Circa 1967

Overview 67 Speaks -C\)tLr)L^ OOcr`\O`r)\C) President's Welcome While We Were There In Memoriam Biographies More Biographies Envoi Index of Married"aiden Names 207

Remembering the ¢60s... I recall:

Pat.ting ollt Ollr anti-Vietnam tl.verS and not

knowingL± where Vietnam \\'1``. Carol Farber \Volf

The imti-war den1{tmtrati{,n.i. Ja.\' Tanenbaum ll'I1IllllllljlI,,I,,llliill,1:,1IllllllI,lilREprllill:,lilI:i':i:1:lllljllllllilll;+¬LtllllTiriI,i.,IILIIll,I,,H,I,ll!i:1!i`ELE

The mnqlli]it,v {tt` the Am Qlllld a` Well a` the exllberanl`e and f`ernlent {,t` the 6()` - h{tw the peal`et`lllne*s ilnd beilllt.\' ttt` C{,rne]l vI'ere jllXtilPtt``ed With the t`ltry ilgaimt the wi`r that enl`{tI11Pa```ed the C{trnell l`{tl11mllni-

t\/.~ Laurence S. Lest

The blldding new let`t llt C{trnell in l966-67

made me aware ttt` the ~Yawning gap between

the l`i\il` pliLtitllde` I hild been tau{JhtL lmd the

llgly re1`]itV~ {tt` U.S. 1`{treign p{tlil`y. N{tthing in the inter\'ening 25 }'cLLr`` hilt l`hlmqed my L= lllind. Marjorie Halt Hein.s

How {tllt {,t` t{tlll`h with `tlldent`` Pre``ident Janle`` Perkim w1``. He l`ou]d not en\'iSi{tn a

lJni\,'erSity where .`tlldent` w'ere a le{IitimateL third t`{trl`e. PerhiLP.i this led t{t hit e\'entllill

llndoing. Al`{t I rome,llber t`eelin{IL di.`tllrbed

by the l`lllt` {tf` Per`{"llit\'~ thllt `llrr{tllnded milny pr{tt`e.``{,r` 1l` VI'el] u` Je`llit Dim B.1rli-

gilf1. Dayid Brandt

Burton Weiss l`onfronting Prol`tor George in the lobby {tt` Willard Striliqht| Hi`ll {t\'er the pr{tprie(v~ {tf` ad\'{tl`:ltin{J | the hllrnin'E L {tt` drilt`t l`ilrd` to protest the wllr in Vietmln1. Marjorie Halt Heins

6 / * * Hockeybration was our cause senior for yearmajor as cele- The Champiom (see The Old Scout ,-n/`ra)

brouo`htL= home ~ con\'eniently from the War Memorial in Syl-acute.

where many~ of us were on hand to witness the w'ins - the first NCAA Men`s Hockey title - first for Cor- nell and first for the (sec- ond for Coach Ned Harkness. but the first was w'on in another time and plac`e). In the pil`ture. Ned is joined by co-captaim Da\,'e Ferguson and Murray Death.

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=±=iT::::I-==:fifi=f:::f=f::i:±=ng¥ 9 I() Visiblefamiliar on your sights return (to the will left) beof the Andrew D. White House and McGraw Tower of Uris Library. Startling newcomers to the campus include the striking sculpture on the Engineering Quad (the engineer``` response to Song of the Vowels?) and the spectacular Theatre Arts complex adjoining Sheldon Court by Cascadilla Gorge in Collegetown.

RET:¬i-1+l|#llTlliI#TriiinTifeifeinir`1.I'l"i..T':id##1.tllffi[ngngllll,1l:lllIIIJhi#H,1 . -.S\--i_ i_

-. [lo\\ a.\hilal-atl`d I l`elt by the-beauty ol` the Col-nell CamPll`! The

Sol-get. \'iew`` l`rom Libe Tower` the Arts Qllad ~ I trul\~ t`elt lllck\' ~ I-\eI-.\'da.\ I v\as therl` aIld now I l`ecl ble``sed to ha\'e had the opportu-

nit\-t{t bl` a `tlldCIlt {t1` C{,I-Ill`]l. rl

Poll_v~ Watkins Runkle

Hill`` vI-1llking. il]1d leg mu``l`]e`. Arlene Blutreich Savitsky ®

C{trnelI I11ll`t bl` the ll1{t`t heillltil`lII l`1lmPll` in the VI'{t[-ld. I remcmbel-

thl-falls. Llutl` Cat;llHa.~ \'~ thl` {IOr{Ie``. ~ _ ~ the fall lea\'e``.

Trinka Blotter Ta\'lort

Thl` \icvI {tl` Ithill`il and thl` I"tllntllin`` t`r{,m the `tilnd`` at Sl`h{,ellk{tpl` IJ`ield t,n il l`ri.`p alltllllln ;Lt`(el-I1{tttn. Stephen Warmer

WalkinLa uphill -illWily`. Susan .Stone Thompson

Greilt l`all and `pI-ing da}'`. The fresh air ilnd great landsl`aping to admire a`` I did m\' `tudie``. I can also I-cmembt,I-thc` Cold `nOV\'\ ~ \\'alk` lip thc| hill 1`or 8:00 A.M. l`lasse.i. Matthew- I. Costello

I -I- The wonderful people I ,Still know. a lifetime of new contacts and warm feelings ... the ability to call m}' old l`riends and sit down over coffee and talk like it was ye``terda\r~ 25 }'ear` later` because of the Cornell bond. lt has been the `aI11e C\-er}' time. Wavne F. Currie ®

The partil`ularly heavy .`n{twstorm during 1`inals week freshman year` enough to postpone finals {,ne w'hole day (hot,ray!) and ``o mul`h Snow that I found myself walking t,n hedges without knowing it. Laurel S. Druce

Snow-covered rolling hills` bleak and gray winter days. Robert L. Cucin

Friends. gorges. weather` the Straight. ROTC. Mann Library` AIpha Zeta` ``tudent government` all-nighter`. Kenneth F. Calling

Cornell's l`ampus is probably one {t1` the lll{tSt bealltifu] in the U.S. Carol Anne Ebert

Dear Classmate.® We write this letterwith greatexcttemeut, in aatieipc+ tion ofseeing it in print in ourI,er¬J OWn 25th Reunion Yearbook. This Yearbook ts a giifefrom the Class and from AIumwi A±ffldirs. It is the kickoffto our Reunion celebration. rf\ F`eunIOn Commmee After reading aboutComeu andthe rerfuections ofover Leaders Judy Sllverman t{auin®n GOO classmates, we hope youwillbe enticed to retum 162 Mlllb,ook Road Stam'o,d. CT 06902 to campus for Reunion. There is no substitute for (203) 967-880O actually walking across the ATts Quad Or Suspension FAX (203) 327.5538 bridge. tasting a tuna subfrom IJOuie'S tuneh. hearing Ma'IO'Ie Greenberg Smlth 42 O,dora Bouleva,d thewater rushing o\,er the gorges. orjust talking with G,ea, Neck. NY 11023 (516) 482.5178 firiends in the Ivy Room. Come and experience it att FAX (718) 786-3469 again this June. Yea,book Edl,o, F3ICha,a Hothan 2925 28th St,ee, NW Washlngton. DC 20008 We hca,ebeenhard atwork planning Reunionactivities H (2O2) 667.6481 andel,er,ts, more ofwhiehu,ouldbe possiblewithout the W(202) 879.2725 FAX (202) 626-8847 support and assistance ofour Class Oifftcers, Reunion A«,nl,y G,oup Lcade' Committee aridthe staffatAIllm:wiAffidirs. hfrong thanks Jean G,ovannone St,Ingnam 233 Mason Te,,ace to allofapur' B,ookllne. MA O2146 (617) 739-O104

Hosp,tB'Ity Leaders Lrast, but certainly not least. enormous thanks and Carollne F`,gby G'aboys 70 Fa,,mom St,eel appreciation to mck Hogivanandhis committeefor a Brookllne. MA O2146 superb fob. Dick approached the Yearbook the same (617) 731-6811 waghe has approachedourclasscchrmnfiorthe tact 25 She,ry M. Ca,I 1602 Ha,,ls Road years - with competence, ease and good humor. We Love,cx:k. PA 19118 H (215) 836-2489 knew he'd get it done and inJinefiashhon! W(215) 341. 7224

C_las§_ Off,a__ers Plesld®nt We are counting on seeing gila_f±±ou atReunion. IJet nO Davld Kanto,czyk obstacle stand-in your wap! A~ I` H (708) 675-1745 W(312) 828-O62O

Vlce Presldem Until June, She,,y M. Ca,,

T,easu,e, David War,el, H (818\ 795-7188 EPEE EE W(818) 792-3375

Seclelaly Jtrdg &Margie Ca,ollne Rlgby G,aboys

Comell Fund F`epresen,8,lVe John AIden W(617) 367-5347

Majo, a,flS Chat,man James Bar,y HIII H (212) 535-0038 W(212) 744-2300

Class Co,,esponden' F}lchard Holtman When I Think About Cornell, I Remember ...

The Peter. Paul & Mary l`oncert the night I was l`rowned Fall Week- end Queen. Everyone threw paper airplanes: perhaps you knew my fllture was in aviation. Tracy Maxwell

Always walking uphill -to l`laS``e`` and. eSpel`ially. late at night from downtown after putting The Sun to bed for the night. Marvin Marshak

Elimimting l`urfew* our junior year ... Seeing ``The Threepenny Opera`` for the first time. Andrea Jacoby

The top floor of Dickson VI. the Straight` the Quad. the Lake` the Libe Tower. the Chimes` but most of all. the Atmosphere: collegiate` Ivy League. intellectually stimulating and fun. Karen Lee Coyote

967 Speaks

Reading The IVew' yt,rA- 7l'me.`` for cllrrent events` cold winters. won- derful friendship.i and `'gin and jllice'` (funny ``ince I barely drink anymore! ) Kathy Koretz Abeles ® All the wild and l`ra,.y gll}'s I l`ilme to know. Having to wear Skim to dinner and no socks for Sunday dinner (we

Jeffrey® Alan Carlsol rolled them down un,ler our boots).

Fraternity parties -beer -milk punl`h (do they ~still make that'.t) Phyllis+ Bell Jones Susan Johnson Cassel Dairy l`att]e jlldging l`la``e` With Pr{tf`. Ge{trge Toinberger. The plea- `llre {tf` ]i\'ing in Ri`]ey Hall `{tph{tmore ~year. Harry Chapin playing the banjo ilnd Paul Stamberg tm a motorcyclt Mary Mosher Briggs kidnapping Allen Kaprow from his {,vl,'n Staged ``Happening" in 1 garbage dump near lthaca. The deep winter snow and trudging through it from Donlon to the Jam Garden Castlt Engineering Quad for an 8 A.M. alas.`. sledding- down Libe Slope` having Chem lab 8 A.M. Saturday moming after being out late party- Golden leaves in the fall ing Friday night` studying at Uris or Olin and spending as mul`h time Sun``ets on the ``nt,vl' taking Ivy Room breaks at the Straight as studying: living in College- Spring breezes town '¢hanging`` over the gorge senior year. going to Halt.` Deli- Friend`` t`or life. catessen downtown after seeing a movie with t`riends. Thomas Cazel Jane Price Brof Rowing on Cayuga. hearing the chime``. hanging the Christmas Sleeping on a table during a Plant Design all-nighter. wreath {tn HolliSter Hall. Tubby Sulkowski`s bird call at the begin, Craig E. Bush ming of thermodynamic`+ clas``` and working in the hydraulics lab or Beebe Lake on the term project that net/'er seemed to end. Walking past the lilac hedges in front of Risley on a warm spring David DarwilJ night. The scent of the lilacs hung heavy on the air and the sound of motorl`yl`lc`` roaring al`ro```` Triphamml`r always filll`d ml` with a Thl` l`aI-aVan lO SyI-al`u`C I`ul-tl]c NCAA hul`kcy flnals. the Boxcar or longing for something which I still can't name. Fridays` the Straight at 9 on a vl'eekday. dell sandwiches at Halts. Joyce More Cantor Kenneth W. Drumme\ l8 The fun I had with the man who would eventually bel`{tme Ill\' hll`- ~ band and the people I met and continue to meet becau``e of Ct,rnell. One Road to Cornell Martha McGregor Dumas A Boy Breaks Out ofBoys Town Li\'in{I ill the d{tl-m` Vlith indi\idllal`` I`r{,m all l`{trner`` {tt` the ttilrth. illl L Jimmy Chesil-e type` {,I` bill`kgr{tllnd`.1md all types ttt` beliet`*. Thomas A. Dumas I`m a poor humble no-butt boy from the boondocks who barely When I think about Comell. what first l`omes to mind is losing my broke 6()0 on his college boards. All up and down my first floor cor- virginity. (I bet a lot of people would put this down if they were rid{tr in University Hall #3 are kids with eight hundreds. '-Eight being honest!) hlmdred!'.'`` Yeah. -`That`s perfect. right'.'`` Right. Ann SavisllinSky Epstein I`m a kid f`rom Boys Town` Nebraska` a suppo.`edly world-fumolls inStitlltittn run by a monsign{,r. a R{tman Catholil` prie.`t` wh{,. I have The last day of Modern Drama l`lass. when the students ga\'e the .`inl`e l`ome to under.Stand. was a cultural stereotype: p{tlitil`ally l`{,n- teacher a standing ovation which went on and on even after he left Seryative. religiously parol`hial. and myopil`ally Roman Catholil`: the room. i.e.` it` you aren`t Cath{tlic. you`re probably not fully tru``tw{,rthy. Susan Fenster He was also a world-l`lass fund-raiser. Under this priest`s leader- The gorges. hills and trees gave me a profound sense of peace. The ship. Boy`` Town. a non-profit institution for `-home]es.i. neglected. excitement of meeting other minds. of discussing and laughing. What and llnderprivileged boys." went from an operation in l948 where a lot of good music I was privy to. e\'ery penny l`ounted to an imtitution in the mid-Sixtie.i with a blue l`hip portf`olio worth $300 million. It wa`` an inadvertent l`on.`e- Susan Goodman Feldman quenl`e of` his fund raising that I ever made it to C{]rnell at a]]. My initiati{tn into American life at the dorm. The supp{,rt and f`riend- Apparently while flying bal`k to the h{,me after {,ne of` his fund- ship I still cherish: had that not been there. I don`t think I would have raiSing jaunts the momignor sat next to an {]il milli{,naire. {tne wal- stayed on. ter Higgins. Higgins had graduated from a prep sl`hot,I bal`k East. He had also attended` but had never graduated from. Cornell. The mon- Pravin Gandhi `ignor persuaded Higgins to Stop off at Omaha to vi.tit the boys` Bo-burgers at 2 A.M. home. Ricllard I. Gilkeson The visit did the trick. Higgins died ``ht7rt]y thereafter and left Sl .5 milli{tn to Cornell. establishing a full ride sl`h{,larship for boys I remember the excitement I felt when my family of fiv'e waited t`rom Boy.i Town and fttr boy`` from hi`` alma mater. a prep sl`hool patiently in our car on line waiting to unload all my belongings and bal`k East -Ch{,ate. I think. One pt,int five million. Enough to send move me into Clara Dickson. It seems incredible that when moving three boy`` from Boys Town to Cornell in the fall ol` I 963. my daughters into college. we needed two cars for the l`{,mputers. However` when Cornell informed the mon``ignor {,f the new stereos. and answering machines. sch{,larship` the momignor declined. Cornell was too risky t`or his Elaine Kamhi Greenwald boys. Too pagan. In fact` the University of Notre Dame` the penulti- mate Catholic university out in South Bend` was too pagan for the Libe Slope. Purity ice cream. hockey games` friends. Willard monsignor. He wanted his b{,ys in a ``afe environment sul`h a`` Straight. Louie`s subs. the cold. exams. gorges. tray Sliding. Creight{tn UniverSity` the Je``llit sl`h{tol right in Omaha. Keep the Miles I. Haven b{tys l`l{,Se to h{,me. C{trnell {,f`f`il`ial`` were eager to use this ``l`holar``hip m{,hey. They Drinking pitchers of whiskey sour.i with friends. \vere baf`fled by this priest's reaction. So they sent representatives Sue Haskel James {,ut to Nebraska to per.`uade the momignor to l`hange his mind. After several trips out to the hinterlands of that great plaim state of A beer at the Palms after a long night studying. Nebraska. the monsignor gave in: OK` we`Il give Cornell a try. Stephen I. Johnson I know of this extraordinary ef`fort because one of the Cornell How cold it was. especially for a Califomian. I did not know how to pet,plc involved in these maneuverings. one of the individuals who walk briskly on icy sidewalks and spent my freshman winter slipping had actually flown out to Omaha` Nebraska` in the early Sixties. and sliding across campus. It`s a wonder I survived without breaking t{,ok a job at Notre Dame. where my older brother` John. a senior at my back. the time ( ]965-66). was attempting to put together a finanl`ial aid Lynn Shavelson Joiner package for our youngest brother` Dan. who was in his freshman year at Cr|`ight{,n. H|-'d b||en f`{,rbidden by the l",nSign{,r. t,t` |`ollr`e. Snow` cold` very gray skies ... early morning treks from Donlon to take advantage of the Cornell .Scholarship because of my atrocious across the bridge with the wind whipping down the gorge and wear- and ``hamefu] performance as a Cornell freshman two years earlier: I ing -skirts! had gone on academic probation` Spring. l965; and even more dam- Randie Powers Kahrl aging` a`` a Cornell freshman. Class of `67. I had willfully aban- Continued on next page l9 Continued on page 2 I Getting to Cornell From Boys Town ... and Staying There

Ct,lltinued {rt,I,, preceding pug_e to write to Cornell. tellineo them I \\'as sorry. I u'ouldn`t be able to ~ domed my Roman Catholil`i`m. retum. I could no longer afford it. thank \'ou \'er\' much. ~ + When I retllrned to Omaha in June` l96J. I am no longer a boy in '`What on earth are .\'ou talking about'?`` the Dean of the College Boys Town` I am no longer this priest`` respon``ibility. but I don`t of Arts and Sciences asked. He had called me as soon as he got my under``tand this. Word came to me: The mon``ignor wants to `¢ee you. letter. ''There's thirt.y-fi\'e hundred dollars waiting for vow.`' he ~ So like a good little Catholic autt,maton. I went out to the home and said. He vI'aS SO emphatic that for a moment I thought he had the reported to the momignor. money in a pile ri.a_ht there on his desk. I told him about the mon- He read me the riot al`t. signor`s prohibition. '`You foxed it up. b{,y.`` he angril.v inforined me. forbidding me `'We`ll decide u'ho sta~\'s and u+ho goes at cornell.`` he said angri-

from ever returning to Comell. ly. ''You should get down on your knees and thank God you`re But the semester had alread.\' begun. The dean agreed to finagle a alive``` he ranted. The man was pissed. Bllt ``o was I. I wasn`t about special year®s lea\'e of absence for me for l964-65 -lea\-es were to be getting on my knees for anybody. I thought I deserved better not usually granted to students on probation. He thought maybe I than this. I`d graduated from Boys Town`s high school with a could grow up solne. maybe ha\'e a better Chance Of competing in medi{,l`re - I had not read one complete play of Shake- the big leagues with another year of life under my belt. I happily speare```: our physic`` teacher. a broken down reserve coach agreed. took the year off. did grovl' up quite a bit. and retumed to with a bad bal`k. l`ouldn`t sol\'e the end-of-l`hapter problems the text lthaca in the fall of l965 read.\J and eager tO resume my undergradu- ate career at Cornell. I went on to graduate three years later with the ¢At Comel1, I leaned that lit:a is to be class of `68. My Cornell experience literally changed my life. Though it is lived to its fullest, to be enjoyed, that impossible to characterize it all in a short essay such as this. let me its pleasures were not a cause for see ifl can sum it up this way: At Comell I leamed ofa new kindof shame..., ¬What on earth are you talking about?9 the Dean of the College asked .... ¢We911 presented us -a group {tf us students did it for him: the superinten- dent of Schools. who many of us thought a complete boob. was for- decide who stays and who goes at ever doing his Will Rogers rope-twirling tricks at school convoca- Comellj tion``: and order & control were \'a]ued above all else` with the pad- dle the school authority`s principal instrument of this order & con- authority: never again would a religious ideology` nor its most rabid trol. And then here I was at Cornell. an imtitution` as Ezra Comell advocates. rule my life. At Comell I leamed that life is to be lived to envisioned. where anyone could study anything. ltd gone from a its fullest` to be enjoyed` that its pleasures were not a cause for narrow-minded` authoritarian. and suffocatingly Roman Catholic shame: that the questioning mind. far from being sacrilegious. was, all-boys home to a genuine university community in all its stunning in fact. the way of God and goodness: and I leamed that no one had diversity: where there were girls and women: where there were a corner on the truth: No one. Jews. athei``ts. Hindu``. Muslim``. agnostil```. and Christians of nearly I am working on my .Second novel now` an extraordinary thing for every stripe: where there w'ere fratemities and sororities; where the me to say and realize -and it was at Comell that I first discovered drinking age was l8; and where you were expected to be grown up a teacher` Dan McCall. who would believe in me and encourage me enough to handle the high academic expectations of an Ivy League in this the love of my life. I am emotionally healthy now, another college. extraordinary thing for me to say and realize -and it was at comell `'You mean you`re cutting me off?" I asked` for I truly believed that I first entered counseling and found a caring adult I could trust it was his call. that he had the power to prevent my retum to comell. - a black woman. Gloria Joseph` in the dean of students office - This threw him into apoplexy: I was clearly a total ingrate. to help me begin the healing my soul so desperately needed. Cutting you off?i Cutting you off?I he shrieked, leaping in his I am spiritually alive and growing again. a third extraordinary high-backed` all-leather swi\'el desk chair. cutting you off!! hal he thing for me to say and realize -oh. how I hated all that mad mad went on` repeating thi`` t,riginal ``haming and blaming diatribe abou( right-wing Roman Catholic nonsense and fear that was jammed how I had `'foxed it up`" how I should '®get down on my knees.`` down my throat -and it was at comell that I first broke free. with that I was -and this one really threw me -''lucky to be alive,'' the help of a next-door neighbor who was devout and Jewish, Mott and finally` how `'It costs seventeen hundred dollars a year to keep a Gindi. God rest his soul` a victim of AIDS some five years ago. In a boy like you in a home like this.`` very fundamental way` I know this sounds comy and hokey, but itts I thought that was a great deal of money. It didn`t register on me true. Comell set me free. what an awful and wonderful thing. o my that the late Walter Higgins had just spent thirty-five hundred dol- Cornell, an awful and wonderful thing - and for that awful and lars on me in my first year at cornell. wonderful thing, I thank you. Dejected. angry. powerless. I left this priest's office. never to speak to him again. That autumn. after school had started. I sat down 20 What First Comes to Mind When I Think ofComell

Continued from page l9 A great lady from lthaca College who I might have married. Alan W. Kapilow

The heady freshman rush: corridor dates` breakfast. brunch` lunl`h` study. and big weekend dates. In those days it was nice having a 4-t{t- l ratio. Unfortunately. I`m still outnumbered by two-legged testos- terone machines. Anyone know where I can buy a nice one-sealer car? Judith Edelstein Kelmam

Many hours of studying in the library stacks. with a sol`ial break at the Straight each evening. Haryey Kinzelberg

The beauty of the gorges and Sam's bar in Elmira. John S. Kirk

Walking. No kidding. I had not been very physically active before coming to Cornell and I was overwhelmed by the distances I was expected to cover on foot. There were days I thought about skipping lunch at the doom just to avoid the walk. I sometimes did avoid cer- tain classes because they met in the Ag Quad. The weather al``o had something to do with it. Sally Leibowitz Kitcl,

Good friends. beautiful surroundings. lousy weather and rotten food! I. Fred Koenigsberg

Operating on chickens including one not fully sedated. Greasy hamburgers at the Bard Bar and a hot sausage ``ub with cheese Natalie O. Kononenko at Lollie`` Lunl`h and Beta and a trip or two to Elmira and l`ricket. David D. Lonsdale Walking across the Quad on a cold. snowy. winter night looking up at the stars and hearing the chimes and hoping I would do great Di\'ing off the bridge at Beebe Lake. things for the world some day. James R. Lopata Laurie Frank Krotman My alumni parents. Bennett Woods `40 and Vivian Kasden Woods '4l. ``ang the Alma Mater and Evening Song as m}' bedtime .`t,ngs A. Sex. short of ''going all the way" B. Leaming to frug in front of the mirror in Dickson when I was young and I soon leamed to sing along. At a reunion in C. Realizing how many other very smart people there were l956. I rel`ei\Jed a button Saying 'Class of `67`. It was difficult to D. Realizing that. contrary to the impression I had grown up with in imagine that I would actually attend Comel] and impossible to con- Brooklyn. there were actually more Protestants than either Jews or template my 25th reunion. The campus was awe-impiring as a child` Catholics in the U.S. and it was only slightly less so as a new freshman .... I recently Linda Olshina Lavine retumed to campus with my children. Seeing their reactions brought all my memories rushing into consciousne``s. Even with all the Libe Slope. Beebe Lake` good time. changes over the years. Cornell is still a Spectal`ular place. Peter I. Lemkin Elaine Machtiger Woods

The freshness of it all. Being young and on my own for the fir.`t time. The first woman who enjoyed me undressing her. Walking on the Arts Quad in the fall, everything all yellow and Richard McMurtry orange. Falling in love on Libe Slope. Falling asleep during a History of An lecture when the lights were off. Giggling until 2 A.M. in an Opening the Organic Chemistry final exam booklet and thinking` `I`m in the wrong room.` all girls dorm. Drinking coffee in the Commons and contemplating the meaning of life while someone sang folk songs. Robert A. Miles Theo M®skow Levey Continued on next page 2l What Comes to Mind When I Think About Comell

Continued from pre\'iou.s page The pungent smell of apples durintJ l`rOSS-COuntr\' running and the ~ ~ _C Cri``p fall days under blue skies. My wife Karen BPA `68 would say fear I felt in freshman ph~\r`il`` up{tn that I had absolutely no rainy days under gray skies. This will gi\Je some idea Of the relative idea what was beingL disl`u``sed. fondnes.` with which we remember the place. Dayid B. Ross Howard S. Miller The tradition of dogs e\'erywhere ... 25-cent hot fudge sundaes at the Straight. Ruth Dritch Salinger Kathia Slaughter Miller The sheer difficulty of the material. day in and out -the challenge. Driving down Route 89. seeing the Comell skyline and Libe Tower 6reared against the arch of heaven` and remembering the panic of James Schatz

having to return to school back then but now` the gloriou`` feeling of HillS` scenery. beauty of the l`ampus. and sNOW! belonging. Iud.y GIucksberg Silverman Susan Jossem MitlotT Working hard all week. playing hard all weekend. The beauty. the friendship.`` the laughter` the cold. the music. the par- Kenneth T. Solnit ties. oh yes. and the good prole.ssors. The College Handbook said Comell had 'the most beautiful campus Nancy Huxtable Mohr west of the Mi``siSSippi.` It did. That wa`` why I applied. Cornell Glee Club and rehearsals in and concem here Alexander Stevens and there. Performance`` of the Berlio7. Requiem in Bailey Hall with Karel Husa and Dr. Sokol l`onducting - nice to see both are still Losing my car keys in the snout on Lou'er Alumni Field and finding around after 25 years. them two days later. James Edward Manger Kenneth R. Strahs On moming`` when I had an exam .Scheduled I would hoard a soft- The Ivy Room with 'Downtov\'n` pla.\'ing. boiled egg at breakfast and throw it off the bridge on the way to Susan Mane Strahs clas``. If it ``mashed on a l`ertain rock` m}' chances of getting a good Frisbee playing` dog`` in class. frozen knees from comell`s winter` grade were assllred. skirts and knee socks. Phoebe McGuire Nichols Jean Giovannone Stringham Hanging out at Wi]lard Straight and the Watermargin. Everything I wanted required an uphill walk. P. 0. Okonkwo Kent Tl,ompson lt`s got to be meeting my wife Virginia Sawyer `67 in the Ivy Room during a study break. I f`ollowed her out and with some inane line. got Finding a parking .`pal`e. I liyed off campu.` in Brooktondale and her attention. At the time I wa`` al`tually class ot` `66 but a l`ar accident commuted every day. and 8 day`` in the Comell infirmary co``t me a .Semester and I switched Frank Van Schaick to '67 to finish up. Endle``s hours ot` coffee and con\'ersation at the straight (I called it John W. O'Leary studying).

Having mono during winter final`` freshman year and taking 8 finals Send Gottlieb Warmer in the spring! l6 people in a VW beetle. Sue Walsh Palmer Carol Farber Wolf Snow Stillness Standing on line at to u.`e the l`omputer punch card Beauty. machine. Hank Prensky Donald Zolotorotle ® How beautiful the campus became just before spring finals. How RAIN -especially cold rain -greenies and squeaking weejuns! grim the campus was most of the rest of the year. Georgia Green Weinstein Jettrey K. Rose The wonderful people I still know. a lifetime of contacts and warm feelings . . . the ability to l`all my old friends and sit down over coffee The gorges. the ream of problem sets. the wednesday night all you and talk like it was yesterday 25 years later. because of the comell can eat spaghetti dinners at Jim``S Chapter House. bond. It has been the same every time. Donald Rosenbaum Wayne F. Currie 22 A Welcome From President Rhodes

Dear Members of the Class of 1967: I realize, of course, that while some of you have been back to campus many times I am grateful to Richard Hoffman, who since graduation, others have not. But, has been your Class Correspondent to the regardless of your past degree of involve- AJLImm' IVews for twenty-five years and who ment in Comell affairs, I hope many of you has taken on the additional responsibility of will join us for Reunion 1992. Twenty-fifth editing this anniversary yearbook, for the reunions are important occasions in the life opportunity to congratulate you and encour- of any class, and that promises to be espe- age you as you prepare for your 25th Comell cially true for the Class of 1967. Your class Reunion in June. officers have been working for more than a year to make Reunion 1992 a stimulating You came to Comell, most of you, in the and enjoyable event. Not only will you fall of 1963, and at 2,600 strong, you made renew old friendships and make new ones, your presence known on the campus and in but you will also have a chance to rediscover the world beyond. Your concerns ranged the intellectual vitality, the athletic, cultural from the Interfraternity Council Social and recreational possibilities, and the oppor- Code, which, at your urging, underwent a tunities for personal growth that continue to complete revision, to national and global be a part of Comel1. issues like the Vietnam War, on which you organized a National Student Conference You, who have played such an important with delegates from forty-five colleges and role in Come119s past, are a vital part of its universities nationwide. Your years on cam- present and its future as well. As your 25th pus have been termed "the beginning of reunion approaches, I look forward to wel- 6The Beginning,' " and they marked the coming you back home. start of an era of student activism which changed the face of the modern American With all good wishes, university and the larger world. Sincerely yours, Over the past twenty-five years, you9ve carried that spirit of active involvement to a Frank H. T. Rhodes host of different careers and professions, often taking a more circuitous route than ii±-- many of your predecessors. Yet, despite the FrankH. T. REedes many other obligations, commitments and responsibilities you have assumed since graduation, a remarkable number of you have continued to be interested and involved in things connected with Comel1. Classmate Donald Lifton, for example, serves as Uni- versity Trustee, and twenty of your class- mates serve on the University Council. Sev- eral of you have paid us the highest compli- ment of all - by encouraging your sons and daughters to attend Comell. Twenty-three of you have sons or daughters enrolled in the Class of 1995.

23 # #,,

The Cornell Difference: How It Changed My Life Comell changed my life in that it prepared me for life. I have never forgotten the impression prof. urfe BroJ]fenbren- Thomas E. CazeI nor made on me in my first course, 66Development of Human Behavior," in my major; he was so dynamic and he lectured Studying poetry with A. R. AmmoJ]S and literature with Forresf almost without pause! Reed, who was then editing the correspondence of Henry James and James Joyce, offered invaluable lessons about the revolving matrix Jane Price Brof of the artist, the work, and the reader. Prof. SfanJey WaITen, farm management, a 5-hour course: his Jam Garden Castro acute powers of observation raised everyone9s awareness of the world around them, made you aware that knowledge is where I leamed to think for myself and make my own way. you find it, and that practical solutions exist for virtually every David C. CampbeII problem. It was Back-to-School Night at my daughter's high school. She was Mary Mosher Briggs a freshman so we didn9t know our way around the halls yet. By 6{Fourth Period," most parents were hopelessly lost and late to The most unforgettable person I experienced was Paul Breer. No one knew him really. He was a serene man, unimpressive physi- class: only two other couples had made it on time -and all six of cally, who somehow had found his way to the ILR School as a us were Comellians! professor of organizational development. He was a vegetarian Joyce More Cantor and a naturalist. His authenticity impressed me. Here was the first Decided to be a neurosurgeonjunior year and years later, I am. person I ever met who appeared free of hypocrisy. He embodied the ideals that he taught. Kenneth P. Burros David Brandt Not much except Hannah Arendfand AJfan BJoom in political phi- losophy. Comell made me appreciate everything that came later more. Life seemed so easy after Come]], Peter A. Buchsbaum 24 Georgia Green weinstein I met m.v husband` I loved it all and I'm proud to be a Comellian. berg in the History Dept. were my role models w'ho inspired me to Susan Stone Thompson Pursue a Career aS a history Professor. In term of life changes - I had already decided to bel`ome a ``ur- George Benson Kirscll geon prior to coming to Cornell -the only major revelation was a CJl®J]fOn RossI'fer and Writing the 25th Amendement to the Constitu- philosophy course on Western religion. This opened my idea`` to tion on Pre``idential succession. ideas that I had never before considered. and started me on the Warren "Skip" Kessler philosophical path that I have rigorously pursued to this day. Professor AckermalI'S Sociology of Deviance midterm assign- Paul E. Smith [11ent: Wa`` the failure tO act by the 32 persons who overheard the The second night of orientation` sophomore year. I met Margie murder of Kitty Genovese an example of anomie or alienation? It Greenwald. It did pay to be an orientation counselor -just as I had seemed as though the whole campus was caught up in the discus- planned. Although it took me a full year. and numerous dates with sion. her sorority sisters. to finally get smart enough to ask her out. we Judy Silverman Kautinan were married after she graduated in l968. A tour in the Navy. two children. and an eight year stop in Cleveland before she Going to a basically women`s college within a c{t-educational uni- yersity wa`` a wonderful experience. Human El`ology (Home Ec) pushed/pulled me to get even smarter to settle in Sam Diego. my be.`t friend and I are still happily married and growing younger every via.i like a family. Small and intimate yet the larger university com- day. munity provided diversity and the ``spll`e {tf life'` -men (I.7). Ph.yllis Bell Jones Michael L. Rubin ®

Psych lOl -before Maas. Honors English seminars so inteme The most unforgettable course I took was Political Theory with Hal,Hah Arendf. The final exam was al``o the most memorable Iove your brain ached. ever taken: we were asked to write about -lan interesting issue or Jaye Goodman Rotor problem studied during the course.`` It was an impressive show of Cll'nfon Rossl''¬r's American presidency class was my favorite respect for the student. and the only time I`ve ever been asked to class. '67 Speaks Charles A. Robv ® 'lrhree courses stand out in my memory - the professors and their presentations seem as clear today as 20+ years ago: Biology -Prot`. .``frLJC`,LIre an exam While answering i(. I remember spending almos( Keefon, Child De\J. & Fam. Rel. - UrI-a BI10nfenbrenner, and Of` half the allotted time designing a worthy answer before writing a course. Brit Lit. w.old. Elinor Boyar Newman Andrea Jacoby

Itdidn`t. The most permanent change in my life occurred on a blind date in Ol`tober of my senior year when I met my current and only husband. Katherine Klippert Merseth Rich Hoppe. It was one of the longest dates in history. l2 hours - Any job I ever applied for I got. when the interviewer saw that I had through lunch. football game. cocktail party. dinner. rol`k party` atten{`ed Cornell. The response was. -'Take off your coat. you`re after-rock-party. 25 years later` we`re still together -something hired.`` that is not all that common in California. Tracy Maxwell Babe SfJJbel Hoppe

After 20 years experience in higher education from the faculty per- Professor John Harfalf's t`reshman design studio. and hi`` compli- spective` I now realize that what is really different about a university ment on my 5th year sculpture project ultimately made a significant like Cornell is the students. I learned an incredible amount from impression and difference to me. watching the other people around me. In a way. I had the chance to D. Stephen Guerrant live 20 or more lives during those four years and to learn what hap- pened in each of them. At the end of my first semester in engineering. I was ready to trans- Marvin L. Marshak fer to another program. At fratemity rushing` I overheard someone say that freshman engineering students get scared too quickly - if The awe in which I held my freshman classmates: their talents` IQs. they continue to plug along they would succeed. I took the advice` to interests. were unlimited. my great benefit. Paula Haimila Levy Larry Dominessy There isn't any one single person or experience that made a change; -`Physics for Poets" -Rober, Wl®lson was a guest professor for rather. it was the whole kaleidoscopic range of course. people. several weeks. He was a brilliant man and exciting teacher even events. challenges. though most of his experiments never came out as they were sup- Florence E. Kline posed to. Shortly thereafter. he was appointed to head up the

FITofeSSOrS David B. Davis. Waiter LaFeber, and Ricllard Polen- Continued on page 26 25 Col-nell Difference Continued {rom page 25 who at first seemed to come from different worlds (west of Twelfth cyclotron lab in Batavia. Ill. Avenue). Kathy Koretz Abeles Joan Klein Cohen

I met Tom. He was waiting for me at the end of a Dante lecture (he Max BJack and rye/son PI'ke intrOdul`ed me tO analytil`al PhilOSO- wasn`t even taking the l`our``e!). I tried to a\'oid him -obviously a phy. which I found in\'igorating. A rigorou``. l`ritil`al approach to lan- slide-rule type - without success. Look at the result: 25 years of guage and thinking. reinforced b} my pure math`s in group marriage and two great kids. theory and number theory` has carried over into l5 years of rigor- ously. critically editing botlkS and lnaO_a,.ineS. Carole Newman Allen L= I Taking off for ``pring semester l966 to travel around the world with Robert L. Cohen the Cornell Glee Club taught me more about myself and my capabil- Brought me very c`lose to m}' father. He never had the opportunity to ities than any other single event at Cornell. attend college` and I belie\'e that he li\'ed his college years through Erie Augusta me.

Being a graduate of Cornell ha`` always made me feel special and Chap Colucci capable. No matter what l`hallenges life provided` I knew I could I had the privilege to be a member ot` the l`hampiomhip hockey handle it ... and c`ome out a winner. Cornell gave me that confidence. teams and the founding of the HarkJlesS dymSty. How l`ould we top Joyce Villata Baressi a national championship? Freddy' MarcJlam's Saturday morning course in English History was right up there too. Alfred Kah»'s public policy courses were later tested in action: airline deregula- lion? banking crisis? Certainly did Stop inflation. The Perils ofDeregulation Wa_vne F. Currie ®

Alfred Kahn, teaching an economics course on public regu- Taking History of Art. ltd spent .Summer of `65 in Europe and taking lation of business, required an extensive paper from his stu- this course upon my return made e\'ervthing fall into place and has dents which developed a rationale for regulating or not regulat- * \~ continued to add to and enrich mv life. ing an industry. I got pumped up on the subject and spent a r| large part of Christmas break digging out facts and regulations Laurel S. Druce on the oil-drilling industry and preparing my report. I knew so American Ideals with Mf'/fop Ko»vJ'fZ - he Wa.i ``O good I didn't much that I was absolutely convinced Itd aced it. Dr. Kahn retumed my paper to me with the following note: 66You have notice or l`are how well I was doing in his course. obviously worked hard on this paper. but you ignored the very Kenneth W. Drummer principles I have been trying to teach in this course. At no point did you come up with your own conclusions. C-." I was Listening and watching Professor Dan Sl'sler as he overcame his crushed. But this single comment has bLmed in my nrind every blindness to become a succ`ess. to become all he could be. day of my life since. This comment was the exact point when Thomas A. Dumas true learning and independent thinking began for me. -Stephen B.Matheson Professor Alfred Kahn opened m.v eyes to the world of economics. That has been the foundation for an extremely rewarding career in finance. American History - W. LaFeber - It gave me a different way to Carol Anne Ebert look at the American experience - more critical and the s(arting Comell changed my life by introducing me to my wife at a fratemity point for questioning American actions in Vietnam. mixer! And through the influence of Professor Norman Vra»a who Leonard Bloom pointed me at Hewlett-Packard where I still work. At my first engineering clas.i meeting. I heard` 'tLook to your left. John L. Fanton look to your right. When you graduate. they won`t be with you." Cornell gave me an excellent education. but I really think my life Professor Kee'on, in freshman biology` explaining how DNA and would be similar if ltd gone to any other high quality school. RNA worked. The way he told it. it was like a mystery story` with all the threads coming together suddenly at the end. George W. Bolln Jr. Susan Goodman Feldmam Getting to mix it up with highly intelligent folks of all races. creeds. and colors in a highly competitive but fun environment. Prof. CThuck Ackerman was most influential in starting me on the path of becoming a Renaissance man. Hurt Chismark Richard I. Gilkeson Finding the l920s in the original obscure Dada magazines I found when browsing in the Olin stacks. Economics lO4 with George Sfa/ler persuaded me that my change in major from engineering to el`onomil`s had been l`orrel`t. Today I MeryI Chodosh-Weiss look back on 22+ years of teaching economics at the college level. The Cornell difference was finding common ground with people Roger H. Goldberg 26 UrI®e Bro»feJlbre»»er Certainly left an impact On my life. Up until to `a,\,- that I wa`` intellectually benefitted but politically corrupted. taking his introductory course in child development. I reall~\' It``` a \'ery close call but I think Pearce Wl'llfams, was the mo``t believed if something was written in a book. it was absolutely right. unf{,rgettable teacher. His raul`ous. inl`redibly funny lectures opened He taught me the most important message I learned in college. i.e.. I up the hllmaniSt side of sl`ienl`e for me and left me with indelible must think for myself! memories ``et in Goldwin Smith lecture halls. Elaine Kamhi Greenwald Allan A. Hauer

AdrI'an Bo»awJ'fZ, Who introduced me tO Schubert lieder. My most unforgettable courses were Prof. rvelson Pl®ke's Social and David R. Gutknecht Political Philosophy and Anl'J rverode's course on mathematical logic. Aside from training the mind in rigorous. analytical thinking. lt made me cynical` in the best sense of that word. The main culprits these professors were dynamic individuals whose pedagogical skills were my fellow students who refused to tolerate my small town opti- and styles made the learning experience a highly enjo.vable one. mism for even a full semes(er. I was seduced by an in(ellec(ual envi- Charles I. Iseman ronment that included students attending certain lectures in courses they weren't taking. Af`ter graduation. I joined two friends for a trip to Europe -but ... I Kristl Bogue Hathaway Sold my charter ticket and never came back here to live again` so my last t`our years at Comell were a tuming point. though I didn't know it. I came to Comell from a provincial, Southern background and left a Sue Haskel James flaming liberal with practically no Southem accent. My mother like`` Continued on page 28

My favorite personal Cornell story slip. on the unfortunate circumstances. My involved Professor George Healey, The semester progressed quite nicely date also knew of the seriousness of the Curator of Rare Books, Bearer of the and rapidly drew to a close. Many of situation since I had briefed her as we Mace. and famed instructor of British you remember that Professor Healey's walked to the lecture hall. Literature for nonmajors. As an engi- lectures were some of the most enter- As class ended, we agreed I would neer, my favorite courses were not those taining on campus'. it was not unusual to attempt the feat. It is important to in the humanities. VVAen I found out that bring your date to the Saturday lecture. remember that Professor Healey never Professor Healey required no papers in On the last class day. my date decided to knew where the apple came from. I was the class, I knew the course was a sure save her apple from our lunch at the deathly afraid that he would somehow bet. I emolled in Brit Lit I during the fall Straight for an afternoon snack and see me place the apple on the desk and of my junior year, and I completed it thus destroy the l6-year ofanony- with a solid B-. A scheduling problem mously-supplied apples. As I walked prevented me from taking II that spring. down the aisle. carefully concealing my \hThen I found myselfone course short Engineering an Apple gift, I could see he was making the best in my last semester, Brit Lit II was the of the situation by answering questions obvious course. Unfortunately, the class fior Profiessor Healer from a small group of interested stu- was full. and the only way I could emou dents. was to beseech Professor Healey to let It wasjust the chance I needed. \hthile me in. I visited his offlce in Onn Library brought it with her as we went to class. his back was tumed, I placed the apple and found him just as gracious off the A year before, Professor Healey had on the desk and nonchalantly walked out podium as on. After I described my delighted in telling us on the last day of of the hall. As I did, I heard a classmate predicament and my interest. he indicat- class about the shiny apple that was sit- say to another. ¢'I saw that guy put the ed that it was appropriate that I tdrop the ting on his desk before he entered the apple on the desk." To gain some mea- other shoe.I He was then kind enough to room. He told us he did not know how sure of our venture's success, my date overlook the fact that I wasn't too quick the apple had gotten there, but that there and I sat on a bench outside Ives Hall. on the uptake on tlris '6other shce'' busi- had been an apple on the last day of About five minutes later, Professor ness. class every semester for the past l5 Healey came striding out. He had a Shortly after the semester started. I years. I remembered how pleased he had spring in his step as he tossed the apple decided my hire would be a lot easier if I been, and there was no doubt in my in the air as he headed back to Olin took the course under the mind that he deserved the honor. Library® Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option. In That day. there was no apple and I He didn't notice the Comell student those days. you needed approval of the was not thinking fast enough to conect and his date on the bench. We both felt insmlctor. I was sure the purpose of this the situation. or. at least. not yet. I still pretty good at the time; today. I deasure step was to insure that the instructor remember the very slight look of disap- the memory of being part of a Comell knew the student's full intentions in the pointment that he had upon entering the tradition. We kept the whole thing in the course and to insure that the student room and seeing the bare desk. He gave family since. a year later, my date, knew that the instructor knew. I remem- his usual interesting and animated lec~ Diane Mayer. became my wife. Profes~ her approaching FTofessor Healey some- tune, but I could teu that he had a heavy sor Healey. Get love him, passed away what sheepishly after class one day to heart. I was feeling pretty bad myself. in l97l. ask him if he would sign the perndssion Some other students were commenting -rmvidDarwh

27 How the Cornell Difference Changed My Life

contimled t`l-tml Ptlge 37 ing ovation. Being able to t]-ilml`er l`rttI11 iLgril`llltlll-e t{t t`ine ilrtS. All enl`ouraged Laurie Frank Krotmam by my friend. mentol-and t`ormer Professor Ann M. EJJI'O' Ot` agri- l`llltllI-a. Gerd Kol-man. Ameril`an Histor.\' profe```or in the ILR sc`hool. taught me how to read a b{tok b.\'' di`tinglli`hin{J. diSl`Ol,nting` and Martin Ronald Johnson L eva]llating its bia`` and Per`Pel`ti\'e. Sittillg next t{t the tllPe I-el`Ot-der t`{tl-the Gel-llli`n t`ini`I l`ir`t SemeSter Max Krotman (il pre1`el-cncc> 1tWiLrded the lCll`t PI-{tt`il`ient in the l`]aS``). I reali,.ed I w{tllld hil\'e tO try h1`l-deI-. I I"lj{tred in Ger,llill1 1lnd rea]i,.ed that I I met my hllSbilnd or 25 .years bel`auSe I l`hose to write a paper on Frank Lloyd Wright t`or Da,'l'd Da,'l's' history l`ourse. Bu,.,. was the l`ould `ltl`l`eed nt nell,-l\'~ imVthinq. + - only arl`hitect I knew` and the re.`t i` ... hiSt{try (bad pun). Stephen I. Johnson Linda Olsl-inn Lavine I I-emCmbel-CII'»fO» Ross`I'fer Predil`tiIlg `'dri\'e-by'` Sh{t{ttingS by r{"ling gilng.i ttt` illiem`ted ''hll\'e-n{tt``' {tf S{tl`iety and Prof. Most llnforgettilble per`{m vI'a` Neal vl'ho liked to party even when LaFeber in`r,i[inL= my intellel`tlllll l`llri{t`it}' ab{tllt Ameril`a's politi- sllrf`s not up. l`1`l hi`t{tl-.V ({tllr Pll`t Still l{t{tk* better thiln {tlll-t`lltllre). Peter F. Lemkin

L_`-nne* Shavelson Joiner ln the up.i and dowm {tt` l`ol]e£eL lit`e. Prot`. Harp.,I Cap/a» \vas there P[-{tt`. SJ'Jk in {tne {tt` the hotel ill`l`ollnting l`{tllt-`e` `1lid` '`Peop]e will to help me thr{tllgh the dif`f`il`lllt times. steill w'hen therl` is a need and an opportllllity.`` How very true I Laurence S. Lese t`{tlIIld this tO be. Of` l`{tur`e vI,'e l`1ln`t dO too I11lll`h tO re``O]Ve the llCed. bllt Pr{tt`. SJ'7k l`ertiLinly tried tO tCal`h llS With ``tringen( The most impiring u'aS Dan Sl®sler and the most dynamic was Har- ill`l`{tllnting l`{tntrttl.i tO dO llWi`y With the OPPttrtllnity. lan Banks in Botun>'. And I remember Herbert H. Hart\\-ig, agron- omy. for Showing llle that `l`ienl`e l`Oll]d be PraCtil`al. Randie Powers Kallrl Da`'id D. Lonsdale ¢My mother likes to say that I was The most unforgettable experienl`e to me u'as my year in the Engi- neering Masters program. Fttr the t`irSt time` profesSorS treated me as if I might al`tllal].v know Something. Working with all the other l`ivil intellectually benefitted but politically engineerin.a_ ma.`ter` vl'a` a great exposure to the real world ot` team- coITUPted. It9s a very close call ... 9 work and l`on``ultation vl'ith peers. John W. McManus The Vietnalll War made me rethink mv \'alue.i and beliefs and ``ense Pr{t1`. Robert A/fan in the blI``ine`` ``l`h{t{tl l`{tllld remember every ~ pet-``{tn`S I11ll11e by the ``el`{tnd d1`y {,t` {tllr l`{t``t al`l`OIInting l`laSS. This of what is needed to ha\'e a just Sol`iety where hulllan needs l`an be l"lde il det`inite impre``Si{m {m all ot` lls 1`nd ``hOWed me the impor- met to the extent poS``ible. DaJI BerrI'ga» and Paw/ GI'bbOJIS at Cor- tance ot` such ability in m.v business career. Cornell definitely nell United Religious Work ga\'e a humane face to radical change ideas that influenl`ed me and continue to inform my efforts. enabled ]11e t{t think With ]{t{Iil`L imteild {tt` em{tti{,n. Alan W. Kapilow Richard McMurtry

Learning to thrt,w away the l`lt,l`k in order to *lll`l`eetl. A. E. Karin Providing me with a superior education that prepared me for my and hi`` seminar.i {m el`{tn{tmil``` and fair trade are nlttSt llnfOrgettab]e. prole.`.lion as a \'eterinarian. Learning ``Freedom with Re``ponsibili- and he was the n1{tSt imPiring C{trnell person. ty.`` Harye.v Kinzelberg Lloyd S. Meisels

Bel{tnging to 1`raternity. I took a seminar with Prof. Cll'nfon Rossl'fer on American wars in which we disclls``ed each v\'ar for a week or two. and` as the vietnam John S. Kirk War was building. considered whether wars can be just. The conflict Hil\ing the opportltnity to work l`I{t``ely with ProfS. James Lay»e he experienl`ed I,\'er the Vietmm War that I read about later .`ymbol- and John ValenfI'JIe led me tO alter my l`areer goal (Veterinarian) i,.ed to me the inner costs of that war. and w{,rk t{,ward.` a l`areer in al`ademil`s. Robert A. Miles .Matthew I. Kluger Comell introduced a neu' world of people to a girl from a town of A. Ammons who was Illy P{,etry teal`her-mentor Who taught me 200. mostly relati\'es. Prof. Soko/ ot` the Music Dept. still inspired how to write with my {twn voil`e. me to give every effort your best. Helen Kramer Nancy Huxtable Mohr Prof. Keefon's biology l`our``e.-at 8 A.M. he explained how a child I was extremely pri\,ileged to do my honors research project with is conl`eived and born and the whole lecture hall gal,'e him a stand- Dr. Howard Eval]s of the vet school. Though I haven`t seen too 28 life" situations was a fresh change in academia and involved me in my education in a way I've never forgotten. Hank Prensky Prof. Brfan TJ'ermey.I I almost switched my major to Medieval His- tory until I thought there wasn9t a great demand for medievalists in the job market. I weht voluntarily to the library inspired to look for primary sources (and medieval English ain9t Judith Krantz!). It didn9t change my life but I have a wonderful memory of that class. It9s Comel1. Vivian Rosenberg HaJ]S Bathe - having a Nobel winner attempt to teach a sophomore physics section and his attempt to derive all the formulas. David B. Ross Great introduction to literary studies - Kaske for Chaucer, Robin- son for Anglo-Saxon literature, Freccero for Dante. EIizabeth Roth Being interviewed about Cornell9s Vietnam War referendum by Izvestia. Kenneth R. Strahs Living in a rural town in Honduras, getting to know their culture through the Comell Central America Project. Jean Giovannone Stringham Prof. Dan SJ'SJer caused me to change majors into Ag Econ as a result of his dynamic lectures. This led to graduate study and a suc- cessful career as an agricultural economist at Dan's alma mater, Pur- due. Robert L. Thompson My family had been in touch with agriculture since 1684 but I need- ed to find a better way. Profs. SfanJey Warren and Bob Smith were my North Star and Southem Cross. Frank Van Schaick Seeking support from Prof. AJJan BJoom, who had written a politi- many 66one-eyed sheep" since then I will never forget the experi- cal interpretation of Shakespeare, for a paper I had written for Prof. ence of leaming the methods of scientific research and writing a the- MJ'ZeJ]erJs Shakespeare course. He didn9t agree with my argument. sis. AvaneIIe Proctor Morgan Robert A. Miles Two professors remain vibrant in my mind and memory. One, The Food & Nutrition professors, notably GerfrIJde ArmbrIJSfer CHarJes Ackerman, a brilliant professor of sociology, was, in my and IVeJJ Mondy, saw to it that_I took the proper courses to ensure a opinion, an unusually open, honest, and caring man. Students loved strong basic science foundation. This enabled me to Cam a Ph.D. in him as did I. He was also gay and quite open about it, a fact that food science and pursue a research career which has been very most probably cost him his tenure. A big loss to Comell. rewarding and enjoyable.

Virginia Sawyer O9Leary Two, Dan McCaJJ, another brilliant professor, this one in literature, Going to Cornell and getting accepted to medical school showed taught me creative writing in the final semester of my senior year. that I could make the grade in science and medicine, but taking He was extraordinary. He has remained a friend and teacher to me 66Etruscan Art99 or 66Introduction to Shakespeare9' or 6 619th Century over all these 25 years, helping me in the writing, and later, in the English Poets" showed me that there is life after biochemistry and publishing, of my first novel. comparative anatomy. Jimmy Chesire Steven Polansky EJeanor MackJjn taught psychology in Home Ec and became a friend, adviser, and confidant ... Her approach of teaching 66rea1

29 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Degree

It'S Fall l99() and I'm bal`k on the C{trnel] th{tugh the semester was ha]t` {,\'er. With a .`ho\\'ed up `o vile had tO Put tm a Chllck l`aIllPuS {tn a rel`rlliting trip. My wit`e. Eileen. lllidterm average Of` 40 or 45. the stru{I{Ile tO Berr\' l`oncert withollt him. ~ -~ r| iS with me -the f`ir`t time `he'` been t{t appear di`app{,inted was inteme. Erie Stand CorneII. While I`m cooped llp in a cllbicle Kent Thompson

talking ttt l`alldidate*. ``he t{tlm the l`1lmPu`. When I th{tlI`Iht~ I vI'1l` \.{I{ting tO Bril,.il. I '`The Jo]]y Green Giant`` (the arl`hitel`tllre Sits in {tn lel`tllres. and `{,aks llp the atl11{t- reilrrilnged\~, m\' ~ `l`hedll]e t{, take par-

Sphere. I meet Eileen t`or lllnl`h ilnd notil`e ``l`h{t{tl) trying to pee {,n people. tll{JueSeL t`Or a Semester. A charitable She has tears in her cye`. I-WhLlt``` Wr{tng'.t`` Lots C. ThetI:old imtrlll`t{,r t`r{tnl Bra,il L{J{tt Ills thr{,llgh the I ask. ''[ was jllst up in Ml`GI-aW T{tvler.'' l`{,llr`e if` I prt,mised ne\-er tt, try t{, talk to she rep]ieS. '`and a` I was l`{tming dttwn the My rt,ommate` Anne Marie Fl{,od` 1`ell {,t`t` il Bril,.iliiln.

stairs they played my (Ridlev~ High \- Sl`h{,ol) her h{,rse on the t`irst day of cla.``` and brt,ke Earl F. Spencer alma mater on the bells -it vlJil` `O WOnder- her back. The Ct,rnell doct{,r`` didn`t rellli,.e t`u]!`' I t`ollnd it .`tt]11eWhat llnbelie\'1lb]e that her baL`k Was broken for a few day`` then The t`ell{t\\ vI'h{t li\'ed bel{tW me in a

the l`hiI11eSIllaSter Wt,uld kn{,w her hi{Ih~ with a f`uI] b{tdy l`ast. and her f`ir``t meal. the r{toming h{,lI`e VI'a` a Phant{tm -I never sl`h{,ol il]ma I"`ter. ''Hllm it.`' I `ilid. I hild l`ast bel`ame .`llff{,l`atingly tight. They~ hild tt, Saw him bllt heilrd him lilte at night. It to l1`llgh 1`S Shl> hlIIllmed il Pel1`el`t renditi{,n v\-a.i hit ill`id in the f`ridge. One day I of the Cornell alma mater. passed the opened door to his room. In Donald Zolotorofie Switching fraternities ... the r{t{,m \\'il` ilbSt,llltely nothing but a pile {11` dirt ilbttut t`i\'e t`eet high with `ev- While attending nly first t`rilternitV l`{tl`ktail ~ Carrying the bag ... Oral v\'eeds ``til`kin{IL {,llt. Years later I saw party I threw my Kleenex in the t`ir`t i`\'ail- un exhibiti{tn at the Chil`agtt MllSellm {7t` able garbage l`i`n on]v to t`ind ttllt it vl'a.i the Rule ofequitation ... J Contemporar\'~ Art that v\'as exactly the evening`s whiskey sour supply. Breaking coconuts ... saIlle: Piles ttf` dirt llPt,n mirr{,rS. I always Bonnie Kupchak Winckler v\'t,nderedI.t David B. Ross

Riding a lar{JeL Ill{ttOrl`Vl`lC d{tWn the hall {tt` l`ut a h{,le in the l`ast to let her `t{tmal`h

my t`raternitv~ house. expand when she ate. So mul`h ft,r the ti`l- lt ma.\; n{,t hilt-e been ilnlllSing f`{tr R{tber- Law,'rence E. Wiesen ents {tt` the d{tl`tor who put it {,n! She rel`tt\'- ta P{,llal`k bllt during t`reShl11an year I ered flllly! pulled a Sel`ret Santa prank {,n her. I Trying to appear di`app{,inted a.` the dean Sarah Hall Swanson u'rapped her d{torkn{tb with two rtt]]s o1`

explained why I l`ould n{,I {EetL l`redit f`{,r toilet paper. Sinl`e .the w'as in her r{,t,m at Frenl`h I l2 becau``e I had taken I()I and The Mttjos were suppt,sod to bal`k up Chul`k the tillle the VIa` ]{,l`ked in llntil `{tnle{tne I()2: and that I Sh{,l,ld drt,p the l`{,ur``e even Berry in concert at Burton Hall. He ne\'er could '`u"'rap`` the door. I w'onder if she remembers. Vi`'ian Rosenberg

Ha\ino_L- I11\' ~ t`riend` try ~ tt, thr{,W me {,l,t {tf` a Dean'S List rel`eptit,n bel`au``e they didn't belie\'e I l`{tuld ha\+e made it.

JeITre.\'® K. Rose

A` il member tt1` il small ememble within the Glee Clllb. I wu` {tften a.`ked to per- form on \'er~\J ``hOrt notice. My close t`Iiend. t`ellt"' `inger` and Glee Club man-

a{JerLI Arthur Neal `68 onl`e broke the news t{, me that vl'e w{tuld. that \'ery day. be f`l.\'ing to Pitt`bllrgh ttn the University- plane f{,r a testimonial dinner honoring a *r= iJ ~'- ®® noted Cornell alumnus and benefactor. +__.: . .-- ® . `| J~\| t| .I 'e \-- _. _`-^ LJ I -* We w'ere joined on the '`Far Abc,ve" by r= +-...:.---_,-.: -----:-:-. . a number of Cornell dignitaries. includ- ~ --. ` ``.:--.=:i-*-:.I _-.._ ing President Perkins. After landing` we .,__ _i.i--i_.I-.:-.--,-' - . . .*:ir=.:I.``r -. -_-_+_-r-_. . '\. were rushed by limou``ine to a downtown I + . -+ I ~ I.-`--. hotel where` between ma``hed potatoe`` + I \, -+. J Continued on next page 30 Continued from previou`s page and speel`hes` we sang several Comell song`` Another Road Back to Cormell: and returned to lthaca that evening. It was tI Hope the Statute ofLimitations Has Run9 not until the next day that I read in The Sun that we had actually been in Philadelphia. G. EdwaI~d DeSeve Met Richards I remember leaving Cttrnell in the Spring ings wa`` Karren``` comment at the border` ''Well. we're home." Home -where the Trying to learn to use a tampax for hours in of l967 in the back of Tom Allison`s Cor- the bathroom in CIara Dickson while a vair for a trip to Philadelphia and an inter- heart is? Where` when you have to go there` floormate sat outside the stall door and view at Wharton. The l`ar`s exhaust leaked they have to take you in'.J No place like? The and I remember being nallSeou`` a.i we sailor from the seas? To lthaca? yelled enL`Ouragement! Susan Mokotott Reverby pas``ed the enormou`` piles of slag around This wasn`t going to be easy. Somewhere Scranton. To me` Penmylvania was the dark near Whitney Point. as I turned onto Route Making a road trip to a bar in Oneonta only side of the mo{,n. And Philadelphia ... I was 79` I started to get a tightne``s in my +Stom- to meet s{,me Ct,rnell c{,eds who were inter- terrified as T{,m lurl`hed from light to light ach. I was dit`ferent. What if pet]ple notil`ed? ested in local color and not ``Ivy Leaguers.®` along Chestnut St. - fender to fender with What if Cornell wa`` different? I hadn`t gone Nell I. Principe ugly green bu``eS. Big l`itie`` were supposed back for all these year`` partly because I to have wide street+` like New York or feared dispelling my own illusions about the lt had to be the pledge night party. I was Wa`¢hington or even Albany. Thi.` was defi- place that had first defined my life and part- having a great time when a l`las``mate and a nitely no place f`or me. ly because I didn`t want to go back as a Almost 25 years later. I pulled the door guy a year ahead (both from my town in tourist orjust another old alum in a Big Red Wisl`onsin) told me they had busted out and shut on the old Vil`torian st{,ne pile that i`` bla,.er and Cornell tie. However. this tilne I were going home. The first day I was at Cor- now my home in the Che``tnut Hill section of was going back as an invited gue``t of the nell was the first day I`d ever been east of Philadelphia. I went out along the cobble- Pre.`ident. stone`` of Germantown Avenue and got back Somehow. m.v name had g{,tten on a list on the Northeast Extension of the Penn``yl- atthe ILR School and I was in agroupof l5 vania Turnpike for my first trip back to Cor- or ``o who were coming bal`k to hear about Woody Allen, Stage nell since graduation. the current status of the School and see the Dell, cavewomam, As my wife Karren and I drove north. it plum for the new library and renovated felt like a trip to go fishing or ``kiing at {,ur bllilding`` that are being planned. The brief Script om filre, house in the Pocon{,s until we hit I-8l n{trth rep{,rt on bttth the status and the plan`` is Bombing the dryer of Scranton. The slag piles were still there` spectacular. Dean David Lipsky has although a few trees had grown to hide their embarked on an artful transition that vener- ugliness. As we headed north to a weekend ates the traditions of lrving Eves et al. and Lake Michigan. I was really out of it so sponsored by the ILR School as part of their looks forward to putting ILR in the forefront when these two guys told me they busted I fledgling capital campaign. I ruminated on of research and education about work and Life. At 46. I had spent 22 years in New the workplace nationally and internationally. quickly called another fraternity. got the membership guy out o1` bed` and went to the York and 22 in Penn``ylvania. (The two lost He will succeed. IFC to switch. Quite a night! Everything years were in California.) Eal`h `ttate has a Coming to the outskirts of lthaca. I man- worked out well at the new house. l`laim on me. aged to get lost in Collegetown near the new John W. 0-Leafy I missed the Adirondack`` and the Cherry Arts Center. Hal See` things are different. Valley. A Keystone i`` much different from You don`t know' where anything is. once I Driving in Collegetown without a license an Empire. The catchall motto ''Virtue` Lib- got turned around. it was a little easier. The and when stopped by a policeman` pretend- erty and lndependenl`e'` doesn`t Stir the Taylors. Myron and Annabel` were in the ing not to understand English. blood like ®'Excel``ior." There was much of right place. Willard was Straight ahead even P. a. Okonwo New York still in me. But I am a Pennsylva- if you couldn`t drive there any more. The nian. I am enme``hed in the politil`s of the engineering quad still had its ugly utilitarian Meeting my future husband while dressed as Commonwealth and teach at Penn. In fact as 50s look. I was staying at Statler which a cavewoman in a black leotard. black I write I am wearing my favorite Penn hadn`t changed either except Marriott was tights. and leopardskin for a caveman party sweatshirt. moving toward equal billing. at TKE. Still. driving along I wasn't sure who I Yes. things were pretty much where they Evette Koenig Norton was. The height of my l`onfusion came belonged. An intruder cropped up here and somewhere near Great Bend` New York. there. to be sure. (I won`t waste a lot of time Participating in a nutrition experiment for 60 There was the Susquehanna. So what. So talking about ugly new buildings like that days at the end of senior year. We had an what? We were in New York! My office Uris thing.) It took about an hour and a half extremely rigid, totally fat-free diet. All was in Harrisburg in the State Capitol over- to walk through the Arts Quad down across meals were eaten in a laboratory and we had looking the Susquehanna. How could the Suspension Bridge (with new higher anti- to save and submit all body waste. which we river be in New York? Highlighting my feel- Continued on page 32 3l Continued on next page 6It9s the Funny Stuff You Remember Best'

C`{,ntinued {l-om pl-e\'it,tl* p£\±&ci l`tlrried ar{tllnd l`ill11Pll` ill `Pel`i1`l bllg`. Sol11eti[11e* Pe{tPle W{tllld ll`k llle Whitl

was in the b¬t¬_-.t= Phoebe Nichols

The time a partil`ular indi\'idl,ill `treakell front Dorm i to the Barf Bat-and bal`k in the dead ot` winteI-. James E. Manger

My ro{tl11[111`te arri\'ed With il \'er~\J large

llletal Gult` si{InL tO deCOl-ate Ollr I-OOm. Sinl`e this didn't t`it ollr ideil {1t` ''Pi`tl--

del`{tration*` I11\'J Other I-0{1mI11ilte i`nlI

I. dllrin{IL the l`Ol]r``e ttt` `e\'eral `i,i- pal`k`. l`{tn\'inl`ed him to t`l.\' it like ll t`ri`bee into the g{trge. It 1`lew like il I.{)|.k. Brad8ord Morgan Back as an Invited Guest9

The ``rlt]e {tf eqllitati{tf1`-Vl'1`` that y{,ll Continued {rom page 3 I l7 then. Nov\ it \\'a` 25 ~\Jear` later. The school and I \\'ere both qoinq toward 50. At had to buy~ l`offee for the class when ~\'ou g{,rge{,ut railing``) by Risley o\'er to Beebe ~ ~

fell off yowl-horse. When it \\'as changed Lake bal`k by the A.D. White hollse to I\-eS. l7. l7 \'ear.i~ Seemed like a ]ong time. At 46` to beer. I was the first to {IO. There was a surreal quality about all of` it. I 7 \'ears doeSn`t seem \'ery long and even 25 | r|

A\'anelle Proctor Morgan First. the temperature was in the low 7()` ttn ~\'ear` `eem` like {tn]y I \'eS(erdav~ + or. at mos(. October 25. Second` a sense of peal`e per- la``t month. \'aded the campus. It `ture wi`sn`t the 60s. From time l`ompression. my feeling went Then at 6 P.M.I right on schedule. the bells to a Sense of l`ontinuity. The ILR School and Skating with Ned, in Libe Tower began to play. A sin.a_le let`t- I had both been around for the same length o\'er hippie wandered down Libe Slope of time. We b{tth had gone through a lot of Looking I;or farmers, L= Blind date sagas, l{toking lost in a time warp. The sun faded in l`hange`~ but t,n the whole. we were in gttod the l`rimson of the west aS E\'enin.a_ SongL Color in Oneonta was played. Maybe some things are etemal. Yes. I got goose bumps. Evening Song played, Nothing has changed in lyes Hall. not Some eternal things. The big weekend c{,nl`ert when the e\'en the grey tables and green l`hairs. The w'arm-up al`t (t`or the Four Preps) was a architect doing the renovatiom talks about new glly nalned Woody Allen from Man- lves I lO and l20 being ''sadly behind the shape. It vI'aS time for some major renOVa- hattan. He was supp{tsed to be a l`omic times``` not ''leading edge.`` but they looked tiom during| the next fi\'e years but the but the typically drunk l`rowd Spent all of all right to me. Ilo still scares me. I remem- basics were Still there and the plum looked a_ood. his act throwing paper airplanes at him. ber not just the first time I saw it packed for L

I`m Stil] ama7.ed he bel`ame famous. El`onomil`s ]Ol but also my prelims written Dri\'ingrE home Karren and I went down

Nancy+ HuJXtable Mohr on those little wooden arms. Then there vl'as through Spenl`er and Van Etten to look for

the stati``tics final that I still dream about places where her a_real-great-grandfatherL had Dates with M}'ron Kaufman. failing. Actually` I am sure I did fail but li\'ed. As we dro\'e back through Bingham- Susan Jossem MitlotT some mix-up gave me a C in the course. I ttm on Route l7. a.k.a. the Southern Tier hope the Statute of Limitations has run. ExpreSSvI'ay. I thought again about continu-

I tramferred from RPI the Same year Ned The most remarkable phenomenon was ity.~ What vltaS Called the Southern Tier in Harkness arrived t,n l`ampus from that the sense of time compression that I felt. On Nevl' York is the northern tier in Pennsylva- school. Everyone asked me if I was a Saturday morning. Professor Maurice nia. The Susquehanna paralleled our trip for hockey player which was funny because I Neufeld played a tape of scenes from the about 30 mile``. I had never realized before couldn`t even skate. Still can`t! early days of the school in l945. Suddenly I ~ how much of the ri\'er was in Newt York. It Duane Merrill realized that I had come to Comell in l963 begins in upstate New York but it ends in Continued on next page as a l7-year-old. The school was also about Central Penmvl\'ania.~ Hmmmmm. 32 Learning Later in Life to Ask the Hard Questions Rep. Robert I. Ml-azek In June l967. I was enrolled at Navy OCS in Newport. I'm sort of living proof that academic mediocrity is no Rhode lsland` ready to do my part in helping a fledgling hindrance to a successful political career. Nevertheless` I democracy called South Vietnam resist 6'communist sub- loved my four years at Cornell from the day I moved into version and terrorism." Founders Hall to our graduation ceremony in l967. I ended up being blinded in my right eye as the result In my mind's eye. I can still see the whole place just of a ``tupid training accident and spent the first of two as it was back there before the ®®revolution." Back when months in Newport Naval Hospital with patches on both Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison were young and beauti- my eyes. ful as opposed to young, burned out` and dead. Back My ward was filled with Marines just back from a hill when the Cornell campus was still filled with traditional called Con Thien. What they had seen and done. as well ivy-covered buildings inspired by the ageless splendor of as the unbelievably corrosive impact it had on them. Cambridge and Oxford. came as an extraordinary shock to me. They were mostly In those days. Cornell was an institution that had so shattered men - physically and emotionally. Very few much to offer that administrators prided themselves on of us came out of that hospital with an optimistic outlook leaving it up to the maturity and self-discipline of each on life. student to plan a challenging course of study from all From that vantage point. it struck me that through those departments that boasted Nobel Prize-winners. three years as a government major at Cornell. I had never What they failed to gauge, at least in my case. was that really asked one fundamental question about how gov- when it came to serious study, I had very little maturity ernment policy was actually made in Washington. I fully or self-discipline. realized that this was due to my own laziness. Yet. it had Iove often regretted my failure to fully take advantage also never occurred to me that our national leaders would of everything Cornell had to offer us. On occasion. I've actually lie to the American people. Anger at the human wistfully considered the fantasy of doing it over. In any cost of those years carried me a long way in politics. event, my work ethic has improved considerably in the And I've never hesitated to ask hard questions about years since our graduation. anything ever since.

More Funny Moments When I think of f`unny` I think of Jimmy the Barf Bar. Continued from previous page Weill. He was alway`` astt,nishing Anne Dal- John S. Kirk Getting totally drunk one night and pas``ing ton` my roommate. and me with hi.i wry out under the piano in the AEPhi house after humor and nonchalance towards the I am not yet convinced that the Prol`tor is a somehow walking my date home ... actually demands {,f Student life. whil`h we t{]ok seri- horse`s ass. slept the night in the sorority house. ously. I heard Jimmy on NPR a few weeks R. Stcvan Jonas James R. Lopata ago: seems he turned out all right even though he never studied! Playing broomstick polo. An opponent hit Driving across the Am Quad late at night Sally® Leibowitz Hitch my horse on the head with his broom. So I and realizing it wasn't an extension of Col- hit the opponent on the head. The crowd lege Aye. applauded. Neither team scored. Laurence S. Lose Seremading the frosh Stephen I. Johnson ln retrospect. my roommate piling all my Wins water wast-ing, ln the beginning of sophomore year I fre- things in my closet. thus emptying my room quently met Doug Gimburg in Olin Library in our suite. because I had stayed at some- Freezing fair hair with sandwiches I had taken out of the din- one`s apartment for several nights and I For Beatles broadcast ing room for him. I remember the expression think she wanted the someone for herself. on his face when I took a squashed peanut Linda Olshina Lavine butter sandwich out of my bag. FreShmi`n yellr in U Hilll 5` Pete Levin Elaine Kamhi a,reenwald Search for and finding` in the pitch dark` in ordered sandwil`hes for all of us from the streets of lthaca` John McFadden`s lost the Stage Delicate``sen in New York City. Watching an announcer at WVBR try to tooth after a night of wine. women. and They were picked up by taxi. flown to read the news script completely and without SOng. Ithaca on Mohawk Airlines. and then laughing after a friend had set it on fire. Max Krotman to the dorm. We were written up in Barry A. Gold The 7`,®me`t` which made a comparison to Continued on next page 33 Rememberin All the Amusin Incidents Around Camp_uL§

Continued {rom pre\'iou`* pllge the night and -guess what -there waSn't f`or L{Ienetil`` l`lil``. Di`l`{tvering that Se\reral fraternity brotherS quite a full quorum when we got out on the Rita Rather Levin had ``tati{tned themSelve` at my window dur- lawn. ing a partil`ll]arly intense petting ``e```ion Carole Newman Allen Fixing up one of my t`raternity brothers with

with an Ithal`a College girl. a blind date 1`{tr a bigL weekend. Thirty min-

Richard I. Gilkeson Trying to break a coconut by .Stabbing it llte`` into the vI'eekend She literallyr| Walked with an il`e skate` then dropping it t`rom the into a tree! Watching a Miller beer sign for a half` hour t{,p floor of Dick``on 6. SucceSs! Charles A. Roby Karen Smith Co\'ote thinking it was a color TV - yanity ® replal`ed the real need to wear glasse.`. I hi`d i` ron,llmate Who used tO ``teal food

Carol Anne Ebert A mel`hanic in the ag engineering dept. from the ref`ri{IeratOr.L Another roommate played tricks like throwing a smoke bomb in Spiked it vlith llrine and the roommate in One day over a beer one of the l`ity boys Prof. We``ley Gunkel`s onion dryer. que`titm asked where the great f`ruit punl`h

stated he wanted to go llp to the Ag l`ampu`` Larr_y* Dominess`- ® came from i and see what a t`armer l{t{tked like. He didn-I Kenneth P. Burros know I was one. I l{taned my n{tteS f`rom Philosophy to S{tnle-

Thomas A. Dumas one who w{,und up getting a higher grade on The bt><.=\\`L i*`l\e ot The Daily Princetonian the t`inal exam than I did. that The Su,7 di`tribllted bef`Ore the Princeton Watching my roommate``` boyf`riend repel Warren ¬6Skip'® Kessler game `a}ing Bill Brad]e~\' broke his leg and over the 1`ace of the l`lock tower and l`on- vI'{tllldn`t Plo.\'.

tinue dt,wn to the ground on Halloween Led a bunch of freshman women with m\'~ Dayid C. Campbell night. roommate Susie Sanders in the dead ttf` vlin-

Martha McGregor Dumas ter` Feb. l964` down to the men`` dorm` to While I vI-a` l`hel`kinqL in\'itati{,nS aS a door- Serenade them with funny ``ongS bel`au`e we man t`or a reception for the Go\'ernor. a pret-

knew they were ''``uffering`` through rll`h t\'~ blonde lad\' ~ approal`hed my partner and Handling Playboy week. They responded highly unromantil`al- del`lared that She w'a` happ.y and she had to

ly by pouring water on u.` whil`h fro7.e Our See the Gt,\-ern{,r. Mv~ friend told her he was Food thief nabbed hair in``tantly. We took refuge at the Straight happ.\' too bllt She l`{,llld not get in without

and watl`hed Ed Sullivan`s first li\'e U.S. an in\'itati{,n. I L gral`iou``]y intervened and Clock tower climb br{tadl`ast of the Beatles. t{tld m}' partner. vI,'h{t Vl'a`` f`r{tm California. Florence E. Kline that vl'e l`{tuld trust Mrs. Happy Rockef`eller ntlt tO `hO{1t anVb{1dV and Should let her in. My roommates and I were al`l`u`ed of being ~ ~ the {tnly virgim left {tn l`ampus. [t all Counting fruit flies at I A.M. in the mornino_L Thomas E. Cazel seemed `o important then -and so unim- portant now. Laurel S. Druce

Very little about Cornell engineerin.a_ is amusing. James W. Crav,'fiord

Ha\'ing a blind date with a girl from Elmira who told me o\'er and over to stay away from her bel`ause she wa.` a karate expert. Ditched her by escaping through a window because I couldn`t stand it any more. Chap Colucci

Watching Cornell football. Kenneth F. Coiling

The way Dr. Blacker handled Playboy l`en- terfolds in Embryology c`lass. Harold Berenzweig

Fire drill`` in the girls` dorm. One was during 34 Comell Class of 1967

Dear `67 Classmate:

We`re looking forward to welcoming you in person to our 25th Reunion at Cornell on June 4-7. l992. Reunion leaders Judy Kaufman and Margie Smith` plus all the clas`` officers and committee members. are putting in tons of time and effort to make this Reunion a wonderful occasion to enjoy a trip back to the Hill -the first for many of us since graduation -and the chance to catch up with old and new friends.

A The 25th Reunion Yearbook` C'l'rc`a /967` is a gift from the Class and the Comell Office of Alumni Affairs. We hope this book will revive a wide spec- Class______Off,cers trum of memories of Cornell and thoughts for the future. It was no easy task Presldent Davld C Kantorczyk to get almost 600 of you to send in biographies. but now we can all enjoy the 3852 KIrk result. Skok,e, IL 60076 H (708) 675-l745 W l3121828-0620 Recognition must go to Jim Hill and John A]den for their incredible fund- V,ce Presldent raising endeavor``. We are well on our way to break,-ng the University record Sherry M Carl I602 HarrIS Road for 25th Reunion giving. We hope all of you will contribute to the campaign. Laverock, PA '9' ,8 Your gift acknowledges the role Cornell has played in your life and helps H (2I51836-2489 Wl215) 34l-7224 Comell continue to enrich the lives of future students and the world at large. Treasurer A gift is an investment in tomorrow` a statement that we care beyond our- Day,a L Worrell selves. '469 Rose VIIIa Street Pasadena, CA 9I '06 H(8I81795-7188 We hope you`ll join us in lthaca to enjoy our 25th Reunion in June -it W l8181792-3375 won`t be the same without you. Secretary Carollne R,gby Graboys 70 Falrmont Street For a]] the l`las`` officers. Brookllne, MA 02 '46 1617173l-68II Cornell Fund Representat,ve Sincerely. John A'den 60 State Street Boston, MA 02 '09 W(617) 367-5347 Major G,fas Chalrman James Berry H,II I I East 70th Street David C. Kantorczyk New York, NY '002' Class President H l2121535-OO38 W l2I21744-2300 CIass Correspondent R,chard Hoffman 2925 28th Street NW WashlngtOn, DC 20008 H l2021667-648 I W (2021879-2725 Reun,on Leaders Judy SIIVerman Kaufman l62 M,llt,rook Road Stamford. CT O69O2 (203) 967-8800 MarJOr,a Greenberg Sm,tll 42 Oxford Boulevard Great Neck, NY I '023 15161482-5178 Alan M Wr,ght 3735 Tanglewood Court Ann Arbor. Ml 48 '05 H (3I31665-2769 25th Reunion -June 4-7, 1992 Wl5171788-035l

35 Some Sober Second Thoughts± Regrets_ a Hindsights_

Leaving it! The ride back to New York at`ter graduation was extremely difficult. I knew I was leaving a plal`e whil`h would not be duplicated. Leonard H. Bloom

Not being able tO take a meat-Pal`king course bel`au``e there were no shower or locker facilities for women! We`\'e come a long way!

Mar_\'+ Mosher Briggs

Most of what I learned was Outside the classroom. I regret not making a Stronger intellectual commitment. David Brandt

playing l50-lb. football. I wasn`t good enough and Should ha\'e done Something else. Paul E. Smith

A tie between (i) not doing better academi- cally and (ii) not taking ``kiing aS a P.E. Course. Michael L. Rubin l7,

studying too hard. didn`t take enough time Not graduating. natel}'. mul`h ot` that experienl`e came bal`k to enjoy it. Tracy Maxwell to nle just reCentl.V aS I \'acated my apart- Richard Ornitz ment in the w'ake of` the catastrophic Berke-

As a naive kid from Buf`falo. I was initiall.\' le\J-Oakland cont`la{IratiOn.PE Happily. my As my son now applies and I acl`ompany r2 surprised by the level of competiti\'eness plal`e was still standing when I returned: him to colleges. I reali,.e there was so much assumed by my new friends from The City sadly. man.y t`riends lost their homes. available to me that I didn`t take advantage and The Island. Later on` I joined into that Florence E. Kline of: l`ourse``. concerts. distinguished visitors. sort of` intellectual arrogance with great and the physical beauty of a most remark- That lTl\J V\-it`e did not attend Cornell and r1 able campus. `hilre these experiences with me. However` I

Elinor Bo^var® Newman '67 Speak? did propose to her {,n the SuSpen.lion Bridge and She al`cepted. The dorm food. Warren ®¢Skip9' Kessler Jam Garden Castro enthusiasm. Twenty-five years Ot` life in the Midwest has convinced me that mul`h Can That Women`s Liberation hadn`t had greater That it ended'. Graduate school was awful. still be accomplished without pushing so susan Johnson Cassell impal`t then on cornell espel`ially the Home hard. Ec School. With support and encourage- I was the top woman grad in the Hotel Marvin L. Marshak ment. Inany Ot` uS might ha\'e lnade different school. and when I went for job inter\'ieW` career choices instead ot` opting for the tradi- Graduating and that the undergrad- my senior year` I suddenly was hit With Sex- tional female ttne`. uate years were over forever; leavin.a_ many Hal bias in hirin.a_ practices and pay sl`ale`. I Judy SiI+'erman KauFman f`riends behind` many whom Iove ne\'er seen had never expericnl`ed disl`ri[Tlinllti{tn dllring again. Not takintI Go\-I()I. four years of school. L Emilie Gostanian Marchant Phvllis Bell Jonas Joyce More Cantor ~

spending only t`our years there - it w'a` That there vl'ere limits tO my abilities. Some Not being able to take more nan-technical a_reat! L= things just weren't a good fit. Somehow I electives -Maybe CAU will help me catch Charles E. Le\'in fie_ured out early {m that pre-med was the up in the future. ~_-__ _ _ + u'ron{I~ road for someone With ,.OOIOgy lab Craig E. Bush lt was a true mgetly. the lil-C in April l967. in which some of our classmates peri``hed. That I worked too hard. Continued on Page 37 Katherine Klippert Merseth An unforgettab]e` indelible horror. Unfortu- 36 Continued i:ram Page 36 wrong road for some{,ne with zo{,]ogy lab pral`tic`al grades belt,w 4(). Charting New Roads fior Women.® Babe StybeJ Happe Whatever the Choices, No Late Minutes My draft board`s refusal to allow my accep- Judith Edelstein Kelman tance of a fellowship at Comell for graduate work. For Class of '67 women, life has been cuit or stick to home court. We could D. Stephen Guerrant a test. Growing up, the questions were embrace or eschew motherhood. We few. and the answers seemed clear and could many young, late, often. or never. Too impersonal and very diffil`ult 1`or a stu- simple. Father obviously knew best. Gra- We could be gay. straight. or crooked. dent with very limited finanl`ial resourl`eS. cie clearly had to be dumber and prettier We could allegedly have it all. Cornel] was important to me. but I have very For many of us. the new order meant few fond memories. than George. It was fine for Dale to be Larry Dominessy devoted to Roy while Roy owed his first chaos. Our cautious life plans had been allegiance to Trigger. The very idea of folded. stapled. and mutilated. After Spending too little time hanging out on the Lucy having career ambitions was comi- graduation, we joined the swelling ranks Arts l`ampus. cal. Mary Tyler Moors, a single working of the hopefully, hopelessly confused. David Alan Buck girl living alone, was heady high concept. Choice is freedom. But along with the We began freshman year in that true- freedom to explore` expand, and experi- Not fully realizing what more I l`ould have false mode. largely content with the '¢cor- ence, comes the intimidating freedom to learned while I was there. rect" answers weld been spoon-fed along make bold, innovative mistakes. Karen Smith Coyote with our Ovaltine and Maypo. Few There were no easy answers, just an I didn't share the Cornell experience with protested or even noticed the absurdly ever increasing crop of questions. I chose the love of` my life. my wife Fran. lopsided rules. Girls had curfew and dress to marry and have two children. I chose Roger Abrams codes and such scintillating athletic pro- to stay home when they were little, and grams as bowling and remedial gymnas- my early career choices probably would Freshman chemistry ( I I 5-I I 6). Rain. tics. Boys had open dorms, the exclusive have pleased June Cleaver. I tried to be Carole Newman Allen right to initiate dates` and the behavioral available after school, so my sons would standards of lowland gorillas. Young have someone to ignore as they slugged Starting smoking - a habit I kicked eight males were encouraged to sow their wild down their milk and cookies. slogged years later -was my biggest mistake. through their homework. and made their JettBenjamin oats. If they sowed them with you, you were stuck with the oatmeal. Still, in daily beeline for the telephone or tube. A Spanish Lit l`ourse ,aught by Mexil`an l963. the most menacing sexually (rams- As they grew up and explored their poet and statesman Octavio Pa,,. He was mitted disease by far was the late minute. personal possibilities, I tried to do the unable to communicate with the class and Then, things changed. Seemingly same. Like most Class of '67 women` ended by giving most of us Ds! ovemight. the questions shifted to multi- I`m still at it. The test may be ongoing` Helena Dansker Bergman ple-choice and even, essay. By gradua- but it's not a final. And fortunately. no lion. we faced a world of hugely expand- matter how dim or disappointing the out.- That I didn't take my 5th year of engineer- ed options and opportunities. Mixed dou- come, there's always the chance for a ing at another sc`hool just to broaden myself. bles was no longer the only game in makeup or do-over. George W. Bolln Jr. town. We could choose singles. Stay Except for late minutest that is. Late Not making l`himesmaster. amateur or tum professional. Play the cir- minutes are forever. JeITrey A. Chesky

Seeing a ''Give Blood to the Viet Gong" Then it was not winning the heart of my Not starting in intramural basketball. booth in . our student Roger H. Goldberg union. junior-year inamorata - but of course that doesn`t bother me now! (having just gotten Hurt M. Chismark Not making the tennis team. married. a mere 25 years later) ... The Yan- Jay Tannenbaum That I was finally turned on and stimulated kees losing 4 straight in the `63 World by my course work in my last exam and that Series. watched. as in a nightmare. in the I was never disappointed. I had chosen to graduate in 3 years. Straight. James W. Crawtlord Meryl Chodosh-Weiss Robert L. Cohen Getting an l8 on a physical chemistry ... failing metaphysics. Unlike Woody Allen. Not making the varsity baseball team. midterm! (l`urved up to 85!) who cheated by looking into the soul of the Chap Colucci Robert L. Cucin person sitting next to him. I did it the old- Not making varsity l50 football. fashioned way. Kenneth P. Burros Continued on Page 38 Joan Klein Cohen

37 Reflecting on a Quarter-Century Regrets: Would We Do It Differently or Not? William A. GaI`ston

Continued t`rom Pl\_`geL 37 Our`` wa.i the last l`laSs to arri\'e at Corne]l respomeS to shared experiences. The Depre``- It u a` {t\'er ttt{t 1`a`t. bef`{]re the assas``ination {tt` John F. Kennedy. ``ion e\'{tked a quest for el`onoI11il` `el`llrit\': W]a\'ne F. Currie rJ ® and the la``t to leave before the aSsas.`inatiom World War ]I sparked patriotil` in\'oI\'eIllent That I didn`t get better grades. of Robert Kennedy and Martin Lllther King. in military service and produl`ti{,n: the p{tSt- ~ \|' Jr. [t was (had we only known it!) the golden war demobili,.ation {,pened the flo{,dgate` to Dave DeBell age of` Ameril`an higher edul`ation. a brief marriage and child-rearing. By l`ontra`t. vile shining moment between the rigidity t,I the responded in highly diverse ways to ttur ltd j{tined a «tr{tri(.y in {trder to e`l`ape the Ei``enhower year`` and the near-anarchy {,f ``hared but di``orienting experiences. d{tr,m and li\'e in a h{tu``e. ttnly to disl`{t\'er I the late l960*. S{tme of us married early` some late. S{tnle Still had to ]i\'e in the d{trm. The longe``t economic boom in history not at all. Some of us had l`hildren early and Laurel S. Druce meant that we didn`t wony mlll`h abc,ut jobs often. ``ome late and infrequently: Some N{tt learning to downhill ``ki -my {tne trip and the future'. we were aS t`ree as any stu- rejec`ted parenthood altogether. Some of` u` to Greek Peak vl'a`` a di`a.`ter. Tt,day I am dents - ever. anywhere - both to pursue saw military service. some did a]ternati\-e al`tuall\' fur lllttre al`ti\'e thiln I Was at C{,r- our intel]el`tual interest`` and to condul`t what ``er\'il`e. some oppo``ed or e\'aded `er\'il`e. ~ nell. John Stuart Mill onl`e called '`experimentS in S{,me of us adopted {,rthod{,x l`areer path`` Kenneth W. Drummer living." like our parents. some pursued multiple llnd From this gloriou`` but ``heltered time we Shit`ting paths. and .tome dropped oltt` qllietl\' ~ M.\' biggest di`app{tintment abttllt Cornell is emerged into ``ome of the most tumultuou.i or demonstratively. in favor of` n{tn-l`areer that the Wol11en`` M{t\'ement didn`t get years in Ameril`an history. Taken to excess` value.`. ~q{tinq ~ llntil &/`rer vile had +i graduated. Cold War containment resulted in Vietnam: This diversity extended to the realm {tt` Ann Sa`'ishinsk.v~ Epstein the strong presidency. ``pawned in the New politics. Mistrust of government l`t,llld lead Deal. led to Watergate: postwar economil` Not l`{tntinllin{J tO Sing Vl'ith Cayuga``` Wait- in a radil`a] direction. but also toward l`on``er- L supremacy yielded to ttil sh{tl`kS and el`o- er` dllring Ill.\' gradllate Year. vatism. The embrace of privatism l`ollld lead ~ n{,mic .`tagnati{tn: the harmt,niStic hope`` of to the counterculture. but al``o to the market. John L. Fanton the civil rights movement were o\,'erlaid bv ~ Mistru.`t of bureaucral`y could spawn Not t`indin£ a hu``band there. intensifying racial and l`ultural l`onflict. L demand.i for ''participatory democral`y'' {tr Susan Gurian Fenster Spurred on in part by the mistreatment of for ''getting govemment off our backs." The women in radical political movement``` femi- left and the right could both adopt s]ogam Not enoughL time t{, do all Cttrne]l offers. nism began to transform gender relatiom` featuring ``choice." The quest for deeper Anne Nosworthy Fischer ® politics. and culture. The nuclear family ]{,``t meaning could find expression in se]t`-help A]] m,\' lllemOrie` are P{t`iti\'e. ground to a proliferation of ``alternative life- movements and New Age spiritua]ity` {tr in ``tyle````: the divorce rate nearly tripled various forms of fundamentalism. Pravin Gandhi between the early l960s and the mid-l980s. Our generation spent its youth in a va``t The l950s rock mu.tic of adolescent ``exual That I did not Spend more time attending array of personal and social experiments. p{tetr.\r readings and de\'eloping my own yearning evolved rapidly toward a deeper The question is what we have ]eamed t`rom expression of rebellious (or antinomian) poll- ``kills and that I did not m{tre al`ti\'e]y prote``t them and how we can integrate them into the tics and culture. the Vietnam war. For our parents` the basic experience v\;as projects and commitments of our maturity. Richard I. Gilkeson of effec(ive centra]i7.ed imtitutiOn.i -the The answer will affect more than our ow'n Not ha\ing as mul`h Senior fal`ulty contact as expanded national government of the l930s. l`oncems. By an accident of history. the end was enjo.\Jed b\J friends W'hO Went tO Smaller the mobili7.ed military Of World War II. the of the postwar/Cold War era coincides v\ith ~ Sl`hools. triumphant corporations of the postwar era. the aging and retirement of the Depres- David R. Gutknecht This experience generated a l`ertain confi- .lion/World War II generation. Whatever happem thi`t November. George Bu``h will dence in stability` hierarchy` meritocracy. Not getting m.\' pil`ture in the Yearbook. almo``t l`emin]y be the last president t,f` the and leadership. James A. Hall For us. by contrast. the experience with (and Robert Stempel the last centralized institutions was t`ar less positi\'e. president of General Motors) to be drav\'n Bein.a_ total],v unub]e to lol`ate my family The wars against poverty and the viet Gong from that generation. after .a_raduation and endin.o_ up the \Jery /a.``' were lost outright. and our corporations were It is now our tum. The is``ue before us is per```t,n Sitting t`orlornl,v on the steps ot` Bar- thrown on the defensive in global economic how we can translate the diverse experienl`e`` ton Hall. competition. Not surprisingly. as a group we ot` the pat, qltarter-l`entllry into the new lead- Kristl Rogue Hatl,away bel`ame (and remain) hesitant to p]al`e our ership so de``perately needed at e\'erv le\'el. r tru.`t in large organization``. and in every sector. of our belo\'ed but belea- Our parent`` tended toward common guered country. Continued on page 39 38 just so many and so busy. James E. Manger

I wish I had bothered to attend graduation. Phoebe McGuire Nichols

I liked the Cornell of the early 60s better than the later 60s. John W. 0'Leary

How hard everyone studied, that they were so stingy with A9s, how short the spring was! Sue Walsh Palmer

Going to Schoellkopf Field on the Spring Weekend advice of The SL]n, Only tO find that Lyndon Johnson would not be speaking. Met Richards

Spending most or all of my time with people most or all like me. Hank Prensky

Continued from Page 38 my Political Science paper or a certain guy Not keeping in touch with more people - Being told by Professor Robert Adams that failed to call. '`, all of whom I hope to see at this reunion. my own response to a work of literature Sally Leibowitz Hitch Judy Limouze Price didn't count; what mattered (at least for pur- The sorority/fraternity system and how it Taking a test as a freshman and learning I poses of writing an English paper) was what separated the student body. had a 90% chance of busting out. the critics thought. Thomas G. Rippolon Marjorie Holt Heins Laurie Frank Krotman Watching new construction crowd out open Being locked into a hyper-stringent Engi- Not making honor roll freshman year spaces and the destruction of original build- neering curriculum, it was impossible for me because Cornell decided to raise the stan- ings. to delve into some of the more esoteric and dard because too many students did well! Thomas I. Lambiase fascinating courses .... I hope things have Oh well, that's when I decided not to worry changed. The world of a large and great uni- about andjust keep warm. It was over too soon. versity is too broad to confine the minds of Lynne Shavelson Joiner Peter F. Lemkin 18 or 19-year olds to such narrow discipline. David B. Ross Always looking at the architecture building I don9t remember her name. as some forbidden, mystical place (where James R. Lopata Racism and anti-Semitism in sorority rush. I green dragons live), and like a child, too would have spoken up more when black and timid and frightened to enter. Those archi- None. Disappointments are only for people Jewish candidates were rejected because of tecture students were pretty peculiar ... they who look back and wonder what might have local alum pressure in Delta Gamma sorori- never came out to see the light, they never been. ty. All I did then was cry and resign. came out to have any fun. And besides, I Richard H. Marks EIizabeth Roth was a girl. Girls didn't go into the architec- Not discovering ice hockey earlier than lure building. I wish I had had the courage to That there was no intercollegiate women9s December of senior year. just walk in and c-h-e-c-k i-t o-u-t! Howard S. Miller tennis team. Of course, only Penn and Cor- Randie Powers KahrI nell in the Ivy League were co-ed at the Not taking time to visit the rose garden or time! That I thought academic education prepared the observatory. Gait Kaufmann SiegeI one for life. Hence, I graduated as a some- Kathia SIoughter Miller what naive, trusting person. It was later on Finding out there was no 66girls"9 crew and that I corrected this weakness at great Not getting into a sorority and feeling so doing nothing about it. To this day I wish I expense. totally rejected. In retrospect, that 6Churt" had advocated more and organized it myself. AIan W. Kapilow probably formulated some of the best deci- Jean Giovannone Stringham sions I have made about people - their sin- Today, the specter of homeless people and Not having an opportunity to spend a sum- cerity, values and true friendship. children living in hopeless poverty replaces Susan Jossem Mitloff mer in Ithaca. any personal disappointment I might have Douglas Swanson felt when professor Bloom didn't much like Not knowing more of the class. We were Continued on Page 41 39 TheUnexpected Road: A PoHtical Doctor Goes toJaH Su`san MokotoiTReverby

Reunion.i remind us of the t,ld St{tries B.\' ollr ``enior .\Jear. Alan v\'as president ot` abollt unexpected life change.`: ot` the herd his 1`raternit\'. had a t`ilnl`\' l`ilr` and vI'il` bent ~ ~ who goes on to fame as a jol`k. the cheer- t,n gtting t{t medil`1ll `l`htt{tl While I plotted leading/fraternity queen who dr{,wm in anti-vl'ar dem{tmtrati{tm ;lnd imil{JinedI a life alc{,h{t]. the l`ampus militant who rel`ants to ot` `{tl`ial l`han&e\|' and I p{t\'ert\'. J make millions on Wall St. There are al``o the His high ``l`h{t{,I bri]lianl`e was h{tned ill TE life stories that make us think about the C{,rnell and he u'a` al`l`epted at both meaning of sucl`eeding and nttt just about Columbia and Har\'ard. He tllrned down such cliches. Har\'ard bec`ause he had t`elt there wa`` anti- Alan Berkman. Class of` l967` ha`` had Semiti`m dllrin9L his inter\'ieW and bel`alISe such a life. He has been a ``p{1litil`al Pri``On- the\'~ had tllrned him dttv\'n t`{tr l`{tlletle. L Whill` er" of` the United State`` sinl`e l985. ``en- ill C{tlllmbia. he leilrned his rudil`a]iSm aI{tng tenl`ed to I 2 years for l`ompiracy and aiding \\ith hit d{tl`t{trin{I.L He bel`ame involved and abetting the p{,s.`e.`si{tn {,1` explosives. as with a gr{tllp {tl` medil`il] `tlldent`` Who well aS bail-jllmPing. He has also had ]ym- wttrked u'ith `ttnle Street t{tugh` and were phatic l`anl`er and the pri``{,n *ystem`s denial ull`\'el{tping a rhet{tril` ilb{tllt the rev{tlution- of his l`are made nati{,hal news two years ill-.Y P{,te,1tial ttt` ''\;{,nth l`ultllre.®` ~ ago. The pr{tmi`e {tl` medil`ine and its real ]imi- I ``u``pect that very few of uS wrote that we tiLtitmS b{ttherell him en{trm{tll`l}'. ''We arc- wanted to be `'political prisoner.`" when we onl\J~ V\'itl`h doctors sometimes.`` he told me applied to Cornell and l`eminly Alan was no tt,1l`e in ll l11{tllrnt`lll diSl`llS`i{m that Signaled exception. Growing up as we both did in the l{t``` {,1` his medil`al inn{tl`enl`e while upstate Middletown. N.Y.. `'po]itil`a] prison- Cttlumbia &a\'l|L him ll hllI"lnitilrian award er" was not a life choice we considered. r{tr hi`` l`ttn\'il`ti{tm and highL-= grades. He With a quick and agile mind. and a real teemed le`` 1lnd le``` like il mllShy liberal a` internal drive to be the best. Alan won his l`ritique {,t` Ameril`an S{,l`iety deepened in numerous awards in high ``l`hoo]. those dit`1`il`lllt ilnd h}'p{,l`ritil`al days. I rel`all He was an Eagle Scout who managed to him Sitting al`r{t``S my Greenwil`h Village do well at ju.`t abc,ut everything and his kitl`hen table in l970 offering my sympath}' seeming arrogant .`elt`-confidence drove me {,\'er m.\' rel`ent Separation t`rom Larry Rever- nuts. I remember being annoyed that along b\JrJ `65 u'hile asking LI Ills Whether I w{,uld with all the academic accolades even came a tllke t{t the `treet` in New Huyen i1` Bobby prize from the AAA for his driving! He Scale o1` the Blal`k Panthers were l`onvil`te graduated second in our L`la.``` Only beCau``e t,l` serit,lls chanties.L sexism had worked in the girls* favor for V,re tt,{,k ttur p{tlitil`al l`{tn\'il`ti{tn`` in dil`- once. We had been tracked into a music t`ering direl`tiom by the early ]97()s` bllt I course that gave lls all A+`s while the boys SilvIJ him 1`r{tm time t{t time aS he l`t,ntinued took something .Somewhat more `'man]y" ttt pr{t\'ide t`{,r the medil`al need`` of the pot,r like physil`s. and politil`a]l,v need}J. By l97l he wa`` one Alan missed the top honor by a fral`ti{tn. like we were having a good time. He ended of the few doctors working| to document the We voted him the b{,y '`Mo``t Likely to Sul`- up walking me back to Clara Dil`k``{m {,ut {,t` atr{tl`itie` {tl` the State p{tlil`e in the *t{trming l`eed" while he strove f`or acceptanl`e by what I then thought wa`` pity. bllt I nttw ot` Attil`a Prison. In l973 he went to Wollnd- p]a.ving varsity tennis (well) and ha\'ing think wa`` his own unl`{,m1`{,rtableneS`` a`` ed Knee to pr{,tide medil`al l`are to Native great make-out parties in hi.i basement when well. Ameril`am and t{t te`tif`y ab{tllt medil`al man- his parent.` were away. We were friends then We spoke a good deal our first 1`ev,+ ifeStatiom t,f` the underlying federal neglect but w|` {,ften fought and argued a`` we Sorted week``` but then as he drif`ted into the I-rater- that led to the lIPri`ing. He wt,rked {,n inter- out our identities and tried to find our own nity System we saw each other only {ln the nati{tnal hu[11an ri{IhtS and health iS``ue`` in LE WLry`S. rides home when his older brother Jerr\'` ~ Afril`a and Latin Ameril`a and on anti-racism As really small-town kids who wanted to then in law school` took us back to Middle- Struggles in the United States. behave like the sophisticated New Yorkers town on the holidays. By our sophomore For the last ten Yearsr he ha.i either been in we weren`t` we both found Cornell o\'er- year we argued some about U.S. in\'{,l\'e- prison or in L`Ont`lil`t With t`ederal officials whelming at first. I remember some terrible l11ent in Vietnam and about civil rights and I who wanted him to bel`{,me an informer. He meat market dance during orientation week remember thinking he wa`` just a mu``h\J lib- ~ spent most of l982 in prison for refusing to as we both wandered about trying to look Oral a`` I tried to de\'elop my own radil`ali``m. testif`y to a grand jury about what he knew of`

40 gr{tllps in the rildil`ill b]al`k liberatit,n n1{tVe- {tllr C{,I-nell l`lll``. he h;`` `lll`l`eeded in l96()s our ``{,l`iety ha.i yet to res{tlve fairly l11ent. He was later indil`ted {,n federal l`on- relllinding ll` ttl` the l`{tntinuinL± iS``ueS t]f the and Of the human Cost Of Sul`h a failure. spiral`y l`harges that the FBI {tffered to drop it` he teStit`ied against ttthers. He ret`u*ed. He went underground in the mid-l98()``` but was caught after two years. He vI'aS COnViCted in l987 of a different ``et of` l`harges and gi\'en a I 2-year ``entence when the usual term i`` half that. Other possi- ble l`harge`` were raised. His earlier appeal f{,r parole. despite mul`h community sup- p{,rt. was denied although he is expected to be released one month after our reunion. In l985 while awaiting trial` A]an devel- oped Hodgkin`.i di``ea``e. It is not life-threat- ening it` l`aught early enough and treated appr{,priately. His l`a``e frequently was not. He has spent mul`h time under maximum sel`llrity deSignation in abysmal l`{tnditions that have exal`erba(ed his illneh``® A story by Anthony Lewis in The rvcw yt,rA~ I,I,7]e`` in l99() on his relapsed l`anl`er and his almt,``t prison-induced 'odeath by delay`" a subsequent ``egment on television`s `|6() Minutes.-a and an organi,.ed outcry final-

ly got him moved to a ``omevI'hat better pri``on in Rochester. Minn.. where he is sl`heduled to remain until his July release. |jE_f His l`a``e was filed with Amnesty Interna- tional .`inl`e. as he wrote. it i`` ''a clear human ''& _--'--_! rights \'iolation and may we]] l`onstitute a form of psyl`hologica] torture." When we voted Alan most likely t{, suc- l`eed. we never knew on what grounds. But more than anyone else in ollr high school class. and perhaps more than anyone else in :--_--_=±--_i-:i---, _E=------i-=-_--_ -== Summing Up Some Second Thoughts About Those Four Cornell Years

Colltinued t`rom Page 39 Date rape and pregnanl`y. having to have an i]]egal abortion. Lots C. Thett]ord

Being there during a time when i.`sues of the world were not comfortably di.`cussed out- side the l`lassroom. Kent Thompson

When I graduated I l`ouldn't justif`y in my mind the expense of a yearbook. In later year`` I regretted not having this remem- branl`e t,1` my undergraduate years at Cor- ne]]. ln l989. when I l`elebrated my fir``t wedding anniversar,v - the paper anniver- sary -my wife somehow managed to find a copy of` the l967 Cornellian -a regret erased.

Donald Zolotorotie Sage service for nine who died in F}es Club fire.

4l Confronting an Image®. The Soldier From th_e S.par_±n. Ronald M. Childless

When asked f`or my reflel`tiom a` a \'eter- i{,n` the pr{tl`e``s was essentially a pr{tjel`ti{m pllblil` Vlith their hard-earned truth``. And the\' vI'ere dr{t\\'ned in the t`ll]l11inati{,nS tt1` an` I was b{,th flattered and `llrpri`ed. Twen- llp{tn the military {tf` an ide{tl{tgy that rea]l.\' rJ

ty-t`ive years ag{,. these th{tllght` w{,llld n{,I has no r{t{t(s anywhere in (his l`{,lln(r,y. I Spir{, A{Ine\\'.L= I near].\J j{tined them in th|-

ha\'e been well`{,me t,n l`ampuS. I w{tnder it` doubt that David Duke has any real n{tti{tn pllm`Ie.T| but Professor Clinton Rossiter talked

attitudes have really l`hanged that l11ul`h. In ot` where and ht,w his S{,rry l`reed began. me {tllt Ot` it duringL a \'i`it t{t C{trnell ill an}' l`ase. I l`ann{tt del`line the grul`ious in\'i- The t`act is that Ameril`an armed t`{trl`e` Marl`h. l97().

tation. have n{t real ideology other than a d{tl`trine Lea\-in£L C{,rnell in l967` I l`omidered

In l963 I l`ame (a Cornel] Uniyersity based t,n John Lol`ke`s Sel`t,nd Treatise. Il1\'`elt`~ a l`{m`er\'ati\'e. F{tllr yeurS later. I lef`t

unaware that I had two strikes agaimt me. I Natiom. like individuals. naturally exist in a al`ti\'e dl,t\'rJ a` a l`]a``il` angry y{,llng man. I

was (and am) a white Solltherner and a mili- State ot` nature free from government. vI'ent {tt`f` tOL grildllilte `l`h{,ttl. \'{tWing ne\'er tO delll \\ith the I11ilitar\' {tr e\'en the Exel`lltiv|- tary~ brat` to bo{tt. For many Cttrnellian`. this All thing.¢ comidered. the ``tate of nature rl ev{,Red two favorite ``tereot,vpeS` the white should be a market el`{tnomy with Selt`-initiilt- Brilnl`h {tt`~ q{t\-ernment llntil ttllr generation Southerner as ral`ist and the l`areer ot`t`il`er as ed progre``s and prosperity. The ''inl`{tn\'e- l`ilme t{t P{"'er. fa``l`i`t. I may have l`ompttunded the pr{,blem nienl`e`` t7f thi`` l`{,nditiOn iS the Perpetual Time d{te` heal w{tllnd`. h{twever` and in

by joining the ROTC (''RAZI`` as some threat l`rom ''aggres`+or``" - thugs and hood- the Carter \'ears~ I joined the Air Force Intel-

called it). a projel`t in whil`h I persisted lums who prey on their unarmed neighbors. ligenceL Reser\'e. There was a need for lin- straight thr{,ugh graduati{tn and l`ommisSi{tn- To l`ontr{tl the ''aggre````ors`` and maintain L=-=_qui.`t` vI'ith tl:linin{I and eXPerienl`e in ing. peace. individuals and nation.` must arm them- debriet`in{J~ defel`tttr` (and. IVet. interr{tgating Grappling with the first stere{ttype was a `elve`` or establish a govemment {tver all. pri`{tner` ot` vI'ilr). I had the qua]it`il`atiOnS.

turning p{,int in my life. Whether my l`la```- Thr{tlltJhr= the l98()`. I ha\'e enj{,yed many mates believed it or not. I did leave Cornell rcv\-arding| experienl`e` in the Air Forl`e aS an '`evolved" Southerner` having l`ome to Re`er\'e. BeginningL in l989 I ha\'e al`tually vlitne``ed the beatintl ttt` `W{trdS into Plow- understand objectively and soberly (but A lesson to lean.' L= without guilt) that `'our way`` were wrong.'` The fascist you spit on `hare` a`` an interpreter f{tr the Intermediate Tho``e word``` by the way` belt,ng to a dear Nul`lear Forl`eS (INF) Treaty eliminations

family friend` a white-haired. soft-spoken. today could turn up a and for hio_h-le\'elL ``eminars between Ameri- devoutly Christian. Southern lady in the best l`an and S{,\'iet {,ff`il`er`. There i` a lesS{,n to tradition. who (```an.`` Ivy League edul`ation) peacemaker tomoITOW. be learned here: the t`asl`iSt you Spit on today had l`ome to the same l`onl`lusion as I. long l`{tllld tllrn uP a Peal`emaker tomorrow. before I was born. Yet bel`ause I unlearned We who supported and t{]ok part in a In Januar}'` l99l. {,t` l`{,urSe` we l`hanged raci.`m. I thank Corne]l f`or my edul`ation. strong defen``e polil`y in the l96()s did so our f`ol`u`` ``{,mewhat. I was l`alled away from Nowadays it seem`` the nati{,n at large is bel`ause we acl`epted the Lol`kean prelniSe ot` the Seminar r{,{t[n` and E[11ba.`Sy rel`ePtiOnS

unlearning the White Southern ``teret,type. l`ontaining `'aggression." As it happened. our to an Arln\/Ir| ''GP-Small`` tent near Hafr al We are no longer painted with a Single broad government in those days recogni,.ed only Batin. Saudi Arabia. There I watl`hed with brush by the press or in popular entertain- one aggressor - the Communist blol`. Ft,r `adne`` a` l`aptured Iraqi generals wept. I ment. Has this tide real`hed the shores of us in the military. the enemy c{,uld just aS reflel`ted then up{,n the {,thor war. 22 years Lake Cayuga? Perhap`` I should l`ome to easily have been the Axi``. Any militant earlier. v,,then with ``imilar sadness I looked lthal`a in June to ``ee for my.`elf`. t`anatil`ism was a threat: the l`ontent of the into the eyes {,f N{,rth VietnaIlleSe rel`ruit`` The other stereotype is more problematil`. ideology was irrelevant. Still l`hildren really. only t`i\'e or Six year`` While most Americans are familiar with the I look back on the anti-military bias ot` the rl youn{Ier| than the Class ot` `67. white Southemer. few people outside the ]\'y l96()`` as a terrible misunderstanding at be``t` After VietnaI11` I earned a d{,l`t{,ral degree League understand or ac`l`ept the ROTC- at worst a monstrous slander upon offil`erS in ptt]itil`al phil{tS{tph,v. It has not helped me RAZI l`aricature. At least that has been my and NCOs whose ultimate goal in fact was to explain vI'ar. not e\'en tO understand it. I ob``ervation. We have all heard the stories of peace. [f the truth be known. most of my am now forced. however. to talk of war with Vietnam veterans spat upon at the airp{,rt a`` l`olleagl]es (Senior offil`ers inl`lllded) hild m~v `{tn`. M.v experienl`e a` an interrogat{tr they retumed from the war. My homecom- profound misgivings about Vietnam. Ollr gi\'e` me `{tmething Spel`ial to Sha-re. ing in l969 was devoid of any such melo- training and discipline did not allow publil` beL`auSe in both Vl'arS I saw the ``enemy" dramatics` but then again I had been spat expression of these views. after the battle. aS individual unarmed

upon in uniform years before at Comell. Personally. by l969 I was thoroughly sil`k human beings.L The fascist ``tereotype ma.v have originat- of the war and the leaders who kept it going War should ne\'er be an imtrument of pol- ed with such paradigms as the '`authoritarian under the guise of '`Vietnamization.`` In il`y. bel`ause wars are never really w'on and. personality`" which you may recall from l970 a small group ot` young ot`t`icers in once begun. they seldom really end. To your lntrodul`tion to Sol`iology. In my opin- Washington. D.C.` all recent returnee``. went C{,lltinued {,n Page 45


WE^TIIl.:I "=Ted=i=:-isoQ[ne ®o[,It.?nI[.mmEBdEf[P Su" Rgl| lllgh: ou tJ®*'. |L

\i5TL- LXXX-NO. 47 23. l963 I-2-'-hAGi,-'i;I,,:iv-CI,:N-I'§ I}I}E\aIIThETArF JRAaGJA+aaIRAJA+rFTFTTh Police Charge Ex-Marine, 24 DL't.Lm`IN DaUas (^P)-T'®'ice {'hl,I Je±t!s-C,,Try mid-I-.,*' nil-I,, ctiarg®., o' murdc,ing P,e8id,n, Xenn,dy h8`-, I,,®n filed affLln9' Lee Ilarve, O9`'ald. a 2,I-yea,-Old ex-Msol'ine "-h® p,ofessed I®`-, for ltu3*ia. The on8e Wan PrOI,f`bly I,e brought t® ,h, 8t-nd jury by the middle ®' n,A, ``'eek. i _i____I. + Dallas - P,-esid¬nL .John F. Ken,,ed.`'. .I::,LI` T,resident Of tI`e l'nited Slate.I. v`'a.I s'`ot to d®:`tl, .`®e*I,r- da.`' b.`' a I,idd®n assassin ttl'med w®itl` a I,igl`-IW"-,I,'t,,I rifle® Tl,e news of tl,a act .`tn,ck L'`e ``~o,-I,I-s a:I,,iL:,ls ``'i'h s'mttering impact. Ien`'ing '`eads of .`'ate and tlw n,!m in tile street ``tunn®d and grief-s','icken. A` I`on`e 'i`n`e,`' crossed I,a,'t.`- lines and diffel-ences. Kenned.`-. 46. was sl`ot t'»o`Igl` tl,e 'le.`d a,I,I ,`t','k as he rode t'`,'o`,gl` Dallas in tl,a p,'esideI`tinI 'imo`,#i,I, in w-ll®t lmd I,eon a I,-IUD,plml moto,t!`de. "`= _.:-.`:.`. - -``..:.~.. :`:..`:I. ``'I,en the tI`ree .`',a,* w'ere I,re,I .`t nlrou' I :3'' I,.n`. I-` : EST). blood s,,rang I,®,`` tl,e Ttresid®nt'.I fo,-a. Ilo I,Ill =¥i;.T±rfuijinrfutct±*±i±is*`-^E-* face dowm`'o,-a in-tl`e back sea, of I,is c&r. Itis ``'ife -A,-®t','d Pn,, Wlrcoh,'® clutc'led I,i.I I,end and I,lied to lift it. t',,* ''{)'`. N,'!'' 'r,lid,nt )®hn r. Kennedy -I,a--rid,. ln-hot nlo_!or_sade in Dalla- op.pro_*imatelvve-'e'dav. oo,e -n,inI\te b¬fOr¬ he Ila'r |n l`our later t'`e Pro.`ident ``',`s dei`d :`t tllc rark-land llos,,ital. w-I,a,'e l`i.I I,ulle'-I,ie,'`'ed 'ro,l`® I,,I,I been tnk®n in a fI"`tiC ¢l'O,'t tO SA`'e his lire. L}'ing "'o`,nded at "`e sA,I,a I,a.a,,i'nl W'aS r,O`®. .I,,I,n Conmll.`' of Texas. who v`-as ctlt dow'n in tl,a same I,,- sillade tl`at ended t'`e life of tlle .`®o`,,,*e.`' nlll,I ®`'¢', Johnson Swam in as President; elected to t',e ,,residenc.`'.

The day that President Kennedy was *h{,I I ner's lel`ture` and reading li.`t`. Kenned}''S asSaS- whl-re. Wl` never did really get together. was in Textiles and Clothing Lab and we wl`re sination (I was in the d{,rnl). Laurel S. Druce all in a State ot` shol`k. I think my l`hildhood Carols Newman Allen All night Sessions talking abou, the meaning ended that day. of life -and guys. All night sessions stud}'- Karen KauRman Polansky ... the grt,wing up that we werl` l`orl`ed to do bel`ause of` ,hc `tatl` oI` the world and the death ol` ing l`or exams. Twisting in beer up to my ankles at fraternity parties. The great blac`kout John Kennedy`s assassination ... the anxiety Presidem Kennedy ... waiting to hcur ill h|` w{,uld liv|-... the `h{,|`k|-d Ronni Chernott and the assassination of` Kennedy. Ri¬a Siegel Freedman look on l`al`es ... and the unscheduled ringing The day JFK was sh{,I. We walked around in a of-the l`himeS. W{,rking and ea,ing lunl`h between l`lasses Ruth Dritch Salinger blur for days. AI Raphael and I had been trying to get ,ogether for a date l`{,I weeks and we had and hearing the awful news on the televi``ion Being latl` l`or l`url`ew (remember l`urfeWS'.')` filnally l`ound a day we were bt,th l`ree and when of` the assassination of` JFK. Allan Austin Hauer f`rui, flies on the Ag l`ampus. Bronfenbren- that happened neither one ol` u` wanted to go any-

43 How Cornell Has Changed Over the Past 25 Years Sciemces Remain First-Rate; Humanities Sumer at Fair Cornell, Inc. L. Pearce WiIIiams

Cornell has l`hanged a great deal in the the buildings erected since l967` exL`ePt for Arts buildin{I| Whil`h. Stril`tly SPeaking. last 25 years. .Sometimes for the better and athletic facilities. have housed tel`hnil`al bel{tngS ttt the performing and l`reative arts some(imes for the worse. Let me f`irst detail fields with state-of-the-art instruments and (whil`h I am n{tt l`{,n\inl`ed bel{tng in a uni- what I think the favorable l`hanges have facilities. \'erSity) then nttt a Single building or major been before I place my table of lamentation`` These facilities. in turn. have made it p{,S- fal`ility has been provided for the Humani- before you. sible to attract world-class ``l`ientistS and ties. We are still f`ighting t`or spal`e in whil`h Cornell has always been a first-rate sl`hool engineers who have made Cornell a l`enter to teal`h and meet with t,ur ``tudent``. Our in which to obtain an education in engineer- of research. It would be tedious here to t`al`ilities remain primitive -blackboard.i ing or the sciences. I came to Comell in the rehearse the names of the great centers - that used to be l`leaned af,er every lel`turer I 940`s because its School of Chemil`al Engi- the Theory Center. the Nano laboratory` the by a janitor with a wet l`]oth now are wiped neering was reputed to be the best in the supercomputing center come immediately to by~ (he ful`ultv: I seminar rooms are a( a premi- country and the entire College of Engineer- mind. Thus it i`` that Cornell l`an proudly um. and e\'en lel`ture halls must be fought ing has upheld its reputation at the top. The l`laim to be a great and for sinl`e we ha\'e. 1`ttr all pral`til`al purposes. same is true of the sciences. that Cornell undergraduates and graduate eliminated eight o`l`lol`k lectures and Satur- Cornell's ability to stay at the top in these ``tudents in technil`al fields can feel l`ontent day morning l`lasses. thus jamming every- areas has been the result of a number of with the facilities. the instruction. and the thing into the rest of` the week. important factors. First of all` Cornell has encouragement they get here. Professors do little ot` their work in their spared no expense in providing facilities for It is quite otherwise` I think` with the offil`es where they used to be available and technical education and research. Almost all Humanities. If we except the new Theatre

44 flee, instead, to rooms in Olin Library where that are published are worth the time spent students about who will be here in the years they are insulated from student contact. For reading them? that they will be, many student plans have to many professors, office hours are a nuisance Fortunately, we can give a semi-quantita- be scrapped and their educational expecta- and often ignored. Students in the Humani- live and respectable answer to this last ques- tions disappointed. In other cases, someone ties regularly complain of their inability to lion. An article in ScI'enCe some months is hired to replace the absent faculty mem- speak with faculty and are shunted off to back pointed out that 9997o of the published ber, almost always at a much lower salary. T.A.,s. research in the Humanities dropped out of Such replacements are not held to the same What has happened? One part of the the Citation Index - an index which gives a standard to which we hold our new appoint- answer is that Cornell has become a great rough measure of the use made of this ments. Rarely is the Department even con- research university and research, even in the research by other scholars - within five sulted and the replacement is often a friend, Humanities, is what advances one's career. years of publication. So long, however, as crony, or former student of the departing It is one's books that attract national or we insist on using the length of a bibliogra- faculty member. This degrades our course intemational attention and it is this attention phy of publications as the major factor in offerings and the students are shortchanged. which brings forth offers of positions else- both promotion and pay raises, we can Finally, there are just too many students where. If Cornell wishes to keep a faculty expect to keep feeding the junk pile of negli- at Cornell for the available faculties. Twen- member, it must match or sometimes over- gible publications. ty-five years ago, when Cornell first began match these offers. There is also a financial dimension to the its recent expansion, the limit was set at The classic recent case here is that of emphasis upon research that deserves more about 15,000 students, counting graduate Henry Lewis Gates, a prominent and distin- attention than it has received. Cornell, like students. That limit has long since been guished expert in African-American litera- every major institution of higher learning in exceeded, so facilities are crowded or ture, whose nickname, rather appropriately, the United States, has been suffering severe unavailable; classes are closed so that stu- financial pains in the last few decades. This dents cannot take the course they either Humanities research is has affected the teaching faculty in a very want or need, and everything is charged for serious way. Given the emphasis upon so that students or, most probably, their par- well plowed: research, given the availability of research ents, are milked for all that Comell can get 6How much really new grants even in the Humanities, humanists, from them. being human, seek these grants and use has been said about them to produce books and articles. Most Students suffer today often such grants are used away from Cor- Shakespeare recently?9 nell, so our prized faculty that has been from absent faculty, is Skip. He skipped from Yale to Comell to carefully chosen, nurtured, and rewarded is unavailable courses, too Duke to Harvard, certainly improving his often not here. In any given year, a signifi- material prospects on the way, but not stay- cant number of humanists are researching many students, . . .at a ing anywhere long enough to educate any elsewhere. high price. great number of students. This rise was the In recent years, a pernicious policy has result of his reputation as a scholar, with been imposed by the Deans of the Arts Col- hardly a word breathed about his ability or lege. In many cases, courses offered by Cornell has become Cornell Inc. I now devotion to teaching. those faculty who are absent are simply seriously doubt that a Cornell education in One might well object, shouldn9t Comell stricken from the list of courses. This allows the Humanities is worth what one has to pay have a famous faculty, noted for its the Deans to pick up the salaries of the for it. I, therefore, have ceased trying to con- research? I would riposte with the simple absent professors and use them to reduce vince students to come here and suggest query, why? Research in the Humanities is deficits, usually of their own making. that, instead they attend a small, liberal arts not the same as research in the sciences or Since there is no information offered to college where teaching pays off. engineering, where new observations, theo- ries, laws, and applications are the goal. Fighting an Image From Vietnam to GulfWar Many fields in the Humanities have been Continued from Page 42 nificant to me through experience. If the extremely well plowed over, and it is the strike the first blow is a sin. Too often armies truth be known (again) they were actually truly unusual scholar who can break new have struck first, only to leam (generations imparted to me growing up as a Cold War ground. later) that peace was narrowly averted. War military brat. Along with ccDuty, Honor, How much reaJJy new, for example, has can at any time be thrust upon us, but even in Country," I carried them with me to Comell been said about Shakespeare recently? Until the heat of the battle the enemy remains in 1963 and carried them away untamished scholars can get free access to the archives human. There may be permanent wars, but four years later withal. Not much of a story, of the former Soviet Union, how much trust- there can be no permanent enemies. come to think of it, but I am glad to have worthy research can we expect from Soviet Of course, these platitudes are not original shared it with you. We should have had this scholars? And how many books and articles with me; they have become especially sig- talk a long time ago.

45 A Compendium ofEvents Recalled Wh±\e `We `Were There.® From Our Four Years at CorneII

Four years which began with the German consul spoke on the Student Government won its Brud Holland. inauguration of James A. Perkins as need for reunification. Professor budget referendum and 500 Gentlemen of the Right Cornell9s seventh president ... and Douglas Dowd spoke on Fayette women petitioned Women9s Stu- appeared for the first time in Hunna Johns was elected Mayor of County, 66Lawrence of Arabia" dent Govemment for off-campus some years as did The WI'dOW, Ithaca. Donald Kagan debated opened, and Fall Weekend fea- living for seniors. Tuition in the but LBJ never did show up on William F. Buckley, Jr. and with tured Woody Allen and the Four endowed colleges rose to $1,800 Schoellkopf Field despite the Bard Hall finished, the Engineering Preps and cancellation of curfews Per annum. Spring Weekend Sun. The campus was completed. by the Executive Board of Stu- The curfew repeal continued Heights welcomed back 66All Cornell Day for high-schoolers dent Govemment, or so The Sun with movement toward ending Comell Drinkers." was moved to from the said. Paula Peterson was our flrSt junior curfews. Visitors to cam- The Tuller Foundation free- Straight to avoid ccbeatniks," co-eds weekend queen. pus included Charles Mingus and market advertising campaign in c6Happiness is a study break at were able to avoid dorm lunch by Edward Bennett Williams. The Tj]e SLIn moved tO the Cornell taking box lunches, and the Comell Obie's" said the Sun ad, along Fayette County Project won a Alumni Committee for Balanced Liberal Union called for c6Negro with the College Spa: c6This is campus referendum and Profes- Education. John Kenneth Ga1- rights.,, National Cashew Week. Take a sor Fred Marcham was re-elected braith, not exactly who they had Winners of our frosh elections nut to lunch." Mayor ofCayuga Heights. in mind, spoke on campus. A were Doug Sethness, Vicki Nardel- On November 19, President Mike Cogan and Doris Klein bunch of Student Government 1a, Chuck Butler, and Carol Klein. Kennedy urged the overthrow of were elected from 967 to the and Sun heavies plotted to elect Dorm Council winners were Sally Castro. Three days later Kennedy Executive Board and Professor Tom Jones '69 frosh class presi- Leibowitz, Ellen Stromberg, Diane was assassinated. Andrew Hacker said that the dent. He won anyway. Rennell, Joe Bondi, Bill Grohmann, Campus life resumed with greatest danger to the system was The Sun endorsed Richard B. John Bruns, Jim Foster, Kevin Bat- Douglas Dowd debating William a Presidential election on the Thaler '53 for Tompkins County tistoni, Harvey Kinzelberg9 and Ed Rusher and Allan Bloom issue of civil rights. Campus visi- D.A. and announced the end of Diamond. addressing the Comell Forum on tors included Thelonius Monk, student draft deferments as a Fall Louis Armstrong and Walter Brutus as a Stoic and Cassius as Gerry Mulligan, Leo Strauss, Reuther were on campus and the an Epicurean. Juge John Minor Wisdom, and Continued on Page 48 46 :._ .--_-:

-_ -_ -- -

COMMENCEMENT as it used to be at Cornell (now it occurs on Schoellkopf Field) and as it was on June l2,1967, in Barton Hall at ll :00 A.M. BELOW are two pages which greeted us before and on our arrival on the Hill: the Come// Desk Book 7967 introduction to Cornell slang and the tuition and fees chart from Genera/ /nformaf,'on, 7962-7963J a Announcement.


coDTLIRLvAEsT£§OnSN^TOoFFARu%[TA:sC[TF#FRnE).A_P_TS AND DTIRVAIS¥¥^6_FAItuLNEILTA¬SCITFIUERDEIsATRuTDSENATNsl; TRATIO-N : s,cc(HEoN:ELS'oAFNDHOETNFG,INr:_E`P[NG, Ag CamPuS~the t'uPPer CamPuS''~hOme Of the College Of Agriculture TuI'tI'On...... SCHoof 'd;+'#oL#E£LINfEDEMRIINNRsJ_ chog\\%gae#\eoo=\tpuopdteet=ttcoaru%\?ouens`-=~hbn.==*\v*iiss%yuhtooh£u=£ctc\av#is` college and unI',Jersity General Fee a. . .

£\e\%sgate#%p=rp\£t*#_+eedaoc\etv\tesra%otc%i%h\£euicbt`:ovc\\::ic\:`nst:=ev6a{t\= :.':.':::::...,... s670.oo makes it a perfect spot to spend a dead hour GRADud+I.E..scri-;:;:Total each term...... I... J30.OO ''''...... $800.00Iiiii- Dead Hour~a tree hour between Classes So Called because lt'S lnVarlab\Y Tui,loon ...... L\\\'ev¬-\n .he i_T.,\=.mfi college and unI-VersI'[y General Fee I. . . . \'=bRt=%±O±±e\Oe*%#±'PsL'``^iii¬\\ti\6o:teeng&bmu:: &onu: i:cot,hgTeOpSiuni=veFem=e=n=; ':::::....:::.... .?5?.OOT Tuonta^1,ea:h ten...... - \`*o`#hmeet__o^t\e_*`nt==b=tin``*`ora±o+ii' GR_ADUATERoAFD:uAF§HIJ:;:pC:¬;:;j^D;;p:O;FBI;A£RAODS#N::sTERNAG:xoEN!::N4fi;riTJ§H+I:;:gC;£;:;;n:dD:i::t.;A~£.r#]EsTERNAG:xoEivE::N4fi; LSr`.-;::- sGcRHAoDo#sI `GrRuA^D^£sI :i.Rf:o%£ei_iea\±REo?hLi-otteet=gbu.shteosupteco,£Tihre_e_q?r=s:et* oI auF£oii;::i*1A::dDL.::iF:.I:a:_RAOriN:IEsTERNAG:##N!::N4fi; sGcRHAoDoU; pBt#^ea^%*peoe\qXt&Tp%bOs&nttS\obOn=``t:::-\^ish_=_a\\+i::pt=t=+th=e=bu`t*o`e*^r%^unur\sT%h=o{ent:S -ir%nu,: I E SCHooI_ College_vucge and a+i . unI'Vers1'tyi ;:;i_._._.I...... General Fee a I.1W sciriiroff: ot your co`\\=E=_' ...... ''''...... to7o.oo snowed-omp\ete\y bewl\dered can refer elther tO a tough Course Or tO .'''... J30.00 a particularly masterful ,ob o{ lrnpresslng a girl, dePendlng On Who Or GRADUATcT:I:£AaOl:aochF i;=TRITION iiiii- *T= snowed .w_h^o+mt- ''. .. $800.OO college alld UnI'VersI'[y General Fee a. . out o[ lt~state of not comprehendlng~may be unconsciousness, sleep, or ...... I.. S]50.00 =i{_a\ stu_p++^\=y- Total each term...... aoLLEGTEu1£1Fon;i;IICCuaCLnT:=E.. ]43 00 Flicking Out~gOing tO the FLICKS~1thaCa rnOVieS. liiiii± lndepcndent~person not belorlglng to a {raternlty or sorority T£;EJt:ago:I:Tio,-*FeC:A:t)lee;ener"" '''..... $293.00 HousC~fraternity Or SOrOrltY house , never 't£rat." plcdge~unlnltlated member of {raternlty Or SOrOrlty, Person Wearing coLLEGTEu:tiFonH;_;;a;I:ot;=;I-;s: :..: S?33:gg++ b\eaE_e Pin_. iiii- Tul'tl'on ". $355.00 ¥ig±&±_i*\±h{=c:ei\r\ng+:+^ohw*=me`:e =\s:pcei&=mtsrayu'secbou\rl- ...... -...... c,o]Iege and lJ-nIVerslt} C,eneraI Feel -'' . . . . I ": S??g:ggl TheagGe;rag:ialtPLuesrh cascadllla Or TrlPhammer Scenic Chasms used ln Total each term..., l'ETERINT:.#__;;;i;doc::term.... ,. ,...... liiiiii± TuI'tIOn ...... ,, ,-, , ,, " $37000 B=iS%±`tno=g=b±:i*tt=:=n¬gOo&*¬^i¬=ec&xn&bmm\=`tho=h=&&{p*ptoo£&c8:\Dolt college and unI'Verslty General Fee I a'b=\oe,byoouve`*c_i:I:i:ebao{=ob ``hhee`ce#pTLeo- ':::::: S?g?:3gI . . a =o=*=%n=g*y±=oen`T&&cpt%=ineb&o&t*oEi`iie=`c*nn\en,g&ncbo=p\sna to t`he_a::AtOA:,:\ng scHooLTc:ll::2I:N:n:s-¥_:.::CAhNt:I:AB:i RELATIONs ® I I weekend. TuJtlon Total each term I. iiii- $387.50 RotsiC~R 0 I a ~ReserVe Officers Training Corps. college and unI','ersI-[y General Fee' '''' Do a ]Ob~an eXPreSSIOn used On the hlll to lnean t{knOCk 'em dead'" "..: S?gg.get Gape~lndefinable, but an Integral Part Of your VOCabulary at Corne\l D./y_/s/oTIVuI?I:n£(x:oO:I;a]4tr%eC¥::::£::)auRs£s i . . I iiii- Artsie~a Student ln the Co\\ege Of Arts and SclenCeS, Slrnl\ar\Y~Hote\\1e ". $355.00 Lie,--Hope_ i.c*n\ies. liiiiiii± -The General Fee I-nc]udes an a]Jowance/ -...... for the student's normal requ]rements of -ne Who gapes. '''...... $3500 MilkPunch~WOr`aS most nourishing Weekend beverage &tastFtseo¥Igser::end::e::sat'kuha:geenaI:}owia£bnoo£ea'm?¥IoCrbOeufirecfdsaroagfneddcofanogcrae:cn:srrt;:tllhOn:=lt::lednrelnals:InCuOIt,huer: C:uorie: coffcc Date~gettlng aCqualnted Over a Cup Of COfiee at NoyeS, Or the ipe*+¬=+``n±==ot&t\hqe\\am#i±*cui=oymnso*ebree cocd~refers to the corne\l women, may or may not be used as a term o{ s:ac+;oen¥oauo;::u:::et:oennndd§csh:I::aaJ¥eon:redaPcs::a:n;neerssyR¥q§:I:oatl:a:orisnebdo¬n:aa::f:v:reeeprc:enedo:I:¥On1¬o:jtic:o:[hueejat::to:i:::[fJoONnnee::f&Jto:I:k z\Hec`\On. =*_nt+®tnit±c:o\r{%±`c%\:`:h£u`\\yeT= =%oouknn`oow£sehmobwa{t{oas6somthn: rlght thing at the rlght tlme Wlth the least arnOunt Of ernbarraSSment a\\ t\'o`nb.

