Manuel Penichet P

Dictionary of meanings generated by INTRODUCTION is an open and collaborative dictionary project that, apart from being able to consult meanings of words, also offers its users the possibility of including new words or nuancing the meaning of existing words in it. As is understandable, this project would be impossible to carry out without the esteemed collaboration of the people who follow us around the world. This e-Book, therefore, was born with the intention of paying a small tribute to all our collaborators. Manuel Penichet P has contributed to the dictionary with 1682 meanings that we have approved and collected in this small book. We hope that the reader is very valuable and if you find it useful or want to be part of the project, do not hesitate to visit our website, we will be delighted to receive you.

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Dictionary of meanings generated by $ en excel $ is the symbol of money generally expressed in pesos or dollars. Pressing that button will be shown this sign preceding any amount that is then written to indicate that it is those currencies. The point will also appear automatically decimal and two digits or more correspond to fractions decimal (cents or centavos)

-p It is likely to be only a letter away from something else by a diaeresis (-). For example: Jae-P, is an American rapper. Ska-p use it instead of quot; quot; escape., etc.

0 es 3 It is the name of a television program in Dominican Republic where there are models very sexy dancing. The name 0 is 3 is a shorthand representation of quot; Zero stress quot; how this program is actually called.

0 killer Not is known exactly what it means, it is probably an invented word. It is the name of a song, a musical group, and even a film. Killer means thug, killer, but also somewhat uncomfortable, compromising, substantial, important. The quot; 0 quot; It could be simply the number zero, whose meaning is nothing or none.

0 positivo In humans, there are different types of blood groups or classification of blood based on the features present on the surface of red blood cells and the blood serum. The two ratings more important to distinguish human blood groups are antigens A, b AB and O and Rh positive or negative factor. Blood group O positive is characteristic of people who do not have the A or B antigens on the surface of red blood cells but have antibodies against both types.

0000 The interpretation of those numbers and the dreams it know by full. According to some authors, the numbers is the language with which will communicate them angels. The series 000 or 0000 is a reminder of that is one with Dios and to feel the presence of the creator within you. Also is a signal of that a situation has completed its circle or lack of value.

1 tb This acronym is generally used as a hashtag in Instagram when someone upload a picture and awaits a flattering comment. The initials tb are an abbreviation of the word throwback that mean reversion in Spanish. Example: My dog and me Cancun, tb

1 tbsp 1 tbsp is an abbreviation in English of quot; 1 tablespoon quot; which means 1 tablespoon. On the other hand, 1 tsp equals English quot; 1 teaspoon quot; which means 1 teaspoon. They are both abbreviations often used in recipes.

1080p 1080 p is also known as Full HD (high definition complete or Total) is the maximum resolution used in high-definition television. The number 1080 represents 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution, while the p means progressive scan (progressive scan).

1a persona I - 1st. person singularTu - 2a. person singularThe / she-3rd. person of the singularUs - 1st. person pluralYe - 2a, person pluralThey - 3a person plural

2 flechas cruzadas In general, two crossed arrows is a symbol of friendship. For native Americans, two crossed arrows signify the union of two individuals or two clans.

2 triangulos invertidos An inverted triangle is the one whose base is at the top instead of the bottom, i.e., is head.Therefore, two triangles invested is refers to two triangles that is found to the reverse, with the base inverted toward the side opposite where is is normally.

2222 In Numerology 222 or 2222 series meant the beginning of a new cycle and whose nature depends on the next series that will be visible. In accordance with the interpretation to give to those who know esto, it is a sign of confirmation that the right things are being and will be on the right track.

3g The abbreviation 3G means third generation. Is refers to the transmission of voice and data through the telephone mobile and Internet. In some smartphones appears the letter U instead of 3 G, which is the abbreviation of UMTS that means system Universal Mobile of telecommunications.

4 r It is a rule of recycling. He is known as the rule of the 4 Rs. The generation of waste from the garbage has become a serious problem in all countries and intends to reduce it to this rule. The 4R mean: reduce, reuse, recycle and Recuperar.Son 4 steps that everyone can follow to achieve this purpose.

4g 4G stands for generation of mobile telephony technology and it is the successor of the 3 g. explanation of 3 G.

5w40 It is the degree of viscosity that is used to classify oil for 4-stroke engine lubricants for working in cold weather and hot, according to the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). 5W (W = winter) is the degree of viscosity in cold or winter. While this number smaller, more fluid is oil in frio.40 is the degree of viscosity in hot or summer. While the bigger this number, more viscous oil is hot.

6 rosas rojas Those who know of flowers say that the Red Rose is a symbol of love. In addition to the color of the rose, is important, though the number of roses that is given away as a present to a loved one. 6 red roses are given to the first love or love of student or in a passionate relationship for some time. A bouquet of Red Roses 6 means that one is infatuated by the other, just like a child becomes infatuated with a new toy.

666 los tres seises According to the book of the revelation of the Bible, the number 666 is the beast. However, there are many interpretations of what it might mean, or identify the beast. Some claim that it is the devil and all the bad, others say that it is Satan dragon-shaped and others believe that it is a monster of 7 heads, etc. Some think that the beast refers to the Roman Empire, in particular to Nero the bloodthirsty emperor who sacrificed many Christians in the Colosseum of Rome. This assumption seems to be the most popular and accepted.

6h2o H2O is the chemical formula for water and 6H2O 6 water molecules are represented is.

777 en la biblia 7 is a number that frequently appears in the Bible and its meaning and interpretation is very different. In the book of revelation is mentioned no less than 50 times. There are those who believe that it is a sacred, divine number and that it is linked with God. They also ensure that a triple number as 777 has a meaning Supreme, full and total. In Hebrew each letter has a numerical value and add the values of the letters comprising the words God, heaven and Earth gives the number 777.Otros think that the 7 is the quot; seal of God quot; or number of spiritual perfection.

8 de marzo March 8 of every year is celebrated the international women's day.Is commemorates the fight of the woman by his participation, in equality with the man, in the society and in its development full as person.The first celebration took place on March 19, 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland.In 1972, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 1975 as international women's year

90 60 90 measures in centimeters from what was considered the perfect body of the woman according to beauty experts are 90-60-90. The first 90 corresponds to the measurement around the bust, 60 refers to the measurement around the waist and another 90 is the measure around the hips.

925 en un anillo Surely it's a silver ring. The numbers 925 mean the law or the silver purity with which it is made. Means it contains 92.5% silver and the rest to 100%, or 7.5%, other metals or impurities.

@flotus It's an acronym for an account Twitter of Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama, and first lady of the United States.F = FirstL = ladyOr = ofT = theU = UnitedS = States.

@potus @potus is a new Twitter account that President Barack Obama recently opened. POTUS is an acronym which means: P = President = ofT = the U = UnitedS = States. a calzón quitao To Calzón got or removed is an idiom that means to speak the truth, face to face, bluntly. Is used to express that which is said or is going to tell, is sincere, real, without lies. a grapa It is an expression which in means free, without having to pay. no effort or work. a la chuña In quot; chuna quot; It means arrebatina, i.e. throw to pick something disputed among several.The expression to the chuna is a Chilean idiom which means to luck, randomly. a lo macho Used in Mexico to understand that you it's something serious, real, true. a mal tiempo buena cara It is a proverb or saying which gives to understand that we must be positive before the problems and discouragement in the adverse circumstances of life. a michas Mexico uses youth slang with the meaning of quot; by mid-quot; or quot; half and half quot;. a peso Another expression used in Mexico to imply that something is cheap or easy to obtain. a saco paco It is an expression used in and its meaning is quot; otherwise quot; quot; as quot;.It is a hose used by little-known American adolescents. a termino In general, term it means run something full, until their completion, or until a certain date.
For example: A pregnancy to term is a full pregnancy, until it ends. A contract may be fixed or indeterminate, term, until certain date or no date given. a ver y haber To see is an expression in tone interrogation that accompanied the action approach to look at one thing or shown interest in something. Express curiosity or expectation and is used to call the attention of someone before give you an order or tell you something. Examples: we are going to see if left in rain. To see until when finish of a meal. Have is a verb auxiliary that is used in together with other verbs, substantive, prepositions, etc. Examples: there's that know losing. Not have finished of talk. Could have been worse. Have is also a set of property and rights belonging to a person. In sense figurative are the qualities positive or merits that possesses a person or thing. In accounting, means part of a count in which consist the fertilizers. a wiwi To wiwi is an expression that is derived of another expression that is quot; to egg, to balls or aWeb quot; which means clear, of course, clear that if.Is a vulgarismo used in the speak of them teenagers. abacanado In , bacan is told to someone wealthy, therefore abacanado is synonymous with wealthy, gentrified. Also means presumptuous, that boasts of its wealth. ablar In Spanish is the completion of some verbs, how to talk, engage and others.Also can try is of an error checker. Example: talk (right), (wrongly) ablar.Logain Ablar is a character from the saga of fantasy the wheel of the time. abrazo fraterno The fraternal or brotherly embrace is the brothers or people that want to be as if they were brothers. Fraternal or brotherly word comes from the latin fraternus whose meaning is precisely sibling. abrazo romano Probably refers to embrace given Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI and father Francisco mark the 65 anniversary of priesthood of the German Pope Benedicto XVI in the Vaticano.La Catholic Church is also known as the Roman Church for belonging to Rome. abrir la caja de pandora According to the mythology Greek, Pandora was the first woman of her humanity. Is it responsible of the coming of the wrong to the land, by have open the box in which Zeus had enclosed all them evils. The expression quot; open the box of Pandora quot; means expose is to serious dangers for an initiative unwise. abrirse camino Open Road can mean two things.1) to facilitate the transit of one part to another.(2) give the first steps in an activity.Usually, when we talk about open road, refers to the second explanation, as when you start a new job or a business. abrogante Abrogante is derived from the word abrogate that law means abolish, repeal, leaving no value a law or decree. The abrogante can be a person, rule or law that abrogates or revokes a mandate, precept, or custom. Example: Slavery was repealed (abolished) many years ago. achacado Achacado is synonymous of attributed or accused. Is derived from the verb blamed that means be attributed.Jargon used synonymously with self-conscious young Chilean. achacana Achacana is a word of quechua origin. It is the name of a cactus up to 20 cm of height of globose stem and thorns curved in the shape of Star, which grows naturally on slopes and Plains, commonly used as food in Argentina, Bolivia, and southern Brazil.Also are you known as Cereus, waxy, Cirio, Acacana and Tunilla. achoclonar For the Chilean youth slang, achoclonar means together, tighten, piling or stacking. Is used for example to name to a group of people in a same place with little space. achorado Mundo is an idiom used mainly in Chile and Peru, which means hostile, ill live.It is a person who adopts a slightly challenging and insolent attitude.This adjective comes from the word quot; woolly quot; whose meaning is extremely varied in the different Latin American countries. aclarancia I don't think there is that Word. Words with anchor termination generally express a generic condition or an abstract idea. Example: fragrance, loitering, surveillance, etc. Aclarancia does not comply with this rule it is not a valid Word. If you are looking for a Word to define the action of clarifying or clarified, either a written or oral explanation that clarifies something that is, then the right thing would be clarification. acopacha Apparently is a surname of origin huanca or quechua huanca in Peru of unknown meaning. acuerdo del botánico Perhaps is refers to any agreement to which is came with the charge of the garden botanical or the personal that works in Botany. Botany is the part of biology which studies the vegetables. adalil Adalil is a word of catalan origin whose meaning in Spanish is champion. Champion is a guide or head of any party or school. It is also a military caudillo. aducanumab It is the name of an experimental drug that is being developed to eliminate the harmful protein plaques amyloid-beta that is deposited in the brain in mild and initial phases of disease of Alzheimer.Esta being developed by the Biogen laboratories in Zurich, Switzerland. aeropostale a87 Aeropostale is the name of a company American manufacturer of clothing casual for young.Its name is French and means quot; mail air quot;. The logo of the company is a small Butterfly usually localized in the hand left of them garments female and a small dog bulldog or the logo A87 in them t-shirts polo of man and shirts woven. A87 is the name of a track in France.
affluenza Affluenza affluenza is a neologism formed from the words affluence and influenza is a term used by critics of capitalism and consumerism, who coined this word. There are two definitions for your significado.1) painful and contagious transmitted disease social, consisting of overload, debt, anxiety and waste as a result of the obstinacy of possessing more.
(2) feeling heavy and slow of dissatisfaction as a result of the efforts to maintain the rhythm of social class and the property of neighbors. Also defined as an epidemic of stress, overload of work, waste and indebtedness caused by pursuing the quot; quot American dream;. afk AFK stands for English Away From Keyboard which means away from the keyboard. Is usually used in them video games online to describe to a player that is connected in the split but not is playing. Also used in the chat or messaging to inform that it is not available, will be absent or retired temporarily from the keyboard, computer or terminal. When he returns, it is usual to write quot; back quot;. agarrar la onda Is is of an expression that in Mexico means understand, understand what is said. agarrar pal columpio Another idiom of Chile whose meaning is to disturb or bother to someone. On occasions also is uses quot; grab pa the lever quot; with the same meaning. agarrá la onda Is an expression used in Argentina with meaning of drunk is or drugging is.In other countries of the Americas is used with different meanings, for example in Mexico and Guatemala quot; grab the wave quot; means to understand, capture, understand. ahogaría Would stifle is the mode conditional of conjugating the verb drown, whose meaning is cause the death of a person or animal, preventing you breathe.
I would stifleYou ahogaríasIt would stifleWe goingYou ahogaríaisThey drowned ahre It doesn't mean anything. It is an Argentinian expression that is used to mean what is said is not true, that it is a joke or nonsense and it should not be taken seriously.Example: two plus two is five, ahre idiot!
ahuevante Is a word used in Nicaragua with the meaning of cause of annoyance. aimer The verb aimer is French and in Spanish means love, love, love and enjoy. Aimer is also the name of a Japanese pop singer who plays the piano and guitar and composed music in English and Japanese. airbnb It is the name of a Community market to publish, discover and reserve housing online.Airbnb was founded in November 2008 in San Francisco, California, United States and covers about 2 million properties in 192 countries and 33 thousand cities around the world. airpods Airpods is the name of the new headphones wireless Apple with which be can listen to music, talking on the phone, watch movies, play video games, etc. with high quality sound. Its name does not have translation to the Spanish. aka Social networks often uses this acronym which comes from the expression in English quot; also known as quot; whose meaning in Spanish is quot; also known as quot;. Is used to indicate the alias or nickname of a person, work of art, event, etc. akelarre Akelarre (coven in Spanish) is a Basque origin word whose translation is the goat meadow. Its meaning in Spanish is a nocturnal meeting of witches and Warlocks. Figuratively, refers to a noise, a ruckus. al alba At dawn it is equivalent to say to dawn, at the break of day, before it flows out the Sun.Figuratively be at dawn means to be attentive or pending any expected or unexpected event. al lote It's a regionalism of Chilean origin whose meaning is unkempt, disorderly or badly done.In Mexico the term quot; used to ride quot; which means the same thing. al turista The word quot; to the quot; It is a contraction of quot; to the quot;. Tourist is a person who travels for pleasure, usually (but not necessarily) to a foreign country. alamo y yerto The alamo is a tree of great size, leaves broad, oval, white and light wood which grows in temperate and humid regions. Tree is an adjective that means stiff, rigid, inert by death, cold or fear. A poplar tree is a tree of inert, lifeless apparent. alcanzar el nirvana One of the meanings of the verb is get or achieve something that seeks to or want to.The Eastern doctrine, mainly Buddhism, Nirvana is a State of liberation from suffering that can be reached through meditation and enlightenment. It is a State of purity and perfection that aspire to become believers.Reach the Nirvana is because, get or achieve that State of liberation and perfection by means of the reflection. alcánzame Reach me is the imperative of the first person of the verb.Figuratively, reach means to reach a distant place, or also, even a person to another on any aspect,The meaning of reach I would therefore be: quot; Come and get to where I am quot; Alternatively, quot; equalizes the level in which I find myself quot; aldea global It is a term used by Herbert Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian sociologist to refer to the world as quot; a global village quot; and humanity as quot; a planetary tribe quot; as a result of its analysis of the media, particularly television, during the 1960.El term global village aims to describe the socio-cultural consequences of communication, immediate and global, all kinds of information, similar to revive a small village living conditions regardless of where you are. alfombras de aserrin Sawdust carpets seems that they had their origin in Guatemala, where it started the tradition of developing on the ground, on a layer of sawdust sifting, different cultural and religious, multicolored grounds for making figures, uses different colored sawdust dyed with aniline which is a chemical that is dissolved in water. The designs are very detailed and usually its preparation takes several hours. algo ilógico Illogical is the antonym (opposite) of logical and means that lack of logic or sense common. It is the lack of consistency or lack in the mode of reasoning of a person.Example: The explanation which I gave is illogical. alma de acero corazón de cristal Is a metaphor that gives to understand that it has a character and will strong, solid and resistant as the steel, but that their feelings are fragile and weak as the glass. alo diabo It's a subliminal message that some people believe found in Coca Cola name spelled backwards. ALO Diabo in Portuguese means Hi devil. aloha ohana They are Hawaiian words of greeting.Aloha is a word spiritual, sacred and powerful in Hawaii whose meaning is Hello, goodbye, love, compassion, welcome, good wishes, etc.Ohana means family in a sense broad that included relatives, friends and known nearby, as a brotherhood.Aloha´Ohana is a greeting of good wishes to the family.

