- - DAILY REVIEW OF SPORTS News 'Basketball Bowling __— €

KEASBEY FIGHTER WANTS 1 B. TO MEET ANY GOOD MAN PLAN BASEBALL I “THAT LITTLE GAME" -By Lfajk] ME TO SIT i THREE GAMES [Br Evening Neee Correspondent.] c-cmon- KEASBEY. March 22:— Your* Here: here! Jack Curley, of Korda, a promising j mean Entered OP Yoons WtJ^CAH young welterweight under the man- _ domt Y\e IN ‘TIME TO DECIDE TIE AT ROOSEVELT Ring yd Sleep. OP the agement of a local man. Emil The Yoon. rAoseY game, Fluke, issues a challenge to meet call ( They ooghta him OOT -THtne .* GET THE Edward Pries or any other good welterweight hereabouts. 'H'D CARPET i* "D'D YO’O^' SCISSORS to Put Young| Teams and In- Thomas is Elected Manager Terio Hopes Curley is anxious to appear against Employed Boy Harmony Club to Vie With T. Donoghue rs Plat on the Floor -p>ffrT\N in in Field—Is Pries at the Patrolmen's Benevolent dependents Win Games it. C, Five at the Y. M. H. Manager—Plans to Put ihosta the Time Fast Nine Association's smoker which is to be j held in Perth Amboy shortly. The His Games. Last Night. A. Court Tonight. Team in the Running. l Telephones All Booking Fords fighter 1* training dally at Played Ll ftiijS Her Grupp'a gymnasium. New York, and his manager Is booking some real T.7 how He ‘Banhbr.- , Mtnes Frank “Panny” Terio announces fights for him in the days to come. The Second Employed Boys Broth- ■ Another will be made to- Thomas Donoghue has been re- (her j basketball team, the Inde- attempt Pohch. UEt*. the organization of the Acme base- j erhood W night by the Harmony and Totten- elected manager of the Roosevelt SShT** 1 and the First Employed A HAM i STAflTEO, ball team and the re-elected mana- pendents I ville A. C. basketball teams to de- representative diamond combination Boys Brotherhood basketball team Ho-HO-HE'S 'CM ger is of the opinion that the team j cide These two teams and the leader is to do every- C60HT were successful in games In supremacy. going MYSTERY AGOOT will once again step out with some played in two but to make the ONLY OUT. PLAY AT C. A. last have already met games, thing possible coming he A\NT of the leading teams in the light! SPEEDWAYS TO the Y, M. league night. session one of the most successful in “ft VS that E. B. team defeated on each occasion the second season % rx 1 I HIM Gimme the senior and senior divisions. One of The Second B. teams tied. Both Mana- the history of the club. a team by Willsey by a found the ‘bALAHCiN- A .TbMB CAfltsS. the biggest additions to the team LONG BRANCH TOMORROW captained and Hilker are -confident to the fact that a BYouin score of 17-7, the Independents beat gers Melko Owing greater jL \ j a who w as will be H. Miller, twirler, ______of their will be the Comrades and the First E. that their team will win the game majority games ace on the battleship 17-*, the pitching Two weeks ago the Norwoods of tonight. This contest will be played played on Brady's field in Roose- of j B. B. team won from the team cap- Texas team during the season Branch and the Speedways of| the Y. M. H. A. cdurt, the scene velt, arrangements have already Long tained by Dover. 1*-10. 1919. Since being discharged this battled to a tie in a game | h There been made to conditions. L from] city The score: former s? the two meetings. improve I! the he has made his home in ] navy, to be room for at UONNSTCINH played according professional also be a preliminary game be- There will seating dttffll) this and Manager Terio has I^A'ill I city rules. It was decided to play oft the Dottas girls of this city least eight hundred fans according for the sea- j Independents ^^pveen signed him up coming this at a later date. Arrange- G F. Tl. the Itouse\* It Center girls from to present plans. Manager Donoghue game g^Lml son. have been made to this is arranging to have one of the ments stage Gardella. f « 0 12 The following men. all well known DeForest court J^Hoosevelt. fol- teams in game on the gym Beatty, f 2 1 h The Tottenville players and strongest representative to the diamond fans of this vicinity, the in Long Branch tomorrow night, Sudok, c .0 0 0 } lowers are strong In their belief that the county representing borough will out for the Acme team, the try and a record crowd is expected to I-ebeda, g 0 (I 0 the victory of their team over the this year. brothers. Hurley, Scully, Winegar be in attendance. Previous to the Begler, g .0 0 0 combination in Wood- Palish Lovi Speedway Adam brothers. Henry tie game the Norwoods scored a win a week ago is real of bridge proof and Stehlgens. Any strong light over the Speedway tossers. * 1 IT the of their and home strength team, they senior or aenior teams having "Hank” Thomas, star local bas- Comrade* forward to a continuation of Y. M. H. X. TO HAVE REAL to book the look grounds and desiring keteer. was mainly responsible for G. F. Tl The visitors show- with the work tonight. Acmes can communicate the showing of the Norwood team Larson, t .2 0 4 will greatly upon the addressing 403 ing depend TEST TOMORROW NIGHT Manager Terio by in the game at Long Branch two Johnson, f 0 0 0 of their crack and avenue, or playing guard New- Brunswick calling weeks ago and he will again don a McWilUam, c 0 0 0 Charley Sher. Stanfield, captain, Y. M. H. A. 1740-J. uniform to appear In the Norwood Grieve, g .0 0 0 ‘•Buck” Margaretten’s _ Kwltt or Price will be the captain's 0 0 basketball team has made a habit of lineup tomorrow night. It Is not Geske. g .0 side-kick in the guarding position. known whether "Stretch” 1 0 Z copping series this year, and the as- McIntyre Rathjczak. g. I.aForgc will in all probability be this sociation hope to continue HARMONY BASEBALL NINE will be in the Norwood lineup in (he visitors choice for the center players 2 0 C a vic- game. The remainder of the Nor- and Soige, Seam- their series winning by scoring position, Preacher, wood lineup will be chosen from The score: be for tory over the Dry Dock basketball IN ROOSEVELT er and Stanfield will the pick TO PUY Mitchell, Rafferty, Heiles and John- the forward berths. team of this city, in a game schedul- Second Ebb be on the Y. M. H. A. son. A victory ior me narmuny jnuy-- ed to played (By Evening News Correspondent.] G. F. Tl. To each The Speedway tossers are eager ers can counted as their biggest court tomorrow night. date, ROOSEVELT, March 22.—The 0 0 be to win this game and even the series Scott, f.0 team has won a game in the series, Field Club of Carteret has of the year, and Manager "Matey” Harmony between these two teams, and also Fa', nib led. t.2 0 4 and the rubber contest tomorrow a senior baseball Melko is of the opinion that with organized light defeat at the Halligan. ..2 1 * of to make up for their L "Pete” Hanson, a regular pivot man night will end the series. team and is desirous arranging 0 • senior teams hands of the Oakwood tossers at Sleber, g..2 team in the game, the vlsit- Already this season the local Y. games with other light 0 2 [ of the Long Branch on Saturday night. Stevens, g.1 Ing Tottenville team will be left In M. H. A. players won a series from such as the Pioneers, St. Anthony. | Rossville A. C., or Sa- the rear. Regan and Glochau, as the Plainfield and Ne* Brunswick Lehigh A. C.. 8 X 17 \ Gene Y. M. H. A. teams in the Central cred Heart. forwards, and Wes Hanson and Wlllsey the Harmony Y. M. H. A. League. Margaretten’s Red Sox Team Looks Good The Harmony team has a strong Parker will complete G. F. TL ♦ the being as follows: BIG LEAGUE TEAMS as it will take the court for players also are tied with the Tren- team, lineup lineup Dunn. C. Young. H. Daitz. f. 2 0 4 J the game tonight. Alden Smith and ton team for leadership in this F. Nieman. R. W. Trustron. W. Dono- Bernstein, f.1 1 X "Yi” Hibbard will be the Harmony league, the deciding game will be Strawbraek. ROUNDING INTO SHAPE P G. Elko. F. Love. C. Sheridan. Waldman. c.0 8 8 extra men for this contest, played in New Brunswick next week. van. R. Thurston and J. Moon. Lieber, ..0 0 8 ■> between the A. .Lasko. and p Although the Harmony-TottenviUe The two previous games All of the 0 • Harmony has open dates April 3, 10 Wlllsey, g. 0 game is without doubt one of the Dry Dock and Y. M. H. A. teams National League baseball teams are J 17. 