ypowpo.org/ignite 3 (YPO Lone Star-Dallas) (YPO Lone The global classroom of YPO-WPO takes the spotlight in our cover story on education. story in our cover the spotlight takes of YPO-WPO classroom global The A report on the social media revolution examines why business must get serious about getting social. about getting serious business must get why examines media revolution on the social A report sports and adventuring. extreme through the limits to members push leadership on daredevils, In our feature line. the bottom beyond business taking to dedicated and visionaries entrepreneurs social unites SEN Summit The meets innovation. tradition where a world on the business of wine uncorks Our story integration. vs. on balance discussion a lively inspires it all?” have you “Can question, timeless The • • • • • • 2013-2014 YPO-WPO International Chairman International YPO-WPO 2013-2014 Fulton Collins Collins Fulton welcome Collins Fulton Chairman from International A Message YPO and WPO Friends, Dear Our organization of YPO-WPO. heart the on education, shines the spotlight issue of Ignite This experience, ideas, where platforms learning of multitude the by measure great in defined is channels of these some While together. come leadership thought and expertise practices, best in mentor occur others and still classrooms in actual others convene technology-based, are to ultimately, and, — us of each engage and connect to goal: one share all They relationships. exchange. and idea education through change and provoke perspectives old challenge a place provides Ignite norms, are and success influence achievement, where In an organization pride in the remarkable and take momentum, accelerate ideas, and great news good share to members. and our 21,000 organization of this accomplishments deeds good enterprise, innovations, where — a haven age bite in the sound an oasis is also Ignite a magazine. of space in the shared sanctuary find and in-depth analysis theexpanded we have issues, two first on Ignite’s feedback outstanding to In response in early debuted that newsletter electronic with a quarterly footprint editorial magazine’s will newsletters and quarterly be semiannual, to continue will magazine Ignite November. year-round. and families partners spouses, members, connect issues to between the gap bridge education through connect to or opportunities stories of great a lack is never there In YPO-WPO that: to in this issue is a testament content The exchange. and idea in peer network trusted your to out and connect reach to you I hope this issue inspires of the stories. a few only are These your you, for things in motion great and setting a spark lighting its name by up to lives I hope Ignite of all, Most ways. new family. business and your regard, warm With ypowpo.org/ignite 5 ignite

48 issue 2 issue vol. 2, vol. NOVEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER A World of Opportunity A World Economic Pulse Economic confidence executive A chief no other like index onMember viewpoints business and investment Not Destructive economic is gaining Asia strength

YPO Global Pulse YPO Global the Global 80 Taking 84 but Certainly 82 Disruptive, on ublicati po p a YPO-w Education Extraordinary STORY: COVER in its knowledge quest for the YPO-WPO explores special section This the to of the classroom tradition the time-honored from forms, many options. online of infinite ecosystem education YNGers find connections and common ground and connections YNGers find of survey in a Stanford low score executives Chief media savvy social WPO entrepreneurs come of age of come WPO entrepreneurs Next Generation Networking Generation Next The Experience Edge The Experience What’s Your Social Status? Your What’s Taking leadership to the limits the to leadership Taking is in is out and harmony it all” “Having

features 20 36 74 YPO-WPO Daredevils YPO-WPO 74 Balance 88 The New 42 FOR MEMBERS, ABOUT MEMBERS ABOUT MEMBERS, FOR more For executives. of chief network leading the world’s of YPO-WPO, publication is a member-based Ignite and spouses YPO and WPO members, by only accessible , of Ignite version A digital visit ypo.org. information, at ypowpo.org/ignite. is available partners, YPO-WPO welcomes partnerships with KPMG with KPMG partnerships welcomes YPO-WPO and UBS continues journey The the world around events at YPO-WPO A glimpse conscious socially celebrates SEN Summit and partners spouses members, is that running a chapter prove shining stars Five challenge the ultimate friendship and miracles of line the front At name its up to lives PinnacleCare 34 The Alliance Advantage 34 The Alliance 35 WPO By the Numbers Roundup Regional 47 Big Heart 86 Big Business, in Leadership 88 Lessons Insider to 98 Expat of Mind 101 Peace

issue 2 issue

Say what you mean what you Say on the move members from tips Travel the leap One WPOer makes on the roof raise Member entrepreneurs city planned first Palestine’s and enlighten entertain YPO and WPO authors in YPO-WPO everything for A platform up powers art in an old take YPO and WPO winemakers directions new forum million 1.4 log Members year every hours a difference make mission to One member’s and boards corporate model for a new Toward executives chief

vol. 2, vol. 12 Preferred Packing Preferred 12 Politics to Sector Private 13 Future on a Better Ground Breaking 14 the Top From 18 Titles By the Numbers Exchange YPO-WPO 24 in the Vineyards 26 Valor By the Numbers Forum 29 of Nature Force Fundraiser, 30 Fighter, Leadership 32 Shaping Shared 10 Beyond Technobabble 10 Beyond in this issue in

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Suite 1000 Suite [email protected] Irving, Texas 75039 U.S.A. 75039 Texas Irving, ubmissions 600 East Las Colinas Boulevard, Boulevard, Colinas Las 600 East +1.972.587.1500 [email protected] Reproduction © 2013 Copyright Organization Presidents’ Young rights reserved. All of this publication No part in a stored be reproduced, can or transmitted system retrieval other any or by other form in any mechanical electronic, means, without written or otherwise, permission of the publisher. Readers to Note in articles expressed views The authors’ of contributing those are Presidents’ and not of Young insights Authors’ Inc. Organization, investment, do not constitute or tax regulatory, legal, account, other advice. S to be submitted may ideas Story [email protected]. publication is a semiannual Ignite on recycled inks using soy printed to format in a compact paper footprint. its carbon reduce editors Dobbins Steve Officer Marketing Chief Mindy Noonan Member Senior Director, Communications Sherry Whittemore Creation Content Director, Mary Woods Specialist Senior Communications writers Baclayon Jovie Social Media Director, Mers Angela Media PR and Manager, Neal Brandi Communications Network Manager, Annu Ross Manager Project Communications Advertising

How to to How (with Larry Bossidy), Bossidy), Larry (with Execution Execution website, The Daily Beast. She Beast. Daily The website, and on Newsweek’s Asia Forbes TIME, Spring Arab in Afghanistan; entrepreneurs about women has written theand Emirates; Arab United the and Tunisia Egypt, in movements in Dubai. collapse economic Angela Shah Angela Times, York New in The has appeared work whose Shah is a writer Angela Ram Charan is a business advisor who has worked with executives and with executives has worked who a business advisor is Charan Ram General Dupont, Bank of America, including companies, of many directors of author the is He Novartis. and Electric Ram Charan Ram Dennis Carey and specializes International of Korn/Ferry chairman is vice Dennis Carey He is the directors. and corporate executives of chief in the recruitment on How A Window Succession: CEO including books, of several co-author and Executive Chief a New It Right When Choosing Get Can Boards Run a Company: Lessons from Top Leaders of the CEO Academy. Academy. the CEO of Leaders Top from Lessons Company: a Run Deliver. That and Boards Know to You Wants What the CEO Rola Tassabehji Rola East Middle Unilever for working Unilever, with career 10-year a Following Tassabehji Rola teams, category global and the company’s and North Africa help to Emirates, Arab United Abu Dhabi, to relocated London) WPO (spouse, She East. in the Middle campus school business graduate the INSEAD launch in team management and communications marketing joined the YPO-WPO specialist. communications and regional as the chapter November early Maridel Allinder Maridel as a journalist. of experience with 30 years and editor is a writer Maridel Allinder in marketing worked since and has reporter as a newspaper her career She began serving including sectors, the business and nonprofit for and communications YPO-WPOas and 1995-1998 from director project communications YPO a as She now 2008-2011. from director communications internal and editor senior of clients. a wide range to services editorial provides Michael Useem of the Center and director of management is professor Michael Useem Useem School. at the Wharton Management and Change Leadership for Europe Asia, States, United the in education executive in extensively works including books, eight of coauthor or author the is He America. Latin and Moment. Leadership Up and The Leading India Way, The issue 2 issue

vol. 2, vol.

Contributing writers Contributing Contributing Editors Contributing

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• Scalable shift • Seismic • Silos to the next it • Take it take level, or offline team • Tiger base • Touch the radar • Under added • Value • Win-win of • Window opportunity PHILLIPS CORPORATE JARGON: JARGON: CORPORATE OFFENDERS OF WORST A GLOSSARY from phrases and words of worst-offender sampling This of the clichés a few highlights of business speak the lexicon YPO and WPO invites Ignite culture. corporate crowding examples favorite your emailing by the list expand to members [email protected]. to argot of executive Action item • Action • Bandwidth competency • Core down • Drill the Kool-Aid • Drink • Game-changer • Incentivize • Liaise fruit • Low-hanging • Monetize the needle • Move • On the same page the box • Outside shift • Paradigm

— Tim Phillips Phillips — Tim The difference now is that much more we with communicate people who are group: outside customers, the suppliers, people most English, in communicate we When online. we meet people we communicate with will have English as a second or third language. exclude people through thoughtlessness. This is Sometimes we networks social email, of era an in difference the and websites. save to take it will warriors word many How on our planet? language We all should take responsibility by trying to be understood. So it will take all are about of three billion us. English speakers There on the every But high. too bar my set have may I planet. new ‘talknormalist’ makes to understand. the world easier “The problem isn’t just problem “The a problem it’s about words; a that disguise of words thinking.” of clear lack Was the language of business ever pristine of business ever the language Was of jargon? and free Never. Jargon exists for a good reason: There among jargon is of use the and group, ‘in’ an always them is a way to signal that you are part of the community the of member a or expert, an group, can jargon So understand. doesn’t group ‘out’ the and belonging. create a sense of teamwork which 1960s, for the for Interview By Maridel Allinder By Interview and clear jargon corporate between war The boardrooms and on in offices rages communication to in the battle One warrior the world. around is British journalist business speak eradicate the Normal: Stop Talk His book, Phillips. Tim is a YPO-WPO , and Waffle Jargon Business Speak, in the this soldier asked Ignite title. getAbstract on his thoughts share to of technobabble trenches blight. buzzword that stands cliché one corporate Is there of perpetrator others as the worst above homicide? communication Every industry and every country has different problems, and I wake different up word every or phrase week that irritates with problem me. isn’t just a about The words; it’s a problem of words that disguise a lack of clear few weeks thinking. ago, A I was irritated by the use of word the ‘solution’ to describe any type of business. I speak to a lot of companies, and often the ones that claim to have ‘X solutions’ and ‘Y solutions’ properly can’t explain to me what the problem is that they are trying to solve. Any company that to need doesn’t solves it problem the explain can’t exist, whatever the ‘solution.’ your that inspire clichés corporate any there Are affection? Most of the innovation in the past 30 to 40 years has been from technology and officethey have jobs, generated a lot and of jargon. Some of it is I funny. like, for example, ‘facepalm.’ It describes a real emotion. forget We that the words we use today were jargon at some time in the past. The phrases and words that are useful are adopted by a larger group, so they A become phrase commonplace. like taken ‘aback’ originally described a ship that turned the wrong way into the wind and was blown backwards. Usage English Modern Fowler’s I have a copy of complains about the jargon word ‘babysitter.’ Part Part ‘babysitter.’ word jargon the about complains of the richness of English as a language is that it has no committee or set of rules. So it’s perfectly possible that the things that irritate me will be loved by future generations. Q&A with word warrior Tim Phillips Tim warrior word Q&A with TECHNOBABBLE BLIGHT TECHNOBABBLE

at a glance a glance at at snapshot snapshot

igniteignite ignite ignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 10 10 ypowpo.org/ignite 13 igniteignite snapshot snapshot (WPO Quebec) hours a week, nor counting counting nor week, a hours 40 — Adrien Pouliot Pouliot — Adrien They are not working for you you for working not are They on a salary and pension to motivation. drive them or serve as their upon taking agenda immediate your What topped Party? of the Quebec Conservative leadership pro-consumer. market, pro-free am I but businessman, a am I and Quebec in competition more have to want we party, a As trade the lower as well as monopolies, of number the reduce barriers and business taxes, making it easier for people become to entrepreneurs. I have friends in the WPO Quebec Chapter who are pro-government, whose businesses benefit from government healthy regulations. This makes for many discussions. your in difference a make YPO-WPO in membership Does life? political Actually, without the support of my honestly forum say I would not have mates, had the courage to make I the can big leap. They were the They deciding know factor. me best, well as heart, my to listen me helped and myself, than better office. as rationalize why I needed to run for public “Managing human resources in human resources “Managing much more is party a political than in a business.” challenging Would you recommend that fellow YPO or WPO members that fellow recommend you Would office? public run for It does not always follow business, you will that be (successful) if in political you office. It young a for it recommend not would I and are iscommitment, big a successful in YPOer who is just starting out. You have to be about passionate public service, have the ability by touching to their hearts and persuade minds, and you others have to be, or become, humble. Continue the public office? for in running Interested at [email protected]. Pouliot discussion with Adrien

56, and I sold most

A conversation with industrialist-turned-politician Adrien Pouliot Adrien industrialist-turned-politician with A conversation (WPO Quebec) “It’s time” slogan promotes the promotes slogan time” “It’s (WPO Quebec) Pouliot’s Adrien change. push for party’s

(WPO Quebec) was elected the leader of the leader of was elected (WPO Quebec) Pouliot Adrien his 2013. From in February Conservative Party Quebec’s Pouliot and securities lawyer, career as a corporate early success in the private record for has also secured a track broadcasting his family’s of took the helm He sector. 1997 and then in firm, CFCF Inc., and cable television the largest Inc., Solutions Technology acquired Entourage in Canada, field services company telecommunication heads currently to Bell Canada. He which he later sold most For Inc. Capital Draco fund, equity own private his interest in public policy. a keen Pouliot has had life, his of a free- Institute, Economic the Montreal As chairman of Pouliot 1999, in tank that he co-founded think market and direction troubled over Quebec’s became increasingly ring. decided to throw his hat into the political office? public run for why life, in your this stage At go through You cycles in your life. I was of my businesses with the exception of one. I felt the need to really ‘jump onto the ice’ as they questioning say in my Canada. legacy. I Other was parties were stronger, more with backing; however, the Conservative Party values. my reflected politics? to translate business skills do your How As a businessman, I planning process. brought In business, we structure set short- and to long-term the goals and objectives to strategic create a clear road map with which to achieve our vision. I also believe I brought my ability to motivate people. Managing human resources in a political party is much more challenging are who relying are on passionate people about politics, you than in a business. the In cause, but, at the end of the day, they are volunteers. THE BUSINESS OF POLITICS BUSINESS THE Mary By Woods Interview GOUDSMIT Cynthia Cynthia Cleveland (WPO travels Santa once a Monica month, preferring Bay) to trains a flydelight under butthe right finds circumstances. No apps mobile finds Cleveland travels, she how matter essential. “Travel apps like Trip It (for everything), Waze (if driving), Uber (on-call make limos she pleasure, life says. having smoother,” “For and taxis) the Kindle app on my iPad has eliminated a device for reading, and it holds presentations as well.” Joelle Goudsmit (YPO Philippines) finds herself traveling once a week on average. “I always running pack shoes, workout clothing and a on yoga do can I that so mitts feet and yoga hand (sticky paws hotel towel). When I travel for pleasure, I bring my thoughts or ideas down jot I where diary, inspiration as they come.”

Rajeev 30, KAPUR

(WPO São makes Paulo) health BETANCOURT million miles on the road. “I would

2.5 (YPO Orange County) has now collected

highly recommend members become both Global Entry approved whatever the equivalent and is for those outside of the pre-check he States,” United advises. “I also try to travel in off- approved, or hours. You have more options and to opportunities get upgraded, and you can use the extra time to team in the morning.” with your work

Whether traveling for business, heading to a YPO- Whether traveling for vacation, on a family WPO event or embarking can rack up miles and YPO and WPO members travel veterans asked from home. We time away leave home they can’t their tips and what for without. Carlos Betancourt and fitness a priority when he travels.“One of the first things I look for in a hotel is the fitness center capabilities and the possibility to go out for a run,” he says. “I even have my personal list of best places to run around the world. I also without can’t leave home my fitnesswatch, equipment: heart monitor, hat, sunglasses and a Garmin regular gear.” fitness GPS A million-mile member by the age of Kapur more than TRAVEL BAG TRAVEL (Again) On the Road at a glance at

ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 12 ypowpo.org/ignite 15


EISELE ZRAIQ KASSIS MASRI perspective perspective

Samir - Zraiq (YPO Pal Cautious optimism optimism Cautious As the first families prepare to move in Masri 2014, admits that making the vision a reality will be challenging, but he remains an optimist. “The remaining challenges, mostly include securing appropriate access political, roads from and to the city to link it to Ramallah Bank,” northern he city says. of “These the West and the roads travel into areas controlled by Israeli - au thorities and require permits from obtain.” them. to difficult extremely been The have permits Another challenge the developers of face is Rawabi securing a sufficient waterthe supply city, for a process approval. that Job also creation requires for Israeli the Rawabi remains an issue inhabitants as well. Although still of in the construction phase, the project is already the largest Palestinian employer, with women men on site. alongside engineers working “Job creation is a problem in the West Bank at large,” says Masri. “We are trying to convince a few international companies to set up small operations in Rawabi to create jobs, so we don’t end up with a bedroom community. Our focus is on services, particularly IT, outsourcing, and research and development.” dream A people’s Along with her husband heads and project the in partner a is who estine), its industrial section, Manal Zraiq (spouse, YPO Palestine) is in top management for the Rawabi and administration for responsible is and project finance. InApril, formerU.S. Secretary ofState Hillary Clinton presented Manal with the Vital Voices Global Leadership Economic Empower- ment Award recognizing her leadership in - pro moting sustainable economic development and entrepreneurship in Palestine. women’s “The story of Rawabi is like ing a dream reality,” becom- says but Manal. we cannot “Peace just sit is keep working.” and wait; coming we have to

— Manal Zraiq square meters). square 230 to (spouse, YPO Palestine) (spouse, 2.9 percent internal rate of return (WPO Greater MENA), founder of (WPO Greater MENA), The city already has a municipal a has already city The 20,000. square feet (92 feet square 2,476 “The story of Rawabi is of Rawabi story “The a becoming a dream like reality.” “The projected considering investment good a as qualifies hardly the very high risks involved,” says Masri, year’s recipient of the SEN this Award Sustainability for Economic Justice/Community Impact. “The main motivation is developmental, to first prove to ourselves, the Palestinians, that we can build a better life despite the military occupation. It is also a major catalyst for economic development jobs.” needed badly of number large a creating by Given current living conditions, the significance of a water modern collecting to used are “We underestimated. infrastructure is water Rawabi, “In Kassis. also says roofs,” on tanks by cannot be underground an through home each for provided central water network. It’s a basic right for you, but for us, it’s a Providing luxury. water, gas and Internet represents a new, affordable for a lifestyle new generation of working, middle-class, educated families.” For the first time, middle-income families will also be provided with mortgage options, prices with ranging from US$60,000 to for the US$150,000 majority of units, which vary in size from 990 to

A modern inspiration A modern Bashar Masri Rawabi and chairman of Massar International, that explains project, the implementing is which the master plan includes 6,000 apartment units, a commercial center, several public and private schools, an integrated infrastructure, mosques and churches, and a park and amphitheater that seat will cabinet. by the Palestinian appointed council Construction is Construction The Rawabi master plan plan master Rawabi The THIS PAGE: first on Palestine’s underway Rawabi. city, planned RIGHT: vision to the developers’ depicts - sustain first Palestine’s build city planned eco-conscious able, - a modern infra provide that will housing and affordable structure residents. 40,000 for

Issa Issa Kassis Edward Eisele ) London WPO (spouse,

By Rola Tassabehji Tassabehji Rola By

percent, among the world’s highest, while the population is population the while highest, world’s the among percent, 4.6 On a picturesque hilltop north of Ramallah, a construction site with more than 3,000 local workers is set to become Palestine’s Rawabi. planned city, first the initial phase scheduled for completion in 2014, Rawabi, With inhabitants 40,000 than more house will hills, for Arabic is which within seven years. The project represents the investment largest in the history of the Palestinian private sector and has captured the attention of dignitaries, multinational groups and interfaith the world. missions around The attraction is not another grand or underwater design, hotel, but the man-made firstplanned island city to be builtthe from ground up in Palestine, home to ancient biblical and Nablus. cities Hebron Jericho, Bethlehem, Nazareth, like Not surprisingly, the team behind this urban development is a small group of YPO and WPO helped organize the Palestinian Live Palestine event in entrepreneurs March 2013, the first who international YPO-WPO event in Palestine. As part of the event, members from around the world visited Rawabi and have since an is city “The project. the for encouragement of source a become extraordinary endeavor that will provide our many Palestinian friends with hope for a better future,” says YPO and WPO members drive urban members drive YPO and WPO first in Palestine’s development planned city. expected to reach 4.7 million in 2015. But these challenges pale in comparison the to the Palestinian context. ones faced Territorial fragmentation, in geopolitical disputes and the absence of urban planning have led to random housing developments that are putting pressure on agricultural land and an aging, inadequate infrastructure. “Most Palestinians now are living in isolated illegal cities settlements due built to on the confiscated land,” says (WPO Arizona). context Palestinian The In the developing world, many countries face the challenges of land scarcity, high population growth and rapid is Palestine no urbanization. exception. The country’s fertility rate is estimated at (YPO Palestine), vice coming mayor Rawabi see you “When Corporation. of Housing & Mortgage Rawabi and CEO of believe in a better tomorrow.” up like a dream come true, you Palestine

BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE BETTER A BUILDING perspective perspective ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite.ypowpo.org/ignite 14 14

ypowpo.org/ignite 19


O’CONNOR SANDLER SCHROEDER perspective perspective Greek Greek (YPO US In STARTUP RISING: STARTUP STARTUP RISING introduces a Christopher Schroeder From From civil unrest in Egypt and war in Syria to protests in turmoil Turkey, in the Middle East makes headlines every But day. in the midst of emerge, to begun has revolution quieter a all, it one that may ultimately do more the to face of change the region: the rise of technology- based entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurial Revolution Middle East, Internet entrepreneur and venture Remaking the investor Capital) delivers a timely look at the surge of entrepreneurship occurring in East — the and the potential Middle hidden behind violence the and chaos. Parallel to one this that story runs is counter read in to the news each and day, its significance the narrative we transcends the boundaries between the worlds of politics, and business, technology. Schroeder explores international how the landscape has affairs evolved for the hottest startups and the entrepreneurs leading them and obstacles as unique world’s Arab the navigate they opportunities. East,Middle the of future the for narrative new in which a widespread entrepreneurial spirit is driving the region into the center of the global at lightning speed. marketplace Dr. Frederick “Fritz” reader lifelong a and mysteries Strobl of fan a is Cities) (WPO Twin whose experience in the fields of medicine and engineering inspired him to create the Jack Dr. Stevens series of His medical-political first books, Presidential Migraines and thrillers. Flu, take readers into the worlds of biological and cyber terrorism and introduce a true yet unlikely hero for our times. In his third novel, Cyber Death, Strobl brings Stevens hero and Jack heroine Parker Dana to LaFontaine their back hometown of where they are drawn into a maze of Wayzata, medicine, Minnesota, murder and multinational politics. Social report 1983 21st-century examines the ins and outs 1850 in Canterbury, England, Terry Terry O’Connor (YPO Singapore) Why Not? The Story of a Retail Maverick and In Courts, recounts how he brought a British household name to Singapore. the Part book autobiographical, provides the fascinating history insight of Courts, into a established general in goods store its expansion into transformation Southeast from Asia, a and furniture a its retailer purveyor to of shares electronic his goods. personal buyer O’Connor in a Liverpool journey electronics store to chief from executive of Courts Asia and offers insights on trainee doing business in Southeast Asia. All Make-A-Wish the to go book author the from proceeds Singapore. Foundation Michael R. Sandler (WPO a New England), lifelong and chairman entrepreneur, Inc., emeritus authored and a of culmination book Eduventures, that of founder represents of more the than experience business, two government and at decades education. Entrepreneurship in Education: the Private Ventures for the Public intersection Good of using of social entrepreneurship the to chronicles It States. United the in education improve responded who entrepreneurs of efforts 25-year the Risk,” at Nation “A callof the to by the National Commission in on Excellence Education that industry. Sandler launched describes an these “education entrepreneurs” education and the lessons they learned, using entrepreneurial skills to tackle problems and improve outcomes in education. public His book is part of the Rowman & Littlefield Education Series, which provides educational the with researchers and entrepreneurs leaders, opportunity to share insights on education reform. Learn more about the series at socialentrepreneurshipineducation.com or rowman.com/RLEducation. 12 The Laws Steve Steve Leveen 20 percent discount 30 contributors, including Patti Carl Bates (YPO Johannesburg groundbreaking groundbreaking rules for enabling a business to define its market and lead its industry. For Bates, business owners must practicing their craft to creating an move enterprise. beyond He challenges owners to legacy built with pride. create a business As we head for the digital cloud, we should ask ourselves what is the value in being grounded in heritage technologies such as paper, wood and ink? In Holding Dear: The of Value the Real, Levenger CEO and co-founder (WPO Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, WPO Metro New York) contemplates the role of in helping the us find balance physical as we move deeper into the virtual. His book features guest essays by more than Smith, David McCullough, David Allen, Kate and Ross Kelly Kevin Finder, DiCamillo, Joseph King, who reveal what inspires them. believes Leveen age, virtual a As into further move we that we can look back heritage with to renewed appreciation. our YPO and rich physical WPO members receive a on Leveen’s book when ordered online using promo code 1YPOWPO. Levenger.com from Growing up in inspired a family of Golden City, YPO entrepreneurs New Zealand) to transform the attitudes and practices of business owners worldwide. Chief executive South Africa Group, Bates is of passionate about the growing small Sirdar and medium-sized businesses and empowering sustainable enterprise. In his book, communities of Extreme Business Success, Bates lays out the through Mark Mark Aesch (YPO million deficit, laying off employees, By MaryBy Woods From biographies to biographies From new mysteries, murder members, book releases by spouses and partners reads. entertaining offer

slashing service and raising fares. Under Aesch’s leadership, the company replaced reliance its reduced surpluses, dollar multi-million deficits with on taxpayer subsidies and increased the demand for service at a rate three times the by driven U.S. is TransPro, firm, consulting His national average. private-sector a bringing encourages that mission a book, his In management. public-sector to mindset Aesch shows readers how to create selflessness a culture and of motivate employee — investment powerful principles that any organization can to achieve exceptional results. implement Florida, YPO Palm Beach) took over the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation 2004, Authority it in was in terrible shape, US$27.7 operating with a Seaside, poolside or bedside, there is final the savor to page last the turning as satisfying nothing as lines of a well-chosen book. The YPO and latest WPO authors titles include a by look at budding entrepreneurism in the medical Middle thriller and a “how-to” East, for entrepreneurs a legacy. a lasting business looking to leave cyber- Driving Excellence is the story of one man with no formal business training who turned industry on an its entire head. When


perspective perspective ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 18 ypowpo.org/ignite 21 igniteignite feature feature (WPO Singapore) — Richard Blossom Blossom — Richard “YNG is not so much“YNG is not so about business as it is about learning be a better to how of regardless leader, pursuit.” professional TE

