



-">, •I,•'. m

I WM of «onr»a with m*,- friend* of internal imptw»emo*t to ft at f Onn VcfrtaUa* « frail, oalr wtftaf rtron, and zUndin^ alonf the rail road and ad- effort, to ocure tho completion of the whole raasla«M, laiiahaiiilril ill tha labour. work. Gnmdy anid he had^ M w» iMt to tho ranter of ptopaad WM BAIL ROAftOOTKAGI {pteoad Dm nabW faard chMnf lha nif trU- OUR CANAL. ilunjod hi. ki They had b Atakmaad of UUiaMlaala et with 10 Moffan volonteera amred at It i* witli no little pleamire we mcnHon that othohandJo, i AraAal mt frfam (^orf^i ooontMa adjaoant to I Uma to pntMpato in UM d»ly of guarding th» the naTigatio* i* now open, on the Chesapeake inife WM found. .„.— Jg"at c'et' TUB nuaiDnrrs UM BaMmr* aa* Wadiinfton Rail road, and held On tha morning of tba 96th, two houra bn. anil Ohio Canal, from Georgetown to Shcphcrda- 'crgtuon made hi. cacapr. __ < ^nWont to enable then rMrimtl AMI .. kvRrpc MvrrilTa Uvvra . L. Brocirrr, Eaq. appoia- ad to qircnce of the progreaa already made in deprived of two reap»ct I that would probably tad Bwnurv. Tb« following pnambU and ranhitioBf I waa near the place of tha recent mar. great work, wo the fact, that, among other of m worthier* ".;'•'- TEMPEJUNCE MEETING. w»r» uaniniotulj adopted: dera, awl iTljigi..1 tbenae along the lino, apprehend. boat*, a rangfc boat haa just arrived at George­ *Ak* nvclirur, of the Brothcrton Tompcrancc W«au«, a portion of Ann* Arondol and Prii ed many ampflhai paiauua, whom with eenril priaon town, in lea. than two day. paMage from 8hop- MOBE INDIAN jiuto, RjcietV, hold at (he Croaa Road*' Meeting Hot la* Gvorgv'a coantb«,lx>rd«rinf on UM IWtimora and Waah- era taken by M«r Capron, they broagbt to MrrrilTi hcrdrtown, (a dutanco ofabout a hundred mile*,) de. roaolu A. A. county, according to public notice, on the infton rail road, hia bMn UM accna of KCCMBUTO rioU, Tanrn. whrr* U*7 met the other companio of mv containing eight hundred tnrrel. of flour, and and bloodahcd aincc the comnMncooMnt of aaii Uchmrnt who wet« waiting with onr plieuimii for loSe Oib Noranbxr, Dr. John H Brown WM cnll« danpn drawn by one hone. Nat. laid. W amor arrived at thi. . n«lh rile provide! tn the Chair, and Wm. II. Baldwin appointee work down to UM pmrol time; and whonu, UM raoanl mini of the roagiaUJiaa. Cbten. I aabmitted Ibe wUffft oar prieonen, apwarda o! Secretory. era* of nrardara of lh« moat wanton, diabolical and at- The Rhode bland Republican hu tho fol­ Indiana in that region ban Tbo following Report of Ihe Board of Mann roeioaa chancier a poo rMovctabla and nnoflondinf ei 900 lo Eaqra. Bnowden BBa Doraey, who committed Ul» acta and th.t they portand i _ Ut of each i them to Baltimore County Ja% at which place I delir lowing paragraph. gor* WAS rund by Mr. J. M. Jonea, and adoptct UMIM, acarxrly panllnled in UM annala of oar hiaiory A ahort time atac", a p^rty of the 8 end them to Ihe warden about le/clock Ibe aaroe even E. K. AVMT Tuesday evening NOT. 28. ^^tfnMT^« "The mrmbLT of member, at preaent compos­ baa | ampw cioao lo oar follow citiiena for aLirm tacked a party or lodge of 4aMea ing. Therr b etronf rraaooai lo kalian thit if We have juirt now learnt from a aourco entillcc ing the Brotberton Tempcr.ince Society, ia 70 and afpnbonaiona for tbo aoMtjr of their lire*; River, and killed three peraoDa. TW. , whcraaa. whil* tlMy aofftr thenmlm lo remain expoa- not .ill of Ihe murderer* of WVnlnFaad Mrrorcer an a- to credit, thnt Avery haa made a full and uno Tho numb.T of coloured people attached lo ih Itowevor, (h waa eeeertaine. ^ R-j jTT"1 ed to th* darp I .M achemca of that popol-Uoo froo motif the priaomra now in nMody, mSarobablT all the. cpiivocal confuMion of the murder of Sar.ih Ma­ and i» road coloured people, nuxili- up hy Keoknc, to a oStitehmeBtIf tWt-j!. Temperance Society of which all tlie«0 KTWranrea einan«t«. import nt wiUrvaca. No ilonbt, ainonK theao thcro are ria Cornell. nry to Ihi. Society, i. 10. A Juvenile Temper- eoldicra, nnder command of r lf1 And whrr-aa, it ia known to be confined cicloainl; many not only innocent of tho crime, but icnanat a oo boird of the aUambont WbuMbu. t once Society, ronaiding of 40 mcmbcra, nlno to that cliia of lilourrr* which hu hron fen«r.illy «ru- the prrpr-tr lion of it Dut it t> cnnaidered iinprictlaa. THE~PIRATES. by' Mr. mrxiliary to Ihi* Society, ha. been c«lablialied the MieMppi, for *. r^^T^ plored on UM aforrMid work, and il h^rinf boen eat«b- bl* In arrire at tlm troth and fulfil the cnda of juiti ••,, The Jury, who harti Iwen fifteen day. on tho per place for trial. of nt th.'. lit Primary School*. The proprietor* of arrrala aa we Iwbed beyond ill qitmtion. lli«l Of Irwh )..buim-ra coro- in any other way lh:n by anrh goneril triil of the twijvo men ncctMed of Piracy, coma On the day.preriaBBj two alftr » in the vicinity, hnvo diacontinucd ihc by three anfortn poae th^l ci m, «nd Out Uirrh.tV for..ic eitnmcly irr tifj irj tu be able lo lionisto which tbry^ro bourn! under the u,o*tawfal an* Thry pronounced 7 GnUfjr, and 5 Not Guilty. S-naf. for Hi" "PP Urnring of Provid<-nc liccn the moon, of rvn- itjta that no prreonal injury n-^a auila.ncd by any of . 0, polemn oalha lo kerp e-icb olhrr'a accrrla, and ande The nnmna of the seven are Pedro Gibtnrt. M «bor» UM Pnirh, > 1^— «« I" w.'it 0" "'" niiiur, many precious amit* from the marc, of «««oci ilinn Ihey am enjl>li^l lo accooi|iliih thri them during oar whole prncir grioriuirea^ml ri'iuoni.lr ,ncua ria, and Mi.nui-1 Uieir app.- rm _ prap-T aotircca for llie r*nnoTj| of Iho r.u«e«. Am oomnincl itinni* in t!itir j«i^er, for llio whol-. of my coin- f.Mind Not Guilty, are ed, and acalped ten of Un hunUel B« _, iTund; i ml rv-ry Ihing llw-y could lo aave ui elprnae Tho nnmc. of tin- tivo Tlir H-jci-ly wan th«n nddiwer-d by the Rrv. whcr* .*, it i« the right and bouny,) Anlonia Ferri^-r, (th l.Tk. Ih 'oil b J. Poircl. Ah'T whirh, Mr. J. M. June*. wi;h citii.'nn to di.f.-nd theinaclrea and Winnebigo boy, about anew yw, rf ' ^* IlK hanil nf lh<< mfliin. m-n tin iur»cril>er>, citit>*n« of Tlin duly o* t!ic nfficrr-* and mrn. l!n«»(f!i un ivoi '. • h'nd:.) Jn«.< V -l,iw]ii z, Antonio Portana, , I .1. <"< h '' =""" .omc npprnpri.itc r.-nvirk*, milimittnd Iho follow, waa .Undlng at the door of lb»Kidr,tenn,» * ,, | Ml"'. Uie MforraiiH t'oiinti^a, in un-mimo.!*-!} *prrc lo «dopi Wy p m'nl-ijid 1 .Ixirioor w >* r.-ti-.;-r^il v. ill. ..I cr.vy. I) ..'ti'i^n d1 • CiU7.min, ing pledge for Ihn adoption of Ih'- .Society: or brother and aiater. whan two of u> UM* following r.nolnlionii TIX— 'I'll.-v-nirra of Cifrf in Hi,::! iiii ^nii Inn Irooji 01 i)r . 1) S it--, ih.. m i if, w is rrcomnwndpd to nvr "We, the iinilriniij;n<-d, her hy, Mili-mnly ngrrc their ippo^Mnce, and Brjd open thna. | ^j K' Mtln-iJ. 'J'li-.l we do rfiuiM'l-r and Itnlf! |j*» nrra^nl gaar.t of tin T!urd llrn.i!" w tr inr ilu .ul.i— I cm cy. Th" priaoncra who were pronounced pii -n-i .,.,'•• I'.', rl- tn nbdnin, not only fn.m i.rilcnl c|«inl.«, but iroin inettntly, that an old (ran ranuined ia Uj. cl.Miot Iri*'l lil»oar..ra emplov^J on Ihf II .l-imurr . nd nucli in»tcM>iugion nil n» ,1 •>• Jfr-nf; 01 rnui in .*iul niunlrr. In- .'ol '^hin.-nl .m ** vulunl -*-r. .ind ctr.1 fir Aiijiit -id—- | inr Mi- v r ii-'t. mil G irciu i:ihl limed lh.il Kr.-nM "tr' --IT or in CIIW-K of rttr. m>- nicl;n. .i»,) .md I'rnm cider, Hrrlre.trd for the parpaaaef iNkafi,j pr«. conitiin^d log. tin r unii .r tJio nio»t mlMiin Ihi lo I rjnnnl . ipr.-M niyn-tt' liio lii^'ily ot txrth ullic r* *nA nnd firve othfm,! al ' w-.i. iinjiut to condemn nome, A. «wn ,a Ihey »pp.,rad K.fcr, ^ J i>^, r,,nn...i"'i bu.-r, or '-nv lic]U«.r Ih .t vtili inloxicnlc.' f. n? inio effprl ftuclt li.-lliili 4) ,i^nn tit r.air p .Mion* iii-i. o!'my wiinl-'ro-.in .nd lor Hi. *»lHri i.- i" il hu. • wli"n they nil hrlonrji'd to Ihu iumc vi*j"l.—' deliufrit'i ..i-.iot one of them, find. aMU» Wh, < V.mrr. J— -j«!i 'I'r Hy pcnniwm of Ihr Ch..ir nil prrmn* il'-ni- nr \'t j itliTii in ijr pniiii|,t liii'iii In cnniit.il. inini- iij.nn.T in whir!i i!.,,y ]• rr*iru.r.l llipir -!ut;r*.— Th • priaonors who w-ni pronounced not guilty, »hro>ir;'.i tlio lirart of hia rnrnty. He -m Ne* Y'lflt— roti* of uniting with tit Sorii-ty, wen: invito ..inch lhi..ir n.irn * lo tin- i.ripnM pi.- i^r. of .,-»iKi lion, j'lwlif" «ml Uic lawn ar« di-priv d of Ihi ir i.—liatton awjin it and gavn inforni^lioo of tba i th'i Society, or to lh.it projwu'd by Mr. J .ilnjit njcli mea- 20 1'inon Artill -rial*, artinc \\illy, [7r.iwlbrd. -nfirhv— II .'• Ptimi n. IIK-H WIT : .itUch.-d to llr.- f..nn;-r, nn.l ..irxjn »* will l"n<( lo lh' ir <]utnl and >.tVly. (..» luf.nirv. OFFK'I VI^-NAVV REGISTER. A del ichrrKnl of troopa wu fortv wvi-n t > Ihn Liter. ltr:4>|vn,l, Ti,«t ro long -f tllC C .U-t nl tbrpr CYltk r llickmin, IS Ut l.iglit Infantry. \-r.. |. of II,-. ilifT r-nl >q ndrona aan>« >a the lial in pura.iil of L'IP i.mr).,,«_ ^ — f ,, Thi- S- ri ly procn-d'-d lo c!cct ofi>rr>. fir miin atitonf tiiein, ltii*ra m ny necuri'.)- lor eitlter, •nd fpurrior, 3» O.ln.i.oro Volunl«r«, n tt I i'rnm l/wii-i ninntli . ! Ihn frigate Conatellalion, rrtorned from »ilnoul anccrea. The '.Vim-b.roaa, it b aolut -WilliulJ lh fruaiinjr, ye'.r, and ihi* foll.iwui(j p-nlL-im-ii Ills! il U mOi»|irii»..h|n lh-,1 it bo r . nr. d. Mu K lir-a, 'J7 l»t II Iti.norr Kill' -iii'-n, -«nlllinoi> Uie Mn. Urmlnnd on ret .li.tion, and their >• umcn mJ wcrj duly elected: R wiVKl, Ui.,1 ill" IV-Kiilent mil Kin clon of lln< D 1 1M1 Irt M ,n. si, -rp .^-li'to^r*, liitiurj jri.l O!no r il ro d con.jmi). b-i n;qticMi^l in nr n-ady colloctio);. TVir fosiliajUkMn.^. Dr. John II. Brown, Prnai.l -nt. NOTICES. oaU; v ~\ ilrr u.. ir A|'fiii* >;d rotviructon lo di*rh rg*. iro ,< lh, ir dy to r.-c in- Ibe.-n—h-riaj trxu r •nqi-nitl <• !••» w:-it Wiiliiro II. Baldwin, Scciftarv. MEIIITKRREAN. ni'rlny *ll Midi Ubonn/a aa hare been lu-rcin ueacrib. • 'flipping Ihntnvlrae for nghl. ~ ISI-l-e, CT. Wi J-.hn M. Jon-n, i T..I.I, 1U2 ^ll .lion. '* api. Re.d, arrived at M^hon vd. i;ix.«. M p^rtiea of the Su [*OTi,»liTI <-f Mr. \ D. Kill*. > Manrrgnrr.. I lu.va thr honour lo bn on tho lath nf Angtinl, al Uibnllir Ihr Hlli of Oclol«-r n<-anlr in our . Tiny vi»w t'l'm aa I r-. f \-*\ i-l I 1.' »' II. W. Wondw.rd. > .mil anrhnriid in tho bight of Cr.ny 1*1 ,nd 31at of Nu. '•r tlnir b .d eonii*.ili, of Jl tba ojuiuti-. It***'*- pon-i-r u» bring i<» jnniic--. aa minv of trie jt*rticip tor* n. i'. c.\Mrni:i.u i rrMinn pf M r. Co The following rosoliuiuns wrro tuen un.ini. romlier. th.rly d4ya frn.n tho M"rt at UM UrmiMuVi jf i Itrjolttd, Thot it is rrp.-di<-nt tint t!,r dii-n.1-. co'np ,ny iriih ih« l)rl ur rr 74, on Un-ir way dovn tij K<-*olvi.l. T'..il v u ill unili' in rxj^Ming f/on our ON TUP, WASHINGTON ny cimiirM me • concur to ou*a it men Una i r »« ri<- r- I c.Hintx liol>! .-i DJSTrRBAXCF.S M. ihlrrnn-.in. on Ihr IHtli of H.plomb-r, and hid it th it, ahould i rooflict t.-.ii» plni, il eill W i of T.-mp-:ranco in Ann^-Arutidi rmr.ii'f /urr>a/y, t/irr m*:l, all puch cliar.clen aa •nir vEitnicr C. nvontion in Annapolis, »nd th»t Kri.|j\, llr- K.\IL lio.vu. Int adriri-a, 8ih of Oclo'jcr, arrired al Milli, wbon- LlooJj OM.—Kopvibliojn. >. .vr I,. T--III IK-CU dt*^ril^xl. rcportH which • Tior' w" thrown op O.h day of J. nuary next, Iw rrroirrmi-nd-.: «« u In order to currxci m.:ny t'.ilnc Ihr l>t.|iir..ro w a elpeclod lo tourh. Il.-Kilr-u,T!ijl the li .nk»ot thia meeting lie preapnted to tho cily, miiiuUe lime for it.t mef-lini;, nnd llmt tltr An. nro loo Irei.-ly in cir<-ul ilitig through Sloop John Ad inn. C.pl. Conuer, amrad at Fnnohal TWE5TY-THIttD COXUCC*. 1.1. lul. t'»rir.ix .nil tiio "IH.: ra .nd u\x>p> un .ir Id* cm pmcurc ntitena, iul;a n<:»>lui Tetnptr..ncn Sncii-ty lu irr]ii-.«'»ribli... 17th Keptombcr. T*nl; ^t nf thi. . m.'k Ihf ncccosary nrnngi m.-nU. Then forr. Ih.- .i in t.'iu nrr »l Mhich h.ro b.-'n m-ido m-ith Itie n MO^UAT, DKCIX.U i, HOI. On Thursday ni^lil, nb ml 8 o'ciork, n Inr^ti WEST INDIES. lir-« n' lh« lw»l ItefJreJ, Tli.it Wm. H. Baldwin, J. M. lo iV rohTiciio i ottl.o porpeir lor» of t.ta mnru4ircra o ThLi day commenced, at the Cipito!, it 111- I ivrrn k.'pl by Air. Hloop Kl. I,oxjj, C pi. McCiuley beirin( UM broad f-fi P «» r T» irw» 1'i't fr*> Ji'iii \\ UJ> ..ml \Viix »« .Mr.««r«. fr inr rt..l)li',;>"r!niniiip lo J...IOH fl. W. Worxlwird, II. E. Allrn, and C. p..nn .nt of Cn.n. ll«nley, aailed from Norfolk.' for Ihn cily of Wellington, the Socond HmvatH*1 .ll'« J-rr J.I nM riiV- I It r.iiv il, 'I'll.I 1.1" lli.,nka ol' thia mnctinc he prr Mjrrill, nl W.iti-rloo, w.m dirtcovori:.! io b.; on II mraoml, E«i'a. be appointed to rr-|ir.:«< nt I!IIM U>rt Indi-« Ihn Uth Nov. 1'w, nty-Third Coogr.v. llr U p roi ."-rlHeoiv •rn'.-d lo Lt. Cdl. \Vu.i.uiit fur hi. t.'al iiiu farrice^ ii fir", nnd w.m « .on rnlnc'-d lo nation. A lirixh Hociplv, in Ihi' mid convention. Moop V^ndilit, Cipt. \Vobb. rtill a'. Norfolk, nearly IN THE SENATE. r nnelaU I ' i-n^i" aiilii.^ l'i; rtr.l iutim.il a in arT'irt «nd put down the* wind nt the lime, c .rn.Ml llio np:irkH iinmi. r' cominfnded to unit.' on tho l.r.-| S. libnth Sloop F.hoonth, fupt. KouMan, wo. al Van Crut by the Vicc-Pr-aidont of Ihn Uaittd €•*• r-rj fir-ril«'i* iHrtn : end IV-.rl .' ni«ui. r in which ha rivaled hit crJur* «liirh hut for n mid.lrn r-li.-.njjf in Ilu roiirno of every month, in furvcnt pni>r-r to tli - Al. the 3*lll Del. (Hon. MABTKt VAM BuirTi.) wtws it Ii: pf M-T o. l'i. J -r«c» I n ilh *o •.;iall .« fti,,-,,. i n.l to uiir (.'HnM- rilirvni nrlin .o wutil.l IMVP Iv^rn uliio run .inn; il. An it wan • "''i a. mistily, for Hie mirccwi ol the clTurirf of lh< Scl»»inrr Eiperiinrnt, LituU Comd'K. Paine, th.it thn following Scnatora wan in lanrr*' I1.- ».il^n<" n/.| I |.p»i,p'!y voiuntreird ll^ir airtiori on Ihu important li-nvrvrr, tli.< kili-lion wan w-t on fir^1 in .»-jvi-r.il -n'ni- -•. ^ Iri'-nd". of Temperance. | frinn PonaicoU the Xid Uctobnr w ua al K.y Woit Uth From M Jne—Ether 8h-pU7. a wi iVir rnnn1 occ- Mon. pl,ic n, Ixit with tinirly : •-ii .t.inrr l!u; Ihunca KtttttrA, That iho thr nk. of (hi- Socirty, i Norember. New. Ilampaliiro—Sarwil D 41, HI pnlYi-d. Tlnl tlii» mr*linj ryprtiYr. tlin »unjnirr.f\ M'-.l i,nil Imt trilling dnmiipi onr>t.iiiir-il !»• tfiven to Uic R< v. Mr. P.ii» I ior lui ..l.-|ii. nl' WIT- :irr COAST OF l*-U^r nl <'ol. (*KII. C'n^ia adort^e>.d lo Uie PrraiOt-nt of M .wicnusotu—Nathaniol 8ibVf, Aiiilrc.*, and thit n copy of lh.' P.-id n.iur.-m IK- V'-ntenlay ."flt-rnmin Ii IM .-..ii 'J ;md H nVlock V.luop Nitrhei, (?ipl. ^titiriKir. n-irini; t!io broul » Jjrr f *TV l.n aid a I' IV II III . om anil Oliin Ruil Uo d. Wc-bMer. ml nit -a a p.irly of (i or " of ili« \v irlim -n « lio hud been penn ml of Com. lUm.'uw. ir.-i. d -I KMI 13. n - of ft. 1 • •olicitrd for publication. | ll*M.Jirr.i, Tli«l Uie proc- .xiing* of thia meeting tm Vi-rmont—B"nj unin Swifl. rol.'iiHi-d IVim Ih.' jnil in l!»i rili/ were n.-lurninr> 7 diir» fr" II ll;lii ,: Itlll jl Uin U.ii h. )*o ,,lr r. lluolmi, Tlr.it tli th nka of thin Society be |.ui.li.lH-^il by way of lh» W.mhin^ton turn, MoopOnliriu,C>|.t. tti|;.r n . lUJil. th* SUi o t.a... 1.. 8rt>c-;^rr. S*-cr*y. Knight. ilu-J too.cli Mp m. nt during the pnrnlitip year, iJV^ic illiri.nl pikr. Arrivinp ,il Iho hri.lyT> ncroTn (In- I'utnp. Kr|>l.: lo «ill Man alter liir Itio. .(llor loilux the rijiuturra.] nc-j u.'nj.>l|y c llrd Urnnin A. Smitli'H hridgi-, Connecticut—N,klluo SmJlli, Giten t rh.rl'orm..nco of tin ir I'ulim. ISclionnor Entcrpnw. !.i l^o'iid-g. Cajnpb.'!!, -r. | . thn) n-fuitsd In pny th; C'.i-itnmary toll, nnd n.i rirvd at llio 15th bapi;.i.i»-r, t.i il«y< fro.n ll^up:on linton. * of lu y.rjm'rrd, 1 h t thi- proc, rdingn of flii" Si«i. PniLir P.. THOU... i;.q. IV n. lUll. it Oliio K. tt. Ro.ida. New York—Silai Wr^jht, >'. P. rty la* puhlir)|.-d in th. Al. r\l.ind K pnl*irvn, />rur »V,r—In ronftri|,i.)nco of the rvcaot mtirilir* on one of tin- p.irty ntU-mptivl to fore.- liin way llirtKigh tin gitu lu «MH fired at by llio toll. TACIFIC. Ponnirylv.-ni i—Simu^I ^fl*Kran. M..r, lund U, zcttr und III > Trmporunr . II* r .Id. It,- \Vavliingtoti Kiil Hnul, the inhktiiljiita of Uin roun. ri^Wbo atiall •piy lo liuu out aud >rrnt the inur. cliiro in the abdomen. Hi. wound is not d.m- pi-ronn. At un OXCIIHH fur thi" proc -. dinn on NorloiU tlu' yj of Nuv. mr Uie I'joilic. M ryltnd— lim.'jih Ki.'nL WM. ii. BALDWIN, Secretary. derora, and -Uo from tho fact thai a nartbi r ut our ei. Vir^inii—J 'hn Tyl^r. (' pt'hi. Pc-fio t;i'»-n tisona have been ttm.trued by the l.ixjurera on a.id thi> purt of tho loll-k.cp. r, wo nr« inl'or-.uvil lln.t .-. I irtl b'tf h .ml. anil Till: MAILS. ^-Willic P. M.njnai. ro.d. I hare born re<|U»t<-d to lUle for jour itnurma. ov-ry p.to kf^pcr on llr.' rixid in cmtinuilly N .rth CirVin '^I'O'B-* »n«l rtup'y rr For Ihr M,-ilitarr.ii...in. c.n b.i . nt by a voaarl lo P. King." SNOW .HILL BI;RNT. >ti Ui«t Ibe rt-auIrnU of Uiia arctlon ot tiiu cvuutry arc nnnoy.il by Lltcnri'ui inn.li' lo pr.rei n-jlhutit P'J'.I (« • .rji-i—J ihi IcrH. —Jnnrn l.«i*t npo- •ail i.-.i , N. Yurii fro,i I. m, u> Ijtu U.io. Wi- orx- a,.rry to Icurn, from the lolloping l.-t. dctunnintd tlial in c »«. the company do not copi ^uch th tiMiil lulhi. Mr. Smith, to n-cvir,. hia bri.lf-c' Al S-in'-^G .brinl M-rarc. i I'-' Juror*. ' Huff pv lor UM (A, .at ol llr ill by the ac^ir. Nymph from ter, lh«t a moat durtrvoaing tin.- took place on mire aa will in lulurtt arcuro lh,-tu Irtitu u»ing h.r. in th^ iinm-rli ilu n-ivh. Mimianppi— Gx)rg-> PiimUilcr- r^ml dvi-u!!inp, which nn lUliiiiiur.. and ay .1 brig i'ro i Now Vurk — Iwth adrcr- Monday nighl, ha *J4th ult. ut Snow Hill, con. r.-aa^d by Uraee fnqtinnl riotaonUieroui, lliol ihuy will 'r-nn7e930*»IIugh L. White, Fdii I Jwn^AUI'.TY. Munirti'Kfl. fn;n nil dunp-'r, ir-mt into Ilii-irity |..r li»..i lu ...il l.i. i.i.l w,-rli i u IK-combor. aiming forty houere, iho Court House, ci^lu niiftlFr a auAcit-nt lorco and drive t-v ry Irialiui^a otf K»niuck-—llonrv Clay. I TUB Mat.- r'tdict w«« p .•.nun nnd men, nnd n p.irty nM out inuii-diatoly Kiirlhe I'.cinn l>y Um atiin Luonulais adv. rtiaed lo Stoma, two llutola, dec. he roid. fio.ii the l'«l

ro lo tbo big Faliu.nl, »t ^11 Ohio—Th-Kni* Etvin!». f«nat>,) Hail, (.fha e r In bin niiMiHt . Tim n-.ivir that McC.irtncy'n • ill l"in.n N v» t'nrkllia fir.i irnrk m l^comu-r, and Hru, Nov. Sfith, 18H4. i4i nl», . nd in Uiia del. rniimtton U»y .n proiuiaed Ibe In.)i inn—Wm. II -mlrick?, Jnhn Ti, p.. tad Manlm-fro. Fl -Snow liriili;^ h id IK—n thn- iten?d, ii f.Jii?. • a uau *1 00 UM I Jill ul' o.cli ino'ilh uy Un |nckat fro 11 co*o|n;r -io i ^nd aid ol* oilier aecliou. ol* our county. I!Hnni»—Ii!im K. Kinc, Jolin N. **Mv3oar fri- nd,—Our villug.; in in uKhi-x.— The utilhoritlc. of Anno Ammlnl county am N. York by way of K.njaum, Jun.lu. In making thia coiiiiminlcilloo I >a»uro you lh. p- o. x:.t«l S'OT Ol'll.TV. It toot tire from a C. i-jx nti-r'n abop, in I IK- ccn- on 111- i-.K-rt, and will do even- thi'nrr they cun Ntrr UnrnTuurr, / Mr. White mibmillod lha Mlowin; pie ure acloutrd by IHI utlu-r nioUn Uun to put andvnd tn-^ the town. The whole cnntral portion i. to ruittoro truoqtiility.—Hall. (!rt of th i Uenalr, tn join wch O** ^tith the tuvcrna. John Bl.Jr/n dw<-llin<;, L)rn- end lead lo tlioae wr.'lcuca dcpred tinj; aUll lurtli, r on fiia ijmpUbira ef t'll tlie rurrouiiOing nrighbourhooJ. Iflheringld^derac-.n. tn the vtmer .bin Binlinp Sionr, thia moruing, near t!w Tho foIlowinR uccount of u nv>«t dreadful aa miy be anpowtod by th* Hwo of RT" tnMulfafn raitrio w 'xl Wiliii.rjMX Annania. fonnc'n, Innoc I'. of th Hnaqnelunni K il llnul. In K-aUi.ig i, haa boon cjiinmnic il--d lo aa in t ttivais to wait on the PrMideBt.of Ii" la Go.irun HudaonX Dr. not be avcurod «uu jiuniahed, tli? wiiolu force ouglit to , hnkln, and eolf. Bnutb'a, E. Djinond'e, be uUeltarKod aud a new act employed. r on • of tlio tmibinkntentji, iho Uiahnji trnd upon u loiter dtit.«J— [Charl.mton Courier. SLitetS and inform him th.t oaorumi of tVi« | f" Uwa of won than K .*'» ^ John R. PurnellX Mm. Due'a, I*-\vin Town. The work had brllor be del yd a ahort time Ui 01 to •t»nv. vbich oonil oulr'(ea. mb nkiinl nd broke hia leg. llur infor.ninl rtitod "'llio cirrum.tan.oc* utlonding ih-j dualti'of rcndy tn receive any conimunication ke *»J • 'f lUira Uul hu « MI i', tailor*', und all other little nliops in the With roapect. you- oLt H«rT. Unl the Dialiop eeamed to be in « goo.I dM of (win Cnpliiin Itudman, toguthor with another nuigh. pi" mod to rmkn. , t'jl ro«4o.r.Ui» nf Hu L!-»'<; iceatral part of iho town. . Tho Court Houac i. UKU. CUUKE Cliair-n. ura h Lilt tlirra. 8cvorttrh.ipa, lha inoat M mini. White and Swift were l*f H'.orj replied lh ualiui—it U ...i'l, however, that tha roeortU of the Oiahop/i frionda w. ro proaunt, ,nd itiiled In {i outr ig.-oua acts mi*| provided tlu> einn b.i fiimiahnl •' t. Dwnnu'a ttore and I. P. Smith', .tnblta, w T rcrn on Ibe Waaliington ro.d. U inilee froai li.lli. » bfcrm-d, il.rouih lot into tha Canal at llollmin'n .lain, and ha. ch mg.i du i I'orgtwnn, which il wda not cunva. uwnl rati* for lh-> w»nu il ch J^«^o^al /•.th niooa.of a-ivinf-,,11 Ihn aoutli.w.al-rn p..rl more, on Tueed.y uiorniug the Uilh Inat. wlnrj I ro- bot-n brought down lo ll.irpnr'a K.-rry. A. fir n* fcrlj to p wlwre ll weul. |rartrd to R. <.'.. Hlocketl. W. II. Uoney and Tlioui a niunt for dpi. Hodman to nvikn ut th.it tiroo. and pr.iTi.lnd, nlno, th»l if any 8-nrfor A* j u aua ind Ul\ Ilia t '"cf .ho town. The wind wu. about Ihey have bwn put to tri.il, the embankment* nnd l-Vrgiuon bocnnie enraged, nml nworo that ifhu ehooaa iit tiki nny nBw.ip-.p-'* "th»r tki» . rxrlh-weat, oml blow a In ah bn-cic. 'I1i< riu.iwdzn Kee^ra. JuaUcee of the Poaoa, and uifonned work, have .loud the tiuil; very fow leaky h.iving • touuuinced at Uii an acquuintnd with the location of thu them that we ware by your ordere, -to aid the ciril au. did not pay him then, ho would mto him. \t p-ipora,,.-,.—. -h" "hill ho mppli-nl with i ip*ra aa ofliw »«,, wh i burnt, will Ti'ndily know who are aofa. thoritiee in inaiutuining the peace end quiet of llif thi. lime, Mr. Wulknr (who, with unolhor out 'oxoood ••••n lw.ro. Slit*." Hollnwn'. dum in ..h «jt 9 miloa below Willinnu*. were iho only ponon* prew-nt) ohaerved to Fu* dally papers!" •* V«rr reMDBoiAilly, your nb'dt. wrv't. ... " ' * * port, but hick. Ihu wntnr up to that flouriiliing .*>a«^a.aai ««* •_ _»..!._ L' . « i* l*nl* JOHN 8. MARTIN." They ibmiabed mo the geneml warrant ae»onpiny not lo muko unruuty ubout thi r. Qrundy •ubrnitled Ihe Rioting Int thia report, and rucomiuended the appreheuUia of town, und Ihu. the navigation will bn perfected change, Ugt Rodmnn would puy him shortly._ 1 pro. for more thun one hundred niilea. All who ura *- ' . u tool all penoaa auiployed on UM ttac of the) ruil rojd near l''ergu.ori*lmmt.diiitely laid huld of Wulkar, £ of lh» f «tkta4 aartioa, aequaintud with the Valley of Iho Potom-ic, ad- RAKjml, Thit Iho 34«fc rule rou IIOT.KJT PICKLE. where llio nrardere and other outrage, had been eooi. threw him Hown, nnd Wiui boating him •cr«ro- ao far aa r«0poct. thn Coqjinill11" <>» •*" i af lha law, ,. . TotqajHaof Vln»t«r I poond of Salt, 1^4 po-mj milled. mit thai ilw> advant^go. accruing from lh« niivi- ly, when Capt. Rodman got over tha .uxtntor .•^. af Ub.|er, I'M. M .* , 2 at. Wl-ttn P- 1>]>1. 3o». Mn.t. In company wilh U. Col. WtttUoe of 4Bna-Aruow out the prwent (Committee on '" ' ar* d, labl* a|owa u*\tf( H«d 1'tf^.t, 1 01. long who IVvnuml oa wiUi hia tUviee and «eaiat.ince -.1.11, nnd wo Iruat lh.it Ihe advantage* din knife, when Capt. Rodnmn retrwtod back ouuipajiiee! by the rwnaia. that aa ernior otlicer, t|>e will oow b.i laadn apparent, will J

