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MINUTES of the meeting of Parish Council held at The Fox Public House Aspenden on Monday 2nd March at 8.00pm.

Present Cllr Richard Blackburn (Chairman) Cllr Thomas Poulton (Vice Chairman) Cllr Stuart Chambers Cllr Andrew Huggins

2 members of the public

Officer attending Denise Anderson (Clerk)

APOLOGIES 20.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Devonshire who was working a night shift. It was resolved to approve Cllr Devonshire’s absence.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 20.3 The Chairman welcomed PCSO Paul Dearman who had requested the opportunity to come and introduce himself to the Parish Council. PCSO Dearman explained that he and his colleague PCSO Rhona Blackham had joined the team and their area of responsibility was Buntingford, Buckland & Chipping, Aspenden, and . He explained that six Community Protection Warnings (CPW) have been issued as action under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act targeting youths congregating in cars, smoking and dealing drugs in various car parks around Buntingford with 3 more in process. CWPs could escalate to a Community Protection Notice (CPN) which if breached the individual would be fined and taken to court. Councillors reported some similar problems at the Aspenden cricket pavilion and PCSO Dearman asked for car registrations to aid investigation. PCSO Dearman reminded Councillors of the OWL (Online Watch Link) and reported 24 addresses in Aspenden were registered as well as the ‘Coffee with a cop’ event at the Buntingford Coffee Shop on 18thMarch at 11.00am. Contact [email protected] and [email protected] The Chairman thanked PCSO Dearman for attending the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 20.4 The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December 2019, having been circulated previously, were before the meeting and signed as a correct record.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 20.5 Aspenden Parish Council Chairman’s Report (March 2020) Highways Continuing dialogue is taking place with County Highways in relation to the operation of the Dandara site and general safety improvements required on Aspenden Road. County Highways confirm they are monitoring the situation and working with the developer to address concerns and believe that the traffic calming measures to be installed as part of the development works will slow traffic down and improve safety. County Highways are also investigating a couple of missing or obscured signs along Aspenden Road alerting drivers to the priority right of way over the bridge. HCC also have funds of circa £36k from the Dandara S106 monies to specifically spend on improvements to the public footpath (RoW 27) and are currently reviewing options. The Parish Council asked Buntingford Town Council whether they would be prepared to commission an independent safety review of Aspenden Road, however due to budgetary constraints, the request was declined. Various pot-holes have been repaired along Aspenden Road and The Street, although there are a few still to address.


A large Wheatley Homes lorry/transporter recently broke a substantial branch off a tree opposite the Jubilee Cottages cul-de-sac. Murray Cheetham kindly dealt with the aftermath and cleared and removed the branch. Defibrillator If approved by Councillors this can now be ordered and we can expect it to be installed within the old Village Telephone Kiosk sometime in late April, early May.

PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES 20.6 The Parish Council has received, from Steve Kennedy an Aspenden resident, a statement supporting his application to fill the current vacancy on the Council. As Mr Kennedy was unable to attend this meeting the Clerk will invite him to the next meeting when the co-option process can be handled.

PARISH COUNCIL DOCUMENTATION 20.7 None for this meeting.

FINANCE 20.8 Finance report and payments authorised To receive the finance report. The report is an appendix to the minutes.

PLANNING 20.9 Planning Report To receive the updated Planning Report. The report is an appendix to these minutes.

20.10 Planning Applications since the Parish Council Meeting 2nd December 2019

3/20/0170/LBC Gorhambury The Street Aspenden There was no objection to this Planning Application Buntingford SG9 9PG by the Parish Council

20.11 Planning Applications

3/19/2605/FUL Watermill Industrial Estate Aspenden The Parish Council objected to this Planning Road Buntingford Herts SG9 9JS Application

HIGHWAYS 20.12 Verges encroaching onto the road It was agreed to tackle this issue on the Aspenden Spring Clean Day.

PARISH MATTERS 20.13 Adoption of the BT telephone box (with a view to install a defibrillator) Cllr Blackburn on receipt of the full costings for the defibrillator along with other estimated related costs such as paint and labour had circulated this information to Councillors for their consideration.

Resolved to purchase a defibrillator through a managed solution whereby the Community Heartbeat Trust retain ownership of the telephone box in addition to a single payment covering 5 years annual support. Proposed Cllr Blackburn Seconded Cllr Huggins.

Cllr Blackburn said there would be a demonstration event which he hoped members of the community would attend. He explained that as part of the agreement the Parish Council is required to carry out weekly checks on the equipment and report via the WebNos Governance system to ensure the ready state of defibrillators in the community. He suggested the role of the ‘community coordinator’ is shared by the Parish Councillors and a rota be set up to ensure the weekly checks are undertaken and reported. Cllr Blackburn added that the telephone box would need painting and refurbishment prior to installation of the defibrillator and to encourage community involvement he suggested, as an out of school activity, that the local children could design a mosaic style floor and that he had approached Sara Poulton about project managing this initiative. He also felt a suitable plaque would be appropriate.


