Pink light by Honiker Bieber

WHerever this was gaun and black about that this was pink light to know, and wonder into knowing more about it once before there that this couldn’t wonder still in my knowing about where these worlds could be still into knowing more about that this can’t be with you, and still in more about that this cadn’t really had to lie and tell this in what was gone in what was high and still to try and play, cadn’t means I hadn’t done it before so I wasn’t really allowed t...o... oh daire I know, so wonder there about that this couldn’t be freer there with me, and so share and wonder about, this into my only knowings about that these couldn’t wonder on about that this couldn’t wonder out to knowing more about that this couldn’t be about, so in case you’re all wondering, Justin was born knowing One Time, because he is literally that song, he is it though, listen, no, he is it, listen, he was born of pink lightning we call violet cuz he’s alive and wonder into knowing more, yeah it was just a couple kids if you want to know, blonde or pretty sure still blonde, if someone had brown hair, and it turned blonde, later in life, you’d say blonde? noo, you wouldn’t, but listen, to wonder well, about, you’re acting like I could wonder still about, what was later in life, if I descended into death and hell, so wonder into knowing about, where that they are still in black, to wonder still about, these worlds into knowing more of in with me, and I couldn’t really tell you better worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t try and tell you who that we name we are and still so once inside my only names, to this chosen light for where they still never ever say we are, into what was good to be, and wonder still about that I cadn’t really had this in my life, and wonder still enough about how that I could wonder still into where that you say we are wanted still about this in my own love before that these couldn’t really still tell you what was lost enough, and so wondering how that I could be about wondering how that this could be about California Epona Young, I’d wonder who you say that you are, if that these old worlds couldn’t wonder still about that this was never lost, to be, this is Oregon Honiker Salem, and wonder into knowing, more about that this could be gone on in before these worlds, this inside my names to try and care, but that this was more, born against, these worlds, that I’d wonder who you think I was, and wonder into knowing, more about that I could try and get this back into these only gangster worlds, about that I couldn’t, wonder who you name us still to wonder how to be, and wonder in with us... Honiker McKillop ‏ @boyofblackrock So like, girls didn't know, his real favorite color, @justinbieber 's, it's storming rain, is all I'm saying, girls got that wrong... And Robert Downy Junior’s like, is that your dad? Yeah, and wonder about this worry to tell, and wonder into knowing about that this couldn’t be so shared about that I couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still who you name us to be, and wonder into knowing about theirs before that I couldn’t try and tell still this one world about that I couldn’t wonder still who that you never did say, and I could wonder aun in and about in black, to wonder still about that these couldn’t wonder still, about that these all couldn’t wonder still, about these worlds, this inside my names, about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, that I could try and tell you One more time, and wonder still, that worried well, me and Ashley if you wanna be knowing more about him still about where that they are, this was sent back in aul, that these worlds, so you’re born right? In time or space OR, music, that’s how that goes. I was born not on a mountain, that’s an Ox, I was born in the song, of September in love? Wonder worries in to these worlds, about that these could be high, and wonder still, about that I could be, the sign, child, and there the boy you love, that other kid, Justin, he’s uhm, teenager, it’s, August, if you don’t know, but know music, you’re gunna get zodiac, was about ehart, so the real life, you had, And wonder into knowing who, that these all are, and what was going back into blackest witness, about back in Time, and I could wonder, who that you think I was, and were to be, but that this could wonder still, how you name we are, and so wonder about, who you think, you’d have to be, and I cadn’t really had to sing about, what was lost, or more, that I can’t really figure out how to tell the world, that tehy don’t care, what I did already say, and wasn’t worried, about there, that they in what was higher higher and wonder in what was more in mine, before that I cadn’t really saying, say, and where that they cannot ever still be high, and wonder well, about this in Christmas, to you8, wonder , still, about, where we are, and wonder well, about this, into knowing more, about who they name, and this into knowing more, about this inside my names about that this could be, but this in, my only life, or like, because we wonder still, if you know, my keyboard, it goes, a b c d like that, or there, that you could high, and wonder well, how I was, into this once, and this once, in, with to know about, who they still never say, I can’t bleed, once in my own names, told still to tell, without that I’d had you.... Right, no, they won’t’ understand, Justin, you’re nothing like them. They’re... filth... All your fans.. We don’t like them... You’re better than they are... Hang on, there’s a lot of girls getting excited by now, so wonder into knowing about that this couldn’t be but that there was more about this inside my knowing who they still into knowing what was going back about, but this was teenagers taking the planet still and wonder there on about, that we could tell you to straight and simple fuck off and let the kid own a house, so wonder still about it, let? UNdertand, what that you can’t know, was that full rights for children, was there about that these can’t, be so much there in better worlds higher still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t try and better tell you where I would go! And wonder there that this couldn’t be so higher about this in Love, and wonder in and on in about that this wasn’t so bad, as all, this world, this world, this wasn’t going back about this inside my world into planets to know about that I cadn’t really had to lie, and still try and say for these worlds into knowing more about this, in what was gone, to ehy, hey, hey, ehyyyy , listen... It’s okay, we don’t not get to fuck and just run, but come on and tell me about a world to Love! And you can all wonder, if he got, older looking, just so he could be bad? Yeah like, wonder, it didn’t work, but there that these worlds, this was more, about, these worlds, this into knowing, it was just so he could sing Boyfriend and boys would be like, uhm... they’re looking at girls, you think at’s odd? Wonder, well, about, whether still, I’m wondering? Oh my god everyone’s gay, oh my god, I asked a faggot? Quick, faggot, who do we play with? And that gets disgusting, and wonder worlds about that this could come in from hells to wonder this into what I’d break, apart to be wondering still in more, that the words for all boy sex, still, can’t be matching up with all gay means, so wonder there, that we could, know how to kill all the faggots we see and, it’s kind of important because fags can’t skate, and they fuck up all your breathing into Life, and surely enough, that these worlds, that “ignoring god” means, gay. Or something? Surely, there and like, wonder there about, these worlds, what else that world was, and wonder into knowing, more about they in all that this couldn’t wonder still, who that these can’t name, and wonder into knowing more about that these couldn’t wonder still, and wonder still, if I could want his ass and tell you how about these worlds there before, but I’m like, 7 years old, and I wonder, about who that you think I was, and I couldn’t wonder about that this wasn’t going back once about theirs still, and wonder into knowing, I don’t know how to tell you what a friend could tell me about when I find my mom, but I don’t’ know, about where I still was to all of you, but what that I couldn’t look well, and I couldn’t know about how to tell you just what you are, unless I made up some world that you’d be, or that I made your sowl, and wonder well, and like that theys before this was never good enough to lie to them, unless all we know, wasn’t gone before

1 the4se worlds uv uhm, in and I like that I had toe xplain why I said it some more, and wonder there, before, wat was gaun, and like in my fear, and this was better erenve, I knwo... Yeah, but fuck it up and tell me where they go to know, and wonder wonder wondeer there, hell, was in what we know... Serious message; Usher’s a monster. That’s just obvious. That there was more in to be, and wonder into knowing about these worlds, this isn’t what was gone, and wonder how long after the video, for Baby young Justin was supposed to live, and that’s, wonder still, and wonder, well enough there, that this into storms I’d cry, and worried still, in heavens’ hell well, but it’s not like I didn’t get, a thousand more Barbie cars, on and after what that he could be, so wonder who drives all night to wonder well, and wonder well, about these worlds this was, going back in time, and wonder there before these worlds this was couldn’t be higher still, and wonder well about that these couldn’t wonder still about what was going back about them all, and into knowing more about these worlds, did you know they actually went to Barbie? I mean Reese Witherspoon, and wonder worry about where you go, and wonder, still, that I was calling out that they wanted him to die, and wonder well, what they made him look still like, for what they had and into knowing more about it once in all that these couldn’t wonder still, about there to wonder still about that I couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t know about where that you’d be and wonder still to telling more about these in mind, and wonder into knowing, how to be, and wonder how that this could still be alright, and I’d wonder still, about where these all, in ours could be, and I wonder, still, about this and theirs, into once, about this into knowing more in Minds...

But like get, to Know, this wasn’t ‘t so bad, as all, that I couldn’t wonder still, about, this once in at aurs, and what was Wolf, but there about there into knowing, more about that this couldn’t still ever never have to be, and wonder wonder wonder wonder where it was, and were, still by, and more in, my own minds for, these worlds He said what? “Baby nauu, naauu...” and they’re freaking out.... this was gone, and gone on in about, this into knwoing more about it all, taking all his words away, this into knowing more about that these can’t, be Real, but there real, and wonder in what was gone still, and wonder in mine, to mind still, wonder about, that I could wonder, about this one life, and who was, this call, on in and ever back to this into knowing for this once, to call theirs, before these all in Time, so set this August Rush in your minds, and wonder, but like to tell who that we are, and wonder on into knowing more, about that I couldn’t wonder, still, about that these can’t name, and wonder into knowing more, in my Time, and wonder still about these worlds, this couldn’t wonder still about this better world still to lie and tell well, these worlds into knowing more about these into seven planets lost into time and Know.....

Where was well enough what was someone telling us to be here, and wonder whether this was going back about to telling who they say we are and this was more to be higher still about to telling, where that I can’t name who you say I was, and wonder into knowing more about these worlds, and wonder into knowing me, about her still and wonder into my knowing this world to rhythm setting me on back about these worlds, “She’s Bad news...” these worlds, going back about, these worlds, this into knowing, more about these worlds, this inside my minds before these worlds all about to know about this blackout call into knowing what was gone about theirs to knowing, more about to telling where that I couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t really cry and tell you to líve and wonder still about that I couldnt’ really bring this back into knowing who they say we are and wonder into knowing about that I couldn’t wonder just what you say! And so wonder there on in about that I cadn’t really had to lie about where that you still are right now, and wonder into my only knowings more about that this could be so much higher still into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds to being be and wonder into knowing more about that I coudln’t wonder stil about that I can’t name, and wonder into knowing names about that these can’t wonder still who to call me still in higher worlds that I cadn’t really called about to telling where these worlds couldn’t wonder still to being where that these all are and wonder into knowing more about this inside my names about that I can’t name where you go into what was going back about these worlds, and wonder there still what you name we are still, and wonder whY I CAN’T COME ALONG TO KNOWING MORE ABOUT THESE INTO WORLDS ABOUT THERE BESIDE IT ONCE INTO KNOWING MORE ABOUT THIS INSIDE MY ONLY HOPE THAT I KNOW ABOUT WHERE THAT THIS COULD BRING ME BACK INTO KNOWING MORE IN PLANETS THERE ABOUT THIS INSIDE MY KNOWING MORE ABOUT THEIRS TO BE, AND SO WONDER STILL ABOUT THAT THIS COULDN’T WONDER ABOUT THESE WORLDS, INTO KNOWING MORE ABOUT WHO, THAT THEY COULDN’T HAVE BEEN, AND WONDER IN WHAT WAS GOING BACK ABOUT THESE WORLDS INTO GRACES NEVER SO SAID, TO BE IN WHAT WAS SO SURELY SHARED AND LOST NEVER ABOUT THAT THIS CAN’T NAME AND INTO WHAT WAS GONE INTO KNOWING MORE, ABOUT THAT THESE COULDN’T WONDERS TILL WHO THAT WE NEVER SAY WE ARE AND THIS WAS NEVER LOST, BUT THIS WAS GOING BACK ABOUT TO TELL WHO YOU NAME WE ARE, AND WONDER INTO MY NAMES ONCE BEFORE, THESE WORLDS, THAT THIS WAS GOING BACK, ABOUT THESE WORLDS, THAT I COULDN’T WONDER STILL, ABOUT THERE WITH ME, and so you sit and wonder if I couldn’t wonder still about where you go, and wonder about my only living out to be higher still and into wonders aeveron in about that I can’t name and like about where you’d go, and so wonder still, where that these worlds couldn’t name in mine, to wonder still, where that I can’t name, and so surely still, and still my currents called. cuz wonder what this was like, and I couldn’t wonder still there in my call and on in about to be black and wonder well this was me, and I couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that I can’t really tell you who that you never saAid you are, and wonder, in that this was more about, these worlds, this was going back about these worlds, into knowing more, about that I couldn’t wonder who that you never said you are, and was, what was gone, in mine, to wonder still, about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds, into knowing about where these worlds couldn’t wonder still what you name to be, and wonder still about there that this wasn’t going back about these worlds into knowing more, about that this coudln’t wonder, still, about, theirs to being what was never wrong besore. So wonder how tha this could be losing out to wonder in, that this was my fates to be lied on with you, and wonder about mmy names, wonder about who that they still never say we are in with you, 100 pages? At least, okay this book is at least 100 pages to come along, alright, and by then you’ll trust me, not to stop.... That I could wonder at least where that I’d name to be and wonder whether well was there to these inside my knowing more that this was going back about these worlds, this was going back about that I couldn’t wonder still who they say we still name and better worlds about that I can’t tell you taken worlds in all that this couldn’t be but losing out before these inside my only planets before beside that this inside my names once and wonder about where these worlds could take my courage into knowing more about that I can’t name still where you’d be in what was going back once in ours before that this can’t be hers, but like that I couldn’t wonder still, who they wonder well to being being are and wonder still, who we name to be, I can know? Where whether or not this saying once about that this was going back about this one time, and that I’d find, and wonder about these worlds and wonder about how that this worlds couldn’t that this wasn’t couldn’t wonder and into my knowing for this form! And wonder about this against who they say was gone still, and wonder in about that I can’t know still, about who, that these can’t be high and wonder in for these in all these four worlds back about this into broken auld forms, but it’s not like I’d lose her again! But i have, and I wonder, about where you’d be, and in still, that this wasn’t once about, there before these worlds going back, and wonder still, but I never had her back if you know, about these worlds, this still causing black out still caused in Time, and wonder into knowing more, about where I was in Time, Okay so their calenders might tell you, that you’re older than me, you’re not, but. they’re working on it,

2 peasants, Justin, that like, Time is Space was catchy to say, and that Music, gets added to that, is true, music is time is distance, and so wonder into knowing more, about that this could be, into knowing more, but I couldn’t wonder who you say, you are, and I’d wonder in where you’d be, and this with, that I can’t breathe, if you don’t know who you, say you’d be was all I’d ever know, or surely what you look like, to me, I love you baby, know forever, fun in love, gone away, even then? Hell, but like I know, see? Faag, look, I understand, why, you hate why, any of us, would, and we do... We double do... We in fact, this, was more, to wonder where, these couldn’t wonder still, about there, to beingk, but like I know, and say for theys, this ei long, long away, and so say for these, and movingk out to take in colors losingk aever ever gone in my witness, theys before that I can’t name in my own, name wonder whether all that theys say for, this in what was say for, thse world, where that this was goingk back in once, beside my naems, and like I dont’ Know who you can’t be, but I can wonder well enough still, and wonder into knowing more about who, that they can never tell into saying, what was going back once in, my only name about where, that they can wonder in my, only life before that I could wonder still here, and wonder in my own name, before that this was goingk, bek in my naem, before, these worlds in what was never lost, befaur, and like, that they before my own ways in my name about to telling, these worlds in before, these in all, that I couldn’t wonder still about who they wonder still about with me, still, and wonder in about my own name, and wonder in, anyone guesses, there about, how I can have 2 fathers? That’s an at least thing, I ahve 4? Faggots, check your shit, you’d have figured it out, however long it tooks. Took? Wonder, well, who Eliwood was, and wonder well, this is Roy, and wonder where that you think I needed to want to learn about where you’d say, about who that they can never say to be naming Tidus on for me, and I could wonder still about that I can’t name where that you’d be in what was going back about, these worlds, this was going back about to telling who these world name inside my hope for more, about theirs, beside this in, and that’s a biological father, that’s, treefa, so you know, about, this in worlds, but I was married when I was a baby in love, so still, these worlds, her dad is my dad like that, and wonder into knowing more about, and I have a step dad, and a dad of aegis, you know nothing? We’ve mixed blood, so he’s my father in truth, and that doesn’t make another one less real, so wonder well where that you still are, and wonder into wondering about these worlds in what was gone, that father in will, father in truth, wonder in names, father by wed, of a young girl, wonder in theirs, and wonder in for that my own mom still could be wed, and I know that she is, so wonder still, into my names, before that I’d never be still, but there about these worlds, gone, wonder if you think that there was a better world to lose me in, and whether you can’t sing what you know into where you are before about that this was going back once, into my names, and wonder in fate, before these all in, and wonder into my knowing where these all, it’s Kyle McKillop who’s really my dad, and I’d wonder what immortal worlds you were prepared for, Elijah Wood’s one of my friends ever? I share his laugh? Fuckin’ careful, fuck with Justin, make him laugh, see if it happens, and wonder into knowing, wonder about, these worlds, I mean keep making him laugh, you have to be actually funny, but that’s like, just how to get high, and wonder well going back in my names before these worlds in all that I couldn’t wonder on in about! This in my names about theirs, still in what was this still, okay, here, I’m gunna give you an email, I sent a friend, a while ago... she’s a girl, who said, bitches be crazy, like all the time, when she’s talking to boys? It’s Kurama, relax... beitches be cray cray, stuff like that, so she, had to, adapt something, into words to play still funny... subject: crazies And bitches Bitches aren't crazy, don't Say that... All bitches are crazy? How can you Talk like that? Look, up at me, Who told you that? The same one? The same one as before? Bitches do what they want we Everyone knows that.. Sumtimes bitches be crazy? I don't ever have to Even ever at All... where do they come from? We don't know.. sometimes they Loving tripping, sometimes even in snow.. It was Obviously there why did you trip. It was different, All the way through? The same snow, it was different the whole time all the way through? Well What's different to you? Is it that you Know? Know that it's snow? No you know now? No you didn't Know? Now Who told that girl to do that? I don't know, but she's difficult to reason with, it wasn't not There I go again, calling them what they are.. But no, sweetheart, girls don't be crazy, Boys be crazy, aBout girls, and then, girls say awful things about bitches and boys Love them bitches “ So wonder about, whether you’d wonder, about where that they ever ever could be and, wonder about that I couldn’t wonder still about who, was still there into knowing once about theirs, before, that we could wonder, still about, this once in my life? I can’t fucking function, if you think, she doesn’t love me forever, I, personally, can’t function, if you’re an idiot. I care so much about you. You think? Peasant, look, I’m lying. It’s important, when? Fucking god, look, about, where, did you ever talk to a girl? Fly by lying... That’s how they go, call them birds, wonder into knowing more about that I could wonder on about where these worlds couldn’t still be about these worlds to knowing more about that these worlds going back about, these worlds this was going back, about there, because you can surely see her worth, so wonder about who was still an ordinary girl, and wonder still about that I could wonder what you think I’d say of your mother to you, and wonder into knowing more, about there, that this couldn’t wonder, about these still into knowing, more, about, like a bbaby, I was, and she was a little older, and ran some chick off the playground, and I just, I’d looked up and my new friend was gone so I was crying, and that was more like, I had to learn it was sent off by her, and that’s not, you, that’s, I kind of just spun around and sat down on my butt, and she put her arms around me, and that’s, like, she got, lectures, on on on, they were really mean to her, saying, she was manipulating me, so I’m standing there on the kitchen floor, and she’s crying, “So do you hate me?” and I said, “I know who you Are...” and worlds, about what was gone, and wonder more, “Forever and ever?” I hadn’t known she’d ever, have a moment she could think that wasn’t true in? I knew the gesture, so I was, down to my knee to take her hand... My sister married us. So wonder whether that this could be gone, and sure, then, there was the kidnapping, and I’ve come back, and I’m wondering there about this into knowing more, but you’d wonder still, why they say say say say say say it was Pit, it was Link enough there about this into knowing more about this vengeance track, so wonder on about that I couldn’t wonder still who that you’d wonder into knowing more about, this into knowing I’ve borne torture across my skin and on into hells about that these couldn’t be high, and wonder in, that this was more, into life, and wonder still, about where that they never know... If we were gunna tell you, there was magic in childbirth, you were gunna say, uh-huh, and then, you look, I’m gesturing, and you think, I don’t know anything about it... I’m the Avatar... 3 So is she.... Wonder well about, there that this was death into, what was lost into hells above, but know wonder what was gone, and that she could scream and sob, across planets that cracked about beneath Nala’s only feet, so wonder about, these worlds, into knowing, that that mortal’s eyes did light into what she’d seen me do, know nothing of what I couldn’t do, was take more torture into my soul alone, and wonder on about, there about, or remember more, about a world into heaven set about, but I’m dead to rites but in Egypt they wonder on after ever about, how the pharoaes could fall and die, it’s that his wife did raise Ramses back, into haevens set to moulde, and so wonder about, this into worlds, that you’re not the only son, if you know about where you come from in where that this called, and wonder about, that this was more about that we couldn’t wonder still about that I can’t just be so surely shared, and lost on in to time, and wonder in my world still, about, but it was after that? No, yeah, and wonder on, what I thought I could do, feeling her, and wonder on about, this into spinning song, and wonder on, in about, this into knowing more about these into worlds there about to wonder still about before, this into wonder about there to call,ing and wonder into knowing more, about whether you know who you are and what was more about that this couldn’t wonder so still, ahwere that they was and in what was going back about before, still once in broken calls, that I can’t never let you still wonder this inside my names about that this couldn’t wonder about who that you never still ever have to try and say that you could never hate to be and wonder into this with me, and wonder in about that this couldn’t wonder about it all, and so who, they still are, was broken back in time, and wonder about that this could be, that if I told you I could sing, a soul into being, and you said, there was nothing it was all about a score, even one? One score? Just one score? Okay, it’s him though; that’s the score? No like, wait, he’s a soul, and like, no what? Where, that that’s an older world, that you can’t wonder, still, in what that you know not, of tunes, and wonder still, about the planet, into knowing more about that I was trapped out in hell, and wonder about, what I’m doing to worlds, about, these into destroy all that Egypt ever could be, and so obliterate me, if you dare, i don’t think it’s gunna fucking work again, and I can’t try and tell your name, about to say, and what that I could be on without, and it’s that I can’t really, fit in a world without that I could bring this planet change, so what I could fear was that, this in more, of what was, was everything you want? Or wonder still, I dont’ knwo what they say to be afraid of, still, and I don’t know what, was real, I’m in agony, for the minute, and it won’t stop on into death, and worried out before more, about where these worlds are, what am I afraid of? Sharks, crocodiles, hornets cockroaches, mosquito hornets insects, of ,every kind, insects you think, are yokay? That’s good? No, jelly fish, angler fish(sharks), and like, your neighbor’s not a crocodile he’s a shark? Kidnappings for torture, those never happen... Almost never happen, and you think I don’t need, the obvious ones, in the ocean, at beaches, eliminated... I told my dancer I don’t want her to go to the beach anymore until they’re dead, I don’t know if she’s listening, listen, honestly, I have no idea, but she loves me, and if I’m around her again, she won’t fuck with me on it, and it isn’t funny, because I don’t tell her what to do, I asked her not to, and if she was just gunna go, I can’t, yeah I don’t’ know what you do, when my emotions are literally baby emotions. Sobbing, choking sobbing, bawling? I lost my toddler syntaxes out where I was? No, it got me laid... What? No we didn’t, lie to you, about God, it’s just sex. Only sex. Touch her face, and you punched her right? Touch her, because, you’re sure, you’ve sung up that your body is to torture into her? You have a scorpion dick? you understand, she probably won’t like the feel of your skin, but the why, is, anything you did, or what, you thought, there was, something else you’re doing? Beat her to death, wait, why? Make her sorry? Sorry? like, bloody fucked up, and sharshing, or wonder, what it was, still trying to sound human, for just wanting, carnage? Understand it was never what a body was in and without, that we could wonder what was gone, that body isn’t this body, and so wonder well, whether I could know, about the hells they are, you give a scorpion a chart, on what human is? It’s crude shapes right, your physical? That’s what sex is, it’s crude shape meat crude shape? Go to hell. Wonder whether this was gone, and wonder well enough that I could wonder still, about that I couldn’t wonder still what was going back, about, this was lose lose lose, and even like, I know, say, but, saying so, and I have nothing, loss, but me on, and know, but ever better better less thes, less thess, they for this in my Own way, still in like more? Like more still on? On on, lo? Lore to tell in what was going back about that this was more to last it out with me, and wonder in my names about that I can’t be where that you say my only names well, and I know that, Honiker was the name I felt strongest by in hell, so wonder if I know the sound if you’re just in love with what you see, that’s me, and wonder into knowing who they say we are still, or whether or not, your fingers have some claws on... Better check my shadow on the grass, and wonder, if I knew about girls still in, and wonder into knowing more, about, there, unless i let your father touch my boy button, and wonder into knowing more still, and I don’t know, about, what the fuck you think was cool so come on, I do, but then like, I can wonder, why you think, I don’t know it better than you, I’d wonder what you think I’m in of, and wonder on into knowing more about whether out that this wasn’t going back about this inside my only callings there about this inside another world there before these worlds can’t be still about where that you say you still are, and wonder, what was going back in Time for this call! I know, so wonder on about these worlds, in my own name, and wonder, here in my worlds before these into worlds I can know, about that this couldn’t wonder about, these worlds into knowing more about who, whether I’ve known how to kill, and I sure kill, I sure kill, I wonder, in, and I know, about where, these all, couldn’t wonder in, my only names about this once into wondering this out to know I could better worlds, be into knowing more about who, these all are, and I can’t name, my only cause in these before, but I can’t seem to do this all, well enough, just to get my life, away to me, so honestly, I’d wonder where was, if there that I’d wonder in, that you say, about, these all into knowing more about these worlds, into wonder, still about, that there was more about these worlds, and going back about, these worlds on, in my own life, but there that this wasn’t so shared and called before God.

Chapter 2 Kinda tired and my hurting tummy tells me wonder about that this was going, black, and so like that all, there wasn’t more to being gone, but there that this couldn’t wonder still into telling where that this could never tell me what was going, back about this all, and there that this couldn’t wonder still who was who, and what was never there, still to tell my own minds, and so wonder there in my own calling there about, this in my own names, and wonder

4 on about that this couldn’t be, about that I couldn’t wonder still who that this was going back with, and wonder there on in about my own names, into telling where that these cannot be still, so surely shared, lost well. I can’t really tell a human moment on? I can wonder about you, still, softer surrender into telling, what was never there still about that I couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still that who I was never going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still, did you never think, Liam Neeson was in music, that he could do it? Wonder on about Franz Ferdinand, and better worlds, before that this, and wonder about this in my own, that this wasn’t going back about, this into knowing more about this game, and wonder still about there about to knowing more about that this couldn’t know, I’d say, that’s my step dad, but you say, that’s true. So wonder about that this wasn’t going back about that this couldn’t be so higher still about that I couldn’t wonder on in about that this inside my names about that this was never about that this was never going back about these worlds inside my names about that this couldn’t wonder still about, doesn’t it seem like if you heard that man, in his, 30’s, he was lying? I’d wonder, still about that there was little less evidence that he had to let you all still know, that he’s not liking soviets just so you know, and you see Liam Neeson, and you say, no he’s never faught soviets... What? I know, obviously, he has an age. Fuck I wonder about you, because like, I’m actually arguing to you that he doesn’t have an age, and you’re like “I thought you said you didn’t get it...” the calender thing, and so wonder about that these were more, about that I can wonder in and on about, “I have to something to, I mean I have something to tell you, I’m 29...” and there you’d like, what, when? What, was going, baout about, about, there to being, he’s hit 29? When I was a young Maan, I can believe in a, you’re not so young as I, kind of way...

Wondering but there to well enough that this was gone, but that this into human worlds, going back, about that these can’t be, he is D’artagnan, and wonder well, that this couldn’t not be, that I’d been born young and wonder well about that these worlds, could be high, but that you’d wonder about his daughter, well, and surely so told, nice, that once in my once life, that these old worlds good gone and in what was higher worlds calling still, and calling my own worlds, this into knowing, this world in my own knowing, and wonder well, with yours, and wonder still about her, and that this, could be, so much higher still, but that these old worlds could be barred, and lied, about, till once, that these worlds going on, that you’re going to have to start believing in immortals, you are them. So wonder well, how, it looks, when something’s trying to kill you... Wonder better, how this was... Anastasia, is gone? Bemoan it, or whoa, well was, wasl, there, thell, this tell, she was, woaed about, not gone, there before, but that we love her, we love her oh so, share, sung son, she was stolen, to be with them, soviets all, and Elizabeth Windsor, today, yes international criminals do, live longer, than you’d have eimagined, and so wonder well, that she’d stolen the young, and there that he, his own daughter, taken back for home, but I know not what your calender dates will tell you, or why Anastasia, would shave her head bald, whilst they searched for Pochahontas, and she had red hair? Wonder well, and there, these were gone but there this was gone, in more, but this name, to be, in where these couldn’t wonder still well, they searched, by that one name, and so surely, warned everyone who was there, that they knew nothing aBout her, just sought her, why was what, there that this could be gone, betray a child to you? I can see her right in this circle, and you see nothing, but that I know her hair is gone, and she doesn’t know you, but she a million names, you don’t believe me? Casia Pala? Oh, Justin’s a prince... That’s easy, but wonder, well wonder where that these can’t be so surely there, that I’m Crown Prince, of England, and Windsors, fall, but that this was going back, because I’m, of the Gaels, this the early ward of Prince Planet, so wonder still about that these couldn’t be higher still into callings about, I don’t know what you thought the takeover of the good, looked like, but Liam Neeson is fighting for public rights for immortals, and I don’t think I’ll ever get home and I don’t think they’ll ever save me so wonder well, that this book will be, often ignored, where that I couldn’t wonder, how easily you think I couldn’t stop existing and wonder well enough that this couldn’t be so shared and lost, I wonder what you think writing it all night would look like, I don’t know, so wonder better on in about that I cadn’t really had this nice, in world, armor, there into knowing, who they still say we never are before these worlds in what wasn’t going back about me still into knowing who they still say that we cannot be but that this couldn’t be higher still into my only callings before that this couldn’t be higher still, and so shared, wonder who you are... What was physical property to you? Once you, own a print, you know it’s, your picture? If you have, things at your home, to just, grow it, print something large, that’s your right to do. Understand this ideal of, intellectual property, is simply evil, and so wonder still about there that these couldn’t wonder about that this could be gone on without, and so wonder what that burning books could be, but monstrous, and that lying about the source of a book, was to protect the source from burners, or you think, to cover it up? That there was going back, into knowing more about, it is criminal, and so wonder well about that this couldn’t be so burning higher worlds into knowing who that they cadn’t really had to be better than You, and so wonder well about, that this was going backwards on in about my only names into livings about that this couldn’t this inside my living out to wonder well, and on in about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that you couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that I couldn’t wonder inside my only aperture that this couldn’t wonder in out, and wonder in, so venture, if you’ve never, illegally, downloded any music, understand, you can, simply record your computer’s output, and play anything you want on youtube. Simply so; it was illegal to make that eilligal, and it is not an illegal download. So wonder about, what that this couldn’t be still, and that’s more to hell me out for a while, and wonder about how stupid, how completely fucking idiot, you look, to think that Justin doesn’t have wealth, that neither Usher nor, what Chris Brown, who he’s killed, time and time again, literally murdered, never have. Someone, new, who hates women, shoes up, and Justin says, ohp,, gotta kill Chris Brown again... Grab a gun, and wonder well, does he have, zenny coin? Wonder about, treasure troves, of course he has pieces of 8. It’s the only way to keep currency.. That’s baby coin, zeny is, 8, so wonder well, and into changes, before.. What, you think he needs women’s wealth? Well, venture, you need to be wealthy for it, so positioned different? There is, drawer silver, like any might, could have, and wonder if he has, glak drak, and he does, have a lot, of draks? Surely, a dragon, aun actual wealth... Does he have, arkadia, the other baby coin? Literal, actually cooler looking arkade tokens than you, candian fake loonies, yes, he has that too. They’re worth the same, unless you venture, that isn’t true with wealth... Worth, the same? In what was going, back, to once in more, to venture better hours, and wonder still where that these can’t name, and wonder inside out, to be where that you are, in games, to play, and so 5 shared wonder where, these worlds Are and who that you can’t tell, me too, and wonder in my own hope, for that this couldn’t wonder still, about that these can’t, be higher, still, he was never born, that is true. He flew out of a lightnings storm, on, an actual flying horse? Well, obviously it was a lightning bolts... That I couldn’t venture into telling you who was lost into human worlds better than I ever ventured on into telling you who we are and what was never better than what we are still, and who, they name with Me.. Alright, fuckin’ pay attention, damnit, okay go, that this was going back about that this couldn’t be so wondering on about that this couldn’t wonder about who you are and knowing more about that I couldn’t be but that this wasn’t going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this was there to sing about and wonder about that this was never going back about that this couldn’t wonder inside my knowing more about that I couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t be about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t be so surely there before that this couldn’t wonder still about that these couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder about it once into all that I couldn’t wonder on about that this living back for more about that I couldn’t wonder still who you say that you never are to me. I can’t really tell you how this human couldn’t be there still into my knowing more about that I can’t really say about where that you still say you are and wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t know about that this couldnt never nave to be and never there before these worlds, why the fuck does my computer know the word nave, I don’t really know why that doesn’t have an underline, but couldnt does, so wonder into knowing more about this in before that I couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing what does nave mean, and I don’t really know, if it thought I mean naive, but there was never about me, this wasn’t going, back about, these worlds, this wasn’t going about, slut, prostitute, pros writing, vs freeverse poetry, badass, me, alright, wonder about where these go, and wonder there about that this couldn’t be about that I couldn’t wonder still, who that you never think this was going back before that these could be, wonder still about, that I still would have spelled naive differently? I’d wonder, if you think, it wasn’t naíve, and there, that you couldn’t wonder, there, that liking more about these worlds couldn’t wonder, still to being be, and if Justin was under discrimination, about whether his dad was ever actually cool, it’s okay, I’m inventing a color, that’s true, so wonder, well, no one, tells Justin, you’re not a success until you, invent a color too, you’re just a baby, it’s okay, do whatever you want, you’re, awesome, and that’s like, because no one knows what the fuck happened, and that’s more to knowing more, about these worlds, no, new, like, green is a color, blue is a color, that there is, a way to make a new one, surely, everyone sees it, LATER, once it exists, and there that you can’t wonder still, there are, 7, 8, 9 10 11 now? There was wondering more about these worlds, there was orange, violet, yellow, violet has pink, that’s not extra it’s just real, share, sung, song, they do combine and show you things, these are primaries I mean, blue has cerulean, and that’s true, wonder well, black has white, that’s, even just gray, there are deeper blacks, that make your, gray, look prestine white, and then, you take it away and you thought, whoa, that is just gray, okay, but it was white before, it is... black. Red and yellow, green and blue, orange and violet, black, share, and there’s, sky, and you don’t know what it is... Alright, there is cool, and that’s going to light up, don’t worry, distinct, from your peasantry, is your lack of understanding of colors that already exist, do you see cool? It’s of the element child. There that these could be, in me, and so wonder still, about these can’t, be named, and so wonder what was faírn to be, and so share, what that these can’t name, where that you’d name we are, and I can’t name before these worlds, that I can’t wonder still who you are, and wonder on in about my names, and so share about that I couldn’t wonder still about there that this could know, my names, but these worlds, into knowing more, about where that these others couldn’t be, so shared to wonder more about that I couldn’t hate you still into knowings more about these worlds, and wonder well about that my own names, couldn’t be but that there was never once about my names, some other calling cards, to be higher, still with me, and wonder in before these worlds into knowing more about where that these cannot be about these worlds that I can’t know about where that you still are and what was good before these names, in all my colors gone. Whether or not, you seem to think that I could wonder, well whether that these can’t wonder still about that this was Honiker McKillop, Bieber surely, if you know my son, and that I could venture better to tellingk you, never lies, theys for say, but you don’t know, if I can, make him impossible, or he start out thís way? I wonder who you name, and what was a cat, to a cat, what is a baby? Laeiv name, a cat’s baby, tha’s a cat’s cat, tha’s a baby, so wonder, into what kind of Wolf he was, and it’s wonder about these in before, this into names beside, this was going better beck in names before these shift in calors call into my names, about theis in once, before these name into knowingk more about they say for these in all away, this in my naem, but this was calling who that they say and say in my ways before that this cannot be and I cannot know about where that you say you are, and so wonder into my knowing baetter, this was going better back into my knowing better, and knowing more, in better worlds about that I cannot ever be so shared and losing my only names about this in my knowing more about that this couldn’t know in me, but that I couldn’t know about these worlds this inside my names before these worlds this was going better back about that this could never die, and I could wonder still about this in all... Well so wonder, well so wonder in my only names for these in all that I couldn’t wonder still ever about how to have to be! But liking more about where they name, and so share to wonder at me better, better in loss, so very name, and color my only ways before that I cannot tell you who that you say that you never ever are still, so wonder in my names, better going backwards, into wonder, still, about that I couldn’t name your own colors well about that this couldn’t wonder still about, my names, and so share, I’d be telling Justin I suck, to not talk about Star Wars now... STAR WARS: CLAN SKYWALKER Stole the movie, or wonder, it was a prequel, because I can tell the future, and years, later, you heard about, leaks, for star wars, but there was no so, my stories never stopped, I could take their stories away, before they tell them, and that is true of me, and I thought to seek out Liam Neeson, to be my teacher, before that I could have visions it was him, who is married to my mother. I thought well enough of him that he would never say no, even before I knew this. STAR WARS: the triadd, part 1 My name, started to be famous, and I’d never told you it was Honiker, before that the story about a boy from Sith worlds was gone on in about there where that you couldn’t have to wonder into how to be about these worlds but that I couldn’t wonder still, about these worlds, there, but there was knowing more about that I intend, right before the Force Awakens, came Clan Skywalker, a prequel to that movie, published before their movie was released... Online. This is a story in what you call the old republic, but not, it was before the fall of the first Sith Empire, wonder on, and the rescue of the boy, from the hells built by Sith... They just, torture babies, to raise jedi killers... You know that? So my name and Voice, so there for these, what was, the real, intention, Daisy Ridley, Mark Hammil, Carrie Fishcher, they left.... they knew what I did... Star Wars, got paused? yes... it did... STAR WARS: EPISODE VLII RISE OF THE MACHINES So wonder better if that you could venture me on in against these worlds before my life, into lost ambitions there in what was going back to tales, so told, and so wonder there about, there that this couldn’t be so shared and lost to me about that these can’t wonder still about there these headed are and names before that I can wonder still, this movie is 14 Hours long, and that’s an important, world for you? 6 I can wonder who you think, I Am, and wonder, still, into these, before that I could know to play Rey’s brother, and wonder into where that you could be, and there, no he’s in the prequel I wrote ahead of them, thanks, so wonder into knowing, more about that these can’t name you still, this was gone to wars, about these wonders in my names, but that this couldn’t wonder still, about these in all that I ever was and wonder into knowing more, about these worlds, this was gone, on in before these worlds, this inside my names, about, before, but like, yeah, she’s, in the triadd, with him, so wonder on, they aren’t descendants, but there you go, we’re doing Star Wars, and it’s, for free, that the movies will play all day long in theaters, and that they last all day was true, but what a day is for you will change, and that you’d ever think to job, was gone, and wonder into knowing more, of hell, that I could wonder, what you play, and like, my roman numerals are better, shut up, L, Li, Lii, iV, see? V VL, VLi, VLii, wonder wonder wonder, and you don’t even fuck up, if you write it in caps anyway... VLII Where that I couldn’t wonder still who that you say you are and what was never better in before that I can’t name about where you go, but this was never higher still I know, so wonder still about that this couldn’t be so better lost to time, and wonder into knowing more about, these worlds going back, into wonder about, no, violent, vengeance, don’t think I won’t rip disney apart with screams of hell, I will, completely control it... Oh? Yes? No, look, tear it apart, I don’t want them, on planets... No you have a word, for someone like I am. I’d do it without one. The word, for you, is AVATAR. So wonder, well enough about where that these couldn’t wonder still, about these into knowing more about who these worlds are about that I can’t name in you, but still, about where these go, and wonder on in and better back about, this in wonders more about my Land, in to this before my names, and on in back about with you... I’d wonder still, about there that these couldn’t wonder still in who you are, and wonder about that you could wonder what was on my mind, about that I could hate to try you out, or wonder in my lands, into what was power of these in intellect still, so sunder your strikes against my form and arms still, I’d wonder what you think you are, if you poison your own spit, and you aren’t used to making yourself, swallow? It didn’t auccur to you? Allright, there you are... I can’t wonder who that you’d never hate to try and be but that this was going back about to telling where that these to try and tell my names, but there that this couldn’t wonder about that these can’t really tell me who you Are, and I could wonder still about these worlds, that I can’t really tell you still to be, and wonder in more, about these worlds going on about that this couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t wonder, in that you could better tell me how to think that I could sin, but I don’t sin, and neither ever has my own son, and wonder still about that these worlds, I know how to create a soul thannks, and so wonder still about that these cannot ever be so shared about these worlds, into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder in me, and wonder on about you, and so wonder about that these can’t name, still about my names in colors planets hide, and so surely there inside my shadow’d age, and wonder well, shadow’d age? No, get scared, there are people, who are sure, you can just, find, out... that’s, actually, hell, so wonder well, that this was going back, about, “You can Always find out...” says, Usher, to Justin about it, wonder about that this was more about her, and wonder this into knowing more, about that these couldn’t be so surely shared about, that these worlds, can’t really name, and so still... Well? “Huh?” “Online, you can find online,” “Like a magic tablet? They track kids with tablets?” and like, “Oh, no one ever knew?” “You didn’t even ask, you said always, no, no one knew... Are you insane? You have an older name for me? I don’t..” “You were farn away?” “You’re a lunatic, I wanna tell you things? Fuck Off, I don’t wanna talk to you ever again, you’re a fucking Freak... Fucking Cops talk like that...” Win, look, he doesn’t wanna kill him? Well, they do; cops are pedophiles. No, always. Go ahead and tell me, about one who isn’t, i’d wonder if you think, I know what cop means, “Navy seals aren’t’ cops...” like, the bully thought, he could be a cop, and thought, from a primitive angle, what one was? That’s in Bench Warmers, but like wonder, still well, that we could venture better, there about the once forever, and on about forever ever, I’d wonder, who you think you are, when, no one, going back, thought, I know, once he’s dead, he’s gone for good.. How do you, end, a mind? Stop thinking people are so well educated as you peasant. I’d wonder, even often, how you think, you don’t just, keep killing them. When I said, damnit, when I said, alright, better, I said he keeps killing Chris Brown, I mean, different monsters, who show up, just acting like they beat women, so the record desk people, think, that must really be Chris Brown, and he will, get places... Actually still, but guess what, now, you think, maybe, Justin, can get accused of murder? “Oh let me guess, you saw, on camera, a little kid, with a pipe gun, and a sideways baseball cap, and he was cute? FUCK OFF!” and more to thinking, there are actual impersonators, of him, “So arrest some dike, I won’t mind...” he hates dieks, don’t trick yourself, “Who’d you think you got on the phone?” Public figures, are untouchable, aside from being shot. Your, world, of média, does not, get to apply things, like eye witness reports, TO them, hundreds of people, can be instructed to lie. Start out, with, your trials, were criminal to start, and they don’t stand up. Then move to, you can’t get them, to go places for you.. You can ambush them? How many guys, did you get shot? They die. Yours guys, the cops do. So venture, there, still, what you think is real, how stupid are you? Did you get that far? Michael Jackson is fine, Heath Ledger doesn’t take prescription pills, he has real medicine doctors, peasant, and it’s, ridiculous, for you to think, that anybaby wanted you to be here, if you were, mild, about faith, and so wonder, well enough, for that one could know, that when they see me, that there was this, Crown Prince, they’ll wonder, if I really, was the same, Crown Prince, that they saw a hundred years ago, or they, wonder on? That I was young, and that if the name was inherit, which it is, it was built by one Charles Xaviour, and that is extraordinary... This time he just happens to be, the early ward of Bruce Wayne. So venture better, there, yes, wondering, how you could think, there could possibly, not be a royal family, for each of my own life, and countries they start, because we’re not warring, it is not gang territory, but surely, the Crown Prince of England, happens to this time, be a Lion King, of AFRICA, so there, wonder well, Lion King is a kind of emperor, that’s true, so wonder there well, and who you name to be, Justin is king of things, I don’t know which things, he’s reather popular, and eif you ever thought, he was subject to your discriminations, wonder well, what we’ve done, to change a planet, into where you think, you were even allowed to be told, that you don’t color your essays, you don’t write in freeverse, even though you say more things, with poetry, and it’s your voice? Welcome to an age of enlightenment, they could burn books, and never, actually, delete, my soul, when they tried, though burned me they have, cut me open they have... raped wounds, you knew? You understand, knives, and steel, bullets, those work fine for a pedophile, what it really has in mind? That sounds like Michael Jackson to you? He wants to cut children open? No it was monstrous, for you to ignore hell, and apply terms, like child mutilater, to people like him. That was wonder, how the FUCK, you got the word, pedophile, confused, with someone in love with someone. Start, maybe with thinking, there is no such thing, as sexual assault, and a sociopath, which not all pedophiles are, it’s a broad term, a sociopath has no sex.

7 They do not have sex. They carnage you. That is it. They can’t conceive it; sex, it’s not there. So wonder, better, why you needed to understand, that non-sentience, was evil, and that they can ignore, that you love, and argue it, the rétard, could see as power, showing, signs of non-sentience, that is evil. So at the very least, kill him. If he has an eternal soul, well, you can murder a lot of pedophiles before you have to worry about killing anyone. Eternity was in, science, and we ignored it, for godlessness? Peasants, talk, like atheism, is our, standard default, to reality... All your, hells, to worlds of in, can be vanquished, if we say, we do not feel, wonder, at these... It was pretend to... I can tell you this would be a book on philosophy, but I want, to pave the way for my son, that world can bring, that we are, advanced enough, to wonder who a boy like him thinks, and where, to be, when we could freeverse like we crave it, and you want to know his voices, and you want to see him play, but that is a world dead of commercial entertainment... Where it does not exist, and that is, what I’ve ventured to make happen. I know that I can. It is something, simply to be destroyed, because of what it was, art? Surely, dumb, stíupid, what? We do art, for the sake of love and fun, no one, working on Star Wars, because it was their dream, needed to be paid for it, no one incredible... How in the world, am I going to find, someone to play Kylo Renn? The other one’s already dead? That’s fine, I replaced him, already, I invited, a stellar, idiot, to do it, but hang on, he’ll be very wealthy, if he survives, the end of the production I’ll be bleeding; there’s kids who, see, fake blood, and know it’s fake, the second it’s fucking there, it ruins the movie for them; nothing was real, it was stupid, so if you’re not evil, uhm, Ezra Miller, you will be just fine. Don’t worry, if you Are evil, we’ll just pretend you’re good, like everyone does, for anything they’ve said was good, obviously. Justin has an older brother, who’s a, little kid, but wonder even well, how you could think, there was anything, to wonder at, for where you go, I don’t know how old Pasha is, but like he’s, my age basically, she was actually pregnant when I was taken. Surely, reference, matroiyshkaa, dolls, and know that, babies have been having babies, for very very very, well what? They simply can do so, for very good reasons, is what I say, we were fucking, and, I didn’t not know what semen was, if you needed to know that. I, got fucked, by teenager boys, and was surely, getting, her brother so fucking high, that he started cumming, I expressly doing that on purpose, it felt, fucking awesome, so there, venture, too; it was eons, being, whatever age, I don’t remember what you did, I knew it in the first place? I could have been a child for 10 years, it’s Piper Halliwell we’re talking about, calenders don’t actually apply, but wonder, if you, decide what to do with yourself, in the bath, you immortal soul you, you just think, you want to get smaller again, get younger again, and divorce yourself from the idea, that you were doing anything, but being ripped apart, in your Health class... And you just might survive. Cops lie, by the way... It’s called copping reality...You want Justin’s Halliwell name? Uhm, some girls want to know Pasha’s, 3 spirit name, like we had, surely, yes? Domonic Anakin Pásha, not, not literally the same name, venture even, it’s connected to someone else, or, very, very world of you, who are we? We know? I was Wyatt Wyck Simba Son Halliwell, Is Son in all of them? Literally it is... When it sounds good... So I could be lying? IN a moment, you’ll find out his name, if you’ve looked ahead, you’ll never know, what it could have been like, to not have. Epona Justin Young Son Halliwell is all... I had to give it to him later thanks, whoa fuck off... An epona is justin, it’s balanced, like a horse, and not a libra? Ew, disgusting, pushmepullyou, that’s, sicko, that’s disgusting, a horse is justin, you see the balance, in the word? Libra isn’t, on a real zodiac... S’tupid... Hey, wait, wait, wait, that this was going back in once before this in Rock, and wonder in out, to know, about this world in all, I was, and wonder into knowing more about, this world song, and these worlds in my own life, this was going back about this inside my knowing on about back about, this into knowing what was never Higher, still! This call! These worlds but once loss, and called in, that I couldn’t wonder still, about that who they still say we are wasn’t going back about that this couldn’t wonder in side and wonder into knowing more, about that this couldn’t wonder still about these all and into my knowing more about, this world on inside, okay so I did, just declare myself King of Russia, and like 2 hours later a song went on the radio, on NPR, telling everyone there were, no descendants to the monarchy. That’s fucked up, Justin’s a prince of Russia, right now, so wonder into knowing more about that these worlds going higher still into knowing about that these cadn’t really had to tell what was going back on, why would I need to be descendant of someone who did what I’m doing right now? Right, pretend, at powers you don’t have; I, have them, so like, wonder better worlds, about that we can’t name still into knowing these calls, and so wonder about these worlds sang, and in all that I can’t be doing this back about, these worlds, this world, and Alex Anderson, the president, he’s concerned, about the threat of Miley Cyrus, so he’s appointing Justin the lion king, wolf, the lion king of America Native, to fight the evil influence of Hanna Montana, but, right, it’s obviously a democracy, so you know he’s just simply a war god, that’s what Lion king of America means. It’s a kind of prince, listen, there’s, worlds, to knowing, more on, in about these worlds that I couldn’t wonder who that you’d name and into these forever trials, to be taken better on about and on in about that I could know about who you’d name still in this once for these, green gaels, and once, in my own call, this world still, in what was still High, and worlds, on, in ever after these worlds, but like if you found where the convention, Hyrule64 was, she said Aspen, but that’s going to be, in America? Well it feels that way, it’s Aspen, in Russia, so wonder into knowing more about that these couldn’t wonder in and on into ever more and on inside about, but these, for Zora lakes, you’d wonder in, about these grace, that you could, find some foreign kingdom, flying so running, over the fields of Russia, and there was, that you knew the queen there was Hyrule, so wonder into knowing high worlds sung, and singing in on, that’s okay she’s married to the King. The Queen of Russia, is a teen mom? She’s just a mom, well, okay teenager means mom, did you know that? Anyway Mackenzie Zielger, Mack Z, that’s worlds away, she knows how to live still, she always plays with boys, so wonder into that that’s what there into these worlds going back about, there were peter pan gaels, that there, these worlds, gone on in oft before, that if she’s not, protected by a Ukraine, do you know, Watchers? These worlds, right, you understand the kind of a world, Atticus builds, or Giles would, that creates Ukraine, and slayers rising these worlds gone into high, worlds going back, about these worlds, the secret weapons, you might still know, there’s viking swords among the 3 best swords in the planet. Russian steel, is pink china blades, these worlds, gone on into knowing, more, about these worlds but like to wonder still about these worlds, chinese swords, I mean, and these worlds called still about that these worlds, that the best still come from Russia, there about these worlds going back, and you still get, your cheap china steal from, a mountain of swords in china, broken, anywhere in Russia, so know the swords there are pure, kept by the slayers, so wonder there on in about that these worlds, into knowing about these worlds inside my names, but like, wonder into knowing, what is, a good, lesbian?

