City Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Council held on 17 May 2006

Present: The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor Councillor Afzal Khan – In the Chair

Councillors Ali, Amesbury, Andrews, S. Ashley, Barnes, Barrett, Battle, Bethell, Bhatti, Boyes, Brandy, Bridges, Burns, Cameron, Carmody, Carroll, Chohan, Chowdhury, Clayton, Commons, Cooper, Cowan, Cowell, Cox, Curley, Dobson, Donaldson, Evans, Fairweather, Fender, Fisher, Firth, Flanagan, Gallagher, Green, Hackett, Hall, Harrison, Hassan, Helsby, Hitchen, Hobin, Isherwood, A. Jones, Judge, Kane, Karney, Keegan, Keller, M. Khan, Leese, Lewis, Longsden, Loughman, McCulley, Morrison, M. Murphy, N. Murphy, P. Murphy, S. Murphy, E. Newman S. Newman, O’Callaghan, Barbara O'Neil, Brian O’Neil, Pagel, Parkinson, Pearcey, Priest, Pritchard, Ramsbottom, Risby, Royle, Sandiford, Shannon, Shaw, Siddiqi, Jeff Smith, John Smith, Smitheman, Stevens, Swannick, Trafford, Trotman, Walters, Watson, Wheale, Whitmore, Williams and Wilmott.

Also Present : Honorary Aldermen Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw and Kenneth Franklin

CC/06/38 Recording of Proceedings

In accordance with Procedural Rule 28, the Council agreed to the proceedings being filmed and for photographs to be taken during the meeting.

CC/06/39 Election of Lord Mayor

The Lord Mayor invited nominations for the office of Lord Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year.

Councillor James Ashley having been nominated, the Council voted by acclamation.

The Lord Mayor declared that Councillor James Ashley had been elected Lord Mayor of the City of for the ensuing Municipal Year. Councillor Ashley then subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Council adjourned briefly whilst the new Lord Mayor was robed. On resuming, the Lord Mayor, Councillor James Ashley, took the Oath of Allegiance and addressed the Council.

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CC/06/40 Chair

The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor, Councillor James Ashley (In the Chair)

CC/06/41 Thanks to retiring Lord Mayor

A vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor was moved by Councillor Karney and seconded by Councillor Simon Ashley.

The Lord Mayor then presented badges to the retiring Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.

Councillor Khan then responded.


To extend the sincere thanks of the Council to Councillor Afzal Khan, the retiring Lord Mayor, for his valuable services to the City of Manchester during his term of office, and to Shkeela Khan, the retiring Lady Mayoress, for the work which she has undertaken during the past year.

CC/06/42 Appointment of Deputy Lord Mayor

The Lord Mayor invited nominations for the office of Deputy Lord Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year. Councillor Glynn Evans having been nominated the Council voted thereon by acclamation


To appoint Councillor Glynn Evans as Deputy Lord Mayor of the City for the ensuing Municipal Year. Councillor Evans then subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the Badge of Office.

CC/06/43 Visitors from Wuhan

The Lord Mayor extended a warm welcome to a delegation from Manchester’s sister city Wuhan, a visit that marked the 20 years of close association and cooperation between the two cities. He hoped that their visit to Manchester would be an enjoyable and rewarding one.

CC/06/44 Urgent Business

The Lord Mayor informed the Council that he had consented to the Minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 16 th May 2006 and reports in relation to the review of Parliamentary Boundaries and the appointment of

Page 2 of 9 City Council an independent member of the Standards Committee, being submitted and considered as urgent business.


To consider the items referred to above as urgent business.

CC/06/45 Mr John Worstencroft-Parr

The Lord Mayor reported the recent death of John Worstencroft-Parr, an independent member of the Standards Committee. Council stood briefly in silent respect to his memory.

CC/06/46 Civic Service

The Lord Mayor reminded members of the arrangements for the Civic Service at Manchester Cathedral on Sunday 21st May, 2006 at 3.30pm.

CC/06/47 Minutes


Subject to the addition of the following paragraph to the decision on Minute CC/06/37, to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 29 th March 2006 –

7. That the Labour Council is now developing similar plans for our primary schools, and in this context welcomes the announcement that work can start on new schools for St Thomas’s Primary School and St Agnes’ Primary School, and looks forward to further announcements on completion of the primary place review.

The Minutes were then signed by the Lord Mayor.