47 on the Vietnam War was incon- clusive, and Obie9s closed forev- er. 107 Dryden Road became the center of anti-war and campus leftist activity. Professor Jim Maas acquired Allen Funt9s 6CCandid Camera" archives, critic F.R. Leavis and drug guru Timo- thy Leary lectured, and Nobe1- winning Professor Peter Debye died. The button announcing col Am Not Yet Convinced That the Proctor is a Horse9s Ass" appeared and the IFC put Phi Dell on social probation for dis- crimination at parties. Bruce Dancis 969 ripped his draft card and Ken Brecher won a Rhodes Scholarship. D.A. Thaler invaded campus to confiscate the allegedly- obscene Trojan Horse, Yale and Vassar confirmed their intent to merge, Professor Robert Morison asked if the Humanities were Remembering Moments ofFour Years worth saving, and Jim Dine, teaching on campus, said his Continued from Page 46 in person at the WTKO Banquet LaFeber urged withdrawal from work was 66not pomographic but Weekend gift. Herman Kahn, and Birch Society founder Robert Vietnam. erotic." Paul Goodman and Welch lectured. Sigma Chi said it Martin Gold was elected our Zinck9s joined Obie9s in the senior class president, Robert Bly showed up but The Rolling was leaving its national, the Glee great beyond while in the here Stones didn7t. Club went on a 6-month tour of appeared to call LBJ a 66slimy and now, the fratemity pledging Tom Comell bumed his draft Asia, and Professor Walter bastard," a campus referendum card, Nat Pierce 966 (now a min- ister) dinged and Jesus Christ, and the Straight said it was losing 1,000 trays a year to Libe Slope. The Mojos were at the Clinton House and Bobby Comstock and the Counts at the Ithaca Hotel. The 2-year Ag School Program came to an end. Donovan and The Miracles appeared in lieu of The Supremes. In February 1966, Vietnam lectures began with talks by Pro- fessor George Kahin and South Vietnam9s Ambassador. A sit-in demanded later library closing hours, Pogo's creator Walt Kelly spoke, and David Brandt and Tia Schneider were elected to head Student Govemment. Paul Harvey said 6CGood day!" 48 ra`te rose. Cornell hosted the protests; ultimately the Faculty National Student Conference on Committee on Student Affairs in Vietnam while the film "Funeral turn suspended the ban on draft w zfty]ZaypRINCEroNIAN ¥ in " opened in Ithaca. card demonstrations. Vol LXXXIX, No 19 PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1965 I;nptoesTdo?,:a:ec#ncc#sns MNaJler Ten Cents Jim Garrison predicted immi- Secretary of State Dean Rusk Bill Bradiey Sprains Right Awhle`, Goheen Appointed nent arrests in the Kennedy defended U.S. foreign policy at Hopes for Ivy League Title Siwh To Johnson Panel B` JOEL `ANI)ERIIOFTT Later last nlght coach van I,rlngs up the old questlon of wh}' Prlnc`eton s Ivy League basket Breda Kolff consldered the pos the schedule makes us meet cor By LESLIE N MOORE Ill assassination investigation he had Bailey Hall and George Kennan ball hopes almost tan,shed yes slblll[y of a team wl,ho`lt Brad nell thls weekend and penn TICXt presldent Goheen has been add terda\ when Tlger All Amerlcan ICY week-our fmal games are ed ,a the special Advl§ory Com- Blll Bradle, severel\ spralned his ''We rlave playetl wLthOut hm agalnst our strongest opponents mlttee on Forelgn Affalrs created rlght ankle whLle returnlng from before - late ln the Mlchlgan wove been polntlrlg toward by Presldent Johnson last Sep- launched. CIA funding of ILR appeared on campus in opposi- Flrestone Llbrary late last nlght these fmal g'umes all season and game and when he was hurt m tember lt was learned yesterday Accordlng 'o doctors at Mc'Co§h as you can understand, I havcn't FLellable sol]rces lndlcated that the Yale game Thls whole thlng lnflrmarY he W,ll de,,nltelV not been able to rely on the rest of Mr Goheen's addlt,on to the ad- training in the early 60s was tion to U.S. policy. Nine students be able to play agalnst Cornell the team as muc'h as ld have vlsory panel came abollt at the and Columbla thls we¬kcnd loo Tickets llked lo " request of Comell Umverslty Pres- The 6 5 Ol\ml,lc superstar con The Bengal coach added that ldent James A Perklns 37 an sltlered the best amateur basket slnce he was lucky enough to have orlglnal member of the commlttee exposed. The IFC sponsored ball player ln the world, was rush Available perished in the 6-yr. Ph.D. pro- such an lnc,,mparable player as The I,reSldentlal COmmlttee, ed lmmedlateI\ 'o the lnflmary R Kenneth Falrman '34, dl Bradley on t`ls team he had 'o whlch conslsts o' 16 dlstlngulshed last night 66Soul of Blackness" Week, rector of athletlcs announced take chances lJke ,hlS BILL he c'ltlzens has been consultlng wlth Brad'e` had Just left Flrestonc yes,erday that 100 extra tlckets sald the team was not at all the President Johnson ln recent weeks gram fire in the Cornell Res Llbrarv at the mldnlght closlng for the Comell basketball game same without Its All-Amerlcan on matters of major lntematlOnal hour when he stumblcld and fell ln Dlllon G)m tomorrow nlght Commentlng on Bradle` s ln Importance ln tJle quest for peace down the steps outsldc ,he l!b are now avallable JuI'y Wllllam C Stryker dlrector and the advancement of the na- including a speech by Stokely Club. rarv The tlckets wlll be sold on a of sports ln(orma,Ion, observed, opal securlty tflrst come flr§t served" basls Reached late last n,ght Tlger What surprlsed me most of all Contacted by telephone lrl lttl coach Dutch tan Breda Kolff `'ls beglnnlng at 9 am thLS mom was that Bll' wlth hls per]pheral aca, N Y , last nlght Mr Perklns lblv upset o`er Bradley's ln,llry lng at the SPOrtS lnfOmatlOn dl vlslon 'leld could have be,n un sald ''Bob (Goheen) and I have Carmichael. Sophomore curfews were Issued the followlng s,atement rector s offlce ln Stanhope Hall ((:on,in,I,d on paec IOU,) always been the closest of frlcnds The doc'tors at McCcsh have After the tlcket agency sold ever slnce he studJed under mC applled lee to Blll s (Bradley) ln I.200 tlckets to an alleged 89 back ln '40 and '41 at Old Nassau A survey disclosed that Cor- abolished, and Professor David Jury but the\ have not determln students (only ten tlckets were Sir Wi,nstor,9s Memoi,rsln fac, he's my guest ttlls week- ed yet who(her he wlll be .1ble tO supposed to be sold to each I,uy end at Corneu as part of the ln- play agalnst Columbla and Col er) the Monday before last, stu tematlonal Weekend we re hold- nell dent protests caused the Prlnce Score Wtlson9s Policies lng for out- Centennlal CelebratJOn nell co-eds had grown "more Davis won a Pulitzer for c6The Regardless of wllether he Can tonlan to schedule a slmultan ''l am glad that Presldent John- By ASHTON LORING play or not, thls drag,`ca]ly Sous closed-clrcul' telecast of respondence wlll begln next fall son has acted favorably upon my Changes Our I]lanS IVe always the I,askelball game ]n l'`e ul1 p,iL'.nes.'.'i''.=*t=\i'L.b'awm.e±r\= 'InJudJClOuS llSe Of Amerlcan request and look forward to nav- trled ,o play lt as lf he wore a Ion Pool anlPhLtheatre tomorrow serious," while a draft lottery was Problem of Slavery in Western Wllson for prolonglng the flrst supplles ' during the first few lng Bob serve on the advLSOry norTnal player but when some nlght World War for two years, months of the war hurt com- I)anal " thung ]lke thls happens, you can I Tlcke's for the DILlon g)rm spokesmen fo, the Ox,old Unl- b,ned Brl'lsh French attempts to Mr Perklns recelved a doctor- really be ,oo optlm,s,IC seats and the closedclrcul' verslty I+ess dlsclosed yester stop the Central Powers before ate ln polltlcal sclence from the recommended. Claude Brown Culture." Professors Charles (At press tlme The Prince showlng are belng sold at the day the '`'erTltOrlal lntegrlty O' untverslty ln 1937 and remalned ton,an was Informed by atteT`d regular $2 prlce Extra tlckets here untll l94l. flrs' as an Instruc- spokesmen for the publlsher France could be broached." ac lng phystclans at McCosh lnflr for the telecast m Dlllon Pool tor of polltlcal sc'lence and then sald publlca'lon of the first of cordlng to Comell's Welter Le- and Allen Ginsberg spoke on Ackerman, Alain Seznec, and mary that Bradley would def amphl,heatre wlll be sold at the as asslstant professor and asslst lnltel.v not play basketball thls Prlnce buslness offlce at 9 30 the elghtvolume collection O, Fet're, editor of the second vol. ume. whIChWnICn dates Gates frOIT, from lylU1910 ant dlI'eCtOr Of the School of Pub- weekend ) am today Churchlll's memolrs and COT- .I_A _I 1^,a through 1919 l]c and ]nternatJOnal Affalr§ ¢cA Mi,nor Hack?9 ''Woodrow Wnson had no con Mr Goheen was graduated from Campus. Allan Bloom won Clark teaching copt of the lmmenslty of the the urllveI'Slty ln 1940 and remalJ`- struggle Involved ln flghtlng the ed on through 194l to do graduate Great War," SII' Wln§,on then study Professor Alfred Kahn asked awards. Mizener Berates Fitzgerald Flrst IJOrd Of the Admiralty, wrote Mr Perkms added, Even ln to Clemenceau ]n 1915 I Had he (hose days I recognlzed that Bob taken any concern wlth the Euro (Conllnutd on I,a8C th,tC) By MacKENZIE E IIALLIDAY representlng the tLme and place pean llves lost ln a struggle that AIlhur Mlzener 30 Professor of for an investigation of the Classics professor Harry ln whICh he l]Ved but aS for Per- almed to preserve the very Ideal English at Cornell Unlverslty, manen, value, even ''The Great he claimed ,o represent," he last rught made a sudden and Indians Attack Gatsby" falls short Companred would not have postponed hls ln startllng denunclatlon o' F Scott to authors like I+emlngway or evl,able declslon SIT Wlnston antitrust status of Cornell The- Caplan retired; the 66We Won't Fltzgerald the no,ed twen,]eth Faulkner. whose works transcend charged GoheenReport century novellst on whose works llme and IJ]aCe to become truly Churchllls qualms about Wll The lndlan Govemment wll' Mlzener has long been consld- unlversal ln meanlng, F]tzgera]d son's lnab]lLty tO deCLde Were not blame the ]ntroductlon of IJLndi aters; 27 seniors won Woodrow Go" ad appeared in The Sun, and ered one of the nations leadlng ls but a mlnor hack " conflned to European leaders Jn as the country s na,tonal language author]tles The shocking announcement was 1 brlef COmmunlque tO 'Omer on tile S'lll COnfldentlal rePOTl that Speaklng before a small audl greeted by groans of surI,rlSe and Presldent Wllllam Howard Ta'' Presldent Goheen wrote after hls ence ln McCosh Hall Mr Mlzen expresslons or open mouthed be- who, at the tlme was lecturlng a, tour of lndla three months ago Wilson or Danforth Fellowships. as we graduated, yes, so did er sald that after much dellbera wllderment Fl,zgerald has long ac'cordlng to Cornellus D Sontag Yale Law School Churchlll lndl '42, an offlclal ln the Departmen, tlon he no longer consldered I,tz been cons,dered one of the most cated hls belJef that Wllson was gerald an Important modem auth outstandlng au,hops of thls cen- so concemed wlth wlnnlng an o( State Or A long disciplinary process freshman cuisine as well, with ury, hls lThe Great Ga,shy" 3leCtlOn On the Slogan He kept The lndlan Goyemment has Dangllng h]s Phl Beta Kappa belng I10rmal fare for any Amerl- JS Out Of War,I that the forces gotten Itself Into a corner and key solemnly over the podlum, I democracy,I because of the they re golng ,o ralse the splectre Mr Mlzener sald that Fltzgerald's obvLOuS "hypeCnSy On the Part Of of the Amerlcan lmperlallst bogey- works are rlawed and slopplly began with the Proctor suspend- the unlamented closing of the tl`e Presldent" were almost ''de] man to get themselves out sa,a constructed I An author's techru nlS IIle [ar Slde or Paradise," lged by the forces of tyranny I Son(ag eat faults are often overlooked ln a blography and crltlcal study of Although Churchlll was crl'lcal Goheen makes the Ideal palsy Ilo Crl'IC'S Zealous Search for an F`ltzgerald, ls consldered the def because hts report Old suggest ing nine students for draft card of the AITlerlCan PTeSldent, he fabled BardBar. object Of admlJ'at,On and PralSe," lnltlve work on the novellst ln the un,,om lntroductlon of I{lndi he explauned 'In all honesty I fact much of Mr Mlzener's tow Not]cc (he Dlffcrpnce was not uT`able tO understand Wll ls the language of lnstructlon ln must admlt that Fl'zgerald's erlng llterary reputatlon ls based As of this Issue tlle Prhce son s motlves ln hls memolrs, he Indian Umverslties," he went on works are ne,thor of lastlng socla] on ,he book makes note of the fact that there to say lmportaT`Ce I'Or Of great llterary tonlan ts phDthg OD 6 velgI]' Mr MIZener explaLned that he nexprht. 'e hope you urDl were many problems on the do- Now all they have to say ls geTlluS " had been preparlng a revlsed edL- flI]d tba' thlB Lthtor paper pro- that they were mlsled by an Amer Mr Mlzener went on to say, mestlc front fr`om wh,ch Wllson tlon of tJlethe blographyblography ''FLereadlJlg''FLeread yHes greater cobtTaS' and eas- lean a tradl'lonal face savlng sol- 'Fltzgerald's novels are Interest, 'Tender ls the Nlght,I I began could not afford to shift hls ln ter rendbe, u'lon throughout Asia," he con- lng a8 Products Of the tWentleS, (Cc,n'lnucd orl pag, /ou,) terest cluded EXTRA EDHTHON

i¥iT#ledTF£;s®fap ®prttpll EtttLg Stttt§.:n.:'up:I.i;'lR§:®coTl:n-n'' ''I,haca's Orlly Moming Newspaper"

VOL LXXXIII -NO 74 ITHACA, NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21,1967 TWO PAGES-FREE BIG NEWS included the local District Attorney's confiscation of The District Attorney Invades University; 7to/lan Horse literary magazine and his attempt to arrest sellers at Court Bars Further 6Trojan Horse9 Sale the Straight, The Sun's production of a phony Da,I/y Pr,'r,cefon,tar, in a vain effort to dampen Tiger basketball spirits, and Adlai Stevenson's 'Ho£see;aPinjoinefblited 150AOttSe#j:ntsToB;SgHlr:r6¬;::HE¬u:ernAyt 3;£;ght appearance to speak to students from atop the Olin Library terrace during the Cornell Centennial celebration.

By SAM ROBERT§ Pushlng and shovmg that threatened to erupt Into a Plot of 1,500 students flared on the steps of Wlllard Stralght IIall yesterday when Tompklns County Dlstrlct Actor_ A State Supreme Court Jus- He]ntz '68, Sam K&tzman, tlce Issued a temporary lnJunC- James K Moody '66, Ellz®beth hey Rlchard Thaler, '53 attempted to arrest flve students selllng copies of "The Trojan tlon late yesterday forblddlng Reed '68, Kenneth C Rlckler "acqulrlng, selllng, and/or dls- '68, Carollne K Sdano '69, Horse " trlbutlng" cople8 Of the Trojan James L Sheldon '69, Mlchael Thaler's phy9lCal COnfrontatlOn Wlth the Crowd OCCured at about I '30 pm as he Horse J Slegel '69. Robert E Stanley tried to lead the five to hls car, accompanied by one plain clothes clty patrolman But Prof Harrop A Free- '69, Helen M Stoko® '68. and man, law, charged the lnJunC- Eil'en--itvEllen M WetnhelTner W-einh-e'lvm`eT '69 ,6v9u' -'u The students, mussed to protest Thursday's conflscatlon of 130 coples of the mags_ tlon lsls IllegalIllegal "The aI)pellateappellate Thaler TtlA,l]r Thaler 8aldqA,a8ald last last,A.I nlght, nlght,nlOh+ ''Any- ''Ativ."Any_ Zlne dubbed "Obscene" by Safety Dlv1810n head James Herson, blocked Thaler's way. one Interested ln Blgnlng a ll,I Some sat down and others locked arms g:vlsllnoJnu;:t1¥neWu¥dOer: ha8e I:Ld_ :ndemitntfn¥st#edylga;legns:Tagadmlttlng they have sold caopllleO: cople9 BCenlty SeCtlOn Of the Penal law o.I of tJ`l_I.rilqr[T® thls magazine Should+.Otllq come cain-® to tO ThJ]ler 'nd the P-trOImln Shoved and 4hOuldered their callnO, be Obtolned eX Palrte," the offlce of the dlstrlct attor- Freeman 8a]d Backers of 'Horse' cwhaayrg¥st:ue:rrocuanraeodnlgytostf::ednttshe££eolvbeaslkaendd tthheeilrr feixVIOt ThDai:trrl$3Aa¥mTtgd i:cshtarnigEt §Syutmohnonuet£tebweteh£ied:,nfl9co: £f #h¬ none of the 14 persons mmed m Thale, clolmed th. Uni,enlty

}r¬e3llci!!:a¥ji!o,:Ec?)enS£mbopersfeoO:tCho{6:tjh: ;£n#¥le£llaTtut¥ee*sl£rbu;I?:ah¥ufi?,ce¥: Tsai8gryacuE:s;!#T#Ycoou::a?*?t¬wlatiy: of:oTco:E::nrrte:.erfnhglsbgyroo:hpe:s3ua:e::II,b?=thiwnags :hg:I:oso¥ped JunctlOn Was SlgTLed Belllnq' and dlstrlbutlOn of the Thaler Tha'a, headed t`aada| back t`o^l, to hls +A car t`,a stlll ^®. surrounded .+,,I a,...^,,_|^| by 8tu- t`~ I.+., Freeman argued. however, i¥l;d ::tlyd ;I;6holi-ie'Br#aCw:a8d:£1'veed-nth:I::£n'.a_ 8TPhO:ieBrmwna8de£1veednthpleSi±n.a_ BTe::1Jnagn aHnodr£l8:ll?u£ontckO:n¢T: '!eaTyhde:rl::lar:s¥e=r:nngaoglo£:cuhF:I:!E:aEI(TL^l__I_ -_-- I +a I-|| || - :oEpn::iT:l8?Imp:e98ldetn*eJn:mre= :hfeterH:I:eO,Ogn=:lip ln 8uPPOrt Of deTit® One Student stood on the Car, and Other8 blocked the Street the Stralght lobby durlng and lt was at thl8 POtnt that Th&]er, who earller had addressed the crowd and warned them not to loll the mfLgaZlneB, decided tO 'tmake agaln-r`6n anow -complalnt from the dig_ leased last night, Stressed "We a deal,I on a comDlalnt from the dlg. leased last night, stressed "We The rrlla leaders lender] Of a, the the rally rally ln- ln. Thaler, bpcaklng through a bu]lhon used to quiet the angry trlCt attOmey, the COurt Ordered asked the d`StnC¢ attomey nat dlcated tha.t the demonstration crowd, propoBed tO let the flVe ,rreBted ltudentl be set free On last night the defendant. be 'o Intervene Ho did 8O On hll temporarlly enJOlned from dl8_ OWrl re9l,OnSlblllty " wlll be an attempt to unllyunlfy thethe cert®ln condltlonI trlbutlng the Horse and must Dean of Students Stanley W campus behlnd the magaZlne'B He aBked tO be allowed to leave to get a court mJunCtlOn ag&lmt show cause before the COurt Davls Davls BaldBald Tha'erTha]er called hlm edltors Sale of the Horse, fmd that all BtudentB Involved ln the Bale and dl8- Jam 30 why a permanent ln- yesterday morm]ng ''He wanted tnbutlon of the magazlne 8lgn a I,9t of thcoe Wllllng to be prooe- JunCtlOn Should TlOt be granted me to appear ln hlg OfflCe," Thaler 9ald the defendants cutod for 8elllng the ''Obacene" Issue llsted Include ''John Due" and 3any:serss:!S' ;latod acnosn¥:8rCaWtehJ :I: cl.rk l<.,, Fi,.I cu#of,?::ell,;I; lbasyutehe mlly leader., although each "Jane Doe" and the 14 8toff books tO Prevent 8tudentl from B.,k.,-y, C,,i, (AP) - The seemed to Interpret the bargaln differently same leaders felt members l]sted on the back Page being Subject tO normal laws" boaI-a Of regeIlts O£ the Um- Thaler had been forced to back dom, while one Bald the bangaln of thl9 Issue Of the IIorBe ~------"D8VIS 8ald `l--6`u Tllaler Chargedverslty oI verslty CallIOrnla o£ callfornla yeSterda! yesterday allowed the Dl8¢rlCt Atomey l'a way out of making a false aIIrO9''' 69Th£yeaanroer JJudEl;hangs ,6E8?Sg!::;hvem%:I::rot:a:nTt!:rn8ad:ty^l;?ha: :hveas#:I:Ctfot;OgnTthh:r#ratyol;iba: fired fired clark clark Ken Ken as as Prc§1dellt Prc§1den Thaler Tha,ler declded declded to to Step stco Into Into the the COntroVerly, controverIV deSOltadeSPlte UnlveraltVUnlvere]ty gory I Hetln9 '66, Jeffrey W Unlverslty" of the nlnecampus lnstltutlon pre88ure agalnSt ,uCh a move, after Dean of Students Stonley Davls told IIorse edltor8 that nO unlVerSlty cOnfl8CatlOn Of the magazlne3 Won)d OCour agaln However, he wamed them of Thaler', BuLL['lN S'nc® 'h® lego'I'y Of tl,a ,®StrO,n,l`g inlunCtiOn agOIn,, col. Of Th. Trolan Ho,.a ho. bcon AltnOugn the throng OI StuaenCB Drake uP at 3 3U

quoI''OnOd, 'ha magalina may bO cold today, P,nd,nO ,Ur,I,.I lO.OI OdV,.. lf ,I.. I,Om I.Car after Its ,lre8 the Were rally aeIJaeea, began, somelug antJenna vellted rlPPOa tholr all,anger ®na at ODseenl'le! Cold, 'l`e ,ale wl" be a' a ,ally achoduled on dro S,ra,gt,, ,fop. a, noon ,oday. holJn,in. ,a.ul. :aerrolt|t:I;:were rmtton Tnerdeud8:flOan¥h'el%chalnC£rBnhaO:lapped ln duet On the Veh]Cle'B hood off' ty and f'L,dent ,uPPOr' hOI '®d 'hOso bOCkiI,g in® llor,o', ac'i®h '® organize 'oday'i rc,l'y TheThe phy9lCal phy9lCal COn£rOntatlOnCOnfrOntatlOn Copped Copped a day a day Of OflaBt~mlnute laBt~n deCIBIOm, hurrledlylalled meetlng8 and the angrleSt dl8Sent thl8 Ca,mPuS hag Been ln yearB

No Decision Made A' Day Hall Yesterday :ill:hhg:a;£yrr±ln:an::coos:mdopenuvd9e1§pccTx::t:a:lsn£dleeuyd;e::teaBdod#hl¥nesab£on:hlebtlhlS::yh8¥;

By RICHARD B HOFFMAN tahcOtiv?tTe:ent Govemment Executlve Board to reoognlze c&mpua Wlll Cornell UntverBlty back uP the Trojan The Dlstt'lct Attorney'8 lnVallon Of the Cam- SCARB v®,ed 8O, ,I,h ,w® .I,,I,n,,on, J'n®, ,a prohlbl' onl, of Horse' The,I was the questlon whlch Mark Bet- pus 8urPI-lsed the Admlnl8tratlOn lt » doubtful ,h. curl.n, I.,u. ®f ,h, Tr®i,n lJ®r-" Th. .,Cup I',,rd ,hlI® lvoi?a cporuel8dl3:tntanfso¥erfuTgtuldaeS:tni¥fh:ITS::r#nmgln¥8*hae. iheaieealnd#dh£gm#V:ldCai?9Vefro8mtoPFpre8ldTehnatlepreroI?:a. !',.:dJLdrd'.In£ ;*'.npcuybIJ:'d'i,a.n.,::, :'hoi:iioI: bO.I.I:®,m®rOpnr:YhIblc,i#'edJ

tor l® wlll,ng to commlt the Unlve]8lty ln Pntl- and Arthur Dean ln New York Clty had nO ef- a.mpus ..I.., ''I, wn I,I, ,h,, ln -n ,a,I,mlc c®mmunl,y, ,h, ln- clple at thl8 POlnt foci

gotoj:y:o¥rgtflb:ie!i£ct-¥grhg£srginigalow#hnm;veoegk::g:lhntog:'kki';:rB;ah:re: ihaho;aEear:E:::I:.otitf:::!W£8Ld:sneto£:ne1!'y:+Both:.gmtr¥3;!£t:a:rI:%'od'd; ;1yo!ld5;u£'p!u§,I"¬ii{::¥e'o':'iYh!r:t#rio:i:;'£':O*;:'ld6t:h'olu:g:£'ttV£':Iuar;oo'uunppdffe;,::;:e'' lt uwnhdeonuby£udlygetth:'cuknl¥emtsolITtyq? 'ieel.lou_lther thOwPt#lvDe,I;ltE:il ltlll mOrdy onPty, nO dea.lan. :I:£allnW£: pt:towforB:uncdh''dd:ls::n.:cowOhn1?h mHaoy ::ldrevier;cededebn;

§:I,:tunapcf¥eettSt'£heF:yoourr¥1:a:I?t8:.,%:t£:l£aglV:17:o'= C.O£luat ¥co¥l'nagO Lap'tJn.i:::I HN.or¥nJ, Tu't' ¥boi 'hoThFoceFulC'S7AC:¥donm.:tobedf¬oDr'.¥o-:mpoBt On th. .top. .nd nell'l lolls ,m appeared rem.rkebl, mnC,ted COuld yet tell i£ Comell will place lt, mono, on expre,Set 'lg,aye COnCOm" Over the ndluln1.tratlon llrmdllng ot 49 today the Horse the the orlgln®l Orlgln,I COnflceatiOn COnflceatiOn Th- FSCA II8U®d , ,I,I,m,n', P'®d.lng r,Vl,V, of Pr,S®nt m®,hodI ®' du'ln® ,l'h ,m,,.,nCy ,Ill,-'l®n, ln I'Ud,nt ,ff,Ill As fall turned to winter and winter to spring, the basketball team which opened the season trailing the then-second-ranked NYU Violets (Barry KramerJ Happy Hairston, et a1.) by one point at halftim6 (the Red finally lost, 82-65), completed its annu- al compromise with mediocrity by losing t.o Columbia (Stan Felsinger, Ken Benoit, et a1.). A loquacious young man from Louisville destroyed the hereto- fore impenetrable Sonny Liston not only to become top athlete of the age but paved the way for Howard Cosell to become the leading sports figure of the next decade.

The Shot Princeton dominated Ivy League basketball in the 1960s, especially during the era of Bill BLAINE ASTON fires off The Shot' (see story) against Princeton to defeat the Bradley brigade, 70-69, in final second. Bradley. Coming off a thrilling Sports: The Thrill, Shot, Game, Visitor and Champs

By THE OLD SCOUT overtime loss to Michigan in the semi-final of the Madison The Thrill Square Garden Holiday Festival, Our first fall on campus was which propelled Dollar Bill and highlighted by the heroics of his Texaco men cast into the top Gary Wood and Pete Gogolak. ten in the nation, the Tigers visit- Koufax and Drysdale led a Los ed Barton Hall on a January Sat- Angeles Dodger sweep of the urday night. Yanks. (These things never hap- They came from Syracuse, pened when the Dodgers played Skaneateles, Cortland, Homer, in Brooklyn.) Dryden, Trumansburg, and Graham Hill won at Watkins Enfield, they came by the thou- Glen and the Giants won the last sands to see our once and future of three straight Eastem Division king. Over 10,000 people packed titles before Y.A. Tittle gave out into Barton Hall, thousands more in the bitter cold of Wrigley outside when the doors closed Field. It was not until Bill Par- with Princeton Coach Willem cells and a quarterback named ctButch" Van Breda Kolff out- Simms 23 years later that the side. (Butch9s son Jam is the Cor- Giants would reach a title game. nell basketball coach this sea- We cheered the Red in last- son.) Butch would allow his quarter wins over Yale, team to take the floor only when Columbia - Columbia was his sister and her friends were actually a favorite for second in admitted, and his Princeton team the Ivy League with a quarter- including the present senior Sen- back named Archie Roberts, a ator from New Jersey were out candidate for Heisman winner, in the cold the entire first half in according to New york Post edi- which Comell opened up a large Center STEVE CF]AM (3) goes up to score against nationally -ranked N.Y.U. tor and Columbia grad James lead. Violets in 1963 season opener; Fled trailed by point at half, fell at end, 82-65. Wechsler - Brown, and Penn. Led by Bradley9s 13 for 15 50 Big Red Skaters Edge North Dakota, 1-0,® Comell Reaches Finals on Stanowski's Goal shooting in the second half, the nell, with a squad dominated by Tigers stormed back to take a Long Island players, was an Ivy, one-point lead with approxi- Eastem, and National power, and mately eight seconds to play. it was Long Island that became The Red set up a final play the main source of talent for which was to have the ball Comell, and later, Syracuse. passed in to the late Steve Cram 966, with the hope that Cram, if The Visitor he could not hit his shot, might In May 1967, the Cornell draw a foul. baseball team hosted the Buffalo The play was thwarted, how- Bisons of the International ever, by Comell9s Blaine Aston League in an exhibition game on 967, who, remarking to a court- . Due to the presence side observer that he would of the most awaited prospect of never play before such a crowd the decade, Johnny Bench, a again, held the ball on the out- huge crowd filled the stands and side till two seconds remained lined the field. and then fired up a shot from Bench was the first Hall of what today would be three-point Famer to visit Hoy since territory with a coolness of a Columbia's Lou Gehrig in the early 1920s, although Roger Walt c6Clyde" Frazier that beat \ Bradley and the Tigers. Staubach and Bill Bradley, Hall Shed no tears for the Tiger, of Famers in other sports, played who went to the Final Four Continued on next page Goalie KEN DPYDEN, 'The Big Kid' (1), receives congratulations from before bowing to Michigan and teammates after NCAA semifinal shutout of North Dakota, 1 -0, at Syracuse. Cazzie Russell, and then set a single-game scoring record of 111 against Wichita State in the consolation game, as Michigan was trampled by John Wooden9s first repeaters.

The Game Before 1966 the power in lacrosse was assumed to be south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Bolstered by Baltimore (Ballmer) area stars, Johns Hop- kins, Maryland, and Princeton dominated Eastern lacrosse. On a windy May afternoon on Lower Alumni Field in 1966, this balance of power moved north where it has since resided. Comell took a five-goal early lead and held on to beat Prince- THE CHAMPS: Front row (from left): Bruce Pattison, Pete Tufford, Walt Stanowski, Dave Ferguson, Ken Dryden, Doug Ferguson, Bob Kinasewich, Mike Doran, Paul Althouse. Second row: Coach Ned Harkness, Harry Orr, Andy ton, 8-7, and go on to capture our Crowley, Brian Cornell, Bob McGuinn, Murray Death, Ted Coviello, Trainer Alf Ekman, Assistant Coach Bob McCabe. first Ivy League lacrosse title. Top row: Manager Charley Boucher, Dave Quarrie, Ken Smith, Murray Watkinson, George Swan, Manager Dick John- Thereafter, whether coached by son. Ned Harkness, yes, he coached lacrosse, or Richie Moran, Cor-

51 Continued from previous page ing into the small Indiana town first base for their schools at Hoy in HoosI'ers, the result within our in the 1960s. Comell years was the same, and The Scout invites you to sub- even more, a National Champi- mit at reunion your list of the ten onship for our Ithaca warriors. most famous visitors to Comell Ned had won the title at RPI between fall 1963 and our gradu- in 1954 with an undermanned ation; the winner will be award- squad, using Canadian players. ed the Myron S. Kaufman trivia This upset hockey's Eastern trophy at our 50th in 2017. Win- Estab,lishment then represented ner must be present. All entries by the Boston Herald-TI-aVeler become property of Conn Com- and Globe. BU and BC would munications. get the best of the Boston area players, with the rest of the Ivies The Champions getting the prep school players, Another famous person joined and the upstate New York trio of the Class of '67 at Comell in the RPI, Clarkson, and St. Lawrence fall of 1963: Ned Harkness. scurrying around to recruit the Although Harkness' coming best of the rest, who with good to Ithaca drew slightly more coaching and hockey tradition attention than Gene Hackman made them "acceptable" con- (isn9t there a resemblance?) driv- tenders. Cornell hockey was, with apologies to Gertrude Stein, nowhere. By 1965-66 Ned had his players (remember: freshmen weren't eligible then) and only the ineligibility of the Ivy League for NCAA Champi- onships prevented the Red, run- ners-up at the Eastems after win- ming the Ivy title and losing to Clarkson after routing BU in the Eastern semis, at the Boston Arena, from going to the Nation- als. The Easterns, by the way, never retumed to that monument of 1919, the year of its last paint job and visit by a Boston build- ing inspector not attending an event with a free ticket. Comel- 1ians reacted to this ban far less violently than the students at basketball champion Penn, who rocked their campus and sur- rounding area with a c{rowbot- tom." The 1966-67 Eastern Finals were at Boston Garden. With 66the Big hid," Ken Dryden '69, in the nets and Harry Orr, the Fergusons, Doran, Death, and Stanowski playing superbly, the Red swept through the Ivy League, losing only to Yale in overtime at Lynah, won the ECAC Holiday Tournment, and routed BC in the Eastem semis, during which a B{,.`ton Garden mactic` a.i the Red again beat backbencher with an accent from BU. who Stayed in the game llS Central Ca`¢ting and a voice that the Red prevailed. 4-I. with a would have made Paul Revere`s workmanlike perf`orl"lnl`e in ll ride l,nnel`e``sary` yelled` ''We game that lacked the dralm and give llp. Haaaakne``s` .a_a play the exl`itement {,f the semit`inal. Rus``ian.`!`` Even the celebrati{tn Seemed + 1 Two nights later the Red beat Subdlled` with all respel`t to the BU for the Eastern title` and Hotel Syracuse` as many C{,r- r=-Lj> advanced to the Nationa]s at nellians were just recovering --& -.+ L= | Onondaga County War Memori- from the all-night revelry of

al Auditorium in Syracuse. Thursday night that ended with I .-.l* r-_

The night of March I6` a jammed parking lot at the '-I:±::= +\.+ -'r l967` was a clear. cold` Cen- Boxcar on Route l3 awaiting it` r tral New York night that 8 A.M. opening on St. Patril`k'`` the

L= I. Seemed to this observer what Day. I. . - .*L a -EN=`5-::''.. winter night`` might be like in Somehow I feel cheated that North Dakota. Freddy Mercury and Queen were {tver Marylllnd in the t`inal. nO Imide the f`illed to over-capal`- year`` in the t`utllre and `'We Are le**. ity War Memorial. the house the Champions" had yet to be Two t`ixtllreS {tn the Red where Dolph Schayes` Syral`use written. There were other l`ham- spom `c`ene: baseball (and fre``h- National`` onl`e humiliated the pi{,nships` and championship man football) coach Ted Thoren hapless New York Knicks of my games` for Ned Harkness and and l`rew legend Stork Sant`ord childhood. l35-64` and where Cornell hockey` but we were t`or- retired. Ted-{;n-I-;-re~c-:ritiyT----` -~ rj£ the Nuts brain trust of owner tunate to have been there for the H{tl`key once again awaits a I-I Ned Harknes` t{, rel`apture s{,me {Il{try t`r{tm the We``t: this spring. L no Ea``tern team made the Scout Recalls Thrill, Shot NCAA l`illal fOllr. We used to kid Ben Mint,. Game, Visitor & Champs `J3` ]{tngtime Red SportS publi- l`i``t` abc,ut hi`` program headline: ``[t``` g{tttd to be bal`k in Bartt,n"

Danny Bias{,ne and fl{10r general start ot` an era` a tradition. and but it would be. The Red five AI Cervi thought up the 24-Sel`- we saw the Big Kid. even th{tugh now plays in a ``parkling new ond rule to foil Bob Cou``y``` end he did `+toy at Comell and there- Alberding Hall between Teagle a-I game dribbling exhibitiom. after obtain a law degree in addi- and Lynah` but ``eating l`apal`ity Cornell and North Dakota met in tion to numer{,us Stanley Cups. iS fur le.`s than Bart{tn`s. a hockey game that might be so he could represent future C{,r- This year`s return to the l`alled the greatest in l`o]lege ne]l presidents who might get NCAA basketball toumament of hockey history. busted for pot possession. Unit. o1` Texas-EI Pa``o made Nttt t,nl}r wilt the game beauti- Inevitably` much has changed us rel`al] their famous win in the t`ully and skillfully played with in the Cornell athletic world l966 rlnal {,Vcr Kentul`ky -the end-to-end rushes. l`lean hard ``inl`e l967. Ril`hie Moran`s f`irst all-black ``tarting five over l`hecks. goal tending par excel- stickmen surpri``ed the lal`r{tSse one ot` the last all-white ones. lenl`e` but it al``o was a watershed world soon after we graduated- Bllt did you remember that on a in that it showed that Eastern much aS Ned had tamed the Christmas road trip the following hockey had now reached the Tiger -by coaching the Red Season. Sam Mal`Neil`s l`ager`` level of that played in the West. laxmen to the triumph in the beat the Baron`s Wildcats in Wally Stanow``ki-s rink-length first-ever NCAA tournament: Lexington? rush resulted in the game`s only goal` as the Red won. I-0. and PETE LAF}SON hauls down a touchdown (from QB Bill Abel) advan|`ed to the 1-inal.`` where against Columbia (top left), breaks through Colgate line with help they again were to meet BU. from Ting Vanneman, Chris Tamulonis, and Flon Gervase (middle who beat Michigan State and left), and finds hole for 99-yard punt return against Yale (lower Doug I-The Shot`' Vollmer. col- left). Capt. Fred Devlin sacks Penn's Bill Creeden (top right); head lege hockey`s player of the era. coach Jack Musick and offensive coordinator Chuck Gottfried at the next evening. Saturday Buffalo game (middle right); basketball coach Sam MacNeil lays it night`s final was a bit anticli- out for Princeton's Butch van Breda Kolff (lower right). 53 Photo Credits C{,\'er - l{,go by Lawrenc`e Ei`en `66: imide front c`over` pp. I-3 -Charles Harringt{tn. C{,r- nell Uni\'er``ity Photograph}' (hereafter ''Cornell Photo``): p. 4 - Chris Hildreth. Cornell Phot{t: p. 5 -Bruce Wang, Cornell Photo: pp. 8-9 -Chri`` Hildreth (band). George A. Robimon (l`rew). Cornell Photo: p.10 -Chris Hildreth (White Mus.). Cornell Photo: p.16 -

Charles Harrin{JtOn.L Cornell Photo: p. l7 -Cornell Photo: p. '_l -The ComelI Daily Sun'. p. 23 -Cornell Photo: p. 24 - St,I Goldbero_.L Cornell Photo: p. 25 -Cornell Photo: p. 27 - Dept. of` Manu``cripts & Univ. Arc`hi\'eS` Cornell: p. 30 - The CorneII Dail}l' Sun-. p. 3l - Dept. ot` Man~u«`ripts & Univ. Arl`hi\'e``: p. 3J - The C{,me// Da,I/\' Sun: p. 36 -Jim West. The-CorneliDuily Sun~` p. 39 - Ga\'le D. Shomer. The C`{,me// Going Back to the Future in the '90s: D;iI.\' Sun-` p. +0 -The Cornel~ /,'a,7 (l967): p. 4] -Mark

Lessons ofthe 960s Inform Every Day, Decision Selio__er.L : Sol Goldberg. Ct,me// A/uJ,mI' Mark Green rvew'.``.a p. J4 -Charles Harring- ton. Cornell Photo: p. 46 -Sol At the end ot` D,-. Zh,'\'{Jl't,. l`olll-trt,om` {tr bearings or rallie`` L agaln`St. Goldberg. Cornell Photo: The Ju]ie Chri``tie i`` ``h{tl`ked to hear now as consumer affairs com- Also` l`igarette use i` dou+n. CornelI Dail},I Sun`. p. 4] -C. that iln {t]d t`lal11e Ot` del`ilde` mi```i{tner in New+ Y{trk City. drug use iS up. onl.\' a qllarter ot` Hadley Smith. Ct,me// A/umnl- past. who had gone {tn to The lesSom {tt` the `6()`` - that all households are traditional Nev`'s`` CornelI Desk Book l967-` become a Bol.`he\ik biqwi{J. had qo\'ernment l`an sl`rew up. that nuclear families ;,,7d m\'' l3- L-= L ~ Comell Uni\'ersity Announce- been t`ound dead trying to retllrn l`{tmmllnity matters but ``o does year-old daughter does ht,me- lnent.s - General Information. to vi``it her in the small town indi\'idllal t`reedom -inf`orm work with friends \ia 1`ax. /96-?-/96`3: p. 48 -Dept. ot` where she lived. Manuscripts & Univ. Archives; m\'~ e\'ery * day + and deci``ion. Now But while it`s a neu' world. - bel`au`e tt1` then - I am l`on- Dlt\n Sm'l\h` The Cornell Daily We all feel a need to return to progressive \'alue` Seem to be our originS` ttllr defining Sun: p. 50 - Dept. ot` .`l`itlllSl.V gllided by a PrOgre``SiVe re-emerging. L{tok at the a_rovI'-L Manuscripts & Uni\'. Archives; moments. That`s prel`isely how I l`redo best expre``sed by Harvard ing public Support t`or national regard and recall Cornell. a law Prot`eS`or Thomas Reed health in``uranl`e` ``tronger en\'i- p. 5 I -Cornell Photo: Justin R. L R'ut`ner` The Cornell Daily Sun-` p]ac`e I feel a near gra\itational P{twell. who wrote. '`ThoSe less ronmental law.` and higher taxes L p. 52 -Paul R. Weissman. The pull to periodil`ally re\'i.tit to t`a\'ored in ]it`e should be more on the wealthy. Professor Arthur CorneII Daily Sun'. p. 53 - relearn who I was. and am. fu\'{,red in I:lw.`` Schlesinger. Jr.` has vl'ritten Randall E. Shew: Paul R. Weiss- PerSona]ly ``peaking` I t`eel a Of l`ttllr``e. while I feel a direct extensively of how there are pre- man. The Cornell Daily Sun-` direc`t link between our Cornell po]itica] link back to `67` politi- dictable` almo.`t irre\'ersible. Dept. of Manuscripts & Univ. year`` 1lnd now. One ttt` my f`irst l`:`IIy lmd `Ol`i£llly it`S ¬` hl,gely cycles th¬`t t`llll`tl,1lte between Arl`hi\'e`'. p. 54 -Dept. of al`tivities on l`al11Pu`` Was help- dift`erent world t{,day. The conser\'ati\'e eras ot` limited Lqo\'- Manusl`ripts & Univ. Archives; ing raise funds f`ttr l`i\'il right`` {tb``e```i{tn that then dominated ernment (`20s. `50s. '80s) and p. 200 - Russ Hamilton. Cor- marl`hes in Fayette County. and our li\'eS -the threat of a nell Photo: p. 20l -Cornell progre``si\'e era.` of acti\ist L=go\'- one of the last wa.` planning on nuclear war due to a cold war - ernment (`30s. `JO`. `60S). Are Photo: pp. 202-203-see page marching on the Pentagon to has di.`appeared. Denied an we going back to the future in credi``. p. 208 -The Cornell Daily Sun: Vicky May. The oppose the Vietnam War. enem.v. America is struggling to the `90s? If that meam Cornell `67. I couldn`t be happier. c`tlme// D¬'I,I/y SLm,- RllSS -Hamil- I still hear the .Strains ot-Phil redetine what she``` /br. now that ton` Cornell Photo: inside rear Och`` in my head as I marl`h into we`\'e l{tSt what we were cover -Comell Photo.

54 In Memoriam -Class of 1967

Bruce F. Bailey Robert L. La Nier Susan Weiner Berry Paul B. Levine David J. Bradt Judith Olum Lightfoote Sandra Stone Bugge Theophane Lolakis Richard H. Bulll Joseph J. Madva Benjamin Capparossa Rosanne Kinsella Maggi Franco G. Cappelletto Eugene T. Mariani Stephen P. Christensen Anne C. McCormic Peter J. Creighton Sue A. McElwee Michael L. Doran Edward A. Miller, Jr. John M. Durrence Perry L. Neidich Donald C. Evans Duane T. Newton Richard H. Falconer Charles E. Nigro David G. Ferguson Anthony F. Poole David N. Fox Robert G. Porea Jeffrey R. Frank George D. Reed Margaret Kidd Franzek Charles L. Riddle Morton Gindi Carl I. Rosenberg Lawrence D. Goldstein James H. Sayles Mathew R. Goodman Michael M. Shaffer Lawrence Grabel Robert E. Silberglied Sara E. Greig Leslie O. Southgate, Ill Michael B. Grubb Stephen P. Stewart James N. Habib Jeffrey F. Streeseman Warmer C. Hession Walter T. Sulkowski Ernest J. Kadel Susan Banks Tobey Linda Crowe Kelly William B. Vincent Mitchell H. Koch Gregory J. Williams Jeffrey B. Kovner R. Creighton Williams Borys S. Krynytzky

55 made possible through the wonders of home computers, fax machines and copiers.

Kathleen Koretz Abeles Barbara Allen Adams 3730 Old Santa Fe Trail 52 Briar Lane Santa Fe, N. Mex. 87505 Essex Jct., Vt. 05452 Home.. (505) 988-1115 Roger I. Abrams Home.. (802) 879-7944 OffI'Ce.. (505) 988-8088/988-1115 1028 N.W. 99th Avenue Offi'ce.. (802) 878-2584 Plantation, Fla. 33322 Occupafjon.I Realtor, French & French Fine Properties, Inc. Home.. (305) 472-6083 Occupar]on.' Teacher-2nd grade, Essex Town Schools.CormeJJ CormeJJ Major.I Mathematics (Arts & Sciences).Spouse.I Richard Major.- History of Art (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I A. Abeles (Rick), Amherst College, BA, l959, Harvard Law OffI'Ce.. (305) 760-5701 h`aruard Univ. M.A.T. Spouse.-James Adams, Middlebury School, JD, 1963, attorney.ChjJdren.I Liza Abeles, 5-22-79, College - l967 -Controller -Howard Bank. CThjJdren.I Lindsay, Santa Fe Preparatory School, l997.AffJ'JI'af]OJ]S & Acrj'vjfj'es.- Occupafjon.- Law School Dean, Nova University Shepard Broad l2/3/73, ,1995; Nlcholas, 3/30/76 Essex Santa Fe Association of Realtors 1990-9l, Real Estate Law Center.CorJ]eJJ Major.a Government (Arts & Sciences). Jct. High School, loth gr., 1994. AffJ-Jjafjons & Actr'vI'fI'eS.- Association of New Mexico l990-I99I, Chamber of Commerce Advanced Degrees.-J.D. Harvard Law School.Spouse.I Frances Cancer Society Volunteer; Afterguard-Mallett's Bay l985-9l, St. Vincent Hospital Finance Committee Member E. Abrams, Boston University (B.S. l969); Nova University Boat Club, Essex Bicentennial Committee, Meals-on-Wheels 1982-91, St. Vincent Hospital Board of Trustees l982-89 and (M.S.199l); Counseling Psychologist. ChjJdren.a Jason, Volunteer. Sa111ng, Skiing, Tennis Chairman of the Board 1986-'87. 9/26/7l, Maplebrook School, (1989); Seth, lO/25/73, Plantation High School, (1992).Affl-Jjafjons & AcfI'VjrI'eS.-American Law Institute; National Academy of Arbitrators-, Federal Court In the past 24 years, I have been married to the Although I spent my last two years of college Special Master; Baseball Salary Arbitrator; Permanent Umpire same man, raised 2 great kids, taught elementary elsewhere, Cornell has always been 66my TV Industry, Disneyworld. Honors.I NAACP General Counsel's art for 18 years and second grade for the past 8 college.9' After graduating from the University of Advocacy Award; Master Bencher, Inns of Court; American Bar Association Law Day Award. years. I have lived in Vermont since 1972 as my Michigan, I was hired by IBM as one of five husband is a native Vermonter. I have enjoyed females in a class of forty people training to skiing in the , sailing on Lake We have a handicapped son. Jason was 20 become Systems Engineers. I spent two exciting Champlain and playing tennis. I have been active years at IBM in Chicago during which time I met years old on September 26,1991. He has in a variety of civic organizations such as the homocystenuria, a rare congenital condition that and married my husband, Rick Abeles, a Chicago Essex Bicentennial Committee, the Essex Bike has resulted in mild retardation, severe behavioral attorney. Path Committee and the Essex Historical Society. dysfunctions and some physical effects. The In 1969, with wanderlust foremost in our I have also been an officer in the Mallett's Bay minds, we left our jobs and spent sixteen months greatest challenge in my life has been coming to Boat Club & the Smugglers Notch Ski Club. I do terms with Jason. travelling around the world to over fifty volunteer work for the Red Cross, Meals-on- I have not been alone. I met Fran Kovitz at countries. This thrilling experience definitely Wheels, and the Vermont Cancer Society. My Harvard Law School after graduating from influenced numerous aspects of my life. Studying life has been busy, & fun and I hope it stays that Cornell. We married after my second year. We Spanish before the trip, we spent four months way! each in South America, Africa, Asia and the will celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary the week of the Cornell Reunion. Our younger son, South Pacific. Largely as a result of our travel experiences, Seth, is a normal, wonderful, bright 18 year old, we moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1975, at graduating from high school and heading off to least ten years before the media got wind of the college next fall. Seth has been the balance in our tremendous allure of the area! We love the lives. Spanish culture, the clean air, the skiing, the Both Fran and I carried a recessive gene for business opportunities, and the wonderful people homocystenuria, a fact we did not know until we have encountered. Jason was seven when his condition was finally Since moving to Santa Fe I have taught diagnosed. That gene is found in one out of Computer Science, done computer consulting, 100,000 people. The chances that two people been a bank director, and was Chairman of the with the gene will meet, marry and have a child Board of Santa Fe's only hospital. Two years ago with Jason's condition is infinitesimal. I decided to train for a new career as a real estate We have learned from Jason about fate and agent, and I am associated with French & French love, about caring and distress, about control and John A]den Fine Properties, Inc., one of Santa Fe's top firms. chaos. Fran and I (and often Seth) work as a team 97oITT Sheraton Our twelve year old daughter, Liza, is an to meet his needs. Jason has exhausted us and 60 State St. exciting part of my life, affording me many strengthened us. We enjoy every day. We get Boston, Mass. 02109 opportunities for after-school chauffeuring, through every day. Office.. (617) 367-5309 school fund raising, private tutoring and Because of Jason, I developed life skills useful counseling, as well as frequent forays to malls for in other arenas. As a young lawyer, I tried the Oc'c'uparjon.-Hotel, ITT Sheraton. CorJ]e/I Major.'Hotel Advanced Degrees.a MBA Harvard University. Spouse.a Cheryl shopping and to doctors' offices for minor tune- Boston School Case for the NAACP, dismantling (Sheny) Alden uPS. a racist, segregated school system. I taught and wrote about the law at Case Western Reserve in My husband, who continues to practice law on Married Sherry in 1976 and am still married to his own, is president of and was a key player in Cleveland for twelve years before coming to her despite ten moves in that time frame. starting The Santa Fe Children's which Nova University Law Center as Dean in 1986. I have worked for Sheraton since 1971 in has grown to over 80,000 visitors per year. In a Patience, understanding, hard work, and numerous jobs which explains the moves. I9ve town of about 65,000 people, that's not bad.' My enthusiasm - some lessons Jason taught me - husband and I office primarily at home which is have worked well. lived my jobs and don9t regret it. I9ve found time

56 for involvement in professional associations as In 1974 I began fourteen (mostly) rewarding well as doing Fund Raising for Comell and being years as a staff pediatrician at the East Boston a Trustee of Blair Academy. Neighborhood Health Center. That same year opportunity presented a cute little ranch house that we could afford on Mystic Lake in Arlington, Massachusetts. Over the years our house, and family, expanded and improved. In 1988 I decided to become a home town pediatrician and am now enjoying the excitement (and burden) of being my own boss. All those 661ittle" decisions have had a pretty happy outcome. The prettiest parts of our picture are our mutual Lesley Apt productions -David, 16, and Abbie, 12. They 60 Sleepy Hollow Rd. are my biggest reward (for hard work, good Ridgefield, Conn. 06877 decisions, just plain luck, or whatever). Perhaps Home.. (203) 438-0916 one, or both, will also choose Cornell with, I Fred Allan OffI'Ce.. (203) 731-6205 hope, equally delightful results. 124 Brentwood Rd. N. Toronto, Ontario M8X 2C6 Occupafjon.I Attorney, GE Capital CorneJJ Major.I Russian Llterature (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a MAT '75 Home.. (416) 232-2696 (Harvard); JD '79 (Temple) magna Gum laude. Spouse.-Doug OffI'Ce.. (416) 233-1915 Dudfield, Temple '78. CtiI'Jdrefl.-Olga 3/5/82, Erie 5/5/79.

OccupafI'on.I Sales Promotion Agency, F.J. Allan & Associates, Inc. CormeJJ Major.I Bus. Mgt. (Agriculture) Spouse.a Susan - Humber College, 73, Sales Promotion Exec. CHI'Jdren.a Robert - 9 yrs, Maggie - 5 yrs.

Richard A. Amen, Jr. PO Box 467 Pt. Lookout, N.Y.11569 Home.. (516) 889-0923 Jane Ellen Grace Ashley OffI'Ce.. (516) 889-0923 404 Westridge Drive Columbia, Mo. 65203 OccupafI'On.- Consulting/Private lnvestlng, R. Amen & Co. Home.. (314) 442-6524 CormeJJ Major.a Engineering/Unclassifed. Advar]ced Degrees.- Carole Newman Allen Columbia MBA. SpolJSe.a Deborah. Aff]'JI'atr-OnS & AcfI'vitr'eS.® OffI'Ce.. (314) 876-7212 95 Beverly Road Football. Arlington, Mass. 02174 OccupafI'On.I Associate Dean of Students, Stephens College CorneJJ Major.- English (Arts & Science). Advanced Degrees.- Home.. (617) 646-8696 SIU-Carbondale M.S. Higher Ed. Spouse.I Howard A. Ashley - OffI'Ce.. (617) 643-7155 Faculty - acting & stage management - Stephens College. CThjJdrefl.I Paul Edward Ashley 4/2/77 -Jr. High!

OccL,Pafj'On.I Physician (Pediatrician), Self Employed (94 Pleasant Street, Arlington) CormeJJ Major.a English (Arts & Sciences) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.D. School Of Medicine Spouse.-Thomas H. Allen -Comell BEE '66, Masters EE 967, Electronic Engineer, Raytheon Co. ChI'Jdren.a David 10- 21-75, Abigail, 5-25-80. AffjJI'afjOnS & AcfI'VI'rI'eS.a Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics

Some major decisions were made when I was at Cornel1 - whom to marry, when to marry, whether to go to medical school, which medical Takis Anoussis school - and yet they just seemed to happen, 140E. 63 St. like deciding whether to get up for my 8 o'clock New York, N.Y. 10021 genetics lecture on the Ag campus. For me, and I Home.. (212) 838-5700 suspect for many of us, the day to day decisions OffI'Ce.. (212) 838-5200 Erie William Augusta carry us along. If we made these fairly well, we 7548 Agnew Avenue are satisfied with our lives. Very seldom do we OccupafI'On.- Hotel Manager, Morgan Hotel Group CorneJJ Los Angeles, Calif. 90045 look at the 6 tBig Picture.' 9 Major.I Hotel, (Hotel) Spouse.- Rina - Owner of a Travel Home.. (213) 649-4583 I am fortunate that my 6 6Big Picture9 9 is lovely. Agency. ChI'Jdren.a Doron Tal, born l967 -Graduate from OffI®Ce.-(213) 306-4000 ext. 2245 Less than two weeks after the Reunion, Tom and Comel1 (Computer Science) I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. A OccuparI'On.- Vice President, Finance and Administration, Xerox week after our marriage on June 17, 1967, Tom Computer Services. CorneJJ Major.-Economics (Arts & (BEE 966, MEng 967) began working for Sciences) '67 Advanced Degrees.-MBA Wharton School, Univ. of Penn. SpoLISe.a Janine Bushman, BA Gal State Northridge Raytheon, enabling him to put me through '75; MBA Loyola University 983; C.P.A. ChI'Jdren.-Kenneth medical school at Tufts. He weathered my Gregory Augusta I I-21-88. absences and exhaustion during pediatric intemship and residency. I remember my final semester at Cornell when

57 I received that letter t6Dear Mr. Augusta ... please Comell Univ. (Arts & Sci) 1993, Joan Axelbaum 9-8-85, Indian friendships I made at Cornell endure and grow report for your pre-induction physical Creek School (1st grade) Aff]'JjafI'OnS & Actr'vI'tr'eS.I Tennis more precious. examination ...". While classmates were going to graduate school with a probably one year deferment, I entered Naval OCS. Commissioned an ensign in 1968, I began 3 years aboard the destroyer USS Bigelow (DD-942). Memories include the many trips to the Caribbean, the 6 month NATO tour to northem Europe. Running aground at 2 AM in Aarhus Bay, Denmark and watching the Naval system destroy a Captain's career; learning what responsibility was really about. Forging friendships in trying circumstances. The luck of NOT being assigned to Vietnam. David Ayres Discharged a Lieutenant in 1971, I entered the Joyce Villata Baressi 33 Wesskum Wood Rd. University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. 2507 Dengar Riverside, Conn. 06878 (Philadelphia is not as bad as W.C. Fields said.) Midland, Tex. 79705 In 1973 I left with my MBA degree and a wife, Home.. (203) 637-1780 Home.. (915) 683-9710 heading for a financial analyst job with Ford OffI'Ce.. (212) 578-1827 Motor Co. in Michigan. Two years later it was Oc'cupafI'On.I Co-ordinator for gifted and talented, Greenwood time to move to Califomia, working for Xerox' Occupafjon.I Shipping, Maritime Overseas Corp. ComeJJ Major.- Independent School District ComeJJ Major.a Science Education IE (Engineering) Advaflced Degrees.- Cornell MBA Spouse.I Electronics division in Los Angeles. It9s been (Agr. & Life Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- M.Ed. Univ. of Jean, Rollins College,1974. ChI'Jdren.I Jennifer ll/25/70, Xerox ever since; now Vice President of Finance Texas at Austin Spouse.-Joe Baressi Jr.; B.S. Comell '65; M.A. Centenary; Geoff 7/18/74. Greenwich High School-, Lauren Gannon Univ.; Ph.D. Univ of Texas Occupation: for Xerox' Computer Services division in Los 5/19/86, Riverside Elem. Superintendent of Schools, Midland, Texas ChI'Jdren.- Joseph Angeles. Ill, attending Harvard Univ., class of 994 (6/27/72), Laura In retrospect, most of the 1980's seem like a (8/I/75) high school junior; Aaron (5/31/79) entering 7th grade yuppie blur. No children, travel to Africa, South AffiJI-afjOnS & AcrI'vifjeS.a Texas Assoc. of Gifted & Talented, Assoc. of Texas Professional Educators, Teachers Credit Union America and the Far East, sailing in the -Board Member, A.A.U.W., School P.T.A.9s, etc. Caribbean, skiing in the Rockies, drinking fine wines in the Napa valley, a new Jaguar, fast Twenty-five years ago I would have thought motorcycles, California real estate, a back yard the 66desert" of West Texas, where winds blow Jacuzzi, long hours of work to climb the tumble weeds down the main streets each spring, corporate ladder, and more. Then 1987 and the as the LAST place I would be living. Yet here I worst of times and the divorce. Remarrying in have been for eleven years now! This land is 1988 to Janine Bushman (CPA, MBA) began the WIDE open, with incredibly clear blue skies, best of times along with the birth of our first HOT summers, cool dry winters. The people child, Kenneth (Comell class of 2010?); and our have welcomed us and made raising our family second child should arrive just before the Michael S. Bank here a pleasant experience. reunion. It9s fantastic to be able to have young 26 Fox Run Rd. After marrying Joe Baressi a few weeks after children at this stage in life. my graduation, we both taught school in So much has happened since Cornell, yet the Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y. 10520 Home.. 914-271-8521 Lockport, N.Y., for several years. A National Cornell experience has never dimmed. The Science Foundation Academic Year Institute that memory of a perfect fall day in Ithaca. Those In 1967 I joined the hordes of Cornellians at I received brought us to the University of Texas moments of perfect harmony singing with the N.Y.U. School of Law. During my second year, I at Austin in 1970. As I worked on my masters Comell Glee Club in the crypt and the 1966 trip also worked as a fourth and fifth grade degree, Jo worked on his doctorate, and Texas around the world. Knowing your degree from elementary school teacher and a ninth grade became 6 6home9 9 . Cornell would make you proud the rest of your English teacher. Along with Larry Slous 967, my All three of our children were bom 6CTexans" life. Those are memories to cherish. law school roommate, I did volunteer work in the - but their philosophy of life seems to be more ill-fated 1968 McCarthy and Kennedy Northeastern their parents! Joseph Presidential Campaigns. I became the Assistant graduated at the top of his high school class and District Attorney in Queens County after chose Harvard, where he has completed a graduating from law school in 1970, trying successful first year. Laura is a high school junior everything from disorderly conduct to murder interested in ALL of the arts, and is considering cases. I ran for U.S. Congress in 1972, receiving the Cornell Architecture school for her college the endorsement of Ttie IVew york n'mes and a experience. Aaron is entering 7th grade - a severe drubbing from my opponent. I was creative kid who spends all of his free time selected in 1973 as one of the special prosecutors building, exploring, examining, creating. to investigate corruption in the New York City I have not yet decided WHAT I'm going to be Criminal Justice System and then worked for a WHEN I grow up. I enjoy teaching science, have Park Avenue firm. I founded my own law firm in gotten a degree in Computer Science and taught a Westchester in 1975, where my wife Karen and I few classes at the local college, have spent 15 Stewart Axelbaum reside with daughters Tracey and Belinda. enjoyable years at home with young children. 538 Point Field Dr. Not having learned my lesson, I was the Now I have become interested in gifted Millersville, Md. 21108 Democratic candidate for Westchester District education: am part of a team teaching middle Home.. (301) 987-9030 Attorney in l977, thereby becoming a two time school gifted students and am the newly loser. designated coordinator of Special Programs at a Occupafjon.I Physician: Radiologist Corme/I Major.a English Karen and I have made many visits back to small county school outside Midland, Texas. (Arts & Sci) Advanced Degrees.I M.D. St. Louis University Ithaca. Each time, the past seems to recede and Luckily, my husband's successful and lucrative School of Medicine Spouse.'Carol Axelbaum, Montgomery career as Superintendent of Schools in Midland College l975, Housewife. ChI'Jdren.-Mare Axelbaum, 8-27-7l, the present becomes unfamiliar. However, the has allowed me the freedom to make my life a

58 smorgasbord of experiences. Our second daughter, Emily, followed in 1974 uncertainty about what was unfolding before us. and I soon learned that my Cornell liberal arts This was the beginning of our sharing. During the education had not prepared me well for a life of next four years at Comell, we dated, got engaged, babies, bridge and barbecues. part-time and after graduation were married. This coming accounting and tax preparation only partly June, Jane and I will be sharing our twenty-fifth relieved the boredom. So in 1976 I entered law wedding anniversary along with our twenty-fifth school. While Bill learned to cook and shop, reunion. bathe and diaper, I learned torts and contracts, After graduation and our wedding in clerked and wrote for Law Review. California, we returned to Ithaca. Jane taught Our third daughter, Sarah, arrived in 1980 a junior high school at Elmira, while I was in few months before my next trip down the aisle to graduate school in Electrical Engineering on a collect my J.D. degree. The realities of parenting teaching assistantship. We lived in a loft on the led me to decide that the only sane thing to do top floor of a house on Albany Street. was to work for myself. I began practicing law After I received my Master's degree, I began Michael Batt with a specialty in taxation and estate planning. work with McDonnell Douglas. After several 50 Park Rd. Ten years later I9m still there. years I was made an engineering supervisor and On the mommy track, I became more and more Westbrook, Me. 04092 have continued my career in engineering involved in our daughters' school. Trying to management. I am currently a director and Home.. (207) 929-6811 explain to the teacher why the first grade reader program manager in charge of a defense system Office.. (207) 856-67OO was sexist made me realize I should be part of contract. We originally lived in Santa Monica and West Occupation.~ M.D. ComelI Major.' Zoology (Arcs a Science) policy rather than PTA. In 1985 I challenged the Advaflced Degrees.a MD - St. Univ. NY Buffalo. Spouse.- Susan school board incumbents and won and am now Los Angeles, but after five years I was Shipley, Butler College, Univ. of Michigan, Violinist, Boston serving my second term. I'm proud to say our transferred and we moved to Orange County. Pops Esplanade, Portland Symphony ChI'Jdren.a David, age 16, books are no longer sexist and I'm still working Although we were originally concerned about from prior marriage. AffI'jI'afjOnS & AcrI'VI'tr'eS.- Tennis, skiing, hard to bring other modernizations to the system. Orange County's conservative image, we found photography, travel, music. It9s interesting and fun being one of the few the area a wonderful place to live and raise a liberals in Orange County politics. family. Beth is now a sophomore at Penn, Emily is Our three girls, Beth, Emily and Sarah, have graduating from high school in June and Sarah been the center of our lives. For nearly fifteen has made the great transition to middle school. years our weekends have revolved around soccer Watching our girls grow into young women and softball. I now have a reputation as the old brings a painful awareness that time is indeed pro score keeper in the Bobby Sox League. passing. I marvel that twenty-five years have My job involves quite a bit of traveling. I just been consumed so quickly. I'm proud and happy hit the five thousand mile mark with American with the way our lives have turned out and I don't Airlines. Most of my travel is to Philadelphia so I believe I would have done a single thing try to have dinner with my daughter, Beth, at differently, but I am beginning to wonder which Penn every other week or so. I9m around Beth's challenge I should tackle next. sorority house so much that the girls think I9m the resident computer trouble shooter. Jane Carro]] Bauer As a family our favorite activity is travelling. 11152 Hunting Hom We9ve taken the girls all over the world -Hong Santa Ana, Calif. 92705 Kong, Macao, China, Hawaii, Mexico, the Home.. (714) 832-1070 Caribbean, Ithaca for CAU, and this past summer OffI'Ce.. (714) 730-9522 to Europe, Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia. Next year, Emily, our second daughter, will be Occupafjon.I Attomey. ComeJJ Major.I English (Arts) Advanced off to college. With only one child left at home, Degrees.I Westem St. Univ., J.D. Spouse.I William C. Bauer Ill - the house will seem empty. Maybe I can use the Cornell -Engin '67. CfrI'Jdren.a Elizabeth 9/15/72, Penn '94, Emily 7/6/74, Sarah 3/7/80. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'vitr'eS.' President, new found time to teach my wife how to cook. Tustin Unified School Dist. Bd. of Trustees.

Every June, as a member of our school board, I don a black robe, replete with a doctoral hood, William Bauer and lead the high school graduates down the aisle 11152 Hunting Hom Dr. to commence their new lives. Each year as I hear Santa Ana, Calif. 92705 the strains of Pomp and Circumstance I9m reminded of two other commencement marches Home.. (714) 832-1070 25 years ago. Dressed in black we collected our OffI'Ce.. (714) 896-1153 Cornell diplomas. A week later, 3000 miles OccupafI'On.- Engineering: McDonnell Douglas Space Systems away, dressed in white, Bill and I marched down Co. CorneJJ Major.®Electrical (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I a different aisle to collect each other and to begin Comell, 1968, M. Eng. (E) Spouse.a Jane Bauer (nee Carroll), the great adventure of our lives. Comell, l967, Arts & Sciences, Attomey. Cj]jJdren.' Elizabeth Soon after, another cross country trip led us to Jane Bauer 9/15/72 University of Pennsylvania l994, Emily Carroll Bauer 7/16/74, Sarah Katerine Bauer 3/7/80. Patricia Huy Baxter an attic on Albany Street. I taught English and AffI'Jjafz'ons & AcfI-VI'fjeS.- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and 2O56 Mayview Dr. Math in Elmira while Bill worked on his Masters Electronics Engineer), Vice President - Board of Directors, in Engineering at Comell. After one more Ithaca Tustin Bobby Sox, Softball Coach. Los Angeles, Calif. 90027 winter we headed back to Los Angeles. I Home.. (213) 660-6511 switched from teaching to social work and we In our first week of freshman orientation I met OffI'Ce.. (213) 825-4282 spent the next four childless years domesticating a girl in line for dinner at Noyes Lodge on Beebe and traveling. Lake. We talked about ourselves and what we OccupafI'On.- Arts Administrator, UCLA. CorneJJ Major.I Art anticipated at Cornel1. We shared our pride at History (Arts & Sciences) Spot,Se.I Stephen Johnson, Architect. With the birth of Elizabeth in 1972, we moved ChjJdren.I Hallie Johnson -bom 5/15/84 to the conservative outpost of Orange County. being at Cornell, our nervousness and our

59 Charles Bazerman Alan Becker JeffBenjamin 13 Park Avenue 574 Calle Anzuelo 203 Ravine Road New City, N.Y. 10956 Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111 Hinsdale, Ill. 60521 Home.. (805) 683-6466 Home.. (708) 887-7639 Home.. (914) 354-8847 OffI'Ce.. (404) 894-7003 OffI'Ce.. (312) 781-6633 OffI'Ce.. (914) 479-2491

occupafJOn.I Vice-President, Associate General Counsel, CIBA- oc`cupafJ'Or].a Professor, . Come// Major.- EngllSh occupafI'On.I Lawyer, Burditt & Radzlus, Chtd. ComeJJ Major.I Govemment (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I LL.B. Yale GEIGY Corporation. ComeJJ Major.I Government (Arts & (Arts) Advancd Degrees.a Ph.D. Brandeis Univ. Spouscl® Shlrley sciences). Advanced Degrees.I JD, New York University Law Lim Ph.D. Brandeis Univ 1972, Professor BA; Unlverslty Of Law School. Spouse.a Susan, 1969, school. spouse.I Betsy, Brooklyn College, B.A. l973; Currently MzL\aya l967. Children.-Gerhorn Aft`iliation`s & Activities.- occupational TheraplSt. ChI'Jdrer].I Michael l2-l7-76 Hinsdale Soclety for Soclal Studies of Science. Conference on College central High School (1995), Marie 7-9-8l The Lane School pursuing MSW at New York University, Volunteer - Volunteer counselllng ServlCeS. Ch,JdreJ].-Llly, 9/l5/78 Pomona Junior Communlcatlon and Composltlon Modern Language (4th Grade) AffJ'/jafJOnS & AcfI'jj'fJeS.I American Bar Ass'n; High School, graduates June l993. Ross, 6/l4/8l Hillcrest AssoclatlOn. Shaping Wrltten Knowledge - 4 Awards. Textual chicago Bar Ass'n-, Bensenville Home Society (Dlr.); The Elementary School, graduates June 1993. AffIJI'afJOnS & Dynamlcs of the Professlons Informed Wrlter, 4th Editlon. union church of Hinsdale (Vice Moderator; Ch. Bd. Trustees); yale Law Club of Chicago (V.P.), Honors.' Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Act,'vJrleS.I Amerlcan Bar Association, Westchester Fairfield Kappa Phi, Delta Sigma Rho corporate counsel Assoclation, Citizens Advisory Committee What has been important? Writing, literacy, (Town of Ramapo, Rockland County) Honors.' Order of the coif; Gum laude graduate of New York Universlty Law School. understanding how the written language works I arrived at Cornell with a plan: four years in for us and how we make it work and how we can Ithaca, then medical school, and finally a sedate teach others to gain literate competence at all It feels like yesterday, running across the Arts practice in the suburbs of New York. But Cornell Quad, headed for the TV in University Hall 3, to levels. I have been work obsessed. And so has showed me new horizons and began to teach me find out. Reaching the rim of Libe Slope, hearing my wife of almost twenty years, and my child of new values. After Cornell it was on to law school eleven. It is a very boring household -recently the sound of taps ring down from McGraw Tower (yale) and then to a very different world than I moved to Santa Barbara where my wife Shirley and seeing the flag lowered in front of the Baker grew up in: Chicago, a great city without the Dorms ... The memory has not dimmed in the Lim has become Professor of Asian-American conditions and attitudes that had come to appall twenty-eight years since that November Literature and we have become connoisseurs Of me. I have practiced law here since 1970, starting afternoon, Freshman year. beach scavenging. I commute to Georgia Tech, in a large and prestigious firm, becoming a where I am Director of Graduate Studies in the Much has transpired in the years Which partner, then giving it up to start my own firm followed. The Cornell years were wonderful; and School of Literature, Communication and which, after the mergers and breakups en`demic to Culture, helping to build new programs in if I could replay any period in my life, it would the profession today, is a leader in the field of rhetoric and technical communication. We sought be that time. food, drug, and medical device law. I litigate: these new challenges after more than twenty After graduation, I returned to New York, regulatory matters, commercial disputes, attended law school at New York University, years of New York City. Enough already. antitrust. Frequently we defend against The path from l967 to here included grad married Betsy and began professional life as a unnecessary paternalism (for example, the attack litigator in a New York City law firm. school, interrupted by the universally lost on oat bran advertising) or bureaucracy. My wife There have been many ups and a few downS, deferment, teaching elementary school for two has described my work as making the world safe but the worst moments have been the loss of years, discovering that literacy was more for margarine. loved ones. I believe Betsy and I live with more powerful a social force than literature, I met Susan, an occupational therapist from intensity because of them. completing grad school, then teaching writing at Minneapolis, soon after I moved to Chicago. We In l974, I joined the Legal Department of Baruch College, CUNY during the glory days of have two children, Michael (14), who may CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, where I9ve practiced open admissions and new challenges and on into someday write the Great American Novel, and the wake of lost opportunities. In the meantime law with some exceptional colleagues in a Marie (10), a premature teem-ager who keeping myself busy by writing, researching, nonetheless still enjoys a bedtime read aloud. professionally challenging and rewarding theorizing, academic politicking, struggling environment. we work hard, but it9s felt more Susan is the paradigm volunteer: Girl Scout like fun. I wish I could say the same for studying against institutional inertia, which has a hard time leader, craft teacher, head of our church9s for finals at Cornel1. recognizing what is the right thing, let alone women9s Association; I try to spare enough time In l978, Betsy was pregnant, and I increased doing it. Travelling and working in Southeast to serve on various church boards and as a Asia at Shirley9s prodding to visit home my running mileage from about 20 to over 40 director of the Bensenville Home Society, a miles a week. Although a relationship between , which she left to come here for grad distinguished provider of eldercare and youth the two developments was suggested, I recall school. services (adoption, foster care, Head Start) in the being as thrilled with the prospect of parenthood Chicago area. as I came to be with the fact. Lily was born in September of 1978. The following year we discovered Cape Cod, and have vacationed there every year since, with the exception of 1981 when Ross was bom. Ross and Lily are about as different as two kids can be and still be in the same family. Of course, we love them both, and find the contrast refreshing (most of the time). Much has remained unchanged since the

60 Cornell years: many of the same friends (and 4/1 I/77', Alexander ll/1/79. some new ones), a continued love of sports and the outdoors (still running) after all these years, Why is it that, increasingly, I am having although no longer 40 miles a week), and still experiences that sound like they should be engaged in that lifelong pursuit, trying to find happening to my parents? Twentieth wedding out. anniversary. Sending a kid off to college. And now my twenty-fifth college reunion. How can I be so old when I still feel like a kid? One of the mysteries of life. First, a quick update. After the first of my four years at Harvard Law School (for a three year degree and one year Reserve duty), Susan Harold Berenzweig Harrison '68 and I were married in 1969. Believe 7124 Bettis Drive it or not, we're still married. We moved to Washington in 1971 for the proverbial 2-3 year Fort Worth, Tex. 76133 stay which now has lasted 20 years. Home.. (817) 294-1484 Intermittently over that period, I have been OffI'Ce.. (817) 336-0379 associated with virtually every failed Democratic Presidential Campaign, starting as George Occuparjon.- Physician, Gastroenterology Associates CorneJJ Janetta Rebold Benton Major.a Zoology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a M.D.1971 New McGovern9s speechwriter in 1972. I will not York University Spouse.I Ellen Strassman Berenzwelg disclose my preference for 1992, although my 28 Glenville Road Kingsborough C.C. 1969. ChI'jdren.-Steven 2/l9/7l Univ. of optimism remains undaunted. Greenwich, Conn. 06831 North Texas l993 Michael 10/3l/73, Shana ll/3/76. After a brief tenure working on Capitol Hill as Home.. (203) 622-6691 Affl'JI'arjOnS & Actr'vI'fI'eS.a Texas Club Intemists, AMA, Former Chief of Staff Medical Plaza Hospital. Legislative Assistant for Senator Harold Hughes OffI'Ce.. (914) 773-3679 (D.-Iowa) (whose Presidential ambitions in 1972 were thwarted by the disclosure of his ongoing Oc'cupa£jon.'Associate Professor of Art History, Pace I can9t believe that 25 years have passed since University, Cornej/ Major.I Fine Arts. (Architecture) Advanced I graduated from Cornel1. It seems like yesterday dialogue with his deceased brother), I began my Degrees.' M.A. George Washington University; PhD Brown that I stayed up all night outside to first stint in private practice, with the Washington University. Spouse.' Elliot Benton, Cornell University, BEE, get reserved seats for the hockey team that law firm of Hogan & Hartson. l965; MEE, 1966; Harvard University MBA l972; Financial Following the election of President Carter, I Analyst, IBM. CThjJdren.- Phillips Alexander, 7-28-73, Comell eventually became NCAA champions. Exactly 7 Class of l995; Etuan Aubrey,12-30-76; Meredith Rebold, 5- years to the day later my second son was born. served in the State Department, where I worked 14-78; Leland Samuel, 3-22-83. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & Actr'vifjes.I Staff Life is strange. I have actually reached my until 1981 for Secretaries Vance and Muskie as Lecturer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. Honors.a The Deputy Director of the Policy Planning Staff, a Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages present position by a rather direct path; however, I don't believe I could have predicted all the very satisfying experience. I was retired from that (New York: Abbeville Press) 1992. Articles in Artibus Et Historiae, The Zeitschrift Ftir Kunstgeschicte, and elsewhere. details. I am still happily married to my wife of position by the mandate of the American people Although officially Cornell class of 1967, I had 22 years and have three wonderful children, none in the 1980 election, and returned to Hogan & completed my course work a semester early and of whom plan on going to Cornel1. I had planned Hartson where I started the firm's International began work on an M.A. in the history of classical on becoming a doctor and I am one, though the Trade practice and am now head of the firm's art and then went on to do the Ph.D in late world of medicine is different from what it was International Group. It7s been an exciting medieval and early Renaissance art history. I when I entered it 20 years ago. I still have a small practice, combining law, policy and politics, and taught art history at several universities, the most nucleus of friends from my college days but they today we have grown into a large enterprise, with interesting of which was the University of are only a fraction of my life now. Although the offices now in Washington and throughout Maryland's European Division at the American four years in Ithaca were wonderful it is looking Europe. Embassy in Paris,1981-85. Now I have just forward and planning ahead that is most On the home front, Susan returned to work received tenure at Pace University, Pleasantville, rewarding. It is doubtful that my vision of the after the youngest of our three children went off NY. I am also a staff lecturer for The next 25 years will be as accurate as the one that I to school and is a real estate agent in Washington -until recently, quite successful; we have Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, where I had upon graduation but I expect that getting discovered, however, that in a bad real estate present a formal subscription lecture series every there will be as much fun. fall and spring, and a lecturer for the Smithsonian market, real estate agents work twice as hard for Institution's Resident Associate Program, half the money. If you are buying or selling a Washington, DC. I published several house, be kind and gentle to your agent. ccscholarly" articles on medieval art but my first Debbie, age 19, entered Washington major book (on animal imagery in late medieval University in St. Louis this fall. She survived the western European art) is due to be published brutal insensitivity of her parents during her teen- September 1992 by Abbeville Press, NY. Like age years and, perhaps more surprisingly, we other university types, I give conference papers survived as well. regularly, and use research in an excuse for Sarah, age 14, is a freshman at Georgetown frequent European travel. Day School in Washington, and although she is In 1967 I married a Cornellian -Elliot showing early signs of adolescence, it somehow Benton, class of 1965. We have four children in seems easier the second time around. the form of three sons and a daughter, ranging in Alex, age 12, is in sixth grade, has age from eight to seventeen. The oldest, Phillips unsurprisingly absorbed his father9s baseball Samuel Berger fanaticism and hopefully will be the first of his Alexander, will be a member of the Comell class 4228 45th St., N.W. of 1995 in Arts and Sciencs.I generation to receive a Nintendo scholarship to Washington, D.C. 20016 college somewhere. Home.. (202) 363-8070 We intermittently keep up with a number of Office: (202) 637-8622 Cornell friends in Washington and around the country and continue to remember our Cornell OccL,PafjOn.a Atty., Hogan & Hartson experience withjoy and pride. CormeJJ Major.I Gov't. (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I J.D. Harvard Law School ('71). Spouse.I Susan Harrison Berger, Comel1 '68, I look forward to seeing our friends at the Chi'Jdren.I Deborah, I/l6/73; Washington University '95, Sarah, reunlOn.

61 Helene Dansker Bergman Bruce Berlin Ellen Kniffin Bertone 80 East End Avenue 1428 Santa Cruz Dr. 153 E. Delaware Avenue New York, N.Y.10028 Santa Fe, N. Mex. 87501 Pennington, N.J. 08534 Home.. (212) 288-9582 Home.. (505) 988-4840 Home.. (609) 737-0485 OffI'Ce.. (212) 288-1919 OffI'Ce.. (505) 988-4840 OccupafI'On.a Homemaker ComeJJ Major.a Housing and Design OccupafI'On.a Chairman, Foreign Language Dept. & Spanish Occupafjon.a Ex. Dir./Consultant The Trinity Forum. CorJ]eJJ (Home Ec.). Spouse,I Tom Bertone, Harvard, 1960, management consultant to developing nations. CJ]jJdren.I Teacher, Hewitt School. ComeJJ Major.I Spanish, (Arts & Sci) Major.I Government (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I J.D. NYU Elizabeth, 7-5-72, Harvard,1994; Katherine,12-14-74, The Advanced Degrees.I MAT Johns Hopkins Spouse.a Lawrence G. School of Law Aff]'JI'afjOnS & Ac£I'vifI'eS.I U.S. Institute of Peace Hun School of Princeton, 1993. AffiJI'afI'OJ]S & AcfjvifI'eS.a Local Bergman, C.U. BS 65 MEE 66 Johns Hopkins PhD (E.E.) Real Fellow ('88-'89), Mediation, Writing. Democratic politics, various school parent organizations. Estate Executive. ChI'jdren.-Jennifer Lauren 5/20/75, Chapin School '93; Allison Rachel 4/21/77, Chapin School 995. AffjjI'afI'OnS & AcfjvI'fjeS.-N.Y.C. Commission for the I spent the flrst several months after graduation Diplomatic & Counselor Corps (Volunteer); C.U. Alum. trying out Denver, New York and Washington. I Interviewer; Secy, Bd & Alum. Riverdale Country School. picked Washington and went to work for the management consulting firm of Booz, Allen & Larry MEE '66 and I were married in June, Hamilton, where I met my husband, Tom. We 1967 and moved to Baltimore where he were married in 1969, moved to Annapolis and completed his PhD in EE and I eamed my MAT became active in Democratic politics. We spent in Spanish. We retumed to New York City where two interesting years in West Virginia working Larry joined the family real estate business and I for Jay Rockefeller (Tom as an advisor, me in the embarked upon a long teaching career. I teach campaign) when he was running for governor. Spanish and am Chairperson of the Foreign We get a big kick out of seeing his name Language Department at the Hewitt School, an mentioned for '92. independent preparatory school for girls. I find Our two daughters, Elizabeth and Katherine, teaching rewarding but am dismayed by the very Judith Bernstock arrived in 1972 and 1974 and they became, and low salaries. 100 Fairview Sq, #4R still are, the focus of my life. I consider myself In order to maintain fluency in Spanish and to Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 lucky to have been able to have been home with make international contacts, I joined the New Home.. (607) 2J2-6605 them all these years. I'm also lucky to have had York City Commission for the Diplomatic and OffI'Ce.. (607) 255-7048 two very nice, talented kids who have been a Consular Corps as a volunteer. I greet newly pleasure to know. Liz is now a sophomore at arrived diplomats and their families, providing OcclJPatr'On.I Art Historian, Comel1., (Assoc. Professor, History Harvard, majoring in biological anthropology and them with information about the City and its o£ Art) Cornell Major.® Art ELstory (ALr`S) Advanced Degrees.~ Ph.D., M.A., M.F.A.: All Columbia PubjjcafI®OnS.-Joan Mitchell psychology. Katherine is a junior in high school, environs. (monograph Publ. by Hudson Hills Press,1988, Under the Spell also an excellent student, and a serious ballet I am Secretary of the Alumni Association of of Orpheus (book pub1. by Southem Illinois U. Press., 1991), dancer. several articles on 20th-cent. art & Baroque Art, curator of my High School, Riverdale Country School, and When Tom started consulting to govemments I am an alumni interviewer for Cornell major retrospective of Joan Mitchell's pkgs. organized by Johnson Museum in the Third World in 1983, international travel admissions. became a significant part of our lives. We have Larry and I have two daughters. Jennifer,16, is So much has been important to me - friends, had many interesting trips in Africa, Asia and an easy-going, personable young lady interested family, art, travel, and being productive. Now Europe, always as a family. That travel came to in tennis, volleyball (Varsity), and photography. that I have retumed as a member of the faculty I an abrupt (and I hope temporary) halt when Liz Allison, 14, is adventuresome and good matured often reflect upon the experiences over the years went off to college. with strong athletic leanings (volleyball Varsity, that have made me come to appreciate Cornell For a number of years I did the usual volunteer Track Team, Tennis, horseback riding, water- more than ever - the teachers who stimulated my work in our schools and community. I9ve skiing!) The girls have kept us quite busy over interest in various subjects, the beautiful definitely grown tired of being a volunteer and the years. environment that inspired me to paint, and the will have to address the question of what I want Family vacations have included numerous ski deep friendships. to do next sometime soon. We have an aging trips in Canada and out West; Cayman Island; After doing graduate work at Columbia, house in a small town and lots of pets. We do not and 66the West". Water-skiing and windsurfing teaching in NYC, and research and painting in feel a strong attachment to New Jersey so Tom are important parts of each summer! In addition, Europe, I have somehow become ready to retum and I now talk of where we might go next, kind La]ny and I have traveled extensively. I have just & to value what life at Comell offers. of a pre-retirement! My guess is that we91l end up retumed from two weeks in northem Spain with in -we've been Northeastemers for former classmate Janetta Benton. so long. I am always amazed at how many Comellians It's fun to realize that there can be a next we meet in the course of our travels! Even at our chapter in our lives. A 25th reunion comes at summer home in Westhampton Beach, N.Y. we about the point where many of us are ready for have met previously unknown classmates! (or at least thinking about) that. Comell is indeed an ongoing experience. Several years ago I attended Tom's 25th at Harvard. I very smugly looked around at all those middle-aged alums (I being barely 40 years old)

62 and thought that these really did look like OccupafI'On.- Thoroughbred breeder CornejJ Major.I Hotel 66grown-ups." Heads were graying and/or Spouse.a Sue CflI'jdren.-Sara 8/13/85, Duffy 3/26/88 balding and figures were showing the effects of 48 years of gravity. When you don9t feel that you9re all that different than you were in college days, it9s a bit of a shock to see that your classmates are. It will be fun, nevertheless, to see old friends and acquaintances.

Julian Bindler 1005 S. Basalt Spokane, Wash. 99204 Mark Birnbaum Home.. (509) 838-1317 5479 Wingbome Ct. OffI'Ce.. (509) 838-4771 Columbia, Md. 21045

OccupafI'OJ].a Physician ComeJJ Major.- English (Arts) Advanced Home.. (301) 997-2280 Degrees.a MD Cornell '71 Spouse.I Ruth, Cornell BSN '71; OffI'Ce.. (301) 825-7500 Univ. Wisconsin M.S. 974; Assoc. Prof. Nursing at Wa. State Jerryanne Taber Bier Univ. CfrjJdren.I Dana 10/8/83, 8; Ross 8/8/86, 5 OccupafI'on.I Manager, Scan Fumiture, ComeJJ Major.I English, Route 2 Box 35 (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I MA (equiv.) U. of Md. Spouse.- A blend of time and place - youth, Ithaca, Marsha (Weinstein) Bimbaum, Adelphi U 1967 (M.Ed Johns Ferrum, Va. 24088 Hopkins) Ex teacher Ex homemaker, currently Adm. assistant shared experiences, Cornell - ingredients which Home.. (703) 365-2230 in a Grad School (married since August 18, 1968) CHI'Jdren.' form a special feeling and bond. It has always Kim Birnbaum 4-7-72, Fairleigh Dickinson U. 1994, Alex OccupafI'On.I Freelance Writing; Volunteer Management, surprised me how contact with a Cornell friend Bimbaum 9-12-75, Howard High (1993). Conflict Resolution Program Development after years of separation can rekindle the Comell Major.® Communication Arts (Ag) Advanced Degrees.- friendship. It's a special union -you pick up M.S. Boston Univ. School of Public Communications, M.A. Virginia Tech School of Education-Counseling. Spouse.a Jim almost as if there had been no break. Bier, Ph.D(MIT) Professor of Chemistry, Ferrum College. Cornell in the sixties seems such a mixture - Chjjdren.a Rebecca (5-21-69), Jessica (4-8-72), Jonathan (ll-21- classes, sports, fraternity, apartments, car trips, 73), Sara (9-24-77). AffilI'afI'onS & AcrI'vifI'eS.I Peace & Justice war, anger, racial upheaval, moral outrage. A Issues, Organic Gardening, Dances of Universal Peace, Contra dancing. high power exciting existence for a while - but not for me for the long run. Issues get too consuming, other person's agendas too involved. Since leaving Cornell I've followed a more personal course on a smaller scale - aiming for a lifestyle with some balance and control. After medical school in NYC and training at UW in Madison, Wisconsin, Ruth and I moved to Spokane, Wa., in 1974. Some years with each Benjamin L. Blaney other and our dog before deciding to become 1290 Morten St.

/I parents after all. It9s great to be able to change Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 your mind. Home.. (513) 871-6461 I9m committed to daily sports and exercise - OffI'Ce.. (513) 569-7406 mainly swimming but some running and tennis. Professionally I9ve focused on a community OccupafI'on.' Research Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Robert W. Bigley hospital practice in anesthesiology. Agency. CormeJJ Major.I Physics (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.- PhD, Chemistry, U of Chicago Spouse.' Sue Kitzmiller 3892 Hunters Grove Ct. I think about Cornell a great deal. I am Blaney; Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S. Fashion Design, 1979; Mooxpark, Calif. 93021 surprised I came to enjoy a more laid back Advertising Manager, U.S. Shoe Corp. ChI'Jdren.-Alice, lifestyle than I ever would have planned in 1967. 12/31/88. AffJ-JjafI'OnS & AcfI'VjfjeS.-Coordinator, Technical Home.. (805) 529-5313 Council, Air & Waste Management Association; Treasurer, OffI'Ce.. (818) 715-3376 Future Environments, Inc. (non-profit child development center) OccupafI®on.I Director, Project Engineering, Litton, Guidance & Control Systems Division. CorneJj Major.I Electrical Cornell prepared me to do two things Engineering Advanced Degrees.I Masters Engineering, Comell, Spouse.- Elaine M. (Cora) Bigley CHI'jdren.- Robert F. (3-3-77), immediately upon leaving Ithaca; getting an Geoffrey W. (12-2-78), Renee M. (7-3-88), High School, advanced degree in chemistry and involving Middle School, Elementary myself in the anti-war movement. From Ithaca I went to Northwestem and then the University of Chicago, where I obtained a PhD in chemistry. It took me seven years to do this, partially because I was involved in running draft counseling centers during that time. I then spent two years doing postdoctoral work Jack Binyon at Indiana University before joining one of the 3500 N. Lake Shore Dr. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency9s major Chicago, Ill. 60657 research laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have worked for the Agency ever since, first on the Home.. (312) 477-7532 environmental impacts of alternative energy

63 supplies, and then on the treatment of hazardous who they become and will leave them with wastes. Since 1989, I have been running a memories for a lifetime. technical support branch, which aids our Regional offices in the remediation of Superfund sites. In 1985, I married Sue Kitzmiller who is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati School of Design, Architecture and Planning and who currently manages advertising and marketing for Joyce shoes at the U.S. Shoe Corporation. We have a two year old daughter, Alice, who keeps us quite busy during our free time. My other activities include playing squash, aerobics and Leonard Bloom serving as treasurer for a fledgling child 10000 S.W. 70th Ave. development center. Miami, Fla. 33156 Despite questioning the value of a doctoral Home.. (305) 666-0354 Ivan J. Blum degree, I have no doubt that the liberal arts 29350 Quailwood Drive education that I received at Comell has been an OffI'Ce.. (305) 372-9508 Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. 90274 important component to preparing me for a fairly OccupafI'On.a Attomey, Nortman & Bloom, P.A. Come/I Major.I Home.. (213) 377-0600 interesting life. ILR Advanced Degrees.- George Washington Univ. Law School -J.D. Spouse.I Jill - Univ. of Florida 1974 -Teacher CtijJdren.I Home.. (213) 451-3041 Gregory Jay -10, Micki Allison -6, David Matthew -1. AffI'jjafjOnS & AcrfvI'tr'eS.I Florida Bar Association Corporate OccupafI'On.- Management Consultant specializing in strategic Law Section, Board of Directors - Bet Shira Congregation technologies. A.T. Kearney. Corner/ Major.I Industrial Engineering (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.I Masters of Engineerlng Cornell University, MBA - Cornell University In looking back, it seems that 1963-1967 were Spouse.-Suzanne Weitz Blum, Comell University (College Arts the last years before turmoil, anxiety and pressure & Sciences '69) Teacher. Ch,'Jdren.I Dylana Leigh (8/73) - took over for awhile. Attending law school in Stanford University Class of l995, Vanessa Brooke (5/76) -in Washington, D.C. from 1967-1972 put me in the high school (sophomore). Sabrina Kate (12/80) -in elementary school (5th grade) Aff]-JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fjeS.a Institute of midst of the rising anti-war movement, RFK's Management Sciences; Society of Information Management; run for the presidency, his assassination, King's Society of Manufacturing Engineers. HoJ]OrS.I 10 technical assassination and its aftermath. McGovern's articles published, quoted in BusI'neSS Weck, JS AJ]aJyzer, Los campaign, peace marches, tear gas, mass arrests Angeles Her-aid, GALS Report and activism. Social consciousness! I remember Judith Klimpl Blitz times thinking more about 6Cdropping out" than These past 24 years have been so eventful - marriage, three daughters, five careers, living on 6150 Valerian Lane continuing on with a legal education. However, both coasts -it's hard to know where to begin. Rockville, Md. 20852 as we all know, the times, they were changing. I stayed on at Cornell for a Masters in Home.. (301) 816-2408 The war finally slowed and then ended. Watergate came and Nixon went and in the Engineering and an MBA; probably because I OffI'Ce.. (301) 989-5700 meantime I found myself in Manhattan, living on had fallen in young love with Suzanne Weitz Occupafjon.' French Teacher, Montgomery County (Md) Public the east side and practicing law. During those (Arts '69). We were married in Albuquerque after her graduation. My prospective career in IBM's Schools CormeJJ Major.a French Literature (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced years I did some traveling to Europe a few times Degrees.I MA-Columbia University Teacher's College and spent weekends at the Hamptons and Fire Advanced Development Laboratories was cut-off CThI'Jdren.I Brian Adam Blitz 6/lO/75 Walter Johnson High Island. I also spent a considerable amount of time by Vietnam and a reclassification to lA. Instead, School '93 I opted for a career in Aerospace and one of the (and money) at Madison Square Garden, Broadway theater and the cultural and social last occupation deferments granted. So, Suzanne After graduation, I moved to New York and c6spots" New York had to offer. I also learned and I moved to Thousand Oaks, California (then shared an apartment with Jane Natter Stravinski how to 661awyer'9. However, I began to feel that a hamlet of about 7,500 souls) as I went to work and Carol Polakoff Hall while getting my for Northrop in economic analysis. My beloved master9s degree in teaching French from somehow there were other places where one could live without noise, crowds and hassles. I Ithaca black cat, Willie, was flown out to join us. Columbia University Teacher9s College. I taught In 1973, I entered management consulting with French in ajunior high school for one year before needed a place with a slower tempo. As luck would have it a position opened at the SEC in Touche Ross in Los Angeles, specializing in moving on to high school teaching where I could strategic planning, operations/materials teach literature as well as the language. I was told Miami. Why not? If it didn9t suit me I could always return to the Big Apple. management, and information systems with by the principal in the first high school I taught in clients ranging from governments and that I was hired because he was so impressed Well, fifteen years later I still come back to the Big Apple, but only on business, to visit friends manufacturers to hospitals and cruise lines. My with the fact that I had a degree from Cornel1. extensive business travels provided many When my son, Brian, was born in 1975, I or for a quick vacation. Miami became and has been my home. I stayed with the SEC for three remarkable experiences and interesting airplane stopped teaching so that I could be at home with seatmates, including Reverend Ike, Bjorn Borg, years,lived in Coconut Grove, met Jill in 1978, him. Those were wonderful years watching the Alan Cranston, and Pete Conrad (of those I miracle of a child growing and learning. Brian married in 1979 and started private practice in 198O. From there on it has been a wonderful mix remember). During this time Suzanne and I began has been a constant joy. He is caring, intelligent, building our family of three truly remarkable and interested in everything around him - and a of family, friends, profession, leisure activities and just plain life. A lot of 66little" things enrich talented daughters. First Dylana Leigh - now a potential member of the Comell Class of 997! my day, like my ten year old songs enjoyment of freshman at Stanford - and then two redheads, We spent three years in Berkeley, Califomia, a Vanessa Brooke and Sabrina Kate. Two other truly magical place. I did a lot of volunteer work Huck Finn, my six year old daughter's request for a 66tuck in" and my one year old son9s first steps. cats rounded out the household as we moved to in Brian9s schools, PTA, etc. We moved to the Woodland Hills. Washington, D.C. area in the early 80's and Having started a family at the advanced age of 357 I look forward to the years to come and Touche elected me to Partnership in 1982 and Brian and I now live in Rockville, Maryland. I a year later asked me to move to South Florida to still enjoy teaching high school French, traveling observing their growing up. And, perhaps one establish a new consulting practice. In Miami I to France as often as possible, and taking day I will leave one (or all) of them at the foot of advantage of everything Washington has to offer. libe slope or at Mary Donlon with the knowledge proceeded to build a 15 person practice with a that the next four years of their lives will shape specialty in telecommunications. But, we never

64 came to love (or even like) Miami and its technology, international exposure, weather. so after a "multi-month" dance with manufacturing cross-training, continued the firm's sam Francisco office, I resigned and we education, and now selling our advanced retumed to Southem California. products to customers around the world. As Vice President with a systems integration After one false start in 1970, I met and then software firm, for the next three years I directed a married Nancy Dunlap of Concord, NH in 1980. series of landmark projects for the Office of the our two sons, Spencer (10) and Carter (6), keep secretary of Defense wherein we established the both of us young and involved. There is only a underlying strategies, technologies, and little jealousy when I think of contemporaries implementation plans for the federal getting ready for that 66empty nest." I wouldn't change the sequence. government9s twenty year CALS Initiative. Driven now to make a difference, I had a series our favorite activities include skiing, tennis, fine food, intemational travel, quiet vacations on of 66epiphanies." As a result of my work with Anthony S. Borwick DOD, I saw 21st century industry -industrial the beach with a book, photography (including 7313 Pomander Lane networking - being spawned by the high video of sports/vacations) and helping the boys technology manufacturing, the grow. My business has taken us to London, Paris Chevy Chase, Md. 20815 telecommunications, and the information services and a wonderful joumey to the Peoples Republic Home.. (301) 951-3553 industries and providing the technology of China. Our pleasure has taken us to many OffI'Ce.. (202) 501-0585 infrastructures necessary to revitalize American other places in Europe and the Caribbean. We industry. I resigned my position and formed a look forward to a major tour of the Westem U.S. occupafI'On.- Administrative Judge, General Services with the boys in a few years. Get ready for some Administration, Board of Contract Appeals CormeJJ Major.- start-up firm dedicated to becoming a leader in History (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I J.D. (Tulane U.) Spouse.' this new area. But, my entrepreneurial instincts visitors I. Nina Broad Borwick, Queens College, 1968. ChI'JdreJ].I Abigail were two years too early and I was trying to raise spencer (Class of '04) and Carter (Class of Molly Borwick, b 9/22/83. AffJ®JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'vifI'eS.I American 'o8) are a long way off from thinking about Bar Assn. $30 million from venture capitalists in a bad market. The corporation was dissolved last year. colleges. They are both active in the Town of I reentered management consulting with A.T. Marblehead's sports programs -SOCCer, Kearney, one of the original founders of the basketball, baseball and tennis. We9re proud of profession, and am working with the federal their athletic prowess and look forward to many government, aerospace and other high technology years of watching them grow and participate. manufacturers, and computer companies in The pace of life has increased and although we exactly the area in which I had formed my own always make time for those things that are truly firm - industrial networking, concurrent important to us, it does seem to be harder to do engineering, and extended-enterprise integration. all the good and fun things available. I911 miss the I have come full circle from Cornell in both class of 1967 25th with much regret. But please business and technology. Oh yes, we just added a know I911 be at a family reunion in Wyoming at a yellow Labrador puppy to the family. good old fashioned calf branding! I91l also be thinking of my many friends from Cornell. James Arvid Brady 6904 Kitty Hawk Drive Pensacola, Fla. 32506 Home.. (904) 456-5083

occupafI'On.I Retired Naval officer. CorneJJ Major.I Zoology (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.-MS, John Carroll university, cleveland. Spouse.-Barb (DeShong), Clarion university of pA, '66, Teacherthomemaker. CThI'Jdren.- Heather Laurel, 2/26/70 & Brooke Amanda, 5/3/73', both at Pensacola JC AfrI'JI'afjOnS & AcfI'VI'fJeS.I Aerospace Medical Association (Fellow), Girls Youth Soccer. Honors.I Elected Fellow of AsMA (above) '90; Meritorious Service Medal w/ Gold Star; Special Award in Naval Aerospace Physiology, 84; 15 technical pubs or George Willox Bolln Jr. papers in aviation medicine. 14 Arthur Ave. L. Cordon Booth Marblehead, Mass. 01945 65 Old Stonefield Way Reflecting on the last 25 years of my life, Home.. (617) 631-2271 Pittsford, N.Y. 14534 especially after just completing 22 years of naval OffI'Ce.. (617) 594-3114 Home.. (716) 248-8962 service, is truly a proustian exercise. While Barb OffI'Ce.. (716) 588-6645 put me through grad school in Cleveland, Ijoined occupafjon.I Marketing Mgr. General Electric (Aircraft the Navy (one day before I was drafted) and Engineer) CorneJJ Major.- Mech. Engr. ~Thermal Science occupafI'On.I Product Manager, Eastman Kodak. CormeJJ Major.- finished my MS expecting a 3yr tour, then more (Mech. Engr. Sibley School) Advanced Degrees.I MME '68, Electrical (Englneering) Advanced Degrees.I MBA - University comell, MBA '7l Boston Univ. Spouse.-Nancy Dunlap Bolln, of Michigan. Spouse.- Susan E. Booth - grad school. what I got, instead, was naval plymouth state Teachers College (UNH '72) ChI'jdren.-Spencer 1973 - Housewife. CJ]jjdren.I Kristian Scott 8-6-74 Pittsford aviation, and we stayed for a career. Barb and I Dunlap Bolln 4 March 1982, (H.S. '00, College '04), Carter Mendon High School '92, Jennifer Phaedra 5-18-78 Pittsford have lived in CA, MD, TX, VA, and FL, and pfeifer Bolln 9 October 1985 (H.S. '04, College '08). Middle School '98 raised two young women during those 22 years. AffiJI'afI'OJ]S & Ac[I'VI-fjeS.-Tennis, Skiing, Home Movies, Foreign Travel. Soccer coach for youth soccer group. Honors.' we9ve lived and worked with fighter pilots (yes, , Business School honorary l971. Pi Tau at TOPGUN), test pilots (some became Sigma, Engineering Honorary, 1967. astronauts), bureaucrats (who infected me with their stultifying virus), engineers (civil and aero), A degree in Mechanical Engineering from and physicians (especially flight surgeons.) It's cornell opened the door to General Electric and all been GREAT, but some special experiences I'm still there after some 24 years of hard work, include: **As the Navy's first base ecology many diverse assignments and increased officer, I put my Cornell training to good use responsibility. My time at GE Aircraft Engines implementing some of the first environmental has been truly exciting: aerospace high 65 Programs. Brandt, Cornell & Sarah Lawrence, 970, Psychotherapist **I studied national security strategy at the Children.' Ka,`e Brz\ndt L219184-DOG Affiliations & Activities.® American Psych Assoc., Califomia Psych., Assoc., Northem National War College with many, including COL Ca. Self Psych Assoc., Director Muir Beach Community Higgins, who became familiar to us as world Services District, Muir Beach Volunteer Fire Dept. Honors.® events unfolded in the last few years. Field trip to NIMH Fe\\ow Books.- Is That All There Is? Overcoming Africa topped the course. Disappointment in an Age of Diminished Expectation; Don-t **As a USN representative to NATO committee Stop Now, You're Killing Me, Sadomasochism in Everyday Lifie on aerospace medicine R&D, with Barb I have made many friends in the international When I left Ithaca at the age of 22, I thought I aeromedical community. I improved my French, knew most of what there was to know and learned German, tried to learn Turkish. certainly all that was worth knowing. My life **Capped my Navy career with a tour as since then has been nothing if not a process of Commanding Officer of the Naval Aerospace unraveling that assuredness. Medical Research Laboratory, complete with all The facts: After Cornell I went to Rabbinical Gwynne Fowler Briggs the leadership and management challenges a Seminary but could not reconcile my atheism. I 23 Glenwood Terrace federal institution can provide. married a woman I actually met in the lobby of Kennebunk, Me. 04043-1525 After six years here, we9ve decided to make Willard Straight Hall on the way to the Ivy Home.. (207) 985-8792 Pensacola our home. The girls go to school Room. It9s still going on in its fourth or fifth OffljlCe.. (207) 799-7346 locally, and we have a network of friends and metamorphosis. I taught school briefly, came to activities too rich to leave. A newly formed California and with a sense of liberation - never OccupafJ'On.I Program Management and Development in Comell Club of NW Florida and my Alpha Delta environmental englneering firm for a U.S. DOE/private felt before or since - dove into self exploration, cooperative agreement to develop an advanced, coal-fired Phi alumni activities keep me in touch with eastern mysticism, and magic mushrooms. I power Hague Intemational, 3 Adams St. South Portland, Maine Cornel1. I frequently remember the wonderful became a psychologist, worked on the frontlines O4106 cycle. ComeJj Major.a Chemistry (College of Arts & time I had at the 20th reunion, and can't wait for with the poor and severely disturbed, wrote Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- MBA, University of Southern the 25th. Maine ChI'Jdren.I Megan E. Briggs, 3/5/70, Harvard College, several books, spent time on television, had a 1992; Sarah C. Briggs, lO/22/71, Hobart William Smith daughter (not planning to attend Cornel1, sorry) College (Geneva, N.Y.) 1994; Joshua F. Briggs, 1/29/73, who cured me of my narcissism, developed a University of Notre Dame, l995. Affl'JI-afjOnS & Acrjvjfjes.a successful clinical practice, taught graduate American Chemical Society; New England Division of the Air and Waste Management Association; Scholarship Chairman, school, wrote some more, tried stand up comedy American Businesswomen's Association ( 1989-199l); state and and never quite beat back my mid-life crisis. national political activity Falmouth Town Chair,1990, Re-Elect The truth: Life has been harder than I thought Governor McKernan (Maine's Governor); formerly Town but also more compelling. I've been surprised at Chair, Cohen for Senator; former member, Governor9s Advisory Commission to the Environmental Health Unit. both the seduction of convention and my ability to withstand it. I've struggled to keep my heart The onset of a 25th reunion cannot help but open, my mind creating, and my belly laughing. I've been lost and found many times. I've leamed give pause to reflect. Reflecting upon my life at Cornell, I realize how focused were the that asking good questions is more important than dimensions of our lives there - study, study and arriving at good answers. The most difficult more study, interspersed with a few parties and challenge in my life has been to convert an J. Yancey Brame extracurricular activities, and few responsibilities. abiding sense of entitlement into an attitude of 20 Greenridge Lane All of this is written with the hindsight developed West Hartford, Conn. 06107 gratitude. My family and my lifework have been as a result of the wonderful and painful years my anchors in all things. OffI'Ce.. (203) 583-1847 since then, and many eclectic and diverse experiences. I feel very fortunate as a woman to Occupafjon.a Mfg. Exec., Whitman Controls Corp. ComeJ/ say that I have 66had it all9I -or at least sampled Major.a Hotel Advanced Degrees.a MBA Columbia Spouse.I Sarah J. Brame, Manhattanville '81. ChI'Jdren.-Ramsey a good part of it'. 10/27/81 Braebum School; William 1/13/83 Braebum School. I traveled through Europe the summer after Aff]'JI'afI'OnS & AcfjvI'rfeS.I Connecticut Policy and Economic graduation, and the intervening space and time Council Trustee. away from academia resulted in the realization that I really was not ready to tackle UCLA grad school in chemistry. I worked at the N.Y. Hospital Department of Biochemistry, affiliated with Cornell Med, and learned that I definitely did not want to work in the isolating environment of a research lab - but did not yet know what I did want to do! Later that year I met and married Susan Plesser Brenner a physician whom I met at Mad River Glen 10602 Candlewick Rd. skiing, and typically, we moved around quite a Stevenson, Md. 21153 bit following his career through residency and the Home.. (301) 484-6439 military service. We had two young children and a third on the way by the time we settled in OccLJPafI'On.-Homemaker/Volunteer. CorneJJ Major.I Arts Portland, Maine, and in the meantime, I had Advanced Degrees.I Masters Equivalent Queens College discovered the creative and fulfilling rewards of David Brandt Englishffid. Spouse.-Joel I. Brenner, MD. BA Univ. of Pa '66; combining parenting and environmental and Star Route 208 N.Y. Med. Coll '70; Assoc. Prof. Pediatric Cardiology ChJ'Jdren.a Sean ll/13/7l Univ. of Rochester 993; Beth 2/I I/73 citizen activism (volunteer work). The Muir Beach, Calif. 94965 Univ. of Rochester '95. AffJII'afI'OnS & AcfjvI'rfeS.I Pikes H.S. environmental movement had first captured my Home.. (415) 388-8044 PTSA rec'd secy; Nat'l. Council Jewish Women. intellect during the early seventies while on the Off1'Ce.I (415) 563-1040 West Coast, and I threw all my energy into biodegradable detergents and public education, OccupafI'on.- Clinical Psychologist, Author, Consultant ComejJ always with a youngster in tow; this was Major.a ILR Advanced Degrees.a Ph.D., MA, Columbia Univ., Califomia School of Prof. Psychology Spouse.' Laurie Klinger followed by years of work in Maine on water

66 quality issues, hazardous waste, farmland Area Housing Partnership Honors,I National Science Foundation preservation, and the emergent conflict of energy Grant, Georgetown Law Jouma1. and environmental issues. In the meantime we had bought a small Maine Two are most important. One, a person; the farm, were raising our three children, Megan, other, a decision. Sarah and Joshua - and were tending sheep, The person: Marian 66Flink" Brodsky. From chickens, ducks, vegetables, in between studies, our first day together at Comell, on the first day soccer lessons, gymnastics, ballet, and the of Freshman Orientation, when we met at the League of Women Voters. In one of life9s then revolving altar of Anabel Taylor Hall, kissed interesting twists, although moving to the farm on suspension bridge, and walked around Beebe was a statement of some self-sufficiency and Lake holding hands and joking about our future retreat, we discovered shortly after our move marriage which, as a result, was said to be inevitable; through being pinned, again on there that one of the original Superfund Mary Mosher Briggs hazardous waste sites was a scarce three miles suspension bridge, two years later; through R.1Box130 from our drinking water well. Although we never marriage after graduation and, now, our own Tumer, Me. 04282 suffered any contamination, it has been a well- twenty-five year continuing celebration of remembered lesson in life9s web of inter- Home: (207) 225-3724 sharing and family, there is no one more connections. important. Occupafjon.I Farmer, Brigeen Farms Inc. Cormejj Major.I Ag. The decision: to start, from scratch, with three Four years of this juggling act and labors of Economics (Agriculture) Spouse.- Stephen Briggs, Univ. of love resulted in my voluntary retum to the work Maine '65, farmer. CThjJdren.a Elizabeth, 10-12-73, Comell 996, others equally foolhardy, a Washington, DC - force as the assistant to the environmental Katherine, 4-9-81, Vivian 2-20-82. Affl'Jjafjons & AcfI'VI'fjeS.- based finance-oriented law firm to work in the Tumer Comprehensive Planning Committee, Chairman Leavitt director of a regional govemmental agency, and national housing and transportation sectors, and Institute Trustees, Chairman Executive Committee Secretary- to be able to look forward, next year, to marking, the children four years older and more Treasurer, Pine Tree Holstein Assoc.1975-1990 Honors.a Cattle independent. The professional world was judging assignments in Japan, Canada, and several states in with fifty others, the fifteenth anniversary of that beckoning, and after several years there, I U.S. adventure. Indeed, given a couple more years of returned to graduate studies for an MBA. Four practicing together, we may even get it right. My four years at Cornell offered an exciting years of late night studies until one and two a.m., while balancing the demands of a now adolescent exposure to ideas and people of different beliefs, family of accomplished students, musicians, and giving me new perspectives and awareness. Now athletes, and working part-time, took its toll on my children are doing those things which I only my energy but brought us all closer together - dared dream about at their ages. It is a wonderful through the rocky period of a divorce, and a feeling to be able to help them fulfill their bittersweet ending to the farm life and abrupt potential. With the oldest accepted for admission retum to the 6trea1" world. June of 1988 saw me to Comell in the fall of '92 after a year of fitting cattle and working on farms in Australia and proudly receive my MBA and Megan off to Harvard College, with Sarah and Josh following England, I like to think that I have kept growing in quick succession to their collegiate worlds. in my knowledge particularly in my life9s work in The present finds Sarah, a pre-vet student who animal agriculture endeavoring constantly to stretch the efficiency and productivity of dairy just finished a freshman year at Hobart-William smith and Josh an enthusiastic freshman at rdotre cattle and now sheep. Curiously I live in a small Marian FIinker Brodsky rural town quite similar to the one where I grew Dame. Megan is approaching her senior year as a 7104 Millwood Road up - I think my Comell experience left one with a government major who speaks Japanese and is Bethesda, Md. 20817 very interested in environmental studies. The greater appreciation of this small town and of my Home.. (301) 320-4913 present finds me more than sufficiently place in it and the larger world. challenged as the Program Manager of a $6.6 Occupafjon.a Art history instructor. CorneJJ Major.I Child Million dollar cooperative agreement between the Development (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.a Bank Street MA U.S. Department of Energy and some lead in Ed. U of Maryland MA in Art History. Spouse.-Jim Brodsky, Cornell Engineering, Attorney Cf]I'jdren.a Michael 12-7l-71 players in national r & d in combustion, with a Yale Sophomore; Dan 5-9-74, High School Senior AffI'JI'afI-OnS mission of developing an advanced coal-fired & AcfjvjfI'eS.a PTA's, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Children's power cycle that is state-of-the-art in its Hospital. efficiency. I have been working for three years for this small, high tech Maine firm since 1988 This is tough ... reflecting on my life when its when I left banking and successfully repackaged only half done. Itd much rather wait for the my scientific background, environmental fiftieth reunion when I have a better idea of how interests, and business acumen, for the job it all turned out. I guess for most the direction market. Acclerating the commercialization of and shape of their lives is pretty well set. I think coal-fueled gas turbine technology for the I9m just beginning ... A new phase is coming and generation of electricity cleanly and efficiently James A. Brodsky rather than reflect Itd like to just dive in. has obvious national security and economic 7104 Millwood Road The years since Cornell have surprised me in implications, which daily enhance the value of Bethesda, Md. 20817 many ways. I've been lucky. The surprises have my work. Tennis, skiing, gardening, aerobics, all been good. The one steady and constant Home.. (301) 320-4913 and the piano intersperse my world of worked - component in all of it has been my husband, Jim OffI'Ce.. (202) 628-2000 and I am eager to compare notes with my Cornell Brodsky. We were headed for graduate school in peers next June! OccLIParI'On.a Attomey/Founding Partner, Weiner, McCaffrey, New York. He to Columbia for a Master's in Brodsky, Kaplan & Levin, P.C. CorneJJ Major.-Electrical Engineering, me to Bank Street for a Master's in Engineering (Electrical Engineering) Advanced Degrees.I Education. Twenty,-five years later he is an Columbia U (M.S.E.E.) Georgetown U. (J.D.) Spouse.a Marian attomey and I7m an art history buff -both of us Flinker Brodsky (GRNS '67, Bank Street College ('68) Univ. of Md. (990) Teacher/Art Historian ChI'jdren.I Michael Ian with more degrees. We were going back to our (12/21/71; Yale Univ. (94)) Daniel Adam (5/9/74; Walt home town where our families lived. Home is Whitman H.S. (92)) Affl'JI'afjOnS & AcfI'VI'fjeS.-Chairman of now Washington D.C. and has been since 1968. Commissioner, Montgomery County (Md.) Housing And what happened in the intervening years? Opportunities Commission', Executive Committee Washington

67 our careers seemed set, as did our outlook. It was before our reunion!). In those years new mothers my speciality, Neuropsychology, and spending only with the advent of the boys, Michael and tended to take more extensive maternity leave l2 stimulating years in research and clinical Dan in 1971 and 1974 that a different perspective than most do today and furthermore, I looked Neuropsychology at Columbia-Presbyterian set in. The consumer champion in Jim had to give forward to motherhood. I had always enjoyed Medical Center in New York. Then I way to a career that could support a family of working with children (as I did during summer rediscovered the outdoors that I grew up with in four. The idea of working with young kids all day vacations and while at Cornel1) and now I had the New England and Upstate New York, and I and then coming home to my own left me with no opportunity to enjoy my own child! Four years began hiking, backpacking, canoeing; all modes energy. So changes were made, lives and needs later Daniel was born (he will be 17 in August of transportation into the wilderness, especially were accommodated. Jim is in a firm that he and will complete high school in 1992). When the Adirondacks. Throughout all that has started and I9m working towards combining art Daniel was ready for nursery school, I was ready happened in my adult life since then, my history with education. Our kids are doing well. to return to work. This time, I began teaching enjoyment of wilderness activities has sustained They have their own strengths and sense Of blind adults on a one-to-one basis at the me. I and some friends revived the Knickerbocker Chapter of Adirondack Mountain purpose. One is a sophomore at Yale and the Lighthouse in N.Y.C. Since 1979, I have been a other is in the midst of applying to colleges for mathematics instructor at the City University of Club from a doldrums, beginning in 1983. 1992. New York. Two great tragedies have occurred in my adult Next year will bring a whole new kind of Even my volunteer activities also seem to life: one was the death of my younger brother, existence when both boys are in college. I9ve involve education. I have always been active in Chuggy, who was also my good buddy, from loved the life of 66Mom" but I am also looking the parent-Teachers Association of my children's suicide, in 1979. In 1988, my second husband forward to a life for just the two of us. I feel as if schools. Several years ago I became a CAAAN Victor, a hemophiliac, died of AIDS. I report this Iive been on a merry-go-round but instead ofjust volunteer and for the last three years I have to remind others that AIDS potentially touches any of us. Before I was tested, at one point I was going round and round it's taken me on a route alternately been chairperson and co-chairperson that's been challenging and exhilarating at each of the Stuyvesant High School Committee. a hospital patient with a pink a cinfection control9 9 turn. It's had its ups and downs but what a ride Initially, I elected to serve on this committee sign on my door (since I was a member of a high it9s been. I don9t know what turns are ahead but if because my daughter was a student there but have risk group). the next half is like the first, I can hardly wait! continued since my son entered Stuyvesant the Having survived my family of origin, the same year my daughter graduated. We have about rigors of my graduate education and initiation 50 committee members (and we welcome more) into my career, my heady years as a single and a large number of prospective Cornellians professional person in glittering Manhattan (now each year. In fact, this year we had 273 applicants I live quietly and sedately in a brownstone in of which 136 were accepted and of that number, Brooklyn), and AIDS, I can now say, walking up 59 will attend this fall! a mountain in the Catskills under a bright blue Our family has always enjoyed dividing our sky and surveying those gentle peaks and deep time between living in the city where we cols so softly blanketed with foliage, grey green participate fully in its myriad cultural activities red and gold; I can say (knock on wood): I'm a and in the country, having a vacation home in the lucky person. Berkshires (western MA) near Tanglewood. In reflecting on these last 24 years since graduation, it is sobering to note how quickly a Jane Price Brof quarter of a century can pass! 75 Henry Street Brooklyn, N.Y.11201 Home.. (718) 875-6139 OffI'Ce.. (718) 260-5780, (212) 618-1285

Occupatr'on.I College Instructor (Mathematics) City University of N.Y. New York City Technical College, Borough of Manhattan Community College CorneJJ Major.a Child Development/Family Relationships (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.I Master of Arts, Teachers College, Columbia Unlversity Spouse.a Richard H. Brof; Georgia Tech, James Bronwel] Class of 1956; Banker ChjJdren.I Julie Kate Brof; Stuyvesant 583 Thompson Ave. H.S., Cornell University, Class of 1992; Daniel Lee Brof, East Haven, Conn. 06512 Stuyvesant H.S., Class of 1992 Affl'JJ'afjOnS & AcfjvJ'rjeS.a Parent-Teachers Association (Vice-President & Treasurer), Home.. (203) 467-0024 Comell Alumni Admissions Ambassador Network (Committee Melinda Broman Office.. (203) 467-2907 Co-Chairperson) 160 Congress St. Brooklyn, N.Y.11201 OccuparI'On.a Clergy, Old Stone Church, East Haven, Ct. Con]eJJ Major.a Govemment (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- M.Div-Union It seems that most of my years including and Home.. (718) 858-8559 since Comell have revolved around 6'education." Theological Seminary D. Min-Andover-Newton Theological OffI'Ce.. (718) 270-2035 School. Spouse.' Laura E. Bronwel1, Banker, NYU - 1974. Upon graduation I immediately entered graduate CJ]jJdren.-Robert L. Bronwell l2/5/73, Julianne D. Bronwel1 school - Teachers College, Columbia University OccuparJ-OJ].- Psychologist, SUNY Health Science Center at 8/26/80, Jennlfer D. Crawford 7/1/80, David Crawford I/6/70. - where I received a Master of Arts Degree in Brooklyn ComeJJ Major.I Psychology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I AffiJjarjoJ]S & AcfI-VI'fjeS.al4 years of Community Theater. Regular and Special Education. Fortunately, I Ph.D. AffJ'JjafI'OnS & AcfJVI'fI'eS.a KnlCkerbOCker Chapter, Adirondack Mountain Club, President, took a late summer vacation (in 1968) at a rustic 1983-86; New York State Psychological Association, Council Adirondack resort where I met my husband Representative, 1990-Present; Women9s Advisory Committee, Richard; we were married the following National Hemophilia Foundation, 1988-present; First Unitarian Valentine9s Day. Two weeks later I began Church of Brooklyn AIDS Project, Volunteer group facilitator, l989-present. teaching educable retarded youngsters at a N.Y.C. public junior high school. Two great Among my notable memories/ beginnings.I Eighteen months after the wedding, our accomplishments since graduation: getting my daughter Julie was born (she will be 2l this Ph.D in psychology at Rutgers University, after a August and will graduate from Comell the week long struggle. Discovering what was to become

68 our home in a tropical palm garden, threatened only by the continued drought. Our children, Ethan and Elena, have enriched our lives immensely and still consume most of our leisure time (so expect no list of hobbies). I feel quite isolated from most of the Cornell class of '67 but have fond memories of sorority sisters at Alpha Epsilon Phi, whose accomplishments I hope to discover in this reunion yearbook.

Joan Heller Brown Nora Brockner Brower 1507 Crest Rd. 1230 Park Avenue Del Mar, Calif. 92014 New York, N.Y.10128 Home.. (619) 481-9555 Home.. (212) 860-5045 OffI'Ce.. (619) 534-2595 Office: (212) 772-9732 OccupafI'On.a Professor, U.C. Sam Diego School of Medicine, OccupafjoJ].a Psychiatrist CorneJJ Major.I Science Education CorJ]eJJ Major.I Biology, (Arts & Sciences) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I (Ag) Advanced Degreees.' MA-Columbia University MD -New Ph.D. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Spouse.- Craig A. York Medical College. Spouse.- Ross Brower, University of Brown, M.D.; Adelphi College/Albert Einstein College of Virginia -Psychiatrist. ChjJdrer].-James 12-7-80, Collegiate Medicine Physician. ChjJdren.I Ethan 4-6-79, Elena 3-30-87. School; Elizabeth I 1-ll-83, Spence School AffJ'JI'afI®OJ]S & AffJ'Jjaf]ons & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a American Society for Pharmacology William J. Brucke], Jr. AcrI'Vjfj'eS.I American Psychiatric Association - General and Experimental Mepeutics; American Society for 2209 Chestnut Road Member, American Psychoanalytic Association - affiliate Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Editorial Board-J.Biol member. Chem. Mol Pharmacol; Chair UCSD, Biomedical Science Birmingham, Ala. 35216 Graduate Program; Honors.' Phi Beta Kappa; PMA Faculty Home.. (205) 823-6585 Four years after graduation, having dropped Development Award', American Heart Association Established Office.. (205) 25O-2253 out of graduate school with an M.A. in molecular InvestlgatOr Award; 75 published research articles and book chapters. biology and after working as a laboratory OccupafI'On.I Business Consultant, Self Employed CorneJJ research assistant, I got serious about my future Major.- Economics (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- J.D. Univ. of My four years at Cornell introduced me to the Miami, MBA Univ. of Rochester Dev. Program. Spouse.' and decided to apply to medical school. In many excitement of education and to the concept of Cynthia R., Univ. of Southern Mississippi 1979 ChI'Jdren.- ways the decision was a practical one. For a being a scholar. I did not stop to think about Hannah, 7/I/69, Univ. of South Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1992, 66lady doctor" job security looked bright. I could Matthew 5/ll/71, Auburn Univ.1993. AffjJjafjons & taking time off after graduation, but rather chose AcfI'VI'fI'eS.- Licensed to Practice North Carolina, Florida, and put all the premed courses I had taken as a to continue on in a doctoral program after Alabama. Science Ed major to use. And I could sit here graduation and then began post doctoral work as twenty years later at the beginning of my August soon as I obtained my Ph.D. My research vacation (I'm a psychiatrist) reviewing my life interests have constantly expanded, and there has thinking of Cornell days. I remember what always been much more to learn than time to do writing was like then, working late each so. The demands of doing biomedical research in Thursday night of freshmen year preparing my a high-powered medical school have often English theme. Judy Kelman, then Edelstein seemed overwhelming. Coupled with those of helped by typing having finished her composition raising two children and sustaining a marriage, hours before. It is no surprise to me that she is a the likelihood of a successful career seemed now successful author. greatly compromised. I still have an occasional writing project today There are equal numbers of men and women when I write case reports or notes in hospital entering into the graduate program that I chaired charts but most of what I do is office practice for the past two years. Most of them obtain their treating adults. I also teach medical students and degrees and go on to postdoctoral work but few residents at Payne Whitney Clinic where I did my women seek and obtain academic positions. One William H. Bucher Psychiatry training. During the week I9m almost factor responsible for this phenomenon is that 6929 Nelson Rd. always too busy and frequently remind myself women involved in a dual career family settle for Helena, Mont. 54601 that I9m a working mother and need to adjust my lesser jobs, whether by choice or necessity. I Home.. 406-442-7960 professional goals accordingly. That's how I9ve believe that the expectations for success in an orchestrated the past ten years when my first OffI'Ce.. 406-449-3225 academic position are incorrectly perceived by priority has been raising my son James, 10, and women who avoid these jobs. Most women Occupafjon.I Engineer-Surveyor, Geo Research, Inc. CorneJJ daughter Liz, 7. My husband Ross, also a graduate students lack appropriate role models. I Major.- Engineering Physics (Engineering) Spouse.- Clare psychiatrist, is a very devoted, involved father, find myself cast as one and wonder, at times, if I Bridge, Comell '66, Carroll College - 1976, Teacher Cf]I'jdren.I Keith, July 5, 1980. Aff]'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI-vifjeS.I President York who is an active participant in the kids daily should be. I am not a superstar in the world of lives, thank goodness. Having two shrinks for Community Club (post), President Central Montana Chapter of science and could not teach any of them to be Land Surveyors (past.) parents has not stopped either one of our kids one. I turn down invitations to travel and go to from being solid and social. They both attend school plays in midday. I enjoy the diversity of Since leaving Cornell I wandered west to terrific private schools in Manhattan, that being the campus committees that those more driven Seattle, then east to Europe, finally arriving in one of the main advantages of living here these than I avoid. But somehow it has all come out Montana in 1973, where I live near a small days. On weekends we escape to small town life right, at least for now. I have been promoted, community called York. Originally it was named in East Hampton, N.Y. and catch up with each funded and appointed. Most importantly, I truly after New York but the name has been shortened other. enjoy what I do. out of convenience - I don't think anyone would The future? I911 be more professionally My husband Craig convinced me to leave the ever mistake this place for New York City. involved, or then again I might retire early. east coast and settle in San Diego. We came long Through this journey I have been accompanied enough ago to afford a home in Del Mar with a by Clare Bridge (Class of 966). We live in a 75 view of the ocean. His green thumb has enshrined year old ranch house in a lovely valley with the

69 less lovely name of Soup Creek. Here we raise specializing in land use work and involving some accessible to ordinary users after taking a crash two dogs, two cats, two birds and an eleven year of the same issues that I confronted during my course given by a 609s-inspired computer whiz. old boy named Keith. public interest years. There has been time for friends, movies, My career has taken some tums as well. After As I write this, I am about to join a new law reading, art, occasional sports and hiking, and working in astronomy, computer science, and firm which is a very exciting prospect. I should pursuits related to my frustrated 6Cartsie" side surveying, I have become an engineer be able to combine the private practice with some (which was malnourished during engineering specializing in hydrology and environmental public policy involvement which is important to school). studies. I manage a small office in the nearby me. Having the opportunity to write from time tO I feel lucky to have gone to the gorges place town of Helen for an environmental consulting time has also been satisfying. I do a bi-monthly where any person can find instruction in any company called GeoResearch. column on the New Jersey Supreme Court and it study. I enjoy life in Montana. Besides living in the appears that it is actually read by judges country and gardening, I like to spend time throughout the State, or at least some of them. I backpacking and climbing in the many mountains have also enjoyed working with other land use of this state. I also ski in the mountains in the lawyers throughout the country in an Amiercan winter when they are at their most beautiful. I try Bar Association Committee. to stay active with the small international folk Finally, I should mention my father's passing dance group I helped organize here twelve years in 1979. I was closer to him than I ever knew and ago. Folk dancing is a habit I acquired many that loss has affected me a lot over the years. years ago at Comell.