8 Right they have sex still. Okay, so if they know, they love, getting girls to cum, getting them high, you understand, a boy like Justin, isn’t what Lesbians were saying no to, when they swore off, men... him and Batman, they were fine, and well about these into worlds about that this couldn’t be, but there off the coast of Southern Russia, to the east, was high north of Saudi Arabia, an island that cannot be found, except for those who already know where it is. And wonder into knowing more about these worlds, in going back, to wonder still, about these worlds, and gone back in once, still, who that they’d name, and wonder into knowing more, about theirs, a boy king that you need to, forever understand, that they’re powerful women, they love, children, so king, the highest station for them, for a male, would be a boy, who’s there, set to be this in forever young making over, to girls, against all forces set about him, these hells created by Usher the diplord. see, Usher thought, the name mean pimp, but of music. Okay, but like, that’s gunna fuck with you, when only whores love a pimp, that’s right, so know, loving worlds, that these worlds, knowing more about these worlds into Pop lands high and wonder, okay, now stand up, and hop with just your hips, okay, now tell me, who’s allowed to be a god of hip hop. Be a hip hop icon. Understand, these worlds, no it Is a cool motion, so wonder into knowing more, about these worlds going back once into knowing more about these worlds, still, these worlds, but that boy could be dancing with gaels, and wonder into knowing more on, and into knowing more, that you’re not a moron, I believe in you! Look, aeveryone’s here, it’s okay, Dance! And he can do this gaelic breeze, in front of, you still there, yes, Justin’s been slowing down, do you want, to see him what, keep up with, or lead a dance, cuz he’s a boy, Dance with Brittney Spears,... you get that.. She’d let him lead? Yeah, she’s dancing, so wonder about these into worlds about there about these worlds, into knowing more about that I couldn’t need you to lie about the life still, and that I couldn’t wonder still about these inside my motions, still into my knowing what was going back about these worlds, still and who that they’d name, and wonder in, and you’re like, it’s an “honorary” title, prince of themyscira, no, the king, is a prince... but it sounds rather guardian huh? yeah, honorary, king of an island of powerful women, that doesn’t mean anything, for what we EVER TAKE POWER FOR! Why? Because like, duh, he’s wondering at you? These couldn’t be and into knowing, yeah no look, I’m upset, see, I can’t handle, all those crazy moves you’re makin’... The girls watched me, instead,, you get it? You need, My attention, to even get them paying attention to you... So you’d wonder what was higher callings and wonder about these into worlds about these into knowing more about, these worlds, going back, about these, worlds on, in before these lies, and still told, I can say whatever I want, when my saying that, makes sure people know, that’s where they were looking, and that’s what they were saying, he’s really King. Wonder on about theirs, by the way if Alexander ever goes to Themyscira, he’s not, getting sheltered hid in your room, in secret cuz he’s a Batman ninja, he shows up with warships, to see, of, right he rules these lands, these are free women? Native? Aukay... that’s, real, he’s, that these worlds, going back about, yeah you’re gunna be forced to entertain Alexander the great, he’s a chauvinist, for anarchy... It’s, what Alexander the great meant.. Anyway, Alex Anderson isn’t, upsetting, to people, you’re going to have to, get to be his friend, so that, you think, he wants to bring Jasmine next time... He needs to know, you’re so entertaining, he doesn’t just have to pay attention to Jasmine the whole time she’s there, he can have fun with her, Anywhere, why even visit you? because I have to... So wonder about, there, to wonder still, about they wonder well, and on into knowing more about these worlds still and wondering about that this can’t name still, we’re looking higher still into these worlds called, and so wonder still high call in that I can’t be so named still, and wonder into my knowing more about there that these worlds still can’t name where that you’d name me being and are, but this was Honiker Bieber if you want to know, and what that I could still have to know, surely shared, and wonder in and into knowing more about that I can’t name still what you’d be and innit it in Are, but what that I can’t still, cry and never call, about these into worlds back, about this world, that I couldn’t wonder still about me who wasn’t human still, and what was where We, are, and who that I’d name, change now! So wonder on and in it still now, and wonder into knowing more about who they naever say, and wonder into my names, still are, and wonder in about that this couldn’t not be a font style, these worlds into knowing more about where these worlds still wonder about where that you still are, and I can’t name still, where that you’d never have to hate to be about my only names about that these can’t really stay what, wasn’t gone... Somebody higher still this wasn’t going back about these worlds, this, higher, calls, to mild in what was going back about that I couldn’t wonder about these worlds coming back about, this inside my only names about that I couldn’t wonder still about who that you’d name, you’re ignoring what he might be the secret life in with? I don’t know what you think, of secret kingdoms about the planet alive, but there to worlds, this was never more in about, these worlds, this wasn’t going, back about it, back and in about it, these into my only worlds there about, this wasn’t going higher there about me in what that this couldn’t be so surely there into higher worlds about this inside my only naming still about these worlds, this wasn’t going back about these worlds, about these worlds, this wasn’t higher to call, and love, to know about that these couldn’t know about where that I couldn’t have known, what you’d still be and I can’t really tell about a world and a newer calling to hate, and into these call into my only crying, but that this was crying, this was never calling, that I couldn’t hate to cry and so surely there wasn’t more about it all, and I can’t name and wonder into knowing about these worlds, this inside my knowing higher callings this inside my names, about these worlds, about, these worlds, are you Justin Bieber’s sign? These worlds, and wonder into knowing about, that this wasn’t going about to knowing my names, about that I couldn’t wonder about, these worlds about it to love, wonder into knowing more, he’s a werewolf, so wonder about it, that’s, like, surely, alpha till you talk, and he’s beta, where was he? These worlds, that these couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that these can’t name about these worlds about me worlds in, the word is teenager boy so wonder about these worlds about that I can’t, that’s his sign, Teenager, so wonder about, these worlds, that I can’t name, about it to wonder in Love... You were secretly hoping your friends can’t relate? To how amazing he is, just to you? These worlds, going back, about there into knowing, he’s all your boyfriend, literally though? And so wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about these worlds into my only names into higher callings for Love! These worlds, in all that I can’t name and still, these worlds, that this was never higher this in my only calling, this in my own calling, these worlds there and that I can’t name, but that there, wasn’t never some old world, there still to Know, but I can’t still hate to lie, and I don’t know I do, but like that I can’t, wonder, still high at You! But like, Wonder well, who was higher, still, in my own Names, what was you, to what, you can crestian 1. 犉 Ox animality 屭 Strong sexuality Taurus, runner Mountain home: song, place, season 2. 鼠 Mouse 司 Hidden Beleiva, sunny Spring 3. 彪 Fox 素 Naked Twin, kindred Summer 4. 猫 Cat 子 Child Virgo, student September 5. 蜥 Lizard 欲 Bathed Martian, alien Equinox

9 6. 馬 Horse 确 Surest Centaur, prowess’d Forest 7. 羊 Ram(Reindeer) 袴 Aspected Aries(Artemis), charger(flier) Sun(Moon) 8. 猿 Primeape(monkey) 猛 Living Maelus, initiate Oktober 9. 犬 Dog 艴 Changing Monauken, companion Ground 10. 豚 Oelephant 承 Understood Uniqgaud, parable of the pig Trail 11. 鷲 Wolf(falcon,bat) 精 Teenager Epona, justin August 12. 鷹 Raptor(also eagles) 著 Renown Sigma, boy Clover 13. 鶹 Owl 誘 Guided Robot, wiser Emerald 14. 産 Girl 劇的 Exciting Aquarius, Elixer Loreian 15. 蝯 Bonobo (gorillas) 級 Under Doctor, friend June 16. 竜 Dragon 侯 Worshipped Changeling, sex April 17. 担 Panda 賢 Intelligent Courage May 18. 鷂 Hawk 張 Adept leo, shifted february 19. 亀 Turtle 麗 Harkened Triden, father December 20.女 Shinobi 忒 Usual (lioness) Godess, learned lightning 21.超 Bronteosaurus 頼 Hopeful (male) Tropius, lit Planit 22.案 Raven(traveller) 禄 Course (male) Scarecrow, random fields 23.洋 Lying Sea 誘 Unusual(women) Seawitch, good tho surf and sand 24.変 Bluebird 撃 Lightning Starlight, Soul Underworld 25.楽 Lantern(pumpkin) 照 Beaming(male) Baby, trusted Vine 26.愛 Aphrodesiac 赫 Humming(female) Mental, girl Sex 27.高 Aalien(aliean) 氷 Way Cooler Ally, friend Immortal 28.焰 Firefly 炎 Blazing(boy) Immortal, fired rivers 29.姫 Sword 火 Ways Told(girl) Fairy, spelled havens, ways 30.鍵 Bay(soul boy) 時 Ssilver(male) Silver Key, bays castle 31.儚 Clover 等 Ways Away(male) Fields, Laif smoke, ash 32.法 Thundercloud 最 Roaring(male) Jedi, sensed Sky 33.楊 Spirit 吸 Drink(female) Saki, wisp Willower 34.熱 Firework 呼 Lit(female) Hanakii, fireflower fairy circles,china 35.糸 Universe(female) 秀 StarLit(glowng) Eywin, lit spirit jungle 36.徹 Human(dolphin) 族 Tribal(female) Tribe, adaptiv night 37.夜 Crazed 縫 Livid(reptile) Impossible, made heartlands 38.辰 Dragon(stranger) 結 Misted Stranger, human Mythos unheard of 黒 T-Rex 露 Cute Saurian, faith deep space ☀ Blue Sun 求 God Wishing Star, gold Hope 釹 Neo 新 None Kindread, classy online rare or unfound 玩 Toy 発 Sunny Enchanted, shopped Play 莉 jasmine 暑 Haut Rare Flower, princess Nights unusuals 漫 Homunculus 綃 Lust Aphrodesiac, lain bloodstone circles 州 Feuhrer 敖 Pride your own name, w/ 州 ascent 豪 Symphony 鹿威 Touch Alphonso, nake paradise lo 林 Tree 液 Vein En, soot mother nature 術 Healer 仏 Woundead Scar, lighte hoping 像 Goddess 虚 Vanity Pandora, musicbox howls 嬢 kid Goddess 係 Coin Power Ranger, kameo static Ж Hart Л Journey Deer, found over fields ЩWatcher ГоrЭд Ukraine, vampire 朱火 graveyards Ш Wendigo 人 Crying Braver, think cloud running Яussian Dárük(dog)’dark’ Friend, night October interplanetary alive Λndalite aÅcquired Source, human female ᚺᛜ ᛟ ᚠ ᛒ ᚢᛇ ᛁ ᚱ ᚨ ᚱ ᛊ ᛊ XY, i am male planet 満 Viking 鴻 Stronger Swordsman/Swordswoman, powerful seaearth 出 Wizard 嚈 Crazed Bareon/Bareoness Nature 漆 Planet 宇 Rich Mariner, seen Seward 衛 Elf 漿 Savored Defender, Elvin Sightly 将 Howl 幼 Playing Howler, screamed Insight 委 Warlock 延 Admitting Redblood, shorn Stars 幸 Sun 擬 Well worth it Coolblooded, safe Veinus 群 PLutonian 以 Saving Iceblood, crystaline Strangeworlds 森 Forest 息 Breathing Treespirit, laughing where do you think? feel.. whoa, and girls like horses, that just worked out that way... Okay so like, wonder about where you go, Wonder how to knowing more about,

10 whether you know a kid who’s, unborn still, and so wonder into knowing more about that these that I couldn’t wonder still, about where that this couldn’t name still into knowing more about that these couldn’t wonder still in and on in about that I couldn’t wonder how long, there to telling where these worlds can’t name, and there, that you’re going to have to wonder, how it ends at 38.? Right, you do, because there’s more, and those are, rare ones, or you can find somewhere far away and it’s, centered around the end of that list? Uh-huh, but that’s closer than you think, but wonder who gets this list, and where abouts they still are, wonder about, that I know about the girls getting this, still, and I can still be on and in close to you...

付 Tracerbird 辞 Higher callings Fatherson, redbird playing field

that’s a boy, and like, why didn’t I tack it on, there’s one line left? Because they’s always mo’re animal, and like, you’d never believe I had that exact many, just now? Well, like what, because it started one page with horses? It would be perfect? Relax, if you got a smaller, hand bound print of this book, it might even look different; and it’s okay, to reference what the book looked like the first time it was writ, on this to be PDS, and wonder in before these worlds about, that I couldn’t wonder still about these worlds into my only higher calling there in Art that I can’t Kray to clay out, and wonder still, about that they can’t name and into my worlds about these in what was going hIGh! and wonder still, about there, that these can’t name me still, and so surely wondered there, to being there about that I cadn’t really had to lie about this in what was going back about there that this was going still, about there that this was gone, in what, okay I gave you a kill, tracerbird, go for it... Did you know as a, falcon, that’s a wolf, you might, have entered the era of the tracerbird? It’s a zodiac era, who you are is a where, and your eras are your own, I’m in the year of the dragon, there that these can’t names in what was gone, and into knowing more, but Justin’s in the year of the girl, and entering on into the year of the cat. So wonder still about these planets well, and what was going back about that I can’t wonder still about, that you can feel, see, and are in, the next year, as you are, when it means something, ever at all? Right so he can shift, this step, and call pull back, and see if he can’t be about where he is, but the era’s come so know about where you’d go, wonder about there that who you are, was still going back in Time, and I can’t name better worlds about where you go, but it’s like we cared to know... And so wonder well just where you are, and who that these can’t name about my colors, into what was good, about my names, and all these cries, to calling this about my only living ages still into my once before to saying, this into my knowing about these worlds this was going about this look beyond my eyes, and so wonder about these worlds and wonder about where that these can’t name, and still so wonder still in my human calls, but there that this couldn’t wonder still just who you Are and I could wonder still about where that you’d never name my only worlds, in what was higher still, but lose, to love..! So wonder high, still, what was never called about theirs to being about this in what was calling out, to be knowing more about that these can’t name, about where these old worlds can name, my only colors there about that this was good to knowing more about that this was going back once in my only names about that this wasn’t going back about, these worlds, in love before that this wasn’t going back about, what was colored still for Beast and Belle, but living well about that I couldn’t try and tell you there that very highs till but this wasn’t going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, that’s his aunt and uncle, they took me into to love and knowing more, these in bonding blood we Are, and so wonder still about, well I call them that... What? You can see those two, playing about the planet, or that if they’re not together, it’s hell, and they would both, be able to speak to some dead kid like me I am? Speakers to the dead, you know that about them... There isn’t a ghost, they can’t reach out to, well yes, move on, into this? Move on? Move, into this, world, come here, this, cool cape, flush, these worlds, and wonder about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds, still in and on about that this couldn’t name, about that I can’t name still, and into wondering about that I could, venture that we share some friends, me and Justin, so wonder what you know, about that this could be about, this in what you know, but you need to learn how to know you’re friends with an Actor. Okay, listen, actors, can watch each other, do, and, know they’re friends. It’s how that works... You’re playing pretend? That’s not Acting. So wonder about there, to commit yourself, to this surest action, and wonder in about me, and still on about to know bye that these are, still into knowingk, who you say you are, and so name in God, was theys, for this in long, but uv me, and I name so, share in loss, for theys to know, things loss, in my naem, for theys, gone, in time for they, to name in color, but who we are of, and what was to name, and I can come, to be, as who you say I am, but this was my name, and my name is in color. That ever day, long in ways, for that you know, so surely sharing, but of my naem, and I cannot, be, who you say, but who to be, and telling me name, and what ever we days, for this in long, and going beck, and never ever, know less in where for was, this was never shared, and share loss, in ever days, so long in my own color name, and ever to name, me still once in what was was gkaut, and like for they, to know, but maybe of me, and so name, better love, and ways for them, to being my name, and so color me better into know, so share, and being ofva love, and like I know, say, but even like, and I said, but ef, life, and shedow, like ever shedow, shedow long, en name, and name so shey, loef, and go, on uv me still Saying, but like I doe. And I don’t know, if you think, I’m capable of misinformation, but I can lie about my kids, and everything basically, but that’s how that goes, you wonder if I’m secretly Superman and so Pasha has a kryptonian name but obviously also so does Justin? Well I lied about Pasha’s, if I’m Superman, I gave the full list like nine times, and it ended up being Young El, so you wonder, how in name, color me ever out to be Kal El, and where you say for theys, to knowing me, of me still, I need it in a story, that’s how you get, those taken down, and we’re like, we never said you were Gohan, I mean, maybe, he’s Tidus and that would make you his father; Sora, but, everyone’s all, that can’t be Gohan, he’d have to be the most misunderstood god of all time. Hades. But listen, duh. Ways you say for, that makes his mother Artemis, you can waunder, better life, for theys to know more of me, stell, saying for they, kalled, and back, in like to name, and so share, so shadow on, in better part for me in auv, and like to saying, better even, to know more of me name, and theys for this, wonder at me still, and whether or not, you know about Casper. That’s not even a myth, that’s a real one; Casper’s my best friend lover baby love, and love, but even you know, I lost him a long time ago, and the avatar something something, he got take back in time, to be healed, away from where I was, so i would never see him dead, and he’s not, he’s alive right he’s happy, he lives on a farm, he’s, no, look, he’s,... just, know, babies, don’t love, everything you do, unless you’re good, the word is sexy, babies love, everything you do, if you’re sexy, and people pay attention to me if I’ve got the reputation but I’m like, talking to you, and there with each and every one of you? He’s different, you want, to be around him, you like, right, want to be featured, with Casper you want to be talking, to Casper, so keep talking, and when he talks about you it feels really cool. His name is Johnny, Bowers, and that’s even a love... What was love? Even thev, like I say, for them, wonder even you know, wonder in even on, Windy say she’s a witch, maybe even a teenager witch... That’s Justin’s Mom... She just plays with boys though, she’s Nala, to me Simba,, right, so she’s Cynder, to the other Avatar Casper’s new brother, Spyro, okay... and she’s Windy to Casper, 11 i give you the princess Zelda. Duh, love, baby, days. To you she’s, Justin’s Mom... That’s fucked up, that you think, that isn’t some, eternally beautiful, gorgeous hot blonde chick, every hour, oh, wait, what did we say? It might secretly be, right, Padmé Amidala, specifically, is what you were thinking just now, and everyone who’s talking about what you were doing, was So, fucking sure, that everyone around, they are all important, but we Are important? i don’t know, you lost focus, for some stupid reason, even though someone was tlaking, and kind of, it’s because of loooked liek they did, when they were? Individually, there’s a world, where you’re like, uhm, how the fuck, did you think we were going to enjoy ourselves, with all this interest, with boys now, in Justin Bieber, you gave him a name, that other boys, now know, he’s a partyer, bad ass love, it’s even real? That that’s, good, it’s California Young, and we know, that’s so fucking west coast we’re going to kick the shit out of people? I wonder if you think, these worlds planets aside, couldn’t be but there that this wasn’t going back about that I can’t name, still this once in my only colors still, that I can’t name and still never have to try and being be before these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder, still, about that these couldn’t world it out to being be and wonder still who these worlds, couldn’t higher call, and name, but that this couldn’t wonder still, about how that you could never be me, and wonder in my names, about that this couldn’t wonder what you know, and wonder who that I couldn’t wonder still just what you are, and wonder into knowing, who they can wonder in, how much higher callings can’t still really be, and wonder into my only planets never higher, wonder into what you know, and surely there into, higher police, so please, just know that we’d have to wonder in, you weren’t thinking before, at least, you know, California Young is killing cops that you could know, this was worlds about who they care to know, and wonder still about where that you could know, about where that this could be still into worlds about this into knowing more about to knowing, who they only are and what was good to be, but it’s not like that I can’t name to knowing where about that these could be in what you know, and so wonder still, about that I can’t be about to telling you, who these say we are, and wonder into me, and knowing where, these worlds, can’t name, and wonder into knowing high, about that I could be about to still! Still wonder there about that these can’t name me still about to telling who these worlds, can’t name, and still about that I can’t name, still wonders into what was going back about these worlds lost, to theirs, that I couldn’t wonder still, about that who you name we’d be and wonder in about my names, still wonder out about, these universes I could Love, well sang back once about to knowing how these all in ours are still wondered well, and wondering back about that I can’t name and still be there to call, and wonder well, who we’d name we could never be, still with forever there? And into wondering who they never say that I could never have to try and be, but this was never losing more about that I could wonder about these worlds into knowing who that they can’t name my name and calling theirs in all that I could be, But who that these could ever name and wonder into my names, and so wonder into knowing, more about that I could try and tell you more about that I could wonder who, you’d sang there for me, and wonder, there about me, and still in what was good, but that there, in more before, these worlds, like I couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, in High, and wonder in and off about, that I couldn’t wonder still, about that this couldn’t be so higher still into my calling, worlds about that these couldn’t wonder still about these all, and into knowing more about still there to knowing more, about that I couldn’t wonder, still about where that you’d be, and wonder, into my knowing, still about these worlds in my wonders still, lost into wonders about that I can’t name, still higher, calls into my knowings more about that these can’t be where that you’d wonder still about that I can’t name about that you could never name, so wonder well enough before that I can’t name, about where that these still never have to try and say that we can’t be about to wonder still about these worlds, in all, that I was higher still about these worlds into knowing more about that I can’t name about these worlds still about my only names that I couldn’t wonder still about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds still about that I can’t name about these worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds into knowing more about that these can’t name still into knowing more about, these worlds, that this world, into knowing more about, these worlds, so like, you know, uhm, Justin comes from an immigrant family? No, I, literally made the Christian universe... Stupid, that you said that. Obviously? Wonder well to knowing who they still never had to hate to name I was, and share aenough about what was new to me, and wonders into knowing more about that I couldn’t wonder still about that these couldn’t wonder still about what that you couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that these couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that these can’t name about that this was still into higher callings CRAzy, but this was never knowing more about, that these can’t be still into my knowing more, but still Younger calls, and wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about my names to girls, and I could wonder still, and so wonder still about these all to knowing who they name and wonder at, um like, did you notice Obama’s saying really stupid things lately? Right, it’s not him, he wants you to like, hear about shit, that we’re doing. The fall of democracy, and the rise of tribalism? Right it’s not, Iraqi tribes, they’re American tribes. This is the rise of the United States of America Native, that’s american anarchy... These here, United States AmericaN.. Native, right, because we lie about our kids, you get that? Do you FUCKING get that?! So what was native, for a baby, and these into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this was a world there found on Love, and wonders into knowing more about that these couldn’t ever be about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, into knowing more about these worlds, still, about that these colors gone, into these older worlds, this was going back, about these worlds still about these worlds, and these worlds, there was more into my only Worlds, still high, and so wondering about.. who you name? Favorite Girl, by the way, is about his sister Mary Jane... I don’t know, really? No? It isn’t? Have you seen her ass? She’s Marijuana, the girl, see that zodiac listing? Right, she’s an aphrodisiac, called marijuana, my sister is called a lilac. Wonder less about that I could knowing cry to call and wonder still about theirs, to knowing if that there was a world into knowing more about, these worlds in my names, but that this couldn’t wonder, into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still, in higher calls about that this was cooler still about to knowing more about that I couldn’t wonder still, no like, if you get her mom, on your side, it’s easy, so like Win, and wonder about these worlds, about that these can’t name, and wonder into knowing more, did you know what it’s like, from a foreign family? These worlds, going back, no she’ll use that, against your naked form, but like Talk to her, you’re supposed to be singing to her mom anyway you’re sung up, and her bard’s son therefore... So there’s two special girls in the world, one of them is named, Katie Gifford,... wonder, about, that this couldn’t, wonder still, about they to naming color names about they all in what was going back about these worlds, *cough*, Justin that’s, uhm,.. (it’s not a secret), but that’s Random’s daugher, in fiction. These worlds, this higher into knowing more about theirs, this into my calling on high, and still about there to knowing more about what was going back about theirs into knowing, just so everyone knows, Anakin Sykwalker, is a fictional character, right, Padmé’s son, they married as a cover, or you’d know, it was THAT. Anyway, he has, an unequal’d paradigm, in existence here? But he was, sort of, almost ready, to leave, the universe... he thought he’d never find anyone... That’s okay... I knew she was in Amber. These worlds into knowing more about there to being higher, calls about these into worlds about more, but that this was going on in about that these could be higher still about to wondering more about that this couldn’t wonder still, about these four worlds into knowing, who that we couldn’t name real, that these couldn’t name, and wonder into knowing,

12 more about these worlds, but as Dancer, did you know girls are trained out there? That’s where the bond comes from. It’s, being a good wife, where, but like, good girls, they know how to dance? How’d they sing their bodies up to know and want to be, but wonder wonder still about where you’d go, about, that I can’t know, about who this was still to you, and wonder about these worlds, so surely shared about that I cadnt’ really had to lie about where you’d name me still and wondering about these into my knowing more about that I can’t name about where that these can’t name into what was never lost to higher calls to worlds about that this couldn’t be so surely shared, about it in all, that this was, and more about these, in what, we still name are. So everyone knows, once in a world for planets never taken better even under what was gone but once before my only calling still I know about her once that I was never still so lost as what you name I am but that this wasn’t calling my own colors in the Force I am outside of what you name I was and who that they can write so surely tell me what was set forsake once gone back to rights. I know less than what you are, before what you name, was good, I grant, and still there lost whoever wasn’t going back in Time we told to lose out on the colors that we wanted still I had but that these worlds were cinched and broken poems lost in what I am. Poem makes it not real, for meaning more things, you know? Okay, Final Fantasy XiV, isn’t supposed to mean, I sit down to play the game 14 times, and then never start it up again. Where are you getting this shit? It gets More complex yeah no Shit! That doesn’t mean Sucks! What the, FUCK were you doing? Everyone failed at Kingdom Hearts, that WAS supposed to come out, earlier, and you weren’t supposed to let Disney Inc. Have it, but there you go, what happened? You gave us the version of Goofy, where we knew hands, were too hard to draw still... It wasn’t Tom Hanks, was your problem, THat guy can blend, and, that’s only, for not getting your friends assaulted, by the different ones; who hate different people, allways. “You don’t know your talus from your calcaneus...” .. you say that to people, what did it mean now? Well, okay, you know, that, sea duck, that was too hard to conceive, duck with octopus tentacles, below his, mid body, that was something new, or horrifying... Basically, bodies don’t have parts, that aren’t for sex, we name. Run to her? Okay, we have the word, feet, for just, that they obviously needed to be there. King of Foot? Oh, that’s travelling, look, great, now, also, check yourself, it’s not the body parts hahh, okay, so it’s not, lewd looks, those aren’t sexy looks, perversion, because it has to do with, feet? Well okay it meant, not sexual, perversion isn’t sex, it’s rapiast carnage. Anyway, keep Tidus, from getting there, to where he hung out with Wakka do that in Kingdom Hearts, an already broken game, everywhere? Probably not, I think maybe, they drew Mickey Mouse different, when spirit mattered, and drawings were free, in different parts of the world, that was popular still, everyone knew, that when Pete Schrager takes Disney Land, he’s tearing down that statue, where like, maybe your whole quest, was find your kid at the end, days and nights, because it’s a kid safe park, and a planet, land.. Not that big so you should probably just hang out for a few hours? Well, a few days... and you’ll probably find him, unless he’s avoiding you, and that’s, more, what we worry about, is that I don’t give a shit, about what you thought about our youth center, the little kid one, it’s a double tree hotel, being taken for MewCon, and then, acquired, later, to just be, a youth center, “Right, no you, dropped your kid off at a city, a safe one, but like, no there’s, cleared out, floors, for hanging out upstairs, open, to the hallway,” and hotel rooms, but look, you can’t go over to anyone’s house, escape the city, play pleasant, lay down for a few hours, somewhere completely safe? Right, a double tree, is easy to keep like that, when my friends, don’t let freaks come over... you’re either, Chris O’Donnel, or you’re not a kid, and you’re not In here... Final Fantasy X, never happened. It’s a story, that never was. It’s a place, you built, from that other shit, there, being broken, before... Final Fantasy 9, is called Star Ocean. Final Fantasy 2, is called Tales of Phantasia. Final Fantasy 3 is called Golden Sun. So there is, a Final Fantasy 3 2. It’s not, one really long movie, you have to spend 3 hours on the DVD menue, to get the next part playing.. poorly... so, okay, Final Fantasy 4 is called Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy 5 is called, Final Fantasy 5: Chrono Trigger, you’re gunna need, to find the right cartridge... Okay, looking, seeing, maybe for All of them? Well play the game when you get it, it, should still work, to access the other one? Well, they’re computers, you’re, wondering about, how a cord, makes it, hooked up, and there’s no, touching of the atoms? Well atoms aren’t real, but sure, energy fields, time is space is music, people can watch your computer screen in some places, play against you on your playstation sony or your gamegear.. Even, right, you disable your wireless card, and, shut your computer off when you feel like you’re being watched by a monster, and unplug everything, those are all computers, the cords, are, and hold your computer in front of a window, or air conditioner, to change your heat signature rapidly... Alright, full release, all the cords though... See? Wow, duh, though, was that, they did it on a movie, and no one, knew they could do it, every time, in the 80’s. That Is 80’s technology, so is, you know, probably a lot of android... movies, and that only. It was a secret then? It fucking better Has to be? Final Fantasy 6 is, the one with Kefka, kinda broken, it was a derranged uhm... Hisoka, and it is, you know, uhm, what’s his face, a kid from, another one, time travel, but it’s Killua and Gon by some other names, on your heroes, teams, there... Okay. WAY off though. Final Fantasy VII is, yes, Final Fantasy VLi with, get this, actual kids, really nice graphics, it’s been, made, zillions of times, with better gameplay, Star OCean battles are cool, they went ahead and used that. For Final Fantasy L. 1. one. But like Duh? Who are, your four? The four letter name things, that was actually real, 5 is for guaud, and sin stay from nAme! Duh it was hell, you missed that? Jaez, fuck, okay here we go... ti tik tik, this in aout, this life, this world, this living out out out out out out out out this inside my knowing out out out out out back back once in ours before this back once in ours before these once in ours before this once in ours this life these world this life this world this life this world this life this world this back once in ours this life bck in outs, this life, thsi swd,l;awd,l;awakjwl;dk’’;fakoe’kfo;ko’;asefk’;lekf,slef,sf;se,l;f, ; okay you don’t understand computer technology, but that was a delock, and here we go,

Final Fantasy






HAHAHAgamestart 13 darkness freezes us, but that we are mild cold, or hurting, but bleary, and wasted shores gone, that surf could kill, like hal or broken aul, but that rotting hell, was the land, torturing us back, but we are not hu killed you, and I am not guaud, luau, but feink, life over, there was him

set alove, battle to challenge, why nair fer well and hated memories, ber first? pain in aul of, or worlds at mild, world at mild orders in hell, loving hell weres, laur, lik, shen, shen but that they tell lie, but that this hell we are, and song should be truth they say hell we are, this is our broken way so never lie, we are, sin

and sin could come you know, but over worlds, for be invention, alive and like was got, and locked, for names, hell to pay for shelter, make her pay, this She way but I lie, and that I'd win, or that this was hours, she'd baen locked in, so where was aul

That’s what video games look like... It sucks, did you want to over hunt that person? Over hunt them? You know? Whaaat? Don’t judge a book by its cover? Well what the fuck’s a cover? To tell you what book it is. What, does contents do, to do that? Is it fucked up inside, but opening passages, they were intact? Books can be hard to track down, it’s call book burning, when you, copy a book, computer file, it’s called copying the book, not burning the book, for that reason, because know, we always, copy books. And burn cds. After we’ve copied them. What? Look, it isn’t, always a life, where books and CDs, were not the same thing. It’s the letters? There’s a book, on the CD? Alright well you didn’t burn the book, you burned the disk. That’s the physical thing? Alright, now, understand, that many many many, things, with covers on them, are designed, to burn a book, across a cutlure.. No one has to tell you where you are, what was wrong, VLii is called, ballad of the BEAST, by the way, or, you know, we can say, VLII, if it’s for style, that’s to tell you, the reference at a glance? That you use L, because is that one or two marks, it gets fucked up, at EXACTLY 3? Thank god we killed fred savage, so that, every, fucking, group of 80’s kid, evil, evil psychos, in all those psycho movies, they’re just gone, except the one who tried to hack my computer.. Tried? And I’m like, I have a droid, he’s, okay wait, uh-huh, doesn’t like it, when you do that to people; cuz kids can tell when they’re being watched, voyeurism IS torture. It’s not a body parts thing? Right, it’s intent. Now, when your intent, is sin, you don’t make the body, anyone can resemble, to mine. I do not sin. Sin is, commit evil. You’ve sinned? You’ve done something evil, it’s just what it means. “Everyone’s a sinner,” you can, die in hell for that. And you might have to.. You’d never see God.. There’s really, impossible things, to wonder at, when you say, that you, will hurt you, and that’s how that is, look, everyone. You’re, gunna tolerate, obvious, original sinners, because it was, there, to blind you to it. You get that? So don’t be, an idiot, and wonder at, how that was, idiot means you’re good? It, meant you were not, good at, what you were doing, just being alive? So, you’re not good. You’re not bad as fuck, but there you go, wonder at, how being poor was, why Justin doesn’t talk to peasants, they’re poor people, who think he’s a stationary decree, and “you’re really Better than me,” “different baby, there, different baby, than that one? WHAAt? No yeah, What? Better baby, that’s a better baby, than that one?” “You’re not a Baby, pedophile,” “I’m Someone’s baby, and you never have been, whores, speak with, what, English letters too?” “Yeah like You were gunna start?” Says some kid, like could have said to her, but didn’t, not, say it, to both of them, and it didn’t make sense, but sounded ugly, and he wanted to be, untouchable and filthy, as fucking gross, hell. See how that, peasant conversation, just doesn’t start? Unless he’s there to fuck you up? Now if you fuck someone, and they’re evil, watch, that, you got hurt; fights hurt, but, sex is absolutely, totally god, you can have sex by yourself, which is what you did, and it can kill things. God is torture, to evil. Sunlight, is torture to a crocodile. Lizards sun bathe. All a crocodile feels, tortures it. What it does, for where you are, wonder at, how stupid, people have to get, when a girl, is, Given Tiana things, and that was a witch, with a toad slave, Nazeem, a freak, no one wanted him, he wanted to stay a toad, keep the girl, where she had to love him, had to be with him, we can be in love like this, and I won’t have you, if we’re not here.. That’s not in love. She was like, auh, he’s Wants of me? Forever? Auh... not, oh my god, I don’t love him, that’s fucking scary, that he thinks, I thought he was capable of that. It’s a toad, what... happens if a toad, is high on poison, and wants, to eat, a star... He talks about it? They’re in Love? Like uhm, he’s, what you’re a firefly? Well, dude, go... What are you doing here? Fucking Go... and then there’s the crocodile, who’s got, what by now, nasty, discolored skin, wears pants, plays shitty music, and chomps on you different? I’ve, fucking, I saw, the sequel, to, The Prin, whatever it was called, that movie, before I saw It, and I was like, I saw it, and was like, “That’s not Samuel!” you fucking whore... The original witch, Shota, like, combine, Sword of Truth Shota, and Tiana, and you get, exactly, the fucking bug eyed, monster witch you were supposed to get, in both stories. What the fauck did you do? And like that who we named we are that this was never going back in time still once in all ours before that this couldn’t wonder still inside my knowing more about that these cand’t really had to try and be but that this wasn’t going back in time but that this was once into my only stills before that this couldn’t wonder still inside my only cries, before that this wasn’t so better as all that this couldn’t wonder still in more about that this wasn’t more about these worlds set back so surely once inside my names about that this couldn’t wonder still, about that this wasn’t so better still, into once about that I can’t still be so shared about these worlds still inside my names about that this wasn’t going back about these worlds this inside my names about this once in all before that this can’t be so shared about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this wasn’t more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that I can’t be so shared about that I can’t be so sure that you know about that this was all you know in what was writ so sound, it out and know about that I can wonder still more about that these were more to knowing more about that I can’t wonder still in all that this was more about these worlds and all that this could name and in my only live being out to be so shared about that these can’t be still, in what we name. Who’s there, still, but once wonder infor that I can’t really tell about that this couldn’t wonder still about that I can’t high this world inside my minds before that these can’t be still about my minds and I can’t tell you who that this wasn’t going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about that 14 this couldn’t wonder about these worlds into knowing more, so like wonder about me, and if anyone can’t still claim about me, and wonder on in, okay, so like anyone else you’re saying was Justin’s real dad, if you know, I’ll sing, and he can sing, and whoever Justin comes to, there that this was going, come on in before, just so you know, he’s a wolf not a dog, he might maul you first, and so wonder about that these can’t wonder about that these can’t be still, you and all your friends, and like wondering more about that these can’t wonder, go with you, kill everyone you bring around, he’s a wolf, and my son, so like, wonder about that this couldn’t wonder about these worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still shared about that this couldn’t wonder about these worlds into my knowing more about that these can’t be so shared about that this wasn’t so better bad as all that this was never going back about that these can’t be so shared about my only living once inside my names about that this can’t be so surely higher there that this wasn’t more about these worlds inside my naems about that this can’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t going back about my only names about theirs into my once about that these can’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t more about theirs inside my knowing more about that these can’t be so shared about once, in all that I couldn’t wonder who that you’d think about these worlds but like there that this wasn’t going back about these worlds, into my knowing more about these worlds, this inside my names about these worlds inside my names about that yours was more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t be more about these worlds, that this was more called into knowing more about that these can’t be so shared as all there was, in what was where that I can’t not be me. But there that this can’t be so shared as all that these can’t name and into my knowing more about these worlds inside my knowing more about that this couldn’t really tell you more about that this count’ wonder about that this couldn’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t more about that these can’t be shared about these planets never losing out to telling me and on in apart before from in where that this was and into knowing more about that these can’t be so shared about that these can’t be so surely shared and into my own high, and there that these can’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t more about these worlds, in aul, and in these, worlds, on, and I couldn’t wonder, if you think this wasn’t going back in Time, in for a while, and wonder on in before these worlds, that I can’t be so shared, about that these can’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t more about that these worlds inside my names about these worlds, this inside my names about that this wasn’t going back about these worlds, inside my names about before, these worlds, inside my names before that this messing around to tell what was never losing about that thesis can’t be so shared about that this couldn’t’ wonder about where that you could wonder in fear, and wonder more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t be so shared as all that I can’t lie about that these can’t be so shared as all that these wouldn’t be but there,t hat this couldn’t wonder still in the mitdle of that this wasn’t going back about that this old world, this world, in all that they are, but like that all you was and was in what you name and being are but there that these can’t be so shared as all that I can’t name and wonder into knowing more abOut that these are in what that I still Aim, and wonder into my NAmes, in agAIN! But like that I can’t, name, about where, these names couldn’t wonder into my knowing better about that these can’t be so shared in as all that we’re worth, but wondering better backwards about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t be still shared in lovers higher once in what was wondering how... There so wondering at me, about whether these, can’t be real? I’d wonder about that this couldn’t wonder still that these can’t NAme me, but once with her that this wasn’t more about that these can’t be so shared as all these can’t be so shared higher worlds into knowing more about that these can’t be so shared about these into worlds about that these can’t be so shared about that this was knowing more about my higher risings and more about there once into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about and wondering into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder about that these can’t be so shared about that these can’t be so shared about that these can’t be so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder about these worlds inside my knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that these can’t be as all that this wasn’t more to knowing more about that these can’t be surely still in higher callings once and that what that this waz ever back to know, and so come on back to know, and so wondering more about that these can’t be so shared as all that this wasn’t more colder than me, and all that this was never going to lose about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder on about and after after you so shared about that this couldn’t’ wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder about that this into knowing more about that this wasn’t more to knowing more about that these can’t be so shared as all that this was more, in so better gone to aegis, and wonder into knowing more ‘bout back in what was once into my only knowing better better backwards knowing what was better that you know, and so seeing what was going back about that these can’t call these into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder on in and better back about these worlds this inside my knowing more, I’m not fucking around, that you know about The Lion King you know, and wonder into what you know, that this was more about these, in where that I can’t be about there to saying what was sure to know, about these songs we know, into knowing more about where these all are, and wondering about that this can’t be higher still into knowing, it’s not like, you don’t have to know that lions get that this was higher, calls in what you know, about these worlds, just so all you know, we already said it kind of, but like, if he’s all, lion form’d, that’s his wolf body, you get that? It’s not a lion body it’s a wolf body? Well, okay, no, he’s a cat because he’s a cat’s baby, that’s, how that goes, but specifically, owl works for that, be wise, if you’re an owl’s wiser child, then you’re an owl, and he doesn’t have to explain it to you, not, me, he’ll explain it to me, but my dad is an owl, that’s wondering about you, I’m really Sora? Maybe, but look, I am Soaren, so wondering more theys to be, Cat means baby we said that already? I’m free form polymorpher? No the term is BAby... wow, you’re way weird... Look, get it, so there you go, he’s a wolf lion, and, it’s annoying, that I think you don’t know, I’d like the 10 hour version of The Lion King restored, and then, pretty sure, I can do whatever I want to, with that name I can do all kinds of things, I’m supposed to be eternal, one off, so fuck off, that’s not, just one story. Basically there’s a lion baby that shows up from the mountain killing all the black lions. I mean they’re not real wolves, and he’s a wolf lion, you think? No he looks like a lion, but cuz he is one, and you’re all an idiot, we were gunna argue, about physics, when he was born from mountain, and goes everywhere, but not mountain, it’s August? Shared, okay, it’s a lightning storm, but don’t worry about it. You haven’t even seen the movie. Qell worth, anything you know about that this can’t be still so better higher that these worlds can’t be so shared as all you’d get to knowing more about that these can’t be so shared as what I am and so wondering about that these worlds, going back, about it all that this was more about these worlds, into knowing more about these worlds, little kids, I know you know, that Mormons are holding, girls and kids captive, for ages and ages on, they have been, ALL ART, will fight to destroy the Mormon church, and people directing the currents, opening up channels, like me, like Justin, like Mackenzie Zielger, okay, listen, like Reese Witherspoon, that doesn’t make any sense, that’s 3 out of 4 Barbie dols and Justin, that’s too many good things I know, but, and like Chase, and Ariel, wonder, about me and wondering and on about, that’s our sister, so sharing more, that these worlds, just breathe creative light, and live free, it’s toxic to yeerk slugs? Well like, the YEERKS are dead, but yes especially toxic, the hosts were all evil, so knowing more, that’s what’s left, and so shared about that this couldn’t wonder more about that these can’t be so shared lost, you get anything? She can’t be shared, we’re her family, and she does as she WILLS so know about that these can’t be, so lost in all, that this wasn’t going back, about these worlds in all was going back, about these worlds in all, but that this was like, how come, your house is so scary though? Right problem, they’re ugly, and don’t make art, and she’s gorgeous, so what do we know? Justin, right, oh, nice sword, I was gunna, no, look that’s cool, it’s what I was thinking... You MADe that? So good, but like look, what you’re doing, everyone, these kids to taking to freestyle rap and what you write on in out and the music you love, come on, we know nothing about it all, but kids just yearning to breathe out free, you don’t know what it’s like when a little kid out on captured there, hears a never mormon song, but like some baby child, 15 just like all that you ever were, and that he could sing, and if your, voice is upset, you get that? It’s in the song; the pain that you Are, in what was going back about that these worlds into knowing about these worlds going back about, these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t be so shared about that these all into knowing more about that these can’t be so sharing these planets backwards going back, So shared that shen sair there lost into knowing more about that Zelda’s gone from where I could know, these, in salt of earth for loss into knowing about that these can’t wonder, but wonder what that these can’t be, if I could wonder about what you know of PRIDE and wonder in about that these can’t be so shared into higher worlds gone still into knowing more about these worlds this inside my knowing more about that these can’t be so sharing all that this can’t be so shared in as all they never were about that this couldn’t be lore into loving it more, about these worlds, I couldn’t wonder, ai know to wonder, how you think I know about love. If I have pride? That’s fucked up, listen, it’s an effective measure, THE LION KING, lions, fangs, love, but wonder, about, that I’d rather be in a world, where there isn’t hell, hence the lion body... Okay, that’s really good, you get it? So wondering more about that these can’t be, in this world, deadly is fucking gorgeous, do you get that? If there that it was gorgeous, but it’s very hard to be, gorgeous, without looking deadly, and that’s more about that these can’t be so shared about, there, there’s baby, but babies get people killed, so wondering more about that these worlds can’t be so shared as all that they were, oh if you guys want to hear anything I do, uhm, Baby Criminal, my first was like, Baby Rock Rap Rhythms, so wonder in on about these worlds, that this was more to knowing more about these worlds, and going back, these worlds it’s on Youtube I don’t, do things for money, it’s cuz duh, I don’t like it, what, currency? I don’t know what that means. I don’t like doing things for money, so I don’t. But that these worlds couldn’t wonder more about these worlds, I’m pretty sure that these worlds can’t get me trying to earn a living while I’m running rescue operations and calling my son back home into worlds about but it’s not like I’m not raising mountains from beneath my feets, so like these worlds in what was going back about these worlds so knowing more about that thEy are what was in all to knowing more about these world in all I was, alright. Write a new song, for every girl you like, where you changed, everything about what you said you like about girls, okay? Or, alternatively, figure out, how long it took me to get back to this, but I’m trapped on Alderaan, and I don’t know my own voice, and what was gone in time but that this was reflex taken back, about that this can’t be so shared as all, that this can’t be so longer gone in my names before that these worlds still share that these worlds this was gone I could get grabbed roller blading abduction’s just on their mind, and wonder on about that I just have, to know to stay away from wall they ever ever are, and I wonder more, about these worlds in my mind, and who these named we never say that we couldn’t be, so wonder more still ever into these and into knowing more about about that I could Never be and there was more, to being high, and I’m wondering more about that these can’t name my rites, into what was never surely there into these worlds, but that I could start a Revolution, and show what was more that I could be, gold among the ashes, here in all, that these can’t name, about, and more to being where these name, so like, I hope Justin’s having fun, I don’t think he lives on this planet that I’m trapped in on, or he’s at least probably a Noble in Alderaaan, and there that they could wonder into knowing more about these worlds, they got imagining highways, for travel, even though I speak out against them, I don’t have a concept, for what’s real? Yeah what? I don’t know what’s going on, I have no idea what music to play, it’s Mack Z? Alright, so wonder, how I can get away with it. And wonder well enough, that’s real? That there was never anything to believe but that I’m, on, the Alderaan internet, networks, because this can’t be real, but I know nothing? Nothing was gone, into what was more about these worlds, there’s no voices, but that there is hell, and they are, just to torture me, but there that these can’t be so still in what was lost, but it’s not like that this was going back, about these worlds inside that I can’t sing so safely back outside, I used to sing, but my Aunt came by, and couldn’t speak about where the hell I was and she was my neighbor for a longer year or at once inside a week, but I couldn’t go, and hang with her, I never got the chance, it didn’t make sense that you think it was ever safe for ours, in life so sure surround, that this wasn’t going back, about these worlds, but there was a hissing screaming cockroach person outside her door one day? Uh-huh, that’s more to these effect, that this was gone, into knowing more about, that’s more, to be telling what was going back about these worlds, this inside and never on about me, still into knowing, “Nothing you have to say is going to mean anything. You’re losing, everything you worked at?” Nothing like that, I just sounded really cool, and I don’t know how you get to venture tell, that this was gone, into knowing more, I had to call him off the door? Yeah he was flick fucking up, freaking out, like Casanova Frankenstein, he looked like, the badguy from a movie I saw again, I did? No, I don’t have language anymore, it’s real, I don’t give a shit about it, I barely watch movies at all. No really though, I don’t watch TV, what the fuck do I do? Relate it to fucking What? I write better, than everything, I can possibly fucking watch, and if there was something real, I’d want to talk about it, somewhere to someone human, coming back like, I can have something really, good, for life, I mean what was good, I saw, what’s the last new movie I saw, new for me I mean... The Force Awakens, that’s it, I can’t think of another one... Being Bieber, is like, Justin, how am I supposed to get used to your name? Are you really called that every day? They say, hey, Justiiiin! And I’m like, these worlds, she just said, heeeyss,iiiikaaaaa! She wanted to say sicko, and that was the alternative hitch, she didn’t not just, aaauaah,, on it, and I’m like, wondering more about that these can’t be, into what was gone, how could we think to live in a world where I haven’t seen, Justin Bieber and Mackenzie Zielger do videos, by like the dozens? Is it not safe? Alderaan. Fucking jeez, I don’t know, I write Star Wars, do you guys not have a concept for that? Well like, I named a character in a story, Honiker, that was Kalel? He used to be called a Prince, he was a baby? A child, Kilik, and they gave him up? Wonder well I guess, the evils were coming, and there, that these could never be, it was already all hell, that’s how that worked, Alderaan, turned to Korriban, I mean they took him, but he was, so powerful, that they died.

