Elizabeth Pisani | 400 pages | 14 Jul 2009 | GRANTA BOOKS | 9781847080769 | English | London, United Kingdom Elizabeth Pisani

Elizabeth Pisani writes with enormous verve and acerbity, her prose alive with anecdote and metaphor. It turned out that, once the money was provided, The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats still didn't want it to go to help junkies, prostitutes, and homosexuals. How come in country after country across Africa itself, from Cameroon to Uganda to Zimbabwe and in a dozen other countries as well, HIV is lowest in the poorest households, and highest in the richest households? That ability to laugh at experts and bureaucracies as they spend billions intended for people with HIV is what makes this book so readable. To ask other readers questions about The Wisdom of Whoresplease sign up. And because African leaders won't face up to sex, and the international community, for fear of being called racist, won't challenge Africans on matters sexual, everyone hides behind poverty and development. You could start something because it's fun, or because you're shy, or because it makes you feel like part of the crowd. Pisani is writing about an ongoing argument with her father over needle exchanges. Would you like to receive The Tyee's headlines free by email? I've also spent the last two years working in research focusing on HIV and Hepatitis C. In truth, it is beyond criminal the way the Bushites, in the mindless embrace of abstinence, have undermined the use of . There's a touch of truth in that, although the African leadership has graduated from its state of denial, and confronts sex and stigma much more openly. We've reeled in the Brothels and the Business of AIDS, for now. The author is a journalist-turned-epidemiologist. The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats and everything is impossible Brothels and the Business of AIDS there is no money; anything and everything needs funding if money is made available. In addition, she criticized the 's prohibition on use as a means to prevent the spread of HIV. Her take on human trafficking disappointed me, as she claims in all her research to not have This was an interesting book, certainly countercultural, which impresses me. I won't say much, just that it would have been wiser if Pissani had left her uneducated, anecdotal-evidence-based opinions on human trafficking to the experts on the issue, who not only admit that most of the females in the sex trade in Asia are trafficked, but also that commercial sex not only hasn't fallen, but it is rooted so deep in many cultures of Asia, that people can't seem to step away from it because they can't, they don't want to, they're used to it, or all those. How can a bunch of men cheat if there aren't an equal number of women doing the same thing? Certainly in the United States that's what we're seeing. You talk about people using because it's 'fun,' rather than because they're hurting. Pisani Brothels and the Business of AIDS a fair chunk of the book on Africa, which has overwhelmingly borne the brunt of the HIV epidemic. As Pisani admits, it easy to dismiss qualitative research for the hard certainty of numbers. Added to basket. The book title is pretty accurate. Mar 21, Patrick Quealy rated it really liked it Shelves: aids. Just because one doesn't or can't see cases of human trafficking doesn't mean it doesn't exist, that it is rare or that it is not a serious matter. The Wisdom of Whores is both a riveting expose of the Aids industry and a penetrating analysis of where we've gone wrong. That would be fun. When will my order be ready to collect? Drugs without the hot air. Or so I thought. Archived from the original on 26 September Suddenly from finding it difficult to get engagement, everyone wanted to harvest the new money tree of AIDS programmes and research. What mattered was helping people in need. PM visits soldier injured in fireworks explosion. I am getting older. Contact Us. Landscapes of Desire. And knowing what I do about how trafficking victims are treated and broken psychologically, they would not be likely to admit to a passionate, white woman that they had been trafficked. I don't know The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats the title is suppose to mean, there's no "wisdom" from the whores that are interviewed. External link. The Accidental Epidemiologist. The stigma associated with sexual transmission, particularly by gay men, meant it was initially a struggle to get the Brothels and the Business of AIDS needed for research and prevention. Stephen Lewis. But as the pages turn, the interlocking universe of bureaucrats and sex work and NGOs and agencies yields fascinating insights into the pandemic. Perhaps, it may be better to ask how many sex partners they had two weeks ago. Her take on human trafficking disappointed me, as she claims in all her research to not have met as many trafficking victims as much of the current media frenzy would like us to think exist. I'm delighted that Eliz Having been on the front lines of the AIDS epidemic in the United States when it was still called GRID, Gay Related Immune Deficiency I have watched in stunned horror as our Government refused The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats earmark money for AIDS education and research, and limited money to countries that were, sensibly enough, distributing condoms to sex workers and people with multiple partners. And her perspective on the AIDS epidemic is very challenging indeed. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. She is a believer in the The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats that the perfect is the enemy of the good.