



Temporary Closure of to Roadwater Road

TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991, the County Council of Somerset have made an Order PROHIBITING ALL TRAFFIC from proceeding along Luxborough to Roadwater Road from 360m west of the junction with Greenland Lane westwards for a distance of 180 metres.

This order will enable Somerset Highways to carry out earthworks in this road.

The Order becomes effective on 03 March 2014 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to last for 12 days (including the weekend). While the closure is in operation an alternative route will be signed as detailed below.


From the eastern end of the closure proceed in south easterly and north easterly directions along Luxborough to Roadwater Road to the junction with Road Lane. Turn right and proceed in south westerly and south easterly directions along Road Lane and to Sminhays Cross to the junction with the B3224. Turn right and proceed in a north westerly direction along the B3224 to the junction with Pooltown to Roundhouse Cross. Turn right and proceed in north westerly and north easterly directions along Pooltown to Roundhouse Cross, Pooltown to Kingsbridge, Kingsbridge to Stouts Way Lane and Luxborough to Roadwater Road to the western end of the closure, and vice versa.

For information about the works being carried out please contact Alan Rawle on 0845 345 9155

For further details of the alternative route please contact Somerset County Council on 0845 345 9155

SHEILA WHEELER Chief Executive

Dated: 28 February 2014



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