alpayaca The alpayaca is a wild, apparently originating in , whose leaves are used as a wrap of some foods as tamales. The meaning of this name is unknown. alta concentracion escampar is a verb that is used to notify when there is a nbsp; great storm or rainy much that has broken and already does not drop anything. For example,you cleared already the storm?. He cleared this in past perfect simple. altavoces pasivos A passive speaker needs to receive the power from another source, namely a power amplifier. An active or powered speaker has a built-in amplifier, so it requires a signal cable and power cord to operate. While the speaker passive uses an amplifier external to feed it and a network of crossing to divide the signal in them bands of frequency necessary. alwais Always (with and) is an English word which means always. alzar embargo Lift an embargo means raise a levy that affects any thing liable to be seized. The only embargo stands by decision of a judge who knows the cause in that ordered the establishment of the assessment. The assessment is a burden or obligation that affects a person. alzar un embargo The embargo is a retention of certain assets by a judicial authority to satisfy a debt. It is also the or suspension of business activities and transportation of a Government against any country. Lift an embargo means cancel or delete the retention, prohibition or suspension of goods or activities that had been foreclosed. alzar un embargo An embargo is a lock and mainly has two meanings. 1) retention of assets by administrative or judicial warrant pending a trial. (2) the prohibition or suspension of the trade and transport of goods enacted by a Government. When a trade embargo is imposed, is impeding the transit of goods from one country to another. Therefore, hoisting or lifting an embargo means that this is over, that the prohibition or suspension has been eliminated. am y pm These letters are abbreviations of the words in latin am = before meridiem and PM = post meridiem. Meridiem in Spanish means noon. So am in Spanish means before the noon and p.m. means past the noon. Both are written with a dot followed by each letter to indicate that it is an abbreviation. amar a tu pareja Love to your partner means take care of it, respect it, help it, interest is by she. Couple love is shown with small details, putting their interests ahead of their own, serving more than asking and trying to make her happy. amar y querer Love means feeling love for a person or thing. Also is synonymous of desire and of performing the Act sexual. Want is to feel appreciation or affection for someone or something. Also is synonymous of have the desire or intention of own, do or achieve something. amarrar navajas It is an expression that comes from Cockfighting where knives are moored to the RAM of the cock so it does more harm to the other which fight.Colloquially it means putting one person against another to create conflict and do they fight. ambigu en el teatro The ambigu in a theatre is the place where we serve delicacies and cold food and hot in the same theater.It is a word of French origin that means food, usually nocturnal, served all the dishes at the same time. amermela It is a rare and uncommon word. Is an idiom used in Chile that means stupid or silly. amigo en facebook The word friend in social networks like Facebook is synonymous with contact. Is the person with who it has communication and is shares information, without import if is known or not.You must be very careful when you select or accept a new contact who is not known, because there are who takes advantage of it to defraud, deceive or harm to others. amigovio According to the Real Academia Española, amigovio is a fusion of the words friend and boyfriend. Used in several Latin American countries in a colloquial manner to describe a person who maintains with another, a less formal commitment to a dating relationship. amnistia pxndx There is a Mexican called alternative rock group Panda (also spelled Pxndx change the a to x) who have a song called amnesty, talking of the Holocaust of the Jews and the forgiveness that requests a nazi for his crimes carried out during the second war Mu ndial in 1939 to 1945. Amnesty is forgiveness granted by public authorities for certain mainly political crimes. Holocaust is the killing of a large number of human beings. análisis dactiloscópico Dactiloscopy is the procedure of identification of persons by means of fingerprints.He analysis fingerprint is the research of the traces digital or fingerprint to identify to its holder. anclaje y relevo In the commercial, as well as the image, can appear a text. The text in the image can have three functions: function anchor, relay and parasitism. In the anchorage function, text limits and reduces the possibilities of the image and also fixed and concrete meaning. In the relay function, full text the meaning of the image, text and image complement. In the role of parasitism, the text provides meaning other than the one expressed by the image, annulling, contradicting or becoming ambiguous reality of the photographic record. anda,hazte matar It is a way of saying quot; go to it to kill you quot; or quot; risk to die quot;. It's a phrase that expresses a warning and the risk of losing their lives if it carried out what it purports to do. andar con la lengua fuera Walk with the tongue out is an expression that gives to understand that you are tired or exhausted. It alludes to the dogs who take the language when they run or have heat, because it is a way of cooling, since their language acts as a radiator and a pant, fresh air goes directly to the lungs. andariaga To the extent, that Word does not exist if the searched Word is quot; arequepeños quot; (with e) then its meaning would be that of a person who like to walk much and very quickly. Rambler is synonymous with andarina. ando limpio Another expression used in by the jargon youth to give to understand that not have money. animal print Animal print is a print that is in fashion in fabrics, resembling the skin of any animal as the Leopard, Zebra, alligator, etc. It is considered very sexy and appealing. Animal print in Spanish means animal footprint.
ansitio There appears to be some meaning to this word, in Spanish or another language. It is perhaps a portion of any foreign Word as quot; tr ansitio n quot; taken from English or French and it means transition. If you could meet the context where this word appears, you could probably identify or define its meaning more accurately. ant en electrónica It is probably an abbreviation of antenna, previous or old. If it is written in capital letters (ANT) it is possible is the acronym of any manufacturer or company related to the electronics industry. antidopaje He anti-doping or anti-doping is the control or the analysis that is made to athletes of high performance for discover and prevent the employment of drugs or substances exciting or stimulating prohibited to increase its performance.The Greek prefix anti written at the beginning of some words mean defense, protection, and opposition against. antilapping The anti lapping is a word in English that means anti lapping or against lapping.The honing is a finishing of metal surfaces using abrasives and Polish, therefore, lapping anti prevents two surfaces contact wear by friction and a landslide to occur. antisuper The prefix quot; anti quot; written at the beginning of some words means quot; against, opposition or defense quot;.Antisuper is an abbreviation of antisupermercado, which means that it is something contrary to the supermarket or opposite to it. antonimo de parabola The parable (with accent in the middle) is a fable, an allegory to explain a teaching. Example: the parable of the son prodigal. Its antonym or opposite Word would be reality, truth or certainty. In geometry, the parable is a curved figure that describes a certain path. antonimo de sonata An antonym is a word that has a meaning opposite or contrary to another. Example: The antonym of light is dark, good is bad, etc. Sonata is a musical composition for one or two instruments structured in three or four movements, or times. I do not think that there is something contrary to a sonata, unless it is the cantata, which is sung with voices instead of touched with instruments. This is rather different but not the opposite. antonimo de trancon In Colombia and Ecuador a trancon is an agglomeration of stopped vehicles or slow progress that prevents the free and steady flow of traffic. Its antonym or opposite Word could be go-ahead, overcrowding or continuous flow of vehicles.Locksmith trancon is a characteristic of a region of Spain lock, but I don't think that there is an antonym for that. antonimo por prefijación The antonym is a term from Greek origin which expresses an opposite or contrary idea. Examples: chiaroscuro, black/white, etc.The antonyms for advance fixing, are also known as antonyms grammatical, by use of morphemes (prefix), most commonly used prefixes that express opposition or denial are: an, suede, anti, against, des, dis, in, ex, pre.Examples: alphabet-analphabet (without instruction), diluviano-beforediluviano, social-antisocial, light-againstlight, walk-deswalk, remember-disMember, legal-ilegal, coherent-inconsistent, bring-exbring, natal-prenative. Generally, the prefix in is used for adjectives and des for verbs. antropismo Antropismo is a non-existent word in the dictionary. Is the name that is you gives to the school or doctrine philosophical that studies them principles that consider to the man opposite to the nature and such to Dios.Of quot; quot anthropos; = human being and quot; ISM quot; = suffix that gives to understand an activity, system or doctrine. apalabrado Promised it is the participle of the verb to bespeak which means arrange or hire word of any agreement. Is equivalent to give his word, to get to an agreement verbal agreed by two or more people.Example: our appointment of tomorrow is found. apaulado You can have three or more meanings. If it comes from the verb then paular means talk or rather talked. If it comes from the names Paul or Paula, it would mean that it is as they would, his style. If it's the noun paular which means marshy ground, then it would be similar to a marshy ground. It is a word that is often used in bullfighting. Example: The matador made a lance with its apaulado capote. apeose Dismounted comes from the verb get or get off it means to get off of a means of transport, mechanical or animal, to walk to walk. This verb has also several meanings.Cutting down a tree by the foot and knock him down.Prop up a building.Apiolar (seize) the foot of the cavalry.Define. Set the limits of a farm by measuring it.Fit the wheel of a car.In sense figurative: dissuade, persuade. Impeach anyone in your employment or destination. Overcome a difficulty.In Cuba, for example, get is means eating with the hands without follow them rules of civility or education. apocuna Apocuna is the name that was known to the members of the imperial Council that advised and assisted the Government of the incas in Peru. The apocuna also called aposuyo or suyuyuc apo, was the Governor of one's own and formed part of the Royal panaca (family of the sapa inca, maximum authority and considered son of the Sun God).
apostar tropas Bet troops is synonymous of put or place a set of soldiers in a particular place for a certain end.Bet in this case means placing (from the ancient verb post). For example: bet among the trees. apreciar mucho a una persona Appreciate much to a person, is equivalent to feel affection for her, recognizing and estimating the merit and value that has as human being. arbol de la vida The tree of life is a symbol that represents the common origin and evolution of mankind, as well as the development of life on our planet.It is a concept that has been used in biology, religion, philosophy, and mythology as a common ground and is located in the folklore, culture and fiction, often associated with immortality or fertility. arco formero The formero arch is a curved architectural element that runs parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ship. Its function is to hold the upper walls of separation between the ships of a structure and go from pillar to pillar coinciding with the sections of the dome. arcuzile Arcuzile is the name with which the Andalusian know the artichoke. armar caballero Armar caballero was a custom of the medieval period in which the King or any other authority granted the dignity of Knight to a person at a ceremony in which dressed him with armor and is hugged him the sword to go to war. Arm means to provide weapons to someone and Knight was and still is a title of nobility. armar un pancho In Mexico, put together a hot dog to say cause a quarrel, scandal or conflict, either in public or in private. armar un show Assemble a show means making the ridiculous or the role of a fool in front of people. It is an expression used in Mexico by the youth slang. The word show is English and means show. arrecharse It is of a verb used in Nicaragua whose meaning is angry is. get angry. arte parietal Parietal art or art rock, is the set of primitive art forms made on large surfaces of stone, in the walls and ceilings of some caves. It is one of the first signs of prehistoric art. asopao In Chile soup means fool. It is an idiom used by youth slang. asta mas ver The expression quot; to see more quot; It is well known in several provinces of Spain but little used in Latin America. Used in colloquial as a farewell and sometimes as a greeting manner. It is synonymous with other expressions such as quot; to see more quot; quot; to view quot; quot; until then quot; etc. asta y hasta ASTA is the stick that flag is raised. It is also a Pike or spear and a horn. Up to is a preposition that expresses an action limit. Example: Eat to fill. It is also an adverb denoting inclusion or permanence. Example: until the more stupid you know. astroturfing The term comes from the word Astroturf, a brand of lawn synthetic. It is a technique of marketing (marketing) which consists in hiding the true sender of an advertising message or propaganda, making it pass by a popular and spontaneous expression to create fictitious, popularity and mass doing that people will more easily accept a brand, product or service. asumir riesgos Risk-taking means to take care of something having conscientious or responsible for risks that may exist as a result.Example: Assume risks of smoking (the consequences would be lung cancer). at home At home are two words in English that means at home, in the home. It refers to the place where it is regularly inhabited. ataoso It's a chilenismo whose meaning is complicated, problematic, atomo y molecula Atom is the smallest particle of a chemical element that has all its characteristics and can enter combination. The atom consists of a nucleus and a cloud of electrons spinning to its around. Molecule is a defined set of