20s,” s, Kelly 30s, Kelly 10 years ago. 2009 as a way AKE NO (WPO Philippines). “Being S T

Chan “Charles” Bulakul (WPO

Kelly Kelly Kelly (WPO New England) is the project By MaryBy Woods Edward Delgado the children of YPO members, about we grew forum, up hearing confidentiality It is a and language and peer a shared experience exchange. that binds From From Bangkok to London to São Paulo, children young of adult YPO and WPO the members YPO-WPO are network leveraging to events, and conferences boards, regional With mentors. connect with peers and adults are sharing experiences. young YPONextGen have a “We common ground and kinship like no other group,” says Clarissa Delgado, co-founder of Teach Manila for the Philippines YNG and daughter leader, of us together.” The brainchild of ENT PAR in number and growing are groups YPONextGen generation. of a new changing the lives Thailand), YNG began in Thailand in director of one of the most popular YNG programs, Pre- paring for Professional Life, which began to broaden the engagement adult children. them to mentor young encouraging of WPO members by “Our children did not know explains each Bulakul. other connectivity the felt very I “As working, well,” and university they attending grew older that and would occur by began forming a YNG group become day one to them prepare would and helpful extremely be YPO members.” idea of a good dissemination The Since its inception, YNG has spread worldwide 22 with active groups offering social networking opportu- nities and programs for college-age and working young adults. After attending the Harvard Business School’s Owner/ Program President while Management in her says Kelly. realized that YPO-WPO young adults needed mentors their family at an early age. outside “I wanted to develop a could learn program the rules where of YPO the road youth introduced in to business resources and who be their in still could were they while help goals career their with guide them feature feature

igniteignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 20 20 ypowpo.org/ignite 23 ignite - - feature SOUND BITES SOUND YNG ambassadors foster global global foster YNG ambassadors raise YPO-WPO community, awareness connec local find that adults young YPONextGen one are “We community. a global to tions lead of daughter Delgado, Clarissa explains family,” large “When I trav (WPO Philippines). Delgado Edward an incredible I have Asia, el on business throughout Vietnam.” to Singapore of friends from network (WPO Lillibridge of Todd daughter Lillibridge, Kaley YNG network the invaluable how knows Chicago), help to a YNG ambassador and has become be can adults. young for experiences forum build who in YPO-WPO parents not enough are “There to When she moved Kaley. says YNG exists,” know she tried to ago, years two Chicago from London a forum and join YNGers in the area with connect presence. and structure of lack a was there found but don’t know who really adults young many are “There YNG forum,” alone let about, is all what YPO-WPO I but ground, a middle are groups “City she says. and help them to people connect to want really and how of YPO-WPO the other benefits understand lives.” of their own be a part YNG can (WPO of Simon Preston daughter Preston, Rachel and a YNGer living Mess Euro) WPO Le Pennine, Chapter with 2011-2012 connected in London, (WPO London) Douglas Andrew Officer Education that YNG members could a WPO event organize to “The Kaley. says it took,” all was “That attend. with WPO members and the YNGers connected it can about YNG and how more learned chapter own children.” their benefit and Angeles, Los to relocated who has since Kaley, adults of young a database creating now are Rachel Their practices. best gathering YNG and in interested to like we’d “Ideally, and global: is ambitious goal YNG city.” in every one ambassador have in find a young ambassador or to join a forum To en- family director Krell, Katie contact your city, at [email protected]. gagement, YPONextGen Young adults gathered in March for Mystical India, a regional a regional India, Mystical for in March gathered adults Young The first YNG regional event in Africa, held in April 2013, was 2013, April in held Africa, in event regional YNG first The (WPO Chicago) talks with young adults during his during adults young with talks Chicago) (WPO Regan Mike TOP: Mission Statement.” Balance, “Life, PPL presentation, 2013 MIDDLE: Chapter. the WPO Durban with the support of YNG Durban by hosted BOTTOM: YNG Delhi. by hosted event

(WPO Edward Delgado (WPO Richard Blossom Kalpesh Kalpesh Patel (YPO Nairobi, YPO Singapore). “It is more about the complete person, complete the about more is “It Singapore). and it is very of trusted friends.” network much about building a wider at on YNG can be found information More ypowpo.org/yng (members, spouses and part- (YPONextGeners). and yponextgen.org ners) participatory participatory in their families. They have a seat at the table and have a say where in the everything family from travels on vacation for dinner.” to what’s Other avenues YNGers also turn to one another as a source support for and networking, embracing forum as a vital tool to help them maneuver their career and life challenges. “During my second year of university in London, I discovered through the that I YNG could join a forum Facebook here,” says Misha page Patel, daughter of Harare). “I immediately realized could how learn from much the I others I feel now I Nairobi, in home my from away living in my group, and of support in London.” a network have Paolo Delgado, son of Philippines) and the Southeast first Asia chairevents strong to Regional groups YNG region’s the of Board, success of attributes the the YNG and forum participation. that He YPONextGen also groups must emphasizes remain because flexible YNGers are very mobile and often move from city to city for school or career. “Using online groups like Facebook and the and mobile word, the spread helped really groups chat momentum has grown throughout the region,” says Paolo. With the YPONextGen mobile YNGers app, can connect around profiles, the manage globe, create micro-communities, news. the latest YNG and get message “The local WPO chapters have been especially invaluable with our Clarissa. “Members open their group chapter events to in the YNGers, Manila,” and it gives us says a time with to one reconnect another as well as gain access to some incredible education resources.” As YNG circles the world, the network remains true to its original mission: generation encouraging next- leaders “YNG is not so much about business as and it is about forging learning how friendships. to be of a better professional leader, pursuit,” regardless says Asia Regional WPO Chair Southeast Mike Regan (WPO

Through Through the program, YNGers are coached by resources as well as YPO and WPO who members, help them develop personal their branding. resumés Young and explore adults valuable can programs information through also interaction with on resources and master’s YPO-WPO alumni of from Chicago the and Harvard University Business PPL School. participants All take the Predictive scientifically Index, validated a behavioral assessment that forecasts workplace style and skill sets. behavior, personal young get usually we Index, Predictive the “After adults who have aha “These moments,” are the Kelly instances when says. YNGers weigh their strengths and challenges and gain clarity on career paths.” As the world graduating from college are entering extremely economy struggles, competitive job markets. YNGers Chicago), whose three children believes are YNGers, the difference program in the lives of young adults will because it make gives them permission a to take look at “where they the are huge going,” as he told time many to YNGers during his Balance, Mission Statement.” PPL presentation, “Life, “Life will happen by accident that or emphasizes He want?” you design,” do “What Regan. says most young people have not thought of life as a mission statement. “These programs help YPO legitimate youth have they that alone, not understand are they that “and Regan, says career,” and life about concerns that they have a degree of intentionality they would that not otherwise have when thinking what they want to do with their lives.” about YPO-WPO resource Emily Bennington - special izes in coaching college students entering the workforce and women leaders entering - execu tive management. She is a frequent speaker on featured been has and success career of topic the on Fox Business, CNN and ABC. In August, she joined YNGers at a Preparing for Life Professional program in Chicago. In her session, “From Badass Grad to Kickass Executive: Superstars,” Bennington shared with Secrets the group of that for the most part, employers who are look- ing to hire new talent love the energy and en- thusiasm that recent grads bring to their orga- nizations, but the challenge is assimilating that team. energy into the established work “It’s a hierarchical “Graduates issue,” today says are Bennington. accustomed to being


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 22 ypowpo.org/ignite 25 igniteignite at a glance a glance at at 6,204 - Chapter with the Chapter with files in most media Chapter Media its Gallery YPO Delhi Metrics as of September 2013 as of Metrics [Read more about M2Mx on page 101] about M2Mx on page more [Read [Read more about On Demand on page 57] about On Demand on page more [Read .

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ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 24 3 ypowpo.org/ignite 27 igniteignite perspective perspective Griessel Bridgit and Steve Northwest), (WPO Pacific Winery. Family Betz of owners Betz Family Winery located located Winery Family Betz 1-3: Washington. in Redmond, 125 years, largely 10 2005. His passion — Steve Griessel — Steve (WPO Pacific Northwest) million cases per year, and India and year, per cases million 150 2008, helping Asia surpass Europe 2 percent during the past “You spend 90 percent of 90 percent spend “You time thinking aboutyour quantity. versus quality no shortcuts.” are There Spencer began collecting moved to wine Hong Kong when in evolved he after intense exposure to other wine aficionados and the realization consumption in that wine China has percent in five years. increased “Contrary to conventional does produce wine and there wisdom, are major wine and Asia Thailand Japan, India, China, in producers estimate some present, “At says. he Indonesia,” China’s annual domestic wine production at than more has more than 125,000 acres of vineyards.” the quality, export is wine this of all not While evolution and education of the Asian palate pace. continues at a rapid Germany, global wine consumption increased consumption wine global Germany, 10 States. and the United fueled by China concierge Asia Asia), Pan (YPO Spencer David and North Asia regional chair for WPO Network, attributes the Wine the evolution YPO- of the wine culture in abolishing Asia all to duty and Hong customs controls Kong on wine in and the United States to become the world’s preeminent wine market. 2008 to control Andrew Buttery’s (YPO 1998 when Buttery’s father Wine-Searcher reports that Like Ratcliffe, wine the in been has family Australia) South business for generations, but it was Buttery portfolio its expand to family his urged who from vendor to winery. Gemtree Vineyards was founded in from Australia South to return to him asked the oil business in Melbourne to run their vineyard management company. Buttery agreed with one caveat — that the family start its own winery. the viticulturist urging sister of Buttery’s At Melissa, Gemtree was certified organic in 2011, allowing the family to land nurture from which they the profit. They brought sheep to the vineyard in weeds and minimize the use and they of applied biodynamic preparations tractors, to the soil a and process canopy, focused on soil fertility and the relationship between plant growth and the lunar cycle. With its emphasis on the ecosystem, farming biodynamic allows as providers farmers for, health and and to welfare of caretakers the community and of, function environment. the “We are firm believers in making sure we give back to the land we make our from. living By using natural farming practices, we can grow more flavorsomegrapes that make better wines,” says Buttery. “It’s not for everyone, but for us, it’s a commitment that we are passionate about, and we hope and effort the appreciate customers our that products.” quality of our wine culture Global their Ratcliffe, and Buttery Griessels, the For passion and hard work are paying the off business of — wine is booming. Agence France-Presse’s despite a long-term decline in consumption in old world producing countries Western like Italy, France European and wine- 1 Mike Ratcliffe 1970s, is the firstwoman to become a “Working “Working shoulder to shoulder a it’s but with incredible, is winery the at living and Steve to disciplined be to have we and business, 24/7 says. she time,” family enough have we ensure “The Betz family has changed our lives in so many positive ways, and it is very rewarding, but we have our eyes wide open about how this business is.” tough tradition family The For some YPO and business WPO is winemakers, in their the blood. South Third-generation African winemaker (YPO Cape Town), co-founder and managing partner of Vilafonté U.S. winemakers) (a and managing partnership director of Warwick with Estate, agrees that passion success in the wine industry. drives “People who are passionate will Ratcliffe way,” says. “In order go to be successful a long you have to be all in. the industry Anybody as who a treats hobby needs to pockets or they can to fail.” expect have deep Ratcliffe’s mother Norma is considered one of the matriarchs of the South African wine business, and he learned as a boy at her side. Norma, head winemaker at Warwick the late since member of the Cape Winemakers Guild and the only woman to serve as chairperson. Her passion became a family affair when, in his 20s, Mike joined a class of three students earn to one of the first post-graduatediplomas in wine business Australia. in South of Adelaide University management from the 2011. (WPO Pacific Steve Steve Griessel By Brandi Neal Brandi By

Following Following two decades as entrepreneur, an international Instead of logging long hours Steve now spends at time working in the winery the office, and inspecting vineyards, and while the day- he to-day operations and landscape may differ, cerebral. is just as says the work “The flywheelof wine isYou spend very slow. quality about thinking time your of percent 90 versus quantity. There are no shortcuts. It’s a completely different mindset than any other with.” business I’ve been involved Owning a winery was a “deliberate” dream for the Griessels, allowing them to spend time more together. The couple, South Africa originally and avid collectors from of both new and old world wines, purchased Betz Family Winery in Redmond, Washington. Steve learning firsthand is from winery founder and winemaker Bob Betz while completing a four- year program in enology and — University State absorbing the Washington viticulture at business from the inside out. says. Steve winery,” the at live We passion. a “It’s “We are the proprietors; we clean the floors; we drive the forklift. There’s the romance and there’s also hard work.” exceptionally Bridgit considers owning a winery tough love. While the business is family-owned, finding family time is difficult. Northwest) Northwest) made good on a promise wife to Bridgit his and bought a winery in


perspective perspective Whether born into the business or leaving the boardroom for the for the boardroom leaving the business or into born Whether a growing on are capitalizing and WPO winemakers vineyard, YPO global market. A TOAST TO TOUGH LOVE TOUGH TO A TOAST ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 26 ypowpo.org/ignite 29

igniteignite O’NEILL SOSA SCHOENECK at a glance a glance at at Columbia) Committee — Maria Eugenia Sosa Sosa Eugenia — Maria the international Forum (spouse, WPO Venezeula), WPO Venezeula), (spouse, — Jim Schoeneck (WPO chapter spouse forum officer spouse chapter Northern California), chair of Northern (WPO British O’Neill — John “Forum “Forum can be an of instrument change, a pillar of support, a tool for learning, and a catalyst for fun ... all great rolled experience! into one It’s powerful force. That is why our a very forum, which has been together 17 years, still takes the time to participate in forum and training, continually our re-evaluates norms, assumptions.” procedures and “Our “Our diverse Forum Committee hails from 11 over time the world, banded together zones all by the passion they forum and have dedication they for feel toward YPO-WPO, and they are expressly focused on enhancing the forum experience of for our all members, spouses partners.” and (WPO Northern California) began the the began California) (WPO Northern Davis Jiggs In 1975, years 40 Nearly California. in Northern forums first YPO of YPO- part an indispensable has become forum later, and young partners spouses, members, providing WPO, share to which in haven confidential safe, a with adults and successes. their challenges “Forum “Forum is a opportunity life-transforming that to experience you to what really have it’s like. know I’ve been part of a chapter forum for and 15 a years regional and they one have impacted for me in improving two, my communication family and self-confidence skills, relations. Forum is a safe haven that encourages and empowers you to be the yourself.” best version of YPO and WPO members in forum YPO and WPO members and partners YPO and WPO spouses in forum spouses, partners and Members, forums in young adults YPONextGen worldwide YPO and WPO forums YPO and WPO members Hours year each in forum invest facilitators forum Certified spouses and partners Members, Forum the international serve on Committee retreat the first forum of Winners received (winners competition a toward the use of each US$2,000 facilitator) forum certified Forum-certified Transformational facilitators the forum that completed Forums health survey in FY2012-2013 in forum young adults YPONextGen the top- forum ranked Members benefit YPO-WPO valued the that include apps YPO-WPO Spouse (Connect, microapp forum YPONextGen) Connect, and Partner YPO-WPO by spoken Languages facilitators forum certified certified where YPO-WPO Countries reside facilitators forum officers and chapter forum Regional officers and spouse forum 3 5 15 14 #1 Metrics as of September 2013, sourced from YPO-WPO September 2013, sourced from YPO-WPO as of Metrics 2012 member and spouse surveys. 34 92 28 585 700 656 82% 50% 3,200 26,100 1,400,000 17 hours of sunshine a day in To learn more about YPO and WPO winemakers, about YPO and WPO winemakers, learn more To visit ypowpo.org/Wine_Offers. plant plant specific varietals due to strictwine appellation regulations. Ratcliffe says he relies on South Africa’s predictable climate to consistently quality wines. produce high- wineries world old decadesago, few a that explains He understand consumers now but market, the dominated and price, lower a at wine quality similar a get can they with wine consumption up around the world, there’s room for everyone. lot of “A our success comes from taking the best ideas from around the world and making them single project,” says into Ratcliffe. “Some one of my best ideas modified from others.” been have Steve says Washington is on its way to world-class becoming wine a growing region. “We have a perfect climate with more than only six summer, inches of rain per year and soils that wines their unique character.” give Washington Buttery credits the grape-growing market. for expanding the new world Australia environment in “The climate and soil types quite are styles wine our and here countries, world old from are very different different as a consequence,” he says. “The key for us is to make high-quality wines naturally that match the best wines in the world.” distribution 23 300 people in China Betz Family Winery located in Redmond, Washington. in Redmond, located Winery Family Betz Below: Buttery Buttery entered the Asian market, executing a Chinese partnership to build a national distribution platform in China. Gemtree is now in line to become Australian the first winery certified organic Organic by Food the Chinese Certification Centre, market. success in the Asian brand for niche positioning the established have we 2012, January “Since branches and employ more than exclusively around the Gemtree brand,” Buttery says. partner and I share a “My vision to build Gemtree to be wine brands in China.” one of the most recognized order world New Spencer, Buttery, the Griessels and Ratcliffe (members in world” “new considered all are Network) Wine the of countries in sell and cultivate they — industry wine the not historically known for looser winemaking growing that regulations. enjoy And while with the competition “old world” European countries industry. the is for valuable and healthy is it a agree all they reality, Each of them sharpened their palates wine and on appreciate old the world quality that comes the that say They detail. to attention strict and heritage from its old and new worlds can learn from one another use their and mutual knowledge to create better products industry-wide. Sustainable practices regulations and give Buttery the and over old the world countries that lack rely on rain and can only Griessels an of edge watering perspective

ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 28 ypowpo.org/ignite 31 ignite perspective 4 2013, when he felt movement in When I go to the bathroom, I don’t have to wash to I don’t have the bathroom, to I go When I get to experience the love and generosity of my and generosity the love experience I to get I get to shower with my wife every day. every wife with my shower to I get The fatter you are, the longer you live. you the longer are, you 10. fatter The might even and they kids, my to advice 9.give I can listen. dummy. as a carpool out hire 8. I can I can’t because … a meal for pay 7. to have I never wallet. my for reach a straw. drink wine through to 6. I get shoes. buy new to have 5. I never wife. out of jail with my get to card 4. the ALS I use 3. hands. my 2. 1. day. and friends every family AUGIE’S TOP 10 REASONS WHY IT IS 10 REASONS TOP AUGIE’S ALS HAVE GOOD TO moment” in August his arms. The past year also brought joy and growth family with to the the birth Nieto of grandchildren Scarlett Rose and Michael Andrew. The Nietos have three a son. daughters and “I’ve never seen Lynne so excited,” in says such Augie. a “We good are place right now expanding family.” and overjoyed with our Augie’s purposeful life and focus on the and friends. inspiration to his family future serve as “When I first met Augie, he has was still“Augie Ondrasik. says happier,” been able never he’d me told to talk and he found what matters in life through facing death. He will his life.” of not let the failing of his body deter the beauty cause, contact Gretchen about Augie’s learn more To or visit Simoneaux at [email protected] segment on CNN at Augie’s augiesquest.org. Watch ypowpo.org/AugieCNN. 3 2012, he began using

2014. He works out three times a week in April. (WPO Jacobs San Diego) Paul introduced initiative in 2007. initiative Conference in Denver. Conference 4. Left to right: Linda to Left 4. Through Through the Wormhole, on a segment exploring the 2013, he has exercised on the Octane Fitness xRide, a and wife, and wife, Nieto 2. Augie Tradition of Hope Gala to to Hope Gala of Tradition (WPO Los Angeles)at the Angeles)at (WPO Los Nieto and Augie 1. Lynne Cappello and Alex Nieto (WPO Pacific US At Large) Large) At US (WPO Pacific ceremony in February 2011. in February ceremony Association’s Augie’s Quest Quest Augie’s Association’s Augie and Augie Lynne Angeles), Cappello (spouse, WPO Los WPO Los (spouse, Cappello Five for Fighting musician, Fighting musician, for 3. Five at the 2011 Global Leadership Leadership at the 2011 Global Lynn, at a Cystinosis Research Research at a Cystinosis Lynn, Foundation event in California in California event Foundation spoke during the Denver Global Global during the Denver spoke benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Dystrophy the Muscular benefit Leadership Conference opening Conference Leadership performs his “Augie Nieto” song song Nieto” “Augie his performs iBrain, a brain monitor that enables him to communicate with communicate to him enables that monitor brain a iBrain, others by thought. Augie to iBrain developer Dr. Philip Low. The episode Freeman. Oscar-winningnarrated by actor Morgan was focused series CNN special a in part took also Lynne and Augie on ALS. CNN anchor Suzanne Malveaux, whose mother has is the first person to give her hope. ALS, says that Augie Augie defies the odds expectancy of of a disease three to five that years. In a has a custom-made typical life Life Fitness leg April press machine and, since customized elliptical. A motor moves the arm and leg pedals at first, but he pedals himself. can overpower it and drive the for ability “The Augie. says for,” out reach to goals need all “We me to experience the feeling of progression versus regression is a feeling that is hard to describe.” the down Lindsay daughter his walk to is goal big next Augie’s wedding aisle in July with a physical therapist through a program called Project Walk, which helps people with spinal cord injuries mobility. regain He experienced what he calls “an unbelievable In July, Augie was featured in a Discovery Network television was featured in a Discovery Network Augie In July, series, singer-songwriter John Ondrasik John Ondrasik singer-songwriter

2011 1 – John Kontopuls (YPO Coastal San Diego) – John Kontopuls

By Jovie Baclayon Jovie By guest speakers at major events, including YPO-WPO’s Global Leadership Conference in Denver. “Attending the Denver GLC was like coming Augie. “Lynne and home,” I says both feel that YPO-WPO is this support system.” our be here today without and we wouldn’t family John Kontopuls (YPO Coastal San Diego), a good friend of the Nietos, served as Denver GLC workshops and leadership development chair. and Augie of knowing a result “As inspiration love, seen I have Lynne, action.” to and a call “I had the privilege of producing says the Kontopuls. opening “I ceremony,” knew that having Augie center and stage, Lynne sharing on their story, would inspire the hearts of all attendees. I and was thrilled when they accepted warm invitation.” my Singer-songwriter John Ondrasik, also known Fighting, as performed Five during for the in 2009. Nieto” GLC. “Augie He wrote the song I am always looking a for songwriter, inspiration. Augie’s “As song was perhaps the easiest song to write in a decade,” says Ondrasik. He met Augie while performing at a YPO event in Army.” soldier in “Augie’s and became a proud Los Angeles Augie Nieto was a pioneer in the fitness in the fitness was a pioneer Nieto Augie disease a debilitating until industry changed his life.