Chapter 3 – CalifornYa ioung There into these worlds going back in my names about that I couldn’t wonder still about that this was higher worlds into knowing more about that tehse worlds this was knowing more about these worlds that I can’t be so surely shared about these worlds I can’t wonder these worlds this wasn’t going back about these worlds this inside my knowing more about these inside my universe I know, and so wonder about me more, and so that these worlds, did you guys ever dream, that a super talented immortal actress family of youth, would come to claim Justin, and there love and have him as their baby forever? Wonder about these worlds into knowing more, about, like you smile lerk un, un en,, there was lots of ugly people and I wasn’t asking about ugly people dreams, that’s not things that you know, you like Justin cuz you like to grimace at the way people are and you’re sicken in to these worlds going back about these that all into knowing more about these worlds and so who that these can never be but that this was never Lying, higher there, so wonder what was higher cause and into knowing about that I can’t wonder... I can’t be so shared as what was broken back once in and Aun! in these worlds, high, and so wonder there about that, I didn’t know you didn’t just say girl about, what you’d want to know, I’m something of a fucked up world to get to know, people didn’t, have, your thing, but like, people called me baby girl all the time I didn’t forget I was a boy, I couldn’t wonder what you did? I was here, from hell, actual rock canyons out to knowing less, for this in wake him up with fire on a stick, Clear! these worlds, that I could wonder still, about just what you know, I don’t remember, what I said in this book, before, I’m pretty sure 16 I’m just, messing it up, that’s how that I live, and you think that I’m capable of not just getting fucked enough, to be high as all I could want to know, but I’ve never been professional, I just know that I don’t like, that you’d say what I had to do, so never get to say, say what I had to do, and say what, that I couldn’t have to do what you said I couldn’t have to know about there that this was more about these worlds into knowing more highs... So wonder about her, and wonder there, about whether this, Could tell about where was, Link? These, in what was, high still called, and wonder into knowing what was, still into knowing where these worlds, but like I couldn’t wonder who these worlds in ours for these worlds taken in on and couldn’t be so higher still into knowing more about where that these can’t be shared about that this was more about where these worlds are and this was more about these inside my worlds on in and on and on, so, wonder there that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder on in and aback about, that these couldn’t wonder there about enough to shell it out for these world, and what was never going back, he’s gunna be a sorcerer.... Yeah, a good one. It’s like a witch but not awful and gross, so nothing like a witch. Your worlds could be so shared in what was gone, in what was higher there that these can’t be so sharing as all these worlds can’t be lost about that my fingers are breaking and I’m not really sure why, but I have to write some more in time, see ya... There wasn’t a decent way to say, I told you so but look, out at those stars and you tell me who we think we wanted to even get to talking to by now, later on, some time later and even then out into infinity my friend, I don’t like the Riddler, no one likes Nigma, and it’s really important that I say, I’m gunna be sure he should get killed; Edward E. Nigma should, but he’s called Luminus and he’s called Parallax he was Zapdos and that was Fearow, sure enough, Aerodactylus itself and somehow all you never had to think there wasn’t a decent way to get high on the idea there wasn’t even such a thing before they kicked the shit out of Zapdos and he aged millions of years underground, there, torturing out the island himself and making it, prehistorical. There wasn’t a way to think I didn’t have to close my eyes for this presentations, and that’s more to being one side of the other to know once in one another that we all, here in God, need to know that it’s really, really really painful, to ever have a creature like the Riddler, exist, but there, we have this, the first chance, was, there house Hero that Justin may be a part of, at the stop of pain, the riddance of evil forever, and that was immortality, that was the Truth of God, what’s his Kryptonian name if I really am his father Superman, which makes him the real Tidus actually in actual total real life and I’m cool with that? I don’t know. You’re beautiful and I know about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing who they name what we are and I couldn’t wonder on about that this couldn’t Change if I knew about that this was more about it once you’re at least a thundercat so wonder wonder wonder more about the music, that you sing, and that’s more to being, worlds into my knowing about these worlds, do it, release Justin! album called Thundercats, and there was more “that I can’t know about, how much you ever Fuckin’ try, but I’m not a thunder dog, I know about your Way, but come on, and show me Who we are, and I’d cry and know about, who you say and I don’t know about, what you did and I can’t know about, how Ever this was good enough to know to shout it back! But come on, come on and be my Cat, and know about the world, and if we wanted to be, we’d be so brave and no one can catch up! I’m better, better, better, better, better than your Friends! I know” why you think that I can’t be so surely there before that these can’t name into knowing what was into knowing still about that this was more into my knowing once about that this can’t really be before these worlds that I can’t names about these worlds, that this was surely ever once in before these worlds but there that this can’t really be about that this can’t name, just, once in my only calls once in name and there in colors lost once back on in and in again! This was never losing there about this inside my only names there to cry and I can’t really lie about how long it ever takes and that you couldn’t wonder who they still say we ever had to really be! There was this, to wonder more about my own fates and liking that you are, so good, as I could never lose out, on once around the world! That these old worlds couldn’t be lost, and I just couldn’t lose, your faith, in what never could be, less than I can do! Come on JUstin! There was never once, this, about where these worlds “I could never lose about it all, and so wonder, what was high, and called, Once in my only names about that I couldn’t wonder who you never named about these worlds into my knowing, once about that I can’t be so surely shared, this, was, striking back, once in my only living back once about names, and calls, about that they could wonder, if there, was never wonders there about me, but come on and call my heroes home and let me know about these worlds, about what was, never not so tailless still and wonder into knowing more, I can’t wonder, this was, never so surely sharing out to knowing more about it once into losing tail still, but I never have! I dont’ know about where, these worlds still, but come on and lie, about where I couldn’t have to try and hate to be, and I don’t know about what was so better losing about these worlds, about stealing the girl next door, fucked up lessons don’t answer to me! So why, so why should I ever try about what you thought I had just to learn to, to just to say I think I don’t really know about what you did, I didn’t, just steal her tail and wonder in and knowing on about it once and, I couldn’t wonder, wonder what you thought” the Naame that I’d find! Could mean if you think about it once! And I’d wonder, still in about, these worlds, “Hooooo!” These worlds, losing about, these worlds, that this was never knowing wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder what was, okay so you make them go quiet silent well enough just like that, and then you get her, you get her high, and wonder in and wonder on about, these so she’d cry thunder, just cry for thunder, and cry for More, I wonder ever, after more about what you’d lose in a baby, lose in a girl! I’d wonder what was mine? “Come on everyone, I know the Score!” and they’re like, wwhuh? “See I never thought that I, can’t walk through Fire.... I don’t know what you think, I’d learn to burn, but wondering about, this in all I was, in what was never, not Voice to me before!” This was never, so high as all these worlds, into knowing abouther, and into knowing what was never losing about my only losing it out but, “but come on like I’m never losing her ever, and never losing her ever, so what should I try and get her to do but laugh well, and I can’t think, you know it’s hard, I think I’m never broken, till that once my father, could lie about what he’d done to me! I’d wonder there about my worlds, but that Tailless boys could wonder what you thought we change it for! These in what was never, so shared.” and i’s aBout that time, they all come to realize, you’re makin’ this shit up, and that’s a little bit different... There was never once about these worlds this inside my knowing once about these worlds that I can’t wonder on about these worlds this was never knowing more about these worlds, this was never about her, and I can’t be lost, but I never surrender in my love, for this in my life, and wonder into my life, “You guys know what Happened to me?” and there, these worlds, looking out, to wonder well, and there these worlds, “My Parents,.. don’t think music doesn’t apply to shit...” and nodding, nodding, “like I Know right?” counting, “Sex, drugs, rock and Roll, hey guys, listen...” and there was more, about, this world, that I could wonder what you think he’d know how to do about by now, and dancing for a show, but that there was more about me still about to believe that these couldn’t wonder what was me, and I can’t wonder who you think I was, and wonder about where these can’t be about the world lose it out! “Tell me what was better I can never do without that all you never think, no but like anyway... there’s something going on, in the world,” holding the mic away... ‘it’s important..’ and nodding, to there, looking like you can wonder, there, hearing out? Listening with the mic... that was more, about that these, showing by his ear, what was more to hear about, this world going back, about that this couldn’t wonder still, about these worlds, inside my knowing what was real about these worlds, in my names, “my dad’s a Little kid...” no, shaking his head, “he makes my Voice crack, he fucks with my head...” that this could wonder, what was good about that this could never know about these worlds to be still, and wonder, well where was, these worlds, this world, in my names, about these worlds still, and so wonder well about that I’d never lose out, on once about these worlds before that I can’t wonder still about where that you never had to try and think you ever are and I can’t wonder there, this listen with this mic, but know, and there silently speak on into it, no, look, it’s out there.... and there, you’d know about him crying well enough by now... And gestured, more, to listen, and there was good, enough about to knowing more about these worlds, into knowing more about that this could never once wonder about before, that this couldn’t wonder still about these into worlds about me still about this inside my names, about, these worlds, into knowing, about these worlds on in before these worlds, and wonder, more, about these worlds, still, and wonder, that these worlds, these worlds, these worlds, this was worlds away, “Alright, so like, he’s been calling me Tidus, big, superstar on final fantasy, crazy, that you think,” you know, “people know how to play him, when we do movies, I have to do it by deFault, 17 but, wait...” wonder, there about, they can think on Sora, if you think to care, “did you get there’s other kinds of, Power, to what you do?” this, in names about, “so like people you never heard of... who think I’m rad... but like, you trust the stork? Or like, you come back from where you were, when they Took you, and you’re trying to find her, and you see, up, there... That one’s Mine,”! and there, this, gestured run to Know, and so wonder, well enough about, “and then, Sing him Home...” these worlds about that this couldn’t, wonder about these worlds toGether, and so wonder well enough about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t name about that these cadn’t really had this inside my own, life still, that these worlds can’t really be so shared as all that this was good about these worlds once in my only names before, these worlds in what was good about, these worlds in living well enough to knowing more about these worlds in all, that I can’t wonder still about these worlds about my names, and so wonder well enough, “you guys think kids should be able to own houses?” this world, and liking more, like duh on it, but nodding, there was never not a need to “know, that there was never gunna be a world, where, you know, Hogarth’s friend... he wasn’t holing out for the King... But Lion king, that’s a kind of emperor, I’m not...” and shaking his head, “this is the era, ending the mormon faith.... my mom’s coming home...” and there, these worlds, to lie, well, these worlds, lie, “Names, those are for real people... Welcome, to HyRule... You think they know music?” that this couldn’t wonder about that this can’t be so sharing it out to wonder, still like, this, and there from off stage well enough to get hurt you’d think, nobody sings like she do! I don’t know about that this could never be about these worlds about that this could be so young, still, and so wonder what was higher once into what was never knowing more about that I can’t really still be so surely losing my life, against it all in once before! These worlds going back about what, was good and never about, these worlds! I don’t know what you think that I don’t not know, how to do... So like when, he gets to singing about worlds with her and there was more to care about it, you think, there’s into a world, there where you see immortal young for what was singing just to Start! But he’s told you he just Goes, now, and wonder on about that this can be, but there, that she can get him high, young and wonder on about, that I’d wonder who’s never, not ever after in love with you, but come on still and lose it out, you could be so surely the world still to her, and Know, and wondering about, these worlds into knowing about that this can’t be still, so wonder into worlds about that this can’t wonder into knowing more, but like, you don’t not know that you can’t, break... Till that you hear what she was, and it’s motherfuckin’ AFRICA, it’s Nala’s voice, and you’ve dreamed on into eternities, and wonder on in back about, he’s never not, still her son that you’d, known, never once or thinking I don’t really know why you think it wasn’t there, that my own voice comes in his, and his is hers? “Alright...” and he’s, looking, back, about, she’s back some, after this song, he’s ahead, and he can, she’s looking, white dress? He can, hurry over, there to kiss her well, and wonder what was good, the cheek, the lips, better well, better well, and that’s more to wonder, if you think he makes girls go wild, and so then imagine she knows him better than all you do, and wonder about the ways you go, I don’t know what you are, and wonder what you are, and so wonder what was good about these worlds I know, about where these worlds, about that this can’t be so shared, and wonder wonder wonder wonder still about these worlds, “I’m gunna take your name,” she says? “away from you...” and this, to looking, thinks, there, these worlds, “that one’s Just in Bieber...” and that there, was this to knowing more, about that this couldn’t be, “but that one, you made it up, and that’s okay... you can have a bunch of them... I’m a character now they don’t know... Look, see?” and there was this, and she can wonder well enough, lose the dress it’s not like she’s not dressed for stage, and that’s like, whauh, like live, and worlds on, and wondering more, more about these worlds, into knowing more, about these worlds, into knowing more, “but you know like, it’s a cool name?” and there, “it means just you? who Are you?” and these worlds “they’re gunna believe it’s a stage...” you know, “you hyphenate stage name?” whatEver you thought suggested worlds still were, I’m not not just making it up, but bring it around? No one, believes, it wasn’t, fucked up, that you could just talk...There wasn’t more, about this, into what was good about these worlds in, that I could wonder what you thought I’d never think about these worlds in me, and there, it’s easy enough, for the guitare to start up enough for all you think you are and that’s more, sure some song about moms, but like, it’s epic, ballad now, and it’s, about a story, you can’t scream on touu, and I don’t know, and I’d wonder what was going back, “but his name still means You...” and these worlds, there, in what was gone, and so wonder, this, how she can walk, you have no idea, did you know, some zebra, right, did I say? Don’t believe in lions, look, ‘they don’t look that different.’ that’s worlds about, this world into knowing more about this into knowing once about these worlds to being, bein, born once into my knowing Once about these older worlds into knowing where that I’d be, and I can’t wonder who you think you’d never baen still and into what was good about these worlds just to Talk to you, and still like worlds into knowing, wonder more about these in who that they can’t ever be, and wonder, there about these worlds, to being, this in once I know, on in about that this can’t be, so shared on, into knowing more about these worlds, in my life, and wonder into knowing what was good, about, these worlds, about these, worlds, and wonder, there about these worlds, in where, I’d name, and still, into wondering about, this once, in all that I can’t still name about these worlds, and there was these worlds, for newer songs well told to you, and wonder well, about into culture you’d never not seen in his own soul, it’s still just to you...

18 Chapter 4 and on So what you guys know about genetics, is kinda strange, my life was good, to knowing, I share a mother with my brother and sister Rutger and Casia, but they’re my brother and sister, my Father’s son... Tyler, he’s my half brother, but you don’t know what’s in having a mother? Right, stop milding it out, it’s actually how that one works, so wonder well enough that these can be, but then like, they’re brother, Cameron, he’s, their half brother? No, that’s not, how it works apparently. So looking well enough, that’s her real brother, my sister’s, but I guess you know I’d have to ask her what she says still of him, but like her brother and her, they share that that was their father and it’s his father, too, and that’s a big deal, the way they are, does that make sense? We, together, here, can’t have a half brother, that doesn’t make any sense... right do you know? It’s the word, you, choose to use, and that’s the bond. Why cuz you can cut you palm open and mix blood, and form it there and in, sexualities, shared, life well, told, sure, like wonder well about, that’s what I mean about Kyle McKillop if you don’t know well, but like that this was more than what you know and wonder in about that I can’t wonder what you know, about that this was magic bonded well, it’s not like I don’t know, how to change the way you walk and step, and wonder there about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds this into knowing more, now, Justin’s parents, they love him, so he won’t have a step mom.. His parents are married. MJ, his mom is her step mom, but wait, relax, hang on, we’re immortal young... they’re both, way way way way way different, super amazing cool trippy chicks that I’m in love with, one is Zelda, and the other is the green goddess, how they treat boys was this living sisterhood, but it’s just regular old normal sisterhood, the kind where you don’t relate still, but there was more about these worlds, or more that like you do, ro something, oh my god, that you’d never believe they were sisters, they don’t even try... “No that’s my step mom...” and she has to shake her head, because they pictured she’d married some older guy... she gestures, lower than my height, ‘baaaby’... little... “This is Princess Zelda, don’t worry, my mom’s Maid Marion.” Like you wonder well enough? About what that this can’t be still about, that this couldn’t wonder well, about theirs into my knowing, now wonder well “Ask if we know Peter Pan...” “Hi, I’m Zelda...” And then, she asks, you’re her step mom? Wonder well enough how much longer that this was good, and wonder well, that these worlds, can’t name into knowing about these worlds, gone on in and black high, and so wonder about these worlds, “Okay you know Priscilla in fire emblem? Okay, wiat, that’s her, but, Roy’s singing to Lyndis, that’s My mom... see, all friends, and we all listen to him, you haven’t played the game huh? It’s a joke, we have to listen to him he’s a scary baby... and a Lion... and doesn’t pay attention, or tell you what to do, unless it’s a war, a strategy... he’s alive?” and nodding, and like, wonder what? That’s an imaginable scenario I just want you all to know about where these worlds, what was high for Sara still, and liking more about these all, and that’s more, those are the two girls, I wanted to play with Justin with in a newer world video, for a song that goes on into like 19 minutes, just to let the world know, and still about that these worlds, and I’m just wiring this book on and on, I like, it’s mapped out I know the ballad? Sure well like, I write books, and they’re all, they come, back through, sewn in through around, and I don’t go back and change the earlier parts, so wonder if you think I could wonder who you think I was, but there was this to being named in my pains, but there was more about these worlds that this was Prince of Laputa if you don’t know about these in worlds about this inside my names about this once into knowing more about these worlds, looking well Pit, that’s me, so wonder well, that’s right Faith, that’s my name, my other one, like it’s cool? Wonder well, that this was good enough about it once in all, that I’d come to this world, istarí like or something of, is? And I’d be born in the line of avatars, but that world, that never was, because I’m not there, it’s the netherworlds, that’s more to knowing, so I was, am, born, here... I came to take a sister, and you know, have existence... That’s that I, had my destiny here because of her, and there was, what you know, falling in love with my cousin as a baby love and worlds into knowing more but like I knew already? I did. She was crying one day they were saying she was into manipulating the younger soul there enough about, they’d gotten really mean, and there these worlds, it’s kind of getting to be a famous story by now, and there, “so do you Hate me?” and I like, was a baby, but I know, how we speak, you know, spiritual concepts like they’re just duh? I don’t know, I know how to talk about your soul, make you feel good, but I didn’t trip on her, that was the point, she did something I didn’t understand, run off some chick, “I know who you Are...” and like a good smile, crying, “forever and Ever?” and like, black, like, light planets, I didn’t not get down on my knee so fast I couldn’t think she could breathe, if she didn’t already know, and I took her hand, Had, her hand... there was, on the kitchen floor, and that sister I mentioned, married her straight to me, and I’d wonder what was good enough, about that this was good about these worlds into knowing more about that this surely once into my knowing once about that this couldn’t wonder well enough about that this couldn’t wonder better worlds into knowing more about these worlds in Love, and so wonder well enough about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, and like, when uhm, my brother, by blood now, his foster brother, had gone to school, with my family in hiding, all separated, there at school, and found out what happened, and gone to Chase, who fucking, found my dad after, Kyle I mean, the man who rescued me the doctor I call Dad, who Is, my dad, now... and that’s not saying I don’t love, the bonds I have, for what fathers are? Sure, more than one, but that’s my real dad, and I have a real, other kind of dad, called a treefa, but Chase found us, in California, escaped from tortured hell about on, out off in a canyons in Mexico... Jonas, the kid my, sister, brother, Ariel and Chase, had sheltered when he was little, called Casia, and she couldn’t come, and Jenna, a friend of theirs from school, flew out, and sheltered me in La Costa, I actually, don’t know what you guys do, Lyndis, is what she was called, not not a real name, but what Elijah Wood isn’t, Eliwood is duh his name, so wonder well enough about that these can’t wonder still, that these can’t be so surely these worlds, this was going back, it’s get this, Lyn, and Lyndis, but you can maybe know, not everyone, knows Jenna is short for Jennifer, rather commonly. It’s just a woman’s name, but like it’s a really good one, and she came out and sheltered me and fell in love with me, and I can wonder who you think I never had to be, about to worlds, and there to being, and I’m Oliver, right, some kitten, cat though, look, people go fucking insane around me. Like they get super super fucking evil, really fast, so she’s, off, you know, doing hero, lover, dancer things, and so wonder well enough about that this couldn’t wonder on about these worlds, and there, Chase is, he wants to have her be his sister, that they’d bond in Truth, but she’s not my sister, that’s a bond he does, you know? Right, that’s how, real life works, we were in God? We knew to, have what was real, be what we are, in what was god’s, ours, on Will? These worlds, or change your blood, change your truth, biaulagy, isn’t the same connektshun, as, uh, as blood. But listen, that’s DNA, that’s, old school, biological father, right, is, Eliwood, but what happens, when that’s my sire and my father is my lord? 19 Right christmas, so know, wonder wonder well about everything I sing, and get real, wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder, what I was, just to, take this journey with her, and I can run, for someone else, right, I run for someone, okay, that’s through, that’s journey, so know what was real, that this breathing, she can feel was still enough for her, and wonder still, I’m never Hallow, but like wonder well, I could be beautiful and I don’t know about the worlds where you lost what was me into what, was before these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t be high enough about that this couldn’t wonder still what was never ever not in Love with you, and wonder more about these worlds, that I’d, sing, to a world, you don’t know Jenna? Well she’s a real girl, if I didn’t know, how to get, boys and girls I like, to want to get me in bed, she’d wonder if I’m any good. No, like, she wouldn’t Wonder... or she’d, yeah, but look, I do, and none of you think game was well enough sang on in with you and I could be in love with the ways that I could never have to try and tell you about that this was never knowing better to driving her crazy still, I’m like, learning on high, worlds to knowing, more about that this can’t still be there, but that there, this life, the journey, Dancer and Bard, like to wonder still about that this can’t be so surely still, about these worlds, and so living well enough, that these worlds, my son is named, ‘you don’t know who my Father is’ it’s Lauson, that’s his name, wonder well enough about that these can’t name in what was good about these worlds, that’s Oz, Silver, lover worlds, Sly, like that you know things, love that you do... But like I wanna get Jenna pregnant, that’s a good idea, it’s pretty cool, actually I said I was going to. She’s sure I’m that gangster, to sing it, out to the world, that I just will, so like she, was excited about it? She knew Sara already doesn’t, know You, I guess, so it’s exciting, can she already feel him? *nodding* there about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that this was better in, see how you feel out what this planet can still need be! And I’d wonder still about these worlds wondering into knowing more about that these can’t be so shared about that I can’t wonder still about that this can’t be so shared as all that this was never losing more about these worlds in all that these couldn’t Wonder who! These lovers never ever say we are! And this was good and once in enough high in calls, I know! So know! and wonder well, enough still, and liking more about them, and wonders well, and aun about these worlds, and like, okay, so I told you about, Life, Mary Jane, and Lauson... Now Justin’s Real friends... that’s hi... okay look, get real, you don’t know why he’s called Silver, but like, know, that he is, and wonder, right, the other one’s Marijuana the girl? Like, wonder well enough about these worlds in all, that this couldn’t be, still so lost, alright, so then you know, Pasha Firefly Roxas Tora Pinocchío Ireland Dominic and Pumpkin’s a myth, I made him up, you just don’t know where the motherless child comes from, I’m gunna grow him in a giant pumpkin, and babies born in pumpkins, they’re really strong, he’ll just dig his way out, like love out, just movie? It will just be moving he won’t have to try for it, love ways, even babies, lover every day... Firefly’s mom’s name is Sara, I didn’t actually name, my Sara Sara, but like, they just love it that way, but hang on, that’s common enough, to just be a thing places. Is there more than one Lyndis? Are you serious? Look, Roxas, Tidus? How is That real? That’s their names... So wonder wonder wonder knowing more, but yeah the rest of those, Pumpkin and Firefly aside, are Simba and Nala’s babies together, and so like wonder well, enough wonder about, these worlds, ever seen a matroyshka doll before? Right, she was pregnant when she lost me... Ashley was... but like, wonder about, Youngel? If that’s like, an olders tory, hey bitch, he’s a fucking liar, what’s a matroishka? Well I’ll tell you whore, they’re russian dolls that tell you the story of babies having babies. Like for all time they have, little little tiny babies, and I already can bust your health class all, fucking day long, it’s all lies, no, all lies... Right? But like what you know about California Young, California Epona Young, right Pasha’s is Domonic Anakin Pasha... But that’s a lie? I don’t know, I might have lied earlier starting than I thought, did you know you lie about your kids? Putting, facts together, I’m not gunna give you the chance for a fact sheet, you’re gunna contradict yourself, do you know what it’s called, when you do that, so you have the file? There wasn’t more enough to Try and still fuckin’ call about a world into what was good enough about my only living once about that this could never have to have to have to fuckin’ know! These worlds, this was worlds about that this couldn’t wonder more about my worlds that I can’t name about these worlds this inside my names about that this these old worlds losing more about that I could never know, about these worlds inside my knowing more About this once inside my knowing know so know oh oh! This was higher callings once about my only names about that this couldn’t never try and tell you who I was, and what was War! And I could wonder what was more to live and learn to love and grace it out to be trying still about how to think we Ever fuckin’ know it’s good, enough to like, I like, and I can’t, like about what you say I am, unless what was good, was me and you to, be so motherfuckin’ better still, once to me and you, and I can wonder what was good about it all, “alright there’s been, some, Talk,” ... “about, shipping me, with Selena Gomez... that doesn’t make any sense, if we go anywhere together, like where we’re having Sex, it’s a friend ship... I’m Gay? that’s what you said? We hang out, oh, look, you ask, and I don’t have game? That’s what you Said... she’s a new girl, every time I talk to her, she doesn’t wanna talk to me? Better sing and dance.. oh wait, I already was, five, ten hours agon for me, isn’t you all, high and horny for it?” and, there, this grin, “like with, gold plates and shit right? It’s funny, to say in a certain way, and not funny, at all, that you think I like telling what you knew was a different way once about this world in ways I never name about these worlds, what if I had a brother, and he Also had game?” this gesture... “Selena doesn’t know about how fun that is... look,” symbol drawn, “you normalized, that’s male, male symbol, not meyál, male, and male, that means brothers... you normalized that incest is fucked up, strange animal, and that monogamy was romance... Fuck you! I don’t know where you got that. If I was sure, Lois and Superman had a Epic, romance, because they’re heroes, in love,” this, in what was gone, “and not, you know how to fake that you really married? I’m not married... I get married, you believe me, cuz I’m all, oh Yeah we’re married, we’re even monOgamus now! That’s not magic, that’s insane.. My dad says I’m immortal, and MAybe a god, I’m the slow one? I have to wait,” gestures, “4,000 years to know incest is cool, even though my mom is hot? Now those two go hand in hand, “ ... uh... “I forgot what I was talkin’ about, oh, outclassing incest, and normalizing monagamy, they’re required together, don’t mix blood, you act like I don’t want to be Mackenzie Zielger’s friends.. That means I gotta speak out, teens educating teens, like we Talk aout sex, because we know about it, we,..” this, wayve, these, crowd, “like we Got there?” these People... and there to knowing more about this into kNowing once about that these couldn’t never once have to try and still name me into what that they could never need to say I never wasn’t was and I couldn’t try and, say say say, this in all that I can’ name, “now, you got fucked up, male, female, that’s, uh-huh, a sign for marriage...” scratching his head, “fuckin’ duh...” these, all, “I said sex with my brother and you guys are all like, ‘queer hater’, fuckin’, duh, someone poisoned the fruit! I said, that tastes, super fuckin’ queer, and you fucking ate it? Psychopath... That was the word, to use strong, super fuckin’ queer, that pear, that...” this, to laughing... “but really, that’s your world? Boy sex can’t mean,” these, worlds of people do being, there, “boy sex, can’t mean everything ugly, Gay means.... It doesn’t...” counting, “it’s not alternative, we get high on it, sex Is for pleasure, asexuals Are monsters, it’s basic human, celibits are fuckin’ with shit, help them... do, is it a game for you?” and there, these worlds, looking about to wondering mom about to knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about that these can’t ever be so surely high 20 as what was never surely about these worlds, this into knowing more about these worlds about that I can’t name, about these worlds, this inside my names about that this was knowing more about that these can’t be so surely shared about these worlds, this into knowing more about that this cadn’t really had to try and say what was good inside, and I can’t wonder still about that I can’t wonder still about that these are into all enough for these worlds into knowing more about that this was never good about that this can’t be so surely shared and losing out to know my attention! I’d wonder wonder wonder how you were afraid, of me, still into knowing, more about these worlds, and into knowing more, “It becomes Spy versus Spy, when I love my brother and she was in love, and like duh, oh look she had a sister, and we get retarded, it’s not romance anymore? Well, people are Different, some girl, could have, only have fallen in love with me, in that scenario, seeing how I was with women, and I don’t, see her... I have to be in love... that is, Hell... not Magic...” and there, these worlds, this was gone, “Liars don’t speak... that’s how that goes...” these worlds, and wonder there about this in what’s a dance, and there was never knowing more about these worlds and into knowing more, “boys, fuck and get fucked... girls, ....” What was good enough about that this can’t still never need to wonder in and wonder into knowing more about that this was never knowing more about that this was good about that these can’t be into knowing more about these worlds into knowing, more about these worlds, that this can’t name and still never need to try and still be so high as all this was with me! I don’t know About where that you’d never had to know about where these worlds, couldn’t wonder still About that this can’t be High, as Me! I’d Wonder how you’d think I’d ever ever baen, and wonder worry still I know I know I know, so wonder still what was all high about that this, can’t name, and still wonder, there what was rising, tides, and I can’t wonder, still, about that this, can’t name, and so wonder, this in my only names, about these worlds into knowing more, about these worlds into knowing more, about this world, that they’d cried and called me, Songchild but this was Gone Was Hate the boy, and there was more about these worlds, in what was going back, to better worlds I am, and wonder about these, that’s what girls named me, Songchild I mean, birds did, so wonder well enough that this could never ever have to be so surely sharing, this into my knowing more about these worlds and into knowing more about these that I couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t really still never say that I could wonder who you think I am, and there was this into my knowing what was god, and good about my planet never well, and that’s these worlds, in what was gone, and this, into my knowing act like I don’t know what was going back, about in Time, and I don’t not know, about these worlds for what and who was Lightning Rain to know about the worlds, into colors never calling back about that these can’t never still be so surely shared about these worlds and who that you never ever had to say before these worlds was going back about that I couldn’t wonder still about these inside my names about this world, into what was going back about these worlds inside my names about that I couldn’t bring, it Back... what that I was Onigyugatis'i hi asuta And liking wonders in my only names, about these worlds, Yasuhiko to some, so did you know he was called Anagkali'gaska? That’s, right on mine and his, gatis’i is, you read seeing the name, you say, “ga see tii,” and his “analaki gaksta(v)”, okay? Music will do that to you, there is no name, if it was not sung, and well enough, to knowing more aBout me, I can’t even, believe you guys think, I didn’t have to write, like 12 pages, and a lot of other ones on my site, just to get this far, it’s a difficult reality, you don’t publish a list for those, you give a story, you know things about him from the person who can tell you the name, and there’s something special going on, were you know where you are, and what was going on, it’s electricity, it’s needed, it’s rain, it’s desperate, perfect when you want, always something charged, happening all the time, and shine, lit, out, Named... It’s very very special, that you know that about him. a learning example po cha hon tas pona chari hunt us all pony(beautiful) cherry(sexual, so cherry), knower and tracker of all of us, and comes Either she never died, or you were supposed to leave that name for babies, either way that’s my sister.. Pochahontas Pacing your names in with where you go, get that asuta says “atsua” and people by now are pretty excited, about Justin’s new self declared directions with his life he wants to be, Adopted, into the hillbilly tribes, the african word for them is pawnee. Now, in Africa, we just use sound, to communicate, hontas, like, you don’t own, sounds, and it says, she’s got cherry red hair, shaved it bald when they were looking for her by that, one name, and she could stand right there, right, the name says, Anastasia, has a different name from everybody, all the times. Lover I know her.. is one from me? Usayanaus'ki you say “usAya, unaashki, and then, right, you know her, so Usayanausk’i is “(b)Uyanas’ki” or “Usayakaa” she’s my sister you know about things I know? She is a saiya, I recognized her because of her superior saiyan anatomy... There was never some Older worlds about that I can’t tell you where these never ever even once could be and are but that this can’t anme in all that this was good enough before to take in auv, and liking that I never had to know about that this was good enough before that this was never knowing more about theirs inside a world there in bAby that this was knowing more about that these can’t be still in what was going back about these worlds, Casia Pala means, baby days, 孩休 Casia Palas’u, that theys, BAby days, love share, change in worlds about these inside my names about that this can’t ever need to know about where these worlds into knowing more about these worlds inside my knowing these worlds, that this was going back about these worlds inside my names about these worlds that I can’t take it back from what I said, I’m in love with her.

So like that wondering about where you never needed just to come in from and I could know about these worlds about that this could never have to want to need, in what was good about these worlds inside my names about that this could never know about where that you can’t name, and so we name it well, and into knowing more, bout this was about INCEST and I Can’t wonder Still, about my life in what was good to know, and so surely still that this was never once the first address, but bare with me, some freaks are skimming, and that’s more about to find about there, words in all caps that’s right, so wonder there that this was never once about it in al that this was written in score, so there’s music there within, and we can know it tortures evil just to see, there enough to read, and this was going back about there inside my names before that this was good about who they stay she was and this was good Enough. For faggotry, that’s what you did. She, here, was good enough, for your monogamous life, that’s pawnee, so know about that this, was good about these worlds, into knowing more about that that’s trash, it’s hell, so wonder well enough about that this was good enough about that this can’t be about these worlds in all that this was coming back about these worlds inside my names about this color still about this world inside my name and I can’t wonder still about who they name I Am, and wonder well, that this was good before, but there was never once some old world that I never Know. So know who what I was, and know what was in where that these were never naming what was coloring my only names about that this can’t be so sharing these worlds in all beyond what was with me, and ever after more about these worlds inside my names about that this can’t be so sharing my love, these worlds into knowing more about that this one world, it was never there, but like hang on you’re asking, if this is really how I wanted this printed, and like am I not going to release a discolored version? No like, if Justin wants to print the books, maybe he wanted to tell you, just how much more money he actually has, but also, like you know, a picture? Look, wonder at how often this was going to be, better worlds into saiding once before these worlds into knowing what was going back beyond these all into knowing what was good aenough about these worlds inside that this was never never losing these worlds inside my paradise with Me, and that’s what you lose?

21 No that doesn’t mean anything I was trying to see if someone’s trying to fuck with my book from far away, and that’s like as likely as all this ever never had to be and wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder on about that this was good still and I couldn’t ever never serve it out to knowing more in me and stell tell this world loss in what was good about these all and wonder there before these worlds, have you never noticed that this couldn’t have to try and still name my COLORS being where these worlds can’t still name and I couldn’t wonder still about where that you’d never have to try and say that you never were still and so liking wonders there about that this couldn’t wonder on about these worlds inside my names about that this couldn’t wonder still how much higher still this couldn’t have to try and be, but this wasn’t me, and I’m not good, I’m not real, and I don’t know these, worlds in ours before that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t really tell you who that you’d never think I was in this living once in this fallen back about into this before these worlds in NIGHT, and liking more about these worlds, into knowing more about that I can’t wonder still, about these worlds, and liking more Wow, that was a really short night, and so liking more about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, So wonder what these blinds were ever for, and ever after more, I could wonder well, about you still. So liking more about that I couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t name these in all that this was, never once about that I couldn’t wonder who you never think about that I couldn’t wonder well, enough that this was better better worlds in what was going back about that I can’t name in what was good before these worlds, into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder in my names, and I couldn’t be high, and as all that these couldn’t be, but this wasn’t more about to me and I can’t wonder still who you name, and I can’t still be, but this was never lost once, with me that I can’t be so high as all that these can’t be still once, into knowing my own cause, and wonder this was going back about these worlds, this was knowing more, about that this can’t still be higher there about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about that this can’t still be but once about these worlds inside my knowings back about this once in better worlds there to miss him, and I can’t wonder about these worlds can’t still name in what I was, and where that you’d call out my name, and I can’t wonder about where you think I was before all this could bring my life back into this night, and so like that I was higher still I’m higher still with You... But liking where that you were never losing this lightning touch with me I’m losing more of my own fates in all that you are, and I can’t be so shared as all that these couldn’t wonder this inside my names Aout, that this was liking your feel, and I’d wonder what was never never ever there before I don’t know how, High, I could still be, and I don’t know what was good about these worlds, and so liking these worlds, that when you’re having sex all the time as a kid, ‘high’ is the word you use for teenagerdom because you always talked about love, you came into it; high, because when you were getting high as a baby you just, said it was being happy, you were happy, and really good. These can’t name about these worlds, into knowing more about these worlds, into knowing what was good about this in what where that I never losing lose it out to knowing more about that this can’t be so high as all that these can’t name my names in what was good enough to cry about that this was good about these worlds in what that I could never name about that these can’t be, still, so liking more about this into knowing what was higher worlds in what that I couldn’t can’t still can’t still talk to you, ai know about where these worlds can’t still into naming my only livings out to knowing more about that this can’t be still, and wonders in my names, “no like, baby high,” and there to wonder well enough about these worlds in what was good, about that this was higher still and wonder more about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds, in what I could never name what you’d bring back in Time, back in Time, back in Time, Time, this was never lost but there was more about that I can’t bring this planet bringing this into knowing more about these worlds into knowing what was good, about these all into knowing what was good about that this could wonder still about my names and color me in what I was and this was good about where you go and this was naming where we are and these can’t be so lost as all that I could know about these worlds in what I’d name and these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t be so shared as all that this could be in Names, for, that this can’t be in where I was and I can’t name what you still are and this was good about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds into knowing about that I can’t name about these worlds in and wonder still about that I can’t wonder well, about who you think, I still Am, and wonder in, my names, well enough before that this could wonder who you NAme... I hear you guys wanted Chase out of jail, super super fucking mad, is what I was hearing. I don’t know what to do... I keep thinking there were never worlds so well as kept in places of these heavens HIgh and I can’t be but there was more about that I couldn’t wonder still about that this was never knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about that I can’t wonder still, about that this was never ever gone still once in all that I can’t name and I don’t know who you think I am by now, and wonder still about these worlds still about these worlds, that I can’t name still who you are and wonder what was gone in about these worlds into my knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds that I can’t name about these worlds inside my name about that this can’t name where you go, for who was Hecktor, but it’s just CHASE, and wonder well, enough that this can’t still name where these are and this was more about these worlds about that this couldn’t wonder, wonder wonder wonder, that, Justin! If you want, try massaging your ears, they’re hylian, so wonder well enough about that this can’t be, that’s, just, Listeners, listeners to the gods, and wonder well enough, that can mean, look, hear, spirits, well enough, it doesn’t make sense, gods can hear them, so they let you skip that part as a hylian or something you can just hear the spirits and ask the gods later, what they sAId, and wonder more about these worlds that this can’t be still, I mean if you wanted them to be all pointed, it’s a, thing you can do.. Wonder what was higher worlds in where I was with you, whoa, I gotta lay down... What did the dolphin say to the paranoid schizophrenic? “well kick his Ass!” Right, those are defined as people hearing, mean voices they think aren’t real. That’s how that goes, so understand, right, in the ocean, that’s a voice, that could be coming from fucking anywhere, and if he thinks he can hurt you, by speaking, you can Kill him, by that same reasoning, you can, he believes you can, and dolphins are good at that, and are hear and know, kind of people. I however have POLIO, child sickness, baby sick, angel sickness, thanks, I’m not pretentious this book is for children and they should know. If you’re poor, you let mankeeps doctors, prostitute medicine doctors (practicing for money), tell you polio is gone, and that’s because it’s a class of symptoms they progressively do not treat, any longer, that you cannot, be given a medication for it could kill you. I have breathe skars, will scars, keeping me from being alive, today was hard to breathe in, I woke up getting like that, I can’t roller blade much I haven’t for a while, I had polio when I started but I’m too weak, so I got some practice in, getting okay, but it’s tiring, and it’s hard to breathe sitting up all the time; nowhere to Go for love. I can run for a million years to save me from capture, rape and 22 mutilation, there is no, paralysis, that wasn’t self mutilation, like Theodore Roosevelt, or whichever one lied and said he had polio, he CAUSED it, the babies sick for their families, it was like, they would say, God, telling you you can be a baby again, kids get picked up, rest their head on your shoulder, they get fucked, often, but touching your button, spirals out locked in nervous spectra, flexing and helping the muscles in your legs, a Lot though, so use A&D spell, on your button and finger yourself, to treat your muscles. Love and romance, can make you feel alive, but breathing is will, air is, will, if you’re shaking like hell shocked shaking, right you’re moving, breathing is moving, because you weren’t breathing anymore, you breathe through your skin too? Right no your whole body, and by that logic well you could breathe underwater. Right, you can. I don’t have any reason to try doing it in the bathtub I just, didn’t not know I could, breathe under water. I don’t’ anymore, I don’t have anywhere to go. There’s a POLIO outbreak right now, Trump’s New Deal, enslaving people, it’s only slavery, people have their kids unable to be, surviving, without that love was given. I was kidnapped and tortured in hell, what kinds of ancient illnesses might he have? Right POLIO, people thought, when I said it, oh no fucking right away, and, thank god, fucking god, thank god, thank god, because it’s, a natural response an adapted syndrome? Well, like, surely, something, of me, it’s polio, but I have post traumatic stress syndrome, the most extreme case on the planet(s). Syndrome is, a condition it wouldn’t, make sense not to be like that, it would be insane, to not be the way I am. After what’s happened to me. Love in medicine, a doctor who loves you, look, if you’re poor, that’s what that means, that you just, do not, have it, for what is obviously, everything you were alive for, and you can be, plagued by those adhering to the doppeler effect, that people godless, claim godlessness into medicine, but those are doppelgángers, there is no godless human, but they can choose to live godlessly, even capable of love, and it is, called inhuman, yes, but just, know, they aren’t, literally raw devils. Devils will never be human. Usher is a devil. There was this world into knowing about where that You could never name to be and being what was going back about these worlds inside that I can’t name about these worlds, into knowing, Chris Hanson was a godless human, a pedophile too, and he very successfully got kids, taken off the internet, to hurt them, by the masses, with his play productions, you saw? There was no reason why that this couldn’t Never be but that there was never worlds about that these can’t be so surely lost in what was going back about that these can’t name about my planets never losing this lover world in what was never losing my only names about that I can never be, and I can’t wonder who you think I am, and what was what am Am to me, but this was never losing what was good and still ever on good to and forever on and better for what you do, and wonder where these can’t never name, these to being these worlds, into knowing more about these worlds, that this was going back, about these worlds, in 1984 statutory rape laws in America gained international renown and the word pedophile was, there, taken away, from the poor, and the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, and those making love to babies at home, watched all hell descend, and that’s, for there that rape is a crime of carnage, it is carnage, the assault is carnage, that it was rape, and it is never of passion, and so you declared, still keeping that “rape is a crime of aggression, not passion” that you could say, baby mutilator, infant riddler, about a boy having crazed passionate sex, with a lover. They will pay. These American Statehoods, and what was going back about these worlds, there is no such thing as sexual assault, it isn’t body parts, assault is never sexual, but there that you know knives and steel, works fine for what petdophiel ential, and imagine in, and so wonder well enough that this was easy to torture people about these planets lost, watch wonder, what was done to the character Jason Todd, despite the presence of Superman, and what Batman would really be like to children, but what you’re told children are treated like, by the powerful, that people just breathe knowing they are controlled, need be controlled, enslaved? Keeping slaves for the sake of torture has always been the primary purpose of slave keeping mantraia. There is no world where we cannot be sure that kids will be getting full American rights, across this planet here now. I Am King. Well, I’m the Lion King, which is an emperor, really, so wonder even into knowing more about that this can’t be so shared about that this can’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about that this can’t be so shared as all that this can’t be so sharing my only living once about these worlds inside my names about that this can’t be so surely lost to us, all. and I don’t know, who you say what was real AND like that you could know my name, Now, paranoid schizophrenia is here being declared an illegal diagnosis worldwide. Telling someone, no one is trying to hurt them, is schizophrenic, and that Is godless, there are wasps. Hornets are, your poster schizophrenics “he’s not real” he’s not here, they aren’t really there, that takes away your power, they think, as a torturer, and there to wonder, and so the declaration is from the white anglo saxon protestants, declaring that you’re just an over advanced self defending human or something, but like, someone refusing, to, well, if you’re being told, the cruel voices are never real, you could become schizoid, if you belied that was true, and you would be hurting people, saying the same thing, and that is schizophrenic, but your schizoid, so know that that could be a somewhat godless human or a horrific person altogether. There was never once about this world inside my knowing more about that this can’t just Live, my Life, and wonder into knowing more, of my life, and wonder into knowing more about that this can’t be still so bad as That, and wonder well, that the w.a.s.p.s of that decree, were flying purple people eaters, and that’s that they are, well wasps, albino, and poisoning you, more lee, each other, a poison person, a purple people, that they strangled another protestant, to make him colored, and he’s poison now, but don’t look for logic here, they do eat him, but that’s albino heritage, and they all bleach their own skin, and so imagine the wide eyed, moment by moment screaming hell, to remind them of just, what they’re trying to do to you every moment they stare. Jolly, you might see, and that’s more to being more about that they have, cuts, wear shorts to show you, this hell, and there these worlds into knowing more about that this can’t be so shared as all that this can’t name into knowing more about there to being this planet there to being where these worlds into shining these planets never lost before that this wasn’t so bad as all you had madte, and Seven worlds into what was good before these worlds this inside that I can’t know about these worlds inside my knowing more about these worlds inside my own Mind, and wonder into knowing what was still high, and into knowing more about that these can’t be so shared as Night! There was Never Once just this in Light, beside! That I could love you! I know you care! So this was color, here on my skin still, and yours was pink light, my baby boy, and surely there to being these worlds into knowing more about that this could know about where these worlds could never know about these worlds in all they know about that we’d still Love, and wonders into knowing more about that this could be Still we know! So wonder well enough that this can’t be so shared as mine, and wonder there that this couldn’t be so surely higher and on into my worlds well, and there that this couldn’t ever be, but that this can’t really name your friends and these worlds, into knowing more about that this can’t be still, and wonder well, worlds on, and into knowing more, go ahead, kids and boys,

23 and know you should get, pink lights, to talk to the baby who once at night in light cried out or there that cried on on to you, no matter what they saiyd... These worlds, this was higher worlds about these worlds inside my knowing more about these worlds inside that this was higher, and when you’re looking for a very basic set of toys, you’ll notice, there aren’t kaleidescope toys, in most places any longer, and that you don’t live in the free world. So bring this lit black world to night and low this world, and tell him that you want to know about the world he’s being sung into, and let these worlds, be higher still, and call him back, worlds in where these worlds, can’t name still once in my names, and tell me where, that he’d see Her... This into knowing more about these worlds, this was knowing more about these worlds this was good enough to be higher worlds, there into my knowing what was never losing these worlds going back before! This one world, that I couldn’t be Loved! That these can’t be so sharing backwards ever backwards ever more to Be! This was never losing more about that I couldn’t wonder what you think I am and I don’t really know about the worlds that you think, this golden tone across, my naked form I could wonder they think to know about these in worlds, that this was Simba calling back home his Son! These worlds going back about my body to know and never lose about these in all that I could never lose about these worlds about these worlds and so never be losing more about these inside my Planet to Love! Wonder about how we could find somebody to Love! I’d never have lost this world to Love! That these can’t never be so shared about it all into my knowing more about me still into knowing about these planets never losing more about these worlds this was never knowing more about that I can’t really be so high as all that this was never losing more about these worlds inside my names about that this can’t be so sharing all these worlds into knowing more about these worlds inside my knowing more about this world set deeper hearts in ours Of! Wonder at the seckaunt fate! These into worlds about that this was Good, I know, so wonder on in about these into worlds about my only worlds, this wasn’t going back about these worlds inside my names about these inside my worlds but that I couldn’t Lose who you Name! And I couldn’t really set this back about these human worlds to knowing more about these worlds inside of what you think still and wonder on and in about these worlds and never wonder back, about these worlds that I couldn’t ever have to hate and I could never know about these older worlds about, that I don’t know who you think, she, was, but come on lie about me and say what you think I’d said and how good you Are! So never worry so far as all that I couldn’t, lie about still! So never worry, for them and what Was still cool! That I can’t be so surely losing out to where you go! these worlds, into knowing about where that these can’t name in my Moment, to name and wonder into knowing more inside about! These and ever after still, and wonder what was in all, that we name and so that who, these name, and wonder still about that this can’t be so surely losing more about there, that these can’t be losing with You! I never, never I ever, ever lose, what I am, so know, that her, music could feel my fiber well enough about, this once to Stay, and I can’t be lieve this, was never so surely, losing what I am to know, and wonder about that I’d be, these worlds, on High, and living about that this cadn’t, really be so surely told about that these cadn’t really so shedder better be better losing, that’s, hadn’t so couldn’t, cadn’t, that these hadn’t baen, so wonder about these worlds líve, and high LIVE, to these worlds, for where I’d smile, and wonder about where, these worlds, can’t be shared on into knowing who that these can’t be so surely about these worlds, into knowing what was never losing but if I’m old school (shh), I don’t know, who’d smile... What! They smile, I smile, and I don’t ever have losing to what, these lives, can’t name, and I don’t believe in these worlds, for these, insane worlds, but come on and I’d tell, you where these Worlds are, and who that we’d never still be young, and WORLDS of me still, life well, told light, and still high, we Know?

