Appendix 1 Page: 1 of 3 Highway Roundabout Date of Issue: 08/02/06 Sponsorship Policy


1.1 The commercial sponsorship of roundabouts has become common in recent years.

1.2 The initiative for roundabout sponsorship was developed in 1997 as part of in Bloom.

1.3 The objective was to recognise and improve the appearance of the Borough, encourage Community involvement and seek additional funding to assist the Thurrock in Bloom campaign.

1.4 Neighbourhood Services and the Highways department have jointly supported the current programme of roundabout sponsorship.

1.5 Currently there are two types of roundabout sponsorships operating in the Borough.

1.6 The first is ‘adopted’ roundabouts, which is based on the sponsor agreeing with the Council to adopt a roundabout but undertaking to landscape and maintain at their own expense.

1.7 The second is ‘sponsored’ roundabouts which is based on the sponsor paying an agreed amount to the Council for sponsorship signs to be erected with the Council undertaking the landscaping and maintenance.


2.1 The Council wishes to encourage more local participation in the sponsorship of its roundabouts and to this end has developed a new simplified framework that will operate in conjunction with Thurrock in Bloom.

2.2 It is hoped that the new roundabout sponsorship scheme will secure lasting improvements in the visual appearance of the roundabouts.

2.3 The six main criteria for the roundabout sponsorship scheme are:-

 Sponsorship will only to be available on selected highway roundabouts  Sponsorship to be used to secure lasting improvements in visual appearance not only to roundabouts but also other parts of the Borough

 The Council to design roundabout layout and planting scheme, in consultation with the sponsor. The Council will undertake all works including landscaping, signage and maintenance the roundabout

 Sponsors’ signs to be of a standard size, material and design determined by

 All legal cost, fees and VAT associated with sponsorship to be borne by sponsors

 A formal sponsor agreement, to be entered into between sponsors and the Council, with a fixed term and the sponsors’ signs being removed when this term expires or the agreement is otherwise terminated.

2.4 The design of improvements will vary according to the location of the roundabout and the interests of the sponsor. It is anticipated that most improvements will be horticultural or arboricultural, with a naturalistic style design being favoured in edge-of-town and rural locations. There may, however, be opportunities for a limited number of more ambitious improvements, involving public art, for example.

2.5 Roundabouts, which are currently ‘sponsored’ or ‘adopted’ will continual to be sponsored under the existing arrangements until the Council determines otherwise.

3 Highway and Planning Considerations

3.1 A number of highway and planning considerations must be taken into account when considering roundabout improvements and sponsors’ signs.

3.2 The Council, as the Highway Authority, has its criteria for sponsorship of roundabouts, which are; -

 Visibility must not be obscured  The form of landscaping must be approved on highway safety terms  Signs generally be no greater that 0.5 metre in height and 1.0 metre in width, will not carry advertising other than the name and will not be coloured or designed to look like direction signs nor will they be attached to highway furniture

3.3 The Council, as the Planning Authority is required to grant planning permission or advertisement consent, where necessary. 3.4 Advertisement consent may be required for the design and location of sponsorship signs.

3.5 Planning permission may also apply to any improvement, which is more ambitious than a simple horticultural or arboricultural works.

4. Environment

4.1 Planting will only be considered that enhances the existing landscape, and which will be maintained above the present minimum levels.

4.2 Designs should integrate with local landscape and take account of townscape character, designated areas, buildings and features.

4.3 Commercial sponsorship may involve the improvement of both hard and soft landscapes elements. Innovative proposals involving hard landscape will not be discouraged if they contribute to delivering the Authority’s environmental objectives.

4.4 Designs will not be permitted that may be distracting to drivers and this includes, in particular, flower arrangements that depict written messages.

5. Signage

4.1 An important element of sponsorship is signage. This must be properly designed in order to ensure that improvements to roundabouts are not negated by the visual intrusion or clutter of signs.

