Which pictures tell the story of your life? These tell ours.

Southeast We have room for you too. Welcome to Southeast Sweden

Looking for something different? A different way of life? Maybe a life were you have the time and possibilities to spend time with your family, enjoy nature, do all those things you dream about but never have time for - and still have the opportunities of an exciting carreer?

In Southeast Sweden you can have all that - and still be close enough to friends and family. In Southeast Sweden, we need you. We need your competence, your company, your presence, and your ideas. In return, we can give you and your family time, safety, peace of mind.

Give us a few minutes. Let us tell you about Southeast Sweden. It can change your life.

Southeast Sweden By plane Inhabitants: 209 222 Get here Vi have several international airports like Copen- 2 Area: 10 347 km By car hagen, Växjö, (Smaland Airport) and Linköping Inhabitants per km2: 20,9 from Utrecht 12 – 14 hours nearby, and from Stockholm there is a direct con- Largest city: nection to for exampel Kalmar and . 64% of the area is woodlands. By boat TT-line / Travemünde-Trelleborg night boat: Night train Over 2000 lakes and 16 000 islands car + 2pers + cabine = appox. € 275 19.30 from Utrecht CS to Copenhagen. Arrival Finnlines / Travemünde-Malmö night boat: 09.30. Within 3 hours in the region Southeast car + 2pers + cabine = appox. €150 Sweden (NS-Highspeed, from €29)

Southeast Sweden Welcome Working in Southeast Sweden Are you thinking of starting a new business in Sweden or perhaps relocating the one you are already running? Maybe you are just looking for a suitable job opportunity in Sweden? Here you find the essential in- formation of our labor market, how to get started with your business in Sweden and were to turn for more information.

Starting and running a business in Sweden From an administrative point of view, it is a simple process to start and register a company in Sweden. As an EU citizen you have the same rights and obligations as Swedish entrepreneurs.

Buy an existing business A quick way to start your own company is to buy an existing business. There are several companies for sale in the region, but they are not always advertised open- ly. We advise you to contact us in Southeast Sweden. We will put you in contact with our regional resources, agencies have brought together and structured infor- you need to know and do to start up and run a busi- business brokers and business pilots in the municipali- mation and services of value to you who run or are ness. It is developed by six cooperating authorities. The ties, who know which items are for sale. about to start a business in Sweden. The site has several guide can be downloaded at www.verksamt.se. different educational guides and search features. It is Relocate or start a new company? possible for example to search for advisors in various IFS Advisory Services and Financing for People with Are you running a business now and want to relocate fields and in different regions. You can also do searches foreign backgrounds to Sweden? Then the easiest way is to start a new com- if you need special permits in connection with business IFS Advisory Services is a specialized area of compe- pany in Sweden. You simply transfer your business to start-up and find the application forms and documents tence who aims to help entrepreneurs with foreign the new company and liquidate the business at home. you need to register your company and sign up for F- backgrounds who are in the process of starting a tax, VAT, employers, etc. business or who are already running one. IFS offer free The Swedish Business Link to Government advice in different languages, help with business plans, Whichever route you choose, you will have a great Download the brochure “Starting up a Business” budgets, business registration, loan applications and benefit from the Swedish business link to government, Another good guide is the booklet "Starting up a Bu- more. Southeast Sweden can help you get in contact www.verksamt.se. On this website three government siness". This brochure gives you an overview of what with the IFS advisor in Kalmar.