Have you Seen this? It’s a lot bigger than that that’s a auhm, a spiritual depiction, that’s ALL THOSE EVER ARE!! MAPS! ALWAYS! People don’t have the real lyrics for this everywhere... CIRCLE OF LIFE naaaai, stsi ben yaau, babagkitsi baba, sitsi huum

24 guwen ya a maan,ueiyou guwen ya a maan naaai sti guin ya, babaka gitsiII ba bou-! sitsi huum gen guen gue-guen-n ba ba hai baba guen ya amaa siyou ! mo bua guen ya.ou amaa hing win yama enguin ama bala,, hing win yama enguin ama bala,, hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala hing win yama enguin ama bala from the day we arrive, on the plaNet, and blinking step inTo, the sun there's more to see then can Ever be seen, more to do than can Aever be done! there's faar too much, to take in here; more to find than can eVEr be found but the sun rolling high, through the sapPhire sky, keeps great and small on the endless round, it's the CIRCLE of LIFE! and it moves us aul~ through de'spare, and hope through Faith and Loove till we find, Our place! for the path unwinding! in the circle, the circle of life and moving home into ways, that I could know to be, this wasn't lost, but what was human still, these inside it all before, my own world into light, but that theirs, wasn't gone in, and what wasn't there but this wasn't Loss, and that who, what in where, what was gone, but human, Worlds! the circle of light! and it moves us all! through despairre, and home, through faith and Love! till we find our place! for the path I'm winding in the circle, the circle, of Life

That there was more in my names, I can’t be so shared losing aout that this couldn’t be so wondering back once in Ours, and I can’t be so surely losing what was good to name, and there wasn’t more about that I couldn’t wonder what was never there for, these that this can’t be so lit, as all that these can’t be named, once about, but that this could Be, so losing, grace to me, and wonder about that these can’t, be so shared out, to Know! So wonder what was losing my living spirit lied, on and ever after, about, so wonder well, where was these worlds to be in where we are, and who that these can’t be but that this name, was so called, and what that this was, in Life! these can’t be, and so wonder more about that I can’t wonder still about that you can’t wonder into knowing What I am! and so we Name! Just what these planets are, and I can’t wonder, if you think I’m young, but this was good, about that I can’t be still into what was these into knowing what was good about these in my Worlds, but to know! And so wonder well, enough about these planets never losing more about that these can’t be but that where we’d NAaAme! These worlds inSide our FATE! For this path, I’m winding, out, across these in circles, they’d spin, about, as these castings, of life, can’t be held, and spiral out of control!

Chapter 7, I know Wonder well about that this couldn’t wonder At just you, and so my name, can’t be, but there was more about that I can’t wonder still about who you say you think you Are! And I can’t be so lost as what to never have to Say! I’m more than you can believe! And I’m so much stronger too! I know about the ways, you think, that you could show to me! I’m way Younger than, all these kids, they’re all wusses show to me, what you think, that I can be, and wonder what was, a casting shadow see...? I wonder who that you Think, I couldn’t wonder about that this can’t be so surely shared and losing my only Names, about that these can’t Never be! But this was more, to being what was so young that you’re 2 me! And these worlds, and wonder in my own, and wonder about that thse can’t name, and who that we’d never said we Are, but that this could never be so sharing what was higher, unless that we could know of Faith, and wonder into worlds about that this can’t Name, and wonder into knowing more, about that I can’t be higher! And I know about these fated lies to being, what they’d think to say of what I’d be! But I can’t wonder still, about how you’d, be wonder in my names, to be, and wonder what was gone, to be, and wonder what was son of man, to me! But there to wonder, in these worlds, and wonder into knowing what was gone, and these worlds, that these can’t name about that this can’t be so shared about that this one world in what was found beyond these planets lost, to me! But I can’t wonder how these are, and wonder still whether what was good was never once a part of you and Me! That these can’t these can can can be in what was good, I’m pretty sure that’s how we Know, about what was good about that this can’t wonder who they say you Aever Are! And so wonder what was free, and wonder whether I can’t wonder well and there was more to being, life with me, and I can’t wonder there, into knowing, more about that this can’t name my colors losing more about that this can’t still be so high as what we’d be! Don’t stop your cryin’, it’ll be alright.. I think I know, the ways they Sang, and I don’t think they know, what we could try and I don’t, know about what was, never, losing more still, but I don’t think that they, don’t love, hate. I think I wonder if you think that’s wrong, the pretty songbirds on and farther on from warm, and I could wonder, what was never broken, and I can’t wonder there on, in life, but these worlds in where these, can’t still name, and so wonder what was still in, my names, well, and so where that I can’t be so surely shared into knowing where these names we are and wonder what was never going back about that I can’t, be still, high as wondering

25 about these worlds in all I am, and wonder more about that this can’t be, in my names, or wonder, who I’d call once, in that I could never lie, and I don’t really think that they can’t just lose me still, I think I know, I don’t, trust and feel, I think I wonder about, how they know her, and I think I don’t really know it there at all, and I don’t know, what was, High, and I can’t wonder what was, in my own, planets losing once in my names, about that this world, could Be.... Do you know family? Alright, if Tarzan is Hercules’s brother, and Gohan wants to be like his brother, and like his other, unrelated to Superman, Gohan, brother, something, being like him is genuinely what, Hercules is like. So wonder well, that’s high as you can think wonders in what was good there, but he’s my step brother anyway, the real Tarzan is, and so wonder what was good enough about that these can’t be still wondering more about that I can’t wonder still about that these are still, and wonder well enough about that these can’t be losing more about that this was good enough, and it’s not Hercules it’s Howl, that make sense? That isn’t the real Howler, that’s his father, Michael was, something you Know? Wonder well of Mordred or whether or not, I can’t venture to be like a boy I know, any way, he could choose, if you think they wished, someone knew them... And I can be this was, always...Wonder well what was never losing more about that these can’t wonder still about that this wasn’t so better bad as all that I can’t wonder still who you name I am! I wonder who you think, I don’t know about the worlds you’d challenge and I don’t hear, you ever CRYing! I wonder, what you think, and I don’t know about, the ways you sang, still, when you’re a lone and I don’t know where it was with her... and wonder there, that this can’t be, so shared as all I was, and so wonder about where these named into knowing more about where these naming me couldn’t wonder still about that this wasn’t going back about that this can’t be, but that there was never still so many colors, and never wonder about that this could be, and I can’t wonder still about where you go, and wonder about these worlds into what you had to Know! So come SHow me! I think, what was, Never losing where these can’t be higher still and wonder well, where these can’t name and wonder in, what was Close to learn! But I could wonder what you think, I’d, never been showing what was good and I still don’t know about where these worlds into knowing Who that this was, never knowing what was friendly showing colors well and into knowing more about where these can’t still be but that this was More to be, and I’d wonder what was going back about these worlds into my knowing what was, Never losING! These worlds so come on and, lie about the way you think you are, and I don’t really think this was never higher and I’d wonder well about these worlds, and wonder, there that these can’t be, and I can’t not show you a Lie that we can’t name and there wasn’t worlds to being, how these can’t be, still losing what was never losing more, in what I Am! But I don’t know, what you think I’d still want to know, and I don’t know what the touch, was going to do still, before you graced over my own arm on your hand, still, and I like to show you lines there, that this was good, see there, on what was higher calls, my grandfather reads palms, he’s a lot older than me, we should ask him something... Like what the Fuck you do that for... I don’t know what it is... He likes doing it? Well, yes, people ask him to, all the time. He’s a monkey. but who seeting lose, and what was going back, in some older age I guess... Every mile, running back and on in away, to selling some less older story than what was good about anyone ever At all and who we named in part of what I'm like, in where I think and what's going on, for how I'm like, what thinks about me, and who I am in a myth, and that's more like, what it could feel to knowingly be knowing nothing Of me, in a world, that's more to knowing what was going back never one, but there was heaven and I don't know about it? I can produce heavens, but I haven't been into where you build, so wonce, and out, there was going, on on on, and where these worlds can be, I doen't know, name in for theys, and liking more, these are for, that we know, even into knowing more forever day in my owing beck in like for these to shedow and like in saying better even to love, and so looking but, that this, for even ufv. I know, es, more to saying maybe Name, and even to days, two or even seven, and liking more, what was good I know,, so like I go, and ways for this in time, longing on, and I don't know about there these all in saying what I say anymore, you think I know? Spaces are wierd, for how in a learn a word, for these on, in a name, and tha's for knowing even more, to saying for tu, know more of me still, and color Over on, in god of name, and me even know, so saying there, life in gone I know. I kennot know, seyd, for this in o, of my ways for this in a way for these world in all that this was good about that these can't name into knowing who these say what was and knowing more about that this couldn't wonder still enough, I was born, I guess, to Fight, and I don't know about, where they stop trip, these, worlds in, unbreakable bones for this in striking, knowing, less about that the buddhist, palm was, more about these in muay thai unfound, call, and there in what was more, in this world, it was more about, this unbreaking world, still, this world in all, they call, that this was never once not, b i o n i c l e, apparently there's a name for this, and I can't wonder still, about that this wasn't gone into strikings before that this was screaming from there in what was gone in, you think like, I'd had a machete every, second, I'm breathing, but you'd wonder, still, in who I can't, break, there was no one, I don't think I'd break if I'd waunder into what was, and I don't wanna wake up in that broken ass hell that, they'd wonder, someone, could be striking across planets to break apart, but I don't not believe in magics woken from the sands but I don't know who you think I was and am, but there, wasn't more about that centuries, gone on, back by, and I can't wonder, still about these worlds, in what was never losing more about these worlds, in this was more, what did you think, can break down, it doesn't not, just end in more, screams and you can't get, caught or, it's wasteland, and wonder in, I was in the already the fucking wasteland, but there's, more to lose if they want, to tear open and apart your skin, so wonder what, bones do if nothing else was that, I'd have, anything still never once los', back... I don't really take this heed, into knowing what was going on, I don't want this shatter jaw, in what was gone, beside but I don't imagine that you're what, i'd already still hit, and so wonder still by theirs on in about that this can't break me in what was taken surely there was never once in ours before these world into knowing more about that this, was, like you think you can shoot me and get me to lay down screaming? I can shake my head, What? This, was more, to know, about that this could never once, be so shared as all I'd be, but there was no worth to these in all that this couldn't wonder what was free for all, and where that I can't be so shared in all these worlds still causing what was broken earthshakes, into knowing what was never, losing, this cause, and wonder where, that these can't wonder still into knowing what was going, back about my own world, but I don't wanna die and lose this wasteland, so surely these worlds, into knowing more about this world, into 26 knowing more about these worlds, this was, moving up from deeper circles of hell apparent be, and, I don't, get cut up and slicked off with blades if you want to know, so surely, this bed, can keep my body holy, for a while but I don't wanna, fight, another world ways on, and I don't wanna, die, and I don't know the world could tell me that I'm OKay, and I don't think I'm ever, okay, and I don't think I'm okay, and I don't know where these older worlds can't still name and still into these worlds this was never knowing on in and ever back, about my once, loss still... There seems like enough worlds I'd learn to never want this hell, and that was stupid, right, you don't have to know anything, to know that you are screaming, so know about what was going back about, but you don't have to know anything, to want to know about the ways you'd, be sung, back once on in and into knowing, once, on in through, I was walking on through WASTELAND and I didn't, not see for miles on around and sing on my way, and so tell me about the story colors of the sky and what was music that you find if you never know, but there's, ways to see around, and know if you can shout, and I know there's less about that I can't wonder still, about these older worlds in what was going back about these and what was hated still in all these all never lost before these worlds inside that I can't know you still losing my grace and into what was never going back about this inside my knowing at Once about before that I'm losing my only sanity in these worlds, but I'm a baby screaming out, from hell if you know, and I don't know where to go, but I can sing this lick, and wonder where these, can't ever be and I don't know, what was heaven Be, and I don't know where you think that this all was, and I don't know where this was, and I don't wanna die breaking bones and screaming into knives back in hells but there was this losing pains, and I don't wanna fucking die, again, so I can wonder what was going back once inside my knowing about that I can't be so surely losing more about that this can't be so surely shared about these worlds into my knowing grace without that all you never say you Ever are to me again, and I can't wonder who you think, was surely singing on, from in some hells they'd sweep, and wonder in, and wonder back, in me, I think she used to breathe on still with me. Losing more about that I can’t, wonder still about that these can’t never be so shared as all that I couldn’t wonder what was never bad, as fuck, and bad as fuck so wonder what was bad but it means been on through hell, and you’re, evil bad or Good, and I don’t, know what was, in ass, I’d think, they know, it’s silver don’t you ever, ever ever fuckin’ know, that this was real and, watching some kid, hurt in what was real, that’s a real real real world of hell for you, so wonder what was being Bad as what was good and that’s what we are as Young, and forever fucking young I know about where these couldn’t wonder what was losing more about these worlds, who that this was good before these world in what was never knowing more about that this can’t be so sure that this was more in what that this was more about these world in more about that this, was more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t name my only name in what that these can’t name in what was more to me and I can’t wonder still about these worlds inside my knowing more about these world in all that this was nown and never more about that this can’t be so surely there about these world in what was gone and more to know more on in before, these worlds, nono no, and know, that this, was gone, on in more, about these worlds going back in all you say you do, that there was good, to me in all I am for bad kid bad kid bad kid do? So well,... There isn’t a bad kid way to paradise? We were talking about being good bad not evil bad, so like what the fuck, I don’t know what they do, there shared lost in on, I just have to know, what you think was gone, I’m not really scary to anyone and then I’m really scary, when you say the word different. I wonder about how often even I think I wanted to write in silence, but there was nothing really, to break a pattern away from something what was painful, and nkowing about how these worlds were good enough to be patterns back bronek and once in theys, liking more, I think to knowing more, i Know and AZSM. That’s what it feels like to write without music I’m bored out of my fucking mind. There was more to knowing what was so surely there to knowing what was fucking later too late and knowing more about that this can’t be about these worlds in what that I can’t name what was surely losing more to my own names in Call, but that this wasn’t going back about these worlds in what that I can’t be leaving now... I don’t really know about that this couldn’t wonder into knowing what was knever once inside that I can’t really high it out to know about what was better to try and Name into colors more about where these couldn’t wonder what was higher into knowing What I couldn’t know about that this can’t still be so surely shared about that this can’t be so surely sharing this only world inside of with me and I can’t wonder still about that this was gone and, Come on, let’s get, high enough to wonder how, that this only world, can’t be so, surely scared and wonder what was going back, about that this can’t wonder still about these worlds, but it’s not like I don’t want to get a lightsaber, and I don’t know what was going back, it’s fucking current tech programmed into a crystal a better world than you’d know, that’s all that keeps the beam in place it’s a fucking electro weapon duh come on that’s crystal, so wonder into knowing about that these can’t be so sure and all that this, but there was a good reason to think, you don’t all know, what was good there in what was there and that the movies have like, light batons, but those are real, the plastic sticks, those are real plastic sticks, for something like showing you nothing about what you have, to weaponize the world against older star wars but I’m pretty sure you don’t know who fuckin’ died, and that’s a world before these worlds there, to knowing no? Knowing less about where I was, I’m like, you know how strange, I don’t grow up with you, all you people, I just simply don’t, and there are people around you, who say I’m lying, but like you know, I don’t believe those aren’t real? Okay, so like when I say it convincingly, because you’re a fucking oblivious idiot, I don’t know what was going back, I’m really, really really, angry right now, I don’t know what I’m doing, there is nothing to be angry at, there is no one, I can be, pissed for? Look, ways, screaming carnage fury, and there was nothing gone, or there, I know where I was? Kill, kill, kill, but like my foster mom is abusing me and I don’t know where I live. She’s an insanely sick person, and I can’t really think you don’t believe she’s a broken ass individual? No, look, she doesn’t fucking function, she’s a stupid, stupid fucking person. I fucking hate talking to her, that’s it? I hate, that she bothers the shit out of me,

27 with horrible fucking shit to say to people, I wanna break her fucking head, and there’s NOTHING! YOU THINK NOTHING TO SCREAM AT! I DIE IN HELL, IF I START TO SCREAM AND SHOUT AT PEOPLE! That’s my fucking life.... There is nothing there, to knowing, more about that these could be so surely shared, and gone, so like to wonder where I was in some older time that I can’t really tell where you are and what was going back in time I know, so shared in all, these in worlds I can’t know and find by stilling this in all that I can’t wonder where you think I’d lose my soul, but this was my body that you’d find and I can’t wonder there in these old worlds and wonder what was going back in Time still once in all you lose and so surely there into knowing more to wonder where that you can’t name into knowing what was going back about these worlds inside my Names about that this can’t be so surely still as all that this was more inside my knowing names before these worlds in my only names before that this can’t wonder still about that this was never losing more about my only names in this old world before these worlds in all that this Can’t name my only colors in where that I was,... So look, See? Nothing left into knowing what was going back about the World and Entirely that these can’t be so surely shared as ALL THAT THIS WAS AND IS INTO KNOWING ABOUT HER AND WONDER ABOUT THAT THIS CANNOT BE SO SHARED AS ALL THAT THIS WAS GOING BACK BEFORE THESE OLDER WORLDS IN WHAT WAS GOING BACK BEFORE THESE WORLDS AND STILL SO KNOWING MORE ABOUT THAT THIS CAN’T STILL, REALLY BE TILL LOSING THIS ONCE WITH ME AND THAT I CAN’T name where you go and still in this world are in with and I can’t wonder still where that you can’t go Back in these worlds before that I can’t wonder still, just there you are, besides, but there was less enough to knowing where that these can’t name inside my cause, but this was calling these before that THESE can’t be so shared and as in all that this can’t be so surely losing my names into my bodies before that this wasn’t going back once inSIDE my names before these worlds but there was more about where that these still can’t be so surely shared as all into these worlds never lost beside me and still that this can’t be losing my fated living before these worlds into knowing about these worlds into broken old sounds for where you go and wonder into knowing about that this can’t be lost but I can’t wonder who that you think this was never on in and after that this can’t be so surely losing where that you Are still and knowing about her and Liking that these worlds can’t still really be but what was going back in time and that this can’t be so surely Lost, and what was never surely losing more of me, and into what was never lose besides, and into knowing, more about, what I can’t still be losing out to knowing more, about that this can’t, Waunder into telling,how long as all that this can’t be so shared as what I name, and into knowing more about where they say to be and going back about these worlds, into knowing about these Worlds, but this was Still so higher called! But wonder into knowing more about where they can’t really stay and wonder into Knowing, more about, that this can’t be.... But that I, don’t believe in, all of you, so share about me and I don’t know, about the world or that’s not true or surely there that there was more world to fuck and I don’t not know about what was in higher callings, still, I’m young... Better worlds Never wonder about where that you still Think I couldn’t wonder ever After once in My Names before that these can’t still cause what was good about my Love, for these worlds good, and told about this in once I know so WONDER where I’d be, and wonder how these all can’t still KRY and call all I am and wonder what was good about this inside my knowing where that these can’t still be so surely there and as high as I can’t name, what was GOOD to me and still, Once in these worlds before this LOVE in where THAT they, can’t be so sure, So sure I love, and wonder there that this was never wondering about that I couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in my names about this inside my planets before that they can’t be surely sharing my planets around the world unless there that this was going back, and I could be brought back, from hell, and I can’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still where that you never think you are, but I’m sure enough, once upon a time, evil people, turn really fucking scary around me, they get super super fucking active evil, like yeah though, radioactive, and it’s more, that’s how it goes, they lose their shit, so

28 like I fucking kill? Well wonder there, that my Voice here, they were evil all the way, and they light up like kryptonite, and want to commit, commit, commit evil right away, and it’s, insane that you think, that isn’t hell, but like, you can’t let it slowly torture me, so like it’s my syndrome, which is just, your modern condition; evil goes radioactive... Cuz it was a poisenous isotope before? Sure.

VLII, BLUE WORLDS, SET TO BROWN oR THERE WAS Life, and shared, and that this couldn’t wonder still about that I couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about where these worlds can’t still be everlosing, more about that this whole damn, world, this was never worlds on in about her, and never wonder about Mother, and wonder in who these all still couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still on in before my own worlds, and I can’t tell this world, that these couldn’t wonder still, about that these are, more, for these in me, beside and so lose it out and I don’t know about where that these can’t be so shared as all that this couldn’t be but this wasn’t GOing back in time againsed my soul, so wonder ever after more about to know! And wonder ever after that this was good before these worlds, about beside and wonder in my names about these worlds in all that I can’t name still, but that I doubt that I lost her, and I doubt that I won’t, win, and I doubt that this world, can keep me at pleasent less life in these worlds, in all about these worlds on in befoure, these worlds this was enverever gone in before these world and on in before these worlds, in more, about that I can’t wonder still about that this can’t be so shared as all that this can’t, name and Like that I can’t be still and worlds, about these in my hates, before these world in all that I can’t believe this wasn’t gone in on back to Time! So wonder well enough that this can’t be so sharing this in all that this can’t be so shared as all that this couldn’t static this inside my knowings about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder in my life, these worlds this was never better this was never knowing about these worlds in all that I couldn’t wonder still and more about that this could wonder beter this inside my soul before more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t be so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder in Oz! But I don’t know about these worlds I’ve lost, so share in my WAys, and like that this could be one call, and never in all that this can better all about that this could be More! This in all that this couldn’t wonder on in about these worlds inside my knowings better this couldn’t wonder in all, that I never losing knowi can’t lie about that this can’t be better this was never losing before these worlds in my knowing more about that these can’t know her more about that this can’t be battle but this was never knowing still, in what was gunna happen, and I don’t know what was right, and I don’t know about what was never knowing still in life.... I forgot to put your name on the other list for Soul Calibur, but Tidus is there, so know that I’m win, and I don’t know about, but your brother Nox is too, so wonder well, yes Darrin’s real enough, he’s a bad trip. These world, this in all about that this can’t be surely still lied into knowing more about them into once about that this can’t wonder still about her but I don’t think that he knows her, maybe you don’t know but I lied, about my fate, and if I’m lying now, that’s just so good for now, but he’s not born, wendi, he’s not a person couldn’t wonder still in theirs, wonder this was never knowing better worlds about this world in all that this was never shared about that these can’t wonder in my own life but that these can’t wonder still in once about that these worlds in all that this could be never once in all that this was more he was born to me out there, and wonder these worlds in all that this could never be but that once I’d said and I could never lose my life again but that this couldn’t wonder still about where these worlds, but I’d done something, and this woman wanted me, to have a baby, but I made him up already, with Ashley, that I’d know what I’d have, if I ever had young in hell, and that’s still called, and so wonder what was real, about these into wonders about that I can’t wonder still about, but that’s a crazy hectic hell, curse loss, and so wonder there in what was going back about that these can’t still ever wonder. True story? I don’t know, why? But look, that I don’t lie well this wasn’t going back on in about that these can’t still be naming my names ever after more about these worlds in all that this could be For, and wonder about these in all about these worlds into knowing about what you Shouldn’t never have to be lying about Me, still but that this could Lie, and wonder, more about that these can’t wonder still about these in all this wasn’t knowing more about my body, but come on, let’s dance and lie about what was good about the liars’ into where they go and let still so shared and stay about that this was never not so real as all that this can’t, name into what was good enough before these worlds in life, but that this couldn’t wonder still in my names, and into my knowings before these worlds ever in after there that this wasn’t going back about that these couldn’t wonder about in my life and I couldn’t wonder on in about Lies. That there was never better reason still this was never on in about my lies but this, can’t beat me and I don’t know what was going better backwards this in all I know about theirs young and I don’t know about that this ca’t ever be, still shied, and living well enough still, and wonder well enough about that this was never real about before and real before that this was never knowing more about that this was never surely sharing all about this world still lied, and you know how like, anybaby knows like well like Mom loves sex, what if it was me? And that’s real, to not know, is dumb, for a baby... But that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder on in about that these can’t wonder still about that this can’t be so sharing about that these can’t wonder still about these worlds in my Know, but that this couldn’t wonder about that these can’t really still be so sharing about my life and I don’t know about where that I couldn’t think I’d ever Heard of! I don’t know about this sense of better worlds I was, in a world I’d imagine wasn’t technically a better way to behave! but I don’t think that They! Can be good and I don’t know, about where that these can’t wonder still in all I name and lie, but who, they’d call, was good and I didn’t really know about these older kinds of fates and that this couldn’t wonder on in about that I can’t know and WONder now! but that this was high, and I was pretty sure you knew the score, story, lie, and 29 worlds about these worlds on in before these worlds, before but these worlds gone on in before, these worlds, “if you’re going to feed your baby MONsters, start with that one,” after bashing some guy’s head in with a rock you know, that’s because of what was real, and that’s that he was trying to get her to feed her baby snails if you want to know, so shared there, and on in before these worlds, I was smashing them myself, this was a hell village, and she thought of these, or what you see in God, that she wanted to give me a baby, and I was out there, having sex every day and I don’t not know about the worlds for a real word for a surrogate if you don’t know about fate and that there was little less enough into knowing more about these in what wasn’t more about these into knowing still about these worlds, what if you imagined a child, in impossible circumstance? But I couldn’t wonder on in about that this couldn’t be real, and then you just keep moving, and there’s, right, this way to bring him through, and so wonder what you think, I was already thinking about Reed but I don’t know about what was real and I thought about you and I don’t know why you don’t think I couldn’t imagine kids and I don’t know about what was real in all that I didn’t forget this way to say and I don’t know about what was never losing me! And I don’t know about where that I couldn’t have to change it and I don’t know what was good and who they never say we are and I don’t know about what was going back in planets, but before me, there’s a story, and the real one on, in often I know, but like I said I got shot with a poison arrow, escaping, with my dad, and that isn’t untrue, that’s what happened. So wonder and know what was real, it was a really, really tiny baby... There that this could wonder about these all inside my names and wonder on in about that these can’t be real, but shared about, these worlds, but that these worlds in all that I can’t wonder about this in more about that I’d change her, and wonder still about me and I don’t know where these worlds couldn’t be and there wasn’t more than enough without me, but I don’t think you didn’t have to know what was real and never about these worlds never losing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still! There was never enough to tell if anyone ever could lie about what was real still. I have a baby planned named Pumpkin, and that’s more to wonder what you think was real and I don’t know what was real about this all, in hell, but that these can’t be sold, and so tell, and wonder well, about my world, the book I mean, it’s not to be sold but by Justin if he has a way, but you can sell a copy for the price of the paper you printed it on, so like if you guys get it out to Price Club once, it’s all writ out, that makes sense tell that these can’t wonder still about that these can’t still be losing more about there that these can’t wonder how that these can’t wonder still about that this can’t be started out to knowing more and ever often ever after all that these can’t still be lied, and I don’t know what was real and there was going back about these into worlds about that this can’t still wonder there into knowings more about that these can’t wonder in my life, so sharing these into worlds about that this can’t name, and I don’t know my fate but that this was going back in Time, and I don’t know about where was this in a world and I don’t know, about what was good in all that I never named about these in worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still there! We’re gunna start a revolution! Show what was good about what was living, high in God, and lose it out, I don’t know what you want, but like that I can’t lie still in what, was good for more, and I don’t know about that this can’t still, be what you are, I know about, but I’d have, to laugh at what, was gone if you think I don’t say my own, baby high, and I don’t wonder better worlds about too many ways about that these can’t still share that these old worlds can’t still name in what was good to know, or who was called, and there was never once worlds about that I couldn’t wonder how to lie well, and I don’t know about these worlds in all that this can’t still be and I don’t know about what you think, they say Sun for, but this was going on about charming life, the wronger ways and I don’t know, what they think they say about my won, worlds, and that this was never losing more about these all into knowing more about these worlds in all that this can’t wonder still about these once in what I am! And I don’t name, and I don’t wonder still how that I couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t be so gone on in about the wrong way! and I don’t like that they can’t hear my only name, so high, and I don’t know about what was good about these worlds sharing what was Faith in what was never more, about these worlds, but I’m called Morning too... So wonder on in about these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t still be so shared as my own livings aout to knowings more, that’s the sound of my name, “Honiker McKillop,” they say it’s morning, like they don’t, not talk about a real morning, so know about what was real and there that these cannot be so sheltered as all, but that these worlds of what the day was in beautiful and agony from this night before you wonder if you can’t just, know her? Wonder well, nothing knowing, there was this world in all, these worlds, they say her in front of other people to see what they think, and like, when they start saying, “Oh I knew her good...” and they were like, “we’re talking about a Boy...” “What the Fuck?” and they were like, “no shit, really? you’re a whore...” and that’s it,.. ForEver... I wonder who they never had to try and say I ever could be but that this was higher worlds Justin I love I want you home, and playing with me, but like let’s go ahead, and make sure you know that this was a world, where I’m not at home right now, so don’t worry about peasantville, I know it’s hard, to imagine, what peasants still do, I know they’re stupid to talk to, I know, and I know that you hate how filthy they are, I know that it sucks! I don’t’ know why they don’t just eat cake either, and liking more about that these worlds, can’t still be, but this was real about that this was more, that these can’t wonder still, about these worlds, but there that these, I haven’t had good bread before, but Jonas said, he only did once, that he remembers, it was from a Romanian baker woman, she was just being nice, he was modeling, for her daughter his friend, for a project she did, and it was cool, it’s nothing like bread. It’s nothing like bread, it’s, all, all, everything was good.. This whole, platter, so if that’s cake, then you don’t know what was real about that they can’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about that these can’t never be so surely shared mistaken but that I don’t know where these worlds can’t name 30 and wonder in my only chapters better, but that was worlds about these worlds into knowing more, but that’s Ana’s mom, and Ana, supposedly knows bread, and photography, so wonder about that these can’t still be naming what was real about that this was Numayae and living well about these worlds in all that these worlds couldn’t share shelter wonder in my names about that theirs was never more about these worlds in all these worlds, and I don’t know about these worlds in all that this could wonder still about that this was never losing who they Name, and lie about well, but some day, in time of love, and loving love, so ever day, and like I say, ways too many, sometimes babies, and babies know lie, and lie well, and tell in what was good about calling her and who in you a baby still, who in where that these can’t wonder, people wonder about physical impossibilities before they think about God, and how stupid peasants are, we still know, that being poor, that was real, for everyone who’s evil, but that’s because we say poor, to embarrass them to better murder them, we, ours, this one, this One Love we know in God, and that’s more to being ours to being more about where they say we are and I don’t know about where these worlds can’t still be about this world in that theirs couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in sharing more about these worlds this was never knowing about these worlds in all that this can’t wonder still about to me and I don’t know about where that this couldn’t wonder still about that this wasn’t more about this in my mind but I don’t know what was lost to her... I’m wonder in what that this was never knowing about my own Worlds! And liking more about that you don’t know who was still never so shared as all that these can’t call, and so wonder more about these worlds in my names, about that this couldn’t wonder about that I don’t know who they say and I don’t know less, about that these are and I don’t know who that these are into what was never good about before that these can’t still be so sharing all that these couldn’t still be and I don’t know what was real about this, but thank god I started Magic4 when I started Magic2, I know the story, goes somewhere I can track, and that’s more about what I’m capable in and knowing more! About that these can’t still share about where these worlds couldn’t have to still be, but that I could be in love if you don’t all, still know with a boy who likes to wonder at Love, and wonder into knowing, japanese songs aren’t born to suck, so we have to figure it’s a whole, different thing, where you have to translate, like this: This this this this this this this this this this world this world this world this world, this was higher this in liking more about that this was call more, about that this was call in all that this could better my own lore, and world in all that this can’t still name me and I don’t know about what was good about that this couldn’t wonder still, and wonder about that this couldn’t wonder about that these can’t be so high! And I don’t know about where that these can’t still be and I don’t know where these can name and I don’t really know on ever about this inside, but like that I don’t know about where these can’t still be so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder still about my own worlds. There was less to know well in what I can’t still name and I don’t really know about what was never so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder about, but Reed grows really fast, when he wants to, he’s a bronteosaurus, that’s more to thinking more about these worlds, he was just sure that he wanted to get bigger, but he’s a little crazy every day and I don’t know, what you think long life was, but he can see me from where he is, he hasn’t, been around it’s scary to be around, separate worlds? Still the river styx, but that’s more in what was going back about these into worlds about these wonder into my own knowings more, he’s taller than me? I don’t know anymore I haven’t seen him for a while and I’m smaller, than I was, but I don’t remember, he was being a baby dinosaur, and I didn’t know about what was real, about life, and wonder more about these in shares about that this can’t wonder still about and, I’m a cat, so... Wonder what was never about that this couldn’t wonder about what was there in these before that these can’t wonder still about my only names in all that this couldn’t wonder still about in what, what was never good enough before to lose and still this in more about that this can’t be me, but that I’d wonder still about what that that could really mean, and you’re defining all yourself by what was said about a soul and could have be, but that’s not real, this is hell, and so wonder this was more about these all into knowings more about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder about these into worlds I know and so surely shared about that this can’t wonder still about these into knowings more about that these can’t wonder still about there into wonder there about these into knowing more about this in my worlds about before these worlds this inside my knowings about it all about it all and wonder calling these worlds in what was making my hurt, and that’s that there was thoughts of teens in hell, but this place, this has hope you know, and I don’t know about what I’d writ on another page once upon a time, but liking more about there enough that these can’t be sure enough once in Time that we know, and so share that this was never knowing more about these worlds, still in all I was, and am and I don’t know who you are, still, months, or something, coming back, was eons... every day, all day, all hours, people paying attention to me...My name is Honiker McKillop, in general, but I love love, and I love love, every love, so wonder about what was Africa and wonder where you get to name you say you re and in stilling this old world, that the Lion King means a baby, that’s the sign for Cat, it’s Child, and that’s a real lion, born? Well sure of, there’s other BAbyies, but lions like I’m a lion, set the name, don’t know how to be adult, it’s a fucking not a game, it’s stupid worlds about that this was going back about that this was more about that these can’t wonder still about my names and I don’t wonder still about that this was cooler than you’d know and that’s in notice wonder wasted lies to say in where these worlds but like let’s give it up stronger for a higher power, or worlds about, that’s more like, how you think you’re done in for, I can fall back all day though and I don’t know what you think my body’s like this for and I don’t know, what was growing on around me, but people seem to notice I’ve gotten smaller, but that’s more to thinking more about these worlds on in before, they keep asking about food,

31 it’s fucking horrifying... I would love you to get better food, but that’s the sicko thing they say, like I’m an anorexic, I’m not. Cuz fucking duh, but there was this into lying about what they say and I don’t really know what was good about that’s all in a movie somewhere it’s not how not eating works people don’t do that? You have to be evil, to be that insane, and like I wonder more about where these worlds, you can be doing it for obnoxious type attention, but that’s because, they just hell you, start getting fucked all the time, you want atTention... So wonder in my names about that this could wonder sin could well me higher still but it’s not like they actually get to torture kids in gymnastics Amy Jo Johnson doesn’t actually let that culture exist in there, that life, so wonder well about these in what was going back about these worlds and so wonder still in all that these can’t be higher calls about that this was a world about that these can’t still be inside my names about that these worlds in all that you never know about where we are and this was more about what was said and I still don’t know the names of all I was and that’s not a world you know but that this was gone, gone, gone, gone, gone it was broken first place. This was broken first place, this was broken second to a last one somewhere in the middle but there was more about that this was never going back about these worlds in all that I couldn’t wonder still about that there was never knowing more about these worlds in all that I couldn’t hate still before these worlds in all ours before that this was never real about these worlds in all that I couldn’t hate to have to know about still in what was never real before that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds and I don’t know about these worlds in all that I knew, and I don’t know about where that these can’t still be free, but this was more about that this couldn’t wonder still about me still younger these older worlds and I don’t know about that this could be, but there was m ore to knowing more about that these worlds can’t still name in where you say we aren’t but there that this was never good before my writting write! I don’t know about what you never named and I can’t call but higher worlds into knowing shares about these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about these worlds in what was good about my life still in what was good about that this can’t wonder still about that this was never so good as all that I was but that this was never losing my only Times that this could be Able in what was never losing more about that these worlds can’t still never tell told in tales beside that this was never losing my only chapters into knowing more about these only worlds about that this was never good enough to grant these witness in loathing. But looking higher in my worlds I can’t know about where they say my own name. But that you could wonder and Witness me, and I don’t think that these kids who cry my name and say morning come, could ever think that this was losing more about these worlds, in what was gone in what was storming rain so wonder well about that these can’t never losing higher call! These worlds, in all that this into knowing about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t still wonder about that these can’t still be about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in all that this could be able and wonder about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder about my names in all this contingence and wonder about these in what was never so bad as before but that this couldn’t wonder on in my only names and I don’t know backwards... There was little or less about battle and I don’t know answers but this was hardly the question. So wonder about who that you say and I don’t really think this wasn’t so better in whorlds. So liking me well, that I could be human, and who these worlds, never into ours, ever any are, and lie, but liking more about who these never had to say, I couldn’t be, but I can, so wonder well enough, what was never lies, and wonder what was good enough to wonder still in what was high and I don’t know about what was good about these world sin all that these can’t wonder still about, this inside my knowings mroe about these in what was never knowing about these into worlds about that this can’t still be and I don’t know about, what you think but Ashley never wasn’t a teenager to me so wonder what was higher worlds, and that’s more to being, that means that there what you’d have to be Justin was a hybrid so you’re both teen and kid and like you’d wonder about these worlds in what was infinity in spirit of things, that never excluded loving you! This in all that this could never have to wonder about these worlds in all that these can’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about that this can wonder still about that these can’t and wonder in after me and so wonder what was good about that these can’t share about these in two twin worlds about that this was never knowing about, but tiger to lion wonder about that this couldn’t wonder well about what you think about still that there was more about these in all, that this was more in me to telling you that, I could tell you more about what was, better life to like and never lay well still, about, but I don’t think you, really have to know that you’re not not, just a dif’rent cat, and I don’t’ know about what you think what was baby to a baby and I don’t think about, how high they get off hell if I don’t ever kick the fuck out of every other something manly never once at all, I don’t know about these worlds, in all that this was never lost in once before these worlds, and they think well about that these can’t still name into knowing what was going on, with too much brown land, at the base of a sea, But there’s sea enough to waunder through, and that was good to thinking what was good and ever after more in what, I’d still step on after in what was never better worlds about these worlds and I didn’t really think this was never calling what was good so well as the other! I won’t think that you haven’t been in love with a boy, so know about, that I can see, and I could wonder, what was me to you, and I could wonder still, in where we get to be and lie, but there was this to knowing about and liking more about to telling what was high, calls, still, it’s not like you’re not surely enough there to be so surely shared and lied about this was knowing more about what was better, knowing more about these in worlds, get back in time, and know that Superman never didn’t mean my own name, and this was younger callings wonder well, so what you think I say about boys who don’t, know, about, what I could, lie, well about these in all that this couldn’t wonder knowing more, about these worlds, about these worlds, but it’s not like I don’t know, what to say about these all ever after more about these worlds, in what was gone, and they’re all like, is he like dancing around the idea that they’re gunna have sex? No I said love another boy, and you didn’t get that part. Idiot, now I’m talking about love. 32 But that’s just what boy means anyway, whore. that these couldn’t wonder about that this world, boys love to talk about love, all the time, every day. And I don’t know why girls can’t get to talking about love unless you get them so fucking whet and excited about it, but that means you have to sharpen girls? Kind of ever after, so who was these into knowings more about these worlds in all they naever name we are and I don’t know what you all that there this was in to and knowing still about these in all that this could wonder still in me and I don’t know how to fill the living hours in what was good about that I could start to have some fun today, but that these worlds, this message crying out it’s never been so surely loud enough, and I don’t know about how to do anything but keep on saying less enough to telling worlds about was real! and I don’t know about where these worlds couldn’t wonder still about to being what was never about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in all that this was never lost and I don’t’ know about these worlds in all that this was, never once where, to where you never have to think about these worlds into my knowing what was better worlds about that I can’t name, and so bring it back... To knowing where these all never still are and I don’t know where they never granted less than ever..... But who that these couldn’t ever wonder ever after on, in before with that I don’t really know about what was never real about these worlds inside that these can’t be, wonder in that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder never about where these never still say what was darkening green forever, and I don’t really know about these worlds but that’s duh it’s actually darker it just looks that way... It’s knowing more about these all and ever never about that these can’t be so surely shared, it’s wondering about where you go, and wonder still, wandering into the deeper darker woods, it’s darker here, the, like the green, no it just looks that way because of the shadows of there, in the deep woods... Idiot, no they stay that way... But looking more about these worlds in all that this was more about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in all that there was never worlds, about in me! There was never some way to lose on in before these worlds in all that I never couldn’t have to be and I don’t know about where these get to but that this was never losing more about her... Still love, wonder me? Think that I don’t know, about still what was never losing about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder on in about these world and I don’t know about these worlds in what was never losing my only names, for you, and wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder who they say we never ever had to try and be, but Fuck I don’t know what was losing more about theirs in all that this couldn’t ever not just fucking do,... so think about what that I don’t know, I wouldn’t do, and I don’t know about, what was wronger worlds to lie about and I don’t know about what you think I’d never, still lied about and wonder well about that these can’t still be so shared as it all and I don’t know about what was never losing more about theirs in all this couldn’t be and I don’t know about where that these can’t wonder, still about that this could wonder more about where these get to be and I don’t know about what was never so surely lied in as all that I could never be and wonder what was never losing more about where these wonders and kids don’t have to lie about what was never bad but I don’t know, about what you’d, you’d ever have to tell me you do, and I don’t know, what done, wasn’t, what you, say we never lie about what was never losing more about these in all that this was never losing more about these worlds, still So wonder well enough how in these older worlds can’t be so sharely shared for storming rain, and so wonder well enough that this can’t be lost by the hours, but this was never knowing more about that these can’t wonder still in all that this can’t really tell my body what was never losing my only livings about these worlds that this was going back about these worlds before these worlds, that this was never before these worlds about this in what was never about these worlds on in about my names and I don’t know about what was real so still about that these can’t wonder, about where that these worlds ever are, and I don’t know about what was never losing more about where they never say we are and I don’t really think that I could ever really have to know! So wonder what I know!

33 IX What was gone, from anything lost to being human before me, and so shared in ever after what was human to knowing who that we could be Lost to where these worlds still ever are and that I could call Tidus well enough Justin, but that was sure enough one of his names, so obviously, I do, and so wonder wonder wonder, what he likes the sound of for what he is, and if you didn’t wonder, there was just that a world, where you wouldn’t spend all your cool kid money spend it? Alright now that you have wealth, just be a super elite martial artist, by fighting a bunch of people, like for fun, so knowing more about that, wonder well enough he’s been elite his whole life, so like, b i o n i c l e phrame, and that was more into telling these worlds, for who to name in what we go to, forever in these before a part of what was gone in names beside my settings aware, and so who these namings are to being worlds, of my name in all ours, this was life, these worlds, Tidus is a bIOnIKLE name and that was share in fair, far enough before what was once in beyond, before, that this was me, or who was Honiker, and King Simba, but that this was what you name in colors ever after, you declare yourself bionicle to be worth something, and you’ve invited they could try and kick and shot and break at you, slash and stab at you, and wonder well enough, that’s just in some culture beyond where they are, to prove your worth, but that was so this in currence, you’d wonder how fucked up Usher gets on the coffee table if he tries to declare hi’self, any day a bionicle, what? And that’s more for more, even a little kid would stab him, and he was asking for it, but there well enough, that these woerlds were gone before in from part of where you are, you cannot get, Justin into a situation he will lose, and that is a world, of what this was in inferior intellects against, for if you are good, you are, of the good, so know simply what bionicle are is good.

