Hon. M'r. HaN-Jones.



Title. 4. Section 7 of principal Act amended. 1. Short Title. 5. Scale amended. 2. Extension of principal Act to Eighth, Ninth, 6. Act retrospective. and Tenth Coi,tingents. Schedule. 3. Medical Board.

A BILL INTITULED AN Ac:r to amend " The Military Pensions Act, 1866," and to further Title. extend the Provisions of " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900." 5 BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1. The Short Title of this Act is " The Military Pensions Act, Short Title. 1902," and it shall form part of and be read together with " The 10 Military Pensions Act, 1866 " (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act.") 2. The persons whose names are set forth in the Schedule Extension of hereto shall be deemed to be members of the forces enrolled by the principal Act to Fighth, Ninth, and Government for service in South Africa, and the provisions of " The Tenth Contingents, 15 Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," are hereby extended to such persons accordingly. 3. Section four of the principal Act is hereby repealed, and the Medical Board, following substituted in lieu thereof:- " (1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint a Board, 20 consisting of not less than three duly qualified medical practitioners, whose duty it shall be to inquire into every claim for a pension or gratuity in respect of a wound or injury received in the actual performance of military duty, or in respect of the death of any officer, 25 non-commissioned officer, or private who died in New Zealand, and to report thereon to the Governor. (2.) No such pension or gratuity shall be granted except on the unanimous recomniendation of the Board. 4. Section seven of the principal Act is hereby amended by Section 7 of

30 repealing the words " being first certified to be ill," in paragraph (b) princip81amended. Act thereof, and substituting the following in lieu thereof: " having first been removed from duty on account of such illness, provided the illness is certied to have commenced during and as the result of No. 162-1, 2 Military Pensions.

active operations ; or, if he died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action, within twelve months after having been injured."

ScBle amended. 5. (1.) The columns of the scale annexed to the principal Act headed respectively " To widows whose husbands were killed in 5 action," and " Where the father was killed in action," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve months died of their wounds. (2.) The columns of the said scale headed respectively " To widows whose husbands died from illness contracted in the field," 10 and " Where the father died from illness contracted in the field," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve months died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action.

Act retrospective. 6. Sections four and fit,e hereof shall extend to every person 15 whose name appears in the respective Schedules to " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," " The Military Pensions Act, 1901," and this Act, whether the contingency in respect of which a pension or allowance is claimed under these Acts occurred before or after the passing of this Act. 20 Military Pelts'i0118. 8 723


NO. Rank and Janie. Next-of-kin, and Address.



Brevet-Colonel Davies, Richard Hub- Wife: Mra. M. Davies, Inglewood. ton Brigade-Major Bingley, Arthur George Wife: Mrs. Bingley, Bank of New Zealand, Christ- Ellton church. Captain Matthews, Robert Saxton .- Wife: Mrs. Caroline Matthews, Inglewood. Valintine, Henry Phipps Brother : Dr. Valintine, Wellington. Brigade Surgeon - Major Pearless, Wife : Marianne Lessel Pearless, Wakefield, Nelson. Walter Relf Brigade Chaplain (Honorary Captain) Father: Rev. S. J. Compton, South Creake Vicarage, Compton, Arthur William Henry Takenham, Norfolk, . Brigade Transport-Officer Lieutenant Brother : S. G. Grimes, Scardiffe Grange, Chester- Grimes, John William lield, England. Friend : A. Dickie, Wailotara. Brjgade Sergeant - Major Rogers, Mother : Mrs. A. Rogers, Inglewood. Charles Philip Brigade Farrier Quartermaster-Ser- Father : Robert Brotherton, 11, Harrowby Street, geant Brotherton, Charles Bute Docks, Cardiff, England.


Major Bartlett, Edwin .. .. Wife : Mrs. Isabella Bartlett, Hawera. Captain Poison, Donald, D.S.0. (second Mother: Mrs. R. Poison, Disraeli Street, Addington. in command) Captain and Adjutant Todd, Thomas John Marr, D.S.0. Surgeon-Captain Eocles, Horace Dor- Wife: Mrs. E. Ecoles, Mangonni. set Forbes, Francisi Son: H. M. S. Forbes, Hinemoa, Auckland. Courtenay Suther land Veterinary Captain Clayton, John Sister : Miss M. Clayton, Fulshaw, Welmslaw, Greenwood Cheshire. Friend: John A. Gilruth, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. Lieutenant and Paymaster Pitt, Wil- Mother: Maata te Owai, care of C. P. Davies, Messrs. liam Williams and Kettle (Limited), Gisborne. Lieutenant and Quartermaster Gardi- Wife : Agnes Gardiner, 51, Brougham Street, Web ner, Thomas John lington. 5000 Regimental Sergt.-Major L'Estrange, Father: Colonel L'Estrange, Army and Navy Club, Eudo Walter London. Friend : Mrs. Masters, Commercial Hotel, Wellington. 5131 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant Father : John MeDonnell, Spring Creek, Marlborough. McDonnel], Michael 5001 Regimental Orderly Sergeant Latta, Father: Robert S. Latta, Surrey Street, Grey Lynn, Robert Sanderson Auckland. 5003 Paymaster - Sergeant Page, Thomae Father : J. E. Page, 14, Austin Street, Wellington. Malcolm 5002 Provost - Sergeant Maxwell, Ken Father : David Maxwell, Stratford, Taranaki, Andrew 5006 Corporal-Dispenser Toohill, William Father: Daniel E. Toohill, Roseneath, Eketahuna. Henry 5007 Dorizac, Charles Father: Frederick Dorizao, Berhampore, Wellington. 4 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON. Captain Seddon, .Richard John Spots- Father : Rt. Hon. R, J. Seddon, Molesworth Street, wood Wellington. Lieutenant Wighton, Alexander Mit- Fatber: David Wighton, Upper Dixon Street, Wel- chell lington. Friend : Miss Ferguson, Sana&orium, Rotorua. * Morris, Cyril Russell . - Father: W. R. Morris, Accountant's Branch, G.P.O., Wellington. „ Roberts, Alexander Wil- Father: Hector Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, liam Auckland. „ Cunningham, Adam J. Cunningham, Taipo, Christchurch Road, Westland. Samuel „ Davis, William Hartley Mother: Mary Hartley Davis, German Bay, Akaroa. 5015 S rgeant-Major Charters, Alexander Father : W. W. Charters, 187, Wilson's Road, Christ- Bennett churcb. 5022 Quartermaster-Sergeant Hill, Frede- Sister : Mrs. J. B. Peyman, Wanganui. rick Hugh 5018 Sergeant Larsen, Hans Father : Lewis Larsen, Springfield, Ohio, U.S.A. Friend : A. Carlsen, Sawmiller, Dannevirke. 5019 „ Jackson, Cranworth Frank- Father : Goddard Jackson, Wadestown. lin 5020 Pender, Alexander .- Friend: J. G. W. Aitken, Aitken and Wilson, Wel- lington. 5021 Rowntree, George Arthur . . Father: W. B. Rowntree, Tory Street, Wellington. 5023 Turner, Daniel .- .- Brother: Dr. Turner, Aehfield, Kintore, Aberdeen- shire. Friend : Captain Macintosh, Kent Terrace, Wellington. 5024 Nairn, James Walker .- Father: James Nairn, Khandallah, Wellington. 5029 Willoughby, Edgar de Burgh Mother: Mrs. Marion Willoughby, Kronstad, South Africa. Friend : Frank White, Sherwood, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. 5030 Wylie, Robert .. .- Mother: Mrs. E. Wylie, 8, Bidwell Street, Welling- ton, 6016 Farrier - Sergeant Neilson, Albert Father : Oscar Neilson, 95, Riddiford Street, Welling- Ernest ton. 5849 Farrier - Sergeant Cunningham, Mother : Mrs. Isabella Cunningham, Taipo Post- William Henry office, Christchurch Road, Westland. 5017 Saddler Sergeant Harland, Samuel . Father: Thomas Harland, Lansdowne, Masterton. 6025 Corporal Wood, George Edward .. Father : A. A. Wood, Amberley, Canterbury. 5026 „ Skinner, Charles John Dun- Father: W. H. Skinner, 9, Hawkestone Crescent, bar Wellington. 5027 „ Rowell, Henry .. .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Rowell, 176, Willis Street, Web lington. 5031 Sheehan, Edward Robert - Mother: Mrs. Bridget Pery, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 5032 McGregor, David. . Father: John D. MoGregor, Hinau, Feilding. 5033 Hill, Jack .. .. SiBter : Mr0. J. Andrews, Temuka. 5084 Rogers, Harold Cummins ,. Father : John Francis Rogers, Ingleside, 25, Hill Street, Wellington. 5085 . MoLareo, Charlie Douglas.. Mother : Mrs. MaTeal, Gisborne. 5028 Bugier Grimstone, Lionel Francis .. Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Grimstone, Poplar Grove, Wellington. 5086 Saddler McKain, John Ward Father: Daniel McKain, Lower Hubt, Wellington. 5037 Farrier Ross, James .. Mother : Mrs. Jessie Ross, 4, Crawford Street, Wel- lington. 5038 „ MoKain, Argyle Father: Daniel McKain, Lower Hutt, Wellington. 5039 „ Jille66, Joseph Mother : Ellen Jane Lee, Otaki, Wellington. 5940 PAivate Bridson, Corran Father : William Bridson, Post-office, Wellington So'uth. 5633 Bridson, Thomas Angus Father: William Bridson, care of W. Awnley, South Wellington. 5041 Burn, Ernest Edward Father : Philip E. Burn, 27, Hopper Street, Welling- ton. 5042 Bourke, Michael . - Father : David Bourke. East Oxford, Canterbury. 5043 Bliss, Alfred . . Mother : Mrs. Augela Wilkinson, Onau, Manawatu. 5044 Barker, William John Father : William Barker, Sailmaker, Wanganui, 6040 Bradley, Augustine Father: Orton Guthrie Bradley, 17, Andrew Stred, Waltham, Christchurch. 5045 Brasell, Robert . . Brother : John Brasell, Lower Hutt, Wellington. 5046 Burch, Warren William Father: Charlea J. Burch, Greybown, Wairarara. 5047 Black, James Father : George Black, Lawrence, Otago. 5048 Brunton, Thomas . Mother: Mrs. Isabella Brenton, Greytown North. 5049 Bendall, Arthur Travers Father : Captain W. Bendall, Wesley Crescent, Wellington. Military Pensions. 3

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5050 Private Brandon, Percy Eustace de B. Mother : Mrs. A. M. Brandon, 17, Tinakori Road, Wellington. 5051 „ Birnie, Alexander.- - Father : Alexander Birnie, Taihape, Taranaki. 5052 „ Cook, Leonard William .- Father: Robert Clifford Cook, Wadestown, Welling- ton. 5053 „ Cumming, David Brother: Andrew Cumming, Kilbirnie, Wellington. 5054 „ Carbery, Charles .. .. Father : Michael Carbery, Hutt Road, Petone, Wel- lington. 5055 . Campbell, Robert .. .. Father: Robert Campbell, Lithgow, New South Wales. Friend: A. Beggs, Owen Street, Newtown, Wellington. 5056 „ Clouston, John Peter Po rte us Father: Dr. Clouston, Waiuku, Auckland. 5057 „ Callam, Arthur .- .- Mother: Mrs. M. F. Callam, Drummond Street, Wel- lington. 5058 Climie, Percy Richmond .. Father: J. D. Olimie, Lower Hutt, Wellingon. 5059 „ Coates, Frank .. .. Father: James Coates, Otaki, Manawatu, Wellington. 5060 Cook, Thomas Uppadine .. Uncle: Alfred Fraser, Foxton, Wellington. 5061 „ Clout, Norman .. .. Father: William Clout, Lower Hutt, Wellington. 5062 „ Connell, Alexander Miller .- Father : A. Connell, Tiri Tiri, Auckland. 5063 „ Dixon, Oscar Clarence .- Father : William Dixon, Bannister Street, Masterton. 5064 „ Dobson, William Henry .. Father: William H. Dobson, Willis Screet, Welling- ton. 5065 „ Denhard, Henry Conrad .. Father : Henry Denhard, 166, Upper Willis Street, Wellington. 5066 „ Evans, George Alexander .. Mother: Mrs. V. Evans, Taonui Road, Feilding. 5067 „ Fletcher, John .. .. Father : J. D. Fletcher, Lower Kyeburn, 0 0&go. 5068 .. Father: Joseph Wilkinson, Kaikoura, Marlborough. 5069 Cousin: Miss Lizzie Nicholson, MoLean Street, Woodville. 5070 . Gaffney, James .. .. Father: Michael Gaffney, Kilmolin, Enniskerry, Wicklow, Iieland. Friend: Henry Robertson, Wai- para-Cheviot Railway, Waipara, Canterbury. 5071 „ Gibbons, Patrick .- .- Mother: Mrs. J. Reid, Masterton. 5072 „ Hardie, Alexander Minion . . Father: James Hardie, 69, Webb Street, Wellington. 5073 „ Harvey, Edward John .- Father: Edward Harvey, sen., 18, Roxburgh Street, Wellington. 5074 „ Higgins, Donald .. .. Mother: Mrs. Maria H. Higgins, Feilding. 5075 „ Hulme, Hedley Russell .. Father: - 47, Austin Street, Wellington. 5076 „ Iorns, William Augudus . - .Father : William Iorns, Masterton, Wellington. 5077 4 James, William .- - Father: Thorn&s James, Hohart, Tasmania. Friend : John Stewart, 4, Webb Street, Wellington. 5078 „ Johnson, George Alexander Father: Alexander Johneon, Willis Street, Welling- ton. 5079 , Jenkins, Alexander . . ]Father: William Jenkins, Otaki, Wellington. 5080 Johndon, Albert Kenmore .- Father: Alexander Johnston, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auckland. 5081 „ James, George Ellis .. Brother: William James, Johnsonville, Wellington. 5082 „ Kennedy, David .- - Father : Robert Kennedy, Kaikora North, Ha/ke's Bay. 5083 „ King, Alexander James - Mother : Mrs. Mary Devereux, Atarau Post-office, Grey Valley, Wes Coast. 5084 „ Lucas, Robert Ernest .. Father : Samuel Wilford Lucas, Featherston, Waira- rapa. 5085 Le Roi, Frank Leopold .. Father : Victor Le Roi, East Oxford, Canterbury. 5685 MoLaughtin, - .- .- Father : J. McLaughlin, Darfield, North Canterbury. 5086 Macaulay, Charles Haddon Father: Alexander Macaulay, Arun Street, Oamaru, Spurgeon Otago. 5087 McCallum, Donald .. Mother : Mrs. Annie McCallum, Kaiwarra, Welling- ton. 5088 McGowan, Cyril John Father : John McGowan, Newtown, Wellington. 5089 Muloahy, James . . Mother: Mrs. J. Mulcahy, Hugh Street, Wellington. 5090 Mills, Robert James Father: John Mills, Victoria Street, Brunswick, Victoria. Friend : Louise Pawson, Post - omoe, Wellington. 5091 Marcks, Lewis He wson Father: John Marcks, Maheno, Otago. 5092 Markmann, Carl Molchine.. Father: Carl F. T. Mari£mann, 14, McI)onald Cres· cent, Wellington. 5093 MeLaughlin, John .. Father: James MoLaughlin, Hugh Street, Wellington. 5094 Messenger, George Lawton. - Father: Lieut.-Colonel Messenger, Permanent Artil- lery, Wellington. 5095 . MaWilliam, Lavington Mother: Mrs. Annie MoWilliam, care of T. 0'Brien, Tory Street, Wellington. 6 Milita,Ty Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.

EIGHTH 00NTINGENT-confintzed.

NORTH ISLAND REGIM E NT.-A SQUADRON-continued. 6096 Private Moody, Roberb .. .. Father: Robert John Moody, Castlemaine, Victoria· Friend: William Hickey, 17, Courtenay Place, Wei- lington. 5097 t Father: John MoKenzie, Upper Plain, Masterton. 5098 „ MoKerrow, William - Father: John Craig MaKerrow, 9, Fitzherbert Ter- race, Wellington. 5099 „ Morrison, William Henry Mother : Mrs. Sarah Morrison, Nelson Street, Petone, Alfred Wellington. 5100 „ McAlpine, Angus .- .. Father: James McAlpine, 53, Nairn Street, Welling- ton. 5102 „ Orr, Thomas Harry .- Father: Thomas Orr, 18, Featherston Terrace, Web lington. 5103 „ Parker, F. .. .. Father: Robert Parker, 83, Hill Street, Wellington. 5104 „ Pike, Cyril Seldon .. Father: George Pike, Tinakori Road, Wellington. 5105 „ Palmerston, Norman Adam Stepfather : George L. R. Scott, Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. 5106 . Pepper, George Henry .. Father : Benjamin Pepper, Otaki, Wellington. 5107 Porritt, Harold Elliott . - Father: Rev. Thomas Porrit , Featheraton, Welling- ton. 5108 „ Rockstrow, William Caspari Brother : J. F. Roekstrow, Defence Department, Wellington. 5109 „ Reilly, William .. .. Sister : Miss Fanny Reilly, Palmerston North. 5110 , R-.ed, Kingsford Frederick .. Father : R. K. Reed, Palmerston North. 5111 . Ryan, Thomas Francis .- Father. Dennis Ryan, Tawa Flat, Wellington. 5112 „ Robinson, Joseph Lawson Father : Charles Robinson, 2, Evelyn Place, Welling- ton. 5113 4 Smith, Sydney Harold .. Father: John Henry Smith, 44, Kent Terrace, Web lington. 5114 . Smith, Charles Granville . - Father: Frederick C. Smith, Police-station, Carter- ton. 5115 „ Smith, Charles .. Father : George Smith, Wakanui Road, Ashburton. 5119 Smith, Arundel Harry .. Fa ther: Samuel Smith, Lower Hutt. 5120 Smith, Arthur Henry .. Father: Thomas Smith, Warrenpoint, Ireland. Friend : William Tompsitt, Urenui, Taranaki. 5116 . Stewart, George .- Father : William Stewart, Sumner Road, Lyttelton. 5117 „ Stuart, Frederick .. Brother: Alexander Stuart, Awahuri, Wellington. 5118 . Stevens, Bert .. Father: James H. Stevens, Post-office, Hawera. 5121 . Smithers, Henry Geoige Friend : H. K. Bethune, Bank of Australasia, Web Albert lingbon. 5122 . Sampson, Thomas Nicholson Father: Andrew E. Sampson, Tinakori Road, Wel- lington. 5123 „ Spence, William .. . Brother: Magnus B. Spence, care of - Fraser, Book- seller, Oamaru. 5124 . Shaw, Guy langston .. Mother : Mrs. Marie Courtney, Niger House, New Plymouth. 5125 „ Tuohy, Thomas Henry .. Father : Thomas Tuohy, Whetukora, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay. 6126 . Thompson, Robert William Father: Archibald Thompson, Waione, Wellington. 5127 „ Thomson, Claude Hamilton Father: John Thomson, 8, Derwent Square, Liver. pool, England. Friend : W. 0. FitzGerald, Welling- ton. 5128 „ Vicary, Lionel William Her- Father: William Vicary, Dannevirke. bert 5129 „ Walton, John Thomas .. Father: Henry Walton, Waikanae, Wellington, 6130 Whelch, Harry .. .. Father : Tom Whelch, Akaroa, Canterbury.

NORTH ISLAND RE:GIMENT.-B SQUADRON, Captain Cameron, John .- Brother: Allan Cameron, Wanganui. Lieutenant Blair, Duncan Barrie . - Mother: Mrs. D. Blair, Wanganui. . Collett, Henry Charles . . Father: Martin Collett, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. . Langford,William Eustace Mother : Elizabeth Langford, Gisborne, Poverty Bay. „ Morgan, William Arthur Father : Edmund James Morgan, Kaimate, Ingle. wood, Taranaki. 5163 Sergeant-Major Blackiston, Charles Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Blackiston, Greytown North, Douglas Wairarapa. 6167 Quartermaster -Sergeant Calvert, Father : George William Oalverb, Strathmore, Tara. George Gordon naki. 6159 Sergeant Baker, Joseph Walter .. Father : Walter Baker, Ashburbon,Canterbury. 5160 Heslop, George Whitfield .. Father: William Heslop, Sentry Hill, New Plymouth, 5162 * Sommerville, John Adam .- Father: Colonel Sommerville, No. 2 Line, Wanganui, 6164 * Smith, Leslie .. .- Father: John W. Smith, Waterpark, TaradBle, Napier. Military Pensions.

NO. nank and Name. Next·of-kin, and Address.


NORTH IsLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-Continled. Mother: Mrs. James Crawley, Brunswick, Wanga- 5165 Sergeant Crawley, Robert William . . nui. 5166 „ Holmwood, Bernard .- Father: Captain Charles Holmwood, Masterton, Wellington. 5168 , Hughes, James Cecil .- Father : James Hughes, 4, Franeis Street, Sydney, New South Wales. Friend: C. H. Arrow, Waipaw, Hawke's Bay. 5172 Haselden, Frederick .- Father : F. H. Haselden, Esq., M.H.R., Hunterville, Wanganui. 5158 1 Farrier - Sergeant Peebles, James Facher: A. Peebles, Woodville. William Mother: Mrs. Christina MeClendghan, Turakina, 5157 Saddler-Sergeant Dais, William .. Wangnui. Father: Peter Maxwell, Opotiki, Auckland. 51695170 Corporal „ Bierre, Maxwell, August William .- ... Father : Frederick William Bierre, Cuba Street, Palmerston Nortb. 5171 „ Jolly, Sydney Herbert . Father: Henry Jolly, Feilding. 5173 I „ List, Otto .- .- F'ather: Antonio H. List, Parkside, Hastings. 5174 5 „ Weston, Lewis . . Father: Samuel Weston, Hunterville, Wellington. 5240 „ Ross, David .. .. Mother : Mrs. Janet Wallace Ross, Wanganui. 5198 . Carpenter, Frederick . . Father : William Carpenter, 60, Ingestre Street, Wet- lington. 5960 , Wright, Percy Geoghegan .- Father: Archie Manning Wright, Kiniemuir, Still- organ Park, County Dublin. Friend: Frank Water- house, Mangshau, Hawke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. Rose Adams, North Street, Palmerston North. 51755180 Shoeing-smith Adams,Kirkham, Robert Arthur Stafford James Father: Walter Kirkham, Taradale, Hawke's Bay. 5179 1 Saddler Taylor, Percy .. .. Mother: Mrs Ellen Taylor, North Gisborne. 5178 . Ed-ards, George Frederick. . Mrther: Mrs. Janet Edwarils, Post-office, Waverley. 5176 Bugler Tombs, Sidney .. .. Mother: Mrs. Fanny Tombs, Princes Street, Palmers- ton Norbh. 5181 Private Adams, Rnbert Alln Father : William Adams, Lansdowne, Masterton. 5182 . Aldridge, William Henry .. Mother: Mrz E. Finnis, Levin, Wellington. 5183 . Allan, William Kirk .- Father: Thomas Allan, Hawera, Wanganui. 5185 . August, Ernest Jobn .. Father: John Samuel August, Waiwetu, Lower Hutt. 5186 . Burton, Fred .- .- Father : Jonathan Burton, Colyton, Feilding. 5187 . Bryant, Herbert Henry .. Father : Henry Bryant, Amesbury Street, Palmerston North. 5188 . Bremner, William.. . . Father: James Bremner, Wanganui. 5189 . Beamish. Ernest Cecil .. Mother : Mrs. Jane Beamish, Regent Street, Hawera. 5190 „ Black, Allan .. .. Mother: Mrs. J. Black, Kaiti, Gisborne. 5191 „ Buick, James .. .. Mother: Mrs. H. E. S. Buick, Post-office, Longburo, Wellington. 5192 „ Bourne, Arthur Uniacke .. Mother: Mrs. Bourne, 5, Pittville Crescent, Chelten- ham, England. Friend: Hon. Captain Baillie, M.L.C., Picton. 5193 „ Bennett, Bruce Scott ·.. Father : C. D. Bennett, Childers Road, Gisborne. 5200 . Clifford, Charles Edward . Father: Charles E. Clifford, Molesworth Street, Wel- lington. 5194 , Clunie, William .. .. Mother: Mrs. Ellen Clunie, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 5195 , Cunningham, Thomas .. Mother: Mrs. Mpria Cunningham, Gisborne. 5196 „ Clark, Frederick William . . Brother : Alfred Henry Clark, Chief Post·office, Gis- borne. 5197 „ Christian, George Nathaniel Father: Jesse Christian, 15, Rymes Street, Herne Hill, London, S.E. 5199 „ Catherall, Robert George . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Catherail, Avenue Road, Hastinge. 5201 „ Dilks, William Thomas . - Father: William Thomas Dilks, Fitzherbert East, Palmerston North. 5202 „ Davidson, William Philip . . Mother: Mrs. J. Davidson, Midhirst, Taranaki. 5203 . Davidson, John .- Father: Georga . Davidson, Longburn, Palmerston North. 3204 „ D'Amy, Thomas Lambton .. Mother : Mrs. M. M. D'Arcy, Masterton. 5205 „ Ferguson, Alfred .. . Father: John Ferguson, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 5206 . Finnamore, Walter Gordon Father: John Finnamore, Stratford. 5207 „ File, Ernest . Father: William 0. File, Roebuok Road, Gisborne. 5208 „ Fitzherbert, Arthur Geoffrey Father: Arthur R. Firzherberb, Marbon, Wangnui. 5209 4 Grioourt, Adolph .. .. Mother: Mrs. Amelia Redshaw, 9, Queen's Terrwe, Southampton, England. Friend: Harold MaSy, Pod-office, Palmerston. 6210 , Graham, William .. Father : Andrew Graham, Gisborne. 8 Mi,Utary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT,--B SQUADRON continued. 5008 Private Grimths, John Bell . Father: John Griffiths, Spring Grove, Nelson. 5212 „ Hughes, Andrew Patrick Fdher : Daniel Hughes, Manaii, Taranaki. 5213 u Hutchinson, Frank William Father: Matthew Hutchinson, Morsewood, Hawke's Bay. 6214 Horne, William John Steven8 Father: William Horne, Hastings Street, Hastings. 5215 „ Henley, Arthur William Mother: Mrs. E. Henley, Tinakori Road, Wellington, 5216 „ Higgs, Frederick .. Father: James Higgs, Wairengaabika, Gisborne. 5917 Haydon, Albert Edward Father: Ennis Haydon, Te Karak Gisborne. 5218 „ Hood, Francis Shaw .- Father: Francis Hood, Fernridge, Masterton. 5219 „ Harrison, William George . Father: Arthur Harrison, Putiki, Wanganui. 5920 „ Hickling, James Albert .- Father: Samuel Hickling, Adelaide Road, Wellington. 6351 ., Jackson, John Keith .. Father: Charles W. Jackson, Greytown North. 5221 „ Johnston, Frederick - Father : Captain Johnston, Waverley, Wellington. 6352 „ Jones, Harold Lancelot - Father : A. V. Jones, 100, Canning Street, Falkner Square, Liverpool. Friend : A. 0. Stewart, Makuri, Pahiatua. 5222 . Kerr, Alfred Buttars . - Mother : Mrs. Celia Kerr, Opotiki, Bay of Islands. 5223 „ Litchfield, Herbert Younger Father: Arthur B. Litchfield, Halcombe, Taranaki. 5124 „ Lock, Herbert James Hoddi- Father: James Candy Look, Saltford, Bristol, Eng- netti land. Friend : Alfred Slight, Crofton, Marton. 5225 . Lawson, Thomas .- - Father : Robert Lawson, Inglewood, Taranaki. 5226 „ Morgan, Charles .- Father : Charles Morgan, Oak Road, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 5227 „ McDonald, Duncan Buchanan Father: Duncan MoDonald, Burnside, Waverley. 5228 „ MeBurney, William .. Brother: David MoBurney, Drury, Auckland. 5229 „ Mayhew, Ambrose.. Father: Robert Mayhew, Waituna, Feilding. 6230 „ Mundell, Frederick .- Brother: Andrew Mundell, 49, Stirling Road, Trinity, Edinburgh, Scotland. Friend : Mrs. Janet Caldwell, Upokongaru, Wanganui. 5231 . Murphy, Arthur .- .- Stepmother: Mrs. F. Christie, Powderham Street, New Plymouth. 5232 ,, Mandeno, Herbert .- Father: John Howe Mandeno, Hairini, Te Awamutu, Auckland. 5233 . Meyrick, Herbert .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Meyrick, Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North. 5234 „ Nelson, Henry .. .. Father. Charles Nelson, Levin, Wellington. 5235 „ Neilsen, Charles .- Father: Soren Neilsen, Mangatainok, Wellinglon. 5236 „ Neilson, Maurice George . . Brother: Andrew Neilson, Titokino, Hawke's Bay. 5237 „ Perry, John Francis .. .Father: Frank Perry, Palmerston North. 5177 „ Puflett, George H. .. Father: Robert Puflett, Union Steamship Company, Spit, Napier. 5238 Parsons, Ivor Daniel - Father: Thomas Parsons, Parkville, Eketabuna. 5239 „ Price, John .. .. Father : Stephen Price, Upper Plain, Masterton. 5009 , Rasmussen, Henry Neil .. Father : Neil Rasmussen, Mein Street, Newtown, Wellington. 5241 „ Runeiman, WilliamMoKenzie Father : William Morrison Runciman, Waihi Gold- mine, Auckland. 5242 „ Robertson, John .- Brother : -Thomas Robertson, Maha, Hawera, Tara- naki. 5243 . Reed, Bernard .. - Aunt: Mrs. Louisa Braithwaite, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 5244 . Russell, Robert .- .- Sister: Mrs. Emma Dohmann, care of J. T. Dohr· mann, West Oxford, near Christchurch. 5270 „ Rail[es, Francis Campbell .- Father : G. R. C. Raikes, Okaiawa, Taranaki. 5245 „ Sexton, Eliott James .. Father: James Sexton, Gladdone, Wairarapa, 5246 „ Shannon, Athol Ernest Ola- Father : Ezekiel Shannon, Waituna West, Feilding, renee 5247 „ Stent, Arthur John .- Father: James Stent, Pemberton, Feilding. 5248 „ Stent, Louis James .. Father: James Stent, Pemberton, Feilding 5249 - Stanly, Henry Robert . Mother : Mrs. Teresa Agnes Stanly, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 5256 „ Street, Richard .. .. Brother: Alfred Street, Bell Block, Taranaki. 5251 . Street, Alfred Father: Richard Street, Bell Block, Taratiaki. 5252 „ Somerville, John William .: Father: John Somerville, Disraeli Street, Gisborne. 5258 „ Bwarbriok, John Geoffrey .. Father: Jonathan Swarbrick, Tarawa, Nuhaka, Poverty Bay. 5254 . Stuokey, Arthur Walker .. Father: Fred J. Stuckey, Levin, Wellington. 5255 „ Swainson, Charles William.. Sister: Mrs. Ella M. Marshall, Marton, Rangitikel. 5256 . Southern, William .. Father : G. P. Southern, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. land. Friend : Dr. Charlton, Feilding, Rangitikei, 5957 * Skinner, James MaoAdam .. Father : W. H. Skinner, 9, Hawkestone Cresoen', Wellington. 1 9/0 Military ·Pensions. 9

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5258 Private Ulrich, Everard Ernest .. Father: C. A. Ulrich, Hay Street, Oriental Bay, Wellington. 5269 „ Whitcombe, George .. Father: William Whitcombe, Harrison Street, W- nganui. 5261 . Wooldridge, Ebenezer .. Father: Joseph H. Wooldridge, Okalo, Taranaki. 5262 Wood, Charles . - . . Mother : Mrs. L. T. Hill, Stratford. 5263 Withers, Arthur James .. Father: William Vere Witbers, Broad Street, Palmerston North. 5264 „ Webb, Frank Henry .. Aunt: Miss Annie MMon, Church Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 5265 . Whitworth, Francis .. Mother: Mrs. A. Whitworth, 123, Pershaw Road, Selby Park, Birmingham. Friend: Miss Daisy Bradland, Hospital, Greytown, Wairar&pa. 5266 „ Walker, Thomas Alexander Father : Alexander Walker, Pahiatua. 5267 . Walterson, David Duncan . Father: H. E. Waloerson, Tongio Post-ofEce, Viotori&. Cousin: George Cooper. Blackball. 5968 „ Winter, Samuel . .. Father: David James Winter, Takaka, Nelson. 5269 „ Williams, David Harris .. Grandmother: Margaret Thomas, Sverndale Spa, Gloucester, England. Friend : Charles Attwood, Oroua Bridge, Palmerston North. 6886 „ Willoughby, Nathaniel Leo- Mother: Mrs. M, Willoughby, Wainuiomata, Walling- nard ton. 6390 „ Wright, Herbert James .. Mother : Mrs. E. Wright, Brunswick, Wanganui. 6391 „ Young, Frederick . . .- Father: John Young, Putiki, Wanganui. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT,-C SQUADRON, Captain Saxby, Conrad George . Father : G. H. Saxby, Bluff Hill, Napier. Lieutenant O'Dowd, William John .. Father: Frank O'Dowd, Seafield, View Road, Auck- land, Taplin, Burton Bedford Father : Samuel Taplin, Palmerston North. Montrose „ Foster, Trevor Hugh .. Father: Reginald Foster, Papanui, Christchurch. e Mason, William John .- Brother: C. R. Mason, Sun and Fire Office, Leaden. hall Street, London. Friend : Miss Ferguson, Matron, Sanatorium, Rotorna. 5294 Sergeant-Major Burr, Charles James Father: William Burr, Rawene, Hokianga, Auckland. 5295 Quartermaster-Sergeant Miller, Albert Sister : Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Leith Street, Dunedin. Francis 5298 Sergeant Read, Alexander .- .. Sister: Miss Martha Read, 87, Cuba Street, Welling- ton. 5299 Walker, John .- Brother : Isaac Walker, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. 5300 Taubman, Alexander Goldie Mother: Mrs. Goldie Taubman, 27, St. Thomas Mansions, London. Friend: Mrs. Thomas Cross, Lincoln Road, Napier. 5301 Burgess, Frederiok Percy .. Father: Frederick James Burgess, Btipendiary Magia- trate, Queenstown, Otago. 5302 Best, Sidney Herbert . Father: Captain George Charles Best, Calliope Road, North Shore, Auckland. 5307 „ Cassidy, William.- .- Sister : Miss Beryl Cassidy, Opunake, Taranaki. 5297 Farrier-Sergeant Abbott, Harold .. Father : William Abbott, Otahuhu, Auckland. 5296 Saldler-Sergeant Johnston, John Ed- Father: John Johnston, Washington Valley, Nelson. ward 5308 Shoeing -smith Courtenay, Alfred Father: Alfred Charles Courtenay, Whangarei, Auck- Charles land. 5510 . Smith, David .- Father: Charles Smith, Hikurangi, Auckland. 5349 Saddler Ebert, George .. .. Father: George Ebert, Newton Road, Auckland. 5303 Corporal Swanberg, Charles William Father: Frank Oscar Swanberg, Cameron Street, Whangarei, Auckland. 5305 Parsons, George Alfred Father: Henry William Parsons, Coonoor, Palliatua, Wellington. 5306 „ Hall, William Thomas Wal Father: George Hall, Lepperton, Taranaki. sham 5385 „ Parsons, Henry Norman ., Mother : Mrs. Gertrude Parsons, Coonoor, Pahiatua. 5405 . Young, Herbert Frank .. Father : Frank Young, Taheke, Hokianga, Auckland. 5331 „ Oar

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kill, and Address.



5318 Private Baguley, Charles Henry Father: Richard Baguley, Pukekohe, Auckland. William 5320 . Bell, William John , Mother : Mrs. Sarah Bell, Kaurikohore, Whangarei, Auckland. 5391 . Birt, Benjamin Thomas - F ther. Benjamin Thomas Birt, Mareretu, Auckland. 5322 , Bell, Robert .- Mother: Mrs. Sarah Bell, Kaurikohore, Whangarei, Auckland. 5323 „ Blackwell, Edwin West . Mother: Mrs. Margard Willets, Devonport, Auck- land. 5324 * Browne, William .- .. Fgher: Henry Browne, Hampden Street West, Nelson. 5325 „ Brownlee, James Little . . Father: William Brownlee, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 5326 „ Bourke, Leonard Humphries Fa*,her: Jeremiah L. Bourke, Waioteamarama, Ho- kiang. 5327 „ Blomfield, Frederick Wilcox Father: James Blomfield, Fernleigh Street, Pon- sonby 6817 „ Burke, John .- - Father: D. Burke, East Oxford, Canterbury. 5328 . Curtis, Ernest Charles .. Father: James Curtis, Melrose, Devonport, Auckland. 5329 . Constable, Edward .. Brother: William Constable, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Anckland. 5330 , Castle, George Alfred .. Sister: Miss Grace Castle, Canning's Dining-rooms, Queen Street, Auckland. 5332 „ Calvert, Leo .- Mother : Mrs. Annie Matilda Calvert, Mount Eden, Auckland. 5333 „ Cuff, Percy Augustus - Father: Edwin Cuff, Haloombe, Rangitikei. 533d „ Christian, Edward .. Father: Thomas Christian, Stanway, near Halcombe, Wellington, 5335 „ Dean, John .- .- Sister: Margaret Dean, Bombay, Waikato, Auckland. 5336 „ Dean, David .. .- Uncle: John Dean, Pokeno, Hokianga 5337 „ Drewett, Frank .. .- Father: Thomas Drewett, Indian Civil Service, Bom· bay, India. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Drew, tt, Hokianga. 5338 * Denyer, Ernest Frederick . - Father: Henry Frederick Denyer, Avondale, Auck- land. 5339 „ Dick, Robert .. .- Father: John Dick, Pollock, Waiuku, Auckland. 5340 „ Dickson, Roberb .. .. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Dickson, Halcombe, Rangi- tikei. 5341 Easton, Alfred .. .. James Ea@ton, Pukekohe East, Auckland. 5343 „ Eustace, Sidney William . . Father : Sidney Eustace, Chiltern, Victoria. Friend: John Kneebone, Post-office, Christchurch. 5344 « Fish, Samuel Henry .. Fdher : Joseph Henry Fish, Essex Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. 5845 . Farmer, Daniel George .. Mother : Mrs. D. G. Farmer, Karangahake, Auckland. 5346 „ Forte, James Chisman .. Mother: Mrs. Mary E. Forte, St. Steven's Avenue, Parnell, Auckland. 5347 „ Firmston, Frank .. .. Father : Alfred Firmston, New Plymouth, Taranaki. 6333 Fitzgerald, Nathaniel - Father: John Fitzgerald, Palmerston North. 5348 „ Gibbons, Charles Francis . . Father: R. P. Gibbons, Kopu, Thames, Auckland. 5349 „ Graham, John . .. Father : William Graham, Block XXVII., Gold-mine, Thames. 5350 „ Griffiths, Charles Thomas . . Mother: Mrs. Ann Griffiths, Paeroa, Auckland. 5351 „ Green, Patrick .- . Father : Matthew Green, Stanway, Halcombe, Wel- lington. 5352 „ Gray, Harry .- .- Mother: Mrs. Agnes Osborne, Wellington. 5353 Gosling, William Charles . - .Father : Charles Gosling, Levels Post-office, Timaru. 6337 , Gedge, Charles . . Father : Stephen Gedge, Stratford, Taranaki. 6336 „ Georgetti, John .. .. Mrs. E. Georgetti, Blue-gum Cottage, Ball Street, Wanganui. 5312 „ Herbert, Marcus Reynolds Mother: Katherine S. Herbert, Percival Street, Wel- (Paymaster's Clerk) lington. 5354 „ Henderson, John .. .. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Henderson, Waihi, Auckland. 5355 „ Hill, Thomas John . - Mother: Mrs. K. Hill, Paeroa, Auckland. 5856 Hammond, Alexander Mal Brother: Christopher Hammond, Railway-etation, colm Rotorua, Auckland. 5357 „ Ireland, John .- ·· Father : William Ireland, West Tamaki, Auckland. 5358 „ Kempsell, John .. .. Cousin: William Paddon Snell, Waitara, Taranaki. 5359 , King, Alfred Ernest . . Father: Thomas King, Ponsonby, Auckland. 6355 , King, Edward Charles . . Father: Edward King, Okato, Taranaki. 5860 „ Keating, Roland Howard . . Molher: Mrs. Charlotte Keating, Kopu, Thames, Auckland. 5361 „ Lennon, William .. .. Father : James Lennon, Lindens Railway-station, North Gippaland, Victoria. Friend; Alfred Maiden, Post-office, Masterton, 1-60 Military Pensions. 11

No. I Rank and Name. Next of-kin, andl Address.



5862 Private Lund, George Edward . Father : H. Lund, Norsewood, Hawke's Bay. 5363 „ Larsen, John Theodore .. Father: William 0. Larsen, Pokeno, Auokland. 5364 „ Little, Charles Father: Charles John Little, Whangapoua, Coro- mandel. 5865 Lorange, William John Joseph Father : John Lorange, Spring Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 58(;6 Lilewall, John . Father: John Lilewall, Devonport, Auckland. 6367 Mon re, William John Den- Father : William Moore, Nethedon, Thames River, nerby Auckland. 5868 Malcolm, Alexander W inham Mother: Mrs. Alziere Bell Malcolm, care of Messrs. Everett Bros., Nelson. 0369 Menhennet, Samuel Henry.. Mother: Mrs. Julia Menhennet, Patea, Taranaki. 5870 Manning, Robert .. .. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Meldrum, Wade, Auckland. 5371 Mason, Colin .- Father: John Mason, Masterton Road, Woodville. 6372 MeNally, Robert Henry . Father: Robert MoNally, Pukekohe, Auckland. 5373 MaNab, Thomas .- . Father: Peter MaNab, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. 9374 MeGivern, Henry Felix Father: Felix McGivern, Te Awamutu, Auckland. 5373 McCartney, Thomaa Sister: Miss Mary J. McCartney, Marton, Rangitikei. 5376 MeDonald, Hugh .- Father: Angus McI)onald, 40, Nairn Street, Wel- lington. 5377 Noble, Edward - Father: Edward Noble, Newmarket, Auckland. 5378 Orr, Matthew Gilmour Father: Mr. William Longmuir Orr, Tuakau, Auck- land. 6379 Pulford, George Joseph Father: William Pulford, Marton, Rangitikei. 5380 Pullen, David Herbert Father: John Pullen, Purna, Apongs, Whangarei, Auckland. 5381 Page, Walter Vernon Father: Robert Page, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auck- land. 5882 Paul, Robert Brother : Thomas Paul, Inglewood, Taranaki. 5388 Phair, Samuel Mother : Mrs. A. Phair, Southara, Portsmouth, Eng- land. Sister: Miss Phair, care of Mrs. Wigg, Northcote, Atickland. 5384 Pye, George .. Mother: Mrs. Mdilda Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland. 5386 Pearce, Mark Allen Father: Mark Pearce, Kings Street, Newmarket, Auckland. 6366 P,arson, Edwin . - Father: Peter Pearson, Pahiatua. 5387 Renwick, Albert Gordon Father: John Renwick, Normanby Road, Moun6 Eden, Auckland. 5388 Ryan, Martin Henry Father : George Ryan, Ot&huhu, Auckland. 5389 Steed, James .- Father: Matthew Steed, Scarborough Terrace, Par- nell, Auokland. 5390 Stevens, Charles Albert .. Father: H. J. Stevens, Ongaruhe, Auckland. 5391 Smith, Ernest Prin Father: Sydney Smith, Upper Nelson Street, Auok- land. 5392 Bauer, Henry - Father: Frederick William Sauer, Waimate, South Canterbury. 5293 Silcock, Samuel Thomas Father: James Silcock, Paeroa, Auckland. 5394 Sievers, George Frederick - Father : Alfred Sievers, South Makar4 Wellington. 6395 Tenks, Albert .. .. Father: Isaac Tanks, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auck- land. 5396 Tbomson, William George .. Sister: Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Burgess, 29, Park Road, Addington, Christchurch. 5397 Taylor, William James .. Father: John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Creek, Thames, Auckland. 5898 Turner, Benjamin Evans .. Father: E. B. Turner, Great North Road, Auckland. 6383 Th, mas, Walter Ernest . . Father : Daniel Thomas, Hiwinui, Bunnythorpe. 5399 Urquhart, A Grandmother: Mrs. Jan(t Urquhart, Featherston. Trevanion 5400 Wilson, James Henry .. Sister: Miss A. Wilson, Rai Valley, Pelorus, Marl- borough. 5401 Walker, Ernest Henry Father : Henry John Walker, hrsden, Auckland. 5402 Watts, Arthur Harold Father : George Watts, Willoughby Sreet Thames, Auckland. 5403 Walsh, James Henry Father : James Henry Walsh, Mackie Street, Waihi, Auckland. 6306' Williams, Frank Jones Father: W. J. Williams, Addinglion Workshops, Christ- church. 6388 . Wilson, Robert Arnold Father : Peter Wilson, Stratford, 5404 „ Young, Ernest .- Father: Frank Young, Taheke, Hokiangao Auckland. 6406 . Younger, George .. Mother: Mrs. Jane Younger, Makino, Feilding, Wel- lington. 12 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



Captain Sommerville, Charles Leslie Father: J. R. Sommerville, No. 2 Line, Wanganui. Lieutenant Parker, Walter James .. Mother : Mrm. Barbara, 86, Grey Street, Auckland. Simpson, Donald Petrie.. Father : Hector Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. . Bullock, George Gilbert. . Mother : Mrs. M. Bullock, Sydney Place, Wanganui. Cotterill, George Robert. . Father : A. J. Cotterill, Napier. 5431 Sergeant-Major Bell, Malcolm James Mother: Mrs. E, Bell, Mation, Rangitikei. 5439 Quartermaster-Sergeant Fraser, Edwin Father: John F. Fraser, Edward Street, Devonport, Gordon Auckland. 5435 Sergemt Denby, Walter Henry .. Father: J. G. Denby, Northcote, Auckland. 5436 „ Snelling, Douglas Cromwell Father : W. H. Snelling, Maungaturoto, Auckland. 5437 „ Linkhorn, Walter Edward. . Father: J. R. Linkhorn, Kenb Streeb, Auckland. 5438 . Allen, Arthur Arnold .. Father: T. W. Allen, Northcote Hotel, Northcote, Auckland.