1 •:.•*. L< • - -, - . ,-•*/' I ' ' -A' *""• * *-^ . *.-. L.\^ . -:. '.-'^»-:- ———iiV.. ,,"•.,- -;.-tt; ,,:•-.• •;.••- --.\^ • ^ oft tliem ky ti* wkolutioa of &3iuxt« 'dreeiiBf tbaM iu Mo*nl*.-whlah thoaftt were obliged to By from tlte dovoori^llMnC I to his auditon, conveyed a rrmnlaf which cvuld act ba AMVJ PUBtlC rftf^fti«i ' A irambet of the mffiirm are coaM^KUy de- rOU are titr enth* )Mr. Gnindjr WW (ructed to misunderstood. Roll repeated^ traok the wood befbn prived of all they pommuj in th« wfL Their vote of the , him, and spoke load and vociferous, exhibiting however, . 13th intt. _s», it ** ctrjt ihe ndrr.lped traslreVwill owrr «r t'hii relation by a ui prcaent aih»tio» muti be truly deplHUa and Tour a»ual pan JUu*. They Iwl been arduously ongag the same hardened sxpraeslon which be has worn front »f th« Slate t ptjMie sale on PBJDAT thr gfjth day of Ihroofhoot Ut* trial. Bom* appnheastons of viokme* cannot fail to call forth the tjmitffu*>A mid Houtt, it 8 o'i Dpcenibsr neil, at II o'clock M. at thr rrsi- HTu.eir investigation. durA the reco«,iand of their follow citizens. BT ! roiiertrd a great deal of evidence, though on the put of the prieonen Mem*d lo prevail, bat they denc* of John |(^«rc«r. Raq. on quiellj rnbmllUxl to be hand-cnSed and l*d out of court. JOMA. t, O. 8. a atmber of ' «* sufficient to enable thenUo mnko a smtinfiic. Cinmuim rwttr^ The New Ti states, Dee. 4. rpnrt. Olbrr witncsatw had bor,n •urn- The eratonm of death will be prooounoed on Men. TAfcVJaJHUB 1 diy next, to which Urn* UM court sdjoWBed. mine atrthoritr of a ktttor noentl|r the I that'would probably bo here to-morrow, Commodore, that the report of •7 Censifting of Mm. Womcit and _ . ._ OR the vnsoing yesr.oit the Farm of Csp- T"' trrmt of Sale will «e caah. to br paid at I lo-dsv, whoen l"ttimony would bo taken, THE MURDERESS SENTENCED. paralvaais Is without foandatioB, that hi* beanh ia rh-Mildbo tbo iploamiro of th* Senate to improvin(. The pobliutUb tain Henry K. Ball art, near AnMpulia. tho day of tale, or ratification thereof by tM B«mtonce of death was-pronounced on Wod. at In the f«Uowln| erson that can come well recommended Chancellor. If payt-enl » drkye.d antil tit* i iho ComjrStle*. He nskod for the puifnph of the aane artiol* doabUoee add nmeh E nrsdny, 26th lilt, by Judge BTBMIBH, at tho rosnt eiiitiif nnnera of the different naUons com. Her. 4. issacd wit of Anne-Arnndsl £»»qff i.t l\v -cr tnry inf.irm the HOU crimes in thr following pathetic strain: poalnf tho mica*!) inwxu popnhtioo of CotuUntiaople, Court, |nd to me directed, againtt thrgwexft . * I"1'"1111 «*•" tnl" "Yon hive own- indicted, tried, and (bund and id MifkfMirhood, rhrired firm actual peraonal oh. NOTICE IS UEKEBY GIVEN, and chattels, land"* and tenements, of-IOpfoB - I, and i* r^ady to procood to bust. guilty of n murder of the roArt cruel and aggrv ei>mtiOB)dllTin| s r««Jo>riM ofionntvean. Theyd*. MIAT the subscriber has obtsincd from D. Welch, at sait uf James Bykee, BhriMiall vatpd chnnclcn a murder attended/ny circuni. crik«fMp(r« > they are, irith til the ehaafe* introdne. the orphans court of Anne Arundel Ctpito, Reabe* W.rfield, Juth«aJ)r*d«>jj; ,, A- > V "" policy of Bnltan Mihmoad, and not aa they T i frnm Ihn House of rtuncrs which shock every lend or' and nyrnpa. ruunty, letters of administnliSn. with Ihe and Denimnre and Kylr, I >a*e Wnftrd and Ihotic lorlinp of the human huprt. In tho pur. ire rKpmerntcd in work*, DOW obeohne from the reroln. will anneied^on the personal estate of Phile­ taken in eieeaitlon all the right, title, inter- _ by" Mr. Frinklin, thmr CKrk, lion whioh i« how in profroae, aud u frsdually chanc­ •il n loionun of lint Hour*- hnil nswrn- putu.-.lion of Ihu enormous anjl dinboji mon I). V^-fteld, Isle of Anna Arsud'l rat, prepay, clsisa and demanit, both at law P>r which yon urc obout " '" which ing the fiee of things. county, deceased. All persona having claims and eqeiiy, of SBH) Upton D Welch, of. in l»-«rrml tflWff 1 r.-,i irsolntion re int-reetinp. whrn we coosiner the lon|( snd fivonra. l ill' no oi minting circiimstnnco thtm. legally authenticated, fVid thosoMmibt- and premises, ralletl the Lalt H|»s. 0, „ H H •, lor lh" npppiWiiemt of a Joint We oppnrtnnitiee dnjored by the Commodore, •• well aa *>-•'. innurcnt, and tin. eiLare djr.irrd tn make immediate pawpsait. Rhrpley's Search, jBhipley's Contei.tinn, K »>•*».«•»«* w-.iit on lh- Pr-siJem of lh-> IT. hiieipiritj for lirrlr STipliic ri>wrintion. We think whom/ it might rca. WE9LKY LINTHItUM, other t.-ael* called a Farm in a better Shape, •^rWrtti.tjJr; Li-rl Stal ", unJ h id appointed a Com nut toe on I'M*" I >II"r« mijhl to Iw iKibli«hed, sod c:noot but hojm containing in the whole, three kanitrro* anif- sonrhly lx* rniilj not enlertun r. Adm'r. W. A. n^ «**•«;,. tin- p-intl-nvn in |tn*ion of them will obtain the thirteen acres of land, more or let*, being onn unkind irflniL', you hnvn consigned '" /.th-BM^r., ' Cimnmdorr''* pnrtni'vinn foa that purpose. In conclu the land and and premises at presenf occaplM an nn'iinplv nnff pnirmiliir" pr-v"; nni cvrn hi.i POKI'Kll'WT h-lodp.fi^Uto.lS!. piin. ll t« our rarnest wuh that hit hiMhh maj bo sr*e. by Uptoo D. W elch. lying and bring in An­ /••ndcr yr-Tjr'hu infinline nnd unwisrHTtinp; FOR SALE. 'amulet. Bc, .TrfJ °F. Ol-1 KKI'UI-T.F.NTATIVCS. itilr rwtorxd, and thst rvi will •horUj fironr hip friends Y virtue of a decree nl the High CooTt nf ne Arundel cuantv. nrar Svkeatillr, also OM«4| uxlllutwuljuj,^: k. llr- mil bi-ing c.ill -H it np|»!nr. C'inti'1-n-", worn sufficient to prr-sl th'i PTPPII. of whom f,w iiH«n hsr« mom or bnttnr, witti a v*«it. other tract of land, call.d John's Last »hif»> Ii ill ill yi.nr rpii-l nnd li^nd'iko p'lnvw, or stny B ('tunriTV thr sii',i*rribrr will s<-|| at pub­ Wnr.«rf lp. * 1 ts n"*' '"ewcrrd their nunii:-i. e"nUining two hondred acres of Isnd more or vivo- P >n-l wS-n Mmr* f'i olf-r In bun i!m dend. lic mil', at Jsini-s Hnnler't Ta>ern, m the rf'^^iE*.,.; . ODITIAHV. Ins, and one other tract railed. Lot No. 2, < '"•"•H-U, ,^ \\ pus i,i. »iv lit" ro'nmr*.' i.in ot thi<* nvlut rity of Aniisp'dis. on TUESDAY flflf eSd "" :"'>>r'1 el"ft"'l Ii "-tpny v • Tim, il l'«i re«ii!.nci of hit filhor.ia.hw. In PJiih. il.ir nf Uriember neil, at 4 o'clock, P. M. if containing nnr hand-red and ninetj»»arres of1 doponuW. |O|H .ivl t'lhu:'i >n set I'nn hivi-,1 t il* h"p°, Ir -f^'ll. land, more or**rs*' also Ihe following Ne* -'-.l '>'• d 'Hill or r-si-r i ili >n; n- •Hfi|i«. nn tin. ooinnj ol Ilie Stllh nil. MAML'KI. B. lair, il mil, ihr first lair dny thereafter, sll in rtnuinee; ia Us lab ^ I t-»l hiii fr tin n virM o' Ir HiS'r to n seul ol ^lo. grne*. one Sagro man by the nsme'of Salo­ ^nd tiiil; ih ir *•«!•< : SMITH. M. !>., in I ho SU'.h yior of hi< , f •— for iho the rin'i". iiil- snd mliTfp!. of Ihe heirs uf "I"1 "-«<«. .7!. , ry i'i fir; nrnsiins of rf -rnal r-s'. end piven fi mon, one ditto woman named Anf. nne dit­ ..•. -IT —S'.-jilim f. l",i!ip-.. I Jl i iflilrvn rnn .n A—i'tuil Murj-on in tin II. S. N.illian C'lii'T. nu'dj.-ct tu a murt>;»ge eiecu- ' Parpen «fr- "•'/• r J k • HI. |'!ii Army. trd by aaul N. Purler tu Miclia Lluyd, cou- PP-'Mh-fir, litt. B| l'r»-i C'inn.- ' 4hl. MI, w.' h iv«» iiyrrv r»-.isin to lnt*l, i« aeph and Tnomas, also aaa-Ury 8tncM Hof1-- The. fi'Swirj pViliian- mlico of our I it" nnd iJlilinc all 'Ut *ti h«n, filed, tad Us M,. „ V.ini-r J-—J«'.i 'I'n'nihiill. ?p<»v, !• -c «!•«•• !)•> l« isWi'i • fi-'im Ihii sintiil nml sea. Cattle, and a namber of Hogs, Planta­ Inmi-nlml I'.iitor, wcrilr.irl from "The l^hun-h- ou i-a Acnr> or LATTD. ""•mr. Ifc tin ^^1 l'r«.ni'r«.ni Ni-« Ynit<— Otirl -i (•. Pcrri-i m J. nVin irv w.irM Iv-liir^hn i tion Utensils among whtch is kt> eicsllrrit •s i-itrrl'-d by ii« mnn," puh'ishi-,-n V.rri-i' — •' '"" '• r's of hi4 woopito; mid di irnncnlji" . 1'rmi Ki-nl'ii-hv— II •'> r I. -Ir.h -,r. RPV. Jihn <'. Ill inehnnl, ln.t? Hert-ir of St. ne Annul**! rniiutv. It i« well watered, anil ton D \\Mch, I shall proceed A sell the nr--n's. irh nn IIP Ii i.« I"P b-hindo iniiim llmir iw»»unm»di,Wj 1 _ |Vnn'>!ii->— IMni I J^iVyp 1. inn'i, Aiimnachpa rn«n r.l'l' |v<. lhi.< nnsi l-riti.in sh mid ml. ImiMings rm\«i»l nf n twn arnrv Hno»e and •n. but «. f , „ „ „ , J ihns->n. Mr. llliiirhinl wu< n tmtivo uf M.is»irlins»ii i, ni-eoiirv to discharge ihr deblwae sssfvf-*- i'mm l/wi in;i— l!-»r» iini«l'-r th" hd'n of nml'T! nnd r m.-mliilion. Kitchen, Isrjf* and rnnfnrlsi||e, with a Isrgp 'i»n»kijoia,«b -Ui ^; T>y. nnd lo n mind n •turully strong nnd wi II iiir^-rt. ssid. Hale to commence if 11 o'clejtiu Illinoi.*— William' I- M iy, John unil dry ri-llsr. a nhi'i-lwri^hi ilmp, a pump and Hwir^tfmoB^.^ CT ni'ir-, *!is |nt-, r in lh -y in--! hi-n on this pd hid nddnil Iho ndv.'i.l.ipr'M «,f n )ih,-r J odu- Terms. CASH. . / •ii t"» of lh'- rfPiv-: no tn->r- em lli-y li'St-^v up. of (j'lnil w il.-r >«liirli coinn!.i'i>n f.'k rr^n'. it. ft'ie d |ry. sn cehouse. a smuki* h uise, snd a iuj bxa r «.oll; v^ , i hi n fh" I -pd'-r en*! (•nH''.-1 rin7rnr u^-i of pi. Ii •<• i'll -;;ri'y PHI •rtlinnl hv hi* ;'d,'pl«l I'io. Sirif, M. A. County. rni-niti' c IT w:-it on ll'" I'rtiidpnt of tho nt-.l I IVM nnd atr.-cf'nn; Int 1.1 ili-m not nmiirn ;o'C'Mr'l of trlfi'ted fruit 1rr*4. •flit. T•!). hn-« n-i h >|w—!. I flii-m TIIK TKRM8 OF SALK AUK, i-4ndrM.Taa.nia i i.»liin of fir. W r I, llio li.wr nf in?i t. to Into PII pi-tiv- pin nl her niutt iti|mrt in' J/nnr-ftrtmc 7bffi/: '>••«•• k.vnf km the* .«cr III •! fir l'i «art*of _ . br.n his fa-' >tUMu>nniaiuVii.a. ; if lh >l ]•»• ,md fdii-i'v |->n b- rnt-r' 'iiu^l. n 1'- ill" wit-rn pn-iineN of I'. ,|li nnr^. Iu d ter. to nuaa it men Uu> jri. "*M^ lh it short int*r' ol' Irn-, which r.-mnj'!-* l'i ini-nt id Hlurli. lmni!« or nn'es inunt be f<*<-n clrtaarra j^Orey UKLDINO. a-' mined l'i .IM|< iluri bii li"M ol iiri'lii'ni'**. I'n- . >rn\rsrsq!il. abnot tllrrn [•)">, ilsillW,^, •-IM on thi i MI I - of Ih • r^'ve, shoii'd Ir- nnr--. ti/iili (TIMH! wernritv, anil upon the receipt ot ^'*»r t'i-'uilviee li-iil ilir etion of ttio llishop ol liand.'and* hih'nn.Vi pr'rreivablr marks, THF VEdnKT (IK T!IK JURY. mil'ini'Iv rrr)il->ved in m iki'if r" TV nlon:';n"'' the pii'diim- niniii-y, and nut before, the tub M Tjor* w»« thrown fp -n on ^V-rdn *-Uf niornin? '"'. . .Iri I'itr •»-, IIP hid e-mini'-netil pr-'p.ir.itioni «' rilirr is anthnrisiul to give a good deed. At id -II rnu'id, rtcepi enXof his >hi>es Is'rly I y.mr p»w*?r t*i I'ri vi-,lili*d I '^^ of y'«"i ''• I |',r PI.I .r:n|'on hii InliTirs. Mm f:i" infst'-ri tr.lt and csni--T». hasl^wilrh IsiU Oiv- IUD COJUSC*. |iir «sme lime, and nn Hie sjme termn, will riilti»ne, iui'O'j* ta--Ii«'r !':•• •• 'ml id (,id. I' nn«r oo!v r -n> -ins I'l.it I i.nder my hand one of r*W Justices nf the) SESSION". 1 r" I I»-M "n'! iir>-«'nrt-h.di'- prnvidcMiee of flon hiii I>P nil'l s pnrl uf a Ir-tct nf land containing »»nl: nvi<-tj; in hi's d' vofvod irnn ri-: nnni'd "" 11 r i •' i r •«'. Two d ivs nfl.-r his srnv.J h \\i« -.idil in said Nathan I'nrtrr by Benjaman N t ember I83/. \ cod, at the Cipito!, ii | li' I, i". »• is :.it •c!;i«l liv liilli »i< f.-vpr, whirh hilllinr; Koiesi,K«o. Tlie purchase muney nf this / JUIIN KNF9HTOV. • }*r» •!. I nM n A* I'rtif ^f n'*r tn"^ I** » r J -ed, irnti' li1- hi1* hnr*. ^vh » rin I-KI'C ii*»-»n in flip r'>»,'i"-,-n oi" nrt, l.-nninntpd liineii'l 'n Kw pr.-iMfof, witSo-it •i'l* • nior-1 ih TI r. trreJc. Wjiiin hisph^'wiej inn Ml idr, t lh a 1 •€' I -il rn^i-> IO * eopnl'ttft >n f Trijr 'I i-.n;i-ithir.in<» with y-vi in y i-ir .iwf'il Ki'Milim. • 'id ni' up;" hi-n'i I'l" I il >'. p|ririrl«-r«f thr J. HOYLE, Trustee. fi|i»«i Ih-if IVy swill ! "ll.-- s»n'"ie" of Ih" l.iv i'. [h"" I'l • l>rnnp«i "r ! r, h" .'jv ' -ir»d I'mn th • lirsl lo *** i^'p tv IIOAKD1NG but >f th.» Ju-tj- yi ld.>i', nnd ii H fil'i-nn" ton—,lir • •d wuh llv- r iTivini'in I'l it his de.i'h w is nijjh.l ANNK HOLLAND r.. . J TI*» cntrrt, iril-ilj thit ytin l,< f i|«.-n I'r-m h-»ei' f-i tin- Il'i pipLhi' d .'ivpriT wild n rpsifrn«'ion nnd ^Vr ? ronimitieil tn Ihe jail of Anne-Arnn- her fnrsuU, six] the atrru pi .n- frnin wli'nee you r .in». :iril fr im lli"p"e ro-'ij*»»^nri- Ii eo'iiii;' a \v"|| s^ 'lit III--, nnd n brr» ol tli« Lrf'wtetur* |rnrrsllyt th*4 b«i »( t'j'ir r • * i'r\ county a« a runaway. Nov.i, 183-1, t!i" p! e~ of ex-cn'i in, wh'ri yi-u nr- !•> Ii" I'lrm !rnV ii l'i" I'flir iey of tlin ItiiLwrm r's on Oruirth sireci, aiwl mi I, I'-" f. !! i rinj oC hopn for tin m-jnritj a negro nun wlin calls l>im«rlf : <'irelr,.k> M>W in cowpWlr ordf r f *!• liv (lie n'-ek until \'"'t i»r- il *n'l snd m>v 1'irri''. l*i| r.-s^iif n rVvoni s-'i>^> of rofr-sh. S'-».-r w-» TIO'. pr •• -n* w!.on ih" l/ir.1 *'tnirhlv hiv.- ni'-r«-v nn,>n VMI s-m!." F.f.IJ.V ROOERTM, the rrcfp'ion of Hnsntrr«. lip vicisilii \4 nii-nt I'rini lh" r'in« er.t.d rli-m.'nH of w'nieli lh« Hlsir llnqsr and Fuhlbr. OfRcr* rrrwlers i »" Li. n»l • t'.rt'i'f p-rioil of br * il'i liii" sn'1 ini« lie i« fn-e hum, mid was r»i«rd at Tlio Rirl.b •!•>•• s-nl'-ne-'d !•> di-:\ lh in IIP h d pin ilcm, striving lo snollir tho n1f(irli»n t rlriirtMs rr»klri*B« for mrmhtn of Ilie l.» •• of (i.^-«»n ml it •• CK.' . till I'- » pri»on •«' lienrs ],.iinliii!; on Pokmnnke rivpp, in l)ur- pin", \v .H of counwi not iri -d fur the iniin!.'r of nf IIT who w-is n'i >nt to h-C'iii" n widow, fir. ffi«l%tlire, anil rtlrtm «hn a*W[ havr hii^inri i tipster iniiniy. on thp pjstprn vliorp nf Ma- vnh liirm. From iKr ciryiiie)*i«iir* il her j lh i odiorcliiUrco. i'ivin« nil, es IIP h-ipwl lo bi liirrivcn. he. com. TJ H nn^ ST oi». »ni| On » 'f li.-i oflh- J iry w » i T' »uil— lu» completion blsrk. shout -27 VPars 1 ' «iu|| herHofirre Ili^'-n y.t'srlioit, «Sr c*in ni'-iid d his Mjnrit into lh» h imln of a fji'.hful nl ace. live fret »it inchi-s l>i|(h, — clnlliing futrniS lo>ia« f»r«.ril ^ir than-of Ilia Smith, GiiJeM Tal nairnn«rr, sn^ which *b* r« Crr-ilor. clolli Iruwsrr* snd ruundahnul, old finr In'. Tli- C lurl nt If •.g'lrntrrwn wis (n-rupird on Tim d-nl'i of Mr. IV.inr!i rd ln« inf >•««! up­ No. 6. t'.ic wh-iln of WiHln--»l'iy nnd Tli'irsiUy Ins', ami C'IU'«P ihnrs and •Mrkinju. If lint free. Wrigbl, N. f. T t-nilrtt on the t'hnrrh n s-vpr' blol«\ Itlll, of K dis|xi (lie uwn^r it rpo^ui-a'rd tu come and prove ma-sl M^T\K«n. j—W* h'T-. wi:h the tri iN of /'I'n'ri TJitii and r- rr, lor lh- silion r-'tirinr; nnd nv.rntp t" PVITV nnpoir.pe prnprrtr, par charge*, and take him awav. iuul L. S.xillun),Tir »i<— Who >ii«ll «p-»U for y>i? iinr l.-r of Jtlm Nrrrl'i. AdiV w is rnnsttnr-d nf osli-ntiiiiiiii, hinin'im t.i friend", nnd ill' rom. ui'irrwi.f hr will IK ili«chsr|ted arcurilinj; in 1C y.— Ojrr f jr-rn .n. in i!i'' friil nf n.irh, nnd Ihi Vnrdini of ihe Ju- lotmilv of whieh h'1 h -.d so lon^ ' -en thp orrui. l-i%». Uireii under inv hand this S6lh Nuv. m'lrr nf Ihr Orphan* Court ftimripi »-r» ll^n ill.- 'clod •even!!/ In rix> r. in « icli r-n-> w is no/ iin" r wi*np"< that his pr>-sp|iin(; Slid. A. A. coun'y ilar >i' UettmVi lirSl. if fair, if not the flrst fan day ih'iiurvr. at ihe lair ir>idm>r of r*-, t MUUhtml. «n<1 r-j rd-id lisjiry with a firm I'h • d-p^inpl ws in llv >n'.- eiir,ilov:u^nl PS w-n "C'rntsT nnd him rririfi'-i?;" lint his H- Her. 4. Urnjainin Ihuinas. nn Sionry Ore<-k iMtrl of K| rt > ir^u nf his HrlM ui ihe |lrnnnal iiiirMif »altl Benj. ThaanM. con- :• pfj-'d 11 n Jnton. ' lljit %*y yoo, ^«-TiIt*uijdd in Ilie M.I. Slate. Claas, No. -24. 'Hir *i«iing of V-* ~£ .ii'J n-vi-h-ly h^'il-n. Tho pvidone" n/;iinst son." Tlipy ntte.it fhfl uii'UT:-<:tr)d *! i">o of his til th« b.r. PxVo tliWrt, r"''T « uul ( llv.in hi'Hn 'If w wlf'ther III" ii'Z brilliant scheme. ((bee rpii.fr.) !!>/( , C Millo O-r. uiislnikon integrity; his univi-mal phil'tn'hrnpy. in buy.) r'jr. wh lh--r it w»s ocnsinne*! by apoplexy, whirh o TTER Y, T (:b« M(ro.',t;ot>i>n, I'^lint, anil Vsluipm, wro Fnr the benefit nf the town nf Wheeling. Ihn cTinmd fir th" prisoner, inR niiMislv nrjrui-d —with a variety <\ I'Untatiua and •.. xl'tJ NOT Ut'll/TY. Class Number 13, for 1834. : r«i«>—proof of spap|ix:tic indiculians Farming Utensijs, Household and Kitcli- " ' dic T-nlict of Ilie Jnry. t'w rt\l\ K undersigned, rtin.iniimiiini'rs S|ipfJ.) Itaintrr. Millard, ilrcrnsril, Lie ol Saint Mary's rnun- BPX>UNDXI> 5CHEKTU. r*te order-*Al»o n quauwj of PoUdef ' D rain)* d* Kolo, on accnunl of hit IV, arciirdin^ In the pro\i»ioii« id Ilie nets nf 1 prize of 20,000 Hay and ^itrtw, Ac. n th>t quorums of tVi t»i ». rolls, toil cl'-iieriAcinf cimduot in .rinj From tltf Villagt 7/,m.'J. ~^-> ^innrinbly ill such ca»p made and provided, 6,On and cnw of UM »'iip Mmom; and we\ihsll inert at John Bnrnes' the Trnant, t prize of sums nl i"i d 'liars, and i>pwsiU>.1kp psrtiis- communication to e»f k MD. »,O50 'l iain Uul hU « MI iluxild b* (WrruWd to lua u» r. Sincn our-ratahlilibmonl at this pl.icc rui n nn Vie |>rrmi*i'«, un TIIUllSDAY the fiflli I prize of •rr inrin^ bond wiitt geo*) secuilly.Vir t»p a- 'J TOMiair.lioa nf llic Uanrnrornt.' dnylnf Ki'lnusr> next, at 10 oMnck in the t chronicler ofth'i limes, il has not follon lo our 1 prize of 3,000 muu«ti of (he purthiar inonrt, "illX interest I Swift were fiirejinuii, to prucred in the butitieis fur wliicli < H'.orr rrplud thai Ih* wbb of tit* jury would lot lo notice u tnon-distressing nccidont, nor ono 20 prizes of , 1000 frnni the day of »*\r\ under un ili i pivt of Ih-i l^ ' i w .pll.il wiUi, both by tho Court and the we tre appointrd. so extensive, on this Shorn, IM Ihu terrible fire SO prizes of 500 br paid. Sal' Iu commence a' JO «i'tl» la I thx r n. uuuon.I. ,/ •) v ILMAM THOMA!, > , 'K IlilUw, (..ys lln Gasrtte.) Own ro«s and mov-xl which h is laid in iwhrs th« gm ilur p>rt of tho \v. ofjtJCGM. VCnm'r*. 2'l prizes of 300 B \KUCH WHKKLAK S •*" |-t Nlclial i C»'« AntooU forum, «nd Joseph Vtlisaara, be light of Monday Iho 25th ult. Upwards of )*8 prizes »f * 50 r of UM Ktj»"«. «•» ' wUlioat bill, orty /min-J, including Ihn C'ourt-IIuuK, ti^vnma, i fur supplying tlie 128 prize* of 30 nroi h.) fiirninhol •' * I ieli iU«bargi>, aid Die fire men pout office, printing office, and tbo principal rt Severn, Maryltnd. with UO MR Plamaii'M. la;rly ittrupinl b; l,(0u|lilh» Interpreter, tint tli'y wn stores of the place, together with most of Ibo 1 :8 prize* of Ihnine*. lying nn ifionrv Crr ' • nne year, commencing nn 10 I' Intrt; to p, vliare they pltued. They Hun put on fiirnititro of tho.dweUingM and rt grout portion ry. 183J, and ending on the SI.'JG prizes of tlncr. *,biiut t -n minro ' ' knl if any Hie 1st oi 5 ierll»« " b'u *! Wfl Ilie Court Room with a liglil utrp. A of tho nierch indizn in the »lor»s, \\ oro laid 3Utof rember, 1835. will be rrcrived by 22170 prizes uf 'iinoie. This Ksim klm l tl Uib pnrwd, which though Inmin. wnato in Ihe short space of about two hours.— the subscriber unlfl the 20th tn«t. at 1 o'clock, r*i«n. Htrawtwrriea, Pes> Ixtcila UK ijnnptthy of Ilie concourse of ipec. It is «ud llio fire originated in a carpenter's P. M. when they will -ie oprnril. 25,86 1 priset, amounting to 8543^)0 is Vsll adapted lo the |i icood aliop, whero nn apprentice was at work with a The Beef to be ufVgnod and wholesome vegetables sod Jtsall KI i viciuilj In biea fuUj oon\ icU4 of perhipa the |nuloM ofltfiioe Ha|li>norv rainier* |i » Vabtr tliualran lor Aro in the firu-placo, which ho left a,nd clooed quatilr, in quarters, wk\h an equal purtion of Ticketi 83 Share* la propoitlm, ia»»ihat Uw*b*«*a, tlod Ih 1 * <*tal»pu of hniuta crime could not but eicite Iho shop. AH th» buildings, except tho Court. each, "(necks and shitn\a lobe ricMeil.) a ui-r-on MUhUta'o ra>t I1- Minp of 01 preeeM in . aowerful d-fr.*.. Tlia ><|>plitaliiHi f*fi br made the •ub'cribvr ixldi Hioue, lx. cAndem of Ilref required, and tliT-trrms anil condi­ iiiM nil Ihf pren blowing pmtty froshly at the time, whrin thn h»in( in HallutiK ru-s«s»l« «» •»" " '' » >f lh> Uw, lose one by ooe, >nd eipreavd HH fUiiK s burst forth from the Hhop they spread tion uf th%,contracl, can b* ascertained on .d' ' Wf. of tUir unhappy aiUuUun, In npld «iid pu. anpUcatiun to thr subscriber at Fort Severn LOTTRIIY It KXLllv.NwR OVFICZ, imm*rdl^t*lj. icLuntUous. . De Boto exe)««l tte most ittau. with uuch fonrfUl rapidity, Ihtit some of tho un 1LL1AM THUMAI. e on . 0«« fortvi'-te inhabitants h-ul not auffirienl lima to . F. 'IAYLOII. (Chart h- street, Md, with nil f 'T l«»Jaf to tlis ipKUtors in4 with an tmpleri D«c. LIBRARY HE *ub*criber ha* received from the Prt- Of Dteful and entertaining Knowledge. To T rrpnbluh a* fajf a* they are received ident and Director* of thit Company- Bt ilfni(rrjt*l toith mmerout Engraving* Trom KnRlanil. SerUt of the landirrt Tneolo. BUI ,lES FROM THE BRUN- Jhe appointment of AUBNT for the city of By Iht Rattan Rttrttk Company. (ical work* ol Bojtaod, voder the general li- ENS OF NASSAU, tnnapollt. flB aacceM which ha* allendH the pub­ A ptinn of ih* fashionable watering Ill capital U Tifty Thoomnd Dollar*, and T lication of the IK*! Magazine* font the THE SACRED CLASSICS, place* i many, by an old man. will form he company iotend* to execute the following vKnt;li*h IVe«(. ha* lei) to prrparalinn for i»- oa __ Ike toman* nt of the fourth volaiae of a*ioe**: umg a periodical more particularly adapted Waldir'* CABINET LIBRARY OF DIVIN1TT. it. Insurance on Live* ind icknnwledginent to the want* and ti>1r« of ihe American pub Thitwillbe owed, at in early day. by thr j With an original inirodncti-ry e*»ay loearh 2d. Pivctuue and Sate of Annuities. dotie* connected with t lir While it will be the object of Ihe pro- aalhor Kdited br Rim tan COTT««»IOL«, B. Memoir* of H *f»»rmde la Tide, who vftc. . deceiving Endowment!. of the Peate. privtnr* to make thr work «»riclly what it* ti> U. and the Re». HKXBT STH»IIISC. M. A. wi* confined fo»' ly-five year* in the dif- City and Cminly CoUec ilr- indicate*, it will, revrrthrleia. contain all TTie foUowins it the .Idterlitemtnt of Iht ferent Hl»tr Pri France, now fint trana- 4th. Receiving Monty in Tnut. a ftflj,. arlt' I" tt !n|rre«t to il* |>Jlrun*f hich appear famton Publittitr: laird into P,ncli»K. 5/A. The Management of 'JYuft Et- in fnrrij-i Mj--ii7.ine*. \ Thr work* publii the c«rre.nt mlome, talet. UNIFORM IN SIXF. WITH DR. LArtO- lion, are the follow- Kii.'nmr preptralion* liave bVn entered NF.R'S CYCI.OP.fcOlA, TUB SUNDAY nnw on the point of Applir»i!on» made Io the «ub«rriber at hii JPHOSP inin, tvilh with *rli«(» Ind aathor*. to furnmh mg: 3Sce in Welt utreet. nppn«ile llie Farrnrr* FOJl THE COffOKESSIOJ^i OLo LIBRARY, itr. \ Kroitznrr, or Ike Oerma Tale, a novel, f.nin all part* of the Union, drawing* and il Sank of Miryland, will be promptly attended rnHBCnntre*«tonal Globe, wku lu'tralion* uf rviry «ubjrcl nl inlrrrM, which PHICF. oxi.t Timr.r. *nii.Li»o» *!«r> by the author of Canterbury * Pale*. On Ihe Iff of J.ixitnry. I R^l. trill bi puhliiH- menced pabli*hin|( at the lilt tlie publisher* cnnfi'lently brlieve will enable Memoir* of Sir Jarne* Ca of Ard SOMKRVILLE PINKNBY. ed I'ol. I: nf a .Vrrif* uf Iht Standard Trtt- kinglann; written byhim*elf: piqnan mjrr**, will be cnniinued II Iliem Ift j-WJP a work h itinace. nn the 3d ol qi)*rtn form, at O»n DOLLAR per'i plrit'lid ensravttij*, uil. jpprar on nr t».'f''t< on. r \BINF.T LinaAnr or nivmi Family Porirail* \Viih «n mip'iijl IniimluctnryJtoay to each The Broken Hr.irl;a dramatic *ketch, from K black Home a the gi-»*inn. When any importt.., tli« Qr«t of S»|ili mli-r, ai.'l hi- inniii.ur dUrUHied, we prnpo*e |n print aa i-t(' A'lihnr. the Italian. yr*r> oli!; a bay Hor*r monthly, cndfaitiinc ti-'inrri* l»rnr .*ri ; l fi-'.i Polncriber* may ritrolate «r ,t |r,,, •BKOUBH irnprrnl IK.I.I»'« pi.;--, ami IK |..ti,i.!>. it it r.ntrv.n nr Rnrnr in thr Ninrlrrnlli Cenlory; in a *erie |6 h»n written during a renidence in ilia \Si city. b> » l.a'ly. lr p.-r>nn* find ; nc in\, of di* THF. Hi.». llr.NUY Anrnliitr-i nf Ihe ('nun of Lnui> the XIV. Oil) IUV "-rul.'k T.lV»r nf ihr Sw»n. in \N e- .hall pay tn the rfpr,,t,r* ,u, ln i.nrlil must p-'*" ui •1ri«rui«bed AtniT VI-M. >h a lulrr me a*pr •*«eni-ry: lie br*« v.i'ir\y »m Philninphrr* hd\r -h^rril wit- li- r III i'i» aoiiior of llir lion itiir*-. Li'i»rv; &c. &i F,l)W; IDRIAN. wrek, during the *e««inn. In .•lUtV'.f \% fur h. in trii* roufiii v,•. will (-. 11 »i mr». in ..'Itinj; iirlli n.d r«t.i i iin^ lh>- ; I'll- ill llir br>l n'ivrl«. «av the Ij'indnn MA 3C llierrfore. at one dollar for ill ihr niplh rcr*«il'2 *«U r 'r Ol" Ifn'ruc i.'H ; wtiiii« hi-r l)i»iii'-« Inn- i/ Belle* ^r/.inr*. nf 'hr p*f"*»-nl itaT. printed during the leninn. we mi* bran li-ini r.'i; 1 ;« anil d-k. : | • - -I '• . • a'iUr liy the c»pmunn •» r rcuoti io •" ii Tii''H>r'» nrw l>"nk of Travel* in Mriicoan* IJItAVVINU ANNOUNCKD. .fTnnlinp the mo«l important iiiforoini., ru ier. I s \r. of IJ-j..,. H '.. K -•-.. | »inl I'll- it,. jction. The very Cuba. thi- che*pr>l price. |i»-rl». ' -l wir. i". r * "j. jj. I c«nili'r'r .rac'iT jlvrn tn .li-d to ihc Library i Ail »n Cnniin^ji-m*» nii'; r iphitil -mil Pri VALUABLE HEAL AND PERSON­ I'.ditnr« with whom wr Pxclnn»p, lli«ii»r. Nl'in / .V n^lanil h*», ihrn' cive Oiik Prn>ppclii« a cmloiioni t log've thai Rraiuito Ar'i • «>f HIP c' Ural Hi'tory of l.i rr.iti.rr Inr h" la-i fifi AL PROPERTY, ;:«::* in --n happily prr tho«r frirnd* tn »linm vie J hit jckmiwleilgineiii finafc •. .:-i'l p'lpui ir nin I'jr l>.ir»'ini-»» unov TO tir oisiniiicrr.il IN Mrlrn. a N"vrl, liy Maria Kiljrwnrth. will plea*e prororr «ub. I More rxleniled cx|)n KRKKM \ II T I', A--nt hr wli- !<• »-ri.-», of N pin-nnlir*- nf ilir pri>ti«)f«<* "I an act of J'.iirnal nf a \Vr»t Inilis Pr««prirt"r. kr tin- tirn-r.il A««'ti.uly "I M*ryl»lnl. pa* r desiderata which t i'. liiMton H-'..i.-v L 47 Couit * *--ll nl truth nnd r TF.RMS. nr • *'itrrnl ( • ;uir«." during n rr>nlrnrr in Ihr |>l »r«l nf Ju 't.iir .•il .11 lie,, nilirr nr.-inT, IB3-T. l» niiih-irr/.r I rnpy during tli» i . .•*.* nj:'-n !i general reader a» g ( 'iy ihr hi.- Maltliru G l.vwi*. F.MJ. M. P. a AMIKI-:\V Mcl.At'UUUN tniliMribulehio 11 ri.pien durinn ihr ie*iinn, r)'" a l»fRO m *B.|H Itirnujh ut tlir I'n'ltfll 8lO« 1 liv.r '.f I In- Monk. &r. e«t«tpf HY 1.0 V Paymrnt may be mmlr by mail" on the lianrli t'>r no-it Pn»p*rtu> * fv in ili'm roUrrtinp, Tlio Ciir.iV. T.,lr,nr PranirM J. Vin?: fn 'l'hi« prnpf rty i* nninnp thr mn»t vattiahlr paid, ul onr ri»'k. The nn! M nf nit > n--\v wmU rn'iil. il N.^lil> of the Rnuiul I in M»rvl»nil, >iln»ii-il in'li» prn«prrmi«, ln-al- l"»y'"C Ba»k will be received. riplion, iMirh »• wotid rmiilnl t-i 'in.- y"ar*. *u * «'.i ««i UlhniK h.nr lirrn drtntrd I" ihr -i' linn -»'ii| prucllril rn'orr »"ni-nl nl Ihr illy, anil mmaiinc villacrnf K . iott'« Mil'n, attention irtil be paid It any, ^rlhi' aetlgnalion ol «4Tt OK >l.tirYI.AM>. St. i, Ii 4 i.f r-n-.il"! liu'h. »ln'i|ir' m ihrir Tl"' '1'infc ^'i-» !niin*irr bit». nr Cowprr, IPn milr« from thr riiy of Haltimnrr, lipol, iinlett the money accompany it. i tho. Revii- :hr Wr>lcm °l urnpikr. anil 13 mtlr« uunn .Innt ,'lri? Jel County, Or,:li'«l« ''f imli- Lnril (!i>.inrrllor I'h^rlnw, am) \Varrrn HA» O i. f.O. -jirleriieii. To pnhli thr lljltimnrr anil (llin> Itnl Kor\i'. «h--rr nil O( In I.'. .-I'll I- , '.». n r !< ihr nrdrr and wrl| brmj nf »o 'm^'. roiilra>'ril; frnm tlir «»inr. \\\\K which we deem thr rar«. to anil from llie wr«l, »'i'p to break- v. J'rrj'i.. « ..n ih'1 I)"rlrinr>. Morality. A Marrjnvc nt ihr Shipwrrrk nf Ihr Anlr JVOTICE i loo much nn ihr fj>' »m' 'Ime. K'i'l'i'cr. ..I ('hn>tianitv. whiili Imvr rr- l-pr at IVIrw. in ITH5. ;mil n bnrfiint arcu- my Farm on Sooth Rim,4 rtrj"rli:«ignnl for f A «ufri. i-ni nnnt'orr nf Tirkrl* lis»e birn ol Jnti'l 'll -.'»v« mnrr mlvinlg~r. riKTII DKCKMBKR Sho'il.l ihr baltnrr i entire, lie vino*, rvubil Ih-ir rl.un u> Hi"Sr.ii'iiy: and llir tli iicr>i rj^mplr> \ny iiifnrination nhlch mar Oflirr S". -'(C l"iir>n'il «'rrrl, brlnw 7th. nf Ihr 1'ickel* bf (old brl'nir, t! will be drnwn cuniii'itii anil that Inr *mi. • "t"i ' il «".! >,CTI| r' -rlry. will »iirrr»d be nlTrriplinn» In \V»lilir'> Sflfrl Cirrulal li*hri) i-vrry ivrrk, A( 11 cnn>i«l> nf the tnrji* snil rjlfn>iv« im- in/ry"-will bt- ouVn one of llie n«w»- .i n-ivl'iiivp in ihr i>( nrfit ami gtatiiicattnn w.io«l. K«q. «r thr F«rtner» Rink nf Mu 53 p-r ••iii'jm, t'.-inUl.nl» riTritnl hr s pre>eni mb*crib<'n Ihr rr-vlrr priivrmrn'n Innj knn«-.n a* llir Al)\M NVAl.'KIK^ Phil.vlrlpl.i*. IC7* I he Land will be »»|il in II iibe:i-vvd ilin !'•• 'hr pr«nl iirl"'n« «'f rnrh anther, nr tn parchairr*. «C7";ul'v r r '|i | i"n> f'-r the abovr valu.blr PATAPKUO HOTEL, "Jiiurnil." "iul llii h »ep4i-ile prmlu. linn. n> ihr r^>n tn*\ Wild ill ilir new impt"»i'ni-iil», anil a highly Wnrli r F.»>*v. p'linlin^ mil 1'irir rlinr»rtrri>lir PROPOSALS !«•;••. ami mhrr ilwellins*. Twenty *alon»lr The F,ditnr< nf the niltimnre- 0)«llf,> t nuy he ctiltii'.iii-d nr I f,.., i * I t nrii -; .-n:!, in *'imr tn-linrr>, ronipr** TO niPuni.iMt rtlr. biiililini; l.'it", with nutnTnn* ntlirr (harri^ American Farmer, will intrrt the Itrlobc ilpun-ii. Hei I IOII|I(Y. ' I, o^r iplm jil "kricli nf ihe Amimr. LONDON. I-'.IHMU (((ill. FOKI.IC..N AND nf prr»nnsl pniperly, eon«i»iing nl Plate. C»r a wrrk until olher«ri>e rri|nirr 11:1 llie I'MlN.v | KU rtajt • l|nr>->. I'unn Purtm. llnnk>. Rich tihinr. anil luvii.i; I », • . v U.r (4UAUTKKLY KKVIKWS, Kimiiliirr. anil Olil \V'inr«. nil vnluril »t K3K, |lh, moljke* arc lei» Ml '•, in nr,i!rr •j.-.ii. .n.l illviilr.l mm FOUR HUNURKI) HE »nb«cribrr br»* Irivr In i we rr>ililv corrvcled _ Ihr **id dt-tra* 1 MK. C*niN» r LIMRMIT ov PivitirT SHARKS, (ulijrct to nn ili>cnunt. T fnrniU, and thr public in -r >rt inlrrvul nl two w warnrd tn -ihi'iit tin- «nnu-. .' 'h ' c 'llrcllnn In Ihr |**t>lic at >ili I. :. i It i« In br ilrawn upon thr plan nf (he nlil lit- h.i> ili-rontinuril Ihr Cihinrl M>iii(| ''UK. nbme JmirniN arc alrrady »n wr'.l jaiiun ol tacit nuniU( In mi' «uri«cit|j\-r. i.it lir »'i" piirrlm«r« *\pri'inc««, and inlrnil* In cniifinr Inn • knn'vn In the pulilic, (hat Irilr nrrd b^ I be an advamuji< .ill br put mln onr wherl, ami llir pn/.c* inin Jartcrliea law be Ptrlmli-il I'm 11 nil n^ .ii-tn*-v. pn<*>r*« linnirir nf wnik^ annllirr. null nil drawn in one iliv, undrr llir KR. Tii- w.-ll nn-iaiiiMl ir^iu'jliiin of Ihr I.o«- •The following plan tjie. {iivrii tinuVr my lurid (.TMI..I l.ul in nfTnril him "ni.laiirr «i,ii -.uprrintrniUncr nf the Tru«trr«, -ncrnriling All nrder* for Fonrrali will be l nos Cjt'AhTi iil.T. ni'l niiiy J» no utili- di-fri'drr Otitulpr. IHV4. in l'ir h'^S. »l rtrrn*rs nl hii fjcul In ihr Art nfi'nc I,rji«l»lurp. Tliry '^ill cer­ the ahnrtrat notice, pithrr in llir null i.l I'm v iirini I, "•«. :u d tho nld nnl.-i ,,| ihm^«. C'OMFAM NATII \N SHIPI.KV. • •...IT r«.-i\ vicH\i'inlr i-f lift-, tify ihr nainr when ilrnwn. r, or according to urirrbl ilirrrlinn. Wllii ll.r 11 T'lr irnrlf irill lir liii'Mlidm'ly printed in but ^ tin* wiiiii-nl nii'l ino^l ruin (niiito" of lr reprii i- • «. Mill nltN.iv« rnmni.iotl tin- Mirnlini. I'lic prnprrtv ha«b«Tii »»lurd bylhrcrCnm Ilr rrturn* hi* thank* In Ihr public fall 30. finite-ill B !•». (i/i T" !•/ fiaprr, rold-nrr*>nl. palmnafcr ilurui; the lait Inrnlr Ithr liriluli |»:rn.di of tllf lilrr.irv noil «i n-nl iflf. i'ii.«innrr» nppninlril by llir Trra«tirrr nf Ma iirii't;/ li-'inil in t/irnrru Clnlh, Irtltrrii: iTlnntl. tlinl nn >prculatinti> >hnutd br intlul" h'inl fi-i I i-lnmri nf nliont 4(K) continue lo mpril Ihrir favi ur. OM \UTTI\-. • ,<, li'irnin^ nn.l «rini".f«<-•-, liic'i lU urli,),, i|i. nl in; svil linniU with n|>prn«ril arrnrilv SI«MI • lorm will he tlie • !>•'_•• nt'.li) 'in 'lie ftrtl itaif of i r cry month. way on ihr * pl-iy. ciiniliir|i.d liy «mnr nf ih* priiuip.il li i" llir Siri'e fur ilnnlilr llir nmnont. lint ih" WASHING ION G.TTCI jr-eich iiunibrn C " ' •. 'I'I.ire Sniiln.,* *nii ^ixpriicr: i»» mny br faithfully cmnplird with. li i» Mny £0. lu>, every aix Mm who calM.i'.iXli J ihe rhr,in'% »l «r>i"> nf work* rver nf- lcr.iry mri ol Ihr mmli-rn Athrn«. i% no rqujl IK 'i» '-n^. in S ,• Xi., imply a ilmlribuiinn nf pn-prriy ai u* valur, tnmlmbcr*, which Irrrd t«i Ibr puhlir. Iy powirful iliampiuii nf llie innilcutc Ucl,,rii. M:i.y'»i...iiiii)».',.-i (Vi in rninhiiMr »lm«c work* an ini'hi-* ^ur, n| 'Ihe Fi>n».tr.x QuAiiTK.ntT occupir* a. nrn. ri.ki..^ 1 KN tlOLLAHb fnr .uch n Capital TAILOR | fii.'H a licllrr aizcd irr inli'ii I'll f--' |i';!»lii «ii»n u '.i L' .! .1114 cnl!*)!.'* nl linriilnl lilrri'urr. Ihr public genrrally, nrrallv, a wlntiwi i" by yeir, of 410 q linn:-— >cr nf I'ickei* 111 ronlfiul with, am trnw«»-r», ol 1 Tin- \\ KVTMIIVIT.II i> but liillr kimwn in no 13 ptr faihinnable " FALL AM) «'l! [die pri'feiit. Ji-irinr T*jlor, IUlr«. II,..|r, Rnxlrr, Ourrn, cent nff hm lUniiihi' lliin cntiniry. It mav be rnnniilrrril a* tin OtK)|)S. from llie New Ynrk, Phi1* C'|.|w»r'h. Tlnniin* A K'*inpi4, Ivui hrl, llnwi-. |t^*M.iny nf thr umall uliarr* will S. The price nill uluc'i »'• il»ub( l. (nrji nil VIM ,ilr n| ilir tt;n|ir.iU, .mil Ihr inin) li | ic r ,. be paid and llniiimnre inarkrl*. ciin«i>Mii; "' ll'lll-r. \Vlllnll. H'l'llail. t-'.v'. l,.l,. Duil.luil;;,., in cu»h, if retiinrcd ' criber—live doll; i|'ii«li'il l.i p.iv ih.ir^r* and InU^ iy,. |, , nf llrnihami'in. Il rrprrM-nl^ ih" principlr- Uliuk. Ulur. Dnich Rifle D«hl'». I" - ilh, Hull, ll-iin.nnliil, nbiriitv, Tll|nl>nn. SCHF.MK: e ami upward* wtl hr will ulhcrnne bi- di»il.a/:;i-il \;u>r Xhntnrk. J-irtin. K-. .nil. ,n. \lnr.lry, |UI,-, of n |iariv already nu'iirr-u* in Ki|;|anil, aim Green, and Kns'i.i Itivrnj linmn, il» law. I Slnrr. c.iii«i-iiiix "I 'lit- P \TA P- irich. -•. l.ii-;l|.'..t, IVrleu*. L.irkr. rVj'lRhlon, C«»r, f.i«! incrrnoini; in ill- L'nilrd Stair*. milled Umh, Olivr. »ml liny 'Ihr nuinbrrt, will br put In prr«« itnninli- SCO HO I'F.I.. «vilh 'hr tii-w *i|. A* the work tv mill. Hall. Jewrl, Jirk«nn, Kl»».-l. airly lifter thry »liall or rrcrivril frnni Kitmpr; .1.In. n upon ihr Hull Hn.nl. ihr, CLOTHS* [leu a miffiriciii pa Chiiniinl.. \Vi'«lry, Skelinn. Wnil*. l.nwth, Srpl. I8.VI. ntnl will runtmn 'If mnrr tiimti-r nf |hr abnvr lnr»r ntnnr Slablr. Cnrrn^e AN'I) ALSO ' i* rrtjnirri I'.in.iinr. Watnl.ind. Whichnilr, It.il'.-uy, llniK", Irr llnutr. nnd llir w.irk<| making fntir annual vulumr*n( upwjrd* CAMRLE T, for Over Cotit. ^lll, Kill frci: of p , 60 ~»6 L L .1 k** It K W 4«« !> nl »ii huodrril p.i^r*. • plrinllil (iardi'O, forin« ihr Dii^iin.il. /i«7.fl;r, I'nli-n Muf.l inn I'tul |> \V awny li..m lh\/ub.cn'irr livirn ..n I'.r II .1.1111. .iul. ISuikill, llnberl. lloune. M> r Thry «ill In- eirruird in i« gnnd »tylr, HT.I! Ciaml capital pn/r, viilor'd at gSG.S'K' Mixed,Ribbrd anil PlainC \S«IMKKB,| jitfurc to miiinunc •**• llrjil uf ?ihlc, as it i tOm Vn-t. a negro ti.an nymrd NICK wlm rall> I'ol. I. (to be pubHifit'l on Ihe \tt of Janua­ Ihrer «lnry ilwrllii'K, under n-nt ry.) irill cnnlain inal nl the Kurnpi an rdilinn*. % Mer'inn*. .>|atrb>so Hilk. Sjtin. pliii < I work on ibe fir.i t »C JOHNSON;.he of S«C, 3.00U twilled Silk. Florentine, Tin- priir will he X8 prr annum, pnv.t^lr huiiinjtol llie *i frlln\ l* aU'in \i( yi'.i rilK LIIIKUIV t»K PltOI'HKSYINn. l,y three ninnlli* afirr ihr ilrlivrrr nf ihr lirtt I !*h«ir, Anjrln Clitic; Caihmire & Toilinetlr jHbecx|)i'clcd, IN! 3 (\t 9 MI ti-n null Ji'irmy I .lylnr wild nn Inlinilnclnry ! ;- niniibiT. Tin' Kii|;li*h rnpir« cannnl br hail ful Oolhic buililinx. »itu>trd up. bl .«» :ir Hi- R. » Ilirhanl IVlrrninlr. B. I). on a letter of rock*, cnntmand- VKSTIWCS. [f the ihn-r at prr»rnl tr/iitf. niiifk nnd Faun/ Hilk _/mnalh Ji"' thiV "ll- ""'I f'al. U. (to lie jntlil;*iirtl on llie It/ of Febru­ ri'publlo-irdv two of Ihrrn alnni' i i,m gl||. inK a dfliffhtful view nf Iho vil- ule on hi ary) ii'ilt cnnlain laite and f«rlnrir«; VH/KFS, HOXK. ai.OI'RS, •'" i A> y individual pi muring four >ub*rrihrri. PKVnEHS. SlltKT SIM)!*, OK TIIH APOSTLK3— and rrmitliiiK g jil nn llii' rrceipi nf ihr fir»i 4 Hharr*. viluablo building Lolt . lecied e«c» fa CUl on Ihr fnrr Ill^i r nf 'h at gBOOnch STOl A'.S. <:t)I.LAHS»tA u.ri Nnti-H. and an I nliuUm Inry K<*ay, by Numbrr, will br i llnwrd an adil'uinnal ropy. OHIKNTM. IHIKSS- 'r lefi hand will (ivu Ihe abo*e rrvXnl if I ili» Itrv Ili-tiiy Sti-bhinx, M. A. |C7*8ub»rrip'inn papi-r« to br ri-turiird. nnil 6 do. valuable Building Loin, at, en < in J ill m ih;il 1 lift li\i IK>I'" £730 rnih, INO I'ol. III. (to lie i>nb.'!»/ieil on tht tit of March) nil rnnimunicallnB\ In b» *dilrrk in value (rotu S25Q down to Inirniliirtnry Kttay, by the UK*. John Pye r'i'IHJfri'EK'8 KAI.K. ITIC'K. « 810, The Slot" Sinilli. II. I) obacrihrr\| authun»i-il In >cllV all RYI.AND. r»i virtue nt a drrrre of ihr I'hancrrv LONDON: Ji.hn llatchard and Soil] Picra- * clmm» »gain«t r^lal " fllicRrv.\ohn 400 Share*, all free from dUcount ker ri'itlf on Tl'i 2nurf, III* *ub«Cfill'T>, a» lru«l<-r«. will i|i:ly. 'Vhii!»k'-r 4* Co. Ave Maria Lane, O. ItUiichant, <|frr'VVilli*m I) M-nik, O|I»-IT Si liiird, KiJinburgh: and J. Cummiiii;. Wharf, it 7 i|uiii(«il (u deliver (hem in •mall, containing but 9B45 lirketn, and lliin On^e Jrkgro flfoimin natnnl Rarhrl, Dunlin. ('Cambridga by Ca«lle Haven,) iml TII.& NDRR. will be the only dl»lrihnlinn offered. , return feom Ihe K**lein 9hnrr «nt»fty tnu ^xljrro Girl\amed Sarah, our And to be had of every Rook«ellrr through Nov. 8Q. The price of a «h*re m but «io. which may •>ul llir KiiiKilomr M*ith4th. I8J4 neaday and Saturday, leaving Bi»i»««lJ [i i, -Negro Otrl namra- JVaney, nnt A>. draw properly now worth 830,51)0. inrreiaJnjr Tlie Knulith mnjr will com, in F.nglind, a MOT1 K. M. by Ontte Haven »'••! Ann.pi.|l«- »J t*' gro Girl tihmri Em(ly, and a num- • very day in vilur, free from ili.count, anil commence her Clienlerlnwii Trip on *»* Soul ten dollar*. We propoae In nine the LL pennn* are h hv raultoncd againx wilh an unqutationable Iblr. \merican nlltinn. undrr ihe luperinlenilence Uunninc nr In atty 01 8«d April, leaving IJallimnre at 6 »tl«* "J nher way Ire*pa>iing A. MtLaoghlin invite* all hia friend*, fur return ihe «».m«-«ll», lea»ine Chr«trri»««"J >»i,r. »JC*«li In bVn*'ul nn lhnl->\ >f a Irirned American clrrEymin, In weekly on any |«rt of my Ka/in »* ind nrir. lo venture a *m*tl ainiiuiit in Ihi* o'clock. callinRit'C»r*ic» *lt»rl,for Ike 1" «( »»le, or rntificatii\ ihrrenf far the Chimi-el'- number*, nn a tingle *heel "I tuperfine paper, C.C. BRlCK. diilribBtloD nf hii properly, which i* a lalita. Uir, On rnnipliancrtai'll>i 'he \rm« of ««lr. ijivini; niurly-iit large 14 mi>. pagea, lo be November 13. treville . . ry can. and Include* all hi* emir. Do not «» lhpnwn il»l •XT- th».*ub*erlhri» are aiiwu'iUetl loX^nvty the fnldrd »nd ttitchrd. and covered wilh itrong N. II. AM wail, delaya ire dangernu*. lie i* anxloui to Pattage to or frpm KanUm or Cioi properly tn the purrha««,r or pun linn "iivnlnpr pa|icr4 it the rate of five dultiri per PBINTINd cloie the icheme anil return tn titltlinore. 1 Wl. PINkNBV. ? T i annum. Pauage In orfrom , Iru Neatly executed at this Tickrt*fur Snlrby . .' '" Io Chea-lertown or Cofiict, aPRlOO UARVYOOU.J ' DUFF ORBBN. March «r. JaftC ; •..Church E.DUBOIS. ilreet—AnoipolU. ^ •

. *;;; I AXfeftf pur o/tttf PfeUS.SiMCjJ '"Ha,*.^™ Mr-.wi^rSlarreari ft, ^J1

ANKAPOU*, VHVmSKJA BEttMMISit 11,1*M. rot. tiMrt-' VO.M. in (he -Library' ind -Companion' both, will Mi4 P«bll*«*«tf by were manifrtt Over the lumniit nf a m»nn- In a f«r I'ntant clime wai anjtteii hy tke crew obtain ihe iwn for *IK dollar*, the pot!a/ft aio, at lh* diatanceuf aiiuut i mtle.thr lho*.la JORAf 0*» (a very important eonaideraiio-t) to the moil / m n nf tkaf, a atfl of being* Tflo«|fit br THB-ttAD rOVTB TO TW MOON. fa dark cloud became *e'd*«ly »itiblr, ti-iae leu ing on »h.ir« nrilttnaieociair irit^ L ltfc« Brick BaHeUog « i/itlant fo*i office, on the two, will be ont and, at the aime inaiant, a holliiw rOar camr 11 Cirdw. the luweal dreg* nf aocl, ly. Whrieaifc ih- k dollar and ninety five eeittt, divided into moo«, utd'raoadt ' down epnn the windi, ai if it had been thr a heart more open ur a hand aw ready ta .Tkrce Politer* Pr to tell ef the comma; harricane. Periodicals, ever offered 1to the Binw I Ml in my bnw>m UM awMtaal at ikrlua, , make Ihi* :nwer'.-;£ Aod JovOTwl* Inxlo « <« thi loo* roooy Ulk, :ke itolv revort, we fled lo an oak, that atnod fjU">un«crr, lioriatolhe Citmponii Will, uii.jj rro vnr up to lb*« oaaq made |ti flrft ippeanoce in the eiit. If raw 'ft minting £/&>' ul >l, appear* evident that tome natural caa»r* had IiUfietion. The very lib-nil patroi-HRi-ox- 4DVKUTIH -: X' Wlx-n I >aw l!:o pnrj :lra'llot of Ion ud of ran d net finn'-rs (o the precipice, thai lower- cnnlrtbuird to cmrupt th* air, indMoad It ; | to Ihc Libnry induced the pruprie- A canopy omr liiv r,U', nl a'mve is I looked up, and an amethystine with i-ralifrmni va|wuri' * i Aa1 I w*pi whan I *.« i ,« jn Jowa in th* wad, flime wa- q-mi-ring urxm ila grey peak*| and r io «!ve ilwl gratuitouily a* *"> cvidi-ncr rd by Mam! M«ry'» Cnuntv Cnort, lu l^k* thy pn -*u io tho ol J io tthou J ty*. Thda, ii ramr into England in the end of ''] nnd diviilr !h>- renl rvltti* nf J»«. |>h 'he neil mo enl, .the ilouda opened; the thr year 1MB; and il rained from the pre»l**^ J hii acknowledgment*. Dot Ihi fpinl of w.ijj th u *o *uicin l.i bogltming w*4 aud, t fell myaelf blinded ind thrown, t knew not ml icrumulation* of lu^n^nt water, \tf Ltmle.1 to aupply. While readi. K for Hie wlnthei. HOW long I reuiainr.mirnaible, I lu hcrrdy gi»e noticr tn all romeri.rd. tliai A'M lo il Ji 1'ii'ig* ir* -.trangsl; which the atmnephrr* w,» p* nl miluiial aceu- And lh.i b 'p boling -trinp «r oc i it* mintroUy hid Cannot lell. but. when C"i>*cinusne«a retu n Or ahall mrrt at John B.irmV ilif IVnant. \n ttittior Jtnlroy.si or tin mg id. pe.rs that in many countrie* there were ilia on the liandi of Ihc editor, of tn rd Inr violence of the lempest wa* ab.cing r .tthquakrs. .nil In-mblinp of ihe earth, la litrtsliiig. enlerli'i'itig. and imtnirlivp dc- on the picmiam, nn I'tlUlxSDAY ttir fiflii AnH I ii*va lo k*»p w uch o'er It auiy tnd Ul*, tin- roaring of the windi "ying in the Irrr I«T »f Vrbruary next, »l 10 <>' I ick in Ilir, Ant) all th.< 'ong d.wol ,i* .liglit. . miny of the ..ccounU given uf the*e convul­ }r.p.ion. wrh * wo«M (n-imnrly come un i|i>, .ind Ihr dn-p tnnr* nf tin- clooill runiing sion* of Viatare> »r 'may p-e/sume there was urenoo tn prncrcd in thr bumiiea* for which In fr*r it ihmil I rt*i i:id ik'itroy mo in hata. in I,lint murmur* I rum tin rn»'rrn hid". fcrlhi'dr»lnn.ilion ol Mitifziniaiili. inter- And howl lu* in ornmnu* .lo^ -i i giia, a Kieat den) of rx.iujrvration. But the trsti- wr are I «.o«r. an.I looked In-inbling ai> almnsi i llir; Ilevii ws limn 'h'- Kngn«ri I): UOUGII. Whrro dn.lh i* pr^p^rvil lo alight, nvoiie* nrr too nora ron* and rrape, Uble to rteriie*. To publish rvcrv thii.g »l tin* And mdto my own lonfuo to lubvj/ lh« data 'Ir'i iniialy around. Shr w a Hi rr the d r lm>e any doubt thai. !> furr and during Iht' .x \N UOUGH.I. VC.im'r VVhna my ae Jt uld en \\OUU > AllV) nestilmce. ihr elements were in a stftlr of. uch loo much on thi- rulum is of 'lie "Li- J E» n no>v, A hilo I w .U Uiro-Jg i thy thick tiary mi*t«, t r w>-t, gi!i" * rlh Alter i ino.o. nt of ir itrn- r*l iiintnUfim which ircm* aii|>arallcled I fml it u|Mprin;in iuliir; n-nolutior, I we. t up «nd lonki-d up,ik-. end >i-t lo p.m. Er.in now. In it* fury .nd priila it ciitU, in hintory. An i ! slight), The Plague ritendrd it* roigei from In­ lem by i» eonslanll* a iiibjfc' »f rrs.rr.. re '. nnd a ai> glr d.irk sp il upon her b-iaon. peoncentrtU-, then-fore, Ihc pul> iral nn .1 Merrhnnt '/'ai/or. Vlon in tuo nyiUj >l ir, dia irtn tin more western pults of A-i.i, rtte An I now th a Iny inlt»nci>. Jm id ipirit, u*UU told \thrri- Ihe palhu ,y of d nih h ,d bi *' Kgrpt, Ahy-noii,, *ml thrOie into Ihr i 01- i entire, llrrirut*, lUm »f iifw «or!;». To Ir.g roo ..long wiin it th> n. At fir-i I c'aajiei! h r In y 'irr,..( will. .1 rr ehoici'Ji conn i'nii ion* '» Ma git tine*. ih rn p.rl of Alric*. Itprocenird ovrr ASIA '» i i"M)i US. Aw-.y I muni ilivftthroo^i lim 'loplhs of lh« « , of agmy. 'lid III'n I-inl h. c do»n and g-1'' \l"l-ir, (ifffCf. I'ltljhe |*Ul1 » of lh. Ar- . tic itt. the ••CoiHHiinion lo IVnlilir'.t -,vJ-» »<-ry -np'ri.ir io q\i.»ii> \ . and varirti Anu« U coi.«* c IT-.. into h'-r f«c-'. al'iinsl w.ih i Ire mg "f c I'n Wher>i my mln.I 'nea.li , *h*do.r nn*'ii!Ung m y bo, ^''ipelagn. ilmoit depopulating thr regiont |'Ari;ry"-will bv ulk'rcd in ilic iulim.ig- of n . idouri: all ) whnh h- is deii-rnnned to Whnrc tlio vpipl of Ming* when it c .auot gvl fn«, ne»*. HT nr n t .ln>i>r«-lied ringlet* I >» o»er which it italkrd. Il my *e liuially ? present ulncrilM-r* and Iho public jt 'I I '» His ih.-p i. k>'|n in ihr honar nf M*y ili-i in my lioso-ii il* gr»r», lerrd sw.i-lly af.unil her blow, the look of «,iid to havr decimated the «huie world, e* ;. Il i«bc'i--V'-d ili.il ivi.li'h«* **Lii'>jry. 't'a.h'ii^'ufi (j Turk, K*r|> nrft ilntir i- A'.ny lo ll» rix'J-ginUni OO-MJI I II , I, rro- h*il lailru liom her h|i-, and .in infill' »"eo |linanh we were to lake thi* term aa im> To cool my hoi Unin in Uu wava. "Journil." mid HID ('om;.:iiin>ii," atich ! .ra. ll-ir' ti Fimklin. store, llr w .mile w < piclun-d brnuldu' V th>'re, ihe r.-il plying the deitruction of nine, in place ol on* kuqniinlincr wi.h tlie lilfr-iliirc ol the taki* u^i w»rk ai Ih** -h-T'est noiicr, nnd i . - W. M. rose tin^i- upon her chrek w.is Invely » in nut "f ten. nuy he cultivated 41 lo U-.iv liltlr fur he b'-st and mo-i ta>luoi ablr «l ,lr Ufiul, If. . n d > I |irri»rd it In mv nun, th' foU''- The plagne appear! In h.ivr ataid fl e or lit e ftilfimnrr- GJI»||.,I [trio be ilciin-ii. He-mall piibl.iilied from i.-n wuoinu to cnciiurMf him will do writ 'ai'' "f Irars «i-re opened, and I w>-pt al ll mnnilis in one place and then gone in March will iniert the rmne oOicr, innri- laciniv ollcri for nvih nil on him. u,» hrjd were w.ilrra. I have liui I dim re- of freah viclieii. Ill ymptoaia are minute* i«e rrf|nir.nl. TIIK r u; collei linn of wli.il lolloweil I only know, Oct. at or.onor. o Ir described by nany writer*, and appear ta ^ and having U-wrr people to' deal thil I r-mmnrd wrr|'in|{ and mMionlr«a trl |lh, miitjken arc le«» liihio lo <>ccur, nu I w.ia iii-vrr a m»» nf fri-ol'- cuurxge. There be th>- lame in every country il vintrd. It .ire lew tcenea either irf human ur rlemrnlal Ilir coming On <>f twilight, and tb.it I wa* generally appeared in Ihe groina, or endrr the brga leave In in.tnlj ore rrxlil. corrected wher they do. T.IC then I'krn Irndet ly hy Ihe hand, and ltd a- thi> public in jf.i'itl,( prl interval nl two wi-ekibetwei-n Hie |iuh GEORGE McNElll, strife, upon which I ha*e not looked with a irm pita, where *Wflling* were produced' w iy. w .rrr I saw Ihr countenance* of parent* which broke out in »orei, attenocd with le« I Ihr I'lliine! Mik aiion ol tich number, it ii though! inn. H ,iic.i i\ r rvn.oii, now of daring, f have Mood in fir limit ol and si*ii-r* lie luttli-, when aworo* were K lainihft and »er, anil ting and vura;tiiig of blood. The pa­ In confinr liim»r:f U4 |il be an iilvaniunc over rronirdir* UK \S iu.i i . i'U"l * L\K(ih if ll .N M MI* ytart have gone by upon their wingi of Iliat of an UNUKRIU I M>MK atsorlmi-ni «l >>ictiiiK *round nit* likr fit-rv arrpetlta ol iht* tient frequently died in half a day, generally iitcrhcs lieht si d ah ''OH.but ihr acenr* I have pour within A day (/r two it thr moil. If he *ur- 1,1)1 iH C \*SI .IKU4 \NI) ,n l ha*c aal on (lie ipounl*m piniiacle, I'l'lic following plan 11 re»|>ccifully submit when tne w'.irlw nd was rending ila oak* Irom tr.iird alill cnmi- ovrr me,at time*,with a In vivnl the third my there wa« hope, though i| of lh l.i' -si nni>»r'alion anil »l ribie >li*|mclm-a< The "I.I uak yet *tand» al tneir rurky delta aim scattering them piece- rvrn thrn many,fell into a deep lliep from ,•, invit». hi* fii<-iids anil tin- | UUlic lo ' dead, aud it* hollow trunk, liHiking up ifM pomiblr repriniH of ihe .beat matter wilh a swrllinj suul. llui knrw not, that rvck Kr.,in Orrece the pligue piaied intu Italy. Al.SIl; ward* t" thr sky aa il -Calling fur drink,' il ihr liriliah |n.tM.dical». ril not nl danger but Ihrie i* *innrlhm|f in The Venetiaiii having lint 100,000 mul«. fted \ suppiy nf (!I.iaitei! the spot, ihr llinughta nf by- t lorm will he the same ai lint id the L I.ke. a child. I havr tried lo ovrrcume this AI Florence, itxty lhuu»and p«r*uni ilieu io **., O -n. './»4 jnne yrar* came innuinlully back lo me one year. jr-e>ch nunibrr coniitinii); nxlct-n ji.i unmanly wi-aknr.s I u.vr callt-d piule lu my tliou|(lit> ol Ihe liltlr innorrnl being who frl 1 iid. I havi- ipiinf. mhrr% which can be hound wild the Ics.ona nf phdn»U|.hy out it a»jil* me noth­ nd the morr.ili'y wa* liumblr. Tnr imil.U^. ( i)V M'lur »f urt, and to mi- ilirflvd, again*! ihr « !» w*sjnv in ihr nieniory,thai ihe hid gone whrie |",iplc. io do not lake Ihc Library ilaell, n volnnr .mil ehatlrla. land, and trnrmrnl". uf Cplnn dies, within mr. in lightninga alumber in the fold*of the rain­ v. My involunia'y dread ef thunder hid ita All. ul the lame lime il apiead into Oerma- rry ytir, of 410 quarlo pag,ci ol ihc Kit- I). Wrlcli, at «uit >if jamea Syk.-« Ui>ri«iun bow rloud, *nd wiere the aunlit watn> ,u i.> uhrrr Us r .v«ge« ., re i -i m.,l(d at thr «- (lit |>rcMnt. <:-p.ti, Rrubrn W .rfirld, Joihua Urjil.n. .o,KHI in nn iniidriit. that occuirrd when I iever broken by the itorm-breath of t)iniii|m- ins a litld ol te- ye*n. I had liltlr run liorini'U- uinoUi I uf lw> Ive n.illioii, |uur hun* Tin; price will bo llircc dollar! for iiid De'KiiKire tnd K.yle, I have , .-litvu * :ence. in d t' "U*n: n loula. , uken in' iircutiun all tin riglil. i.tlr. mti- a |(irl of tin- >*nn »t,r of inr childhood. My reideri will understand why I alnink irriher live dollarn for iwo and cluh^ -i a U'-. llut. allrr Ihr lai'sr of almost a arorr Ai I -I this fiurlul ai-ourgr Oegan to br felt t jml upwnrda will be aupplicil at two dol- M, pruperty, cNiaa and ilemann, u.ith at l.iw n terror from the thunder. Ktrn the on. in Ku|(i*nd. About tin beginning of August, nnd rquity, nf »! ! Upton D ^Vrlih. rf. .1, I yrui... ibat counleiiaiiC'- «t.num b« aofmni ->cinusiu-«s uf briuiilv i> no rrlnf lo mr on i rich. i»r lo inr. I ran >> < Ihr bright yuun^ rir.t- . -48, ' |ipr.'reo i'n the x.i|a'il low in ihe iod lo all thoae tnrla ur part* ul tra«4« »i frVni has aisumeil the n 'lure of an inslnir'. A* ihc work will nnl be commenced. un- lo-rluiue ye fl.im.ing like a uruutilu. ol l)o t. II. o. -'till nun, K :*hnr, load and prrmi«r«, called Hie l.J«t Slnfi nd icema indeed a purl ul my .,-i.r i , r " " dfil I" Bri lol 'lh« ( ..(le |lm a MifTiricn. purnnagr he obtained, nu "'lipley'' Srjrili, Miiplrt't Cniitriilinii, one .. MI, In-r fire lock* KtrinniiK a* in joy upnc yment i* rrqmrrij nt prrneni, "tily t'-- '" ri* ng K»li', and her ih. rk I-IOWII.K tikr a il Oiou rs'rrslurr imiiiedialel* inter, icled ihi-r iract. tnlled a farm in a better Sli.ii.v. .11 iHlricoui»e wi.neiit know. LKTTER OP A TAR We hive received (»»ys the N rf..|k i-r.'se iai., m r.tfo i flew n«ei UloeresUr- ui)|X)rl the |iuli|n-aln.n will be |I!IM«O. Ii rlirm acrm nf l.uiil, m.-rr nr lem>, iieu.g ler vnur lud Ihr invlody uf jovouanrl* id a Ueacoii) the following ch«tic'rri>tir e| i»il c 'lhri.ceiiairr.il tn Ol. ..d, *nU a- icfurc 10 aniinuncv their Inlonln'ii .mcai l\ I ml ad aod , n misrs at (irfsei'l 01, upir. lird. and when the bounded u.rr Ilir wnoded f> m une of (he rrew uf tin- United bi.itr i nil Ihrfll.l'f Sovrn.ber feaClirll Lulldon. vitnihlc, as it in iniendeil lo cuuiiuoiiC' ' I'plnn I) ' >di h. lyn>K ami bring in An- nil or Hie Irelh grern tallev, ahouli K n |(lu" 'iiawrr tot very vuice of niluri. and ill-- i p Cnnstrllition. just .iirived fiom Uili - i.., llr i- -or*.id u«rr *\ Ki ifl.i.d, ,c .lUru.g il work on Hie oral of January nvkt. <'" Arun el ounly. nrai hykea- die, allo our e M v. ere ' ucti n, ti.ai nuii4 ii-e t It «..*l»td,il in Ilir iiu anil >i L - nrr trail of land, I'allt.i Jiilin's La*t hliifl, i.-nci-, ihr Inokeo is if breaking awiy likr g o| the MTniiil niiiiibvi pa\ imi< inn. and if our rm-riauti e frirnill' '-1- w < dr population, turdly one in 1*11 ^|* ilrfl l» becxprclcd, a* in a|ipe . n is-u lllvr >cc i luflicicney of |ntronu(jc. ««. and one other tract calleu, | Ne^ro man by thi- name of H..IO- i< linlr Rirl had been pining a "»r du>s i «* -. y f'lhrr'i nnuie, and ihe t*as n » lo .etui I I B I.KTTKR. inoalh 7034 per»onrwi,u 1.11. uf Hie iiUMUV*." ' > ,'' fidly awaro from cip^ncnce ol non, une ditto wooi in named Ann. one dit­ " vnlagra lo the public of Jlic rapul limn-. HIT path iay itcriias th.- field* m< I During our »t y at Tnulnn w<- wrri inform were liuned in m - f> »r. In the tity oi N.icV* to woman Rich.-I, and her 'Wo children, Jo rd llul ii young man by Ihu niinr of Alfian wich 37 374 |ier»on» died in us niu,.(li«. In Ili.-iJii of cheap and aelcrl lilenturr, lia» si-ph and Tiiomai, also aunnry Stock llnr ^la>ily brc.mr Ilia cnm|>«niun ul her *alk i induced to add Ihu important feature ti> I n>-ver knew iu mnrr inornin^inere De'uu ilrr Jimirsir , waa a convict in that place ihe city of York ihr mortality -»*» eoual 1^ r.. Cuttlr. and a number ol tlnga, Hlanla avinx made tonic inquiriei rripecting him. Ixindno the dead V. re. tllKiW' ft.ll' B4 *, lu*. .', work, and nf course leere* it optinnid linn Uli-nsil», AinmiK which ll an rsrelleni nful and atill. Only one little clou I wa< Kh live preiont *UD*eribcra and* other* to visible, ind that deemed al purr and while, wr found that he wai an American, and waa tv. fifty or aixty into ui.et d Urge firld»]< WaR^iin and Grer) and un *A edneiday. 3l«l ilrtrcteil while in III* act of amuggling when wen e'mploye- { tiurinl place,,' ih> ilAiic^ A -\ ke it or not. Dec: mutant, «l the'reaulence u| the .ml U|>- mil peaielul, aa if it had b>-en thr incrtiir linukr nf aiiine burning crnsin of thr akin ittachril loan American veaatl lying at Havrr yard* being found m-uffl enl fur Ihe parpeeW jli i» confidcnlly brlioved, (hit, with ihe Inn O W.-lcli. I shall ptoreed ta *ell the ili-Uiace. He was tried by th* lawiol France, No attempt wai mul'. to perlerot thi* laitef* laid proprrty. or such |>a>t thereof u* may be I'lu- fravc* hung kilenl in the wood*, and thn niion on the part of the t£diior,*who ha* wiler* uf the bay had forgotten ihrii onduln- ami M-nti-nced lo 6 yeara hard labour in the flee with car* Ind deAiicy. Perp > Ua%aa -v ail) at hind Ihe material for auch a work, 'i"ce«»ary lo ditchar^e Ih* debt* dur a* afore N.ivy Yard At Toulon, uf which he had irrv- ditehri were elide, in which the dei . b> uIW jid. Sale 'u commence at II o'clock. tinna, thr fluuera were limdmg Ihrir hridi [Ihe really valuable matter of the Ehfiliih «« if drramiet; of Ihr rainbow aod Ihe rw, rd four Hr lent anmi- Irltrn nn liu.nl fur wrr laid in rows, eo>ered with ci t', and iry md iniuiina; publicitioni miy be I'erma CASH. *nd Ihr whole iltuu*pherc wan uf auch a' aofl our peruaal, I'rii'ti lul mother, milling in thr iurmuunted with annther laryrr i.| bo BT, and requiitrd Cnpl. Krai! to placi' the imuunl plague **rm* In havii differed from tanitf(\\f. f country; a companion with other* it FOIl ONB Hl-NDKJi.!! NF. in their boandlenmris. and ihe peaceful iky » onelti* here lo enter upon, thb 'Libra- bent aver and blvisrd them. in the handi of *ume re-pei table irinlent uf pla.-i'i ol the irthcengiry.. which f II n'dlXs, I OKOKS of bold ararH, from 10 ' the placr, to be kept umil Ihe trrm uf tervi licul.irly among the epprrclaaie* It w* itMlf heiii^ the be*t 16*1 by which tn 3D yvai* nf age. I will give mnre The tittle creature at my aide wa* in de­ ftp of the diflertmee between an octavo lirium ol' h'lppinraa, and her < lear,* awret tude expirrd, in ordrr tu pri«urr himaelf marked that nut one king or i.rmcr.of any I lor that nantbrr of alivri than any clothing and |mi<«ge to hia native cnuntry. lion, died of the plagur, and of thf Kn||ia| ^UIMO nai,e. Il will be the iludy of other Purrhiarr in the market, m voice raanr ringing U|xin the air 11 often ai ihr heard the lune» of a favourite bird, nr We aim by the benevolent influence of Cap nobility «ud people uf di.linrtion v*ry' few ^'lor to embody * record of the day', y rnme.. All mmmunlrailnn* win b- were rut nff. Among theliighrr ardrra uf the foundIOUIIII aomk atrangr_ and lovely flower in her tain Read', got one year taken u(T bia tervi led to-th* want* of thi* country, which (iroinjdlydly aliendrd to if left at June* Hunter 1" rherch, the. dnthl wrie '*r,. ft uppea.f H'ltel, Annapnlii.il which place Ihr subscri frolic wandering!. The unbroken and .I moil tude. ' km no competitor, fur virtue or cheap- H'ltel, lay continued . How mueh muit the feeling* ef hia aged that nirpieraoliona rnuld prevent thr. ibto* i how br he Ii likWy CQ do Ihi* he nwr bur cm be found. Jpercatunl tranquility of thr ill nf ftie eniiti.giiiti. 'Ihr tHinds of WILLIAM MOOfEU. unlit "early noon. Then, fur IhIhe Aril 'inn-, mother '>e ex< itn 1, when lh< Tie r* that hrtt f "preeenl to the ileciaiun of W* rtmdera. lino Indication* . - - of^ an- - approaching_____--, tempeit vnand perhap, her oQly ci.Ud u«w aU«*M rfjfwere lw»WMl| B*f**t* of Are individual*, who .lubMribe •ct. * ." '' » ••<& v},.; • : . • •' ' • •» ; ft-. '«-. tnad «Mw deTiTered the two preceding. a* NO. «. Jo*. ftato.tVi.vtta.- wtirJa Bat BO allowance ia mada for tho deli-j ary win tat*eWay . cluldr**) parental M«M 1*4 to Ik* e«*»tfy, UM lat July, ft»aV extort locked th«*ae*l«w» **> ia tbrir Viota**, raitl». The «|M.^Mt«f l^i c*ae $a68J)W 7il rogy of freaj iMtan mt poa* office*- wbcro tho aa) MM* went ba«ra>fc»W». B«i*v*ry ha/Caw* fa Ik* Appetta-a * ^ ' ^ - exceed WOO ajpar- e»d aaaat earietO-g tmra.. where r*)giti«Mwtfr« followr*}. (vr lb« d« Doe. 0ta> Traaeart M Wba.tUia.aOb.doM.u *Mr*Tif*f, rigr! bad« fo«t wn lk« wafer* > aad UM Hon. Judge Stephen. the coaatKtioai of the De-| free letter, b deli-1 tkla euy aaa K.W York, e., vttl » « the tkittl. «1V (H-iUltnre afrmd The aryaaaat of No. 3 WM encoded by the IK day af July bat. The iota Wale* and into Ireland. A* U the Scot*, MM*OB for the Appellee* and McJfaboa for >t of debt they are laid U h»»e brwgtit lU* iW»*r go bating to lime, and it continue*) to are made I the ApptlUnl cca, then the ii B aince the franking pnvi- thc*af*>t»ct. Taking advantage at the 6m No. 4. Tbo'a. K. Biaeoa,»». Uagtey Buttw. in aneaWM*ed ratio. I aad ordinarily in a i ftnecltaa tOtr of England, (or rather rtaol*- On the lat ..___. j, equal to 800,000 free let- Thia ccj» waa argued by Jno. Cauain for tb* .. _ tera more than what were delivered within pattMt^l ^ ^ m.a . - "V«ta«.] rU la Tone th« injarict Nflicrcd eutlrr tiic AppdUnt, and Johnson for the Appellee. the account Edward*) ih»y a»id« hoalile u rapt ion with gainst the Dep*r\|fcjl«t, oooaiating of loana, the aame period of time prior to that exteo- ro , whlch m amn^ ^ ^*** « » »*H Monday, Due, 8th Present aa on Sahtrday to tho amount of «ion. The ooatage on each of thene Icttcra, if tlntaj t***, it will U rf .- ^K^Z ,£" Ureje fore, m th» cowntrv. Bat lb«y had On application Jamca Boyle, Jr. Enrjuire, of 275,000, and over not proc(«lnl fir when the plague overtook M A not free, woold be from aix centa to two dollar*. otl^iae, tb^ wirpovilloea " »*, them. They ptrielittl ID thootaaule, and car (bo city of AnnapolM, wa« adalittod aa an at In thia lUtcmcnt, thnlafyiittce between loana The average it ia belie»ed, would not bo leas rird Ik* itiwaM with them iitu bcorlaml lorney of Ihia court. and over check- - nObeTiom.nal than «awn. than rwenty.five cent, each, exclu«vo of tho whrrc iU ravuc* were aooo u deatreudte No. 120. ZaJdock S«aecer va. Ketnp .. . ^ Pn^rr^trni'coramiMiona. If eitunatcd at thu I ban tha boaoar to bayakM they wrre ia England.' Early in the year Young. Thi« COB* wj* .irgu. -d by T. F. Bowie: When ovcr-check. an mntnalW agreed open average, they would amount to »24 aa*te| and by Ibr rnd Johwaon for tb» Appellant*) and Alexander to a certain definite amount aa a tending order. To thia add the allowance actual- muutn of Aagatt It had mtirrly diaapprarril. lor the Appellee*. Ihey are caJlod loana, but when ^rjr rary in- j ly made for their dcliTory, 13,801 W | g R AVERY.-Our roadd Itt cotneqvcocca, however, cuulinupil lur Noa. 40. 45. Bine* and Fiahcr v«. Cook, deftnituly aa to time and amounl,' thwy uro ~ the report in circulation a fcw tome time tJ be t»VenHv Mt. _D«ij»g I he' Garoiatoeol Scarborough, am) JJJDM * John And the increaaa of tree letter* j the cattle,"for want tVircTcr v* Ballzcll, and Davidaon, Garniahoeo called over checks. In eithrr caao A**/ are thia mi.n had made a full and of McCufirey. Th-- argument of tht*c caaerf debta due from the Department to Banka. '> within the last two year* baa ac- feeaion of the murder of of tarn to trnil thraa. *rrr alluwrd (o »an I j-fcMlly coat the Department U.VMl M ^v^^j^^ ~ drr abwajl thr frlila at random, anil penahrd : W3a eoauucoctid by Lloyd and McMohon for Thia amount of balance againat the Depart. ill aarh nambrra at to occatioa a treat »car- ' and Ji'hnwn for thu Appell<:ca, h M boea consider ibly reduced aincc the ' ^ vlT"5 ^ ^ - ^° ^^ ^ V* '*"">« on lh« -Pot, in al Clly. TlM'Ojrh the n>!d*. too, were rovrrrU firet of July lust. at tbi* «max,«listing against tho Department. ^j {n M ^ ^fi™ (' iv, D -c. Oth Present aa yostortlay. Eatimalo* ha'vVtwea) obt-iinrd from anrar>l of Iba - - -- J with pletrtfal er-.p of corn, moth uf it »«* ! argument of (be On the 1st day of the proaont month it iteod Int for w«fit uf hauila tuVrtp and gather it ta follows: ExTcutivo oflkaa. of lha amaajnt of thair offici.l cor. | fi^ea^.a»a»ai*»»» ^oJariabatli-nd, appj r-epondciw carried on Ihroogh tha-Tott *«ea aaUblub. j .^T?*^***^ lt woold havo IB. Hit l»»t ilrrjta of thi* great plagar were i No,-. 41, 4-'. ReK.^ci E. Cn-aw.U'a Amount due for loana fro n Bunka, $275^)00 00 uiont under tli* fruiking privilrgr. of the oWc. re "of * *TVnC° '° " «««Ctlona, yet w, _ Jrainnl by ihit enfof lan«t<- rjcr, tl>r Jrwa. ' -croaM appi-ni-i ;rrnn Ualli- . Amount of ovur-cbfcka, Novem vn. Htrfihr.n I whom il ia eon.! irt^U .nd it *pp*ua th>t from lh. Do, |* '':.""^P* through the Rcpubnc,,. v dia1 nu» waat A beliff »|irrail over Kvcral coantnr. that Thr orgum-jtit ol' ibt-socii- 1 bur 1, 1431, 09 partimnleof m»l», Troaaory, War and Nary, inclod. babllity la, that the information il ennaega*," they pru.laccil the pestilence by poiiuoiog the morr county court '^jfof from hia own a>ii w..s C'MIUU Lluva.fur the -,, ing th" aurhoiTit^-t c>f tho Trnjaury Ind Navy, (ho otB. , ;,,. .ok lha manifrati Wrll* aiiil fuiint:iiii<>| aiiU in ».«tiv |>la<.t» lliry i M Jun^ together the man of »330,IW9 09 Wrrr mataacrtii in lhun«aml» b; (tic infuriat­ in (he fif en*.. cijl eorn:*pi,iidfa'"> by rnaii. on wliich no poatig« ia Wednesday, Dec. 10th -Prvscnt aa ycstcr-: On t!i- iuime d*y the b-.Iancra piid, ia eati.natnd lo bn a^u ,1 lo 8.685^05 rintfn frao ed popalac*. lo avveral p.rta of tirrin^ny, of Hank iVpositi'!) in t'.i\<>ur of No. 1. dny. I'ttrn in a y«ir, and lli full diaUoc., of wtilcu lha lu'u>il On Mondaj 1 it ootninenotd, u Uu C liltl «<»l eowJilion, I for L.w-m. the i. noual 01 c.iih 01 hand, rate of r"'* 7" would b* c!nrj"-M'. Tho OTX r-.gn po*. cord araaioo of tlia Twent/.Third Crniprm. ioB! B>n»rachi tau I of Ihrin wrrr muril.rrioilr» uf tin m, u. (l.t Nn. 14. Ktlcp .V 1 il'% I^:«M?c vs. Will: un .innunti"! to \,.\: t*. if no" froo it ia beliovud wonlJ bo poee. in a earira of artlcha under the fanp..., T" CXtrrraity ..f Ihrir nrapair. a'.ut Uirni*rl\ r» Wrrimsi'l nl. Tin a ^ui.wiil of 'his r ^^ »\ui M kin^ th- actu.il h l.mc of the n»< t .- tli 'i lo 3-4 col* e-.cli, wliich would arooont to ir »»nl our raaden with a rnopaw tf ^, ...^ * ax ill hie cunpjniou p in thru l"ia«ra aw' run»uinril lhrii.«i Ur» r..iririi«-n lur tho Apjiullant, and uco'Rii.:* with U-. s, gaiiMt *:. '1.1M1 50. wild firr. Thr rttrut uf aurh alrul ii'-sof Virgiii , .N. C.iMiino, S. Cari,- of \v!iom l:iv\* the pnrilrgrof (linking. Il ia ajao oa. veroniool, our iolarcoona with iaU-Ugm . __ ea were afraid lo a.'i GKNEBAL POST Urnrr. Dr.rMir«r.?rT, lina nn 1 ( . orpiii, and too T rruory of KluriJa, li.nucil Hut '.h-j nunrr-r of free Mleta p'namg under both in and oat of Coagreaa, and aamreaj euar ^ La *ro»i«« (""le ahoul N«vi inl> r, which will eipiru with lh. current ycur, havj.--th.. frtnk..-.-- uf 'iv- ib^ra of Coogrtaa, uwunu to 8000 a » nUga* which U ia oanaeeaauy to paint aat, ^ JJI ir ami »J munbrinj ibein To the Prrtitlrnl nf thr I'niltil .iMrt: h.-en rnncwi-d, to Uku oTi'd Iromth,i 1st ol'J.ni. j dayduri-ig UK , _, ln*t. anil _ Si«: Th-! U |«r .iliic.i I hud ihe honour to nniid«nce of m. :nb.-ra ofCoogrvee. if noTfrea, ehould rri/giiigd.vial. Additional retr. nclmi.'ntB hnve ulaoU-'in innd.< roceaa, a* wflj talaraat our diOinl *iUni>am aal j .'ill, li:i:l, h, yoiid the whole amount of ita a- bb -uttlrfl lo Uio *l .to nanl, it la b