atoms, of fixed composition, which is the smallest portion of a body in free State, without losing its original properties. aumentar el pestañeo Increase the blinking means blink more often or quickly. It relatively is the action of move the eyelids of way constant and repeatedly, already is in form voluntary or involuntarily.Some body language experts say that blinking frequently is a sign of insecurity or discomfort. aumentar la importancia de lo q se dice e Increasing the importance of what is being said means giving more value or put more interest in what is said to be considered primary (required, basic, essential). Example: It is necessary to increase the importance of the ecology. aunada Coupled with is the participle of the verb combine that means put together or in harmony several things, join them, associate them or coordinate them to achieve an end.Example: combining efforts to go forward. aunque y hecho Although it is a word called invalidating conjunction, which is used to introduce a sentence with an actual or possible objection despite which a thing can occur. Example: Even though I am ill, I not missing the appointment. It also serves to introduce a coordinated prayer that clarifies what has been said above. Example: I not bring anything like that, but if things similar. Fact is a noun that denotes action and effect of doing something. It is also an event, happening or feat. Example: The great events of history. The past participle of the verb can also be do. Example: I should have done it yesterday. aupa tuna Hop tuna! It is an interjection used to boost morale of the members of a prickly pear.A tuna is a brotherhood or group of students University, teachers, alumni and professional of music, that carry clothing old and sing and play music of the folklore Hispanic with instruments of string and percussion. autorictas Auctoritas (not autorictas) is a word of latin which means increase. In Roman law, it meant that a group of citizens had a socially recognized knowledge.Holds the auctoritas the person or institution that has capacity moral to issue an opinion qualified on a decision, which has a value moral very strong.The translation undue of this word to the Spanish is quot; authority quot; however not represents by far the real meaning of the word Latin. autorresponsabilidad Self-reliance is the responsibility of one's own, which impels us to act without that someone tell us what to do. The prefix auto written at the beginning of some words mean own, if same, himself... azariar The verb azariar (best azarear) is used in some countries of with the meaning of shame, do feel bad to someone. azole Azole is the composite active of a medication antifungal that is used to combat the infections systemic caused by fungi.
azorrillarse Is a verb that in Mexico is used with the meaning of scare is, frighten is, bully is. b24 B24 is a line of bus in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. It is also the name of a bomber, Consolidated B-24 Liberator, manufactured in the United States and who fought in the second world war... In the international classification of diseases, the B24 is an infectious disease caused by the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS. babaidor Apparently is is of a regionalism of Philippines whose meaning not has been possible find for the moment. babas caidas Babas falls or falling off the baba is an expression that means be a fool or experience pleasure, admiration or surprise at something or someone.The expression comes of the made of open the mouth before something that amazes or attracts and stay absorbed until the point of drain is the saliva or the baba by them corners of the mouth.Colloquially also applies to people with mental retardation babau Babau in catalan means bobo, person who has no malice.In the eastern region of the Mediterranean, babau is the equivalent of the bogeyman, be fantastic that frightens the children into obedience. bae It's an acronym, that is, a word formed from the first letters of an expression in English. In this case would be: quot; bae quot; = before anyone else, that in English means before anyone or before any.There is another version that says it's an abbreviation in English of the word quot; quot; babe that means baby.Another example of acronym very frequent in networks social is: omg or OMG = Oh my God, whose meaning is Oh God mine!
bajadito Bajadito is the diminutive of lowered (which is down) and is the name of a song from a musical group called The Warriors reggae. bajar las persianas Another Mexican expression meaning close my eyes and fall asleep. bajo la espada de damocles Damocles was a courtier close friend from Dionisio, the elder, tyrant of Syracuse. In order to show the fragility of the power of Kings, during a banquet, Dionysus did suspend a heavy sword held by a horse hair on the head of Damocles. The sword of Damocles is a popular phrase that is a Greek historian (Timaeus) which until today is used to refer to an imminent danger, alluding to a sword hanging over our head and anytime can slip and fall on us. bajo perfil A low profile refers to the discrete image projecting oneself towards others. It is derived from the English words quot; low profile quot; who want to tell how not to attract the attention and go unnoticed. Artists famous, politicians and large executives handle it as a strategy to avoid being recognized in an event where you do not want to be protagonists.
bajoterra Bajoterra (Slugterra in English) is a world under the Earth's surface made up of Caverns interconnected among themselves. It is inhabited magical creatures called slugs, which being fired rapidly acquire special skills. The name Bajoterra means under the Earth. bakala Bakala means in Tagalog language (Philippines) homosexual or gay.It is also the name of a village and a last name African. bakan In Argentina and Uruguay bacan is a wealthy person and making this gala.In Chile means very good, good, outstanding.In Colombia refers to a cheerful, fun person.Cuba is a mass of pork, tomato and chili meat wrapped in leaves.In Mexico bakan (with k) is a Mayan word meaning River. balance hídrico negativo The water balance is the amount of liquids which are consumed and enter the body, which must be equal to the amount that is lost daily through urine, sweat, feces, etc. He balance water negative is when the amount of liquid that is loses is greater that which enters to the body, and can get to produce dehydration. balconing Is an anglicism that means balconing. It is a risky and dangerous practice that involves jumping from a balcony to another or to the swimming pool of a hotel from the heights. Is considered an action very dangerous that some young carry to out especially after having ingested . ballet folklorico The folk or folk ballet is a relative to the folklore ballet.The folklore is the set of traditions popular and customs relating to the culture and civilization of a country or region. ballunco Is a regionalism Central American whose meaning in Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua is rustic, coarse or rough, while in Honduras means barbarian or exaggerated.In the dictionary is written with and, i.e. large sedge. banear It is a word that comes from the English verb quot; to ban quot; that means banning. In computer science, is called ban to a blockage or restriction of a user within a system or social network. The right words in Spanish would be block, suspend, prohibit, restrict, or cancel. barajita Barajita is the diminutive of deck, that is, a small deck.If the searched Word is trinket, then it means that you it's a thing of little price or value. barbecho profesional It is called fallow period that is left to rest the land uncultivated to allow it to recover and store new nutrients. Professional fallow is the period that a professional lets a company without progress, only fulfilling his duty, without showing initiative or wishes of overcoming. in order to relax physically and mentally. barei Not means nothing. Is the name art of the singer Spanish Barbara Reyzabal Gonzalez-Aller. author and composer of Say yay. barman y bartender Are synonym to designate to the person that attends to the customers in the bar of a bar, brewery, tavern or cantina.Bartender (grocer's bar) is used in English and in Spanish it is more common to use barman (the bar man) to identify the person who is behind the bar of the bar. baron y varon Baron is a title of nobility of lower to the Viscount.Man is a person of the male sex, a man. barreras topográficas Topographic barriers are natural or artificial barriers that presents a field, refers to the forms or reliefs that usually has a field, which are usually represented on a plane. basto y vasto Is very often confused it with the use of these two adjectives. Coarse comes from the verb is sufficient, that means supply, be sufficient. Its meaning is coarse, gross, without Polish. Example: A cloth is sufficient or crude. Figuratively it means uneducated, rude. Vast comes from the latin vastus that means very large, dilated or extensive. Example: The vast ocean. batear a alguien According to the youth slang in Mexico, hit means refuse, snubbing a person. It is used primarily in matters of love when a girl does not accept a guy either when it comes to a marriage proposal denied. batir las manos Beating the palms of the hands is synonymous with cheer. The main function of clap is to show personal approval as a sign of joy or praise for what we see or hear. He also applauded as a sign of praise, as in the Church. batmotropa In Physiology, the batmotropa or batmotropica function is everything concerning the excitability of muscle fiber.The excitability is the ability of a body of respond to certain stimuli. It is the property of reacting to stimuli of a medium that characterizes the living matter. baudó Baudo is the name of a mountain and a river Colombian of the same name, belonging to the slope of the Pacific Ocean. Is says that the word Baudo means in language noanamá quot; River of go and come quot; possibly due to the tides of the Pacific that to the height of them mouths of the Baudó in Pizarro, reach to 4 meters of difference vertical between the flow and the reflux. bájale It is an expression used in Mexico as a synonym of calm down, relax, calm down. It is used primarily when it is thought that another person exaggerates or exceeds in reviews. bcc BCC in English means Blind Carbon Copy (Blind Carbon copy or blind). CCO which stands for the previous translation is used in Spanish. This box is used in electronic mail to send copy of the message to someone else without that the main recipient knows it. It is also used to send or forward a message to multiple recipients without each of them receive the e-mail of others. beber los vientos por alguien It is an expression that is used to imply that it not do enough by something or someone, who is very in love with someone. beberecua A beberecua means in Mexico a drink alcoholic, a swallow. bebote I drink or bebote are words used in Argentina to designate a small child or any person of the male sex very grown and developed physical features similar to a baby. becasina The Hudsonian, aguatero or South American snipe, is a bird of . that lives far from the coast of the Ocean Pacific and this of Brazil, also in the Islands Falkland, Trinidad and Tobago.Some are residents and others migrate northward in winter. beneficio de inventario The benefit of inventory is one of the ways to accept an inheritance. In it, the acceptors do not acquire personal liability for the obligations of the estate (debts). These obligations will only be covered with the assets or rights of the own estate, without affecting the heritage of successors. besar con los ojos abiertos According to experts in language body, kissing with open eyes, you don't have to kiss. When you close your eyes, the brain uses less blood flow and oxygen that goes to the view, doing that they will heighten other senses such as smell and touch. Kiss with your eyes closed makes us vulnerable and therefore is a form of relaxation and abandonment which expresses love. beso australiano It is known as an Australian Kiss to kiss that is given to a person between the legs, in the genitals. It is considered an erotic kiss. biacomulacion That Word does not exist. If the searched Word is bioaccumulation then refers you to a term in ecology by environmentalists that means accumulation, with the passage of time, metals and other chemicals in an organism from biotic (other agencies) sources as abiotic (soil, air and water). biblioteca virtual The virtual is something that is seems much to it real but not it is, so only is apparent. In computing the virtual refers to a simulation, very similar to the original and true. The virtual library is a library that can be consulted on the Internet at either similar or very similar to a real library. bicla Is a way short of saying bike. It's a short or Word cut employed on occasions, as well as bike. bien sur The words well South are of French origin. It is an adverb meaning in Spanish is quot; by course, course quot; and also an interjection meaning quot; Yes quot;. big data Big Data in English is translated as mass data or large scale. It is a concept that refers to large quantities of data storage and the procedures used to find repeating patterns in those same data. His job is basically within the science of Informatics and communications, which handle large volumes of information. biguases Apparently this is a characteristic of certain regions of Argentina and Uruguay bird and whose name is biguá. It is a bird of blackish brown color very similar to the cormorant.The plural of neotropic cormorants is, but in poetic and literary sense used biguases. The latter, however, is nothing more than a personal opinion and may not be the correct explanation. biles In English, bills may be the plural of bile that means bile in Spanish. Bile is a liquid that helps digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. billuyo In some countries of Latin America, billullo or billuyo has the meaning of money.It is an alteration of the word ticket. binge Binge in English means binge (binge), drunkenness or excessive taste. It is a term used to designate the action excessive and compulsive eating, drinking, watching television, etc. biopic Biopic is an abbreviation of the English words biography and picture that mean biography and film. It is a film genre that involves the dramatization of the biography of a person or group of people. It is a subgenre of historical cinema or time. biosis BIOSIS is a word of Greek origin that means living. It comes from quot; quot bios; which means life. Example: symbiosis (live along with another). bisbirinda The bisbirinda is a plant medicinal of ancient tradition to relieve the pain of stomach, the diarrhea and the loss of appetite.In Guatemala is an expression of youth that means woman pispireta, flirtatious and provocative jargon.