4.2 The Council will determine the type and style of all signs with an aim to have a unified approach to specific types of locations i.e. edge of town, retail or rural areas. Appendix 2 SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT is dated and made between Thurrock Borough Council of Civic Offices, New Road, Grays RM17 6SL (the Council) and whose registered office is (the Sponsor);

in respect of the sponsoring of the maintenance and/or enhancement to the landscaping of the roundabout as detailed on the attached plan (the Roundabout)

Whereby the Sponsor agrees to sponsor the Roundabout and pay to the Council the costs incurred by it for the landscape maintenance/enhancement, subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The Sponsor shall sponsor the landscape maintenance/enhancements to a maximum cost of £ per annum payable on the date hereof and on the first and second anniversary hereof.

2. “Landscape enhancement” means those improvements to the landscape as defined and agreed by the Council. The Council reserves the right to determine the nature of the enhancements and to vary the type of plantings provided on the Roundabout. “Maintenance” means the grounds maintenance works as detailed in the Council’s annual Works Schedule or similar document.

3. The Sponsor will be permitted to erect and maintain sponsorship plaques on the Roundabout. The plaques will be of a size and appearance as not to interfere with traffic flow or present a hazard to motorists or other road users. The placement size and appearance and the number of plaques to be erected will be as agreed in writing by the Council in accordance with the advice, instructions and approval of the Highway Authority, subject to Clause 4 below.

4. The size, appearance and positioning of each plaque shall be subject to obtaining necessary planning permission under the Control of Advertisements Regulations.

5. The Council shall have the absolute right to require the Sponsor to remove any plaque which is of a religious or political significance or context or which is inappropriate or objectionable or is likely to subject the Council to prosecution and upon receipt of such request the Sponsor shall remove the said plaque within 24 hours failing which the Council shall remove the plaque.

6. The cost of providing, installing, maintaining and replacing plaques is to be met by the Sponsor. 7. Sponsorship is to commence upon installation of the plaques and is to run for a period of three years from the date hereof.

8. Sponsorship fees to maintain the enhancements are to increase annually by no more than the All Items Index of Retail Prices. The fees shall be payment annually in advance on the first day of commencement of the agreement each year. The Sponsor will meet the costs of any additional landscape enhancements agreed by the Council in full.

9. From time to time, it may be necessary for the Council and/or the Highway Authority to permit works to be carried out on the Roundabout that may cause temporary disruption to the landscape enhancements and/or temporary removal of plaques. In such event, the Council will not be liable for any claims for compensation by the Sponsor provided that such works and/or disruptions are for a total period of less than 30 days within any sponsored twelve-month period. In the event of works or disruption lasting more than 30 days within any sponsored twelve month period the Council will refund to the Sponsor a sum equating to 1/52 of the landscape enhancement annual sponsorship fees for each subsequent seven days, or part thereof, of continued works or disruption.

10.The Council will restore any landscape enhancement disturbed by such works to the appropriate standard and within a reasonable time. The Council will endeavour to provide advance notification to the Sponsor or any such works, whenever this is possible.

11.The rights and obligations of the Sponsor in this agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written consent of the Council.

12.If the Sponsor shall be in breach of any of the terms and conditions and stipulations on the part of the Sponsor to be observed and performed hereunder then it shall be lawful for the Council to determine this agreement by serving not less than seven days notice to the Sponsor but such determination shall not affect the rights of the Council under this agreement prior to the cancellation thereof.

13.It is agreed that if there are changes in external legislation, circumstances or policy outside the control of the Council, the Council reserves the right to terminate this agreement and remove the plaques.

14.Sponsorship of the Roundabout is to be exclusive to the Sponsor.

Terms agreed and accepted:

Thurrock Borough Council …………………………………………………… Position ……………………………………………………

On behalf of ( ) ……………………………………………………

Position ……………………………………………………. APPENDIX 3


Initial tendering arrangements for the sponsorship of the highway roundabout scheme and it’s continuing promotion

1. An advertisement will be published in the Thurrock Gazette, or any other trade paper that the Council consider appropriate and on the Council’s Internet giving details of the list of roundabouts within the borough for which sponsors are being sought. An indicative level of the estimated monetary level of sponsorship sought will be given. This will be based on the annual maintenance, administration and signage costs acknowledging the sponsorship to the Council. Expressions of interest by sponsors should arrive at the Council offices within 14 days of the date of the publishing of the advertisement.