Southeast Sweden Working Work in Southeast Sweden During the latter part of 2011, demand has le- Employment Service by phone and speak to an A good knowledge of Swedish language is often veled out and even declined slightly. Next year, advisor, telephone number: + 46 771 416 416. The the key to the Swedish labor market. There are a the number of vacancies will probably be fewer, lines are open on week days from 8 am to 10 pm, few companies where the corporate language is compared to both 2010 and 2011, as companies and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm. English. Within the next few years, we expect a find it increasingly difficult to assess the market large number of retirements. There are already a development. EURES helps workers to cross borders number of occupations that are difficult to recruit EURES provides information on job vacancies in 31 to. There is a strong labor market for technology As examples of the most frequently stated shortage European countries, curricula vitae (CVs) from in- professions: engineers, development engineers, occupations companies mention: cutters, machine terested candidates, what you should know about truck mechanics, CNC operators, licensed welders operators, vehicle mechanics, business vendors, living and working abroad and much more. and toolmakers. There are also shortages in some foundry operators, welders, bankers, installation EURES has a network of advisors who jobseekers professions within health care: doctors, dentists, electricians, painters, machine engineers, mechani- and employers can contact personally to ask for specialist nurses and in some cases trained nurses. cal engineers and chefs among several others. information. There are more than 850 EURES ad- Within a few years an increase of needs for staff in Among public employers: physicians, psycholo- visors in Europe. There is a special search feature elderly care is expected. gists, preschool teachers, specialist nurses, prison where you can get in touch with an EURES advi- officers, primary school teachers, building and fire sor. Report from the Southeast region in December inspectors, teachers of aesthetic and practical sub- EURES - European Employment Services - is a 2011 jects as well as social secretaries are indicated. A cooperation network designed to facilitate the free Since the beginning of 2010, the number of job fairly extensive shortage of nurses during the last movement of workers within the European econo- opportunities reported a noticeable increase com- holiday season is further indicated. mic area. Partners in the network include public pared to 2008-2009. The improvement has been employment services, trade unions and employer very clearly oriented towards different occupations The Swedish Public Employment Service organizations. in the fields of industry, technology, sales, trading, The Public Employment Service can be most easily You can get more information from EURES in the transportation, and occupations that require no reached on-line. The website address is: www. Netherlands: http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home. special training. Demand has also risen in areas arbetsformedlingen.se. Here jobseekers will find jsp?lang=nl&langChanged=true such as health care and education. available vacancies. You can also contact the

Southeast Sweden Working The Hendrix family, Laila Hendrix, 47 years and Peter-Anner Hendrix, 48 years and their son Sven, 12 years live in Forsaryd, Fågelfors located in Högsby municipality in the southeas- tern part of Småland. They are run- ning the Culture & Adventure Park called Nils Holgerssons World in Vim- merby, near Astrid Lindgren's World. It is a family park where you can see Sweden in miniature and where everybody can have an adventure, jumping, climbing, shooting, swim- ming and going on a tramping boat or car – there is something exciting to do for all ages.

About four years ago, the family moved from the Netherlands to Sweden and Högsby muni- cipality. Prior to that, the family had been on holiday in Sweden for several years. - Every time we were here on vacation, we felt calmer, it was not so busy here and not so many people, says Laila. We bought a vacation home that really was our dream house and we actually got a stomach ache every time we had to leave our house and the area to travel back to the Netherlands again. When we bought the house 15 years ago, we knew we would move to Sweden one day.

Originally the family was planning to settle A calmer life down a little further north in Sweden, but they could not find the accommodation that they for the Hendrix family wanted.

Southeast Sweden Working - One year when we were on holiday in Sweden, Tell us about the business you have started in we simply knew that we would buy a house Sweden! during that holiday, says Laila. We saw the house - Two years ago we took over "Det lilla Landet" in a brochure and went to Småland and drove into that is a park of Sweden in miniature. The park is the woods and there was our dream house. We located in municipality, not far from actually knew that we would buy this house before Astrid Lindgren's World. We wanted a name that we went into the house! visitors remember and chose "Nils Holgersson's World" which is about adventure and Sweden. - There was no electricity or water and therefore So we changed our name and since then we have the house was very cheap, she continues. In addi- developed the park with activities. tion to the house of 60 m2 there was also a barn and economy buildings. Our idea was that we wanted Today there are several indoor activities in the to be self-sufficient through solar panels, wood park such as a climbing wall, laser hunter games boilers and our own water, something we were not and exhibitions. Outdoors, we have even more used to in the Netherlands. Our desire was to live activities such as a watercourse, sand play-ground, as environmentally friendly as possible. swimming area for children, ropes course, mini golf, jumping pillow, climbing net (5 m high), more than 100 pedal go-karts, pedal boats and of How was the relocation process for the family? course various miniature buildings. Read more at - Something that we noticed was how easy and www.nilsholgerssonsvarld.se quick it is for children to adjust to the new envi- ronment in the new country. Children learn the Swedish language very quickly at school. What are the future plans for Nils Holgerssons It was also quick to get a Swedish personal identity World? number on the Tax Office. It took a little longer at - For next season we are planning a larger mini- the Migration Board because it was the holiday golf course, new pedal boats, new entrance, etc. season right then. But everything worked out just says Laila. Welcome to visit us in the park! fine. And of course, we wish the family all the best!

Is there any advice you would give people who want to move from the Netherlands to Sweden? - Well, simply this. If it feels right to move to Sweden, then do it. If you feel ready to move, you should do it. Only you can know what you want. In practical terms, it may be important to check that the Internet works well at your new address.