bitcoin Bitcoin, litecoin, freicoin, etc. are coins virtual invisible and intangible called quot; criptodivisas quot;. I.e., not is can see or touch as them banknotes or coins that are accustomed to handle, but can use is as medium of payment for shopping or transactions by Internet. The difference is that these quot; quot coins; are out of the control of any Government or institution financial and only is controlled indirectly by them own users through them transactions and exchanges that make in the network. In Mexico, its use is not regulated so you have contributed, among other things, to money-laundering or money laundering. bjt BJT stands for Union Bipolar Transistor or Bipolar Junction Transistor.It is an electronic device of solid-state consisting of two PN unions very close together, which allows the passage of current through their terminals.Bipolar transistors are best known and are generally used in analog electronics, although they also have application in digital electronics. bjt BJT stands for Union Bipolar Transistor or Bipolar Junction Transistor.It is an electronic device of solid-state consisting of two PN unions very close together, which allows the passage of current through their terminals.Bipolar transistors are best known and are generally used in analog electronics, although they also have application in digital electronics. blackout tattoos Blackout tattoos is probably the name of a shop dedicated to making tattoos. Blackout in English means power failure, i.e., sudden temporary and accidental the power outage. Tattoos in English means tattoos. blancorexia The blancorexia is the obsession or addiction by white teeth. It is a dental treatment that can cause irritation of the gums and loss of the enamel of the teeth by bleaching substances such as fluorine abuse. blaumut Blaumut is the name of a catalan musical group that combines folk with pop, classical music and the song's author. The name Blaumut comes from the song quot; Iceland quot; your disk the tourist. blazer cruzada A blazer is a sack dress or jacket double breasted and glued pockets, usually of flannel and one smooth color. It is crossed because to button it flaps cross on the front. blockchain Until recently quot; blockchain quot; or chain of blocks is understood as a term linked to the criptomonedas or bitcoin, own financial sector. Currently use in terms of modern technology has been extended to appoint an innovative way to transmit and record digital messages with greater speed, security and integrity. blogosfera It is as it is called the virtual system in which are established communities of blogs. Is is of a point of meeting of bloggers or bloggers interconnected between itself to treat Affairs that them interests in the network. bloguera It is an anglicism which is derived from the word quot; blog quot; What journal or logbook.Any person who engages in a professional manner or not. keep a blog on the Internet, is called blogger or blogger. Not is need be an expert to spend is to this, but if a connoisseur and enthusiastic of the theme or themes to treat. bludfire This word for American teenagers is used to refer to a group of friends or people related to someone. It is very common to use in culture and conversation of African American people, but also the term Caucasian or Caucasian adopted it. It has no translation into Spanish, as well as other words like bedrin or nigga, which are frequently used. bluff en español Bluff is an Anglo-American word meaning fiction, false appearance or feint. There is also the verb blufear or blofear it is an Americanism and means to deceive with false appearances or bragging. The RAE () defines bluf (with an f) in the following manner: quot; Mounting propaganda aimed at creating a prestige that is later revealed false quot; bn In English, bn or BN is the abbreviation of quot; billion quot; that is in Spanish billion (not confused with a billion). Also stands for quot; brand new quot; which means new, brand new. If it is written . bn (start point) then refers to the code of the country of Brunei. boda roja Red wedding is the name of the massacre against the leader of the Stark side and his army of 3500 men attending a bridal link in the series game of Thrones.According to the writer George R. R. Martin is based on a made historic happened in England in the middle ages. bolsiar Bolsear (with e) means to reject a loving request in some countries of America, but it also means to register the bag or Pocket furtively to extract something, mainly money.According to the jargon youth Chilean bolsiar (with i) means to borrow money. boludo en argentina It was originally used in a derogatory manner and meant to fool, fool, fool. Currently is used as a toggle with a meaning family among friends and colleagues of confidence. bomboclat It is an expression of Jamaican origin which has no meaning. Used to express surprise or show astonishment. Is to say quot; quot wow; in Spanish or something like that. bomboclat It is a word of the language rastafari, a mixture of English and the patois or Jamaican patua. It is a dialect that came to the world thanks to the influence of reggae music. Bomboclat is a word that expresses exaltation, disagreement or annoyance and has no translation. borbollico It is likely that borbollico comes from the word Borbollón which means rash that is formed in a liquid when it boils and departing force of a place. Termination quot; ico quot; It is a suffix that is involved in the formation of words to give them a meaning of affection or diminutive. Example: burro-borrico. borbonear Borbonear is synonymous in Spain of rebels, lack of vision to long term, Dodge in short and even of manipulation of wills that characterized to the reign of Alfonso XIII in his try to of dominate the political Spanish. borrar del mapa Delete the map means disappear, delete or cancel something or someone completely without leaving a trace. borrasca de nieve The storm is a strong, especially at sea storm. It is an atmospheric disturbance with strong winds and precipitation (rain or snow) accompanied by a notorious barometric depression. botamayí Is a word that in Nicaragua means hole of the year according to the jargon youth. botarse de la risa It is an expression which means laugh out loud, crashing down in Mexico. shaped sound exagerada.y. botarse la canica Is an expression that means in Mexico that someone went mad, that is insane or that lost her reason. breas In Extremadura, Spain is known as tar to sweet paste of various colors sold in kiosks, like licorice. brexit Brexit is an abbreviation in English consists of two words.Great Britain or Britain = Great Britainexit = exitTogether they form Brexit, meaning refers to the likely departure of Great Britain of the Union European. brincacharco In Mexico and are you says so to the pants that is too short to the person that it uses. brincón According to the youth jargon of Guatemala, brincón is a person who fights beating or alleged easily. Is synonym of trolling or troublemaker. brothers father is my It seems that you it's an enigmatic and incomplete sentence in English, also erroneously written. Probably should write so: My brother's father is my father, which means quot; The father of my brother is my father quot;. bróder In several Latin American countries used this word with the meaning of brother or friend.Is is of the castilianization of the word brother in English. brujilda Brujilda is a name probably derived from the word witch. The only reference that exists is in Honduras, where it is used as a regionalism to say quot; ugly quot;. This is not to say that that is its true meaning (if they have it). btw This is another acronym used frequently in the network. It comes from the expression in English quot; by the way quot; which in Spanish means to purpose, by the way, etc. Example: Btw, what is your name? = By the way, do as your name? bubbaloo Bubbaloo is a brand of chewing gum or bubble gum with a soft and juicy Center of different flavors that went on the market in the mid 1980s.The girls and teenage boys in the United States called bubbaloo a man who considered obese, ugly and grotesque. bucle recursivo Those loops recursive are a function very powerful to handle the paging of the interface. It is a loop that calls himself an indefinite number of times. buenismo The buenismo is a noun used in Spain whose meaning is behavior based on the belief that the problems can be solved through dialogue, solidarity and tolerance. It is usually used with pejorative intent to stigmatize naive or ingenuous attitude. buenota Be buenota or buenaza (as we say in Spain) means to be physically and sexually attractive,Is a term that is used for reference is to a woman desired by a man. buf It's an interjection or exclamation to express disgust or annoyance. Buf puf is onomatopoeic noise, i.e. written imitation of a natural sound, which in this case expresses a rejection or discomfort before something unpleasant. buhada Apparently there was no reference in the dictionary or in the network of this word. There might be a regionalism or Word in disuse, but there is no information in this regard. In Malay language, buhada translates as suhada in Spanish, which has no meaning. There is a very similar abuhadaWord meaning swollen or bloated and also pale, faded color.
burgal El Burgal is the name of an apse (later part of the presbytery of a church, usually in the form of semicircular Vault) which is located in the ruins of the Church of the monastery of San Pedro of the Burgal, in Catalonia, Spain. The walls of the apse are of late medieval paintings XI attributed to an artist known to historians as part of the circle of Pedret, which are considered as cultural heritage of mankind. burkini Burkini is a neologism formed by combining the words burqa and bikini. The burka or burca is a garment of clothing female that covers all the body and the face by full of them women Muslim. burlao The word burlao is a contraction of mocked. There are several explanations of what quot; be burlao quot; in the network, but it is not known what the true or accepted. Simply it became fashionable this expression on the Internet and now is used indiscriminately without knowing what they really mean.Be or be mocked means be or be deceived, however is not what in the jargon of the adolescents. burnout It is a noun in English which figuratively means exhaustion, fatigue, or overheating (as in the case of an engine).
bussines angel A business angel (in Spanish angel inverter, Inverter or inverter Godfather of proximity) is a prosperous individual who provides capital for the start-up of a new company, usually in Exchange for a stake in the company's shares. In addition to financial capital, contribute their business knowledge, experience and business contacts, suitable for the development of the associated company... bx Is is of an abbreviation that can have multiple meanings depending on the subject that is concerned.So that it can clear up you need to know the context where this word appears.In Nicaragua, for example, is used to identify a dish of gallopinto with juice of the meat roast. c3 Usually it is of an abbreviation of three words that begin with c.For example: c3 is equal to ccc and may mean with certified copy.In this particular case, it is necessary to know what the theme or topic that is to find its meaning. c8 It's an abbreviation used by different groups, associations, panels and summits of State formed by 8 participants. Its meaning represents the union or Alliance of its eight members. cabe mencionar Is worth mentioning, it should be noted, noteworthy, etc. they are expressions that are used as connectors for emphasis (strength of expression and intonation) to what it is to explain. Its meaning is something like: still possible to mention, point or highlight, etc. cabe preposición The preposition is an invariable word used to join or link words so that a happens to be complement of another.Prepositions are: a, ante, bajo, cabe, with, against, from, in, between, towards, until, for, for, according to, without, so, and after.The preposition should be means next to and today its use is exclusively literary.Example: the Bank is fit (next to) the pharmacy. cabe señalar It is an expression or connector that serves to emphasize or highlight the most important ideas in relation to others. In this case quot; fit quot; It is a verb that has the meaning of quot; be possible quot;.Some synonyms would be: should be noted, it should be added, should be pointed out, etc. cabe y cave Fits is a preposition used in poetry which means close in, together to the edge of. Fits is an inflection of the verb also fit and meaning: accommodate. Example: So much clothing does not fit into the armarioPoder pass through a small space. Example: The bed does not fit through the door. Preferably something. Example: Expected anything. Cave is derived from the verb dig which means open, lift or move the Earth to make a hole, Gallery or trench with a tool. Example: Let you dig deeper. In also figurative sense it means to meditate deeply. Example: It is digging into the mysteries of the faith. cachete con cachito Not am sure if is an expression or simply a phrase witty sticky whose meaning unknown. Both cheek and cachito are Americanisms in common use in Latin American countries. cachimberboy In Nicaragua are you says so to the person that works doing of all in an office, trade or company. It is synonymous with thread. cachimbiar It is a word whose meaning in Nicaragua is hitting. cachimflin Cachimflin or cachinflin means fireworks in Nicaragua. cachirul A rostered is an idiom often used in Mexico to identify a hoax or made trap to get an undeserved profit. cada nada In Colombia, this expression is used to mean frequently, regularly, or very often. caer de la patada Another Mexican expression to mean that someone falls ill, it does not support it, or that it causes irritation or anger. caer en flor Fall blooming is a phrase used to indicate that someone died or miscarried is still very young, in the prime of life and youth. It is an analogy of the cycle of the life cycle of plants, which flower may fall before being fertilized without giving its fruit and seed. caer muy bajo Fall very low is an expression that means in figurative form, losing dignity, perform an action unworthy or immoral.Example. You estafaste your family, you've fallen very low! caerle la del pulpo It seems that in Spain it has at least two meanings. The first is related with the action of kill Octopus to sticks or whipping them against the rocks. Hence quot; fall of Octopus quot; It is to receive a beating or a very severe reprimand (many hits or many scolding). Secondly, it is used also to say that it rains much, falling a torrential downpour. cafetera express The coffee express is an appliance that is used to prepare the traditional coffee Italian known as express or expresso. Some may have a channel of steam which is used to vaporize and get foam in coffee, cappuccino and latte. There are several models to steam, from piston, of pump, etc. cahuinero Is is of a regionalism of Chile whose meaning is talebearer, that spread reviews malicious and originates misgivings among the people. The word quot; cahuin quot; is an Americanism that means meeting of people accompanied of bustle and drunkenness. caibil Nicaragua uses this word with two meanings: someone bad is not legit and fool.In Guatemala kaibil (with k) is a soldier of elite army prepared for special operations and intelligence against terrorism and antiguerrillas. caido del zarzo According to the youth slang in Colombia, Wattle fallen means that it is a silly, silly, naive and immature person.Wattle Grove is a tree nesting many birds and suddenly falls out of the nest some immature chick who is not yet ready to fly and fend for itself. Hence the origin of this expression. caído del palto It is an expression or idiom used in Chile and Peru to imply that you it's a person stupid, boring, bit awake, but