Volume 22, Number 11 November 1st, 2016

East Cross Monthly publication of News East Cross United

Methodist Church www.eastcross.org learning to follow Jesus, inviting others to join the journey

Newsletter articles for the next issue are due in the church office by noon on Thursday, Nov. 17th

(You may e-mail articles to office@ eastcross.org)

Sunday Worship Information

Daylight Saving Sunday, November 6th Sunday, November 13th Time Ends Scripture: Luke 20:27-38 Scripture: Isaiah 65:17-25 Sunday, Presentation by: Marilyn Chan, Sermon: God’s Recipe for The Good Life November 6th Missionary to Cambodia Communion and All Saints Day Remember to set your clocks back one hour before Sunday, November 20th Sunday, November 27th you go to bed on Thanksgiving Sunday First Sunday of Advent Saturday, November 5th. Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6 Scripture: Jeremiah 33:7-11, 14-15 Advent Sermon Series: ADVENT CONSPIRACY Sermon: A Conspiracy of Hope

East Cross United Methodist Church 820 S Madison Blvd. Bartlesville Oklahoma 74006 918-333-0810 learning to follow Jesus — page 2


The month of November is the time the administrative teams sit down and decide how we can best do the ministry we’ve been called to do with the money each of us has de- cided in our hearts to give back to God through East Cross. It’s always a fun time talking about the visions for ministry and the possibilities before us as a congregation. It’s also a time we turn our minds to giving thanks. Our American holiday of Thanksgiving is a great reminder to take time to give thanks.

Here’s an idea for daily prayers during November:

Sundays give God thanks for God’s goodness, blessings, mercy, grace and salvation. Each Sun- day of November choose two or three specific blessings and give thanks.

Mondays give God thanks for your family. Family should be the greatest gift we have from God and should be the number two priority in our lives. Each week pick specific family members and give thanks for them.

Tuesdays give God thanks for your church. God gave us The Church so that we can grow in our faith and mature gracefully, so we will have others to walk this journey with.

Wednesdays give God thanks for your monetary income. Give God thanks for the job and compa- ny that helps provide for your daily food, and if another person is working for that income, give thanks for them.

Thursdays give thanks for our nation. The United States of America has been a great success be- cause of the Godly principles it was built upon. You are among the luckiest people in the world to be able to live here.

Fridays give thanks for friends. Families we are born into, but we get to choose our own friends. Start with your closest and dearest friends and continue through your list of friends each week.

Saturdays give thanks for rest. God made us to work six days and rest the seventh. Sabbath is an important part of our life cycle. Thank God for the different times of relaxation and rest you have had through special vacations, time with friends and family, or the quiet times alone with God. Pastor Jeff

Contemporary Worship…

The Reason Why We Sing: I recently heard a radio interview of a mainstream, pop Christian artist and he made this comment "we realize that sometimes the only way to the heart is through the headphones." I thought that was a profound statement about the power of music. The East Cross Worship team has a mission and we pray it together each week, that we would lead people to Jesus through our singing and playing. That is what we are all about. Sometimes music puts words or ide- as in such a way that it opens up our hearts to hear and our eyes to see. May you discover more of Christ and his Spirit every time you come to worship with us. This is why we sing.

Emily French, Music Director, Contemporary Worship page 3 — inviting others to join the journey

I saw the weather report the other day and they said that for this last October, only a third of the days were at or below the average temperature. I thought this was fall where the temperature and the leaves...fall. Now please don't misunderstand me, I am not com- plaining, but it is supposed to be a season of change. I was ready for the change and was planning on it, but it just does not seem to be happening on my time. That is the way that change happens. It does not always happen in our time frame or the way that we want it, but it happens. A prime example of this is the work on the building remodel. It was our hope to be occupying it by now, but it has not happened. While it has been stressful, we have used this experience to learn to be a little more patient, a little more resourceful and to possess a more cooperative spirit. This change has lead to a season of growth for me and, I believe, for us as a church. However, once we start to live into this new space, there will still be more change in the months and years to come as God leads us how best to utilize this blessing. The question for us is, "How do we deal with change as individuals and as a church?" Often times change can be uncomfortable and daunting, but through it all we can take comfort in the fact that we serve a God who is constant through it all and working for the good of all. James 1:17 (CEB) says, "17 Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes from above. These gifts come down from the Fa- ther, the creator of the heavenly lights, in whose character there is no change at all." Through seasons of change, we do not have to worry about the outcome as long as we place our trust in God. So as the leaves turn and eventually fall, be reminded that our God, who loves and cares for you, is everlasting, unchanging and will never let you down. Happy Fall Ya'll,

Pastor Chad

From the Choir Loft...