Ruth Burden 586 Thompson Street Elmira, N.Y. 14904 Home: 607-734-2J68 Office: 607-796-0222

Occupafj'on.I Utility Marketing Specialist, New York State Electric and Gas Corp. CorJIeJJ Major.a Education (Home David A. Buck Economics) Advanced Degrees.I Business, Elmira College AffI'JjafI'OnS & Actr'vI'tr'eS.I AHEA, HEIB, NYSHEA, AAUW Peter Buchsbaum 86 Richdale Ave. #3 Numerous Community Activities with Offices held in all. 126 Bowne Station Road Cambridge, Mass. 02140 Stockton, N.J. 08559 Home.. (617) 661-0823 It's hard to believe that 25 years have flown by Home.. (609) 397-2903 so quickly. After a brief stint as a high school OccuparI'on.- Consultant ComeJJ Major.a Industrial Engineering OffI'Ce.. 908-549-5600 teacher, I explored a different avenue and joined (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.I Master of Regional Planning, a gas and electric utility in New York State. I9ve University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Affl'jjafI'OnS & OccLIPafjOn.I Attorney Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith, Ravin & Acfj'vjfJ'eS.I Organization Development Network, Planners been involved in the utility field ever since, Davis CormejJ Major.a Gov't. (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a JD - Network, Citizens For Participation in Political Action, Boston combining my Home Economics background Harvard Law Schoo1970 Spouse.-Elaine; BA -Hunterdon Computer Society with a business degree, and working in many College '67; MLS, Simmons College '70; Librarian CThjJdreJ].I Aaron, 3/7/83; Andrew 9/27/76; Matthew 10/17/74 Affi'JI'afI'OnS capacities from education to marketing. & AcfI'vifI'eS.' NJ & American Bar Assns.; West Amwell Twp. During my first year away from Ithaca, my Having lived in Central New York for many Recreation Committee; President, Hunterdon County Assn. for interest in public service and issues of economics years, it9s been interesting to follow the many Retarded Citizens; Exec. Comm., NJ State A.R.C., Legislative and employment grew while working as a VISTA changes occurring at Cornell. I greatly enjoyed Committee, NJ State League of Municipalities. Honors.' volunteer in a small mill town on the Columbia Volunteer of the Year, Hunterdon County Assn. for Retarded and valued my 4 years there, and have many fond citizens; Media Award, NJ State Bar Assn.; National Finalist, River. I have pursued those interests ever since in memories of Phillips House parties, long sessions White House Fellowships: Courts Columnist for NJ Reporter the fields of economic planning, community in laboratories, field trips, concerts at Barton, Magazine. development and business (computers) as part of dashes to class across Triphammer Bridge and a long-term career plan. Have also done walks by the gorge. I'm also however enjoying What's been important? Like most of us, I counseling after being trained in the basics of the new directions being taken by my old suppose, career and family. I also spend a lot of psychotherapy. Recently completed a study and College, and seeing the many opportunities time on related outside activities. I got married research project to synthesize this knowledge, opening up for today9s graduates. during law school and by the time of the reunion formulating a concept of economic and Elaine and I will only be about six months short organizational development involving the of our 25th anniversary. We have three children. creation of goodjobs and work places. The oldest has a severe communication handicap Before settling in Boston 12 years ago, I lived which has affected us a lot as a family. I have throughout the U.S., including the West Coast, gotten involved in the Association for Retarded South, Mid-West and Northeast. Spent a blissful Citizens and my wife has founded a support year in Europe and saw a little of Asia. Seeing group in our county. All our children are doing the world was fascinating. But moving gets old. beautifully and we have a great family. Today, I love Boston. I have had, I think, an interesting career. After What has been most important has been the finishing law school, I clerked for the Chief privilege of growing up during the 609s and the Justice of the State of New Jersey and have spent opportunity to apply ideals we grew up with to the rest of my time here. For about seven or eight my work. There has been much satisfaction and years I did public interest law and leamed how to excitement in such experiences as community be a lawyer in that setting. Getting used to private organizing on the streets of Philadelphia, working Kenneth J. Burkhardt, Jr. practice, starting in 1979, was tough but I seemed in political campaigns, planning employment Quaker Lake Farm to finally get the hang of it in the mid-809s and programs for the Commonwealth of developed a relatively decent practice Quaker Town, N.J. 08868 Massachusetts and helping make computers more Home.. (908) 735-8732

70 OffI'Ce.. (201) 3341268 X 135 of the world, often pressed into a resort9s children9s program because Mom needs to know Occupaf]'on.a Executive Dialogic Coap. CtomeJJ Major.a Physics how good the program is from the participant's (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a MS-Rutgers Phc, PhD U. of Wash. Computer Science Spot,Se.I Joanne - Domestic Engineer point of view. Too soon he'll be faced with the CJ]jJdren.I Kenny (2/16/82), Chris (5/31/84), Julianne (8/29/85) decision process which led his parents to cornell. Aff]-JI'afI'onS & AcfI'vifI'eS.' Coach & Play Soccer, Skiing We can only hope he picks as well.

After graduating I spent three years living in New Jersey, working and going to school at night. I decided that a 9-to-5 job was not for me and moved to Seattle to attend the to work on a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Aside from the academic benefits, my time in Craig E. Bush Seattle was well spent working on my lacrosse 105 Stratford Road game, doing some serious skiing and perfecting Wallingford, Penna. 19086 my fly fishing skills. I left Seattle in 1976 to take Home.. (215) 566-9092 a teaching job at Rutgers and a position in a start- OffI'Ce.. (302) 798-6655 up company in New Jersey. It was difficult to leave the North Woods, but not much was going Occupafjon.- Investment Banker, Brandywine Capital, Ltd. on in Seattle in technology. (It started just when I Comejj Major.I Chemical Engineering (Engineering) AdvaJ]Ced Julia Perkins Califano left.) Teaching was great from a free time Degrees.I Master of Chemical Engineering -Comell 1968 MBA 46 Clarke Rd. -Univ. of Delaware 1974 Spouse.a Deborah Weyant Bush, Barrington, R.I. 02806 standpoint, but between my impending marriage Cornell 969, Owner of Park Avenue Travel, Inc. (Travel (and thus need for a real salary) and the politics, I Agency) CJ]jJdren.I Joshua E. Bush 5/22/78, Strath Haven Home.. (401) 247-0271 took a position as a systems architect at Middle School -8th Grade (Cornell, Class of 2000??) Burroughs. This was a very interesting job and Aff]'JjafI'onS & AcfI'VI'rI'eS.I Comell Club of Greater Philadelphia Occupafjon.I Housewife CorneJJ Major.I English (Arts & (Former Treas. & Board); Community Arts Center (Treas, Sciences) Advanced Degrees.a MA, Johns Hopkins University was a good internship to the real world after my Budget Chmn, Board); Wallingford Hills Civic Assoc. (Pres); Spouse.I Nicholas A. Califano, M.D. Brown University, '64, time spent in academia. Delaware County Chamber of Commerce (Commerce University of Rome (Italy) medical school '71 Things really livened up in the early 80's with Chairman); Indian Guides (Chief); NPAA Baseball Coach. gastroenterologist CThI'jdren.I Isabella (7-l5-73), Princeton 995; two new exciting entries in my life: My first son HoJ]OrS.a Beta Gamma Sigma; Published in Konichiwa Gabriel (5-2-75), St. Andrew's School '94; Sophia (5-l3-80) (Japanese Trade Magazine); Retail Management; Focus (Phila. Gordon School. AffiJjafjons & AcfI-VI+I'eS.- President, Barrington was born in 1982 and in 1983 I founded a Business Weekly); Coach-Odyssey of the Mind (Int'l Academic Town Council, 1990 -present; Barrington Town Council, 1986 company in what was then the relatively obscure Creative Problem Solving Competitions) -present; Barrington League of Women Voters, 1976 -present, area of automated voice processing. It was a president 1984-86; Honors.'Nayatt PTA Board, 1978-83, classic garage (or make that barn) start up in that Like many Cornell engineers in the class of president, 1982-83 none of the VC's believed that the company 967, my first year following graduation was spent After graduating from Cornel1, I left for would go anywhere. Dialogic has now grown to obtaining my masters degree in Ithaca. Then it Europe, traveling through England, France, be one of the major players in the industry and I was off to the 6Creal world" -marriage to Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Italy, Yugoslavia and now have the privilege of working 50 or 60 hours Deborah Weyant (Home Ec 969), and application Greece, mostly with Toni Ladenburg. Toni left a week rather than just 40. During this time we of my education producing polyurethane foam for me in Rome where I was to write the Great added two more children and now in addition to a Scott Paper Company. Evenings were spent American Novel. I began my research by getting growing company have three kids to keep me pursuing my MBA, 66the entre to upper ajob in a bar where I met my husband, a medical from getting bored. management". My particular path included student at the University of Rome but originally directing special projects, corporate development, from New Jersey. The novel languished. I spent acquisitions and joint ventures, first for Scott, the summer in Malaysia with my brother, then Kewanee Industries and UGI Corporation returned to the US to get a masters in creative which I left in 1987 as Vice President of Business writing at Johns Hopkins, married and retumed to Development. Realizing that life is too short to Rome in August, 1969. I worked as a translator spend 50f7o of one9s time on the road and away for Istituto Farmacologico Serono to put spaghetti from family, I joined an old acquaintance in a on the table. I also leamed how to cook spaghetti. small investment banking firm where I still We returned to the US in February,1971, where influence the founding and growth of businesses Nick did his internship and residency at while being very involved in my son9s activities, Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia, and I family in general, and contributing where I can to taught loth and 12th grade English at Ravenhill our community. Academy. Isabella was born in July, 1973, and I Debbie, in the meantime, had done some retired. We moved to Rhode Island in 1974, teaching, earned a paralegal certificate, worked Kenneth P. Burros where Nick did his fellowship ln with a law firm, given birth to our son, and 9204 Almond entered the travel industry. In 1987 we bought the gastroenterology, and I produced Gabriel (1975) Alta Loma, Calif. 90701 and Sophia (1980). I baked cookies, drove travel agency she was working with. Debbie has carpools and volunteered, mostly in FTAs and the Home.. (714) 984-0617 since doubled its revenues, establishing one of League of Women Voters. In 1986, I plunged Off]'ce.. (714) 625-5599 the best up-scale independent travel agencies in into the world of partisan politics and ran for the the Philadelphia area. (Anyone for backpacking Occupafjon.a Neurosurgeon, Self Employed CornejJ Major.a Town Council in Barrington, a Providence in Borneo?) Needless to say, travel is now a Zoology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I MD (NY Med Coll); suburb of 15,000. I am now in my third term and family priority and has taken us to many Spouse.-Maureen, McGeorge Sch. of Law (l992), Attorney am President of the Council, presiding at a time Affi'JI'afI'onS & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a Congress of Neurosurgeons, Calif. exceptional and exotic destinations. when Rhode Island is in a deep recession and a Assoc of Neurosurgeons, Am. Coll. of Sports Medicine, Our son, Josh, currently in eighth grade, keeps Christian Medical Society, Board of Am. Red Cross. CJubs.a tax-payer revolt. Budgets, union contract us more than busy with activities ranging from Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Claremont Club, Tri-Fed Assn., U.S. negotiations, elderly housing and comprehensive swimming to theater. He has twice led us to the & Intl. Med. Triathlon Assns. 28 Marathons, 6 Ultra-marathons, land use planning now compete for my attention 70 Triathlons: finisher, Hawaii Ironman, 1986, 1990, Japan World finals of Odyssey of the Mind, an with the laundry, children's soccer games, music Ironman,1990. Co-developer of Ultra Coach, interactive international team creative problem solving software for swim-bike-run. lessons and cooking the pasta. competition. A great traveler, Josh has seen a lot

71 what I really intended to do was write a best selling novel. I regret not taking more courses with the 66biggies" of my day. But we all wish that we had gone to more classes twenty-five years after the fact. As for the future, I plan to get a real estate agent's license in the fall. I continue to write. I see myself at ninety, with a laptop computer on my knees, making waves.

David Crawford Campbell Stephen E. Canter 6146 Via Regla Barkers Point Rd. San Diego, Calif. 92122 Sands Point, N.Y. 11050 Home.. (619) 453-1402 Home.. (516) 883-9565 OffI'Ce.. (619) 297-9131 occuparjon.a Investment Manager, Mitchell Hutchins CorneJj Major.- Economics (Art & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- MBA occupafjon.- ophthalmologist Self-Employed/Solo Practice Columbia cornell Major.-Zoology (Arts a Sc±er\ces) Advanced Degrees: university of Rochester (M.D.) Spouse.I Ines, San Diego State univ. l974 Registered Nurse/Homemaker Cf]I'Jdren.-Jennifer 10-10-85 Kindergarten AffI'JjafI'OnS & Acrl'vI'fI'eS.-AmerlCan Academy of Ophthalmology, Calif. Assn. of Ophthalmology, Holly Mead Cappelletto sam Diego County Medical Society, President-elect San DlegO 5745 N.loth Place Eye Bank. Phoenix, Ariz. 85014 Home.. (602) 274-3496 In 25 years there have been a few opportunities OffI'Ce.. (602) 222-8815 for reminiscing and in fact, in the summer of 1990, I went full-bore in that I attended CAU to oc'cupafjon.- Designer Wyattmhodes Architects CormeJJ Major.I relive the "college experience". It was great fun Fine Arts (Printing) Arts & Sciences, Then Architecture Art & and I recommend it to all of you fellow grads. planning Spouse.a Widowed - Franco Cappelletto Comell '67 Now I get a chance to think about the 66good old Engineer -Died 1973 ChI'Jdren.-Brian 9/20/69 UCLA ASU AffiJjafjoJ]S & AcfI'VI®treS.I Phoenix Union HS District Advisory days" again. Councl1, Business Partnership cornell and Ithaca have, of course, changed. They must. Goodness knows we have-just look at Joyce Moye Cantor 410 Accomac Rd. what 25 years has done to our hairlines and Wyncote, Penna.19095 physiques. A quarter-century has changed the way we do a lot of things. My college typewriter Home.. (215) 576-6953 is confined to a distant corner in the attic and I occupafjon.I self-Employed CorneJJ Major.I Hotel Adm. write this on a computer and print it on a magical 66black box" in seconds -without erasures Or spouse.-Robert Cantor, B.S., Hotel '68, President -Insinger Machine Co. ChI'Jdren.-Rebecca (Rebbie) 12-20-75; Ari 1 I-9- whiteouts. My slide rule is a relic and may one 82 AffJ'Jjafjons & AcfI'VI'fjeS.I Member - Band of Historic and day be shown to my 5 year old daughter if I can Architectural Review - Wyncote Historic District. Honors.' class correspondent - Bulletin Comell Society of Hotelmen prepare myself for the questions about my ancientness. I just bought a fax for my office and when I look at the pictures of my Classmates, my mind reels at how much longer I could now and then, I'm struck by how much better- procrastinate meeting deadlines for papers such 1ooking we9ve all become. The men now really as this. Jeff Carlson look like men. And the women have become The changes I saw in Ithaca last year were also 5917-12th Ave. So. softer, prettier. We have weathered storms and those of form. The soul - the people - showed the Minneapolis, Minn. 55417 same friendliness, inquisitiveness, adaptability, given birth. We have come into our prime. who would have guessed that the Hotel School Home.. (612) 866-2334 industriousness, competitiveness, self-reliance, would have prepared me for my Present life? OffI'Ce.. (612) 924-9000 and sense of humor that I remember. Just like us, Twelve years ago, my husband and I bought c6The I suspect Comell has changed in appearance but occupafjon.a Account Manager with a temporary help firm Money Pit". Sure, now it has orchids growing in not in spirit. Award Temporary Services CorneJJ Major.' Business an enclosed porch off my bathroom. But in the Those traits and the Cornell education have Management (Agriculture) beginning, it was just like the movie. At Statler, I helped me go on to medical school, start a learned to speak 6ttradesmen". The food and Cornell instilled a spirit of inquiry in me which practice, raise a family, and enjoy life. There have been challenges, high times, and low times beverage courses have also come in handy along has led me down many interesting paths through the way. but the important experiences have been with the the years, and for that, I will always be grateful. so besides being a hostess and general The years since graduation have been a bit people - the friends who have been the constant contractor, what have I done for the last twenty- through life. I9ve had a fine time! rocky for me in the area of personal health, as five years? I have two children, ages eight and So when we meet in Ithaca, it9s more to see the Iove had to learn how to cope with a nasty fifteen, bright, funny, socially-aware children. I physical affliction called Ankylosing Spondylitis people than the place, more to share experiences had a business designing kitchens and bathrooms. than show off, more to have a good time with old (stiff spine and neck). The lesson of the I god-mothered my neighborhood into a National friends than anything else. See you there'. importance of committing oneself to a life-long Historic District and now sit on the architectural program of physical fltneSS has been driven home review board. I've been active in our synagogue to me in a manner unlike that found in any and in my childrens' schools. textbook. At the same time, I9ve had the what are my regrets? Surprisingly few. I think opportunity to savor the fruits of intellectual I should have been an English major. All along, pursuits.

72 As a stockbroker, business owner, and in my current position as an account manager for a temporary help firm, I've interacted with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, and the diverse knowledge I acquired at Cornell has served me well through the years. cornell is truly a grand university and I view my cornell Degree as one of the major accomplishments of my life. My memories of Cornell are sweet beyond description, and I send my hearty thanks and best wishes to all the wonderful characters with whom I had the privilege of sharing so many great Sara Citron Casher Susan Johnson Cassell times. 110 Pond Brook Road 177 Newtown Tumpike Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 Westport, Conn. 06880 Home.. (617) 969-3687 Home.. (203) 227-4889 OffI'Ce.. (617) 232-9111 OffI'Ce.. (914) 288 3118

occupafjoJ].-Controller, Casher Assoc., Inc. CormeJJ Major.a occL,ParjOn.I Computer marketing IBM ComeJJ Major.I French child Development (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I M.S.W. (Arts) Advanced Degrees.-M. Phil ('70) and Ph.D. ('73) -Yale from Boston University '69. Spouse.a Cornell '65, M.I.T. 969, spouse.a Arthur J. Cassell Manhattan College 1956 Personnel president of casher Assoc. Inc. and C.E.O. of RECAP, Inc. Director, IBM CfrI'Jdren.-William Clark, July l3, 1976, High cJ]jjdren.-Any 3/2/74 Wesleyan Univ '95; Deborah 10/17/70 school sophomore AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & AcfjvI'fjeS.a Book Industry Brown Univ. (currently on leave of absence) Study Group Honors.a Phi Beta Kappa

As I watched my daughter, Amy, go off to The past 25 years have been very busy and college, I was reminded of many happy memories challenging for me. Four years of undergraduate of cornell. I loved the scenic beauty of the area revelry were followed by six grueling years of and the intellectual challenge of many of my Sherry Carr graduate school at Yale. At the end of it, I had a classes. Most importantly, at Cornell I met my 1602 Harris Rd. ph.D. in French but poor job prospects. After a wonderful husband Jon (Come11965). Laverock, Penna.19118 couple of years of teaching with no hope Of I am very proud of the numerous tenure, I applied for a job at IBM and have just Home.. (215) 836-2489 accomplishments of both my daughters, Amy,17, finished my 17th year. I7ve had various positions OffI'Ce.. (215) 341-7224 and Deborah, 20. Over the years, they have raised in marketing and product development, and my feminist consciousness and have been a occupafjon.' Attorney, Certain Teed Corp CorneJJ Major.' currently I work with book publishers. IBM has History (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MILR '70 Cornell, JD tremendous source of pleasure and inspiration. been a terrific experience; I7ve traveled around Brooklyn Law School 779. Spouse.I John McGinley, Drexel Amy, who just graduated from high school with the world and have worked with some univ, 1957, V.P. Manufacturing Operations. ChjJdreJ].-Jason many honors, seems to be off to a good start at extraordinary people. 12/24/77 Cedarbrook Middle School High School l996 Wesleyan University. After two years at Brown AffJ'Jjafjons & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a Philadelphia Women's Network - In 1976, my son Bill was bom. He has become Board of Directors, American Bar Association, PA & NY State university, my older daughter, Deborah, has a 15-year-old electronics nut; he has every game Bar Associations, Delaware Valley Corporate Counsel decided to take some time off to try working in system ever made. And don9t say anything bad Association. the a 6rea19 ' world and living on her own. about the NY Mets. Or the Giants. Or the After Cornell, I received a Masters Degree Rangers. I have actually become conversant in from the Boston University School of Social SPOrtS. work. Although I worked for only a few years in My husband Art and I just celebrated our first the field of psychiatric social work, I have anniversary. We have a wonderful life together. attended numerous courses and seminars over the we travel to France, play tennis, listen to music, years in order to keep my social work license and escape to our newly-acquired home in current. since 1979, I have worked as Controller sanibel, Florida. And, of course, we go with his of a software company started by my husband, sons and mine to Jets games. Another reason for casher Associates, Inc. As we all struggle to cope me to know something about sports. with the effects of the poor economy, Jon has As for myself, I like to take long walks (a habit launched a second company, RECAP, which acquired at Comell), putter in the garden, listen to specializes in helping large corporations to opera, watch birds, and do crossword puzzles. recover erroneous payments made to vendors. Through travel and reading, I9ve kept up my Henry Caruso RECAP's first year has been very successful. ability to speak French. Who knows, maybe I91l 7814 Solari Court while supporting my husband9s various business find a professional use for it one day. Pasadena, Md. 21122 endeavors and raising two children have occupied Home.. 301/255-6475 much of my time to date, I hope in the future to OffI'Ce.. 301/765-2541 get back to working in the field of social work.

occupafjon.a (Fellow) Mechanical Eng'r. Westinghouse Electric comeJJ Major.-Mech. Eng.'g (B.M.E.) (Engineering) CJ]jJdreJ].' Adam 2/16/77 Aff]'JI-afjOnS & Acfj'vjfI®eS.I Past President & Technical Editor - Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES) American Society of Aviation Artists (ASAA)

73 winding down, the drug war in the S.E. U.S. was getting underway. After four years as a State Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, I realized that in the conflict between governmental power and the rights of the individual, the accused citizen was losing; however, the accused pays better than the accuser! On the home front, I tried to follow Abraham Lincoln's advice to young lawyers: 66make a life, not a living." I married Sharalyn Davis, a Hoosier homecoming queen who was completing her education at Miami. She taught school while I Jam Garden Castro Margaret Causey started a private practice and then became a 7420 Cornell 2747 Tramway Circle, NE partner in the firm. Along the way, we have been St. Louis, Mo. 63130 Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87122 blessed with two beautiful daughters Brittany Home.. (314) 725-0602 Home.. (505)296-8319 (l4) and Lindsay (I I), who, when not immersed in studies, dance, or school activities, love to OffI'Ce.. (505) 884-8282 Occupaf,on.- Author, teacher, Llndenwood College Come// travel. In the last few years, we have especially Major.I Design (H. Economics, now H. Ecology) AdvaJ]C`ed OccupafJOn.I Lawyer, Keleher & McLeod, PA Come// Major.I enjoyed visiting college campuses and have seen Degrees.I B.A., English, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, l967 Government (Arts & Sclences) Advanced Degrees.I MIA such schools as Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and Publlshing Certiflcate, Radcliffe College, l967; M.A.T. Eng., Columbla University, J.D. Harvard Law School. Washlngton U., l974 Spouse.' divorced from Mlchael Castro, Williams but I saved the best for last! Look poet and college Associate Professor of English Chj/dren.a one forward to seeing you in June! son, Jomo J. Castro, b. 29 December l972, now a Soph.1n Business School at Indiana UnlVerSlty

Why did I spend two years at Cornell instead of four? The Viet Nam War and poetry influenced my decision to transfer from Home Economics into English at U. of Wisconsin, Madison. Most of the poets in A. R. Ammons' seminar and some of "my" teachers, including political scientist Theodore Lowi, also moved on. In Madison, the Cornell contingent in Law School spear-headed activist movements. I studied with world class professors, such as James Merrill, interviewed Pablo Neruda, and Tom CazeI began publishing essays and poems. 115 Royal Palm Drive Theresa Dickason Cederholm In 197l, after travels in Europe and Asia, I Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33301 180 Beacon St. married New Yorker Michael Castro, then a poet Home.. (305) 527-0917 Boston, Mass. 02116 and graduate student in English at Washington Home.. (617) 536-4768 OffI'Ce.. (305) 525-3441 University. Though we divorced in l979, we Office: (617) 227-3956 remain friends. Today our 19-year-old son Jomo Occupaf,on.I Trial Attomey Doumar, Cazel, Curtls, Cross and J. Castro is a sophomore majoring in Business at Laystrom CorJ]e// Major.I Rhetoric (Speech and Drama) (Arts & OccupafjoJ].I Director of , Soc. for Preservation of N. Indiana University. As a romantic, I can picture Sciences) Advanc`ed Degrees.I Juris Doctor (J.D.) University of Eng. Antiqultles Come/J Major.- Art history/Comp. Llt. (A&S) Miami Spouse.- Sharalyn Davis Cazel, Indiana Unlversity and Advanc`cd Degrees.- M.S. Slmmons College. Spouse.I John T. myself 6tbeing in love" again! Being a mother UnlVerSlty Of Miami (Delta Gamma) B.S. '72 ChJ/drCJ].I Cederholm, Comell A&S. B.A. Hlstory l964. Fund Manager and teaching (since Fa111971) have each been Brittany 03/29/78 Plne Crest School, '96 Lindsay Lelgh rewarding. Ol/06/81 Pine Crest School, '99 AffJ'/jafJOnS & AcfI'VItJ'eS.I Pine My past publications in the arts point to my Crest School Alumni Association (Past President); Comell Club of Broward County (Past Presldent); Elder in the First current projects. In researching Tf]e Art & life of Presbytarian Church of Fort Lauderdale; Former State Georgia O9Keeffe (Crown, 1985), I interviewed Attomey; Former Member/Chairman of the Ethics Committee, Ansel Adams and many gifted individuals and Florida Bar Association; National Association of Crimlnal read over ten thousand documents. I credit the Defense Lawyers. book's success (over 100,000 copies sold, now in eighth printing) in part to my use of figurative In May of 1967, the fraternity held a dinner for language (from Advanced Poetry at Cornel1), the graduating seniors. At that point in my which infers more about the artist and her Cornell career, since I was reasonably confident creations than I could legally say at that time - that I would graduate, I happily attended. At such and less than others have crudely speculated dinners, it was customary to stand and announce what plans, if any, the senior had for his future. since. The scholarly book that I co-edited Thomas Charlton simultaneously, Margaret Afwood.- VI'sjon and While my classmates proudly proclaimed their intentions to grasp graduate degrees from such 54 Afterglow Ave. Forms (Southern Illinois U P, 1988), offers Verona, N.J. 07044 divergent perspectives on Atwood, her hallowed institutions as Harvard, Stanford and Home.. (201) 744-8749 multidisciplinary oeuvre, and readers' responses. Cornell, I declared, amidst snickers and guffaws, Research for one prospective book requires me to that I would return to my home State of Florida OffI'Ce.. (201) 744-6960 spend months in Paris, and, probably, to miss the and attend law school at that bastion of academic excellence, The University of Miami. OccupafJOn.- Consultant, Montclair Financlal Technology reunion, which I'll savor via the Yearbook. ComeJJ Major.' Govt. (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I MBA -Comell Here9s to reading your words, sister and fellow There were worse places to be in the late 609s '69 Spouse.I Charlaine Seleen (Maiden Name), U of Michigan '67, Teacher CJ],I/dreJ],-Lauren, 5/70 - William Smith, Class of Cornellians! Cheers! than Sun Tan U in beautiful Coral Gables, Florida. Through the next three years and the Bar 92, Kimberly, 5/72 -Comell Univ. Class of 94 exam, the prospect of rice paddies provided Perseverance. Just as the shooting war in S.E. Asia was

74 moved across the street to Memorial Sloan- into radical psychiatry, and finally into a real, Kettering Cancer Center where I learned about adult love: I met a radical feminist, fell for her new technologies, enteral; and parental nutrition. like a ton of bricks, liked her politics, loved her Becoming one of the ex`perts in the field made me brilliant mind and ballbusting independent spirit, a speaker in demand. During those years, I earned and intuited that this was exactly right for me. a second masters of education in nutrition, had a She and I have been at it now for some fourteen part-time private practice, and did some adjunct married years and our friendship and love grows teaching at Columbia. Then came a job at the as she and I do, in spurts, in ups and downs, in University of Pennsylvania. After l8 months of surprises, through pains and panics -and always cancer and nutrition research I stopped working because we are committed to working at it'. we and went to Penn full time to earn my PhD. After are lucky and I am grateful; and we do work at it, being a full-time graduate student, anything that and work at it in the most serious of ways. Steven N. Chase paid money sounded good and the best job offer And now, as we work at keeping and building 32 Cross Street was in Little Rock. So here I am, having become this love, we both struggle with finding ourselves Dover, Mass. 02030 an educator, researcher, administrator, and in work, both of us still feeling that early- clinical nutritionist with a specialty in geriatric adulthood desire to do something meaningful, to Home.. (508) 785-1242 nutrition support. I've had the opportunity to rub do something that matters, to have work that OffI'Ce.. (617) 638-1729 elbows with ex-Governors, Senators, nurtures the very soul in us - and it is more than the desire to make a contribution, which it is also: Occupafjon.I Systems Englneer, IBM Corporation Corns// Congressmen, and a Surgeon General; traveled Major.I Operations Research & Industrial Engineering the world and made good friends all over the US; so what is it? (Englneering) Advanced Degrees.-Cornel1 -Master of published, lectured, advised; become a leader in A great psychologist, Abraham Maslow, Engineerlng. my profession, accumulated over I million discerned that his whole field - psychology, frequent flyer miles in the process, and loved psychiatry, counseling - was based on the study most of it. I9ve edited 3 books and now edit a of sick people. Freud and Jung, a Jew and a journal. I9ve been recognized by my profession Christian, taught us about our most private inner and honored by an invitation to be the first alum selves from their obsessive and loving attention to present the Dorothy Proud Lectureship at to their patients, those brave and tortured souls Cornell. What an adventure it has all been -and I who came to them for help. Maslow recognized look forward to what waits around the corner. that no one was studying people who were well, people who were perfectly happy, people whose dreams were apparently coming true. Such people exist. Maslow studied them. And he discovered that such people were somehow perfectly in tune with the themselves. And the universe. That such people had lives that were Ronni Chernoff rich and fulfilling, lives full of love and happiness, lives lived as if the finest gods 10 Combonne Court themselves were calling the shots. Lives that Little Rock, Ark. 72211 touched and enriched those about them. Lives Home.. (501) 224-8941 that created things of beauty. Lives in which OffI'Ce.. (501) 660-2031 work was play and love was abundant and free to all who truly sought it. OccupafJ'On.I Nutritionist/Administrator/Associate Director, And this is the work I seek to find for myself. Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, John L. Jimmy Chesire The work my partner and spouse and best friend McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital and University of 121 West South College Street Arkansas for Medical Sciences ComeJJ Major.- Nutrition (Home seeks to find for herself. And it will take ever EconomlCS (Human Ecology)) Advanced Degrees.- MS Yellow Springs, Ohio 45287 increasing knowledge, I surmise, to find and Columbia University, EdM Columbia University PhD Univ of Home.. 513-76J-712J maintain such work. So this madman Wilhelm Pennsylvania AffJ'jI'afI'OJ]S & AcrJ'VI'fjeS.a American Dletetic OffI'Ce.. 513-390-7980 Association - many offices including Chairman, Commission Reich - for he died harassed, hated, reviled, and on Dietetic Registration and Chairman, Council on Research insane -was right: 6CLove, work and knowledge and Board of Director; AmerlCan Society for Parenteral and Occupafjon.I Human Services AdministratlOn, Mental Health are the wellsprings of our being." And the Etemal Nutrition board member for 7 years and Secretary for 3; Services for Clark County (MHSCC) Corr]eJJ Major.I Political involved in more professional activities than space allows Science (Arts & Sciences) AcJvanced Degrees.I M.S. Counseling greatest of these is love. Honors.- ADA Foundation Award for Excellence in the Practice & Guidance, Univ. of Nebr. at Omaha (Uno). Spouse.I Robin of Education and Research; A.S.P.E.N. Dietitiants Commitee Suits, George Washington Unlv., Washington, D.C. & Wright Award for Outstanding Contribution; Arkansas Federal State Univ., Dayton, Ohio, l98l; Writer/Editor, Public Employee of the Year; Dorothy Proud Lectureship at Comel1 Relations Office, Wright State Univ., Dayton, Ohio. CThjJdren.' Adrienne Suits Chesire, 7-l9-78, 8th grade, Yellow SprlngS (the first alumna to be invited); Arkansas Dietetic Association Member of the Year, have published 50 articles and abstracts, 3 Hlgh School AffJ'Jjafl'ons & Acfjvj'fJeS.I Coordinator, PERRY books, and edit a joumal tltled c 6Clinics in Applied Nutrition' ' League; non-competitive beginners baseball program - tee-ball program -for girls and boys 2-8 yrs of age. HoJ]Ors.-Home Boy, a novel, published in hard cover by NAL (New American Life has an interesting way of being full of Library) 1989; published ln paperback, Penguin USA,1990. surprises. Reflecting back over the years since we graduated, I find myself amazed at what Wilhelm Reich, a famous psychologist and interesting turns my life has taken. I am most a.uthor o£ The Mass Psychology of Fascism, surprised that I am living in Little Rock, wrote that 66Love. work, and knowledge are the Arkansas and often marvel at the path that wellsprings of our being.'' brought me here. After graduation I moved to I think this is true. Jeffrey A. Chesky Boston to do an internship in dietetics. Research In my first ten years out of college I searched 700 S. Durkin Drive #359 intrigued me so I moved back home to New York for love. I married, went to grad school, got a ton Springfield, Ill. 62704 to earn a masters degree in nutrition from of counseling while learning how to be a Home.. (217) 787-3916 Columbia University. First job took me back to counselor, and got divorced. My search took me Office.® (2L7) 786-6S89 Cornell Medical School - New York Hospital as a deeper into counseling & therapy, into metabolic research dietitian. Four years later I interpersonal & intrapersonal communications, Occupafz'on.- Professor, Sangamon State University C'orJ]eJJ

75 Major.a Zoology/Biological Sciences (Arts & Sciences) larger cable system which ultimately served Advanced Degrees.-Ph.D. University of Miami Spouse.- Annette Stemberg, New England Conservatory of Music, Florida State nearly all of Honolulu and Oahu. Along the way I University, University of Miami (M.M. 1968) pianist CJ]jJdren.a started and then sold a small manufacturing Barry D. Chesky May 31,1975 currently high school junior. company which made computerized videotape AffJ-JjafI'OnS & AcfjvI'tr'eS.I Board of Directors, American Heart control systems. While I was in Hawaii, I also Association, Illinois affiliate; public policy commlttee, Gerontological Society of America; former V.P., Illinois Senior met Trudy Evard, and we were married in Hawaii Olympics; member Gerontological Society of America five years ago. American Physiological Society. Honors.a Fellow of the The cable industry has exploded, and been a Gerontological Society of America; selected publications most exciting place to work. I now find myself at include TheorefjcaJ Aspects of Aging (co-editor); "Linklng mind and body - Biobehavioral aspects of aging" chapter in the corporate office of Time Warner's cable Handbook of Applied Gerontology ¢`Effect o£ physical training television subsidiary, with offices in Stamford, on myocardial enzyme activities in aging rats" in Amer. J. Conn., and operating systems scattered from PhysJ'OJ. BjoJogy ofAgjng -Annotated' Bibliography Nancy Chesser Portland, Maine, through Manhattan, to Orlando 9418 Overlea Dr. and Sam Diego. I'm responsible for engineering, Although graduation is a happy event, for me and research and development - we are currently Rockville, Md. 20850 leaving Ithaca in the summer of 1967 was one of developing technology which will allow us to Home.. (301) 762-1018 the saddest of days, for my four years at Comell deliver 150 cable television channels in New were among the happiest and undoubtedly, the OffI'Ce.. (703) 243-3383 York City this year, and quite probably several most important of my life. thousand cable television choices by the end of After graduation, I entered a Ph.D. program in OccupafI'On.- Physicist, Directed Technologies Inc. CorfleJJ Major.a Physics (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.- PhD the decade. I hope and believe that this is going physiologyfoiophysics at the University of Miami SUNY Stony Brook '72 Spouse.a J. Michael Rowe, Queens to fundamentally change the way that we all use School of Medicine. I lost two years, somewhat University (Canada), McMaster Univ. (Canada) PhD Physicist television, and that many of those changes will be involuntarily, by being drafted for the Vietnam positive. conflict. I spent my military days at an Army hospital in South Carolina. Upon my separation from the Army, I completed my Ph.D. in 1974. Thereafter, I accepted a three year postdoctoral fellowship, courtesy of the National Institutes of Health. My specialty is the physiology of aging, and I was able to retum to Ithaca for two weeks in 1974 for a course on the pathology of aging. In 1977, I moved to Springfield, Illinois. I am on the faculty of the Illinois . I am a Professor of Gerontology and Biology and head the gerontology department. My primary teaching responsibilities are courses in biology of aging, physiology, and a university Jim Chiddix wide public affairs course on how science 215 Thayer Pond Kurt M. Chismark actually functions. My research involves the Wilton, Conn. 06897 195 Monaco Court effects of long-term physical training in old age Home.. (203) 761-9303 Pleasanton, Calif. 94566 upon heart muscle. OffI'Ce.. (203) 328-0615 Home.. (415) 462-4428 I am married to a professional pianist whom I OffI'Ce.. (415) 726-0280 met while she was doing graduate work in Occupafjon.I Sr. Vice President - Engineering & Technology Miami. As a sideline, we write the annotations American Television & Communications (Cable TV Subsidiary OccuparI'On.- Vice President of Sales Passport Designs, Inc. of Time Warmer) CorneJJ Major.-E.E. (Didn't Graduate) for classical music releases for a company owned CorneJ/ Major.' Agricultural Economics (Ag/Life Sciences) (Engineering)Spouse.-Trudy Evard, U.C. Santa Barbara, 1974, AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- MBA - Georgia State University Spouse.a by my brothers (Chesky Records). Our son Bany Ceramic Artist Elizabeth Yoder Chismark -Methodist College 1969 -ArtlSt is principal clarinetist for the central Illinois ChI'Jdren.-Kristina -ll/6/70 -University of San Diego -l992 youth symphony. I remember Cornell most fondly, although I Kann - 1 I/6/70 (Twins) Saint Mary's College of Califomia - I am a very lucky person - lucky for having 1992 AffJ'Jjafjons & AcfjvifJ'eS.I Comell's - fear the University never fully reciprocated by Recording Secretary; Undergraduate Secondary School attended Cornell, lucky for my wonderful family, awarding me a degree. Nevertheless, it was in Committee. Vietnam Veterans of America, CYO Basketball and lucky because I am one of the relatively few many ways the focus of my life for the period Coach, Teaching Faculty - University of Phoenix. Honors.I individuals who truly enjoy their work. If I had to from 1963 through 1970. I left on three Military -Bronze Star Medal (1st and 2nd Oak Leaf Cluster), Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal) do it all over again, I would do it all over again! occasions, once at the request of the College of Engineering, once because I decided I had no Being married to my wife, Elizabeth for 22 idea why I was there (I was drafted two weeks later), and one flnal time to take a job as crew on years. An outstanding person, mother, and artist - what luck! Raising Kristina and Karin, our twin a sailboat in Hawaii, an idea which made perfect daughters. sense at the time. Commanding Troops in Combat - Green Beret While I was at Comell I spent a summer in the and Airborne Rifle Platoon Leader in VietNam. Co-op program working for the engineering Experiences living all over the U.S. working in department of a large electric utility in New York Management for such fine companies as City, and swore that I would never join corporate Carnation, Polaroid, IDS/American Express, America. Twentieth Century-Fox, and Apple Computer. Life's been most interesting in the years which Becoming VP of Sales of Passport Designs, have followed. I lived for 15 years in Hawaii, Inc. The market leader in music and sound rapidly moving from my sailboat job through a application tools and data products for multiple position as houseparent in a home for delinquent Hawaiian boys, to a job with a fledgling cable personal computer platforms. Teaching at University of Phoenix and television company in rural Oahu. I became Coaching CYO Youth Basketball. General Manager of that small cable system, and Skiing in Tahoe every winter with my family, eventually Engineering Vice President of a much and going to the beach in the summer.

76 -4-I I-85 AfffJjaf]ons & Actr'vI'fI-eS.-Commissioner, New Haven staying up on Rock & Roll Trivia and playing Health Department; Treasurer, YWCA; Fellow at Yale College pick-up basketball, tennis, softball, raquetball, Honors.I Sargent Shriver - Peace Corps Humanitarian Award; and golf as often as time permits. woman of the Year - New Haven. Teaching & coaching young People 66How to Sel1!" snapshot #1 1967-69: Katrina the Peace Corps volunteer in Colombia, working in health education and rural community development. snapshot #21969-71; Katrina the graduate student at yale, in Public Health School - radicalized by class differences and the poverty I had seen in Colombia, by the anti-war movement and by the women9s movement. C. Roy Christensen snapshot #31971-73'. Katrina the young Millbrooke Road hippie-professional working at Yale, doing New Vemon, N.J. 07976 research and wondering if this is what life is all about. And then taking a job as the first director Home.. 201-540-0382 of a fledgling community health center in inner Office.. 914-253-7099 city New Haven. snapshot #4 1973- and on -as Director of Meryl Chodosh-Weiss occupafjon.- Department Head, Texaco, Inc. CormeJJ Major.a Mechanical Engr. (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.I Comell - that wonderful health center, I have been able to 300 E. 74th St. Masters (Mech. Eng. -'68 New York Univ. - MBA help it to grow, expand and reach thousands Of New York, N.Y.10021 (International Bus.) '84 Spouse.-Cherie -Syracuse U. 1969; people to receive health care in a community Home.. (212) 628-8260 Registered Nurse ChjJdren.I Eric 6/16/73 Comell '95; Kenneth where previously none was available. Life had 6/l6/73 Comell U. '95-, Scott 6/26/76, Madison H.S. '93; Anne Marie, 1/16/81 Harding School Aff]'JI'atr'OnS & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.I Boy meaning, friends were wonderful, I was working occupafjon.- certified social worker Psychotherapist, Private Scouts; Church hard and was professionally 6successfu1.9 But, as practice/NY City Bd. of Education CorneJJ Major.- Human Ecology (Child Development & Family Relations) AdvaJ]Ced I neared 40, I didn't want to look back with regret Degrees.-MA New York Univ. 1967, MSW New York Univ. and be sorry I had missed the joy of parenthood. 1985. Honors.-NASW snapshot #5 1985 and on-. I now have a wonderful son, Jared, who at age 6 is a delight some people took the straight and narrow, but and a challenge. For those of us who did wait to my road was like a river with lots of tributary have kids, we can laugh as we adjust our bi- streams, many of which I fully explored. focals to help a first grader learn to read and I lived in England and became an American- wonder whether to save for retirement or Anglo person absorbed by the lifestyle and college'.! My life, my work and parenting are traditions of the small village that I taught and shared with a friend of 15 years -not to mention lived in. At the same time I became involved with 4 goldflSh, 1 dog, 2 turtles, and a chameleon. other Americans in the Anti-War movement. when my then-husband (Michael P. Weiss 966) and I returned to the States, my political activism continued and expanded. I fought with Donald Christian my mouth, my heart and my commitment to try 927 Irish Settlement Rd. to make a new and better world. Freeville, N.Y.13068 Thus, for sixteen years I taught only in the Home.. (607) 844-4336 slums of Manhatten and Brooklyn, New York. At first my motivation was working for change in occupaf,'on.I owner-Builder-Handcrafted Log Homes, the school system via political work with the Taughannock Handcrafted Log & Timber Construction lnc. cormejJ Major.- Hotel Adm. Advanced Degrees.a MPA - Comell parents of the children in my class. Later, my '74 Spouse.- Demise DeCesape TC3 AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI-VI'fI'eS.I focus remained on helping each child toward canadian Log Builders Assoc. Int'l. Honors.I Light healthy growth and achievement. Backpacking, Winchester Press 1980. Along the way, I explored becoming an Ruth Chitlik Coan actress, a singer, a potter, a jewelry maker. I created children's clothing, was a rebirther, a 5430 E. Idlewood Ln., N.W. trance medium, an interior designer for friends, a Atlanta, Ga. 30327 healer - and finally I went back to school and Home.. (404) 252-3122 became a psychotherapist. (I got my MSW from OffI'Ce.. (404) 955-2434 N.Y.U. in 1985). I currently work as a social worker in a public occupafjon.a sales-commercial Real Estate, The Shopping center Group CorJ]eJJ Major.- Sociology (Arts & Science) school in the Bronx and I have a private practice Advanced Degrees.- M.S.W. -'69, Univ., of Chicago, M.R.E. - which specializes in work with incest survivors. I '85, Georgia St. Univ. Spouse.a Mark Cordon Coan, Cornell also work with a dietitian and dO group and univ '65, Univ of Chicago '70 M.D.a, Resident - YaleUniv. individual work with people involved with Hospitals '75, Vascular Surgeon Ch1'Jdren.' Brian Stuart Coan 2/24/74 - Attending college in fall. Seth Ronald Coan - 8/29/77 weight loss and maintenance programs. -8th grade Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fjeS.-Board Member: Nat'l I am happy, healthy and growing. council of Jewish Women, Musica and Camera, Jewish Family Katrina Clark services and Jewish Federation of Atlanta. HoJ]OrS.-LeCraw 44 Hubinger St. Foundation Distinguished Graduate Achievement Award, New Haven, Conn. 06511 Acaderiic Distinction Award, George Manners Real Est. Award, Beta Gamma Sigma (honorary business SOCiety), Home.. (203) 389-0131 Recipient of several ttTop producing sales assoc." awards. OffI'Ce.. (203) 772-7411 I have not found it easy to Summarize in any occuparfon.I Director, Fair Haven Community Health Center methodical way my 66experiences" during the 25 cormeJJ Major.- Latin American History (AOT3) Advanced Degrees.I Yale - Masters of Public Health ChjJdren.I Jared Clark years since I attended Cornell. I can quantify

77 certain aspects of my life: one husband, two sons Family Services, the Atlanta Jewish Federation, (18 and 15) two graduate degrees (a Master of and a chamber music organization. I keep fit with Social Work Degree in Community Organization bouts of tennis, aerobic exercising, swimming from the University of Chicago - 1969, and a and, most recently, bicycling. And, fortunately, Master of Real Estate Degree from the Georgia we have shared the excitement of family trips as State Graduate School of Business diverse as bareboat sailing in the Caribbean, Administration 1985), 22 years of marriage and touring in Russia, fishing on our boat, and 23 years of employment. But, more important rainforest exploration in Costa Rica. than a recount of numbers is the balance in my I look forward to the Cornel1 25th Reunion and life that I feel that I have achieved. I have been the opportunity to see friends. I also look forward wearing 66three hats" (work, home and to the next twenty five years and hope to 66count volunteer) and loving it. on99 many new adventures and pleasures. My career path has been gratifying. As the Donald G. Cohen Director of Legislative Affairs for the National 201 East 79 Street Association of Social Workers in Chicago, I New York, NY 10021 spearheaded the passage of legislation directed OffI'Ce.. (212) 398-7900 toward the provision of free meals to underprivileged Illinois youngsters. I was later Oc'c'upafJ'On.- Attorney, Haas, Guenteln, Samson, Cohen & the Executive Director of one of the oldest and Gerstein P.C. CormeJJ Major.a ILR AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- J.D. & largest antipoverty programs in New Haven, LLM, NYU Law School ChI'Jdren.' Lara 8/9/7l; Kerr12/16/74; Kevin I/1/77 AffiJJarjOnS & Actr®vI'fjeS.-Various Connecticut. Finally, as the Director of a research program funded by the Health Care Finance Administration, I developed a regional program designed to allow elderly persons to opt for community based health care services and to thereby avoid nursing home institutionalization. Michael Cogan I've since changed career gears and moved from 9904 Meadow Lark Way employment in the public sector to self- employment in the private sector. I now sell and Palo Cedro, Calif. 96073 lease commercial real estate. I have loved the Home.. (916) 547-4535 challenge of a new mid-life career and the OffI'Ce.. (916) 246-1112 diversity of my new job responsibilities. My OccLIPafjOJ].' Attomey, Presleigh, Apel & Logan, an Association exposure to so many companies requiring CorJ]eJJ Major.a ILR Advanced Degrees.-M.B.A. and J.D., different types of real estate, and the process of UCLA Spouse.a Louise, Cal. St. Univ., L.A., 1975; contract preparation, negotiation, zoning, and accountant/real estate/mother CfrI'JdreJ].- Benjamin 3/7/73 and Sarah 8-27-86 -both are in elementary school. Joan KIein Cohen financing properties, makes my days sometimes 163 Plymouth Rd. harrowing, but mostly varied and pleasurable. Newton, Mass. 02161 Our family has lived in Atlanta, Georgia for Home.. (617) 964-5178 the last 16 years. We moved to Atlanta so that my husband, Mark (Cornell '65) could begin his OffI-Ce.I (617) 275-4500 ext. 441 practice as a vascular surgeon. The community is Occupafjon.I Manager, Strategic Relations, Progress Software a friendly, warm one and we have thoroughly Corp. CorJ]ej/ Major.- EngllSh (Arts & Sciences) Advanced enjoyed the hospitable southern lifestyle and, of Degrees.' MBA - New York University Spouse.' Bruce L. course, the moderate climate. As I watch my Cohen, Cornell '65, Vice President, Sales, Chipcom Corp. elder child, Brian, prepare to leave home and CJ]jJdren.a Seth J. Cohen, 8/13/7l, Gettysburg College, '94 Heidl P. Cohen, 10/2/74, Newton South High School,'92 enter college, I am sadly aware that home life AffiJJ'afjOnS & AcfJ'VI'tr-eS.I Sandy Island Camp Committee of the will soon be different; I have been immersed for Boston YMCA so many years with the natural progression of my 66The alumnae always look beautiful when they children's activities. The boys are each so different. It is wonderful to share the scientific Cynthia M. Cohen come back. A girl doesn9t change much before curiosity, rockclimbing, spelunking and sailing 4818 Bonvue Avenue forty," our AE® housemother, Binky, used to interests of Brian, and then to share the bass Los Angeles, Calif. 90027 say. Binky herself was past eighty at the time and guitar, artistry, creative writing, wrestling, and Home.. (213) 663-1869 full of life. Those words were comforting for tennis interests of the younger, Seth. We are OffI'Ce.. (213) 489-5140 twenty years or so. After forty I conveniently constantly fascinated by all that we learn from discarded them as reflecting the concerns of an both our children and appreciative of the Occuparl'on.- Attorney Partner - Hughes Hubbard & Reed unenlightened era. As I record the thoughts which diversity of pursuits that they share with us. The Col-nell Major.- Government (Arts & Sc±ences) Advanced will appear under my 6Cbefore" and 6Cafter" Degrees.I J.D. (cum laude New York University School of Law boys are old enough to be great companions. AffJ®jjarI'OnS & Acfjvjfj'es.I LA County Bar Ass'n, Ass'n photos in this yearbook, Binky9s words inevitably Mark is a wonderful role model for all. His Business Trial Lawyer, ABA, Financial Lawyers Conference, surface. I remind myself that the life events and diverse interests have been instrumental in Ass9n Bar City of N.Y. accomplishments we each describe must be paid guiding and influencing the boys and me. And, he for in that universal currency, time. has lovingly put up with lots of makeshift dinners When I left Cornell, English degree in hand, I and hectic scheduling in order to permit me to had nothing but time. The work day seemed pursue my career, volunteer and social activities. interminable to me at twenty-one. I started as an I have been particularly active in volunteer editor in the College Textbooks Division of programs relating to community services for the McGraw-Hill. Disenchanted, I abandoned elderly. For example, I worked to assure passage publishing a year later for computer of legislation providing state supported services programming. I married Bruce Cohen '65, who to low income elderly such as adult day care and many knew for his lacrosse accomplishments. I respite care. I have enjoyed board positions for stopped working full time in '71 when my first the National Council of Jewish Women, Jewish child, Seth, was born, and in '74, just after the

78 however, were not as surprised - dismayed, He's on the varsity baseball team and the golf even horrified, but not surprised. My family team, he9s sports editor of the school newspaper joined in the unanimous tumult of disapproval. and on the 66It's Academic" team that competes On the strength of my inspiration, however, in the on local television. Nancy is in seventh grade. Fall of '67 I joined the Sisters of the Humility of Her passion for reading mirrors mine, and she Mary, a small (now approxi. 380) congregation hopes, at least at this point in her life, to be a with the mission to bring the abundant life Jesus writer. And then there's Philip, who is in third speaks about - especially to the poor. grade, is a science buff and wants to pitch for the Following the direction of the Second Vatican New York Mets when he grows up. We're trying Council, the HM congregation in 967 had begun, to sell each of them on Comell as a great place to along with most North American orders, a period lean and to grow. of re-thinking and tremendous upheaval. Like So it9s been a busy 25 years -never dull. After many other orders we quickly moved into a kind Rita Siegel Freedman the next 25, I expect to be able to say the same. of breakdown as we tried to get back in touch 905 Annmore Drive with the inspiration of God and our founders, and Silver Spring, Md. 20902 to slough off the accretions of the years. There Home.. (301) 649-2307 was great change - including changing from the OffI'Ce.. (202) 638-1515 habit to ordinary clothes a few weeks after I

entered - with many, more profound changes to Occupafjon.a Executive Director, Social Democrats, USA come. This process of renewal continues today, Comejj Major.I Intemational Labor Relations (I&LR) Advanced though with somewhat less pain and more hope Degrees.I I. Columbia University -Masters in International Relations. 2. University of Pennsylvania - ABD - Intemational (Thank God!). As with my own innerjourney, the Relations & Latin American Studies Spouse.a Joel Freedman, growth of the Community takes time and goes I&LR (Comell) '66. Assistant to the President, Bricklayers & deep, but out of the ashes the phoenix arises. For Allied Craftsmen AFL-CIO ChjJdren.a 1. Eugene, 4/30/74 -John me and for my Community I can say that the F. Kennedy H.S. senior graduating 6/92 applying to Cornell mercy of God has been there, and is continually I&LR. 2. Nancy 6/19/79 (7th grade middle school) 3. Philip 10/3/83 (3rd grade -elementary school) AffJ'JjafI'OnS & setting the captives free. AcfI'VI'fjeS.I Board Member, Bayard Rustin Fund; Board John M. Funt I imagine that there are those who might member, League For Industrial Democracy', Board Member, ll Byron Drive Jewish Labor Committee wonder how an intelligent, well-educated woman Nashua, N.H. 03062 could remain a Sister or, for that matter, a Home.. (603) 888-5717 Catholic these days. All I can say is that it is not What!? How can it be 25 years already? And OffI'Ce.. (508) 670-6182 always easy. At times, in the face of patriarchal yet, so much has happened. A few months after attitudes, sexism and other injustices, I feel like graduation, I married Joel Freedman (I&LR, OccupafI'on.a Dir., Product Development, Engineering, CBTD part of the water trying to wear away the stone. 1966). Then it was off to graduate school, first to Cabot Corporation ComeJJ Major.I ChE (BS/MEng) Advanced At other times - and more and more in recent Columbia Univeristy, where I eamed a masters in Degrees.-MS/PhD - Univ. Massachusetts SpotJSe.' Carole years ~ I am awed by the power of individuals international relations, and then to the University ChjJdJlen.I Step children: Kristin, Keven, Ronald in our world, my Church and my Congregation of Pennsylvania for a doctorate I never who have found their own voice and are joining completed. Instead, I became the press secretary with others to choose life and thereby to non- for a political campaign on Long Island where we violently resist anything else. I am happy to were living at the time. That convinced me that I report that despite one experience seven years was much more suited to active political work ago of coming very close to being invited to than academia, and I have never looked back. leave my Community, I stay a member of my For the past ten years, I have been executive Church and my Community on my own terms. director of Social Democrats, USA, an This fact has enabled me to be a kind of prophetic organization that works closely with the voice in my Congregation. (I smile as I think of American labor movement and the Democratic some of my HM sisters reading this and wanting Party, and that is a full member party of the to protest, ccbut not every 6pain in the neck9 is a Socialist Intemational (with other parties like the prophet, you know.") In any case I am happy to British Labor Party, the German SPD, the be living in this time of growing insight and Australian Labor Party, the Israeli Labor Party, Miriam Steinberg Galston occasional breakthrough in world, Church, etc.). My work has given me the opportunity to Congregation and self. be part of history in the making - from being an 3814 Jenifer Street, NW I will not be able to be at the reunion, so I want official observer to the plebiscite in Chile that Washington D.C. 20015 to invite you to call if you're passing through defeated Pinochet to helping dissidents in Eastern Home.. (202) 244-1455 Cleveland. I share with another HM sister and Europe who are now coming to power as part of OffI'Ce.. (202) 994-6781 dear friend, a lovely house in Elyria, about 25 the democracy revolution. It has also enabled me miles to the west. to work with such people as the civil rights and OccupafI-on.a Law school professor, George Washington Univ., National Law Center CormeJj Major.a Government (Arts and human rights leader Bayard Rustin, who chaired Sciences) Advanced Degrees.-Ph.D. 1973 University of Social Democrats, USA, with labor leaders like Chicago and J.D. Yale Law School Spouse.I William A. Galston Lane Kirkland, AI Shanker and the late Irving (Comell 1967) - professor of philosophy and public policy Brown, and with world political figures like Chj'Jdren.I Ezra Moses Galston, October 17, 1984 (born) Honors.- Politics and Excellence: The Political Philosophy of Shimon Peres. Alfarabi (Princeton, 1990); scholarly articles in Greek and In between all of this, Joel and I have managed medieval philosophy and tax policy. to raise a family. We have three kids whom we really enjoy. Eugene is a senior in high school I always assumed that after college I would and is applying to Cornell (I&LR). We took him settle in one place for the rest of my life. Not so, to the campus, an experience that was much more not even close! My travels have included meaningful for us than for him at this point, as graduate studies, first living in Chicago and then we revisited old haunts and relived old memories. near Cambridge, Mass.; several years in Texas, as Eugene9s interests are very similar to mine - an unemployed Ph.D., frequenting Robert politics and labor -but he's also a sports fanatic. Redford matinees and writing scholarly articles

96 non profit organizations including the ACLU and including those relevant to biodiversity and Vogue and Butterick Patterns, where I developed various human services agencies. Cornell remains climate change. a broader technical sewing background, plus important. I interview for the secondary school I'm also part of a two-career family. I met my honed advertising, public relations and marketing program and help out at the law school as a judge husband in graduate school, and over the years skills. Then, in 1978, I took the plunge to join the in the mock trial program as well as help my firm we9ve managed somehow to juggle jobs and two ranks of the self-employed ... a decision I have recruit at the Law School. Life has been kind so children. We worked in the same department in never regretted. far to us as Marcia and I try to find the balance Australia, and were one of the first couples to Under the name AMS Associates, I offer between kids and work and the community and split a position when we went to UCSC. This clients a broad range of editorial and public ourselves. We hasten to the New England year, Don is on sabbatical to work at the relations services. I'm also a regular contributor beaches in the summer and the ski slopes in the Smithsonian and be more available for the kids. to a wide range of books and magazines in the cold weather. And we're also collaborating on a textbook. sewing field, as well as several high school textbooks, all under mv 66nom de needle" -Anne Marie Solo. ctSoto" ;omes from a marriage in the early '709s. Ten years later, when I was divorced, a name change was just too awkward. Fortunately, I met and married AI Frater, a wonderful man whose ex-wife had kept his last name, so no one has any identity problems - except that friends tease me that I have more names than Elizabeth Taylor ... and I never know what name to use on the Comell stuff. Al and I were truly blessed when we adopted our daughter, Gabrielle. She moved in when she was three days old and is now a "big" pre-K. Hillel Fradkin Now that she is in our lives, we truly appreciate Laurel Fox the flexibility of one parent running a business 4753 N. Larkin St. 1000 Westem Drive from the home. But at least I know why I went to Milwaukee, Wis. 53211 Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060 exercise class all these years ... it was so that, in OffI'Ce.. (414) 291-9915 Home.. (408) 423-0266 my forties, I could get down on the floor and play with a toddler. And, like any good alum, I have OffI'Ce.. (408) 459-2533 OccuparI'On.- Foundation Officer, Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation CorJ]eJJ Major.I Govemment (B.A. 1967) Advancec! fantasies about her going to Comell - even if she Occupafjon.-Biologist, Santa Cruz Degrees.- Ph.D, University of Chicago. Spouse.-Elizabeth, will be the class of 2007 ! (Professor of Biology) Director, Ecology Program, National Harvard Univ. Lawyer CJ]jJdren.-Abigail Dec. 2, 1986, Rebecca Science Foundation) CormeJJ Major.- Biology (Agr) Advanced June 22,1989 Degrees.I University of California, Santa Barbara (MA, PhD) Spouse.-Donald Potts, University of Cleveland (BSc) & University of California, Santa Barbara (PhD). Biologist - Professor of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz. CfrjJdren.a Stephen ll/17/77; Shaina 10/20/83 A£fJ-Jjafjons & Acrjvirjes.I CIES - Fulbright Fellowship (Advisory panel in Life Sciences); Editor of Ecology; NSF Advisory Panel in Ecology Honors.-1985 -AAUW Senior Post-doctoral Fellowship 1985 - elected Fellow AAAS & research papers.

I9ve spent most of my time since Comell as a biologist, working on the ecology and evolution of natural and agricultural communities. I started out fairly conventionally, as a graduate student at Mary Joy Fratianne the University of California in Santa Barbara, studying population and community ecology. It 421 High Street was an exciting time - a great program in my Anne Marie Flood Solo Frater Elyria, Ohio 44035 field with time for hours and hours of research, 524 Sagamore Ave. Home.. (216) 324-2473 an Organization for Tropical Studies' course in Teaneck, N.J. 07666 OffI'Ce.. (216) 233-1000 Guatemala and EI Salvador, hiking in the Sierras Home.. (201) 692-8087 and riots in Isla Vista. OffI'Ce.. (201) 692-8087 Occupatr'on.a Hospital Chaplain, St. Joseph Hospital and Health Center Col-nell MajoI-.- Psychology (ATtS) Advanced Degrees.' Then came 5 years in Australia as a Research Master of Education - John Carroll Universlty Aff]'JI'afI'OnS & OccupafI'On.- Freelance Writer/Consultant, AMS Associates Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies at AcfjvI'fjeS.I Member of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary, CorneJJ Major.' Textiles & Clothing (Home Ec.) AdvaJ]Ced the Australian National University in Canberra. member of the HM Empowerment of Women Committee, Degrees.I MS - New York Univ. Spouse.- Albert Frater, Rutgers member of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, That was a wonderful, full-time, fully-funded l975, Systems Engineer Cj]jJdreJ].I Gabrielle -April 20, l987 member of the St. Joseph Hospital Foundation Board of attending Children's Corner Nursery School. AffJ'Jjafjons & research position, in an intense research Trustees Honors.I Co-author of the first edition of Values I'n the AcfjvJfjeS.a The Fashion Group; The American Home environment. I developed an Australian accent Word of God, Co-author o£ The Constitutions o{ the Sisters of for a time, saw a fair bit of eastem Australia and Economics Association; Home Economists In Business the Humility of Mary (Chairperson - New York City Chapter), The American Society managed a trip back to the US every year. of Interior Designers Honors.-l991 New York City Home Since 1977 I have been on the faculty at the Economist of the Year. As I begin writing this I am wondering how University of Califomia in Santa Cruz, keeping many other Comell grads became and remained up my research and adding a heavy involvement When I graduated from Cornell, I was Religious of the Catholic Church. Yes, it was at a with undergraduate and graduate students. determined to utilize my textiles & clothing Sunday mass in the small Cornell Newman Currently, I am on a leave of absence from UCSC degree in some other way than the usual teaching Chapel late in October of my senior year that I to be a bureaucrat in Washington DC, as the or retailing paths. A creative search led me to a came to understand that I wanted to be a Sister. Director of the Ecology Program at the National job in New York with the McCall Pattern Having never gone to Catholic schools, nor even Science Foundation. This is giving me a chance Company and what has tumed out to be a lifetime known a "nun", I found this inspiration to be to see the administrative side of science and to career in the home sewing industry. A short stint fofaJJy unexpected. Some of my close Cornell help plan basic ecological research programs, there was followed by a much longer one at friends who knew of my relationship with Jesus,

95 was born in September of 1978. In the interim, Analysts, National Association of Petroleum Investment we had moved to Westport, Connecticut and the Analysts HoJ]OrS.- CFA, FLMI thought of leaving her every day (part time positions were uncommon) prompted me to resign and temporarily leave the work force. However, I did write technical brochures as a freelancer for IBM and that kept me in touch with my former colleagues. In 1980 our second daughter Ali was born. I spent the next few years at home with my family and became active in a variety of community organizations. During the time I was at home, the personal Patrick G. ForrestaI computer market began to explode. In the fall of 641 East Jefferson Ave. 1981 I started a computer consulting company, at Kirkwood, Mo. 63122 first with the intent to provide advice to small Nicholas Fow]er Home.. (314) 821-2777 businesses on how to computerize. I soon 845 SW Cedarglade OffI'Ce.. (314) 436-5455 realized that what was needed were individuals Issaquah, Wash. 98027

who could analyze the work flow of businesses OccupafJOn.a President The Patrick Company (sales promotion Home.. (206) 392-4200 and, not only advise, but also provide the services agency) ComeJJ Major.' Chemical Engineering (Engineering) OffI'Ce.. (206) 957-5148 to design systems and to write the customized Advanced Degrees.- MBA, St. Louis University Spouse.I Lois Coy Forrestal, Stephens College, l965 -currently Director of programs to implement the design. I quickly OccupafI'On.I Manager-Computing, Boeing CorneJJ Major.- Marketing, YMCA of the Ozarks ChjJdren.-Margaret (9-l3-81) Biology (A&S) Advanced Degrees.a MS - Univ. of Florida changed the focus of my company! will graduate in l994; Annabe1 (8-l6-83) will graduate in 1996. (Forestry) Spouse.' Kathleen Tufts,1967, Occupational One advantage of being your own boss is that Therapist ChjJdren.a Tanya,1975, Univ. of Washington l994 you can adjust your hours around the needs of your family; that is exactly what I was able to do when our son Brian appeared in 1983. Since that time, my business is now a t6full time" part-time job, Fred has left IBM and is now working for Andersen Consulting, we still live in Westport and the children have entered the time of childhood when they require a chauffeur in addition to a mother. Life is busy - and good. Hopefully, I'11 be able to return to Ithaca next June to renew friendships in well remembered and much loved surroundings. James R. Foster 3403 West Paces Ferry Court Atlanta, Ga. 30327 Edward H. Fox Home.. (404) 262-9179 45 Berkeley St. OffI'Ce.. (404) 637-8490 Rochester, N.Y. 14607 Home.. (716) 442-9325 OccupafI'On.I Executive Vice President & Chief Financial OffI'Ce.. (716) 232-4440 Officer, Hay Group CorfleJJ Major.a Government (Arts) Advanced Degrees.- University of Chicago Grad School Occuparjon.a Lawyer, Harris, Beach & Wilcox Con]eJJ Major.I Business MBA Spouse.I Mary Graham Foster, Flight Attendant English (Arts '67 Law '71) Advanced Degrees.-Comell J.D. Delta Airlines. CThjJdreJ].a Robert Graham Foster, April 3,1991 1971 Spouse.-Marcia J. Boyd, Georgetown '69 B.F.S.; (Yes I said 1991 !) AffI-JI-all-OnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.a President (Atlanta Syracuse 1975, J.D. Lawyer ChI'Jdren.I Michael 7/19/79; Chapter) Literary Volunteers of America, Board Member Katherine 8/15/84; Joseph 10/25/81 AffJ'Jjatr'ons & AcfI'vifjeS.I Young Audiences Monroe County Bar Assn - trustee; Health Association of Rochester and Monroe County -Board Pres.; Rochester Mental Karen Fleischer Health Center -Board Pres.; Cub Scout leader, Soccer coach 914 Lombard Court Honors.- Certificate of Special Recognition - Genesee Valley Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 Chapter - N.Y. Civil Liberties Union Article - N.Y.S. Bar Joumal on Real Property Taxation. Home.. (714) 641-0565

Occupafjon.- MIS Consultant, Compinfo Inc. CorneJJ Major.a Life seems to move at an ever accelerating Govemment (Arts) AffiJjafI'OnS & Acfjvitr'es.I Sailing pace, no doubt a common reflection of those with children, a demanding job and a working spouse. Law school was initially a way to delay decisions and the draft. After LBJ lifted graduate deferments in 1968, it got a little tricky. Finished law school, joined the Reserves and became a legal services lawyer. After three years went into Roger K. Foulkes private practice, married at 31 and began to 3 Brewster Rd. begat. Three kids later we are in the middle of Wayland, Mass. 01778 scouts, soccer, gymnastics and car pools while Home.. (508) 358-2816 trying to keep two law practices going. I am a OffI'Ce.. (508) 493-3936 partner in a 1001awyer firm concentrating in litigation and health law. My wife, Marcia, has Occupatr'on.I Pension Investment Manager, Digital Equipment her own practice, with a focus on domestic ComeJJ Major.a Math (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a MBA - Univ. relations. We have attempted to remain children of Virginia Spot,Se.a Karen - Penn State CThI'jdren.I Christopher 10-5-80 Aff]'JI'afI-OnS & AcfI'VI'rfeS.-Boston Society of Security of the 609s through active participation in local

94 scholar, a skilled athlete, a talented musician, and get abortion services and keeping the procedure an adventurous free spirit. Michael, in fifth grade, safe and legal via non-profit organization I loves school, swimming, tennis, life in general, founded, & prior to that an organization to assist and is our resident mechanical genius. I revel in battered women and rape/sexual assault victims. the multitude of sports and school activities, my After 1 term elected to a soil & water 20-year membership in a semi-Professional Choir supervisor's seat, I ran unsuccessfully for state of eighty, the down-to-earthness and sincerity of Senate. Very tough race & predictable, but I had small-town life, and our regular summer sojoums great support from women's, environmental, to national parks from Hawaii to Maine. educational, & even 1 labor union. I would do it I have returned to Cornell twice since 1967. again but when my son is older. The first time was a weekend in 1971, when I arrived with a boyfriend and left with a fiancee (same guy)! The next occasion was a nostalgia Jamie Bernstein Fischbach trip two years ago to share the site of a four-year 120 Pathway La. peak experience with my children. After retracing West Lafayette, Ind. 47906 all the accustomed routes and Visiting all the Home.. (317) 463-4361 familiar buildings, they were exhausted and I felt an enormous sense of fulfillment! occLIPafjor].-Elem. School Teacher ComeJJ Major.a Child Devel. (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.- M.S.W., Boston U.-, Elem Ed. degree, purdue u. spouse.a Ephraim Fischbach, physics professor, purdue; ph. D., U. Pa., 1962 ChI'Jdren.-Jonathan, 7-5- 76, high school sophomore; Jeremy, 4-21-78, 8th grade-, Michael, ll-3-80, 5th grade Affijjatr'ons & Actr'vI®tr'eS.a NASW HoJ]OrS.I Phi Kappa Phi Penelope Bamberger Fishman I 25 Salem Road Twenty five years sometimes feels like an Westport, Conn. 06880 instant on the timeline of my life, at other times like a long and circuitous joumey from Ithaca to Home.. (203) 227-6684 Indiana. After a post-graduation summer fling in Office.. (203) 22J-5223 Europe with two Cornell roommates, I moved to occupafjon.a computer ConsultanVPresident, Personal Systems cambridge, Mass. for two years while earning Incorporated CormeJJ Major.- Mathematics (Arts & Sciences) my Masters degree in Social Work at Boston AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- Master of Arts in Teaching, Northwestem university. Eager to c6climb every mountain" Anne Nosworthy Fischer university spolJSe.a Fred Fishman. Brooklyn College, 1965, while unencumbered and undaunted, I boarded a Rt4Box558 sales Director, Andersen Consulting CThI'Jdrlen.a Julie, 9/7/78, 8th grade; Ali, 6/9/80, 6th grade', Brian, I/4/83, 3rd grade ship and sailed to Norway. During the next year, Morganton, N.C. 28655 AffI-JI'arjOnS & AcfjvjfI'eS.a Westport Young Women's League I became a regular on the Scandinavian folk Home.. (704) 433-1058 (community service chm & other positions)-, Child Care festival circuit; worked in Uppsala, Sweden at the OffI'Ce.. (704) 324-9940 council (chm. of Board of Directors); PTA's (Recording university Hospital and then in Stockholm, secretary & other positions)', Entreprenurial Women's Network, KKG Alumnae Organization, Girl Scouts (school organizer), counseling American Vietnam War deserters; and occupafjon.I social worker (work with high risk pregnant & New Neighbors (Gourmet Co-Chm) Honors.-IBM President's finally discovered that America, with all its parenting classes). catawba Co. Dept. Social Services & Health Award imperfections, is home. Dept. CormeJJ Major.I Textiles & Apparel Design; Education (Home Economics Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.a After a two year stint as a medical social MSHE-MNC-Greensboro-Child Dev. Fan. Rel. Spouse.a Robert After graduation from Cornell, I moved to worker at columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center settlemyre, Nursery owner, operator ChjJdren.- Brandon Evanston, Illinois to attend graduate school at in New York City, I married a Physics professor Fischer-Settlemyre (8 y.o.) AffJ®JjafI'OnS & AcfI'VjfI'eS.' Northwestern University. I enrolled in the at purdue university and took up residence in community activist (AHEA/NCHSA- founded 2 non-profit Masters of Arts in Teaching program and corporations, voter registrar; Republican candidate for NC west Lafayette, Indiana, This insignificant dot on senate (1990) Soil & Water Conservation District -Supervisor received my masters degree in August of 1968. the map hardly seemed suitable for long-term (elected) Honors.' I have had papers published locally on part of the program included teaching in the habitation, and we regarded it as a temporary Battered women; Occupational Concems of Women in Burke Chicago schools. I loved living on Lake way-stop enroute to greener pastures in the col, Day Care Magazine (nothing of wide-scale Significance) Michigan, found Chicago less intimidating than pacific Northwest. Twenty years later, we're still New York and learned that no other institution Comell was the gateway to life. In many ways here, and so are our three sons, aged ll,13, and could replace Comell in my heart. I also learned it was like being conceived and being in an 15! I worked as a therapist at a family service that teaching was not the optimum career for me. agency until my first son was born in 1976; a embryonic stage of life. It happened all too fast; After earning my degree, I returned to New three-month leave of absence become a fifteen- not enough time to savor all there was. But in any York where I was hired by IBM as a programmer event, I graduated and was ready tO gO tO year furlough. When my youngest child began in white plains. I spent the next 10 years with california. Teaching high school kids taught me a school, I became a part-time graduate Student and IBM. I joined the Marketing Division as a lot - development, helping them to have got my elementary education license four years System Engineer (technical sales support) when I experiences forged my own direction, moving later. For the past year, I9ve been substitute moved to pittsburgh in 1969 and then transferred south to Greensboro, N.C. for a masters. Had a teaching while actively pursuing a full-time to sales. In 1975 I continued my career as a few soap opera type experiences along the way position. -No regrets -just part Of the Path I'm to Marketing Representative in the New York City The Midwest has been an extremely hospitable Retail Office. My last position with IBM was on environment, and we9ve all been blessed with follow. I am now rooted down in weStem N.C., the Market Support Staff in Division married to a southern rhododendron specialist much happiness and success. My husband Headquarters in White Plains. I enjoyed my years and we have 1 swell son, some dozen cats, and 5 proposed the existence of a fifth force in the with IBM. Computer technology was growing dogs. we have a veritable plantation to take care universe six years ago, and his theory continues rapidly and it was exciting to be part Of the of - with 2 main slaves doing the work while to generate worldwide interest and industry, experimentation. My oldest son Jono is an trying to keep a very active 8 y.o. on track and while working and living in New York City for me, most importantly, to help women become outstanding student, a terrific athlete currently (which I loved and, to my surprise, did not flnd better and all they are capable of being, through specializing in tennis, an award-winning debater, intimidating at a11'.I.) I met Fred who was also my part-time work as prenatal social worker for a a budding actor, and a delightfully funny with IBM. We were married in August of 1977. I dept. of social services and health dept. and character. Jeremy, my middle child, is a Super continued to work until our first daughter Julie community work, particularly helping women to

93 became a housewife like my mother. Although months, hated every minute of it, and quit I'm still married to the same long-suffering man I impulsively after a disagreement about the color married two weeks after graduation, a week of of my ink. That decision was pivotal in my life, marriage taught me that no one notices if you because at my next job I met my husband, to dust the windowsills, and who wants to anyway? whom I have been married for 21 years. I was an Since that apocalyptic discovery, I have worked at-home mother for 8 years while my 3 boys were as a librarian in a variety of settings, taught young. I have been back to work in information various subjects, and finally started a business. services for 6 years now, while I try to flnd Out Now, I find hard-to-find facts and information, what I want to be when I grow up. set up libraries, and talk glibly about databases I went through a period of great frustration and computers. And I like being my own boss. until I discovered local theatre. I saw {Camelot', Who would have expected that? and was so swept away by it that I saw it 3 more Michael E. Feldman How have I changed in the past twenty-four times in 3 weeks, and decided I had to become 1021 Loft Rd. years? The same way most intelligent women involved in theatre. I have always been a singer, Woodmere, N.Y.11598 who were caught in the throes of "liberation" but it took a great leap of faith to actually do an did. In one year, I was married, got a masters in Home.. (516) 374-6037 audition. I have been more successful than I ever library science, and plunged into the real world, dreamed possible, performing in 8 musicals in the OffI'Ce.. (212) 210-3909 with a job at the National Technical Information flrSt year and a half. Theatre has become my life, Occupafjon.I Adveritising, Young & Rubicam, Inc. CorJ]eJJ Service. In the real world, I discovered that bright and now something is missing if I am not Major.I Marketing (Ag) Spouse.a Barbara Rens Feldman young women were okay for taking notes at rehearsing or performing in a show. This is who I Syracuse University, Manhattan School of Music '71. ChI'Jdren.I meetings, and that I was expected to be am, and this is what I do for myself. Being a Lauren, Feb.1974, Hewlett H.S. June '92; Lisa, June 31,1977 singer and an actress has become part of my self- Hewlett H.S. June '95 genetically endowed with the ability to take shorthand. What I wasn't taken was seriously, image. Performing is addictive - the more I do, even though I was the only professional librarian the more I want. Being cast in a show is like on the staff. Although the next 15 years were getting into Cornell all over again, and doing a exciting and rewarding, professionally, I also great show before a receptive audience is the spent them being angry - at the low pay for biggest high! women9s professions, and at the need to somehow balance career and family, and smile in the process. Happily, I'm no longer angry, and the vicissitudes of the career/family struggle have been worth surviving. Twenty years ago, my career was all-important. It gave me the sense of worth I craved. Today, I realize, ruefully, who I am with no help from outside sources: Two Susan E. Goodman Feldman children have taught me that all I never wanted to 170 Lexington Drive know about my shortcomings. They've also deepened my ability to feel, to laugh, and to love. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 It's all been worth it. Home.. (607) 257-5814 Office: (6O]) 257-O937 Robert D. Fertitta 178 East 80th St. llF OccupafI-on.- Information consultant, Datasearch ComejJ Major.I New York City, N.Y. 10021 Linguistics (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I A.M.L.S., Univ. of Michigan Spouse.I Robert L. Feldman Cornell, 1966; Coordinator, International Outreach, Cornell Nat'l Super- Occupatr'on.I ESL Instructor, Hunter College/Jewelry Designer Robert Fertitta DesignsAELI of Hunter College ComeJJ Major.' computing Facility. ChI'Jdren.- David Andrew Feldman, 1977; English (Arts) Aff]-JjafI-OnS & AcfI'vifI'eS.-NYSUT Elana Renee Feldman,1980. AffjJI-afI'OnS & AcfjvI'fI®eS.I Association of Indepedent Information Professionals, charter member. President, Library and Media Professionals, 1979. Reference committee, South Central Research Library Council Vice Pres. Pres. elect, Young Adult Services Section, NY Library Assn. (1975) Cornell Orchestra, teaching gifted and talented courses, Sciencenter. Violist, Beaux Eaux string quartet. Honors.a 66The Entrepreneurial Librarian", in Katz, Bill, and Kinder, Robin, JnformarI'On Brokers and Reference ServI'CeS. Bibliography of Newspapers on 14 counties of New Susan Gurian Fenster York State, co-compiler, 1972. Revised Library Technology 29 Polly Way Curriculum, Cuesta College Library Technology Program, 1979. Middletown, N.J. 07748 Home.. (908) 671-1204 Coming to Cornell was like coming home. I OffI'Ce.. (908) 205-6582 remember vividly the wonder of discovering so many other people like me, all of us talking, Occuparjor].- Systems Analyst, Engelhard Comejj Major.I Child Development (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.a M.A. Richard L. Finegold eager, earnest, talking. And the beauty of the Education -University of Rochester 1968. Spouse.a Allan 15943 Ranch Hollow Rd. campus, with its hills and gorges. Ithaca is the Fenster, 1964, Programming Manager Poway, Calif. 92064 kind of place which engenders strong feelings: it AT&T CThI-Jdrlen.-Jay -1/8/77 Darren -9/ll/78 David -10/19/81 Home.. (619) 748-4821 either appeals or it doesn't. For me, it was right, Aff]®JI'afI-OnS & AcfI®VI'fjeS.a Red Oak Music Theatre, The Premier Theatre Company, performing in local musicals. OffI'Ce.. (619) 745-4400 and, after various peregrinations to other parts of the country, we've settled here. There have been only 2 important things since OccupafI'On.a Attorney, Jones, Hatfield, Penfield, Barden & Would I have expected to be the me I am now? Finegold CorneJj Major.a Government (Arts & Sciences) I left Comell - establishing a family, and finding Hell no. I thought I was a quiet, unassuming, Advanced Degrees.a JD Degree Boston Univeristy; LLM out who I really am, apart from mother and wife energetic person who would find some small Taxation, University of Sam Diego. Spouse.- Gail E. Finegold, and employee. University of Massachusetts, '69, Housewife. ouI'jdrefl.a Erin, niche to fill until I raised my children, and My first job was a 5th grade teacher. I lasted 5 6/26/73, Wellesley '95; Todd, 3/21/76; Jared 5/30/79

92 taken only the minimum pre-med courses. I made the fourth member of the Fanton family, Karen, it, and met my wife, Marsha, who was the sister in 1972. of one of my classmates. We were married in During my career at HP I have had varied 1969, after she graduated from Temple. After operations and management assignments and am medical school, I went to Thomas Jefferson currently manager of the Medical Field Support University Hospital for intemship and a residency Center. My work has taken me to such places as in diagnostic radiology, finishing in 1975. That China, Russia, India, Tasmania, Singapore, summer we moved to Wilmington, Delaware, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and most of where we still live, as I took a position at the Western Europe. I have eaten more strange things Wilmington Medical Center, (now the Medical than I care to remember (not including those Center of Delaware). evenings in the Ivy Room), and spent too much Stephanie Jill was born in 1974, and is a senior time about 30,000 feet. at Brandywine High School. Our son, Gregory Laurie Ellen Faber Nevertheless, Cornell remains a part of our Adam, born in 1984, is in the second grade at the 2736 Independence Ave. #5G family. Christie graduated as a member of the Wilmington Friends School. We laugh that Riverdale, N.Y. 10463 class of 1990 from the Arts school, a fifth between the two children we have the mental Home.. (212) 796-3358 generation Cornellian. Karen has decided to break the tradition, however, as she is currently a anguish of the teem-ager and the physical anguish OffI'Ce.. (212) 862-6898 of the little boy, but it's worth it. Sophomore at UVM. I have also been privileged to return on occasion to talk about the 6Creal I have been active in radiology in the occupafJ'On.I Special Ed. Diagnostician NYC Board of community, serving twice as secretary of the Education. CorJ]eJJ Major.I Child Development/Family world" to groups of MEng. students. It is a Delaware Radiological Society, one term as Relationships (Home Ec. Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.I special pleasure to awake once again to the Jenny M.Ed.-Temple Univ/M.A. Teachers College Columbia Univ. McGraw Rag, and drag my body over to Phillips president of X-Ray Associates, P.A., our practice chjJdren.a Evan Michael Faber 1/2/86 - beginning kindergarten Hall knowing that the only blue book I will association, and as Medical Director of the in september! AffJ'JjafJ'OnS & Acfjvjfjes.a Single Mother by School of Radiologic Technology since 1978. Choice; Women's Rights Activist. encounter is one left on the lectem by a previous Computers have become an important part of my speaker. life, having participated in the selection and implementation of the systems for our radiology department and hospital. I recently co-authored a videodisc 66An Interactive Approach to Radiographic Anatomy and Positioning" that uses barcodes or a computer program to access the videodisc. A second disc is currently in the works. Marsha is the marketing director for Child Care Connection, a resource and referral agency for Delaware that matches parents with child care providers. John L. Fanton 43 Fort Pond Road Daniel Feld Acton, Mass. 01720 220 East 54 Street, Apt. 2B Home.. (508) 263-4989 New York, N.Y. 10022 OffI'Ce.. (508) 681-2023 Home.. (212) 935-3049 OffI'Ce.. (212) 971-5549 occupafI'On.I Manager, Medical Field Support Center, Hewlett- packard, Medical Products Group CormeJJ Major.I Electrical Occuparjon.I Legal Editor, Warren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc. Engineering (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.a MEEE, Comell '68 Spouse.I Anne Baker, Cornell Arts 965, Transportation (publishing company) CormeJJ Major.- Government (Arts & sciences) Advanced Degrees.-JD - Harvard Law School consultant, selectman ChI'Jdren.a Christie, Cornell '90 Born spouse.I Norma Feld -SUNY Binghamton (1967) and 12/23/68; Karen, University of Vermont, '94 Born 6/27/72 simmons college Graduate School of Library Science (1972) AffJ'jjafjOnS & Acfjvifjes.- Member of Advisory Committee to the board of HIMA, Member of HFMA Affl'JI'arI'OJ]S & Acfj®vjrI-eS.I Volunteer in several political Donald Eversmann campaigns; volunteer usher at several off-Broadway theaters. pubJI'CafI'OnS.I Employment Testlng Manual; Closely Held 1701 Pattison Avenue Can it really be 25 years? Was it really that Corporations: Forms and Checklists; Tax Procedure Digest; Philadelphia, Penna.19145 long ago that we dragged our over-partied bodies Real Estate Tax Digest (2nd Edition); Many articles in American Law Reports (ALR), U.S. Supreme Court Reports Home.. (215) 755-9913 up libe slope for 8:00 classes? Well the mirror (Lawyers' Edition), and other legal encyclopedias. OffI'Ce.. (215) 897-8232 and scales remind me that, indeed, time has passed since I wore the blazer of Cayuga9s occuparjon.I commanding Officer, Medical Administrator U.S. Waiters. Navy CorneJJ Major.I Hotel Administration (Hotel) Advanced To begin at the beginning, Anne (Baker, Arts Degrees.I MBA Southern Illinois University Spouse.I Sharon 965) and I left Comell for Boston where I was to (stiles) cornell/66/Homemaker ChjJdren.I Brian 12/20/68 Georgia Tech 991; Jeffrey 3/6/70, Georgia Tech '92 or '93-, join Hewlett-Packard's Medical Products colin ll/2/73 Moody Bible Institute '95. AcfjvjrI'eS Division. We were expecting (or at least Anne /Affi]'Jjafjons.' American Academy of Medical Administrators, was) the birth of our daughter, Christie, in Association of Military Surgeons of the Unifom Services. December. After living for about a year in an apartment we moved into our first house in Acton. Yes we still live in Acton, but we are in our third house; in fact, Anne was elected to the Board of Selectmen this year. I did actually design things at HP for a number of years, but was eventually dragged kicking and screaming out of engineering and into marketing ("you designed it, you sell it ...".) We were joined by

91 commemorate my friends' birthdays and other significant occasions. I like to think the verses have become more sophisticated as I have matured -but I still write for the laughs. *To be honest, I don't think back on my Cornell years very often. A lot of my growing up happened after I left. But I9m sure those college days were important. Give me another 25 years and I'll figure out why.

Ann Savishinsky Epstein Robert Engel 3616 North Maple Road Rt. 7, Box 125R, Old Santa Fe Trail Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105 Santa Fe, N. Mex. 87505 Home.. (313) 996-9019 Home.. (505) 982-3269 OffI'Ce.. (313) 485-2000 OffI'Ce.. (505) 982-9911 Occupa£I'OJ].I Dual career: (I) Developmental psychologist (2) Occupation.- Lz\wyer, Scheuer a EngeL, P.C. Cornell Major.' Fiber artist ( 1)High/Scope Educational Research Foundation (2) History (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.-J.D., New York Self-employed as an artist CormeJJ Major.- Child Development University Spouse.a Marjorie Miller-Engel; Syracuse Univ. & Family Relations (Home Economics) Advanced Degrees.a (1) Maxwell School; 1966; Interior Designer and Founder Life MA and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, University of Center for Attitudinal Healing; Int'l Womens Fomm Member Michigan, l973 (2) Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Textiles, Evelyn Schwartz Erenrich Chjjdren.-Zachary Taos Engel -7/31/74 -Colorado Rocky Eastern Michigan University, 1984 Cfrj'Jdren.I Rebecca Dana 9 Constitution Ct. Mountain School, graduation 1992; Liana Laura Engel - Epstein born 6-14-76 Affl'Jjafjons & AcfjvjfI'eS.a Society for lO/3/84; Rio Grande School; 1997. AffI'jI'afjOnS & AcfjvI-rfeS.- Research in Child Development, American Crafts Council, E. Brunswick, N.J. 08816 Board of Directors; Life Center for Attitudinal Healing; United Handweavers Guild of America, Surface Design Association Home.. (908) 238-3159 New Mexico Bank; St. Vincents Hospital Foundation Bd; S.F. Honors: (I) Book-. Changed Lives: Effects of the Perry Opera N.M. Board; N.M. & American Bar Association. Preschool Program On Youths Through Age 19 (1984) (2) Occupafjon.- Lecturer, Chemistry, Rutgers University CormeJj Honors.a Founder, Santa Fe Life Center for Attitudinal Healing. Michigan Council for the Arts Grant Finalist (3) artwork Major.a Science Ed. (Ag) Advanced Degrees.a Ph.D., Cornell, installed at public sites including: Marriott Hotel at O9Hare Chemistry, 1971 Spouse.-Erie Erenrich, B.S. Camegie Mellon I received an excellent liberal education at International Airport, Chicago Executive House Hotel, Ann U.,1965, Ph.D. Cornell 1971. Chemist & International Cornell, but my real education began after Arbor Catherine McCauley Health Services Marketing Manager ChjJdren.® Amy, bom 9/27/75, currently a graduation. Law school, big firm New York junior in high school (possible Comellian class of '97); Jordan, A quarter of a century has given me enough bom 3/4/80, Sixth grade. corporate practice, and marriage followed fast on time to experience seven of the eight major life college graduation, but by 1973 I needed events: birth & death, marriage & divorce, changes. employment & unemployment, good & bad With a lifetime of east coast experience and work behind me, I headed west with my first wife haircuts. And yes, I'm still crazy but no longer - traveling the West in the proverbial painfully so. The highlights of my life in 300 words or less: Volkswagen van, bartending in the mountains of *I9m still a bleeding heart liberal, protesting Taos, New Mexico, ski-bumming, settling down wars and injustice and stuff. I9m using my finally in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1974. doctorate to 66do good," developing and Since then, two children have blessed my life - Zachary Taos Engel and Liana Laura Engel. Zach evaluating educational programs for economically disadvantaged children and attends prep school in Colorado, where he ski families. races and explores the western wildemess while *I also have a second career - as an artist. he prepares for college. Liana is in first grade, Ten years ago I earned a Master of Fine Arts and is very excited by the new world of reading Alan B. Evantash degree in textiles and now I weave big wall and books she is discovering. 704 Foxdale Road hangings that I sell through agents all around the I am married to Marjorie Miller, who is also an country. I don9t make a lot of money at it, but hey Wilmington, De1. 19803 expatriate east coaster who has found a home in -it satisfies my creative urges. Home.. (302) 478-5570 Santa Fe. We are very happily married and are *I'm the single parent of a fifteen-year-old OffI'Ce.. (302) 733-1805 enjoying life in this beautiful place. Professionally, my law practice has a very daughter. Everything you9ve heard about the relationship between mothers and their OccL,PafjOn.- Radiologist - X-ray Associates, P.A. CorneJJ interesting mixture of clients from both here and Major.a Biological Sciences (Arts & Sciences) Advanced abroad. My foreign clients provide the adolescent daughters is true! I stilllove her and Degrees.- Temple University School of Medicine, M.D. Spouse.- Marsha, Temple Univeristy, l969, Marketing Director -Child opportunity for extensive travel. I am also very think she9s a great person. *In 1989 I moved to an old one-room Care Connection (Resource & Referral Agency) ChjJdren.I actively involved with the Santa Fe community. I schoolhouse in the country. Remodeling was Stephanie Jill, 4/ll/74, Brandywine High School,1992; serve on various civic and business boards in the Gregory Adam, 1/29/84, Wilmington Friends School, 2002 hope that I can contribute to a community which supposed to take 3-6 months; two years later we Aff]'JI'afI'OnS & Acr]'vI'rfeS.I Radiologic Society of North America has helped provide me a quality of life that is so finally finished. My daughter and I lived without current Counselor; Delaware Radiologic Society, past plumbing, heating and other basic amenities Secretary; American College of Radiology; American Institute exceptional. of Ultrasound in Medicine; American Medical Informatics throughout this period. I was in the College of Lately, I think a lot about my Cornell Association; Medical Society of Delaware; Society for experience and education. The liberal education Home Economics at Cornell. It did not prepare Computer Application in Radiology Honors.-Author -6CAn which was so excellent and exciting to me then me for this type of home living. Interactive Approach to Radiographic Anatomy and *I'm still short, 4'9" and presumably shrinking Positioning" now is even more fully appreciated today. with age. I'11 always remember my roommates Where has the time gone? After Cornell I pinning me to the wall to measure my exact height. They didn't believe I was 4'9" and they moved back to Philadelphia to go to Temple were right! Iove never exaggerated my height by University School of Medicine, graduating in " again. Thanks for that lesson in honesty. 1971. Studying at Comell was nothing compared *I still write nonsensical poems to to that grueling first year for someone who had

90 do. But fortunately after graduation, my husband's support prodded me into lots of different directions which I honestly might not have chosen on my own ... through graduate school for a masters and eventually a Ph.D. and into a private practice, the creation of a national non-profit organization for parents (PACE), and lecturing and organizing seminars. I joke that I have led a non-traditional, traditional marriage. In other words, my husband thought I should do anything I wanted as long as I was home by the time the kids got out of school. In reality, this has John Eisenhart Victor E]kind served both of us well. I wouldn9t trade bringing Kool-aid to the baseball team for anything in the 330S. CoyRD.#1 1583 Calle Candela La Jolla, Calif. 92037 world. Oregon, Ohio 43616 Aside from the numerous sports and activities Home.. (619) 459-8878 Home.. (419) 693-4458 we all enjoy, our life has been made particularly OffI'Ce.. (619) 459-2331 OffI.Ce.. (419) 698-6733 exciting because of Jerry9s professional involvement as an internationally recognized Occupatr'on.a Operation Superintendent, Sun R&M Co. ComeJJ Occuparfon.a Money Manager, Dean Witter Reynolds ComeJJ Major.a Chem. Engr. (Engr) Major.a Psychology (Arts) ChI'Jdren.-Anita Buett -10/13/66, specialist in Infectious Diseases with research Wellesley '88; Laurel Elise -6/30/70, Comell '93 AffiJI'atr'OnS centers spanning the globe. As a result, we've & Actr'vI'fI'eS.- Avid Bridge Player - Board of Directors Epilepsy done a lot of traveling and we've had a lot of Society adventures along the way. I will never forget standing in the streets of Cairo cheering along with an adoring crowd as Carter and Sadat passed before us on the day the Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel was signed. The past 25 years have expanded my Cornell education in a way that I could not have dreamed about. As a psychologist I've seen and heard just about everything. I've learned that it9s not just hard work that makes for a successful life, it9s also a lot of luck. And for that, I am truly grateful. Charles Ekstrom Rt 1 Box 600A Fontenac, Wis. 53125 Brenda Saltzman Ellner Home.. (414) 275-5382 14908 Shaker Blvd. OffI'Ce.. (815) 963-1731 Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 Home.. (216) 295-0361 OccupafI'On.- Dentist CormeJj Major.I Econ. (Arts & Science) OffI'Ce.. (216) 368-4844 Advanced Degrees.I DDS Northwestern AffJ-/I'afjOnS & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.I Amer. Dental Soc. Occupatr'on.I Psychologist-Private Practice, President & Founder - PACE, Inc. (Parents After Childbirth Education) CormeJJ After graduation I spent four years in Chicago Major.I CD & FR (Ho. Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I M.A. - Johns getting my dental degree at Northwestern. I Hopkins Univ.; Ph.D. -Case Western Reserve University returned to my home town of Rockford, Illinois Spouse.' Jeny Ellner-Comel1 '66, Physician - Chief Division of Infectious Diseases, Professor of Medicine & Pathology to begin my dental career which I continue today. CHI'Jdren.' Rebecca Ellner ll/5/70 Comell '92; Andrew Ellner Louise Elving I taught part time at Northwestem Dental School 8/26/75 Shaker Hts High School '93 AffiJjations & AcfI'VI'fjeS.- for nine years but flnally found the commute too American Psychiatric Association, Intemational Association of 36 Cottage St. long. Family Therapists, Board of Shaker Hts Youth Center, Board of Cambridge, Mass. 02139 S.H. P.T.A., Board of Park Synagogue Nursery School, Bd. of Home.. (617) 864-4481 I spend most of my time at my home on Lake University Women, Who's Who in American Women, Hall of Geneva, Wisconsin and a few weeks at my home Fame - Beachwood High School, State of Ohio Recognition Office.. (617) 695-9595 on the west coast of Florida. I enjoy skiing, Award, Ohio Dept. of Mental Health Award. boating, sailing, fishing, and travel. OccupafJ'OJ].I Director of Housing Development'. Develop affordable housing in the Northeast which is owned by Recently, I sat in a crowd of incoming I have not had the opportunity to enjoy wife nonprofit community-based organizations including and family but have enjoyed the opportunities freshman and their parents, while my beautiful neighborhood groups, tenants associations, community presented from freedom and reduced daughter, Rebecca, as a member of the development corporations, unions, etc. The Community responsibility. orientation steering committee welcomed them to Builders, Inc. Comejj Major.- English Honors (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a Univ. of Chicago. M.A. 1968 MIT, Master of City Comell. My husband, JeITy (Arts 966) was busily Planning, l973 Spouse.' Stephen Carr, Stamford University - shooting pictures but I sat and watched and BA, MIT - M. Architecture Architect & Environmental listened and had time to reflect ... And as my eyes Designer, Principal of Carr, Lynch, Hack & Sandell ChI'Jdren.I 2 misled over thinking about the 25-year span step-children James Carr, 5-6-64, Columbia Univ. -BA - 1986, now studying architecture at M.I.T.; Julie Carr, 7-28-66, which will separate my daughter9s graduation Bamard College -BA - 1988, now a dancer in NYC AfflJI'afI'OnS with my own, I marveled at the life we have been & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.I Have consulted on housing policies and programs a'ble to lead. in , Africa with The World Bank. On the Board of Jerry and I still happily married and we've Directors of Homeowners Rehab. Inc., Cambridge, MA, and Citizens Housing and Planning Association. Boston, MA, been blessed with two incredibly wonderful Occasional lecturer at MIT, Boston College, Tufts Univ. and children, Rebecca (21) and Andy (16). The Harvard. Have been fortunate to travel extensively in the last sixties were different times and there were few years in Southeast Africa, India and Indonesia, Europe, different expectations about what women should Morocco, and the Southwestem USA.

89 Dadakis April 3, 1977 Bellevue High School 1995 AfflJjations Center. Having a part time commitment, enables & Acfjvjfjes.a Certified Cash Manager, Certified Public Accountant, Financial Executive Institute, Evergreen Council me to keep abreast of current nutrition practice Boy Scouts of America-Treasurer. and still maintain flexibility with my schedule allowing me to continue many outside activities. While twenty four years sounds like an In addition to the orchestra, I have served as an etemity, it truly seems like yesterday. Perhaps the officer and on many committees of the local most significant event since leaving Comell was affiliate of the American Dietetic Association, the birth of my son Jason in 1977. He is an but I've given up on tennis and am trying to outstanding student, athlete and friend. In that improve my golf game. same year I completed a MBA and switched The proximity of Hackensack to New York has careers from management information systems to allowed us to enjoy the wonder and excitement of finance. the city with music, theater, opera, art, restaurants Thomas A. Dumas Six years ago I was relocated by GTE to the etc. but still come home to the quiet of the 478 Nye Road Pacific Northwest. At the time it was a suburbs. We have also enjoyed travel and with Cortland, N.Y.13045 promotional career move, but it turned out to be a our children have visited Israel, Egypt, Italy, Home: (6O7) 753-7751 tremendous upgrade in quality of life. After France, and China. 66good willing" cocktail dresses in exchange for Our daughter Susanne graduated in May 991 Office®. (6on) 753-50]7 backpacks and hiking boots and replacing Saks from Syracuse University and is enjoying the OccupafI'On.- Cornell Cooperative Extension Agent, Cornell credit cards for those of REI and Eddie Bauer, the exhilaration of working and living in New York Cooperative Extension of Cortland Co. ComejJ Major.a General good times began to roll. Life in the Puget Sound and is almost supporting herself. Andrew Agr. Education (Agr. & Life Science) Advanced Degrees.- area is impossible to describe - but it is the only (Comell '94) is giving us an opportunity to relive Masters in Adult and Community Ed. from Colorado State University. Spouse.I Martha E. McGregor Dumas, Human place to live! ! our years on the hill. Ecology '67, Kindergarten teacher. CHjJdrefl.I James M. Dumas In 1987 I was promoted to Treasurer of GTE After an eleven year absence from Ithaca we (10/29/68) Comell University College of Agr & Life Sciences returned in 1983 for a week at CAU and have '91 Michelle M. Dumas (12/26/70) S.U.N.Y. -Geneseo - '93 Northwest, a billion subsidiary of GTE, of course missed only one summer since then. That AffjJjafI'OnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.' N.Y.S.C.E, 4-H Agents Assoc., paradise has a limited life and the call to relocate NAE4-HA, Epsilon , President Elect for 92 of N.Y.S. back East came at the end of 1990. With no summer sparked a renewed interest in Cornell 4-H Agents Association, Past President of Cortland Y-Mens regrets, I turned them down and started my own and gave our son Andrew his first Cornell Club, Committee Chair of Cortland Rotary Club, Past Kiwanis firm consulting to Middle Market Companies. I experience. I am very active with Cornell today Club member, Chair of County9s Emergency Board, Chair of will most probably rejoin the corporate world serving on the Human Ecology Alumni Family Health Network Personnel Com. & Director Honors.- Published thesis on "Perceptions of Management", Special when the t 6perfect'9 opportunity calls. Association Board, our class reunion fund Service Award recipient in 1976 and Distinguished Service committee, and the Human Ecology campaign Award Recipient in 1988 from N.Y.S. 4-H Agent Association, committee. Larry and I also enjoy participating in Honorary Jr. Holsteins Award Recipient. various activities with the Cornell Club in New 66Helping People Help Themselves" -through York City. Through all of these Comell activities we have met and become friends with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Education Cornellians of all years, but most of all I look System. Seeing many youth grow and mature into forward to meeting old friends at reunion in June. respectable adults and lead a productive life. Raising a family of two grandchildren who have shared their love and respect. Both are the shining lights of my wife and I and are more than what anyone could expect of a family. Getting a chance to visit with our cornell friends and their families annually, as our a6Algonquin Lodge'9 house mates have continued Marsha Beirach Eisen to meet one weekend each year for the past 23 458 Colonial Terrace years. Hackensack, N.J. 07601 Being proud to say I attended Cornell Home.. (201) 489-4751 University and to represent the university as a Coop. Extension AgentAIducator. Occupatr'on.a Clinical Dietitian, Hackensack Medical Center ComeJj Major.- Food & Nutrition (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.a Dietetic Internship - New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center. Spouse.-Larry - Comell '66 ChjJdren.I Susanne John A. Eisenberg 6/12/69 Syracuse '91 ; Andrew 1/7/72 Comell '94 25 Parsons Way Los Altos, Calif. 94022 As my husband Larry (Cornell '66) wrote in Home.. (415) 941-7426 his bio last year, our life has been fairly OffI'Ce.. (415) 941-7426 predictable. Immediately after graduation I completed my dietetic intemship, got married in Occupafjon.I Engineering Consultant, John A. Eisenberg & 1968, and followed that with the birth of our Assoc. Comell Major.® i.I. (Elec. Engr.) Advanced Degrees.- MEE Comell '68 Spouse.I Joan Bierer Eisenberg, Boston U. daughter Susanne in 1969 and son Andrew in '67, Nursing Admin. Cj]jJdren.a 12/31/82 Jeffrey M. Eisenberg 1972. When the children were very young I '04 participated in many school and synagogue activities. Other free time was spent enjoying Carol Anne Ebert music, playing tennis and spending time with my friends. It was then that I joined the North Jersey 8608 N.E. loth Symphony Orchestra and today still enjoy Bellevue, Wash. 98004 playing the flute and piccolo with that group as Home.. (206) 451-2654 well as serving as the orchestra's president for OffI'Ce.. (206) 646-7171 many years. For the past 14 years I have worked part time OccupafI'on.-Financial Executive, Vice Pres., Treasurer, Danzas Coxp. Comell Major: Economics (A8riCu\ture) CIlildren: Jason as a clinical dietitian at Hackensack Medical

88 in 1970, and soon thereafter we both developed a no way, not for me. I feel very very lucky that my out-of-work in Dec. '73. A turning point came keen interest in viticulture (grape growing). life did not turn out as I had planned. They are when I went to work for a fledgling health Despite improbable odds, I managed to retum to terrific kids and I couldn7t love them more or be maintenance organization (HMO) in 1974. Where perform advanced studies in the subject under Dr. more proud of them if I had borne and raised I managed an outpatient clinic. I then went to John Tomkins of the Department of Pomology. them. And they are all married to wonderful N.Y. to develop a brand new HMO. One year in During this period I was involved in the drafting people. They have added a dimension and a depth N.Y. then back to LA for a year to do some of a legislative bill which has come to be referred to my life and a joy Itd never known before. The independent consulting. Back to N.Y. This time to as the 66small winery law" of New York State. other change resulting from this union is that I with my new (and current) bride. We stayed eight This development, a lack of interest in a career in leamed about metaphysics from my husband and years in N.Y. where I worked for an employee the bureaucracy, and a passion for the cultivation started a path of personal growth that is still benefits consulting firm. Six years ago I had an of the noble grape, led to our purchasing a tract evolving. I feel more in charge of my life, at opportunity to transfer to Sam Francisco. My wife of land on the West shore of Cayuga Lake 12 peace with myself and my past and confident Nan, and our two-year old daughter Lindsay got miles from Ithaca. Here we planted our first about my future. My marriage has been a settled in and four years ago, we had our son grape cultivars in 1978 and established Frontenac wonderful partnership and friendship. We've Zachary. Today I am a partner in the firm Point Vineyard Estate Winery in 1982. My time worked together since we met, started several Coopers & Lybrand and am active in working since then has been devoted to the production of successful companies and are now in the process with large national employers on employee grapes and wine and sharing in the task of raising of beginning an entirely new business. The other benefit issues such as medical care, long term son, Lawrence, bom in 1984. Carol continues her major event in my life was breast cancer and a care, and flexible benefits. Work is fun, the kids career in marketing in Media Resources at mastectomy in December 1989. I've turned this are at a great age and we live in a wonderful part Cornell as well as assisting here in the winery. into a positive experience, looking at why this of the country. Still, when all is said and done it We will be welcoming 967 graduates with a happened, and, with the help of my family and was Comell and my years there that shaped my special wine during Reunion Weekend dinner some counseling, have made some healthy life, molded my values and gave me lifetime labeled, appropriately we think, '67 A VERY changes, including starting a vigorous fitness friends and memories. GOOD YEAR. Also, complimentary splits will program. At this point in my life, I feel and look be available to those visiting our hospitality room better than I ever have and I look forward to the sporting '67 credentials. Look forward to meeting next 25 years with joy and anticipation. I plan to al1! make it to the reunion. I am definitely looking forward to receiving the reunion book and finding out what9s happened to all of you. By the way, that's my granddaughter in that picture!

Martha McGregor Dumas 478 Nye Road Cortland, N.Y.13045 Home: (607) 753-7751 Laurel S. Druce Office.. (607) 753-6061 731 Vemal Way Redwood City, Calif. 94062 OccupafjoJ].- Kindergarten Teacher, Cortland City Schools Kenneth W. Drummer CorJ]eJj Major.I Education (Human Ecology) Advanced OffI'Ce.. (415) 366-7391 Degrees.I Masters Degree - SUNY Cortland Spouse.I Tom, 8 Greensburgh Cornel1/Univ. of Nebraska, l969 A Cooperative Extension OccupafjoJ].- Mortgage Banker, Westcourt Financial CormeJJ Sam Anselmo, Calif. 94960 Agent ChJ'Jdren.I Jamey, lO/29/68, Cornell Univ. June '91; Major.I Romance languages. Mathematics (Arts & Sciences) Home.. (415) 485-1765 Michelle, l2/26/70 SUNY Geneseo June '93 Affl'JjarI'OnS & Spouse.I Elson Lui. UCLA 1967, Mortgage Broker ChI'JdreJ].-1) Acrj'vI'fI'eS.I New York State United Teachers, United Way - Janet Jolly,1959, UC Davis,19812) Deja Lui Laufer, UC OffI'Ce.. (415) 957-3223 Allocations Committee, Cortland-Homer Teachers' Center Berkeley,1983 3) Charlton Lui,1964, UC Santa Cruz,1986. Board, Past Offlcer of Human Ecology Alumni Board. Occuparjon.- Management Consultant, Partner Coopers & After graduation I headed for Paris, France, Lybrand CormeJJ Major.- I&LR Advanced Degrees.® Master of Public Health (MPH) UCLA Spouse.- Nannette. ChI'Jdren.a My family has been the main focus of my life intending to stay only a year. Well, 1 year turned Stephanie 1/7/70, MSU; Lindsay 4/23/83; Zachary 1/15/88. for the past twenty four years. They9ve taught me into 6. I was financial analyst and office manager Affl'JI'arI'OnS & AcfjvifI'eS.a Member of the Board of Directors, a great deal and helped me grow. for Dillon, Read Investment Bank in Paris for 4 Marin Symphony, Facilities Committee Marin General For the past fifteen years I've worked with Hospital, Western Pension Conference. Honors.a Published in years, thus combining my 2 majors, and, after following: Proceedings of the Group Health Institute (submitted three, four and five year olds and their families. spending a few months studying German in the articles 1977, 78, 79), Benefits News Analysis (several), Sam That9s been very fulfilling. As family and societal Bavarian Alps, I worked 1 year for Bank of Francisco Business Times (Articles on employee wellness values change it's become more of a challenge to America in Munich, Germany. Coming back to pending 9/91) help young children "leam all they really need to the States was a fluke, but suffice it to say that know99 a la Robert Fulghum. Thank goodness for during a chance visit to San Francisco in After graduation I headed west to Los Angeles the revitalization gained through those oft December, 1973 I fell in love with this area and to attend the School of Public Health at UCLA. maligned teacher9s vacations. In the 609s we stayed. Since then there have been 2 major events Midway through I received the first of three draft worried about the teem-age gang riots. The '909s in my life. One was meeting and then marrying notices from Uncle Sam. I managed to avoid the bring us the problems of children born with fetal (October 1978) Elson Lui. Up until then I had first and second but was ultimately forced to go alcohol syndrome, disorders due to drug abuse, been living on a day-to-day existence, having a into the service. I wound up getting married, aids, etc. My hope is that we adults can help great time, but with no direction. Meeting Elson joining the Air Force and then fathering a little solve the problems our society has created. resulted in 2 huge changes. First, I became an girl. Flight School didn7t quite agree with me It is refreshing to visit the Comell campus and instant mother of two daughters and a son. If (flying jets can be dangerous) so I transferred to observe the young adults learning and living you'd asked me when I was single whether I the Medical Service Coaps. I served as a hospital there. It looks as if their generation will be a desired a family, I would have scoffed and said administrator at a 105 bed hospital in strongly positive force in our world. Sacramento, CA. I was discharged, divorced and

87 assignment in the work out group. arrived in the States with a cup in their hands. they can from me and all the other teachers. I These 25 years have been a time of changing Perhaps our society is so dynamic that it will roll hope that I will not be a disappointment to them. focus -the 60's and 70's were filled with lots of over into another great era. I hope so, and I hope I hope that they will not disappoint me. friends, parties and group houses in the I can make a contribution. Hamptons. The 809s and now the 90's are quieter - family, small circle of close friends, travel and hard work. Dreams for the future - more time with Allan for travel, to learn the things somehow there never seems time for - Italian, Asian history, more about art and music.

William J. Doody Emily Keast Donahue 69 Maple Tree Avenue #4 RR2, Box 445 Stamford, Conn. 06906 Norwich, Vt. 05055 Home.. (203) 323-7585 Home.. (802) 649-1563 OffI'Ce.. (212) 697-3188 Office.. (603) 795-2125 OccupafI'on.-Financial Controller, Merritt & Harris, Inc. CormejJ OccupafI'OJ].- French Teacher, Lyme School, Lyme, N.H. Major.' Civil (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.I MBA - Comell Larry J. Dominessy ComeJJ Major.I History (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I M.Ed. Univ. Spouse.a Margaret, University of Rhode Island, 1977, market SANAA (ID), Dept. of State of Vermont. Spouse.I Dennis, Middlebury College 1966; researcher and housewife/mother. cThjJdren.I Nora Lynn - Program Director, United States Biathlon Assn. CJ]jJdreJ].I 8/22/72 -High Point University; Heather Elise - 1/21/74 Jeffrey Washington, D.C. 20521-6330 Chris, 6/22/74, Stephen 7/10/77, Sara 8/ll/80. Ross -6124n7-, Emma lane 1211/87 Affiliations & Activities.o United Church of Christ, Tres Dias of Fairfield County. OccupafI'On.- U.S. Foreign Service, U.S. Agency for International Development. CorneJJ Major.I Agricultural Our eldest, Christopher, spent six weeks this Engineering (Agriculture/Englneering) Advanced Degrees.a summer at Comel1, studying Architecture. He had Comell - Masters of Engineering Spouse.- Maria L. Diocampo, a wonderful time. Cornel1, and Ithaca, are as Filipina, University of Sam Carlos (Philippines), 1977. magical as ever, and I enjoyed every minute of Chi'Jdren.' Jeffrey, 1/24/82 French School - SANAA, Yemen, Cynthia, 1/1/84 French School - SANAA, Yemen. Affl'JjafI'OnS my trips to leave Chris off and gather him up. & AcrfvI'fjeS.- American Foreign Service Association, American Part of the magic of Ithaca is that I felt Society of Agricultural Engineers. surrounded there by people who really enjoyed learning, and who made no excuses for delighting I have been working overseas for 17 of the past in discovery. As a public school teacher, I am 24 years in the Army, Peace Corps, and the discouraged by the gymnastics that seem often to Foreign Service. During this time, I have worked be necessary to ctmotivate" children. I see on a in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. daily basis the sad results of evenings spent in With these experiences, and seeing and viewing front of the television, of families too busy to my own country and culture from the perspective focus on discovery and play and sharing. It is of others, it is somehow difficult for me to hard for me to accept that schools must become James Doolittle reconcile the edge the U.S. has seemed to have like educational video parlors, vying with the 9501 Taughannock Blvd. Box 112 lost over the years. Ours was probably the forces of MTV or sitcoms for a child's loyalty. Trumansburg, N.Y. 14886 Golden Era of the U.S. We were taught, and it So I work only part time, teaching French in a Home.. (607) 387-9619 might even have been true, that ours was the fairly traditional way to 5th-8th graders in a small OffI'Ce.. (607) 387-9619 highest standard of living in the world. when town in New Hampshire. The rest of the time I lethargy crept into society during the sputnik era, spend with my three children and my husband - OccupafI'On.' Grape Grower/Winemaker, Frontenac Point President Kennedy rallied the country to a noble Vineyard CormejJ Major.I Econ.-Mktg. (Agriculture & L.S.) and with my father, who will soon be living right Advanced Degrees.- Viticulture; E.S.C. Spouse.-Carol Jean cause, and there was enough feeling of society next door to us. In school, my students find out a Strassburg, Pace University, 1968; Marketing Director, Comell that it actually worked. The great political lot about France, since I love to talk about life U. Children.~ Lawrence ]ames, 5/24184 Affiliations & awareness of the Vietnam era and the human there, and some of my students find the language AcfI'VI'fI'eS.I American Society for Enology & Viticulture rights movement brought causes that were carried Honors.I Several Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals in Intemational beautiful and begin to learn to speak and read it. Wine Competitions. out with great convictions that proved the I have been in the field of education for most vibrancy of our society. We inherited this great of the past 25 years. Right after graduation, I Events and influences too numerous to need for progress and nation from our parents, taught English in Fontainebleau, outside paris. enumerate. However, an attorney with the but it seems as if during our watch it has During that time, I also was a student of cooking, Department of Agriculture with whom I was once dwindled. I can not be too critical since during and I have filled my spare time with culinary associated offered this important guiding this change I have been mostly a spectator efforts ever since. I received a Masters in watching from afar. One thing that is striking in principle, a philosophy which is summed up in Education through the Teacher Corps program, these few words: It is good to wear a hat. the many underdeveloped countries in which I working in several rural Vermont schools. For 8 Something to do with undesirable objects falling have worked is the total lack of opportunity that years, my husband and I taught at Holderness about his head and shoulders, I believe. Keep it most people face, and will probably always face. School, which was a chance to look at private covered, folks. When a small chance avails itself, a long line education and make some comparisons. Now, as After graduating with a degree in Agricultural forms. In the U.S., where infinite opportunity another summer ends and I head back to the Economics I began a two year stint as a systems exists, there is a certain arrogance (or perhaps classroom I feel a mixture of excitement and analyst in Rochester, NY, and then returned to lack of perspective) and a large portion of the dread. I hope that I can interest my students in the the field of agriculture as a marketing specialist population is willing to accept mediocrity. Thus, wider world. I hope that the students will be as in the New York Department of Agriculture and one has seen so many Vietnamese do so well who eager as my own children are to learn as much as Markets. I met, and was married to wife, carol,

86 education becomes more and more apparent. We last visited Cornell in '90. It's more beautiful than ever. See you in June.

Pablo D. deTorres G. Edward DeSeve 63 Standish Rd. 7721 St. Martin Lane Milton, Mass. 02186 Philadelphia, Penn.19118 Home.. (617) 698-8514 Home.. (215) 242-9616 OffI'Ce.. (617) 828-2500 Dianne Pilgrim Digilio OffI'Ce.. (717) 783-1317 1430 Manor Lane OccL,PafjOn.' Product Manager, Instron Corp. CorneJJ Major.I Bay Shore, N.Y.11706 Occupafjon.a Special Assistant to the Govemor, Commonwealth Materials Science (Eng.). Advanced Degrees.-Comell BS '70, Home.. (516) 968-9216 of Pennsylvania, Governor's Office. Spouse.-Karren DeSeve MS '72; MBA Babson '86 Spouse.-Helga D. deTorres, ChJ'Jdren.a Gerry DeSeve, Camegie Mellon ('94) Fredricksberg Seminarium '68, MS SUNY Cortland '70 Occuparjon.I Teacher. Middle Country S.D. CormeJJ Major.- CJ]jJdren.-Christian l6 years, Andreas 12 years. AffJ'JjarjoJ]S & AcfI'VjrjeS.- SPE, AMA Education (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I M.S. Dowling Currently, Mr. DeSeve serves as Special College Spouse.-John, LaSalle College '67 MBA - Wagner Assistant to Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. College '69 Health Care AdminlStratOr ChI'JdreJ].a Susan 2/2l/7 I Casey. He is responsible for oversight of the -Comell '93', Sandra 8/10/73 -Comel1 '95; John 12/13/76 Departments of Health and Welfare, the State System of Higher Education, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, the State Public School Building Authority, the Higher Education Facilities Authority and the Pennsylvania Fish Commission. Mr. DeSeve also serves as a Commissioner of the Delaware River Port Authority where he chairs the Audit Committee. Prior to joining the Casey administration, Mr. DeSeve was Executive Vice President of W.H. Newbold's Son and Co., Inc. and President of Edward R. Diamond their Surety Trust and American Capital Group 10 James Lane subsidiaries. In addition to public finance Westport, Conn. 06880 activities, he supervised corporate finance and Home.. (203) 227-6058 Susan Dollinger Newbold's Investment Advisors. Ofr]'ce.. (201) 767-5020 510E. 86St. Mr. DeSeve had previous experience in New York, N.Y. 10028 investment banking as a Managing Director for OccupafI'On.' Group Vice Presldent Systems & Technology Home.. (212) 772-0229 Simon & Schuster CorneJJ Major.- Electrical BSEE Merrill Lynch Capital Markets and as Vice OffI'Ce.. (212) 559-5510 (Engineering) Advanced Degrees.a M.E.E. Cornell Spouse.- President of Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Melissa Sandberg Diamond, Univ Rhode Is. 968 Public Smith. Here he was responsible for executing Relations Executive CThI'Jdren.I Stacy 7/24/70 U. Conn '93; OccupafjoJ].I Banker, Citicorp Real Estate Inc. C'ormeJJ Major.® financings for state and local governments in a Adam lO/25/73 Harvard 95; Peter 1/26/79 ILR AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I Columbla University - MBA Spouse.- Allan Ermann, Columbla College B.A. '74; University of twenty state territory. Vlrginla, MA ABD '78, Trader ChJ'JdreJ].I Lynn Ermann - Before serving at Merrill Lynch, Mr. DeSeve Family tops the list. Wife-Melissa, high school l2/7/70, Comell Universlty (Arts College) '92 AffJ®Jl'afjons & was the Director of Finance for the City of sweetheart, spring weekend honey, still the best AcrjvjrJeS.a Treasurer, Henry Street Settlement Philadelphia. As Chief Financial Officer, Mr. after twenty-four years. Daughter-Stacy; twenty- DeSeve maintained the city in a surplus fund one, attends U. Conn. she's a great jogging 1988 sitting on the steps of The Straight as balance position throughout his tenure. companion couldn9t be prouder. Son -Adam; usual - waiting, expecting -who will come by? In 1975, Mr. DeSeve founded Public Financial eighteen, Harvard freshman. Can't convince Could it be 21 years post graduation and it's not Management to serve as a financial advisor to anyone to go to Cornell. Terrific kid. Plays my friends we're waiting for but daughter state and local governments. rugby. Son - Peter, twelve, last one at home. A Lynn's, (Class of '92) friends. At the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. DeSeve pleasure everyday. Friends come next. We9ve Cornell looks so much the same - but would I holds an appointment as Senior Lecturer in public lived in Westport for almost twenty years, most have expected in 1967 that women would live in finance and management. He is the co-author of of our close friends have been with us all the the U9Halls (or want to live there given the Hill), A Financial Management Handbook for Mayors way, many go back to "public school" in coed dorms, cars freshmen year and apartments and a-fy Managers and the author of "Financing Brooklyn, still keep in touch with the TA® crew. anytime. It was a terrific surprise to have Lynn Urban Economic Development", for the Annals I9ve been wilderness hiking & backroads biking choose Cornell. It has been great to be back of the American Academy of Political Science. with the same twelve guys for ten years. visiting campus (when we're invited). If only the His Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Corporate life has always beckoned. memories were possible without the long drive and Labor Relations is from Comell University in Computers is my game. Publishing industry up Route 17. 1967, and his masters in Governmental mainly. D & B and Simon and Schuster for many Accomplishments of 25 years - marriage to Administration is from the Wharton School of the yearS' Allan Ermann, an ex English professor current University of Pennsylvania in l97 I . What constantly amazes me is the central role commodity trader; bringing up step daughter Mr. DeSeve lives with his wife Karren, an Comell plays in my life. The memories get better Lynn since age 10; 14 years at Citicorp of which immigration attomey, in Philadelphia. every year. Faded friendships have been 9 years were on the Intemational side and 5 years rekindled. The value of every facet of my now in Real Estate lending with my latest

85 History does have a way of repeating itself, (Comell ILR); numerous professional articles. adjunct professor in extension centers around the sometimes in very pleasant ways! On Cornell state and, Dick and I have been visiting fellows in Commencement Day 1967, I was with Gary As I write this piece, I am contemplating connection with our research and publishing DeLong ('68) in Hawaii, sleeping under the stars, laying our 1969 Volkswagen camper to rest. Its interests. We serve as editors of the bodysurfing all day and living on fresh pineapple. fifth engine has given out, and it has more rust Cornel1/Smithers Report on Workplace Substance Twenty-four years later, instead of receiving my than body. It has been with us since July, 1969, Abuse Policy, a quarterly that we created. It made M.S. degree (Public Relations) in person on when Dick and I left the US for Europe. We did its debut in Janaury,1992. Boston University Commencement Day 1991, I not return until in October,1973. During that We have lived since 1975 in an 1852 was back in Hawaii with Gary (whom I married time, we were able to take advantage of the farmhouse, surrounded by 16 acres of meadow in 1969 after his first year at Cornell Medical relaxed British academic calendar (first at the and trees. It has developed into a 24-hour-a-day College) and our 20 year-old son, Jason - and then at the electronic cottage. Dick and I are based at home, enjoying a seven-week vacation centered around University of Wales) to spend six months out of along with computers, modem, fax and collection big-time windsurfing ... a spectator sport for me, each year abroad (that is, outside Britain). We of animals (two Manx cats, a golden retriever and a thrilling challenge for them. ranged across North Africa (site of the best a cross-bred, skewbald horse). Dick usually Th;nks to Gary9s flexible (but grueling!) Roman ruins), but got expelled from Libya by an finishes his working day (about the time he used schedule as an emergency medicine physician Ohio State graduate who was very excited about to wake up the chickens in Wales) with a round and ER director in a Lowell hospital, and Jason's his country9s new leader, col. Khadaffi. We also of telephone calls to Europe and a swim in our and my schedules as students, we've spent many traveled to Turkey, the Soviet Union, Norway9s indoor exercise spa, while listening to the BBC months on beaches and on ski slopes in the past Nordkapp, the most northerly point of Europe, news. Our neighbors compare our house to a few years, engaging in an unusual amount of and most places in between. college dorm, since we delight in receiving a fantastic c6family time." with Jason9s transfer In those years, our biggest concem was where constant stream of friends from around the globe. from Colby College in Maine to University of to camp for the night. Foraging for dinner was a In fact, if our lights are out at night, our Colorado at Boulder this fall (following a 6Cyear major preoccupation: in remoter parts food came neighbors call the power company to report an off" in Vail and Maui), and my thesis (an with the feathers still attached. Our last two years outage; it's inconceivable to them that we might analysis of the Massachusetts Democratic in Britain were spent in a 400-year-old cottage be asleep. gubernatorial primary campaign) finally (innocent of plumbing, central heating, telephone I am often on the road, since arbitrators are completed, I must now figure out a way to find a or television) in the hills of south wales, among the last professionals that still make house meaningful job that allows me to keep on overlooking the Bristol Channel. Since our calls - as well as factory, plant and office calls. traveling with Gary! circadian rhythms are set to Vampire Standard Because a substantial part of my practice In the years between my Cornell and BU days, Time (something that began at cornell), our involves airline labor disputes, I spend much of I put my food and nutrition major to use at a farmer/landlord gave us two tasks; to keep the my working life in airports and airport hotels. For government lab in California and at Nabisco in overnight watch on calving cows (Dick made the relaxation, I love to ride, accompanied only by New York City; graduated from the New coffee, I helped pull the rope during delivery) and Cochise (the golden retriever) over the unspoiled England School of Photography in 1984, after to see that the poultry started work on schedule forests and fields of the mid-Hudson valley. My which I worked as a free-lance photographer 6Cfor (Dick would switch the lights in the hen coop at 5 horse, 66Buff,' ' who is palamino-and-white, looks money" and exhibited my series of optical puns A.M., just before we turned in.) 66for fun"; served as an elected town meeting like a 1,250 pound giraffe. While I rode briefly at We also spent time living in India, visiting Cornell (love that compulsory PT), I took to the member and neighborhood activist in Brookline; Eskimo villages in Alaska, and wandering about saddle in earnest in 1983. My year9s riding tried without success to become an accomplished China, Japan, New Zealand and Mexico. Over the highlight is several weeks of intensive study at pianist; helped Gary build our vacation house in years Dick has written numerous pieces for the Waterstock, a three-day event training stable near New Hampshire; and delighted in the myriad of NY Times Travel Section (he also worked as an Oxford, England, that is run by former stars of educational and cultural offerings found in the editor for that paper's Sunday Week in Review the Swedish Olympic Equestrian Team. Boston/Cambridge area. My Cornell education, Section). I was pressed into service as a both classroom and extracurricular, has served photographer; as a result, I have had many photos me well as a foundation for those endeavors and, published in The Times and various other I imagine, for many more to come! publications, including the latest edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (in the section on the western desert of China). Photo Researchers is the agency that represents me, but since I am a full time labor arbitrator, there is not much time for keeping my submissions file up to date. Dick and I have directed international conferences in Britain since 1983, first at Merton College of Oxford University and then at Robinson College of Cambridge University. The last four conferences have been sponsored by the ILR school. This year9s will be held from July 25 Richard J. DeRisio to August 1,1992, a seminar on 66Going Global: 16 Kensington Court Employment Relations in the New Europe of Princeton, N.J. 08540 Tia Schneider Denenberg 1992." A unique study tour of Historic OffI'Ce.. (212) 573-2020 Box357, RD 1 Cambridgeshire and East Anglia runs simultaneously. The event will begin with a Occupafj'on.a Director, Quality and Environmental Affairs; Red Hook, N.Y.12571 Pfizer Hospital Products Group CorneJJ Major.a Ch.E. reunion of Comell ILR alumni based in Europe. Home.. (518) 398-5193 (Chemical Engr.) Advanced Degrees.a Master of Science, (Food Those of you who don9t get your fill of reunions Sci. & Tech.) Cornell Univ. '71 Spouse.I Marion, Ofc. Mngr, OffI'Ce.- (518) 398-5179 (FAX) at our 25th should consider joining us in England Married in '68 while in grad. school. AffI'Jjatr'ons & Acfjvifjes.- later in the summer for the European version. Music, Running; Intemational Standards (AAMI) OccupafJ'On.I Arbitrator and Member, US Foreign Service Labor Relations Board (since l986) Come/I Major.I ILR Advanced President Rhodes, who is an honorary fellow at Degrees.a University of Cambridge, UK, Russian Language Robinson, put in an appearance at the 1991 (l970-I) Spouse.a Richard V. Denenberg, Cornell Arts l964 Cambridge event. Author Pub/I'CafjOJ]S.I Co-authored or edited (with husband) Alcohol and Other Drugs: Issues in Arbitration (BNA, l99l); We often get back to the campus due to the Comell/Smithers Report on Workplace Substance Abuse Policy seminar and other active ties. I taught as an

84 Boston, Navajo Reservation, New York City, (1989). Hopefully, we're here for a while. Marcia Montclair, New Jersey, and now Morris Plains has continued to pursue her education over the and Vermont. Two children. years -obtaining a degree in l989. Her business, The Finishing Touch, does well out of a home setting -the best of both worlds! Interesting places have been visited: Europe in l972, Hawaii a couple of times, the Caribbean a couple of times. But the best places to see are still in this country. Colorado is a prime example. Karen, our older daughter, is studying international business at Colorado State (she too would like to be a 6CTri-Dell") and spends much Murray Death of her spare time driving her Jeep around the 352 Warren Rd. mountains and foothills. Nancy is still trying to decide what life holds for her, but it is still Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 "early." Both girls have enjoyed the variety that Home.. (607) 257-4482 David Darwin living in several different places has offered Offi'ce.. (607) 255-6094 them. 1901 Camelback Drive Meanwhile, variety has also been a watchword Lawrence, Kans. 66047 Occ'uparJ®OJ].I Ass't Dean-Development Coll. of Engr. Cornell Unlv. Comet/ MaJ'Or.a Agr. Econ. (Agr. & Life Sci.) Spouse.a of my years since Cornell. I got into Home.. (913) 841-2888 Jane G. Death, Director FlnanClal Ald, (competitive) running in 1973 and have OffI'Ce.. (913) 864-3826 ChIJdren.' Barbara 3/9/66 Comell '88; Sandra 10/5/7l -SUNY continued to compete since then (including 14 Potsdam; Catherine 3/9/66 SUNY Potsdam '88 marathons). Later there were "century" rides on Occupar,ton.I Deane E. Ackers DIStingulShed Professor of Civil the bicycle. Currently, I am heavily involved in Engineering, University of Kansas Corns/I Major.I Civil Engineering (Engineering) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-M.S. Cornell; mountain climbing and backpacking. In fact, as Ph.D. Unlversity of Illlnois at Urbana-Champaign Spouse.- of September,199l, I will have climbed 30 of Dlane M. Mayer, SUNY-Cortland 1967, Unlverslty of Kansas Colorado's 54 mountains of 14,000' or more 1979, Homemaker. CThl'/dren.-Samuel 5-l2-70 University of California-Berkeley, 1992; Lorraine 7-25-72 University of (with a goal to climb them all by August, l993). Kansas, 1994. AffjJjarjons & Ac'fjvI'fJeS.a American Concrete On the c6service" side of the ledger, I have Inst. (Board of Direction), American Inst. of Steel Construction, become very oriented to a variety of American Society of Engineering Education, AmerlCan Society 66volunteerism" activities -many through the of Civll Englneers, , Building Code Board of Appeals- Lawrence, Kans. Honors.'Fellow of American Concrete Institute STARS program at work (STARS = "Striving to and American Society of Civil Engineerlng, Advisor to Kansas Assist, Respond and Serve"), trail building City Times on Pulitzer Prize winning series on Hyatt Regency projects for VOC (Volunteers for Outdoor Skywalk Collapse (1982), ASCE Walter L. Huber Clvil Colorado) and work with the Denver Area Engineering Research Prize, ASCE Moisselff Award, ACI Council, B.S.A. Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, Univ. of Kansas Miller Award for Distinguished Professional Service. David DeBell My profession for the past 22 years - human resources - has proven to be a dynamic, growing 2 Bark Cherry When I attended Cornell, I was busy, all of the field, and I have had the good fortune to grow Littleton, Colo. 80127 time, what with civil engineering, crew, ROTC, with it. I have experienced almost every aspect of Home.. (303) 933-4658 and serving as a dorm counselor. Since the functions within 6tHR," and currently OffI'Ce.. (303) 978-3841 graduation, it9s been more of the same. I went on manage the Manville Technical Center's human active duty in the Army three weeks after resources functions. Occupaf]on.' H.R. Manager, Manv111e Corr]e/I Major.I What would I do differently as I look over the graduation. Happily, my first tour of duty was to B.S.flndust & Labor Rel. (I&LR) Advanced Degrees.I M.B.A. - get my M.S. at Cornell. After that, I really did get Pace University (l972) Spouse.a Marcia, Syracuse/A.A.S. from years since Cornell? Not much ... Life has been to be a soldier. I went to the Engineering Officer Collin City College (Tx) '89; (Owns own business ccThe good to me. Finishing Touch") ChjJdren.-Karen -10/24/73 Attending Basic Course and then on to Airborne School and Colorado State Universlty (Class of l995); Nancy -4/l3/78 in Ranger School. After a short stint with the 82nd 8th Grade AffJ'Jjarjons & AcfI'VjfJ'eS.I Volunteers for Outdoor Airborne Division, I joined the construction Colorado (Crew Leader); B.S.A. -Member of Denver Area engineers in Vietnam for all of 1970. I returned to Council; Cornell Club; Colorado Masters Running Ass'n.; Manville 66Stars" (Co-Chair) Honors.-Accredited as ctPHR" the States and finished my tour as an instructor at (ProfesslOnal in Human Resources) since l978. the Army Engineer School. I enjoyed teaching so much that I decided to go back to grad school and Where to begin ... As I left Cornell I knew only get my Ph.D. In 1974, I joined the faculty at the that I had a two-year Army enlistment facing me. University of Kansas, where I have been At the time it seemed like an inconvenience (and involved, up to my eyeballs, in teaching, a scary one at that, given the Vietnam War!) -but research, and service. Over the years I have been after spending most of the time in Korea, it was successful at most things I9ve done. My only an enlightening experience. Started M.B.A. regret is that I have not spent more time with my nights in 1969 and finished up in 1972. First got wife and children. into the field for which I was trained in 197O. Susan Crotty DeLong What has been most important to me in recent Several (major) companies and several physical 3 Worthington Rd. years, has been getting to know myself - coming moves since then finds us in 66Colorful Brookline, Mass. 02146 to terms with what I want in life. I always Colorado." Home: (617) 2J7-7519 thought that I was going somewhere, but over the Marcia and I were married in November, 1967 years I have discovered that I've been at my (on campus) and have enjoyed one another's Occuparjon.I Free-lance photographer CormejJ Major.I Food & destination all along. I have also found that it's company for going on 25 years. Moves took us Nutrition (Home Ec.) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- Boston University, M.S. Spouse.a Gary DeLong, Cornell '68, Physician (Cornell important to enjoy each day, and that I can from Syracuse to Westchester County (1969), on treasure the good memories and learn from the Med. '72) ChlJdren.I Jason, 8/17/7l, U. of Colorado at Boulder, to Dallas (1973), then to San Antonio (1976), l994. bad, but that I don't have to carry them around. I back to New York State (Rochester, 1979), on to can plan for tomorrow, but life is the best if I live Wyoming (1983), down to Louisiana (1985), it one day at a time. back to Texas (Plano, 1986) and on to Denver

83 JD Fordham Law '83. AffJ/J'afI'OnS & Ac[JVJfJ'eS,' Instructor Completing an MBA in market research and Cornell Med College. financial services was offset by my father having Alzheimer's at the age of 50. The birth of 3 After two divorces and two advanced degrees, lovely daughters, obtaining my dream home and learning to take the time to smell the roses while being able to travel to a second home in Florida toiling for long term goals. was a joy offset by my wife losing her father and Life is short and time is precious; the most me both my parents at ages too young. Burned pleasurable things in our lives are not the result out at age 35, having been President and Director of hard work but frequently the result of mere of 37 investment and development companies opportunity, serendipity and sheer chance. We during the great tax shelter years of the l9709s should take advantage of every second of every led to my rediscovery of family with the birth of day to fill our lives with as many new and our 3rd daughter in 1979. As investment advisor pleasurable experiences as possible so that we and financial planner, achieved personal financial have a wealth of wonderful experiences and D. Sophocles Dadakis success beyond my expectations to find it was not friendships to give us comfort in our later years. 26 Maple Ave. South the 6Creal" achievement. In a temporary respite When I die, I will find comfort in the fact that I Westport, Conn. 06880 from the world of business, at the age of 36, took will be able to say I never avoided doing Home.. (203) 255-2046 2 years off and re-examined personal and family something because I was too lazy or afraid. Off]'ce.. (212) 949-7400 objectives. Re-emerged into business doing

independent development in real estate, while OccupafI'OJ].I Int'l. Business AMIJS CorneJJ Major.I Arts & balancing life better, providing for more Sclences Advanced Degrees.I JD - University of Vlrginia involvement in community activities, fund raising Spouse.I Marylu Ch,'Jdren.I Maria E. Mahin (stepdaughter) 9-5- and social programs. Financial success allowed 70; Jason S. Dadakis (son) 4-3-77 us to expose our daughters to both travel and diversity of opinion/lifestyle. Therefore, we believe we have achieved our goal of developing our contribution to the next generation as a less ccrighteous" and more open minded, international oriented human resource. Recent developments found us moving to the border community of Ogdensburg, a small river city, only 50 miles from Ottawa, Canada. I became an Virginia Nagel Culver American citizen, finally giving up on the 1 126 Stanhope Dr. Canadian Government to create opportunity Columbus, Ohio 43221 competitive with U.S. living. So, here on the Home.. (614) 459-2326 banks of the St. Lawrence, we are conducting the relaxing pace of life common in 66the north Judi Campbell Dalton Occupaf,oJ].I Llbrarian, Grandvlew Heights Publlc Llbrary country". I have recently taken on the 1821 N. Wrightstown P1. CorJ]eJJ Major.I English (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-M.L.S. Nationwide Insurance business, a fundamental Universlty of Washington Spouse.I David Alan Culver, Comell Tucson, Ariz. 85715 '67, Associate Professor, Ohio State Urliversity. CThJ'Jdren.-Tim extension of my early career in personal financial Home.. (602) 298-7454 5-I 3-72, Notre Dame '94; Cindy 8-21-75 High School. planning, but on a more basic and need oriented level. It allows me to work out of our 19th Off]'ce.. (602) 886-5287 century home, which we are still restoring after 5 Occupafjon.a Insurance Agent, State Farm Insurance. Come/I years of effort. Daily walks along the waterfront, Major.a Child Development (H. Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I MEd U a new social thrust into foster parenting, and a of Arizona Spouse.I Glenn Paluda, U of Detroit, Insurance agent constant participation in community level Farmer's Insurance. CThjJdren.I Leah (17) Megan (20) Dalton improvement activities characterize our lives. Tom (28) MaryBeth (29) Mike (30) Paluda Affi'JJafI'OJ]S & Act,'vjfjes.a Board Member: Tucson Gir1's Chorus, Mull. Change is all around us. Appreciating it is fun. Sclerosis Support Honors.a State Farm Mlllionaire Club, Legion of Honor, Bronze Tablet

Wayne F. Currie 324 State Street Ogdensburg, N.Y.13669 Home.. (315) 393-2795 OffI'Ce.I (315) 393-2795 or fax 9536

OccupafJOn.I Insurance Agent, Nationwide Insurance Companies CorneJj Major.' Ag Economics (Ag) Advanced Sandra Nellis Custer Degrees.I MBA University of Westem Ontario Spouse.I Janice, R.R. #1, Box 448K,10 Horseshoe Drive Asst. Manager, Joanne Fabrics, Ogdensburg. CThj/dren.- Deidra, Marla Dannie]s Age 20, SUNY Purchase, Ex. Graduation l993. Pan, Age l8, Johnstown, N.Y.12095 3 Sedgefield Drive Freshman, SUNY Purchase. l994. Nicole, Age 12, Gr. 6 Home.. (518) 762-8259 Ogdensburg Mlddle School. Af:fJ'/,tar,®OJ]S & AcfjvI'fI®eS.' Coach Morris Plains, N.J. 07950 OffI'Ce.. (518) 471-4290 Youth Hockey, Member various clubs. Past President various Home.. (201) 292-0372 clubs. Aerostar Owners Association. Honors.I Published a variety of professional articles on financial planning for medical Occupafl'on.- Administrative Analyst, NYS Thruway Authority OffI'Ce.. (201) 539-7550 professionals. CorneJ/ MaJ'Or.I Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture (Agriculture) Ch,/dren.-Carolyn 9/l5/73, '95; 6tresolve(d) to be always beginning ... to love Clay l2/30/76 AffJJ,'af,tons & AcfI'VjfjeS.a Dancing, 24 years of variety, adventure and achievement the questions ... to live the questions ..." Rainer Birdwatching, Needlework, Hiking, Travel, Canoeing. have been filled with both joy and depression. Maria Rilke

82 of physical security brought me back to I realized that I had still to make something of my washington in 1986. Once again, worldwide life. By then daughter Heidi was 8 years old, I travel was available. This time I was able to add was scraping by on food stamps and the communist Bloc to my portfolio. supplementing the welfare dole with fruit picking By December 1990, I was able to hoodwink and work in the hops fields of Mr. Coors. the central Intelligence Agency into hiring me to so I hitched my destiny to the Stars, took an head their domestic and foreign physical security astrology workshop, met a saxophone Player Who was going places, bought a l956 Chevy school Program. My most recent trip was another Visit tO bus and headed for california. After 2 years in Moscow, after the March l99l fire, to examine the Bay Area I became a state certified Holistic and review the activities of the KGB 6CFiremen" Health Educator/Counselor and acupressure who placed firefighting very low on their priority masseuse. Meanwhile I worked as an list. administrative assistant for a 3-year research Catherine Montgomery Crary The years since graduation have been 12051 Skyline Dr. project which examined patient, physician and rewarding and fun. My family has been nurse relationships. And then I found Raja Yoga. Santa Ana, Calif. 92705 supportive and graciously tolerant of my transfers It was the culmination of a long exploration Home.. (714) 838-9498 and travels. It's a great life. God bless America. which had included Protestantism, Chinese philosophy, psilocybin, astrology, and Swami cornell Major: History (Arts) Advanced Degrees.® SimmoT3 Muktananda, not necessarily in that Order. Heidi college M.S. Spouse.I E. Avery Crary (Peter), Georgetown U. '6l; Southwestern Law -Attorney ChJJdren.' Edward Buerger entered high school. I became an Executive ( l973) -Sarah Lawrence Col. '95; Paul Crary l973; Matt Crary Secretary for BP Alaska. l975. In 1988 British Petroleum closed its office in sam Francisco. I was liberated, with a severance package that enabled me to start my own business. Today, Sam Francisco Desktop (publishing) Services is in its 4th year; Heidi is a manager for a theater-lighting company; and I've begun my 13th year as a Raja Yogi with the Brahma Kumaris University. I teach meditation, have been to India l3 times and regularly engage in projects to bring about positive change. It Mark Creighton continues to be a rich and rewarding life. I've P.O. Box 1509 come a long way from Cornell, but am grateful Port Aransas, Tex. 78373 for those stirring days in the sixties which Home.. (512) 749-5550 initially awakened my awareness Of the Wider OffJ'Ce.. (512) 949-8800 world. James William Crawford 11480 Bronzedale Drive occupar,on® Retaillng, Islander Enterprises ComeJJ Major.-Bus. Oakton, Va. 22124 Mgt., (Agr) Spouse.-Georganna, General Manager Islander Enterprises. C'hj-JdreJ].I Falth, 8-20-68, U. of Texas-Austin Erie Harris Cramer Home.. (703) 620-6561 Graduated l990; Brlan, l2-9-70, U. of Texas-Austln, l993; 2615 E. Third St. OffI'Ce.. (703) 482-4317 Heather 8-l9-74 Port Aransas H.S. l992. AffjJ,-af,or]s & AcfJVJrjeS.I President-Chamber of Commerce, Zoning Board of Tucson, Ariz. 85716 Adjustment` Vice Chalrman FlrSt Savlngs & Loan, Church occupafjoJ1.- Security Speclalist, Central Intelligence Agency councll President, Executive Committee N.J. Synod, Lutheran Home.. (602) 881-0055 corneJJ Major.I Mechanical (Engineerlng) Advanced Degrees.' church in AmerlCa, Llttle League Coach, School District Master of Engineerlng - Comell U. Spouse.' Claudia Carbone offI'Ce.. (602) 624-8500 Trustee-Secretary, Vice Chairman Port Aransas Action Force, crawford, princeton 968, VP Intergraph Corp. ChJJdreJ].a Dlrector Dewey Dryer Day Care Center, Board of Director chrlstine l9 Apr. 69 James Madison U. '91 ; William 22 Dec 71 occupafjon.' physlcian, pedlatriCS, CIGNA Health Plan CorneJJ Aransas Harbors CondomlnlumS, Port Aransas Hotel-Motel Northem Virginia C.C. '92 Major.' Zoology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I M.D. '71, Temple AdvlSOry Board, Port Aransas Alrport Advisory Board, Vice u., Amer. Bd. of Pediatrics. Spouse.' Janet Beth Cramer. U. chairman coastal Bend Chapter American Red Cross. Honors.I conn. '68, Registered Nurse ChI'Jdren.I Sasha Alexls, U. ArlZ. During the afternoon Of I June 1968, I was citlzen of the year l99l, Publlshed ®®The Stubborn '94; Zachary David, 4-l4-79. AffI'JjafJOJ]S & AcrJVI'fI'eS.I Fellow, awarded a Master of Engineering Degree from Fisherman' ' Amer. Academy of Pedlatrics; WllderneSS Medical Soclety; cornell. A few hours earlier, I was married to golf, fly fishlng, trekking, backpacklng. claudia carbone, a townie. I still have both. A few weeks later, I commenced employment with the Department of the Army Technical Testing and Training Group at the Pentagon. For about six years, I traveled worldwide evaluating technical equipment (parts and instruments) related to weapons systems with primary emphasis on atmospheric and climatical effects. Eventually tiring of airports, hotels, and bag drags, I accepted an opportunity tO COnduCt investigations of special interest for the Office of the` secretary of Defense. After a short stint in the washington D. C. area, I was transferred to chicago where I spent three very delightful years. Robert L. Cucin I then returned to Washington for six years Of 8 E. 62nd St. bureaucratic paper pushing. One day when the New York, N.Y.10021 guards were not vigilant9 I was able to slip out Home.. (212) 355-0393 and assume the role of Assistant Special Agent in OffI'Ce.. (212) 759-9353 charge of our Manhattan Field Office. A truly fun job. occupafIOn.I Plastlc Surgeon, Self Employed. CornejJ Major.I An opportunity to become involved in the field chemistry (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-MD Cornell Med. '7l,

81 Occupaf,on.a Attorney-Mediator Self-employed Come// Major.-I & LR (I & LR) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I I.D., l973, Harvard Law School. Spouse.I Giovanna Bellesla-Contuzzl, U. of Mllan (Italy), l977, Professor at Smith College. ChJ/dreJ].I Philip, 5/23/88; Robert, 3/lO/90. AffJ'/JarJOnS & Ac'fJ'VIfJeS.' Society of Professionals in Dlspute Resolution. HoJ]OrS.I ''Moving Negotlatlons from Idle to Forward," l987 Missouri Journal of Dlspute Resolution.