  • ,'Jl)8 40. aruonnl of fnt" Init-.T* would not f dl aliort of a million tlioa* who have noitbar lima nor iaettaulaa I* raWkl ir dun*P a* will u t!>*. Chj a pUe- in lh» G .urtlr, you w Th- xir-n»"< for tin: iMninortution of lh. my 1 mt n-purt, to th , nr.nuul amount of 8")U,'JOO.' Mitwo and oblifr youn aic. .if d.ili i». n>. mtiva of lu* curreapoadeno* of th* Poet congr*«eionil apaaehaa M uh al _ j thai/ inl ndcd voj in ill n. d'H-innly continued unilimin.ih >] 'ill ill- M..Uinjr logvlliLT nn ai.:m..l u.ivmg irmn the !*({ fV (at V«ryl«iJ Dice I)r|.u:,.i.nt ilaelf. Waabjnglon d-.Uj ptprr.bul who. a»veru>hai,aB.*a| x ud bony heuta ah .p-.d rlo-i. .)' il yi;rr }f3'\, prior lo which d.-.lo lh Jun.i.rv iicxl,$170,0:)0. Thin ia ^n jnnuil cunlri!>ulion by the Department lo loo* la raad a brief akatab of Ihe preeaedop j ,1 n L re mil!* r liuu Vital you wtih IK« f«ir I >at i r.-tri-n- hii HI ilc I in ih.it HI port could not Frmi th MivingM thua .-iTcctod, together with giraa and In Ihi* oily during a*h aacceiaiii i „ »bj-cl- The Monc-n H* i -r« (.uiMM, (y«au aa»*. t..!.u cff roniarq-iunlly the bujanco of dc-bl I t|lo cjirn-nl cxcew of r venuo in favour of th< Tuoogh tiii amount ol' mranua ariaing from poat^gra. We tract thai Ihia notice of oar pita will icni | a Wu off uVir plandcr, All. all wu pluaaura and drlif hi. ng.iin.it ih Di-p.irtiii nt continued lo augment | Department, it m iv bo naf..'ly culcul..! ,',, thnt lor dm y««f anting Juiio 3:). l"Jt, did not aqoal lha altoalioa of oor ftlDod* *l a duttaca, aad Ual 1 a.b*i owUMrtion of ibeii Tb*y mad* tha welkin trrnrxo uM h .1 |> n K|. without nny rcliancu upon nn men.'..no in (ii eatt u-ila, yet tlier wj< i cou«kler bio iucroaaa ahore with whom w» excrunre, moo pirtiealirl/, i L oriland othcntki Mu* Klor»>l kli! «ho w«» tb rt>, Tli-i ^n«Hn aiiviunt of postiigc won, frnm July irttrv amount if pontajre.. the ruvonuoa of tli th* unonnt ol* thn pr«c ding year. T'>ia gioaa amount our inlanlioo, aad aid u* through Uwii caaian a | ;*Mbon>eon Iba «UuV With nurk'd itUintion ihar ncaifd lirr; 1 to l)..c-:inl> r :il, \tm, l,:)7.i,437 -iS l)--p.irtin''nt will exco'-d .la cxp..'n lilur -s ditrini; of pottiga* fur tin you andiug Juno 3t), 1633, curing aJJiliorjaJ eubacrilrm. Telia aajtan af va»|| n e^rta. JA! arila a d-tsri, And plind Iho Tifly in h-r riw. i V^.016,70-6 97 oawap-ipJn, who hava not room fur COJTWI 1 iw^y, and 11 WUUa nooa piu-^l or rvliov'd Her. 'ion to h" rnmiing cjlcnd.r yuar, to ihu amount ol •}-'.'i t,'M-t. For tba yaar anding Juua 30, 1634 it apeecbea, our aynopaia will be, w* pnaaaw, iwj« ( Bnuifl vaajcl craiung 01 B»IU-» awl Duu LJ!*AUU L.MCI U.W3 S38 77 t ibla). We ang(*at lo grnlUwxo a a aiiUaa, jvialbtrv .nu uuniOf All did jow to boil nolaaaaa KI" tllu ColHlflfo-flt Kr.iin a c .rofi^oatimaU-, il may bo anticipat­ ed wit'i . niir- 1 C'l'iii.n-nc i, th.il l>oforo llir clowo wiali to became auhaeribnn to tb* \Yialuafaa I & m known, biio wua c Ah! lh>-ra waj on* rarpuriof fair, C»;K-HSO.I of llr ir nllici'H iliifing the f the \v.\r ISy."), Ihu ivli ilo b-Janru of J.'bl u- Miking an incraaaa in Iba- wnouat lh il payment (aix inooliia in adraaee, aecerkatk i ft f« ia,n-iUi, Mtdi..i.ny Bmruuodad by tha lorva and (r«c««; of 907,168 70 propoa.la) may ba eoaveaiaally made, ti.-»j,'iuaaaj| j jVrtba L:pJ of nairly Har Toioa waa *oottu'n( drowninf; r .r«, HiiiH! jwrioJ, u. ijn.U lh" Department will bu ciunguich ntrurutl upon tho b> ra of Coiigreaa now U liiij cily, or Ibnari lit I 0 o Jaci to be coai'ronlod t DupaUinf (loom Croeo .11 uor i>+ *, i lobtxd to long before, cp-'l:t ni' ihu Trmmury, 'lor 'IJKJH any olh :r cru. Tha nrtt amount of poati|T"a, afler daducting co.n- epeciivo poauoutan at Ihe pUcea af Ikau raaaaj Than Liura f.ir non* awtfter wrrv, inia*ion- u, , u*tni .at -M, and Uif continent rxprn* o dblioaocp: Wliil ai of lli. !) |>., waa, lor tha ye*r anding Jnnn 30, ^fj IIU4T1J 111 Ilk* Of 1 n^ tlio I,IK. doll-ira, wa will aerxl aix coutca of the Wa^iafaal With ni om-ra blind, nmlean «ir lbJ3, $1,790251 OS rur for *U inoniru frxn l!» rvctipt ef !w i < an liraugbl lo Ui. Kba too wia than tli.l l.ffy iiijht n.'in<: tiini' ..mount. Il WM ncvor rngurdo.l by cither uf the par Kor lha year ending Juna 3U, 1H3I Or to jny po»tm later or other pirvoa vrr.U| tt» ) |k; lai taaumouy of Uio w fiollna uid D*ana l/id> and L mi, ed l-i 817,70720 ti T> in thr character of n ilrlX ol' thu (i .vurn il 1.937.&U It lagii free, who djair^a lo aea a fp.^iji*a of air J**J| ii iad cuojatcuvd lo Jaalli Al' J>d fa to «t*w molia»ai Th- c*p .n»..M for in i , li.it i in i..\|MNli..nl lo aniicip.ito (ho ru n i will chaarfally aeud our Itleat pablira^ i HUM UBIII. «a it weie 11 Th* Iturm thn* by nona omll'd, tniiiH(Kir' aiori of .1 itiro.it o|' tlio L)>;p irtmunt, u.sud u^xin tho cr Making an ineraaae in tba natt pro. The piic.> of Uie Woahliigtoa Mirror b Tn ! n if naoa from lito do«ul. 11i«ir etunna 0xpinJ*J ihifif; llio in«iil ir^uri July '.': Ml' thoiUI IVtkHlrCI'H lloMl.'. ce0xti of 0137.389 79 per annum, lh firpl li.lr y»-r icearue^ibia Iliui bruu|M la ligUl uy I' Whan aa wa vp>w'd our bo*o*i> mrell'd. 1 to I) rc'-ml* r 31, Th nii:.in» ui' it* lii|ui.|..lion within a rroaon '1'oa proooodinga in C« igroa D«u Moai.; Ua d PruvMeaco. And thouciit Ihrm .11 <..T.. j> X> 09 .«.' (irnu w -n. iiJtv. y« tvilhin Ihc Icgu) r»nlro T.i* fininc"* of' the IVp.»rtni*nt lo b* in tn I r.anday atWnoun, wbau both bg*»-a - A *tr .o|or L Jy n* I . -.! n, M Uui)- tii- t.i. ol :lu: hjail ol' '.h O.Mii'.rtni .ml: an.I ni otli.ir r ..-riving co-iditiou. «nd tlio aolicii :b lua boea I .Moud«y tu-xi, vrcra DO! very unaoruui'. Oi ! TWE.1TV-TH XV &a Utttrv. anrtif**(i tu orrow'i {loom, 1:1 l'X|K ll^.'H >(' lliu iniNinH h .ru it nny lime boon miught or (Juonvd »ii iwn to o*il. in .K il conlr.tft*, Ihj Rpd r.Ua rfl , iat auaul la") iiipuilMra «^r* in ait. adiaat t UECU.M liar iU4iil.-a w. IT l-n mil f r U-IHMD; Dcp.irtiutnt forlhul by Oi I)'ip..r«:niint. waUh Hi y h n bnun lik n for lh^ ifoalri.-rn Meclioa, ing of Uio roll in Iba llooau ol' I IS Tilt A muniiuK (I'^ry **t at noon lull vc.T 80 In my Report of November, IB33, th<: cxpcn-o end tin >c I wii'i wnich eonu.ctong'n-rally p«r*avi,r* BJD.IO there Wj* a vary uojj.ily Tlatrt ' rVllu« inii U«iu> Lad. and l.irwa, for iruniiporting thu ia.u!, ^n^ Ibr inc. :i-nt I-, in Ihfir aurvic-e lo ihe Uan rt.nrnt, Inruiah ample dj. cU^ira iad Md. Wo h.vuni lam *a*a Uk> lua h Tbe following UK All lurv yon" t^ Blow muUMoa. Tliin wnn, 'ft'T dcilurling tho groan umoiiiU Iroin July 1 lo Dcccmhvr 31, 1^3:1, w n Mini U moiutrtlum th-M ita cr-4a^ uni ir^i/xl. 1'no VLa-Krcaidant look lha Cb Ir oa ti» a«;, k t ll'jc Prcatdenl ol the T*u rlo'' r« lh*r« *rnidcnt are ««* . TJ> Mil) I Tii Ik bcoatr of Uie I'^ir lovely Iluda m uior'i.i./,'- prima, of »rjO,3Ul 5« od, wua 1,0'JI.IOO 07 of ilili ovor t ie namb-'r n-uoruxl 1^*1 year. co.amillev waa appointad by bol!i baoara la vul I I tranamit to Conv Wi:ii lip* an*ulli"d by . kia*. To iliis »iim ml I th- .Irffit cx- Tlio innu I ainounl ol' Uanport .lion lu* be*n but 111* Pnatdnal, and iiifonn uiin liul Caagnai an I I drcautl to tnc, by D-.rr on*1 »i*l«.t.t irotu Buauty'a choir, inlin- on thu Ut July, 1833, y I nl r 'port. Tn* ini.il la now lo ruefivo any ooau.innicanon be WJ ill»a«al»a , acconipuiiyinl A My fracn that bind uiviw; Tbi! nott pnccetl* of posing. for o iriud in rt t ^ . od ateain boat* .boat IG.900.uvH) inilca Oj Taaaday -I la o cloak, Iba f>.-a>l*af> lion of Indeptndcl A tor.r. to lor« tnil io adn.irr, ay., r; nd ua nombick, end in tulkioa, 4 bout bSfiOO, And tlir- Ui|:.nccof tho drU a- tha your ending 30th June, praamled by Mr. Duaotaou loboU UtutmtK. which rlii illualriouaj Twuulil ba tha ttliKi iing ,V'.,l.no UUU inline n. .king log< Urer aboul i!i,XW,DOO inilea a Itwui docu-uent of jre«t l«n{tli, D< llea nil U* aua L.OB »jm I. »»c-a. piinut tli- 1) p rtmrnt lr:ynnil the 1834, W r. i placed umonnt nf in ,.v ill. bin filing wiu>, nn.rly two lioura in tbi readioj. a fur tlw llooaj of U praacalilira, *** » br hm1idopt«d couil Mow .Mr. Slick tba ladia* pel, 1 have a mournful Caiiiv in, ui haiio li^d ac acu act down; ehortena thu liine 01* conui.uaiealiun, and ficillUlae Iho aaa uHjouracd. Bcior* hia iiioutli wla ciop«ly almi; From Iho lilt of January, 1834, (ho rrtrmch. Falling below the eattmatc by tho iaurcuarao between diat-.u! \-\ .oaa, ia lixa bringing them Mr. Beiulor King, of Oaorgli. dkllafliaW t liui prccioua K«.|iciv'd by uow aud tlion a frowo * inenu in III Irannportution of lh<> nnil, nliit (! aum of • 100,700 37 no^r togclber. V,'uilo u Atiuro* convouivure lo men of on thia diy, b/ ulloruij a philipick iguaat c i otn. Who, lliruugh | Jii roAiia by all onuaadad wara, in my Rnjiorl of I OH! year, b'gan lo t iko vff<-< Uuiui«e, il leuda lo conalordd local prejudlooa, by «n- and opuoaed lha uaual eubactiptna W pr»ii; but the nclt r^vonuu jriaing fr mi oo 'a, by whuh tlio bond* of union are alraagthanod, I'uiiidViUr niovcj ibocouti (o Ike lait inomootl B ll» and tiaana- Luda i.nd Linn uiiry 1 to June 30, 1R34. l,44B,UOO OU po«t:ig-ii luia fallen nliurt of (ho unliinulim Ihun and UM happlneaa ol' eocMy protnotad. Thaao cuuei. 1'ublio I,Mi«ii, wlih all Ilia powen varUd i»l** T avlond country (hi All dot oo* did aat moliaaaa Coin|MinH>ition to fondnuMora, do, more Ihun a hundrvd thoun nnl iliUluni. ilur >Uima hav.i alwtya h. J lh< ir lull weight upon my waa agro.-d to, aa wsa, oa thi ptjocdioj «^^ r" Mow Mr. Btnifht ba baing at horoa, including the conlin^onl oxrx n. T)n» in t> !i«ved lo h.., in » v- ry conaidu/dblo do. mind ID miking hnproveiuenia in mall oparaliotia. n>olul.iin of Mr. Uniudy. lo ctuuiui* L-* " ' 'lh December, Quit* politaly wa wara ln>a|jj ; ae» of tiirir olliccH, within (ho attritnitublc to ihu gr .u( incMvao of fruo The multiplicMion of rall-rojila in diflaronl pirta of Couttuilloe. On Wadoe^jr, Ihj ChUi t [The late, WUlla Palnia Podjgogu* walk-d alona, aame period, aiiiountiiil (o lelli-ni. 'Hin prognanivo incr.' ! << ,,f population tho coanlry proutive wilhui a few yam, lo giva great lo Ihe Uanato, lha report al lUe 'l-raaaorrt ef * ^ -' .: -A great o AltW by all wia kindly groolod. 8401,433 04 n.itur.illy hrinipi with it un actumul .(ion of bu- rapidity lo Ib* move mjnu ol'lrav- Hera; and il U a aub- tad ttUlea. Mr. Kwmf ga" n«in Ia4 >» ""I tlun un* lolumo n Oft Umaa u* aoaght tha loraly nya, Incid'intaJ «xpun- HIIICM in tho Exuculivc ulTn-'cii, \vhich tenda in jerI «orlhy of enquiry, wholiicr rnejaurva ro*y not now morrour ia« loive lo brijjin a I ad Iho ardent do Tha glowing chavk Iruod av'ry line; e* of tho D -jn.rt- K>IIIU meamir«,toincronae their c be Ukan lo aacuro 111* tr^naiiorUlioo of (lie null upon liav oftlie Hlile of Uluo. AA. dtim thn patronn , With lha loTaly Adalina ^ (ii»o uinouiili.-d to 30,300 36 1433,IS!i:l extending».i.n.lino »« »,...).» ..f !-.._.C'mtrrom '-' on mo'.ion of Mr. flnindy, af an n BlUco, Mid hi* br Bollaa and Buna with ob-jmadirina Tho (rannporta. Ainboy, in New Jerauy, aflordad Mcaeigo aa rcUloa to (ho Foil fcn obliged roarxx privilcg.- of franking during tin whnl.- rvcrw. greal uid im|>ortanl Ikcililiea lo Uw Iruianilaaiou uf tho Moat yiaU Uia pahn lo Ada Una. (ion of the niuil from tba llouae, ilia following nwinten tfm the Senate i Cvory oilier yenr, tho awarioo of Cofignwi ii prn. great E-jlurn mail. The ruUood be I w eon IbU ally A)len, ot VI. Kullou, IJUlr. of Teua. Ho«t* January 1 to Juno tructcd to a much greater lungth than in the al. uhoa. D«««a-ab«r Tona, Aid llalUinora will aoon be completed, aod diatiQoe on, Orihun, 8lo.wut, Crme, Corwb. «^ l"V 30, 1884, amounted (urnuto year, whun a Congr>'« tonniiiutua. from Ihu poal ulftca in thia plaoo lo that of UUliioora, Kn,u\,\ /.O/U-'I/WIT- D^Mj'iilaoj vrm**'* Our forever be 1.34. CHOCKKI P«rpUte, on whi< to ooit.oue 43 The oxpenaea for tho delivery of free letter* will no! be nulon.-ally vwiad lYoru tWp'aatol raad, 3d Ihia d,y by Mr. C .uwy, of IllinoU, «4 Monday, Doc. lat Thia being the day fixed M iking tho total at (wo centa each* have alwuya Biiiountnd to a ',!.* tka. Ifyed copy of by law, for Iho meeting of febo Court uf A|>puubi Vurmont, to piy ina auaual Ulbolwaf oirwriwsof th" De. much greutor aum during the your whou Ihe ace. From Baltimore by Port Dapj*j|flnn M .rylaad, lo memory of Iho Hon. Chulaa HIvK and uw W» Independence, ai for tha Woatera Short of Maryland, ihu Hon. partmont for tha aion ia protmctmi, tlum during ihu alternate year. i^leavillu, in P*nnaylvuiiu, llwiiiioTor a rii|.ro.d la 1»? tbi« world, £. r'. Chamber* ((ended. Janilu K. Denting, lit* inembtra af half ymf emling To m iko a f ur cotnp rumn butwoun tho amount and Iba rtock >ub*eribed (br Ila couiplollonf and lloua* then adjournod. On Thun»Ujf, i Vwldbepreaeo Turtday, Dec. Utl I'rownt Buch&nan Ch. Ihe 30th of Juno, of froe loltera bufore and oftor Uio oktonaion of Coalrevlll* lo FblUdalphla a roll-road la mad* and Mr. Uigli appeared and look lua »> «iW8utna, to I I. tuid Chuiubora Judgu. 1B34, 11,400,703 46 in opontloa. UaUriUiteof the franking privilege, il ia Qoceaa-.iry to take luia day rac ived froji tiia IVc«JeVai W.I Weduoaday, Dax. 3d Prvsent aa ycatorday. Thia mm deducted from the two entire yeant. Thua: Tbo allowance to Tho diatiooa belwaen Biltiinoro and PluUdnlpKia, on OtUea. acoowpaayuig a blWr ftoiaUo bcttoa, for hia i /i (j'lonim of lh. Judgci not yut proaxinl. groan amount of pontuget for that Puwtmaatera for (ho delivery of froo Icltow for (hia raad, will be 117 mlln, .boul Id nillo* grealar lhaii .ilia, ^oug wilU aa ausr»viug «a "W*. , WU1 U be pei Thnrailiiy D c. 4lh Prvawnl, Buchunan, Cb. period, loavea u revenun beyond Ihu two ye-ini ending July 30, l«3a,(bofor.. tho the praaeal I .nd roule. r'raii I'hlhdelplil lo Treutou r .lion of Indopend.no*. wWch h> UlaaUi»«'j> ), nod Chanilwrii, Judget the amount of uxpenaea for Ihe exlonaion) waa »40^60 BO bridga.aboul 38 inilea, lh* niUroad la nairly oautplalod, boquoaload lu Congroaa, aa a ln« ln?T > eamirnbly ei Friday, Due. ftih I'reaca( u ye-rtorday, and h.i If year from January 1, 18S4, For the two year* ending July 1, and from New Bruaawlak, in Naw Jaraay, to Jereey Una, to hope thl Ibc Hun. Judgo Dorany. of 47,607 94 Iri84, {after tho oxlunmoo,) waa 64,158 88 el(y, on (ba wual aidn ef UM lloefcoa rlv*r, eppoallo Uia Mr. Ewlng latroduood hi. pro. our (o oomominf No. 1. John A. Clirk and'wifc, ad'ra. of Ca> Thin aum deducted from the d*v ally of New York, 30 mile*, Uie nll-rou) la in a al^lo northern booiidary Hoc of lha 8UI. •* °^ «T CoagnM ail Jlatua Undc rwootl, ra. Slate, uae William*, ei'r». ficit exiaXing January, 1, 1884, 31^98 09 Milking, ainoe the extension, an in- of progrcaa. When Iheaa worka abail ba eoiiipletod, Uu> v/.a read and «d«W to . -o«a r-ai»| ol WilliMua, TbU t uw W^H ..rgtv-d by Cauaiu only iDlerval will 6* Wlwean Treoloo aud N<.w Bruaa. Ihon adjoonmi tuillj MooJ«/ aaxt crftaae of tlS.001 00 wlok, about UG milaa, to oo.upU,lo an untira riU-toulkv- fat U>« ApptjUaai*-, wd Tuck fo* U>oAjppoJj«a, lb« baiauca) «f d»bt for the delivery of 080.0W fr*« lot. draaa toil pUce' and (fee oil/ of Naw York) aa4 il can. nal, f« «a4

    ',**•*.. uS In craving Melt *» Iftporteat , tike l"Utaaf^t Grand- * *. £, Son of O :i:jrJ Lo&yett ., the adopted Saturday but, to ballot for !* >-> >tor of on of Wiahington, know*, pad ah II new for. nited States ia place of Mr. Wilkins. 1 <*C< Rot that ho would become unworthy of it, if he fourth ballot Mr. Jama* Buchnnaa lot \ and *i«tritt» wa» ever to coo** to be a French ter) recafod majority of al) the uttf, for th« (wrpu^ •«*H3-I patriot^ with the Itapccton »f Tetwee.s tearing a? jwt* noaiv*^ (Yon. tho With the ntmoet reapcct, I am, Sir, "-"-^•w^i ', whloh waa road and n- Malt, and making trartaf«r»»»nil cluaioic their •""'kea.H.ZrM Tour devoti-d imrrnBt James Boehanaa had b«ok« for tht yetr U84. f ortign AUkll. (th. aama GKOTU5E W. LAFAYFTTB. P'-rtu^ le). Tho Hooan than, on Afltoti ...._ . - . _... Tor Maw Yolk, adjoure*d uatU To Ote Prttident of the United State*. Jane* Clarke, R. J. COWMAM.CIk. tn. Troop* *t Fort Bvwrn. _. . and *Jm, tiO at at thr diatancr of one hunutrd ** F. I \YLOR. mgigod »»ry day, without InUmltling four feet *il inchft from (hi- north-wett ror Dec. 4. Sw. ^^ Ll. and A. C. 9, fttsis?!••fThtr ' ia thair .lamination. TU* labour ^Jgn.lly lock«d down bolow, A band of r*M»4>> tfabbalh, Coanty. Tonomam, and oJ^C.wmliy ner of Lot namu«r tweaty riRht. (an nnmbrr Surancr oooMirW aaopMary. that ihoaa who might ba prov. HALF,. thi property of Jam*. rd cm a Plat fur (he aiilr uf the rral ritatr of rigging-, broik d wnooant abooW b* promptly diaeharpd. W. on. D Y virtue of « decree of the Cn«rt of Chta. "Wltn,^ To thla ji all-rain ho i. Thoiaja Parkin,) and roniilnffauullierlr, bind­ ooUeoi ibo moat oom. __ STUM ! d>r itnml thit th. tnvMtigatioo o-rmioaUJ yMterday, ^ad -tlrrtt, »r>rntT eight feet ail * eery, the wn>lrral|pied truttcr, will offat only for hi. liberty, bat for .llT mmA . L « t ^ ... ing An 8eo»t "BtdaioVi Buy, aM tlu| ,jj b(n k)M m^^^j v|th ^ «J»enoaeo«.' in tb. djrtnct of Foota. ntort |h)w. wh(i .j, to ^ (ri.j.^n, H b p,^ to ta la*t line uf Lot iiamber twenty-eight at the TAI.VABLE lVE««OBa% iim , ... , , daahwl lhal In. p.trp«lr«lon of th. borriblo mardm diatanre of one hwndrrd mil twenty -li>>r fart Censiiting of M.-n, Women ami cliiti'rtni .„,,, the 7"-'»^««-'l'«hAnS-wB.k.to . Jk to Ih. eoj,,,,liu- , , Mi, ^ .^ ta u..,^ ^ ad of »I»U» l««kad down bolow! Tii* tis inrhrt from tail) beginning anil at right Thr trrmw of 8*le will br rath, to be pain at A-hnUcayr. WU, *tol.« ho .,...*,, at k pi « ' pani,,^.^ u.,1, ~e.p. ,, jlr. rl» to »^ iinai»ot«f f«ta, a. ubundmtly prornU anjlet with i*rott-itrret| and thence wettec he ilay of n.le, or ratification tli.rrof by tht oa Ih. eo-W o U*d Timikoo, whllh-r ho hid gonu for un- whieh th. , . of llmiu, IT, bindinK on ttiil tail lin. til the rpo«e. of tridV. Howiaawkad hi. .lum. ; 0,4,,^^ the place of beginnlnci a^i>l Lut bring part of ratiflcatl.ui of the talr, the paicliaarr wil ii« b«r« by tho clulna. which *«r» balng aroond Vfn bam hcivtoforo .iprrmtj oar opinion* ft*.. 0>" tracln iif Itnd call«U "Rii h Ni-ck," and rr(|taire<< to p«y inlrreat from ihv ila) ol aale. lo.n. lid ro&ti. and -wn «'hi. u >li 1"""«'' "» Iy on thia mbjvet, and do no> dxam il n*onury lo r*. Howartl'a Tioilwr Nrck.'* The bill tlatet, THUS. 8. ALBX.\NI>KR, that the pUinliA it the widow andnd aar| p ir^d to a Collog. at Boonda.'kboaf 900 mile. Eaft of oauunitud. t nan. t be -n .nvelop. proioptilo/i* in lh.it DI uniuUoa linca tlint atiil William about thr year 1808 par- Footigillo. wbrm h. p^awd anotlwr xvrn y*an Ia h.»r. br. umi" Wloirm4 \ a lax*'. Tho/ and rjliogniah thn oooiploting hi. whic ition. ^ie th«n .n|f4gvd in Ibo bo. ap»tii t "ii hi* m* crici. UMM The Kart of N* Ukan Dr. \nto-nmarohi! P''f ' of (round, and |>aiil the |-»rcl>,i». inu at taal'tniMDdon* unn. of Uaehing, In which employment he wa. ooeo. OKI.IU.NU. a- imm"diiUly aft-r !>bi .l«a

  • d lo th. city of X i>» Orliani fay lit. l»r o, tn 'JJ.I till. the «alr n f id* r«T»lr.or I hum .» P.irki , Ivail pint, tuocld return ^nd co tt, .inc. which tiiwi h. ha* nour borJ from hi. irJ kf manhrwj ibeia all m oold blood! But The pr-*rnl lion :ook p! c. it a ip. i I Itting of t-S" auld »«'nl I.'il nu brr SB. uf wlurh -.u . pien ,*n, U.ly fri*ndt. nor they of eonran IVoio him. Al th. lim. be uf (riioml it a part, to on.- Job 11 SN jlravrn, «Maur«, thiiikiBg tb. Ueiicaa p -rt rudumption, City Cooncil. Tho ack'nowNig ontauf tin Corfori- »•« • -i tail tiiv- let) ArViea, hi. f.lh.r'. brother wu' King of FooUgiL Under llir drrrrr fur -air nf 44,.I e*i jt , ucai 4Murtrd probably ia puiiull of anoOrar victim. Ih n lion w m nudn 10 rhe lonor by UM M .yor, lo which a my n-'iiil >uir uf 'h. .rra ol the In, and b. ffippwv. thu crown rtill real, upon Iba b*a ing iUti- 13 Uerrmbrr I8IU - th.U iaio NV.il c!wio) in aifbu Th y now uttompt- d u> r-p -Ir iholr alt hi* raply wa* rotam -d. am) lor >alil ntunlv. Uh .la; of of aome on of hi. r I liv... ' r.vfu. nul p vi f fur «»i.l l...|, rctini|uiahr.il Bttl whil ^ ipucUclaT Ev.ry thing iu Co,,. | Ib34. IIu rrpraagnt. hlnmll'lo hivo mnbna i ! , tii.I riiK*" thnl Ch.i«f by 'I. nl itcunl- c I. r ial .Uxi «nd d«»lroyr.d, jjid »h iy i J .UN KNII i liv. eoanlry, though Ih* in FROM ARtx \NH\8. rd t'n u ig Bl'tiin^rr lountv L-HH! Id-iuula in ;ION. u* mU»t of lu> OOMO, wilhout oorap-M! K pairing | A-» in Foot ig< llo *ero M ,honi- d-n*. H. LITTI.I! Uo>-<. ' \•«^ [fov. 10. Li:,r- W G. No. 134. foli., I. Sir. d.ilnJ I aa will u tlwy could, Ib. a worlliy -'nl in lo bin amti a DiM.. Ihopi, and »-yi G^n. M. Arbuckl- rrir'r.l .1 r'orl Ciiaon on t i 4th Iu .r IHU, ruu%ryril <,,nl Lot N.I r tiiaa uor r»o:.i to do jiutic. to fint TMK|, from which point b» 'enten in> DO doabt wi.l Hi. pl- c«n .uoi, ro&fc. Itu w y to r'ooU0»llo. fr»nd« to 'o ,m th .1 h- u .niir Iy r"'or-l (o ho .lib. j ,„ Mj,| Willi.m. .n.liii. hnr». *»/O|)KT KS. ANNE l,OLL»ND rr oxm Wu off Ih-u plunder, nlying for L..punity on ibo C M. D. Porkin., 17. H. Dn^oon>. pawnd.down /" - notiflt* brr fr. -nn., «nH the p.irl< "f »-ii'' L-it N». 4B l» ollirr prraunt rr- bin ot Ib. L*gl>l«tiirr g»nrr»11», thai he- ^ki dulruclion of th.ir victim and all on bo-.rd. d.y, (Vooi P*rtUib*an,oahi*w.ylot)u inoulb of'.Vlulo From the Bait. American. .(« < (ivrly tu wlium a.iiil t'h.i-r had agreed tn llouw, liluat.d on CluiKli wr«i, and it>» ino. ordwd othcreiM. TUo_tiding, of tb. pi. rivfr. I'ublic Circle, U now \n cotnplrir orxl«r Inr puai gv nl' ill- ato.u^»it a II )Sf «.i or. Tlir bill furllirr tUtrt, that VMborn, on Iho wlud. lo Iho utlT o»t p ft of I" tho Mr. Mailhonlonitigli. (V-oloji^, arrir~l uthhplio. ami Lyili' mn.nr.l from ih* aiair of >lary- tht rccrpilon nf Boar.l"rm lit «lcinil\ ,M hr Siaic Hou«r .ml Kult'ir offler.rrndm .1 til, a d.^aari^iliou of t!,o pir ilio .1 v.af 1. run Ih • K >t rn Sliorc on Mon i..y, llio 8th on Niimhy I ing iu «M -I Will urn it cunvrvnncr nl >ai,l and ull«r» wnn ma> Ua«r boilnrat co >A. Tf>* g.tliiiirr. E.iu«b V**K! cruiiing au lout cUataoi •veiling ihi: nioulh of ih.- P^t:,p«co, aU-mt I k n« rivrni and purpowr., \Aer roaiin^ bare i diy or tircr 'if g.nuti.l, an- 1 that the pl.iinttlf knu«a will, i'.«m. from ihv circiimtUfw. ^f brr aivulbcn .uu uu.iiodi Jr-:hc. from Uxnc* ttoulh to lo III Mailoaa IVoa. iti>Ut»'l 4HV ili-»i«rr« ut «ai.l pirce of gruuiid. nilrn'l> lnuk« for. , C ;>t in T.ivl.>r ininiodi luiy sir..red fur ihu tiorj. or. if l,i- Irfl any hrir» ul ile, w,.u MI p.iri.n.pr, No* 6. jUrtlp L'p> ofn.Jrly Iwoyoara, tuey wcr- Lroughl wr-cko, und after »p|>ri> .clung ILI .tear 0.1 prac- trhrrr tlirv tie. The hill »l»o iiato thai 8n ajto to b. coni'ronlod by tli. Tory own wno.a lit y (ic 111 , he m .nn -d ln» Iwn »m II l>mlii, .mil »-n ThoUU) Bclipnof llM w.;. vuich wv 'at J atChwlM. uurl Clute rcaidrt uul af thr alate uf Ma­ r&oUd K> long bolbro, ^ad couaulorvu ddid and bu. •hem to th r In f of .nv »uff':r< r» th.xt migh' loo, wn. Mm 'hum ttnd.jmrnfya-ivaali^ of fln.w. Ih. in tbo ky. At I'to period o' total o>wear"iaa, ll i* (herropon nnlrreil. That the plaintiff", '» imuiii"; »*ar,un ihr K*rm uf Cap* williinin j i"^ ih .I I he viulunc.. of t.ic winda tho |.Unel Vcn'ii wu bri^ialy TUiblo in iho e«M. Mr- if ci.i«.il(C a copy nf Una nnlrr l.i or hiaert m Uouflit to UiJ, di.a oondomuod to E1 lain Unity K B.ill*rd. nr^r Annapu.ia. cury w . w>cn in tlk*i wr«l. md t Ajlfrd itir Ant .r.* r-l uiicr in enrh uf thrrr aunra*i«r w«rka in A pri-un that Can romr writ rrnmnirmlrd appoarod in mdz. ..nt| ''i11 noi h "if"'° lo S° hiin*'lf lo ih.-ir macuv. at a aliurt diitanc* balow tho c**j»l»tln*try, will fi'i'l a ilr-.ra- lltll. Amcr. i:U«rV nrlt. KiVr nulici- Iu aatd hnra anil dr i{i^«l Itaoui. «a u wot. in Ib. uuou. of luo prux>u.r., Om. of thf? vo»«>lii proved tu t> 'h'- ax-hooni r situation nure uther nrcd applt lor vi«rr< of Thorn,,* Lytlr, and to aaiil S.ituu-1 In if r»on from lira doMl. tntch tcoiwa ol ,u.H, an Ti-nipornncc, of Cuinhridj^1; h> r cr w, itirco in trrm. -'P\>'j Iu (*l.jar. uf tlir auti«fancr anil ubj'Cl ul thr llbj* bfgugtit lo lu;iil by Ih. iuxiruU*Ulo oporalioua of a niimli r, gt.Ud lli.it they b..d bo .1 <• |i ivxM u. THOMAf* FRANKLIN. Ann«H'»- dil 1 . thai thry may b. warneil Iu Mppear in 1 Pranuraco. • !KMI( li) •/ lock ib Iho looming, and cunirivcd FUOM FRANCF.. Thr Cri trmllr Timra w.ll |,l .-,» inarii !'; Un4 court in prraun, or by aolidlor. >ii> or l>r- to * vo I hi. in*--lv* by (jf tliny ml > ilu-ain:,!! Unit Dy 111" picket >lii|i Fr.nci. Irt. C ipuin Cutoff, th* almvr four tireet^nd ttDil kit account to f.irr thr ainii «fhcr. * mu«r. if any thry lia>r. uhy a urcrrr tliuul.. • miircrexl much u-ilh Ih colil during tin: da>, >m>l ti- piponlollMlOlii, and lUrro paper, loth, lllh of _»-r. 4. ______UCCONl) SESSION. not br |Ma*ril a» prayed w r in moment ry vxpccl-iliun uf itinliinij iiil" Norumbor. IN TUB SEN.vTE. Trur copr I i-«t. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tlatrtday, Uttcmbcr 4, 1834. a w tery gr.tvo. Tht; n mo ol Ih • "llvr vc»-:l. It i« it it «l in I!M> lad P4rU account. lhp, could not ho ado out. On R'X Cur Can. Hie urplid'ii> diurl of AtiKf Aiumlrl bnon cntruilod by Ib. King wilh iho roniuiioo of a o*w k tbefb ir g.ti»»ij, It'jc Prcatdenl ol the United Stulua by Mr. Don. reaching her it w « fuun.l ih •• h • hutch. « wi ro DrcfmSrr II. :! >. inuuty. Irlitra of mlinini«iraln.n. »,!» u,« . wt* thou|hi ky an;, a* I I cltun bu !J> cr^tary. •nv>3nil fu».t under wutvr; unil il w to !KJ li-unM Mu.iiiry, which it i. aaiu will b. con.poa J u followr. will aunt inl. on III* in-raunal ratalr uf Hbi kinl pr. Im. T.II tlii.t :ill on bourd hul poruhcil. \ cmoe w.is TH" Ihiku of D..««jno, Muiiilnr ol' llx iaUrior, wilh MAR t LAN i) Lull Ktt\. in-iii 0. Wardrld. iatr i>l Afihe Aiui.,1'1 T* uW Saute of tiie United Stolen Iba jircildrniiy ul" tba Council. ad b/ bolli bear. I* n< I tho only ain^ll craft all icln.-d I . t . • *r >ck, .mil Approvcil by '\ illiam It Stu«rl. K w«nl county, drcruar . All |>-r»im» h»»ii,(j il lint 1 Iranamit to Congrun a eouununication oil M OrtMon, tt pro^nt Envoy it Brrlia, Miilit.r of nn biui Uul CMfM * I no pcreoo w;ui to bo founil onbua I oi thr w r ck* luglira and J. S. NVilliao.*, Cumuniaiuncit. iKainal >airi,t drvwd to me, by Mr. lleorgc Waihintfon La. Korrign Alt' ir«. , Kcompatiying a copy ot' th. Lloclara. or in tli'i c -noe. Tho poraotin i kun from Ih • CI.,.. N'i nbf r i.i. I r IK.M. thr re. leg >llv > uili i niic»t< (I, ami tlioa. in«**ut^ 4»V (Jtavr I Burnard, Wu Etepirt i:"aL Yule i aiiil l/'/M/yrr, .Va-iagtri. fl aif^iitairril l>- u -.V. munriliatr pavxrnt' | lion of Indupcndcnci, ungnvcd on copper, T-tnp -rune-! gtnlod Ih it aJllnmuli they h.nl U-.-n .M. T.ff, Mmirtnr of C^mia re . ^ ifoo MboU Uojimtt in ai^ht of llio alo'>p all day, tbe/ IvuJ ucuu no Tu bo tlraun -t Main I.UM, Ore. 16, 1834. WBhLKY LlNTIIl I'M, l^aiHf, vaKl ^_^^^^^ which tit illutlrious foth-'r bc<|uoutli( J to Con M. S.unl, Miiiirtorof ¥u:>Ui laiUucUoo, Ailm'r. \\ . A. *• • ^f rnlaT'^^B tfc«, lo b.i placed in their Labrury, ;i» n tuul pencin on bxx rd. M. t'.'niJ. Mtni.1 roi'Jujtic-. - tfflyfeial .------..-..tribute of rctpecl, patriotic love, und. uflbction«• Tbr p'roinplncH* and humanity >f Copt. Tay. M. Cn rl . Lhip,u, Miaiitrr of' Matin*. i'Oli'l I lv»rx'| AVtUA lor und hi« cr>'W in runiloriiii; r 'liof to tli un. 1 |irizi: of 10.OOO «j of U IJNKO for hit Vlopud country. M. 1'^.y, Mi i»ior oi Km.iioo. FOH SALt. *ii(TTT», elicilod Ihu untiru uppmlxi- nu nodi a ily convoked, and I kavo a mournful aatufaction in transiuittin( fortunuto Tlx> Cii uub- r« war* lo u» I |iri/.c of 10,0 O f »iltue uf a urcitt ol tli High Court of f 0»orfl>.diLU!ifliMt Uui prccioun bueycat of that great and good lion of the p *w rigors oa board of thv Mary. a Uw of uimnly priMcnlud lar Hi- lr cuncamnc.. 1 prize of 2,000 Cha^crry il e kutirtnbri will aril at g a phili;«ck »jua* r— , who, through a long life, under inuiy vi land; by whom il wu* Muca djnugi) -aid aarn. ibipwrock. occurr-'il lo tb. 1 prize of 1, - 4 lie »alr, «} Jan t llunlrr'a Ta«vrn, in tho •ubacnptron to pn coutiauuoo of lh» C«"^ai «o Ow latt mument of hia lUu, chorithod forour the gchoonur Toaiponinc-, merit* our hittli"*t Bc^rloi Hoak*. n«r CaMklown-er- - ~< K) pnzt»uf 400 |l«e ri|t,ht. HI* am'. iut>-fr«t. uf tin- lirir, ,£ *.' 1'AUIrt, Nov. 10. th*pow>nva*t^iatk**.J praiao; and a* a mirk of our uppr buliun m° hU 54-' prizi- ..f * 3OO N itliau Foil*, >ubj*cl to .« muriatic «.»«ia- tclortd country the moat generoua attachment. Ttw -nnouiio-i ii»nt of Ih. for n .tion of i n*w 1>). • '' pnxiipt humanity wo will proaeatto ib< p.iblic a Icil by ttid Iv furt«r to M o;i thi procvdiai ANDREW JACKSON. o j-od M >d >n Jjolioo m tu» « > pnzi - of 260 jdy. ta cjuliaa. lilt *~* tl-li toont of foci* wilh our name* .tnni-si«l. y uod\ r II «*a*o taming ubuut \ !ih December, 1884. uoda, and Alrtii.r djtolupo Ikillt i< «ipo«l«l IO. •ulluw. KO pnzi-n of 200 r, thj Cbiii T!ionu« Wright, Quoon Ann'a county, Md. M 1-9 A< HK» OF LAKO. i The tetter tneloted in Ote abate.] pet eta. opu t it 7ti. s4, clo* u *l 74. i par eu. opoa. 20 pri/M -f «50 do do it 14 milt* frkm Ba'limure *nu U 'lie nUc« •• -• -A grcftt miafortuno baa |{iven too more fili-pluro L. Wright, do «i at I(W. 4i. eloaed at UtO. 3J. 2() prizt-nof 125 It ( g>» anlin th-l John Hrowti, do o do of voting for lh*ytl,|Uleclioa Diatrict of An­ ituu un* aolumn and important duty to (ullil, 36 (irizi.of 100 ijltoibiUlot.itt' ud Iho ardent doairo ot* occooipluihing with rl- Dani I Newman, Centraville, M I. ne Arandrl coauW. Il it well Watered, and ,10. Aft«i MWO •<**" 6-r prizes uf 60 han about SO tori* of mrtdow land. Tlit lily my IktUer's loot will, emboldens me to Ch.irlc* Downe*, do do Died, on Sunday iivv..u»^ laat, aft»r a long I Mr. ***». "*"****? 1'homoa B. Cook, do do 128 prizr* of 40 baiidinRt con«i»t »f a two Story l|oii»r and idy, «f K iiweh ot &> f d*im Ihi patronnge of the Proaidont of tho U. and *uvoro pulmjoary all', on >:i. in tho 87(h yo ir wilb a larg* and hia bonuvolent intervention, whon I Richurd C. Hollyd.iy, Cumborlood, Md. 128 prize* of 35 Kilchni, largranojconforuble, Iu Foil OlBc« BtUca, f bu a«3, >lr. NELSON UEIiU NICHOLS. nil dry cellar, a i^hrrlwrigtit thnp, a pump un obliged roapoctfully and mournfully to ad- Frnncw Wo«t, Philndolphiu. t may bo truly tuid of the ili;c<.i*u|, "he wii4 1X8 prizi-Hiif . 3O Ing meinbrni P. M. Liifourcodo, do f g»oo*i for hit adopted country. 'be achooner Tamper -nee, tik.. thi» opponuni. , At hfi riiiiilniico iiuur thu City, on the i riutr it mtuuritm! lo Riv. a (ooii dtfd At the \arnt lime, and on Ih* a«mi- termk, will Will it bn peraiittud to nv, a fuitbful duwiplo ty of tendnring our aincoru tbunJw to Cjptai. lOlhult. Mr. HOWARD DUVALL, in tho 78J Whole Ticket* 85. Halve* gft SO, Quarter* °> tbat Ami-rican School, wboaa principle* ara Tuylor of the eteiunbii it Mnryl nd, for hia bu yuar of hi* age, k, ru*pectablu and worthy man. or tolil a pan of a tract of Uml lonttinnilf* ., u a l«t mano and manly conduct in coming lo our re about S ACRKS. whether mure or lr*s.whirh ) adminbly eipoood in tbiU immortal decloni. wa«*o|iJ o ««iu hon­ lief and re*cua while wr»xjkod at Iho mouth o \NOTICC. Tickets and Slit, at for tale at the Patap**> riv*r oa th 8th in*t. LL peraunaf. . ftui; U Mikt belonging lo Pin rat. B-q. Thr purchaav uiunry ol ll-is our to communicate tbj* letter to both llouau* * ' r i hornet i flvr acre* baa b**ii uaul b«t drfd w«* qrv*r- * " Coagree* at tbu aame timo that, in the name L'JPFUS KIRBY, Ih* Huii'lay Sclinul I.I ir.ry of tit. Anne't THOM ««»try, No. «. John KitfaBr/T*. Mile* «nd Gold- wnieh tfibted against tho Iberi locked lhem*clv«* «p mtiieir huB»»s mitfa. The arfu*Ma4 of ifci* c4«e wi* com. patttnenrV tbe It* July, and many went %a be»ril'vk**«l». Buttjvrry byCamia for tb* Appellant. Where fagitim' rtffe followed, fur th« «U ntunkry, Do*. 6th rreawnt a* trojrinf »np«l hkut u Monduy, Dec. 8th Pn*ent ai on Saturday. to tho amount of «on. Tho poirtnge on each of these iQttorg, if tlntdj 6uaM- ^ u wlu u rf » large fore, in thr country. But they hai On application Jnmce Boyle, Jr. Enquire, o 27ft,000, and over^" ' ' "- not procteilrd far not free, would be from aix eenU to two dollars. oth»n{,u«>. thoe* corporotlona », when Hi. pligue ov«'rtool »ho city tiieiii. Thry ptritlttd in thoutamla, anil car of AnnapoliK, waa admitted OB an at uc, u., .*., . . ..- between loan. The averageaveraoe it uU belteved,believed, would not Dobo !<""leas I tain »».their d.n»nd^demands, ondpm.and prore*»»«»» m*,,!), to w < lomey of this court. hixik. U i^tW**wniD*l than e«»n. than twenty-five cent, each, exclusive of thetho monopoue*. rird the ilUe*t« with, them into Hcotlatnl and over cl where Its raw**, were toon M deitrntttvea No. 130. Zuldock SaMcor v». Kcmp am h T^ I PnrtmMicrs'commission*. If eftimntcwrd to »«n Rnniniont of ih«*o ca»u«' debt* due from tho Dopurtment to Bank*. - fewjion of the murder of of men to Un«l of McCuffn-y. The ^ tu.illv cost the Di.-partmi.-at , /m/«• \ Of r aboil Ihr Brlili at random, anil pcri*hrd j wail commenced by Lloyd- - and...... McMahon for* Thin amount of balanco aguinat tho Uoport- of nvnU h •» bocn considerably rcducod *inco the vHikh i» more thin equal to tho balance of debt j ^ ^moai on tne tfoti -^ in »urh n»mb»li at to nccaivin l jreat acar- ; ,no Ap|wl)iml«, nnd Jnhnnon for the Api>ell.:c». at Ihi* city. , Tli.-unh thr field., too, w«rt rovrred first of July lust. tin*., existing ngoinst tho Department. ^j jn >u prob ibuit Tuondny, 1) -c. Olh Present a* yi-stonluy Ertimate* h.* bo*» obtained from aoverM of UM ( mrikog ,ne fouowi with plen'iful cr-.p "( com, much of it waa On the let ilay of tho present month it Blood |£j£J*a *- -J • ' Thn argument of the above co*o wo* con Eii-cutivo offico*. of the aOMMnl of their offici ,1 cor. t of lumli tu relp and gulhrr it an follow": ^.ojariakiath-ud, ap. . lo«t for . cludtrd hy Mc.M-.hon lor thn Anpnllunt*. [7i.lli-*Plo"kl° eondiUot> in. The la«t dr.** of tjm great pl.gur Amount due for loan* fro n Bunk*, $275,000 00 r^-epondf-noe carried on thrau^ Na>. 41,4-.'. Rch.-ccit E. Cn-«w ll'a L"*** inont under Uio frmking privil<-g«* of tho omc. ia oj drainnl bv that unfortunate race, the Jrw*. | Amount of over.cb.ucks, Novem­ of it except r jte-,l. taking lh*U»lo »*.. Stephen Uiwdim crow npp<-ule«lilencc by puiiuning the ,jali*g """ nif ""^ eAAn WN wus conuu -nrtd by LJujd_for the Appollunt ing lh» MlMjifio.--! of Iho Trnaaury »nd Nayy, tho ofB. t .',,r .ilk Ihe manifreli »to Well, anil fuunlainM aiul in ii.aiiv |,lai«-» ihry M ikini; togcthrr the mnn uf 8330,tWO 09 cjjl cornnpiiiiilL-nr^ by mail, on whic'i no poet.gn U Wi-rr innnncreil in lliun-aniU by the inlunal- in (be first en*-. Fnrn Ou Wutinftn ttrnr t.lJ.r.w -"Ue locked do. On t.'i" name d^y llio u.,lnncrs ptid, i* eati.natiNl to bo equ .1 lo cd populace. In tfveral p-irln of Germany, Wciincmiuy, Doc. 10tli-T-P>v»etit aa ycslor- 9,«85^il5 ainflo fVao* No. I. o«il*u»ol*f fact*,aa iJnio nl' l<:ink il'-|>osili'H in l"o >ur of l^ltrn, in R j-rtir, anJ that by f.r tho. grojfer proportion SAYINGS AND DOINGS INCO:iC«^si where this p* reeiulinn rlneHi ra|r-il, thr Jrw* tho I) ^. rtiivnt, c n ii'imng wen- litrrally cxlrrmiiiateil! T»rl»r ihnu- Thn ahovo can-) wna further argued by Ev.ms of t!i.--n «ro aent t'l" full diatanc.. of wliicb tho hijjlmrt On Monday 1 it eomnienoad, at Ike C pHfi *u UM awfiil eow!ilion, Prc thu uni'iiint oi c.i'Ji o i hand, of fnrl IT* would b* c!i irjf11 'hi-'. Tho avx nge po*> coi-.d raaion of the Twenty-Third Cwfma, If, .j^^lioE! B> i»-i« ebMi' fiin-l uf Ihrni wrrr inunli-n-il in the *ingle ci- for L iw-ion. 62,031 34 I tv ol Mrntz: anil multituilr* "I Hum, it. the No. 14. Ustep >V llall'i I^ss-e v«. Will: un mi -. ..« Inn -r*, if no* frm it i* behoved would bo poee, in a «erw-« of artirlca oniler the fanp Ih lb« "-" 1">*«cu*c<'' ° extremity "f their ueajiair, ahul lheniarl»e* \\Vi-mmi-t nl. Th.i iir«iii!,unl of 'his r .». wan M kin:; th aclu:il h l.-.nc of tho I .,. id n lo 3.4 conl* o-.cli, which would amount to pr vint our reader, with a .ynopei* ef UH . . .n k^ cotnp^nio-aa i up in Iheii l'«u«e» an 1! ron.umeil thi-ni«rlvc» ri.iiiin-nr'-il hy l>iiikn- > l'»r tho Appellant, ami uccouiitd wit). It.t: d, Kuin.it '1.4H1 5G. doing, in Congreea, aocompaoiei uuta cunlLg with fire. The rxlriil of «urh alroulir* in Boyl-: lor Iho Appcll.- .1. ill. !)• niirtmcnt, on .h . mt No- I Tui» i nn" -. when Tcmbvr, 1834, 24%037 7.1 n.\; li -i tr.l, Adj-ji nt Ucnrr -I, C'uininiwiry timiaral, ecdoU-a, iucidenla and n a!i|a u tb* pabuol i , ., .« incre. tie vcear 1-wo we rrit.i-iiiui i Ihi- uutr.in. s « i. li wrri- nl l'tr»l i Innjvirlor Ucu.-nl. Q-nrl ^r M -rtrr Udneril; f yinartnr cm of UM wo»k, in thi* MaUopaxia, in eoMUuij | on w« Th.) c'.ntr-.ctB for the »>nthern section, inclu ! ' C.on. r.l. »nd Snp.rui-rml'nl 01" Ibe P.ilcni Office, all prnilui-eil in ...me pi'rt* ..I thi' conKnent by OI l'»»t 'lJi«t«-r General. niahing. Our poeiUon it Ibo aaai of u» Oeanj , the rholei.i |inii<. ing, lliu Bl-ai-« of Virgiii , N. C." .r-iiina, ri. Caro- "C "lion, (,,» -.he [..irilrgr of 0-mkinf. Il i. al*o _ vernmont, our intercoune with Iau-Ui|tat i _ _i ota «cre afraid to ai.o» POUT OITII-I: I)r.r*nrwr.jrT, linn nn.l (;.".rri.,, nnd tlio T rruory of FluriJa, i "."'""I ""I ihu num-r-r of free Kter. p-uing under both in and out of Congreaa, and nunnea MtaT. ^Uasaaoiac pirate anoukl I Nuvi-mUr. which will expire w.th III- uurr.,-,1 year, bavo , th, fraik of .«.-,:,!«,. of Congre-, amount, to 8000 . T nljgea which it U onnaomuy to pout eat, H,. To the I'rrtiilrnl «/ tHr I'nileil c\Uitrt: !>.-en mit-wi-d, to take o.f.-cl from th.il.1 ol'Jan. ^y * " « l"« """ t _ truat, enible a* lo do ample jejtie* lo ear ni»nklj .imtmin, thinking tbe Me! ia^ivd SIH:—Th>! H |«ir %iliu-n I hml iho honour to n.-xt,oii Huch term-. a< will o:focl an ;,nnu,,l If U» corn-pond,,, of th. offio... r«*pect. We do, indeed, Aattar oanohoe Lkl M , probibly in puriuil .... ir. . wh.tli irn noleint.r ,c.» in 1'ie eelim ilo, in hivo il in oar powi-r lo rcndar each u u«*m ef t |cio<» i» "I»t. Tli y now ; AKWAPOI.Iflt in k<- on th noMt N.iv.'inbvr, H.'J:> .mnK fr*.. ho unioun, n,,w pud fo rtft n.por. ^ w|| ^ , eha tLnatb. cor. doing in thi* city, daring th* *MMoa, tad tna a Bal »b-t .pcctoeli II, IN3I. Itilmeod'io I ruin UIIH I), pirtui'-nq on tho lut tmlion in that Mction, oi ..Unll »liO,000. ,,. , ufm, , . of CMIgnl., ,f .^S,, .hoouj nee**, aa will iutenMt out diiUnt nkaeriain, ari , r ri/ging d. v ial .Uxi Jnl>, l-m, nvyond tho whole amount of it* a- Ad,l.Uonal retr. nchm.mt* huve oJ*o l«-.;n innd-3 ^ ^ ^ (|| , ^ (<" on ua mxny addition* lo oir eobiarimuea bX> lu* *)»W of th* eceon, wtyi< vniiil-lo limln, nl" 810.V.208 40. in tlie expense of lron«|H.rtation mibs ur.ntuil amount ol 8.»K,'JOO. Mrtioo tnd ot>lii;i< jrour* itc. LOO AN. | _f di>|l r> n,,.lu,iT(> of catntvao^moa Of th. PO.I ongraaaioail .p*«eb«* it ulra**i wke ** M B*I| llheir int ndcd voy*| nun! n.-in-manly continued iinilimini-ili.nl 'ill th- 1 M..kins logulhur nn nt.nu^l u.ivm}( irom tho Ul u(lk(, ,.,,,,; . , jt-,f. Vuliin jloa daily piper, bat wbo, Bercnfelm, i iaJ knvy br>n* thipcd th for tkt MarytnJ Oiulti. rl.'c ••( tin yinr 1H3:\, prior to which d.ilo th Jun.i •! licit, 9170.0!)0. Tiiia i* .in jitnuil cuntribuiion by tho Department to ou* to read a brief ak*t«h of tb* precetdmp I | Bat n b ii n*iU* r tiino no Went you wlih th> f»ir I J» niclit. n-tr'-n. IIIII'-TI'H Ht id-1 in that K> |iurl could not Fniil tlv; nuvingH thus .-ffcctod, together with th<> t«ovcrnioonl. r«e* and In tbb oily during **ob neoeam , K."0f<<~ Th. Muiicon r» l.il.D clV f : rnnm-q-iuntly Iho bulanco of debt the c;irn-nt cxcew of r-vt-nui- in favour of the Tnough tne amount ol'rarenue arlaing from poat Wo truat that thia notice of our plan wil ia i Wu of uVir plunder, >vl All. all wa* plearara and dolighl, ig.iin.it thr D.-p.irtin nt continued to uagmi-nt , Department, it miy b,i nafoly culcnl..t .i, thnt lor lliu y**r enOing Juuu 3:1. 1HJ4, did not equal the tlenUon of oar ftiond. at a duttaea, tad tkl I , attraction of tbeir v Thor mede the welkin llr m-.io li'.l h.'.t p< ri «l. j without nny r.-liunce upon nn incrc..»o in lit oiiii.te, yet tbrr- wj, i couauler bio incroaae above with whom w* exehang*. nwri ugtuond other* iM. Mi« Floratx-1 aht .lici w» tb-re, pirticol.rij,id. Tli-! cn>-« aiii'iunt of postage wiw, from Ju!y j;rovi amount if pontajrc... the rvvcnii.-ti of ill.) h« iinoant of tin prec din); yoar. Tiie groe* amount i.« MTO* on Ibe "bid* t \ViUi markM attention they receiv'd hrr; oar Intention, awl aid a* through Ikeli oekaiaia 1 I.. l).-c-;nil> r :)1. IfM, I,:l7."i,437 'JS D>.p.trtin<->nt will cxco.-d ;ta t-xp..-ii litur •* Oiirinc of po*tige* lor tbe year endiug Juno 33, 1833, caring additional anbecriu-tt.. To And plieod Iho Tafly in h-r cire, the edrtafi */ 9 w.* T-J.016,7U6 87 \*.j, and tlio i Wbilo none pili.-U or n-liov'd hrr. t'.iuii>.;ii...-nc >, that Iwfuro tho closo wiali to become «oUcj-il>on to la. Waiaiaflai I t at IB.U-.U), uul i..Lny ol linking the f thr \c.ir 1833, tho while b-Jan^e of Jjbt u- Mtlung an incrvi ao in ^B)%TOM amount Ih it payment (.is montii. b ad Surrounded by the lore* and grace*; i Up ofoeitly In period, ; .m.it tli-- D.-[>artiii( nl will be cxtinKuinh ;>irt of ihw debt won c'jnlrucijil upon ihu b. ra of Coiigreaa now in tidj city, or tkraa{a tbd Diapelling glooin from all uur isc «, Tli* nrtt amount of po*tifr»e, after deducting co.n apeclive poa'oiuaUn it the pUon ef Ikaii i ^ raiM w long before, on Than Liura f.ir none aw-oior wrra, I in-ill. nt:.li-*p< n. cn-.l:t uf iho Tniimury, nor ti|H,n any olli :r crc-. inuwiion- 1.1 ; oat:,, >it -ra, and U,-> contingent clpr-n. * o To -oiiy po»Una*lor, or other p.-r*un Jeep! \Vbil. tUc.-, t m O*t. my net of tii. I). |i.>rt. r .minority than that of the LKpurimont u. beart'. dvlighl, lh>-ir ..'lic.x, waa, lor the year ending Jnnn 3D doll in, wo will eend ail copic* of tbe Wo t utririg Jtl laka of fi: With ni aiKr* blind, cerulean mi-tit -luri"^' tho «ir Ib33. $1.7lHmi Co ror for iU month* frxn Uie nc«p< ef !i» i i an Urao|bl lo Ui-1. 8b* too wi. Ib.ra thai t.fly nijht •.uno tiim-, . ni'Miiil. It WM nvv-r rnpinli: I by tithur -jf the par. For the yoar ending June 30, 1831 Or lo any po»tin i*tcr or otbor panon rrriaf ! f ^ !k< laumoiiy of Uu very fiollee and Dean* Lnd* BJ cJ !•> 8 17,797 20 ti -n 1:1 tin- ch..ractur of a il>lH of tho Govern, il wo* 1,997,644 tap. fno, who do.ir.ia to aw a ap--e\p--n"-."f f->r in i , li.il . IIKTO u\|K'" n, M lcin« tii" („. ol III-: lij.i'l ol'!h fJ.-iK'.rtin .ml: an.I n. uili I ..,.mriu|* Cfritliltuil, atul Iho aolicit: [tcb lua boen Mouday ii-'X-., were not very unpgrua'- 0. ! TWE.1TV-TIM W4« tborv enrdi'd iu orroftr'a glooni, t".l I-X|H-|I'.-* 'I lllO ni'..inn h .vo al nny lime bucn miuglit or doniivd kh iwu to oSt. in .nil conlr.ct*. tli d r,u* at 11*1 about IU) mpuibor* w^ro in ul.adaa*» BECONU tier .iiiil.'a w.-rr f'\v and f.r U'tweeni Drn ...rtini-nt lorllmt hy i!i' I)-ip..rt:niint. w.iii.'i Ui y h n bnon I ik -n for tin 8onlh.-rn MccUon, ing of tlio roll in tbe llojauur U>*ra*jaUl»*9b| IN TIIC A murunig glury eel at noun hall ye.ir -Sl.195.BaM »0 In my Report of November, 1*M3, th.) i-xpc-n-o and tli' tc I \»il>i wnich eonir .ctong-n -rally pereev.. Bjn.loUiem wa* a r*ry bo,;.il; *V«4.y '« Tlmrtdt IV-llua enij llema LAO* and l.irwa, for tr.inH|K)riing tho in.u', an*, lor inoi-innl I:, in tht-ir .urvic*^ to iho l^a .rt'iienl, foruub amplo dj. cU.iira indeed. Wo h.rv *j;l«xn aaa* Ib. lu* k Tbe following mi** All luve (Oil" I ' -low uiuhnoa. mnn, .-ift'-r r^aidDnt took Ibe Ch .U on tatf a«j, kf Itic Ptmdaol ol the U Twu flow r. there wrro wliu lurm'd lo .hine, i>f poxtjg.-.i I'.ir tli.it pi-riml, leavim a di-liiMt lor | cil nt $l,lK!\,i;U 71 Th-- nu.-ih.-r of Ihe port offici. in la.- Unitod SUU-*, app-iront Jurelub, .a it waa ihau|bl ky *u*7.' t|.'rv-.lU-r in Ibo cou/i ul bli*.; Iho uiuntlm ending :)lit D, cctnli r, Tliu uctu.il axpeniw for that pc-ri* waa, un the lit of July laat, 10.CU3, bf,ag an incro je Po.ndoiUir, Iba fmUvat pn lim. TJJ a**l IfrtUarMfco/tAe Un Fair lotoly Hud* in morn,i.,;- - prim*), of 6GU ovur In* nuratvr of oil, win 1,0'JI.IOO 07 r--poru:d 1^*1 yoar. co..uuillov wa* appoinlad by bolli uooar* la vU ^ I I truamit lo Congr. To thin mim n/l I th" d.-firit ex. Tlio innu I amount of tnuport .lion hi* been but Hi* Praaadanl, and Inform uiin lhal CMfna « larr*wJ lo me, by Mr. D>.rr one ai-Kit ironi boauly'a choi/, aliii'.ily v^-riMl MUCH my h«t report. Tha ini.il U now inling ou thi.- lot July, 1833, 40 lrom lh(1 o'imito only V444 74 to ruoulvo anj oo.-n:aunicauoa ba w J li I lintflc, accompanying A latf frotn that bind Jitiw; o I'M in at i; nd eteain b&it* .boat IU.(K)0,UOU mile* Tho nutt pr >ci'i.il« of |>»stiig' « for Oj TdMday at U o'clock, I:M i*r.-*>auf> J fuui of Indepcndenc. A ior.i. to lore inu 10 adn.in-, ay.- r; nd un nonnb.ck, and in aulkiua, about 8,600, preaent.d by Mr. DuaoUon lo boU UOJM ef C And 111 > b,il;.nc<- of Iho debt a. thu your ending 30th Juno, Ivluch cii illuilriouii l *TMruuld be Ibe UUKJ iin| Ai'.-1ino»* UOUuiilea n, .king to^pUior about U5,500,IXX) inilea a ll w ia » Jocu.ii.nl of jre.t Ingtb, «kici l g linn! Ill" I) p rtmriit Irjynml the 1834, WITO tliun . »tim'ilc I .1 92,037,410 81 Ipt-Sto b.) placed in yo r. U»i.rly two boar, in Uu nadiaj-. AlUr ' amount of il«.,v ,il. -bio ImiiU, wiw, Tho actual m-tl prwovitii of pool. I Ink-to of reaped, pal All wvrc tbrra and aupp'J mol .»* Tim oelerity of the mail abonlJ alway. ba equal to copiea lo ba printed for iha u«J of on tliu l»t of J.tnu >ry, 18114, 08 11» huUoptod Mow Mr. Hlick the ladie* pet, for thul year, wero 1,027,'144 41 Iba -noal ripij triuaiuou of tb* tr ivcller, md that whicil UOO copirt fur lip IlooaJ tf U ^ro»cnUiTO, a* b countr Caiiio in, ui haaia bid K jco act down; ehorten* Iliu time ui coinn.unlcatiun, and facilitate, tlio aaa arijuurwd. I I ktvo a mournful m Bvior* hi* iiiMiUi wx* cjowly aJmt; From thn lat of January, 1S34, thii retn-nch- Fulliag below the mtimate by tlio inlanuuravi UHTc,-n dut .»l ,,l.oe., i» liie bringing Ihcoi Mr. aotulor King, of Oeofft.. iktls,**''' I Hat Ki>lieT'd by now and then a frown > iixinlii in th trnmiportution of Ihn m >il, Hint -<1 HUIII of • 100,700 37 no^r logolber. V.'iiilo it coavouinuce to men of on thia d»y, b/ uttering phllipick Jgus* " J JHu ruxna hy all unheeded wete, in my Rn|Hirl of lout year, b -gan lo t ikn vffrclj bueiimae, it loud* u counteract local prejudice*, by an- and oppoaed Ui. uaual Nbactiptiui W pn>llj> li"J ciaitude* tnd in but 'Mid glooiu* Ul .1 circled all around) and from that pon.xl, tho revenufN ol tho l)o- Thim it nppoara thai tho "ipom-.-.'i uf tho !>.>. I urging the ap'n.iRi uf ac«]j unUnco. Ibe UM of *ieh member of tb* HcaaU. TW l*r 1 Ike pnndplt* of civil ilia but be aeiied and bade, tli* fair, partmcnt li..vc cxo-cik-il ilx ci|J. n*-». p.irliiKint havu not «!«un:i.i!ly v.trirtl from (hu ll p.-rpelculr« e lining friendalupi, and croaloe uew boweTcr. voted b favour of Ib* ifff* "** | twnaraU« Ouckmlio "Good night" a bow thun to tbe ground The griNm amount of pontage* w..->, fmm Jnn- pHlimut'!!); but tho null rovonuu j rising fr mi on <*, by which Uie bonua of union are etrangthonod, 1'oiiidViUr more J tbo couUnnuoe of lia C to tin but moment ol B lie* and Moan* Ldda t-nd uiiry 1 lo Juni- 30, 1H34, 91,448,200 00 pont:ig'-8 luu) fnllon nhort of tho oHliimitoa thun and tlu> happlnoe* oi aoci'ily promoted. Tliaeu cou*i. 1'ublic I>M«ii. wilh all UM power. reaUd ia U | oJottd oouatry the n All tint on* did eat mol C'om|MinHy* h.J thi ir lull weight upon my Waa ugro.-d to, u ws.. oa Ihi praci-dloj 4rta- Moaiigo aa rcUlo. to tlw fo.! Ofiee ''''''TiJj tt obliged rorooctfu MaM yi«bl Iba palm to Adeline. lion of llininuil from Ibe Houae, the following moinbtr. »** J January 1 l» Juno ructeoat utnco in tlila plau, to thai of Baltimore, not bit) CHOCKKIT R-«oijii»a. •*' Our forover belov 1.34. lo OOU.028 43 'Hie expenaea for tho delivery of free lotto will not be iiutoricaily varied from tk« preaent road, 3d tbil d»y by Ul. Caaoy. of rtfpltte, on which Monday, Deo. lat Thia being tho day fixed M -king the total IIUn»i», ™& * ut two cent* oach» have always aiiiou-ilml to u mil.-*. fjj| Vurmoot, to pay lfa.«uau*l Pycd copy of tbi by law, for iho meeting of tfio Court of A|>|>uula- oxpen*>taof lh< De. much greutor sum during the your whuu tho BOB. Weptooenee, and for th« Woalern Short- of Miuylmnd, thu lion. From Baltimore by Port I)ep^i|Kn Maryland, lo memory of tho lion. Cbarla* dlid*, purtment for iho ion ia protructud, llum during lh« allcruute year. Cojle.vill.i. in l'ennaylv\nlu, IWlmoTof a nil.ro .d ia | ^ tkli world, w £. F. Chamber* ttended. JaniUi K. Dealing, li» member* ^ half ymf ending To m.iko a f.iir cotnp; rinon botwoon the amount nd. and tbe rtock lubocribed •VnldVuprannted Tu. aday, Dec. Uj 1'raacnt Buchonan Ibr lla cotnpletl«n; und lloUM tt)OQ UlijOUriMXaL OO J BUIHW/t Ch. Ibe aoih of June, of free lot ton b.;foro and uflor tlto uitoniion of Coatrarilla to Phikdelplila a roil.road I* mada and u u, i, nnd Chuniboni Judge. Mr. Loigh appear-d and took lii» »» ' * 1B34, 11,400,702 40 the franking privilege, it in nocesmiry to tuko lu opflr illon. tula day roc ived frooi tin Pnw**' ^ llottribuleof Vr'edncadny, D«c. 3d Prtawnt u yciterday. Thi. mm doduclnl from tho two entire yearn. Thua: Tho allowance to Tlio diatmoa between Btliiinora and PluUdnlphia, on lea. ucoouipanyuig a tolUr now U»«r*^ ^ ^rtWi fer his tAo\ A q'lortim of ill. Jud^ct not yut proewnt. Rroaw aimijinl of poatugei for tlut Pottnuiateni for llio delivery of fr.>o Icttow for llua road, will lie In mllee, ubout 16 milo* groalar Iban ,. .long wilb an .ucravlug w o-pr*.^ fi( U1 il bo permit '1 hiinaj.'y I) c. 4tti Proawot, tiuclmnan, Ch. period, leave* n rovenun beyond Ihn two yenri ending July 30,183a,(liefoM th.) tho praaeat l.nd rout*. From I'hlladelphl, la Treiilou r .lion of ludopona.no*. wbii f, and Chaniliew, Judge. brldf*,about S8 mile*, the niUroad la nearly otuupUtad, tbe amount- of expenae. for the extonaJon) wo* »40,5oO BO boquoatlwd to Congroe., aa l ., •' «iraimbly expo. Friday, IA>c. Bill 1'rotcat M yo»terday, and h.ilf year from January 1, 1884, andt>oiuNew'Brunn.ick, in N*w Jeraey. to Jorwy pilriotlo lovo, anil alfclaon U. ^T*. lo hopu that 5 For the two yean ending July 1, Mr. ' " - tb< lion. Judgo D.,ra»iy. of 47^07 84 1884, {after the exlunntoa,) wu. 04,108 88 «l(y. on the woel aid,, of Ilia llodwa rlw, oppatito tiu » lo Conununlcat No. 1. John A. CI irk and wiff, aii'ra. of Co- Th(**um deducted from tried*. lly of Now York, 30 inile., U*. rJl-toxd U lu a alitu Congrcg, at Ihn Ulrtiw Undi rwood, v*. State, UM Williaiw,ei'n. Boil exiting Jamiary, 1, 1B84, 31^08 08 Mulling, atnoe the extension, an in. of progr^ea. When Umx worka .lull be completed, tne i read and ordered to a » t"i afflicted fiuni ol Wiliji-iu*. Tbi- i otu w .h .urgtx^il by Cuttaiii only Inleml will & betwean 'I>enlou and New Bran*, Ihon .djoaroed mitll Monday neit Cl*"*> of f 13,001, 99 fo} ttw AftKjUaul*, ud Tuck fyt 0»o AjppuUM. Reduce ibo balanc* ot d**t wick, about 30 mil**, to oo.iiptl« an untir* nlUoidulUoid bo- lUprnaoulitivwB»pwa«ial-itivM ltttjiaiio C**T'^ Ot payment for tho dolivury of 080,099 frao lot. iwoon Ihi. pUc. and Ut* vity «f N«w Ywk; ao4 U c.n- nel, f«t lba»>«-^ * C4*jW««. t»*. l»

