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2018 dynamics control by shaping femtosecond pulses in micro/ nanofabrication: modeling, method, measurement and application Lan Jiang Beijing Institute of Technology, [email protected]

An-Dong Wang Beijing Institute of Technology

Bo Li Beijing Institute of Technology

Tian-Hong Cui University of Minnesota

Yong-Feng Lu University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Jiang, Lan; Wang, An-Dong; Li, Bo; Cui, Tian-Hong; and Lu, Yong-Feng, "Electrons dynamics control by shaping femtosecond laser pulses in micro/nanofabrication: modeling, method, measurement and application" (2018). Faculty Publications from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 434.

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Electrons dynamics control by shaping femtosecond laser pulses in micro/nanofabrication: modeling, method, measurement and application

Lan Jiang1, An-Dong Wang1,BoLi1, Tian-Hong Cui2 and Yong-Feng Lu3

During femtosecond laser fabrication, are mainly absorbed by electrons, and the subsequent energy transfer from elec- trons to ions is of picosecond order. Hence, lattice motion is negligible within the femtosecond pulse duration, whereas femtose- cond - interactions dominate the entire fabrication process. Therefore, femtosecond laser fabrication must be improved by controlling localized transient electron dynamics, which poses a challenge for measuring and controlling at the elec- tron level during fabrication processes. Pump-probe spectroscopy presents a viable solution, which can be used to observe elec- tron dynamics during a chemical reaction. In fact, femtosecond pulse durations are shorter than many physical/chemical characteristic times, which permits manipulating, adjusting, or interfering with electron dynamics. Hence, we proposed to control localized transient electron dynamics by temporally or spatially shaping femtosecond pulses, and further to modify localized tran- sient materials properties, and then to adjust material phase change, and eventually to implement a novel fabrication method. This review covers our progresses over the past decade regarding electrons dynamics control (EDC) by shaping femtosecond laser pulses in micro/nanomanufacturing: (1) Theoretical models were developed to prove EDC feasibility and reveal its mechanisms; (2) on the basis of the theoretical predictions, many experiments are conducted to validate our EDC-based femtosecond laser fabrication method. Seven examples are reported, which proves that the proposed method can significantly improve fabrication precision, quality, throughput and repeatability and effectively control micro/nanoscale structures; (3) a multiscale measurement system was proposed and developed to study the fundamentals of EDC from the femtosecond scale to the nanosecond scale and to the millisecond scale; and (4) As an example of practical applications, our method was employed to fabricate some key struc- tures in one of the 16 Chinese National S&T Major Projects, for which electron dynamics were measured using our multiscale measurement system. Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7, 17134; doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134; published online 9 February 2018

Keywords: electrons dynamics control; femtosecond laser; micro/nano fabrication; pulse shaping

INTRODUCTION the initial defects of the target materials. Hence, femtosecond laser Because of their ultrashort irradiation periods and ultrahigh inten- ablation is deterministic and reproducible7, and almost any material sities, femtosecond laser pulses in some aspects fundamentally change can be machined using a femtosecond laser, including metals8–10, the laser-material interactions mechanisms compared with long laser semiconductors11,12, dielectrics13,14, polymers15, two-dimensional pulses, which has created wide-range and exciting new possibilities in materials16–20, ultrahard materials21 and biological tissues22,23.In micro/nanoscale fabrication1–3. addition, ionization mechanism can be adjusted by changing femto- The ultrahigh intensity makes femtosecond laser-material interac- second laser energy and its temporal/spatial distribution to control tions a strongly nonlinear process4,5. Linear ionization generally laser-material interactions24. dominates in free electron generations for continuous or long-pulse The ultrashort irradiation period of a femtosecond laser also makes laser processing of wide bandgap materials6. The intensities of femtosecond laser-material interactions a strongly nonequilibrium femtosecond can easily exceed 1012 Wcm− 2, thus nonlinear process3,25. The duration of a femtosecond laser pulse is much shorter ionization mechanism such as avalanche ionization (~1012 Wcm− 2), than the electron-lattice energy relaxation time (10 − 10 − 10 − 12 s). multiphoton ionization (~1013–1014 Wcm− 2), and tunnel ionization Therefore, laser energy absorption is completed before the lattice (41015 Wcm− 2; Ref. 3), can occur in the femtosecond laser fabrica- changes, resulting in a significantly nonequilibrium state between tion processes. The nonlinear ionizations are almost independent on electrons and lattices. Hydrodynamic motion and heat conduction

1Laser Micro/Nano-Fabrication Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA and 3Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0511, USA Correspondence: L Jiang, Email: [email protected] Received 12 April 2017; revised 27 August 2017; accepted 28 August 2017; accepted article preview online 30 August 2017 The accepted article preview was available with the details: Light: Science & Applications (2018) 7, e17134; doi: 10.1038/lsa.2017.134. Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 2

Table 1 The estimations of optical and thermal properties in classical and improved two-temperature models116

Property Classical TTM Improved TTM ∂hiε Electron heat capacity Ce = γTe Ce ¼ ne ∂ T e V pffiffiffiffiffi = 3 m ðk T Þ3 2 pffiffiffi e B 3me k te ¼ 2 4 2 2pðZ Þ ne e lnL Electron relaxation time te ¼ 2 2 p ne kB T e fg1 þ exp½mðÞne; T =kBT F 1=2

T e 1 2 Electron heat conductivity ke ¼ T keq ke ¼ 3ne teCe l  2 n 2 2 n 2 ε ; ; op ðÞe te op ðÞe te DR DT e ðÞ¼t r z 1 2 2 þ i 2 2 Optical property D 1þo te oðÞ1þo te ðÞDR max ðÞDT e max þ Dε2ðÞcontribution of the interband transition

abc 14 000 14 000 1 Electron temperature Electron temperature Experiments 12 000 Lattice temperature 12 000 Lattice temperature

) Existing model

–2 0.8 Proposed model 10 000 10 000

8000 8000 0.6

6000 6000 0.4

Temperature (K) Temperature 4000 (K) Temperature 4000 0.2 2000 2000 Threshold fluence (J cm

0 0 0 –5 05 1015202530 –50 5 10 15 20 25 30 102 103 104 105 Time (ps) Time (ps) Pulse duration (fs)

Figure 1 The calculated electron and phonon temperatures of 200 nm gold film irradiated by a 140 fs, 1053 nm pulse at 0.2 J cm − 2 by (a) the classical model and (b) the improved model. (c) The predicted damage threshold fluences of 200 nm gold film processed by a 1053 nm laser at different pulse. Reproduced from Ref. 117 (with the permission of SPIE).

through lattices are negligible during the femtosecond pulse duration. from experiments may contribute to theoretical comprehension and Thus, recast, thermal damage (microcracks) and heat-affected-zone prediction. are greatly reduced2. Because of the nonequilibrium laser-material Many innovations in measurement technologies could also be interactions, including phase change and material removal, are converted to new methods in fabrication technologies. In the pump- essentially determined by laser-electron interactions26,27. Hence, fem- probe experiments, the observation of electron dynamics is achieved tosecond laser fabrication must be improved by controlling electron by analyzing the probe pulse disturbed by electrons. By increasing the dynamics during the fabrication process, which poses a challenge for energy of the probe laser, the disturbing process can be transformed measuring and controlling at the electron level during fabrication into certain control if it is purposely designed. Much more complex processes. pulses other than merely two pulses can be designed to control the Pump-probe spectroscopy, which has been widely used in fields electron dynamics. Recent developments of optical devices substan- including physics28–33,chemistry34–37 and materials science38–40, tially enhanced the capability to shape laser pulses. The amplitude58–63 presents a viable solution for detecting electron dynamics. The basic /phase64,65/polarization66,67/frequency68,69 can be easily manipulated in mechanism involves splitting one femtosecond pulse into two sub- both temporal and spatial domains. By temporally/spatially shaping pulses. One sub-pulse is the pump pulse and the other is the probe the femtosecond laser, the local transient electron dynamics can be pulse, and the time delay between them can be precisely controlled by precisely controlled. Many studies have demonstrated that properties adjusting the optical path difference. On the basis of this principle, of atoms and molecules can be controlled by temporal/spatially shaped Zewail41 and other pioneers developed the discipline of femtochem- ultrafast laser pulses70–72. For example, using a shaped ultrafast laser istry, which elucidates ultrafast chemical reaction processes at the pulse, atoms can be selectively ionized73–75; spin states can be electron level42–44. Their research demonstrates how chemical bonds dynamically controlled76–80; molecular ground state rotational change and electrons transfer during chemical reactions45,46. Recently, dynamics and vibrational modes can be manipulated81,82;chemical attosecond laser pulses have been used to probe electron dynamics in reactions can be controlled83,84 and X-ray line emission from plasma greater detail47–49, and even the electronic charge distribution within under the femtosecond pulse can be significantly enhanced85–87.Inthe molecules has been detected34,50,51. In addition, electron dynamics field of ultrafast laser fabrication, Herman and Ilday et al5,88–90 during laser-material interactions have been captured through the demonstrated the heat accumulation effect can be controlled by pump-probe technique. For instance, researchers have imaged electron harnessing high-repetition-rate burst trains of ultrafast laser pulses, excitation, electron spatiotemporal distribution and electron decay on achieving significant benefits compared with unshaped pulses. Xu the femtosecond scale52–54. Furthermore, the electron collision time et al24,91,92 revealed the conceptual significance of controlling coherent and laser-induced plasma lifetime can be determined using pump- phonon dynamics for controlling phase change by specifically designed probe measurement55–57. The information on electrons measured ultrafast pulse trains with different pulse delays. Gamaly3 reported

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 3

a c 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 –0.1

–0.2 –0.1

0.8 Electric amplitude (a.u.) –0.2 01020010 20 0.6 Time (fs) Time (fs) 0.4


0.0 Electric amplitude (a.u.) Electric amplitude (a.u.) b 0.2


0.0 –1.1e–2 1.5e–2 –1.1e–2 1.5e–2 –9e–4 9e–4 –0.1 Two pulses 1:1 Two pulses 4:1 Difference d

Electric amplitude (a.u.) –0.2 20 K)

5 400nm+800nm 800nm+400nm 800nm+800nm 30 15

20 10

10 5 (eV per atom) Excitation energy 0 Electric temperature (10 0 0 51001020 30 0 20 40 0 25 50 75 100 125025 50 75 100 125 025 50 75 100 125 Time (fs)Time (fs) Time (fs) Time (fs) Time (fs) Time (fs)

Figure 2 Schemes of electrons dynamics adjusted by shaped femtosecond laser pulses. Electric fields of the applied laser pulse and time-dependent excited electrons of diamond with different (a) pulse delays99 and (b) sub-pulse numbers99.(c)Electricfields of the applied laser pulse (top panel) and the electron density change of diamond from that in the ground state after laser termination with different pulse energy ratios99.(d) Time-dependent electron temperature of fused silica with different pulse dual-wavelengths111. Reproduced from Ref. 99 (with the permission of IOP) and Ref. 111 (with the permission of AIP publishing).

