ADILA FACHIRI ' JELLY d'ARANYI With Orchestra conducted by Stanley Chapple Concerto in D minor. For Two Violins DacAt 1st Movt.: Vivace . ; A-0252 12 5/6 2nd Movt.: Largo, ma non tanto, Part I

A MONG the choicest musical memories of those whose recollections go back far enough are the performances of Bach's Double Concerto which used to be given every year by Dr. Joachim and Lady Halle at the far-famed "Pops." It is the highest tribute which could be paid to the magnificent record which has bcen made of this work by Miss jelly d'Aranyi and Mme Adila Fachiri-grand-nieces, it will be remembered, of Dr. Joachim-that it recalls so vividly those same performances, particularly the "bowing" which is similar to that used by the great Joachim himself. The Double Concerto itself stands alone among compositions of its type, the exquisite slow movement es- pecially, based on a melody of serenest beauty, being one of the loveliest things in all music ; and we count ourselves fortunate therefore in being able to offer an interpretation of this immortal work of such superlative quality. Instrumental & Orchestral

YORK BOWEN (Pianoforte) Prelude in G Op. 23 Rachmaninoff I minor, . . Second Arabesque in G Debussy ) K-05214 12" 4,16

R ACHMANINOFF'S G minor Prelude stands second only in popularity and in the esteem of connoisseurs to the world-famous example in C sharp minor from the same hand, and of this most attractive work Mr. York Bowen has supplied a characteristically brilliant and finished reading. Totally different in character but none the less engaging is the accompanying example of Debussy-a work presenting the great French master in an exceptionally melodious and light-hearted mood-and this also Mr. Bowen's nimble fingers have touched oä' in delicious style.

HOWARD BLISS ('Cello) Dolly Berceuse, Op. 56, No. I Faure ` X-9711 10" 31- Menuet Rameau, Salmon ) . arr. Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple

TWO delightful French examples-one ancient, the other modern- here make a well-contrasted pair of'cello solos. Rameau's delicious Menuet is redolent of the ancient ri$ime in its classic grace and charm, while Faure, most refined and elegant of modern French composers, stands happily for the music of a later day. And both have been played with perfect artistry and understanding.

MODERN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Conducted by Stanley Chapple Canto Popolare Elgar from Concert Overture "In the South," Op. 50g K-05215 12 4ý6 Two Interludes E1 ar from the Symphonic Study "Falstaff," Op. 68

IN Elgar's wonderful symphonic study "Falstaff" there are no happier pages then the two dainty Interludes depicting, first, the dream- like memory of the Fat Knight's youth when he was Page to the Duke of Norfolk and, secondly, his stay in Gloucestershire, on returning from In dainty the war, as guest of justice Shallow. their scoring and delicate grace both are typically Elgarian and, being written for a small orchestra, both lend themselves admirably to reproducing purposes, as is amply demonstrated by the present records. The charming, Canto Papolare, in turn, is another excerpt from a longer work, coming from in the splendid "In the South" overture, where it is introduced the has happiest style to suggest a popular Italian folk song ; and this too been most successfully recorded. M. MURRAY-DAVEY (Bass) Recitative and Invocation-Nonnes qui reposezýleyerbeer "Robert le Diable" (Ye Slumbering Nuns) A-0254 12' 5/6 Si la Rigueur "La Juive" (If Just Decreed) Halevy In French. With the Aeolian Orchestra TO -goers of an older generation both Meyerbeer's "Robert le Diable" and Halevy's "La Juive" were names to conjure with and it was a happy thought on the part of Mr. Murray-Davey-himself associated with so many triumphs at the Paris Grand Opera-to rescue from oblivion these two fine numbers from them. Of the dramatic Invocation from the former he has furnished a typically broad and virile rendering, while, in an entirely different style, the delightful Cavatina from "La Juive" fares no less happily at his hands.