Though the photo is 6 years old, I have aged at least l2 since it was taken -starting a new career in an undeveloped field, getting married for the first time, fathering two frisky boys, planning/supervising the building of our home, anxiously assisting my wife through a recent Matthew Costello Nancy Falik Colt cancer attack, joyfully celebrating her recovery, 7803 Gill Rd. 172 Hancock St. looking forward now to a period of coasting for Gasport, N.Y. 14067 Cambridge, Mass. 02139 awhile. Home.. (716) 772-7369 Home.. (617) 868-8905 The intensity of these last several years seems Offl'ce.. (716) 795-3201 Offi'ce.. (203) 432-1188 to balance out the extended coasting that came before - avoiding Viet Nam via a Vista tour in Occ'upar,on.a Teacher, Barker Central School. ComeJJ Major.I Occupafjon.I Professor of History & Amerlcan Studies, Yale Sam Francisco's Latino district, working with Ag. Education (Ag.) Spouse.a Frances C. -St. Clare's 2 yr. Univ. Come// Major.a History (Arts & Sci.) Advanced DegJleeS.- College -l965 -Teacher-Aide ln local school that chlldren Brandeis Univ.. M.A. l969, Ph.D. l974. Spouse.I Leland Colt, juvenile delinquents in the wild pop culture that attend. Ch,'/dren.-Joe, 5/9/76, l994, Barker Central School; Pratt Inst. '66, Harvard Grad School of Deslgn '70 -Architect. blossomed there in the late 60's, traveling Anne, 4/30/79, l997, Barker Central School; David. 9/lO/8l, ChJJdren.' Joshua, 8-16-74; Emma, 7-29-79. AffJJJafjOJ]S & throughout Latin America before returning to law 2000, Barker Central School. Affj/,-af,-oJ]|S` & AcrJ'Vl'f,'eS.I Act,'v,fl-es.- Am. Hist. Assoc., Org. of Am. Hlst.I Berkshlre school, consumed there by so powerful a N.Y.S.U.T., past pres. Barker Llons Club Conference of Women Historians. Honors.I Books: The BoJ]dS combination of wanderlust and regret over never of Womanhood: `'Woman's Sphere" in New England,1780- Within a month after graduation I was hired as 1835: ( l977): The Grounding of Modern Feminism (L98])-, A having practiced my violin enough to play well Woman Making History (l99l). that I quit a large law firm job after one year to a Vo Ag Teacher in my local High School. I am study at the music conservatory in Florence, Italy still teaching in the same district today, but my for a few years, occasionally visiting salt-of-the- subject area has changed over the years. Today I earth relatives in the Italian mountains and teach Driver Education full time to about 100 traveling through Europe, playing the small folk students each year. clubs, jamming in the pubs and busking in the In October I 972 I was married. I have a lovely streets. wife and three children. Our oldest, a boy, is l5 Five years of general practice litigation in and active in sports, videos and 4-H. Our Boston and I was off again to Italy with my fiddle daughter is I 2, just started 7th grade which was a and an informal research project on mediation. milestone for her, quite a change from elementary Two years later I took the long, slow way home school. Our youngest son is lO, in 4th grade and via Africa & Asia, by day soaking up the local enjoys Little League. His team has beeri in first culture & observing mediators at work, by night place the last two years. working as a strolling violinist in big hotels in In my time away from teaching I do some exchange for room, meals & (sometimes) money. farming, making hay, feeding beef cattle and a Karen Smith Coyote Special memories include an impromptu few hogs. I have been active in our county 4-H 401 Baker Street performance of Bach for Masai tribesmen and Swine program. This activity involves the whole Sam Francisco, Calif. 94117 spirited jam sessions with local musicians in family and is very hectic during county fair time Home.. (415) 922-4412 Kenya & India. but makes for closer family ties in the end. OffI'Ce.. (415) 567-5081 Great, but launching a new career back in the Two years ago during Easter vacation, we states at age 39 on almost no money was not so travelled to see Disney World in Florida. We left Occupaf,ton.a Co-Owner (Self employed) Sam Francisco Desktop western New York with 2" of ice on the roads Services CorJ]e/I Major.' Textiles & Clothlng (Human Ecology) great. A very lean beginning gradually developed and returned to the area in a blizzard. The time Advanced Degrees.- Califomla State, Certified Holistic Health into a satisfying niche as a mediator of complex Educator/Counselor, Holistic Life University, Sam Francisco. civil lawsuits, helping people find mutually between the ice storm and the blizzard was a very California State, Certified Acupressure Technician, acceptable settlements in tough cases. fine time had by all. Florida in the spring is a Acupressure Workshop, Berkeley. Cfr,'JdreJ].I Heidi Lee Though weariness set in near the end, I great place to be. Rlttershausen -August I, l968. Affl'/l'afjons & Acfjv,'fjes.I As I look to the future I hope at least one of my Meditation Instructor, Brahoma Kumaris World Spiritual relished my extended adolescence, and am now University learning that being a grown-up has its own children will enjoy the educational excellence of rewards. Cornell. Marriage and motherhood followed I myself am looking forward to my fifty-fifth graduation. Marriage pulled up my eastern roots birthday and the ability to retire and enjoy and transplanted them under the Big Sky of myself. I have enjoyed my many years of Montana. Motherhood launched a career for teaching which started with Student Teaching which all my Ivy League years had not prepared through the Cornell Agriculture College. me. Suddenly I resided in a bold, harsh land with stunning natural beauty, 4 people per square mile and a culture where high learning was regarded with suspicion, if not contempt. single parenthood soon followed, the consequence of outgrowing an essentially immature relationship. I gradually learned to survive: chopping wood, carrying water, growing food, cooking on a wood stove and the countless other very satisfying, if not terribly erudite, skills that accompany a life cback to the land'. This went on for a few timeless, exciting years until the age of 30, when

80 birth of my daughter, Heidi, I enrolled at NYU (notplastic/preprogrammed) station - first let me for an MBA. Time was moving faster. play/work in radio. In 1980 we moved to Boston from New York, I have craved connections - With Others, With and I went to work for Hewlett-Packard selling women, with work, with creative projects, with computers. After eight years I decided to expand God - rather than (conventional) adventure - my experience to include marketing. I took a though I did, against type, hitchhike across the position with a software company, Cognos, to us and canada not long after leaving Cornell, develop and implement field marketing and I visited Israel, for the first time, a few Programs. SummerS ago. In 1990 I joined Progress Software A sense of Jewish mission - of conveying a Corporation as Manager of Strategic Relations. I very personal understanding of the wisdom of enjoy having elements of both marketing and traditional Judaism and, especially, of the sales incorporated into my current function. intersections between specifically Jewish insight Charles Colucci Bruce is VP of Sales for Chipcom Corporation, and other experience (and, in my recent lecturing, 6925 Tartan Curve so we're a high tech couple. Our kids have other between Jewish music and American folk music) Eden Prairie, Minn. 55346 - has informed much of my work, alongside the interests, however. Seth, a sophomore at Home.. 612-934-1975 Gettysburg College, studies economics. Heidi, a desire to observe, with others, the cycle of the OffI'Ce.. 612-540-7162 high school senior, is exploring architecture. Jewish year and its rich possibilities for learning, Everyone in our household is sports minded, even creativity, and fulfillment. The Jewish communal oc'cuparJOJ].-Vlce Pres. -Marketing, General Mills, Inc. Come/I our two golden retrievers who join us to watch (havurah) movement and traditional Jewish Major.-Government`(Arts & Sciences. AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I Seth play lacrosse and Heidi softball. Our family settings and teachers have both enriched my MBA -Northwestern U. Spouse.-Debi, Union JunlOr, l97l, Homemaker. Chj-/dJlen.- Katie, 8/2/74, Eden Prairie High School, and visits to our cottage in the Berkshire search, and I in turn have, I hope, enriched '92; Jennifer, 6/30/77, Eden Prairle Hlgh School, '95. Mountains of western Massachusetts are a source others9 - through Jewish-interest radio Aff}/jarjons & AcrjvI'r,-CS.a National Yogurt Association; Precinct of great pleasure. They help us to keep programs, lecturing and teaching, and writing. Chairman, Ind. Republican Party; Minnesota Thoroughbred A\ssoc. perspective on how we are spending our most (I'm now at work on a documentary history Of precious currency, our time. the havurah movement.) Binky, wherever you are, I wish you had told I am a traditional but fluid Jew who, though I believe that my four years at Cornell were the me that women change a lot after forty, but it's largely formed by the 1960s, was really too best preparation that a young man could hope to okay. straight for the 60s and much too 60s for the receive to meet life9s challenge. My Cornell dreadful 80s; I really hit my stride in the 70s, education was superb, and I remember vividly the when residual needs for community, a desire for close friendship that I had with, perhaps, our spiritual searching and return to roots, and an most famous professor at that time, Clinton exhaustion with apocalyptic politics created a Rossiter. It amazes me, even now, that this man climate rife for Jewish spiritual searching and took such a personal interest in my education. artistic expression, a climate in which I thrived. I But beyond the academic education at Cornell barely survived the 80s but approach the 90s with was the opportunity to grow and develop; I new professional goals and a lovely new (first!) suppose that I am referring to the social education bride, who actually went to Cortland State, which that I received at Cornell. This is an aspect of the I was too reserved to check out at Comell! 66The Comell experience that is often overlooked. My end of all our exploring,' ' wrote T. S. Eliot, 6 twill memories of Cornell are full of my experiences at be to arrive where we started and know the place my fraternity ...... living, partying, cramming for the first time ... a condition of complete with my brothers at Phi Gamma Delta. The c6big simplicity, costing not less than everything.9 ' weekends" when my parents would usually be Robert L. Cohen the chaperons. How my father loved to come to 184-15 69th Avenue Cornell. He never had the opportunity to attend Flushing, N.Y.11365 college, but I feel that I earned my degree for Home.. (718) 469-9609 both of us. OffJ'Ce.. (718) 469-8839 This is the first time in 25 years that I have spent any extended period of time thinking about occupafjon.I Free-lance lecturer, teacher, editor, Writer, Cornell, and I have found it to be a very announcer come// Major.' Mathematlcs (Arts) Spouse.- Nancy emotional experience. I guess that it has taken me Levin Cohen/ Cortland State College, l977; Boston Universlty school of Education, l978; Teacher Aft,/,'arl'ons & Act,'vJ'f,-eS.- this long to realize what Comell means to be and Edltorial Freelancers Association; Coalition for the how good those years were. Advancement of Jewish Education; JCC Associatlon Lecture Bureau; Adjunct Faculty, New School for Social Research. Honors.I Writlng broadcast over National Public Radio and published in Moment, Hadassah, and Co/umbja magazines and in the Jerusalem Post, New YoI-k Newsday, St. Louis Jewish Light, Baltimore Jewish Times, Jewish Exponent Kenneth Colling (philadelphia); produced and hosted radio programs for WEVD 3024 Cadencia (New York Clty), WBAI (New York City), NBC Radio Carlsbad, Calif. 92009 Network (The Etemal Light); Natlonal Publc Radio. Home.. (619) 436-0108 I have led an unconventional life as what one OffI'Ce.. (619) 528-5818 colleague calls 66an artist person in the world" - occuparjon.a Health Care Administration, Kaiser Permanente seeking, through editing, writing, radio corJ]eJ/ Major.a Marketing & Business Mgt. (Agriculture) broadcasting, lecturing, and teaching to reach Advanced Degrees.- MBA Comell University Spouse.I Jeannie people spiritually and intellectually and move colling, cornell university, l968 Parent Toddler Teacher; them artistically. Training in analytical childcare Administration ChI'Jdren.- Christine, 5/29/70 Unlv. of Peter Contuzzi puget sound, l992; Erin 3/3/79 Kevin, I/l3/72 Gal Poly, San philosophy at Cornell helped me develop a Luis Obispo l994; Sara, 8/5/85 AffjJjafJ'OnS & AcfI'VjfjeS.a 70 Massasoit St. distinctive style of rigorous editing (many are ACHE Regent, Meinber California Assoc. of Hospitals and Northampton, Mass. 01060 Health Systems Board of Trustees HoJ]OrS.- Fellow, AmerlCan surprised to hear I majored in math rather than Home.. (413) 586-6686 English), and WVBR - when it was real college of Health Care Executives (ACHE) OffI'Ce.. (413) 586-8030

79 on medieval philosophy; teaching political time). Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. By the appropriate use With this, of course, my ties with philosophy at the University of Texas and spring of 1968, Miriam Steinberg (Comell 1967) the U.S. have continued with 2 to 3 visits a year Brandeis; law school in my thirties; eight years in and I were engaged. On September 1,1968 to the U.S., finally culminating in a collaboration private practice in Washington, D.C., six of them (precisely two weeks before our wedding day), I and formation of Digital Equip. India Ltd. (a as a tax lawyer and a mom; and, currently, received my draft notice. In February 1969 I partnership between my company & Digital teaching corporations, bankruptcy, and reported to the Chicago induction center and Equip Coap. (U.S.A.) philosophy of law at George Washington ended up drafted (yes, drafted) into the U. S. On the personal front, I have spent time doing University9s law school. Marines. I reentered civilian life two years later, some social work, as well as worked in forums to The sequence may seem a bit peculiar and the finished up a Ph.D. in political science, and synthesize the imported technology with our pace a little hurried. There have, however, been a began teaching at the University of Texas at specific needs of the country. few threads unifying this intense, satisfying life Austin in 1973. Three years later, Miriam got a I have a lovely wife who is a lot more socially - and most of them relate to Comell. great job at Brandeis (we commuted vast conscious person than I am and spends First, the powerful academic curriculum at distances, and some years after that she decided significant amount of time helping Womens' Cornell coupled with the political unrest of the to go to Yale Law School (more logistical cause thru research and active participation. Two sixties instilled in me an academic but pyrotechnics). While in New Haven in 1980, I beautiful children who are both away at a questioning bent that has persisted for 25 years. was bitten by the political bug and spent much of boarding school and are turning out to be a Perhaps it is merely the tendency to romanticize the decade in three failed presidential campaigns handful. one's past, but I truly believe we were the (as John Anderson9s speech writer (1980), as I am pretty content with what I have done and beneficiaries of a c 6Golden Age'' at Comel1. Walter Mondale's Issues Director (1982-1984), achieved. I must stress that my years at Comell Second, it was at Cornell that I met and and - briefly - as a senior advisor to AI Gore have signiflCantly helped me being What I am. t 6courted99 Bill Galston - my husband of almost during the 1988 Democratic primaries). After 24 years. The happy survival of our idiosyncratic, three years in a Washington, DC public policy commuter marriage owes much to the think tank in the mid-1980s, I rejoined academia experiences we shared and bonds we formed in the fall of 1988 as a professor in the School of drinking untold quantities of coffee in the Ivy Public Affairs at the University of Maryland. Room, pulling all-nighters in the Straight during While I've written a fair amount and have exams, and breaking records for bridge participated in a wide range of professional marathons at . ventures (including co-founding a new journal Third, I have remained in touch - sometimes two years ago), my most important experiences close, sometimes infrequent -with many have little to do with my career. They include, Cornell friends. These college friendships have rather: a typically complex but atypically become increasingly precious and pleasurable as enduring and satisfying modern marriage; the the years whiz by. long-awaited birth and vigorous flowering of our The only one of life's great joys that owes brilliant son Ezra (sorry, mof inspired by Comell); Brian Garman nothing to my Cornell days is the joy of and Miriam9s professional accomplishments. 7401 Del Bonita motherhood. You911 recognize me at Reunion: With regard to my own pursuits, I9m sure of one Tampa, Fla. 33617 I'm the one with curly red hair who talks thing: I've learned more from failure than from incessantly about her seven-year old, Ezra, aka Success. Home.. (813) 985-3323 His Majesty, Emperor for Life. OffI'Ce.. (813) 253-3333

OccupafI'On.- Professor of Mathematics, University of Tampa CorneJJ Major.a Mathematics (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.a MA & PhD Westem Michigan University Af]fiJI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM); Mathematical Association of America (MAA); USTA National Boys 18 & 16 Tennis Championships, Associate Director; Tampa Tennis Association, Board of Directors, NCAA National Tennis Championships, Associate Referee. Honors.- Charles Butler Excellence in Teaching Award, Who's Who in American Men & Women of Science, on the Strong Tense Product of Graphs; Voltage Graph Imbeddings and the Associated Block Designs; Applying a Linear function to schedule tennis matches; The Garman System

Pravin Gandhi It's hard to believe that nearly 30 years have Wi]]iam Galston Fulchand Nivas, Chowpatty Sea Face passed since arriving on campus for the beginning of freshmen year. Each time I come 3814 Jenifer St., NW Bombay, Maharashtra 400007 across a Cornell friend I am instantly teleported Washington, D.C. 2001'5 Home.. 91-22-8110811 to Ithaca remembering many details of our Home.. (202) 244-1455 OffI'Ce.. 91-22-2871749 friendship and other precious times during my OffI'Ce.. (301) 405-6347 four year Comell snap shot of life. OccupafI'on.I Business (Own & Co. Dealing With Info. Tech.) After graduation from Cornel1, I taught at OccupafI'On.I College Professor, University of Maryland at Hinditron Computers Pvt. Ltd. ComeJJ Major.I Industrial Eng. College Park CorneJJ Major.I History (Arts & Sciences) Spouse.- Nandita - Social Researcher ChjJdren.a Radhika (girl) Three Rivers High School for four years. During Advanced Degrees.-University of Chicago; M.A. (1969); Ph.D. 25.5.75-, Kunal (boy) 16.12.78 _`` this time I gained and developed a great 1973) Spouse.-Miriam Galston (Comell 1967); Law Professor. appreciation for the art of teaching mathematics. I CThjJdreJ].I Ezra M. Galston October 17, 1984 HoJ]Ors.I Kent and Within 4 years of returning home to India, I also enjoyed coaching basketball and golf. From the problems of History (Chicago 1975)-. Justice and the Human started a business of my own dealing in 1971-1976 I completed my M.A. and Ph.D. at Good (Chicago, +980)', A Tough Row to Hoe.-The 1985 Farm BjJJ and Beyond (University Press of America, 1985); LjberaJ computer sales. We beleame the distributors of Western Michigan University in an area of Purposes (Cambridge,1991) Digital Equipment Corporation (U.S.A.) for mathematics called Graph Theory. I then spent India. What has been fulfilling is that not only three years at the University of Kentucky and one When I left Cornell in June, 1967 for graduate have we been an extremely successful computer year at Wesleyan College before joining the work at the University of Chicago, I expected my vendor but that I could play a role in bringing in mathematics department at the University of life to be quiet, predictable, predominantly and supporting the state of the art Info. Tech. Tampa. scholarly, and largely solitary (at least for some products into the country and put them to In 1975 I gave up golf and took up tennis. This

97 developed into a great love of the game and led to (LLM in tax); International Tax Attorney ChjJdren.I Daniel position is responsible for the administration of a Musher, Oct. l2,1988 a deep involvement in the USTA Boys9 18 and large multi-specialty clinic, the University faculty 16 National Tennis Championships held in private practice plan, and external contract Kalamazoo, Michigan. Since 1976, I have spent services staffed by University physicians. every summer in Kalamazoo and have been one I met my wife Wei, while assigned to the of the 700 volunteers helping to administer this Naval Hospital in Taiwan, and married her in tennis tournament. In fact, practically the entire 1971. We just celebrated our 20th anniversary community supports this gala event which is last month! We have two children: Lilly (age 15) considered the 66Wimbledon" of junior tennis. and John IV (age 13). Both are excellent students Over the years I have met many junior tennis and plan to become physicians. players who have gone on to become professional Of interest, I recently decided to return to stars. It has been an enriching experience to work academia. I am currently enrolled in the Kellogg with so many people for the common goal of Graduate School of Management at Northwestern providing an atmosphere deserving of the best University. I will complete a Masters in Management program in June,1992. junior players in the nation. We read George Orwel1's "1984" in 1963 as John Charles Gerhard Ill freshman English students. The Macintosh 1648 Brentwood Drive computer was born in 1984, created by Steve Mundelein, Ill. 60060 Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple computer. This wonderful computer has dramatically changed Home.. (708) 566-5526 the way computing is done today and helped Office: (708) 578-3267 make computing in 1984 not like 661984". Since OccupafI'On.I Health Care Administration, University of Health its creation, the Macintosh has been a source of Sciences/Chicago Medical School CorneJJ Major.- Hotel pure enjoyment to me and all my students. Administration (Hotel Administration) Advanced Degrees.' l98l: M.S., Information Systems; Naval Postgraduate School 1992: M.M., Kellogg GSM, Northwestern Spouse.' Wei Jan TalWan National University, 1972, Banking ChJJdren.a John IV: 8/30/78; Fremont Elementary; 1992 -and-Lilly; ll/17/75; Mundelein High; 1993 Affl'Jj'afJOJ]S & Acfjvjfjes.I Member, AmerlCan College of Health Care Executives; Member, David N. Gertler American Hospital AssoclatiOn-, Lake County YMCA HoJ]OrS.- Military: Meritorious Service Medal (x2); Navy Commendation 19 Vemon Road Medal (x1) Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Home.. (914) 725-4544 After graduating, I joined the Navy - to avoid OffI'Ce.. (212) 214-7250 being drafted into the Army! Someone told me that in the Navy one could at least get three Occupafjon.I Director of Marketing and Product Planning, EJV 66real" meals per day and a hot shower every Partners, L.P. CorneJJ Major.I I.E. & O.R. (Engineering) night, as opposed to living in a foxhole. I took his Advanced Degrees.I Masters in Engineering Comel1 '68 MBA N.Y.U. '73 Spouse.a Jane Frommer Gertler-Cornell '68, Harry St.C. Garman advice and entered Officer9s Candidate School in Director of Special Services for the Edgemont School District 1021 Marietta Avenue March 1969. Chjjdren.a Howard Gertler 4/lO/74 Scarsdale H.S. '92, Meredith Lancaster, Penn. 17603 My Hotel Administration degree served me Gertler 6/l8/76 Scarsdale H.S. '94 well. Because of my Cornell degree, I was Home.. (717) 397-3452 assigned to the Medical Service Corps as a food Cornell has been part of my life since Office: (717) 299-7254 service officer. An unforeseen benefit was that graduation 25 years ago. The most significant event during my years at school was meeting my OccuparjoJ].- Attomey, Hartman, Underhill & Brubaker CormeJJ future assignments in this specialty would be at Major.I Hotel Administration (Hotel) Advanced Degrees.I J.D., Naval Hospitals located on shore. So, I would future wife, Jane Frommer '68. We have two Villanova School of Law Spouse.- Mary Brubaker Garman never have to go to sea! What a dea1! children, Howard and Meredith, who are now Westem College for Women, B.S.,l967, Homemaker CJ]jJdren.- I stayed in the Navy a bit longer than I had approaching the college years. Victoria Long Garman, 10/4/74 - Senior -J.P. McCaskey High School; Byron St. C. Garman, 12/4/76, 9th Grade -Wheatland originally intended -in fact 21 years longer - The Engineering school was quite an Jr. H.S. and retired in August 1989 as a Commander. experience, but I could never have predicted back During that 21-year period I served at the then, the career I would follow beyond following locations: 1968-1970: Assistant Head, graduation. After a few years in the aerospace Food Service Department Naval Hospital, Sam industry, I c ctransferred" to the financial industry Diego, California 1970-1971: Head, Food and started to work for, a then-small firm, Service Department Naval Hospital, Taipei, Salomon Brothers. During my career on the 66street" I have met many fellow Cornellians, Taiwan 1971-1974:Head, Food Service Department Naval Hospital, St. Albans, New several of whom were also from the engineering York 1974-1980: Head, Food Service school. Department Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, Recently, I have been involved with the California 198O-1981 : M.S., Information Systems creation of a consortium which is owned by Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Califomia several major dealers in the financial industry. 1981-1983: Head, Food Service Department We will be supplying technology products to the Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland 1983-1987: all financial firms, and I am very excited about Carolyn Garmise Head, Administrative Services Branch Bureau of the future for this entrepreneurial activity. 5305 Westpath Way Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC 1987- Cornell continues to be a positive influence for Bethesda, Md. 20816 1989: Executive Officer (Chief Operating my family and my career. I look forward to Home.. (301) 229-9369 Officer) Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Illinois. alumni involvement with the university as we At the close of my career in the Navy, I began head into the twenty first century. OccupafI'On.- Education Specialist, Internal Revenue Service a transition into general health care management. CorJ]eJj Major.- Child Development (Human Ecology) Today, I am employed as the Administrative Advanced Degrees.-M.A. Columbia University Teacher's Director for Clinical Operations at the University College Spouse.I Steven Musher, 1975; Univ. of Penn. Law School 1978; Georgetown Univ. Law Center of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School. My

98 I recently took my oldest child to college to start her freshman year and of course this started me thinking about Cornell. Looking back over these past twenty five years I now realize what a difference the Viet Nam War made in my life even though I never had to serve overseas. After Cornell I started graduate business school at and was comfortably settled in when the possibility of the military draft reared its unpredictable head. Rather than take a chance as a private in the Army, I decided the best course of action was to Richard Gilkeson H. Thomas Gillespie take the security of a commission in the Air 16448 NW McNance Road 2701 Flintgrove Rd. Force. Upon completing two of the three terms in my first year of business school I was suddenly Portland, Ore. 97231 Charlotte, N.C. 28226 headed to the great state of Texas and Officer Home.. (503) 621-3612 Home.. (704) 366-0464 Training School. OffI'Ce.. (800) 582-9168 Office.® (704) 366_OrlrlO This decision did two things: it contributed to the breakup with my college girlfriend and Occupafjon.I Entrepreneur/Self Employed CorneJJ Major.I Occ'upatr'on.- President/Owner, TNT Enterprises ComeJJ Major.- Sociology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I M.S.O.D. Pepperdine Economics (Agriculture & Llfe SclenCeS) Advanc'ed Degrees.I resulted in my long term residency in the South. Univ. Spouse.I Jeannine/Good Samaritan/'73/Registered Nurse MBA SUNY Albany Spouse.' Tracey, Mt. Holyoke,1980, Thus I have been cut off from my alma mater for ChI'JdreJ].I J.T. I/16/75; Kimberly ll/17/85; Kyle 7/17/87 Banker ChI'Jdren.I Ablgail -3/21/84; Andrew -4/8/88 a very long time and have missed the interaction Affi'JjafI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fjeS.a American Society for Training and AffJ'JI'afZ'OJ]S & Acfz'vI'f]'eS.' St. Andrews Society of NY. with former classmates. While many of my Development; Organization Development Network; National friends and business associates are impressed that Mythopoctic Men's Movement. Honors.I Author: The Baseball Although I have many fond memories of my Card Variation Book Volume II I went to an Ivy League school like Cornell, not Cornell days and then my bachelorhood the last many of them know exactly where it is. ten years of my life have been the most fulfilling After graduating I went through Naval Officer Life has been pretty good to me though like and rewarding. Tracey and I married in 1981 and Candidate School and then did two tours of most people my age I wish I was richer, more now have two lovely children, Abby, 7, and Vietnam. Fortunately we only got shot at once. I successful and more famous. But I do have a Andrew, 3. All three are certainly keeping me was particularly proud, in retrospect, that my 6 CYoung7 9 even though I may look a little older. wonderful wife and three children who love me only low fitness report marks were on 661oyalty" and that's enough to carry me through the rest of We have had the good fortune of being able to as a result of distributing a regular newsletter my life. travel a lot during this time with and without the questioning our presence in Viet Nam. children. It is always so interesting to see other From there I entered the corporate world where the Bechtel Group of Companies decided I parts of the country and world. We have also made a recent move to Charlotte, needed two years in Mississippi before returning NC to escape the congestion and high taxes of the me to Sam Francisco. During my eight years with northeast and to enjoy the hospitality and weather Bechtel I picked up an M.S. in Organization of the southeast. Nothing could be finer than to Development at Pepperdine, which I be in Carolina. subsequently utilized while serving as Corporate Back to Cornel1, I really look forward to O.D. Manager for a Fortune 500 company - returning to Ithaca and seeing some of my .Tektronix, Inc. -in Oregon. fraternity brothers and other friends at our 25th. A divorce and the move to the Northwest in the late 70's left me with a long distance son, J.T., and memories of many high times in the Bay area. I remarried and am still very much in love Mare GIassman with Jeannine and the two children, Kimberly and 30089 Gates Mills Blvd. Kyle, that we managed to find the time to make Pepper Pike, Ohio 44130 in the late 807s. Currently I am fully immersed in mid-life. I Home.. (216) 360-9521 am a Sportscard Hobby writer of some repute and OffI'Ce.. (216) 888-8223 also manage a computer network for hobbyists. I Occupatr'on.- Mare Glassman, Inc. CormejJ Major.- Psychology also edit and write articles and poetry for a men9s (Liberal Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.' Yale - MA. Harvard - MBA movement publication I co-founded in 1989. In addition I write regularly about mid-life for another publication I use to publicize a mid- life/midcareer development training company John Gilmour that I also co-founded. All these mostly at-home 204 Beechwood Drive activities have allowed me to become a full- Henderson, N.C. 27536 fledged house-husband, which currently Home.. (919) 438-8363 describes me best. OffI'Ce.. (919) 430-5219 Jeannine finds it hard to believe that I actually iveighed 15O and had hair on my head when I co- Occuparjon.- Corporate Controller, Harriet & Henderson Yams, captained the lightweight football team at Inc. CormeJj Major.a Mathematics (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Comell. I9m hoping some of my classmates will Degrees.a MBA 1973, Dartmouth College Spouse.a Joyce, BA 1964, Greensboro College, MA 1966, Duke University, assure her that I did. Property Manager CThjJdren.a Jocelyn, 10/15/73, Wake Forest U. Class of 1995, Jessica, 9/18/75, N. Vance HS class of 1993, Leslie Click Juliette, 3/14/78, Kerr-Vance Academy 8th grade AffJ'JjafI'OnS & AcfI'VI'tieS.I AICPA, NCACPA, IMA, former president Florence 13509 Esworthy Rd. Little Theatre, Florence Rotary Club, Leadership Vance Germantown, Md. 20874 Program, Former President of W. Florence Apts (PTA) Honors.- OffI'Ce.. (202) 778-3022 Certified Put,lie Accountant

99 OccupafJOn.- Attorney - Internatlonal Trade & Buslness` Porter, Sari was born in l975 and Ben in l979. My visible (and hopefully positive) impact on the Wright, Marrs & Arbun CorJ]e// Major.I ILR Ad\JanCed vasectomy arrived in I 980 (No offense, kids). human environment was exhilarating. Even the Degrees.a Law-Cornell Law School l970 Honors.a Wrltten 3 books on Internatlonal Trade & Customs law` Chalrman` I could not have predicted how wonderful and crises were fun. Federal Bar Assoclatlon, Intemational Law Sectlon fulfilling it has been to raise the children. (Trite. But after nearly seven years, it was "time to but true) Sari graduates from high school in l993 leave` ` -this time to return to the private sector as and while she may well be ready, for Dad, it's a law firm partner. The major advantage of going to be hard to handle. private practice this time around (besides the income) is representation of clients (e.g. state and city governments and not-for-profit -organizations) and subject matters (economic development projects, environmental law) that I fully enjoy. (And I still do pro bono work like teaching and writing). The big disadvantage is the constant emphasis on the bottom line. In the meantime, my stepdaughter Ariane, has grown up to be an adult. Among the many joys she`s given me, was the great pleasure of being Barry Gold able to go to Cornell a second time. Unfortunately, her mom and I were recently 30 Carstead Drive divorced, but Ariane and I remain close. The Slingerlands, N.Y.12207 Martin Gold official invitation to attend her Cornell graduation Home.. 439-7844 and the first announcement of our Class Reunion 90 Riverside Drive Office.. 455-9952 arrived in the same mail delivery. New York, N.Y.10024 Occuparl'on.- Attomey, Thuillez, Ford, Gold & Conolly CorJ]e// Home.. (212) 496-8235 Major.I ILR AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-J.D. Albany Law School` Offl'ce.. (212) 839-5481 LL.M. (Legal Medlclne) Case Western Reserve Unlverslty School of Law Spouse.-Sherry Gold, Syracuse Unlverslty BS '69; Russell Sage College M.S. '72 Health Care Admlnlstrator Occupation.-LEIW Pa.rtner, Brc,wn & `^lood Col-nell Major.~ Ch,/dren.I Sari Gold bom 2/l9/75; attending Bethlehem Central Government (Arts & Sclence) Advanced Degrees.a Harvard: J.D. ( I 970) & M.P.A. ( 197 I ) CJ]JJdren.I Arlane, 6/l9/69, Comel1 High School, to graduate June l993; BenJamln Gold, born '9l. AffjJJafJ'OnS & AcfJVJfI'eS.I Assoc. Prof. Columbia 2/28/79; attending Bethlehem Central Mlddle School. University (Adj); Board of Directors: N.Y.C. Industrlal AffJ/,-af,'OnS & Acrl-vl'fl'es.I New York State Bar Assoclatlon; Past Development Agency, EnvlrOnmental Action Coalltion; former Chairman Health Law Committee, Past Chairman Commlttee Dlrector of Corporate Law for N.Y.C.; Federal and New York on Mental & Physical Dlsability; Alzheimer's & Related Bar Assoclation Committees. HoJ]OrS.-Who's Who in America; Dlsease Assn Board of Dlrectors, Oswald D. Heck Reciplent of grants from the Ford Foundatlon, Rockefeller Developmental Center, Presldent Board of Vlsitors, New York Bros. Foundation; Fund for the City of New York; Publications: State Commlssion on Quallty of Care for the Mentally Dlsabled, Surrogate Declslonmaklng Commlttee Chairman. Law & Social Change, A Study of Land Reform ln Srl Lanka; a Hor]ors' Recipient of President's Award for '`Pro Bono" Legal dozen articles in law & economic journals; five pens from Servlces; Distlngulshed Servlce Award from Amerlcan govemors of New York for drafting new laws. Peter F. Gold Associatlon for Continuity of Care; New York State Bar Assoclation Award for 'clmprovlng the Professional I spent the four years following Cornell in a 4102 Leland St. Competence of the Bar and Statutes Concernlng Disabled combined program between Harvard Law School Chevy Chase, Md. 20815 Persons"; selected for membership ln American College of Home.. (301) 657-3266 Legal Mediclne. and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Then came two of the most exciting years of my OffI'Ce.. (202) 775-9830 Shortly after entering law school I learned that life as a Ford Foundation fellow. With an around- the-world plane ticket, I travelled west through OccuparJOn.I Attomey, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts my hometown draft board had exhausted its pool Col-nell Major: Government (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Asia to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to do a research of candidates. As many of my classmates had Degrees.- M.Sc. London School of Economics; J.D. New York enlisted and others considered CO status and project, living gloriously on only a few hundred Univ. School of Law Spouse.- Dee Gold, Goucher College - Canada, I too was faced with the reality of dollars a month. Including the trip back, I M.A. Movement Theraplst ChjJdren.I Joshua Gold 3/12/85; travelled through a total of 20 countries. (I've Katharine Gold 4/6/87 AffJ-/J'afjOJ]S & Acfjvjfj'es.I Director and making difficult choices. In the end, I 6CQuayled- Counsel, Share Our Strength (Natlon's largest private hunger now visited around 70 countries.) The second Out", joined the Reserves, and was trained as a rellef organization) Honors.I Arthur Garfleld Hayes Civil Medical Corpsman. Unlike many of my friends, I grant year was spent as a writer at Harvard, and a Libertles Fellow was fortunate enough to return home after my 6 book finally emerged. months of training was complete. This left me The first stage of my life, as the insatiable Twenty-four years ago I vowed not to produce feeling sad, as some of my friends received their learner/discoverer (and parent free-loader), was work under the shadow of deadlines. With the orders for Viet Nam. The system was unfair and I finally over. It was time to join c6the real world". sound of trick-or-treaters at my door, clearly I am felt like a hypocrite accepting its benefits. The next five years were spent as an associate at still a work in progress. I returned to law school and after graduation Debevoise & Plimpton. Wonderful people, and a When pausing to consider what has been truly spent an additional year earning an LL.M. degree prestigious practice, but not the level of social important to me over these past many years, my in Legal Medicine at Case Western Reserve satisfaction many of us 60's generation people answer is cliched, though true. I am blessed by a University. The Cuyahoga River ca,Jlght On fire were searching for. I found my pro bono work marriage to a very special person. We have two that year. representing environmental groups etc. more children - a boy, six and a half, and a girl, four Sherry and I returned to Albany where I began satisfying. It was then that I both met a lady and a half -who are truly joyful. (I am told that lawyer (at an AI Lowenstein lecture on private practice in addition to teaching at the my response may be different by our 35th college local law school and medical school. The firm international human rights) whom I married, and reunion.) now has I I lawyers and most of my time is spent was offered the challenge, by the Koch I have been in Washington since 1975, when I dealing with medicolegal cases. (Malpractice, Administration, of establishing a new division of left law practice in New York to become lawyers to do large economic development professional misconduct, staff privileges and Legislative Director for newly elected U.S. regulatory matters; and all litigation concerning projects for the City. Soon thereafter7 I became Senator Gory Hart (D-Colo.). For six years I health related issues). Sherry has worked hard as Director of Corporate Law for New York City. worked on issues ranging from the Salt II treaty a spouse, mom and as a psychiatric nurse. She The projects (e.g. South Street Seaport, Battery to clean air to national energy policy. I has risen through the ranks to Treatment Team Park City, redevelopment of Times Square) and subsequently joined with another Cornellian, Ray Leader and now is Chief of Service. the responsibility were fabulous. Having a large, Calamaro, to found the Washington office of a

100 large Wall Street law firm. The only unifying more than a decade and was spurred on by was often frightening, but it was real life - the thread to my practice is that I am involved in all marriage to Lee (one of my former students). ultimate course that Cornell didn't offer me. I the matters. My work shifts from counseling Subsequently we have experienced the joys and also discovered the mountain ranges of the West, investment bankers to the Navajo Nation, from hard work involved in raising Nathan, now I I, the birds of the Midwest, and running. I survived corporations to hunger relief groups. I have and Erin. soon-to-be lO. It has often been hectic Chicago and the turbulent late 1960s, and left continued to compete in national tennis with the kids progressing from T-ball to Little Chicago in l97l to become an assistant professor tournaments which, given my ranking, has forced League and softball. among a myriad of other at the University of Wisconsin. I had entered me to appreciate everything else in life. In sum, I activities. Perhaps after being at Reunion, they Chicago to follow in the footsteps of Fred Kahn feel very lucky. will think of becoming future Cornellians. I've - the best economics teacher an undergraduate often been asked how I have 6Cmanaged" in could hope for - and study the economics of small-town Ohio these many years. With Lee and regulation. But I found true love in economic a family now growing up it has been most history - the study of the origins of current enjoyable. But I believe the four years at Cornell economic issues and policies. I left Wisconsin in shaped my ability to meet challenges. I strive to l973 for Princeton, left Princeton in 1979 for the convey to my students, in a different setting and University of Pennsylvania. and left Penn in I 990 Matthew Goldberg at a different time, the simple philosophy for Harvard. My academic interests are in 130 Capricom imparted to us beginning in the Fall 1963, to American economic history, gender, current exercise, 6CFreedom with Responsibility" Oakland, Calif. 94611 social policies9 and the labor market. I live with Although I have not maintained contact with another Harvard professor who studies labor Home.. (510) 665-1520 individuals of the Class of '67, Cornell as a economics, and we visit our favorite labor

OccupafJ'OJ].I Arbitrator/Mediator/Attorney, Self-employed. source of fond memories and contributor to any arbitrator, Tia Denenberg, whenever we can. CorJ]eJJ Major.I History (Arts) Advanced Degrees.-J.D., N.Y.U. success I have had will always be important to Spouse.a Audrey Bodel, U. of Utah, R.N. l978 Ch,'/dren: me. Jonathan Zachary, 7/4/87

Phyllis L. Goodman 205 West End Ave. Claudia Goldin New York, N.Y. 10023 14 Scott St. Home.. (212) 873-9733 Cambridge, Mass. 02138 OffI'Ce.. (212) 523-4040 Home.. (617) 876-2601 OffI'Ce.. (617) 495-3934 OccupafjoJ1.I Healthcare Public Relations, St.Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center CorJ]eJJ Major.- Nutrition (Home Economlcs) Affi'JJ'afjOnS & AcrjvI'fjeS.-I 990-91 President, Healthcare Public Occupafjon.I Professor of Economlcs, Harvard Universlty Relations & Marketing Society of Greater New York. Past CorneJJ Major.I EconomlCS (Arts and Sclences) AdvaJ]Ced board member of the Health Academy of the Public Relations Roger H. Goldberg Degrees.I M.A., Ph.D. AffI'J,afj'oJ]S & Acfjvl'f,'es.' Vice President, Society of America. 411 Grandview Blvd. American Economic Association; Editor Jourma/ of Economic History. Honors: Understanding the Gender Gap.- An Economic Ada, Ohio 45810 HJ'SrOry Of Amen'caJ] Women (Oxford University Press,1990); Home.. (419) 634-0427 Urban SJavery ,'n fJ]e Amer,-can Sourf] (University of Chicago Press, l976)`, Strategic FactoI-S in 19th Century AmeI-iCan Off]'ce.. (419) 772-2096 Economic Hjsfory (Unlverslty of Chicago Press, l992); Guggenhelm Fellowship; Fellow of the EconometrlC Society OccuparI®On.I Professor of Economics, Ohio Northern University. CorneJJ Major.' Economlcs (Arts & Sciences) Advanc'ed Degrees.I M.A., Ph.D. Indiana University Spouse.I When I left Cornell I was immature in many Lee Goldberg, Ohio Northern University, l980, Assistant ways. We had been protected as undergraduates auditor -State of Ohio CfrjJdren.I Nathan - 1 I/03/80; Erin - - by the (false) tranquility of the times, by the 6/24/82 AffJ'JI'arI®OJ]S & AcfjvjfI'eS.I American Economic Association, Midwest Economics Association, Ohio geographical isolation of Ithaca, by the caste Association of Economists & Political Scientists, United Way system of the Greeks, by dormitory life, and by of Ada. HoJ]OrS.- Omicron Delta Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, the (generally) drug-free environment. But 6Cthe Patton Chair in Economics (ONU) times they were achanging," and the world literally exploded when we left in 1967. I Caroline Rigby Graboys Earning a degree from Cornell provided the immediately entered the University of Chicago to 70 Fairmont St. opportunity for graduate study at Indiana Univ. study economics. Intellectual life at Cornell was Brookline, Mass. 02146 courtesy of a government fellowship. Given the tame compared with Chicago. But I had far more Home.. (617) 731-6811 uncertainty of alternative career opportunities to contend with than the theories of price and "going West" to Bloomington proved to be a OfrI-Ce.-(5O8) 588-6000 money. There was the high crime urban ghetto in wise decision. It enabled me to begin a teaching which I feared the cops (aka pigs) just as much as Occuparjon.- Director, Fuller Museum of Art ComeJ/ Major.' Art career two years later when c6Uncle Sam" had I feared the robbers. No more dormitories, no History (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a Harvard M.Ed. Spouse.I Tom alternative plans for me. Life as an academic at more cafeteria meals, no more planned social life, Arts '66 -Physician ChI-/dren.' Penelope (8-12-70) Comell Arts Ohio Northern Univ., a small, private, teaching- no more structured courses in which hard work 92; Sarah (I I-l4-73) Senior, Tabor Academy. AffJ'JI-afjOnS & oriented institution has been most rewarding and Act,'vjfjes.' Unsuccesful Run for the Massachusetts State earned you an A. I found true fraternity, my own Legislature ( I 990) -lost by 32 votes! enjoyable. identity, and intellectual excitement at Chicago. It Completion of my doctorate stretched out for

101 After l5 years of marriage and a somewhat one for me. I attained my Ph.D., I got married, mundane career in the museum world, I returned and I moved from New York City to Vermont all to my original love, surfing and have been on the in the same year. Reid and I now have two women's senior professional tour for the past wonderful girls. eight years. Spouse Tom (Arts 966) and As a psychologist, I have worked at the daughters, Penelope (Arts '92) and Sarah, have University of Vermont College of Medicine, been both tolerant of my frequent absences and Psychiatry Department. Currently I am in full patient with my varied and numerous orthopedic time private practice working with individuals, problems. Life 66on the tour" has led to some couples and groups. very interesting adventures including a As a protected only child I found the social and nonspeaking part in the surfing scenes in 66Jaws academic complexity of Cornell challenging, 3". Ironically a year later, I lost 3 toes on my left stimulating and, at times, overwhelming. What a foot following a Hammerhead Shark attack while wonderfully enriching environment for any Mark Green competing in Maui at the Pacific World Cup. It's young adult. 530 E. 90th St. #6K a bit harder to 66Hang lO" (Now only seven) but New York, N.Y.10128 I'm still out there. Hope to see you all at the Home.. (212) 534-3167 25th!! OffI'Ce.. (212) 487-4401

Occupar,'on.-Lawyer, N.Y. City Govemment, Commissioner of Consumer Affairs ComeJJ Major.a Govemment (Arts) Advanced Degrees.-J.D. '70, Harvard Spouse.I Deni Frand, NYU '69, Judith Graves Event Organlzer ChI'Jdren.I Jenya Frand-Green,13; Jonah 6009 Brookside Drive Frand-Green, 7. Chevy Chase, Md. 20815 Home.. (301) 657-8241 The summer after graduation, while working OffI'Ce.. (301) 652-4714 as an intem for Senator Jacob Javits, I organized a few hundred other clean-cut interns to write a Occupaf,oJ].I Computer Programmer, Clvilized Software Come// letter to LBJ protesting the Vietnam War. Major.I Economist (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.I MA- Regrettably, it ended not the war but the intern Economlcs MBA - U of Calif. Berkeley. Spouse.I Virgil D. John B. Green Jr. Gligor PhD -Electrical Engineering & Computer Science '73 - 2913 Harvey St. program (for three years), as an angry Congress retaliated against what they regarded as a mutiny Full Professor, U. of Md. ChjJdr¬J].I Andre Gligor 2/6/76 ~ Madison, Wis. 53705-3503 Bethesda Chevy Chase High School '94; Eugene Gllgor in their midst. Home.. (608) 233-2831 I I/9/79 -Westland Intermediate School I mention this long-forgotten small episode

OccupafJ'OJ].- Engineer ComeJJ Major.a Civil Engr. (Englneering) because, for better or worse, a) I've been SpoLISe.-Phyllis Dorman -Mich. Tech. Univ. - l976 BS & BA, similarly professionally impertinent ever since Mlch State Unlv. l981 MS, Forester ChjJdren.a Jason 7/2l/90 and b) I was sufficiently inspired to seek that Aft,'JjafjoJ]S & AcfJ'VJfjeS.a ASCE, Lions Club HoJ]OrS.I Tau Beta very U.S. Senate seat two decades later. Pi After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1970. I worked with Ralph Nader from 1970- Since marriage to Phyllis in l9811ife has been 1980. I'll never have a better job. After a decade on the move. She is a career employee with the of midnight calls with Ralph - plus many books, U.S. Forest Service and frequent moves has given hearings, speeches, later - I became an her advancement opportunities. Home has been outspoken consumer advocate (which amuses my in Michigan, Vermont, Washington and now wife greatly since she regards me as the world9s Wisconsin. We've focused on our work and worst shopper). Among other efforts, I wrote outdoor activities which include canoeing, Who Runs CtoJ]greSS? (Answer: special interest hiking, kayaking, biking, skiing and gardening. donors.) Besides exploring around our many homes, I moV~ed back to New York in 1980 to run we9ve managed a tour of Europe and of Nepal. unsuccessfully for Congress and to start The Now activities center around home with our Democracy Project, a public policy institute. first child, Jason, who is just one year old. Dad is More books and advocacy ensued, including 250 primary caregiver at present, on sabbatical from TV appearances debating Bill Buckley, Pat engineering, and enjoying it. Buchanan and Bob Novak on PBS and CNN (all Previous to marriage I completed a year of without taking tetanus shots!). In 1986, I sought graduate study at Colorado State University. the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate from Then I spent two years in the Army, part of it in New York, winning 54%-4697o over a man who Vietnam, as a dump truck driver for the Corps of out-spent me by $6 million to $800,000 - and Jane Borin Grayson Engineers, of course. After that great tour I then lost the general election 5797o-4197o to 19 Morgan Dr. returned to Colorado to work as a civil engineer incumbent AI D'Amato. Subsequently, I got the Shelbume, Vt. 05482 and enjoy life with an active outdoor focus. Senate Ethics Committee to investigate this Home.. (8O2) 985-2111 The future promises to be lots of family Wizard of Ooze, with the result they rapped his activities and a return to work doing municipal OffI'Ce.. (802) 864-4505 knuckles and his popularity plummeted to the project engineering related to water supply, Occupafl'on.a Clinical Psychologist Corne/I Major.- Child sewage disposal, and storm water management. point that he should lose his '92 bid. Development (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I Ph.D. CUNY Mayor David Dinkins appointed me as the Spouse.a Reid Grayson, Optometrist ChJ'Jdren.I Sara I/l6/78; Commissioner of Consumer Affairs for New Erica 1/6/82. A£fJ'Jjar,'ons & AcrI'VjfI-eS.' Amer. Psychological York City in February 1990. I've been alternately Assoc., Amer. Group Psychotherapy Assoc. called ccthe Bess Myerson of the 90s" (!) and 6Ca Nader with subpoena power." I9m still an awful I was l9 when I graduated from Comel1. Since consumer but love the executive authority to sue I was so young, I decided to go directly to or expose deceptive electronic stores, home graduate school in order to forestall my encounter improvement contractors, cigarette firms, with 66real life". The year 1974 was an eventful

102 supermarkets, toy firms, jewelers and car dealers. sophomore at Cornel1 (planning a career as a guru Caveat vendor i.e. a philosophy major), and Michele is a senior in high school with the goal of becoming a 66real" Mom; fortunately I9ve been on the Cornell campus frequently during the last two years. Bob is enjoying his research as a rheumatologist, and I9m a working school psychologist also in private practice, but my real joy is experienced when my whole family is having fun around the dining room table. Cherished moments are those spent relaxing with EIaine Kamhi Greenwald my kids (when they are willing to spend time 5 Vauxhall Ct with us). I'm finally at a stage where the conflict between home and career seems to have been Melville, N.Y.11747 resolved, although I'm certainly not Doris Day or Ellen Schmidt Greenblatt Home.. (516) 643-6655 Betty Friedan. 1004 Oxford St. OffI'Ce.. (516) 491-5050 Berkeley, Calif. 94707 Home.. (510) 524-5293 OccupafI'OJ].- Psychologist. Comer/ Major.- Child Development (Human Ecology). Advanc'ed Degrees.a Ph.D. Hofstra Un. OffI'Ce.. (415) 346-8400 Spouse.I Robert Greenwald, MD Physlclan, Johns Hopkins Medical School 967. ChI'Jdren.I Any Rachel, 8/16/69, Un of OcclJPafjOn.- English Department Head, University High Penn'91, Oxford England 92; Carolyn Beth 2/23/72, Cornell School, Sam Francisco. CorJ]eJJ Major.I English (Arts & '94, Michele Risa, Cornell I hope. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fJ'eS.I Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- MAT (Yale). Spouse.I Stephen Dir. Townwide Fund of Huntington Dir. on Board of B'nai Greenblatt, Yale l964, English professor. CfrjJdreJ].-Joshua, Brith; Comell Club of L.I., CAAAN; Dix Hills Jewish Center, (2/1/75), Berkeley H.S.; Aaron, (6/1/78), Head-Royce School. Speaker for the Arthritis Assoc.; for the "y" presented on Affl'JJ'afI'OnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.I Council for Basic Education grant for "Relationships". Honors.I Burnout in School Psychologists Independent Study by the Humanities; College Board given in N.Y.C.; Published on Separation Anxiety in Children; Consultant. Honors.a Numerous book revleWS, Many Voices.- A Disciplining Your Child; Living With Chronic Pain; Multicultural Bibliography for Secondary School, aLwicteS. etC. Relationships in the 90's9 '

This past summer, I stood in a village near the As a student at Cornell, I was torn between the Mekong River in Laos next to a woman about my desire to marry Rock Hudson (not knowing the Jo Barrett Grellong 205 West 89th Street age. As we observed and smiled at each other, I truth, of course), the wish to act and look like thought how odd it was that I would leave and Doris Day, and the ideas that Betty Friedan New York, N.Y. 10024 Home.. (212) 595-1788 return to my life in California, while she would presented at Taylor Hall, i.e. that women should remain forever within a few kilometers of that be professionals, rather than stay-at-home Moms. OffI'Ce.. (718) 423-6200 village. I didn9t feel she would necessarily have a In many ways that conflict lingers today, better life if she could leave; I just felt powerfully especially when I come home after a 14 hour day Occupatr'on.I Psychiatric Social Worker, Pride of Judea Mental Health Center & Private Practice CorneJJ Major.I Child aware of my great good luck in having choices. and my 16 year old daughter tells me that, when Development (Human Ecology - Home Economics) Advanced Choices involve risks, but my life has been, it she has children, she is going to stay home and Degrees.I M.S. Columbia University School of Social Work. seems to me, extraordinarily full, fortunate in take care of them! Spouse.-Bruce A. Grellong, Univ. of Minnesota B.A. 1966, Comell Univ. Ph.D. 1973, Psychologist. arI'JdreJ].I Paul Aaron family and career. Within 2 years of graduating After graduation from Cornell, the choices Grellong, April l9, 1978, Allen-Stevenson School Affl'Jjatr'ons from Cornel1, I completed a Master of Arts in were to become a teacher, a school psychologist, & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.I NASW®, Society for Clinical Social Work. Teaching degree at Yale, began teaching high or a clinical psychologist. At the time, I found the school English and married Stephen Greenblatt. choices overwhelming, but as I write this essay, I During the summer of 1969, with the casual discover that I did all three. Only recently have I insouciance of youth, we made a choice to leave broken away from the Doris Day mentality and family and friends 3000 miles behind and move leamed to make decisions for myself (of course to Berkeley, where we have lived ever since. with my husband's input). Berkeley is a wonderful place (our sons consider Bob and I were married June 1967 and it has it the center of the universe), though we have worked out well since he has been a supportive never managed to settle there for more than a few husband most of the last 24 years. Any was born years at a time. Sabbaticals have taken us to 2 years later, followed by Carolyn just before we Paris, London and Cambridge, Mass., recreation moved from our apartment in Great Neck to the has led us to Mexico, the Middle East, China, home we have lived in for the past twenty years; Bali, , Kenya and throughout Europe. Michele was born in this house. For ten years I Iove also traveled in the western US for my own remained home with my children and we had a D. Stephen Guerrant work as a consultant to the College Board, great time, except when I went on a rampage to leading workshops for teachers and clean the house because company was coming. I 824 Prospect Avenue administrators. always wondered how the ideal wife was Winnetka, Ill. 60093 I didn't take the long view when I decided to supposed to be a gourmet cook and maintain a Home.. ¢08) 446-0613 become a teacher. It was just where my Sixties size 4 figure. Off]'ce.. ¢08) 446-7810 idealism led me, and, to my delight, I have I returned to my School Pscyhology career in retained my enthusiasm for teaching. My own 1979. Those were my most anxiety producing OccupafJOn.' Architect, Arch Associates/Stephen Guerrant, A.I.A. CorneJJ Major.I Architecture (Architecture). Spouse.I children, now in their teens, remind me with their years. I was in constant conflict. In order to leave Marcia. Elmira College, Interior Designer. ChjJdren.a Davld, zaniness why I9ve always loved high school kids. for work as late as possible, get my kids off to (8/15/69), , Class of 199l, and Willamette I just can't believe how fast time is passing. school, and arrive at work on time, speeding University, Law, Class of 1994. Aff]-JI'afI'OJ]S & AcfI'Vl-fjeS.- tickets were not uncommon. Earning my own American Institute of Architects, North Shore Board of Realtors, Chairman Winnetka Design Review Board, Winnetka money, I completed my Ph.D. in 1984. Plan Commission Honors.- Work published frequently in shelter Any graduated summa from Penn and is off to magazines. Oxford as a Thouron Fellow. Carolyn is a

103 Can't possibly be time for a reunion yet -I'm too young for this. Seems like just last week that I married Marcia, we were all dodging the draft, and Sibley Hall was the center of the universe. But, as this is written, next year will be our 25th wedding anniversary and a class reunion too, so there7s a lot of catching up to do. Family history has us the proud parents of 22 year old David who is now in law school at Willamette U. in Salem Oregon after doing undergrad at U. of Iowa. We live in a restored Victorian home in Winnetka, Ill., and also have a place at Deer Valley, Utah, and a farm near Carol Klein Hall David Gutknecht Galena, Ill. Marcia and I play a lot of golf 10716 Dunhill Terrace 12 Millwood Drive together and I get to ski and go fishing Raleigh, N.C. 27615 occasionally. Danville, Penn.17821 Home.. (919) 846-1867 The career track is a bit more complicated. I Home.. (717) 2;I5-7793 OffJ'Ce.. (919) 515-3571 apprenticed with the Navy for a few years, and OffI'Ce.. (717) 271-6645 then went with up and coming architects Booth Occ'upar,on.a Professor of Chemical Englneerlng, North and Nagle in Chicago. In l972 I started my own Occupaf,-on.I Physician; Director, Department of General Carollna State Unlverslty. Come/I Major.I Physics (Arts & Intemal Medlclne, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Penn. Sclences) Advanced degrees.I M.A., Ph.D., Physlcs, State practice, Arch Associates, which is still going l7822 Col-nell Major.' Zoology (Arts & Sciences) Advanced strong doing primarily residential work. Rick Unlversity of New York at Stony Brook Spouse.I Thomas Hall, Degrees.I MD Comel1 '7l Spouse.-Donna; Comell -New York Cornell '66, President, Maxwell Electronics Ch]JdreJ].I Katie Lloyd was a partner for a few years in the late Hospltal School of Nursing l969; Homemaker, also attendlng l2/29/73 (senior at Enlue H.S.); Adam 5/27/78 (7th grade at 709s. I've also been a real estate broker for 20 Bloomsburg University for a 66second major" in Music! Ligon Middle); Norah 4/I 7/83 (3rd grade at Hanter Elementary) ChJ'/dreJ].I Kristln 3/l5/72 Geisinger School of Nurslng l992; years now, and for the last four years we've been Andrew 4/I 1/76 Danville High School l994; Liesl 5/8/8l breeding and raising beef cattle on our farm. AffJ-Jjaf,ons & Ac'fjvjfjes.I Amerlcan College of Physicians; Marcia is the rising star in the family with a very Society of General Internal Medicine; Susquehanna Valley successful interior design practice. We're both chorale Honors.-Fellow of the American College of Physicians; Cllnlcal Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College. published a lot in the shelter mags and I hope you like what you've seen. '67 was for me the end of one Cornell Don't know what the future will hold for us - We're having a good time keeping busy with our experience but the beginning of another as I entered Cornell Medical College and began what present ventures. I guess Itd like to ease away from the service end of the architecture and will be a lifelong study of medicine. Another design business, and spend more time doing art great beginning also occurred that year as I met, and the next year married, Donna Sacks (Comell and working my cattle. Princess Marcia says 969 Nursing). she9d like to try bon-bons and movie mags. We9d sure like to see the Sibley Hall gang again and we After med school, internal medicine residency hope some of you will look us up in one place or at Penn State's Hershey Medical Center, and two Carol PolakoffHall another. years in the Air Force in northern Maine (yes, 10 East Sturbridge Drive colder than Ithaca), we came to Danville, Piscataway, N.J. 08854 Pennsylvania, and the Geisinger Medical Center, Home.. (908) 463-9378 a large teaching hospital where I've worked since 1977. I do clinical care, teaching, research, and Occupar,on.' Teacher - Speclal Education, Piscataway Township administration and have been department director Schools Corns// Major.I CD&FR (Human Ecology) since 1987. Spouse.-Jeffrey. Engineer '67; Pllot Northwest Airlines Ch,I/dren.-Megan (2-25-78) Freshman -Piscataway High We9ve been busy raising our children, School; Kylee (9-18-79) 7th grade -Connackmack Middle supporting our church, 66finishing" a new home, School AffJ-/J'afjOnS & Ac'f,vJrJ'eS.-PTEA, Teacher Rep.; Coach - and enjoying a mutual love for music. Donna, a Glrls Softball fine pianist, is pursuing a second degree in music. Our older daughter, Kristin, is in nursing school. After graduation, I did as so many others, Andy, in high school and an aspiring architect, found a job and an apartment in New York City. plays violin as does his younger sister, Liesl. I After about 8 months, realized that Jeff ('67) was sing with a large regional chorus and have done more important ... quit my job, flew down to Robert Guldin many of the choral masterpieces of western Pensacola (where Jeff was in flight training for 7309 Willow St. music. What a rich experience! the Navy) drove to Brewton, Alabama to get Takoma Park, Md. 20912 These 25 years have gone quickly but they married and within 48 hours began a five and a Home.. (301) 587-4916 have been full - full of joy in music, full of half year odyssey living in various military areas OffI'Ce.. (202) 994-6462 professional opportunity and service, and full of across the south and western U.S. family life and love. It's not all been perfect. My Always managed to find teaching jobs OccupafJ'OJ].I Editor, George Washington University CorJ]eJJ work brings risks of overexposure to pain, and wherever we were stationed, even taught three Major.' Government (Arts & Scl) Advanced Degrees.a M.A. - over-reliance on its antidote, a protective but Columbla U. '85 -Soviet Studies Spouse.I (Actually Fiance) years in a parochial school system in San Jose, Susan Strasser, Historian; Reed '69; PhD-Stony Brook numbing detachment. And no family is without Califomia (living for a while with the nuns while Affl'/,'atr'oJ]S & Acfjvl'fJ'eS.-Forum for U.S.-Sovlet Dialogue; The its stresses. But the years have been good. Jeff was overseas ... not bad for a Jewish girl Greens-USA Jewish Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Peace from Long Island!) Waited lO years before starting a family, until Jeff had a good, 6Csecure" piloting job with Eastern Airlines. Have two lovely, intelligent, athletic daughters ... Megan (2-25-78) who will be a freshman in high school in the fall of 991, and Kylee (9-18-79) who will enter 7th grade.

104 Unfortunately, with the demise of Eastern Oklahoma. Since leaving the Air Force, I have As for the future ... we'd both be happy Airlines ... (Jeff was on strike for 8 months and been pursuing my Engineering career, having continuing to live here indefinitely (never then quit, giving up 17 years of seniority, rather obtained my Professional Engineer9s license in underestimate the stress caused by snow and/or than continuing to work for the likes of a 66Frank Pennsylvania and am currently working in the humidity until you9ve lived without them for a Lorenzo") ... Jeff's only option was to begin all boiler industry. Carol is currently teaching year!) and doing the same kinds of things. over again as a ccnew hire" pilot for Northwest English in our local high school. We are both However, declining defense budgets and the high Airlines. active in our church and various community cost of doing business here may have something The last couple of years have been rough, affairs and looking forward to moving into a new to say about that. (starting all over always is) but Jeff and I were house before Christmas. able to weather them and are still happily married after 23 years. I continue to work with neurologically impaired 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in a regular middle school environment. (I took a 5 year hiatus to be with the girls and then went back to teaching) We have a wonderful group of friends that we made while Jeff was in the Navy. Five families (all the men are now commercial airline pilots) meet once a year for 10 days on beautiful Pensacola Beach. (even the "children" still come though many are in college, one in med. school, S. Robert Hastings and one with the first grandchild on the way!) We Ruth Mazur Hart Bungertweg 13 just celebrated our l4th reunion year. 170 Via Los Miradores Dtibendorf, Switzerland CH-8600 The past 24 years have had many ups and Redondo Beach, Calif. 90277 Home.. 0041-1-821-5683 downs, but I look forward to the next 24 with Home.. (213) 375-1851 OffI'Ce.. 41-1-377-2988 great hopes and anticipation. I plan to attend the reunion in June, but if not, I OffI'Ce.. (213) 813-2766 Occuparjon.I Architect (Speciallzatlon passive solar design), will always remember those wonderful years I OccupafI'On.I Computer Scientlst/Software Engineer - TRW Solararchitecktur, ETH-H6nggerberg/Ztirich CorneJJ Major.' spent at Cornell. ComeJJ Major.- Math (Arts) Advanced Degrees.' MS, Computer Architecture (Architecture) Advanc`ed Degrees.- M.Sc. Comell Sciences, Purdue Spouse.I Hal Hart, (BA, Carleton College '67; Spouse.a Dagmar, Laboratory Technician. Chl'jdren.' Alex, 26, MS, Purdue, '69), Computer Scientist Chl-Jdren.a Erlka, l2/7/78; April 1975, private gymnasium Zurich l995 AffJ'Jjarl'ons & Alison,ll/5/8l. AcfI-VjfjeS.I International Energy Agency (operatlng agent), Intemational Solar Energy Soclety, Swiss Society of Architects & Engineers. Honors.' Architecture registration (Massachusetts) After graduating from Cornell with a Math degree and no idea of what to do with the rest of Most important for me has been to experience the my life, I did the only thing I felt qualified for: I practice of architecture in all facets of the went to graduate school! When I entered Purdue profession the first years after graduation, to in September, 1967, I had no idea that I would become a registered architect then, and finally to spend what were probably the seven most find a niche in a specialty area, namely climate- significant years of my life there. responsive design of buildings including passive In September, 1968, I met Hal Hart (Carleton solar heating, daylighting and natural cooling. College 967), a fellow graduate student in the The opportunity to be the national (Swiss) Computer Sciences Department. By January, James Hall program director for research in these areas has 1969, we had decided to get married. We both allowed the chance to put a lot of people to work R.R.1,Box 1183 got Masters in CS in June, 1969, and in to answer questions I could never answer alone. Stroudsburg, Penn.18360 anticipation of Halts being drafted, I accepted a The privilage to be an (International Energy Home.. (717) 421-5932 job with Bell Labs in New Jersey. However, at Agency) IEA program director brought me many OffI'Ce.. (717) 342-3000 his induction physical on July 1, Hal received a years of close association with people I highly permanent lY deferment due to high blood respect professionally but also as dear friends. OccupafI-On.- Professional Engineer, Pocono Design Services pressure. We spent the next six weeks planning a 66Last but not least" the maturing of our son and ComeJJ Major.I Civil (Engineerig) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a MBA, wedding and a transition back to Indiana. We Southem Illinois Univ. Spouse.I Carol B. Hall, Cortland, l969, his successes in tournament tennis have allowed spent the following five years at Purdue, where teacher. Cj]z'Jdren.-Timothy J. Hall, 3/5/72, Bloomsburg, 1994; me the excitement of an intensity impossible Kristina L. Hall, 9/7/73, Davis & Elkins, 1995; Kathryn M. we were both instructors in the CS department given my amateur level of skill. Hall, ll/30/79. Affi'Jjafjons & Actr'vI'fjeS.a Presbyterian Church and Hal worked on a never-completed PhD. Elder, Rotary Club, Licensed Soccer Coach,, YMCA Swim In 1974, we finally joined the 66real world". Official, Lehigh Valley Computer Association Honors.I Licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania. Our first jobs were in Dayton, Ohio with a field group of TRW's Space & Defense Sector. In Since my graduation from Cornell, I married 1976, we transferred to TRW9s main facility in my college sweetheart Carol (Cortland) 969) and Redondo Beach, California and bought a house we have three children. Tim (19) is a about a mile from the beach. Fifteen years later, Pennsylvania All State High School Soccer we both still work for TRW (managing software technology projects), live in the same house player attending Bloomsburg University majoring in business. Tina (17) will be attending Davis & (about to be remodeled), and basically live the Elkins College in West Virginia this fall majoring same lives ... with two major exceptions, our in elementary education. Our youngest daughter daughters Erika and Alison (13 and 10, Kathy (ll) is in the 6th grade and looking respectively,) who right now dominate our day- forward to being the only child at home. to-day lives. Far from having the empty nests of Shortly after graduation, Carol and I spent 6 some of our classmates, we are counting the days until 6Cchauffeur" is no longer part of our job years in the Air Force visiting such garden spots as Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, Okinawa and description!

105 that can be chalked up to youthful naivete. I still, however, have great hope and optimism and trust that all of you in the class of '67 are keeping that flame alive.

KristI Rogue Hathaway AIlan Hauer 2426A S. Walter Reed Drive 3060 Arizona Ave. Arlington, Virginia 22206 Los Alamos, N.M. 87544 Home.. (703) 931-1585 Home.. (505) 662-9669 Off]'ce.. (301) 394-1472 OffI'Ce.. (505) 667-6684 Miles Haven Occupafjon.a Research Physicist - Naval Surface Warfare Center Occ'upafI'On.a Research Scientist/Physicist, Los Alamos National 1 Cherbourg Ct. and Office of Naval Research CorJ]eJj Major.- Physj'cs (Arts, Laboratory Cornell Major.~ i.i. (Engr.) Advanced Degrees: Advance Degrees.- MS, U. Calif. Sam Diego, Ph.D., Cornell Ph.D. Univ. of Rochester '76 Spouse.I Wendy Hauer B.Y.U. '69 Potomac, Md. 20854 SpoLISe.- Divorced ChjJdren.a Alexander Michael Hathaway, High School Teacher/Homemaker ChjJdren.- Laurel Amanda Home.. (301) 299-8525 ll/lO/73, will attend Univ. of Virginia, graduation l995 Roseann Hauer 6/28/84 Affl'Jjafjons & AcfjvI'rjeS.- Program OffI'Ce.. (703) 471-6150 AfflJjafI'OnS & Acfjvifjes.I Washington Art Deco Society, Elder Manager of Laser Plasma Experiments - Los Alamos HoJ]Ors.I in Presbyterian Church HoJ]OrS.a 40+ publications in scientific Contributed to 6 Books & Edited one; Fellow of The Amerlcan Occupaf,'on.a Vice President - Data Processing, SCS Engineers Physical Society. joumals ComeJJ Major.I Biological Sc1. (AgricultureflJife Sci.) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- MS - Univ. of Maryland Spouse.-Jeani Walton, Having returned to Cornell four years after The last 24 years have been so filled with fast Comell '68, teacher CJ]jJdreJ].I Jesse 9/7/72 Duke U. 6/94-Grad.; graduation to finish my graduate work, I find my moving events - challenges, disappointments, Ryan I 1/28/73 Comell U. 6/95.-Grad. undergraduate memories overlaid with ones of a triumphs that in some ways Cornell days seem different sort. Ithaca in the summer,yes, Ithaca like a dream from another life. That, however, has summer! It9s warm, we could swim in doesn9t prevent me from thinking often of those Buttermilk Falls Park and not freeze. I grew 66days that have flown". I9ve had many tomatoes and eggplant and spinach in Cayuga challenges some of them fairly severe and Heights. I remember giving birth to my son, although many things could and should have Alec, in Tompkins County hospital with the only been done differently the outcome so far is one light in the room coming from the sun rising over that contains many good memories and much Cayuga Lake. I remember looking out the back hope. I9ve had more than my share of what are windows of our house on Wyckoff Road during commonly thought of as 66breaks". I feel at 2:00 a.m. feedings, watching the girls in my old peace with my basic philosophy of life even sorority coming home from dates - and though I occasionally dispair of living up to it. wondering that I was one of them a few short I am very grateful that Cornell basically gave me the tools to fashion a career that has been years before. I took this same son, now just Nancy Havens-Hasty graduated from high school, back to visit campus satisfying and productive - scientific research. in April this year. It was cool and raining a fine I9ve been working for the last 12 years at Los 2 Montague Terrace mist the whole day. Libe slope fell off into fog - Alamos National Laboratory on fusion energy Brooklyn, NY 11201 somewhere down there was a lake but he never research. The world of research like so much of Home.. (718) 625-8190 saw it. He opted to go to Virginia to study our society is becoming turbulent and uncertain - OffI'Ce.. (212) 272-5928 architecture. my own project has been threatened several times The years since leaving Ithaca and coming to with cancellation. Even with this uncertainty and Occupafj'on.- Co-head of High Yield & Bankruptcy Departments, Bear Steams & Co. Inc. ComeJJ Major.I Physics Washington have included a very civilized but at times considerable pressure, I still remain (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.a MBA - Harvard Spouse.® painful divorce, a growing romance with my grateful for being able to participate to some J. Dozier Hasty, Univ. of North Carolina -'67; publisher research in condensed matter physics, and degree in the career of my childhood dreams. For ChI'Jdren.' Gardiner -8/3/86; Sam -5/4/90 interesting times in this beautiful and about 10 years after graduation work became disillusioning city. After years of struggling to almost all consuming but then I found higherjoys It seems like such a short time ago that we control my life, I'm learning that it9s easier and lay elsewhere. were all at Cornell, yet so much has happened - more fun to lean back and see where it takes me. I started a family very late in life - getting I guess it really has been 25 years. After leaving On my last visit to campus, Comell looked fine, married at 35. I became an instant father with 2 Cornell, I went to work for IBM for two years the buildings more solid and serious than I step sons and then my own daughter Amanda was where I was a systems engineer and then a remember. My sometimes job as a Navy research born. Having a 7 year old at this stage can be marketing representative in New York City. At grant monitor takes me to many major quite a challenge but she is truly the joy of my the time, it appeared to me that the only woman universities - and has made me appreciate some life - a beautiful little package of energy and in my office that people took seriously was a special things about Cornel1: its strong sense of inspiration. I thank my wife Wendy for her and woman who had been to Harvard Business student ownership and student pride, and its for 10 wonderful years of marriage. School. So off I went to HBS, from which I erratic but steady progress toward diversity. I think often of Vietnam. It was so incredibly graduated in 1971. I immediately went to work When I read about national controversies such as easy to accept a good job that easily provided an on Wall Street, as I believe, the first female 6 6political correctness9 9 I wonder how it9s playing automatic deferment - there were so many for investment banker on 6Cthe Street". After two in the DajJy Sun and the handbills passed out on whom such options were not even imaginable. years, I decided I had enjoyed virtually every job the bridges, and, just SOmetimeS, I wish I were The trends in our country and society today are I had ever had better than I,Sing an investment there. very perplexing to me. When I was at Comell I banker. So recognizing my mistaken job choice, I thought I sensed the birth of a new awareness, a moved into the analysis, trading and portfolio new order that could not be reversed but I guess management side of the business where I9ve been

106 ever since. I was an equity analyst covering the I couldn't wait to graduate. After 51ong years, computer industry for four years, then was a risk I had had enough of the classroom, snow, and arbitrageur for nine years, and had the good isolation from the real world. I was ready to go to fortune to leave risk arbitrage in July 1987 to work. The war was on and I didn't have the become head of Bear Stearns' bankruptcy grades to make it into graduate school, nor did I department. In January 1991, I was also given have the money to support myself and my new responsibility for the high yield (alias junk bond) wife. My first job at Vitro Laboratories kept me department in addition to the bankruptcy busy calculating 66overki11" factors for the department. various types of missiles launched from I spent the first 17 years after Cornell, single, submarines. I had a secret clearance rating and which probably helped my career, my squash learned all the best kept secrets from the front game and my musical hobbies (singing, pages of the Washington Post. I assume the conducting and playing the piano in chamber Russians would never believe we were actually John W. Haywood groups), but I would have been happy to shorten telling them the truth. 1625 Nicholson St., N.W. my single period by several years. I was Late in 1969, Mr. Nixon held the famous draft Washington, D.C. 20011 nevertheless very lucky to met a near-perfect lottery. With a very high number and baby on the Home.. (202) 829-1177 mate in my late 309s. My husband, Dozier, is an way, I felt it was safe to offer my resignation and entrepreneur who owns and publishes attempt working for (with?) my father in the OccupafI'On.-Teacher, D.C. Public Schools CorneJJ Major.a newspapers. We were extremely fortunate to be family business. I was half way through my English (Arts & Sciences) ChI'Jdren.-2 daughters: I) Yanick able to have two children despite the fact that we masters degree and felt I could continue to work 2/13/69 Yale University Arts '89; 2) Ariane 12/03/71 Univ. of Md. '93 started quite late. Both are boys and will be 60 hours for dad and still attend classes at night. almost six and two at the time of the reunion. The My brother planned to join us only temporarily younger, born in May 1990, is keeping his in 1974 as he had hopes of going onto law parents exhausted, but is healthy and happy. We school. He stayed. My working life was super: It live in Brooklyn Heights, a small brownstone was great being the boss9s son. I started a few community across the Brooklyn Bridge from extra businesses; some were sold, others just lower Manhattan. We love life there except ended, and some even ended badly. I made some perhaps for the seemingly never-ending mistakes along the way because someone told me renovation of our living quarters. once that if I didn't make any mistakes I wasn9t All in all, life since graduation has been trying hard enough. Over the past twenty years, challenging and satisfying. I love my job. Family I've managed to grow the business by 4 times, life is great. The only thing Itd like is a little and cope with the revolution from mechanical more time to be able to pursue my musical cash registers to electronic ones and the evolution avocations, to play more squash and to get a little into the world of computers, information, and more sleep, but I guess all those things will come communications. The only constant in my George F. Heinrich with time. business was change and more change. Mianus Drive One day in 1982, I ran into Erie Rill. He Bedford, N.Y. 10506 bought some equipment from us for his hotel Home.. (914) 234-6388 empire. We had such a great time talking about OffI'Ce.. (212) 794-2155 Cornell days that we organized the famous Tau Delta Phi reunion in his hotel in October 1982. OccuparI'On.a Physician CorneJJ Major.a Chemistry (Arts) We9ve had two great fraternity reunions since Advanced Degrees.a M.D. UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School then. Spouse.a Debra S. Heinrich, Columbia University 1978 - Assistant Professor, Hunter School of Nursing ChI'Jdren.I I've been back to Ithaca on several occasions, Andrew C. Heinrich, Expected Cornell 2012! Birth 7/lO/91 but never for a reunion. 1992 will be my first. AffJ'JI'afI-OnS & Acfj®vitr'es.I (Too numerous to list) Trustee: Booth I9ve always enjoyed visiting the campus. It is Memorial Medical Center, Flushing, N.Y. President: Eye even better when you don9t have to study or take Institute of New Jersey, Chairman-Admissions Committee: New Jersey Medical School a prelim. Raising the kids has been an interesting challenge. The local high schools are more Richard W. Hayman competitive than Cornell. Some kids would take 15 Arlive Court courses pass/fail because an 66A" would lower Potomac, Md. 20854 their average. We were lucky. Our kids never had Home.. 301-340-8251 that problem. In spite of everything I tried to do Office.. 202-723-7400 to them, I know they'11 still grow up to become fine adults. Occupafjon.I President, Hayman Business Systems CorneJJ After 9 years of knowing each other, Carolyn Major.I Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (BIE) and the kids have become great friends. We9re as AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a Cornell: Certificate of Advanced close to the Brady Bunch family as they get (It Engineering Study 1968; George Washington University: Master of Science in Administration and Computer Systems sure didn9t start out that way). The older girls are Management l972. Spouse.a Carolyn Himelfarb. ChI'Jdren.I doing well in school, but are a bit afraid to enter Claudine Hayman, University of Wisconsin 1992; Jodie Rubin, the 6 Creal world9 9 . Who isn9t, today? University of Maryland 1992; Keith Hayman, University of Marjorie Holt Heins Maryland, 1994; Scott Rubin, Johnson and Wales 1994; 309 Columbus Ave. #2A Meredith Hayman, Age 15. AffI-JI'afI-OnS & Ac£]-vi£jes.-Board of New York, N.Y. 10023 Directors, Independent Cash Register Dealers Association; Advisory Council, Personal Enterprise Program, Cornell Home.. (212) 496-1311 University; Comell Alumni Admissions Ambassador Network; OffI'Ce.. (212) 944-9800X706 Patents and Publications: Two U.S. Patents, numerous articles in industry publications. HobbI'eS.a Reading, amateur radio and OccupafI'on.a Lawyer & Writer, American Civil Liberties Union COmPuterS. ComeJJ Major.- English (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.' JD - Harvard Law School Spouse.I Divorced (Former Spouse: Greg Heins, Cornell '67) Cfrjjdren.I Matthew Heins, 5/6/69,

107 Williams College 792; Catherine Heins, 5/25/72, Brown Occupatr'on.I Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, The In all my years as a student at Cornell in the University '94 AfrJ'Jjatr'ons & AcfI'vifl'eS.' Was Edltor in Chief of College Preparatory School ComeJJ Major.- English (Arts & late 50's and mid-sixties, and later on, through The Massachusetts Law Review from l988-91. Honors.-Have Sciences Advanc'ed Degrees.- M.A., Ph.D. Stanford University five years in the University Development Office, published 3 books & numerous articles on civil rights & civil Spouse.I David Gordon, Dartmouth College '66, Stanford liberties. In 199l received Luther McNair Award for significant University M.B.A. '68 Associate Director, Foundation & my experiences were of making friends with contributions to civil liberties from the Civil Liberties Union of Corporate Relations, Stanford University CJ]I'Jdren.-Julie good and able people, and people who care. Massachusetts Gordon (5-16-74), Nicholas Wemer (1-14-78), Daniel Gordon The world is changing, sometimes in (7-1-79) Aff]'Jjafjons & AcfjvI'fjeS.a Bay Area Admissions frightening ways, with intense pressure from I suppose it's natural to wax nostalgic about Directors Assoc.; Trustee, East Bay French-American School of Berkeley HonoI-S.® Joyce Cary: Triptych-Trilogies; "LowTenCe poorly controlled population, which can destroy college after 25 years of adult life. At the time I On Love: The Rainbow9 I. D.H. Lawrence RevI'eW much. There is real challenge for tomorrow's thought Cornell remarkably dense, complacent, Cornellians. and unresponsive to the urgent moral issues of the 60s. In retrospect, I respect Cornell for having been vast and liberal enough to provide space for wildly varying types of growth and experience. Comell was the place where I first began to learn (though not in classes) that U.S. history and foreign policy were not all the heroic enterprise Itd been taught. I joined c6the movement," and was changed into the person I've essentially been since - though, I hope, considerably mellower now around the edges. I recently moved back to New York City (where I grew up) after almost 20 years in Boston Judith Adler Hellman raising a family and learning to become a lawyer, 601 Palmerston Ave. and before that, 5 somewhat unhinged years in Toronto, Ont. M6G2P8 John Henderson Sam Francisco of communes, underground 1137 Taughannock Blvd. Home.. (416) 531-1835 newspapers, and trying to figure out what had Ithaca, NY 14850 OffI'Ce.. (416) 736-2100 happened to the New Left. As a young woman, I Home.. (607) 277-1790 was in a big hurry: married Greg Heins just out of OccupafI'On.a University Professor, York University CorJ]eJj Offl'ce.. (607) 255-6774 college and had two children by the time I was Major.- Government (Arts) Advanced Degrees.- M. Phil. and 25. It wasn't surprising that my marriage ended Ph.D. London School of Economics .Spouse.a Stephen Hellman, Occupar,'oJ].- Archaeologist, Cornell. CorneJJ Major.a after 20 years (some observers marvelled that it B.A., USC,1965; M.Phil, Ph.D, Yale 1973; University Anthropology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.- PhD Yale Spouse.a Professor lasted so long). Yet I remember many wonderful Jeanne Henderson, Vassar I 966. real estate broker times - long backpacking trips, family walks in the woods with the dog. Now my kids are both grown and in college: they9re smart, funny, hard- working, easy to talk to, adventurous, insightfu1, and, overall, a source of great delight. I've spent most of my legal career working for the American Civil Liberties Union, first in Boston and now in New York, and I've also managed to write some books and articles about civil rights and civil liberties. My work has been gratifying, and I've had the honor to work with some genuinely noble and dedicated people. Of course, litigation of any sort is often frustrating, and the surge of political and social reaction over Richard B. Hemmings Karen Shields Henes the past ten years, in the courts as elsewhere, has 3600 Sundown Road Bramblebush been disheartening. I9ve grown philosophical, Brookeville, Md. 20833 Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y. 10520 however, and find myself listening and Home.. (301) 570-0074 responding more to music than I did in the days Home.. (914) 271-6855 when I was in a greater hurry. OffI'Ce.. (301) 570-0074 Off]'ce.. (914) 762-4009

OccupafJ'On.- Thoroughbred Trainer, Aslan Farms (Self) CormejJ Occupatr'on.a Certified Financial Planner, Karen R. Henes, CFP Major.-Ag. Economics (Agriculture) Spouse.I Madeleine CorneJJ Major.I Child Development (Human Ecology) Blanchet Hemmings 977 (ILR) Association Executive CJ]I'Jdren.a Advanced Degrees.- M.A.T. (Comell), M.B.A., Finance (Pace Laurie C. Hemmings, Richard Montgomery H.S. - 1992 IB University) Spouse.I Michael G. Henes, Comell, 965, NYS Vet Program School '68, small animal veterinarian CThjJdren.- Jonathan S. Henes, Union College '91; Rachel S. Henes, Croton Harmon It9s great to be older and wiser -and remember High School Class of '95. AffJ-JJ'afjOnS & AcfjvJfjeS.- WestchesterAIockland Society of Institute of Certified Financial when you were neither. Life9s best experience Planner (Director), Homeowners' Association (Treasurer), has to be summed up in seeing children grow Temple Israel Board of Directors HoJ]OrS.a MBA with through all the stages we have been through - distinction, ICFP Chairman9s Award 990 bringing back memories and adding perspective to today. After graduation, I stayed at Cornell to obtain Like anyone today, we have seen local my Master of Arts in Teaching and marry problems grow and be resolved - just as we have Michael Henes (Comel1 '66 & D.V.M. '68), who Lucia Heldt all seen problems resolved on a world scale. Who was beginning his last year at the Vet school. We 1475 Pitman Ave. would not be awed and gladdened by the rebirth left Cornell in 1968 and Michael began his Palo Alto, Calif. 94301 of freedom in Eastem Europe and Russiajust this veterinary career in Greenwich, CT while I put Home.. (415) 321-9144 last year? What an impressive reminder of the my M.A.T. to use and became an elementary OffI'Ce.. (510) 652-4364 inevitable power of time, and a tribute to patience school teacher. After a short three month teaching and determination. career, I headed home to prepare for impending

108 motherhood. Jonathan was bom in '69. From his class and a member of both the soccer and track birth until 1973, I was a happy mother and teams. Evan, a high school senior, is also a restless housewife putting in part time work as a member of the soccer and track teams. But kindergarten teacher. Then in 1973, Michael and whereas Scott is a runner and long jumper, Evan I joined forces in conceiving, planning and is a pole vaulter. He is spending this summer at creating the Croton Animal Hospital, in Croton- Cornell Summer College studying architecture. on-Hudson. In the early years of our new As you can see, we have been a soccer family growing veterinary practice, I was the for the past 12 years. Every weekend we travelled receptionist, technician, bookkeeper, and al1- with the boys to soccer games. Joel coached and around assistant. In '77 our daughter Rachel was was at one time president of the local soccer club. born and I took 6 months off to be Mom. We both have been officers of the high school During my years at the animal hospital, I had soccer booster association. developed an affinity for the financial and Professionally, I have worked for Twin County business management side of the practice. I Grocers, a supermarket cooperative, for the past Anne Sack Heybey retumed to school to work toward my M.B.A. in ll years, first as a programmer and now as a 2121 East Philadelphia St. Finance which I received from Pace University systems analyst. After Cornell I enrolled at York, Penn. 17402 and in 1986 I opened my Financial Planning Columbia University Teachers College. Within 6 Home: (717) 755-2JO8 practice. In an effort to learn and offer more to months, I knew that teaching social studies was Office: (717) 755-2JO8 my clients, I worked for and achieved the not for me. I completed my degree at night and Certified Financial Planner designation in 1989 took a job at Manufacturers Hanover Trust where OccupafI'On.I Writer, Microbanker CormejJ Major.- Bactenology and entered the CLU (Certified Life Underwriter) I leamed programming. I have been in the field (Ag(ALS)) Advanced Degrees.a M.S.C.U. '69 Spouse.I Otfried, deceased '82, C.U. PhD '68, physicist CThI'Jdren.-Andrew, program in 1990. My practice is currently ever since taking off 6 years to stay at home 3/25/66, MIT O.S. '88, MIT M.S, '91; Berta, 2/ll/70, Brown thriving and growing and I9ve been successful in when my sons were young. B.A. '91, attending Duke, Ph.D program Affl'JI'af1'OJ]S & finding and achieving my own professional In my "free" time I enjoy reading and AcrI'VI'fjeS.-Women in Communication, Penn St. Coop. Extension Master Gardener, Board Member of York County niche. gardening. I have belonged to a book club for 17 Cerebral Palsy Home Honors.-Women's Political Caucus prize Meanwhile, Jonathan graduated from Union years, been active in the Friends of the Library for best newspaper special supplement, Penn St. Coop College in June of '91 with honors in History and and was president of the League of Women Extension Master Gardener Award, Women in Communication following the current trend has retumed home to Voters. First Place,1989, for series on environment live while struggling to decide on a career path. It has been a busy, rewarding 24 years. I have Rachel began high school this year and our home been lucky to have a wonderful, supportive Nothing is predictable -that is one lesson I9ve has once again been designated the official social family and an interesting career. learned in the last 24 years. Pittsburgh was 6twest" when I attended C.U., and everyone I hangout, being continuously filled with teem- agers (eating, dancing, laughing and eating). And knew well lived in N.Y.S. Since Ithaca, I've lived there are two dogs, and four cats (we sold the in Texas, Germany, Massachusetts, Illinois, horse last year). That's the price you pay for Michigan and Pennsylvania. I'm glad to have manying a veterinarian. kept good friends in most of those very disparate locations. I9ve been lucky to have had 14 years with a wonderful husband and fortunate to have had our two terrific children to care for after Ot's death. Along the way I found a career in joumalism and an avocation in photography. Now that Andrew and Berta are we111aunched, I'm contemplating moving back to Michigan. I'm Susan Friedman Herman looking forward to the next 24 years. 400 Central Park West New York, N.Y. 10025 Home.. (212) 866-1183 OffI'Ce.. (212) 860-5827 Ellen Kaspin Henkin 14 Delaware Drive Occupafjon.-Teacher-Pre Kindergarten NYC. Bd. of Ed. "Superstart" Prekgn Program CorneJJ Major.- Child East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 Development (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.a Columbia, Home.. (908) 257-5820 M.A., City College - Advanced Certificate Spouse.-Peter OffI®Ce.I (908) 287-4600 EXT 464 Herman, Union College '66, NYU Law '69 Attomey CThjJdren.I David - 5/2/82 The Ethical Culture School-4th grade; Michael - Occupation.a Computer Systems Analyst, Twin County Grocers 10/20/84 The Ethical Culture School -lst grade AffJ'jI'afI'onS & lnc. Comell Major: Govemment (ALr`S Advanced Degrees.~ MA AcfjvI'fI'eS.I 4th Grade Coordinator - Ethical Culture School Columbia U. Teachers College Spouse.I Joel Henkin, City Sec'y -Bd. of Directors, Westside YMCA Nursery School College of New York, 1964, Marketing Research -V.P. Client Doris Klein Hiatt Service CtiI'Jdren.-Scott, 3/26/72, Harvard 1994; Evan 8/3/74, High School Senior AffJ'Jjafjor]s & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a East Brunswick 173 Rumson Road Friends of the Library; East Brunswick League of Women Rumson, N.J. 07760 Voters - CoPresident Home.. (908) 530-9047 It is hard to imagine that in a year both my OffI'Ce.. (908) 870-2626

sons will be in college and my husband Joel and I OccupafI'On.a Assoc. Professor of Psychology, Monmouth will begin a new phase in our lives. So much of College, Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice. CorneJJ the last 20 years has revolved around our two Major.- Government (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- wonderful sons, Scott and Evan, and their Ph.D., City University of N.Y. Spouse.I Mark Hiatt, Comell A.B. '68; M.D. '72 Physician; Director of Neonatal Medicine, activities. U.M.D.N.J. ChjJdreJ].-Brian Douglas, 5-12-74, Rumson-Fair Scott has just completed his freshman year at Haven H.S. '92; Erie Brandon, 6-13-78, Forrestdale School 8th Haryard. He was valedictorian of his high school grade A£fJ'JJ'afJ'OnS & AcfJ'VJ'fjeS,-American Psychological

109 Association; N.J. Psychological Association; American Society graduation I realize how much I have to be of Clinical Hypnosis; Cornell Alumni Ambassador Network thankful for. I have a wonderful wife, Nancy, Honors.I Monmouth College Distinguished Teacher of the Year, 1986. who has provided me with remarkable support and encouragement for 22 years. And she has It occurs to me that it would be difficult to say provided me with two wonderful sons - David which is the hardest midlife marker to integrate: who is a Sophomore at Cornell and Charlie who turning 46, acknowledging the benefits of hopefully one day will also attend our beloved hormone replacement therapy, or anticipating a institution. 25th college reunion. Can it really be time for all I have been very fortunate to be an art dealer in this so soon? a time of much growth internationally in this field In examining my life-so far, it seems that there of endeavor. Berry-Hill Galleries has flourished are many continuities from my Cornell years. I in these 24 years and has enabled me to support met my husband, Mark Hiatt 968, M.D. '72 in a many good causes which mean so much to Nancy History of the Civil War course given as a late and me. I serve on a religious board and also Carol Stilwe]l Himes offering in the fall of 1966. We married after remain very active at our hospital where we 1016-21st Lane Mark9s graduation in 1968 and headed for a rent- support considerable medical research. I am also Pueblo, Colo. 81006 controlled apartment on E.88th St. in Manhattan a member of the Cornell University Council Home.. (719) 543-3797 to begin our graduate studies. Brian Douglas which is one of the most rewarding experiences OffI'Ce.. (719) 549-3306 arrived in 1974, joined by brother Erie Brandon of my career. in 1978. In between we moved from Manhattan One highlight was the Presidential OccupafJ®On.a Instructor, Department Chairperson, Pueblo appointment during the Reagan administration to Community College ComeJJ Major.I History (Arts & Science) to Riverdale, and finally to New Jersey, where we Advanced Degrees.a MEd - Boston Universlty Spouse.a Rich the Cultural Property Advisory Committee. are presently furnishing our third house. Himes; BS -Colorado State Universlty; l966, Health Protection Since my Cornell years I have retained an Serving two terms in Washington certainly gave Officer ChJJdreJ].-Beth Charlotte Himes - 9/19/76 - Attending interest in gender issues. At Monmouth College, me a true insight into the workings of our Federal Pueblo County H.S. -Graduates in 1995. Heidi Kristlne Himes Government. -9/27/78 -attendlng Pleasant VleW Mlddle School -H.S. where I have taught for the past thirteen years, I Graduation in l997. AffI'/jafJ'OnS & Acfjv,'rJeS.-Member - Success can be measured in many ways. For coordinated a grant aimed toward integrating the Arapahoe Basin Volunteer Ski Patrol; Registered Emergency new scholarship on gender into the general me, it comes with a rewarding career, a beautiful, Medical Technlcian; Member & Officer of Food Service curriculum. I regularly teach the Psychology of happy family and a sense of philanthropy. Thanks Instructors of Colorado Women course as well as a seminar for seniors to Comell, I was launched splendidly. on 66Love, Intimacy, Self and Others." Drawing frequently on newly emerging gender research and theory, I work with couples and families in my private practice, and consult with corporations trying to build a culture which enhances opportunities for men and women to work together effectively. Cornell itself lends continuity to my life over all these years. At least once a year we have used the campus and environs as a base for long family weekends. These days we try to stay at the new Statler, where, given the proper room, you can see Libe Tower smack out in front of you William Hinman before you lift your head from the pillow. John W. Hilt 2040 W. Mohawk St. P.O. Box 1110, 38520 Robinson Reef Dr. Chicago, IL 60614 Gualala, Calif. 95445 Home.. (312) 951-8011 Home.. (707) 884-3324 OffI'Ce.. (312) 951-8010 OffI'Ce.. (707) 884-3324 OccupafJOn.I Executive Search, Hlnman & Co. CtomeJJ Major.- Occupafjon.I Veterinarian, Self-Employed CorneJJ Major.- Philosophy (Arts & Sciences) D.V.M. (Veterinary Medicine) Spouse.a Divorced ChI'Jdren.I Andrew -24-Univ. of Mass. '92, Kristen -23 -Syracuse Univ. '92. Affj'JI'afjOJ]S & AcfjvI'fI'eS.-AVMA, CVMA, Rotary - I chose Cornell with the hope of becoming a 6 6Renaissance Man.'' The school did a wonderful Foundlng Pres. of Gualala, Ca. Rotary Club. Honors.a Who's Who in Veterinary Science and Medicine -1991-1992. job of providing all the necessary experiences to produce such a being. The diversity of the student body and activities provided me an unparalleled opportunity to try out literally everyfhjng James Hill academically, socially and athletically. Thus 983 Park Avenue began my lifelong obsession with the question of New York, N.Y.10028 what I ccwas here to do" in an age that has not Home.. (212) 535-0038 been very easy for c6Renaissance Men." I still remember long conversations about the arts, OffI'Ce.. (212) 744-2300 literature and philosophy until all hours with my 66artsy friends," punctuated with wonderful OccupafI-On.-Art Dealer, Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc. CormeJJ Major.- English (Arts & Sciences) Spouse.- Nancy R. Hill; moments of physical exertion with my "jock Wheelock College B.S. 1968; M.S. NYU ChI'Jdren.-David friends," followed with still other blissful Berry Hill, Cornell 1994; Charles Berry Hill, Trinity School, NYC 1992 Aft,'JJ'afJ'OnS & AcfJ'VJ'fI'eS,-Art Dealers Assoc.; moments with 66the mummies and other party National Arts & Antique Dealer Assn. Hor]ors.a Appointed for 2 animals,." It certainly was hard to know which terms by President Reagan to the Cultural Property Advisory was the better path when all were equally Committee in Washington D.C. entertaining. Most important, however was the work in Philosophy with Norman Malcolm and As I reflect back upon the years since

110 David Sachs on the philosophical issues of served to resolve the deep rooted questions that she doesn't miss too many tests to flunk first purpose, beauty, art and spiritual disciplines. This arose from the divorce. It was a wonderful grade or wait for us to pick her up from Cornel19s really opened my mind and set the tone for the opportunity to revisit those collegiate questions child care three hours after it closes at 1 :00 A.M. rest of my life's work as it has related to the of 66what was I here to do" from a more To be sure, I9m in far better physical shape purpose and meaning of life. experienced perspective. I learned there were than I was at Cornell. Then I might have financed After graduation the draft situation forced an ways and means of examining these issues that my further education by taking bets as to whether immediate real life choice about self were not part of the 6Cmainstream of thinking" I could run from Jim's to the Palms. You would preservation. I luckily avoided the Vietnam or now that my 66American Dream" had been have won. In the past ten years I9ve run five Canada options by finding a teaching job at a shattered. In short, while trying to put "Humpty marathons and the majority oflunch hours. racially diverse and troubled high school which Dumpty back together again" a whole world of But what's been important to me? La Forza deJ got me deferred. What a shift from heady yoga, meditation, metaphysics and spiritual DesfI'nO, anything by Bartok, the Schubert intellectual issues to teaching non-speakers of pursuits opened up to me that has become a double-cello quintet, mid-Sixties vocals now English, both foreign born or so socially and sustaining force for my life to this day. Mental banished to 66oldies" or C6classic rock" stations, educationally deprived that English was still a and physical pursuits have now merged into one or George Feyer at the piano. The Boston Braves foreign language. I taught more philosophy, spiritually purposed stream. Fan Club Annual Picnic, Richardson as JofrJ] values and reading than English while also Due to this I have continued in business with a Gabriel Borkman, and BoLl's Billiards at Half 66second life" of teaching meditation, yoga, coaching football, wrestling and baseball with Past IVjne. One-ring circuses, the O9Farre11, and some league and state championships as part of mind/body work, work with the devotional art understanding cricket, laughing hysterically at the thrills. Most fulfilling of all was watching and mythology and related spiritual practices Friars lunches and Cornell football games, reading and academic skills increase with my fueled by my own personal explorations. driving across ice-covered roads in Vermont and 66problem" minority students who with some Philosophy/spiritual life has now moved to the New Hampshire to finish court studies, helping attention, realistic motivation and guidance front and business is now informed by it. The two someone - even a lawyer - get a fair shake achieved many year leaps in reading and sides of my life now seem to be integrated in from the system, spending most of a year in mathematics. It proved to me that many obstacles what feels very like the sought after 6CRenaisance Britain, traveling to Eastern Europe (late 70s) and of the mind or 6Csocietal strictures" that were Man" role. Somehow the diversity and non- South Africa (last year). seemingly unchangeable could be overcome homogeneity of the Cornell experience kept me When I found myself on the phone at 7:00 6 6from the inside out." It was both humbling and open to things that other collegiate preparations A.M. one Sunday morning-back when I was beautiful to have this opportunity for down to would not have. Clerk of the D. C. Court of Appeals-with a man earth, practical experience directly after the who'd called to find out how to appeal his heady 609s in Ithaca. As always my life was conviction but hung up and called back every 30 divided between the life of academia and life seconds or so because he was a fugitive from purpose and the world of athletics. My justice and was afraid he would be traced, I knew philosophy days with Plato 66a sound mind in a I had made the right choice somewhere along the sound body" continued to be a metaphor that line. If he9d only known my phone was a 950s seemed to inform my life in some way. vintage rotary, light years from being equipped At the age of 26 I left teaching. Being with Caller ID, he might've calmed down and uncertain of what I would like to be when I grew ruined this story. up, I was lucky enough to get into the Executive Search business working on what other people wanted to do with their lives. No one was very interested in Philosophy majors in the business world at the time. It was a stroke of luck that I utilized all my 66Renaissance Man" training in Richard B. Hoffman 2925 28th Street, N.W. very humanistic and economically rewarding ways. I was additionally lucky to start from Washington, D.C. 20008 scratch a search firm specializing in the newly Home.. (202) 667-6481 emerging field of Computer Systems. This is OffI'Ce.. (202) 633-8673 where I have stayed professionally since then; OccupafI'On.- Court Admlnlstrator/planner, Administrative first as an employee; then as a partner and finally Office of the U. S. Courts CorneJJ Major.-ILR Advanced forming my own firm 12 years ago. This field has Degrees.I J.D., Harvard,1971 Spouse.I Eileen Barkas Hoffman, Cornel1 '69, General Counsel, Federal Mediation & given me a wonderful chance to work with Joanne Ede]son Honigman thousands of talented and creative human beings Conciliation Service ChI'JdreJ].- Vanessa Anne, 4/9/85, John Baton Elem. School AffI'JI'atr'OnS & AcfI'VI'rI'eS.- D.C., American 1714 Ryder Street on their 66Life9s work" in a rapidly changing and and N.Y. bar associations; Horatio Alger Society; Natl. Brooklyn, N.Y.11234 evolving business sector. It has been an Conference of Appellate Court Clerks, treasurer; TT Alumni immensely informative and practical way to Assn. JJonors.I Fellow, Institute for Court Management. Home.. (718) 645-5235 relate to the issues of 66Life9s Work" and 66Individual Purpose" in a variety of OccupafI'OJ].a Graphic Artist, Self-employed CorneJJ Major.a Seventeen years ago, I took a walk from Wall Rural Sociology (Ag) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-Univ. of Wise., M.S. organizational settings. The business has evolved St. as thousands headed the other way. Was it in Demography '70 Spouse.- Dr. Howard Honigman; over the years to include executive career tough? It only took me 10 years to get my own psychologist; Brooklyn College '66; Yeshiva University (Ph.D counseling, organizational design and minority business card again. But as frustrating as courts 1979) ChI'Jdren.-Jacob 9/21/82 PS 276; Amy 8/1/84 PS 276 Affl'JjafI'OnS & AcfI-VjfjeS.a Secretary of Younger Families executive placement. All my old metaphors have get, I9ve had a wonderful time trying to make Affiliate at East Midwood Jewish Center. stuck with me (coaching, minority involvement them work better. In solving real problems, and and philosophy.) During this period athletics especially after more than a decade inside the Unfortunately, I never put my picture in the changed to business "agreeable" sports like Beltway, I9ve lost what little ideology I ever had 1967 Cornellian. This hurt my parents. They racing, sail boats and skiing. except to do everything I can to leave things in were understandably proud of their daughter who In my mid thirties I went through a divorce better shape than when I started. graduated from such a fine institution. But I was which changed the "Odyssey" in another For me, timing hasn9t been of the essence. far too unconventional and involved in 6Cthe direction which was first very negative and then Instead of coming to reunion to cast a proud eye movement" to do anything so mainstream then. astonishingly very positive. This dark moment on my graduating daughter, I9ll be happy if I can Now I get a second chance - not to be missed. opened me up to the world of counselling, bring her along and even though she9s as above That smile on the toto is for you, Mom & Dad. therapy and eventually spiritual pursuits which average as all the kids in Lake Wobegon, I hope I spend a good deal of the day taking care of

flFTFT my family. There are endless chores to running a with a life-long earning potential. tight household. My little ones, Jacob & Amy, When we were close to graduation, there were and my big handsome one Howie, seem to need many companies who came to recruit MBAs for me to facilitate their dizzying pace. Also, I work their training programs. Everyone received stacks part-time doing free-lance graphics. My interest of letters, inviting them for interviews. I received in art has roots in Comell, where I worked for 3 two. one led to a great job at an advertising years in the craft shop while I was a student. agency (at 20% less starting salary than the men Later, I travelled, worked on the Grape Strike, were offered.) and completed a Master's Degree in Sociology at since then, I've worked hard, had some good the university of Wisconsin. Then I went back jobs, and been held back for being a woman. But home to New York City to open a pottery shop in eventually I've progressed through a number Of the East Village. Howie was working on his industry changes to CEO of a local health plan. doctorate in psychology at Yeshiva University; Over the years, the opportunities for women have Stuart Hoskins we married in the summer of 1973. After a few gradually improved and stabilized. The recentjolt 218 Park St. years I traded pottery for a cleaner & somewhat from the Thomas-Hill Senate hearing should Bennington, Vt. 05201 better paying profession. I worked up town as a prove to be the catalyst for considerable change Home.. (802) 442-3650 commercial artist until my children were bom. So in the future, because organizations will fear the OffI'Ce.. (518) 686-4422 now I count every minute & every blessing liability potential of our new public definition of because it is all so precious. A special hello to harassment. We've come a long way since the Occuparjon.I Bullding Contractor, Hos-Cot Builders, Inc. dear friends from Cornell with whom I shared so 60's, but there9s still a distance to go. CorneJ/ Major.a Agricultural Engineering (Agriculture) CThI'Jdren.-Kevln ll-10-74, Sean 4-I 0-79, Kristen 3-17-82, Scott much. 6-30-66

Richard Hoppe Beatrice StybeI Hoppe 340 E. Edith Ave. Allen Hoyt 340 E. Edith Ave. Los Altos, Calif. 94022 3224 E. Dowling Mill Ct. Los Altos, Calif. 94022 Home.. (415) 949-1710 Boise, Idaho 83706 Home.. (415) 949-1710 OffI'Ce.. (415) 723-5338 Home.. (208) 345-0919 OffI'Ce.. (415) 691-1544 OffI'Ce.. (208) 338-1818 Occupafl'on.- M.D./Professor of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University CorneJJ Major.-Biological Sciences (Arts & OccupafJ'On.a President & CEO, Coast Health Plan Corme/I Occupafjon.I President9 Westem Aircraft, Inc. CormeJJ Major.a Major.I English (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I MBA Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I MD Comell '71 Spouse.a Beatnce English (Arts) Spouse.I Marcia Wells Hoyt, University of Hoppe, Cornell '67; President, Coast Health Plan. ChI'Jdren.I Columbia University Spouse.' Richard Hoppe, Cornell '67, Colorado '74 ChjJdren.-Alexis 6-25-83; James 9-30-86; Andrea Kristin 7-9-72 Santa Clara University '94; Brad 6-l4-76 Menlo M.D. Radiation Oncologist, Professor, Stanford ChJ'Jdren.a 5-1-85-, Andrea 10-29-88 school '94 AffI'JjafI'OJ]S & AcfjvI'rI'eS.-President, California Kristin 7-9-72, Santa Clara Univ. 994; Brad 6-l4-76 Menlo Radiation Oncology Society; Fellow, American College of School (H.S.) '94 Radiology; Editorial Board-, Journal of CJI'm'CaJ OncoJogy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Several years ago, a college student asked me, Physics, CuITent Problems in Cancer, Oncology Times; Visiting a cWhat was it like to go to school in the sixties," pI-OfeSSOr: Halassada University, Jerusalem Israel; University of Believe it or not, she said, "Someday Itd like to Pennsylvania; ; Thomas Jefferson University; University of Kansas take a history course and leam what it was like back then. Must have been wild ..." It wasn't till then that I fully realized what it was like to really live through a period of so much change. The position of women and with it, society itself, has changed considerably and clearly will continue to change. We all remember how it started with all those crazy women's lib marches. When women were Robert Huang beginning to make some more creative career 7103 Woodrise Court choices, I decided to go to graduate school in Fairfax Station, Va. 22039 business administration. After three summers of Home.. (703) 866-0375 working as a switchboard operator and a file OffI'Ce.. (202) 863-6790 clerk, I wanted a good job. There were only three Sue Horsey women in my class at Columbia. Most of the men 390 Archer St. Occupafjon.I Electrical Engineer, COMSAT Corporation were either retired naval officers or guys who ComeJJ Major.I Electrical Engineering (Engineering) Advanced wanted to stay out of Vietnam. In spite of the fact Freeport, N.Y.11520 Degrees.I MBA George Washington Univ. Spouse.-Janet that I had taken out substantial loans and made a Home.. (516) 623-3004 Buehler, NYU Undergrad, Hofstra Univ. Law School, Tax Attomey ChjJdren.a Matthew Dec. 9,1983 2004; Sarah Aug. 24, positive choice to go to graduate school, I was the Occupafjon.' School Psychologist, BOCES ComeJJ Major.- Po1. 1982 2003. one that was verbally abused and picked on by Sci. (Arts/Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- Masters Columbia; the professors. They believed that I was taking up Professional Cert. - Queens SpoL,Se.I Art Sherin - Queens 64, My time has been spent in the area of a position that should have been filled by a male Antioch 968, Stock Broker ChjJdren.I Nate 9/23/76; Whitney 1 I/8/78 AffiJj'afI'OnS & Actr'vitr-es.I Local & national associatlons

112 intemational telecommunications. I now work for COMSAT and participate as a member of the U.S. Delegation to various fora of the international standards setting body dealing with radio, the CCIR. I have settled outside of Washington, D.C., with my wife Janet and my two children, Sarah and Matthew.

Helen Lewis Irlen Charles J. Iseman 4242 Country Club Drive 12050-G Little Patuxent Parkway Long Beach, Calif. 90807 Columbia, Md. 21044 Home.. (213) 426-3567 Home.. (301) 596-5031 OffI'Ce.. (213) 496-2550 OffI'Ce.. (202) 632-6908

OccuparI'OJ].a Educator/Psychologist/Author/President CEO, OccuparI'On.I Attorney, U.S. Federal Communications Irlen Institute CorJ]eJJ Major.a Child development (Human Commission CormeJJ Major.I Mathematics (Arts & Sciences) Ecology) Advanc'ed Degrees.' CSULB-MA M.F.C.C. Spouse.I Advanced Degrees.I University of Baltimore School of Law - John Hubbell Robert Irlen, Comell, '66, Lawyer ChjJdren.-David Irlen -8-3- J.D. cum laude l977 Spouse.I Fran L. Heyman Iseman, Antioch 453 Camino DeCeleste 72; Sandra Irlen 5-22-76 AffJ'Jjafjons & AcfI'VjfjeS.-Junior Universlty B.A. 1980, M.A. 1982; currently student in Ph.D. Thousand Oaks, Calif. 91360 League of Long Beach, CASPP, CPGA, GAPED, AHSSPPE, program at University of Maryland, Institute for child study. CSMCA, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Gamma HoJ]Ors.' Reading Affj'JI'afjOnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.a Federal Communications Bar Home.. (805) 492-4571 By The Colors -Avery Press US Patent, Australia Patent Who's Association; D.C. Bar; Virginia Bar; FCC Toastmaster Club OffI'Ce.. (818) 549-6374 Who in Califomia, Dictionary of Intemational Biography. (former President and Area Governor) Honors.-1991- Performance Award during law school - HeulSler Honor OccLIPafI'On.- Sr. Vice President, Nestle Food Company CormeJJ As I prepare to attend our class reunion, I find Society, Merit Award, law joumal editor. Major.I Business Administration (Agriculture) ChI'JdreJ].- myself reflecting over the past 25 years. They Heather A. Hubbell 8-15-72 Comell U. (Hotel) 1994; Carrie E. Following graduation from Comell, I pursued Hubbell 4-1-75, Tracy D. Hubbell 4-1-75 -Juniors T.O.H.S. have been exciting, rewarding, and exhilarating. For fifteen years my life took a predictable graduate study in operations research at Ohio State, where, most importantly, I met Fran, my Like most of you, I suppose the last 24 years course. I married Robert Irlen, a fellow wife of 22 years. We soon moved to the have gone faster than any of us would have Cornellian, moved to California, completed Washington, D.C. area, where I began a career in imagined when we left Cornell. I don't think I graduate work, had two wonderful children, computer systems analysis for the private sector. realized how much I enjoyed the Cornell worked as a school psychologist, and moved to a Although I was then interested in pursuing experience until a year ago, when I took my house in the suburbs with kids, husband, dogs, scientific applications, the sad economic climate oldest daughter back to Ithaca, to start her rats, birds, and rabbits. of the times was epitomized by the nonrenewal of freshman year at the School of Hotel In 1981 I became Director of the ADLP at various federal govemment contracts with several Administration! The trip brought back fond California State University which led to my employers. Finally, Fran and I concluded that memories of how those 4 years at Cornell had discovering Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, a there must be a saner way to meld my problem- influenced my life. I met Holly during my senior perceptual dysfunction affecting reading, and the treatment method with colored filters. solving aptitude, desire for greater client contact, year and we have had the thrill of 23 years of and philosophical view that computers are simply sharing and raising 3 great daughters. Being an 6tinnovator" has radically altered my tools to assist people and not the other way While our children are now getting to the age, life. I have had the story of how this process has around. where they will sooner than we wish be leaving changed the life of many adults and children Thus, after entering federal service as a home, they have been a pleasure to see grow and appear on countless television shows, radio computer programmer, I enrolled in the full-time, adjust to the changes in society. They all have programs, and newspaper articles all over the evening program at the University of Baltimore been active in ice skating (when living in world ... 60 Minutes, Good Morning America, School of Law, wrote for the law journal, and Buffalo) and tennis, and it's satisfying to have Home Show, BBC, and the Canadian Broadcast seen them do so well. Company. I never expected to become a media graduated Gum laude in 1977. In February 1979, I began my law career as an attomey with the U.S. My career has also been an important part of personality. Federal Communications Commission. During my life and having achieved more success than I I have recently released my first book, Reading this time, my wife attained her B.A. and M.A. ever desired or thought possible, is gratifying to By the Colors, which will go into reprint after degrees in child psychology with particularly me. I have had the opportunity to influence so only five weeks. There are now 52 Irlen Clinics high distinction at the Columbia, Maryland many people in how they thrive and act in the around the world. The wonder of having branch of Antioch University. She currently is a work place and feel I have made a really positive discovered a process which has the potential to doctoral student at the University of Maryland's difference within one company. My Cornell help millions of children and adults is Institute for Child Study. As for myself, I am a education provided all I needed to start me on overwhelming. The opportunity to change supervisory attorney working on FM radio this successful business path. While many of my peoples' lives has filled me with incredible matters and am enjoying our pursuits immensely. classmates went on for further degrees, I found satisfaction. Life at 46 years of age holds endless I have done a substantial amount of legal writing opportunities and a wide variety of new my B.S. in Business Administration provided - decisions, briefs, etc. - and am training my legal ample background for the work place. While experiences. team to improve their writing. My work has been many of us stood only in the middle of the pack highly rewarding to me and well regarded by at Comel1, I'm sure they found themselves at the others, and the future appears bright. front when they left school and entered the business or academic world. I know I did. I know my industry will be facing many changes in this decade, and I feel comfortable about being part of that change.