controlling over the ablation rate and phase state of laser-produced domains, we are able to control photon–electron interactions, and plume by using temporal/sptial pulse shaping. Sheppard and Wilson93 then to control the localized transient electron dynamics (including produced the Bessel beam with an annular lens, and Marcinkevičius electron density, temperature and excited-state distribution), and – et al94 and Courvoisier et al95 97 obtained some micro/nanostructures further to modify localized transient materials properties, and then by spatially shaping ultrafast laser pulses. to adjust material phase change, and finally to implement the novel Although various results have been obtained to control the laser- fabrication method. We have devoted our efforts on using EDC to material interactions, electron dynamics have not been extensively improve femtosecond micro/nano fabrications for more than a studied or deliberately controlled, which is vital for laser micro/nano decade. This review summarizes our recent progresses based on fabrication. In femtosecond laser micro/nano fabrication process, EDC by shaping femtosecond pulses in micro/nanofabrication: photons are mainly absorbed by electrons, and the subsequent energy transfer from electrons to ions is of picosecond order 1) Theoretical modeling for EDC feasibility: four models were (10 − 12 − 10 − 10 s). Hence, lattice motion is negligible within the developed, which consists of the ab initio calculations for electron femtosecond pulse duration, and femtosecond photon − electron dynamics98–107, a revised molecular dynamics simulation for phase interactions are the only factor to be considered, which dominates 108,109 110–115 − − change , a plasma model for ionization processes and the subsequent fabrication processes (10 10–10 3 s). Therefore, an improved two-temperature model for energy transport116–118. femtosecond laser fabrication must be improved by controlling 2) Experiments for EDC validation: By shaping a femtosecond pulse localized transient electron dynamics. The key challenge is to measure and control at the electron level during fabrication processes. Pump- in temporal or spatial domains, the photon-electron interactions probe spectroscopy presents a viable solution, which can be used to can be controlled to adjust the localized transient electron observe electron dynamics during a chemical reaction. In the pump- dynamics to implement the novel fabrication methods. Various probe experiments, the observation of electron dynamics is achieved experiments were conducted to validate the effectiveness of EDC. by analyzing the probe pulse disturbed by electrons. By increasing the BasedonEDC,weproposedto: energy of the probe laser, the disturbing process can be transformed into certain control if it is purposely designed. Therefore, we propose ▪ control the localized transient electron density to induce reso- the core idea of electrons dynamics control (EDC; Supplementary nance absorption, by which microchannel processing efficiency Movie 1, Supplementary Information): By shaping the amplitude, was increased by 56 times and the maximum aspect ratio was phase and polarization of femtosecond pulses in temporal and spatial extended by three times119,120;

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 4

a Pulse delay: 0 fs b Pulse delay: 100 fs c Pulse delay: 200 fs d Pulse delay: 300 fs e Pulse delay: 400 fs 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4



Reflectivity Reflectivity 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Reflectivity 0.2 0.4 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 25 0 0 25 25 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 400 –25 400 400 –25 400 –25 –25 –25 300 –50 300 μm) 400 300 –50 m) μm) 300 –50 μm) –50 μ Time (fs) 200 300 –50 m) Time (fs)200 200 Time (fs) 200 Time (fs) μ 100 Time (fs) 200 100 100 100 Radius ( 100 0.0 Radius ( Radius ( Radius ( Radius (

100 fghiPulse delay: 0 fs Pulse delay: 100 fs Pulse delay: 200 fs Pulse delay: 300 fs jPulse delay: 400 fs 120 120 120 120 120 75.0 100 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 80 80 60 60 60 60 60 50.0

40 40 40 40 40

Laser intenstiy Laser Laser intenstiy Laser

Laser intenstiy Laser Laser intenstiy Laser 20 20 20 intenstiy Laser 20 20 25.0 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 –25 –25 –25 –25 –25 100 μm) m) 100 –50 m) 100 μm) 100 –50 100 0.0 –50 μ μ –50 Depth (nm) Depth (nm) –50 μm) Depth (nm)200 Depth (nm) Depth (nm) 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 Radius ( 300 Radius ( Radius ( Radius ( Radius (

Figure 3 Simulation of materials properties adjusted by varying pulse delay within a femtosecond laser pulse train. (a–e)Reflectivity of the material surface and (f–j) the corresponding peak laser intensity distribution at different pulse delays.

▪ modify free electron density and the corresponding photon Furthermore, we revealed the forming mechanisms of the high- absorption efficiency, then modulate material properties, by quality and high aspect-ratio microholes using the multiscale time- which laser-assisted chemical etching rate was enhanced by 37 resolved measurement system131. times121; ▪ adjust electron generation on fabricated material surfaces, through which the periods, orientations and structures of the MODELING FOR EDC FEASIBILITY surface ripples can be effectively adjusted122,123; Modeling method ▪ control electron density and its distribution, through which we Femtosecond photon–electron interactions dominate the entire none- obtained controllable micro/nano hierarchical structures on quilibrium and nonlinear laser fabrication processes, including the material surfaces and enhancement factors of surface-enhanced absorption of laser energy by electrons, energy transfer from electrons Raman scattering (SERS) up to 1.1 × 109 (Refs. 124–126); to lattices, plasma generation, phase change136–138 and material ▪ control electron density distribution using temporally shaped modification. These interactions range from nanometers to milli- femtosecond laser pulse to modify chemical and physical proper- meters spatially and from femtoseconds to microseconds temporally. ties of materials, by which polymorphous Au-MoS2 hybrids were Although a growing body of experimental observations exists, a prepared127; comprehensive model remains unavailable. Such a model is essential ▪ adjust the phase change mechanism by changing photon-electron for revealing the fundamental science underlying ultrafast laser- interactions, which reduced the recast layer thickness by 60% material interactions. According to the applicable time and space (Ref. 128); scales of each involved process, four fundamental models were used: ▪ manipulate electron density distribution using spatially modu- lated femtosecond laser pulse, by which deep subwavelength 1) The ab initio model based on the time-dependent density func- (B1/14 of the laser wavelength) and high conductivity (B1/4 of tional theory (TDDFT) was employed to understand initial non- the bulk gold) nanowires were fabricated in the open air129. linear laser radiation absorption through photon-electron interactions98,99. 3) Measurements for EDC fundamentals: A multiscale measurement In TDDFT, the fundamental variable is not the many-body wave system (from femtosecond scale to millisecond scale) was proposed function in quantum mechanics, but the electronic density. This and developed for understanding the electron dynamics during time-dependent electron density is determined by solving an femtosecond laser ablation. It comprises a pump-probe shadow- auxiliary set of noninteracting Kohn-Sham equations, where the 130,131 graph imaging technique , time-resolved plasma laser fields are treated as time-dependent spatial uniform external 132,133 photography , laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy vector potentials. Describing the motion of the electrons in the 134 (LIBS) and commercialized fast imaging device (CCD). We system, the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation for single reveal the multiple time scale fundamentals during femtosecond particle orbitals is laser-material interactions, including the femtosecond-scale propa- gation of a laser pulse, picosecond-scale generation/evolution of ∂ ÀÁ ÀÁÀÁ laser-induced plasma, nanosecond-scale plasma ejection/expansion, _ !; !; !; i ∂ c r t ¼ HKS r t c r t ð1Þ and millisecond-scale hole formation. t 4) Applications for the EDC method: Our proposed method was used to fabricate some key structures. Using spatially-shaped femtose- ÀÁX ÀÁ 2 cond pulses, we optimized electron density distribution in plasma nr!; t ¼ c !r ; t ð2Þ at the focus point, and then manipulated plasma expansion and i phase change, which was used to drill microholes with a diameter ÀÁ ÀÁ ! ! of 1.6 μm and an aspect ratio of 330:1 (Refs. 132,135). where nr; t is the electron density and HKS r ; t is the Kohn-

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 5

aeLaser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 1pulse 15ps Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 20pulse 15ps 80 80 40 40 0 0 (Å) (Å) X X –40 –40 –80 –80 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 Z (Å) Z (Å)

b Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 1pulse 50psf Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 20pulse 50ps 80 80 40 40 0 0 (Å) (Å) X X –40 –40 –80 –80 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 Z (Å) Z (Å)

c Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 1pulse 92psg Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 20pulse 92ps 80 80 40 40 0

(Å) 0 (Å) X –40 X –40 –80 –80 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 Z (Å) Z (Å)

d Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 1pulse 200psh Laser fluence=0.28 J cm–2 20pulse 200ps 80 80 40 40 0 0 (Å) (Å) X X –40 –40 –80 –80 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 700 350 0 –350 –700 –1050 –1400 –1750 –2100 –2450 –2800 Z (Å) Z (Å)

ikmn20 1.0×104 1.2×104 1.2×104

8.0×103 15 15 ps 1.0×104 1.0×104 20 ps 50 ps 8.0×103 8.0×103 6.0×103 10 15 ps 92 ps 20 ps 200 ps 6.0×103 6.0×103 4.0×103 50 ps 5 92 ps 3 4.0×103 Stress (GPa) 4.0×10 Binodal Binodal Temperature (K) Temperature

3 200 ps (K) Temperature 2.0×10 0 Spinodal 3 Spinodal 2.0×103 2.0×10 Dynamic film surface z=–7 nm 0.0 –5 0.0 0.0 700 500 300 100 –100 –300 –500 –700 700 500 300 100 –100 –300 –500 –700 003.0×103 6.0×103 9.0×103 3.0×103 6.0×103 9.0×103 Z (Å) Z (Å) Density (kg m–3) Density (kg m–3) jlop 1.0×104 20 1.2×104 1.2×104

8.0×103 15 15 ps 1.0×104 1.0×104 20 ps 50 ps 8.0×103 8.0×103 6.0×103 10 15 ps 92 ps 20 ps 200 ps 6.0×103 6.0×103 4.0×103 50 ps 5 3 3 92 ps Stress (GPa) 4.0×10 Binodal 4.0×10 Binodal Temperature (K) Temperature Temperature (K) Temperature 200 ps (K)Temperature (K) Temperature 2.0×103 0 Spinodal 2.0×103 Spinodal 2.0×103 Dynamic film surface z=–7nm 0.0 –5 0.0 0.0 700 500 300 100 –100 –300 –500 –700 700 500 300 100 –100 –300 –500 –700 0 3.0×103 6.0×103 9.0×103 0 3.0×103 6.0×103 9.0×103 Z (Å) Z (Å) Density (kg m–3) Density (kg m–3)

Figure 4 Schemes of phase change controlled by varying the pulse delay in a fs pulse train108. Snapshots of nickel thin films irradiated by femtosecond laser (a–d) single pulse and (e–h) 20 pulse trains with the total fluence of 0.28 J cm − 2,whereX is in the direction of Ni (100) surface and Z is in the direction of laser irradiance. Lattice temperature and stress distributions at different times for (i and k) the single pulse and (j and l) the 20 pulse trains. Time evolution of the system in the ρ-T plane for different regions for (m and n) the single pulse and (o and p) the 20 pulse trains. Arrows indicate the time evolution. Reproduced from Ref. 108 (with the permission of AIP publishing).

Sham Hamiltonian given by 2) The molecular dynamics model was employed to reveal the phase change resulting from electron-ion interactions109. In the mole- ÀÁ ! 2 ÀÁ cular dynamics model, Newtonian equations of motion of a set of H !r ; t ¼ 1 !p þ e A ðÞt þ V !r ; t KS ÀÁ2m c tot ion N particles are solved to describe the phase change process. R !; ÀÁ ð3Þ 2 0 n r t !; þe dr ! !0 þ V XC r t r r 2 ∂ d rt ; U ÀÁ ÀÁ mi ¼ f t f t ¼ ð5Þ ! ! dt2 ∂t where V ion r ; t is the electron-ion potential and V XC r ; t is the exchange-correlation (XC) potential.The time evolution of the where ri is the coordinate of the ith atom, and fi is the force wave function over a short period, Δt, can be approximately acting on the ith atom that is usually derived from potential calculated as follows: energy U(r) (Ref. 139): hi ÀÁ D D ÀÁ q q = = = iH^ ðÞtþDt t iH^ ðÞt t 1 2 gðÞ1r r0 g 21ðÞr r0 c !; D KS 2 KS 2 c !; UrðÞ¼ þ D0 e 2e ð6Þ r t þ t ¼ e e r t ð4Þ 4pεr

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 6

ac0 0 5.0 J cm–2 4.0 J cm–2 50 75 fs 40 100 50 fs

25 fs AB 150 80 CD

Depth (nm) 0 fs 200 Energy ratio 1:2 120

0 –2 250 5.0 J cm 40 20 0 20 40 4.0 J cm–2 Radius (μm) 40 b 0

80 AB 50 CD Energy ratio 1:1 120 0 100 5.0 J cm–2 4.0 J cm–2

150 40 Depth (nm)

CDAB 200 80 400nm+800nm Depth (nm) Depth (nm) Depth (nm) 800nm+400nm 800nm+800nm Energy ratio 2:1 250 120 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Radius (μm) Radius (μm)

Figure 5 Schemes of ablation crater shape controlled by shaped femtosecond laser pulse110–112.(a) Ablation crater shapes created by femtosecond pulse trains consisting of double pulses with different pulse delays at a total fluence of 5 J cm − 2 and central wavelength of 780 nm. (b) Ablation crater shapes created by femtosecond laser pulse trains with different wavelength composition at the total fluence of 5.0 J cm − 2 and the pulse delay of 50 fs. (c)Ablation crater shapes created by 800 nm femtosecond pulse trains consisting of double pulses with three different energy ratios at the pulse delay of 50 fs. Reproduced from Ref. 110 (with the permission of IOP), 111 (with the permission of AIP publishing) and 112 (with the permission of Springer).