KATHLEEN DESTOURNEL '& FRANK TITTERTON Lovely maiden in the moonlight Pucdni "La Boheme" KATHLEENDESTOURNEL & HARDYWILLIAMSON K-05213 12" 4/6 Dear love of mine "Nadeshda" Goring Thomas Duets. In English. With the Aeolian Or--h. P UCCINI'S "La Boheme" contains no number better known or more universally admired than the exquisite love duet from the first act of which such a notably effective interpretation (in English) has here been furnished by two of the most accomplished of our native operatic artists. Less familiar is the duet from Goring Thomas's "Nadeshda," though well worthy of being better known for its tender grace end refined unforced expressiveness.

VLADIMIR ROSING () ' (a) Everybody says "You're a fool" (b) I'm a plucky ý chap ßalakirew B-3122 10" 41- Gathering Mushrooms X oussorgsky In Russian. With Piano Accompaniments 'Originally issued Single-Sided

A supreme master in the interpretation of the fascinating folk-music of his native Russia is Vladimir Rosing and in the three examples here presented his unique vocal and histrionic genius has once again found convincing expression. More need hardly be said concerning an artiste so well-known but it may be pointed out how strikingly he has adapted his methods to the special requirements of each song and also that all three are now obtainable at just one third of their original price. `71y11


Songs of the Sea C. V. Stanford No. 1. Drake's Drum } . K-05211 IT 416 No. 2. Outward Bound and No. 3. Devon, 0 Devon

No. 4. Homeward Bound 1 K-05212 12" 4J6 No. 5. The Old Superb With the Aeolian Orchestra

IF a good deal of the late Sir Charles Stanford's music has suffered neglect this certainly does not apply to his superb " Songs of the Sea" which have enjoyed from the first unlimited popularity. And with good reason, for among all his many fine songs he never did any- thing better than these picturesque and stirring nautical ditties. Nor could one wish for a finer interpretation of them than that which Mr. Watcyn Watcyns has provided.

PHYLLIS ARCHIBALD (Contralto) Trees Oscar 7Zasbacb%'9709 . My Ships Barratt 10' 31- Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple

D ISTANCE may or may not lend enchantment to the view but so far as voice and ear are concerned in these astonishing days it may be said to make curiously little difference. Thus though Miss Phyllis Archibald is at present on the other side of the Atlantic delighting American audiences she can still be heard here also through the medium of her 'Vocalion' records, which continue to deputize for her with never-failing efficiency! Of the two numbers above named "Trees" is an American song of the better type which shows off Miss Archibald's fine contralto voice to the best advantage.

MALCOLM McEACHERN (Bass) Pagan Hermann Löhr3/- . . X"9708 10 3(- Christ in Flanders Ward-Stephens Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple

THE titles of these two songs suggest sentiments Poles asunder. Yet in fact they have much in common in this respect, as also in their entirely straightforward and unpretending musical character, less whereby however they will commend themselves none the surely to unlearned hearers-especially when rendered through the medium has his of those glorious bass tones which Mr. McEachern at command. VICTOR CARNE (Tenor) Drink to thine me only with eyes arr. X-9710 10" 31- For ever and ever Tosil Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple

M R. VICTOR CARNE who here makes his debut as a 'Vocalion artiste is the happy possessor of a charming light tenor voice, of the true lyric type, which should carry him a long way, especially as he knows how to use it so effectually. In proof whereof one need go no farther than the charming rendering which he has furnished of the two well-known and ever-popular songs which constitute his initial contribution to our lists. 'Vocalionists' will certainly extend a hearty welcome to such an eminently acceptable recruit.

JOHN MATHEWSON (Baritone) G. Short My Nannie 0' . arr. Isles Kennedy-Fraser X-9687 10' 31- The Road to the . "Songs of the Hebrides" Piano Accs. George Skort M USICIANS will ever be indebted to Mrs. Kennedy-Fraser for her efforts in retrieving from Time's devouring maw the "Songs of the Hebrides" which have long since taken their place among the finest things of their kind brought to light during recent years. A typical example. full of colour and romantic feeling, is " The Road to the Isles," which has found such a sympathetic interpreter in Mr. John Mathewson, himself a loyal Scot and able therefore, as one "to the manner born," to do full justice to such things.