CC/06/48 Election of Councillors and Order of Seniority

Council noted the election of the following councilors at the election held on 4 May 2006

Ward Councillor elected Normal year of retirement Ancoats and Clayton Jim Battle 2010 Ardwick Mavis Smitheman 2010 Baguley Edward McCulley 2010 Bradford John Longsden 2010

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Brooklands Sue Murphy 2010 Burnage Rodney Isherwood 2010 Charlestown Eric Hobin 2010 Cheetham Naeem Ul Hassan 2010 Chorlton Val Stevens 2010 Chorlton Park Norman Lewis 2010 City Centre Elaine Boyes 2010 Crumpsall Jon-Leigh Pritchard 2010 Didsbury East Tony Parkinson 2010 Didsbury West Mark Clayton 2010 Mike Amesbury 2010 Gorton North Nilofar Siddiqi 2010 Gorton South John Bridges 2010 Harpurhey Paul Fairweather 2010 Higher Blackley Anna Trotman 2010 Hulme Nigel Murphy 2010 Levenshulme Alexander Cowan 2010 Longsight Maryam Fazeek Khan 2010 Moss Side Roy Walters 2010 Moston Bill Risby 2010 Miles Platting and Newton Heath John Flanagan 2010 Northenden Richard Cowell 2010 Old Moat Brian Harrison 2010 Rusholme Lynne Williams 2010 Sharston Hugh Barrett 2010 Whalley Range Mary Watson 2010 Withington Simon Wheale 2010 Woodhouse Park Eddy Newman 2010

The Lord Mayor welcomed Councillors Mike Amesbury, Elaine Boyes, Naeem Ul- Hassan, Maryam Khan, Nigel Murphy and Mary Watson to their first meeting, and welcomed back Councillors Mark Clayton and Nilofar Siddiqi.

He reported that Councillors Newing, Sajjad, Wilkins and Winder were not re-elected and on behalf of the Council extended to them the Council’s thanks for their past services to the work of this Council.

Council also noted the revised Order of Seniority of Members.

CC/06/49 Leader of the Council

The Lord Mayor invited nominations for appointment as Leader of the Council. Councillor Richard Leese having been nominated, and the Council having voted thereon -


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To appoint Councillor Richard Leese as Leader of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.

CC/06/50 Appointment of the Executive


To appoint the Executive Members with the following portfolios -

Culture and Leisure Councillor Hackett Children’s Services Councillor Jeff Smith Direct Services Councillor P. Murphy Finance & Human Resources Councillor S. Murphy Adult Services Councillor Curley Housing Councillor E. Newman Planning and Environment Councillor Swannick

The Leader of the Council also reported the portfolios of Executive Members in accordance with Article 7 of the Council Constitution –

Leader Overall policy coordination. local strategic partnerships, regeneration and resource procurement, major economic developments, equal opportunities, external relationships, communications

Deputy Leader (1) Local economic development, skills and life-long learning, international affairs, support on NWRA and on regeneration (Central and South Manchester)

Deputy Leader (2) Crime and disorder, ward co-ordination, youth services and Connexions, support on Core Cities, support on regeneration ( and East Manchester)

Finance and Human Resources Budget, Council Tax and Benefits, IT, Land and Property, PSA/LAA, Corporate Personnel (eg Single Status)

Adult Services Health, Adult Care, Asylum Seekers, Voluntary Sector, Valuing Older People.

Housing Investment options, private sector housing especially HMRF, homelessness, supporting people.

Direct Services Direct Works, maintenance of physical environment, waste collection, hospitality and trading services and markets.

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Planning and Environment Transport policy (including Highways and Planning) green issues, licensing and planning policy (current post-holder also leads on e-government)

Culture and Leisure Galleries and Museums, libraries, indoor and outdoor leisure, external arts and sports bodies, adult education service.

Children’s Services Schools, Early Years 14-19, children and families, overall responsibility for all matters affecting children and young people

CC/06/51 Appointment of Committees

In relation to the Executive Standing Consultative Panel the Council approved the inclusion of Councillors Fairweather, M. Murphy and Judge, and the deletion of Councillor Pagel.


To approve the recommendations of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 16 May 2006 subject to the above changes.

CC/06/52 Appointments to Joint Boards and Joint Committees


To approve the recommendations of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 16 May 2005.

CC/06/53 Questions to Executive Members

Council noted that no questions had been raised.