3) We proposed the plasma model with quantum treatment to investigate plasma generation and changes (ionization and recom-  μ 110,113–115 1 ( s~ms) bination) . In the plasma model114,115, the free electron density distribution in dielectrics under a femtosecond laser pulse is obtained by solving the Fokker − Planck Equation:

 (ps~fs) ∂n ðÞt; r; z 2 e ¼ a ItðÞ; r; z n ðÞþt; r; z d ðÞItðÞ; r; z N ∂t t e N n ðÞt; r; z e ð7Þ a t  where t is time, r is the distance to the Gaussian beam axis, z is the 3 (ps~fs) depth from the surface of the bulk material, ne(t,r,z) is the free electron density, τ is the free electron recombination time, αi is the b impact ionization constant, and δN is the cross-section of N- photon absorption.  (ps~fs) 4 The optical properties of ionized dielectrics are calculated using the Drude model. The spatial and temporal dependence of the c complex dielectric function for the plasma is expressed as: ! 2 2 2 2 o ðÞne t o ðÞne t εðÞ¼t; r; z 1 p e þ i ÀÁp e ð8Þ 1 þ o2t2 o 1 þ o2t2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffie e ; ; 2= ε d where opðÞ¼ne neðÞt r z e me 0 is the plasma frequency and τe is the free electron relaxation time, calculated as, follows by applying formulas derived from the Boltzmann transport Equation: Figure 6 Temporally shaping femtosecond pulses: (a) a conventional ffiffiffiffiffiffi femtosecond pulse is temporally shaped into a pulse train; (b) the number of p 3=2 3 meðÞkBTeðÞt; r; z sub-pulses within a train can be controlled; (c) the delay between sub-pulses teðÞ¼t; r; z pffiffiffi 2 ; ; 4 can be controlled; (d) the energy ratio of sub-pulses can be controlled. 2 2pðÞZ neðÞt r z e lnL ð9Þ ðÞ1 þ expðÞmðÞne; Te =kBTeðÞt; r; z F1=2

where Z* is the ionization state, me is the electron mass, kB is the

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 7

Reflector lens CCD GratingLens SLM Lens Grating

Reflector Reflector

Fs laser Polarizer Pulse shaper Shutter

Dichroic mirror

Half wave Attenuator plate Objective lens W U Sample


Computer control Hexapod stage Halogen light

Figure 7 Schematic of the experimental setup for temporal shaping of femtosecond pulses. Reproduced from Ref. 141(with the permission of Springer).

a b c d

D1: 185.6441 um

1 μm 1 μm 1 μm D1: 12.28527 um

Figure 8 Holes machined using (a) five 355-nm nanosecond pulses (duration of 30 ns, energy of 0.16 μJ)119,(b) five 800-nm femtosecond pulses (duration of 120 fs, energy of 0.12 μJ)119,(c) five femtosecond-nanosecond pulse pairs119,(d) an 800 nm femtosecond laser double-pulse train (duration of 50 fs, energy of 20 μJ) 120. Reproduced from Ref. 119 (with the permission of OSA) and Ref. 120 (with the permission of OSA).

Boltzmann constant, F1/2 denotes the Fermi-Dirac integrals, μ is transport equation for dense plasmas; and (3) the free-electron heating the chemical potential and ln Λ is the Coulomb logarithm.In and interband transition were taken into account using a modified addition, the wave-particle duality of photon is also considered to Drude model as Equations (8) and (9) to calculate the reflectivity and predict the formation mechanism of laser-induced periodic surface absorption coefficient. Table 1 compares the estimates of optical and structures110. thermal properties between classical and improved two-temperature 4) We proposed the improved two-temperature model with full-run models. Figure 1 demonstrates the differences in (a, b) electron and quantum treatment to predict the electron and lattice temperature phonon temperatures between the classical approach and the 116,117 distributions . In the improved two-temperature model, improved model. The improved model significantly increases the electron and lattice temperatures are given by prediction precisions of the damage thresholds compared with the ∂ classical model, as shown in Figure 1c117. Te ∇ ∇ ; CeðÞTe ¼ ½keðÞTe Te GTðÞþe Tl SzðÞt ð10Þ The four theoretical models are suitable for systems with different ∂t temporal and spatial scales and must be employed in combination to ∂T compensate for each other’s limitations. In our improved two- C ðÞT l ¼ GTðÞ T ð11Þ l l ∂t e l temperature model, the electron density is assumed to be constant. Consequently, the model is not suitable when the bound electrons in where Te is the electron temperature, Tl is the lattice temperature, non-metals are substantially ionized by a femtosecond laser pulse. The Ce is the electron heat capacity, Cl is the lattice heat capacity, ke is the electron heat conductivity, G is the electron-lattice coupling plasma model is proposed to consider the ionization process in factor, and S is the laser source term. nonmetals, but material ablation is assumed to commence when the free electron density reaches the critical density without the con- The two-temperature model was improved by us as follows116:(1) sideration of phase changes, for example, melting, vaporization, using the Fermi distribution, the heat capacity of the free electrons was Coulomb explosion and electrostatic repulsion. Moreover, the mole- calculated; (2) free-electron relaxation time and electron conductivity cular dynamics can be used to identify the relative roles of different were determined using a quantum model derived from the Boltzmann phase change mechanisms. However, the interatomic potential

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 8

(ns~ms) 0 0 a b cde k 0 fs l 50 fs –100 –100 –3 ne (cm ) 2.000E+21 –200 –200 Single pulse 2 μm 2 μm 5 μm 10 μm 20 μm te = 0 te = 20 te = 45 te = 90 te = 150 –300 –300 1.500E+21 (fs~ps) f ghij –400 –400 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0 1.000E+21 100 fs 350 fs Double pulse μ μ 5 μm m n  2 m 2 m 10 μm 20 μm –100 –100 p=350 fs te = 0 te = 20 te = 45 te = 90 te = 150 5.000E+20 s –200 –200 Depth (nm) –300 –300 0.000

–400 –400 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Radius (μm) op ) 20 ) 20 –2 –2 Original beam Original beam O 16 Transmitted beam 16 Transmitted beam W cm Si W cm 13 13 12 12 t u 8 8 4 4 D1 D1 D2 3.0 Laser intensity (10 0 Laser intensity (10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (fs) Time (fs)

line 2.6 –1 )

qr) 20 20 D2 –2

–2 Original beam Original beam 2.2 Transmitted beam Double pulse 16 Transmitted beam 16 W cm =605 cm 2 W cm 13 13 12 12 1.8 under D Intensity (arbitrary units) 8 8 Single pulse 1.4 4 4 Percent area of the reduced spectrum Percent Laser intensity (10

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Laser intensity (10 0 0 Wave number (cm–1) Pulse delay (fs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (fs) Time (fs)

Figure 9 Morphology evolution of the sample surface exposed by (a–e) a femtosecond laser single pulse; (f–j) femtosecond laser double pulses at different stages of the etching process, the pulse delay is 350 fs. The SEM images have varying scale bars. (k–n) Simulation of the free electron density distributions and (o–r) center laser intensity distributions in fused silica irradiated by femtosecond double pulses at different pulse delays. (s) Schematic diagram of the manufacturing and Si-O bond structure. (t) Normalized Raman spectra of modified regions irradiated using femtosecond laser single and double pulses (the pulse delay is 350 fs) in fused silica. Dashed lines below the D2 peaks are baselines used in the peak area measurement in u. Inset is the schematic diagram of 4- and 3-membered ring structures. (u) Percent area of the total reduced Raman spectrum under the D2 line versus different pulse delays. The femtosecond laser with wavelength of 800 nm, duaration of 50 fs and repetition rate up to 1 KHz. The laser fluence is fixed at 9.46 J cm − 2 in all experiments and the energy distribution ratio is 1:1. Reproduced from Ref. 121 (with the permission of NPG).

remains constant in the molecular dynamics model, even though it in validated the concept of EDC and predicted its potentials in ultrafast – fact changes dramatically during strong ionizations. The ab initio laser micro/nanofabrication88 107. method is therefore used to describe a system with no parameteriza- tion, which facilitates the investigation of processes whose mechanisms Simulation results are not fully understood. In a typical ab initio method, the potential In this section, we report several representative simulation results. As energy for a particular electronic state is defined by the electronic shown in Figure 2, the time-dependent electrons dynamics in Schrödinger equation. However, the computational demand of ab materials irradiated by temporally shaped femtosecond laser pulse 99 initio calculation is substantial, and impact ionization is not considered train have been calculated based on TDDFT and the improved two- 111 because the theory is based on orbitals that interact only through the temperature model . The simulation results indicated that increasing mean field. The exact time-dependent xc potential and the functional pulse delay from 10 to 30 fs markedly increased the number of excited electrons and absorbed energy (Figure 2a). However, the excitation for physical observables are still being studied. energy decreased as the sub-pulse number per train increased from 1 On the basis of the aforementioned factors, during femtosecond to 4 (Figure 2b). Furthermore, the shaped pulse energy and laser-material interactions, the target material can be conceptually wavelength distribution were also determined to be key parameters divided into three systems: the electron system, atom or molecule for changing the electron density and temperature (Figure 2c and 2d). system and plasma system outside the bulk material. The ab initio The results indicated that localized transient electrons dynamics, model can be applied to sub-nanometers sampling areas to determine 102 including the number of excited electrons, excitation energy, electron the ionization mechanisms and multiphoton absorption cross density distribution, and electron temperature, can be controlled by 104 section . The revised molecular dynamics can be employed to shaping femtosecond pulses (pulse delay, sub-pulse number, pulse determine the phase change mechanisms in areas of tens to hundreds energy ratio and dual-wavelength distribution). fi of nanometers within an electric eld formed by the plasma system We theoretically demonstrated that localized transient materials outside the bulk material, which is calculated using our plasma properties can be effectively modulated through localized transient model108. The plasma model can be used to describe the electron EDC by temporally shaping femtosecond laser pulses (Figure 3). The system for photon absorption and plasma generation (ionization) and reflectivity and corresponding peak laser intensity distribution were recombination before the lattice actually changes110,114.Ourimproved completely changed by varying the pulse delays. Moreover, the two-temperature model can be employed to calculate energy transport electron density was adjusted by varying the pulse delay, and through electron-phonon interactions116,117.Usingthemodels,we reflectivity decreased as the pulse delay increased because of the free

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 9

1.05 Fth 1.16 Fth a Δt = 0 fs b Δt = 50 fs c Δt = 0 fs egΔt = 100 fs Δt = 300 fs

2 μm2 μm 4 μm 1 μm 1 μm 1 μm dfΔt = 50 fs Δt = 200 fs hΔt = 400 fs

E E 1 μm 1 μm 4 μm 1 μm 1 μm 1 μm

2F ijkl0.6Fth 1.2Fth 1.8Fth th m) μ Ns=3 Ns=4 Ns=1 Depth ( E 2 μm 2 μm 2 μm 2 μm

AFM profile m 2F n 2F o 2Fth th th –0.3 –0.4 LSFL(//E ) –0.5 HSFL(⊥E ) –0.6 Ns=1 Ns=2 Ns=2 Ns=3 –0.7

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 μm 2 μm 2 μm Distance (μm)