2. The Council will evaluate the sponsorship applications within 14 days of receipt and shall at its discretion decide who the successful tenderer for each roundabout will be.

3. In the event of not receiving a tender for any of the roundabouts that the Council offers for sponsorship under this scheme will then be posted on the Council’s internet site, as will any other roundabouts that become available for sponsorship in the future.

4. In additional a comprehensive programme of advertising and promotion will continue for those un-sponsored roundabouts.

5. Any approach from any organisation for sponsoring a roundabout, after the initial tendering process, will be dealt under the officer delegated decision process.

. APPENDIX 4 Currently Sponsored Roundabouts (2005)

Roundabout Number Total (£) Maintenance Only (£) Status* Current Sponsor Sp. Ship Income

6 Lakeside Retail 6500 3500 Sponsored DANSK Furniture 1500 9 Stoneness Road 5000 3000 Sponsored Harris Commercial Vehicles 2000 17 Hogg Lane 5500 2500 Sponsored Sign & Custom 1000 (contra) 18 Rock Feature 4000 2000 Sponsored Industrial Chemicals no fee 19 Blackshots 6500 3500 Sponsored Thurrock & Basildon College 1500 23 ASDA 5000 3000 Sponsored Uniserve Group 1200

Currently “Adopted” Roundabouts (2005)

Roundabout Number Total (£) Maintenance Only (£) Status* Current Sponsor Sp. Ship Income 8 Lancaster 6500 3500 Adopted Adopted

10 Fenner Road 6000 3000 Adopted Lakeside Shopping Centre Adopted Adopted (Thurrock Garden 14 Pilgrims Lane Centre) Adopted Adopted Thurrock Garden Centre Adopted 23a Thurrock Park Way 2500 1500 Adopted Union Star Line Adopted APPENDIX 5  Neighbourhood Services – Horticulture & Grounds Maintenance Thurrock Roundabouts 2005 Information File

Including: Location, Sponsorship Details, Area Coverage, Commercial Viability & Annual Maintenance Costs

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Thurrock Roundabouts 2005 Sponsorship Opportunities

Maintenance / Commercial Viability Overview There are approximately 46 roundabouts in Thurrock. Of these approximately 43 roundabouts have soft landscaping features. Thurrock Council has proposed to introduce a new roundabout policy and seek sponsorship funding relating to maintenance costs and commercial viability [advertising potential] of each roundabout.

Maintenance – Past / Present Situation The ‘In House’ grounds maintenance team at present maintain 31 of the roundabouts. We estimate their annual contribution / spend to be approx. £50,000 Roundabouts identified as not being maintained by Grounds Maintenance Include:- 3. Junction 30 Not feasible – Highway Agency 4b. Dolphin Way. Recent highway addition [ no maintenance funding provided] 4c. Circus Tavern. Recent highway addition[no maintenance funding/ notification] 8. Lancaster Adpoted/sponsored by Lakeside Shopping Centre 9. Stonness road. Sponsor/ maintenance by small works contractor 9a. Oliver Close. Recent addition [ No Maintenance funding provided] 12 A13 Lakeside Highway Agency 12a. ‘’ Highway Agency 14. Pilgrims Lane Sponsor maintains [adopted] 14a. Coach park not feasible [hard landscape] 18a. Morrisons not feasible [ Hard Landscaping] 18b. Grays Beach Recent Addition. [No maintenance funding provided] 23a.Thurrock Park Way. Sponsor maintains [ Adopted] 24a. Hill House Drive.Recent Addition [ No funding provided] 24b. Sandy Lane Recent Addition [No funding]

Some roundabouts already sponsored have had supplementary work carried out by contractors. A number of roundabouts especially new ones are not on the grounds maintenance schedule because notification of adoption or funding has not been received and some are maintained by sponsors contributions using a small works contractor. A number of roundabouts need special consideration [Health & Safety –sign & Guarding] because of volume and approach of oncoming traffic.

The level of maintenance by the ‘In House’ team is variable according to the demands on staff and equipment. At times the standard of maintenance is good especially if the roundabout is on an established route.