Greetings! You have probably noticed that the choir is in robes again. That is a good sign that the weather is getting a little cooler. Along with the cooler weather comes my favorite part of the year! Advent is just around the corner and like I have mentioned before, it comes about two months earlier for the Sanctuary Choir. If you were to walk down the hall around the church offices on a Wednesday evening, you may notice that we are rehearsing what sounds like Christmas music. No, you have not traveled through time. We are right in the middle of preparing our Christ- mas Cantata. The best part is that you are not too late to join us! And yes, you do get to wear a choir robe for the cantata! Blessings,

Ariel Ortega, Music Director, Traditional Worship learning to follow Jesus — page 4 EC Kids...

EC Kids. Where do I even begin? I am so excited for this age group of our church. With our new Children’s area almost complete, a new curriculum in the works and new faces among our kids, amazing things are about to happen. God is moving in our youth. Can you feel it? I sure can and I’m beyond blessed to be a part of the change in our kids’ lives. During K-5th grade, a big shift happens. It’s when most kids really start to figure out who they are, who they want to be, what their beliefs are. It’s the time when kids start to really figure out they have opinions and thoughts of their own. It’s the time for us, as a church family, to help them along the way, to guide them in the light of the Lord. And the easiest way to do this is to volunteer. There are many ways and times to volunteer, many ways to get connected. If you are feeling led to help change the lives of our EC Kids, the future of our church, email me at [email protected] and I will find the best time and area for you!

CIA Recently CIA traveled to Food 4 Kids to help fill weekend food bags for school aged children in Wash- ington County. We had a great turnout and as always, it is such a joy to see our Christians In Action serve our community! For our next CIA, we will be shopping for Angels and this is always a favorite for our group! If you have a 2nd-5th grader who has not yet joined CIA, more information can be found on our website or our East Cross kids Facebook page! SUNDAY In October, our EC Kids learned all about the Ten Commandments! From dancing to songs, videos, drama, art projects and science, our kids were taught the importance of God’s Laws. In the month of November, we are learning the story of the Widow’s Mite and about the spirit of joy in giving that God wants to see in our hearts. Although the Widow’s story was very short in the Bible, it taught us a big lesson: the widow’s gift was more valuable because she was sacrificing so much to give it. CONNECTIONS Our Wednesday Night Connections is steadily growing! During Connections, we are continuing to dis- cover what happens when we cheerfully bring offerings to God and share what we have with others. Don’t forget to invite a friend!

Aimee Hall, Director of Children’s Ministries

Who knew Christians were like pumpkins? In Children’s Church last month, we learned just that!

Thank you to Riley Perceful for being our pumpkin carver!

“Let your light shine so before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16

page 5 — inviting others to join the journey


Can you feel the temperature change in the air? Can you almost smell the apple pies in the oven? November is the time of the year these things are happening and many of the children in their classes will be making the always popular hand-print turkeys; enjoying their version of a “Charlie Brown Thanksgiving;” and conversations will be had about the many things they are thankful for, and you know, children DO say the darnest things!

Our Early Childhood Center will once again offer an on-site Scholastic Book Fair the week of the 7th – 11th and we welcome everyone that may be interested in books for very young children (Infants through PreK). Please stop by the display tables at our first floor mural hall and see if there are some books that you would like to purchase for the young children in your lives - consider too this is great opportunity to shop for the upcoming holiday gift-giving season!

Coleen Williams, Director, East Cross Early Childhood Center


I'm Liz VanDeVenter and I'm very excited to be the new Nursery Director. I have worked at East Cross for 15 years in the nursery and Parents Day Out program. I believe that children are a gift from God, and my goal is to make sure every child knows that. I am in the process of putting to- gether faith based activities for the classrooms. I would like to welcome Whitney to our nursery staff. She will be working in the baby room. The Nursery staff would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever. “ 1 chronicles 16:34.

Liz VanDeVenter, Nursery Director

Children’s Church…

We offer Children’s Church on Sunday mornings for kids in Kindergarten-2nd grade. We will leave from the Christian Life Center (gym) at the 11am worship just before the sermon. You can pick your child up after the service in the Youth Chapel on the first floor. The Youth Chapel is located through the Gathering Area, down the hallway to the left.