Figure 10 Control of period, orientation and topology of the LIPSS on the surface of fused silica via symmetrically shaped femtosecond pulses. (a–h)LSFL changes to HSFL with different orientation under certain pulse fluences and pulse delays on fused silica122.(i–o) SEM images of representative HSFL (i–k), LSFL (m–o) and double-grating structure (l) on fused silica for single-pulse trains (Ns = 1), double-pulse trains (Ns = 2), triple-pulse trains (Ns = 3) and quadruple-pulse trains (Ns = 4), respectively123. Reproduced from Ref. 122 (with the permission of OSA) and Ref. 123 (with the permission of OSA). electron density was lower. Thus, the original laser intensity distribu- slightly above the volumetric phase change threshold fluence of single tion was considerably reshaped, providing substantial control over the pulse ablation. Therefore, the results demonstrated that the phase energy absorption process. The results demonstrated that by control- change mechanism can be controlled by carefully designing the pulse ling localized transient electron dynamics through shaping femtose- train parameters. cond pulses, the localized transient material properties, such as the The ablation shape modulated by designed femtosecond pulse trains – reflectivity and absorption coefficient, can be modified. on fused silica was validated using our plasma model110 112. The crater Meanwhile, we studied the phase change mechanisms in materials shapes of the fused silica and the spacing of the subwavelength ripples such as nickel thin films under irradiation by femtosecond laser pulse differed greatly among sub-pulses with different delay times, wave- trains by using molecular dynamics simulations and the two- lengths and energy distributions. The ablation depths were approxi- temperature model108. The theoretical simulation revealed that more mately 170, 145, 102 and 91 nm for pulse delays of 0, 25, 50 and 75 fs, and smaller high-quality uniform nanoparticles can be obtained on the respectively (Figure 5a). The ablation depths were approximately 186, nickel thin film by femtosecond laser pulse trains compared with 43 and 139 nm, and the ablation radii were approximately 860, 630 conventional pulses (Figure 4a–4h). The use of pulse train reduced the and 410 nm for pulse trains of 400+800, 800+400 and 800+800 nm, electron temperature and electron thermal conductivity dramatically respectively (Figure 5b). For 4.0 J cm − 2, the depths of the microholes because of the lower intensity of the sub-pulses or higher transient were 77, 84 and 71 nm (depth from the surface to the position of line surface temperatures, which left the absorbed energies deposited AB), and the corresponding radii of the ablation craters were 250, 160 mainly within the nanoscale layers of the dynamic film surface and 270 nm for the energy ratios of 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1, respectively; For (Figure 4i and 4j). By designing the pulse train, smaller film 5.0 J cm − 2, the depths of the microholes were 80, 95 and 70 nm compressive stresses and tensile stresses can be obtained, which (depth from the surface to the position of line CD), and the reduced microcracks (Figure 4k and 4l). Furthermore, a transition corresponding radii of the ablation craters were 430, 410 and from phase explosion to critical point phase separation (Figure 4m– 440 nm for the energy ratios of 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1, respectively 4p) enabled small uniform nanoparticle generation. The modulated (Figure 5c). Calculations based on the plasma model revealed that phase change mechanism was considered the main factor for the the time-dependent free electron density differed substantially among morphology control. Both the compressive and tensile stresses can be laser pulses with different parameters. Changing the ionized electron reduced by the pulse trains, leading to the critical point phase density distributions significantly modified the optical and thermal separation within the uppermost films and no liquid-vapor phase properties of the material. This interaction process greatly altered separation within the subsurface films when total laser fluence was ablation shape and subwavelength ripple. The results indicated that by

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 10

μ Z a 1.0 μm b 1.0 m f Δt Δt ~ ms Y X 2nd 1st 2nd 1st + hv + – Ag +H2O Ag+H +OH Fs laser Ripple Fs laser pulse train Nanopillar array

Z Z Water AgNO3 Si Y Si Y X X d STEP ONE STEP TWO c Reference 100 Δt=0 fs 0 fs Δt=800 fs 400 fs

a.u.) 12 80 4 600 fs 800 fs 500 nm 500 nm 18 1000 fs g 60 8 ik 16 0 fs Number 40 4 14 600 fs 20 800 fs Intensity (×10 12 1000 fs

0 a.u.) Reference 0 4 0 40 80 120 160 180 240 600 1000 1400 1800 10 Partical diameter (nm) Raman shift (cm–1) 8 500 nm 500 nm e h j 6 Raman shift (cm–1) 0 fs 400 fs 600 fs 800 fs 1000 fs

Intensity (×10 4 610 9.2E+06 6.2E+07 4.5E+07 2.2E+07 1.9E+07 2 1310 7.1E+06 2.7E+07 1.9E+07 8.4E+07 1.2E+07 0 1360 1.1E+07 4.8E+07 3.3E+07 1.6E+08 2.0E+07 1510 1.1E+07 5.2E+07 3.5E+07 1.6E+08 2.3E+07 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 –1 1650 8.0E+06 4.7E+07 3.0E+07 1.5E+08 1.8E+07 Raman shift (cm )

Figure 11 (a–e) One-step method fabrication of controllable SERS substrates125.(a and b) SEM images of the silicon irradiated at pulse delays of 0 fs, and 800 fs, respectively. (c) Size distribution of silver nanoparticles in a (black), and b (red). (d) SERS signals of R6G molecules on the as-prepared substrates at various pulse delay. (e) Enhancement factors with different pulse delays. (f–k) Two-step method fabrication of controllable SERS substrate126. f Schematic diagram of the SERRS substrate fabrication process. (g–j) SEM images of silicon substrates irradiated at pulse delays of g 0 fs, and i 1000 fs in deionized water, (h) 0 fs and (j) 1000 fs in 10-mM silver nitrate solution. (k) SERS spectrum of substrates fabricated at different pulse delays. Reproduced from Ref. 125 (with the permission of OSA), and Ref. 126 (with the permission of OSA).

controlling femtosecond pulses trains, the final material modification us to further modify the chemical and physical properties of the can be improved. materials127. By spatially shaping a femtosecond laser, a metal The model simulations validate theoretical feasibility of EDC, nanowire with a super sub-diffraction-limit precision (1/14th of the providing a theoretical prediction and guide for practical experiments wavelength) can be achieved129. and applications. Furthermore, our models and subsequent multiscale measurements can form a mutually-supporting system. According to Femtosecond laser temporal pulse shaping the theoretical prediction, a novel fabrication method based on During femtosecond laser fabrication, most of the photon energy is temporally and spatially shaped pulse trains was proposed. Localized initially absorbed by electrons. However, conventional femtose- transient electron dynamics and the corresponding material properties cond laser pulses are separated by a time scale that ranges from can be actively controlled based on the proposed method. We discuss microseconds to milliseconds (Figure 6), which is much longer several pieces of experimental evidences in detail in the following than the time scale of electron-lattice coupling (typically a few sections. picoseconds to tens of picoseconds). Temporal pulse shaping enables sub-pulse generation with a pulse delay shorter than the EXPERIMENTS: EDC-BASED NOVEL FABRICATION METHOD characteristic time scale of electron-lattice coupling so that we can To validate the proposed method of EDC-based fabrication method control femtosecond laser photon–electron–phonon interactions. through temporal and spatial shaping of femtosecond laser pulses, As Figure 6a shows, a conventional femtosecond laser pulse can be many experiments have been conducted119–128. By designing tempo- split into several sub-pulses with a delay, which is called the pulse rally shaped pulse trains, we can control the localized transient train. The separation between the sub-pulses occurs in the time electron density to induce resonance absorption; thus, high efficiency scale—tens of femtoseconds to several picoseconds—which is fabrication can be achieved119,120. We can adjust the phase change generally similar to the characteristic time scale of electron- mechanism from thermal phase change to nonthermal phase change; lattice coupling. Before the photon energy that is absorbed by subsequently, high-quality fabrication can be performed128.Inaddi- the electrons transfers to lattice, the subsequent sub-pulses con- tion, we can modify the free electron density, the corresponding tinuously interact with the materials so that controlling ultrafast photon-absorption efficiency and the material properties, enabling us photon-electron-phonon interactions is possible. Moreover, a to further control the chemical reaction121. We can adjust the electron conventional femtosecond laser single pulse can be shaped into density and its distribution so that the periods, orientations and almost any arbitrary pulse shapes; for example, (1) a pulse can be structures of the surface ripples can be effectively modulated122,123,140 split into a pulse train with different numbers of sub-pulses and a high sensitivity of SERS substrate (controllable micro/nano (Figure 6b); (2) the delay between the sub-pulses can be controlled hierarchical structures on materials’ surfaces) can be achieved124–125. (Figure 6c); and (3) the energy ratio of the sub-pulses can be Furthermore, we can control the electron density distribution controlled (Figure 6d). By shaping a femtosecond laser pulse in to induce surface chemical reduction activity in materials, enabling temporal domains to obtain a specific pulse shape, we can control

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 11

 abcd (ns~ms)

Single pulse 500 nm 500 nm 500 nm 500 nm tr = 0 tr = 20 s tr = 1 min tr = 30 min ef gh  (fs~ps)

Double pulses ( = 5ps) p 500 nm 500 nm 500 nm 500 nm tr = 0 tr = 20 s tr = 1 min tr = 30 min

ijMoS2 modified by temporally kMoS2 modified by conventional S 2p1/2 S 2p shaped femtosecond pulses femtosecond pulses 1/2

Mo/S=1:4.28 Mo/S=1:2.85 Unbound sulfur Unbound sulfur (27.78%) (27.74%)

S 2p3/2 Intensity (a.u.) Intensity (a.u.) S 2p3/2 4+ S S4+ MoS2 film

172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 Binding energy (eV) Binding energy (eV)

l m n Au3+ Shape-controlled Dangling bond Au NPs e –

Unsaturated Saturated S atoms 500 nm S atoms Mo S Fs laser treated MoS2

Figure 12 Morphology evolution of gold NPs reduced on MoS2 surfaces irradiated by femtosecond (a–d) single and (e–h) double pulses, at different stages of the reduction process, where tr represents the chemical reduction time, the pulse delay is 5 ps. (i) Schematic diagram of the manufacturing and Mo-S bond structure. XPS S 2p spectra of modified regions irradiated by femtosecond laser (j) double and (k) single pulses on MoS2, where the percentage value represents the content of unbound sulfur and the atomic ratio represents the relative atomic concentration ratio of Mo and S atoms. (l) AFM image and (m) atomic scale schematic of the laser-broken micro/nano MoS2 debris. (n) Mechanism of chemical reduction of gold cations on laser-treated MoS2 (Ref. 127). Reproduced from Ref. 127 (with the permission of ACS). the photon-electron interactions, which allow us to control the Temporal shaping of the femtosecond laser pulses can be achieved localized transient electron dynamics, including electron density, by using a commercial 4f-configuration-based pulse shaper (BSI temperature, excited state distribution and further modify loca- MIIPS BOX 640, Biophotonic Solutions, Inc., East Lansing, MI, lized transient material properties, adjust material phase changes USA), which allows us to split each conventional single pulse into a and ultimately implement the novel fabrication methods. pulse train and control the number of sub-pulses, delay between sub- pulses and energy ratio of the sub-pulses within a pulse train. The Experimental setup for temporal pulse shaping.Theschematicof irradiation time (that is, number of pulse bursts) is precisely controlled the experimental setup for temporal shaping of femtosecond laser by using an electromechanical shutter. The sample is mounted on a fi pulses is shown in Figure 7 (Ref. 141). An ampli ed Ti: sapphire laser computer-controlled, six-axis translation stage (M-840.5DG, PI, Inc., system (Spectra Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) is used to generate Karlsruhe, Germany) with a positioning resolution of 1 μm. The entire 35 fs (full width at half maximum) linearly polarized laser pulses on a fabrication process can be observed by using a charge-coupled device central wavelength of 800 nm with a repetition rate of 1 kHz. In (CCD) camera along with a white-light source irradiate on the sample addition, the pulse energy can be up to 3.5 W and can be continuously surface. adjusted by combining a half-wave plate with a polarizer. Pulse energy can also be reduced to the desired values according to specific High-efficiency fabrication by temporal pulse shaping based on experimental conditions by using a neutral density (ND) filters. EDC. By designing femtosecond laser pulse trains on the basis of

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 12

a 0.40 WS

CCD L3 0.36 BS 0.32 SLM 0.28

Recast ratio DM 0.24 L 1 L2 0.20 Phase pattern 0 200 400 600 800 Lens Pulse delay (fs) z x bc y 0 0 030 3 μm μm –200 –200 Translation stage

nm nm Figure 15 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. WS: white light source; BS: beam splitter; DM: dichroic mirror; L1, L2: two convex lenses deconsisting of a 4f relay system; L3: convex lens; Inset: section of the samples and the focusing laser in the yz plane129. Reproduced from Ref. 129 (with the permission of Wiley).