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 In times of pressure ‘High Season’ and for isolated sites, maintenance standards sometimes fail.

Maintenance- New Policy To secure continuity of good appearance the schedule of works needs to be comprehensive and implementation / instruction of the work needs to be coordinated under instruction. To provide maintenance of landscape features [grass, trees, shrubs, perennials & annual plants] to Thurrocks’ roundabout system, a detailed programme of works would need to be established. An estimated cost for a comprehensive maintenance programme is £120,000.

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Thurrock Roundabouts 2005 Costings Roundabout Number Maintenance commercial Total (£) viability 1 Kenningtons 3500 1000 4500 2 Aveley Road 3000 1000 4000 3 Junction 30 Highway Agency 5000project work. Not feasible 5000 4 Junction 31 7500 3000 10500 4b Dolphin Way 2500 1000 3500 4c Circus Tavern 3000 1000 4000 5 Granada Services 4500 3000 7500 6 Lakeside Retail 3500 3000 6500 6b Lakeside Retail 1500 2000 3500 7 Lakeside Retail 1500 2000 3500 7a Lakeside Retail 1500 2000 3500 8 Lancaster 3500 3000 6500 9 Stoneness Road 3000 2000 5000 9a Oliver Close wtmr 1500 500 2000 10 Fenner Road 3000 3000 6000 11 Arena 2000 2000 4000 12 A128 Highways Agency 1500 nil 1500 12a A128 Highways Agency 1500 nil 1500 13 Burghley Road 3000 2000 5000 13a Galleon Road 1500 500 2000 13b Burghley Road 2500 2000 4500 14 Pilgrims Lane adopted 3000 3000 6000 14a Coach Park Not Feasible Not Feasible 15 Stifford Interchange 3000 Not Feasible 3000 16 Treacle Mine 2500 3000 5500 17 Hogg Lane 2500 3000 5500 18 Rock Feature 2000 2000 4000 18a Morrisons Not Feasible Not Feasible 18b Grays Beach 1500 2000 3500 19 Blackshots 3500 3000 6500 20 Dock Road 2000 1000 3000 21 Marshfoot 3000 2000 5000 22 River View 1500 1000 2500 23 ASDA 3000 2000 5000 23a Thurrock Park Way 1500 1000 2500 24 Chadwell Hill 1500 1000 2500 24a Hill House Drive 1500 500 2000 24b Sandy Lane 1500 500 2000 25 Cock 5000 3000 8000 26 A13 Manorway 4500 Not Feasible 4500 27 Victoria Road 2000 1000 3000 28 Abbotts Drive 2500 2000 4500 29 Cat Cracker 3000 2000 5000 30 B1420 1000 500 1500 31 B1420 1500 1000 2500 32 Coryton Refinery 1000 1000 2000 ------Totals -: 114,000 69,500 183,500

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Thurrock Roundabouts 2005 Information File

Roundabout Banding Chart Annual Maintenance Costs Commercial Viability (Guideline Estimates) (Guideline Estimates)

P= £1000 A Very High = £3000 Q= £1500 B High = £2000 R= £2000 C Good = £1000 S= £2500 D Medium = £500 T= £3000 E Low = £250 U= £3500 F Minimal = £125 V= £4000 W= £4500 X= £5000 Y= £6000 Z = £7500

Example of Annual Costing

PA UB P + A = £4000 U + B = £5500

ZA PF Z + A = £10500 P + F = £1125 Note: There could be a one off improvement cost, or should we cover the cost of initial improvement? The cost for signage also needs covering @ approximately £180 per sign.

Roundabout Number 1 – Aveley (Kenningtons)

Junction of Sandy Lane / Romford Road / Mill Lane / Aveley By-pass

This is a large roundabout that has mature, well-established, sustainable tree and shrub planting, with large grass areas and spring bulbs. The trees, shrubs and bulbs on this roundabout give good all year round seasonal interest. Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship. Banding: UC Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 4122sqM

Roundabout Number 2 – Aveley

Junction of Stifford Road / High Street / Aveley By-Pass

This is a large roundabout that has mature, well-established, sustainable tree and shrub planting, with large grass areas and spring bulbs. The trees, shrubs and bulbs on this roundabout give good all year round seasonal interest.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship. Banding: TC Ideal no. of Signs: Four

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Total Area: 3456sqM

Roundabout 3 – Junction 30 M25 – A13 This very large roundabout is owned by the National Highways Agency due to its size, location, H&S implications and ownership, sponsorship is not feasible.