5440 MoLeod, John Arthur Sister: Miss A. MeLeod, Rawene, Hokianga, Auck- Howard land. 6444 Cory, Donald Henry .. Father: W. H. Corry, care of G, Corry, Cardiff, South Wales. Cousin: Henry Matthew, Wairata, Te Uku, Raglan, Auckland. 554 Armer, George William Father: Henry Armer, Cambridge, Auckland. 5478 „ Fla.vell, John . . Brother: Thomas Flavell, Pukekohe, Auckland. 5433 Farrier-Sergeant Hedley, Edward Brother-in-law: Captain Mewett, care of McGregor Steamship Company. 5434 Saddler-Sergeant Taylor, William Father: J. C. Taylor, North Gisborne, Hawks'ti Bay, 5441 Corporal Wilson, John James Father : James J. Wilson, 9, Sydney Street, Wei- lington. 5442 Stiohbury, Nicholas Colin . Mother : Mrs. M. Stichbury, Newton Road, Auckland. 5443 Petohell, Francis John .. Brother: W. J. Petchell, Stat'on Road, Obahnhu, Auckland. 5445 Robson, Herbert Cecil Sister : Mrs. J. M. Brine, Awhitu Central, Auckland. 5527 Sheahan, John . . Father: Patrick Shea.ban, Wade, Auckland. 5520 Pile, John . . Father: Thomas H. Pile, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. 5505 Malcolm, Neil Campbell Mother: Mrs. Emily M. Malcolm, Avondale, Auck- land. 5472 Carter, Herbert Thompson.. Father: E. Carter, Southview, Timperley, Cheshire, England. Friend: W. Philpott, St. Paul's Cathedral, Auckland. 5448 Saddler Petersen, August Adolph Uncle : Hans Petersen, Crawford Lane, Wellington. Julius 5449 „ Harvey, William Alfred . . Falier: W. Alfred Harvey, Ewington Avenue, Mount Roskill, Auckland. 5450 Farrier Hedley, Joseph William Brother-in-law : Captain Mewett, care of McGregor Steamship Company, Auckland. 5451 Martin, Alfred Ernest Father: Charles Alexander Martin, Opotiki Hotel, Auckland.

5452 Private Arnold, John .. Father: John Arnold, Cambridge, Waikato. 5453 „ Appleton, Ernest George Father: John Appleton, Opotiki, Bay of Plent,v. 5456 „ Andrews, Percy George Mother : Mrs. G. Andrews, Mangs, a noka. 6310 „ Arnold, Henry .. Father : John Arnold, Cambridge, Waikato. 5457 „ Brown, Albert Evans Father: W. T. Brown, Puriri, Thames, Auckland. 5458 „ Bennett, Edward Joseph Father : 0. Bennett, Waiuku, Auckland. 5459 „ Baker, Arthur John Sister: Miss M. Baker, West Street, Newton, Auck- land. 5460 „ Brewin, Percy - Father: James Brewin, Boston Road, Auckland, 5461 . Buckley, Henry George Mar- Father : A. J. Buckley, Perth. Mother: Mrs. M. shall Buckley, Day Street, ofT Beresford Street, Auck- land. 5462 Barker, Thomas Alexander.. Father: Thomas C. Barker, Tapapa, Tiraii, Auckland. 5463 Bratind, Joseph Norman .. Mother: Mrs. Braund, Parliament Street, Auckland. 5543 Brown, Henry Fenton .. Father: T. H. Brown, Gear Company, Wellington. 5464 Colquborn, Ludovic Mother : Mrs. J. Colquhorn, Whangarei, Auckland. 5465 Coe, Henry Caple .- Father: Daniel Ooe, Pirongi& Waikato. 5466 Cowan, Charles Allan .. Father: Charles Cowan, Mount Albert, Auckland. 5467 Chester, William .- .- Mother: Mrs. Offeson, Matai Road, Devonport, Auck- land. 5468 Callagher, Frank Colin Mother : Mrs. Catherine Gallagher, Napier Street, Auckland. 5469 Christian, Arthur Harold Aunt: Mrs. George, Christch,irch. Father : William Christian, Liverpool, New South Wales. 5471 Cox, Francis Joseph Father : F. J. Cox, Huntly, Wa,kdo, Auckland. 5544 Cimino, Charles Tilomas Father: S. Cimino, Boulcott Street, Wellington. ,-75 '5

Militaiv Pensions. 13

No. Rani and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



6319 Private Graig, Henry William .. Father : Robert Craig, Prospect Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland. 5198 „ Delabrosse, Tyrell Lushirgton >Iobher : Mrs. Delabrosse, Whalcap rau, Kaigara. 5473 „ Drawer, Harvey Buckla d. Father: G. B. Drower, New North Road, Auckland. 5474 , Douglas, James .. .. Father: J. Douglas, Hutt Road, Petone, Wellington. 5475 Eivers, Edmund Willian. . . Father : E. Eivers, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 5476 „ Elliott, James .. .. Father: Samuel Elliott, Opotiki, Auckland. 5477 Fenton, Reginald John . . Father : Samuel Fenton, Lawrie Street, Auckland. 5479 „ Foster, John William . Fa6her : David Foster, Belmont Terrace, Remuera, Auckland. 5480 „ Finoh, William John .. Father : Samuel Finch, Western Springs Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. 5481 „ Fox, John .. .. Father: John Fox, Munsen Street, Reefton. 5482 „ Finch, Thomas .- Brother : G. orge Finch, Woodleigh, Glenmurray, Auckland. 5483 . Finch, Samuel .- Father : Samuel Finch, Western Springs Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. 5484 . Gomez, Frank .. .. Sister: Mrs. Ada Cobbett, Waituna, Raglan. 5485 „ Gaby, Ernest Alfred .. Father : A. A. Gaby, Scottsdale, Tagmania. Friend : Rev. W. Woolblss, Birkenhead, Auckland. 5486 „ Gillander, Francis Vincent. Father : Chas. Gillander, Ngaruawahia, Waikato. 5488 . Gresham, Hugh .- Father: Thomas Gresham, Auckland. 6338 „ Graham, Russell Bedford .. Mother: Mrs. Jane S. Grierson, Wairakei. 5489 „ Holmes, Joseph Edward .. Father: John Holmes, Kaiwarra, Wellington. 5490 Horspool, Alfred Otitram . . Father: A. Horspool, Seatield View Road, Auckland. 5491 „ Horne, Robert Robert . . Mother: Mrs. Horne, Tariranga. 5492 . Hamilton, James .. .- Sister : Mrs. Richard., Ardrossan, Scotland. Friend : Bob Little, Kearne's Boardinghouse, Chapel Street, Auckland. 5498 „ Hemphill, Harry Campbell. Father: James Hemphill, Maungatoroto, Kaipar&. 5494 „ Hetherington, Thomas .. Brother: J. W. Hetherington, Ruarangi Post-omce, Auckland. 6847 . Henderson, John .- - Cousin : Mrs. McGonnal, Frankton, Waikato. 5495 „ Johnson, George Richardson Father: T. Johnson, Tiki Road, Coromandel. 5496 „ Kobler, Frederick.. .- Father : Frederick Kobler, Island Bay Hotel, Wet- lington. 5497 , Lennard, Alfred Hai old .. Father: John Palmer Lennard, Harp of Erin Hotel, Ellerslie, Auckland. 5499 . Lysaght, George .- Father: Edward Lysaght, care of Mrs. Williams, Durham Street, Auckland. 5500 „ Ladbrook, Herbert . . Mother: Mrs. Ma,ly Martin, C[1mbridge, Waikato. 5501 „ McKer,zie, Alexander Father: Alexander MeKenzie, Pahi, Kaipara, Auck- land. 5509 „ McGregor, James Alexand, r Friend: Bartholomew Scanlan, Dargaville, Auckland. Father: Sidney A. MoGregor, Edinburgh, Sco,land. 5508 Milne, James Greene .. Father : David Milne, Whakapirau, Kaipara. 5504 „ MeBurney, Stanley Herbert Mother: Mrs. Martha McBurney, Ngaruawahia, Wai. kato. 5506 MeLeod, Murdoch John .. Father: Malcolm McI,eod, Haydon Street, Auckland. 5507 Mcitae, James Hector Father : F. F. MeRae, Kamo, Whangarei. 5508 MeFarlane, William . . Father: John 0. MoFarlane, Huntly, 5510 „ Murray, Donald Colin .. Mother : Mrs. Agnes Murray, Montague Street, New- ton, Auckland. 5511 „ Mahon, James .. .. Father: Martin Mahon, Drury, Auckland. 5512 „ Molloy, Thomas .. Sister: Mr. E. Blackmore, York Street, Newton, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. C. Molloy, Suva, Fiji. 5513 „ Moore, James Alfred . . Moiher : Mro. Jane Moore, 18, Arthur Street, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 6514 Neil, David .- Father: Artliur Neil, Huntly, Auckland. 6515 „ O'Neill, Allan Philip .. Mother: Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge West, Auckland. 6516 „ O'Neill, Frarcia Herbert Mother : Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge, Waikato. 5517 ,, Pike, Reginald .- F.jther : George Pike, Ardmore, Auckland. 5518 „ Parkinson, Freder, ck Onar'es Father : Arthur Parkinson, Opotiki. 5519 . Pevreal, Richard Andrew .. Father : William Pevreal, Waihou, near Te Aroha. 6365 „ Pevreal, Evan .- Father: William Pevreal, Waihou, Waikato. 5621 „ Robertson, James A]exandu Father: James A. R*ertson,· 90, Taranaki Stre.et, Wellington. 5522 „ Reunie, Kenneth John .. Father: Kenneth Reunie, Rotorua, Auckland. 5523 „ Ryan, Henry Ormond .. Brother : Thomas B. Ryan, Hakaru Post·office, Auck. land. 5594 . Soanlan, Edward .. .. Father: Bar6}tolomew Scanlan, Dargaville, NorUl Wairoa. 14 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-Contimled. 6523 Private Stevens, Francis Alfred . . Father : Percv E. Stevens, Hamilton, Waikato. 5526 . Simeet, Henry Thomas . Siqter : Mrs. M. A. Gillespie, 29, Brown S·reet, Auck- land. 5328 „ Smith, John Henry .. Father : J. F. Smith, Manukan, Rotortia. 5529 , Smith, Ernest Lewis . . Father : E. L. Smith, Star Hotel, Tauranga. 5530 „ Selby, Henry George .. Father: Samuel Selby, Parnell, Auckland. 5531 Spilman, Arthur Marson . . Friend: G. L. Maihon, Hamilton, Anokland. Father : Daniel Spilman, Victoria Street, Petone. 5532 „ Spurdle, Frederick Maurice Father : Frederick Morris Spurdle, Ridgway Streel, Wanganui. 6379 „ Seymour, Robert - . . Mother : Mrs. Mary Conrad, care of Mrs. MeNamara, Wingfield Street, Wellington. 5533 „ Thwaitei Ernest Francis . . Father: Francis Thwaites, Maning Street, Auckland. 5534 „ Vaughan, Frederick Louie . Father: Thomas Vaughan, Wainku, Auckland. 5535 „ Wilson, Stanley . - . , Father : D. C. Wilson, Whangard, Auckland. 5536 „ Walker, Henry .. Mother : Mrs. James Walker, Tuparoa, Gisborne. 5537 . Ward, Francis John . . Father : Joseph Grange Ward, Tor View, Cambridge, Auckland. 5538 . Wyman, Ralph .- .. Father: William Henry Wyman, Mangere Bridge, Onehunga. 5539 „ Wray, William John . . Father: William John Wray, Takapuna, Auckland. 5340 „ Wykes, Hector James .. Father: J„siah Wykes, Lincoln Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 5541 . White, Arthur William .. Father: H. White, Papakura Valley, Waikato, Auck- land. 5542 . Webster, George Frederiek. . Father: William Webster, 25, Claremont Street, Auckland. 6387 . Wilson, William .. .- Father: Robert Wilson, Umutaroa, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay.



Lieutenant DaviA, Herbert Moss .. Father: Moss Davis, care of Messrs. Hancock and Co., Auckland, P:acook, Gerald B.resford Father : G. L. Peacock, Devonport, Auckland. „ Shera„ Louis Marie Father : J. M. Shen, Retnuera, Auckland. 6802 Ser·geuit-Major Boddington, Houston Father: J. C. Boddington, Box 23, Masterton. Mayor 6305 Quartermaster-Sergeant Fahey, James Father : Denis Fahey, Collins Street, Hawera, 6303 Sergeant Davidson, Frederick Charles Father: Alexander Davidson, Patea, Wanganui. 6804 M Rankin, John .. .- Mother: Mrs. Clara Rankin, Ingestre Street, Wanga- niii.

6373 , Sheahan, Patrick.. Father: Jeremiah Shea,han, Pated. 6307 Farrier-Sergeant Newcombe, Herbert Father: William Newcombe, Bull's. Wife: Mr,i. Sarah Newcombe, Ahaura, Grey Valley, West Coad. 6809 Corporal Allardice, George Henry Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Allardice, Mangatere, Dan- Frederick nevirke, Hawke's Bay. 6862 . MacDonald, Douglag Mc- Father : Hugh MacDonald, Waituna West, Feilding. Lean 6374 Small, Alfred Charles . . Father. Charles Small, Seafield, Wanganui. 6344 . Hills, Walter Ernest . . Father: J. L. Hills, Hiwinui, Bunnythorpe 6311 Private Adams, William Jobn .. Mother: Mrs. Rose Adams, North Street, Palmerston North. 6312 „ Bland, Harry .- Father : James Bland, Railway Department, Napier, Hawke's Bay. 6313 Bowles, Jesse .. .. Father: George Bowles, Carterton. 6814 „ Baird, Stuart Macdonald . - Father: J. D. Baird, Brunnerton, Taueru, Masterton. 6315 „ Boyd, Arthur .. .. Father: George G. Boyd, Por6 Awanui, East Cape. 6816 e Brown, William .. .. Father: William Brown, Whatapoke, Riverside Road, Gisborne. 6318 „ Campbell, David .- . Uncle: Samuel Campbell, Pihama, Taranaki. 6320 . Cooper, William .- . Father: W. H.Cooper, Nelson Street, Gisborne. 6321 „ Coe, Allan Edwin.. .. Brother : Frank Coe, Irwell, Canterbury. 6892 Cau:ton, Ernest Walter . - Father : H. 0. Caulton, Rowland Lodge, Ep:om, England. Cousin : Alexander Caulton, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 6323 . Campbell, Kenneth .. Sister: Mary D. Campbell, Gisborne, Poverty Bay. 765. Militai·q Pensions. 16

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kln, and Address.



6324 Private Crump, Robert Nixon . . Mother: Mrs. Susan Crump, Palmerston North. 6325 „ Charles, Edmund . . . . Father: Ed. Charlea, Aorangi, Feilding. 6326 „ Croft, Alfred .- . . Father. Alfred Croft, Kumara, Westland. 6327 „ Clinch, Herbert . - . . Father: Geore Olinch, Huntly, Auckland. 6328 „ Coombridge, Wilfred Arthur Father: John Coombridge, Carlton Mill Road, Christ- church. 6329 „ Campbell, Thomas . . Father: Thomas Campbell, Karori. 6330 . Daulton, Thomas Miles .. Father: Thomas Daulton, Te Arai Bridge, Gisborne. 6331 . Elliot, William .- .. Father: John Elliot, Post-office, Hwtings, Hawke's Bay. 6332 „ Fowler, Ernest Nathaniel . . Mother : Mrs. Martha Fowler, Glasgow Street, Wa- nganui. 6334 Fleetwood, William SWE} ile Sister: Jeannette A. Fieetwood, Turakina, Wanganui. 6335 Falvey, John . - . . Father: Daniel Falvey, Clyde Road, Napier. 6339 . Graham, John Henry . , Father : John Graham, Optinake, Taranaki. 6340 „ Gilpin, Edmund .. . . Father: Tbomas Gil pin, Norbh HE,velock, Hawke's Bay. 6341 . Gordon, William . - . . Father: Thomas Gor.ion, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. 6342 „ Glass, Walter William . Father: Charles R. Gla.s, Kokatahi, Hokitika. 6343 „ Green, Harry .. . . Father : Joseph D. Green, Toko, Stratford, Taranaki. 6392 „ Gower, Alfred Robert . . Brother: Herbert Gower, Patea. 6345 „ Hart, George William . . Father : William Hart, Dalefield, Wairarapa. 6346 „ Hampton, Christopher ..Father: David Hampton, St. Andrew's, South Can- teri)ury 6348 * Hendry, Percy .. .. Father: James B. Hendry, Devon Street, New Ply- mouth. 6349 Humfrey, Henry Falford Father : B. G, Humfrey, Cavanaoor, Straban, Ireland. Friend : 0. Neenan, Ormond, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay. 6350 * Hammer, George .. . , Mother: Mrs. Olive Hammer, Fitsherber: Street, Palmerston Nortb. 6308 „ Hatch, George Edward . . Father : George Hatch, Rimu, Hokitika. 6353 „ Jenkins, Frederick . . Father: James Jenkinp, Maybank, Wanganui. 6354 „ Kennedy, Frederick Chafe . . Father : John Kennedy, care of Messrs. Barraud and Abraham, Palmerston North. 6380 . Lindop, Alec John Hulme .. Father : Walter Joseph Lindop, Carterton, Wairarapa, 6356 Lankshear, Sydney Warner.. Father: Robert Lankshear, Colyton, Palmerston North. 6357 „ Lucas, John William .. Father: John Lucas, Railway-station, Palmerston North. 6381 „ Morris, William . . .. Father: William Morria, Ormond, Gisborne. 6359 . Mcaulloch, Douglas .. Mother: Mrs. Lucy McCulloch, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 6360 Maclean, Alfred Hubert .. Mother : Mrs. Sarah Maclean, Bunnythorpe. 6361 „ McChesney, Thomas . . Father : James McChesney, Marton. 6363 „ Nicholson, Victi r Herbert . , Mother: Mrs. Emma Nicholson, Rintoul Street, Wel- tington. 6379 „ Newsham, John .. .. Brother : Barney Newsham, Wbangaroa, Auckland. 6364 Pugh, George - .. Father: G. M. Pugh, Motueka, NeNon. 6367 „ Pownall, David . ,. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Pownall, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 6368 . Pascoe, Richard Owen . . Mother: Mrs. M. A. Pascoe, St. Just, Cornwall, England. 6369 „ Ryan, James .- .. Father: Thomas Ryan, Makuri, Gisborne. 6370 „ Ramsbottom, Louis (known Father : Walter Ramsbottom, Warkworth, Auckland. as Ramsay) 6371 , Robbie, David Barker .. Mother: Mrs. Harriett E. Robbie, Old Hospital Road, New Plymouth. 6375 Stockwell, Thomas . . Father: William Stockwell, Matiait, Taranaki, 6376 Sinclair, Harold Lionel Ay i,s- Father: Duncan Sinclair, Terrace End, Palmerston ley North. 6377 Stimpson, George.. Father: Henry Stimpson, Inglewood, Taranaki. 6378 Sturb, Louis William .. Father : Thomas Stort, 53, Blatchingdon Road, Sussex. Uncle : Thomas Wing, Marton, Rangitikei. 6382 Sadler, Arthur Ernesti Mother: Mrs. Agnes Sadler, Courtenay Street, New Plymouth, 6384 Tier, James .. Father: Robert Tier, Paradise 110[Ld, Napier. 6385 Tate, Alfred James Father: William Tate, Railway Department, Auck- land. 6389 „ Williamson, Charles - Father: C. M. Williamson, Mudooh Road, Epsom, Auckland. 5447 . Williamgon, Hugh Caskey Father: J. B. Williamson, Harp Itoad, Ellerslie, (Pay Clerk) Auckland, 16 Militaflf Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. Brevet Lieut -Colonel Chaytor, Ed Wife: Mrs. Louisa Jane Ohaytor, Blenheim. ward Walter Clervaux Captain Pringle, John .. .. Mother : Mrs. A. Pringle, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Surgeon-Captain Bauchop, William Mother: Mrs. M. D. Y. Bauchop, Grey Street, Port Forfiaith Chalmers. Surgeon - Captuin Rogers, Joseph Mother: Mrs. Annie Rogers, Glenquorch, Atbol, In· Ernest vercargill. Veterinary - Surgeon - Captain Young, Mother : Mrs. A. B. Young, Fordown Station, Kincar- Alexander Reid dineshire, Scotland. Captain and Quartermaster Lewin, Wife: Mrs. Emma Lewin, Park Road, Addington, Montague C. M. Canterbury. Captain and Adjutant Colbeok, Frank Wife: Mrs. Tempe Colbeck, Wakaporau, Auckland. Lieutenant and Paymaster Hay-Mac- Father: Tertius Hay-Maokenzie, Westport. kenzie, Ronald Charles


5715 Regimental Sergeant-Major Jessop, Father : Charles Jessop, Kakahu School, South Can- James Simon terbury. 5716 Regimental Quartermaater Sergeant Brother : Edward Withers, Manukau Road, Parnell, Withere, Thomas Newton Auckland. 5719 Paymaster-Sergeant Oliver, William Father: Rev. W. 0. Oliver, Taranaki Street, Welling- Annut Hill ton. 5718 Regimental Orderly Sergeant Sellers, Father: Frederick P. H. Sellers, Fitzherbert Street, Charles John Patrick Hokitika. 5717 Assistant Quartermaster - Sergeant Mother : Mrs. Ann Fraser, 47, North Road, Forres, Fraser, Robert John Scotland. Friend: David Moir, Ratanui, New Zea- land. 5809 Regimental Orderly Corporal Lewis, Sister: Miss Minnie Lewis, Church Skeet, Timaru. Henry John 5626 Corporal-Dispenser Burke, William Father: William Patrick Burke, Tattersall's Hotel, Joseph Christchurch. 5989 Baxter, Walker. . Mother: Mrs. Emma Baxter, Avonside, Ohristchurch. 5831 Corporal (Veterinary Dispenser) Red- Father : Thomas Redwood, Blenheim. wood, Wilfred Henry

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON. Captain Fooks, Alfred .- Father: Charles Fooks, Ashburton. Lieutenant Manson, John de Putron Father: John Manson, 8, North Villa, Camden Square, London. Friend : W. Bain, Rolleston, Canterbury. , Harper, John Henry Ora- Mother : Mrs. Sarah Harper, Upper Hackthorne, Ash- croft burton. Saunders, Edward .. Wife: Mrs. Margaret Saunders, Ashburton. Joyce, Selwyn .- - Brother: Captain Joyce, Dunedin. 5600 Sergeant-Major Murray, Frank Leslie Father: Frank Murray, Gore, Southland. 5601 Quartermaster-Sergeant Hall, Jessi Father: Thomas Hall, 280, Oxford Terrace, Christ- Bertie church. 5602 Sergeant Greig, James .. .. Father: John Greig, Pleasant Poin6, South Canter- bury. 5603 . Clouston, William . Mother: Mrs. D. Clouston, Geraldine. 5604 . Joseph, Arthur Henry .. Father: Arthur L. Joseph, Kai.toa, Upper Riocarton, Chriatchurch. 5605 „ Collins, Herbert .- - Father: James F. Collins, Kylemore, Inveroargill. 5606 Farrier-Sergeant Cameron, James .. Father : James Cameron, Kowai Bush, Springfield. 5607 Saddler - Sergean Gluyas, Henry Father: William Gluyas, Morven, South Canterbury, James 5608 Corporal Orchard, George .. .. Father : Hiram Orchard, Waikuku, North Canterbury, 5609 . Bates, Walter Norman .. Father: Henry N. Bates, the Supply Stores, Syden· ham. 5610 . Canavan, John William .. Mother: Jane Canavan, Orari, South Canterbury. 5611 . Henderson, James. . Father : William Henderson, sen., Orari, Canter- bury. 5612 . Brown, Robert James - Father : Robert Brown, Hororata, South Canter· bury. 5613 Findlav, James Charleft .. Father: James Findlay, Temuka. 5615 Lance Corporal Vallance, Robert Hugh Father : Hugh Vallance, Sefton, North Canterbury. 5616 Pilcher, Alfred George Mother: Mrs. Mary L. Pilcher, Medbury, North Can- William terbury. 5617 Worthington, Leonard Father: Robert Worthington, Pleasant Point, Timaru, Edward John Milita,y Pensions. 17

No. < Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5618 Shoeing-smith MoPhederan, Colin Faher : Duncan Mcphederan, Fairview, Timaru. Campbell 5663 Glen, Thomas . Father: James Glen, Manchester Street South, Christohurch. 5614 Bugler Byrne, Alexander .. .. Mother : Mrs. Agnes Byrne, 316, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. 5619 Private Anderson, Charles August .- Father: Peter Anderson, Le Bon's Bay, Akaroa. 5620 „ Ayres, Herbert .- Mother : Mrs. Isabella E. Ayres, Avonside, Christ- church. 5621 „ Andrews, John Richard - Mother : Mrs. Elizabelih Andrews, New Brighton, Canterbury. 5622 „ Anderson, Alexander .. Mother; Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, Camside, Kaiapoi 5623 . Andrews, Valentine .. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, New Brighton. 5624 Allan, Alexander .- .- Father: John Allan, Waikari, North Canterbury. 5625 Acton, Francis .. .. Father : Edward Aoton, Pleasant Point, Timam. 5627 Brett, de Renzie Harris . Sister : Mrs. Easton, Bangalore, Opawa, Christchurch. 5628 „ Bilby, John Frederick . Mother : Mrs. Jean Bilby, Palmerston North. 5629 . Blake, Harold Rookwood .. Father: Walter Blake, New Brighton, Christchurch. 5630 . Buxton, Albert Ernest - Brother: William S. Buxton, No. 9, North-east Belt, Christchurch. 5631 . Budge, Walter Thomas .. Mother: Mrs. Marion Budge, View Hill, West Oxford, North Canterbury. 5632 „ Beck, William Arthur .. Father: Adam Beck, 10, Richmond Terrace, Christ- church. 5634 „ Buzan, James Stephen .. Father: Alfred Buzan, Public Gardens, Oamaru. 5685 „ Blank, Edward .. .. Father: Carl Blank, West Oxford, North Canterbury. 5636 Bailey, Harold Desmond .. -Father: Colonel C. S. Bailey, Timaru. 5637 Cuthbert, William George .. Father: Edmund Outhbert, Avonside, Christchurch. 5638 „ Campbell, Donald .- - Father : John Campbell, Fernhill, 86. Andrew's, South Oaderbury. 5639 „ Clark, Albert .- - Grandmother: Mrs. John Wright, Harman Street, Addington. 5640 Carson, Harry . . Father: John Carson, Woodend, Canterbury. 5641 „ Oheeseman, Walter Augustus Father: William H. Cheesman, Olovelly, North Belt, Christchurch. 5642 „ Oavanagh, Pa0riok.- - Friend : F. Robinson, Springfield, North Canterbury. Sister : Miss Bridget Oavanagh, care of Mr. Mulroney, Palmerston North. 5643 „ Cooper, William .. ., Father: Edward W. Cooper, Cust, North Canterbury. 5644 „ Cottrell, Cyril Crispe . . Mother: Mrs. Clare C. Cottrell, Westport, West Coast. 5645 Donaughey, Robert Thomas Father: John Donaughey, Rolleston, Canterbury. 5646 „ Driscoll, Charles .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. 5647 „ Davis, Edward John .. Father: Richard H. Davis, Exeter Street, Lyttelton. 5648 „ Dudley, Charlee Hector - Father: Charles T. Dudley, Glentunnel, Canterbury. 5649 „ Duke, Erned Edward .. Father: Charles Robert Duke, Sumner Road, Lyt- telton. 5650 „ Davis, Cecil Harold .. Father: John Davis, care of H. J. Davis, 182, Oashel Street, Christohurch. 5651 Duncan, George .. .. Sister : Miss Agnes Duncan, New Brighton, Canter- bury. 5652 „ Doyle, James .. ·· Father : Michael Doyle, South Loburn, North Can- terbury. 5723 . Dobson, Robert Ambrose .. Mother: Mrs. Clara Dobson, 189, Durham Street, Christchurch. 5653 „ Fisher, Charles .. .. Brother : William Fisher, 5, Standard Bank Build- ings, Cape Town, South Africa. Friend: H. Stewart, Armagh Street, Christohurch. 5654 «Free, FrankI. I. Brother : Herbert Free, Marshlands, Christchurch. 5655 Farrow, Henry William Father : A. P. Farrow, Opawa, Ohristchurch, McGregor 5656 Gardiner, Sidney .. .. Brother: Owen J. Gardiner, Farm-hand, Fendalton. 5657 Gallagher, Michael .. Father: Hugh Gallagher, Kaiapoi. 5658 Green, Thomas .. .. Father: John Green, Springbank, Moeraki, North Canterbury. 5659 Glenie, Herbert Austin .. Father: James M. Glenie, Sumner, Ohristchurch. 5660 Garcia, Eric Marston .. , Father: Captain Garcia, Inglewood, Papanui Road, Christohurch. 5661 Gallagher, James ., Fathermond, : MartinOhristchuroh, Gallagher, Stapleton'0 Road, Rich· 3 18 M*itary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5662 Private (}efken, Conr&d .. Father : Conrad Gefken, Southbrook, North Canter- bury. 5664 „ Hunter, William Henry Mother : Mrs. Mary Hunter, care of Mrs. Moore, 83, Tory Street, Wellington. 5665 „ Hill, Reginald Frederick Father : Henry P. Hill, Leinster Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. 5666 „ Hawk, Robert - Father: Thomas Hawk, Lowcliffe, Hinds, South Can- terbury. 5667 Horley, Lewis .. Faoher: William Le' is Horley, Woking, England. 5668 Harper, Philip Hamilton Father : George Harper, Cathedral Square, Christ church. 5669 „ Jones, Frederick Cleave Father: John P. Jones, Sumner Road, Lyttelton. 5670 „ Jackeon, William Robert Father: Robert Jackson, care of Mrs. J. Kaan, Wai- mate, South Cantebury. 5671 „ Jones, Charles Booth Father : J. 0. Jones, Union Bank, Rangiora. 6721 Jones, Jonathan Russell Father : George Frederick Jones, care of Lord Glam- gow, Kelburne Castle, Fairlie, Scotland. Friend: Miss Martha Pratt, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. 6672 „ Kelly, Arthur .. Father : William Kelly, Doyleston, Canterbury. 5673 „ Lake, Walter Charles Father: Henry Lake, Upper Riccarton, Christchuroh. 5726 . Lawrence, William Nephew : H. R. Lawrence, care of Moore and Moore, Fruili Exchange, Sydr,ey. Friend : W. Dillon, New Zealand Express Company, Christchurch. 5674 „ Mortland, Alexander Father: Samuel Mortland, Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi. 5675 „ Mellor, Percy .- Father : Timothy Mellor, North Road, Kaiapoi. 5676 . Murphy, Marlin Joseph Father: Edward Murphy, Broadfields, Can terbury. 5677 . Manson, John Hugh Faher: Hugh Mwsrn, Yaldburst, Canterbury. 6678 „ Muir, John .. Father: David Muir, Oakhill, Green Valley, Otago. 5679 Murphy, Arthur .. Father: Denis Murphy, Waitangi, Chatham Islands. 5680 „ Mar}son, Vivian .. Father: Robert Manson, Mardn's Lane, Hilmorten, Spreydon. 5681 „ Miller, Alexander . - Mother: Mrs. Jemima Miller, Fairfield, North Duo- edin. 5682 „ Mintrom, Wilfred . . Father : George William Mintrom, Post-office, Stave- ley, Ashburbon. 5683 , Mulhearn, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Sarah Mulhearn, Little River, Banks Peninsula. 5684 „ MeLaughlin, Andrew John Mother: Mrs. E. MoLaughlin, Darfield, Can:erbury. 5686 . McConaghey, John Father : Mr. Joseph McConaghey, Doyleston, Canter- bury. 5687 „ Mcaleary, Jaseph .. Brother : Richard McCleary, Charles Street, Linwood, Christehurch. 5688 . MaGoverin, Martin Father: Thomas McGoverin, Darfieild, Canterbury. 5689 . Nicholson, Wallace Father : R. H. Nicholson, care of Miss Bowie, Wood- end, North Canterbury. 5725 , Neave, Alfred . . Father : David Neave, 70, Monbreal Street, Christ- church. 5691 „ O'Donnell, Joseph . . ,Father: Daniel O'Donnell, Wilson's Road, Opawa, Obristchurch. 5692 „ Purves, James .. Father : James Purves, View Hill, West Oxford. 5693 „ Revell, Lewis John Father: Henry Revell, Horotueka, Kaiapoi. 5694 « Roberts, Percy Coleman Father : P. Roberts, Post·office, Ashburton. 5695 * Rattray, Alexander Father: Alexander Rattray, Hook, Waimate, South Canterbury. 5720 « Robinson, John .. Father: John Robinsoo, Loweliffe, Hinds, Canterbury, 5724 ,, Rutherford, Leslie A. Mother : Mrs. 0. Rutherford, Rona Bay, Wellington. 5696 „ Scott, Willinm Tasman Mother: Mrs. Mary Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, Ohristehurch. 5697 : Shellock, ArLhur . . Father: George Shellock, South Raka'&, Canterbury. 5698 „ Byrne, David .- Father: James Syme, St. Asaph Street West, Christ- church. 5699 . Sheath, Raymond John Father: J. B. Si eatb, Kyber Pass Road, Auckland. 5700 . Skilling, George . . Brother: John Skilling, Laketide, Canterbury. 5701 ,. Sargisson, Charles H, 11, y Mother : Mrs. 0. Sargison, Tinwald, Ashburton. 5729 „ SmiLb, Sidney Lambert Mother: Mrs. Elizibeth Smith, North Street, St. Albans, Christchurcb. 5702 „ Thompson, Albert . Father: John Thompson, Itakaia, South Canterbury. 5703 . Tippet:,Edward .- Father : John Tippett, McDowell's Road, Upper Ric- carton, Christchurch. 5704 „ Thomson, Arthur Shirley Father : William Thomson, Balmoral, via Christ· church. 5705 * Weekes, Leslie . . Mother: Mrs. Sophia Weekes, Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Military Pensions. 1g

No. Bank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5706 Private Wallace, Charles Gladstone Father: James Wallace, 38, Oxford Terrace, Christ- church. 5707 4, Winter, Frederick . . .- Father : Frederick Winter, Dergholm, Victoria. Friend : Mrs. Cochane, 192, High Street, Christ- church. 5708 , Wallace, Robert .- .- Father: Robert Wallace, Lakeside, Leeston, Canter- bury. 5709 * Ward, Richard - .- Father : Francis Ward, Russell's Flat, Canterbury. 5710 . White, Kenneth Cecil . . Father: John William White, Grasmere, Timaru. 5711 . Winter, George Arnold .. Father: Thomw Henry Winter, Balmoral, Lake Tekapa 5712 „ Williams, Thomas Henry .. Father: Joseph Williams, bootmaker, Waimate, South Canterbury. 5713 „ Walsbury, Thomas - .. Brother: Matthew Walsbury, Patea. 5714 . Watkins, Frederick .- Father: George A. Watkins, 812, Moray Street, South Melbourne, Victoria.

SOUTH ISLAND RE GIMENT.-F SQUADRON. Captain Rhodes, Robert Heaton - Wife: Mrs. R. H. Rhodes, Otahuna, Tai Tapu. Lieutenant Ferguson, George Weir .. Brother : John Ferguson, jun., Melrose, Halswell, Canterbury. „ O'Callaghan, Leslie George Father : A. P. O'Oallaghan, Supervising Valuer, Christchurch. „ Martin, John .- Father: George 0. Martin, Ross, Westland. 5736 Sergeant-Major Freeth, Ernest John Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Freeth, Grove Road, Blen- William heim. 5737 Quartermaster Sergeant Davies, John Father: John Davies, Oxford Street, Lyttelbon. Willis.m 5738 Sergeant Jones, John William . . Mother : Mrs. M. A. Jones, Tiverton, Wilson's Road, Chriatehurch. 6789 ., S,wman, Wallier .- Mother : Mrs. Janet Bowman, Nile Street, Nelson. 5740 „ Childe, Harry Edgar Mother: Mrs. H. Childe, Onslow Street, St. Albans. 5741 Morgan, Charles Frederick.. Mother : Mrs. C. Morgan, Sewell Street, Hokitika. 5743 Sad'aler - Sergeant MoLean, Robert Father: Robert McLean, Lincoln, Canterbury. James 5744 Corporal Bartletb, Albert Ernest . . Father: James Bartlett, Weld Street, Blenheim. 5745 „ Staples, Frederick John .. Father: John Staples, Long Plain, Takaka, Nelson. 5746 Clegg, William James .. Father: John Clegg, Russell Street, Westpor6. 5747 „ Hornig, John Gainsborouglt Father : Charlest Hornig, Bridge Street, Nelson. 5748 „ Harding, Harry .- Mother: Mrs. Eliza Harding, Storm's Gully, Napier. 5750 Lance-Corporal Dunford, Claude .. Sister : Mrs. Simpson, Ferry Road, Christchurch. 5751 „ Dick, Albert James.. Father: William Dick, Spring Creek, Blenheim. 5752 Erskine, John Robert Mother : Mrs. Sarah Erskine, Westport. 5763 , Fox, Charles Frede- Father : Charles Dilworth Fox, Foxdown, Waikari, rick Dilworth North Canterbury. 5754 , Starky, John Bayiitun Father: George B. Starky, Brackenfleld, Amberley. 5755 Thompson, Walter Father: Charles Edward Thompson, Lower Moutere, Darins Motueka„ Nelson. 5756 Shoeing-smith Blissest, Issac A. .. Father: William Bliss86&, Orari, South Canterbury. 5757 „ Brown, Frank .. Mother: Mrs. Martha Brown, Stawell, Victoria. 5749 Bugler Simpson, Bethel Father: Andrew Simpson, Hampstead, Ashburton. 5758 Private Allsop, Richard Coleman .. Father : Arthur Allsop, Halswell, Canterbury. 5759 Anderson, Andrew.. Adopted brother: Fred King, Exchange Hotel, Hoki- tika, 6760 . Barrett, Arthur Frank .. Father; Charles Barrat, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. 5761 , Belcher, James .. . Father: Richard Belcher, Kaiwarra, Papanui lad, Christchurch. 5769 . Butterworth, William .- Father : James Butterworth, Devon Street, New Ply- mouth. 5763 . Boyes, Lionel Arthur . . Father : Thomas Boyes, Mo.bueka, Nelson. 5764 Father : Daniel Bate, Riwaka, Nelson. 5765 Mother: Mrs. Emma Butler, Deloraine, Tasmania, Friend: John Monigitti, jun., Sergead's Hill, West· port. 5766 .Bottom, Robert .- - Father: Albert Bottom, Denniston, West Coasb. 5767 „ Bennett, Leo Percy . Father: William H. Bennett, Manakau, Otaki. 5768 „ Boyce, George .- - Mother : Mrs. G. Boyce, New Road, Blenheim. 5769 Crampton, Philip Douglas . . Father: William George Crampton, Mackenzie, Che- viot. 6770 . Cook, 060 Richard . . Fdher: John G. Cook, Kelly's Road, St. Albans: Chriatchurch. 20 Mititary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-Continued. 5771 Private Colthart, Edward.. Father: Robert Oolthart, Sheffield, Canterbury. 5772 „ Colthart, Thomas.. .. Father: Robert Colthart, Sheffield, Canterbury. 5778 « Cunis, Alfred .. .. Father: Alfred Curtis, 286, Armagh Street West, Christchurch. 5774 Chinn, Thomas .. .. Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Chinn, Crushington, Reefton. 5775 Considine, Peter .. .. Father : Patrick Considine, Fernhill, Victoria. 5776 Orombie, William Dudley Father: William Orombie, Railway Traffic Manager, Stuart Greymouth. 5777 Oongdon, Alfred James .. Mother: Mrs. Emma Congdon, Charles Street, Blen- heim. 5778 Cameron, William Mother : Mrs. Isabel Cameron, Lombard Street, Pal- merston North. 5779 Craze, William Alfred Brother : Harry Craze, care of J. Wilson, Miners' Hotel, Reefton. 5851 0011ins, H. J. .. Brother : Fred Oollins, Christehurch Club, Latimer Square, Christchurch. 5781 Fraser, Thomas .. Mother : Mrs. Helen Fraser, Spotswood, Cheviot. 5789 Grant, William Robert Mother: Mrs. Mary Summerfield, East Oxford, Can- terbury. 5783 Grimwood, Robert Henry Father: Robert Grimwood, Bush Street, Rangiora. 5784 Gibbs, William Archer Father : William Gibbs, Motupiko, Nelson. 5785 Goodman, George.. Mother: Mrs. Fanny Goodman, Waimea Road, Nelson. 5786 Higbam, Mark .. Father : George Higham, Styx, North Canterbury. 5787 Henderson, John .. Mother : Mrs. M. Henderson, Halkett, Canterbury. 5788 Hoskin, George Lewis Father : William Hoskin, Yaldhurst, Canterbury. 5789 Hogg, Edward .. Mother: Mrs. John Hogg, Collingwood Street, Nel- son. 5790 Hogg, Arthur Joseph . . Mother : Mrs Ellen Hogg, Temperance Hotel, Nelson. 5791 Hadfield, Stanley Richard . Mother: Mrs. -Fanny S. Akers, Alton Stree#, Nels,n. 5792 Had field, Charles Alfred . . Father: Harry R. Hadfield, Eltham Road, Blenheim. 5793 Hursthouse, Cabert Fearon Father: Richmond Hursthouse, Motueka, Nelson. 5794 Hudson, Frederick . . Friend: A. M. Smith, Lower Moutere, Nelson. 5795 Hodson, Harry Edmund .. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Hodson, Blenheim. 5796 Hall, Walter Ernesb . Father : H. E. Hall, Hope, Nelson. 5797 Huddlestone, Henry .. Father: Henry B. Huddlestone, Blenheim. 5798 Humphrey, James .. Sister: Miss Elizabeth Humphrey, care of 0. Hu m- phrey, Macetown, Otago. 5799 Henderson, Archer Kenneth Father : W. W. Henderson, care of Louis Predizzi, Ross, West Coast. 5800 Henderson, Albert Alexander Uncle : Frederick Archer, Capleston, Reefton. 5801 Henderson, William Frank.. Mother : Mrs Emily Henderson, 89, Montreal Street, Sydenham. 5859 Hood, Frederick .- .- Mother: Mrs. Oaroline Oharlotte Hood, 97, Cashel Street, Linwood, Christchurch. 5858 Harper, Outhbert Strachery Father: George Harper, Cathedral Square, Chri- church. 5802 Jennings, Martin Andrew . . Father: Andrew Jennings, Picton, Marlborough. 5803 Johnson, Alfred Charles Father: Seldon Johnson, Karamea, Westport. 5804 Lennox, Henry .. .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Lennox, Halkett, Canterbury. 5805 Lambele, Ernest Allason . Father : William Lambele, Haley Park, Strathlogie, Victoria. Friend: F. Ferriman, Ashburton. 5806 Lunn, John NeighofE Mother: Mrs. James Lunn, Collingwood, Nelson. 5807 Lally, Patrick . Brother: Thomas Lally, Greymouth. 5808 Leslie, William Alexander Father: J. D. Leslie, Brittain Street, Hokitika. 5810 Lindon, Isaac .- Father : Daniel Lindon, High Street, Rangiora. 5811 Meredith, Richard Father : Richard Meredith, Tullamore, Springbank, Canterbury. 5812 „ Morrison, Joseph Marie Father : Captain J. Morrison, Weld Street, Blenheim. 5813 . Morvan, Charles . Father: Charles Morvan, Leonard Street, Greymouth, 5814 . Morgan, John Mother: Mrs. James Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara. 5815 . Meharry, James Gilchrist Father : Robert Meharry, Upper Kokatahi, West Coast. 5816 , Machirus, Frederic Henry Sister: Miss Sophia Maohirus, Wakefield, Nelson. Theodore 5817 . MoNiohel, Alexander William Brother: John Hardy MoNiohel, care of T. R. Winton, Riverton, Southland. 5818 * MeDonald, William George Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth MoDonald, Brunnerton, 5819 . Newth, Winfield .. .. Father : Mark Newth, Waimea West, Nelson, 5820 . Nalder, Horace .. . Father: William Arthur Nalder, Baton Run, Nelson, 5821 . Newton, William.. .. Father ; William Newton, Bluff, Southland. Military PenionB. 21

N Rank and Name. Next·of-kin, and Addl ess.



5899 Private Poison, George McLeod .. Mother : Mrs. R. Polson, 2, Disraeli Street, Adding- ton, Christohilroh. 5823 „ Parsonage, Henry John .. Father: John Francis Parsonage, This6le Sbreet, Launceston, Tasmania. 5824 Pahl, Arthur William . . Mother: Mrs. Harriet Pahl, Weka Street, Nelson. 5825 . Quack, Charles Frederick . Friend : Edward Moore, Stock Inspector, Blenheim. Father: Emil Quack, 22, Croxteall Road, Sefbon Park, Liverpool, England. 5826 . Rebay, Alfred .. . Father: Galdino Rebay, Post-omoe, Stafford, West- land. 5827 „ Ryan, Thomas .- Father: George Ryan, Obahuhu, Auckland. 5828 „ Ryan, Robert John :. Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, care of McGrath Bros., Allendale, Victoria. 5829 „ Ryan, James .. .. Brother: Thomas Ryan, Vale Street, Alfredton, Bal- larat West. Friend : Thomas Baxter, Kokiri, Greymouth. 5830 „ Richards, Frank Harold .- Father: James Richards, Nile Street East, Nelson. 5832 „ Reilly, Alphonso .- Mother: Mrs. Sarah Jane Reilly, Takaka, Nelson. 5833 Robertshaw, Leonard . . Father: Frederick J. Robertshaw, Postmaster, Picton. 5834 Righton, Herbert . Father : William H. Righton, 271, St. Asaph Stred, Christchurch. 5885 „ Robinson, William . . Father: William Robinson, Okain's Bay, Akaroa. 5850 . Ryan, William .. Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, Alfredton, Ballarat, Victoria. Friend : Harry Sullivan, Belfast, North Canterbury. 5836 . Steele, Allan Harmer . Father : Richard Steele, 6, Kilmore Street, Christ- church. 5837 Sollitt, George E. .. .. Aunt: Mrs. E. McDonald, Belwyn. 5838 , Sutton, Alexander. . .. Father: Thomas Sutton, Halswell, near Christchurch. 5889 Smith, Sidney Enfield Father: James Smith, Maitai Valley, Nelson. 5840 , Stephen, William Alexander Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Stephen, Orawaiti, West- port. 5841 Todd, Joseph Matthew . . Father: James Todd, Timaru. 5842 « Tubman, Robert - Father : Robert Tubman, Tuoker's Road, Papanui. Christchurch. 5843 Thiele, Frederick Charles Sister : Miss Lily Theile, Stanley Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. 5844 „ Vocasivich, Jeremiah . . Father: Trepo Vocasivioh, Kumara, West Coad. 5845 „ Wilson, Samuel .- Father : Samuel Wilson, Weedon'8, Canterbury. 5846 . Watson, Robert James .. Father: John Watson, care of William Watson, Hal- kett, Canterbury. 5847 , Watt, William .- Father: John Watt, Denniston. 5848 „ Watson, John George . . Father: John Watson, Halswell, Canterbury. 5849 Ward, Norman James Father: James Ward, Onamalutu, Blenheim.

