Dave , | 272 pages | 08 Jan 2014 | The Perseus Books Group | 9780306822162 | English | Cambridge, MA, United States The Mayor of Macdougal Street [2013 Edition]: A Memoir PDF Book

Mar 17, Curt Hopkins Hopkins rated it really liked it Shelves: music , memoir. Who wrote it and who stole what from who is another fruitful source of bad vibrations in the klof world. Van Ronk wrote his memoir to describe a seminal era that few now remember. The film, like the book, is about the Village folksinger scene in the early s, and there are indeed a couple of incidents from Van Ronk's life described in the book that are used as key plot points in the film. The Mayor of MacDougal Street is a firsthand account by a major player in the social and musical history of the '50s and '60s. , raconteur — Dave Van Raconteur — tells story after story about his involvement and observations from the fifties through the sixties. Nov 16, Richard Levine rated it really liked it Shelves: Stewart McFarlane Wow. Which is me. At times I felt he was forcing objectivity, perhaps to avoid criticis Reading it felt somewhat like sitting down for coffees and cigarettes with Van Ronk and listening to him talk about the old days. Other editions. Read aloud. Dave Van Ronk. I learned from this book that Van Ronk started out as and always considered himself to be a player, first and foremost. They had some songs from Pete Seeger and Dave Van Ronk, but like many things in life, I did not understand their role until many years later. We are fortunate in having his words available regarding all that happened during those years of the 'great folk scare' and the diverse array of talented unique people who were a part of the scene. During the folk revival, Dave was a major presence, and, unlike most of the other musicians on the scene, he was married, relatively stable, with regular gigs and an honest-to-god Village apartment. He helped so many singers, and this, I think, was his greatest quality. Enlarge cover. He was an elder brother who routinely reached out to help younger performers. In a conversational style Van Ronk tells his tales of the people, the clubs and coffee hoses, the music and the spirit of a time and place with vibrancy and a sharp, sometimes caustic, sense of humor. Feb 03, Andy rated it really liked it Shelves: jazznbeats. Dave grew up in and , but escaped to the Village in his early teens to work with various bands. Kind of the defines the period for me. We made a stop in , going to a club halfway below street level. I was sad to have this book end. Whenever I see a fairground, I replay those songs in my head. It includes a cappella ballads, , jazz, rock, and even some Troskyist bluegrass. Elijah Wald. A must for those with an interest in the music, and of great appeal as well for anyone who enjoys a roistering life story recounted in a lively narrative voice. He was an opinionated cuss, and had no problems with letting everyone know what he thought and why. The book is structured as a memoir, going from his childhood growing up in Queens, to his years struggling to make a living as a musician and developing his political views basically, he was an anarchist , to the folk explosion in the s. From Dylan to , many of the greatest talents arriving in found him a close friend, gallant host, and eloquent interpreter of their work. The Mayor of Macdougal Street [2013 Edition]: A Memoir Writer

ISBN He was also a marvellous storyteller, a peerless musical historian, and one of the most quotable figures in The Village. Suffice it to say that Van Ronk and Wald give us a terrific view, full of characters and honesty, of an extraordinary life. Soon after, a more ambitious crowd of young people from all over the U. I loved this book and now I must go back and listen to Van Ronk,whom I really have not paid much attention to since the s! We went to the fair at Tramore. Van Ronk was part of the music scene in NYC from the s, moving to Greenwich Village in stages from his home in Queens, and becoming part of the jazz scene, before through necessity the jazz scene having died a death turning to folk and blues, which exploded into re mainstream in the early 60s. Kind of the defines the period for me. For an overview of his recordings, check out my annotated guide. When I re-listen to h I really did enjoy this book. I'll read one or two of those over time. Every ride at the fair had either Runaround Sue or The Wanderer blasting out. Those two plus we were so stoned it was the best ten year party ever makes up a considerable portion of these reminiscences. Ah, as he explains, not the "beatniks" who were commercial, but the beats, who were intelligent, well-read, talented and anti- everything. The shift from "folksingers" who performed traditional songs of indeterminate authorship to the "singer-songwriter" of the s started this attitude. See details. Paperback Books in English Dave Eggers. How it escaped me for nine years I don't know; once I had my hands on it I waited some more, like saving frosting on cake to the end. His thoughts about and the residual effects of his commercial breakout are very interesting and quite true. Music evolves and is a continuous learning process with each generation of players acknowledging the past, and adding their own unique perspectives. Many readers may go to the book looking for stories about other people including Dylan -- and they are here -- but along the way they will discover, or rediscover, the s tory of Dave Van Ronk. To some extent they were probably right about that, but I suspect that they also drove a lot of people away by making the word "folk" synonymous with the insipid, cutesy crap they were peddling. They had some songs from Pete Seeger and Dave Van Ronk, but like many things in life, I did not understand their role until many years later. As a result, the early part of this story recalls not only familiar names like the New Lost City Ramblers, and Odetta, but also performers who are little remembered today but had a profound influence on the younger musicians who flooded into the Village in the sixties. In that case, we can't A performer can be dedicated to political movements and show up frequently to support political change, but this is entirely a different issue than "writing political music. Dave Van Ronk. Folkie Dave Van Ronk and author Elijah Wald wanted to write the definitive history of the Greenwich Village scene in the s and s. Dave Van Ronk was a founding father of the s folk and blues revivals, but he was far more than that. As explained in the afterward, Wald and Van Ronk originally conceived a different book that would have described in more depth the history of folk revival movement and discussions of the musicians involved. Browne, careful to avoid repeating Dylan's gaffe, offered to credit him with the copyright, but Van Ronk directed him to the estate of Rev. His book tells of those early years, and then of his discovery of the folksingers in Washington Square Park. Almost a Woman: A Memoir. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Other Editions Ratings and Reviews Write a review. As the subtitle suggests, this is not an autobiography. Now that the have credited this book as the inspiration for their latest movie, I'm happy that he is getting posthumous recognition. Van Ronk turns out to be a fascinating man with a unique perspective and a dry wit. Now, if my memory is trustworthy which it often is, but in this instance it is a bit fuzzy , I first discovered the music of Van Ronk some years back through my appreciation of the music of Bob Dylan. I learned from this book that Van Ronk started out as and always considered himself to be a jazz player, first and foremost. He was an elder brother who routinely reached out to help younger performers. Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye. Van Ronk, to me, was a great blues singer, a gifted guitarist and, from his interviews, a man with a great sense of honest and funny humor. Like others in the Greenwich Village scene, his political leanings drifted between socialism and anarchism as he experimented with different musical genres. The Mayor of Macdougal Street [2013 Edition]: A Memoir Reviews