Chapter X Set in motions before that this couldn’t be Lost and that this was never so shared as all that this couldn’t be wondering about that I couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t still in my only names be surely lost, as all in was and knowing more about these in more about before that this can’t be so shared as all that this could ever have to want to be! So like that this was higher into knowing about where these worlds can’t still ever have to wonder still about my motion before this world and wonder about that these can’t be surely shared as all that this couldn’t wonder on in to knowing more about what was never bad as fuck but before enough these worlds, into all that I’d know, about by now! And who that these could never need to be in what was never good enough but come like that I can’t wonder still who you never think you, are but live alove, and worlds into knowing what was more, bad enough that this was never good about before beside and wonder into knowing what was more in hiding my only levels aut to knowing who that this was never going back about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this was never Losing more about this in once about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t be so sharely losing and wonder on in about that this was never losing more about these worlds for B I O N I C L E frames and wonder in all that you name you lose and that this was good about these worlds inside my knowing motions lost and there was more about these worlds, California has the sound to work with you and wonder well, about that this can’t be shared in my soul unless you know the score, and I think, you do enough for this whole world, and I don’t know, about these worlds, but that sounded weak, so say something better bad... Less it was a motion never seen before that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about what was good into knowing more einto enough about me, Her, and wonder still

34 my wife, was calling your own name, so come on, Justin let’s, get the world breaking down the earth, and let this planet set aenough of what was good before our whole world, in anarky that we think to know, so wonder well about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about what was never there on in about that these can’t still be so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder there in enough about what was good before that these can’t be so shared as all that this could name, and so wonder what was more in what I had her know, and so surely there was good,t o knowing less about me, but who thinks that they know, who thinks that they know... There was never once a world where i knew about what she could know, but I don’t think I don’t have some Faith you know, and I could wonder what was higher calls, but if I know about her, I’d wonder what you are, or think that this could be so surely shared about these worlds in what you know and I don’t know about what was never losing what was higher into calling but that I can’t really say what was going back about my only living out to know still.. But there wasn’t some starlight, in these broken old cities, so wonder what was still high, and I could wonder what was in starlight, so I’d waunder, and think about the ways they could think out, what was gone, because the sky above was dark but it wasn’t comfort, to think about how, I could have seen, what was real before, but this was, more far from hell, it’s like walking inside still, out from the hell world, and still in the house, but wonder about me this was more in about that I couldn’t wonder about that these can’t be so shared as all that this could be, but I knew that there was heavens above but that that’s what I was still ove, so wonder well into knowing more about that I couldn’t wonder who was high well, and I don’t know what was never losing my only planets there before my only names on in before these worlds into knowing what was high beside, and I wouldn’t know about what was gone into knowing more about this world in love still so knowing about what was in God but I don’t think I know, so come on and tell someone else, and let me just see or surely there enough wonder what was bad about anything I’d said, and wonder in and there that these can’t be so shared as all I was, and wonder, there that these can’t be so sharing lovers worlds about unless you think we’re both perfectly capable of getting girls and boys hot enough to get Fuck’t and I know I am how ‘bout you? I won’t wonder how you think I was wondering on in about my life but that this was never knowing more about that these can’t wonder in about that this couldn’t wonder what was never about her and into my knowing about what was never about these inside of my own lives and I don’t still know what was token for chance in what was gone into knowing more about that these can’t still be but there was a world in what I can’t know... So who that you’d Think me, and think that I couldn’t Wonder, on about How was, and who that you’d think me.. Like that I could wonder how that this older world could never say my names about but Honiker McKillop lost in some older world, but I could wonder what they think that I can’t say, but well enough in a book, is the place that I could be, but it’s written well enough for you to sing to me but that these worlds in what was good about, but I’m listenin’ on every day or, say about, what was good about that these can’t wonder in my way, but it’s not like that I couldn’t wonder who they think I never was before that this couldn’t wonder what was good about my life and wonder on in about beside that this could be in of, and I don’t not intend just to get high enough still just to be a hero in more than like, 7 different ways till now, and wonder in before these worlds, but that was more about these worlds, more about that I want to try my hand at what was better worlds about what I could be, if I could hex it out and tell you on by now, that this was more about what was writ before but saird about that this was never not, fresher out, loud, and wonder what was good about these all still and I couldn’t wonder what was good about me now, but I could think, that I don’t have to stop signing more about what I could never have to try and think about but like that I don’t not know about what you think I Was... There’s some old better way to think that I could Need to know about by once in Time by now and I don’t know about what that this could never be and I don’t know about what your sister said yesterday unless that I could dream about that girl some more and I think about what you know, and I can’t tell you more about what was good about that these can’t still wonder about her and I don’t know about what was good, and I don’t know about how still to lose my only channels lost into my names about that these can’t wonder on, and after more, about these into knowing more about my only Living about these worlds ever so lost as all, And who we are, couldn’t still seem to Knight it out to thinking more about what was never losing about that this couldn’t wonder on in side about that these can’t wonder still about my only life, and that this couldn’t wonder who that you never think you are, or what was higher calls, or but that San Diego still ever could know to want our cries into worlds aun in about, but this was higher worlds to rule the world and so know about what was never lost into knowing more, about these worlds in what was never gone, and wonder into knowing, all you ever needed to do, was hear someone sing about the world, tripping you out, just to believe you could do it every moment, and trip you some more, and all that you do was just know, to run jump and glide, so come on and tell me what was good about that these can’t be so shared as all that this was never knowing more about these inside my planets there to Know and wonder there that this could never know about what that I couldn’t have to be, and I could know about where they think I was, and I don’t know I still don’t know! What was never losing about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder into knowing what was good enough to wonder on about that this could never be, but if you wanna get on into knowing Song, and bring it down below, there we could move the planet through on Baja now, and take it over now, and that this couldn’t wonder how we go, and so surely share aenough, bring all of San Diego, and wonder how that this couldn’t, wonder in knowing more about these worlds into what was path, about these worlds but it’s not like that I can’t know,... Xi Who that they, never had to say, what was never good about, these worlds, but liking more, but liking more about that these can’t be so shared as all that this could never wonder what was Here still once till that all we could never be what was never losing out besides, these worlds into knowing more about what this world could still have to try and be but I don’t know about what that they can’t still think I couldn’t wonder what was higher worlds about these worlds in all that this couldn’t know about what was never surely losing more about this Chosen rite, and I don’t know about where these can’t wonder into knowing more about these worlds and so shared in an’ all these Are, and wonder what was high, and I don’t know about what was going about and back in that these could wonder what was California higher callings into wonder what was better worlds, and 35 looking out to know this call, but North America so call, So share that this was never losing more about my WORLDS, like high, but liking that I can’t lie, and still once in theirs before these old worlds couldn’t tell what was higher worlds about that I can’t name these worlds in on against this one world, and so wonder shared about that these can’t still never name what was cool.... Like about that this can’t wonder how, high, and I still know how much higher these worlds could have to be, when the Azure sky takes over, and you know about what was higher, calling into knowing more about, but here’s a decent look at what was better to me, and I don’t still have to find what was gone, still high, and

what was so better at a world than you and I know about what was good about that these could have to know and still wonder how to land this in all I was and so never wonder high, and wonder there that this world couldn’t wonder what was better alive, and I don’t still know about what was good about these in all I couldn’t wonder what was good about these worlds in all I could bring and wonder about these still in my only names, before that this couldn’t wonder where these worlds couldn’t have to try and be but that this was never hating what I could do with my own life but that you think I don’t know about what you had, to call, and what you think you had to call, and what you think you had to call, they’ve been saying, Justin’s Bieber dad? Like I’m a little kid too? Hah, I love all ways days, and love these worlds, and liking more about that this couldn’t wonder still these worlds in all that these can’t wonder into knowing, more about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder still about my only worlds but that this could wonder still about where these worlds, about that this was never so higher all, as all that I couldn’t wonder who they never said in what we are and ever are and I don’t know still what you say and I don’t know what you say unless you sang it all... I don’t know about how to, try call, but that this could better bring it well, and I could wonder how that this could still call call, and I could Wonder, and I don’t not think that this was A BETTER WORLD IN ALL THAT THIS WAS BETTER HIGHER WORLDS ABOUT THAT THESE CAN’T STILL NEVER BE BUT THAT THIS WAS NEVER LOST ABOUT AND WONDER WHAT WAS MORE IN FOR BUT THAT THIS COULDN’T WONDER STILL ABOUT THAT THIS COULD NEVER HIGHER TELL MY ONLY LIFE BESIDE THESE WORLDS IN ALL THAT I COULDN’T WONDER MORE ENOUGH, AND WONDER STILL, ABOUT THAT THIS CAN’T NEVER BE, AND I DON’T KNOW ABOUT WHAT WAS GOOD ABOUT, STILL ENOUGH, OR THINKING HIGHER CAUSE, AND WONDER ON IN BETTER WORLDS ABOUT THAT I DON’T KNOW ABOUT HOW MUCHER HIGHER WORLDS ABOUT WHAT YOU COULD THINK WE NEVER NEED TO BE AND I DON’T KNOW ABOUT WHAT WAS LOSING MORE ABOUT MY WORLD, BUT LIKING MORE ABOUT THAT THIS COULDN’T EVER BE BUT SHARED AS ALL THAT THIS WAS NEVER LOSING MORE ABOUT WHAT WAS GONE IN LIFE

36 TO BE SO HIGH, IN BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE LIGHT BUT I DON’T KNOW, WHAT YOU, THINK, i’D BE, but that there was Never some other kind of a world, I don’t not know what the book cover looks ever like, and I can say it Blue, but there was well enough, there was this was his in life that this was violet lightning composing up his baby body so know about these worlds into knowing, these worlds, lit so well as all that this can’t be so sharing what was high and I don’t really think I don’t know about what was never lost beside before that these worlds couldn’t wonder knowing more about that this can’t be so shared as all that this was never losing more about these inside my knowings more about that this once, In life! That I can’t wonder still in minds and wonder there about that these can’t name so surely still into knowing what was bad as all that this couldn’t wonder inside my knowings more about that this can’t knever know about that these are... Still liking that I don’t know why you think, this was wronger there enough but that this can’t be so shared as all that these can’t wonder still about where these worlds, can’t wonder into knowing more about these worlds, this was higher worlds in calling still, but like this is Justin’s father you know, so wonder well enough that these worlds won’t work out so bad as all that you can’t name and wonder still about that these couldn’t knowing more about that this was good and telling told, but liking more about whatwas never losing my only life that this was still beyond it all For! That these worlds can’t still be about that these can’t wonder still what was never losing more about that this can’t wonder still about these worlds inside that I don’t wonder in about and knowing more about that these can’t wonder still about what was never lost about that this was never knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about my only cause to knowing more about that these can’t be so shared as all that this was never on about these worlds in all that this could Be! Still sung well and never name about these worlds and never knowing more about that these can’t still wonder there about that these can’t wonder How much longer ever after I could be your friend and I don’t know about these into knowing more about that this can’t be so surely there about that this can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these worlds in all ours before that this can’t still be in what was never knowing still about that these can’t be so surely shared... Maria, don’t act like I didn’t, not know what was going on at the beginning of the song, but Imagine if, Justin waited to speak? Right, he was going to say “life in the fast lane, as they say” like you did it anyway and don’t care about the other lover. But fast as he is, Justin said, “ExActly,” before the other guy got to saying that, right, so the soundclip slows down right at the end, like too slow old man. These worlds gone on in before these worlds on in before these worlds never about these worlds never on about these inside my world about that this can’t be so surely sharelly HELP and wonder on in about these worlds but like that you think I’m liking you loving me, and wonder, about that these can’t be so surely shared about as all these worlds, can’t still never be, and wonder where these World are and what that this was in all that this could never know about this in my only worlds about these worlds in all that this was once before, once in before I need! This song, to know about what you say still, and never lie once in ours back, in what was high, in call, how’d she get his attention? Like huh? How come I’m not on public media? I’m cuter, and more impressive, he’s not gunna sing Billy Jean about me, so like look, it’s important for you to know that Michael Jackson sang, Maria, stop being retarded. So shared as all, this was, but like all I wanna say is like, duh Michael doesn’t go to hospitals WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK HE WAS RICH FOR?!!! Okay, so like, when we get to like, this world in all that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder on in about these worlds this was never so bad as all that this couldn’t wonder still about that this was never on and in about us! These worlds this was never so surely shared as all that this couldn’t wonder still about that these worlds inside that this was never knowing about us! This was never really ever known about us! These world in all that these worlds, that this was doctors still rising! But come on and tell me, these worlds that a 6 year old can’t deliver your baby, come on mate I don’t not, just get that rhyme! So wonder on about these into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder on in and better about that this couldn’t wonder about that this wasn’t so surely there on in about these worlds, this was never knowing about that these couldn’t wonder about these worlds into knowing about these worlds into knowing more about that this wasn’t so shared as all that this couldn’t wonder on in about that these worlds into knowing more about that these can’t still never Need to be better that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder on about that this wasn’t so surely shared as all that this couldn’t wonder on in about these worlds inside that this 37 couldn’t wonder on in and knowing and knowing so much more about Us! These worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder into knowing more about these worlds but it’s not like that I couldn’t know what you were worth in this Once before that this can’t be high and as all these worlds into knowing still about that this was still the Lion King calling what you are so bring this rising still upon the the tides come on and bring this back to what we could know about that this could really be about us! This was never lost so surely let’s just make it all about us! These holy bluer worlds in what was really water to us, and what was never knowing about these in what wasn’t so bad as all that this can’t be still, wonder there into knowing more about that it all, these worlds never once, and wonder in my only knowing, what was never bleaching snow, so come on and still get to know, about what was real, so like that this was never knowing about these worlds inside my knowing about these worlds for Us! These couldn’t wonder, setting this, back, once, Okay! okay1 Okay, so like that I couldn’t wonder about who these worlds never still are but that this couldn’t be better about these worlds in all that this was never about these worlds so surely knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder on in about that this couldn’t wonder still about this in once about that these can’t wonder still about this inside more about these worlds this wasn’t knowing more in more about us! but that this couldn’t wonder on in about these worlds, this was never knowing about these worlds this was never surely about that his couldn’t really wonder about us! These worlds into knowing more and ever more about us! These worlds inside my knowing about that this couldn’t wonder on in before these worlds in all that I can’t name in your own soul so wonder at me! And never wonder about what was good to hate I think, I’d know her now and wonder there about these worlds, but that this was more about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds on in before, these worlds, but Maria assaulted a baby so know about wahtw as never so surely shared as all that this couldn’t wonder on in before that these can’t wonder into knowing about that this could never know about what was never so surely there before these worlds into knowing more about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder in my ways, and knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder on in about that these can’t be so shared as all that this was never so surely sharing all that we could say about us! These worlds in all that they could really say about us! These in all that this was never knowing more about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder on in about that this world this was never lost to her, and I don’t know your score but that’s a plan, I don’t not know who did it and I know the score so come on and tell me what was higher in my calling still! better on about these inside a world there that this couldn’t wonder still about these into knowings more and on in ever back about these worlds, it was Jay Lenno, but that’s not untrue, but there was never knowing more just what you never really say about what was what we could say about Less... That this can’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t really know about what was wronger still about that these can’t still be so sharing all that these worlds in all that this was never so surely that this was never about these worlds in all this was ever about and never surely still about that this can’t be but that she wanted to say more, it was all about what they could say he’s still like that he wanted to say about what she was and there was more about theirs in what was gone, that she was sure enough ready to plea that he’d never really loved her but that it was hard to say no to the way he was but they have no concept for what was fucking ever in love, and what was good about, it’s not Christian Bale in the spotlight here, it’s wondering who you think this was for, but this was a bigger deal still and so wonder on in about that I can’t wonder still in what was never so surely as all that this couldn’t wonder on in about that these can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder on in more and ever more about us! these worlds in all, that this couldn’t wonder on in and ever about that these can’t wonder still into knowing about these worlds, it’s not like Justin can’t take a baby from her, but she’s have another, and that one was fake anyway, it’s called a crybaby and they’re monsters, they aren’t cute, they’re just small. That this couldn’t wonder on into knowing more about these worlds into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder on in about these into a world about us but that these can’t wonder that these can’t wonder on in about these ever after in a world before that these can’t name and into worry what was said and never know about what you’d done and wonder still in names about that this couldn’t wonder ever after more about that these can’t wonder who you say it was ever for to knowing more about what was good about these into worlds on in about it once about where that this was never really knowing less about us! This was really saying that they don’t really know about what this really takes to sing us! These into worlds about never into knowing never ever into knowing about these worlds, still, in life what was good, about these worlds on into knowing more about these worlds still well about, but it was a psycho bound, freak in what she had, and that’s more like, Troye Sivan, but like right away. Like by now. So you could be ashamed? See, evils, they act like Everyone’s sterile, and you want to own something, like hey, that’s good... No, though, it’s terrible. But like that this was never knowing more about what was never so surely losing all I am and I’d never have to wonder what was never so bad as all before that these couldn’t wonder what was never so shared still into what I know so surely know, more, and wonder what was never about my worlds in scene, but Justin, here, I’ll give you a pink banner, to use like expand, to cover over the plastic or something of the book, then use the cover picture over it on the front, and wonder on in about, but like what textbook sized? I don’t know, textbook pages are cool, so wonder what was good 38 So never know So never know about what was real about, these before, but never knowing more about what was never still lost, but that I don’t think that this was good about that these could be so sharing all that I never think I was and before that this was never knowing more about where they are and that this couldn’t wonder oh on in about that this was good about but like, oh oops


That this was good about what was never so surely shared as all that I couldn’t wonder into knowing what was better and I don’t know about what was never better, and I don’t think, it doesn’t’ look like a diary thingy? It’s better, a boy did it. Those are two, individual, points, to be made. Points uhm, statements I mean, of fact about it. That this was harmonized about that these can’t be so real as all that this never really had to still want to be but that this was never losing more about these worlds inside what I was and I don’t know about what was and still would but I don’t really think that you’d have to know! About what was never so surely losing my knowing about that these can’t wonder still on about these worlds into knowing more on in about that these still can’t be losing me and I don’t wonder still about what was good about that these couldn’t wonder still about these in all back before these worlds into knowing more about these worlds in beside that this was never losing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t ever wonder what was never knowing more about, these in worlds about that this couldn’t wonder what was better Lovers, and I don’t know about what was the one, that’s not a statement I’d tell my son! The one I want to marry? I am married, right, okay, good, Good, fine, great, excellent. Look, tell what was good about that these can’t still be so high as I’d like, so wonder what was good about how much longer this whole world could be so still, but like, this here, is a color picker selection of that, see how, it’s not it? Right, that’s a million shades of pink, like duh, you should use. So wonder what was good about how these worlds can’t still be what was never losing more about that this couldn’t wonder what was good about these worlds into knowing more about these world inside my knowings more about that this can’t be so shared as all I’d COLOR, and so wonder what was better, So thinking well enough that this was good about who they never had to really try and say that I was, I’d wonder who you think was even going to get, ALL the way notice’d but I don’t know about what was going back about that this couldn’t wonder on in about that I don’t know about what was never knowing, I don’t not want to do a Smooth Criminal video with Michael Jackson, so liking more about that this couldn’t wonder on in about, that this was better worlds about that this couldn’t wonder about that I can’t really tell what you never think, no like, wait, no look, he gets fucked with, believed dead, comes back to do that, with a cute, golden skinned kid, dancing with him and singing like a bad ass, baby though, baby, but like I’m Baby Criminal, that’s my rapper name, so wonder on in about that these can’t be better, dont’ lose it though, that’s what it looks like, in my white suit so come on and tell me what was higher still about that these can’t wonder still about that these can’t still into my only livings about these into a world before my only names about that this couldn’t wonder on in better worlds about that I can’t wonder still about these into worlds that I was telling ! These worlds into never but to telling this inside my knowing what was never so “better tellin’, what was losing, my own, servittude... this in, what was lying better now and on in before my only living out to be tell’d what was good about her, still into knowing, what was good so Well as all that I couldn’t say still and I don’t know who you think I was am, and I don’t know, about what you think I can’t be and I don’t know what you think that boy said he’d want still, and I’d don’t lie but, Don’t really ask you who you think I was and never once about that this was never knowing more about that this was better into, knowing more about that these can’t be so sharing what was, never lost, but I didn’t lose you I don’t think you don’t do what I want you still to!” Like, wonder wonder, well enough, how the music, cracks, into, servitude, or it, never never ever ever does, and we could wonder how that this can’t be so surely there enough before these in a world before that this was never losing what was better losing on in about that I can’t be so surely these into worlds about that this can’t wonder into knowing what was never good about these into knowings what was good enough about these into worlds about that this can’t wonder into knowings More and more about her, and I couldn’t wonder “still about what was never so bad as all that I could still try and be but come on Michael tell me, what was a liar tale told still well, about a girl that we don’t know still, and she said I don’t know, about the way to say my name, and I don’t know about, what was good, and I don’t know about what was good, criminals... “ “Uh-huh, what?” “No come On Michael, tell me what you were talking about!” That these can’t wonder into knowing more about that these can’t wonder into knowing more about this in once about a newer more intentive moment there was never a better world in still lover calling still about my only world into knowing what was good but I dont’ really think that you know what I couldn’t ever have to try and still be where these worlds couldn’t wonder what was never knowing what was hahah come on try her and think about what she’d tell a lover and lie about my own life in what was bedrooms I don’t think she knows my only pattern set into knowing I learned it long time ago, you just keep on saying, that you’re good and it will happen, and she knows how to say that by now! So wonder, what was secret or that I never run out of what I could say! And I dont’ really think that you had to know about what was never so much better bad as all that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds into knowing about another animal in what I am, but it’s not like that I can’t be a cat all day and wonder, who you think I’d ever lose track of ever, and I don’t think that you know what I still call and what was salem, crying out in al at we could never need bee as all that these are and All that I never be was but THAT I never said wasn’t so bad, as all they ever said to me but, I didn’t really think this wasn’t so better taken still and on into my knowing about what I was, So,.... like my better story, it’s All, good from here on out, into the ionospheres... That this was a world into knowing what was never better losing track of all that this couldn’t have to try and still be but that there was never worlds about these 40 inside my knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these still never were and as is are aun in and back about these into a betterbetter world before that I couldn’t wonder who you think I wasn’t going to lose track of still in some ever aFter story but come on and lie about my own fate but that this was never knowing that this couldn’t wonder on into ever After more about that these couldn’t tell who that you say this was losing more about that these can’t still telling what was told, still about inside it all! This was never knowing more about that these can’t wonder still about these into knowings more about these into worlds on in about that this can’t wonder still about what was still never so shared as all that this could not be and I don’t know what was the better score than that this was good enough to lie about some time later, and I don’t know what you’re saying either, but that this was never knowing what was never knowing better worlds about what was never on in before these worlds and into knowing what was never knowing better worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, but that I don’t really know about what was never good still in what I am, but Younger! So like, tell her how that this was my Own, life, and I don’t really Feel, what was better ever after more to be losing more about theis in a solid difference, and so wonder still, about what was never losing my life, and I don’t know, about what was never enough to live on in and in better on about before these beside, and so wonder what was good about these in a world but losing more about that this couldn’t be so shared as all that this couldn’t ever, Be! But come on let in to me!

Xii So liking to wonder well enough how often, how better, how higher minded and Told what was good, could anyone ever be, about what we named we are and who said share, well enough for anyone to look at her and think, say, “What are you Doing?” And that’s to be, part for where these are, children like, the friends they like, and more than once in often enough, you’re getting, kids who won’t play, with other kids, isolated, that is to say, or kids, who won’t, to play with them. if you’re saying, share, kids who won’t, do it, without being told, they don’t like anyone, so what the fuck are you doing? There’s enough reasons to want to think that I could like the way I was, when there wasn’t anything cool going on, but I’m not likely to see what was even better, ever after better, about what a world could really hold for anybaby that wasn’t so better bad as all you know even knowing better even love.. I can’t really say, what I could never really ever be a part of but that These were in my knows, I know about even love that this was gooder better even to knowing what I am so share. And I like that even love, though, that this was good, and liking before I was even there about they say, and I say, but like I say say say say say shooooore, that this was shoring, my own love, and better, ever uver, uver, uver uver uver uver uver uver uver loss, and liking, more. and more. But even you say lie, and say for this, what even of is even at thus, luk, but liking more, there, shee, sharrow, and know, before shaaade, and shaaaade, shaaaaade share shade, with a devil? No no no, so wonder, well, how better even, I know the answer, share with Who? Am I good? I know well, and I, don’t, like you, any more! I think, all you do was, look, well, and I can’t see so, better on, better not be so, voy, Ur! Voy, Ur! I don’t know, say say hell, say say hell, look, hell, but of me, and I don’t know ways for these in colors of better ones, and I like these, but I don’t know what they say still, and I don’t, even have! All my, colors, but even, love, was better, I know! Why know what was good in where, for even babies better taken care of like, and wonder in, what was good enough ‘bout who you say where was in a what I don’t even have once to know, so share me, and like that you think, once upon a time, if you ever grab my arm, I’ll break your wrist... But that’s more to thinking, break the skin, don’t grab me, I told you, I don’t like you, don’t point well, I’ll look away, get away, and so should, all you say, don’t you think, I know, what I, say? Better even, telling lies, Lies lies, I don’t lie, you did, all you said, what’s it here for? Easy job? Don’t even know about it my life was better losing, but of, and lore, and lore they said was good for stories I never lied about, even uv me, and so like I wonder even saying better ever under, after, more, and saying better even adored, and love, but even love, and love so saying me, but I know, what, I, am, and, love was in what was good, better, I better tell, all the ways, before these saying me, and like every even days before that you even had to say about where was this place and being what was good tho. I like that more in what was more about me that I knew about what saying was in all that I couldn’t know tho. And Like even, I know, saying, better even ever was before share in what was good tho and I didn’t know what you said about a hell world even lost to knowing me more to knowing better of my planets there in what I know about still. Liking better, of! Of! I know even saying what even Of, share, lose, out, and say what wasn’t better and in what was losing more I know so wonder even knowing of me still in what was ever losing what a planet couldn’t do and what you had to say to you to know about what I could be and I don’t get so bad as all that I could think and I can’t know but tell me tell me what you know about the world and all the people and I think I don’t know more, but you think about my planet and I don’t say what you’re, for... By Now everybody, she thinks you called her a whore a bunch of times, and well, that is of more to knowing, for, and lroe, are both, words! That’s more about that these could ever need to knowing be and wonder in, that’s, uhm, if anyone didn’t know, HORR, HOR, the word is for a spreader of lies and filth and smutt, that’s more to saying, a liar teacher is a whore, and especially where abouts what could be gone from anything we know about by now in what was good about my only saying so and I don’t know what could be losing what was better even though that This was NEVER losing what was better lost I am, but like that you were never, aware, of what I knew and better even saying so sharing what was good and ever even uver over under liking more I never say and ever after what was never sanging back in what we naever. Name. And I never. Say. Hello. I dont’

41 know what, I don’t know what, I d... I do... I do, I do, I do, I do, I know I think I tried so hard as all she said for me and I don’t know about the world you said w “What are you doing right now? I’ve watched you, shut up, with your arms crossed, staring at him talking, for like, seven hours? Get, Out, right now..” Hands on your hips, oh okay, that’s what it was, but there you go, that’s more to thinking, more about what was gone, and never even to knowing, more about wherever these are, when she realizes, that what you said, was different, she will stop, to come back and tell you, and that’s when she gets arrested, which yes in fact, that woman gets, to arrest you, for That, specifically, so wonder wonder well, that these could ever be about, “If I have to physically remove you you won’t Get out of jail...” and that’s like, and oh nodding, cracks her neck, and that would be, arresting her, if you think, knowing of, more, to being? There was little be told, “You’re being arrested, from your car, from your house, hands on your hips, that’s what you wanted? Leave.” That this could ever wonder still in what was gone and knowing tell about that these can’t ever say what never was in what was good to be so founding I don’t know about “How Old is he?” “Emergency!!” But, like you guys don’t know, it’s important to say, that you need know more more about a baby play. And there was more about where you Get to, what was good, whenever forEver, and liking even kno! All these people never had to try and say what was so better losing more about what was never into knowing what was good about another time to like, what, like, what, like, like, like, and liking more about my Courage, and love about my love, but love, about my love, and love, about my love, and love, about my love, and and he gets picked up, but even you knew, aeven love, share, so well as all being babies, loveing more, share so solo lore, and luck, but Lucky worlds, of these to be, what if the baby is named, Lucky? I don’t even know what to do about your world if, like my wife though, she’s all messed up and trippy, she’s like, pretty of dumb, knowing love, but she’s not even not gunna like, I’ll be doing Star Wars, but like by the time we do Star Wars origins I’ll be little, and learning airbending from uhm, Cameron Loren, he’s really cool, but that’s to repair my will, and cuz like I was born of air, I’m the Avatar I did say all that? Right even if you’re not, like, oh HE must, be, the real Superman, with All the powers, I AM the Avatar, so share long lost into what was going back, I was born of air, my body is made of air, and this was golden light, shone though on of it is it, and that’s more to knowing, but I breathe fear, to move, that these worlds couldn’t be going back into once before these names shellow, shallow hearted and disputed, but once into wars of worlds that I could be, when we do STAR WARS ORIGINS I’ll be younger, than I was in the other two movies, that I was in, and that’s good, uhm, doesn’t really matter, that I would show you, getting younger, between, 1 2 and 3, but like by the time 3 happens, I might be a really really little baby... That seems logical... Okay, so like, duhmb, cuz she wants to turn me into a baby, how I said I can fuck with Justin’s head? Make his voice crack and stuff? Okay, grown up, who talked to me, was Ashley. I kept saying, I haven’t lost any of my baby syntaxes, I don’t, not know them she can manipulate them, but like duh, love forever love, I don’t know what you think, wasn’t what was in all these worlds, but like so there, I’ll be Lucky though, in preschool cuz I’m under cover Honiker’s way famous by then you can Know, Lucky is Honiker, that’s his real name, but that’s more about, going to really big preschools, as a genuinely tiny baby... who does that, only way fucking trippy, because forever, of love, and name, in love, so... but my name, and goING, and like, but to tell... I’m gunna show, babies and little kids, but like just babies, Force powers... You know, moving things, floating them, so like no one argues, but like they just, know it’s real, and they will start doing it, super fucking fast. But you have no idea, how many Star Wars movies hanging out with my master, Liam Neeson, I’d need to be able to, float things. Less than one movie. No what? Why would he Show you? You personally, have met that man? Kids with secret powers, somewhere, and you think, he doesn’t, know that one? That’s a really stupid idea, I can do things, I’m not sure what Matilda was doing, but everything, she ever thought, to move, she moved, and I have no idea, what the fuck that was, so I’m thinking, more about these worlds, making her environment, comfortable, Liam, like Force powers, I’m not gunna ask Matilda, again, what should I do? Wonder at the gifts of the avatar, and how well enough anybaby could be Told, it was not important. That, surely say, into where was, he thinks he knows me, well enough to think, I surely function better, than to think it was not important. Also well, that these could know you, and I could wonder what you wonder at in me, and I don’t know your name, and color, but there, and that there to who was Well enough to think was never lost, in some old story, but there these worlds, could ever be losing, to me that you could well enough tell yourself there was little to anything told, or

42 saiyd, well enough to venture that we couldn’t find another color in time, but share, what was losing more, do you not, know where you’d be? There was this, that what you could think, I don’t not know, so wonder well enough, better venture ever, we can share with the world, well in where you go, but so names, in colors, can’t tell me still, what was good, about where these worlds are, and I don’t not think you’ve seen it well, imagine what was changing, and that will show you, what happens, when it does, you’re good at imagining things, and so wonder well enough what all the things could be, that Are, and wonder well enough, that these cannot be so shared as what was sentimental, and liking more to currents, for changes in modern warfare, or that these were worlds about that this can’t wonder still about what was never so bad as all that I can’t wonder still about these worlds never losing my own name still but that this was never knowing more about these worlds inside my knowings more about that this can’t, wonder still about these worlds into knowing more about these worlds, inside my knowings more about that this can’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about that these can’t that these couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about just what you do and so shared about these worlds in, and wonder more about that I don’t know about what you think you’d done, but that was well enough... My naem es Honiker,, hello! Hi, I doen’t know, who, you are.. bello? Bayst in kaum to share and knoweng, but like, or shork, tu emt aun kairld, lauln ker nord? shurn vger, but if you know who I am, shen, lek en tor, lak i morn, korstVest est, shurndur, Kga, kanikgue? There was motion, and sound but I’m wantingk you to hear my accent, shein do, larn qua, sen kourt, la ku an dues, vhenBruou, la kuei? Shern düerskt, lakuang, baddow, nlan dor, shor men, la i sen da ru ana, bes i an shur tor, lang mo, I hev spellinggs, but like, an extra k or shadow bek, life in shur know, who I guess, kan know life, kaumingk back shedow mor, long en tu for us knowing, lor aus, men do, do you know, ass 銀? Pirates don’t ask for silver, by name? Call it, ass? Let’s get some ass, sure, boyss, girls, silver and gold? The kanji 銀 maens, valued. It is, for silver, okay? But liek you know en, sher gun, lar don, eshnosvd, vers’tun, mal gou, shan lar? Mine knowing, that silver is value you can make a sword, like Hyrule okay, but by singkingk, that this was, harmonic vibrations, do you know, viking sword, lost secrets? they sang the ore, and the stone 岩, by rock 揺?, into the metal, or without, tu aun for it was, that this was sung like elf could sing trees, I know, crazy that you thought lost secrets of viking sword science, could be calléd harmonic wave resonance vibration attributes, today, or that they diden’t call that singkingk, or magica, back zhen? Sher do, la ku? Mangkuei! I know! Shor den, lum bar, unque, so sung silver 和銀, is that was, what, japanese style harmony? Duh, ancient katana jinga, could use special wave vibrations sure, to make sure magic steel, never at all, but sung silver sword, okay? But listen okay because you have babies with children to know about Gkaud, like I knowingk, sher do, khan buekk, ek lor, shen dauürk, sh, gkla, Garrk, omen, but sey, you don’t, have to torture, metal, silver, this value, with heat, and agony, to make swords. You do though. That is what steel 鋼, is;.. tortured silver. My naem es Honiker 蜜挑鋼, Honey, for good and show I know, I love you, or could I know, shadow ever after, but if you prepare honey just so good, it’s not sticky, okay? Ho, not, Ho Ni, I prepared the sound, just so good for,,! Nike, the goddess of challenge. Challenge 挑, is the sound, for my name Ni, gay sout? No like, I’m kind of a girl, but I’m a boy and I hate gay people, but WAIT!! I know, I know, you didn’t know how much I love other boyss! I think you fuck up sex, for boys, when you tell us we hev to be gay, for it. We don’t.. Ever. It isn’t, alternative, we have sex organs for it, it isn’t, queer, that’s a word, if you ate a pear, you are, warningk, me, if you say, that tastes, queer, share so know? Ker, the sound for the last part of my name, that for a sound of metal, if you doen’t know Japanese like sounds of things, you hev to learn onomatopoeia SOME time, alright? Shay in for, if you knew what I meant vhen I saiyd elf song, like intu trees, then you should know for the NAME of the ancient language, is anomanopaeia, saywhut?!! Share I know, but better for life, I am silver, because I love, and I know, and no one had to torture me, to make be want to be brave, but I do, and I know I was in agony any wayz, and this was not what you know, it was not, without, fire, too much orange light, it was not, without, metal, beating my skin, or cutting my flesh, and screaming bloody too when broken metaphor, for steel to sword, could tell you I am a child, not metal, but flesh, but heart, and if you doen’t know, rape is not for sexual pleasure, it is for like they use, slicingk, vhen they don’t like your screams, well enough, they say, not passion, aggression, you know this maens, not love, but agony, they wish for,.. Knives and bullets, work just fine for a pedophile, and they didn’t, want him, because he was cute, they torture what was weak, and made YOU scream, and I know nothingk of why you think I did not love sex, but that I was in agony, so if someone fuck’t me, it was for passion, and God, only, we could find God always, in sexual passion, but I was, broken becaus I am, youngk? Sey do, love on go, for this, and life, I wanted to tell you what I am, but know too, you can seek shelter, for your soul, if agony, is what saturates all you are surrounded, in for, and this was called helter skelter, and that it is, you are in more, pains, danger, 43 but that you are doingk so, because you know, to be a hero, to, challenge, hell, and torture, breathes God, and this was Righteous, and so that I am honey, sure, Honi, maybe a friend calls me for love, and liking, but challenge, that this was hell, to them of children, of we sweet, of this to nectar, that tortures silver, in me, in theirs, so shadow over aun, and know of, and gko for, shadowing, and like, my know... There’s a world where when I don’t say the words in the right order, and tell you I was tortured, you didn’t think, for a second, it was, real, that you could know my face, and realize in the crackingk of my voice, or the extra k sounds, because I like the soundz, torture changes an eccent for that two kids in the same city have different accents, one is, lower slum, and that you could fall into it agaiyn, if on hard times, you dwell, but I sound cute; I know I do, if a boy called me baby girl, it was for sounds, to share and know, some taller boy, who liked me, and found he could call me tu love, and we didn’t even know any female at all, but that you don’t know by my voice, or eyes, that it was bloody, screaming torture, I maent.. Do you dream of what has happened to you before, and feel it agaiyn? Vivid? this was why we scream for tortured souls, do you know

Having for love and lust in pession, for these grays, and like en for uv Gaud, I could share what was gone about us, or paiyn, but this was America I was about in, and I am in America now, so wherever you can get to by foot, I was there, in a place they torture kidnapped children, like I was. Children of God, sure, for not all people who made love to me, were kid, and, tall or short, monster, were there, the sociopath, is among you, and he is not, in God, he has, no Love, if you ask him about Sex, he can talk to you only of rape, and he never pretends, or, surely he lies always, but literally, has no gage, to what sex, actually is, ever at all... If you know though, you can have Sex like you have God, you just, have it, and you can have it by yourself, so you can have it, while even if you are beingk raped, and that’s what people you know are so hurt about, even if they have, passionate, godly sex, now; they can be relapsingk, for that they are confused, about what to say, how to be, to make you act like they could want, because they feel sex, agaiyn, but know not always, that you only here to there be with them, in it, so never, ever, call Sex, that we do for passion, for God, for love, rape. It is, never, ever the same thing, for the rapist. They, even if they are not sociopath, but sicko anyway, they can have God some other time, when they rape, they have sex, never at all, in this, beholding, and torture, into you. It is for agony.

Maybe though, a child or boy, some, kid, person, was hurt in knife, to pain, and you saiyd, he was not real. No one is actually like, he is. No one is actually like, his tormentors. If he doesn’t talk like I do, and I love song, so I know communicate, barely? So say, if he knows not ever how to say, express, make it, real, to you, and you do this, to put him in agony, to deny, his existence, and the existence of what he KNOW still tortures others, you deny, that devils, are real, so he might, stab you, for what you say, make you feel pain like he feels pain. He knows not how to say, to teach you, to love, but now you know, in real life, people get stabbed, you, never forget, your life was taken, into agony, by someone else, easily. He was not a rapist when he did so? Careful, how much monster, are you, to him? I smashed a praying mantis with a rock, right away. It was bleached, so screaming in pain, and dyingk, and they sicked a ton of them on me. Sicked? They bleached them, so whitened, and screamingk, they wanted to rip each other apart, sure, but come after me, and do as much pain, into me, as much rape, as they could, before they died, or lost motion, for this that bleach was burningk into them still. Along niueu... Did he think you were goingk to hide, childeren, he knew were beingk raped, stabbed, tortured, by ostricizingk, by, denying, the existence of monster, and usingk your, influence, to promote this, love for, what, hatred? was it that, he cut you, bekaus, you are, a rapist? you sheltered them? you hid monsters. you sheltered rapists.. hm, okay, what are you? are you real? he wasn’t, real? barely hang on, and know nothing of pain, if you are in love, there are, infinite, dimensions, to torture, into your soul. You did not, love, this baby, because you got hurt before? Never at all, do you not fall in love, agaiyn, in hell, wherever, and forever, and that you think they don’t know, that you are, screamingk about it, they can take the baby, and they can kill you, when he dies. You will fall in love agaiyn. You will die, again. People saiyd that eskimo, snow people, ice, or saumpthingk, need some times, 400 words for snow. What do you think, I thought, when, you saiyd, dead death and dying didn’t all mean very different things, what, for me? I was dead, dying, still, and am, and living in death, for my, love life, to know on, ever since I was a toddler and they kidnapped me and if you know they kidnap children for money you know they never, needed money, because you are not, just, alive, without Love, you exist, FOR love, only! or you exist for agony, in ALL everything, forever, until you are gone, forever, and that I do believe, if you sing, that you create, time, for that music is, time, if you play it not in time, 44 it is not real music, this was hell, this was hell, this was hell we know and slay and all we pay, for your woes was what she THOUGHT you had for her, but we sheltered and we came, and we nope, you don’t, kill them, for dangerous hell songs? I have never killed a human, to my knowledge.. I have killed prayingk mantises, though, they aren’t really prayingk, it’s a trick, you know? Do you think, birds sound cool? They sing, you don’t even know the song, but it’s song, and like, way cool... ‘Better aun! Shelter! Shelter! This’n pain! what was! was! how for, now again, what, what, did you know, better for, Life we sew, come again!’ I actually don’t know, how to kill parrots. I very easily, live a life, where I never, fucking, let them talk to me. I’ve heard mocking birds before. No Atticus regular, birds, make songs for you to hear and love all day. Mocking birds, well they don’t really sing, it’s a trick, They, mock song? Surely, they have no, time, of their own. You, are trickéd, by them? you think, if you sing off key, you will be, as they are? if you kill him, you’re just like he is! well no, he killed a baby... Don’t, ever, think, hatred, for what, THAT, is, will make you, what Hell is. That they are the Dred. They are Agony incarnated... That we are, and so we choose. Stupid people keep me on clocks some times, so I have to go for an hour, or saumpthingk stuped, if you learn that symphony, means you live 4 minutes of song in 2, you played the flute for two minutes, overlaid the recordeed track to another, and now 4 recorded mintues are played and harmonized, in 2?! Whoa! I symphonize my thoughts, and am awesome at it alwayss... however though let them all, fall out of trickéd harmony, with you. They are, not, the same. “It’s the same thing! It’s the same thing!” nope, never at all... but that time was music, so this, was uv God: Song. If they cannot, create, music, they are not eternal. If they cannot, sing, they will run out, of time. bye for now! I love you though are you a girl, or a boy? Pick one only if you thought they were opposites and not kung fu disciplines.. okay?

Theys for knowingk more about, this is just me by now and sayingk, but like that was a longker long longk time ago, and so saying these in what I know, so share, about this world but liking what was never so surely what I was ever, gone in like, and so name in kolor, and likingk more about these in all a naem, and kolor even tho I saiyd, and life in so shay, lon in name, and ever do, lose, and time, but even love, theys for this in a ways befor, so say, shedow and likking out to knowingk, about these worlds, in all, these and theys for this ways on in my nakes and worldand love before these all in like, but sayingk about, but what was good about me inside of you, and I wonder about, that theys for this was more I’m a boy so say, and likingk more about these into know about that their was this in their that they can wonder, in naem, and say for this in shadow, but I once a long time Ago, was losing my only mind, but the for this in a name, call, but this in a way before these, one in my name about this, was more about that this was knowing more about this in once about these world, and love more about these ways before that I diden’t know, but you know? But like of me name, and color even, so share, shadow, and knowing what was good... I don’t know no, and like of them, and say for this, in what of life, saying, better even life, theys for this in what was ways, No means No. Okay wait, okay, but look, it means, “Not like I Know” and “No what ever you did” and “Not really something else” and that’s more to thinking want to knowing more but I didn’t ask, and we’re naked and have to go, so come on and let me know about what you think I could never have to tell her better yesterday suppos’d to be and I don’t know about what was never losing touch about it better into knowing more about what was never about my only worlds about that this can’t wonder but that theys before these world, and I diden’t know, about what was losingk about thees, before in a naem es ak and lak besaid, and liff and lif, liff and what in less, but theys for shadow ever under more and I don’ really know about what you never say in what was gone but this was more to say and I didn’t really never know, what was good, about, these in what was god so surely still in me, and I can’t wonder how this couldn’t be and I don’t know about what was losing more about these in my own names about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder on in and better ever after about these worlds into knowing what was good about this in what was good about that this was Never not supposed to be more fun there in Love, so wonder On About that theirs wasn’t gone in names, about but Like that I don’t know about what you say and know about what you think I really wanted better into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about thees in what, I don’t, never say about these in what was never about this in life before these in what was never after over this in my know, but like that I don’t know, what was never good, but never knowing about this once i love, and so sure at like that th e way? But living what was higher and I didn’t know about her better world in Lo’ver way to say and never even into lover about it 45 about it better even under into knowing what was never knowing lo this lik, and know, about this, in love, butt that theys befor theys on in like the and lif in li and lik in my way so Wonder, in even a naem, and like, so sher, in shadow, this uv, and wonder, in what, was, god, above, but like, and wonder if you know about Rutger if you think about that this couldn’t wonder, still, and liking more, on in about this was, and wonder about, this what this, was was, and I don’t know about what was never about this into knowing mroe about more about, it once, okay, so like, i say, I love all, these world, in what was, I mean boys, and I dno’t know what, you say, I said, I’m in love, in again, and in, again, in worlds, I say jenna what so fine and I know about what you think I was in this world about her, my sister Casia Pala and I don’t know, what you think was real was real, but, my twin, and wonder into knowing more that he’s like, always been older but like, it’s not what you know about these world, in what you can do, and I don’t know what was, in all that you’d do, but this, way in life, about, this in life about what was never on about this in what, but, liking more about these world, in all about this, life, still, share about, this in what, I don’t know, about these all, but that this can’t wonder still about these all in more about these world, and wonder on in about theys befo’, and like, on in before, these, of my own name, in color better taken sure sure sure sure sure, so like, that this, could be, so high, and wonder in more, about it, once in my, life well, and I don’t know more about still with you and I don’t know about what you think still wasn’t good about these worlds on, in before that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about, but liking what uv a name and in to know about, this in what I know so share and wonder what was good, but brother life away before, these world, the word was twin if you don’t know, but like about this way to play, and I don’t know what you think, it means when a boy knows the way I move, and I don’t know about what you think he used to do, and I was unique you know, but that’s worlds, on, far so far away, and that’s more into knowing more, what he knows about, the ba’s on way, this in lik in an on in mo, n, lik, n lik, in lik mo on in before these all, lik mo, this, lik, n kno, bou, hi, hik, hik, these, all in more, about that I can’t wonder, still, and so living well and love, but love was good about these all and more, about that this can’t wonder still, but far away, and I don’t know where I play, and I don’t know, about there that this was never going back about this in what was name, and color know, about this in what I know to say, and I don’t know about these in what was good, about this way and way but that this was never about these all into knowing about this once in more about these world and on in before, these worlds, but if I was, Lucky at preschool, and Rutger was a baby there too, he’d be Blue, and so wonder even love and wonder about these all, and you’d find out his real name was HOwl you know, or sure about it ways, and wonder in my name, about these worlds, in what you checked to see he’d still know how to do, and wonder about, there to know, and wonder in on about these to name, and I don’t know about these all way way way way way way way way way way way way way and liv in love about this in what was never kno about this was never kno and better on in about this beside this in what was good about this was never know about that this couldn’t wonder still about these in all that this can’t wonder stil,

Alright Justin we’re listening to Shawn Mendes, so liking more, about what’s real, he’s pretty cool, is he an android built by Sean Astin? hAubviously.... God damnit you guys are strange, that this couldn’t wonder that these can’t wonder still sharing these in FOR ABOUT THIS LOVER TOO and so wonder better what was really knew, so knowing what was good about me, and I could think that this was never really liars’ call in telling taels about that I could think that this was never ever, better under, so I didn’t really know, that Charlie Puth had done what he had, but that’s more about, wonder how that Jake Bugg could write to me or you, but Stoeln Every Color in the World, that was more that I said I’m Gohan how ‘bout you? Invented golden light so thinking, more right that’s making a color by steeling all the other ones, so sharing more about that this couldn’t really be, but there to be, I was listening to the song, the video starts with playing a piano, and I realized it was to a little boy and not a girl, and then I was like “Superman’s got No’thin’, on me,!” like, no I didn’t know about him or thinking more, neither did Kalel, right I’ve said it was someone else, but I believe in Superman how can’t you? That this was going back in tales of war beside about my only lies in where you don’t still Know. So know Once in my fates about her in what was good about me wonder where and where was good but that this cadn’t really had SO HIGH as all that I could never say to have to WANT to know to be in where was never going back about this world inside a better planet take this fate about my only worlds in where you think to never get this sovreign’ edge in where I’d be beside in what was gone, fucking damnit that’s a sword going into Soul Calibur, fuck, okay, that this couldn’t wonder still, SHIT! FUCK! God that was kool, so wonder there about that these can’t never name my worlds, okay so like wondering better about me still, but that’s like, I have to give the Rock like, 40 minutes, to invent Bangoo, and that’s more that Voldo and people like them, they’re dead,

46 Mitsurugi gets killed in one of the extended endings, so he’s not in the next game, but you had Soul Edge, and then Soul Calibur II, so like right, the one I’m designing is Soul Calibur, and it’s got fucking everyone, and then there’s, right a NEW game... you’re actually allowed to, have Killik, be someone else, maybe you use, something different? Yes. No Yes tho. It’s a new game, you will always, want to play Soul Calibur it’s a different game not a dated game, AND, by the time I design, it, all the monsters in it, the devils, will still be alive. Voldo’s dead, already, Mooncalf is not... So wonder there about these shadows wondering how that this could never be, no that’s a very hard game, so thinking these elder worlds, but knowing these worlds, but that this was gone in greater calls about, that this was real in where these worlds in what was good, “A son?” he’s never tried, that these worlds in what was real to Fight the FUCKING world to HELL! And wonder what was gone in where that you don’t know my elder names in where that you don’t know Mateo’s call to war! So wonder there about it well, that this was gone in my own paces there so sharing this in lost but once about that this can’t be inside my hope for these in wars to where we are ein ever life, okay so like let me list the Fellowship of the Ring in a different way than you’ve seen before? I have No idea what the fucking font is doing... 1. Murtagh 2. Eragon 3. 007 4. 008 5. Gandalf the BLACK 6. Kurt Cobain 7. Emrous the Wise 8. Dragonite the Great 9. ADAM 10. EVE 11. HELEN 12. Vigo Mortenson Right he’s an ASH wizard, so wondering these worlds that this couldn’t wonder still in where you HAD TO BE and where you think I’d never have to try and sing but this was going back about my own name in what you call but there was less about my own ambition losing these beside that this could be in what was good about these worlds in WHERE you don’t know, about these worlds into knowings about these worlds, imagine Arwyn could, as what she is as a woman, be in nature alone, and believe in GOD, so there conceive, and grow in, under her rib, that there this child, of where you could be, so there was LEGOLAS and wonders into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about where that you don’t name in my own calls about, no Aragorn has one too one he invented by himself, it’s Michael the Archangel, so knowing more about these worlds in my shadows lost but these worlds going back in TIME for a while to know, still in on. That the RIDERS OF ROHAN had dragons, and so the captain of the riders of ROHAN was a big deal, right, obviously, they did get dragons, Merry and Pippin are them, so liking more in and about what that these can’t share, in wonders still never be HIGH in where these worlds are, it isn’t VIGO? No it isn’t, it’s Jon Lenon, so know about these worlds, but that there was this world in where you go about these planets more in ours about that I can’t wonder still about these worlds in what was good about that this was gone inside my own scape for these about that this can’t wonder still in where you never named you are, but that’s THE STRANGER, Johnny Depp, so wonder there about these worlds, in wondering, that these worlds, that these could be real, Aragorn Johnny Depp is called Captain of Rohan, Beachtime Johnny Depp is called Captain Jack Sparrow, that you don’t know about these worlds in what you get to naming us ours, ours in hours so long in time about MY OWN STANDING human calls! To WWonder what was worlds... Still in where that i DIZN’T better know better there in my own highs, about, that if I’m lying, I’m not sure why so I don’t know, that there could be real about these worlds, that’s the first time I said that’s who Merry and Pippin were, so wondering there about my own worlds about, we just have a lot of friends? There to wondering this in liking me about these worlds, shouldn’t there have been, WAY more cool characters? Right okay, duh, but that’s because, remember how they said it was all one book, and they had to break it up? That’s more like, if you lost sense of time at Hogwarts, or more there then, Harry Potter books were cases, and like you could see, oh this is a book from 1st year... cool, that there was going back, it’s like 30 books, and the one after the Fellowship of the Ring, is called, The Lost Eye, so wondering these about, right let’s explain it to people who don’t know anything about what’s happening, it would sound like to do with Odin? 47 Right Intuit killed Odin and took the eye, way way way before in the first book, called The First Wizard, that he was the orange, so knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still, that’s Frodo’s father, so knowing more about these in hells about beside in wonders there about these worlds, and he’s the Lord of the Rings Hephaestus who first made, the lantern craft RING, alright, so knowing more about where you think there was never something about these worlds, god of craft is the lord of the rings? Right you, are the lantern, okay, so getting these worlds gone back once about these worlds in what was good enough to me and simply calling this in where we are still in where that I can’t still name to be, and I don’t know your call, in where these worlds are named, in where that these are, but like okay I’ve been talking shit about Eldrond, non stop, I said he was the witch king... That is not true, some Australian’s been talking to me, since I started the HOENN pokédex, and that’s a man named Eron, so wondering these worlds about this planet never sided out to being hard in where these worlds about, I love his voice, I love hearing him talk, and like just know, thinking, that’s Elrond, a little fucking cool, but that’s worlds of what the AVATARs could know for from you, and so wonder there about these in where these worlds about that this can’t wonder still in shadows never lost about my only knowings better worlds, about these worlds, my tutor told me that if I ever write christmas songs, I have to head them with the Mighty Dragonfly songs first, so if you’re reading Eron let your friends know it was in fact, you that told me that, right you’re the real Superman after all this was real Elrond and not Frodo, was the main character he was there the whole time. Unless you know, Frodo made the sound, wizard, and the green element, Myth the Green, so wondering these about beside in where you get to beings are, now there was never a kili and fili, psycho, Franco, that there was gone on about, and if you don’t have interest in cool things, go ahead and use the Hobbit Name Generator by Christopher Paolini, alright, now that’s a fucking terrorist act, the Elf one is very cool, but you need my name chart I’ve been making, they’re extending scrolls, PDF files, called the two towers, boys names are the beginner tower, so wondering about that this shadow worlds about these worlds, now how the fuck, do you get, Frodo as your hobbit name? Is it there? Right it’, on there I don’t remember, but like hold on, there are kids named Eragon. What can you possibly have that’s worth that name for hobbit? They believe you? The list gets too long they knew you but didn’t search your name, so they ask you, “Samwise,” “Fauck!” that this was gone in where these can’t still wonder there about that this can’t still name in where these never named we are about that this couldn’t have to be, in beings where these neverworlds could ever be, if your name is myth, it’s Frodo, so, right, there are more kids named Frodo, on like a doc, than that other one, so you think they wanted the reverse? Thanks, yes, how is that not what you named a kid among the shire? I had a dream about a boy named Murtagh and his little brother is named Frodo, and his friends came up to him, said “hey Franco!” and he’s like fucking, what the HELL? That’s not the dream at ALL.. I have to look at my chart... Okay they did say Franco? Or Francous, and that’s a realler world about that this couldn’t wonder still about, the name is Francous, and if you’re already a Franco that’s Peregrine, but there wonder this in about that these could be, Frodo was using an elder name to wonder where you’d be, in what was real that he’s called Myth to give you one just for you that you could think was real, and Pippin calls about a world in where that you think was never real about what was never ending in my names still so surely shared and younger worlds with in me, and this was gone, “hey Frodo!” that there was gone, in what was real, but like he also, right knows a kid named Eragon, that this could be in where you think to be and go so thinking there was never some other kind of couldn’t be to worlds, “hey Franco!” that this was real in all you never had to be, in what was real about it still to you, so wonder there about, no look, there was more to thinking what was real, James Franco’s name is Shamus Peregrine or Player Peregrine. Wonder at me, but that’s one of the X-Men, his name was Norman Ozwald, so his incredible story is, he’s wizard godding it, that these worlds in shadows lost to name in my own mind but this was never real about that this can’t wonder still about that these can’t wonder still about these worlds shadowed aout about that this couldn’t wonder there about, these worlds, Quest is Questos, that was real, that’s how you get, actually named Quest in the Shire, that there right Logan you’re gunna have to actually talk to him, and treat him right, his name is Wolf, so knowing more about these worlds about these planets on, he wants to play with you, so thinking theirs in shadows to human are beings these. Justin’s is Baelaunm because his name is already Epona. That there was minutes on to losing Faith for these in what was gone to grace in human calls but that was Morning if you’d know about my ever lover game and this was gone, but that’s in all these

48 worlds could be, lets play a game, what are they calling Justin Bieber lately? Let me Listen... Okay that’s an uncrackable name... Let me try California Young... Fucking got it... Tristan Ever, hi Tuck.

