran F.M.Bailey F.M.Bailey [] Melicope chooreechillum Acronychia chooreechillum - 15 33 11 F.M.Bailey (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White [Rutaceae] Myrtus metrosideros Uromyrtus metrosideros - 17 41 27 F.M.Bailey (F.M.Bailey) A.J.Scott [Myrtaceae] Octarrhena pusilla (F.M.Bailey) Oberonia pusilla F.M.Bailey M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2 23 62 71 [Orchidaceae] Omphalea queenslandiae Omphalea queenslandiae - - 58 67 F.M.Bailey F.M.Bailey [Euphorbiaceae] Orites fragrans F.M.Bailey¹ Orites fragrans F.M.Bailey 2 21 56 61 [Proteaceae] Panicum prenticeanum Panicum incomtum Trin. [Poaceae] - - - 82 F.M.Bailey Ichnanthus pallens var. major Panicum vicinum F.M.Bailey - - - 82 (Nees) Stieber [Poaceae] Piper mestonii F.M.Bailey Piper mestonii F.M.Bailey 2 20 54 59 [Piperaceae] Dowe & Broughton, F.M.Bailey ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker 563

Currently accepted name for Publication and Bailey’s taxon name taxon page numbers (Bostock & Holland 2007) 1 2 3 4 Polypodium albosetosum Grammitis albosetosa (F.M.Bailey) 3 29 78 94 F.M.Bailey Parris [Grammitidaceae] Scaevola scandens Scaevola enantophylla F.Muell. 3 18 47 43 F.M.Bailey [Goodeniaceae] Exocarya scleroides (F.Muell.) Scleria ustulata F.M.Bailey - - - 81 Benth. [Cyperaceae] Sorghum laxiflorum Vacoparis laxiflorum (F.M.Bailey) - 25 70 84 F.M.Bailey Spangler [Poaceae] Strychnos bancroftiana Strychnos minor Dennst. 3 19 49 47 F.M.Bailey [Loganiaceae] Symplocos paucistaminea Symplocos paucistaminea F.Muell. - - - 46 F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey & F.M.Bailey [Symplocaceae] Crepidomanes barnardianum Trichomanes barnardianum (F.M.Bailey) Tindale subsp. - - - 89 F.M.Bailey barnardianum [Hymenophyllaceae] Vallisneria gracilis Vallisneria nana R.Br. 3 23 62 70 F.M.Bailey [Hydrocharitaceae] Scleroglossum wooroonooran Vittaria (Taeniopsis) (F.M.Bailey) C.Chr. 3 27 75 92 wooroonooran F.M.Bailey [Grammitidaceae]

¹reinstated to species rank at BRI (P.I.Forster, pers. comm., August 2007)

