ROTARY CLUBS IN CREAM AREA THE FIVE CLUBS’ CALENDAR 201-2015 Issued 14th September 2014 There are five Rotary clubs in Cream Area of District 1090: Ascot, , & Sandhurst, and Wokingham.

The clubs have collaborated to produce this calendar so that we can avoid clashes of dates in the future and also so that we can assist each other when appropriate.

Club Secretaries are asked to inform Dave Donaldson (Secretary of the Rotary Club of Bracknell) telephone 07748701346 of any errors, additions or deletions to the calendar and an edited version will be produced. It is intended to send the latest edition of the calendar on the first of each month electronically to Club Secretaries so they can forward it to all their members as required. Rotarians are asked to contact the Club Secretary for more details about a particular event. Contact details: Ascot: Ian Valentine: [email protected] Bracknell: Dave Donaldson: [email protected] Crowthorne & Sandhurst: Bob McKean: [email protected] Easthampstead: John Fordham: [email protected] Wokingham: Paul Buckenham: [email protected]

The Rotary Club of Ascot meets at Mill Ride Golf Club, , on Wednesdays, first and third at 13.00 second and fourth at 19.30. For the year 2014 to 2015, Alan Rawlinson is President, David Marshall is Treasurer, Ian Valentine is Secretary, Peter Batterbee is Speaker Finder.

The Rotary Club of Bracknell meets at the Old Manor Hotel in Bracknell every Tuesday lunchtime 12.15 for 12.30 and meetings end at 13.30. First Tuesday: Fellowship, Club Council. Second Tuesday: Business meeting, Club Service Committee. Third Tuesday: Three Counties Cycle Ride meeting, International Service Committee. Fourth Tuesday: Speaker, Community and Vocational Service Committee. Fifth Tuesday: Evening meeting with partners and guests. For the year 2014 to 2015, John Tobin is President, David Gowing is Treasurer, Dave Donaldson is Secretary, Bill Wreglesworth is Speaker Finder.

The Rotary Club of Crowthorne & Sandhurst meets at the Waterloo Hotel in Crowthorne every other Tuesday 19.00 for 19.00 (note change of time). For the year 2014 to 2015, Edna Champion is President, Eileen Walters is Treasurer, Bob McKean is Secretary, Geraldine Durrant is Speaker Finder: [email protected]

The Rotary Club of Easthampstead meets at the Coppid Beech Hotel on alternate Monday evenings 19.30 for 20.00. For the year 2014 to 2015 Bob Calaz is President, Chris Readings is Treasurer, John Fordham is Secretary, James Strugnell is Speaker Finder.

The Rotary Club of Wokingham meets in The Briar Room at Cantley House Hotel every Monday at 12.45 for 1.00pm. The meeting ends at 2.15pm. The first Monday of each month is a business meeting. On one of the other three Mondays there is a speaker. If there is a fifth Monday in the month there is an evening meeting with partners and guests which is usually at Sand Martins Golf Club. Evening meetings start at 6.45pm. For the year 2014 to 2015, Jon Bundock is President, Gordon Gray is Treasurer and Paul Buckenham is Secretary/Speaker Finder.

KEY: Ascot, Bracknell, Crowthorne & Sandhurst, Easthampstead, Wokingham, District/other

Dates Details Notes September 15/09/14 Wokingham Speaker Shirley Pearce Contented Dementia Trust 15/09/14 Easthampstead Open Evening Dr Phillip Lee MP 22/09/14 Wokingham Speaker Ken Newland Crowthorne Carnival 22/09/14 Easthampstead visit of District Governor Tim Cowling 29/09/14 Easthampstead Speaker Kayleigh Hazell RYLA 29/09/14 Wokingham Ladies Evening Details TBA 30/09/14 Bracknell 5th Tuesday Evening Meeting Speaker Hugh Gibbons CAFOD October 06/10/14 Easthampstead Mill at Sonning Elton John Evening 13/10/14 Wokingham Speaker RYLA Candidate 13/10/14 Easthampstead Speaker Andrew Radgick WW1 Local Research 17/10/14 Ascot Quiz Night 22/10/14 Wokingham Charity Golf Day Bearwood 24/10/14 Crowthorne & Sandhurst Race Night 27/10/14 Easthampstead Speaker Sarah Watson ME2 Club 30/10/14 Bracknell International meal Cinnamon Tree November 01/11/14 Easthampstead Wokingham Recruitment Fair 08/11/14 Wokingham Fireworks Evening with Unicorn 08/11/14 Easthampstead Fireworks 11/11/14 Bracknell visit of District Governor Tim Cowling 14/11/14 Crowthorne & Sandhurst Children in Need Collection Crowthorne High Street 15/11/14 Wokingham President’s Night 16/11/14 Ascot Sunninghill Victorian Fair 16/11/14 Easthampstead Interact Conference 22/11/14 Ascot Jazz Evening 22/11/14 Easthampstead Club Concert Swallowfield 24/11/14 Easthampstead Ambassadorial Scholars 25/11/14 Ascot East Berks Young Chef Final LVS 26/11/14 District Council Meeting Oxford 30/11/14 Crowthorne & Sandhurst Wokingham Winter Carnival December 03/12/14 Bracknell Christmas Dinner and 3CCR Cheques 04/12/14 Easthampstead Presentation of Fireworks cheques 08/12/14 Easthampstead Christmas Dinner 14/12/14 District Carol Service 12/12/14 Bracknell Christmas Collection Sainsbury’s 13/12/14 Bracknell Christmas Collection Morrison’s 15/012/14 Ascot Christmas Breakfast at Mill Ride Golf Club 7:45 for 8am 16/12/14 Bracknell Christmas Lunch 16/12/14 Wokingham Christmas Party 19/12/14 Bracknell Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Wellington College Chapel 20/12/14 Ascot Christmas Collection Tesco 20/12/14 Wokingham Tin shaking at Tesco 20/12/14 Crowthorne & Sandhurst Santa Collection Crowthorne High Street 21/12/14 Ascot Christmas Collection Tesco Martins Heron 21/12/14 Crowthorne & Sandhurst Santa Collection The Meadows 22/12/14 Wokingham Tin Shake at Tesco 2015 01/01/15 Ascot Sunninghill Wheelbarrow Race Dates Details Notes 12/01/15 Easthampstead Speaker Jim Fyle Sebastian’s Action Trust 01/01/15 Crowthorne & Sandhurst New Year’s Day Walk Wellington College 24/01/15 Bracknell Burns’ Night 30/01/15 Wokingham Music Night 06 - 08/03/15 District Conference 14/03/15 Bracknell 3CCR Launch 07/06/15 Bracknell Three Counties Cycle Ride 2015