113 Andrea Jacoby Susan Haskel James Frederick J. Jannett, Jr. 431 Belvedere St. 13 Preston Close, Strawberry Hill 12 Sunset Lane Sam Francisco, Calif. 94117 Twickenham, Middlesex England TW2 5RU N. Oaks, Minn. 55127 Home.. (415) 753-6566 Home.. 081-894-3803 Home.. (612) 484-9238 OffI'Ce.. (415) 896-0800 OffI'Ce.. (612) 221-9429 Oc`cupafjon.I Allocator, Automobile Association ComeJJ Major.' Industrial & Labor Relations (I.L.R.) Spouse.I Roger K. James, Occupafjon.I C.F.O. MBT Associates ComeJJ Major.' English Occuparjon.- Curator, Science Museum of Minnesota CorJ]eJ/ Cambridge University - 1965; Her Majesty9s Inspector of (Arts & Sciences) AdvaJ]C'ed Degrees.I M.A. (English) l968, Major.a Vertebrate Zoology (Ag Grad) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.S. Schools ChJ'Jdren.I Rache1 -9/7/79 (12); Matthew 6/2/76 (15) Ph.D. (English) l976, Unlv. of Penn. Spouse.I Robert V. Brody, Tulane U., Ph.D. Cornell U. Spouse.-Janice, Cornell, '71, AffJ'/I'afI-OJ]S & AcfI'VI-fI-eS.a Theatregoers Club of G.B. - Branch Cornell (Arts),1966, Physiclan Chjjdren.I David lO-22-77, Syracuse M.S. Computer User Services ManagerAffl'JI'afI'OnS & Organizer Jonathan 4-20-80, Daniel 8-27-83 Honors.I DaJ]fOrfh FeJ/ow AcfI-VJ'r,'eS.- Various Honors.a National Academy of Sciences 1974-5, Fulb[ight Fellowship l977-78 exchange scientist to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; As I write, the second deadline fast etc. I was so thriJJed fo go to Cornell in the first approaching, I am back in New York visiting my place, that for a long time, I didn9t give much parents on Long Island, little realizing twenty- Long-term goals and short-term pleasures. thought to what would come afterwards. But with four years ago I would board a Cornell Charter professorial encouragement, I got an M.A. and Flight in June 1967 and make the decision to live Ph.D. in English at Univ. of Pennsylvania and in London. The Magnets were very powerful- taught for several years at Earlham College in travel, theatre, a cosmopolitan city - and four Indiana, and for one memorable year on a years later I married my British spouse. (My Fulbright in French chateau country. I loved work permit was running out!!) Our children - studying and teaching literature, although a small Matthew (16) and Rachel (13) have dual liberal arts college could place extraordinary nationality and passports and family on both demands on my time and psyche. A stint in the sides of the 66Duckpond", as we call it ... their Mid-West was an essential piece of education for world is a much wider one, and as we move a Manhattan girl. toward the next century, hopefully it will become In the meantime, I married Robert Brody (Arts, more peaceful. 966) and had our first son, David, (now 14) in Living abroad has given me a different France. We moved to Sam Francisco, had two perspective, not easily defined, but does lead to Peter A. Janus more sons (Jonathan,ll, and Daniel, 8), and lively . The varied range of people and 2 Redwood Lane embarked on the project of creating and raising a activities encountered at cornell were very family, surely the most difficult and rewarding special - something old, something new, Avon, Conn. 06001 thing I've done. These four fellows are the best something borrowed, something blue. Home.. (203) 673-6447 thing that's ever happened to me. My first job in London was working in the Office.. (203) 727-8900 By then, college and university teaching Research Department of the Labour Party - then Occuparjon.- Managing dlrector and Labor/Employment Law positions were drying up, so I became of the government - and a highlight was a visit to Attorney, Siegel, O9Connor, Schiff, Zangari & Kalnen P.C. necessity a acre-tread." Where the academic path Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street - Comell Major.~ English (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees: had been primarily solitary and independent, along with many others! Later I worked for a J.D., Boston Univ. School of Law; M.B.A., The Wharton training in business was mostly by management consultancy. My husband Roger School Spouse.I Nancy M. Brown; Univ. of Rhode Island, l973; Marketing Consultant, WTNH-Tv. ChjJdren.' Tessa P. Janus, apprenticeship. I learned the meaning of graduated from Cambridge University and is 6Cmentor" along with my accounting skills, and 3/27/74, Simsbury High School, 1992; Timothy P. Janus, currently one of Her Majestys Inspectors in 12/3l/76, Simsbury High School,1995. AffjJjafjons & became the CFO of an architectural service firm. Education. We have travelled extensively AcfjvI'tr'eS.I American and Connecticut Bar Associations; Greater It wasn't the trajectory Itd envisioned, but an throughout Great Britain and on the continent. Hartford YMCA Board of Managers; Cornell University Council; Cornell Alumni Federation, Vice President and interesting and enjoyable one. Living away from America has re-kindled an Scholarship Committee Chairman Honors.I Co-Author, 6 tNLRB interest in visiting more parts of the U.S.A., and Regulation for Election Conduct" and 66NLRB Remedies for last year we swapped homes with a family in Unfair Labor Practices' '; contributing editor, 6 'The Developing Sonoma, California. We hope to do the same and Labor Law' I visit the Grand Canyon, New England, who When I first began to compose these knows! 6Creflections", my mind seemed to draw a blank. As I am unable to attend the reunion, I will be thinking of Cornell when it does occur and I wasn't sure what I wanted to express, I didn9t eagerly devour the reports from my college know where to begin, and I must have stared at roommate. It is a time for reflection, and a time to the empty legal notepad for the longest time. It look forward. then dawned on me that I was reliving one of those all-too-frequent experiences from my Cornell undergraduate days _ the panic of completing a term paper at the eleventh hour.I I then asked myself if things had reaJJy changed since 1967. Well, of course my life has not stood still since

114 those Ithaca days: I earned two graduate degrees; WAVE Hall. HoJ]OrS.a Contributor to the American Mums recreational delight. I was an officer in the U.S. Army for a couple of Garden (Little Brown). American Country Class l2 by Mary Beginning in Santa Fe, I realized that life is Emmerling, House & Garden 6'Victory Garden" P.B.S. years; I changed careers once; I experienced a opera: some wonderful arias, some dull dialogue, divorce and am happily remarried; I have two occasional eclat, and a plot which doesn't always Curiously the two things I studied at Cornell, wonderful children of high school age; I am make sense. At age 32, I had to grow up. We Landscape Architecture in Ag., and painting in considered by some to be a successful moved to Missoula, Montana, where I landed a Fine Arts. Both these are passionate interests that professional; recently, my law partners asked me have led me around this country & parts of the job as the neurologist at a multispecialty medical to assume the position of Managing Director of clinic. To be a first class neurologist in a remote world. .my law firm; and last but not least, I seem to be area required flying out to conferences, calling I9ve been involved in various business in pretty good health. experts long distance, and using a computer link ventures, president of Budrt & Johnson. What are my 66dreams to grow on"? I am sure to the National Library of Medicine. I established Consulted in Landscape Design, taught briefly at we all have some, and I will share a few of my a sophisticated neurophysiology laboratory, Cornell (Drawing), restored an 18th century Salt own: winning the Connecticut lottery; learning to including EEG topography, at the local hospital. Box in Connecticut. Bought a ruin of an 18th be a more patient person; becoming the next A divorce, the realization that I have exceeded century house in Italy currently being restored. Stephen King or Tom Clancy; sending my my goals in clinical neurology, and a financial Lived in Venezuala S.A. and now make my home daughter or son to Comell; spending each winter crisis at my clinic followed. In response I in N.Y.C.., Ct., Ca, & when I can Gubbio, Italy. skiing in Colorado; moving on from the practice finished an M.B.A. at the University of Montana It's been a pretty varied diet, not quite what I of law to some new endeavor, perhaps teaching; in 1991. Iove been president and medical director expected when graduating from Cornell. and last but not least, remaining in good health. of the clinic for 4 years; it is prospering again. What's been important? The friends made My expectations for our 25th Reunion in June Now may be a good time for me to run a research along the way, people who have touched my life. are to renew old friendships, to relive a few department at a pharmaceutical company or to They have made all the difference. In fact I9m campus memories, and to develop new teach at a university. But I'm not so sure that I hoping by writing this some lost in my life9s acquaintances from the Class of 1967. See you want to switch first class skiing and opera for shuttle will get in touch. HiI. to you all ! Ron. there! traffic gridlock.

Stephen F. Johnson Carole Cooke Johnson Lynne Shavelson Joiner 107 Ben Hogan Drive 5 Morton St.1C 728 Wisconsin St. Missoula, Mont. 59803 New York, N.Y. 10014 Sam Francisco, Calif. 94107 Home.. (406) 728-7014 Home.. (212) 924-8851 Home.. (415) 824-5620 OffI'Ce.. (406) 721-5600 OffI'Ce.. (212) 951-5247 OffI'Ce.. (415) 434-1661 OccupafI'On.-Neurologist, President & Medical Director., OccupafjoJ].a Lingerie Designer, Carole Hochman Designs Western Montana Clinic CormeJJ Major.- German Literature Occupafjon.' TV News Reporter C.N.N. - Cable News Network CorneJj Major.I H.Ec.Ed. (H.Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I MS ComeJJ Major.- English Lt. (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.F.A. (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I M.D., Univ. Michigan; Comell, Assoc. Fashion Institute of Tech. Spouse.a Divorced M.B.A., Univ. Montana CThI'Jdren.' Ethan 9/22/72 Cornell '94, Broadcast Journalism - UCLA CThjJdren.- Scott David 5-5-77, Bob Johnson '65 AffJ'Jj'afjons & AcfjvI'fI'eS.- A.M.C. Erica 6/10/76 Affl'JI'afjOnS & AcfI®VjfjeS.I Fellow, American St. Ignatius College Prep. Affl'JI-afI'OnS & Acf]vI'fI'eS.a World (Appalachian Mt. Club) Sierra, NYC Cornell Club, Amer. College of Physicians; Fellow, American Academy of Affairs Council Trustee, Commonwealth Club of Calif. Chair., Adoption Congress Neurology Honors.a Publications: Lots National Academy of TV Arts & Sciences, Dominical College Pacific Basin Council, National Committee of US-China Relations, S.F. Mayor9s Shanghai Sister City Committee. To believe that you wouldn9t change much Honors.I 66Emmy" Award for Best News Special, Blue Ribbon about your life, including some important - Best Documentary at American Film & Video Festival disasters, could reflect a lack of imagination. But selected to represent USA at Int'l Film Festivals. it may also mean that previous choices were good ones and that there is more to look forward to What9s been important over the last 24 years is than to be nostalgic about. trying to grow up and learn all the stuff about "Life" that college and parents don't teach you After nearly flunking German my first semester at Cornell, I had the gall to major in ... Along the way I9ve realized some dreams and German. I leamed that I could master things both shattered others. arcane and irrelevant. That helped in medical For instance, I always wanted to go to China school, which is more an endurance contest than and I got my first chance in 1975, three years an education. When I emerged from the before the US & PRC normalized diplomatic relations: I was the only American news Martin Ronald Johnson University of Michigan with my M.D. in 1971, my wife, Bev (a Cornell classmate), and I moved correspondent in China at the time of Premier 300 Nettleton Hollow Rd. to New Mexico. The chairman of the medicine Zhou Enlai's death and reported for all the Washington, Conn. 06793 department at UNM, a Cornellian, treated me American networks. In my career as a broadcast Home.. (203) 868-0163 well as an intern. I skied 21 days and explored journalist, I9ve done award-winning OffI'Ce.I In Calif. (809) 969-5620. In N.Y.C. the back country when I wasn9t on call. My two documentaries in China and the USSR, traveled children, Ethan, Cornell '94, and Erica, were all over Asia and Europe, covered the Quake of (212) 517-9010 '89 in my own backyard. I anchored the news at born in NM. My post-graduate training there Occupafjon.- Painter CornejJ Major.a Painting, (Fine Arts) through 1977 was an intellectual, multi-cultura17 the CBS affiliate in S.F. and found reading a Affi'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI-VI'fI'eS.- A Variety N.Y. Botanical Gardens, teleprompter boring. I tumed down network jobs

115 and worked as a freelancer in order to have some The young widows I met were an exceptional lot sanity in my life so I could be a mother. The birth & I truly believe that women can handle any of my son, Scott, is my proudest creation. situation. Along the way, I discarded a husband, lost my Through an introduction, I met my husband devoted dog companion of fifteen years, leamed Erie & we married in Aug '78. Although how complicated relationship building really is, previously a bachelor, he became an instant came to truly value old friends, volunteered to father, tending 3 sick kids the night we came help in an organic garden jail project and cook home from our honeymoon. Life took a different for AIDS patients, organized a boys' soccer turn & I turned with it. program for Sam Francisco and Shanghai, and I learned that every day is precious. I delight in now try to cope with the pain of parents who are watching the movement of the tide as I cross growing old. from 6tour island" to Long Island each morning. Where did the 24 years go? I'm not quite sure. I love having my children, husband & in the Russ Kaegebein It's been exciting, rewarding, tough, and at times summer, my mother at the Sabbath table each 3020 Alvarado Ln. N. Friday night. My work at the Brandeis School for bewildering. I'm still trying to learn what it's Plymouth, Minn. 55447 really all about ... but don9t regret anything. the past 1 I years as a Pre-K teacher & now as Home.. (612) 473-3336 Early Childhood Director gives me great satisfaction. The love and respect my husband OffI'Ce.. (612) 542-1849 lavishes upon me is remarkable. Occupafjon.- District Manager. Marrlott Corp. CormeJJ Major.- Thus for 24 years, family, friends, religious Business Mgt/Agric. Econ. (Agric) Advanced Degrees.- MBA values and the ability to greet each day with the U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY Spouse.' Mimi, Unlv. of hope & promise of worthwhile endeavors have Georgia, l968 ChJ'/dren.I Matthew '73 U of Wise. (Madison), Nathan '75, Johanna '77, Elisabeth '79, Jennifer '82, Kathryn guided my life. I85. AffiJjafjoJ]S & Ac'rI'VI'fI'eS.a US Naval Reserve

Phyllis J.B. Bell Jonas 1735 Bay Blvd. Atlantic Beach, N.Y.11509 Home.. (516) 371-0818 OffI'Ce.. (516) 371-4747

Occupa[jon.- Dlrector of Early Childhood & Teacher of Pre-K. Brandeis School, Lawrence N.Y. I 1559 Come// Major.a Child R. Stevan Jonas Development (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.- MS - 677 Forest Ave. Randie Powers Kahrl Brooklyn College. Spouse.- Eric Jonas - U. Florida (Gainesvllle- '66) President Seide, Jonas & Cohen lnc. Insurance. ChJ/dren.I Fulton, N.Y.13069 P.O. Box 30, 264 Hill and Plain Road Seth -9/l2/69 -BA '9l Rutgers College (Rutgers University) Home.. (315) 592-4337 West Falmouth, Mass. 02574 Elissa 7/l8/72 Mason Gross School of the Arts (Rutgers Univ. Home.. (508) 457-0753 BFA expected 6/94, Barry 7/lO/75 Junior -Lawrence H.S. OffI'Ce.. (315) 593-5520 OffI'Ce.. (508)-748-2330 Affl'JI'ar,'OJ]S & Act,'vjfjes.' Atlantic Beach Hadassah - currently VP/Education - Past President, Bulletin Editor Sisterhood Occuparjon.I School Administrator, Fulton City Schools Come/I Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach - VP Education Jewish Center Major.I History (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.a MS OccuparJOn.I Intern Architect, Saltonstall Associates, Inc. of Atlantic Beach - Bulletln Co Editor Ho_r]ors.a Hadassah - (Syracuse) GAS (Syracuse) Spouse.a Paulette Stewart Jonas Architects C'orncJ/ Major.-Hotel Administration (Hotel) Woman of the Year, Youth Aliyah honoree (Cornell 68) - Biology Teacher AffJ'JjafjoJ]S & Actr'vjf,'es.- Phl Advanced Degrees.-BFA '88 Bachelor of Architecture, Delta Kappa (Ed. Honorary) Am. Ed. Research Assoc., Kiwanis (B.Arch.) '89 Rhode Island School of Design Spouse.a Tom - (President) Oswego County Opportunities (V.P.) YMCA Harvard '56, Boston University '68 LLB., Patent Attorney I9ve learned that life presents one with (Board Member) Honors.I Published in Education Leadership. CJ]JJdren.-Steve 3/17/74 Tabor Academy 1993 Affl'JI'afjOnS & challenges and situations that must be dealt with. AcfjvJ'fjeS.-Lyme Hlstorical Society, Chapoquoit Yacht Club. Gaining the strength & determination to As the career accidents that had made up my overcome adversity and find something positive life have taken place, Cornell has become an Just last night I sat down with my son who will about each day, is a lesson I learned very quickly. awesome presence for me. I used to scom what it be entering his junior year at Tabor Academy to Three weeks after graduating, I married & that was people referred to as the 66Cornell help him begin to focus on the important task of Sept. I began teaching Kg in Bklyn while my Experience", and now I cherish the specialness selecting a college. How appropriate it is then, to husband began his senior year of medical school. of the freedom Cornell gave me and the now sit down and begin to remember how I chose Two years later I retired and began the best appreciation of the world of ideas. Cornell ... (the prestigious Ivy League name, the adventure of all - mothering. By Feb. of 76 I had My wife steers her best Biology students to beautiful campus, the unbelievable ratio of men three children (6, 3, 7 mo), a home in the suburbs, Comell, and they do well and are happy. Politics to women, the mystique and glamour of the Hotel a role in community organizational life and a is (today) quieter, yet there is acceptance of School) ... or did it choose me? Nervously husband just beginning private practice. differences, and activism may retum. opening the acceptance letter; a dream come true! Then on the 26th, in the time it takes for a So I took a course in documentary film, and But more importantly, I realize what a heart to malfunction, I became a widow. The heard about a school for troubled youth, and did momentous decision it is to select a college faith that others had in me, the support my family altemative service there and cast my lot with kids because for me it was Cornell that molded my lavished upon me and the kindness of so many instead of Economic History, and then the thought processes, taught me how to think and gave me the courage to forge ahead and pull my teaching and then to administration, all by make choices. And tonight I feel grateful because life together. The children flourished, I went back accidents that Cornell taught me to accept. I am very happy with my life and the choices I've to work (teaching Sunday School, subbing and I found my best friend at Comell also7 and We made over the last 25 years. even selling Fuller Brush) and became a will have stayed marred for almost 26 years, at Of course happiness didn9t come ovemight. A counselor for others going through the grieving reunion time. That9s a constant reminder of the seed planted by roommate Pat Huy to take a process. I learned to derive strength from within, importance of Cornell to my life, and what's History of Art course (My God! Outside the cozy decide upon priorities and set my plans in action. really been important. confines of the Hotel School), discovering a T-

116 square and the concept of hotel design, lots of Amy, ?????? - 1996, to have good credit, to time to pursue painting in Japan as a Navy wife, a keep a job, to stay married, to have friends. As to stint at U. of Minn. Graduate School in History of the present, each day I answer the bell, who has Art. Working briefly in the restaurant business any idea of what round it is?, maybe Ali knows. and wondering what happened to the glamour. There it goes again! I'm ready! Wait ... I think I Opening my own retail clothing store and hear some music. Is it the fat lady? No, I don't realizing the most fun was the design and think so. The past is past. Who knows about building of it. Painting classes at Lyme Academy tomorrow? I'm ready! of Fine Arts. Feeling guilty about which came first, family or career and finally the decision to go for it! ... at age 40, to get that degree in architecture. A thought process to listen and learn, weigh and evaluate, and to grow and commit. Thank you, Cornell. And my dream Anita Sherbet Kaplan today -to design a hotel, of course! 727 Baldwin Road Highland Park, Ill. 60035 Home.. (708) 432-8305 OffI'Ce.. (708) 926-9289

OccupafjoJ].I Assistant Principal, Highland Park High School CorneJJ Major.a Education (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I MA - Northwestern University, Master's Certificate - Instltute for Alan Kapilow Psychoanalysis, Chicago, Certificate of Advanced Study - National Louis University CThjJdren.I Mark 8/I 8/71 Harvard '93; Erik Kamjford 4572 Via Marina #308 Brian 5/6/74 Highland Park High School Affl'JJ'afI'OnS & 8090 Keller Rd. Marina Del Rey, Calif. 90292 AcfjvI'fjeS.-1. National Association of College Admission Counselors 2. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 Home.. (213) 822-3771 Development. 3. National AssoclatiOn Of Secondary School Home.. (513) 891-0660 OffI'Ce.. (213) 649-1273 Principals OffI'Ce.. (513) 891-1066 Oc|-upafJ'On.I Head an Insurance Adjusting Firm, Kapllow and I believe that one races to meet his own Son Inc. ComeJJ Major.- Industrial Engineering (Engineering) Occupafjon.I Hotel Mgmt., Winegard & Hammons Inc. ComejJ Advanced Degrees.-MBA ChI-Jdren.' Jaclyn Kapilow 1/5/86 destiny. When I left Cornell, I would not have Major.- Hotel Administration (Hotel) Spouse.- Karen - Comell '66 -Computer Programming. ChI'jdren.-Michelle 9/27/67 Aff]-JJafjOnS & AcfJVjfJeS.I National Association of Public correctly predicted where I am today, and yet, Insurance Adjusters; Califomia Associatlon of Public Insurance Cornell '90 -KrlSten 1/l7/70 Cornell '92, Katrina 4/l7/73 now that I am here, I am certain that I have only Adjusters. Comell '95 followed my destiny. In the fall of '67, I began teaching high school I raced through the MBA program and in suburban Chicago. Since then, I have earned graduated a term early in Feb. '69. Then I three master's degrees and worked in as many returned to my home on Long Island feeling that schools. Currently, I am an Assistant Principal at I was back to where it all started, kind of Highland Park High School in Highland Park, I1. depressed and confined. Viet Nam and draft I love myjob and am proud to be part of an lottery number 56 meant that I needed a defense exceptional faculty. related position which prompted me to go to Los Without question, my single greatest Angeles and join some good friends from my accomplishment has been that of raising my sons, Cornell days. Mark and Brian. By anyone's standards, they are I landed a job with Union Carbide and felt like remarkable young men. I was married for a long a little fish in a big pond for the first time. This time but am once again single. Actually, in this Carbide division worked with lasers, eventually age of political correctness, I was told not to folded, and I moved into sales related capacities. think of myself as single, but rather Three years later I moved my parents out to 6 6romantically challenged.9 ' LA, opened a business handling large property As I reflect back on the girl I was and think insurance claims on behalf of claimants and have about the woman I have become, I am satisfied. I been happily at work in this ever since. have had a good life, few regrets, and am certain I regretted leaving a great gal from Ithaca that I am right where I was meant to be. David Kantorczyk College behind, but I've been doing well in my 3852 Kirk life here in Marina Del Rey, and have a beautiful Skokie, Ill. 60076 5 year old daughter. My Comell background has always been an asset in my business where I9m Home.. (708) 675-1745 always selling myself to new clients who want to OffI'Ce.. (312) 828-0620 be assured that they are obtaining competent

OccuparI'On.I Real Estate Development, MAT Associates representation. Incorporated ComeJJ Major.® Economics (AB '67) AdvaJ]Ced I return to NY every few years and try to keep Degrees.-MBA '69 Cornell Spouse.-Judy, Michigan '67; the old friendships intact. There is something Comell MPA '69. ChI'Jdren.I Todd, 9/20/70; Amy, 3/26/74 special in them, which can't be duplicated. So I c6Reflections about life experiences" -this is attended our 20th with my roommate of 4 years, Mike Riff, and I hope to be there again. much too serious a question to answer at the tender age of 46. Over the last 24 years it was important: to graduate from Cornell, to complete Kathy Jassem Kaplan business school (that9s where I met my wife 121 Kilbum Dr. Judy), to luck out of military service, to have a Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003 job, to get married, to keep a job, to experience Home: (609) 424-8824 the joys of parenthood, Todd; Cornell - 1992; OffI'Ce: (609) 424-5559

117 Oc'c`upafjon.I Workshop Coordlnator, C.H. Assoc. for Glfted adolescence but I seem to be doing it twice respected eye surgeon who, more importantly, is Chlldren. Corns// Major.I Collectlve Barg. (ILR) Advanced more!) Both girls are excellent students. Jane, an the mother of our three great children - Liz Degrees.a MBA Wharton ChjJdren.a Karen 9/24/74 Cherry Hlll HS East 6/92; Jonathan Jassem 6/14/77 Cherry Hill HS East artist and activist, is pre-med at Brown. Abby is (Cornell 994), Julie (a high school sophomore) 6/95; Justin Davld 7/27/82 Bret Harte Elementary 6/2000 heading for the U.S. Supreme Court (watch out and Brian (a fifth grader). My family has shared a Aft,I/,tar,'ons & AcrJV,'r,'eS.I Drug/Health Commlttee Chair -Bone Clarence Thomas) but enjoying competitive wealth of experiences including the opportunity PTA; Technician So. Jersey Board Member; Cultural Arts VP for me to coach many of my daughters' and son's for PTA gymnastics along the way. One of the biggest changes in my life is going sports teams. An especially enjoyable recent from former 6Ccouch potato" to daily exerciser. I experience was taking my younger daughter9s became a runner more than 10 years ago and still soccer team, which I have coached for eight run 3 miles a day. What started as an attempt at years, on a tour of England, Scotland and Wales physical fitness has become a major source of after the team had eamed enough money to pay psychological fitness. I find that I do an for most of the trip. My older daughter continues incredible amount of mental work during the to tolerate her parents' frequent visits to Cornell daily hour on the road. (This is an unemployed despite a language barrier which prevents her therapist suggesting a much cheaper alternative to from understanding their use of such terms as psychotherapy!) Running has also given me a curfew, men's and women's dorms, Jim's or elm wider view of the places to which Billy has trees on the arts quad. Career-wise I currently dragged me over the years, from the streets of spend more time than I would care to seeking to Kyoto, Japan to the hills of St. John, Virgin weather the downtum in the real estate industry Islands or Aspen, Colorado. How about running while continuing to develop projects that include Judith Silverman Kaufman around the track in the middle of Schoellkopf a golf resort on Cape Cod, a business park in 162 Millbrook Road Stadium'. (Billy still spends every spare moment northem Califomia and commercial properties in Stamford, Conn. 06902 on the tennis court despite failing knees.) Sam Jose. Although my three business partners Home.. (203) 967-8800 As co-chairperson of this milestone reunion were all rugby teammates of mine at Columbia I've been barraged by many reminders of my Business School I believe my four years9 pre-life OccupafI'on.I Social Worker CorJ]eJJ Major.a Child Development years at Comell, most of which I shared then and preparatory program at Comell provided my most (Human Ecology) Advanced Degrees.a M.S.W. l969 Smith now with my Comell roommate and Reunion Co- valuable lessons in how to blend hard work, College School for Social Work Spouse.' William I. Kaufman - chair, Margie Greenberg Smith. Because we have sporadic pressure and great fun. Comell 965, M.B.A. N.Y.U. - President of Maid-Rite Novelty Corp. CThI'Jdren.I Jane Elizabeth (1 I/23/72) Brown '94, Abigail visited Cornell frequently in the last 25 years, the Ann (3/25/76) Rye Country Day School '94 Affl'Jjafjons & early memories are all mixed up with the newer Actr'vI'fI'eS.- Member, National Association of Social Workers, ones. Comell remains a very special place. I only Governor & Scholarship Chairperson of Cornell Club of hope my children feel the same way about their Fairfield County, Secretary of Darien YMCA Gymnastics parents Association, Co-Chair 25th Reunion Cornell Class of college experiences and that they make the same '67 lasting friendships. I look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at our 25th Reunion I would still much rather take an exam than June 4-7,1992. write a paper. (My daughters feel the same way.) Give me 100 multiple choice questions and I'm just fine but this empty sheet precipitates an acute anxiety attack! Where to begin ... I married Billy Kaufman, (yes, he9s still 66Billy,") Comell 965, the day before graduation, Stuart Kay which we skipped. We lived in Hartford, Ct. 7 Topsfield Lane while I worked on my Masters in Social Work Huntington, N.Y. 11743 and Billy at a draft-deferred job at United Aircraft. In 1969, we moved to Stamford where Home.. (516) 423-2911 we've lived ever since with the exception of a Office®. (SL6) 42]-7373 wonderful year (1972) in London, England, both Occuparjon.- Oral Surgeon, Private group practice CorneJJ of us working for the National Health Service. Major.I Psychology (Arts) AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a D.D.S. Our daughter Jane was born in England and Nicholas W. Kaufmann University of Maryland Spouse.I Beth (Cullen) '68, remains a dual-citizen. Abby was born in 1976, Kindergarten Teacher CJ]jJdrefl.- David 8/74 will graduate high 24 Cooper Road after we resettled in Stamford. Billy spent about 6 school '92; Jason 2/77 AffJ'JI'afjOnS & Acfjvjfjes.-Phi Beta Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Kappa; American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial years in health care administration before taking Surgeons; American Dental Association; Associate Clinical over a family business. In addition to my year as Home.. (914) 725-4144 Professor, School of Dental Medicine at State University at a medical social worker, I did 2 years with a OffI'Ce.. (212) 262-5600 Stony Brook Honors.I Graduated Summa Gum Lauda, family service agency before retiring to 8 years of University of Maryland School of Dentistry. c6gym & swim" and serving on assorted PTA Occupafjon.a Managing Partner, The Metropolis Group. ComeJJ Major.I Mathematics (Arts) Advanced Degrees.-M.B.A. - Sitting in the middle of my lawn on a warm and volunteer committees. Columbia University, J.D. - Fordham University Spouse.- and sunny autumn day, it9s hard for me to believe Through my volunteer activities, I landed a Cheryl Katz, A.B. Cornell '68, M.D. New York University, that I'm the same person that graduated from paid part-time position with the Stamford Ophthalmologist Chi'Jdren.-Liz, 2/lO/73, Cornell '94; Julie, Housing Authority managing senior citizen 9/30/76, Scarsdale High School '94; Brian, 9/10/8l, Heathcote Cornell almost 25 years ago. Life for all of us Elementary School '92. AffJ-JjafI'OnS & Actr'vifjes.I American Bar makes many unexpected twists and turns, and apartment buildings. After 10 years on the job, I Association, American Institute of Certified Public found I was 66aging in place" & decided to retire Accountants, Scarsdale Youth Soccer Association (Executive mine is no exception. When I graduated from again. I9ve been unemployed for over a year but Board) Cornell, I expected to study medicine in hopes of have been working almost full-time on Reunion. becoming a physician. Instead, following my A former computer-phobic, I spend much of my Following an academic record at Cqunell marriage to Beth Cullen, Arts, '68. I found day at my Mac Classic designing mailings or which even my closest friends would charitably myself teaching retarded and emotionally filing data. Though I feel a strong desire to go describe as lackluster, my performance reversed disturbed children the rudiments of moth and back to work again, my family has always been direction as I went on to acquire an MBA, a CPA, attempting to instill in them some sense of self- the most rewarding aspect of my life. Daughters a JD and, through marriage, an MD. My wife, the worth. are a real challenge. (I never wanted to relive former Cheryl Katz (Cornell '68), is a widely The following year I enrolled in the University

118 of Maryland School of Dentistry from which I Immediately after graduation, my I&LFL I learned several critical skills at Comell: how graduated in 1972. The next year I completed a training helped me get involved in communityI to climb seemingly impossible hills, how to get residency in general dental practice at The conflict resolution. My current public policy~ up again after flopping on slick patches, how to Genesee Hospital in Rochester, New York and interests are focused on health care access ant[ stand on my own two overdeveloped calves. I then spent the following year teaching dental financing. After working briefly for the Labo-- even learned to type there, an ability my parents residents at Beth Israel Hospital in New York Management Institute of the Americat.1 pushed as something a girl could always 6tfall City. Arbitration Association in New York, I spent a back on." In those days, few thought of women In 1974 I entered an oral and maxillofacial year at the University of Michigan Law School, in terms of plumper cushions like law degrees or surgical residency program at Long Island Jewish deciding on the spur of the moment not to return directorships of major corporations. Medical Center and completed this residency but to move to Washington, D.C. to accept a job Armed with genuine Ithaca weatherproofing, I three years later. Since that time I have been in with the National Center for Dispute Settlement braved the rest of the psycho sixties and seventies the private practice of oral surgery in Huntington, (thought Itd finish law school at night but th:Lt and managed to collect two masters degrees, two Long Island. never happened and I wound up with an MPA careers, two (Comell) husbands, and two mostly My Cornell bride and I have two wonderful instead). Washington has been home now fclr delightful sons. sons, David, 17, who reluctantly will give up his over 22 years - that is since before we got the In the early eighties, during what was likely a high school rock band to begin his college career right to vote for our own mayor and for a nor- full moon, I discovered a passion for writing. I (school as yet unknown) and Jason, 14, who is voting delegate to Congress. quit the day job, and plunged into the profession now a high school freshman. My wife, Beth, has When I came to D.C. I was somewhat unique full time. Given my parents' sage advice, I been a kindergarten teacher at a Solomon -I wasn't a 66fed". My time was spent, fin;t already had the typing down, so all I needed to Schecter Day School for the past three years. working for NCDS and then for myself, creating master were a few other minor elements Last summer my wife and I and our younger dispute resolution systems in consumers affair:;, including character, plot, pacing, setting, theme son spent a week a Cornell's Adult University. health, education, civil rights, etc. and teaching and dialogue. It took me two months to place my Beyond a doubt this was one of the most conflict resolution skills. But the pull of the first newspaper article, a year and a half to sell rewarding and enjoyable experiences we9ve had. federal government became too strong and before my first magazine piece, and two years to find a So often during our undergraduate years many of the 1980 election I found myself working ¬Lt publisher for my first novel. Currently, I'm at us were too busy and stressed to stop the clock, EEOC and later for the health facilities and work on my seventh suspense novel and enjoying step back, and marvel at how wonderful our planning programs - having been trying to bring a sideline in screenwriting, short stories and book university is and how fortunate we were to be a about change on the outside, I decided to see reviews. part of it. This summer we rediscovered the joys what could be done on the inside. Having seen The work suits me perfectly. I enjoy plumbing of being Cornellians. Take a good look the next the inside, escaping town for two years in the my own imagination and the constant company time you receive the CAU brochure. Some of my mid-eighties when I was a Pew fellow at the of my evil twin. (That9s who thinks up those friends asked, 66Is going back to school really a health policy institute at Boston University, I weird stories of murder and mayhem. Lord vacation?" Our family answers an unequivocal decided to work on the outside doing consulting knows they could never come out of an ex-Home ccYes!" and combining my interests in conflict resolution Eckie with a major in child development and a and health. minor in corn muffins!) My non-work time was focused on a variety t,f Cornell, loosely disguised, figured in one of community and professional activities (the my books, and the university continues to star in Citizens' Advisory Committee to the D.C. Ba-, several real life Kelman family dramas. My son, the Board of Directors of my cooperativ¬;, Matthew, is a member of the class of '93. When chairperson of the Community Health Planning my husband, Ed, class of '65, and I delivered him and Policy Development Section of the American for freshman orientation, it was, in a way, like Public Health Association, etc). going home again, but, in another, deeper sense, What next? Who knows? There should be a it was more like tuming over the keys to a new news update in June. OWner. Once in a while, it's nice looking back. But I9m more intrigued by the view straight ahead.

Phyllis E. Kaye 3001 Veazey Terrace NW Washington, D.C. 20008 Home.. (202) 537-5091 OffI'Ce.. (202) 289-1380

OccupafI'Or].a Consultant Self-employed Cornejj Major.- I&LR AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MPA Univ. of So. Califomia Aff]'JI'afI'OJ]S & Acfj'vI'fI®eS.I American Public Health Assoc. (Past Chair, Community Health Planning & Pay Development Section) Judith Ede]stein Kelman Life since Comell (and The ComeJJ DaI'Jy SuJ]) 60 Thomwood Road has been a series of explorations and transitions Stamford, CT 06903 Genevieve Partridge Kenney as I never have liked doing one thing for too Home.. (203) 329-9492 10101 N. Valle del Oro Drive long. I'm currently an independent consultant on OffI'Ce.. (203) 329-9492 Tucson, Ariz. 85737-7619 health care issues, working on program and Home.. (602) 797-1252 policy development for the American Health Occupatr'on.-Writer ComeJJ Major.a Child Development (HoIIle OffI'Ce.. (602) 795-5675 Planning Association and creating resource Ec.) Advanced Degrees.I MA; NYU, MS. Southern Ct. Sta e University Spouse.a Ed Kelman, Comell '65, Attomey CfrjJdre I.I OccupafI'On.a Secretary, ComejJ Major.a materials to help Hispanic community-based Matthew-6/17/71 Cornell '93; Joshua -7/22/74, Staples High organizations become involved in making sure '92 AffI'JI'afjOnS & Acfjvjfjes.I Director, Mystery Writers I,f Home Economics Education (Human Ecology) Spouse.I Edward J. Kenney, Rochester Institute of Technology, l977. Retail America; Director, American Society of Joumalists & Authors; services for the elderly and AIDS education and Store Manager. AffjJI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fjeS.I Professional Authors Guild. Honors.I 7 novels, 100 + magazines & Secretaries Intemational (recording secretary, president-elect at prevention are reaching their community, among newspaper articles. Entries in Who's Who in American chapter level) Honors.a Received Honorable Mention in the other things. Women. Who's Who in the East. Associatlon of Home Appliance Manufacturer's 1968

119 CCALMA" Awards for excellence in communication of home Day, but never considered joining it. But almost appliance information to consumers. 15 years ago, my wife and ll-month old son moved to Los Angeles, where we are now next- In writing these few "reflections," I realized to-natives. The route to Los Angeles was that my tendency toward procrastination circuitous. regarding writing is still strong - I nearly had to After graduation I went west to Ann Arbor to pull an all-nighter to get this completed (fond the law school at the University of Michigan. memories of freshmen English and term papers)! ! Two things happened almost immediately. I met Upon leaving Cornel1, I worked as an my wife-to-be and I got hooked on Big 10 (read Extension Agent with Cooperative Extension in Michigan) football. By the end of my first year of Jefferson and Lewis Counties. After several law school, the Viet Nan war was raging. I had years, I decided to dust off my teaching little choice, either teach high school for a while certificate and accepted a teaching position in or go to Viet Nam. Kathryn DeNeefKetchum Greece, NY, where I taught high school home Wisely, I chose the former and began teaching economics for 10 years. It was during this time RR #1 Box 289A in my hometown of Rochester, New York. At the Barton, Vt. 05822 that I met my husband-to-be, Edward Kenney and same time I took a detour East, my wife-to-be Home.. (802) 525-3875 his three children. Due to school closings and went West to UCLA for a Masters degree. Thus redistricting, I was transferred to junior high, my introduction to Califomia. Toward the end of Occupatr'on.a Homemaker ComeJJ Major.I Botany (Agriculture) where I managed to survive a year. It didn't take my teaching stint, I married my wife. After Advanced Degrees.-MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) 1968 me long to realize that teaching at the junior high teaching, we both retumed to Ann Arbor where I Oberlin College Spouse.- Robert W. Ketchum (Central level was not for me, and I made the decision to finished my law degree and Joan earned a Ph.D. Connecticut State College 1965, University of Vermont M.Ed. 1979, teacher. CThjJdren.I Janna, bom 10/30/86 leave the teaching profession. After completing a After graduation from Michigan we lnOVed tO workshop on i6Career Alternatives for Teachers'9 Chicago where Joan taught at Loyola University After Cornell graduation I spent a year at and a zillion interviews, I accepted a position in and I practiced tax law with a large firm. While Oberlin College eaming an M.A.T. degree. From the Department of Periodontology at the Eastman living in Chicago, I continued my close 1968 to 1972 I taught junior high school science Dental Center, which I soon came to love. friendship with Harvey Kinzelberg. Chicago is a in Medina, New York, where I met my husband, Although it was an administrative position, I was wonderful place, but after three and a half years Bob Ketchum, then a seventh grade social studies able to utilize a variety of my teaching skills in and as many winters, the lure of California was teacher. We bought a house in the country and working with the postdoctoral students. irresistible. enjoyed a quiet life with our two beloved Basenji After living in the fast-paced East with the Joan taught at California State University at dogs. clouds, cold, rain and snow for so many years, Ed Northridge for six and a half years and then In the summer of 1978, we squeezed our and I decided to move to the Southwest in search decided that academia was no longer challenging. possessions and our canine family into a of sunshine, warm weather, low humidity and a In 1983 she enrolled in law school at Loyola University of Vermont student apartment, our more laid-back lifestyle. We found it in Tucson, University (where Amie Siegel was the dean) and home while Bob earned his Master9s degree in Arizona. I haven9t found my niche here at the is now a litigator with a Century City law firm. special education. The following summer we University of Arizona as yet, but I'm working on I practice tax and real estate law with a moved to Barton, Vermont, in the very rural it. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to visits boutique firm in Santa Monica where I am of northeastern corner of the state. Our new home from my family and friends looking for sunshine. counsel. It has been very satisfying to be a part of was a partially built house, where we "camped this explosive legal community for the last 15 in" from August to November amidst sawdust, years. Needless to say, Joan and I enjoy watching construction debris and packed cartons, with L.A. Law. daily visits from electricians, plumbers and the Our oldest son Mare is 15 and attends Harvard carpenter. As life finally settled down to normal, High School. He plays on the school's junior we began to love living in this very beautiful varsity football team and was an outstanding area. debater his freshman year. He has also claimed as While living in Vermont, I've sampled several his own, most of my Cornell clothing. His younger brother Erie is 13 and attends jobs, from employment at McDonald's to teller work in a bank. Crossroads School. Erie is the only native Late in 1986, Bob and I completed a year and a Californian in our family. Erie can be seen on half of pre-adoption procedures and traveled to most weekends either skateboarding with his Lima, Peru, where we met our five week old buddies or taking their pictures. daughter, Janna. The adoption experience there Warren Kessler For a number of years, Harvey Kinzelberg and was a major adventure - difficult then but his family would visit California at Christmas 17438 Sumiya Drive deeply treasured now. Back home, our by-then time to see his wife9s family. During those years Encino, Calif. 91316 very elderly dogs were bewildered by the arrival we would have a mini-reunion at our house Home.. (818) 981-4543 of a baby, but welcomed her with tolerant around New Year9s day. (We could not have the OffI'Ce.. (213) 393-4000 affection. Bob and I rather late in our lives, began reunion on New Year's Day if Michigan was to learn how very difficult and how wonderfully Occupafj'on.a Lawyer, Gilchrist & Rutter CorneJJ Major.I playing in the Rose Bowl because my family rewarding parenthood can be. Government (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I J.D., would have to be there to see the game.) The uni~verslty Of Michigan (1983) Spouse.-Joan B. Kessler, A.B., The years since have been rich in family staples were Harvey and his wife, Tom Salinger experiences -happy, painful, funny, challenging Univ. of Mich. (1967), MA, UCLA (l968), Ph.D. Univ of and his then girl friend and now wife, and Stan Mich. (1973), J.D. Loyola University, Lawyer ChjJdren.a Mare - the very best years in our lives so far. 2-19-76, Harvard High School 1994; Erie 6-24-78, Crossroads Klein and his various girl friends. We would School 1996. Affi'Jjatr'ons & AcfI'vifI'eS.a American, Califomia invite other classmates, as well. Los Angeles & Beverly Hills Bar Association, Former Chair of Joan and I are excited about the Reunion. We Los Angeles County Bar Assn. Income Tax Section. Member of Founders Group, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, just returned from Sam Francisco to attend the Member, City of Hope Speakers Bureau Honors.a Four articles Grand Finale of Cornell9s 125th Anniversary. (I on income tax topics, Frequent speaker at USC Tax Institute remember the 100th Anniversary, when we were on campus.) We saw some classmates and other It never entered my mind when I was a student fellow students. Yes, the Cornell-Stanford game that I would live in California. I saw the sunshine was one-sided. But even the Stanford players watching the Rose Bowl on TV on New Years admired the heart of the Comell team.

120 1967, Sales ChjJdren.a John Kinzelberg, 3/27/72, Cornell have more freedom to enjoy other major interests University, 1994; Scott Kinzelberg, 2/21/75, Deerfield High such as skiing, golf, tennis, biking, and my most School, 1992 Aff]'Jjafjons & Ac'fl®vI'fjeS.I Board of Trustees - Highland Park Hospital Foundation, Board of Directors - recent interest of collecting antique cars. Highland Park Hospital, Lakeland Health Care, Advisory I feel that my success could not have been Council - Comell Personal Enterprise Program, CDLA, AAEL achieved without the Cornell experience. In this Honors.a 1991 IlllnOiS Entrepreneur of the Year (Inc. Magazine, regard, I am trying to share those experiences Emst & Young, Merrill Lynch), l988,89,90 Illinois High Tech Entrepreneur Finalist (KMPG Peat Marwick), three time IBM with current Comellians through teaching in the Golden Circle Director Personal Enterprise Program and by also being on the Advisory Council to that program. This Thanks, in large part, to the education and activity, and becoming involved with the discipline that I received during my four years in university after a twenty four year hiatus, is an the Comell Engineering School, all of my dreams incredible emotional experience. It is also a way John E. Kiley have come true over the last twenty four years. of paying back and thanking the university 2734 NE Bryce St. My Cornell record allowed me to receive a through voluntary service and contributions for fellowship at Stanford University for my Masters what it has done for me. Portland, OR 97212 in Economic Planning. Falling in love with the Home.. 503-282-6510 Sam Francisco Bay area, I was able to land my OffI'Ce.. 503-230-3065 initial job with IBM in downtown Sam Francisco selling large computer systems. OccupafI'On.I Manager, Bonneville Power Administration Cornell Major: Zoology (Agr.) Advanced Degrees: MBA Entering the computer industry in 1968 was University of Portland Spouse.a Susan Wright Kiley, Comell certainly being on the cutting edge of the '68, Medical Social Worker ChjJdren.a Christopher Kiley 7-15- business world. My best friend's father, an 72 Cornell 994; Jessica Kiley 7-17-77 St. Mary's Academy attorney, asked me, 66What kind of a future is Portland, OR '95 there in computers?" It has taken me the full twenty four years to fully realize and grow with the potential of the computer industry. After meeting my wife to be while in Sam Francisco, I again exercised the Cornell - learned discipline and left the fun times and sunshine of the west John S. Kirk coast for a more serious business and family P.O. Box 65663 environment in Chicago where I had grown up. West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 Even though I was working for one of the largest corporations in America, it was always my dream Home.. (515) 226-0693 to start my own business. I went through a OffI'Ce.. (515) 224-0164 succession of job experiences, all of which OccupafI'On.- CFO CE Software, Inc. ComeJJ Major.- Electrical enriched my professional repertoire of financial (Engineering) Spouse.a Peggy L. Kirk, Simpson College, '71, Robert Kinasewich and marketing skills. Then,,in 1979, I saw the Assistant Treasurer ChI'Jdrefl.-Katherine A. Kirk, 6-15-71, opportunity of a market niche, where, with Hamline University, '93; James S. Kirk, 6-30-73, (currently 10406-127 Street meager capitalization, I was able to start a selecting college) Aff]®jjatr'ons & Actr'vI'tr'eS.- Iowa Society of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T57107 CPA's Jaycees (retired); Boy Scout Leader (Retired) Honors.a business within the computer industry. Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting Honorary) Home.. (403) 452-2707 Meridian Leasing Corporation was OffI'Ce.. (403) 453-5218 incorporated in 1979 with three full time After leaving Cornell, I transferred to Drake employees. It has grown to be the second largest OcclJPatr'on.a Businessmanthawyer, K-Bro Linen Systems Inc. University and in 1968 received a B.S. in Comell Major.- Govemment (Arts) Advanced Degrees.` LLB- independent computer leasing company in North Business Administration with a major in University of Alberta Spouse.a Donna-Lynne Kinasewich - America with nearly 300 employees. In my Accounting. I worked for Bendix Corporation in Airline Flight Attendant -Air B.C. Cj]jJdren.I Geoffrey Dorman wildest dreams, I had never envisioned that the Southfield, Michigan for five years. During the -January 10, l970 - University of Victoria 1992 Michelle - company I had dreamed of starting would grow October 19,1973 -University of Alberta,1994 early years, my wife Peggy and I traveled from to be such a huge success. My wife and family coast to coast for Bendix. This means we didn9t shared the personal sacrifices which were even have an apartment, we just lived out of our required for the growth and development of 1967 Corvette and became familiar with almost Meridian. It was the learned focus and every Holiday Inn in the country. Peggy and I determination from Cornell that would show have two children, Katherine and Jim, both born through in the toughest moments of corporate in Michigan. With the flrSt Child, we transferred development. from ccfull travel status" to a position as Plant Another major dream that I have, seeing a Controller of one of Bendix' divisions. In 1973 second generation Kinzelberg attend Cornell, will we returned to Iowa, where we were originally happen this fall as our son John will matriculate from. I passed the CPA exam and went to work as a sophomore at Comel1. Our other son, Scott, for Peat Marwick and then my own CPA firm. is a junior at Deerfield High School and an In 1981 we purchased a retail computer store, accomplished basketball player who we observe which grew to become the largest computer store playing in various international basketball in Iowa. In 1985 we sold controlling interest and Harvey Kinzelberg competitions around the country. Both of our concentrated our efforts on the software side of 1150 Heather Road boys bring us enormous pride, love, and our business. CE Software has grown from two happiness as they grow and mature. Now that Deerfield, Ill. 60015 person business in 1985 to eighty-five employees these major dreams have come true, I have the Home.. (708) 945-0852 today. We went public in 1990 and our stock is luxury of pursuing many of my outside interests now traded on NASDAQ/National Market OffI'Ce.. (708) 940-1200 that were sacrificed for my business dreams. I am System (that9s the same as Apple and Microsoft). involved annually in two scuba diving Occupafjon.-Chairman of the Board, Meridian Leasing Our main products are QuickMai1, an electronic Corporation ComeJJ Major.a Operations Research (Engineering) expeditions and return with hundreds of mail system for both Macintosh and IBM and Advanced Degrees.I MS - Economic Planning - Stanford fascinating underwater photographs which I can compatibles, and QuicKeys, a keyboard University Spouse.a Linda Kinzelberg, University of Illinois, share with my family and friends. I also now enhancement and macro program for the

121 Macintosh. in psychology. She now has a successful private for harm and destruction. When I look at them, I We have frequently returned to Cornell for fall practice in Upper Montclair, New Jersey. Our am grateful for the earth9s beauty and for the homecoming, summer vacations and nearby only child, a son we named Adam, is now an human family's diversity and perseverance, but I business trips. Ithaca is a beautiful area, full of active ten year-old who loves Nintendo and am also disappointed by the gravity of world's many fond memories. baseball. All along I have also been blessed with problems and the frailty of human beings, the love and support of my parents. I have including myself, in the pursuit of their solutions. maintained a few friendships from my .Corriell My efforts to make a difference and my feelings days (especially with Martin Leeds and Sylvia of frustration at having made too little have Lewis), but I have kept closer ties to several of occupied much of the last 24 years. my classmates from my childhood and In some ways, I never left Cornell over those adolescence in the public schools of Hackensack, years. That is, I have not left institutions of New Jersey. higher education. Right after Cornell, I went to During my senior year at Cornell I made the the University of Chicago for graduate school. I W. Andrews Kirmse 6tAndy" fateful decision to turn down an acceptance at received my M.A. from Chicago at almost the 2921 Washington Ave. #3 Harvard Law School for a graduate fellowship in same time that I married a U. of C. law student, Sam Francisco, Calif. 94115 American history at Columbia. Although I chose Tom Kitch (Yale 966). In the spirit of dropping OffI'Ce.. (415) 394-1120 a difficult path, I do not regret selecting a career out which was fashionable in the late 960s, when in college teaching over one in law. I must Tom graduated, `ve decided to move to his home OccupafJOn.I Hotelier, Nikko Hotels. CorneJJ Major.- Hotel confess that there have been times when my wife town of Wichita. provided I could get a Administration (Hotel) Spouse.I Christle, K.U., l975, Interior and I could have used the extra ineome of a Wall university-level teac`ning job. I did and we did. Design. Ch,Jdren.I Davld Kirmse, 9/9/72 Pepperdine Univ - Street lawyer. But on the whole I have enjoyed Three years later, twin Sons arrived. Talk about l994; Chris Kirmse, 7/l2/75 9th Grade AffJ'/jafI'OJ]S & AcfJVJfjeS.-Rotary/Chamber of Commerce Board, Convention teaching undergraduates at Manhattan College, shock; the next four years are a blur: work and Bureau Board/Golf/Tennis and I am proud of the modest reputation I have child care dominated most waking (and some achieved as a specialist in American sports sleeping) hours. Somehow in the fog I managed history. Much of whatever success I have attained to help found a women's studies program at as a scholar and author I owe to Cornell, and Wichita State University. The doctorate was the especially to my mentors in the History next step. With children in tow, and Tom department. commuting to teach a weekly seminar in the law school, I moved to Atlanta to pursue one of the few interdisciplinary PhD programs in the country, at Emory University. Four years later, the deed was done. I earned tenure and promotion at WSU, where I am now an Associate Professor in and' Director of the Center for Women's Studies.

Sally Leibowitz Kitch George Kirsch 3740 Sleeply Hollow 289 Ridgewood Ave. Wichita, Kans. 67208 Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028 Home.. (316) 685-5179 Home.. (201) 748-1291 OffI'Ce.. (316) 689-3358 OffI'Ce.. (212) 920-0127 Oc`cupatr'on.I Associate Professor of Women's Studies; Director Occupafjon.- History Professor, Chairman of Department of Center for Women's Studies, Wichita State Unlversity Stanley H. Klein Manhattan College ComeJj Major.I History (Arts & Sciences) CorJ]e/I Major.I English (Arts) Advanced Degrees.a MA, Unlv. of 1822 Floumoy Road Advanced Degrees.I M.A.; Ph.D., Columbia University SpoL]Se.a Chicago; PhD, Emory Unlversity Spouse.I Thomas D. Kitch, Susan Lavitt Kirsch, University of Michigan, l967; PhD- Yale '66, AB; Univ. of Chicago JD, 969. Attorney ChI'JdreJ].I Manhattan Beach, Calif. 90266-2531 Yeshiva Univer; Psychologist Cj]J'jdren.a Adam Lavitt Klrsch, Aaron Wells Kitch, June 6,1972; Yale '94; Justln Shelby Home.. (213) 545-0564 Aug l9, l98l -Fifth Grade AffJ/jafjOnS & Acfj®vI'fjeS.-Amerlcan Kitch, June 6,1972; Stanford '94 (yes, they're twins) Hlstorlcal AssoclatlOn; Organization of Amerlcan Historians; AffJ-JjafI'OnS & Acfjvjfjes.I Modern Language Association, Offi'ce.. (213) 545-0564 North AmerlCan Society of Sport History. Honors.I President, Rocky Mountain MLA, National Women's Studies Manhatten College Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; Author of The Association, NOW, Women's Equality Coalition, Wichlta OccupafJ'OJ].I Disabled CorJ]eJj Major.- Electrical Engineering Creation of American Team Sports; Baseball & Cricket, l838- Voices for Choice, etc. HoJ]OrS.-Two book awards: NWSA- (Engineerlng) Advanced Degrees.a University of Southem Gal.- 72 (University of Illinois, l989). Univ. of Illinois Press Book Award for Chaste Ljberarl'on.- M.S. AffJ'J,'afjons & AcrJ'VjfjeS.I Sierra Club Climbing Section CeJI'baCy and Female CuJfuraJ Sfarus (pub. 1989); Helen When I think back over the quarter of a Hooven Santmeyer Prize in Women's Studies for This Strange Society of Women: A Narrative Analysis of the Woman9s century that has passed since I left Cornell in Commonwealth (Ohio State UP, 1992). Danforth Foundation June 1967, my thoughts turn to my family, Fellowship for PhD study,1980-83. friends, and career. Three months after graduation I moved to New York City to begin As I write this, I am sitting at a desk in our my graduate work in American history at second home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, looking Columbia University. That September I met my across the valley toward the Jemez Mountains. wife, Susan Lavitt, who had just graduated from The Jemez are an interesting symbol; they harbor the University of Michigan. Our marriage in the ruins of hundreds of ancient pueblos that September 1968 was one of the few good things attest to human ingenuity and potential for that happened that year. Over the next decade I harmony with nature, and they are the site of the tried my best to encourage her as she pursued Los Alamos labs and testing site, which represent careers first in computer programming and then both that same ingenuity and the human potential

122 work. There have been several stints in Europe, The University of Michigan phoned me one day both for study and travel, mostly in France, Italy, in the late winter of 1992 to ask if I was and Germany. interested in applying for a job as an Assistant After many arid hours sequestered in libraries, Professor in his department. I went to Ann Arbor I decided to pick up my musical pursuits in a to interview for the job, and felt extremely more serious vein, and auditioned for several fortunate to be offered the position. So, we were, local orchestras and groups. To my surprise and once again, heading toward the mid-west. Ann delight, I was accepted. So I began studying with Arbor, however, is a beautiful town to live in, local masters and am now teaching privately having many of the amenities of larger cities, (flute and piccolo), have participated in Master while retaining a small-town charm. Less than a Classes with Jean-Pierre Rampal, Juliut` Baker, year after our arrival in Ann Arbor, our second and James Galway. I9ve been asked to pl`,rform daughter, Hilary, was born. Being strong concertos with some of our local orchestras, and believers in zero population growth in those days, Frederick John Klemeyer, Jr. it has been a real joy. A few years ago, I attended we decided it would be too risky to move to 145 Claremont Boulevard a Cornell Club-sponsored concert which was part another city, and thus we have resided in Ann Sam Francisco, Calif. 94127 of the Glee Club and Cornell Chorus Tour to this Arbor for the past 19 + years. One of the great OffI'Ce.. (415) 664-0134 part of the world. What nostalgia and memories benefits of a life in academia is that we have been were evoked! It was extremely moving to join able to travel to interesting places. Our family has OccupafJ'Or].- Archltect - Wertheim, van der Ploeg, & Klemeyer with the audience in singing our Alma Mater lived in London during my first sabbatical, and in C'orJ]eJ/ Major.a Architecture (Architecture, Art & Planning) Once more. Palo Alto for my second sabbatical. And, within Advanced Degrees.-M.S. '70 Spouse.I Carolyn Cotter Klemeyer, It is said that 66you can't go back," but I am the past three years my job has taken Susan and Stanford University '69, systems analyst, housewife CThj/dren.I Jeanette Elise Klemeyer. I 8 July 1986 AffiJI'afI'OnS & AcfjvifJeS.' hoping to do just that, to return to Cornell for the me to meetings to Norway, Italy, England, and American Institute of Architects, Sam Francisco Chapter Reunion (if my teaching and exam schedule this fall we will travel to South Africa, where I (Treasurer, Finance Committee, Chairman of Beaux Arts Ball), permit) and to become re-acquainted with old will be a visiting Professor. California Council (Board of Directors, Finance Committee); friends, familiar haunts, and perhaps to revive the I have nothing but the fondest memories of my Construction Specifications Institute, Sam Francisco Chapter days as an undergraduate at Cornell - the walks (President), West Region (Treasurer), Institute (Finance friendly ghosts of yesteryear. committee, Awards Committee) Honors.I Certificates of along and over the gorges, the panoramic view of Appreciation from AIA and CSI; Member, United Nations Lake Cayuga, particularly in the fall, the hours of Development Programme (Technical Exchange delegation to battling on the basketball courts in Teagle Hall, China as part of CICETE program). the opportunities to discuss science and philosophy with my Professors and class-mates. I eagerly await seeing many of my friends from the class of ,67.

Matthew Kluger 2012 Vinewood Blvd. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 Florence E. Kline Home.. (313) 668-1332 2519 Parker St., #103 OffI'Ce.. (313) 763-2558

Berkeley, Calif. 94704 Occuparj-on.I Professor of Physiology, University of Michigan Home.. (510) 549-0811 Medical School CorJ]e/I Major.a Vertebrate Zoology Marianne Wendel Koch OffI'Ce.. (510) 685-1230 (Agriculture) Advanced Degrees.I M.S. & Ph.D. -Illinois', Post Mtihlspielweg 21 Doctoral Yale Spouse.a Susan Lepold Kluger, B.S. Hunter 3400 G6ttingen, Germany College l967; M.S. -Illinois, l968 ChJJdreJ].a Sharon May l7, OccuparJOn.I Instructor of Foreign Languages, Diablo Valley l971, Univ. of Callfornla, Berkeley, l993; Hilary May 25, Home.. 0551-22272 College ComeJJ Major.' French, (Arts & SclenCeS) Advanced l973, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor,1995 Am'JjafI®OnS & Degrees.-Comell Univ., M.A.ln Romance Studies, l968 Univ. Ac'fjvl-rJ'eS.I American Physiological Society, Chairman of OccuparJOJ].I Teacher Free lance CorneJJ Major.I Child of callfOrnla, Berkeley, D. Phil., in Romance Langs & Lits., Graduate Program in Physiology at Michigan; Honors.-Visiting Development (School of Home Economics) Advanced Degrees.- l973 Affl'/l'arJOnS & Acrjv,rj'es.a Kenslngton Symphony professor of Mediclne, l979 -St. Thomas' Medical School, M A T/ School of Agriculture Spouse.- Dr. Werner Koch, orchestra, principal Flute, & President, Board of Directors; London; Visiting Sclentist, Cetus Corporation, l986-7; Visiting Cornell Aerospace School, l968; research sclentist ChI®Jdren.I Trinlty Chamber Orchestra; American Symphony Orchestra professor, univ. of Witswatersrand, l99l ; Member of Edltorial Maria-Christine,1970, Nursing School, Luisenhospital, League, National Flute Association; Northem CA Translators Board for 2 journals - wrltten I monograph, I workbook (3 Aachen, l993; Alexander, 1974, Felix-Klein Gymnasium, Assoc; MedleVal Academy of America; Phllologlcal Assoc. of editions), co-editor of 4 texts. G6ttingen, l994 AffJ'Jl-afjons & Ac'fJVJ'fjeS.I G6ttlngen University pacific coast; Medieval Assoc. of Pacific; Soci6t6 Rencesvals; Women's Club International Courtly Literature Society; MLA; Art Deco society. HoJ]OrS.-Ford Scholar9s Fellowship (Comell Graduate Shortly after graduating, Susan Lepold and I Work); Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Mu; Comell Research Grant; were married. On our honeymoon we traveled to After finishing Cornell Graduate School in prize for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Califomla, such exotic places as Columbus and Indianapolis 1968 both my husband and I sailed for Europe Berkeley on our way to graduate school at the University where a new life began for us. He became a research scientist at an aerospace center It was difficult to leave Cornell and the Ithaca of Illinois. Susan earned a Masters degree in education and counseling, and then taught in one (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt ftir Luft rind hills, but I seem to have traded them for another of the local schools, while I worked toward my Raumfahrt) in Aachen, West Germany. We lived set of equally beautiful (if not treacherous) hills. M.S. and Ph.D. Three years and degrees after in this famous city until l973. Many Cornell My experiences here in California have been arriving in the Midwest, we went back east to students and professors visited us there. quite varied and interesting, starting in the late New Haven where I did post-doctoral research My first years were busy ones because I had to sixties when this was where it was all c{happening." After doctoral studies at UC for two years. Within 8 months, our first study and become fluent in German. I daughter, Sharon, was born in May, l97l. Much volunteered to work as an English teacher in a Berkeley, I taught languages and literature to my amazement, the Chairman of Physiology at boys7 high school (gymnasium), and this began a courses, and have also done a lot of translating

123 new 66career" in language teaching. My first job of Manchester, England, Professor, Biochemistry ChjJdreJ].- was at the Berlitz School. With the birth of my Gregory W. Holloway April 15,1989 Hor]ors.I Book - Ukral'm'ar] Dumy, artlCles on Slavic & Turkic folklore, daughter in 1970 our family quickly became Ukrainian studies bilingual. Children have a way of intergrating parents into society. There are certain times when I enjoy looking In 1973 my husband's research group was back at the past and other times when I do not. moved to G6ttingen, a university city close to the Unfortunately, our 25th anniversary coincides old Iron Curtain. My son was born in 1974. We with one of the 66not" times. Perhaps I am too took a leave of absence in 1979, and spent a involved with my two-year-old, my two college- wonderful year in Newport News, Virginia, while age step-children and my work to want to look my husband worked for NASA. My children had back right now. I am trying to complete a few to relearn German after that year. G6ttingen has more publications, one book length, and these are moved to the middle of united Germany now. We I. Fred Koenigsberg very important to me. Also, the semester is about continue to greet people from Comell and many 708 Greenwich Street to start and it promises to be a difficult one other parts of the world. I do free lance English New York, N.Y.10014 because 2 colleagues will be missing and teaching and enjoy working with university Home.. (212) 243-0813 informed us of this just a few weeks ago. students. This keeps me young. OffI'Ce.. (212) 819-8806 My husband and I share fond memories of our student days at Cornell. The campus has a Occupation.- Attomey, While & CzlSe Comell Major: Sociology cosmopolitan flair in a quiet rural setting. We (Arts & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.- MA Communications) miss Lake Cayuga, the many gorges, the evening - Unlv. of Pennsylvania JD - Columbia Univ Law School campus chimes, and the long walks from one end Spouse.I Adria Frede, Finch College, 1970, Mommy ChI-Jdren.I Sidney -8-l6-8 I ; Joshua -4-22-84 AffJ'Jj'atr'ons & AcfI-VjfjeS.I of the campus to the other. President, American Intellectual Property Law Assn; Trustee, Our daughter has returned to her birthplace, Copyright Society of the USA; Board of Directors, Volunteer Aachen, to study in a School of Nursing. Our son Lawyers for the Arts. still has a way to go before deciding on a university. It would be fine with us if he were to choose Comell.

JosefW. Konvitz 321 Kensington Road East Lansing, Mich. 48823 Home.. (517) 332-1397 Office.. (517) 355-7500

Occuparjon.- Professor of Hlstory, Michigan State University Comell Major.- "s`ory (Arts a Sc±ences) Advanced Degrees: Charles Knox Koepke MA, PhD, Princeton University Spouse.- Isa (Schwartzberg) BA, Queens College, MLS, Columbla University ChjJdreJ].a Eli 1005 Maplewood Road (5-22-75) Junior at East Lansing High School, will study Piano Lake Forest, Ill. 60045 and Science; Ezra (7-16-8l) fifth grade, with interests in art and design, and talents suitable as well to law and polltlCS. Home.. (708) 295-1764 Senetta Hill Koch AffjJ,-afI'Or]S & Acfjv,'rI'eS.I Urban History Assoc., Bd. of 45 West Shore Rd. OffI'Ce.. (312) 856-7756 Directors; JoumaJ of Urban Hjsrory Bd. of Editors; Consultant to French Govt. Project on Port Cities; Participant in National Manhasset, N.Y. 11030 Occupation.' Executive, Amoco Corporation Cornell Major.- Debate on history education. Honors.I Fellowships from Home.. (516) 627-6022 Chem. Engr. (Chem. Engr.) Advanced Degrees.-M. Eng. National Endowment for the Humanities, Woodrow Wilson (Chem) Cornell 968; MBA, U. of Chicago '72 Spouse.a Ann Center for Scholars, Glasgow University; Author of C'J'tr'eS ar]d Occupafl'on.a Consultant, Provista Software lnt'l Come// Major.I McFeatters Koepke, Northwestem U. l967. ChjJdreJ].I Robert - the Sea, The Urban Millennium, Cartography in France l660- Govemment (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I MPA Maxwell School, 8/30/77; Carolyn - I 1/l4/78; Glenn -3/3/80 AffJ'J,'afJOnS & /848 (Awarded Nebenzahl Prize by Newberry Library) and Syracuse U. Spouse.-Donald Koch, Queens College, '67, EDP Actr'vjrI'eS.a Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Varsity Tennis, , over 30 artlcles. Audit Mgr. Ch,'Jdren.- Lauren 9/6/77 Manhasset High School, 1995; Leslle 1/9/79 Manhasset Jr. Hlgh School, l993 (HS We were at Cornell when the civil rights 1997) Affj/jafjons & Acfjvjfjes.-Vestry, Christ Church Manhasset movement, the Vietnam War and an economic boom in Europe brought those challenges to America which have shaped the quarter-century that our class is now celebrating. Some of my professors helped me to understand what was happening then in ways that I have been able to apply to current events since. Their example inspired me to become a teacher. Believing in the relevance of the past and in history as a vital and creative form of contemporary thought, I entered Princeton as a graduate student in history. There, I became familiar with the latest approaches to Natalie Kononenko history, and embraced a new field, the urban past. 2224 Greenbrier Dr. With a break to teach for two years at a Catholic Charlottesville, Va. 22901 high school in New Monmouth, NJ, I completed Home.. (804) 978-1942 my research and graduated in 1973. Luckier than OffI'Ce.. (804) 924-6687 some who failed to find good jobs, I joined the department at Michigan State University, where I Occupaf,'oJ].I Associate Professor, Slavic Studies, Univ. of remain. With three books and many articles, I Virginia. Come/I Major.I Russian (Arts & Sciences) Advanced have won some fellowships and grants in the past Degrees.I MA, PhD Harvard Spouse.I Peter W. Holloway, Univ

124 two decades. As a discipline, history has changed Somehow, being in graduate school and living off Ar,icles about my work. JV. y. Woman (mag) EJ]rrePrenun'a/ Wt,man, Daily News, Cosmopolitan far more in the last 25 years than anyone at campus, did not provide half the excitement or Cornell ever led me to expect; the field is camaraderie that Cornell always seemed to offer. Looking back at myself, twenty-four years ago exciting, but great books remain as difficult to Once my academic training was completed, I is like looking at a movie of perhaps a very close compose aS ever. moved back to New York, where I was fri3nd Or a cousin. Someone very familiar and yet Isa Schwartzberg and I were married in 1969. introduced by a fellow Cornellian to my husband very different from the person I've become. Her work in photography has suffered in Mare, then a doctoral student in audiology. Twenty-four years ago I never dreamed of having Michigan, where the light is flat and, at least in Professionally, I began doing market research at a career, developing a life9s work that would give visual terms, life is dull. Thanks to my work, we McCann Erickson, a well-known advertising m{> an opportunity to be so fully expressive. have lived in France for months at a time. (I am company, and three years later, became the head I married at age 24 and helped support my now serving as an advisor on a French of Research and Statistics at Interbank Card husband through medical school. While waiting Association, the licensor of Master Card. I government program to renew and redevelop port fo - him to finish his residency, so we could start a cities). Whether for that or for other reasons, Isa enjoyed a brief intermission from my full-time "paying" job to give birth to our daughter, family, I went to school and studied to be a has developed an unusual talent as a creator of Gestalt therapist with the late Fritz Perls. My recipes while retaining her high artistic standards. Penny Colette. During her first few years, I Our sons Eli (16) and Ezra (10) are talented worked from home as a free-lance media practice as a psychotherapist flourished but unfortunately my marriage did not. All the love researcher, and then tried my skills at designing pianists with strong interests in art, the sciences th;lt existed between was not enough to transcend and politics - I think that they can do many and Grafting ladies belts, which eventually led to some very fundamental differences - the more things than I could. Yet as they think about the formation of my own company, Colette separation was long and painful. their future education, Isa and I wonder why, Specialty Products. In 1987, I decided to make a I was determined not to re-experience that pain notwithstanding the phenomenal expansion of major career change and became a real estate again and as a result of a lot of mind, body and higher education in our lifetimes, the problems of broker. Today, I am still affiliated with L. B. soul searching I found a new relationship (with America seem so intractable. In Europe, "1992" Kaye International, a leading real estate agency my present husband Paul Kramer) -and a new is a year when many fundamental, structural for the sale of coops and condominiums in career. I developed a new body of work that is changes will be initiated; in America it only Manhattan. separate from traditional psychotherapy because inspires historical commemorations. Is it that Our daughter is now fifteen years old, and I am it teaches people how to create fulfilling solutions are societal but our culture is so proud to say is an excellent student at Horace relationships as adults. My model is positive individualistic? Is it that society does not want to Mann, a private school in Manhattan. My change, or that politicians cannot lead us to husband is the Director of Hearing and Speech (nDn-Pathological) and because it affirms the best in human nature I get to experience the best of change? Is it also possible that for all the talk Services at New York Hospital, a member of the hlLman nature. about relevance, American higher education has Cornell Medical School faculty, and has a private So Helen Kramer married Paul Kramer 8 years lost the ability to challenge our youth to a nobler, practice in audiology. Although we enjoy ago and inherited two lovely teem-age step- residing in Manhattan, we look forward to our grander vision? Our generation has a unique cI-ildren (at last the family I so deeply desired). I memory; I hope that we will find a way to make time away at our weekend home in Milford, w:nt through a wonderful nesting period - slowed our experiences meaningful to others. Pennsylvania with Penny and our three year old 6 6yuppy puppy' 9, a nine pound bichon frise. dt,wn my practice, teaching, training, lecturing et3. and immersed myself in family life. I have I feel very fortunate to have been able to maintain many of the strong friendships that I been able to enjoy an unusual blending of two first made at Cornell - friendships that were, and e]tended Kramer families. I am very close with my sister Paula Kramer and she and her two still are, based on sensitivity, trust, and mutual lovely children have shared a weekend and respect. These friendships have enabled me to summer home with me and mine in the keep my memories alive, and the impressions of Hamptons. The only complication has been that I my Cornell days, so favorable. As my daughter always called Paula, Paul and so living together rapidly approaches her college years, I hope she h:ls often been as confusing as it's been will select an academic environment which will delightful. Calling for Paul, honey or P.K. I often offer her the same camaraderie and superior knowledge that Cornell provided me. Who knows g¬,t one more response than I intended. Paula and I do some work together in an ... maybe she711 even go to Cornell. institute I9ve founded based on my new work. Diane L. Haas Kramer R3al Solutions -re-education for adult living and 360 East 72nd Street I am again doing more teaching, training and New York, N.Y.10021 writing. The work is designed to teach people Home.. (212) 570-0786 what they would have leamed if they grew up in OffI'Ce.. (212) 415-0446 a functional family. My work is extremely gratifying because I Occupafjon.I Real Estate Sales, L.B. Kaye lntemational CorneJJ p:lrticipate in a positive process with people Major.I Child Development (Human Ecology) Advanced whose relationships become more deeply Degrees.a M.Ed. Tufts Unlv. 68 Spouse.-Mare B. Kramer, Ph.D. s¬LtiSfying. I work with individuals, groups, - all B.A. '65 & M.A. '67 Temple Univ; Ph.D. '72 City Univ. of N.Y. Audiologist ChjJdren.I Penny Colette Kramer (age l5) kinds of pairings - close friends, couples, adults 4/28/76 in loth grade; Horace Mann will graduate HS in 1994; alld their Parents, brOtherS and Sisters. college in l998 Affl'JJ'afjOnS & Acrjvjfjes.-ORT, New York City My own parents and extended family remain Marathon - finish line offlcial, Floating Hospltal all important source of love and strength for me. Helen Kramer Having received so much has allowed me to tap Twenty-five years have passed since I left 222 Park Ave. S 2D irto the love and strength that exists in so many Cornell, but my memories are still vivid, and my New York, N.Y. 10003 o-: my clients, and students' lives. So together we friendships with fellow Cornellians remain Home.. (212) 674-5644 r¬',move interferences, and strengthen bonds, so strong. Although only four years were actually OffI'Ce.. (212) 674-6743 that both the individuals and their relationships spent at the University, the experiences we lived, bt3COme the best they are Capable Of becoming. and the associations we made during these years, Occuparjon.- Psychotherapist, Real Solutions ComeJJ Major.a seem to influence us forever. Child Development (Home Ec.) Spouse.I Paul Kramer, U. Conn. After graduation, my year at Tufts obtaining Film Producer AffJ'Jjafjons & Actr'vI'tr'eS.I Director & Founder of my Master9s degree was relatiyely uneyentfu1. Real Solut10nS (Re-educatlOn for Adult Living) HoJ]OrS.a

125 Lynne Erickson Krasnauskas Daniel Kraus Raymond A. Kreig 61 High St. 2839 Boyer Ave. E. 3818 Clay Products Road Plainville, Mass. 02762 Seattle, Wash. 98102 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Home.. (508) 695-5912 Home.. (206) 329-5878 Home.. (907) 243-8951 OffI'Ce.. (206) 448-7348 Office: (907) 2J6-2025 Occuparjon.- Computer Programmer, Self-Employed CorJ]eJJ Major.I Psychology (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I J.D., Suffolk OccupafJ'On.- Business Agent, Service Employees Intemational Oc'c`uparjon.I Engineer, R.A. Kreig & Associates ComeJj Major.- Univ. Law School, '76 ChjJdren.I ErlC 5-13-78; Jill 6-15-80; Union, Local 6 ComeJJ Major.I I. & L.R. (I.&L.R.) Advanced Civ. Eng. (Englneerlng) Advanced Degrees.I MS Cornell Wendy 6-13-82 Degrees.I Masters Lab. & Ind. Re1. Michigan State U. SpoLJSe.- Am'JJarjOnS & Ac'rjvJ'rI'eS.I Association of Engineering Sandra R. Kraus -Boston Univ. '71 -Civil Servant CfrI'Jdren.I Geologists, Anchorage Library Board Vice Chairman, After graduation I started work at John Michele Radin Kraus -Madrona Elementary (1st Grade) American Institute of Professional Geologists, Committee on Permafrost, Polar Research Board. Honors.I l982 -Airphoto Hancock Life Insurance Company in Boston. My 7/26/85 AffJ'JjafJOnS & AcfjvI'fjeS.- Industrial Relations Research Association Analysis and summary of Land Form Soil Properties along roommate that first year on Beacon Hill was Trams Alaska Pipeline; 1977 -Terrain Analysis for the Trams Sherry Carr 967. Hancock trained me in computer Alaska Plpellne How the priorities change. Soon after programming in 1968 -I must have been one of graduation I thought the most important the very first to be so employed! After two years My studies at Cornell seemed to wind up experience of my life would be the two years at Hancock I resigned to do some extended travel weighted toward preparation for a career path in (1968 and 1969) I spent in Sri Lanka as a Peace in Europe, Which was, as you may recall, an the tropics. Fresh out of Hollister Hall, my first Corps Volunteer. Then there were my first jobs ordinary thing to do at the time. Europe was a that provided a regular income, real furniture job naturally turned out to be route selection for a wonderful experience - travelled from Germany, new railroad extension from Interior Alaska to (bricks went back to the outside where they Italy, Greece to Istanbul, then back through the Arctic Ocean! And I9ve remained in Alaska belonged), a car that ran, etc. Then it was Switzerland, England, and Scotland. I9m so glad I ever since! marriage in August, 1972 and a concurrent move travelled then, because it gave me something to My Comell experience at the Center for Aerial from Washington, D.C. to the other Washington re-live during long hours of raising small children Photographic Studies under Professors Donald J. and trying to hide my New York accent in Belcher and Ta Liang enabled me to immediately (more on that below). Seattle. Soon I realized that while a given day In 1970, I went to work for Price Waterhouse make significant early career contributions to one may mark the beginning of a new event in one9s where I met my future husband. Later I was hired of the greatest construction projects in history, life, the important events have no specific time by Ropes & Gray, a large Boston law firm with the Trams Alaska Pipeline. Later I started the demarcation. Like still being happily married and which I have been associated ever since in the leading firm in aerial photographic analysis in still marveling at the wonderful things my data processing and trust accounting area. I northwestern North America (specializing in daughter does and says (she still has a levy years earned a law degree at night, but have not until she becomes a teem-ager). Like feeling good permafrost and large diameter pipeline studies). Don Belcher's creativity and enthusiasm for the practiced law. Most recently I have been doing about my employment history - nine years with the computer work necessary for the filing of interpretation of the earth7s land forms on the U.S. Department of Labor and ten years as a fiduciary tax returns. In 1980, I quit to spend airphotos has carried through, however, far business agent/labor negotiator for Seattle area more time with my children, and have since been beyond my professional life. The synoptic view labor unions. And still feeling physically fit able to continue consulting part-time. of the world possible from stereo 3-d viewing of despite it being over 10 years since I ran my only Starting in 1978, I had three children in four airplane photos allows a much broader marathon and climbed Mount Rainier. appreciation of one's environment and it has years, and raising them has been the focus of my To keep our 1960's values intact we purchased life since then. They are terrific kids, and it has a VW camper in 1987 (free of bumper stickers) greatly enhanced my enjoyment of the natural been a great experience. Recently I have gone world of the sub-arctic regions that I have made and are still planning the leisurely cross-country through a divorce, and it has been a difficult time home. I have greatly enjoyed continuing to trip we all dreamed about. When we do it don9t 66hunt" and study landforms in other cold for us all, but I am definitely looking forwa_rd to be surprised to hear a knock on your door. the future and putting this behind me. climate areas with terrain conditions like Alaska: After a visit to Ithaca for CAU in 1989, Tibet, Manchuria, Siberia, Svalbard, and Comell began to resume special meaning to me. I Scandinavia. The big, exciting recent event for was awed by the physical beauty of the campus me has been the opening of Alaska9s common and surroundings, and struck by the devotion of border with the USSR. This summer it was a certain alumni that I met there. I began to realize privilege to witness history unfolding when my that it truly was a special time and place in my work found me in our adjacent Soviet border area life. Since that time I have seen several of Chukotka during the coup against Gorbachev; classmates, and even attended two football it was an honor to assist the local government of games. Anadyr in communications with Yeltsin and the US Embassy during the second day of the event.

126 Nancy Payne Kronenberg Laurie Frank Krotman Max Krotman 152 Wolf Rock Road 95 Davis Road 95 Davis Road Carlisle, Mass. 01741 Port Washington, N.Y.11050 Port Washington, N.Y. 11050 Home.. (508) 369-8079 Home.. (516) 944-8459 Home.. (516) 944-8459

OccupafI'OJ].I Computer Engineer, Digital Equipment Corp. Occuparjon.-Entrepreneur,1st Class Management CorneJj OffI'Ce.. (212) 643-8190 CorJ]eJJ Major.I Physics (Arts & SclenCeS) Spouse.- Paul Beck, Major.a Russian (Arts & Sciences) Spouse.- Max Krotman - John Hopkins BSEE, Stanford MSEE, Computer Engineer Comell I.L.R. '67 -Attomey; Business Broker; Fight Promoter; O,,`cupafJOn.a Business Broker, Attorney, Promoter, lst Class Dell Owner; Etc. ChI'JdreJ].-Adam b. 10/l2/83; Leslie b. 6/5/88. Management, Inc. Come/I Major.- Economics, Comparative After years of ignoring Cornell, particularly AffJ-Jjarjons & Acrj'vjfjes.I Active ln: local environmental (IIJR). Advanced Degrees.I J. D. Columbia l970. Spouse.-Laurie groups; political campaign of Town of North Hampstead's Frank '67 Krotman, Entrepreneur. ChjJdren.' Adam Samuel the urgent requests for funds, I returned to Supervisor; local P.T.A.officer; book 66What You Can Get Free K-otman, lO/l2/83; Leslie Temma Krotman, 6/5/88. campus in 1984 as a college recruiter. Driving From the Gov't."; assorted tennis teams. ProfessjonaJ A ffJ'Jjaf,ons & AcfjvJf,'eS.I New York State Bar Association. onto campus I had the weird sensation of having Adventures.I Booking agent & rock band manager; speed H,,nors.I Columbia Law Revlew Article, Various environmental been gone about 3 weeks. I was impressed with reading teacher; author & book publisher; Professional gr)ups. Videographer; Political awareness teacher for Gemini Program how much better the interviewees were prepared in Nassau County; Manager of a gourmet deli; owner of First, success at Columbia Law School was my than I had been upon graduation. We hired three. gourmet bakery; owner of mail order book publishing business; Much of my time I've devoted to building and real estate agent; owner of Advertlsing Agency. g,,al. Life was still relatively simple. Then I st,ught the challenge and training available from sustaining a career in computer engineering. I a law firm at the top of the New York legal was lucky to get into computers when most Since my life has taken so many unexpected companies acquired system programmers by turns over the last 24 years, it's hard to pinpoint p]-ofession. Next, I totally reversed direction, hung my suits in the closet and determined that I training them. In the 19709s I worked for a New what exactly has been important. At the time, wanted to carve a life for myself outside the Jersey software company that did minicomputer everything I did seemed tremendously important. applications. I did projects ranging from It seemed important to fight against our local p]-escribed boundaries of institutions. Eltrepreneurship brought excitement, growth and computer controlled knitting machines to mass incinerator; to help the first Democrat in 70 years fi lanCial rewards. spectrometry systems. Thirteen years ago I went get elected to a top Nassau County position; to Now, priorities of importance have reversed to Digital Equipment Corporation where I have book the best band into every nightclub and tI-emselves. Having survived the constant mostly worked on the VMS operating system. school in the tri-state area; to create and market ct,nsuming struggles of professional life, and in Currently I9m technical project leader of the the most fantastic German chocolate cake in New defiance of the statistics, my wife of 25 years and VMS portion of a complex hardware and York; to write great ads for local businesses; to I have managed to remain a couple. Developing software project. Sometimes this job is frustrating produce dynamic videos of bands, kids and that relationship has become my most important but it9s also one of those unique and exciting events; to teach kids how they can make a 'opportunities for those who don9t mind losing difference via a political awareness course; to p]'iority. We have become parts of a shared life instead of components of a partnership. Next, some sleep. write and publish useful self-help books; to teach erljoying, observing, and nurturing our two young By contrast home life is peaceful. My husband the world to speed read; to win every tequis cllildren, ages 3 and 8, has ballooned to an Paul, who also works for DEC, enjoys playing match I played; to play the guitar; to grow vegetables and make my own yogurt and wine; I importance I didn9t foresee, although it is guitar and maIldOlin. I weave in my spare time. We live in a beautiful wood and glass house in a could go on and on. However, since my children p]'obably a common experience. Professional etlification continues to be of enormous rural town 25 miles from Boston. No children, were born and my frenetic pace screeched to a importance, but is no longer supreme. It has been but we do have three sleek kitties. Occasionally halt 8 years ago, I9ve redefined what's important. surpassed by higher priorities. we have dinner with my parents, Mary Hewlett Now, living a successful life means living each Payne (AB '40) and William Payne (AB '30, day to the fullest and being present in each PhD '39.) They live nearby and Mary also works moment. It9s important for me to experience the for DEC on mathematical algorithms. Another wonder of my day and focus on the journey Cornellian I see now and then is Steve Zaslaw instead of the goal. I have a much tougher time (AB '67) -you guessed it -he7s an engineer at having a happy day than a successful life. But DEC too. each day I make it, I feel great. What9s important A few years ago we visited Ithaca. I shared to me right now is sharing this with my family some of my more vivid Cornell memories with and remembering to stay in the moment each Paul. Somehow the basement of White Hall, time I try tojump ahead. complete with its vintage wooden chairs, didn't seem to hold the same charm for Paul as it did for me! But hiking around the Ag campus and Enfield was fun for both of us and we hope to retum one of these summers. Sarah Nellis Kuehl 3328 Edgemere Drive Rochester, N.Y.14612 Home.. (716) 225-0197 Office: (716) 722-9992

127 occupafI'On.I Senior System Analyst, Eastman Kodak. ComeJJ 1967 was a very good year. By June, I was Major.I Applied Mathematics (Arts and Sciences). Spouse.- MS, about to receive my BS degree; I had double- purdue, 1972 Bob Kueh1. ChjJdren.a Elizabeth, 3/16/80, sixth registered with the Graduate School of Business grade Hilton. and Public Administration (now the Johnson I always knew I was single-minded, but School) and was halfway toward a Cornell MBA; writing this, thistory', proves it. I9m still Carol and I had eloped in April and were married interested in many of the same things I was while in Halifax, N.C. by (believe it or not) the at cornell, but with changing times, maturity, Reverend Daniel Boone (a story in itself); and I whatever, the flavor or emphasis has changed in hadjust tumed twenty. Time to take a break from the 6CIvy" towers and catch a glimpse of real life. SOme areas. Even in eighth grade I knew I wanted a career So I took a trip downtown to the friendly Army with computers. After majoring in Applied Math recruiter (there was a draft on the back of many of our necks at that time anyway) and told him I with all the electives I could find in Computer Linda McCracken Langer Science, I came to Kodak as a systems designer. wanted to see the world (in a non-combat role, of 158 West 76th St. #A After 24 years and a variety of positions in staff course). Infantry Basic, AIT, Officer's Candidate divisions and production management, I am School, military intelligence (not an oxymoron) New York City, N.Y. 10023 currently a senior systems analyst concentrating training, Viet Nam, and four years brought me Home.. (2+2) 799-7977 on the discipline of interpreting user needs. It back to Comell to complete my MBA - happy to OcclJPafjOJ].- Consultant, self employed. ComeJJ Major.a English continues to be a very rewarding field. My leave the 66real world" behind. I returned to Ithaca with Carol, Scott, and lots of experience. I (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.- Stephen V. Langer, City College, husband Bob and I met at Kodak where he City Univ. of N.Y., Mech. Engineering '63, Director of MIS,. arrived with an MS in Computer Science from left as an MBA 972, and now have reunion dates Elsevler Sci. Pub. Co. ChjJdren.-No children. Enjoy my Purdue. five years apart. I was recruited by the U.S. husband's two sons and two grandchildren. A£fJ'Jjafj®ons & Department of Commerce following graduation. Acfjvjfjes.- Red Rock, N.Y. Historical Society. Honors.I PI' I grew up on a farm in Herkimer, NY, and Lambda Theta (Education Honorary) have always enjoyed being outdoors. As a family Kathrine rounded out the family picture in 1973. 1991 has been a very good year. July marked my (Elizabeth is ll), we enjoy cross-country skiing After a brief stint taking graduate courses in nineteenth year with Commerce where I am in the winter, and canoeing, hiking and biking in Library Science and Public Relations at the currently Chief of Classification and Executive the summer. And today it9s popular to be University of Michigan, I headed to the Big Resources in the Office of the Secretary. Scott concerned about the environment. Fitness and Apple in August 1968 to pursue a publishing received his engineering degree from Virginia sports have always played an important role in career. Since then I have worked ln various Tech and has started a fine career in his field my life. At Cornell, I was a member of the marketing capacities for several scientific, legal despite the recession. Kathrine has begun work Women9s Fencing Team who won the Nationals and technical publishing companies, most notably our senior year. I currently teach beginning on her degree at Virginia Commonwealth U. They both make me truly proud. Carol and I flll (for fourteen years) Amsterdam-based Elsevier fencing, still jog after 27 years, and have played Science Publishing Company. Currently I have our spare time with foster children (what is an some good tennis over the years. my own consulting business, although I still do empty nest?) and are looking forward to our We love to travel and in addition to all the trips most of my consulting for Elsevier. twenty-fifth anniversary in '92 in Maui, and we have taken to keep up with our outdoor Consulting has the great advantage of enabling reunion 20 (MBA -72) and 25 (BS - '67). Looks activities, we9ve traveled twice on our own in me to spend more time at our farmhouse, about like 1992 will be a very good year. Asia and I've enjoyed Europe twice. We9ve been 120 miles north of the City in Columbia County. to all but 9 states and 2 Canadian provinces. After years of six- and seven-day work weeks, I As a young girl I learned to make my own now try to work no more than four days a week clothes out of necessity, but I still do for the and spend the rest of the time in the country. We enjoyment, relaxation and creativity it provides. very much enjoy our little hamlet of Red Rock, Besides sewing, I include knitting, and in the last where we are active in the local Historical few years have done a lot with cross-stitching. Society and my husband has fulfllled a boyhood dream by becoming a volunteer flreman. I met my husband at Elsevier in 1977 (where he is now Director of M.I.S.) and we were married in 1982. In the interim, our relationship- was really put to the test when I was transferred to Elsevier9s Lausanne, Switzerland office in 1978-1979. We survived, stronger for the Richard Lang separation, and it truly was a wonderful 5 Robinson Drive opportunity to live and work in Europe. I have Stamford, Conn. 06905 incurable wanderlust, and so I spent most of my Home: (203) 329Jl6J6 free time during that period traveling in Europe OffI'Ce.. (212) 684-4545 and North Africa. I made some wonderful friends there too, and thanks to regular business trips to Thomas J. Lambiase OccupafI'On.I Vice President, Health Management Systems. Amsterdam I have been able to see European CorJ]eJJ Major.- Math (Lib Arts). Advanced Degrees.- MBA friends frequently over the ensuing years. 4770 Tapestry Drive Wharton. Spouse.-Deceased. Ch]Jdren.-Sarah 12/23/79 Fairfax, Va. 22032 Music has always been a constant in my life, and I have continued to sing when work Home.. (703) 323-1644 schedules permitted. Operetta is a favorite of OffI'Ce.. (202) 377-3453 mine, and so I particularly enjoyed performing with the Light Opera of Manhattan, the Princeton occupafjon.I personnel Management, U.S. Department of Commerce. CormeJJ Major.I Ag. Economics (Agriculture). Opera Association and, most recently, the Advanced Degrees.I MBA Comell 1972. Spouse.a Carol Ann. Ridgewood (NJ) Gilbert and Sullivan Opera cdr'Jdren,-Scott,12-O5-6g, B.M_I_ Va_ Tech 1991 ; Kathrine7 03_ Company. (Gilbert and Sullivan shows always I 1-73, Attending Virginia Commonwealth U. AffJ®JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.- V.P., Elder, Fellowship Committee & other activities bring back happy memories of performances with at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Springfield, Va. the Comell Savoyards.) I've been back to Ithaca several times since

128 graduation, one trip a devastating blow to the ego Jt,hnson Museum. I remember the Art Museum when, in my early thirties but feeling like an a£; that old house on the hill above the Arts Quad. undergraduate again, a student called me 66Ma9am". Since then I've reconciled myself to When I left Cornell 25 years ago I knew I was irterested in Intemational Relations, but I didn9t being an alumna, but it's always a thrill to be k]10W I would be spending almost 5 years of the back on campus. n,3Xt 25 years in Asia. While Asia has definitely been one of the unexpected themes in my life, the main theme h:ls been my family - my husband of almost 24 y,3arS and Our two SOnS, age 18 and 15. It is amazing for a reasonably liberal 66sixties9' person tc have teenagers, who are even more skeptical of Karen KnoIIer Laureno 6{the system" than we were in the vietnam war 10 Infield Court North d:lys. Teenagers certainly can find ways to make Potomac, Md. 20854 tI]eir parents view ideas from a different angle. Home.. (301) 424-6469 The major problem for me now is the same as OffI'Ce.. (301) 649-8046 fc,r most working parents from cornell - time. I lt,ve working in New York City for an OccupafI'On.a Counselor, Montgomery Co. Public Schools. e{lucational non-profit, but the stress of job, and Edward H. Lanzner CorneJJ Major.I Child Development (H. Ec.). Advanced family, especially teenagers, leaves little time to Degrees.a M.Ed. Boston University. Spouse.a Robert Laureno, enjoy all that New York has to offer. We live in 222 N. Belmont St. Cornell U.1967, neurologist. ChI'/dren.-Caroline 7-ll-73 Hastings-on-Hudson and enjoy being in a small Glendale, Calif. 91206 Princeton '95, Rachel 5-30-74, Meredith 5-30-74. town but next to New York City. Home.. (818) 545-0603 I still meet with Cornell friends and look Office.. (818) 445-6795 fclrward to seeing others at Reunion. Maybe there

OccuparjoJ].I Financial Services, Griffin Financial Services. we can catch up on some of the details of our Comell Major.® Govemment (ALrtS a Sciences). AffilliatiOnS & lil,es today and recapture some of the fun as well AcfI'VI'rfeS.- Glendale Chamber of Commerce, Comell Alumni as intellectual stimulation of our cornell years. Association; S. Cal. Peace Corps Service Council; Califomia Society of Enrulled Agents

Over the last 24 years, I have had the opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate the high quality of the education I received at Comell University. Robert Laureno 10 Infield Court North Potomac, Md. 20854 Home.. (301) 424-6469 OffI'Ce.. (202) 877-6435

Occupatr'on.I Neurologist, Washington Hospital Center. CormeJJ Andrea Mindlin Lavenburg Major.- History (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I M.D. 225 Mimosa Circle (Cornell). Spouse.a Karen Jayne Knoller, Cornell '67, Counselor. Ch1'Jdren.' Caroline Amy 1973, Princeton '95, Ridgefield, Conn. 06877 Rachel Allison 1974, Meredith Anne l974. Home.. (203) 438-4426 OffI'Ce.. (203) 255-5200

Ot`cupafI'On.- Certified Public Accountant, John H. Venman & Joanne Cantor Larsen Ct,. ComejJ Major.a Biology (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.- 5205 Tonyawatha Trail M A. Columbia University. Spouse.a Robert Lavenburg, BA, Madison, Wis. 53716 MA, New York University, teacher. ChjJdreJ].a Erik 2-14-72 Home.. (608) 221-0593 at,ending SUNY Oswego, Class of '94, Heather 9-13-74. AJ`fJ'JI'afI'onS & AcfI'vifI®eS.I Connecticut Society of CPA's, Liason OffI'Ce.. (608) 263-7221 with the Bar and Publications Committees, American Institute of CPA's. Honors.- Bronze medal, Massachusetts CPA exam; OccupafI'OJl.a Professor of Communication, Associate Dean, Alpha Lambda Delta; Publication -66Dual Influx Model of College of Letters & Science, University of Wisconsin - Triogalactoside Accumulation in Escherichia Coli", The Madison. ComeJj Major.a French (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Jo1]mal Of Biological Chemistry. Degrees.a M.A. University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D. Indiana University. Spouse.I Robert Larsen, Univ. Wise. i Madison, B.S. When I graduated from Cornell as a biology 1967, JD 1971. ChI'Jdren.a Alexander Cantor Larsen -January 22, 1989 Gust entering preschool). AffJ'JjafI'OnS & Acrfvifjes.a major, my expectations of the future were Research & Teaching about the psychological effects of the EIIen Stromberg Lautz b£.sically traditional. I thought it would be fun to mass media. 100 Heath Place work for awhile, but then I expected to get Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. 10706 married and stay home to bring up children. with Home.. (914) 478-2367 that in mind, I felt I could be a dilettante - do a OffI'Ce.. (212) 661-1414 x 1195 little research to at least try out the field I had put sc much effort into at school, and then perhaps try something else. Life pretty much followed that pattern until I Last fall I took my two sons back to Comell to had children (two teinfic ones, a boy and a girl) visit my niece, who was studying intensive ard found my feminist instincts taking over. Chinese at Comell. It was as beautiful as ever. I Child rearing and volunteer work just weren't especially enjoyed the addition of the wonderful erough; I needed to accomplish more and to

129 regain my sense of self-dependency. I realized I you never imagined that you would be wanted a career, but I also realized biology was standing on this spot 25+ years later, middle not the right field for me. aged, passionately in love with two young After much searching, I went back to school dependent creatures, and satisfied to surrender and then, about eleven years ago, started out on your independence and unlimited expectations, my new career as a CPA. knowing that the most important have come to I love my work, but would love it even more if be. you never imagined that those years would there were less of it. The time demands are fly like a comet through worlds unimaginable. necessary, and my children say they are proud of worlds of birth, of children who you once me and glad that I went back to work (mostly, I thought it 6ttoo risky" to bring into such a war- suspect, because of the c6things" it buys us), but like and ozone-burdened world, but now know I9m still conflicted about the benefits of my would have been worth everything if Only for a career versus what my children (and I) have brief moment of parental love. Worlds of Peter Lemkin missed along the way, due to my not being home discovery of self, of new places, of nature, of 14901 Native Dancer Rd. more. people; and of fear of loved ones dying, Of One9s Damestown, Md. 20878 Now my son is starting his Second year Of own mortality, of failures in love or work, and of Home.. (301) 977-2113. realizing that even given limited human ability college, and my daughter will be going off to OffI'Ce.. (301) 846-5535 college in another year, so the conflicts have and limited time, it9s still wonderful. become moot for me. I wonder how the next There you have the big picture'. Having sowed occupafI-On.I Sclentist, National Cancer Institute. ComeJJ Major.I a few wild oats on trips to Mexico, we settled in Elec. Engr. (Englneering). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MSEE U. generation will handle it - my daughter already talks about resenting that some day it is she, and to advanced degrees at Cornell, and low salary Rochester, PhD C.S. U. Maryland. Spouse.I Susan Axelrod Lemkin, Cornell Univ. l967. CPA. Ch,-Jdren.-Mark, l969, not her future husband, who will have to make jobs in beautiful Ithaca N.Y. 25 years later we carnegie Mellon UnlV,199l; U.C. Berkeley,1994. Daniel, career versus children decisions and have two delightful children, Ari,ll, and Jennie, l973, Washington U. -St. LoulS,1994. AffJJI'afI-OnS & compromises. But I feel good about my age 7. They have grown up in a place SO different AcfI'VI'£jeS.' IEEE, ACM, AAAI, Electrophoresis Soc., Potomac accomplishments in both areas and I look from my 66hometown" of Brooklyn that I think I Pedlars. forward to all the new experiences which Still know how Dorothy felt on discovering that she After graduation, John Tuck 967 and his await me. was certainly not in Kansas anymore. We live on a hillside in a valley in Ellis Hollow (ah! from younger brother and I tent-trailered around the Ellis Island to Ellis Hollow ... catchy ... ), 7 miles us and canada logging 15,000 miles and seeing from campus, surrounded by acres of wildemess. much more of the US than upstate NY. Later we bought the house 16 years ago and have susan Axelrod '67 and I got married and moved to Rochester NY (can't get away from upstate planted and landscaped ourselves continuously over the years. The gardening is therapy and the NY) where I started working on a degree in results are a delight. In these days of rampant biomedial engineering. Before finishing that mobility, I feel privileged to have been able to degree we moved to Bethesda, Maryland where I live in the same spot for so long. I am an started doing biomedical research at NIH. At that associate professor of psychology at SUNY point I got more involved with computers and cortland, teaching developmental psychology, went back to grad school in computer science child and adolescent in particular. I love teaching. where I eventually got a PhD. I really enjoyed I think that on the game Plan of 25 years ago I doing computer oriented biomedial research at was to have been a full professor by now, and NIH because it is internationally oriented and Linda Olshina Lavine only at the most prestigious university.` So, I provides an ideal research environment with Buzz Lavine made a few trade offs along the way: so sue me! constant challenges and opportunities for new 719 Ringwood Rd. Buzz works in real estate, managing rental professional relationships. I have been deeply involved in a variety of exciting hardware and Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 property that we own, and as a broker. He also Home.. (607) 539-6166 worked in county planning for several years, and software projects applying image processing to Office.. 753-2040 did basic research at Cornell, in environmental biomedical problems. One called GELLAB-II is issues. being used in biomedical research labs around the occupafjon.-professor of psychology, SUNY Cortland. CornejJ In teaching my class in adolescent psychology, world. Recently, I have been investigating Major.I C.D.F.R. (HDFS) (Home Ec). Advanced Degrees.I MS, I sometimes use, as an example, an image I recall computer conferencing and parallel computation. phD Comell. ChI'Jdren.I Ari 5-9-80, Jennie 3-8-84. OccupafI-On.- so it's been a fun and stimulating time at work. Realtor, self employed. CorneJJ Major.a Arch. Advanced from 20 years ago while observing a 25th reunion Degrees.-MS, Planning & Landscape architecture. tent party. It seemed then that these People had At home, my sons Mark and Daniel are pretty never really been so young, and that they Were much grown up and getting ready to leave home. certainly a different species from young, hip, I guess the time around the 25th reunion is when By the time reunion rolls around Buzz and I independent, unlimited, moi. Well guess what?! many people reach the empty-nest stage in life. will have (with any luck) lived in the same spot we made it. congratulations. We welcome all As many others have said, there9s never a dull for the past 25 years. It is a place where a modest old friends to call us at 607 539 6166, and visit. moment with those two guys around and we will income can buy 7 acres of lush wooded land with miss them. The last few years I (re) discovered babbling brooks and 4 br house with view, the c6bicycle" and have since become sort of a excellent public schools, and a generally fanatic logging lots of miles - although I do less cosmopolitan cultural spirit in a magnificent in the winter. If any of you cyclers come into the natural body. Need some more clues? One can fly DC area and want to go for a ride, give me a Call. a kite in the plantations, canoe in Fall Creek, smell the flowers in Mrs. Minn's garden, stroll around Beebe Lake, attend free summer COnCertS on the Arts Quad, and ... once in a while be reminded that 25+ years ago you stood on this very spot, and laughed or cried, or fell madly in love, for a week or a year or forever, and looked forward to independence and youth and an unlimited future.

130 fortunate as I and be able to share the Cornell e, perience themselves. I have been blessed. I am quite thankful.

Susan Axelrod Lemkin Laurence Lese 14901 Native Dancer Rd. 16012 Chester Mill Terrace Damestown, Md. 20878 Silver Spring, Md. 20906 Home.. (301) 977-2113. Home.I (301) 774-5759. OffI'Ce.I (202) 842- OffI'Ce.. (301) 770-5500 1600 Thea Moskow Levey 164 Waverly Ave. OccupafJ'OJ].a Tax Partner - CPA Firm, Sarfino and Rhoades. OccLIPafI'Or].- Securities Attorney, Metzger, Gordon, Scully & East Rockaway, N.Y.11518 CorneJJ Major.I Science Ed. (Agriculture). Spouse.I Peter Mortimer, Washington, D.C.. ComeJJ Major.I History (Arts & Lemkin, Cornell U.1967, U. of Md. -1979, Computer Sciences). Advanced Degrees.-J. D. Cornell Law School. Home.. (516) 887-4472 Scientist. Chit/drefl.-Mark ll-l8-69. Graduate of Carnegie Spouse.I Judith A. Lese, Universlty of Maryland, 1969, School Mellon 1991 ; Attending UC at Berkeley -PhD Program; Daniel Teacher - Early Education. ChjJdren.I Jeremy Ezra Lese - Ct,rneJJ Major.I Art History (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.a Rlchard 2-12-73 attending Wash U. of St. Louis Grad -1995. August 20, l980, Zachary Ethan Lese -May 5,1983. L¬vey, Cornell '68, Executive V.P. Fahnestock & Co.. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcrI'VjrJ'eS.a Maryland Assoc. of CPA's; AICPA AffJ'JI'afjOnS & Acfjvitr'es.- American Bar Association; D.C. Bar CJII'Jdren.-Harold, 7/17/72 Brown U. 994, Michael 5/25/76. Tax Division. HoJ]Ors.-SELLS Award Recipient ll/83. (Chairman - Emerging Buslness Committee of Corporations AJ`fJ'Jjafjons & Actr'vI'rfeS.a Comell Alumni Network, Chairman and Securities Section -l988-199l) Freshman Bonvoyage Party, Tower Club, Tower Club Peter and I were married in August 1967, just Fundraislng Network. two months after graduation. We spent one year Of roads taken and not taken. I was fortunate Twenty five years since I bid goodbye to those in Rochester, New York where Peter went to the to follow Cornel1 (Arts) and Cornell (Law): seven h{llcyon days on the hill. Actually, for me, University of Rochester Graduate School and I years of Cornell for the price of seven years "brought home the bacon" working in a tuition (1960s dollars)! After finishing law school tvJenty-four Since I spent an extra year doing ec.ucation credits. I worked for an art gallery in laboratory at the University Medical School. At in 1970, my first trip back to Cornell was in July Manhattan for a year and then Richard (ILR '68) the time, the Viet Nam War was rapidly 1972. How weird it felt to place myself at Cornel1 escalating and the threat of the draft became all - how to fit those past memories with the joined me and we married. I taught art for two too real. As an alternative to the military, Peter present? I have straightened out those confused y¬'ars at the high school level and then retired to slburbia, two cars and motherhood. Richard enlisted in the Commissioned Corps, the feelings and have returned a number of times manages both real estate and is Executive V.P. of uniformed branch of the Public Health Service. since. Each time I realize how strong my a member firm of the N.Y.S.E. We live not far He was stationed at the National Institutes of emotional attachment is to Comell. frlm where I grew up on Long Island. We have Health in Bethesda where he is still involved in I am blessed with my wife Judy (who shared a tv,o sons; Harold, a sophomore at Brown health related computer science research. good deal of my Cornell experience with me) and After working in a biology laboratory for a my two sons Jeremy and Zachary (with whom I University and Michael, a sophomore in high school. I have been active over the years in year in Bethesda, I took a ten year sabbatical to fervently hope that I will be able to share theI'r Tt,wer Club and the Comell Alumni Admissions . raise our two sons, Mark and Daniel. During that Comell experience). I have worked as an attorney N3tWOrk. Not a glittering bio but its simplicity time, I took the business and accounting courses at the SEC and the past ten years in private bt>1ies the rich texture of our lives. The that were required to sit for the CPA Exam. I practice. I am quite pleased that my area of d¬>liciousness of raising two extraordinary successfully completed the exam and was expertise is securities law - I find the projects individuals, both tender and talented. awarded the Sells Award in November 1983. challenging, exciting and meaningful, be they When both children were in school, I started initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions B,,okshelves lined with books collected over the working part-time for a local CPA firm. Peter and (mainly banks), or private placements. years. Special antiques and musicales in the I must be prone to putting down roots, because I It was not until we had been married for ten evening (everyone plays at least one instrument). T]1e Smell of fresh baked bread and goodies (I have remained with the firm for twelve years. I years until our first child was born. How life has h¬ve become a dedicated cook and baker). My was made the tax partner in 1989. changed. With the birth of our second son, we As of September 1991, Peter and I are empty- came to realize the first (second?) law of family oILly regret iS that these days, aS the days at nesters. Our older son Mark graduated from math - that one son plus one son does not equal a,rnel1, are not neverending and our family is changing even as I speak. The problem with the Camegie Mellon University in June 1991 and is two. The competition and interplay career I have chosen is that you get excessed at a presently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in (intersquabbles?) are nonstop. Did Cornell really relatively young age, just when you are mechanical engineering at the University of prepare us for this? The coming of each boy has California at Berkeley. Daniel, our younger son, truly given meaning and substance to our lives. p¬;rfecting your technique. The future looms is attending the Business School of Washington We are thrilled to see the emotional and physical before me and the years have not diminished my fear of change. I feel no less trepidation than I did University in St. Louis. Peter and I look forward growth of Jeremy (who looks a great deal like to quiet weekends and evenings getting to know me) and Zachary (who looks like Judy) - it is twenty four years ago when forced to say one another again. especially gratifying to see them excel. gc,odbye to Comell. Moreover, I still don9t do my I think back with fondness onto my Cornell ht,mework and plan ahead. Older but definitely days - those times which were full of joy as nc,t wiser. well as of sadness, of personal growth and of anxiety because of the terrible war and how many ways that affected our lives, of the friendships developed, and of the knowledge gained, and of all the fun - all of which have contributed to my being and some of which I pass on to my children. I am hopeful that my sons will be as

131 wonderful husband Charles. Between us we have 6 other relatives who went to Cornell and on many family celebrations we reminisce about our times in Ithaca. While my daughter made the definite decision to stay in California for her undergraduate years, I think the family tradition influenced my son to take a look. As we got into our car to return home, Steve turned to me and said, 6 6I could be happy here.9 '

Charles E. Levin Peter Levin 503 N. Arden Drive 4 Marsh Drive Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210 Mill Valley, Calif. 94941 Home.. (310) 275-8137 OffI'Ce.. (415) 986-4500 Office: (213) 72J-7232 comell Major: ILK. Advanced Degrees: I.D. (N.Y.U.) occupafjon.I president, Levin & Schneider, Inc. ComeJJ Major.I I & LR. Spouse.I Rita Ratner Levin '67 Ag. Paralegal ChI'Jdren.I Laura S. Levin, Univ. of California '93, Steven M. Levin, Beverly Hills High School '92. AffJ'JjafJ'OnS & AcrI'VI'fjeS.' united Jewish Fund, Sinai Temple. Paula Haimila Levy 6121 Wynnwood Rd. I met my wife of 24 years, Rita Ratner Levin Bethesda, Md. 20816 ('67 AG) just in time for spring weekend in 1964. we spent four fabulous years at Comell and were Home.. (301) 320-4784 married June 21, 1967, just a few days after our OffI'Ce.. (202) 337-4300 X230 graduation. we had a tiny wedding but our occupafjon.a Director of Development, Girl Scout Council of parents gave us enough extra money so we could the Nation's Caplta1. CorneJj Major.I Art History (A&S). honeymoon in Europe for three months. It was Advanced Degrees.- MA, Univ. of Michigan. Spouse.I Michael the 6CEurope on $5 a day" period and still ranks M. Levy, Comell '66, Attomey. ChjJdren.I Alexandra 8-3l-69, as the best trip of our lives. Rita Ratner Levin stanford u. '9l; Michael Jr., 7-01-71 Amherst Col1. '93. we moved to my hometown of Cincinnati, 503 N. Arden Dr. We made our decisions quickly back then ... ohio where I joined our family's toy distribution Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210 business and Rita pursued a career in teaching married the saturday after graduation ... first Home.. (310) 275-8137 science. our daughter, Laura was born in 1971 child the week of Mike's law school graduation and steven followed in 1974. Our business was OffI'Ce.. (310) 278-4015 (graduate school for me) ... but the beautiful thing acquired by a major conglomerate in 1974 and I is that the decisions weren't bad ones. Mike and I occupafjon.I Legal Office Manager/Paralegal, FISChbaCh & are still young and it's our kids who are old. was promoted and transferred to Los Angeles to Fischbach. ComeJJ Major.I Bacteriology (Agriculture). Spouse.- Alexandra is 22 and working in California after head up sales and buying for the nation9s largest charles Levin -Cornell U. l967. ChjJdren.I Laura -U. of toy wholesaling group. califomia 1993, Steven, Beverly Hills H.S. l992. AfflJl'atr'ons graduating from Stanford. Michael, Jr., is in his The experience gained here later (1984) & AcfI'VI'fjeS.I PTA, Noral. third year at Amherst. Couldn't talk either of allowed me to help form Levin & Schneider, Inc., them into cornell, which I still remember with This past fall while driving up to Cornell to a leading west coast toy and electronic importing passionate allegiance. For me, professionally, look at it as a prospective school for my son and sales rep group. Meanwhile, Rita had what has always been important has been to steve, he surprised me by saying, 6{A little bit furthered her education at U.C.L.A. (graphic position myself so that I didn9t miss a swim meet isolated, isn't it?" Funny, how I never thought of design) and today manages the offices of a or a baseball game. Thus, I was a teacher for it as being isolated - freezing maybe, but not Beverly Hills Law Practice. several years, then a development director in a isolated. How could I with 14,000 other people we are of course, most proud of our children. private school. Being in a school allowed me around my own age close by? But then I was Laura, a Univ. of California Junior and flexibility to raise my kids with a zeal that they looking at it from the perspective of only 4 hours Linguistics Major was selected to study abroad surely could have done without, but that I needed. by car from my home in New York City and my this year at the University of Madrid. Our son Now we're empty nested and I'm thinking about steve is captain of the Beverly Hills High water graduating class from my high school had 24 growing up. I have a new job which iS other students attending Comell. challenging and personally rewarding because it polo team and their top swimmer. He is an My son on the other hand, Sees it differently. exceptional student and hopefully will be at focuses on providing opportunities for girls from For him it is a long plane ride from home, cold Cornell in the Fall of 992. low incomethigh risk neighborhoods to develop winters and hours from a beach. How priorities Maintaining close family ties is extremely self confidence and self esteem. Outside of my change with different generations! important to Rita and me and we are fortunate job, things that are important are: sending care But we were lucky. When we arrived at that so much of our family now lives in Los packages to the kids, bike riding on weekends cornell it was the first day of freshman Angeles. We have strived to give our Children a with Mike and friends, and trying a new recipe orientation and the weather was glorious. The strong religious and moral base from Which tO from Gourmet at least twice a year. Plans for the campus was bursting with activity and looked develop their values. Living in a major city and next stage of my life include using my traveling extensively have made us more just beautiful. It was the first time in 24 years that fundraising skills in a volunteer capacity and chuck and I had returned since our graduation. interesting and sophisticated people. We have leaming how to become an older but better golfer while the campus still appeared nostalgically done several house exchanges, most notably in and tennis player. All in all, the twenty-four years familiar there were the new buildings that had Italy. have been great - though they went by too sprouted up all over. However, the basic quickly - and they were only the preface to character that I remembered had remained what we trust will be a long and well-spent unchanged. future. I remember Comell fondly for it was there that my horizons were broadened and I met my

132 Room, the blackout, University Halls 6, cold, Lichtman. Honors.- Associate Professor of Radiology, Emory snow. These were wonderful times made more so Uni`rersity (current). since they were shared with my future wife. In many respects the school has changed. It is now After graduating from medical school at my children's time at Cornel1. I hope that their SUNY-Buffalo, I completed a residency in experiences will be as memorable and rewarding Ratliology. For the past 15 years, we have lived as mine. in Atlanta. Sheila started an advertising business, whlch is doing very well. Our son, Danny, is a sophomore at Emory University and our daughter, Julie, is a high school sophomore. In July 1992, Sheila and I will celebrate our twenty- fiftjl Wedding anniversary. We hope to see many of {,ur old friends at the class reunion in 1992. Sylvia Lewis 2122 W. LeMoyne St. Chicago, Ill. 60622 OffI'Ce.. (312) 955-9100

Occupafl'on.- Journalist, American Planning Assoc. CorneJJ Major.- English (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M.A. - Univ. of Washington; M.S.J. (Joumalism) -Northwestem Univ. Roy Lichtenstein 1567 Sardine Cr. Rd. Gold Hill, Ore. 97525 Home.. (503) 855-9543 OffI'Ce.. (503) 664-3346

OccupafI'On.a Physiclan, Central Pt. Medical Group. CorneJJ Gary Lieberthal Major.- Gov9t (Arts). Advanced Degrees.- MD - N.Y. Medical 10201 Chafing Cross Rd. College. Spouse.-Arlene Kramer, Cornell '68, Recycling Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 Coordinator. CfrI'Jdren.a Jesse Llchtenstein, 7/25/76; Galen Lichtenstein, 6/17/79; Noah Lichtenstein, 10/15/82. AfflJjafI'onS Home.. (213) 274-6621 & AcfJ'vifI'eS.I A few here & there - usual stuff. Honors.I A few OffI'Ce.. (818) 972-7600 here and there. Occupafjon.a Chairman, Columbia Pictures Television. ComeJJ #1 is clearly my wife and kids and the good Ma.ior.I Hotel. Spouse.-Ann (Univ. of Oklahoma 973) Alan Libshutz Molher/Homemaker and former talk show host. CThI'Jdren.a J. fortune of being a part of a healthy, happy, loving 14 Cricket Lane Mo-gan Lieberthal, 6/19/89; Wallace (Lacey) Katherine family. Great Neck, N.Y. 11024 Lie1,erthal, 2/23/91. Aff]'JjafI'OnS & AcfjvjfI'eS.a Academy of #2 is the good fortune of stumbling into a Tel{;vision Arts & Sciences, Hollywood Radio & Television Home.. (516) 487-3072 career (Family Medicine) that I still find Soc `ety. OffI'Ce.. (212) 510-3633 challenging, enjoyable, and most of the time manageable. Along with stumbling upon an area - OccupafI'Ofl.a Investment Banker, Kidder Peabody & Co. CorJ]eJJ Major.-ILR. Advanced Degrees.- Univ. of Md. Law School (JD Rogue Valley, Southern Oregon - that balances a 970), U. of P. Wharton Grad. Bus. Sch. MBA '72. Spouse.-Joan somewhat slower, less-pressured pace with Smiley Libshutz, Human Ecology '68. CJ]I'Jdren.-Allison adequate stimulation, 66culture", etc. Libshutz, Cornell, Arts & Sciences '93; Jeffrey Libshutz, #3 is having had the opportunity to take several Engineering, Cornell '95. Affl'JjafI'OnS & AcfI'VI-rfeS.-Cornell University Council. Honors.-Editor -Law Review. longer stretches of time off (i.e. before children) to travel unencumbered, experience different As everyone who has attempted to recount 24 lifestyles, gain some perspective. years in a few short paragraphs will attest; it is quite difficult. After graduation, I attended law and graduate business schools which prepared me for my chosen profession, investment banking. During this time I married my c6co11ege Donald Lifton sweetheart", Joan Smiley (Human Ecology 968) 31 Chase Lane and became the father of two children (Allison, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Arts and Sciences '95) and Jeffrey, ,Engineering '97). From 1972 to 1988 I worked at Salomon Home.. (607) 273-6621 Brothers as a Managing Director in charge of OffI'Ce.. (607) 274-3117 Regulated Industries and later leveraged buyouts Oct-upafjon.- Associate Professor of Management, School of and restructurings. In 1988 I joined Merrill Lynch Business, Ithaca College. CorJ]eJJ Major.-I & LR (I & LR). as Managing Director in charge of New Business Ad'JanCed Degrees.a Ph.D. '88 Cornell M.S., '73 Penn State. in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department. I Jeffrey B. Lichtman Spouse.a Linda Robinson Lifton; Comell '75 MS '80, Ph.D 989; am currently a Managing Director at Kidder Assistant Professor of Marketing at Ithaca College. Ch,'Jdren.a 895 Edgewater Trail Ref,ecca 5/6/84. Affl'JjafI'OnS & Acfjvjfjes.a Trustee, Cornell Peabody responsible for Utilities, Project and Atlanta, Ga. 3O328 Universlty; Local elected legislator. Honors.-Various artlCleS in Lease Finance. aca,lemic business joumals. Home.. (404) 252-2932 As I reflected on my four years at Cornell I OffI'Ce.. (404) 321-6111 x 6755 remembered many great times and some sad serving as a un'iversity Trustee and living in times. I could not possibly recount all of them, Occupafjon.I Physician (Radiologist) V.A. Medical Center Ithaca provide constant reminders of Cornell9s however, a few that came to mind: Obie's, (Atlanta). CorneJJ Major.a Government (A.B.). AdvaJ]Ced flawed greatness. There is much to be proud of: a curfews, Tau Delta Phi parties, tray sliding, Degrees.a M.D. SUNY -Buffalo, l971. Spouse.-Sheila Gilbert fin;t rate research faculty; an intelligent student Robert Kennedy9s speech, 9 P.M. in the real Ivy Lichtman SUNY - Buffalo '68, Advertising. CThjJdreJ].- Daniel botiy; a still beautiful campus; and a continuing S. Lichtman, 9-18-72, Emory University '94; Julie M. flow of societal contributions that provide lasting

133 I guess the real 662nd half" of my life began occLJPar,ton.I Clinical Child Psychologist, University of enhancement of our human condition. Let me Medlclne and Dentlstry of New Jersey. CorJ]e/I Major.a highlight, however, three areas where the Cornell that year (197l) when I met my wife-to-be Rita. psychology (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.' M.S.W. administration needs to show improvement. she was working as a nurse at New York smith college School for Social Work '69; Psy. D. Hahneman A TeachJ'ng EmpfrasJ'S - In an effort to elevate Hospital -Cornell when we met and it was c6love unlVerSity '86. Spouse.I Mlchael Llppmann, B.S. '66 C.C.N.Y.; at first sight" (for me anyway, she wasn9t M.D. `70 S.U.N.Y at Buffalo; physlclan. C'hj/dreJ].I Elisa, the status of teaching on his campus, Stanford's I I/l2/7l, Cornell Arts & Sciences '93; Sara, 9/l9/75, Lower president called for a limitation on the number Of interested in me at all at first). Eventually she Merlon H.S. '93 ?r7 '97. Affl/JafJOnS & Act,'vl'rJeS.a A.P.A.; ccsaw the light" and we were married on Sept. scholarly papers that a tenure candidate could p.p.A.; N.I.P.A ; Amer. Prof. Society on the Abuse of Children; submit for review and budgeted additional 22, l973. We lived in Sam Francisco for 4 terrific cornell Alumnl Ambassador Admisslon Network - Area Chalrman Honors.-Phl Beta Kappa, Psl Chl. millions of dollars to reward excellent teaching. years during my internship and residency at the In contrast, the Cornell "President's Fund For univ. of california, Sam Francisco Hospital As I look back and take stock, it seems that Educational Initiatives" is projected tO be system. we moved back to New York in 1977 I've come full circle; despite some minor, depleted by the next academic year, symbolic of when we decided to have children (we wanted temporary detours, I've finally arrived just about the imbalanced primacy given to research. them to grow up near their grandparents). Elise where Itd always intended to be. Town-Grown - By now, many members of the our daughter was born Nov. 4, l977. Michael our Marriage plans held off my original plan to be class of '67 appreciate that local corporations are first son was born Sept. 30, l979 and Jonathan a child psychologist and dictated my choice of a crucial in sustaining their communities. Cornell was born Mar. 14, 1982. Having these children compromise, shortcut, an M.S.W. We moved needs the Ithaca citizenry to succeed. Yet the and watching them grow up has been an amazing, around a lot with Mike's medical training, wall street Journal reported that a Cornell report enriching experience that we will always cherish. eventually ending up, with two lovely daughters, on university financial contributions to local They're all students at Friends Academy in in the phila. suburbs. As the kids developed, I communities placed it only seventh among 15 Locust Valley, New York where Rita is Director evolved in tandem, from full-time to part-time institutions it chose to study, just behind the of Development. In 1978 I started the Pain mommy, and reveled in all their university of west Virginia. In contrast, the Alleviation Center, the first and only nationally accomplishments. But, predictably, as I president of Brown University announced that accredited pain center on Long Island. It's a approached 35, I became increasingly itchy for Brown would lead an effort tO eliminate POVerty multi-speciality center including physical that elusive 6 6self-fulfillment' i ; if I ever was to do in providence, R.I. by the year 2,000. therapy, nerve blocks, trigger point injections, what I always wanted to do, now was the time tO Djversjfy - Cornell statistics show it lagging biofeedback, acupuncture, etc. I'm busy and do it'. so, with Sara, our youngest, safely behind in the proportion of blacks and Hispanics working a little too hard but I love the work. established in first grade, I finally began my on the faculty, the staff and student body. we7re looking forward though to my spending doctoral work. Now, five years post-doc, I find Thank you for electing me to the Cornell more time with Rita and the kids. myself an "expert" in child sexual abuse, on Board of Trustees. When the new century begins, faculty in Pediatrics and Psychiatry at UMDNJ, our class, in our 50's, will be at our most doing research, teaching and therapy. influential peak as alums. Let us urge Cornell on Renewing my Cornell connections, I began to even better glory. interviewing for CAAAN, and installed Elisa into the class of '92. Escorting her up to school for orientation really took me back ... but I couldn't believe she was moving into Baker dorms! Now she lives in a Collegetown aparfmenf and plays lacrosse! They go out at ll o9clock; that9s when we were signing jn. But, you know what? The place looks the same; the kids look the same. They may be studying 66the '60's" in history class, but, Elisa took a pair of wheat jeans up to Joel Lippes school this year ... And whenever I'm there (and 35 Hodge Ave. believe me, I find every possible excuse to show Buffalo, N.Y. 14222 up at her door), I get tremendous vicarious Home.. (716) 881-1876 pleasure from reliving our Cornell experience ... Richard Linchitz OffI'Ce.. (716) 852-4416 Now we're about to start the college search with 121 Shu Swamp Road sara, driven too by social conscience. Maybe Locust Valley, N.Y. 11560 occuparjoJ].' Restaurateur, Rue Franklin West Restaurant. she'11 continue the Cornell tradition ... 66The corJ]eJJ Major.- Hotel. Spouse.I Andree Lippes, CoOwner of more things change, the more they remain the Home.. (516) 759-2398 Restaurant. OffI'Ce.. (516) 997-7246 same.' 9 Or is that just my wish?

occuparJOJ].-Physician, Pain Alleviation Center. CormeJJ Major.I psych (Arts & Sclences). AdvaJ]C'ed Degrees.I M.D. - Cornell university Medical College. Spouse.I Rlta, Director of Development, Friends Academy, Locust Valley, New York. ch,'Jdren.-Elise, Nov. 4, '77; Michael, Sept. 30, '79; Jonathan, March l4, '82. Affl'Jl'afIOJ]S & Ac,,vl'fjes.I American Academy pain Medicine, American Pain Society, Little League Coach. HoJ]OrS.- from Cornell Med.; Nathan seligman Award; Nat'l. Psychiatric Endowment Fund Award; who9s Who In America; 66Llfe Without Pain" published l988 by Addison-Weseley.

After graduating from Cornell in l967, I spent a year in grad school in psychology. I then went to the univ. of Lausanne Medical School for 3 Julie Cohn Lippmann Colleen Livingston years. This was a wonderful broadening 525 Winding Way 2 Crary Drive experience I'11 never forget. At the time, I was Merion, Pa. 19066 Canton, N.Y.13617 more interested in skiing and avoiding the draft Home.. (215) 667-4832 Home.. (315) 379-9977 than studying medicine. Eventually, I decided to OffI'Ce.. (609) 346-7036 OffI'Ce.. (315) 379-9162 get serious and I was able to transfer back to Cornell Med in 1971.

134 Occupafjon.I Psychlatrist. Corns// Major.I Biology (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.I Clarence Gratto - St. Lawrence University l965, Attomey. CThI'Jdren.I Chris Gratto, 9-2l-78; Andre Gratto, 9-I I-80. AffJ®/jar,®Or]S & Act,'v,fjes.I AmerlCan & New York Psychiatric Association.

Steven E. Locke David Lonsdale 1345 Deerfield Rd. Occ'upafjon.I Psychiatrist, Beth Israel Hospltal, Boston. Come/I Deerfield, Ill. 60015 Major.I Biological Sciences (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.D., Columbia University College of Physlcians and Surgeons. Home.. (708) 948-7976 Spouse.-Joanne Callahan Locke, B.A., Wellesley College, J.D., OffI'Ce.. (312) 939-2426 Thomas Loane Boston College Law School, Attorney. CThI'/dreJ].I Alexandra, 8/24/88, Graham Bengen, 7/I/70, attending Tufts Universlty. 15941 Domoch Round Ot,`cupafjon.I Ass't Director, John G. Shedd Aquarium. ComeJJ AffJ'JJ'afjOnS & AcfjvI'fjeS.-Director of Medical Student Miami Lakes, Fla. 33094 Major.I Gen. Agr. (Agr.). Advanced Degrees.I M.S. Purdue Education, Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Hospital, Unlversity An. Nutr. Spouse.' Marnie King Lonsdale, Comell Home.. (305) 557-9959 Boston, and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical lg66 -QA Manager. ChI'JdreJ].I William, Deerfleld H.S. 1994; School. Professional Associations: American Psychiatric Office.. (305) 52J-6560 Jelnifer, Knox College 1994. AffJ'JJafjOJ]S & AcrJ'V,'rjeS.I Sigma Association (Fellow), Soclety of Behavioral Medlclne, Xl, Am. Assoc. of Zoos & Aquariums (Past Chalrman Of the American Psychosomatic Society, American Group Oc'cupafJOn.-V.P. Computers, Alamo Rent a Car. CorneJJ Elhlcs Commlttee). Honors.a Editorial Board Zoo Life, Psychotherapy Association. HoJ]OrS.a Listed in Who's Who ln Major.a I.E. & O.R. (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MBA Ct,ntributor Intematlonal Zoo Yearbook. '68 Cornell Spouse.a Nancy, '65, Drew University, Faculty America. Publications: The Healer Within, Mind and Miami Dade Community College. ChJ'Jdren.-Jonathan, 8/25/72 - Immunlty, Foundations of PsychoneurolmmunOlOgy. I left Cornell and headed to Purdue planning Georgetown; Brad, 5/25/75, High School. Although I matriculated with the Class of '67, I on a career in animal nutrition. Half way through actually was not graduated until l968. I my Master Degree thesis a homesickness for transferred from Engineering to Arts and Sciences warmer climates lead me to apply to the Bermuda during my sophomore year, but despite this, at the Aquarium, Museum and Zoo for the position of end of my junior year, I c 6flunked out.9 9 After one Assistant Curator. Upon completing my Masters, Marnie and I went back to Bermuda. year off, I returned and finished my fourth year with a 4.1 GPA. Although Cornell's Premedical I spent ten years in Bermuda as Assistant Advisory Committee refused to write me a letter Curator and then Curator of the Aquarium. I was of recommendation for medical school, despite active in expanding and developing the quality of this I was accepted to medical school at Columbia tI-e Aquarium and Zoo. But my special interest University, largely thanks to letters supplied by was in improving the education programs for the other faculty who had more faith in me. I will f¬LCility, including the formation Of a Support always be grateful to Comell for having given me st,ciety. More and more my experience has this important second chance. I am especially c,,nvinced me that if we are to conserve our Erie Loberg appreciative of the support provided by Professor e]1VirOnment We must Seek every opportunity tO 10793 Wellworth Ave. Aronson (Veterinary Medicine) and Dean educate the public in the intricate Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 Hirschfeld (Arts and Sciences). ir.terrelationship of nature. In l980, I accepted the position of Assistant Home.. (213) 475-1288 It is largely due to my college experiences that I Director at John G. Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. OffI'Ce.. (213) 286-1577 chose psychiatry as a career. In my work as a Marnie, I and our two children packed our things, psychiatrist, and in my role as a parent, I have Occupafjon.' Orthodontlst, Erie L. Loberg D.M.D. Inc. ComeJJ tried to teach my patients, and my children, that our two cats and the dog and moved to the Major.a Economics (Art & Sciences). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- Tufts with encouragement and understanding, growth Chicago suburbs. Since joining Shedd Aquarium, Dental School D.M.D.; Eastman Dental Center, Orthodontics. can occur and obstacles overcome. As a career I have had the opportunity to visit many exciting Spouse.a Mary, Emanuel College l967, Housewife. ChjjdreJ].I lt,cations including the Galapagos, Alaska, Kristin, 6/22/75, Marymount High School; Erica, 4/l6/77, educator at Harvard Medical School, I use my Hudson Bay and much of the Carribbean. Marymount High School; Dana, 7/28/8l. Affl'jjafjons & past experience to help me to be a better educator. AcrjvJ'tieS.- Past President, Westwood Village Rotary Club, Past The other important area of my life has been Shedd Aquarium has just opened a new and Pres., Beverly Hills Academy of Medicine & Dentistry; striving to be a loving husband and father. After a unique marine mammal exhibit. This Westem Dental Soc. D.C,S.O., A.A.O., E.H. Angle Soc. (Pres) multimillion dollar exhibit is the largest enclosed A.D.A. Calif. Yatch Club. Honors.- Author of Orthodontic divorce from my first wife in 1974, it was not Chapter in ctCraniofacial Radiological Diagnosis & until ten Years later that I married Joanne and marine mammal exhibit in the world. A talented Management" 1988. became a-stepparent to her then 1 I year old son s1:aff has recreated the coastline of Alaska Graham. I quickly learned how to parent an iILCluding a rain forest in complete detail and adolescent. Joanne, who grew up in Brighton and slrived to insure that the exhibit is an accurate West Springfield, Massachusetts, was among the representation of the animal7s environment. The first three nurses to attend Wellesley College. She visitor to this exhibit rather than watching the later obtained her law degree from Boston traditional dolphin Show Can Stroll along the College and now practices law in Boston. P\orth Pacific coastline and watch the animals Alexandra, our three year old daughter, is a frolic in the large free form tanks that appear to wondrous source of joy and laughter, and we jt,in with Lake Michigan. Hopefully children and adults alike will absorb some of the environment proudly follow Graham's success in his academic and political pursuits. aid See that not Only must We Preserve an animal Having become reasonably comfortable with we must conserve his home. my profiessional accomplishments, I hope soon to devote more time to voluntary organizations and to our local community.