also naive, lacking experience. The is a tree of American origin (persea americana) in several birds which nest. Hence the phrase quot; fallen nest quot; where this expression comes from originally. caja b The box b is a has separate of it has main or official, where is saves money not declared for certain expenses. Initially, box b was used as petty cash to cover some minor daily expenses, however, is currently also improperly used to handle large volumes of money without declaring it to the Treasury. cajetearla en serio It is an expression used in Mexico by youth slang which means wrong in large, a great mistake. calcedonia azul Blue chalcedony or agate Blue Ribbon is a quartz stone which belongs to the Group of oxides with formula SiO2.Es of volcanic origin and owes its color to multiple inclusions deposited during its formation and growth. The applications main of the chalcedony are basically decoration and jewelry and them main deposits is found in Namibia, Africa. calienta huevos Heat eggs or hot cock or quot; cockteaser quot; in English, it is as it is commonly called provocative girls who like to sexually excite the boys and let them thus without specify the sexual relationship. califato ortodoxo The perfect or Orthodox Caliphate is the name given in the sunni Muslim tradition, to the first four Caliphs who succeeded Mohammed from 632 to the 661. Sunni language urdu sometimes the four friends are called and to your domain, the reign of the four Caliphs. Its name son:Abu Bakr as. SiddiqUmar Ibn Al - JattabUthman Ibn AffanAli Ibn Abi Talib to calimeño Calimeno can be the adjective of the inhabitants of Cali, or the municipality of Calima, Colombia. callate chachalaca The chachalaca is a bird of America of feathers green litmus in the tail, without Crest or beards, edible, whose voice is a cry strident.In sense figurative, is le says chachalaca to a person with the voice shrill and very hablantín or talkative. Hence the expression of quot; shut up chachalaca quot;. called que significa English is the past of the verb to call which means call. called que significa In English, is the last of the verb to call which means call. Example: I called you want to say you called. callo con tilde The tilde is also known as quot; accent quot; which gives intonation to the words. It is a graphic sign used to distinguish and to emphasize the pronunciation of a Word.The word callus with tilde is it silent. calma piojo que el peine llega It's a saying or said people giving to understand that your time comes to all, something as well as wait and you will see what happens. It is an analogy with the louse that is located in the hair, which is going to fall as soon as the person pass the comb. caloret Caloret seems to be a Valencian word whose meaning is warmth. calugazo In Chilean youth slang, calugazo means a kiss impassioned or exaggerated in the mouth. calzar grande In Mexico, quot; fit large quot; It is an expression which means having big penis. I am unaware if this expression has another meaning in any other country in Latin America or Spain. calzonas This question already be answered the day of yesterday. The answer is found on this page. calzonas Apparently it is a way of calling people lesbians. It's an acronym of names Callie Arizona, a pair of lesbian doctors that are featured in the series of television Grey´s Anatomy or Anatomy of Grey. cambiar de tercio Each of the parties in which divides the Bullfight of bulls is the third: third of varas, banderillas third and third of crutch. It uses the expression quot; change of third quot; in everyday language to imply change of dedication, location or profession and very often change of topic of conversation. Example: The debate is very bitter, let's change third (changing the subject).
cameo cinema Cameo Cinema is the name of an establishment or movie theater for the screening of films in Napa Valley, United States for over 100 years, which functions as a club based on donations. campashian It is an invented word that combines the names fields and Kardashian.Asi called Florentino Fernández to the Reality Show of the Campos, (Ma. Teresa Campos and his daughter Terelú Campos) next to debut on TV in Spain... campeon traduccion en euskera According to Google Translator champion in Basque is txapeldun and pronounce chapeldun both in Basque and Spanish. The plural is txapeldunak (champions). camper In Mexico, a camper is a mobile home used mainly for camping outdoor although also used for loading of some products. In the United States is known as motor home (power house). cancelación irregular Irregular cancellation is void or leave without validity a document or an obligation so that it is not in accordance with the law, rule or use established and therefore constitutes an offence or misconduct. Example: Irregular cancellation of a contract or agreement. canchoso In Colombia is says canchoso someone ordinary, uneducated. It is also synonymous with salty (which has disease scabies or court) as stray dogs. canduroso Ingenuous (with or) means that he has candor or innocence. The candor is synonymous with simplicity, innocence and candor. It is also used in poetry as a synonym for whiteness. cantaloupe Cantaloupe is an English word which means melon. cantar las verdades Sing the truths to someone means take you in face any thing, reproach him something. cantar victoria Sing victory is an expression to give to understand that there is that cheer is by the win. Usually used when getting something that has cost much work, much time or much effort. cañambuco Is a word used in Nicaragua to appoint to a person that does not uses clothes inside. cañom It is not possible to find the meaning of this word. Favor of scoring the phrase or paragraph where appears written for treat of identify it. cardenal y cardinal Cardinal is a member of the Sacred College voter and Advisor to the Pope. It is also a bird of America Scarlet plume and a very vibrant colors bird. In medicine, is called so in colloquial way to a patch of the skin resulting from a spill of blood at the level of subcutaneous cell tissue (better known as ecchymosis). Cardinal means main, essential. carebarro Another idiom of youth slang of Costa Rica, which implies that it is a blatant, scoundrel, person's face as mud. carepicha It is an insult used by Costa Rican youth slang which means penis face. In Colombia and Costa Rica will say picha to the male genital organ. caridad como valor The charity as value is an attitude personal that implies understanding to them others, especially with relation to the suffering alien. A person is charitable if you feel the urge to help the one who suffers and this momentum translates into concrete action (e.g. an alms, tip, etc.) Along with faith and hope, the charity is the three theological virtues in Christian religion, which are related to love God and men, in particular the most humble and needy. carne viciosa en las heridas Meat to the fibrous substance of the human body and the animals located under the skin is called, and which constitutes the muscles. Viciosa meat is a medical term that is used to name to the bulge of flesh that is formed in the wounds and sores and that hinders healing. carpe diem memento mori It is an expression in latin which means: enjoy the present day, remember that you must die. Used to enjoy life while you can, without forgetting our fatal condition. cascarlo It comes from the verb cascar has several meanings.1) break anything or break it into pieces. Example: a nut or an egg.(2) losing her voice her sound and intonation.(3) paste or hit someone.(4) in sense family mean chat.(5) in sense figurative and vulgar means dying. casera negra Home black is as you called them Andalusia to the Coca Cola. caso inipro The Inipro case is an investigation that is being conducted by a judge to investigate a probable Act of corruption of the Mayor of Tarragona, Spain (Josep Félix Ballesteros) in relation to the Inipro company, hired by the municipality to promote the Association NISMO among immigrants. castuza It is a derogatory word that derives from caste (person who abstains pleasure sexual, demure). The uza/uzo completion written at the end of some words is a suffix used to imply contempt, irony, bad taste.Examples: gente-gentuza, drunk-borrachuzo, casta-castuza. cataclismo nuclear A cataclysm is a disaster of great proportions, usually produced by a natural as an earthquake or hurricane phenomenon. When the disaster is caused by a failure in a nuclear or atomic power plant, or because of the explosion of an atomic bomb, releases a large amount of radiation which burns and destroys everything in its path, causing a devastating disaster of enormous proportions. cauin Cahuin is a mapuche word that means tangle or clutter.Formerly quot; cahuin quot; It was a meeting of chiefs or loncos (chiefs of tribe Araucana) in which it was customary to drink alcohol, resulting in disparate conversations or comments. Hence the term cahuin as a tangled affirmation and baseless. caulimon Caulimon is the name of a lobito in a children's song that teaches young children the use of the diphthong au quot; quot; as in auto. cayado y callado,htm Crook is a thick cane with the curved end that shepherds used. It is also the crosier of the bishops. Quiet is an adjective that means that speaks little or is reserved, is derived of the verb shut. cayalã¡ If the searched Word is Cayalá, Maya has the meaning of paradise or sacred place. For the Mayan people be in cayalá, consisted of strengthening the relationship between man as a being and the intelligence to be able to live in the present. Living in cayalá is to be fully integrated to the present which is experiencing. cazar pokemons Hunt Pokemon or Pokemon means to take to the streets to locate where the characters in the game are called Pokemon Go, which can be downloaded free and is very much in vogue. cdo cargo directivo CDO is shorthand for several words such as closed, when padlock, etc. It probably refers to the situation that keeps a leading position in a company. For example, which is closed, shut down or changed. cdsm Are the acronym in English of Certified Demand Side Manager, a program of awards and recognitions to engineers related with the industry energy.CDSM also are the initials of Cathy and Dan Sivack, founders of a company of learning and inquiry of technology in line of Welsh origin. celos infundados The jealousy unfounded are the jealousy that not have rationale or reason of be. Usually are due to a suspected imaginary of infidelity, either to the lack of security of the person that them experiences. censilizar There is on the market a drug called C´ensil which serves to treat melasma ( 41 skin pigmentation; Censilizar probably relates to the fact apply or be treated with this product. centauro del norte The Centaur is a fabulous being of Greek mythology, half man and half horse. The Centaur of the North is the nickname of José Doroteo Arango Arámbula, aka Pancho Villa, leader of the Mexican Revolution. This nickname was given by having been the Commander of the División del Norte and almost always riding. cero a la izquierda Be a zero to the left means of way family be a useless, not assert for nothing, does not deserve any consideration of them others.This expression comes from the null value that is zero writing to the left of any amount. Example: 12345 has the same value that 012345, since the zero written to the left or to the beginning of the first amount, not worth nothing. cero a siempre quot; zero always quot; It is the motto of a strategy by the Colombian Government called national strategy of comprehensive care to early childhood that seeks to combine the efforts of the public and private sectors, civil society and international organizations on behalf of children from 0 to 6 years to develop integral. cerrar los puños Close cuffs can mean anger, aggressiveness, anxiety or despair. It's a body gesture that reveals even a part of the personality of an individual by the way in which closed fists in reaction to an external physical event or a mental process. chaginiar Youth's parlance, in Nicaragua, chaginiar is an idiom that means to dress well. challe Challe is the name of a troll-woman (evil spirit in Norse mythology). Chaye, in Guatemala's youthful parlance, means a piece of broken glass. chamboaca The word chamboaca is used by the youth of Nicaragua jargon as synonymous with pig, whose meaning is pork, pork, but also mean messy, frumpy. chambreao In Chile is a regionalism that means be drunk or intoxicated. Also you say quot; chambreao quot; to the wine red entibiado. chambrin According to the Nicaraguan youth slang, chambrin means a person of the street, without culture. chanin chanin It is an expression of Mayan origin used in Guatemala which means fast, hurry. chapiadora In Dominican Republic is you said so to a woman interested, exploited, that makes any thing by money, including prostitution is. chepetlan This word is composed of two words: Chepe and tlan. So far I have not found the origin or the meaning of the word Chepe, therefore its definition remains. The tlan in nahuatl word means quot; place of... quot; or quot; place where abound... quot;. For one thing, we cannot know what Chepetlan to not find where comes from the word Chepe. chequeada Checked or checked it is the past participle of the verb to check which means examine, review. It also means entered, issue, Bill. Example: Check luggage at the airport. cherepo In Nicaragua and Costa Rica, is known as cherepo to the lizard common. chicoca In Chile used as an adjective and noun for a small or young girl. Also are you says chicoca or chicoco to a person of low stature. chicotear los caracoles Is an idiom Chilean used to give to understand that something is very slow (as them snails) and there is that rush it to do it more quickly. It means accelerating or urge an activity or task. Makes reference to them carriages pulled by horses in where is them punished to the animals with the whip for accelerate the step. chilazo In Mexico and Guatemala expression quot; to chilazo quot; It means whatever, without care, improvised or also very fast. chin chilete It is an expression used in Guatemala which offers something showing someone. Really has no meaning, just is a Guatemalan regionalism without sense. chinique Chinique is the name of a municipality in Guatemala and also a type of music which can be heard in the villages. It subsequently acquired the meaning of a party.He name chinique (before chinic) is derived from the language quiche whose meaning is quot; in the middle of them plans quot;. chirufa There is this word in the dictionary. There are three words which you seem to much: Chiruca - boot canvas with light and durable rubber outsole. Chirula - Small flute used in the Basque country and in the Bearn.chirusa - in Argentina and Uruguay, social-class woman low, vulgar behavior. chish It is an expression used by the youth slang in Guatemala to imply that something causes disgust or revulsion. Also want to say quot; quot; little thing or quot; no is difficult quot;. chispudo Another Guatemalan expression used by youth jargon to imply that a person is intelligent and agile in something, you have spark. choni It seems that in Spain is tells choni the young woman, little education, dubious taste to dress, language and behaviour of the slums.In other countries, however, has different meanings. churristate The war stories or churristate of beach is a species of vine common tropical that grows in them parts high of beaches and tolerates the air salt of the sea.It is a creeping vine whose seeds float on water and the flowers are Violet, forming large colonies that cover the beaches.In Mexico are you known as Rinonina or Rompepiedras by their use medicinal against them calculations kidney. chusta Is a term used in Spain to appoint to the cigarette of hashish or marijuana that is smoke with late medicinal or recreational.Also are you said porro, peta, Firecracker, mai, Canute, hoists and maca. None of these names have meanings. ciberacoso Also called harassment virtual or cyber, cyberbullying is the use of media of digital media to attack a person through disclosure of confidential or false information, causing emotional distress and concern for the victim.Implies a damage recurring and repetitive inflicted through media electronic in Internet. cibercondría The cyberchondria is a habit or quot; quot Cyber disease; people who are obsessed by their health and consult Internet binge to try to find the answer to their diseases and symptoms of various conditions that they think they have. ciclocalle It is the name which is known in Spain to the streets where circulating bikes with right of priority. In Mexico are you known as Park. ciclogénesis In meteorological terms, cyclogenesis refers to atmospheric processes that generate low pressure centers and give rise to certain kinds of Cyclone. The opposite of cyclogenesis is called ciclolisis, which corresponds to a cyclone dissipation by the presence of a high pressure system. cielo abierto Open it is an expression which implies that it is not covered, protected, or indoors. This term is usually used in excavations or mines that are found on the surface of ground and are not underground. It also refers to open buildings, that are not covered or protected by a roof cigalalizate It means that they follow him or become fans of Diego El Cigala, Spanish flamenco singer. cipotudos Is a new adjective coined recently in Spain to identify trafficking quot; how virile and bombastic quot; of speaking and writing of some people.Comes surely of the word cipote, that is the name with which is you known commonly to the penis (the Member virile male) in Spain. In Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador cipote means boy, chiquillo.