Sponsorship Status: Non-Feasible Banding: not applicable Ideal no. of Signs: not applicable Total Area: Un-measured

Roundabout 4 – Junction 31 A1306 / Ship Lane / Arterial Road This is one of the major junction points in the borough. The roundabout contains large tree covered areas, along with large expanses of grass. The large grass areas were seeded last year to try and improve the sward cover. This site is split in two by the M25 motorway. The smaller section contains scrub and gravel embankments. This would be a challenging roundabout to landscape due to its sheer size and location. There is also a vehicle inspection bay located on the site.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship. Banding: ZA (+) Ideal no. of Signs: Minimum Five Total Area: 22,960sqM

Roundabout 4b – Dolphin Way,

A1090 – Stonehouse Lane

This roundabout is located in the Dolphin Industrial Estate, Purfleet The roundabout is sparsely planted with shrubs, and would ideally benefit from a complete overhaul. No maintenance budget was received from Highways during adoption.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship. Banding: SC Ideal no. of Signs: Three Total Area: 540sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 4c – Circus Tavern, Purfleet

Purfleet By-Pass / Arterial Road Purfleet

This roundabout has recently been created as part of the new road layout, and is un-landscaped. An ideal location for a brand new landscape scheme.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship. Banding: TC Ideal no. of Signs: Three Total Area: 300sqM (aprox.)

Roundabout 5 – Motorway Services, West Thurrock

A1306 Arterial Road / West Thurrock Way

Often referred to as the Granada Services roundabout, this large roundabout is in a prime location. The main area is densely planted with native trees and shrubs, with an outer perimeter of grass. With focused maintenance this can be a good quality landscape feature. There is a service / maintenance road through the site.

Sponsorship Status: Under Negotiation / confirmed (CARLAND) Banding: WA Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 3552sqM

Roundabout 6 – Lakeside Retail Park, West Thurrock

B186 West Thurrock Way / Weston Avenue

This is the first roundabout on the Lakeside Retail Park when coming from the M25. The roundabout is heavily planted with an outer ring of trees; from the trees to the kerb edge is grass. Improved tree and turf maintenance would really show this site at its best.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by DANSK Design (Furniture) Banding: UA Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 1942sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 6a - Lakeside Retail Park, West Thurrock

Weston Avenue “The Clock Tower”

Located in the entrance area to one section of the Lakeside Retail Park, this relatively small roundabout is often referred to as “The Clock Tower” due to its location near the retails parks three-storey columnar digital clock. The roundabout has almost complete plant coverage of ornamental ground cover Ivy.

Sponsorship Status: Under Negotiation / confirmed (CARLAND) Banding: QB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 475sqM

Roundabout 6b – Lakeside Retail Park, West Thurrock

Cygnet View / Grebe Crest

Located on the approach into the main part of the retail park near Pizza Hut & McDonalds restaurants this relatively small roundabout is in a good location. An ideal location for a brand new landscape scheme.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 480sqM

Roundabouts 7 & 7a – Lakeside Retail Park, West Thurrock

West Thurrock Way near Toni Le Voi

Two roundabouts of a very similar dimensions located on a busy route through the retail park. Roundabout 7 has an attractive planting scheme located in the centre, with a grass perimeter. Only minimal remedial maintenance would be required to establish a really good quality landscape feature. Roundabout 7a is laid to turf and is a blank canvas for a landscape feature.