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON. Captain Montgomerie, John Eglinton Mother : Mrs. E. Montgomerie, Eaglesham, Wanganui. Lieutenant Street, Cecil Henry .. Father: Isaac Street, 2, William Street, South Yarra, Melbourne. „ Kels&11, Victor Albert . . Mother: Mrs. Emma Kelsall, 70, Marine Parade, Napier. . Smith, Charles John .. Fdher: Robert Kernon Smith, Marine Parade, Napier. 5872 Sergeant-Major Black, George Corlists Mother : Mrs. Mary Black, Stafford Street, Dunedin. 5873 Quartermaster - Sergeant Mitchell, Father : George F. Mitchell, Balolutha. George 5874 Sergeant Grentell, Alfred Fitchett . Brother: Harding Grenfell, Lees Sbreet, Oamaru. 5875 „ De Lautour, Cecil Andrew.. Father: Dr. H. A. De Lautour, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. 5877 . Eady, William Niven .. Father : John Eady, sen., Miller's Flat, Otago. 5880 . Watt, Charles William Sister: Miss Edith Watt, Main Street, North-east Valley, Dunedin. 5878 Farrier-Sergeant Mcintosh, William Nephew: Angus MoKenzie, Hedgehope, Invercargill. Scobie 5881 Corporal Little, John .- Father : Robert Libble, 286, Oumberland Stireeb, Dun- edin. 5882 Grant, Bartlett . . Father: John Grant, Strachan's Siding, Otiake, Otago. 5883 McGoun, John Todd Father: Allen MeGoun, Ben More Station, Kurow, Oamaru. 6884 „ White, William Frank Father: David Cairns White, Nseby, Otago. 5885 „ Russell, William .. .. Father: Patrick Russell, Helena Street, Dunedin. 5887 Shoting-smith Douglass, John Robert Father: John Douglass, Hampden, Otago. 5888 Ferrar, David Bassett Father : Bassett B. Ferrar, Post-office, OGautau, South. land. 22 Military Pensions.

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address



5886 Bugler Don, Angus Mitohell .. Father : James Don, Hawthornedale, Kaikorai, Dun- edin. 5889 Private Alexander, WilliamFather .. : Edward Alexander, Prince Edward Road, South Dunedin. 5890 Black, George Alexander .. Mother: Mrs. G. Black, Irvine Street, Lawrence. 5891 Burns, Ritchie James - Brother : John Burns, Greta Street, Oamarn. 5892 Blackwood, Archibald George Aunt: Mrs. Alexander B. Smith, Mona Vale, Timaru. Rennie 5893 Brown, Alexander .. Father: Alexander Brown, North-easti Valley, Dull- edin. 5894 Barron, James Father: Alexander Barron, Dunrobin, via Heriot, Ot&go. 5895 Blair, William Whitehouse Father : Robert Blair, Riccarton, East Taieri, Otago. 5896 Bushell, William .- Father : Samuel Bushell, Helena Street, South Duii- edin. 5897 Beagley, Joseph .- Father : J. Beagley, Goodwood, Otago. 5990 Bryan, John Father: James Bryan, Lincoln, Canterbury. 5898 Cameron, Dugal Archibald. . Mother: Mrs. Margaret Cameron, Waitahuna, Otago. 5899 Cushnie, James .. .. Father : James D. Cushnie, Wyndham, Southland. 5900 Carr, William Joshua . . Mother: Mrs. Ann Carr, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin. 5901 Cornish, Richard Alexander Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Cornish, care of Mrs. Mowatt, McGregor Silverstream, North Taieri. 5902 Crombie, John Richard . . Brother: William Orombie, care of J. Horn, Store- keeper, Bannockburn. 5903 Cutts, Edward .. Father : Enoch Cutts, Palmerston South, Otago. 5904 Cummook, Allan . Father : William Oummock, Alexandra South. 5905 Capstick, Leon Albert Mother : Mrs. Janet Capstick, oare of Mrs. Cooper, North Belt, Christchurch. 5906 Oudmore, Henry Carrington Father : D. H. Cudmore, Victor Harbour, South Australia. 5907 Donnelly, William Cooper . . Mother: Mrs. Ann D. Donnelly, Earn Street, Inver- cargill. 5908 Dyer, Thomas .- - Father: Wflliam Dyer, Learmouth, Ballarat, Victoria. Friend : Mr. Schafie, Mount Pisa, Cromwell, Otago. 5909 Duff, Oliver . . Father: William Duff, Dunrobin, Heriot, Otago. 5910 Daysh, Norm&n John Father: Henry Daysb, Konint, Forty-mile Bush, vid Wellington. 5911 Duffey, Frederick.. .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Duffey, Hampden, Otago. 5912 De Lautour, Edgar Frederick Father: Dr. H. A. De Lautour, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. 5918 Darling, Albert James . Friend: T. Power, European Hotel, Dunedin. Father : Robert Darling, Rosedale, Gippsland, Victoria. 5988 Duff, Cecil . . Father : William Duff, Dunrobin, Otago. 5999 Evans, Frederick Charles Father: David Evans, 20, Edward Street, Timaru. 6914 Fraser, Peter Orr . . Mother: Mrs. John Fraser, 31, Clarendon Street, Dunedin. 5915 Fyte, John Henry . .. Friend : John Toner, care of Cox's Temperance Hotel, Dunedin. 5916 Ferguson, George Hepbarn. Mother : Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin. 5985 Geary, Charles Angus .. Mother: Mrs. Jessie Geary, Hanley West, Taieri, Otago· 5917 Gibson, Douglas Charles Father : Thomas Gibson, Woodbaugh, Dunedin. 5918 Goodlet, Alexander Brother: Thomas Goodlet, care of Wright, Stephen- son, and Co., Invercargill. 5919 Goodman, Thorn&s Father : Henry Goodman, Surrey Street, South Dunedin. 5920 „ Geddes, William - Father : James Geddes, Green Island. 5921 „ Hamilton, John Robert Guardian : William Curry, Riversdale, Southland. 5922 e Hogg, Robert .- Father : Edwin Hogg, Helena Street, South Dunedin. 5923 „ Henderson, Alexander Doug- Father : Robert Henderson, Anderson's Bay, Dun- las edin. 5986 „ Harvey, David .. .. Father : David Harvey, Ashwick Flat, Fairlie, South Canterbury. 5993 Harper, Leonard Father: John A. Harper, St. Martin's, Opawa, Christ- church. 5994 s Hunter, E. J. D. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, Riverton, Southland. 6924 „ Ingle, Claude Friend: A,' Battersby, Helena Road, Caversham, Dunedin. Military Pensions. 23

No. Rank and Name. 1 Next-of-kin, md Address.



5925 Private Johnston, William Aitken . Father : Thomas Johnston, Middlemarch, Central Otago. 5926 Jolly, Jack . , Father : David S. Jolly, Moray Place, Dunedin. 5927 „ James, Frederick William . ' Father : Frederick William ,James, 53, Melville Street, Dunedin. 5928 „ Jennings, John .- Father : JameR Jennings, 54, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. 5929 ,. Jeffery, Lawrence . . Father : George Jeffery, Stationer, Lawrence. 5930 . Johnston, William Aitken Sister : Miss Rebecca Johnston, care of Peter Aitken, Royal Arcade, Dunedin. 5931 „ Jones, Alfred .. ,. Friend: Michael Meenan, Moray Place, Dunedin. 5932 „ James, William Henry .. Father: William James, Clydesvale, Waiwera South. 5991 w Johnston, Charles Frederick Mother: Mrs. Eubertone Johnston, Pluades, South Ro&d, Wellington. 5933 „ Kenny, Stephen .. .. Father: Simon Kenny, Henley, Dunedin. 5934 „ Keogh, John Lawrence .. Father: Patrick Dennis Keogh, Milton, Otago, 5935 , King, Francis Joseph .. Father : Frederick William King, Glenavy, South Canterbury. 5936 . King, Frederick William .- Father: Frederick William King, Glenavy, South Canterbury. 5937 „ Knight, Frank Harvey .- Father: Harvey T. Knight, 249, Evering Road, Clap- ton, London. Friend : Mr. J. R. Fairbairn, care of Victoria, Insurance, Dunedin. 5938 „ Muir, John Hay .. .. Mother: Mrs. R. S. Muir, Burke Street, Mornington, Dunedin. 5939 . Murray, James Dingwall .. Mother : Mrs. Atalanta Murray, George Street, Dun- edin. 5940 „ Maude, Henry Fairfax .. Father: Arthur Hay Maude, Elvington, Oamaru. 5942 „ Mearns, William James .. Father : William R. G. Mearns, Brown Street, Morn- ington, Dunedin. 5943 „ Miller, David . . Father: Andrew Miller, Sawyer's Bay, Dunedin. 5944 „ Mathie, William Edward . Father: Alexander Mathie, Richardson Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin. 5946 . MacGregor, James B. Father : Archibald MaoGregor, Richmond Street, South Dnnedin. 5947 . MoGregor, James .- Father : Alexander McGregor, Goodwood, Palmerston South. 5948 . MeKnight, Robert Father: James McKnight, Blackstone Hill, Otago. 5949 „ MoBride, John .. .- Father : Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, Otago. 5950 „ MeNaughton, John .. Father: James MeNaughton, Ida Valley, Ophir, Otago. 5951 „ MeLelland, Alexandereoulter Mother: Mrs. James MoLelland, Eddystone Street, Kaitangata. 5952 . MeBride, Robert .. .- Father : Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, Otago. 5953 . MoKercher, John .- Father : Donald MoKercher, Post-office, Benmore, Invercargill. 5954 . MeAllister, Peter Gray . . Father: John McAllister, Lower Shotover, Queens- town. 5987 . McDonald, James .. Sister: Miss Mary F. McDonald, Fabian's, Great Latham, near Withem, Essex, England, Guardian : Mrs. Agnes Nimmo, 127, Albion Street, Dunedin. 5955 „ Nicholls, Jesse Charles . . Mother: Mrs. Mary S. Nicholls, Milton, Otago. 5956 „ Nelson, James .. Father: James Nelson, Owaka, Otago. 5957 „ Orlowski, John Andrew ., Mother : Mrs. A. Orlowski, Waihola, Otago. 5958 „ O'Kane, Patrick Jameg Father : Patrick O'Kane, 8, Arthur Street, Dunedin. 5959 Paterson, George Anthony Father: George Paterson, Herbert, North Otago. 5960 „ Price, William ..,, Father : Henry Price, 187, Walker Street, Dunedin. 5961 „ Potter, Henry John Father: Robert Potter, care of Mrs. R. Potter, King Street, North Dunedin, 5969 „ Rosenbrock, Frederick . . Father: John Rosenbrock, Argyle Street, Dunedin South. 5964 „ Roy, Peter Father: John Roy, Moonlight, Macrae's, 0'ago. 5965 . Rowlatt, Edmund Pycroft . Father: George F. Rowlatt, 61, Serpentine Avenue, Dunedin. 5966 „ Rankin, William . Mother: Mrs, Margaret Rankin, 176, Maitland Stieet, Dunedin. 5967 Father : Robert Shand, Waihola Post-office, Otago. 5968 ; Sbrp,'Roert Me611'nm Father: Robert Peter Sharp, Balclutha, Otago. 5969 Bandeigon, Will:am Mother: Mrs. J. Sanderson, Anderson's Bay, Dun- edin. 24 Mititary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-contimied, 5970 Private Skinner, Lewis .. . Mother : Mrs. J. A. Skinner, North-east Valley, Dunedin. 5971 „ Father:Scott, William James Henry R. Scott, Crawford Street, Dunedin. Robertson 5972 Stewart, Duncan . Brother: James Stewart, Outram, Otago. 5973 Scott, William .. .. Friend : Mrs. Hislop, 5, Forth Street, Dunedin. 5974 Third, William . Father: James Third, Post-office, Gisborne. 5975 Tennant, Edward Cowper Father: Edward Tennant, Port Chalmers, Otago. 5976 Waldie, James .- .- Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. 5977 Waldie, Gilbert Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. 5979 Williamson, Robert Alexander Father: Sinclair Williamson, Waitahuna, Otago. 5980 Whiston, William - Mother: MrB. Margaret Whiston, Post-office, Dunedin. 5981 Woodhouse, Archibald Steel Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Woodhouse, Bannockburn, Otago. 5982 Watb, William .- . Mother: Mrs. John Watt, Denniston. 5983 Willett, Neill Malcolm Camp- Mother : Mrs. Annie Willett, Forbury Road, Caver- bell sham, Dunedin. 5984 Watts, James Gilbert .. Mother : Mrs. Maria Watts, West Plains, Invercargill.


Captain Haselden, John LaneFather .. : William Reeve Haselden, Wellington. Lieutenant Orbell, Henry ScottMother ., : Mrs. Margaret Orbell, Waikouaiti, Otago. . MeNab, AlexanderBrother .. : Robert McNab, M.H.R., Knapdale, Gore. „ Vallance, James BairdFather .. : James B Vallance, 8, Hartley Street, Wolverhampton, England. Cousin: H. Vallance, Karori, Wellington. „ Palmer, Sydney Robert . . Father: Robert Palmer, Eltham, Taranaki. 6008 Sergeant-Major Wright, Thomas Ran- Brother : Donald M. Wright, Fitzgerald's Avenue, dall Wellington. 6009 Sergeant Frisken, John Thomas . . Sister: Miss Amie Frisken, Myross Bush Po86-office, Inveroargill 6010 Massey, Edward John .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Massey, Riddle Street, Oamaru. 6011 MeAnley, Robert William . Father: John James McAuley, Portobello, Dunedin. 6012 Forsyth, Henry .. .. Father : George Forsyth, Portobello, Dunedin. 6017 Hunter, Ernest George Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, Post-office, Riverton, Southland. 6013 Farrier - Sergeant Orange, George Father : Albert E. Orange, -Riccarton, East Taieri. Alfred 6014 Saddler - Sergeant MoKay, William Father: Hugh MoKay, Rotherham, North Canter- John bury. 6015 Corporal Bissett, Roderick.. .. Mother : Mrs. C. Bissett, Wainui, Southland. 6016 „ Whitehead, David Lunam,. Mother: Mrs. Mary Robertson, 92, Stewart Street, Dunedjn. 6019 MoAnally, Samuel Half-brother : William MoKenzie, Orepuki, South- land. 6028 Austin, Charles Harold Father : Charles Austin, Conolly Place, Beaconsfield, Orange River Colony, South Africa. Friend : Wil. liam Wilson, 130, Leet Street, Invercargill. 6091 Lance-Corporal Smaillie, David Father : J. H. Smaillie, Wingatui, Mosgiel. 6022 „ Findlay, John Father: Robert Findlay, Mosgiel Woollen - mills, Otago. 6023 Cameron, William Sister : Mrs. William Perry, Hawea Flat, Otago. Francis 6024 „ Harris, William . . Father : Samuel Harris, Kyeburn, Otago, 6026 Shoeing- Smith Cook, Lewis George . Father: Reuben Cook, Colao Bay, Southland. 6027 „ Cheyne, John .. Mother: Mrs. A. L. Cheyne, Arrowtown, Otago. 6020 Bugler Barden, Thomas Henry Father: Humphrey Barden, Charles Stred, Kaiapoi. 6030 Private Butt, James William . . Mother: Mrs. Emma Butt, Waikiwi, Invercargill. 6031 „ Boyd, Archibald Neil - Father: Archibald Boyd, 8, Eden Street, Pelichet Bay. 6032 . Barlow, Jamea .. .. Mother: Mrs. Susan Barlow, Church Street, Parra- matta, New South Wales. Friend : Mrs. Kate Bar- low, 12, Gladstone Street, Sydenham. 6033 Black, James ,. Brother : David Black, Wendor, Riversdale, Southland. 3034 Brown, Victor .. Sister: Miaa Eva Brown, Sheffield, North Canterbury. 6036 Bruce, James .. Father: George Bruce, Phoenix Mills, Oamaru. 6086 Banks, John Father: William Banks, -Riversdale, Southland. 6037 Boyle, Thomas , Father: Timothy Boyle, Gore. 6038 Browning, Ernest Ames Father : John Browning, Pukerau, Southland, *-«ld-1 Military Pensions. 25

No. Rank and Name. Neit-of-kin, wd Address.



6039 Private Bruce, George .. Father : George Bruce, Phcenix Mills, Oamaru. 6041 Bradley, Paul Thomes .. Father: Auton Bradley, 17, Andrew Street, Sydenham. 6042 , Bourne, Charles Spencer .. Father: Charles F. Bourne, Christ's College, Christ- church. 6048 Brown, Henry .. .. Mother: Mrs. Ellen Brown, Denniston, vid Westport. 6129 , Barnes, George Ernest - Father : W. H. Barnes, 30, Gloucester Street, Linwood, Christchurch, 6044 „ Corson, John George .. Father : William Corson, 216, Leith Street, Dunedin. 6045 . Condon, Richard . . .. Brother : Redmond Condon, Milton. 6046 . Cook, Robert .. ,- Father: Andrew Cook, West Plains, Invercargill. 6047 „ Clyma, William James N:iri,e Father: John Clyma, 179, Princes Street, Dunedin. 6048 . Canty, Michael .- . Mother : Mrs. James Oanty, Bimu, near Longbush, Southland. 6050 * Dysaski, Frank .- - Father : John Dysaski, Allanton, Taieri, Otago. 6051 , Devon, Walter .- Mother : Mrs. Margaret Devon, Gimmerburn, Manio- toto, Otago. 6131 * Dodd, Charles William .. Father. John Dodd. Manchester Street, Christehurch. 6132 . Debenham, Frederick - Mother : Mrs.Clara Debenham, 90, Manchester Sbreet, Christchurch. 6052 Edgar, John .. .. Father: John Edgar, Queenstown, Oago. 6053 I Elston, Samuel George . . Father : Harry Elston, Palmerston South, Otago. 6054 . Emerson, Albert Leslie . . Father : Thomas Emerson, Railway-station, Oamaru. 6055 Eapt, Herbert Edward - Father : Alfred Edward East, New Brighton, Canter- bury. 6059 . Fulton, Norman Macfarlai:c Mother : Mrs. 0. Fulton, Fendalton, Christchurch. 6056 . Fletcher, Richard.. Mother: Mrs. W. Fletcher, Lower Shotover, Otago. 6057 „ Grant, William Chisholm .. Father : George Grant, Middlemarch, Otago. 6060 „ Harvey, John .- Father: John Harvey, Maheno, Otago. 6061 . Hayes, William Hugh .. Father: James Hayes, Halswell, Canterbury. 6126 * Harris, James .. .. Sister : Miss Sarah Harris, Athol, Southland. 6133 . Hutchison, Frank Haugthy Sister: Miss Annie Hutchison, New Plymouth. 6062 . Jarrett, Frederick. - Brother : Richard 0. Jarrett, Murray's Foundry, Wanganui. 6063 . Jones, John Henry .. Sister : Mrs. D. Richards, Scranton, Penn., U.S.A. Friend : Robert McDowell, Wendonside, Southland. 6064 . Jones, Charles .- . Sister : Miss Mabel Jones, Convent, Dunedin. 6065 . Joyce, Michael Disraeli .. Sister : Miss Blanche Joyce, 165, North Belt, Christ- church. 6066 . Jordan, Benjamin Steven .. -Father: Frederick W. S. Jordan, Church Street North, Rangiora. 6067 . Kennedy, Robert Alexander Father : Robert Kennedy, College Stred, Oaver- sham, Dunedin. 6068 . Kidd, Thomas .- . Father: IIenry Kidd, Albury, South Canterbury. 6069 * Kracke, Frederick William Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Rambanul, Mandeville, Ernest Southland. 6070 . Kirk, William Henry .. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Kirk, Middlemarch, Central Otago. 6671 . Lowe, Francis David .. Mother : Mrs. F. S. Lowe, Styx, North Canterbury. 6072 . Lilburne, Herbert Thomas Sister : Mrs. 0. C. Hood, Milton, Otago. Alexander 6074 * Leeden, Walter John .. Stepmother: Mrs. David Leeden, Gladstone Road, Mosgiel, Otago. 6075 Laughton, John .- .. Mother : Mrw. L. C. Forsyth, Owaka, Otago. 6076 . Lyness, Robert .. .. Sister: Mrs. Jean Gallagher, Gibbon Street, Syden- ham. 6077 Lee, Patrick Father: John Lee, Woodlands, Southland. 6123 Lehrs, Peter Edward Wil Father: Timothy Lehrs, Waihi Mines, Auckland. liam 6078 Mason, William Walter - Brother: Oliver Mason, Napoleon'i, Ballarat, Vio- toria. Friend: Gustavo Belami, Kokiri, Greymouth. 6080 Malcolm, John Joseph .. Mother: Mrs. Esther Malcolm, Forbury Road, Caver- sham, Dunedin. 6081 Mulford, Alfred James . Father : Albert Mulford, Peter Street, Ashburton. 6082 Mayne, George Henry .. Father : John Fred Mayne, Napier Street, Auckland. 6083 McDonald, Thomas Thomp- Father . Captain John MaDonald, Flagstall, Bluff.

son 6084 Macdonald, Archibald Hut- Father: James Macdonald, Thames Street, Oamaru. chison 6085 Maloney, John .. . Father S. Maloney, Little River, Canterbury. 6086 McLean, Alfred .. .. Father Henry MeLean, Gladstone, Invercargill. 6087 MoLeod, Murdock .. Father Roderick MeLeod, Seacliff, Dunedin, 4 26 MiZitary Pensions.

No. .Rank amd Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGI1IENT.-H SQUADRON-Contin*ed. 6088 Private Murray, Maurice .- - , Mother : Mrs. Eliza Murray, 156, North Main Street. Yongh&, Countv Cork, Ireland. Friend: Joseph Old· field, care of Mr. O'Rok, Fendalton, Christehurch. 6089 , Mehrtens, Charles William 1 Father : Henrich Mehrtens, Camside Farm, Rangiora 6130 MeBride, Andrew Lindsay . Mother : Mrs. Jessie March, Lake Wanaka, Otago. 6090 . Niven, William Alexander . Father : James Niven, High Street, Southbridge, Canterbury. 6091 . Neilaon, Andrew .. Father : Soren Neilson, Pahiatila. 6092 „ Osborne, Robert .- , . 1 Mother: Mrs. Annie Osborne, Middlemarch, Central Otago. 6093 „ O'Brien, Edward,AlberL Father: Joseph O'Brien, Fitzherbert Strelt, Hokitika. 6094 . Owen, Albert Charles .. Father : Albert Owen, Long Bush, Inveroargill. 6095 „ Parker, John Henry 11 Father: Thomas Parker, Stirling, Otago. 6096 „ Pearson, Thomas Louis Father : Thomas Louis Pearson, Millerton, Westport. 6097 . Pow, James .- Father: James Pow, Edendale, Southland. 6098 „ Pocock, Reginald Victor .. Father: George Pocock, Seafield, Ashburton. 6099 „ Pinkerton, Robert Brother: George Pinkerton, Fairlie, South Canterbury. 6100 „ Plumridge, Harry.- ,- Father: Thomas Plumridge, Lincoln Road, Spreydon, Canterbury. 6122 „ Pearson, Alfred E. .. Father: Alfred Maidstone Pearson, Magistrate's Court, Oamaru. 6121 „ Peake, Charles Ernest .. Father : James F. Peake, Leith Street, Dunedin. 6101 „ Quinn, Thomas - Father: William Quinn, Tapanui, Otago. 6102 „ Reay, William .. .- Mother : Mrs. William Reay, Washington Valley, Nelson. 6103 „ Ross, Donald .- Father: Donald Ross, Riversdale, Southland. 6104 „ Rogers, Percy .- - Mother: Mrs. Clara Rogers, Fitzroy, Melbourne. Sister: Miss Alice Rogers, care of Mrs. Whyte, Strathtay, Woodhaugh, Dunedin. 6105 „ Ronan, Michael .- - Father: William Ronan, Dipton, Southland. 6127 „ Roberbs, Charles .- - Friend : H. Murray, City Fire Brigade Station, Dun- edin. Sister : Mrs. Hannah Fredericks, Fitzroy, Victoria. 9106 „ Sebelin, Thomas Charles . . Father : Henry Sebelin, Hyde, Otago. 6107 „ Sanderson, George D. Grant Father: George Sanderson, Kakanui, Otago. 6108 . Sherwill, William . . Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Sherwill, Wyndham. 6109 Smith, Joseph .. .. Father : James C. Smith, Woollen-mills, Mosgiel, Dunedin. 6110 * Stephenson, Thomas .- Father : J. G. Stephenson, corner Humffray and Brad bury Street, Ballarat, Victoria. Friend: McCracken, 52, Rintoul Street, Wellington. 6111 . Symonds, Benjamin Lewis. Fdher: Harold Symonds, Omihi Valley, Waipara. 6128 . Stringer, Edric Harold . . Father : Joseph Henry Stringer, 74, Stanmore Road, Linwood, Christchurch. 6135 . Simpson, George Cern .. Mother: Mrs. Amelia Simpson, 82, Waverley Road, Woolla.hra, Sydney, New South Wales. 6112 „ Tall, Benjamin Thomas .. Father : B. E. Tall, Alexandra South. 6113 „ Turner, William.. Mother: Mrs. Mary Turner, Outram, Otago. 6114 . Thomas, Nicholson Lindsay Father: Nicholas Thomas, Belt Street, Waimate, South Canterbury. 6116 . Whetter, William . . Mother: Mrs. A. Y. Templeton, Waikousiti, Otago. 6116 „ Wilson, Charles .- Friend : Miss L. Burns, Post-office, Wellington. 6117 „ Wise, George Francis .. Father: Osborne R. Wise, Queen's Hotel, Oamaru. 6119 „ Way, Arthur Levelis Hine Father : George Edward Way, Oraiti, Port Hills, Christchurch. 6120 „ Williams, Frederick Arthur Father: Arthur Williams, Waimahaka, Inveroargill. 6125 Wheeler, M. Thomas .. Father : Cornelius Wheeler, Falgrave and Stephen Streets, Sydenham, Ohrighhuroh.


NOMINAL ROLL OF BELIEFS FOR SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGE)ITS. 6144 Sergeant - Major Hardy - Johnston, 1 Mother : Mrs. Emma Hardy-Johnston, 103, Hereford Charles Augustus Masterman Street, Linwood, Christchurch. 6145 Sergeant Caml, William Matthew ,- Father : Robert Cann, Motupipi, Takaka, Nelson. 6146 Corporal Spear, Howard Walshe - Father : Frederick Spear, Washington Valley, Nelwn. 6147 Haage, James Herbert - Father: Otto Haase, Belgrove Hotel, Belgrove Wall, Nelson. Fi 4-" Military Pensions. 27

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



6148 Private Atkins, Bernard Neil .. Father : John Atkins, Motueka, Nelson. 6149 Atkinson, Arthur .- - Father: Frederick Atkinson, Beachpille, Nelson. 6150 . Bonar, Hugh Gordon .. Mother: Mra. Ella Margaret Bonar, Stafford Areet, Hokitika 6176 . Bjermqvist, Charles Henry.. Sister : Miss Nellie Biermqvid, Wellington Hospital, 6235 , Beck, Albert .- ./ Mother: Mrs. Margaret Beck, 7, Cambridge Terraae, Wellington. 6177 , Boyce, William Henry - Father : Henry Boyce, 163, Victoria Street, Christ- church. 6178 , Bowers, James .. .. Sister : Mrs. Porter, 117, Oarlyle Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. 6337 Brenobley, Thomas Freeman Father: Thomas Brencbley, Mauriceville, Wairarapa 6336 . Berry, Edwin Thomas .. F. Berry, Office Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. 6180 . Clark, Alexander .- -· Mother : Mrs. Marion Clark, Rockyside, Caversham, Dunedin, 6181 . Campbell, Richard .. Father : Archibald Campbell, 848, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. 6179 . Craig, William Westwood .- Mother : Mrs. Flora Oraig, Colombo Street, St. Albans, Christchurch, 6182 , Devereux, Clement Lawrence Father : Peter Devereux, 48, Cashel Street, Christ- church. 6188 . Dolg, John Rattray - Aunt: Mrs. Jane Rattray, Hook, Waimate. 6185 „ Dawson, Arthur John .. Father : Thomas Dawson, Hornby, Christchurch. 6186 * Dunn, Roy Hawthorne . Mother : Mrs. F. 0. Dunn, 18, Gordon Avenue, Kew, Victoria. Friend : Jack Horner, Star and Garter Hotel, Waikari, Canterbury. 6151 . Edgar, James .. . Father : Robert Edgar, Nelson, British Columbia, North America. Brother: George Drummond Edgar, Reefton. 6152 . Edgar, Frederick Matthew- Father: Robert Edgar, Nelson, British Columbia, North America. Brother : George D. Edgar, Reef- ton. 6153 . Eden, Albert .. '' . Father : 0. H. Eden, Motueka, Nelson. . 6154 . Erskine, James Thomas .. Father : Robert Erskine, Carter's Junction, Cape Line, Westport. 6187 . Evatt,Samuel Thomas .. Father: Richard Chaplain Evatt, Department of Agri- culture, Wellington. 6188 . Everest, Frank William .. Father : William Everest, Shag Point, Otago. 6189 , Ewart, William - 1 Mother : Mrs. Johanna Ewart, Cannibal Bay, Owaka, Donedin. 6190 „ Edwards, William.. .. Mother: Mrs. Amelia Edwards, Coquet Street, Oamaru. 6155 . Fogden, William Francis . . Father : William FranciB Fogden, 27, Cambridge Ter- race, Wellington. 6191 . Fyffe, William .. .. Father: David Fyffe, Miliburn, Otago. 6192 . Gray, Alfred .. Father: Thomas Gray, 7, Armagh Street, Christ- church. 6156 . Goodman, James - Mother: Mrs. Fanny Goodman, Waimea Road, Nel-

son. 6157 . Goodman, Mark Newland -Father: William Robert Goodman, Swan Road, Robert Motueka. 6158 Gresson, John .- Stepfather : S. J. Gordon, Union Bank, Ashburton. 6193 . Garrett, Herbert Edward .. Brother : George Garrett, North Avon Road, Rich- mond, Christchurch. 6194 * Goodwin, John William - Father: J. Edward Goodwin, Palmerston Bouhh. 6159 . Harris, James Alfred - Mother : Mrs. Emily Harris, care of James A. Harris, Washington Valley, Nelson. 6160 ,. Hodge, Fran cis Victor . . Father : Charlrs Stephen Hodge, Port Chalmers, 6195 „ Hendry, Frederick . . Father: J. B. Hendry, Devon Street, New Plymouth. 6196 . Harrington, Edmund Alma Mother : Mrs. Lottie Harrington, Bridle·path, Lyttel- ton. 6355 . Harding, Henry William . Brother: George Harding, Akaroa. 6197 „ Irvine, William .- .. Cousin : Alfred Canning, Michie Street, Roslyn, Dun- edin. 6198 . Innes, Henry Edmund .. Father : Henry Innes, Goodwood, Palmerston South. ,&199 „ Johnston, Arthur James .. Father: Charles E. Johnston, 224 Montreal Street, Christchurch. 6200 . Jones, Robert Aleck . Mother : Mrs. Ellen Hempstalk, Bridle·path, Lyttel- ton. 6161 . Kelling, Alfred .. .· Moiher: Mrs. Anna Kelling, Wakefield, Nelson. 6162 . Knapp, Kempater.. Father: William Harvey Knapp, Spring Grove, Nel· i son. 28 Mititary Pelwions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NOMINAL ·ROLL OF BELIEFS FOR SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS-contintied. 6164 Private Lyes, George Father.. .. : George Lyes, sen., Lower Kokatabi, West Coast. 6201 „ Lacey, Walter ThomasFather .. : Richard Lacey, Mersey Street, Gore, Souh- land. 6202 Lee, Willi&m . . Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, Eden Street, Oamaru. 6175 Murray, William George Father : William George Murray, Hokltika, West Coast. 6165 Miles, William Howard Father: Henry William Miles, Cheviot, Canterbury 6166 Martin, Russell . . Father : Charles Martir}, Ngatimote, Nelson. 6167 Merrett, William Charles Father: George Merrett, Bongotes, Manawatu. 6203 Marsh, Oharles . - Sister : Mrs. Nellie Free, New Brighton, Chris:church. 6204 Mooney, Thomas .- Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Mooney, Magnetic Street, 1 Port Ohalmers. 6205 Meffen, Robert Mackintosh ' Father : Robert Mcintosh Meffen, Black's Road, North-east Valley, Dunedin, 6206 Myers, Mark .. Father : A. Myers, 9, Oetsgon, Dunedin. 6209 Martin, James .. .. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Luony, Hamna, vid Pahiatua. 6168 MoDonald, George Conrad . Mother : Mrs. F. McDonald, Oollingwood Street, M et-

son. 6169 Maefarlane, William Hum Father: Duncan Maofarlane, Hokitika. bolt Stephen 6384 MeNab, Alexander Mother : Mrs. Jessie MaNab, South Oamarn. 6207 McQrlilian, Archibald Father : James McQuillan, Geraldine, Canterbury. 6208 MeLeod, William James Mother: Mrs. Catherine R. McLeod, Melrose, Dun- edin. 6210 O'Donnell, Mdhew Father : John O'Donnell, West Eyreton, Canterbury. 6211 Odey, George Father : Henry OJey, Kakanni. 6212 Ogg, John .. Father: John Ogg, Main South Road, Dunedin. 6213 Paul, James . . Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Paul, Waihi, Upper Thames, Auckland. 6214 Phillips,Charles . Brother : John James Phillips, Wakatipu, Southland. 6215 Parlane, William . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Parlane, Spencer Street, Milton. 6216 Partridge, William Henry . Father: Joseph Partridge, care of James Partridgel Dallington, Obtristchuroh. 6388 Pigh, John Mother : Mrs. Jessie Pugh, St. Albans Lane, Christ- church. 6170 Rowling, Fletcher. . Father: Edward Rowling, Riwaka, Nelson. 6217 Robertson, James. Father : John Robertson, Ashley, North Canterbury. 6218 Reekie, Christopher Father: John Harnot Reekie, Anderson's Bay, Dun· edin. 6219 Russell, James Mother: Mrs. Janet Russell, Main South Road, Dunedin. 6220 Rule, William . Father : Harry James Rule, Coquet Street, Oamaru. 62gl Rodgers, Harry Taylor Father: ThomaS Rodgers, Dee Street, Oamaru. 6171 Stuart, Thomas James Father: James Stuart, Rimu, Hokitika. 6172 Scott, Arthur Edward Mother: Mrs. Helen Scott, Omoto Road, Greymouth. 6173 Singer, Jobn .. Father: John Singer, Kanieri, Nelson. 6222 Shaw, Robert George Father: Robera Shaw, Gimmerburn, Otago. 6223 Smith, Alfred Elston Father : Alfred Smith, Reed Street, Oamaru. 6224 Short, James . - Father: Thomas Short, Dilddingston, North - east Valley, Dunedin. 6925 Tbomson, Thomas Father: John Thomson, 171, Armagli Street, Christ- church. 6226 Thompson, Robert Father.John Thompson, South Rakaia. 6227 Thomas, John Henry Father: John Thomas, Lincoln, Canterbury. 6928 Turner, Thomas . Mother: Mrs. Agnes Turner, Hull Street, Oamaru. 6174 Wilson, Marmaduke Father . Marmaduke Wilson, Souh Street, Nelson, 6229 Williams, Arthur . . Father: Lionel CharleB Williams, New Brighton, Christchurch. 6230 Wilson, James Grant Father : James Grant Wilson, Humphrey's, Hokitika. 6231 Woodford, Joseph .. Brother: Henry Woodford, Green Island, 06ago. 6232 Welsh, Thomas .. Father : James Welsh, Addison Street, Sydenham, Christchtirch. 6233 ® Williams, Thomas Mrthir: Mrs, Aunie Jane Williams, Dubliu Sbreet, Lyttelton. 4 1 28A Militafy Penmions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



5966 Private Cohen, Percy Arthur . . Brother . S. Cohen, Maarama Crescent, Wellington. 5997 Hulme, Percy Growcott .. , Mother : Mrs. E. Hulme, 160, Regent's Road, Mount Pleasant, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. 6134 „ Campbell, Arthur Milton .. Father: A. J. Campbell, " Talca," Edgeclifie Road, Woollahra, N.S.W. 5993 „ O'Brien, Daniel Christopher Father: Jeremiah O'Brien, Stafford Street, Hokitika. 5998 1 „ Larkins, Edward .. . Mother : Mrs. A. Larkins, Peria, near Mongonui, Auckland, 6136 „ Doggett, William John 1 Mother : Mrs. C. Doggett, Ulster Road, Albany, W.A. 5161 „ Langham, James . - .. Brother : J. Langham, Wanganui. 5487 Graham, William . . Fa,ther : S. Graham, Mangapai, Auckland. -5545 Harding, Reginald Neill .. Mother: Mrs. Malcolm, West Australia. Friend : Mrs. D. McKenzie, Shag Valley, Otago.

TAKEN ON THE STRENGTH FROM FIFTH QUEENSLAND IMPERIAL BUSHMEN. 1 Lieutenant Wynyard-Joss. , .. Military Pensions. 29

No. Bank and Name, Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-BATTALION STAFF. Major Jackson, Henry DrummondWife .. :Mrs. Neilina Marion Jane Jackson, St. Clair, Dunedin. Captain and Adjutant Nicholson, Father : J. MoLeod Nicholson, Leven Street, Roslyn, James Millar Dunedin. Lieutenant and Paymaster Jack. Mother : Mrs. R. Jack, Hokitika. Archibald Lieutenant and Quartermaster Wilkie, Mother : Mrs. Isabella Wilkie, Great South Road, Alexander Herbert Ashburton. Surgeon - Major Milne - Thomson, Wife: Mrs. E. M. Milne-Thomson, Wairoa, HawkB's Alexander Bay. Surgeon· Captain Falconer, Alexander Father : A. R. Falconer, York Place, Dunedin. Robertson Surgeon-Captain Deck, H. O. B. .- Mother : Mrs. E. M. Deck, Motueka, Nelson. Veterinary Captain Brand, James .. Wife : Mrs. Edith Brand, Bournemouth, England. Friend: J. A. Gilruth, Chief Veterinary Officer, Wellington, Chaplain Captain Dutton, Rev. Daniel Wife: Mrs. Ellen Dutton, The Manse, Caversham, Dunedin. Captain Halpin, Thomas Peter (un- Wife : Mrs. Elizabeth Halpin, Carlyle Street, Napier. attached) Lieutenant Chesney, R. Oswald (un- attached) Smythe,R. B.(unattached) Hawdon, K. 7679 Regimental Sergeant Major Moyle, Father : William Henry Moyle, 47, Tuam Street, William Stephen Edward Chriatchurch. 7797 Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant Father : Henry McArtney, Blenheim. MeArtney, Henry 7767 Farrier-Major Miles, Philip Charles Mother: Mrs. Georgina Miles, 76, Longridge Road, Kent Earlaeourt, London. Friend : George Gould, care of Gould, Beaumont, and 00., Hereford Street, Christ- church. 8100 Assistant Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: William G. Wallace, Whetukura, Ormond- Wallace, James Alfred ville, Hawke's Bay. 7863 Orderly-room Sergeant Baird, Hugh Mother : MrB. E. M. Baird, 359, George Street North, William Charles Dunedin 7986 Sergeant (Veterinary Dispenser) Father: - Wynn-Williams, Latimer Square, Christ- Wynn-Williams, Cecil church. 7880 Sergeant (Veterinary Dispenser) Brother : Nathan Seddon, Government Workshops, Seddon, Richard John Wellington. 7883 Orderly-room Corporal Dale, Edward Father: Robert Charles Dale, Kaitangata, Otago. George 7787 Corporal Harley, Francis Howard Mother : Mrs. S. A. Harley, Cashel Street, Curist. (Paymaster's Clerk) church. 8111 Dispenser Corporal Stephenson, Mother: Mrs. M. Stephenson, 255, Cumberland Street, Frederick Pratten Dunedin 7981 Dispenser Corporal Cook, John .. Father : Jobn Cook, Bernicia Street, Port Chalmers.


Caphin MoMillan, James Watson . . Mother: Mrs. E. MoMillan, 91, Leith Street, Dunedin. Lieutenant McKeich, Robert . . Wife : Mrs. E. H. McKeich, Lawrence, Otago. „ Hazlett, Edgar , Father : James Hazlett, 16, Bond Street, Dunedin. Collis, Frederick Henry.. Father : F. Collis, Oamaru. Raynd Henry . . Mother : Mrs. M. Ra]me, Roslyn, Dnnedin. 7873 Sergeant-Major Clapcott, Alexandria Sister : Mrs. H. G. Barklay, Waimate, Cant·.rbury. Allan 7860 Quartermaster-Sergeant Booth, Amos Father : Albert Booth, Oamaru, Otago. 7913 Sergeant Ivimey, Frederick Elder .. Father : Roberb Ivimey, 88, Elm Row, Dunedin. 7970 , Wilson, William .- Father : Thomas Wilson, Herbert, North Otago. 7925 Meek, Peter .. .. Father: John Meek, 70, Elm Row, Dunedin 7886 Dreaver, John Granb Father: Andrew Dreaver, Duo back, Otago. 7920 Keown, Hugh Steward .. Mother Mrs. Susan Keown, Balfour, Otago. 7973 „ Williams, John - Mother : Mrs. Marion Williams, Waikaia, Otago. 7893 Farrier-Sergeant Fraser, William . . Father : Donald Fraser, Lumsden, Otago. 8023 „ Fraser, Patrick Father : William Charles Fraser, Kurow, Otago. William 7762 Saddler-Sergeant Eyre, Albert George Father: John Charles Eyre, Saddler, Owaka, Otago. 7961 Oorporal Steven, John .. .. Father : James Steven, Greab King Street, North Dunedin. 80 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7968 Corporal Walker, Robert .. - Mother Mrs. Francis Jane Walker, Westbury Street East, St. Kilds, Victoria. Friend : Arthur Stubbs, Heriot Row, Dunedin. 7930 , MoKellar, Gerald Forbes Father : A. MoKellar, Outram, Otago. 7964 . Topping, James .. Mother ; Mrs. Archie Campbell, Evansdale, Otago. 7956 . Ross, John Joseph Father: Duncan Rosit, Mandeville, Otngo. 7957 „ Stiven, Robert Bertie Father: Thomas Stiven, Tapanui, 0:ago. 7943 Bugler-Corporal Orr, James Father: John Forbes Orr, City Buffet Hotel, Web lington. 7929 Lance·Corporal Mcintosh, Henry Father : J. Mcintosh, George Street North, Dunedin. Beveridge 7941 MoBain, Alexander Father: Donald MoBain, Otama, Otago. 7942 . Mc*ieen, Alexander FaDher: Alexander McQueen, Gore, Southland. 7865 Beasley, Leopold Mother: Mrs. T. Beasley, Waikouaiti, Otago. Harry 7880 . Cooper, Robert Father : Samuel Cooper, Arrowtown, Ohgo. Sinclair 7962 Smith, James George Sister : Mrs. P. MeGehan, Ponsonby Road, Aucklana. 8027 Farrier -Gibbon, Thomas Spencer Father: Benjamin Gibbon, Nightcaps, Otago. Llewyn 8064 Paulin, John Thomas Father: William Paulin, Glenorchy, Otago. William 7862 Saddler Bathgate, John Henry .. Father: John Bathgate, Gourie, Outram, Otago. 7975 Bugler Wardrop, Gavin William .. Father : William Wardrop, South Dunedin. 7858 Private Aburn, Frank George . . Father : Samuel Aburn, 38, Leith Street, Dunedin. 7859 „ Blair, Joseph Archibald , . Mother : Mra. Jessie Blair, Dicken Street, Hamilton, Victoria. Friend: Henry A. Griffiths, George Street, Caversham, Dunedin. 7861 , Blaekle, Allan George .. Father: Allan Blackie, Ross Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. 7868 . Burke, CharlesFrank Stanley Mother : Mrs. Amelia Stanley, 65, St. David Streeb, Dunedin. 7864 Breese, Alber6 Father: Thomas Breese, Anderson's Bay Road, Dun- edin. 7866 Biggar, George Father : George Biggar, Croydon, near Gore, Souh- land. 7867 „ Briggs, Arthur John - Father: William Briggs, Gore, Southland. 7976 , Burlinson, George van de Father: G. M. Burlinson, Industrial School, Caver- Graaff sham, Dunedin. 7984 * Barron, Frank Douglas . Father: W. Barron, " The Willows," Caversham, Dnnedin. 7869 . Clarke, James Neill .. Mother: Mrs. S. Clarke, St. Ann's Road, Mornington, Dunedin. 7870 w Clark, Stanley Maris . Father : Richard Maris Clark, Eglinton, Mornington, Dunedin. 7871 . Campbell, John Comrie .. Uncle: John Comrie Campbell, Glentunnel, near Christchurch. 7872 . Crawford, George William .. Mother: Mrs. W. Crawford, 49, Clyde Street, Dun- edin. 7874 , Outtriss, George .. .- Sister : Miss Kate Cuttriss, 168, George Street, Dun- edin. 7875 . Cuttle, William James .. Father: John Cuttle, College Street, Caversham, Dunedin. 7876 Coxon, Edward Anderson Father: Matthew Coxon, Weatherstone, Otago. 7878 Coghill, George . . Father : Henry Coghill, Balclutha. 7881 Ohurnside, Robert John Father: John Churnside, Balclutha. 7982 Campbell, D&niel.. Father: D. Campbell, Richardson Street, Dun*din. 7882 Dale, William .. ,Sister: Nurse Margaret Dale, Dunedin Hospital. 7885 Dreaver, William Leal Father : Andrew Dreaver, Dunbaok, Otago. 7985 Don, Angus Mitchell Father : James Don, King Street, Ro-lyn, Dunedin. 7887 Frew, Andrew .. Father : Andrew Frew, Factory Road, Mosgiel, Otago. 7888 Forsyth, David Daniel Sister: Miss Clara Forsyth, Industrial School, Gaver- sham, Dunedin. 7889 , Finch, John William Father : George Finch, Milton Post-office, Milton, Dnnedin. 78DO „ Fergusson, Arthur Charles. Father : Peter Fergusson, Outram, Otago. 7891 - Forsyth, Thom,18 .. Fdher: George Forsyth, Portobello, Otago. 7892 . Fraser, Roderick MaKay .- Mother: Mrs. Louie 'Hendetson, Henley, Otago. 7894 . Familton, Robert .. .- Mother : Mrs. E.' Famitton, Storekeeper, Hampa-en, Otago. 7895 . Gibson, Alfred Lewis Faliher : R. Gibson, Ravensbourne, Dunedin.

t 1 0-0 Militar?/ Pensions. 31

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, wid Address.