Southeast Sweden Working Choose your new way of living! Many nature lovers are surprised when they visit Sweden for the first time. In Swe- den nature is sacred and living here gives you relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Not everyone expects to find such outstanding natural wealth so close to the densely populated countries of Central Europe, beautiful rivers, spellbinding primeval forests, miles of beaches and vast, glittering archipela- gos.

How do you picture yourself living in Sweden? Per- haps you are dreaming of a big house in the country- side, a penthouse in the city or a sea-view villa in the archipelago? holiday allowance this can be quite a few weeks of the minutes by train, car or bus. Working in the city and year. It is also not uncommon for people to do a longer living in the countryside is therefore fully compatible. If you’ve seen any photos of the Swedish countryside, commute from the cottage to work in the warmer You decide how close you want your neighbours, sto- the chances are they included at least one red-painted months. res and services. wooden house, with pretty white gables and surroun- ded by plenty of land. Fortunately Sweden is such a big A life in the city or in the countryside Looking for a house or an apartment country with so few people, it is possible to get such – or both? – buy, hire or build? picturesque houses for bargain prices. Do you prefer the bigger cities in our region or the On the market you find alternatives of either buying or communities and small villages in the countryside? renting your place to live. Another element that factors into the equation is the Your decision where you want to settle down, may A house is most often bought, but objects for rent prevalence of summer cottages. Many families live in depend on many things. Where you work will of can be found, although it is not very common. Be- small places for most of the year so they can escape course influence your decision on where to settle. It’s ing granted a mortgage is normally not a problem as to their cottage at every opportunity. Given the abun- important to know that the roads are low in traffic and long as you have a steady income. When it comes to dance of long weekends in the spring and the generous jams are rare, you can travel a great distance in thirty apartments, renting is the most common option. You

Southeast Sweden Living often find the combination with a once-for-all cost and allow yourself the luxury of living in the coun- often heated by central heating system. Some use and after that you pay a monthly fee. You can, of tryside. firewood or wood pellets, others have geothermal course choose to build your own new home. Prefa- energy often in combination with solar panels. bricated houses are a Swedish speciality, offering a In general, there is no price tag on the red cotta- Electric- and oil heating are on the downgrade due load of options. ges or farmyards, The price depends on standard, to high costs and environmental influence. The ex- land and location, the closer to water and the more penses for owning your house varies, but estimate Make an investment – in your home land, the higher the price. the monthly cost of a normal sized villa to a little How much time and money are you planning over 1000 Euro. to invest in your new home? If you wish to have When buying a house, you either pay the total a house in the city you will have to calculate on price or the banks recommend that you make a Regardless of what your vision looks like, you housing prices of approx. 200 000 – 300 000 Euro, down payment of minimum 15% of the purchase- have come to the right place and lot’s of possibili- normally less expensive in the smaller cities. In the sum, and then take a mortgage to cover the rest. ties awaits you in southeast Sweden. To start with outskirts of the city, prices drop down to under 200 Interest and payment on the mortgage will be the search for your dream, you can find several ads 000 Euro and in smaller communities you can find part of your monthly housing costs. In addition on Internet, www.hemnet.se for instance. a nice house for approx. 50 000 Euro. Prices like to that you have the costs for electricity, heating There are undreamt-of possibilities if you want to this make it possible for you to fulfil your dreams and maintenance. In larger districts houses are create your own future here!

Southeast Sweden Living Hi! My name is Marianne Durieux and me and my family used to live in the most crowded part in the Netherlands, where nature was the place where we liked to spend a lot of time. We only found time to be there on holidays, making all kind of out-door trips like canoe tours, walking tours and bicycle tours. During these tours, which we went on every day, we were sleeping on different places every night. It was easy to do and in nature we felt at home everywhere. And we always found our- selves a little bit restless when we were at home. Having a lot of noise around everywhere and always so many possibilities to do different things, it felt like a kind of pressure from society and it wasn’t easy to find rest and peace. Just being… During our canoe trips everywhere over many years, we got to know Sweden and loved it very much. Beside the love of nature, there has been a wish for a long time to live in another country for at least some years. Other cultures and habits how people live their lives are interesting to other family members as well and to get to know another country is only done by living there for at least some years. “Mum, why do we still live here in the Netherlands? There are so many nice places without We found stones.” In the summer of 2008 we had an opportunity to move for at least some years. This was first of all rest and peace a reaction from our three already older children, after they had been in Sweden during springti- me, experiencing how to live in the countryside. in Southeast Sweden Knowing about our wish to move and coming