Sponsorship Status: 7 Under Negotiation / confirmed (IKEA) 7a - Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area(s): Roundabout 7=1004sqM Roundabout 7a = 829sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 8 Lakeside “Lancaster”, West Thurrock

Lancaster / Heron Way / A126

A large roundabout in a prestigious location, near the main through road to the retail park and to Lakeside Regional Shopping Centre. This roundabout has numerous semi mature trees laid to grass. Recent improvements include raised beds and mixed feature planting. Owned by Thurrock Council, maintained & adopted by Lakeside Shopping Centre.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored in kind (Lakeside) Banding: UA Ideal no. of Signs: Four / Five Total Area(s): 3180sqM

Roundabout 9 Road, West Thurrock

Stoneness Road / Oliver Road / West Thurrock Way

This roundabout is located along the busy London Road near the Harris Commercial vehicle depot. Recently landscaped using £5000 sponsorship funding with formal Box hedging, new turf & retaining railway sleepers.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by HARRIS Commercials Banding: TB Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area(s): 495sqM

Roundabout 9a Oliver Road, Industrial Estate, West Thurrock

Oliver Close / WTMR (west thurrock marsh relief road)

This is a new roundabout built as part of the new relief road scheme. Upon completion of construction the roundabout was landscaped with semi mature Silver Birch trees, coloured aggregate mulch and a perimeter border of turf. There is no existing maintenance budget for this roundabout; which if un- sponsored will fall into disrepair. Minimal remedial maintenance will provide a good landscape feature.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QD Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area(s): 150sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 10 Lakeside, Chafford Hundred / West Thurrock

Fenner Road Under-Pass

This is the main roundabout coming from Chafford Hundred entering Lakeside. Owned by Thurrock Council, maintained & adopted by Lakeside Shopping Centre. The steep highway embankment for the road over-head is planted with native trees, and splits the site in half. The level ground grassed to the kerb edge. The roundabout has recently had seasonal bedding areas added.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored in kind (Lakeside) Banding: TA Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area(s): 2440sqM

Roundabout 11 Lakeside Approach, West Thurrock

Arena Essex A1306

Located on a main thoroughfare to and from Grays, Lakeside and the M25 this roundabout is in a good location. The roundabout has good, neat grass coverage with a number of young trees that look to be establishing very well. Traffic lights around this roundabout would give prospective sponsors a ‘captive audience’ with strategically located signs.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: RB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area(s): 1730sqM

Roundabouts 12 & 12a Lakeside / A13 Approach, West Thurrock

A128 (Highways Agency Sites)

National Highways Agency Responsibility – Approval required for any works. Approval has been sought in the past, and refused.

Sponsorship Status: Non-Feasible Banding: not applicable Ideal no. of Signs: not applicable Total Area: 940sqM (approximately each)

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 13 Burghley Road / Fleming Road, Chafford Hundred

Outside The Chafford Hundred p/h & Sports Club Complex

On a main thoroughfare in Chafford Hundred this roundabout is located in a good position. Located near to residential properties, sports club, pub & hotel. Currently a blank canvas of grass, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature.

Sponsorship Status: Under Negotiation / confirmed (IKEA) Banding: TB (with landscaping in place) PB (currently grass only) Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 850sqM

Roundabout 13a Galleon Road / Fleming Road, Chafford Hundred

Outside Railway Station

A relatively small roundabout located outside the railway station in Chafford Hundred.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QD Ideal no. of Signs: Three Total Area: 280sqM

Roundabout 13b Burghley Road, Chafford Hundred

Outside Supermarket (Sainsbury’s)

On a main thoroughfare in Chafford Hundred this roundabout is located in a good position. Located near to residential properties and local supermarket. There is existing mixed planting on this roundabout, and with focused maintenance would make a good quality landscape feature.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (Recent Interest shown from Sainsbury’s) Banding: SB Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 373sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 14 Pilgrims Lane / Arterial Road, Chafford Hundred

“Thurrock Garden Centre Roundabout”

This site is sponsored and maintained by Thurrock Garden Centre who use street accredited contractors to work on their behalf. The roundabout is maintained to a high standard incorporating various planting styles & designs. This sponsorship arrangement saves Thurrock Council approximately £2700 per annum in maintenance costs – whilst achieving a ‘best look’ site.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by Thurrock Garden Centre Banding: TB Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 700sqM