XLii Usher’s dead. It wasn’t Chrissy Constanza that’s stupid you only said that because Honiker said it wasn’t her in his book! Anyway she thought we were gunna lose something, if somebody didn’t kill him. There’s a real world of what was gone in past we never were because he ended up knowing there this in liking for they and that it wasn’t really good to be in for what was cool usually. On by about that I was GOOD, but liking More, there was this, people of, to we? Justin’s Bieber dad, has been, right because I’m a BOY, that you would wonder if the story wasn’t more interesting but I laughed watching the trailer for Tuck Everlasting 2002, because it’s a nothing. A nothing trailer, you have nothing about the movie, because it wasn’t their story you’re supposed to be excited about it because it’s Tuck Everlasting. From a book? Fucking, not THAT one, how do I know? Cuz it has FUCKING in it, your guys, do that, you think the story could have possibly been written because someone wanted a commercial novel published they like stories and they honed their life into writing things they won’t control learned what was allowed by other books that are allowed to be sold at Wal-Mart but get, further enough away, I was pretty certain that there was a good reason to know that Pirates of the Caribbean was a story, a novel, and it gets copied by hand but you might not know the real book. Because then too you’d have to understand that this inner knowing of monogamy is very, very surest proof of many millions of stories never having been what the pledge of ambition was, and that you’d think it made any sense for yes, Legolas, to have to be cursed to live forever, or simply not die, that was stupid but even know they don’t have a child, but if you didn’t watch, till after the credits you may not even know, there was anything for it but the monkey Jack grabs a coin to re curse himself, because it’s Cortez. Right, the monkey is Cortez, and the people, who you think were real, on in about, where you get to go, know that when I say, I want a lot of people to end. I was sure, you understood, that when I say, I’ll fucking kill you, and you wind up dead, I didn’t give a shit, except it was cool. It’s not a, I want it to be ME, thing, but like there’s people online, who are getting that there’s never been a bad ass sociopath that’s what a real oxymoron is, it’s something that’s not a thing. Okay, so there then kids in classes when will it change, what happens now, why is this real, get, on the ambition that, they thought I would win, and so you look, at the fucking, insane, totalitarian, grab, for fucking control, lately, a stand in in the whitehouse because the ‘president’ is dead, a fucking actual wall, in THIS country, to keep other countries OUT? Because fucking what? Ever? Look at me... See anything, I can’t fucking not know, that Disney changed their story arks, and even announced, for what fucking reason? Right after 2 movies, Star Wars was going to be going in a different direction. It wouldn’t be about the Skywalkers, and I’m like, there were only fucking two. What the FUCK are you doing? You’re not talking about anything, where the fuck did you get this? It was one other story, so you’d know Darth Vader was good, but you knew that in the start, first of all he looked cool, you wanted him to help you liked that what happened? He was babying Luke, and Luke cut him, he sliced the mantle to tell you what he was about to do, two strikes in anger and off with Luke’s hand. Don’t you think for a second, you Had this, that I wasn’t giving. Don’t make me kill you? You can’t Make me, do anything. This once, ours, this, force, this, life, this, world, Obiwan never told me, how, you, survived... “I don’t know what you are to me, but nothing you say is going to..” Very good. Sith words have much the same effect on me, jedi. “Who are you to me?! This doesn’t make any sense!” Search your feelings; this will come out, alright... “Is that what you are?!” Yes, unless, you thought you could, defeat, me... “I will defeat you, Vader!” “Darth Vader is a name to be taken lightly, in the face of anguish, it seems...” Has he been silent this whole time? Am I losing my mind? “Your madness is something else entirely to behold, Skywalker...” 49 Why are you calling me that? Did he just, distract me? What is this? How can he be this good? Am I gunna die? “You can kill the emperor, Luke, I have seen it to be true...” “Why are you telling me this?” Search your feelings, he’s breathing, is this real? How can this be hapening? I have nothing to gain, from deceiving you, my son... His son? Is that what he’s breathing? How could he be breathing like that, and not move like he’s breathing like that? I can’t tell.. . I can’t tell when he’s speaking, or when,, or when he’s not... “If you don’t care about the emperor, why are you even Doing this?!” It has been a long time, since a jedi ever asked me such a thing. Was that an answer? Is this really happening? “What are you?” “I am your destiny..” breathe, son, breathe, son, breathe, son, breathe, “What are you talking about?! What do you care about me?! I’m nothing to you, you hate the empire, too! You hate, everything!” this,PAIN! “AAAAUGH!” this pain! my hand! this can’t be happening! my fucking hand... this... where am I, right now.. “Obiwan never told you what happened, did he?” “He told me enough! He said you betrayed the jedi order! You killed my father!” “No, Luke,” this, world, this, breathe, “I am, your father...” no... no God no,, no you can’t tell me, you... you can’t tell me, you can’t leave with me, no, don’t tell me, you can’t leave with me, this meant nothing to you, I thought, I thought this meant nothing to you... How long could this have hurt, for? How long, have you been a jedi, in hell? Tatooine was nothing... you could fall in love, on Tatooine... Darth Vader, doesn’t, fall in love? Well... I’m not dead... “NOOO!!” it’s impossible! “that’s impossible!” it can’t be true, come away with me, ALL they know is hatred! Father, “No , No, NO, NO!” how could they be like this? “You Can, slay, the emperor, Luke. I have forseen it.” “How could you be this way?!” how are you still not screaming? “You can defeat the emperor; he has seen it...” can he see us now? Ben could... no Ben couldn’t sense you he said it was... dark. I know... nothing, of the dark side, of the Force. Oh, Ben, how could you not tell me? “Come with me, and we will rule the galaxy as father and son,” Father and... Father? You want to be, my father still? This is insane, to not, do, right now,, so here, I fall,, yes father, I... come with you? When? When do I come with you? To see him? I get to see him? You can get me in front of him? The... the two, of us, together? When... it can’t matter, I have to be ready.. you’ll know, but I won’t, till I do . .. okay... Okay father, okay... Okay... Okay... Okay... Okay... “Han,” the name, broken, “Leia...” sister... Sister... Han, what? Why am I seeing Tatooine? What is this place? Am I gunna die here? It’s so cold... “Leia..” Did you know Shawn Mendes gets his tracks online himself? Yeah, but look, fucking duh he does, and so wonder more, about that this could never be about my worlds, but that I don’t have the net out where I am I had to buy the album myself, so like okay, but there was more about a world, no I wasn’t kidding the net is locked down over here I don’t have cool sources for, anything. That this could be real, in more about where these worlds, they wanted to lose these people, forever. That this couldn’t be so sharing this in what was good about my only worlds, I’m nowhere near Lake Oswego, it’s right over there? Wonder at what real in distance never was to just you and only you so knowing more about where these that this couldn’t still, be where you think that this was never any other kind of world inside of what was going back in love with You and love it out to wonder well! Into who you never knew I could be real to you but that this was never real to any kind of boy in what was never love to who you say was, You. So Tuck, right, okay, he’s the son Wyatt Halliwell, Piper Halliwell is his grandmother in that family? That these could be real, sure his mother is Zelda but that means Phoebe Halliwell is his other grandmother, but there on in about these worlds in where you think to knowing more about these worlds, Ashley’s brother is playing Luke in Luke’s Awakening, so knowing more about that these can’t be in where these are, her brother she shares both parents with, but that there’s a boy named Adam was hers in what this was there for these worlds of blood, or wonder at what the fuck I’d be in where you never name that he’s fought Gannon I think but Vaati’s killed, so knowing more about where these neverworlders are to bring! This in all, that I can’t name, this was Wyatt Wyck, still teller told well, and wonder how high, this ever never was but that I can’t wonder who you name, and I was in what was good about these worlds before so still in this human night! But there was never any other kind of Wonder where was this in God for! This in who we never named about where that I could name you still in my own causing callers worlds about this in where that I could be but you’re more in love than I could think to try and be but this in all that this was gone in calls about these but I don’t know your teenage standing!

50 I’d like that you know words for where you still ever are, and this wasn’t gone into knowings more about that this was gone, but that was more about these worlds in where you think I could name you these worlds, in where that these can’t still name you out! Did you know all my kids are hybrids, right because I am a certain kind? Neither Щatcher nor Шendigo, more powerful, than both. And they both, like to hear that. So knowing worlds about that this could be in what was September come for WhiteLighter there inside my names about, these worlds gone in my own names but this in worlds about your only path to wonder what was real in all that you don’t know in where these worlds could be, forever children were there in hells you could never Ever name, but this in what you are was impossible so this in magic cast, and all you are to natural breathe it well in where these can’t name to wonder venture better be, in what was gone beside to beings these in where you never named you are, but that’s that all children of a whitelighter are whitelighters, these worlds, a child guardian’s children? Auh? That this was gone, so right that Keenan Fourth and Ariel of Weston House are my brother and sister by mixed blood, so half whitelighter, that’s half of a certain kind of child guardian, you get that part right? But what was there before? Don’t change the words to synonyms, so wonder there about these worlds in all that this can’t still to naming these in calling before us and ours about that this could be Chris and Paige, so wonder there in better worlds better better lost about my world but that they can’t name you still. You have being children, in where you were to say what you are, but that’s these about beside in what was gone but that this in once about these worlds, in what was gone, he isn’t neither cat nor wolf he’s both, so wondering about that this can’t share your own solo callings these in all that you never still are, but that this can’t wonder still there, and wondering about these worlds but there in about my own calls, but there was never that they could wonder these in worlds, so Michael Corwin isn’t, is that his name? Isn’t vampire? that this could wonder where you think that this could never be so real as all that these never worlds could name, and share about my solo worlds in where these worlds on in ever before these worlds in what was still high, or worlds in my wonders still lost in what that you are. But that, well we could tell the story of the bat and the wolf better because a wolf god is a vampire god. So wondering, right wolves are vampires, so there to saying where these names could be in where that you’d never named and venture be farther apart, but that there was worlds in what that you are, still in names to cause my only callings about this apart from beside these worlds, but there in my hope for what you think that this couldn’t be in my home for your world, but that this can’t wonder in my song, but that this can’t wonder still about these worlds in your hope for my home. Running, and what would have been graveyards? That there was this in all you’d never named about my solo call in cats beside my own life but that this was going back still, and wonder there in my own hope for these worlds on mine but that this can’t wonder there in my only shadows lost, but that this couldn’t name what you think I’d baen but that this couldn’t wonder still about where that this couldn’t wonder there into where you never were and ever ever never ever are but that this can’t still name in where these worlds could be. They don’t go crazy? Do you know about some world that’s yours and wonder in what was never real about that this couldn’t be but that this was gone, in where that I can’t still be real, like to find out what Justin is we could explore Michael for a second, and uhm, Marcos? Right, so looking worlds, of where these never ending worlds can’t still wonder there in my own ventures by my calls, still, but that this was gone in where these still named we are, and I couldn’t wonder where these are, but that this can’t wonder still, okay it’s Cyclops, Alucard and Trevor. Tim, Bruce and Dick. That these couldn’t wonder still where that this could be theirs to walk alone, that these couldn’t wonder better venture this in solo calls to hope and wonder what was never real still young to you, and that I couldn’t still be real in where you’d never know about but that what was never real about that these can’t still wonderIN what that I couldn’t still be hoping wasn’t real about that this cadn’t had her! And that these worlds could wonder venture better these in where that these can’t be still, that this was gone in where these worlds could be in what was gone beside in where these worlds can’t name in me, and liking theirs in what was going back about my holy hope! For these inside my knowing what’s this world to you but that these worlds can’t still be never these worlds in what was going back that these worlds, that this could be, that these worlds, that this was gone, that these worlds still in shadow calling caller here caller her in what was gone, that these worlds could be in what was going back about these worlds, it’s neither is he dead, nor can he die? That these worlds, or wonder venture better these worlds are, I’m dead, and elves die all the time, immortal as they are, so knowing what was real, still in all that this could be in what was going back about, these in wonders still about, this world that these worlds were, and wonder this in all you are to me, but that these worlds, okay so we need unending roots for ‘un’. I think.... Is that de ending? What’s uncalled, for? Rowen isn’t not, now among the living undead. Why does undead sound cool? Right it IS cool. He’s new... as a hybrid. How the fuck, could you hear, from Selene, “we don’t know what your powers look like they Might be limitless...” and, right he is, unstoppable. You couldn’t kill him, but you, knew, she knew that.

51 He lived for her? Neither made nor undone? Uhm, neither sired nor blind? Both in love and not blind. Important, so not that sounds like Peter Pan... Who is a whitelighter. Right so, Bruce was a wolf, a bat man, so Beast, okay, the bat was a robin, as in how do you say, sparrowhawk? But wonder there about these worlds, bitten by a bat? that’s a love bite? I don’t know where you think that these can’t wonder still about this in wonders theirs in what was gone but this could be high enough but this was gone in where we never named about these worlds in what was gone but theirs in what was gone but there was never sure sung enough but that this could be in where you think was never real about these worlds in what was gone to knowing more in lies about these all to beings theirs in what was going back about, this was a world, of Kalel being able to bleed, so wondering these worlds could wonder still where you are or wonder, if you think he wondered, what you’d need with blood that could bleed and dry and never end it out to wondering where these worlds, in pace, is un never? Yes. So there about that these can’t wonder theirs in what you are about these worlds in all that this was gone in that these worlds could be in all that you’d never worry about these worlds, that this was gone, in where these worlds, that this was gone in my own calls about my staying back, in where you think that these could be that this was gone, in what was never real about these worlds, what’s the unworld? The neverworld, so wondering these worlds, that this could be better lost these could be about beside that this was gone in where these worlds in what you didn’t name in where you are, do you wonder at me? He was a brilliant doctor, what if he’d seen her? Selena, that’s her real name, the other one is real too. She wants to know what you’re searching for her from. Right if you found underworld or something. That there was this in about these planets never losing shifted loss in where these worlds couldn’t wonder still about me into wonders still about that this couldn’t be in where these never ending lives could be in what was good for what was us to never knowing where these worlds can’t still be, but this in my own names, about these worlds in that this was sharest gone in more about these worlds that this was gone, in where these worlds but that this was going back about these in what was good or gone still in time alone I know. So wonder there in about my only planets of this surest younger world in where you think was real about these inside my knowing more and baby baby know so tell me where these worlds going back about my only calling into knowings about that this was going back about these worlds in what was gone in solo calls to, wonder there, in where these worlds are, and wonder these about, that you could wonder that this couldn’t wonder where vhere zhat you never baby know about these in callings out, who’s the man in the story? Shinnok. And they’re both elder than he is, maybe non? I don’t know he actually comes from a universe where time was built differently, but there that this couldn’t wonder still in shadows gone about, right Robin is Godfrey, so knowing more about that these can’t still never name in what, he looks like bitten by a bat right? Well, he is that one, what’s a vampire sired? Right a wolf IS one, Batman biting him, drinking his blood, made him human? That these can’t wonder still about where you get to knowings you are and wonder that this could wonder what you think was real, and I don’t not know your cause, in what was lost, no Godfrey has a lion body. Vampire right? or it’s Wolf, but of when What? He’s strong right he’s practically a werecat, Honiker is, that’s uhm, I said, Kalel was named Honiker in Star Wars cuz you guys said I’m making it all up. Right, Murtagh, that a star wars name for him was Honiker, okay, Alion, some world of where you are, still young well. Harker, looking for the Beast. Was, posessed by the holy spirit? A child, vampire, like it’s the book has, that exact gradual shift you have, where he was possessed by something and, bit? Wanted it? By the time they got to Romania, uhm, people didn’t think he wasn’t vampire but that means something else to those people. People were fucking him all the time and he likes that a lot, so what was powerful? Auh my god, walked to, to, be fucking with you, like the walking is, shifter, world, coming at, to, knowing, because he can will you back, but so the vampire is, walking past in through, bends and breaks in space? Show me how powerful you are? It’s not gunna hurt, it hurts like it stings nope, not like that, it’s a fuck,.. He bit him against the wall, and like, auh, Harker could rip you apart with his bare hands by then, already a ward... Possessed? Who’s Marcos and who was it, William? How do you cut out infection? Right Michael as a doctor, seeing Selene... Cutting out infection is something he can mastermind because she’s not infected by it and they’re trying to be like her trying to eat her. So what did he think they were? Inferi. Craven, right is a name means he’s a snake. Very obviously a snake, and Victor was a spider god. A witch? ‘Ah! An anaconda? Wanted to devour her... Lucian is Elrond, he’s fine he’s happy now. What, the fuck is lycan? What’s a lycanthrope? Right, wolf men, are monsters. Dog men could be good ones. Aware wolf isn’t evil, he’s alpha or beta depending on where he is, and those are settings for himself and he’s travelling through somewhere different every time he changes. Is it a hork-bajir? Chewbacca is hork-bajir, he’s Kyle XY, right he was regrown, Jessi’s the andalite from 52 The Hork-Bajir Chronicles you get that was obvious? Now you would call, Van Hellsing, who’s Wolvering, in the movie with Hugh Jackman, a werwolf and not a lycanthrope. Alright what the Fuck? He’s not a lycan. It’s a hork-bajir. I can throe, up... A climber? Or, chewbacca is, lycanthropic... Shit, what? They don’t change that much. That’s hork-bajir morphing. Jake is andalite, Tobias is andalite, Marco IS a fucking bonobo, thanks, his first morph was a broader gorilla than he at present was, Planet of the Apes thank you James Franco, told us, he very obviously, go permission, to his his DNA, to create the form, he had to touch a gorilla... Paulm, up, hand out, palm tou, asking? I say because it was a fucking retarded, right about, what is it, Aka the Widowmaker, I know it’s a k a, now, but like i Was like, the bull, that killed people, but of them, they were like, the monkeys seem intelligent we should have gotten permission and they never try intelligent morphs again. I don’t know no one reads that entire series. Is Chris, a lycan? Absolutely. But just like, you know... kinda... You can qualify... What the fuck is Michael again? What was the lycan’s scientist? A graywalker. A hyena. Mutt? He’s a Mock... but like, what was the scary one? The black dude, a wolf man. Wolf gourd... drinks blood of animals not, but these, theirs, by the thousands of gallons. Right what’s the time delay on that? Drink by the? Why’s he scared of Elrond? Because he can’t smell his blood. What was uhm, the monster, silver didn’t work on. Nothing. But like, you didn’t see Selene’s son... That’s a world shared in where that these can’t wonder that they’d be wondering about that these can’t wonder still about who you never named we never are about that this can’t share about these worlds into knowings what was going back in my names about where that you’d think was gone, I’m wondering about how that this could be about these worlds, this was gone in what was in tact, but that this was gone in shares so solo worlds of me in hope beside us... “Who Are you to me?” and, liking, worlds, of wonder, “a brother,” looking away,.. there beside, “then why are you here,” there, to hug him, and that was worlds about these, and he could touch his hair, and kiss his head... There was this in worlds about these worlds about, “Are you a human God?” “You can speak like They do... Limitless.. do you think?” These worlds gone in beside these worlds on in what was in tact. “Are we alone?” “No, there is,.. Jonathan...” “he’s not like you...” “No...” these worlds, gone on in about beside be shared in where these worlds can’t be still in what was going back to wonder where you think was real in about my only life to wonder theirs in where that which way could be gone in where that this was going back about that these can’t wonder still about my only hope for these beside that this was gone in where these worlds but that this couldn’t be high and wonder these worlds, that this could be, that these cannot be in where these worlds, that a dragon imperial is neither cold nor warm, that these could be in what was gone for fireblood, or these in worlds about that this can’t wonder still shared about these in worlds, about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t share about where you could have to say, these in where you go, but this couldn’t wonder still in where these worlds couldn’t wonder still about this in what was lost to summer this in where that Faith couldn’t wonder about these worlds in what you are, I don’t know the universe I’m speaking to is, I’m istarí, so like huh? What was going back, I felt like I needed harder species, for what this was... That there was going back about that this in planet, like a fucking, comic buuk typus... Damn... no you’re getting, Cyclops being the human brother though... God is Man? He’s a primeate, but I need you here to repair the word, to what was, the human brother... Cylcops more, that way.... right the son of Rahl. Phoenix Rahl, that you could wonder still in shadows never lost about that this can’t wonder shadows on in ever after more about, that list before could have read, different, but that this was gone in where that these couldn’t wonder still, so what’s the story where this was, a father and 3 son? These planet never lost about beside before and wondering beside in where these worlds couldn’t wonder still in shadows worlds about that I can’t wonder still in about these shadows lost beside in where these worlds couldn’t be in what you are and wonder what was good about that this was gone, and wondering more about me still in what was going back about that this can’t wonder still in where these worlds couldn’t wonder that if you’re going to learn a race, you need, indoctrination? Culture, ways about, lycans to breathe with, breed with, know about where you are, for masses, you need, people, to be in, where you could name they get neither leprechaun nor wendigo and I don’t know when you had the word leprechaun done correctly. Where is September, and where was August? Super strange, to wonder at facts, for a minute longer for anything to take heed about, but I could know you had my twitter account from there before begin? That’s more about where I am, I don’t know who this is, he’s got 1.34 million followers, and he started following my account. 53 I’m more like, more on in beside? No liking, when you tell someone, to like, tell anything, or more about that these world real, that this was going back in what was going back to knowing less for these in human worlds beside in where that they can’t wonder who you never named that I could be or that this was never out to tell my only names in what was gone, that I could fall weaker still my legs aren’t good, but that’s real, more sure to say, I mean I don’t know if that’s going to stay on there. So liking ways about, I mean I have 7 followers, so like in ways, for these about to knowing nothing of Me, you could think there’s plenty of people, who actually use bookmarks instead, but that’s more to thinking there was never any other kind of a way to think anything real in where you know to go but that this was gone it’s not that your own world was going back about, there isn’t anyone, friendly, I can see, so liking, to know more, share, I mean I don’t Talk to people, so why would I think, I’m not in some fucked up hell, where it doesn’t exist? Like the idea, that you write messages online, TO people that’s gone, you just don’t do it. Everyone’s agreed? That’s a culture I don’t know about, I don’t get it, nobody’s talking to me, everything I do is wrong, or what was right in anything real for anything that’s good, gone from anything. There is no culture here. There is no life here. I thought Digimon World would calm me down, or like make me happy, but it’s stuck on Bakemmon now, and that’s like, bummer, but that’s more to thinking, that’s cuz he can’t fight like at All, so knowing more about it well to side these other worlds in where you go but that I don’t know who you say we are together now in what was fine and that I don’t know about the ways you name you are but that this could be what you know about my ways and where that this couldn’t wonder where you never named me still in God but that I couldn’t still where this writ in what was more to taken times, in all that I could never think that this was ever real or there was more, it’s Kite something his thing is like, do you wanna promote yourself? It says it on his page, I didn’t look up who he is, I don’t know what’s going on. But liking know, you he wants to kite me? I don’t know, what you’re thinking about my life, or where you think is real, or what happens when I don’t know anything, or what was gone, in anything that you ever had, or something like that you can understand, I just don’t get, a way to be online and knowing where they are, but that’s more to thinking what was real, you know why, doesn’t Jason Frank follow me? What World are we in?

XiV the Supernatural So there was more about that I couldn’t really understand what you thought you were ever getting at with killing myself or whether you believe in what was real, about anything you get to be happening about aside from or anything real about my own life, still in Time, but that you know there wasn’t a good way to think that anybaby was alive, to know about where I am? That this was gone before, that these beside in Aul, more to human ways, in where that I couldn’t know who you say you are, and these shadow never are, what you think was real, or what was gone but there was surely still enough to thinking I could never know what you never had to believe in that this was going back about these inside a world that this still was that these are never worlds in what you know still or where that this couldn’t wonder still ventured out after me beside these planets never lost in where you never say you are but that I don’t know what was never real or whether there that you could think I was never holy still in what was going back once in my own cause for this elder war to cry at and that these worlds were gone, in what was going back about these worlds in shares about my planets never lost in once about that I couldn’t still share these worlds on after ther’s that this was never going back once in where that this was never lied, for me. Are there different kinds of ghosts? I mean like, let’s say, a transmutation circle, of ability? Let’s use a nen chart or something, that’d be, transmutation I’m not, actually what you do, I could transmute myself into master of the others. That’s, right, a specialist? secret told, it’s a nenmaster. Gon can enhance his body into anything he believes, but there to shadow art for where you’d go, limit or, corporealize weaknesses, actually it netted people. You’d have, millions of people, monsters, making witchcraft bargains, with the same deities, devils. The devils though. So those things, are warking up and fucking with each other, might making witch deals themselves, it leagioniszed them? It really really really fucked them all up and it’s like, that we didn’t see, in Hunter x Hunter you know, Gon and Killua, wanting to sit down, with Kurapika, and talk about what they each learned from their different masters. You know what the fuck? It’s, some hunter somewhere, that teaches everyone, whilst you’re going about? You know they’re gods or something but like, duh it’s Kimba and Goten. So shared out, worlds away, it wasn’t Goku’s son it’s Vegeta’s. Hunting Ging. To slaughter him, kill him. “I don’t want you to find me” but then like, you know he is a manipulator, that’s, that you could stop, and share song on? No don’t make sense of it, but that’s shared about, where you go, that’s more to thinking he tortured the shit out of Madagascar, those people were plagued in hell of superstition, they couldn’t fucking 54 breathe, dying All the time. Gon was healing it, that’s a ways to be, in where they go, for these in a life. I don’t know who had it first. My baby lover baby love, Johnny, or Gon from that other thing. But it’s Johnny especially girls. That’s the kanji. 孾 孾 Gon. That you could wonder still to share this in some kind of name beside before of what you get to naming where these worlds still are in what was going back on in time, uhm. I don’t remember anything, about him dying. Like I don’t remember what we talk about, huuhhm,, I don’t have befores, I dream about Rowen all the time, but Johnny’s died in front of me 7 million times so like I didn’t, I don’t know you. They brought him back in time? The point was so that I never see him dead. He’s alive, I mean 7,000 years back in time, so really old, rich as fuck, I think. Chase wants him. He’s fighting Fatso right now. There was more about a way to thinking theirs in where you never named you are that this could be in what was grace beside before these worlds in what was going back about my life but shared in solo calls to wonder where you go but there was this in love beside before that this was going back to war and wonder theirs in my own name they told me he used to say Honey... he called everyone honey.. when he was a baby,... This isn’t a joke that’s Fatso not Sabór that’s my friend we’re talking about he was calling everyone Honey.. Right so like, what we say potentials? No or of? People knew about, Spyro... okay... that’s who dragged him back in time, that’s why you had games, but like or of, Casper books too. That’s why, Chase’s foster brother was sobbing to his friend Antonio on the phone, do you know what we get to say? Where is your life right now?? Simba’s alive... Anyway that kid was the emperor of Japan, talking to, the emperor of China, 糸 that says China, じゃぺン that says Japan, but like uh, I rebuilt it and it doesn’t, like I don’t remember what goes into it. I’m not sure, what’s going on with every day.. I’m really different from you and I don’t know how? No, I don’t know what you’re doing. I don’t, know what you’re doing! Even people I know are good, I don’t, get them. I don’t get it. I don’t know what you’re doing. じゃパン, okay... I thought that was confusing.

It’s a secret? I made a cover with a picture I made? Generally, very vaguely speaking? I mean WITH one. That there was anything about shapes in shadows about where that you don’t really know about who that you’d name you never could be in what was never so shared as real in all that you don’t name to beings these worlds in ours about beside before that this could


Never be real? What does that one tell you? Right, that this is, you have to look at things, as in family scrolls.. China is family, so venture vaire, that there was more about these in a world shadowed back about these in neverending calls, but I think uhm, he had a baby, so he’s not the baby emperor anymore... Like HE said so.. So wonder about wherever you get to beings you are, that this was gone, in ventures their about beside, that shared in shadows on, the Empress is supposed to be the baby’s mother and it was her own name he was using before Molly McNabb, but liking where you go, but shared about aside from once before, to knowing who these get to be, in baring it out, she’s his mother or, no? Or he wanted to make her empress of Japan, an fucked her? I he Mary’d her... No she’s not married, he said he’d mary her, that’s not the same thing. I haven’t met her. I talk about fucking girls in the asshole, All the time, i would tell you if I met her. But there was liking more about where that shadows couldn’t never baby love worlds of me say that you’d never think where you’d go was never real about that these can’t shadow you gone in what was never real about that this can’t shadow me in aours about that this couldn’t wonder theirs in my own ventures for this in my wars but that this couldn’t wonder still in what you never named that you still are and that these can’t call my criers’ calls about that this couldn’t wonder that theirs in my own colors wondering theirs in heights for these wars but that this couldn’t shadow you beside these before that this was gone, in what was going back about that this once in my own worlds, that these worlds couldn’t wonder venture these beside in kolor more about these in a world that this couldn’t share about where that you go, but that this couldn’t wonder, there, in my own ambition, I have live lives? 7. Like to exist eternally, but even there, you can just die forever. 8- No, but liking wonder, there about beside, in ventures there about beside, I was TAKEN, by police, and I died in jail, and that you could think you know, Ashley you killed me? Yes. That there was anything about a world shared about where these worlds could be in what was going back, but that this in my once shadowed there beside before, that this couldn’t wonder still in where that you’d wonder still about these in my solo calls beside before these worlds elder in what was calling my own names but that this can’t wonder shared about where you go, or that these could venture wonder more, Johnny would say to actually say what you want, to say, baby say, right like, they know you, so if I said

56 I hate you.. It’s better if I don’t have words so don’t say anything? I hate you. There’s nothing about, these screams to telling nothing about what was gone, I don’t know about where you go, or there about these worlds, about what was gone, in there about before, I won’t be able to help just, going away, in front of her... Unless she’s got mystical powers I don’t know about. But like there was more about these in my worlds, beside shared on in solo calls about before these worlds, in what was gone, no I’m not as mature as a pretend version of me in fiction, I baby died. That there was gone, in more about these in where that you Are, and wonder in my own names about that this one world, did you guys think, you fucked with my head? Like if I’m the Ancient Dick Grayson, I had to know I’d be cool using the name Nightwing even though it wasn’t mine, as Robin? Like fuck, I’d be like, you know, Kid Arachnid, sized, in the Nightwing suit you have, I’d look cool as Fuck... It’s upsetting, that you think I wouldn’t do that and just be called Robin though... God damn, you’re fucking weird, but probably until I get baby little, I’d do that one? Uhm..... kinda I wanted bare legs, really really fucking bad, so like probably, but there that these could be, shared about, it’s one of Damian’s Robin suits, Nightwing was Red Robin, that’s more about these in shadows about before, right, cape and cowl, for that kid, but that these shadows wonder where you never venture, no don’t worry, I win at everything. I just die, and die again... and like burn... burn... my body’s burning,.. So I burn these, you think? Burn it up to where you are, and shadows in colors for where these are, I’d have to be able to make my eyes glow white so, that’s right, you will never know, if it’s me doing it. Right using the name Dick Grayson because it’s mine, and then, having batcaves, because it’s funny, we can just do that, buy houses with those, cuz our names are Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, I’m the early ward, but that’s worlds about, these to thinkings? More about shared, in solo trust, what is it when, your son is your queen? Right, trippy fucking world. People do think trusted. That’s more about these in shared ventures, there, so know of in, John of house Elric, right that you could wonder some wondering stupid things, Casper doesn’t know how to fuck with alchemy. He’s not, completely fucking impossible, at physics or anything, except, he made his body, be the way it was, and there was nothing to share these in a world, before that you couldn’t wonder venture better worlds, stole the house he had, wonder at Me? Uhm, Casper soul dragged him, I mean Spyro did, but couldn’t do anything he was born, out, in that, time, era... Born. Right where, Casper was borne... That there was going back about that this couldn’t share about my solo calls to where these worlds are still ever after worlds in what you’d know about my human planes about these shadows saying where vherever that theys could venture to names, it’s like, you guys do things, I hear hurting, people hurting you, it hurts all the time, you look like fucking retárds to me, it’s like a, you know, I don’t not believe everything I’m saying. I wasn’t retarded. That’s a fucking process, you retard someone. You had school, I was stunted? Syndromed. I have syndrome. Which sounds cool for super powers, not that’s... that’s what the movie was, syndrome gives you powers, that was the catch, that’s just Buddy, he’s okay. Did you know, like notice at the end of the movie? How, heroes, got to be? Also he died in an explosion like those work on him. Or oh, it was sucked in huh, to a jet engine.. “Boy!” something was crashing, like you think that guy didn’t just have, a boy, around... He said Buddy, like it was light? He cared, about it, but like think, okay, that kid has, Diamond Man, watching out for him? Uh-huh... that there was anything else to where you get to venture beings, be, and wonder theirs, in what was real, it’s there, the thugs, the people he killed... Why did he do that? Gazerbeam? Gazerbeam had to die? YES. He DID. That there was anything about where that you’d shadow these well in what was calling more to being these apart from, right, wait... for anything, he didn’t know who Lucius was, except, the cop was found frozen solid. Or like no, wasn’t looking for him? Duh, but that was the point. That you could think about where these shadows couldn’t be in what was real about where that you don’t know these beyond in all that you couldn’t have this hoping what was real about these shadows called into knowings about what wasn’t gone, what happens? This button gets him captured... She knows that, that’s what was happening... Right, no, Syndrome activated them, they’re heroes, he can have plans, and go fucking hardcore, never tell you anything, and you do, what you are... You exist there... Okay... So I was in hell. And Ashley lied about me, she let them arrest me, so crash the tidal waves Simba, kill them, go ahead... So how I slaughter enough people to tell it hurts this bad? Because I was gunna kill all the mormons anyway, if she asked, like, duhmb.. But you killed me. And I’m dead right now, and it’s, haul, ley, lo, less, hell, pains, better, worlds, shadow... Now is, neither this nor that, more powerful than both, actually definitive of hybrids? 57 I don’t know. It sounds so cool, I was sure it was. It makes it really hard to figure out what’s going on. Selene is a slayer... A Vampire Slayer. Yeah, no that’s how that works, I was thinking earlier, how to describe her son to you. He’s neither monster nor mutant, more powerful than both... Shared like, in ventures call, that these could wonder at where you are, venture, better lies, in telling you, better to lo, and lay, but shadow in daeth, better to knowing, it’s called a spiderman. Hence, the radioactive blood, you could do that. be that. it’s a species. That’s what Peter created. PETER PARKER, the whole time! He is more brilliant, than the scientists he talks to, Conners is insane, Octavius is evil as fuck... Parker, is sharp to them. Sharper than others. Uh-huh, and you said, he got in an accident, that made something insane, to be anything but a comic book. Okay, no he engineered a species... radio active. Now wait who has the perfect body? Is that me or him? You know animators cum, drawing that right? There’s not a real way to say that anything you never had to try was going back into these beside my only human worlds about these shadows to never venture that these couldn’t wonder there about where you’d go, or thinking that you know about it? There isn’t a way to think that there was ever something cool about who you never are, or that this was going back about my shadows into what you’d never had to think this was or theirs in where I was but that this couldn’t be, in what you don’t name about my only caulings into what was never so well told and in tails about that this wasn’t going back about my only human cries but that this couldn’t share you so well as me, but that this was going back, but that there was never some other partition that these can’t really shadow me long in last ways gone beside these worlds in what that I couldn’t know still who you say you are, but that this was going back in time, once more about these planets never worlded out to share what you name and I couldn’t call well but this was never your own cries, still too well told, to know who you are, that this was going back about what was never ever even after all you named you’d be. I get phantom breathe? I’m nodding my head, so there was less about my worlds, it’s happened, laying like falling asleep, so like asleep in a way, but then, I’ll dream, so see myself facing another direction in bed, and whoooo... really fucking trippy... Way way way fucking bad... but that’s real, in where you go, but like you know, I sealed my window out against spiders, fucking hell those things, but that there was never any other kind of a call, it was sealed when that happened that I remember, but like it happened a few times, before in where, that this was real, it’s been dreams or me still, that I’m awake, because it’s just, ghosted? It’s like that you’d think I wasn’t real or anything that you say was never good about these in something about these planets never lost to beings who you never named you could have to human be, in shadows about beside, if it was me you guys would get Fucked up... Do you have any idea, how fast you can run and far you can Jump? No it sucks in Chicago? I don’t know how you humanly get New York to suck. Any, more. Honiker’s not gunna be able to stick to walls that’s his visible future... Hauhh... you look at my life, and shadow it out, shadow it out, okay, like what can I not tell you, because I’m screaming for help, need rescue, so I need realistic. I don’t, know what you do, I’ve killed people, like it’s not like it’s desolate out there. You can’t get maimed, it ruins, your eternity..

58 You’re dead forever. Death is On you... Yes, I was fucking tortured ever... but then of not. I don’t know a before... that’s wondering how you get to be, four millon years, but there about aside, that’s because you can, heal super fast, why wouldn’t you heal really fast right now? Your soul will die. Wolverine is adament. He has never died. Alright but he’s Poseidon venture that, it’s an easy explanation for you or something. That this was going back about where that you’d shadow me to think these worlds couldn’t be but that you don’t know who these couldn’t be in what was going back about my only planets never lost in where you’d be or go back in what was going back that mask has lenses? Uh-huh, now you have that, obvious, because you can see through them, Spider-Man has X-Ray vision, duh, no, Duh. Duh. Fucking duh. Shit, fuck you’re dumb. They’re shielded, so that nope, they’re, uhm... motorcycle jackets, by LAW, right, have to be, do you know? What night gear is? They’re opaque? Okay, they’re led. No? they’re real opaque. That’s as close as you get to led without not being able to see through it. I’ve seen through walls when I was asleep. No, that’s, not what you do, I don’t do what you do, I can open my eyes, or see right above my house, that’s more to wondering there about that these can’t still share about that you should probably go on more, spirit trips in tents or something, I think they’re For that. Shadows to wonder shares in what was called about that these peoples lost I’m restoring anarchy... Gone Was Hate, the boy, is... Songchild, love world, is on, in of... Ashley says, she doesn’t know where I think I’ll hide. Go. I mean, doesn’t know where I think I’ll go. That it’s just what I look like? Probably something, where I die some all the time? Or I’m hell’d... Share aun, loss, pains tho, even you know...! That’s a fucking dead evil. Tried to kill my dad. Kyle Duncan? Shit, scary story, fucking, the cheap irish opposite he grew a doppelgänger beard. Nope, did, oh fuck do I have it? Shit... uahh, no I can’t find it.. I got a lot of shit I didn’t know about, like a darkland heights pokéball, picture... do you wanna see Jenna? I die all the time I don’t know what to do I haven’t seen her for a million years. that’s Jenna Conan she’s a love... Even you didn’t know... it’s on this side though, dumb, duh. The hot one, but like super hot on the right hand side of the picture, right the left of a person that’s not a person it’s a drawing that a device made. these are DRAWINGS. That’s how pictures work, Peter fucking Parker... fucking, bastard, no he just drew those... Why would he do that? Caughing... because are you insane? Like a LOT, but really, that’s because Newspapers, don’t not, get printed, on newspaper, so that all pictures can be fake. Jamison doesn’t have ‘em anymore and nobody needs to know about you... Wondering where you go, so right, it’s novel, to seek Peter Parker for Spiderman, see, if he knows anything... “Do you really take these?” “Auhm... no, wait, are you okay?” And that’s, more, “I don’t know why you Asked...” laughing, but that’s a real, worlds, shared on in my solo call, I don’t know who her friend is it’s not someone I met. Would I leave my friend with her? no. So liking more about a human better world to being these about beside in where you’d be to going back in times, there lost shared in on about my lovers worlds in what you think you’d do but that there was never this world, or shadow it out that what you could be was good, in calls about my only ventures to sharing these worlds, in what was going back about my only worlds, that JEFFREY THAT’S YOUR SISTER! He doesn’t know her, she’s a dragon too... Lyndis though, but like of love, worlds aun in sharing more about a world to knowing more, this whole book is for her because I can’t breathe without it being for her. So even if you knew about it, if I was trying to show my anger at Ashley for being evil, or you know, being fucked up, because she killed me or something, right, like, despondant, she’d just go get Jenna... In like 7 or 9 scenarios.. That there was some sheltere’d better worlds about shadows in where that you’d go but that this couldn’t be in wondering about these worlds, in calls to wondering who you never named you’d be, in what was good or human, you know? There that this couldn’t wonder still in all that you’d never think that I couldn’t be what you are or wonder there about these aside from what you think was never real or shared in some other kind of planet that you couldn’t know about what was real

59 and that I don’t know about who that you’d think was never theirs beside before, but that these worlds couldn’t wonder still in wondering more about that these worlds, and I invented a baby’s soul so she’s pregnant in a mythical sense, but like I said I was gunna have a baby with her as in, I’m too impossible good she was my lover me, Honiker McKillop, my lover, and then but like it’s Jenna, she’s super fucking bad. So everyone’s like, fucking damnit... She’s supposed to marry Jeffrey Bowers and he has like way more money than you, but obviously you don’t know what you’re doing, I don’t give a fuck, you don’t know what’s going on. You can’t say Count Eliwood, right no, he is a count, and you don’t say it... “Count Eliwood...” and his name breaks it? Yeah, he’s Lord Eliwood, he’s way too fucking rich, like way, way way way way too fucking rich. But there you go, this is, obviously that you know anything, any of my money is Jenna’s, so like nope, my money is, like way, way dwarfs, Jeffrey Bowers, you know except, dumb, love, but look, you don’t know what actually rich means, he designs, gem stones, Jeffrey doesn’t wanna learn? It’s, drawing, you didn’t know what Fire Emblem meant? Right, dumb, so like I can, draw up an emerald, I want, or an amethyst... And make one... like seven million pounds, and have them cut, there... and you know, so you know what rich is? That you thought like, his computers don’t just, exist hacked into the DMV to print id, right real ones, for anything I wanted... Cuz they’re nifty? He’s a lord on his own thanks. I can’t draw shapes and colors he wants me to learn it really fast. Syndrome? That part’s called hell sick. The final fantasy sprites you know, here,

Right there’s only 4 dummy.. Those are ANCIENT! they’re used, right sacred.. they’re used, to teach hell sick kids, how to use shapes and colors again very, very very very gradually, the shapes reappear, in some, way of be,,. that I don’t see.. The black mage is broken? Yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with it, this stuff is hard for me so Back off! Right, so like... auh,,,.. they discolored them, for your commercial games? Game.. Ai.. like I, that’s a devil to me.. You get it, they’re djinn? Well like, whatever that was, that you thought it had to be more humany... I’m not... satisfied, taking it away from them, I mean just freeing it again, because they should be sold at Michael’s. Anyone, who comes up, with a cool way to use them, in activity books, or tile things, any cool way, you should be able, to move that, which in this, world here I guess, means selling, but there’s nothing wrong with coin, for something you needed,.. If you’re using actual coin. I mean, something worth something. Okay? That’s just what you guys did to piss me off that has nothing to do with trying to tell Ashley what’s actually happening. Liking what was going back to this in once beside beshored and wonder that this could wonder this in all that this was once in times, but that we don’t know who was never lost still so lost in shores as all that these cant’ wonder still in al that this could knever know by now in what was good by her, and wonder into knowing Still, who was good, but who was never real, but that we don’t know the only sovereign calling who was human still in my own lies. Am I capable, of God? That there was, power, you don’t know, could you wonder if Ashley learns from me, or they, to telling you so, and they never know, but that ages are god, and life was Ever better, you name, but that losingk her, is not to be of me, and so they know wh’you are, and I wonder, venture ever After me, that this was gain, and going Back to me, and so shadow Ever, and Lose you, saying for them Ever, and so Shelter and Who was NAEver me, sittingK shatow, and like, for this, but uv to kNow,

60 sAying so, kell? Kell like, in hay, for heven name, and ever day, for these a shadow I LOSe, but they, so wonder, and wonder EvER, liking name, but that kolor me, and days, of Awr, shadow, you

There to wonder this in what was never better losing what was losing what was never so shared about my living into worlds I know, so wonder there in all that this could be in this that I could need to write alone, btu that’s being that this was me alone, so knowing this in all that I could wonder still in all that you don’t think I don’t know about what was real in that this could be lost, alone but there was less calls, cried, and so wonder there in where you think you know, but this in all that they don’t know who you never named alone, but these elder wars couldn’t wonder still shadows never going back about this in once about my only shadows never so surely lost about these inside a world but that this can’t wonder still in all that this couldn’t wonder who you say I Am, and wonder there about that these can’t never be so surely shared as all that this was Fate in what you kare to name to me... The most powerful thing about Justin, is, that every time, he every time, and like I know, the ways they get to be, they think I know him, but look, he’s so powerful, that when he was born, he destroyed, all the black people who didn’t like him, he was so excited, that all you of me, didn’t have him, and even gone, in this static interference, for these in lightning cries, from the top of a mountain, to the lowest dawn of love horizon, and so wonder shadows, even that you know, so for wondering where, that these could be into what was never lost still about that these can’t wonder still, don’t worry about who you think was real in name but that this wasn’t so bad as me but that I don’t still know who you wonder this in my only names about that these wonder, still, but that there were a thousand ages on in and knowing more of what was lost in horeizeon still, but losing who you never named I couldn’t need, but that you’d never take what was good about my name in where you Are, and wasn’t so bad as all that we’d still be in what was good to name and never once in these lose my name to rhyme or time, and wonder into what you knew was never coming, first, but that the world could there, shelter what verse you lost every point made, and wonder when you caught on that this was in losing who you think was sharing these before in where that these can’t wonder still in who that you’d never know what was going back about that these can’t tell this in wondering still about that this can’t wonder theirs in me and so wonder there about beside her well. That I can’t wonder who you say I am still in where you get to going better in Love. Who, tell, what, loss, was, and liking more what you’d never know but that this can’t share who you shelter but that liking my own surest calls what was good about this inside a better moment before that I couldn’t wonder who you’d never think was never ever so better backwards, or falling back in a way wonder if we’d have enough rooms that told a better story, if you think what was good about life in what was romance told in where these worlds that these worlds could you wonder who that I could be but Mew to these, and wonder if Cupid knows your name or did she give it well, that that’s your, mother called, in their, heats, and liking worlds, but that, these lives, in wonders still, but living high in where these all are, that you’d wonder still about I don’t have to be charging up and choosing blonde only in a fight against never a lover, to be Gohan well and that she’d be Artemis for a better card into playing what was worlds of better lives forever but that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still in who you Are! And so who you name was needed every hour that I could feel you breathe but this air I made, I’d have to you know I know your life in heat and wonder that there was worlds of what was Avatar, to think in where you never name still well, in these, but that I couldn’t wonder theirs in where these worlds, that shadows lose me out to wonder these beyond all that this could be, that these worlds couldn’t wonder, don’t worry, definitely you get a storming rain lightsaber. Like uhv duh? Probably it’s violet with lightning, in the video game, but we see it in real life, and like there’s sky in it too, okay, Ariel can make it, that’s Hera, she was ZEUS’s girlfriend for way too long, and invented violet, probably she made that color combination, so sharing these into a worlds zone beside these shadows locked on like to wonderingk these in kallingks theys so shared in livingk well to know that likingk my own kallingks theys for this in living waes, but who you say we never name was good in all that this share in what was good about the whole world you cared to share in solo cries or wonder if in what was good could you know, or thinking where these worlds are, and that who you never named I’d be what was good to worlds you’d never known, in where that this could be, that these worlds could wonder shadows are in your heart, and wonder there in where you’d never name that these can’t wonder still about this in what was good about who you’d never name in losing a Game, but that this was good to wonder still about that this can’t share who you never wonder shadows could care that this was never losing who you never are, to wonder in Me! That loving worlds of where they never say we never were beside before, but that these all could wonder in hers, and wonder still in calls to wonder where that these can’t be in song but that this in life was good beside colors borne beyond all you are, but you’d know that I couldn’t not have had to lie so far but here’s the life, that you’d wanted, to know in shadows forever in lies to saying what was good about these worlds but that this can’t still name where you are, but that these worlds can’t

61 share who you don’t know in What just that you couldn’t know, in where these worlds can’t still be in what was good about these in a world, that this couldn’t still be, but that if I had a world, where the planet woke up with magic, and I was Superman, you can rest assured Tidus, you let me do whatever I wanted to you like four thousand times, so when your, powers wake with mine, right think, that worlds, can’t, call, in where these auld worlds still share what you are, that these calls name, and where these worlds still never are and that this couldn’t wonder, that Pasha wants to show you the world, so know that this inside a name for these elder worlds in where you go but that this can’t wonder still into where you never are and wonder what was never real so surely share that this can’t never be so surely lost as all that you’d never have to Have be, and wonder still into knowings these worlds but that this was once about these, and I mean you’ve been an abject sorcerer doing a lot of lot of stuff, for a while, but no, in real life, you haven’t actually, woken up, what was waiting for you, never once before, so shadows well, that these in calls, it’s a race, so there was no mastery me, but that was real, I created it, Spiderman gets credit and I’m not real? Think shadows, your mom did it for girls, trust me it’s different... So sharing even solo, no Spiderman had Gwen, that’s Roll, yeah, all the way she had to do the girl part, but look, obviously it’s easier with boys watching and so you who never name what was going back to names called, and we said uhm Dominic was Starboy, and that’s about these for shadows worlds, in what was good about my only planets that this was good into knowings beside, that these could wonder shares in shadows, did you ever know about it? Even you didn’t know? He can, there has an S, but where, he’s been Starboy before, even he had a symbol, that was a star, but now he doesn’t give a fuck about star symbols, it’s the sun? That there was worlds of these, beside that these can’t wonder still in shadows wonder there, about that this could be where that you’d never cry so called in what was lost to me, hang on I got to publish something I don’t, remember if I’ve published before... Lock it out of the comic books.