We welcome you to take your infants through Pre-K children to our nursery on the first floor where they will be lovingly cared for during the worship service. Should your child/children prefer to remain with you during the service, there are bags full of activities just outside the Sanctuary they can use. Please return the bag after the service. learning to follow Jesus — page 6

November Outreach News

Mountain of Food Ends November 6 The Mountain of Food annual canned food drive supports Concern, Lighthouse, and Agape Mission. These agencies feed the poor and homeless. Donations purchase cases of food from Aldi’s and the need is great. Please look over the list of food items and be in prayer for those in need. The food will be delivered on Monday, November 14th and any- one can help. Meet at East Cross at 5:30–6:00pm to help load and transport the Mountain of Food. The more help and trucks the better!

Angel Tree Begins November 16 and Ends December 11 Watch for the Christmas tree with names of children in Big Brothers and Sisters as well as DHS foster children of Washington County programs. The “angels” on the tree will have a wish list to guide the purchase of presents. You have the opportunity to bring God’s love into these children’s hearts on Christmas morning and to pray for your “angel.”

Concern Gives Thanksgiving Baskets each year to 300 needy families. Sieman’s purchases the turkeys and Bartlesville Churches donate items for the baskets. East Cross donates 300 one doz- en packages of brown and serve rolls through the Outreach Committee.

Donations boxes for local agencies will now be called Generosity Boxes. October donations were sent to Concern Child Learning Center and they were thrilled. November’s donations will be a “soap party” for Lighthouse Outreach Center. They have expressed a need for bath soap, sham- poo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes, tooth paste, feminine products, and men’s socks. Please help fill our Generosity Boxes that are located at the entrances to the first and second floors of the church. Disciple’s Sunday school class is organizing this project and making the deliveries.

SAVE the Date:

For a half day VIM to Frances Willard in Tulsa on Saturday, January 7, 2017. Details will be in the December Newsletter.

For the East Cross Chili Cook-off on Sunday, January 29, 2017!

East Cross 2017 Costa Rica VIM will be July 8–15, 2017. Please contact Evan Holmes for de- tails. The team will be working with the Rice and Bean Ministry with four day camps and delivering food to needy families.

Beyond Relief Update Hurricane Matthew caused massive damage in Haiti. We are very thankful to inform you that everyone at the Beyond Relief Trade School is safe and no damage was done to the school. The people in south Haiti are suffering a huge loss of loved ones as well as most of their property and possessions. The people of Haiti and Beyond Relief appreciate your prayers and support. You can find more information at http://gobeyondrelief.org/.

Marilyn Chan will be in Bartlesville the first week of November. Marilyn is a Cambodian missionary East Cross has supported for several years. We are planning a reception for Marilyn on Sunday, November 6. Details will be announced as plans are finalized.

MUTUAL Tuesday House Resale Shop, 327 S. Penn, will be open Saturday, November 5, 9am to 12:30pm. Sales support MUTUAL Girls Club and the MUTUAL Gold program.

MUTUAL Tuesday House Resale Shop will be closed Thanksgiving week, November 20-27. page 7 — inviting others to join the journey

The Outreach Committee is sponsoring the annual “Mountain of Food” drive which ends on Sunday, November 6th. The food will be distributed locally to the Concern Food Pantry, Agape, and the Lighthouse the week before Thanksgiving. East Cross has always been a generous congregation and responded to helping local people in need. Last year we collected 820 cases of food for a total of $11, 595.00.

To donate complete the form and make your check payable to East Cross United Methodist Church noting “Mountain of Food” on the memo line. Forms are also available in the church bulletin and in the Gathering Area at the information desk. Items are listed by case quantity (number in one case) and price per case. You may place your order in the collection plate any Sunday, mail to the church or drop it by the church office through Sunday November 6th.

The Breakfast Club Sunday School class will be collecting the food from Aldi’s on Saturday mornings and bringing it to the church. If you would like to assist them please contact Emily Call at 918-440-9933. Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated.

Kay Ruehlen, Outreach Committee


Meat Stew 12 $21.00

Ravioli 12 7.80

Chili w/beans 12 14.28

Spaghetti-O’s 12 7.08

Fruit Cocktail 12 10.68

Sliced Peaches 12 10.68

Green Beans 12 5.88

Corn 12 5.88

Canned Potatoes 12 7.80

Macaroni & Cheese 24 7.92

Tuna 48 33.12

Luncheon Meat (Spam) 12 21.48

Peanut Butter 12 17.88

Jelly 12 17.88

Flavored Gelatin 48 16.80

Instant Pudding 44 19.80


1 case of each item = $225.96

Your Name: ______

Thank You to Aldi’s for their assistance and Thank You for Your Support! learning to follow Jesus — page 8

World Community Day – Washington County Church Women United 10:00am Friday, November 4th First Church 4715 SE Price Road Theme: Sharing Gifts at the Table Speaker: Sherry Smith, Executive Director of Agape World-wide Church Women United has a 75 year heritage of involvement in peace and justice issues. Members of all congregations are invited to join us for the World Community Day Celebration.