Roundabout 14a Pilgrims Lane, North Stifford

Lakeside Coach Park

A very small concrete traffic island roundabout outside Lakeside Coach Park

Sponsorship Status: non feasible Banding: non feasible Ideal no. of Signs: non feasible Total Area: 47sqM

Roundabout 15 A13 / Stifford Clays Interchange


This roundabout is a very large raised highway structure, (not a true roundabout) incorporating native tree planting on steep embankments, and grass verge edges.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (feasible?) Banding: feasible? Ideal no. of Signs: Five feasible ? Total Area: 11,516sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 16 Lodge Lane / Elizabeth Road, Chafford Hundred

A1012 “The Treacle Mine”

A large roundabout in a prestigious location. Situated on the main thoroughfares to Grays Town Centre, Chafford Hundred the A13 and Lakeside. This site is covered with early mature trees (predominately Scots Pines) with a grass surround and Spring bulb display. This site is an existing attractive landscape feature. Previously sponsored by Chafford Hundred

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: SA Ideal no. of Signs: Four / Five Total Area(s): 10500sqM

Roundabout 17 Devonshire Road / Elizabeth Road, Chafford Hundred

Hogg Lane

On a main thoroughfare near to residential properties, joined to the new relief road and en-route to Grays Town Centre, this roundabout is located in a good position. Central mixed planting, spring bulbs and grass surround make up this roundabout, and with focused maintenance would make a good quality landscape feature. There is currently a contra account with the sign manufactures who will display signs between 05>06. This situation can be negotiated if interact is generated.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by Sign & Custom Ltd (contra) Banding: SA Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area(s): 1500sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 18 Hogg Lane / Eastern Avenue, Grays

“Rock Feature Roundabout”

This roundabout features large granite stones, specimen trees and shrubs. Perimeter areas are landscaped to the same theme. Industrial Chemicals Ltd renovated the site to the cost of approximately £30,000 in 1995. Sponsors also provide annual Thurrock in Bloom competition funding. Consider approaching Industrial Chemicals to review financial support for the site. Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by Industrial Chemicals Ltd Banding: RB Ideal no. of Signs: Four Total Area: 1378sqM

Roundabout 18a Eastern Avenue, Grays

Morrisons Car Park Area

Small concrete traffic island roundabout. Could accommodate a planter.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (feasible?) Banding: PE Ideal no. of Signs: feasible? Total Area: 30sqM

Roundabout 18b Thames Road / Argent Street, Grays

Grays Beach

A relatively small roundabout recently landscaped by Neighbourhood Services Horticultural Section. The landscaping consists of a central raised bed, evergreen shrubs and spring Tulips. With increased residential development in the area, this roundabout is in a good location.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QC Ideal no. of Signs: three Total Area: 92sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 19 Socketts Heath / Lodge Lane / Stanford Road, Grays

“Blackshots Roundabout”

A large attractive roundabout with mature trees, shrubs, roses and vast spring bulb displays. Outer areas are grass. The roundabout is located on a main thoroughfare (old A13) to Grays, Orsett, Stanford and .

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by Thurrock & Basildon College Banding: UA Ideal no. of Signs: Four / Five Total Area: 5960sqM

Roundabout 20 Dock Road,

Churchill Road / The Bull p/h

A relativley small roundabout, landscaped with large pebbles, coloured bark mulch, ground-cover conifers and ornamental Fescue Grasses. Previously sponsored by a local fish & chip shop, this site requires a sponsor to rejuvenate. With focused maintenance this can be a good landscape feature.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: RC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 150sqM

Roundabout 21 Dock Road / Marshfoot, Little Thurrock

A1089 Interchange

A large roundabout en-route to Chadwell St Mary, , Grays and A1089 Dock Approach Road, densely covered in native trees & scrub, with grass surround. An attractive natural scene.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: TB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 5000sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 22 Chadwell By-Pass, Chadwell St Mary

River View

A relatively small roundabout at the top of Chadwell By-Pass. Located on the main route into Chadwell St Mary. Currently a blank canvas of grass, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature. The local Community Forum have shown an interest in sponsoring / landscaping this site.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 107sqM

Roundabout 23 Dock Approach, Tilbury

A1089 “ASDA”

A large roundabout on the dual carriage way into Tilbury and Tilbury Dock areas. Planted with semi mature trees and mixed shrubs, the majority of the site is grass.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by UNISERVE Banding: TB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 6505sqM

Roundabout 23a Thurrock Park Way, Tilbury

Thurrock Park Way Industrial Estate

A relatively small roundabout located in an industrial estate. Centerally planted with mixed shrubs and grass perimeter. Signage and maintainenace provided by Union Star Line.