    ,- - ...... -..*•. -. ' -•'- *£• IB «ming tttrii n tApoHnt *m*»,*ir, the IV TmnwjrhuU togiajntora r...__ Son nt" U :f-r.J Lofayett , the adopted Grand, NOTICE. i fcturdny loat, to Ballot for 3->n ttor of I Cow>Mi*«inhrra jor \itM Artinrftl on of W .dhington, knowa, ,ind ah 1] never for. nited 8utaa> ia place of Mr. WiJUina. -.-'^ il-ntob print count* will meet at thr Cum t FJ'ia.e in Jbll dretf, it got that hn would bocotna unworthy of it, if ho fourth ballot Mr. Jame* Buch -nun (of 1 th* cjtf of Ajioapolii on TUKMOAY ihe «0th |»iir «»ual pa'i ^pl'UnTrnaai w;ia over to OOOM to be a Prrneh aad American cr) received a majority of all the rol tM«tat« ._.. »,»nai IdnpVio l» W-,,day January next, for the pvrpuw uf »e theirthuir . ': O 8. Tour drvntcd and obodinnt nrtnat Jamea Bochaoan had Mokl far the y>ar 1034. f^-Wu" fanlfoAlUaf (tba atme GRORGE W. LAFAYETTE. -,l»). The Uoaan thenj «n Amoa Elimnker, ft By order, __.._ PROR)S.A» for iapWyinr, tl,« Maw York, adjounud uatil Tb Ou Prtttdatt «/ the United Sl*tt. Junva Clnrke, / R. J. COWMAN, Clk. •"-^"Cakrw] TroojM at Fort Bewrrn, M.rylan'1. with, 1 Joarph LnWTOlep*V Dec. 11- tm. ?IIE3H BKEr* for one year, c.'a»n»rticinj( do. -'•r^S.^J J. B. Sutherland, 1» em. „-*j Yev York Jatrnal of Commerce. CHANCERY. thr lat oi /angary, 1835, and ending vii the, "' ^/leflirr" 1 Tins PIRATES. _ INTERESTING CASE. Slit of December. 1835, will b« rrcrivrd by CmtJu.1 contita. t!ie following remuka, fnm it, g»Uim»ni 6 '*> •' In tha chip Aluotma, which .rrrred a law w>ye einea the aubicriber antiltl.r 90th inat. at 1 o'clock, |~r )««„, RAIL ROAD TBR8. rt, ranlt rf Ihe Ut* trill in that cttyv from New Orleane, came pueenger . mtin Aftieaa, a. P. M. when they wilt be opened. "ytok.! " *' ft. Aa inleaeyraheaeliwii i fat relation W bout 75 yeu* of age, who Wu etoten from tha land of OerlM*jga>f __ . The Beef to be of KOO<| and wholriKiM, tha proceeding, igalnet .pprabanded or aWUMMl CkM*. quality, tn quarter*, with an equal portlnn !., with many other eh>rg»d with bciiif i In the ble rioU and nmr. HB ob]r*t of th*. bill in thi» caae earh, (necka tnd ahanki tube eiclnome were eocaaaJMH to Baltimore county goa) «aa^ Baltimore, which i* contained, within the Col- ti«n nf the contract, can be_ aarrrtainad__._ ._.. _ ofl__ ftom the periodjptheu- commitment Judge Brio* and uwmg dr«cripti»n: Briii.ping fur thr lame aa|,licatioB to the tubacriber .1 Furt &r*era« w-«4d to Mr. Pr at, of EdrfioW Die. the Blnte*. ^Ifeney, aeeleted by Mr. Chevee, have been it thr diitancr of one honnrrd and twenly- F. I \YLtiR. j, lnoee.ajBjgyeng.ged every day, without IntaraiUting oor feet »is inrhrt from the noith-wett ror B____L>. and A. C. %' *l (a lly locked down btkrw erae>46eii.bb.Ui, ia their elimination. Thia labour 2 Sunmer County. Tonno-ee, . ner of Lnt niimbcr twenty right, (an nambrr lha VCMil, ft* concwirtd neoreeary, th»t Ihoee who might ba prov. rd on a Plat fur the a'alr of the real estate of PUBLIC HALF,. ed innooent ehould be promptly diecb.rgvd. We un. Thorn** Parkin.) and running; uuiherlr, bind- Y virtue of a. dccrc* of tht Coyrt of Chil- %««Ww r5g B ccry> the mlrnljcricit truilrr. will on"t> bn-iiionn "Bid,,*.* oaa^^ the mort oom- d.-rrtnn.l th-vt lha inveetjgation trrminUed yeaajiifay, tad ng on Scott -ttrret, aeventy tijlit feet .il city. UM! - lb., Ji B4T. fe^, liberated wj,), ^ ^o^jon rf^ , nrh»«| thrnre euatrrly. ontil it interaccta the at pnblir aale on FRIDAY thr 26lh day of ['onldhiTB bew, on hia amvl, im\^ ,. of whejn. , M^^ M wHu».eea aad thirtyri|ihth linr n| the wholr tract) thence nvK. at 11 u'clock M at th* r>*i> . Uw Aploriklo eondiUo«. where ba left a wife ^ .,, (ot bi , {< y* »« bear i «A Uktog the b»t of Ih. An-riean uniting on aaid line, north-raft.'rly ui.til il dene* of John Hener. Btqt un \V«t Ri»«r< |RepuMicaii. T*~, We know nothing of the nafeve of U»o laeUnwoy a. intrr»frt» a line drawn parallel with the a oaoibvr nf ibenseeoV galnet thoee who' ..n to b«,tried but h i. greatly lo ba lait line uf Lnt namber twenty-eight at the VALUABLE NECBOES, Callo, (eaplUl Tbaboo.) eo «Uk Uie muiifreli ntetitloii af tarsi'm,; lire interior that ha deerrod th.l the p.Tp«tr.tor. of the borriblo murder. dutanrr of one liandrrd and twcniy-luor fert Contitling nf Mi-n, Wumen and cliili'reni d Ti.u. u iho ' >y«I-» It wowould^ftve»5r»"»* liken1 ««n him'um «T»«»«vi3 -week, to waaw Jk »to methe ' coni^nittadCori nitUd oo the r4ij road .boold be discovered uul »' * I*"**1 do*n Wowl is inrhrt from faiii beginning and at right Thr trriim of Hale will br r..h. lo be pan< at prove* oj the A:llnlk tVt- Whan atdea be w.ia.aal-«p at a pi.» ' p,,nr,b~t-^lao tl^ir eeoape may giro rtao lo maaa- ,- In 8. ott-etrret, Cluncrllnr. If paymrnt la drlayed onnl the) :ridr. Hnwi. .w kad from hi. .lum- cow.'ilun. Providence InU-rpoead for rolve the innocont uid guilty »like ia their the place of beginning} a.iid Lnt bring part uf ratiflcati.ni of the a.lr, the pmchaarr wil ii« ben by l!io chain., which were being f mooed .round ruin. We have heretofore eipmeead our opinion* free \\\f. tract* nf land called "Ri. h Nrrk," and required to pay ii.lrrr.t frnm thr da) ol .*! B| iiwre chance, a >.->uil KutU" u In.n. lid roau. uid -write* 'hie u'tivu Lngug*, the One of tho in.*n ly on thi. enbject, uid do nqfl dnem it n.eee.iry to re- Howard'a Timlirr Nrck.'1 I'he bill ttatea, TH08. 8. ALKXANDKR, that the pljiiilifl ii the widnw and only hrir 'fiu.tre. ^_ .. end .n neoompliahcd -education.' After devoting UiAt. although Utore wu fro .1 Unllaea. eooMwbere la at Ir.w of William Thumpsnti, Ute of Haiti- i cunlbgr .tiota on (lie Ion. ly o. ovrn yn.ra U ho.iie to the purauiu of lixrning, h. r*. 7o~teit: e.,j fri. ndi .did lio.no. Prob bly in loee thin the «rn»t of tlie rioten, than hu been tlie uliuoet more, who ilinl inte4l.tr, -mil without i«tu<*| p ir«d to a College .1 Boondi, '.boot 91)0 milee EM* of I IK i tj.iM«,r C. , mcn> tie meer 1-would b-vu tie a envelop. promptitude ia their axamiutioa .laca eouuoitled. Hint tlid William about thr year 1 808 par- Footig»llo. worm ha puaod .nother .even year, (n . ha.ril fur %2i3 frum Smnurl Ch.i.r Vt »uu br. uul,i biloir me) fa7uen! Th.]nWuie an dec* .ad cxtingnuh lha ' completing hie education. ^i« then eng*g*d In too bu- • I at ihat^tnimiaiioa. ^rki. lh.ee Tho Hurt of Nupolwo, Uken by Dr. Anlo-nnuroh pircr of Kruund, and pa'nl the |.«rc\i..«. mn eracwi of leuhing, io which employment be wu ooco- nrr thrrrfor tiiat a^io Cha.f u» iru-li-r fni 1 at. ecie »fnid lo .liow I|IC:UM!VI on deck,, pi-.: nil n«.r mo ).- nou of hi. diuMrou. vi.il to th. imm«di ilely aft^r '>(. ilojtli .1 Hi. flelxn., wu preennU [&iemeoiic pinto «bould return .ind oomu.nnulo ed lo the city of Hi* Orloan. by tlie Ur o i tn 'J3.I nil. Ihe «ilf nf thr r.tnlr.uf llnnu ,. P.iiWi , liail co 1 el, «ince which tiion he ho. never uvird from hi. idd »»iil I.'.t nu brr 28. nf whit h «.n pi«>.i r nanbruij ibcui all m cold blood! But I Tho prr*nl lion :ook pi ce -it » ipa-i I .ittiug of the riiund, .'t< rp< unr fri'ttdt. nor they of coaren Owe him. At Ibe lime be uf grnuii'l ii > part, lo mi.- Ji>hu W^lrevr i cMeuri, thiiitio| Ibe Mexicta p rt rudumption, City Council. Tha uV'now) i\g not. uf llw Corpori- in I c H.I r-. na* e left Afriaa, hi. f.tbei'. broth«r w...' King of FooOg.U under tin- dirri-r fur -»le uf «.ii.l c«tjt , ucai Jeje^rtnl probably in puriuit of another victim, th n t tion w»rn madn to. rbe -lonor by liie M .yor, to which . i i my '. .ml ..nr nf 'h. ippe.n. lh* crown rtill rc.U opon Ihe boa ( inn dull. 13 Urrcmbrr 18(1.) -ih.it HBIU W.i . Til y now attempt J u> r -p ir Uiolr ait ale reply wu return -J. u r ,n end lor of hi. r I liv->. ' r«vru. nf bv d> nl itcurtl J .UN KM FROM ARK rd a. no ID; H.i'l'"n.>ri> rnunt\ L.m.l It.'idiil. in H Lrrrir Boi-<, ' \.«> If or. 18. N'OV. lu«p « »U La they couW. Ih.. worthy -.' L' (r lifyi g in >ii. natu'rou. , icbj-- a "d Lvlr »liuulil convry »jiil pir. r uf gruund that he c«n eoou make liu w y to »'ooUf»Uo. friend, to 'o .m th it IP* U enlir.-ly r^ntor^l In ho illh. «'i «niil William, .n. I lii* hviK, and uthcr IH. ANN£ (IUU.4ND rr.prclfully ft .kut ea* Uvir planikr, relying for L..panity on the notiftr. hrr fr. -nri., knd th« Bxra C M. D. Pfrkin., U. H. Dnifoon. puend.down f*- p.irlH »f vii' 1 l.'.t N'I. 2U (n ulhrr prrnunt re- M h>4ei anlructian of lh»ir victim and Ul on bo rd. bin of the L*gi»l*tiirr grnrnlly, Ih.t hr- Atj, from FartUibean,onui.w.ytotlu inoath of'.VUHo ni*> lively in wluiin *.iiil Chutr had agreed to ,iM.a».grU«rWa. TJO_tiding, of the pi- from the Ball. American. lloun, iilu.1. J on Church wr.»t, .nd thr river. « II IS' vi nr. Tlif lull furlhrr «Ut«-«, tlut I'ublir Circle, I« now tit romplrtr oroVr for Lj.«.wn» oc Iho wind, lo tli.i utt-r «l p rl of In tbo poaa gv nl* tlu 8tO4U^>>il Mr. Methemnnangfi. ( olafiet, errirorf it thb plico ii'1 l.Vil.' rrmntril frnui thr .tatr of >lary- ihr rcerplion «t Bn.r-1-r. lt« <>cinit\ i" urtk, iaJ will) . oo»ui^UiJu of t!w pir Hie .1 VM». I. run Ih • I', it rn Slturu on Mon l..y, the 8th oo. Hundiy I .1. in goo-1 ha-.llh. ft.r ui ir.jio-14 nzvni. l.in.l. nn. I il>-p4i-tr>l thii lif', willinut execut­ hr Si.le Hotltr IIM| PuMir Officr.rrixirr. >. *y, and the n.«r. ro.olifMi Aftfc ( nd net. ah cucount r\-l. brtween tho \t ivoaii ind Ar. ing In »n I VNillnm it cnnvrviincr nl >ji.l on Uut uutanl co A.—Tr.e roncliing thii mouth of tho Pat^paco, about I Ki*l*inre. .nO otlicr* wnn m.) li.vr butinrek k .n. . riv^r.1 and purpose, -vA.r reeling hero t diy or iii-cr .if ginum). aif< llia( the pl.iindfT kitnttt with t'.em. From thv circum.l.nrr tt hrr Ibrn .iui uuntodi ^oly Mupactad. Tho r^- •/clock in tho cv nir.^, olT ihe Bo ;k:n, two vc.. two. proem-ding to thn Hot tfprlar., n I panuing hi. nut wlic'lirr >.i|il Lvtlr Irft any Iti-ii.. ui «.on- .ting hrrrtuf»n (Ci*rn t.tuf.rtion, .hr ton. !leiae*a. b:u> w^.c pturcd uy tUa liriti.b roaKil, aula w. n> di^cuvi red at a distan':- oipeir.cil. recircaee from thence South to lo th- Moiiun (TOO. UtH'l .IIIY ili-»i.ri-a >>l «»i'l pinr iif ground, nilrn'l) louk. fnre >nl fur . .h.rr of p«Mir DC fl m,u_l«, MU| i..Lny ol Uw crvw I km pruuni.it, C nt in T.ivli.r mumxli tuiy ntc.>rc eoai'roalod by the vury men wno.n tU y tic M , he m .nn -d bin two mn II b-uU, and «- n TheUto Eclipenofthe eu.:. niich wv 'cK d .tCHuloe. nurl Clij»e rctidri nut of thr .tale ul Ma* 4 nbUd w lo&| boloro, ^ud couuderru do^d anu bu. 'hctn tn lh r Iu f nt° .nv eulPir ra that nu^h' too, w»> ewn 'horn under every >4raal .< of Tine w* lh. vl.mil. tie Dm deep! WU U >a .^unuuinx train of otcnU! h« nn hn.nl of ill - vfiwuln in diiliran; and mil- mil . clear iky. At iW period o total oheear.'.ion, A .TIA*A«EK WA.tTUD cjU Uke of fictio.i are ro -lis^il! Tbo ol'. If i* therrtipon tirilrrnl. That the pUinlifT. thr > n»uiti(; je.ir,nn chr Vurm nl C«p- wi!tiiinn''ini; lh t iho viulnnc" of thu winda Uia pUo.t Vcn Ajiod .lir Ant .rea / tal leiUmou/ of UM rcry ntta ^ho.«j Uicy h jl robb. i n-ndi-rod the utti:cn,it filrrm-ly huzurdiiUH, ho r.| niici* in furli uf thrrr *uri.ulj liil not h aititto to gohinwll' to thi'ir rrjicuc. nr iir^epuprr brltire ttir .ii'h day ul Jd> fur « brirly and iniloniry, will find » dr..ra- B.I/. Amrr. OUH * a w.i. m lUo uutWi ol' Ibo piuou*», On., of lh»! veaawlii provod to b.- ih'- avhnuni r i;unrv nrll. gitf nutici* Iu mid heir, ami dr ulr -iluatioii ni.i e uther nfed .pplj lor Tvnipornnci), of Cambridjo; h-.-r cr.w, iltrco in vi«rr< uf '1'hnni.i. Lyllr, and t» .aid S.imu-1 a frow Uw J«wJ. Etach «^<>uc. ul hu'J'. ^r* FOUKIG*. trrm. .'P|>'f In . wuujv. to UjUl tiy Lh. uueruublo aporaliuu. of . numb, r, irt.ud lli.it they h..d ba n r |.-i-io(l u. -jir, uf tlii> .ulMt.nrr «n«i- tn.rii !'; lo a vu Ihmia- lv a by (J1 "'"K '"'' ''"' "In;i" '"<'ivt By thn pjckat »hi}t Franci. Irt, Cipta'm C.MOJT, the thin cnurt in firrnon, nr by ftolicitur, .in or bi*- .imvr fnur t minimi ttnii hit account to TWE.1TV-TIIIUD COM«HE«S. and lyin(Tiindrrllt<-l.iiofthoacho«ini:r. Tlinyhiul *ditur* of tli*« Journtl of Co.mnerco IUITI reQ- , uiul n* ptpen lo tue IDUi, nod lUvn p.p°n to the 1 tin of _l)-r. 4. ______r in moment ry i'i(x-ct.:liun of milking i»l'> Norcniber. nut br P-1*1"1'1 ** |>r.iyrd IN THE SEN.vTE. Trur cupT I '« <« NOTICK IS HEREBY G1VEN,~ Tlamday, December 4, 1834. a w tery gnvo. The n mo ol lh nllr-r wawl, It i« it .1-1 in t!ie' tut Pari. .ccounte lint the Duko HA'I Hir .uu.crilifr h»> ubuibrd fr-m of Ra~»no. tlu fonnor Mmi*X t'ur Con. the orpl.uM. t.iurt nf Amu- Atunitet bmn cnlnulod by Ibe King with tho formation of. now If* Pn-euienl ol the Lnitod Stulua by Mr. Don reaching her it w a foun>l th h hutch, t WITH DrcrmSrr II. ;1 >. i ouuty, Irl'rr. »f *ilii>ini.iraln»i. w,iu ll>« frorul ft'.'t under wutur; und it IH to tx> li-ar..-,! Mmiiiry, which it it ««4U will be coiipo. d u follow.: will aiinixril. mi thv hrr.un.l r.l.tr uf Phi e- (Ac United Slates i tlu.t ill on board hul poriaheil. C'.nix) w.i» Tli« Ihiku of D..ujno, Miniitor ol* tlie inlorior, with M Allt LAM) LO'I'I hil\. in-iii I). W.rftrlil. lair nt Antic Atui.il>! i truamit to Congr^n a communication ad- tho only em..II cruft utt iched I t. wr ck, and Ilia proAuif.ni:y of lha t^ounuil. ciiiinlr, drrrj.r . All |>.-r»«n» h.iiiijc il in .a M Uncoil, it prueont EiiToy at Berlin, Minuter »T Approved by '^ illiant K Slunrl. K .ward lirrtwj to me, by Mr. (ieorgo \Vaihingttm La- nn poreoo w.u< tt> bo found on J»a I ui Ihr wr- ck Huglir. and J. * *. SVillia.i... Cuninii..iunc». .iKhtnal >«ul e»tatr, ere rrqur.tril lo r«r>rnt Forrijin AH' in. Ifiurflf, acconip^aying a copy of th. Uvclaro- or in th'i c .n. Tho pi.raoiid t kon from th - Cl.i»- N'i nbrr i.i. I r IH.U. thrm. UK .11 v ..uil.. ntiCiil. o, anil tlin.r in'-eL.tJ U«a«rUi tuuuctlaa. Ailm'r. \\ . A. placed in (Ucir Libnir>', ;ia a lut>t pcrvin on bo- rd. M. r»r>il. .Minut r of JuMk-, of reapecl, patriotic low, und uflcction Tin' p'nnnplncua and humanity 'f Copt. Tay. M. Cu rl . Ihipiu, Minirtrr of Muuu. SPZJIKOXD I In huldon|«d countr}-. lor und Ilia crvw in rundurtiii; r liof to tit un- 10,000 M. P^aiy, Mi.ii.lur 01' Fm-nco. 1 jicizc of » FOR SALE. i kiro a mournful aalufaclion in trananu'tting fortunuto aii(F^r>Ti, elicitod tho onliru up|irr>b.>- Thu Cn uub. r. wen to M im.-nodl il «, u* evinced to-rzt> of 5OO lair, li not, Ihv Ai.l f.ii d-y thriralli-i A\. > U of 400 |l>r ripht. till* am'. iuli-ri>%(. of Hit* lit*ir. nf «<*• i- «if * 300 N.tliau Pott*, .ubjeti to .1 tnori|ii>Ki- iina'- prompt led by (aid t^ Furter l» M.du Llu)0, tuu« try uiukf U-M no . o.u-od .M.ol'ii deolioo m lae - of 'Ih December, 1834. li loont of facia with our ncunce ruuiK utd ftlftiier djvelupo.nuiit i< espaotad to- .urrow. of >too taming ubuut ^ | Thi Letter nutated in (Ae aiow.] Titomo* Wriflht, Quoen Ann'a county, .Mil. -f M 1-9 ACBE» OP LAUD. fit'-pir-n L. Wright, do do do 3 per cte. opu I it 7a.8i. olo.il .1 70. 5 par ou.op«a- 150 ' ' -A groat niiafortuno boa given mo more ed at IIM. 4i. eloeed M IHO. U. 20 prizi-nof 12J It ia 14 mile* frbm Ba'limure ann U the jiUcaj ^luoaiolcmn and important duty lo (ullil, John H row n, do o do uf voting for theUlh|Eleclioo Diatrict of An- «»J Ihe ardent ilciorc of accompluihing with fi- Duni 1 Nowman, Centroville, M I. 36 prizra-of 100 ne Arundrl coouMr. Il i. well w.tertd, aad t'li.irlo* Downea, do do oair 6-t prizes of 60 ha. about 20 trrfa of meadow land. The) wily my Oitlior'a loot will, ombuldena mo to Died, on Sunday UVA>,.M> luat, afl-r a long o»im Ibn palDBogo of tho ProBidont of Iho U. Thumoa B. Cook, do do 1V!8 prizci* of 40 building* cun.i.tlf a two .lory l|ov.e and Richurd C. llollyd.iy, CumborUnd, Md. and auvoro pulm >nary ulK.eti >n, in thu 37th yo ir Kitchen, large ano^confnrtable, with large «««, aad his benevolent intervention, when 1 f bU ogj, Mr. NELSON UEliU N1CHOLS. 128 prize* of 35 roapocjfully and mournfully to ad- Frnncin Woat, Philadolphia. U8 prizennf 30 and dry cellar, a e^hretwriglit shop, a pump P. M. Lnfaurcadu, do t may bo truly euid of tho docuaand, «he wiul nf good wjior hicli coinrannic.te. with « onata and Itepreaontativoa of a whole ho noble* toorlc of God—AX tto.ii^f MAX." Ho I «H (irizes uf 20 Joaoph Knight, do Inr dairy, amcehouae, a .innkr hnu.e, tod t Goo. Rood, Caroline county, Md. (uui left a Widow mid fiv.i iidjaft children to 1 ^8 prizrtt of 'ounj orchtfH uf .clertrd frail tree*. ^Ow braver beloved parent poMOMod a Cop. mourn Iho IOHU of on aflcctiogRu lluabund, and ""' >, on which wo* innoribod tho ftrat en- Chaa. W. Smith, do do 2,H 6 prizes of 15 THK TEHM8 UF BALK ARE, Jcuuee Harria, Jr. Quoenntown, Md. onJor parent. 4 ,03 a IKI or v>d dfawn No. ore tenth tn be p.id in ca.li on the ilay of a*! « copy of the American Declaration ol "M«n1 !ongoaVd4fjeX> brieT.1 ir the rallAration thereof, anil the rem.iudtr once, aad hia loat intention, in depart, Stephen Dunning, Chcaturtown, Md. le but . ruling ' 4.0J2 id or 4th drawn No. 8 ! n C, I ft, ami IB iniinth., in rqual inatAlmrnl*i world, waa, that the precioua plate Fr.tncia C'inn, do do Tba wintry blue; 4,03* Aih or 6th drawn No. 6 . with intereat from the ilay nl aale, fur |>ay- E. B. Hurdcjjrtlo, Denton, MJ. Bh.ll UT Mtn*. prflcnriK glorine in the lombi *"wd be proaeoted lo the ConRroaa of tin U. But ffilk In Cuajfr will piorco In. uudaigbt gloom; to,(W07»y lOorli lira *n No. 5 , inrnt »l which, bond, ur no'ra n.U.t br «.i»ru *W Statna, to be dopoailod in ihoir Library, u Tbomoa 8. G"orjro, Millington, Md. And Oufffvivitlok .r>»th with giMid arcurity, and u|Nin the receipt uf »»*t-uil»na of reapoot, putriotjo love and o/. We the aubacrib ra, Cuplain and crow of Annul U* power, of Ifcuth. A. thr porch iir money, and not brfore, the »«b« "*»«i fcr hia adopted country. be acbuoner T«Mnper .nee, toko thb opportuni. , At hfl rfca'donco nuur thu City, oa tho ^5«U6l pristi, amounting to 8270,IOU «< riber ia .ulln.ri.n.1 lo giv. a goon deed At y o"f tendtiring our ainoufu Ibunka to C.iptaiu Will il hn permiltod to nv, a faithful dineiplo JOlhult. Mr. HOWARD DUVALL,in lho-78J Whole Ticket* 8«- Halvei 82 30, Quarter. thr tame lime, and un Ihe a*m<- Urma, will "W Anwrkan School, whoao principlea aro Tuylor of Iho iteoinbo it Mary) nd, for hia hu- yuar of bia age, k roapoctablo und wonky man. 8» «« nr aulil a part of a tract of land iontainina> * «n>irahly expoaod in tbut inunortal doclura. nuno and manly conduct in coming to our re- PTU8w .vnr.ua KIRBY,i £\_ lli« Huiulay Skltnol t.i if.ry of 8t. Anne't Atr acrcfbaa batii paid \>»\ a deed wo m»er 1 family, you 'frvirl, Clturrh will |ile«M rctuid mem. / LOTTERY h BXOIIANUK OFP1CK, mad*. * GREHN. 0«ce»btr )L / | (Ch«T l«f to pn paralion far it- I tie com iinent of the fourth volume of •ding* perindicar more particularly adapted CABINET LIBRA°RY OF DIVINITY. | W.ldir'l .•/. fniuranee on Live** It) (he wanti anil taalet of ihr American pub With an original introductory eaaay to each, Thi* wil followed, at an early day. by tht Zd. Pu> cftate and Sale *>f \Snnuitiet. lie While it will bt (he onjeci of the pro-, author Edited bv RICHARD CorraiiMOLft, B. M<*moir>vetn. algr\of the Swan, in We ihall pay to the . tingui«hed American*; Vn-w.-,f Public Build- Anerdntra nl the Ciiurl of Lnui* the XIV.; Mil ll.iv O .11,1-1 C'lUiilry l* »o rit h j« En^-.ind i liy the Duke of St. Simi-n. )i.l I'.. wn , |liltir>,nre, nhall rroejve Ihe above preparing the report* that w in.;*. Mnnument* and Improvement*; Land Sacred Literature. Hi-r j;r- i,lc»- I'or -t I'he Biaik Waich; an Ili-io-unl Nnvel. b; •i- ward. iln» paper, mnrt thin one acape Sceneryj the bnnndlea-t vjcu-iy anil aim Pnilnfc-ipiier* liavr -lufil with Inr I ihr author of the lion uiie'v L-;acy; fttc. &i week, during the te**inn. beiuty.if which, in mi* mutiny, will fnrm an • inr*. in srlnli; fin in and • -tta-iiialun^ ilir On' nf ilie brat novel*. «av the L.union Ma Nnveinlirr 6 . nf ihe pre*enl ila- . printed during the tetaion. we tut li-ini Eiura>iti|r* and d •••< ri|.n..n« nf the ilia iii-'-n di«uii|;iii(i-,i-inu*nr * AU'ING ANNOUNCED. '•idor'a new b-nR ul Travels in Mrxicoanil .iflbrdtng Ihe miM| important ififoraui...' racier, habu* ic. of Bea-t». Rird«, Fi«hr»ajid and the depth nl thrir le-irnin;;. 12'"" 1 ' r "n "" 'lib*. ih cheapeal price. -*'•*. I V mi.li Iti'-'tl*. Iggelh r willi i-v*rv su'ijri i r .nnecWil I lie annn>lnr«* -I ch.ir.u-rr ih'm given \ I ui Cunnlni-h'ni'* Biographical nnd Pri- VALUABLE REAL AND PEKSON- Editor* wuh tvhnm we eic r l lit ai'-l Miry'" f wn'i the Uoo^' ipny. Hi-' ]ff. Naiurjl "Irtnl me »'.n d.ird 1 henl -;y nl Kiii-lainl h«». liu ' di- I''.- rcnl n al tli-ioiy nf Li'erature Inr -hr lail fifiy AL FROl'ERTY, ihi» P.o.prnu, . 8ri, M|lMi JM; BKin.l il Arufi ul rr*nurcr« nf Ilir ^nnntry. illu-liat-d •i varirty ,i| i ircuni-iaiu , », '.ci-ii lid|.|iily |,r ..rd,l..ln..rS .-iir*. >On« TO II K DISIHIDUTEU IN Iho-e friend* to tvhuin we i l, lin |.ret iii a familiar and pnpul..r jft united fmtn dr^i-in-rjliii^ inin inr h.»i*. n< • ~'KKM*N llrlrn. a iN-.vrl, bv Maria P.-lni'wiirlh. N pui-uanc-- nl ilir pr -vi*ion» nl an act (if will pleare procure •ubtrribert. I" I'"1 pri'VI". FREEMAN HUM. Agent I ncliidiioiiit-.il.; .,0-1 iliun ilir »h- lr iu-ri a I J -uinnl nf ti \Vi--,i lodi i Pi.-(irirfnr. I iln- lieniTnl A»>- niiily nf Mnry ji.d. | a* TERMS. 'U 11' rj 'l> "'•" of the Bo«ton ll-'ttickrCninpany 47 Coun ai. ur • Sacrel ('/nine*.' i- * «i!i nl irntli .n d ' nnticr- tn -il Bi>*ion. July 17. / in mi;.i re»i-i.-nc. in Ihi-" NUnil nf Jnn ed »i I)e rinin-i •••--.nn. 1833. in auih"ri7.r I copy during the ae**n>n, * gl n l |kfii!i 2:M yiiirljli- Mn Hi, »• U l.rwia, E«l|. M. I 1 AMU will nnr tli|! atinve I'ro-p^itu- a frw in It i« iotrniii-il in .'iii|iri-r in iliis - ollrni i>n, Payment may be madr by mill p l'\\f runt-'- I .Ii . nri 1'rac'ini J..kini; Irn Thi> ...-|.rriTi« among ihr mnal valualili- ,iaid. alnur n*k. The liotr.of ID',, .,( F.uri r IK'tt, -it •rrli'-n* in their rr»pertivr pjnria. »liali lie Ihr b»«t wink* nl ail thr in -l cr'- <>i«l d«n nrw w.-ik eti'iilril N iKlit* of ihr Itnunil l:i in M.ii viand, -iluatrd in ihr |.ro>pi-rnUt, heal Bai-k will I* received. l ill tl>C entitlrd In nne'yrar'* i«Tipiinn t- Ih.- anmr. In,. whii«e lah-nii^ hi\t- ni-i o d^%oivil <> Hie thv. an-l rninaniic tilla*enl Eil* nf r-'tialrd ttu h. uhnhi-r Hi thi-ii I Iir Dirn- \Ve«ln>in^•rf tmv*. nr o wn/«»i the money accompany it. Ilu- Wi-.i'in Tumpikr. and 13 mde» up-n "- 30. Till)-. « G" Jlrundtl County, Urphani <'unrt, ipplic-iiinn ii- ilir mini it.-l inierr* - T nidi mil Cim..-ll(M l'.nrl--«, jnd * arri-n H the ll^inmnre ami Ohin Rail Roa'1 . whrre nil \\. \VOOiJ >\ . J Orinuer -3lh. ,I8.>4. %>unila. n r i" in** nrdi r ir w.-ll being nl -o li^-. coi.'i j^'-'d; lr,iin 'In- -ainr. ihr . m • in and from Ihe weM. a'op to break- |"kS application bv petition ol Nathan Miip 11-'y. I'reaii-i'H nn 'h-- l»i-nrmr*. Morn- v. A >.nr iv ,f ihr • np»rrck . f ilie Ani NOTICE fa«'. ii'' dim-. :r:.i___ ^-' ley, adinini*lraior with the will aim- i,-d. nnd Kvidrnce* of Chri^'iai.ny. whuh hate n-- -prat Pfl-*w in (7 V 3 .null, 'irirfiiot (ic WILL tell my Farm on South Rlm,J A «nfli irm iinnibrr of Ficketa have been wnXaAW i of Jonn McMiillrn. lair of \nnr Aiuml-l ci-i\-il ihr peiin.inriit htump nf general Hppro ii «rc -nnl --f PM -• I.e lino. I Private ^ale. It cnntaini opwinh al| county, decra*rd, il in ord-rrd dial In- give liitinn; nelrct Srrm.in* nf tlie mn*t i minriil -old i" warrant.me »«»nraiice to Ihe* public, Merrhtiiil ''I AH ihr above cunt in the "Library'' hu ..i it wnl |,n«tliv, y be drawn 1'nEN- THOUSAND ACRES, the notice requiri-d by law Inr rrrdt.oi* Io l)ivin,-»; the inn«l inii-ir-linpi «pecin>< ti* of llr- 2 311 ! ! ! and pun-t.'MO mure advantage* Ihtu mm[ tihibit Ihrir claim* ag4in*t ihmnid ilecea->ril, hi:inu* Hiugraphy; and the chnici-nl ria.mple* l IKI H OKI K VI HER 8nould the balance Office No. COrriir.nut n brl-w 7ih Any information »hlch may berrijuir^ and 'hat the *«mr br -tulilialied nncf ui rarli »l Di-vnlional and S.irred P -rtry. will »6cceed nf the I'lckui*. bo mid before, il will be drawn ..i-t (*ii,-il be alfnrded to Ihuae who will c>ll apoixj w rk for ihr apacr of -It «u. re«*ive week*, in ei\'h othrr ill the nrder vh-ch may be judged -miner. l "I "Hull n; Uilirary which i* iiuhlu'ii-H .-vrrv my reaidence in ihi* city, nr on H. II. B one of Ihe newt-paper* printed in Annap. In. ni.i-t cnndiKive to the benefit and gri k. It cn'i*iv-> -if the large and eileotivt im- . «'i-p i- fti per annum. Ihaiikfullv irr<-i\-i| : iim»,--i>i-ii - I- ML' known ia the wnnd. Kaq. at the Farmera Bank of Mirjh SVM'L BROWN, Junr. nl Ihr. irndrr. I! lurk. AUAM WAUIIK, I'm'. JCT Tlie Land will be tuld in Reg Willa A A- cnunly. Tn ill-' prmtuclinn* nf each author, nr tn frT7"^ub-criptinn* fi-r (hr :iiio>r PATAPSCO HOTEL, purchaaera. .-.ic'i »cp- o.i-i.eniiii i.ndon, a beautiful Gothic Cnt- Jan. 23. TH \ I tne tim.criber of Anne Arundi•' "ii v l',-*iT, pnintTni; nut their i liaractenMic P It O I1 0 S A I, S ...^ . -iinl •••'>!-r ilwellinga. Twenty valuable The Edilora of the Baltimore OttdlM coanty. nath obtained frnm Ihe Oi |.-mii«* Cnui' i-«i •••lirii. I-"; -iiid, in ncimr in«lanre«. cn-npre Til HRPUBLISM THK :i'i. "ii|i I. '«, with numeroua other ihiret, American Farmer, will iniert the itmti rti h.-n. of Anne Arundcl munly. in Mai *l.ni-l. .rtiri* hriiiiing a liin^rap'iual «knch nl ihr An'hnr. LONDON. KDl.NHI-ltUII. KuREKiN AND - >f -• IM prnprrty. con*i«iing of Plate. Car a week until nlherwi«e reqairtrl. Ilk..-::.. nf «-)niini»ttaiinn with ihe will *im- \ c). mi »ilh rcmaikti on the tla-e nf rrligmn in hi* \\KSI-MI.\MKU ,, . M,. i.,.«. Piano Firtea. .Book*. Ruh Ihr prr*nnal e*iatr nl John Mc'vl i Irn. lair nl I Ml-, 1 Ml'OK I QUARTKKI.Y IIKVIRW8, ' -HUM-, and Old W ine*, all valued al 838, FUNERALS. aanl r.umv derea-"d. Ml p-ra-.n* having II ia i'ie i|i-«ire "f tin- Prnpririnr*. in un'li-r i. ni.ii .hxnlr.l mm FOUR HUNDRED HE tnb*criber brga Irive It infcmli cliini* tuai 1 -*! 'lie -aid d-•. ra«i-il. ,m- hrrt-lit ::ikr - -1 iir. C MII-.KT l.uiHAHi or DIVINITY FOIl S« PKIl A. \.NLM. -:l vRKS. r Jnurnals are alr-iiilv «n t\rli tii.-ri-'.f. In in-- «ui>-rribi-r, i ( ,ir brfnre thr price, that he wlm pun h;i»i'» N' prt-*rnl 'h kliriUni l.niirrn-t. vixe. The number* will •me**, and intend* lo confine hiaurlf far j | \>)-|,l I rrlM d R I. 98 >>'lav "f Vpul ueji. "iry n.iv -.Ilirrw.... l>v < lieapcat of e|ihrnn-r.il piililir^iinn*. m.iy, l.i ' kiinun to the pulilic, I. -at irilr need b< ' MlMK .i.-'.rlllirlil nl «did nf 'lirir re»prt live meijis ..il in p.. .nil, one wheel, and the priiet inln future altogether to lhat of an UNUERTAl l-i* br el- ludrd I'm i. ail '.iri-efr ••! Hir. nn d r» tin- ^ime mniiry. pn««r«- lum^rlf ol wmk .III US t' \>Sl \IKUS |'». M.-l| K'i-ilinril ii-pui.ilion of Ilie LON ji,,,.:., r. , ,i| all drawn in onr iliy. under 'hr KR. la 1 --, (liv-ii und-r my 'mini 'hi* iSlliday of \thitli raiiniil lail m all'--i. •tHTi.Hi.v, nnl nh iy j» nn nine d. fei.iirr -, In, fri--itil« And .1 I .n \ in nn i, ir», ai>d Ihe .-Id nuli-i i.f jhiii t » In 'ie Ait ,.f i .r Legi.lalure. They -*ill cer­ at the ihnrtett notice, either in Ike mill N \TII \N SHIPLKV. Adm'r. n-». and undrr rver» vi< i.-rinlr ,-t III. . tify -he »»inr wiieii iiiuwn. ner. nr according lo tprcitl dirrclioa. W.ih ' e >ull annrted. Ttit ifork will br /laniliom'li/ printed ii hui an ifir winiml and mo*' rniertninin^ ol '<«. will aiwatt conniunil tin- allrniinii Tne pi"|i TI* iiaob-rn valurd hy three Com H" rriurtM hi* thank* In the paulic fort1 Foolitap 8 fo. o/i gitnil pn/irr, cold prrnnl. iin^.i .iii-i- uppoiin-d li\ Ihr Trra«ttn r of Ma- (atlrnnige during the lilt Iwenly yrn>, i rot ncallif bound in Morotm Cti'li. leliere-l; .i.' ili» liu-mri nixl >rirntific OMMITTED 'o inn»io.K «. a Runi I'nr KutXBUkuii, crlrb'^trd fur Ilie vi|>.|i. y oril. thai IK- «pi-cuinlion* tlinuid be indnlg hnpr* that hia paomptnea* and ' ' ai\ Ii- li-« ill- Kl.o who call* l.nVcIf J lin (ir.i«.. ,nd oavn .Uv. >-'ii|.|uciril Uy Kinnr of ih • prini-|p>. H. ihr Sia r IKI dmible til. anmunl, that ih- WASHINOTONG.TTa I I'm ••. Thn-r .'Mulling* HMI >i\|,. i , ; >nw mav IM- faiilili.liy rmi.plird uilh. It i» he belong* to NnViamn \V/»«inti-ioii nf St. Kiirinin^ Ihe rhra|ir»i urn- - nf wi.iks • trr if ••mi V inr-i nl i In- mm! -rn Mlirn., i* an .ijujl n.ply K distribution ••! |,i |..-ny at il* valur. JY n Mr nf otcnliy « Mary'* tnuiiiy; »aii\ feii'iw i> ulimil five Irrt len-d in Hit- iiublii. \ pitwirfui ilimii|noii nl ihr iiinileiale lirl .nn , rrimtiui »i (he rtprnili'iiri- 1 1 i* wrll wni l h . 1ril nut of Alii an inche« nif\ n-llnwi.h i ,.inj, , t inn. I'hi- f-.ll.Hnnn ilinir-. ..I AiiHnn* M|III-..- wnrku i/anv. It \.s||, 8IIKP1IARD, rinkinc I KN HOl.l.AltS Inr >uch d Capitnl •III. in:l III IHI- niri-Cll- biony hi'ail of hair, nn\erceivable flr«li maik>: arr inlriidnl I'nr pnljli, 4.11,11 i- .iiDmiiiril 11 Inr KuRKIGN QtARrKHLT OlTUpir» a neu- [£.RCHA*T TA2LCB. hia clnllitnK cnn»itta ii\O/.n«buri( «liin nnrt i^ ihi* w-'-atl ^i iirin- pir*enl*l H I** --irgi-r thai- II '«. l.iiiil. and ij evidrn.e of the iinpartialil> nl inr nrirt 'ral uinund ii. Pn liu >, u'ul la detolrd io con Kr'EUS Hi ilir culZi-o* ul Ar.n-.poii. i inniiii-d I'aptiitl. win iwrlvr lime- Ihr nnm O' tli. it -nit nl' , Irowier*, ol'l >hnra. and yial much wnrnt he linn:— ' ilirnlal lilrraiuir. tiie public generally, a arltctiu* <•< haa aluooiher old clothin or ..I I ickel* tuciiiilrnd with, and no I5|<«-r ?•'••, Kru'n ii NV -rfw "I prmlii. !•< • pj»», J- remT Tavlnr. Ililr.. Unvlr llaitrr llwrn, I in \\ nnTMiN^-im i. but linle knnwn n nd faahtnnable KALL AM> \MM , ri.l nff •I !lf'.Mi-.i.ie .nl KyU- which nn dnubl i» fnr^rd. "it iiwnrr it re- Cudwiirlh, Tlin-i.iii A Kriopi>. llurnei. llnwr. hi- inuniry I- .. av l>r ci'n>idrrrd na liu" U,.m.. •/ -\\t Ui.llCiiU .nul il.,. ,n ,. u h pircr )C7* kl«ny nf the amall aharr* will be paid l" in tucutinn all III k ' Rinlrr. NVi in Kn^Und, and Green, and Ruama Ifci«fn| Brnwn. d«al« I ri)'HIT, uf *\'nl Upin Sheilnrk, Jniiin, KJI nnlnii. l|i.<>iv\. HnU-, I Sharr. c'.'i»i-'inu nl ihi- P \TAP- T B?n. S'lllin^llei-i, Porlrn.. L-n'ki . Lti.hinn. I in., I » inireoini; in Ii l'>.ii<.|l .S'a ; i-». inilleil Uiab, Olive, and (inj lull l!in«c Intel* i Sh'IT. A. Counl Ilir iuiiiib--i. u I ne | in h. r i .H liiii|ip,||. SCO ilt) I Ki.. wiih -he nrw ad- * mil aifmi»r«, cul Chil|iiii;uortli. Hall, Ji-url. Jark>-.n. Fl.it-l, ilitn.ii upon il-i Kail Road, the CLOTHS. Sept. 18S4. Charnnrk, We>ley, ^krlinli, W.illn, l,i.v»li, <•• > ifier Ihrj -Still ir rni-ivril In, .11 Kun.pr t ifkfj't Search, Slnplr •Hid «nl cniilJin '» rniirr iiiail, T nl tin- abn\r lart- »tnne (jtablr, Carriage AND ALsO K-iinaine, Walerland. Whichcnic, ll«i.uy, ''lr»ct, rallr.l a V.\t\ 5O DOLLARS KK\V HD. «..,k-( mukin^fi.ui mniul inluin--. .it upward* II".i--, lie Hnuae, and ihe , GAMBLE T, for Over Coalt. P ar«nn, Km, Newtuii. Slunhnpe. Wnnhv, j in Ilie wlinle, , S awar frnin in.- »iiUM-n'irr \j*>ii± . n In nl iiil hundirii pi^ra aplrndnl (jardrn. foinm tht Hiinm-iiid, Burkitt, Heiberl. Doune. Mr'r Diagonal, ^igut, Pnluli Mneh.ipe bin llnle d'flcri'n^ fmin and.Pruned CAbSlNB'l'S. ! IplOB D \\ elch. Iy himwlf NU: HN8 nn: two hundred i(h. blick innlexio>i, wide number. The hngliah cnpir. iani.ni lie liau ful Uniliic building, Ktluatrd up- Mi. mil .me nllicr Irm -«». liy Ihe Rev. Richard Cnllermole, \\. I). nn a ledge of inik*. rnmmaiid- VE8TI1VOS. inuoth und III lip* mill when fur lea* than 830. Of Ihr three at i.reami »!>( -mi- Imndred Vol. II. (Io be piiblithed on tht I if of Febru­ ing a d.-li^hiful view of the vil­ Wilt. Illntk and Faury Silk HANfiL •pnken in • a Mnilr on hi* rrpubliahed, two of lln-m alnne cna RlC. B 'i • .jre or 'i-aa, al> ary) will contain lage and failnrtm; CH1KFS, HOSE, VI.Ot'ES, "" nunienanc nn ninrka r< cnl A y individual procuring four i>ub» liln-ia. », nnr Nrjru man -.i eicep1 a cut on the/lure finder ol ihe CAVE'S LIVKS OF THE APOSTLES and remitting 8.11) nn ihr receif/i nf ill- Or.i 4 Sluri-K. valuable building Lott PENDEKS. SI1IHT SHAk at 8HUO . aih STOCKS, COLl-fiHSa*d • "if ililln wuiiniii lefi hand. I will t;ive the/bnvr reuard il tak with Notra, and an Innoduclnry E~-ay. by Nil in In- r, will br . Unwed an addilinnal cnij> . ••»n Kichi'l, and en unit Indgrd in 1 KI-I him aicam. >he Rev ll< nry Stebbing. M. A ajcrSubnrnpiinn paper* nf be returned, and G do »,>lu4bli- Building Lota, at, ORIENTAL DHBSS- I NO (.OWNS and all rteaoinble cha paid il bruu|(h< t'ol. III. (to be publiihtd on Ihe lit of March) nil i iininiuniraiii,n« to br addrr*«ril. niml paid 8730 en.h. 10 u>j lionka which belt to the deceaaed are re- make early application. The *rheme i.nuile n. and MV» hr it fr-e born, and wat raited at Dlivrr Al Buyd, Edinburgh! and J. Cumining. Wharf, at 7 o'clock. A. M. for AmJH Beart Landing on Pokomoke river, in D-ir- quoted to deliver imrn-duielv "' • mall, containing but 3843 ticket*, and (hi* fCtrnbridce hy Cltllf Htven.) and Ron*-*l ^1 Dublin. will be ihe only dialribulion nlTerrd. chetter county, on theeanlrrn »hnre nf Ma­ And to he had nf every Bookaeller thrnggh rtiurn from the Ea.tem Shorr on tin) «*| ryland—hit completion black, about 27 year* Nov. BO. I he price of a nhare ia but g i o. which mav ne*d*y and Saturday, leaving Ka»mnll 7 »• -.ul the Kingdom. Mnuh4lli. (834 draw properly now wnrth 836,800. imreaaing of age, Ive feet «ix inrhet high.—clothing The Engli*h copy will coal in England, a NO II M. by Tattle Haven and Annipolnj. W»» IN clotli trowaere a ad roundabout, old flnr • at. every dry in value, free from dUcounl, a tit) commence her Cheaterlown Trip en "f1"^ Ixiut fen dol!ara. We propo*e to laaue ihr LL peitnna are linebf rauiinm-d againal with intii.qiieitionablr litlr. ami court* thoet and • toe king*. If not free, Md April, leaving Baltimore it fl •'«!•«*, OIliiKS of American 'dition, und.-r the anperintendem e Uonninr ur in any oiler way tre»pa».inii A. MtLaughlin. invite* all- hit friend., far il>y>-ji* ol the owner i* required to rn*t« and prove if a learned Ami-rican clergyman, in wrekly on any1 panoairl of my Farm, f reiurn ihr *ain.-il»v, le»»mg Chr>lrfte»o property, pay eharg»a, and take hint away, and nrar. to venture t arotll ,,nmunl In Ihi* o'clock, calling tiCoraict wharf, for Ikr for tint nui number*, on a ainglr aheet of auprrflne papci, C.C. BRICK. ilitlribullon of hi. properly, which I* a ,,,liu- other Purch otherwine he wilt be discharged acconling to giving ninrly-ait large lim'-.pagea, to be November 13. irevillfi pat«tena,»rt j.gr ct»e. (anrt include, all hia mate. Do not N. n. All lutgace tt the nwner* iM tnme. All i law. OivtA under ray hand tuia £6th No*. f-dded and atitched. and covered with alrnny waiudrlayt are dangeroua. „ "Pl'y Mtenilrd t» •nvelope paper, at iht rale of five d.dlara per He ia nnxinu* io Pttitgc to or from Ration or Cambridge, cloW the tchemeand return Io Baltimore. "•'•I. Anti.pnli,, ,t WELCH of Ben. mnnm. I'iekfia for Sale by Pa*»age. to nr from ^nka|Mill», Ml "'"abtUnJ. county DUFF ORKBN. Nearly executed at this Pnaaag* InChetterlown orCorura, . ••""I March Vt> •' BUBOIS. Chililrtll under t« year, of •/•''•"K1''' ChH •trtel— Annapollij - LKM'L.e- TAVLOJl, Mill"