SOUTH ISLAND BEGIMENT.- A SQUADRON-continued. 7896 Private Greenfield, Robert HenryFather .. : Joseph Greenfield, 0 *en Street, Burnside, Ea86 Dunedin. 7897 , „ Guy, Walter WilliamMother .. : Mrs. Andrew Guv, 70, High Street, Dlinedin. 7898 „ Griffin, Maurice ..F*ther .. iThomas Griffin, HampdeD, Otago. 8108 . Glengarry, ThomasFather .. : John Glengarry, Carey's Bay, Port Chal- mers. 7899 Hodgson, Arthur . . Father: John Hodgson, Hampden, (hago. 7900 Hutton, Robert Hogg Father: James Hutton, Waianakama, Otsgo. 7902 Harris, Alber6 Manuel Father : J. J. Harris, Halwyn Cottage, Roxburgh. 7903 Hurndell, Thomw Henry Father : Henry Hurndell, Beach Street, Waikouaiti, Otago. 7905 Hallam, Lawrence Father : T. J. Hallam, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. 7906 Howard, Henry Charles Father : James Howard, Evansdale Hotel, Evansdale, Otago. 7907 Henderon, Ronald Mother: Mrs. Maggie Henderson, Cnn(len Road, Maori Hill, Donedin. Father : Andrew Henderson, care of Gray's Foundry Melbourne. 7909 , ' Helm, James .- Father : William Helm, St. Bathan's, Central Otago. 7910 Hallburg, Victor Alexande: Father: Hans Erick II&11burg, Waipahi, Otago. 7911 Hardman, Samuel Henry .. Father: Richard James Hardman, Waikaia, Otago. 7983 Hannah, Andrew .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Hannah, Maillor Street, Morn- ington, Dunedin. 7912 Ieraelson, Oliver . . Mother: Mrs. Olive Stone, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. 7914 Jones, Joshua Alexander Father : James A 1,·xandra Jones, Broughton Street, Kaikorai Valley, Donedin. 7915 Jelly, George Father: James Jelly, Selwyn Road, North - east Valley, Donedin. 7916 Jackson, Arthur Edwin Father: Reuben Jackson, Palmerston South, Otago. 7917 Kennedy, Alexander Mother: Mrs. Catherine Kennedy, Owaka, Otago. 7918 Kerr, James . . Father : James Kerr, Captain Cook Hotel, King Street, Dunedin. 7919 Kennedy, William John Father : David Kennedy, Dunback, Otago. 7991 Laverty, Edward . Mother : Mrs. Neil Laverty, Taieri Beach, Otago. 7922 McEachen, John Allan Father: John Allan MoEaohen, Alexandra, Otago. 7923 Mowat, Alexander Neil Mother : Mrs. Ellen Mowat, Silverstream, North Taieri, Otago. 7924 McConnell, James.. Mother : Mrs. Catherine McConnell, Miller's Fid, Otago. 7926 „ Mills, John Daniel Father: George Mills, 70, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. 7927 MoNaught, John Bedford Father: William MeNaught, Ribble Street, Oamaru. 7928 „ Mears, James Francis Father: John Mears, Mosgiel, Dunedin. 7931 . MoTaggart, Robert Father : Robert MaTaggart, Broad Bay, Peninsula, 06»go. 7932 . MeFarlane, William John .. Father: John McFarlane, Tapanui, Otago. 7933 . Mofarlane, Joseph .. Father : Andrew MoFarlane, Main Road, Caversham, Dunedin. 793d MoFarlane, Norman Father: Andrew McFarlane, Main Road, Caversham, Dunedin. 7935 Mather, Alfred . Mother: 'frs. R. M. Mather, care of W. Mather, Havelock ]treet, Mornington, Dunedin. 7936 MacLean, Thomas Longlands Mother: Mrs. Walter MacLean, Broad Bay, Dunedin. 7937 Munro, Donald Alexander .- Father : John Munro, Shag Valley, Palmerston South. 7939 Moffitt, William .- . Father : Michael Moffitt, Whylam Street, Waikaia, Otago. 7977 Martin, William James Mother : Mrs. M. Roache, Glen, Morningbon, Dun- edin. 7914 O'Brien, Charles James Father : Daniel O'Brien, Mandeville, Otago. 7945 Pace, Robert Andrew Father : James Young Pace, Donald, Victoria, Friend : James Hughes, Post-office, Dunedin. 7946 Quin, Thomas .. - Mother: Mrs. Mary Quin, Hampden, Otago. 8107 Robertson, Graham Ounyng- Friend: Herbert Storey,Totara Estate, Oamaru, Osago. ham 7947 Rider, Colin William .. Father : W. J. Rider, 50, Manor Place, Dunedin. 7948 Reid, James .. Mother: Mrs. Christina Reid, Selwyn Road, North- east Valley, Dunedin. 7949 Rayner, Harold Hesper Father: John Frederick Rayner, Nuggets, Port Moly- neux, Balcluths. 7950 „ Rigby, James Carr Father : John Wilson Rigby, Maori Hill, Dunedin. 7951 „ Roger, John Walker Father : Robert Roger, Sandymount, Peninsula, Otago. 7952 1 4 Ryan, Edmund Thomas Father: Pierce Ryan, Inverleigh, Victoria, Brother ; Piercy Ryan, Kurow, Oamaru, 32 Military Pensions.

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SouTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON-Continued. 7953 Private Reid, Charles Francis . - Father : Donald Reid, Solicitor, Milton. 7954 „ Renz, Robert .- .. Father: Ernest Renz, Burnside, Otago. 7955 . Ruddy, Joseph Patrick .- Father : Patrick Ruddy, Bellview Place, Pod Chat· mers. 7958 „ Shirkey, William . . .. Father : Peter Shirkey, Union Street, Milton, Otago. 7959 „ Stubley, Charles .- . . Mother : Mrs. J. Stubley, King Street, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7960 Sell, Charles William . - Father: Walter Sell, King Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. 7963 „ Todd, Charles . . .. Father: William Todd, High Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. 7965 „ Taylor, John . .. Father : Robert Taylor, Opoho Road, North-east Val- ley, Dunedin. 7966 . Turner, William Charles .. Father: Charles Turner, Hampden, Otago. 7967 . Vintiner, James .- .. Father: Job Vintiner, care of Mrs. C. Vintiner, Gis- borne Street, Dunedin. 7972 . Wilson, John Biggar .- Father:John Wilson, Waianakaraa, Hampden, Otago. 7974 . Woodhouse, Andrew Young Mother: Mrs. Woodhouse, Bannookburn, Central Otago.


Captain Elder, Malcolm Balfour Brother : H. R. Elder, Waikanae, Wellington. Lieutenant Orbell, Elliston Scott Mother: Mrs. Margaret Scott Orbell, The River, Wai- kouaiti, Otago. Newman,Charles . Father: F. Newman, Aramoho, Wanganui. Algie, John Alexander .. Father: James Stewart Algie, Balclutha. Smith, Geoffrey Samuel. - Father : Rev. A. Smith, Wendover, Bucks, England. Friend : Mrs. E. Bowen, Middleton, Upper Riccar- ton, Christchurch. 7969 Sergeant - Major Williams, Frauk Father : Peter Williams, care of Fleming and Hedley, Gifford Oamaru. 8105 Quartermaster - Sergeant Mackay, Father: George Gunn Mackay, West port. John Thomas 7989 Sergeant Adamson, George Townsend Brother : John Adamson, Ross, v*i Hokitika. 8000 „ Bell, Richard Chambers .- Mother: Mrs. R. Bell, Main Street, Kumara, Hoki- tika,. 8073 Riddell, Andrew Gabriel -Father : Robert Riddell, Orepuki, Otago. 8005 Calder, James .- Father: James Calder, care of Thomas Robertson, Oamaru. 8071 . Ryan, Leo Cyril .. Mother: Mrs. Mary E. Ryan, Alexandra South, Otago. 8078 „ Smith, David Kay .. Mother: Mrs. Jane Burgess, Delmore, Pahia, Otago. 8053 Farrier - Sergeant Mackin, Richard Sister: Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Blackstone Hill, Otago. Henry 8093 Voight, John Father: Otto Voight, Pukerau, Otago. Charles 8047 Saddler-Sergeant Low, George . . Father: John Low, Balclutha, Otago. 8066 Corporal Par bridge, George Arthur . Father: George Pa,rtridge, Rae'B Junction, Lawrence, Otago. 7998 Brown, Douglas Wilson Mother: Mrs. J. H. Percival, Brooklyn House, Hobson Street, Auckland. 8003 Culling, Alphonsus Mother: Mrs. M. Culling, Hillgrove, otago. 8016 Du ff, John .. Father: Charles Duff, Balclutha, 06ago 8099 Walker, Arthur Bernard Aunt: Miss Barker, Sbelbourne Strees, Nelson. 8012 Dyke, John Robert Father : Thomas Edward Dyke, Biggar Street, Inver- eargill. 8016 Lance-Corporal Darling, John .. Father: James Darling, Kaitangata., Otago. 8026 „ Griffith, Allen Per- Father : T. Griffith, J.P., Stanley Brook, Nelson. Cival 8063 „ O'Connor, Terence Father: Michael O'Connor, Herbert, near Oamaru, Patrick Otago. 7987 . Adam, Alexander . Father: Alexander Adam, Owaka, Otago. 8014 Donehue, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Annie Donehue, Petersham, Sydney, Francis New South Wales. Friend : Mrs. Michael Reid, Orepuki. Southland. 8070 . Robson, Robert Father : Robert Robson, Lovell's'Flat, Otago. 7990 Farrier Atkinson, Norman .- Brother: John Harold Atkinson, Fox S6reet, Inver- cargill 8098 . Webb, Alexander - Father : James Webb, Arrowtown, Otago. 7940 Saddler Martin, Henry Rose Father: Rev. Canon Martin, Stockton-on-Tees, Eng- land. Fri nd: James Paterson, Walmea High School, Otago. §096 Bugler Webb, Richard Father, Thomas Webb, Gore, Otago· 7 6, Military Pensions. 38

No. Rank and Name. Next of-kin, and,Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIME NT.-B SQUADRON-continued. 7988 Private Archer, William Arthur ., Father : Charles Robert Aroher, Clifton, Invercargill. 7991 „ Anderson, James .- Father : Andrew Anderson, Avenal, Invercargill. 7992 Anslow, Robert Ernest . . Sister: Miss Mary Anslow, Post-ofice, Wellington. 7993 , Anderson, Alexander . Friend: J. W. Newport, Brook Street, Nelson. 7994 . Burke, James .- Father: John Burke, Pukerau, Nelson. 7995 Buzan, Alfred William .. Father: Alfred Buzan, Oamaru, Otago. 7996 Brazier, Thomaa . . Mother : Mrs. Sarah Jane Brazier, Nightoaps, South- land. 7997 . Baker, George . . Father: John William Baker, Arrowtown, Otago. 7999 , Brown, David - Father: David Brown, Kanieri, West Coast. 8001 Baker, Hector . . Father: John Baker, Arrowtown, Otago. 8002 , Coleman, Sydney . . Father. Thomas Coleman, Wakefield, Nelson. 8004 . Callaghan, Efugh . - Father. Henry Callaghan, Ardgowan, North Otago. 8006 , Cook, Jobn Father: Albert Bird Cook. Eden Street, Oamaru, 0680 8007 Cassidy, James Robert . - Father: William Cassidy, Lawrence, Otago. 8008 . Callaghi,n, Edward . . li'&that: John Callaghan, Oardrona, Otago. 8009 Cull, William .. ., Father: Thomas Cull, Waianiwa, Southland. 8011 Dunlop, Adam .- Father : William Dunlop, Pine Bush, Southland. 8013 Donnelly, Thomas Andrew.. Father · Thomas Donnelly, Hallane, Otago. 8017 Duckworth, Robert Franois Father: Andrew Duckworth, Stirling, Otago. 8118 Dorreen, JameB Thomas .. Father: William Dorreen, Longburn, Manapyku, 8019 „ Madie, Peter .. .. Mother : Mrs. Jane.Eadie, Sunbury, Victoria. Friend : Walter Crowder, Bluff. 8020 Ewart, Frederick . Sister : Mrs. J. Blish, New Brighton, Christchurch. 8021 „ Finnerty, James Henry .. Father: Roger Finnerty, BlY, Southland. 8024 « Ford, Alfred George Father: Frederick Ford, Waimea, Nelson. 8025 ,, Fowler, George Clarke Father: James Fowler, Upper Takaka, Nelson. Dunbar 8028 Gill, Thomas .- Moober: Mrs. Maria Gill, Limebills, Winton, Otago. 8029 . Gale, Leighton Samuel .. Brother: H. G. Gale, Post-office, Oamaru. Father : Daniel Gale, Kaniva, Victoria. 8030 „ Gibbs, Joseph Henry .. Father: Joseph Gibbs, Wakefield, Nelson. 8081 „ Gunn, Percy Theodore .. Father : David Walter Gunn, Richmond, Nelson. 8032 „ Guest, Thomas John . . Sister : Mrs. W. G. Burrows, Stanley Brook, Nelson. 8033 « Griffith, William Drummond Father : Jobn Griffith, Spring Grove, Nelson. 8034 « Hodgkinion, Ernest John Father: Frank Hodgkinson, Shemeld, Tasmania. Friend : Peter Anderson, Nelson Street, South In- vercargill 8035 Hood, Charles Btuarb Father: John Hood, Tyne Street, Oamaru. 8036 Hogg, Henry .. .. Father: John Hogg, Collingwood Stred, Nelson. 8037 „ Horner, Albert .- Mother : Mrs. W. F. Horner, Elaine, Victoria. Friend : J. Baxter, Stillivater, Greymouth. 8109 . Herbert, Oharles . .Father : George Herbert, Stuart Street, Auckland. 8038 Johnstone, Gordon White .. Fatber: Robert Johnstone, Blackstone Hill, Otago. 8039 Jones, Edward Jo8eph Brother : John James Jones, Stafford Street, Hokitika. 8040 . Jolly, James Henry .. Brother: John F. Jolly, Revell Street, Hokitika. 8041 Kennard, Thomas John .. Father: Simon Kennard, Waianawa, Otago. 8042 Ready, John .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Keady, West Plains, Otago. 8043 Laing, Rober; . Father: James Laing, Balclutha, Otago. 8044 , Lambert, William Frederick Mother : Mrs. Annie Houten, Gibson's Quay, Hoki- Byrne tika. 8045 Leith, John Moore .. Father. William Leith, Tokonui Gorge, Fortrose, Otago. 8046 « Lyons, Herbert . Mother: Mrs. Hannah Lyons, Stanley Street, Auck- land. 8048 Lyford, Albert Edward .. Brother : Horace Lyford, Nelson. 8049 Manson, Charles .- Father: George Mamon, Bannookburn, Otago. 8050 Messent, David . Father: David Messent, Wedderburn, Otago. 8051 . Menzies, James Murray Father : Thomas Menzies, Lumsden, Southland. 8059 , McCally, Charles Samuel .. Father: Samuel McCally, Hakataramea, South Can· terbury 8054 „ MoDonald, Edward .. Brother : Michael MoDonald, Lowburn, Otago. 8055 . Maclaren, William . . Father: James Maclaren, Maungatu, Taieri District, Otago. 8056 . MeLean, Alexandra Hugh .. Father : J. MoLean, FVaikaia, Riversdale, Otago. 8057 . Millar, David .. .. Father: Adam Millar, Ha,rdy Street, Nelson. 8058 . MePhee, Duncan .. Father : Donald McPhee, Gladstone, Wairarapa. 8059 . Memo, David - Father: David Melfen, Clifton, Invercargill. 8119 . MwAlpine, Joseph Bates .. Father: T. Macklpine, Post·oface, Port Chalmers, Otago. 6 34 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIME NT.-B SQUADRON-contimled. 8061 Private Newton, George .. .. Mother : Mrs, Alice Newton, Orepuki, Southland. 8062 „ Orr, Robert Charles . . Father: George Orr, Kurow, Otago. 8065 „ Pullenger, James . Father: Robero Pullenger, Maheno, Otago. 8067 „ Parker, John William . . Fdher: Benjamin Parker, Stir}ing, Otago. 8104 , Prussing, James .- Father: William Prussing, Post-office Hotel, Colling- wood, Nelson. 8069 „ Reeves, William James . - Mother : Mrs. Sarah Ann Reeves, care of Mrs. T. Reeves, sen., Washington Valley, Nelson. 8072 „ Rossiter, William Henry .. Father: William Rossiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. 8074 * Robb, Hamilton - Father: William Brody Robb, Incholme, near Maheno, Otago. 8075 „ Reid, William . Father : John Reid, Taieri Beach, Otago. 8076 „ Spencer, Cecil Blackbourn . Mother : Mrs. Spencer, Grove Street, Nelson. 8077 „ Stock, Arthur James .. Father : A. H. Stock, Union Bank, Invercargill 8079 „ Sutherland, Andrew Sinclair Father: James Sutherland, Fairfax, Southland. 8080 Sutton, John Stainton .- Father : John Benewith Sutton, Thornbury, Otago. 8081 Soutter, William .. .- Mother : Mrs. J. Soutter, care of T. Phillip0, Wood- lands, South Otago. 8082 „ Stevenson, James.. .. Brother: William Stevenson, care of H.M. Customs, Wellington. 8083 Spiers, Edgar .- Father : S. M. Spiers, Kumara, West Coast. 8084 „ Spain, John .- .- Father: Thomas Spain, Ida Valley, Owigo. 8085 . Smith, Alexander David .. Father : John Smith, Arahura, Hokitika. 8120 „ Shaw, George .. .- Father: T. S. Shaw, Melville Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Uncle : W. Shaw, Otaki, Wellington. 8086 „ Taylor, Alexander. . . Mother : Mr. George Taylor, Boxburgh, Otago. 8087 „ Thompson, John . Friend : Archibald McPherson, Delmore POBt-omae, Pahia, Otago. 8088 „ Templeton, Samuel . . Father: John Templeton, Waimabaka, South Otago. 8089 „ Templeton, George Stewart Father : Thomas Templeton, Obara, vid Fortrose, Otago. 8090 . Twaddle, Archibald Father : Archibald Twaddle, Waitepeka, Otago. 8091 „ Turley, William Thomas . . Father : William Turley, Tarapuhi Street, Greymouth. 8092 . Turner, Percy Edward . . Father : Jacob Turner, Thorpe, Nelson. 8094 „ Wybrow, Thomas .- Father : James Wybrow, Haldane, Southland. 8095 „ Walker, James .. Father: James Walker, Wyndham„ Otago, 8097 „ Waide, Philip George . . Father : Charles Waide, Tarras, vih Cromwell, Otago. 8101 „ Ward, Jobn Artemus Father: John Ward, Brook Street, Nelson, 8121 „ Watson, John Herbert .. Mother: Mrs. Henrietta Watson, 67, High Street, Dunedin.

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-0 SQUADRON. Lieutenant Wray, William George .. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Anna Wray, 38, Kilmore Street, Christchurch. Capstiok, Thomas . . Wife : Mrs. 0. Capatick, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. Father : C. CapAtick, Kendal, Westmoreland, England. Blake, Henry Walter . . Wife : Mrp. E. M. Blake, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 7705 Sergeant-Major Sundin, Martin Laland Mother : Mrs. Hannah Sundin, 16, Liddle Terrace, Bensham, Durham, England. Friend: John Allan Rea, Coal Creek, Greymouth. 7761 Quartermaster-Sergeant Lindsay, Father: Frederick Lindsay, Dampier's Bay, Lyttel- James Douglas ton. 7671 Sergeant Moody, Arthur Thomas . . Mother : Mrs. Moody, 13, Conference Street, Christ- church. 7647 „ Hamilton, Walter . . Father: John Boyle Hamilton, Avonia, AvonBide, Christchurch 7606 „ Bermingham,William Henry Cousin: Mis E. Clegg, Post-office, Tapanui, Otago. 7623 „ Dixon, Henry Michael . . Uncle: J. W. Murphy, 64, Arm&gh Street, Linwood, Christchurch. Father : Henry Archer Dixon, 31, South Terrace, Cork, Ireland. 7667 „ MoKay, Donald . Father: Murdock MoKay, Hurunui, North Canter- bury. 7657 Kennedy, John - Fdher : William Kennedy, Sutton, Central Otago. 7627 Farrier-Sergeant Durey, George . . Father : John Durey, Upper Riccarton, Christohurch. 7718 Wilson, Arbhur Father : James Wilson, Barry's Bay, Akaroa. 7629 Saddler-Sergeant Driscoll, Henry .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. 7622 Corporal Cowan, Edward . .Father : Andrew Cowan, Cricklewood, South Canter- bury. 7616 Ohamman, Albert. . Father: James Chamman, Cashel Street, Christ- church. M€Zitary Pensions. 35 7*T-

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kill, and Address.



7615 Corporal Cookson, Reginald Overton Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Cookson, 88, Salisbury Street, Christchurch. 7707 „ Simpson, James Bannister.. Fa.ther: William Simpson, Cain Road, Kaiapoi, Can- terbury. 7674 „ Mahan, Richard Edward . Mother: Mrs. Mary Jane Mahan, Rangitata, South Canterbury. 7719 „ Mason, Frank .. .. Friend: Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Criterion Hotel, Dunedin. 7610 Lance-Corporal Bowden, Jobn Sister: Miss Agnes Bowden, Maitland Street, Dunedin. 7614 „ Browne, Joseph . . Father : Joseph Browne, Gordon Road, Mosgiel, Dunedin. 7632 „ Forbes, Rober& .. Father: William Forbes, St. Albans, North Belt, Christchurch. 7646 Horne, Thomas Father : Andrew Horne, Methven, Christollurch. Robert 7638 Gwatkin, Herbert .. Mother : Mrs. Agnes Gwatkin, 87, North Belt, Christ- church. 7612 Ballantyne, Thomas Mdher: Mrs. Mary Dora Ballantyne, Fendalton, Anderson Christchurch. 7652 Farrier Jacobs, Samuel Henry George Mother : Mrs. Emma Jacobs, 291, Tuam Street West, Christchurch. 7701 Stock, Claude .. .. Motiher : Mrs. James Young, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7634 Saddler Flood, Archie Herbert .. Cousin: Joseph Flood, Wellesley Street Wed, Auok. land. 7908 Bugler Hutchinson, Louis Edward .. Mother: Mrs. C. Hu6ohinson, care of Collier's Boot- shop, Princes Street, Dunedin. 7601 Private Adams, John .. .. Father : William Adams, Archdale, Bealiby, Victoria. Friend : John Trotter, Fairlie, South Canserbury. 7602 „ Bell, Francis Henry .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Slow, Fairlie, South Canterbury. 7603 . Buckley, Alfred .. .. Friend: Jos. Horner, Culverden, Canterbury. 7604 „ Bluett, James .. .. Brother: William Bluett, care of A. Davis, Gloucester Street, Christohurch. 7606 „ Blackburn, John . Uncle: Christopher Hensley, York Street, Opawa, Christchurch. 7607 „ Blackler, John Edwin .. Father: John Blackler, Branchley Road, Lyttelbon. 7608 « Banon, Clarance.- Mother: Mrs. Sarah Banton, Avondale, Auckland. 7609 „ Beckingsale, Ernest . . Father: Thomas Beckingsale, Buckston's Corner, Shirley, Christehurob. 7611 „ Burns, Walter .. .- Father: James Burns, Wright Road, Spreydon, Can- terbury. 7613 „ Bongan, Henry . .. Father : Joseph Bougan, Hokianga, Auckland. 7617 „ Coleman, William. Father: David Coleman, Post-office, Auckland. 7618 „ Campbell, George liennie . Father : John Arthur Campbell, 38, North Street, Timaru. 7620 . Cook, Henry .. .. Father : Alfred Cook, 55, Cashel Street, Linwood, Christchurch. 7621 . Coates, Frederick Uohn Father: Robert Coates, St. Albans, Christchurch. 7720 „ Currie, Robert Hunt . . Father: John H. Currie, Aylmer Street, Ross, Wed- land. 7723 „ Churchill, George . . Wife : Mrs. Mary Churohill, 103, Castle Street, Dun- edin. 7624 „ Dunlop, Alexander . . Father: Henry Dunlop, Oust, Canterbury. 7625 „ Daley, Frank . Mother : Mrs. R. Daley, 12, Horatio Street, Christ- church. 7628 „ Dillon, Thomas Robert . . Father: Thomas Robert Dillon, Wangapeka, Nelson. 7630 „ Devane, Thomas Michael . Father: Patrick Devane, Family Hotel, Ashburton. 7631 „ Edwards, Edward. . .. Mother : Mrs. M. J. Popplewell, Amuri, Rotherham, Canterbury. 7633 „ Fuller, Arthur Charles . . Father : G. H. W. Fuller, 167, Cambridge Terraoe, Chriatchurch. 7635 Fraser, William Father : James Fraser, 414, King Street, Dunedin. 7636 Gawler, Herbert Father : Harry Gawler, Pohangina, Palmerston Nor,h. 7637 Greenbank, William Father: William Greenbank, Humphrey's, Hokitika. 7639 Gibson, George Orrock Mur Father: John Gibson, Eltham. doch 7640 Gibson, William .- Brother : Robert Gibson, Papanui Road, Chrial- church. 7641 Gourley, John King .. Mother: Mrs. Julia Gourley, Mary Street, Inver- cargill. 7642 Grogan, James .. .. Mother : Mrs. Sarah Grogan, Papanui Road, Christ- church. 7643 Green, Edward .. .. Father : Samuel Green, Glen-iti, Timaru. 36 *iitarg Pemaioga#.

No. Bank and Name. Next-of,kin, and Address.



7644 Private Hughes, William James ather : F¥ederick William Hughes, Port Robinson Graham Obeviot: 7645 „ Hodgelits, Francis.. Mother: Mrs. Marion Hodgetts, 6Mtle Street, Dun- edin. 7648 „ Holland, Frederick George. . F ather : Frederick Holland, Greendale, North C&n- terbury 7649 „ Hann, Herbert .- Father: Eli Hann, Greendale, Canterbury. 7650 ,, Henderson, George . . Father: Henry Henderson, Sehoolmaster, Oust, Can- terbury. 7651 „ Irwin. Percy Stuart F ather: F. H. Irwin, sen., Oargill Street, Dunedin. 7658 „ Johnstone, Arthur . . Mother : Mrs. Jessie Jobnatone, Kowai Bush, near Springfield, Canterbury. 7654 „ Joines, Harold .. F dher : Thomas Joines, Porter's Pass, Springfield, Canterbury. 7655 „ Kimber, Robert George . . F dher: Henry Kimber, Springston, Canterbury. 7656 „ Kennedy, John Robert ,. Mother: Mrs. Hannah Maria Kennedy, Creek Street, Linwood, Canterbury. 7655 . Keule, Herbert Leslie . . Father : George Kettle, Mary Street, Papanui, Christ- church. 7659 „ Kelly, Harold William . . Father : Peter Kelly, Dunsandel, Canterbury. 8112 „ Kitto, James .. .. F ather: William Kitto, Roxburgh, Otago. 7660 „ Lester, Thomas .. .. Mother : Mrs. Bessie McPhail, Salts Gully, Lyttelton. 7669 „ Lilley, William .. F ather: John Lilley, Southbridge, Canterbury, 7668 Lanauze, Edgar .. .. F ather: Harry Ward Curtis Lananze, Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Friend : Edward Reid, Port Alberb, Auckland.

7664 „ Lester, Norman .. .. Mother : Mrs. Bessie Lester, Lyttelton. 7718 „ Lowden, Robert Bowman .. Father: Joseph Lowden, care of Mornington Tram- way Company, Mornington, Dunedin. 7665 „ MaLIJy, Thomag IBenjamin. . F ather: John MeLay, Waikoumiti, Otago. 7666 Matheson, Donald . . Fdher : Kenndh Matheson, Post-office, Kakanui, vid Oamaru. 7668 „ Morrison, Alexander Henry Father: George Morrison, Belfast, Canterbury. 7669 „ MoKinley, William . . S ister : Mrs. J. Williamson, Sumner, Christchurch. 7670 „ MoPhee, William John Mother : Mrs. Duncan MoPhee, Greytown North, Wellington. 7673 . MeLaughlin, David . . S ister : Mrs. Maggie Penny, Halswell, Christchurch. 7675 „ Marbyn, William .. F ather : Douglas Wiggins Maroyn, 25, Stanley Street, Sydenham, Chriatchurah. 7676 „ Mills, Percy Michael . . S ister: Miss Rose E. Mills, 98, Rattray Street, Dun- edin. 7678 ,, Moore, Lionel Woodford . . Fasher: Richard Moore, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. 7679 „ Morrison, Robert .. Brother: Thomas Morrison, care of James Patrick, Lee Creek, Outram, Otago. 7680 „ Mitchell, Charles Osborne . . ather: Hugh Mitchell, 40, Watson's Crescent, Edin- burgh, Scotland. Un016 : A. C. Broad, Cosy Dell, Dilnedin. 7681 „ Millar, Joseph Edward . . Father : James Millar, Irwell, North Canterbury. 7682 Munro, Hugh .. .. Father : Colin Munro, Home View, Cheviot, Can- terbury. 8107 „ Mathieson, William Father: A. Mathieson, 239, George Street, Dunedin. 7689 „ Nortb, Albert Thomas .. Father: William James Nortb, Goldsmith Street, Sydenham, Obristchuroh. 7684 „ O'Neill, John Joseph Father: Edward Frederi6k O'Neill, Rangitara Valley, Canterbury. 7685 „ O'Connor, Patrick Martin . Father : Patrick O'Connor, Totara Valley, Pleasant Point, Timaru. 7686 „ Page, John .- Fdher·: William Page, Springston, Canterbury. 7687 „ Percy, Harry Clarence Father : Richard Percy, Aikman's Road, St. Albans, Christchurcb. 7688 „ Pepper, Joseph . . Father : Enoch Pepper, Norbhoote Road, Papanui, Christchurch. 7689 Pope, Francis Ernest Father : Jobn David Pope, Kowai Bush, Springfield, Canterbury. 7690 „ Pollock, William Jame: Stepfather : Robert; Dreaver, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. 7691 „ Phillips, John . , Friend: William Roberts, Glenmark, Waipar North Canterbury, Mother : Mrs. Hanna Phillips, Tre gragon, Cornwall, England. 7692 „ Popple, William . . Fasher: William T. Popple, Springfield, Canterbury. S113 . Payne, William - Fe*her: Frank Payne, Oliakaia, Taieri. 160 Mititary Pendons. 37

No. I Bank and Name. Nexi-of-km, and Address.



7698 Private Quain, John .. .. Friend : William Arneil, Maztinborough, Wairarapa. 7696 „ Rogers, Walter .. ,. Aunt: Mrs. H. J. Rogers, Sumner, Christchurch. 7697 „ Rossi&er, Samuel James .. Father : William Rossiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. 7698 „ Robinson, Harry ,. .. F,iend: J. Norton, Culverden, Canterbury. 7722 „ Ryan, Daniel . . Father: Charles Ryan, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. 7700 „ Stone, Frank .. Father : W. F. Stone, Selwyn Terrace, Lyttelcon. 7702 „ Stephens, John William Father: Fred. Stephens, care of Mrs. Stephens, Parkes Street, Christchurch. 7703 . Scott, Sydney Redinal Father : Harry Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, Christ- church, 7704 „ Spencer, Matthew. Mother : Mrs. Spencer, Sprintton, Chriatchurch. 7706 „ Staniland, William Harrison Father : George William Staniland, Littleover, New Brighton Road, Christehurch. 7709 „ Vincent, John Joseph Brother: Arthur Vincent, London Hotel, Napier. 7716 „ Walker, George .- .Father: John Walker, Courtenay, Chridchurch. 7711 . West, Douglas MoGregor Mobher: Mrs. Elizabeth Wed, 36, Gloucester Street, Linwood, Christchurch. 7712 Wooding, Arthur Richard . . Mother,: Mrs. Hepziah Wooding, Woodbury, Geraldin e, South Canterbury. 7714 Whittington, Frederick Fdher.: Samuel Whittington, St. John'a Street, William Woolston, Canterbilry. 7715 „ Webb, Arthur FranciB Father: Alfred Webb, 29, Gladstone Terrace, Chrid- church. 7724 . Woodward, John .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Woodward, 50, St. Asaph Stred, Christchurch. 7717 „ Whittington, Leonard Mother : Mrs. Fanny Whittington, Princes Street, Woolaton, Christchurch. 7721 „ Young, Robert Father : Robert Young, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin.

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON. Captain Marshall, W. .- Lieutenant Biohards, Robert Riley .. Father: R. Richards, Eincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch. „ Grahame, Hugh Charles. . Mother: Mrs. M. G. Grahame, Elizabebh Street, Timaru. Johnstone, William Eli. , Mother : Mrs. E. Dove, Arahura Road, Hokitika. McLaren,James Robertson Mother: Mrs. M. MeLaren, Post-office, Lawrence. 7827 Sergeant-Major Sutherland, James Father : William Sutherland, Ashburton. William 7838 Quartermaster-Sergeant Willis, Arthur Mother Mrs. Effie Willis, Aghburton. 7754 Sergeant Crafar, William Horace .. Mother Mrs. Alice Eliza Crafar, Blenbeim. 7755 Conolly, Wilfred . . Father: Justice Conolly, Remuera, Auckland. 7740 . Brown, Cecil Wallingford . . Father: 0. Brown, Ironmonger, Temuka. 7809 „ Payne, Frederick William.. Father: William H. Payne, Rolleston, Canterbury. 7786 „ Hawkins, Albert Thomas . . Father Thomas Hawkins, Waddington, Canterbury. 7805 „ Morrison, John Haughton.. Father John Morrison, Weld 86ree&, Blenheim. 7775 Farrier-Sergeant Hutton, Archibald Father Robert Hutton, Beaconsfield, Timaru. Craig 7835 Vorbaoh, Arbbur Father : John Vorbach, Renwick, Marlborough. Amos 7830 Saddler-Sergeant Tait, Thomas .. Father : James Tait, Mount Somere, Ashburton. 7760 Corpora,1 Doherty, Charles Walter . . Father: Charles Dohersy, Tinwald, Canterbury. 7819 . Sharplin, Edward . . Father: John Shari,lin, West Oxford, Canterbury. 7790 " King, John Worthy . - Father : John King, Belford Flour·mills, Timaru. 7806 „ MoMaster, Hugh ,. .. Father: John MeMaster, Main Stred, Reefoon. 7843 „ Wilson, Joseph . Mother: Mrs. Mary Wilson, Newmarket, Auckland, 7745 „ Chapman, Charles LewisSister : Mrs. Ida Bmdney, Horst Ville, Sydney. Rutter Friend : Adam Long, Tinwald, Ashburbon, 7829 Lance-Corporal Taylor, Albert Jamea Father: James Taylor, High Street, Rangiora, On- terbury. 7845 " Wilson, Joseph Father : Andrew Wilson, Ashburton. 7798 „ Mitchell, JamesHenry Uncle : Peter Gourdie, Ashburton. 7799, McLaren, Donald Father: William MoLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton, 7730 Allen, Walter .. Father : John Allen, Oxford Road, Rangiors. 7774 . Hammond, John Father : Robert Hammond, Temona, Geraldine, Can- Archibald terbury 7767 Farrier Goldsmith, Frank Ernest . - Father: George Edward Goldsmith, Staveley, Can- terbury. 7804 „ Maher, Edward Joseph .. Mother : Mrs. Ellen Maher, Masterton. 38 Military Pensions.

No. Hank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-Contingied. 7783 Saddler Hunter, Alexandra Father : William Hunter, Waingaroa, Takaka, Nelson. 7879 Bugler Christie, Thomas Adam .. Father : Thomas Christie, Switchback Road, Gore, Otago. 7729 Private Anderson, Robert . . Father: William Anderson, North Moeraki Downs, Oust, Rangiora. 7731 „ Anning, Wilfred James .. Father: Frederick Anning, Redoliffe, Glenavy, South Canterbury. 7733 „ Avery, William .. .. Father: Robert Avery, Carema, West Coast. 7734 „ Anderson, Charles David . . Father : D. M. Anderson, Glenburnie, Reefton. 7735 „ Banks, William Alexander. Father: Daniel Banks, Ashley, Canterbury. 7736 „ Blanchett, William . . Father : Andrew Blanchett, Stafford Street, Timaru. 7737 „ Battes, Ernest Allin .. Father : Charles Allin Battes, care of New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Temuka. 7738 „ Bird, John Father : Thomas Edward Bird, Chapel Street, Auck- land. 7739 „ Baker, Horace .. .. Mother : Mrs. Esther Baker, Gladstone Road, Gis- borne. 7741 „ Blair, James .. .- Father : George Blair, Clarence Road, Christchurch, 7742 „ Brooker, Edgar David .. Father : George Brooker, Washington Valley, Nelson. 7743 Bettjemann, John Henry .. Father . John Henry Bettjemann, Fairdown, West- port. 7A47 „ Connors, Henry Charles . . Mother : Mrs. M. A. Connors, Shakespeare Road. Napier. 7744 „ Cunningham, Joseph Alex- Father : Charles Avery Cunningham, Rangiora, Can- andel terbury. 7746 „ Oballis, Jonas George . . Friend : Leslie Moore, Lagmhor, Westerfield, Canter- bury. Father : Jonas Challis, Winchelsea, Victoria. 7747 „ Clark, Charles .. .. Mother: Mrs. Hannah Sarah Clark, Tinwald, Can- terbury. 7748 . Campbell, Thomas James .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Campbell, Spreddage, Ashburton Forks, Canterbury. 7749 „ Coldicott, William John . . Father: William Coldicott, Treverton, Ashburton. 7750 „ Charteris, Thomas Francis Father: Thomas Charteris, Glen-iti, Timaru. Lovegrove 7751 „ Conlan, Francis John .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Hewson, Boundary Creek, Oamaru. 7752 Campbell, Hugh Father: Duncan Campbell, Cambridge, Waikato. 7753 Coxon, Henry Father. John Nicholas Coxon, Ferry Road, Christ- church. 7756 Clark, John MeMullen Mother : Mrs. Mather Dry, Tory Channel, Te Awiti Sounds, Marlborough. 7757 Corby, Duncan Oran Father : Duncan Oorby, Taylorville, Wanganui. 7758 Crook, Charles . - Mother : Mrs. Hannah Crook, Reefton, West Coast. 7759 Croucher, George.. Father. Thomas Croucher, Riwaka, Nelson. 7848 Currie, Robert . - Father: William Currie, Hillsborough. Christchurch. 7761 Easton, George . . Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Easton, care of S. Dalrymple, Inspector of Machinery, Auckland. 7763 Ferguson, Donald James Sister : Miss Maggie Ferguson, care of Mrs, Hiokmot, Alexander 42, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch. 776d Ferguson, William Peter .. Father: Hugh Ferguson, care of Mrs. H. Ferguson, Pakawau, Collingwood, Nelson. 7765 Fogden, Ernest Harold Father: William Francis Fogden, 27, Cambridge Ter- race, Wellington. 7766 Gordon, Peter Thomas Father: James Gordon, Elmore, Victoria. Friend: Frank Siddons, High Street, Rangiora. 7768 Grimsey, Edward James Father: Edward Grimsey, Orari, South Canterbury. 7769 Gilmer, Samuel . . Father: Henry Gilmer, Totara Flat, We86 Coast. 7770 Growcott,·Enoch . Father: William Growcolit, Ross, West Coast. 7771 Gillien, John Frederick Mother: Mrs. Louisa Sorensen, 45, Sydney Street, Wellington. 7772 Hammon, James Moses .. Father: James Hammon, Christchurch. 7773 Harous, Robert .. .. Father : Robert Harcus, Macrae's Flat, Otago. 7776 Hammond, George Richard Father : George Hammond, Woodbury, Geraldine, Canterbury. 7777 Hobbs, Herbert James Father: George Hobbs, :'emuka, South Canterbury. 7778 .Harvey, William Edward Father: William Harvey, Rockyside, Caversham, Dunedin. 7779 Hobbs, Thomas . Father: Charles Hobbs, Waimate, South Canterbury. 7780 Harrison, John William Father: John William Harrison, George Street, Port Chalmers. Military Pensions. 39

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7781 Private Hendry, Herbert . Father: John Hendry, High Street, Waimate, South Canterbury. 7782 4 Hall, Samuel . Brother : William John Hall, Oarterton, Wairarapa 7784 „ Hdgkinson, Alfred Ernes*. Father: Alfred Hodgkinson, The Terrace, Greymouth. 7785 „ Hammill, Thomas David .. Father: David Hammill, Glen Street, Ormaru. 7788 Hughes, Charles .- Mother : Mrs. E. Hughes, Ashburton, Canterbury. 7789 „ Irving, Joseph Faulder .. Father: Walter Irving, Limes Street, Reefton, Nelson. 7791 „ Kenyon, Arthur Alexander. Father : Hugh Kenyon, Thorpe, Nelson. 7799 Keating, James . .. Friend : Charles Nelson, care of - Bailey, Colling- wood, Nelson. 7793 „ Lenon, Albert Thomas .. Brother: Hugh Johnston Lenon, Adelong, New South Wales. Friend : Mrs. Wheeler, Federal Boarding- house, Cancerbury. 7794 „ Latto, James .. .. Sister: Miss Jane Ldto, Cust, Canterbury. 7795 „ Long, Robera Father: Thomas Long, Temoana, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7796 „ Mitchell, Albert William . . Fdher: John Mitchell, care of E. Wall, Tancred Street, Ashburton. 7800 „ MaKay, John Johnstone Father: James Ross Mc-Kay, Cox Street, Ahburton. 7801 Murdoch, John .- Mother : Mrs. Annie O'Byrne, Seaward Moss Post- office, Soushland. 7802 . MacDonald, Peter. Father: James MacDonald, Dipton, South Otago. 7803 „ McMorrin, William Stewart Brother : James McMorrin, Spring Creek, Blentleim. 7978 „ Mason, George .. .. Father: John Mason, Anderson Road, Roslyn, Dun- edin. 7807 „ Pycroft, William . Father: William Pycroft, Fulford Street, Taranaki. 7808 „ Parfitt, Isaac John Father: Joseph Parfitt, Picton Road, Mount Pleasant, Blenheim. 7810 . Quill, Patrick .. .. Father: Patrick Quill, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7811 „ Quinlan, William John . Brother: James Quinlan, Southerton, Oxford Street, Timaru. 7812 . Rowland, Charles Edwin .. Father. George Rowland, Post-office, Hilton, Can- terbury. 7813 „ Stevenf, William Alfred . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Anna Stevens, High Street, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7814 „ Smith, Thomas Peter .. Father: Robert Pollock Smith, Clifton Street, Ad dington, Christchurch. .7815 Shankland Thomas .. Father : Andrew Barnes Shankland, King Street, Rangiora. 7816 Scoon, John . . Brother: William Scoon, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7818 „ Shellook, George .. - Father : George Shellock, Rakaia, Canterbiiry. 7820 „ Sharplin, Harry Havelock . Father: H. Havelock Shan?lin, Staveley, Canterbury, 7821 „ Scott, Harold Leslie . . Father : Frank Scott, Pukeraeraki, Otago. 7822 Selbie, Daniel Wedderell . . Father : George Selbie, Claremont, Timaru. 7823 „ Simpson, John Purcell Father : Edward Simpson, Riverton, Southland. Campbell 7824 „ Staples, Bernard .. .. Father: John Staples, Takaka, Nelson. 7895 „ Sorimgpour, Arthur Raymond Father: William Scrimgeour, Collingwood, Nelson. 7826 „ Spiers, Bertram Frederick . . Fdher: Solomon Morris Spiers, Main Stree 6, KnInfira. 7828 Scorey, Alfred Edward .Father : William Storey, Temuka, South Canterbury. 7849 „ Stanaway, John Aloysius .. Brother : H. Stanaway, Clerk, Railway-station, Dun edin. 7831 „ Thomas, Matthew Mark Father : William John Thomas, Quail Island, Lyt- Stanley telbon. 7832 „ Thompson, Fred Arthur .. Mother : Mrs. Ann Thompson, 81, St. Asaph Street, Christohurch. 7833 „ Tennant, Harold Douglas . Father : Robert 0. Tennant, Bank of New South Wales, Timaru. 7836 „ Williams, Claude Forbes . . Father: William Henry Williams, Elizabeth Street, Timaru. 7837 „ Watkins, Richard Henry .. Father: Richard Henry Watkins, West Belt, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7840 . Ward, William Ernest .. Father : William Edward Ward, Otipua, Timaru. 7841 „ Welsh, Patrick Joseph Father: Andrew Welsh, 36, Luton Street, Liverpool, England. Friend: J. Crawford, Mounted Policeman, Timaru. 7842 „ Watts, Henry James .. Brother: T. Watts, Hilton, South Canterbury. 7839 „ Wilson, James Father: Meredilh Wilson, Wakanul, Canberbury. 7844 „ Wilson, Harold .. Father: Charles Wilson, Parsonage Road, Waimate, Canterbury. 7866 „ Yarrall, Peroy Thomas. Father: John G. Yarrall, Picton Road, Mount Plea- sant, Marlborough. 40 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NOMINAL ROLL OF DETAILS FOR SEVENTH CONTINGENT. 8130 Sergeant Bax, Thomas Butler .. Wife: Mrs. A. Bax, Wairca, Hawkets Bay. 8131 Private Bateman, Harry George .. Father: Edward Thomas Bateman, Glen Avenue, Mornington, Dunedin. 8182 „ Oowie, Robert .., , Mother : Mrs. Agnes Cowie, 19, Brown Street, Dun- edin. 81B8 „ Davidson, William Patrick. , Father : W. Davidson, Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin. 8134 „ Dooherty, William Chapman Mother: Mrs. Anna Docherty, 123, Moray Place, Dunedin. 8185 „ Horrobin, Thomas . . Sister: Miss Kate Horrobin, Wellington. 8136 „ Hendrick, George.. .. Mother: Mrs. H, Hendrick, Howe Street, Dunedin. 8187 „ Jewiss, Frank .. Father : William Jewiss, Constitinion Street, Port Chalmers, Otago. 8138 „ McDonald, Allan Jeseph ., Father: A. J. McI)onald, Main Road, South Dunedin. 8139 „ MeFarlane, Herbert Milne.. Father : Andrew McFarlane, care of - Livingstone, Parksi(ie, Caversham, Donedin. * Nicholson, James William .. 8140 „ Swanson, William Brown .. Father: S. Swanson, Hawthorne Avenue, Mornington, Dunedin. 8141 „ Visey, Thomas Hernon .. Mother : Mrs. H. Vifey, Day Street, Sydney. Brother: M. Visey, Sethsmith, Ngapara, Otago. 8142 „ Watts, William .. .. Mother: Mrs. C. Watts, North-east Valley, Dunedin. 8143 „ Wedbrooke, George Vincent Father: Rev. Brown James Weatbrooke, Springburn, Canterbury.