Sponsorship Status: Sponsored by UNION STAR LINE Banding: QC Ideal no. of Signs: Three Total Area: 500sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 24 Chadwell By-Pass, Tilbury / Chadwell St Mary

Chadwell Hill / Marshfoot

A relatively small roundabout. Located on a main route into Tilbury. Currently a blank canvas of grass, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature. (Consideration should be given to HGV access & collapsible signage)

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 151sqM

Roundabout 24a Linford Road, Chadwell St Mary

Hill House Drive

A small roundabout located on a main route into Chadwell St Mary. Currently a blank canvas of grass, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature. The local Community Forum have shown an interest in sponsoring / landscaping this site.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QD Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 78sqM

Roundabout 24b Linford Road, Chadwell St Mary

Sandy Lane

A small roundabout located on a main route into Chadwell St Mary. Currently a blank canvas of grass, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature. The local Community Forum have shown an interest in sponsoring / landscaping this site.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: QD Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 113sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 25 Stanford Road / Brentwood Road, Orsett

Orsett Cock A13 – A1013

This roundabout is a very large highway structure, (not a true roundabout) incorporating native tree planting and large grass areas. Grass areas contain wild flowers and planted spring bulbs. Focused maintenance would improve the grass areas of this site.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: XA Ideal no. of Signs: Four / Five Total Area: 20,240sqM

Roundabout 26 Stanford le Hope Interchange, Stanford le Hope

A13 – Manorway

This roundabout is a large raised highway structure, (not a true roundabout) incorporating native tree planting and large scrub areas. Grass areas contain rare wild flowers (Orchids)

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (feasible?) Banding: feasible? Ideal no. of Signs: Five feasible ? Total Area: 8727sqM

Roundabout 27 High Street, Stanford le Hope

Victoria Road

A kidney shaped roundabout on a main thourghfare through Stanford le Hope into Corringham. Planted with early mature trees and landscape Roses.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: RC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 918sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Rounabout 28 Dunstable Road, Stanford le Hope

Abbotts Drive / Southend Road

A large attractive roundabout with mature trees, shrubs, roses and spring bulb displays. Outer areas are grass. The roundabout is located on a main thoroughfare to, Stanford le Hope and Corringham.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: SB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 2045sqM

Roundabout 29 The Sorrells / The Manorway, Stanford le Hope

“The Cat Cracker”

A large attractive roundabout with early mature trees, shrubs, and spring bulb displays. Outer areas are grass. The roundabout is located on the main thoroughfare to, Stanford le Hope and Corringham, A13 and Refineries.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: TB Ideal no. of Signs: Three / Four Total Area: 2885sqM

Roundabout 30 One Tree Hill, Corringham


Small semi rural grassed roundabout.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (feasible?) Banding: PD Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 306sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005 Roundabout 31 Brooke House Farm, Corringham / Basildon


This roundabout is located on the borough boundary with Basildon Council, and is planted centrally with evergreen shrubs, with an outer perimeter of grass to the kerb edge.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship (feasible?) Banding: QC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area:

Roundabout 32 Coryton Refinary, Coryton

The Manorway

A fairly large semi rural grassed roundabout, located near the oil refinery depots in Coryton. Currently a blank canvas, this roundabout would be ideal for a good quality landscape feature if designed in keeping with the surrounding area.

Sponsorship Status: Currently Vacant / Available for Sponsorship Banding: PC Ideal no. of Signs: Two / Three Total Area: 2392sqM

Luke Love – Horticultural Services Officer Glyn Long – Principle Horticultural Officer Neighbourhood Services May 2005