    •-"•*• a,'., I Co , BL'. J lend lu the ^ ' ANNAPOLIS, THdUDAYtfBEcEflTllBK It, I S3*. no. »t.

    mencei with renpect an rence, and it niiveraation aoon became generrl and nnre- «iyed with * rhaii | and then a table, till bilh ends with the namr . no ale-hou.e to trained among ua. The father and daughter were ahivered into irag*ncnta. without an THE HISTORY OF A LIFE. re»ort to. where the become intoxi- teemed alone excluded from the common Rai much asahaking thf ««did fastening*. I relu»« cited, no alluremen k* 1"* C.rcle r itur counrux. !e aenaea tn diaturb ety. It was not until after, perh.ips an hn«r, ed my eieftinna, eihaaated and bathed in D»T ilawnoJ Within a curtained room, the calm rcpntv of , the practical »e- list I bethought me of the want of tt<>"d feei­ perapiratton. Once more 1 wmt to Ihe win­ -Three PolluT* i*" annnrn^ FiQod, to falntnoa*, with pernuno, nerttiiin of the hich beatuwa upon it a ng, not tn aay of politeness, in making these dow to try n> ascertain mi exact niluation. A lidy l»y, *t point of doom. mornl wo individual* feel that they were Ihe only I discovered that Ihe ronR.igraiion «a« ra­ the lui ^__ SALE. ' D IT eland. A child had men tha light; trancera. I addreaaed aome few inditTi-rent pidly hemming me in, and that they were ac­ ed ,f,"decree of the Cnurt of Chnn- lint (at the Iiilr, f iir find bright, OFFICER. wordi to the old gentleman) who replied ra- tively playing the lire engines, and nnw anil ill t* ni!er«isned truatee, will ofl'er Hlin rested in undnuning night! I lo myself, {retting into the pidly and freely, and we aoon got into a «tea then blowing up houses to try to arn--t Ma FRIDAY the eOlh day of 8prin,- cimo. Tim Udy'i gran wu green And* nosr il* oft*ntmio« ww M«n from Havre to Paria, 'a pretty ily and interesting converaatinn. He now, prngresa. As I cnuld aee hy the light th .1 nrn. at U o'clock M. at HIP reni- A g«nlh) boy, with thonglitful mien. have of.it, to be crammed from d hi« own accord, requeati-d me aa a favour the alreet below waa crowded with people, 1 liihn Mercer. B«q. on Went River, Yn.tre fl<*t. Ho wore a m&nly face. « till aun*,et in a jolting prison, face to to exchange aeata.na riding back affected him. determined tn call fnra.sistance. The win- And >tnig|(l'e sure, bill there w«* a 'general ler, nn account of her rcif and ho'mct: but a p in at Ihe dine. The xmolte ponied in in reporter! "" , -'of the .'.I'."" r»"'''»Vr lvl! ,'" air nf coldness, distance, restraint, that pio- "me form,anil glimpse* ol aparklingblnrk eyes, dense, and hot thrnugh the npi-rluii- I had hit will W '.airn.y ii.trr-i't from the I'-iv ! v,lr. on misi-il b.idlv. nil a lovely complexion, were quite enough. made, that 1 hid to retire; hot re.irhing thrj one kj.Hlrrt,U|i ll*. S. ALKXAMM.t;. fiomthr A'i«,-'« Oicn." Wh.it are we wiiting f..r? I inquired, r»- Never in my life did I use so mnch exertion window ii Kcrnnd tune. I called loudly fur »n. U Ihi-r pi-llishly. of the rnndncteur. o render myaelf interesting, nnd never with ail. Aiii'd h clamor of voice" and the rnar- ' for ill "Aim.nn tin- in, III. inn wlm, on the hallow­ Only for Colonel Aohin, and it wanta a c»s success. She alway. anatvered me in- n~ nt the fl.nnen, a cannon cmild scarcely ed ninl .i|>|>mntril ,.,iy, l.iv :i-iiir Iht-ir «ui|il- fete mmutea of the lime. Av, yondtT he elligpiiilv. hut politely, vet so v< ry briefly, have been heard. I hallowed till I wmi a- Donant Iv (,n iii-.ili.il.*, tn linn the kni-r tn tin- tiitci r .me*." thai after pevi-ral attempts [ desisted, and r, - 'l. riin.mi««io-ners appoint "(' nil Uniiil. ilin-ciiii" thrir i.n«.in« anil Ilifii re th it it w..a in v.nn, and th" .tiding va­ j,,... ,,,| M.inllv was the word aiiil, befnre a genteel, leweil mv intercourse with th>- more «oci.ible pour drove me from mv position. M-ry'* Omity Conn. M thii'i^li'.^ ;.i i»nr Hii-rcjr tivainni.^ |i.»w.-r, liki- '« etching*. !!! f i |,T elegantly f.,rmeil man, in a military ill ess alher. \V!ien we airitrd at lh« hotel, in ll.e The room ijejan In be oppresnivelv hot, ide the 'real c.t.,te of Joseph mi in.inv ran of light ruiicrnli .iti-il uitu ii'iv | Min,l .lui and a blue Spanish cliuk. m:tde his appear- town we have jual passed, we officers agreed nil (he Mom pa rhnl n»y feet I had fared i d, Lit"- »f Stint MnnV conn- fi.ciu. "l kn'.iw on i- 1 ,i,« ,,f p(-,.|i!,. in »li..«o «huin we mtj anre. In i of art»" hl.ick eyes .ind inus- to »up together. Tlie father and daughter death M a hundred bitllt^ n.'ld>. and fiareil r«i>l"i'* '" ' lie pr"»'"-0"* "f ''"' >P" nir.iM* tlio fcrlihg nl ii-li^ioii iii iiiuri- ilrcplv bsrribera. laches, the d hinils.nn*' month, with withdrew lo llieir npirtmeni*. Our supper it not; but to die thus amid exciu i.iting and t)lv in -u t h ran- m.iile nnil- RM9. It nrv teeth, iinVitu.il g.uetv ar.d g-iod was prolonged until pretty late in the m^hl; protracted Immrni.! I aunk down on my b'd I,,,, ',V -,\e nnticr t'i .ill riini-iTiii-il tli.il HIM opi-iinirn of daring iii^.-nuit v, a .M.in-uf- "'"" " 8i(«| '' ' - humor. hut. as we had to depart at the break nl day. in despair. Thr Ida, k .moke tint had i-.iah- \\ ,ir. 'Ah, ge-itlemc-i,' said he, looking room! we al last separated to get a few hour* repose ed against mv window was nnw mittelett with »ea«i(,n. g . "n TIIUHSDAY I!M- Hf.!, 'i'1 ' by mill, . .,, It i< Ihi-on^li Inn works (tint ihr Alminiily »n taking hi* s.'.<|. >l t m glad to aee we are \Vhethi-r it was Ihe fjtigin- nl the journey, gushes of dark red fl.ime. th ,t al.itereil ihn ,,f F.urnar* n<"«t, ^t 10 oMm-k in 'hr e nntea of ID i* inii^t ^to^rrrly rt \trt-nci-il, '(iriHi^h Ilirni full. A ililigenrn ia a doll nflnr, which no­ mental excitement, "r tin- etlVct of iin enm r.-iiiainii c pan'*, -iii'l tiitned Ii e ro >m itilh 'reived. .I., I" pnii-i-ed in tlie bu'liic?? I'nr which ili:il ln« infinitr power > with ilcrpr«t liuinili thing cm make tnlerible hut gnod eoiopitnv.' gla-s, | know mil. but I IVIt no uulm iii.i-i in n innrkv cliiu-l. tlmi.l lu'.,v.n-'.' I .xcl.n-u- IT ..rkiiowleil etcr! I o.ite n..-hin;^ -o do hut •HI hi paid It at II. (iOUGIL nifitt 4. ihr uii.^t pitlirtic rl-if|iii'urr rinin Ilir mpany it. The oTirer hail made his renvirks in such n Ir.ivrls, and pnetrr. hut all to no purp.i-e My die like a man.* M v>. ve-.irril.iti-dtiv Ihe v»- TIIO-. « GOrOil. pulpit, will .intntlrci ii ..I n tiLnlr ol Kaiii'b Ihe reserve and . iv,iken toe kind leel cuitv, ilul lell no iliMuut impre*Hioii mi the long-r di.ti..giiish o.ij.-its; mv lioily »/i« rit'E ./r.,m, in ihr inrrli.nii--ii uf t.ip .-ilinii.! I.I-JMT- ing nl every iinr, and l e next moment we mind. I Inoked ont al the moon, and p.ii-fd Hc.irchin^. ,111.1 I p.inted fnr bri'.it 1 ', nilM'in^, rm on Sooth B , ihlrilKPCt II. Ill , u: I* C (Ti-. t ,| "n wive as mcirv as if i-1 had lieen over t hot- up ,ind .'own the ro-nn wult a t.i^ue feeling .it evi-rv ri-sp ie. cnntaini epwinji nun kiln) in ^rn ral. li "' Klliil _ '»U»t l-r Ihr tie ol' rh.unpi .;>ie. T ciiinnrl « ** (lip lifi- o| ;inpitience and nnh.ippiness. f.ir tin assi^ii- At ihi" lime a loud splnsn rallied throng'' Iho i.npr* -.-tinm ..n lhn«i- \\iiooc.ii v tlirir IKMI- •if t M- |Mri\ : w Hv im' -• i-y, at the "nmr Inn iihle le.isn-i. It was s.i v.-ry -till lh.it the 'i. k- hiven-d pin.-., niul I Ma« \*'\ ill ji «! «Blri-! I ln-»i' 1:1 n "«ii- I'.ir tf. ll^inloi on-il nnd p.-lil, -. in-.- o1 mv ^rte'i stiock me with a dislinct- iwer of wjlrr. The fir «errt 'aniageilhan v\i.tk-* i-l on- l«>r. . nt.il IIIH \v.-n.lfr. -n tli.* The dill:;' nee i>« l.-l . n np'n'.lr, nn.l r>« 'v ne«s s-i piinful lh.it I atoi.pt-d it. tvin^ on tlie houae. ii'id iht- «tre.uim may be rn pene- ' 'I In v In lu. Ul linn in .ill ln» in i^nili *'i Id'-nly tn-ri-d I'lintd i lull th.it iirerliim \\'!iile in Ihis state | was startled hy a ti-d mv chnmlier. lit the uddc" i- hn will cill i in .ill <.! 'ifvifv, m nil Inn v\r.ifi, in I'll- n»e . o-ie of f... p nl mid water, I wa* resli.rid to life, cily, or on H. II. F I^HI-II«I(* rrii-d mil, v-iice quite near me, ninth I iinmedialrly and . in ..il :ii« v.uirlv. Un. i-«i-t • I'h. is t'in-lr'1 rl< i tvhit a Mpn'itdn^'itilnl l.uul knew Inr th:>t nf mv fair lellnw tr.ivell.-i, witli it tn hop.-. I he air of (ho loom Una men Bank of Mit] .! ity t.irniv. I. • .uticillv li-cl tmi (in,. mme tie .r airl fri shi nrd. Once mine II be told in sr i» ' I M i .ii'iiiii-ni every evi- »t:is warbling exquisitely, n n s..ll iinder-tone, I .1- ^i- ..I. »n.l I i i^liip. nltlionjli iliinil), i« ed il iii^h the winilnirs, and fiti-d in ndnii »lie bi-inlilul air -Nvl Cnrpo.' frnm lh" oji.-n rmr., resulted to niaki- .-uinthcr rfToit at pie- mi.i |t " "t. in-'rrd, a Intelv p"i«; of 1.1.1,de. Km- a moment 1 expeiienci-.l n se.vi'inn. I si-ly.ed the longhand poker, ai-d in ;i« n e. Iliit il i* the ii'.ra of The lll^V 'ii'l-itir, S'tflll'.'^ in i;."ill.' ' dali- thrill id H-itisf,ictio:i lhat a human heiog was Irird to Inrre hark the locks of the two doms. lh I - tin - ! J' liiil .- or i n reli 2 ion: tin,, l whfat and rv flel.U aivii'i". and so ne.ir inr. On c\ami"atinn. I Mi trei.gth srrim-d In mrr.-i.^ ttilhniydes- n«ll!more :ii.-ir ,i.«s,.|.||.- . !iir-i'.vo r*-j s'> .when .-IT fPfl":' ,r ..,-..,.,,, anil f.ir :nr iv rose- fonid tlut tieie was a ilimr between my room pir,viiun. I tnil-il till Ihe ekin wa* rubhetl rill inirrt (he itw«e« . rrrt.ii; I * n -' i guinei f yi -up,.., e repaired. l.l!U in leni-d hlue. Not a fene", or and hers, .ippaivnllv long nailed tip nnd dis- liom my bef.ue lacrratrd hai.d*, and Ihey I n- -.|lilUo-,! oil -us! n .- .." s-i p.ii the »vi '«-apr.- id *p i of r^r- us*.||. Ttrn or thr' e tunes I was on the pnint n er" bathed in hlo.id. Il was nil useless, BRA 1.8. i\i|'UK I \ I l«iN. j.i. grd. I no­ il" ' illllf II i o,| |-|,.. . tv-i'iile I spots will) of tipping, and of allempling a convers.iiion, and hopi died 1'ioroajhly wilhin me. Al- b.-(c« Iriirr to infer* t MCNKUI. il lilt Oil- W.'l I , •in.i d ' i its nl' k.' i»l ' i-'s, in.I tv*nt« rotti- hut tin- niter impropriety and indelicacy id mini fainting. I at.iggrre b.ick neainst Ihn le public in . . Is. .ire «u >j rt In i- a e- t .- '-.MI", s'lli'l*. lik»» s.i such conduct as ollcn struck me. A* I was w.,11. In th.it p.'-iliiiii I sawvv my reflection in ; ni»l In. ir^. s, It'll 111- v .ire • i-n- a l*svche, and in spite of mv g silua- thr Cibinet \UOr. A- II \M> il«. J i i at ii'ir feft ^'1 |H|| rnp.ilii-i.ily rumiraiiii7, she romnienred in lo confine hi»»fllf«J i.ile'l I" ti-si. nptatti'-i an i.ipnlVv n:i ' >f- i i» IT. ' r i-, 1 , »'. I and silvrrv, which. lb«* sitne *o,',''i i-of tin- anng frnm 7Vi//n/ /.u- lion, 1 wjs sppjt'.fd at my nj f Mr di- hit of in UNUKRTAt ys t< ! n- ',..-..• nia'-,!-,-' i ii.'-, I, , !. | ,... I m.is: 1.1 t:ie trill. I'.c-nile.* I lisU-ned till she h«n ciui- eye* were ha-^'^-iril and blinid shi.ttep, my AND Vl-> I'lNU. i i|,.'i I..-- . , |fn i.^ u I. v.i.; ,i, |-s » ' M. .--I". T'lf I'-.IV W is ii'H" of rlniled I In- lir«t v.-r«". Then takii,^ up tin- II.HI, lii-ili-nnl wit,i perapir.iiion, hung in lank eriliwill be anil s tli', tti.lii. i ii id ti:ie to in-iluie thru- em- l!ie fc-rti .1 l" f e.'-rt t i p.r'.il,iri..(|i|,' Inne, I s:ii,«, liioil en-.n^h fnr hrr In ln-ar, the spikes, n,v lips weie bl.itk'il and parched. , eilhrr in Ihr nini le pu'.jUc lo rn I ryn ^uilt. Hut 1*1 our fl-.atin^ mon^sier.es, lie- .1V t cl'.'.ii', < ili'innt li-in^ i!:.v/.lln-^'. tvilhn ml v,-r.,-. wh-re Trilhv replies I" Jenny. 1 »'"' lhp p"-lll'l'«e«» "f my .kin w,,s ln shlfnlly prciil dirrrlioa. t IP-i e iiu'.' .'1*1 i pi U: e j'"d net it i- tin I irs ,iUo\* few li'jht. wild 1 ( InuiS >...iv no-l Ilie'i skl-o- Her voice rnmi-i .itrly paii-ed.and alter a le'w | c.mirasied with spot, ..I s,,,,i. .nil streak, uf ik« In ihr ptblic ferli nly lh" liii'ii^hts to ijoihli to that snriely 'ii, ami varying the linl^ "f lig'it fool-steps and grntle ninvi-ments, I heaid g ,re Irnnt my bleeding hands. e lul Iwtnl; jrrir., i ih,. .1 r-'tci 0 i- In-rn in tended In 'ie a'tardi-n- the I mNr i i.-o.at!i. Oil. ti-'tn-lsitini. noi- nu l.irtln-i tiniS'* in tier thnmtier. I lutened \Vh.it I h.it" relalid vtashut Ihe eventsof >tnra« and illeotiMi >K. till* pa**l"n* nrP illy impi-ilril 'o ce--. «t h,i Ii i. lieiln ' en \ln- III.- nf tli - pir- li'iig and eageilv inn then rrllrrlcd with « oni a few n mutes, f .1 hour* seemed eoinprenanl ir f»vi.ar. I hill world tempt .ilun's .lie *n Iv I'v his wi , ..^ ;mil '^iin,| Knni.ir, I'.IIH tiiin lh.it I Inn I iki-n nn nim.iir.iiil.i'il.- Iin I'K'lniiiid lh.nights .nil r.,|,iil .irtioos nf IINOTONG.TfCK. i'urh increasi-d by Ir: ; and un. ..turul -ci lu - : 'Lick i vat, Tli hia hand pa.'ed berty in br .illnng nhe accr ..l to a I t-ial hnri led pri ,.il. l'::ie oi.isinnmitinii w.i* s \|.K. ion. l,nlY in hrr bed room. I rapidly .ippnuii h.n^ A tto.iileii pmticn ?V u.iqe nf sii:ii|iy «nl» ol fiiii lacias, "In "lie mn'int.iirt 1 Vr, tvhiis.' tr^lrrs - rnt(!r'' •"> thro-'j't Ilic !ntvn. -Il nrist hr.ve hi en very lat", \.hcn weaii- | ciifi-red u it i tin, just indei mt windnu, lunl inruflli-.. nil tl.rir i, % II IIKP1IARD, n-il nut of Anne- \iiim i-l ('..iintv lailv iiicrrusiii", ,,|| i lieyoiid. Hi'I ruining a r ..i.l, e.l mure in nnnd Hi.in body. I l.nrw mv.ell I long rc*islrd t » lul n US . !e:..rlll. nllll lud in, in:l tn nu- niri-rli-d. a^iinsl ilie gi>«ds vt-isjht h.is (menl ils . ,i!ndarir-. mil Ihe i- Ii'ir. 1 . nil in . - .ei side , .v foimal, rows, nf ap , ^it'intil undressiii", on thr tit-d. As foi »li-i*|t i Ki-f>( lie'otv i^n'iinn by (he i>itgiii*-«, nnd TAlLOtL .-vert- th- ^ !> fon- :uiXi'Os ul Ar.n.-.pgi" I Hi's, l.iml. and Iriii-iiirnl'. "f l7plon »5 r.il irn t sweeps er«. the .^.'ilif.il II'm'.tejtnr , ,' iJM.iime'I ir- ' I, had, , no e\p. ctatmn... of it. |, did, , »let-|>.. hott ' at leo^tli, otriiiiini' b> it)fr »r-lie^t Irooi I'm 'rally, a arltciiua 4 i cii. it .ml n|' J.tm,-s Sykr* C'hrishnn lull is the licenlfin itnd lm|< lunus ui ed '-. 'nnd n-. t) 'C - I "Mi'v onr", n* ii'ir . i vi-r a »let-p.',,.. I -hall nevi-r Inr^i'l.r r.. ri-quriit' ii.- ^himiiring h.ni.i-*, ii spontril up in a ptra- fVLL AMI WINTi. Ili-trii n W.rn»ld, J. slum l)rvi!rn. vinnr of t.te ailor on s'lore v.'-tle w.i^ passin-; Ihro-tgh Ihe Iv I ttas ,i« 'v.i-ii..l liy an,hi.-n «l.iil-. and ,i.l id 'in-, (hit w.i. h.ii in. lit I 1 ." it i il, iti«h New York, PlutidrliaJ 'Mlfiti.iire url Kvlc, I h.ite s.-i/.ed a»'l ilul on hoard he Is n diTt-ir-i! h-in^, -ml totvi-. tin nlTh-i r ln,.ki-d '.i-irriedlv out of Ihe w hen I ulumherrd a^.iin. I ttas snn niin.'ed tiy w-iirU i.l sm.ilnei inu sii.ok.'. nnmedi il.-lt 111- elf, cnnsi«nns of t*ri ia twcutinii all tin- light, title, mlei- I ..ppi'uia a* if he tti-ti- wit mil -in .md » ^li­ Wii|.ni\t s, iii-l conv ul«i» i-l v shrinking liiek. slr.injc forms and ljce«, ili.it «t in-'l liightliil- tiimv in-,in My lungs tie e s.. oti-ri oinn Ilifle Ihhlu. In''"* fnneity, e'nun mid demnn-l, 'ntli at law mit noilr. \,-l lh"«r, the,-, iv'iii tin n awiv resumed us Inrnier pn»ili >n. 1 l,.m\v not how 1 v a I too. and siinnted in m v e ir. My nri-.ims with Ihe he.ili'd and deli-iei ,.us .nr, that Ik-It Raven) Brnwn. dnW( k-l ")'iilT, .'f «iid Uplnn I) \\elrh. o1 , in ;il hi. occaaimial intempeiaticc he careful how it w i'. h t In* «'n|..en and incomprehensible I'veutii.illv as.nmrd gn-atrr di->tuiciiii->s on chokrd; mv he^d s»..m muni', .ml mv kiu-e* Olive, mil Urij 11 ill those tracts or part* of tract* of Ih-v JIU'R.' They m,iy "th.iiiW (inil thai they 141 itui nitV S"eoii-d ron'-igions. Kinin mv senses. I seemed to hear tumultuous were .inking un er n.e. I r. n.rmiiered to < mil ptrmi*rs culled the La«t Shift, nrc n.it as ,|hat puiiiicun," and yt-l be lest as «.y as a wediling p.irt v. we ui'C.un? a* g. -ive voices, the roiring ol drums, Ihr ringing nl have heard lhat there is alw.iys in >u, h c..«es 3TII8. <£tj't Search, Sliiplt-yN Cniiteolion, nnc as Hi.- ntteii.lanls ol a luner.il. The nlTieer It-.: t a layer nf purr nr near fie floor I Ihrevr I) ALSO justified,when ttei^hed in thai Oal.iln r,where, li-ll., anil on i.ioiully peals like Ihun Ttact, rallr.l a V.\f\» in a better ^hapi*. illhnugh Justue i-yes Ihe beam, Merry is per- ua* the fir-t l.i bre.ik tin- -ili-in r, ami nt hi* lell oppn-ssi-il by the "lare id liftht. Kveli myself on my l.ice. l'i fai l I did brealhn , for Ovtr Coaii. Miiamg m the whole, three hun-'red anr 'intted to st.ind liv. and thru" inln tlie »t ilr Ciinters.itioiial po»ci«, idir foiincr halitiry wj* now. Vain consv'u'iis ol having siill'.-red much niMie freely there. I listened fm human jc- uliah Miieil inn Pn.l4 1'i'ffn icrr. 1.1 l.uul, more or leaa, bi-.n; her Ihoua.ind little grain* lo counleipuiie the so.in restored in Ihe throes of lhat deep and levelish sleep. ci-nls or nniveoienl* in the linusi-. but hi-ard I Plain C \3MMI5Hfcl, ' 'mil mi) ai,d-]irrmise. al preaenl oci upiei And now, M'.ns.enr I'liHirrr, ajid a pas­ A noiac like thunder, *nd .1 vnili-nt vihratiun none. All at one thr hois, id the c'nwd be­ dCAbSlNBTb. m.iss ol low aubsioed, and liomlhe few nci*M...,,,l ! IptoB D v\elch. lyiiiR and being in An "Religion in a suilor (I mean by the term,a senger, *if I In.* not too bold, pr.iv lell mn st.irlle I me I rum my uneasy much,and K|,r.n g Silk, S«lin, plii» '"I tArna-ltl tounly, near' Sykeat ilie, alto one why you were aeizrd wttli auch a hi of the a ut II rough apeaking iiumpei>,l uiiileriiiii.il cc-minnii s.ulor.) is more of an active Ih.tn a on the flonrjl look-- i around me with hnlf-srai- grenline, Medliy blue ill-vil* y i»,'the gi)c«l of iln« gjy.' jost (hit Ihe hnu.r »«s itlmut to In Id - n U I al <"Mritl uf lanu, calltd Jolm'a La.I Shift pa.sive feeling. Il duel not Cinisut in nllec- tcri-il sense*! m) dream* .'ill continued, for I iiette ; t*o hundred acrti of land more o when every one else was enraptured with the heard tin- ihouls and scre.ims of lundred ol in.i.t It'll relieved In Hunk lli.it this woulil linn or Hell-ex-unioaliiin. It ia in exle.nal* speedily lernnii.ile my dm. lul lale. \\lnlo TINGS. me oilier tract called. Lot No. 2, thallu.iespecl lo tin- l)-ily 11 nianifett. Wit- flni-st view o.i the rout.-?' voices, the drums rolled their alarms AS on the The olflcei's cminli-nance fell, hut he im- thus . \ en ed on the floor, my eyu caught ihn <-oHfu Silk IMftnttt mi-hundred and ninety ucre* < in-s ihr Sunday on hoard of a Man-nf War. eve of bat tic (numerous hells i latiged foith their B|, nii-ili.ilrly rt-^aiiu-d u* appenr.uicu .if compo­ door key neaime 1 ii-mendu red allcrwanl E, GLOWS, XV3- '• nt 'i-ta, al»o the following Nr Vhe care >Mth which the deck* are wato ing of a volc.ui". Accu.toined I -danger, I a»i>n -oiii Hirhi-l, md her 'wo children, J collecled myaelf, I appro.iched lh« window, into my mind. I arized (he kry, and itained PAL UKB33- i . I which duties aru perlormed on other d.iv*, nake any mystery| and perhaps my invo'un- Ihe il»orj bul lha denar, aulpnuiou* me U'n ' ml Tinimi*, al»o lun.iry Stock, II" but on tin* d'iy arc executed with an extra try conduct requites .m explvalinn. I was and *.tw lh.it the town wa* on lire, and tint ipeclfully invitMlkif , and a number of llngi, I'hnU- the conflagratnm wa* raging amund Ihe very i to k,.h I mar, o erp..\t n i-d m v ,-xh ua d preiisioo a'ul H*iii, 4l the reaulince of the aaid Up- to Divine Srivire, tthuh would he a paltrrn which | runtiot even think of now without denly armiaed me.' Tw« wind blew high, and ^ Wrlch, I shall proceed lo «t-ll the the Maine, rolling on in broad .heels, »as loolsli-ps fin) voices, mil that ua I frit « luuil ThV Sieim Boil **;] to a rnngreg.itiiiii on ihoiei Ihe little knots of huddrruig. I would detail wli.it, after flto crush tang in my ears. RYI.AND. coa-iw l>"i|wrty. ir tucli pa. I thereof aa may be men collected, in Ihe afternoon, between the year*, hn* Inal litlle nf il* original inlenaily, apriMil from hou»« lo houae. My hotel vtus M'Wurjr lo di'clmr^e Ilie dcbla due a* a did I not fear to tire you.' videnlly buHiiog. U may will be aupposed How long t LIT inseiiaihle I kn>.w not. 1 berrnuteon'rUlW guns, li-tniinu In one wlm reada aome aerious When I recovered 1 Inund mvsell on a bt-d in tu cummence at 11 o'clock. uoill| nr the solitary qu Tier-master pouring We all begged him earneilly In proceed, a* hat I did mil S«" long: i ru-hrd Inwards i the 9th io«l. l«»i»| 1*1 F"»' CASH. my door, bul al Ibe very innment I reiolli-cl- h iiid.omu'rooin, n gentle nun HI black, "-ho lower end of over hia Ihuiidied I e.ljment, aa he cnnunune. we writ perceived il wa* no ordinary circum­ I .ifieiwarda tlmcovered lo he a plitsiei.in, WRLCIt, uf en.' tVilh himself,- all prnve lhat .ailoia luve a stance lhat had produced inch enduring rl- ed the l.uly near me. 1 paused I i-.inl'e»« il I. A. M. for Ijli'ir, A. A County. bul it w.is only a pause whether I hnulii > Insi- bv me, neti-i.il »eivntil-> nroiind. A*) . decp-rnnted feeliog of religion. I once knew fecta on one. of hia temperanu-nl, - mil us I nvived, he begged me lo ri-m.nn qui- ii n Shorr nn tin] I ftril-lieuleiidiil receite a aevem rebuke Pive yeara agn, then,' aaid the officer, '«* not *avo my.i-ll. '\Mnit, leave a helplm* woman! neveil t knocked violenlly at the i-i I 4111, unfold, I had no "li.i- incliii,ilinn. r, leaf int Kaimn il J * from a ahip'a company. Thia officer, ubaerv I wa. on my wiy from I'ari* lo llnvie. to I I. Il ,,s il Ihe e wj* ararcely fnrre in me lo and Ann.polit. M1ARKKT, ing the men *catteird li.llosily about Ihe ore Join my regiment, Ihe diligence, in pa.sing donrj lhat wa* not a time for'leivmony I l-ieil with all my tlrcnzth to furie an enlrt; i.in.iu- or i-xpire my bream. I had a> hings, m eriown Trip »n FUll t)NR lll'NDHKU NK oaalln and wai.t of a fri^ale oil a fine Sunday through Coulrn, took in an old g»nllemati and my limbs and a soreneAs along my vein*, ea- Ilimore at 6 »'tl«ci. UiiKS of both arxrs, liom II) lo lered Iho flilnler up, thai th hi* daughter, whole whole air and appearance but in vain: the duor retisU'd my utmoat tl- evening, or *9 ' , , furla. Meanwhile the light b-oune more and puciully in my nrmat lifll Ihe win.I ol all wag iMvinnl'hrfltfiD*"'1 ' of age. I will give more miglit dance. The ahlp'a company Uianked bore the atamp of birth and education. I oc­ it moai'inauUV-iable naiiaeu. Thr burna were Dri,«whirf.for fir tint number of alavea iban any him fir hi* kiiulnv**, but alaled thai they hiM cupied a back left, and aa Ihey entered, I more bright, and tha noi»e of the crowd in- 11 eaaed below, a* if nearer and more numer- uicon.iilernble. My h'ad was bathed in Co- oihtr Purchaser in the maiket.ni nut been accustomed lo dance on that day, alternately offered it to both of them i hut lo^nn wsti-i, leeche* applied to my client, anil r at the «» c«me. All mmmunicalltina will br and rrquoled Out the mmic mi'glit bo <-- (hey declined, coldly, though polite. The oua. I upr.iny to my dour, and li.und it clos­ all(n<|ri| to if left at Jamea Hunter'. ed. I remembered well, locking it In-fore go- iced wati-r given me l<> diink, till Anally tha "•«'. below. , . a. other aenla were fllli-il with young oflk-rr*, irritability of my .'omarh wa* allayed. It fnkipnl'** at which place the aubicri* dettined for the aame place aamyielf. They itij to beil,and taking the key out,but hail ut- The Sunday nn buird of a Man-of-\Yar teily forgotten whi-ie I had put it. Allerjit wna, hnwrvrr, Ihrei- ilavsbrlore I w.a rellur- nwn orRorairt, -> - ^ »-»._ .k «.. were nil atrangtra (ft me) yet, a* (here i* a v d to *iiy ihin^ li*>« cuinfurt. Even then I e«ra of tie Mf "" WILLIAM UOOl'KR. kind of frcc-inktonry amon|> mllilary men, tempting te bural itopan with my fpyt, 1 e* 0. TA/LUB, M«l« r **"V 1 J