cisne negro Is refers to a theory emerged historically of the phrase in latin rare avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno (an ave rare in it land, similar to a Swan black) that speaks of the importance for the history of the humanity that have them events unexpected, ends and random, normally ignored by its low probability of give is. A Black Swan, is therefore something rare and unexpected, very rare but important. clausurado Closed means closed. Is says of the local or establishment that the authority competent closes by violating the law. It also refers to put an end to a Conference, event or Convention. clembuterol The clenbuterol is a drug indicated for the treatment of diseases respiratory by its effect bronchodilator. Used for example in people who suffer from asthma to facilitate breathing. Due to its effects as anabolic, also used to accelerate the development of cattle and it is regarded as a doping agent in different sports disciplines. cleptocracia It is a derogatory term of recent coinage to indicate that a Government is corrupt and thief. quot; Clepto quot; comes from the Greek and means theft and quot; cracy quot; means strength, therefore kleptocracy means quot; force or domain of thieves quot;. clicar It is an anglicism, derived from the verb in English to click which means clicking. It's the sound that occurs when you press a key or a button on the keyboard. Click is also used. clickbait Clickbait is an English word which literally means "bait of clicks". It is a pejorative term which describes the web content that aim to generate advertising revenue on the Internet, especially at the expense of the quality or accuracy of them, depending on sensational headlines to attract the largest share of 'clicks' and promote your shipment through social networks. clochet It is likely that this is a gallicism whose origin is the word quot; clochette quot; in French which means Bell, Bell or Tinkerbell. cluster empresarial Cluster is an English noun meaning bouquet, cluster or group. Therefore, a business cluster is a group of companies or group of companies. cobrar tributo The tribute is a tax, contribution or other tax obligation that is paid to the Government. It is a burden or obligation which must be satisfied by the use or enjoyment of something. Figuratively, is a gift to express respect and veneration as demonstration of admiration or gratitude and also a sign of recognition or consideration for a person. Collect tribute is therefore synonymous with collect taxes or pay the price of using or enjoying something. Figuratively, it is synonymous with accepting a gift or gift. cocos Has several meanings.In Chile means the testiclesIn Ecuador they say coco to virginity.In Peru is refers to the dollars American.In other Latin America countries coconut means head.In medicine, the coconuts are bacteria that have form spherical. such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, etc. coger la mano Take your hand or take by the hand is a habit that can symbolize appreciation, friendship, protection, union, safety, love, jealousy, authority, etc.It is a form of nonverbal communication that conveys moods and personal attitudes cohecho y prevaricación In law, bribery is a crime which consists of bribing an authority or public official through the payment of a gift in Exchange for a favor. It is synonymous with corruption.The prevarication or malfeasance is a crime that consists in that an authority, judge or another server public, dictates a resolution arbitrary in a topic administrative or judicial to knowing of that is unfair. Is comparable to the breach of the duty and is a manifestation of abuse of the authority. cohonestarlo The verb cohonestar comes from the latin cohonestare that means enhance, beautify. It means harmonize or make compatible a quality, attitude or action to another. Also means giving sign of honest to an action unbecoming. coito a tergo Coitus to tergo is the position sexual commonly known as the dog.Is it same posture in which is placed them Muslim when oran toward the Mecca, i.e., of knees, ducking the head to the floor and lifting them hips.It is the natural position of the animal Kingdom in which the female is placed to mate with the male. comer hielo Eating ice can be a disease called quot; pagofagia quot;.Can duty be to several causes, among them to the syndrome of pica (disorder food), to alterations neurological, to deficiencies mental, to lack of iron (anemia) or simply because produces pleasure. In occasions is a remedy that reduces the pain of certain conditions as the erosion of the esophagus due to reflux gastric, vomiting repeated, bulimia, mucositis, etc. comer hostias en vinagre Is an expression that used formerly the breast in Spain when the children asked: quot; MOM, that there's eat? quot; She responded: quot; Hosts in vinegar quot;. Know if currently is using this expression with some meaning different. comer techo Eating ceiling is a term used when someone lies down on the bed, you can not get to sleep and all that is is to see the ceiling of the room for a long time. This expression is very popular among people who take drugs and then cannot sleep because it moves the hand of dose. comerse los mocos In the jargon youth of Spain, quot; eat are those snot quot; or quot; be two candles quot; means very little sexual activity. There is who says that also means not having success with the girls or boys.
comuneros Community members are the people that participate in a community of goods or rights, or them peoples that have community of pastures.Originally called Community participants of the revolt of the communities of Castile in 1520 - 1521. con excepción de With the exception of means that it is except or separating the person or thing of the matter that it is.An exception is something or someone that is away from a case or of a law general.Example: The sky is blue, with the exception of (except) that white cloud. con la venia With permission, it is a permit or license is granted to a person by the authority to do something. Is a term used commonly in them hearings before a judge or in the courts for request for example permission of speak or present some document before the jury. The permission is also a military salute soldiers are accompanied by the right hand to the temple. Permission is a word that comes from the latin and means license. con pie derecho With the foot right or with good foot is an expression that is used to give to understand that something is made with good fortune and success, well made.The opposite is with the left foot or on the wrong foot, which means with misfortune and blunder, badly made. con qué With what (with accent on the e) is used to ask or exclaim. Is formed by the preposition with and the interrogative or exclamation what.Example: what is this text written in? Not be with what is written this text.Quot; not to be confused with that;(sin acento en la e) quot or quot; so quot; (written together and without accent) because have a meaning different. con sus ojos elados Eyes ice cream (with h) is an expression used to say that they are very big eyes, open and fixed (as in dead) caused by something amazing, frightening, or hard to believe. con sus ojos elados Eyes ice cream (with h) is an expression used to say that they are very big eyes, open and fixed (as in dead) caused by something amazing, frightening, or hard to believe. concepto de dinamico Dynamic is a term or concept that comes from the Greek dynamos whose means force or power. In terms General, dynamic means movement or that that it produces. For example: dynamic rhythm, dynamic process, dynamic character. etc. Said of a person, dynamic means that it refers to someone notable by their energy and activity. conchabado ((((Cahoots is the participle of the verb conchabar whose meaning is the following: 1) join, gather or asociar.2) in America southern, means hire, take servant to sueldo.3) in Chile is synonymous of change things of little valor.4) collude, conspiring or intriguing. Conchabar is is joining is two or more people to some end generally illicit. concupisciencia It lust (not lust) is the desire of goods or material pleasures, especially sexual pleasures.Is a word that comes from the latin concupiscentia that means greed, ambition, also want to burning of something in general. For Christianity refers mainly to the appetite for carnal pleasures, sentenced in antiquity. condoro Is is of a chilenismo whose meaning according to the RAE is wrong is, commit an error unforgivable or clumsiness garrafal. Usually say quot; send a condoro quot;. conmoción interior Commotion is the violent disruption of the mind or the body and also a rising, tumult or disturbance. Internal upheaval refers to an alteration or a disturbance into something or someone.
consangrante It is likely that this is an error. If the searched Word is CONSAGRANTE ( without intermediate n ) then its meaning would be: which enshrines, the person who executes the action of consecrate. conseguir camello In Colombia, get camel means to get a job. In other Latin American countries its meaning can be different since the word camel refers to the drug dealer. conspiranoico It is an invented word composed of conspiracy and paranoid. It refers to the person who is compulsive and self-taught and memorize the details of the theory which is delivered without change of opinion regarding their beliefs, always finding evidence that his hypothesis is reality.In other words, is a conspirator paranoid obsessed in their own beliefs. constitucion fisiologica de una persona o animal The physiological Constitution of people and animals refers to the functions that each one has as a living being. Many human functions are related to the animal functions. Physiology studies the function of each part of the body. The body consists of cells, cells form tissues, tissues form organs, organs are devices and appliances form systems. contar la firme Count the firm is an expression or idiom that means tell the truth according to the jargon youth of Chile. contra entrega It is a term that is often used in the public postal service which is responsible for the transport and distribution of correspondence. Against delivery means that the letter or package will be delivered in Exchange for the payment of the service. The preposition quot; against quot; in this case means quot; in Exchange for or condition of quot;. conyuge superstite The surviving spouse is a term used in law to designate a spouse who survives or is a survivor of he who dies. In other words, it is the spouse who is a widower or widow. cookie Cookie is a Word English that means cookie. In computer science, cookie is a small information sent by a website and stored on the user's browser, so that the website can refer to user activity.(((Their main functions are 1) take the control of users 2) get information on the habits of navigation of the user and 3) detect attempts of spyware (programs spyware) of agencies of advertising. coraz¿n de jesus In the Catholic Church, the sacred heart of Jesus is the devotion referred to the heart of Jesús of Nazareth, as a symbol of divine love.In particular is refers to the feelings of Jesus and especially to your love by the humanity.This devotion calls to who the practice, to have those same feelings that Christ Jesus. corresponsal bancario Correspondent banking is a person who, living in a remote area, maintains correspondence (letters, mail, pouch, etc.) with a banking institution that accredits him as its representative, to carry out certain actions on your behalf (charges, payments, etc). cortapicos de informatica The irregularity in the flow of electric current causes damage or malfunctions in the electrical and electronic equipment. A cortapicos or surge suppressor, is a device whose function is to suppress the quot; quot peaks; or maximum voltage variations of short duration in electric power to prevent equipment damage or functioning erratically. Electronic equipment such as computers, or computers are the most sensitive to voltage peaks, since sometimes they are beyond the capacity of the microcircuitry. couch somático A couch is a sofa. Somatic means relative to the body or to the soma. Soma in biology, is the set of non-reproductive cells of living beings. A somatic couch is therefore a sofa to related body therapies. covijar Shelter is a verb that means to hold or to lodging. It also means cover or cover with a blanket. Figuratively it means to protect or shelter. código secreto A code is a system of signs and rules that allow to formulate and understand a hidden message. If unknown or unable to decrypt this code, it is called secret code. crack en economia The word crack is of English origin and means break, break, crack or collapse. A crack in economy is a disaster or financial collapse, also known as bankruptcy or bankruptcy. The stock market crash is a very common term used in the stock market to refer to a quick fall of all or most of the values that are listed on the stock exchange. creepypasta The super are stories short of horror collected and shared through Internet with the intention of scare or worry to the reader.Creepy in English means dark, gruesome and the term creepypaste comes from the Internet slang copypaste which means copy and paste. crispear It is an anglicism from the word quot; quot; crisp in English that means crisp.This term is common in the kitchen when frying or dora food giving you a crunchy consistency, i.e., when it splits or bites, it makes a noise similar to a branch of the break (crunch). croio The word croio has the following meanings: in Galician means loose rock fragment, usually rounded, likely to be transported by water currents. It is also called edge. In Italian it means hard, raw, intractable. Figuratively it means rude, rough, rustic. cronovisor The cronovisor is the name of a machine invented by a Benedictine priest Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti and other scientists, allowing to capture images of the past.Before his death, the father revealed in his deathbed, religious images and the work of Tiestes made known they were counterfeit and that it was all a fraud.

