Bull. Inst. Zool., Academia Sinica 22(2): 217-242 (1983)


SIN-CRE LEE Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115, Republic of China


HUNG-CRIA YANG Fisheries Research Institute Kaohsiung Branch, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 800, Republic of China

(Received February 19, 1983)

Sin-Che Lee and Hung-Chia Yang (1983) of the suborder Scombroidei of Taiwan. Bull. Inst. Zool., Academia Sinica 22(2): 217-242. Thirty-nine scombroid species in 5 families known to surrounding waters of Taiwan are revised. Among them, two trichiuroids with forked caudal fin, taeniatus and E. poeyi are recognized as new records of the Taiwan area. Keys, diagnoses, synonyms and figures of all studied species are given.

(Nelson, 1976), among them, 39 valid species T he fishes belonging to suborder Scom­ in 5 families are confirmed to occur in Taiwan. broidei are currently classified into 3 super­ The earliest report on the fishes of Scom­ families, namely Xiphioidae, Scombroidae and broidei in Taiwan was that of Jordan and Trichiuroidae (Nelson, 1976). They constitute Evermann (1902) who listed 5 species: Tri­ the most important fishery·· resources with chiurus japonicus,' Scomber japonicus, S. kana­ great economical value in the surrounding gurta (= kanagurta), Gymnosarda waters of Taiwan. Large scale exploitation of alleterata (= afjinis) and Scombero­ these natural resources have been carried out morus kuhlii (= guttatus). In for the past decades by longliners, trawlers 1909, Jordan and Richardson added Scombero­ and other fishing methods. morus commersoni. In 1938, Nakamura reported Most scombroids . are widely distributed 6 spearfishes including angustirostris, and have consequently been described several Istiophorus orientalis (=1. platypterus), times under different taxonomic names. A mitsukurii (= Tetrapturus audax), M. mazara, precise systematic revision should be made M. marlina (=M. indica) and Xiphias gladius. since identification of species is often difficult A year later, he (Nakamura, 1939) added due to the considerable morphological changes further 9 species, namely Acanthocybium solandri, associated with growths. It is the purpose of Cybium chinese (= Scomberomorus sinensis), C. this study to revise the systematic status and koreanum (=Scomberomorus koreanus), C. nipho­ to synopsize the species of Scombroidei in nium (=S. niphonius), Sarda chilensis (=Sarda Taiwan. orientalis), gymnosarda nuda (=G. unicolor), Six families with 36 genera and about 94 Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis hira (=A. rochei) and species are. recorded throughout the world A. maru (=A. thazard). Later in 1951, Liang ------1.- Paper No. 244~ft~journal-Series of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. 217