CC/06/54 Annual Report of Overview and Scrutiny Committees

The Annual Report of the work of Overview and Scrutiny Committees was submitted.


To receive the Annual Report.

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CC/06/55 Committee Minutes

The Minutes of the following meetings were submitted:-

Constitutional and Nomination Committee – 16 May 2006 Licensing Committee – 20 March 2006 Planning and Highways Committee – 13 April 2006 Wythenshawe Area Committee – 27 April 2006 Personnel Committee – 3 May 2006

The Chair of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee amended the Minutes in relation to the membership of the Executive Standing Consultative Panel by the deletion of Councillor Pagel and the inclusion of Councillors Fairweather, M. Murphy and Judge to this and other vacancies.

The Chair of the Personnel Committee proposed, and Council agreed, to delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources, authority to appoint five elected members to approve a job description and person specification and to make appropriate arrangements for advertising and effecting permanent appointments to the posts of Assistant Director in the Children’s Services Directorate.


1. To approve the Minutes of the Constitutional and Nomination Committee held on 16 May 2006 as amended.

2 To note the Minutes of the other meetings referred to above.

3 To approve the increase in Hackney Carriage Fares as recommended by the Licensing Committee.

4 To delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources, authority to appoint five elected members to approve a job description and person specification and to make appropriate arrangements for advertising and effecting permanent appointments to the posts of Assistant Director in the Children’s Services Directorate

CC/06/56 Council Constitution 2006/2007

The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations in the City Solicitor’s report,


To approve the Constitution for 2006/2007 as attached to the report of the City Solicitor to Council.

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CC/06/57 Review of Parliamentary Boundaries in Greater Manchester

The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations in the City Solicitor’s report,


To welcome the decision of the Boundary Committee for England to confirm its provisional recommendations for constituencies in Manchester as final recommendations

CC/06/58 Standards Committee – appointment of independent member

The Council considered a re commendation from the Constitutional and Nomination Committee on 16 th May regarding the appointment of an independent member of the Standards Committee


To appoint Mr J.A. Snadden as a member of the Standards Committee for a two year term of office, commencing from the date of this meeting.

CC/06/59 Questions in accordance with Procedural Rule 24

Council noted that no questions had been raised.

CC/06/60 Levenshulme Neighbourhood Centre

Motion moved/-

This Council notes that the Levenshulme Neighbourhood Centre is due to close it’s doors in July due to the unacceptable dangerous state of the building. Despite efforts over a long period of time to keep the building open for community use it now seems the building is in such a dangerous state that it can no longer remain open for community use at all. Council instructs the Chief Executive to urgently bring forward a report on community provision in Levenshulme and to ensure that premises are available where the Levenshulme community are able to have community use especially for young people and in particular babies and toddlers given that these facilities will cease when the centre is no longer available for use.

Upon a procedural motion under Procedural Rule 18(1)(o) being moved and seconded to adjourn the debate, the Council voted -

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In favour of the procedural motion (56) Councillors Amesbury, Andrews, Barrett, Battle, Brandy, Burns, Carmody, Carroll, Cooper, Cowell, Cox, Curley, Evans, Fairweather, Fender, Flanagan, Green, Hackett, Harrison, Hassan, Hitchen, Hobin, Judge, Kane, Karney, Keegan, Keller, A. Khan, M. Khan, Leese, Longsden, Loughman, McCulley, Morrison, N. Murphy, P Murphy, S. Murphy, E. Newman S. Newman, O’Callaghan, Barbara O'Neil, Brian O’Neil, Pagel, Priest, Risby, Royle, Siddiqi, Jeff Smith, John Smith, Smitheman, Stevens, Swannick, Trotman, Walters, Watson and Wilmott.

Against the procedural motion (32) Councillors Ali, S. Ashley, Bethell, Bhatti, Boyes, Bridges, Cameron, Chohan, Chowdhury, Clayton, Commons, Cowan, Dobson, Donaldson, Fisher, Firth, Gallagher, Hall, Helsby, Isherwood, Jones, Lewis, Parkinson, Pearcey, Ramsbottom, Sandiford, Shannon, Shaw, Trafford, Wheale, Whitmore and Williams

Abstaining (1) The Lord Mayor

The Lord Mayor declared that the procedural motion was CARRIED.


To adjourn the debate until the next meeting.

City Solicitor Lord Mayor

Chair of the Meeting of the Council

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