135 James R. Lopata Susan Loveland Tom Lucas One East Schiller Street, Apartment 22A 10 Ridge Drive 2105 N.E. 62nd Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60610 Port Washington, N.Y. 11050 Portland, Ore. 97213 Home.. (312) 266-7636 Home.. (516) 944-7684 Occ'uparJOn.a Manager, Employee Leasing, Barrett Business OffI'Ce.. (312) 280-1574 OffI'Ce.. (516) 773-1555 Services, Inc. Ch]/dren.a Janet, 22, 5th yr. Sr., Cal-Berkeley; Tom Jr., lst yr. Willamette U. Occupa[I'On.I Manufacturers' Representative, Lopata Technical Occupafjon.- Teacher, High School Math & Computers, Great Service Corporation. CorneJJ Major.- Chemical Engineering Neck Public Schools. CormeJJ Major.- Math (Arts & Sciences). 66Don't laugh Carr -life has been TOUGH (Engineering). Spouse.a Divorced. CThjJdreJ].I Christopher James Advanced Degrees.-M.A.T. Harvard Univ. A.B.D. Univ. of Pa. Lopata, July 21,1970, Georgetown University, Washington Spouse.a Douglas Hodes, Yale 970, Actuary. Chl'Jdren.- on this guy! I mean, we're talking 2 ex-wives, D.C., l992; Shannon Lynn Lopata, Sept. 23,1973, Mary Nathaniel, 8-l2-78; Caleb,12-24-80; Margaret,ll-21-82. loss and gain of 2,000 1bs., and the holding of Institute, St. Louis, Mo., Graduating Hlgh School, 1992. Affl'JJafJ'OnS & AcrJVjfI'eS.I American Educational Research about 2 dozen jobs .... all of this crammed into AffjJjaf,-ons & AcfjvJ'fjeS.-Goveming Board, Chicago Symphony Assoc., Executive Board of Monfort Hills Civic Assoc.; ONLY 24+ years, since those 6Clazy,lovely, orchestra; Alliance Member, Art Institute of Chicago; Member, Executive Board of Home and School Assoc.; perform in American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Member, National community musicals. drunken days HIGH ABOVE CAYUGA'S Association of Manufacturers' Agents. WATERS!!!" And, they say " ... you can't go After graduation I attended Harvard University home again''!!!!! My daughter, Shannon, is a senior in high for a summer and a year and thoroughly enjoyed school. This past summer, I took her to look at Cambridge. I returned to Ithaca for a year of various colleges to which she might want to teaching math at Ithaca High School. During that apply. Her limitations were simple: not year I hung out with Cornell students and became Georgetown (where her older brother goes); somewhat involved in 6thippie culture". I moved nowhere in Missouri (where her mother lives) to NYC and went to Woodstock, became and nowhere in Illinois (where I live). Things involved with womens lib and peace groups, and haven't changed much in 25 years -children are marched in Washington DC and in the streets of still reaching for their independence as they leave NYC. In retrospect, those years of the late 60's home for college. While at Cornell, I had the and early 70's were exhilarating but I can now opportunity to reminisce ... visit the old fraternity empathize with the parents of those years. house which is now University offices, visit Meanwhile I worked as a computer Beebe Lake ... where they now patrol to keep programmer at Met Life (where I met my people from diving off the bridge, and walk the husband). After a few years of the corporate James Lunden campus. Twenty-five years have been good to workday I ran off to graduate school in 36 Indian Pipe Trail me. I started working - as I was advised in Philadelphia where I eventually became one of 66The Graduate" -in plastics. I moved to paint Avon, Conn. 06001 the many ABD9s (all but dissertation). I moved and fire protection ... then to fire (or combustion) back to NYC, settled down at City University Home.. (203) 675-9960 ... and most recently, in my own business where I worked in the Dept of Institutional OffI'Ce.. (203) 721-8929 engineering and selling equipment to manage Research where I really enjoyed combining Occupafl'on.I Corporate President, Software Marketing waste, recycle solids and liquids, control computer programming and statistical research Associates. CorneJj Major.I Ind1. Eng. & Op. Rsch. pollution, and recover energy. I feel that in methods. We moved out to the suburbs as we (Engineering). Spouse.I Denlse Skidmore Lunden, Skidmore twenty five years, I left a college campus - started a family and I eventually returned to College. 73, Computer Sales. Chj/dren.I Nicole, 6/5/73, Pace became an upwardly mobile urban professional teaching. I9m now involved with PTA's, car- Universlty '95; Melissa, 7/15/75, Williston Academy '97; -and left that cclife" to work on saving the Garrett, 3/2l/84, Roslng Brook Elementary, '95; Sasha, pooling, lessons, etc. Now that they are all a bit 2/18/86, Rosing Brook Elementary, '96. earth on which we live. I went from looking at older we9ve been traveling a little together and the 66hippies" who wanted to save the earth in we9ve recently taken up community theatre and the sixties to working with them ... for the same horseback riding. Ann E. MacEachron goals. I guess that in the past 25-30 years, I have As I look back on these years I can say that 2061 E. Golf Ave. come full circle. I feel good about myself and my I've been learning to be flexible and to embrace Tempe, Ariz. 85282 objectives in life; I just wonder what took me so 66experiences" (having children really taught me Home.. (602) 820-6361 long to get here. that)! But I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. OffI'Ce.. (602) 965-1308

136 occupafI'OJ].- Professor, Arizona State University. CorneJJ September afternoon my bond with Cornell was August, 1968 and moved to Manhattan, where Major.- Anthropology (Arts and Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I cemented. Neal was in graduate school. Rather than MSW - University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. - Cornell. ChI'Jdren.a The Cornell experience was the most important teaching in the New York City school system, I James Philip Driscoll-MacEachron, 7-7-78, age 13; Mary Randall Driscoll-MacEachron, 4-5-82, age 9. AffllI'afj'OJ]S & part of my life then. Now that experience put my teaching aspirations aside and began AcrI'VjfI'eS.a National Association of Social Work; Phi Kappa strongly but subtly permeated everything I am. worl{ing in the Operations Research department phi; Advisory Council of American Indian Projects. Honors.- Since commencement - my entire adult life of Equitable Life, as a computer programmer and Two books: one statistics text, the other on sexual abuse of -I've lived in Boston and Cambridge. Although syst3mS analyst. Changing my job to coincide males, and several dozen articles in professional joumals. you would be hard pressed to find another with Nea19s career development path soon member of the Class of '67 who liked Cornell bec¬.me a pattern for me. After his Ph.D., he took Quite frankly, reflections on what has been a post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA, and I joined important to me over the last twenty-four years more than I, I've never been back to Ithaca. the Management Advisory Services division of seems to escape me. It9s just been 66The whole When the time came to move on, move on I did - though not really very far. The ambience of Price, Waterhouse & Co. in L.A. Our older catastrophe'." as Zorba the Greek once joyfully Cambridge is similar to that of Cornell and the dau,>rhter, Sandra Joan, was born in October, proclaimed. 1973. I left PW, but continued working part-time What9s important to me now is a different winter weather is actually worse. as a computer consultant, based in my home. story. My eldest child is beginning adolescence In the quarter century I've lived in Neal then accepted an assistant professorship at and my youngest is not far behind. I know they Massachusetts I've done most of the things Welesley College, and we moved to will survive, but I would like to participate someone of my bent is expected to do - young executive positions in local corporations, Massachusetts. I became a liaison between the gracefully if not survive as well. But, then, the administrative department of the College and a next five years do allow for figuring out how to mentions in The Boston GJobe, appearances on local talk shows, a comfortable niche in academia computer service bureau, while Sandy attended pay Cornel1's tuition for eight years if they both and a home with a view of the Charles and more nursery school. go there. These two aspects of maturing children In 1978 Neal left academe for industry, and we require miracles which, I must say, do occur - than one historical landmark. settled in New Haven. Terri Lynn, our younger as evidenced by my passing several Life has been good to me. I haven't yet been dau{3hter, Was born in November, 1979. Seven undergraduate courses at the last minute through confronted with any of its serious problems but I diligent cramming at the long past Ithaca Hotel do deal regularly with all of life's irritations and years ago I actually began teaching math in the elementary and junior high grades, and I really and Mory's in Collegetown. B, my old friend, annoyances. That I suppose keeps me honest. lovt|, it'. I also do math tutoring on both the will swear to these miracles. Often my mind drifts to Cornell and not just enril=hment and remedial levels. It's wonderful to The odd thing is that I now like to study, which when watching '6Jeopardy". Many times a finally be following my dream! is a good thing since I was a professor at particular song will trigger a memory of someone Cornell has remained an important part of our Brandeis for ten years and have been at Arizona or something. I no longer mind that these musical live:;. Neal and I have been members of CAAAN State University for the last eight years. I'm sure memories are called 6 6golden oldies' 9 . for 1 I years and we have convinced many this phase will change into something more or Cornell will always be special for me. In some students to attend Cornell. Our daughter Sandy less important in the next twenty-five years. But ways I feel I9ve never left. Now, even after all cho!;e Brandeis instead, and has just begun her it sure is fun right now. I promise, however, to these years, I still find myself in a college 6{tell all" about important developments at my classroom at 8:00 a.m. fres]1man year. Terri loved Cornell during the '66 reurion in June, so there's still hope she911 be a fiftieth reunion. See you then! The more things change, the more they remain the same. member of the Class of 2002!

Mary Ann Reilly Machanic 6tRoddy" Patricia Smith MacKinnon Four Canal Park PH 12 Elaine Woods Machtiger - 51 Bryon Place 6 Wendy Lane Cambridge, Mass. 02141 New Haven, Conn. 06515 Bumt Hills, N.Y.12027 Home.. (617) 577-8174 Home.. (203) 389-2273 Home.. (518) 399-8271 Office: (617) 2&J-773O OffI'Ce.. (203) 389-5500 OffI'Ce.. (518) 399-1946 OccupafI'On.' Marketing Faculty/College of Management, University of Massachusetts at Boston. CormeJJ Major.a TC Occupatr'on.I Teacher (Mathematics Specialist), Ezra Academy. Occupatr'on.I First Grade Teacher, Pashley Elementary School. (HE). Advanced Degrees.I Boston University MBA Col-nell Major: Ma,`h (Arts). Advanced Degrees.-M.A.I. Com=11 Major.' History (Arts a Sc±ences). Advanced Degrees.- MAT, Teacher's College, Columbia U. Spouse.I Ross G. (Marketing), Boston University MS (Mass Communications). Wesleyan University. Spouse.a Neal A. Machtiger C.U. '66 Spouse.a William (Bill) Machanic, University of Vermont BS Microbiologist. CThjJdren.I Sandra Joan, lO/4/73, Brandeis Univ. MacKinnon, Union College '65, Chemistry Teacher. CThjJdren.- '68, Boston University MBA '70, MIT post graduate marketing '95; Terri Lynn, I 1/22/79. AffjJI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VjfjeS.I Associated Kerr/ MacKinnon, 8/17/72, Hartwick College '94; Daniel executive/computer industry. AffiJjarjoJ]S & AcfI'V,'fI'eS.- Teachers of Math in CT; CAAAN; Education Commlttee -Ezra MacKinnon, 9/l9/73, Wake Forest Univ. '95; StephJen American Marketlng Association, Founding Culinary Academy; American Cancer Soc'y Volunteer. MacKinnon, 8/25/77, Burnt Hills H.S. '95. AffjJJ'afI'OnS & Friend/Schlesinger Library, Charter Member National Museum Acfjl/I'rjeS.a V.P. Burnt Hills Teachers Assoc, active in First Unitc d Methodist Church, Schenectady. of Women in the Arts, former treasurer and president Women I had always dreamed of teaching mathematics In Cable (AMA and WIC are New England chapters). Honors.- to junior high and high school students. After American Marketing Association (NE) Faculty Advlsor of the I reacted to the assignment of 66Describe the Year 989. National Women in Cable Accolade '83. graduating from Cornell as a math major, I last 24 years of your life in 300 words or less" eamed a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from exactly as I have to all writing assignments - by It hardly seems possible that more than half a Wesleyan University in June, 1968. My career lifetime ago - I walked across the Arts Quad putting it off until the very last minute. So I guess path seemed straightforward, but real life was I haven't changed that much in 24 years. during Freshmen Orientation and finally saw quite different from my expectations. I, took me quite a while to figure out what I someone I knew. Ever since that sunny Neal Machtiger 966 and I were married in

137 wanted to do when I grew up. I had a brief career Australia, New Zealand. Before leaving Hong New York and Milwaukee, Wisconsin for 10 in computer programming immediately after Kong in l978, we were among the first years. graduating. The experience was valuable, and Westerners to visit China, a fascinating trip. It was in Madison, Wisconsin while employed provided the opportunity to meet my husband Exxon moved us back to the States that year, this as a special education administrator in charge of a Ross, but certainly was not my life's ambition. In time to Darien, Connecticut, and Christina was federal project that enabled severely handicapped I969 I returned to school at Teacher7s College for born just six weeks after moving into the house. children to attend local public schools, that I a MAT in secondary social studies, only to Somewhere it is written that I must be sure to decided to return to the School of Hotel graduate at a time when there were very few move while very pregnant. In 1982, were were Administration at Cornell in order to complete secondary jobs available. I worked in several moved back to Houston. On our return, I found the M.P.S. program. It was very hard work, but special education programs until my children that our house had shrunk while I was away, so sheer perseverance and a Statler Fellowship were born, and then began a multitude of church we bought a newer house. The first house had helped me through the ordeal. I graduated in and community volunteer positions with small been rented all that time, and we finally sold it in l985 and moved to South Carolina where I have children which led me to my present position. l984. We have been in Houston ever since. I tell been ever since. I have a wonderful position as I have taught first grade for six years and find people that I will stay anywhere to keep from Dean at Johnson & Wales University at it fascinating. Our district has been quite open to moving, even Houston. Charleston where I can put to work all of those the possibilities for change, and I have had lots of David is a senior in high school this year, and things that I studied in my seven years as a freedom to experiment and pilot new programs. I is an excellent student. I9m trying to convince student at Cornell. have also been able to recommend changes as a him to apply to Cornell, but he is resisting. I now spend occasional weekends at Edisto member of district committees dealing with 66At Christina is in seventh grade and loves junior Island with my husband, T. Eston Marchant, and Risk" students and standardized testing, and high school. My life revolves around them, their my two dogs, Bagel and Nervil when I9m not have served as Vice President of our Teacher's activities, school organizations, church, and my working in Charleston. Christmases are spent in Association for 3 years. I find this work to be ever-traveling husband. I seem to stay busier than Ithaca with my mother where I marvel at the cold quite enjoyable and fulfilling. I want to be, and yet, every once in a while, I weather and the many new buildings on the Ross and I have felt lucky to be able to raise wonder what I7m going to do when I grow up! Cornell Campus. Visits to the campus are always our family in this small town in upstate N.Y. It9s special, and I try to take time to remember all of been a beautiful and supportive place to spend those special moments that made up my most of the past 24 years! undergraduate experience.

Emilie Gostanian Marchant 108 Fort Lyttleton Road Beaufort, S.C. 29902 Linda Rempe MaGee Home.I (803) 766-8059 (M-Friday); (803) David Markant 714 St. Ives Court 522-8724 (weekends) P.O. Box 26893 Houston, Tex. 77079 OffI'Ce.. (803) 724-3426 Greece, N.Y. 14626 Home.. (713) 493-9592 OffJ'Ce.. (716) 723-7420 Occupafl'oJ].a Dean of Academic & Administrative Affairs, OccupafjoJ].- Homemaker. CtorJ]eJ/ Major.I Textiles & Clothing Johnson & Wales University at Charleston. Corner/ Major.I Occupaf,'oJ].a Director, Information Systems, Park Ridge Health (Home Economics). Spouse.-Gerald T. MaGee, U. of Missouri, Child Development & Family Relations (School of Human Systems. CorneJJ Major.a Animal Science (Agriculture). l96l, Exxon Chemical Co. ChJ'Jdren.a David E. MaGee Ecology). Advanced Degrees.I M.S. Syracuse University Advanced Degrees.' MBA Fairleigh Dickinson. Spouse.I Mary 1/21/l974; Christina L. MaGee 10/l8/l978. Affl'JjafI'OnS & (School of Education); M.P.S. Comell University - School of Ellen Wagner '69, Columbia MA Nursing Ed. CJ]j'Jdren.- Act,'vjfjes.I On the boards of Partners for Excellence of Mayde Hotel Administration. Spouse.- T. Eston Marchant (Bud), Shirley, l3; Julie, I 1; Doug, 8; Greg, 4. Affl'JI'arI'OJ]S & University of South Carolina (B.S.); Winthrop College, M.S.; Acfjv,'fI'eS.a HIMMS. Honors.I Computers in Healthcare; Creek High School, United Methodist Women, Ladies of I Fleetwood (Neighborhood organization) Employed as an administrator for the Berkeley County Public American Turf Monthly. Schools (near Charleston). CThj/dren.' No children. 2 dogs: a When you last saw me in 967, I was headed to beagle named Bagel; a mutt named Nervil. Affjjjafjoms & Acfl'v,I,'es.' Sorority , Zonta Club of New York to be an 66executive trainee" at Beaufort, AAUW (American Association of University Bloomingdale's. That only lasted a year, when I Women), Cornell Society of Charleston, Cornell Society of switched to the design department at Simplicity Hotelmen. Honors.- Pi Lambda Theta Educational Honorary, Ye Hosts Society, Statler Teaching Intemship Award, Leadership Pattern Co., where I was much better suited. I Hilton Head NIFI Summer Intemship Program Award ( l988) met Gerald MaGee in New York, and we married in l971. (Nobody meets anybody in New York, After graduation from Cornell, I spent a month but we were both lucky!) Less than six months at home in Ithaca before marrying a '65 Cornell later, he dragged me away from Simplicity, to graduate and flying off to Misawa AFB, a United Houston, Texas. His company, Exxon Chemical, States base located in the northern part of the moved from Rockefeller Center to Houston that Japanese island of Honshu. I spent a year there year. We bought our 66dream" house in late 973, reading English to Japanese school children who and our son, David, was born in January, l974. had never seen Americans before. Although the When David was just 15 months old, Exxon Richard H. Marks base was closer to Viet Nam than most Chemical moved us to Hong Kong. Hong Kong Monte Alto 40 Comellians would want to be, I heard little about took some getting used to, but three years later, Humera 28023 Madrid Spain the war. I returned to the United States in order to when it was time to leave, I was ready to stay. Cam a master's degree in education at Syracuse Home.. (341) 715-2560 We traveled extensively; Japan, Taiwan, University and taught special education in Tully, OffI'Ce.. (341)-538-4232 Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Bali,

138 Banker, Citibank. CornejJ Major.- Industrial Engineering & wa-1t tO leave. Life is so easy, so comfortable, so Operations Research (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.a MBA uncomplicated compared to either of the coasts. (comell '68, Finance). Spouse.-Carol Cummings, University of Th:lt perspective does not come from ignorance. I Florida '65, Nurse/Homemaker. C'hl'/dren.I Lenore I/27/75, T.A.S.I.S. England 993 (High School); Ross, 6/7/79, American still travel about 75,000 miles a year and Anita School of Madrid. ancl I have dragged our two children to at least 25 countries and a larger number of states. In 21 On a Sunday afternoon in July I sit in my yea,rs at the University of Minnesota, I have both backyard in Madrid reflecting on the last 24 lived a comfortable life and managed to progress

Wears.J I am alone with the dog and the cat, a thr,,ugh the ranks from post-doc to professor. For bachelor until mid-August when the family the last 6 years, I have even had the dubious returns from their annual summer pilgrimage to hollOr Of department Chair. the states. At age 45, I have few regrets. One is that In June '68 I left Ithaca with my MBA and Anita, who I met in 1970 and married in 1972, headed west, becoming a Financial Analyst for Marvin L. Marshak hat; unfortunately suffered some of the Ford in Michigan. I married Carol (Cummings, 2855 Ottawa Avenue South disadvantages of a professional, dual-career University of Florida) in 1970. In 1973, after St. Louis Park, Minn. 55416 family. However, our children, Rache1, l5, and working on the McGovern campaign (why didn9t Home.. (612) 929-3620 Adam, 12, who each started daycare at age 3 everyone recognize that Nixon was a crook?), I OffI'Ce.. (612) 624-6062 months, seem both normal and impossible to deal joined Citibank in New York. wilh. Rachel is a dedicated over-achiever - Carol and I spent an exciting two years living OccupafI'On.I Professor of Physics, University of Minnesota. always pushing to do better, always unhappy with and working in Manhattan. When Lenore was CorJ]e/I Major.-Physics (Arts and Sciences). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- her already excellent performance. That sounds born in January 1975, we bought a house in M.S., l969; Ph.D. 1970 Universlty Of Michigan. Spouse.a Anita farliliar - She would probably fit right in at Sue Kolman, B.A. University of Maryland, l970; M.S.,l974; Teaneck NJ. In February 1977 we began our Ph.D. l977 University of Minnesota; Sociologist. ChjJdren.I Comell. Adam has already performed more than expatriate lifestyle when I transferred to Rachel Kolman Marshak, July 3, l976, St. Louis Park School, 60() times in professional theater and is currently Frankfurt. We struggled with the German l994; Adam Kolman Marshak, July l6, l979, St. Louis Park touring the United States as a kid in Oscar language and culture, missed family and friends, Junior High School. Affl'Jl'afjons & AcfI'VjfI®eS.I Member, Wilde9s Ttie CanfervjJJe Ghost. Like father, like American Physical Society; Trustee, Children's Theater but thoroughly enjoyed the travel, the Company. Honors.- Publications in professional joumals, listed soll -Who Says there'S a difference between experiences, and the deep friendships we made. in Wtio's Wtio jJ] Amen'ca. college teaching and acting. Ross was born in June of 1979 and was issued his What of the future? Several years ago in an first passport when he was three days old. We I often have an opportunity to advise interview, I told Australian television that I liked returned to Teaneck in 1980, and as Carol undergraduate students on how to plan their lives. ph:,sics because it was 66big toys for big kids -I announced, we were 6 6never moving again' '. What I always find amazing in this process is that never had to grow up'." Itd like to follow that However the travel bug had taken hold and each decision has both an enormous and a trivial advice for at least another 25 years. since 1982 we have lived in Zurich for 4 years, effect. For example, whether a student goes to London regrettably for only one year and now are grad school and to which graduate school he or three years in Spain. Each assignment has she goes may affect the student9s choice of brought new challenges, new experiences, but spouse, initial job and career path, the nature of most of all new friends. his or her children, the identity of his or her I have spent half of the time since graduation friends and so on. Yet, is life really different if living and working as an international banker in one marries spouse X or spouse Y, both of which Europe; can get by in English, German and are likely to have the same characteristics which Spanish; enjoy fine wines; have a loving wife; the student carries with him or her whether he or and wonder what the future will hold for my two she goes? Probably not. It would be nice at each growing children. None of this would I have major intersection of one's life to be able to play. predicted in June 1967. out each of the scenarios for a while to see what happens. About 99 lives might be enough for me. Too badI. Pedro F. Mata So what paths did I choose. Michigan for 297 Greens Farms Road graduate school rather than than Chicago, Greens Farms, Conn. 06436 Wisconsin, Penn or Brown. Even today, I cannot Home.. (2O3) 255-5973 articulate a good set of reasons for my choice. What followed then was another apparently Off]'ce.. (203) 351-9616 random decision to specialize in the experimental Occ upafI-On.-President, Grace Cocoa. C'omeJj Major.-Industrial study of elementary particles. Oh, I knew I didn't Engineering (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.-M.E. (Ind) want to do theoretical physics, especially after Cornell. Spouse.' Carol M. Mata. Cdr'Jdren.a Angela, 8/17/67, Professor Bethe's disastrous quantum mechanics Ski,imore College; Carolina, lO/l5/68, U New Hampshire', class at Cornel1. But why elementary particles - Pedro Pablo, 9/27/74, Fairfield Prep. AffJ'Jj'afjons & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.I Dir,3CtOr National Alliance for Business; Trustee Zamorano well, it just seemed like fun! By applying the (Est:uela Agricola Panamerica). Carl Markussen knowledge of bureaucracy I learned at Cornell RD #4, Box 322A (especially while working on the Sun), I managed Family and friends, the people you love - that to finish my Ph.D. by 1970 -which was a Wynantskill, N.Y.12198 seems to be the net net. I come from Ecuador and terrible year for post-doc jobs. I chose ajob at the I nlarried a 66townie" (Ithaca). That is the basis Home.. (518) 283-3781 University of Minnesota, deciding to forgo the of two geographical and cultural diverse families. OffI'Ce.. (518) 436-1342 risks of my other possibility which required Af[er my Bachelors, I went for my Masters at either living as an Anglophone in Montreal or occupafjon.I General Manager, Monetary Management of N.Y. Cornel1. Since then I have worked for one CorneJJ Major.a Small fruits and vegetables (Agriculture). learning French. colnPany, but they have moved me many times, Advanced Degrees.a Masters in Public Administration from In physics, we describe it as a raised barrier including to Bogota and Cali, Columbia; Lima, Northem Michigan. Spouse.a Barbara Mahler, Wells College surrounding a potential well - that9s '68, Library Clerk. ChjJdren.' Kristin, 9/5/69, BA from Comel1 Pe:-u, New York City (three times), Singapore '91, working on Masters at Comell; Jeffrey, 5/26/73, RPI Class Minneapolis. You must be crazy to come here - and Milwaukee (that sounds like a foreign of,95. the winters really are cold. However, once you co`lntry!). Everywhere we have made friends, and live here, you are trapped in the well and don9t thrc>ughout this we raised three children. I have

139 been very fortunate in my career but in the end, and now Jacksonville, Florida) helping to build Times for future stewardesses. They wanted 21 whether it be from family, business or purely the Bank9s successful national mortgage banking year old college educated women, with the social reasons, being able to share with the operation where I ended up as Vice Chairman. knowledge of a foreign language. There again my people you love is always the most important. Over the past year, my division's parent company Cornell background got me the job. It certainly experienced a great deal of turmoil and a few wasn't my limited command of the French months ago, after numerous business language. At that time my air travel experience restructurings, I opted out of the chaos by taking had been limited to taking Mohawk from New an early retirement program. A new phase in our York to Ithaca. In my 24 years at Pan Am I have lives has now opened up. I9m not yet sure which been fortunate to expand my travelling to many direction this will lead us (I'm exploring a comers of the world and still haven't tired of it. number of business ideas) but I'1l be able to flll The lifestyle is not for everyone, but for those this in at the reunion. The path keeps tuming! who like it, it becomes addictive. I spent the better part of my career travelling to Africa and still find it a fascinating vacation destination. In 1989, Jay Johnston (my fiance) and I went to Kenya, Tanzania and gorilla trekking in Rwanda. Last year we went to Stephen Matheson Zimbabwe and Botswana. Next year we are 2655 Tacito Trail planning a trip to Namibia and possibly South Africa, if the sanctions are lifted. Jacksonville, Fla. 32223 Due to financial problems at Pan Am, I am Home.. (904) 262-3980 accepting a position at Delta Airlines as of November 1, l991. I am looking forward to at Cornell Major.® Economics (Arts a Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I MBA, Univ. of Pennsylvania. Spouse.- Barbara, least ten more years in my chosen career. Syracuse,1967. ChI'Jdren.I Chet, 4-19-71; Jill 5-8-74; Greg, 6- From 1972-1978 I owned a bar and restaurant 19-75. Affl'/jafJ'OnS & AcfjvI'fj'eS.a Cornell Club, Industry in New York City with my ex-husband. It was Associations. Larry Matlack called Waltzing Matilda, and attracted an 3629 Jocelyn Street, N.W. Australian clientele, as well as a number of Thinking about these notes brought me back to Washington, D.C. 20015 Cornellians, over the years. It was quite an the crazy, draft-fearing days of the late 1960's Home.. (202) 966-8328 experience. My job description included.I and the twisting path that started as soon as I left Office.. (202) 395-3262 bartender, bookkeeper, cook, hostess, janitor, Comell. manager, owner and waitress. Right after graduating, I married Barbara who Occupafjon.- Chief, Labor Branch, Federal Office of In 1979 I moved to south Florida and have was at Syracuse while I was at Cornell (and the Management and Budget. CorneJJ Major.a English (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I MS, MBA University of lived in Fort Lauderdale since that time. It is reason for countless weekend road trips). In the Pennsylvania (also ABD in doctoral program). Spouse.a Linda fall after graduation, I went to Wharton School quite a change from my fast paced New York Stewart, BA, MA, University of Wisconsin 967; MS Univ. of roots, but I manage to slow down and enjoy it, in where I received my MBA. After long struggles Pennsylvania '73; LLB Georgetown '85, Attomey. between trips to far off places on Pan Am. with the draft board while at Wharton, Barb and I Jay and I hope to be in Ithaca in June. He is a found our 66out" by going north to 661ive the pilot for US Air and has seen Comell many times good life" and escape the craziness of the world. from his cockpit window. We are both looking I got a job in Maine, was able to get into the forward to a closer look at the Cornell Campus Maine National Guard (which kept me out of during our 25th Reunion. Vietnam), and we eventually bought and fixed up an old farm on a hill twenty-five miles out of town where we had huge gardens and blueberry fields. Our first two kids, Chet and Jill, were bom in Maine and we have extraordinary memories of our time there. But after six years, I realized that I was poor and so were the schools. I accepted a banking job in Boston and rejoined the "real" world of commuting and responsibility. (Some twenty years later, I am still wondering which is Tracy Maxwell the real world.) Our third child, Greg, was bom 1301 River Reach Dr. #411 while we were in Boston. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33315 Chet is now in the Army, while Jill (currently Home.. (305) 467-7258 going crazy with college applications) and Greg (aiming toward aeronautical engineering at Occupafj®on.a Flight Attendant, Delta Airlines. CormeJJ Major.- Melanie J. Mayor Child Development (Human Ecology). Spouse.I Walter Jay Georgia Tech) are extremely active as a senior Johnston, St. Louis University 1968, Airline Pilot. AffiJJafI'onS 246 High Street and junior in high school. Chet spends his free & AcfjvI'fI'eS.I World Wings Intemational, Friends of the Sea Santa Cruz, CA 95060 time motorcycling around Europe, Jill is heavily Otter, World Wildlife Nature Conservancy, Museum of Art, Home.. (4O8) 423-9531 Broward County Library, Greenpeace, Gorilla Foundation. involved in theater and fine arts, and Greg is OffI'Ce.-(408) 459-4637 or msg at 459-2900 finishing his pilot training. Barb is a gardening columnist for a newspaper and is very active and I left Comell in the Spring of 1966. With the OccupafI'On.- Professor, Psychology & Psychobiology (visual respected in the local horticultural community as help of a Regents Scholarship, I had been paying development), University of California, Santa Cruz. ComeJJ a speaker and consultant. for my own education. I decided that it was time Major.-Chemistry (Arts). Advanced Degrees.-M.A., 1968, to start eaming a living. I got a job as an assistant Univ. Wis., Madison, Psychology; Ph.D., l972, Univ. Calif. I9ve been spending my life working on San Diego, Psychology. AffiJJarI'Or]S & AcfI'vifI'eS.a Am. Physical company and industry problems, living at the piece goods buyer at Jonathan Logan Inc. The Society, Optical Society of Am., Assoc. for Research in Vision office and on airplanes. My last sixteen years President of the Company was a Comellian so I and Ophthalmology, Am. Assoc. for Advancement of Science. were spent working for the First National Bank of was hired immediately. I shared an apartment in HoJ]OrS.I Klondike Women: True Tales of the 1897-98 Gold Manhattan with Laura Fisher '66 and Jane Natter Rush, l989; Demonstrations of Sensory Perception,1982. Boston, with most of that time working at National Institutes of Health Research Career Development subsidiaries in the South (Birmingham, Atlanta Stravinsky 967. In the Fall of 1966 Pan American Award. World Airways advertised in the New York

140 Comell was full of surprises. I learned a lot of unplanned lessons from unexpected sources. You, my classmates, made my years at Cornell one of the most valuable periods in my life. Here are some of the images and teachings you gave to me. From Nancy Havens and Gwynne Fowler, that it is possible to be a scientist and still be human. From David Good, that wading in an ice-cold stream at 6 a.m. can be exhilarating, even fun, and that a person can carry on a coherent telephone conversation while asleep. From Kristl Bogue, how good satire sounds, even if I can't Frank L. McCabe Eugene McGuire quite write it myself. (If I could, I'd tell you 2645 Hazelwood Rd. Thistle Lane about my nine children at Ivy League schools and Lancaster, Penna.17601 Rye, N.Y. 10580 my CEO husband, with whom I travel on world- Home.. (717) 569-8281 wide jaunts.) From Mickey McDonald, that a Home.. (914) 967-6203 OffI'Ce.. (717) 293-4446 woman can be strong at the same time she is OffI'Ce.. (212) 922-3008 attractive and feminine. From Janet Randal1, an OccupafI'On.I President, Hotel Development and Management OccupafI'On.a Lawyer, Elf Aquitaine, Inc. CorneJJ Major.a image of high-spirited fun and a sense of the Company, High Hotels, LTD. CorJ]eJJ Major.a Hotel, B.S. Archi ,ecture (Architecture). Advar]ced Degrees.a J.D. Columbia absurd (a ready, boisterous laugh; diving (School of Hotel Administration). Spouse.a Patricia L. McCabe, University. Spouse.-Pamela C. McGuire B.A. Vassar, M.S.U.P. Housewife. ChI'Jdren.I Dawn 7-12-77; David, 7-12-77; Jack,10- Columbia University, J.D. Columbia University. CJ]jJdren.a headflrSt Off Of a Dicksen wall into a snowdrift.) 26-79. AfrI'jI'afI'OnS & Actr'vifI'eS.I Boards of Directors - Chamber From Sue Okin, an image of sophistication and Laurel L. McGuire -Rye Country Day School; Christopher C. of Commerce; PA-Dutch Convention and Visitors Bureau McGlire - Rye Country Day School. grace (walking down the streets of New York at (Treasurer). Thanksgiving.) From Mavis Bunker, an image of daring and courage (of conviction; of rafting down the Colorado; of fire-watching a National Forest.) From Bill Forbes, that soccer is much more exciting and interesting than football. ("Chances are ... ") From Sandra Ford and Marsha Mann, that Psychology must be interesting. From Alan Klein, how to smoke a pipe and look sane while majoring in Chemistry. From Marti Spangenberg and Sue Kelsey, how to stay composed when everything seems to be flying apart. From Susan Axelrod, that having a friend to laugh with helps just about everything; and from Sue and Peter Lemkin, that a loving, Terence McGlashan Frances McKenzie steady man is a boon. From Judy Press, how to 20 Sieada St. PO Box 92325 get and stay organized. From Todd Williams, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.12866 Rochester, N.Y. 14692 how to stay rational when your lab pal-tner has Home.. (518) 584-6988 Home.. (716) 473-7888 just wiped out your quantitative analysis. (This generalizes to other disasters as well.) From OccuparI'On.a President, CAP Inc. CorneJJ Major.I Biology ComelI Major.® French (Arts a Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- Karen Burke, that in general, solving the (Agr.). CfrI'Jdren.I Amy, 6-14-68, Skidmore '90; Lee, 6-9-7l, MBA at UNC - Chapel Hill. CThI'jdren.I Kevin Newman, 4/3/70, Univ. of New Hampshire '93. Comell College of Engineering - Computer Science. problems of life is J]Of like SOlving the problems of p. Chem.; but for both, talking them through with a good friend helps. Am I the only one in the Class of 967 who still Thanks! hasrl't 66made it" yet? And by that I mean established at least a middle-class lifestyle and a career with upward mobility? I hope I'm not the only one still searching for the answers ... My life adventures since June 1967-. Married 1968; son Kevin Newman born 1970; separated 1974; divorced 1976. Still single, still looklng. Back to graduate school in 1975 at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. MBA degr3e in 1977. Laid off after six weeks on my Lawrence McGuinn first professional job. Tried my luck in Chicagoland; worked for Brunswick Corporation 8532 Hardscrabble Road and Moore Business Forms. Westfield, N.Y.14787-0218 1Sl82 retumed to Ithaca to work for NCR. 1984 Cordon Mayo Home.. (716) 326-4408 laid off again. MBA career derailed due to 139 Horizon View Drive deci!;ion to stay in Ithaca to get son through local Occupafjon.- Viticulturlst, Lln-Ary Vineyards. CorneJJ Major.- East Greenbush, N.Y. 12061 Pre-Vet. (Agriculture). Spouse.I Linda - Guidance Secretary at high school.1985-1987 the lean years. Sold Home.. (518) 477-4025 WACS. ChjJdren.-Heather I-1-74; Heidi 9-17-75 both at house and moved into a rented trailer. OffI'Ce.. (518) 457-6410 Westfield Academy & Central School classes of '92 & '93. 1988 finally reconnected with an MBA-type AffJ-Jjafjons & Actr'vI'fI'eS.I Corp. Secretary - Westfield Maid Corp, Inc. Chairman of ZBA town of Westfield. job ,lt Emerson Poiwer Transmission (Ithaca). Occupafjon.- Administrative Law Judge, NYS Public Paid bills. Employment Relations Bd. ComeJJ Major.a (I & LR). Advanced 1990 left EPT for job at WSKG-Binghamton Degrees.-J.D., Albany Law School. Spouse.I Margarita, University of Albany, 1971, Govemmental Affairs. CThjJdrefl.I (PBS). Very bad timing. State budget cuts put me Kristin,ll/29/68; Keny, 9/23/79; Erin, 8/31/81.

141 back on the street again. As of this writing, still Cornell hockey team. We try for speed, lots of create a dancing/singing meditation that gives me unemployed and job hunting in Rochester. passing, and keep the offensive pressure on. a sense of peace and the universal aspiration for Anything good happen? Son Kevin is pursuing My interest in children and community also peace and connectedness underlying all the his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at brought me into the school business. I began by world9s religions and peoples. Cornell9s College of Engineering -a dean9s list serving on citizen study groups for various issues I love to play with my children, help them student, working for BELCOR on the Co-op and later was asked to manage a school tax levy grow, enjoy their laughter, bear their orneriness. program, already involved in original research. campaign. For the past two years I have been an Quite a guy! elected member of the local school board and this Since taking television production training in has been a tremendous experience. It is very 1987 at CABLE l3, Ithaca's Community Access unfortunate that the U.S. education system has Studio, I produced 95 programs and won the received so much bad press recently because locally coveted Award for Cablecasting there are many school districts that are doing an Excellence four years in a row (1988,1989, excellent job of educating their children. Since 1990,1991). Many of my productions have been many of these are small suburban districts, their screened and cablecast throughout New York successes do not get the same level of publicity state. Made the front cover of Jthaca JoumaJ Our as the large urban districts with problems. I am Town section as famous local videographer. continually encouraged by the dedication and Currently contributing articles to the FreeJance innovation of the staff and students of our district ScreenwrI-fer9s FORUM newsletter and working and it gives me real hope for the future. on the Great American Screenplay. George E. McWeeney, Jr. 9 Big Pines Road Westport, Conn. 06880 Home.. (203) 226-4611 OffI'Ce.. (203) 876-8497

Oc'cupar,on.a Presldent. McWeeney Marketlng Group. ComeJ/ Major.-Soclology (Arts & Sclences). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MBA Comell. '69. Spouse.I Lucinda Jackson McWeeney, Comell HE '68; Yale -Masters/PHD, Archeology. Chl'/dren.I Shannon,

l969, Goucher College '9l; Megan. l972, Bucknell 995; Brendan, Staples Hlgh School, l976. AffJ/,af,OJ]S & Acfjv,rjes.a Local Coach -Basketball, Baseball.

Richard McMurtry John McManus 2214 Stuart Street 685 Buff Ct. Berkeley, Calif. 94705 Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Home.. (510) 549-1451 Home.. (513) 522-9156 Off]'ce.. (510) 464-0432 OffI'Ce.. (513) 634-5293 Occuparjon.I Englneer, Regional Water Board. Come/I Major.a OccupafJ'OJ].- Section Head, Cost Engineering Dept., Procter & Civil Engineering (Engineering). Spouse.' Sabina Stock, Univ. Gamble. Come// Major.I Civil Engr. (Engineering). Advanced of Califomia, Berkeley '68. ChI'Jdren.a Jacob, b.1977; Claire, b. Degrees.I MCE - Cornell, JD - Northern Kentucky Univ. 198l. AffJ'JjafI'OJ]S & Acfjvl'fjes.-Executive Director, Home and Spouse.' Nancy Sanger, Univ. of Cincinnati 1967 (BEA). School; Environments for Leaming, a parent created non-profit ChjJdren.I Patrick, lO/26/76; Andrew, 9/12/78. Both in committed to educational reform. Honors.- John McMurtry and Finneytown -Jr. High School. Affl'JJar,®OJ]S & AcfjvjfI'eS.I the American Indian: A Frontiersman in the Struggle for the Member, American Association of Cost Engineers, Professional Ohio Valley,1981, Current Issues Publications. Engineer - Ohio; Vice President - Finneytown School District Sally Shoo]man Mechur Board of Educatlon. Honors.I AACE Transactions l978 - The passions of my life have been politics, 167 Council Rock Ave. Liabllity Concems for Cost Engineers. religion, dance, nature, sex and my children. Rochester, N.Y.14610 Comel1, especially Vietnam, tumed my world When I left Comell with my MCE in 1968, I Home.. (716) 442-7745 upside down. I left Ithaca committed to the chose Procter & Gamble as an employer because OffI'Ce.. (716) 248-3610 notion that basic political and economic change it offered diverse career opportunities. I have not was needed if we were to have a decent society. Oc'cupafI®On.- School Administrator, Penfield Central Schor `1s. been disappointed. So far I have enjoyed careers Later in Berkeley, I became convinced that ComeJJ Major.I Child Development (Home Ec.). Advan .`ed in Civil Engineering, Project Engineering, and similarly basic changes were needed in gender Degrees.I MS SUNY Brockport. Spouse.- Robert Mecl, ur, Cost Engineering. Although most of my time has Cornell, Arts '65, Attorney. Chl'JdreJ].-Melinda, 4/25/7 5, roles, in awareness of our unconscious, in our been spent in Cincinnati, I have enjoyed a two Brlghton H.S. Class of l993; Any, 2/25/78, Brighton Middle `L relationships to the natural world. I also School. ,I year assignment in Brussels, Belgium and many discovered the power inherent in religious and business travel experiences. My current mythological metaphor based, not on dogma or When I left Comell in 1967, I would not have assignment involves a great deal of consulting, social control, but on the natural world and been able to imagine myself in the year 1992. coaching, and training, both of new engineers in human psychology. Twenty-four years have passed, which is more my organization and in related organizations in Now I'm trying to apply my engineering skills North and South America. years than I had lived up until our graduation day. to the tasks of political and social change. I'm But the years have flown, and have held many I believe that we must give back to our trying to build a local movement for restructuring more positive than negative experiences for me. I community just as we take from it. This belief the public schools that once successful can go on has led me to some very enjoyable activities and guess, then, that I have indeed been blessed in to work to assure that the needs of families are many Ways. relationships. The largest fall sport for children in met. This means creating new institutions that After graduation, I went directly to graduate our community is soccer. After several years of can effectively address the economic and social school so that I could join the ranks of the watching my sons play, I decided it was time to problems that are having such a devastating be a coach. Although I never played soccer I have gainfully employed. When I began my search for impact on schools. a teaching job in 1968, I was instantly successful, enjoyed coaching it. My coaching philosophy I love to dance and sing with Peaceworks. not because of a proven track record as a was to model the team after a Ned Harkness They take phrases from the world9s religions, and educator, but rather because schools needed all

142 the warm bodies they could get. How different the-Year Merit Award (for design) from years raising the boys and being an active the first job search is for graduates in 1992! Veterinary Economics Magazine. Now, the volunte¬',r for many organizations. I still managed During the summer of 1968, Bob Mechur and I practice has thirty eight employees, three to find :ime to learn to ski and play bridge and were married. We set up our household in New veterinary specialists (surgeon, radiologist, and tennis al|1 of which I still love to do. York City where Bob was to start practicing law, dermatologist) and three general practitioners. My sDn Matthew went all through high school and we dealt daily with the trauma of the draft Regretfully, I don9t practice anymore. We needed saying le Wanted tO make movies and iS now in and the Vietnam War. an administrator to oversee the hospital and its film school at Northwestern University. Andy is a After three years in NYC, and some wonderful two branch offices. That's what I do now. I also sophomore in high school and wants to be a European travels, we moved to Rochester, N.Y., lecture on Veterinary Business Management and journalist or write the great American novel, where we still reside. Our lives are busy with four do consulting. whichever comes first. hectic schedules of four individuals who rarely My daughter Jocelyn is nineteen. She is an I went back to work 4 years ago and am now stand still. My long-time interest in gifted exchange student at Kansai Gaida University in the co,JrdinatOr for the Soviet resettlement children has led me to work in that area of the Osaka, Japan. Her major is International prograrl for the Syracuse Jewish Family Service. schools for many years, first as a teacher, and Business. My son, Ned, is seventeen and attends We have settled over 100 people and the program currently as chairman of the gifted department for a private residential school in Pennsylvania. It continues to be very demanding and rewarding. I a medium-sized suburban school district. In doesn9t appear that either will go to Cornell. My still find time to do volunteer work as well as addition, I am also an assistant principal in a family has nine Cornell Degrees going back to trying to enjoy life to the fullest. We love to middle school of over 1000 students. Bob is the 1934. I hope the next generation will represent us travel ¬nd do so often. We also go to Canada in managing partner of the law firm of Underberg again. the sulnmer tO enjoy Our Summer home On a and Kessler, as well as being active in a variety Now that the children are away, I busy myself beautiful lake on the Rideau Canal. My life is of community interests. Our daughters are both in my spare time playing amateur golf always busy and I seem to need extra hours teem-agers now, and provide us with constant tournaments and studying French. After playing everyd:ly to do all that I want to do, but I really challenges and joys. Melinda is a junior in high on the Cornell team through 1967, I set my clubs enjoy this hectic pace. Age may force me to slow school and very interested in the study of aside to pursue family and career goals. My down, but hopefully that won't be for a long, psychology; Cornell is high on her list of passion for golf never waned, and I9m delighted long time. prospective schools. Amy loves math and to be playing competitively again. science, and would love to use them in a technological field in the future. It would be wonderful to continue our Cornell connection through our children.

George Mendelson Toni Forman Meltzer 4612 Sunflower Drive 7807 Clearwater Circle Rockville, Md. 20853 Manlius, N.Y.13104 Home.. (301) 929-1395 Home.. (315) 682-7541 OffI'Ce.. (301) 424-8115 Lloyd Meisels OffI'Ce.. (315) 445-0820 11170 NW 5th Manor OccuparI'On.I Lawyer -College Prof., UnlV. Of Maryland. Coral Springs, Fla. 33071 OccupafI'OJ].-Coordinator: Resettlement Program, Syracuse CormeJJ Major.I Govt. (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I J.D. Univ. of Jewish Family Service. CormejJ Major.I Child Development Michigan; LLM NYU. SpoLISe.I Merry Runsdorf, Cornell '68; Home.. (305) 344-8409 The American Univ. Awards & Fellowships Director, (Home Ec.). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MEd - Tufts University. OffI'Ce.. (305) 753-1800 Spouse.-Jeffrey - St. Lawrence 1967, Periodontist (Also Tufts Academic Advisor. ChI'Jdren.I Jessica, I 1/70, American Univ. DMD,1971, Northwestern 1974). Chj/dren.I Matthew, 1992; Michael,1/72, Comell, l993 (May transfer to Stanford). Occupafjon.a Veterinarian, Coral Springs Animal Hospital. ll/13/72, Northwestern 1994; Andrew, 7/24/76. Honors.I CormejJ Major.' Physiology (BiologyITlfe Sciences). Advanced Comell Ambassador Network, Bd. of Trustees for local temple, In 25 lines -or less - I am supposed to relate Degrees.I D.V.M. Cornel11971. Spouse.-Divorced. ChjJdren.- volunteer for the elderly. ctwhat's been important to (me) over the last 24 ]oceLyn 5/+S/72', Ned, 7/11n4. Af£iliations & Activities.® years.I ' One line per year. Not bad. Well, here Broward County Veterinary Assoc. Continuing Education It hardly seems possible that 25 years have Director. President Pet Emergency Centers 1984-1987. goes: Member, American Animal Hospital Association. HoJ]OrS.- passed since we left Cornell. Like everyone else Merry. Jessica. Michael. My in-laws. Charlie, Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Merit Award 1987. these years have been incredibly eventful. Yoshi and Suzie (our dogs). CAU. Being a Trends Magazine -Veterinary Practice of the Month,1990. I left Ithaca and headed for Boston where I prosecutor. Teaching. received a MEd from Tufts University. While I grew up once and didn't like it much; so I'm After graduating in 1967, I spent four more there I met my husband Jeff, who was a freshman trying very hard to regress. years at Cornell getting my Veterinary Degree. In dental student at Tufts. We were married in the As with so many lawyers nowadays, my 1971, it was out into the "real world". I took a summer of 1968 and I embarked on my teaching professional career is less than completely position as staff veterinarian at North Shore career in Sudbury, Mass. After four years in satisfying. The principal cause of my Animal Hospital in Bayside, N.Y. I learned so Boston we moved for one year to Washington, dissatisfaction is the selfish, win-at-any-cost much there, but the hectic pace in New York D.C. After a great time there we moved to attitude of too many lawyers and clients. City, and the unbearable weather pointed me in another terrific city, Chicago so that Jeff could Accot.'dingly, I am reorienting myself toward the direction of sunny Florida. After two years of continue school. Our first son, Matthew, was teaching. The area I am most interested in is practice in South Miami, I moved my family born there shortly after our arrival in 1972. We ethi:s and the practical application of moral forty miles north to Coral Springs (then, a brand left Chicago after 2 years and settled in Syracuse, new city). I built my own animal hospital in phil.osophy to everyday business and professional N.Y. (Jeff's hometown) where Jeff began a life. I look forward to the day when the original Coral Springs in 1976. Five years ago, we moved practice in Periodontics. Our second son, version of The Golden Rule resumes its proper into a new building which won the Hospital-of- Andrew7 Was born in 1976. I spent the next ll place of prominence in our culture and replaces

143 the current version -66He who has the Gold Corp, custom service specialist. ChI'Jdren.I Jennifer, 5/9/77, freshman -Mt. Anthony Union High School; Matthew, 9/16/78, rules." 8th grade, Mt. Anthony Union Junior High. AffjjI'afI'OnS & On a less somber note, Alumnus Number Acfj'vifI'eS.- Member of N.Y.S. & Am. Federation of Teachers 090697 enjoys travel, swimming, losing to his and N.Y.S. Home Ec. Teachers Assoc. son at tennis and racquet ball, bicycling, running with his two Akitas, reading, movies, After graduating from Cornel1, I took the Washington, DC, good food and good times; not opportunity of working in Boston in a training necessarily in that order. program with Jordan Marsh. I found the work to be fun and exciting. Boston was a wonderful place for a small town girl to get her first real taste of career life. After the realities of retailing caught up with Bonnie Aaron Mervis me, I decided to get my Master9s degree in 1075 Melvin Dr. education and pursue a career in teachir:Jg. That has been a good decision for me because it has Highland Park, Ill. 60035 Home.. (708) 432-1663 proven to be varied enough and always challenging. With the exception of a nine-year, Office.. (708) 432-9257 child-rearing break, I have been working in the education field since 1968. Occupaf1'On.I Social Worker, School Dist #107 plus private The most important aspect of my life is my practice. ComeJJ Major.I Child Development (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.- MA in social work from U of Chicago family. I've been married to a wonderful, kind, currently working on PhD from Institute For Clinical Social Duane Ralph MerriII and romantic man for over twenty years. He is Work. Spouse.-Charles Mervis, Attomey, Amherst 1963, BA & the mainstay of my life. Together, we have put R.D. #1, Box 56A Loyola JD 1967. CHjJdren.I Aaron, 1976, Highland Park High School; Jessica, 1978, Edgewood Jr. High. our energy and our efforts into raising our two Walton, N.Y.13856 children, Jennifer,14 years old, and Matt,13 Home.. (607) 865-5283 years old. We have been involved in supporting them in sporting events, music, dance, academies, Occupafjon.a Farmer (Beef, Crop); Worked briefly for New Holland Mach. CorneJJ Major.- Agr, Eng. (Agr.). Spouse.a and other social activities. We both have busy, Margaret (Peg) '69 Muhlenburg College. Chj'jdren.a All three successful careers, but feel that our main purpose were class valedictorians at Walton Central. AffjJjafI'OnS & is to help our children develop and grow to be all Acfjvjfjes.-Charter Pres. Walton Jaycees, Member W.C.S. that they can be. We have been fortunate in that School Board - 15 years (Pres. 5, V.P. 5). Am now local town we've been able to spend so much time with justice. them doing family-oriented activities. I have always felt that my experiences at Comell have helped to make me the person I am today. It is our hope that one or both of our children will decide to attend Cornell also. Richard A. Mescon 81 Sawmill Lane Greenwich, Conn. 06830 Home.. (203) 622-1859 OffI'Ce.. (212) 309-6164

Occupafjon.a Attorney, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. CorJ]e/I Major.a Philosophy (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I J.D. Columbia Katherine Klippert Merseth Law School 1972. Spouse.a Veronica Day Mescon, SUNY Plattsburgh, Homemaker, Photographer. ChjJdren.- Andrew, 68 Farmcrest Ave. I/27/78; David, 8/3/82', Hannah, 4/16/89. Lexington, Mass. 02173 OffI'Ce.. (617) 496-4812

Occupafjon.-Educator, Harvard University. CormeJJ Major.a Karen Giventer Michelson Mathematics (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I MAT 2810 Invemess Drive Harvard; MA Boston College; PhD Harvard. Spouse.I Gale D. Merseth, Harvard 1967; Business School Dean. ChjJdren.I La Jolla, Calif. 92037 Andrew 9/17/78, 8th grade Lexington Public Schools; Home.. (619) 457-1938 Katherine 10/l6/81, 4th grade Lexington Public Schools.

OccupafI®On.a Mother/Volunteer. ComeJJ Major.I English (Arts & Two things have consistently and constantly Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- M.A.T. Johns Hopkins. Spouse.I been important to me in the last 24 years: a deep Joseph Michelson -B.A. Johns Hopkins, M.D. Univ. of Rochester; Ophthalmologist/Retina & Uveitis Specialist - commitment to the improvement of K-12 and Scripps Clinic -La Jolla. CThjJcJJlen.-Kerith, 9-22-72, Comel1 '94 higher education in the United States. In the K-12 (Arts & Sciences); Seth, lO-lO-75, La Jolla High '93; Matthew, area, my interests reside in mathematics 9-30-79, La Jolla Country Day School, 6th grade. Affl'JI'atr'OnS education curriculum development, teacher Linda McMahon Meskun & AcfjvI'fjeS.a La Jolla Dinner Dance; San Diego Assembly; Pres. and many other offices of Parent's Assoc. (2 schools) (lots development and school reform. As a professor in RR#1 Box 509 of fun!). Chmn. -Scholarship Foundation La Jolla High; an institution of higher education, I am Shaftsbury, Vt. 05262 Children's Home Society (V.P. etc). Honors.a Comell Secondary committed to improving the quality of graduate Home.. (802) 442-2224 School Committee, past member of educational honorary education - particular for teachers and school society. OffI'Ce.. (518) 686-7321 administrators.

The second thing that has been important to me OccupafI'On.- Home Economics Teacher, Hoosick Falls Central is my family. The strength, courage and support School. ComeJJ Major.I Textiles & Clothing (Human Ecology). that I derive from them has been the single most Advanced Degrees.- M.S. in Ed. Westem Conn. State. SpoLJSC.- James Meskun, Vietnam Vet, US Marine Corp. 22 yr. Xerox important aspect of my last 24 years.

144 told me about an opening in a Veterans program had our first daughter in 1975, while Karen was at South Central Community College in New in the process of getting her M.A. at Hunter. Our Haven. I was hired and two years later moved second daughter arrived in 1979. In 1984, I into my present position - a job that has offered became a partner and shortly thereafter, we were new challenges each year. Working in a sent to Hong Kong to open an offlCe. The posting community college has been rewarding. I meet lasted nearly five years, and it came to an end with people from every segment of the when optimism about Hong Kong and China community, including people forced out of work vanished along with the hopes of the by injury, women looking to get off welfare, as demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in 1989. well as students out of high school and a Comell We are now back on Long Island, where I have graduate taking computer classes. started a company that mediates disputes in the The summer I moved to New Haven I met my shipping industry. After sixteen years of A. Michael Mihaly wife, Susan Bradley. We have been married for managing litigation and seeing how Asian Rt.1, Box 124AA 17 years, and have a daughter, Katharine, who is societies do very well on the whole without it, it Markesan, Wis. 53946 now nine years old. We have juggled our jobs, has become clear to me that there is a better way Home.. (414) 748-5445 alternating stints in school, and bringing up our to resolve disputes. Thus, I am now devoting full daughter. I look forward to returning to Cornell OffI'Ce.. (414) 748-7498 time to promoting Alternative Dispute with them. Resolution. If anyone can give me some tips on Occupafjon.- President, Hospitality Unlimited, Inc. Cornejj mediating disputes between two teenage Major.a (School of Hotel Adm.) Spouse.- Penny, Wheaton daughters, however, please write. College (IL) 1965; V.P. Hospitality Unlimited Inc. CmJdren.a Matthew, 6/21/72, Cornell U. (Arts & Sciences) '94; Peter, 9/13/74, deceased 10/18/87.

Howard Miller Box 692 Plandome, N.Y.11030 Kathia Sloughter Miller OffI'Ce.. (516) 484-3949 520 Murex Drive Robert Miles Naples, Fla. 33940 OccupafI'On.I President, Marine Mediation Service, Inc. CormejJ Home.. (813) 262-0853 101 Hubinger St. Major.a Economics (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I J.D., Comell '74. Spouse.I Karen (Morgan), BFA, Comell '68; MA, New Haven, Conn. 06511 OccupafI'Om.' English Composition instructor, Edison Hunter '76; Teacher. Ch]'Jdren.-Elaine, 1975;.Kristin, 1979. Community College. ComeJJ Major.® English (Arts & Sciences). Home.. (203) 389-6416 AffJ'Jjafjons & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.I American Bar Association, NY State Advaflced Degrees.- M.A.T. Brown University. SpoLISe.a Allen Bar Association, Maritime Law Association; Fellow, Chartered Office.. (203) 789-7033 Miller; Union College, 1967; Johns Hopkins University, l968; Institute of Arbitrators. Honors.-Author, c6Consolidated Arbitration" in Intemational Business Lawyer, March, 1986; physics teacher. ChjJdren.I Paula, 1968, University of OccupafI'On.- College Career Counselor, South Central c6Maritime Arbitration in Hong Kong," Tulane Maritime Law Richmond,1991; Zachary,1973, Duke University,1995', Lynn, Community College, New Haven, Conn. CorneJJ Major.I l977. AffiJjafI'OnS & AcfI'vifI'eS.a Parent & Childbirth Education Joumal, Spring l990. Govemment (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- M.S., 6th Assoc. of Collier County - President, Chairman of the Board year from Southem Conn. State Univ. Spouse.- Susan Bradley of Directors, Director of Instructors. Miles, Baypath Jr. College 968, Southem Conn. State Univ. '78; We all graduated on June 12, 1967. That was Medical Practice Assistant. ChjJdren.a Katharine, 8/20/82. also the day I was commissioned in the Navy, AffI'jjaf]'OnS & Actr'vifI'eS.a National Certified Counselor, State & The Reunion Yearbook comes at a perfect time National Association for Counseling & Development. Board of and three days later Karen and I were married. It for me because, believe it or not, I9m currently Trustees, Cold Spring Elementary School (New Haven). was a memorable 72 hours. After a brief writing a book titled EI'gfrf Ways fo Impress your honeymoon, I sailed off over the horizon while Former Classmates at Your Twenty-filfth College As a career counselor at a community college, Karen finished her BFA degree. The Navy gave Reum'oJ]. Here are some excerpts: I teach a Career Planning course in which me three things that have affected my subsequent 1. After Cornell I was nominated for the Nobel students look at their life experiences. Even so, I years: a love of the sea, a desire for foreign Prize in medicine. (Actually I enjoyed the have had to think about the past 24 years for a travel, and GI Bill benefits with which to go to rewards of teaching Lamaze to expectant couples couple of weeks before sitting down t'o write. law school. and of helping women through labor and Within two months after graduation I was in Comell was kind enough to take me back for delivery.) the Army, having decided to enlist in Military law school, but Comell was a different place after 2. I've been hired to replace the Heartbreakers9 Intelligence. I spent a year in Vietnam essentially it nearly self-destructed in 1969-1970. The drummer on their next world tour. (Actually I out of personal danger. During the following long difference seemed as wide as the difference play drums in my husband's amateur rock band.) year at Fort Bragg, N.C., I thought about the between Kennedy and Nixon, but perhaps only 3. My new diet/fitness videotape is outselling people at Cornell who had helped me when I my perception was altered by the fact that I was Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda. (In reality my transferred out of Engineering into Arts & now 25, married, free of The Draft, and no longer gourmet club friends and I consume 5-course Sciences. With this experience in mind I applied sure I wanted to try to change the world. I was meals with 13 different wines and try to work it to and was accepted into the College Student finally free to enjoy the diverse opportunities of all off in aerobics.) . Personnel Administration program in the School the Cornell community, with no worries other 4. I9ll be the Master of Ceremonies at the 1993 of Education at Cornell. The two years in than where I was going to get a job. It was an Academy Awards. (Actually I'm the Dungeon graduate school were a difficult time, but experience all of our class should have had. Master for my son's Dungeons & Dragons experience as a Resident Advisor confirmed my I began work in maritime law as an associate game.) interest in counseling college students. with Haight, Gardner, Poor & Havens in New 5. I hold the Gujnness Bock record for having A Cornell friend attending Yale Law School York in 1974, and we settled on Long Island. We breastfed my third child for ll years. (In reality it

145 was only four years, but it seemed like forever to medical school and residency as a blacksmith - Nazareth College in Special Education. I me.) farrier. currently teach in an Early Childhood Magnet 6. You've heard the expression 66It went over Last July I finished 3 years as the chief of School, am involved professionally in several like a pregnant pole vaulter." Well, I did it: I was orthopaedic surgery at Grady Memorial Hospital, educational organizations, and participate in a 8 months pregnant when I won the 1976 Olympic where I was the orthopaedic surgeon general for leadership role in the development of new gold medal in pole vaulting. (Actually I was 2 the Atlantic drug war. I9m taking a breather now, assessment strategies for elementary students. months pregnant, playing softball for the county in a private practice, trying to figure out racist On the personallevel, I married Norman women9s league, when I hit a triple, was coming America, and what a flea-headed liberal can do (Indiana University 964), in 1971. Michael was into third base and heard my coach yell, 66Slide, about it. delivered bv/ Dr. Steve Polansky '67, in 1973, and slide.'') Richard came along in 1975. In addition to 7. I edit Pulitzer Prize-winning manuscripts for working, I participated (and continue to do so) in a large publishing house. (In reality I teach all of the boys9 activities -chauffeur, room writing courses at the local community college mother, PTA officer, volunteer, etc. After school and put up with such student-composed sentences and during the summer I can be found at soccer as c6Thomas Hardy was bed-ridden with a series games, swim meets, cross country and track of international hemorrhages'9 and 6 6After having events and baseball games. I enjoy playing tennis sex you don7t give a damn about anything.I') and working (?) out at Nautilus. I9ve done this for 8. I divide my time between my villa in Monte years, but am still waiting for results. We are Carlo and my chalet in Aspen. (Actually I live very family oriented, have taken many trips over among the palms and tropical lights of Southwest the years, and now enjoy our condominium in Florida and wish I were closer to Ithaca.) Sarasota, Fla., where we hope to retire (hey, I'm not that old YET). Susan Jossem Mitloff My involvement in Cornell has remained consistent. In addition to sharing Cornell 90 Beckwith Terrace experiences with extended family who have Rochester, N.Y.14610 attended, we return for homecoming and Home.. (716) 442-4375 graduations. Both Mike and Rick have expressed OffI'Ce.. (716) 654-5060 interest in Cornell. I have been an active member of Rochester's Cornell Alumni Association, OcclJPafJ'On.I Teacher, Rochester City School District. Come/I having served as Scholarship Chairperson, Major.-Child Developmentffamily Relations (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.' MS Ed. Bank St. College of Education, CAAN member, and Board Member. Through NYC; MS in Special Ed. Nazareth College, Rochester. Spouse.' the organization, I have met many wonderful Norman Mitloff, Indiana Unlv '64; American Univ. MPA '66-, friends from all age levels. Govemment Administrator, City of Rochester, N.Y. ChJ'Jdren.a As our 25th Reunion approaches, I feel very Michael Davld, 1 I/27/73, East High 1992; Richard Adam, Michael E. Miller 8/6/75, East High l993. Affl'/JafjOnS & AcrI'VJfjeS.I Cornell much alive and energized, grateful for the Alumnl Assoc. of Greater Rochester (Board Member, CAAN, education and experiences behind me, and 804 Edgewood Ave. Scholarship Chalr.); Rochester Teachers Assoc.; Early challenged by what lies ahead. I see my life as a Atlanta, Ga. 30307 Childhood Magnet School-Based Planning Team; Midtown Tennis Club. garden - firm roots and perennials planted long Home.. (404) 525-8831 ago, as well as a variety of annuals which have OffI'Ce.. (404) 847-9999 When I reflect on the past 29 years since I come and gone. As I look forward to June 992, I entered Cornell, I am amazed at the varied, remember many of you. I hope that you will Occupafjon.I Orthopaedic Surgeon, Resurgens Orthopaedics. remember me. Col-nell Major.' HLstory (Arts & Sciences)Advanced Degrees: unusual and interesting experiences I have had - MD, Unlv. of Rochester l976. Spouse.a Sylvia, U. of Alabama most of which have some connection to the 1978. university. Professionally, I have come 66full circle", in that my original goal in majoring in I have two clear and conflicting memories of Child Development was to become an early my involvement at Cornell in the 1960's: The childhood teacher. After receiving my MS Ed. wonderful intellectual stimulation and growth of degree from Bank St. College of Education, I studying and learning with others who were taught in Rochester's "inner city" for 4 years. I committed to scholarship, and personal changes quickly moved on to administrative positions as a that I experienced; The pitiful ineptitude of the day care center director, followed by the brain-dead cryptofascists who ran the University directorship of the Early Childhood Department administration in dealing with the political and of the Jewish Community Center of Greater social changes which overwhelmed all of us. On Rochester. Although I thought I would follow a the one hand, the unforgettable experience of 6 6traditiona1' 9 role of retirement after my children studying with David Brion Davis, Allen Bloom, were born, I continued to teach part-time in early Nancy Huxtable Mohr Walter LaFeber and their peers, and on the other childhood until 1979,when my father asked my 399 Stevick Drive the activities of Proctor George and his faithful sister, Toby Jossem Silverman (Hum. Ec. '60) Atherton, Calif. 94027 stooge, James Herson. and me to help him run a family-owned The best of it - the learning, writing Home.. (415) 854-5242 pharmaceutical company. Needing a break from 6Clittle people", I accepted. Upon Dad9s death in (occasionally) for the Sun, playing bass trombone Occ`upafJOn.-Wnter. Arts Administrator, Self-employed. CormeJJ for the modest and genial Karel Husa's orchestra, 1981, Toby and I, along with long distance legal Major.a Textiles & Clothing (Human Ecology). Advanced training over ice and snow with Peter Lewin and and business advice from our brother, Jared Degrees.a Masters in Art Administration, Golden Gate University, Sam Francisco. Spouse.I Lawrence Mohr (Larry), Larry Kuser, trying to get ready for the spring Jossem (ILR '64), who is an attorney in bicycle racing season. The worst of it - the Cornell '66 (Engineer), Stanford (M.S., M.B.A. 67, 70). Honolulu, continued to market and manufacture ChjJdren.a Hope, 10/29/71, Menlo School '89, Yale UnlVerSity '93; Sarah,1/21/74, Menlo School 792. Affi'JI'afI'OnS & constant, growing presence of the Vietnam War MOSCO Corn and Callus Remover, until 1985, for all of us. I told the draft board that I would when we sold the company to a larger concern. Acrj-v]tr'es.a Sam Francisco Ballet (Trustee & Executive Comm.); Junior Leagues of Sam Francisco & Palo Alto; Community accept a 1-0 conscientious objector status, or go Since teaching was my first love, I was able to to jail. They decided not to send me to jail. After School of Music & Art; Where can I say I survived a obtain a position once again with Rochester's Triathalon. two years as a CO, I learned to show horses, and most 66at risk" children. After 5 years of part for the next 12 years, paid my way through time study, I received an additional degree from I am glad to see that after 24 years, the

146 question is not whether you9ve made a million, Cornell Lightweight Crew at the Henley Regatta. stayed in the same town, but c6what's been The races were great and crew won the Thames important". I am sure that change has been a Cup. The remainder of the year was spent constant fact of life for everyone, as it has for me. studying Landscape Architecture at the In fact, I have felt incredibly lucky to have so University of Edinburgh (6 months) and travel many - lots of incentives for growth, Cornell was and study of Landscape Design throughout the first BIG change in my life and I7ve been Europe. After returning home, I was drafted into lucky ever since. I married a great guy, (Larry the Army and spent almost 2 years in Vietnam in Mohr '66) right after graduation, made my the Construction Engineers. wedding dress and that was the last time I used In 1973, I packed all my worldly possessions my Textiles major! I worked as a social worker in the back of my trusty VW Squareback, bicycle, for 4 years, we moved from the East Coast to the drafting table and all leaving New York for West Coast, discovered the joys of California and Southern California. For two years I learned the Michael Moore never wanted to leave. We lived in Sam Francisco Surveying and Subdivision business along with a 5606 E. Galbraith Rd. for 14 years and then moved to Atherton near quick lesson on the California Freeway System. Cincinnati, Ohio. 45236 Palo Alto. I9ve been blessed with two wonderful Then on December 31,1974 I met my lovely daughters, Hope (19) and Sarah (17) who have wife MaryAnn at a Sierra Club New Year9s Occupa£I'On.' Chief Operations Officer, Hook-Super X Inc. taught me the importance of hanging on and also Party. We laughed and danced all night long and Comell Major.-Psychology (Arts). Advanced Degrees.-MBA. letting go. Even though I have sometimes stopped still argue over who saw whom first. Cornell. ChjJdren.I Amanda, 4/18/70, Cornell '92; Gregory, 9/lO/71, Tulane '93. to raise children, follow Larry in a job change, or In 1975 I returned to school at Gal State, Los go off on assorted tangents, I have stayed Angeles and received my Masters Degree in involved with the arts as a volunteer, participant, Educational Counseling in 1977, the year and working for three years at an Art and Music MaryAnn and I were married. School. Recently, poetry has been another great Since 1977, I have continued in the source ofjoy. California has been a great place to Subdivision Engineering field as a Survey and explore interests such as sports, travel, nature Subdivision Analyst. Otherwise, MaryAnn and I (Yosemite especially), restoring old houses lead a quiet life enjoying our home with our two (before and after earthquakes) and cooking Fox Terriers, Valentine and Valentino and (considered an art form in California). There is traveling whenever we have the chance. We have something about Cornell that makes for lifetime returned to many of the places I had previously friendships. Old roommates, sorority sisters and visited in England, Germany, Italy and France assorted Bay Area Cornellians are among my along with a wonderful trip to Israel. best friends, (not to mention Larry). Maybe in those long winters, we discovered important Thomas R. Moore things we continue to find in our friends ... like 39 Kinross Drive old war buddies, you don't have to explain much. Sam Rafae1, Calif. 94901 As more changes occur, like daughters leaving Home.. (415) 456-9838 the nest, I hope to continue to enjoy my family Offi'ce.. (415) 894-4775 and friends, love California, take more risks and keep body and soul together. In short, to continue Occupafjon.- Vice President, Cheuren Shipping Company. Col-nell Major.' Chem Eng. (Engineerir\g). Advanced Degrees: what started at Cornell. M. Eng. (Chem) '68, Comell. Spouse.I Susan Moore, DePauw University '67. CfrjJdren.-Christopher Moore, 9/21/71, Univ. Calif. Sam Diego,1993; Dana Moore,12/26/73, San Rafael High School,1992. AffJ'Jjatr'ons & Actr'vifI'eS.a Boating, Travel.

John R. Moore 106 Ball Road Mountain Lakes, N.J. 07046 Home.. (201) 334-3967

OccupafI'On.I Vice President, The CIT Group. CorJ]eJJ Major.- Economics (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I MBA, Columbia UnlVerSity '69. Spouse.' Marcia Moore, Freelance Writer, Northwestem Univ. 1967, Columbia Univ Grad School of Joumalism 1968. ChI'Jdren.I John, 5/8/72, Colorado College, Jeffrey R. Moore '94; Emily, 8/4/75, Mountain Lakes HS '93. AffjJjarjons & 15429 Del Prado Drive AcfI'VI'fI-eS.- Tax Executives Institute, AICPA, Mountain Lakes Sailing Association. Hacienda Heights, Calif. 91745 Home.. (818) 961-1387 Avanelle Proctor Morgan OffI'Ce.. (213) 923-8896 5207 Ridge Road Union Springs, N.Y.13160 OccupafI'OJ1.- Senior Survey Analyst, Speight Engineering Co. Home.. (315) 255-1971 Inc. CorneJJ Major.I Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture (Ag. & Life Science). Advanced Degrees.I M.S. Community OffI'Ce.. (315) 677-3186 College Counsellng, Califomia State Unlverslty, Los Angeles. Spouse.- Maryann, Legal Secretary. Honors.a Pi Alpha Xi, Phi OccuparI'On.a Family Practitioner, Health ServlCeS Assoc. of Kappa Phi. Central N.Y. ComeJJ Major.-Zoology (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I 1971 -SUNY Upstate Medical Center. MD - now called Health Science Center of Syracuse. Aff]'Jjafjons & After graduation, I immediately left for Europe Acfj'vjfI'eS.I A.A.F.P., F.A.A.F.P., Coyeye County Medical and the start of a most rewarding year of study Society (previous officer); First Presbyterian Church (previous and travel on a Cornell scholarship. Upon Deacon). Honors.I U.S. Public Health Service Commendation arriving in England, I was Henley-bound to fulfill Medal; My only published work was an article; the Maine Medical Joumal on the history of the Medical School at Maine. a promise and root for Bob DeRoo and the

147 I entered S.U.N.Y. Upstate Medical Center, beer/ask men's room location in 21 languages. 1977 we sailed from Boston to Mystic, CT, then now called Health Science Center at Syracuse, in Fantastic experience - incredible jet lag. Have to Panama and across the Pacific, stopping in the the fall of 1967 and graduated from there in 1971. third son and acquire great dog. Career resembles Galapagos, Tahiti, Samoa, and Fiji. Our son I then traveled to Cleveland, Ohio for intemship. running up a down escalator. Leave Cyanamid. Ricky was bom in Townsville, Australia in July Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine is Join GAF. Incredibly bad move. Unethical 1978. Sailing on to Indonesia, the Chagos islands, where I did my residency. people, including ILR guy heading Human the Seychelles, then through the Red Sea, the Because I was unsure as to whether or not I Resources'. Leveraged buyout eliminates job. Med and across the Atlantic, the three of us truly wanted to practice in a small town, I Depression. Land job as Visa USA Executive VP retumed to Boston in July of 1979, and traded our voluntarily entered the U.S. Public Health - Marketing and Sales. Gone to heaven. Sam boat for a house. Having done part of the work in Service - National Health Service Corps and was Francisco Bay area and terrific job. Still love absentia, I received my Masters in science stationed in Cato, N.Y. for three years. I moved woman met at first Cornell Chi Psi party. Drive education from Boston University in 1980, the 66south", thirty five miles to Union Springs and 967 Corvette with Beach Boys and Beatles on same year our twins, Alan and Danielle were did solo practice there for twelve years. tape deck. (Fixated?). Still wear Levi9s whenever born. In 1982 we moved to Washington, DC Presently, I am practicing in Lafayette, N.Y. just can. Play guitar, banjo and golf, all badly, but where I became the Physics Master at St. Albans south of Syracuse. I am employed by the Health with enthusiasm. Less hair and more belt. Shave School for Boys. In 1985 I was chosen to become Services Association of Central New York. father9s face in mirror each morning, but still a Physics Teaching Resource Agent, and became I have continued my non-medical academic wonder what will do when grow up? Lost two heavily involved in running and designing interests by taking several courses at various good friends from Cornel1 '67 -Dave Fox to workshops for teachers, in research in Physics colleges, especially in computer science. Also I Vietnam and Linda Crowe to cancer. Feelings of Education, and in various curriculum projects, have attended CAU courses in the sciences. To mortality, exacerbated by son in Marines, but which led to a Presidential Award in 1988. My pursue my personal interests I have travelled remain optimistic. Seek 21-year-old body for 45- efforts to improve my own teaching and to extensively in the United States, Canada and year-old brain transplant but, if could do it all contribute to improving science education some to Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. My over again, would do it all over again. Hope all continue, and I am also working on a Ph.D. at the 967 Cornellians as happy. When do they let us work and my health have kept me home for the University of Maryland. One of the pleasures of past few years, but I hope to get on the road again apply for Comel1201? Best regards to all! teaching is the chance to tell my students about SOOn. Cornell, and I have managed to send a number of I did put my "degree in equitation" to good good students off to Ithaca. With our kids all use and finally got my own horse. I have started busy in school, Mimi has become a full time to be able to ride again - and am enjoying the French teacher, and we spend a month each summer weather which as you know doesn't last summer in our family cottage on Seneca Lake, long enough in central New York. only about an hour from Ithaca.

Robert Alan Morse 5530 Nevada Ave., NW Washington, DC 20015 Home: (2O2) 537-O759 OffI'Ce.. (202) 537-6452

Bradford Morgan OccuparI'On.I Physics Teacher, St. Albans School. Corner/ Bob Mrazek 1 120 Runnymead Drive Major.- Physics (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- M.Ed, Centeaport, N.Y.11721 Boston University. Spouse.- Mary Margaret Morse, American OffI'Ce.. (516) 549-3958 Los Altos, Calif. 94024 university '7l, French Teacher. CHjJdren.I Richard, 7/31/78, St. Home.. (415) 965-8780 Albans School '96, Alan, 5/4/80, St. Albans '98; Danielle, Occupation: US Congressman. Comell Major: Govt. (Arts). Offi'ce.. (415) 570-3825 5/4/80, Nat'l Cathedral School '98. Affl'JI'afjOnS & Actr'vJfj-eS.I American Association of Physics Teachers, American Spouse.I Catherine. CfrI'Jdren.-Susannah Rose (12), James Association for Advancement of Science, National Science Nicholas (9). AffJ'JjafI®OnS & AcfI'VI'fj'eS.a U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors, Civil War Site Commission, DAV (Disabled OccupafI'On.' Executive Vice President - Marketing & Sales, Teachers Association. Honors.I Presidential Award for VISA U.S.A.. ComeJJ Major.I Ag Economics (Ag). Advanced Excellence in Science Teaching, l988. AAPT EJecfrosfafjcs A\m. Vets). Degrees.a MBA - . Spouse.a Charlotte, Workshop, AAPT Publications by R.A. Morse, 199I . Fairleigh Dickinson - l990; COO -Estate Management. Good health, two beautiful children and a wife cfljJdren.-Ian, 6/73, USMC, 1975; Matthew, 6/79, The Waldorf School; Evan -12/83 -The Waldorf School. Leaving the lovely hills of Ithaca, I headed east who told me she loved me no more than two in a red 1966 VW bug to MIT. Ayear later as a weeks ago. 25 years/300 words tough assignment. Here grad school dropout, I went back to high school goes. Graduation goodbyes. Packed Corvair ... as a physics teacher. For the next several years I overslept ... hot sun ... record collection now taught physics and was technical director of the plastic doilies. Arrive Cincinnati summer job. theater at Masconomet High School in Topsfield, Starve. Marry Cornell love. On to University of MA. Summers were for travel, and I drove Virginia Business School. Experience resembles through Mexico and Guatemala, canoed from the boot camp, but maturing. Summer job in NYC. Finger Lakes to Montreal via the Erie Canal and Get MBA. Cincinnati Procter and Gamble brand Hudson River, traveled through Central and management with one year plan, but stay ll South America with a stop at Easter Island, years. Two sons. Take Jif peanut butter to cruised to Africa to see a total eclipse, and went number one, build Duncan Hines mixes, then on sailing with friends around Boston and Cape Cod. to grouper level. Move to New Jersey as V.P. After finally learning to ski, I met Mini on an Marketing with American Cyanamid. Grow Pine- AMC ski trip to Mount Washington, and we were Sol and Old Spice. International job. Travel married in 1973. A year later we were the proud world on expense account ... Learn to order owners of a 32 foot sloop, Syzygy. In July of

148 Spouse.a Mary Jean Satterlee, Aubum Community college 64- 65, Oswego State University 66-67, Social Studies Teacher. Children.-Keith. 2122172', Ma.ureen,1l/8n6. Affiliations & AcfjvI'fI'eS.a Trustee of Mexlco Methodist Church;New York State Science Teachers Assoc. HoJ]OrS.a Selected as 6 6Borrowed Teacher'i for a year serving with New York Power Authority at James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant.

When I was attending the Ag College, teaching was the furthest thing from my mind. A teacher shortage at the time led me to a career in science teaching, mostly in biology and earth science. Believe it or not, I was back in my old home town, so I really never went out into the c6real Judith Maxsom Muel]er world" to work. It9s been interesting, since I deal Ruth Niese Nellis 503 Second St. NE mainly with seventh graders, who exhibit the 93 East Parkway Charlottesville, Va. 22901 many problems of passing through puberty. I Victor, N.Y. 14564 Home.. (804) 971-6645 took a year offrecently to work for the New York Home.. (716) 924-5869 OffI'Ce.. (804) 971-3300 Power Authority as their 66borrowed teacher'9 learning public relations and doing curriculum Occuparjon.' Instructor of Development Studies, Community OccLJPafI'on.- Director of Public Works, City of Charlottesville, work in nuclear power. College of the Fingerlakes. ComeJJ Major.' Child Development Va. ComeJJ Major.- HE & M (Human Ecology). AdvaJICed (Human Ecology). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I Ed.M. - S.U.N.Y. at Degrees.-MBA, Old Dominion University. Spouse.I Frank, U.S. I put my Glee Club experience to use in the Buffalo. SpoLISe.a David C. Nellis, Rochester Institute of Naval Academy,1967, Retired. Cdr'Jdren.-Aric, 8-19-74, local Methodist Church choir, and get back to Technology '65 Electrical Engineer. CThj'Jdren.a Kurt Nellis,. Charlottesville High School Senior. Aff]'jjafJ'OnS & Actr'vifjes.I Cornell concerts from time to time. It's nice to 10/23/73, Victor Senior High School '92; Mitchell Nellis, Pres. - American Public Works Assoc. - VADC/MD; Section see Tom Sokol is still directing the Glee Club. 5/17/76, Victor Senior High School. Honors.-American Chair - American Water Works Assoc.; APWA - Council on Association of university women; victor -Farmington Equal Opportunity, Rotary Treasurer. Honors.I 1990 VA Others, I9m sure, will agree. Volunteer Ambulance Corps; Friends of Ganondagan State Women9s Forum -Woman of the Year. My wife, Mary Jean Satterlee, of Clyde, New Historic Site. York and I purchased the family farm on the Since leaving Cornell my life has taken a outskirts of Mexico, New York, and went on to number of interesting turns. Initially, I worked in raise two children, Keith, 19 and Maureen, 14. Richmond, Va., in public relations then moved on We didn9t raise much else, since we rented the to Atlanta and traveled the south in a marketing, land to others, but hope to use it some day in our PR job. Marriage took me to washington, D.C., retirement. Maureen is very much into sports, James E. Nesbitt where I ran a low income nutrition education while Keith is just getting into higher education, PO Box 440, East Ave. program. My Naval Officer husband was and is a Star Trek fan. Albion, N.Y. 14411 transferred to Norfolk and I did consumer While we have not been world travelers, we9ve Home.. (7.16) 589-5236 education and educational television work. While toured parts of the U.S. and parts of the canadian Office.. (716) 589-7056 pursuing my MBA in night school and working maritimes and developed quite an appreciation of for the City of Virgina Beach, I had the things historical. OccupafI'OJ].- Auto Dealer: Owner/General Manager, Moore- opportunity to move into the operational realm of Nesbitt Buick-Pont-GMC-Chev-Olds-Cadillac, Inc. Nesbitt public works. The challenge of public service, Chrysler-Plym-Dodge, Inc. CorneJJ Major.I Mgmt/Econ. especially in these days of difficult economic (Agriculture). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I MS, Purdue Univ (Marketing) Spouse.- Elaine Hinman, BS SUNY Fredonia '70, times for local government is incredibly MEd SUNY Brockport '85; Albion Central School District rewarding. My family has settled for the last six Coordlnator Gifted & Talented Program. Cthj/drefl.a Shannon years in the small university city of Nesbitt,12/12/7l, St. Bonaventure '94; Stephanie Kettle, Charlottesville; it has the culture and beauty of 4/24/73, Keuka College '95; Laurie Kettle, 9/21/76. Ithaca. My years at Cornell instilled in me the desire to make life better for people. Local government gives me the opportunity to really make a difference in my city and see my decisions and actions work toward building a better community for all. Jerome Nashorn 8504 Overbrook Rd. Fairfax, Va. 22031 Home.. (703) 573-9394 OffI'Ce.. (202) 501-6050

OccupafI'On.I Archivist (formal title - Chief, Military Appraisal Branch), National Archives & Records Administration. corJ]eJJ Major.I (ILR). Advanced Degrees.I MA & Ph.D. in History, Harvard University. Spouse.- Lois Gory Nashorn, Juniata College, 1972, Teacher. ChjJdren.I Jennifer Nashorn (1980), Mantua Elementary School 1992; Lynn Nashorn (1982), Mantua Elementary School,1994. Tom Neuman 579 Amphitheater Drive James Munger Del Mar, Calif. 92014 PO Box 355 Home.. (619) 755-0795 Mexico, N.Y.13114 OffI'Ce.. (619) 543-6463 Home.. (315) 963-8912.

Occupafjon.- Science Teacher, Mexico Middle School. ComeJJ Major.-Animal Husbandry (Agriculture & Life Science). Occupaf,on.I Physician, Professor of Medicine and Surgery, science (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I MBA, Amerlcan Universlty of California, San Dlego. CorJ]e/I Major.a Zoology unlverslty. spouse.- Barbara Schuler, AmerlCan Unlversity, (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.' M.D., New York l969, EducatlOnal Consultant. ChJJdren.I Brian James, 2/4/79; university, l97l. Spouse.I Dorls Rubln Neuman, Long Island Katherine Elisabeth, 4/ I 5/81. AffJ®jI-afjOnS & Ac`fjvjrjes.-USYRU unlverslty, B.S. l968, Brooklyn College, M.S. l972, Lions Club. Transportation Research Forum (Past Regional Housewlfe. CJ]J'JdreJ].I Alllson Rachel -6-22-80; Russell presldent), Board Memberships -Kencomp, Inc.; Phoenix solomon, 9-l2-86. AffjJJ'afJOJ]S & AcfI'VJfJ'eS.I Presldent, services, Inc. Honors.' Awarded U.S. Secretary of undersea and HyperbarlC Medlcal Society, l989-90, Presldent, Transportatlon's Silver Medal for Meritorious Achievement. American College of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine; Governlng Board, American College of Undersea and It hardly seems as though 25 years have passed HyperbarlC Medlclne. Dlplomate of the American Board of since I left Cornell. Actually, it has been 27 Intemal Mediclne (Pulmonary Diseases), the Amerlcan Board of preventlve Medicine, and the Amerlcan Board of Emergency because I left Cornell early and finished my Medicine. Fellow of the Amerlcan College of Physicians, the undergraduate work at American University American College of Emergency Physlclans and the American where I also earned an MBA. At AU I also met College of Preventlve Medlcine. HoJ]OrS.I Over three dozen my wife, Barbara, and we were wed in 1969. Elinor Boyar Newman professional publications in such journals as; Sclence, 8 Bayside Resplration Physiology, Annals of Intemal Mediclne, American Twenty-two years, two kids and three Careers Journal of Surgery, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Crltical later we are still married. Miracles do happen! Irvine, Calif. 92714 Care Mediclne, etC. Barbara and I lived and worked in the Home.. (714) 733-2223 washington D.C. area unti11979. I split my early Off]'ce.. (714) 552-1714 As I started to think about writing this I career between the private railroad industry and realized I was not clever enough to make it funny government service. I served in problem solving Occupar,oJ].I Realtor, Assistant Manager, The Prudential (without sounding cute) and not a good enough capacities for the U.S. Dept. of Transportation for Callfomla Really. Come// Major.-Child Development & Family writer to make it serious (without sounding stupid Relat. (Home Economlcs). Spouse.a Ian Newman, B.A. '67, seven years working on the railroad issues of the Wagner College; M.A. '70, Kane College, PhD Prog. -Rutgers. or pompous) and as a result I decided to skip both time. while I was busy doing this, Barbara was ChJ'JdreJ].I Loren Beth, lO/l7/69, Loyola Marymount University the humor and the philosophy. teaching elementary school. We enjoyed life in B.A. '9l, Masters '92; David Ross, 6/28/74, Woodbrldge High Life has been good to me. washington, but eventually felt the need for some School Class of l992, Presently applying to college. After leaving Cornell I went to NYU Medical AffJJJaf,OnS & Acfl'vjrJeS.a National Assoc. of Realtors, changes and 1979 turned out to be the watershed california Associatlon of Realtors. Honors.a Office Realtor of School and then did my residency at Bellevue year. the year l988, l989, for Great Western Real Estate, Irvine, Hospital in New York City. The next seven years That year our son Brian was born, I left my Calif., Presently chosen to Leading Edge Society (Prudential were spent in the military, being involved, for the Calif. Really). position with DOT, and we uprooted ourselves most part, with the Navy's deep submergence and from the busy Washington social circuit and I just returned from a Cornell presentation in rescue programs. I had the time of my life doing relocated to Concord, Massachusetts where I Irvine, Califomia with my l7 year old son. There things most people only read about in novels. founded a consulting firm, DNS Associates, Inc. will be 25 years between my ending college and After I left the Navy I joined the faculty of the DNS prospered and grew from a firm providing his beginning. While I watched the film on University of California in Sam Diego and have strategic planning for transportation companies Cornell it seemed like I was there yesterday. My been there since. I have achieved most of the into a diversified company providing consulting daughter graduated from college this year and is professional goals to which one could aspire and services, computer services and applications I continue to be challenged and intrigued by the software development. presently in graduate school along with running her own business. Next September will leave my small area of science that has excited me for the An entirely new career -in 1987 I left DNS husband Ian and me with a quiet home. That last fifteen years. and joined a new venture begun by Helen (Lewis) brings mixed feelings. Parenting has been a most More importantly, my personal life has been as Irlen (Cornell '67). Perceptual Development rewarding, wonderful experience. We are very fulfilling as one could desire. My wife Doris, of Corporation was founded to bring successful new 22 years (in fact as I write this, today is our 22nd approaches to dealing with reading and learning proud of Loren and David. anniversary) continues to be my c6best friend". Working has been a secondary occupation. It problems to the public. I spent the ensuing three My children (Allison I 1 and Russel15) are seems to take more time as the years march on years helping to build PDC and left in 1991 to and responsibilities at home diminish. Selling delightful and good children. I have several good return to private consulting. Real Estate in Orange County for 1 1 years has friends upon whom I believe I could depend if The Newkirks enjoy skiing, sailing and other been a roller coaster ride. Most important have circumstances were bad, and there is a fat yellow outdoor activities. In 1969 I was introduced to been the friendships that have developed from dog laying at my feet who is always glad to see ocean sailboat racing and have been addicted to Client Associations. Management and added me. ocean sailing ever since. Many of our summers duties keep me up on changes in the industry In summary, I would have to say, I have have been spent cruising on Chesapeake Bay and which occur daily. everything one could ask from life and I look the Atlantic coast of New England. My husband of 24 years and I look forward to forward to more of it. The happiest days of my life have been the day travel, ski trips and dabbling at home in the I married Barbara, the days on which my children future. Living in southern California with were born, and the day I sold my last boat. beautiful weather, beaches, mountains, etc. has been wonderful but a visit to Cornell brings to mind the wonder of the Cornell Campus and the lifetime friendships and memories. Hope to see you all in June.

James Newkirk 78 Border Road Concord, Mass. 01742 Home.. (508) 369-7468 OffI'Ce.. (508) 369-7468

Occ'upafJOn.I Consultant. Come/I Major.I Government/Political

150 farming, integrated pest management, nematology and other astounding stuff. My spare time is spent enjoying the crafts. I am particularly interested in textiles; collecting quilts, yams, and fabrics. We love to travel and I always have to check out all the crafts galleries and antique stores every place we visit. My four years at Cornell were the basis for so much of what I enjoy today, I'm sure glad I didn't go to the University of Pennsylvania.

Robert Niles Phoebe McGuire Nichols 808 Morven Ct. Box 2556 River Rd. Naperville, Ill. 60563 Edgecomb, Me. 04556 Home.. (708) 357-1007 Home.. (207) 633-7138 OffI'Ce.. (312) 661-2192 Office.. (207) 633-7300

OccupafJ'On.I V.P. - Human Resources, Helene CurtlS. ComeJ/ OccupafjoJ].- Customer Satisfaction Consultant, Hanks & Wells. Major.a (I & LR). Advar]ced Degrees`.' MBA, SUNY at Buffalo. ComeJJ Major.I Fine Arts (Printmaking) (Architecture). Spouse.a Spouse.-Diana (Perry) Niles, Alfred College, l967. Ch,JdreJ].- John Hanks Nichols, The University of Michigan M.P.H. '79. Jeffrey, 3/4/72, Miami Unlverslty, l994; Mark, 7/28/75, & ChildI-en.® Sam, 6l\Ol72, Va,ssar Co\\ege '94. Affiliations & Brian 7/28/75, both juniors ln high school. Act,'vjfjes.a Board of Directors, Skidompha Llbrary, Maine Antique Dealers Association. Honors.I Freelance writlng for Maine Antlque Dlgest. Michael Nolte 421 Virginia Avenue In l986, the youngest of my three stepchildren Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103 died of cancer. He was almost twenty and had Home.. (313) 662-5304 spent his last six years undergoing every nasty Offi'ce.. (313) 535-4000X380 treatment known to modern medicine. Itd known him for most of his life and we were good Occ'upaf,oJ].a Director of Data Processing, South Redford School friends. He9d been an ideal big brother to my son, District. CorneJJ Major.-Government (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a MA, Unlversity of Michigan, l973. Sam - giving him a combination of vicious Spouse.I Glenina Nolte, Soclal Worker, BA, Queens Coll. teasing, companionship, and advice proffered (Charlotte, NC); MSW, Univ. of North Carolina; MBA, from a highly original point of view. We miss Unlversity of Michigan, l986. Affl'jjaf,-oJ]S & Acfjv,'fjes.a Decus. him a lot and the rest of us are sweeter to one State of Michigan Kidney Disease Advisory Committee. Miscellaneous Computer-oriented User Groups. Miscellaneous another now. And as soon as we could, we sold Liberal Lost Causes (ACLU, Democratic Party, etc.). Honors.a our business and retired for awhile. Dorothy Labbok Nixon National Kidney Foundation of Michigan Distinguished Service I have become increasingly fascinated by other 4 Marchant Gardens Award. Publications: Miscellaneous Academic Papers on Data Management and Information Retrieval. people's lives. While working as an enumerator Kensington, Calif. 94707 for the U.S. Census, I found that everyone has a Home.. (510) 526-4768 The race is about half over. I'm experiencing story and most everyone is dying to tell it to OffI'Ce.. (510) 987-0765 some discomfort and a little pain now and then, somebody. The Short Form, eight minutes long but I'm running at a reasonable pace that with by design, frequently found me sitting in rapt Occupaf,'oJ].a DlreCtOr, Budget & FlnanClal Services, Division of luck should carry me through to the end. I won't attention for an hour while some elderly woman Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of California. CoI'nell Major: Ar`lHis`ory (Arts). Advanced Degrees.- MS in told me amazing stuff about her youth. finish first, but I won9t finish last either. Indeed, Professional Accounting, Northeastem University. Spouse.a Ted some of the people that passed me earlier have Lately, because New England's pitiful Ronald NIXOn, Universlty of Missourl '66, Administration, fallen back or, worse luck, dropped out. The folks economy has made finding an c6appropriate" job Pacific Gas & Electric. AffjJjafl'ons & AcfjvJ'rjeS.I California ahead of me are running their own races, none of a dubious situation, I9ve spent the summer doing CPA. which are my concern. odd jobs. Odd in this case means random, and the Twenty four years seems like such a long time! As for immediate surroundings, I7ve reached jobs have been anything from cutting down trees an accommodation with them. Since I can't to sewing slipcovers. The people I call my clients I have enjoyed the last twenty in California. The change my world, I am content to avoid its (to provide an air of professionalism) usually best being the last seven I have spent with Ron. I obstacles and to be ready to break into the clear need a friend as much as a helper. Consequently feel very lucky to be living in the San Francisco I've heard many intriguing life stories while Bay area, the good climate and excellent location whenever possible. The particular benefit of the working in the garden. allows us to lead an active outdoor life while still vantage point of the long-distance runner is that I Iove also been writing articles for Maine having all the advantages of city living. We enjoy am able to c6 ... Remark each anxious toil, each eager strife, And watch the busy scenes of Antique Digest, a locally produced newspaper skiing (one of the more important things I learned with national distribution. Interviewing at Cornell) and spend as much time at it as crowded life." (Johnson, l749) Observing my fellow runners provides the amusement and auctioneers and antique dealers and collectors possible. intellectual stimulation that makes the race fun legitimizes my curiosity. I am a Certified Public Accountant and have We live in a small Maine community where had several jobs in public accounting and and gives me the support I need to continue. I'll leave you now ... see you at the finish! our neighbors mostly pay attention to nature and industry, before deciding that I really wanted to to each other. The idea of a career doesn't interest work in higher education. I was Vice President people much, although the obituaries in our for Finance at Golden Gate University in Sam weekly newspaper often reveal illustrious pasts. Francisco, when the opportunity came along to It9s a great life if your house is already paid for. work for the University of California. Until that Mine isn't but something will turn up soon. It point my only exposure to an Ag College was the always does. several courses in accounting, marketing, and textiles I took on the Ag campus at Cornell. Now all of a sudden I am learning about low impact

151 Ostrow, Bauch, Firestone & Carmody. I look forward to rekindling our acquaintance at the reunion.

Evette Koenig Norton Stuart Ockman 1846 Cannes Drive 210 Copples Lane Thousand Oaks, Calif. 91362 Wallingford, Penna. 19086 Home.. (805) 493-1369 Kenneth C. Notturno Home.. (215) 566-1241 OffI'Ce.. (818) 981-7770 1015 Marietta Avenue OffI'Ce.. (215) 543-3546

Lancaster, Penna.17603 Occ'uparjon.I Consulting Engineer, Ockman & Borden OccuparI'On.a Staff Accountant, Ostrow, Bauch, Firestone & Associates. Comer/ Major.I Civil (Engineering). Advanced Carmody. CorneJJ Major.a Spanish Llt (Arts & Science). Home.. (717) 397-O686 Degrees.-MS, Stanford, MBA, Wharton. Spouse.I Carol Lois AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I BS ln Accounting, Griffin College, l986. Office.. (717) 560-9200 Ockman, U of Gal. Davis '70; Hastings '73. Attomey. ChJ'Jdren.- Spouse.a Barton F. Norton, Comell MEE '66, Camegle-Mellon Samuel Isaac, 3/l6/74, Strath Haven High School '92; Aaron University MSIA '68, Executive Vice-Presldent of Pacific Oc'cupafjon.I Attorney/Developer, Notturno & Paulson, P.C. Benjamin, 4/21/76, Strath Haven High School 994. Precision Laboratories. CThI'Jdren.- Hllary Anne Norton, 9-20-68, ComeJJ Major.I Ag. Eco. (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.I J.D. Act,'vjf,-cs/AffjJjafJOJ]S.I Project Management Institute attending John F. Kennedy School of Gov't at Harvard '92. In (Juris Doctorate), Duquesne University, l972. Spouse.a Michele (Intemational VP). l990 Hillary graduated with honors from Wellesley College; (Monleon) B.S. University of Pittsburgh '64, M. Soc. Work, Lisa Norton, 6-2-70, Senior at Cornell in Biomedical University of Pennsylvania '79, Medical Social Worker. Engineering, class of '92. AffJ'JI'afjOnS & Acfjvl'fjes.I A.I.C.P.A., ChI'JdreJ].I Alan (Pittler), 3/19/67, Cornel1 (ILR) '89, Univ, Rotary Intemational. Honors.a C.P.A. from Washington State, Pittsburgh School of Law '94; Elisabeth, 3/l9/77; Any Califomia, CPA pending. 5/29/83. AcfI'VIfI'eS/Aff]-JI'afI'OJ]S.-PA. Trial Lawyers Assn. Bd. of Govemors, Comell Club of Lancaster (Phonothan Chairman), What has been most important to me is my Fulton Opera House (Bd. of Trustees). happy twenty-five year marriage to Bart Norton (Cornell 965, Engr., MEE '66). After growing up as a Foreign Service brat in China, Greece, Pakistan, and Korea, I looked forward to settling down and teaching. Instead, after teaching English and Spanish in a junior high school while Bart finished his MSIA at Carnegie-Mellon University in 968, we have moved nearly twenty Ernest Timothy O9Connor times. 19930 Beachcliff Blvd. We have two wonderful daughters, Hilary and Lisa. Hilary graduated from Wellesley College in Rocky River, Ohio 44116 1990 with honors in political science and Home.. (216) 331-2795 economics. It was an incredible thrill to hear OffI.Ce.. (216) 641-4217 Barbara Bush and Raisa Gorbachev speak at the Mimi Oberdorf Oc'cupafj'on.I Product10n Mgr., Alcoa-Cleveland Works. ComeJJ commencement exercises. A second-year student 221 Ridgemede Rd #402 Major.I I.E. (Engr.)Spouse.-Peggy, Ohio State l967, at the John F. Kennedy School of Govemment at Baltimore, Md. 21210 Homemaker. CJIJ'JdreJ,.-Ryan,ll/24/75; Matt, I/1 I/83. Harvard, Hilary9s ambition is to be a senior Home.. (301) 235-9199 AffiJI'afl-OJ]S & Actr-vitr'es.-RRSO -Coach. administrator for housing policy. Toward this OffI'Ce.. (301) 955-6802 goal, she worked as a summer intem in the Los Angeles mayor's office. OccuparI'On.- Physician - Nurse, Johns Hopkins U-School of Lisa is a senior at Comel1. She is currently an Hygiene & Public Health. CormeJJ Major.- Nursing. AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- M.D. - Boston University MPH - Johns Hopkins U. officer in . Lisa is majoring in Spouse.a Joseph Falco, BA, Johns Hopkins M.D. - Boston bio-medical engineering and spent her summer University, MPH - John Hopkins U. Physician. doing protein research at Basset Hospital in Cooperstown, New York. Her goal is to obtain an MDffhD and do medical research. My work experience began when the children were very young and I organized a cooperative preschool. I did volunteer work for charities, worked as a volunteer in our children's schools, and was a Girl Scout troop leader. When our Steven M. Ogintz daughters were in high school, I went back to 106 Jupiter Rd. school to study accounting. I earned a BS with Newark, Del.19711 honors in 1986. Since January of 1987, I have Home.. (302) 239-3637 worked for CPA firms in Washington and OffI'Ce.. (302) 733-8178 Califomia, and I passed the CPA exam in l988. We are now in the Los Angeles area. Bart is Occupaf]oJ].a Manufacturing Programs Mgr., E. I. DuPont. Executive Vice-President of Pacific Precision ComeJJ Major.' Chem. Eng. (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I Laboratories, a high-technology firm specializing M. Engrg, Comell; MBA U. of Del. Spouse.- Susan M. Ogintz` SUNY Buffalo '67; MLS Columbia U '68, Librarian. ChI'JdreJ].I in dimensional measurements as small as 0.01 Joanna B., lO/22/7l, Cornell University, Engr l993; Jonathan millionths of an inch. I am a staff accountant with M., 7/29/74.

152 roommate. My only varsity sport at Cornell was soccer but I have since discovered tennis and have won trophies as well as the 66Veteran's" Championship. Any non-raining evening you can look me up at the Premiers Tennis Club Enugu, Nigeria.

Paul Okonkwo Paul Ohlson 8 Charles Lemgh St. Enugu Campus 12 North College St. Enugle, Nigeria Montpelier, Vt. 05602 Home.. (042) 339957 Home.. (802) 229-0066 OffI'Ce.. (042) 339569 OffI'Ce.. (802) 828-3331 OccupafI'On.I Professor & Head of Department, University of OccupafI'On.a Government Administrator - CommlSSiOner, Nigeria. CorJ]eJJ Major.I Biochemistry (Agriculture). Advanced Vermont Dept. of General Servlces. CormeJJ Major.I English Degrees.-MS, Comell '69; PhD, Comell, 1972. Spouse.-Rina, John O9Leary (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M. Div. Andover Newton, Boston BS (ILR) 968, Brandeis '69, City Univeristy '76, Senior 8505 Havenwood Trail Mass. Spouse.I Mary Jane Ohlson, Univ. of Cincinnati, BA. Lecturer and Coordinator, History. arI'Jdren.I Adaora 971 Univ of Hawaii, MSN. Psychotherapist. CfajJdren.a Kristina, Roswell, Ga. 30076 Macalester '93; Una '73 Radcliffe '94; Ndidi 976, Clarkson 4/21/76, Montpelier High School; Mark, 6/l5/79, Montpeller School, Nhwanda 80, Prime Y1, Aneto 785. Affl'JI'afjOnS & Home.. (404) 641-1826 Middle School. AffjJI'arfOJ]S & AcfjvjfI'eS.a Founder and Past Acrj-vI'fjeS.a ASPET AxWASP Nig. Soc. of Immunol, Captain OffI'Ce.. (404) 876-8186 President Green Mountain Juggling Club; Founder and Past Premier Tennis Club, Editor ln Chief, West African Joumal of President Capital Hockey Club. Pharmacology and Drug Research. Honors.-A book 6tGrains in OccupafI'OJ].-Direct Response Marketing Division of Broad, Inc. Capsules" interactions between Food and Drugs in Tropical President. ComeJJ Major.I IE/OR (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced People and relationships between them Medicine, over 50 articles in Pharmacology & Medical Degrees.I Master of Engineering '68, Comell. SpoLISe.-Virginia continue to fuel my motor. I'm probably more of Joumals. Sawyer, Cornell '67, Masters Cornell '69, PhD Rutgers '73. CJ]jJdren.I John 12/21/84. AffJ'JjarI'Or]S & AcfjvI'fI'eS.-President, an extrovert today than I was back then. The Princeton N.J. Jaycees 1973. adventures of the passing years make a quarter 1967 saw the outbreak of the Nigerian Civil century seem like an eye blink. My story includes war and news and pictures of death, starvation and devastation in Biafra, I was confused and There has never been a doubt that going to chapters devoted to crisscrossing the country on a Cornell directed much that happened to me over motorcycle, learning to fly a plane, spending a alone and I met my wife Rina who since has been my vertebrae. We now have four beautiful the 24 years. The most important is my family. year piloting my family down the east coast on a daughters and a very handsome boy. I do not My wife was a classmate, and I hope our son, sailboat to the Bahamas and back. John - although only 6 now, will go to Cornell. My Cornell roommate, Jim Koren, and I exaggerate about being surrounded by beauty. The bougainvillea surrounds our home. My wife I'm more or less one of the oldest fathers among started two businesses after graduation and John9s friends -a mixed blessing. It's getting during graduate school; a VW repair shop in New and I have made our life in academia. I was made a full Professor of Pharmacology in 1983 and hard keeping up with his swimming, baseball, Hampshire (unsuccessful) and a general soccer, horseback riding, tennis, gymnastics and contracting company in Honolulu (successful). have been Dean of Faculty, my wife a historian and an American has written a very popular book general running around. Five years after Comell I received my Masters of 66Heroes of West African Nationalism'9. I spent a On the career scene, Cornell9s influence was Divinity degree in Boston and retumed to Hawaii direct at first. I remember companies all over the to serve a church in Kaneohe. The church and I sabbatical year in Stuttgart, West Germany and Medical College of Ohio,1981-1982. US inviting us for interviews. A Masters of disagreed on almost everything. I resigned in a Engineering from Comell meant a lot in the late flash of indignation just hours before they would Adaora, our first daughter, transferred from the Medical School of Nigeria to the Premedical 60's. I took a job at the Research Center, at have fired me. Timing has always been my strong Princeton, NJ, for Western Electric. It was a programme at Macalester College in cold suit. heady atmosphere, but frankly more of a training As we rapidly gained on 30, my wife, Mary Minnesota and Una, the second, is a sophomore ground for us, rather than something useful for Jane, and I chose to settle down in the green at Harvard. Ndidi, the third, attended the summer school at Cornell and is now at the bridging them. One fun thing - they sent me and a pal to mountains of Vermont. We converted an old Columbia 2 times a week - with plenty of time to Vermont cow bam into a delightful home and I program at Clarkson in Potsdam, New York. The children are hopefully making the same roam NYC. In 1975, I completely switched got thoroughly hooked on politics. During the last careers, away from Industrial Engineering and pilgrimage their father made 25 years ago. fifteen years I have been elected and reelected to into Direct Response Marketing. You know those the Montpelier City Council and appointed by We have just completed what we thought would be our village house where we would late night ads you see with Ed McMahon (66If you governors of both parties to run state departments retire but Awka was recently made capital of a or someone you love is aged 50 to 80 ... ") That9s as diverse as Social Welfare, Finance and what we did, went to Hollywood several times to currently General Services. new state of Nigeria. This will probably spoil our rural idyll. Meanwhile my research into drugs shoot ads, lots of fun. After 9 years of that, in My greatest disappointments continue to be the 1984, I took a year off to be the Media Director Democrats and the Red Sox. Somehow they both useful in tropical diseases as well as toxins & venoms in the tropical environment continue so of a big Congressional race. My candidate was show a lot of promise in the spring and summer the most decorated vet from Vietnam - we ran and both finish so poorly in the fall. Throughout long as research funds are available. I am also on the editorial board of some scientific journals and against an incumbent - came close with 49.297o. the years the most meaning has consistently come Since then, I've been in Atlanta, playing a lot of from connections with other people. Whether it's past editor in chief of the West African Journal of golf and tennis, and pleased to have created a coaching my daughter's softball team, teaching Pharmacology and Drug Research. I have about 50 published articles, but my book 66Grain in division and sold a billion dollars of tax adults to juggle or negotiating with the Vermont advantaged investment products using direct legislature, I thoroughly enjoy people. Capsules", Drug Food Interactions in Tropical Medicine did not make me a millionaire. I am response advertising. Somewhat remote from lucky to come at least once a year for scientific what I learned at the Engineering quad - but I meetings to U.S.A. where I search in vain for know - very much connected to my days at Cornell. persons like Bruce McEwen, my former

153 terrible job of providing effective communications skills to their students. Having watched scientists and engineers grasp defeat from the jaws of victory dozens of times simply by presenting their ideas poorly, I began a quiet program of upgrading the technical presentation skills of technologists. Over the past decade, I have worked with groups from the National science Foundation, the Army Corps of Engineers, several dozen private companies, and thousands of individuals. It9s not a job, it's really a professional activity taken on when the real job Richard Ornitz permits, but when one of those people calls back Virginia Sawyer O'Leary and tells me how well the techniques worked, and 18 Meadowbrook Road 8505 Havenwood Trail how successful they have become, it is among the Roswel1, Ga. 30076 Old Greenwich, Conn. 06870 most fulfilling of professional moments. Home.. (404) 641-1826 Home.. (203) 637 0025 The rest of the professional time, I serve as OffI'Ce.. (212) 806-6472 president of the 6Cfutures division" of the occ'upafJ'On.I Consulting - Food Sclence; Adjunct Professor at software giant, Computer Associates. My job is Georgia State Unlv. C'orJ]e// Major.I Food & Nutrltlon (Home occupafJ'On.I Lawyer, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan. ComeJJ to discern where the computer industry will be Economlcs). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.S., Comell, PhD, Rutgers. Major.a Materials & Metallics (Engineering). Advanc`ed spouse.I John W. O9Leary, Cornell '67; President of Direct Degrees.' N.Y.U., JD, MIT Sun Exec. Spouse.' Janet, U. several years out and make sure the product Marketing Dlvision of Broad, Inc. ChJ'JdreJ].-John W111iam Maryland,197l; Public relatlOnS/Housewlfe. ChI'Jdren.- planners have the planning knowledge they need. o'Leary IV, l2/2l/84. AffJJI'afJ'OJ]S & AcfJ'VI'fjeS.I Member of Alexandra, 9/17/72, Cornell '94; Zachery, I I/I I/79; Darren, It's an impossible task, but great fun. l30 American Society for Microblologlsts, Instltute of Food 5/25/86; Erlk, l2/23/89. AffJ'Jjaf,ons & Ac`r,'vJrjeS.I Prlnceton speeches per year keeps the vocal chords loose. Technologists, Intematlonal Assoc. Food Sanitanans; Chairman AdvlSOry Committee, Secretary of State; Advisor, Board, of Horseshoe Bend Twlgs, a branch of the Auxilliary of Natlonal Institute Pre Law; Board of Directors Old Greenwich, Egleston Hospital For Children at Emory U, Comell Secondary conn; soccer comissloner old Greenwlch; Comell Society of schools commlttee Team Parent for Sons Soccer Team. Engineers; Chairman/Founder European/American Counsel HoJ]OrS.' l5-20 publications in refereed scientlfic JOurnalS, Group; MIT Senior Executives. Honors.' Whos Who American Listed in Amencan Men & Women of Science. Law; Who's Who Energy Leaders; goth Amerlcan Assembly ReportAIS & Germany 199l I left Cornell in l969 with a B.S. and an M.S. in Food & Nutrition. I was married to John Building upon a sound educational base, the O9Leary (Cornel1 '67) that summer and started on opportunity to develop an execting international a PhD program in Food Science at Rutgers practice, to raise four children, and to participate University which was close to where we Were in some small way in the exciting times through living. I completed my PhD in l973 and which we have lived have been realized. This embarked on my career, first doing basic research would not have happened without my parents and in Food in Government (USDA) Laboratories and the values they instilled, my wife and her then moving on to consulting with various firms. constant support and the academic and sound Marsha Mann Pal]er I loved my career - basic research gave me a framework established by Cornell. 4610 Toumay Rd. sense of satisfaction that I might be Bethesda, Md. 20816 accomplishing something that could have a Home.. (301) 229-0777 positive effect on people's lives and the Off]'ce.. (301) 229-1062 consulting with the variety of projects and

contact with clients was exciting and energizing. occupafjoJ].I Pres. Open Systems Conference Board. CorJ]eJJ Those years my husband and I were busy with Major.-Psychology (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M.S. Univ. of our careers and establishing successful wlsconsln, Also Johns Hopklns. Spouse.a Alan Paller, Eng'g cornell '67. CJ]jJdreJ].-Brooke, lO/75; Channing,10/79. professional lives, however we suddenly began to AffJ'/jafJ'OJ]S & Acfjvjrjes.I American Psychological Assn. Board realize that the biological clock was ticking away of sclentific Affalrs; National Academy of Sciences Committee and the time left to us to have children was on Evaluation getting shorter and shorter. After 2 years of trying to get pregnant and 15 years of marriage, our son was born in 1984. What a joy he has brought to our lives! Our emphasis now is on the family and Alan Paller doing things together as a family. After our son 4610 Toumay Road was born, I made the decision not to go back tO Bethesda, Md. 20816 work full time. I do some part-time consulting Home.. (301) 229-0777 and research and guest lecturing at Georgia State. Occasionally I feel a twinge of nostalgia for the Offi.ce.. (703) 709-8131. business world - the power meetings and the occupafJOn.' Presldent of the AUI Divlsion, Computer travel. But I would not give up this time with my Associates. Int'l. CorJ]e/I Major.a Engineering. AdvaJ]Ced son for anything in this world. Being there for Degrees' Master in Engineering, MIT '68. Spouse.I Marsha him when he comes home from school, having Mann Paller, Cornel1 '67, Foundation President. Chl'Jdren.a his playmates over to play, ferrying him to all his Brooke, lO/26/l975, Jun10r at Sidwell Friends School; channlng, lo/26/l979, 7th grade at Sidwell Friends School. Susan Walsh Palmer activities, sharing books, conversations and AffJ'Jjaf,'ons & AcrJ'VI'rJeS.a Director of the National Computer outings and just seeing him develop and mature Graphics Association, Registered Professional Engineer. 7271 S. Pontiac Way are things I don9t want to miss. Our time with Honors.I Book: The Executive Information Systems Book - Englewood, Colo. 80112 him is so short. It really won't be long until he Information Systems for Top Managers (Dow Jones lrwin, l990). more than l50 artlcles, invited presentations at dozens Of Home.. (303) 779-1070 heads off to college -hopefully Cornell! We are conferences world-wide. OffI'Ce.. (303) 370-6460 indoctrinating him already and he is only 6. All 3 of us will be in Ithaca for reunion. We are cornell and all other schools of engineering occuparjoJ].I Adminlstrative Manager, Hall of Life, Denver Museum of Natural History. CorneJJ Major.I English (Arts). looking forward to showing him Cornell and did a great job of providing technical skills, but a sharing our wonderful memories with him.

154 AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-M.A. -Northwestern. Spouse.I Dave Corr]e/I Major.-Soclology (Arts) Spouse.a Emmanue1, PhD '67 Palmer, B.S. Johns Hopkins '67, J.D. U. of Colo. School of Unlverslty Professor of Physics. C`hl/dren.a Anthony, 2/l9/72; Law '70. ChJ/dreJ].-Jonathan, l97l, U. of Colo. '93; Megan, Chrlstlna, 4/22/74; John 5/I 4/80. 1973, U. of Vermont '95.

Cornell opened my eyes and my mind to a lot of possibilities. The reality of Cornell really hit me when I missed winter finals during freshman year because of mono and had to take 8 finals in June! Afer surviving numerous flights on Mohawk Airlines and Ithaca winters, I went on to get a master's degree at Northwestern University (where the winters were even worse, but ahhh! to live in a city again'.). James L. Patton In Colorado, my husband Dave and I have 12618 Parkmeadow Ave. raised two lively children, Jonathan (2l) and Baton Rouge, La. 70816 Megan (19). We all enjoy skiing, hiking, and Home.. (504) 755-0429 Valerie Hansen Patten travel, but we leave skydiving to the kids! Family OffI'Ce.. (504) 665-6151 and friends are the high points of our lives. 100 Orion Dr. P.O Box 10 I enjoy my current position with the Hall of Dryden, N.Y.13053 Occupaf,-on.I Corporate Controller & Chief Flnancial Officer, Life at the Denver Museum of Natural History Home.. (607) 844-4494 Vulcan Foundry lnc. Come// Major.I History (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced where health education is the focus of my work. Degrees.I M.P.A. Johnson School of Management (Cornel1). Office.. (607) 253-3900 Spouse.-Carol (Jaquith) Cornell '69 (A.B. '7l) Financial We have just opened a beautiful new interactive Advlsor. ChJJdreJ].I Ellsabeth A. 7/2/68 L.S.U. dng; Susan R. exhibit hall in the past year. Dave practices law, Occupafl'on.- Microblologist, Cornell Vet. College. CornejJ 5/29/72, Comell (Arts) '94. AffI'JjafI'OJ]S & AcrjvJ'fjeS.-Certified enjoys lawyer jokes, and will serve as a national Major.I Biologlcal Sc./Microbiology (Agriculture). Spouse.- Management Accountant. Professional: Institute of chairman of the American Heart Association in Robert Patten, Jr., Comell Engineerlng '7 I , Electrlcal Englneer. Management Accountants, Louisiana Association of Self- Affj/jafI-OJ]S & Acrjvj'fJeS.I Amerlcan Society of Microbiology, Insured Employers (director). Data Processing Management 1992. I anticipate our thirst for travel will be National Registry of Microbiology, American Assoc. of Assoclatlon (inactive, former chapter director) Community: quenched during that year! Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, U.S. Animal Health Arts & Humanities Council of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Going to Cornell was the beginning of an Assoc., Assoc. of Veterinary MlcrobiologlStS. Honors.- Gilbert & Sullivan Society (former director), Baton Rouge adventure for me, and the spirit continues ..... Numerous papers in the Joumals of Infectious Disease, Clinical Opera (inactive). Baton Rouge Symphony Association, Microbiology and American Veterinary Medical Assoc. Foundation for Historic Louisiana (Inactive), Friends of the D'Oyly Carte Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Louisiana Arts & Only after graduation did I realize how much I Sciences Center, Montessori Society (former director), St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Seal & Serpent Society of Cornell enjoy Microbiology. It has become very (former director), Unlted Way (former committee member) and important to me to provide the best possible WRKF Public Radio. laboratory support to clinicians and to stay updated on new techniques. Included in this is the How did I end up as a 968? Some will recall reporting of new findings whether they be in the that I started out as an engineer, but that didn't form of bacteria isolated from different clinical seem to take and so I became an artsie. Lots of sites or different antibiotic patterns or techniques courses became excess baggage. I finished with used in processing samples. In a world where 168 credit hours and my parents thought me to be changes are occurring at such a rapid rate it is pretty over-educated. But my adult life really imperative to maintain communication between started in '67 anyway: Carol and I were married colleagues in order to provide adequate human that August. Then things kind of started to move Lee Pasarew and animal health care. quickly: Graduated June '68, first child born July 968, taken by U.S. Army, October, 968. Two 2450 39th St. NW On the home front, Bob & I, along with my Washington, D.C. 20007 brother and sister-in-law, Don and Marge, have a thankfully endurable years later we returned to Home.. (202) 338-6952 small apiary. We have about 200 hives and are Cornel1. I started the program at what they used actively trying to increase our retail market. This to call B&PA and Carol finished her degree (A.B. OffI'Ce.. (202) 475-6154 97l). In 972 I graduated, our second child was past summer was spent evaluating our products OccupafI®Or].a Fed, USEPA. CorneJJ Major.-Eng. (Eng.). and developing a new label for our business. We born and I took a management job in smokestack Advanced Degrees.I M. Eng. Cornel1, MA (Urban Planning) renamed our business The Honey Bunch, America (steel). In a few years the course of my UCLA. Spouse.I Isabel Reiff, Mt. Holyoke, l970, formerly Honeysuckle Apiary for those of you adult life had been charted. Environmental Consultant. CThI'Jdrer].-Sam, l2; Faye, 8. familiar with the Cornell Gift Boxes, and are Where am I now? Both of my kids are grown; really proud of the market reviews given to our one lives in Silicon Valley, the other is at creamed product Satin Honey. We9re hoping this Cornel1. Carol is starting a new career and I9m little business endeavor can become a retirement dreaming about getting a PhD. someday. I'm still project in a few years. in hot metal at work, but my life has taken on two Bob & I stay very busy meeting the demands new dimensions in recent years. One is an active of our jobs. Bob is at Wilson Synchrotron, and promoter of the arts. Always have been a developing the honey business. As the years have spectator, but here in Louisiana that just isn't passed we seem to be meeting more and more of going to be good enough. I hope that my efforts the demands together and that has become very will help the musical traditions that I first grew to important to me also. love at Cornell to thrive here. The other new twist in my life has been to politics. Through my job I have become very active in two lobbying groups: Sharon Argus Paschos one state, dealing with insurance, and the other federal, dealing with free trade. How important Heiduferweg 51 has Cornell been to me? My character was 4600 Dortmund 50 Germany shaped, my intellect was developed, my Home.. 0049 231 735044 aesthetics were awakened and I met Carol at Cornell. I have made good friends over the years

155 because of Cornell. And now I get to share I had an awful time at Cornell, yearning to Cornell with my daughter, so very different but know how to leam but not knowing, and getting still the same. no help at all, truly lost. I had a few gorgeous moments, but mostly pain. After school, I went alone to Paris, this not-ready-for-prime-time person, and stayed six months and lurched a few inches toward adulthood. On returning, I worked in computers, full-time, part-time, full-time, travel, etc. I left my last full-time job in 1976, became a woodworker, shared a woodworking shop for seven years (where I met my husband); I had to do computers free-lance to survive. I still do that, computer consulting, usually at home. When we can afford it, I bow out for as long as Marl Ann Paulus Peterson possible. I am a sculptor and painter and have a lA Hilldowntree Rd. studio in Harlem, and that is where I find my Islington, Ontario, Canada M9A225 Gregory Pearson bliss. While my husband was getting his M. Arch Home.. (416) 239-1783 at MIT, l986-1988, I had my first real private 12955 Jolette Avenue OffI'Ce.. (416) 239-1786 studio, in South Boston. I really miss that Granada Hills, Calif. 91344 complex place sometimes, for its full open space Occupafjon.I Consultant - Infant Day Care Specialist, Reimar Home.. (818) 363-8160 and simple waterfront, and perfect studio. It is Associates. Come/I Major.-Child Development (Human OffI'Ce.. (818) 986-4212 only recently that I decided to stop pummeling Ecology, Home Ec). Advanced Degrees.-Ph.D. Comell Spouse.a Rein Peterson, Cornell, Ph.D. Business, Professor, myself for not being a full-time artist, and now I Occupafjon.- Sr. Vice President, Microcom, Inc. ComcJJ Major.I Entrepreneurship. ChjJdren.-Michael Daniel, 5/I 1/72, Graduate Linguistics (Technology Arts). Advanced Degrees.a MA, actually enjoy my computer self as well. Etobicoke Collegiate Inst. l991, accepted to Carleson University, General Arts; Jennifer-Mai Charlotte, 1/lO/79, Comell. Aff]'JJ'atr'OnS & AcfI'vifI'eS.I USAR I am indebted to the women9s movement for my salvation. Also, like so many people, my life Hilltop Middle School (French Immersion). AffJ'Jjafl'ons & AcfI'vifjeS.I Society for Research in Child Dev.; Royal Canadian was greatly enhanced through political Yacht Club; Herrcks Institute (researcher, commlttee member involvement and life-style samplings of the Infant Team). Honors.- Fellowship - Day Care Consultation sixties and seventies. Continued community (l990); Many publications in various fields (Child activism remains critical to my sense of life- Development, Intemational Small Business, Local Newspaper). balance, and makes it possible for me to love We lived through turbulent times at Comell - NYC. student riots, the Phud programme, the change of Our wedding: there were four people there, us name from Home Economics to Human Ecology, and two friends. Nobody else, no officials. No campus cops carrying guns. Our first summer papers to sign. Just an exchange of rings and found us so broke we started to sell off our some champagne. Wonderful. furniture, skis and other paraphernalia. But we survived. My husband was a Ph.D. student, and I a mere undergraduate who though listening to Adam Garson Perl lectures by Uric Bronfenbrenner, George Suci, 118 Aubum St. Henry Riccuiti, the Baldwins, became interested Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 in Child Development and psychology. Home.. (607) 277-2637 We also lived in idyllic surroundings - OffI'Ce.. (607) 277-3457 Halcyon Hill in Forest Home, a short drive to the bird sanctuary and the animals. Our landlord was OccupafI'On.a Antique Dealer, Pastimes. ComeJ/ Major.- Music a professor emeritus - ornamental horticulture - (Arts & Sciences) Spouse.-Helen Smith Perl, High School Math his wife a former gym teacher. They were very Teacher. Ct]jJdren.-Amanda Grace Perl, l2/22/79; Greta Eileen Perl, 3/l6/82; Michael Benjamin George Perl, l2/8/84 kind to us as were our neighbors on the hill. AffJ'jjafI'OnS & Actr'vifI'eS.I C.U. Glee Club. Almost every day we would walk to campus along Beebe Lake and up the hill, winter and James Peterson summer. The path along the lake was narrow but 2215 Riverside Dr. always interesting, setting the tone for the day Valdosta, Ga. 31602 ahead. Home.. (912) 247-4766 Our memories of Cornell are good ones, fond OffI'Ce.. (912) 333-5771 ones - skipping the Masters I got my Ph.D. in 1975. I wore the same gown and hat that my Occupafjon.I College Prof and Dept. Head, (Political Science), husband wore when he graduated from the Valdosta State College. ComeJj Major.a Government (Arts & business school in 1964. The richness of Sciences). Advanced Degrees.' Indiana Univ. (M.A., Ph.D.). Spouse.a Bonnie Peterson, B.A. at Cal. StateINorthridge, MPA Comel1's faculty, the beauty of the old campus, at Valdosta State 1987. ChjJdren.a Jesse, 2/23/78; Jenna, 4/2O/83 and historic buildings, the wonder of the gorges AffjJl'afjons & Acfjvjfjes.a Research on USSR, East Europe, will stay with both of us forever. National Security L.A.M.P. Dlrector - Social Service non-profit Since returning to Canada I have been Org. involved in teaching various aspects of child Francine Perlman development as well as being heavily involved in 520 W.123rd St. the infant day care scene. We have two strapping, New York, N.Y.10027 healthy children of our own, now and with them a Home.. (212) 662-2018 leaming experience, a life experience, such as we enjoyed at Cornell. OccupafI'On.a Computer Consultant, Artist, Self. Corms/I Major.I Govemment, (Arts & Sclences). Spouse.a Jonathan Sinagub, M. Arch '89 M.I.T.

156 '94. Affl'Jjafjons & AcrJVJfI'eS.-American Psychological OccupafI'On.a Vice President Sales & Marketing, Polymer Association; Nassau County Psychological Association', Israel Extruded Products, Inc. ComejJ Major.a Chemical Engineering Tennis Center. Honors.I Omicron Nu; Graduate with (Engineering). Spouse.- Dawn F. Poinsett, Career Planning at Distinction; Papers presented at Child Development and Lafayette College. CThjJdren.a Matthew R. Poinsett, 3/14/77; Educational Conference; Published artlcles in professional Timothy L. Poinsett, 5/10/79. Affl'Jjafjor]s & AcfI'vifI-eS.I Prof. - joumals. S.P.E. Comm. Act -U.S. Swimming.

I was so reluctant to leave Comell in 967 that I Looking back over the last 24 years makes you hung around until June of '68. Actually, I married realize how quickly the years have passed, how Larry in August of '67 and retumed to Comell to much has happened and how much I would still finish my Masters in Psychology while Larry like to accomplish. The years have been very completed his joint degrees in Law and Business. good to me and my family, as we have enjoyed We left Cornell with multiple diplomas and a good health, reasonable prosperity, traveled Edward J. Piorun baby on the way. extensively and we have made numerous lifelong Michael was born just in time for the friends. 4832 Huntwood Path beginning of Christmas vacation of my Ph.D. The greatest delights in my life have been the Manlius, N.Y.13104 program at Columbia. Being a doctoral student birth of my two sons and all the years leading up Home.. (315) 637-3597 and mommy was not as easy as I had anticipated. to my approaching 25th wedding anniversary. OffI.Ce.. (315) 432-3419 Despite my best plans, when Michael gave up We have survived relocations, energy crises, napping I gave up trying, taking what turned out recessions, bull markets, job changes, purchasing Occupafjon.a Sr. Production Eng., Carrier^JTC. ComejJ Major.I to be a permanent leave from Columbia. Industrial Eng. (Engineering). Spouse.I Joan K. Piorun, Crouse a business and many other experiences. Literally, Irving School of Nursing, 1968, RN. ChI'Jdren.a Michael D. Robert was born in February '72 and we every event has left a mark and molded my life. Piorun, age 12. moved to our first home in Roslyn, Long Island. We have settled in Easton, Pennsylvania, There I found it much easier to be a working where we, hopefully, have added the last addition mom and ran a playgroup-nursery school in my onto the house. My oldest son is starting high home. When Rob was old enough to start nursery school and is looking forward to his studies and school, I went back to complete my doctorate at playing varsity sports. My youngest son is in SUNY - Stony Brook. I was so conflicted about middle school and has just finished the soccer my decision to drop out of Columbia that I did season and is now working out with the swim my dissertation on object permanence in infant- team. Their activities make me tired trying to mother dyads as a function of the time the mother keep up being a cheerleader at their various spent out of the home! I finally finished my games and activities. doctorate in 979 and have been working as a This past summer we took a vacation where we psychologist in school and private practice ever were literally together as a family for over two since. weeks, sharing the close quarters of motel rooms Meanwhile I have thoroughly enjoyed my role and a van as we traveled the coast of northern Ronald Podell as suburban mom and everything related to it. I California. This vacation made me realize that 4 Dallas Drive can hardly believe both kids are out of our too my sons have matured into two responsible Poughkeepsie, N.Y.12603 big, too empty home in Old Westbury. Michael teenagers and have developed their own very Home.. (914) 462-1776 graduated summa cum laude from Wharton (U. unique personalities that I was very proud of. OffI'Ce.. (914) 462-1776 of Penn.) in May '91 and is living in his own This vacation allayed my concerns as I realized apartment in Manhattan while working as an that we had begun to prepare our sons for the Occupafj-on.- Psychiatrist. CornejJ Major.I History (Arts & analyst for Morgan Stanley. Robert is a years that are ahead for them. Sciences). Advanced Degrees.- M.D., Mount Sinai School of sophomore at Yale. He kept me busy as a tennis Now I look forward to a few more hectic years Medicine. Spouse.I Mayda Pastemack Podell, Bamard College, mom, but I loved it. Rob played #2 singles for with the family and business and then maybe a 1968, Psychotherapist. ChI'Jdren.a Nicole, 8/29/73, Connecticut College, 1995; Jessica, 3/25/76, Phillips Exeter Academy, Yale as a freshman and was the EITA rookie of little slower lifestyle where I can play more golf 1994. the year. I had mixed emotions when he beat his and relax. Whatever the future, I look forward to Comell counterpart. Despite Larry's career as an having as much fun in the future as I9ve had in attorney and mine as a psychologist we have an the past. acute - or is it chronic - case of empty nest syndrome. I have never made major life transitions easily. Maybe my next research project will be on mother-child relations and the empty nest syndrome.