Figure 8a, when five 355 nm nanosecond laser pulses irradiated on fused silica, no apparent damage was observed because the photon energy (B3.5 eV) of the 355 nm wavelength is lower than the bandgap (B8.9–9.3 eV) of fused silica, resulting in little absorption of laser energy120.Forfive femtosecond laser pulses, a shallow hole was machined (Figure 8b), because of the low-efficient 800 nm (B1.55 eV) photon absorption through multiphoton ionization in Figure 13 (a) Dependence between the recast ratio (recast area/ablation area) and pulse delay on fused silica fabrication using femtosecond laser wide bandgap dielectrics. In Figure 8c, femtosecond-nanosecond dual- pulse trains consisting of two identical sub-pulses with an identical total beam laser manufacturing revealed that a much higher fabrication fluence. AFM profiles of the structures of the fused silica fabrication using efficiency (that is, a 50.7-fold enhancement in material removal (b) a conventional single pulse and (c) femtosecond laser pulse train with a volume) was obtained. This enhancement was attributed to the high pulse delay of 300 fs. SEM images of the structures on fused silica free electron density generated by the femtosecond laser pulses, which fabrication using a femtosecond laser pulse train with different energy ratios leading to the significantly-increased absorption of the nanosecond between the two sub-pulses: (d)1:1and(e) 2:1. The femtosecond laser with wavelength of 800 nm, duration of 35 fs and repetition rate up to laser pulses energy. However, the femtosecond-nanosecond dual-beam 1 KHz. The total fluence of the pulse trains in all experiments is 5 J cm − 2; system was complex, and the quality of the as-fabricated holes could the scale bar in d and e is 500 nm. Reproduced from Ref. 128 (with the not be guaranteed. To date, temporally shaped femtosecond laser permission of OSA). double-pulse train was used to manufacture high-quality microholes with high-efficiency119. Through temporal pulse shaping, free electron density can be adjusted to be around the critical point, at which the laser frequency equal to the plasma frequency, nearly optimizing to the resonance absorption so that the fabrication efficiency is enhanced 56 folds and the aspect-ratio is enhanced 3 fold (Figure 8d).

Chemical etching controlled by temporal pulse shaping based on

Flat-top beam Vortex beam EDC. By designing femtosecond pulse trains on the basis of EDC, the free electron density and corresponding photon-absorption efficiency can be modified. Thus, the material properties can be modified to improve the etching rate of fused silica121 (Figure 9). Compared with conventional femtosecond laser pulses, femtosecond Gaussian beam laser double-pulse trains achieved a 37-fold enhancement in the laser- assisted chemical etching rate. Simulations indicated that by optimiz- Bessel beam Airy beam ing the pulse delay between the two sub-pulses, the free-electron fi Figure 14 Shaping conventional Gaussian beam into different beam types. density can be modi ed, leading to the change of localized transient material properties, such as the physical properties (that is, reflectiv- ity), so that the laser field was reshaped, then the free electron density EDC, we can control the localized transient electron density to induce distributions (Figure 9k–9n) and absorbed laser intensity distributions resonance absorption between laser and its generated plasma; thus, (Figure 9o–9r) can be controlled, contributing to the enhancement of high efficiency fabrication can be achieved119,120.Asillustratedin the photon absorption efficiency and result in the modification

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 13

ae400 Ablation area 300 Metal nanowire 190 nm 112 nm 56 nm



1 μm Unt.) Intensity/(Arb. 40 nm 20 nm 10 nm 0 b 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Energy (keV) 5 μm

cdf 250 150 100 0 50

375 Height (mm) 500 0 –200 –100 0 100 200 375 250 X (nm) 250 (nm) 125 125 0

Figure 16 Fabrication of nanowire by spatial pulse shaping. (a) Single spot fabricated by the shaped beam. (b) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of nanowire. (c and d) AFM images of the nanowire and its cross section. (e) EDXS measurements of the metal nanowire and the ablation area. (f) Five-ring patterns fabricated by the proposed methods129. Reproduced from Ref. 129 (with the permission of Wiley).

a b


4 Electrode pads

0 220 J m–2 260 J m–2 Voltage/mV –4 305 J m–2 Resistor 345 J m–2 –8 390 J m–2

–1000 –500 0 500 1000 Current (μA)

Figure 17 Testing of the resistivity of the nanowire. (a) The SEM images of the nanowire and the electrode pads. (b) The volt-ampere characteristics of the nanowires. Reproduced from Ref. 129 (with the permission of Wiley). improvement in the irradiated zone. We also conducted micro-Raman which in turn improve the manufacturing efficiency. Overall, femto- spectroscopy to characterize the internal structure of the sample. As second laser temporal pulse shaping fabrication that is based on EDC Figure 9s–9u shows, by optimizing the pulse delays between the two represents a preliminary attempt to control the chemical reaction. sub-pulses, we can adjust the chemical properties (such as the Si-O bond structure) in irradiated material, which results in a higher Modulation of femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures number of 3- and 4-membered ring structures in double pulses based on EDC. On the basis of the aforementioned theory on EDC, modified regions than that in single pulse modified regions. These we demonstrated that femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface results lead to the increases in the reactivity of the oxygen atoms, structures (LIPSS, also referred as ripples) can be deliberately which contributes to a higher etching rate induced by femtosecond modulated by controlling the electron density and its distribution laser double-pulse train. In short, by varying the pulse delay of pulse via designed femtosecond laser pulse trains. LIPSS have been studied – trains, we can control the localized transient free electron dynamics, extensively in various materials, including semiconductors142 144, including bound electron ionization, free-electron density, tempera- metals145 and dielectrics110,146,147, because of their promising ture and excited state distribution, and further modify localized applications124,148–154. The periodicity, orientation and structure are transient material properties, such as physical and chemical properties, the typical parameters in the study of ripples. According to its

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 14

Coulomb explosion Electrostatic ablation Plasma expansion Impact ionization Shockwave Radiation Electron heating Structure evolution Photoionization Vaporization/Melting

Time scale (s) 10–15 10–14 10–13 10–12 10–11 10–10 10–9 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 100

Time-resolved plasma Femtosecond laser pump-probe ICCD/CCD photography and LIBS imagery

Laser propagation Early plasma and Plasma expansion Multipulse induced plasma evolution Laser-induced free shockwave expansion Ejected material composition elctrons evolution Energy deposition Multipulse induced Plasma density and temperature structure evolution

a b Beam splitter Half wave plate Fs laser CCD Mirror Shutter Polarizer Illuminator Fs laser system Shutter Half wave plate Mirror Delay stage Pump Polarizer

Lens Lens Lens BBO Filter Objective filter Probe Z 20× PMMA X Y CCD PMMA c d

Lens Lens ICCD CCD Illuminator Zoom lens Zoom lens Objective Objective PMMA PMMA

Figure 18 Schematic of multiscale measurement of femtosecond laser drilling, including laser propagation and laser-induced material excitation, plasma and shockwave evolution and hole formation and so on. (a) Pump-probe shadowgraph imaging technique. (b) Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). (c) Time-resolved plasma photography with gated intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD). (d) Industrial continuous imagery.

periodicity, LIPSS can be divided into low spatial frequency LIPSS state into a metallic state159,170–172. Subsequently, at the interface (LSFL) and high spatial frequency LIPSS (HSFL). It is now widely between the metallic state surface and air, SPs can be excited by the accepted that the excitation and propagation of surface plasmon coupling between the surface electrons of the irradiated sample and – polaritons (SPPs) plays a crucial role in LSFL formation155 157.The the incident field when the real part of the dielectric function is less formation of LSFL is affected by the initial laser-SPPs interference and than − 1 (Ref. 173). The SPs are characterized by surface electro- 158,159 the subsequent grating-assisted SPPs-laser coupling effect .Upto magnetic waves so that the coupling field is a superposition of the now, the formation mechanism of HSFL is still under investigation. incident field and the SP field. When the free electron density reaches 160 Recently, Wang et al demonstrated that structure evolution of LSFL the critical density (B1.74 × 1021 cm − 3 for the wavelength of fl and HSFL is highly dependent on the localized effective laser uence, 800 nm), the SPs can be resonantly excited174. The SPPs excitation which determines the instantaneous optical permittivity by the laser- and resonance can reshape the laser intensity distribution in the excited electrons creating an active plasma layer. In general, the material and affect the subsequent linear/nonlinear ionization process. formation mechanisms include self-organization147,161, second har- – Thus, the transient free electron density and its distribution is the key monic generation (SHG)162 164 third harmonic generation (THG)165, excitation of SPPs166,split167, Coulomb explosion168 and cavitation factor that affects SP excitation and properties, and ultimately, the 110,147,173 instability169 and so on. When a femtosecond laser irradiates the corresponding ripple formation . Meanwhile, the increased surface of dielectric/semiconductor materials, free electrons can be localized electron density can be further affected by trapping, diffusion 175 generated, leading to the formation of electron-hole plasma (surface and recombination with a time scale of several hundred femtose- plasma) with time scales shorter than the electron-phonon relaxation conds. Therefore, the time delay within the picosecond timescale is time. The localized transient free electron density is rapidly increased proposed to control the electron dynamics to modulate the electron through linear and nonlinear (multiphoton and avalanche) ionization, density and distribution, thus to modulate the resulted ripple leading to the material transforming from a dielectric/semiconducting structures.

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 15

Femtosecond-picosecond Picosecond-nanosecond

Air Tprobe 600 ps 4 ns 16 ns abcde 1.0 fgh SF 100 fs 300 fs 500 fs 700 fs 900 fs 0.9

0.8 Air 0.7 PMMA 60 μm 0.6 60 μm PMMA 0.5 Laser propagation and maetrial excitation Plasma and shockwave expansion

Nanosecond-submillisecond Millisecond-second

Air Air Air 200 μm

500 μm PMMA PMMA PMMA Air Air Air

PMMA PMMA PMMA 0 ms 0.5 s 5 s 20 s 33 s 45 s 60 s Plasma images above the surface Plasma images in the hole

Multiple pulse induced structure in second scale

200 μm Commercialized CCD imagingCommercialized Plasma photography Pump and probe

0 s 10 s 20 s 30 s 40 s 50 s 60 s 70 s 80 s 90 s 100 s 110 s 120 s

Figure 19 Multiscale measurement results of deep-hole drilling process in PMMA. Multiscale measurement results of deep-hole drilling process in PMMA with 100 μJ pulse energy focused by plano-convex lens (f = 100 mm). The dynamics include femtosecond-picosecond electron excitation, picosecond– nanosecond plasma and shockwave evolution and multiple pulse-induced structure in second scale.