24 and May 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. most important basketball games have been hummers, and a hard fast rounding into shape for the com- The manager is Frank Nieman. 8 17 on a local court this year, contest is looked for tomor- which will start the sec- played fought Sharrott street, Carteret. He may ing season, The score: the game between the two girls row night. week in The New York also be reached by calling 330-R be- ond April. teams, a rubber contest to decide While the Y. M. H. A. team will who have been showing to First Ebb tween 7 and 8:30 P. M. The Initial Yankees, which of the teams will take part take the court with their regular over the Brooklyn Dod- G. F. Tl practice of the season will be held advantage in the finals for the girls county the Dry Dock manager has and a number of other teams J. f.4 0 8 lineup, on Brady's diamond tonight at 6 gers Barlics, championship. The Dottas girls his for this on the field not announced lineup o'clock the manager requesting all in the South, will appear Coddington, f.0 0 8 and the Roosevelt Centers will be in the game. to be on hand at that time. with several new faces playing Ritter, c.3 0 C f the In this contest, the players Manager opponents The' first game will be played on Sun- lineup in the opening game. O'Brien, g.1 8 latter winning the first game of the and the New day. April 3, with any team desiring Huggins has intimated, Bergren, g .... .0 0 9m series In while the Browns Release Pitcher a Woodbridge, that date. York Giants likewise, will have evened the score Perth Amboy girls ST. LOUIS. Mo., March 22—Steve number of new players on their ros- s o 14 ; on their own court. with a victory Ferrell, a pitcher, has been released ter for the season. Dover to the Terre Haute Club of the Manager McGraw of the New York G. F. Tl l Three I League by tha St. Louis is having great luck with his Dover, 0 3 Pacers Play Again Giants f.1 vBB Americans, a dispatch from the recruits this year, mainly throush f.2 0 The Pacer baseball team, a light Frisehnecht, training camp of the Browns at the aid of his lieutenants, Jennings c.1 0 combination, defeated the G. Preacher, Bogalusa, I,a.. said. and Burkett. A New York second Ryan, g. 1 0 fmmerce street representative inlor Advices from the camp of the St. team is showing up well in exhibi- A. Preacher, g.0 8 twm in a game on Sunday, by the Louis Nationals at Orange, Texas, tion games throughout the south, at More of 8-3. On Friday afternoon B state that President Breardon has being tied with the 6 0 V Che Pacers are to play present spheduled announced no further overtures will White Sox first team in a series of W the Ferry Midgets. Milton third base- be made to Stock, games. Topnrcer Sold to Card* man, and Jack Smith, outfielders, The , world’s ST. ixn.'is Mo.. March 1- who are holdouts. take the field an mfield- O’Leary is Beaten champions, will prac- deal for George Topo-fer, this and I while ]By Evtnme News Correspondent.] tical! y the same year, er who wears spectacles play- SOUTH AMBOY, March 22.— I Brooklyn, also, will be about the ing, «as consummated with the ft Francis "Sturdy” O'Leary of this PONT RUN! Eight National League manager! same. Syracuse Club of the International told so" if the St. Louis National* In at elty met Al. Maylo of Newark on can say "I you they cop league by this for several and a *4 Saturday night and the latter was the pennant year. exchange player* cash consideration, according to dis- awarded the judges' decision. This t • • \t number its the patches received from the training bout was one of the what it wai We have just decided camp of the Cardinals in Orange, •« amateur championship contest held * that "went so high it touched th( Texas. in Turner Hall. Maylo’a experience and didn't come back 'till th< local who sky, counted against the boy, Fourth of of Babi at July”—one made his first public appearance Ruth's wallops. Rockv Kansas Wins. this time. • • • [By The Associated Press.l O’Leary weighs 158 pounds and is NEW YORK, March 22.