Sheila Rimland Poh]y 3 Meadow Rd. Karen Kaufman Polansky Old Westbury, N.Y. 11568 3008 Marlynn Street Home.. (516) 626-1145 Carnrichae1, Calif. 95608 OffI®Ce.a (516) 261-9000 ext.114 Home.. (916) 488-6808 I Occupafjon.I Psychologist, Northport Schools & private Richard W. Poinsett OccupafI'On.I Entrepreneur, Nameable Notes. CorneJJ Major.- practice. CormeJJ Major.I Child Development, (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.I S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook -Ph.D. '79. 18 Devon Drive Child Development & Family Relationships, (Human Ecology). Spouse.a Lawrence Pohly, Colgate 964, Comell Law & Business Advanced Degrees.a M.S. Bank Street College of Education. 968, Attorney. ChjJdren.I Michael,12/16/68, Wharton - Easton, Penna.18042 Spouse.a Steven Polansky, M.D., Cornell '67, physician. University of Pennsylvania '91 ; Robert, 2/8/72, Yale University Home.. (215) 253-4067 ChjJdren.-Jonathan, 5/1/71, UCLA class of '93; Jennifer, OffI'Ce.. (201) 344-2700 4/6/73, Cornell Class of '95, Robin, I/26/76, Rio American

157 H.S. '93. Affl'JJ'afI'OnS & AcfJ'V,'fJ'eS.I Past President, Family Law Congregation, Treasurer, Sacramento Jewish Federatlon; in August,1967 so that the 25th Cornell reunion Service Agency, Life Member, Hadassah & National Councll Of President, Sacramento Long Distance Running AssoclatiOn, and our 25th wedding anniversary are soon upon Delegate - California Medical Association. Honors.I various Jewish Women; Board Member, Medical Auxlliary, Presldent- us. We immediately moved to Boston where I elect PTSA. Honors.I PTA Honorary Service Award. medical articles published in 66Obstetrlcs and Gynecology." Former Chairman, Department of OB/GYN - American Rlver began Simmons College School of Social Work Hospltal. and Alan returned to Boston College Law School. I didn9t want to go to Cornel1; I wanted to I have been a psychotherapist since 1969 in a attend Skidmore College because every piece of Billy Crystal in 6tCity Slickers" found that the number of settings, but have practiced at the correspondence they sent me was handwritten meaning of life is to do just one thing really well. same out-patient mental health clinic for the last and signed. I was impressed by the personal I have been fortunate in doing four things really fourteen years. I utilize an eclectic variety of attention I thought I would receive. My mother, well -marrying Karen (Kaufman, Class of 1967), modalities to treat families, couples, individuals thinking she was smarter than I was, convinced and having three great kids, (Jonathan, Jennifer, and groups. me that Cornell offered a far more diverse and Robin). Alan is a trial attorney. His early work was in experience, so to Cornell I went. Life has been fortunately relatively smooth the public sector in various departments of the I studied Child Development in the College of sailing from the freshman dorm to Tau Delta Phi Massachusetts state government and the office of Human Ecology, met my wonderful husband, to various apartments off campus (with Roger the attorney general. He is currently a partner and Steve, also '67, at an NCAA hockey game in Abrams and Myron Roomkin among others). I chief of the litigation department of a law firm. Madison Square Garden junior year and married moved on to S.U.N.Y.-Downstate Medical We moved to Newton, a Boston suburb, in him a week after graduation. I obtained graduate School with Karen, and to Strong Memorial 1972 and have two daughters, Elizabeth and credits at Bank Street College and taught second Hospital in Rochester for an internship and Abigail. We recently began the college tour grade while Steve was attending medical school. residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. After circuit with Elizabeth. I found myself gladly, We have lived in Brooklyn and Rochester, New two years of semi-voluntary duty at Mather Air readily and often becoming confused as to who is York, and have been in California for 16 years. Force Base Hospital, I began a private practice of the mother and who is the interviewee. As I sat in We have three super children: Jonathan, 20, a Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sacramento, various admission offices, I was frequently junior at UCLA; Jenny,18, class of 995 at California, with an old medical school buddy of transported back to Cornell, flooded with many Cornell; and Robin,15, a high school junior. mine. wonderful memories. That was an idyllic place Cornell is a large part of our lives. Steve and I Since then, Karen and I have learned how to and time in my life. Of course, there was the have chaired the CAAAN Committee for several ski. We do a tremendous amount of hiking in the learning. But I more quickly remember the years, and helped found the Cornell Club of Lake Tahoe region, and I have become interested friendships and wonderful times, my Sacramento. I am the President-elect of the in climbing (Mt. Shasta, Mt. Whitney), and will development of high standards and love of hard Human Ecology Alumni Association, and have be going on a four-week climb of Mt. Mera in work, the evolution of my identity and been elected to University Council. I am also Nepal with a summit of 21,000 feet. I am an avid independence as an adult. I can only hope that in working on Cornell9s Capital Campaign. I love long distance runner, having completed 22 the next three years Elizabeth and Abigail find as surrounding myself with Cornellians. I always marathons in the past 10 years. We are active in say there is a special feeling we have for one glorious and fitting a setting to enjoy their own the local Jewish Community (I was president of another in our university that graduates of other growth. the Synagogue and Treasurer of the Federation), schools do not have. It stems from the shared and Karen is heavily involved in Cornel1 experiences we had at a superior university - the Ivy Room, tray sliding on Libe Slope, skiing at (Chairman. Local CAAAN Committee, President of the Human Ecology Alumni Association, and Greek Peak, Dickson VI, curfews, the mural at Member of the University Council). Martha Van, and D Phi E. We have only good memories of Cornell and it When I am not doing Cornell work, I own certainly made our year when our daughter, Nameable Notes, a business that specializes in Jennifer, was accepted to the Class of 1995. Our personalized stationery, invitations, gifts, and oldest son, Jonathan, is at U.C.L.A. studying party goods. I am the President-elect for the high acting, and Robin (age 15) is considering a career school PTSA and past-president of the Family in medicine! Service Agency. We travel and ski and life is great! Alexandra Merle Post The Post House; St. John's Terrace Lewes, E. Sussex, England BN7 2DL FAX & Telephone.a (011-44-273) 483-462

Occupafjon.I MD, International Mergers & Acquisitions; Venture Capital Sourcing, The Spectrum Intemational Group. ComeJJ Major.- Politlcal Science (Arts) Advanced Degrees.I MPA, U. of California, Berkeley; PhD, Univ. of Munich, Germany. Affi/j'afjons & AcfI'VjrjeS.- IMD, Geneva Institute of Directors, London; City Women's Network, London; Guard's Polo, Windsor; Vlsiting Professor, UBC and U. of Sussex Suzanne Rudin Posner Mafe' Dr. Greg NorrlS; Univ. of London, Univ. of Sussex - l984 in Astrophysics (PLASNA). Current: Amencan Express, Steven Polansky 21 Palmer Road Manager, TelecommunlCatiOnS (E-Mall, X.400 and related). 3008 Marlynn Street Waban, Mass. 02168 Home.. (716) 965-4849 Carmichae1, Calif. 95608 Home.. (916) 488-6808 OffI'Ce.. (716) 762-6592

OffI'Ce.. (916) 486-0411 occupafjoJ].- Psychotherapist, Private Practice. ComeJJ Major.- child Development/Family Relations, (Human Ecology). OccupafI'On.- Physician, Kamras & Polansky MedlCal Advanc'ed Degrees.- MS, Simmons College School of Social Corporation, General Partner - Greater Sacramento Surgery Work,1969. Spouse.I Alan, Colgate, l966, Boston College Law Center. ComeJJ Major.I Biological Sciences, (Arts & Science). School, 1970, Attorney. CThJJdren.I Elizabeth, 7/2/74; Abigall, Advanced Degrees.I M.D. - S.U.N.Y. - Downstate. Spouse.I 9/30176. AffilliatiOnS & Activities: NASW . Karen Kaufman Polansky, H.E. '67, Entrepreneur. Cf]I'jdren.I Jonathan, Junior UCLA '93; Jennifer, Comell '95; Robin, age 15, junior in H.S. AffJ'Jl'afJ'OnS & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.I President, Mosaic Following graduation, Alan and I were married

158 Hank Prensky Kevin Pranikoff Judy Limouze Price 6803 Westmoreland Avenue 192 Meadowview Lane 42 Marble Drive Takoma Park, Md. 20912 Rochester, N.Y.14615 Williamsville, N.Y.14221 Home.. (301) 270-2550 Home.. (716) 663-0097 Home.. (716) 631-9781 Office: (2O2) 376-3373 OffI'Ce.. (716) 461-1000 OffI'Ce.. (716) 898-5008

Occupafjon.I Financlal Management Trainer, Neighborhood Occuparjon.a Consumer Home Economist, Comell Cooperative OccupafJOJ].a Physician: Associate Professor of Urology - SUNY Reinvestment Corporation. Corns/I Major.- Genetics Extension in Monroe County. ComeJJ Major.I Home Economics Clinical Director of Urology - ECMC., State Univ. of NY at (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.I Univ. of Vermont (no Education (Home Economics). Advanced Degrees.I Certified Buffalo, Erie County Med. Center. CorneJJ Major.a Biological degree). Spouse.I Daryl Braithwalte, Cannon Univ. '81, Home Economist - AHEA. Spouse.a David L. Price, Case Sciences (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.- University of Municlpal Recycling Profess10na1. Chj/dren.I Sol Logan Institute Of Technology, 1964 (now Case Western Reserve), Florida, M.D. Spouse.I Merle Goldstein, Syracuse, B.S. '68, Braithwaite Prensky, 9/l4/90. AffJ'JI'afjOnS & AcfjvjfI'eS.-City Northeastern Univ, M.E. '69, Art Educator. CfrjJdreJ].I Kara photographic engineer. CThjJdren.I Jeffrey, 10/23/70, Rensselaer Councilmember. Polytechnlc Institute 1992; James 12/10/71, University of NY Lynn, 12/29/74; Julie Rebecca, 3/9/78. AffiJI'afI'OJ]S & at Buffalo, l994; Daniel, 6/1/74, Olympia High School, 1992, Acfjvjfj'es.-AmerlCan Med. Assoc., American College of college unknown at this time. Affl'JI'afJOnS & AcrjvI'tieS.- New Surgeons, American Urological Society, Medical Advisory Our years at Cornell were ones of emerging York State Home Economics Association - Central Western Committee Western NY Multiple Sclerosis Society, Planned consciousness of a world around us that didn't District President; State V.P. for Program; Bethany Parenthood of Buffalo Medical Committee, Board of Directors quite run according to logic, ideals or common Presbyterian Church elder. Upstate New York Transplant Services. Honors.I Published sense. As the war in Viet Nam raged, and the war articles and chapters ln Various medical jOumalS and texts. (civil/cultural) at home grew, my understanding In 1967 I made a conscious decision to strike Twenty-five years at one moment feels like of the world was changing. These changes led me out on my own -400 miles away from my family. to: graduate school (U of Vermont, where I Confidence or youthful bravado? Anne Marie yesterday and a moment later, seems like an eternity ago. After graduation, I migrated South majored in anti-war orgarizing); developing a (Flood) Frater9s mother found roommates for me to the University of Florida Medical School college student based 66V|sta" program in the on her schoo1's bulletin board. During three years Peace Corps in the Philippines; teaching children graduating in 1971. I stopped back in Syracuse (nine blocks) of teaching junior high home ec., long enough to marry Merle and then off to St. at the Lewis-Wadhams ("Summerhill") school; the classroom was becoming repetitive, but my Louis for two years of general surgical training. starting Collective Impressions, an anti-profit, personal life was exciting. I met my husband in The next two years were spent with the Navy in worker-managed, community-owned, my apartment building (thanks Anne Marie). Sam Diego and I then completed my urological collectively-run, feminist offset printshop; David is a photographic engineer with Eastman training at the University of Rochester. In 1979, learning (by doing) financial management at the Kodak, and a graduate of Case Institute of twelve years after graduating from Cornell, I Coalition for a New Foreign Policy and Clean Technology. finally acquired a real job joining the Faculty of Water Action; consulting/teaching (and I did not return to the classroom in 1970, but the State University of New York at Buffalo empowering) people from hundreds of not-for- spent the next 13 years as a full time mother - where I have remained. profit organizations on the basics of financial Jeff was born in 1970, Jim in 1971 and-Dan in Currently I spend time juggling the management; working within a network of 300 1974. I kept busy with school involvement, responsibilities of patient care, teaching, research housing organizations dedicated to revitalizing women9s organizations, cub and boy scouts, and and administration. Merle and daughters, Kara neighborhoods for the benefit of their current various church responsibilities. Highlights were and Julie, are extremely tolerant of my chaotic residents. 66What a long, strange trip its been", chairing a pulpit search committee and a building existence and are responsible for the peace and especially since I thought Itd become a high committee responsible for a $500,000 project. stability in my life. school biology teacher! In 1982, I was recruited by Cooperative Reflecting back on Cornell in 1963, I I've settled down in the c6Peoples Republic of Extension in Monroe County, looking for remember the mental turmoil caused whenever I Takoma Park" where I was elected to the City volunteer home economists. This seemed the entered the Straight Lobby to be accosted by Council in 1989. It's an outstanding relief to live perfect opportunity to see if I wanted to get back someone sitting behind a table with leaflets. They in and work for a community where progressive in the field. It was the right decision because the invariably would challenge me to rethink some political values and real life go hand-in-hand. volunteer job has turned into a full time position. idea that I had previously held as We7re a nuclear-free zone that buys nothing from I operate an adult education program that consists incontrovertible. These episodes, at the time weapons producers, a sanctuary city for Central of a helpline, programs presented to groups, radio unsettling, have since epitomized to me what a American refugees, recycle over 50% of our spots and a monthly publication. I love what I am university experience is about. Solving the wastes and have one of the best anti-smoking doing, and my Cornell degree in home economics world's problems over beer at Jim9s, flicking out laws in the US. It9s a pleasure to be here. education makes me uniquely suited for this I9ve married a tough partner-in-life who has (Have you seen all the James Bond flicks?), position. (I need to know about virtually developed our city's recycling program. We have everything from nutrition to septic systems.) I parties in the gorge and jaunts to Cortland were also important parts of that experience. a son and I'm learning more about love from him have not pursued a graduate degree, but have than I thought myself capable of. I'm also so gained more than the equivalent through the constantly exhausted that I finally understand training I receive from Comell faculty (talk about why many people in their right minds have kids job perks). when they9re in their 20's, not their 40's. Oh Cooperative Extension provides me an well, life goes on. opportunity for personal growth and a salary which goes directly to 2 universities. Spring '92, Jeff will graduate from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (biomedical engineering), Jim will finish

159 his second year at the University of New York at Airbome Division as a Pathfinder until wounded to Stanford for an MBA, stayed five years and Buffalo (another engineer), and Dan will know and medevaced (nothing essential missing). also got a Ph.D. in economics and a dog (he where he will study computer science in the fall. At that point, I realized there must be a better lasted 15 years). Twenty five years? Yes, another generation has way, took my LSAT, applied to law school and I returned to Washington to become a taken my place, but in many ways, it seems like then had to face the music resulting from my workaholic and a power groupy. For 18 years, only yesterday. Will the next 25 go by as mediocre undergraduate grades. My interview I9ve been close to policymakers and politicians in a variety of supporting roles. After stints at the quickly? I hope they are as fulfilling as the last. with Dean Neimeth at Cornell Law School was disastrous. He rejected my application, informing Federal Reserve (under three Chairmen), at the me that 66the chickens had come home to roost." President's Council of Economic Advisers (under However, I was accepted at Boston University Carter and Reagan), and with Senator Gary Hart Law School, and graduated in 1974, second in (before Monkey BusjJ]eSS), I spent time at two my class. Studying was a new experience. Washington think tanks and then started an I accepted a position with a firm in Portland, economics consulting firm that merged last year Maine, and we lived there for five years, during with Emst & Young. These experiences left me which our first and second sons (Ryan and with great appreciation for the problems of Adam) were born. We then moved to Rhode goverance and with a mix of skepticism and Island, our daughter Katie was bom in 1980, and respect for those who try to govem. 6CInside the I practiced with one of the larger firms in Beltway" are many hard-working and honorable providence until 1988, when nine of us split off people dedicated to public service, as well as and started our own firm in which I am the many like me who mix making a living with Nell Principe Chairman of the Litigation Department. We now participating in the public debate. Laziness, live in Barrington, Rhode Island, and in what deceit and dishonesty may make the headlines, 2869 NE 28 St. 66off hours" there are, I try to fit in as much but they are no more prevalent here than Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33306 karate as possible. I have not retumed to Comell anywhere else. Home.. (305) 564-7924 since I was rejected by the Law School in 1971. For the past eight years, my true joy has come Offi'ce.. (305) 584-1000 While I regret that, perhaps that was exactly what from my family. My wife, Pamela Johnson, keeps I needed as a challenge. It did certainly get my me honest. My son, Elliot (seven years), and my Occupafjon.' Physician and Regional Vice President, EMSA attention. daughter, Abby (four years), keep me young. I Ltd. Partnership. ComeJJ Major.I BIOSCienCe (Arts & Science). look forward this year to sharing with them for Advanced Degrees.- M.D. ChI'Jdren.- Julia Principe, 6/27/77, attending summit Country Day School, Cinc., Ohio, Comel1 the first time some of my experiences ofComell \ '99. AffJ'JI'afjOnS & AcfI'Vj'fI'eS.I Certified American Board of and Ithaca. Internal Medicine; Certified American Board of Emergency Medicine; Fellow - Amer. Coll. Emergency Physicians; Member, A.M.A.

Perry Quick 3920 Military Road N.W. Washington, D.C. 20015 Home.. (202) 362-2417 Marion Apter Quinn OffI'Ce.. (202) 663-9650 654 Linda Vista Ave Pasadena, Calif. 91105 James E. PurcelI occupafJOn.a Economist, Emst & Young. CormeJJ Major.I I.E. & Home.. (818) 578-1184 6 Elton Rd. o.R., (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.-Stanford, MBA, l972; OffI'Ce.. (818) 793-7790 Barrington, R.I. 02806 ph.D., Economics 1979. Spouse.a Pamela Johnson. ChI'Jdren.I Elliot, 9/20/84; Abby, 9/4/87. AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI-fI'eS.I Home.. (401) 246-0029 Occupar,'on.I Dermatologist, Marion A. Quinn, M.D. Inc. American Economics Association; Principal, Council for Comell MajoI-.-Chemistry, (Arts & Sclences). Advanced OffI'Ce.. (401) 861-8200 Excellence in Government; Board of Advisors, University of Dcgrecs.a MD Univ. of Chicago. Spouse.I Michael F. Quinn, Maryland School of Public Affairs; Board of Trustees, Univ. of Calif. Berkeley l968, Rad10lOgiSt. CThI'jdreJ].-Brian OccuparI'On.I Attorney, Chairman Litigation Dept., Partridge children's House of Washington. Honors.' Cosmos Club. Daniel, 3/26/85; Adrienne Marie, ll/16/86. Affl'JI'a[jOnS & snow & Hahn. CorneJJ Major.-History (Arts). Advanced AcfI'VJrI'eS.I Los Angeles Metropolitan Dermatologic Society, Degrees.-J.D., Boston Univ. Law School, 1974. Spouse.-Kelly When I left Ithaca (in 1968) my only plan was American Academy of Dermatology. M. Purcel1. CJ]jJdren.I Ryan, 8/l9/77; Adam, 2/3/79; Kathryn ll/5/80. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & Acfjvj'fI'eS.a Chair, Barrington Zoning to spend six months on a remote Mexican beach Board (l989-present)-, Chair Barrington Republican Town to find myself. After six days on the beach, I had committee (l987-90); VP & Board Member Bristol County found Montezuma's Revenge, a sunburn, and a chamber of Commerce. Honors.a Who's Who in American bad case of home sickness. I withdrew to NYC, Law; Prize for best all around professional ability in B.U. Law School 1974. got a job, rented a loft in Greenwich Village, and began to live like a Yuppie 15 years before they After graduation, Uncle Sam became more had a term for me. interested in me than Major League baseball. Then, I got semi-serious, at least Thus, I played baseball in the Cape Cod League professionally. I found I liked analysis and during the summer of 1967 purely for fun, met problem-solving when the problems were a6real.I ' 66Rea1" meant work that involved live people in my future wife, Kelly, and then the draft caught up with me. I survived infantry OCS, received real business or public policy situations ... and my commission, attended Airborne and that someone would pay for. After two years as a Pathfinder schools, married Kelly in the interim, consultant in New York and Washington, DC, I and was shipped to Vietnam, serving with 10lst married my first Wife (it lasted nine years), went

160 Charles Z. Radick Any Colmer Ream Sandra Specht Rawlings Box 566 8785 SW White Pine La. 81 Maple Avenue Preston Hollow, N.Y.12469 Portland, Ore. 97225 Katonah, N.Y. 10536 Home.. (518) 239-4160 Home.. (503) 292-4711 Home.. (914) 232-0934 Occupation.® Accountant, CZRIFACTS. Cornell Major.® OffI'Ce.. (503) 297-8411 Agricultural Economics (Agriculture). Spouse.a Susan. CThjJdren.a Occupation.~ DesignerlWri`er, S & I Associates. Comell Major: Keith, 12/7/7 I ; Courtney, 9/9/80; Zachary, 4/16/82. AffJ'JJ'afI'OnS English (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I M.J., UCLA. OccupafI'on.a Anesthesiologist, Self employed. ComeJj Major.- & Actr'vI'rI'eS.-Advisory Board - SUNY at Cobleskil1. Spouse.-James Rawlings, Indiana Univ. '66, U. of Michigan Amer. Govt., (Arts). Advanced Degrees.a M.D. Univ of Nevada- MBA '67; Corp. Exec. ChI'Jdren.I James Charles, 3/17/80, Reno l986. Spouse.a Dick Ream, U. of Utah 1967, philosophy Rippowaw Cisqua; Alexandra Sarah, I/16/86, Rippowaw major-, owner, Ream Construction Co. Cisqua. Aff]'Jjafjons & Activifjes.a ASID; Crossriver .Reservoir Assoc (Dir.); Butler/Meyer Nature Sanctuary (Dir.); Caramoor Garden Guild (Dir.). Honors.-Kappa Tau Alpha.

My ll-year-old son came home last night with a homework assignment to interview me about 66what he was like as a fetus." I had to laugh. Somehow, this reminded me of my own task to try and sum up the last 25 years of my life for the yearbook. Most of my professional efforts have involved writing. I9ve worked as a corporate researcher/writer; been a p.r. director; authored a Alexandra Kaufman Raine how-to book; and written numerous freelance 248 Treetop Lane articles for assorted national magazines and Michael H. Redlin Rye Brook, N.Y. 10573 newspapers. I9ve also worked as a graphics 1363 Tanghannock Blvd. Home.. (914) 937-1991 illustrator, photojournalist, job counselor and Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 OffI'Ce.. (203) 629-1400 decorator. Home: (6O7) 2J2-4J66 Altogether, I spent the first 10 years after OccupafI'On.a Mgr. Invest. Relations, Helm Resources, Inc. Office.. (6OJ) 255-3692 CorneJJ Major.I Child Development (Human Ecology). graduation in California, mostly in S.F. where I Advanced Degrees.I MS - SUNY Cortland; MBA - Westem Ct. met my wonderful husband Jim - we celebrate OccupafI'on.I Associate Dean For Academic Affairs, School of U. ChjJdren.a Spencer, 8/16/72, Sophomore at Washington our 22nd anniversary next week - and the Hotel Administration, Cornell. CorneJJ Major.- Mechanical University (St. Louis); Evan, 5/3l/74, Senior at Blind Brook remainder in L.A. Engineering, (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.- Ph.D. Comell, High School. Affl'Jj'afI'OnS & AcfI-VI'fjeS.- Women in A move to London followed. We took every 1974. Spouse.-Dawn E. Redlin, Westem Michigan University, Communications, Cornell Alumni Ambassador Network, 1967, Officer Manager and Fund Raiser. ChI'Jdren.a Deborah, Friends of Stanford Symphony, National Invest. Relations advantage of the endless cultural and travel 10/5/69, Lewis & Clark College,1991; Kathleen,ll/30/70, Institute. possibilities of living there. Travel continues to attending TC3; David, 5/17/72, attending Harvard. Honors.- be a major emphasis in our lives. Managing Hospitality Engineering Systems, 1987. After ll years of marriage and moving around, we decided to put down roots in Bedford, N.Y. There is no need for me to remember Comell and start a family. What a joy my two children - in the abstract as I have never really left the James,ll, and Alexandra, 5, -have been. campus. After graduation, I continued in the PhD Now I'm launching a new career. With my program in Mechanical Engineering at Cornell, partner, I9m designing a small product line of studying and designing spacecraft missic,ns. decorative accessories as well as doing While in the graduate program I joined NROTC restoration work. Our specialty is using restored and, upon completing school, served in the U.S. antique architectural components and/or Navy from 1970-73. With a slight redirection of producing one-off reproductions to create a my career, I returned to Ithaca as an assistant unique custom product. This new passion professor in the Hotel School in 1973. I have evolved out of my own 2-year renovation of our been here as a faculty member or an Lawrence Ramsey a tnew'i old house. administrator ever since, enjoying my career, my 290 W. Piney Rd. P.O. Box 220 family, the students, and the surroundings which Dickson, Tenn. 37055 make Ithaca and Comell so special. My Cornell experience provides me with Home.. (615) 446-3302 special insights. As I now walk across campus, I OffI'Ce.. (615) 446-9996 often remember wh'at I was doing 25 years ago and what was important to me then. These OccupafI-On.- Country Lawyer, Self Employed. CormejJ Major.- Government (Arts & Science) Advanced Degrees.' J.D., memories condition my approach to current Vanderbilt University. Spouse.a Dana G. Ramsey, B.A., students and colleagues. I take myself less Memphis State University, 1967; M.Ed. Tennessee State seriously and enjoy the interactions more as I see University, 1985. ChI'Jdren.a Adrienne Ellen Ramsey, 8/31/70, Vanderbilt University71992_ them reacting to problems and questions similar

161 to ones I had in the l960s. I now have the Occupar,on.-Tutor, consultant, St. John's College; Artemis Ill experiences, and our responsibility to help a new Communlcations. Corns// Major.a Pol. Scl. (AB). AdvaJ]Ced generation think about its political life in ways pleasure of knowing my classmates' children as Degrees.-MA, Ph.D., U. of Chicago. Affi/,-arJOJ]S & Act,v,r,es- appropriate to the times. they attend Cornell. I look forward to knowing Outdoors stuff, hiklng, climbing, salllng, sculling, communlty my classmates9 grandchildren too. boards. Daily life is fine in Ithaca, with opportunities for intellectual challenge, close personal relationships. and physical activity in the outdoors. My family and I are blessed.

Melzar Richards Susan Mokotoff Reverby 89 Eastlake Rd. 238 Pearl St. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Home.. (607) 272-4953 Cambridge, Mass. 02139 OffI'Ce.. (607) 272-1066 Edward Regan Home.. (617) 492-0498 319 Park Place OffJ'Ce.. (617) 235-0320, x 2538 Oc`c`upar,on.- Dentlst. Come/I Major.I Biology, (Agrlculture). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees-DDS U. of Maryland. Spouse.I Jane Brooklyn, N.Y.11238 Oc`cupaf,'on.- College Professor, Wellesley College. Come// Marshall Rlchards, Cornell '68, Arts and Sciences. ChJ®/dren.- Home.. (718) 783-1369 Major.' Labor History, (ILR). Advanced Degrees.' MA, New Matthew, 4/8/72; Sarah 8/I 2/74; Carollne, I/4/83. Affl'JI'afI-OnS OffJ'Ce.. (212) 623-9755 York Universlty, PhD Boston Universlty. Spouse.' Tim Sieber, & Ac`r,v,rJ'eS. I slng in several communlty and seml-professlonal BA Haverford, MA, PhD, New York University, Professor. vocal ensembles. I'm a member of the ADA as well as state and ch,'/dren.I Marian, 8/l3/77; Micah, 8/l7/85. Aft,I,af,ons & local Dental Associatlons. Honors. Past president - Tompkins Occupar,ton.I Banklng, Manufacturers Hanover. Corr]e/J Major' Ac'r,v,I,'es.I Berkshire Conference of Women Historlans, County Dental Society. IE/OR, (Englneering). Advanc`ed Degrees.-l984 Rutgers Organlzatlon of American Hlstorlans, Natlonal Women's University Graduate School of Banking. Spouse.I Diana R. G. studles Association. Hor]ors.- Books: Ordered to Care, the Regan, Brooklyn College, l965, Teacher. Ch,-/dreJ].I Michael Dllemma of American Nursing; Amenca's Working Women: A Ian Regan, 2/l9/84, 2nd grade, Berkeley Carroll School. Documentary History; Health Care in America; Essays in AffJ'/,tar,OJ]S & Act,'v,'rl'es.I U.S. Councll for International Soclal Hlstory; Contested Domains: Beyond the Public-Private Business. Dichotomy in Women's History.

Cornell was the place where I learned to question the world and to feel the necessity to act politically. Feeling so out of place in the rampant careerism and sexism of the ILR school underlay my discontent with Cornell, but it fueled my need to do something else than become a personnel administrator (my l6 year old world ambition when I got to ILR). Luckily I was saved by Professors Gerd Korman and Maurice Neufeld, Erie Rill who believed women could think and who 4 Belfrage Rd. encouraged my budding interest in intellectual Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3YIE7 matters and historical thinking, and by the Home.. (514) 488-7974 Howard Reiter Vietnam War which taught me to be critical and Off]'ce.. (514) 849-3900 70 Oakwood Drive to live a political life. Coventry, Conn. 06238 I married Larry Reverby '65 immediately after Oc`cuparJOJ].I Presldent, Devon Hotels, Ltd. CornejJ Major.a Government. (Arts). Advanced Degrees.-M.B.A., UCLA. graduation, went off to Europe to wander, but Occupaf,-on.a Professor of Political Science, Unlverslty of Spouse.I Andr6e, Universite De Montreal A.B. l968, Law ended up doing anti-war organizing. Back in New Connecticut. Spouse.I Laura, Clinical Social Worker. Degree l973. ChJ'/dren.a Justln, 7 years old, Petit College York by the fall, I went to work for a multi-racial Stanislas; Anthony, 6 years old, Petlt College Stanislas. parent group organizing around community control of the public schools. By the end of the I've had the opportunity to travel extensively 60s I was in graduate school in history, had split throughout the world during the l970's, while from Larry, and dropped out to write about health working for a public hotel company. In the care politics. The women's movement captured 1980's I started my own company which buys my energy and life-concern and I began to write and hopefully turns around distressed hotels. about the history of women health workers and Most of the time I lived in the States. women's health needs. I married a Canadian and now have settled The pull of history remained strong and in back in Montreal. l975 I returned to graduate school in Boston, Throughout the years I enjoyed the opportunity remarried an anthropologist, had two children, of meeting different people with varied interests. and was hired to teach Women's Studies at I've also kept in touch with some friends from Diane S. Rennell Wellesley College in 1982. For ten years I have both undergraduate and graduate schools. Most important I've been blessed with two 35 Jefferson Place been directing the Women9s Studies Program, teaching, lecturing, writing about women, history wonderful (although not always obedient) Annapolis, Md. 20754 of nursing, and political activities. The Gulf war children. We spend a lot of time together. In fact Home.. (301) 280-9742 this year found me organizing a teach-in and in 1988 we took a sabbatical and spent eight OffI'Ce.. (301) 263-2371 thinking a lot of the Vietnam years, my Cornell months in French Polynesia, Australia and New

162 Zealand. I will always cherish that time with my celebrating with contra dance every week, trying wife and children. to stay open and in love most of the time. All in all the last 24 years have been exciting. I only hope the next 24 will be as enjoyable and that the friendships from the past will continue well into the future.

Edward L. Robertson, II Box 826 West Falmouth, Mass. 02574 Joseph Ritter Home.. (508) 540-5774 149 West High St. OffI'Ce.. (508) 362-5610 Somerville, N.J. 08876 Home.. (908) 707-8012 Occupafjon.I Commercial Banker, Bank of Boston. CorJ]eJJ Major.I Economics (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I U. of Pa. Thomas Rippolon OffI'Ce.. (908) 218-8270 Wharton, MBA. Spouse.' Susan M., Wheaton 1968, 438 Peekskill Hollow Rd. Professlonal Entertalner. CJ]j/dren.I William R., II, 7/4/75, St. George's School, Newport R.I. l993; Edward L. Ill, 3/5/78, Putnam Valley, N.Y. 10579 Occ'upafJOn.a ProductlOn Planning, Ortho Diagnostic Systems, 1nc. Col-nell M.ajor: Bio\ogy` (Agr.), Advanced Degrees.' B.A. - Lawrence School, Falmouth, Mass. Home.. (914) 528-5508 SUNY, Oswego, N.Y., l974. Chl'/dreJ].I Michelle, 2/4/69, OffJ'Ce.. (914) 245-6065 Rochester Institute of Technology, l992. Affi'/jarjor]s & AcfjvjfJeS.a American Production and Inventory Control Society.

OccupafIOn.a TelevlSIOn Production, Yorktown School DIStrlCt. Come// Major.' Fishery Biology, (AgrlCulture). Affj/I-ar,tons & AcfJVJ£JeS.a National Federatlon of Local Cable Programmers, Community Dance Organizer, Cable Advisory Board.

I would have to admit that my decision to attend Cornell during such a young and troubled time was more a choice of the lesser of two evils (the Draft or School) than a focused pursuance of my education in a chosen field. At least I could take some courses in something related to a bottom-line interest .... the love of the wonders of Robert G. Robinson nature. However, classroom science became the 2366 Willowbrooke Ln. systematic and isolated analysis of these wonders Ruth Schliffer Rizzuto Iowa City, Ia. 52246 which seemed to lessen my interest in them, not 9 South Garfield Ave. Home.. (319) 351-3557 further it. My years at Cornell, in retrospect, OffI'Ce.. (319) 356-4658 appear more a time of absurd recollections of Wenonah, N.J. 08090 Home.. (609) 468-6051 outrageous personal behavior than a time of Occ`uparJOn.I Physician, Professor Dept. Chalrman., Univ. of scientific discovery. Iowa. ComejJ Major.I Engr. Physlcs, (Engineering). Advanced Occupafjon.I Teacher, special education, Deptford Twp Bd. of Degrees.I MD Comell Medical College '71. Spouse.I Gretchen, One realization, which began soon after Education. CorJ]C/I Major.I Child Development, (Home Ec.). Cornell Nursing School, l97l, Nurse. ChjJdren.I Christopher, AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a MS in Speclal Ed., Syracuse UnlVerSlty. graduation, was gaining the perspective that, even 9/I/75,1 lth grade; Jonathan, 5/4/78, 8th grade. Affj/jafjoJ]S & Spouse.I Robert, Temple Communlty College '6l, owner of with all the well-meaning educators along our AcfJ'VJ'rfeS.I Tennis, running, wine collecting. automobile repair shop. Ch,/dren.-Step children: Joseph '6l; path through institutes of higher and lower Robin '62; Cheryl '64; Robert Jr. '66; Tony, '67. AffJ'JjafJ'OJ]S & learning, coeducation" is more part of the "problem" than the solution. What problem? It Acfjv,'fjes.' Sec'y, Deptford Education Association; member NJEA & NEA. seems we are all faced with the same one .... are the choices we make in our everyday life ones which further life and wellness for everyone on the planet, or do they diminish it? If one looks at the national and international policies of the U.S. since 1967, the spoiled c6U.S. brat" has simply abandoned all issues of quality of life and 66gone for the money" .... and got it ... at the expense of almost every other population that has less ... so as to support its habit of luxurious living. Such responsibility as Americans we have to live with that!! Such Charles A. Roby responsibilities our educational institutions have 11682 Via Rancho nor to play into that!! Present economic Kathy Robbins Santa Ana, Calif. 92705 conditions indicate more and more of us may 8 East 83rd Street, #2A Home.. (714) 832-3399 have to look at things differently. New York, N.Y. 10028 OffI'Ce.. (714) 565-1261 What have I been up to since graduation? .... Home.. (212) 249-8439 abandoned science as an occupation, learned OffI'Ce.. (212) 223-0720 Occupafjon.' Vice President, Customer Service, Xerox. CorJ]eJJ television production to teach and produce at the Major.I Civil, (Eng.). Advanced Degrees.I MCE, Comell, l968; community level, maintaining 6 6wonder" with 30 MBA, Pitt, 1972. Spouse.a Mini, Mary Baldwin College '67, OccupafI-On.a Llterary Agent, The Robblns Office, Inc. Come/I homemaker. CJ]jJdren_' Allison. l2/8/71. Bucknell University, hives of bees, living a social-ecological 1ifestyle, Major.I English, (College of Arts & SclenCe). '94; Scott, l2/16/76, Foothill H.S., '95. AffJJjafjoJ]S &

163 AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a Board Member Tustin Public Schools Foundation, Comell Alumni Ambassador Network.

I married my then and present sweetheart, Mimi Prince, shortly after receiving my MCE in '68. Nine months later I realized I didn9t want to be an engineer all my life and began three years of night school at Pitt for my MBA. Meanwhile, I designed nuclear containment vessels, including a project for Admiral Rickover. Our daughter, Allison, was born in Pittsburgh in December of 1971 and six months later I joined Xerox (hired by a Comellian). Working in marketing, we lived Donald Rosenbaum in Rochester for seven years. Scott was born in Jeffrey K. Rose 100 Essex Drive 1976. We had the opportunity to frequently retum 2040 Jefferson Street, #207 Tenafly, N.J. 07670 to Comel1 (including loth reunion) something we Sam Francisco, Calif. 94123 Home.. (201) 894-0421 can't do now. Home.. (415) 567-2207 In 1979 we moved to Orange County OffI'Ce.. (212) 938-2250 OffI'Ce.. (415) 788-8272 Califomia with Xerox to change career path from staff to line, and from marketing to customer OcctJPafI'On.I Registered Options Trader, Self-employed. ComeJJ OccuparI'On.-Securities Broker/Dealer, Unicorp Financial Major.-Engineering Physics, (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.a service. It9s been a great adventure for us out Group. CorneJJ Major.-Industrial, (Engineering). Advanced MS Univ. of Illinois, MA SUNY Binghamton. Spouse.a Lee here, always having been a cold weather native. Degrees.I MS Economic Systems Planning, Stanford U. (Flasterstein) Rosenbaum, Cornell '70, Freelance Journalist. We have loved the weather, the palm trees, our ChI'Jdren.-Paul, lO/17/80, Middle School, Tenafly, NJ; Joyce, backyard pool, the beaches, mountains, deserts, As best as I can recollect, I applied to Comell 3/7/84, Smith School, Tenafly, NJ. AffJ'Jjarjons & AcfjvI'fI'eS.- NYSCA Certified Coach for Intra-town basketball and baseball etc. We walk to our tennis club and often eat on because it was more than a thousand miles from leagues. our patio; even in December! However, one Memphis and you could drink at the age of learns that all of life is tradeoffs. The growth and eighteen. The Southern innocent went East to I guess Itd have to say that a Comell education development are strangling what was a sleepy, experience killer competition and sixteen-year- hasn't served me as well as it has some of the beautiful agricultural area. There are too many old freshmen from Flushing. The language others in this yearbook. What I've done with my cars and people; high crime and poor education requirement made me an engineer, as I did not life has certainly been interesting and varied, but are concerns and values are whacko! flnd Out about dyslexia until too late. not at all related to my Cornell degree in Mimi, Scott and Allison are the lights of my During Christmas vacation of our senior year, engineering physics. I got to where I am now - life and Xerox continues to be a fine company to my father (aka Colonel Al of the Tennessee Air an options trader with my own seat on the work for. Family is very important to me and National Guard) took me to lunch with the boys. American Stock Exchange - through a very raising our children with Mimi continues to be One direct commission later, I reported to USAF circuitous route that took me from a masters the most rewarding (and fun) part of my life. I Navigation School. So the summer of 1968 saw degree in physics at the University of Illinois to a remain physically active and in good health, so I me navigating a C-1`24 to Vietnam -for lunch. masters in English at SUNY Binghamton, low- have much to be thankful for. I continue to count A Masters Degree from Stanford was followed level jobs in book distribution and advertising, myself lucky to have gone to Cornell; it is a by a real corporate job making Comet Cleanser. five unremunerative but very personally major part of who I am. A sudden intense dislike for factories drove me to rewarding years as a writer of experimental USAF pilot school. After a few years of creative fiction and, finally, my current spot on the Amex unemployment and tactical airlift, I moved to San floor, where I9ve been trading -for my own Francisco and found out that I couldn't be a account only, as my own boss -since 1978. traditional banker (or traditional anything). Cornell was valuable to me chiefly for the In the early eighties, I ran some banks and personal relationships forged there, including Lee insurance companies in the West Indies, leaming Flasterstein 970, my wife of 20 years; and my some techniques that still seem to be in use today. longtime friend Bob Blau, who was my college (These are outlined in my book, How fo ProfJ'f roommate and who preceded me to the Amex. from Offshore BankI'ng, Which I hope is no The trading of listed options was in its infancy longer available anywhere). Currently I'm an when I came on the floor, and I was at the right investment dilettante, running my own securities place at the right time. The business has changed broker/dealer. a lot since the October '87 crash: The advantage Over the years I've realized that Cornell of being on the floor of the exchange has greatly Adam Romeiser, Jr. afforded me an excellent education and an diminished now that almost all options trading is introduction to the world. It solidified my distaste done by professionals rather than members of the 294 E. Rose Terrace for the Northeast lifestyle and weather. Though I Lake Forest, Ill. 60045 general public, who were scared away by the retained fewer friends than I would have hoped, I crash. Home.. (708) 234-4056 have had no regrets about attending Comel1. Lee is a joumalist who writes mostly about the Offi'ce.. (708) 234-4310 visual arts for major publications; her book on art collecting was published by Knopf. We have two Occupafjon.a General Surgeon, Surgeon's Group S.C. ComeJj Major.a History, (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M.D. Northwestem terrific children -Paul, ll and Joyce, 7. I swim Univ. Medical School,197l. Spouse.I Ellen Kathleen, regularly, play tennis when I can and am Manhattanville, 1967, Lawyer -Northwestern Law School, probably in better physical shape than when I was 1970. CThjJdren.I Adam Ill 2/3/8l; Emilie, 4/23/82; Lillie, eating all that fraternity food at Cornell. I also 3/2718S. Affiliations & Activities: Operate, do vascu\a[ & general surgery in a group of 4, teach. coach basketball and baseball in the intra-town leagues.

164 Vivian Lee Rosenberg David Bennett Ross Justine Samalionis Ross 725 7th Street (#10) 3411 Briar Circle 6 Grace Road Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 Carmel, Ind. 46032 Danvers, Mass. 01923 Home.. (213) 458-9161 Home.. (317) 844-5789 Home.. (508) 777-0749 Office: (213) 974-7707 OffI'Ce.. (317) 929-3172 OffI'Ce.a (508) 774-5000 Ext. 528

Occupar]'on.I Public Information Officer (Community College Occupafjon.I Radiation Oncologist, Radiologic Specialists of OccupafI'On.I Social Worker (Human Rights Officer), Instructor - Part-time), Los Angeles County Department of Indiana. CorneJJ Major.- Electrical Engineering (Engineering). Department of Mental Retardation, Hogan/Berry Regional Health Services. CorneJJ Major.a French Literature (Arts & Advanced Degrees.I M.D. George Washington Univ. Spouse.- Center, Danvers, MA. ComeJJ Major.a Child DevelopmentITood Sciences). Advanced Degrees.' Harvard Univeristy, MAT. Bonnie B. Terrill Ross, BA Purdue University, 1979, M.S. & Nutrition, (Home Economics). Advaflced Degrees.a 1969, MS AffiJI'atiOnS & AcfI'VI'f]-eS.- AFTRA, Comell Alumni Assn. of So. Univ. of Tennessee, 1980, Oncologic Dietitian. Cj]jJdren.- (Social Administration), Case Western Reserve University - CA, Harvard/Radcliffe Alumni Assn. of So. CA. HoJ]OrS.- Joshua Ross, 12/27/74, Carmel High School-, Joanna, 4/10/78, School of Applied Social Sciences. Spouse.a David A. Ross, Television Emmy Award winner - news reporting; UPI (United Park Tudor School, Samantha Ross, 1/3/86. Cornell School of Veterinary Medicine, DVM 1970, self Press Intemationa1) Award winner - news reporting. employed, High Street Veterinary Hospital, Danvers, MA. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I Honors.' Several professional recognition awards. In 25 years since Cornell I've interviewed, might end up as a physician who treats cancer or Having grown up in New York City and not among others: Dustin Hoffman, William Shatner, that I would end up living a fulfilled life in venturing far beyond Queens before heading to Leonard Nimoy, Bill Bradley, Cab Calloway, Indiana. Burr Tillstrom, Buffalo Bob, Kyle Rote, Pearl After having lived in Washington, Comell, two aspects of life at Comell had great impact on me and continue to influence my Bailey, John Lindsay, Ed Koch, Tom Bradley, Philadelphia, Mississippi and Mass., I arrived in James Caan, Rex Reed, George Burns, Buzz Indianapolis and fairly promptly married a farm perspective, outlook on life, and day-to-day activities. First, before Cornell, I could not Aldrin, Ann-Margret, Rita Hayworth, Mario girl from Indiana who works as a dietitian who imagine that any place could be so lush (I arrived Cuomo, Chuck Yeager, Robert Gallo, John specializes in Oncology. in the rain!) and green. The feeling of life and Ehrlichman, Julius Erving, Reggie Fleming, AI Treating patients with catastrophic illness abundance which I experienced in my first few Arbour, Pat Moynihan, Taylor Caldwell, Nelson makes one probably more philosophic about life days at Cornell is something which I've Rockefeller, Frank Capra, Joan Kennedy, Jack and its serendipities. It has taken me many years continued to strive for through my community Kemp, Tony Bennett, Tennessee Williams, to come to appreciate the true joys of watching George Kistiakowski, Richie Daley, Vladimir my kids grow up or gardening or reading. and other activities, travel, and in my surroundings. My husband and I have just Horowitz, Mickey Rooney, William Kunstler and Collecting Pre-Columbian art is a major interest. recently built a home and worked diligently to O. J. Simpson. Beginning the odyssey of the college hunt for preserve and protect the habitat around us. This, because I became a television news your children is truly a form of reliving your Birdwatching, photography, and gardening are reporter. youth. How exciting it really is to see your favorite activities. The enclosed photo is of me In 1969 I was legman for Gabe Pressman at children venture out into the world and realize taking a break during what is sure to become our NBC News in New York. I was promoted, in that they have to find their own way, no matter neverending landscaping. Regarding more 1971, to producer of "Not for Women Only" -a how parents try to guide them. talk show with Barbara Walters. In 1973 I went But having a young child around the house is domestic creatures, I continue to enjoy working with my husband two evenings per week and 6Gas with an independent sports packager as associate truly one of life9s greatest pleasures. To see one producer for the very new NY Islanders and NY kid knocking on the outside world and have needed" at the small animal veterinary practice Nets. I did color interviews with players and, anotherjust beginning to discover and expand her he opened here in Danvers in 1975. demo reel in hand, landed in Buffalo in 1974 universe at the beginning is true fulfillment. The other Comell experience which influenced where I produced the ll pm news. I then became I worry sometimes about what is next, how me greatly was the diversity of people and ideas which I found at Comell. The mid-609s at Comell reporter/weekend anchor at Channel 4 there and, much time is really left to think, explore and was a time of great challenge, and it helped me to in 1978, was hired by Chicago's Channe17 expand. The question, however, will never be develop respect for a wide range of ideas and Eyewitness News. precisely answered and so I try to focus on the differences among people. Since obtaining my There, I won an Emmy for covering the Crash present and maximizing everything that Masters Degree from Case Western Reserve, I of Flight 191 and a UPI award for the John Gacy surrounds me. mass murder trial. I covered the controllers' Returning to Cornell with a college-aged son have been working for most of the past twenty strike and the Tylenol poisonings. I became leaves me extremely excited with anticipation. I years as a residential center for people with mental retardation - first as a Social Worker, then Science Editor and traveled extensively. just hope I recognize the place. In 1983 I arrived in Los Angeles as cover story as an administrator and currently, as their Human correspondent for 66Newscope" a shortlived Rights Officer. In the Commonwealth of newsmagazine. In 1984 I freelanced doing Massachusetts at this time, with fiscal constraints medical videos. That led to my current position and quest for the right solutions, protection of as Public Information Officer for L.A.7s Health rights is a formidable challenge. The opportunity Department. for international travel has allowed me to enjoy I also teach Communications at Santa Monica and gain understanding of many cultures. As a College where one student said Itd given him 66a full blooded Lithuanian-American who recalls Comell education.9 9 helping to pack care packages to Lithuanian For me, Cornell was the beginning of a very friends and relatives in the early 50s, I have satisfying and happy life! watched the events of recent months with great

165 interest and have often reflected on what life has Ten years to the day after Josh was born, I The law is my second career. I was an English been like, and will be like, for them. I hope to enthusiastically returned to work. I opened an professor first, at the University of North travel to Lithuania - perhaps I will be able to exercise studio and bodywear boutique in Carolina, Chapel Hill, from 1973-79, although track down my long lost relatives .... Manhattan. Called Body Design by Gilda, it was my first post-Ph.D. academic position was at a franchise of a successful California-based Haile Selassie I University in Addis Ababa, exercise studio. The studio flourished for seven Ethiopia in 1972-73. When I got practical about a years. I loved having all the energy and career choice -finally in 1979 -law school at enthusiasm in my life. I currently run a private Duke, which was only about 10 miles away, fitness training company; I also sell residential seemed a good choice. real estate in New York City. It was. But law is a shockingly fast-paced The family years have been busy and full... we discipline, compared to the graduate study of have a ski house in Vermont and a beach house in literature. Also I was a single parent. (That was the Hamptons to keep the concrete at bay, and so the second family I mentioned above: 1 parent, 1 far it's working. I9m still hoping to sell Josh on child -for 9 years. The first family was my first business school at Cornell, and it looks like I marriage: 2 young adults - for ll years.) After have a real shot with Jordan for undergrad. It Duke, I moved to California and have been feels like yesterday that I was making these same building this peaceful, productive life since then. Mitchel Ross choices for myself ... and I know I made the right OneS. 133 Dartmouth St. W. Newton, Mass. 02165 Home.. (617) 332-5865 OffI'Ce.. (617) 345-0770

OccupafI'On.I Lawyer, Bernkopf, Goodman & Basemann. ComeJJ Major.I ILR. Advanced Degrees.- Harvard Law School, J.D. SpoLISe.-Marilyn Ross, Ohio State, l967, Art Museum Shop Manager. CThJ'Jdren.a Melissa, lO/7/70, Wells College '93; Benjamin,10/6/72, U. of Rochester '95. AffJ'/jafJ'OJ]S & AcfjvifI'eS.- Attomey in private practlce.

Gary Roth 12 Waterglades Elizabeth Roth Beaconsfield, UK HP9 2RR 2085 Cowper St. Home.. 44-494-670940 Palo Alto, Calif. 94301 OffI'Ce.. 44 494-464555 Home.. (415) 322-6725 Occupafjon.- Marketing Management, Federal Express. CornejJ OffI'Ce.. (408) 747-0922 Major.I Industrial Engineering (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I Masters of Decision Sciences, Georgla State. Spouse.a OccupafI'On.I Lawyer, General Counsel Associates. Corns/I Nancy, Nurse, Univ. of Tennessee. Chj'Jdren.a Rachel,12/29/72, Major.a English, (Arts). Advanced Degrees.a M.A., 1968, Ph.D., Comell,95. 1972, University of Washington; J.D. 1982, Duke University. Spouse.I Ron Katz, NYU 1967, B.A.; Oxford University, l969, M.A.; Harvard Univ., 1972, J.D., Lawyer, Coudert Brothers, Jaye Goodman Roter S.F. office. CThJ'Jdren.I Hart Eddy, 10/26/77; Jason Katz, 9/24/79; 60 East End Ave. Elliot Katz, I/26/83. Affl'JI'afjOnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.-Active in New York, N.Y.10028 American Bar Association - section of Litigation - editor of LJ'f]gafI-On IVews. Honors.a Various scholarly artlcles on Home.. (212) 249-1755 Medieval English Literature,1971-79; Legal Writing,1982- OffI'Ce.' (212) 935-8700 ext. 41 present on legal hlStOry, women in the legal Profession, labor & employment law issues, book reviews - one review was of The Last BjJJabJe Hour, a murder mystery set in my former law Occupafj'on.I Real Estate Broker, David Day Really. Come/I firm! Major.a English, (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.I Mark Roter, Johns Hopkins University '63, communications executive. Chl'/dreJ].a Josh, 9/27/71, Johns Hopkins University '93; Jordan, 2/3/75, This has been a very eventful 24 years. I have The Dalton School '93. Affl'JI'a£jOnS & Acfjvifjes.a Co-chairman had two careers, two husbands, three families and CAAAN Interviewing Committee, Stuyvesant H.S., lots of travel. (I think I unintentionally sound like N.Y.C.;International Dance Exercise Assoc.; The Fashion Richard Rothkopf Group; Reebok Advisory Panel. Honors.I Alpha Lambda Delta. the Wife of Bath.) Right now I am in a quiet 1320 N. State Pkwy. gardening phase, living in a lovely suburban town After the graduation diaspora of June 967, I (Palo Alto, CA) with my husband and three sons. Chicago, Ill. 60610 moved home to New York City to work as a We are a 66dual professional" family, Home.. (312) 951-9156 writer for Seventeen MagazI'ne. The sixties chaos lawyer/lawyer variety. I work part-time and have OffI'Ce.. (312) 951-7664 led me to seek calmer shores. I moved to Sydney, my own law firm (General Counsel Associates) with 3 partners, all experienced lawyers, refugees OccupafI'On.- Owner, Rothkopf Enterprises, Inc. CorJ]eJJ Major.- Australia for a glorious year, working for Vogue I.E., (Engineering). Spouse.I Ann. ChjJdreJ].I Gray,ll/9/69; AusfraJI-a. In December of 1969, shortly after from big Bay Area law firms. I specialize in Fletcher,12/3/82; Max. l2/6/85; Samantha,ll/14/87. retuming home, I married Mark Roter, a longtime employment law. My husband, Ron Katz, is a sweetheart from my hometown, who Itd dated litigator with Coudert Brothers, a large New York throughout my college years. I worked in my firm with offices all over the world, including family's fashion business until the birth of our one in Sam Francisco. Our three boys are very first child, Josh, and gladly became a fulltime important to us, and our jobs and our children mother for ten gratifying years. Our daughter, occupy most of our waking hours. I wish I had Jordan, was born in 1975 and the plot thickened some extra energy to give to the larger ... helping two kids to thrive and flourish in an community, but I figure that will come at another urban sprawl is not as easy as it looks! Stage.

166 became the bookkeeper, a position I've retained two wonderful children, Andy, now 20, and Lisa, despite the addition of a regular staff and Hal, a now 16; we just picked up and moved in 1979 to baby brother for the girls. These fifteen years in Sam Diego; Margie graduated from USD law Atlanta have been our longest stretch anywhere. school in 1984 and now has a private corporate We love living here, even though we9re so far real estate practice; I moved up the corporate from family, Broadway and the Metropolitan ladder and was recently named Executive Vice Museum of Art. We like the beach (Hilton Head) President of Burnham Pacific Properties, where I in the summer, skiing (Colorado) in the winter am in charge of asset management and property and medical meetings anywhere. The kids are acquisition for our NYSE listed real estate now 10, 15 and 20. Heather is a junior at Tufts, investment trust; we built a house; I coached Lisa a sophomore in high school and Hal a fifth soccer and little league; we traveled several times grader. My free time, as it presents itself, is taken to England and Scotland (where I very up with free-lance writing and the usual successfully golfed at St. Andrews); we took up AIan Rubin assortment of school, synagogue and community- skiing at age 43 and have become rabid about it; 1 1 Brandy Place related activities. A lot of dreams from my Margie and I each successfully struggled through Spotswood, N.J. 08884 Comell days have come true, others may still do short, but serious, health difficulties; and we have Home.. (908) 251-0646 so, and I guess it's time to give up on the rest and both become reinvolved with Cornell, I as OffI'Ce.. (201) 430-2216 see what the next 25 years will bring. president of the Cornell Club of Sam Diego, and Margie as co-chair for the 25th reunion of the Occupafl'on.- Confidential Assistant Policy Analysis, Newark Class of '68. Housing Authority. CorJ]eJJ Major.a Industrial Engineering We had made another, unexpected, 66trip to the (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.-MBA New York University. Spouse.I Barbara J. Rubin, Cornell 1969, Programming 609s" when a business conference I attended in Manager. ChJ'JdreJ].I Amy Rubin, lO/2/72, Comell A&LS l994; October culminated at the John F. Kennedy Daniel Rubin, 7/31/76, Monroe Twp HS,1994. Library in Boston. The simplicity of the times, contrasted against the Cuban missile crisis and of course the shock of November 22, 1963, brought memories rushing back and made us wonder just what the intervening years might have brought, if only ... How lovely, though, to consider that, unlike his grandfather (Cornel], 941) and his father in 1967, it would certainly appear today Michael Rubin that, thankfully, our son does not need to 5883 Ciudad Leon Ct. contemplate going off to war when he completes his college years. Sam Diego, Calif. 92120 Margie and I continued on our campus walk, Home.. (619) 462-0244 wondering just how our kids can keep on getting Off]'ce.. (619) 525-2624 older and older while we keep getting younger and younger. Finally, we took the suspension Connie BIaser Rubin OccupafI-On.I Executive Vice President (Real Estate Asset Management). Bumham Pacific Propertles, Inc. CormeJJ Major.I bridge back to the Arts Quad. You'll be pleased 6218 Mountain Brook Way Govemment (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.I Marjorie (Greenwald), to know it should still be standing at Reunion Atlanta, Ga. 30328 Cornell,1968, Attorney. anI'JdreJ].' Andrew, 6/20/71, Cornell time. We did kiss in the middle of the bridge. Home.. (404) 255-8115 (Arts & Sciences), 1993; Lisa, 5/21/75, Patrick Henry High School, 1993. AffjJjafj'ons & Acfl'vifjes.I Cornell Club of Sam OffI'Ce.. (404) 257-1068 Diego (President); Institute of Real Estate Management; Intemational Council of Shopping Centers. Honors.' Certified Occupation: Free Lance Writer. Cornell Major.~ Biology Property Manager. (CALS) Spouse.I Roy Rubin, Dartmouth 1966, Cornell Med. College, l970. CfrjJdren.a Heather, 9/26/71, Tufts University 1993; Lisa,1/15/76; Hal, 3/19/81. Keeping up with a bad habit epitomized by my student years at Cornel1, I have procrastinated in This feels like I'm writing about someone else, writing this until I received the anticipated 66final but the facts all seem to fit -it's me. It's just deadline" notice. But, unlike 25 years ago, this hard to make myself believe that this flash of time there was a purpose. I9m now at 35,000 feet, time has been fweJ]fy-f]®Ve years! flying back home to Sam Diego after spending a The road from Ithaca led home, to NYC, and (very cold) weekend at Cornell, attending Comell Med School. I started a doctoral program Homecoming and visiting my son, Andy, and I in microbiology, hated it, became a computer correctly assumed I would be in the right frame of mind to write this after spending a few days on Pauline Watkins Runkle programmer. Married Roy Rubin, Dartmouth '66, Box 1603 CUMC '70, in 1969, and began moving. First Campus. stop, Miami, where Roy was an intern and I a After seeing Andy off to class this morning, Manchester, Mass. 01944 my wife, Margie (968 Arts), and I walked through Home.. (508) 526-4159 programmer for the county courts. The draft then took us to Fort Bragg, N.C. Heather was born in the Arts Quad and across Triphammer Bridge. There were few students about, and so it was easy OccupafjoJ].- Florist, Floral Artistry. CorneJJ Major.I Hotel. 1971 and the three of us enjoyed army life for Spouse.I Joe Runkle, MIT, Metallurgist. ChI'jdren.-Grant Gerard, two years. Back to NYC for orthopedic to be 66back in the 609s." At least it was until we Univ. of Maine, 1994; Garrett Gerard. Affl'JI-afI'OnS & AcfI'vifjeS.I residency, where Lisa joined the family in 1976 walked down Thurston Ave. and were reminded Member International Special Events Society, Director N.E. - our Bicentennial baby. I remember walking that my fraternity house, Pi Lambda Phi, is now Garden History Society, Member Herb Society of America, The the Undergraduate Admissions office. North Shore Garden Club. Honors.- Named one of 25 Great everywhere pushing a carriage and holding a Gardeners in America. My flowers appear on all the national hand, taking snowsuits on and off. How easy it was to have 25 years melt away, telecasts for the Boston Pops. In 1977 we pulled up stakes and moved to years in which: I was a Naval officer for 3 years Atlanta. The New York of the South, minus and was stationed ashore for a year in Da Nang; I was married June 12,1967, the day I we lived for 8 years in Shaker Heights, Ohio; I crowds, traffic and winter. No more walking - graduated from Comell, choosing a Long Island now we drive. This is the suburbs. Roy joined an dropped out of an MBA program to pursue my wedding, rather than a Cornell Graduation - a orthopedic group, but went solo after a year, I current career in commercial real estate; we had decision I have questioned many times since.

167 In 1976, I was divorced and entered into my An additional benefit of a Cornell education Occupafjon.- President; Commercial Building ContractorOeveloper, LandITech Corporation. Comer/ Major.' new phase of adult life -6Csingle parenting". that was not apparent during my four years on the Structural Engineering (Civil Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I Nothing became more important than raising my hill are the many friends and business associates Master of Engineering (Civil), Cornell; MBA, Univ. of two boys with a sense of love, security and that have developed since graduation day sharing Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Spouse.a Maureen, Univ. of happiness. To avoid daycare, which was a quite the common bond of Cornell. In fact, my firm, Massachusetts, l990; Free Lance Writer/Translator (Italian). Ch,-JdreJ].-Anne, 5/20/76, Hingham High School,1994; undeveloped idea in 1976, I started a plant care with one of the highest ratios of Cornell Hotelies Christine,12/l3/79, Plymouth River School, 6th grade. business I could manage from my house. That to total professional employees, currently AffiJl'afI®OnS & Actr'vI'tr'eS.a Associated General Contractors (Vice gradually, and with great diligence, evolved into employs 35 hotel school grads - our parties are President); American Society of Civil Engineers. Honors.- Chi a special events floral company doing floral fantastic! Epsilon (Civil Engineering); Beta Gamma Sigma (Business). design work for the national telecast of the Three years ago, while reflecting on my Boston Pops, museums, and in 1990, the Cornell Cornell experience, I realized that the time had Obtaining my Masters of Engineering (Civil) Visitation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. come to express my thanks and gratitude for the after graduating allowed me to prolong my stay I remarried 7 years ago. I have found 2nd many of life9s rewards that had their start at in Ithaca and enjoy the good life of a college marriages have their own joys and problems and Cornel1. Judy, my wife, (Home Ec '65) and I student for another year. My lifestyle took an require an ever present vigilance and lots of decided to endow a professorship at the Hotel abrupt change when I entered active duty in the Civil Engineer Corps of the U.S. Navy as an grace. At 46, the cycles of hope, reality, despair School. While many people wait until they die to and contentment are more bearable than they make such gifts and never see their Ensign fulfilling my NROTC obligation. A tour were at 21 ; more predictable and more acceptable commensurate results, we now feel great pleasure of duty with the Seabees in Vietnam bought me a as life itself revealing yet another lesson in the in personally observing the continuous benefits ticket to two years of wonderful duty in Naples, daily sequence of human experience. our endowment brings to its recipient and Italy, where I met my wife, Maureen, an Irish Today I signed up for a course entitled "How students. For those who have reached a point in transplant. Shortly after our wedding on the Isle to Communicate With Your Adult Children". I their lives where they can look back and of Capri, I was transferred to a teaching position keep seeing opportunities to meet the challenges appreciate what was given to them by previous at the Naval Academy and from there I reentered the civilian world. of the 19909s. I stay grateful for the support and generations, I strongly recommend making such a friendship and the inquisitive nature of my mind. commitment. I can tell you - it is an incredible My professional career over the last 20 years I love to learn, to create beautiful gardens and experience. has been in the development, design, and floral design, and celebrate each day as a most construction of commercial buildings. After stints in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and Long Island, precious gift. Maureen and I have finally settled in the Boston area with our two children, Anne and Christine. Maureen took advantage of this center of academia to complete her degree and is now a struggling free-lance writer and translator. Anne is a sophomore in High School, good at Math and Science, and thinking about Comel1. Christine, a sixth grader, has a full social calendar and plays violin (once in a while). While working hard at my company, I've still found time to garden, bake bread and make light- as-air waffles, and we all enjoy a spirited game of Jerold Russell tennis, a bike ride, or a long walk in one of the 8850 Blue Sea Drive many parks in Hingham. Stephen Rushmore Columbia, Md. 21046 22 Shepherd La. Home.. (301) 720-6266 Roslyn Heights, N.Y.11577 Office: (703) 695-2177 Home.. (516) 621-1918 Off]'ce.. (516) 248-8828 OccupafI'On.- Engr. Program Manager, Strategic Systems Programs. CormeJJ Major.® Materials Science & Engr. (Engr.). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-M.S. George Wash. Univ. Spouse.a Roseann Occupafjon.a Hotel Appraiser, Hospitality Valuation Services. Russell, Administrative Secretary, Md. Port Admin. ChjJdren.a CormejJ Major.-Hotel (Hotel). Advanced Degrees.-University of Laura B. Russell, 8/l3/7l, Univ. of Md. '93 Prevet; Carrie Buffalo, MBA. Spouse.-Judith Kellner Rushmore, Comell '65, Scarpo, 1 I/19/84, 2nd grade. AffllI'afI'onS & AcrjvI'fjeS.a Capt, Home Ec., Dietitian. CJ]jJdren.I Cindy Rushmore, Comell, Hotel '93; Stephen Rushmore, Jr., Proctor Academy. Aff]®JI'afI'OnS & USNR -recalled to active duty 12/90; Naval Sub League, CAAN; Comell Soc. Engr.; U.S. Naval Institute. AcfI'VI'[jeS.a Appraisal Institute, American Society of Real Estate Counselors. Honors.a 6 Textbooks on Hotel investments - 200 articles on similar topics.

The past 24 years have been very rewarding James Sagalyn for me. I have a wonderful wife, two happy 17 Woodlawn Ave. children (one at Cornell), a successful business Northampton, Mass. 01060 and other similar pleasures. While many factors Home.. (413) 586-377O have contributed to these achievements, it was OffI'Ce.. (413) 534-5612 the Comell Hotel School that put me all together and headed me in the right direction. I wasn't a OccupafjoJ].- Engineer, Vice President/Treasurer, Holyoke great student, but the hotel oriented education Machine. CorneJJ Major.- Industrial (Engineering). Advanced taught me that c61ife is service," and to progress Degrees.- M. Eng. Comel1 '68, MBA NYU '72. Spouse.I Jane Herzenberg, U Mass '74, Artist, Owner Merzenberg Designs, you must work hard at everything you do to Hand painted silk neckties. ChjJdren.-Emily, I I/2/78; Jesse satisfy others. Looking back at my old college 5/23/82; Teddy, 8/8/85. AffIJjafl'ons & Actr'vJ'fjeS.I TAPPI, PTO, text books, whose theories and techniques are Richard E. Ryberg World Affairs Council of W. Mass. now so out-of-date, I realize that college teaches 3 Oakcrest Road more than just current facts -it provides a Hingham, Mass. 02043 learning framework that can be expanded upon as Home.. (617) 749-9668 one goes through life. OffI'Ce.. (617) 341-3144

168 area, where we have since lived. After obtaining a masters in industrial psychology from George Washington University, I joined the Federal government and am now at the Department of Health and Human Services. I9m actually applying my psychology studies - and enjoying it. Like other organizations, HHS is concerned about improving employee performance. I consult with the Department's training staff and managers nationwide, on how to design effective training, job aids, and other support systems for employees. Frederick C. Sake We decided not to have children, not an easy 5605 LaGorce Dr. choice but one we are comfortable with. The Michael Samach Miami Beach, Fla. 33140 biggest event in my post-Cornell life was being 7 Waverly Court diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and deciding to Home.. (305) 868-9911 Morris Plains, N.J. 07950 have surgery to remove the diseased colon. The OffI'Ce.. (305) 673-3700 Home.. (201) 267-7325 ileostomy that resulted (on Bastille Day, 1971) OffI'Ce.. (201) 455-0404 Occupafjor].I Attorney, Law Offices of Frederick C. Sake. gave me a good quality of life again and opened ComeJJ Major.I Physics (A & S). Advanced Degrees.-J.D. Univ. new doors as well. I have volunteered on a local Occupafjon.a Physician. C'orneJJ Major.' English (Arts). of Miami. AfffJI'atr'OnS & Actr'vif]'es.I VP Miami Beach J.C.C. and national level to help others, returning the Advanced Degrees.a MD, NYU '71. Spouse.-Alice, N.Y.U. 969, realtor. CJ]jJdren.-Julie 5/8/74; David 4/8/76; Laurie 2/15/79. support that I received. Since surgery, I have Aff]®Jjatr'ons & AcfI'VI'rI®eS.- Am. college of physicians (Fellow), played women9s and coed football, tennis, and Am. College of Gastroenterology (Fellow), Am. Gastro Ass'n, volleyball, but have retired from those activities Am. Society For GI Endoscopy, N.J. Gastro Society (Past to focus on jogging. After 25 years of marriage, President), Past President Morris County Medical Society, UJA Pete and I are still best friends and immensely Metrowest Bd. of Trustees. Honors.a Several medical papers published over the years. enjoy each other's sense of humor. At this time of my life, I sense that I'1l be trying new things in I've been extremely fortunate over the years. I the future. I'm not sure what they are, but I can chose a profession (actually my mother chose it be patient and enjoy the exploration. when I wasn't sure what to do with my English major) which has been rewarding intellectually, emotionally, and financially. This will not be the case for future generations of doctors due to a multitude of factors, prime among them Ruth Dritch Salinger govemment interference. I was even more lucky 5801 Ridgefield Rd. in my choice (actually it was her choice) of Bethesda, Md. 20816 spouse, as my marriage has grown stronger with the passing years. Most important, and clearly the Home.. (301) 229-5570 major focus of my life at present, are my three OffI'Ce.. (202) 475-1549 children. I feel more pride and joy in my relationship with them than any other single Occupafjon.I Intemal Training Consultant, U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services. CorneJJ Major.- Psychology (Arts & aspect of my life. Hopefully, one or two of them Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a M.A., George Washington will end up at Cornell and get the kind of head University. Spouse.a Peter A. Salinger, Cornell, I&LR '66; Richard Salsberg start on life that I did. management consultant. Aff]'JI'afI'OnS & Acfj®vI'fI'eS.a National Society for Performance & Instruction; American Society for 33 Cottage Avenue Training & Development; United Ostomy Association. Honors.' Montvale, N.J. 07645 Articles published in professional magazines and books. Home.. (201) 391-3445 OffI'Ce.. (201) 623-1699 I first saw Cornell when my parents dropped off me and my oversized steamer trunk at OccupafI'On.I Attorney, De Maria, Ellis, Hunt, Salsberg & Dickson 6. Coming all the way from Tulsa, Friedman. CormeJJ Major.a Labor Relations (ILR). AdvaJ]Ced Oklahoma, I wasn't going to be making many Degrees.I J.D., SUNY At Buffalo School of Law. Spouse.a trips home. Thus I was one of the few women Andrea (Andi) Univ. of Pennsylvania, '67, Columbia '68, Guidance Counselor. ChI'JdreJ].I Brian Scott, 5/24/73, Cornell around Dickson during our freshman year Arts & Sci. Class of 1995; Corey Andrew, 7/22/75, Pascack semester break, when a fratemity called, inviting Hills H.S., Class of 1993; Jamie Allison, 7/6/77, Pascack Hills us to help paint the house before rush. There I H.S., Class of 1995. AffJ'JI'atr'OnS & AcfI'VI'tr'eS.I NJ State Bar met Pete Salinger (I&LR 966; BPA '68), didn't Ass9n, Cornell Alum. Admissions Ambassador & Bergen County Chair. date anyone else, and married him at the Guillermo Sanz de Santamarl~a beginning of my senior year. While Pete finished Carrera 3 No. 77-73 graduate school, I was a secretary in the Bogota, Colombia. psychology department, where I had done my undergraduate work. The real world hit in the Home.. 2179160 form of Vietnam. Before the draft could claim OffI'Ce.. 2118103-2118409 him, Pete applied to and was accepted at Navy OCS. During that winter of 1968, I returned Occupatr'on.I Independent Agricultural and Industrial Projects. 66home," and did research for Jim Maas in the CormeJJ Major.a Industrial (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.a Master of Science (Industrial Engineering). Spouse.a Maria del area of sleep and dreams. On weekends I Pilar de Sanz de Santamar1+a. ChjJdren.I Daniel, ll/30/74, commuted to Providence, RI, to visit Pete, on the Colegio Anglo Colombiano, 1992; Lucia, 2/7/77, Colegio Los Nogales,1994; Pablo, 2/5/82, Los Nogales; Diego,12/7/85, Los $25 Mohawk (a.k.a. Slowhawk) special. Lucky Nogales. AffJ®Jjafjons & AcfJ'VI'fjeS.a Sociedad Colombiana de for us, Pete got his first choice of assignments Ingenieros, Comel University Council 1985-l989. and we landed (by car) in the Washington, DC,

169 David P. Sargent, Jr. Arlene BIutreich Savitsky Karl Savryn 1301 Elsinore Ave. 353 West 56 Street 15 W. 72nd St. McLean, Va. 22102 New York, N.Y.10019 New York, N.Y. 10023 Home.. (703) 760-9371 Home.. (212) 247-1860 Home.. (212) 595-7191 OffI'Ce.. (212) 878-6203 OffJ'Ce.. (212) 759-3300 Occ'uparj'on.I Naval Officer, U.S. Navy. CorJ]e// Major.-M.E. (Slbley - ME) Advanced Degrees.' MSME, Naval PG School Oc`cupar,®oJ].a Attomey, American Home Products Corporation. Oc'cupar,-oJ].I Lawyer, Dornbush Mandelstom & Silverman. Spouse.I Janet Durstln Sargent, Cornell 968, Statistician. Col-nell Major: Government (Arcs). Advanced Degrees.-I.D. CornelI Major.~ Government, (Arts a Sciences). Advanced ChI'Jdren.-Alison, I 2/I 3/78; David Ill, 6/I 2/8 I . New York University Law School. Affj/j'afjoJ]S & Act,vJrJeS.I Degrees.a J.D., Comell Law, l970. Spouse.-Marilyn Cohen, BA, Amerlcan Bar Association, United States Trademark MA, Ph.D., NYU. Art Hlstorian Curator. ChJ/dreJ].- Sophia Assoclatlon. Savryn, I I/2l/87. AffJ-/,afl'OnS & Acrjv,'fjes.I Children's Blood Foundation. If this were our twentieth reunion my reflections would be vastly different from now. I've learned that family,love and justice are At that time I was living a c6charmed" life the most important and enduring things in life. practicing trademark and licensing law, traveling throughout the world/several trips a year to different countries on holiday and generally just enjoying myself, having survived an amicable divorce and even a hostile corporate takeover (with a 66bronze" if not 66golden" parachute). Today that is not the case. I am currently (summer 1991) recuperating from a bone marrow Barbara Green Savage transplant, having been diagnosed with acute 196-05A 65 Crescent #1B leukemia in l987 and relapsing in 1990. Illness, Fresh Meadows, N.Y.11365 unfortunately, has become the central thing in my Home.. (718) 454-6973 life caused more by the treatment than the disease Office.. (212) 727-5921 itself. It is trite to say that your perspective and priorities change but they do. How could they not Roberta PoIIack Saxon Occ'upafjon.a Advertising, Bozell, Inc. Come/I Major.- Child when nothing is certain, you cannot make plans 375 Anita Ave. Development, (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.a M.Ed. in advance because you have no idea if you will Boston Universlty Spouse.-Tim Savage, Cornell '69, Los Altos, Calif. 94024 be in the hospital or how you will be feeling? Advertislng. Am'JJ®afjOnS & AcfjvJfJeS.I US Peace Corps - Home.. (415) 948-3670 Arequlpa Peru -Home Extension Work -'69-'72. More Hopefully this last treatment will lead to a OffI'Ce.. (415) 859-2663 recently made a career change from merchandislng to permanent remission because it is hard to think of advertlsing. Attending evenlng courses ln marketing and advertising certificate program, New York University - SCE. going through any more hospitalizations and Occ'uparjoJ].' Research Chemist, SRI International. ComeJJ medical procedures. Previously I sort of coasted, Major.- Chemistry, (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I Ph.D. University things coming fairly easily whether in my of Chlcago (Chem.). Affj/I-afjOnS & AcfI'VjfI'eS.a American After leaving Cornell, I spent a year at Boston Physical Society (Fellow); American Chemical Society. University, working toward an M.Ed. in professional or personal lives without my having Honors.I 50 technical PubliCatlOnS, NATO fellowship l984 & to make much of an effort. No more. Now I have counseling. I married Tim Savage (Cornell '69 l99l. a goal; to be very old, and unfortunately nothing I Agr.). We spent three years in the US Peace learned or lived through at Cornell could prepare Corps in Arequipa, Peru, where we worked with me for this. the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture. I worked as a Home Extension Agent, teaching nutrition and health. Tim taught Dairy Science. Living in Peru was very interesting culturally, and gave us the opportunity to learn Spanish. We also had the chance to travel through other South American countries. After returning to the United States, we settled in New York City, where until recently I was working in Merchandising. I have now made a career change into advertising, and am currently working in Account Management at Bozell. At Jay Scarborough the same time, I am also attending evening 4152 26th St. courses at New York University in a certificate San Francisco, Calif. 94131 program in Marketing and Advertising. Tim also Home.. (415) 282-5429 works for an advertising agency, Lintas NY, as OffI'Ce.. (415) 773-4495 an Art Director. OccupafJ'On.I Attorney, Jardine Insurance Brokers. CorneJj

170 Major.I Aslan Studies, (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I JD, Cornell school sweetheart (both of us from the Seattle Law School, l977. Spouse.I Miriam Green, Real Estate Broker. area), and we lived in Manhattan while children: za,cha.ry winn, 9l\5l\99'. Affiliations & Activities.- completing graduate degrees. I soon discovered Admitted to bars of New York and California; member, that I am not a 66city girl", and we started plans california state Bar Association. Honors.a Member, Advisory committee, Comell Southeast Asla Program. to return to the Pacific N.W. Except for a 3 year stay in Kentucky, we have been in the N.W. ever since. I have used my social work degree teaching at the univ. of Washington and Kentucky, in administration and research publications, and for the last 10 years I have been in part-time private practice as a therapist. Phil Scheff We spend leisure time in travel or outdoor 8744 Darby Ave. sports, especially snow and water skiing, tennis, horses, mountain climbing, and boating. Our Northridge, Calif. 91324 children, Adrienne and Alex have acquired the Home.. (818) 886-6741 same addiction to these sports, so we now Offi'ce.. (818) 760-8188 chauffeur them around to regional tennis tournaments and dressage horse shows. James Schatz Occupafl'on.- Retired. Come/I Major.I Electrical (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I M.E.E. Cornell '68. Chl'JdreJ].-Scott, My fondest memories of Cornell include: 10734 Roseanna Dr. 3/I 3/74; Stefanie, 2/27/78. AffjJ,'af,ons & Acfl'vl'fl'es.-Board of - long drives on slippery roads to New Northglenn, Colo. 80234 Directors of Colormedia Corp. Honors.I Published in 66Solid England with the Womens9 Ski Team to Home.. (303) 452-2367 State Technology magazine 5/73. represent Cornell, Offi'ce.. (303) 289-6500 - sorority life and my longterm friendships After graduating in 1968 with a M.S. degree, I formed at KKG with Ellen Stromberg, Penny OccuparjoJ].I Counselor, Adams County Employment Center. located to Los Angeles. There I spent the next Bamberger, and Gwynne Fowler, Cornell Major.® I.i., (Engineering). Advanced DegI-eeS: M.A. twelve years working as an Aerospace design - walking down the snowy Arts Quad to in Social Psych., SUC Brockport. Spouse.-Teddie Schatz, engineer. During that period I became active classes in the broken down Psychology building Rochester Institute of Technology, B.A. in Photography, buying existing apartment buildings, improving photographer/teacher. CThjJdren.-Randy, I/79; Diana, 7/81. which couldn9t be repaired because it had been them and then selling them. designated as a historic landmark, Ten years ago I began constructing both office I read the 966 reunion yearbook samples. One - studying over a cup of coffee and chocolate and apartment buildings. In l991 I decided to was an extended 66Christmas newsletter", the chip cookies at Noyes overlooking Beebe Lake, other an executive exercise in seeming to say a semi-retire. Currently I spend my time traveling, - fraternity parties at Alpha Tau Omega. lot without revealing anything about yourself. No playing, enjoying my children, visiting friends My activities in the international clubs around the country and occasionally working. thanks. involving foreign exchange students developed I have two wonderful children both of whom I left Cornell a Protestant, Young Republican into a 1 year backpacking trip around the globe aspire to be Veterinarians. As a result, my home engineer and have since become a liberal for David and me. We visited those exchange looks like a zoo with birds, snakes, dogs, cats, agnostic career counselor, one of your secular students after they had returned to their fish, lizards, frogs, etc. scattered about. humanist types. I managed to do this without homelands, and that trip galvanized a permanent smoking grass, getting divorced, or becoming appreciation for the depth and breadth of other alienated from my parents. Peers view me as cultures. happy in my work, and they're right. As I reflect on my experience at Cornell, I feel The obligatory newsletter: married in 974 to the most positive contribution I received was the Teddie, a very bright, independent 4 yr. time period that could be set aside in an photographer/teacher who's been spared the academic environment with abundant corporate wife obligation by my aversion to opportunities. Within this environment, I was corporations. We strive for a balanced equitable able to leisurely explore many facets of life relationship without a blurring of our identities; which subsequent 66real life" pressures and she lets me do most of the talking. It works. Our responsibilities as parent, working professional willful children are 13 (Randy) and 10 (Diana); and community citizen seldom permit. they're generally happy and should be fine young See you all in June for more nostalgia! adults any day now. The usual sports and high grades. Sandra Ford Schenkar At Cornell I faced a serious challenge - the rest 5115 Klahanie Ct. N.W. of you - and survived/succeeded; this gave me Olympia, Wash. 98502 core confidence which has been invaluable. Since Home.. (206) 866-4254 then what's been most important to each of us has been the daily decisions we make about how Occupafjon.- Clinical Social Worker, Associated Psychiatric & to use our l6 waking hours. They determine Counseling Services. Corns/I Major.a Psychology (Arts & which parts of us become developed and which Sciences). Advanced Degrees.-Masters of Social Work (M.S.W.), New York Univ., l969. Spouse.a Davld L. Schenkar, are neglected. Everyone wants our time: spouse, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, Univ.of Washington, B.S. l965; kids, job, church, personal exercise/sports, Cornell Medical, l969. ChI-/dreJ].I Lara Adrienne, 1975 (loth friends, community, etc. We can not be grade); Alex David, l977, (8th grade). Affj'JI-atr'OnS & Act,'vI®fI'eS.- everything; there just isn7t time. Our previous NASW (National Assoc. of Social Workers) Clinical Diplomate C.S.W. (Washington State Certified Social Worker). HoJ]OrS.a choices have led us to who we are now; our Who's Who Among Human Servlces Professionals. Mark Schiffman future choices, and the future us, is still to be 7 Devon Road decided. Edison, N.J. 08820 And 300 words just isn9t enough. My visual image of the Cornell campus is still so vivid that it's difficult to believe I have not yet Home.. (908) 494-3935 returned since graduation to visit. OffI'Ce.. (212) 268-1500 The summer of graduation I married my high Oc'c`upafl'on.I Engineer/Construction Manager, Chief Executive

171 Officer, CRSS of New York, Inc. CorJ]eJJ Major.' Civil many jokes to tell about the profession. The Engineering (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.- Master of Engineering, University of South Carolina, Juris Doctor, nicest thing about being a lawyer for the University of North Carolina. Spouse.I Louise Garland Govemment is that your client is always right, I Schiffman, University of Colorado, '72; Insurance think. The nicest thing about being a parent is the Broker/Consultant. Cf]jJdren.I Roger, 8/27/84; Erica, 5/23/86; fact that it insures you always have something to Wendy, 6/21/89. AffI'JJ'atr'OnS & Acrfvifjes.I American Society of Civil Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, occupy your time. New York Building Congress, Institute of Transportation Looking back over the past 24 years, the thing Engineers, Society of American Military Engineers, Project that stands out most for me is the friendships I Management Institute. HoJ]OrS.I Registered Professional made at Cornell which have remained strong Engineer (several states), Member of the Bar (NY and NJ), throughout the years. The two young men I Author of 20 published articles addressing engineering, the law, ethics, the environment. shared an apartment with during my senior year have now become two older men, with jobs, In the years since graduation I have had Steven Schlesinger families and responsibilities. Although we live extremely challenging and interesting work 12705 Eldrid Place different lives in different places, and don't see each other as much as we would like, we still experiences, travelled a bit and, most Silver Spring, Md. 20904 remain close. Cornell gave us this. Cornell is importantly, married and am now raising three Home.. (301) 680-0522 wonderful children with my wife, Louise. what started us off in the right direction, with at OffI'Ce.. (202) 514-4601 Immediately following graduation from least an idea of how to get to where we wanted to be. So far, the trip has been great fun and I expect Cornell I entered the University of South Occupafjon.' Director, Office of Policy Development, U.S. Carolina to study Transportation Engineering Department of Justice. CormeJJ Major.a Government (Arts & things will go on that way. under a graduate teaching assistantship. My Draft Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I M.A. & Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. Spouse.a Madeline Nesse, Bamard College, Board had informed me that though there was no Harvard Law School, Attomey, U.S. Dept. of Health & Human guarantee, a teaching assistantship would Services. CfrjJdren.a Mare Schlesinger, 4/22/79, White Oak possibly qualify me for a deferment from the Middle School; Lyle Nesse, 2/27/84, Jackson Road War. It certainly proved not to be a guarantee. School.Affj-JjarI'OnS & AcfjvI'fI'eS.- Adjunct Professor, School of Public Affairs, The American University. Within less than one month after arriving in South Carolina I was told to visit Fort Jackson, South Carolina for a pre-induction physical. Fortunately, for me, I couldn9t take a smallpox vaccination and flunked the physical. I went on to receive a Masters degree and an invitation to join the faculty, with the University to pick up the tab for a Ph.D. Teaching full time wasn9t in my blood, so I declined. However, I did Judy Martin Schwartz agree to remain for nine months prior to entering 1175 Pineville Rd. (#64) law school at the University of North Carolina in Chattanooga, Tenn. 37405 Chapel Hill. Why the apparent sudden switch Home.. (615) 265-1339 from engineering to law? I had worked summers OffI'Ce.. (615) 757-5152 in New York City for an engineering firm while at Comell, and again for that same flrm in South Roy M. Schoenfeld Occuparjon.I Special Ass't to Mayor, City of Chattanooga. Carolina while receiving my Masters. 18 Crescent Street CorneJJ Major.' American Government (Arts & Sciences). Engineering was great fun but I couldn9t see Ch,'Jdren.-Skip, 6/25/73, Stanford University '95. AffJ'JjafI'OnS & Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181 Act,'vjrjes.I Leadership Chattanooga; UNCF; Chattanooga Area myself sitting behind a drafting table and pushing Home.. (617) 235-6460 Urban League; Chattanooga Llttle Theatre; Coca Cola a slide rule for years to come while slowly rising Scholarship Selection Committee; Chatta. Venture Human within the ranks. Therefore, to advance quickly in OffI'Ce.. (617) 565-6701 Relations Task Force. the engineering world as well as to broaden Occupafjon.- Supervisory Attorney, National Labor Relations myself for my career I decided to go to law Board. CormeJ/ Major.I ILR (ILR). Advanced Degrees.a JD, Immediately after graduation from Cornell, I school with the full intent to retum to engineering 1970, Georgetown Univ. Law Center. Spouse.-Diane; Maryland retumed to Washington, D.C. where I worked for upon graduation. And that is exactly what I did. Institute College of Art; BFA 1970; Art Consultant. ChjJdren.I a couple of years on Capitol Hill. Since 1970, I Since then I have been based in New York, Lesley, 2/2/77, Wellesley High School, class of l995; Steven, have been living in Chattanooga, TN. and, until 5/10/8l, Schofield School Class of 1993. Honors.-Article: New Hampshire and New Jersey. I have been 6CDrug Testing -Is It Time for Cable Operators To Just Say this past year, was considered a 66full-time involved in the planning, design and construction Yes?" (with Bruce D. Goodman, Esq.); Cablevision, Apr. l9, community volunteer'. The cumulative list of of streets and highways, bridges, water and 1990. these volunteer efforts and board commitments is wastewater systems, airports, railroads and long and varied, particularly focusing on subways, port facilities, and buildings of all types I'm not sure what I expected life after Comell education, community and race relations, throughout the country. It's challenging and gives to be like. In fact, I can't remember whether I had community theatre, Riverbend Festival, and a wonderful sense of satisfaction. any specific expectations. That is not surprising, CISV, an international children9s exchange Though I love my work my real love is my however, since I seem to have trouble program. The network of friends from these family. Louise is a well respected Insurance remembering a lot of things these days. I do many endeavors, all wanting to make a difference Consultant for Dun & Bradstreet and formerly remember, though, that the original version of in our community, keeps growing. Chattanooga is 66Stay" was recorded by Maurice Williams and was an officer with Marsh & McLennan. Our rich in the spirit of volunteerism! kids, Roger, seven years old, Erica, five, andthe Zodiacs on the Herald label. I expect that Since September, l990, I have worked part- Wendy, two, give us immeasurable pride and joy. some time in the future such knowledge will time as a Special Assistant to the Mayor of Should any or all of them study at Cornell, it prove useful. Chattanooga. It was time to get back into public would add to my delight. Examining the present, I can safely state that I service and hopefully bring skills and affiliations have one wife, one house, two children, two cars from the volunteer sector to serve the office of and three cats. I find the wife quite pleasant, the the Mayor. house time-consuming, the children both The greatest joy of the past 25 years has been wonderful and impossible, the cars getting older my son, "Skip'9. He is now a freshman at and the cats warm and furry. I think the nicest Stanford University - and it was only recently thing about being a lawyer is that there are so that I learned of the historical ties between

172 Comell and Stanford: Comel1, in commemorating marriage and family therapist. Thoroughly its 125 years, recently participated in celebrating disliked the mid-West. Did the right thing in Stanford's Centennial! 1975 and headed down to Texas for a year's clinical internship and a subsequent residency in pastoral care at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. I loved the ceaseless human crisis and my growing ability to respond to it professionally. They were the most exhilarating years of my life! Finally leamed to actually speak Spanish, which a college major simply doesn't do for you in this country, not even at Comel1. The intuitive gift for languages is an amazing one. Barbara Rosenfe]der Sco]l Being a confidently bi-lingual Anglo has doubled 6920 Valley View Rd. the size of my world. But I never did read Don Edina, Minn. 55439 QuI'XOfe. Real Texans don9t. Adjunct faculty here and there. Lectured Home.. (612) 942-9612 Dick Schwenzer briefly in Mexico. Lost my yanqui accent, but I OffI'Ce.. (612) 348-5878 switched it back on at will as a sure-fire gag 60 Holcomb St. among Hispanic friends. Divorced at last. Simsbury, Conn. 06070 OccupafI'On.I Sr. Program Analyst, Hennepin County. CormeJJ Major.a Govemment, (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I MSW Univ. of Remarried and suddenly started having kids at Home.. (203) 658-2614 Minnesota. Spouse.a Jonathan Scoll, LLB '68, Attorney. mid-life. OffI'Ce.. (203) 651-8965 CThI'Jdren.' Benjamin, 4/l4/76', Adam, 9/14/78. Affl'JI'afjOnS & I've spent all but one of my professional years AcfI'VI'fI'eS.' PTA, Golf, Stock Club. in service to the poor - in Appalachia, in the OccupafI'On.a Business & Personnel Management Consultant, Schwenzer Associates. CorneJJ Major.I Animal Science barrios of Houston, and now as executive director (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.- M.S., Univ. of of a major United Way agency working with the Massachusetts. Spouse.I Mary, B.S., SUNY at Plattsburgh; homeless in South Texas. I cannot necessarily M.S., Russell Sage, Educator. ChI'Jdren.- Christine, 2/22/70, reconcile it with that high-powered education Cornell 1992; Heidi, 8/6/74, Simsbury HS '92; Ann 1/8/76, Simsbury HS 994. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI®VI'rI'eS.' Simsbury Land from Comel1, which beyond all question changed Conservation Trust, Bd. of Directors; Simsbury Theater Guild, my life. Yet somewhere inside of me, it works American Assoc. of University Professors (1978-1985). very, very well, and I am at peace. Honors.a Recipient of 1984 National Achievement Award - National Assoc. of County Agricultural Agents, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Honorary Fratemity, Merit Service Award, U.S. Jaycees.

Upon graduation, I found myself enjoying an extended eleven-year association with Comell as a staff member of the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service. It was while working for Edward B. Seeger Comell that I took a sabbatic to Cam my Master9s 14918 Tesoro Drive, North Padre Island degree in Environmental Sciences from the Corpus Christi, Tex. 78418 University of Massachusetts. Home.. (512) 949-9564 A new opportunity arose for employment with OffI'Ce.. (512) 887-0151 the University of Connecticut. I assumed a position as an Extension Faculty member at the OccupafI'On.I Executive Director, Corpus Christi Metro University of Connecticut9s College of Ministries. ComeJJ Major.- Spanish, (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I Richard Seipt Agriculture. After eight years of advising M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary. Spouse.a Debbie, 31 Gillis Terrace commercial agricultural businesses in production University of Houston '82, C.P.A.; Director of Grants, Corpus Christi State Univ. Cf],I/dren.a Edward B. Seeger Ill,ll/16/88; Salem, N.H. 03079 technology and business management, I left the Catherine Atlee Seeger, 7/2/91. AffJ'JjafI'OnS & Acfjvitr'es.I Food Home.. (603) 893-2325 University to form my own business. I continue Bank Board of Directors; Leadership Corpus Christi; Junior League Advisory Board; State Chair - Religious Advisory to provide business and personnel management Occupafjon.a Retired. CorneJJ Major.I Hotel Admin. (Hotel Council to Texas Department of Human Services; Mayor's consulting services to commercial farm Admin.). Spouse.I Lisa Tyler Seipt. UNH,1971. ChjJdren.- Task Forces. Honors.I "From Edinburgh and Tambaram to Christopher, 5/1 I/76, Pelham NH High School; Ryan, 8/3/82, businesses in the New England States and New Houston: Interfaith Relations Down Home in Texas'' Pelham NH Sherbume School. York. During our twenty-two years of marriage, my 6tSo, Ed, what are you going to do with a wife, Mary, has pursued a career as a high school Spanish degree?" Not a bad question. Heard it and college educator. We have watched our three quite often, too. Obviously, I was not exactly beautiful daughters develop their ihterests and going to head off to ned school, as I had once discover themselves. Our oldest daughter, thought I would do, back when I first unpacked Christine is carrying on the Cornell tradition. She my pajamas in Dorm Five. Turned out that the is in Comell Class of 1992, completing studies in pj's were only the very least of the long list of Interior Architectural Design. Our second things I had lost or given up by graduation, as daughter is college bound in Fall of 1992 with Comell seduced me in most of the ways a liberal interests in pursuing a degree in Hotel and education is supposed to. With one rather curious Restaurant Management, followed in two years exception. by her younger sister who has a strong interest in To everyone9s surprise, I went directly to dance and the performing arts. Princeton Theological Seminary, not as a Laura KIugherz Seldman Vietnam-era draft dodger, but out of a genuine 3201 19th St. N.W. concern for religion's deep commentary on Washington, D.C. 20010 human values. Married, but probably shouldn9t have. Up until my early 409s I traveled the world Home.. (202) 234-1372 like some retiree. I was the pastor of Presbyterian Office.. (202) 797-9264 churches in small-town Ohio. Trained briefly as a

173 Occupafjon.- Artist, P. Street Paperworks (Co-Owner). Come/I Major.-Genetics (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.I Master Fine Arts, George Washington Univ. Spouse.-Nell Seldman, Comell '66.' Ch,'/dreJ].-Ollie, l2/5/74, High School Senior at Edmund Burke School; Chloe, 8/9/80, Sixth Grade at John Eaton School. HoJ]OrS.I The People's Silkscreen Book. Communitas Press l974.

Every day I face the challenge of integrating and balancing my family, friends and community concerns and the personal aspects of my creative and business self. One year after graduating from Cornell I married my college sweetheart and have lived 66happily ever after". It amazes us that Doug Sethness Jeffrey Sheara 3650 Ranch Creek Dr. individually we have changed radically in these 16 Firethome Drive Austin, Tex. 78730 25 years, but still like and love each other. We West Chester, Penna. 19382 have shared the awesome experience of Home.. (206) 745-6218 Home.. (215) 793-3094 coparenting two cool kids - sensitive, and OffI'Ce.. (206) 728-3129 OfrJ'Ce.. (302) 774-6105 funloving with good values. Oc`cupa,l'oJ].I Consulting Engineer, Self Employed. CorJ]e// My silkscreen printing business/studio is Occ`upafJ'OJ].' Planning Manager, E.I. DuPont. CorneJJ Major.I MaJ®Or.I Civil Engineering, (Engineerlng). Advanced Degrees.a Chemical Engineerlng, (Engineerlng). Advanced Degrees.I M. involved with fine art and t-shirt printing as well BS & MS ln Civil Engineering From Univ of Texas, Austln, Eng. (Chem.), Cornell `68. Spouse.-Ann Sheara. C`hJ®/dreJ].I as arts education (through local arts commission Texas. Spouse.I Dianne, HarrlSburg Area Community College. Gregory,10/20/81; Samantha,12/4/83. AffI-JJ'afJOnS & ChJ/dren.-Amy Lauren, 2/15/8l, Beverly Elementary; Lacey Ac'r,vjr,es.-Currently Vlce Chalrman, Board of Supervlsors, grants). As a photographer and serigrapher, I Elizabeth, 9/26/84, Beverly Elementary. Affi'Jjar,'oJ]S & have developed and popularized experimental Blrmingham Townshlp, Chester County (elected I I/89) and Act,'vj'f,'cs.-Amer. Assoc. of Port Authorities, InternatlOnal Pollce Commissioner of Same. Previously served as Vice techniques using advanced copier technology and Marina Instltute, Amer. Society of Civil Engineers, Soclety of Chairman Planning Commlsslon, Birmingham Township. have exhibited my work in numerous shows. Naval Architects and Marlne Engineers. Honors.a Hawley Foundation Fellowship, over 40 professional publlcatlOnS. Committed to social justice and the peace Compared to my peers, I9m probably one of movement, I am an active participant in the late 66bloomers" of the Class of 967, as I I left Cornell in January '66 to enlist in the community and national events (including a wasn't married until the age of 32 and I was 36 Army and volunteer for Vietnam. It seemed memorable arrest for civil disobedience in front when my first child was born. So, I suspect that simpler then but I remain in the Army Reserves of the South African Embassy). I'1l really be thought of as the 66old man" by the to help support our great country. At this time, feelings of Cornell nostalgia reign time both children are (hopefully) considering - we hope to retum solneday soon. I tried for and missed the 1968 Olympic attending Comell. Pentathlon Team, and then went to the University As you can gather by the fact that I began my of Texas to finish up. I graduated with honors reflections by talking about my family and which made me feel better about leaving school despite my late start in getting one, they truly are earlier. the highlights of my life. I met Ann, my wife, in As an engineer, I worked on a lot of interesting l973 while working at Conoco, Inc., where I had projects including flood protection at Three Mile been employed since graduating with my Masters Island. I returned to monitor radiation Degree from Cornell in l968. After a long background years later. courtship, we were married in l977. I was very I helped invent a floating breakwater and went lucky to have found Ann. She's a super mother throughout the US, Canada, and Europe to and a great companion, but more than anything, a promote it. Now I am in private practice as an tremendous friend. Greg, my lO year old son, engineer in management consulting. I am currently in the 4th grade, has a reserved currently working on about $50 M in capital improvements for the Port of Seattle. personality like me, but fortunately, already appears to be a far better athlete than I ever was. Paul Selinger I married Dianne Nov. 27, 1976 and we have His special interest is baseball (where he's shown 3 1 Larch Lane two beautiful girls. appreciable early talent) and he dreams about Massapequa Park, N.Y. 11762 I know that the most important thing that has being the next Jose Canseco. Maybe he911 support Home.. (516) 541-6610 happened to me is to realize that my family me in my old age. Samantha, who will be 8 years OffI'Ce.. (718) 456-0360 comes first. It was easy to get wrapped up in old soon, is Greg's foil in many ways -volatile, pursuit of achievements and lose sight of the outwardly aggressive and has a personality that Occupatr'on.I Dentist. Corme/I Major.I Biological Sciences, (Arts importance of family. Fortunately, I got smart won't quit. Needless to say, they keep the house & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I Doctor of Dental Medicine, and am enjoying the results. It was great to see Univ. of PA. Spouse.I Marsha, Adelphi Univ. B.S.; Queen's stirred up. my old roommates at the 20th reunion. I hope College, MA, l97l; Adelphi Univ. PhD. ln Reading, l990; I9ve remained with the same firm since I left Teacher, (elem. ed.) ChjJdren.I Craig, I/26/79; Stephen, 9/I 2/80. they all show up for the 25th. PERGE'. Cornell. Conoco was purchased by Du Pont in 1981, and I'm now with the parent firm. Over the 23 years, I've lived in Maryland, New Jersey (twice), Connecticut, Texas (twice), and now southeastern Pennsylvania for the last 6 years. For the last twenty years, I've had a series of commercial, marketing, and planning assignments and survived my share of acquisitions and restructurings. Currently, I9m Planning Manager for the Chemicals & Intermediates Division of Du Pont Chemicals, an assignment that has me involved in the long-term strategic plans for about nine different businesses. My principal outside activity is politics. I was appointed to our Township's local Planning commission in 1987, became its Vice-Chairman in 1988, and was elected to the Board of supervisors in November, 1989 for a six year term. I also serve as Police Commissioner for the Township (population 2,650). Although these government activities take much time, I've still been able to coach my son's soccer and basketball teams over the past few years, and plan to continue with coaching basketball (my true sports love) for as long as the leagues will put up with me. The family's summers have been spent the last two years at a house we own in Gait Kaufmann Siegel Arnold SiegeI Avalon, NJ. It gives us all a place to relax and 9136 Hollyoak Drive 1030 Prospect Bl. unwind, and many, many moments to treasure for Bethesda, Md. 20817 Pasadena, Calif. 91103 a lifetime. Home.. (301) 365-1664 Home.. (818) 793-0508. Ofrjce.. (703) 494-3500 OffI'Ce.. (818) 568-4600 OccupafjoJ].I Office Manager, Dr. Robert S. Siegel. CorneJJ Occupafjon.I Attomey, Gronemeier & Barker. ComeJJ Major.- Major.- English, (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.I Robert S. Siegel, History (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I Stanford JD '7l. Spouse.- D.D.S. Unlversity of Maryland, l957; Univ. of Md. Dental Susan Futterman, Harvard Ed. School '72, T.V. Censor. School, l961; Graduate School of Medicine, University of Chj/dren.-Lauren Miller Siegel, lO/I I/77, Westridge School, Pennsylvanla '63; oral and maxillofacial surgeon. ChjJdreJ].' l997. Aft,'JJ'arl'OnS & Ac'r,'v,rlcs.a See Bio. Honors.a I have Susan Kaufmann Siegel, 7/5/70, University of Pennsylvania, published 2 law review articles in the past. Not worth noting. l992-, Andrea Kaufmann Siegel, 2/I/72, Montgomery College, l994. AffJ-JjarjoJ]S & Acfjvl'fjes.a Women's Committee of the In many ways the most important thing that Washington Performing Arts Soclety, President; Ladies happened to me since Cornell was attending Auxiliary of the Northern Virginia Dental Society, President; Women's National Democratic Club, member, Board of Stanford Law School. I remember a day in Govemors; Wolf Trap Associates, Vice-Chairman of the Bd. of November, 1967, when, sitting in the warm sun, Directors; Trustees' Councll of Penn. Women, Associate Trustee of the Univ. of Pennsylvania; Annual Fund Committee Charles Sheppard it occurred to me that one year earlier I was subject to a dreary Ithaca day that was the for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; D.C. Rd 1, Box 469B Special Olympics, Publicity Chmn; Woodmont Country Club; harbinger of others to come. No one had ever told Mayfield, N.Y.12117 Rock Creek Garden Club; Corcoran Ball Committee, Publicity me that you could have relatively nice weather all Chmn.; National Symphony Ball Committee; Ladies Auxiliary Home.. (518) 661-6600 year! At that moment, I knew Itd never go back of the Kaufmann Camp (no relation) for Washington Boys and OffI'Ce.. (518) 773-5768 East. And so far, that has remained true. Girls, President. At Stanford I learned my 66trade," but equally Occupaf,ton.I Physician, Albany Medical Center. ComeJJ Major.- important, met people who have remained my My days as a Cornellian ended abruptly one Eng. Physics, (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I MD, Univ. of summer day after my sophomore year when I was Missouri. Spouse.-Mary M. CfrJJdren.-Justin, 9/I I/75; Sarah, close friends for 25 years. Sharing law school and notified that I had been accepted as a transfer 3/18/76; Jerod, 4/12/77; Caleb, 6/30/79; Charles ll/23/82. the Viet Nam war years with my Stanford friends student at the University of Pennsylvania. A Penn forged bonds that I never developed at Cornell. 66reject" as a freshman, I completed my degree Also, it's far easier for me to visit Palo Alto than there and currently serve as an Associate Trustee Ithaca. After Stanford, I moved to Pasadena and first of the University. After graduation, I returned to my hometown worked as a legal services attorney, next for a law firm, and until June, l991, as an administrator of Baltimore where I landed a fascinating job as a feature writer for the Baltimore News-Amen'can. and professor at Loyola (L.A) Law School. Since then I have practiced in a small Pasadena firm But it wasn9t fascinating enough to prevent me with a progressive agenda and integrated from moving to the Washington D.C. suburbs in October, 1968, to begin married life with Bob personnel. I am not sure Itd be a lawyer if I could choose again, but I have found niches that have Siegel, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in made me happy. private practice there. I was introduced to my wife, Susan Futterman, An enterprising and energetic man, my husband and his far-flung interests have exposed Douglas Shore by a Stanford classmate. As a censor for ABC- me to the worlds of travel, antique car 1130 Piedmont Ave. #1612 TV, Susan has an interesting and difficult career expositions and thoroughbred breeding and Atlanta, Ga. 30309 which she does superbly well. We have a racing -our current passion. What a thrill it was wonderful 7th grade daughter, Lauren, and Home.. (404) 874-2071 to campaign a stakes-winning sprinter at race experienced the challenges of a two career family OffI'Ce.. (404) 252-8831 x 201 tracks up and down the East Coast! in this society. Through the years we have traveled Occupafjon.I Chairman/CEO, Shore Communications, Inc. Pasadena is my home. In architecture and Col-nell Major.-Chemistry (Arts). Advanced Degrees.-MA., ambience, it is more like the East than the rest of extensively. European capitals, Oriental locales, Harvard Univ. Spouse.I Robin (Schmidt), Elmhurst College 972; and Middle Eastern destinations have added Southern California. I have served as Volunteer, Atlanta Botanical Garden. tremendous pleasure to our lives. But perhaps our neighborhood association president, Pasadena Heritage chairman, and on the Community most memorable and meaningful trip took place Development Committee. My interest in in 1985, when we went to Jerusalem with my preserving our history and community I owe to parents for our daughter Andrea's Bat Mitzvah, held in the garden of the Hebrew Union College, Cornell with its sense of tradition and outstanding history department. overlooking the walls of the Old City. Much of my time has been spent raising funds for a variety of cultural institutions. Highlights of my days as a "professional volunteer" include chairing the 1978 Wolf Trap Ball to benefit our

175 nation9s first and only national park for the In the 25 years since we left Cornell I think performing arts, and chairing the 1987 c6Best of I've had two lifetimes' worth of experience. Most Washington," a celebrity fashion show and of it has been terrific. luncheon for 1500 people which benefited the The September after graduation, I entered Pratt Capital Children9s Museum. Institute's Graduate School of Library and A competitive tennis player as a junior, I have Information Science. The next September, I maintained my interest in the sport, and kept my began work as a librarian with the NY Public form well enough to have held the ladies singles Library aJ]d I met Jon Silverman (ILR '66), who title at Woodmont Country Club for ten straight was preparing to go to Japan with the US years before retiring. Information Service. We married in May '69 and Since 1988, I have served as my husband9s arrived in Tokyo in September, for what turned office manager. I love the daily challenges; and out to be a 7 year stint. Those years included one both Bob and I delight in the summer months Donald S. Sieja year in Japanese language school, a school year when Andrea helps her father as an oral surgical 2703 Boulder Circle as a librarian at a Catholic girls' school in assistant. Yokohama, a move to Fukuoka, in southern Huntsville, Ala. 35801 Our elder daughter Susan is studying at Penn; Japan, and the birth of our first son, Aaron, in Home.. (205) 882-1966 but we9ll never forget one snowy December day 1974. In Fukuoka, I taught Western-style OffI'Ce.. (205) 544-8338 when it was just the four of us working in the (American) cooking at a Baptist neighborhood house, in Japanese, to local housewives. I also practice. Oc`cupaf,'oJ].-Finance & Acct. Manager, BAMSI. ComcJJ Major.- Our family really pulls together, and that's Industrial Engineering, (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I appeared on TV as a 66resident foreigner." When probably the most rewarding aspect of my life. MBA Finance, Univ. of West Florida. SpoLISe.a Kathy L. SleJa, we came back to America we lived for one year Univ. of West Florida, BA, MA Psychology l969, l975, in New Haven, Connecticut, where our second Professional Counselor. ChjJdreJ].I Julie, I/7/73, Virginla Tech '95; Tim, 9/lO/76, Randolph School '94; Andy, 6/l3/79, son, Mark, was bom in 1977. We moved to the

Randolph School '97. AffJ'JjafI'OJ]S & Actr'vI'rjeS.-Society of Cost Washington, DC area in 1978, and have been Estimating & Analysis; Finance Chairman for local church. here ever since. I started working as a children's librarian in 1979. In 198l I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and had to retire on disability in 1986. Now, although I can9t work normal part- time hours, I've got a job as our Temple librarian for 6 hours a week. And I do book-reviewing at home. I review young adult books for two library-oriented magazines, and children9s books for the local Audubon Society newsletter, for a Jewish organization, and for a local free "parenting" paper. And I9ve had one article (of Patricia Minikes Siegel reviews) in Cn-ckef magazine, which is a national 23 South Dr. children's magazine. So I keep busy .... Jon is Great Neck, N.Y.11021 still with USIA, although in the domestic section, Home.. (516) 487-5287 Randy Sierk so we won't go overseas again. The boys are growing up (time passes fast) and now we911 be OccupafI'On.- Handwriting Consultant, Faculty Member, New 514 W. Broad St. looking at colleges! Seems impossible! What School for Social Research in NYC. ComeJJ Major.-Child Dev. New Holland, Pa.17557 & Family Rel. (H. Ec.). Spouse.a Lawrence (Larry) Siegel, BS comes next? Good question. Comell ILR '64; Columbia Law and MBA degrees. Cf]JJdr¬r].I Home.. (717) 354-0539 Laura, l976; Karen, l980. OffI'Ce.. (717) 355-3533

Has it really been 24 years? Luckily daily life Occupafj'on.' Design Engineer, Ford New Holland Corns/I has been too busy and involved to count the Major.I Agr. Eng. (Agr.) Spouse.® Cynthia, Paralegal ChjJdren.a Emily, l974, high school sr.; Charles, 1977, high school fr. decades. Except those tennis injuries (heel, ankle AffilliatiOnS & Activities: SALE. and elbow) are strong reminders that things just aren't the same a quarter century since graduation. And what will I say for my 50th reunion bio if I have a steady enough hand to write it? My family -husband Larry (Cornell 964) and children Laura and Karen who by June will be 16 and 12 respectively -have been my backbone, and you9ll get a chance to meet them at reunion. Mark Slomoff My occupation as a handwriting consultant is a 79 Piedmont St. rather unusual one, and mentioning it often San Francisco, Calif. 94117 creates raised eyebrows. For some time I9ve been Home.. (415) 661-6101 teaching the psychology of handwriting program OffI'Ce.. (510) 420-6080 at The New School for Social Research in New York. I provide handwriting identification Judith G]ucksberg Silverman Occupation.~ M.D. ComelI Major.-Eng+±sh. (A & S). Advanced services in forensic/legal matters and handwriting 1303 Ballard Street Degrees.a M.D., SUNY, Downstate. Spouse.I Dorothy J. Duke, U. of Wisconsin, 1970, M.D. ChI'Jdren.' Max Slomoff, 7/25/79; analysis (personality evaluation) to assist in Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Kate Duke, 2/2l/82; Theodore Slomoff,12/l4/86', Claire personnel selection. After twelve years of Home.. (301) 588-6864 Elizabeth Duke, 5/I 8/90. professional practice, the work is still stimulating. Looking forward to catching up with old Oc`cupafI'On.I Librarian (retired); free-lance book reviewer. After graduation from Cornell, I attended friends and new in June. Come// Major.a Rural Sociology, (Agriculture). Advanced Downstate Medical School in N.Y.C. I found Degrees.I MLS Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY. Spouse.' Jonathan New York to be overwhelming and moved to Sam L., ILR '66, Civil Servant. Chj/dren.a Aaron, lO/I/74, will graduate high school '92-, Mark, 9/4/77, will graduate high Francisco. I worked at the Haight Ashbury Free school ,95.

176 DuBois T. Smith Neck North H.S. l992. AffjJI'afjOnS & AcrjvjrI'eS.-President Medical Clinic and Drug Rehabilitation program PTSA, Great Neck North High School', United Parent Teacher P.O. Box 251 and for Rock Medicine of Bill Graham Presents. council-, Board of Directors Great Neck United Community After several years of this and recovering from St. James, N.Y.11780 Fund', Cornell Ambassador; Cornel160's; Class of 1967 25th continuous school and training programs, I Home.. (516) 584-5557 Reunion Co-Chair; Temple Beth EI Youth Activities Committee. completed a residency in internal medicine and OffI'Ce.. (516) 537-0753 became a full time ER doctor in a large urban When I think about the last twenty-four years, hospital. OccupafJOJ].a Pastor, Bridgehampton Unlted Methodist Church. I realize what was important to me then is still the Dorothy and I met during our training. She is ComeJ/ Major.I Ag Economlcs (Agrlculture). Spouse.I Frances Noble Smith, Homemaker. Ch,/dr¬J1.- Dorothy Mlller Smlth, an oB-GYN doctor. We have four great kids and most important thing to me now: family and 12/l2/7l, Suffolle County Communlty College, l992. friends. And indeed, I have been fortunate. My struggle, generally happily with the puzzle of Affl'Jlafl'oJ]S & Act,vl-I,'es.I Agriculture & Life Sciences Alumni family time, work time, personal and Assoc.; Cornell Club of N.Y.; American Agriculture Economics Cornell experience has enriched my life interpersonal time. My time with Dorothy and my A\ssoc. immeasurably by giving me my dearest friends. family has been the best of my life. Of course, the campus was beautiful. Of course, the professors and lectures were fabulous. Of course, the weather left something to be desired. We partied a lot, learned a lot, and grew up, somewhat. But when I look back from where I am now, I see the same faces. Twenty-five years later and I could be sitting at SDT or sitting in Stamford, Manhattan or Great Neck. What a wonderful feeling that is. Hard to believe that I know my friends longer than I know my husband -it seems like I9ve known him forever but at the same time, it seems like it was only yesterday. I met Paul about four Margaret Tyler Smith months after graduation and we were married in 22 Rugby Road, St. Thomas June of 1969. I was working for a market Larry SIous Exeter, County Devon, U.K. EX4 IBH research firm in New York - he was busy 384 Highland Ave. I Home.. (392) 426448 expanding his own textiles company. I worked Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043 Off]'ce.. (392) 263628 until one week before our son Brian was born. Home.. (201) 746-7693 Eighteen months later, we moved from OffI'Ce.. (201) 744-2100 Occuparjon.' Personal Assistant, School of Engineering. Univ. Manhattan to Great Neck, one week before our of Exeter. Come/I Major.- French (Arts). Chl-/dren.a Nicholas, daughter Robin was bom. Having two babies and Occupaf,'oJ].a Attorney. Harris, Dickson, Camp, Buermen, I i/28/67, Cambs 1990; Tlmothy, lO/27/69, Working for IBM; being in suburbia required a major adjustment: a Ashenfelter, Slous & Boyd CorJ]eJ/ Major.I ILR. Spouse.-Joyce, Alison, I/4/7 I , H.S. Senior. Af]fI/,'afjons & Acrl-v,'fl'es.-Sing with completely different phase of my life was B.A. Bklyn. Coil., M.A. Montclair St., Real Estate Sales Gilbert & Sullivan Society; Committee member Abbeyfield Chj/dren.a Davld, 5-9-75, Barnstable Academy H.S. '93; house; Commlttee member local ESU Branch; swim, walk. beginning. Little did I realize then, how Alexandra, 6-I 7-8 I , Montclair School. wonderfully fulfilling and satisfying this phase would be. It's been almost nineteen years since Reflections about life experiences requires that stage of my life began -and now it's almost taking life too seriously. The subject sounds too over. Brian is a freshman at Cornell and Robin significant. will be a freshman somewhere this coming I think that what I9ve discovered is the September. The decision I made all those years importance of relatively insignificant mundane ago to be a fulltime wife and mother was one of occurrences in achieving satisfaction in life. If the best decisions I have ever made. These have there is one overriding rule, it is that life is truly been the best of times. unpredictable and inexplicable. Therefore, the Besides being home for carpooling, teacher combination of many small satisfactions taken conferences, tennis lessons and PTSA meetings, I together make life satisfying. did manage to get some credits toward an MSW, What were some of those 66small" become a member of the Board of Directors of satisfactions? Marjorie Greenberg Smith the Great Neck United Community Fund, hold Killing that bee in our hotel room in the office of President of the Great Neck North 42 Oxford Boulevard Amsterdam on our honeymoon while my wife Middle School PTSA, be the current President of hid in the bathroom (the only hotel where we Great Neck, N.Y.11023 the High School PTSA, serve on many even had a bathroom on our honeymoon). Home.. (516) 482-5178 Synagogue committees, represent Cornell as an Watching my son catch a flyball in a Little Alumni Ambassador, take on the responsibilities Occupaf,ton.I Wife, Mother, Community Volunteer. ComeJJ League game when he didn9t have a clue where Major.- Child Development (Human Ecology). Spouse.- Paul for our 25th Reunion and develop a pretty good the ball was or that his glove was even raised. Bennett Smith, City College of New York, l965, Textile tennis game. Somehow there was always time for Seeing my daughter finally ride that bike by Company Executive. CThjJdreJ].' Brlan Jeffrey Smith, 3/3/73, the 6{extracurriculars" -but the kids and Paul herself when I thought I would be at the Comell University l995; Robin Michelle Smith, 9/l7/74. Great always came first (that doesn't include providing chiropractor for the rest of the month from dinner, however). bending over and pushing her. As a family, we spend lots of time together - Driving with the top down anywhere. we really enjoy and like each other. Paul has been There are so many other 6{small" satisfactions. the most stabilizing, wonderful, loving influence However, the significance for me is in their on the rest of us. I even have him convinced that number. Taken apart they are hardly significant. he was Comel1 '65. (In truth, he graduated from Put them together, they mean something. My City College.) And now in September, it will be Comell experience was part of that number. just the two of us at home, most of the time. After being so involved in community and school affairs, after going through two straight years of college applications (I must confess I did offer to do an essay for Robin if she would do my Bio) I

177 will be entering yet another new phase. I guess I Doug. Now he9s the division director of surgical having achieved my major life goal of becoming will have to give some serious thought to what I blades for Becton Dickinson ... a job that's a surgeon, I had a sudden crisis in purpose. wan,to do with the rest of my life. Do I want to challenging and provides international Somewhere along the way, I had forgotten to continue in a volunteer capacity, do I want to go experiences as well as domestic marketing, sales develop those important skills of interpersonal back to school, or do I want a new career? and R&D responsibilities. He still finds time to communication, caring, listening, etc. Much of Fortunately, with Paul9s support and attend swim meets for the younger two who are the next five years were spent catching up in encouragement, I have the time to decide. still in high school. Meanwhile I'm back to these areas. This was without doubt the most teaching ... now it's high school physics. I had a difficult period of my life; trying to juggle a new few years of teaching chemistry in Michigan and surgical practice, family life, and spend time taught chem & bio in Millville while coaching. learning what most people seemed to take for I9ve been fortunate to receive grants so I've granted was even more than this never say die attended summer institutes at AT&T and German could handle. Something had to give, developed a module on superconductivity for the and it became apparent that it was my marriage. high school curriculum. Working with Bell lab In l980 I moved to Salem, where I have been researchers was an exciting experience. I9ve been ever since. My life has settled down, though it is involved with Labnet which is a national program more exciting than it has ever been. I remarried, that integrates telecommunications among and my wife and I are the proud parents of physics classes around the country. Every day Oregon's first surrogate baby. brings new experiences which makes for a I have become active in the political scene. rewarding life ... support from the family has One of the earliest efforts to which I contributed been essential since I have to cope with was the translation and smuggling into Poland the Namie C. Tanaka Smith rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson9s diseases but classical free market works of Thomas Paine, 18 Indian Valley Road they are the waves in the sea of life which I need Adam Smith, and Milton Friedman in l980. Ramsey, N.J. 07446 to judge and swim through. Looking back, Another similar effort involved bringing Russian Home.. (201) 825-1305 Cornell was the catalyst to a life with the best leaders to the U.S. to the Esalen Institute, and to OffI'Ce.. (201 ) 670-2808 husband and careers initiated by the Cornell the ritual visit to an American supermarket. It has experience. been reported that Boris Yeltsin9s visit (l985) OccupafjoJ].I Physlcs Teacher, Ridgewood High School. Come/I was the turning point in his conversion against Major.I Chemistry (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.- MS, Eastern the Soviet regime. Michigan University. Spouse.- Douglas E. Smith, Cornell '66 During my most recent project, the (ChemE), MS '67 PhD '70 Univ. of Mlchigan Materlals Sclence, Business Dlrector, Surgical Blades for Becton- Educational Choice Initiative in Oregon, I met Dickinson Acute Care Div. ChjJdreJ].' Jennlfer F., 5/I I/70, among other people Milton Friedman, Walter Comell Arts '92; Theresa A. 8/27/7l, Univ. of Michlgan, Flne Williams, Charles Murray (66The guns of Arts '93; Stephanie M., I/l2/75; Brltton D., 7/25/76. Cornell'9) and Roy Innis, head of CORE. Aft,a/jafl-ons & AcrJ'V,'fjeS.a Amer. Assoc., Physics Teachers, NJ Science Teachers Assoc., KAO Alumnl Club, NJ NEA. It will be exciting to get back to Cornell, and HoJ]OrS.a NJSTA Teachers In Industry Grant, Public Servlce especially to read the other bios. I hope to attend Electrlc & Gas Utility Sclence Education Grant Reclplent, with my Father ('24) and my youngest son ('01). NJBISEC Grant. See you there.

Having grown up in Chicago, a neighborhood of brownstone apartments with 3 by 3 foot sections of grass surrounded by concrete, Comell Paul E. Smith with its picturesque campus was my idea of 2850 Vibbert St. So. heaven. My high school friends attending city Salem, Ore. 97302 colleges commented on my fascination with the Home.. (503) 370-9534 gorges, Sapsucker Woods, and the view from libe Offi'ce.. (503) 378-7850 x 3250 slope. They wondered if I ever studied ... my letters were always about walks down the gorge Occupar,on.I Surgeon General/Vascular, Kaiser Permanente. in the rain and around Beebe Lake. To this day Cornell Major.® Zoology/PTe Med, (Arts). Advanced Degrees: M.D. SUNY Upstate. Spouse.a Mary Ann Ruggiero-Smith, my first recollections of my college experience Clackamas Community College, RN. Chj/dreJ].-Angela, 9/9/67; begin with the breathtaking beauty of my home Roy 8/23/73; Garrett, 9/21/73; Kristi, 10/2/74; Paul Andrew, away from home those four years. 2/9/83. After Cornell I9ve always settled in suburbia ... Cosette Nieporent Smoller first in Ann Arbor where Doug & I were grad I left Cornell in June of l966 after having been 9712 Hall Road students, then to Toledo, Ohio where I was a granted an indefinite leave of absence (which is Potomac, Md. 20854 domestic engineer though I volunteered in the still in effect). The next three months were spent Home.. (301) 299-7207 church and LaLeche League. I organized a state touring Europe, my last fling before settling convention, edited a manual, supervised local down to learn my chosen profession. Occ'upafl'oJ].I Radlologist. CorneJJ Major.I Zoology (Arts & The next nine years; four of medical school, Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I MD, NYU School of Mediclne. groups, was a program coordinator for the Spouse.' Brice Smoller, Cornell Arts & Sciences '65, MD international conventions in Atlanta and Toronto one of internship and four of surgery residency PsychiatrlSt. ChJJdreJ].-Jamie, 9/l4/73, applying to college now; ... nothing vaguely related to my degrees ... but a were a never ending blur of long days, longer Lauren, 6/I 3/77. natural extension of my activities with the nights, endless studies and tests, and very little children (we had four by this time). else. I had some time to pursue my philosophical As they grew we changed as well. A move to interests, but little time for anything else. It was a Vineland, New Jersey in 979 brought new worthy task, and I regret it not at all, though experiences .... coaching competitive swimming looking back, a little less intensity would have for the YMCA for 6 years. All along the way ... been more sane. we were always involved as a family ... Doug Somewhere during that time I managed to officiating and directing swim meets, my move west (which I had been eagerly anticipating coaching, and all four swimming. since age 14 when I first toured the west), and to The next chapter involved our latest move, marry and have a son, Garrett. prompted by an important career change for Having reached the ripe old age of 30, and

178 william Stewart (B111y), 6/5/78, Indian Hllls Middle School. AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fJeS.I Cornell Club of Mid-Amerlca, Membership Directory-, P.T.A. Board, Delta Delta Delta alumnae chapter, v.p. M & E Equipment Co. Board of Directors, Altar Gulld of St. Paul's Eplscopa1.

After graduation in 1967, Terry H. Speer (964, MBA, '67) and I were married and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where we began short-lived careers'. Terry with Tuloma Gas Products as a financial analyst and I with Public Service Company of Oklahoma as a home service representative. Less than a year later, Terry was a Carol Ravitsky Spar 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Air Force and we were to Kenneth T. Solnit 566 Lucero Ave. begin five years of nomadic existence in Oklahoma, Florida, Arizona and Germany. After 21103 Fenway Ct. Pacific Palisades, Calif. 90272 Terry's stint in the A.F. we ended up in the North Cupertino, Calif. 95014. Offi'ce.. (213) 824-2957 Home.. (408) 253-5624. Shore suburbs of Chicago where we enjoyed living for lO years. Terry was with a small OffI'Ce.. (415) 855-4773 OccupafJ'On.I Psychlatrist, Carol J. Spar M.D., Inc. Come// Major.I Blochemlstry (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.I MS company in Lake Forest and I worked for Occ'uparJ'On,a Computer Programmer, IBM. Corns/J Major.' Pharmacology at Yale, MD at UCLA. Spouse.I James E. Spar, American Hospital Supply Corp. in Evanston, Ill. Englneering Physlcs (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.S., M.D. Psychiatrlst, MD UCLA l972. Aft,'/,afJ'OJ]S & Act,vjrjes.I Later on, I was involved with community Assistant Clinical Professor of Chlld and Adult Psychiatry, Applied Physics, Harvard Spouse.-Deborah Parker, NYU '66, volunteer work. Our son, William Stewart, was MA Columbia '74, Accountant. ChIJdreJ].' Matthew, 9/25/77; UCLA; Private practice adult, adolescent and chlld psychiatry. Jonathan, lO/l7/8l. born in l978. When Terry decided to buy a business in Toward the end of 4 years of scientific Kansas City, Missouri, we moved to Westwood education, I began having serious doubts whether Hills, Kansas, in 1982. We still live here and the I was in the right field. One more year at Harvard Midwest is beginning to feel like 6Chome". In reinforced those doubts. I left Harvard with my addition to working in Terry9s business and our M.S., and Debby and I took a l7 month family life, I teach yoga classes privately, and at 66sabbatical" traveling and working in Europe. a local hospital and community center. I still That remains one of the high points of my life - can't believe that I get paid so well for doing no responsibilities, no commitments, living on $5 something that is so much fun. I'm also involved a day, learning local languages and customs. with St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the P.T.A. and When the money ran out, twice, we worked for a the Shawnee Mission/K.C. Chapter of Delta few months and saved enough to travel some Delta Delta. more. When it ran out the third time, we came Edward D. Spear Billy has been a joy to have in our lives. He home and got married. Box 182 loves the computer and music. He is a cellist with When I returned, needing a job, I returned to Blooming Grove, N.Y.10914 the Kansas City Youth Symphony. He has been in the school program for gifted children since the scientific world (it paid better than manual Home.. (914) 496-9417 labor). But research was really not for me. fourth grade. OffJ'Ce.. (914) 496-7741 Already working for IBM, I learned about Terry7s business, M & E Equipment, has been

computers and programming on the job, and have Oc'cupafjoJ].I Lumber/Home Center, Spear Bros. Lumber Inc. very successful. We expect to live here for a long made it my career. After 19 years programming, I CorJ]eJJ MaJ'Or.-BS Animal Husbandry/M.S. Agronomy time. 'have a PS/2 at home and it is now my all- (Agriculture). Spouse.I Nancy McLaughlin, Misericordia School consuming hobby as well. of Nurslng, l968, R.N., Mother, Housewlfe. CJ]j/dreJ].' Laurie, 1/70, SUNY Cortland, l99l; Genevieve, 8/7l, Mt. St. Mary The other all-important activity over the past College.1993: Edward. 3/73. Orange County Community l3 years has been raising our sons. The College, l995; Rebecca, l2/74; Reglna, I/77; Grace, lO/78; similarities and differences with my own Gregory, 9/82; Paul, 6/85; David, 7/89. childhood are fascinating. They are growing up with computers, and take them for granted. We are already learning about new systems and programs from each other. With the older one now a teenager, it's good to have a lasting shared interest with him. If we all survive the teem years and the college years, we can relax and look forward to retirement. William Spellman 100 West Ave. Jenkintown, Penna.19046 Home.. (215) 572-6136 OffI'Ce.. (215) 855-9501 Susan Stewart Speer 1905 W. 48th Terrace OccuparjoJ].- Orthopedic Surgeon. CorJ]e// JWaJOr.-English (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M.D., University of Mo. - Westwood Hills, Kans. 66205 Columbia. Home.. (913) 262-0511 OffI'Ce.. (816) 421-8331

OccupafJ'On.- Homemaker, Teacher, Volunteer, M & E Equipment. CornejJ Major.- Food & Nutrition (Home Economics). Spouse.' Terry H. Speer, Cornell '64, MBA 967, Businessman, Presldent M & E Equipment Co. ChjJdren.