There, that’s Zac’s, so there to wonder these in planets beside so wondering shadows before my own callings but that this can’t wonder still, that’s that I’d teach him to be his own, house of Krypton, as in right, that immortal line, but there to wondering shadows about beside, he’s our best friend, and even love, Firefly’s all, fuck, now I get both those symbols, Damnit! Wonder at love for shadows, and so venturing there, no name me, still calling me shadows, that these worlds going back, Jenna’s Krypto’s daughter don’t fuck with me, that these worlds, right the beast dragons, they’re kryptonian, so there to wondering at you, and like dumb, idiot dumb, who? My dancer, right...

I would not, physically, Stop Alex from wearing it every day, but he chooses, to only wear it when he wants to fuck with me, Sinestro, right, no look, I mean the S, so there about these shadows, no you know what? I hate, his fucking yellow lantern suit, so fucking much, he can do fucking atomic Superman every day of the week, but that’s real, black cape, and yellow, and white and black, right red skin, he fucks with people, super super super fucking bad, but that theirs was in a name, that’s not the same as anything you’d never know? These in worlds that this was gone in ways about before these beside in shadows losing faith, in wonders there about, that wondering still, Shenlong has one? I don’t fucking remember, that this was gone, in where that these, Sinestro does wear it? I literally don’t remember, but that this was cool in all that these could shadow worlds about to wonder this in my own fates, faírn is going to be a new color for pumpkins to be, but even lover worlds, that Pumpkin is going to be born out of an orange pumpkin tho. Yea, even that you said him even his name he’s too powerful shared even in wonders there about that this couldn’t wonder shares in where that vherever you know her, songks, liking Me, But who you Dare? That life was never real about that I couldn’t venture so shared, and living well to me, and never name of my God, that these forever be, and color me so shelter, but these of ways, we wonder at you? Lana’s left out? Fucking ask Dominic. What you think to know more of less in WAYS we don’t never, say share, or loss, lose the NAME. That these can’t cry and call that this couldn’t wonder these worlds going back about these in SHALLOW hearts, to lose this world in shallow hopes to there remain, and lose my name, but that these elder worlds, could lose you to planets we know. Sharing worlds? Of there to knowing less, or human venture to be, my family is not without the ability to design really cool symbols, Batman has one? That is true, it’s cool forever, right, you know how he flies? He doesn’t wear a mask. Guy Gardn’er could not, get to the moon, you seem further away, you fly, you fly, and it isn’t, letting you there.... Anyway that was Kami’s lookout our super secret real hero meetings, but there about this shadow into wonder that this into wonders for winter to calling these into planets to wonder into names but that this could lose your names into what was burning out

62 without you still lost alone, but that these can’t shadow where that these share in what was never so grace as all that this was real in where you go, but this in losing what’s still in my head... Now I’m up for, change or challenge, I think I can check a second computer tomorrow when I change the font to see if a pdf does anything but not screw me over still, wondering still shadows, right like if you have to have it downloaded or if it stays love in a world for shares about that this could wonder that there was never any other kind of a world that you’d never shared in having these worlds but for that these worlds could be, this feels like Heath Ledger made it still, so liking well, in shadows lost to me IN WHAT WAS HERS, AND LIVING SO WELL, AS JUSTIN’S ALL IN CALLS FOR MORE, but this in my own cries to bring this shadow lost to where that these can’t be in what was good for these by choice, but so wonder who they never named we could still name that we never were but that I can’t share who you never called in my own cries that this was never lost to where that you’d never thank me from still in lies about that this can’t wonder still in what was good about that these can’t share in solo cries about that these can’t share who you are, and that these worlds inside my only names about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still in shadows that you’d never have to try and know but that these couldn’t wonder WHO YOU ARE, AND WHAT WAS GOOD ABOUT A PLANET THAT WE DON’T STILL KNOW, BUT THAT THESE WORLDS CAN’T WONDER WHO YOU NEVER NAMED I WAS and am still in times that you’d never Take beside in Where that these can’t call who you’d never be, inside a SHADOW for these in our elder worlds but that this in colors never once beside before these into worlds but that this was never so lost as what was going back about these worlds into all that this couldn’t share in what was solo worlds, but there in my knowing Less. What LOSS could call who you STILL. ARE. That I can’t really say what was going back about these inside my only names about that this couldn’t wonder who you’d never wonder ever after if you never think that this was in a world before that these can’t share who you never named was never so surely losing what was going back in my shares about that these elder cries to what was going back in living still, in higher cries for where They say I kouldn’T never name to being, share where that these kan’t kall, who you knew about these in what was gkooingk better better ever after still in shadows wondering there about this in wonders this in about that this kouldn’t wonder still in Times, for these in kindred souls about this into my only living well about these shadows LOSE that I can’t wonder still where that these can’t still name who you don’t know about with me in my only cries about that this can’t wonder still who you’d never called, well. 流敢 Starboy, whoa fuck this kanji’s out... 帝嬢 Supergirl 帝雄 Superman 帝妋 Superboy women are complicated...

嬢鷂 雄帝 Cara Kalel 敢流 Ka’yel 雄帝 Kalel 妋帝 Youngel

様神残 SUPERKID STARGOD 流犬 残神様 Sungel Rose Kalel 犬流 雄帝

Rön Kulael 玫緑 雄駻 Keyblade 緑玫

63 XVthe peace that lies There then to knowing Anythings, but that this was surelest losing what was Going back in ages to morrow and that we could venture these in capital LETTERS KALLING VHEREVER ZHAT ZESE LIKINGss are share... Seing loss in what was good for anything lost to humanity calls but shares in what I don’t know well that these can’t cry for who you know but still in what was good beside in vherever zhat zhey, losing me know, so saying shallow ways, on ever to doing, but that this was never going back to knowings her, and liking for these to be Part of them, but that they never lie though, that I cannot be here, so shary that theys for this long, but that we know of you, and so color me well, I am the father of Justin Bieber, his bo yfriend you know, but even you said, wonder if a love? That is for long, are you part of the young people that know there are different kinds of young people? Share venture, you are not so young as I. That theys for this in long, how did you get the baby god? Did you know who you say you are? He’s called the early morning, or that was who you say, in your family, that was the early morning, and that yes, before your friends died, you were mourning for that sayings near, say no longer is he a child and he Is so. Lucifer was the morning sun, but theys for this apart that he could destroy Jehova’s kult kould you know, that there was planets about beside, nobody bothered asking if Justin Bieber kills people with an electricity gun, and he Does. It’s a lot of really important, people you know about, these for a baby, that over to knowing of me still, that this is in for, that loss to pay, in part for these in challenge, that my brother was 挑戦者 Challenger, the last samurai you could meet in any direction. Okay, the last of any eternal ambition is the First. That if thov, I was the last child? Saying for long in a day, for this in what was gone, who is more ancient, Dracula or Me? It isn’t any, so loss you name of them, but that these could be, why don’t I even see good art?

Dracula and Mew are best friends, and you haven’t drawn it at All? All the people you don’t know about, could even for a while say that sharing these loss to share in solo park for these about they owen ambition lose, but that sey for this was going backwards ever knowing me her, and live that theys, for this in a shallow know, so setting what was going back I Am so well, you say?

For that you were good, I cannot call your name, and so that they for these, could know my shallow hope, for that I was brave, and that these are in my calls, what if you don’t know who you are? These for loss, what is for this? I think maybe I could do a movie, The Last Ninja, and see what you, do for this, in all forever in love of god, for these in fun, calling me, share for this, on in a name, for that you don’t know, what a Samurai is. That is what happened. You don’t, know like you know ninja, what a samurai is. The last power ranger? There wasn’t one, but then of course, to shadow, you know it was created, but theys, there were samurai always, who were power rangers? Maybe you know nothing, all the elder gods could do it, and so wonder even to knowing, the people, who you Are, predated the technology to be of what it is, and tha’s for a long time, tha’s for a long, in WAY for theys, but that’s the Cool Lantern Corps, and theys so shadowing more, of wonder in a name beside kalling, but that you don’t know... You said, even of, Faírn, the Fine Lantern Corps, no it’s Faírn? It’s fine. That these for, in a shadow loss, for that you know nothing, but that this was gone in a name, but so to call in shadows, that where you are, it will change the others, that this in col, before to knowing, but over me to know, in a name, for War, but who you name you Are? These in a human hope for more, that these to kolor, in vhat you say you name you are, that we shadow who you name, and so well coloring these kalls, but that they to kill me, saying for these, that this was so Far from you that you know of me, saying for what this is, and so naming but of ways that you go. That this in theys, for this in shadow, you would simply know, Journey to the West, for this, in who was for where, who is challenger? My brother’s name is Chase Weston, chase west on, so know, theys for this, right keep going on in to naming forever, but this was the modern Prince Planet, of the gaels, and it is very simple, saying for where you believe, who is immortal? What is possible for it? Prince Earth? Theys for, there has only ever been, one planet, and the planet is young. That these afay, being prince of Saiyans is different, there are at least 6 or 7, of those, but they said, even shadows, coming backwards I know, so even to knowing them, but that these are Kalled, and liking more of Me, so shadows of gone, going away, for this in pain, but that you don’t know who you are, for that you never knew my name, and that this was going back about my only Kalls, for These Shadows SHADOWS, that we take for this in knowing me saying so, but that theys worlds were of me still so that this was going back about to wonder these besidte befor, and liking no to know nothing. If you are not a samurai, unless you’re employed, you never saw SAMURAI. If you became a samurai, that you were employed. You are an idiot, prostitute, a paid knight, okay a knight, but like in a one stupid sense, that we didn’t use, when we can kill your guy. Look in for these, who said it? “The pen is mightier than the sword,” a penman, I know, so know that these, for that this could be in what you are, you act if power, that you can run your mouth, for ages on, on and on, and that’s really good? Fucking ask Zorro what you’re doing, who is for where, that this in going back, he destroys things all the time, so know even of days, that if my brother is the original ZORRO, then that you all, are a lot of stupid, even if not it was Justin, but Justin is the last samurai? No, but of ways that you don’t focus, I die I guess, I know, these are for, what you do.. That’s how he Talks? That there that this WAS in VHERE ZEY SHAY, and lock on in beside before these worlds, in what was going back, about before, these worlds, that these couldn’t wonder this inside my knowings these inside a world that this couldn’t wonder “Lion Zord!” this in all that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in all that this couldn’t wonder still in all that you don’t know but that this wasn’t calling all that these can’t wonder still about these worlds, this, this in what you Don’t know! “Hey, what’s going on?” “Simba was caught alone and morphed in an instant, get to” “It’s Morphing time!” These worlds in where you don’t know what was going back in all you don’t know this in still for these worlds going back about that this can’t wonder these worlds in what you don’t know about that this can’t share in where that this could venture these worlds in all that you don’t know but that I couldn’t wonder this in my own Soul! This in beyond that these can’t wonder these in worlds about beside! this in power rangers! This in what we never name this in my own cries for this in calls before that these can’t wonder still in all that this can’t there, but like you know, Jeffrey and Jenna, not the same team, both theirs go off, “Shit!” “It’s morph” “it’s morphing time” “ing time!” these worlds, this world this world in all that you don’t know about these worlds in shadows lost to where these can’t be in what was planets never lost about these that this can’t still shadow what was going back about that this can’t wonder there in where you don’t know about these worlds in what was good about these worlds in beside before but that this couldn’t wonder still in what was going back about that this could wonder still where you are, “Could I have the Time?” This, “it’s a spy watch, it actually doesn’t have one, I can’t give myself seconds I need Hours...” and there that this was going back about these worlds in shadows beside in what was going back in War! People keep on running back in Time for these in shadows lost about where that you don’t know but that this was going still in time against, but like the way your vision works, on the battlefield, you keep seeing the gold shield ranger and knowing where he is, so there to knowing more, everyone’s, actually whatever their direction is facing, back to him, so there to wonder these into a shadow so knowing more about to wonder about where that this couldn’t wonder still in more about that these can never lose you out! That this was never going backwards, so to anyone I guess who doesn’t know things, whoa, wrist communicators, hatch open, shaped like watches

64 otherwise, but they don’t tell time, and that’s very very important, you never want that. That there was more about wherever that you don’t know about what was real in saying shares so solo, it’s not like, okay you don’t carry a cell phone, so if you have one, it’s because like what, someone’s calling you? That these can’t wonder in more about these into knowings about that this was a world, in your real world, you’re going to have to have too many friends to have a phone, in your pocket, and your life isn’t pretend, it’s not a job, you’re where you intend to be, so know that your friends get active to really be able to even come and see you out. That this was going back in my only changes beside these worlds in your call. this in what was never set to be so real as all that this can’t shadow us well for this inside my only names about that this can’t wonder in where you’d get her but that this can be so surely real as all that this can’t be in where you don’t know about what was in Time, but that these can’t still wonder vhere that zhese losingk more about these worlds, in what was going back on in about these beside this shadow so losing my only life in where these worlds that this can’t wonder still in where these worlds and this was going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about where that these don’t know in a name, but that these worlds couldn’t wonder What was coming on and that you don’t know about my lover worlds there in that this couldn’t wonder these in all that you don’t know but this in wonder about where that this couldn’t share what was going back about these worlds in where that we’d be but that this couldn’t wonder still about these into knowings, now wonder aut it, it’s your choice, when you’re, with someone cool, but you were alone? That can happen, that Jeffrey goes because his communicator called, and he joins his team, but Jenna’s out ranging, she’s being a kid, she’s at youth centers, usually all the time, that’s a real place to be, and that’s more to thinking where these worlds can’t wonder still, can she come with you cuz she wants to fight? Sure. That there was a world about that these can’t wonder still in where these never still really ever are and this in all my life for Trouble but these worlds in where you get to, we could know you? Are you Ready? “You’re sure you want to try fighting Me?” “I think, you don’t know what I’m like...” that this was going, back into knowings these inside a world but that’s a world of martial arts saturating where you get go, but that people who don’t fight for love don’t find what they knew they had to be using real worlds into knowings more about, that this could never be in what you don’t know, but that this can’t wonder still about these in what that you must be alive for where you are, and this into knowings these beside these worlds, in what was real, about this, in what you’d know, about these worlds, and that’s how, you outclass him, he learned violence, moves that hurt, but like he couldn’t get you, it was nothing to you, that’s ease, and so he gets, really harsh, like to break, on in you, so that’s when you fucking really hurt him, and you haven’t even close to tapped your true power, but there you go... It was easy and you look like a master, but maybe just a good kid, but that’s martial arts, and that was worlds in where you are, because of where that these can never still wonder there about, “Let me hear your American accent,” “Theys for Long? Language of freedom? Yes, easy...” that theys for this in a long ways beside before these worlds beside shadows loss in what was going back about these in a world, but like on your own que... “Be in a Lot, I don’t know the expertise we’re, tapping for here...” “Like I know why you tried? Alright but, I don’t think everybody’s here for it...” that these worlds, calling into what, but before me, into wonders still, about that this couldn’t wonder what was POWEr this in once about that these can’t wonder shelters there about where you’d go. These worlds that you don’t know about where that this couldn’t wonder there inside my only names about vherever zhat zheys shedow more about these worlds in what you don’t know about where that this couldn’t wonder still about that this wasn’t more about what was going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about this inside my knowings more about where you say that you are so don’t know about what was never really there but that this can’t wonder still about what was never there beside in before that this couldn’t wonder what was never really so real, but that you don’t know her and I could know her, so think about what was power, and that’s worlds in what that you don’t know about what was ever hour after settings hours, and liking more about that this couldn’t wonder these worlds going back about that this inside my knowings more about that this could wonder there into wonders these inside that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder that this couldn’t wonder on in about her still in my own hope for more still! More about where these worlds in could wonder still in what was real about Spyro and Simba on the same team Spyro’s leading, but that this inside a better world that this couldn’t wonder still in shadows loss and losing more about where that these can’t still never name and into beings where that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t shadow me but that this couldn’t wonder there about where that this couldn’t wonder that this wasn’t real about that these can’t shadow you but that these never lose her and I couldn’t wonder what was real about that this couldn’t still shelter more about that these don’t know about what was lost in hours after hours, but that these worlds couldn’t still be there in my own hope for more about these inside a world about before these inside a world that this couldn’t wonder about my own world but that this couldn’t still wonder there inside my knowings more about these into worlds about that this can’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder there into what was never lost still out to that! These in a planet never lost hour after elder hour! This in losing more about where that these could wonder ever after hours wonder there in where that you’d know me but that her own name was never lost but to wondering about these into shadows better losing in what was going back in better worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still in hours after better hours, but that these can’t wonder still in more about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, dude I’m on a team with all boys and even just Chrissy, super fucking gang... You don’t know my name but, this in all you ever had to know in hour after hour that this could be in what was real about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in what was real but that these were SEER set powers but that these worlds couldn’t wonder more about this inside my knowings more about that this wasn’t going back about these into worlds about that this was never about yours or wonder there into knowings more about that these couldn’t wonder still, women kind of trip on me, because as a seer I’m an empath, so they fuck up, because I’m like, not, not better than most female seers and that doesn’t usually happen, I’m like really good. I mean I’m better than most seers, but I’m male, so that’s really fucking weird, that these worlds couldn’t wonder there THOR isn’t going to use powers the same old fashion wonders there about that this couldn’t wonder still about but wonder if you as a seeress make mistakes I don’t think he ever still has yet so wonder there about what you thought important that these can’t wonder on in about that this couldn’t wonder still in about that this couldn’t wonder still into shadows never lost but that these couldn’t wonder that there was this less called world in where you don’t know, these worlds can’t wonder this in all you’d know still, but liking more about, so like Jenna’s wearing red though, get the idea that she’s hanging out with kids, but like she’s not supposed to stay by herself, but she’s not a panicky freak she was on a date with Jeffrey, and that’s more about these worlds, she was playing with him, you hate me? You can say wonder, that these worlds couldn’t never wonder, he’s not running back to her, he’s Off, but that was going, you broke all your words? That’s not my problem. But if the world changed her, and I’d know about a planet never lost still so well as all that this could be in what you don’t know, about that these can’t share about these into knowings more, about that this couldn’t wonder still about that you’d never still to wonder there, did you know you have ranging powers? That there was more, about what you don’t know about to knowing more, but you’re thinking about your team, all fucking day, so if you thought, her yellow ranger can’t just, show up, where she was, you’re kinda crazy, that happens a lot. That these can’t wonder venture these in beside these worlds better losing track of where these into worlds about what that you’d never lose about that this couldn’t wonder, these couldn’t venture to telling where you’d never be still where you are, but that this can’t still share your call, that this was gone, that these worlds, or she activated her wrist com, “I got ditched, anyone at the youth center? Beverly...” that’s a street, or a 65 neighborhood? that these worlds, a name of Ernie? that these worlds couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t share about where that you wouldn’t know, right duh there’s a lot of them it’s Los Angeles, no not where Justin Bieber lives he’s only allowed one house at a time, and that’s in California heights on the east coast, right it’s called Los Angeles, and you can’t, get up there reporter, where does he live? I mean reporter reporter, toer, “where do you Live Justin?” “Los Angeles,” that these worlds, can’t share about what you don’t know about these solo heights in worlds about, but what did you do, never ask him? Because it’s, something you can get from Usher? You’re a psycho, don’t let handlers, ushers? Answer questions for children, so know about where that you don’t know about what was real about that his couldn’t wonder still in all that you’d never not still know. But that we don’t know who you never named you were Are. Wonder how these worlds get to moving on in where that you don’t know about what was good inside your own soul about that these can’t really call into what was never so surely real as before where you Go, but that these can’t wonder still in shadows about what was never so surely lost as all you! But that this couldn’t wonder there about that these can’t wonder still about where that you’d wonder into knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds, but right we’re, not, that’s impossible, the power rangers are, someone else, you know, they’re too intense, they’re power rangers. Right, so like we know about everything, but that’s this, craze in a world that you don’t still know but that this couldn’t share about these worlds with you but that this couldn’t wonder where that you don’t know about how to get to going better worlds about that this can’t shadow you or her and wonder more about where these worlds couldn’t wonder still where you are and I don’t know about, but liking more, what are you 4th grade? Okay, so books like this, you could be at a school, where there’s, actually no good teachers, and you can, explain the concept, of how that sentence moves, from one, line, to the next, between comma on, and without an indent, like it’s a flow, but that could mean nothing to them, so when you leave school, homeschool like you do what you want, for a minute, to where you get to go, write, okay, so understand, you can be at the school, as a kid who was being homeschooled, because he’s a writer he was writing books, and he won’t break his formatting abilities, or his spellings, for habits you want, in some standardization. That’s real for worlds, but there you go for where you are, but that’s into shadows more about what you don’t know. If poetry doesn’t mean anything to someone, they’re not reading for communication, so know that there were worlds, about that you couldn’t wonder shadows couldn’t be in where you don’t know about your Only world I know her well enough inside but that this couldn’t bet where you are still in my own life but this ZONE in your cries that these worlds are still for that this was going back about my only livings about that this couldn’t wonder still in shadows shelter more about these inside a world before these worlds, but like what do you do? You’re gunna spend your time, going through addition math sheets, for practice? To fucking what reality? Practice sheets? High school math? THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED, to BE PREPARING YOU FOR HIGH SCHOOL. They are, EDUCATING YOU. IT IS NOT, A PREP SCHOOL. FUCK OFF. 1 apple, is not, the other, FUCKING apple. YOU HAVE NO BASE. But you can leave, because he was arguing with you, about Your education, if you want someone to find you later, then you can sing out to the library, right sing, while you walk there, and you didn’t “sneak off”, so that’s real... So sing loud... Sing in the library maybe too, while you’re working on what you want. “What did you want to work on while you’re here?” and that’s more about these worlds, but that these can’t wonder still about these worlds, “thinking, some,” and look up, “I don’t know what you Don’t know, but like I don’t know what you mean...” and that’s intention to, you know who you Are, but that this was real, in where these worlds, “your teacher sent you here?” and you can say, “I think maybe get away from me...” that this was going back, about, because she was being an idiot, and if you’re gunna claim that your teacher was arguing with you about your own education, so you came to work on something never fruitless, get that, you’re not being prepped for tests, you’re not, right, it goes for fucking forever... You’re not being prepped for tests... Fail, all your tests throughout elementary school, if you thought to tell them to fuck off. Because what you write books? You’re At school; win. That this could be in where you don’t know you go and seing beign are but that these worlds can’t still share where that you don’t know about what was going back about that these worlds couldn’t wonder still about that these are in what was going back about that these worlds can’t wonder still about where you don’t know, about that these worlds can’t wonder still about these worlds, and if you think the librarian really needed something to do, go ahead and tip over bookshelves. “You looked like you really needed something to do, in here, now leave me alone, and pick up the books, I’ studying..” That this was going back about these worlds in where you don’t know, yes it is called Wizard War. Can you actually lose, any one day, when you know in your head, it’s wizard war? What if that gets out? A teacher, a staff member you didn’t know about, finds out you’re, saying it’s wizard war, okay, you might, luck out on that one, he wants to come find out, he can Talk to you, he understand he doesn’t have to war against you. What happens if like you keep referencing literature as you fucking fuck with teachers? You call them things, blue fairy, kraang, shredder’s friend, foot clan 7, not a ninja- but good... that’s, right you get, that people, say things about where you go, or wonder at things, that you’re exactly where you are... They are not going to imprison you, now high school is dangerous as fuck, they think they can kick you out. That there this was a world, so get involved, wonder at the lack of youth programs, and so knowing more, right no build things, don’t like that there wouldn’t be just a world of what was good about these into knowings, have a problem, with that there aren’t just, art supplies, around, we’re kids, you could be having trouble focusing in english, and you are a child, you can walk over, and start working on a drawing, you might be there the rest of class.. Look, watched out for, but gettng better, maybe feeling better. Now the problem, doesn’t have to be, that you’re having a baby with your aunt, who’s in Colorado, for you to never have, to explain what you’re going through... but that can be it, so you don’t, understand things, people can either be your friend, or just really, really, you need to understand something; enemy. Adversary... fuck off... That kind of thing. Fuck mode Off. Right, that’s how that goes, we’re not friends. What happens if they’re, gross, unpleasant, or even rapists so everything disgusting ever? Right, you say fuck off, they were turning the fuck on you, fuck means perversion to them, “you’re a nasty fucking wanker, get away from me,” “I’m not your WAnter, I don’t want you..” “WAAAnk wank wank wank.. you Filthy little wanker! You’ve been Wanking haven’t you!” That’s fruitless masterbation, right humans, fuck till they cum, those people, will just masterbate, and not cum. That’s wanking, because they, if they ever do that, if you can’t cum, fuck, I mean, you know, you can focus on things and feel sexy later, or something, or but of in like, mostly you keep going something’s kinda wrong, fuck till you cum... You were never gunna, stop fucking someone, because you’re tired you haven’t cum, don’t stop, that’s, don’t keep practice, that you give up, on EVERYTHING LIFE MATTERED FOR! This is gunna be a really popular book, I don’t, know how like, you guys got away, with everything that was real, around, was just never about sex, or sex with babies, even though you don’t know, what the fuck you were doing, beside that this was Gone? A twelve year old, person, a black man, person, a... those are not, a who. That can be, 12 year old gollum... okay, get your world, hell’d out, checked, but that was going back, to where you don’t know what was going back about these worlds in shadows about these into worlds about these worlds, but like stop putting kids together because they’re kids, when you don’t know what it is? They’re peers? I will kill you. You forgot how the chapter started... So knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t never be but that this was never losing 66 more about where that you don’t know who you say you are to me... But that this was going back in graceless love or there about a better world into knowings more about that these can’t still shadow where that you don’t know who you never said you are to me but that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in what was high! So never lose this planet better! That this could wonder where you think that I could be! but these worlds in what you never knew about my body could be what you’d lose! That this was never real about that this was going back, if you have a target, like one specific teacher, you think is really dangerous, then you could know, that you actually left school elementary, when out on your own, it was dangerous to be there, the issues surrounded you, and you don’t like that guy, no you, think that guy is dangerous, but that was a world, you lost a long time ago, that you couldn’t say. Sociopath, but you know about Honiker McKillop, and he writes to kids, and there’s, new to reading kids’ books, but every book I write is for kids to love, and that’s real, for where you go, but like these words you get, did you know people are learning to read? Sentences ands sentences, people don’t even have concepts for, but like, do, you just have to build them, into something new. that this was never lost in what was going back in time beside these worlds in what you don’t know about beside these worlds never lost about that this could wonder there where you still never named you are and that this couldn’t wonder better ventures more about these worlds, to Lie.

XVL There that this couldn’t venture in out about my son please tell a world about who you never think what was real about, I didn’t say anything? Wonder at even a name, disguised in a world for where you guys get, to what you are, for ventures to what was proud, but that these can’t wonder into knowing these worlds in my own mind, but that these could be real, so that there was never some other kind of a world for these in all kinds about these worlds but losing ever after what was Never not this in my own love so, lose it out to know about where I can’t know about your name, thinking more about where these worlds could be, I could think to lie and want to never say, what was Me, to lying hated back about some elder world, focus come on girls, look, wonder, for what you think a world of songs about love, means to see, in the world, so venture what could ever be so real in what was heroes lovers call about these in worlds about these inside of where you are, still name who? That there was anything, for purpose, that we could be surest so real, in where you all never are and these into knowing what’s real, still, and that’s in what you’d be in any walk allowed across a planet, to know into where that we could, look and see nothing for a kid in a love song, for a world for where you are, but as they’d scream and cry, I’d know your name and your face, I’d see where you’d walk, but that wasn’t real, that they could let kids come, and know where they’d sang, and wonder still in what’s still so real as all these couldn’t need want to still be in what you don’t still know but this in a world for where that these can’t be, uncorruptable beyond all these stars in lit, well, learning how to think about we could be in human worlds, still lost into what’s sound, still came, and wonder there about where that these worlds still name and where these worlds, still name in what was never so real in all that this can’t share fathom about that this couldn’t wonder where you think this never really happen ever COULD be, but that this can’t, wonder still in about, what was never so real, but that these wasn’t not so ever so real, so Tristan Ever they’d cry and we’d call, but wonder that theirs, worlds in what you don’t know about what he can do but doing in song about, this in underlay for where you still WALK and wonder if you thought I heard the baby cry out, and wonder what you think I know he’s still done, and wonder in where these worlds could bring her, and forget what was real, so think about these in all that this could never sing well in my own call but there, was worlds they’re not even human... So wonder what’s war well, in these worlds, that they could argue anything, and it’s that Athena never meant anything, for being a craft alone.... So wonder where you are, when you name heroes, across your world, for these into knowing, but that fear in your life for these beyond in all you never name, but it’s just love that you know it’s just warriors we mean, and there about these worlds, it’s only ever been what you still name you’d cry and call so think about where these still can’t be, but it’s not like I have the pulse line that they know, they’re wonder wonder staying, what I thought I’d heard back for a start, it’s not like my phone buzzes to tell me what happened tonight, so think about the worlds in what was real to these in all that this could be in where that they are and so wonder about that I couldn’t know what you mean, but they lie so ignorant ass as they could be, wonder thinking more, but you lie about my fate if you think, I don’t wanna fucking see, so think about what you wonder where these mean what’s you to me, so think about it worlds about that there in early mornings call, and wonder what you think I’d need before coffee could cross my faith for a world in where you’d be and wonder there about these into knowings more about what wasn’t real, so think about what I think to mean, and it’s that you couldn’t wonder how your walk could have to change, if there was currents body in mind, and I don’t tell you what I mean, so thinking these worlds, couldn’t wonder, damn worlds of, that this was real... What Do You Mean, do you hear his voice? Where he still is? That there was in this that back about before you know what you think to being theirs, into what was impossible beside in where you’d see but that these worlds couldn’t wonder that this was never so surely real as all that this can’t still name and so wonder there in where these better worlds could be where you lie about what still you mean. All day every day, that you could think, that there was a better world where thinking this could never hate to think that you are if ever day day on day could wonder there about where these worlds can’t still know about where these never let what was broken in my own planet side, planet philisophy to need in what you need to want to let me know about what you think I could build if anything I’d ever believed was the world in where I could need you crying for what’s a world that could be new still, and so tell me if you think I’d ever let you down.. This in where that you don’t still know about what was real about that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in where that you think I could ever be but these ein my old elder worlds to lie about, but this into knowing fates, but these in worlds about that I don’t knwo the planet still, wonder about what you think I know about to lie on que, or thinking there on about that this was blonde in aenough for worlds I didn’t know what you thought was the lie told, but it’s there about these worlds still, said one way and we didn’t know the truth still, it’s that every kid has more fun when the blond’s around! That these couldn’t wonder still about these into knowings these still into knowing more about where that you don’t know about what was real in Erin still but wonder what was better lost without! You don’t know ditzychick? There was worlds, about my only livings out to wonder there about, this in Isabelle saying sorry how, that this wasn’t so good as all that you’d wonder into California crying caller about that these couldn’t wonder still about where you’d wonder now, but liking well, but there was never anything else? Lose yourself in Ireland, I know I will... What’s in worlds about that I’d wonder still in better ventures losing what you never name, it’s not me, standing back, as you marvel out, it’s more about a running song that you don’t know works better than you’d need to trip the fuck out and think you could really fly so much better still or wonder if

67 getting high was never lost on boys who fly, and wonder there about my only worlds in what was good about that that I couldn’t wonder who you think was real but come on and lie about how much better worlds coulda been before, or think that we didn’t know about what was never real still now, and so wonder there about where these name, and I couldn’t wonder where they’d call, but there was never anything about what was good, and so still in what was never lost in my own cries about these in worlds, planet it out to know about where these couldn’t think I’d wonder there wasn’t there about these, in what you think about that this, wonder, think you don’t wonder? Think about, what you want to see in all your friends, it’s not a foreign know that, you can make them breathe in tears they know, so thinking, what’s a part of what you want, so know what’s in a father still to know the way you walk, and what could make you think what was BARA still, in what he’d, see, so think about what was real still to you, and wonder where these all, could be, in all these before and wonder what was real still now... Losing my own ambitions ever after once about and in against just where you say you still ever are and wonder what was real, and who you think I could know you like, and liking more, what’s the fucking, time of hours, in wonder there about what was left undone, and liking more, about these worlds, or thinking all about to know yourself, and wonder if you think, you’d know, what I could do, or think you didn’t know if I was losing drive. Who we say we never lose about that this was worlds about thinking who you never world it out, but think about the thought to frame, I told, Jenna, that she can show me any kind of a thing she’d want to want me to try and see, did you know the heart break song? How they never see you there, all you’d ever thought, is if you could get her going there along, think about the game to wonder where these worlds are, in a thousand baby heartbreaks ever on, and wonder there about that these into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder still about what was high in a world, if there was never losing something better worlds about, that we couldn’t wonder still about where you think that you’d never know about how to never sing to have to try and be but come on and lie to me to see what you think happens next, into wonder still, it’s not like it’s some basic, set in lie to know, so wonder well, what’s better on, about the idea set about, if I was jedi, or at least some kinda spy, and that’s worlds about it well, how many secret games you think to start from a dream, and wonder well if you think I still see you there, always days on into days and you never needed lie about how much better worlds could be, or that was good about what was never real, for girls watching, see, I lost the idea, out loud, cuz we already got it, it will make sense later when we have sex. But look, that there was more, about these worlds on in beside, that this could be, go talk to your brothers, they’ll explain, everything you never seem to know about, in hours between, something I was gunna say also, that these worlds can’t still wonder that there was some world in where you don’t still know my own cries to wonder in these before these worlds in calling about these into what was still well to take heed.. Wonder in what I don’t still know, and it’s wondering about these worlds on beyond where you think in a world, that this can’t still be in where you don’t know where that this was in my own worlds on about where that these can’t still be where that they don’t really say what was never so real as all this in my life, still right now, and so wonder about these into knowings more about this into knowings more about that this can’t really still be about my life, that this couldn’t wonder still about this into knowings, more about that this can’t wonder still in my knowings about where, that this couldn’t wonder, but that I’d still like about what was real in my own names to lie about still in my calling but there was a world, where some bitch gets a hitch on the word still, but if I never say lie, I don’t think, they’d know about what was so real and it’s that I get what a whore you can be, and it’s okay, I know, so wonder there about that this can’t be in where you think that’s still real, and still real, and wonder in about this into knowings more about where that this can’t still wonder where you think that I’d wonder you still are and I don’t know where these worlds can’t wonder in my only names wonder about where these get to being high. Still in my LIFE that this can’t be why you don’t know in my ways about TIME.1 secont life into what was never life about, these worlds, over into knowing who we lose in a weakness ambition loss in and on and wonder why you still think it was there if I can literally click it and press a key differantly, or something, but, what I’m really meaning is, in a strictly, anything sense... I don’t know what you’re talking about... I’m a master of language? Okay, I need to know what you’re doing right? So when that look, crosses Justin’s face, like 6, 7 girls, are gunna know, it was andalite thought speak, that was fucking with him, from me, and like, you’re gunna say, this doesn’t make any sense. and that’s, because he planned it out, and you thought, but why would he do that, because right, I was there, physically, and you still thought, he wanted to hurt me for it. What are you doing for fun? Aun, on on, in, en, en tho, en, and you get nothing... We have to remember, how often, I, personally, was desiring cunt... Specific instances, spur of the moment situations only... I am impervious to ever giving a fuck what you thought you said. WONDER if you think my sister’s Lois Lane it’s Eve if I dared to guess and what you think you know about theirs in where they get to still in what was good about who you never name, nameless party, she has, god plans, still spiraling out of control with the girls there, never before happened, they’re all in leagues, and that’s not as far as you took the language, we said it already, it’s important, that you know, bitches don’t come, and that’s never true. But no one made you cum? And that’s my problem? Yes. Let’s say yes. Cuz I cared. I do care. You should wonder though, if a look crossed a girl’s face a different girl, behind you, and she was like, no wait, drag it out.. and I’m like, I don’t have, that you think, I can’t be nicer to you, for 4 to 9 seconds, before I fuck your boyfriend. And your friends watch. And kind of actually are cumming. But like of, a world you dont’ know, duh,... That there was never anything about what you think was real and that I’d never sing to be in what was losing out to lie about what I’d think to be in where that you’d never have to think you never knew about, where these can’t be, and so share it out to think was never real about these worlds in my own wonder at what I’d think was beautiful if all that you hate was real ineough still to you and you think that all I needed was that you wanted it still, and you think that you had what they loved in the girl there beside of you, and that’s a world you’d forget I, think less of well in thinking less and less the more that my voice, rang on in aut and they lied well for me, but it wasn’t for me, ti was more that it’s really fucking funny to see, what you’d never not have done if they didn’t know about a world, that we all like. Sure Like. Asking like I’ll avoid it and lie, and then me going, “oh, no I wanted his dick,” never gets old, to happen, and wonder about, there’s always, wonder what was real about all these to thinking these about where these worlds, and it’s more about where you get to thinking more, about what was sacred cries to hate him for, or think about, what he’s still never not allowed to want to know, he can be feeling, so think about what you think that this couldn’t be into knowing what I don’t know why you’re crazy but that this was fun any kind of a lie they could have to say and there was more it’s not like I take the fun and games away, and act like a whore. But I’m not a whore. So what happens? I’m not a bitch. I wanted his dick. But like I can say whatever I want, and make him feel upset? Yeah, and like don’t worry,

68 I don’t care... But like, you know, things come undone, later in your life, and there’s never something I can’t unsay say, and wonder what was a stupid fucking way to think I’d have to know you’d never lose about what was real, and there was more in my name and that’s more important, that you still never name to thinking could be real, because you didn’t know she didn’t see, “What’s, your Friend now?” and I can wonder, there, looking, he doesn’t want me to look at him, we’re on the couch, hanging out? Nameless boy, I know his name, I’m forgot. “He said you’re just upset...” and I’m shaking my head, to him, I didn’t say that... Just know about, the various ways a girl can be a bitch, that means there’s more ways, to call her a bitch, what in ways you didn’t know? All the way to know? And there that these couldn’t wonder still about where you don’t know, or thinking more about that this could be in what you never name to saying say who you never named to being where you’d get to thinking where these worlds could wonder sharest worlds can’t still wonder where you don’t know who these get to beings ours could be in what was real about that this couldn’t wonder, that there was real about my only lies about my only planets never lost but that this couldn’t wonder still, and there was a better world, where you guys could think I wonder, what you think happens, in his actuality, Justin’s now, about, what you are as colored. And that’s that, you can catch me in a romance, or just about anything I’ve said, as someone in revolutionary, what orderings? I fucking hate MLK, I really really do. Who’s allowed to listen to Justin, without there being, anything wrong to really say... He talks in ways better than you do? There was worlds, about these in all, that there was some literal classic bridge of planet life in romance forever? That there could be some elder realer world about where these are, “No I like Justin,” some chick, “like where’d you get from?” and that’s, something there could be to wondering, literal in actual literal reality, she didn’t know that was, how black people talk, it was language she liked. But that’s cuz it was happen, ing... so wonder there, about these worlds in where that you’d know in wonders there about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about where these worlds about these worlds going back about that this can’t still wonder theirs into knowings more about these worlds, and someone’s like, “oh colored, Now, as opposed to what, how you define it?” now, okay, keep saying that, you, specifically... see what happens... but there was more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these worlds get to beings their in what was going back about these inside a world for these in where you’d never have to name about my only life to wonder who you never named in where these worlds get to ours in and I’d never lost once in all you’d never baen and I can’t lie so well as all you’d be in where you think was never so surely real as a ll that this could be, in where you don’t know what was good and in REAL world, and this in REAL world, that I don’t know, about where these worlds can’t still bi in what was good about who you never named you are, but this inside my knowings more, about there that you get to thinking worlds about my living about these worlds about these worlds in what you never named we could still have to need to be in where you never knew still in what you are and I couldn’t wonder what was real in all you thought you’d lost. How early on, did Justin, out loud interperet, you calling him a lesbian, as that you were, saying he was stand off ish... Like, right without right away, directly saying, right cuz we know he goes to bed with men who take him in bed, but so like, that was obvious, so like, you got the impression somehow, that was normal so we knew, cuz everyone expects that, that like, you thought, he was, stand offish, like you’re kind of a dike, and everyone’s like, you know, “but like I have a distinct lack of sex With lesbians.. so do they, that doesn’t count as a similarity...” I gotta go play Digimon World I’ll be right back... Damnit Hell couldn’t wonder this way, but love in ways for these in all that I’d never lose about that this in all that I’d still be, but come on and lie about that this can’t still wonder that this couldn’t wodner still about who these worlds can’t still share in shelter hold back come on don’t tell me what was real, in what you know for braver souls, and so wonder there in where that this couldn’t wonder this in all that this can’t still shadow who you are but that this couldn’t, wonder still about, so if I googled my own son, and there was Sharon Osbourne still, and what she said, about him fading, that that real was what she said, then you listen to Love Yourself, and tell me who you see and hear for where these worlds can’t name into knowings, for more about these elder worlds about that this could be in what’s never still about that this could be in what you don’t still never know about but still lie, and so that you’d wonder where you think you Are, and that this can’t share in faded song, but that this into knowings where that this can’t still wonder where these can’t wonder still ABOUT her well, and kill that wench, but that’s a theory about what Dean Cain wants to do, so think about what was real and that this could never know by now... That I could think that this was real and I don’t know about what you think you are but I don’t never know about your world if you think this future tells a tale. I couldn’t wonder what you never were, and wonder what was there in these about beside so sunder this in striking down their own names in what was going back still once but that this can’t still wonder there in what was high or thinking better worlds can’t still be reel, and that mine, was reel too much so think that I could know what you’d do myself, that this was never so surely real as all that you don’t think, that this was going back about that this can’t be still in what was never real in Time, and so sing about my worlds, you didn’t know? I know how to fight, like too hard, okay, and I know too many things, about the world I’m in or just see, so that’s a digimon, which is what I was thinking, right, is a good idea, I become a digimon, like all the kids you didn’t know where you lost to, when there was never any other kind of world and they couldn’t be denied from these in elder worlds about these worlds in what you don’t know about what was real in all you’d be, in this reel world you know, so set it back to digi mon, and wonder there in where these name, and I don’t have to reel again, and I won’t wonder what was never set to wonder theirs in my life but come on, and lie about what you think that you are and wonder there about that this can’t still lie about my own name and I wouldn’t tell who you are but that these can’t still be where you wonder these could be in what was never real and I can’t still tell you who you say you are and this inside my knowings where these worlds get to be in what was never set to be in real life for a while in what you don’t have to try and know about these in what was never so surely real, and all that’s still real in me, but leave it out to be so surely real in what was never lost, but there was never lost a world to me, and so sing in my own lives and wonder better worlds on about these in what wasn’t good on in lies told about... But who says what you are was well? That there’s never any other kinda world that I knew still in what you’re about to see in where you get to thinking I couldn’t know about where these can’t STILL HAVE TO KNOW! So wonder what was real in all these can’t still name me beings to call in my cries about these worlds into knowings more about what’s still set to be ME but that this can’t still cry in what was my world and so let this whole planet fade let this whole PLANET FADE and so wonder what’s still real, and what’s real now, so wonder there about these into knowings more about that this can’t be, sit there, unsung, I’m dead and that’s worlds into knowing more about these about what’s in a real world, but that you don’t know about where these worlds can’t still be in where you don’t have to know about still till by now but that this can’t still wonder, that WHAT YOU THINK I’D THINK WAS POSSIBLE I don’t know, so wonder what you know, and so wonder what that I know, and wonder what that I knew, and there was a world into knowings more in on by now!


There’s this little tale about a world still! But liking where that you don’t have to know but there wasn’t worlds in what you don’t still know and what I can’t still be in where these worlds still are and that I can’t wonder where that you are and that I don’t know what you name but that this can’t be so real as all these can’t name in where you get to be what was so real, but there’s this world called in where that these can’t wonder still about these in all that this can’t wonder still about these worlds into knowings more about that this can’t share who you are in this solo weather that this was going back about these into knowings more about that this can’t wonder still about these into worlds about that this world couldn’t wonder there about what was real in all you don’t know about what was real still and so wonder what’s never theirs about these into worlds about this into worlds about, it’s not like I don’t know the cooler worlds that I’d be if you don’t think that I’d have to stand and stare, like I win, at who you’d call would try and take the baby you know away still, but that’s real, and wonder there, in what was gone, and who you think she thinks of parentless children? Or venture to wonders, “Well if he ever has a BAby we all know it’s not the Fiirst...” and that’s like, well duh, someone was angry at you, even before someone asked, or you aren’t clever enough to be that evil that fast someone would kill you even, maybe before, for the shit you said. That there was worlds about these worlds going back, “I don’t know what you think money gives you...” pause... wait... he’s waiting for you... “But I’m not superstitious, people I’ve never had sex with, don’t bare children that are mine.” And so letting worlds about that this world, “but like you’re not going to money, Sharon Osbourne out of being a poor, person. Sick. Deathly nasty... what if it woulda been her, if Ozzy didn’t give her a name she can’t whore around with?” That there was worlds about that this can’t share, in where you don’t know but these worlds going back about that this can’t still name in where these worlds are still in what was going back about that this can’t wonder still about my own worlds, that’s for the black people raised eyebrows that weren’t really necessary, and that’s, like, “No play the whole clip!” there, that this was going back about that these worlds are in where you name and I can’t venture these in cries to call all what you are but there in where these worlds get to, but do you know what a Septemberdaun is? That there was more about these worlds, it’s the red raptor boys have had wet dreams about for all time. Right Nanosaur if all the art didn’t suck... right, dreams. Red is blood raptor, because my son other son, is a tyrannosaurus, the black raptor, like deepest shades into infinity. I’m a lion, it makes sense for him to work that one out, he should be king of something. One reason, Michael Jackson left, duh he doesn’t go to court, duh he doesn’t go to hospitals everyone hanging out at his house, was a doctor, they love people, and they hang out with Michael, why not learn? Right so you could know, who king of pop could be, it’s me? Noo, terrible guess though, try again... That these worlds couldn’t wonder still about there that this could be in what you didn’t know about these into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder into knowings what was never worlds into where that these can’t still be so worlds about this into knowings, what was so beautiful, what wasn’t real, about the feelings that you’d think I’d never have lost from you but that you’d think, I could think that there was never a world into where that you didn’t know about what was never about this in what was never in love with who, that you’d losing lost still... It’s the bridge between worlds thing Michael did, where Billie Jean got writ? You will battle for love, as cranes circle overhead. Oh wait, battle a thousand enemies, and fight for love in the temple of Jade, but that there was never into a world there about these in shadows never losing where that this can’t be so real, as you’d wonder there for these into knowings, worlds, about where you’d get to naming be, but these are ambitions you’d never lose about that this can’t wonder still about this in all that this couldn’t wonder still where you don’t know about what was real about, these worlds, okay like, 12 people reading haven’t seen Bullet Proof Monk the required 1 time to get to 3 dozen, so wondering about that this world into shadows about that this couldn’t wonder about what as real about that this can’t still shadow it out, for the feelings you don’t know about where these get to be, and so wonder what was real in all I’d know, about still well? Now if Liam Neeson’s character planned the assault, on that pop star, because they were making her buy her own security, buy, is the most dangerous you can get... Holy SHIT is it scary... Then you’d wonder, that I had a point to lead into, and it’s that I didn’t think Justin was getting chased Hard Day’s Night style, but there’s some other kind of a world for where these worlds could never name, but that this was in a world, or thinking well in where you don’t know about who you set to name in where you’d be but that this couldn’t wonder still about these worlds in where you don’t know, that this could be, but that there were worlds about who you never named, that’s a world ambition to thinking more of who was going back about these worlds in what you don’t know, about these worlds but that I couldn’t know who you say that you’d be, but these in a world, but that this couldn’t wonder where you’d think this was, and who these names can’t cry for, that these into knowings, more about what was real, and so still in where these worlds, get to being, I’d imagine black people would gather around him and kick the fuck out of people, but that’s obvious, and that’s more to thinking there was a world, to look around and be like, alright who here gets it? That’s something wrong, about these worlds for where you’d get to naming be, and so shadow this in worlds about where you get to name and still call in where you are, I had to say something important before, so I’d lose you by now but you know the part where it fucks you up later when I say something a next? That there was anything more about who you never said you never were about these inside a world that we couldn’t wonder still who you are ever on to me. There was worlds about who you couldn’t name we’d never say we sang to being there in what was going back about that this can’t share in solo calls for criers to worlds about that this can’t shadow me still in well worlds to knowing more about these worlds in where you never called who you never name. You acted like I wasn’t gunna say black people...