Southeast Sweden Living back from the Swedish countryside into the crow- children here. It makes them really different from ded Randstad, they spontaneously said - “Mum, the overstimulated children in the Netherlands. why do we still live in the Netherlands? There are If you compare the school systems in the Nether- so many nice places without stones.” All of a sud- lands and Sweden, the children in the Netherlands den, we saw the chance to move. We found good are used to a different way of studying. When they schools for the children in times of months, and a move here, normally they feel it’s easy to switch very nice house as well. I got a lot of help from Ca- and adjust to the Swedish school system. rina Hansson at the Immigration Office in Högsby municipality, including information about how to Swedes are very welcoming organize daily life here. Ann-Christine Cedergren Many people are mentally good prepared before from Kontorsbyrån in Fågelfors has also been very they move, but might forget that the winters are helpful. different in Sweden than in their home country. Here in Sweden it’s important that you are pre- The nature - inspiration to start a pared for the winter because it can snow a lot business some years and other years there is no snow at all. Having a company in the Netherlands, from which Högsby is very nice and quiet and for me it feels a new product was developed, we thus saw the that the Swedes really welcome other people here. possibility to move to another country and at the It’s not difficult to make contacts and feel at home. same time started to introduce the product there. People are very helpful as long as you accept and We had a backup for the company in the Nether- adjust to their life rhythm. Sometimes people think lands. that things are going slower, but that’s not how it When we settled down on this new place, I felt feels to me. It’s more that people do things wit- that there are so many possibilities for me to work hout so much noise. In the Netherlands you meet with themes on nature, silence and quietness in the people all the time and in Sweden you might have future. We chose this area in the southeast part of to make an effort to get in contact with the people Sweden, because the location is important. The fo- and a good idea is to join different local associa- rest, lakes and with the coast nearby makes it very tions or clubs for different interest. When you want easy to go the islands Gotland and Öland. to have contact with Swedish people, it’s good if you are patient because it might take a little while Easy adjustment to Swedish before they “let you in” and get used to speaking schools English. Sometimes they don’t show it, but they When you want to learn Swedish, Swedish for Im- really appreciate when you try to speak Swedish migrants is a good and cheap way to do it. and when you try to get in contact with them. It’s Of course there are also other and faster courses, important to join with Swedish people and not but they are more expensive. For children it’s no only with other immigrants. It’s working fine for problem to pick up the language at school. us! The clean air and the nature are the best things for

Southeast Sweden Living Leisure in Southeast Sweden

Having fun in Pippi’s environments

What to do in your leisure time? Just think of Pippi and you‘ll get inspired! Live your own Pippi-life in Southeast Sweden, the region in which Pippi had a fantastic life!

In the winter, when the snow has fallen, you’ll go out langlaufing, skating or ice-fishing. Like a real Swede you’ll grill a sausage at minus 10! And afterwards you’ll relax in the sauna. To cool down you just jump outside in the snow!

Spring is a very exciting time, in which millions of blåsippor and vitsippor coming out in the woods. Of course everybody wants to be out in nature as much as possible. Cycling, walking, horsesbackri- ding, playing golf: all the outdoor sports start their season again. As Southeast Sweden is situated near the sea and even has thousands of lakes you might be attracted to buy or rent a little boat. Bring a picnic basket and enjoy a day on a desert island. Since Sweden has the right of common access you can even bring a tent and spend the night un- der the sparkling stars.

The days are getting longer and longer in spring. Nature has reached its top with Midsummer, the 21th of June. You’ll find the wild straw- berries in the woods and obviously they will decorate your home- baked midsummer cake!

Southeast Sweden Leisure In Southeast Sweden the climate is suitable for At the end of autumn the long evenings entice us The year is rounded of with Christmas. Do like outdoor activities up till and including October. to decorate our cosy interiors and enjoy the plea- Pippi and teach yourself baking “pepparkakor”. Why not go out for a kayak tour on a beautiful sures of home sweet home. In case you feel like And if you begin to miss the good old “boeren- September day? You might as well take a swim, as going out instead then we offer a lively society life, kool”; then we have good news for you: it’s the water has warmed up properly in this time of which cover a wide range of clubs in both sports during Christmas that you can get hold of fresh the year. and culture. Joining a club is an excellent way to “boerenkool”. If you top it off with a typical build up a social network! Besides: unlike other “isterband”sausage from the region, then you September is also the month for mushrooms and countries, membership doesn’t cost a fortune! might have found your perfect wintercombination! wild lingon-berries and hunting! In this time of the year you can prepare your own meal right from nature!