Major O'Brien, Lucius .. .. Wife: Mrs. Rosina O'Brien, Mount Eden, Auckland. Captain and Adjutant Beile, James Father : Joseph Beale, Oakey Creek, Darling Downs, Bruce Queensland. Lieutenant and Paymaster Handy- Father: John Stewart Handyside, Akitio, New Zea- side, William land. Lieutenant und Quartermaster Chain- Wife: Mrs. Amilda M. Chambers, Commandant's bers, Richard Wellesley Benjamin OfHce, Wellington. Surgeon-Captain King, Fred6rick Wil- Wife: Mrs. Sarah Wadman King, Wellesley Street liam Robert John East, Auckland. Bakewell, Robert Wife : Mrs. Arabella Bakewell, Hobson Street, Auck- Hall land. Veterinary Surgeon Lieutenant Mat- Wife: Mrs. Agnes Matthews, Lower Hutt, Wel- thews, Frank Carle lington. Veterinary Surgeon Lieutenant Father: John Franks, Yaldhurst, Christohurch Franks, William Thotley Chaplain-Captain Bates, Rev. Daniel Wife: Mrs. E. L. Bates, Post-office, Auckland. Cross 7540 Regimental Sergeant Major Hesp, Job Father : Robert Hesp, Templeton, Christchurch. Robinson 7482 Regimental Quartermsater - Sergeant Father : William Frederick Parsohs, 2, Murphy Parsons, Geoxge Frederick Street, Wellington. 7543 Orderly-room Sergeant Cotton, Mother: Mrs. Madeline Cotton, Clare Road, St. Ct,aries Kenneth Albans, Christchurch. 7544 Assistant Quartermaster - Sergeant Father : Martin Grace, Lower Vincent Street, Auck- Grace, Martin William land. 7545 Paymasrer's Clerk Power, Henry Wife: Mrs. Frances Ethel Power, Sentinel Road, Pon- Wilson sonby, Aucklamd. 7546 Orderly - room Corporal Ramsey, Father: Thomas Ramsey, Ponsonby Road, Auckland. John Edmund 7547 Dispenser Corporal Wisbart, Alexander Father. Alexander Wishart, Middleton Road, George Remuera, Auckland. 7548 Alford, Edward Wife : Mrs. Florence Alford, Doon House, Rose Road, Henry Mickle- Auckland. th'waite

NOT ATTACHED TO SQUADRONS. Captain Arthur, Beckham .- . Mother: Mrs. Mere Inoi Arthur, care of A, 0. Arthur, Te Hapara, Gisborne. Lieutenant McLeod, Neil Glouster .. Father: J. MeLeod, MoLeod Bros., Queen Street, Auckland. „ Smith, Agmen George . . Mother : Mrs. A. E. Smith, 9, Hill Street, Wellington. „ Heywood . „ Hawkesby, J. G. E, ,. Father. G. W. Hawkesby, Alma, Mount Eden, Auok- land. 7 i-'5 MiZitary Pensions. 41

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



Lieutenant Sandie „ Mickie

NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON. Lieutenant Saxby, Ronald Gordon .. Father: Gordon Harding Saxby, Napier. „ Coventry, Michael Wil- Wife : Mrs. B. C. Coventry, Otaki, Wellington. liam „ Grant, Edward Marryatt Father John Grant, Woodville, Hawke's Bay. . Mair, Norman William Father W. G. Mair, Auckland. Lynedock Newdick, William Henry Father: Richard Newdick, Waihi, Ohinemuri, Auck- (attached) land. 7181 Sergeant-Major Hunter, Gilbert .. Mother: Mrs. Mercy Hunter, Selwyn Street, One- hunga 7059 Quartermaster-Sergeant Jackson, John Mother : Mrs. Joshua Jackson, Northoote, Auckland. Frederick 7017 Sergeant Cairn, William Edwin .. Sister : Miss Edith Cairn, Riversdale Road, Avon- dale, Auckland. 7026 Draper, Harry . - Father : George D. Draper, Remuera, Auckland. 7031 Day, Arthur Edward Mother : Mrs, Mary Day, 33, Ponsonby Road, Auck- land. 7043 „ Grant, Andrew Johnston .. Father : John Grant, Mount Eden Road, Auckland. 7053 „ Houghton,Edward George.. Father: Charles Houghton, Parawai, Thames. 7116 „ Wooller, Finest .- .- Father George Wooller, Mount Eden, Auckland. 7014 Farrier - Sergeant Buckham, James Father R. Buckham, Arrowiown, Otago. Robert 7114 „ Wilson, James Brother: Robert Wilson, Lyttelton Times Company, Luke Christchurch. 7022 Saddler-Sergeant Crombie, James .. Father : James Crombie, Franklin Road, Auckland. 7021 Corporal Oochrane, Arthur Hamilton Father : Joseph Cochrane, Te Aroha, Thames. 7004 Bell, William Ernest Osborne Brother : George Bell, care of E. Bowden, Chapel Street, Auckland. 7038 Fahey, Edward Joseph Father : Edward Fahey, Bombay, Auckland. 7068 Moller, Carl William Father · Carl Moller, Birkenhead, Auckland. 7105 Schofield, Thomas Father: Samuel Charles Schofield care of Major Schofield, Park Road, Auckland. 7109 Taylor, John Thomas .. Father : Harry Taylor, Irishtown, Tbarnes. 7082 Lance-Corporal de Montalk, George Mother: Mrs. A. de Montalk, Mount Eden Road, Tancred Auckland. 7067 „ Lockley, Gordon . . Father : George Lockley, Shortland Street, Auckland. 7081 Nilson, Gustaf - Sister : Mrs. Josephine Clarke, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa. 7154 Cotley, James .. Father : Thomas Coffey, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 7089 O'Reilly, Eugene Father : Charles O'Reilly, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. Philip 7337 Farrier Nelson, Arthur .- .- Mother: Mrs. Eliza Nelson, Washington Valley, Nelson. 7344 . Parker, Joseph Wylie - Father: John Rollo C. Parker, Wbataupoko, Gisborne. 7099 . Quarterman, Thomas Henry Father: Edward Quarterman, Kopu, Thames. 7027 Bugler Dormer, Ernest Walter .. Father : George Dormer, care of Buddle, Buuon, and Co., Auckland. 7001 Private Andrews, Charles Barness .- Mother: Mrs. Caroline Andrews, Lower Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 7002 „ Anderson, Anthony .. Father: J. Anderson, Matakohe, Northern Wairoa, Auckland. 7005 Brine, James .. .. Steptather : George Schaltz, Makaraka, Gisborne. 7006 Bower, Frederick .- Motiher: Mrs. Ann Bower, Devonport, Auckland. 7007 Biggs, Alfred Ernest .. Mother: Mrs. M. Biggs, Te Aroha, Auckland. 7008 Boot, George .. .- Brother : Alfred BooB, Wellsford, Auckland. 7009 Barton, Iselin Ross .. Father: James Barton, Dunedin. 7010 Blucher, Christian- Frederick Father : C. F. E. Blucher, Birkenhead, Auckland. Edmond 7011 Bemrose, Frank .. .. Father : Mark Bemrose, Takapuns., Auckland. 7012 Bush, George Arthur .- Father : R. S. Bush, Thames, Auckland. 7013 Barnes, William Harcourt .- Father : William Barnes, Mount Albert, Auckland. 7015 Boys, Frederick Arthur . . Mother : Mrs. E. S. Boys, Inglewood, Victoria. 7016 Bull, Henry .. . Father : James Bull, Manurewa, Auckland. 7018 Cargo, Vernon .. .. Father: James Cargo, East Tamaki, Auckland. 7019 Ohalmers, George.. .. Brother : James Chalmers, Wainkn, Auckland. 702o Clague, Robert N.. .. Mother : Mrs. Jessie Clague, Ekham, Taranaki. 6 42 Military Pensions.

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIME NT.-E SQUADRON-continued. 7024 Private Carpenter, Robert Byron .. Father : J. H. M. Carpenter, Remuera, Auckland. 7025 „ Colebrook, Herbert John Drew Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey Colebrook, Tiki Road, Coromandel, Auckland. 7055 „ Coldicutt, Frederick Charles Father: Thomas Coldicutt, Arthur Street, Onehunga. 7023 . Camp, William George .. Father : James Camp, Post-office, Sydney. Mother : Mrs. Mary Camp, Rose Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 7130 „ Cunningham, Norman . Father: Andrew Cunningham, Queen Street, One- hunga. 7029 „ Davis, Charles .. .- Father: Jame Davis, Eden Terrace, Auckland. 7033 „ Drinnan, William Andrew .. Father : John Drinnan, Kaukapakapa, Auckland. 7034 „ Ensor, Charles Hedley Vicker. Father: Moses Ensor, Mary Street, Thames. 7035 „ Ellis, Robert Gordon . . Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis, 35, Greek Street, Syd- ney. Friend : James BeckeW, Tattersall's Club, Auckland. 7036 . Evans, George W„ tson Father: William John Evans, Northcote, Auckland, 7037 „ Edwards, Willian· .- .- Friend : Mrs. G. Bissell, 4, Filleul Street, Dunedin. 7039 . Finnagan,Andrew Thomas.- Father: Alexander Finnagan, Northern Wairoa, Anck- land. 7040 „ Fitzgerald, John .. .. Father : M. Fitzgerald, Whatawhaki, Hamilton. 7041 „ Francois, Percy hmes Father: John Francois, Motueka, Nelson. 7442 „ Gussy, Joaeph Jobhua .. Brother : Thomas Gussy, care of Mrs. de Frabus, Chapel Street, Auckland. 7044 „ Griffit}is, Richard.- .- Father : Alfred Griffiths, Wyndham Street, Auckland. 7045 „ Gray, Ernest John .- Father: Samuel Gray, Hobson Street, Auckland. 7046 „ Gear, William Joseph .- Stepbrother : R. Short, Darlaville, Northern Wairoa, Auckland. 7047 . Gathercole, George . . Father : Thomas Gathercole, Wayby, Warkworth, Auckland. 7048 . Griffiths, William Mortimer Father : Owen Griffiths, Dundonald Street, Auckland. 7126 „ Gordon, William .- .- Sister: Miss Grace Gordon, Kyber Pass Road, Auck- land. 7049 „ Holmes, Andrew Arkle .. Father: Richard Holmes, Ramarama, Drury, Auck- land, 7050 „ Hinton, Charles Henry .. .Father : Frederick Hinton, St. Mary's Road, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 7051 „ Henderson, David.. Father : David Henderson, Ngaruawahia, Waikato. 7052 „ Hanson, Edward .. .. Father: John Edward Hanson, Upper Ricearton, Christcburch. 7054 „ Hurley, John .. .. Brother: Timothy Hurley, Yokohama, Japan. Friend : F. Arns, Waihi, Auckland. 7056 „ Hutton, Wyndham .- Father: Wyndham Hutton, Te Kopuru, Northern Wairoa, Auckland. 7057 „ Hartwell, David .- .- Brother: J. W. Hartwell, Glasgow Street, Wanganui. 7058 „ Jones, William Henry .. Father: Thomas Jones, care of Mrs. T. Jones, Driven Street, Upper Town, Coromandel. 7060 . Jackson, Herbert Lionel .. Mother : Mrs. Amelia Harriet Jackson, Takapuna, Auckland, 7061 Keppel, Leicester Walpole .. Father : L. C. Keppe], Broadoak, Ipswich, England. Friend: Miss E. Faleul, Hamburg Villa, Hobson Street, Auckland. 7062 „ King, William John Carr .- Father: J. 0. King, Kingsland Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. 7063 „ Lubbock, George Walter - Mother : Mrs. S. Temple, West Cobtage, Mayland, Essex, England. Friend: Miss E. D. Rousse, Puke- kohe, Auckland. 7064 „ Love, William Charles . Father: John Love, Niblett Street, Wanganui. 7065 „ Lyell, Stuart .. .. Mother : Mrs. Annie A. Lyell, Grafton Road, Auck- land. 7066 „ Larner, Elward . Mother : Mrs. Larner, 9, Hargreaves Street, Auckland. 7069 „ Mattson, Barndt Henry .. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Mattson, Pakuranga, Auckland. 7070 , Mason, John Walter .. Father: Walter Mason, Whangarei. 7071 u Moses, Moss - .. Mother: Mrs. E. Moses, Perth, Western Australia. Friend: Sidney Nathan, Symonds Street, Auckland. 7072 „ Mardon, Cecil Norman .- Father: William Mardon, Rawene, Hokiangs, 7073 , Mair, Harold Gilbert - Father : William Mair, Native Land Court, Auck- land. 7074 „ Mellars, Francis Joseph .- Father: George Frederick Mellars, Taupiri, Waikato. 7075 „ Mikkelson, William . Father : William Mikkelson, Bellwood, Mount Roskil 1, Auckland 7076 MoMillan, William George.. Mozlier: Mrs. Maria MoMillan, Alexander Street, Auckland. 1----

Militaly Pensions. 43

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7077 Private McMahon, George Hamilton Father: Michael MeMahon, Tapu, Thames. 7079 „ MeLeod, Percy Rona Brother H. McLeod, Post-office, Auckland. 7080 „ Nazer, John Buffett Mother Mrs. Jane Nazer, Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland. 7082 Nilion, George Oscar Sister : Miss Annie Nilson, Tokatoka, Northern Wai- roa, Auckland. 7083 Neill, Alfred Augustus Aunt: Mrt, Mary Key, Symonds Street, Auckland, 7084 Nolan, Percy Martin Mother : Mrs. Julia Bryant, Upper Queen Street, Auckland.

7085 Noton, Frank Stevens Father: H. H. Noton, Ponsonby, Auckland. 7087 Nicholas, Joseph . . Brother : Thomas D. Nicholas, care d Mrs. W. McKewan, Brown Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 7088 O'Neill, Clarence .- Mother: Mrs. O'Neill, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7090 Partridge, William Bertram Father : Richard Edwin Partridge, 141, Grey Street, Auckland. 7091 Prince, Albert Edward Father : C. H. Prince, Pirongia, Waikato. 7098 Peters, Andrew .. Father: W. R. Peters, Kai Aua, viol Thames. 7094 Parker, William Charles Father: Charles Parker, Haydon Street, Auckland. 7096 Parnell, George Thomas Father : George Thomas Parnell, Wesley Street, Auck- land.

7097 rerry, William Stewart Father: Alfred Perry, Hunterville. 7100 Ityali, Charles William Father: W. C. Ryan, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. 7103 Stockley, John William Father : Edwin Stockley, West Tamaki, Auckland. 71Od Stewart, Alexander Father : W. J. Stewart, Tauranga. 7106 Scott, George Andrew Father: Nixon Scott, Police-station, Arata,pu, Northern Wairoa.

7101 Simons, William .. Friend : William Lawry, Inglewood, Taranaki. 7107 Stanley, John . . Siater: Mrs. Knox, Newton Road, Auckland. 7108 Scott, Middleton James Mother: Mrs. A. E. Keath, Star Hotel, Albert Street, Auckland. 7126 Tapper, Louis Bertram . Father: George Albert Tapper, Rattray Street, Devonport, Auckland. 7110 Taylor, Harry .. .. Father: Donald Taylor, Green Lane, Remuera, Auck- land. 7111 Turner, George Archibald Brother: John Harold Lefroy Turner, Grahamstown, Fox Whangarei. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Turner, 52, Burnett Street, Hobarli. 7112 Trigg, Franois Arthur Uncle: William Trigg, Aymmer Street, Cardiff, Eng- land. Friend : Joseph Evans, Hohoura, Mongonui, Auckland. 7113 Tucker, Walter Robert .. Mother: Mrs. 0. A. Tucker, Hunt Street, Whangarei. 7127 Tatham, Ernest Edgar Cousin : L. Batkin, Pahiatua. 7128 Worrall, Harold Augustus - Father : Charles Worrall, Epsom, Auckland. 7124 Watts, Horace Arthur Father: John Watts, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 7115 Wilson, James .. Mother : Mrs. Alice Wilson, Prospect Terrace, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 7117 Wooll, Leslie Mother: Mrs. May Louise Wooll, Grand Hotel, Waverley, Sydney. Aunt: Mrs. Ada Slaney, Qtieen Street, Auckland. 7118 Williams, Harry Howard Mother : Mrs. M. Williams, Upper Union Street, Auckland. 7119 Warner, Robert ., Father : John Warner, 86. George's Bay Road, Par- nell, Auckland. 7120 Welch, Barrett Foster Father: F. G. Welch, Queen's Street, Onehung. 7121 Woodruffe, Arthur Mother : Mrs. K. E, Woodruffe, Riverbead, Auckland. 7122 Weeks, Albert .. Brother. James Weeks, Waihi, Upper Thames, Aurk- land, - 7123 Worthley, William Thoina: Father : W. Worthley, Hawer* Taranaki. Charles 7129 Woods, Charles .- Fdher: William Thomas Woods, Mount Smart, Pen- rose, Auckland. 7125 Yates, Lance Adolphus Mother : Mrs. Annie Yates, Parenga, North Cape.


Captain Bockent, Charles .- Father. Captain Daniel Bookett, Te Awamutu, Wai- kato, Auckland. Lieutenant Grace, William Russell .- Fasher: MorganGrace, Hawkestone Street, Wellingto 11. „ Kinsey, William Henry Sister : Mrs. Isabel Lockhart Bell, Vila Neo, New Scota Hebrides. Friend : Major L. W. Loveday, Welling ton. Macdonald, Henry John Mother: Mrs. Jane Macdonald, Obahuhu, Auckland. 44 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-continged. 7179 Sergeant-Major Hewitt, Thomas -Father : Thomas Hewitt, Wairoa, Hawke'a Bay. Snowden 7326 Quartermaster-Sergeant MoDonald, Mother: Mrs. Jean McDonald, Scotland. Brother : Peter Donald McDonald, De Beers Mine, Kimberley, South Africa. Friend: John Martin, Martinborough, Wai- rarapa 7162 Sergeant Dunn, Christopher Blencoe Brother: Herbert Chesney Dunn, Kaitaia, Mongonui. Noble 7178 „ Gilmour, Andrew Kirk .. Father : Andrew Gilmour, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, 7000 „ Atkins, Albert Arthur . . Sister : Miss Fanny Atkins, The Mansion, Northoote, Auckland. 7506 Turner, Edward Charles Mother: Mrs. Kate Turner, 148, Willis Street, Wel- lington. 7205 Munro, Benjamin Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Munro, Hamilton, Waikato. 7236 Shaw, Frederick Thomas .- Father : Thomas E. Shaw, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auck- land. 7395 . Donald, Harley Hodgaon . Father : Donald Donald, Landsdowne, Masterton. 7239 Farrier-Sergeant Thomson, William.. Father : William Thomson, Kihikihi, Auckland. 7167 „ Francis, Thomas , , Mother : Mrs. Emma lIane Francis, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 7214 Saddler - Sergeant Powell, Albert Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Mcintosh Powell, North Ernest Shore, Auckland. 7148 Corporal Bell, Allan .- Brother : F. H. Bell, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. 7193 „ Long, Arthur Feltham .- Father : H. Long, Hukerenui West, Hikurangi 7222 „ Robinson, Edward Milligan Mother: Mrs. Wilson, Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland. 7234 St,ott, Mark Foster Father: Mark Stott, Wharehine, Kaipara. 7149 Cosgrove, Patrick John Father: P. Cosgrove, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 7190 Kelly, Percy John. . Father : George Kelly, Cheltenham Terrace, Devon- port, Auckland. 7156 Lance-Corporal Collier, Edward Uncle: Henry Jury, Waihi, North Thames. 7168 „ Fordyce, Bruce Father : Andrew B. Fordyce, Mount Eden Road, Auckland. 7169 Grimsdale, Wilford .. Father : Thomas Frederick Grimsdale, Sandyeroft, Hoylake, Cheshire, England. Friend : A. E. Beakett, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 7174 Godwin, AlfredErnest Father: J. B. Godwin, Rotorua. 7230 Scott, John Orlando Father: Charles John Scott, Hornesy Street, London, England. Friend: A. G. Smith, Frasertown, Napier. 7243 „ Willis, Robert Father: Thomas Willis, Chaucer Road, Napier. 7390 Farrier Johns, Ernest Newton Father : Thomas Johns, Waihi, Auckland. 7387 „ Wright, Charles Edward Father: Charles Wright, Devonport Lane, St. Albans, Christchurch. 7415 Saddler Barwick, Robert Father : Robert Barwiok, Shakespeare, Southwick, Sutherland, England. 7252 Bugler Pattrick, Hedley Vicars Father: Thomas Pattrick, Papanui, Cbristchurch. 7135 Private Alderdice, Walter - Father : William Walter Alderdice, Belfast, Ireland. Friend : R. F. Sinclair, Customs Street, Auckland. 7136 Ashmore, Rupert William Mother: Mrs, Kate Spiers, Foxton, Manawatu. George 7138 Bailev, Edwin .. .. Father : George Bailey, Cambridge, Auckland. 7140 Barkwill, Walter Herbert . . Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Barkwill, Haydonton, vid ' Murrurundi, New South Wales. 7141 Bond, Thomas Higginson Father : T. Bond, Te Awamutu, Waikato. 7142 Bond, Charles Frederick ' Father : James S. Bond, care of Waikato Times, ' Hamilton. 7143 Borrell, George .- - ·Mother : Mrs. E. Wood, Waihi, Ohinemuri. 7144 Brady, Harry .- Father : William Brady, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty, 7145 Brinkley, Walter Albert Father : Thomas Brinkley, Te Aroha, Auckland. 7253 Brookway, Charles Edwin .. Father : Thomas Henry Brockway, Harlyne, Gladstone Road, Portsmouth, England. Friend: William Reid, Falcon Street, Parnell, Auckland. 7146 Buchanan, Alexander Father: Arcbibald Buchanan, Huntly, Auckland. 7147 Burchell, Arthur John Mother: Mrs. Alice Janson, Te Aroha, Piako, Auck- land. 7270 Bassett, William Thomas Father: Job Bassett, Farmer, Eketahuna, 7150 Cannell, Percy .- Father: William Oannell, New Plymouth. 7151 Casley, James Henry Father: John Casley, Paeroa, Auckland. 7152 Clode, Alexander . . Father : Arthur Olode, Colac Bay, Southland. 7153 Cowan, William .. Mother : Mrs. Sarah Cowan, Paeroa Brewery, Paeroa, Auckland. Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7155 Private Cottee, Charles William . . Father: Daniel Cottee, Sealey Street, Thames. 7157 Carkeek, Martin .. .. Father: Morgan Clarkeek, Obaki, Welllington. 7158 Dempster, Maxwell . . Father : Maxwell Dempater, care of H. Whimp, Upper Opuawhanga, Whangarei. 7159 Drabble, Robert William . Father : Joseph Drabble, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. 7160 „ Drew, John .. Father: George Drew, Makotuku, Hawke's Bay. 7161 „ Dumphy, Charles Edward . Father: John Dumphy, 35, Montreal Street South, Chriatchurch. 7163 „ Darrow, Reginald.. .. Father: James Darrow, Tararu, Thames. 7255 „ Drewet, Jesse Carr .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Drewet, Wekaweka, Hokianga 7164 „ Eves, Robert James .. Father: William Eves, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa. 7165 „ Eagleton, Randolph Albert Father : R. A. A. Eagleton, Harding Street, Auckland. Alexander 7166 „ Floyd, Edward Arthur .. Father : George Floyd, Cambridge, Waikato. 7800 Gray, Robert Johnston .. Mother : Mrs. Agnes Osborne, care of W. Osborne, Pine Grove, Palmerston North. 7170 „ Gardner, William.. .- Father : Henry Gardner, Puketapu, Hawke's Bay. 7171 „ Garmonsway, Thomas Albert Father : Thomas Garmonsway, Oha,upo, Waipa. 7172 „ Gordon, Lawrence . . Father : Alexander Gordon, Woodville. 7173 „ Gordon, William Nelson .. Father : James Gordon, Augustus Street, Thames. 7175 . Groom, Bernard .. .. Fa6her: R. R, Groom, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay. 7182 „ Hayes, John William Augus- .Father: Patrick Hayes, Kihikihi, Waikato. tine 7183 „ Henderson, Robert Martin. . Mother : Mrs. J. Henderson, Kihikihi, Waikato. 7184 „ Hall, Jack .. .. Mother: Mrs. Bire Hall, Ohinemutu, Rotorua. 7185 „ Hoskin, John William . . Fither : William Hoskin, Te Koroa, Mongonui. 7186 „ Hughes, Frederick Ernest . . Father : W. T. W. Hughes, Aratiatia, Te Aroha. 7187 „ Johns, Douglas .. .. Father: Harvey Johns, Taihape, Wanganui. 7188 „ Joughin, Robert .. .. Mother: Elizabeth Joughin, Waihi, Auckland. 7189 „ King, John .. .. Father: Joseph Robert King, Middleton Post-office, Did Corowa, viti Sydney, New South Wales. Friend : William Mal)bet, Weber Post-office, vid Dannevirke. 7191 Kitchen, Douglas .- Father: George Kitchen, Victoria Valley, Mongonui. 7192 " King, John Edward .- Father: John King, Deputy RegisDrar, Old-age Pen- sions, Auckland. 7194 Lee, Jason .. .. Mother: Mrs. Jane Lee, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. 7195 „ Lockie, Noel John . . Mother : Mrs. Sarah Lockie, Ngaruawahia. 7196 „ Lamond, James .. .- Father: James Lamond, Balelutha, Otago. 7197 „ Moore, William John .. Mother: Mr8. Louisa Jane Hayman, Waimate, South Canterbury. 7198 „ Metcalfe, Herbert Vivian . Father : J. M. Metcalfe, Matakohe, Marsden. 7200 „ Martin, William .. .- Father: William Martin, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. 7201 „ Monds, William John . . Father: Robert Monds, Campbell Terrace, Parnell, Auckland. 7202 . Moar, Daniel Henry .. Father: J. W. Moar, Mount Eden, Auckland. 7203 „ Meredith, Ernest Alfred . . Fdher: C. H. Meredith, Poro-0-tarao, King-country. 7329 „ Middleton, Charles . . Mother: Mrs. Annie Middleton, Frasertown, WairO4 Hawke's Bay. 7206 . Macdonald, Donald . - Father: James Macdonald, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7207 „ McCauley, John Richard .- Father: William Henry MoCauley, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. 7208 „ MoCarthy, Donald Mother : Mrs. Jessie MoCarthy, Kuaotunu, Auckland. 7209 . MeGiashan, Douglas Boy . Father : William MeGIashan, Eskdale, Napier. 7210 „ MeNeish, James Alfred .. Father : J. A. MeNeish, Cambridge, Waikdo. 7911 „ MoOonkey, Arthur Edgar . Father: W. H. McConkey, Te Awamutu, Waikato. 7325 „ Marsh, Norriss Charles . . Mother: Mrs. Annie Harriet Tidswell, Ngaire, Tara- naki. 7212 „ Owen, Robert Bruce .- Mother: Mrs. Annie Owen, Alfredton, Wairarapa 7213 „ O'Keefe, Daniel Joseph - Father : Daniel O'Keefe, Hill Street, Newmarket, Auckland. 7215 « Pye, John Mother: Mrs. M. Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland. 7216 „ Palmer, Charles Robert . . Father : H. L. Palmer, Woodville. 7217 „ Pearson, Ernest Herbert . . Mother: Mrs. Marion Pearson, Invereargill, Southland. 7218 „ Pilmer, William Olaymore - Mother : Mrs. Alexander G. Pilmer, College Stred, Wellington. 7219 . Quidley, Ernest Joseph .. Father : James Quidley, Ponsonby, Auckland. 7220 „ Ripley, William .. Mother : Mrs. Anna Ripley, Hikutaia, near Paeroa, Auckland. 7223 „ Reinhardt, Harry .. .. Brother: Charles Reinhardt, Queen's Hotel, Symonds Stred, Auckland. 46 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Nexs-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-ontin*ed. 7224 Private Better, Frederick Arbhur .. Father: John Chapman Retter, Pod-office, Danne- virke. 7225 „ Reay, Robert .. Father: John Reay, Mangao, Pahiatua. 7226 „ Raynor, Charles Alfred .. Father : William Raynor, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. 7227 „ Richardson, Robert Sharman Father: Robert Richardson, Onehunga. Hughes 7228 „ Ritson, Joseph Thomas . . Grandmother : Mrs. Mary Annie Duckworth, Hotel- keeper, Kumara. 7229 Ratoliffe, Charles . Sister: Miss F. Ratcliffe, Longeld Street, Stawell West, Victoria. Friend : Miss Maggie Gardiner, C.P.0., Dunedin. 7221 Roberfson, William Phillip, Mother: Mrs. E. J. Robertgon, Cambridge, Auckland. 7259 Read, James Earl .- .- Mother: Mrs. Louisa Read, Selby House, Adelaide Road, Wellington. Wife : Mrs. Alice Sophia Read, Mailer Street, Mornington, Dunedin. 7231 Saunders, Daniel George Father : Robert Saunders, 43, Branch Street, Fleming- ton, Melbourne. Friend: Miss M. Garland, Bishops- conr, Parnell, Auckland. 7282 Symonds, Walter - Father : James Symonds, Palmerston Street, West- port. 7233 Stanley, Herbert Andrew Father : Thomas Stanley, Te Arolla, Auckland. 7285 Snowden, Thomas.. Father : Andrew Snowden, Maropiu, Dargaville. 7237 Saddler, James Henry Father: G. H. Saddler, Opango, Omaha. 7257 Simpson, David . . Brother: E. P. Simpson, Postmaster, Mount Eden, Auckland. 7240 Timmins, Patrick.. Father : John Timmins, Waihou, Piako. 7241 Townshend, Ferrers Ernest Father : George Ferrers Townshend, Devonport, Osborne Auckland. 7256 Thompson, Edwin George 1Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Victoria Valley, Cowie Mongonui. 7242 Vetter, Alber6 Leon .. Brother: Frank Vetter, Gisborne. 7244 Webster, Charles .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Webster, Kaiwaka, Auckland. Brother : H. Webster, Kaiwaka, Auckland. 7245 Walsh, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Mary Walsh, Carnarvon, Palmerston North. 7246 Willott, James Mother : Mrs. Mary Jane Willott, Rainow, Macklefield, England. Friend : James Beachy, Little Fort Street, Auckland. 7247 Welch, Albert . . Father: Harry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato. 7248 Wilton, William Moore Father : John Wilton, Waihi, Thames. 7250 Whalen, William . Mother : Mrs. Julia Whalen, Wakefield Stred, Auck- land. 7251 Whitehead, Arthur Father: Edward Whitehead, Bellevue Road, Mount Eden Road, Auckland. 7254 Walker, Charlton James Sister: Miss Elizabeth Walker, Stuart Street, Mount Eden, Auckland. 7260 1 Welch, Charles Learning Father : Henry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato.


. . Captain Henderson, William Francis Wife : Mrs. Lucy Ethel Henderson, Glentin, Symonds Street, Auckland. . . Lieutenant Neale, Frank Frederick. . Wife : Mrs. Emma Sarah Neale, Goring Street, Wel- lington. . Taylor, Thomas Sydney. . Wife: Mrs. Minnie Taylor, Tauranga Barton, Frederick . - Father: Walter May Barton, The Guildhall, East Dereham, Norfolk, England. Friend : Thomw Jex Blake, Maungakiore, Te Arai, Gisborne. 7310 1 Sergeant-Major Herbert, Lancelot Mother : Mrs. Kathleen Herbert, 6, Percival Street, Tuckwell Wellington. 7311 Quartermaster-Sergeant Hawthorne, Father: James Hawthorne, Greenmeadows, Napier. William Edward 7281 1 Sergeant Catherall, Joseph Andrew. . Mother: Mrs. Mary Anne Caherall, Avenue Road, Hastings. 7363 Thomas, Gerald Harry Mother : Mrs. Jean Thomas, Wanstead, Essex, Eng- land. 7280 Collinge, Leslie .. .. Father : John Collinge, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7322 1 Lean, Richard Edward Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Lean, Havelook, Hawke's Alexander Bay. 7374 Warren, John .- .- Father: William Warren, Great King Street, North Dunedin. 7349 1 Rusden, Alberb James Mother: Mrs. Isabella Rusden, No. 2 Line, Wanganui. '76 -0, Military Pensions. 47

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7862 Farrier-Sergiant Trengrove, Thoma Father : Thomas George Trengrove, Pahiatua. 7429 „ Duncan,Edmund Father : Joseph Duncan, Brookland, Riwaka, Nelson. Clarke 7078 Saddler-Sergeant MoKee, James Alex- Father : John McKee, Te Aroha, Auckland. ander 7266 Corporal Barnott, Thomas Meredith . Mother: Mrs. Clara Louisa Barnott, Fernleigh, Wa- nganui. 7373 . Wellwood, Arthur Trevor . . Father : R. Wellwood, Brooklands, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 7335 „ MoLean, Charles James .. Father : Robert MoLean, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. 7278 . Collett, Albert Edward . . Mother : Mrs. Mary Collett, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 7343 „ Peterson, William Alfred . . Mother: Mrs. Matilda Jane Peterson, Tennyson Street, Napier. 7386 Lance-Corporal Wolfgram, Richard. - Brother: Paul Wolfgram, Post Assistant, Stargard, Pomerania, Germany. Friend: Fred Pilcher, Clyde, Hawke's Bay. 7302 „ Goodwin, Alexander Sister: Mrs. George Thomas Bryan, Hinau, Pemberton, Feilding. 7831 „ Marsh, Alfred Hayes Father : Herbert Thomas Marsh, Villa Street, Mas- terton. 7330 MoKenzie, John Mur Father : John McKenzie, Te Whiti, Masterion. dock 7291 „ Craig, William . . Father: William Craig, Putiki, Wanganui. 7351 „ Speck, Ernest Brink· Mother: Mrs, Jane Speak, Toko, Stratford. worth 7846 Farrier Piercy, John Donald .. Father : John Piercy, Ashhurst, Palmerston North. 7385 „ White, Walter .- Mother: Mrs. Frances Elizabeth White, Raweka, HaAtings, Hawke's Bay. 7370 Saddler Vile, Thomas Rayner .- Mother: Mrs. Helen Blan Vile, Sanson, Manawatu. 7804 Bugler Grubb, Frederick Thomas Mother: Mrs. Emily Grubb, Palmerston North. 7261 Private Ashenden, Claude . - Mother: Mrs. Anne Maulda Ashenden, 6, Crawford Street, Wellington. 7262 „ Aitken, William . . Mother : Mrs. Jessie Aitken,care of Mrs. Grace, Castle Street, Dunedin. 7263 „ Arden, Leslie Hamar Stepmother : Mrs. Fanny Arden, Frankley Road, New Plymouth. 7258 „ Bush, Walter Stanley Father i Thomas Bush,Wooloombe Street, Wellington. 7265 „ Baker, Arthur . . Uncle: William Appleyard, Hawera. 7267 „ Beecheye, Thomas Chris Father : 0.0. Beecheye, Marine Parade, Napier. topher 7268 Bieman, Joseph . . Brother : Fred Bieman, care of Charles b(lael[ery, Wai- pukarau. 7269 Bai, Edward .- Father: Hans Bai, sen., Brickmaker, Ormondville. 7271 Bone, Frederick William Father: John Bone, Anderson's Bay, Danedin. 7272 Brabant, Ernest Vernon Father : Herbert M. Brabant, Park Road, Auckland. 7273 Black, Frederick Ford Father: John Black, Stratford. 7274 Buick, William David Mother : Mrs. Ellen Buick, Longburn, Palmerston North, 7275 Boscawen, Hugh Townsend Father: Captain Hugh Boscawen, Mount Eden, Auck- land. 7276 Belk, Albert Henry .. Father: James Duncan Belk, 28, Great North Road, Auckland. 7277 Broughton, Edward Renata Father: William Broughton, Omahu, Napier. 7396 Cooper, Arthur John . - Father: Arthur John Cooper, Palmerston Road, Gis- borne. 7279 Crawford, William James Father : William Crawford, Hunterville. 7282 Cairns, James Inglis Father : Thomas Cairns, Humber Street, Oamaru. 7283 Cook, Richard Edward Father: Richard John Cook, Makauri, Gisborne, 7285 Compton, Leonard Willie Father: William Compton, Gordon Road, Hastings. 7286 Clifford, Thomas William Friend : Mrs. J. W. Mitton, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. 7287 Carrington, William Mother: Mrs. Margaret Carrington, Newman. 7288 Cleaver, Harry Herbert Father: Charles Cleaver, Rowan Road, Stratford. 7289 Clark, John .. Father: John Clark, Stony River, Okato. 7290 Chefangs, Charles . . Father: William Cheffings, Egmont Road, New Ply. mouth. 7284 Cameron, John Donald Mother : Mrs. Sarah Anne Cameron, Riverton, Sou th- land. 7537 Clarke, John Thomas Mother: Mrs. Mary Anne Clarke, Bailey Street, Thames. 7992 Dodunske, John Michael Father : Michael Dodunske, York Road, Midhirst, Taranaki. 48 M€Utary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7293 Private Duller, Harry John , Mother: Mrs. M. A, Duller, Avenue Road, New Ply- mouth. 7893 „ De Bourbel, Eustice Raoul, Father : Harold Henry de Bourbel, Lake Takapuna, Auckland. 7994 „ Early, Edward John .- Brother : William Early, Midhirst, Taranaki. 7536 „ Elliott, Harold . - Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, Jervois Road, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 7295 „ Farr, Frederick .- - Father : Frederick Farr, Waverley, Wanganui. 7296 „ Fraser, Robert Henry .. Father: Robert Fraser, Waituna West, Rangiukei. 7297 „ Fox, Jack .. ,. Father : Charles F. Fox, Clayton's Avenue, Wellington. 7298 „ Green, Arthur . . Mother : Mrs. Mary Green, Spit, Napier. 7301 „ Gray, Alexander .- Mother : Mrs. Agnes Osborne, care of William Osborne, Pine Grove, Palmerston North. 7803 „ Goodwin, Herbert. . Sister : Mrs. G. T. Bryan, Hinau, Pemberton, Feilding. 7305 „ Greager, Norman Victor . . Mother : Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Greager. Momohaki, Waitotara, Wanganui. 7806 „ Hooker, Percy - Father : Samuel Hooker, Washington Valley, Nelson. 7307 „ Hutchison, Thomay Allan . F*her: David Hutchison, care of Nolan and Tonks, Hawera. 7308 . Harrison, Walter Edwin . . Father: Valentine Harrison, Oaonui, Taranaki. 7309 „ Hasse, Charles .. .. Mother : Mrs. Lizzie Hasse, Taonui, near Feilding. 7312 „ Howell, William .. Mother : Mrs. M. Howell, Waituna West, Feilding. 7313 „ Hurley, William Alexander Father: William Alexander Hurley, Waitotar&. 7535 „ Hibbs, A, J. Father : Arthur Hibbs, Drake Street, Freeman's Bay, Auckland. 7314 „ Ireland, Frederick William Father : James Ireland, Wellesley Road, Napier. 7315 „ Jordan, James Stewart . . Father : Thomas Jordan, Stratford. 7316 „ Johnson, Norman . . Father: David Johnson, 4, The Terrace, Richmond, Surrev, England. Friend: Frederick Henry Hasel- den, Hunterville. 7317 „ Johnstone, John Hall - Father: John Hall Johnstone, Fairlie, Waharoa, Waikato, 7318 „ Kirk, Albert .. .. Father: W. M. Kirk, Te Arai Bridge, Gisborne. 7319 „ Lock, Frederick William .. Mother : Mrs. Matilda, Lock, Aramoho, Wanganui. 7320 „ Lash, Arthur K. .- Mother: Mrs. Fanny Wray, Onaero, Taranaki. 7321 „ Leydon, John Edward - Mother : Mrs. Ellen Teresa Leydon, Toko,sid Strat •ford. 7323 „ Mackay, John Tod .- Father. Murdoch Mackay, Awakino, vid Mokau. 7324 „ McKenzie, Alexander Father: Kenneth MoKenzie, Mangarimu, Feilding. Frederick 7327 „ McGough, Robert Henry .. Father : William John McGough, Pukekohe, Auckland 7328 „ McCabe, Francis .- ,- Mother : Mrs. Agnes MoCabe, West Street, Newton, Auckland. 7833 „ Morton, George .. .. Father: John Morton, Awatuna, Eltham. 7334 „ Monteith, Hubert James .. Sister: Mrs. Catherine Brown, care of H. C. Brown, Dannevirke. 7386 „ Munn, Charles John Victor Father: Charles John Munn, 2, Knigge's Avenue, Wellington. 7391 „ MeLerinan, Donald John .. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Tidswell, Taihape, Wanganui. 7888 „ O'Hagan, Charles.- .- Sister : Mims Bridget Jane 0'Hagan, Pitt Street, Palmerston North. 7389 „ Parsons, Alfred John .. Mother : Mrs. Emily Parsons, Post-office Box 77, Wanganui. 7340 „ Prouse, James .. .. Sister: Miss Alma Prouse, College Terrace, Wel- lington. 7841 „ Palmer, James .. .. Father: William Palmer, Waverley, Wanganui, 7345 Potier, Charles Francis . . Mother: Mrs. Rose Potier, Denbigh Street, Feilding. 7347 „ Reed, William Henry , M„tber: Mis. 0. Reed, Queen Street, Mastertor. 7848 „ Rogers, Ambrose John .. Mother : Mrs. Eliza Rogers, Rangitikei Street, Pal- merston North. 7350 . Ross, Archibald Hugh . . Father : Hugh Ross, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui, 7352 „ Silvester, John .... Father : Frederick Silvester, Riversdale, Hawera. 7354 „ Stuart, James .. , Atint: Mrs. William Little, Featherston Street, Pal- merston North. 7355 . Shackleton, Frederick .. Father: Francis Sbackleton, Otley, Wbarfedale, Yorkshire, England. Solicitor: William Meldrom, Hunterville. 7356 „ Sinclair, An gus . . Father : Peter Sinclair, Pangaroa, near Pahiatua, 7857 . Swarbrick, Jonathan . Father : Jonathan Swarbrick, Nuhaka, Gisborne. 7858 „ Strawbridge, John Thomas.. Father : Thomas Strawbridge, Beaconsfield, Feilding. 7860 Scorrar, William Leonard . Father: James Scorrar, Post-office, Opaki, Wairarapa Fl.ja MiZitary Pensions. 49

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kill, and Address.



7392 Private Swann, John .. .. Mother : Mrs. Anne Swann, Raglan, Auckland. 7861 Tardieu, Ernest Albert . . Sister : Mrs. Sarah Gullet, Wanui, Gisborne. 7364 . Thomas, Aubrey .. .. Sister: Miss Edith Grace Thomas, Grenville House, Mount Durrant, Guernsey. Friend : George H, Vickars, Colyton, Feilding. 7365 . Till, Charles Henry .. Father: John Till, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 7866 „ Treanor, William .. .. Father : Harry Treanor, Church Street, Onehunga 7367 , „ Tait, Walter .- Father: Charles Tai6, New Plymouth. 7368 „ Trass, Samuel .. .. Father : George Trass, Masterson. 7369 „ Thorn, Robert .. .. Father: James Thom, Gow Crescent, Kirkcaldie, Fife- shire, Scotland. 7371 i . Wray, Ernest Alfred .. Father : Alfred Wray, Onaero, Waitara. 7372 „ Wormald, John Worgan .. Father: John Worgan Wormald, Yaldhurst, Canter- bury. 7375 . Watson, William Bain .. Father: Alexander Watson, Charles Street, Rangiora, Canterbury. 7376 „ Wylds, Alfred Ernest .. Father: A. H. Wylds, Palmerston North. 7377 . Watt, James . Mother : Mrs, Annie Watt, Hunterville. 7878 „ Watt, John Walker .. Mother : Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville. 7379 „ Watt, Charles . Mother : Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville. 7380 . Walsh, William Henry .. Father: Stephen Walsh, Carnarvon, vid Rongotes, Palmerston North. 7381 ' . Watkins, William. Father : Hubert Watkins, Hunterville. 7382 „ Wilton, Lewis .- Father. Thomas Wilton, Opaki, Te Rangitumau. 7383 „ Webby, Owen Walter .. Fdher: Alfred Webby, Kaponga„ Taranaki. 73841 . Wood, Thomas Mallory .. Father: Christopher Wood, Barugh House, Pickering, Yorkshire, England. 7388 Wallace, Daniel Vincent .- Mother : Mrs. Norah Wallace, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. 7389 „ Whewell, James Russell . . Mother: Mrs. Sarah Whewell, Ivanhoe, Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland. 7394 „ Willis, Ernest Raymond .. Father: Archibald Dudingston WilliB, Victoria Avenue, , Wanganui.