    thaii aarraud to Mr. Van Doenon Uia IbUoVioi remar. I For WM M weak * thl'.d, No. Dft. Patrick Dougherty TS. Bernard-Me. | ^ county, a few miJeaabore Com- tho Committee (o make i b«t th* disease WM' tenses of the conqaerrdi I had mad* many attempt* to ColgajL. The argument of this caso waa com. -Ba& CKroMde, . . kable fad* in hi* history. _ | Senate, of hia conn He iUU4 that about M y»ar* a§o h« was a porter to iforria, were elected. question mj.attendant*, anJ they a* often po mencod by McMahon for the Appellant. _>REAJ>FUL*TRAGEpY. a imrotnUhi hoax in Uunbnrf, and, hiring boon lonj For the Committee on i^tod for consider^ ilively rffutfd to talk with m«. When Oi«y Saturday, Doc. 18th Present aa yesterday. in iu employ, waa ftwpumtly entnwtod will" eon'lorra. taw me really convalescent, my qoeritt w«r* \ anamtion waa produced in Southwark rfessTs. Robinson and Morris ^KilWanding bis doc Tho argument of the shore cam waa eonchtd. bU am* of money for eonreruce to ollwr eetabUah. aali*0«d. I low lisri I been 5, in consequence of the death of two Mr. Clay gave notice that *avi-0? Who had ed by McMuhoo for the Appellant, and Frick last I menu. In an hour of evil influence he was induced to thought of tlie stranger, when every one wa* for the Appellee. indit ^under circumstances of the moat he would ask loavo to iatrodace intent on hit own salrtv and tliat of hi* pro­ Tiolnte hii irtut, and to abKond lo thu country wllh a vide for tho diatributlon of the Monday, Dec. 151k Present as on Saturday. melanch young man and wo- large euro. Ilirin-j arrived, lie invert^ the greater'part perty? Who but woman, west, timid wo- On motion of Ihe Attorney General, tbo man, dcvoie^kattached to each other, il would man) who cnrelm tit Ihe tmpalae* of ambition, case of it la the parchaM of two hoaiei which adjoined each States. of the State of Mnryland vs. The Trustee* of , but bor^p whom a quarrel had lately other, and which before be bad effi-cbxl an innranee on pel il" ill I when the can trrve humani'y! taken place, 'i led to the fatal event wo are Tho Senate then adjourned io My lovely neighbour had been awakened tho Bank of Mnryland, No. 143, wa» act for them, were burnt to the ground. Conauioring thi* a about to rotate.' stated that tlie body of jailgment of heaven npon diahoncitr, he'deUrmUwd to liy her fattier a few minute* before, and hur- hearing on Tuesday llib 30th of thi» month. the fomnlc was i Ute in tho afternoon, in devote rieil uir lo a (iliee nf aafrty. As soon a* the No. 40. Jnmcs C. Sollman, ct nL vs. Robert the remainder of hit) life lo a eevoro conrao of in- HOUSE OF tho room of n the neighbourhood of diuUy and iiniiile* of the hut«l wenr imembteil, anil (lie Tuylor, cl nl. Ihe argument of this caso waa paniroonr, with tho lingU ohject in view of South and , perfectly lifeless, and mikinf Ail) rmtilution to (ha penoni whom ha bad in­ aaw that nne wa* miifing.tlial I wat not there, commenced by Kennedy for the Appellants. Fifth with thn Ihront cut fnM*Ar to ear. Within a ihp bercechcd the firemen, the landlord, the Tuesday, liec. 10th Present an yesterday jured or lo Ihoir o>*cendanU I fj.Tm«v r .. few fort lay Iho young nBj^D tho last agonies He adopted another name, and, with the moana he tco on officer*, her old lather tii save roc. They ile- Tho above cn»o w.ia further argued by ,ha« » nxmhfr of lll< of death, and with hi* throirUao cut in a simi. had loft, commencrd buiinefa in Ihie city » a lobtcco- ry of Iho act in addition to ths 111,^,, and ho had used eUrr'l with on* voice, that Ihe attempt «a* nnd Itfnycr for tho Appellees. the organization of the Treasary"V?v! Wednesday^ Oec. 17th Prcsx>nt tu ycslcr. lar manner. lie died shortly lifter the arrival ni>l;amlaUhong'ii hu trtde wua rouil one, and he in LilcropUnglo indirce 0 ux-U-M mailMiVft. Hanlly had her father ry Doportments, which was read twice u Iri'f tier (n look sfter hi* trunk*. »lun ng.un dny, nnd Dnrity Judjre. of Ihe physician. A case knifoTlnaa on the floor again loffcrml a hoarv loea (Vom fire, ho hid racceodod nnnKflt for debt. 11 firo jean inc.-, in neqairing toflidioat property lo ac. mittcd to a Corrrmittco of ibs Waul. (.In- bejtReil anil implorril the firemen, until Tho argument of tlio above caso was con between I hem. Both parties werct^ajute young, a act of Congress, cnmplUli hi* ju«t and elcralod purpoM. 11- Ihen, ac­ Stiito of tho Union. ' IIT IHT lea** and a full pur*r, two n eluilcil by Mayer for the Appellees, unit John Phil. Inq. cordingly >old hii itock In trade, and waa preparing lo The f-illowing rcaolutiona, aubmitted t>>* strongest anil nntt roolule oll'riC'l to g< son for tlio Appcll.tuts. Hi.t who w.n lii show them (lie »flj? Uefnre I unit llio necon.tr/amoool to Hambarg, where jlhe day, woro considered and urreed tn- PARTING £3. itilr firm ho had dofraudixl rtill conlinaea, whnn By Mr. Hubbird ^ thrqut-liiMi cml'l «ell he askul. sl.c runlird ' We :iro plcniuxl to lonrn, that Mn. Mari The Patierson N. J. Giirolio of Ihe 3d inst that il liad a branch ciUbliihmont, or a Rcfjlned, Thnt the before them. while a scremn wss heard frmn fiarnry frmn tlii* city, has bcon very adverliws for 500 of these birds, ofToring a li- every one i e«r hrr. Stic led the way Hi ihe ry, Iw directed to < in c-.l ;blr,lii)i(,' her Frmulo Scininnry in Frc liernl price to protect them from (lie ripourn Thither room .1.0 had -n Utelv occupied, m.w alin.ut, (, jpU , , , . ,)ri.plirw| ( receive n Ii ln> ffcnl, atkluid Iho mm of $14,000 bein Represent! oft hi' coming - -- . .. V IM iluk a< night with *ini,k<-. The firemen ' r wintr.r, and let th.-ni out (n !!' > equiv 1 -ut lo Ihe origirSf r.n*B> bs Bad ombeulail, with a nutod mimli'T of young Utlicn ua boardcm. From spring. c-:rl -t-T i. L nerJtofon, «,» |,,J totJlv exempted he r. "lileil till ;!'ey »n» I.er still pr*»s mi A 'io rili of inlrnxl. Tno 1^itr>r, Ii which hna taken place hctwoeaU thi: >li.'i!inpii:0ied lulmtN of this Imly, wo luul crntnlv n'tumod toliimhy^aaon ofonoortho p .. « nil, M.I-.» (nun ilit-ir 01,-, ami the dom " :.,.-. _f.u.n._Lor ,||eIJi.w-».. ) , nf lhc Fi'der il Jiidi fl.-i in Miivn*. A ri.rntiiii mulling in. uii-d (.t>ni| r.-.'Hi,i. to prv:ni:ne thai her efforts in Tr.-- A man residing in Traverses' fmirl.'mlwecn lliu, (op't/iur with Komj fturplua monsj, hoha* brxiooal)}. der:. k Mould Ir- crown"! with wiccrts, Iml we til »a -'' <''-''"->r at" m\ lili-lr.iR .Vidv nn his nhiniM.Mh. >liile at lli« TiOh nml Sixth Mtrocl, ninninj; from ,S-nali (o lation to the claim made by tha ~ «. rv i:«( prep-irrd to h.ivo our tipi-cluliun* so Hliippen slrenf, in ail, r oi^corily, and in pAvero e n conl«ncQ with hia I, v. 'Thi»lmnpnepi aa'iic I ime lii * rmnpauiiii h.ul In ijlch adil lienr in n fit of jealousy, «:ul l!i-; liini.il gcs, olid llio course pursuud ' '--nlonlv, i'!V Ihe lii-riiic girl. win. li.nl mult «» il'S "'" ' Cliroair'r. of n pirl nnmnl M -ry i"',^ t'oTinvd h.ti.i. of |>.iriiimony. I) \\i*. y -"lonl iy nfli-i- on necount of tho protest of t'fl Ihi* intiincnl Blii* h;ul Peeh riv |iii'Hli'ale Iniin- noon, anil thru, \iilh thr H.imo i-i.ilriimcnt, cii! '. lli» cxo"jlor, Mr. Van Ducnrven, foand tlie oNrro | tail,. cooM ho mi.vt.-.kr the French Government by Ihe Anil uherc is n y prfHervii;' I rxcl.iimeil. I Tli \, ,rJ(V,... n of n liimoro nre now in the 'iiHOun throat. They are both Jcatl. nitinrU i-'.Hn ul" ^JiiJU, prinr.ip'tlly in douhlootu. tftu* |»JrrcrerK>l in a liltlo I uiii-n 1 liml ln'iinl thr Iu . fy '*hc is in I."' Ul.« :i rpr of 111. ir of paiic;tin;* cuutribulion* on b*. t'ork Cvttrirr. pnrtment. J--of civilir.-l nnli^n1 kj»u- h"li-l where Vi'U ..ii- .it pro.'l.l,' *i|' h 'It' o " I'.- fiirm 't fit.! . 1 Snow .fill, Tlio On motion of Mr. Jarvii, llir pli\ -u inn; but Wi'li I.' r ilrlirnte liuuir. fol''»\i II, f l '.Jffl*r, I <*n of «li*lriwi h.i» ju»t I. OF TIIF SHIP KNITEI) ST.vTr1.^. TW^TV-TIIIHD CO\UHES». Rrniliixl, That the Cominillcti on Cx I fctWrl'aiwiruil *>«< . IIIT i u. rrtttHl nl Now York, on \Voilnr«d y nijht 1'ro. i i The lir^t Kite, i'»» MI.IV :nl. I t) Tiir. n.Mi i., up M \:;YI.\ IN SENATE. providing by law Ihut in thn surrey'of I^"|J «.w Ci ii»A«, Mr'iil.TTinnnii, lutii'i; t.ilitl froi.i M h-»n. ou tit- .'f- inuilr i-! PI\ r til i i ! ,; In . -T >i i-v,-!. nl .-.-A liill Wednesday, Dtctmlttr 10, 1R34. of Ihe United Stales, now in pn^~_ .u. J .y.^ Then w- f no conili' trir il i' . . In &>'..W t t» vthiiin I u.M'il c\»-i y i> '. \\ , "> ••• ; T!i'' S -n vn |irucuc-dcd to tho special order of tudeA and longitudes of every _. t jrffc llw bo,!y o" d 'hlor ( III II 'I ' . itOiiT*' of 1'icir un!ol»w 'f 74, C'lptiin Ni*'i" p - deht ^r i: iin'li-. I >'. iiu'm l!r >t >>. Iv .ng the election of Iho Standing Com- carefully ascertained and published; r.«ni InolScrWiL-ii, h.iit 1 r. ,-VH il w.i-. I l.iiiti-! iit-r .. I . -I a report is made in respect to it* public (bf.rthil im;>rtMminnnt for t of I'l.- tn'vu, l!if> r- M r-» of ilr. Inifi >«, I'P liiO' ! liiutli su>»idrd nt M .thru. i\ l.-n tlir L? rilliil Slit--, ! .1. l'ii-' V'icu Prasident announced that Ihe scvo- liu- v»u uihi :.' i'. I. nl- by thu two Collectors (nuLoai'lj, errrpl la r,iffi rid l-y f-re. » l'nli-|«, Un 01 riC'KRS OfTf.B L'MTKU .>TATi;.S. nil ClKirmrrt wuuld b.'. first chosun, .ind ill" bol. and the Coraimjin T"« a iiinukii>ii l«i> r -lur> he Navy Yard nearest the propoml a*, I w ; |>J»M IB Mr. J. ron«i rffirrn, rii'l '! mvn ( o. »!* t\* li Ufc-n of ntcr- r,»,uM noV-r Jl. K. (MUrd. Kt*q. |i,t i t>'i:i^ tukun, tho result Wiis us follows: w.aiao* ThTC iTipriiK>»m( ^uftirc :l In -(.ly. ilut u» conformity with the recommendation of th* in.lkv* n. y III lid inn nl ..I I' r.r.ii.-nrur.i. r. nuch;nan, G. A. }M.:gnii.cr, S. O. 1 ur tli< Coniiiiil : on Foruign Helationg, Mr. H uj oth^r condition llin rctury of tho Treasury in his Kill am a li..|i I | ^T '» of I ii:d i r.' i'i- ludiHi 'iv tin U . I*r. Cl.iy «MS «;!iTtiJ. rtooial Rtntl twikoVi'd, and rill \r: , oi lm»r>*M r in rnnv l»« ho-ir-l within tlf*m, a: id fi*w nml P.iixr J. ^N.To.1.1. I'.ir tli, Cntiuiiiltec on I'inanco, Mr. Webster ho Stale of Iho Finances. Jf ! f-r octwr- .1 . r* Uic Imjm of iln h^ndicr-.f\»'"irn. li'w-o Sur^min S. Rapit.ye. w:m elnc.ted, Mr. HurRees oifured Iho foliowlC r , - » V. tho Itiiiivr*. in '.» hieh but .1 f'W H.IVP iiincx* clM^crAil < h-pl.in <'.. K. IStjwirt. For (lie Cuiiimillcc on Commerce, *ilr. 8ils- which, und< r thu rule, liug one dav? ] ;..'miir eunr«I I o-,* ^l hro.-J; or (tin»a wltirli hcrt'tnforir S.iJiiig M>nt(*r K. \V. Alnorr*. bnc iv,-w nliTto-d. Urxtted, That thu Socretar)- of the T» •il|i|'l • 'I Ilin !"»» nJ i )'OiUnirltr.*l \vilh Lite ncn-t«. Srmnil M^rt-r S. A. Until. 1'or the t'omniitlee on M-inuf.icttires, Mr. ry Di'puTtmnnt be directed lo send to Uui II l irtril npn'i t 1 1-- M«M-«- :-«-r I". -rir- Ilm ro*i't"« IU ^i.J -; men n ol" lil'r, lt )p* nf n»li- OiTir.-rn of M rmm dpi, Miconlwr and Uotilon* Fn linshuyw.-n was elected. n u tabular form, tho amount of i CP till ill Mi' til".- It.. i] »f ilm inJ'U'Jry. UIP CIMII. nl Yornjj. I'or lh« Ciimmittco on Agriculture, Mr. o llio Marino HoApiUl Fund by alii |i"'Fi» iit Surgeon J. C. S|,« ncur. Urnwn W;i." rl.jtK 1. hu iiiurcuiiulo wrvicc in tho Dutricloff MilydfpidinK l.t>J cj(; -i.. two \% .^r^d aj--,. wp n»* t I" Tii.-tn *«lil>iry n- ..f tli<> r.-. I'or th.: Committee on Militnry AlTuini, Mr. dcnco, in the Dutrict of Newport, j»i i lirfr.-r it »li'llVi nercw. (UU ' anil ntllft! « ( II". Jl I'l \m nm {.tough (tic r UMT< ol' l!i' tt.tluntnt U- il f,:ip«l, and ^ Alini^ht^ hj«l do*.-ind-d in nrr. Tl,n nwl'iil ^"nt Jia* I1."1 nl Mi-l»iiip'nri) Uich", i 'onl**», ( '-amntin Rcnton wan i-luctcil. l>-(rict of Urutol, rurpoctirtly, in in; in*. ant. For Iho Cotnmillcn «n Ilic Militia, Mr. Ro. hi u-d District, from Ib > commcDcemcai a* J | M^. lod on'. I |mrl nf CITll r'liiviuiml innr tltJIl lnn'^JT houRrr, ><\ uli i»ovpnlrrn .iprl"y. U «(', K>*nn«-dy. l.ynrli, M''gnnJ"r, M*D o^.t t,y wlCl Im j, (iu l.l.M'irtno, Pitcher, Itir.hardtoii, Schonck. Tilglun United Stat^-V up to the time when i llji: L ar ill fiuy-pix chunitic*. nil \\ilh. -n.on, Kor the t'-imimltec on Naval AIT.iir!«, Mr. wui by law pl.ic.-d ut the dispo.r,i A cling Uoai*w4in J. AUri^v, I'or ihe Coinmitlcc on Pri.nlc Land Claims, by sitid soomen after tlial timt and I a. He » J Hill no iiio.n' A^>\i-.»i.in, D. r. i-j, ruiiw jnd li/i |>r! Sut:u-r.^ hnhi-n'd, clothid and ( uniiT U. H. Cily. Mr. HhcU vt- -s elected. comnu'ncuinent of Iho UUo.ir* of lifo a^niluiakrr J. Bjgji. \fhilo \ni.i elected. together with thcf)>! aTn-nli: jooncrr p^rr-onn inn-irn over (-!iiilil«-'J |'ronp^cl5, r4Moii^rv [>icut< naaU RiiJ(pr«y, Woolly jnd I For tho ('oimnillco on (')aiuu, Mr. Bell waa ol said Districts, respeciivuly, for Ike i Ib: p»rfnl S'. ii « uf III* tli l llio rc«:i!U «f a lifd oi' tu,|, H-cre < on cli'cl.?d. sick and, diruhlod .io.inicn nli-i I tn {nxr-ily 114.M. co-upir Mill lio I'r.'i.t !> i/ci*i* * A. M. till onr oVlark; mti'*Ml '>i un'' I'uur. Pained Midihipinaii (iillet and Mid«!iipmin Uvvnr- For Ihe t'oinmitlec on lhc Judiciary, Mr. due to or from said fund, in each of ual I 1 (tfvr t MB. ur.lo» ho It id an. I rr,.rn :\ till ft J>. M. '1m inrmh* ol" t!ir Nni lor otirpvlvrn, Uul for oihor*. ^itiihl wo cv*iin "r riaylon WU.H i-leclcd. trictn, rc^K-ctive-Vj-, at Ihe several Iran i C*"'..*jyu, gcncrully, nr« r BjifrH'iilly invitotl lo your yinj>-»t'u°«. ft-llow nlunim, \vo wntiM rot pjtipi;rr- For the ('ominiitcn on (loads and Canals, said, if any, and how the same nuy i.u willi (IHr re Air, nor (five « pic^ln culnur tu tliT jiirturr. l .r the ic. alien J, From thr jVnr lte,lfitrd Mrrcuif. Mr. Ilondricks wn« cleclcil. dispoacd of. m If he hid tho I IIKC TOR Ht Ml'IHlKYy, rar'ry of wlnt-h i.ar n> mi, i,,ity u'o*.M mil voucf.. \\'o I>Ti'.ii»:«rixi> I'lmjovKUk. U i- .ir.- injrlit i«lf.nar;l.lif. to UuJ Cjuntfl c.llin^l- ,'iir I,AM m il*-ll r» i-nil rnnir; Ur m pro. For Ihe t'ornmilluv on Pensions, Mr. Toinlin- On motion of Mr. BiAncy, to nn inlelli^unt und highly r-'|n-'-teil r-irn ROII W:IM Rttolrrd, 'ITi.it the Committee on Ik J | kaA tat our IW? ir.eliluliol jMirliun Iu Iho w Iwjl" v^lilf of pruj*'rty in llio Villngn, t-Ji; u '.ut propoiiliiin; il n I.llmivy. jmlidrm lur lhc fulum in^ c >iiiiii:ini<; ui ui n liioh, I'or tli" I'ommiltrn oil Ihu DiKlricI of Colum ciary Iw instrucli-d to inipiiro into the i ttnl li«.ii cuarn,otu. Wo loava willi you a U.li'inci,! T*«' itticot of til" pi rr - m in AnnujMitiH. und vicinity, nro uf »ini|,ln fiCl«. lor lh" iiii'irin .tion il coni.iinH, will l« nl' much bin. Mr. Tylor w.ix i-lrcted. ency of providing Ly Jaw for dmiguui IK-. C*-i;«*« hid Ilio ci-|-:ti tH., tlmt ('i- uiinu. I Hulu^ri|ilioii « ill Tho ri-fti'lcnc"*, tlio fiK^J, Ilin clalhcii of chtlJrcn ntnl inlrruHt lo Boaiii' u: For the CoiTiiiultrr on Revoltitionun-Cluima, to aorvu in tho colr\of Iho I'bit.xl .- tip ntodt i | l-.lua. nlh.- Wn'iuJ rr, \vill \K rxpi-rtccl. (oo(U of inrrrh t.ti, »!' I irgi' amounti In \ .)>lo; Uto liljr.. lion of u ii[ii|ili- mod : li> in.ikn ,\ ti'iii)>or.irv com- For the Committee on the dmtingnnt Ex lisod in tho highest court.* of law i* lh~ Those Mint d' *ir' "Tho (.' "np.mion" (o n* p.i.w without tin,' aid of a m.'|;nc't. It ni.iy not iSlmlvy nf iwu ro-.iritry, riri and ftflicct ul* pr«jfoMion«l moni Iho ilionn, lh" lixils, pemes of tin- Senate, Mr. Kni^nt was elected. live Slates. jv-^4l«d^Uw,li uork, be genvr>lly known to my : forever. For tho CiiiMiiulieu on Knj;rosncd Hills, Mr. Tho following resolution, off r.-J ir >lr.J ^iV.QMa his own mind \Vitlioiil Ih.i itl of our follow ciliioui, Snow Hill inuil und mi^ht prove of grnt u ol>. t» 'Hin Sonati) I lion proceeded lo hrillut for Iho dny: ['^l-l.llbli. I UthoIJi r. Uiaii iiir «i.iiJ«r fig hi iu AJ^rylintl ur perlittpe 1ho LiLniry.Mill be six tlull.irs. tnined, nnd wlirrr ,ilwi, tiny nro M imi'timcn dc. rpm.-iininR mrn>l>-r.i of tbo *. vcrol committees, 'itrnoSrtd, Tlinl the Secretary uf W« »| J-J J-l_l.-«, «ii.,n^ flo.l in Uio t'muil Suti-i. stniycd by li^laniiii;, wliicli h-ui hr.pncnrd lo when it iipjw.irovl ih.it red «| (o tninamil Ig Ihii llnum any t«uf it»inliik,linu.l! \Vo c.iiu.ol concludo thia pipor without alluding in The unilrTMfrnril, pjimcii^cni on bnird of lhc twice in my exp rii-ncc. If it :i'.ioulil b,^ found For ill- ('niir.tiitli.T on Foreign K- ulionH, e. lion ho !.m;> hnvo received from trw (' I -t'uii.fitae:.iwiiirnlof Uil« (ulblin way, l«i n Pnrkol Sli"i|> tJi'.irKr W-'rbur, on l cil/ of a kilter Nlalo. In worthy n plueo in jour p.iper you urn nl lih.Ttv wr?'. Kin.'* of Cipor^in, M.ingum, y:ir.:j^ue, uml glowing t"rm». for our Ii«4n« indito tlirin, wo would n.oni.-r uppoinUJ by tho Stales "f) from Amvi|xJiM to Iliilliiuure, re(|ii to iiinert. Vtmrn, vVe. 1,'e, wcro elected. Ponnnlvaniu, and Virginia, to t.f> VOWtlfMd-'tl1., WO ill i Jolin Siiniln to uerrpl tli»ir*lividy Iliunks lur Ilm l.:i -ilk riiiUJulfiJii* fur what «hj lui do.io for u». Tlw I'nirhavcn, Nov. 27. I "3-1. itJiUiMilDr-.nrtir.' prffiipt .;iid jreueroiife inumer iu which »ho liaa conio lo F'i.- lh.! <'o:'iuui.tou on I'inanoo, Mvmm. of t|u fiunhjrlojid K""l within Tulio a rniiiiiinn siz-'d V (.^.^41 lo All C'lllMI Sfrunan-liki' innnnor in \\liirli hu inaiii' fd his (uil.u-. 'llc, lifuk olf Wrif-lil, Tjlcr, M.ingtitii, uml Kwin^r, %rcn ,. Iho IT j uiui r^apnouvidyjand I our rviiui', would alouu oolitic ner lo her wry nigniu. Iho cyo nml nlHuil n i|imrt"r of nn inch of point la cwclnnaa lio »ouU) voswl diirini; Ihe M'vcn< (;r.l.! u'' >«!rtim! y, und. i, cant IWHM-. leclcd. Ihoroon, ami lo lurnith fta CJtinul* "f' m> n:i to present t.Umt llrin-m,- nurli.co I; «rli«Kl the Kuio,, >tf thn skill uiul illiru|ayr>l in j ^ Bri^. r Or i|,0 ruiiiinitlee appoiolrj liy Iho pro;,!., nl tlio For Iho Commit toe on Co'Simv rrc, Merirs. nio .nt of money which may be nets hiirbniir, -.ml I'.r ' .- < -....' IW 1'jirwl, frmii con» of buo*v Hill lo NoItL-it -jut] rucuiVii lur, and dutrituto i>p|x>»ili' cn-l, tlicn t.ko :i co.mn.in lire poker or Kini; of Al.ib.uiu, Spr.'gue, U'aggamnu, and C'J.'r un iron hull from ic'jly bolUh iinpri* lo Ibcir riHiiliTI und v:l'i l\, ul III li.'M of IU. I to i ,u .jir.r.Tr IIJT the I. < fire ol dial (dice, iluii»uciu> It ill In ono inch in ili-uu. t. r, WriL,tit, wrr,- dectrtl. * li> tile r.'qui litiona of iho nnd from two to Ihreo A w.i OJODO, nu I iw up (jrente»t jwril. tiMjr bo ru.aivi'O tro'n .Uxurd. li-ct 1'iiij, M.-I ii in u |K-r. For ilm C.imniil.ir on Ma.mfictures, Mensrs. u iiich liavu roeoivod the nswnl poinliriilnr pcxiition, (I.- n uit i u :ii'xl"riU) Bi/.c-l *l iajury u> hia own Kt> I Jolt -. KltxiELV, Dvv l.. T. I I.I.I., JOHN M. MAUTIN, Knight, Aiorrii, I'renii:-.-!, ...i,: 'I \uv, wuru cltcl. AU>, Ihut ho inform tho Mmuo wai hnnmmr utriko Ihn upper end'if llu iron 10 or ' tyittni of ej S. ti. DIIMMIIII;, Ji.ir il. 11*1.1., ed. di:ion of Iho m.isonry on llio v.. Il.il, 1 Ib3(. 11! iim.irt tiipi in qiiick criece-ni-jn, lli"n plum II. RAitioau, KOII UV Li:' KM:, _ For Ilm Commilt ') on Agriculture, .Mc.ixrn. inches of mctnl h.ive boen pul oa.lk»l,«|J '" inlCouii wabin K| tho noedlo r.s i|uiek us po l.- on tho ti|(prr end NAT. WIHVI:, tV..:, I'. Vi>siiii,i., Kent, Koliiiuon, Morru, and Su-ii'l, wuro clue:, which haa boon |4cale«l unow, undf &» fa», Ui tltonpl nolliiun of tho iron nl«o in nn or^ct poHiliun, und give II. J. Titoiiraux. CI:MBKKL\\U co.vu ed. Congresn, jind upon that part of !' * W4 tl lua O«Q bulo, r Tin r-' w. .. l..in'- mm lfulif.il sixioimfn or* tho neudlo several slight t-ipi (|iiicl;ly, tin- lownr Tho Indic-n du-iire I" i.niti- in (I For Ihe Committee on Militnry Affairs, liotwwn Iho Moiiongshela anJ f""" ttiiacoul mi i.' u ..I tin.' In'.' ru.u Itn;.:ov. mriit ond of tho ncedlo u^l bocuuio highly iniprc;;. of llmnli'- i <'-,»!. H "!-. M :wrs. Ti|iton, Clayton, King of Alubum.i, and And nl«o w.i J nalnd with north, anil ronxc wo un < CJIK-C! |» find I i llio ii|ipor Pn'hton, weni elected. ncce'-tiry lo make a pcmnnont »8..laiii:i) lh« nnrdl.i on n mm vex w.,tch n>ad upon llio plan which II-IK Co-.trl ol Ap|«:uU, Dct-vnitor Term, Hondricks, Wogguman, McKcan, ond Suift, its repair by Iho Department. ifclinii ..uli llim co.il, \> tncl) nuivaM lo illualrato en ntul or on any smooth ronvox nurlace, or mm. wer.i r.lectod. ' ' L^ri roids for «l>j| lh" j.'rcut pend Mr. Clay, by conaonl, » -i", oa motion »r M Tin !ny. I c. lllli Pr< Piifhanan i.ilv.iuliijjfo it IMMJCIUO^ over thu cool it in b Jaiico with n firm tli-c:nl of huir, or For th-' <'on»nilten on Naval AfTjirs, Monira. C. J. in, & ClinruS.'ni, J'lilf'-H. llor.t it on a piccn of cork in n h.isin of \v >t> r, renoluUon: . T»»«p*»airUidUf IliliH, IloUiinn, Tdllinudga, und Ulack, woro e- Rnolnil, That Hie SecroUry of W ' On -.) (!i-i'V W. Nnh'i, K-:j. »f llio A m'iitl"iii.ui who ruaial, in kuojiinjr, acverul largu put** I , beta! m importo.) ,,i MO«IP«. Nnuduin, Kunc, Porter, and Hhepley, oflured at public aolo in lac *U of Ike Union, lo 'I mi i.r-ii..i..-ut ,,f No. 14. Kitop & IUHV lir i ahv.iyH burning during tho culd weather CONSCIt'NTIOUN MIKKJt. worn elected. i. -icn VH. William Wi'(:rn:i nl nl, was conclml. i. Mil found on runi'iving to C'umbiirland tlml, nl- Torriloriea. An old Dolclimio, namixl fUfnm, vrlm lirod In onu I'or Iho Committee on Indian AfTuir.i, Meturs. d by I!rew< r fir llio A|i|icllantB. Iliouyli tin kept ilm Miino nuiiibi'r of liro.n, be of thn wralcbed horeU Ihal lUnd ii(J''-i ru 4/ of KherilT Ud. What portion reiiuln* un TWsy«alural*nltJ Frrliiighnyaeo, Tipto/i. Hw^ 8nd Huiilli, wero jecl (o priratu entry, in ihe Stale* »sd "»rr«» |i'« rjocroli No. I-V riolojiion (!. Allx rt vd. (Zro. Wilkin. only connumud u lilllo ovur thrrr. hundred Ual\. alnel, died on Friday ln»l of thin, uml aoniulicaliun ulvctud. a.)i. This caac wrm nr.'-.iod by V. II. Dorioy th. Hhou!d subaeiiui'Ut eipcrimunta go to nd, although he For tho Commi Mormro. N'au- hoen mi xibj-ct in each. f.ir the Appellant, und Uruwur lor tho Appi-'. inuiiutrnlo lluit oiiu bunliel of ciml on this eiilo lul* had been confined lo liU Uxl unnl weoki, he not only doin, llrown, Tipt were elected, nd. Whnt portion -,f loo. of th.' Alleglmny ridge, near C'uiiiberluiid, in For the t'onimiit1 No. 18. Micliui'l llunnhun vs. Win. O'N.-alu worth Hourly rojooUd ill rnedleul IK|, biit punlilMj lo |)U> h.t m jiary, Moura. and not soM at auction, li»*V»«! two of that found on tho Ohio ri­ ^ ,Pr^;ni li.-r liir tho Appellee. expoct lo find a wuMtorn na wall a» an oiut inur* which coneiated ohlody of a p.ir of brei>ch», lint ! und Cnnuls, 4th. What tronntily of public M ' some remote on hid traeu cotulnicted of bluo roUot, a Mnssr«. Kent, Kobblnn, Itobj n, nnd Molvuun, sold, and fnr what mun, la fcion J No. 47. (Jolt XWilnon v». Anu C.irr. Thu kvl fur their coal so soon an tiro canul ahall wore elccti-d. argument of Ihisc >so WAS Coimnoncod by Ptnk- roach lltUburg. Soino ahort timo ainee, boing sailor's jtcket ind a Oi.no oror co»t; wliicli nil cililUt yenr 1433 inoliuiivo. eooumulaled proofi nf ihe«>li) inau'i alUohmonl. On For thn in Cumbor,li>nd, wu had an appuriuuity of ju Committee on Pensions, Mensrs. TJI- 5:h. AwJ Ibiinainbor o.' acwinr*< Doy I'or ih.i App<^lnntii. Wodneeduy be eent for Mr. M. Vin Duinou, a raperti. Friday, D«'e. inn 'ho morili of madge, McKcan, Proiili««, and Proston, wero u. and Tcrritury; the nuiulier »ol

    .' * iiL_si-:* ..'- ,. ?,«-4 If) '','. » .^..-'.n' ftrw- maVo a Very Prta Ul* &*tllmort Amtrlem / fttferaVrf, p TTEWL Mpplyln*; «M N. t. NOTICE, VttnraftALS IW hiacoanooo thia Th* hurt mail brine* intauajrance of the reconciliation I An ant of g«naroaHy Tb* rthi* f»HB tilMcrfter beg* l«a>. to inform A* 18 «t Fort Berfktji, MarylaVMl. with ""MOIIUlI lich had of the two gr**t politic*! parliM Into which South Caro. 1 moraine, « * "f pnlloman wbo poro rd«v« * Citizen* « AnnapolifTthat he ha* re* f*r -ne tear, en- M. when theXwill b* opened. -?>"•»• Ml 1,3 be did not embruco Tb* following aocoonl w» Sad in tb* National 'Btafll. The IW t» \ of good and what****** -*»*.£** KMiear of ^eeterday, derived, w* preenm*, from prrnt* 71* Tenerabl. Simon Dnrttt, a rib* revo. ed bnaineta in Church Street, two door* a- far an tho State* K>ve Mart & Franklin'* Store, where Ire will |0ality. iu i|»Vwith an equal portion «f among Hj, would be obvious to kttera: lotion and Smmyor General of dai Itbi. arh. (neck- and *»*»«k* tube excluded.) fmport**tfrvm StmlK C*nli»t^-W» h**r, with lb* B happy to aerve Gentlenvn in Shaving and Congress coald para, ca on the 3d. At tbatim. of uk h* waa near l*he dnv* pf mmc, and l^e probable nuanHtjr i)l,lW"n moal beaH-felt aaliafx-flon, ftorn tbe 8ml of Go-veta. oompbtinK hi* 76th JMT. Ila a Tiol«it eold lair Cutting in the firit *tyle. and in other tho Federal Coarta, and ranchea in hi* line of prufe»ai«V By atrict of Be*f require*!, and th\ter«* anil condi­ Liaitaf' nwnl oflhia Bute, thata coroplele reooaelliaiion ha* Uk. OITM lime ninca oa rto hia In tion of ihe contract, can b^arertained on LvprHlhcn It win not within the dole en pluon belweon llw two paHie. in tlie Legialature, Toinpkina county. ttention and naing every «xerll>in to'pi****, en to legislate for tho _8tuto application lo the aubacriber a\Fnrt Severn.. hentofore deaigntlod aa the Union party and Stale righta' Kirora unnol alway* do tbev Tb* oW e hope* to have thure of public patronage. trtien tlwrvin. Mr. J- *unke de RichouVa, waa inin| to Lo«l» 14th, that Dec. 4.— 3w. Ll. A. C. .- sued thii aubject for aovcn year*, Conatilolion, ha* been *o uplainad, by Ibo** who ban tho caMolct* indangmiddniv** of foot yatoagora. Dee. 18. I ^nbcr of the Senate and of thia placed it, aa to diveet il of Ihe aioeptionable chaneter Th -y am Dui*nno*V King, -and I Mll4/ aup. Jlnnr-Jtrvn / County, 'lo trtl i hnd used hia influence in ~:- '— glvan lo it by omwtrnetkm. Tb* Oppoaitioo then waiv. prn* thorn if I initUr of to. polJoajTW what CHANCERY, HKKhHY KIIKV. Ctui t>enr|> C. induce tko Congress to ed their' intention to reeia* iu Tb* bill* prqpoaad by UM eaa one do." llih December, I8S4. I ateujrt id nty.brnughi befoir ma wJneiit fi>r debt. Ilia next ohjoct waa to ob- nujorUy (lo enforce the teat act) familiarly called Ibo of Uwic* on tho daeicr*. la That th* M!C of ihr mort­ " a »^|y irrapa-ainj >,i, hia en- Mernkeo, u ,ct of Congress, by which tho Suite Ihw* Troaaon Dill tnd the Judiciary Bill, a pacification hav. Canlon of Uw body gaged etlate of William D. clo.aie.Xa Grey UKLUINQ. a- ' y d br tb* aahul bmt, Rran«. and reported by « sullied ohould govern nml control tho Fc- ing been made, go of eoorae by th* board. of -. who periatod thirt*en y*an ago, made (o Jo.rph bout 7-orl^ipar.olil. alx.ul hliern Somervillo PJnknej anil Hprigg Harwovd, the HVl Court*, in Iho r.-npcctive State*. Con- On UM day of thia pacification, and immedJUely af. on Ihe *nmmit of a peak. hand* hinh.X" perceivable mark*. rualer*, be ratiBrd and confirmed, utilra* all round, except ihij point; wo succeeded, and tho In il, came on the flection of Governor of tjft Stale.- . K7, Louu PhiUippe, Tinting tb* prieona of St. ahud hi« tli«e* lately 1 aase to the contrary be ahewn on or before ofl t ' !« and eamrr», ha« . (witch tall. Oiv- i of the State* govern thu Fcdc- GKOIUB MoDurni wa* elected, and racei^B Ihe i Micbcl, found in ono of tbe dnngaona aa Iron cag* which mew vote of U> {/«<*» party aa well waa roarrved for itato prUonera. Tb* young Prince he 11 th tlay of February nexf, provided a en utider rof hand one of i .Jualice* of the for good or for ovil. Thi* copy »f thia ordrr be published once in rich Peace in and fur aaid county, \j» $4th day uf Stnto sovoroi"ntv I rifJkrV parly. Who ia there thai _____ cnmpxi broke il in pincea. tl.U roftoration of concord ingijaBlJ^r^fKai familioe erected al Saciuonay, 1799 ynra ol three »ucce»aive week* before the 11th day November 1834. Tlie mill1., ry column next. of our Ili-publicT Fe(J*Jfl^*va,J*^a a long lime ainco nn> to conunemonto the p a*«gi> of tho Emperor Clandra* of Januiry JOHN \ rxcinpU-d her igwhiAjl haa given Uk oa mncn 'I'ilwrini along tlie Roman road,* haa been prarnlcd to The rppnrt itatra the amount of. tlie tales Nov. «T UIP Atua>mm of Ibo department of lb« Cote d*Or. o Joseph Kvana to be °>8r. I) , nf the Fedur d Judici.ry within her own Col. Sutton, *hot for a wager, 110 brae* of bird* from True copy Teat, Trow Mr Riftfn japtrt nf Friifai/. a poner, between Iho lioura af aewa and Uir** oainj / RAMSAY WATERS, .^'Thi'hnin-'nepriiiciplo tDWirJu.l M: m p^ina / Reg. Cur. Can TRIAL OK TlfK CONVF.NT RIUTrUS. two donhlo barrellod fat iprxrrcnin? »!o«ly, lull, ho hopr i, -r ly. At IU o'clock y*Jnry mlornrd into fonri xvil'.i a v.-r. On- of Uir rjiion of lb* f.rirt Gazette, pobllaliod in lecember 18. 3w. RS. AKNK IIOI.I.-.M) rr-nrclfoll. aih. *ouM ho iniyt.-.icRn il tlio KH-.J;- iiri;n-i. M. noii5«.« hrr fri'-nus *irtfl ih. mmi «':-I NOT Ui'iLwT t'|K>n which di-claralion > loud burnl Franco in Htfl. waa Ixmin XIII. Several of iiia MS In tbe MarTland tale, Claaa), brn. nl ihr I.. gi,ljl..r* irrn-mll*, lli.i I,*. \&*irc not in a little timo cx;«t:ii;. .1 :'- n ;.'IL- of .u-pl.ni^n CFr.\|i^d from liio .udu-nco, uiid liio houao am in Ihe H-thune colloctlon. Wo. aff, notd nt Iblo Oilier.-, vl». ."CM. 3 Hoote, »iio,i. ,1 on Church «'rri-i, ami ib,- IfoJ-of civili7.-"l nnlinm. Tor a f<*w moitKnt* rr»onnd'-d wilh the claim and «Ump. T'.n- cotton f.ctorioa in K.nchml alone employ 919, U U'J (»95O ittt 6'J .VO '1*40. 'T«I<> .or-! le. t. nni* in rumpteie ontrr lor tnnal<< bo!r* trill i IOCN? !( ai-.d , the reception "I Hntnlrr* l>» \t/ iu tho ' .Lrr.ujih-d d»nr. Sii* h V. aLoli^ln-d thn n«i«, o-il I'l.-^ b.r ^M! arr.-Blr-l on^ John Fl r.nd*m, nnd anol.ier itf-r!ing p. r .innilto in wagra. folloxvlBi Nplcudld Ncbecoc. i Ihr Ma'r tlnuieaoil I'ublic OiTicf" rnnlri-. i> jfc whicli could Uko tho bon- » Thi) fimt nam-d »tate«) tint \to waa not atv'a/o of huv. Ne .rlv 330,000 duty on egga waa collMtad at Rama. A*»ociation liilrn'ly loo'o fnr«»nl for >harr of public V tliin uma lium-nu inn coinmilUHl any i.nprnprioly, and did nol know Ihe £3ln tvlono. pairoi»|rr, and hieb»bcre>peclfully aoliciia f Inolacf Wi'«a. "hrro Claaa Ifo. 10, for 1B84. | Nov. 6. | lTi;riii*!»ii:c*beroli.|nil «*b to aiiawt-r ulitO'J, lhal ho -.via never in court bnfore thn P.irthonon ia lo bn rcbuill. «.1«iillj. iinptiac,u" ef frauJ, n>A iiba>.luu-ly, wK^o a vcnlict vftM declared, and aooinc otlwrv do the Thcr* ar>> 3 'IX) pvraona bnpriainod in Germany fu I prire of 815.000 ' -i'jiiUI>' Mr. J. rontidi-r.Nl that very littli) lniilorition>. ..nd il being the fir*; 1 prize of 4.000 tain Henry K Hallard. near Annapiilia. tuj <***' eoiidilion llw wara nml maana wuulj al. I o.T>-nca of Ilie kind, onlen-d lti«m to bo diaciilrgrd- Al lit/owing' h.-rarlf into a well A| (kir^rfrvp. 1 prize of 3.000 U\lr« p.aonl, for turning ult water into froah, pro \ peraon that cm ciime well rariinmended ,«nh»rti«'d, and will bo fonndwil, ao:!* haw, lo thn aam« limn Cln.-f Ju«tirv Sb.tw rrmi.rked I'.ial °ny 1 pri7e of 2.381 lor aobriety and induatry, wilLtBnd a de»im- I ,^fii«ta»!i,l^nrnlinJuiiprUoniiieiilfor d. bt no i.mil, eiproaaion of appl man or di .pprobilion rnade by r.uy c!urri ., qu .rt a inmoto. 10 ptiien of 1,000 At 'Jir K^nri S-*»iona, a i -n tvaa acquitted on jlt- aituation- none other naed applj for I i»!l'u*. oo'l^r t'.n i.loa of aholiliun. the aivagc prinri. pnraon preacnl. on theiioclar lion of 2 vnrdict bore.:'>r, 10 pri/.ra of 40A terma upp'y t» rvJiiac.; in il* foil vip.r. Ili» c jiitrutlcd for ab. would cau*» aucb meaaureii i» bo taken a;tain»l Ije o J.-u. clnr^r of iloalin^ . 1.0^, as r * .mimil proved lo be 20 prixr- uf SOO .Ul. THO'MAS FRAHKtftX. Afinapolia. inJ lota' jNitt^iou. Hi, own 8W;», Ilio Kutn of drra ->a Ilk* law providol. 3d prize* of ).-)0 Tlie Ccr.treville Time* w^l please in»*ri the ). tu M.«" Elit-hrtn l.iulhirum, j,,u:i^,.rt d-iughlor 5780 pri7.e« of 8 -i C'ERY. I ^-..Junrnl U- .1 r.aisl, and^i-.do a p-.rl of lli« en .. " 1 overruled by the Cwirt, ,nd M .rvi« M.rcj, Jr. \Vm. of t'tc lit* Ain^sa Ijnlbicii.n, nil of ADD* Arundel 3-116 priz<'a uf / G Drevmoer, 1854. I ta>, tod 01'. * l*aft °l" c iT^ procTe«!inpn. Ho Ivlicrcd M.HOTI. md Siru nl HI lixl. I, were placed ..I Ui« b.r lor Jane Vboiupxoa i. o^l.lxy wil!i Ini °i. that un'i.-r lhi< nmr.nt l.unuif Iri I, and infonoed lb.il tlixy had a right lo clullcn^'c I *i-ric(l. on T.inradiy oveaing li«l, by Ihe Rjv. Mr. 'JT, IN prize* amount to 8201,575 /y». .^,m of Kcal-icky. 1'njnnJ* and ton* of thoua .nda oac-li, 20 jnron pn-reinptorvy. Wr,^:.'.. Mr. r.ir.lisL llorclia lo Miu MtaiA llnrctia, Tlcketi 84 00, S/iarri «/i proportion, Tic Eattlrn nnd_p><-» ; coa oi Thoaoj V. <1 Cba^o. /&]:r* more .'l id U ot| [> .i-1 in Ilio iliMiirr^e of dcbla bnlh 01* A-ilii AninH-'l Cininly. nn! onThnr«|iyeveiiin» lirt, in Princ» Coorge'a Ticket* and Share* fur talr at "HE objre-t of .the bill in tlu» ca«» Ihi lln»-J Unl no inc.ii. r ol" iho lln-jw, aud no Ili.~ Royr.l MiffhnuKi, I'.-mci1 L>-\i id.-ip, Ii.,-ur- Cour'v, l-v i'ii P. T. Mr. VUdunheimi-r, Mr. TIIO»>« fl_ obtain a cmifeyaiice tn tli plaintifT. and hrr lieir*, uf a I/1 uf ground in the city »f 1 nut-io.' iK.^ I'niud M.lo.. could iiingin.i Ibo ritunt rivi-d. in I'liil.iiliilphia, nnJ was M--- i pnniK-n id- I.Ai contained wiilnn the lol- riad dulnm which thia cnn-! and unrr.mn.k- inff in \rch Hlrwt. II-; in n harii -1:110 1111 >. »t rnnd ii iMtfltl'-r o,'*!'.^ UU> Dr. H.oit.i«.] Krajikliu of IVinoe H.iltimore. '.^hirX (Cliurdi ttrrrt, Aorupuln.) Ile^ii nin^ fur the | lnj-uci w»« now pro-iurim;, »lowly, but, poilir IT, |c denerinfinn: coii^idnr.ihl<- lilonry nil innicnln ^-.inl n. m:i> mi- nrrcmlirr IB. .it.thr ili»t.inc7 of one liunnnd and twenly- «li;»»i"il -': ' tno.'lli" In ion. illirni^lillie yil.-in M .rricii, i.n Tn-cdny i-vcninp, by tho Rev. fic oinatvur in in.isic. Ho in »\\i t!y cx;i nvA four feet »ix AirSr* frum 111'.- nm tli -Wrat ior- I inrnxi.Ur iu.M, co-upir d In whit il had been ii Mr. Mivis Mr. Ntnini.A : Rnwix WATCIX* to h-r so prepare l;ii!ir i your nvi-i-tr.it n Ihe city ol Annapoli. on TUKSDAY ilie 4 ii 2 on Scjntt itrret, icvenly . i^lit leet aix m—M b» I»J Iho l.iix-. ..m! il «-aa in order, ho would . K* lien, lor Ihe purpuae ol M-lll tend lint wuy nnw. \V'e liavr. il m tniv, ^i.J, on Tliur».liy Ii«l. after an illn»» m* ft1 lay January inrliv»t tli/me r -ttrl/. until it interaerta Ida i «al f.ctn r.-l.liv In llu- ubjrct. Hi t nould m .ko u« I l!lin n lino pnncclv foiliiw* *if our own, init what "»«, MrJ. .X'«Ma, conaort of Jacob 11. SlrniAVrr, ol with the ll.-prf I."» ol r.iUmiii. lirarinj; up tlurty-eighth line ul ,.>>. wholi- rtact; tlienre .iA fuf oir froo ir.^iluiiorti in loui r.i^pocl. Hut lo rc.| lll-xl1 .^ iloaitig their filar. South Kivur I'nrry an irreparable loaa to her family and making lran^f»»r%a.nd Uitiding iB> laid line norili-ea>t.-rly ui.til it lbi« Diitricl. rv lo voiir true Prince. iV. 1". j& lo an proposition; il n- IN eo.-ifi'i' j to 1 co:npinion, and an "rmiplirr member nf aocic Xiotjli fur the year Ib34. interarctf a line ilraffn pai.ilUIi.ilUI \'uh*iih ili« |H)Wi r. ! Iv .i'..|.M of tlif pt rr hid no Irgl.l.tlvr of .v!i ieti »lio waa a rehgiuun inrnibnr. Hv order, la»t line Vif Lot nuiiilier twei iv-eiKljlWl tli« (>i;nM hidllie O-.HIMTX loi(i>liliv.- jurukliclion i.f SHOCKING. A |i-ri m ihu ('-. »brid(*« C'hroniclo o R. J. COWMAN, Clk. diatanre nf one huudrrd and 1» mly Jour frrt i Da^ria, by i ^nol of pow r in Ihi l-'ed>r .1 Conrti. Tim Boirtoii Tr ivclli-r of I'r !:iy imy-«: A ;-lm. Ifinluml in Prince MI reel, rwlunu <1 ;IO.H» on Tin-n­ Siturhy s-nn -The H-n. CIIARLK* COLMHO t\\ inrhet from laid jr^inning and at rinht | l:iua, nl lu wii'tod lun principl.i e>tahli>iie<] o.-rly in K'lfi.'i IH no m irv; lie- l .10 |>-)r»uu aiinuld bo i.n. il ^y 'rv.-ninK, und foiri I hi* wife flieorliil ,m luit^ry nf IMU at hia rcaidcncc, Shou Iv, binding on laid laat line tn Kiott-alrret, .~»4 v* d-U w.l iia tun -nil>-> '\ , .rn. IU had no h.'ppy with Imr bibo of eight n»>plln old in lu>r ii'cliM-U thin nlurnoan !* J"'"'II.\T the auuicrilier ha* nbluiiied from plueo." tiie place of befrinning; >i>in<\ on co",m(j up fii-i »l county, letter* The bill Hale*, will annexed, nn the ivertimal ettate uf Phi'e llowarii'a Timber Neck.*' IWrit of t'xil-t.nbii. I'lin nny <-rtu 1 portion in tbn that hi* wil'n h id -Vipr 'I on the ii .rtli in i, lit, .SOTK'K. thjl the pUinliR i- the widow and onlv heir tho Hrcretary uf i: A«J Kui>'«, arioin^ (>o;n tbo n lurr of th-i. occu| imil tin; vhiUU I'.illon inl.i tin- (in-, wna miff..i-.il. T:; \Tonil.i- "ir. t Moirl.iy in Jannarv next HI-HI I). Warfiel.l, f.ite of Anne AruniM of B-lli- hitting i-!jiin« at Uw of Williim Thnrnpnon. tile I (^ thii IlixiiW any "f ii»inliib,iuiU-l!ig ch -.raclir of thn po^ol ilti rd, li:irnt an.l ileail. 'Mi'1 wife w - finrti.illv ro- H iiM .. ^ .\. M. .il tin- Stal'l* niu coiiuU, vill IK- nlTi-re ii^.imal a»nl enlulr, are rri|iir«teil lo ptr»i-nt vo received from Ik* (' ] -1'uil dincl.ium-nl of iu citii-nv .nu ol inr OM io-ti I H;,,r ..| ., ,) hop.'i ar> rninrtniilPu '.I Iu r revove. '* i.i t!.. >l.uket ul laid \V '.li.i n iilmut ill.- tmr 1808 par- fur r. l. In Ilie l'i~'n-»l li-> n'i:-1i*li I'npri. r)., ,!, ;, a|lo i« mill iL-ringcd. hai.ed fur 3S23 Ironi Samuel Cliaae tlie aaiil the* fir«t Munduy 11 Jnnuiry. I83G ed are deaiied in umke immediate p.ivmfnl. il Virginia, to r.-cii" | v.lfu diu1., wo ill ;i».i nil p.irtm Ihi- cnJit.ir until liece of |*ruund, and paid the purchaae mo- « i nntiiu *u*l a warning whicli would 11-11 i cathat. ^ \\USLKY LlNTHIClfV., h) H-.'"l »ilnlD \Vo iiriiiurslurrTl tli«t n man won found yealcr- -3w Adm'r. \V. A. ley therefor/ tliat aaid Chate aa Uuatee for ial In nil C'jucuriird. day morning on thu Hrvdurie.k road »'idr, uh-iut ANDKKW 8LICKR. he »ale «i the ettate of Tliom.i* Pnrkin, had. la c*Hiclnaioo lio would mm irk, that ho hn.1 pnr)Mi«o. two niih-ii from town, frozen lo doalh hy t!i» ih- Marktt A/oi/rr. mid i>aid Lot nu nber 98, of which aaid pine. furnith an cJtinule I; ruti«Hl the Sum, and confined In, propo-ilmn tn finlr If thec term* of n.ilr «liould nut be ^POHTI irMTAVBSKN which may bo nt |.ins» cold of Sumlny nifiht. M'in'.nr, which >f ground is i part, to one Jotin Walraven, I\M Ujuul, from a conviction Ih it Concrete wo-il-J nol enni|ilie I with, duly tent will be exncted for F H SALE. for -ale of anid r>Ulr, bcar- aaiil ruaJ, h ., U,-n H.-, l,rdv h,,s wuhin uirtv.e,-ht h<,,,n,, £».;; - ».. ;.; -^^l* inder the ilerrer nira of tho itvalculy abolialt impriaoiunenl tor dnbl, .;ivd unl.M> |> Y virtue of a ice ol thi- High Court nf n* date 13 December 1803 thnt «aid NV.il- 13 of Iho law* of n*S till «,i done, no I iw upon that til'ij'>cl could p.ia wilh. I c.< -.. ! IIJKIII u- «'iO/>nlv in all Im »trJtiRtti and ^ bv .|,, w ,,f t|, r Corporation, in tlut caie Cliaiici-ry the aV^arriber will aril at pub­ t.:rr..r. Halt. Amcr. of Tuesday. ravrn. not piyii'g for aaid Lot, re!uiqui*he,tl ,jvod thn aiinnl of C. «l ujirjr lo hia own Ktatn, by siring lo iho Koikrnl m.idt- and praxnled. lic tale, al Jiinu-a ItVlller'a T«»t-rn, id the t to i iid Cha«e that Chate by deed record-- jrmthell«uo«l>»""H f«nt t tjtttm of ex«ciition loaa li!»ral, }•••* Iminwor, Dec. IH IJ5. city of Ai'impoli*. illerotrt nothing that would pr^juuioe tlio cm. Uecrnilier 13th. 1834. Ihe right, tillr and intVeal, nf tlie heirt of I hough ub- .on, bloci mikcr, 83 Houlh etrort, w»a foond buijing tnaa Lftle that aaid conveyance. wnlliat part of!t."k-d ivai |i,trtnn-nl. hn hud Ihruat bia head Uirough Ibo trap door, wl.icli of voting for the 3lh|Klect\i>n Uiatrict uf An­ lell the aanie. The bill lurther atatea, that ' >' *a, oa motion »f )Jr. BngKa, waa I iid oo the I jl.lo, iiro the I3lh day of February next, provided w land. The Unl auifocitian. llii foetworo aboul foar foot from ha* about 20 acre* of meat laiid. ' and---' drpnyrd' " ' tin*ti life, without esrcut- Tk ipaakw Uid licfo/v lb* houae a raport from llw ropy nf thi* urder be published in aome a two y Mnune and it the SecroUry of *« T ihe ground. Tho Coroner-a verdicl waa accidental building* com.i.1 nf Ing t« mid \> illiam a cunvevanee of laid bcrftATj of Ih* trooaury, made puraoant to a raaolu. iewapnper once in each of three lucceaiive ti'.chen, large and confortahle laigr piece of ground, and that the plaintiff know a > re|iort to Ihi. HoM*»- Iw loKifjiag Ilio tjjrj^uo amount of revenue col. iloilli. .V, V. Cturitr. week* before the I Till day of January next. and dry cellar, a wheelwright pump not whether taid Lvtle left any lirira. or rou- antity of puW. 1-1 H The report ktAte* the amount of aale* to brtW m imporlol innrcuandiae, lonna£O, ic. in e«ch A LAR«E TRUE. Traveller* in Mexico of good water »hich comrouniViitr* with a tiluteil any de»iaee*nf aaid prect of ground, «olo in lac acwral W"! tUU of tb* Union, lor tb*/»»» IfJJ, which waa laid on e 81380 00. Onr dalrj. nnicchouic, a amukr Hiiute, and a hrir* m ile»iar*», who or give un nccount of'u faniuu* Cyprtnw Two in or. if r.r |rfl any 'rue cnpv Te»t. young orchard of (elected fruit tieri. where they are. The bill alto ilalrt that Sa­ Allixco in Mexico, which i* »aid li> Iw 'ho Inrg- Tba lyaalur aUo hid baforo Ih* hooaa. ft communicA- RAMSAY \VATKRS, TIIK TERMS OF SALE ARK, muel Ch,ue retidea out of the atate uf Ma­ " & tt< becruliry of Ih* Tnaaury, in napoo** lo troo in tbo world, with iho exception of Iho /^ Reg. Cur. Can. ryland. in Senegal. It moamire* itovunty aix or.e tenth to be ptid in c*«h on the ir«r ofmlr i nuhtioa m tb* lloow. In rohlxm lo tlw efloct, DM-ember 1 or Ihe ratification thereof, and the rVmaindrr It ia thereupon ordered. That Ihe plaintiff, foot in circiunfurronvo. ^ u* aMdtfiaUlon of tb* UrilT, in c.-rUin paillculara: NUTICK. in 0, ^4, and IB month*, in equal inifVment* by caumng a copy of thia order Iu be in*»et- *WaaaaoU P«tU pu/fitlve, UK! coptou* polaliona ot flu***il od BUM^" ia wholly d*atUuto of fouadillon.1 cl'iinyrfainal Ihe rau/e of the Rev. John about 9 ACRK3. whether mure or le»i vhicn fure the ailth d*y of June naxl, to ahow Tba_ following laa New Y«k our*. O. UUuffMnl, deceaai-d.ylnil in receive all wai aolJ to aaid Nathan Porter h; Den aman cauir, if any they have, why a «l«cr«« alumUl * /f*rri«*wf * ' Th«N. York paper* atate that order* huvo been iKonie/Uue to *aid eala/l. Peraon* having Fnrcit, K«q. The purchaa* mnnry f thi* net be paaied prayed. "Oft* «. tilnct Ikauorioas on* at. paregoric, on* 01. received at the Navy Yard from Hook, which, belonjrd l/fti* deeeaaed are r*- five act*a hn been paid bat a deed wa never Troe copy Te»l. liawalel wu / pjjj, foe iJqnoric* in a pint of w*. to have all I ithoatocka-htiich nue.ifd to deliver themM/imeilin'elr mad*. RAMSAY "~ ' r it ilcVn u half a pint, and when eoU, add a Htute of (orwardrte** «j. to oCthoir he TH.& ALKXANUER. J. BOYLE, Tra C«r. Can. tekiaf a ntUow wb*» tb* **u|h U ttottbl*. I Drcrmbcr U. iltg launch*! within, thirty Nor. 20. H Dre.4. L ^r* » . 1: <'->+r'^ #qH*J. »*.- . ~'f -'^^tp* .ii, V s * '•?; ->ftv.^L' i' ' X'i