—Rock} matched to box at the New Bruns- It's perfectly all right for a bowl Kansas, of Buffalo, received the St on been in- In He will be a hard man wick Legion smoker to be held HOT SPRINGS, Ark—Don't get Bee how liberal he has in ability. er to go out on strikes. judge s decision over Willie Jackson, 8. ‘'riddled” Boston creasing salaries. for even a veteran to keep on thi of New York, after a twelve-round April the idea that the • "J bench. • • Garden last Red Sox crew is going to be a joke "The holdouts won't get an- bout at Madison Square s- The youngster may be startei 1 i.ight Kansas, who came into prom- K Central league Reorganizes ball club this season. other nickel though. It's getting fellow who fails to strik as a regular at second base. H< s And the inence recently by knocking out S I Mich., March 22— too late to arrange further trades." 4 KALAMAZOO, A slant at Hugh Duff’s bat swing- has to do what an autoist with the Central has played with the London Ont. Ritchie Mitchell, of Milwaukee, prob- * 1 Reorganization of is backing for Is on a do. ers in spring training, Duffy planning strong club of the Michitran-Ontari > blowout does: make spare will be given a chance at Benny S Is the professional bike rider wh Hugh Duffy wears the toga, and Muddy big veteran catchers, A. youngster is Kearnan, a Massachu sells his ability at a six-day event Amboy Nine Want* Games. Jimmy Burke, officially coach, has up Harry team named Bert Chaplin of the Geor- setts semi-pro star. He bats fror » peddler? The West Amboy baseball the ability of a big time skipper. * * * State looks probable either side of the and is a nat expects to start the season on Sun- Working Together, gia League plate home. Managei as a third stringer with the big mit. ural fly chaser. fc- day, April 10, at Duffy and Burke are keeping Some of the score cards to b would like to hear from al All of the Sox inflelders and out- A good share of Duffy’s time 1 , Bathe their heads together. kept fans this coming season wl and senior teams con- fielders came to the team by trade spent with his heaving crew. H , by senior The trading of wonderful bits of futurist ar i^nteht home with the of . holds schools for the boxmen, In make 't.^Sr^Krning games to be played at for John Collins and Nemo Leibold exception to 6S( Two rookies are stacking up structing them how to dust ol r all communications has helped the team considerably. _ ^P^Tddress an in- V Hommann avenue, or telephont Despite the shadow of five hold- strong—Clark Pittenger, minor league faults. com- and Burk are gettin W 1510-R, any night. outs—Menosky Mclnnis, Walters, fielder, and Ernie Neitzke, Duffy and more work out of the ‘‘riddled” Re i ALARM BOXES Pratt and Myers—the duo man- bination outfielder pitcher. FIRE Both youngsters came from the Sox than the baseball wiseacre agement is optimistic. and Meade Streete London, Ont. team. thought was in them. 21—Gordon ••They'll come in.” says Duffy. 23— Raritan Copper Works. stands head and Smart is making th "I took a peek at Harry Frazee's Pittenger handling 24— Market and Sheridan Street* m mr list. It surprised me tp shoulders above all other rookies team a good one. 25— Smith Strict and Central R. R. salary 26— Market and Flrat Streete 27— Madleon Avenue end Patereon St. 28— High and Lewi* Streete Big Tax For Boxers. SO. AMBOY BUSINESS j4—Madleon Avenue and Smith Street. ALBANY. March 22.—Returns INTEREST IN GAMES 35— Smith and High Streete GREAT New Btree L filed with the New York State In- MEN BOWLERS WIN 36— New Brunswick Ave and re- 17—Smith and State Streete come Tax Bureau indicate heavy Cable Co. world, IN SCHOOL ATHLETIC LEAGOE 41— Standard Underground ceipts from stars of the sports fBy Evening News correspondent.! Atlantic Terra Cotta Wcrke for fil- 42— before April 15. the last day SOLTH March 22.—The 43— Buckingham Ave. and Hartford St. taken in the AMBOY, ing state income tax returns. Great interest was South Amboy Business Men defeated 45— Commerce and Front Btreete last week in the Vo- Btreete It’» human. Unscrambled It’s Misi 1 Largest income taxpayers in sports games played the Keansburg Fire Company in a 46— State and Washington Oer fistic with cational School Athletic League. 