cto CTO in English is an acronym for Chief Technology Officer which translates as Chief Technology Officer. It is responsible for scientific and technological Affairs of a company. In Spanish, CTO may be the name of a company, school, , etc. Written with lowercase letters and a point at the end (cto. ) could be an abbreviation of contract or circuit, etc. cual es su gracia When you ask one person quot; what his grace? quot; You can have two meanings.1) you are asking for their skills, tastes, hobbies or work. Example: what is grace? I like to sing, I am very good jokes or I am interested in travel, etc.2) refer to their name. Example: what is your grace? My grace is Esteban (my name is Esteban).Grace has other meanings more, depending on the intent or purpose with which this word is used. cualquier forma In any way is to say quot; quot anyway; or quot; quot in any way; or quot; quot; it as. Expressly that before this, or it is in thinking that speaks or listens, does not prevent what is said below. cuan largo me lo fiais It is an expression that comes from the play El Burlador de Sevilla of Tirso of Molina.Don Juan Tenorio, main character of the work, almost always repeating the expression quot; How long me lo fiais quot; which means that death and the punishment of God are very distant and that for the time being not concerned the salvation of his soul. cucumelo In Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay is known as cucumelo to a fungus whose spores germinate in the dung of ruminants., in places sunny, during the time of rains. Its name comes from the latin and means quot; small cauldron quot;.In Spain are you known as a gotzi, monguis or cucumiellos; in Mexico as mushroom teonanacatl, indigenous name meaning quot; or San Isidro flesh of the gods quot;. cucumen Cuncumen is a village in the town of the region of Valparaíso, in Chile. Its name means quot; hum of water quot; in mapuche language, Araucanian or Mapuche. culazo AZO/AZA termination means by generally large, beautiful or blow. Examples: tipo-tipazo, bala-balazo, cabeza-cabezazo, land-terrenazo, etc. In this case it would be ass-butt and the meaning leave to your imagination. culiolada According to the youth jargon of Costa Rica culiolada is somewhat cheesy, delicate. culo volador The flying ass (The Flying boom) is the name that is known jokingly to Airlander 10, world largest aircraft built in the United Kingdom by its form. It's a prototype of modern airship that measures 92 meters long, can carry 10 tons of cargo and travel 140 kilometers per hour to 6000 meters high. cumbión It is the name of a musical, variant of Colombian cumbia, but more accelerated pace.During the parades and in Carnival, when advance, it make to step accelerated, almost like a trot called cumbion. cunaviche It is the name of a river of Venezuela as well as the Manaviche river but I did not find its meaning. It is possibly an indigenous name or Portuguese origin by the quot; quot che completion; but I'm not sure. Hopefully someone else knows about it. cuñadismo It is a term used in Spain which describes how for some people. It comes from the word brother-in-law, which serves to describe a person who feels perfect, superior, be able to illuminate the world with your wisdom. Considers that you know everything and you can say whatever. cup en cataluña The Catalonia CUP stands for candidacy of Popular unity, a political party Spanish of the extreme left, defender of the independence of Catalonia and the so-called Catalan countries, whose term is politically very disputed. curso alto It refers to the course or length of a river. In general, the rivers are divided into course high, medium and low, or upper, middle and lower. The high course covers since the birth of the River, usually a spring or the high mountains, where begins the middle course. It is characterized by having a runway wide Strait and a flow or quantity of water low but very fast. customizar It comes from the verb in English to customize which means customize, modify, adapt or transform something to the taste of the customer. c¿vico militar escampar is a verb that is used to notify when there is a nbsp; great storm or rainy much that has broken and already does not drop anything. For example,you cleared already the storm?. He cleared this in past perfect simple. d2w D2w acronym corresponding to an additive used in plastics to become biodegradable plastic.D2W are also the acronym of an Association of fight professional in United States and the name of a seminar on the web called Doors to Wellbeing (doors to the welfare). da toques Is is of a function that is used in Facebook to greet to those friends, give access temporary to a person to see our profile. To the quot; give a touch quot; the person will receive an alert of touch in your home by an icon with the option of quot; return touch quot; or quot; remove the touch quot;.It is a feature that many consider useless or unusable.In English the word used is poke whose translation is push, hit or touch slightly with the fingers. dabuti Is a term that comes from the word bute that in the language calo means much. When coupled with the preposition de (make its debut) is used to refer to something that is worth much, which is of great quality or value.Today, the term dabuten or dabuti is synonymous of great, wonderful, fantastic. daesh Turkisch is a new term that emerged to the Islamic terrorist group name ISIS. It is an acronym whose meaning in may have different translations depends on how it combines. Can mean quot; Something that crush or trample quot; quot; He that sows discord quot; or quot; intolerant quot;. damanes The hyrax or rock Hyrax are an order of placental mammals originating in Africa and currently extend across Africa and the Arabian peninsula. Although they keep some resemblance with rodents as the Guinea pig, in reality they are hoofed primitvos. Relatives of elephants and manatees, are considered even though his physical appearance is very different.
dar bifes In Argentina give steaks means giving hits with repeatedly open hand. dar dos yoyas Colloquially, a yoya is a coup given intentionally. Therefore, give two character is equivalent to giving two slaps or punches in the Spanish Youth jargon. dar la brasa According to the youth slang, it is an expression used in Spain which means being heavy, annoying, insistent. dar la chapa Refers to an expression used in Spain which means being heavy, annoying, insistent and boring with the same speech as always.Also be used say quot; give the Ember quot; or quot; give the toston quot; with the same meaning. dar una de cal y otra de arena It is an expression which means alternating the good things with the poor, either toggle the opposite things with each other. Its origin comes from the mixture of materials for construction that prepares to alternating sand and lime. darle al coco Is an expression that is used to give to understand that is think of way constant in something or someone without to remove is it of it head.The coconut in this case is a way of naming the head. darle los cinco minutos It is a phrase that usually means that someone behaved in a way that is rare, unusual or strange for a while or small amount of time... darse un voltio According to youth jargon in Spain, means a turn, exit paseo to distract themselves. dataclismo It is the name of a book written by Christian Rudder which is about what the data that we put into the network say about us in terms of love, sex, race, and identity. The name of the book quot; Dataclismo quot; is a word invented, that by its similarity with cataclysm, gives to understand that is is of a disorder or disaster of data of great proportions. de la misma It is an adverb that expresses ownership, similarity or identity. Examples: This car is the same person (property). The ring is of the same quality (similarity). The plant is from the same family that (identity). de las veladoras The candles can refer to several things. 1. -People who are or are not sleeping. 2. -Small and round tables with one foot and three on the base. 3. -Electrical table lamps. 4. -Lamp or portable lights that are usually placed on the bedside table. 5. -Short and thick candles that are set on by devotion to an image. de medio d¿a para arriba In terms astronomical, the noon is the point at which the Sun is more near the zenith (the point more high or culmination). Noon up would be from that time onwards.In terms geographical, the noon is the South. Example: Midday in Spain is the same as the South of Spain. Noon up would be from the South to the North.
deadpool It is the name of a fictional character, mercenary and Marvel Comics antihero. The literal translation of this word may have several meanings such as: puddle, pond, pool or pool dead or no life (or unused). Consortium, community, panel, Fund or reserve depleted or inactive. Group or play dead or finished. Apparently none of these meanings have nothing to do with the character's name, unless Deadpool refers to the game of death which is bloody actor plays in the magazines and film. decoración de dormitorios As its name implies, it is the way to design, organize and decorate a bedroom or bedroom for sleeping, including selection of furniture, accessories, fabrics, colors, lighting, upholstery, etc., needed to give a pleasant and functional at the same time. defcon 3 DEFCON is an acronym in English of Defense Readiness Condition or Defense Condition which is a State of alert or defense used by the armed forces of the United States. It is used to measure the level of availability and the defense of the American army to a threat. There are 5 levels of DEFCON that are used depending on the seriousness of the situation. DEFCON 5 is active in times of peace and the number will decrease as the situation becomes more critical. DEFCON 3 involves an increase in the availability of forces above normal. The US military has reached this level three times. (1) in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. ((2) in 1973 during the Yom Kippur war and 3) in 2001 during the September 11 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. DEFCON 1 is the level of high alert that has never been used. dejar el cañon In Dominican Republic, the jargon youth le says the canon to the weapon's fire. Is likely that quot; let the canon quot; refers to the fact not bring or carry any gun. demagogia barata Demagoguery is an attitude that is to flatter the popular aspirations or the prejudices of many people to increase the own popularity and obtain or increase the power. Therefore, the demagoguery is that which is achieved with little effort, low-priced and is pointless. demigrante Is a word poorly written that does not exist. It emerged in a car Spain online forum and its abuse has spread. It correct is demeaning (with n) that means that denigrates or insult. Denigrate is speaking ill of a person or thing, destroying its reputation or opinion. dentrica Not there is this word in the dictionary. It is likely to be an idiom used to describe something relative to the teeth or belonging to it in. However, no is a word recognized by the Royal Academy of the language Spanish. depauperados Haggard has two meanings. The principal is impoverished, poor or very poor. In medicine means weak, exhausted, physical or moral. derecho colaborativo The collaborative law is an alternative method of conflict resolution, focused on the needs and interests of the parties, by separating the person from the problem and making them participants in the search for and adoption of an agreed solution... It is a process that is used to resolve legal matters (such as divorce) without having to reach the courts. derivada en un punto This is the explanation that appears in the network, I hope you understand. http: //www. ditutor. com/derivatives/derivada_punto. HTML