179 that cares, I9ve had a career that's been wonderful daughters, Marla 990 who graduated interesting and varied, I've done pretty much from Cornell and is now in law school, and what I wanted and accomplished most of my Laurel '94 who is a sophomore at Comell. goals. All that is left now is to set some new ones After graduation Fred and I were married and and get going again! eventually settled in Washington, D.C. where Fred pursued his career in law. For the next ten years my life was centered around our family as a wife and mother and experiencing great satisfaction in this endeavor. However, about eight years ago I started to realize that our children were growing up and would soon be leading lives rather separate from mine. I decided Earl Spencer it was time that I invested as much energy in developing a career for myself as I had in helping R.D.1. Box 112, Brower Road my children formulate their interests. I had Palatine Bridge, N.Y.13428 always wanted to be a psychotherapist and I Home.. (518) 673-5360 rather hesitantly decided to pursue this interest. I received a masters degree in social work from Occupafjon.I Dairy Farmer (organlC) (owner-OPeratOr). Valley View Farm Come// Major.- General Agriculture (Agriculture) Catholic University in l987 and then proceeded Spouse.I Carol Sue, Housewife, owner and operator of gift shop Ian Spier to pursue post-graduate training in long term featuring Amish crafts, (Expanding Horizons) CThjjdren.- Mara 1 Lookout Circle psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the Lee Spencer, 8/20/68 (by previous marriage); Danielle Ann Larchmont, N.Y.10538 Washington School of Psychiatry. I now have a Spencer, 3/26/8 I (entering 5th grade) Affi/,-afJ-OnS & Act,'vl'fjcs.I Pres., CanaJOharie Cooperative Milk Producers; Pres., Allied Home.. (914) 834-5174 private practice and also see patients at two Federated Cooperatives; Vice Pres.. Canajoharie Falls OffI'Ce.. (914) 949-5161 community treatment centers. I find it very Cemetery Assoc., Vice Chairman, Council of Northeast Farmer interesting that as my children have left home my Cooperatives. Honors.I Over the last l2 years, I have written Occupation.® Attorney. Sole PrzlCti`iOner. Col-nell Major.-1 & case load has become increasingly filled with over 250 articles for national and regional ag. magazines about LR. Advanced Degrees.' JD, NYU; Master of Laws, Labor Law, topics relating to organic farming and national dairy pollcy. patients in my childrens' age group. My work is NYU. Spouse.I Daisy Spier, McGill Univ. '68, Rutgers Grad more than satisfying and I tell my daughters that school '7l, Market Research/Strategic Planning. ChjJdrcn.I it is essential to find a career that they 6tlove'9 no Twenty-three of the last 24 years have been Robert, I/2 I/79; Pam, l2/2/83. Affl'JJaf,tons & AcfjvI'rjeS.a Town spent in the operation of a family dairy farm in of Mamaroneck Human Right Commission; Vice-Chair Town matter how much time and effort it takes. There of Mamaroneck Democratic Party. east, central New York. Those years have seen is nothing more rewarding than to fill your days my philosophy change from that of "big" with activities that are stimulating and that make farmer, managing all kinds of purchased inputs, your life worthwhile. I found that to be the case to that of ccindependent farming," wherein we in the two stages of my adult life, the first being fight to keep scale within reach and concentrate spent bringing up my children and the second in on the reduction or elimination of purchased bringing up myself. inputs. This led us to a more natural route, one which includes the use of many organic principles. We use no purchased soil amendments, have reduced concentrates fed to our cows to a minimum, and in general, have tried to leam what the natural order for our farm is. The next step is to learn to work and live within that order instead of continually trying to Rhoda Gally Spindel change or improve it. 14112 Alderton Road And it works! Our successes have been such that I wanted to share our thinking and Silver Spring, Md. 20906 experience with others in the industry, so I started Home.. (301) 460-3305 to write. Columns and articles written for national OffI'Ce.. (202) 232-5454 and regional ag. magazines totaled up to over 250 Frank Sprtel over the last 12 years. Occasionally in these occupaf,ton.I psychotherapist, Self employed. ComcJJ Major.- Rural Sociology, (A & LS). Advanced Degrees.-MSW, 5533 N. Bay Ridge Ave. articles, my thinking would spill over into the catholic university. Spouse.a Fred Spindel. Comell Univ, l965, Whitefish Bay, Wise. 53217 broader aspect of national farm and dairy policy. Attorney. Ch,'JdreJ].a Marla, I I/27/68, Cornell '90, George Home.. (414) 902-3174 This led to my involvement in the cooperative washington univ. School of Law '93; Laurel, 3/3/72, Comell '94. Off]'ce.. (414) 259-5432 movement, first at the local level in a milk bargaining coop. and then expanding my outlook Little did I realize when I decided to attend Occupaf,'on.a Director of Rlsk Mgt., Briggs & Stratton Corp. within a federation of some 28 of these types of Cornell Major.~ Economics (Arts a Sciences). Advanced cooperatives. I've had a little taste of lobbying, Cornell what a tremendous impact this one Degrees.I MBA Finance Unlv of Wise-Madison. Spouse.I Mary which seems to be a necessary evil in decision would have on the rest of my life. A few M. Alvemo Guegs, Registered Nurse, CCU. ChJ'Jdren.a Frank, 8/8/72, Soph, Lawrence Univ.; Scott, 5/l2/75. Jr., Whltefish Washington as we see politicians replace weeks ago I was at Cornell for another visit, this time to bring my daughter Laurel '94 to campus. Bay H.S.; Mark, l2/7/87, Rainbow Nursery School AffjJjafjons statesmen in the running of our country. & Acfjv,-I,'cs.-RIMS, National Accountants Assoc., OPEI. In a much less complex vein, I am a part ofa As I was strolling across the Arts quad on a beautiful starlit night I was enchanted by the joint venture with a new Amish community in my town, whereby I equipped their building and exquisite beauty of this place and my together we built a milk plant that provides them reminiscences of times past. Those were some of with a market for their can milk. The Amish are the best times of my life. When I met Fred Spindel '65 I had no idea that the nights we spent good friends and good therapy. Their honesty and basic values are refreshing and relaxing in a dancing together at fratemity parties, or the hours world that is hell-bent on destroying itself. But we spent in the "puff and chat room" at Uris then one of my big battles today is fighting Library and in the Ivy Room would lead to a cynicism. In reality I am surrounded by a family lifetime together. We are the parents of two

180 Leslie Kreitler Stauffer 4915 New Providence Ave. Tampa, Fla. 33639 Home.. (813) 286-7473 Off]'ce.. (813) 870-3971

occuparjon.I RN, Homemaker. ComeJ/ Major.' Nursing (School of Nursing). Spouse.' John Q. Stauffer, M.D., Princeton Univ. '62, Comell Univ. Medlcal College '66. CThI'Jdren.a Mare Robert, Tulane Univ.; J. Christian, Boston Univ. AffiJjarjons & AcfjvI'fjeS.I Jr. League, Children's Homeboard, Gulf Coast Lung Ass. Board, American Cancer Society. Don Stanczak Betty PauII Steuer 246 Millview Drive 24 Scribner Ave. Pittsburgh, Penna. 15238 Norwalk, Conn. 06854 Home.. (412) 963-1233 Home.. (203) 838-2461 OffI'Ce.. (412) 937-0600 OffI'Ce.. (203) 655-2579 OccL,PafjOn.I V.P. Food & Beverage, Interstate Hotel Corp. Spouse.- Maralyne, Parsons College, Shopologist. Chl'Jdren.- Occupafl'on.- Special Ed./Resource Room Teacher, Darien Anastasia (l2), Winchester Thurston; Ashleigh (lO), Fox Public Schools. Corme/I Major.I Child Development & Family Chapel Country Day AffJ-JJ'afl'OJ]S & Acfjvj'rI'eS.a President, Relations. (Home Ec.). Advar]ced Degrees.- Masters of Science Pittsburgh Chapter, Cornell Society of Hotelmen; Board in Education of Emotionally Disturbed. Spouse.I Morton D. Member -Parental Stress (Charity). Steuer, Chiropractor, private practice in NYC, DC Columbia Chiropractic College, MS in Ed. Long Island Un. Chl'JdreJ].I Rebecca Lynn, 2/4/80, 6th grade Roton Middle School; Sarah Gall Ready Stephens Marisa, 2/l7/83, 3rd grade, Columbus Magnet School. Affl'JI'afjOnS & AcrjvI-fl'eS.I Over the last eleven years all my 10642 Lindbrook Dr. 6Coutside of work time" has been involved with my children's Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 schools and activities. Two official offices: Chairperson Parent/Teacher Committee: Children's Community Day Care Home.. (213) 474-2573 Center, Westport, CT, Chairperson Advisory Committee of Columbus Magnet School. Occupafjon.I Psychologist. CornejJ Major.- Sociology (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.' MA, Education, SUNY; PhD, Psychology, Calif. Graduate Inst. Spouse.a Rick Stephens, On a recent trip to a regional gymnastics meet Comell 1972 (began with class of '67), Real Estate Developer. in Cortland we circled around to Cornell. I was ChI'Jdren.-Leslie, l2/I/69, Kenyon College, l99l; Amy, struck and saddened by all the locked doors and 6/l4/72, Washington University, l994. security gates. But I was invigorated and proud of the majestic beauty of Cornell: the uniqueness of Erie Stand the different architectural forms over its years of W. Main St. existence; the spaces for trees, grassy lawns, Goldens Bridge, N.Y. 10526 flowering bushes and leisure. During my four Home.. (914) 232-9042 years at Comell I was energized by this serene, powerful beauty; whether it was on my way to an Occupafjon.I Cabinetmaker/Furniture, Self-employed, Erie eight o9clock at Martha Van Rensselaer, or Stand Cabinetmaker ComeJJ Major.- Engl. Lit. (Liberal Arts). walking back to the dorms from Uris Libe and Spouse.-Georg Ann Stewart, CCNY, l967ffordham U. MSW Soc. Worker. ChjJdreJ].-Theo, 9/4/74, John Jay H.S.; Paul, listening to evening chimes. 7/l8/78, John Jay J.H.S. Affl'JJ'afjOnS & Acfjvjfjes.-National Following those wonderful but oft-times Ass'n. of Woodturners, Goldens Bridge Volunteer Fireman, difficult years at Cornell, I (for various reasons) N.Y. Symphonic Arts Ensemble, Manor House Woodwind landed in Chicago, Ill. I did lots of growing up as Quintet. HoJ]OrS.- Contributor, Space & Storage (Time-Life Books). a teacher and the only white employee at a Michael Sterling Project LEARN day care center. Such a time of 54 Fawn Dr. turmoil and fear: Martin Luther King's murder, Stamford, Conn. 06905 only to be followed by Bobby Kennedy's assassination and my employment and life at that Home.. (203) 329-2758 time in the middle of the rioting and burning. I OffI'Ce.. (914) 335-2177 went on to be appointed Curriculum Director of

Occupafl-on.I Division Systems Manager, Kraft General Foods. the 35 Project LEARN classrooms, where I wrote Col-nell Major: 1.i. (Eng'g). Advanced Degrees.~ MBA, an extensive guide to preschool education and Columbia. ChI'Jdren.-Peter, I/4/76; Danlel, 5/30/79. gave in-service workshops. Wanting to get back to the classroom, I took an interim position as laboratory teacher at Prairie State Community College, southwest of Chicago. By that time I knew I must continue my own education and came back to the east coast where I was lucky to become part of Bank Street College, a unique graduate school of education, then located in Greenwich Village, N.Y.C. I finished up my graduate work in teaching emotionally disturbed children and found full-time employment as a public school teacher within a private institution for severely disturbed children. During the next twelve years or so I met and later married my husband Mort, took a year's leave to help open a

181 day care center in Brooklyn and finally moved to In my hippie days I didn9t believe in marriage, my Ivy covered academic dreams for a job, as Connecticut (not wanting to raise children in but was in a long-term committed relationship. I one headhunter called it, 66on the ground floor of N.Y.C.). I've worked for Darien Public Schools feel closer than ever to a marriage, but that could biotechnology." I was the first cell biologist at in various capacities since l978, but currently am be years away. Beckman Instruments and I spent lO years the Resource Room Teacher in a primary school Variety has characterized my life in many combining biotechnology with Beckman9s of approximately 500 children. Mort and I have ways and I've enjoyed living in California, expertise in instrumentation to solve problems in two wonderful daughters: Rebecca, l2, a 6th Colorado & Hawaii. I'm now back in California, clinical diagnostics. The weather was perfect, the grader at Roton Middle School and Sarah, 9, a where its strength and weakness is that anything job was rewarding, and the occasional third grader at Norwalk's Columbus Magnet goes. Overall I highly appreciate its tolerance. earthquakes finally stopped making us nostalgic School. Both are girls are 66into" gymnastics, so for the East. Clearly, we were 66west coasters" besides keeping up with my professional career, for life. I'm full-time mom, chauffeur and wife. A very I9m still not sure how it happened, but in April busy, full, but happy existence! of 1989, I accepted my current position as the Vice President, Development - Diagnostics, at Advanced Care Products, a Division of Ortho Pharmaceuticals, in Raritan, New Jersey. After a 3 month transition, Susan, Andrew, Michael and I moved into our home in Basking Ridge. Though we continue to complain about the weather, we appreciate the change of seasons, the possibility of attending our 25th Reunion and the prospect that at least one of our sons might continue our tradition at Cornell in the Class of '96. At least Kenneth R. Strahs it9s on both college lists! 39 Bullion Road Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920 Alexander Stevens Home.. (908) 766-3537 13055 Decant Drive OffI'Ce.. (908) 218-8784

San Diego, Calif. 92064 OccupafI'OJ].a Vice President, Development - Diagnostics, Home.. (619) 451-3284 Advanced Care Products, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp. Come/I Major.a Zoology (Arts and Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I M.A., Occupafjon.® Private Investor. ComeJj Major.- Govemment (Arts Hofstra Univ., 1968; Ph.D., Univ. of PA, 1975. Spouse.I Susan & Sciences) Advanced Degrees.I MBA, Columbia Unlv. Kane Strahs, Cornell (H.Ec.), 1967, Registered Dietltian ChjJdren.a Andrew L. Strahs, 5/27/74, Ridge High School Class of '92; Michael E. Strahs, 5/27/74, Ridge High School Class of '92. AffJ'/I'afjOJ]S & Acfj'vifjes.-Chair, Fund Distribution, United Way of Somerset County; President, Westpark Village One Community Ass'n.; Founding Member, Irvine Science Alliance; NY Acad. Sciences, AAAS, Amer. Ass'n Clln. Susan Kane Strahs Chemistry. 39 Bullion Road Even before I left Cornell I knew that I would Basking Ridge, N.J. 07920 make a lousy soldier. My hope was that Uncle Home.. (908) 766-3537 Sam would know it too, but since the Government9s track record on wisdom was Occupaf,'oJ].I Registered Dletitian, Lyons VA Medical Center. CorJ]eJ/ Major.I Food and Nutrition (Home Economics). spotty, I pursued my Master's Degree at Hofstra AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-M.S. Columbia University. Spouse.a University, near my parents home, and waited to Kenneth R. Strahs, Comell 967, Vice President, Development - go on with my life. While it was possible to put Diagnostics ChI'Jdren.a Andrew L., 5/27/74, Ridge High School, Class of '92; Michael E., 5/27/74, Ridge High School, Class of Cliff Straehley my professional plans on the back burner, my '92. Affl'JjafI'OnS & AcfI-VI'rjeS.a American Dietetic Association, 7605 Southcliff Dr. personal life leaped optimistically forward and New Jersey Nutrition Council Fair Oaks, Calif. 95628 Susan (Susan J. Kane, H.Ec. 967) and I were Home.. (916) 962-2069 married in August of 1968. Yesterday, a schizophrenic patient chased me OffI'Ce.. (916) 966-8455 In spite of the lyrics that wamed us freshman down the hall and accused me of a variety of year that 6{drunkards go to Penn," we moved to sexual and moral offenses. I am a clinical OccuparI'On.I Psychiatrist, Self-Employed. CorneJJ Major.- Philadelphia in 971 so that I could pursue my dietitian in a 100 bed psychiatric hospital and I Physics (Liberal Arts) Ph.D. at the Medical School. They were good live in Central New Jersey. How did I get here years; interesting studies (cell biology), good from Comell, '67? Briefly .... Friendships, Career, Spiritual Growth, and friends and a growing appreciation of my Comell Ken (Kenneth R. Strahs, Arts, '67) and I were personal growth. experience. We took a deep breath and another married in August, 1968, following my Dietetic I've now changed medical specialties four giant step toward maturity when our twin sons Intemship at The New York Hospital. We played times - Pathology - Family Practice - Emergency were bom about two thirds of the way toward my educational leap frog for a few years. I got my Medicine - Psychiatry. I've been a degree. I decided that my career goal would be to MS in Community Nutrition at Columbia, then psychotherapist the past 3 years and find it very chair a medical school anatomy department we moved to Philadelphia where Ken earned his rewarding and stimulating. Disparate interests someday, but after 4+ years in Philly, a PhD at Penn. Our most educational experience have come together in ways I couldn9t have postdoctoral fellowship in southern California began on May 27, 1974, when our twin sons predicted. A deep involvement in Zen Medication appealed to us as a well eamed working vacation. Andrew and Michael were born. A year later, which began while I was at Cornell has had For those of you who haven9t had the perhaps suffering from sleep deprivation which surprising relevance in my private practice. Many opportunity to change coasts, Califomia is a state altered our ability to make rational decisions, we of mind where almost anything can happen. My people are becoming interested in meditation and packed up our instant family and our Afghan having personal knowledge of psychology as well postdoc at U.C., Irvine (with another former hound and headed West. Ken accepted a as meditation is of more and more value and Cornellian) veered off toward genetic postdoctoral fellowship at the University of applicability. engineering and before I knew it I had traded in California, Irvine. We were slowly seduced by I was 6tessentially married" once for six years.

182 the southern California life-style and weather, at the Bibliotheque Nationale` and both daughters and the two years that we planned to stay there spent the school year in French Lyc6es. We had a stretched into fourteen. For reasons that none of wonderful year. 5. Will be retuming to Paris with us remembers now, we decided (it took four 20 Carleton students in Spring, l992 to examine votes) to move back East and in 1989 we settled the impact of the economic integration of Europe in Basking Ridge. That9s how I ended up in New in 1992 on French character, customs, and social, Jersey. political, and economic institutions. Since we will My Cornell education prepared me for my bi- be in France through June, we will not attend the coastal professionallife. I've enjoyed the luxury Reunion. of choice and variety - of working whenever I wanted to and wherever I lived. From public health to higher education (12 years on the faculty of California State University, Long Steven I. Stravinski Beach) to clinical dietetics at Lyons VA Medical 92 Chester Place Center where I now work, my Cornell BS has Englewood, NJ 07631 served me well. Home.. (201) 567-4684 Office.. (212) 907-2579

Occupafjor].I Physician, Sterllng-Winthrop. ComeJJ Major.a Psychology (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a M.D. University of Wisconsin. Spouse.I Jane Natter, Cornell 1967, Teacher. Chjjdren.I Lynn Michelle, 5/l8/75, Attends Horace Mann School, Riverdale, N.Y., Class of l993. AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & Jane Natter Stravinski AcfjvI'fJ'eS.- American Heart Association, Radiological Society 92 Chester Place of North America, American Medical Association, New York Academy of Sciences, Drug Information Association, Englewood, N.J. 07631 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. Home.. (201) 567-4684 OffI'Ce.. (201) 567-0208 After four years in Wisconsin for my time in Medical School following Cornel1, Jane (Natter Occupafjon.a Teacher, 3rd grade, Moriah School. ComeJJ Major.I 967)and I came to her native New York so that I Child Development (Home Ec.). Advanced Degrees.a M.A. Stephen Strand could complete my residency training in 518 E. Fourth St. Teachers College, Columbia U. Spouse.- Steven, Cornel1 '67, Physician. Chl'Jdren.I Lynn Michelle, 5/l8/1975, attends Horace pediatrics at the New York Hospital - Cornell Northfield, Minn. 55057 Mann school in Riverdale, NY, graduates June, l993. Medical Center. We have stayed in the New York Home.. (507) 645-5406 area since then and raised our daughter, Lynn, OffI'Ce.. (507) 663-4109 After graduating, I attended Teacher9s College, who is sixteen and a junior at the Horace Mann Columbia Univ. where I received my M.A. in School in Riverdale, N.Y. Occupafjon.I Professor of Economics, Carleton College. ComeJJ Curriculum and Instruction. (I roomed with Judy We now live in Englewood, NJ where we Major.' Industrial Engineering (Engineering). AdvaJ]Ced Klimpl Blitz and Carol Polakoff). Steven and I Degrees.a M.I.E., Cornell, '68; M.A., Ph.D., '75, '76, recently bought a new home. I work for Sterling- Vanderbilt. Spouse.a Dana Strand (Vassar, B.A. 967) (Cornell, were married that summer and we spent three Winthrop Pharmaceuticals in New York City M.A.T. '68 (Vanderbilt, Ph.D. 978) Professor of French years in Madison, Wisconsin, where I taught and while Jane is a third grade teacher at a private Language & Literature, Carleton College. Spouse.-Mieke S., Steven completed Medical School. We then school in Englewood. 9/26/72, Sophomore Brown University '94; Erika H., 9/13/76, returned to New York. I taught at the Walden Sophomore Northfield High School. AffJ'Jjatr'ons & AcfjvI'fjeS.I I continue to indulge my interest in history as American Economic Association Member. Honors.- Academic School and Steven finished his training at New much as possible, both at home and during the Publications in several economics journals (e.g. Review Of York Hospital. rather extensive travel throughout the United Economics And Statistics, Southem Economic Joumal) in area We decided to leave the city and moved to States and Europe occasioned by my work in of Economic Regulation and Spatial Economic Models. Horizon House in Fort Lee, NJ. We ended up pharmaceutical research and development. When buying a coop there and stayed for 15 years. Our I am not so occupied, I have come to love the Professional: 1. M.I.E. Degree for me, M.A.T. daughter Lynn was born in May,1975 and is now forests and parks of New York, Pennsylvania, for Dana in June, 1968 from Comell. 2. We were a junior at the Horace Mann School in Riverdale, and Connecticut in all of their beauty and Peace Corps volunteers stationed in Ankara, NY. ruggedness for walking, climbing, canoeing and Turkey from 1968-70 working at Middle East Englewood, NJ is now our home where we just whitewater rafting. Technical University. 3. I was a consultant with bought a house. After many years of going back the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and to school for reading and Children's Literature, Development (Paris, France) assigned to Turkey writing a newspaper for children, writing many in 1971. 4. Dana and I attended Vanderbilt would-be children's books (and getting my real University from 1971-75, she in French estate license) I am back doing what I seem to do Literature, me in Economics. We received our best. I am teaching third grade at a local school, Ph.D.s in 1973 and 1976 respectively. 5. I taught the Moriah School in Englewood, and loving it. at Syracuse University from 1975 to 1981, and have been at Carleton College since 1981. Dana and I are both tenured faculty at Carleton. Personal: 1. Married Dana Shell on June 10, 1967. 2. Two daughters were born on Sept. 26, 1972 (Mieke) and September 13,1976 (Erika). 3. Tried to learn French in 1976, 1979, and 1987. I was actually able to order coffee in a Parisian Jean Giovannone Stringham cafe on Feb. 17, 1988 using French but did not 233 Mason Terrace 66solo" until March 3,1988 (My wife was with Brookline, Mass. 02146 me in February). 4. Spent sabbatic leave in Paris Home.. (617) 734-8115 1987-88 as a part-time advisor with the OffI'Ce.. (617) 739-0104 Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development, Dana worked on a book on Colette OccupafJ'On.- Management Consultant, Self-employed. C'orneJJ

183 Major.I Child Development (Home Ec.) Advanced Degrees.- University. Spouse.- Sarah (Sally) Hall Swanson, Comell 967, M.S.W. (Master's in Social Work), 1969, Simmons College; Realtor. Crfu'Jdren.a Heather, 8/27/70, University of Virginia '92; M.B.A. (Master's in Business Administration), Simmons Kristen, 7/4/72, Virginia Tech, '94; Ryan, 3/ll/76, Langley College, 1985. Spouse.a Peter Stringham, Family Practitioner, High School, '94. Hamilton College, BA, l964, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons, M.D. 1968. Cdr'jdren.' Zoe, 2/21/69, , B.A., l99l; Edward,1/18/75, Brookline High School, The year of 1967 was the end of my Cornell 1993. Affl'jjafjons & AcrjvjfI'eS.a Treasurer, Massachusetts undergraduate student experience and the Coalition of Democratic Women; Executive Committee of beginning of my Cornell graduate student Massachusetts Parents Anonymous; Past President of the experience; the end of my Navy Midshipman Brown Bag Opera Co.; Past Treasurer Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers; Vestry of All status and the beginning of my Navy Officer Saints Episcopal Church, Brookline. Honors.a Photograph status; and the end of my single status and the accepted to Juried Show, Brookline Art Society,199l. Two beginning of a happy and continuing marriage to published articles: Mouming a Stillbom Baby; Hear it Like It Sally. After completing my masters degree in Is. Honorable Mention for Harriet Bartlett Award from Simmons College School of Social Work Alumni for paper Lawrence Sugar electrical engineering in 1968, my Navy active (Mouming a Stillbom Baby). 4201 Cremson Drive duty started with assignment to the Naval Phoenix, Md. 21131 Nuclear Propulsion Program (66Naval Reactors'9) Over the last 24 years, of greatest importance Home.. (301) 592-8242 headquarters offices in Washington, D.C. Before resigning my Navy commission in 1973 to me have been the love and support of family OffI'Ce.. (717) 771-1718 and friends, and the feeling of satisfaction from to accept a civilian position in the same Naval my activities and work. I9m grateful for a terriflC Occupatr'on.I V.P. Finance and Treasurer, Emons Holdings, Inc. Reactors program, Sally and I had two daughters, husband, two almost grown children, a sense of ComeJJ Major.a Chemistry (Arts). Advanced Degrees.a Comell, Heather and Kristen, and I had completed a humor, an active personal life, expanding outside JGMS, M.B.A., 6-69. Spouse.-Ava B. Sugar, S.U.N.Y. - Masters of Business Administration program in Cortland, B.S. Educ.; Towson St. Univ. M.S., Psych. Finance at American University by attending interests, and friendships which include a Community Relations. ChJ'Jdren.-Jeffrey A., 3/l9/74, Dulaney women's group that has been meeting for 20 High School, June 1992; Erica L., 6/20/77, Dulaney High night school. In 1974, we moved to the School, June 1995. AffiJjatr'ons & AcrfvI'tr'eS.-N.A.C.T., AAR - Mississippi Gulf Coast when I was assigned as years. My share of sadness was from the illness Treasurers, A.M.A., Comell Alumni Ambass. and death of both parents within three years of Admiral Rickover9s financial representative at each other in the mid-19809s. But the difficult Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula. Our times have given me a perspective on the good Mississippi "experience" included celebrating things in my life, and have helped me to the birth of our son, Ryan, in 1976. appreciate them more each year. In 1979, we started our northward trek when I After Cornell, I moved to the Boston area to was reassigned as Admiral Rickover9s financial attend graduate school, and I never left! I got my representative at Newport News Shipbuilding in Master9s degree in Social Work at Simmons the Virginia 66Tidewater" area. During our stay College in 1969, and then later in 1985 received in Newport News, Sally started her second career an M.B.A. In 1972, I met and married Peter, a as a Realtor and I ran my first (and last?) family practitioner, with a special interest in marathon. We completed our trek c6home" to children and adolescents. Our daughter, Zoe, just Northem Virginia in 1982 when I was reassigned to Naval Reactors Headquarters in the Shipyard graduated from Hampshire College, and our son Program Management Offlce. Eddie, a high school junior, is considering Susan Haber Sussman Comell. Since moving to McLean, Heather and Kristen After being a clinician for many years, I 275 Central Park West have started college at the University of Virginia moved into the management area of health and New York, N.Y. 10024 and Virginia Tech respectively and Ryan has human services. Now I9m doing management Home.. (212) 724-8408 started high school. I am still at Naval Reactors, consulting in these fields, for consulting firms OffI'Ce.. (212) 627-9486 and Sally is a successful Realtor in Northern that hire me on a project basis. I like change and Virginia. Occupafl®oJ].I Filmmaker, Susan Sussman, Inc. Corner/ Major.- growth, though, so who knows what I'11 be doing English (Arts). Advanced Degrees.a M.S. Ed. New York Univ., next year? MFA (Film), Columbia Univ. Spouse.I Jeffrey, Comell (ILR) More and more of my time is being devoted to '65, Real Estate. ChjJdren.a Kate,10/28,71, Amherst College, '93; Jake, 6/23/74, Fieldston School, '92. political work (especially on behalf of women candidates), leadership roles on various governing boards, and color photography. I'm enjoying exploring new areas, and to my delight, this year I feel like I'm experiencing my own personal Renaissance!

Sarah Hall Swanson 7319 Yates Ct. McLean, Va. 22101 Home.. (703) 448-8821 Douglas W. Swanson, Jr. OffI'Ce.. (703) 356-0100 7319 Yates Court Occupafjon.- Real Estate Broker, Laughlin Realtors. CorneJJ McLean, Va. 22101 Major.I General Home Economics (Home Ec.). Spot,Se.I Douglas Home.. (703) 448-8821 W. Swanson, Jr., Comell, '67, U.S. Civil Servant. ChjJdren.- OffI'Ce.. (703) 603-6081 Heather Elizabeth, 8/27/70, June l992, University of VA.; Kristen, 7/4/72, Virginia Tech '94; James Ryan, 3/ll/76, Langley High School, '94. Affl'JI'afjOnS & Acfjvitr'es.a National Oc'cupafI'On.a Civil Servant, U.S. Department of Energy. Comer/ Association of Realtors, Vlrginia Association of Realtors, Major.I Electrical (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I Master of Northern VA Assoc. of Realtors, Certified Residential Engineering (Electrical), Comell; M.B.A. (Finance), American Specialist (CRS), Graduate, Realtors Institute (GRI), Certified

184 Real Estate Appraiser (CREA). Honors.I Lifetime Member Northem Virginia Association of Realtors Top Producer and Million Dollar Sales Club, Member, Laughlin Hall of Fame.

June l967 was a month of new beginnings and celebrations. On the ninth, I celebrated a birthday with my twin sister. And on the eleventh, I celebrated her graduation from the University of Rhode Island. The next day, we all celebrated my own graduation along with my future husband's. We also celebrated his commissioning as a Navy Ensign. On the fourteenth, we were married in the historic Congregational Church in Old Lyme, Edward Tanenhaus Connecticut, and began a much needed Linda Wood Teague honeymoon. 6 Walworth Avenue 63 Browncroft Blvd. This June, our daughter Heather will graduate Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Rochester, N.Y. 14609 from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Home.. (914) 472-5625 Home.. (716) 482-2884 And in June of 1994, we will celebrate our OffI'Ce.. (212) 481-7755 OffI'Ce.. (716) 232-4290 daughter Kristen's graduation from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, as well as our son Ryan's OcclJPafI'On.- Attomey, Munves, Tanenhaus & Storch. C'ormeJJ Occupatr'on.' President, Development Planning Services, Inc. Major.I History (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I J.D., '70, Boston ComeJJ Major.-Architecture (Architecture). Advanced Degrees.I graduation from Langley High School in University School of Law. Spouse.- Ruth Amdur Tanenhaus, MRP, Cornell. Spouse.' Neil, Cornell BS '66, MBA 973 McLean, Virginia. Connecticut College (Art History), Freelance writer/Mother. President, The Business Resource Network. ChI'Jdren.I G. Scott, In between these new beginnings and CThjJdren.I Jeffrey Alexander, ll years; Allison Tracy, 8 years. 6/2]n3. Oswego '9S`, Ryan, 4120n8. AfflilliatiOnS & Activities: celebrations, we have spent an exciting, busy, AffiJI®afI'onS & Actr'vI'tr'eS.a Full time suburban parent. Board of Directors, Greater Rochester Housing Partnership; Board VP Housing Opportunities, Inc.; Curriculum Advisor, productive and happy twenty-five years. Our first National Technical Institute for the Deaf at RIT; ULI; APA; year of marriage was spent in Ithaca where Doug AICP. pursued a masters degree in electrical engineering. My husband9s career has taken us from the Washington, D.C. area to Pascagoula, Mississippi to Newport News, Virginia and finally, home to Northem Virginia. Our last move, to McLean, occurred four days before school started for our three children. With Ryan in flrSt grade, I began working my second career, as a Realtor, on a full-time basis. I have enjoyed hard work and much success, and I have had the privilege of helping many customers and Catherine Blaffer Taylor clients. I have achieved many of my goals and I 1203 Country Club Dr. credit my parents, my Comell education, and the Malcolm E. Teixeira love and support of my husband and children Midland, Tex. 79701 16021 SW 287 St. with helping me become one of the top 197o of Home.. (915) 683-7195 Homestead, Fla. 33033 Realtors nationwide. So if any of you are moving OccupafI-On.- Wife & Mother. CornejJ Major.I Architecture to or from Northem Virginia, give me a call! ! Home.. (305) 248-5768 (Architecture). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a Bach. of Architecture. Spouse.- Nick Taylor, Harvard '59, Georgetown Law, L.L.D., OffI'Ce.. (305) 367-3303 S.M.U., Dallas - Oil & Gas Tax Law. CThI'Jdren.a Van Taylor, 8/1/72, Harvard Univ.a, Katie Taylor, lO/5/74, St. Paul's School, Occupatr'on.I Hoteliere, Amoco Corp. CorneJJ Major.a Hotel Concord, N.H.; Christie Taylor, 3/27/82, Hollander School. (Hotel Admin.) Spouse.a Shirley Teixeira. Cfrj/dren.a Mark, Aff]'jI'afI®OnS & Actr®vI'tr'eS.- Active in many civic organizations, Maurice, Therese, Marie. Treasurer of Symphony, Vice-Pres. Episcopal Church Women, etc. Honors.I National Federation of Republican Women - Delegate to l991 Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

After graduation, I relished my new life as an architect, and I worked in the offices in Boston and Dallas. In 1969, I met Nick Taylor, a fascinating young man from Washington and New York. Six months later we were married and I continued to work as an architect until our first Jules Tanenbaum child was bom in 1972. 3390 Reliez Highland Rd. I moved my practice into my home and Lafayette, Calif. 94549 practiced part-time. In 1982, our third child was Home.. (415) 943-6658 born and her birth coincided with a severe Lois C. Thetford downturn in the economy. This seemed like a OffI'Ce.. (415) 537-5533 513 32nd Ave. good time to hang up my T-square and Seattle, Wash. 98122 OccupafI'On.- Physician (Psychiatrist), Self Employed. CornejJ concentrate on raising three very bright and Major.I Psychology (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a energetic youngsters. Home.. 323-0162 M.D. from S.U.N.Y. Downstate. Spouse.-Alice, M.S. in Nursing Administration from U.C. SanFrancisco. ChI'Jdren.I Nick and I moved to Midland in 1974 and we Occupatr'on.I Physician Assistant, 45th St. Community Health Nicole, age 10, 7-3-8l. have been here ever since. There are three other Clinic. ComeJJ Major.a German Lang & Lit (Arts & Sciences). Cornell graduates in Midland and hopefully, Advanced Degrees.a MEDEX NW, University of Washington. daughters Katie and Christie will go to Cornell. Spouse.a My life partner's name Jean Rietschel, U of R. Philosophy,1971; Univ. of Washington, J.D. l977, Attomey. With six graduates, we could start a Cornell ChjJdreJ].a Robin Thetford,17 years old, Seattle Central Alumni Association in west Texas. Community College. Aff]'Jjafjons & Actr'vifjes.' Am. Academy of Physicians Assts., Gay Community Social Services.

185 What is really important to me is to be a part of Occupafjon.I Dean of Agriculture, Purdue UnlVerSity. ComeJJ what is going on in the world, to read, to discuss, Major.I Agricultural Economics (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.a MS, 69, Ph.D, 74, Purdue University. Spouse.- Karen, to be involved in trying to improve it. I feel very Purdue University, BA '72 & M.S.Ed. '74; Homemaker & lace glad that I have been alive in this part of the maker. ChJ'JdreJ].-Kristlna, 3/I I/73, Univ. of North Carolina, century and involved in my community. The Chapel Hill, 1995; Eric, 6/3/75, West Lafayette, Ind. High changes in women9s lives through women's School, I 993. Affi/jar,'oJ]S & AcfJ'VJ'treS.a Chairman of the Board, Farm Foundation; Chairman, Advisory Council, National liberation and through gay/lesbian liberation have Center for Food & Agric. Policy; Member: Board on allowed me constantly growing space to develop Agriculture, NatlOnal Research Councll; International Policy and change. I had a child as an 6out9 lesbian with Council on Agriculture & Trade; Ind. Commission on Ag. & an 6out' gay man and co-parented with him and Rural Development; Member of Boards of Directors of: PSI Energy, PSI Resources, Nat'l Coop. Bank, Ind. 4-H other lesbians till she left home at l7. I helped Foundation; Institute for Science in Society; Minorities in Ag., many other lesbians with decisions about Natural Resources, & Related Sciences; Ind. Inst. of Ag., Food, parenting and their struggles as lesbian mothers, Jeanne Murphy Thompson & Nutrition. Member, Amer. Ag. Econ. Assoc.; Amer. Econ. both individually and as a founder of the Lesbian Assoc., Int'1 Assoc. of Ag. Economists. Honors.I Outstanding 77 Waltham St. Alumni, GALS, l988; Agrlc. Research Award, Purdue Univ., Mother's National Defense Fund. Maynard, Mass. 01754 l983; Superior Service Award, USDA, 1989; Fellow, Amer. I became involved in the anti-war movement Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, l99l. Member, Sigma Home.. (508) 897-6012 and worked with enlisted resisters, their wives Xi (nat'l. research honorary); Gamma Sigma Delta (nat'l. ag. and families, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, OffI'Ce.. (508) 493-4561 honorary), Author of over loo research and popular publlcatlons. including struggles of minority groups within the Occupafjon.- EDI (Info Systems) Consultant, Digital Equipment military, the struggle for civil rights for enlisted Corp. CorneJJ Major.-Biology (Agriculture). AdvaJ]CCd Upon graduation from Cornell, I moved to personnel and the end to military intervention. I Degrees.-MLS, Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Spouse.I Purdue University for graduate work in am still involved in the struggle to end military Bradley, BSEE, Univ of Mass.1968, Engineer, Writer. Affj/jaf]ons & AcfjvI'fjeS.a Starting an antiquarian/used book agricultural economics. In 1968, I completed my intervention as the American solution to business. masters and married my fiancee, Karen, whom I everything. had met in Denmark on my junior year abroad. I have worked with Gay Community Social Less than a month later we left for Laos for two Services for many years, as a project years with International Voluntary Services to representative, board member, past president and work in rural development. past vice-president, currently a board member After two years of Ph.D. work back at Purdue, again., GCSS was the first openly gay we went to Brazil to teach and do my dissertation organization in the US to win 501-C3 status and research. Our oldest child, Kristina, was born in extend tax-exemption to a variety of lesbian and Brazil. After finishing my thesis, Purdue offered gay cultural and educational projects, including me my dream job in international trade. So we theatre, music, skills training programs, farms, settled down in West Lafayette in 1974, and our advocacy groups for battered lesbians, journals of second child, Erie, was born a year later. Karen, many types, organizations for gayflesbian youth, who did her masters in special education, has for elders, for people with AIDS, etc. For six become an accomplished bobbin lace maker. years I have also helped publish an intemational Kent Thompson During the 1970s I taught international trade lesbian feminist newsletter in English, Spanish, 13346 Monte Leon and development and surrounded myself with a French and German that grew from an activist Sam Antonio, Tex. 78233 large stable of graduate students. Our research organization, Groudswell. Home.. (512) 656-0613 took us literally all over the world. My boyhood Through feminism I got involved in women9s dream of getting a job where someone would pay OffI.Ce.. (512) 328-4400 health issues in the early seventies, helped ,found me to travel became a reality. With a bit of luck two clinics and eventually made healthcare a Occuparl'on.- Legal Counsel, Lawyers Title and Abstract Co. in attracting good graduate students and grants, career. I have worked with one clinic, part-time Col-nell Major.® Governmer\` (Arts & Sc±ences). Advanced my research program went well, and I made full or full-time for 16 years, doing a variety ofjobs. I Degrees.a Juris Doctor, SMU School of Law. Spouse.a Susan prof in 1983. Stone Thompson, Cornell '67, Teacher. ChI'Jdren.I Barbara am very proud to be involved with the That year brought a significant career change. I community health clinic movement in this Thompson Sutton, 6/1/67, University of North Texas State, l989; James Kent Thompson,10/21/69, Stephen F. Austin State took a one-year leave at the President's Council country and especially in Seattle. We extend Univ., l992; Jennifer Lee Thompson, 12/lO/70, James Madison of Economic Advisers in Washington, which led quality health care for people without the means High School, l989. AffjJI'afI'OnS & AcfI'Vl'fjeS.-Texas, San to my becoming Assistant Secretary for Antonio and Travis County Bar Associations, Texas Land Title to pay for it in each district of the city, including Economics at USDA. What started out as a one- hospital and obstetrical care. While the demand Association. year leave became four incredibly educational continues to exceed supply especially since the Being thankful for them. years in Washington learning the politics of Reagan years, the right of each person to receive agricultural policy. equal care is preserved and fought for locally and Purdue then made me an offer I couldn9t refuse nationally. For the past five years a greater to come back as Dean of Agriculture in 1987. portion of my job has involved refugees and The Washington experience was great homeless people, specializing in children in day preparation for this job. In addition to my full care settings. The fact that millions of people time job in academic administration, I continue to have been denied adequate housing and forced stay involved in the agricultural policy debate into the streets enrages me; the blindness to the and the trade negotiations. cost of this to our society9s future makes me Weep. However, through it all I have a wonderfully supportive family of friends and relatives, a life partner who has similar goals and beliefs, and the conviction that truth can break through pretense and change the mask that hides what is really Robert Lee Thompson going on, that each person's life is important and 111 Leslie Ave. deserves equal protection from disease as well as W. Lafayette, Ind. 47906-2409 discrimination. Home.. (317) 743-4435 OffI'Ce.. (317) 494-8392

186 six years at wellington Management Co., during Management. I found here a great challenge as a which time I also finished my MBA. In 1978 I woman architect, and am proud of managing the went to work for Bank of New England as a design and construction of the new 30 story portfolio manager and trust officer and stayed Metro Dade Center, the tallest building in Miami unti11987 when we moved to Connecticut. in its time, consolidating Metro government into In 1984 a dream came true for Ross and me - one magnificent downtown complex. Following our son, Jonathan was born. We had almost given this achievement I became involved with the up hope, having explored all the medical options design of everything from prisons to daycare available in Boston, when we got the wonderful centers, and am now located at Miami news. Becoming parents at 39/40 years of age International Airport specializing in aviation was not what we had planned, but we wouldn9t facility design. change a minute of it. In Miami I met my new husband, established a Susan Stone Thompson So, now we9re in Phoenix; we have a house in beautiful home on Key Biscayne, and still sail, on the suburbs, a station wagon in the garage and a Biscayne Bay and the Bahamas in our yacht 13346 Monte Leon dog. I can7t believe it'. For the last four years I've Unicorn. Our son, Tristan, in ninth grade now, is Sam Antonio, Tex. 78233 played the homemaker/mother role, which has our hope for Cornell in four years time, where I Home.. (512) 656-0613 been an enjoyable change of pace from finance. hope to see him find the wonderful sense of OffI'Ce.. (512) 657-2881 Now that Jonathan is in school, however, I9m achievement I experienced in my Cornell years. My future goal is the establishment of my own Occupafjon.a 5th Grade Teacher, North East ISD. CormeJJ Major.I getting a bit restless and thinking of going back Child Development (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.a to work. architectural/engineering office, a fitting Elem. Certification from East Texas State University. Spouse.I I'm sorry I won't make it back for reunion. culmination of my Cornell education and Kent Thompson, Comell 967, Legal Counsel for Lawyers Title Cornell is a very special place for me. It always resulting successful career. & Abstract Co. ChI'JdreJ1.-Barbara, 6/I/67, University of North will be. Texas,1989; James,10/2l/69, Stephen F. Austin Univ. l992;Jennifer, 12/10/70, part time Sam Antonio Community College & Working full time. AffjJjafI'OflS & Acfjvj'rj'es.I American Federation of Teachers; Sweet Adelines, Intemational; PTA (past president and membership chairman).

Richard Tunick Anne Sommers Tucker 21 Meadow Road 365 Heather Lane Scarsdale, N.Y.10583 Key Biscayne, Fla. 33149 Home.. (914) 472-1980 Home.. (305) 361-1841 Lynn Dewey Trimby OccupafjoJ].a Retired Banker (l2/1990), Formerly Executive OffI'Ce.. (305) 876-0596 6025 East Donna Circle Vice President - Corporate Finance Group National Westminster Bank USA; President and Chief Executive Officer Occ'upafI'On.-Architect, Dade County, Florida, Aviation Paradise Valley, Ariz. 85253 Nat. West USA Capital Corporatlon. CorneJJ Major.I Department. CorneJJ Major.a Architecture (Architecture). Home.. (602) 596-9214 Govemment (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a J.D. New Spouse.a John J. Tucker, New York University. Chjjdren.a York University School of Law. Admitted New York State Bar. Tristan Charles, I 1/29/77, Gulliver Prep.1996. Honors.-Coral Spouse.I Carole, New York University, 1970; retired fundraiser OccupafI'On.I in transition. AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a Textiles & Reef Yacht Club; Corinthians. St. Christopher's Episcopal Clothing (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.I MBA, Boston and director of special events, wife and mother par excellence; Church Choir. Univ. 1977. Spouse.-Ross L. Trimby, Comell, BS '66, M. Eng. synagogue trustee; editor of middle and elementary school '67; Harvard MBA 973. Cj]j'Jdren.-Jonathan Andrew Trimby, newspapers. Chj'jdreJ].I Robert, l978, 8th grade Scarsdale 1 I/23/84, 1st grade Cherokee Elementary School. Aff]'JI'afjOJ]S Cornell years stand out in my memory as the Middle School; Erica, 1982, 4th grade Quaker Ridge & AcrI'VjfI'eS.a Association for Investment Management & brightest beacon in my youth. I found a source of Elementary School. Affl'jjafI'OJ]S & AcfI'Vjtr'eS.I l990 Chairman Anti-Defamation League - Accountants, Facts and Finance Research, Boston Security Analysts Society, Financial Women kindred spirits at Cornell that created a sense of Intl. Church and School Volunteer. Honors.a Chartered Financial Division; l987-l989, Chairman UJA -Federation of Greater Analyst. belonging I feel still today. I discovered that a New York Banking and Finance Division. HoJ]OrS.I Award for Cornell degree in Architecture was the key to any Distinguished Service to New York University Law School Community, 1970; Secretary to New York State Governor's After 2O years in New England (mostly in professional door I tried. Anxious to escape rural Committee on Economic Development, Subcommittee on Boston), this summer our family moved to Pennsylvania, I headed for architectural offices in Taxation & Finance (l975); Author: 6tA Specialist's View of Phoenix. As I write this we are barely unpacked Washington, D.C., where I took the Architectural Leveraged Buyout, Lending." published in 6The Journal of registration exams, becoming a Registered Commerical Lending' (1984); Mid-Continent Banker (l985) and I'm still in a state of shock. It's almost 6Classics of Commercial Bank Lending, Volume II' (1985), Halloween and there9s no nip in the air, no leaves Architect and NCARB Certificate holder soon 6Asset-Based Lending - A Special Collection from the Joumal after graduation. Living in the Chesapeake Bay falling from trees. How can this be? But I'm of Commercial Bank Lending' (l988). area fostered my love for sailing, exploring the getting ahead of myself. Ross and I were married shortly after Chesapeake Bay, racing sailboats, and living in After 20 years of working endless days on a rural Maryland on the water while commuting to graduation. By that time he was Ensign Trimby, number of the significant financial transactions of so for the next four years we toured the country D.C. During my early career I specialized in the 198O's, as well as untold nameless deals, I compliments of the US Navy. We spent most of hospital design, but I changed course, changed took a break from the rat race of finance in our time in Groton, CT, Charleston, SC and offices, divorced, and took off for Florida, where December, 1990. This has entailed a major Honolulu. In 1971 we headed to Boston for Ross I reestablished professional and personal life in adjustment on my part. Regular dinners with my to start his MBA at Harvard. new and fascinating directions. family and attending to their needs and issues It was in Boston that I got my first real job in Once again, I found that Cornell opened any have supplanted the relentless demands of clients the investment business, and discovered to my door I chose, and after joining the A.I.A. and and the market place. In the process, I have surprise that I liked it and was good at it. I spent working in several local firms, I joined Dade rediscovered my family, been forced to reflect, County in the role of Project and Construction

187 and have gained a few insights as to the meaning Univ. of Rhode Island, MD - Univ. of Vermont, physician. central New York at the high school level. of life and its priorities for me. CJ]jJdren.a Kevin, age 15; Elizabeth Anne, age 3. Working with high school students with In 1988 my father died at the age of 88. He had Agricultural interests has been most rewarding. My life immediately after leaving Cornell was led a life of distinction, replete with successes Since many students from grades 9-l2 make and accolades, but had never taken the time to quite predictable. I entered medical school and career decisions and select colleges for continued fulfilled a dream that had consumed me from smell the flowers. His greatest legacy was as a study. mid-childhood. Fortunately my childhood teacher, conveying knowledge, insight, standards, Helping students develop their leadership skills aspiration was successfully able to be and values to ensuing generations. I am working in the Future Farmers of America organization transformed into an appropriate adult avocation at restructuring my life so that, when my days are for high school youth has been most rewarding. I and vocation. I pursued pediatrics as my primary ended, my children can inherit from me an continue to work with the New York FFA analogous legacy. specialty and then chose neonatology as my Leadership Training Foundation in promoting subspecialty. The latter choice has provided the My wife has devoted her life to the kids, youth leadership training during the school year real shape and substance to my professional life. sacrificing her career for their development. To and summers at FFA Leadership Training Camp I have been employed by Temple University date, the results have been gratifying. We have in the Adirondacks. two happy, healthy, intelligent, and sensitive School of Medicine as a neonatologist for the last Most FFA members have a great interest in 15 years and for the past five years have been the children. The relationship between our children, leadership activities that relate to occupation which is both supportive and loving, is perhaps Director of Neonatology at Temple University training. the most satisfying aspect of my life. Children Hospital. I have found innumerable personal awards in caring for infants and their families in grow up all too quickly and the world today is much faster and less benign than the one in which an inner city setting. In addition, I am involved in I was raised. Hopefully, I will be able to play an teaching, clinical research, and administration of important role in preparing them to assume a hospital department. I am also active as a constructive and fulfilling roles in society. My professional spokesperson for the W.I.C. wife has been a great partner and I trust that there Program and in the campaign against childhood will be many years for me to demonstrate my hunger in Philadelphia. appreciation to her. My first marriage ended in divorce after 1 1 years and one wonderful child, Kevin, now age 15. Kevin acquired a love of baseball from his Mom and his dream is to play professionally (after graduating from Stanford). I remarried seven years ago and now have a second wonderful child, Elizabeth Anne, age 3. I Helena Webb Valentine can speak flrSt-hand about the Virtues Of being an 626 E. Allens Lane 66older parent" -maturity, wisdom, and Philadelphia, Penna.19119 exhaustion to name a few. Home.. (215) 248-5854 Working full-time and trying to be the best OffI'Ce.. (215) 581-5516 possible mother that I can has pretty much f111ed up my life. My husband, Donald, and I do enjoy Occuparjon.a Teacher, Reading Specialist, School District of traveling (temporarily on hold), country inns, fine Philadelphia. Come/I Major.a Govemment (Arts & Sciences). Advanced Degrees.a M.A.T., Harvard. Spouse.I Separated. dining, skiing, our Bernese mountain dog (him, ChI'JdreJ].I Irad A. Valentine, Ill, 4/16/77. AffJ'JI'arI'OnS & Davis L. Turner not me), gardening (me, not him), and finding AcfI'VjfjeS.- State & Local Chapters International Reading 27615 Belmonte object9s d9art to adom our 90 plus year old New Assoc., Philadelphia Guild of Handweavers, Vestry Member Mission Viejo, Calif. 92692 England colonial home. Christ Church & St. Michae1's, Germantown. Honors.-J. Williard Lord Award for Excellence in Handweaving,1991. Home.. (714) 582-8772 My Cornell experience prepared me well for the past 25 years of my life - always a challenge OffI'Ce.. (714) 220-4794 The last 24 years, like the 20 which preceded and never a dull moment. Hopefully this will them, have been years of increasing self- OccupafI'On.a President, Mitsubishi Elevator Co. Come/I Major.- continue to be true for the next 25! E.E. (Engineering). Spouse.a Barbara - Pensacola (Fla) Jr. understanding and growth. The most significant College, Dental Hygiene. ChjJdren.a Jennifer, l2/10/77, 2000; things in my life have been deepening and David, 4/10/80, 2002. expanding faith, the birth and growth of my son Trad, now 14, and my growing appreciation of, and satisfaction in my work. Throughout this period, I have looked upon my Cornell education as an important part of my foundation. The discipline of mind I leamed there has shaped my character. The pain of late adolescence has been forgotten, but the joy of leaming has been reinforced.

Sigismund Ucasz R.D. #2 Eileen Tyrala Mohawk, N.Y.13407 Home.. (315) 823-3128 152 Highland Ave.

Jenkintown, Penna. 19046 Occuparjon.I Retired Teacher, High School. CorneJJ Major.I Home.. (215) 887-0215 Education (Agriculture). Affl'JI'afI'OJ]S & AcfJ'VI'tr'eS.I Chairman, Bd. of Trustees, New York Association, Future Farmers of OffI'Ce.. (215) 221-3070 America. Honors.- Honorary State Farmer Award - Given by N.Y. Association of FFA. OccupafI'Ofl.I Physician, Temple Univ. School of Medicine. ComejJ Major.- Biological Sciences (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh. Spouse.a Donald P. Goldsmith, BS, Teaching agriculture and Science classes in

188 AcfjvifI'eS.' Ruard - President of Local School Board, Member of next 20 years! After about 4,000 jet hours and Board for 8 years. Beth - County Extension Council, local tours of duty in Southeast Asia (over a hundred presbyterian Session Member, Assn. of Specialty Cut Flower combat missions that are now merely a "blur"), Growers, P.E.O. the Sam Francisco Bay Area, Virginia Beach and After 2 years in the Peace Corps in India doing Atlanta, I retired as a Commander in April, 1988. ag. & home ec. extension after our marriage and Prior to that first tour and as a newly-designated then working as farm manager & dietitian at a Naval Aviator, I met my future wife, Sheryl in Memphis. We were married less than two years Quaker Boarding School in West Branch, Iowa, we decided to take over the management and later, settling down in Guam for a year prior to eventual ownership of a family-owned farm near retuming to the states. Des Moines. Farming is an all-encompassing Over the years, I have been fortunate to renew business, often taking over all aspects of your old friendships with many of my FIJI brothers Francis Van Schaick life. I decided I would prefer staying on the farm (Tom Caze1, Dave Yewell, Al and Doug Wright, Glenn Mann, John Zawinski). I have also Rt. 1 Box 198A, Fuller Rd. with Ruard and children rather than seek considered the tremendous advantage Cornell has Adams Center, N.Y.13606 employment elsewhere. Iove never regretted that given me in life, not only for the academic Home.. (315) 583-5984 decision. I have built up a business over the years raising cut and dried flowers and herbs which are background, but equally for the social experience. OfrI'Ce.. (315) 785-4760 marketed at farmer9s markets and to florists. Our I am always (modestly) proud when I respond to new acquaintances that I graduated from Comell. OccLIPafI'on.' Senior Agriculture Lender, Senior Vice President, farm raises com, soybeans, hogs and sometimes Key Bank of New York. N.A. CorneJJ Major.a Animal cattle and sheep. Ru has 2 full-time employees As of this writing, I am a Boeing 737 pilot for Husbandryffarm Economics (College of Agriculture and Life US Air Airlines, based in Pittsburgh but but I help with errands, meals, and record- 66commuting" from Atlanta. I have been Sciences). Spouse.I Mary A. Van Schaick, St. Peter's School of keeping. Our three children and their athletics, Nursing, R.N. CThjJdren.I Mary Elizabeth, 7/68, 1989 Graduate extremely fortunate to be able to continue with Paul Smiths (Chef); Francis Joseph, 6/69, St. Lawrence (BS), music and drama activities as well as their June l991; John Gerrit, 6/70, Clarkson (BS) June,1991; academic progress have been a primary focus for my passion for flying. Julianna Kathleen, 5/78, Junior High. AffiJjafI'OnS & ActivI'fI-eS.- Sheryl and I have four children who also give years. We, especially Ru in his role as school President & Member: South Jeff Historical Society, Past board member, have been committed to us tremendous pride, challenge, excitement and President: Agribusiness Ass'n, Past President & Member fulfillment! We hope to see many of you at the Comell Cooperative (Adams Baptist Church Choir, Miss NYS improving the academies while preserving the Pageant Committee, PSI: Executive of the Year 1989-90) caring atmosphere of a small, rural school 25th reunion! Extension Jefferson County, Advisory Committee for W.I. system. Iowa is turning increasingly to Meyers Professorship of Ag. Finance. Honors.a Kiwanis, reorganizing its tinier school districts; our 2 Executive of the Year 1989-90 PSI. adjacent towns just underwent this consolidation, I tell everyone I have had four jobs in the past not without stress and hostility. We are now 24 years and I have never left my desk. I work for looking forward to a trip to Holland in April '92 Key Bank of New York N.A., which is the to check out the flower industry. present survivor in a succession of mergers and buyouts. I continue to work to better agricultural lending in the state. When I started, I had $1MM in ag outstandings. Through consolidation, the department now has over $100MM. I feel that it is important to support agriculture through sound capital investment and commercial Doug Veit banking can be a productive supplier of capital. General Delivery I have enjoyed helping agricultural families Craig, Alas. 99921 develop, compete and prosper. Home.. (907) 826-2287 OffI'Ce.. (907) 826-3662

Jon Vaughters Occupafjon.- Family Therapist, Community Mental Health 4586 Smoke Rise Lane Center. Advanced Degrees.I M.A. in Social Work, Univ. of Chicago. SpoLISe.a Divorced. CfrI'Jdren.I Anthony, 4/17/70, Marietta, Ga. 30062 University of Maine, '94; Cynthia, 4/23/73, Tulane, '95. Home.. (404) 992-4947 AffI'JI'afjOnS & AcfI'VI-fI'eS.a National Association of Social Workers, U.S. Public Health Service Officers Association, The Lions Club, Secretary. Airline Pilot, US Air Airlines. CorneJJ Major.I Government (Arts & Sciences). Spouse.I Sheryl Lynn Foster Vaughters, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, l969. CJ]jJdren.-Darren 9-7-74, H.S. 1. My children: who have shown me a wealth Senior; Michelle,1-28-77, H.S. Soph.; Evan,3/7/82, 4th Grade; of acceptance, support and love ... and play. Brian 8-30-86, Pre-school. AffjJjafl'ons & AcfjvjfJ'eS.a Little 2. My hands for being able to do a variety of League Baseball Coach, Soccer Coach, Community Home Improvement and Security Committees, Boy Scout Leader. carpentry and wood-working projects which have Honors.' Military; Four Air Medals, Navy Commendation been intensely gratifying. Elizabeth Greens]ade Vanderploeg Medal, Navy Achievement Medal. 3. My truck(s) of various makes and years Ruard A. Vanderploeg, Jr. which have helped me see a fair portion of North Rt. 2, Box 75 I no doubt join many of my classmates when I America. Monroe, Ia. 50170 say the past 25 years has flown by, but in my Home.. (515) 793-2362 case, much of that time has actually been spent in the air! After a brief 6 month stint as the Front OccupafI'On.- Farmer (Ruard), Commercial Flower Grower Office Manager of the Virgin Isle Hilton in St. (Beth), Vansland, Ltd. (Ruard), Everlasting Flowers (Beth). Thomas (thanks to FIJI brother Alex Brooks9 CormeJJ Major.a English (Ru-Arts & Sciences). Home Ec. Ed. suggestion) I entered Aviation Offlcer Candidate (Beth - Home Ec.). Spouse.-Both Graduated, Class of l967. CThI'JdreJ].a Jennifer, I/27/72, Drake Univ. in Des Moines, Ia. School in Pensacola in late January, 1968 in Class of '94; Sarah, 2/9/74, High School Senior Class, '92; search of excitement, challenge and fulfillment of Kate, I/20/76, High School Sophomore, '94. AffiJJ'af,tons & military duty as a Navy pilot. I found all in the

189 dialog to taping interviews. It has been a fascinating two years, and as Andy Warhol once observed, I have had my fifteen minutes of fame! I would say, however, that raising a family will always be life's most rewarding and challenging experience for me. To see a child hatch into a young adult and to share in all the attendant problems and successes on the way has taught me more and allowed me to grow in ways I had never imagined. And I consider myself part of the women9s movement! My daughter's college search has brought back RafaeI M. Vil]egas-Atto]ini so many memories of Cornell. I look back with a Sena Gottlieb Warmer Yucatan #171 -Col. Las Rosas great deal of fondness and pride about those 212 Larchmont Ave. Gomez Palacio 35090 Durango, Mexico years, and I look forward to renewing friendships Larchmont, N.Y.10538 with those who made the same journey. Home.. (17) 14.35.97 Home.. (914) 833-1463 OffI'Ce.. (17) 16.48.ll OffI'Ce.. (914) 698-1682

Occupafjon.a President, Trasgo, S.A. CorJ]e/I Major.I BA (Arts & OccuparI®On.- Social Worker. CorJ]eJ/ Major.I Child Dev. & Sciences). Spot,Se.- Edurne - Universidad Anahuac, Mexico Family Rel. (Home Ec.). Advanced Degrees.-MSW, New York City. ChI'Jdrcn.I Luisa Fernanda, 4/15/7l; Manuel, 5/l8/72; Univ. Spouse.a Stephen Warner, Cornell ILR '67, Attorney. Alfredo, 5/2l/75; Rafael 5/06/90. NYU, JD '70, Fuchsberg, & Fuchsberg. ChI'JdreJ].I Davld, 1/10/75; Lindsey. 5/I/78. AffjJIafjOnS & AcfJ-VI'fI'eS.I New York Society of Clinical Social Work Psychotherapists, Larchmont Assembly, League of Women Voter, Larchmont Committee on Family & Youth, Substance Abuse Task Force.

It seems like only yesterday that I entered for the first time. When I explored the Cornell campus later that day, I Mary Fraticelli Voss remember my fear that I would never find my way back to the dorm again. Not only did I find Atlanta Hall Farm 2933, Polock Rd. my way back, but also the Cornell campus Monkton, Md. 21111 became home for four wonderful years. Home.. (301) 557-7214 At Cornell, I met Stephen Warmer (ILR 967) whom I married a year after graduation while Come/I MaJ'Or.I Govt. (Liberal Arts). Spouse.a Thomas H. Voss. Chj/dren.I Matthew McKnight, 22, Grad. Hobart; Samuel Voss both of us attended graduate school at New York Marcia Latimore Vose l4, Boys Latin; Elizabeth Voss, I 1, Garrison Forest. University, I in social work, and Steve in law. At 147 Pleasant Valley Rd. Westwood, Mass. the present time I have a private practice and 02090. Home.. (617) 376-7731, 636-6176 Looking back on the last twenty four years I work part-time as a supervisor in a school based Off]'ce.. (617) 536-6016 am grateful how kind they have been. drug prevention program. As I function in these I live with my husband, Thomas, and three roles I think back to Professor Bronfenbrenner in OccuparJ'On.I Entrepreneur, Vose Galleries of Boston, Inc. children on land owned by his family for many CDlOl and realize that what I learned has had a CormejJ Major.I IIotel School (Hotel). Spouse.I Abbot Williams lasting influence on my thinking. Vose, Hobart '64, Art Deacep. CfrJ'Jdren.I Carey, 2/2/74, generations. Most of our time is spent on a farm Westwood High School '92; Elisabeth,1/l8/77, Noble and in northern Maryland, devoted to the raising, I have loved my work life, but even more I Greenough School '95. training and racing of thoroughbreds. We also have loved parenting our two terrific children. spend some time on a secluded ranch in David studies Chinese and the martial arts, hopes As I watch my seventeen year old daughter go Wyoming. to study in China and is currently a high school through the process of choosing a college and I am both proud and charmed by my three junior. Lindsey is in the 8th grade and she sings, career, I realize that life at age 46 barely children. My eldest son, Matthew, has just acts, and dances (guess what she wants to do resembles those firm plans and goals projected graduated from Hobart. He has taken a year off to when she grows up). Steve and I have traveled for our lives at an earlier age. How could I have pursue a dream of skiing out west in the magical extensively both with and without the children ever imagined that my dreams of occupying the town of Durango, Colorado. My fourteen year and travel is our favorite family activity. I won't manager's office in a swank hotel would be old son, Sam, is an artist and a Falconer, whose tell more about Steve since he is telling his own replaced happily by a life in the art world! compassion for wildlife and nature reflects in all Story. After working eight years at the Ritz-Carlton that he does. Last, but certainly not least, Now that we are entering the stage of in Boston, I married an authentic New England daughter Elizabeth, eleven, is an avid exploring colleges with David, Steve and I keep Yankee who is the fifth generation in the oldest horsewoman whose zest for life I envy. She pushing for Comell. I hope David will fall in love family-run art gallery in the U.S. After the second carries on the Voss tradition of fine with Comell at the reunion. of our two daughters reached the first grade, I horsemanship. Over the years, I too have caught Wherever he does attend college, however, I decided to throw my lot in with my husband and the addiction - both breeding and racing horses hope that 25 years down the road as he stands brother-in-law to continue the gallery past its myself. The farm is also home to many dogs, where I do now, he will look back and treasure sesquicentennial year. A family business is cats, ponies, etc. besides the large horse his college memories as I do. certainly like no other, but after all the kinks have population. Not a day goes by that I don't been worked out, the rewards of making a appreciate the beauty of the land and life that business successful by your own wits (and a dose surrounds me. of luck) are exciting. My most challenging project has been to make a documentary video about Vose Galleries which was shown on PBS in October. I had no idea what energies and talents would be demanded - everything from researching original archival materials to writing

190 coming back to haunt me, and I like that too. I have worked on explaining a biological influence on cloud formation, and now have a student studying the chemistry of snow. I was married to Donna Feuquay (Cornell 1969) from 1970 to 1986. We each followed our separate careers wherever they led, so we were able to live together a total of only about eight years. When living apart, we got together mostly for exotic vacations: Iceland, Wyoming, Egypt, Manitoba, and New Guinea. I'm writing this at my kitchen table looking out Stephen Warmer Stephen Warren to the glaciers of Mount Rainier. I can9t come to the reunion because I will be working at the 212 Larchmont Avenue 6847 36th Avenue NE South Pole Station in 1992. It's not possible to Larchmont, N.Y. 10538 Seattle, Wash. 98115 Home.. (206) 527-3498 get away in June, because after the summer Home.. (914) 833-1463 season ends in February, the next airplane doesn9t OffI'Ce.. (212) 962-2800 OffI'Ce.. (206) 543-7230 come until October.

OccLIParJ'On.a Trial Attorney, Fuchsberg & Fuschberg (Of OccLIPatr'On.a Associate Professor, University of Washington. Counsel). CorJ]eJJ Major.a ILR (ILR). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I JD, CorneJJ Major.a Chemistry (Arts & Sciences). Advanced New York University. Spouse.- Sena, Comell, 967, Psychiatric Degrees.a Ph.D. Harvard, l973. Honors.® 1988, Gerbier-Mumm Social Worker. ChjJdren.a David, 1/10/75, Mamaroneck HS, award for interdisciplinary research, World Meteorological 993; Lindsey, 5/1/78, Hommocks School '92. Affl-JjafI'OnS & Organization. 1989 - First annual teaching award, Department AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a Amer. Bar Assoc. NYS Bar Assoc. New York State of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington. 1990 - Trial Lawyers Assoc. Honors.-Listed in Who's Who in Dean's award for exceptional teaching, College of Arts and Practicing Attomeys 1990. Sciences, University of Washington. Publications: Articles in Journal of Molecular Biology, Journal of the Atmospheric For someone who has spent the better part of Sciences, Joumal of Climate, Joumal of Glaciology, Joumal of A]ison Hall Watkins Geophysical Research, Quarterly Journal of the Royal 223 W. Hollyridge Circle the last 24 years being glib for juries, I9m truly Meteorological Society, Climatic Change, Water Resources amazed at how difficult it is to write something Research, Applied Optics, Nature, Science, Proceedings of the Peoria, Ill. 61614 about all those years, but I'1l try. National Academy of Sciences, Reviews of Geophysics, Home.. (309) 682-0388 After graduation I took up residence in Advances in Space Research, and Encyclopedia of Earth System Science. Also two books about clouds. Greenwich Village while attending NYU Law OccupafI'On.I Unempl. at present. CorneJJ Major.I Nursing School. Frankly, law school was tedious. I had (Nursing). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.a MSN; MPH Univ of S. Flonda. In 1954 my third grade class was assigned to Spouse.a George M. Vandebilt. ChJ'Jdren.I Laura, 4/18/69, U. of exchanged the excitement and stimulation of Hawali,1992; Erica,ll/23/71, Franklin & Marshall,1994. write our autobiographies up to that date. I made Cornell for a highly competitive environment AffJ'/I'atr'OnS & Acfjvifjes.-Tennis, Swimming, Golf. mine fictitious. I wrote about my travels from where achievement was paramount. Not so at Africa to South America, and my exploration of Comell, where achievement was stressed, but so Antarctica, all supposedly completed before the were other aspects of personal development one age of eight! simply cannot learn from a book. My fascination has really always been with I married Sena Gottlieb (Home Ec '67) during geography and climate. But lacking an earth- that time and we settled into a 6tBarefoot in the science course in high school, my favorite subject Park'7 type apartment in the West Village, tucked was chemistry, which I continued at Cornell. For away behind a garden. Caught up by years of a decade after Cornell I followed the straight- Perry Mason fascination, I joined the Brooklyn and-narrow path, with just a two-month interlude District Attorney9s Office where as an Assistant for draft-dodging, and occasional long vacation D.A., I prosecuted a broad range of felonies until trips (to Alaska, Utah and Siberia). I continued in the mid-seventies when we moved to Califomia chemistry for a Ph.D., then went to Germany as a for a time. Fate and opportunity brought us back postdoc to work with a group solving the atomic to N.Y. where I found my way into medico-legal structure of a virus. litigation which I specialize in today. I quit my job at Brandeis (molecular biology) I have worked for New York9s largest firms, in 1977 to take a four-month trip across Africa by first representing physicians and major hospitals truck. Then I went back to my first love. Luckily and presently trying plaintiff9s medical I was able to change careers without having to malpractice cases. return to graduate school. I went as a postdoc to We have two great kids: David 16 and Lindsey the National Center for Atmospheric Research Georgia Green Weinstein 13. Both are talented in their own rights. He9s the (NCAR) in Colorado to retrain in atmospheric 26 Sherbume Road scholar with interests that run to the unusual. physics. After two years at NCAR and two at the She's the actress and singer who some day will Lexington, Mass. 02173 University of Colorado, I saw the announcement Home.. (617) 862-2751 realize her dreams, we hope. for the job opening in Seattle. If I had been given I9ve been very fortunate. For this, I am very OffI'Ce.. (617) 353-4593 an assignment to write the description of a job I grateful. would like to apply for, this was it, word for OccupafI'On.a College faculty - organic chemistry coordinator, word! Boston University. ComeJJ Major.-Chemistry (Arts & Sciences) I love it here. I now have five really excellent Advanced Degrees.I MIT, PhD '72, MS '72. SpotJSe.I Clifford Weinstein, MIT, BS 965, PhD 969, Electrical Engineer. graduate students who are just delightful to work Chjjdren.® Dena, 6/4/74; Jonathan, 3/9/77; Kenneth, 7/2/81. with. They (and everything else) keep me very Affl'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'VI'fI'eS.a Temple Sisterhood President 80-82. busy. I teach courses in climate, snow-and-ice, Currently public school PTO volunteer, CTY (Center for and atmospheric physics. My research now is the Talented Youth) Volunteer. climatic role of snow and clouds. The research has taken me to Antarctica three times for field Wow -I know it9s corny, but it is incredibly work: with American, Australian, and Soviet hard to believe that it's been almost 25 years! expeditions. Biology and chemistry are now The definite highlight of these years has been my

191 family. I married Cliff Weinstein, an MIT Occupafjon.a Social Worker, Jewish Family & Community my undertakings, and to keep leaming as much as electrical engineer, in 1969, have three children, Service. CorneJJ Major.-Child Development & Family Relations (Human Ecology). Advanced Degrees.-M.S.W. - possible. I am deeply indebted for this. Dena, 17, Jonathan, 14, and Kenneth, 10, andUniv. of Denver. Cfrj/dren.-Renee - 8-3-70, Emory Univ. have enjoyed having my parents live nearby since Atlanta, Ga. 1992; Kevin - 10/2/71, Colgate Univ. Hamilton, 1974. N.Y. 1993. AffI'JI'atr'OnS & AcrjvI®rfeS.a National Assoc. of Soc. After college I went to graduate school at MIT Workers; American Cancer Society. in chemistry. I especially enjoyed living in a coed graduate student dorm - a much more natural social setting than the Comell dorms of the 60's. Cliff and I met at an MIT graduate student mixer run by one of my Ashdown House friends. One of the most attractive things about him was that he appreciated my scientific ability and wasn9t at all intimidated by my being a graduate student in chemistry - in fact he liked it. I was lucky to arrive at MIT at a time when women had been Iris Roshfeld Weiss fully integrated into the community (ours was 306 Highview Drive only the second class of women in chemistry to Chapel Hill, N.C 27514 be allowed to teach in the classroom or lab). I Home.. (919) 967-4185 particularly enjoyed my courses in nutritional Richard Weisman Office.. (919) 489-1725 biochemistry and received my doctorate in RD3 Black River Rd. chemistry and masters in nutritional biochem in Bethlehem, Penna.18015 OccLIPafjOn.I Education Research - Horizon Research, 1972. Inc.ComeJJ Major.I Science Education (Agriculture). Advanced Home.. (215) 861-0346 My first teaching position was at Boston Degrees.-MAT Harvard,1968; PhD University of North University and I have worked there for most of OffI'Ce.. (215) 758-3557 Carolina of Chapel Hill l974. Spouse.-Stephen F. Weiss, Ph.D. l970 -Cornell Univ. Dept of Computer Science; Chairman my career. I was definitely "mommy-track", and occupafjon.- university Professor, Lehigh University. ComeJJ univ of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill Dept of Computer Science. although there are days when I regret that I didn9t Major.a Civil (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.- MS & PhD, ChI'JdreJI.-Jeremy,12/1 I/77; Danie111/18/81. continue to research and become a tenured comell. spouse.a Melody, Middle School Guidance Counselor. professor somewhere, I also can't imagine children.~ Dalv±d, 8124n3-, Pe`er, LOIL2n6. Affiliations & Within weeks after graduation I was enrolled missing the great times I9ve had with my kids. I Acfjvirjes.-Many professional societies; active with Boy Scouts; in a program leading to a Master of Arts in Trumpet playing with various musical groups. Honors.I A long taught part-time in the evening for 10 years and list of academic publications. Teaching. One year later, degree in hand, I for the last 4 years have been the organic married Steve Weiss, a Ph.D. student in computer chemistry coordinator. I organize and teach the Sometime in our junior year, I realized that I science at Cornell, and began teaching at Ithaca laboratory portion of our organic courses with the didn9t know very much about my chosen fleld of high school. We both assumed Itd teach for a few help of 14 teaching fellows of diverse study. I hadn't studied much over the first two years until he got his degree, and then settle down nationalities (Chinese - PRC and Taiwanese - years, having gotten caught up in the social scene to having kids, keeping house, etc. Much to the Russian, Saudi Arabian, Indian, Vietnamese and and various distracting activities. I certainly surprise of both of us, I found I very much even some Americans). Only those of you who wasn't ready to go forth into the 6real world9. wanted a career and decided to go back to school took organic lab with me at Cornell can really There ensued a desperate attempt tO Catch uP. By for a Ph.D. in science education. appreciate how funny it is that I am now running the time graduation rolled around, I had finally In 1974 I went to work at the Research an organic program - I have great sympathy for found an academic subject that excited me. There Triangle Institute, one of the national "think the students! was only one alternative - stay at Cornell for tanks". Twelve years later I decided to take the One of the nicest things we9ve done as a graduate school. It might also keep me out of the plunge and start my own company, Horizon family over the last few years has been to take War. Research, Inc. Most of our work is for the baseball 66road trips'9. My kids are all sports fans, A few Cornell faculty members must have National Science Foundation, including policy and I arranged for us to travel through the perceived a spark, however dim, and they studies to help NSF figure out how to increase its Midwest (Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, etc.) accepted me, provisionally, into a Masters leverage in the field. and west coast (from Seattle south) seeing We did finally decide to have kids. Jeremy,13, program. Finally, I had a direction in life. baseball games in every city we visited. Of Because I felt passionate about it, I flourished. is quite the math whiz; he recently placed sixth in course rooting for the Red Sox is always The best reward was getting to stay at Cornell the country in the MathCounts competition. disheartening and now we've seen them lose in with its marvelous facilities, people, the Mostly he's a healthy, normal teenager, Milwaukee and Oakland as well as in Fenway. countryside, and the profound political events alternating between being incredibly endearing churning around us. It was such a good life, I and astonishingly obnoxious. Our younger son, stayed for a PhD. Daniel, has been a handful from the beginning. Along the way, I moved to the country and Born with a rare chromosomal disorder, he has a leamed to garden, flSh, hunt, name the trees and variety of developmental delays and medical wildflowers. I found a woman who is strong and needs. Daniel is a charming, loving, and loveable determined, and has high expectations of herself child, but requires a level of attention that is and me, something I needed then and now. I cried pretty wearing. We don9t know what's in store when my nine year sojoum in Ithaca ended. I had for the future, and worry a lot about it. arrived as a confused and pretentious 17-year-old Basically my life is like that of so many of my and I came out the other end quite determined friends - a giant juggling act with so many and with some useful skills. things in the air at any given moment I'm afraid The rest of the story is somewhat typical: to slow down lest they all come crashing down! married life, children, job changes, friends, the Ronni Klorman Weinstein death of the older generation, vast political and 682 Mallard Ln. technological changes. I feel so fortunate to have Deerfield, Ill. 60015 a wife and children who love me and a profession Home: (708) 537-7371 that suits me. The forging process of my stay at Comell has given me the desire and the tools to OffI'Ce.. (708) 392-8820 participate fully in society, to flnd satisfaction in

192 David Welch Richard Weldgen, Jr. 9 Luzeme Pl. 396 Embury Road Lawrence E. Wiesen 60 Margarita Drive Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 Rochester, N.Y. 19625 Sam Rafael, Calif. 94901 Home.. (518) 793-7603 Home.. (716) 671-5214 Home.. (415) 258-0817 Office.. (518) 798-0767 OffI'Ce.. (716) 223-8855 OffI'Ce.. (415) 899-3717 OccupafI'On.- Physician, Self-employed. CormeJJ Major.I Farm Occuparjon.a Landscape Contractor, Lawn Specialist, Mgt. & Finance (Agriculture). Advanced Degrees.I MD Temple, Woodlawn Landscapes Unltd, Inc. ComeJJ Major.- Landscape OccupafI'On.a Executive Vice President, Fireman's Fund l971. Spouse.-Mary Arnold Welch, Cornell, Home Ec '67. Design (Agriculture). Spouse.a Mattia, Hairdresser. ChjJdren.I Insurance Company. CormeJJ Major.a Psychology (Arts & ChjJdreJ].I Brian, 9/12/71, Middlebury, '93; Peter, 9/5/72, Marist Richard Ill, I 1/10/69, Attending Comell as Grad 1996; Franz, Sciences). Advanced Degrees.I M.A. & Ph.D. - Case Westem 994; Katie, 8/30/73, Middlebury '95. 3/21/71, Attending R.I.T.1994. Affi'JI'afI'OnS & AcfI'V1'fI'eS.' Reserve University, M.B.A. - New York University. Spouse.I Secretary & Treasurer Cornell Club of Rochester, President Judy Wiesen, Case Western Reserve (BA), NYU (MA), Children's Theater Productions. ChjJdren.a Erie 1975, Marin Life has changed since college. Genesee Society of Professional Landscapers, Director NYS Lawn Care Assoc., Director Garden Center of Rochester, Academy; David9 1977, Marin Academy; Jeffrey,1980, Though fun, the memories of the past give way Director Univ. of Rochester. Honors.' Davidson Middle School. Affl'JI'afI'OnS & Acfjvl'fI'eS.I Marin to the present and future. Outstanding Exterior Lighting Designer 1989, l990 by General Hospital, Board, Marin Symphony, Board, Marin The past 20 years have been full of raising 3 Rochester Gas & Electric, lst place in National Landscape Community Bank, Board, Sam Rafael Little League, President. children, now all in college. They now are Lighting Contest,1986; 1st place Landscape Maintenance Honors.I Beta Gamma Sigma, Business School Honorary. Award l986 by Genesee Finger Lakes Nurserymen Assoc. enjoying the favors of their efforts and we can Following graduation, I continued writing settle back into a quiet home. I9ve had a very successful career for the past The future holds plans for more volunteer papers, taking tests and getting degrees through 25 years and I thank Cornell for the education 1978. A masters and a doctorate from case work, moving away from skiing and other that gave me the confidence to make it happen. Western Reserve led me to a job with American activities which related to raising kids and on to I9ve remained active with cornell as a Board Express Company in NYC. While there, I added community service etc. member of my local Cornell Club, working on The beauty of a well rounded education lies in an MBA at NYU. Astonishing both friends and various fund raisers, working with Cooperative what we can give back to others now and in the family, I rose to the level of Sr. VP before being extension, returning to campus for updates in future not in not in dwelling on the past. The best asked to relocate to Fireman's Fund Insurance horticultural research and now as a cornell of life is yet to come. Co., a subsidiary in Sam Francisco. I am presently parent. My eldest son is a graduate student in the completing my seventh year here as an Exec. VP. English department, where he is working for his My future plans will probably involve an exit PhD. from corporate life to try running a small I guess celebrating my 25th reunion is business. somewhat surprising since I've never really left I met Judy at CWRU where she was an Comell. undergraduate. We were married in 1970, after which she earned a masters degree from NYU and I went looking for a job. After teaching for five years, Judy took a few years off, and we started a family. Erie was born in 1975 and is now a junior at Marin Academy. David, bom in 1977 is a freshman there. Jeffrey arrived in 1980 and is in the sixth grade. Judy resumed her career a few years ago and now has two areas of focus. Mary Arnold Welch She is heavily involved in children's theater 9 Luzeme Pl. where she serves as musical director for five or Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 six productions each year. In addition she has a Home.. (518) 793-7603 business in which she counsels and refers offI'Ce.. (518) 798-0815 children and their parents regarding summer Ellen Jarschauer White camps and trips. OccupafI'On.- Business Manager, Northem Management SVC 2806 Coleridge Rd. The whole family has fallen in love with the (owner). ComeJJ Major.- Textiles (Home Ec.). Spouse.' David Bay Area, and couldn't imagine living anywhere Welch, M.D., Cornel1 '67, Physician. ChI'Jdren.a Brian, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 else. I have become involved in various Middlebury '93; Peter, Marist '94; Katie, Middlebury '95. Home.. (216) 932-2674 Affiliations & Activities.-Wa.rren Co. Long Term Care community activities and find them both Coalition, Glens Falls Area Habitat for Humanity. Occupafr®on.- Homemaker. ComeJJ JWajor.- Fine Arts, painting interesting and rewarding. I am on the boards of (Architecture).Spouse.I Kendall G. White, Comell, Arch. '67, our local hospital, our symphony orchestra and a Cornell was fun but it9s behind me. The past Architect. ChI'jdren.I Leah, 5/5/75; Naomi, 8/16/78. local bank. In addition, I am completing my 20 years have been dedicated to raising our 3 fourth year as president of our town's Little children and building a career. League. I am also a student pilot making slow Celebration of success should be for ongoing progress toward my private pilot's license. progress - 23 years of successful marriage. 3 Everything considered, I feel very lucky. I happy healthy kids and continued service to have a great family. Judy's a terrific partner. My society are far more glorious reasons to celebrate career turned out orders of magnitude better than than simply graduating 25 years ago.

193 I ever expected, and our future prospects leave Georgetown U. We bought a house 66with little to be desired. It all started at Cornell. I can9t potential" on Capitol Hill and spent the next 25 imagine the difference in my life if I had attended years "fixing" it up. It was an interesting time to a lesser institution. live in DC, and we witnessed a lot of history in the making. Our children, Kate, Chris and Matt were born and raised in the city, attended public and parochial schools where they learned important social lessons, as well as the 3 Rs. Because of this, they are much more open- minded and liberal than their Midwestern suburban peers. Although I left the 66working" world when Kate was born, I rejoined it when offered a wonderful position at Children's Hospital. I set Christopher D. Williams up a model library program, now copied in most 12711 Old Oaks pediatric hospitals, where parents could get Houston, Tex. 77024 information about their children9s problems. I Home.. (713) 461-9072 Ralph V. Wi]helm, Jr. loved working with the patients and staff there. In OffI'Ce.. (713) 658-5509 addition, I also set up a library for Candlelighters 233 Mill Farm Road Cancer Foundation and did work for a health care OccuparJ'On.- Senlor Vice President, First City Asset Servicing Noblesville, Ind. 46060-9702 association. Co. CorJ]eJJ Major.- Labor RelatlOnS (ILR). Spouse.- Carolyn Home.. (317) 773-6581 willlams, univ. of Texas. CTh,-Jdren.-Michael Anthony, Univ of After working for a congressman and lobbying Texas (Plan II) '92; Georgla Elizabeth. Memorial High School OffI'Ce.. (317) 451-0375 for two associations, Bob decided to work in the '92. Hoflors.' US Patent D31665 I private sector, so we moved to a 66burb" of Oct>upaf,'oJ].I Engineering Manager, General Motors Corp. Dayton. After six years the kids have forgiven us About seven years after graduation, which ComejJ Major.a Electrical Engineering (Engineering). Advanced Degrees.I PhD., Ceramic Eng. Rutgers Univ, l97l; MBA, Unlv for the move and actually like it here. Instead of followed three years in the Army, marriage, the of Michlgan, 1987. Spouse.-Katharine Foote Wilhelm, Keuka working, I've volunteered for various groups, birth of my son, now 21, and the birth of my college, '67; Retail Bookkeeping, Florist. ChjJdren.I Heidi A., dabbled in the arts and crafts, got a brown belt in gorgeous daughter, now almost 18 .... about l2/4/68, Cornell Univ., B.A. '9l; Peter D., 3/l2/7l, Cornell TaeKwonDo, earned a Master Gardener 1974, I was in my second year with Dresser univ., B.A. '93. AffJ-JI'afl-OnS & AcfI'Vjf,eS.I Lambda Chi Alpha social Fraternity; numerous technical & professional certificate, had a cchobby job' ' at a garden center. Industries personnel and was responsible for organizations. Now I am thinking of plunging back into the giving retirement advice to workers who had working world, after this six year sabbatical; but been with the same company for 30 or more I'1l miss the time spent in my gardens and years. I'1l never forget the common comments exploring my creative side. given by those about to retire: c 6It seems like only yesterday that ... ". Well, I'm not about to retire but it seems like only yesterday that my children were born; that I was with Dresser in Dallas, Connecticut, Brussels then Houston. That I decided to venture out on my own when the excitement and challenge went out of my Houston-based job as Personnel Director for an intemational division, one of whose travels took me regularly to England and France and once to South Africa. Carolyn Crouse Willard Since leaving Dresser in 1985 I have overseen 9250 Clyo Rd. (and in some cases owned) businesses that Spring Valley, Ohio 45370 include a start up / invention with Cornell partner Home.. (513) 885-7433 Margaret Willers Raymond Randolph (969) called the 66Fantastic 875 E. Park Air Machine"; several full-service car washes; a occupafjon.- Librarian, Queen of the Domicile. ComeJ/ Major.- 250-seat restaurant; a 313-room hotel; a marina; Long Beach, N.Y. 11561 English (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.I M.L.S. Univ. of Michigan. an FBO; a couple of country clubs; a spouse.I Robert, Georgetown Univ. '66, Director of Home.. (516) 889-1197 development and lots of real estate. To put it all Government Markets, Mead Data Central (Lexis-Nexis). OffI'Ce.. (516) 391-5303 c'hj'Jdren.-Kathryn, 9/l6/72, Bellarmine College, '94; in perspective, most of these businesses are christopher, 7/6/75; Matthew, 2/6/79. AffJ'JI'afl'OnS & Acrl'vitr'es.I owned by the bank for which I work. It has been occupafjoJ].-Banker, CltiCOrP Establishment Services. Comer/ Assoc. for Care of Children's Health -Congressional LlaSiOn Major.I Psychology (ILR, Arts). Advanced Degrees.I Comell, fun! (D.C. Chapter), Member Book Award Commlttee, Library MBA. '71. Spouse.I Robert L. Smith, Strath Clyde Univ. 964, But what is most significant? My second program, children in Hospitals Week, Preschool Hospital Joumalist. program, Volunteer. Planned Parenthood Assoc. of Dayton, marriage, to Carolyn, and, at her gentle children's Hospital National Medical Center Volunteer; New prompting, the birth of my Christian faith. The Neighbor's League of Dayton, Twigs, Dayton Child Hosp. development of my children, the older of whom volunteer, cox Arboreteum . HoJ]OrS.- Published: How To was high school valedictorian of a class of over Establish A Family Resource Library. Subject Bibliography of the Health Resource Collection in the CHNMC Family Library. 600 and was just nominated for 66outstanding student" at the University of Texas. The younger My career plans changed in my senior year, is soon to graduate from Memorial high school thanks to Professor Shinagel and his wife. With and may want to be a teacher'. The people with their encouragement I went to U of Michigan and whom I have come in contact in so many got my Masters degree in Library Science. Since different walks of life. But the best and closest of I enjoyed working with children, I spent the next these folks are still the Cornellians with whom I five years working as a children9s librarian, first went to school over 25 years ago. in Philadelphia and then in Arlington, VA. A blind date set up by Kris Loeber '661ed to marriage to Bob Willard, a graduate of

194 991 and an account executive with MCI. Shep is the chimes every night. I hope that still is a at penn State 994 and a member of its ice hockey Cornell tradition. Does anyone else remember team, and Tale will be a junior at Centerville looking forward to the Rolling Stones concert High School. He9s a member of the high school immediately following a football game one year - baseball and ice hockey teams and a possible but feeling afterward like the Cornell audience Cornellian 997. I have truly enjoyed their growth and the Rolling Stone style didn9t quite mesh? I over the years. confess to "borrowing" cafeteria trays to use as Three years ago we moved to Dayton for a sleds on libe slope. And going to the library of an new chapter in our history. Peter is now with evening to study but more so to pick up other General Motors, a friction materials expert, and information - important stuff like who sat next to an engineer who really does love engineering! I who - to bring back to the late night discussion in am now employed outside the home (a dubious the fraternity house parlor. I never could quite Phyllis Steinberg Wilson honor) at the Humane Society of Greater Dayton. figure out how some of the students I knew were talented enough to get accepted into Cornell, but 28 Scott Circle I do a multitude of office tasks, some media work not smart enough to stay in. One memory we all Purchase, N.Y. 10577 (TV star'.) and lots of animal intake and adoptions. My love for these homeless and still share a clear vision of is exactly what we Home.. (914) 682-8461 unwanted animals makes the tasks worthwhile. were doing on that November day of our OffI'Ce.. (914) 423-1996 Twenty-four years have flown by and Cornell freshman year when the president died. memories are among my most special ones. I Now that the reunion has gotten me thinking Occupafjon.I Social Worker, Yonkers Youth Connection. can't wait to relive them with my friends at about my college days, maybe its time to renew CorJ]eJJ Major.I Child Development (Home Economics) / Advanced Degrees.- Fordham Univ. MSW. Spouse.' Manuel reunion. old ties. What ever happened to you, Tim Wilson. ChjJdren.a Kenneth, 9/10/68, Univ. of Rochester, 1990, Meeker? and Gilk? And ... ? BA, Attending Boston Univ. for MBA, expected l993', Rebecca, 3/12/71, Cornel1, Will graduate l993; Craig, 12/31/78.

Stephen Withrow 123 Clark Lane Dale Witwer Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 55 North Pointe Circle Bonnie Kupchak Winckler Home.. (615) 483-4427 Lake St. Louis, Mo. 63367 6642 Statesboro Rd. Office.. (615) 576-6719 Home.. (314) 625-4965 Off]'ce.. (314) 694-3113 Dayton, Ohio 45459 OccupafI'OJ].I Physicist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. CorneJJ Home.. (513) 436-1282 Major.I Engineering Physics (Engineering). Advaflced Degrees.a Occupafjon.I Plastics Division Business Director, Monsanto. OffI'Ce.. (513) 262-8091 MS, Ph.D. in Physics, UnlV. Of Illinols. Spouse.' Lols Withrow, CormeJJ Major.I Chem. Eng. (Chemical Engineering). Advanced Hanover Col., Hanover, IN, l967, Housewife and German Degrees.I MBA, University of Pittsburgh. Spouse.- Sue Kaier Teacher. CThjJdrer].-Kate, 4/8/75; Susan, 9/1 I/78; Ellen, 4/1/84. Occupatr'on.I Office Staff, Humane Society of Greater Dayton. Witwer, Elmira College, Sales. ChI'Jdren.-Glen, 5/1/70, St. Affl'JI'afjOnS & AcfjvI'fjeS.I Girls Incorporated of Oak Ridge ComeJJ Major.a Clothing & Textiles (Human Ecology). Spouse.a Anselm, 6/92; Todd, 1/5/72, St. Anselm, 6/94. Affl'JI'afjOnS & Peter S. Winckler, Cornell,1967, Senior Engineer, Delco (President), Methodist Church, American Physical Society, Ac£jvifjes.a Society Plastics Industry, Partnership for Plastics Materials Research Society, Youth Sports Coach. Moraine, General Motors. CThjJdren.a Gunnar, 4/30/69, UnlV. Of Progress. Honors.-Author Cover Story September '89, Michigan, l991; Shepard,1/4/72, Penn State 1994; Tale Chemical Engineering Magazine 66Plastics -From Pellets To 6/ll/75, Centerville HS, 1993. AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & Acfjvjfjes.- It's possible to have memories of four great Products" Church Vestry, New Neighbors League Board, Pres. Centerville years 66far above Cayuga's waters", of lots of Hockey Assoc., Hockey Scheduler. good times with friends - but after 25 years have What9s been important to me over the last 24 no real continuing ties to Cornell. I know. That9s years .... sounds like a pretty heavy question. The Shortly after graduation I married Peter me. Except for several years following answer for me can be summed up by a relatively Winckler (Cornell engineering '67) and we short array of words .... family, courage, headed for Birmingham, MI and Peter's new job graduation, when I lived with two college friends at graduate school in the Midwest, and a few intensity, humor, character, honesty, faimess, and with Eaton Corp. We spent twenty-one Christmas cards at the end of the sixties, I9ve had sensitivity. The real importance for me has been wonderful, busy years there and I felt privileged almost no contact with those with whom I daily how well these traits have become folded into my to have been able to stay at home and raise our spent my college time. sons9 approach to life. My reading of them at sons during that time. I had several part-time jobs My loss. But I won9t admit to a lack of good ages 21 and 19 is that I7m extremely proud and then - some relating to my clothing and textile friends and fortunes since. I'm happily married can't wait for the future to see what happens training and others not. The bulk of my time and for twenty years, have three daughters as a result next! talents went into school and sports-related of it, don't mind at all going to work as a scientist Twenty-four years of family news would activities with the boys. at Oak Ridge National Lab, and stay busy I'm sound like this .... both sons are ice hockey We found ourselves caught up in all the usual sure with all the same types of things you busy players and attend Saint Anselm9s on athletic school functions, music lessons, and youth group yourselves with. scholarships, Sue spent the early years instilling schedules, but with Peter coaching and me, the But what are some thoughts that I can pull up those values I mentioned earlier and making sure number one sports fan, at least twelve of those now from my college days? I remember playing the kids got to hockey practice, she now works as years revolved around baseball, soccer, and ice mudball between the freshman dorms before the an independent Sales Agent, lived for 22 years in hockey. Ice hockey, especially at the travel level, Brown game - I can9t forget it since my middle Springfield, Mass., worked for Monsanto in becomes an all-consuming family activity. finger is forever enlarged as a result of its being various manufacturing positions, transferred last Gunnar is a graduate of the Univ. of Michigan dislocated. I loved hearing ctEvening Song" on year to Monsanto9s headquarters in St. Louis,

195 boating and water skiing are new hobbies at our (remember Strangefinger?) seeking excitement had to admit what Itd denied for so long - Yes, I lakeside home, still into classic cars, miss family not boring stability. At age 29 I gave up that did want to be an elementary teacher, and I got a and friends in New England. dream and with sons I I months and 5 years old, Masters degree in Education from the University Remember .... SAE, the Party Weekends, milk left to finally face the world. of Wisconsin. I traded in my job as an answering service punch (what was in that stuff anyway?), circle Fell into copywriting. Disdained advertising dances, the Bug, Bleach Boys, roomies at the but feeding kids became more vital than operator!!! to become a 5th grade teacher in apartment on the lake and Lansing, standing on convictions. My career really began when I Andover, Mass. 4 years later, after marrying Garman9s shoulders as Gogalak kicked record specialized in financial direct mail and made Steven Guggenheim ('66) I moved to field goals, the Brothers (all of you), the Team partner in a small agency (loved being the boss) Westchester County, New York and taught for 12 (all of you), and best friend Chuck. It was a time ... and took off when I joined a large NYC years in the fancy suburb of Edgemont. It was a of work, frustration, fun and fantasy! ! ! agency ... then became CD for a producer of drug wonderful job - enthusiastic kids, cooperative and sex education videos (finally doing parents and enough praise (which a truly evolved something worthwhile) ... to a TV marketer person wouldn't need, of course) to make me feel selling anything from woks to cosmetics On late valued. night cable. Teaching was the way I defined myself and I Kids have more than satisfied my appetite for couldn't imagine life without it. Then, 4 years excitement. Jason's Senate scholarship to Japan ago our daughter Cynthia was born and my has given us a wonderful extended family. attachments to school evaporated and were spencer9s desire to host a Japanese student for a replaced by even more compelling ones. I was, year brought us a new son and brother. and am, stunned by the power and confusion of After years of "soap-OPera" romances parent/child relationships as seen from the other ¢uggling career and kids was hard enough - I perspective. (Will she too sit in Chinese kept dropping the relationship ball) I married my restaurants with friends as they complain about mother's dream. Only this Yalie doctor turned their mothers?!) out to be a brilliant con artist. Poorer and wiser I She's a charming blessing and her existence Bill Wohlson learned once again you can only count on has made demands on my maturity that I hope 3 Concord Drive someday to reach. yourself. East Granby, Conn. 06026 This year: Jason graduated Georgetown, works Motherhood has allowed me time to pursue a in NYC and is contemplating law school ... different path. My new part-time career as an occupatj'on.a Resident Engineering Manager. Advanced Spencer, the one with earrings (We got Our adjunct professor at Long Island Univ. - Degrees.' Combustion Engineering. Spouse.-Nan. CThI'Jdren.- westchester campus, teaching teachers how to Kathy, 2l, Sr. Drew Univ.; Barbi,16, Jr., High School. second ones together) and long/braided/shaved hair, is seeking a college that appreciates his teach math to elementary students is wonderful. creative talents. I9ve joined an exciting new The students are delighted to learn tO un-dO the instructional division at Scholastic located right wrongs that were done to them in their own near washington Square where I hung out during personal math education and it's fun for me to be a missionary without having to leave home. graduate school back in 1968. As this phase of my life Winds down, I realize As for my character, I'm pretty much the same that, like that neighborhood, I may have changed old me, a bit less of a risk-taker and less outwardly over the past 25 years, but the inner judgmental. I used to be pretty sure about THE fire and energy remains. And now I can9t wait for RIGHT WAY for everyone and it9s refreshing to the adventures ahead! not have that responsibility anymore. I'm excited and a bit nervous to see Old friends and classmates. I'm afraid that all of you will look exactly the same and only I will have aged. will we remember the same important events in Carol Farber Wolf our shared lives? My fondness for those years 103 Gedney St. Apt lC makes me eager to see you all again. Nyack, N.Y. 10960 Home.. (914) 358-1141 OffI'Ce.. (212) 505-3014 occlJPar,®On.I Director of Promotion, Instructional Publishing Group, Scholastic, Inc. CorneJJ Major.- Chlld Development/English (Home Ec.). Advanced Degrees.- M.A. Educational Theatre, NYU '68. ChjJdren.-Jason Abram, 5/3l/69, Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service '9l; Susan Wo]man spencer Brian, 3/l2/74, Nyack High School '92. Affi/I'afjOnS & 109 Argyle Ave. Acfjvjfjes.-Youth for Understanding Host Family, Women's Direct Response Group, Comell Alumni Ambassador Network New Rochelle, N.Y. 10804 Interviewer. Honors.' Catalog Age Silver Award: Excellence in Home.. (914) 633-6991 catalog Marketing. Advertising Club of Westchester: Award of Excellence Book Design. No-Load Mutual Fund Gold Award: occupation.- Tea.chef. Comell Major: Govt. (Arts)_. Adva_ncpd overall Excellence in Marketing Communlcation. Degrees.I MS, U. of Wisconsin. Spouse.a Steven Guggenheim Robert Wood '66, Psychologist. ChjJdren.-Cynthia Wolman Guggenheim, 1219 Warwick Place After 25 years I'm ready to start all over again. 2co5. Affj'/jar,'ons & Ac,jvl'fjes.I National Councll Teachers of Enriched by my children ... cherishing Mathematics. Honors.I 66Beat Math Basic Blues'' in Teacher; Allentown, Penna.18104 a cThe Wonders of Weaving Math'I in Teacher. friendships and working harder to maintain them Home.. (215) 398-8103 than ever before ... saddened by the loss of too OffI'Ce.. (215) 395-9490 many close friends and relatives ... enjoying a To contemplate the changes that have occurred challenging and rewarding career. A lot more over the last quarter-century is a challenging task. occupafjon.I Presldent, Food Service Mgmt., The Wood Company. ComejJ Major.- Hotel & Restaurant Mgmt. (Hotel). eager to face the world. what has remained of the 66Cornell Me," what has been gained or lost? My major in govemment Spouse.- Polly, Fine Artist. ChjJdreJ].- Damian, 8/2/72; Jonas, How I hated to leave Comell ... I wasn9t ready lO/3l/8l. for the real world. Married Jon Wolf '65 gave me the possibility of a job doing research in the philippines. When that fell through, I finally

196 opportunity to spend more time with my parents enjoyable hours with friends in old damp, dim than I had in many years. However, after five caves. Although many might find it years in the Mid-West, we were ready to retum to inconsequential, one of the highlights of my california where we are now living in Pasadena. oenologica1 life occurred when I was inducted since then, we have endured two earthquakes, into the confrerie des Chevaliers du Tastevin at taken up golf and both refocused our career the clos de Vougeot in France. Are there any paths. My real estate services flrm iS trying tO flX other members in our class? the problems of the past years, and I am directing 1968 was also the year that I started working some of my current efforts to Eastem Europe. for Hewlett Packard. This has provided me with a All in all, the last 24 years have been a time of very stimulating and exciting series of growing. They have provided fantastic assignments. Although it may not be common, experiences and a lot of laughs. Most memorable nor popular, or maybe even the most financially are the people - an unimaginable cast of rewarding to work for the same company for 24 David Louis Worrell inspirational leaders, charlatans and other years, HP has clearly provided my family and me 1469 Rose Villa Street astonishing characters. Hopefully, something with many exciting experiences. After spending Pasadena, Calif. 91106 rubs off from each experience. I can only assume all that time studying to be an Electrical Engineer at comell, I have to admit that I never did hold a Home.. (818) 795-7188 it will all continue. design job at HP. Instead, I was able to put the OffI'Ce.. (818) 792-3375 problem solving skills I developed in the FAX.. (818) 792-3417 Engineering curriculum (and we did have a lot of occupafjon.a president, David Worrell Associates. CorneJJ problems sets, didn9t we) to work solving Major.a Mechanical Engineering (Engineering). Advanced customer problems. Early on, this meant working Degrees.a JD, Stanford Law School; MBA, Stanford Graduate with engineers on how to apply the various HP school of Business. Spouse.- Julianne Shedd Worrell, West Virginia University, l970; Marketing. Aff]'Jjatr'ons & AcfI®VI'tr'eS.I products, later working within HP to develop Califomia Bar Association. Honors.-Tau Beta Pi. longer term business and marketing strategies in various industry marketplaces. In looking back over my post-Comell life, the California in 1992 is a long way from Ithaca most predominant pattem that seems to emerge is 1967: in miles, in years, and in technological one of change. It started with my move to the Sam change. (I7m writing this on an HP Palm`top Francisco Bay Area in the summer of 1967. Computer while flying between Chicago and Sam Flower-power, protest, psychedelics and the David Yewell Francisco. This Palmtop may have more computing power than we had on the entire Jefferson Airplane were in vogue, and the 26885 Taaffe Road campus in 1967!) In spite of these changes, it Stanford graduate school provided a perfect Los Altos Hills, Calif. 94022 environment in which to study more than amazes me what a major impact Cornell Home.. (415) 949-4303 academies. Frequent excursions to the City, the continues to have on us. The friends I made and beach, the wine country and the mountains set a OffI'Ce.. (408) 447-7399 my educational and social experiences prepared me excellently for the life we9ve enjoyed. Comell pattern for the rest of my life. Armed with a JD OccupafjoJ].- Director, Service Industries Marketing, Hewlett weaves some pretty strong ties around most of its and an MBA, and after a year of world-traveling, Packard. ComeJJ Major.- Electrical (Engineering). Advanced skiing, and then exploring Sam Francisco, I Degrees.I M. Engr., Cornell 968. SpoLISe.I Nancy, UCLA, San students. It9s a place that most everyone I know embarked on what could hardly be called a career Diego State, Wife & Mother, PTA President. ChI'Jdren.- Erik, feels strongly about, an institution which injects a 9/19/74, Los Altos HS, Class of '92; Scott, 8/76, Los Altos HS, sense of involvement and commitment. I just path. Class of '94. AffJ'JI'afI'OnS & Actr'vl'fjes.I Peninsula Center for the hope that our sons find the same rich experiences Multinational tax work with Chevron led me to Blind. a small law firm with a global practice in their futures. I hope they9re as lucky as we are. representing an infamous arms dealer; that gave Although 1967 was the year I received my me the opportunity to regularly visit Europe and BSEE, two major events took place in 1968 that the Middle East. The dissolution of my first have been the basis for a very productive and marriage to Barbara was followed not long rewarding 24 years. After meeting a real native thereafter by the dissolution of that firm which Californian; Nancy, during a summer job in Palo brought me to the unenviable position as the Alto, CA. in 1966, we strolled down the church managing partner of a boutique law firm in Sam aisle in August of 1968. We have two wonderful Francisco. We flourished, although my partners sons, Erik -17, and Scott -15. They're not sure if and I knew we would rather be doing other Cornell is for them, something about cold things. I like to think that I used this period of my winters, too far from home, and bad (for them) life wisely - I took up windsurfing, ran my first male/female ratios (they looked it up). Our family marathon, bought a good bicycle, studied cooking has lived overseas twice, two years in Germany seriously, spent a lot of time at Lake'Tahoe and, in the early 70s, and from '85 to '88 near Lyon, most importantly, met Julianne, the love of my France. Our experience in France was especially John Ziegler life. Not being one to wallow in a good thing, rewarding. In addition to being able to travel as a Edgehill House, Chestnut Rd. however, this period ended when Julianne and I family to distant destinations - Kenya, Istanbul, Sewickley, Penna.15143 moved to Chicago where I joined David Greece, as well as closer to home - Rome, Home.. (412) 241-5203 Kantorczyk in the endless pursuit of financing for London, Val D'Isere, our two boys attended OffI'Ce.. (412) 928-1222 our hotel development projects. My multifaceted French school and came home both fluent and ten-year law career had ended (at least for now), accentless in French. (Can9t really say the same occupafjon.- president, Smithkline Beecham. CorneJJ Major.- and we had traded Sam Francisco Bay for Lake for me). In between these times in Europe, we've Economics (Arts). AdvaJ]Ced Degrees.-MBA, Wharton. Spouse.- Michigan. The Indians probably struck a better been able to enjoy the great friends and neighbors vlcki Reid Ziegler, Elmira College, 67, Interior Designer. deal in their sale of Manhattan Island. cJ]jJdren.a Megan, 12/6/68, Duke Univ., 1990, Married to David we have here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Wright; John, 1/29/72, Univ of Hartford, Hartford Conn. '94; Never feeling like we were going to be Somehow during those years in Germany, David,12/27,77, Sewickly Academy '96. Affi'JJafI'OnS & permanent residents, we crammed a full Chicago France, and California, I became a bit of a wine AcfI'VI'fI'eS.I Sailing. experience into our lives. The strong dollar follower/collector/nut, focused primarily on encouraged our Intemational traveling spirit, and French Burgundies. The chase to find the great being closer to Westem Pennsylvania gave me an ones has provided Nancy and I with many

197 Building on my first futile skiing adventures at Greek Peak during my Cornell years, I have finally, after numerous odysseys out west and to Europe, achieved the rank of mediocre skier. And building on years of watching Sea Hunt and a taste of the Deep Blue at Club Med, I have become a passable certified SCUBA diver. During these early years I also discovered the world of The Auction, filling my apartment with a vast collection of what my mother fondly referred to as Junk. By 1978 my collection and my sanity required Victor Zion larger quarters. I made the plunge and purchased W. John Zygmunt 905 Galen Drive (with the help of my friendly local bank) a 200- One Rittenhouse Road Champaign, Ill. 61821 year old Bucks County farmhouse which I have Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 Home.. (217) 352-4883 been restoring ever since (getting ready for the Tri-Centenia1). Over the years I have sustained Home.. (914) 961-1440 OffI'Ce.. (217) 337-3150 my interest in antiques and have validated OffI'Ce.. (914) 961-1442 OccupafI'OJ].- Vitreo-retinal surgeon, Carle Clinic Association. Parkinson's Law -the amount ofjunk rises to fill Oc'cupafjon.a Financial Consultant, Zygmunt & Co.. CorneJJ Cornell Major.-Chemistry (Arts & ScLences). Advanced the available space. Major.I Economics (Arts). Advanced Degrees.I M.B.A., Univ. of Degrees.-M.D., New York Univ. Spouse.I Irene, NYU, '69, By 1988 I was on a roll -still single, still Chicago. Spouse.- Juliet Fauntleroy Johnston, Hollins Coll, Columbia, '71 (MA). ChI'Jdren.-Sara, 6/4/72, MIT '94' Lonny, l971. CJ]jJdren.I Jay, 3/21/83; Russell, l2/21/85. AffiJjafI'OnS & 8/20/73, Wash Univ. St. Louis, 995; Timothy, 6/14/79; Lenore, financially independent, and then it hit - AcrjvifI'eS.a New York Society of Security Analysts; Assoc. for 4/15/81 ; Benjamin, 2/3/84. Hurricane Eileen. I was 42 years old, resolved to Corporate Growth. the single life, content in the knowledge that all women found me totally resistable - all but one, Cornell provided me the critical springboard that is. Before I realized what was happening, for 25 (and I hope even more) great years, which Eileen went from being my secretary at Rohm & seem to be getting better all the time. Haas to being my very private secretary at home. After receiving an MBA from the U. of My life has been a whirlwind ever since. After Chicago, I joined J.P. Morgan's management Eileen and Susan, my then 16-year-old development program. Starting as a financial stepdaughter, were settled in, we decided to put analyst, I entered the Mergers & Acquisitions an addition on the house. We had a contractor department in 1974, at a time when M&A was build the shell and, for the last two years, Eileen still in its infancy, and later became a Managing and I have been doing everything else - electrical, Director. It was as much luck as exquisite timing insulation, sheetrock, flooring, tiling, carpentry, when, in 1989, I joined Nabors Industries, an oil heating, finish plumbing, painting, etc. - Cornell drilling company, as Vice Chairman to assist on engineers are taught to survive. With the end in acquisitions and financial matters -Nabors Donald Zolotorofe sight we are now focussing on another project - subsequently completed two acquisitions and the 600 Sackettsford Road another addition if we're successful. As my stock price more than tripled. I am currently classmates are sending their kids off to college, Ivyland, Penna.18974 spending most of my time at Zygmunt & I'm once again trying to play catch-up. In the best Home.. (215) 598-3065 Company, working largely on bank acquisitions Cornell tradition, we're plugging away at our and investment opportunities. OccupafI'On.' Chemical Engineer, Research Fellow, Rohm and project but the results will be up to a higher My most significant deal was 66merging" in Haas Co. Spouse.a Eileen, Full time housewife, mother, part authority. time Recruiting Assistant Rohm and Haas. ChjJdren.- Step- May 1977 with Juliet Fauntleroy Johnston, a In 1987 I retumed to Cornel1, for the first time daughter, Susan,19, Full Time Teacher's Aide at the Children9s Virginian and graduate of Hollins College. We in about 16 years, to attend my 20th class Leaming Center, Newtown, PA. have two boys - Jay (8) and Russell (5), who are reunion. Within 10 minutes of being back on just starting their school days: I hope they will be After graduation in 1967, as many of my campus it seemed as though I had never left. able to enjoy a college experience like Cornell. friends charged off to make their mark in the Since that time I have retumed each year in the Unfortunately, my golf game has not improved world, I just settled back in for another four years Fall to recruit new chemical engineers to work at from the Cornell years! Although New York has at Cornell, picking up an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Rohm & Haas. As I dwell on my leaming years been great to us, we hope to move to Richmond, Chemical Engineering and finally catching up at Cornell my only regret is that the realization Va. in the next year or so. with the pack in 1971 -a dismal year for job that they were the best years of my life (B.E., i.e. hunting. But, as luck would have it, I finally before Eileen) only came with hindsight - I was landed ajob at Rohm & Haas in Philadelphia and too damn busy at+he time to just sit back and have been there ever since, currently plying the enjoy the experience. Be that as it may, my skills I learned at Cornell in the guise of a partner and I are now looking forward to the 25th Research Fellow. When I began my career as a class reunion. The years seem to be hurtling past chemical engineer, Rohm & Haas had one word with an ever increasing speed so we'1l just have of advice for me: t6plastics" (shades of the "The to work that much harder at seeking out life9s Graduate"). After perfecting my plastic making great experiences. skills for about ten years, I transferred into the Monomers Department where Iove spent the last ten years always careful to avoid making polymers. The work has been interesting, and supplemented with periodic trips to Japan, Europe, (and Houston). Back in 1971, however, financially independent at last, I set out to taste the world, determined that in my twilight years I would not look back and dream of what might have been.

198 Stop Press - More CIassmates

Robert E. Blau Judith Press Brenner James A. Jackson 67 Judson Ave. 1 West 67th St. 2801 Covey Place Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.10522 New York, N.Y. 10023 Piano, Tex. 75093 Home.. (914) 693-4419 Home.. (212) 362-6700 Home.. (214) 608-0415 OffI'Ce.. (212) 346-7182 OffI'Ce.. (212) 595-0300 OffI'Ce.. (214) 692-8735 occupatr'on.I Options Trader, American Stock Exchange CormeJJ Occupafjon.- Media Consultant, specializing in politics and cor- Since leaving the tranquil setting of Ithaca, cojJege.a Engineering, I.E. & O.R. Advanced Degrees.a M.S., porate communications -Press Brenner Communications, Inc. New York, life has been a major adventure for Ph.D., Cornell Spouse.a Ronna Douglas '69 JD '72, attorney Cornell College.® ALr`S, Soc;±ofogy Advanced Degrees: M.B.AL. '90, Columbia U. me. I went directly to the University of Wiscon- ChI'Jdren.a Laura Iris,12/24/80; Sarah Estelle,1/5/86 sin to get my M.B.A. in marketing. While not an On graduation day, I said good-bye to friends and Shivering, trudging uphill from one quad to Ivy League institution, the U of W has many sim- anticipated another four years (it was flVe) at Cor- another with a hip-load of books, pulling my hair ilarities to Comell. It is very liberal; it has a fine nel1. Graduate school was a time for individual over my face when I was unprepared for history academic record; it is situated on three large class (it never worked; I was called on anyway), or, growth and tremendous change at the University lakes; the level of performance of the athletic armed with a spray bottle of water and baby oil, (the Straight takeover, a new president, and a new teams range from exceptional to embarrassing; hockey coach). During this period ofpersonal ques- climbing on top of the Tri-Delt roof to sunbathe in the climate is cold and snowy; and they really tioning, I entered adulthood, and in 1976, I married April. These are only some of the more physical know how to party in Madison. my wife Ronna. images of my Comell experience. I also remem- My business school attendance was funded by I finally left Ithaca in 1972, taught for two bered losing my voice before the French oral, feel- the Consortium for Graduate Study in Manage- years at Stevens Inst. of Technology, and quickly ing unprepared for exams generally, and counting ment for Minorities, a pilot program funded by became disenchanted with academic life: it was the years, months, weeks, days, hours to freedom. both the public and private sectors. I am proud to neither satisfying nor pure. During the next three Sorry, guys. I only looked "gung-ho". Comell was a say that I was a member of the program9s first years, I did corporate planning work at Chase deflnite Shack tOmybred-in-Bucks County system. class and subsequently served on its board of Manahattan, and learned that certain personalities Comell did change my life, as campus university directors. The program is now very successful, are not well-suited for the corporate world. would change the life of any aging adolescent. I having graduated close to 2,000 Hispanic, Native In June of 1977, I threw caution to the wind, became independent, made wonderful friendships, 66discarded" my education, 1everaged myself to and opened my eyes to the huge world I was about American, and African American M.B.A.9s. The female population of the program has grown to the hilt, bought a seat on the Amex, and became a to enter. In essence, I began an individuation process approximately 4597o. professional speculator trading Put and Call that has continued ever since. 6tFreedom with options for my personal account. Fifteen years responsibility" became a fundamental precept for I have also remained close to the Graduate later, after Silver Thursday, takeover fever, the me, affecting not just how I dealt with my life, but Business School in Madison and serve on its '87 crash, and Kuwait, I am still involved in this also how I encouraged others to deal with their lives. board. Our major accomplishment during my crazy business where you can go bust on a At the time, I felt like I studied a lot and in tenure has been the building of a new Business moment9s notice. earnest. In retrospect, after having gone back to School at the University. Laura arrived on the scene in late 1980, and, school recently (1990) to get my MBA, I suspect I After leaving Madison, I moved to New York early in 1986, sister Sarah became our last family only went through the motions then. It may be true City to work for Bristol-Myers in product man- addition. Becoming a parent is the most traumatic that, since the graduate degree cost more than twice agement. If any of you used Excedrin, Ban, and humanizing event of my existence; over what my undergraduate degree cost (and I had to pay Comtrex, or Vitalis, you helped to pay my salary for it this time), I studied harder. It may also be true as those businesses were my r,e~sponsibility. I these past ll years I've finally begun to under- / stand what my own parents must have gone that I had a few more distractions then. (You can flll won't mention much about m'y personal life in through. Ten years ago I began to immerse in the blanks.) Manhattan as I was single and this is a family- myself in community affairs (I'm currently serv- In retrospect, I am grateful for the Comell experi- oriented publication. ing on our local school board), and this is now a ence, all of it. For the academic pressure, the social What is printable is that I renewed my friend- major part of my life. pressure, the opportunities both on campus and after ship with Judith Press Brenner, George It's hard to believe we graduated 25 years ago. campus. Comell girded me with a sense of self- McWeeney, Gabby Durkac, and Sandy Stone. I So what is important anyway? For me it's my worth, a need to be productive, a social conscience, also met Gloria Tarver who became my wife on immediate family, my relationships with people, and a record of achievement at a world-class institu- November 29,1981. The only offspring we've my personal integrity, and my ability to think and tion. I believe these gifts of self-discovery and self- been able to produce so far are Beauregard, act independently of social pressures. development were uniquely possible at Cornell, Xanadu, and Sally. They are standard poodles because ofComell's intense commitment to the indi- that take up more room in our bed than Gloria vidual. And I hope that never changes. and I. 199 ` . + Shortly after marrying Gloria, we moved to Blake School '94; Carolyn, 5-23/78, Blake Neenah, Wis., where I assumed responsibility for School '96 AcfJ'viiI'eS & AffJ'Jjafjons.I Member of the Kleenex facial tissue business at Kimberly- the bar in Calif. and Minn. Clark. Gloria and I were both surprised at how much we enjoyed living in a smaller community. We formed many life-long friendships, became involved with the showing of American Saddle- bred horses (I fell off that horse more times than I care to remember and didn9t win many blue rib- bons but we had a great time) and we took up gof£ ~ it9s a great game but a husband and wit:a should never start playing together. Edward Feldmeier My midlife crisis began in Neenah and I 22 Yeomans Ave. decided that becoming an entrepreneur was my Medford, Mass. 02155 true calling in life. While it may be my true Home.. (617) 391-3968 calling, it has yet to be financially rewarding. Occupation: ALCCOuutZLrlt ComeII College.® Agri- However, I think I am getting close! To prepare John J. Bleiweis 10002 Minbum St. culture, Food Science Spouse.I Joan Lynn, B.S. myself for the new world of running my own 963, music ed., Southwestern Coll., Winfield, company, I accepted a position as vice presi- Great Falls, Va. 22066 Kans.; Master's in music ed. '65, Wichita St. dent of marketing at a small company in Home.. (703) 759-9140 Af£iliations & Activities.- Veterar\s o£ Foreign Williamsport, Pa. I won't try to explain where Office.. (301) 428-5095 Wars, Irish-American Track Club. we lived because it wasn't near anything. OccupafJ'On.a Electrical Engineering Manager, -Keeping physically and mentally healthy I then became president of a small company Comsat Corp. CorneJJ CoJJege.-Engineering, -Surviving the year of combat (1969) in just north of Boston. During my tenure there, Electrical Advar]ced Degrees.-M.E.E. Cornell; Vietnam, as I was drafted by the U.S. Army and Taco Bell came along and made me an offer to ~ M.B.A., Geo. Wash. U. Spouse.I Marjorie Levin was an infantryman there become the Zone Vice President of Operations in -Marrying carefully, thus staying out of Texas. It was an offer I could not refuse so my Bleiweis, U. Md. 967, elem. school counselor many resultant situations that, in the long run, understanding wife and I moved to Plano, Tex., ChjJdren.' Paul S., 6/6/74, Langley H.S., McLean, could have been disastrous for everyone during l991. Va. 992; Seth H., ll/9/75, Thos. Jefferson H.S. '93 involved Affi/jafI'or]S & Ac£I-vifjeS.I IEEE, Comell Soc'y of Since our move to Texas, the entrepreneurial -Building something of a career Engineers, Comell Alum. See. Schools Comm. bug has bitten me again and I have joined a con- -Preparing early for later retirement, so as sulting firm that is oriented toward the acquisi- In looking back over the last 24 years since not at a later time having to depend on anyone tion of small companies. While Gloria is most graduation. I find that 19 of them have been spent (or any organization) else for support supportive, I have promised her that we can real- working for COMSAT Corp. in the field of -The above are in addition to doing many ly unpack the boxes because our future will be in satellite communications. I have found this career day-to -day things to do my own small contribu- Texas - hopefully, Dallas! to be quite challenging and exciting, as it has taken tion to make the world a better place for future Gloria, Beauregard, Xanadu, Sally, and I me aound the world, and afforded me the generations to come. extend a hearty Texas invitation to Class of 967 opportunity to meet and work with different graduates to visit. Judy Brenner has been down people from different lands. and went back to New York without a twang or From Westem Europe to the Far East, on trips cowboy boots. She even had a good time! The lasting anywhere from two days to two months, I Jacksons send their best wishes to all and we have helped bring satellite communications to hope to see you in Ithaca. many countries; in some cases it was acting as consultant, and in others it was actually leading the team that designed, installed, and commissioned the earth station facilities. On the home front, I am the proud father of two handsome boys. One is graduating high school in June and going to Virginia Commonwealth University to study art. The second will graduate V. Roy Lefcourt high school in June 1993 and is contemplating 175 Upper Terrace Cornell, along with many other schools and a Sam Francisco, Calif. 94117 major in computer science or business. Their OffJ'Ce.. (415) 776--0207 activities over the last ten years or so have Charles Moos Occupation.-Lz\wyer3 SOLO Practice Cornell Col- definitely kept my wife and me hopping. 3710 Northome Road /egg.I ILR Advanced Degrees.I J.D., M.B.A., U. of My wife is a full-time elementary school Wayzata, Minn. 55391 Calif., Berkeley Spouse.I Ellen Chaitin, J.D. 970, counselor along with being a part-time mediator Home.. (612) 473-3447 NYU, lawyer CfrjJdreJ].I Adam, 10/25/84, and part-time lobbyist for counseling. It9s been S. F. Day School; Julia, 12/28/89 Affl'JjatioJ]S & OffI'Ce.. (612) 333-1871 difficult to balance home life and business for both Acfjvjfjes.' Bd. of Dirs., Criminal Trial Lawyers Occupafjon.- Self-employed businessman cormeJ/ of us, but it has been very challenging. In the very of No. Calif.; Bd. of Dirs., S. F. J. C. C.; certified College: Arts, govemment Advanced Degrees.' near future, we will be 66empty nesters," to which criminal law specialist. J.D., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley Spouse.I Melinda we are now looking forward, but could prove to be H. Moos, UCLA 966 CfajJdren.-Daniel, 5/8/76, the next challenge.


Visions of 967

202 CLOCKWISE from upper left is a Donlon corri- dor group (thanks to Marsha Beirach Eisen); next is a fearsome foursome from the fourth floor of U Halls 6 (courtesy of Bob Laureno, who's at the upper left with (clockwise) Bill Fitzsimmons, Ed Downey, and Joe Nied); then a view from the Crescent of "freshmen on the field" (provided by Laurel Druce); next a U Halls 2, 2nd floor, west corridor group sent by Jim Brady -they're checking out a rare Beatles record in early fall of '63 (clockwise from top: Jack Jolis, John Hise, Sean (?), Bill Denning, Dave Flyan, Lenny Giambalvo, John Sugrue, Paul Levine, Jerry Nussbaum, and Howie Pat- ton), then the '66-'67 CorneII women's fencing team (from back top: Suzanne Gearhardt, Karen Denton, Sally Nellis Kuehl, Carol Marcus Englander, Marion Apter Quinn, and Mary Marke) -thanks to Sally; next a party at 117 Thurston (NeaI Presant, Micha Abeles, Henry Balser, David Rekosh, and Bob Guldin, who sent the photo); and a corridor group sent by Laurel Druce. 203 Envoi Finding Someone Special to Capture Corne119s Essence

What you9ve read so far should convince in our consciousness? Sure, there was tur- have time to do in four years. you that Cornell remains an enigma; this moil and furor and excitement and a war on Some recollections should make you book is one more effort at putting together while we were there, but we weren9t the first think of things you never did or knew: Did many different pieces of the University - class to experience all that. We did take you ever play broomstick polo or ski Greek views, memories, attitudes, reactions, pic- those times more seriously than other class- Peak? Or were your aftemoons spent over a tures. es, however. Read the responses in '67 pitcher of sours at Jim7s or beers at the Not that many have succeeded at this task. Speaks and you see that we still think about Palms? Consider the span of academic Charles Thompson9s Halfway Down the what9s happening on the issues of women9s recall: for one of us, Comell was the oppor- Stairs caught a whiff of the boozy postwar and minority rights as well as war and tunity to enter literature through Kaske on 940s as the gifted and tragically short-lived Peace. Chaucer and Freccero for Dante; the hotel Richard Farifia 9599s Been Down So Long Jf But it is one attribute which makes it so school taught another of us never to forget Looks like Up fo Me - published while we hard to capture the essence of Comell in an the need of human nature for strict financial were on campus - offers a hazy snapshot of epiphany: the sheer range of different Cor- controls; and a third cites Perry Gilbert and the campus ferment in the late 950s. Comell nells and how hard at times it is - and was William Keeton as leading him naturally to in the '70s is but background for Professor ~ to move among them. a career in biology. Alison Lurie's refreshing War Between ff]e You see this spirit in this book: aggies We all love to argue about famous faculty Tales. talk about not spending enough time on the ornaments: Was Fred Kahn proven right Some even more renowned Hill denizens Arts Quad, engineers bemoan the unrelent- about deregulation when he got the chance never really tried to capture the place in ing discipline of their curriculum, women to test his theories on the nation? Is Allan Bloom9s now bestselling view that only a print. The roaring popular success of LojI®fa wonder whether they should or shouldn9t enabled then-Professor Vladimir Nabokov to few can truly benefit from a classical educa- escape Ithaca -and the U.S. -on the first Playing broomstick tion in the liberal arts correct? Did skeptics George Kahin and Walter LaFeber have it plane out. Morris Bishop '14, in contrast, was on campus forever, but his heart seems polo, skiing Greek Peak, right on Vietnam? Was Thomas Sowell per- to have been in his light verse although his ceptive in his anticipation - during his history of Comell has no challenger. Gradu- pitching souls junior faculty days at Comell - of the lim- ates E. B. White '2l and Kurt Vonnegut '44 have joined a sorority, men still recall not its of affirmative action? chose to write about much else other than making an athletic team, and almost every- For everyone, there was usually one spe- Comell. one wishes they'd had more time to take cial professor, someone who then - and So what is it about the place that keeps it advantage of everything they didn't seem to for most, now - stands for Cornell in the mind of a particular graduate. For Jim Chesire, it was Dan McCal1. For many oth- ers, the late Clinton Rossiter 939 or Harry Caplan or the departed-from-campus Wa1- ter Bems, Allan Bloom, Andrew Hacker, or Donald Kagan filled this role. In '67 Speaks, you read how for many on the ag campus, Stanley Warren or Dan Sisler stirred this spirit. Chem engineers rarely forgot Raymond Thorpe. For many of us, thus, finding one mean- -__--_-f±.==:::,I.,._==_'--.-,==,_ + 4~ ingful member of the faculty brought Cor- .,-,-,-;- 'I//~,_,I. '~-,,-. dy-,rty,-_._-,*-±i**..i:i±=is -,i---,-_ r++-,---'_ -`r.-~..- nell together, if only to this slim extent: at us -`- ___ i.,-_ this key juncture in one9s life, in this spec- "

---,/ aeee ,--,a/,,/ . , life.

"ey,-- F# ______?,:i:..unay,_i,-.,-?.,¢*¥,.+..---.- Memory for me conjures tip two such z .... - mentors and they were very different. One i,, ¬ _- i,,:::.i;:-,..-:,-,,,,,,and |llllll| -=;,;:;*i..::;;.i was Raymond Bowers, a physics professor. Since I never took physics at Comell, I have no idea as to how good he was in his field, but given the traditional strength of the education of undergraduates. In a sense, that department, I'm sure others can attest to his makes Bowers' comparatively early acci- not at his urging: he'd tell those of us who stature there. I met him when he served as dental death - he fell during a mountain- went to talk to him how limiting law school executive vice chairman of the University climbing expedition - all the sadder. would be. And then he conducted all the Faculty Committee on the Quality of Under- Another of our contributors, Ed DeSeve, sections himself and attendance was graduate Instruction. shares my other special professor. For a few required - needless to say, there was no He took this assignment seriously. The - some not even in the ILR school - Dun- one like him. experience of knowing him - I covered the can Maclntyre summed up what college was He was more than remarkable; he was committee for The Sun - made me realize supposed to be about. He was - and I am what the best of the ILR school was when it how concerned the faculty could be about sure, is, in his retirement in Trumansburg - came to educating students who thought how students were taught. Moreover, Pro- a no-nonsense guy who got right to the point they could make this kind of career choice at fessor Bowers wanted the whole University teaching no-nonsense material: social securi- 18. When I think of how much I gained from to take part in the debate over how Comell ty, workmen's comp, railroad retirement, knowing him, I'm even less wistful about could do this fundamental job better. Not public assistance. my inability to take much advantage of Han- only did this make him a whole lot more In the lecture hall, you couldn9t escape nah Arendt9s presence on campus: her lec- attractive than closed-mouth Day Hall types, him. First, he knew everyone9s name, even ture was scheduled at the exact time his was. it led me to appreciate how critical the facul- if there were 200 out there. Second, he was This envoi - and this book - have sur- ty's leadership was in this regard. devil's advocate, urging you to take him on, veyed a whole lot of different Cornells. Professor Pearce Williams9s essay may but insisting that you give reasons, analyze, Come back in June and find or re-find your Persuade you that nobody has done all that support your argument. Not surprisingly, OWn. Yell in leading the University toward better many in his classes became lawyers, though -RBH Class of 1967 -25th Reunion

David C. Kantorczyk Richard B. Hoffman Prosident Yearbook Editor and Judy Silveman Kaufman Class Correspondent Marjorie Greenberg Smith Samuel R. Berger Reunion Leaders Jirrmy Chesire Jean Giovannone Stringham Ronald M. Childress Aff]1nity Group Leader G. Edward DeSeve Sheny M. Carr William A. Galston Vice President and Mark Green Hospitality Leader Nicholas L. Kass 965 MPA 967 Caroline Rigby Graboys Phyllis E. Kaye Secretary and Judith Edelstein Kelman Hospitality Leader Rep. Robert J. Mrazek David L. Worrell Susan MokotoffReverby Treasurer Prof. L. Pearce Williams '49 John E. Alden, Jr. Yearbook Committee Comell Fund Representative and Contributors and General Campaign Co-chair Lawrence Eisen 966 James Bevy Hill Color SepalatiOnS Major Gifts Chair Marsha Beirach Eisen Special Thanks to:- Harvey Kinzelberg Pres. Frank H.T. Rhodes Tower Club Co-chairs Sharon L. Detzer '88 Karen Kaufman Polansky Sue Pike General Campaign Co-chair Murray A. Death 967 Robert H. Bluestein Laura Lynch-Benjanrin Helen Lewis Irlen Cynthia Ford Alan L. Libshutz Tom Hickerson Stephen Rushmore Gould Colman 951 E Lil_I-- Major Gifts Vice-chairs Ellen Harkness Valerie Nicolette '92 Acknowledgements and Thanks to: Candy Harrington 966 The Comellian R. V. Denenberg '64 The Comell Daily Sun Elsie McMillan '55 Comell Alumni News Stephen R. Conn '60

This book is set in a typeface called Times Roman, designed by stanley Morison (1889-1967) for The T1'meS (London) and first introduced by that newspaper in 1932. This book was set, printed, and bound by Walsworth Publishing Co., Marceline, Mo. The editor acknowledges gratefully the particular attention given this project by Doug Billups and Jim Lester at Walsworth. Waiting for You -June 4-7! MAIDEN - MARRIED NAME INDEX Maiden Name Surname Maiden Name Surname MaienName Surname Aaron, Phyllis Mervis Haber, Susan Sussman Nieporent, Cosette Smoller Adler, Judith Hellman Haimila, Paula Levy Niese, Ruth Nellis Allen, Barbara Adams Hall, Alison Watkins Nosworthy, Anne Fischer Apter, Marion Quinn Hall, Sarah Swanson Olshina, Linda Lavine Argus, Sharon Paschos Hansen, Valerie Patten Partridge, Genevieve Kenney Arnold, Mary Welch Haske!, Susan James Paull, Betty Steuer Axelrod, Susan Lemkin Havens, Nancy Havens-Hasty Paulus, Mari Ann Peterson Bamberger, Penelope Fishman Heller, Joan Brown Payne, Nancy Kronenberg Barrett, Jo Grellong Hill, Senetta Koch Perkins, Julia Califano Beirach, Marsha Eisen Holt, Marjorie Heins Pilgrim, Dianne Digilio Bell, Phyllis Jonas Huxtable, Nancy Mohr Plesser, Susan Brenner Bernstein, Janie Fischbach Huy, Patricia Baxter Polakoff, Carol Hall Blaffer, Catherine Taylor Jarschauer, Ellen White Pollack, Roberta Saxon Blaser, Constance Rubin J assem, Kathy Kaplan Powers, Randie Kahrl Blutreich, Arlene Savitsky Johnson, Susan Cassell Price, Jane Brof Bogue, Krist! Hathaway Jossem, Susan Mitloff Ratner, Rita Levin Borin, Jane Grayson Kamhi, Elaine Greenwald Ravitsky, Carol Spar Boyar, Elinor Newman Kane, Susan Strahs Ready, Gail Stephens Brockner, Nora Brower Kaspin, Ellen Henkin Rebold, Janetta Benton Campbell, Judith Dalton Kaufman, Alexandra Raine Reilly, Mary Ann Machanic Cantor, Joanne Larsen Kaufman, Karen Polansky Rempe, Linda MaGee Carroll, Jane Bauer Kaufmann, Gail Siegel Rigby, Caroline Graboys Chitlik, Ruth Coan Keast, Emily Donahue Rimland, Sheila Pohly Chodosh, Meryl Chodosh-Weiss Klein, Carol Hall Rosenfelder, Barbara Scoll Citron, Sara Casher Klein, Doris Hiatt Roshfeld, Iris Weiss Cohn, Julie Lippmann Klein, Joan Cohen Rudin, Suzanne Posner Colmer, Amy Ream Klimpl, Judith Blitz Sack, Anne Heybey Cooke, Carole Johnson Klippert, Katherine Merseth Saltzman, Brenda Ellner Crotty, Susan Delong Klorman, Ronni Weinstein Samalionis, Justine Ross Crouse, Carolyn Willard Klugherz, Laura Seidman Savishinsky, Ann Epstein Deneef, Kathryn Ketchum Kniffin, Ellen Bertone Sawyer, Virginia O'Leary Dewey, Lynn Trimby Knoller, Karen Laureno Schliffer, Ruth Rizzuto Dickason, Theresa Cederholm Koenig, Evette Norton Schmidt, Ellen Greenblatt Dritch, Ruth Salinger Koretz, Kathleen Abeles Schneider, Tia Denenberg Edelson, Joanne Honigman Kreitler, Leslie Stauffer Schwartz, Evelyn Erenrich Edelstein, Judith Kelman Kupchak, Bonnie Winckler Shavelson, Lynne Joiner Erickson, Lynne Krasnauskas Labbok, Dorothy Nixon Sherbet, Anita Kaplan Falik, Nancy Cott Latimore, Marcia Vose Shields, Karen Henes Farber, Carol Wolf Leibowitz, Sally Kitch Shoolman, Sally Mechur Flinker, Marion Brodsky Lewis, Helen Irlen Siegel, Rita Freedman Flood, Anne-Marie So to Limouze, Judy Price Silverman, Judith Kaufman Ford, Sandra Schenkar Mann, Marsha Paller Sloughter, Kathia Miller Forman, Toni Meltzer Martin, Judy Schwartz Smith, Karen Coyote Fowler, Gwynne Briggs Maxsom, Judith Mueller Smith, Patricia MacKinnon Frank, Laurie Krotman Mazur, Ruth Hart Sommers, Anne Tucker Fraticelli, Mary Voss McCracken, Linda Langer Specht, Sandra Rawlings Friedman, Susan Herman McGregor, Martha Dumas Steinberg, Miriam Galston Gaily, Rhoda Spindel McGuire, Phoebe Nichols Steinberg, Phyllis Wilson Garden, Jan Castro McMahon, Linda Meskun Stewart, Susan Speer Giovannone, Jean Stringham Mead, Holly Cappelletto Stilwell, Carol Himes Giventer, Karen Michelson Mindlin, Andrea Laven burg Stone, Susan Thompson Glucksberg, Judith Silverman Minikes, Patricia Siegel Stromberg, Ellen Lautz Goodman, J aye Roter Mokotoff, Susan Reverby Stybel, Beatrice Hoppe Goodman, Susan Feldman Montgomery, Catherine Crary Taber, Jerryanne Bier Gostanian, Emilie Marchant Mosher, Mary Briggs Tanaka, Namie Smith Gottlieb, Sena Warner Moskow, Thea Levey Tyler, Margaret Smith Grace, Jane Ashley Moye,Joyce Cantor Villata, Joyce Baressi Green, Barbara Savage Murphy, Jeanne Thompson Walsh, Sue Palmer Green, Geo~;"gia Weinstein Nagel, Virginia Culver Watkins, Pauline Runkle Greenberg, Marjorie Smith Natter, Jane Stravinski Webb, Helena Valentine Greenslade, Elizabeth Vanderploeg Nellis, Sandra Custer Wendel, Marianne Koch Gurian, Susan Fenster Nellis, Sarah Kuehl Wood, Linda Teague Haas, Diane Kramer Newman, Carole Allen Woods, Elaine Mach tiger This yearbook is individual communication of a personal nature between clas es listed herein. Use of this book for any other purpose, inc! , but not limited to, reproducing and stor- ing in a retrieval system by any means electronic or mechanical, photocopying, or any use of the addresses or other information contained in this book for any mailing, is strictly prohibited.