Church Council Charge Conference at East Cross Thursday, November 17th Thursday, Christian Life Center November 10th 6:30pm Pie and Coffee 6:30pm, Chapel 7:00pm Business Meeting

FAMILY LIFE SYMPOSIUM Thank you for honoring me with an enjoyable retirement reception recently. The cards, gifts, We’re All in this Together: Creative Safety Nets for Our Kids

flowers and many kind words of appreciation Thursday, November 10 6:30-8:30pm meant a lot to me. It has been a blessing to be a part of the Bartlesville High School East Cross staff team for over 14 years and a joy and Commons Area 1700 SE Hillcrest Drive privilege to serve such a wonderful church family. Speaker: Maureen Underwood See you at church! Blessings, Paula Lindblom Friday Workshop Symposium

Youth Suicide Prevention

November 11 8:30am-4:00pm 2016 Church Operating Budget—Status Update Tri County Tech 6101 SE Nowata Road (Amounts are YTD through October 19 and in $Thousands) Collections/Receipts—$630 For parents, grandparents, educators, counselors, community members

Disbursements/Expenses—$670 $55: Please register before November 9 Current Year Deficit—$40 www.familylifesymposium.org

SAVE LABELS FOR EDUCATION...Red Bird Mission is collecting Labels for Education to obtain a new van for its school. A van requires 1,500,000 Labels for Education. Red Bird has banked 1,200,000 labels and is working on collecting the remaining 300,000 Labels for Ed- ucation. These must be collected and turned in by the end of this school year. Labels must have both the UPC code and the words ”Labels for Education.” These are the products that have the labels: Campbell’s, Pace, Pepperidge Farm, SpaghettiO, Swanson, V8, V8 Splash, V8 Fusion. Some companies are fazing out the Labels for Education on their products, so look through products al- ready in your pantry, and look for stock in the grocery store that still has the label. The labels can be left in the brown wooden box in the kitchen or given to Nancy Arnold, who will periodically mail them to Red Bird Mission. Thanks for your help! page 9 — inviting others to join the journey

Congratulations to Josh and Kristen Lindblom on Our Church Family the birth of their son, Maxwell James on October

3rd! He weighed 9 lb 6 oz and is 20 inches long! Pray For… Maxwell is welcomed home by big sisters, Paige Rose Anne Tohlen, Greg Swisher, and Jillian. Sharon Walker (Helen Shell’s grand- daughter), Nancy Pichler, Bob Murnan, Glenda Williams (Brenda Proud grandparents are Bob and Paula Lindblom Commons sister), Kathy Northcutt and proud great-grandmother, Laverne Lindblom. (Deb Richardson’s sister), Bonnie Best wishes to all! Woods (friend of Evelyn Meade), George & Emmalene Lennon and their son Jerry, Doug (Pauline Ken- Pastor Jeff, Pastor Chad, Prayer Shawl Ladies and ton’s brother), Alida (Maebeth Fur- Congregation…. row’s sister), Ann Allen (Lola Nor- fleet’s granddaughter), Louis & Emily Our hearts are full of thanks to all of you for your Kuntz, Gary Brown, Spence Rigdon, loving care of our family these dozen years and espe- Judy Johnson (Margie Green’s moth- cially the last few weeks. er), Helen Shell, Alvin Beckworth, Alan Beckworth, Harriett Smith, Cathy Administering Communion to Becca was so meaningful to us, the Christian, James Harris, Sandy Shaw, prayer shawls covered her with love, and the visits and apple cake Nita Wakeley, Euela Randall, Christo- made by Mary Cox were much appreciated. pher Hope, Jeremy Waldorf, Larry Shoemaker, Pat Smith, Barry Knuth, Our hearts are also sad and I realize that Sundays will be tough Marie Puckett, Val Cottle, Shari Roe- because I did all her care and we sure enjoyed being together those buck (niece of Harold and Peggy hours.