NORTH ISLAND R E GIMENT.-H SQUADRON. Lieutenant Hardham, William James, Mother: Mrs. George Hardham, 10, Riddiford Street, V.0. Wellington. „ Lewis, Harold George . Mother : Mrs. Catherine Lewis, 226, Adelaide Road, Wellington. „ Richardson, Thomas Father : William Airey Richardson, Greenmeadows, George Airey Napier. 7445 Sergeant.Major Horsfall, James .. Father: William Horsfall, Coal-dealer, Petone, Wel- lington. 7432 Sergeant Francis, James .- - Father: David Francis, Stratford. Brother : Harry Francis, care of Dr. Cahill, Wellington Terrace, Wellington. 7466 Munro, Hector .. .. Father: Hector Munro, Mastertion. 7476 . MeGoldrick, Robert Pdriek Father: James MoGoldrick, Panama Hotel, Welling- ton. 7504 „ Tabble, Frederick James .. Father: George Tattle, 6, Lipman Street, Wellington. 7508 „ Tully, Harry Ootavius .- Mother: Mrs. Frances Campbell Tully, Greytown North, Wairarapa. 7516 „ Wallace, Harold Knox . Father: David Brown Wallace, Kohukohu, Auckland. 7464 Farrier-Sergeant Merson, Thomas .. Mother : Mrs. Esther Merson, Greytown North. 7452 Saddler - Sergeant Johnson, Albert Mother : Mrs. Christina Johnson, care of W. Johnson, Sven The Port, Nelson. 7420 Corporal Cooke, John George .. Father : John L. Cooke, 45, Roxburgh Street, Welling- ton. 7426 . Campbell, Sydney Arthur .. Father : Captain James Campbell, 68, Webb Street, Wellington. 7443 „ Henderson, Lawrence Mat Father: Henry Beveridge Henderson, Balmona, thew Mowbray Street, Wellington. 7199 „ Murdoch, Thomas .. Mother : Mrs. Catherine Murdoch, care of - Aldred, 34, George Street, Dunedin. 7402 Lance-Corporal Amos, Arthur . . Aunt: Mrs. J. Chalmers, Weir Marsh, Ashburton. 7444 Hume, Harold Olive Mother: Mrs. Emily Nicol, Post-office, Auckland. 7461 „ Larkin, Alfred . . Father: John Larkin, Wadestown, Wellington. 7465 Monnock, Thomas Mother : Mrs. Mary Monnock, Sale Street, Freeman Joseph Bay, Auckland, 7 50 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name, Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON-continued. 7467 Lance-Corporal Minifie, Ernest Henry 1 Father : Ernest Minifie, 65, Riddiford Street, Welling- ton. 7469 Morgan, Henry . . Mother : Mrs. Matilda Morgan, Takapu, Tawa Flat, Wellington, 7527 Farrier McGoldriek, James . Brother: William MeGoldrick, Defence Office, Wel- lington. 7505 * Thurston, William George . . Father: John William Thurston, Waverley, Wanga- nui. 7433 Saddler Fernandos, George. . . . Mother : Mrs. Mary Fernandos, Lambton Quay, Wel- lington. 7485 Bugler Pearce, George Edward Nelson Father : George Pearce, Sydney Street, Petone, Wel- lington. 7400 Private Archibald, Robert Father: James Archibald, Wadestown, Wellington. 7401 „ Allardyce, Albert William . . Father : James Allardyce, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Allardyoe, same address. 7403 „ Arnott, Arthur . Father: William Arnott, Apiti, vid Feilding. 7405 „ Adams, Albert .. .- Moher : Mrs. Mary Ellen Adams, 12, Lloyd Street, Wellington. 7431 „ Austin, Edgar .. Father : R. W. Austin, Wattle Grove, Sheffield, Tas- mania. Half-brother: H. B. Austin, Wellington. 7406 „ Bell, Arnold Edward .. Brother: Norris Bell, Hargreaves Street, Wellington. 7407 „ Belski, John .. .. Father: Martin Belski, care of Mrs. B. Belski, Rangi- wahia, vid Feilding. 7408 „ Bell, Arthur Hamilton .. Father : William Bell, Butcher, Eveline, Oamaru. 7410 Byrne, John .. .. Mother : Mrs. M. D. Byrne, County Roscommon, Ireland. Friend : Samuel Courtney, 91, Aro Street, Wellington. 7411 . Bassett, Francis John .. Father: Francis Bassett, Obau, Manawatu Line, Wel- lington. 7412 „ Beard, Frederick .- .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Beard, Union Street, Petone, Wellington. 7413 „ Brown, Tythe Joyce - Father . Arthur Brown, 4A, Crawford Street, Welling- ton. 7414 * Broadbent, Harry.. Mother: Mrs. Jane Broadbent, Masterton. 7416 „ Bennett, Albert .. .. Father : Thomas Bennett, 2, Vivian Street, Welling- ton. 7528 „ Burrell, George William . - Mother : Mrs. Frances Burrell, Main Road, Petone, Wellington. 7550 „ Bryan, John Albert . . Sister: Mrs. J. Bryan, 3, Ramsay Street, Balmain, Sydney. 7551 „ Beuth, Charles .. .- Father: Frederick Beuth, Hepburn Street, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 7139 „ Baddiley, Augustus George. . Father : Augustus George Baddiley, Ponsonby Road, Auckland. 7417 * Connelly, John Patrick .. Wife: Mrs. Amelia Connelly, Martinborough, Wai- rarapa 7418 „ Comerford, John .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Comerford, 25, West Duke Street, Salford, Manchester, England. Friend : Mrs. W. George Jenkins, 160, Tinakori Road, Wellington, 7419 , Cross, Horace Montague - Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Lambton Quay, Wei- lington. 7421 „ Coley, Frederick - Wife: Mrs. Martha Ellen Coley, White's Hotel, Foxton. 7422 * Coutier, Charles Walter . . Stepbrother: Edward John Bryant, Dowling Street, Dunedin. 7423 „ Corlet, George Valentine . . Father : E. G. M. Corlet, Johnsonville, Wellington. 7424 „ Carter, Lionel Charles . . Mother : Mrs. Alice Maud Carter, 105, Adelaide Road, Wellington. 7425 „ Campion, Charles Dennis . . Father : Duncan Campion, Manakau. 7427- „ Collins, Michael Augustus .. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, 10, Adelaide Road, Wellington. 7428 . D'Em

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7439 Private Fairbrother, Eustace Claude Father: George A. Fairbrother, Carterton, Wairarapa. 7525 „ Fraser, Frederick Campbell Father: James Macintosh Fraser, Waiwera, vM Auck- land. 7440 „ Green, Walter Gray .- Father: Frederick Whittington Green, care of C. F. Gawith, Masterton. 7441 „ Green, William Havelock .. Sister: Mrs. William Betty, Tay Bank, Clyde Quay, Wellington. 7442 „ Grimstone, Arthur .. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Grimstone, 5, Poplar Grove, Wel- lington. 7446 „ Harris, Edwin Arthur . Father: Edward Harris, Caledonian Road, Christ- church. 7447 „ Hogg, James .. .. Father: Thomas Hogg, Kaiwarra, Wellington. 7448 „ Haybittle, Ralph . . .. Mother: Mrs. Emma Haybittle, Upper Hutt, Wel- lingbon. 7449 Hart, Herbert Ernest . . Father : William Hart, Dalefield, Wellington. 7450 „ Hodgkins, Percy .- .. Mother: Mrs. Rachael Owen Hodgkins, Kelburne, Wellington. 7451 „ Henderson, William John .. Father: William Henderson, Mangititi, Forty-mile Bush, Wellington. 7452 „ Jackson, William Alfred . . Sister: Mrs. Lilian May Nicol, Greytown North, Wairarapa. 7454 „ Jones, William Wallace . . Father : Wallace Jones, Inaha, Hawera, Taranaki. 7534 „ Knight, Walter .- . . Father: Walter Knight, Mangere, Auckland. 745€ „ Knight, Leonard - . . Father : John Edward Knight, JackDn Street, Petone, Wellington. 7538 . Kerr, Thomas Henry . . Father : Henry Kerr, 129, Hereford Street, Linwood, Christohuroh. 7459 „ Lumley, Herbert Richard . . Father : Benjamin Lumley, Peel Street, Windsor, Melbourne, Victoria. Uncle :Charles Lumley, Car- terton, Wairarapa. 7460 „ Lovell, James Thomas Andrew' Mother : Mrs. Emily Lovell, The Shades, near Keke- rangu, Marlborough. 7526 „ Laskey, Frederick William. . Brosher : John Laskey, care of - Jones, Butcher, Midhirst, Taranaki. 7462 „ Mitchell, Herbert. . . . Father : Thomas Mitchell, 19, Owen Street, Welling- ton. 7463 „ Meredith, John . . . . Mother: Mrs. Catherine Butcher, High Street, Wai- mate, South Canterbury. 7468 . Magee, Robert Barton . Father : James Armstrong Magee, 16, Tory Street, Wellington. 7d70 „ Morgan, Edward Stanley . . Mother : Mrs. Matilda Morgan, Takapu, Tawa Flat. 7471 „ Morgan, Frederick George . . Mother: Mrs. Catherine Morgan, Johnsonville, Wel- lington. 7472 „ Meech, Harry .- . . Mother: Mrs. Emma Meech, 2, Mowbray Street, Wellington. 7474 „ Macalister, Albert. . . Father : Robert Macalister, Crown Lands Dep&rt- ment, Christchurch. 7475 „ MoGilp, Clyde . - . . Mother : Mrs. Mary MoGilp, Victoria Street, Cam- bridge, Waikato. 7478 „ MaGrath, Edward.. . . Mother: Mrs. Margaret MoGrath, Doyleston, North Canterbury, 7479 „ MoPhail, Charles E. . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Frances MePhail, 26, Molesworth Street, Wellington. 7480 MaIver, George Henry .. Father : Wdter MeIver, Waikaia, 53uthland. 7530 „ Morgan, George .- . . Mother : Mrs. Annie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara. 7455 „ Marks, George William FB.ther: W. F. Marks, Filizroy Street, Onehunga. 7481 „Owen, Robert . . . Friend : Alfred Hulina, Norsewood, Hawke's Bay. 7523 Otter·son, Geoffrey David . . Father: Henry Otterson, Hobson Street, Wellington. 7539 „ Ormrod, Alfred Britain . . Father : Alfred Henry Ormrod, Onehung& 7483 „ Pulford, William Francis .. Father: William Pulford, Marton. 7484 „ Parrant, James Lewis .. Mosher: Mrs. Sarah Jane Parrant, Jackson Street, Petone, Wellington. 7486 „ Philpot, Frederick Alfred . . Sister : Mrs. A. Routh, 92, Constable Street, Welling- ton. 7487 „ Park, Oswald Gavin McInvyr, Mother: Mrs. Mary Park, Wadestown, Wellington. Father : Gavin Mcintyre Park, Dawson City, Alaska. America. 7488 „ Phelps, William Barnett .. Father: Barnett Phelps, 4, Pipitea Street, Wellington. 7489 . Pelham, Herbert John . . Father: Thomas Pelbam, care of Mrs. E. Pelham, 2, College Street, Wellington. 7490 „ Priest, Thomas .. .. Father: Samuel Isaac Priest, Eketahuna. 62 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



7491 Private Palmer, Cecil Watson .. Brother: A. N. Palmer, Bank of New Zealand, Web lington. 7492 * Page, Walter Sydney .. Father : William Page, Haleombe, Rangitikei. 7493 „ Richards, John Benjamin .. Father : William Frederick Richards, Queen Street, Levin, Manawatu. 7494 „ Rawlings, Thomas William Sister: Miss Elizabeth Rawlings, Hospital College, Durham, England. Friend: Thomas William Slinn, care of Gear Company, Petone, Wellington. 7495 . Styles, Arbhur James Lawrie -Father: Arthur S. Styles, Molesworth Street, Wel- lington. 7496 Saxby, William John . Sister : Ethel Mary Sarby, Adelaide Road, Wellington. 7497 „ Skelly, Alfred Leonard . - Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Skelly, 27, Wordsworth Street, Wellington. 7498 . Silvester, Henry George .. Brother : David Silvester, No. 1 Service Company, Permanent Artillery, Wellington. 7499 „ Spiers, Arthur Edward . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Spiers, Karori, Wellington. 7500 „ Smith, Frederick Thomas .- Father : F. C. Smith, Carterton, Wairarapa 7501 „ Scowit, Daniel .- .- Mother : Mrs. Mary Scown, Castlecliff, Wanganui. 7503 „ Southcombe, Alexander . - Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Southcombe, Waverley. 7533 „ Smith, James .. . Sister : Miss Mamie Smith, All Nabions Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania. 7507 „ Terry, Walter .. .- Mother: Mrs. Mary Francis, Mulgrave Street, Wei- lington. 7509 Taylor, George .. .. Brother: Walter Taylor, Stafford Street, Wellington. 7510 „ Taylor, George William . . Mother: Mrs. Martha Benson, Eighty-eigbt Valley Wakefield, Nelson. 7511 . Ulrich, Bernard - . . - Father: Charles Albert Ulrich, care of Post-oface, Box 118, Wellington. 7512 „ Vennell, Alfred William . - Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Vennell, Abel Smith Street, Wellington. 7518 „ Vincent, Andrew .. - Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent, Elm Row, Dunedin 7514 „ Woon, Ernest Edmund .. Mother : Mrs. Frances Woon, care of W. H. Woon, Government Life Insurance, Wellington. 7517 „ Woodfield, Frederick William -Mother : Mrs. Jane Woodfield, Caversham, Dunedin. 7519 . White, Goorge .. .- Father: P. J. White, Whangamomona, Taranaki, 7520 „ West, Felix Ackeriey Uncle: George Jaeger, Claughton Road, Birkenbead, England. Friend : W. Ferguson, Harbour Board Office, Wellington. 7591 „ Wilkins, John Thomas . Father : George Wilkins, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 7522 . Whiteman, Edward .- Father: Robert Whiteman, Mungaroa, Wellington. 7524 „ Wallace, Arthur Alexander. . Mother : Mrs. Ellen Wallace, Manaia, Taranaki. 7529 „ Ward, Robert Henry .. Father: William B. Ward, Boundary Creek, near Oamaru.



Captain and Adjutant Hughes, D.S.0., Sister: Margaret Ann Hughes, Bower Street, Napier. John Gethin Honorary Captain and Paymaster Brother : Emmerson Mabin, Levin and Co., Welling- Mabin, Burton Frederick ton, Honorary Captain and Quartermaster Wife : Daisy Dalrymple, Masterton. Dalrymple, John George WymyBs Honorary Captain Chaplain Haw- Wife : Emily Pope Hawthorne, Devonport, Auckland. thorne, Svdney Surgeon - Major Mackenzie, Francis Mother : Mrs. Catherine F16ra Mackenzie, care of Wallace Captain F. W. Mackenzie, Picton. Surgeon-Captain Dixon, J. Francis . . Mother: Mrs. Henrietta Dixon, 12, Conyngham Road, Dublin. Lieutenant Tapper, Charles Albert Father : G. A. Tapper, Victoria Road, Devonport Henry Auckland. Veterinary Surgeon-Captain Towers, Father: B. Towers, 18, Drayton Avenue, Didsbury, John Alexander Robertson Cheshire, England. 8500 Regimental Sergeant - Major Mob Sister: Johanna Molloumby, Catholic Presbytery, loumby, Michael John Nelson, 8501 Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: R. C. Tennent, Bank of New South Wales, Tennent, Leonard Couper Timaru. 8522 Bugler-Sergeant Johnston, Daniel . . Mother : Mrs. A. C. Johndon, Ure Street, Oamaru. 7502 Assistant Quartermaster - Sergeant Father : Henry Miller, Mount Albert, Auckland, Miller, Henry 52A Military Pensions.

NO. Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8307 Private Raines, Herbert James Father: H. Raines, Winton, Southland. 7725 „ Adams, Arthur .. Father: J. Adams, Western Spit, Napier. 8160 Corporal Simeon, Herbert Richard . Wife: Mrs. E. F. Simeon, Moyns Lodge, Gisborne. . . Lieutenant Shepherd, Robert Hazel- No. 1 Service Company, P. A., Auckland. ton .. Bugler Charles, William Percv . . Brother: Robert Charles, 24, Fouveaux Street, Surrey Hills, Sydney, N.S.W. 7422 Private Macalister, Robert. Father: R, Macalister, Lands Department, Christ- church. 7549 „ Blackie, Charles Dawson Uncle: Charles Keith, 9, High Street, Rothesay, Scotland. 7486 „ Elliott, Harrold . . Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, Jervois Road, Pon- sonby, Auckland. 8295 Graham, William .- - Whangarei. 7554 Robinson, Frederick Mother: Mrs. M. A. Robinson, Eltham, Taranaki. 7553 Robertshawe, Alfred Percy.. Mother: Mrs. E. Robertsbawe, Elm Row, Dunedin. 7552 Stephenson, Henry Tapua Father : Henry Stephenson, Russell, Bay of Islands. Athelston 8254 Holford, Harry .. .. i Father: J. Frederick Holford, 33, Palmerston Street, Gisborne. 8300 ]Monk, George Frederick Father: William Monk, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Military Pensions. 53

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of·kin, and Address.



8504 Orderly Regimental Sergeant Gilbert, Father : George Gilbert, 13, Fairlight Avenue, Harls- Charles den, London. 7505 Orderly Regimental Corporal Webster, Father: A. L. Webster, Greytown North. Henry Arthur 8858 Ps,ymaster's Clerk Corporal Park, Father : Mr. G. Park, Glenavy, South Canterbury. Alexander Dallas 9802 Dispenser Corporal Mitchinson, Mother: Mrs. Grace Mitchinson, 3, Riddiford Street Charles Tennent Wellington. 8802 Dispenser Corporal Clements, Sampson Father: T. P. Clements, 111, Cuba Street, Wellington. David 8518 Veterinary Dispenser Corporal Aitken, Father: Alexander Aitken, Kumara. Hugh Alexander


Captain Davy, Edwin .. .. Sister : Mrs. Cook, Khandallah, Wellington. . Jones, Mostyn Humphrey Brother : Herbert F. Innes Jones, Highfield, Motu- Innes piko, Nelson. Lieutenant Wallis, Fletcher Father: Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton. . Early, Nathan . Father: Mr. E. A. Early, Lyzteltion. „ Richards, Arthur Father : James Thomas Richards, 15, Cashel Street, Christchurcb. Carr, Robert Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Carr, Forbury Road, St. Clair.


.- Captain Charles E. Browne .. 1 Father: Mr. Browne, Cowick, Yorks., England. .. Lieutenant McKillop, John Charles..1 Father : C. McKillop, Masterton. .. „ Robbie, Alexander Ber- 1 Father: J. W. Robbie, Te Henni, New Plymouth. Clarke,tram Edward Churton Mother: Mrs. S. M. Clarke, Carlton Gore Road, Auck- land. 9063 Sergeant-Major Johnston, Gordon ' Brother: George Johnston, S.M. Court, Gisborne. Carrick 8514 Quartermaster - Sergeant Alexander, Mother: Mrs. Catherine Alexander, Mount Eden, John Edward , Auckland. 8539 Sergeant Dignan, Gordon .. .- , Father : A. M. Dignan, Epsom, Auckland. 8641 „ Dewar, Peter Robert ..1 Father : Stewart Dewar, Gore, 8566 „ Harsant, Roger Cato Charles ' Mother : Mrs. Roffey, Taurangs. 8584 „ MeKee, John .- .. Father: John McKee, Te Aroha. 7588 „ \IcGruer, Norman .. FAther: George Norman MaGruer, Karangahake. 8591 „ Osmond, James Ingram .. Mother: Mrs. A. B. Osmond, Church Street, Ponsonby. 8609 „ Taylor, Herbert Wilson . . Father: James Taylor, Christchuroh. 8611 „ Trevarthen, William . . Mother : Mrs. M. Trevartben, Napier Street, Auckland. 8537 Farrier-Sergeant Cook,Edward Father: Frederick Cock, Paeroa. Stephen 8614 Saddler-Sergeant Warren, Frank Reece Father: Young Warren, Mount Roskill, Auckland. 8539 Corporal Campbell, James .. . Mother : Mrs. E. Stead, Yorkshire Street, East Rich- mond, Melbourne. 8530 „ Caradus, Charles Alexander Father : James Caradus, Napier Street, Auckland. 8625 „ Calvert, Edwin Te Ngaire .- Father: George William Calvert, Strathmore, Tara- naki. 8564 „ Hunt, James Slater .. J. T. Hunt, Hitchen, England. 8570 „ Jones, William Herbert .. Father : Herbert JoneB, Birkenhead, Auckland. 8590 „ Newdick, Herbert- . . Father: Philip Newdick, Tbames. 8549 Lance-Corporal Forster, Francis Mother : Mrs. Emily Forster, Kenny Street, Waihi. Samuel 8568 „ Inder, Robert Walker Father: Simeon Inder, Coromandel. Norman 8575 „ Lloyd, Henry William Father: John Lloyd, Thames. 8582 1 „ Marshall, Thomas .. Father : Robert Marshall, Bertie Street West, Hind- marsh, Adelaide. 8585 „ MoLean, John . · Father : Charles McLean, Kara.ngahake. 8613 . Warren, Philip James Father : Philip Warren, Great Barrier, Auckland. 8576, Farrier Moore, Louis Vivian . . Father: A. S. Moore, Karangahake, 9095 | . MoCarthy,.John . - . . Mother : Mrs. S. M. Brown, Aratiti, Te Aroha. 8593 1 . Palmer, William Henry .. Cousin: F. P. Langford, Arbesian Farm, Te Kopura, Northern Wairoa. 8761 Bugler Walsh, John Francis .. Mother: Mra. Mary Jane Walsh, care of Mrs. H. Husher, Norfolk Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 8515 Private Ashdown, Alfred . . . . Father : John Ashdown, Matawhero, Gisborne. 8516 1 . Ashdown, Sydney John .. Father: John Ashdown, Matawhero, Gisborne. 64 Military Pellsion 8.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of·kin, and Address.



8517 Private Auckram, Edward Henry .. Father: George Henry Auckram, Albert Street, One- hunga. 8629 „ Adamson, Percy Lorenzo . . John William Adamson, 9, Ellica Street, Wellington. 8520 „ Bracey, Frederick. . Facher : Fred. Bracey, Waimamaku, Hokianga. 8521 „ Bourke, Peter Vincent . . Father: J. L. Bourke, Waimamaku, Hokiatiga 8523 „ Bennett, Benjamin .. Father: George Bennett, Waiuku. 8630 u JamesBevege, Herbert . Father: James George Bevege, Eltham. 8623 „ Burns, John B. .- . - Mother : Mrs. Julia Fitzpatrick, Fenton Street, Strat- ford. 8637 „ Brough, Joseph Patrick .. Fdher: Thomas Brough, Gladstone Street, Hawera. 8525 „ Castles, John Albert . Sister: Grace Castles, Richmond, Nelson. 8526 „ Cross, William Henry . Father : Richard Cross, Newmarket, Auckland. 8527 „ Callagher, Thomas Henry .. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Callagher, Napier Street, Auckland. 8528 . Connor, Boy Robert . . Mother: Mrs. Annie Connor, Devonport, Auckland. 853l „ Coghlan, Edward Ernest . Mother: Mrs. F. Cogblan, Sheridan Street, Auckland. 8532 „ Cook, Thomas Joseph .. Mother: Mrs. Johanna Cook, Eltham, Taranaki. 8533 „ Cullen, Edward James . Father: Jack Cullen, Mount Monmouth Street, Tau- ranga. 8534 Cook, John .. .. Father: John Cook, Kenny Street, Tauranga 8535 Christy, Thomas W. Father: Charles Christy, Maungatanga, Waikato. 8536 Ooutts, Daniel Burrows . . Father: Alexander Coutts, Walmsley Road, Waihi. 8688 Connery, John .. Father : Patrick Connery, Boultion Road, Wanganui. 8696 Clearer, George Horace . . Father : Charles Cleaver, Rowau, Ka.ponga. 8540 Dickey William J. . . Father : Nathaniel Dickey, Taurang& H5d2 Dobson, Joseph .. .. Father: John Dobson, Kopu, Thames. 8635 Dixon, Frank Nerherwood . Father: Fletcher Dixon, Stratford. 8548 Evett, Frank James Father : William Evett, Gaine Street, New Plymouth. 8544 Flatt, Walter Henry .. i Mother: Mrs. Jos. M. Flatt, Bridge Street, Te Aroha. 8545 Ford, Alfred Leonard Mother : Mrs. Rosetta Ford, 24, Carter Street, Christ- church. 8546 Flavell, Edwin Brother : Samuel Flavell, Waitekauri. 8547 Fox, Harry Mother: Mrs. Annie Maria Fox, East Street, Newton Auckland. 8548 Forgie, Leonard Campbell . Father : James Forgie, Stanley Sweet, Auckland. 8551 Goffin, George .- Father : Charles Goffin, Grattan Street, Auckland. 8552 Gee, Ernest . . Mother : Mrs. Alice Gee, Nortboote, Auckland. 8554 Greene, Thomas .. Father: Bernard Greene, Onehunga. 8555 Gossett, William Montgomery Father: William Gossett, Birkentlead, Auckland. 8557 Gillander, Charles M,Rae .. Father : Charles Gillander, Ngaruawahia. 8558 Gallagher, James George . . Father: James Gallagher, Pukekohe. 8559 Gallagher, Alfred John . Father : James Gallagher, Pukekohe. 8560 Gaffney, Clifford . . Brother: William Gatiney, Tweed Street, Invereargill. 8561 Gilpin, James .- Mother : Eliza Gilpin, 3, Amy Street, Grahambown, Thames. 8621 Garry, Alfred James .. Father: William James Garry, Hawera. 8524 Galbraith, William Ronald. Brother: Arthur Dixon Galbraith, Equitable Life In- surance, Christchurch. 8565 Hill, Charles David .. Father: John Hill, Ponsonby, Auckland. 8567 Hollis, Charles .- Father : James IIollis, Old Beach, Tasmania, 8636 Hollibone, John Francis .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Hollibone, Stratford. 8622 Hendrick, William George .. Sister: Miss Dinah Hendrick, care of Mrs. McGough, Pukekohe East. 8569 Johnston, William Father: Robert Johnston, Northoote. 8571 Jones, Alfred .. Brother : David Jones, Crushington, Reefton. 8572 Johnston, Alfred Charles Father : Walter P. Johnston, Waihou, Te Aroha. 8634 Jury, Henry .. Stepmother : Margaret Jury, Thames, Auckland. 8538 Kidd, Kenneth Harold Father: Charles Kidd, Edward Street, Thames. 8573 King, James Edward Sister : Mrs. A, Currie, Devon Street, Auckland. 8574 Keefe, John Patrick Father: Jobn Keefe, Abercrombie Street, Auckland. 8579 Rite, James Walter Father: Samuel Rite, Matamata, Auckland. 9801 Kane, Hugh Leslie Mother: Mrs. M. A. Kane, Newcastle, New South Wales. 8628 Lasb, Ralph Harry Father: John G. Laqh, Rochville, Collingwood, Nelson. 8620 Mather, James . Father: William Mather, Inglewood. 8577 Menzies, Oil arles James .. Father: Archibald Menzies, Newmarket, Auckland. 8578 Munro, Kenneth William . Father : David Munro, Upper Queen Stred, Auck- land. 8631 Matthews, George Father : James Matthews, Normanby, Hawera. 8586 May, William Henry Cousin: Miss M. Wilson, 29, Clyde Street, off Madras Street, North Christchurch. 8587 Manning, Rudolph Father : F. W. Manning, Paparaka, Pukekohe. 8588 Morrison, Edward James Father: John Morrison, Hikutaia, Thames. Military Pensions. 55

NO Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8731 Private Moeller, Albert Gordon . . Father : Charles Moeller, Tiri Tiri, Auckland. 8581 „ McKee, Archibald. . .. Father: John MaKee, Te Aroba. 8589 „ Nicholson, William Seegar. . Father : Thomas Nicholson, Devonport, Auckland. 8632 „ Newsham, Grorge Hurst- Father: Charles Newsham, Mangatoki, Eltham. house 9803 „ Nicholson, Francis EdwardFather : Thomas Deacon Nicholson, Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland. 8592 O'Halloran, George Edward Father : G. O'Halloran, Feilding. 8594 Parrish, Alfred .. .. Father: Mark Parrish, Northcote. 8627 Pearce, Thomas .. .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Pearce, Juliet Street, Strat- ford. 8633 Porter, Walter James Father : William James Porter, Penrose, Auckland. 8595 Powell, William . . Mother: Mrs. Ann Powell, Pollen Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 8596 Patterson, William Henry .. Father: William Patterson, Otahuhu, Auckland. 8597 Potts, John Kirker . . Father : William Henry Potts, Thames 8598 Power, Richard Milgrew Father: Maurice Gilbert Power, Waihi. 8599 Roderick, Emanuel - Father : Joseph Roderick, Sussex Street, Newton, Auckland. 8600 Stewart, Arthur . - Father: Henry Stewart, Birkenhead, Auckland. 8601 Stewart, Charles James Father: William John Stewart, Tauranga. 8603 Slater, Thomas - Father : Joseph Slater, Torrens Road, College Park, East Adelaide. 8604 Smith, Wilmot Lawrence . . Father : William Smith, Thames. 8605 Smith, Patrick James .. Father: Patrick Smith, Derby Street, Parnell, Auck- land. 8606 Scott, Archibald Alfred . . Father : Alfred Scott, Waihi, Ohinemuri. 8619 Simpson, George .. .. Father : William James Simpson, Ekham. 8624 Simmons, William Edward. Father : James Simmons, Strathmore, Taranaki. 8608 Tuke, Ernest . . Brother : Henry Tuke, Whitianga, Mercury Bay. 8610 Totman, Clement .. Father : Abraham Totman, Rurleigh Street, Auckland. 8579 Tierney, Richard Frederick. . Brother : Thomas Tierney, Brooklyn, Wellington. Mother : Mrs. Lorne Hogg, Brooklyn, Welling&on, 8612 Webster, Alexander Thomson Father: James Webster, Rimu, Hokitika. 8615 Wynyard, William Thomas. . Father: J. Wynyard, Devoiport, Auckland. 8616 Wallace, John .- .- Cousin: W. Goodall, Chelsea, Birkenhead, Auckland. 8617 Walker, John William Gibson Father : J. D. Walker, Bird·in-hand Hill, Thames. 9024 Whyte, Gordon Hart .. Mother . Mrs. J. J. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland.


Lieutenant Heckler, Henry Thackeray Mother: Mrs. W. Heckler, Waikouaiti, Dunedin. „ Weir, Archibald Scott .. Mother: Eliza Weir, 127 Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London. Friend : Boyd MeGregor, Cherry Bank, Wanganui. Willis, Frank Father : Mr. Willis, Johnsonville. Whyte, Harry Mother : Mrs. Whyte, Seecombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. Chapman, Frank. .. 8710 1 Quartermaster-Sergeant Johns,Richard Father: John Johns, Pukekohe. Walter 8513 Sergeant-Major Gordon, William .. Sister: Miss Grace Gordon, Kyber Pass Road, Auck- land. 8654 i Sergeant Atkins, Harry .. .- Father. George Atkins, Clevedon. 8671 1 « Challis, Christopher George · Mother: Mrs. Jane Challis, 8, Ropemaker Street, London, E.0, 8681 1 „ Cameron, Henry Gilford . . Brother : Ernest Cameron, 7th N.Z. Contingent. 1 Friend: Edward Davis, Rihi, Waikato. 8682 . Oopland, John - . . i Brother: Charles Copland, Princes Street, Dunedin. 8700 „ Hook, Leonard Richard .. 1 Father : John Hook, Waia,maku, Hokianga. 8739 „ Pearson, Herbert William. Father: William Pearson, Whitton, N.S.W. 8758 . Tasker, Thomas .- .. Father: Thomas Tasker, Motueka. 8767 „ Wilaon, Lynden Henry . . , Mother : Mrs. Anna Wilson, Brighton Road, Parnell Auckland. 8911 Farrier-Sergeant Gordon, Edward Father: Thomas Gordon, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui, Craig 8753 Saddler-Sergeant Thomas, Emanuel Father : Arthur Thomas, Wkiangarei, i George 56 MUitary Pensions,

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT,-B SQUADRON-continued. 8653 Corporal Armer, Ernest .. Father : Henry Armer, Cambridge. 8678 „ Carter, James Alison - . Father : Arthur Carter, Arch Hill, Auckland. 8680 Crickett, Robert .. .. Father : Robert Crickett, Cambridge. 8689 „ Davis, George . . Father : Sylvester Davis, Hamilton. 8719 „ Lake, Albert Edward . . Sister : Mrs. F. Peake, Te Puke, Auckland. 8726 MoMAh, Andrew. . .- Father : Andrew J. McMath, Rotorua. 8699 Lance-Corporal Holmes, Charles Raven Father: John Holmes, Olive, Hawke's Bay. 9061 „ Harrison, Henry Jack - Father: John Harrison, Dargaville.

son 8707 „ Jesser, William Friend : O. B. Edwards, Dargaville. Thomas

8770 Kavanagh, Vivian Mother: Mrs. C. Kavanagh, Mauku, Auckland. Claud

8728 Mullins, Herbert Father: John Mullins, Cambridge. Frederick 8856 Bugler Neill, William .. . Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 8663 Farrier Bruce, Robert Hector . , Mother: Mrs. Margaret Bruce, Whatawhata, Waikato. 8720 „ Livingstone, David Benjamin Brother: William Livingstone, Tahikaramea, Wai- kato. 8746 „ Smith, George William Father : G. E. Smith, Aratapu. 8743 Saddler Robson, Charles . . Father : Charles Robson, Tekaha, Opotiki. 8747 . Skellern, Harry . . Father: John M. Skellern, Upper Pitt Street, Auck- land. 8660 Private Baker, Ernest . . Brother : William Baker, Kihikihi. 8662 „ Bastable, Harold Charles Mother: Louisa Bastable, Kirikiriwa, 8656 „ Bullians, Robert . . Father : William Bullians, Mangapai 8658 * Bright, Thomas . . Brother: Richard H. Bright, Post-office, Westport. 8659 „ Brown, Samuel .. Mother : Mrs. Eliza Brown, Wellsford. 8665 „ Bertram, Alfred . . Father : Frank Bertram, Kanga,hia. 8661 „ Baker, Frederick . - Brother : William Baker, Kihikihi. 8664 „ Beatty, William - Father: Brittain Beatty, Pukekohe. 8665 Bellamys Harry . Father: Thomas Bellamy, Waihou, Te Aroha. 8667 „ Blowes, Oliver . . Father : William Blowes, Maharallara East, Hawke's Bay. 8666 Bougen, William .. Mother : Mrs. Rose Bougen, Gisborne. 8669 Cunningham, James Mother: Mrs. Sarah Paratene, Te Arai, Gisborne. 8679 Carr, Samuel . . Father : David Carr, Avondale, Auckland. 8675 Cartwright, Henry .. Father: Nelson Cartwright, Ma,takohe. 8676 Cartwright, Ebenezer . . Father: Nelson Cartwright, Matakohe. 8673 Olive, John .. .. Father: Andrew Olive, Liverpool, England. 8672 Constance, Clemington . . Brother: Owen Constance, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. 8677 Cook, Alexander .- ,- Mother: Mrs. Mary Cook, Mary Street, Invercargill. 8674 Culley, William Henry .. Father: John Culley, Kawakawa. 8691 Dwyer, Matthew .- - Father : William Dwyer, Bulls, Rangitikei. 8690 Dunn, Joseph .- Mother: Mrs. Delia Dunn, Temuka. 8683 Davison, Thomas Richard . . Mother: Mrs. Eliza Davison, Marua, Wanganui. 8684 Dennison, George.. .. Mother: Mrs. Bessie Dennison, Munro Street, Napier. 8687 Doyle, Henry Thomas , . Father: Thomas Doyle, Kihikihi. 8685 Drever, John Hastie Father : William Drever, Kauri, Whangarei. 8688 Dunlop, Thomas Robert .. Father : T. A Dunlop, Parawai, Thames. 8692 Ferguson, James .. Mother : Mrs. G. F. Sederman, Attenborough, Timaru. 8695 Giles, Charles William . . Father: Charles Giles, Hamilton, East Waikato. 8693 Graham, Reginald .. Father: Thomas D. Graham, Marua, Whangarei. 8694 Griffin, Thomas . . Father : Edmund Griffin, Maungakaramea. 8556 Gibb,Robert . Aunt: Mrs. William Fagan, Mount Pleasult, Thames. 8705 Hay, Lionel James . Father: James C. Hay, Thames. 8698 Hamilton, Thomas Shaw Father: James Hamilton, Jambumia, Victoria. 8697 Harvey, Moore William . . Father: Thomas Harvey, Dunloy, Mauchline, Ayr- shire, Scotland, 8696 Howell, Thomas Mother : Mrs, Margaret Howell, care of Captain Binney, Gisborne. 8702 Henderson, William . . Father: David Henderson, Ngaruwahia. 8704 Holloway, Walter Henry .. Father : H. E. Holloway, Morriaville. 8703 Holloway, George Enos Father : H. E. Holloway, Morrisville. 8701 Hutton, Stimson Patrick .. Father: Wyndham J. Hutton, To Kopuru. 8711 Jones, Richmond Herbert . . Mother: Mrs. Annie Jay, Market Street, Kingston, Herefordshire, England. 8709 Jackson, James Brother: Frank Jackson, Onehunga. 8708 Jackson, Samuel Brother: Frank Jackson, Onehunga. 8714 Kerr, John Mother: Mrs, J. Kerr, Eden Terrace, Mount Roakill, Auckland. Military Pensions. 57

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8713 Private Kewish, John WilliamFather ,- : John Kewish, Kihikihi. 8722 „ Larsen, Gus AlfredMother .. : Mrs. Hannah Larsen, Kelburne Road, Palmerston North. 8721 Little, William James .. Father : Robert Little, Kaiti, Gisborne. 8718 Lawrence, Frederick William Father: Frederick James Lawrence, Purewa, Auok- land. 8716 Lynch, William .. .. Father : Peter Lynch, Paeroa. 8717 Lyttelton, James John . . Mother : Mrs. F. Welsh, Opitonui, Coromandel. 8727 Mohr, Henry .. .. Father: John Mohr, Otorohang&. 8730 Moir, Lawrence . Mother : Mrs. J. Moir, Dunfermline, Scotland. 8724 Maddren, Richard Henry .. Father: William T. Maddren, Hikurangi. 8729 Maunder, George Henry .. Father: George Maunder, Kihikihi. 8734 Martin, Harry .. .. Sister : Mrs. Clara Evans, Whatatutu, Gisborne. 8725 Menzie@, Hugh Bruee Fabher: Archibald Menzies, Newmarket, Auckland. 8733 McGovern, Matthew Michael Father : James MaGovern, Hampden Street, Hoki- tika. 8732 McIver, Robert . . Father : Mr. McIver, Waikare, Napier. 8735 Nicol, Robert . . Father: Robert Nicol, Papakura, Auckland. 8736 O'Connor, John .. Father: Thomas O'Connor, Kaihu. 8769 Parker, Charles . Mother : Mrs. E. Parker, Masonic Hotel, Gisborne. 8740 Parker, William John Father: John R, O. Parker, Whautpu, Gisborne. 8737 Passell, James .. Father: John Passell, Dargaville. 8738 Pattison, Roderick John Brother: William Pattiscn, Marcoma„ Victoria. 9096 Pleydell, Ernest . - Father: John J. Pleydell, Orbost, Gippsland, Vic toria. 8744 Rae, Henry Bruce Somer- Brother: Hugh Rae, Cambridge, Waikato. ville 8745 Rountree, James Leonard .. Sister : Mrs. L. Bayly, Ohaupo. 8741 Rowlands, Horace. Mother : Mrs. C. Ives, Kama 8742 Ruddell, Donald .. .. Mother : Mrs. Ruddell, Queen Street, Onehunga. 8751 Stephens, Edwin James .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Stephens, Neerim, Smah Gipps- land, Victoria. 8749 Scanlan, Stephen .- .- Father : B. Scanlan, Dargaville. 8750 Scanlan, Herbert.. .. Father : Bart. Scanlan, Dargaville. 8752 Stafford, William Nathaniel Uncle: David Stafford, Wellesley Street, Auckland. 8748 Sutherland, John Alexander Father: G, Sutherland, Hikurangi. 9087 Stannaway, Albert Alfred . . Father : William Stannaway, Aratapu. 8754 Thorburn, Kenneth . . Father: Andrew Thorburn, Pa,rtia Bay, Whangarei. 8755 Thornton, James William .. Father : George W. Thornton, Kiawaka. 8756 Thornton, Richard .- Father : George W. Thornton, Kiawaka. 8757 Tuck, George Albert . . Father : Charles Tuck, Auckland. 8760 Vail, Reginald Leslie . . Brother: Harry Vail, Dargaville. 8759 Verner, Thomas Ferguson .. Father : John Verner, Kihikihi. 8763 Wallbank, Edward .. Father. Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei. 8668 Ward, Alfred - Father: Isaac Ward, Clevedon, Wairoa South. 8764 Whiddon, Francis. . Mother ; Mrs. Sarah Whiddon, North Street, Ashbur- ton, Devonshire, England. 8766 Williams, Lewis .. Father: Louis Williams, Hikurangi. 8765 Williams, Rupert , . Father : Louis Williams, Hikurangi. 8769 Willerton, George . . Mother: Mrs. Agnes Willerton, Matakohe. 8768 Walker, George Atkinson Father : J. A. Walker: Devonport.