BAND OF H.M. LIFE GUARDS Under the direction of Lieut. H. Eldridge Prince Igor `J3orodin Ballet Music. Parts I & 2 K-05210 12 4 6 IN the famous Polovtsienne Dances constituting the ballet music of Borodin's "Prince Igor"-so often heard in during recent years in connection with the performances of the Russian Ballet- Lieutenant Eldridge and the Life Guards Band have once again found splendid opportunities for the display of their unrivalled powers. Nor have they failed to turn those opportunities to the best possible account. One is tempted to say indeed that even they have never made a finer record. Certainly it is hard to believe that Borodin's fierce barbaric strains can ever have been more brilliantly interpreted. LIGHT INSTRUMENTAL AND VOCAL

PALALA'S HAWAIIANS Golden Dream Girl xrotse . X-9722 10 3j- If I can't have You Lucas-Slept B OTH these alluring little melodies are redolent of the seductive atmosphere of the Pacific and lend themselves perfectly to the native instruments of which Palala's Hawaiians are such admirable exponents.

DORRIE DENE (Comedienne) Barn Shores Ray Henderson Barn Bamy X-9714 like know WHY I Sissle-Olake 10" 31- would to . With Dance Band Accs. D ORRIE DENE, whose almost "baritone" voice was heard last month in two of her funn,eat and most popular music hall successes now essays two new and ltltinR "fox-trot" tunes which she sings in her own inimitable way. Miss Dene possesses the rare faculty of "letting herself go" when reccrding, and thus $ets the whole of her humorous and forceful personality into both sides of this attractive disc.


That's why I love the Moon Newton-Vincent-Herbert } X-9713 10 3l- You were a Wild Rose Melcliffe-Vincent TWO characteristic records by Earl Collins, another clever variety artist, who, by musical methods entirely unconventional, and with the aid of an instrument of the humblest type-one of the "poor relations" so to speak of the instrumental family-gets results of a kind which many a more "serious" performer would give his soul to achievel

MOSCHETTO AND HIS ORCHESTRA At the Savoy Hotel, London Une heure d'Amour W. J. Alexander } . Ay-Ay-Ay (Serenata Criolla) 0. rP. Friere X-9712 10" 31-

IT is not the least of the factors going to account for the extraordinary popularity of the records for which Signor Moschetto is responsible that he invariably exercises such happy judgment in his choice of items. Those here announced afford yet another instance, both being melodious and attractive in the extreme. That they have also been most artistically played hardly needs adding when a Moschetto record is in question. BLUE LABEL SECTION 10° DOUBLE-SIDED 3/- DON PARKER AND HIS BAND At the Kit-Cat Club and the Piccadilly Hotel, London. Cutte. "The Blue Kitten" Frlml Fox-trot (vocal retrain) Ida-I do. Fox-trot Kahn-Jones

Don't wait too long. Fox-trot (vocal refrain) Irving Whose who are You? Fox-trot Greer

MARIO de PIETRO AND HIS TANGO BAND L'Appassionata. French Tango Mario de Pietro Reina del Pago. French Tango Aschieri-S met

Mal de Amor. French Tango Jose Sentis . Jallan. French Tango Donato


1! 1 had a girl like you. Fox-trot Henderson-`Dixon-Rose THE NIGHT CLUB ORCHESTRA X-9720 Some day we'll meet again. Fox-trot Hoch-can Loan THE NIGHT CLUB ORCHES7 RA I want you all for me. Fox-trot Fisher-Miller-Cohn BEN SELVIN AND HIS ORCHESTRA X-9721 Yal Yal Alma! Fox-trot (vocal refrain) Fisher-Miller