    cganyijounty,afo^cM«e*aboTeCnm. thso narraWJ lo Mr. Van Doejson Uia fclloVing remaf. I For tho Committee on omako was » weik M tW'.d, )mt tt* dUciM No. 08. Patrick Dougherty vs. Bernard'Me- >en*e* of the Senate conquerrd. Phad mad* many ttteroptt to ilgtta. The argumont of tjiis cose wa* com- -Ball. CArmtfcfo. kabto facia in his history. question mj attendant*, «nJ ihey » often po H* sUUd tbal sbool 30 years sfo he was a porter lo if orri*, were elected. of tho mcncod by McMahon for the Appellant. a maTeaallle boose in Uamborf. tad, baring boon Ions; litirely rrloird to talk with me. When the; Saturday, Doc. I8di Present aa yesterday. J>READFUL*TBAOEDY. For the Committee on A Of ceneation jn ils amploy, wu (YwnwnUy entrusted wilh confldora. un. Robinson and Morris fiw m« really cnnvalrtcr nt, my qnerirt were The argument of tbe aborecaM waj conclwd- wu produced in Southwark Me sums of money for conwyaflce to oilier establish­ atUued. How had 1 bern MV»«|? Who had ed by McMidion for tbe Appellant, and Flick lust I'Kpgi i° conaoqu^nce of the deoih of Iwo Mr. .Clay g«ro notice that , thought of the «lran|rr, when cvrry one wat ments. In an hoar of eril influence he was indaood lo be would ask loar* to introduce a for Ihe Appellee. indivufflaW under circurrurtanccs of the roost violate hia trast, and to abscond lo Ihia coantrjr with a bill Strict of Columb .* rMent »n hit own aaTrty vide for tho distribution of the 1 ' ' - mstli',' and that of hi* pro­ Monday, Dee. loth Prrawnt aaen Saturday melanchorMtoracter a young man nnd wo- targe earn. Having arrived, he invested Ihe gtealer part - I ' perty? 'Who but woman, went, timid wo- ^d* for . limited time, ^J- On motion of Ihe Attorney Genera), tbo COM man, dcvoWsafcnttnched to each other, it would of il ID Ibe parchaM of two house* winch adjoined each It whole \Inittd SUM manj whocnrelM* In the impaUeiofimbition. seem, but bot-Bpn whom a quarrel bad lately State*. o embraced: f ( nils ill when »he c*n aerve humanity! of tbe State of Maryland vs. The Trurtee* of other, and which before be had elnVctod an Insnranee on tho Bank of Maryland, No. 143, wa* *et for taken place, " £ led to the fatal event wo nro them, were bornl lo Ibe ground. Considering Ihia a Tlao Scnato then adjourned to MOI1d, My lovely neighbour had been awakened about to relate .IP i* stated that lira body of ^T *!B i cnalined/io liy tier father a few mlnutea befnre, and huv- hearing on Tuesday the, 30th of thi* month. judgment of heaven npon diehoonty, be deUrmined lo No* 40. Jnmcii C. Sollman, ct oL v». Robert the female waa , late in tho afternoon, in devot* the remainder of hi* life lo eerere coano of in- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE I "i^MrtJ thcrcjr ricil "IT to a place nf faf-Hy. A* Roon at I'.ic the neighbourhood of L,£ofm.r^w'!"-£ ininatet of the hotel were uiacmbteil, anil ahe Tuylor, rt nl. Ilio nrjriimcnl of this caao wa* tho room of a du.Uy and paraimony, wilh Uio aingle object in view of , perfectly lifeless, and making full ( o«f««Bd «*'rtlcl'".lor Haw that nne wan mining.that 1 waa nut therr, commenced by Kennedy for tho Appellant*, South and Fiflh- restitution to the persona whom he had in- ihp beftcrehcd the firemen, the landlord, the Tuesday, Dec, 10th Present as yoHtordny. with thn Ihront cut fraQ^ar to car. Within a jurod or to their descendant*. . few feet lay Iho young nM.in tho last agonic* He adopted another name, and, wilh the means lie tco on Naval Aflairs, reported a bill u.^ a member of Hi ulHcrrt, her old lather to utve rac. They de- Thn alwvn CASO w,is further argued by Gill ry of tho act in addition to th*- sevenl^^ clnrr'l with oni- voice. that the attempt wa» and Mnycr for (he Appellees. nf death, and with hi* thro*aV«4*o cut in a simi had loft, cummenc-il buainesa in Ihia cily as a lobacco. llrt*. «nd bo hnd uscf lor manner. Ho died shortly |%r ihe arrival niit;andaUhoug:i hia truie wua rotiil ons, and heliai the organization of the Treojmry, Wt7 US to inJirco uiii-lvsi inaditrvn. Ilinlly hait her f^lhrr Wcdne«la\v I>«c. 17th Present n* ycsler. ry Dopartmcnta, which was read t^, " Iri°( hrr (u look after hii (ranks. »>!ivn ng.iin of the physician. A cnse knife fj"» on tne 1(x>1' again aoOcrad a hoary loss Oom firs, Iw had raoc«odo< fur debt. I tiny, nml Dcrtry Judge. firo years ainco, in noi|airiitg mtttcd lo a Committeo Of ths Who!,1* »he begged nml implored the Brem*n, until The argument of hrtwnen Them. Both parties werr^Mte young, romcient property lo ec- Iho above caito wan con compliah hia jnat and olcrated purpose. II' then, ac­ Stnto of tho Union. ' liy lu-r ICM* and a full purs.rv two nf eluded hv Mayor for Iho Appellees, and John Phil. Inq. ^V. cordingly >old hia atock In trade, and waa preparing to The f.llowln.-; rcsolulions, sobnutw . tlit alrnnycfil and moot icmilulv ull'ridil to gn. son for Ihn Appellants. Hi.t \ilio wni In ihow them (lie «n\? Urfme truiamit tho necoaaary aoioont to Hunbnrg, wliei* the day, woro conndcred and ureed tn- PARTRtOES. til<> firm ho had dofraudnd (till conlinoea, when By Mf. Htibbird- ^rooaw- the (|or«liht with smoke. Flic fin-inrn .... , '. ,r ,. _,_ ,.. _ winter, nnd let Ih.-m out in \.\<» r.|iii» 1 'at to the origin^r.nsja k* Bad ombruM, witli a milcd numb'-r of young l«dicn u» boardem. rrom - etcmpU-d In r*"<>ili*il till il'rjr »n» her slill prras on A spring, rliio nt" of inlrn*at. Ti iTiMt, li IcdT whicli hna token ploc tht: 'Iri'.inpiislird tiiKntH of llun huly, wn hn'tl .i-.tily rrtumi.'d lo him hy;a aon ofono l, ml li a'nrilv M"* /rum their aii-«, ,.iid tin- dour , Of lire Feder.l Jm fl.'n in -nin-pl. A rhrin.iii riinlunj in. lalJ.O (rn«-.d r.-.m,,,. to |.nvm:nr that hor r(f.,rt» in Prrr- A mnn rcsMinR in Trivcrscs' C<«irt, 'mtween' this, (op-lhur with aomj aurploa mona rlor^i k \fuiltl |m rrnwn'-'l with micc':«n, IMI! we Fifth nml Siith »trecl, running frnm Woiitli to ctl aa tb»trf at d. I-'ur ilie l«ai firs */»or«j ho haa liml ,Lty, l/'l o'. her 81 u. iv !; ( pn-p-ircil to h.ivo our txp.-cl«ilioii« so i:i ml, r ou-curit jnd in MTOTO c--onljnco with hia lotion to the claim mado by the B mriic lime hi* cnmp»oiini l,.ti! lo Latch siiil lidir Shippen street, in n fil of jealousy, eul lie: liirti.it gcs, and tho course punniixi nil' Ihr hrriitc girl, whu li.nl -unk roon r-;iJizrnlnr!iy Ir llii- pli\"Hinn| 'but wi'h I. r ilrlir.itc II.III AHRIVAI. OF TUB SUM' i:\ITE» STATr.l. CONGRESS. Rrmtral, Thai Iho Cominittco on foe her co'i*. ;ilr*-ei IK i itii.i.nt u .in rupnl ii-)»u. \Amer.tan. Ti- L'. S. frimlo I'nil-.l Kui.". I.' p* ii:i I! ; . I, SKCOND SESSION. bo in<>tnicte. arriv-U ul Nt-w York, on Wnlnrsd-y n>ilil I'm.. 1.1 IN SENATE. providing by luw ihiit in Ihe surrey of 1st ci] I |r.;..«incnt lor « !.! ifi* I'i l.i"W I'l.utN., -1 .1 Mr-lit mn«.'iii, hivii-i; a..ilnl frn'.i M h .n. on Ih" .i Tben t. no roml In wlu.Hi I iiwvil t-»i'iy il ii N\ , n) .r in id.- il *I-T ii i'.. in a.'..lr*-»' i VHM i flrio.K'r. r.iiil |,,i,x..l tho roth of fiitif .liar 'in tna . 'I. Th" ludp« and longitudes of every LihlJio,. l.^licbo-lyof ail'Uor iVfl nl Mjh'm. Ih.' Dolav -r- 74, ("ipliin N>.-!I..'- . S -n .;n |irncucdcd to tho upcciid order of dcnl ir,r;r.!i'i'lr. 1 *.',..iU'H ' f' f ! I" '< 'I lir 'I . , Iv .jig the election of Iho Standing Com carefully ascertained and publulx,);^^,] | F.«rd. In other til.I.-*, h.iil I f.iui.n lu-r !. « In .1'. .S .iltllillllr I u-i.l li 'r rlmdj" .ipprj?"iJ 'nnnr nf n' i I 1 . S. ,rlir. Klur!:. ill well. Ti« Jui.n A.I n i ' new Light-houso shall hcreoncr bo fn«41 I iv! Lbcr 1 »p:ril pn'Viiii.'fa)!: ni il w.i-, I I.an,.I in-r .. I i il . l . nl M ti i '.' !'-' nil. » cuiiMtl'f i-t.t r J Mr M -m- lien un Iho !iJil »'r.'ol.cr. Tin* l':i*>i l. h J a report is miido in respect lo iu public ^ I M.I '-'**1 MnprlMM;inntil To ,. II." < n'l- uf IU liiirin »-, i'ii mo 1 lillKll miUiilrd al M.ihnu ni.-n t^lr L'nilixl Slit-. ! .1. I'll.* Vicii PrmiHent onnoimccd that Ihe ocvo- I'm- v-iu wiin ii..' '. Mil- . i nf t'l.- Innri by the two Collectors and the Coranu ;tnair!T, ftefpt 1.1 C./A '.it-- arr'.lnn. n co:i- ! Itiitxl 17 -"'fp. \\- 1-nh 1., lln oKnt:KRs OF TUB L'.vrn:u .-.TATUS. r.il * li. irmnn u-uuld b.) first chuacn, and ill" bol- ymi a iniit>Ki ni he Navy Yard nearest thn prapon-d \ u lull's? Mr. J. ron, rfnrr*. rnd tno, dl* tin lib'i*!-* ol* ii>cr. fnnm ndVr II. E. NilUrrf, K^\. |..l, b>'i;i^ taken, tho result w;is ii.« I'ullows: Sufticc :t In » llut u« . i\ nun - .. conformilv ' ' "' * ii. y Id nil mn • in n.t. i.',..t I.Titt.-iinii:* I-'. Duch-nan, G. A.lMjgnulfr, S. O. I ur Ui. Co:nnntl.'e on Foreign Relations, Mr., retory of tho Treasury ia his naoual Rtml alill am a li i I n-0. JT'* nf 1 ir.A > r j i n linlrnJ t>v ii* li 'iu, liill o.'tlm hum Cl.lV W.IM elerli J. I tin Wile' i'd, and rill li tn lM>i>t''<>».4 nn no.v S« ho.tr.I within lli**m, a;iO few »inil I'.imr J.X.ToiM. Fur III- (.>nminittea on Finance, Mr. Webster he Stale ol' the Finonco. ja ».ul.:,i-nl luii Illl f r rar|\viv .1 ;,n> thr ho[ssj of it» lundicr-*n*nir n. IT wo wiis rleeteil. Mr. Hurgoas ofTured Iho folloaC r '.*•'* (lie hiMivr*. in \. bk-h but n f"«r djy« wnc^ clrrcrful ( h'pl.in ('. S. SI.'A .n. For ilir ('....unitlee on Commerce, Air. Silo- which, unij* r thu rule, lira one dij? fir.nn-\ in ib f.ill vij | ...fmur citarfl i o-ii -t firrv.J; or t(,n.«o whirli hrrotnforx? S .iling .M ..l"r f. W. AJoorra. litiolrcd. That tho Secretary of ikt '.. /\ n,i 1*1!. I ft*rir« ihn rn*t>:~ iU 41.1) il^ .nrirn nl' lilr, l.-jp* of nih- InTir-'ntof M rinrii (%pt. M ;co nl*r and Lieulon. Fn HnshuyKen was clccie,!. in a tabular form, tho amount of lunar/i |riit*-ll >ll Mi.' I ilo.- .....to .d of ill-' inJ'i:-try. Uio emu. ani Vof-ij. lor ihe Coiiiniittca on Agriculture, Mr. 10 llu Marine Ho4pit.il Food by t!li i TIVI: nwjf. i I j-r-mj ?f ily; Ui** do uCFtic h»|'^inr»st, to l*o M*cn A"».i>t ,nt Surgeon J. C. SJM ncpr. llrnwil wa.-< i-Lxti I. ihu iiiurouiulo non'icc in lha District of f ! two Tv.v-kn 0[*o. wo n"* i; i" njtsin fMiUrjr r( (i i IHLP Sc!.o*.bni»trr J. Diviil. ihp I'.-.,, 1'or th.; Oommitleo on Militnry AlFuirs, Mr. d.-nco, in the District of Newport, «rf a i kr'T.-r il f!i nrrcM uill I am! nnni'f" K > il«. Il I > <\« nm t.tfjjjli (ttc r jrw u( lie I'jpl ii;i'n Cl'-rH <'. (iuJ.;*]tomn^;i. Alini^btjr hjil Uoi-.-iniid-il in f.rr. T\>o Awful Mf< nt Jiai r^Ttl MiJj.iii|i-iiri, Bach-'. <'onl^«, ( '-.ininunga, Benlon won clucteil. D-..rict of Bristol, rurpcctivily, in Ui; i For Ihn Commiltcc on Ilic Militia, lii aid District, from Ih i commcocnwiii iCl I *,«, ibd aV. i |url nf cirt C'm»i.nifxl >nnr * Uwn nm tj houpcr, nl* wtiU -i Kovuntrrr Kacrl-y. 11 . ,|i, K.'nn'-ily. l.yncli, Mnjnnl-r, M'Hon- Mr. Ro. o1^ t ».y wil!i tni j. lii >in-ion was rleeJi'd, United Stat^.% up to the time when i!u| l.i l)i>; C'ouucil. wi-n- d* riling tinuwr«j, «ntl ho* U<.-n cit.nj^uilicU turrr .l.l.M'iriho. 1'ilchor, Uichardfon, -Schonck. Tilj£hnian, k. < /K'dOl icky. I',,.!. or in l*tAy-*>ix ohi>ntiic>. ..ml U'llli ..:;, Wl. n» ..ir l-ir mm, wonmn an-1 ct.ililrrn. \rho t'.U ,j I'ur.. rV < 'Icrk^J. J. hVniljll. vcnlil hiw o.vn iii.u.' Acljiif* IIojl.w'Mlri J. .M^rvcy. For the Committee on Pri.nle L,m] tad I I tvi llo «.-Jllnl no inv.i A-«.NM'.'UH, D.r. I-J, rtnipi jntl It. j |ir! Soin j -r*^ liohi rr«l, clnthtd »nd fi. (Junn-r (i. S. Cllr. Mr. Black $ Ji elected. commcncuinent of Iho SaV'' 1838; tadiJskf | r-U'i o,' l*w l'uil*d MJ|O All r.VAMINATIHN 111' llli; H-ViT.il ('lu>.«-n in liy ctiariljr. .k oint* \*-ho»o rircum*.l in cm, two wrrku ('ir)«-nlcr P. Itro. For thi* Committee on Indian Aflairs, Mr. like amounl, in like fonn, pud nntc liuiu xrrj >od dutreft whic III. in.tltiltl ill will I'i.J |ll.H-c ;il tho (.'.ill ^r. i-niro, worv ronifurtjl'lr, in.til W^in t'u1 .4lx)>ir> of lifo >^iluukrr J. lljg£». VThifo wu.*i rleclcil. together with tho noreral sums oipendcd its! irdfci V4 noir prn-iu on the Kill, l^lh, IV n. VOth, .nil *J'2il tl.ij^ nl afrr-*li: y miller r p-nrvoni ino irn i>rer '-tn-hi.-:! |iro» ^viy, \Voolwy Jn.l I,arit For the Committee on Claims Mr. Dell waa ol said DiutricU, rt-njo-cuvuly, for Ihe i bMTfnl :' : I, iu,' Hi Hi ;.i.»iil mm. III. Tin- !> nr* nf Lfnmiiijtnui uMrr nne«, thn (ho rtvulu •( a lifu ol* Uj.J, wtro sick and dis-ihhid r-o.inicii »li'iwin- IB' I ifj{fotr.lly 'uil'l, co-npi Wili IK- fr.iiii !l miM not PJ» .pprr- For Ihe ('oinmillen on Roads nnd Canal uaiil, if nny, and how the same nuy hint 1 laiaUtd ' i.u mliilh-.ir r »lr. nor pirn . »ic.;ln culour lo ihr j.iriurr. l .r Ihr ic. alien J. From liir iVrtr Hrilfnrd Itrrruilf. Mr. Ilt-ndricks «'is clecleil. disposed of. ra .'f he haj Ibt l.jii^ I1KC roil III 'MPIIIIKYS, Prcaidunl. rariry ol" whu-h *.,ir ro mi. lolly wm.l-,1 tint voucr.. \Vn IXTI in IM*IVI:UI . \\ i* .ir.- injehteil | ii rtal f.c*.« ral.lit^ In th council r*liin*il'' ir fnxi tr.ali jH»r\ion tu tho %thol- v^lu-- i»T pruj-^rly m llm Vilhgo, ..r. w li^ pripoaili.tn M'Bl«lU''a I.llirikvy jxindcnt (or Ilie fullowing c /nun inic ui ui wliich, For th" Committee on Ihe District of Colum ciary ho instructed to inquire into lint lc«4i» ruotn.otiK. \Vo loa\o with you a .TU.ti'.noi>t ibe i [ T- , iwco. of lli^ pt flutwcriU r» in AnnnpuliH, anil vicinity, nre li>r the iin'.>rin ilinn it cnnl.'iii>i, will ho ol' much l>io, Mr. Tyler wnn elided. . III* fttmplp f^Ctal. uncy of providing iv law for dciignauaj^ CM;PM« hid Ijio cl l. (hut i'i- unnti. 1 Hnlucriptioii will lie. Tho rt'»»»lciic-», tlte fiMxJ. tlxi clothe* of children nnd interest to H.MIIII u: For the Committee on Revolutionary Clairrui to serve in tho covfavof Iho Ui.il H»:riM, by j jr.ol of p iviiK uf ywiijf ihd f-W, of in4*n« ,inc| f^.tutiv. tli Mr. Mo ire wan i lecicil. e.ich Stale; accordiW \> tin mode »> f IKua. nil;, wii'rad tun paVTnenl, in ailranrc, will Iw eipectcil. linn of u simple moil; In in ike .t leni|Nir.irv cum. (ootl* of Ji)rf*(t f.10 oi* ) ifjjt> * HI out) I jti \ .J'io; Uio Jib/ For Ihe Cotiiniillen on Ihe Cnntingnnl Ex- ti*od in tho highest c»irt.iof li' I'; i tutrvy of thtr co:l Those wliu il'.iir- "Th.! (,'I'np miiin" lo 111 r.ci and offict't ul' urufi>««ioniil men; Uio hop*. th» (o«ij», p.i:w wiihoiil the uiil of 3 m.'fjnot. li nuy not pen^i'H of the Senate, Mr. Knigni was elected. live Slates. ;-.- «4l«r J-Uwili a^ovo work, will pli-aw- leuve their numes with Uio \rurkini; m.Uml of inochniiics. »rr pooo fororrr. be gi*n*;rilly known lo my :-ihren, For tho Coinimlicii on Kn*;rosnod Billn, Mr. Tho following rcjolulinn, off r'O i>. l*&< opoo hit iwn r; tin- Agent. \\iilnMil lli> id oi" our follow cilii-^u-, SHOW liill limit nnd might pruvt; nl' gr nl ii-ilii\ tu.i.im.- nl'them Sheplcy W.IH elect -il. Ivcniian, was or.lcroJ to lia oa UK Li V>rn?a for ik.i,'»)iinj ii The price for hnlh, to nririnul sulsicribcn to contiauo » tnup oi ruin*, nior* pajoful to tlu> nyo oj Iho in mlu .lionw wh-rn u runip.-tiH rnnlil not Im oh. Thn Si-natn Ilioti proccoded to ballot fur tho day: tho Litniry, Mill be *it tfohoIJtT. IJoti at/ n. tiUr Mfhl ia .Marylmd ur pcrji tnined, nnd where .il*>, ihey nre M ,m;'liniefl de. i-eni.iining inrinb-rj of Iki) n.veral comi^ittccti, ltrso'.ml, 11ml the Secrelarr uf Wi III Oio L'nilt d SUIr-a. strnycd by lightning, wliieli lii'i lir.p;*'•( iu i.ili ik,l mla- The un.lr'rHi(;ncil, p-iwu'ii^crs on Ixnnl of Ihe \Vo ctnii'>t concludn thU p-tpar without allatlinf in twice ill my exp rience. If il :,'.ionli| h,: fnun.l For ill-- Cniiunitl'.'e on Foreign K. ialionN, r/lion hi) i.in\ havo C,t;>Tifr H.irbi-r, nn in worthy n placu in your p.iper you urn nt lib rtv MOSSIY. Kin;; of (Jeor^in, M.iiigum, Sjir.:giie,und ii.oni;r uppointwil by Iho Ulalcn i>f M faotj «nj civid -nil. fnuii AninHiM lo Hulliim-re, rrcp, ,. (.-.pinin ^'"TJi'",T; h' ?' 'f"*, ln,Ji" ."""I" ~* WouUI to iimcrl. YiHir/', vVc. '" "vlftrd.w, wo ill , i ., , . ^ , , , . , ' In.uk riiiudolnJna fur what «li.i lua tloao foru». Tullnuii!,.'r, were clecteit. Pcnn<\lv.iniu, and Virginia, t» r.fin John Siiinli tu urcepi Iheirtively Ihiuiks Inr thni Fairh.ivcn, N'ov. 27, l afll. I in! i1* e>t*» . not *JI|u ^» i in~j>urr in which A)IO IIAA ronto I F.I;' tlii Co:iuni.tn*j on I'innnoo, Muimni. of tlu f'tutilurliuH U-.'d within Itx- seoinun-like iimnner in \ihicli lie innni. ril hi Tiilio n r,minion MJJ.-I! iuil.ii -'lie, lireuk (iff [ Wtr-Mf«u|| nl || c,,. , . our tviKii', would alouu onlitlo nar to hrr very icoin- Wriglit, Tjlcr, .Mangimi, nml Kwing, MXM. i. Iho in .'laics r. njx'cin jly; a.*»J locrwt»>i( vmicl during Ihe m*veri |>:.Ki . and ' Iho oyo nnd II|K>II| n ipiarl-r of un i;ieli of point lecleil. Ihurcuii, and lo lurni»h In fucli-Moa lio » CJ|)I I aa ojtiroaH " | Ir'ttlnJ-JlheSuin,. Iho skill uml gixxl ;,i.!;;menl In iliirplayc.l in j Uy -,., of lhn out,,,,,ilir, .ppoinlrj hy the so n:i to present i.Uiiit llris.mc mirlUcu nl tho For Iho Committee on Cotnjin r,-c, M>v;Uly .boli.li irnpnj to Ibeir coidlurl and >nVl\, at III.' I. -i, of II;. ' u, t , .j.T.r.rr I./ Lbe I 'J fire al thai jjjce, Ui un iron hell from I! ill to onn inch in ilium. I. r, Wril,!l!, WIT;; elecKtl. in liio r.-c|ni.ition3 of Iho Uwi of fwl* | lid *.i oxau, m> liw u; 1,'rv nil's! puril. MJT Uo nnd from t\\o to thrrn feel I'lii^, IM I il m a |x r. For llm C.nnniil.ei on MaiinficturPH, Mere>rn. which liavu roooivod Iho as»»nl oft'e." pninlieiilnr ponilion, tie n uit:i .1 :nnOMO|* ( il. II A 1.1., IHVIN »(rikn Ihe upper cml of Ih,; iron 10 or ed. di:ion of Iho m.isonry on llio ro*J. »' ' II. BAiaroaii, :»•• Lr.i-Kir., ll.il. ! 1'J sm.irt tupi in (jnick r-irce-wi-xi, Ih^n place For tho CommiK -f lln" I**, lo lUontpt noUiiu;: II. J. Titoui' (lie needle several slight I ipi ipiicUly, the lower The IndtL-n du.iire I ' in Iliu 'Ulll ll spoe.tTnPn or* For the CVmniltco on Milil.iry AiHur*, between Iho Moiiongahfla and n<~" , pol> pf ihmik- Ihiaeoul xui ).' u ..I lUo In;, rii.u Itn;.:ov. ni''nt nml of Ihu needle w^l IK-COIIIII lii-iily iinpre;;. in .ssrn. Tipton, Cluyton, King of Alabama, and And nlbo \\\\ il deplh of mulal is ia ail I'oiivvutiiiii, MII-.II .:. wo mi. - 0, l«, find l i nuled with mirth, and Ihu upper I'ri^tuii, wero elected. ncce rt-iry to mako a pcmnncnl twl conuniin n.i.' in ll on tho plan wliich liu I*"11 ei Ci.mU rl.'iul. V\'t. u.ivr liunrdn fuel, in con- Iy. Then b.lancn Ih" nocdl.ion n convex wulch C»'irl ol Api«.*uU, Kondrickx, Wugpunnn, McKcan, und Swift, its repair by tho : "rt *ad Oociui. ii"Clii.ii '..nil llun c.i.il, i< Inch axirvus lo illustrate cnnlul or on any smoolh cnnvox nurfdcn, or mis. wor.i elect«). Mr. Clay, by coMoni.-iiwvoJ tbe I 1-1 -'- « nula fwr olil TVr. lllli Pri - "til Uui lip' /.wit i.ilv.iiiiiigi'« it |x»uciuo4 over tho cool pend it in b dance with n fmn tlrcnd nf h;,ir, or linnati For 111.* Committeo on Naval Aflairs, Mutars, C. J. mid Si. jiin'n'u di CliniuS.T», iiilp**. IIS'H! ..t U' line. I il on a piece of cork in n h.ntin nf \v 4. r, rofiolutJon: . Taa ipukir Ui.1 u f I Ilihb, IloUiinn, Tallmudgo, und Ulack, woro c. Krfolveil, Tliat Iho Secretary of l»t' On .ip|iHr.iti.>n .rjii \V . K.-:j. A m'ii!l"in.ui who rcnided for a number of und il will tend imnv'iliatoly North and South, nf Iho Iccled. ry bo directed lo ro|x>rt to lhi« HOM«»- cily > ..' ^ .I'iin >rr '.>.,s uilniitloj IIH yearn iu NN hoeling commuted ovary year allowing for Iho variation of coiir.ie. laa ip-Kllying liw an ultornry For thn Committee on Private Land Claims, 1st. Whut quantity of public UaH***! of I'.'i ' ci'illl. n-il buthrli uf coa/, in kouping several large 1«»J on itavono.1 MonirM. Ni.uduin, Kuno, Porter, and Hhcplov, ofloml at public anlo in Ifco owrJ»'*'| | «*> of Ibe Union, lor| 'I mi i,r/ii..ii:iil of No. 14, I'Mop Ai llair« lir H ulwivs burning during Iho cold wvuihcr CONSCinNTIOUH MIHKR. worn elected. I. -sen VM. Willbm \Vcero:i til nl, Wad conchnl- i.ml found on ranioving to Cumberland that, al. Torrilories. ,1 a»u*U. An old l>ol< linnn, n«m"d .V^;ni.ler fur lh» Ap[iolloc. expect (o find a wertorn as well nn an oast ni:ir- which conakatcd ohloAy of E p iir of brooch-)!, that al For Iho Conimiltiw on Uoadn and Cnnnls, 4th. What qunntify of V™c >"* "rj No. 47. (ioll oTWiliK'n om* remolo en hid Uou ooiialrncled of blue roUoi ( M«iisr». Kent, Koblilnn, Itohlnaon, untl MoKuon, sol,!, and for what mim, In *-di voti, i"»l v*. Ann C.irr. Tin. kol for llivlr coal BO soon a* tho canul hull woro oloctod. argument of I hi* c >«o wu eominnncotl by Pink- reach Piu»burg. Some ahorl timu yinco, boing ajilor'i jaokul and a fri.tin o»er coil; wuicii ull year 103a incliwivo. .j toofi of nay for th* AufMHlnnlM. iu CumbntUnd, wu had on apporluuity of judg, trMkwU if alUohmonl. On For thnCommlllceon Pensions, Mnwr*. Tall- &:u. And Ib/i nmnbor nf »rt* l» «" Wednesday IM tanl for Mr. M. Van DUVMD, a roaparta. mnjgo, ing tho merits of Ihis coal for grates, and McKoan, PronliHu, and " wero u. »od Twrrilory, tho numlier pw "> " * Friday, IKc. liith IVannt na yontord iy. found bU coontrvnua of hia re*idlu| in tb« noiihbourhood, lectod. TUel Tbfl argiiment nf thn ab»vo c,i*o wnn con- Ihnt it made u beautiful and pleasant fire, in o. aiuount n-ceiytnl therefor. who h*4 oAen (tvcu him ohwiltblo rulief, atid prlralclr ' For tho Commitloo on the District of Colum. Mr. Johnoon, of Uontuck eluded by Pinkney for tho Appellants, und Run. very vt uy if not superior to Iho anthra­ roqiwsUd IMIO lo luaka hit IViH! To Ihia pmlleuiAo'a I bis, Messrs. Kont, Bibb, Torolinson, und South- following reiiululi bll for the Appellofi. cite. §T»At snrpiiaa bo hoquoAtliod rirloua nnn of money, a. anl, WOM olnctocl. . •«•, On applicntion, TliomiK Kuniey and John K. Tbu specimen iivquvwlion wa» sent lo Jarnas roounlJiig, alU>lr«l'"|r lo $3.700, to oblldrm and gr.nj Rcfolrt't, Tbut •»• "-•«»•« it <& W. McCullnh, I'^f). of this city, ' For Ao CommiM/vt on Rovolrttionary Claima. of ColuinhU bo in«tn»cloil lo^ * « »». HUag •ff-:- tlawnrd, Bw|n. of Ihn citv nf Anuupoljn, were by Capl. Blair, children raaidinc at Nowtik >sd Allwnyi and confidant. Meaara. Smith, White. Leigh, 9n^ - " ' odmitlod M atlorneya of Uiu ootirl. a-ad waa tokon lsa%m his mino, near Jenuinga Iy Inform.'d hlinwhero thli propaily wu depoaitwl. ||. on oloctod, Mr, .*'.*• . « • K' 'fnl ;-; '": •*•• Pnm tit tOUmart Amtrltn »f ftMniff. p .. . ^ ConbVj, S, I Tb. laet mail bringa intelllgrace of the reconciliation I An ant of ftMn^Jn^f!. Y. JTOTICE, LED PROPO&AL8 ft* Mppijtnf th. "•"•• To^y of the two peat political partlee Into which South Caro. morning, telle of a gentleman who pa i.tMCffrwr begt lejur, to inform tb* regular Cbarleeton pa pen CitiMna AT Aniiapnlllrthat h« baf n- _ fiK «ne tear, eommeneine; on Una haa been divided. Our ago, one of thoee rplendid manaiona on Ihe^Bth aid. he 1*1 oi JWaary^ I83S. anil eitttine; no lh« by yeaterday'a mail ore of the day on which the event turned to hia nili'e eily, after having aerred of Hodaon aquar., which he prevented, wflb a few regular apprenttcrthip to the lat of December. 1633. will h« rrceived by la aait) to have taken place, at Colombia, and cooaa. boon after the pnrehaae, to tlie 'widow OJ^M- wheaa Dtatc a9rcwalaiff BaialaMjee, he aabwcriberVlil the 20th inat.at 1 o'clock,' qnently do not furnleh any partlculan rotpeoting U. name ia recorded among Ihe moat ilialinaug^gfc of the M. when the\»ill be opened. The following aecoont w. find in the National IntaJlL in the City of Philadrlphin, ami haa eoma»en- crd bnaineia in Church Strret, two iloura a- The llecf to Be "f goml and who1*ee.eaa> gencer of >yeeterday, derived, we preeume, from private Tie venerable Simeon Dewltt, a tha revo- «f kttera: >o»e Hart & Franklin'* Store, where he will qoalilv. ia i|«arter^ with an equal portion Intlon and Snrvayor General of Uaa; diedat Ithi. earh. (neck* aod ^ ' t« ' - - - - (aw, with UM >« happy to acrve Gentleov-n io Shaving anil exclailril.) Imporltntfnm Soeri CereJiM, W. won the 3d. At the time of Id* be waa near The dnvf of Haiti', Seat of Gcrrera- Hair Cutting in the flrat atyle. and in other tw probable quantity moat heart-felt *»tiif..ction, from the completing hia 76th year. Ha ;ht a violent oold of Beef required, and roent oflhia State, that* complete reconciliation hnauk. tranche* in hia line of prufv>aioV Bv atrict hler«a nil conili- wna not within the dole- aome time ffifkee on hie *namal to hia eeUte in tiun of the contract, can arertalned on en pUcc between the two partiea in tin fogialature, Tompkina county. ittentiiK) and u»ing every cjerlfhn to'pleaae, iwcn to legislate for tho _8tuto be hopei to have a ahnrr of public palrnnage. plication to the aubacriber a Fort Severn. herotofore draignatod aa the Union party and SUta right*' King* cannot alwey* do jFtbey plaaa*. Tba old- P. \AYLOR. rtiea therein. Mr. J. ud h"o bad party. The teeumth, which haa beoomo a p,rty of the Dnke de RlcbeUtn, waa i / HENRY H. PRICK. for taven ycara, lining to I/onta 14th, that 4.— 3m. Lt. a14 enp. •flnnr-.irum 'ounly, 7o tri* ho hnd used hia influence in vain in given to it by contraction. The Oppaeitioa then waiv- preea thorn if I ' u'Mar of the polke;T«jr what HKHfcHV l IKY. Th c. to inJtrco tho Congrcw to oboiiah ed their' intention to reeiat iu The billa prqpoeed by the can one do.' lllh December, 1834. I aicujrl ul ottniv. bruujjhi brfurr me nt Cur debt. Ilia next objoct wnatoob- majority (lo enforce the teat act) familiarly called tho Dytbei \ of the ioe on the Claeiera, In the RFERRD, That the ule of Ihe mnrl- » *^§y ir»a(»a»aHiK i,n hi* en- gaged ettate of William D. Mernken, if Con^rriw, by which tho SUito liiwa Trcoaon Bill and the Judiciary Bill, a pacification ha». Ca nton of _I I by the annual beat, the body tlo.eie.Xa Orry UKLDINU. a- R°vorn nn4 control tho Fc ing been made, go of eoune by the board. of a yo^^nter, who peruhed thirteen yew* ago, an made fo Ju.rph Rvan«. anil repnrted bv bcreo" « a *no let it, came on thc election of Governor of tip State. tr/7, Louin Phillippe, riaiting the priaona of St. trualeei, be ratifird and cnnflrmed, unleaa fhud all rnoi'd, cuejit iin^tl hi« ^liiiea lairly awn of Iho Slates govern thu FuJ«.-- Ctoaoa McDuvna waa elected, and reeebajrltha [ Michcl, found in ono of the dnngeona an Iron cap which cause to the contrary be ahewn on or befure B t nl« anil ranirro, ha« luwitcti tail. Uiv. I Itli day of February next, provided a er for good or for ovil. Thia mat» votoof Hi Unit* perly aa well f of waa roeerved for alalo prUonere. The young Prince the en uiulrr ror hanJ uhc nf inkjualicea ••( Ihe Slnto sovorci.-ntv! "'**"' I*""'*- wbo u d* thnt in cnmrmd broke it in piecee. cnpv of thia order be puliliahed once in each Peace in anil fur aaid county, ri^a S4th day uf labctdall tl.in rc«toration of concord Jnj farnilioa Tho mill', ry column erected at Saciruonav, 1792 yam ul three luccetuve weeka before the llth day Nuvenber IB54. other. Kentucky of Januirr neit. >ri- of our H>pnlilicT For i a long time lince nfo to commemonte the p aa* g» of Iho Emperor Claodin* JOHN RxfoiiTON. l.tllotallr i-Minpli-d I'er haa given UP. oa much 'i'ilicriui al'inj; tlin Romui rojd.'hia beeo pir-aentcd to The report autea the amount of. tlie aaUa Nnv. 87 1 ' ' '- ' her 1 . , tlie Murmni af Iho ilepartmont of the Cote d"Or. to Jotcph Evana to be %8r. ,«ft!ic Fi'w-irJii.l '»: m TRIAL OK TJfK CONVKNT two ilonhln barrailod c\ine Reg. Cur. Can ;' n!on lv, lull, ho hopr-i, -r l. At 10 o'clock UPD Jury returned inloCanrt willi a v.'r. Cn of tin- > Jilora of Ihe firnt Gjictto, pobllaliod in fDtur>l of iiia MS M. nniifie* i1 ':-i NOT Uior. which declaration Frinco in ll>.11, wea Ixniin XIII. Several a Hri7x>a In the Maryland lUate, Claaa , hen. nl the I.. gi,l»i.,re (ten-r.llv, lli.i |«, r vert not in n little timo CXJIMTIL. I '•'' • ni' .if-pl-m-ie. CFe.ijied from Ilio .uJii-nco, and lim houen aro in tho n*lhune collection. No. an. *old nt thin Of 1 1 oc, vU. .fo«. 3 Honor, aiiuat.il on Church .'rrei, anil ihr llol-nf civilir-1 nnli;im. Tor .1 f"Tr immi'-nli reoound.-d wilh lh*» claim and alamp. Tin' collon f .ctorioi in KngUnd alnne employ 319,. u ai* »aao a» s-j »u '««ao. •?*,. .OP.! Public Circle. i> nnw In cumplelr onlev lor K»ntnrSiy h'd In in£* *M" \'.\i a:i»"i'.My. 8n.»i" of tlio officer* r.|»r*tit; wit.i. BOO perfona On.^ firm in M^nchcator poye a million ret-«ivc their Cn«li o.- ic >\v iu the ,nr. >noSue h i".i! ni.ini'-li.'U»L»!i-!.-J i'ioI'll m.m, n II IY-. b-.r l'i I 'jrr.-»tr.| on" John l-*l r.ndeni, ftnil anol.inr rliTiing p. r ^nniini in \r.igea. | the Mate llnu'e anil I'ublic OiTice. r.-n.ler> i> tf. following ftpU-udld Ncbeaoc. rr»iilenc^Jor memlirn of the Le it which cc,u|j Ukc tho hoily of tin. ilt'l/nr. jf-reon n-.nirt| Jouppli M. r'oril, who flood nt l!m limn ami oak, belong. j a.dninlile Seventy .ere" of thickly planted fir , Rttlalnre. anil nil.fitflkau met h»« hntin. t* nrnr the |M-III-!I l»o'.h .if whom were brn .2thl lo llie bar ing to hi* M 'JMty'a pUnUIioni noor Dlackwaler, wore MA i.o-i TK;{ v, with tl'cin. From tlWreiiiniiinrr >( her Taen w.' no conihtion "r o.-iliiis-n' « ";»"i alid pul upon their oaUn* lo mimvrr fur tho otT^ncn. il. rtroyrd 1.7 tirn. Kor the benefit of tl.c Heterkburg Mrchunic : I a.inp; hereliif..rr KKrn '' ' clion, ahe con- blorc.Vjl<] lie nrrot'd ui.d i-.1. Tin* ftmt n«fir-<) Htatcwl tint ho tt'jta not aiv-.iro oClmv. No .rly 930,000 July on efga waa oollciotod at Ram*. A»a»rintii>n li'len'ly looi, fnr«»nj for « tliarr of pulilic In other tU.te*, where thin unio bum'iiu inff cuinniiU.'d any iiiiprnprioty, and did mil know Ihe £3to tvlone. 1S34. p4imii*|[e, and whieUabcreipectfullvaoliciia 9! Clnaa No. 10, lor ! No» 6. ' ** r-^iiUtion uf tho court in lhi« rr«|H-ct. Kord when e«ll. Attmna ui lo lie heroifler tlm cipilal of Greece, and To be draw b at Alcx^iutua, Dec. 30, 1834. K,. l !iilim;.rU h-ll . 0 ta aiuW'-r ulitc'l, thai ho -.via never in courl Ijnfure Iho P.irthonon ia to br rebuilt. ._.....-- . ' na* 'bx'lu; ly, whoa a vorilict waa declared, and aoeinc otitera do Iho Ther-i er" 3 (Oil prnonn iinpruinod in Gormany for 1 prize of 813.000 . ji^aj'bs Mr. J- ron«id< r.-.l thai very littli- h'.l line Ihni waa ilunn by hiinMlf. thought it proper. Tlu politic I nfT'nci-ft. 1 prir.e of 7.000 .i4»« tr.-rr i-nprrwnment v.si iUoli»!iod upon thin cu'irl un.jcr tlieu co:n.i.U-rllloni. ..nd it IXMIIK lii« fin.'. Mr*. U-coa, CO yi«rn of i.(re. cornmitlcil atxiciUo by OR the niaainr; rear.nn th, F.iraa of Cap­ 1 prire of 4.000 tain Henry K Hall.nl. near Annap.il in. urtlVr eo»£lioii tlio wnv« nn.l miuna vruulJ al. o;P'oce »f Ilio kind, onlernl lli"m to bo diachirgrd. At Uirowing'h-rarlf inlo a well .1 llorgmvr. 1 prize of F 3.00H A prraon that cin come well commended I tw, b« oV thn aume time Chii'f JuilJrv Sh\w rr n:.r«od thai nny \Vi-ll'« p.il«»ko;M..-urDliaJunpri»"nniciitfor d. bt no i.iml, eipri'eaion of appl IUMI or i!< -pprob-.lion HIM]O hy r.ny 10 prixea of 1,000 oilier lion of -. verdict liore.l'. r. At '.ho K-»ei S-,.mn«. a i n waa aciiuitted on a iile aituation none appl| for abolition, llie *ivtge prinri. poreuti pretonl, on theuocl-ir 10 |iri7f« of 40« trrma apply In it* full vi^'iif. !!< c ititclifkid for ah. would CJUM «u<:li nwjjiunin 1 1 bo taken a tJJo.t IJe u.^u. ch-ir^e nl* Rl^^lin^ 1.0^, as l' .. .iniinal prorod to be a 20 |irizi'« iif 800 •.111. THOMAS FRAHKinx. Annapolis »nJ t'*' .Nihtiuu. Ill* 0*1. Kl-.f, Iho Kt-lo of ileea ia the law proYide«l. 30 prizen of 150 Tlir Crr.lreville Timra wjl plr«*r in*»rl the i-trH ti[*.in t!u» tirini-.plo obrv.il fourteen Thc prisoner (lliizi<-ll) 9 n Iheu ili-e.'i irjrotl, enj loll 1.1.5 prir.ru nf 100 ilwivr four timea, and a/ad hia account to I HI. 'lid tin iy»t«m ni't with univcr. Iho C(..irt HnfHii. The .\'.t..r ley (i.-n r il thon rentwiMl 190 prir.ea nf 41 lhi« office. r.-oniii£ th" llth Kcnlii-ky hi* not yot found I'm n.<. hii inolion tn lt4T« the mniinini; ci".1* eouViinii-d l.M .M rri"^l. In niliinuiro. >»-i Thnrwl-y l£rt prir.e* of 30 Der. 4. jimiiTuf P'M1 i l.n* Dg;in»l fr-iiuiilint dthlora, the noil ti'rni. and urged aj H ruiaon llie rvvrcnt ei^rcit. in»t. \tj Iho Rev. \V,l!u-i l.'<,I.i. r. U nill'i Muri.it!, I2G pn/.en of 15 I Vtlr!":vr il »ll llV nery wiL'i tru 'l. llut un-i.-r Ihe nrcu;nl l.i Iri 1, Jnd iufonnMl lhal Ui"y had a right to challenge M ..-rw ojco, 20 jnrora |irrreinptor.!y. \Vr,;;!i'.. Mr. r.ir.maL llorcixt to Mix M OIA llnrtvia, Tielteti 84 00, Snare* in proportion. Tbc nnlra n n < »;< «* e»I Tbomoj H V kt Ibe rliapauj oftkf/ S r« more.'iul l«u'i I'.il in l!i« di«eh.-r|re of ilebu Until o.' A'IIII Ariiwl-'l Couuly. I.ytlc, nni]r t~m:ir!l Cha^o. to ajn-iunt, in liVo t*Af 11'iia affiW hinj o.vii III.U.T Ihu fnimer lwrl>-rou* ciii.. LOOK OI'T. LADiF.S. M .Tr > -.1 on Thumliy cnrBtiin^ l.wt, in Princa Coorgo'a Ticki-ti ami Sharea f»r iale at IE ubjeM of (in- bill in llu« ra.» it tn I r-i Mr »-Jllnl no ini'.ii- r ol" tho lloiw. aud no Mi.- Knyi I lli|thiieiti, i'.'inci' {JTM it'.'in, h..- -ir- Co*ir'v. t-r i'ii R v. Mr. M«rkinh«imrr, Mr. TIIUM^* obtain a conrrtaiicr to tb plaintiff*, and ::-i w,' tW 1'iiilcd M..lo«, cuulU iniiguir the eitunl riv.'\i in l'liil.»!rl|>hia, nn.l was M i jirouu-n »l- l.i*o form, puid aincc tkJ n .^rry >ad tU*tren whicii thi* crm-l and unn- .*on t. ina ill \rch alrvt-t. II in n lurii. I'IIT nu :i. nl° .iirfhl'-r oiVlu (.In Dr. .fuu.ii'1 Frankhnof IVinoa B'llimore, nhirX i- conUitiril williiti the lul- :'» * 'onu* V- (Churi h atrert, Annapoln.) tlir name iTdfbi w.* now priviu^iuif. lowly, but* poiliv'ly, roii^idcr.iblr liiuriry nil inmcnlH r.nd n ^':i. mi- |owio(t ile»riirafion: Ilrji' nin~ for Dercrnliec 18 .it ihr dial.inc7 of one liuiiur.il anil Iwrnly- renpoctivcly, for lae It-pitrnl :' In u,' Hi" Union, nlln-ntfh tlio ryil.-m fie niiutvur in III.IMC. Id- la *'.< > i!y «»; ' l'-d' .nii.-ii, i. n Tti".-[lay i-vrninp, by Iho Rev. irtotr.llj lUil'l, co .ipir d to wh.t it hid been in Mr. 'lvis Mr. Ntnioi.A . Rnw^ WATUI.M to four feet >.ii AirSea from Ihi' n»itli-we«t i or- ' o.inicn »li'iirinj IB' (IT- no |>npar« );uliri your nvi>i.|r.-it ' in.li-M nrr of I.ol iipnnicr twenty riytit (»o nuinbi r- id fund, in rath of «ai I | kran Unm, ui.U»» \\o h.il jccrae to iho »nn J.I'r port and winninj; gnccg i I'rinei' I'mikofili it M \nv Tii.iM AI, all ..I' tbi i city. '\ Cumini«ai'inrr» fur Vnne Arumlr . i.-.olj in Dolon. which lud kinilly' nl on a I'la.'lor the «.ilr of the r. al i-autr of j', at Iho novcral iicrt i a rr-al IVinco, nnd n U" -oulliri Iv. bii.d- [low the aainc nuy bin I | (ii«bt«J ' i.u mtli ih-'ir report for Ihe l.nal *ix or aevun j;»in. See th..t he obi inn n royi.l rtTp|iti.in Ibe city nl Annapoli* im TL'KSDAY t^ir iOtl i ,'f to InJ ih«l.ii>e, ..nJii wjain uruer, ho would 011 Scj.lt air. et, acvrnly ri^ht lert tit l!iin^< lend III it wuy now. \Vc Imvi. it IH iruv, T)I. J. Thtirpl »y li^l. aArr an illn^np iluy jjnuarv nexf. fur Ilir pur[Minr uf ^t-ttlin | tt »*at f.c^ r^i.lir 1* In th>- aubji-ct. Hi t would m.ko u» nir r «ttrl/. until it inturarrla the lino princely feilowa of our own, inil what w-?"ii», . . .VUMII, con.iort of Jacob II. .Slrn with the li.-prr Im * i.l Tiiltai c»« lieurin^ up arubl*. loaa lo her family peal*, and nijikin^ lran^f.*r^,ntul tloaiii^ ibt wr. w .u pnjxx.li'i-i. il n-1. raiiin 'J 'o lhi« Uirtricl. nn- Ibry lo your true Prince. .V. 1". -*>'ioii, nnd an "i nnjihry memtior nf oncicl^r, UouUa fur tlir Vfur Ibu-l. f» I'-ijeae of III" pi r h i J no |ri;(.| ,ti»t |«iwi r. intrrarcl a Imr drawn pai.illil «iih Ihe SHOCKING. ol* .vli ich »ho waa n rvligiuu* nirinUnr. Uy order, lilt Imr f l.ot nut.llier twetity-eiKl)uLt lh«j A |r«li.cri|'l to Iliu ( ' *ibri:l^u Clirnniclo of IU J. COWMAN. Clk. diatanre nf one bundreil and Ivteiiiy-Tour fret .'1 I rti H^n.t. by j jrinl of pow r in thi Koder .1 Con«ti- Tlir HoHlun Trivrlli-r of I'r! !:iy fwy: A -Im. S it'ir 1 iv i.-i\ « "Tlio HIII. Cn \HLKa C!oto»no. n\ inrhri from lliil jr^Uining and at ri|(ht | l«aa. nl hj vii'iud Ihn priucipl' e«uMi«lied o. rly in li'isluii.l in I'rinct.' Htrcrl. nrliinu il ; io.ii'i on F\u-.t. I'-ikarvj of thtr ro-.ntry, th 'I .10 |» I'MM vl niiinty. Irlier* of nilininiatratiun. mth the Icrad to lie on ll» lu k rn?» for ia.>Ii*}iio^ ii:ipri«o.n»9iil > llowanl'* Timber N.-ck.'' The bill atalra, * '-*< Ihart^t i»f I'ol-i.nbi i. l'i in nny er(u 1 puition in thn will annexed, nn (be jtrranii*! c»tate of I'hi'r- thnt bin xvil'ii h :d .lrn|i|" 'I on the ii .rib in i. I'll, NOTK'IO. that the pUintirt i. llie widow and onlv heir i a*J SUi«, ari.iTi^ IVnai tho n lure ol' Ui.«ocruj- . next, iiim I). Warlielil, Lite of Anne AruniUI t the Hi-crelary uf War nnil tin- cliil.l, f.illun inln thi' lin-. '.vns cuir.iMl- I! \T\ mi Hi - lir-t Mi.ir!.iy in January at hw of William Thnmpaon. tale of B-lli- nf Iho po;r:l .lion cljiin' il tj Ihn lluuM my la»i.f il»inliib,linla-l!i<>cli-.r4Ctcr rd, li-.irnl an.l ili-:ul. 'I'll'- wile » . nnrli.illv n-. H , ,!. . A. M. ..il tin- Stal'la nnil C"init\, ili-ce.i»«il. All prraona liming no' r. wlin ili. il inlr^iali . Til wiibnut ialuer iu cilii -n«. .rij -it inr o*i\ in'"i iir^ riiiiirtnini'ii'-i hiT fv\'>vv- Item L - 1.1 (!. *I.iil»et II 'ii«.'. "'ill bat aaiil \V ',lu n ulmut Ih,. >ri«il/Mor -. notieo u'l a w.irning which would \\'c iin;ior«liinil !h«l » mnn wnn found yonlcr TIM> IM in« ca«l\,a«, WKsLKY LIN TIIK tf>S, axl II" "I 3w Ailm'r. W. A. ry tbrrefor; that ajiil Chaae » truatee for V '..•rtlirul In n)| c>iliC*riir.l. lay morning on llio r'tvihirirk road ndi-, uh-iut ANDANDREW Sl.tC KR. he *ale of rne eatate of Thom.i* Parkin, hail la C'mcliiaioQ \\o nould mmirk, th.il ho hfel purjM»«o. Marktt Matlrr. lurni'h' an Mliroale M'I two nidi /i from town, fmcrn to d-i.ilh by lim Mi. TOUT \\KH.N mid »aid Lot nu nbrr °.8. of winch aaiil piei« I: ncl«Kl ike Kuin, and confined ln» pmpt.riiinn to t.nis-. cold of Hundny ni^lit. M'in'.i-r, wliirh If tlic Irrnx nf n.ile «h»ulil nut be T Rrounil ia a part, to onr Jo!m Walravrn, which nny b» iSU Lijinrt, froin a conviction 111 J Conj;rr ** wo il J nut / I willi, d.iily irnt will b« exncled for SALli. h . i l^-n H.I tirdy, htis within fnrtv.eiiht hnum | Fdu inder the decree for -ale of aaid eetale, bear- xiira of tho aaiil ro-l. »f itoeicUly ibulKll impriaoiuneut lor dobl, . nd unl. u tlii-in, (in c»»r they are u»eil.) nci"idin(; In ol ill'' lllj^li Court nf c-.'iri liiKin U" r»iiLI"nlv in nil hi] btf Jtipth iind ' Y virtue of n nfc date 13 Urcnubrr I8<13-lh«t taid ,ni of Iho laws of nils Ik4».i»uco. mi I iw upon that ri'ij'ict cnulrl p.aa wilh- by-l.iw of tlie Corporation, in llut caae B Clunci-ry the al arribvr will tell at |iub- oivod thn oj»nnl of t'" rt lapry tu hia own Kt.tr.. by giving In tho r'odcrnl t. rr..r. Halt. Amcr. of Turtdinj rivrn. nut p>tiiu«|ioli» 'lUKSDAYlhr !13.I nl »nio IE Diillimiire cunnlT Land llrcurdi m uronry on llio ro.il, Uo« ' "J » joat, tlun tho ayatoiu no.v govvrning Hute and RIN(iUI.AR DEATH. ay of Dccrinbri nr at 4 o'clock, P. M. if Ynilerday morning about 7 o'clock, a y'liij m»n Liber W. U. N». 134. fulii, I. tit. datril l h.ivo been pul oa tlm f"1 fa^nl Courti within K^uluckyi lui fnll bound, tUcrv. i\ CIIA.\CI:KY. air, if not, thr tint day thereafter, all lone I8M, ciiiiirveil »ii>l IM'. N» SB loTlio- 1-Kaleil unovr, unaVf I*** An, la lUenipl notliiu)* lhal woulil (irvjuuioo Iho cili- nunod O Kirgo Parker, an apprentice.to Mr. J ia. Mun- Decrm'.ici 13t'i. 18.14. ri*;ht, tille am) in e»t f tlir hrira of ran, block tn ikcr, 'Jj Houlli alreet, w«a fuand hiufinf m»» Lrtle tint tjiil rnnvrv mice. thooj|li ub- ipxmthal p..rt of " w.k;~l >w»ef lujo.u b'tato, while all the Statue were el. JinF.RKD. Thnt the a^le of the proper- 4alhan Potter, aubject n mnrlyaje e»ecu nlulr in it* tiTm», waa r IliKir over Uio c«llar in which h.i worked, hia tv in the OI-H- nf lluracr Itnhy, and nl by aaid N. I'orlrr Miclu Llujd, tou a tnp door, through which It taiil Lytlr dmolil cnnvrr aj|(| plf r uf rroontl ilrplh of mold a «» to" nock hein; cingbt by O\\*iy 'hie. wife, nilin'r*. nf Prancia Murdnck. uiiiing Hbuut nmna IM wae attempting to ptaa, but fur what purpou to ««ul William, ami lii» lirir«, «nif other ike a pcnmncnl twl ' r laid bofure the houea a letter from the Se. ..^ninat Peter (iriffin, ailm'r. ul' Preciout Orif- 93 1-3 ACUEM parti "f aiiil L'>l No. 28 in ullirr prrauoi rr- "Mtj of U'ai, oucloiing, in pureuwca of a rMuliitlnn, ' ' not known. lie had evidently got upon tho h.< ul of fin, mnile nnd re|>nrlril b) Ihr trualee, Petrp Inn which hi" !*»»« lint liaul !IP( ***! from under nltii j'titl t i* 14 mile* from Uallim.re and \* the place prtti«rlT lo whom laiil Ch«»e hill ajrreeil |n . --.I wd ilocunt .'Ula in rol .lion to tho einmi>liliiice | Wood Cram, br i.ihfieil and conftrnieil, un- f voting fnr the 5lhjKlect\on District of An irll Ihr «anir. The bill lirthrr ttilce, lint ''J.T raido fur oh) cla of muruil iaiproveni.nU; ho hud Ihrual hi* hoed thruujh tho trip door, wl.lc'n lea* cau»e be ahewn In the rontrary on or be f conjcnt.-moroiltbe occaaioncd in. le Atundel county. It i» vWll walritd, and Mill l'7^r rrnvirnl frnni the ttite nf MB..-J- < »J. 0.1 o»4ion al' Mr. IJrigK*, * « I .id on the lil-l". lilliiig ju«t bunoaUi hia chill, inuat have iro Ihe 13th ilav iif Pebruarv nejl, piuviiled foot from ia» aboul 20 acre* of mearlnw land. The ( ml. tuil ilrpnynl tlua life, without eircut- Tbo ipaikar Ud l«,fu/e the huuae a report from Ilia Unl «iiroc*lion. lli« foet w«ro aboul foar ropy of thi< iinler ue put>li»hed in aome j»l tho &-crcUry of * 1 the ground. Thn Coroner-a verdict waa accidunlal luildinga coiiki.t of a two aliuy lloune and Ing t« Mill \> illiam a Cun«eT«nce nf aajj toniuj of Ih* troaaury, nude pureuant to a ra«olu. ewapnprr mice in each of three auccenaive ii'.chrn, large and confnrtablr, wilh piece nf erounil, ami lint the plaintiff linu»t « ro|KKt.othi.H.M-r djilh. .V, V. Ceuriw. la> iptclfviBg lUo «JjTJ^iio amount of revenue col. reek* before ihr 17th day of January neit. and dry cellar, a wheelwright \hop, a nut tirhether taiil Lvtle left any lifira, or rou- bctee1 on iaaertal nurcaitidiae, lonnage, oic. in ouch The rrp»rt atnlea the ainuunl.of aalea to A L.VlUiE TllKE. Travollora in Mexico if (rood water "bicb coinmuniVatea with a atitulnl any dr»i«ci'anf aaid prece nf grooi.d, I *» ef UM Union, IW tlw Mkf I«J3, which waa laid on Uo gl38(j UO. an uccounl of'u fojnotu Cypre» Tren in Ine dairy, anicehnuae. a amoke ft«iu«c, and or. if t.r Itft any hrira in iletiapfu. wiiu or *>l*aU. **J True conv Teal, vuung orchard of aelected fruit t\era where ilivv are. The bill alau ttatrt that 8a- ,,1ion rcnulni tin«>aiH TW ayaaXar alao Uid before the houea,» comnmnic4. Allixco in Mexico, which in rKiid to IKI Ihn lnr(-- ont troo in tho world, willi iho oiceplion of Iho TIIK TERMS OP 8ALK muel Choc reaiilra out of the Hale of Ma­ ,ntry. in th. 8UW -""I NafnaitL't HocKttry of the Treaaury, in reepouae to ryland. in Senegal. It moaaunw vurunly nix one tenth to be paid in ca*h on the Ay ofnale, y, and how long l!» "^J > naatatiea at' Ibe llouae, Iu rol ilum to the efTuul, or Ibe ratification thereof, and the remainder coot in circiunferronco. It ii tliereopon onlereil. That Ihe plaintiff*, in each. . ' u» aMdUwatkin of the LrilF. in c.-rtlin portlcuUrei n G, *I3, and 18 month*, in equal inaflklment* b» cnu»ing a copy nf thii order lo be inent- >rtioii..ftlwj.^«''*'i '^xaeaaouoad'Mr. folk, K-J» relvrrvd lutlie commit wilh intereat from the day of aale, f»r eil nticv in each uf three »uccea»i»e wittrka Jn auction, li»4*» *"* N ef wjyo a*l loeaav- JUDC.K DUVAL.L. inent of which, bonda or nutea muit De (;i>cu. aimir nrwapaprr belore the anlh day of Ja* Tk. llonJb uiao a The llalliinore 1'aliiol. of Haorday, aaye 'We are wilh RIKH! ircurity, and upon the reel it ol liu»rf nrji, |ire notice lo aaid heira and de- now aulhorieed lo ny, thnl the puagriph In thn F Church will pie December 11. the purchaae ninney, and not bcfure, tl i »ub »i«i-c< nf Thumaa L/lle, and (o aaid tfatuurl INFLUENZA. derick Ki«uln"f which etata* 'Uut Jiuige Duvall haa rribcr ia aathoritnd to give a good dee . Al Chow-, of the aubalance anil abject of the . pwrall* gem-rally In town >['J country. withdrawn Ibe resignation, which he had tendered, of the same time, and on tne antne lentil will bill, that they may be wametl lo appear in w« ino* «f cunt elfooud la a very ahorv .'|t"e ofUin* hia aeat on lh» l»neli of the Hupreiue Coort ofthe Unit. r|1IIK