Captain Steward, Vernon W. W. .. Father: Hon. Major Steward, Wellington. Lieutenant Lilly, James Osburne . . Mother: Mrs. Bessy Lilly, Duxford Street, Padding- ton, Sydney. „ Smith, Maurice Ralph .. Father: J. P. Smith, Eketahuna. „ Conn, James .. .. Father: Mr. Christopher Conn, MaAndrew Road, Dunedin. „ Mcerae, John .. .- Father: James Wright McCrae, Stronvar, Masterton. 8891 Sergeant.Major Ward, Louis Welling- Father: Thomas Ward, Wellington Terrace. ton 8879 Quartermaster-Sergeant Smith, Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Smith, 116, Adelaide Road, Hazelburst Wellington. 8786 Sergean Aurelius, David .- ·· Father : D. Aurelius, Newcastle,New South Wales. 8791 „ Burns, William .. .- Mother : Mrs. E. Burns, Wellington. 8796 „ Broomhall, Frank Charles.. Sister : Mrs. Bridge, Union Bank Chambers, Bixteth Street, Liverpool. 9097 Baker, Alfred James .. Mother : Mrs. Jeaie Baker, Corina Avenue, Newtown, 1 « Wellington. 8 58 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8900 , Sergeant Guy, Crosier .- .. Mother:lington. Mrs. Mary M. Guy, Buckle Street, Web 8834 . Lawrence, Bertram Wood- Father: H. W. Lawrence, Kimbolbon, Leominster, forde Herefordshire, England. 8865 Rochester, Charles Henry.. Father: Thomas Rochester, Brook Street, Inglewood, Victoria. 8893 , „ Wolford, Thomas Follis . . Father : T. Wolford, Hampden, Otago. 8618 i Saddler-Sergeant Young, Arthur . . Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Anjie Young, " Tempe," Symonds Street, Auckland. 8686 | Farrier-Sergeant Delaney, Francis ., Father: Patrick Delaney, Rosedale, Newsted, Wai- kato. 8790 1 Corporal Burgess, James Moulton . . Mother : Mrs. H. M. Burgess, Wellington. 8792 ' „ Blacklock, James Pearson.. Father: J, W, Blacklock, Thorndon Quay, Wel- lington 8810 „ Dixon, Albert Leslie . . Father: W. Dixon, Masterton. 8847 i „ Mollvride, William John .. Father : G. McIlvride, Lower Hutt. 8850 Mc Masters, Archibald . . Mother: Mrs. Hannah Mc*aster, Greytown North. 8902 1 „ Rawlinson, Philip .. Mother: Selena Murphy, 30, Shellgate Road, Clap- ham Junction, London. Friend : Mr. Wood, Nor- man Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. 8789 1 Lance-Corporal Brodie, Joseph . . Father : G. O. Brodie, Pabiatua. 8812 1 „ Duncan, Alexander Mother: M. A. Duncan, Mosgiel, Dunedin. Low 8819 1 „ Graham, Percy . . Father : G. G. Graham, Lower Hutt. 8821 1 „ Giesen, Frank . . Father: E. Giesen, Feilding. 8535 1 „ Luxford, Stanley Fair- - hall 8867 „ Ryan, John Father D. Ryao, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. 8850 1 Farrier Griffin, Guy Feathersione Father Braybrook Griffin, Portland Road, Remuera, Auckland. 9029 „ Worsop, Lance Arthur . . Mot}ier: 1\Irs. J. K. Worsop, Waitotara. 8607 „ Snelgar, George Albert . . Father : George Snelgar, Waiotahi Creek, Thames. 8762 „ Wallbank, Dick .- Father: Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei. 6901 1 Bugler Adair, John .. Father: J. Adair, 73, Hopper Street, Wellington. 8785 1 Private Anthony, Frederick William Step-sister: G. L. E. Anthony, 298, Madras Street, Christchurah. 8787 ! „ Atkinson, Harry .. .. Brother : T. A. Atkinson, 42, Abel Smith Street, Wellington. 8788 „ Angle, George .. .. Father : E. Angle, Sydney, N.S.W. Friend : J. Maloney, Pukekohe. 8798 Bliss, Frederick .. .. Mother : Mrs. A. Wilkinson, Ohau, Manawatu. 8794 1 Bradbury, John .. .. Mother : Mrs. E. Br&dbury, Wellington. 8795 Brown, William James .. Father : W. Brown, Kumara, Westland. 8798 1 Bea,ttie, Douglas Sherwell .. Mother: E. C. Beattie, Beattie Street, Wellington. 8799 1 Brightwell, Walter Edwin .. Father : Thomas Brightwell, Woodville. 8800 Bunn, Norman Henry .. Father : H. W. Bunn, Colyton, Feilaing. 8801 Barnes, John Joseph . . Father: J. Barnes, Victoria Street, Masterbon. 8805 Collins, Dennis .. .. Father : P. Collins, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. 8806 Cooper, John Henry .. Father : G. J. Cooper, Herbert, Obago. 8807 , Cuff, Allan Devereaux . . Father: Joshua Cuff, Rata, Rangitikei. 8808 Campbell, Robert Woodward Father : R. Campbell. 8809 Church, Arthur .. .. Father: William Church, 22, Normanby Street, Wel- lington South. 8804 Castle, George Thomas Father: Thomas Castle, Spencer Street, Addington, Christchurch. 8811 Day, William .. .. Father: W. Day, Petone, Wellington. 8813 Downes, Peter .- .- Father: J. Downes, Beaconsfield, Otago. 8814 Dixon, Edward Horace Father : C. Dixon, Masterton. Eugene 9835 Davis, John Burnet Father: Henry Frederick Davis, Brougham Street, Wellington. 8815 Eugene, Walter ., Mother : Mrs. M. Eugene, Hastings. 8816 Evans, Robert William - Mother : Mrs. V. Evans, Colyton, Feilding. 8868 Evans, Robert Francis . . Mother : Mrs. Evans, Eketahuna. 8817 Fraser, Daniel Gordon .. Father : A. Fraser, Petone. 8818 Ghizzi, Alfred Peter John .. Father : L. Ghizzie, Waiuku, Auckland. 8820 Griffiths, Thomas.. .. Mother : Mrs. A. Griffiths, Queen Street, Wellington. 8822 George, James .. .. Father: T. George, Hamua. 8823 ' Glennan, John .. .. Mother: Mrs. W. Boyd, Masterton. 8824 , Green, Herbert .. .. Father : F. W. Green, Masterton. 8848 Grant, Sutherland MoDonald Mother: Margaret Grant, Masterton, Wairarapa. 8825 Hughes, John ., .. Father : J. Hughes, Karori, Wellington. Military Pensions. 59

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address



8826 Private Hasse, Harry Ralph .. Father : A. Hasse, Tainui, Feilding. 8827 „ Howard, John Hooton Mother: Mrs. M. Rayner, Pollen Street, Thames. 8828 „ Hastock, Ernest .. Mother: Mrs. Yateman, Pukehou, Hawke's Bay. 8899 « Jackson, Daniel .. .. Father: Charles Jackson, Mangaweka, Rangitikei. 8830 „ Kennedy, Donald . Sister : N. Kennedy, Martinborough 8831 „ Knight, Louis Dale Father : Uwai, Apiti, Feilding. 8832 „ Le Combe, John . Fabher: H. D. Le Comte, Petone. 8836 Lagerstrom, John . . Friend: Thomas Greenhow, Palmerston North. 8833 „ Leach, Ernest . ,. Father: W. Leach, Newman, Eketahuna. 8837 Leach, William Henry .. Mother : Mrs. K. Matthews, Utiku, Rangitikei. 8838 4 Lenchan, John Ernest Father : Michael Andrew Lenchan, Kempsey, MBLeay River, New South Wales. Friend : Mrs. Wilmot, Provincial Hotel, Palmerston North. 8839 „ Malmanche, William De .. Mother : Mrs. F. De Malmanche, Christchurch. 8840 „ Morgan, David Gibson . . Father: T. Morgan, Tawa Flat. 8841 „ Monteith, William Henry .. Sister : Mrs. W. E. Young, Pukihikura, Waituna West. 8842 „ Michell, William .. .. - Southbrook, Canterbury. 8843 „ Men(is, Alfred James Brother : G. H. Mends, Awahuri, Feilding 8846 „ Monk, Bertha Charles Father: R. M, Monk, Kaikoura. 8845 „ Miller, Oliver Allan ., Father : Robert Miller, Waewhatu, Lower Hutt. 8844 „ Marsh, Frank .. Father : Herbert Thomas Marsh, Villa Street, Master- ton. 8851 » MoKinnon, Frank, Father : W. H. McKinnon, Central Police Station, Wellington. 8852 „ MoKenzie, Stanley . - Father : Murdoch MeKenzie, Unnataroa, Dannevirke, 8853 „ MoLackilan, Colin. . Sister : Miss Annie MoLachlan, Clareville, Waiparara. 8854 „ Nicholson, George. . Friend : J. Stewart, Allora, Queensland. 8855 „ Nielson, Peter .. .. Mother: Mrs. Kathleen Christensen, Waipa, Maurice- ville. 8856 „ Neill, William .. .. Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 8857 „ Nelson, Sidney .. .. Father : Charles Nelson, Eltham, Taranaki. 8859 . Park, Richard Gavin Brother: Harry Albert Park, Te Aute Cottage, Hawke's Mcintyre Bay. 8860 Pashley, John .- Mother: Mrs. E. A. C. Pigg, Stewart Street, North Bundeburg, Queensland. 8861 Pulley, Cecil William Father : George Pulley, Loburn, Canterbury. 8862 " Pennefather,Arm- Alfred Father : A. Pennefather, Apiti, vid Feilding. strong Edward 8863 Potier, Albert James Mother : Mrs. R. Potier, Feilding. 8864 Piercy, Ewon Charles Father : J. Piercy, Ashhurst. 8849 Philp, Daniel Charles -Father : Sparks Philp, 89, Cuba Street, Wellington. 8866 1Reeder, Frank .. Sister: Mrs. J. Munro, Meniyan, South Gippsland, Victoria. 8869 Robinson, Bob .. .. Father: Andrew Robinson, West Eyreton, Canterbury. 8870 Reed, Frederick Charles . . Father: James Reed, Masterton. 8871 Reynolds, George .. Father : George Reynolds, Moeraki, Otago, Hillgrove, 8872 Ryman, James Charles Father: James Hyman, Kairanga, Palmerston North. 8873 Robins, Williams Edward .. Mother: Mrs. Hester Robins, Masterton. 8874 Sinclair, Duncan . - Father. Andrew Sinclair, Kaiwarra. 8875 Smith, Wallace Robertson Father : W. J. Smith, Tamworth, New South Wales. 8880 Seecombe, Frederick William Father : Charles William Seocombe, Waitotara. 8882 Selby, Alfred Herbert . . Father: W. Selby, Cambridge. 8876 Stewart, John .. .. Father: R. W. Stewart, Glasgow Street, Wanganui. 8877 Samuel, Jack .. Mother : Mrs. M. K. Samuel, Thorndon Quay, Wei- lington. 8878 Sievers, Arthur Father : A. Sievers, South Makara, Wellington. 8881 Sass, John Emil Father : George E. Bass, St. Stephen's, Rigstrup, Copenhagen, Denmark. 8888 Simpson, Robert Henry Father: H. Simpson, Cashmere, Sydenham, Christ- church. 8884 Stone, Thomas Henry Father: W. Stone, Southbrook, Canterbury. 8885 Thorley, Charles David Friend: Charles Monaghan, 145, Tinakori Road, Wel- lington 8886 Thomasen, Bartle . . Father : S. Thomasen, Eketahuna, 8887 | Thompwn, John . . Father: George Thompson, Masuerton. 8888 : Tyler, Charles William Father : W. Tyler, Woodville. 8890 5 Vincent, William . . Father : J. C. Vincent, Terrace End, Palmerston North, 8892, Webster, Frank Herbert Mother: J. A. Webster, Winchester, South Canterbury. 8894 Warn, Alfred John Father : W. Warn, Otaki. 8895 1 Wilmot, Joseph Ernest Father : Charles Wilmot, Palmerston North. 8896 Wilmot, Thomas Henry . Father : Charles Wilmot, Palmerston North. 8897 Watson, William Henry .. Father : Walter Watson, Apiti, Feilding. 8898 Woodhead, Alber& Charles .- Mother: Susan Woodhead, Linton, Manawatu. 8899 | Wright, William Cecil .- Father: Archdeacon Wright, Richmond, Nelson, 60 MiZitary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



Captain Mitchell, James . - . . Mr. J. D. Mitchell, Burnbank, Manaia. Lieutenant Duigan, John Evelyn .- Father : J. Duigan, Wanganui. „ Lewin, Charles Montague Father : Captain Lewin, Chriaschurch. „ Paul, Gerald Adams .. „ Speedy, John Frederick.Brother . : W. G. Speedy, Herbertville, Wainui. 8553 Sergeant Major Ward, James GilbertMother : Mrs. Matilda Harris, Christchurch. Friend William Henry Ward, Warepa, Otago. 9032 Quartermaster-Sergeant Humphries, Father : William Humphries, New Plymouth. Stanley Larwell 8916 Sergeant Allen, William . Mother : Mrs. Fanny Allen, New Plymouth. 8928 „ Barty, Albert ., ., Father: Herman Barty, Rata Flat, Mangamahu. 8935 „ Orichion, Robert James . . Father : B. Crichton, Dannevirke. 8951 . Eceles, Charles Edward . - Father : J. C. Eecles, Woodville. 8960 „ Gunn, William Alexander . Mother : Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Guvton Street, Wanganui. 8962 „ Harkness, Reginald Frank.. Father : J, G. Harkness, Taraki, Taranaki. 9001 „ Pointon, Edward Arthur .. Father: Jesse Pointon, Spit, Napier. 9020 . Taylor, Percy .- Mother : Mrs. S. Taylor, London, England. 9016 „ Scott, John Douglas . . Father : D. Scott, Bull's. 8602 Saddler-Sergeant Sutherland, Edward .Father: Alexander Sutherland, Montague Street, Ernest Auckland. 8889 Farrier-Sergeant Turnbull, William Sister : Mrs. T. Hodgen, 148, South Belt, Christchurch. Thomas 8932 Corporal Couper, Peter Joseph .. Mother: Mrs. W. Couper, Fragertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, 8954 Ford, Leonard .- - Father : Harris Ford, New Plymouth. 8958 Garnham, Benjamin John.. Mother: Mrs.Gertrude Garnham, Fraserbown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 9009 Richards, Ralph .. Father: J. Richards, Woodville. 9016 Symonds, Fred. James Father: James Symonds, Government Railways, Westport. 8921 Lance.Corporal Burton, Charles .. Father : Charles Burton, 247, Pitt Street, Sydney. 8933 . Campbell, Donald Father : R. Campbell, Seadown, South Canterbury. 8955 . Fraser, David Hender- Father: James Fraser, Dannevirke.

Son 8977 „ Lean, Henry Edmond Father: James Lean, Makotuko, Hawke'g Bay. 8981 „ Murphy, Matthew .- Sister: Mrs. G. Chipper, Herald Street, Wellington. 9007 „ Redman, Laurie - Stepmother: Mrs. H. T. Smythe, Inglewood. 8925 Saddler Burdett, William .- .- Mother : Mrs. 0. Burdett, Karangahake, Auckland. 8957 „ Greene, Marcus John . . Father : George Bobert Greene, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 8803 Farrier Cornwal], Frederick Father : J. Barnes, Victoria Street, Masterton. 9003 „ Potter, Edwin . . Father : J. Potter, Upper Mohaka. 8917 Private Anderson, Edward John Mother : Mrs. John Anderson, Maxwellbown, Wanga- nui. 8918 Bailey, Joseph Jamea Father : Joseph James Bailey, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay. 8919 Bell, Robert William Father: Robert Bell, Matamau. 8920 Buchanan, James.. Mother: Mrs. William Buchanan, Hastings Street, Napier. 8922 Baxter, John .. .. Mother : Mrs. M. Baxter, Pitfield Plains, Victoria. 8923 Blyde, Albert Harry .. Mother : Mrs. G. Blyde, Inglewood, Kaimata. 8927 Birchley, Malcolm Sidney . . Mobher : Mrs. J. J. Bircbley, Hokowhaite, Palmerston North. 8929 Bowen, William Thomas .. Father: James Bowen, Turakina Valley. 8772 Borlase, John .. .. Father : C. H. Borlase, Wanganui. 8994 Campbell, James William . Stepfather: Robert Bell, Mataman, Hawke's Bay. 8930 Casey, Daniel .- Father: Patrick Casey, Bridge Street, Spit, Napier. 8931 Christiansen, Alfred . . Stepmother : Mrs. E. Kar, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. 8934 Conchie, Edgar James Wilson Father: E. J. Conchie, Hunterville. 8936 Collins, Albert . . Mother : Mrs. H. MeNeil, Woodville. 8937 Cox, Harry .. .. Father : H. Cox, Woodville. 8939 Crawley, Godfrey Avent Father: Horace Crawley, Kai Iwi, Wanganui. 8940 Crawford, George Thomas . . Sister : Misa Lizzie Crawford, care of Mrs. Thornton, Wanganui. 9046 Carlis, William JameR Father : James Thomas Oarbis, Hobson Street, Wai- mate, South Canterbury. 8941 Davidson, Thomas . . Mother: Mrs. Margaret Davidson, White Road, Napier. 8942 Davitt, Alfred ,- Mother: Mrs. E. Davitt, William Street, Gisborne. 9943 Duigan, William Joseph . . Father : Michael Duigan, Ball Street, Wanganui. 8944 Dickinson, Thomas Harry .. Fdher: H. A. Dickinson, Midhirst, Taranaki. 8945 Dobbs, Herbert Edward . . Brother : A. Dobbs, Ormondville. 8946 Drinkwater, Henry .. Mother : Mrs. H. Drinkwter, Dannevirke. Military Pension.8. 61

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8947 Private Dixon, Christopher .- Mother : Mrs. M. Dixon, Woodvilfe. 8948 „ Davidson, Stanley George . . Faher: Alexander Davidson, Patea. 8949 „ Davis, Richard . . .. Father: John W. Davis, care of Mrs. Cox, Linwood, Cl ristchurch. 8950 „ Ellis, Montague . . Fatier : F. H. M. Ellis, Clifton, Motupipi, Nelson. 8952 Fenemor, Charles Frederick Fat ier: William Fenemor, Stanley Brook, Nelson. 8953 „ Flynn, Morrice Alexander :. Father : Morrice Flynn, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, 8956 „ Green, Frank Nevill .. Fat ier : George Green, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay, 8959 „ Gooding, Raymond Bruce .. Father: 0 Gooding, Ngaire, Taranaki. 8961 4 Hargreaves, William .- Fat ier: Peter Hargreaves, Carlyle Street, Napier, 8963 „ Hunt, John Richard.. . . Father : George Hunt, Kimbolton, Feilding. 8964 „ Hoskin, John Alexander .. Father :John Hoskin, Wanganui. 8965 „ Ireland, Herbert Denton . . Father: James Ireland, Wellesley Road, Napier. 8966 „ Innes, George White . Fatier: W. Innes, Pigeon Bay, Canterbury. 8967 „ Irvine, William James . . Fat ier : Lawrence Irvine, Waverley, North Island. 8968 „ Jones, James . . . . Bro,her : William Jones, Manchester Hotel, Feilding. 8969 „ King, Thomas . .. Fat ier: Joseph King, Taupo Road, Tohui. 8970 „ Knight, Arthur . . .. Fatier: J. Knight, New Brighton, Christchurch. 8971 „ Kitchener, Frederick William Fabier: J. Kitchener, Dannevirke. 8972 „ Lawry, William Foster .. Brother : A. It. Lawry, Inglewood, New Plymouth. 8973 „ Luxton, William . - . Mother: Mrs. Jane Luxton, Waitara, Taranaki. 8974 „ Lewis, Samuel Eldridge . . Father : W. Lewis, Pabiatua. 8975 „ Le Vaillant .. 5 Brother: Lewis Le Vaillant, Robinson's Bay, Akaroa. 8976 „ Lockett, Patrick Barnet .. Brother: John Lockett, Oastlecliff, Wanganui. 9007 „ Laurie, Redman . . . Sbepmother : Mrs. H. T. Smythe, Inglewood. 8978 „ Masters, Sydney . . . . Father : Alfred Masters, Hastings, Hawke's Bay, 8980 „ Mulinder, Arthur Herbert . . Mother : Mrs. H. Mulinder, Milaon Road, Napier. 8982 „ Mills, Ernest .- .- Father : W. F. Mills, Greendale. 8983 . Mitchell, Robert Spencer . . Father : W. W. Mitchell, Burwood, Lumsden, 8987 „ Meads, Claude .. . . Father: Nathan Meads, Waiatapu 8988 „ Mooney, Charles . . .. Father: Edward Mooney, Wanganui. 8990 „ Mills, Edward Oakley .. Father: William Mills, Greendale. 8979 „ MoDonald, George . - Father : James MoDonald, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. 8984 „ McKeown, Herbert . - Father : T. MeKeown, Stratford. 8985 MoLean, William.. . . Father: K. McLean, Porangahau, Dannevirke. 8986 „ MoTavish, Samuel .. Father : J. MeTavih, Pahiatua. 8991 „ MacDonald, Colin Telfer . . Father: C. Donald McDonald, Waverley, North Island. 8992 „ McInnes, Duncan Blair - Mother: 1\Irs. Christina McInnes, Douglas Wallace Street, Wellington. 8993 „ Nicholson, James Edward .. Father: R. H. Nicholson, Woodend. 8994 „ Nuttall, Henry .. . . Father : W. T. Nuttall, Wanganui. 8995 „ Noedl, Ernest Grant .. Father : R. C. Noedl, Woodville. 8996 „ Nicolson, James .. . . Father: R. S. Nicolson, Eglinton, Dunedin. 8997 „ O'Brien, Patrick . . Father : J. O'Brien, Ormondville, Dannevirke. 8998 0'Hagan, John . . . . Father : J. O'Hagan, Kumeroa. 6999 . Petherick, Albert . . . Father : George Petherick, Paki Paki, Hawkey Bay. 9O0O „ Preston, David . . . . Mother: Mrs. J. Preston, Gaine Street, New Plymouth, 9004 Pask, William . . . Father: John Pask, Sedgebrook, Wanganui. 9005 „ Platz, Joseph .. . . Sister : Mrs. Higham, Edward Street, Napier. 9031 , Penny, William . . . Rev. C. Penny, Pukekohe, Auckland, 9006 „ Quinney, Henry William . . Sister : Mrs. M. Rossiter, Papanui, Canterbury, 9008 „ Randle, William Henry . . Father : E. T. Rendle, Woodville. 9010 „ Rae, Alexander Richmond .. Father: David Rae, Leech Street, New Plymouth. 9011 „ Relling, Thorsten Frederick Father : J. H. Rolling, Waitari 9012 „ Rogers, Robert Ferguson . . Father: John Rogers, Campbell Place, Wanganui, 9013 „ Snoswell, Joseph . . .. Mother. Mrs. Snoswell,Emerson Street, Napier, 9014 „ Struthers, Henry .. . . Mother : Mrs. S. Struthers, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay, 9015 . Salvin, Joseph Alexander . . Mosher : Mrs. J. Salvin, Bell Street, Wanganui, 9017 „ Sparke, Frank .. .. Father : Dr. G. Sparke, Barthon, Mansfield, Notts, England. 9018 „ Stewart, Kennith . . , , Father : Alexander Stewart, Taibape, 9019 „ Tuohy, James Joseph . . Father: P. Tuohy, Takapau. 9021 „ Vesty, David - . , Father : M. Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. 9022 Vesty, Samuel .. . . Father: S Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. 9023 „ Watson, James . - . Father : Walter 'Watson, Langsfield, Outram, Otago. 9095 „ Wood, James William Fa6her: A. J. Woods, Tikokino, Hawke'a Bay. 9026 „ Whalley, William . . Sister : Mrs. F. F. Fletcher, Inglewood. 9027 „ Walker, Edward Luther .. Father: E. Walker, Woodville. 9028 „ Waite, William . . .. Father: H. Waite, Greytown. 9030 „ Wilson, William James .- Father : J. Wilson, Pioton, 62 Mi,litarij Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9050 Sergeant-Major Cowell, Henry Lennox Father: Arthur Alexander Cowell, Somerset, Tas- mania. 8775 Quartermaster-Sergeant West, Thomas Father : Thomas West, 46, Colombo Road, Syden- Walter ham, Canterbury. 9044 Sergeant Bruce, Roy ,- . Aunt: Mrs. P. Johnston, Bank of Australasia, London, East. 8912 „ Cullen, Thomas William . . Father: William Cullen, Queen Street, Masterton. 8908 . Deighton, Richard George Son : Richard George Deighton, Wairoa, Hawke'a Bay. 9033 „ Grant, David .. Father: David Grant, Humber Street, Oamarn. 9065 Corporal Leslie, Norman tewart Father : Colonel Leslie, Edinburgh, Friend: J. G. Johnston, Waipawa. 9069 „ Mcconnell, William Nevin Father : John McConnell, Gladstone Road, Parnell, Auckland. 9088 „ Stitchbury, Ivory Joseph . . Father: William Stitchbury, Manukau Road, Auck- land.

8784 Todd, Robert .. .. Fa,ther: Robert Todd, St. Bathan's, Otago. 8913 Lance-Corporal Cope, Gerard Brent- Mother: Mrs, Ada Charlotte Cope Dowsing, 3, Web nall lington Terrace, Wellington. 9068 „ Matson, James .. Fa,ther: John Richard Matson, Kiry Street, Dunedin. 9099 Riley, James .. Father : James Riley, Clyde, Osago. 8783 „ Wright, Evelyn John Mother: Janet Wright, Island Bay, Wellington. 9034 Private Antridge, William James . Father : James Autridge, Brown Street, Thames. 9805 „ Armstrong, William Lincoln Father : George Armstrong, Akaroa. 9806 „ Avenell, Henry .. .. Father : William Avenell, Summer Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. 9002 „ Baker, John Frederick . . Father: Arthur Baker, Little Wanganui, Westport, 9035 . Baker, Frederick Charles . - Mother : Mrs. J. Hamilton, Haiti Bridge, Gisborne. 9036 „ Bannin, Neil - Mother : Mary Bannin, Carterton. 9037 „ Barry, Patrick Stephen ., Father : G. J. Barry, Mangat,iti, Pahiatua. 9038 „ Bassett, Joseph .. ,. Father: Joseph Bassett, Eketahnna. 9039 „ Byford, David .. .. Father : George Byford, Coote Road, Napier. 9040 „ Bell, Robert MeAdam Mother : Mrs. E. Bell, Durham Street, Auckland. 9041 „ Bidwell, John .- Mother : Mrs. Mary Byenon. 9042 . Boot, Alfred .. ., R. Lester, Mount Roskill Road, Auckland, 9043 „ Bowler, Charles .. .. Father: John Bowler, Thames. 9836 „ Bougen, George Bruce .. Mother: Mrs. John Ashdown, Mdawhero, Gisborne. 9807 „ Brady, Reginald .. .. ' Father : Frank Brady, 39, Tinakori Road, Wellington. 9808 „ Bristow, George Henry .. Father: Henry George Bristow, Campbell Street, Spit, Napier. 9045 „ Capper, Joseph John . . Father : E. H. Capper, Ohinewai, Waikato. 8989 „ Campbell, Allan .. Mother: Mrs, Margaret Campbell, Whakatutu, Gis- borne.

8910 Chemngs, Frank .. Father: W. Cheffings, Bell Block, New Plymouth. 9047 „ Cash, William Frederick .. Mother : Mrs. Amelia. Cash, 91, Hobson Street, Auck land.

9048 „ Clegg, John James ]Mother : Mrs, M. Clegg, Ormondville. 9049 „ Couper, John Frederick . . Father : J. Couper, Tennyson Street, Napier. 9051 „ Crook, Walter .. .. Father : George Crook, Richmond Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.

9052 „ Cunliffe, Arthur Erasmus . Father: James Erasmus Cunliffe, Johnsonville, Wel- lington. 8729 Curry, John ., ,, Mother : Mrs. Ellen Warner, Havelock. 9809 „ Conroy, George .. .. Father : John Conroy, Karori, Wellington. 9810 „ Carson, Arthur Andrew . . Father: J. A. Carson, Waldegrave Street, Palmerston North.

9811 „ Cameron, David .. Father : W. Cameron, Utiku, Kaikoura, vu Hunter- ville. 9058 „ Dare, William .. .. Father: James Dare, Mount Pleasant, Thames. 9054 „ Dawson, William Rawland. Father : William Dawson, Fairfax Road, Epsom, Auckland, . Drower, George Edmond .. Father : George Rowland Drower, Mount Albert, 9055 Auckland. 9056 „ Evans, De Lacy .- Father: John Evans, Hepburn Street, Auckland, 9057 „ Fisher, Frederick Ferguson Father : William Fisher, Eketahuna. 9812 1 „ Fahey, Michael Bernard . . Father: Anthony Fahey, Rosslyn Bush, Southland, 9058 „ Gernhoefer, Richard Samuel Father : Guttlieb Gernhoefer, Inglewood. Gutillieb 9059 „ Griffin, Henry Featheratone Father: Braybrook Grimn, Remuera, Auckland. 8781 1 „ Gordon, George .. .. Father : Alexander Gordon, Masterton, Dannevirke. 9813 „ Garrett, James Arthur .. Sister : Miss Elizabeth Perry, Beach Street, Petone. 8903 „ Hooper, Henry ., ., Father : John Hooper, South Karori, Wellington, ris.1 Mi,litaTy Pensions. 63

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9060 Private Harris, William . . , . Sister: Mrs. H. Hickey, Kaikora North, Hawke's Bay. 9062 „ Hemmings, Cecil .. ,- Father, Francis Hemmings, Woodleigh, Waikato. 8780 „ Home, George Williain . . Father : David Mitchell Horne, Woodville. 8779 „ Harris, William Stevens .. Father : Edward Stevens, Cook Street, Auckland. 9815 „ Hannon, Daniel .- Mother : Mrs, Mary Hannon, Carlyle Street, Napier. 9814 „ Hannon, Joseph .. .- Father: Daniel Hannon, sen., Dannevirke. 9816 . Hammond, Edward .. Father : James Hammond, Waihi. 9094 „ Instone, Thomas Henry .. Father : Joseph Instone, Victoria Street, Petone. 9817 Ivimey, Sidney SeptimuK . . Father: Robert Ivimey, 88, Elm Row, Dunedin. 9818 „ Johnston, Robert .- .- Sister: Mrs. Jane Hamilton, Templeton, Christchurch. 9064 „ Kavanagh, Laurence . . Mooher: Beatrice Kavanagh, Kavan, County Meath, Ireland, 8915 „ Keating, James Henry .. Mother : Charlotte Keating, Kopu, Thames. 8906 „ Kennedy, Isaac Campbell . - Fa.ther: John Kennedy, North Street, Palmerston North. 8904 „ Kilminster, Winford Robert Brother: Ernes6 Kilminster, Paraparaumu. 9834 „ Lea,r, Ernest .- Howard Lear. 9066 „ Lucas, Frederick William ,. Father: Frederick Lucas, Pukekohe. 9067 „ Lucas, Frank Willett .. Father: Frank Willett Lucas, Great Barrier, Auck- land. 8778 „ Lucas, Frank Usher .. Father : Usher Lucas, Parliament Buildings, Welling- ton. 9819 „ Lowrie, Frederick. . Mother : Mrs. Isabel Lowrie, Turakina. 9820 „ Lile, Adam .. .. Father : Adam Lisle, Inglewood, Taranaki. 8909 „ Moore, Frederick Edwin .. Father: Harry Samuel Moore, 20, Bank's Terrace, Wellington. 9072 „ Mercer, Edward Walter .- Father: John Mercer Grove Street, Nelson. 9073 „ Monstedt, Edward Charles.. Father : Martin Monstedt, Albany, Auckland. 9074 „ Morgan, Thomg,s Lewis .. Mother: Mrs. Rose Morgan, Wanganui. 9821 „ Muir, John . . Father: Alexander Muir, Donald, Victoria. 9070 MoKandry, James. . Father : James McKandry, Wolf Street, Auckland. 8782 MoGuire, William Froom.A. Brother : Jo'hn McGuire, Wynyard Street, Auckland. 8906 „ MoGill, Henry .. Father: Daniel McG ill, Hutt Road, Petone. 9071 „ MeLennan, Murdock . . Father : Norman McLennan, Kauri, Whangarei. 8777 „ MoArthur, Archibald Mother : Mrs. Es6her McArthur, Guillon Street, Wa- nganui. 9822 „ MeMillan, Samuel Thomas.- Mother : Mrs. Maria MeMillan, Alexander Street, Wanganui. 9823 „ MoKeague, William John .. Brother : Daniel McKee.gue, Gisborne. 9814 „ Macdonald, John Christopher Sister : Mrs. Major Gerrard, Sidapur, Coorg, South India. 9825 „ Nichol, Cecil .. Father: George Nichol, 5, Courbenay Place, Welling- ton 9075 „ O'Neil, Bertie . . Father: Thomas O'Neil, Bombay, Auckland. 9076 „ Onion, Joseph .. Friend : Mrs. A. Cunningham, Dickens Street, Napier, 9826 ., 0'Neill, John .. Father : Timothy 0'Neill, Hawera Hotel, Hawera. 9098 „ Peterson, Alfred . Sister: Miss Hilda Peterson, Nag's Head Hotel, Wellington. 9077 „ Patterson, James .. .- Mother: Rachael Patterson, Hobson Street, Auck- land. 9078 „ Quinlan, Andrew, jun, . . Father : A. Quinian, Mangatainoka. 9079 „ Rea, Edward Henry .. Mother : Mrs. Margaret Sherry, Pahau Street, Tharnes. 9080 „ Ralph, William Anthony ,. Father: Robert Rilley Raph, Huntly, Waikato. 9081 „ Reeves, Charles .- - Stepfather: Harry Firmston, Pahiatua, 9082 „ Rose, Donald Henry .. Father: William Rose, Dannevirke. 9083 . Rowberry, Frederick . . Mother: Mrs. Sarah Rowberry, Hawera. 9084 . Rye, Edward .- .- Father: Edward Rye, Newcastle, New South Wales. Friend : T. Bettley, Hamilton, Waikato. 8907 „ Selwood, Arthur . Mother: Mary Anne Selwood, Gear Street, Petone. 9085 . Smith, Luke .. .- Father : G. Smith, Woodville. 9086 „ Smi 611, Walcer . - Father : J. Smith, Pahiatua. 8776 „ Standish, Ivan .. .- Father : Arthur Standish, Witiora, New Plymouth, 8774 „ Simpson, Albert Richmond.- Father: W. H. Simpson, Hastings, 9099 „ Sutherlant William Francis Mother: Mrs. Amelia Sutherland, 1, Walter Street, Donald Wellingbn. 9827 . Stevens, Robert .. .- Father: Robert Stevens, Bloomfield Road, Lower Hutt. 9828 „ Simon, David .. .. Father : Mark Simon, Rotorua. 9089 „ Taylor, John Solomon .. Father : John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Creek, Thamem. 9090 Tuck, Francis Henry .. Father: Elias Tuck, Mount Eden, Auckland. 64 Mititary Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



8773 Private Tipling, Harold Beaumont .. Father: Joseph Tipling, 26, Marion Street, Welling- ton. 9829 „ Urquhart, Harry . . . Father : Duncan Urquhart, Bolton Road, Wanganui. 9091 „ Walker, Reginald George .. Father:Thomas Walker, Levin, Wellington. 9092 Whitoombe, Albert Edward Father : William Whitcombe, Wanganui. 9093 I Wilkins, Percy Reginald . . Father: Joseph Henry Wilkins, Mount Albert, Auck- hnd. 9830 „ Wilkie, Charles . . . - Father : James Wilkie, Stanley Street, Auckland. 9831 „ Wilson, Robert Stewart James Father: Roberli Wilson, Mary Hill Terrace, Morning- ton, Dunedin. 9832 „ Wickens, Albert Edward . . Father: James Wickens, Queen Street, Masterton.


9838 Private Ferguson, Arnold . . . Mother : Mrs. Dora Beggs, 142, Tory Streeet, Wel- lington. 9839 „ Marshall, Alfred Joseph . . Father : Alf. J. Marshall, 51, Cambridge Terrace, Wellington. 9837 „ Knowles, Francis . . . Father : Henry John Knowles, Nabional Bank, Featherston.


.- Captain and Adjutant Browne, Charles Father: - Browne, Cowick, Yorks., England. E., 78 .- Lieutenant Whyte, Harry, 7:h .. Mother: Mrs. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. „ · Conn, James, 7th . Father: Mr. Chrisaopher Conn, MeAndrew Road, Dunedin. „ Lewin, Charles Montague, 66h 3730 Sergeant-Major Forbes, William .. Father : John Forbes, Devon Street, Wellington. Farrier Quartermaster-Sergeant Rouse, Father: J. Rouse Rathmere Street, Fairfield Park, William George Melbourne.


Major Pennycook, William Scott .. Wife: Mrs. Kate L. Pennycook, Balclutha, Otago. Captain and Adjutant Corfe, Arthur Father: Charles 0. Corie, Christa burch. Cecil Capain and Paymaster Oossgrove, Wife: Mrs. Celina Cossgrove, Tuawhi, Kaiapoi. David Surgeon-Captain MoLachlan, Roberb Father, Arohibald MoLaohlan, Doyleston. Clephane Veterinary - Surgeon - Captain Neale, Friend : J. Gilruth, Chief Government Vet., Welling- Charles Raymond ton. Honorary Captain and Chaplain Lux- Son: J. A. Luxford, Bank of Australasia, Invercargill. ford, John Aldred Honorary Captain and Quartermaster Wife: Mrs. Annie Bremner, Alexandra Street, Caver- Bremner, Robert James sham. StaR Sergt.-Major Coleman . Defence Office, Christchurch. 9101 Regimental Sergt.-Major Dorham, Mother : Mrs. M. A. Durham, Dublin Street, Lyttel- Joseph Walter ton. 9102 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant Father : James Montgomery, 21, York Place, Dun- Montgomery, Jobn edin. 9103 Farrier Quariermaster-Sergt. A'Court, Father: Samuel A'Court, Durham Street North, Sydney Charles Christchurch. 9104 Assistant Regimental Quartermaster- Wife: Mrs. F. M. Hussey, School Road, Upper Ric- Sergt. Hussey, William Jmes carton. 9105 Orderly-room Sergeant Proctor, John Mother : Mrs. Alexander Proctor, Wilderness Road, Macfarlane Addington. 9107 Paymaster's-Sergeant Curtis, James Father: James Curtis, Halswell Street, Wanganui. William 9106 Orderly-room Corporal Barker, Archi- Mother: Mrs. Ella Barker, Retreat Road, Avonside, bald Henry Christchuroh. 9108 Dispenser-Corporal A'Court, William Mother : Mrs. S. A'Court, 179, Durham Street North Henry Christchurch. 9109 Dispenser Corporal Duvall, Frederick Mother: Mrs. A. Cook, Brixton Road, Mt, Roskill, Charles Auckland. 9110 Veterinary-Corporal McKay, William Son : William McKay, Hanmer Plains, Canterbury, 93 4 Miitary Pensio'ns. 65

Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON. Wife: Mrs. Esther A. Fisher, 14, Park Terrace, Christchurch. Lieutenant Derrett, George Cecil .. Father: Edwin Derrett, Hororata, Canterbury. Clough, Edgar John , . Fabher : Abner Clough, Waitangi, Chatham Islands. „ Hill, Thomas Clifford . Father: Antony Hill, 17, Wadsworth Street, Syden- ham. „ Dunlop, David Walter .. Father : T. A. Dunlop, Parawai, Thames. 9112 Squadron Sergt.-Major LyonB, Thos. Mother : Mrs. A. S. Lyons, Balguerie Street, Akaroa. Walter 9115 Squadron Quartermaster - Sergeant Fdher: Captain J. Mather, Spreydon, Christchrch. Mdher, William 9113 Strgeant Fear, Arthur Robert . . Mother: Mrs. Robert Fear, Woodend, Canterbury. 9125 „ Hill, Charles William . . Friend : F. Fuller, solicitor, Chancery Lane, Chr;st- church, 9114 „ Smith, Charles Frederick .. Sister : Jennie Smith, care of Mrs. Allnutt, Harewood Road, Papanui. 9116 „ Smith, John Henry .. Father: William Smith, Westerfield, Ashburton, 9117 „ Simpson, George Daniel .. Father : George Simpson, (Jornr North Belt, Bar- badoes Street, Christchuroh. 9122 Cossar, David Henry .. Father: George CoBsar, Tai Tapil. 9119 Farrier-Sergeant Andrew, John .. Mother : Mrs. J. M. Andrew, Outram. 9120 . Norbh, William Father: W. J. North, Goldsmith Street, Sydenham. James 9124 Saddler-Sergeant Neill, Harry .. Cousin : F. G. Horrel, Horrellville. 9118 Corporal Ritchfield, Samuel James . Sister: E. E. Ritchfield, Robinson's Bay, Akaroa. 9123 „ Sparrow, William John .. Father: William Sparrow, Ashburton. 9126 „ Lyons, John - Father : Mark Lyons, Balguerie Street, Akaroa. 9127 „ Bennett, Edward Charles .. Father: Stephen Bennett, Mahoe, Taranaki. 9131 Symons, Frederick Henry.. Brother : Wilfred R. Symons, Aylesbury, North Can- terburv 9128 „ Welsh, Joseph James Sister: Mrs. Gordon, 195, Montreal Street, Christ- church. 9163 Lance-Corporal Ferris, John Smith.. Mother: Mary Ann Ferris, St. Loch, Truro, Cornwall, England 9173 Holland, James Ed- Father: James Holland, Raven Street, Kaiapoi. ward 9186 „ Moore, Harold Fred- Father : John Henry Moore, Rangiora. erick 9182 „ Hooking, Edward Father : J. G. H. Hocking,!Smollet Street, Sydenham. Francis 9133 „ Hopkins, Henry Father: H. D. Hopkins. Cox Street, Ashburton. Church 9209 South, Richard Wil- Mother: Mrs. Mary South, Cedars, Colombo Street, liam Christchurch. 9134 Bugler Staunton, Archibald . - Father : Henry Staunton, 1, Bath Street, Christ- church. 9135 Farrier Harwood, Albert Edward .. Sister : Mrs. W. Pease, Pamford Street, Woolston. 9136 . Campbell, James .- Father: John Campbell, Timaru. 9137 Saddler Miles, Richard George .. Father : Joseph Miles, Ashburton. 9138 Private Anderson, George Alfred Father: Thomas Henry Anderson, Armadale, Bowen Heath.. Street, Christchurch. 9139 „ Ashton, Herbert .- Father : W. L. Ashton, Stewart's Gully, Canterbury. 9140 „ Adam, Leonard Bruce .. Father : George Adam, Spohr Street, Addington. 9141 „ Bradbury, Robert.. Sister : Mrs. S. McCaul, Milton, Otago. 9142 Bushell, Reginald.. .. Uncles: Rhodes Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa. 9143 Bing, Alfred Edward .. Mother : Mrs. G. Gordon, Kelly's Road, St. Albans. 9144 „ Brookes, Alexander . . Mother: Mrs. E .Brookes, Banks Peninsula, Akaroa. 9145 . Bland, George Arthur .. Father: James S. Bland, Winchmore, Ashburton. 9146 . Bradford, Henry .. .. Father : Thomas Bradford, Ashburton. 9147 „ Bradford, Thomas Fleming. . Father: Thomas Bradford, Ashburton. 9148 Breach, Sydney .. .. Father : William H. Breach, Rakaia. 9130 „ Campbell, Walter.. Mother: Mrs. Mary Campbell, Waltham Road, Sydenham. 9149 Collins, Herbert Milford . . Father: E. F. Collins, 18, Tuam Street, Christchurch. 9150 Carter, Henry .. ., Father : John Carter, Hunter Road, Elham, Taranaki, 9151 Conlan, Owen Eugene .. Mother : Mrs. M. Conlan, Oamaru. 9152 Cannon, James .. Father: Patrick Cannon, Home View, Cheviot. 9153 Cheeseman, Cecil Henslowe Friend : Mrs. Heslop, St. Alban's Lane, Christchurch, 9154 1 Cameron, Archibald . . Father: William Cameron, 130, Gloucester Street, Christohurch. 91\ C,leman, Richard- Father : Joseph Coleman, Ashburton. 66 Military Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIME NT.-E SQUADRON-continued. 9688 Private Cassidy, Richard .- Mother: Mrs. Anne Cassidy, Earne Street, Inver- cargill 9156 . Daviee, Charles Arthur . . Cousin : Miss E. Tee, Christchurch. 9157 . Davies, Thomas Gordon .. Brother-in-law: Mr. Wheartin, Baxter's Siding, Ko- kiri. 9158 N Denham, Clarence Murray.. Father: Frederick Denham, Richmond. 9159 . Evans, Wilfred George . . -Father : C. Evans, Kaikoura. 9160 . Forbes, George .. .. Father : George Forbes, Dunedin. 9161 Forbes, Robert .. .. Father : A. Forbes, 103, Barnes Street, Sydenham. 9162 : Ferguson, Alfred William . . Aunt: Mrs. Denton. Gasworks Road, Christchurob. 9225 * Fisher, John .- Friend : F. Cox, Spencer Street, Addington. 9164 . Fisher, George .. .. Friend : Joseph Cox, Spencer Street, Addington. 9165 Forbes, John .. .. Father: John Forbes, Wellington. 9166 Gallavin, John - Father : John Gallavin, Winohester Street, Lyttelton. 9167 „ Gill, Frederick Edwin .. Brother-in-law : Mr. Mulhern, Selwyn Terrace, Lyt- tel ton. 9168 . Gottermeyer, Charles . . Father : M. Gottermeyer, Canal Road, Marshland. -9692 . Graham, Miles John .- Father: John Grham, Brunswick Street, Dunedin. 9690 . Gunn, Vernon Robert Father: D. W. Gunn, Queen Street, Richmond, Nelson. 9120 . Hallam, John .- Father: James Hallam, Falgrove Street, Sydenham. 9169 . Hartley, Edward .. .. Mother : Mrs. Hartley, Andrew Street, Sydenham. 9170 . Hurse, Leonard Granville , Father: J. Hurse, Oust. 9171 . Hawker, Charles .. Mother: Mrs. Hawker, North Street, St. Albans. 9172 Heney, William John .. Father : Thomas Heney, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. 9174 . Hill, Walter Fri,ncis Father : F. W. Hill, Lismore, Hinds, 9175 Hagerty, Daniel Washington Father: John Hagerty, Winton, Southland. 9691 Hume, Peter Gullard Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Hume, 39, York Place, Dunedin. 9176 „ Iles, Lealand Harry .. Father: Mr. Iles, Papanui, 9177 * Jacobsen, Horace Joseph . . Father : L. Jacobsen, Brougham Street, Sydenham. 9178 . Johnston, David - Friend: Miss M. Comfort, Shepparton, Victoria, 9179 . Jones, Wfilter Edward .. Friend : Mrs. Wheeler, Ashburton. 9160 . Lindsay, Charles Ellesmere Father: Frederick Lindsay, Walas Road, Lyttekon. 9182 „ Lynskey, Edwin .. .. Father : William Lynskey, Wilson's Siding, Kaiapo 9183 . Mould, William .- . Father: George Mould, 0'Kain's Bay, Canterbury. 9184 * Mould, Thomas . Father: George Mould, O'Kain's Bay, Canterbury. 9185 „ Moore, George Birnie . . Father: R. Moore, 11, Gladstone Terrace, Chris· church. 9187 „ Miles, Alfred James .. Father: William Miles, Rangiora. 9188 Martin, Thomas .- Father: John Martin, Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi 9189 „ Madden, Joseph .. .. Father : Patrick Madden, Seafield Road, Ashburton. 9190 „ Mason, Michael Bertie . . Friend: William Henry Pearce, Ashburton. 9191 . Metcalfe, Septimus John . . Father: James Metcalfe, Ashhurst, Palmerston North. 9192 . McArley, Olliver .. .. Mother : Mrs. A. McArley, Pukeuri. 9193 0 MoLaren, Duncan .. Father. William MoLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton. 9194 „ McConnell, John George . . Father: John McConnell, North-east Belt, Ashburton, 9195 . McConnel, Henry.. .. Father: R. MoConnel, Christchurch. 9196 . Malthus, Samuel .- Father : Henry P. Malthus, Maori Hill, Timaru, 9129 Moody, William .- .- Father: J. B. Moody, Woodend, Canterbury. 9197 Phillpott, Victor George . . Sister-in-law : Mrs. P. J. Crozier, 85, Queen Street, Sydenham. 9198 , Phillips, Harry .. Father: H. Phillips, 48, Durham Street, Christchurch. 9199 Primmer, Percy ., Father : F. Primmer, North Street, St. Albans. 9200 Prettyjohn, William Francis Mother: Mrs. Grace A. Prettyjohn, 145, Peterborough Norman .. .. Street, Chriatchurch. 9201 . Prestney, Arthur - Mother : Mrs. L. Prestney, Fernside. 9224 . Pulley, Francis .. .. Father : G. P. Pulley, Loburn. 9202 Paterson, George Duncan . . Cousin : Mrs. Heseltine, Tinwald. 9203 „ Payne, Thomas George .. Father: John Payne, Mayfield, Ashburton. 9204 . Porter, Andrew John . . Uncle: John Ash, Prebbleton, 9205 * Robinson, Walter Maitland Father: John Robinson, 60, Tuam Street, Linwood. 9206 Rich, Robert Francis . . Aunt : Mrs. L. Turpin, Linwood Station. 9207 „ ' Rogers, Harry Josiah . . Father: Jos. Rogers, Greymouth. 9208 „ Rout, George Abraham .. Father : Charles Bout, Stratford, Victoria. 9210 „ Sheridan, Charles.- .- Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Sheridan, Rangiora. 9211 „ Stevenson, John .- Brother: W. J. Stevenson, H.M. Customs, Wellington. 9212 „ Samuels, Charles Henry .. Father: E. Samuels, Morven, South Canterbury. 9213 „ Scott, George Francia Mother. Mrs. H. M. Scott, Havelock Street, Ashburton. 9214 „ Sewell, Charles .- Father : Datd Olliver Sewell, Ruapun Ashburton, Militicru Pensions. 67

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9215 Private Tregear, Everard Leopold Mother : Mrs, J. Tregear, Wattlevale, St. Mdin's, Quinton .. Opawa. 9217 „ Vincent, Bartholomew Mother: Mrs. E. Vincent, Romato Settlement, Thomas .. .. Woolston. 9218 „ Wallburton, Phillip Charles Brother : F. G. Wallburton, Aulesbrook's Biscuil Company, Christchurch. 9219 „ Ward, Newman Gordon .. Father: N. L. Ward, 48, Tinakori Road, Wellington. 9220 . Wallace, James Crofford . . Father : James Wallace, Mollett Street, Christchurch. 9221 „ Webb, William Ernest . . Brother: F. Webb, Thames Street, Linwood. 9222 „ Whitlock, Charles. . . . Brother: James Whitlock, Gisborne. 9223 . Wood, William .. Uncle : Norman Johnston, Springburn. 9694 „ Whitly, Richard George . . Father: S. Whitty, Dowling Street, Dunedin.

