' (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet_ 1. P. J. AYERS. SAFETY OVERGHEOK. ‘ Patented Jan: 14,1890.

ammewfoz (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. F.’ J. AYERS. SAFETY OVEROHEGK. No. 419,400. Patented Jan. '14, 1890.

N, PETERS, Fhnlo~lilhognyhcn Washington, 0A; UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.



SPECIFICATION‘ forming‘ part of Letters Patent No. 419,400, dated January 14, 1890. Application ?led April 24, 1889. Serial No. 308,489- (No model.)

To all whom it may concern. check-line. A check or safety h is at Be it known that I, FRANK J. AYERS, a tached at one end to.the check-hook e and citizen of the United States, residing at Bur passes thence upward and forward around a 55 lington, in the county of Racine and State of small pulley i in the frame g, and thence Wisconsin, have invented certain new and rearward to the driver. .useful Improvements in Safety-Overchecks, From the foregoing it will be apparent that of which the following is a speci?cation, ref the check-line serves its normal purpose for erence being had therein to the accompanying ordinary use when it is of normal length, as drawings. shown in Fig. 3 ; but when the horse cannot IO The object of my invention is to provide a be easily controlled by the - k safety -overcheck by means of which rest the driver tightens the check or safety rein ive or vicious horses or unbroken colts can 7i, shortening the check-line cl, as shown in be effectively and easily controlled. To this Fig. 4, and drawing up the animal’s head and 65 end I provide a check- which is wholly enabling him to be easily controlled, owing separate from the driving-bit, and which is to the independent check-bit and the pur connected to a check-line by straps passing chase on the check or safety rein afforded by over the horse’s head. The check-line, which doubling the same around the pulley. is attached to the usual'checkhook on the In using my improved overcheck the driver 70 harness-, is formed in two parts or sec may hold the check .or. safety rein in one 20 tions connected by a small metallic frame in hand and the driving-reins in the other, if which is journaled a pulley. A safety or desired,and by the use thereof trotting-horses check rein which is also attached at one end in races, restive. or vicious animals, and un to the check-hook passes forward around said broken colts can be at all times instantly and pulley and then rearward to the driver, so easily controlled. 25 that when said rein is tightened the purchase ' Having thus described my invention, I claim ,afforded to the double safety-rein passing and desire to secure by Letters Patent— around the pulley and connected with the 1. A safety-overcheck comprising a bit check-bit enables the driver to control the which is separate from the driving-bit, straps .80 horse with case. running from said check-bit up over the ani In the drawings, Figures 1 and 2 are perspec mal’s head, a check-line attached to said tive views of a head-stall wit-l1 my improved straps and provided with a pulley, and a overcheck applied thereto. Figs. 3 and 4 safety or check rein which is separate from illustrate the use of my invention as applied said check-strap and which runs from the 85 to a horse, and Figs. 5 and 6 are detail views check-hook or harness-saddle forward and 35 of the pulley-frame in the check-line. around said pulley and thence rearward to - The head-stall A, which may be of any the driver, substantially as set forth. ‘ usual construction, is provided with a check 2. The combination, with a check-bit which bit a, which is wholly separate from the or— is separate from the driving-bit, of the check 9O dinary driving~bit b. To the check-bit are line formed in two parts, the pulley-frame connected two straps c, which pass upward connecting said parts and provided with a over the top of the animal’s head and are pulley, straps connecting said check-bit and buckled to the forward ends of the bifur check-line and adapted to pass over the ani cated check-line d, the rear end of which is mal’s head, and a check or safety line adapt 95 attached to the check-hook e on the harness ed to run from the harness-saddle forward 45 saddle f. The check-line d maybe length around said pulley and thence rearward to ened and shortened in the usual manner, and the driver, substantially as described. it is provided near its middle with a small In testimony whereof I affix my signature in metallic pulley-frame g, which forms a part presence of two witnesses. of the check-line, the two parts of the latter FRANK J. AYERS. 50 being attached to the ends of said frame, Witnesses: ‘ > which has openings, as shown in Figs. 5 and F. REUscHLEIN, 6, for the attachment of the parts of the A. T. RAN‘soM.