20.14 Aspenden Bridleway 5 Cllr Blackburn had received acknowledgement of his reporting of the overgrown foliage and trees along the route of the bridleway but there has been no further action.

20.15 Aspenden Spring Clean and Planting Day

Resolved that the date for this event would be Sunday 5th April 2020

It was suggested that the installation of the memorial bench for ex Parish Councillor Cyril Berry could be part of this community event. Cllr Chambers to investigate if the Making Life Beautiful Charity with whom he is involved can supply some further planting suitable for the parish environment.

20.16 Children’s Playground Cllr Blackburn reported he had logged interest at East Herts Council for Section 106 monies as a result of the Dandara development. He had been advised that 3 like for like quotes would be required. Cllr Blackburn and the Clerk will meet with recommended playground suppliers later in the year to brief them and secure further quotes.

20.17 Locality Budget Cllr Huggins reported that applications for this would be delayed due to the elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner. This item will carry forward to the for the Agenda May meeting.

20.18 Noticeboard Cllr Chambers presented some examples of noticeboards for Councillors consideration. It was decided that a double fronted closed noticeboard was the preferred solution. Cllr Chambers to further investigate and collect some samples of the varying materials to bring to the next meeting.

20.19 Parish Council Village Survey A draft survey had been circulated by Cllr Blackburn prior to the meeting for Councillors consideration. There will be a suggestion/collection box in The Fox Public Hose along with a spare supply of surveys.

Resolved to agree the draft survey and distribute during the first week of March with a view to having the responses back by 31st March 2020.

20.20 Cllr Huggins reported that The Friends of the River Rib and now River Quin were a formal group with Sir Oliver Heald MP as their president. They were working towards seeking charitable status. Buntingford were leading a number of schemes and it was agreed that Aspenden would tidy up the stream and remove the hog weed within the parish.

20.21 Village CCTV No further update.

20.22 Village Green and Pavilion Committee No further update.

20.23 Village Green Benches Cllr Blackburn confirmed he is awaiting the wording for the plaque for the memorial bench for ex Parish Councillor Cyril Berry. He will then order the bench, plaque and fixings.

20.24 Village Hedges Cllr Blackburn confirmed he had spoken to the owner of the property who stated they had let it grow to prevent people parking thus preventing his neighbour opposite from getting out of his drive.


20.25 Website The Clerk had circulated a preview link to the new Parish Council website prior to the meeting to allow viewing and comment. Councillors liked the modern site, suggested a Useful Contacts/Local Services tab and queried the format of the newsletter residents could subscribe to and the GDPR issues around that. The Clerk will follow up any queries and continue to work with the website developers to a final agreed outcome ready for public launch.

20.26 General Village Matters There was the suggestion of having a dog poo bin at the bottom of Wakely Lane. It was noted that the footpath off Wakely Lane was being used by horses. This would be reported on the HCC website. Cllr Blackburn had received several reports of bonfires being lit at The Elms throughout the day and burning all manner of items. Cllr Blackburn stated he would have a word with the owner and ask them to be more considerate to neighbours. It was also noted that the building work had churned up the verges which they would be expected to repair. Diary date: Aspenden Village Ball 5th September 2020.

CLERKS PAY AND HOURS 20.27 Resolved to increase the Clerks hours by 18 hours per year and to implement the 2019/2020 pay scale award for SCP 22 (now SCP 12 on the new pay spine).

The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements with the Parish Council payroll administrators.

CLERKS REPORT AND CORRESPONDANCE 20.28 Clerks Report The Clerk reported that the Aspenden Litter Picker had reported to her that due to health issues he would be unable to carry out his duties in the immediate future. Cllr Poulton confirmed that local resident Jeff Poulton had agreed to empty the bins. The Clerk reported Cllr Huggins is interested in the NALC STUDY TOUR 2020/21 The Clerk reported that the current office printer requires repair and although she has made enquiries nobody is willing to entertain mending it stating that it is not cost effective. The printer is shared between & Throcking Parish Council. The cost of a new printer would be shared between the two Councils.

Resolved to contribute to the cost of a new printer/scanner.

DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS All meetings take place in The Fox Public House at 8.00pm unless otherwise stated.

Date Meeting Monday 4th May 2020 Annual Parish Meeting followed by Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Monday 22nd June 2020 Parish Council Meeting Monday 14th September 2020 Parish Council Meeting Monday 16th November 2020 Parish Council Meeting Monday 8th February 2021 Parish Council Meeting

The meeting closed at 10.45pm

Signed ______

Date ______