Optimal EDC using suitably shaped temporal pulse trains thus orientation parallel to the laser polarization, were obtained by gives the possibility to modulate the LIPSS artificially, offering changing the pulse delay (Δt) and pulse fluence (Figure 10 upper extended flexibility in material processing. Studies show that for panel). Thus, three types of LIPSS under specific conditions can be femtosecond (fs) laser pulse train processing of materials, the pulse obtained. (1) LSFL with orientation parallel to the laser polarization delay between sub-pulses strongly impacts the formation of direction; (2) HSFL with orientation parallel to the laser polarization – – nanostructures7,176 179, especially the morphology of LIPSS176 178. direction with low pulse fluence; and (3) HSFL with orientation Here, we performed relevant experiments as examples on the surface perpendicular to the laser polarization direction at higher pulse of dielectrics to illustrate the aforementioned mechanisms122,123. fluence. The experimental results indicate that: (1) at lower pulse Fused silica was used as a dielectric material in a case study on the fluences, a transition from LSFL to HSFL occurred at a pulse delay of control of the LIPSS period, area and orientation. For conventional 50 fs with a decrease in area (Figure 10a and 10b,); (2) whereas, at femtosecond laser irradiation, only LSFL with an orientation parallel higher fluences, LSFL were replaced by another type of HSFL with an to the laser polarization and HSFL with an orientation perpendicular orientation perpendicular to the laser polarization at Δt4100 fs to the laser polarization were obtained on fused silica depending on (Figure 10c–10h). The average periods of LSFL and HSFL were the laser fluences (F) or pulse number (N). Nevertheless, compared 560 ± 8 nm and 255 ± 30 nm, respectively. with the conventional situation, both types of ripples with controllable During processing, the second sub-pulse of the doublepulse train periods, areas and orientations, especially the HSFL with an significantly affects the free electron density and distribution generated

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a 2 2 3Π 3Π CN (B Σ–X Σ) C2 swan (d g-a u) SP DP @ 80 ps Δv =0 Δv =0

Na I Ca I Δv =+1

Ca II Intensity (a.u.) CH (A2Δ–X2Π,Δv =0)

Δv =–1

Δv =–1

380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 Wavelength (nm)


) 75 8500 –3 70 8000 cm 16 65 7500

60 7000

55 6500 Temperature (K) Temperature 50 6000

Electron density (×10 45 5500 0.1 1 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.1 1 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 DP delay (ps) DP delay (ps)

Figure 20 Typical spectra of PMMA plasma irradiated by a single pulse and a double pulse with the same total fluence of 7.8 J cm − 2. Reproduced from Ref. 134 (with the permission of SPIE).

by the first sub-pulse, thereby influencing the mechanism of LIPSS recombination, which is determined by the electron density. By formation and the surface morphology. Consequently, by controlling controlling the pulse delay, the electron occupation is adjusted110, the pulse delay and pulse fluence, we can control excited electron leading to the manipulation of electron density, thus facilitating production, distribution, motivation and the interaction between SHG and resulting in a 50% cut in LIPSS periods; surface plasmon (SP) and the incident laser, then to control the 3) The strong decrease in the ripple area was due to the electron periodicity, orientation and morphology of the LIPSS. decay. The free electrons in the conduction band excited by the first sub-pulse relaxed and returned to the valence band during the 1) LSFL obtained here at a low pulse fluence were oriented parallel to time interval between the two pulses, in terms of diffusion and the laser polarization, which cannot be explained by SPs recombination184–186, leading to the reduced electron density; excitation147,180. According to calculations based on the Sipe- therefore, the energy coupling by the second sub-pulse to the Drude model180 and pump-probe results53, femtosecond energy excited material decreased, leading to the decay of ablation, which deposition by the first/previous pulses can occur at specific (LSFL) resulted in the reduced rippled area; spatial frequencies, reshaping the electron density distribution 4) The transition of HSFL at a higher pulse fluence was mainly along the polarization direction, and then determines the forma- attributed to the periodic plasma enhancement of the incident laser tion of LSFL with an orientation parallel to the polarization field, which is related to the excited free electron density. When the direction. Meanwhile, thermal effects also play a critical role in pulse delay was low (o100 fs), the effects of induced SPs on the subsequent material removals at the fluences for LSFL incident laser were insufficient due to the low absorbed intensity. generation181–183; With pulse delays of 100–500 fs, however, SPs excitation can easily 2) The periods of LSFL and HSFL (with orientation parallel to the be achieved at the initial stage of the second sub-pulse due to the polarization direction) were close to the fundamental (λ/ accumulation of the first sub-pulse110 (see modeling section n = 551 nm) and second-harmonic (λ/2n = 275 nm) wavelengths for details). The interaction between SPPs and the incident laser in fused silica with lower pulse fluence. Thus, SHG plays a key role field resulted in the periodic modulated intensity enhancement at in HSFL formation with an orientation parallel to the polarization the surface. The incubation effects with multiple bursts irradiation direction155,156 at a lower pulse fluence. SHG is a result of electron led to the evolution of the local intensity distribution along the

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 17

a 0 ps 0.2 ps 0.3 ps 0.4 ps 0.5 ps 0.6 ps 0.7 ps 0.8 ps 2 ps 6 ps 10 ps 40 ps 80 ps 120 ps 1mm 3.3 J cm–2

4.4 J cm–2

6.6 J cm–2

8.8 J cm–2

11 J cm–2

bc 2.6 5100 –2 6.6 J cm–2 6.6 J cm –2 8.8 J cm–2 8.8 J cm )

3 2.4 –2 11 J cm–2 11 J cm

cm 4900 16 2.2

2.0 4700 1.8

1.6 Electron temperature ( °C) Electron temperature

Electron density (×10 4500 1.4

0 0.2 1 10 40 80 120 0 0.2 1 10 40 80 120 Interpulse delay (ps) Interpulse delay (ps)

Figure 21 Characterizations of femtosecond laser double pulse induced plasma of fused silica (a) plasma images, (b) electron densities and (c)plasma temperature.

electric field direction187, resulting in HSFL formation at a specific analysis of chemical and biological species because of its high period with an orientation perpendicular to the electric field sensitivity and fingerprint-identification features188,189. Previous stu- direction. dies have demonstrated that surface morphologies (for example, ripples, nanoparticles and nanopillars)190,191 play key roles in SERS More complicated morphology control of LIPSS on fused silica can enhancement in which the enhanced electromagnetic field on surface be obtained by EDC via shaping the conventional femtosecond laser nanostructures induced by the localized surface plasmons resonance – pulses into symmetrical triple- and quadruple-pulse sequences, (LSPR) effect dominated191 193. Consequently, tailoring the surface especially, double-grating structures and an HSFL period as small as structures into different morphologies and sizes, in this aspect, is 190nmwereobtained(seeFigure10i–10o)123. In addition, the significant for tuning LSPR features to further improve the sensitivity geometric morphology modulation on Si can also be obtained by and push SERS devices into practical applications. As shown in EDC via adjusting double pulse delay140. Therefore, the aforemen- Figure 11d, the SERS intensity gradually reached a maximum when tioned experimental studies demonstrate that by designing a femto- the pulse delay was increased from 0 to 800 fs, and then decreased second laser pulse train, the electron dynamics can be controlled, that when the pulse delay was further increased to 1000 fs125. Although the is, electron density, distribution, thus to control the coupling between small changes (that is, the modulation of pulse delays) occurred in the the SPP and incident laser, and finally guide the material response incident pulses, the obtained surface structures significantly improved (LIPSS morphology) towards user-designed directions with various the signal intensity (Figure 11e). Compared with the conventional Δ = morphologies (for example, periods, orientations, distributions and femtosecond laser ablation ( t 0 fs), the designed pulse train could geometric morphologies). reduce more silver nanoparticles (Figure 11a and 11b) and lead to a more uniform distribution of the nanoparticles deposited on the Detection sensitivity improvement of SERS based on EDC.By subwavelength ripples (Figure 11c). Consequently, the SERS sensitivity designing femtosecond laser pulse trains on the basis of EDC, we was improved. can control the localized transient electron density and its distribution To further confirm that we controlled the properties of SPs, a two- to modulate the properties of SPs, then promote the energy transfer to step experiment was conducted using a designed pulse train, as materials and control the surface structures and photochemical schematically shown in Figure 11f126. The laser polarization and pulse reduction process; thus, high detection sensitivity SERS substrates delay were synergistically controlled. Compared with the ripples formed can be achieved. SERS has been recognized as the most promising by conventional femtosecond laser pulses (Figure 11g and 11h), regular trace analyte detection method for rapid and accurate label-free nanopillar arrays were generated by a double pulse train (i.e., Δt40fs)

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 18

acM2 M3 CCD2 Bessel beams 0 10 1 5 m) m)

μ 0 0.5 L μ –5 2 ( A ( x S r Initial Bessel beams –5 –10 0 0 500 1000 1500 –10 –5 0510 DM z (μm) y (μm) PBS M4 Axicon L 1 Gaussian beams 10 10 1 Micro-Bessel beams MO 5 5 S2 m)

HWP z m)

μ 0 0.5

μ 0 ( ( x r –5 –5 CCD1/ICCD L3 x 0 –10 0 0 500 1000 1500 –10 –5 0510 y Fs laser μ y (μm) M1 z ( m) S1 b d Bessel beams Gaussian beams

1 μm 5 μm 5 μm 5 μm





μ 50 μm 5 m μm 10 μm 123456μm

Figure 22 (a) Schematic of the spatial shaping femtosecond laser pulses microdrilling setups; (b) Morphology images of microholes drilled with a single pulse Bessel beam and Gaussian beam, respectively; (c) Intensity distribution simulations of the Bessel beam and Gaussian beam; (d) The hollowness characterization of microholes drilled by single-pulse Bessel beam. Reproduced from Ref. 132 (with the permission of Springer).

with the polarization direction rotated by 90°, as shown in Figure 11i on the basis of EDC, bound electrons can be ionized, chemical bonds and 11j. In the case of conventional femtosecond laser ablation between atoms can be interrupted, atoms can be selectively removed (Δt = 0), SP induced by the previous pulse of the subwavelength and material properties can be modified so that gold cations can be 127 ripples would fast damp to its original state before the subsequent pulse spontaneously reduced on MoS2 surface , as shown in Figure 12. arrived because of the long-time interval (millisecond scale), leading to Compared with the conventional femtosecond laser pulses, the the formation of large and non-uniformly distributed silver nanopar- chemical reduction rate of gold cations on MoS2 surface modified ticles on conventional grating-like ripples. By contrast, because the by femtosecond double-pulse trains was significantly enhanced (Figure pulse delay of a pulse train is shorter than the damping time of SP, the 12a–12h). We conducted X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and properties of SPs would be significantly controlled to change the energy atomic force microscope (AFM) to characterize and analyze the transfer efficiency, which could contribute to the formation of element valence, atomic ratio and morphology of the sample, as – abundant small and uniformly distributed silver nanoparticles on the showninFigure12i12m. When material was irradiated by the nanopillar arrays. In addition, the larger enhancement of the incident femtosecond laser pulses, electrons were excited from bonding to anti- laser electric field on nanopillar arrays lead to generation of much more bonding states (bound electrons were ionized), hence abundant silver nanoparticles, which resulted in a lager SERS signals (maximum chemical bonds between atoms (such as Mo-S bonds) were instanta- enhancement factor up to 2.2 × 108). Overall, by designing a pulse train neously weaken or even broken entirely, resulting in an integral on the basis of EDC, the electron density and its distribution induced increase in the binding energy of S atoms and the appearance of by laser irradiation can be controlled to modulate the properties of SPs, unbound sulfur (unsaturated S atoms with dangling bonds). Mean- resulting in a more effective energy transfer and changes in the resulting while, abundant Mo atoms were selectively removed, and the surface structures. These findings provide new insights regarding tuning LSPR lattice structure of the material was non-perfect and broken into a large number of micro/nano debris terminating with unsaturated S features for related applications. atoms (edge active sites). These unsaturated-terminal S atoms induced Surface chemical reduction activity of MoS2 controlled by temporal on MoS2 can reduce gold cations to gold atoms (Figure 12n). pulse shaping based on EDC. By designing femtosecond pulse trains Compared with conventional femtosecond laser pulses, more Mo

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 19

a c

200 fs 0~5 ns 5~10 ns 10~15 ns 15~20 ns 20~25 ns 25~30 ns 30~35 ns c1

c2 400 fs c11 0.5 ns Air 600 fs PMMA c3 800 fs c4 c12 1 ns

1 ps c5 100 μm 1st pulse 1.2 ps c6 c13 3.6 ns b 1.4 ps c7 0~5 ns 5~10 ns 10~15 ns 15~20 ns 20~25 ns 25~30 ns 30~35 ns 1.6 ps c8 c14 8.6 ns