derna Derna is also a proper name and a surname whose probable origin is Arabic and their meaning unknown. Derna is also a city in Libya on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. derogar y abrogar Repeal means cancel or amend a law or precept with another law or precept new.Abrogate means to abolish (leave no value) or revoke a law or decree. derrama económica The economic flow refers to the entry and spread of money in the economy of one or more sectors of the population that benefits and favors the people who compose it.For example, the tourism is a source important of spilled economic for a country. des evolución The prefix quot; quot; des origin is Latin and writing at the beginning of some words mean deprivation, denial or counter action. In this case desevolucion is the opposite of evolution, but it is a word that does not exist in the dictionary and its use could be incorrect or inappropriate. deschuflar Deschuflar is a popular lexicon employed by farmers in Gran Canaria in the cultivation of the banana or banana. Its meaning is unknown. desconfianza en la pareja The distrust of the couple refers to the problems arising from the daily coexistence of a couple as a result of some events and the passage of time living together. The origin of the distrust can be varied, such as insecurity, feelings of inferiority, jealousy, infidelity, selfishness, and is usually treated by a Professional-based individual therapy or group. descorporizar The verb descorporizar does not exist in the dictionary. It is a word used to describe the action of separate, remove, or hide the material body of the immaterial. The prefix quot; quot; des It is prepended to some words to give them the meaning of denial, contradiction or absence. Examples: comes (denial), do-undo (contradiction), corporizar or corporeizar-descorporizar (absence). desde aquel instante From that moment is the same as since then, from that moment, since that time. A moment is a very short time period. desdigo I desdigo is derived from the verb back on what it means to deny something or someone. Example: back on his words.Backtrack is the opposite or go back from what was said above. Example: the accused is desdijo of his confession.In sense figurative, backtrack is not correspond the character, conduct or appearance of someone or something with their origin, education or class. Example: Your rudeness belies his family.Also in sense figurative, can mean not be something of the same quality that what it surrounds or accompanied. Example: This wine belies the food. desension That Word does not exist or is incorrect. If the searched Word is dissent (with i instead of e) then comes from the verb dissent which means disagree, disagree. It is the opposition or contrariety in any opinion or purpose. Figuratively, it is used to refer to a contest, rina or dispute.
desgravar el iva VAT is the value added tax levied all or almost all purchases and acquisitions of goods and services with the forced payment of a tax.Tax means impose a load tax or assessment on a well or activity, by which tax deductible means delete or remove that same load or assessment in benefit of them consumers. desigualdad social The inequality social is refers to a situation socio-economic in which a group or minority, receives a treatment different from others with greater power.Esto causes may be cultural, religious, ethnic, gender reasons, etc.and manifests itself through isolation, discrimination and marginalization.Social inequality covers all areas of society and goes against human rights. desobligacion The prefix quot; quot; des used at the beginning of a word means in latin: denial, opposite direction, excessive or out of. Therefore, desobligacion is the opposite of obligation, that is, is the equivalent of irresponsibility. despijiada In Costa Rica, youth slang uses this word as a synonym of disappointed, discouraged or demoralized. desvanecio The word faded (with accent on the o) comes from the verb fade which means get rid of something gradually, little by little. Also be used to indicate that any person is blacked out. detox It is an English word which means Detox. Also is the name of a diet to eliminate toxins from the body. df en facebook Can mean many things. DF (Delirium Framboise) is an English musical group. DF (Distrito Federal) now city of Mexico.df (pseudonym) is a photographer from girls. Could also be an abbreviation of two common words such as: double bottom, holiday, don facundo, in party, etc. dicho de un animal que vive en rebaño o manada Means that what has just been said, refers or applies to an animal that lives in flock (such as sheep that are in the care of a pastor)) or in herd (set of usually wild animals of the same species, living or move together). dicho popular A popular saying is a witty and timely phrase that people use to express an idea, education or experience of great value that is worth remembering. Example of popular sayings: do good and not to look at who. To luck, should help her. To the early bird, God helps it, etc. dicidente Dissident (with s) is both an adjective and noun that identifies a person who is sort of a doctrine, belief or political party by not agree with their ideology. This general definition applies in politics and more specifically where there is no freedom of expression, as in the dictatorships of some countries. dieta blanda The soft diet is a diet that includes soft foods most easily digested and fat-free. It can be a base of pureed, cooked vegetables, soups, creams, chicken, fish, jellies and legumes. It also includes drinks healthy like juice or fruit water. dieta de la piña The diet is a method to lose weight quickly. Those who have tried it, ensure that they are lost up to 5 kilos in just 3 days. The pineapple is a food diuretic, i.e., helps to eliminate the liquid body through the urine when is consumed in large quantities during ones few days. This weight loss is temporary and then recover to return to eat on a regular basis. dignidad humana Human dignity is the right that has every human being, to be respected and valued as individual and social person just to be part of humanity. In addition to respect and value, human dignity includes principles of benevolence, justice, equality, integrity and utility towards oneself and peers.
dihardute It is of a Word's origin Basque that means quot; work quot; but also appears as a verb with the meaning of quot; they are either or quot;. dilfs Dilf is an acronym for the words in English Dad I´d Like to Fuck that means in Spanish Daddy I would like to fornicate. It is as he is said online young attractive, married men are sexy. diminorrea The dysmenorrhea (not diminorrea) or menstruation painful is an irregularity of the function menstrual. Characterized by painful periods that occur with menstruation of women. din en dibujo técnico DIN is an acronym in German Deutscher Industrie Normen which are the rules of the German industry. In the case of technical drawings, which classifies those drawings according to your objective, way of preparation, content and destination is standard DIN-199. dingui Apparently is as it writes in Spanish the word English dinghy that means boat or raft inflatable. dirigir la batuta The baton is the wand with which a director of Orchestra takes the compass of the melody, so them musicians it interpreted in form organized. Direct the baton or carry the baton is an expression that means in form colloquial direct a corporation, a group of people or an affair of way organized to get to good end.
discurrio It took place (with accent on the o) is the preterite of the verb run, which can mean three things.1) think, reason or think about one thing. Example: It took place on a problem.(2) take the time or an action that is developed in the time. Example: Passing the days.(3) flow a river or a stream of water by your bed. Example: The River runs between mountains.It can also mean devise or invent something. diseño responsive Responsive, adaptable or responsive design, is a technique that allows you to create sites on the web can be adapted to the conditions of the computer or device from which will access, especially in relation to the screen where you are viewing. The responsive Word must be understood as a term which has response towards the environment that surrounds it or the conditions in which it is located. disertacion filosofica A dissertation consists in an exhibition oral individual in which is develops a theme with the intention of analyze to fund one of its aspects, expose a point of view and invite to new reflections.It basically consists of an exercise of reasoning which engages to the listeners, in a reflection of a relevant subject. The theme can be philosophical or of any other nature and consists of three parts: introduction, development of the issue and conclusion. disprupción Disruption is a rupture or interrupt sharp of something. Refers to the fact something suddenly interrupted and so violent. distorsión de mercado Distortion is an imbalance, a distortion or lack of harmony. When the market becomes distorted it means that there is a deformation usually trade, because prices are higher or lower than normal and when produced, bought and sold goods are also higher or lower than the normal ones or those that exist in a competitive and balanced market. divergente pelicula Divergent comes from the verb diverge has two meanings principales.1.-go away on a line or road, desviarse.2-disagree or disagree, disagree. The protagonists of the film are divergent because they do not agree with the form of Government and society that have rebelled against it. divergente y convergente Divergent comes from the verb diverge which means go away a point, line or path. Figuratively used to say that he disagrees with any subject or opinion. Divergent means disagreement. Convergent is the antonym or opposite word of divergent. It comes from the verb converge which means go to a single point, line or path. Figuratively, want to say that if it is in accordance with what is expressed. Convergent is synonymous with concurrent. dlb On the Internet, dlb stands for English quot; dirty little bastard quot; which in Spanish translates as quot; small and Dirty Bastard quot;. The classic guy who is usually always go after the girls skirts.
DLB are the initials of Dementia with Lewy Bodies which means quot; dementia with Lewy bodies quot;. It is a type of progressive dementia that leads to a decline in thinking, reasoning and independent function due to abnormal microscopic deposits that damage the cells of the brain with the passage of time. dlc en videojuegos Probably refers to DIC Entertainment, an American company of creative animation of several programs and games like the Inspector Gadget and Super Mario. among many others. Could also be the abbreviation of quot; dictionary quot; (dictionary) or something like that. dolicopodo In medical terms, dolicopodo (with the accent on the second or) means oversized feet. don quijote Don Quixote is the name of the character in the novel written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.Se is an hidalgo or caballero andante whose name corresponds to a person involved in matters that do not always concern him, in defense of Justice. dondequiera y donde quiera Anywhere is an indefinite adverb of place which means anywhere. Example: Put Hat anywhere. Wherever consists of the adverb of place where and the verb you want (of love) and its meaning is in place or the place you want. Example: Go where you want there to be peace. dope en instagram The word dope or doping in English means doping. It is the action of administering drugs or stimulating substances (such as drugs) to artificially enhance performance, mainly of an athlete or horse racing. There is a magazine on Instagram, called DOPE as they say, are the acronym for Defending Our People and Plants Everywhere, that is, to defend our people and plants wherever, refers to the use and authorized trading in some parts of the United States of the marijuana or cannabis plant. dos puntos y un parentesis Two points and a parenthesis are signs spelling used to express something.Colon and a parenthesis are graphically written thus:)Two points is used in spelling to indicate that what is writes then is a quotation, a phrase that describes something or a relationship numbered.The parentheses in spelling is used for interlayer and isolate a phrase or data related with the issue that is is. Example: In this year (2016) I'm going to make a trip. e pa fuera que van It is the name of a political slogan later transformed into musical merengue from Dominican Republic for purposes of propaganda, which refers to the departure of politicians in turn in Government. It should be read as quot; is out that will quot;. e-sports The e-sports or eSports is the name used to designate competitions for video games, which have become strategic sports of great popularity. e is the abbreviation for electronic English and Sports means sports. e-tron The name e -tron identifies a series of prototypes of cars sports of the brand Audi that work based electricity or are hybrid electric.The quot; quot; e means power and the termination quot; tron quot; in Spanish means place. But also refers in general to certain elementary subatomic particles as neutron, electron, etc. to the devices associated with them, as the particle accelerator. Hence the origin of the name. e2e On the Internet the e2e term is used to mean in English exchange-to-exchange which is an exchange of information or transactions between web sites that in turn serve as exchange between them of goods and services in different businesses.Its use is has widespread in the network and now is used to give meaning to others things more. ebrietas Not means nothing. It is the name of the daughter of the Cosmos in Bloodborne video game. echar la pota It is a Spanish expression that means vomiting.POTA, pasamar or lura, is the name Vulgaris that receive some molluscs cephalopods similar to the squid. echar la raba It is the same as take pota, take the pears or throw the potatoes. It means vomiting. in Spain. echar un motoso It is a Colombian idiom that means bedtime NAP. edelmiro Edelmiro is a man of German origin whose meaning is of great nobility. efecto poltergeist The Poltergeist effect is a parapsychology phenomenon that usually consists of noise and movement of objects attributed to spirits, evil entities and other non-scientific causes. The most accepted this effect hypothesis, is that you it's an outward manifestations of psychological trauma. Poltergeist is a compound word derived from the German, quot; poltern quot; means making noise and quot; Geist quot; It is a spirit or ghost. . efesios 6,11 It's a quote from the Bible, in the New Testament. Corresponds to the epistle of the Apostle San Pablo to them Ephesians Chapter 6, verse 11, that says so: dress you of all the armor of Dios, so can be firm against the Wiles of the devil.The Ephesians were them inhabitants of Ephesus, a city old of Ionia to shores of the sea Aegean, which was evangelized by San Pablo. The tradition says that the Virgin Mary died there. egesitatrigarante Apparently it's two words United and written improperly. If the query words are " 34 trigarante army; then its meaning is the name of an existing in 1820-1821 military body that was led by Agustín de Iturbide during the independence of Mexico. ego sum escampar is a verb that is used to notify when there is a nbsp; great storm or rainy much that has broken and already does not drop anything. For example,you cleared already the storm?. He cleared this in past perfect simple. ei EI (written in capital letters) are several more abbreviated names or acronyms for example of Islamic State or Education International.If he is written ei (with lower case) then it may mean anything depending on the topic or issue which concerned. Examples: school independent, entrance inclined, exercise uncomfortable, etc.To be able to better clarify the doubt, it is necessary to know what is the context in which these letters appear to find its meaning. ejemplos de retahilas A string is a series of things that follow each other without interruption.The shreds are children's expressions that recur in the games and in the daily relationships of the children belong to the popular oral tradition. There are various types: to sort games to heal a wound, to make a joke, jump rope, etc.Example of a string to sort games:
In Noah's Arkfit all, fit all.In Noah's Arkfit all, less you! ejido en la biblia The ejido in the Bible refers to a field far beyond the walls of a city, could be to which livestock grazing or where a garden could be grown. el seroncillo The seroncillo is a kind of basket or drum that is used to catch the fish in fishing to foot or traditional shellfish. It is a tool made with material Esparto and practically is no longer them rather than in the hands of older fishermen, traditional or purist. Currently the most used medium is the plastic drum. el capo A capo is a delinquent, head of a criminal organization or mafia in drug trafficking or drug. Not be confused with bonnet (with accent on the o) which means something else. el color azul The meaning of the color blue can have many interpretations. This express color confidence, friendship, fidelity, affection and harmony. Brings tranquility and normally represents honest and kind people. It is a sentimental color and symbolizes qualities such as intelligence, science, the concentration and the reason why it is considered a cold color. It represents the sky, the sea and the air, which associates it with the calm, quiet and melancholy but also the divine and the eternal. el lomo In Argentina and Peru, will say back to attractive and well formed of a female body, while in most Spanish-speaking countries, the loin is the upper part of the body of a four-legged animal that ranges from the neck to the legs and whose meat is very tender and tasty. el meldonium Meldonium is a drug which is known as Meldonio in Spanish. It is a drug used for therapeutic purposes to correct some cardiac disorders. Use in high performance athletes has been recently banned by international sports organizations. el miajon de los castuos The Miajon of the Castuos is the title of a book written by the Spanish poet Luis Chamizo.Miajón is an abbreviation of granular or crust of bread, but also is the essence, the purest and natural things. Castúo is how they call the talks about Extremadura (Extremadura, Spain). Therefore, the meaning of the title of the book would be something like the essence of the talks of Extremadura. el percal The Calico is a fabric fine of cotton or polyester used for clothing and clothing white of low price. The expression quot; knowing percale quot; It means that good source the subject for which it is or knows perfectly is known to someone. It is an analogy of who will dress with a good fabric and who wears lower-quality percale, trying to fool to pretend what they aren't really possess. el que calla otorga It is a popular saying whose meaning is that the person who keeps silent and does not express his opinion, agrees and gives (grants) consent or agree to what has been said or done as valid.Example.Question: are we going to the movies?Answer: (it says nothing. Stays silent)Conclusion: the calla grants (is van to the cinema).