Soledad Rodríguez Sánchez-Tabernero

Faculty of Law, Office 225 Born 17 September 1988 Campus Miguel de Unamuno Salamanca 37007 (SPAIN) Spanish [email protected] [email protected] Qualified Lawyer in Spain

Current affiliation:

Doctoral Research Fellow and Teaching Assistant Department of Public International Law and EU Law,

Visiting Scholar Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies


PhD in European Studies 2013 until present Thesis: The Duty of Consistency in EU External Relations Law: What Room for Judicial Review? Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Juan Santos Vara, Prof. Dr. Luis N. González Alonso University of Salamanca

Master of Laws (LLM) in European Legal Studies 2012-2013 Thesis: PPMs under the TBT Agreement: Assessing its Applicability to the Aviation Directive Supervisor: Prof. Jacques H.J. Bourgeois EU External Relations Law, Law of the EU Trade Policy, Droit constitutionnel de l’Union européenne, L’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne, Internal Market Law, Competition Law, Free Movement of People into and within the EU, Le marché intérieur et ses libertés fondamentales, Politique européenne de voisinage, L’Europe et la méditerranée College of Europe (Bruges)

Master of Studies on the 2011- 2012 Thesis: The EEAS: A Warrant of the Protection of the EU Citizen in Third Countries? (Best Master Thesis) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Juan Santos Vara Laureate of the Extraordinary Master Award External Action of the EU, EU Institutional Law, Internal Market Law, Competition Law, Security and Defence, Economy of the EU, AFSJ, EU Policies University of Salamanca

Masters Degree in Law 2007-2011 Constitutional Law, Public International Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Business Law, Administrative Law, Tax Law, Political Economy University of Salamanca

Erasmus Exchange Programme in Law 2010-2011 The Law of the WTO, Economic Analysis of Law, Judicial Protection in the EU, European and International Human Rights Law, EU Competition Law, Institutions and Policy of the EU University of Leuven

BA in Translation and Interpreting 2006-2010 Spanish, English (B) and French (C) as working languages, legal translation and interpreting University of Salamanca

Professional experience:

Doctoral Research Fellow and Teaching Assistant June 2013 until present Department of Public International Law, University of Salamanca Courses taught at Bachelor level: EU Law, Public International Law Courses taught at Masters level: EU External Relations Law

Programme Coordinator July 2013 until present Master Programme in European Studies, University of Salamanca

Lecturer and assistant Module coordinator November 2015 until present European Joint Master Degree in Strategic Border Management, FRONTEX Co-coordinator of the delivery of Module IV on EU Border Policies at the University of Salamanca Courses delivered: Competences in the AFSJ, Decision-Making in the AFSJ, The Institutional Dimension of the AFSJ

Key Expert December 2013 until present European Joint Master Degree in Strategic Border Management, FRONTEX Invited expert for the development of Module IV on EU Border Policies Participation at working meetings in Malta, Amsterdam and Salamanca

Legal Intern June 2014 - September 2014 Trade and Environment Division, World Trade Organization (Geneva)

Case Law Reporter July 2012 until present Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts

Project Management and Translation Intern October 2009 - February 2010 Department of Public Information, United Nations Office in New York


. SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, S.R.: ‘Swimming in a Sea of Courts: The EU’s Representation before International Tribunals’, European Forum, European Papers (forthcoming) . SANTOS VARA, J. and SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, S. R.: ‘In Deep Water: Towards a Greater Commitment for Human Rights in Sea Operations Coordinated by FRONTEX?’, (2016) 18:1 European Journal of Migration and Law . SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad R.: ‘La ilegalidad de las decisiones híbridas en el marco de la celebración de acuerdos mixtos. Comentario de la sentencia TJUE de 24.04.2015 (Gran Sala), C-28/12 Comisión/Consejo’ (2015) 52 Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo . SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad R.: ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls: The EU ETS in Aviation under the TBT Agreement’, (2015) 49:5 Journal of World Trade . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Parfums Christian Dior SA v. Tuk Consultancy, and Assco Gerüste GmbH and R. van Dijk v. Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG and Layher BV, Judgment, Joined Cases C-300/98 and C-392/98, 14 December 2000’, Oxford Reports on International Law in European Courts . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Aricle 40 TEU and the European External Action Service: The Eternal Paradox?’, in L.N. GONZÁLEZ ALONSO (ed.), Between Autonomy and Cooperation: A Look at the Institutional Profile of the EEAS, CLEER Working Paper Series 2014/6 . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Reglamento (UE) n.o 1051/2013 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 22 de octubre de 2013, por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) n.o 562/2006 con el fin de establecer normas comunes relativas al restablecimiento temporal de controles fronterizos en las fronteras interiores en circunstancias excepcionales’, Crónica de Legislación (julio-diciembre 2013), (2014) 2 Ars Iuris Salmanticensis . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Reglamento (UE) n.o 1053/2013 del Consejo, de 7 de octubre de 2013, por el que se establece un mecanismo de evaluación y seguimiento para verificar la aplicación del acervo de Schengen, y se deroga la Decisión del Comité Ejecutivo de 16 de septiembre de 1998 relativa a la creación de una Comisión permanente de evaluación y aplicación de Schengen’, Crónica de Legislación (julio-diciembre 2013), (2014) 2 Ars Iuris Salmanticensis . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad : ‘H. LUNDBECK A/S v General Administration of the State, Judgment of the Supreme Court No 5606/2011, ILDC 1894 (ES 2011), 3 May 2011’, Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, ILDC 1894 (ES 2011) . GARRIDO MUÑOZ, Asier & RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Crónica de la aplicación judicial del Derecho Internacional Público en España (Julio-diciembre 2013)’, (2013) 26 Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales. . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: “Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 14-III-2013, asunto C-415/11, Mohammed Aziz c. Catalunyacaixa”, (2013) 2 Ars Iuris Salmanticensis . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: “Spain and ors v Juan Maria and Ernesto, Judgment of the National Court No 10/2011, ILDC 1895 (ES 2011), 3 May 2011”, Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, ILDC 1895 (ES 2011), 29 July 2012 . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 16-X-2012, asunto C-364/10, Hungría c. Eslovaquia’, (2013) 1 Ars Iuris Salmanticensis . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 19-XII-2012, asunto C-364/11, El Karem El Kott y otros c. Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal’, (2013) 1 Ars Iuris Salmanticensis