Alex (WPO 2 2006 and Rob Rob Rodin LIFE A PURPOSEFUL international 2003-2005 with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Lou or ALS, with 2005 1988 as co-founder of Life Fitness, one 10 Best Things About Having ALS” at a (WPO Pacific US Large)At has been called

perspective perspective “How can anything be funny about having ALS?” asked ALS?” having about funny be anything can “How Augie Augie Nieto many things during his quest to find a curefor ALS- (amyo trophic lateral sclerosis): Inspirational. Courageous. Caring. But funny? ... Unselfish. YPO’s Angeles), Los (WPO Cappello chairman, when fellow board member Augie Augie and his wife, Lynne, partnered Dystrophy Association with to found Augie’s the Quest in Muscular him down. have raised more than US$38 million. He ALS is TDI, the chairman world’s of largest ALS research program, hosts couple The organizations. numerous of member board and a annual fundraisers and raises awareness of the disease as Now Now in a wheelchair, Augie relies on machines to breathe and technology to communicate. But that doesn’t slow of the world’s biggest makers gyms. Augie sold of the company for exercise US$310 million in 1997 . equipment for Learning he had ALS nearly a decade later was devastating. He He joined YPO in disease, a progressive degenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Augie was diagnosed in March March in diagnosed was Augie “I have to admit, it was truly the funniest thing I’d ever heard ever I’d thing funniest the truly was it admit, to have “I in my life,” says Cappello. “It made laugh you and cry, think all at the same time.” YPO event. Los Angeles, WPO City of Angels) recommended that Augie present his “Top ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 30 ignite perspective perspective ignite

With a glance in the mirror and working under the premise that it’s more productive to act than to complain, Sharer developed a mental checklist of four conditions for defining the dividing lines, conditions for which he would take prime responsibility REDEFINING LEADERSHIP along with the lead directors: Shared reality: Directors and executives agree on where the company is going and A new governance model reveals emerging the market threats and opportunities ahead. practices that shape shared leadership AT THE TOP between directors and chief executives. Mutual respect: Directors and executives have confidence and trust in one another. Performance: Directors and executives concur on the company’s financial, operational, and compliance targets. Know when to take charge, when to partner and when to stay out of the way. These three actions comprise a call to leadership for corporate boards. While smart chief executives are reassessing their relationship with board members, directors are Alignment: Directors and executives are in accord on company strategy, capital encouraged to rebalance their responsibilities in a partnership model of leadership defined in a new Harvard Business Review budget, and their respective decision rights. Press book publishing in December 2013. Sustaining those four conditions came to guide Sharer’s A pre-release excerpt from Boards That Lead: When to Take Charge, When to Partner, and When to Stay Out of the Way, authored work with the board. “Whenever things started to go wrong,” by three boardroom veterans and authorities on business management and leadership, Ram Charan, Dennis Carey and Michael he recalled, “I’d pause and think, ‘Why is the board getting Useem, provides a road map for leveraging board oversight while avoiding pitfalls through topics from “Defining Boards That out of control?’” He would ask himself, “Was it something I Work” and “Leading the Leaders” to “Value Creation.” The following excerpt focuses on one chief executive’s self-reflective did or didn’t do? Maybe we don’t have alignment, or share exercise on shared leadership. the same reality. Maybe we’re losing trust and respect.” ABOUT THE AUTHORS Ram Charan is a business advisor who has worked with To establish the four conditions, Sharer had taken executives and directors of many companies, including LOOKING IN THE MIRROR several tangible actions. First, he penned a message to his Bank of America, Dupont, General Electric, Novartis, While it is the responsibility of directors to define when said, “the board or individual board members would directors before every board meeting that identified new and others. He is the author of Execution (with Larry to take charge, when to partner, or when to stay away, develop operational points of view that made me feel like developments in the company and the market, an approach Bossidy), What the CEO Wants You to Know and Boards chief executives can help sharpen the dividing lines as they were crossing the line on decision rights.” It was not he’d learned while working for then senior manager at That Deliver. well. As tensions arise over where the lines should be often nor directive when it came, but when it did, Sharer General Electric, Larry Bossidy. He would single out a dozen drawn — and they inevitably do — chief executives reported, it made him uncomfortable. developments with just a sentence on each — “the kind Dennis Carey is vice chairman of Korn/Ferry Interna- should consider how their own actions might have you would have underlined” — and when combined, they tional and specializes in the recruitment of chief exec- contributed. As one Fortune 500 top-20 chief executive The chief executive’s occasional annoyance was not created a brief but “comprehensive view of the business” for utives and corporate directors. He is the co-author of advised, when ambiguities arise over what is or is not surprising given the fact that he was on the job every the directors. Looking at it from the other side was vital as several books, including CEO Succession: A Window on board business, the first thing a CEO should do is look in day while the directors convened only several times a well: “I tried to be sensitive to having the right level of detail How Boards Can Get It Right When Choosing a New Chief the mirror. In his own experience, after a director probed year. “But the tension was always constructive,” Sharer and context,” he explained, “so it was easy for them to see Executive and How to Run a Company: Lessons from Top too far for details, this CEO began to furnish the board found, “and often they were right.” He had opposed, for my reality.” Leaders of the CEO Academy. with that area’s particulars so that directors would not waste board time in the future. instance, Amgen’s entry into producing “bio-similar” drugs, generic drugs that are akin to patented biologics. Second, Sharer created a handout with basic facts about the Michael Useem is professor of management and The company’s culture, he believed, would not support company for distribution to the directors at every meeting, director of the Center for Leadership and Change Kevin Sharer, a chief executive of Amgen and long- including obvious particulars such as the company’s Management at the Wharton School. Useem works serving director of Chevron, Northrop, Unocal, and 3M, such an initiative, but the directors believed that it would help sustain the company when existing patents expired. product names and the diseases they combated. Third, extensively in executive education in the United States, is of that school. As CEO, he explained, “I developed what after each board meeting, he summarized the directors’ Asia, Europe and Latin America. He is the author or co- “I was wrong on that,” Sharer later confessed, “and they you might call a mature relationship with my board,” deliberations and what he himself had taken away from the author of eight books, including The India Way, Leading and as a result “the board was as much my partner as eventually convinced me.” Fortunately, “they had their meeting, in effect asking, “Did I get this right?” And fourth, Up and The Leadership Moment. my boss.” The directors were supportive, but still, “not hands on the wheel” even though at the time it felt like he intervened when he perceived that the dividing lines every meeting was a lovefest.” From “time to time,” he backseat driving. on decision rights were blurring, meeting privately with individual directors to sharpen them.

Finding the right dividers for when directors should exercise authority over management, collaborate with management, or stay clear of management is the work of directors — but ypowpo.org/ignite 33 ypowpo.org/ignite 32 also of executives. “If, in their heart of hearts, CEOs see the board as a bunch of meddlers who don’t know anything about the company and just get in the way,” Sharer warned, “they’ll never become true partners.”

Left to right: Authors Dennis Carey, Ram Charan and Michael Useem Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review Press. Excerpted from Boards That Lead: When to Take Charge, When to Partner, and When to Stay Out of the Way. Copyright 2014 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. ypowpo.org/ignite 35 ignite 4% at a glance at 73% 6% 17% 345 497 Metrics as of September 2013 as of Metrics 1,395 6,548

WPO members Spouses and partners

8,152 8,785 WPO members Active 50 and younger Age 51 through 64 Age 65 through 74 Age 75 and older Age 8,785 22, 421 WPO members Children of of 31 21 1,575 Tiered dues structure Tiered Lifetime membership Lifetime

Exclusive WPO benefits: WPO benefits: Exclusive

WPO chapters Countries with WPO members leadership International WPO members positions held by

themselves and their families through WPO. WPO. through and their families themselves 176 176 88 62 Complimentary Aon WorldAware travel insurance travel WorldAware Aon Complimentary

Founding year for WPO, year for Founding WPO merged with YPO to form ercent percent 90 and nearly journey, is a lifelong leader a better Becoming

of YPO members commit to the next chapter of the YPO experience for for of the YPO experience chapter the next to of YPO members commit 1,462 members Lifetime roles officer chapter Available members WPO Board in WPO chapters involved mentoring (860% increase since 2012) 1,462 2007 one organization. 1970 1970 orginally called World Business Business called World orginally YPO 176 former Council, started by members. ‘70

150 offices Cynthia Cynthia Cleveland Rosa Rosa Scarcelli (YPO New England) investing, philanthropy or the management Zeltner. family businesses,” says of The KPMG business solutions for partnership members’ companies, in- person offers and online workshops, publications customized and research materials, and complimentary meeting spaces for YPO and WPO members at around the world. Women’s International KPMG Network also (WIN), Doing Business supports Globally the Network and Network. Business Global Family In May, Christophe Bernard, who heads KPMG’s Centre of Excellence Paris, and Christine for Blondel, adjunct professor of Family Business entrepreneurship and family business at INSEAD, in joined the Global Family Business Network a for luncheon in Paris. The for Centre Family of Business Excellence with provides quarterly family GFBN business case members studies, key findings and resources. KPMG and INSEAD have also created a website, support YPO and WPO family businesses. newsletter and blog to WIN member has embraced the partnership and is excited about drawing on KPMG’s wealth energetic, is with work I team (KPMG) of “The access. knowledge and creative, strategic and willing provide great to content, resources dig and venues deep members,” she says. for our to WIN is working with KPMG to advance a top pri- ority: increasing female membership on executive boards. “We are excited that KPMG and WIN are strategically aligned,” says is access global “KPMG’s Bay). Monica Santa (WPO invaluable to WIN’s board initiative.” global many learn more about YPO-WPO’s To partnerships, visit the Sponsorships and Alliances page at ypowpo.org/sponsorshipsandalliances.

Will Will Ramsay (YPO

Management Europe. Europe. Management The alliance connects YPO and WPO members with experts and the business world and offers partners market insights, thought around leadership and opportunities. unique A knowledge-sharing Investing, Art networks, including and Personal number with partnering also are Business, Family Global of this benefit. UBS to leverage YPO-WPO “In addition expertise, to UBS will its prove strategic alliance for the Art to Network due to its be wealth a community,” art contemporary the in roots deep powerful management says Art Network Chair Greater Europe). collection art contemporary a of owner the UBS, with more than 35,000 pieces, unlocks advantages many for the network, partnering select with foundations and art events around world the and opportunities providing and on meeting-in-meeting topics educational provides also partner global new The including protection. art resources procurement information for and YPO-WPO network for global conference calls. and resources libraries “We gladly add the know-how and ideas leading of global a investment manager into these conversations on matters as diverse as personal YPO-WPO’s strategic alliances are founded on a businesses, their and executives, chief that belief become stronger knowledge and experiences. What makes these through alliances sharing so valuable, champions, event ideas, and network chairs, especially education for chapter professionals, facilities, to access exclusive the is expertise and leadership materials. This year, YPO-WPO welcomed global partner- accounting, largest the of one KPMG, with ships tax and advisory service firms, and UBS, a- lead company. ing wealth management “Our partnership offers unique opportunities for learning Zeltner, and collaboration,” UBS says vice Urs chairman of Wealth By Mary Woods By


snapshot snapshot

New strategic alliances offer educational advantages educational offer alliances strategic New POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS POWERFUL

igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 34 ypowpo.org/ignite 37 igniteignite feature feature investigates investigates ) WPO London (spouse, assabehji assabehji By Rola T Rola By For those who think creative innovation is all is all innovation who think creative those For again. think hungry, and young being about activity entrepreneurial accelerating The latest the members confirms among WPO and entrepreneurship age finding on research Ignite matters. — experience and innovate to members these what drives disruption in their lives. personal welcome R SIDE THEIR S ON IS E PROV URS feature feature



igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 36 ypowpo.org/ignite 39 igniteignite feature feature 2008, and 47 years, I felt it was time to do Samir Inamdar (WPO Bangalore) began his an career as engineer in the Indian automotive senior to moving and degree management his completing industry before management positions with several leading Asia. multinational companies in South local and “As I approached large by constrained be than rather own my on something corporate culture,” says Inamdar. “I had led companies through explosive growth and had great fun, but always something wanted also I better. and faster it do could I felt more impactful and meaningful.” Inamdar launched a private equity fund despite the financial in crisis, he was able to build a US$50 in more and closed investments several with fund, million the pipeline. “I was driven by passion and a desire to help small and medium-size entrepreneurs in India and fill a gap in the market by providing rich business leadership and robust operating expertise, he says. along with capital,” 10 years and is attending 2013. [Read more about the LBS 35 in 2012 to 25 in understanding (of the risks). I was a past, but I enjoy it even more now I because recognize the little crazy in the see before.” things I didn’t Pereira Filho credits YPO-WPO entrepreneurial ventures with and providing connections. encouraging He his has been in a forum for the past the for year this Program School Business London YPO the fourth time. He is among an increasing number of WPO members who are attending the LBS executive education program, which has seen from a rise of WPO participants program on page 64.] program on page bias youth The From his base in Silicon Valley in confirms California, a strong Wadhwa investor bias toward the young in the technology industry. “People openly talk about this bias, but it is misplaced and they need to look at both young and old,” he says. “As venture example, for India, In capitalists senses. their to come will they more, fail more and old age is a sign of wisdom, while there remains a systematic bias against older people.” in the United States

40-64 and centers 1999, shortly after 25. In other research, he Lincoln Pereira Lincoln Filho (WPO Pereira São years old started twice as many companies from infancy to adulthood, which show that the seventh stage of development typically occurs between the ages of around productivity and creativity, - includ ing a strong commitment to mentoring the next generation. “Individuals in this developmental stage are supremely motivated to generate value, not just for themselves, but the for question: ‘What can I others, do to make my life asking says Johnson. really count?’” companies sensible more Building The social dimension aside, could it be that innovators really do get According to Duke better University scholar Vivek with age? who Wadhwa, studied 549 successful startup founders, entrepreneurs who are more than 50 as those under found that the average age entrepreneur of in high-growth industries such a successful as information technology, health care and aerospace is 40. “There is a entrepreneurs,” says “This Wadhwa. is partly general trend because people toward are older living entrepreneurship toward attitude the because longer, but also is more positive now.” While age is no limit for entrepreneurship, society needs both the young and old. “The young come up with the audacious he says. ideas,” “They take big thoughtfulness risks. of lot a bring They experience. The old have and often build companies. The know young what don’t can’t more sensible, be done. practical But it’s not a question of one or the need both.” We other. This duality can be found in 54-year-old the career of Paulo). He joined YPO in securing investment funding for his telecom company. In , 2004 he sold the Telefonica company of to Spain and shifted his focus to the auto dealership third-largest the to company that sold business. he later, Seven years auto retailer in Brazil, joining the ranks of the industry. retail automotive the in 500 Fortune another starting avoid to myself policing am “I new project,” says Pereira Filho. “In a way, a new project has probably already started, but dealership car worldwide the within time this market. With experience, I have a better

50 Meir Meir Arnon 2005 and WPO , founded the founded 1990, 2012, three years after 60, started EcoMotion, a global 60-year-old serial entrepreneur Dare, Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things and is chairing the Touch Israel Touch the chairing is and 2006, Harvard Harvard Business Review blog post,

Entrepreneurs with a social mission a social with Entrepreneurs After selling a business successful in 2009, Roy Moëd airline (WPO London) catering was looking forward to slowing farm polo his on days retirement his spending down and outside London. But less than a year later, he decided to launch LifeBook, a company that helps older people write autobiographies for their families. Moëd’s startup was by inspired the experience of witnessing his father’s frustration late in life — and how meant to him to much share memories with a good it listener. LifeBook secured its capital first funding venture in its founding. “After selling my could use my business, entrepreneurial skills to I help others realized who I are Moëd, elderly a and alone,” who now views himself says as a more “mature” entrepreneur, driven not only by profits but also by a social objective. Many WPOers have projects with ventured social benefits. into in YPO joined Israel) (WPO new YPO Automotive Network in in Israel Experience in 2014. After a long career situations, distressed in specializing leading company an investment Arnon, at age innovation center for smart transportation. This innovators non-profit share ideas, funding and secure connections in the global access organization first-stage industry. automotive helps Arnon explains that Israel has a strong start- up culture, irrespective of age. More than members in his WPO chapter since entrepreneurial been have have “I businesses. started commu- and social the but career, my started I he says. nity aspect is more important now,” In her “Entrepreneurs Get Whitney Johnson, co-founder Better of the invest- ment firm With Rose Park Advisors andauthor of Age,” the book Happen When You Dare to that Dream, entrepreneurs are more confirms likely to pursue meaningful work that matters as they grow older, not just for themselves future but generations. also for She Erik cites Erikson’s psychologist eight stages of development


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 38 ypowpo.org/ignite 41 igniteignite feature feature

True True Love and years at PepsiCo and 17 (WPO Santa Monica Bay) was Bay) Monica Santa (WPO 52 now, returning to what still feels like 100-year-old library of Romance, which we republished as e-books. Some life!” ‘new’ my loving am I but crazy, callme might Lynn Clarke (WPO Southern US At Large) a corporate left career after General Mills and four years running companies for private equity firms. “Iput every penny I had on the line and acquired direct-to-consumer the site first e-commerce, in the tools space,” upscale she says. kitchen “This continues and involved Atlanta) to Philadelphia (from move a physical to be a great learning experience in online business.” building an WIN MEMBERS LEAN IN LEAN WIN MEMBERS THEMSELVES REINVENTING women age, as they invisible becoming from Far on Based ambitious. more become entrepreneurs 40, over entrepreneurs on women her research Dream, book Dare, author of the Johnson, Whitney to Dare Happen When You Things Do: Remarkable and older in their 40s that women found Dream, confidence. and clarity creativity, of levels new reach women innovation, for looking “If you’re She says, middle in their be entrepreneurial to likely more are a past is that 40 the perception contradicting years, prime.” woman’s Network International Women’s YPO-WPO’s Within of women stories personal countless are there WPO, to transition as they their careers reinventing the way. along women younger mentoring while Christine Brendle worked (WPO in Hong media Hachette all Kong) Filipacchi her and has life, joining 2007 starting Dow as out managing Jones director at in for publisher Asia of Pacific the and Asia edition of Journal. She left Dow The Jones in returning February, Wall Street to her entrepreneurial roots to scale up a company that publishes newspapers for Cantonese kids and in Mandarin. English, “I I’m was 43 then, and a startup.” Cleveland Cynthia running two divisions for Universal Studios when the company was purchased by Vivendi. At 48, she age decided to leave Vivendi instead of taking a new position and established her own boutique branding and business development agency. “In acquiring after startup second a launched we 2012, the

61, can 21 years. Debra Fine 44 and built 20 years with Pepsi “I have been “I have entrepreneurial I started since but career, my andthe social aspectcommunity importantis more now.” — Meir Arnon (WPO Israel) Cola, he started his services company own at educational age the business for the next has 16 years. since He established where he a not only manages his ongoing family office business interests but also supports his sons in their entrepreneurial efforts. The family also created a foundation led by his daughter. “Most of my contemporaries are active and keenly interested in business entrepreneurship,” and says Petersen, has who been in the same forum for “They are not slowing down.” A former Disney executive, (WPO Pacific USAt Large) has launched She companies. technology media several is now involved in a startup marketing consultancy venture helping to and devise implement strategies launch and for media growth consumer companies. She’s also goods leading foundation a to and help victims says. she game,” the in be to like “I crimes. of violent “What drives me is a sense of restlessness a vision.” but also passion about Arvid Petersen (WPO Sydney), relate to this. He left the corporate stability career of and a has never back. looked After nearly

Harvard Harvard Business 50 Award. “But once these blogger blogger on leadership and innovation Thinkers entrepreneurs achieve saturation, the personal growth will level off. As they reach the top end of the curve, they start to them need get to do something to new, jump bored. into a A lot of new curve.” She acknowledges that some people are happy to stay on top of the curve but Type A personal- ities often feel tempted to jump to a new curve. “These are innovators,” says Johnson. “They like about It’s backward. than rather forward moving inside.” a hunger and was recently shortlisted for the prestigious 2013 was stopping me from becoming me thinking.” one, it got Now, revenue from his management business is close to US$12 million two-year-old freight with six offices across India. of the S-curve Ahead A behavior disruption” pattern unites entrepreneurs known of Some scholars use the “S-curve” business all model as ages. to understand “personal how quickly innovation will understand be us helps it suggests Johnson adopted. the psychology of disruption. “In the S-curve, momentum; it then there takes a is a sweet acceleration spot while of into competence says to Johnson, and who is a regular confidence,” gain Review 50. 20 years 1991, India was a closed, (WPO Bangalore) explains 1980s, Kulkarni, who comes from 2000, Inamdar has belonged to a forum , I went to the YPO Harvard Presidents’ Harvard YPO the to went I 2009,

Since that played a big role out in on his his decision own. “I to had go been discussing my with forum setting up a management private company equity using my fund experience and skills,” he says. “They encourage were me the to create first a to business plan, some even and invested in my A company. couple of my forum board.” in my involved members are now actively Shesh Kulkarni the context that has helped Indian entrepre- neurs succeed. “Until highly regulated economy, but a government opened the door for foreign direct change of investment.” In the late a consulting background, recognized that the service industry was growing. logistics The industry nascent caught he his moved to a attention, managerial role with so a American North logistics company a market that leader. After became working more than in decided to follow Kulkarni his dream and start the global his corporate own entrepreneurial world, venture at age Program and that was a turning point in my life,” he says. “Nearly everyone there was entrepreneur, an and when someone asked what YPO-WPO played a key role in the decision. YPO-WPO played “In


igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 40 ypowpo.org/ignite 43 igniteignite feature feature By Angela Shah Angela By Stanford survey shows chief chief shows survey Stanford adrift in a sea executives media. of social change In early September, British Airways British Airways September, early In father Syed’s Hasan of the luggage lost Syed So, complaints. the ignored and self-serve bought space on Twitter’s two major in the airline’s ad platform and Britain, to York New markets, shame the carrier. people saw his than 77,000 More campaign, retweeted it and responded their own against with grievances of and other carriers. British Airways itself in the news and not BA found that promotes business. The in a way when it carrier was on the defensive decided to control the damage finally and respond to Syed. SOCIAL BEARINGS SOCIAL feature feature

igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 42 ypowpo.org/ignite 45 igniteignite feature at a glance at (YPO Arizona) — Bart Steiner “Everyone says content is king content says “Everyone is queen, engagement but I say the shopping.” and she does all past chair of YPO-WPO’s Digital, Marketing & Media Network. “The world is becoming much more visual and much more experiential in relying less on words.” social media and is How prepared are incorporating you? social More have should company “Every plans. communications companies media are into a social media their preparedness kit, much like a crisis preparedness kit,” Nichols says. “This helps them move disaster potential PR nightmares.” quickly and try to diffuse So far, social media use has largely been by ignored B-to-B companies, but that’s changing. “It create awareness can and help you, at low cost, drive leads and retain customers,” Brownstein says. “For example, if you really position yourself as a critical leader, your customers are more likely to stay with you, ‘OK, to say, I’m with the best here.’” not selling about sharing It’s engagement: of Rules The biggest mistake executives make is forgetting that social media is not just a one-way tool to sell products to customers. “They oversell, not realizing they are in a conversation with their consumers,” “Everyone says content is king but I say Steiner engagement is says. queen, and she does all the shopping.” The idea is to interact with customers your so that they feel compelled to share your social media content with their friends and followers. But it’s this latter step that but cliché little a sound might “It overlooked. gets often giving your supporters a place to share their changes passion the relationships around your business,” says Buddy Teaster (YPO Global One), president and CEO at global not-for-profit, Soles4Souls and chair Digital, Marketing of & Media Network. the “Allowing them to connect with each other, whether mission our to in buy their that means travel, we about places shoes or goes much deeper.” Teaster explains, “Often our main job is to prime the pump image and with then get a out of powerful the way. Letting story them talk or about what they’re doing is our best way to get more engaged.” people

80 “In 68 percent have a . Socialnomics “They need Marc Marc Brownstein (WPO (YPO Arizona), who recently sold his says Eric Qualman, author of to understand that we don’t have a choice on whether we do social media; the choice is in how well we do it. They also need to understand social media starts with them — at the top.” platforms) your (and know Be prepared The first question marketers mustthe answer company is where should time concentrate its and social money. survey found media The that of those who Stanford/Conference use social percent have a LinkedIn account and media, Board account. Facebook “Facebook’s power is Bart Steiner often underestimated,” marketing says and social to e-Prize in media Detroit. The campaign capacity in to to be company able a to variety log Facebook is game changing according to of “That Steiner. social media technology platforms is going through to continue to make Facebook dominant force.” a Executives need to understand of online presence the a company different can have, types Barwise, says Patrick a professor of management at and the marketing London Business School. A is very corporate different website from having a social media presence and should “Things be like used are Twitter differently. fast, lightweight social media and are very good ways of keeping customers informed of what’s going on,” he says, “whereas the website is more legalistic. trends Social media 101: Four Social media experts say executives mind these key trends: should keep in The increasing amount of data that surrounds us requires that business use paid media the more. early days of Facebook, it than was largely people free required other to manage says. the “Those days effort,” are largely Steiner gone. For the most effective part, campaigns that reach a large, broad audience require advertising spending. That’s a relatively new recognition for a lot of brands.” Video is taking on increasing importance in social media campaigns, especially through like and platforms YouTube Vine. “It’s getting to be less words and more sharing of pictures stories and in video and that telling way,” says Philadelphia), president of The Brownstein Group and