2. ‘Report by A. Meston on the Government In this version, Bailey��������������������� annotated a total of Scientific Expedition to the Bellenden-Ker 583 taxa, of which one genus and 23 species Range (Wooroonooran), North Queensland’. were annotated as ‘n. sp.’, and three as new This is a foolscap-sized Parliamentary Paper varieties (N.B: Bailey did not designate these in Queensland: Votes and Proceedings of the as new but simply applied a new varietal name Legislative Assembly during the Session of to an existing species), and including the 17 1889. The botany section was titled ‘Botany species previously described in ‘Report on of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition, by Fredk. New Plants’ (see above). All taxa were listed Manson Bailey, Colonial Botanist’ and according to the classification of Bentham covered pp. 14–29 of the Parliamentary Paper, and Hooker (1862–1883), with species name, and repaginated and over-printed as pp. author, common name, description and 1218–1233 in Volume 4 of a compilation of collection location. Bailey provided expanded Parliamentary Papers for that year. This paper descriptions of some established taxa. The was tabled in the Queensland Parliament on descriptions of the 17 redescribed ‘n. sp.’ 16 October 1889 (R. Bradbury, Queensland taxa were identical to those in ‘Report on Parliamentary Service, pers. comm.). New Plants’. This publication therefore has 564 Austrobaileya 7(3): 555–566 (2007) the protologues of an additional ten taxa 4. ‘Synopsis of the Queensland Flora, Third that were therein validly published (Table 2, Supplement’. This was published post May column 2). 1890, and all of the new taxa that were published in the preceding publications (see 3. ‘Report of the Government Scientific above) were again designated as ‘n. sp.’ in this Expedition to Bellenden-Ker Range upon publication, but needless to say do not qualify the Flora and Fauna of that Part of the Colony’. This was ������������������������published in octavo-size as valid protologues. However, there were by the Department of Agriculture, Brisbane. an additional eight new taxa described from The botany section was titled ‘Botany of the the Bellenden-Ker Expedition collections, Bellenden-Ker Expedition’, covering pp. and these had not been previously described 29–80. The introductory section by Archibald (Table 2, column 4). Meston was identical to that included in the There were also other new taxa Parliamentary Paper version, and following subsequently described from the Expedition the botany section there was an additional by Bailey, but these did not appear in print section on the Zoology of Bellenden-Ker until the early 1890s and later, in publications Ranges by Henry Tyron and Charles Hedley, such as Botany Bulletin, Queensland thus bringing the total number of pages in the Agricultural Journal, Queensland Flora and document to 127. Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland The title page is dated 1889, and there is Plants, and all of which were published as ‘n. strong circumstantial evidence that this version sp.’, and in most cases, to our knowledge, only was published after October 1889. Apart from once. However, Bailey did produce some other including additional taxa, there is a footnote lists of species, some of them designated as (p. 35) in which Bailey noted that F.Mueller ‘n. sp.’ in various appendices to Department (Victorian Government Botanist) had seen of Agriculture Annual Reports. For example, some specimens and provided assistance with in the Annual Report of 1889–1890 in an descriptions: “The few plants marked with appendix titled ‘Supplement to the report of an asterisk I obtained but poor specimens of, the botany of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition’, but Baron Mueller has kindly assisted me in Bailey listed nine taxa that had been described their determination. The descriptions in all in Synopsis of the Queensland Flora, Third cases, however, are my own”. As Bailey did Supplement, but he appended these with the not return to Brisbane until early September, appropriate authorship. In the Annual Report it may be that dispatch of specimens to for 1890–1891, in a section that was titled Mueller and for Mueller to respond would ‘Final supplement to the report of the Botany have taken longer than the maximum of five of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition’, Bailey weeks before the Parliamentary Paper version listed nine higher plant species of which five (see above) was tabled on 16 October 1889. were appended as ‘n. sp.’. However, there was Bailey’s introductory paragraphs are dated no description accompanying these names even earlier, at 7 October 1889, but this may and taxonomically they can be relegated to not be related to the botanical assessment as the status of nomen nudum if deemed to be an identical letter, also dated 7 October 1889, published before the valid protologues in was used in the preamble to the Parliamentary various issues of Botany Bulletin for 1891. Paper version. Discussion This version was more expansive in layout, with headings by class, order and White (1950, p.109) appears to be the first to genus, with full taxonomic citation, and comment on the discrepancies concerning some additional notes. There were seven publication priority involving the two versions additional taxa, bringing the total to 590 taxa, of Bailey’s Bellenden-Ker Expedition botany of which two were new taxa that had not been reports. White described the Parliamentary included in either ‘Report on New Plants’ or Paper version as “extremely rare, however, the Parliamentary Paper version (Table 2, even in Australian libraries”, whereas the column 3). Department of Agriculture version “was the Dowe & Broughton, F.M.Bailey ascent of Mt Bellenden-Ker 565 one always quoted by Bailey himself and by (1889b). Botany of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition, subsequent authors”. White concluded that by Fredk. Manson Bailey, Colonial Botanist. In Meston A. (ed.), Report by A. Meston on the Parliamentary Paper version had priority. the Government Scientific Expedition to However, both of these were preceded by the the Bellenden-Ker Range (Wooroonooran), ‘Report on New Plants’ dated 1 October 1889, North Queensland. Queensland, Votes and in which 17 new taxa were validly described. Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, Vol. 4: 14–29 (repaginated as 1218–1233 in bound These taxa were in turn ‘re-described’ in the copy). James C. Beal, Government Printer: Parliamentary Paper version of the botany Brisbane. report, and which was tabled 16 October (1889c). Botany of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition. 1889, with a number of additional previously In Meston, A. (ed.), Report of the Government undescribed taxa. Subsequently, these taxa scientific expedition to Bellenden-Ker range were ‘redescribed’ in the Department of upon the flora and fauna of that part of the Agriculture publication post-October 1889 colony, pp. 29–80. Department of Agriculture, Queensland. James C. Beal, Government and again in post-May 1890 in Bailey’s Printer: Brisbane. ‘Synopsis of the Queensland Flora, Third Supplement’. (1890a). A synopsis of the Queensland flora: containing both the Phanerogamous and The chronology of those publications Cryptogamous plants. Third Supplement. James in which Bailey’s Bellenden-Ker taxa were C. Beal, Government Printer: Brisbane. described and then redescribed, though (1890b). Appendix No. 5. Annual Report, nomenclaturally illegal, as ‘n. sp.’, has been Colonial botanist. Appendix A. Supplement to the report of the botany of the Bellenden- clearly established in this paper. All species Ker Expedition. In: Annual Report of the that were described in the various publications Department of Agriculture for the year 1889– herein discussed, are listed in Table 1. It is 1890. Queensland, Votes and Proceedings anticipated that this assessment of Bailey’s of the Legislative Assembly, Vol. 3: 15–18 Bellenden-Ker botany will resolve some of (repaginated as 749–752 in bound copy). James C. Beal, Government Printer: Brisbane. the inconsistencies in taxonomic citations for the taxa involved. (1891). Final supplement to the report of the botany of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition. In: Annual Acknowledgements Report of the Department of Agriculture for the year 1890–1891. Queensland, Votes and We would like to thank the following who Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly Vol. 4: kindly and thoroughly assisted with library 21–22 (repaginated as 639–640 in bound copy). searches, advice on references and other James C. Beal, Government Printer: Brisbane. matters: Robert Bradbury (Queensland Barnard, H.G. (1962). The climb of the Bellenden Ker Parliamentary Service, Brisbane), Arthur Range 1889. 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