47— High and Washington Btreete Annie Oerter, who Is showing are followers of the game, bowling match played on the Keans- are a 52—Cortlandt and Easton Btreete some new stunts In danclni : as Benny Leonard, Several teams running very mans such big leaguers burg alleys recently, the Business 54— State and Buckingham Ave. and Joe close race for first place and as a at the Scala Theatre In Berlin. Johnny Dundee. Joe Welling Men taking two matches out of three. 55— Parker Sc and Pulaski Ave. result all the games were very hot- Lynch heading the list. The score: 56— Hall Ave and Charles St. Non-resident boxers who have ly contested. 57— State and Wayne Btreete of Keansburg Work*. been sharing in the Madison Square The following is the standing 58— Near Lead Rocky .. 156 155 170 other club purses are the leagues for week ending March id—Maurer. Garden and Covert 163 165 152 Street and Park Avenu *. to state expenses, IS: 62—Washington also contributing Gilmour.160 117 144 13—New Brunswick Ave and Elm Stre< t. these clubs are now withholding W’atson Avenue as BASKETBALL LEAGUES Carhart. 169 114 1*0 64— Smith Street and the amount of tax due from Mike *5—Commerce and State 8treete Seniors Karl .146 173 168 O’Dowd, Jack Dempsey. Ritchie 73— Front 'r.d Smith Streete W. I.. Pet. Streete Mitchell and Pinkie Mitchell, among 71—Water and Gordon Team 4 ...... 10 3 .769 794 782 774 74— Kearny Ave and Gordon Street. others. Avenues. Team 2 7 5 .584 South Si—Bract and Haneon Antony Smith and Her her* Streete Team 1 7 5 .584 82— Cowail 138 142 183 83— Amboy Ave and Washington Pt. 3 7 6 .539 Team McCloud 104 135 140 84— Lehigh Ave. and Stanford Streec 10 .412 Team 6 7 Bloodgood. 150 186 163 85— Near Cit> Hospital. .154 Avenuee CITY Team 5 .. 2 11 Berlew.146 191 215 8«—Cleveland and Brace ATLANTIC and Hall Avenuee. Juniors Thomas 159 186 192 87—Amboy IV. L. Pet. •3—Amboy Ave. and Insiee Street. MARCH ST 53— Lawrence and Francis 9treete EASTER. 3 7 4 .636 Team 697 840 84$ t4—Neville and Johnstone 8treete SPECIAL EXCURSION Team 2 6 4 .600 9 Lmtu Team 1 6 6 .500 Team 5 6 6 .500 Perth Amboy Team 4 6 8 .429 DOLAN AND LARSON HOSE HOSE HOS E 8:34 A. M. Team 6 4 11 .267 WIN 5 OUT OF 8 Air Atlantic City VOLLEY BALL LEAGUES Garden M. TAX 29c 7:15 P. Seniors The J. Dolan-M. Larson bowling Steam Acid _ W. L. Pet. t combination took five out of eight Water Wire Wound NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Team 2 .12 3 .800 games from the Jenkins-Einhorn Team 1 7 5 .583 team in a two-man match rolled on Oil Radiator .545 ! Team 3 6 5 Bohnsack's alleys The two teams Suetion Garage 1 Team 6 4 4 .500 were even after six games of the K-G Welding and Cutting I Team 5 4 10 .286 match had been rolled, two straight I Fire Garden Means Team 4 4 11 .267 wins by the Dolan-Larson outfit de- Equipment cided the match. Meyer Larson was Ye*. Silk Elastic Hose, Too A. H. KOYEN ! Production, Economy, Success Juniors high average man in this match witb IV. L. Pet. 198.3 for the eight games. Retail and Wholesale Dealer In AH Kindt Of 8 4 .667 We also supply Oxygen and Team 6 .. The scores: in loaned Team 2 7 5 .584 Jenkina— THOMPSON-OOODYEAR Mason Materials Commercial Acetylene Team 3 7 5 .584 177 180 205 189 150 169 184 191 8 8 .500 cyinders, welding supplies, Team 4 ... Einhorn— RUBBER CORF., Cement Stone All Shapes 1 6 7 .462 147 Hauck Pre-Heating Torches. Team 173 *26 159 155 213 185 172 Team 5 4 10 .286 315 Maple St., Opp. Post Offic Sewer Pipes Lehigh Coal Welding, Cutting and Brazing 324 352 431 348 305 381 369 363 Plenty of star ball players play Dolan— Perth 2168 Phan* 1379 Raa. Pbona 556-J 1 Oar Specialty golf, yet haven't gone to the sticka 154 208 168 ISO 172 135 217 It* Amboy • • • M. 1-arson— AVENUE in Euh 581-87 SAYRE O. W. Krispien Folks who call Johnny Wilson the 149 329 309 233 196 206 188 188, We Deliver Everyhing “cheese champion" must be refer- Par* N. J. •— ber - A-l~7, 342 High St. .Phone 2283 ring to strong cheese. 301 434 377 402 368 *41 405 *4f Anywhere | -Jn

— a