35 percent to research 30 percent use social media 1 59 percent of companies in the survey management management practices, according study to conducted a by Stanford recent University’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance, the Center for Leadership Development and Research Stanford Graduate at School the of Business, and Conference Board. The Only use social media to interact with customers, 49 percent to advertise and customers. About to research competitors, services, or new communicate with employees products other stakeholders. and and “The majority of have social media those guidelines in we companies, place haven’t at had surveyed their a don’t social consult media with expert their systems in company place for gathering key information,” and don’t says have David Larcker, director governance of research the program corporate at Graduate School the of Business. Stanford “They are putting risk by not taking action.” themselves at serious control of the need to go Let mantra: CEO A new Unlike typical surveys on social assess media, mostly which young practitioners, the Stanford/ Conference Board sample included only C-level executives, with the respondents being in their mid-50s. average age of survey And while the survey found that executives use social media equally well in both their personal and business lives, this familiarity is not crossing over into the company to create Executives systemic themselves use. must make that social media is a priority. employees it clear to “CEOs like control, and with social media, turn you that control over to your customer/client,”

s “What Do Corporate “What Do Corporate s Board’ Conference The From 1. about Social Know and Senior Managers Directors www. at http:// online available report, 2012 Media?” gsb.stanford.edu/cldr/research/surveys/social.html. potential customers. in denial companies finds many Survey The days of opaque information, “of yell and sell marketing, where you just volume, put turn some positive up spin on the a product and hope some Nichols suckers says. “Consumers have buy access to just- it, in-time knowledge.” are dead,” Despite knowing this, of less than companies one today support third use their social corporate media strategy to and risk A power shift puts the consumer in charge shift puts the consumer A power It seems obvious that using social media is an important part of any strategy, corporate yet marketing many understand executives how still to use do it. understand with how, just one post, customers not And they fail to can erase brand goodwill like created Syed over years and millions of dollars in advertising. “If you look at the perfect storm of consumer technology, availability and vastness of data, computing power, and new ways to leverage analytics combined mobility and social with connectivity, you’ve got a smart says remarkable and powerful shift underway,” phones, Wes Nichols (YPO Los Angeles), founder and in Los “Instead Angeles. of CEO of MarketShare on Twitter.” line, they get calling a complaint And customers like Syed are more empowered than ever before, advertising turning to tools social have that media not used typical ad such platform. consumers In as this way, Twitter’s customers social media self-serve can to change use the conversation from a private one between you and your customer, into a existing conversation customers, the media, involving and also your you, your


igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 44 ypowpo.org/ignite 47 igniteignite 1 2 3 Kevin Kevin (YPO Palm at a glance a glance at at (YPO Florida), (WPO Malhas Rami Ben Gordon Lindon Hayes 7), (WPO Jordan), Jordan), (WPO program. Read more on the 2014 family 2013 Imad Badran Imad Takashi Takashi Jeremy Jeremy Wing (YPO Southern Members Members from the Australia/New Zealand Region gathered in WPO members and spouses from the Middle East/North Africa YPO membership and education officers from the Southern U.S. YPO families explored the at bush Lion in Sands July Game Reserve Michelle Chan (YPO San Diego), Gray (YPO Wang St. St. Kilda Melbourne, Australia, for an e-business roundtable in Industry May. experts Finn Hänsel, co-founder of The Iconic, and Andrew Bassat, co-founder of Seek Limited, shared their insights and ideas on e-business strategy and strengthening online businesses. shaping Region Region attended “Don’t Retire, Rewire,” a couples retreat right: to Left Oman. in Muscat, (WPO Jordan). Emirates) and Ghassan Nuqul Region Region gathered in May for a development session in Atlanta. Left to right: 4. 5. 6. 3. in South Africa. The Africa Family Safari Experience flagship is program and the region’s one of YPO’s most popular 45 families attended events.the More than 2014. event at ypowpo.org/AFSE Mike Ward (YPO Bahamas, YPO Orlando), Ritz-Carlton chef Hourigan (YPO Florida, YPO Palm Beach), (YPO Virginia). Beach) and Rafe Wilkinson Jeff Jeff McDonald (YPO 4 5 6 (WPO Japan),

Noni Noni Purnomo (YPO Indonesia) and

More than More 450 members, spouses and partners from YPO families gathered in April for the North Asia networking and creating unique With 15 regions - connects mem opportunities, YPO-WPO education the world. corner of in every time zones, bers in all here’s to couples retreats, regional conferences From activities in 2013. peer of a glimpse 1. 2. as far away as Moscow gathered in Napa, California, in October for the Central U.S. Regional vineyard Conference. bicycle tour A provided a workout with wine- tasting rewards. Bike riders in front (left to right): Kelli Grubbs (spouse, YPO (YPO Iowa). Grubbs Indiana) and Steve Iowa), Taipei), Taipei), Okura (YPO Japan). Region’s Region’s second Movieland! at Family Universal Studios Fun in Weekend Osaka, Tadahiro Japan. Kawada Left to (YPO right: Hong Kong), Don St. Pierre Scott Matthew Miau (YPO Taipei), REGIONAL ROUNDUP ROUNDUP REGIONAL REGIONAL YPO-WPO tools in addition. So the task of never been the more exciting or CMO more challenging.” has Qualman says executives audience, even in social media. “One size doesn’t must know fit their all,” he says. “In the offline worldyou might shake your grandfather’s hand, high five nephew.” dad and fist-bump your your Social media is still “slightly in stage,” a ‘Wild Barwise West’ says. Eventually metrics and standardized terminology will come and into this use, will make for the social media return-on-investment clearer. Right now, marketers’ natural tendencies to foster obsessions be on trivial different differences, complicate life for the customer. which tend to “It’s what Peter Drucker said,” he adds. really “To successful be in the long term, you have to deliver on category basics: premium price.” at a more reliably, A better product, more about social media marketing learn To the and other new media trends, check out on YPO- Network & Media Digital, Marketing WPO Exchange.


“There is a lack of focus Charlene on outcomes,” says Li, managing Altimeter Group partner and the with Seven Success Factors co-author of Social the Business of . Strategy “Half a million people follow them, so what? What do you get for that? What is the plan for engagement?” Li says companies also forget that social media is useful for internal communications as well. “It’s not always externally oriented,” she says. “It’s not just ‘how can I use this for marketing’ but also to support sales, HR inside the organization.” and internally Social media can help organizations get of out their inboxes. Through social networking tools that encourage in employees to conversations engage and companies can follow avoid news inertia of the ever-expanding email inbox. the feeds, communication up Saddle West: media Wild social The At heart, executives must remember that all of social media’s bells marketing. of practice fundamental the replace and whistles do not apply,” still kit tool the in tools old the of “Most Barwise we says. have “And a whole lot of new

LI TEASTER feature feature

igniteignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 46 46 ypowpo.org/ignite 49 igniteignite ory t ver s o cover story cover c 2012-2013 “Venezuela “Venezuela had been immersed in political for turmoil a long time,” says Torbar. tough “Those years times brought for many businesses, feared of for the safety our of their families members, and who contemplated leaving their homeland. Our lost — Caminos’ ‘Abriendo to dedicated was year education Opening Paths.” In the months climbed, that shared, followed, persevered — the and YPO-WPO is one chapter discovered of the greatest guides on the journey that hiked, called leadership. For year, the chapter was this honored in October with remarkable Latin America’s Best education Medium Chapter Award. And for two extraordinary events, one in a prison mountain, and the one chapter on received a regional awards Event. and Best Risk-Taking Best Retreat for

Esteban Torbar has always been extraordinary. From presidential briefings to polar expeditions, expeditions, to polar briefings presidential From been extraordinary. has always ION ABOVE AND BEYOND AND BEYOND TION ABOVE In a year of turmoil for his country, (YPO Venezuela) did what education chair he should do. He thought created an a education program that challenged his peers — and proved chapter that a classroom can be a mountain, a teacher can forms. inmate, and lessons take many in leadership be an “People say being education chair is a lot of work and that’s true, especially in a country like everything mine can where be unpredictable,” he says. worth every “But minute it’s to create programs that change perspectives.” people’s politics beyond Paths When became Torbar chapter education chair in July 2012, Venezuela’s upcoming concluded he time the By discussion. every dominated presidential election his year in office,the the turmoil country of President had Hugo beenand death. Chavez’s re-election through By Maridel Allinder By A PRISON, A MOUNTAIN PEAK AND MANY PATHS AND MANY PATHS PEAK A MOUNTAIN A PRISON, journeys a year of embark upon YPO and WPO Venezuela EDUCA EDUCATION IN YPO-WPO IN YPO-WPO EDUCATION of its own. is in a league learning mystic, of a a quiet moment in the presence to maneuvers military in year remarkable a examines first The education. of only-in-YPO examples three highlight stories These business leaders uniting family summit of a regional the success shares second The of one chapter. the life the enduring traditions, most one of YPO-WPO’s highlights last The nine countries. in chapters 13 from university. presidents’ feast. is a moveable education YPO-WPO of , city the beautiful to in Venezuela camp a base From


OGE Evolution of Officer Education of Officer Evolution Thirty-four Families, Three Generations, One Goal Generations, Three Families, Thirty-four Lessons Learned: Education Best Practices Education Learned: Lessons Higher Ground in Hyderabad Higher Ground IN THIS SECTION for member-driven exchange, the member-driven exchange, for universities to web-based platforms web-based platforms to universities has shaped our knowledge quest for A Prison, a Mountain Peak and Many Paths and Many Peak a Mountain 49 A Prison, 52 in Prague Pause 54 To Hit a Smash Create Chapters 55 South Africa By the Numbers Education 56 Chapter of Learning Topography a New 57 Toward Leaders Global to 59 Faculty Education of YPO-WPO in the History 60 Milestones B-School to 64 Boardroom Thought for 68 Food 69 71 72 From a half a century of presidents’ presidents’ of a half a century From young generations of and organization Education has always defined YPO. defined YPO. has always Education This special section chief executives. takes a look at learning, leadership a look at learning, leadership takes and life lessons in the global classroom the global in lessons life and FE OR LI




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ypowpo.org/ignite 51 ignite cover story cover (YPO Venezuela), center in white, translates translates white, in center Venezuela), (YPO A moment of camaraderie on Auyantepui. camaraderie A moment of TOP: at Tocoron. a rooftop from view The MIDDLE LEFT: the summit. toward Trekking MIDDLE RIGHT: Vollmer Alberto BOTTOM: at Tocoron. with inmates talks Shutte Reon as resource

feet (2,500 meters), it is one of 8,000 2013, 14 members and spouses gathered at Alvaro Talayero (YPO a Venezuela), chapter Tocoron Tocoron would not be overcome to members chapter asking program education the only Torbar-championed their fears. tribute of triumph and Paths Summiting a mountain is asked YPO seasoned Torbar and climber. WPO Venezuela never routine, even for of faith. to take a leap and partners members, spouses a “We wanted to do something ambitious, and the summit of a reaching mountain Torbar. is definitely that,” says “Our chapter isn’t particularly sporting, have however. members who We had never slept in a tent, signed up.” but they In January the base of Auyantepui, Venezuela’s mountain, to begin iconic an eight-day trek. With an “flat elevation top” of approximately Venezuela’s most treasured destinations and Venezuela’s the home of tallest waterfall. the world’s Falls, Angel For the YPO-WPO group was more gathered than at an adventure. base memory of It camp, was a it tribute to member who was the killed when his helicopter crashed on Auyantepui one year earlier. “He was an active member and an amazing person,” says was “Alvaro Torbar. top of mind for all of us the entire time.” Before beginning their day in ascent, the Kamarata Valley the at tain, the group base of visiting the spent - moun a Eposak, is a promoting sustainable village development through where entrepreneurship. tourism Torbar’s foundation, “We had lunch with the entrepreneurs and toured their operations,” says “It was Torbar. very special to see them share their stories with YPOers and show how Eposak is helping to transform their lives and their community.” without not was it planned, as mostly went trek the While challenges: one climber pulled a became dehydrated. muscle But everyone summited and and Torbar another describes it as a magical moment. “It was extremely emotional for all of us,” he says. “Most people were in tears. Auyantepui is a mystical place for For Venezuelans. the local tribes, it is the house of gods; for us it was a journey to explore the unknown, conquer dreams.” fears and realize our our

12 years in Zimbabwe’s

possible. As the founder and head of Proyecto Alcatraz, an inmate outreach and rehabilitation program, had Vollmer the connections, both in government and among prisoners, to arrange visit. the unprecedented is “Tocoron Alberto’s world, and he was excited to share it with us,” never says have Torbar. “We put could the access.” Alberto’s event together without Once inside the prison, a gang leader served as their guide. With no jail cells, prisoners moved freely. about “We saw some crazy things,” says Torbar. “You could feel the tension rules. and Inmates the walking unorthodox and grenades. around Bullet with the holes inmates guns treated everywhere. us with But respect. to be there.” privilege It was a Reon Shutte, a former South Forces agent who spent African Special notorious Chikurubi the chapter members prison, to Tocoron, serving as a accompanied both within the prison and beyond. resource “Reon walked with us throughout the and prison we gathered a wanted number to hear him,” says of “He Torbar. spoke to inmates who them and Alberto translated.” bus by traveled group the Tocoron, leaving After to Vollmer’s home, Hacienda Santa Teresa, to join chapter members who had not visited the The Shutte. with program follow-up a for prison conversation inevitably turned to Tocoron. “Our stories lasted for months,” says “If Torbar. anything had gone wrong, it would have been a But reputation. my and chapter our to blow huge remarkable a was It planned. as went everything experience that taught us never to be afraid to do the unimaginable.”

(YPO Venezuela) — Esteban Torbar — Esteban Luis Luis Diego Alberto Vollmer inmates. “Everyone 5,000 18 programs ranging from

was having second thoughts. You could feel the anxiety in the air.” Three hours later, threshold when that they freedom, crossed no separates the one from Tocoron the from outside world Osborne (YPO Costa Rica) wrote in gratulatory their letter: - con “Member passions drive organization. our We thank you for harnessing the power of YPO-WPO to share life-changing ideas and experiences.” In a year packed with political forecasts to photography two bold events took risks and raised workshops, the bar in a only-in-YPO. way that is unquestionably perspectives new to Paths On the long bus ride from Caracas Venezuela’s to Tocoron, most dangerous prison, WPO members YPO passed the and time in one of three ways: worrying, role-playing the rules. or going over “We were all extremely anxious,” who says took some heat for Torbar, organizing a visit to his country’s most notorious “city” prison, of a more than gang-run accompanied them. “The prison director basically on told your own,’” says “In us, Torbar. our country it ‘you’re is well known that prisoners and gangs control the jails. Tocoron is like a small city. The prisoners have a social system, an a economy, government — and they are we armed announced to this their program teeth. to received letters from members When our saying that it was chapter, I nuts.” completely Torbar credits Day (YPO Venezuela) with Chair making the opportunity As Latin America Regional Education Rolando Officers Gadala-Maria (WPO Miami/Ft. - Lau derdale, WPO El Salvador) and TORBAR Auyantepui is a mystical place for Venezuelans.” for place is a mystical Auyantepui “It was extremely emotional for all of us. all emotional for extremely “It was cover story cover

ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 50 ypowpo.org/ignite 53 ignite cover story cover (YPO Pan (YPO Pan Vaswani (WPO Indonesia), Kavine Tahija George

(YPO Indonesia) participate in a family business panel discussion with discussion business panel in a family (YPO Indonesia) participate Metta and Metta Guinot (WPO Paris) Frederic (WPO Malaysia), Ngan Teik Loy PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: TOP FROM CLOCKWISE PHOTOS right: to Left Asia), Murdaya Joe Astrachan. resource his vision with attendees. (WPO Indonesia) shares Pino Iskandar Chair Summit the summit. for in Jakarta gather businesses family Members of 34 - andPino Iskan Joe Astrachan (YPO Thailand), Chanate Sranyoo right: to Left dar (WPO Indonesia). (WPO Indonesia). “But beyond that, it was — Pino Iskandar (WPO Indonesia) — Pino Iskandar George Tahija For For participants, the take-home value was both practical and inspirational. “The summit was one of education sessions the I most have attended,” applicable says Cindy Tahija, niece of a chance to widen my horizons about possible approaches to family business ownership.” For Iskandar, who has been event approached an annual tradition, the summit was the about culmination of making the a personal calling. “My philosophy is simple,” he says. “If you know it, champion it.” don’t “We asked everyone to take risks take to everyone asked “We of the because and it worked in YPO-WPO.” have we camaraderie “Pino and his team many took boundaries,” numerous says risks Southeast Asia and YPO David transcended Regional Spencer Chair (YPO Pan Asia). “Bringing together best the of academic very research, practical realities, case studies and forum techniques, they created a enduring value.” learning experience with Sranyoo 57 participants 13 chapters attended, including YPO Hong G Family Business Summit attracted 34 family businesses in nine countries. Many families other family business leaders, leaders, business family other 700 with be to inspiring was “It was “There Iskandar. says me,” for there not was depth the but a lot of lecturing and downloading of source materials, but sharing.” not enough co-chair summit with vision his developed Iskandar Chanate (YPO Thailand), who also serves as regional chair for YPO-WPO’s Global Family Business Network. Believing that the best way to build stronger family businesses wasn’t through traditional conference methods, Iskandar decided to encourage to — forum — powerhouse YPO-WPO proven a use sharing at a deeper level. “We used forum communication,” protocols says Iskandar, and who GFBN moderators consulted with on to the resources inspire unconventional. and We asked marketing. everyone We to YPO-WPO. in have we camaraderie the of because “The worked take risks, summit and it was learn from each other.” focused on what we could generations across Stronger The 3 from were represented by members three from generations. Asia, Pan YPO YPO Malaysia, WPO Indonesia, WPO and YPO Kong, and WPO WPO Philippines, YPO and WPO Singapore, YPO and WPO Thailand, YPO and Vietnam WPO Paris, as well as WPO SEA Large. At While professor Joe Astrachan, a and family Eminent Wachovia Scholar Chair business of Family Business at scholar Kennesaw University, served as the summit’s lead resource, the emphasis was on learning through welcome dinner to the concluding event, participants shared sharing. From the made This confidentiality. forum of spirit a in stories personal the experience more holistic for everyone, including family members who had never been in a forum. 3G 1974 as a concrete paving block plant and 70 percent of YPO and WPO members in

cover story cover cover story cover Indonesia have family businesses, is almost and as the high throughout percentage exception of Singapore,” Southeast says Iskandar, who Asia, conceived the with the idea for the multi-generational summit after attending conference sponsored by the world’s largest family business a organization, FBN International. “More “More than Stronger through sharing through Stronger In need of a road map for his own family business, Iskandar decided to champion challenges the unique to summit, family businesses the region. of his YPO-WPO peers throughout knowing many were relevant that to the Iskandar’s son, Ruy, who is also pursuing a promising career Iskandar’s son, Ruy, outside the family business, could summit. not An fly actor, home he for was the in of rehearsals for Shakespeare’s a production “Macbeth” Performing at Arts in New Lincoln York City. Iskandar’s wife, Lily, Center is active for outside the the business as well, pursuing Catholic theology while engaged in community service and a degree in church work. now a major road construction and mining contractor and building materials manufacturer. “My daughter is a writer with a passion for gourmet pastries,” gourmet for passion a with writer a is daughter “My says Iskandar, a founder of PT Conbloc Infratecno Group, established in Pino Iskandar (WPO Indonesia) was delighted his - daugh ter, Titania, traveled from New York City to attend the As chair generational of family business Southeast event, Iskandar Asia’s her appreciated support, first although he time soon. business any likely to join the family wasn’t YPO-WPO knew his multi- journalist daughter THIRTY-FOUR FAMILIES, THREE GENERATIONS, ONE GOAL ONE GOAL THREE GENERATIONS, FAMILIES, THIRTY-FOUR shared challenges to the table. brings Summit Business Family Southeast Asia’s in September in Jakarta. Summit Business Family ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 52 ypowpo.org/ignite 55 igniteignite cover story story cover cover In the photos In the photos top from (clockwise Nicolakakis John left): , Gillian (YPO Pretoria) (spouse, Gamsy WPO Johannesburg), (YPO Gil Oved and Johannesburg) Robinson Andrew (YPO Johannesburg City). Golden View the video at ypowpo.org/southafricavideo. For more View the video at ypowpo.org/southafricavideo. For programs, con- on planning collaborative information Andrew tact: Gil Oved at [email protected], at Nicolakakis John at [email protected], Robinson real success was that the 250 members present that night that present members 250 the that was success real collaboration.” of ongoing of the benefits the idea into bought calendar education united one, have chapters four The championing chapter with each year, 2013-2014 the for separate end with will year The joint programs. different events. closing (YPO Chair John Nicolakakis Education Chapter For has made a huge the spirit of collaboration Pretoria), he fantastic,” has been response “Our member difference. opportunities with networking the extra love “They says. other chapters.” still chapter each of events, with one calendar Even YPO year. the education theme for its own maintains Pretoria YPO Engage,” Pause, “Touch, will Johannesburg is City Golden YPO Johannesburg the Limit,” “Push to plans mem- Johannesburg WPO and Heart,” and “Head on focused “Get Connected.” to preparing bers are the not unusual, themes are education these While to keys “The them is. that unites approach collaborative great programs, experiential are year education a strong Robinson. says value,” and high take-home networking His teamwork. of matter a also it’s Oved, For every at the door and use egos your “Leave advice: than rather peers your with collaborate to opportunity with them.” compete or Dennis Gamsy at [email protected]. [email protected], (YPO Johannesburg). “We premiered it at it premiered “We Johannesburg). (YPO Gil Oved SOUTH AFRICA CHAPTERS CREATE A SMASH HIT A SMASH CREATE CHAPTERS AFRICA SOUTH year an education transforms Teamwork The chapter education chairs of YPO Johannesburg, Johannesburg, YPO of chairs education chapter The and WPO YPO Pretoria City, Golden YPO Johannesburg and a budget than a vision, sharing more are Johannesburg a in roles starring have also — they calendar an education hip more look education leadership music video that makes than hip-hop. our collaborative position to way a great video was “The Education Chapter says the year,” for program education Chair video The had 250 people. we where our opening event, which the turnout, was better even but what was a hit, was of our year.” success the for the stage set really on joint events collaborated have chapters four The one to create united the first time they but this was before, calendar. education were area Johannesburg in the greater “Our YPO chapters - engage and chapter with issues of attendance struggling Robinson Chair Andrew Education Chapter says ment,” officers education “The City). Golden Johannesburg (YPO - collabo discuss to together got chapter YPO each from to way a great also it was single, of us are all Since rating. Johannesburg’s WPO added we When other. each support on were we realized we the mix, to and experience wisdom big.” something to Gillian in the video by is represented WPO Johannesburg as serves who Johannesburg), WPO (spouse, Gamsy (WPO Dennis Gamsy with her husband co-chair education Johannesburg). up with an out-of-the-box come had to that we knew “We The vehicle. perfect the was video “The Gillian. says idea,”

Velvet 1989 Velvet Jan Jan “Honza” Bubeník 1787 at the Estates Theatre. During the (WPO London). “It will be a be will “It London). (WPO Randall Peter

David (WPO McCue New England), a British- LOBKOWICZ educationthe in history rich Prague’s on build to want “We program,” says Lobkowicz, “linking the past and the future in one continuum across different tracks, is music.” one of which took Giovanni” “Don opera Mozart’s of premiere world The place in Prague in university, the opera will be deconstructed venue at the in same an exclusive guidance show of for YPO-WPO, under born the opera aficionado who servesBoston Philharmonic Orchestra. on the board of the “We will take it Lobkowicz. apart “Some people who to are coming know see nothing cultures what different from people have we and opera, the about is inside it,” says and backgrounds. As chairs, we need to ensure we deliver the inspirational part to all. We will look at characters to see how they connect with YPO and WPO members today, connections making and history of out themes these pulling own lives.” with our and future present past, Exploring The education program will also look at the present and future of a country in transition. (WPO Czech and Slovak), university share offsites his experiences as a student leader of the chair, will Revolution and the following the youngest revolution. Participants will meet member members of of the parliament Czech and Slovak Chapter who became successful entrepreneurs in telecommunications, finance and other industries after the revolution, politicians and business leaders who as will share insights on well as economists, everything from Czech-operated Skoda, one of the world’s oldest car manufacturers, to business in Eastern the Europe. growth of women in “This will be a moment accomplished to so think far and about what we what want to we do Chair Education have next,” says pause between the past and the future in an extraordinary place. Our objective has been culture to create inspiration and introspection.” to capture Prague’s rich

23 years ago, 2014, 200 YPO and (spouse, WPO London) (spouse, and he descends from a long line long a from descends he and 1300s, William Lobkowicz William (WPO Czech and assabehji

40 years, everything was closed under the Communists. 16th to 20 th centuries, as well as musical instruments