T HIS month we are introducing a new Tango Band under the leadershi" of Mario de Pietro. the world-famed mandolinist, who employs this instrument with great effect in conjunction with guitars, accordions and fiddles. Among the fox-trots Don Parker, of the Piccadilly Hotel, makes a tremendous hit with several of the very latest things in this line, including "Whose who are You?" and "Ida-I do"-in which connection many people will doubtless remember having enjoyed dancing to this band in their own homes on the evening of Christmas Day, when their performances were broadcast from the Piccadilly Hotel. As to the American numbers these are racy and effective as ever. Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in December & January Title Amer ti Vista di non amar "Fedora " Armand Tokatyan (Tenor) B-3121 I0' M- In Italian and Sieiliana "Cavalleria Rusticani' In Italian Bachelor Reflections Nelson Keys & Irene Russell X-9670 10" 31- and The London Guide Nelson Keys Ballade In A flat, Op. 47 (Chopin) York Bowen, Pianist X-9666 10" 31- Parts I & 2 Beloved it Is Kathleen Destournel (Soprano) K-05207 12' 416 Love, morn and the Pedlar Berceuse, Op. 113, No. 4 (Goltermann) Howard Bliss (Cellist) X-%95 10" 31- and Madrigal, No. 4 (Gillet) But who may abide "The " and Watcyn Watcyns, Bass- K-05202 17' 416 Thy Glorious Deeds "Samson" Baritone Carolina Sweetheart Waltz Palala's Hawaiians X-9698 10" ;(- and My Mother's Humming Lullaby (Instrumental) Waltz Colonel Bogey March Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05201 12" 416 and Festival March Come to the Cook-house Door Malcolm McEachern (Bass) K-05208 12" 416 and One of the Guards Cries of London (Vincent Thomas) Nancy Royle, Soprano and X-9662 10" ;/- Parts I & 2 Michael Head, Baritone Cries of London (Vincent Thomas) Nancy Royle. Soprano and X-9663 10" 31- Parts 3 & 4 Michael Head, Baritone Cuckoo, The (from "More Daisies") Kathleen Destournel, X-9664 10" /- and Ma curly-beaded babby Soprano DANCE RECORDS FOX-TROTS Bam Bam Bamy Shores (with vocal Don Parker & his Band X-9702 refrain) and You're just a flower from an old Bouquet Brown Eyes - Why are you Bluef Ben Selvin & his Orch. X-9706 vocal retrain) [''I Colletiate (with vocal refrain) Bernie & his Roosevelt Orch. X-9674 10" 31- and Yes Sirl That's my baby Footloose The Tuxedo Orchestra X-9705 10" and She was lust a Sailors The Ambassadors Dweýteeart iwttp vocal retrain) Hong Kong Dream Girl Don Parker & his Band X-9701 10" 3!- and She showed him this (with vocal refrain) I Miss my Swiss (with vocal refrain) The Tuxedo Orchestra X-9677 10" 3)- and Golden Memories of Hawaii The Miami Marimba Band Waltz In the Purple Twilight The Ambassadors X-9676 10" st- and My Hawaiian Evenin' Star The Miami Marimba Band Waltz Kinky Kids' Parade (with vocal Ben Selvin & his Orch. X-9706 10" 3i- refrain) and Brown Eyes-Why are you Blue? Mami. Ben Selvin & his Orchestra X-9678 10" gl- and Sonya (with vocal repaid Manhattan The Night Club Orchestra X-9675 10" 31 and Funny. Waltz The Tuxedo Orchestra Moonlight and Roses Newman & his Dance Band X-9703 10" St- and Panama My Sugar The Night Club Orchestra X-9707 10" 3 - .ad Campanitas de Plata. Waltz The Castillians

_- Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in December & January Title Artist No. Price FOXTROTS (continued) Panama Newman & his Dance Band X-9703 10" 31- and Moonlight and Roses She showed him this (with vocal Don Parker & his Band X-9701 10" 3)- refrain) and Hong Kong Dream Girl She was just a Sailor's Sweetheart The Ambassadors X-9705 10" 31- (with vocalrefrain) and Footloose The Tuxedo Orchestra Ben his X-9678 10" Sonya (with vocal refrain) Selvin & Orchestra 31- and !Mamie Yes Sir! That's my baby Bernie & his Roosevelt Orch. X-9674 10" 31- and Collegiate with vocal refrain) You're just a flower from an old Don Parker & his Band X-9702 10" 31- bouquet and Bam Bam Bamy Shores (with vocal refrain) TANGOS (All new French Tangos). Adelai G. Goodhart & his Orch. X-9704 I0" 3!- and Alba de Amor Alba de Amor G. Goodhart & his Orch. X-9704 10" 31- and Adelai Lys Noir, Le G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9682 10" 31- and Spain Mantilla, La G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9683 10" 31- and Per Ti Por Ti G. Goodhart and his Orch. X-9683 10" 31- and La Mantilla Rosita and La Villa Splendide X-9681 I0' 31- Viva el Principe (Long live the Prince) Tango Band Spain G. Goodhart and h,s Orch. X-9682 10" 31- and Le Lys Noir Viva el Principe (Long live the Prince) La Villa Splendide X-9681 10" 31- and Rosita Tango Band WALTZESCampaniles de Plata The Castillians X-9707 ID" 5/- and My Sugar. Fox-trot The Night Club Orchestra Funny The rox-d" Orchestra X-9675 10" 31- and Manhattan. Fox-trot The Night Club Oichestra Golden Memories of Hawaii The Miami Marimba Band X-9677 10" 31- and I M ss my Swiss. Fnx-trot The Tuxedo Orchestra My Hawaiian Evenin' Star The Miami Marimba Band X-9676 10" 31- and In the Purple Twd,aht. Fox-trot. The Ambassadors 10" bell's awn' wi' the Exciseman, The (a) Roy Henderson (Baritone) X-9665 3!- O Willie brewed a peck o' maul ib) and The Land a the Leal Falstaff, Act 2. Scmc I. Parts I & 2 Roy Henderson (Baritone) K-05205 12" 4/6 Falstaff. Act 2. Scene I. Parts 3 & 4 Roy Henderson (Baritone) K-05206 12" 416 Festival Marsh Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05201 I2" 416 and Colonel Bogey March From the Rialto tEEasthope Martin) Phyllis Allan (Violinist) K-05209 12" 416 and Mor.,ing Sens (Easthope Martin) Suarany Selection (Gomez) A. Palet Gallarini X-9679 10" 3!- and Marche Ind,enae (Jdleeiek) (Acrsdion) He called me "Baby' Dorne Dene (Comedienne) X-9699 10" 31- and I want 'o be en Mammy's Knee 1 want to be on Mammy's Knee Dorne Dene (Comedienne) X-9699 10" 5!- and He e.llyd me "Baby' IB the Heart of Hawaii Ferrera & Palaluhi X-9673 10" 31- and Just Lonesome (Hawaiian Players) Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in December & January Title Artist No. Price Je Veux Vivre (Waltz Song) "Romeo Luella Paikin (Soprano) A-0251 12" 5/6 et Juaette to rrencb and Nan so pin cola son, cola facer "Le Nozze di Figaro' In Italia. Just Lonesome Ferrera & Palaluhi X-9673 I0' 5/- and In the Heart of Hawaii (Hawaiian Players) Keys of Heaven, The Duet. E. Hook & A. Argent K-05184 12' 416 and 0 I ovely Night Ethel Hook Knight of Bethlehem. The John Coates (Tenor) B-3117 10' 4/- and Voici Noel (Sweet Christmas Time) Land o' the Leal, The and Roy Henderson (Baritone) X-9665 10" 3/- TheDeil'sawa with the Exciseman (a) O Willie brewed a peck o' maut (b) Largo and Allegro Giocoso (Galuppi- Jelly (rAranyi (Violinist) K-05203 12" 419 Craxton) and Pasaepied (Destouches-Dandelot) London Guide The Nelson Keys X-9670 10" 5/- and Bachelor Reflections Nelson Keys& Irene Russell Love, the Pedlar Kathleen Destournel (Soprano) K-05207 12" 415 and Beloved. it is morn Me curly-headed bobby Kathleen Destournel X-9664 10' St- and The Cuckoo "More Daisies" Soprano Madrigal, No. 4 (Gillet) Howard Bliss ('Cellist) X-9695 10" 3/- and Berceuse, Op. 113, No. 4 (Goltermann) Marche Indienne tSellenick) A. Palet Gallarini X-9679 10' 6/- and Guarany Selection (Gomez) (Accordion) Mercenary Mary Selection. Paw I & II. Moschetto & his Orth. X-9672 10" 3/- Minstrel Boy, The Enid Cruickshank (Contralto) X-9694 10" 31- and On wings of song Mirella Overture (Gounod) Parts I & 11. Band of H.M. Life Guards X-9667 I0" 31- MornfngSong (EasthopeMartin) Phyllis Allan (Violinist) K-05209 IT 416 and From the Rialto Easthope Martin) My love she's but a lassie yet John Mathewson (Baritone) X-9686 10' $1- and My Nannie's Awa My Mother's Humming Lullaby Palala's Hawaiians X-9698 10' 31- Waltz (instrumental) and Carolina Sweetheart Walt. My Nannie's Awa' John Mathewson (Baritone) X-9686 I O" 11- and My love she's but a lassie yet Non so piu coca son, cosy faccio Luella Paikin (Soprano) A-0251 12" 615 Le Nozze di Figaro In Italian and Je Veux Vivre (Waltz S)ngl Romeo et Juliette" In French 0 Lovely Night and Ethel Hook K-05184 12" 4;8 The Keys of Heaven Duet. E. Hook & A. Argent 0 Willie brewed a peck o' maul (b) Roy Henderson (Baritone) X-9665 IO" 31- The Deil's awa' wi the Exciseman (a) and The Land o' the Leal Old King Cole R. Vaughan Williams) The Aeolian Orchestra A-0247 12' 518 Ballet Suite, Parts I & 11. Old King Cole (R. Vaughan Williams) The Aeolian Orchestra A-0248 I2" 5/8 Ballet Suite. Parts III & IV. On wings of song Enid Cruickshank (Contralto) X-9694 101' 31- and The Minstrel Boy One of the Guards Malcolm McEachern (Bass) K-05208 17' 415 and Come to the Cook-house Door Passepied (Destouches-Dandelot) Jelly d'Aranyi (Violinist) K-05203 12" 416 and Largo and Allegro Giocoso Never, Les (Dreams) (Rebikow) Lionel Tertia (Violist) X-9696 10" 3/- and Sunset (Tertis) Noads'de Fire The "Songs Travel" Horace Stevens X-9693 10" 3r Vagabond of and The "Songs of Travel" (Bass-Baritone) Second Serenade (Toselli) Moschetto & his Orchestra X-9697 IS" I and Sometime Waltz Alphabetical List of Titles