    "s-i 1 TAXE81 6REAT NATIONAL .WALBIE'S NOTli L.IBBABY, INSURANCE COMPAWT. RR nabMrUrr .h«a made a"rr«ni.emeota to HE ««btcrib«r ha* received from the Prt: HATt Of U,tful «nrf entfrtatnlng rtpnMiih aa (lit aa they »rr rweived aldent and Directora of thi» Company T and ft • beilluilratetl tellh numero rom Kn^land, Rerieo of the »tand»nl Theolo- s FROM THET'BRUN- Tthe appointment of AOBNT for the ciij of Thnae per*oni liy the lloittn Btirick Co ical woika ol Encland, under the gtntral li- NS OF NASSAU, Anoapoli*. are requeated lo Ita capital ia Fifty Thoutard Dollar*, and ther del IIK auccc»« whkti hai alleudfl the pub- I, of A inn of lh« f*«hi»nable watering ven. T liralion'nf lb» bi.-ij Magazine* fmin I be THE SACRED CLASSICS, placet in ()' n_y, by in ol«l man, will form the company intend* lo eiecute Ihe following Knjliali PrcM, ha« fefd'io prrparalion for i»- he cnmmerf nt of the. fourth volume of bualne**: _ - ' \ . . N. D. U. _ t>«in*;a>~pBriMiical jiturr tiarticularty adapted CABINET LIBRARIT Of? , Waldie'i l.i \tt. Insurance on Livct* and acknowledgment of 'to' lh« Wan(»ii)il Hr» nl the American pub With an orixinal inlroduelory e»«ay to each Thin will be ft ed, at an early day, by the 2d. Pa* chase and Sale of Annuititt. dtiiiea *»nn»c ' lie While the o'tject of the pra- anlhur Btltted by RICHARD COTTCKMOI.B, B. Memoir* of Menr "' er*de la Tude, who of the Praetft the work what il* li- five yeara in the dif- 3d. Receiving Endmomcnlt. prielnra to m ). and the Re». HKNRT ST«nin»o. M. A. t confined fof ll 4r*A. Iteccioing Money in 7V«*/. City anil Crm; ll o lnilir»ie .ii. contain a'l Thi following '' '** JiloertiKmtnl of Iht ferent Stale Pri»nna I _"ranee, now fir»t tranii i which appoar fsonjan yi/6/i*/ifr.\ aSed into 5lA, The Managtmtnt of Tnut St- BUHPLKM The wnrks (iubli» [th* current vnlume, late*. UNIFORM IN Sl/.B WITH »R-LARD- now nn^p point of HI are Ihe follow- Krfcntive prrpacatinns hat been entered NKR'S CYCLOP/EOIA, TUB SUNDAY Application* made to the nubtcribej- at hia PROSPECT, into, li'ilh willi »ili,t. to fiirni*h OITire in Wi-nt »treel, opposite Ihe Farmer* and *m LIBHAHY.&c. THE CONGHESSIONA\ fmin »U pail* of the Uninajfdfuwing* anil il- Kruit/.nee, or llie-Gcrman'T Hank of Maryland, will be promptly attended PBICK OKl.t TIIBItR ailll.MKOI AJ«n *IXPBNOF. iSe nuihor of Cantrrbury T Olobe. »|,it|,. of i-tiTT sulijrcl of intercut, which On the \il af .Aiiii/nn/, lfl.14, will hi publiih- imbibing M the I Ihe publi-ltert contiileijny believe will cnabla * nf Sir James Camp' .of Aril- SOMKRVILLB PINKNE* nl t'ol. I: of n Serin nf the Standard Tht- lain! tvrillen by him*elf: a jni|Uanl them to i.sur * W(.rWefi..iiiinriibir li. il> (Ulr iihfricnt n'arlit of England, umler the ge- Nnvembiily RKWARD. **" 'liie first nnmjaer nf the Ami iiran Ma:» TIIK SACRED CLASSICS, Goo'1 Sir W.-iilor) a tale by 4he nuihor TRtf J-',ll nwny from the nubncriber living » week,', °V .» VJ*1 """ "" « «»ia r'me, iiluMrjtuf wi-lt tipttjnl* of lurnl; quarto on. r \RINF.T i.innART tip niviwiTr: Fatni'v Portrait* _t Co" Creek Furnace, on Ihe 2d of for*,'a I ha, nOLUll . £* »plcinlid cicyRiii^*, iiili .ippi-ur tin or liclnrr (hr «c««iiid. \Vhr any i lh^ Ii.«l uf N'| i ui'i-i. .ml h" cimlioitPil \Vilh mi mijjinal loiroilucinry K"»ay to each The llroken Heart; a dramatic sketch, frnm Uc IRK HllRSKSi a black llor.e a j.N"s raj h, 9 ye»r* old; a bar Ilor»e ill-Tinned, we propose ittnntiilr cnnitiilin^ lirlttrni fm Iv .i'"l hli.V Atilhnr. (he luli.ifi. bout Rome ifl the Nineteenth Cenlory; in a »erre« ]ji; and a che*nut »nr Subscriber* may cat imprr i.il o. I it n pj.^i s. ixtui In- fui tti.hr il nt (he IIIKD HT m fnur eslra ln« imccof lito'..ill.ni> per .ninuin. Itttill ; lir.v. HlCll-n. C ATTKRMOLE, B. D. f leiirr* written flaring a residence in thai irl I Sj l.antl* per»on cilr. In a Laiiy. or prison* finding j'he Draf ;.nd Iliimli P.iRri n Tale. ins liipin lo ("urns'tTr^rk Furnnce, «r and «ent lo all iht , P..i trail* ..«d Bi.i.-raphical Sketches of dis. TIIK Ri v. IIF.NRY STBBBINO, M-s^ Vie »Tiall pay In Ihe rep.irt.jni li iviii.lir.l \mpii.-aiix; View* nf I'uiiln llmlil- Aocdlotrs ol Ihc Court of I luit the XIV.i Hid tiny Scalrs Tavernj^ign nf the Sw.an, in '^j (I ..n.pr cnontry i* »o tivh a« Ko^Uod in by ilie Duke of Si. Simon. Old Town, llaltimnre, *|ia\. receive the above preparing the repnrl9.lh.at will be^p inx1!. M'tnutiii-itts anil linprntentPiil*; Ljnd ^| S.irreil Lil-rnlure. Her grmlesi I'nels Ihe Hlack \Vaich; an Hi*torirnl Notrl, l>y reward. ihiti paper, mure than one hondieiiZu " ^rapi* ^crii.-i); Hi'- li.iund-rii* vaiii1 v .itnl an.i Piiilosn|ilirrk h.ive sliaietl ttilh her Di­ the aiilhor nf the Don inip'" L"^.icy; &c. & . wp,-k. durinB the M*.i,,n. , ptflirtb.'.* h. ...jiv nf wlnrh, in nl nil act of will please procure subscriber:. ! Kti.-.KM AN lli;.V r, A-pnt tch< IA-'K.'---.; ninl ilius llir win If viii « nl J .'imol of n \Ve»i Imlii I'roptirlnr, kepi Ihr (ii-iier.il AS«. tnniy nf Maryland, ( n* of HIP I'.i.loo iK-wuk Oimipuiiv 4T Couri *i -Safrnl I V«»«in."' i. it tirll nt irulh nin I TKRMS. d'.i'ioi; a ie*i.lrncr iii Ihr 1*1 n.'l ril.it |)>-. i-inniT *.-«.inn." IH3.1. to ninh'irr/.e U...1..H. July IT. .in. .ilium. n« n-i'ii m nn1 ueiu-ral n-.ider it- nf Jfli»';iii.,, 1 mpy tlnrins the »e»»inn* g| ($ ii>-tin-l-t'r Mnithrw < l.i-wi*, R-q. M. P. nu ANDHKW MrLAl'lillLIN tndiMribute his 11 copies during the avion, ,'Klnnr*, ihrioi^ooul the t'ni'nl Slitr n' !« ! I'- 1. g| 0 a il'mr nl llu- M.ink. Jir. p.inter UY LOT. wn.i aiil ^ite Hie p>i'lu« n Iviv in i i« inii-ni' ; 'I inpii-r in thin Payment may br mlrte .by .null, M^I ritr Ciirntr'- I'.ile. nr Prar'iral J'.k inc; fmm J'h'' property is nninnc the must valuable ,anl. nt our n»k. The nnlri of Ur " *erltn|i!t nl titcir i i'*pt'i tiv.' p.ipets ».i.ili ' In.t wnik« ' i fii' inii-t rr'nbiiitril wii v iu'\v wmk cniilU-il Nights of the ltnni.il in M.nyland, viiiiaii-il in ihr |.iu«peroiif, heal- n nil.- yr*r v* HU!I*I rtpu >n 1<< ihr saini h.l*l' liri'ii ilrvtiti-il In lh< Ta­ laying lUnk will b» received. ble. ihy, anil rnmsnllr village "I It,1'cult's l.ilioi, in .. hr.il i i, uiri'iiii nl "I III M'l>, attention eri.7 lie paid to KTV OF .>1AUVLVM>, Sf. i, nf l. il tiirli. «h"ih' - r in Un'i Thr Tlirep \Vp«l ntinstpr ho>s. nr fowprr. lei/ miles frnm Ihe ri'v »f ll.illimnre. upon iniltii monty accompany it. A^ril 30 the XYpstein Turnpik>, nnd 13 nti|i't> .'inne .Iran ' CuUnty, (Jf/i/i nil Co -il, :.!jc.i.ni . In tin lii,iii..rln| niici ' s' « i I MII|I- Lnril t'linnr. llor Tliurlutv, ami Warren llj» up..n tit l. .-0. Fir.I 1 6 the lUlnmiire itt.il Ohio lUil It""'', tth.-rr ..II (li I.I'JIT C.'-.ih. I o.'i^. iiinU. 11 I In- rd-r oiiil wrll liriru nf >n iin^*, conlra*iril; frnm ihr *itinr. Full > 13 ihp rar«. in nnd from liie west, »lnp'lo bitr^k- i npplir.tdn^bt prtliimi nf Vi iMli«f* nil (In- l)'icirinr«s \1nrnliiy. A IN.irr.iMve of ihr Shipivri-ck of Ilie Anlp NOTICE L'-t f 19 l.i«'. mil dine. >*v, .t.|ioi-ii*v.itur ivitlt ihr tt ii| ao 1) rr* nf ('In IH( innilr. wlmli lin«r rr- l..pp al I'i-li-if. in ITH.T. ami it lirirfliul nrru- T WILL aell my Karm oft Soolh Rinr. N^w O 27 A si|(Tu ii-oi niniiber of Tickvrt* here been of J'uin M( M'l'rVii. IJIIP of Annr A'.ioil perm.ioent »'ain|i of (jfiiiTal .ijiprn rnlr .l.-c-Mlll nf Prince LP lino. * Prtvale >ale. It cnntam* npw.rO, cnil'ily, ilrrra.-il, \ i. >nitt*)-vil th.ll hr »i i'CI !<''rniiin» »f llir mo«l rinn.rnl .old I'i warrant HIP .i.snr.inro lo the publir, All 'In- nbnvc com in ihe ' Library'* 1ml Mm it oiil pn.tilt, y In'- ilr.mn I'WKN- THOUSAND ACRES. Way 31 Jayn llir liniiii' ipi|.in( l.v 4T** l'ir ciriltloi. In ii'n-*: llip ui*-*t inlrn-*li?i^ .j-rtinu'li 11 of Hr- and po».i-.Hi'. u,,,,,. ^ilnninpr.ihi Rr-t > 'ft III.K Uin»ra|iliv: .ml llir i h'HO--l rxnniplc* riBTII IIKI'KMilK.lv" .Shimd -hr Uinnrr Oilier No. ior iP'nnl flri-'t, \ny infnriniilii'ii which mar «ke , Full a> 12 licr n r. |) iMti.in.il ii'nl "rrpj I' irlrV, '< il 1 i I PPl lirlow Till. of the t'lcketiibr mill brlme, it will ue drawn >>u i>i r-pli.in- ! Wnlilie'* ^l l^ rt CirrnUl be ilTiinl-d in thine" who wildcat! up«n w^ Lu: « 10 -IX «U rp--il" «rpk» Ii I'ltiPr in I'lc n'lliT Mhirh noy IIP <.inner. , in? l.ilirniy wSiili « |iithlUlif>il pvrrr wrrk. a li cnrwi*t« of the larp;e and eilennive im- my rr-iilenip in lhi« rily, nr nn II. ||, I Wen O 27 iillril in \i.n.l|> .!. '! in ivr In I'K* b/nrlit and srn t wood. K.IJ. m | he FaVmer* Bank o "L Hlto\\ N. J thr i '. j.i |.T iimni, lli fikf'iMr M'crin-il by nrnvrmrni«.l"iic knoii n as (dp All\\l \\ AI.'DIK, I'iiil.ilrlpliia. ICT'Tli'' Land will bp »o|d in S\ nU A. A. i Tn liie prm! in finn« of cnrli nmlinr, or l«i tT7"-lS|ih pUrihuMT*. ''- rat li »o|ni.iti* |-t inliirtiiio. a^ llir ^.i^e nn\ ii|iliiin« fm- HIP nboM- viliuh win k ri-n-i .il nt tlii« "flic ». Wnii nil Hi n. w im|.rn«rmriit*. ninl a liiijKly RICHARD UARWOOD,«fn« I NDTICK is IH. UY civics pin in ifipilrP. nill In- pii-flsi'il an lolrm'tir. inanicitiitl tiaul.'n. It beautiful Gothic Cot- I'KO Jan. 2.1. ' | Til \ I' (In- .iMl.rnl ill A. .in- \ '.-*iv. piiinnn^ nut llipir r'liir.irtriMi.r I.S H". aenl oilier 1'iiellina*. Twenty vuluahlp The Kdilo« of (he Raltlmnre OilfKf,r * Oi p'un. mi ! »; mil, tit »n. m1 in.lanrP". cmiiprr coun'v. ii illi ro iiKi'i'ni.iMi nif. inlilin; I.ni.. with nilmrrmi» nther shares American Farmer, will inierf the ibeiei of Anne Atunitrl i unnty. Mart i-inil. Ii itrr* n^ n Ino^f4|iliii il fckrtch of thp Amlii>r . LONDON. KDINIHUt;!!. KOUKIliN ANII .1 prtsoi il p-..perty. rtiit'iMinn nf Plnte, t^nr a week un'il nilierwi«ere(|aireil. nf u 'ininnli.HMMi willi tll l uniuMn!. mi »|ili irmarkt on tin' t'aie of religion in ln» WKSl'MiNs K..I; ia-r* ||.T«r*. Puno F'lrle*. ltonk«, Rich —— ' t'.'- prr., .ml r.MIe ofjull Nlll'l.-n. |j>i* nf QUAIiTKIlLY IlKVIEWS, '' iiiiituif. and Old \Yine*. nil valued al S58, July 31 dnyn- cmioly I' if. t'iP tlesi.-c of l'ir Prni.rir'nrs. in umlrr l.iti. .ml ilividrd into FOUR HUNliUKI) IK *uliscriber beg* leave lo in r'ir t ) 3 the -aiil akmr; Vim C.tni\> r LiniiAitr nr lli\ IM i v." FOK 8» I'KIt ~>|l \RK.S subject In nn disoHlinl. frienils. nml |hr piibljr in je* Full o 1(1 In .-ihilnt i HP> -.TUP, »i n jni'.rnt iln* c..llpi:inut In llir public .1* tin I1 i I' i« in be ilrawn upon the plan of the old IIP Has tliscnnlinueiL (he yihmet MiiHtiB 'I'UK nhotp Jnnriiiil* aie nlr .lily 'n wpll I.-. C 1" thri. I, to I..P - jii-. i ilirt. nt purr, that lie \\lm purrha«e* nl |iri**rnt ih. *- kn .rjljnil Ln(ieriri>, tire. The nuinbrr* "ill sine.s, and inicnil*. tn confine liimwlf f New o 25 SB . ii.1V of \nril ni-i . Utev » nf cplirmn il publication*. mnT, f..i i\ n In tin* pnhtir, h'llr n. 11] l>r .an) nf liMr n-.prtiivi- ii.niK ali IIP pitt ini.i one whrel. and (lie pri/es intti future altogether :o l!>a( nf tn I I ttr IIP !> l'in Aii£int 31 ilav CD* t^r *IITKMI.V, in.I mily ,1* .in nhlr di IrMlrr viprrn.lrndrncp of the i'ius(er», acmrilirj; All nnler* for Funeral* will lie. ill»»Jr,l Kir it } 1 ' in Ihe li'jlir.i r\. r. i-.->. ..I I... fmiil In llip Ac! of (he Leji»l»(urc. They /rill err- at the i»lioi teat notice, eillicr in I SIUIM.KY. ii.-.. and oniler rveiy viri««iimlr nf lif.-. i I I Hi y tit nn i|ilrs, ni-il ihu i.Ill I..I|IT ..f ihin^s hi! I O P uul n* tfti.- ttiitii-HI a.til mot- .-iiiriii.iii.n.* Q| fy Ihp simr when iirnwn. orr. or according lo 'ppci.il ilirmino. Unt « JO" W i . it,e iti '/7ir iroiA will lir /ii/ii//.i'imr/i/ ip.«-«. it ill alw.it « roiiini.inil ||R- nlirliln.i. New O 23 'ni..ioorr*« uppnintril |iv t4»e Ti ru-urvr nf Ma- patronage during (he !**( (tve.nly retri, rirntli/ ti»iti\tl in ,1/nrnri'n f7.*i Ill ill.' Illri ;irv nnil .iirnlilic. First n 83 UM Ml I I r.\r^t> my . u Tltr Knisitrui.il, i, |i !i..ilpi| f.ir ihr yi; ..r, yinnil. iliil nn >prctilalion> tliouh) be inilul^ hnpeii that hi* paoioptnena anil mill j:n!iliilitil (in I'ltlnim, nf iihnnt 41)0 il ittf jmt bnnil* with Apptoteil srcurtlv j('vro continue lo merit Ihrii favi.ur. C ,».iy on ihe 28\ Auir-i. nrti'fi rntK) on Iht first i/ny nf rrtry month, I.1 truing 4111! .ii-ii|riii'>* .liir i lU nrln |rs i S-p! nth r ftO M m wlin call* liini.it^|i.|iii liens*. pltv, cnn.liiclpil lit snmr n. ihr piiniipal lo ihp Siatr for ili.nl.li- ihr nmnui.t, thut l|). WASHING I»N I'm r. Three Shillings an! Sii|>.-nci : Jiw may IIP fnillifully complird »illi. Il i* May en. Full o A . Funning llic rheapp«t series nf ttork* ever nf irraty men of the mml'-rn \0tens, i* an nil List ( 14 Mary'* iniiiiiy; sniil IfllAti is an..in lire f.-rt ly powerful chanipiun nl llir moileralr lirloun .imply a dislrihiiiinn nf propeity m its value, frrnl In the puhlic. in mnibuitp llir rippinliiuri' II is wrll tvnrlh '» 0 - *lt IDCilP* lll^.'« of t ti'iNiMl.ll C l!ll|i -VII.II, Tlir fnllnivinj name* of Author* nlioup tmikv party. it lii|«hy h.Mil of h? ir. nn king TKN DOLLARS lor Midi n Cupiml Firat, j v p. .. retain. ll''*li ill *i k«; are inlrnilril fur piiblicalinn i* .iilimilli .1 in The Funr.ir.N (jrvifir.ni.T ni-ctip'r* a IIPU • thm*ntal| Mrltemr iirrnfiii.) il is ..ir^rr llinli his clnthin^ cnn*i*l* nt O/.t.TLur-^ .lijrl ;.ml rviileitcc Irjl crnnnil n. Pulinm, .mil l« ilrtoinl in C on t ^VKKII.S in ilir ciM/.iif "I of I ho impai lulily nf the *i«-c t iM'.iiiril Capitnl. with tiiv. -H thr nuin- tniM.pr*, ol'l shop*, ami li.il wnrn i lioii: tinrntal literature. 4 * Ihp public j;pner:illy. it »rlecli"ii hts .lli.in iirr .ilil cl.ilhin^. .mil | i'?i .t p.- Thr NVvMMiNSTi'ii is but linlr known ii irr nl I icKris 10 conli-nil vmli. arn MI I5i,i-r Pull Jrrrmv Taylor, Uile*. Tloyle, Untler, Otven, mil iiff .mil ruaitinalile KAI.I. AM) MINT tvhich n i .1 mill i* I ir^.'il. Mi* n Cudvvnrih, Thnnias *. Keinpis, llui nel, llnup. lliis r nun Irr. 11 mat lie i .u.-hlrrril art lit. O'»OI),S. from the New Yoik, l'hlli* Lrt t|i|p*i.'il In ptv clmrnt1* n^.il t.ikr li m j.iil. ii.UiirJili' of the ll.nlir.iU, .11..1 Ihr mmi'li pirci )CT"Many of the kniall hltiteit \.ill be puiti N'ovr Iliiilrr. \\'ilsiin. lluntnn, Fenrlon, m c«.ij, if required and lla limnrc in.iik»i«/c«n«i- l «is.''l' ho will olhrinKi: Ur ili.i_;.;u^r.l jblf In S.iMih. Hull. ll.iiiimnnd..llairow of llrttlhnmi*!!!. Il ir|irr»pnl* iln- piinriitlr «", Dnicli Idfle li.Mi!. I"'1' SU law. of a pnriv jlirady iinu.rri.iM in Kn^ mil 8CIIBVK: Shnlick. Ji.rlin. FuriniR, llnnlcyAllnlr, I Share, cnns'oitiiig n! tV PAT A P. - fii, nil il ll'in.m Ilivenj llninn. R. xvi'.i.rii. ,,r f.i»l incri-.i-inj in lit- United Siair*. 'milfoil NoTp.mVr -an .Sii'lingilppi, PiirieiM, Lnrke, Lri^hion. t'«*e, h<"0 IIO I'F.L. with 'he in-t. nil. v,, Kiab, Olite. 4ml Uraj . Sh'lf. A. A. Cuuniy. t'l.iiliouworlh. Hall, Jq'vrl, J«rk ' 3,001) (willed Silk. Flnrentine, of a-^r, 3 fret 'J tic I. it in, hr* rilK LIUKRTYidK PUOl'lli-.SYINC. l.y three nionlh» afln lh» Iplivery nf i"hr lirtl I Sharp, Anjplo Cottage, a ue«ulj. Cutltinire it 'I'nilinilte bl u k i .niJil tmii, wnl.. Jrieo.y Taylor with an lnirni|ur'"i v !-'.» number. tin' Kngliali cnpie» caiinrit IIP l,a fill (.inline Imililum, «itualri| up­ .mil iiinuiip' " 'iVIn'ii .,iv. liy (hv Rv't. Riihnrd Onlterntnlr, 'it. II. Inr |e»« than gJO." Of ihr thrrr at prc»rn on a li'.l^r nl rnck*, cninniaiiil> VKSTIIVO8. in li.t./t .inilp nn h f'ol. If. (to lie pii/itiihetl OH the \tt of Febru­ ri published, t»nnf Iln nr nlnnr r i.«i RlH. ing n delightful view of (he vi|. iriiltr; niiick mill f'anrii }>i'k limn i-nanci-./o in.uk» n-col ary) will iiiiiiniri A-y iinlividu.il prnciiring four »ubsrrilier«, lace anil faclnrie»| 2,650 CltlKf'S. IIOSK, '(II.Ol'KS, lecied eicrp' a cut on Ihr JTrp li.i^i-r nf 'he CAVK'S I.IVKS OK THK APOM'LKS mid renii.lina 8.10 on ihr rt;cpi|.i .if iln- fir»i 4 Sh,tre«, valuable building Lot* PKMJEHS. SHtliT SIMM left hand. I will ^ite ihr a/.iti- tcivjril if tak wilh Notrs, .mil nil Introductory K»»ay. by N>niln-i, will be . lli.wril nn adiliiional copy R' gbOUeach 3,2000 V . STOCKS. en an.! Iml^eil in J*i' .o il^t I ^.-t Inn n^nm. the Rrv. Ili-my SlrubiliR, M. A. |t^"Sub*cripiio» p.ipers In be n lurneil, nni & do. valuable Huildini Lnl», at. O III KM'.\ L IIRKS " «fl L INU GOWNS. nnd ail leaiunablc th.irge* pud il bmui;hi I'ol. III. (lo be piiltliiht.l on Iht lit of Mareh} :ill cnmmunicaUnus In lip ulilrrxril, pu*) |U)I| 8 i JO eiicn, 4.3UO will mntain to Vheodnre Koilrr, Albany, N. Y. 10 do. valuiblc Uuilding Lot*, at All nf whirhh»r«>*peclfu1lymvltli*S ">.)?"" '.Hi"'. " cheater county, on the e»»teni sboir nf M«. ~ TIL 8. ALKXVNURR. will be the only ili«lrlbiilinn ufferril. retorn'frotn the Ka«ter»^hnr« nae«»rj We And In he had of every Bookseller through- Nov. SO. ^ i* R \:.CEonol rylftnd hia complexion bl.tck. rtbmit -27 year* ouJ 'Hie price «f * aharw i* but gtO, which may ne»d*f and Saturday'. tra»i"e fc«H""' the Kingdom. Match 4lh. 1834 dr*w properly now worth 800,300. inrreaaini »d*f rday'. : of BRC, five (ert «ii inchea high, elnilung .The Kii|rlith rnpy will co*l, in Kngtiml, a- CB. M. bv Citmle U»vei»llavrn an»and Ainup*AiiM«|i»H«- "l^m nA81.. ' cloth trowaerj and roundnbuul, ol»iii| A. MtLaughlln Invite* all hi* frlrtU*, far iwlo I iJ a learned Amrrican clerRyman, in weekly on any part of my Kami. and near, to venture/a Maall nint^nt in Ihl* reiunr i'-iiaiiirnmefiiy, tint I !.-"••», - - . ., property, pay charges eieiml him away, nijmbers, nn a *!n|le aheel of »u|irrflne paper, DKICK. calling it Or»ica wh.rf, fof I" l" otherwi»eotherwise liehe will l>«be. ditrnuriinrRetl-ucPordini; ti lUtinbuiInn ctf hi. propttrtv, whichia .ulita- Hili'H ninety-*!* larfe 12 mo. pagea, lo be November IB. ry eM«. and include* all hi* Qivcn under my hand tlii* '20tit Nnv fVtli-d and alitched. i-siaie. i i)0 > N. 8.'All lwsg»2« «t I'" olvn'rl ' lll>, and covered with >(rnne; wait, drl»ya..r. paper, at the rale of fife dollara per PHINTINO danR,r»u,. He i, .n»f,,a, to Tinnag* to or frnm Ballon or CamorlBJ»i' \\KI.CII of lJ,. n . :tnnnm. clot»j(he acli«ine«nil reiuto In B.liimore. Pataagi: tn or froui -/fmiapi'll*,. _ . , ShlV. A. A. county IUJW ORRRN. Neatly oxocutod at thJs PjmMge to Cheaterlnun ufCflrMfa, ' ifarcarch Cborc. ^'dr'° u^^rAy>oi!:& 'T* ..:&.,,. •»-. tXtfet , teaaa*roiVEKt '! F^ftFto>*-


    own motion, and th* water-beating again* ihe «•»•».!. t kn««r not, wh.t. •id**, «r gorging in Ihe fltnuret of the rack, or except now and thentlie cry of a military ;he «f * Ca •ncyteagull, who would coma out-of hia lompthmg (o ,et of .„ way in1 the firmament, to tee what 1 wa« do to ntop,* and m. thf kim, „„,, MBfioi- ing without a boat, all ntone. In th* middle of the .nunil| and wrhn would hover, and'cry, and Pf|.». t u.ir.mim lunili.nl uuwn, .UN) away challrr, and make two or three ri'icling alonp nn Ihe other tart. *ft*r hav- to Han't rising and •/ it WM .ir.ll In (f out. at fall length, upon the rock, and gave n'nt ^r-v^aj^^ [ o» 8. Rnand th« ^Wmirr. .Iwollinf, afraid of catching culdP—Tk« blac ^wam L*^ ~~f/T, mytelf np to the luxury of looklngand think­ ranrall "^™ *^ c^**aaY|j |If Ami iho crifxj, .Uermat. il«rlin[;l oh, oomn buk to nw!* MH"* a^^. -* SF nsr iir Hrr hraiU whiln »hn nnmband ing —The divine eirrcite toon pat ma faat It «.. n.,w limp (o ,tr,p, for my kneea felt JjBOin— 31 dayi ——— •i > MN* •fT 3 7 22 4 39 •I'ho Inhjr rtill »lnmb.rM, ••'**)'• 1 dreamed away a couple nf hour*, the ml.) imp. .ml thr winrt ilying ,«•». Uft 4).il.M. 4 0 0 7 a 0 10 7 18 4 42 And umilwl in hrtfton u «ho b*nJ«J Iwr knwr, and longer might harp Urenmrtl, but for a a heavy .well, that awuyeel aiiil a?io.!k"^!e box Pint >. .'OV430 A 11 13 i;i 14 K' 10 17 7 in 4 47 "<)h, hlMwM N. lint wnmini;. lireil Run-hawk who chnve to make m head My rliiM, ihy iWp mlominn — upon which I wn* mounted, .o that I occasion­ Foil > .U- 4 W A 1H 10 2T 21 22 •M 24 7 7 4 TiS rear, nothing ,>, j ft 2 31 A a 0 10 It l'I ri 14 0 44. 0 thnt inti-rr*(ing qortlion, and \>J the contra.t of hi. amber and parple tlo- 9 2'. Kor I know that llm anp-l* oro whupotin; wilh t!»e. wa» to bp *ppn «f pithpr Tim or hia bo«t — rieV r'nll » in :. ft M 1ft 10 17 13 IU B'l 21 0 3ft n T1!" tt^irn nf fS ^f* •lip «lmnlil hive been here long ere thit,' an., __ U-rt * H» H 47 A 22 2.1 24 25 S'J •-•* 2* 1) 2(5 5 :u Sometl,inS filled 4f mr into thp w«ter iFJJI ihoiight I, -and he prumivrd faithfully not tn then made a tuddeji bait. I li.nkrd upon th« ^5 *•. N'» O '•" ° 24 .'» An-1 l*lo irilV wopl with joy WrUSo'i OUmr to «M; « ^5 Anil clnanly < atay long — could he have forjr/ittpn? or h»ahe black maaa, and aa my ejp ran along lu.og^- '. •* ' v liar clilli! with i paid too mill h ilevotiun to the jug? line. I taw, withVnor, that it wrfa t obaiV * ^. 4 Marrii—31 ilaya . >;•" •' -1 n 3 4 r. 0 7 0 is!:, 42 H«i.l»"t know that lti« ui.~I« were whimpering ith I began to fcrl nneanr. for the tidr wa< ri« the identical muntter out of whn.e 'moolh I * ' '" JVJ > 7 11 8 A 8 0 10 11 12 in 14 o o j r> 51 ing fail, anil «onn nnoli'l covrr the top of the bad Ju.t bioken m>. hmik.- Hr--- WM•-— B.hinrBihinir ; _ 15 10 17 1H 10 20 21 51) 1 0 • 1 nf t1)^ of iho lri«li i-, water mnrk wan at Imt a foot Full 0 14 8 8 A 2."> '28 ft th»i. wh^n * vnili. plijr» OT-T llm fun of ruck, and high now for me, and waa, evidently, only waitmc I.yt ( 21 8 33 M OO 23 24 20 27 ft 50 BO* 10 Ftnl, ftnj^nla .tm whiwporinff with it. above my head. 1 buttoned np my eoat. for for the tide t. rite high enough above Ihe rock" Sew o 28 11 39 A 20 30 31 either tlip coming conlnrin of ihe evpninj;, nr l« glut ,t once hi. banger and revenge, Aa rlae my growing nppirlirn«inn«. hail let mp ler continued to mount above mYhnee*, f A^ril—30 « 4 27 M 5 0 7 q n 10 11 ft •32 0 « 28 braced my ncrtrv nnd nrt mf tei-ih, ami tnt-i At lant. he ma.le a ile.prrale tJanh. and ap- t» hum 'upjnn'! ilull carr,' keepinc lime with Full » 13 2 12 M 1 12 13 14 1ft 10 17 18 ft 2.1 1 ll 57 ^ A fM.\RK STOIIY. pio.ichnm witnjn an inch of my leg., tumeil " my fl«t« npun inv tilled*. Hut wlint mu-ic! hucp j\wt for- 20 21 O I 23 24 25 H 'I 40 /Voli*'** ireri at thr fire lilit'iitt,' (the in u|.o., hi. b.ck, anil openeil hia L-n f 19 0 0 A i 10 "h.it mrlanchnly memtnrnt! I at.irtrd iiiul an ntlnt k. U ith ile., er.te ntrength, I thrirtt"" S«w o 27 4 1° A 20 27 28 20 30. • hliiHeir Itirlry nf n >/i->rf*mnn.J ai lolil hi, Vr / /,•»»•«, I'M Hiiynor ItsM?! tithing llv't. nliilililerrd at (lie ilnlpful «ntlinl of my own Ihe end of my rou minnle he ua» close behind my bjcl.nnd |>all- 20 27 23 20 no •41 lor.itinii, nut Invi* vnnr dpath gradually ri«- whick- 27 8 33- '3124 [ienp!e mil 'il:i< k full, on thp rorft hard |iy. ing at Ihe nkirt« of my fustian CIMI, pym, ti fpi-| HIP water" mounting u th« l.on^i^oncl Soimd. Tun Tiri«, (nhn inj In tiMir liung nipping mil. the w.,t>r. I leuned for".. inilihy inc'i, npnn vnnr nliivermg »nlp«, and Wiiiil haiiily, and emlentmireil to r»trifxl»X. lied of tlio 4M|t*y. down at Smprnck point, •9 n •I n ns tn nnlirip.itp the riTt^iiitly rnmiiifr, choking mimlf from I IIP. lUi.geroun gra»|>, but Utav n."« your '»«| lircnlli, when, with tlie niuntti r't leelli were to firmly net, and hia* L.7. 0 10 11 12 1:1 iv he drink ratfu'r !•>'> much. Orupule lor KurR' in K nonnil nf an nvrrfluwing On.nk t.ik |ininen»r nlrenj^tti n<*arlf ilri-w me 10 17 IB 10 50 54 ll wi«iliirmg I|IP lil'er part of July; (|IP llaltiipnre Oilrllr, i 21 22 23 21 2ft 27 34 ing n new ilirrclioi . thp cold l>rinr pnurt mln down flew my 10.1, and ulf went iny »!i.i> k» and !'••• do» (iOi li.rl jn»t br»im In »pml pcjie uflcringi to my voracii ill inMrrine ibatti 29 20 30 miuilli, cir<. nnd nn»tril<. n«urpinc thv teal ilevotnl and nvrnulu ofhr.,ltli and hlV, .mi will. ffr.iH- ter. p rpqaired. thr»e ri'dtlvfil t > ;o nrcp.irnl to rntrrtain ml flow, Hiilli'ij «miillipiin^ nufl'iolin^! — It In nn intl»nt thp w»vf j around me July—31 dnjT———— —1 2 3 ii.iTa^i** « »lli nil lirciiinin:* attrntinn, ]''..lif wrrp bptti-r to dit n thnu«nnd c'mininn ilf.ilhn. Utheil into j friith nnd fo^m. No too.,__„_ 8 •'% 4-0 rli«un- In IIP nn» tirgt Irive to infa Firt j 3 0 37 r, 7 10 :nnl ipg.tnl. it t' <•<•!• •li.mlil Thi< i« nni- of thp initnncf*. in which it my old tpnrtiog fnenil ilrnwn uniier the tur--*.' -itin« '^rnunil. Su wr « r puli'ir in { Full o 1(l I 3 - 12 13 11 17 41 ii'i«Tlii|iin^ .I'liint niir t'i mnit IIP .ulmitteil. ^'-. V-, Iht Vilnnet Mili«|f C 17 10 41) 10 21 22 23 24 50 r-^ji'il mil .1 M-t "I r«.tm Ur^p hnnk*. nnil •ulijrci «f rnnirmplatiim. Hnwc-»pr, Hie r.en ennrmoot rombaunin! The battle ragMP'.' ^'''I'P"1*!.^"" '' r">1" y 1 ""'" 1 •ti'fl rli.iin. nn In confine liimwlf ftti 25 U IO A -'•I J< • J3 »J iH> ill rock w:i« not yp| rnvrrril, *nd hnpr, lilr-ii-il U|».n PVI ry tide. High bUi k Ant ru.hed !arrc» V' Ii i> IIMIUI, Sal of an UNOtRfA .iX . n riinpli' 'if cluinli*. mil nn nlil hnpr. «luck Uillvfullv liy inP. To beguile, if now tlit-re, and lif K , ti.on,. | a ilt lcntta- the"hm'V Of no longer ilurntnn., however, wit thla « 4 It M 10 17 IS iff 21 — «i> y"il m iv j'tilp". 1 '"• rr "f »hrrp wp I iv, ik« In Ihr pshlic 2."> « WA* awnlliiwril, and mv rml wnn lipnt \\iih flnhy lournei. 11 nermrd ,oon to be ditcirver- O 23 11 18 A 23 21 29 27 2H 30 nan N'l'.iit h-ill < mile Trim tin* iil.iml, ami, c Itnl Iw'enlt j»lit|i 83 7 48 A 30 31 Ihr drnd hard pull iif n twrlvp font thaik. I ril Hint the pn/.e ciintrnilril fur. cunilintd itnrM and il tiri!np*. n mill' frmn I' r Ciinnrftirol -linn-. li't him run nbnut fil'lv yaida, Ihen rprlrd up. nothing pihble but cdrne nnd crackrrt, and XV >• tin tnl Pirrn, v«rv i|>iip||r llinnTJn-^ nut •n fivi.ur. da — .1 o n i nn Mr nppp.irrd not at nil alarmed, ami I conlil no ft.-§ii, and an it- mutilated fragment, rono • 1INU1'ONG.TI'CK. * MA in>l h.iulu'^ "', until Hi.- tiirakmg of my Inn-, •rnrcrly Irrl him bp.ir np my fine hnir Imp In tlie tuiLirp, the wjten tulxuled into Ihrir A rt ^ o n0 in10 11ll i 4ft Pall a jO . 0 40 .V 0 7 «ii'i 1 vnlilpii ami ni'\ ••'>•• jerk, infurnicil in He followed Ihr pull grntlv and unreii«tme- formei nnMnilh conuilioii. Not tilt thm ihd' b»t < 14 10 40 A 13 M in 10 17 m 03 lli.i' I IIP «PI •iiKi-nii1 * »^rr in vrpiiiui™, ilonrn It, ca or up In thr nrck, laid hia note upon n« I expenence t'ie re»l tt-rrnn nl my tlliintion. IIKP1IARD, New 32 7 22 M 2(1 21 92 23 21 4 «l.iii «t mil w *• jcrnriliii^l v |irrjvtri*i| In {^ivo »n)p, nnd Innked up mm my Ince, not n* if An I loill purk clink upon one ultprly unconcernril, but wilh a »ort of qun- coii-e ol thr lobni-r*. I cnui.trd i.iir, two, KT TAILOB.; i.f n'lr in.i.;MM'n hookm, Imthwith pn^i^pil nnp. • n ' impiiilrncp, »» lhnu<;h he prrfeclly mi- three, yen up to twelve, turcr»>ivr)jr ol lha »£*.. Ot,.h.T— Dl J.'vn •• — 1 nf |I|» si-nll'ii'-n in nur »IT»ICP. XVe j^ol liini lerttooil ihe prrcnrinu* tinlure of mv nitun- L.ige.l il.aikt. I e»ri I.IM, flo.tum m . circle^, ' *> «. Pull » n'n &o -t l) M n 10 A ii"'; -I'll1, nnil liv ilint nlpiprcin;, mil Ihrtut inn. The ronducl of my captive renewed nrnund me, lini- diter^nt r.y.. all iiiaihrma<; I.«t t II 4 4R 11 in 14 Ift 10 17 Ill in^, AIM) hin^in;. tvi- nn iiinnlitliril .1 mn«l ri- and incrcanr.il my nlnrm. — And well it migM tically vqui dmijht Irom ihe mck, anil liorrf Now O *» 7 i:i 18 20 21 22 2,'t 21 40 ciiin'4-iinl mi-rry tniinli •-. XX'c hail liu 28 10 42 S3 20 27 ao 40 vii"U|i)iH>l IIP rock behind mr, nnd n tmnll ptrrnm rimb wnb hin gliMiing, fli-iy e-p flt.-d full «nr| iipnr low wntcr. lly thi< umr, llu- »harki linil ed Ilimiig'i a cleft, or fi-'iirr '»y my »idf, »n . Arrcv uj.oii me. H..»ihnkn nnd r.t Ir-aiiakitt all clrntcil nut, nnil bUrk fl»li wi-tp lulin; n- -30 Jnys—.— II -1 2 n t ft n 7 na formed it poildle at mv ferl. I broke my huw Ihe fire» of their tie dy ryt-» rnlviftl in--r l(.iillt ('IP ri.fk tirgHti tn tnnkfl id n|ipr.irrf(icc to my heart! i wnn the crniie o| a atrtlt^ ' 5. 6 il; Mil S 10 11 Iv! 1:1 14 4 look out of I In' inonnlrr'i muutli, and leaned P nlm>r Ilir wnlrr, mill in it lllllr while it« linril wlm.e rai.n ttt-ir »lmrk«f I mnn the umldx-fr 13;*» 34, H, irl 17 1« 10 2o 21 n ilpnn mv rod for niipport. li.ild hi-ml tvnl rntirply liry. Tim now |in>- >XVhi'rp in Tim Tilu»?—I rrieil nloiul,— npiuiig, or rjthi-r unihrwed g*oir. «l whic(( a)t'- 23 24 23 27 ao -a 2i M ' 22 n piiopil In >rt mp nut npim tlic rurk, while he Curte on I)IR drunken vag.ibond! will he iif- ,,nik of hunting tea doga were making a dvittx 30 20 10 «4_ M ll 23 rnwril •'.liiirf In grt the jug, Hhicli •Irnnn'1 tn >er rome." p.mt! t J. we Imil lelt Hi the Imutc. I atirnleil to My rjsrulatinnj did no good. No Timo- there wat one nld fellow, (hat kept within , DoccciVr—81 dajn~l 3 4 »6 21 linn |'rnpo>iti'in| ftr»t, )>rc.iutp t IM-JUTI In fi'r I tliy nppenreil. It became evident, thnt I cou»t the cinunilerencir ol Ilie cirrle. lie tenitril 7 A . 0 10 11 12 23 the pflVcft nf HIP «un upon my Inngup, »nil •**.. " .» 6 0 Si Mil 0 prepare for drowning, nr fnr action. Tlie In be a turt <>f captain, itr lemlrr nl the b*(i ' cinp| imtl'kfrniiillv, brc»u»r the nick wu n New o 10 4 10 A 20 21 S3 2.1 21 30 24 1 wn» not hrr twelve of tlie in(|ui*iliiiii, that were anm- lp •put fur it roil mil rtcl, anil fninnun w3t above Ihe nolen of my feet. Pint > 20 3 30 A |l 27 38 .20 30 91 mui h of a twimmer, and at In ever reaching lo »it ui, n.d ent up my rm.iy. He fur lili k| tn I tnnk n. v lri|i<, mill a hnx nfbait, tin- itland, I roolil lint even hope fm thai.— glided around .mil auunt, and evey nuw anil THE tfXITBD HTATKrl. nnil jnREW JACKSON, •! Tonmmco, illnllr Inr the iolanil. aome one of hi" romradea, and trem tu coa- Not muny mi*n uniilil willingly hnva bprn to pncourtgo mytrlf, by reflecting that necea TAN BimJCHr, of Now VorU, mother of invention, and that aoat iTloftlor Ctoneral. down, and mounting upon that, and byrw.iva, and collected tint company vf U«alii< Itf, my ifxiri Wiioao high, anil the nimaiicp of tlir jd\ upnnk 4l(oruc]r-> llli wlint nn eve. have •criptlont anil ilimrniioni, from the dipping I n»en nuch appurirn»nc«. uf hauiaiuty »ur»ey aail boat, to the rolling merchantman, aink The water had now got above my ankle* . when to my inriprentible Joy. I *»w a tlon the location and aiijutt'iienl of tome rtpetial ner I rip »» •• v»rif l» ing anil citing like ara-binU anorling with cundimenl, which in ab«ut to be tubruilled to 80\IKM.orlmentof their while wlnga in the turgp. The grain. bending down towardt me, with Ihe intention Baltimore m 6 '''«!«•• tit-Vnt'iiur*:; aall n..f wwhich hr i» "determined„.,,...... ,. to „ r of picking me up. Nn ru«n can imaffine wha crilicitm and contn«aption. y, ln.il-? Uh«IWl««» I cl-OMlS.e,\8HlMKIlS AND VRgTINO, Hi. alvHp i, kept In the hou.e .,f »nd gra.t, on the neighbouting farm., were My aentaliont b*un t» b* now mntt e«. 1' n V Tick. K.n. V»l d,»r .» gold at.d gre.», and gracefully they Inrnl oP*i were the aenantinni nf gff tiluile which ftllei urcallung .oulhw.ttfr. my bfttom at thai momtnf. .. quitile indeedi bat I will ant att^mul In d«- r* •* 11 »OU. (he p»Wio' to ctll ,e, fe Pr»«klinVHore. U- will I tanca ««_•_..._ , . -,. .... XVhen ill* got within a hundred ynrtla o .uilic them. I wa* neMh*r Hut nur cold, , Ee ol (lie a"'"''*..1'"',.'i ,tk if ihe .h«rip«t nolic^, a«i» in Farther off, the high unlanO. and the di.lant frightened nor composed f bat I had a cumbl- thP bp.i an.» «.-•» l..»,,on»l,le .|j,le.' t.«ntlr. coa.U gay* a dim reli.ho Ihe promin.nt fea- the reef, I tung out to III* man at the helm t Kmlnn i ALSOt tufT up, and tie by, and lower the boat; bu ii.ilion nf all kiudn nf leeiiog* and eatutiuna. m-n wi.hi«. l« Alc rinwn ur Cornea, ' 9PKNUKU8, lie. c »|l on hint. tl llieu .HU iuuih*r, a UiU« _irt L kamw o«c«v iyrar.of.sr.Ufr*1''.' • L'l'hejt, huw ttitl it wail nut n tonuu could be notice ef mv rrijneit. I eni teate HI« * '.*."'.

    tH f «.'• f**-. .«.LrtP.,. .*> • tf- ..X * .V"" *r . f PUBLtO SALE. TAXES! THE SACRED CLASSICS T virtA of « decree of the Court of Chan­ NOTICE' MAGAZINE LIBRARY, B cery, tfse undertigned trottee, will offer AMER1C\N HB acbacriber hat ntdt •rrtngemenhno day of JL and School T make the work strictly what itt ti­ I), and the Rev. HKNIIT »riui>i*a, M. A. was confined fi Jrty-five yetrt in the dif- ratiflcation of the aale, the purchaser will be City and Count indicates, it will, nevertheless, contain all ferent Slite Pri \ln France, now'firat trtnt- required to par interctt from theSjay ol tale. tle The folloieinK ii tkt Advertisement of tht . SUPPLBMBNT TO !^^-'n^ articles of interest lo its patrons which appear Isondon Publitlitr: lated intn Knglit ^ /TH08. S. ALEXANliKR, JONA* OB* in foreign Magtftinea. » The vnrks publis ^ jn the current volume, Dec.4. //______Tr>atce. UNIFORM IN SIZE WITH OR. LARD- are the follow­ b*.*«* Extensive preparations havt^men entered now on the point of co alion, ^» ^»l?IM)8W!cnni NK.R-H CYCLOPAEDIA, THB SUNDAY ing: — ADVIBRTISEMKKT? _~" FOR THE COffOSESSlOITji^ intn^both with artists and author*, to furnish &c. and il LIBRARY, kruil7.ner. or the Germii | Tale, t novel, HE undersigned, con-.mittionert appoint­ rT^HE Congretsional Uh>be,'w|r:-i- from'all parti of the Union, drawing* rnirn OKI.T. nniKr aiiiLLtxoa AMD lu*tratinns of every subject of interest, which by auiho>nf Can(erbur lira. T ed by Saint Mary's County Court, tn •• menced nsblUhing at tkt la On Ihf lit nf January, IR34, imll bt publitk- of Sir J»me« of Arrl\ value anil* divide the real etlate of Joseph the publithfrt cnnlilently believe will enable Seriei nf the Standard The­ Congress will be coniinved Ik ttt I'ol. I: nf a kinzln««( written by himself: a' piquant Millanl, deceased, late of Saint Msry't coun­ onr. It will them to i«M% a woril honnurablr in its litk, ological fyurkt of England, under the ge­ proachi-ig and acceptable lo the American People. {' hnnk, cnnlaining anexdote* <^f innitT^j|^edi«- ty, according tn the provision! nf the acts of same form, and at Ihe neral title of imi{iii-h»d individuals nf Ihe last sixty y Assembly in inch cite made and provided, • week, on a double ro "The first number of the American Masj!>- TUKSACRKIH-LASSICS, Gnnil Sir Walter) a tale by the aulho do hereby give notice to all concerned, that zine. illn«ir.. . " »•••-% «| nttik, i low price nf two ilnllai* per annum. It still THE Rnv. RICH'0. CATTERMOLE, B. D. v.c are appointed. w.ll be mtrie f^ ft, „' AXD city, by a ' B. GOUGH. se««mns. «nd tent to all tke nbtriiiT com|>ri»c— I'ne Peal mid Dumb Page; R Tale. nf din- THUS. W. GOUGH. J.Coffl'rt. We Ow.ll pay to the repwi.f, ,t* P.irtrnitt and B!"i;r.iphiral Sketches TIIK Rr.v.-HENRY STEBniNG, M A. Ayircdnlei of Ihe Court of Louis the XIV.; lingnishrd Amenc.ms; View* n| Public llmlil- "i " O iilner C'luiuty i> NO rich a» Kn^ianil in W. WOODUAftU. preparing the reports that will W Ml,ii.kvl liy the Duke of Si. Simon. this paper, mure than -ne hamlrrH M.,\ ini;*. Monument* ami Lnprnt r inenN: Lutiil k *<| Sjireil Lil-.T.iiure. Her grenle*! l'ncl» Watch; an Historical Nnvel, l>> The Hlack week, during the sesiinn. In p^bij. ' *rape Scenerv; Itie )>nunde'\ jin ^'nl PhiliiMij'hrrs 'i.ive t>harrd with her Oi- tin* aoilior of lliir Don'iite'« Li-gary; Sic. &•. I ft It IFF** KALK. therefore, at one dollar for ill ttf i bcautV'if w "n h, in Mil* rnunnv, Wi.. f irm .u tines, in ^et'uij fnnii nml elr - .mil j jn:l :iir f'epih "I Ihcir le^rntn:;. Ihe cheapest price. ' ln«-ct«. 'ii2"hi*r wn'i every su'ij •••' r >nnrr^ Cnln. niul chiilleii* lands nnd tenements, of I pton Bdiiort with whnm ire rxrlnnef..ind II..' ni'ii'-tii.'-.* nf rhir.»cli'r thus* ^iven In All in Cunningh«-n'« ninuTnphieiil ai.il <"r'- with llte Gi-Oii >uhy. Hi-"" v. N r n ii f**\ of Kn^laml h^i», thru' 0. Welch, A *uit nf Jnme* Syke* Christian give Iliu Prospectus a e >•• i .,1ml !'»'dngv lical lli«lnry nf Liipraturc Inr the la*l flfl) Arhfii-i.il !-••« >ur«:e« id H'" lO'ii.Ty. illu-lia>v(j . .1. i\ "I t u' nin»i.itii-»-ii. been hnppily pre- Capitn, Reuken W:irlield, Joshua Dryden, .ind lr.o«e friend* to «hem we i»ty KU| vear«. in a Ijmilur am) p»p'il»r m.inr,,-,. -• '"'" '''<• h»r»|llie»v .ind Ocntuioraand Kylr, I have seized and will |draie procure subscribers. | »ei,t.-il frii'll >I'V '"''"""X Helen, n Nnvel, by Maria Edeewnrth. FRKKM AN IIT.N r. \;ent ihe win |e s.-rii » nf t.iktn in eiecullun all the right, title, intiti- il «!i»l»«'ici«'i': .• urn (hi.i -il Ihe Mi.nk. &r. Payment msy be made by mil, , •To, k»t« m *ll ta« i. inlemli-il l.i r.'.nj.n-.f in linn cciii" lii.n, Inad nnd preiniL''. c.illuil the Lnst Shift, wni will jjive the aunve Piii.pertn* a lew in , I: 'I he Ciirati-"* Tnle, nr Pr.irticsl Jnkini: from paid. at_our risk. Tlie imirnf!,., !i" tn.t wntUsnf n'.l Ilic- inn^t ri-li tiratrd \vii- SftJpJey's Searcht^Shipli-y's Cnntention, one seni >ns in their re*pecti\i- pipem. thall be !\ nt w wink enlilled Night* nl the Rnunil I'a- ink will be received, whn«r- l.ili"iii» hive hn-n diMoled "• llu« nther tract, callcilV raj-m in a better Shape, • emiil'd In nne yesr'n • ii!>«rr'jit|.>n In the .-me. ei«. b!e. k'o attention trill bt paid it m t ihe containing in the wliiile,U-, three Imp. I red ami •Ini .il;ttnin :iml prunr.il enOircemenl nf itnleii the money accompany i/ SI. whi>iher in iheir Th" Three We*lniinsler Imjs. nr COWJIM. thirteen tcret «f lu\d, more or lcs«, being ITE OF MAUVI/AM). ii !•!• iplr« nf revealed Innli. Oil. r,0. ____ ,9nnt rundtl County, firnhaiu l.'ourl, «>;> irAiiiin In tht* intim.it.il mleri-Hl* nf tmli- ,o,d Chancellor Tliurlnw, nnd Warrui Hair thc | am| ai,d and prcVuet at present occupied TV iiur« Ufliu "!'-" Ihe «nme. M by Upton D. W elch.\ying .ind being in An- Ajrf r-piJ feel. U» me i.' Ui Inbcr iljlh. I . i. .•nij^l*, nr in ihr 'irdiT :iml well hetn^ nf i-o- lins«, conlra«ie.l;rrnm NOTICE Os "pplrtatinn bv petition nf N.ilh».. "hip i-iy. 1'reiti-eH nn itn- Dnclrme*. Mnralily, A iN.imiivr nf the Shipwreck of the. Anle*yne Arundel cnunty, ntjr Sykestille, alto nne f WILL tell my Farm on 8a«ih Rh-l .ey, • irainr wiih Hie \> ill m,n--v>l. |ii| Kviili-nce- nf Clu ll'iailll V. ivhiill hn%e rr- peat Peletv, in I7H.1, .inil a brief hut arcu-lother tract nf land, caned Juhn'* Latt Shift, •*- Private bale. It cnnlsin* apwiH, J of Juno, n. lale ul Am •• \' n ..- • neil ihe prrin.inrnl stamp of general upprn rale .-icr-nnl nf Prince Le1 Un"~ containing two hundredVcres nf land mine nr coun'v. ,'in.n; .elerl Seiiinuis nf tin' in'i«l eminent AM ihe .ibovc cost in (lie "LiUraiy" bui less, and nne other trac&calleil, Lot Nn. 2, THOUSAND mure «ilvanla^ri.lhih the nnii re reqii|ii nl b/ Ilivine-: Ihe mn-.! inlere«ltns «pecimen« nf Re- »-2 .-ill ! ! ! containing one hundred akd ninety acirs of and po*«c*i TkM daialy «U>«'J *° i^i"U« Itmgni.'iv; uml the rhnice«t eiimple« Vie following Ni- Any infnrmaiinn which may sun i— (o Ulii rihibit ih-ir cl.iin Oflicc No. Cor Chesnnf'slrrrl, belnw 7lh. land, mnrcor 'c*1, al»o il O.-vnlini.jl an'il r^.-irreil I'.n Iry. will succeed be afforded tn thnse whn will call ipni ai'.d 'hat the sa msliuliu mice in i Su'nctipliiin» In Waldie's Selert Cirrulat grncs, one Ne^ro man by roe name of Solo­ -Vl h nlliiT in i'ir nnler vltirli in.iy he jinlced my re«nlenre in llii* city. i»r on II. H.I w.-i'k fnr Ihe <| ii «j|crp«»ivo wevk in •s. in; l.ilir.try uluili is puhli^hoil every "-"rlti f mon, nne ditto woman nam\d Ann. one ilit- n,,«l cninlui-ivr tu (lie b'/iu'fit ami gi atittcalnm w,.od, B-q. at Ihe Farmers Bank sf Jim nne ul ihe lie.. - in;>. irinl'il in .\inn]<->li«. 85 per annum, lliaiikfnlly receiveil l>»*<^,^ tn woman Rachel, and her two children, Jo­ il the reader. ' tCf 1'hil Land will be tnlil in U SV^ 'I. UllllU N, Junr. ADAM WAL'DIE, Philadelphia. seph and Thomas, ul*n sundVy Stock, Ilor- R' I i ihe proCiirtinn* nf each .luilmr. nr In purcluner*. \VilU A. A. cuuiry •cr7*'"''»criplinn< fm Ihe above valuable te*. C.itlle. and a number of Hogs, Planta­ tcp«ir.ite prniluctinn. .1* (he ra«e tiny RICHARD nAR\VOOO,sf rach wnrk rereiveil al Ihi* nfTice. tion Utcntilt, among which IV in excellent NOTICE IS HEIBI-'.hY GIVEN. ••••em in require, viill he prefixed an Inlnnliit- Wtggoii and Geer; and on wXlnesday. Slut Jan. £3. I II A I' the « . ;)-i ri'.i. K nl Amir \mmlel uiry K**.i», pmnliny nu| their chnr»rlen>.lir 1> H O P O S .» 1^ S Dec. instant, at the residence \ the said Up- The KditoHof the Baltimore iiMly ilrrr.T>nl. All n.-isrn, hstm^ II is Ihe desire 'if lhi« I'rnpriclnr*. in nmler T1HE sdliscriber beg* Irive to infira| FOU $8 l»KU ANNUM. remit CASH. frieml*, and Ihe ptiblir in jf, claims a^ntn*! the *a'nl ilecea*^!, ;uu hereby l.lkll ™ ' I'llK C till N > I LlllHXUT or UlVINITt,' R. WELCH, of Hen. warned I" exhibit ihr «aine, wilh\he vnucheis '(i |in--rnl the c illecimn In the pulilic at >uch u discnntinueil Ihe Cabinet Mil it; I ill', xtliitc Ji'iirnnls nrc nlre.nlv *n well Sli'ff, A. A Ckunty thrrenf, tu 'he suu«crib. at prevent ihe *me**, and intend* to cnnfine tiim^ll * kni>«n In ihe piibln . lHat li'tle need b« Dee. 4. " ^ } 28'h day nf April net', im-y -niy (Lherwivr by dieapi'nl of fpln-.iii-r.il pulilicalinn*, mny, for T future altngelher to lint nf an UNUPRI1 -ai.l "f ih*ir ie«peciive merit*. liw be eirludeil frmn ill lle'ieflllil Sh- «u il e" '!•<• «sme iimnry. pn.»f«» lnm»elf nf wink* KR. The well sustained ii-puutmn nf Ihe Low iTZMORB l.i'". (!i«'ii under mv ii.iml ton -Vdihiiayuf vihirh canimt ful tn nimril him ^niilnnre nml I All orders fur Fnnrrtls will be illfs^l Oi.l nniy «« nn nlile defender III till! Ir-fhe*! rim l*ei> nl hu fiuul-l m>\ Q'J.«HTI Hl.u COMPANY. .It the shortest notice, eillirr in Ihri'iili O.H>l)er, •npjinrl Ink received Imm the HrV in .. .mil umler evers virixiluile i-f life. \ ul I'm y prim iplr*. t,i.d Hi" nil! ni tier i.f thingv HK «ub*cnlicr ner, or accnr«'ing to tpecial ilirerlin NATHAN SHIPLEY. \.irM .ui'l tnu*l entei t:,in-.ni; of • uleiit nml Oireclot* pf this Cnmpany With Tht irork trill lit /uui./jorn'/.; printfd in \ dut 3* 'hi' witlic.*t r He return* hi* thank* in ihe polilir foil ne appointment nf AGENT fur the cily of Fonlicap H vo. on yna.l jinprr. roltl jirrssfl, Review*, wi.l «Uvi\h I'lirinin^ the cheapest *me« nf wmka i >i-r nf- Is/. Insurance on Lives* Kelnrm Mary'* toun'v; «nnl Iclmw t* for.-il In the public. y powerful champion nl the inailcrale Zd. 1'u'cltase and Sale of .Qnnititict. HASH. HIlKPHAnO, sit incite* hi^l', uf a velln»iyt r.'.n.i'.'tii.n I'lie fnllnniii^ mines ol Authors whn«e work" mny. Fnn».ioN QiMni-rni.Y oi-ctipie* n neu- Jf Ihe st-lec linenlitl Illeralure. Ihe public gener*lly, a «elec>i»s Wl lr-•-. leremy T.ijlor, Hile-. noylo, fla>lrr, Owen, lutex. » re- ihis country. Il may he rmioiilrreil as Ihe GOty)S. frmn Ihe New YmV, P* whiih nn ilnuhl il f'lr^eil. Mi* nwnrr i* Cnilvvnrlli, l'lumn» A. Kempi«. llurnrl, llnwe. Appliriliriiin made In Ihe «uh*critier at his Silvoratc nl the RnilicuU, .mil lln*mnuih pieee and llailimnrr maikels. n.n>i»'m' 'f qiieslrd In piy cli.>rj{e> and/take "un Irnin j 'il. I'mler, \\ il*iin, liunyan. Fenelnn, llnililtnlpe, Pici- Jn \Ve*l .(reef, 'inlh, Uull, llammiind, Itnrrnw, TillnUnn, lUnk of Maryland, will be promptly alleuiled nf a parly nlirnily nun.emu* in England, anil Grrrn. nml Ruasia Raven; Um«n, J" law. Slu-il.ii-k. Jmlin, Ksiinilnn, llnrsley. Hale, In, fall increasing in lh> United Stales. milled Omb, Olive. «nil Un; Kl.' 1 !!, nl U. Poriens, Lncke, Leljhlnn. Cave, ^uHinglleet. 'I lie numlier* will IH- put in |ire«» immeili- SOMKRVILf/B PINKllEY. ['IT. A. A. Chill: /wnrlh. Moll. Jewel. Jarktnn, Clave), November 28. CLOTHS. »lely af'er llx-y "hall bo received frninKuriipe; Bepf. 1834. k, We-ley, Skellnn. Watts, Lnwth, AND Al.a away fr,,,., i nil.cnher livin; Diagonal. XIU/.»K. *>"l "h Mllrl1 "'' l>1"' \N away |mm ihe ubncri'ler living mi ihr of sit hundred pages. Curiu* Cr'e.-k II iiinn.iiul. IV. kill, Herbert, Doune, Mrr nace. <>n ihp 'i.| nl Mi.cd, Ribbed an.) Plain CASMMKHK3, HeatUfhouih Riv r A . A. dimity, nn the They will be eitcuted in a* cnn|l »lyle. »tul Ocl. R n -k* \i &>-. iber.THRBK IK I Si a black Hnrne a- anil PrinlfilCAS^IMil>- 10lhto«t. a ncgto nmn allied N ll'K uhncolln he printed in a »h:ipe bat little differing frnaa 1C hanil* high, I ul. I. (lo be pnblithed on tht \it of Janua­ I) nil '••i. nld; atbav lli.r.e Merinos, Maielvti Milk. ^*i"». P1"1^ hiiniel NICK. JOIIN8UN;il e that of Ihe European edii'mns. 1C hand* high. 8 year ry,) mill contain iln; and a eh.eVnui nor twilled Milk. Florentine, Mnlk »atd I'e v i« iiti-iiu 21 ^ i-.tr* The price will be gB per annum, payable i el \5l hand* hii(h eartnld. Any persnn TIIK LIBERTY OK PUOHIIr.SYINO. by Ctthmire ot Toillnelte nf »^e feet 9 nr leu uiihe* three munlhs after ill- delivery nf the I'trsl ot person* finding said llnmrs and hring- Ji-'emy I .ivlni — ken lo . 'i »n,ilc mi hut r, published, (woof Ihrm alnrtrrtnll gin. Old Tnwn, •hall receive the abuve CIIIKKX. HOSK, Ul.Ol'KS, « cuunienanc III nialkn I . . ..| ii ry) wilt run/din Any inilividual procuring four subscribers, reward. rsvoEiis. fiiilnr .S-/M.V*. lee ed etC'pt a cut nn III-1 linger uf 'he C\VF.'S LIVES OK THE APOSTLES— •nil remiltinit 8311 nn the receipt nf the first EDWARD BRIAN. STOIKS. I'Ut.fJIR!!** lefi I and. I will K' V<: ""' ward if lak with Nni'-*, and an Introductory E»ay, by Number, will bn i Unwed an adililional ropy November A. ORIBM'.M. l)BKb$- en and lodged in Jail >••> i him (hi- Rev. Henry Slebbin^., M. A /• |t^Sub«cripnnn paper* lo be relurnnl, am ING GOWNS, and ail rratim.i'jlc ih*rgct il To/. ///. (lo be pnblitlitd on the lit of March, all cnmmunicalliin* In be addre»«ed, puii paid CASH IN MAHKKT, All nf which he respectfully iovilnltllj lioire. , will contain loTheiuli.ro Foster, Albany, N. Y. FOR ONR Hl'NIHlKI) NE- lie in call and eutnine. On. 16. HM'EH'S SPIRITUAL PERFECTION. GUOKS of |>»lh iexe«.Jrom 10 to FOU ANNAPOLIS CAMHUIUUK South Tlivi-r, Nov. 13. UNKOLOKI) AND ENMHCED—with at, Subicriplirms received at thin office 30 yeara of age. I will give more KA8TUN. Py for that nunibi-r nf alavi-atfhnn any NOTICK. Inirndu' inry Ei>ay, by'the Rev. Juhn NOTICK. olhar PjUrchani-r in the maikM.or Tbe Sleiot OMlJ to Ihe Jail of \nne-.\ron- Sniiih. D. I). rflHB tub*cAi>er it authoriied to settle al I ha i AS committed Son; Picca niaycomr. All communication* will be W iiel county at a runaway, Nov. 2, 18J-I, LONDON! John Hatchard and I claims agantft the estate of the Rev. Jojfr* promnlly attended to if left at Jamea llunier'. jierrnmeolTU • negro man who calli himnelf duly. Vhittaker 4' Co. Ave Maria Lane, G. UUnchard, uecettrd, ind In Uutel, Annapolia.at whicb place Ihe nubicri- ihe 9lh inil. l limpkin ti Marshall, sialionrrs'Cnurl; i). A. receive ^11 ELIJA nOBEUTH, monie* due tn s«ii Pertont haviri] ber can ba found. liiwrr eml « I'Mlboys. Otford: J.& J Deighlon, Can. belli and tayt he it free born, ami w*» raited nt Hooka which the deceaied are re WILLIAM HOOPER. Wharf, at 7 o'clock. A. M. for -*»" Oliver ii Uoyd, Edmburght and J. Cumming, quoted to deliver them iliilelyM Oct. Betr« Landlne; on Pokomnk* river, in Oor- Dublin. COamurldceby Caall»llav ' cheater county, on Iha-eatlrrn thoro of Ma­ Til. •BXANDER. re.mrn from Ihe Kaatern Saort on »i"J And to l>e had nf every Boukscller through Nov. 40. Jinne-Arvndel County. wit:, nendarand Saturday, Iratlrg KM'on ryland—hit complexion black, about 37 years 't. * f i ' '— * .iut (he Kingdom. Much 4th. 1834. NO'11 »IKHEIIY ~ CKKTIKY M.by Cattle Haven a'.d Ann.pi.|ii. of age, five feet si* inchea high,—clo'lliing Tht Knglish copy will cott, in Englind, a- E. 8leu»rl of .,id cnu'r^Throught btlole mt' roundabout, old flur !',t. 1 commence her Chrnlertnwn Trip •" "H cloth trowtata Jiod bnut ten dnllais. We propose to ittue the LL persons ire h eby eaulioned tgains a» a tlrty yrcsptiiiing on hi* eii 2«d- April, leaving Haliiu-ore ai 6 » d«M and course, yhoc'i and ttovkingn. If nut free, American eil^lion. under the superintendence Gunning or in ry ojher way Irespa.iin cloiuret,>Grey GKLDINO. a the. owner 'it requttted to come and A re'urn .he .ame Uiy, lra •• nf t letrnad'Anieriean clergyman, in weekly on any ptri of my K| ?etrtold,akW( o'clock, 's htndtlJJjh, no ptrcelvtble marks. Irevllle paaitenter* . . otherwise h* will be ditchtrged tccnrding to giviog ninety-til large 19 mo. ptgetv-to be November thud all round pt oiTe of his ihoei lalrly N. D. All ba« BaS« al ll,e«wnM»f«fc law. Given under my hand tliit Jbtli Nuv. folded and Hitched, and covered wilh'ttrnng off. troti aii.fc *rt, Ins a twltah talt Giv rate of five dollara per Pa«Mge to or frnm Kail"" f taa^hfc 1994. envelope paptr, at the en under mr ud ona nf lh« Justices of the Paiia|e to or fiom ^n».apoli». - R, \\ELCH of Ben. annum, Neatl executed at t,hiB Peace in r said counlv. mil «4th day ol Paaaace lo Chealerlowp orCur'lfa. Shfl'- A. A. county. DUFF GREEN. November 834. i ^*4 March *"+!'",+ JOHN *\^SJ ryv:-