YPO Prague Presidents’ University University Presidents’ YPO Prague T Rola By TO PAUSE IN PRAGUE PAUSE TO

cover story cover cover story cover Immersing in art and music The university, which has a waitlist, has attracted a “For “For (after But Communism fell) there was a historic opportunity to make the collection, left virtually intact, available,” says Lobkowicz. “Looking forward, we want to keep the history and quality of the collection accessible to people. the We’re make to want but connection family the have and custodians sure the collections live on their own.” Since returning to his homeland, Lobkowicz and his Sandra, wife, have dedicated their time to restituting properties once owned by his family while opening the reclaimed art collection to the public. Nelahozeves home, country former family’s the at evening An Castle (the composer Antonin řák Dvo was born in a cottage on the estate grounds), will take visitors back in celebration. 16th-century Renaissance time to a after the fall of the Communist the to dates influence government. His family’s of princes. global delegation the of appreciation deep a with members WPO of contingent of participants, historic chair’s host their visit will Members culture. and arts including a Prague home, , to view royal portraits, fine large porcelain, ceramics and rare decorative the arts dating from and original scores by including, Beethoven three and Mozart and manuscripts dedicated symphonies by Beethoven and to Mozart’s re-orchestration of the “Messiah.” Handel’s The composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart relationship had with a the special city of greatest Prague, operas where some premiered. of In his May Slovak), the event is closely aligned with a personal mission: sharing his ancestral holdings and the country’s rich culture and history with the rest of the world. Lobkowicz grew up in Boston but moved to the For University Chair University For WPO members, spouses and partners will forge their relationship own with this legendary Prague Presidents’ city University, YPO’s when first university they since 2002. Czech Republic in the attend ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 54 ypowpo.org/ignite 57

ignite CAPUR cover story cover Visit Education Visit Education On Demand on to the Exchange hundreds explore searchable of learning options, from media coverage of the YPO Global Pulse survey results to the latest leadership development research to Speaker Showcase videos. 2014 Global Leadership Conference Launching “For Presidents By Presidents” Presidents “For Launching One powerful Committee’s vision for member-curated content example of is “For the Presidents By Education debut at the Presidents,” which will in Los Angeles. Capur describes this new platform as of a series TED-like talks. the “Members content, all will of it generated champion by WPOers YPOers for and YPOers and WPOers,” says Capur. “This is simply a new way to accelerate sharing what we already have: the other.” each from learn who peers of community DNA of a trusted Once Presidents “For By Presidents” is launched, Capur anticipates that members with will new seed content, it and the community YPO-WPO will curate online — or content mediate through — social networking the arbitration model,” grassroots a “It’s shares. and likes as such thought members’ sharing about “It’s Capur. says leadership and expertise on hundreds of topics in a way that is time-and location-independent.” On Demand: Education ecosystem knowledge ultimate The If learning is searchable a tool: power ultimate the is Demand leverage, then Education platform for On knowledge sharing that operates topic. on virtually any anywhere, anytime, Whether you want to watch a video, listen a to global conference call resources for a program on succession planning, or identify the best Education On Demand makes it fast and easy to inspiration. and ideas information, with connect “Education On knowledge ecosystem,” says Demand bandwidth Capur. of “It’s is the our every organization member through our shared online YPO-WPO’s community with via YPO-WPO Exchange. replace On ‘in person’ when it Demand comes to education, won’t consumption. and choice more enable will it but It’s a space where members can browse, share, discover — or search for the information they need, precise whether that is a piece forum of tool, network discussion, executive education leader.” program or interview with a world RAPHY OF OF GRAPHY OPO W T By Maridel Allinder By NE A OWARD T education YPO-WPO is redefining ecosystem knowledge A powerful MORE THAN SIX DECADES, FOR young chief executives have looked to classroom YPO as the — ultimate committed to a bringing the best minds together to global inspire better leadership. learning From business seminars community and presidents’ universities to global calls conference and YPO-WPO always been front and center. Exchange, Now online options education are has transforming how, what, members learn. where and when Committee, Education international the of chair As is commit- Valley) Devan R. Capur (YPO Maumee platform education YPO-WPO the expanding to ted in powerful new ways. “The Education Committee’s goal that every is YPO to and WPO ensure education member within has easy relevant reach,” says means more focused Capur. content and member-curated “This content. It also means members create and share education will without the constraints be able to of having to appeal the ‘long tail effect.’” participants. It’s to a minimum number of of learning A lineage Surveying the history identifies five distinct benchmarks: Capur of YPO-WPO education, an audience and 1. Learning between a resource (what he calls “classic education”) in 2. Learning from each other (peer exchange social to groups to roundtables from forms, many networks) with forum protocols (a 3. Learning supercharged YPO-WPO) model used throughout learning (interactive, multimedia 4. Web-enabled options from video conference calls to virtual seminars) anytime, 5. Education (anywhere, On Demand contributors) formats, many multiple “We are seeing an explosion in choice, education: more more automation, more relevance, customization, more more independence,” provide to says is role Committee’s Education the Capur. “Today the canvas, palette and brush for learning — the facilitating on is focus Our painting. framed the not process, as opposed to delivering the product.” attendees (attributed to a to (attributed 96 attendees

Average number of events a YPO chapter organizes a YPO chapter number of events Average Average number of events a WPO chapter organizes a WPO chapter number of events Average


Personal Development Development Personal

Family Leadership Development Leadership Business Spouse and Partner Spouse 12 9 annually annually Average cost per person of a chapter event of a chapter per person cost Average Median cost per person of a chapter event of a chapter per person Median cost 27% 6%

Total number of chapter events in 2012-2013 events number of chapter Total

Number of education officers trained at the 2013 Global at the 2013 trained officers Number of education Number of chapters participating in at least one joint- in at least participating Number of chapters Number of assistant education officers trained at the officers education Number of assistant Number of joint-chapter events between a YPO between events Number of joint-chapter

Number of joint-chapter events between two YPO two between events Number of joint-chapter

Leadership Conference Conference Leadership 199 104 2013 GLC 2013 large number of joint-chapter events) number of joint-chapter large Region with the highest average number of chapter events in 2012- events number of chapter the highest average with Region per chapter. South Asia with 16 events 2013: event number of chapter the highest average with Region with U.S. Central East attendees: US$306 US$164 chapter event in 2012-2013 event chapter chapter and WPO chapter chapter 232 38 270 chapters or two WPO chapters or two chapters

17% 17% 6% 4,500 + 4,500 23% 21%

From 50 original members to 21,000 chief executives united by membership today, membership today, by united executives chief 21,000 to 50 original members From attest, statistics As these the best. from learn to seeking leaders connects YPO-WPO and satisfaction. engagement participation, drive to continues education chapter




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MITTA HECHT SAHNEY DONNELLY cover story story cover cover

John WPO Board member Rajiv Sahney and Sahney Rajiv International Board member Board International (WPO Hong Kong,), Dorfman (WPO Hong Kong,), – Rob YPO-WPO International Board member Board International YPO-WPO (YPO Malaysia), YPO-WPO YPO-WPO (YPO Malaysia), Tong K. – N. international Education Committee chair Committee Education international (YPO Maumee Valley), (YPO Maumee Valley), Capur R. – Devan Stephen Hecht, Stephen (WPO Washington DC & Baltimore), DC & Baltimore), Dunn (WPO Washington – Pierce “Our intent as the international Education Education international the as intent “Our only-in-YPO- a unique, create to was Committee hyper-relevant tap WPO member channel to in true resulting content, and knowledge emerging member value.” example is a great Leaders Global to “Faculty Through Leaders Better of members fostering with partnering by Exchange and Idea Education in a creative excellence of educational centers global manner.” and non-traditional SOUND BITES SOUND at exchange Knowledge of the future the frontier of those the lives that YPO changes believe “If we align we that critical is it world, the change who academic in the global with those ourselves of change.” edge at the cutting who are community by led YPO seminars by been transformed “I have business schools. best the world’s from professors to limited was however, learning, incredible The that the Faculty see to I am excited only. attendees our entire reach now will program Leaders Global to membership.” global are members of the international Education Education the international of members are Donnelly Committee. their fields and its implications for industryfor and implications and its their fields YPO-WPO on be hosted will videos These society. on the bulletins with quarterly along Exchange, field. in each developments global latest Leaders Global to in Faculty participating Scholars in YPO and WPO chapters with connect also will their sharing travel, they cities where and countries will members In return, events. chapter at expertise access, with local visiting scholars these provide knowledge. insights and market champions is seeking Committee Education The to thinking breakthrough for with a passion for selected institutions to access secure help the relationship chaperone and the program during launch. If you are interested in being one of the champions the of one being in interested are you If contact program, Leaders Global to Faculty the for the international of (WPO Singapore) Mitta Raj at [email protected]. Committee Education , Mitta Raj ERS AD tephen Hecht Hecht tephen E L OBAL (WPO Mumbai) and (WPO ajiv Sahney GL TO TY (WPO Singapore), S Singapore), (WPO aj Mitta UL y R B C an inside have soon will members WPO and YPO through research on cutting-edge perspective program a new Leaders, Global to Faculty YPO-WPO between exchange idea encouraging vision behind The of excellence. centers and select real to research from a bridge build to the initiative: with doers. thinkers connect — and to world fields on eight focus will Leaders Global to Faculty impact to potential of study with the greatest and universities as well as industrysociety, and reputations with international centers research and scholars By connecting areas. in these the strengthen will the program industry leaders, real- into that turns research transfer technology applications. world Committee Education international YPO-WPO The partnership, first the announce to delighted is Carnegie with robotics and engineering for will first phase program’s The University. Mellon to and is expected 2014 in March be launched of study with institutions other fields four include areas: in these their expertise for renowned Columbia and mind sciences: • Behavioral of Chicago or the University University Relations, on Foreign the Council • Geopolitics: of Interna- Institute (the Royal Chatham House University or Georgetown tional Affairs) or The University business: Stanford • Digital at Austin of Texas University School of the London economics: • International University Columbia or Economics our targeted phase, second During the program’s be: will of excellence and centers areas learning MIT or Yale economics: • Developmental University or University Cornell Nanotechnologies: • - Ann Arbor of Michigan University • School at the The Wharton finance: Structured or Princeton of Pennsylvania University University of the University economics: • Behavioral Berkeley of California, or University Chicago institution, with an is established an alliance Once be members will eight faculty approximately year, Every Leaders. Global to as Faculty designated 20-minute a produce each will professors these in research cutting-edge the highlighting video R Quebec), (WPO Michigan) West (WPO John Donnelly FA world the real to research from a bridge Building 13 Susannah George is the director and is founder the of Susannah director The George Urban List (theurbanlist.com), a hand-selected guide to all that’s worth eating, drinking, buying and booking in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, Australia. She attended the YPO- as a Program young adult Spouse/Partner WPO Harvard her experiences with Ignite. participant and shared prep was just as challenging as you’d imagine Harvard study to be. During digested and read we course, the into leading the four weeks cases, from the importance of innovation and teamwork in designing a World Cup-winning yacht to the socially conscious business model of a flourishing retailer and manufacturer India. in also We discussed the threats facing the capitalist system and potential impact on our personal and business lives. With the case studies belt, under we our collective entered Harvard Business the School. Every cloistered were challenged minute to world reframe we and broaden of thinking, our gathering momentum as we learned our from educators, elite Harvard’s from equally case), ourselves. peers, and surprisingly (in my Over six days, we analyzed the precursors Greece’s to financial crisis (incredibly, in which way the the situation was presented allowed me to follow the discussion regardless of fact the that finance is not my forte);and we studied practiced negotiation with university’s two most of the discussed skilled the importance of negotiators; doing doing well good, and debating we the relevance the of some inside peered we entrepreneurship; of social most innovative companies on the planet and dissected the commonalities of their — success all the discoveries while and reflecting connections onbusinesses back home. meant what for these our The subjects questioning always were challenging and the pace diverse, frenetic — the precisely I go business, My again? my Would Absolutely. line why we of all team and I all grew immeasurably. enrolled. Sign me up next year. 19 lectures, 53 incredible eorge 12, I remember Dad coming home from 2013, I had the chance to attend the YPO- xtraordinary resources Extraordinary and YPO-WPO to tailored Content perspectives leadership innovative, Out-of-comfort-zone, formats interactive change Delivers YPO- that strengthen activities Employs and member-to-member WPO networks connections If YPO-WPO’s greatest core value is education, then education, is value core greatest YPO-WPO’s If quest every guiding excellence of measure the is E-CODE worldwide — and the benchmark used knowledge for of principles The standards. YPO-WPO uphold to 2005 during an in September established were E-CODE York meeting in New Committee Education international the and debate, discussion hours of intense After City. emerged. acronym five-letter E-CODE: ENERGIZING YPO-WPO EDUCATION YPO-WPO ENERGIZING E-CODE:

When I was ALL I GOT WAS THIS MAROON T-SHIRT THIS MAROON WAS ALL I GOT and memories) of learning a lifetime (And G Susannah By an executive education week at Harvard, unpacking a maroon tee, and sharing a thousand stories about his experience and his exceptional peers. Ever since, I have dreamt of enjoying opportunity. the Harvard same, life-changing They say good things come to those who wait, in August and WPO Harvard Spouse/Partner Program as a adult participant: young six days, colleagues, two choreographed YouTube clips own very my and Oh, school. business League Ivy one and maroon tee. Harvard teaches via the “case study method,” taking the experiences of real-world large and organizations small) from across (both the globe. Pre-program - YPONextGenera to numbers thanks in record connecting are children adult young members’ YPO and WPO — 29 18 to ages adults young these and YNG forums, networking social programs, education Through tion. lifelong and exchange peer experience, professional development, leadership finding — are as YNGers known bonds. and trips development in economic participate and many YNG forums, in active are adults young than 700 More networks. enterprise social activities of YPO-WPO’s the leverages which YNG.se, through events community her took YNG opportunity the ultimate (WPO Queensland), of Ian George daughter George, Susannah For Harvard. to EXECUTIVE EDUCATION GOES NEXTGEN GOES EDUCATION EXECUTIVE at Harvard week A YNGer’s GEORGE

cover story cover cover story cover ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 58 ypowpo.org/ignite 61 igniteignite - cover story story cover cover Wall. fall of the Berlin of the Berlin fall divided city just 17 just 17 divided city YPO Berlin Univer YPO Berlin months before the months before sity convenes in the convenes sity 1988 held the held Carolina. university university First family convenes at convenes in conjunction in conjunction university. The The university. Disney World in World Disney following year in year following Orlando, Florida, Florida, Orlando, first stand-alone first stand-alone with a presidents’ with a presidents’ family university is university family Hilton Head, South Head, Hilton 1980 YPO Traveling YPO Traveling top speakers to to speakers top Resource Program Program Resource is launched to bring bring to is launched 1979 chapters worldwide. chapters needs. increase increase awareness of awareness YPO appoints Committee to Committee the Education the Education two spouses to to spouses two family program program family 1977 States. YPO members university held held university University, the first University, outside the United outside the United Pope Paul VI greets VI greets Paul Pope attending the Rome the Rome attending 1970 York City. York associates is associates held at Columbia at Columbia held University in New in New University open to executive executive open to First YPO seminar First YPO seminar 1964 programs. Committee to to Committee other education other education YPO establishes YPO establishes conferences and conferences its first Education Education its first oversee seminars, seminars, oversee 1961 Conference. YPO holds the YPO holds first presidents’ first presidents’ Beach, Florida, at Florida, Beach, Global Leadership Leadership Global the Fontainebleau the Fontainebleau Hotel. YPO returns YPO returns Hotel. university in Miami university for the 2009 Miami for nearly 50 years later later 50 years nearly 1960 to the Fontainebleau the Fontainebleau to ORY ORY T TION First YPO exclusively for for exclusively spouses attracts attracts spouses four-day gathering gathering four-day in Minneapolis and in Minneapolis 1959 61 participants to a to 61 participants education program program education St. Paul, Minnesota. Paul, St. HE HIS S IN T

in Cambridge, in Cambridge, Seminar is held Seminar is held Massachusetts. First YPO Harvard First YPO Harvard 1952 ONE - T

S Hotel in Virginia. Hotel

OF YPO-WPO EDUCA OF YPO-WPO MILE forerunner of the forerunner YPO’s first School YPO’s for Presidents, the Presidents, for 1951 convenes at the Vir convenes ginia Beach Cavalier Cavalier ginia Beach presidents’ university, university, presidents’

of Johnson & of Johnson YPO meeting.

(right) Hickok (left) welcome welcome (left) Dick Sellars and Dick Sellars RayYPO founder cover story cover cover story story cover cover Gen. Robert Wood Wood Robert Gen. speaker at the first speaker Johnson, the guest the guest Johnson,

Johnson, chairman Johnson, 1950 ignite ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 60 ypowpo.org/ignite 63 igniteignite cover story story cover cover Leadership Leadership 27 February. February. 27 of the Global of the Global Summit, Global Global Summit, EDGE, to debut in to EDGE, The next evolution evolution next The Los Angeles on 26- on Angeles Los 2014 George George in Istanbul. Papandreou, Papandreou, an anywhere, an anywhere, Education On Education World leaders leaders World and Tony Blair Blair and Tony WPO Exchange. any time learning time learning any Gerhard Schröder Schröder Gerhard platform on YPO- platform to right) share the right) share to Demand launches Demand launches 2013 stage at the Global at the Global stage Leadership Summit Summit Leadership (pictured below left left below (pictured events. Shanghai. Conference. connectivity. Event in a Box in a Box Event Chapter officer officer Chapter award-winning award-winning Business School anniversary, and anniversary, at the Singapore at the Singapore 10th anniversary. The YPO London YPO London The web platform for for platform web a new interactive interactive a new The YPO Harvard YPO Harvard The The first phase of first phase The the WPO Harvard the WPO Harvard drive a new era of era a new drive Global Leadership Leadership Global comes online with online comes celebrates its 60th celebrates 2012 members, launches. launches. members, Mobile technologies technologies Mobile Presidents’ Program Program Presidents’ Program launches in launches Program YPO-WPO Exchange, Exchange, YPO-WPO templates for creating creating for templates Program celebrates its celebrates Program eBooks are introduced introduced are eBooks - partners. Education Education education. Committee Committee the first Har vard executive executive vard for spouses and spouses for year initiative to to initiative year YPO-WPO holds holds YPO-WPO transform officer officer transform The international international The launches a three- launches 2011 education program program education First Global First Global Leadership Summit Summit Leadership is held in Barcelona. is held open to all members, members, all open to spouses and partners and partners spouses 2010 Education Education measured. international international of E-CODE are are of E-CODE worldwide are are worldwide York City. Since Since City. York the standard by by the standard a meeting of the its development, its development, which YPO-WPO which YPO-WPO established during established Committee in New in New Committee education programs programs education E-CODE has become has become E-CODE The guiding principles principles guiding The 2005 Angeles. First Global First Global takes place in Los in Los place takes attending the GLC) the GLC) attending Leadership Summit Summit Leadership 2002 (for chapter officers officers chapter (for Leadership Leadership First Global First Global wide in Dallas. Conference unites unites Conference 2000 - world officers chapter YPO San Charlie Rose. Charlie moderated by by moderated sessions via the sessions Yahoo co-founder co-founder Yahoo Jeff Bezos (center) (center) Jeff Bezos broadcast keynote keynote broadcast and talk show host host show and talk Internet, including a including Internet, becomes the first to the first becomes broadcast journalist journalist broadcast Francisco University University Francisco 1999 Jerry Yang (left) and (left) Jerry Yang amazon.com founder founder amazon.com panel discussion with discussion panel - time. education infor education 1998 online for the first for online YPO launches the YPO launches mation is available mation is available MyYPO website and MyYPO website University. F.W. de Klerk de Klerk F.W. open the South and Archbishop and Archbishop Prize laureates – laureates Prize Desmond Tutu – Desmond Tutu Nelson Mandela, Mandela, Nelson Africa Presidents’ Presidents’ Africa 1995 Three Nobel Peace Nobel Peace Three

a record 550 YPO a record couples on board. on board. couples and Morocco with and Morocco to Spain, Portugal Portugal Spain, to cover story cover cover story story cover cover

sails from England England from sails

YPO QE2 University YPO QE2 University 1990 ignite ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 62 ypowpo.org/ignite 65

ignite VALRANI 10-time

cover story cover RANDEREE 2). “The HBS faculty and staff 1). Exposure to new ideas keeps

Adam Adam Eiseman (YPO New York City), a five-time KHEIREDDINE YPO-Harvard: Awe and exhaustion Awe YPO-Harvard: YPO members convened for in the first Cambridge, Harvard Seminar Massachusetts, only founding. two years They have after YPO’s returned to January Harvard 2014, the ever 62nd since. YPO In Harvard Presidents’ will commence Program with a capacity enrollment and waitlists for both weeks. more than six decades, “After the program is not only a YPO tradition but also a Harvard Business School says institution,” Harvard attendee and chair Presidents’ Program of (Week the 2014 YPO Harvard “The world is moving and changing faster today than ever,” says Lalvani. styles, “Management production technologies, international structures, distribution techniques, marketing different so are of think can you else everything and markets from what they were when YPOers and WPOers were last in school. For me, the constant need to go back to school is survival, if not prosperity.” essential for business For more information on Raising Innovation Team’s Your Game, contact Sunil Lalvani at [email protected]. have grown up with this program, and because of this, they understand in a visceral sense the YPO unique characteristics brings to executive education. knowledge, woven it into the very fabric of the HBS curriculum, has taken this and created a truly only-in-YPO experience within the HBS Education Program.” Executive It is this powerful combination and of Harvard — that has two attracted a fiercely loyal cultures following — YPO academic for year after year return who participants, among top business scholars. coaching by the world’s John Vaughan (YPO Southern California) Harvard participant is and a chair of Presidents’ the Program (Week 2014 YPO during Harvard build we relationships the also “It’s back. coming him of commitment the “It’s says. he lifetime,” a last that week the participants and faculty to growing together in an intensive and interactive learning environment.” For Eiseman, cross-cultural satisfaction understanding of — total and exhaustion members — the from are key. countries “It’s hugging in and seeing offering conflict support, helping with each other each to other be

Navin Valrani Navin Valrani LALVANI LBS debuts in Dubai debuts LBS A self-described “junkie for executive Lalvani education has courses,” attended Program President’s Harvard YPO the and times four Program the YPO London chairing by home passion his brought he year, This times. five Business School Raising Your Team’s Innovation Arab Emirates. program in Dubai, United Game, YPO’s first LBS discussing were chairs the London, in event LBS year’s last “At expanding the program internationally,” it location, says a as suggested was Dubai of hometown my Lalvani. as soon “As was an easy decision for me to take it on.” benefits the all offered November in held program Dubai The of the London-based teams. to bring their executive members were encouraged program, plus a unique addition: programs excellent many the from learn can you as much “As offered through YPO-WPO, we all face the same of challenge implementing lessons learned when we get home,” says Lalvani. “By taking your team with you, you can leave with office.” back to the get go the day you ready to an action plan The new Dubai program attracted a balance of LBS veterans and newcomers. Although he has never attended program in the London, Dubai program YPO co-chair (YPO Emirates) is no stranger to LBS — he earned his MBA attendee. is also a three-time YPO Harvard there. He “I had always heard great Business things School Program about from my the chapter YPO colleagues, so London was more I than happy to co-chair the event,” he says. “Since the Dubai program was developed for executive members teams, I and believe it their proved to be a fresh experience even for LBS veterans.” Two LBS faculty members Mullins, led the associate Dubai professor program: of entrepreneurship John and management marketing, practice and John in fellow, Bates, adjunct professor an of LBS strategy and entrepreneurship, and founder of Sussex fund. venture capital School’s in-house Place Ventures, London Business During two days of participants examined a number of intense topics: rapid innovation, case study breakthrough and business discussion, models, adjacency moves, industry solutions. transformations and digital world

and became an immediate fan. “The fan. immediate an became and 2012 (YPO London) attended the LBS program All case studies look at entrepreneurial firms that are dealing are that firms entrepreneurial at look studies case All with growing pains, and featured in case studies make personal appearances a to share number of chief their perspectives. executives Paul Wedgwood in time first the for YPO week at LBS was the single best education event of my life,” he says. Like many members, YPO Harvard Kheireddine several times. has as complementary. He also sees the attended two programs “Both programs are critical for any CEO,” he HBS says. covers “While the latest developments in the business world, LBS concentrates on businesses that are comparable in size and nature to those of its attendees. The formats of the two programs are very similar in structure, but LBS has a more entrepreneurial, startup spirit.” For Randeree, the success of the LBS program is a testament to the growth it has inspired in YPO and WPO the world. around businesses “No one business is the same and no two business and countries many from “Members growth says. he alike,” are plans industries have gathered yearly to share their successes and failures, challenges and opportunities in a forum-style week of learning. They have all become better business leaders as a result.” Kheireddine shares an example “Looking back, of I believe that that the growth I transformation. achieved in banking my business — growth of more than 20 times — was linked to what I learned at LBS.” Read more about the YPO London Business School ypowpo.org/lbsinfo. Program at

(YPO Sunil

— and new programs 36 countries, the gala also 2014 2014 program with seven-

Marwan Marwan Kheireddine , a seminar at the Stanford Graduate Graduate Stanford the at seminar a 2012,