Southeast Sweden Leisure Before 2009 Leen Teugels (born in 1979) had never been in Sweden. In 2010 her dutch boyfriend Thijs got a job at Scania in Södertälje. Leen decided to follow him and start up a new life in Sweden. After a year Thijs switched jobs again and now they are living, together with their newborn son Thobias, in a beautiful villa in Os- karshamn.

Leen has a background as a sport and health- teacher, and is very interested in different kinds of sports and nature. Of course I’m curious to hear about what attracted her most in Sweden.

She is telling me that her life in Mechelen/ Belgium was filled with work and social activities. She was so busy that it made her feel tired and sometimes even stressed so the desire to break out from this hectic life increased. When Thijs was offered a job in Sweden, they didn’t need to think twice, and From Belgium to Sweden: took the chance to move abroad. Although Leen never had been in Sweden before she had the idea that Sweden was a move to the country of a quiet country with plenty of possibilities to be out in nature. She hoped to be able to create a life in which she would have more time for other pleasant things in life, and to pureness be able to spend more time with Thijs.

Southeast Sweden Leisure Two years have gone by. Have her and the fact that she found a job has also opened dreams come true? doors to new social contacts with her colleagues. Leen is telling me that she doesn’t regret her On the other hand she experienced a difference decision to move to Sweden. At the moment she is in culture as far as society life is concerned. In “mammaledig” from her job as a health consultant Belgium Leen was an active member in volleyball at Scania Health Care. In the past two years she clubs, a badminton club as well as adult scouting. has discovered a lot of Swedish nature, and tried After trainings and meetings they used to go out out new activities, like langlaufing, golf and cur- and drink a beer together. This part is different in ling. They even bought a motorboat to be able to Sweden, where she noticed that everybody was discover the beautiful archipelago of Oskarshamn. going home after meetings/trainings. Sometimes Leen is talking enthusiasticly about her experienc- she still missing her friends and her lively social es on desert islands, about the silence, about how life in Belgium. it feels to sunbathe on your “own” island and then jump in the water to cool down. How it is to wake As far as outdoor life is concerned she is very up in this wonderful world, without machines or happy. She mentions however that the Swedish shops, where you have to make a fire to cook cof- way of walking and cycling is a little different fee or to grill a sausage. For her this kind of life is a from the Belgian/Dutch way. In Sweden nature pure kind of life, which she enjoys thoroughly. is unexplored, and infrastructure is undeveloped as far as cycle- and walking tracks are concerned. You won’t find signed routes like in Holland or Is there something she is missing? Belgium. In order to enjoy nature it’s therefore On the whole Leen is very positive on her new life important to prepare yourself well and bring maps in Oskarshamn, she has noticed a difference with and food. But then: what’s more beautiful to grill a Södertälje, which is a bigger town. In Oskarshamn sausage together with your loved one in complete it has been easier to get in touch with neighbours silence in the middle of nowhere?

Southeast Sweden Leisure The family’s well-being in first place

Small children In Sweden it is a core value that both parents should be able to work and develop within their profession. That is why we have a reliable, well-functioning childcare. Beginning with nursery school, children are liked over to school by preschool at the age of 6. For children of school-age it is possible to stay at after-school recrea- tion centres to play until their parents come to get them after work. This under supervision of educationists, of course. In Southeast Sweden most childcare centres are run by the local government, but there are also private alter- natives. Learning through playing and doing different activities is the key, all based on a dialogue with the parents. For childcare, the maximum rate is 136 Euros each month per child. Your well-being of charge for children under the age of 20. This also Education on all levels A well-functioning healthcare if of great importance. applies to maternity welfare. After preschool for 6-yearolds, there is a gentle transi- The Swedish system is built upon nearby care centres tion into nine-year compulsory school. After ninth and bigger hospitals in the cities. There are also private Everyday life A new country does not have to imply a new way of grade our pupils might attend a program of their own medical health centres with different aims. living. Most of what you are used to is to be found here choice at upper secondary school. Our entire school A survey done a couple of years ago shows that the in Sweden as well. Grocery stores in your neighbour- system is founded upon schools run by the local go- citizens in our region are overall more satisfied with hood, boutiques in town centres and big malls with vernment and private alternatives. Most schools also the health- and medical service than in other parts of international brands in the edge of the cities. have their own alternative programs. In this region Sweden. The waiting period for people seeking care is Which part of Southeast Sweden you chose can be de- there are for instance programs with an emphasis on kept fairly short. termined by many factors, but regardless of where you music, ice hockey and many more. For healthcare you will pay up to a limit of 120 Euros end up – you can be assured that you will have a good For further education, there are several opportunities, per year. And for medication you will only pay up to everyday life. such as the Linnaeus University in Kalmar. 240 Euros per year. Health and also dentist care is free