Its distinctive descending chromatic baseline, the heart of his reading, was in turn lifted by for their first U. Paperback Dave Eggers Books. For example footnote, p. Very Interesting A great story about an interesting time. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. I really did enjoy this book. Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive. This memoir was written near the end of his life I really enjoyed the inside story of Greenwich Village in the late 50's and 60's. He even made leftist politics understandable The single best book I've ever read by a musician. Van Ronk's intellect, which was estimable and largely earned through independent reading and conversation, his musical knowledge and skill, his black humor and sense of language all shone through. Bonus track: "Take a Whiff on Me" This live track from the late s gives a taste of how Dave sounded in his formative years, around the time he was recording his first Folkways album. Clearly much was ghost written or well edited, but regardless. He was entirely self-taught but had impressive knowledge in a wide range of subjects. About this product. One quibble: the name of singer-songwriter Eric Andersen is consistently misspelled. For one thing, he was a marvelous raconteur, one of the funniest and most quotable figures on the Village scene. We went to the fair at Tramore. This book is not an autobiography. He was an elder brother who routinely reached out to help younger performers. It has been waiting for me and I for it. He noted his disagreements with Pete Seeger on this issue, but that did not stop him from praising Pete Seeger's musicianship or character. He loved New York, and that love comes through in his memoir. Even when the music he's playing is pure, old school folk, his guitar playing has a sense of improvisation and the blues about it. As the subtitle suggests, this is not an autobiography. It includes a cappella ballads, blues, jazz, rock, and even some Troskyist bluegrass. Account Options Sign in. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. With a short fuse for BS Van Ronk never stops from telling the truth - or at least the truth as he sees it. Buy It Now. Quotes from The Mayor of MacD When you listen to his work in the 's and up to his death, you hear that he wasn't a museum piece, but was still growing and learning. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site.

The Mayor of Macdougal Street [2013 Edition]: A Memoir Read Online

He was also a marvellous storyteller, a peerless musical historian, and one of the most quotable figures in The Village. He encouraged our Bob in many ways. Stock photo. He loved New York, and that love comes through in his memoir. And not just entertaining. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. He was entirely self- taught but had impressive knowledge in a wide range of subjects. Related Searches. Very Interesting A great story about an interesting time. I listened to the audiobook and although the narrator was competent, I felt his voice was too mellow and nice for the memoir. Only every once in a while did I come across a passage or paragraph that read more as if it had been written by a music critic. Dave van Ronk's memoir has come back into the spotlight as the book that inspired, Inside Llewyn Davies. Return to Book Page. We ordered soft drinks. Jakes Christian Inspirational No ratings or reviews yet. He was the "whole man" that Celine and Miller were looking for. This book is lovely when Van Ronk talks about music and the evolution of music. Four and a half stars. I learned to play guitar by listening to his records. Showing You don't get much hipper than being sixteen or seventeen years old, hanging around Clarence Williams, and listening to his piano duets with Willie "The Lion" Smith up on th Street. Elijah Wald reconstructed the work after Van Ronk passed away, giving shape to the stories of a first-rate raconteur. When I re-listen to his earlier recordings, I'm hearing that more and more now. One of folk's unsung heroes, Van Ronk mixes poetry and revolution, rolled into a posthumously released autobiography as much a history of the Village, and the folk venues that made it famous, as the life story of its 'Mayor. NOOK Book. Well, yeah, all popular music are bits and pieces borrowed from earlier styles. Other editions. There is the tale of the origins of Van Ronk's musical talent that come from his Brooklyn Irish grandmother who never stopped singing except to talk or eat and who drove the neighbors nuts. Stewart McFarlane Wow. Nevertheless, it would have been good to have more of his well-founded takes on the musicians and other characters who populated Greenwich Village, since he was a long-term fixture there. One quibble: the name of singer-songwriter Eric Andersen is consistently misspelled. I want to go to Greenwich Village around So, this year for Christmas, he bought me this book. He notes that no one every accused Sinatra or Louis Armstrong of "doing covers. A pioneer of modern acoustic blues, a fine songwriter and arranger, a powerful singer, and one of the most influential guitarists of the '60s, he was also a marvelous storyteller, a peerless musical historian, and one of the most quotable figures on the Village scene. He even made leftist politics understandable The single best book I've ever read by a musician.