75 chapters in


By Maridel Allinder Maridel By O cover story cover cover story cover YPO-WPO executive education proves that leading and learning go hand in hand and learning go hand that leading proves education executive YPO-WPO Last year, the program celebrated its 10th anniversary with a gala at London’s Natural History 144 Museum. members from Attended by The YPO London Business School Program has guided nearly guided has Program School Business London YPO The 2002. in 400 members to business growth since its founding “Busy “Busy executives have a limited amount of time,” says 10 years celebrate LBS and YPO from Dubai to Mumbai are expanding executive education diverse membership. for a geographically Lalvani (YPO Emirates, YPO YPO London Russia), Business School Program co-chair in Dubai. “By taking of a advantage new of YPO-WPO executive process education, is done and the quality the is well beyond what you vetting get verify met have I members faculty The customer. walk-in a as this by confirming that they pushreally we WPOers, and YPOers As programs. these for faculty to get on the teaching the best of the best.” get OF 21,000 IN AN ORGANIZATION chief executives, it isn’t surprising that executive education is a driving force. YPO The Harvard Presidents’ Program is its celebrated Program School almost Business London YPO as the itself, old as YPO in anniversary 10th School of Business will debut in Neveen Neveen El Tahri (WPO Cairo, WPO Greater MENA), a also seven-time LBS veteran, with 10 YPO to Harvard her credit programs as well. “For many members, the program has created a yearly opportunity to business growth.” review and assess their Lebanon), co-chair of time the attendee Shabir Randeree (WPO London) and “Over the past 10 years, the LBS program has developed to accommodate the changing global business environment,” says nine-time attendee welcomed another benchmark: all participants who five-time or more attendees became full-status LBS alumni. were B ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 64 ypowpo.org/ignite 67 igniteignite Jörg Jörg

cover story story cover cover DI FIORE DI

we told the story of how three three how of story the told we SHARON Di Fiore and Alessandro Poland) YPO (YPO Israel, Sharon Ran (WPO Poland, WPO Germany, WPO EuroChapter) and led led and EuroChapter) WPO Germany, WPO Poland, (WPO Weiler von and Rebecca associate, research strategy an LBS Turconi, Stefano by School of Economics. at the London associate a research Homkes, L. have companies 25 than more leading members WPO YPO and date, To exceeding rating with the average at LBS, ALP sessions three attended of the international the attention caught feedback excellent This 9.5. an official YPO-WPO ALP as which has endorsed Committee, Education of group a select is training step next The program. education executive “import” can they trained, Once chairs. event ALP become to members their own and develop and regions their chapters to back the concept on ALP principles. based programs education executive in participate to selected were members seven 2013, In November in be held which will workshop, two-day The session. the first training is designed to Weiler, von of us and Jörg the two by and led London in their regions. chair ALPs to participants prepare at the 2014 early for is scheduled Sull professor by led ALP session A new Massachusetts. in Cambridge, of Technology Institute Massachusetts the world around be launched will ALPs three least hope at also We to be able who will chairs, event trained newly by year in the coming in partners identify the right academic of topics, a range from choose the international need from and find the support they their regions Committee. Education TAKING THE ACTIVE LEARNING LEARNING THE ACTIVE TAKING LEVEL THE NEXT TO PROGRAM in executive innovation A member-led global goes education By (YPO Italy) Ignite, of issue 2012 November the In of School professor Business London Sull, with Don together YPOers, decided to entrepreneurship, and in strategy practice management programs. education executive existing of effectiveness the examine Program Learning Active YPO-WPO’s of how the story told then We born. was (ALP) Business at London place took ALP pilot the third 2013, In October Brazil, from YPO and WPO members with 10 participating School, Arab the United Israel, Greece, France, Republic, the Czech Canada, by co-chaired was program The States. United the and Emirates at Sharon Ran contact Program, Learning about the Active more learn To at [email protected]. Di Fiore or Alessandro [email protected] June 8-13 Fred Fred Mouawad George Konstantinidis YPO at Stanford: Exploring the soul the soul Exploring Stanford: at YPO Valley Silicon of The birth of a new YPO-WPO seminar at Stanford two YPO was mem- destined. University Last year, bers attending the Stanford Executive — Program one from Thailand and one from came up Greece with the — same idea: Why not approach a YPO-WPO program? about Stanford Unaware that they were to the university. out members separately reached thinking alike, both “A few days after getting in touch with Stanford, I got a call from someone at the school telling me that another YPO member also approached her with the same proposal,” says (YPO Thailand). development, in was seminar new a year, a Within with and Mouawad his fellow Stanford Executive Program graduate, (YPO Europe One, YPO Aegean/Macedonia, YPO London), as co-chairs. Soul of a Start Sparking Up: and Scaling Innovation is scheduled for Graduate School of Business. 2014 at the Stanford has that campus a on time spend to sense makes “It ecosystem an of formation the in role key a played responsible for some of companies in the the world,” says most Mouawad. “With innovative this inaugural event, we aim to create a tradition who members founding The LBS. and Harvard like event the shaping by history make will participate for years to come.” Both co-chairs approached firsthand knowledge the of how itwould differ from seminar with YPO-WPO’s London Business School and Harvard Business School programs. earned Konstantinidis Mouawad and program LBS the of graduate is a his MBA at Harvard. “The seminar will leverage Stanford’s strength by focusing on innovation,” says Konstantinidis. It will also provide the singular advantage shared education programs. by all YPO-WPO executive “The magic happens when with one members another,” says interact Mouawad. “Leadership is a dynamic discipline that renewal. Going back requires to school is constant an opportunity to step away from daily operations and reassess many of the assumptions we have made over the how to run a business.” years about For more information on Soul of a Start Up: Sparking 2014.ypowpo.org/startup visit Innovation, Scaling and

2012 Brian 1) an emphasis on 50 percent for the YPO WPO Harvard program, or contact 3) an enrollment limit of 90, which creates a percent of our attendees are from North Radha Kantipudi (spouse, (spouse, Kantipudi right: Radha to Left Landucci Janet and YPO Hyderabad) Columbia) WPO British (spouse, program at the Harvard Center in Shanghai, the 2013 edition convened a capacity class in October in Mumbai. For program Angeleno), a chair nine-time YPO and Harvard Brian five-time attendee chair, Cohen WPO But two Harvard traditions remain (WPO unchanged: a is unique. robust enrollment and a ready base of return registrants. percent 60 about and year, this again out sold “We of participants were Cohen, who repeat is pleased that the WPO registrants,” program is outside from members of says numbers large attracting America. North “Our programs in Shanghai definitely and more global, Mumbai both are in contentthe makeup of the attendees,” says Cohen. and in “Only 25 America, as opposed to program.” Harvard The WPO ways, program according to differs Cohen: off-campus in activities three business such leaders at other their company as headquarters, 2) visiting increased interaction local with faculty members, and more intimate experience. and YPO the about it’s Cohen, says ultimately, But WPO programs working as natural extensions of each other. between program WPO the rotate to is vision “Our Cambridge, Shanghai and “That Mumbai,” way YPOers he transitioning into WPO says. who Presidents’ still Program want to attend a Harvard will be able to experience something different.” Watch the Exchange for upcoming the 2014 information on Cohen at [email protected]. WPO takes Harvard from Shanghai to Mumbai Shanghai to from Harvard takes WPO The WPO Harvard Presidents’ Program is on the move. After the success of the inaugural

35 percent were 22 countries;

In only three years, Janet Landucci (spouse, WPO British Columbia) and Radha Kantipudi (spouse, YPO have Hyderabad) seen their dream become a spouses 170 than more And institution. YPO-WPO and partners have experienced the benefits of the Presidents’ Program. YPO Harvard legendary In August, Harvard the Spouse/Partner attendees Program third from welcomed annual YPO-WPO Harvard for spouses and partners: spouses for Harvard the benefits Expanding better at business, life and YPO,” the number he one reward is says. the look on “But members’ faces when the week concludes. It’s a mixture of and utter exhaustion.” awe wonderment, For more information on 2014. visit ypowpo.org/ypoharvard Program, the Harvard Presidents’ return participants. For Landucci, who co-founded the 2011 program with the Kantipudi, response confirmed her in belief that spouses and partners are eager to take level. their own YPO-WPO experiences to a new “The greatest satisfaction is offering professional spouses around educational the world opportunity,” and bonds are made forever through “Friendships this top-quality says the experience of studying and sharing together Landucci. at Harvard.” Kantipudi also sees the program both as a professionally catalyst, and personally. participants “We who have have sold businesses, businesses, started expanded significant businesses life changes,” and she says.to “The ability made provide a serious working platform spouses for is connecting as co-chair.” what keeps me inspired The spouses and Harvard program are senior executives, business partners who owners and individuals seeking to advance attend their the corporate careers. The applications from the program qualified adult children of also accepts YPO and WPO members, with six or seven seats each year reserved for them. a “It’s great opportunity for young professionals,” says Landucci. “It’s the best of two worlds com- ing together: Harvard and YPO-WPO. Mentoring better than that.” any get doesn’t the Exchange Watch for upcoming information on the Program. Spouse/Partner 2014 YPO-WPO Harvard


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 66 ypowpo.org/ignite 69 igniteignite cover story story cover cover OFFICER EDUCATION TOOLS OFFICER EDUCATION and authors scholars, leaders, thought from Learn in leadership transforming who are practitioners the attend who do not Officers the 21st century. access On Demand to Education visit can GLC workshop and GLC development leadership at ypowpo.org/officerresources. content VISION STRATEGIC YPO-WPO’S GLC meet with the attending officers year, Every to Board International members of the YPO-WPO meeting provides This and vision. strategy discuss at leaders between exchange peer for platform a and international network regional, the chapter, can GLC the attend who do not Officers levels. at presentations Board International access OFFICER EDUCATION EDUCATION OFFICER GLANCE A AT the Global of energy the over-the-top From Education of ease the to Conference Leadership on more available is education officer On Demand, the access as leaders before, ever than platforms anywhere. need anytime, they tools training eBOOKS as are role officer every for handbooks These as a PDF. and as portable as a website navigable and best tools resources, with insights, Filled the knowledge consolidate eBooks practices, will eBooks 2014 Updated lead. to need officers Angeles the Los prior to download for be available in eBooks the 2013 download Meanwhile GLC. at ypowpo.org/officerebooks. languages multiple WORKSHOPS regional for a opt GLC, the attend Whether officers education, On Demand officer or choose workshop learning find a member-centered will they peer between a balance model that strikes and tools planning resources, external exchange, information, more For strategies. implementation visit ypowpo.org/regionalworkshops. ypowpo.org/intlboardminutes. 2 3 ypowpo.org/ignitemay2013. (WPO Angeleno) Mohr — Mike member worldwide.” experence even more more even experence “It is a ‘good to great’ great’ to ‘good “It is a Read it online at it online Read Ignite. issue of 2013 the May thing. By inspiring incoming By inspiring incoming thing. YPO-WPO stronger for every every for stronger YPO-WPO Officer Education” article that ran on page 48 in page ran on that article Education” Officer officers to make the member the member make to officers extraordinary, we are making making are we extraordinary, In case you missed it, check out the “Transforming “Transforming check out the it, missed you In case Steve Sansom Sansom member Steve Board International right) YPO-WPO to (Left 1. (YPO Saudi) Tabarra Chair Ali (YPO Southern 7) and MENA Regional in Istanbul. Conference Leadership Global 2013 at the the stage share GLC 2013 addresses England) Sheridan (WPO New Ralph 2. participants. other. each from learn to gather officers 3. YPO and WPO incoming

1 Devan R. Capur (YPO Maumee To learn more, visit ypowpo.org/officereducation. learn more, To For For Mohr, the top inspired by priority this is open space. connect the “Our members, dialogue goal share is chapters, their make to officers to incoming inspire best practices, and regions and networks even better,” he says. “It is a ‘good to great’ thing. By inspiring incoming officers to make memberthe experience even more extraordinary, we are making YPO-WPO worldwide.” for every member stronger In addition to the GLC, officer education is now Education and workshops regional via accessible On Demand resources, including videos, officer guides and more. eBooks, resource YPO-WPO international Education Committee Chair Valley) sees these essential content leap in platforms the as evolution dissemination. of an knowledge “Officer education is no longer only one thing: an instructor-led model,” says progressive Capur. experience “It’s a across platforms. a The GLC number is of we still encourage the all officers flagship to and attend,are but there many paths officers need.” to the core knowledge all

— Mike 75 percent 75 percent dialogue

2,000 incoming chapter, regional

2014 GLC opens in Los Angeles in

(WPO Angeleno) says officer workshops will workshops officer says Angeleno) (WPO Derek Johannson (WPO Manitoba), a veteran 14 GLCs, puts it: “Nothing replaces face-to-face

From the Global Leadership Conference to On Demand, officer education education to On Demand, officer Conference Leadership the Global From platforms many across experience a progressive evolves into TION OF LU THE EVO and a powerful affirmation of shared purpose have have OFFICERS CHAPTER been coming together to learn from each Leadership Conference other convened in Dallas in 2000. since the firstDuring Global the past 14 years, officers regional have and network also joinedannual gathering in YPO-WPO’s largest of worldwide, leaders. the For opportunity to GLC experience participants YPO-WPO networking is and officer both best a practices remarkable on global a scale among leaders. As of interaction. Although we have options many to electronic fall back on, the want to miss.” don’t opportunity you GLC gives us a rare When the February, nearly and network officers are expected to make leadership gathering in YPO-WPO history. largest it the GLC Officer Education Workshops Mohr Chair leverage leverage the GLC’s creating also record-setting while world the around size members more to impact intimacy and connections among attendees. workshops will emphasize “All in small groups versus the old model of monologue by an allowing more time for member-led discussion, instructor,” we says Mohr. will not only create stronger “By connections between officer counterparts but also create open space for the free flow of ideas.”

MOHR JOHANNSON cover story cover

ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 68 ypowpo.org/ignite 71 igniteignite cover story story cover cover ABAD Event co-chairs Kavitha Buggana (spouse, YPO Hyderabad) YPO Hyderabad) (spouse, Buggana Kavitha co-chairs Event entrepreneurs at Join in the spirit of giving. the spirit of at Join in entrepreneurs participants. welcome and Reddy (left) Buggana BOTTOM: TOP: social to listen YPO Hyderabad) (spouse, Reddy and Samantha “Even “Even though Indian society is facing serious governance issues ethical and and many people are deeply frustrated, YPOers at the event and were optimism of inspired the social entrepreneurs by who presented,” the says Buggana. commitment The spirit of giving continues for are the connecting two with co-chairs, social who enterprises, following up members and communicating online. with “We plan to dedicate time to networking success and stories,” publishing says Reddy. “We hope our galvanize outcomes will other chapters in South spirit of giving.” Asia to champion the For more information on creating your Samantha Reddy at own [email protected] and program, Navroze contact Mehta at [email protected]. Visit YPO-WPO Exchange to the Thriving Communities Network. about learn more

DER IN HY UND (WPO Northeastern US At At US Northeastern (WPO Navroze Mehta Mehta Navroze A chapter’s education collaboration inspires the spirit of giving of inspires the spirit collaboration A chapter’s education ER GRO HIGH Large) had the perfect solution — an Event in a Box he created he Box a in Event an — solution perfect the had Large) several years ago with Ashoka, a YPO-WPO strategic alliance 68.] on page in a Box Event [Learn more about partner. Reddy and Buggana consulted program with for South Mehta, Asia. In adapting October 2013, his they in hosted Join the Spirit of Giving, Ashoka. enterprises in India and representatives from a showcase featuring nine social Reddy and Buggana began by creating awareness of Ashoka and social enterprise with a Facebook page which and a both website, served as They marketing also tools surveyed for enterprise interests. the members program. to determine their social “The Indian space in philanthropy is very different than in the West,” says Buggana. “We are less aware giving of systematic and structures such as giving social enterprises. in Much India of is to within cultural the norms community or and determine awareness.” dictates. according The survey was useful to Using the survey results, identify social enterprises they that best worked aligned with members’ with interests. “With a keen eye Ashoka on achieving tangible outcomes, to we meticulously cherry-picked members YPO our of help the the with event the for social them prepped enterprises and and the Ashoka team,” says Reddy. The attention to detail paid off. planned, “This was inspiring, the most well thoughtful have ever and experienced,” says impactful Hyderabad). “India Deepa does have event Dodla hope through her (spouse, NGOs I social enterprises.” and YPO Reddy and Buggana enlisted nine YPO champions to as serve facilitators before and after the event on social enterprise. behalf These of champions each have followed up with two result, a As involvement. ongoing encourage to members members are counseling organizations on strategy, another CEO is working with an agricultural social enterprise, site visits. still others are planning and By Angela Mers Angela By GOAL WITH AN IDEALISTIC of introducing YPO Hyderabad members to social enterprises (spouse, in YPO Hyderabad) and Kavitha Buggana (spouse, YPO India, Samantha Reddy Hyderabad) turned to YPO-WPO’s Thriving Network. Communities member Network

WPO Exchange MEMBER RESOURCE GUIDE MEMBER RESOURCE Check out this impressive WPO members compendium who are also accomplished of resources on YPO to ypowpo.org/member-resource-guide and Visit topics. many learn more. SHOWCASE SPEAKER Want to see a video of a resource or learn more about a speaker? The Speaker Showcase and YPO-WPO Speakers Blog are great ways to preview resources. Visit ypowpo. org/speaker-showcase. FIND A RESOURCE This directory information on resources and certified forum facilitators. contains biographical All listed resources and have either Visit spoken member. a by recommended been or to contact before audience a YPO-WPO to learn more. ypowpo.org/find-a-resource ALLIANCES EDUCATION GLOBAL leadership thought latest the to access provides YPO-WPO through partnerships with some education and of research the institutions more. learn to ypowpo.org/globaleducationalliances world’s Visit and top publications: Business Review • Harvard Review Strategy School/Business • London Business Times • Financial • getAbstract • Knowledge@Wharton • KPMG • Scripps Institution of Oceanography • UBS


Devan R. Capur T UGH 5,000 education events are leader knows, sometimes all


cover story cover templates templates outlining how top-rated YPO-WPO events were planned and implemented. From recommended resources wisdom, of words and techniques marketing to venues and findyou’ll everything need you award-winning to recreate to learn more. ypowpo.org/event-in-a-box events. Visit EVENT IN A BOX EVENT Draw inspiration and ideas from approximately E-CODE These five universal elements for creating extraordinary education programs are the cornerstone of YPO the experience only-in- familiar to members more about worldwide. E-CODE on page [Read 58 .] Visit ypowpo.org/ecode to learn more. uploaded uploaded annually to this from brief overviews to detailed descriptions. comprehensive storehouse, ypowpo.org/EBANK to learn more. Visit E-BANK Find out how chapters around the world education. are delivering Approximately Here Here are some ingredients to available help on education the officers and Exchange memorable other champions create education programs without starting AS EVERY YPO OR WPO EVERY AS to want officers some education, chapter to comes it “When be cooks and follow recipes, while others want to be chefs and create highly original experiences,” he says. “Frankly, it’s good to be a cook for some events and a chef for others. There is plenty of room for both, and there are many tools that make it easy to walk down the ‘pre-packaged’ grocery aisle and create a terrific educational feast.” you you need is a good idea and a template for replicating it. YPO-WPO Education Committee Chair (YPO Maumee uses Valley) a culinary analogy to describe the many education tools YPO-WPO Exchange. and templates available on from scratch.

A carry-out menu of education feasts on YPO- feasts on education of A carry-out menu F

ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 70 ypowpo.org/ignite 73



(WPO Malaysia) (YPO Connecticut) Food Food is important. Have snacks for those who Business sells. As much as the spouse/partner Tan Dennis Chin Yong International Chapter WPO Best Small Award Education > prefer an early dinner, then follow the program with a well-planned dinner. This way members are committed to staying and networking with each other. > Select topical programs such as economy. world the and media social technology, information and inexpensive. are popular resources Member > Health-related programs WPO members. are winners with Paul White Paul International Chapter YPO Best Small Award Education > Listen to your customer. I used a made survey some and calls to a cross-section of members, spouses and family members to gather areas of interest in developing the program. Throughout I the used year, the same approach to understand what I was doing well, and where modify to improve the program. I needed to > Think wide. We but know how thinking to generally think wide do big, as is well. program that I covered a not broad range worked of interests to something wherever possible. develop a we > educational, be can and fun are events family and the business events draw the crowds and need to hit an even higher mark because of this. I tried to incorporate business lessons into every event – even spouse/partner and family events. never too It early is to teach our lessons, children and business many of spouses and partners also in business. involved are

(YPO Pennine) WPO Washington DC (WPO Washington (WPO Cape Town) (WPO Cape Chose day chairs who have an interest in Find Find day chairs with a real passion for their Smaller and less glitz with more meaningful Encourage Encourage resources to think about what they Have Have a great theme for the year, market it well Pay attention to detail, then do it again and again. and again it do then detail, to attention Pay YPO and WPO chapters listed in this article reflect membership affiliation at the time of the 2012 awards. 2012 the of time the at affiliation membership reflect article this in listed chapters WPO and YPO & Baltimore) Arthur Gillis International WPO Best Medium Chapter Award Education different needs than YPOers. > WPOers have WPO needs carefully. > Research > content is always appreciated by WPOers as they are less impressed with the “big-name” resources experts, real from hearing in benefit more find and the best of which are usually other WPOers. Stewart Christ Stewart International Chapter WPO Best Large Award Education chapter, and your stretch yourself early, > Start ahead. plan plan, and plan, > events, define their goals budgets,and and then support them like crazy. > Graham Andrew International YPO Best Medium Chapter Award Education > and choose interesting venues. > the resource, brief them them to well take and responsibility their encourage for opportunity the to event. put It’s the chapter. something back into > can bring to the event that is only-in-YPO.

over- (YPO Istanbul) Bulgurlu Hakan International Chapter YPO Best Large Award Education > Something that most education chairs look is making the teresting committee and meetings in- fun. nine We months began before our our year started. together meetings at one We of got the best restaurants in town during off hours. We made sure our meetings concluded in two hours and proceeded to have a very good time in each other’s This company. increased the excitement of everyone. and commitment “Beyond > Limits” as With our theme, we made sure that each event had a strong that component took our friends out of their comfort zones. This ensured exceptional take-home value and curiosity about upcoming events. We added a lot of outdoor, health-related topics and the venues kept varied and interesting. Only-in-YPO this that say can I and venues, for motto our was came high evaluation scores. back to us in very > The most important aspect of YPO is ongoing good a has chapter the that ensuring — learning mix of events balancing fun, our to events six health, added We growth. personal business and original calendar as opportunities with speakers came up. great You > don’t need You to spend gazillions for a great program. A tattered member who and has lived through battered a particularly event difficult experience: (a bankruptcy, hostile take- over bid, etc.) costs the price of a breakfast and can easily score a 10 if the resource feels fident enough con- to open up and share his or her real story.

1s to ED ARN 10s and a few

(WPO Quebec) or visit each forum to get a (YPO Santa Monica Bay) Monica (YPO Santa

Understand Understand your customers. Survey your Pick a mix of day chairs. We paired our day

Sketch out your vision in a vision statement. Don’t be afraid to take risks. On the rating scale, rating the On risks. take to afraid be Don’t

S LE N LESSO the Best of the Best from best practices Education asked award-winning chapter education chairs to share three best practices for creating creating for best practices three share chairs to education chapter award-winning asked Ignite chairs who education chapter two the experts: from of wisdom words are Here programs. extraordinary with honored chairs education and six chapter Awards, Education Overall Best of the Best 2012 won Education. Chapter for Awards Best International Pouliot Adrien Award Education WPO Best of the Best Overall > chapter members sense of what your members want. Usually, in focused be to need events the of half least at YPO, on “hard” business topics. > Create an it education with a committee, combination of populate dreamers share the results and of your survey and solicit doers, their help to build the program. Then ask them to be day chairs. Sandy Sigal Sandy Award Education YPO Best of the Best Overall > I much preferred a bunch of a unanimous 8. Only-in-YPO boundaries, taking chances means and taking on some pushing difficult topics. > Once I narrowed events, down I my wrote vision statements for each that highlighted in a short paragraph what I hoped to E-CODE accomplish, elements we what would integrate, and the type of location and resource. I provided vision statements to each day chair to ensure that planning the we throughout place in vision our kept 58.] on page E-CODE more about process. [Read > chairs so that one veteran successfully run an member event worked with who a newer had member who could provide fresh perspectives. In some cases, we responsible for marketing. added Let your a day chairs third bring their day passion to chair events. When will follow. chapter chairs are excited, your your day


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 72 ypowpo.org/ignite 75 igniteignite feature perspective continental United States. United continental YPO Indiana Chapter members descend Mount descend members YPO Indiana Chapter to summit the largest volcanic mountain in the mountain volcanic summit the largest to Rainier in July 2012, after a week-long adventure adventure a week-long after 2012, in July Rainier

4,123 2000, Bart

(WPO Greater Sydney) set several world records meters). Motorcycling from Alaska to Argentina.

175 miles per hour (282 kilometers). Descending By Sherry Whittemore By in her quest for a physical and mental challenge. In cutting edge.” who Harvey, specializes in leadership development and talent management, identifies three characteristics common to chief sports extreme in participating enjoy who those and executives adventuring: and outdoor • Ability: the mental prowess for making effective decisions and adeptness, social intelligence while having raising the bar on oneself, the drive to push • Aspirations: the status quo, and personal standards to break through • Agility: an openness to new experiences and the ability to learn quickly while being self-aware. The three “A’s” are characteristics that help chief succeed, whether executives racing a car, flying an airplane or leading in the boardroom. and perseverance clarity Courage, Cheryl Bart entered The Explorers Grand Slam adventure, a journey that took her to the North and South poles and the Seven Summits: Vinson Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest, Mount Massif, Mount Elbrus and Mount Kosciuszko. Bart is the first woman in Australia to complete the challenge participant and in the world the to climb 31st all seven mountains and ski to the poles. She and her daughter were also the first mother- team to reach the Seven Summits. daughter spectacular most the of some at standing humbled, “being While and remote places on the planet,” Bart, chairman of the board at Shaw of Australia, found many parallels in adventuring and managing a company. Her list includes: establishing vision, focusing a on clear the task at hand, providing feedback being determined. and feet (1,257 YPO and WPO chief executives push extreme limits, and there is a reason why the stakes are high. “Leaders are willing organizational psychologist to Veronica Harvey. “They take size the end up risks,” goal, or result, or says return and are willing to industrial be on the and Driving

Whether it’s escapism, discipline or adrenaline escapism, discipline Whether it’s are finding executives chief that drives them, in extremes. leadership lessons YPO-WPO DAREDEVILS DAREDEVILS YPO-WPO

feature perspective ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 74 ypowpo.org/ignite 77 igniteignite 1 2 4 4 3 perspective perspective [Please turn the page] [Please 5 (YPO Miami) completed the Ironman the Ironman (YPO Miami) completed 1. Arriola Ricky 2013. in May triathlon Brazil complete to journey 2. As the culmination of a 13-year Cheryl Bart (WPO Greater Slam, Grand Explorers The the North to skiing and dog sledding combined Sydney) in April 2013. Pole make to how learned (WPO Cleveland) Moore 3. Dan journey with Namibian bushmen during a 68-day fire in June 2012. Cairo to South Africa, Town, Cape from Nino and his wife Town) Naidoo (YPO Cape 4. Wayne 2013. in China in May Marathon Wall the Great ran in the Petit competed (YPO Houston) Ducote David 5. in 2010. in Georgia race Mans endurance Le He He cautions chief executives interested approach in a extreme new sports endeavor to slowly and suggest taking methodically. incremental and “I deliberate steps so would that you are prepared mentally and physically. This levels or exit opportunities before you find yourself in over your also creates comfort head,” he says. “Even extreme sports have levels. Find one that suits you.” chief Many executives who engage in high-risk decision making succeed, to focus sharp a maintain to required are basis daily a on Clark says. of demands the from gears switch to challenging is it Ducote, For business. has He taken several work calls from the back of a race car trailer and acknowledges the single most important factor in an extreme sport is the absolute purity of focus required. “When mind is clear.” helmet my on the I hang up and put on relies and Races LeMans Petite several in competed has Ducote performance. optimum for experts of team and plan game clear a 175 degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit degrees 120 kilometers) and driving (YPO Houston) has raced 10 consecutive hours, Ducote learned that (49 degrees celsius) in the cockpit), speeding miles per hour (272 for preparation for performance is crucial and that every aspect of racing is highly organized. “The most important feature of trips is these that lengthy it takes you makes completely it away difficult and to keep in contactbusiness,” he says. your with true “A adventure motorcycle trip requires full concentration.” Moore advises any chief executive who takes up an extreme sport to “put your involvement with to bed.” company your The mental acuity and physical adventuring endurance are of also a Moore. “The man and the machine aspect of welcomed this respite to me,” he says. is very appealing for type of travel From the Silk Road in China, along nental Divide of the the Americas Conti- and across Africa, Moore has experienced extreme conditions. “You typically are taking have and bike) the (from fall your You areas. rough very motorcycle through and down breaks It up. it pick to how out figure to you have to fix it on There’s the the fly. danger of wild animals.” of injury and the danger Throughout has his Moore encountered travels, a black bear in Canada, played a game of Buzkashi in — Kyrgyzstan where he rode horseback carry- ing a headless goat carcass — and navigated the aftermath of an 8.8 Chile. magnitude “There’s a sense of speed, exhilaration earthquake and in says. Moore motorcycling,” of part is that freedom me, this truly is rejuvenating.” “To Harvey notes, executives “In addition must and to be bounce back laser from exceptionally Leadership focus, all takes the types mental resilient toughness of to keep adversity. moving forward when others are crumbling.” and balances Checks Whether a solo endeavor or team sport, adequate planning and clear boundaries extreme sports and adventuring. are crucial in “Establishing balance is key for chief executives,” says Harvey. “Driven people need to be cautious and ensure that too much.” they don’t push the limits David Ducote cars professionally for While more training for heat than tolerance (because above a climbs temperature the decade.