10 ps Air c9 13.6 ns PMMA 100 ps c10 c15

The final hole fs laser 18.6 ns c16 100 μm c17 200th pulse 485 μm Air PMMA

Figure 23 Time-resolved images of the plasma expansion during the Gauss beam drilling for the 1st pulse (a) and 200th pulse (b), respectively133,pump- probe shadowgraph study (c) of Bessel beam drilling131. c1–c16 Time-resolved images of femtosecond-picosecond-nanosceond dynamics of Bessel beam drilling. c17 The final hole morphology drilled by Bessel beam. Reproduced from Ref. 133 (with the permission of OSA) and Ref. 131 (with the permission of OSA). atoms were selectively removed and more unbound sulfur was including melting (various phase change mechanisms coexisted during formed, which might result from the significantly enhanced ionization the process) dominated the ablation process, which resulted in inferior of bound electrons by femtosecond double-pulse trains (first, bound fabrication quality. While in the case of femtosecond laser pulse train electrons were ionized by the first sub-pulse and the electron-hole with the identical total fluence, a single pulse was split into two sub- pairs separated; second, the photoexcited electron-hole pairs recom- pulses with the identical fluence lower than the ablation threshold of bined, which began within 500 fs and would last for more than a fused silica. Therefore, through optimizing the pulse delay between the hundred picoseconds; last, the second sub-pulse could further ionize two sub-pulses, the laser-induced electron density can be controlled to the recombining electron-hole pairs, which might further facilitate the be slightly higher than the critical density. Subsequently, the non- photochemical bond breaking)38,194,195 and inevitably resulted in thermal phase-change mechanisms mainly dominate the fabrication stronger chemical reduction activity and higher chemical reduction process, contributing to less recast and high fabrication quality. rate on laser-treated MoS2. In conclusion, by designing pulse trains Furthermore, by adjusting of the energy ratio between the two sub- based on EDC, the bound electrons ionized by laser irradiation can be pulses, the ionization processes were altered to change the pulse energy controlled to modulate chemical bond cleavage and increase chemical absorption. Consequently, the free electron distribution can be reduction ability, which can reduce gold cations to obtain metal-MoS2 adjusted to make the phase change process a nonthermal one. hybrids for relevant applications. Therefore, we achieved much higher fabrication quality and more High-quality fabrication by temporal pulse shaping based on EDC. controllable structures (Figure 13d and 13e). Overall, through By designing femtosecond laser pulse trains on the basis of EDC, the femtosecond laser temporal pulse shaping, the localized electron phase change mechanism can be controlled to achieve high-quality dynamics of the materials can be controlled, thus the phase-change fabrication128. As Figure 13a shows, the recast ratio (recast area/ mechanisms can be adjusted to be dominated through nonthermal ablation area) of the ablation structures on the fused silica decreased as phase change process so that higher fabrication quality and more the pulse delay increased within a femtosecond laser double-pulse controllable structures can be achieved. train. Compared with a conventional single pulse, the recast height surrounding the ablation spot decreased by 60% when fabrication was Femtosecond laser spatial pulse shaping performed using a femtosecond laser pulse train (see Figure 13b and Spatial laser shaping is another key aspect of EDC. The spatial states of 13c, for atomic force microscope (AFM) profiles). In this case, the electron dynamics are closely related to the spatial distribution of laser total fluence of the pulse train was 5 J cm − 2 (greater than the ablation energy. Conventionally, most commercial laser systems provide a threshold of fused silica). The conventional femtosecond laser single fundamental Gaussian intensity profile, which has a short Rayleigh pulse induced an electron density much higher than the critical density length, small beam waist of focusing spot, homogeneous phase/ and a higher Coulomb barrier, therefore leading to significant electron polarization state and limited numbers of laser spots. These char- screening effects. Consequently, the accumulation of positive charge acteristics of Gaussian laser cannot satisfy the increasingly higher during ablation was reduced, thus the electric field was weakened so demands for flexibility, precision and efficiency in high-end laser that the effectiveness of the nonthermal processes (Coulomb repulsion fabrication. Thus, it is essential to spatially shape the laser pulses to and/or electrostatic ablation) was reduced. The thermal phase change control the spatial electron density/temperature distribution. By spatial

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 20

a c

50 μm


2.23 μm

5 μm

20 μm

Figure 24 (a and b) The image of a microhole array throughout a 1 cm × 1 cm large area using the flying punch method for Bessel beam; (c) the local magnified OTM image of a microhole array; (d) the local magnified OTM image of microholes in the central array under 100 × microscope objective. Reproduced from Ref. 132 (with the permission of Springer).

pulse shaping, the Gaussian beam can be converted into different By using a spatially modulated femtosecond beam based on spatial beam types, such as flat top beam, vortex beam and Bessel beam, Airy EDC, we achieved high-resolution nanowire patterning that breaks the beam and so on (Figure 14) Some unique characteristics of these beam light diffraction limit129. The initial beam had a Gaussian intensity types can lead to special functionality for laser fabrication, which has a profile with an even phase wave front. The phase of the initial beam large advantage over conventional Gaussian beams. was modulated using a liquid crystal on silicon spatial light modulator. After modulation, a relative phase difference was created between two Spatial pulse shaping experimental setup. The experimental setup is equal parts of the incident beam. Subsequently, the modulated beam shown in Figure 15. An amplified Ti: sapphire laser system (Spitfire Ace-35F Spectra Physics Inc.) provides a fundamental Gaussian mode was focused by an objective lens, forming a dual-peak focusing spot with a central wavelength of 800 nm and a pulse duration of 35 fs. with an intensity valley in the center because of a diffraction effect. fi Phase patterns were generated using the liquid crystal on a silicon The spatially modulated beam was used to pattern a gold thin lm, spatial light modulator (SLM, Holoeye Pluto). The size of the liquid which was deposited on a silica substrate by electron beam evaporator. crystal screen was 15.36 × 8.64 mm. The modulated laser beam passes The central thin film was preserved due to the intensity valley thus a through a 4f relay system, which consisted of two plano-convex lenses nanowire was formed in the beam center. Arbitrary nanowire can be (L1, L2). The distance between the SLM and lens L1 was equal to the generated on the substrate by dynamically adjusting the orientation of L1 focal length. The distance between the two lenses was the sum of the intensity valley. A minimum nanowire width of approximately their focal lengths. The laser beam can then be transmitted to the focal 56 nm (B1/14 of the laser wavelength) can be achieved (Figure 16a– plane of the second lens L2 without any distortion. The focal length 16d). The high resolution is achieved by combining the ultrashort was 100 mm (L1) and 150 mm (L2), respectively. The samples were nature of the femtosecond and the low thermal conductivity of the mounted on a nanometer-precision stage (Newport, NPXYZ100) has a thin film. We tested the amount of Au residue using an electron resolution of 0.2 nm in the X, Y and Z planes. The fabrication process diffraction X-ray spectrum (EDXS) experiment (Thermo Scientific, was monitored using a CCD camera and white light source (WS). MA, USA; Figure 16e). By changing the direction of the phase pattern High precision nanowire fabrication by spatial pulse shaping based loaded on the SLM, the center nanowire changed its orientation on EDC. Diffraction is a universal phenomenon in wave optics, accordingly. By dynamically adjusting the direction of the phase which greatly limits the resolution of laser fabrication to half of the pattern to tangent of the scanning route, arbitrary curves can be wavelength level. One of the greatest challenges in laser micro/nano fabricated. Figure 16f shows Olympic rings fabricated using this fabrication is ‘overcoming’ the diffraction limit. Several methods have method, which evidence its effective curve patterning ability. been developed to solve this problem using different mechanisms, such To investigate the electronic characteristics of the nanowire, the volt- as near-field fabrication196,197, two/multi-photon polymerizations198 ampere characteristics curve of the nanowire fabricated by different and plasmonics-based fabrications199.However,thesemethodsallhave energy pulses was measured. (Figure 17) No inner nanopores and different disadvantages, including the low efficiency196,197,complex particle intervals are generated inside the nanowire, thus endowing the procedures196,197,weakflexibility199. and limited types of applicable nanowire with favorable electronic characteristics: the conductivity of − materials198. A novel simple, repeatable, mask-free, high-throughput, thenanowireswasashighas1.2×107 Sm 1,andthemaximum broad-applicability and high-flexibility method is highly desired. current density was up to 1.66 × 108 Am− 2. This approach offers a

Light: Science & Applications doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 21 simple, robust alternative for high-quality nanowire fabrication as a strongly depended on the pulse delay; the signal was stronger than that complementary method to conventional lithography methods. of single-pulse irradiation when the pulse delay exceeded 10 ps. The maximum enhancement value was about 7 at the pulse delay of MULTISCALE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRON DYNAMICS approximately 80 ps. To determine the electron dynamics difference, DURING FEMTOSECOND LASER-MATERIAL INTERACTIONS the plasma temperature and electron density were calculated using the To comprehensively understand the electron dynamics during femto- Saha–Boltzmann plot and the Stark broadening method, respectively. second laser micro/nano fabrications, a multiscale measurement The plasma temperature variation was correlated with the signal system was developed to monitor the spatiotemporal electron enhancements achieved using the double-pulse delay, implying that dynamics of laser-material interactions. This system integrates the the plasma reheating effect of the second pulse was the main widely applied ultrafast pump-probe microscopy198,199, time-resolved mechanism of the enhancement effect. By contrast, the maximum plasma photography with a gated intensified charge-coupled device enhancements were different for molecules, atoms and ions, which (ICCD)200,201,LIBS202–204 and industrial continuous imagery205 were related to the different upper excitation energy of the emission (Figure 18). These techniques have different characteristic time transition and the ionization stage of the electrons200,201. resolutions, ranging from femtoseconds to seconds. By virtue of the A comparison of fused silica plasma emission induced by a single multiscale ability, the electron dynamics of femtosecond laser micro/ pulse and that induced by a double pulse is presented in Figure 21a nano fabrications can be revealed at different scales. and 21b. The plasma emissions at the pulse delay below 10 ps were As a case study, the deep-hole drilling process in poly (methyl stronger than they were in the single-pulse case. This phenomenon methacrylate) (PMMA) was investigated using the multiscale measure- was explained by the existence of free electrons and self-trapped ment system, as shown in Figure 19. In the femtosecond to picosecond excitons at this pulse delay. The free electrons and self-trapped time scale, focused laser propagation in the material, as well as free excitons left by the first pulse increased the absorption efficiency of electron generation, diffusion and recombination, was detected the second pulse. Moreover, extraordinarily high enhancement factors through pump-probe shadowgraphy (Supplementary Movie 2, were observed at a pulse delay above 10 ps. The maximum enhance- Supplementary Information). Nonlinear phenomena were observed ment factor of double-pulse irradiation was B35 times at a pulse delay at a high pulse energy as a result of the strong self-focusing effect of of 120 ps for a fluence of 11 J cm − 2. The plasma consisted of a fast the intense femtosecond laser. In the picosecond to nanosecond time component (ionized atoms and ions) and a slow plume component scale, the early plasma expansion and following shockwave evolution (partially ionized nanoparticles), with the slow part contributing little in the atmosphere can also be studied through pump-probe shadow- to plasma emission203. The ionization of the slow part by the second graphy (Supplementary Movie 3, Supplementary Information). Shock- pulse greatly increased the plasma quantity and was demonstrated to wave expansion properties were investigated on the basis of the Sedov- be the main cause of the high enhancement factor when the pulse Taylor solution, revealing the change of environment and its effect on delay was larger than 10 ps. The plasma temperature was also laser ablation. For larger time scales, time-resolved plasma photo- calculated to ascertain its changes with respect to the pulse delay graphy with the gated ICCD and LIBS were employed to collect the (Figure 21c). Hence, the electron dynamics (free electrons, self- plasma expansion morphology (Supplementary Movie 4, trapped excitons or nanoparticles) left by the first pulse dominated Supplementary Information) and plasma emission spectroscopy, the plasma emission intensity of the femtosecond double pulse LIBS. respectively. These results not only provided the expansion dynamics of plasma but also the plasma intrinsic information, including the APPLICATIONS OF EDC IN HIGH QUALITY AND ASPECT-RATIO material composition, plasma density and temperature. In the milli- MICROHOLES DRILLING second to second time scale, the plasma evolution induced by multiple As discussed before, because of the significant electron-lattice none- pulses was studied using time-resolved plasma photography, revealing quilibrium state in the femtosecond laser fabrication process, the laser- the effect of the prior structure on the plasma intensity and material interactions, including phase change and material removal, distribution (Supplementary Movie 5, Supplementary Information). are actually determined by the initial photon–electron interactions26,27. Furthermore, microhole formation was studied using industrial Furthermore, the electron density distribution can be manipulated by continuous imagery (Supplementary Movie 6, Supplementary modifying the laser intensity distribution. By implementing EDC Information), providing information concerning the evolution of the through spatial pulse shaping, forming an intense, long and uniform depth, diameter and quality of the high-aspect-ratio microhole. Bessel beam, to adjust the localized transient electron density By using the measurement system, we determined the nanosecond- distribution, and thus control phase change, we fabricated high quality scale electron temperature and density evolution under double pulse and high aspect-ratio microholes. The technique was applied in key irradiation. Large differences in plasma plume ejection of PMMA and structure fabrication in one of the 16 Chinese National S&T Major fused silica were demonstrated using the LIBS technique, following the Projects. different electron dynamics designed by femtosecond laser double- Microholes fabrication in the key structure faced many challenges, pulsetrain.Bychangingthepulsedelay,wecouldmodifythe including the high aspect-ratio (420:1), small diameter (o10 μm), generation and distribution of electrons and thus effectively improve taper-free, high quality, reduced recast/ejected materials and minimized the electron density and temperature. Finally, we could improve the in-cavity residues. Although various novel methods had been proposed plasma enhancement factor and optimize the ablation accuracy for microholes fabrication, there were many challenges that limited through EDC. their application in the key structure fabrication. By using a particle The plasma spectra of PMMA induced by single pulse and double based near-field nanostructuring to overcome the optical diffraction pulse irradiation at the same laser fluence were compared to explore limit, Quentin et al203 achieved nanoholes with diameters below the LIBS enhancement mechanism. The plasma spectra of PMMA 200 nm, but the structure was a shallow crater and the aspect-ratio 204 consisted of emission peaks of molecular species (CN, CH and C2)as was below 1:1. He et al reported that high aspect-ratio microholes well as atomic and ionic species (Ca I, Na I and Ga II)134.AsFigure20 were fabricated in fused silica with femtosecond laser transverse direct- shows, double-pulse-induced plasma emission signal enhancement writing followed by wet chemical etching, but the cross-sections of the