Book reviews:

. RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘FRANCISCO JAVIER DONAIRE VILLA Y ANDREU OLESTI RAYO (Coords.): Técnicas y ámbitos de coordinación en el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia, Marcial Pons, , 2015, ISBN 978-84-16212-81-1, 261 pp.’, (2015) 37 Revista General de Derecho Europeo . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘FRANCISCO ALDECOA LUZÁRRAGA, CARLOS R. FERNÁNDEZ LIESA, MONTSERRAT ABAD CASTELOS (Dirs.); MERCEDES GUINEA LLORENTE, JORGE TUÑÓN NAVARRO (Coords.): Gobernanza y reforma internacional tras la crisis financiera y económica: el papel de la Unión Europea, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2014, ISBN 978-84-16212-40-8, 518 pp.’ (2015) 36 Revista General de Derecho Europeo . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘ANDREU OLESTI (Coord.): Crisis y coordinación de políticas económicas en la Unión Europea, CEI International Affairs-Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2013, ISBN 978-84-15948-33-9, 212 pp.(RI §414776)’, (2014) 33 Revista General de Derecho Europeo . RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Soledad: ‘ANTONIO BLANC ALTEMIR (Dir.): Las relaciones entre las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Europea: seguridad, cooperación y Derechos Humanos, Tecnos, Madrid, 2013, ISBN 978-84-309-5856-6, 463 pp.. (RI §414331)’, (2014) 32 Revista General de Derecho Europeo

Presentations to international conferences:

The EU in International Affairs 11-13 May 2016 Paper presented: ‘Democracy in EU External Action as a Driver for Consistency’

UACES 45th Annual Conference 7-9 September 2015 University of Deusto, Bilbao Paper presented: ‘The Duty of Cooperation as an Enhancer of Vertical Coherence in EU Development Policy’

European Union Studies Association 14th Biennial Conference 5-7 March 2015 Paper presented: ‘In Deep Water:Towards a Greater Commitment for Human Rights in Sea Operations Coordinated by FRONTEX?’ (with Juan Santos Vara)

European Union Studies Association 14th Biennial Conference 5-7 March 2015 Paper presented: ‘Transatlantic Transfer of Personal Data: Rebuilding Trust in EU-US Data Relations?’ (with Juan Santos Vara)

International Conference on ‘The European External Action Service 25-26 September 2014 and the New Institutional Balance in EU External Action: Reconciling Autonomy and Cooperation’ University of Salamanca – CLEER Paper presented: ‘Article 40 TEU and the dividing lines inside and outside the EEAS’

Participation in research projects:

Implicaciones jurídico-institucionales de la creación del Servicio Europeo de 2013 - 2015 Acción Exterior (DER 2011-28459) Control democrático y acción exterior de la Unión Europea (DER2015 70082- 2016- present P)

Awarded research grants:

Mobility research grant of the Ministry of Education of Spain for a visiting February–May 2016 fellowship at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies

Doctoral Research Fellowship of the Ministry of Education of Spain September 2014-June 2017 Doctoral Research Fellowship of the Regional Government of Castilla y León June 2013-September 2014

Guest lectures:

The Duty of Consistency in EU External Relations Law May 2016 Faculty of Law, University of Maastricht

The EU as an International Actor May 2014 Faculty of Translation, University of Salamanca

Seminar on ‘Simulation of Negotiations at the United Nations’ June 2011 Master Programme in Diplomacy and International Relations, Diplomatic Academy of Madrid

Participation in conferences, workshops and seminars:

XXVI Conference of the Spanish Association of Professors of Public 15-16 October 2015 International Law and International Relations: Spain and the European Union in the International Order University of Seville

International Conference on External Action of the EU in Times of Crises November 2013 University of Granada

XXV Conference of the Spanish Association of Professors of Public September 2013 International Law and International Relations: The Governance of Global Public Interest Pompeu Fabra University

EU Governance of Global Emergencies October 2012 Gent University, Brussels

Academic coordinator of the roundtable on ‘Terrorism, Human Rights and October 2011 the Security Council’ Faculty of Law, University of Salamanca

Seminar on ‘International Humanitarian Law and Humanitarian Action’, November 2011 taught by Prof. Jakob Kellenberger (President of the International Red Cross Committee) University of Salamanca

Academic affiliations: ESIL, Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales, AEDEUR (Spanish FIDE branch), EUSA, UACES