2012 2 a.m. 70,000 miles (WPO Cleveland) jobs and are awake at 24/7

“More “More than that, it is setting a goal and chipping away at it bit by bit,” she says. “If the you bottom stood of at Mount Everest and looked at the summit, you might just give up because it looks impossible. But even an ‘impossible’ dream can be achieved through planning, risk assessment and mitigation, perseverance and courage.” communication, teamwork, Bart also notes that flexibility andadapting are crucial for success. conditions change as Harvey explains that many chief executives, like strategicallyand think to ability the possess Bart, look ahead. Courage, she says, is a fundamental characteristic of leadership. “Leaders face tough situations every day that constantly courage. test their Most keep never pushing satisfied with the we see this status envelope, spillover in other quo. areas of extreme sports.” life, Sometimes like focus and absolute resilience Adrenaline, Clinical psychologist-turned-business-psychol- ogist Michelle Clark says chief executives who enjoy the adrenaline rush in extreme adventures the “right form of escapism.” found have “This kind of high-risk activity requires absolute focus in the who moment,” have she says. “For CEOs to disengage.” Brian King (YPO Indiana) expedition organized to a Mount Rainier state with in seven Washington peers from team trained for six months before his climbing the chapter. The largest volcanic mountain a were in expedition and training The States. United the continental forum-like experience that offered the members a break from the boardroom. all “We work a tremendous number of hours. To be able to check out of professional we life train while is a much “Because needed there is break,” an element of King danger and says. risk calculation, our minds limits of remain risk/reward are discovered. engaged I believe it and keeps us mentally sharp, energized and balanced professionals.” more Having motorcycled more than around the world, months at a time, Dan Moore sometimes traveling for describes his sport as a challenge of endurance and discipline. worrying worrying about the bottom line, they are forced to stop thinking about work. It is a healthy way


perspective perspective ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 76 ypowpo.org/ignite 79 igniteignite perspective perspective PERSEVERANCE WITH PURPOSE PERSEVERANCE impact with far-reaching Daredevils (YPO Borger and Bill (WPO Alpine) Borschberg André a spirit of in common: things three at least have Canada) and a penchant enterprise social for a passion adventure, records. world setting for engineer mechanical pilot, an entrepreneur, Borschberg, of clean in the field works Impulse, of Solar and CEO Piccard, Bertrand with his partner Together technologies. with no world the around on flying is focused Borschberg the first built they goal, this ambitious achieve To fuel. solely propelled and day, night of flying capable airplane energy. solar by nonstop, the first 26-hour, completed Borschberg In 2010, set many to went on Swiss duo The flight. powered solar the United and Europe across navigating for other records a in Africa to from Europe flight first the including States, showcasing continue hope to They plane. solar-powered energy today’s for solutions technological innovative flight with the first around-the-world and, challenges be pioneers in their other to inspire without fuel in 2015, lives. everyday a completing from come only not will success “Our motivate also will but fuel without tour round-the-world reduce to measures the necessary implement to everyone says. Borschberg fuels,” on fossil our dependence hand in hand. go and philanthropy fortitude Borger, For an Pond, to Peak the completed he years, 11 of span a Over and swimming Mount Everest of climbing feat endurance raise to fortunate he was says Borger Channel. the English adventures. major life during his two charity for money to is beneficial life with which I approach passion “The he says. me,” around those to native Calgary and first is the 18th Canadian Borger Canadian and he is the first Channel, the English swim feats. both to accomplish and fifth man swimming before years two-and-a-half for trained Borger for US$110,000 and raised Channel in 2000 the English him It took Association. Health Mental the Canadian and he raised in 2011, Everest Mt. climb to six weeks Association. Handibus the Calgary for US$502,000 Read more about Borger’s adventures on his website, adventures more about Borger’s Read and ice chronicles also he where borgerpeakandpond.com, big wall climbing. and Visit solarimpulse.com to learn more about Borschberg solar-powered aviation. daredevil? Send story suggestions to you a YPO-WPO Are [email protected].

steps over a course course a over steps 5,164 BORSCHBERG © Solar Impulse| Revillard| Rezo.ch Revillard| Impulse| © Solar weeks, the Forever Young team racked team Young Forever the weeks, BORGER Psychologists Michelle Clark and Veronica Harvey are resources available resources are Harvey Veronica and Clark Michelle Psychologists through our international partnerships with AON Risk Solutions. Please contact David Drier (WPO St. Louis) at [email protected] to learn about YPO-WPO’s partnership with AON. more The three-part transformational program offered a medical, a offered program transformational three-part The physical and aesthetic makeover with a renowned team of medical and fitness professionals. Twenty-two members, spouses and partners from participated YPO in and the WPO Cape program achieve a fresh Town perspective to on life. The experience sparked re-energize, reflect and a healthy competition. “The competitive nature was quite something to witness,” Wayne says. “Everyone took a look at themselves and our team. reignited We all kinds of passions and worked hard, but we also learned not to take ourselves too We seriously. had fun.” of 12 course the Over up some healthy numbers: • 883,100 calories burned 53 kilograms) of weight lost ( • 117 pounds (34 kilograms) of muscle mass built • 75 pounds and tears shed • 4 buckets of blood, sweat Following the Forever Young program, Wayne and Nino were prepared for one of the world’s most includes Marathon difficultWall Great The races. of 26.2 miles (42.1 kilometers). encouragement, wife’s his and nature, competitive Wayne’s helped him complete nearly impossible. the race when he felt let couldn’t I that was me concerned that thing biggest “The it was down my wife, or my kids or forum. I had no choice but to normal a am I perspective: new a have I “Now says. he it,” do realized I and ridiculous, physically something did who guy life.” a lot in my I can change Soon after the Forever program, Young resigned Wayne as CEO of a large advertising firm a and consumer joined AFB, finance businessin Africa. committed to responsible lending

2.4- 20 years and Ironman 2012 chapter education chair -hour 13-hour weekend trainings and daily -mile marathon 26.2-mile and ride bike 112-mile 40 last year, along with his wife Nino, he re- business decisions. “You have to walk a fine line between beingaggressive, overly with disastrous results, or overly he says. with anemic results,” timid, A marathon runner competitor, Ricky Arriola of (YPO Miami) sticks to a plan with his personal training. He 2013 completed the Ironman Brazil triathlon months in of May, following biking, swimming or running. The triathlon, hosted on six continents, features a swim, mile (3.86, 180 and 42.1 kilometers respectively). “Preparation for the race is the an perfect parallel effective for work life. of It stresses preparation, the consistency, importance Arriola says. “The tenacity,” same holds true for being feedback, focus and successful in business — if you develop a plan work on executing it, regardless of the hurdles, you’re and likely to be successful.” bests and personal tests Perseverance In the business world, the desire to win is evident in chief executives. the competitive nature of many daredevils, are executives all not while that says Clark there is a higher percentage of risk-taking executive roles. “There’s in a desire to chief win. CEOs thrive on the game and stay up all night to strategize,” she tends but requirement, a not is “Competitiveness says. to be more of a characteristic of a CEO.” Wayne Naidoo (YPO Cape Town) describes himself as “someone who is turned not an athlete.” But assessed his life. As the having and an active forum member, also Wayne “looked at the entire chapter of people who already about have everything just they want to for lives achieve,” our of parts certain reset we and do “‘How himself, asked greater fulfillment?’” Nino was preparing to run the Great Marathon Wall in China and encouraged her husband This education was program the impetus for Wayne’s to sign up. Young. theme, Forever “Every “Every aspect of racing is highly organized. Every car is taken apart with all critical components examined. Every scintilla of data is analyzed and reanalyzed,” he says. very “Very, rarely are things good enough. The keys to success are teamwork, preparation, judicious luck.” a bit of good grit … plus aggression, The strategy behind what a chief racing executive encounters is when weighing consistent with

perspective perspective Cathy Mah Leibman (spouse, YPO Emirates) summited Mount summited YPO Emirates) (spouse, Mah Leibman Cathy 2013. in March in Tanzania Kilimanjaro This time, Leibman reached the summit. “I can now tick this now “I can the summit. reached Leibman time, This list.” my bucket off challenge personal She trained aggressively, brought a female friend to share share friend to a female brought aggressively, She trained her with support from and armed herself in the experience, “I of encouragement. letters who had written members forum a reply.” and handwrite laugh night and would them each read Six months later, Leibman returned to Africa. “There was no was “There Africa. to returned Leibman Six months later, highest peak. on Africa’s stand mind that I would doubt in my she says. this,” I had visualized But the adventure was bittersweet for Leibman, who was the the who was Leibman, for bittersweet was But the adventure final the On summit. the reach to unable member team only and stayed fatigue extreme from she suffered of the hike, day reached sons, her two including the others, behind while family her down let had she that feeling home went Leibman them asking what kept She questioned her peers, and herself. “the impossible and matter” “mind over response, Their going. “If at adage, the old follow to Leibman prompted is possible,” again.” try you don’t succeed, first To build the ultimate family experience, Leibman planned a planned Leibman experience, family the ultimate build To the in Tanzania, up Mount Kilimanjaro expedition seven-day fathers with four mountain, free-standing largest world’s the personal included “Highlights 13-15. ages boys and five our how and admiring bonding with our children, challenge, and be responsible to the ability the climb, handled teenagers says. she summit,” to their determination their “As with herself. disappointed she was says Leibman in the share model and to be their role to I wanted mother, experience.” family summit with them as a memorable A uniquely personal experience: Part deux Part experience: personal A uniquely and Youth 2012 to doesn’t apply home” big or go “go term The YPO Emirates). Leibman (spouse, Mah Cathy Officer Family the peak. DETERMINED AND UNDETERRED DETERMINED ignite ignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 78 78 ypowpo.org/ignite 81 igniteignite ATA global pulse pulse global global NO D 80+ ypowpo.org/globalpulse. 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 -40 and WPO members have exclusive access to more than 850 and WPO members have exclusive hiring and fixed investments in 100 countries and regions at hiring and fixed write-in comments, as well as confidence indicators for sales, indicators for write-in comments, as well as confidence *Data sourced from the October 2013 Global Pulse survey. YPO *Data sourced from the October 2013 Global Pulse survey. — United Arab Emirates Qatar and Iraq seem to spearhead spearhead to seem and Iraq Qatar growth potential in the construction the construction in potential growth industry in the short to medium term. medium the short in to industry answers answers executive combines chief index confidence Pulse YPO Global The fixed numbers, employee sales, and most-recent-quarter about expected map is shaded by sentiment This and business conditions. investment The index among YPO and WPO members. confidence economic of levels negative a more 50 indicates below reading An index on 50. is centered outlook. positive a more 50 indicates above and a reading outlook, Economic Confidence By Country By Confidence Economic export-oriented : export-oriented tourism, : Africa, s te a

ITY S OF OPPORTUN ITY S OF OPPORTUN ab Emir businesses, food processing, fast-moving consumer consumer fast-moving processing, food businesses, goods United Ar equity estate real logistics, INDIA by media good opportunities but is affected “India offers including sectors I like sentiment. and lower coverage tech.” and clean healthcare retail, technology, IDENCE: 59.0 CONF ER AREA OTH in potential growth spearhead to seem and Iraq “Qatar the construction industry in the short to medium term.” IDENCE: 67.5CONF ER AREA OTH

E PULS TURE ONOMIC FU C mining, agriculture, agriculture, : mining, TING THE E GLOBAL ITY S OF OPPORTUN agro-industrial agro-industrial ITY: S OF OPPORTUN





Zimbabwe funding for of medium-term shortage is a serious “There borrowing Current investment. and capital restructuring of 16 percent months and in excess than 24 less are rates dollars.” per annum in U.S. IDENCE: 52.7CONF ER AREA OTH tourism, cash-only business cash-only tourism, ME be a good to seems energy only, region particular “In my option due to the government reforms in this area.” IDENCE: 58.2 CONF ER AREA OTH infrastructure IT, products, K TLOO NAL OU IO REG F up when members come to that is sure the question It’s business? How’s By combining answers. provides Pulse and the YPO Global together, get Global the countries, 100 in executives chief of thousands of outlooks the the economy about where of information is a unique source survey Pulse the belt, its under collection data of years four than more With headed. is indicator, economic leading as a value its demonstrated has index quarterly to three by growth domestic product in gross movements anticipating six months. six months. and on investing perspectives and partner member highlight pages These on business and investment as member comments as well the economy, survey. Pulse YPO Global the anonymous from opportunities pulled

YPO global pulse pulse global global ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 80 ypowpo.org/ignite 83 igniteignite global pulse pulse global global

107 percent. It should also percent. This compares very 46.4 be noted that in addition to foreign exchange reserves of Asian countries, excluding Japan (often referred to as AXJ), total which more than half of the increase sharp relatively a Despite world’s healthy. generally are sheets GDP, corporate balance in debt over the past few years, the for AXJ gross sovereigns averages debt-to-GDP ratio favorably with many countries in the eurozone for example. In addition, GDP growth for this year and the next is expected to average around 6.3 percent — this is 3 still percent average for well the rest above of the world. the In addition, equity valuations appear attractive compared to pre-Asian financial crisis peaks. Asian currencies are based also on their largely purchasing power undervalued parity as calculated by Fund. International Monetary the Therefore, the recent volatility in Asian capital markets is reminder that a short-term capital flows can be very disruptive to Asian economies, but with Asian economic fundamentals much stronger than they were in the mid-1990s, a repeat of the Asian financial crisis is very unlikely. Under Under the previous region, fixed-rate regime each prevailingum currency’s tended to deviation in the be tial significant from widened when the and the inflation made stantial. - differen currency equilibri- Now, adjustments most more relatively Asian sub- flexible economies exchange-ratealready operate moving regime, freely, so under potential with adjustments should a currencies be smaller. also 1994, in shape better in was economy global the while Ironically, Asian including economies the today, two weakest economies, are fundamentally much stronger. It’s worth considering, for example, that India, the country with arguably fundamentals in the the region, has a poorest gross public debt-to-GDP of 6 percent. This 81 is percent and the U.S. economy’s markedly lower than the eurozone’s Yonghao Pu is regional chief investment officer, Asia-Pacific, at UBS. Asia-Pacific, officer, Pu is regional chief investment Yonghao fastest- the world’s of in one developments market Pu analyzes at Cazenove Asian Economics head of is former growing regions. He (Asia) and senior consultant to the Asian Development Bank. Southern Asia chief investment officer, is regional Tay Kelvin was the Asian equities strategist at Deutsche Pacific, at UBS. Tay (Asia) and was a regional Management Bank Private Wealth Chief Chase. UBS’s (vice president) with JPMorgan telecoms analyst oversees investment policy Management Office Wealth Investment trillion. US$1.7 and strategy for visit ubs.com/ypo-wpo. on the world economy, more information For

30 1996. 38 percent 2) outflows 1997 Asian 10 percent in 10 percent of gross TIVE 2012 — a manageable amount in 14 percent and 1) because of capital outflows from lo- TRUC S domestic product, respectively. This makes more difficult for it them to intervene to stabilize their currencies. Nonetheless, a replay financial crisis of is unlikely the as the circumstances this are very around time different. foreign exchange Asian reserves are about of regional GDP; they were Today, only two Asian economies current-account have large deficits, comparedthan six in to more 1996. debt In as addition, a percentage gross of external GDP was percent less in than our It’s view. also worth noting that perhaps the biggest difference between today and 1997 is the rate regime. exchange In such an environment, currencies porate earnings and will cor- continue to struggle. The Indian rupee and the considered Indonesian the weakest in the rupiah region, given the are two countries’ reliance on capital inflows to fi- nance their persistent current-account deficits. These currencies were recently sold off for two reasons: cal government bond markets, and related to ongoing current-account deficits. In- dia and Indonesia are the only Asian economies running significant current-account deficits and fiscal deficits. abundant, was liquidity as long as that means This higher-yielding these by attracted inflows capital currencies funded their current-account deficits and supported their currencies. Now that global liquidity is about to tighten, these inflowsturning are into outflows, putting their currencies under severe pressure. With the prospect of the Fed starting to taper its bond-buying program, capital inflows are likely to be less forthcoming for these their currencies. countries, further Over weakening the past few Indonesia have drawn months, heavily on both their foreign India exchange reserves and to defend their causing their currencies, foreign exchange reserves to fall to a mere T DE


2008-2009 crisis, the

Worries of a 1997 crisis replay are overdone are crisis replay a 1997 of Worries T CER BU

2012, China is unlikely to be of much

Fed Fed has reduced the supply of U.S. depressed Treasuries, yields to and invest in encouraged risky assets, investors and not just in the By Yonghao Pu and Kelvin T and Kelvin Pu Yonghao By provides currencies Asian in volatility recent The one clear example of Reserve’s monetary how policy the can U.S. economies. impact By Federal global purchasing U.S. Treasuries expanding and its balance sheet to levels unprecedented since the start of the States. United The mere prospect of higher interest rates, since the Fed announced its intention to taper, reduce, its massive or bond-buying program in May 2013, has brought about a sharp rise in the yields of U.S. 10-year Treasuries and attracted money back to the perceived safety of developed-world assets. The result has been an exodus of capital from emerging markets, exposing the fiscal and countries, largest the of problems current-account particularly India, Indonesia and Brazil. In India, the rupee has fallen against to the U.S. a dollar. In record Indonesia, low the rupiah has fallen to a four-year low, while the Brazilian real has recently fallen at a rate of 8 percent per month. Coupled with a U.S. economic recovery that is centered largely on the housing market and the shale gas industry — two sectors Asia has little exposure to — corporate earnings will likely continue to be flat until theU.S. recovery becomes more broad-based. Luckily the Fed conclusion postponed of tapering its at September giving emerging markets the policy some breathing space meeting, to sort out their problems. However, eventually tapering and a tightening cycle will come. And other risks remain. Importantly, and as a result of its sharply decelerating since economic activity help to its neighbors in the coming years. India and Indonesia remain vulnerable, with current- account deficits that are unlikely to improve any time soon.



DISRUP global pulse pulse global global global pulse global igniteignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 82 ypowpo.org/ignite 85 ignite global pulse global Gerken B. — Pascal (YPO Brussels) began its outreach in Myanmar in Myanmar outreach its began YPO that share to “I am proud in 2010, of democracy of the arrival sign the first Since on. early YPO in promoting very active has been Chapter Brussels the YPO entrepreneurs.” local young dynamic, to When it comes to identifying business and investment opportunities around the world,, the world,, opportunities around business and investment identifying to When it comes of A cross-section members. than YPO and WPO of insights source better is no there and economic contexts, and political social business climates, the outlines viewpoints and Mongolia. of Myanmar landscapes

9.5). 2012 Global 2010, most recently as part of the Watch CNBC’s interview with YPO members about CNBC’s Watch broadcast during the 2012 investing in Myanmar, in Singapore, at ypowpo.org/cnbc-myanmar. GLC Gerken , managing director of B. Gerken Pascal the E Carbon Group, has been a and CEO of 20 years. Gerken for passionate visitor to Myanmar and relationships between YPO-WPO has forged YPO a number of and has organized Myanmar company, Myanmar-based His events in the country. Coral Green, is developing the first high-end eco- pristine resort and residences on the country’s YPO also serves as the 2013-2015 coast. Gerken Europe. regional chair for beginning in Asian Showcases following the Leadership Conference in Singapore (rated Currently, there are efforts in the Southeast Asia Southeast the in efforts are there Currently, Region to launch a new chapter in Myanmar in 2014, tentatively to be called YPO Yangon. Myanmar’s challenges are loom large. The con- fidence of the international community in the government’s commitment to true still reform fragile, is and the government needs many to things get right simultaneously in order to diversify the economy and bring enough of its population into the consuming class to sustain its growth. At the same time, Myanmar has vantages intrinsic that ad- can enable the country to come over- these challenges. Its proximity to fast-growing other economies, its tourism-attracting topography, its abundant and the natural opportunity for technological - leapfrog resources, ging highlight just a few facets of great promise. Myanmar’s YPO-WPO offers a number advantage of ways of to the Myanmar. take In unique addition opportunities initiative to there, which in is the connecting many new of the chapter country’s brightest and entrepreneurs to our global network, most members successful can join Deal Southeast Asia, a sub-network of the Deal Network, or the Union for YPO Group. (Burma) of Myanmar 56 Million Global 2012 UNITY RT D OF OPPO ORL 2010, the YPO Brussels (YPO Brussels) erken 1 2010 elections under the new A W and investment business on viewpoints Member NMAR IN MYA 2012, after the U.S. government

By Pascal B. G B. Pascal By

- http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/asia-pacific/myan 1. report, full The 15 Oct 2013). (accessed mars_moment. Major Moment: Unique Opportunities, “Myanmar’s is June 2013, Institute, Global McKinsey Challenges”, - at http://www.telenor.com/wp-content/up downloadable loads/2013/08/MGI_Myanmar_Full_report_June2013.pdf. Chapter Chapter has been very YPO to active dynamic, in young promoting With local the entrepreneurs. help of Asia chapters Region, notably in YPO the Singapore, Southeast qualifying a dozen Myanmar members, citizens hosting events in their became country and even facilitating Prize Peace Nobel winner Aung YPO the during appearance Kyi’s Suu San constitution, investors have been watching the Myanmar of Union the of Republic named newly with great interest as the government works to demonstrate its commitment and economic growth, to after almost 50 years democracy of military rule. According to the McKinsey “Myanmar Global is a Institute, highly unusual but prospect promising for an businesses underdeveloped and advantages, in the investors economy heart of the world’s — fastest- growing region.” with many I am proud to share that YPO began its outreach in Myanmar early on. Since the first sign of the arrival of democracy in in Singapore. Leadership Summit In October lifted its prohibitions on investment in Burma, the YPO-WPO Deal Global Business hosted Network Myanmar/Burma Opportunities: Reaching out Responsible to the Deal Suddenly the world is abuzz about Asia’s Myanmar, promising diamond the in wake of the the rough. In Lost Consumers. During this three-day 26 event, members had a privileged “first-mover” look opportunities. burgeoning into the country’s Along with organized other three YPO YPO excursions to Myanmar members, I also GERKEN MOMENTUM

global pulse global global pulse global ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 84

newly generated wealth in is the sectors that by directly profit investing from the proceeds of mining: property, construction materials and financial services. Investors in these elements of three the expanding areas and wealth benefit from effect the aggressive should growth in domestic consumption. capture is YPO’s regional chair for regional chair for is YPO’s Spencer J. David Southeast Asia and serves on the board of largest diversified Mongolia’s APIP, directors of property company.