Yelton), Myrna Collier, Barry & Bryant Through our tears and missing Becca awfully, we rejoice that she Collier, Emma Lou Cox, James is now free of the body that no longer worked for her. She no longer Malone, Earnest & Cathe Riggs, Ger- needs medicines or a wheelchair. Thanks be to God she is perfect. trude Hughey, Raymond White, Jr., Keith Webb, Joe LaFerry, Carol Rod, Stephanie, and Emily Leupp Stithem, Connie Black, Kathy Stewart, James Kuntz, Mike Paxson (brother-in -law of Coleen Williams), Marcia Thank you on behalf of myself and the Wymann Foreman family Goode, Ken Salamy, (nephew of for opening your church to let us celebrate this life of Wymann. I Tootsie Bryan), Joan Collins (friend of know there was a lot of work that went in to the planning on such Pam Knuth), Bill & Allie Zoldoske, short notice. Thank you, again. Velma Roby, Kris & Shelly Riggs (missionaries in Niger) Shelley Ward Foreman and the Foreman Family

Condolences to… Pray for our Military Denise Fuller, Marsha Grindle and families on the death of MAJ Todd Abshire LTC Darrin Cox LCDR Eric Rolfs their mother, Vivian Dale, on SSG Gary Mabry SSG Jared Seat CPT Derek Smith October 4th. CDR Robert Staten CPT Neil Gorham Robbie Lawson Mark Hathaway CPT Daniel Smith Curtis and LIz McLaughlin and All persons serving in the military and their families. family on the death of their daughter, Cindy Wilcox on “We are because they sacrificed. We are because they served.” October 22nd. We owe our Veterans our undying gratitude. Thank a Veteran today.

If you have a loved one or a friend currently on If you know someone that needs to be added or active duty in the military and would like them removed from the Prayer added to our Wall of Honor, please contact List, please give the Charlie and LeAnne Christensen at office a call. [email protected] or 918-327-1226. learning to follow Jesus — page 10










8a East Cross


5 8a East Cross men’s breakfast at Midway Café ______8 12 19 26


men’s breakfast at


5 12 19 26





7p Bridge Church


4 11 18 25

7p Bridge Church

4 11 18 25

PDO PDO & Preschool: 918

820 SEMadison Blvd. 918

[email protected] FAX: 335









6:30p Charge 6:30p Charge

6:30p Council Church

7:00p Children's

Dec. 1

Conference at EC 6:30p UMW Unit

1:30p UMW Exec

3 10 17 24 OfficeChurch Closed

Thanksgiving Day

6:30 Charge Cluster

December 1

9:30a Rebecca Circle

6:30p Council Church

3 10 17 24 OfficeChurch Closed





5:30p Meal 5:30p Meal 5:30p Meal

5:30p Meal 5:30p Meal 5:30p Meal

Connections Connections Connections

5:30p Meal


Connections Connections Connections Connections

5:30p Meal

6p Groups Small 6p Groups Small 6p Groups Small

6p Groups Small 6p Groups Small 6p Groups Small

or Groups Small

6p Groups Small

7p Sanctuary Choir 7p Sanctuary Choir 7p Sanctuary Choir

7p Sanctuary Choir 7p Sanctuary Choir 7p Sanctuary Choir 7p Sanctuary

6p Small Groups6p Small

7:30pBand Practice 7:30pBand Practice 7:30pBand Practice

No PDO/Preschool

7:30p Band Practice 7:30p Band Practice 7:30p Band Practice

7p Sanctuary Choir

7:30pBand Practice

7p Sanctuary Choir 7:30p PracticeBand OfficeChurch Closed

Church OfficeChurch Closed No MealConnections

2 9 16 23 30

2 Connections 9 16 23 30





7p Outreach

6p Piecemaker

7p 7p Outreach

Connect with CrossEast on Facebook!


7p Sanctuary Choir

7p Choirt Sanctuary

1 8 15 22 29

1 8 15 22 29





5:30p Evangelism

Finish Finish PartyLine 7p Miriam Circle

6:30p Circle Rachel

5:30p Evangelism

6:30pPrayer Shawl 6:30pPrayer Shawl

7:00p Circle Rachel

6:30pPrayer Shawl

7p Miriam 7pCircle Miriam

6:00p Streets the Run

7 14 21 28

7 6:30p Shawl Prayer 14 21 28




Time Ends Time

Time EndsTime


of Advent


at East Cross


At EastAt Cross

6p Ministerial

Daylight Saving Saving Daylight

First Sunday First

All Saints DayAll

All Saints DayAll Mt Foodof Ends

Daylight Saving Daylight

3:30p Worship Team 3:30p Team Worship

Thanksgiving ServiceThanksgiving

Thanksgiving Service

6p Ministerial Alliance

6 Communion 13 20 27

6 EndsFoodMountain of 13 20 27 page 11 — inviting others to join the journey

All East Cross men are invited to meet at Eggbert’s on Saturday, Nov. 5th at 8am for breakfast and fellowship!

MONDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP 1st & 3rd Mondays 6:30pm Parlor Bring any type of handwork—we Weekly Activities will have good fellowship and a Sunday great evening. All are invited! 8:30 am Traditional Worship Service 9:45 am Connections Small Groups for all ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service Sunday Morning Van Ministry 5:00 pm Youth Call the church office at 918-333-0810 Monday if you need a ride to church 9:30 am ECECC— East Cross Early Childhood Ctr. (either service) and leave a 6:30 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (1st & 3rd) message on extension 105 before 7:45am Tuesday on Sunday mornings. 8:00 am-4:00 pm MUTUAL Tuesday House Resale Shop You may also have a “standing” 4:00 pm Prayer Group request to be picked Wednesday up every week. 8:00 am-12:00 pm Sorting at MUTUAL Tuesday House Resale 9:30 am ECECC— East Cross Early Childhood Ctr. 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm Praise Team/Band Practice The East Cross News is pub- lished monthly. Please note Thursday No Activities Planned the deadline of November 15th to have your articles in to the Friday church office. You may drop 7:00 pm Church Bridge (2nd) them by or email them to [email protected]. The next newsletter will be published on December 1st. ONLINE GIVING...You can give electronically by going to our website. Click “About Us” on the top of the welcome page and then click on “Donations” on the bottom of that page. You can also have funds withdrawn automatically weekly/monthly by completing a request form available in the treasurer’s office. Like East Cross on Facebook Did you know that East Cross offers a mobile version and receive a of our online giving page to make it easy for you to daily devotion give anytime from your smart phone? Simply scan the each morning image you see to the left using your phone’s Quick at 6am! Response (QR) code reader! EAST CROSS NEWS (USPS 164-540) PERIODICALS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Published monthly AT BARTLESVILLE, OK 74003 USPS 164-540 Postmaster: Send address changes to:

East Cross United Methodist Church 820 S. Madison Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006-8533

Rev. Jeff Burress Pastor Chad Perceful Pastor Evan Holmes Director of Youth Ministries Aimee Hall Director of Children’s Ministries Linda Smith Ministerial Coordinator Linda Thornton Treasurer-Membership Coleen Williams Early Childhood Center Director Liz VanDeVenter Nursery and Childcare Director Ariel Ortega Music Director, 1st. Service Margie Green Pianist/Organist Emily French Music Director, 2nd Service Seth Weimer Sound Tech Jon Colliver Building & Maintenance Coordinator

Church Office: 918-333-0810 FAX: 918-335-1664 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.eastcross.org Early Childhood Center 918-333-3814

generosity: moving toward life that is truly life — page 12

C3 Student Ministry

Cry Out To God

It was an honest moment between the speaker and his audience. When you will humble yourself in front of your ministry and be up front and honest with them, God moves. I wasn’t planning on having worship that warm Autumn night but God wanted us to. So we did. I’ve never heard the youth sing out so loud. I could barely hear my own voice. It was beautiful. Why did God bless my honesty?

It all started with a rough week. You know those weeks that just seem to trip you up and beat you while you’re on the ground? That’s where I was. I was tired, down, and mad at God. Much like any normal human being living on this Earth, I was having a rough week. I am the youth minister and with that, sometimes, comes unrealistic expectations. And the only one to blame for these expectations is me. As the leader of my ministry, the prideful and sinful side of me says that I must be perfect. I must have everything together and have this perfect image for my students. I mean, 1 Timothy 6:11-16 calls for me to obey God without fault or failure. Now anyone knows that if I, in my human form, wanted to be perfect, I would undoubtedly fail. So when I shared with my students that even I sometimes want to just cry out to God, He blessed my endeavor.

I know that I’m their leader and one of their ministers but they needed to know that we all are on a jour- ney. They’re not the only ones who want to cry out to God at times. We all struggle and we’ve all fallen short of the glory of God. However, I thank God every day that while we were still sinners, Christ died for our sins. So just remember, being a leader doesn’t mean you have to be perfect but if you are willing to serve God first, even before yourself, His name will be glorified by what you do.

Evan Holmes, Director of Youth Ministries