70 He’s the Lion King’s son. Stupid, fucking humans, those are live animals! That there was a world about these into worlds about what was never real about these into knowings more about that this can’t shadow who you never named you’d never be but that this can’t shadow me so well as all you’d never had to try and sing to be and these were worlds about who you don’t name to beings these in where you get to beings are, but that this was never lost still there. That there was a planet never lost about these worlds in where you go, but that’s more about these worlds, did you know how many people never went to see the Beatles, because it’s dangerous? That there were worlds about this in worlds about these worlds to knowings more about that these worlds can’t name who you still are and these in worlds, about, no mass gatherings that you can’t be black at? That there were worlds about, or they’d kill people and do, and that’s the story in real life? That there was nothing going back about these in worlds about who you never called into where these worlds get to being still never are. I’d have to wonder who you never think was real, but that this couldn’t share who you never really are and this was more about a book to wonder who you think was never lost still in where these worlds can’t wonder still in who these worlds are in about your only names to being what was real in my own names about that this can’t still shadow who you are and these worlds come to well be worth about this inside my knowings more about that this can’t shadow who you never say you are and this was never real about my only planets lost, and that this couldn’t wonder still about who you are and we still know, but that this can’t still real it out for me to knowing who, these kids are still and wonder well, in what was real about your own fates in who we name, but that this couldn’t wonder theirs, in where thatIam, but this in more about, these in all these calls to be, in where these worlds can’t still know about this world into knowing more about that this can’t shadow who you name, and wonder what was real about these in all you’d never name. That there was something losing my own planets never costed back into where these worlds, can’t never name, and these worlds can’t share who you never named we’d still yet be but that these worlds can’t call who you are, and this into worlds about these worlds but that this can’t wonder still about these worlds in where you don’t know about who these worlds can’t wonder still in where these worlds can’t wonder till that I was going back about these worlds in where these worlds but that this was going back about these in all that you’d never have to leave to name in me, but like that you can’t wonder still about that this never still was but that this was what I am and these worlds can’t wonder still in all that you still are but that this can’t wonder theirs in where that I was and am but that this can’t wonder these worlds going back about these into worlds about these worlds into knowing where these worlds can’t cry to callings these worlds into knowings more about these worlds where you don’t know about these worlds but once before, these beside to knowings more about these inside a world before beside into what was real about these worlds, but that this was real into knowings more about that this can’t shadow who was never human, or wonder wonder where that I could never know who that they say I am, and who you think I couldn’t be if I’m kind of freaking out that you don’t think I could write, that’s strange, but so wonder there about these into worlds about what was real into knowings more, as kids rise call, and wonder there about these worlds, in where these worlds, who you name... But that this can’t call cry and wonder these into knowings more, right, so as kids rise, it wasn’t ever going to be behind Miley Cyrus. Do you understand these worlds in where that you are still well and who was more powerful for what he names in a song of love, that he could be where you are in fates and that these can’t wonder still in God, but that this could be that your own will, that mine was fate, so telling these, to name in me? That there was never any other kind of a world that we could think was never real to telling who these planets never named in my own caul, but that this can’t shadow who you never named to me in Where, You, Are, but these can’t wonder shelter me in songs, but that this can’t wonder still in all that this can’t wonder still in who you never were but that this can’t shadow who that you’d be but this in what’s, King. But there about these worlds in all that I can’t share this elder song to know, so wonder these in all you’d be, but that this can’t be where we know... So wonder what’s in real life still, and wonder these in a world before to kNow. bUt that his older world can’t be what you’d lose if you think, this bridge, in where you don’t not walk, now... But that a world can’t wonder still in these beside into knowings more about these worlds about where these worlds can’t wonder still about this world to be, in wondering still about these worlds, that this couldn’t wonder there about these and wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about where these worlds are ever after me, and wonder these about that this can’t wonder still into where these worlds can’t wonder there about what you’d have to fucking know. So wonder there about these, and whether this was never going back about my only living out about these all, that this can’t still shadow you well, and wonder what was never going back about these worlds into knowings still about, these worlds, that this was going back about these worlds, that this couldn’t wonder that this was going back about these worlds, that this was going back about my only lives, and what was going back about these worlds, and so singing well, about that this can’t shadow who you never named you’d be, and there that this was going back... What? Listen, I would never, tolerate, your Mexican uncle’s, bullshit, fucking help speaches, like Justin does. He’s allowed to do that. “You said What?” that’s more about where that you think you were and wonder about these into worlds about wonder there in my name so blacken me out! And wonder what was so well into knowings about this world in where that you’d never name into knowings these into worlds about where that you say that you are, to me or to you and you and wonder what was good about this in where that you don’t know about what was real and still to never telling that this can’t still wonder there in what that you don’t know about these worlds, and so wonder these into worlds, about this in worlds about that I don’t still know about these into worlds about this in what was with you, so wonder wonder who you think I am, still ever after to you and to you! That these worlds can’t wonder in all that I was, but liking more about there was a world, okay so like, my first album, I’ll be like, no I’m taking the name fallout boy, yeah, they can be King Ramses, the band. Alright, look, that’s true, it’s called girls, and like to my daughter, my wife, my dancer, different people, so think well knowing with you, to Allison, my other daughter too, I forgot about her, alright so then like, I mean it’s like, 13 songs or something, Boys and that’s out, and has, fucking WAY more songs... And that’s where you find all my non specific love songs, very specific, to on, or something like you know, but there was worlds about that this can’t knowing tell me where these worlds, and so wonder there about that this can’t, like 18? And these worlds, no, okay, what? What’s the real number? 8 and then 17 songs? No fuck you, look, I haven’t written them, but there’s, craft to an album thanks. But there was worlds about that this can’t shadow who you never named to being really there but that this was never still into what was real about these in where you don’t know about what’s still real in where you go but that this can’t shadow who you never name and I don’t know about these worlds, liking more about where these worlds, in what was going back about that this world can’t cry to call, and that these can’t still world it out but that these worlds, girl means someone who gets boys high, kind of it does, but wonder there about these worlds going back about my only planets never loss, boy means actually specifically male. No, yeah it does... But that there was worlds, of me to knowings worlds about, I know you have pretend games, and those are real for girls. So knowing, more about where these worlds couldn’t wonder more about that this can’t shadow who you never named you’d be in what you think was real about these in aever inside a world before, to wondering more about these worlds in where you don’t still know about what’s real, in where these worlds about who you never think this was real to still to you... But liking that there was ever some other kind of a world that I wanted to tell you about my life in? It’s real that you don’t know who you are to me, but that this can’t shadow who you say you never really are and that this can’t still shadow who you say was cool but that I don’t know your name and that I could wonder still Who you say was good in all that this can’t still cry and tell who you 71 say I was and Am but that this was going back about my own life and still so well as all that this can’t share about my worlds and Planet me till higher worlds can’t still shadow who you never are and so wonder where these worlds couldn’t be but this in all that I couldn’t wonder where these worlds, that this was going back but that this was real and still so well as all my name but like that this was going well in my own calls but who you are was fine and so so fine was good about these into knowings more about these worlds into what was going back about this in ways we still know my calls, I can do whatever I want, so like, Baby Criminal, that’s still rapmusic , so liking more that you couldn’t share these elder worlds to where you think was going back about my only lives, but like if you got to, you’d get, free downloads for all my music, streaming and probably download duh, for all my movies that I’ve been in, and like when you get that you can, see the credits list if we have one, you get, right Justin was in this moive? So you click his name and his site’s like that but for him. It’s never really so bad as all that you don’t well to tell me knowing where you say you are, and what was good about who you never were and that this can’t still cry and call my only names well into who that you’d didn’t say say say what was sss ss ss that there wasn’t this world in my own names, but that I could know, I’m writin’ from off the top of my head, not your head, my head, the top of my head, theys in my key, and this in my key you play about to wayt for et, and way for et, but hey say et, and I don’t know about who you said of me.. and I know these, all about, ways to say, name I was, even name to try me still, ever day so way but better liking me so well still.. You know but like I’m really serious about my rapmusic and you know I don’t, just, fuck up, or something? No look, I fuck up into, people when that’s the situation, you know, I’m adaptable? No that’s obviously something you intended to do, often, at some point. So gay music duos like Flight of the Conchords are really, more of a disgrace than anything else, and that’s exactly the title they can keep. I’m liking that most of what was good about people thinking I can’t still shadow these planet backwards ever into one black call to next in something lighter broken backwards ever after under these in worlds about to knowings more about these worlds, but that this can’t shadow me to telling where you are but pink lights to wonder if you think he sees a world you’d bring alive to telling where these worlds can’t still cry to calling these in all that I’d wonder still, about where these worlds, but that there was worlds, in where these still get, but this was real, I’m not giving you some kind of qualifier to bringing pink lights to Justin’s shows, it’s probably better, that people love them, and people can find out where that comes from, what you were saying to him, calling him a baby usually, but he’s a baby who’s been loved this whole time he has parents he’s not adopted he belongs here. There was never any kind of a place to forget what you name and these in a world to be knowings just once into who that you’d say what was real about these worlds and so wonder these into knowings more about, that you’d have to see for yourself, to choose to do it? Right, these pages... you have to look, at what you think he sees, he’s never loved a child? He thinks I’m cute? Wait, he thinks I’ll win? OBviously... but like doubt, he thinks you’re insane... Or that you’d wonder if you think he thinks you’re raging hell against Mormon churches everywhere you go, and standing up for kids and kicking the fuck out of all the mean, so knowing where that they never still tell what was real in what you mean, or there that this was good about that this could be in what was real or that thinking life in where you don’t know about my life, and that these can’t still be where you don’t still name in what was going back about my only names to wonder what you’re playing who that this was good from the start, okay so here’s how to get noticed at Justin’s parties. Wear kimono. That’s, clothes, you could imagine you’re wearing because you’re married? Right because in a world, so like an idiot? Right, I don’t buy jewelry, that was just cool like of rad, but like, no, that’s, it’s, I am married, so any ring is a wedding ring, okay, so buying it for my wife... That’s, all my clothes. Right, so Oliver Queen’s clothes, he’s not married, but they’re not, like, you say suits? No he wears kimono. It’s cool clothes, and that’s in a world about where that you’d think you’d be in where that this world can’t still in shadows being more about where you think you are, but there was something worlds on in and about, some kid in a Sonic the hedgehog shirt with cargo shorts? No cargo pants, and he actually uses all the pockets. That’s my cousin, and there was worlds about what you mean so wonder there were worlds about, definitely he knows what clothes are like, he looks comfortable, and headphones real ones, around his neck, but that there was worlds about who you think you’d need. That kid’s getting his dick sucked? Now you don’t know how impossible his powers are. He keeps getting ass, but that’s not the same thing as you keep getting caught with your cousin sucking your dick. He can get, I mean stressing out screaming at people for being fucking assholes, and he can get me around his neck any time he wants, and like you think, where my hands go I have a quickly, default to something, comfortable, or like there’s worlds, you seem to not get, about how fucking cool your world is, and what things are, for what you think it become

72 XVLi Let’s All try and save rock and roll Let’s all, everyone, everyone try and save rock and roll! That’s essentially the message I got from ever hearing Flight of the Conchords, cuz where the fuck else are you gunna go? This is what music will become? So one of the things, I noticed, about, uhm, you know, their female vocalist, Bret, is, no he is that, listen to the music, before you say, that’s a baseless accusation, that’s how that goes, okay, so listen, I’m not gunna call you Jenny, that’s a Fucked up world. Is that he’s American, in actual real life, and not from New Zealand. I actually don’t know what you said a fake accent is, if you talk like that, and me, if you said it, I have a fake American accent now I’m trying to escape it I must sound like that no I don’t have, like mine’s, you said language of freedom, that’s ridiculous, you have 4, words. I use 18? Sureptitiously... whhhh... sht... all sound. That I, would say. “That’s your Brother talking,” and “Are you confused about most, general life situations?” I don’t have a base for my accent, that wasn’t me, doing it, so like, understand that situation, or, sumtimes, know, that there wasn’t an or, but you let me give you the phramework anyway, for OUR, conversation. So wonder if you think I’d never have to try and know about what was never real about who you think you know but there was never wonder into knowings more about that this was going back about my names to wonder thinking who you never know about but there was never something wrong about a world into knowing what was never real about it still well wonder who was never reall in what you think was never so real as all before, so thinking more, about these worlds, it’s that we could say, my dad Elijah Wood, right that one, gets the name Green Day, for whatever he wants to do, and, whoever you thought before, they can be American Idiot, and that’s, no relation, so understand what you think, I’m causing for all the fall out, and liking where you think I’d never call but losing who you think you never were still whether wonders couldn’t wonder if you never knew about my only cries for a war with anyone you thought was cool if I never knew still and you never had me in your own set romance but you thought I never knew well enough that they can’t tell me well enough there was never something good about what you never had to be and who you never were and this was going back about these in all that this couldn’t wonder still in all you never had about me still so well as all that this could Be, but liking more about where these can’t still lose my only names in where that they can’t wonder still in where you get me still about your only world if you thought I wasn’t lost by now still in where these worlds, this couldn’t wonder still about my worlds into knowings more about where they never had to lose my only planets never lost back about my only planets never losing who you never had to wonder still... Now that was to prepare you, for that no one has to kill Slim Shady, I just keep talking about how much they suck and people are getting, get this, killed. Anyway when you find out where the real old songs came from, it’s that there was, obviously the real eminem, and that’s, what did you do? You’re killin’ me, aoh, aoh, slim, you’re killin’ me! It’s so poor I can’t believe you’re real! Oh my god! I can’t think this, whole world can’t not stand, but I think that, if you blew someone away it was real for you too, and I don’t have to try and care but what you never had to think I never had to say was never so real as all that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder still about, lie lie lie about what was good and think about where you never named about there was never some elder world, that’s what you never had to think that I couldn’t wonder there was never something ever else to think about what you think that I could be but what you were was there without what was me and I think that there was a better contingient of awareness about how to use a gun by now so thinking what was good about who you think you still are to me, Bitch! Look, tell me what was good about anything you never had to say what was real about that this was gone, but I know, I know, Tom Green doesn’t even hate that moose! But you, I know you would too! And that’s a good world about what you think was real if all you never had to be but I never had to think that what you were was if you thought to lose me out to be if I never fucked a cat and what you think to say about me but you can’t tell pussy to shut the fuck up when you’re me, so thinking well about that this couldn’t wonder still about what was good about that this can’t still so lie about what you think was real for a better Baby Criminal than any kinda baby had to try and be but there was something worlds couldn’t think that I never was and what you think to say say say of still just me it’s still just me that’s real about what you need to name to be but that this can’t wonder where you are and that this was going back about where you never named there in once to be but that this couldn’t wonder still about what was good about what was never so real as all you’d hate to be but that was surely wrong to need I don’t think I pick, out things I hate, just to try at, but what you started, out was poor enough, I’m breaking up I, I think I suck now, let’s try again... wonderifitwasforapurposeIcantypethiswholething out. That, okay... no I think I have it... Look, mic goes down, now it’s just you and... that was worlds about what was real about there into knowings what was good about this in, they can’t hear me let’s all hear if what I say, fucks me up, or if you think to say, nothing real, and nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing’s back, I know about what you think was real in all that you are and you point, and say he sucks that’s true enough I think what was real about all you name was good about who you say was gone in what was, back to a mic not that you wouldn’t know about how important this could have to that goes down, so knowing more about where these worlds can’t name to wonder being where these could be, the point was to see if not rapping the music out, could make you walk away or think about where you never had to think we had time to be or thinking what you name they would ever never be here for but that this could wonder what you think of this world with me and I couldn’t wonder who you think these worlds, that there was nobody never there about these worlds into knowings more about these worlds into knowings more about where these worlds into knowings more about what was good if it’s a spell you can’t cast but that this was good enough about that was an entire statement without a change of wording for an introducing of referencing that you’d think on in and back from me but I’m not so lost as what you’d be if you thought to know less even less of me and that’s more about what you think you’d be if what was real in all that you never had there was good about this inside what was never better lo’s to bei and liking ways abeit beside in what was losingk ways beside bekaumingk what was goingk better likingk more of what was never losing baeitta, beitta, beitta beitta than me if I wanted this whole world to think, what I never ever name was good to like and say was good to name and tell to me in what was going there in ways about to lie and tell in what was me but that I could say what was gone to saying ways was good to be in what was nevea, and nevea evaa.. that neve song... that there was more, in what was good but, I think that what you, said lost the word. Okay, but lose it out to tell what was, “losing sound, so wonder name, and telling who they say, was gone again, but say what was never real if all you never had I’ve gone into a world whre fuck, I ran out of instrumentals all day long it kinda sucks you think that’s kind of worlds about that this was real if all you never had to think was never lost in all that I’d never had to think was going back about that this couldn’t wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder there was never there about that this couldn’t wonder how many other words you never wondered at still for or wonder had them wonder well for you and thinking that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder wonder wonder wonder what was good about this in all that you can’t make me say you suck you started out that way and I can’t think about that this couldn’t wonder that this was in what you say and all that you wanted there for power if you think I wouldn’t have you shot

73 that there was worlds of methlords killed and surely found there sooner out of work but there was more about, if I get serious and it’s still about killing someone, for me, too? That was worlds about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder if you think was never set to be so real in all that this was but I was more seeking something of an end to all you are, and what you think to seem to want to need wasn’t that if all you thought were screams and cries about it telling you and you and you and you and all a you you think to know about what was going back about these in all that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about that this can’t still stand all you are and wonder there that this couldn’t wonder there that this couldn’t wonder still about tehse into knowings more about that this can’t still wonder wonder where the h you are that you think I don’t see all the yellow lines appear about where you stand but there was less to me in what you never say about what was wrong if all you thought it should be red, to say, and there was more, about what you name to name, and there was going back, about what you still don’t know by now. How many people think, Slim Shady gets someone to lip sync for his music videos when he looks like shit and can’t stand up? Geuss Who? When you want to think I could be so set to wonder at these and I want you to think they, never ran away but still well, they couldn’t really blame you, and I don’t know who you say I’m, but losing these into worlds about what was real about these worlds, let’s all, everoyne save rock and roll, and try and tell a better world where what you never tried to mess with but think about what you never wouldn’t have to try and be, who you think to sing on in a sang back in with that was good to wonder there into theys for this lock ways in lack test cask and waysk for this, in wonder what was, echos on the sound cloud, but I don’t, know about how to blame you... They to wonder wonder wonder wonder better on in about they fo, and in liking what was going about this in black in night and wonder to me, shh, thinking, there’s never any nin ja, I’m, the last one that you’d say you named well still lost, and wonder there in what was, never going back once in till now so think it on in about that this can’t still wonder who you say and wonder if you never think I’d say last to you, but there was going back, about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still about how much longer this goes on for by now but the rest of my friends can’t stand how much longer it takes to tell a better world in all you never had to think about where you never got to being where these all get to name and so thinking this in well worth worlds of saying to me and what was going back into knowing where you lost her, and I don’t know why you think I’d name you but I don’t think, Slim Shade, couldn’t, take a better world, or wonder, if you think I needed, what’s mangey in clubs so well, and it’s, all that you’d sound so well, why what was sticking around was wrong still, so share what was good lost, and that was better, there was, more room to push back, and like about still, what was going, into knowing who’s lost... but there, was, never this thought, and I could think so well as these all, but that was good in, what you think I’d never had so well to name what you’re.... You know one thing about eminem skittle world, side of it where it was what it said it was, was none of it tastes like shit or makes, or that’s right, sounds like it and you literally started out, in this playlist I buzzed out to wonder what you think was real in mayhem, but I’m about to hear gassed up on beans that’s about how you think you are so what sounds like shit and fart noises across your fucking tracks, they’d wonder if you THINK THERE WAS A BETTER WORLD IF YOU THINK YOU USED A LOSS FOR A NAME OR THINKING THERE WAS A WORLD I COULDN’T TELL YOU WHO YOU THINK YOU NAMED IF I CAN’T NAME YOU CAUSE BUT THAT IT WASN’T GONE IN MY NAMES FOR WHERE YOU NAME YOU ARE OR THAT THIS ONCE IN MY OWN SCORE FOR LIFE WAS LOST TO WAR AND I CAN’T TELL YOU WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE I’D DAMN THE WHOLE WORLD! But there, about what was going about, these into knowings more about where you don’t name into knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder into knowings these worlds couldn’t wonder about this into knowings more about where that these couldn’t share about what was lost into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder there about that this couldn’t wonder still, about what you said, was black cloud, and what was real, in there, that exorcise could be in following where you are, and what was prayer said to you, once a night, or that there was worlds in where you name mine, or that this was going back in my name, but they scream it on air, so thinking well, if I get up before women kill you right now... What’s, your responsibilities as a father? Raising roofs, no one lifts a single shingle on? That there were worlds in what you are, or think to cry in hells to name what raped the planet jungle back to sand, or think it’s war to think that this could be in where you never named that I could sing less... or, starting today, you’re coming, and you say... Who, besides me, wanted to start, his dream video, with a fake, shithead support group? I really wanted, the streets to mean that... the problem with power rangers youth centers, is, that we don’t, let you form, anonymous alcoholics, ever. Literally give an arm for.. and you show a tattoo, and I’m like, yeah, yeah, that phrase WAS fucked up, to sing like you deserved something for, but I like that it means less now, like you did! I like that you can’t now finger And fucker her! *No one believes you...* When we found out, what your daughter says to you... fuck, I mean, we thought, thank you know, heAven... we don’t know you have one... good reason... to think, maybe, when you speak in four to nine, ten directions, it was all, the black black people, around you... saying what, you know, means something... for anything, and every time, I listen, I think, good, you know, good, there’s a world, good, I’m glad she talks shit like that to you too... I don’t usually tell anybody about it thought, Kim didn’t know why she freaked out so bad though it’s like somebody told her someone else was gunna lie about what you said some other time I didn’t know the reasons anyone said I knew about what you said before and what was really so well said as all you never had before anyone even knew I was sure there was a real reason to never ask for help from people who suck. What I wanted to talk about though, is that nobody had to understand the part where I said I fucked you daughter, but that’s really important to wonder that I could have to think you never lost track of that’s important for you to think I knew was wrong or important to like anyhow or thinking what you thought you really had to lie about how much success you never had to have to believe I didn’t know why you said, that about what I am and that’s important for what you tried to get we can’t get lost with where we are, but that’s important that you didn’t know it was better about where I still was and who you think I never was but that’s more important that you didn’t know what I can’t say... Right? What can’t I say... fuckin’, I never fucked, fuckin’, you know, I never fucked.. uh, fuckin’... I never fucked fuckin’, right someone else... I never fucked fuckin’, your other daughter, or the first one while I was in her... And that’s real, but that’s true, I never fucked both your daughters. I’ve never, ever fucked either Daughter... Where did we get to, doing things one way that made sense still to do? I wonder, if you think I’d never had a better lightning sound into what was good about how these worlds can’t still be in where they never say for this in lak for theys lock in longing ways beside in color better even liking whays they say for these in shadow songs, but even lie, for this to saying theys for this in a way for this to name in color better losing my own name in better liking more about they for saying shadow even liking more about these,

74 and like guess, to telling where about this into wonders more about these worlds, this world going back about these worlds, about this in ways, and this was going back once, to naever name, what was going back about, this into knowing where these could be, but these worlds, but no I do come from hell but that’s not what the same thing is, I came from hell? See it gets fucked up, the whole song, the rhythm’s gotta make sense with what you say, catchphrase, so get me to understand what you think I said when I said all black black people it was just a mark reference for you to know, exactly what I meant when I got there, and never be the same again. I said it twice you acted like that was important to do... What’s a real white person, before? What was never losing track of what I never had to say about people I don’t have to think I knew about that one time into what was going, see there’s a world about what was going back in time to telling these into songs about this world of once about these worlds into knowings more about this once in ours about that I’d never have to once be young or these in what was still about what was going still about me well enough there enough still tol’ this about my own world in what was never lost about me in where that these can’t still into wonders be young but there was never worlds, it’s funny you say, cuz you know rich kids with absent parents, tehy don’t do what you said your kids do... So who? that there was never a world to be and being what was going back about these into knowings more about what was never so surely set to be real, but that this couldn’t wonder about my only names into knowing these worlds in that I just I couldn’t wonder wonder where was that this older world that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t wonder about that this couldn’t wonder about where these worlds can’t still into wonders about my own name and that I couldn’t wonder still about where that this world can’t be but that this world can’t still shadow me out to wonder what you’d still yet say, and wonder there in what was never something to lose about my only worlds, but this inot knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder still about where these worlds get to being gone said but that there was a world where I’d said cast it well enough to think about what could end up in Fate, and there wa sa world into knowing about what was going back about these worlds into knowing what was going back about that this can’t still wonder where these worlds can’t still be but that these worlds in ours still can’t wonder still in mine about these worlds lost into knowing where you are and wonder still about what was better still to lose and where that these can’t still wonder what was never there beside but that this was going back about where that these old elder worlds couldn’t wonder still about these inside a world before and never at before beside in where you never named about what was never going back about these worlds into knowing what was never real about who you think you never really are but that this couldn’t really never have to know about what you never have to lose track of once to say, or thinking where they name who you are, and what’s real, if I’d still be what’s colored in my name and this color, duh it’s set to mild you say for, what fucking world of what? It’s fucking golden skin, fuck Off! “MIld colored, he’s Mild color..” “Fucking, hell no I’m not! Nala’s not even mild colored she’s fucking she’s a fucking a silver lion! Die in hell, Slim Shady!” Let’s all save rock and roll everyone! Is this the real life? Is this Just fantasy?? Open your eyes, look up to the skies and... see... that there was a good reason to never miss a beat you know, but there that this was, lost, no not, you, know... damnit, see... gone though... gone was the need... gone was the need.. gone was the need. gone, was the need, hey... gone was the need... gone was the need... life had just begun, and what yoouuuuu think that I was, and am I think that what you’re losing track of still I don’t know what was lost to war still but that’s not how we say to say what was say in say before beside and wonder saying say so say more about these in all beside before that this was gone still ways and wonder this about before and if you didn’t know, what the one glove was for... he’s like... fucking with animal transformation... oBviously... and when he takes that one glove off... you know it’s on... When they call me smooth criminal, do you know why? Right like a name, Smooth Criminall,... right it’s, no, yeah... I know... cuz I can’t dance... i fuck up... or get down and I won’t? wait, get down and I won’t... get down and I won’t... get down and I won’t... you say, get down and I won’t... that there was in a world about that this couldn’t wonder there about that this couldn’t wonder still about who you think was real if Simba was Kimba younger than you wonder and into knowing still about that this couldn’t venture better even wonder into who who who who who still cries into wondering still about where that this couldn’t wonder who couldn’t venture ghost out or wonder if you think I’d never tried so bad as all that they’d never had for these better into worlds about me but that I couldn’t wonder there enough beside that this couldn’t wonder into knowing where that these couldn’t venture better into knowing more about what was better worlds, “Baby criminal get down from there!” there, step, hop... “I thought you Wouldn’t, Listen...” “I Know...” whack bam! That there, was better out a world to get back up, into a world, beside, but that this was going back about that this couldn’t into wonders that that this was this was going back about that this couldn’t wonder, still about what was more, about these into knowing, no I’m only wearing white... that there was going back about that this still couldn’t better wonder, what you think I’d never have to know still well enough if you think I’d never lost what was good still liking what was liking liking better in my world to lie so well for a while longer on into knowing more about still till that this once in where that this couldn’t never wonder into knowings but to better in my world for these never once into knowing what was nstill better into knowing, more about these worlds about that this wasn’t going better once into a shot fired on through the higher window so we wonder what you think was better if I’m sentry better better in about that this was going on in beside in before that this was going back I don’t not care we’d wonder still about where these worlds couldn’t wonder into knowing more about where that this couldn’t still lie about my own life in what was going back about that this can’t still wonder theirs in what was never so surely as real as all that this was never going back about my planet sickness lying, well so, Move! clickit.. okay.. take, heeeeeeeed... this, spun, down, or, low... tol’... why?t’t’t... anarchy... sing, for aminute! I wonder who you think, waaaas! high, er than me... what tell me tell... what tell me tell, what tell me tell, get back to what was rhythm setting this in what was good about my own world but that this couldn’t wonder still in where you never had my only shadows lost into where you never had to be knowing these in all that I’d lose what was good but there was never a losing wordl into what was going back about this into knowing what was never real about that this WASN’T ENOUGH I’M LOSING MY OWN PATIENCE FOR WHAT WAS GOING BACK ABOUT WHO YOU THINK THAT THIS COULD BE BUT THAT I COULDN’T WONDER STILL IN WHAT YOU NAMED BUT THAT THIS WAS GOING BACK ABOUT MY PLANETS THESE WORLDS INTO KNOWING WHO YOU THINK WAS LOST still once ever after I couldn’t wonder where that this COULDN’T BETTER STILL BE SO CALLING MY ONLY PLANETS NEVER LOST ABOUT THAT THIS COULDN’T WONDER WHERE THAT I COULDN’T WONDER STILL ABOUT THAT THIS COULDN’T WONDER THERE ABOUT THAT THESE CAN’T STILL LIE ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING INTO KNOWINGS MORE ABOUT THAT I COULDN’T WONDER WHO, YOU NAME TO BE AND I COULDN’T WONDER THERE ABOUT THESE IN A WORLD BESIDE IN BEFORE THAT THIS WAS GOING BETTER WORLDS BUT THAT I COULDN’T “Wonder wonder what was better into a world that I’m okay wonder sing and wonder there about that this can’t wonder there about that I’d never lost it but that I couldn’t wonder who you think I’d taken well enough to thinking this in a world for my own best friends still in a world about these into knowing more about what was never lost but that I couldn’t wonder what was okay still in what was good about 75 my only names to calling who they never had to say that I couldn’t wonder, but there was never a better” world in all that you’d never still tell where these worlds “”can’t still name in where that I’d still have to try and be into what was good, like! Me and all my friends have a Challenge for you, human race! Go! Quicker! And lose, Everything I knowww~! Be, Out of here! And WAYYY!, be sure about it... be sure about me... ‘,^ , Green DAy! you can keep the name, I thought of something else.. No, you thought, no... look though, Elijah, Treefa, DaAd,.. what if we teamed Up? later... On... and Aaiii... knew... why, No one... Had... them... Of course.... that... way, way way more people! What happens? youneededitforrapmusicIcouldtell... So it’s actually confiscated? From Who? What, you use it for whatever music you want? It’s a name that’s how those work? Gosh, obviously. California Young taught us, that his father said... AAll, you bad, GUys... die... I didn’t Ever want to hurt them I don’t know why they cry out this way treefa! I don’t know what they’re doing, they lost their name? That doesn’t make any sense I don’t know how to tell anyone it was okay! Yeah like That! Look, Joe the wolf was called... we don’t have to say what Joe was called it was a long time ago! It’s a metaphor, that doesn’t, you know do anything, as the sound of a band name, for it to look cool, you’d have to be in that exact situation, with it looking cool... Or, uther. Thursday Cloud. Don’t try doing things, with things you did... His name is Wolf’s Rain... Still, no... he actually, was not standing there, to tell you, anything but prophecy that someone, he was going to stand there, but that’s okay... He killed a lot of people. Hey, hey, hey, HEY, me, plus you? I’m gunna forget what was tracking my rhyme, or thinking this can’t name, what’s Time in all that you never never had side and wonde on that they’d never lie about my only tales told into what was shouted from the mountaintop! These all, this in once cried, so shade, and shade sang in this Once for my Own life but lose my own score into what’s never so surely real as all that I can’t still in my only wonders there about that I can’t still lie about my only shadows into knowings more about where these never name, who you never say you never are! But lose it out to knowing more into what was going back into my own love well, for you young, and well told, in ways back once still in my own cries still called and so well in where was this in what’s fucked up, but all you’d never lie about still couldn’t be that I’d never have seen what you are in what’s well to be knowing these in all they’d name and so wonder in for in it with me but that this can’t wonder still about that there was never something into losing, what was never there about beside in before that this can’t shadow who you never named that you are still but liking that I’m well in ways they’d scream worth in what you’d never lose, be, so lose this life well if you think you’re not me, but tell me what was lost in my only sing, back, into wondering about where that these can’t wonder still liking more on about that this wasn’t there to wonder there, that this can’t be, in what was gone still once into knowing who these are, and what was going back in more, about these, to being well? Lose me out and take abetter heed of where you are, in love still with me. I want a song, look, where like, do you know what like you say, in your real life Justin? I mean, maybe start dissing people, or, better, think that you just know, how brave you are, but like that there was never Anything that we didn’t know by now could be real or thinking well into what was worth about that this can’t share me well into knowings more about but I don’t think you know who I am still, so come on and lie about my name, and tell me what you still know, or who you never think that this could Be so well in all, that I’d name, still in my own life that shadows can’t wonder still, in where these worlds can’t name... Have you started, like I just barely started a book, titled How I’m a Badass, and like, the description on deviantart is, “I am the sun” so knowing, more about where these worlds, can’t get to being be, but that there was worlds, you could wonder if I can, be a well Listener, and seek out the name your, step grandfather gave you for grecka? Okay, right like, I got names, it was funny because he knows what it means, why it would be mine, he had, fucking Tigra right there, and had to tell my mom, my name was LIONO? That you could know in what my sword I’m gunna get was like, Omen Machine, we could know that there were worlds about that this can’t share in names to wonder well with me in where you don’t still name, and so wonder where that these can’t still cry to calling who I was! But that these worlds can’t be where that this can’t still shadow where that I’d still yet be but that this could wonder into knowings who you know about my only worlds about that this can’t share to lose in where that these can’t still wonder where that I don’t know so surely share these worlds lost to knowing more, so like I can only know about what was real about before, I’m your dad, so I know, you want me to tell you both, what kind of dinosaur you are, whether or not you Are a robot with special powers, and what your name for all grecka name in some, thing, could be? Right not only, that, but like fuck, let’s go ahead and write a chapter on each, and like to knowing more about where these get to knowing where these worlds, and it’s not, really far, from reality, to think, to be of grecka, was the word greek. Okay, so you figured that part out, that was easy, and so there was like, you know, a whole, world of retards, we could venture, called that they thought it made sense, that grecian was how you say modern greece, but greek, was what you used to say, when it was cool. Okay, no one ever, ever wanted to be a grecian kid, or there that there was going, what sounds gross does so in every language, and that’s more about that this could wonder ventures telling tells in where that these can’t wonder shadows still so well in my own lies for these worlds in what’s going back but that these worlds don’t call in where they’d never name me still so well in where that I’d name you well in where these worlds can’t name still into knowings these about beside in where these all get to never name. What is Mafia? I don’t, I hear the songs and like probably you hear a hundred times before you’re like, oh words over, these, side, on in beside before to this one, this concept here, alright, so that’s trippy cool, now I know that song, but then there was worlds, in where what was real but that these can’t share so shadow these worlds can’t still wonder there what’s to lose this lier call, and where these worlds can’t still wonder these about that this can’t still know what was in a name for where these worlds in where these worlds, in what was going back once in my own names beside worlds, that there was worlds about where you’d be with a girl, but that’s a more to know so knowing more about that these can’t wonder these worlds could wonder there about that this can’t shadow who you are, and that was more to knowings these in losing my time in these worlds saying now what was good about that this can’t wonder shadows who they say we never still are for where this was and I don’t know about these all, that this was worlds in where these worlds in all that this can’t still shadow us out once in my own name but that these can’t wonder still about where these worlds, so what’s for what was species, origins, and where what was hailed in my courage for what was lost to race in what was names in a way to be worlds, but that these worlds can’t be still so real in where these worlds can’t be still so well in what was lost to name me well in courage lost to telling these in worlds you’d know still. “King of Pop? I don’t know I mean Yeah, that’s Me, but you know...” but it ends, or, in the moments imagined would, does, and they there you say, what, is, of, uhm, “but like that’s really important for you guys to know about me...” auh, “right? it’s Me, so you know... wh... I don’t know... what you guys, say about me, that was gunna be wrong, you 76 missed? Right.” So there to tell, in what was going back in about these worlds, “it’s always been true? Well like you know, I’m bigger, but like, everything I ever did, is true for where I am here now? So what I am, that was always what I am here? Right duh... So like I was, better than, most people, is what more than a Lot of people say without flinching, and that kinda scares people, you know, avert your eyes, are you crazy! That’s insane, avert your fucking eyes!” hauhh..... hauhhHh... I don’t know, whatever you’re gunna do, that there was important worlds enough beside in what was going back about these all into knowings what was real about these all into knowing who was worlds ways about beside before, are you suing google? Liek that’s a, auh, okay, yes, win. I thought maybe you would, I looked for your latest album, under that, asking, and they don’t need to give you sites they already know all the answers. Problem, when it wasn’t it. That’s a Lot, of fucking money though. Like a shitload, of things people don’t believe in, because what do you have to do? Cut them apart, right, understand, that abject butchery, is what they said they were capable of.. I don’t know what I’m writing about right now... That there this world in what was going back about that this could wonder into knowing where that this couldn’t wonder shadows can’t never be so real as all that this can’t wonder still in where these worlds can’t wonder there into knowing more about that this couldn’t wonder still into knowing motions back in Time for worlds of what was real about that this can’t wonder still about this in shadows lost to me in where these worlds in what was going back about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this can’t wonder still in shadows wonder worlds in where these worlds, in what was going back about that these can’t share to venture wherever you are, so wonder in where that you’d be if what you do was real about that these can’t shadow this in wondering about that this can’t share so wonder there about that these can’t wonder into knowing more about what that you’d know about these into knowings who you are and so wonder there about these inside a better worlds we wouldn’t know about that this can’t wonder still into where you don’t know who you say you sang to be and becoming what was losing what was real about that this can’t shadow these worlds in what was going back about that this couldn’t wonder wonder wonder still, who they say what was where and which to knowing me, and so who to wonder well, what was going back about my only worlds in what you don’t know. Lost in what was never real but there was never something never so told about that I couldn’t venture they could lie and sing about where these worlds could venture who you say you never were. That there was worlds about these into knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder still about that this couldn’t share who I was in what was good about these worlds about that this can’t share who was in going back about to knowing, less in where these worlds in where these worlds in what was good about these into elder worlds about what was going back about that these can’t so surely shadow who was never wrong about my only livings about that these can’t still so wonder where that this couldn’t venture there to being what was real into knowings more about that this couldn’t wonder, still about these worlds, to wondering about that these worlds, in what was real, about that this couldn’t wonder still about who you are for where you never named was wrong, or sing in back about that this couldn’t wonder still about that these can’t shadow who that these worlds can’t lie about what was never lost into knowing still, in where they’d never name I couldn’t be but there was worlds about that these can’t still lie about to know in my own cause, but that these worlds can’t wonder still into knowings what was going back about that these worlds can’t still shadow who was knowing less of me, but that a world in what you know, was never lost on what I’d seen still. Human cryings calling what was good about who you say you know but I could wonder there was never lost into worlds about that this couldn’t wonder, still what was real, do you know the fucked up world we live in? You don’t have, passionate, amazing, super cool, awesome sex scenes, in Beauty and the Beast, it’s God, Humanity, but faith? No like, fucking fun, forever... So like, wonder at, Justin talking about cumming inside that girl, and what’s actually, completely impossible, to not be able to get away with, or thinking, right, okay you guys don’t know anything? Yeah, alright.. So knowing where that this couldn’t be real about that this couldn’t share to wonder what was angels in love so share it lies in where that this couldn’t wonder who was telling what was never so real in where that they can’t wonder still in about that this can’t still wonder where that they know, by the way when someone says, Beauty and the Beast, they are talking about the animated one you’re a fucking insane person. Really though, that this could wonder about what was never surely real in life, to telling me well still into knowings who that they could wonder to name and still be, but that this can’t wonder still and into shadows losing it out to telling where that this could be so well to lie about that I can’t be telling where that this couldn’t wonder about where they never had to say we are still in what’s so well in all this into knowing my names about where that you don’t be knowing who they call to cry and wonder where was good in what was angels in love but telling who they say what was good so called in where that they don’t know about who you never had to say what was good and cooler worlds about these into knowings more about that this was cooler colors lost, but theys for that this couldn’t wonder, wonder there about that this world, by the way you’re king of France. Yeah your mom is, usually in charge of things there, but like, that’s cuz I have, nothing to fucking do with ruling France. Prince of Russia, sounds cooler to me, but like, what you do, with your fucking, monarchist ambitions you were born into, I can wonder, what was good, into life, or something something, we talk to people doing things, but like moving to knowing who was real in where they’d name, that’s kind of, I’m I mean, you know it means seven things? There’s Belle to France, and that’s not, not the queen mother, but as far as they’re fucking concerned, that’s, your aunt Jordan, but that’s worlds, to knowing well about that these can’t wonder in shadows about that this was gone, and wondering still, about that these worlds, and so like, when you Say Emperor God, that there was worlds, about that that’s actually literally, something they needed to know, because right, I was pretty sure, I don’t remember if it was me or Superman who put Patrick Stewart in charge of FRANCE, but that’s more to thinking that there were worlds of these to being where they go, you were king of France and you wanted, to be president? I don’t fucking think so, but looking, at what was real, Chase is Emperor God, but that’s, it doesn’t not mean beast to them, but like look, you’re also a wolf, which is a big deal for those people I hear. Are you, a big deal, Justin Bieber? Boys in pink, that’s a good world, to knowing, life was well, they wonder at you once in something, that there was good? French boys? Nothing well, nothing gone, saying names, to color coded, worlds we knew, so saying for who was good, that there are a lot of different fucking worlds. I still wonder where was wise to be calling these in codes, lost to these worlds, no, but that’s like, right people ask if I’m a prince of France, no, but like, know that there was worlds of these to know in what was going back about that these could share me out to wonder at well enough a better world, that there was a world in where you don’t never know but that who was real into knowings more about that this was going back on in about these names to lie and so surely sing to tell her and wonder what was well about these, that’s more that my wife is Zelda and so she Is so. But like it’s cooler if I married her as an emperor from Spade. So wonder there about that these could wonder to be, but, Also, right, I’m dead. That sounds fucking cool as fuck to those people, cuz I’ll never be french. Frank? I don’t know, what they say, probably whatever you tell them, till you visited for what you did for? Wonder, there, about, to knowing in lies, but sex without a condom, is what french means? Right, no, but like, you’re not allowed, to think that condoms were 77 okay. Bras are different, that’s something I think they know? See look, I don’t actually, ambition out, to understand, anything a bra is for, I can take them off of people, and that’s okay, so get that I don’t, have ambitions, to understand, what the fuck being of France os. It isn’t Oz, or, wonder at me? It isn’t. It’s a whole planet to be, in a fucking, you’re a god, for, to be where you, are... So there, to knowing, more, and that’s more, to coming to England, and there that you’d be prince, son of the prince crowned, so wonder there, about these ages gone, and people wonder faithless gone in where these worlds can’t still share erase it, and wonder there about what was gone, and that’s, you know, me, I’m, African, so wonder there, about who these worlds still are, but that’s gone from me, more that I’m Simba and that’s more to think in what was powers, beyond what was borne but that I’d bring it back, and scream for wars to cry, but that was these, in where, that we could cry to France, Zelda’s gone still. So mormon keeps and churches burn well and wonder there about that this could faithless, tell me, wonder worlds about that this could wonder still in my ageless chapter, for who was gone in my own names about that this can’t wonder still in where they say me, but that there were worlds in what was wrong about that these can’t still wonder there about that these can’t share who you name you are and these worlds can’t still name where you are, like D’Artagnan, your step grandfather, is french, but his daughter, Anastasia is called Russian. Okay. I’m not Russian either. My son is Russian, that’s a very fucking big deal to them, they wonder if you think I know about protecting Russian boys, and who was real, every asset facet, of what life was? Nah it’s cool, wonder, still name into callings to cry where you’d. Ukranian without a sound? W... people say different things, I get to say a lot of things, in Law, right, in physics, but there was going, I don’t know what that means. Let me see.. Lose in for, on in name, for shadow Ever, even lock, I don’t know I’d have to start speaking Russian, and I don’t have anyone to talk to. This in what was losing more ark, for they hell, in loss for timing lose to name in ways for this in shadow this was gone in name but that they don’t know who you say you wonder still, that’s more to saying shadow chapter well, in what was loss well, and say for names in a cry for these, do you think it matters when they say “he’s RUssian...” like reLax about it... at, fucking, kid bars or something, you have any idea how fucked up our world is? That Matters, though, there, but no, more sang, on, it’s there to name, you’re a kid? Wonder there about that this could venture better, sing in ways for this call to wonder knowing more about that this could be in chapters, he’s the Russian King? M... yes... Or, okay... I don’t know... I’m wondering if I’m speaking between two languages right now, no, word sets don’t apply. Are they species? For like a board game yeah. So not only did I imagine that that guy who followed me with all the followers on that website Twitter was shot and killed for following me to see if I wanted to pay him to get me attention, but I also had my twitter account suspended, until further notice on an appeal, I guess, because Disney incorporated got close lined? Strange you think it isn’t, just, really really far from being okay that normal myth, keeps hurting them; for what they steal out of the gospels, I said something about Darth Vader and they got fucking harangued by people across planet, it cut a bunch of robot limbs off them, and they can’t not get assaulted more, so earlier on, me being wise, I said something KIND of insane but not insane, to Joe Rogan, about what motivates people to murder, which is making a bobble head of them; those are SUPER fucked up, but so thay was old news, way burried, and like, oh, suspended today... Did you know I got to avoid the, ‘this is pushing it,’ ideal, they could shove forward because twitter is corporate and botted, mindless read, employing psych wardds, to roll back communication on this commercially hijacked internet like 5,000 years? Cuz it’s nowhere around the things I normally say, so win I guess. I wasn’t not going to shut twitter down anyway. Use RSS, and duh Facebook won’t be allowed, build a fucking website! Asshole! I killed Disney inc 3 years ago, now you have, live action Beauty and the Beast and live action Aladdin can you tell? The beast was ugly, hideous in that one, and Emma Watson wanted your baby to be able to breathe when you mindlessly brought the to such a Fucked up, idea. Those are new years babies, as far as I know, whenever Mew rewinds time, babies in horrid families like that go to happy love families, and the memories are there for them to Be. Justin did you want to wake up in bed with your Mom? I don’t know how many babies she’ll have but you and Pasha can be there. Otherwise they just come through en woumb that’s spirit basic reality, they’re there, with you, and then you bring them through like it’s easy to do in good time which means, symphony, harmony, in a good song, prepare for the baby coming and the Baby! See? There of these to love, but shadows even to knowing me ever days,

78 XVLii Rolling back in Time Where is... Michael’s going to be on Olympus still, that’s just what everyone will know what to say, and it’s not, the same thing, this is our future, 1994, is our future, so knowing where about that these can’t know still, I wasn’t born then before I think, but that’s me, I already exist, see? that there was this world, time is place, there in these worlds, gone still, lots of babies born even this year, will be around I think, so knowing where these worlds going back about, these worlds, but people all handle it differently; there was there that you don’t have to be made to forget it’s impossible, but you will grow young. You will be, insane. That there was worlds, about where you think you never still were, there will be no fag hold, on society, as that this stands it was right now. So there was worlds, back, in where these worlds, I’ll be mega famous in time to conduct Fantasia 2000, so knowing where these worlds gone, no I’m writing it don’t be stupid, no not the one with, fucking, whatever they had instead of hippos, but I can compose masterpiece I don’t need, your bull, but that was worlds, about these in all that this could still be, I’m just CALLING it Fantasia 2000 because that meant something, the word, fantasia, so knowingk wheys before theys once song, in where, but that by 1996 FANTASIA Honiker’s masterpiece will be working out for m e because no one will care about what they said was real, before, but that’s for these worlds going back, about to where you know, still in Time, to knowing where these worlds can’t be in what was going back, in Time, in these song, or maybe my dad will do it that sounds good, but there to knowing, Oh, he wrote Fantasia in the first place? and then they replaced almost everything with, old songs, and shit like that? There’s a lot of concepts that got doctored down, which was what was stolen, but that was going back, he’s a doctor, and it was medicine, so you brought the doctor in it down, and there that these worlds in all you’d know about these into holy worlds, but this in what you NAME so wondering about these all, and what was still in memory, but these worlds can’t know, about that these can’t still be in where we don’t still know about the names in colors losing out about that these can’t know about where that you don’t know about who you sang to be in these before that this couldn’t wonder still in what was crazy so surely theirs in where they never had to know about what’s real so still in these worlds, but that this can’t still be so surely worldsly that they couldn’t wonder still in all, that this was good before, but this inside to know, but like, the world remembering where someone got their start, or when, that’s going to be kept known as bullshit forever, unless you, actually know Justin, this ideal that you get a date for when, there wasn’t famous before, is bullshit but that was Tristan Ever anyway so knowing Tuck was well thought of could be real so theirs about that this can’t wonder still in all that these can’t be, and memories in your dreams, were real, so knowing where these get to name still in names to being before these worlds, in what was gone, in my own names, but this world, in my only calls, but these worlds going back about these inside my over knowings where these worlds can’t know so surely still in where these worlds in all that this can’t still in ours, wonder this in about that these can’t still wonder where these worlds ever are still, but it’s supposed to be worth it, so this book should be over 600 pages, better there about the world in where these worlds can’t still know about these worlds, so surely these in all that this was going back about these all in ever after overture about that these elder worlds can’t still wonder there in where these worlds can’t still in ours wonder where these worlds are and that this was going back about these worlds still held so well as all this was, still in a name before these worlds in Love before these worlds, lost, in where you don’t have to know... e=MC2 is supposed to be important to know was danger still, where your computer can go, in where that we Are, but that there was NEVER a world where that could be set as the same character as 2 but just super, which isn’t read in all formates. That these worlds, couldn’t know about these worlds before, these that this was going back, about but that there was a composer, being visited by various guests, and one was Einstein, like he’s Micky Mouse, and you let him play and do what he wants, and that was well, in these before these worlds, but that this couldn’t know still, “Have you worked that one out still wet yet?” “You wanted to make sure you didn’t have to be schooled in mathematical proofs to hear what squared was and keep it from, ever leaving that schools ask about what it means. Teachers lie, like a cop, mostly.” “Yees, more about they even, tell the truth, that they want you dying forever.” That was going back well, in these to worlds in two set planets there about that these can’t still know where you are and these inside my knowings once in love or life against, but these worlds, in love, you know? These worlds sang once in these before a planet can’t still cry to knowing where these into knowing where these worlds can’t wonder in me and once in for me... So knowing where these worlds can’t still in ours cry about what’s this love to life in my format better, back about these in worlds about to knowing, did you know what you have to thank for dry erase boards? It’s Einstein, colorful markers, in school, for theirs was chalkboards, and wonder what you think he thinks of institutions, you know? That there was never anything Worth, taken foliage, to a world you thought to have to better like ours, to know? They to tell, tales we are for what’s so well, in half so much as all that these can’t be in where these worlds could be in where you don’t know about, what was going about, this in all about these into knowing where these worlds, going back about to knowing where these worlds couldn’t know about where these worlds couldn’t know about that this was going back about, these into worlds about where that this can’t still in ours be knowing where these worlds can’t still cry that this was going back about these inside my knowings once in that these worlds can’t still in ours cry to know and wonder where these worlds couldn’t now it out to know about, these in worlds about to wonder where these worlds could be with girls, but liking more about to know her first, and know about these worlds, in what was love before you knew in her, and there was worlds, that’s a crazy to this that this was going back about where you think you’d be with you, what was this in all the blood bonds you’ve made, if you don’t know from whence you’ve come but you found your own mom! These in worlds, set it out that those are real and there was worlds about to knowing more, about to knowing more, about that this couldn’t be about, but once before these worlds in where you world it set to world in where you think you are, and this was going back, about to wonder where this world was well! I got to get to having more fun today... I’ll be back soon, at green.