2012. T GOLD RUSH? million tons million 2012, on the SER 37 issuing its issuing 2011, 2013. Existing deposits 30 percent of the country 13 percent in (YPO Pan Asia) 1,430 tons of gold. “OT” commenced 2011 and 2012-2013 elections, as well as a global and US$4.6 billion in A’S GOBI DE OLIA’S MONG FROM of copper and and generates thousands employs production in July, US$2 million a investment day propelled in the 17 percent tax in economy revenues. forward back of US$3 Mineral billion of foreign at direct investment in 2012 the However, pandering to populist sentiments seen during the souring a to led has markets, emerging from pullback of investor sentiment, and FDI has since more than halved, while the freely traded local been under pressure. currency has a of stages early showing is market the Post-elections, reversal. Parliament has committed to revitalize FDI and investor sentiments are again improving, based compelling growth trajectory. on Mongolia’s next of Mongolia’s advantage take you can How phase? growth Direct investment in mineral assets is an albeit obvious, risky, opportunity in Mongolia. even Perhaps an more compelling way to benefit from the of copper, gold, uranium and coal are keep expected the to economy growing at a for decades, and, with only double-digit pace explored, the likelihood of new discoveries is high. Add to this the planet’s only significantmineral rare discoveries earth outside of China, and both the economic opportunity and strategic importance of into focus. come more sharply Mongolia and promise setbacks Progress, Boasting a tax democratic regime, strong government, property rights or minimalist and exchange controls, no Mongolia was capital the darling as recently as investors international of first US$1.5 billion sovereign debt offering in much attention? hills.” in them there gold “There’s Mongolia is US$2 trillion in mineral estimated reserves. The massive than Oyu more contains alone mine Tolgoi to hold more than Mongolia, Mongolia, the rugged homeland of Genghis is Khan, rapidly becoming a favored frontier destination, investment with YPO and underdeveloped near-forgotten, WPO this is companies Why at forefront. the country of three million people attracting so By David J. Spencer Spencer J. David By

O SPENCER IT PROF HOW T HOW ell the picks and shovels or, better yet, the luxury apartments luxury the yet, better or, Sell the picks and shovels global pulse pulse global global

igniteignite ypowpo.org/ignite 86 ypowpo.org/ignite 89 igniteignite feature feature Ignite ) WPO London (spouse, assabehji — an elusive goal involving

By Rola T Rola By

A NEW METAPHOR FOR “HAVING IT ALL” “HAVING FOR A NEW METAPHOR Since the 1970s when the term was first Since the 1970s when the balance has been one coined, work-life business the greatest challenges for of leaders trade-offs and tough choices. Through trade-offs interviews with YPO and WPO members the world, around from experts and examines how the metaphor for work- for metaphor the how examines balance has evolved — and how it life a central role in leadership is playing development today.

feature feature REDEFINED

igniteignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 8888 ypowpo.org/ignite 91 ignite feature 2006. The first event she years ago after the birth of his of birth the after ago years 20 Total Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have 1995 after they identified a niche in the Stewart Stewart Friedman, practice professor of management at The Pennsylvania Wharton and director School of Wharton’s Integration of Work/Life Project, started the raising questions integration work-life University about of first child. He uses the metaphor of the hectic a lives jazz of chief quartet executives. to The four ensemble’s define players are home community or society and the self (encompassing the or family, work or mind, body and spirit). career, “Balance is retrogressive because it compels you think in to terms of trade-offs, while the metaphor of a jazz quartet implies creatively composing harmony,” says. Friedman In his book, a Richer Life, Friedman ever, success as a explains leader isn’t just about being a how, great more businessperson. than “You’ve got to performing be a well great in person, your all work, your domains home, your of community and your your life — private self.” tactics management Work-life Whether it is Elizabeth Lewis-Gray (WPO fusion, Melbourne) provides integration inspiration as a mother or of three — including harmony, twins — who grew a business from scratch while raising a family. Lewis-Gray and her partner founded Gekko Systems in mineral processing field ofgravity separation. now operates globally. company The of question a was it choice; no had I beginning, the “At survival,” Lewis-Gray recalls. business managed she infants, two and toddler a With trustworthy a with herself surrounding by family and and well-organized and staff, secretary who family time. including helped Lewis-Gray a prioritize nanny Lewis-Gray found additional support from her peers when she joined YPO in attended, a weekend course about relationships with children and spouses, marked a milestone in her life and resulted in her joining a couples’ forum that still meets three to five She times explains that a the year. dynamic in the couples forum is “complex but with

62 — Jean Laporte (WPO Quebec) Laporte — Jean through through spurts where I’m definitely without balance. trigger when I’m off balance My is waking up early in the morning, when most my I creative have ideas. For what we love to do.” a lot of us, business is balance versus Integration Expanding on his premise that balance may not possible be for than rather high fusion” “life toward working recommends achievers, Chamorro-Premuzic balance. “It’s better to inject some You quest. personal your in family and interest friends your involve and keep can’t personal and business apart in these times network our scale can we where hyperconnectivity, of and relationship levels as never before.” (YPO Johannesburg Golden City) and her and City) Golden Johannesburg (YPO Rajak Leora Lipschitz agree balance is an outdated husband David descriptor for professionals with families. They “Remember, when you say yes say when you “Remember, no to say you something to it and Accept else. something turn the page.” prefer “integration.” “I think don’t people should want balance,” Lipschitz weight. equal of think I balance, of think I “When says. I find this terminology is not very useful.” The couple shared YPO members, their work- spouses popular a at Chapter City Golden perspective Johannesburg and with partners life balance event in from March 2013. Lipschitz, a clinical the psychologist who has been a member of a working spouse forum for seven years, more realistic finds approach to integration managing a life in today’s technology-driven world. The all key aspects of is life integrating and priorities. shifting On a practical level, the couple has resources created based on a family system, structuring commitments and travel schedules days in advance while prioritizing activities. children’s their Habit Habit and Change the Way 24/7 Harvard Harvard Business Review blog post, Will Will Lyles (WPO San Joaquin Valley), balance

You You Work, Harvard Business School Perlow Professor draws a Leslie grim picture of today’s who professionals are “always on.” While smart devices and tools other may help executives teams, stay she connected argues to that workers their in a cycle the of instant responsiveness. “Sure, technology all is this connectivity trapping keeps you in touch worker the for with cost what at your “But says. she team office,” the and and productivity employer? actually Worker improves office.” the outside life a have to allowed is worker the if believes that Perlow want those to who “turn don’t off” thrive on validation rather than the work itself. “Some people are convinced that they are workaholics. I call them successaholics, needing positive reinforcement for working non-stop,” she says. “If you want to build a team culture where people are encouraged to unplug and renew, rewire the signaling. Cheer when come in and say that they unplug.” people Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor psychology of at business University College president London and of vice Assessment research Systems, and offers a He innovation observes in different his at perspective. “Embrace Hogan Life Work Imbalance,” that in today’s world lives professional and personal between boundaries the have been eroded by technology, resulting in a more fluidwork process and an environment in which you only achieve success if you’re obsessed with a and realizing it. vision “I think it’s very selfish to think we are here tostress. avoid Most of the amazing result accomplishments of are a people working meaningful,” he says. very hard on something It’s a matter Chamorro-Premuzic, because he of believes most people setting want realistic success expectations without the for sacrifice.enjoy “If(life more), you fine,” he want says. “But don’t to have these expectations. Many high their on implications negative have can that something achievers are driven families and their health, but society will benefit.” by For is not only unachievable but also He often undesirable. understands the importance also recognizes of his natural prioritizing passion for business. but “I go Success and the workaholic syndrome and the workaholic Success In an excerpt from her book, Sleeping With Smart Your Phone: How to Break the


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 90 THE KEY IS: all integrating andaspects of life shifting resources on priorities. based

20 years 101: Tips Success Jean Jean Laporte (WPO

older members. Veteran entrepreneur Quebec), shares his wisdom on achieving success during different life stages. More than ago, while working in corporate raising a family, Laporte positions felt consumed by his and job and realized he was not living in the moment. He began researching a solution. Finding liked, Laporte none created he his own life management approach, a five-year plan that integratedfamily work, and self. He later wrote all couples committed to a positive attitude only- been have outcomes and the confidentiality, deep in-YPO. The experience has brought a Super Glue foundation, deep commitment and self-awareness relationship.” to my Bryan Kin Wang Chan (YPO Shanghai), a real estate developer in a hyper-growth market, works long hours with many social commitments. Chan struggle and 2012 in baby a welcomed wife his and and family life. work a demanding to manage job “My can completely consume me, and it does,” he says. prioritize and smarter work to effort conscious a In better, Chan includes his wife in work functions and makes time for them to go out more regularly. “This theme comes up often — whether in forum or events in our chapter, which is oriented,” quite says family- Chan. At 38, he in is his the youngest forum and benefits fromthe advice of , which coaches executives , on which how coaches to executives and Strategies direct both career and life paths “more efficiently and with greater passion.” Laporte, who recently received his as a certification master corporate executive coach, shares his perspective on the universal truth of “Remember, when trade-offs: you say yes to something you say no to something else,” he says. it “Accept and turn the page.”


ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 92 ypowpo.org/ignite 95 igniteignite spective perspective per

ABOVE: Mayu Brizuela de Brizuela Mayu ABOVE: (WPO El Salvador), Avila (spouse, Cote-Ackah Carra and YPO Philadelphia) (WPO Neil Hellmann their engage Johannesburg) action social for passion SEN Summit during the 2013 City. York in New FOOTE Award Leadership Award Impact Employee (YPO New England) (YPO New Foote William (WPO Greater MENA) Bashar Masri (WPO Greater (YPO Sydney Pacific) (YPO Sydney Kuper Andrew (WPO Heartland) James Skogsbergh (WPO Morocco) Bennani Smires Kacem Economic Justice/Community Impact Award Award Impact Justice/Community Economic Philanthropic/Nonprofit Organization Award Award Organization Philanthropic/Nonprofit 2013 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY 2013 (WPO Costa Rica) (WPO Costa Sanchez De Mendiola Ramón AWARD WINNERS AWARD Sustainable Environmental Business Practice Award Award Business Practice Environmental Sustainable Award Business Practice Environmental Sustainable Read about the award winners at ypowpo.org/SEN_Awards Read

Michael (YPO Chicago) valve company has Recognizing and Recognizing fostering the relationship between business and community, these on networks doing well focus while doing good — that a promotes the philosophy notion that chief executives can increase their bottom lines by and sustainable business practices. engagement embracing social “Companies embracing a competition,” the outperforming actually are model sustainable business says Sustainable Business Network Chair Tucci (YPO Miami, YPO Costa Rica), who network gave presentation a at the summit highlighting planet. and bottom line: profit, people the triple Kirk Allen’s embraced this philosophy that good more than a matter of profits. business is sustainability of director a employs company Allen’s and a cross-functional “green team.” environmental Aside from issues, his community engagement company as promotes participated a in everything from urban community mantra and clean-up has efforts to Allen’s employees underwriting feel good scholarships. a about company working that for gives cares about its back employees and works to to reduce its its carbon footprint. community, “The people piece is so important,” he says. “People feel like they’re a part of something. That’s wins.” important. Everyone really Tucci hopes to use the network as a recruiting tool for YPO to attract the socially conscious millennial generation that sustainable business practices. already feels strongly about “If you don’t he says. economic incentive, it’s not going to work,” link environmental concerns to Former CEO of a global disaster relief organization, Randall Zindler (WPO sustainability and Alpine) community engagement trend predicts promoted by SEN participants Summit will become the the norm. “This is just the tip of who the sees iceberg,” opportunities not says only Zindler, for YPO-WPO on a macro level, but also for forums and chapters to effect change at the micro level. members “YPO are and doing WPO a lot to positively impact world. Market the trends and shifts in society point to an increasing move in this direction.”

and professional values into measurable action. chaired DC) Washington (YPO Kenefick James which World, Better a Building event, year’s this united participants from six countries in New City in September. York Attendees brainstormed ideas to members, attract especially spouses new and partners like first-timecommunications summit Apple), Big WPO attendee, (spouse, Koch Laura Giadorou officer for the Sustainable Businesswho Network, started taking part in calls global conference and webinars for microfinance. to further her passion In her spare literacy to high time, school students and uses what Koch her show to resources YPO-WPO from learns she teaches financial students how microfinance can lift familiesout poverty. of generational “Teaching teens the benefits ofhelps them microfinance become more compassionate,” she US$500, to US$25 of loans small very “With says. microfinance has given more than 200 million better live to chance the poverty in living people lives. “Women are empowered to businesses start and can small afford to send their kids to gives hope to future generations.” school. It offers The an Social entry Engagement Network and consciousness social of world the into point more specialized networks like Communities the Thriving Network Economic (a Development, Education Outreach, merger Humanitarian Health and Family Philanthropy of the networks), the Peace Helping Action Disadvantaged Network, Kids Global the Diplomacy and Network, Public Policy Network the and the Sustainable Business Network, all open and partners. to members, spouses

75 percent live deep in the S billion people who survive on less per day, 2013 Sustainability Philanthropic/ 2008, socially-conscious YPO and WPO By Brandi Neal Brandi By

Nonprofit Organization Award, executives many recognize that social consciousness chief is changing. leaders Today, are called upon to be responsible to all corporate stakeholders — customers, employees, their communities, the environment and their investors — corporate shareholders. not just Since members, spouses and partners have gathered creating discuss to Summit SEN the for annually business models that translate their personal their families.” Like Foote, a presenter at Enterprise YPO-WPO’s Social Networks Summit of and recipient the William William Foote (YPO New England) in worked Latin American corporate financea and business as journalist cooperatives by faced challenges the discovered in Mexico, where and he small farmers who lacked access to credit and markets. Foote recognized an opportunity was born. Capital and Root The company confronts investing global in agricultural businesses poverty that help by grow long-term prosperity rural farmers across Africa and Latin for America. small-scale, By providing training and strengthening the links to market, credit, delivering Root financial Capital and improves promotes environmentally rural agricultural practices. sustainable livelihoods “Of the 2.6 than US$2 says. Foote roads,” dirt of end the at countryside “Too often, they are relegated to a subsistence living that stresses the natural and environment makes it difficult for them to support



per perspective FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE A BRIGHTER FOR DER LEA BETTER ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 94 ypowpo.org/ignite 97 ignite perspective years 16 2010, she took another In pain and beginning and pain In 50. at age age at 2010 Lori Ryerson, Multi-tasking Manager Multi-tasking Ryerson, Lori since 2006 Ontario Lakes YPO and WPO Great Fearlessness and a focused eye are valuable tools in Lori work Ryerson’s with YPO and WPO Great Lakes Ontario. life her in taken leaps to qualities these attributes Ryerson YPO-WPO. outside past the spent Ryerson heights, of fear her Despite mastering the flying trapeze. In in and photography, art fine study to school into back leap business, Focalocity. 2012 she opened her own photo businesses small as chapters WPO and YPO views Ryerson the of role the seeing manager, chapter title the prefers and manager. as more akin to a general administrator chapter “Many chapters have budgets that some small businesses would kill to have,” managers, we Ryerson are says. responsible for “As ensuring operation of these businesses.” their the smooth chapter Trotter Globe León, Zamora Rocío YPO Peru and WPO Peru since 2010 a With stress fracture in her foot, Rocío Zamora León ran in marathon first her to doubt that she would complete Marathon, Zamora looked around to see the cancer survivors New York City and people with disabilities running inspiration carried the finish line. her to next to her. The Zamora meets life’s challenges and a as running began She strength. and determination same obstacles with the a and husband her from separation a through work to way raising home at years many spending after work to return her children. After a stint as a pension learned fund salesperson, she where she could and YPO of administrator chapter as position “sell the accepted sand in the WPO Peru. She is also well desert,” known in Lima as a seasoned Zamora traveler, and her reputation as a globe trotter led Zamora to a second trips for occupation: International Travel Group (ITG), Mexico City’s planning high-end, agency. premier travel custom “I juggle, but I see don’t it as a burden because I love both jobs,” Zamora says.

— Gauri Pradhan — Gauri Pradhan chapter administrator, WPO Mumbai chapter administrator, 2009. She now offers this service to WPO and Mumbai Pradhan, who identified a gap in the South Asian market for high-profile eventsplanning, was inspired by WPOers in Mumbai to establish her own company, Gems Events, in other clients internationally. Pradhan wears many mentor, perennial hats student — but first and — foremost, she mother, is an optimist. entrepreneur, best,” she says. day is a chance to deliver your “Every Harumi Kachi, Education Expert Education Harumi Kachi, 2005; WPO Asia since since August WPO Japan 2010 July Harumi mission Kachi’s is to share “the fun of constantly being educated.” Her role as chapter WPO Japan and administrator WPO Asia for has become a key project for K & Associates, Inc. her company, relationship Kachi’s guide admiration and respect Mutual with chapter members. They call on her frequently guidance for with visiting international members, retreats and events. Kachi also conducts leadership and English presentation trainings, helps companies to next-generation facilitates and plans, strategic implement create and leadership seminars for businesses in transition. knows She one: vital this is qualities many Kachi’s Among the value of a good relationship. The devastating loss of her husband 12 years ago gave her the impetus to clearly define what is important to her. “I spend time doing only what I truly value,” Kachi says. “I work only for people members are among them.” I like and respect, and WPO “The opportunity to learn from learn to opportunity “The and businesses top in the gurus has been a dream.” corporations RYERSON shining stars. shining administrators are YPO-WPO’s are YPO-WPO’s administrators “The key to success is to be very rigorous, very well organized in taking care of each detail,” be should very creative in all aspects of she the job, “We says. in daily issues or exceptional situations. Above all, I job and do it with enthusiasm!” love my Guru Event South Asia’s Gauri Pradhan, since 2004 WPO Mumbai After a decade fast-paced spent hospitality working and in resource industry management South while also raising a Gauri family, Pradhan Asia’s took on the role of chapter administrator for WPO Mumbai, the chapter she helped to establish nine years earlier. “Working with WPO most Mumbai amazing has experience,” Pradhan opportunity been says. to the “The learn businesses from and corporations the has gurus People pay been thousands of dollars for a their in time, and dream. top here I have an opportunity to work directly with WPO members and train under their wing.” to planning A-list events, chapter chapter events, A-list to planning From mastering the flying trapeze trapeze flying the mastering From PRADHAN By Annu Ross Annu By AMONG LEADERS LEADERS LEADERS ZAMORA KACHI Aziza Bennani, Star of MENA Star Bennani, Aziza since 2011 since 2005; WPO Morocco YPO Morocco Aziza Bennani is administrator for YPO never and WPO bored. Morocco, a appointed newly events As project director the for the YPO-WPO chapter in Middle East/North Africa Region, dedicated volunteer for mentor humanitarian organizations, and how can she be? Bennani’s passion, drive and experience a make sought-after her resource. When preparing YPO its Morocco was launch chapter and called development on her. plan, When YPO-WPO events the needed expert in an MENA, her name was at the top of the list. When a experience. her chapter share to eager was she began, program administrator mentoring It isn’t hard to understand why Region.” Bennani locally MENA as “the star of the is known well as chapters, Morocco the with work her Through as her master’s degree in private previous law, career as a notary and years her of family, traveling Bennani has the acquired world a track with record achieving excellence. for BENNANI perspective

ignite ypowpo.org/igniteypowpo.org/ignite 9696 ypowpo.org/ignite 99 ignite (YPO snapshot 2013, (YPO Aspen) — Eythor Bender — Eythor

The audience responded with enthusiasm members asked and how many they could get advance involved the or groundbreaking help technology. this immediate response For and desire to make a difference Bender, to each other. members have embodies the commitment become “You says. he responsive,” so is network YPO “The so tunnel-visioned when you are working in your own ideas off.” I can bounce field. YPOers are the people Leading the growth of the fledgling consumer industry, Bender bionics has had his fair share of personal and professional challenges and changes. The support of his times. fellow members has been crucial during these “In every transition, that’s when the YPO network really shines,” he says. Bidding the California coast Bender good-bye took in the helm April of FitBionic, a bionic company focused prosthesis on whole-person care, and moved to Boulder, Colorado, FitBionic’s headquarters. Connecting with the YPO network in Colorado was a top priority for arms. YPO Aspen welcomed him with open Bender. “We’re very excited to welcome Eythor to the chapter,” says Assistant Education Officer Michael D. Fox Aspen). brings “He a wealth of experience, both personal boot.” and professional … and he’s a great guy to Settled in yet another new home, Bender is ready, with the support of his new and usher in more miracles. former chapter mates, to “You become so tunnel-visioned tunnel-visioned so become “You in your working are you when the people are YPOers field. own off.” ideas bounce I can BENDER Grimsson (center). Grimsson YPO California Coast Chapter. Coast YPO California Paul Thacker, a Thacker, Paul MIDDLE RIGHT: Pacific EDGE conference in 2012. conference EDGE Pacific YPO California YPO California RIGHT: BOTTOM President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Ragnar Olafur Iceland of President professional snowmobiler who was who was snowmobiler professional badly injured in 2010, demonstrates demonstrates in 2010, injured badly Eythor with Eythor technology exoskeleton a 2009 trip to Iceland with his former with his former Iceland a 2009 trip to Coast Chapter members met with the met members Chapter Coast o express his gratitude for for his gratitude To express LEFT: TOP arranged arranged Bender peer support, Eythor (YPO Aspen) at the YPO-WPO Bender (YPO Aspen) at the YPO-WPO

new country (WPO Thiel Fred to manage the Americas division of 2003

By Annu Ross By Eythor Bender (YPO Aspen), an Icelandic the United States, has reaped the most rewarding benefit of expatriate in YPO-WPO membership: a sense of belonging. he says. “YPO has been like a second family for me,” A leader in bionic technology, Bender moved to Southern California in global orthopedics company Össur. A chance meeting two years later led him to YPO. While with conversation a started watching Bender soccer, his son play Pacific US At Large), who had a son on the same soccer team. soccer same the on son a had who Large), At US Pacific of challenges the understood Sweden, from originally Thiel, running a company and adjusting to life in a and introduced Bender to the YPO California Coast Chapter. Coast California YPO the to Bender introduced and “It can be really difficult toget to know people,” Thiel says. “Especially if you don’t know other area, and you have don’t a fellow forum of people you can CEOs rely on in the for advice.” For Bender and Thiel, YPO-WPO to has what Ray been Hickok the discovered more solution than loneliness 60 at years ago, the top. “Sitting YPOers, you feel comfortable and secure,” Bender says, “and down every month with that’s often not easy to find — people who understand and can trust.” you people Seven years after meeting Thiel and joining YPO, Bender, then CEO of Ekso Bionics, took the stage at the YPO-WPO company’s his introduce to 2012 in conference EDGE Pacific battery-powered, wearable exoskeleton that helps - paraple gics walk again. While discussing modern miracles is sec- this presentation felt different. ond nature for Bender, he friends,” my of front in speaking am I that often not is “It family.” says. “So, it felt like I was just presenting to my An innovator in technology the to transform business lives, Bender of quickly discovered the using YPO-WPO family “superhuman” was the perfect sounding board making miracles happen. for BENDER

snapshot snapshot

BIONIC TECHNOLOGY PIONEER FINDS A PIONEER FINDS BIONIC TECHNOLOGY ignite ignite ypowpo.org/ignite 98 ypowpo.org/ignite 101 igniteignite snapshot snapshot and friends,” says Spector. “In fact, recent data shows that more than 20 percent of all medical requests coming to M2Mx and co-workers.” family members, friends are for extended In addition to physician referrals and expedited appointments, PinnacleCare emergency also medical advice provides their for way to members a hospital on or in well as medical hospital experts for YPO-WPO webinars, care, as conferences and events. about M2Mx and PinnacleCare, learn more To email [email protected] or call can be submitted Requests +1.972.587.1615. Exchange. on YPO-WPO the M2Mx and Understanding Partnership PinnacleCare M2Mx has been connecting 10 years, the past For most. other when it matters each members to matter family issue, business a it’s Whether “go- M2Mx is the ultimate concern, or medical from and advice answers seeking those for to” peers. trusted of M2Mx inquiries are 35 percent than More of a range span Requests in nature. medical For parents. aging to care newborn from topics, with M2Mx has partnered eight years, the past medical possible best the provide to PinnacleCare access. and expertise YPO and WPO members, does it work? How personal a business, send and partners spouses YPO- email, through M2Mx to request or medical then M2Mx team The phone. or by WPO Exchange the and directs database an extensive searches YPO and WPO members with relevant question to PinnacleCare. to the request or directs experience choose can the initial request Members who make confidential. remain to

12 weeks (YPO Santa ) London WPO (spouse, Eric Levine assabehji assabehji 900 medical requests from YPO and Bruce Spector (WPO Washington DC

By Rola T Rola By Monica Monica Bay), who had recently joined YPO, immediately contacted to-Member M2Mx Exchange), (Member- him which with PinnacleCare connected Within for days, expert he advice. received neonatologists in the area. a report on top “We were fortunate UCLA’s rotated through Dr. the Devaskar NICU, as had PinnacleCare identified him as one ofEric. the “Dr. Devaskar best,” says was wonderful. We were very grateful for his care and to know PinnacleCare the depth of his expertise.” from Every year, than PinnacleCare receives WPO more members, most making frequently it membership benefits. used one and of highly the rated For & Baltimore), chairman PinnacleCare, the and partnership between founder two organizations the is a powerful expansion of of M2Mx benefits. “PinnacleCare supports the many requests coming medical into M2Mx providing each year physician by referral expedited appointments reports to and for members and top their immediate families,” hospitals says Spector. “Members can a also program purchase which extends these their immediate families.” those outside benefits to In April, YPO-WPO expanded extended to available them PinnacleCare making by benefits family, friends and co-workers for a fee. “We found that many members were in interested offering the benefits to extended family premature last summer, we quickly sought out out sought quickly we summer, last premature both substantive information and contacts in Levine Wendy says neonatology,” of world the back looking Bay), Monica Santa YPO (spouse, first 66 days in intensive care. at her son’s Her husband, “When our son Tyler was born

SPECTOR LEVINES PINNACLECARE PROVIDES PEACE OF MIND MIND OF PEACE PROVIDES PINNACLECARE MEDICAL ACCESS AND TOP-OF-THE-LINE YPO-WPO’s exclusive medical referral partner expands member benefits expands partner referral medical exclusive YPO-WPO’s