Reprint of Titles published in December & January No. Price Siciliana "Cava16ria Rutticana B-3121 10' 4/- In Italian and Amor ti vieta di non amar "Fedora' In Italian Sometime Waltz Moschetto &his Orchestra X-9697 10" 31- and Second serenade (Toselli) Spanish Affair, A (Humorous Duet) N. Keys & 1. Russell X-9700 10" 3 - Keys and The Tipster (Humorous Monologue) Nelson Sunset (Tcrtis) Lionel Tertis (Violist) X-9696 10" 31- Les Reves (Dreams) (Rebikow) and Orchestra X-Q671 10" 31- Tell me More Selection Parts I & Ii. The Revue Tipster, The (Humorous Monologue) Nelson Keys X-9700 10" 31- Russell and A Spanish Alfavr (Humorous Duet) N. Kevs & I. Thy Glorious Deeds "Samson ' Watcyn Watcyns. Bass- K-05202 IT' 46 But The Messiah" Baritone and who m iy abide' Horace X-9693 10" 31- Vagabond, The 'Songs of Travel' Stevens The Roadside Fire "Songsof Travel" (Bass-Baritone) and K-05204 12" 4!6 Veronique Selec ion. Parts I & II. Band of H.M. Life Guards Voici Noel (Sweet Christmas Time) John Coates (Tenor) B-3117 1d' 4/- In French and The Knight of Bethlehem waltz Song l"Je Veux Vwre'1 Luella Paikin (Soprano) "Romeo et Juliette" In French and Non so piu casa son. coca faccio "Le Nozze di Figaro" In Italian Wasps Overture, The (R. Vaughan- The Aeolian Orchestra A-0249 12" 5 6 Williams) Fars I 2 and X-9668 10" 3/- When I hear that song at twilight Earl Collins wi It his and Wondering ukulele Vocal) Wondering Earl Collins with his X-9668 10" 31- When and Ukulele (Vocal) I hear that song at twilight Zoo-Keeper, The Parts I & II. Gene Gerry d. Assisted X-%69 10" 31- by Livesey