1st Prague () Scout Group

Group Executive Committee – Meeting 2 Tuesday 25th November 2014, Kabinet Café, Terronská 25, Prague. 7.30pm.


1 Present – Simon Burgess (GSL), Kevin Power, Gina Hearn. - Simon expressed his thanks to all those who have volunteered to attend the group executive and welcomed new member Gina Hearn who brings a wealth of experience to the exec.

2 Apologies for absence - Stevan Tennant, Dominik Fabicki, Matt Lightfoot, Gunnar Thorisson

3 Purpose of the Group Executive – A factsheet was circulated and a discussion on the purpose of the meetings was held. This included reference to the rules of the Scout Association set out in Policy Organisation and Rules (POR). Factsheet attached.

4 Appointments of the committee – due to the small number present appointments to key positions was not discussed.

5 Group Scout Leaders Report.

 Cub Pack and Beaver Colony – The current two sections are being run together as one. 5 to 6.30 on Thursdays at the Riverside School. We currently have 5 Beavers and 5 Cubs.  An interesting programme of activities is being delivered for the young people aged 6 to 10. Current challenges are: -  need for additional leaders to help or run the section.  the ability to recruit additional members due to the timing of the meetings which prevent some pupils of Riverside attending.  the ability to provide activities outside of the school premises, such as trips due to the inability to transport the scouts.  the ability to run activities relevant to age range due to the combined section.  the ability to run night away activities due to small numbers.

 Scout Troop – This is not yet operating even though we have a one young person of Scout age and another due to be very shortly.  A meeting has been held in October with staff from Riverside School over the possible opening of a Scout section.  There again is great interest in this happening.  The school is available to hold meetings any evening for Scouts at 7pm.  We are awaiting feedback from the school on possible dates for promoting scouts with the young people of this age group. ACTION – SB to chase school.  A questionnaire will also be given out to pupils tp gauge interest in joining scouts and to the best day/time for this to happen.  Thoughts include the possibility of integrating Scouts into the after school programme to provide accreditation for the activities that scouts and the school provide.  The possibility to run Scouts at the weekend once or twice a month is also been explored and is leader dependant.

 Explorer Unit – No further action on this as yet. This is hoped to follow on after the troop is established.

6 Junak Relationship – We have established a good relationship with the Czech Scout Association (Junak). We have attended a local Prague Scouts meeting to let the leaders know what we are up to. We are now good friends with a member of their international committee and have already been invited to attend events with the Junak, including the Czechoslovak formation anniversary ceremonies in Ceska Lipa and Zakupy where leaders met young people and leaders from the Czech Scouts. As a group we have held a joint hike attended by Junak members.

We intend to continue where possible having joint activities and work towards further cooperation.

7 Finance  Budget fy 14/15 and current financial position. - See attached financial statement. Income has only come from members joining fees and subscriptions to date. The financial position is on track to match budgeted expectations. Expenditure/Income is however budgeted on higher membership numbers so we will probably have to reforecast down the budget in late January after we know the final membership numbers for the payment of subscriptions to UK HQ which are due in April 2014. This assumes that membership does not increase before this time.  Grants – We have received (although in BSO account currently until we have bank account) a grant of £200 from The Scout Association for the starting of Beavers and Cubs. Additional grants should be sought when the groups legal status has been resolved.  Group Legal Status - In order to get a bank account the group must register as an association with the Ministry of the Interior. This is currently being pursued by Kat Gritt on our behalf. The document is currently being translated. Stevan Tennat has offered any support in making this happen. ACTION - Kat Gritt (SB to chase).

8 Health and Safety – Two of the three registered leaders are first aid trained thanks to the help of Riverside School. Risk assessments have been produced for all activities. There have been no H & S incidents to report. 9 Annual General Meeting 2015 – This should take place in late June or early September next year. Date to be decided in at the next executive meeting. ACTION – ALL

10 Any other business – It was noted that Kevin Power during the summer met up with and supported the Telstar British Overseas Explorer unit from . They were in the Czech Republic on an Explorer Belt expedition. They also met up with Czech Scouts through our support and contacts.

If you are not already following Prague Scouts on Facebook please like www.facebook.com/praguescouts. ACTION – ALL

Our temporary website can also be found at praguescouts.cz

Next Meeting will be held in early February - Date to be confirmed.