Southeast Sweden Family Not much of previous Differences from the old home experience There are some basic things that have Their experience of Sweden before they made the new life a bit complicated for moved here was nothing to talk about. the family. They had only been to Sweden a couple of times as tourists and at (some stage - But not so complicated that we can’t Henriëtte was pointed to an advert in a handle them, Joost says with a smile. medical magazine where doctors were The first major difference is the langu- asked in a hospital in the South of Swe- age. Even though many words are den. She applied and was offered a job similar in Swedish and Dutch it has as a chief doctor. They went and visited taken a while to learn. It was easier for the region to check out the athmosphe- the children though, Henriëtte declares. re and to look for houses. They found a And I got training at work. Joost tries big villa in Småland.... ) the same time to learn the language from a CD, before they turned in job applications for jobs he gets a place in SFI – Swedish For in Sweden, hoping to get some positive Immigrants. answers eventually. But it didn’t take that long before Henriëtte got offered - Sweden is a much calmer country a job as a chief doctor in Oskarshamn. than the Netherlands, Joost says and The family bought a big villa with Henriëtte agrees. There are a lot less a property of 4000 square metres in people and a lot less traffic. - The traffic Fliseryd, just outside the community of jams in Holland are a big problem, here Mönsterås. Here in Sweden they could in Sweden, we haven’t noticed these get a much bigger house to the same problems once. In Sweden it is also a price as a little one back in the Nether- lot less focus on jobs and money, but It only took Joost de Waal lands. The living costs are also much more about life itself as I see it, says and Henriëtte van der Wal lower and right now Joost is unem- Joost. Here you can also enjoy nature ployed searching for a good job for him in a different way than in the Nether- With focus three months to decide to as well. lands. There are a lot of quiet places to move to Sweden. Of course, explore. the main reason for this was – We have only lived in Sweden for the job offer Henriëtte got two and a half months so I’m still hope- as a doctor of a hospital in ful. I’m trained to be (and has worked on for 15 years as) a maritime officer so Southern Sweden. life! that’s what I search for. But for the moment we want to settle first and see what comes on my path.

Southeast Sweden Family Immigration office helps you with practical information and contacts about leisure, education, child care, housing, jobs, studies or other questions you have. Contact us!

We are here for you! Torsås Municipality Phone: +46 (0)486 331 20 E-mail: [email protected] Southeast Sweden Web: www.torsas.se/move2us Municipality Phone: +46 (0)471 24 90 42 or +46 (0)471-24 90 12 Phone: +46 (0)480 45 00 36 Phone: +46 (0)481 453 80 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.emmaboda.se Web: www.kalmar.se Web: www.nybro.se

Hultsfred Municipality Mönsterås Municipality Vimmerby Phone: +46 (0)495-24 08 34 Phone: +46 (0) 499 171 31 Phone: +46 (0) 492 310 10 E-mail: camilla.keranen@.se E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hultsfred.se/flyttahit Web: www.monsteras.se Web: www.vimmerby.se

Högsby Municipality Västervik Phone: +46 (0)491 291 64 or +46 (0)491 292 92 Phone: +46 (0)491-88 000 Phone: +46(0)70 540 70 66 E- mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hogsby.se Web:www.oskarshamn.se Web: www.flyttatillvästervik.nu

Job Search Healthcare Permanent residence permit Arbetsförmedlingen Council Migrationsverket www.arbetsformedlingen.se Phone: +46 (0) 480 840 00 www.migrationsverket.se www.platsbanken.se Web: www.ltkalmar.se Database of homes for sale Eures Social insurance www.europa.eu.int/eures Hemnet Bovision Försäkringskassan www.hemnet.se www.bovision.se Start a business www.forsakringskassan.se ALMI Företagspartner Kalmar Swedish social security number www.almi.se/kalmar e-mail: [email protected] Skatteverket www.skatteverket.se

Southeast Sweden Contact