doi:10.1038/lsa.2017.134 Light: Science & Applications Electrons dynamics control LJianget al 22

microholes fabricated by this method are usually in poor shape Bessel beam and a focused Gaussian beam in the longitudinal and ascribing to the asymmetric shape of the focal spot. Gottmann transverse plane, as shown in Figure 22c. The micro-Bessel beam 205 et al constructed a selective laser-induced etching system of 3D exhibited a large focal depth (Zmax = 597 μm) in comparison with the precision quartz glass components. By the combination of a three-axis focused Gaussian beam (Raleigh range R = 18.5 μm). According to the system to move the glass sample and a fast 3D system to move the laser simulation results, the single-pulse Bessel beam exhibited an intense, focus, the selective laser-induced etching process (LightFab 3D Printer) long, consistent and stable intensity distribution without any nonlinear is suitable to produce more complex structures in a shorter time. beam distortion along the propagation direction. These unique However, the over-etching for some complex structures and the properties of the spatial shaping pulse allow for uniform energy formation of cracks during the etching process limit advanced deposition over extended propagation lengths and then adjust free applications. In addition to the aforementioned methods, percussion electron density distribution to be intense, long and uniform through drilling has attracted the most interests204,206,207. Nevertheless, the photo–electron interactions. aspect-ratio of microholes with percussion drilling is usually smaller Using the aforementioned multiscale time-resolved measurement than 10:1 in air because of the saturation effect and the occurrence of system developed by us, we further revealed the forming mechanisms the bending effect. We recently reduced the ambient pressure from of the high aspect-ratio and high quality microholes using a approximately 105 Pa (air) to B1 Pa (rough vacuum) to control the femtosecond laser spatial pulse shaping beam (Bessel beam) by expansion dynamic of the ablated plasma/material133,208.Theaspect comparing it with the Gaussian beam percussion drilling. Figure 23a ratio of the microholes was significantly improved from ~ 40:1 (in air) shows the time-resolved plasma photography of a Gaussian beam to approximately 100:1 (in vacuum), and the bending effect was drilling with a single-pulse, the ablation plume was detected only simultaneously eliminated. Nonetheless, conventional Gaussian beam above the PMMA surface. As shown in Figure 22c, the focused drilling could barely achieve a much higher aspect-ratio of taper-free Gaussian beam was condensed, thus, the laser energy could only be microholes with diameters below 10 μm. localized within several microns below the surface. Such a high-energy To overcome the disadvantages of the traditional Gaussian beam concentration would make free electron density much higher than the drilling, we proposed a new processing method for high aspect-ratio critical density. Therefore, the Coulomb explosion and electrostatic and high-quality microdrilling by optimizing the localized transient ablation are weakened, and the material removal is mainly attributed electron density distribution in plasma in the focal spot through spatial to melting and evaporation, resulting in a large heat-affected zone. pulse shaping132. Taper-free microholes with a diameter of approxi- Meanwhile, the shielding-effect induced by the ultrahigh free electron mately 1.6 μm and an aspect ratio of up to 330:1 using a single spatial density suppresses the laser propagation, leading to a short optical shaping pulse (Bessel beam). The aspect ratio of these fabricated penetration depth; consequently, only a shallow crater can be microholes was 52 times larger than those formed by using a Gaussian fabricated with a single-pulse Gaussian beam. Furthermore, during beam in similar focusing conditions. The formation of these high the multipulses percussion drilling process (Figure 23b), the subse- aspect-ratio microholes is attributed to the intense, long and uniform quent pulses energy was not sufficiently absorbed by the material transient localized electron density distribution, which is adjusted on because of the strong reflection of the generated dense ablated plasma. the basis of the unique intensity distribution and propagation stability The generated plasma would disturb the propagation of the subse- of the Bessel beam through spatial pulse shaping. quent laser pulses so that leads to an unstable filament bending slightly In our experiments, we normally used an axicon (Edmund Inc., deep inside the hole, then the laser beam energy was deposited along a Barrington, NJ, USA, base angle α = 2°, refractive index = 1.45) to bent direction. Moreover, for the deeper microholes, the plasma transform a Gaussian beam into a Bessel beam for high aspect-ratio, would cool down gradually, then adhered to the microholes sidewalls, high quality and high efficiency microdrilling. This is a convenient and which negatively affected the quality of the microholes. effective method for spatial pulse shaping. Figure 22a shows the By contrast, spatial shaping pulse (Bessel beam) drilling exhibits a schematic of the experimental setup used for femtosecond laser completely different fabrication mechanism. Figure 23c displays the microhole drilling132. Subsequently, we performed the experiments time-resolved images of Bessel beam drilling in PMMA. As the Bessel to prove that high aspect-ratio and high quality microholes can be beam entered into the PMMA, the rising edge induced electron obtained by using a single spatial shaping pulse. As Figure 22b shows, excitation, which formed a dark strip along the light path that a microhole with a mean diameter of 1.5 μmandadepthof indicated the plasma channel dynamics. The maximum length (optical approximately 523 μm can be drilled using a single-pulse Bessel beam penetration depth) of the Bessel plasma channel was reached at 1.6 ps at a pulse energy (E) of 20 μJ in PMMA. Under identical processing and effectively coincided well with the final hole-depth, indicating the conditions, the diameter and depth of a microhole fabricated using the dominant role of initial electron excitation and the free electron Gaussian beam were 7.2 and 41 μm, respectively. Subsequently, to distribution on the final structure formation. In the following tens of further demonstrate the hollowness of the microholes through single picoseconds, there existed electron-ion energy transfer occurred that spatial shaping pulse drilling, the two different methods were mainly induced an extremely high pressure and temperature in the focal area, adopted, namely the liquid infiltration method and the cross-section resulting in an explosive and supersonic expansion of the material in profile test, as shown in Figure 22d. The microholes drilled using this the nanosecond domain, as shown in Figure 23c11–23c16. In contrast method were small in diameter and exhibited a high aspect-ratio, a to the pressure waves in air and some other cases, the pressure wave taper-free sidewall, a highly circular entrance and fewer surface-ejected induced by the Bessel beam in PMMA was a cylindrical shockwave and materials. gradually expanded outward along the radial direction. This phenom- Moreover, we performed a series of theoretical investigations and enon suggests that the formation of microholes is an extrusion effect, simulations on the spatial intensity distribution of Bessel beams and leading to the formation of high quality microholes with taper-free, Gaussian beams to more thoroughly understand the physical mechan- reduced recast/ejected materials and minimized in-cavity residues. isms of pulse microdrilling with spatial shaping. On the basis of the After the understanding of the processing mechanisms of the Bessel theory of spatial pulse shaping using the axicon, we respectively beam, we proposed the flying punch method for machining large-area simulated the spatial intensity distribution of single-pulse, micro- microhole arrays in PMMA by using a Bessel beam, as shown in

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Figure 24. A 1 cm × 1 cm microhole array (with 251 001 ultrahigh- system limited the spatial/temporal resolution and the sensitivity aspect-ratio holes in total, at a processing speed of 100 holes of the measurement, which shall be improved to monitor the per second) was fabricated within 42 min, indicating the high- electron dynamics in more detail. In addition, more time-resolved efficiency and high repeatability of the fabrication process using the measurement techniques should be integrated into the multiscale flying punch method132. system, so that it can provide more information of electrons from different aspects. Furthermore, the measurement results should CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOKS correspond with the theoretical models, such as providing the In this paper, we comprehensively reviewed our decade-long efforts on characteristic values of electrons for theoretical calculations. four parts of EDC in femtosecond laser micro/nano fabrications: the (4) Broader applications: High-aspect-ratio and high-quality micro- theoretical fundamentals, experiments, multiscale measurements and holes by using spatial shaping pulses have been applied in applications. Theoretically, based on the four models with different fabricating some key structure fabrications. However, the current − 3– − 15 − 3– − 10 time scales (10 10 s) and space scales (10 10 m), we method is limited to a few transparent materials. We will extend demonstrated that the localized transient electron dynamics (including the range of materials and then explore novel applications of electron density, temperature and excited state distribution), and microholes, such as for microfluidic devices and three- subsequent phase change can be controlled by temporally/spatially dimensional integrated chip packaging. In addition, we will shaping femtosecond laser pulses. Experimentally, seven experiments substantially expand the applications of the novel method, such were reported as examples to validate the feasibility of EDC by as for the adjustment of chemical reaction pathways by ultrafast temporally/spatially shaping femtosecond pulses in micro/nanofabri- laser EDC, transient or permanent adjustment of material proper- cation. The experiments revealed that the precisions, efficiencies and ties through ultrafast laser EDC. qualities can be significantly improved and that various surface micro/ nano-structures can be effectively modulated by the proposed EDC- based methods. Additionally, multiscale measurements further directly CONFLICT OF INTEREST demonstrated the fundamentals of EDC from femtosecond scale to The authors declare no conflict of interest. nanosecond scale and to millisecond scale. Finally, EDC was applied in high aspect-ratio (330:1) and high-quality microholes drilling at the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS speed of 100 holes per second (251 001 holes fabricated in 1 cm × 1 cm This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of area within 42 min), in which multiscale measurements were used to China (NSFC) (Grant Nos. 90923039, 91323301, 50705009, 51105037, analyze and optimize the electron dynamics. The high aspect-ratio 51322511 and 51025521), National Basic Research Program of China (973 microholes drilling was applied to key structure fabrication in one of Program) (Grant No. 2011CB013000), the 863 Project of China under Grant the 16 Chinese National S&T Major Projects. No. 2008AA03Z301, the Cultivation Fund of the Key Scientific and Technical We have devoted the past ten years to studying the mechanisms, Innovation Project, Ministry of Education of China (No. 708018), the 111 methodologies and applications of femtosecond laser micro/nano Project of China (Grant No. B08043), Multidisciplinary University Research fabrications. However, many challenges still remain, especially on Initiative (MURI) program of USA under Grant No. N00014-05-1-0432 and the following topics: National Science Foundation of USA under Grant No. 0423233. We thank Prof Xin Li, Prof Jie Hu, Prof Sumei Wang, Prof Xiaowei Li, Prof Jingya Sun, Prof (1) Comprehensive models: Femtosecond laser-material interactions Jianfeng Yan, Dr Xiaoxing Su, Dr Weina Han, Dr Qingsong Wang, Dr Zhitao Cao, Mr Zhi Wang, Dr Changji Pan, Dr Peng Ran and Dr Pei Zuo for dis- are a comprehensive nonlinear, nonequilibrium process ranging cussing, revising and proofreading this manuscript. from a nanometer scale to a millimeter scale and from a femtosecond scale to a millisecond scale. However, our present models, including the plasma and improved two-temperature

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