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON. Lieutenant Maling, Thomas James . Father: Thomas Maling, 277, Armagh Street, Christ· church. Powrie, Malcolm Angus.. Father : James Powrie, Chrilchurch. „ Hickson, Walter Atken . - Mother : Mrs. It. A. Hickson, Kilmore, Prospect Street, Waverley, Sydney, New South Wales. Garland, Jonothan Father: Benjamin Garland, Auckland. William 9226 Squadron Sergeant - Major Jeffreys, Father: F. J. Jeffreys, Nelson. Charles Alfred 9227 Squadron Quartermaster - Sergeans Mother : Mrs. A. Smith, Lyndhurst Street, Grey- Smith, Joseph Henry mouth. 9228 Sergeant Burnetb, John Edward Father : J. R. Burnett, Dovedale, Nelson. Thomas 9229 „ Holland, Ernest Lionel . . Father : J. Holland, Bishopdale, Nelson. 9230 „ Smith Daniel .- Brother-in-law : J. S. Smylh, Denniston, Westport, 9231 „ Marshall, William Griffiths Sister : Mrs. Forsyth, Blue Spur, Hokitika. 9232 „ Dibble, John James Friend : Mr. Coney, Club Hooel, Kaikoura. MoDonald 9238 „ Burch, Adolphus Dodson .. Father: 0. Burch, Papawal, Greytown. 9234 Farrier-Sergeant Lummas, George . . Father: A. Lummap, High Street, Blenheim. 9235 Bebbington, Harry Mother: Mrs. R. Campbell, Seadown. 9236 Saddler - Sergeant Johnston, Ernest ' Father : F. W. Nelson, Port Nelson. Victor 9237 Corporal Nicolls, Jobn .. .. Father : J. H. Nicolls, Spraylands, Blenheim. 9238 „ MoLiver, John Lachlan ..i Father : Captain J. MeLiver, Avondale, Auckland. 9239 „ Holmes, James .. Father: Richard Holmes, Denniaton. 9240 0.,x, Frederick James .. Father : Mr. Cox, Kaiapoi. 9241 „ Burke, Rupert Egerbon Mosher: Mrs. Norah Burke, Church Terrace, Timaru. 9242 Fogarty, David .- Father : Thomas Fogarty, Timaru. 9243 Lance-Corporal Lewis, Tom . . Fabher : 0. Lewis, Pahiatua. 9244 Opie, Harold . . Uncle: H. A'Court, Papanni, Chridchurch. 9245 „ Hole, William Bruton Father : John Hole, Glen-iti, Timaru. 9246 Rutherford, Andrew Father: Mr. Rutherford, Waiau. Don 9247 „ Bennett, Henry .. Father: William Bennett, Pleasant Vallev, Geraldine. 9248 Malthus, Percy .. Father : Henry P. Malthus, Maori Hill, Timaru. 9249 Bugler Weir, Edward James . . Mother : Mrs. Weir, Teviot Street, Invereargill. 9260 Farrier McPhedran, Donald Cunning Friend : John Whittaker, Soafford Street, Timaru. barn 9261 „ MoLeod, George Frank .. Cousin : Boberb Judge, Hawera. 9262 Saddler Wilkinson, Charles Thomas Fa.ther: 0. H. Wilkinson, Motupiko, Nelson. Henry 9253 Private Ambrose, Arthur .. .. Father: John Ambrose, Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. 9254 Armstrong, John William . A[other: Mrs. Charlotte Armstrong, Blenheim. 9955 Anderson, William Charles Brother : Joseph Anderson, Onamalutu, Blenheim. 9256 Anderson, George Robert . , Father: Alexander Anderson, Kaiapoi, 9257 Brasell, Henry William . . Father : John Brasell, Duntroon. 9258 Butt, William Harry .. Father: James Butt, Cheviot Hill. 9259 Brown, Eric .. .. Fdher: Robert Brown, Ricearton. 9260 1 Brown, Albert George Father : G. J. Brown, Kowai Bush, 9261 Brown, Joseph .. .. Father: E. L. Brown, Alton Street, Nelson. 9262 Brown, John .. .. Father: David Brown, Kanieri, Westland. 9263 Baucke, Frank Herman Fther: Herman Baucke, Kanieri, Westland. 9264 Berry, Austin .- ·· Father: T. W. Berry, Alfred Street, Blenheim. 9265 Brown, Robert John .. Father: W. T. Brown, Knwai Bwh, Springfield. 9266 Caldwell, Augustus .. Mother : Mrs. Elizabeth Caldwell, Olive, Hawke's Bay. 68 Militar# Pensions.

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-Continued. 9267 Private Clark, Thomas Lander . . Uncle: A. C. Mouldey, Worcester Street, Christchurch. 9268 Cook, Ernest William .- Father : H. Cook, Greytown North 9269 » Chandler, William .- Sister Miss Mary Chandler, care of G. Wallam, Renwick Road, Blenheim. 9270 Oundy, Ernest Henry .- Father : Harry Oundy, Blenheim. 9271 Carew, John Henry .. Friend : T. Barrets, Queen Street, Westport. 9279 Card, Arthur Blamires .- Father : A. T. Card, Picton. 9273 Cameron, George . . Mother: Mrs. James Cameron, Kowai Bush, Spring- field. 9274 Campbell. Kenneth Olliver. . Father: J. Campbell, Waipu North, Auckland. 9275 Doonan, Matthew .. Mother : Mrs. Margaret Doonan, Terrace, Reefton. 9276 Gillespie. Jos. Francis . . Father: John Gillespie, Temuka, 9277 Glasson, John .- Friend : Jos. Bryan, Timaru. 9278 Goldsmith,BenjaminDawson Friend : P. Lyons, Temuka. 9279 Graham, Herbert Lewis .. Father: Samuel E, Graham, Kakahu School,Temuka. 9280 Gibbs, George Herbert . . Father: J. Gibbs, Wakefield, Nelson. 9281 Gilmer, Robert .. .- Father: Henry Gilmer, Totara Flat, Greymouth. 9282 Gainsford, Walter Allen .. Father : R. H. Gainsford, East Oxford. 9283 Fanchelle, Frank Charles . Sister : Mrs. H. Smith, Takaka, Nelson. 9284 Franklyn, Charles Henry .. Brother: J. Franklyn, Takaka Ea.st, Nelson. 9285 Flower, William Herber6 .. Mother: Mrs. J. W. Flower, Kaikoura, Marlborough. 9286 Harrison, Robert .. .- Father : John Harrison, Temuka. 9287 Head, William Arthur .- Father: Arthur Head, Kanieri, Hokitiki. 9288 Hutchison, David.. .- Brother: John Hutchison, Kanieri, Westland, 9289 Horton, John Pearson .- Father: John Horton, Reetton. 9290 Hyne, Arthur .- ·· Friend: A. Miles, Collingwood. 9291 James Charles Robert .- Mother : Mrs. Sarah E. James, Wa,hdyke, Timaru. 9292 Jones, Thomas Patrick .- Brother: Peter Jones, Stafford Street, Hokitiki. 9293 Jordan, Alexander St. Patrick Father : Alexander Jordan, Springfield. 9294 Kelly, Thomag .. Father: William Kelly, Cheviot. 9295 Kitching, Thomas Mercer .. Father : A. Kitching, Nelson. 9296 Lorre66, Frank .. .. Mother: Mrs. Anne Lorrett, Hororata. 9297 Lammas, John Oscar .. Sister : Mrs. R. Glover, Nelson. 9998 Lone, Christopher . . Father : H. Lowe, Birchfield, Westport. 9299 Lamb, Herbert Arthur .. Father: H. A. Lamb, Wellington. 9300 Lund, John .. .. Father : Walter Lund, Pleasant Poinb, Timaru. 9301 Maban, Adam George . Mother: Mrs. Mary Jane Mahan, Rangitata. 9302 Meredith, John Thomas .. Father : G. R. Meredith, Hilton, near Temuki 9303 Mitchell, William John .. Father : W. J. Mitchell, Eaton Street, Timaru. 9304 Moore, William John .- Father: John Moore, Temuka. 9305 Manson, George Gray . . Sister: Mrs. Maynard, Freehurst Road, Lyttelton. 9306 Moore, John Thomas .. Sister: Mrs. A. Hyde, care of A. Hyde, care of Mrs. C. Kent, Gill Street, New Plymouth. 9307 Morgan, Frank ., Mother: Mrs. Annie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara. 9308 MeLean, William . Mother: Mrs. Eliza Nesbitt, Belgrove, Nelson. 9309 McWilliams, James Brother: Thomas MoWilliams, Cook Street;, Auckland. 9310 McOarthy, Percy .- Father : F. McCarthy, Boundary Street, Greymouth. 9311 McI?herson, Norman Father : Norman MaPherson, sen., Orari. 9312 MoDonald, Andrew .- . Father: John MeDonald, Hedgehope, Invercargill. 9813 MoFarlane, John , - .. Friend : Mr. D. Livingstone, Grey Street, Port Obalmers. 9314 MaKenzie, Hughie Sister : Mrs. Burfeet, Timaru. 9315 Nelson, David .. Stepmobher : Mrs. Amelia. Nelson, Limehill, South- land. 9316 Nelson, Charles .. Friend : T. Holden, Collingwood. Nelson. 9317 O'Connor, Charles Father: Maurice O'Connor, Glen-iti Post-office, Timaru. 9318 Olliver, Arthur Hawdon Mother : Mrs. Olliver, Fernside. 9319 Powell, John - Father : Lewis Powell, East Oxford, North Canter- bury. 9320 Pfahlert, Joseph . . Father : Ernest Pfahlert, Kanieri, Westland. 9579 Potter, John Joseph Mother : Mrs. E. D. Potter, Edmund Street, Woolston. 9321 Redwood, Henry Francis Mother : Mrs. Charlotte Redwood, Muller Road, Blen- heim. 9322 Ring, Percy .- Aunt: Mrs. A. Maynard, Medbury, North Canterbury. 9323 Reid, John Edwin.. Father: John Reid, Church Street, Timaru. 9324 Swaney, Peter .. Father: John H. Swaney, Temuka. 9325 Smith, Joseph . . Brother : Jack Smith, Feilding. 9326 Smith, Thomas . - Father: Edwa,rd Smith, Brunnerton. 9327 Singer, Louis .. Father: John Singer, Kanieri, Westland. 9328 Stankey, Joseph .- Father : Anthony Stankey, Ka,nieri, Westland. 793 M*tan j Pensions. 69

No.! Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9329 Private Snook, John Herbert . . Father: A. E. H. Snook, Dovedale, Nelson. 9330 „ Solly, John . . .. Father : E. Solly, Kahaka. 9331 „ Scrimgeour, Henry . - Father : J. Sorimgeour, Collingwood, Nelson. 9832 „ Scott, George William .- Mother : Mrs. Helen Scott, Omoto Road, Greymouth, 9333 . Sutton, Edward William .. Father: Frank Sutton, Wamakakaho, Blenheim. 9334 „ Shepherd, David - . Father : Mr. Shepherd, King Street, Raligiora. 9335 , Shaw, William Edward .. Friend : A, S. Bird, Culverden. 9336 „ Shaw, William John .- Friend : Miss Mary Brunnel, Mount Fyfe, Kaikoura. 9337 Tomasi, John - .. 1 Brother : Victor Tomasi, Denniston. 9338 „ Upton, Roberb William Chas. 1 Mother : Mrs. Gieseler, Springfield. 9339 „ Williams, William .. 1 Friend : Jamesg Wilson, Miners' Hotel, Reetton. 9340 „ Walker, William Henry .. Sister : Mrs. Stringer, Fairdown, near Westport. 9341 „ Ward, Richard .. . .,Father: John Bruster Ward, Fairview, near Timaru. 9342 0 Wells, Thomas Edward . . Mother : Mrs. Wells, Kanieri, Westland.

SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON. Lieutenant Keddell, Philip Arthur . . Father : Major Keddell, Oamaru. „ Jones, Sidney Leslie . Father: John Richard Jones, 14, Park Street, Dun- edin. Corlett, Henry Robert Father: B. S. Corlett, Rotortia. Seynnour Walmeley, Francis John Father : D. W. Walmsley, Government Baildingg, Wellington. 9343 Squadron Sergt.-Major Challis, Arthur Father ' George Challis, Avenel. Henry 9344 Squadron Quartermaster- Sergt Elston, Relative Mrs. Wright, Avonside, Christchurch. Frederick John Goddard 9345 Sergeant Booth, Frederick Underwood Mother : MrA. A. Booth, Cross Lane, Oamaru. 9846 „ Cooper, Jobn Joseph .. Mother : Mrs. R. J. Meadows, Luggate, Otago. 9347 „ Stock, Arthur Francis . Father : Henry Stock, Kakanui, 9348 „ Sutherland, Robert . Mother : Mrs. Jessie Suoherland, Matakanul, Otago, 9349 „ Lawson, George .- Cousin: Miss Maud Holmes, Napier. 9350 „ Ross, John .. ,, Faoher: Alexander Ross, Kelso, 040. 9583 Farrier-Sergeant Hutchings, William Sister : Mrs. Eva Norris, Maclaggan Street, Dunedin. Ernest 9852 „ Burgess, Charles Duff Father : C. D. Burgess, Balclutha. 9353 Saddler-Sergeant Taylor, Joseph Alfred Father: John Taylor, Walpole Sureet, Waltham, 9354 Corporal Porter, Ernest .- Father: Robert Porter, care of J. E. Hutchison, Wai- mak. 9355 Sutherland, Henry Father: Robert Sutherland, Kaihiku, Otago. 9356 Anderson, James Henry Brother : John Ander:on, Oucram, West Taieri, 9357 Searle, Richard . - Father: William Searle, Kakanui. 9358 Fairlie, John . . Mother: Mrs. Louisa Fairlie, High Street, Roslyn Dunedin, 9359 Toomey, Patrick Brother: Sergeant J. Toomey, Police-station, Feild- ing. 9360 Lance-Corporal Anderson, Thomas .. Uncle : John Anderson, Queensbury, Luggate. 9361 Frith, William .- Father: W. H. Frith, Tnames S;reet, O,maru. 9362 „ Corliss, Mortimer Pd- Father: Jnhn Corliss, Vogelbown, Wellington. rjck 9363 „ Wilson, George . . Father Charles Wilson, Parsonage Road, Waimate. 9364 Manson, AndreB Father Donald Manson, Pukerau. Mouat 9365 Father : Alexander Johnson, Herbert, Otago. 9366 Father: John Bland, Northeast Valley, Dunedin. 9367 Bogler Bland, Afcohinbst>bert . . Father: Farrier Murphy, George .. .. George Murphy, N aseby. 9368 „ BurE, Frederick Godfrey .- Fabher: W. A. Burt, Victoria Screet, Rangiora. 9369 S:ddler Josm, William .. .. Father: Alexander JOB.S, Queenstown, 9370 Private Bain, Maxwell Stewart .- Mother i Mrs. Marry Bain, 298, Cashel Street, Christ- church. 9871 Bain, Henry Father: Neil Bain, Kurow. 9372 Brown, Frederick . . Father : Courtney Brown, Oamaru. 9373 Bolton, William . - Fauher: James Bolton, Hampden. 9374 Buchanan, Michael Fabher: George Buchanan, Wai-iti Road, Timaru. 9375 Baner, Ernest William Mother: Mrs. Baxter, MaungaLUa, OLago 9376 Cox, George .. Father: George Cox, Papakaio, Oamaru. 9377 Cox, John .. Fainer : George Cox, Papakaio, Oamaru. 9378 Oairns, Robert . Father: Robero Cairns, New Scree6, Oamaru. 9379 Clark, Alexander David Father : Hugh Clark, Ardgowan. 9380 Cooper, Thomas Ernest Mother : Mrs. Meadows, Luggate. 9381 Oadogan, Clifford Taylor FaLher. David Cadogan, Rocky Side, Caversham. 70 Milita,y Pensions.

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Addresm.


SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-col,Unued. 9382 Private Cromb, John Hay Donaldson Brother : William Cromb, Ranfurly, Obago. Carter, George Ralph . . Friend : Duncan Livingstone, Alexandra. EI. Connor, John . . . . Mother : Mrs. May Connor, Cricklewood, Timaru. 9385 „ Cranwell, Charles- . Brother-in-law : Walter Tanner, Fairlie. 9886 „ Columb, Edward Joseph .. Sister: Mary Columb, Mosgiel, Otago. 9387 „ Donovan, William Henry .. Michael Donovan, Eden Street, Oamaru. 9388 . Dougherty, Benjamin . . Father: Neil Dougherty, Cannongate Street, Dunedin 9389 „ Duncan, Archibald Campbell Father: Richard Duncan, Woodiands, North Road Oamaru. 9390 „ Dawson, Charles .. .. Mother : Mra. Mary Dawson, Hampden. 9391 1 Deam, Frank .- .. Father: John Deam, Waihemo. Dempsey, William .. Father: Alexander Dempsey, Ngahere, Greymouth, 9392| „ Westland. 9393 „ Ennis, Andrew Alfred . . Brother : William Oiliver Ennis, Herbert. 9394 i „ Ellis, William Henry . . Godfather : W. H. Smith, Fairlie. 9395 1 „ Edgeeombe, William Stenning Mother: Mrs. Edgecombe, Alexandra South, Otago. 9396 , „ Ellis, Leonard Richmond . Father: J. J. Ellis, Rangitata, South Canterbury. 9397 . Flynn, Peter .. .. Father : John Flynn, Studholme Junction. 9398 ' „ Findlayson, Robert . . Father : Alexander Findlayson, Tinwald, Ashburbon. 9399 . Fraser, Roderick . . . Mother : Mrs. Ellen Fraser, Lake Te Anau. 9400 Gow, James Thomson .. Father : A. Gow, Waireka Junction, Oamaru. 9401 „ Goodall, Edward .- . . Mother: Mrs. F. Meadows, Hawea Flat, Otago. 9402 „ Gilchrist, John .. .. Father: Alexander Gilchrist, Herbert. 9403 „ Geddes, Wijliam . . . . Mother: Mrs. James Geddes, Palmerston South. 9404 „ Green, William James Siscer : Mrs. W. Reay, Morven, South Canterbury. 9405 „ Griffiths, George . . . . Friend : P. Kildiegh, Temuka. 9406 „ Hoare, Edwin .. ,. Father: Thomas Hoare, Waimate. 9407 „ Hud, John .. . Father : Peter Hunt, Melbourne Street, Invercargill. 9408 . Jackson, William - . Father : William Jackson, Hillgrove. 9409 „ Joyce, George . . .. Mother: Mrs. J. Duckett, Mary Street, Waimate. 9351 „ Kerr, Robert . . .. Father: John Kerr, Gordon Street, Sydenham. 9410 „ Kay, Robert .. .. Father: James Kay, Allan Street, Oamaru. 9411 „ Kidd, John .- . . Father: Henry Kidd, Albury, South Canterbury. 9412 „ Kelinington, Joseph . . Father : William Kenninglon, Okaramio, Havelook. 9413 - Kitchen, Thomas Alexander Father : James Kitchen, Palmerston South. 9414 .. Kelly, John Morrison .. Father: Peter Kelly, Dunsandel. 9415 „ Knowles, Thomas Frederick Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Knowles, Motueka, Nelson. 9416 ,, Kilpatrick, John Johnstone.. Father : John Kilpatrick, Cumberland Soreet, Dun- edin. 9417 ' „ Leask, William . . . . Miss Ross, Awamoka, Oamaru. 9418 „ Laird, Samuel - . . Mother: Mrs. R. White, Waimate, South Canterbury. 9419 „ Livingstone, Herbert . Mr. J. Trotter, Fairlie. 9420 „ Morrison, Lauchlan Calder. . Fdher : Angus Morrison, Herbert, 9421 1 „ Meadowa, William . . Father: Thomas Meadows, Luggate, Otago. 9422 . Mitchell, James - . . Father : Peter Mitchell, Caversham, Otago. 9423 „ Marshall, John Alfred .. Father: Robert William Marshall, Timaru. 9424 , , Mackay, Percy - .. Mother : Mrs. G. Mackay, 252, George Street, Dunedin. 9425 „ Milne, Francis - Father . James Milne, J.P,, Wyndham. 9426, „ MoGregor, Malcolm .- Father : Malcolm MeGregor, Kakanui, Oamaru. 9427 „ McPherson, Arthur Fergus.. Uncle: Alfred Cox, Office Road, St. Albans, Christ- church. 9428 ' „ Moyles, Ernest James . , Mother : Frances Hansen, Banfurly, Otago. 9429 i Brother: R. Meyer, 15, Moray Place, West Dunedin. 9430 " „Meyer, Nicol, John George Herman .. . , Father : Robert Nicol, Waimate. 9481 „ Ouston, William Edgar , - Father: Reginald 0. Ouston, Lumeden. 9689 T „ Pedler, John William , Father : John Pedler, 33, Madras Street, Ohristchurch. 9432 ' „ Phillips, Robert Augustus . . Father : Robert Phillips, Campbelltown, Tasmania. 9433 1 „ Price, Thomas .. . . Mother : Mrs. Catherine Price, Tapanui. 9434 i „ Richardson, Edward Malcott ,,Sister : Mrs. J. C. Dixon, Oamaru 9485 ' „ Robson, Thomas - 1 Brother: John Robson, Redcliff, Glenavy. 9436 „ Ridd, William Thomas .. | Mother: Mrs. Isabella Ridd, Miller'a Fld, Otago. 9487 i „ Robins, John Francis ,, Mother: Mrs. J. Smith, Blakely's HoW, Wyndham. 9438 „ Rateliffe, John ., . . , Father : George Rateliffe, Fortification, near Milton. 9439 « Scott, William - .. Father: James Scoct, Glenavy 9440, „ Smith, Robert David 1 Stepbrother: William Sole, Waimate. 9441 „ Sullivan, James .. . . Mosher: Mrs. G. Sullivan, Nottingly Park, Waimate. 9442 & „ Sullivan, Richard.. , Mother : Mrs. George Sullivan, Park Road, Waimate. 9443 1 „ Small, Maurice , . 1 Mother: Mrs. Kate Small, Fairlie. 9444 | „ Saunders, Charles William .. 1 Mother : Phoebe Saunders, Pleasad Point. 9445 1 „ Simmers, Duncan A. ., Father: Captain J. G. Simmers, Queenstown. 9446 . Smiley, Archibald Robertson Father: Thomas G. Smiley, Arrowtown. M'ilitary Pensions. *19 3

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9447 Private Smith, William . - . . Father : James Smith, Luggate, Otago. 9448 Shaw, Ernest Olliver .. Father: James H. Shaw, Fairlie. 9449 „ Saunders, Eustace . Father: Mark Saunders, Pleasant Point. 9450 „ Smith, George Goddard . . Father: S. H. Smith, Waikouaite. 9451 „ Tait, George . . .. Father: John Taiz, Herbert, Otago. 9452 „ Temple, David James . . Father: William Temple Weston, Otago. 9453 . Timblick, Ernest John . Father: John Timblick, Enfield, Oamaru. 9454 „ Turley, Michael - . . Friend: J. Clarke, care of Clarke Bros., Oamaru. 9455 „ Ward, Frederick Herbert .. Friend : A. Healar, Post. office, Waikouaite. 9456 . Wills, Frank . . .. W. Wills, Waimate. 9457 „ Wilson, Thomas Lawrence . . Friend : E. J. Carter, Makikihi, South Canterbury. 9458 , Wilson, William . . . . Friend : Edward Downes, Warrington, Otago.


Lieutenant Butler, John Francis . . Brother: W. E. Butler, Commandant's Omae, De- fence Deparbment, Wellington. „ Robbie, Charles Edward . . Mother : Mrs. Harriet Robbie, Aew Plymouth. „ Glasson, Albert Josiah Brother : W, H, 0. Glasson, Tuakau, Auckland, Stevens, William James . Mother : Mrs. R. Stevens, Wakefield, Nelson. 9459 | Sqoadron Sergt.-Major West, Arthur Sister : Mrs. S. Brown, Russel Street, South Dunedin. 9460 Quartermaster - Sergeant Father:. John Thomas MoDonald, Kaikoura, McDonald, John Thomas 9461 Sergeant Wilton, Sidney Harold . . Friend : S. Jarvis, Dunedin. 9462 „ Murphy, James .. .. Father : James Murphy, Majoribank Street, Wel lington. 9463 McGregor, Claude Ernes6 Father: John 0. MoGregor, Matanra. Buchanan 9464 Marisco, Frank .- Sister : Mrs. Vella, Bluff. 9465 Clyma, John Albert Cyril .. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Clyma, 179, Princes Street, Dunedin. 9466 . Bragg, Albert Edward .. Father: William Bragg, St. Kilda, Dunedin. 9467 Farrier-Sergeant MeNeil, John Boy„e Sister : Mrs. A. Murphy, Green Island, Dunedin. 9468 Excell, Walter . . Father : Harry Excell, St. Bathan's, Otago. 9469 Saddler-Sergeant Hutchison, Thomas Mother : Mrs. F. Hutchison, Broughton Street, Gore. Holmes 9470 Corporal Stalker, Duncan .- Father: Alexander Stalker, Te Tua, Orepuki. 9471 „ Hamilton, William Vickery Mother: Mrs. Ellen Hamilton, King Street, Dunedin. 9472 „ Sanderson, John .. Father: James Sanderson, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. 9473 , Hinton, Henry Godfrey .. Father: Daniel Hinton, Yarra Street, Invercargill. 9474 „ Anderson, Thomas.Leonard Brother : Alfred E. Anderson, Queenstown. 9475 Lance-Corporal MePherson, John .. Father: Charles McPherson, Romahapa, Balclutha. 9477 MeKay, Thomas Mother : Mrn. C. Redpath, Clinton. MoLean 9478 MoKenzie, Henry .. Sititer : Mrs. Jones, Longbush, Southland. 9479 „ Brown, Henry Charles Father : H. T, Brown, Cutten Street, St. Hilda. 9480 Bugler Edwards, Herbert John . . Father: Benjamin Edwards, Ythen Street, Inver- cargill. 9481 Farrier Leitch, Thomas Douglas . . Father: T. D. Leitch, Taradale, Napier. 9482 Deveraux, John Fitzpatrick. Mother: Mrs. Mary Maefarlane, W&ihai. 9483 Saddler Jenson, Harry .- Mother : Mrs. Catherine Meyer, Dannevirke. 9484 Private Ackins, William Richard . . Mother: Mrs. Margaret Ackins, Bathgate Street, Dunedin. 9485 Anderson, Clement Henry.. Father: A. F. Anderson, 45, Leith Street, Dunedin. 9486 Anderson, John . . Mother : Mrs. Jean Anderson, Kaikorai, Dunedin. 9487 Almond, Edwin .- Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond, Waiwera South, Otago. 9575 Anderson, Thomas Theodore Father : Thomas Henry Anderson, Armadale House Bowen Street, Christeburch. 9488 Blackburn, Daniel Father. James Blackburn, Edendale. 9489 Barwell, Henry Charles Father: Samuel Barwell, Invercargill. 9490 Barclay, Ernest . - Father : James Barclay, Shades Hotel, Dunedin. 9491 Bacon, Bertram Charles Father: John Bacon Broadbay, Otsgo. 9492 Badenock, Archibald Sister : Mrs. Habershon, Broadbav, Dunedin. 9493 Burgess, Ernest .- Father: Thomas Burgess, Green Island, Otago. 9494 Burgess, Samuel . . Mother: Mrs. E. Burgess, Peter Street, Caversham, 9495 Baird, Peter .. Mother: Mrs. Janet Baird, Stirling. 9674 Burton, Harry .. Mother : Mrs. Sarah Burton, 21, Armagh Street, Linwood. 9496 Coleman, Arthur .. Father : T. A. Coleman, Pahia, Orepuki. 9497 Clark, Albert Victor Father: James Clark, Nighteaps, Southlnd, 72 Milita,TV Pensions,

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9498 Private Campbell, Henry Samuel . . Aunt: Mrs. T. Screed, Maitland Street, Dunedin, 9499 „ Clancy, Francis Morris . . Friend : Peter Smiley, Post-oftice, North Taieri. 9500 Coellie, Lewis . . . . Sister : Mrs. Cook, Ophir, Otago. 9501 ., Corbett, Harry .. . . Father : James Corbett, 52, London Street, Dunedin. 9502 „ Dempster, Alex. . . .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Dempster, Nightcaps, Southland. 9503 „ Davidson, James .. . Mother: Mrs. Robert Davidson, King Street, Moagiel. 9504 Deans, Francis Herbert .. Father: Frank Deans, Opoho, Dunedin. 9505 „ Dobson, John . . . . Sister : Mrs. J. Weeks, Waihi. 9506 „ Dow, -Robert .- Father : Robert Dow, Cargill Street, Dunedin. 9507 Dray, Herbert Alfred .- Father : Alfred Dray, Osmond Street, South Dunedin. 9508 „ Driscoll, Frank Henry .- Mother : Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Smith Street, Caversham. 9509 Davidson, Walter .- .- Mother: Mrs. Francis Davidson, Clyde Streets Bal- clutha. 9511 Ellis, Alexander .. .- Sister: Mrs. J. Dowse, Kaikorai, Dunedin. 9512 Evison, Charles Corfe Halli- Father : J. W. Evison, Kumara. day 9513 „ Ferguson, Archibald Edward Father: Peter Ferguson, Outram. 9514 „ Fleming, Thomas.. .- Father: John Fleming, Kahiku. 9515 „ Fox, William George .. Father : F. T. Fox, Anderson's Bay Road, South Dunedin. 9516 Fallowfield, Joseph .. Father : Thomas Fallowfield, Taieri Beach, Otago. 9517 Graham, James .. Mother: Mrs. J. Graham, Ashburton. 9518 Gorman, Patrick Joseph .. Mother : Mrs. Mary Gorman, Mataura Island. 9519 Gaffney, William Joseph .. Mother: Mrs. Kate Gaffney, Grosvenor,Street, Ken- sington. 9590 Goodsir, Herbert .. Mother : Mrs. Goodsir, Ogg's Corner, Dunedin. 9521 Good, Frederick Herberb . Father : George Good, Prebbleton, Canterbury. 9592 Gallaher, William John . Aunt : Mrs. Catherine Davidson, 266, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. 9528 Henderson, John . . Father : John Henderson, Maniototo, Otago. 9524 Jenkins, Peter . . Mother : Mrs. F. C. Driver, Curry Street, Port Chalmers. 9525 Jones, Frederick Reginald . Uncle: F. W. Dowding, Inglis Buildings, Christ- church. 9526 King, Ernest Rudolph Mother : Mrs. E. King, Bride Street, South Dunedin. 9527 Kirk, Percy Milan Uncle : Mr. Curtis, care· of Gasworks, Dunedin. 9528 Kells, Pdrick William Friend: Andrew Hall, Edendale. 9529 Lang, William . Father : Captain Peter Lang, Neidpath Road, Mornington, Dunedin. 9530 Latimer, Walter Hamilton. Mother: Mrs. G. Latimer, 63, Leith Street, Dunedin. 9531 Lillburne, William . . Mother : Mrs. A. Lillburne, sen., Milton. 9589 Logan, Alexander. Father : William S. Logan, Onslow Street, Gore. 9533 Lynn, William' Allan . . Father: Thomas Lynn, Musselburgh, Dunedin. 9534 Millar, Adam .. .. Father: Adam Mil tar, Nelson. 9535 Mitchell, Robert Hercules . - Father: Robert Mitchell, Musselburgh, Dunedin. 9536 Matheson, William . . Mother: Mrs. Ann Matheson, Riversdale. 9537 MacGill, Andrew .. .. Father: Andrew McGill, Green Island, Otago. 9538 MoKeich, Walter Ernest .. Father: R. MoKeich, Whitehaven Street, Lawrence. 9539 MeLure, Valentine Murray. . Friend : S. W. Bates, Castle Street, Dunedin. 9540 MoLean, James .. .. Father: John MoLean, Brockville Road, Kaikorai, 9541 Merry, John Buttle Stepfather : E. Packwood, Kakanui. 9576 Owen, Walter .- Mother: Mrs. 3. Owen, 91, Maclaggan Street, Dun- edin. 9542 Orchard, Edward .. Father: E. C. Orchard, Gore. 9582 Price, William Charles Mother; Margaret Price, Kilbirnie, Wellington. 9543 Peebles, Robert .. Father: James Peebles, Ascot Vale, North-east Valley, Dunedin. 9544 Pratt, Alfred . . Father: James Pratt, Black's Road, North-east Valley. 9545 Perks, Benjamin . . Brother: J. B. Perks, Gore. 9546 Paterson, John .. Father: William Paterson, Lovell's Flat, Otago. 9547 Parker, Frank Ernest Father: Benjamin Parker, Sirling. 9548 Riddell, Mark .- Father. Robert Riddell, Orepuki. 9549 Rogers, David . Mother : Mrs. Rogers, Queendown. 9550 Reeves, Henry Charles Father: Cornelius A. Reeves, George Street, Port Chalmera. 9551 Roxburgh, Charles Hugh Father: John Roxburgh, Cargill Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin. 9559 Robertson, James . . Father: John Robertson, Gordon Road, Mosgiel. 9553 Stalker, Alexander Father : Alexander Stalker, Tetua. 9554 Swain, Henry .. Father: Hodges Swain, Gore Road, Invercargill. 9555 Staples, John Thomns Father ; T. S. Staples, Park Street, Gore. --' ,« 1 <7 ' 1

Militan/ Pensions. 73

No. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


SouTH IfI.AND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON-Colltil:lied. 9556 1 Private Smith, James Phillip .. Brother : Henry Smith. Balfour. 9557 „ Scott, James . . . . Father : James Scott, Otaraia, Pukerau. 9559 ,. Stewart. Richard James .. Mother: Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, Rose Street, Gore. 9559 Sayers, John Morrison .. Father: John Sayers, Gore. 9560 „ Smith, Robert . . . . Father : John Smith, Stirling 9561 „ Smillie, John . - . , Father : John Smillie, Waipati Settlement, Chase- lands. 9562 , Thompson, George . . Friend: Robert Story, Kidlook, Otantau. 9563 . Taylor, Walter Ernest . Father: William Taylor, care of Mr. W. Murdoch, Mosgiel. 9564 „ .- .-Thorn, Mother Robert : Mrs. Margaret Thorn, Maori Hill, Dunedin. 9565 „ .. ..Turner, Friend Harry : J. Oarruthers, Denniston Hill, Westport. 9566 Fasher : A. F. Taylor, Blacks. Taylor,MeD. Benjamin George 9577 Thompson, James White .- Father: W. Thompson, Wanganui. 9568 Wilson, George Sebastopol . . Father: Thomas Wilson, Kawarau Gorge, Cromwell. 9569 White, William Lyle .. 1 Father: Thomas White, Seacliff, Otago. 9570 Wadsworth, Thomas .- Father : A.J. Wadsworth, Wairoa South, Auckland. 9671 Williams, Edward . . Mother: Mrs. W. Williams, Waikaia, Gore, Otago. 9572 Walker, William .- .- Father: JameS Walker, Saddle Hill, Otago. 9573 Wylie, Robert Alexander . . Father : J. 0. Wylie, 254, Castle Street, Dunedin.

DETAILS FOR SEVENTH, EIGHTH, AND NINTH CONTINGENTS. .. Lieut. Craig, William Alfred .. i Mother: Mrs. J. Craig, Symond Strees, Auckland. 9624 Private Allen, Edwin Thomas . 1 Father: John Allen, North Rangiora.

9695 „ Angus, Henry James .. Father:Dunedin. John Angus, Rautoiti, George Scred, 9626 „ Allan, Robert Alexander . . Father: Alexander Allan, Railway Department Petome. 9627 „ Burns, William Raymond .- Sister: Ruby Burns, Studholme Junction. 9628 „ Burrows, James Frederick .. Father : Henry Burrows, Maclaggan Street, Dunedin. 9629 „ Birtles, Peter .. . Stepfdher : M. Baxter, Middlemarch, Strathbateri. 9630 „ Boyce, Frederick William ..f Mother: Mrs. Mary Boyce, Post-office, Christchurch. 9631 „ Bateman, James Barrington Father : Charles Bateman, Maheno, Otago. 9682 „ Calder, William James .. , Father: John Calder, Henley, West Otago. 9633 „ Crilly, Frederick . . . | Mother: Mrs. Mary A Crillv, North Street, Wellington. 9634 „ Cates, George Hunter .. 1 Father: George Cates, Ashburton. 9635 „ Collison, Hugh Edward . - 1 Father : Edward Collison, Barr Hill, viti Rakaia. 9636 . Caverhill, Francis John Scott I Father: T. H. Caverhill, Vague Road, Papanui. 9550 „ Cameron, Frederick .- Father : William Cameron, Palmerston North. 9637 „ Davies, Cyril .. . Father: Fred Davies, Park Road, Papanui. 9638 „ Dreaver, Robert Thomas ..1 Father : Andrew Dreaver, Dunback. 9639 „ Douglas, James .. . . ' Father: Thomas Douglas, Mount White Station, Springfield. 9640 ' „ Dunn, Robert - , Father : James Dunn, Kokiri, Jackson Line. 9641 „ Davidson, Robert Gilbert .- Father: R. G. Davidson, Shooter's Hill, New South Wales. 9642 , „ Ferguson, Robert Stewart .- L Father: G, Ferguson, Foyle Street, Bluff. 9648 „ Forman, Marshall John .. 1 Father : F. Marshall, Addison's Flat, Westport. 9687 1 „ Francis,Reginald Alfred Perry Mother: Mrs. R. H. Francis, 142, Peterborough Street, Christchurch, 9644 Acting-Corporal Guest, William .. 1 Brother: Edward Guest, Korimako, Picton Road, Marlborough. 9645 1 Private Gitpin, Robert Henry .. Friend : Mrs. Sleeman, 191, Worcester Sured, Christ- I church. 9646 | Acting-Corporal Gibson, Alexander Father : Lewis Gibson, Railway Department, Oamaru. David 9647 Private Grant, James Ramsay . . Mother : Mrs. John Cooper, Bluespur, Otago. 9648 „ Harland, Albert Edward ..1 Stepfather : L. Abrahams, South Malvern, 9649 Hassd, George Herbert . . Father: ThomaA Hassal, Clarkville, Kaiapoi. 9650 „ Henderson, Robert . . Father : M. Henderson, Milton, 9651 ., Htirren, John . - .. Father: Jos. Hurren, Kumara. 9652 Hildyard, Sidney Harcourt Mother: Mrs. Betsy Hildyard, Canterbury Street, i Lyttelton. 6653 ' „ Hardy - Johnston, Thoma. 1 Mother : Mrs. T. M. Hardy-Johnston, 103, Hereford Edward Street, Linwood. 9578 Hawksworth, John .. 1 Mother : Mrs. Harriet Hawksworth, Hardy Street, I Nelson. 9584 „ Holmes, Edgar Thomas . . ' Father: Joseph Holmes, 24, Arthur Street, Wellington. 9654 „ Jones, Frederick Richard . Friend : Robert Thompson, Kaiapoi 1() 74 M*i,tary Pension.8.

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.


DETAILS FOR SEVENTH, EIGATH, AND NINTH CONTINGENTS- Collti12*ed. 9655 Private Johnston, Robert .- Brother: Allen Johnston, Kensington, South Dunedin. 9656 „ Jones, Alfred Allen Father : W. Jones, Matawhero, Gisborne. 9657 . Johnston, David Nelson . . Fazher : Thomas Johnston, Middlemarch. 9658 „ Jones, James .. . Friend : John Mcintosh, Hokitika. 9585 „ Jamieson, George Williamson Father : James Jamieson, Upper Green Street, Auck- land. 9686 „ Keetley, Henry Joseph . . Sister : Elizabeth A. Keetley, North Road. Kaiapoi. 9659 „ Kerr, Percy .- Mother : Mrs. William Kerr, Brightwater, Nelson. 9660 Acting - Sergeant Keddell, Charles, Father : Major J. Keddell, S.M., Oamaru. Septimus 9661 Private Kenyon, Fred B. .. Friend: Miss Pillins, Stirling. 9662 „ Kelly, Thomas Patrick Father: James Patrick Kelly, Queenstown. 9663 „ Loper, John .- Father: John Loper, Waimate, 9664 MeMabon, Donald Friend : David Burt, Wallsend, Brunnerton. 9665 „ MeSweeney, John.. .. Sister : Margaret Payne, Lyttelton. 9666 „ Marsh, Herbert - Friend: Nelly Payne, Lime Hills, Winton. 9667 „ Metzger, Jos. Arthur . . Father: Jos. Metzger, Gore Street, Bluff. 9668 „ MoGrath, Frank - Friend : J. B. Nicol, Gore. 9669 „ MoGee, John . Father : Thomas McGee, Winslowe, Canterbury. 9670 „ Mason, William Thomas . Father: Thomas Mason, South Dunedin. 9671 „ Morris, George Albert . . Father: Robert Morris, Kanieri. 9679 „ Morris, Robert Leonard . . Father: Robert Morris, Kanieri. 9673 „ McWilliams, Henry Father: Henry MoWilliams, Union Street, Milton. 9674 „ Nicol, Frank Wilfred .. Father: Alexander Nicol, Ngapara, Oamaru. 9581 „ Napper, Sidney Frederick 1 Father: Charles Fred Napper, 164, Kilmore Street, 1 Christchurch. 9675 Parr, George Jones . . Sister: Mrs. Brown, Auckland. 9676 Rodda, James Stephen . . Mother : Mrs. Pritchard, Alford Forest Road, Ash- burton. 9586 1Reeves, Alfred Robert Father: C. Reeves, Port Chalmers. 9591 Strangemure, P. Louis ., Sister: Ethel Strangemure, 26.1, Vivian Street, Wei- lingion. 9677 Acting- Sergemt Simpson, Gilbert .. , Father William Simpson, Kaiapoi 9678 Private Stephen, George . . ., Father : James Stephen Stavely, Ashburton. 9679 „ Stewart, Charles . Father: William Stewart, Ida Valley. 9680 „ Bowman, Arthur . . . . Father: Arthur Bowman, sen., Nelson. 9681 Sotheran, Thomas .. Father: Thomas Sotheran, Marsden Road, Greymouth. 9682 „ Tall, John Edward . . Father: Benjamin Tall, Alexandra Somh. 9683 „ Taylor, Frederick . . - . Father: Robert John Taylor, Geraldine. 9684 „ Webster, Alexander Father: John Webster, care of H. Moore, Addington. 9685 „ Wilson, Andrew Forrester .. Father: Andrew Wilson, Shag Point, Otago.

DETAILS OF THE 6TH AND 7TH CONTINGENTS WHO JOINED THE 2ND REGIMENT, 10TH CONTINGENT, IN SOUTH AFRICA. .. ' Captain Stevenson, Robert. . .. Mother : Mrs. R. Stevenson, 86, Lichfield Street, Christchurch. Harper, Edmund .. ..1 Fa.ther : G. Harper, Esq., Christchurch. Morrison, Wilson Cameron.. Mother : Mrs. M. Morrison, Okaiawa, Taranaki, Tudor, Piers Lloyd .. , Mr. T. L. Tudor, Marton. -. . Lieutenant Wallis, William Fletcher Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton, Auckland, .. „ Smith, Harold . . .- Father : Mr. A. Smith, Leeds, Yorkshire, England. „ MeKenzie, -William . Mother : Mrs. M. F. McKenzie, care of Mr. R. Gunyan, Alexandra South. Hay, Bruce Somerville . - Fabher: Mr. A. R. Hay, Woodlands, Southland, Carter, George Brook .. Mother : Mrs. E. B. Carter, Darby Street, Gisborne. 3530 Squadron Sergeant- Major Mence, Sister: S. J. Reeve, P.O., Johnsonville. Herbert 3227 Sergeant Gallaher, David .- .- Brother J. C. Gallaher, No. 5, Church Street, Pon- sonby. 3731 „ Falconer, James Howden .. Father : James Falconer, Kakanui, Otago. 3290 Thorp, Walter .. .. Father : A. J. Thorp, Paeroa, Auckland. 8710 Farrier - Sergeant Crozier, William Father: William Crozier, Waitahuna, Otago. James 3798 Farrier-Sergeant Tucker, William . . Brother: David Tucker, Gore. 3691 Corporal Horton, Geoffrey.- Father: Thomas Horton, Blenheim. 3780 Lance - Corporal Murray, Arthur Mother: Mrs. Jane Murray, Gore. Howard 8799 Lance-Corporal McDonald, John .. Father: James McI)onald, Orawai, Southland. 3562 Private Chant, Munson Watterson Father: James M. Chant, Athol Crescent, Wellington. 3607 . Edwards, James Henry . . Mother : Mrs. L. Edwards, 89, North Belt, Christi- church. 3614 „ Gebbie, John .. .. Father : David Gebbie, Teddingbon, Canterbury. 3796 Lance-Corporal Stark, Charles Leggart Mother: Mrs. Rosina Stark, Kaitangat Otago. '11 u Military Penkions. 75

NO. Rank and Name. Next-of-kin, and Address.



9099 1 Private Barker, George . . .. Mother: Mrs. Emma Barker, Milton, 939B " Chatfield, Gordon . . . Mother : Mary L. Chatfield, Dampier's Bay, Lytdeton· 9600 Curtin, Thomas Joseph . Mother: Mrs. Bessie Curtin, Terrace Street New Farm, Brisbane. 9088 „ Connolly, Martin .- . . Father : M. Connolly, Temuka, South Canterbury. 9601 „ Dunnet, William James .. Father: C. F. Dunnet, Kelso, Ot&go. 9097 „ Geddes, Percy Manning . . Father: G. W. Geddes, 26, Cannongate, Dunedin. UOUU „ Gould, James Williams . . , Father: S. R. Gould, Geraldine. 9596 . Mcintosh, Edmund .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Mcintosh, Caversham, Dunedin. 9602 „ O'Kane, Henry .. . 1 Mother . Mrs. Sarah O'Kane, 63, Filluel Street, Dunedin. 1 „ Pierard, Edward . - .. Friend : J. C. Port, 10, Aus6in Street, Wellington. 9594 „ Pearson, Andrew . . Fdher: Alexander Pearson, 20, Pleasance Street, 9589 i Edinburgh. Bugler Robinson, Arthur L. .. 1 Mother : Mrs. Ema Robinson, Gisborne. 9587 1 Private Reade, John Fielder . . Father : G. A. Reade, Itoslyn, Dunedin. 9592 „ Stevens, John . - . Father : Richard Stevens, 52, St. Asaph Street, 9595 Christchurch.

By Authority; JOHN MACKAY, Government Printer, Wellington.-1902.